
MEDIANE Media in for Diversity Inclusiveness

MEDIANE - A 2013-2014 / Council of Europe joint initiative for an inclusive approach to media production

12. – 14. Nov. 2014 EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW A Journey towards Diversity Inclusiveness in the Media



MADALINA CRINELA ALEXE Journalist Café des Roumains - www.cafedesroumains.com

Café des Roumains is a French website created in February 2013, aiming to improve the representation of minorities in the European media. The topics we deal with are : Europe, human rights, minorities, environnement, art and culture. It is a participative project and the content is mainly multimedia. The project "Je suis roumain (aussi)" - I am Romanian also - shows Romanian citizens living in , in order to promote diversity and fight stereotypes. Café des Roumains est un site français créé en février 2013 et dont l'objectif principal est de contribuer à améliorer la représentation des minorités dans les médias en Europe. Les principaux sujets que nous traitons sont : l'Europe, les droits humains, les minorités, l'environnement, l'art et la culture. C'est un projet participatif et le contenu publié est généralement multimédia. A travers le projet "Je suis roumain (aussi)", on montre des citoyens roumains vivant en France, dans le but de promouvoir la diversité et de combattre les stéréotypes.

I am a Romanian journalist living in France since 2006. After having studied European journalism and foreign languages at the Sorbonne University in Paris, I collaborated with different media in France and , on reports about environnemental issues, European policies, human rights. I am currently involved with the Café des Roumains media project and I have started a research programme on the representation of minorities in online media. Je suis journaliste roumaine basée en France depuis 2006. Diplômée d'un master en journalisme européen et de langues étrangères appliquées à l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle de Paris, j'ai collaboré avec plusieurs médias en France et en Roumanie, pour des reportages sur des questions liées à l'environnement, aux politiques européennes, aux droits humains. Je travaille actuellement pour le site Café des Roumains et viens de commencer un projet de recherche sur la représentation des minorités dans la presse web en France et au Royaume-Uni.

SMAHEN AMRANI Journalist Radio Internationale Sud 1ere - fr.gbtimes.com

Sud 1ère, la chaîne de télévision de nos cultures 100% métisse en France. South first, the tv channel of our 100% mixed cultures in France. Gb Times, the third angle : For a better understanding between China and the rest of the world. Gb Times, le troisième angle : Pour une meilleure compréhension entre la Chine et le reste du monde.

De Bruxelles à Paris, en passant par Shanghai et Alger, une journaliste pluri-média entre l'Occident et l'Orient et coach au service de ceux et celles qui visent à parfaire leurs relations avec les médias. From Brussels to Paris, via Shanghai and Algiers, a multi-media journalist between the West and the East and coach serving those who seek to improve their media relations.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 2 BENOIT AUDENAERDE Webmaster AJP - Association des Journalistes Professionnels - www.ajp.be

AGJPB (General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium) is the representative organization of professional journalists in Belgium. This organization federalizes the AJP (French and German Journalists) and the VVJ (Dutch journalists). Its membership rate is 80%. It is active in all matters concerning journalists’ conditions for exercising freedom of the press, ethics (co -founder of the Council of Journalistic Ethics), media education, collective agreements on working conditions, copyright (creatio n of a management company rights for journalists), legal service and legal assistance. Both AJP and VVJ (The AGJPB two bodies) have developed activities in the field of equality and diversity in news and staff (GMMP 2010, Survey ON equality and diversity in daily newspapers IN 2011, Diversity experts’ database, etc.) / l’AGJPB (Association Générale des Journalistes Professionnel/les de Belgique) est l’organisation représentative des journalistes en Belgique. Cette organisation regroupe l’AJP (Journalistes des communautés francophones et germanophones en Belgique) et le VVJ (Journalistes de la communauté flamande). Ses adhésions représentent 80% de la profession. Elle est active dans tout ce qui concerne l’exercice de la profession de journaliste et de la liberté de la presse, l’éthique (co-fondatrice du Conseil de l’Ethique Journalistique), l’éducation aux media, les conventions collectives sur les conditions d’exercice de la profession, les droits d’auteur/es (Création d’une structure de gestion des droits des journalistes) et l’assistance juridique. L’AJP tout comme le VVJ (Les deux entités de l’AGJPB) ont développé des activités en matière d’égalité et de diversité tant au sein des contenus de l’information que des équipes de travail (GMMP 2010, Baromêtre s ur l’égalité et la diversité dans les quotidiens de presse écrite en 2011, Base de données Experts de la Diversité, etc.)

Détenteur d’un Master en Communication (IHECS, 1997), j'ai eu de nombreux engagements dans le milieu associatif pour lequel j'ai réalisé des reportages radio et audiovisuel. J'ai également occupé la fonction de chargé de communication au SCI-Projets internationaux asbl pendant 7 ans. Plus récemment, je me suis lancé dans la création et le développement de sites . Je travaille depuis quelques mois comme webmaster pour l'AJP (Association des journalistes professionnels). After getting a master in Communication, I've had a numerous comitments whitin associations for those I've realised broadcasted and audiovisuals reports.I've also been communication officer during 7 years for SCI organization. I've recently begun websites creation and I've been working for several months as webmaster for AJP (Association des journalistes prefessionnels).

CHADI BAHOUTH 2nd chairman Neue deutsche Medienmacher - www.neuemedienmacher.de

The New German Media Makers were established in 2008. Since that time, the organisation is not only a loose network of more than 600 media makers, but a registered association. In accordance to German law this allows us more opportunities to reaching our goal of establishing more diversity in German media. Cooperations on a nation wide level with different federal institutions became reality. The impact we are making today will shape the future German media landscape considerably.

Chadi Bahouth, PhD, born in 1975, is a journalist, author, lecturer and political scientist. He works as an editor and host for radio and print media and is the New German Mediama kers' (Neue deutsche Medienmacher) 2nd chaiman. His expertise are issues of migration/integration, international relations, the Middle East conflict, conflicts over water resources. He has been working abroad for the German Federal Foreign Office, the European Commission and the German Developing Service.


NetSquared runs monthly meetups for local community members to come together to share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate around using technology for inclusive social benefit and is part of the international NetSquared http://www.netsquared.org community.

I have an MSc in Social Policy and Development from the London School of Economics and have worked in the past as Director of Research at a Think Tank in (Association for Canadian Studies), as co - organizer of NetSquared London (a community-based organization for those interested in promoting inclusive social good using technology), and as a founding contributor to ShouldWe, a portal for bipartisan public debate on public policy issues. I have a background in in ternational development, and have worked with organizations such as the Commonwealth Secretariat and United Nations Development Programme. I am fluent in English and have intermediate French speaking skills.

JUSTINE BASIMBIZI Intern VIDEP www.cvb-videp.be

Le Videp asbl produit et réalise des outils vidéo pédagogiques ainsi que des ateliers vidéo. Cette association s’adresse principalement aux publics populaires et aux associations qui travaillent avec ces publics, les posant comme acteurs et producteurs d'une culture vidéographique à leurs échelles. Videp assure également la coordination du projet de jeunes, Coup de Pouce, émission de télévision bimensuelle sur TéléBruxelles. La philosophie de Videp asbl est de travailler en relation étroite avec les parten aires, de l’élaboration du projet à la diffusion du film. L’enjeu se situe donc en termes de partage de compétences; notre principale tâche étant de créer une dynamique participative dans le but d’inscrire les publics dans des processus d’autonomie et d’analyse critique de la société. Videp is an organisation that produces and directs educational workshops as well as video tools. This association is primarily intended for popular audiences and associations working with these audiences, putting them as producers of their own videographical culture. Videp also coordinates the youth television project, Coup de Pouce, broadcasted biweekly on TéléBruxelles. Videp's philosophy is working closely with partners from the development of the project to the broadcast. The challenge lies in terms of sharing of expertise; our main task is to create a participatory process in order to include the public in the process of autonomy and critical analysis of society.

Après un an en Relations Publiques, Justine se pose beaucoup de questions quant à la vie citoyenne et sa communication, c'est pourquoi elle s'est engagée pour un Service Citoyen de 6 mois à Coup2Pouce. Pour elle, c'est l'occasion de se familiariser avec l'outil vidéo, mais aussi de s'essayer à de nouvelles choses dans une approche d'animation socioculturelle. / After a year in Public Relations, Justine is curious about civic life and its communication, which is why she committed into a Citizen Service of 6 months Coup2Pouce. For her, this is an opportunity to become familiar with the video tool, but also to try new things in a sociocultural approach.


Founded in 2004, CMFE links various members of the Third Media Sector at the European level. The “Third Media Sector” is made up of non profit-making media serving a local community and has as such a clearly distinct identity alongside the national public service sector and private commercial media. The CMFE is a common platform for networks, national federations and projects active within this sector. It has an observer status with the Steering Committee on the Media and Information Society (CDMSI) of the Council of Europe and is part of the CoE International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) Conference. Currently, CMFE has 118 members (of which 27 are National Federations) from 26 Europe an countries. Among its affiliate members it counts also individuals and organisations from Africa, Asia and . Community media, taking the form of broadcasting and/or other electronic media projects, as well as print format, may share to a greater or lesser extent some of the following characteristics: independence from government, commercial and religious institutions and political parties; a not-for-profit nature; voluntary participation of members of civil society in the devising and management of programmes; activities aiming at social gain and community benefit; ownership by and accountability to the communities of place and/or of interest which they serve; commitment to inclusive and intercultural practices.

Nadia Bellardi (44) is a public relations and intercultural communication specialist with experience in both the corporate and NGO sector. Her project work and research focuses on intercultural, migration and gender issues. Nadia is currently Vice President of CMFE (Community Media Forum Europe) and following the work of the Steering Committee on the Media and Information Society (CDMSI) of the Council of Europe as observer. She is also a Board member and responsible for the collective management of Radio LoRa, a community radio station in Zurich, . Nadia holds a BA Degree in Political Science from Università Cattolica, Milan and a MA Degree in Intercultural Mediation from Venice University.

PATRICE ANDRE BERGER Délégué national à la diversité et la prévention des discriminations SNRL - Syndicat National des Radios Libres - www.snrl.fr

le syndicat national des radios libres a fait suite à la fédération nationale des radios libres créée à Lyon en 1978 puis à la confédération nationale des radios libres. Il veille à l'éthique du mouvement des médias libres, défend chacune des radios associatives dans son développement et ses financements, favorise la coopération des radios aux plans régional national et international et travaille à l'innovation technologique. Following the national federation of free radios created in Lyon in 1978, the SNR L is an important part of the associative and community media in the world, involved in expression freedom and in human rights promotion.

Involved for thirty years in the movement of community radios and media, at the local, regio nal and national levels, as a volunteer journalist and teams manager, I'm especially interested i the importance of our media in the struggle against social discriminations. I was involved in 1992 in the creation of an original French system of production and exchange of radio programs about migrations. As a professional sociologist (CNRS) I'm interested in theoretical issues in the use of digital possibilities to reinforce radio and other community media and their social impact. I'm also one of the creators and the president of a transmedia organization, MediasCitoyens. Engagé depuis la libération des ondes à la fin des années 1970 dans le mouvement des radios libres, à l'échelle locale mais aussi régionale et nationale, comme journaliste benévole et dirigeant associatif, j'ai participé à la création puis à la direction de

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 5 l'EPRA (échanges et productions radiophoniques), de la fédération régionale des radios associatives de Rhône -Alpes et de l'association transmédia "MédiasCitoyens". Comme sociologue, j'attache de l'importance à la réflexion sur l'usage social et culturel de nos médias au service des mouvements sociaux et sur les innovations permises par le numérique.

CHRISTOPHE BERTI Rédacteur en Chef Le Soir

Le Soir est un quotidien généraliste belge de langue française fondé en 1887 par Émile Rossel. Se présentant comme progressiste et indépendant, ce journal est de tradition libérale et historiquement à gauche de l'échiquier politique belge. C'est le quotidien francophone le plus lu en Belgique après les titres régionaux du groupe Sud Presse et avant le quotidien populaire La Dernièr e Heure. Il constitue avec l'autre journal de langue française à grand tirage l'horizon quotidien de la plupart des Belges francophones en matière de presse écrite. Depuis le 15 novembre 2005, il paraît au format berlinois et sur quatre cahiers.

Christophe Berti (42 ans) s’appuie sur un large soutien de la rédaction et sur une longue expérience au sein du journal où il a assuré plusieurs fonctions importantes depuis 2004, date de son entrée au Soir. De 2011 à 2013, il a été rédacteur en chef adjoint. Auparavant, Christophe Berti avait été successivement, chef de la rédaction sportive et responsable de l’édition finale du journal (le « Out ») : il connaît parfaitement les rouages de la société, les équipes et l’iden tité du Soir.

BRIGITTE BESSE Maître de conférences associée / Associated lecturer Head of TV department IJBA - Institut du Journalisme de Bordeaux Aquitaine -

L'IJBA, Institut de Journalisme de Bordeaux Aquitaine est l'une des 13 écoles reconnues par la profession. Elle forme chaque année 80 étudiants au Master professionnel de Journalisme.

Actuellement ingénieur de recherches à l'IJBA, chargée de développer la formation continue au journalisme. Sémiologue, docteur en linguistique, spécialiste de l'écriture audiovisuelle et du rapport texte / image. Avec les "Sémionautes associés", agence d'analyse des medias créée en 2002, réalise des études (notamment pour le CSA) et anime des séminaires de visionnage critique (pour france télévisions, la RTBF et la TSR, l'INA). Semiotician, doctor in linguistics, specialist in writing for audiovisual productions. With "Sémionautes associés" media analysis agency created in 2002, conducts studies and seminars about critical viewing (for France , RTBF and TSR, INA, CSA).

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 6 ANITA BHALLA Journalist Director and Chair of Creative City Partnership BBC Birmingham GBSLEP - www.anitabhalla.co.uk

The Creative City was set up to support the creation of jobs and wealth for the Creative Economy in Greater Birmingham by Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership. This public and private sector partnership with networks of independent creative and cultural businesses has identified interventions to develop, grow and promote aspiring innovative and entrepreneurial talent and enhance our reputation as a place to do business. The UK Creative Industries have a credible claim to be world-leading and in Greater Birmingham our uniquely young and diverse population provides a pool of talent to build our contribution to economic growth locally, nationally and internationally. The Creative City Partnership (CCP) is committed to creating an environment in which relationships between technology companies and creative businesses can thrive and through which the cultural sector can actively add value to economic growth. Through its big ideas, based on growth, skills enhancement and finance, it seeks to deliver an integrated cocktail of initiatives to signal a constructive and future-focussed programme for growth in the creative industrial sector.

Anita’s 26-year media career with the BBC has been varied; from being one of the first regionally based bi-media correspondents to being Head of the BBC’s Public Space Broadcasting. She has also presented ’s Eastern Eye and other national programmes. Anita is currently Chair of the Creative City Partnership and MA C (Midlands Arts Centre), and Chair of Performances Birmingham (Town Hall and Symphony Hall). Set up BBC Asian Network in the West Midlands; now a national digital service. Documentary producer national television and radio. Head of BBC Political & Community Affairs – England. Head of Public Space Broadcasting for the BBC overseeing a network of Big Screens which deliver a variety of community experiences from interactive games to live relays from the Royal Opera House, Last Night of the Proms to London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. First woman President of Circom a European wide group of public service broadcasters. A trained teacher who turned her hand to becoming a Community Relations Officer in Leicester, a Community Worker in Handsworth, Birmingham, where she set up and ran one of the first hostels for Asian Women, as well as dealing with wider issues around welfare and social care. She has also worked as a lecturer teaching language and employment skills to Industrial workers, alongside tr aining their managers in effective communications. Anita has a strong commitment to public service and her portfolio in this area ranges from being a member of Birmingham’s recent Social Inclusion Commission to being a past chair of Grestone Junior and In fant School, past member of the governing body of Birmingham City University to currently being a trustee of the Children’s University. Anita is the Chair of the Creative City Partnership which is a sub group of the Birmingham and Solihull LEP. The Creative City – an initiative of the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership, was set up to support the creation of jobs and wealth in Greater Birmingham. This partnership of private and public sector and networks of independent creative and cultural businesses has identified interventions to develop and promote aspiring innovative and entrepreneurial talent, develop a local market for cultural and creative activity and enhance our reputation as a place to do business. Anita has won several aw ards including the CRE’s Race in the Media National Television News Award. In 2009 she was awarded an OBE for her services to Broadcasting and Communities.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 7 REYNALD BLION Media & Diversity & Mediane Programme Manager Programme Manager Council of Europe - www.coe.int/mediane

The Council of Europe (CoE), based in Strasbourg (France), covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. The Council of Europe aims at creating a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which are the foundations of a tolerant and civilised society and indispensable for European stability, economic growth and social cohesion. The main objectives of the CoE are to protect human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law; to promote aw areness and encourage the development of Europe's cultural identity and diversity; to find common solutions to the challenges facing European society; to consolidate democratic stability in Europe by backing political, legislative and constitutional reform .

Reynald BLION – Programme Manager - Since September 2008, Reynald Blion is Media & Diversity Manager for the Directorate General Democracy. Until December 2010, he has been responsible for the implementation of the Media & Diversity part of the Speak out against discrimination Campaign of the Council of Europe. Within the same Directorate General, he joined the Directorate Democratic Governance, Culture and Diversity and its Division Cultural Policy, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue to manage the European Union / Council of Europe joint programme MARS – Media Against Racism in Sport; programme he conceived and developed on the basis of previous actions of the Council of Europe in these fields. He contributed, to several publishing as, for example, Tell us about diversity! A practical Approach to Intercultural Media Content, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2011, To fight against discrimination and for cultural diversity: a major challenge for the media in: Cavdar A., Yildir im A.B. (Eds), Hate Crimes and Hate Speech, Istanbul, The International Hrant Dink Foundation Publication, 2010, Europe’s ethnic and diversity media in: C. Dientz, P. Stamen (Eds), Media on the move. Migrants and minorities in the media, Aachen, CAMECO, 20 09, Ethnic media and diversity in Europe in: Georgiou M., Transnational lives and the media, Londres, Routledge, Aug. 07, Parler de l’autre / Parler d’ailleurs. De la visibilité à l’expression des diversités en Europe in: Rigoni I., Les bannis des media, Paris, Aux lieux d’être, May 07…

DANIEL BONVOISIN Trainer Media Animation asbl - www.media-animation.be

Media Animation (non profit organization) is a media education resource center and lifelong learning organization for the Belgian French-speaking Community (Brussels Federation). It is recognized and subsidized by the Ministry of education and Ministry of culture. The center is specialized for implementing research, information, training and educational resources for teachers, social workers, adults and professionals in educational sector. Media Animation coordinates and participates in different EC funded project in the fields of media literacy, cultural diversity, citizenship and non-discrimination. Media Animation works actively to develop a European network for media literacy (www.euromedialiteracy.eu).

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 8 Former foreign policy journalist and editor of a north/south relations magazine, I am, since 2006, working in Média Animation, a non profit association in the field of media literacy. I train and teach adult learners on media literacy matters and methods ; I write analysis ; I design pedagogic tools and I organize public events as a film festival dedicated to interculturality and the struggle against racism. More specifically, I am specialized on cinema, and video games questions, new media and their impacts on the society, and intercultural and political matters. Ancien journaliste en relations internationales et rédacteur en chef d’une revue consacrée aux relations Nord/Sud, je travaille depuis 2006 à Média Animation, association d’éducation aux médias. J’y suis formateur d’enseignants et animateur de publics adultes sur l’éducation aux médias, je coordonne des publications et participe à la production des analyses et des études, je réalise des outils pédagogiques, essentiellement sur le cinéma, j’organise des évènements (comme des festivals de films) liés à l’éducation aux médias et à l’interculturalité. Plus largement, mes sujets privilégiés sont le cinéma, les jeux vidéo et les nouveaux médias, les représentations, les dimensions sociopolitiques et les questions interculturelles.

JEAN-PIERRE BORLOO Journalist AJP - Association des Journalistes Professionnels - www.fondspourlejournalisme.be

Le Fonds pour le journalisme a été créé en 2009, en Belgique, à l'initiative de l'AJP. Il soutient financièrement des projets d'enquête, d'investigation et de grand reportage déposés par des journalistes. Son but est de contribuer à améliorer la qualité du contenu des médias de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Journaliste professionnel j'ai longuement travaillé pour plusieurs quotidiens belges, dont Le Soir. Je suis spécialisé sur les matières juridiques. Depuis 2011 je travaille pour l'AJP et je coordonne le Fonds pour le journalisme.

NELSON BOVA Journalist RAI - www.rai.it

Rai Radiotelevisione italiana is the Italian public television. It has 11.000 employees in 2 main headquarters, 20 regional newsrooms plus three multilanguage, and several foreign correspondence offices. It broadcasts through 14 TV channels and 3 main radio channels. journalist since 1993, my main topics are mainly related to minorities, disability, poverty and other social and solidarity items. I've realised and published several documentaries, and two books. In a previous association where I've been the chairman, "Sequence film", I've produced short and medium lengths social movies along with students of high schools. Since 2009 I'm the chairman of "Il Tesoro Nascosto" association which promotes the inclusion of disabled people.


RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio -visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offre radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

Engagée depuis des années dans la coopération et la coproduction européenne, comme porte d’entrée de la RTBF avec ARTE, je suis convaincue du rôle de la culture à la télévision et de ce qu'elle peut apporter à chacun, individuellement et collectivement. Je crois toujours à l'importance de la télévision dans le débat démocratique, que ce soit sur les questions de création, d'innovation, d'émancipation, d'égalité, de diversité culturelle. / Involved in European coproduction and cooperation with ARTE, through RTBF, I am passionate about role of culture and television and the opportunities it delivers for individuals. I am strongly convinced and aware of the importance of television in democratic debate, including for issues of creation, innovation, development, equal opportunities and cultural diversity.

VALENTINA MARIA GABRIELLA CALA Photo and video journalist Café Babel Brussels - www.valentinamedia.com

Cafébabel is the first multilingual European current affairs magazine to be translated into 6 languages. Designed for readers across borders, Cafébabel revolutionizes European media through participatory journalism, providing a unique platform of expression where everyone can use his or her mother tongue.Through its activities - such as media centred coverage and event organisation - Cafébabel’s aim is to stimulate and develop European public opinion. The magazine offers weekly, in-depth coverage of political, cultural and social trends from the unique European perspective. http://www.cafebabel.co.uk/brussels/

I was born in , where I studied History of Art. During University I discovered the magic world of Erasmus. So, during the second year of University I decided to leave my country. Belgium, France and : those are the places where I lived in the past years. Now I am settled in Brussels, where I work as photographer and video journalist. Passionately in love with real life and the words and images that capture it.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 10 MUKTI JAIN CAMPION Executive Producer Culture Wise Productions - www.culturewise.org

Culture Wise Productions has been making documentaries for BBC Radio since 1995, across different genres including arts, history and current affairs. Our speciality is original, intelligently researched and well-crafted features that reflect the rich cultural diversity of Britain and its many historical and contemporary links around the globe.Our programmes consistently receive excellent press coverage and audience feedback. See website for further information www.culturewise.org

Mukti Jain Campion is founder of the independent production company Culture Wise. She trained as a film maker at the BBC and has been producing television and radio documentaries for over 30 years. She has a particular interest in how the media can bridge different social and cultural divides and in 2004 was awarded the Guardian Research Fellowship at Oxford University for a ground-breaking study "Look Who’s Talking: Cultural Diversity, Public Service Broadcasting and the National Conversation" which can be found online at www.nuffield.ox.ac.uk/guardian. She has lectured widely on the topic in the UK and internationally.

RÉGINE CARPENTIER Communication Manager RTBF - www.rtbf.be

RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offre radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

Régine Carpentier (43) est chargée de Communication Interne à la RTBF (Radio Télévision belge francophone) depuis 2010. Elle a débuté sa carrière dans l’entreprise en 1991 dans le secteur de la production TV, où elle collabore à de nombreuses émissions de variétés et de divertissement. Viennent ensuite quelques années dans le secteur de la musique (organisation de festivals et management d’artistes). De retour à la RTBF, son expérience la mènera vers des postes de communication et de promotion, d’abord en radio et ensuite au service même de l’entreprise où elle gère plus particulièrement l’organisation de différents séminaires et autres évènements destinés au personnel.


Radiotelevisione italiana is Italy's national company. Radio3 is an Italian radio channel operated by the state-owned public-broadcasting organization RAI specialized in culture and classical music. Radio3Mondo is Radio3's radio show that broadcasts news reports from around the world, international press review, stories, interviews and on-the-spot reporting including highlights. website:mondo3.rai.it

I'm editor in chief of radio3 programme Radio3mondo as well as Tutta la città ne parla, these two programmes deal with foreing affairs and domestic issues. Mediane would be very helpfull for me to get in touch with other european collegues in order to share experiences, contacts and some future projects. Diversity inclusivness rappresents a costant issue in my every day work and on my opinion we have to learn much more about it while preparing our contents for our programmes.

ELEONORA CESAREO Editor-in-Chief Emmenews.tv - www.emmenews.tv

Emmenews.tv (www.emmenews.tv) is a local webtv of Basilicata, a little region of Southern Italy. It is an initiative founded by a little group of young journalists and filmmakers to report news from Basilicata jonical area, the most developed and important of the region. Emmenews.tv (www.emmenews.tv) est une webtv locale de la Basilicate, un petite région du sud de l'Italie. Il s'agit d'une initiative fondée par un petit groupe de jeunes journalistes et réalisateurs et elle veut raconte r les nouvelles de la zone jonque de la Basilicate, le plus développé et important de la région.

Eleonora Cesareo was born in Taranto in 1979 and has always lived in Policoro, in the so called area of “Metapontino” of Basilicata; she attended Università del Salento (Lecce) and graduated in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (History of Art). She's a journalist and contributed to several local magazines, newspapers and tv. She's currently Editor -in-Chief of Emmenews.tv (www.emmenews.tv) where she covers many roles: journalistic reportages, shots and editing. She loves history; for this reason she's a Ph.D student in Contemporary History (Università del Salento): her research is about the consequences of italian agrarian reform (1950-1960) in “Metapontino” area. Eleonora Cesareo est née à Taranto en 1979 et a toujours habité à Policoro, dans la zone appelée "Metapontino"; elle a frequenté l'Università du Salento (Lecce) et elle est diplômé en Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (histoire de l 'art). Elle est journaliste et a travaillé avec plusieurs magazines, journaux et télévisions locales. Elle est actuellement directrice de Emmenews.tv (www.emmenews.tv) où elle couvre de nombreux rôles: reportages journalistiques, films et montage. El le aime l'histoire; pour cette raison, elle est étudiante en doctorat en histoire contemporaine (Università del Salento): sa recherche parle des conséquences de la réforme agraire italienne (1950-1960) dans la zone du "Metapontino".

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 12 MÉLANIE CHALLE Photojournalist NUJ - National Union of Journalists - www.melaniechalle.com

The NUJ is the world's largest journalists' union, with over 40 000 members in England, Scotland, Wales and - and active branches in Paris, Brussels and the . It is affiliated to the TUC, and the GFTU in the UK. The NUJ is proud to be a part of the int ernational labour movement and is affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists. NUJ members subscribe to a Code of Conduct by which they agree to produce no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, race, colour, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Freelance photographer for the last 6 years, I left behind my studies as a marketing major in Paris, France to move to , where I learned my trade. Parallel to my personal and artistic projects, I work as a professional documentary photographer in the areas of travel, sports, art and social issues. In the recent past, I have worked as a photographer for Handisports and covered the Paralympics in Beijing and London. My print work is also augmented by several projects which are currently being developed as web documentaries.

ASSIA CHANEVA Editor - www.bnr.bg

Officially radio-broadcasting in became state-owned following a decree of King Boris III of January 25th, 1935 and this date marked the beginning of the creation of a state radio. The Bulgarian National Radio is the first electronic media in Bulgaria and the only Bulgarian state-owned radio network with national coverage. It broadcasts two national and eight regional channels, as well as an international one – Radio Bulgaria which broadcasts in eleven languages. Since its inception, the first channel of the Bulgarian National Radio - “Hristo Botev”, focuses on culture, science, arts, education, discussions on cultural and social questions, drama, music and special programmes for children and young people. . La radiodiffusion dans le pays est officialisée par décret du Tsar Boris III en date du 25 janvier 1935 qui permet la création d’une Radio de l’Etat. La Radio nationale bulgare est le premier média électronique de Bulgarie, mais aussi l’unique radio publique couvrant l’intégralité du territoire du pays. L’institution se décline en deux chaînes nationales, 8 antennes régionales et un service étranger, représenté par la Radio Bulgarie Internationale qui propose des programmes en 11 langues. La première chaîne de la Radio nationale, la 24 heures chaîne « Christo Botev » est ciblée, depuis sa création, sur les sujets de culture, de science, de arts, l'éducation, sur les questions culturelles et sociales, le théâtre, la musique et des progra mmes spéciaux pour les enfants et les jeunes.

Journalist with 19 years of experience. Working place: Bulgarian National Radio, Hristo Botev channel, Evening show Alarm. Responsibilities: Editor: Providing, recording and assembling materials: reportages, interviews, features and news. Author: creating scripts and presenting broadcasts live on air, maintaining the connection with the audience. International work experience: Internee: British Broadcasting Corporation Radio Northern Ireland, Belfast, : Media Internship on Diversity Issues by British Council Media Internships Scheme 2002/2003 – 2002 International Supervisor: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – 1997-1999 Achievements: Silver Medal winner: 21-st Radio Grand Prix International Contest of Union Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationalle (International Union for Radio and Television) - Paris, France – 2009 Annual radio awards “Sirak Skitnik” – award for a radio show - winner for 2010 Recent international experience: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig: Supporting Men’s Learning and Well-being in your Community – Ireland, 2012 International seminar for

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 13 journalists from South Eeast Europe:”Media coverage of election campaigns”-2011 Youth in Action programme: Small Steps for Intercultural Dialogue -Youth in Action, Action 4.3 – , 2009 International Conference:Training as a vehicle for employment-opportunities for young people with disabilities- 2008

MARTINA CHICHI Journalist Associazione Carta di Roma - Charter of Rome organization - www.cartadiroma.org

Associazione Carta di Roma (Charter of Rome Association) has been founded in 2011 by the Italian National Council of Journalists and the Italian National Press Federation, and supported by UNHCR-Italy, in order to promote the implementation of the journalistic code of ethics concerning migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and victims of human trafficking (the Charter of Rome). The association is composed by some media representatives and 19 civil society organizations. We monitor every day print and online media; in case of violations we are able to intervene or call for the National Council intervention. We also meet journalists all over Italy for specific lessons on this code on a regular basis; with the contribution of many journalists and NGOs we realized an important training tool, the guidelines. We have an Observatory, composed by a network of universities; thanks to their analysis every year we produce a report on media and migration. Our code (the Charter of Rome) has been translated and adapted in ; is going to do the same just now. We are working on several projects which involve European media and NGOs.

I am an Italian journalist and news producer born and grew up in Rome. My interest for social issues, and in particular for migration issues, has begun years ago, before I met the Charter of Rome Association. I started working as a journalist when I was 17 years old. Since then I never left this path. I tried every kind of media: printable, online, television, radio. I must admit that my heart still belongs to printable media outlets, even if I am fully convinced that our future is online and multimedial. I strongly believe in the importance of journalistic ethics: without it journalism can be a dangerous weapon.

CHRISTOS CHRISTOFIDES Member of the Board Union of Journalists

The Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ) was established in 1960. The aims and targets of UCJ are to strengthen and safeguard the freedom of the press, to defend the right to free expression and opinion, to protect the independence, freedoms and rights of journalists, to improve their professional position and to regulate the con ditions of their employment through a collective agreement, to raise the standard of journalism and to train journalists. UCJ is an active member of the International and European Federation of Journalists and has bilateral relations with the national Unio ns of Journalists of several countries.

I was born on 2nd of June 1954, I am married and I have one daughter and one son. From 1999 to date I work as a sub-editor at Phileleftheros daily newspaper. ). From 1988 to 1991 I took part as volunteer sub-editor and writer in setting up and publishing the weekly political newspaper “Embros”, dealing mostly with international issues. From 2004 to date I am an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Union of Cyprus Journalists and from 2007 to date a member of the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission. I am a committed trade unionist and a committed activist and antiracist as well.


I am a freelancer journalist, graduated in Television Journalism and Television and Cinema in Turkey and Italy. I work for several national newspapers, magazines and indipendent journalists networks in Turkey and in Italy. I am specialized on conflict resolution, non -violence, antimilitarism, migrant rights, lgbttqi rights, local movements and environment. I work mainly with the International Press Agency Pressenza, the Mediterranean culture netowrk Babelmed and the Italian national news network against discrimination ProspettiveAltre.

I was born in Turkey in 1981 after an undergraduate degree in Television Journalism I decide to move to Italy and study Cinema and Televison. Since 2004 I realize short documentaries, photo reportages and video interviews for several national and international news agencies, magazines and newspapers. I'm focused on conflict resolution, non-violence, antimilitarism, migrant rights, lgbttqi rights, local movements and environment.

GUENAELLE COLLET European Affairs Adviser EBU - www.ebu.ch

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is the world's foremost alliance of public service media organisations, with Members in 56 countries in Europe and beyond. The EBU operates and EURORADIO. EUROVISION is the media industry's premier distributor and producer of top quality live sport, news, entertainment, culture and music content. EURORADIO enhances public service radio through exchange of music, professional networking and the promo tion of digital and hybrid radio.

A French citizen, I moved to Brussels in 2001 to work for the MEDIA programme of the European Commission, where I monitored contracts with film production companies. Further on I worked as Director of AEPO-ARTIS, a trade association representing performers' collective rights management organisations in Europe. Since 2011 I oversee several aspects of EBU media policy including cultural diversity, international trade, media freedom and media pluralism, and data protection issues.

MARTA COSTA Media Producer Universidade de Coimbra

Situated on a hill overlooking the city, the University of Coimbra with its colleges grew and evolved over more than seven centuries within the old town. The University’s edifices became a reference in the development of other institutions of higher education in the Por tuguese- speaking world where it also exerted a major influence on learning and literature. Coimbra offers an outstanding example of an integrated university city with a specific urban typology as well as its own ceremonial and cultural traditions that have been kept alive through the ages.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 15 BA in Journalism (2008) and MA in Communication and Journalism (2010) at the University of Coimbra. Is now about to finish a Marketing MBA in the Economics Faculty at the same university. Works as a media content producer since 2010 for the University’s Web Television. Since 2014 also collaborates as an active member of the communication department of the University of Coimbra working as a media producer and in organizational communication.

MÉLODY DAFONSECA Designer Orange magazine-European Youth Press - www.melodydafonseca.com

Orange Magazine has been created by the European Youth Press (EYP) to provide journalistic education and to support young journalists by giving them room to explore media and current affairs. Orange is an English-language event-based online magazine that brings together an international team of young journalists to cover events. Orange magazine can appear in a printed form, distributed among the participants of the event that is covered, and/or online at www.orangemagazine.eu. Orangemagazine.eu is the official multimedia platform of the European Youth Press. It provides an interactive multimedia platform for media coverage of international conferences. Orange Magazine a été créé par le European Youth Press (EYP) afin de fournir une formation journalistique et soutenir les jeunes journalistes en leur donnant un lieu pour explorer les médias et l’actualité. Orange est un magazine anglophone online qui regroupe une équipe internationale de jeunes journalistes afin de couvrir des événements. Le magazine d'Orange peut apparaître sous forme imprimée, distribuée parmi les participants des événements couverts et / ou en ligne sur www.orangemagazine.eu. Orangemagazine.eu est la plateforme multimédia officielle de l'European Youth Press. Il fournit une plateform e interactive multimédia pour la couverture médiatique de conférences internationales.

My name is Mélody Da Fonseca, I'm a French graphic designer & journalist, living in Paris. I graduated in 2014, from the ENSAAMA, High School of Applied Arts and Crafts. I'm a multimedia journalist and multidisciplinary designer at ease with different graphic and visual media programs. My international experience includes work in Egypt, Spain and . In 2013 I set up graphic design workshops that I conducted with three generations of people in the north Parisian suburbs. This experience changed my way of doing & thinking about my job. Currently I’m teaching in the Digital & New Media field and working as a journalist for Orange magazine. Je m'appelle Mélody, je suis une graphiste freelance & journaliste vivant à Paris. Diplômée en 2014, de l'ENSAAMA, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d'Arts. Je suis une journaliste multimédia et designer pluridisciplinair. Mon expérience professionnelle internationale incluse l’Egypte, l’Espagne et la Hongrie. En 2013, j'ai mis en place des ateliers graphiques intergénérationnels en banlieue parisienne. Cette expérience a changé ma manière d'appréhender mon métier de designer. Je s uis actuellement intervenante multimédia dans plusieurs écoles à Paris et travaille comme journaliste pour Orangemagazine.eu.

FRANK BRIAN DALY Manager LifeFm - www.lifefm.ie

LifeFm is a community radio station broadcasting to Cork. We have been broadcasting for 6 years and have people from many backrounds working with us. We have made programs on many different cultures living in Cork, including travlers, Jews, polish, disabilty groups, german, early school leavers, to name just a few.I worked as a motor mechanic for 10 years. I was a self employed

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 16 builder for 10 years. I am a founder and manager of the Community radio station LifeFm. Now fulltime station manager of LifeFm.


Rai − "Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A.", is the Italian pubblic servic, one of the biggest communication company in Europe, the fifth television group. Rai Radio 3, is the third radio channal. It’s has been created in october 1950 as cultural channal on the model of BBC Third Programme (dal 1967, BBC Radio 3) and RDF Programme National (dal 1963, France Culture). The current director is Marino Sinibaldi.

PhD Doctor in Communication and Intercultural Sociology by the University of Padua. Coordinator and editor of the Rai Radio3 Program “Radio 3 Suite”. Author and Editor of several serial of the programs “Passioni” and “Tre Soldi” RAIRadio3. Director of the Radio2 Rai Program “The Marmot Day”, with Dario Vergassola and Lorenzo Marini Participation as qualitative interviewer, report writer, active in participant observation in Hospital of Padua for the researches: “Ethnography of Communication dynamics in Hospital organiz ation”, “Biography, Culture and environment”, for the national research Cofin on the public sphere and on the domestic work. Qualitative interviews to foreign women involved in care work and coordinator of focus group for the research on children in multicultural environment. Playwriter of “Ritardi”, radiodramma for radio2rai. As playwright, winner of Dante Cappelletti Prize, first edition with: “A.V. Storia di una B.rava R.agazza”. Teacher of SISS course, Education Sociology. Press and location assistant in the Fringe Festival Office, Edinburgh. Collaborator with Narramondo, Giocateatroschio, theatre for children. I and mountain. I join the voluntary Mountain Rescue Team of my family village in the Alps.

MIHAELA DANGA Deputy director Center for Independent Journalism - www.cji.ro

Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ - www.cji.ro) – established in 1994 – is a non- governmental, non-profit organization acting for professional and responsible media by keeping the professional standards and securing an honest and balanced media environment. CIJ supports the freedom of expression a prerequisite for a real democracy. CIJ facilitates the social dialogue by supporting democratic changes, encouraging the citizens’ participation and acting for the responsibility of the decision makers. The main areas of activity include: media and media relat ed issues (media legislation, freedom of expression, transparency and accountability, European policies, etc)

Mihaela Danga has been working with the CIJ since 1998. As the CIJ deputy director she is in charge of program writing and managing, with a focus on youth programs. A certified trainer, facilitator and evaluator, Mihaela Danga has organized media events and conducted training programs in Romania and abroad. As the secretary of the Southeast European Network for the Professionalization of Media (www.seenpm.org), she has acquired firsthand solid knowledge of the region. Mihaela Danga is a graduate of the University of Bucharest (Romanian and and Literature); she also graduated various courses in librarianship (Romania, USA), NGO management and organizational development (, , ).


RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offr e radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société d e numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

Christian Dauriac fait ses études aux lycées Émile Duclaux d'Aurillac et Montesquieu de Bordeaux en section A. Après son baccalauréat, il poursuit ses études à l'Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux. Jeune journaliste, il travaille à (en Bretagne) puis à Sud Radio (à Toulouse) et un peu à France Inter Paris avant de devenir rédacteur en chef des journaux parlés de France Culture/musique (1982-1984). À la direction de l'information , il modernise le Soir 3 dont l'audience remonte. Travaillant un temps à TF1, il crée le réseau de correspondants régionaux en relation avec les quotidiens régionaux (PQR) qui permet à la chaîne d'avoir des images et des informations rapidement. En 1990 France Télévision l'engage à nouveau. Il y est resté à de multiples postes : producteur de l'émission Décryptages, directeur délégué à la régionalisation, directeur de la rédaction nationale de FR3, direct eur de la station régionale FR3 Paris-Île-de-France-Centre (dont il installera le siège à Vanves), conseiller du président, directeur du projet numérique, directeur de la recherche et du développement... jusqu'au 3 janvier 2005, date à laquelle il est devenu directeur général-adjoint de CFI (Canal France International), filiale de coopération de France Télévision. Après avoir assuré depuis 2010 l'intérim comme directeur adjoint de de l'information télé de la RTBF avec Jean-Pierre Jacqmin, il a finalement été nommé en 2012 à l'unanimité par le conseil d'administration de la RTBF comme chef de rédaction du journal télévisé pour un mandat de 6 ans.

ARNAUD DAVIRE Directeur de la rédaction Sport Handicaps - www.sportethandicaps.com

Sport Handicaps édite le premier site d'information sportive francophone dédié au handicap : Sportethandicaps.com. Lancé en 2008, ce site est aujourd'hui une référence dans le domaine du handisport et du sport adapté. Partenaire de la Fédération Française Handisport ce média rend compte de l'actualité nationale et internationale.

Passionné d'athlétisme, Arnaud Daviré a très rapidement trouvé sa voie en faisant ses premiers pas d'entraîneur à 17 ans. En 2000, il découvre le milieu handisport, et c'est l'année suivante alors qu'il est âgé de 27 ans qu'il intègre le staff de l'équipe de France d'athlétisme handisport. L'aventure va durer six saisons pendant lesquelles il préparera les meilleurs lanceurs français aux plus grandes échéances internationales (Championnats d'Europe, Championnats du Monde et Jeux Paralympiques). En 2006 il décide de raccrocher, et s'attèle à alimenter un blog pour sensibiliser les entreprises au potentiel qu'offre les sports paralympiques en terme d'image, Sportethandicaps.com est né. Deux ans plus tard

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 18 le blog devient le premier site d'information dédié aux sports paralympiques. Depuis Arnaud Daviré a couvert les plus grands évènements internationaux des sports paralympiques les plus pratiqués au monde. Journaliste pour plusieurs sites et magazines, il a également réalisé un premier documentaire sur l'équipe de France de Foot -Fauteuil.

JEAN PHILIP DE TENDER General Manager TV Commissioning Department VRT

VRT - This is our story. 3 pillars - Community, Democracy, Quality. 4 values - Identity, Involve everyone, Independent, high quality and efficient, Transparent, open and focused on collaboration. 5 focus areas - Information, Culture, Education, Sport and Entertainment. 12 brands - MNM – Stubru – - Één – Canvas – Op12 - - – deredactie - cobra.

Jean Philip De Tender has been working for VRT, the Flemish public broadcaster since 1989. He started of as jou rnalist for various television and radio programs. For more than seven years he was editor in chief of all the programs of the legendary talkshowhost Jan Van Rompaey. Later as television program manager he became responsible for a wide range of programs in all genres (fiction, entertainment, current affairs, reality, …). From 2007 till 2013 he was the channel manager of the biggest television channel in . During his management Eén grew to an enormous success with more than 33 % market share and a clear vision about public broadcasting. Since 2013 he is in charge of all VRT’s television channels (Eén, Canvas, Ketnet and OP12). Jean Philip De Tender loves writing and sharing his ideas. In Flanders he is a famous blogger. Earlier Lannoo published his first book “Alles is een verhaal” (“Everything is a story”). He teaches “Televisionmanagement and Mediacontext” at the Brussels filmschool RITS. Besides he is also a board member of BVN (The best of the Netherlands and Flanders). He is chairman of the Eur ovision TV Committee and board member of Brusselse Media. As an inspiring personality he often lectures internationally both within and outside the media world. His speeches at the EBU General Assembly and EBU TV Summit were much appreciated. As manager television of VRT he has been consulting various European public broadcasters. He loves reading books and is inspired by everything that crosses his path. His drive in life: “Create order in the chaos and chaos in the order” and “Optimism is a moral duty.

PAUL DE THEUX Director Media Animation - www.media-animation.be

Media Animation (non profit organization) is a media education resource center and lifelong learning organization for the Belgian French-speaking Community (Brussels Wallonia Federation). It is recognized and subsidized by the Ministry of education and Ministry of culture. The center is specialized for implementing research, information, training and educational resources for teachers, social workers, adults and professionals in educational sector. Media Animation coordinates and participates in different EC funded project in the fiel ds of media literacy, cultural diversity, citizenship and non-discrimination. Media Animation works actively to develop a European network for media literacy (www.euromedialiteracy.eu).

Paul de Theux is Director of Media Animation. He also manages the resource centre in media education of Media Animation and is member of the governmental higher board for Media Education of the Brussels Wallonia Federation (CSEM - Belgium). He is teacher assistant at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) and teacher at the Institute of High Studies of Social Communication (IHECS). He as a

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 19 Master of Communication and History (UCL). Author of collective publication about media literacy, he is also member of institutional and associative boards. Paul de Theux est directeur de Média Animation. Il est également responsable du centre de ressources en éducation aux médias de Média Animation et est membre du conseil supérieur de l'éducation aux médias de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (CSEM - Belgique). Il est collaborateur pédagogique à l'Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) et professeur à l'Institut des Hautes Etudes en communication sociale (IHECS). Il est titulaire d'un master en Histoire et en Communication (UCL). Auteur de publications collectives en éducation aux médias, il est aussi membre de conseils institutionnels et associatifs.

ELODIE DEBRUMETZ Head of Communication Service Institut pour l'égalité entre les femmes et des hommes / Institut of equality of women and men - http://igvm-iefh.belgium.be

The Institute for the Equality of Women and Men, which was created in December 2002, is the federal public service to guarantee and promote the equality of women and men and to fight against any form of discrimination and inequality based on gender in all aspects of life through the development and implementation of an adequate legal framework, appropriate structures, strategies, instruments and actions. The Institute aims at anchoring this equality in society so that it becomes an obvious fact in mentalities and in practices. / Créé en décembre 2002, l’Institut pour l'égalité des femmes et des hommes est l'institution publique fédérale qui a pour mission de garantir et de promouvoir l'égalité des femmes et des hommes, de combattre toute forme de discrimination ou d'inégalité basée sur le sexe, et ce par l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’un cadre légal adapté, de structures, de stratégies, d’instruments et d’actions appropriés. L’Institut vise à ancrer l’égalité des femmes et des hommes dans la société pour qu’elle devienne une évidence dans les mentalités et les pratiques.

Graduated in Public Relations, then in DESS in commercial and international communication and specialized in marketing, Elodie Debrumetz has always been passionate about issues related to sustainable development, human rights and equal opportunities. In charge of the communication of the Institute for the equality of women and men since 2010, she has also actively participated in the drafting of a publicat ion on the integration of the gender dimension in the Belgian federal public communication. As representative of the Institute within the steering committee of the Plan in favor of diversity and equality in the audiovisual media of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Elodie Debrumetz wrote several contributions for the Survey of Good Practices, among others concerning the Databank of experts in gender and women experts created on the initiative of the Institute, Vega.

ALESSIO SAVERIO DEL SARTO General manager AlessandriaNews - www.alessandrianews.it

AlessandriaNews is specializing in local and micro-local communication. AlessandriaNews is edited by SiC srl with other 6 online micro local newspapers (NoviOnline.net, TortonaOnline.net, OvadaOnline.net, CasaleNotizie.it, ValenzaNews.it, AcquiNews.net) and 2 traditional (paper) weekly local newspaper, Il Novese and L'Ovadese (those are edited since 1963). 15 employers (journalists and staff) and other 35 journalists collaborates every week to provide contents (textual, video and pictures) to an audience of over 100000 readers per week.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 20 I graduated in Political Sciences, specialized in "Methods per local development". I worked with several newspapers as journalist, editor and manager (marketing, selling) while i was working as university researcher in cultural economics. I'm now general manager at SiC srl (local and micro- local media and communication), general manager at "Associazione Cultura e Sviluppo" (cultural and scientific education and training) and board member at "Fondazione SociAL" (financial support for social and cultural projects).

FRANÇOIS DELEU Collaborator Centre interfédéral pour l’égalité des chances / Centre fédéral Migration Interfederaal Gelijkekansencentrum / Federaal Migratiecentrum www.diversite.be www.diversiteit.be

Interfederal centre for equal opportunities and opposition to discrimination and racism is an interfederal, independent public service specialising in policy on equal opportunity and non-discrimination. Founded on human rights, its mission is to promote equal opportunities and rights for all citizens and to fight against discrimination. This mission is conducted with a view to contribute to collective development and in a spirit of dialogue, collaboration and respect. / Centre interfédéral pour l'égalité des chances et la lutte contre le racisme et les discriminations - Le Centre interfédéral pour l’égalité des chances est un service public interfédéral, indépendant, expert en politique d'égalité et de non - discrimination. Sa mission, fondée sur les droits humains, est de promouvoir l’égalité des chances et des droits pour l’ensemble des citoyen-ne-s et de lutter contre les discriminations. Il exerce cette mission dans une optique de développement collectif et un esprit de dialogue, de collaboration et de respect. I'm working since 5 years on the issue of hate speech online at the belgian equality body.

SABRI DERINÖZ Advisor CSA FWB - Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - www.csa.be

CSA, High Council on Audio-visual, is responsible for the regulation of broadcasters of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (Belgium). Primarily, to monitor compliance with the obligations of publishers, distributors and network of operators (cable, Belgacom, RTBF, etc.). The CSA is built on two colleges: an instance responsible for giving opinions on any matter relating to broadcasting and a decision -making body responsible for awarding broadcasting licenses to private radio and television stations establishe d in Wallonia-Brussels, to monitor compliance with the obligations of publishers, distributors and network of operators and to take relevant decisions in case of violation of these obligations / Le Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) est chargé de la régulation de l'audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique). Ses missions sont principalement de contrôler le respect des obligations des éditeurs, des distributeurs de services et des opérateurs de réseaux (câblodistributeurs, Belgacom, RTB F, …). Le CSA est composé de deux Collèges : une instance d’avis chargée de rendre des avis sur toute question relative à l’audiovisuel et une instance décisionnelle chargée d’attribuer les autorisations d’émettre aux télévisions et radios privées établies en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, de contrôler le respect des obligations des éditeurs, distributeurs de services et opérateurs de réseaux et de sanctionner les infractions à ces obligations.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 21 Sabri Derinöz exerce une fonction de conseiller au Conseil supérieur de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique). Il traite, entre autres attributions, des questions de discriminations dans les médias audiovisuels.

MONICA D'ONOFRIO Programm coordinator RAI Radio3 - www.radio3.rai.it

La RAI − Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A., Italia pubblic servic, one of the biggest communication company in Europe,the fifth television group. Rai Radio 3, is the third radio channal. It’s has been created in october 1950 as cultural channal on the model of BBC Third Programme (dal 1967, BBC Radio 3) and RDF Programme National (dal 1963, France Culture). The current director is Marino Sinibaldi.

Monica D’Onofrio, born in Naples on March 31, 1962. Grammar school diploma; Bachelor’s degree in Literature earned in Rome (Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”) with a thesis about Giuseppe Ungaretti. Teacher of Italian literature in different high schools after graduating from university for a few years. Freelancer for Italian magazines and newspapers on literary topics, getting the status of “pubblicista” (official contributor, according to the Italian regulation concerning the access to professional journalism ...) Started to work for RAI in the late 80’s, producing a few series of radio dramas on literary topics. Since then has been workin g as a radio programmer and presenter. Currently working as coordinator and producer of a daily radio programme about music, arts and culture (“Radio3 Suite”, on air from 8.00 pm to 00.00 am from Monday to Sunday). Also contributor to different publishin g houses for children’s books and Italian fiction.

ZDENKO DUKA President Croatian Journalists' Association - www.hnd.hr

Croatian Journalists' Association (CJA) has been founded in 1910 and since then it has insisted on its professional goals as stated in its Statute. Today it represents about 2800 journalists and it is active throughout Croatia due to its many regional branches. Being the only association of this kind, its activities reach more than 60 percent of journalists in the country. The CJA goals are mostly focused on freedom of speech, on public right to be informed accurately, on ethical and current information, on promoting human rights, democracy and pluralism. CJA has also the branch for journalists of national minorities and we discuss minority issues, hate speech etc.

Born January 18th in Split. Graduated in comparative literature and philosophy in 1980, Zagreb University. 1981 -1997 in Večernji list daily, journalist of interior politics, desk editor and reporter on Parliament sessions, head of the Parliamnet sessions' reporters. In 1997 I was in Tjednik, weekly magazine. From 1998 to 2006 I was in Jutarnji list daily desk editor ana political columnist. Since 2006 I have been working for Novi list daily as editor and columnist. In 2003 I published a book on Croatian par ties: "Appariton of parties and mind of politicians (Profil International). In 2005 I published a book on former Croatian prime minister "Račan biography" (Profil International). From 2007 I have been Croatian Journalists' Association president.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 22 JEAN-FRANÇOIS DUMONT Secrétaire général adjoint AJP - Association des Journalistes Professionnels. - www.ajp.be

AGJPB (General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium) is the representative organization of professional journalists in Belgium. This organization federalizes the AJP (French and German Journalists) and the VVJ (Dutch journalists). Its membership rate is 80%. It is active in all matters concerning journalists’ conditions for exercising freedom of the press, ethics (co-founder of the Council of Journalistic Ethics), media education, collective agreements on working conditions, copyright (creation of a management company rights for journalists), legal service and legal assistance. Both AJP and VVJ (The AGJPB two bodies) have developed activities in the field of equality and diversity in news and staff (GMMP 2010, Survey ON equa lity and diversity in daily newspapers IN 2011, Diversity experts’ database, etc.) / l’AGJPB (Association Générale des Journalistes Professionnel/les de Belgique) est l’organisation représentative des journalistes en Belgique. Cette organisation regroupe l’AJP (Journalistes des communautés francophones et germanophones en Belgique) et le VVJ (Journalistes de la communauté flamande). Ses adhésions représentent 80% de la profession. Elle est active dans tout ce qui concerne l’exercice de la profession de journaliste et de la liberté de la presse, l’éthique (co-fondatrice du Conseil de l’Ethique Journalistique), l’éducation aux media, les conventions collectives sur les conditions d’exercice de la profession, les droits d’auteur/es (Création d’une structure de gestion des droits des journalistes) et l’assistance juridique. L’AJP tout comme le VVJ (Les deux entités de l’AGJPB) ont développé des activités en matière d’égalité et de diversité tant au sein des contenus de l’information que des équipes de travail (GMMP 2010, Baromêtre sur l’égalité et la diversité dans les quotidiens de presse écrite en 2011, Base de données Experts de la Diversité, etc.)

Secrétaire général adjoint de l'association des journalistes professionnels de Belgique, enseignant, membre du conseil de déontologie journalistique et du Conseil supérieur de l'éducation aux medias, coauteur d'ouvrages sur les médias.

HALIMA EL HADDADI Conseillère diversité AJP - Association des Journalistes Professionnels - www.ajp.be/diversite

AGJPB (General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium) is the representative organization of professional journalists in Belgium. This organization federalizes the AJP (French and German Journalists) and the VVJ (Dutch journalists). Its membership rate is 80%. It is active in all matters concerning journalists’ conditions for exercising freedom of the press, ethics (co -founder of the Council of Journalistic Ethics), media education, collective agreements on working conditions, copyright (creatio n of a management company rights for journalists), legal service and legal assistance. Both AJP and VVJ (The AGJPB two bodies) have developed activities in the field of equality and diversity in news and staff (GMMP 2010, Survey ON equality and diversity in daily newspapers IN 2011, Diversity experts’ database, etc.) / l’AGJPB (Association Générale des Journalistes Professionnel/les de Belgique) est l’organisation représentative des journalistes en Belgique. Cette organisation regroupe l’AJP (Journalistes des communautés francophones et germanophones en Belgique) et le VVJ (Journalistes de la communauté flamande). Ses adhésions représentent 80% de la profession. Elle est active dans tout ce qui concerne l’exercice de la profession de journaliste et de la liberté de la presse, l’éthique (co-fondatrice du Conseil de l’Ethique Journalistique), l’éducation aux media, les conventions collectives sur les conditions d’exercice de la profession, les droits d’auteur/es (Création d’une structure de gestion des droits d es journalistes) et l’assistance juridique. L’AJP tout comme le VVJ (Les deux entités de l’AGJPB) ont développé des activités en matière d’égalité et de diversité tant au sein des contenus de l’information que des équipes de travail (GMMP 2010, Baromêtre sur l’égalité et la diversité dans les quotidiens de presse écrite en 2011, Base de données Experts de la Diversité, etc.)

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 23 Halima El Haddadi - Graduated with a Master in Information and Communication, with a specialization in Public Relations, at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in 2011. Studies and research consultant in diversity and youth for the CSA in 2012 and 2013. Diversity Coordinator for AJP since June 2014.

SAID EL MAJILI Administrator Divers-City - www.aywa.be

Divers-City is a Belgian association active in promoting diversity and active inclusive citizens. It developed various tools. Among them, Away Magazine, a quarterly bilingual and free magazine. Aywa Magazine team develops a qualitative approach (image and content) based on a strong belief that migrants’ children and grand-children, representing approx. a third of the Brussels’ population, contribute to enriching and our economy and socio-cultural life. Away Media is now a reference magazine for its audiences as well as for the institutions as a diversity media. The magazine will open its editorial content to diversity intellectuals and columnists answering their request for benefiting of a platform of expression (www.aywa.be) / Divers - city est une association belge active dans la promotion de la diversité active pour une société plus inclusive. Elle développe un certain nombre d’outils. Parmi ceux-ci, Aywa Magazine un trimestriel bilingue et gratuit. L’équipe du magazine a concrétisé dans une approche qualitative d’images et de contenus sa conviction que les descendants de migrants qui composent aujourd’hui plus d’un tiers de la population bruxelloise sont moteurs de richesse et de dynamique socio-culturelle. Très vite, ce support est devenu la référence auprès de ses audiences et des institutions, comme le media diversité. Elle ouvrira à partir de l’édition prochaine ses colonnes aux intellectuels et éditorialistes issues de la diversité en demande de plate-forme d’expression (www.aywa.be).

Saïd El Maliji puts diversity on the front. He grew up not far from Waterloo in the middle of fields and horses. Quickly after he graduated, his interest for media leads him to launch creative information media supports. The quality of his productions allows him to be noticed in public networks and to work with the government of the Region of Brussels – Capitale. At 43 years, the passion for media content remains the strongest and he launched in 2011 Away Magazine. / Saïd El Maliji met la diversité à la page. Il grandit non loin de Waterloo, au milieu des pâtures et des chevaux pour lesquels il garde une passion émerveillée. Très vite après ces études commerciales, cet amoureux des media et de l’imprimé se sent la fibre créatrice et lance des supports d’information. La qualité de ses réalisations lui permet d’être remarqué dans les sphères publiques et de collaborer avec la région de Bruxelles-Capitale. A 43 ans, la passion éditoriale reste la plus forte et il lance début 2011 Aywa Magazine.

LARRY FERGESON Director CMFE Board Member CCMC - Cyprus Community Media Centre CMFE - www.cypruscommunitymedia.org

Established in 2009, the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) works to empower civil society organisations and community groups with the tools to communicate their message to a wider audience. Through training and dedicated production support, equipment loan and access to a state-of-the-art production studio, CCMC promotes the benefits of community-based media by giving people the skills to be in control of their own messages. We believe that through our work we can be an example of best practice, aiding the establishment of a vibrant community media sector in Cyprus.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 24 Larry has a degree in broadcast communications from Texas State University and did his graduate studies in conflict resolution at Portland State University. He has years of experience in radio news reporting, magazine writing and working with international civil society organisations. His academic background includes an undergraduate degree in Broadcast Journalism from Texas State University and he did his graduate studies in Conflict Resolution at Portland State Univer sity. He has worked in many areas of media since 1990 for for independent as well as corporate media. In Cyprus he strives for empowering a media literate society through community media. He has worked in different media organisations for the last 20 years. For the last 7 years he has been working to establish community media in Cyprus as a way to transcend the ethnic divide and conflict between the two main communities in Cyprus. He also utilises community media as a way to raise awareness about and give voice to the immigrant communities in Cyprus so that diversity and non-discrimination are included in all media products as a way of being. Since 2010 he has been the general manager of the Cyprus Community Media Centre in Nicosia, Cyprus where he utilises his media and conflict resolution skills in his work to bridge the divisions between the conflicted communities of Cyprus.

ANNA FRENYO MEDIANE Consultant on Exchanges Freelancer Radio Journalist Freelancer Radio Journalist - www.anna-frenyo.de

Anna Frenyo was born in Budapest in 1982. Due to her parents' work situation she spent her childhood in England, returning to communist Hungary with an openness not known in the country, an eagerness to discover the world. Upon studying English and German Literature in Budapest, she spent five months as an intern in the German Parliament with the International Parliamentary Scholarship in 2008. She stayed in , studied Cultural Journalism at the Universität der Künste and graduated in 2012. The past two years she has been working as a freelancer journalist, dealing with topics of diversity, migration and family history.

PAUL GAMBIER Responsible for International Relations CNRA - Confédération Nationale des Radios Associatives - www.cnra.fr

la CNRA - Confédération Nationale des Radios Associatives, est l’organisation représentative des radios libres françaises structurées en fédérations régionales ou nationales, reconnue en tant que telle par les pouvoirs publics. Depuis sa création en 1991, conformément à ses statuts, notre confédération s’est efforcée de regrouper, avec le soutien des fédérations régionales et nationales françaises, l’ensemble des radios associatives ; des radios de toutes sensibilité, obédiences, confessions ou courants, dès lors qu’elles ont pour but la communication sociale. CNRA - National Confederation of Associative Radios, is the umbrella organization of French independent radio stations organized into regional or national federations recognized as such by the authorities. Since its creation in 1991, according to its statutes, our confederation has sought to regroup, with the support of regional and national federations, all french community radio stations of all sensitivity, since they are involved in social communication.

Président d'une fédération régionale de radios associatives françaises, j'ai contribué) la structuration nationale des radios citoyennes en France. La spécificité de mon engagement repose sur un engagement en faveur de la diversité des membres de notre mouvement: territoriale, linguisyique, culturelle et ethnique. President of a regional federation of community radios in France, I participated

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 25 in create the national structure of Citizen Radio in our country. The peculiarity of my commitment is to promote the diversity of the members of our movement : Territorial, linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity.

JORG GEBHARD Policy Officer Roma Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities - www.diversiteit.be

The Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities, founded in 1993, is the Belgian Equality Body. It is guarding the Belgian anti-discrimination law, receives and treats complaints of individuals with regard to discrimination and racism and works structurally on combatting both phenomena – also via awareness raising campaigns.

PhD-holder in East-European history, German citizen, work for several universities and research centres in Germany, and ; migrant in Belgium since 2004, previous work in Belgium for several NGO’s, since 2009 at the Belgian Equality Body. Specialization: rights of migrants and asylum seekers. Between 2012 and 2014 detached as expert to the Communication Department of the European Union for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna. Since July 2014 Policy Officer for Roma at the Belgian Equality Body.

DR MYRIA GEORGIOU MEDIANE Consultant on Index Senior lecturer London School of Economics - www2.lse.ac.uk/media@lse/WhosWho/AcademicStaff/MyriaGeorgiou.aspx

LSE is a world-leading pioneer of the social sciences, having played a unique role in defining and developing key academic subjects. LSE is a specialist university with an international intake and a global reach. Its research and teaching span the full breadth of the social sciences, from economics, politics and law to sociology, anthropology, accounting and finance. Founded in 1895 by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, the School has an outstanding reputation for academic excellence. LSE has 16 Nobel prize winners.

Dr Myria Georgiou teaches at the Dept. of Media and Communications, LSE. She has a PhD in Sociology (LSE), an MSc in Journalism (Boston University) and a BA in Sociology (Panteion University, ) and her research focuses on the areas of diaspora, transnationalism and the media, and media and the city. Before joining the LSE, Myria Georgiou was a Senior Lecturer in International Communications and Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies at ICS, University of Leeds (2003-2009). She has also worked as a journalist for BBC World Service, Greek press, and the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation.

MARIA GOUVEIA Teacher Polytechnic Institute of Guarda - www.ipg.pt

The Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG) is a public higher education institution, at the service of society, guided to produce and promote knowledge, creation and transmission of culture and professional, scientific, technological and artistic knowledge, through the articulation of study, teaching, oriented research and

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 26 experimental development. Created in 1980, the IPG's mission is to train highly qualified professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit and solid humanist bases, and contribute to the cultural, social and economic development through quality educational services, sustained in relevant academic programs with an educational model based on skills. The IPG currently includes four units of teaching and research: School of Education, Communication and Sport; School of Technology and Management, Guarda; School of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Health School.

Regina Gouveia teaches at the School of Education, Communication and Sport – Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, . She has a PhD and a master in Communication Sciences and her main research field is Media and Society. She also is director of the Multimedia Communication course.

MARTINA GROß Freelance Freelance

As a freelancer I can't really talk about the "organisation". It is German public radio and . Mostly I am working for (which is part of Deutschlandradio), which are located in Cologne. They broadcast their program nationwide. And it the station, where you will get in depth political information from around the world. Even though their focus is mostly political, the station still has great cultural programs running. I also work for other stations like NDR and SWR. Which both still have cultural and politcal very diverse programs.

I am radio documentary maker from Berlin. She has been working since 1997 as freelancer for German public radiostations such as Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio, SWR2, NDR Info, BR, WDR. She worked on various topics including: Music: Can, Ton Steine Scherben, Punk. US (radio, culture and politics: Pacifica Radio (The Other Voice of America) The Patriot Act, Lynne Stewart. Working conditions and Unions: Geschichten aus der Produktion, Plakat, about the changing conditions of apprentices. Literature: Shakespeare and Company, Kenneth Rexroth, Book Towns. Her latest programs have been about "The Miracle of Mondragón? - The Largest Industrial Cooperative of the World" for Deutschlandfunk 2013 and "Candy's Choir" about the challenge of learning how to sing in a choir without any experience. She is currently working on the relation between the west coast counter culture and th e cyberspace.

PASCAL GUENE Director IPJ-Paris Dauphine - www.ipj.eu

IPJ Paris-Dauphine is one of the 14 schools of journalism recognized in France. It was the first school of journalism to open in 2004 a work/studies program in order to promote more diversity in student integration. The school has also developed modules for diversity awareness in the media and the integration of a greater diversity in the content of the information. IPJ Paris-Dauphine is the only French school of journalism to obtain Diversity Label. IPJ signed also the Diversity Charter and the Charter of parenthood.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 27 Pascal Guénée est le directeur de l’Institut Pratique du Journalisme (IPJ) de l’université Paris -Dauphine (PSL Research University). Pascal Guénée est également le Président de Théophraste. Créé il y a 20 ans, Théophraste est un réseau institutionnel de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie qui regroupe des formations au journalisme dans une vingtaine de pays. Ces établissements d’excellence adhèrent à un modèle francophone de la formation au journalisme. Il siège également au WJEC (World Journalism Education Council / Conseil Mondial de la Formation au Journalisme) où il représente la France et la francophonie. Pascal Guénée est par ailleurs secrétaire général de la CEJ qui regroupe les 14 grandes écoles de journalisme françaises et vice-président de la CNMJ, la Conférence Nationale des Métiers du Journalisme. Enfin, il enseigne dans le nouveau Master de Peace Studies de l’université Paris -Dauphine où il donne un cours sur « Médias et Conflits » / Pascal GUENEE is the Head of the Paris-Dauphine School of Journalism (IPJ – Institut Pratique du Journalisme). Pascal GUENEE is also the President of Theophraste. This network of education and research on journalism was created 20 years ago. It includes higher education establishments of excellence for journalism training in Francophone or Francophile countries. He is also a board member of the WJEC, the World Journalism Education Council and Secretary-General of the French National Conference of Journalism Schools, which comprises 14 top-level French establishments. In addition to teaching and researching on journalism, he conducts a course on “Media and Conflict” as part of the innovative Master degree on Peace Studies at the Université Paris -Dauphine.

IRENA GUIDIKOVA Head of Division Council of Europe - www.coe.int/interculturalcities

The Council of Europe (CoE), based in Strasbourg (France), covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. The Council of Europe aims at creating a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which are the foundations of a tolerant and civilised society and indispensable for European stability, economic growth and social cohesion. The main objectives of the CoE are to protect human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law; to promote aw areness and encourage the development of Europe's cultural identity and diversity; to find common solutions to the challenges facing European society; to consolidate democratic stability in Europe by backing political, legislative and constitutional reform .

Irena GUIDIKOVA. A graduate of Political Science and Political Philosophy from the Universities of Sofia (BG) and York (UK), she has been working at the Council of Europe since 1994. Her carrier has taken her from the Directorat e of Youth and Sport where she developed and carried out a large research programme, through a transversal 3 -year project on the future of democracy in Europe, the Private Office of the Secretary General where she was a policy advisor, to her present job as Head of Division of Cultural Policy, Diversity and Dialogue and Manager of the Intercultural cities programme / Diplômée en Sciences politiques de l’Université de Sofia (Bulgarie), et en Philosophie politique de l’Université de York (Royaume-Uni), elle travaille au Conseil de l’Europe depuis 1994. Elle commence sa carrière à la Direction de la Jeunesse et du Sport, où elle développe et met en œuvre un important programme de recherche pour un projet transversal de 3 ans sur l’avenir de la démocratie en Europe. Elle occupe ensuite la fonction de conseiller politique au Cabinet du Secrétaire général. Elle est actuellement chef de la Division des politiques culturelles, de la diversité et du dialogue.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 28 RICARDO GUTIEREZ VELAZQUEZ Secrétaire général EFJ - European Federation of Journalists - www.europeanjournalists.org

EFJ (European Federation of Journalists) is the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, representing 320 000 journalists in 60 journalists' organisations across 39 countries. The EFJ fights for social and professional rights of journalists through strong trade unions and associations. The EFJ promotes the rights to freedom of expression and supports its affiliates to foster trade union development and to maintain or create environments in which quality, journalistic independence, pluralism, public service values, and decent work exist. The EFJ is recognised by the EU and the Council of Europe as the representative voice of journalists in Europe. La Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) est la plus importante organisation de journalistes en Europe, fédérant 320.000 journalistes dans 60 organisations implantées dans 39 pays. La FEJ lutte pour les droits sociaux et professionnels des journalistes par l’intermédiaire des syndicats et associations membres. La FEJ défend la liberté d’expression et aide ses affiliés à renforcer leur action et à préserver ou créer un environnement favorable à la qualité des contenus, à l’indépendance, au pluralisme, aux valeurs du service public et aux conditions de travail décentes. La FEJ est reconnue par l’UE et le Conseil de l’Europe en tant qu’organisation représentative des journalistes en Europe.

General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Ricardo Gutiérrez worked as a journalist in the belgian daily newspaper "Le Soir" from 1990 to 2013. He wrote about health policies and civil rights topics. He is also member of the Belgian Press Council. He holds a journalism diploma from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and he is a lecturer at the ULB. From 2007 to 2013, he was Council member of the “Association des Journalistes professionnels” (AJP). Secrétaire général de la Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ), Ricardo Gutiérrez a travaillé comme journaliste au quotidien belge "Le Soir", de 1990 à 2013. Il y couvrait les sujets liés aux politiques de santé et aux libertés individuelles. Il est également membre du Conseil de déontologie journalistique pour la Belgique francophone. Il est titulaire d'un diplôme en Journalisme de l'Université libre de Bruxelles, où il est maître de conférences. De 2007 à août 2013, il était membre du Conseil de direction de l'Association des Journalistes professionnels (AJP), l'union professionnelle des journalistes en Belgique.

MURIEL HANOT Directrice des Etudes et Recherches CSA FWB - Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - www.csa.be

CSA, High Council on Audio-visual, is responsible for the regulation of broadcasters of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (Belgium). Primarily, to monitor compliance with the obligations of publishers, distributors and network of operators (cable, Belgacom, RTBF, etc.). The CSA is built on two colleges: an instance responsible for giving opinions on any matter relating to broadcasting and a decision - making body responsible for awarding broadcasting licenses to private radio and television stations established in Wallonia-Brussels, to monitor compliance with the obligations of publishers, distributors and network of operators and to take relevant decisions in case of violation of these obligations / Le Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) est chargé de la régulation de l'audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique). Ses missions sont principalement de contrôler le respect des obligations des éditeurs, des distributeurs de services et des opérateurs de réseaux (câblodistributeurs, Belgacom, RTBF, …). Le CSA est composé de deux Collèges : une instance d’avis chargée de rendre des avis sur toute question relative à l’audiovisuel et une instance décisionnelle chargée d’attribuer les autorisations d’émettre aux télévisions et radios privées établ ies en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, de contrôler le respect des obligations des éditeurs, distributeurs de services et opérateurs de réseaux et de sanctionner les infractions à ces obligations.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 29 Muriel Hanot is director of Research and Studies at the CSA, the independent audiovisual regulatory authority of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium). She also gives lecture on media economy at UCLMons. She has a PhD in communication studies, a BA in journalism and a BA in history. As director of Research she has developed some expertise in equality and diversity issues. She has coordinated a Diversity and Equality Action Plan for Audiovisual Media (2010-2013), carrying out portrayal monitoring surveys and writing down good practices guidelines (see www.csa.be/diversite). Earlier she has followed a research career as research fellow and postdoctoral researcher at the department of communication of the University of Louvain. Her favorite subjects were TV reception and uses, history of media... She has written « Télévision : réalité ou réalisme ? » (INA/De Boeck, 2002), directed « 50 ans de RTBF » (Musée de Mariemont, 2004) and published numerous articles on TV.

KATTIA HERNANDEZ Producer Discovery Networks Latin America - www.twelvefourhaus.com/clients/kattia/

Discovery Channel Networks Latin America is a division of Discovery Communications. Discovery Networks Latin America oversee Discovery Communications operations both on cable and television in Latin America. Discovery Networks Latin America, or Discovery, offers "a portfolio of channels, led by Discovery Channel and others networks, that are distributed in every pay Tv market in the Latin American." The division offers over 8 channels in two languages (Spanish and Portuguese for )

I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and a Specialization in production by RNTC in the Nederlands. Have worked for major Media Networks: MTV, Disney Channel, TV Azteca. In the last 10 years have specialized in Intercultural Dialogue and Media Diversity. Produced for 7 years the show “Nós” broadcasted by the Portuguese National Television which lead to further collaborations with Panos París, COE, Gulbenkian Foundation, Ubuntu Academy and more. Currently work at Discovery Communications Latin America as a Solutions Producer, Responsible for the development of long and short form content by maximizing existing formats and developing original ideas, provide creative leadership and supervision of all solutions projects.

SANTOS HEVIA GARCIA TV director RTBF - www.rtbf.be

RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offre radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio - télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 30 Since 20 year, i have work in all french broadcasters in Belgium (Canal+, RTBF, RTL TVI) even international tv like , Tve, Rai, CNBC, BBC, etc. I'm working full time in RTBF since 10 years.

STÉPHANE HOEBEKE Legal Councellor RTBF - www.rtbf.be

RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio -visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offre radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

Publications: Le Droit de la Presse, avec Bernard Mouffe, Anthémis, 2012 (3° édition). Sexe et stéréotypes dans les médias, L’Harmattan, 2008. Divers articl presse ou déni de justice ?, dans A&M, 2003, p. 24 et -ce qui peut encore choquer les gens dans la publicité ?, dans Les pratiques publicitaires à la télévision, 2006, p. 72 et s. Participation à diverses émissions en radio et en télévision (dont JT, Au Nom de la loi, C’est mon histoire, Qu’en dites-vous ?, Décode, Intermédias, Questions à ). Formateur RTBF pour diverses formations, dont l’égalité et la diversité, les droits et devoirs des journalistes (vie privée, droit à l’image…

PEKKA HUOLMAN Senior lecturer Haaga-Helia University of Applied sciences - www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=107278091&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences is the second largest polytechnic in . We offer courses in business, information technology, sport and leisure management, hospitality, tourism, journalism, management assistant education, vocational teacher education, marketing, and languages. We have about 10,500 students and some 700 staff. There are 40 degree programs; 12 of them are offered in English as well. Also, every degree program has a quota of courses taught in English. International student and staff exchange, curriculum cooperation, and projects are frequent and welcome. Likewise, we export best practices of the renowned Finnish education and tailor solutions for our partners worldwide.

I have a 25-year background as a journalist and editor and a 6-year background as a journalist educator. Mainly, my experience is from the print and online industry but I have been doing as well. Currently, I am working as a senior lecturer of journalism at Haaga -Helia

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 31 University of Applied Sciences. My RDI interest include the development of future journalism as business. fi.linkedin.com/pub/pekka-huolman/2b/b16/28b/

RALF HUTTER Journalist Freelance

I received a diploma in Sociology from the Freie Universität Berlin in 2009 and have since then been working as a full-time journalist for newspapers, magazines, online media and public radio. From 2011 to 2013 I had a full-time-contract with the Berlin based daily , which included journalistic education.

MAARTEN HUVENNE Communication Professional Centre interfédéral pour l’égalité des chances / Centre fédéral Migration Interfederaal Gelijkekansencentrum / Federaal Migratiecentrum www.diversite.be www.diversiteit.be

Interfederal centre for equal opportunities and opposition to discrimination and racism is an interfederal, independent public service specialising in policy on equal opportunity and non-discrimination. Founded on human rights, its mission is to promote equal opportunities and rights for all citizens and to fight against discrimination. This mission is conducted with a view to contribute to collective development and in a spirit of dialogue, collaboration and respect. / Centre interfédéral pour l'égalité des chances et la lutte contre le racisme et les discriminations - Le Centre interfédéral pour l’égalité des chances est un service public interfédéral, indépendant, expert en politique d'égalité et de non -discrimination. Sa mission, fondée sur les droits humains, est de promouvoir l’égalité des chances et des droits pour l’ensemble des citoyen -ne-s et de lutter contre les discriminations. Il exerce cette mission dans une optique de développement collectif et un esprit de dialogue, de collaboration et de respect

I obtained Master in Philosophy and Journalism at the University of . I worked as journalist for the national newspaper De Morgen and AVS, the regional television of East-Flanders. I also worked as ethics lecturer, teaching about diversity, philosophy and morals. I'm currently working as a communications professional at the Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities.

SELDA ICER TV News Director Bayrak Radyo Television - www.brtk.netI

The establishment of BRT dates back to the events of December 1963 when intercommunal violence between the Greek and Turkish communities effectively ended co-operative ventures. Until that time, the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) was jointly run by Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Therefore, in the eyes of the Turkish community, it became urgent for them to have their own radio station as the Greek Cypriots had taken over the CyBC, forcing out the Turkish Cypriot employees in the process. Bayrak Radio was established on December 25, 1963 to voice the cause of the Turkish Cypriot people following its exclusion from CyBC, and the Cypriot Government. Bayrak Radio began as a clandestine homemade

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 32 station, put together with a few pieces of homemade electrical equipment, which was powered by a car battery. It started transmitting within a limited radius of 2.5 km from a small garage in the backyard of a house in Nicosia. By February 1964, Radio Bayrak’s transmission could be listened to from across the whole island. By 1966 Bayrak Radio was broadcasting in Turkish, English and Greek on a single channel. Af ter that, it had expanded to broadcast through two channels. Despite its limited means, Radio Bayrak continued to voice the Turkish Cypriot viewpoint in the Cyprus dispute. Following the Turkish Military Invasion in 1974, Bayrak Radio was restructured into a corporation. Carrying out its first black and white television broadcast on July 19, 1976 - with studio equipment dismantled and brought in from Diyarbakir, Turkey - Bayrak Radio took on its current name of Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation. The transmission went to (PAL) color in 1979. As from March 1983, it began transmitting in Stereo FM Radio. BRTK produces its own news with the aim of distributing information about the Turkish Cypriots throughout the world via satellite, also via the internet. The quality of its internet broadcasting has been increased accordingly. Interested people can read and hear the news in English, Greek, Russian, German, and Arabic on certain hours of the day. BRTK has been autonomous since 1983. In addition to the Turkish language BRT 1 and the mainly English language BRT 2 Television channels, BRTK also operates five radio stations: Bayrak Radio, Bayrak FM, Bayrak International, Bayrak Classic FM and Bayrak Turkish Music. BRTK launched its internet website in 1997. In addition to the internet, BRT 1 TV, Bayrak Radio and Bayrak International can be watched and listened internationally via satellite. Programming information[edit] BRTK broadcasts news, sports, arts, women's hour, talks, educational, cultural, entertain ment and other social events programmes on both TV and Radio. Bayrak Radio transmits on three stations: Channel I for broadcasts in Turkish, Channel II for foreign language programmes (mainly English and Greek), and Channel III for music. Online serv ices[edit] Bayrak's web site now has live feeds that enable internet users to watch Bayrak TV and listen to Bayrak radio channels.

I was born on 1968 in Cyprus after secondary school i went to Turkey Ankara for university i studye d Ankara University and i become a journalist. after i return to my county i worked KIBRIS news paper and HAVADİS news paper for 3 years since 1993 i am working at Bayrak Radyo Television.

IGNACIO IRIGOIEN Producer Jounalist NEAR Media Coop NEARfm

Near FM, part of the Near Media Cooperative, has been broadcasting to communities in the northeast of Dublin over the past twenty years. Station output includes a good mix of speech and music programmes, and there is a high level of community & voluntary involvement in the management, production and programming aspects of the station. Near FM has a str ong track- record of highlighting the work of voluntary organizations and development education groups. Over the years we have developed a strong link with the education community in the area through their involvement in several programmes. Since becoming a fully licensed community station Near FM have produced well over 100 funded radio series in a wide variety of formats and genres. These funders include Simon Cumbers, Communicating Europe, Leonardo (EU), Grundtvig (EU) and the BAI Sound & Vision scheme. Recently, Near FM Coordinator Ciaran Murray has recently been elected president of the Community Media Forum of Europe (CMFE) http://www.cmfe.eu/ and our radio coordinator Sally Galiana has been elected the President of AMARC Europe http://europe. amarc.org/

Ignacio Irigoien 2014 currently under production MEDIANE project comparative analysis of the language policies of NEARfm and Antxeta Irratia Language Jewels, no native language teaching (lack of) in primary schools in Ireland Poetic Lives, contribution of non-Irish born poets to the Irish cultural scene. 2014 MEDIANE project Cricket as an integratrion tool (Ireland and Italy) 2011 MARS project Minorities in Autoctonus Sports. Basque Country/Ireland 2009 Freelance researcher- Literacy issues in new communities for NALA since 2007 Freelance researcher, interviewer for radio documentaries

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 33 with NEARfm. (Included themes such as Judaism in Ireland, Dublin multilingual history, immigrants contribution to Irish society) 2005 Project manager/ researcher in charge of evaluating the willingness among ethnic groups in Dublin to participate in the setting up of a intercultural radio station (one to one and group meetings) 1997 -2007 Researcher, presenter with NEARfm. Since 1998 Freelance researcher / interviewer/ photographer for several publications in Ireland and abroad (Last article published Linguistic Policies in Ireland, GARA newspaper, July 2013) Since 1997 Freelance translator English-Spanish

CONSTANCE ISAAC Communication and project manager & fundraiser Amazone - www.amazone.be EN/ Amazone is the name of the centre which was set up in 1995 as the national contact centre for women and women's organisations, which has now developed to become a resource centre for equality between men and women. Amazone is situated in a beautifully restored building in the heart of Brussels and provides a broad range of services as a meeting centre, conference centre and information centre. FR/ Fondé en 1995 pour soutenir les organisations de femmes sur les plans logistique et documentaire et favoriser l'échange d'idées entre les individus et les groupes actifs sur le terrain de l'égalité entre femmes et hommes, Amazone fonctionne aujourd'hui comme 'centre de ressources' national pour l'ensemble des acteurs de l'égalité. Amazone est installé dans un bel immeuble restauré situé au coeur de Bruxelles et offre, dans sa triple fonction de centre de rencontre, centre de congrès et centre d'information, un large éventail de services et produits.

I was born in Brussels, the capital of Europe where diversity is not just a word but a reality. With time and experience, I then realized that diversity doesn’t necessary means equality. I observed, participated, discussed, exchanged and picked up the most personal topic(s) to me: gen der equality. I chose for communication thinking that work can be done but things need to be also heard.

TATIANA ISTRATE PR Manager MediaSind - Romanian Federation of Journalists - www.mediasind.ro

The Romanian Federation of Journalists MediaSind is the representative trade union of journalists in Romania. Over 9,000 employees working in the media industry in Romania are members of one of the 24 print, radio, television, publishing and broadcast unions affiliated to RFJ MediaSind. Founded in 2004, RFJ MediaSind succeeded, with the Romanian Organisation of Press Employers - ROMEDIA and the National Union of Romanian Employers – UNPR, to sign, for the first time in the Romanian press history, a document representing the "philosopher's stone" of the entire media foundation - Collective Labor Agreement. RFJ MediaSind is among the initiators of the Journalists’ Unique Ethics Code, attached to the Unique Collective Labour Agreement at Media sector level, a document that also includes the conscience clause. RFJ MediaSind has gained full membership of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and of t he European Federation of Journalists (EFJ). Consequently, RFJ MediaSind prepares reports for the media area whose findings are presented in the global report of the International Federation of Journalists and EU institutions.

I was born in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Passionate of journalism, I started to work in a newspaper at the age of 16, reporting on political and social events. Graduate of the Sociology Faculty in Bucharest and a Master degree in Security Studies, I continued my professional activity at a TV station as the head of Foreign Policy Department. Followed the Romanian Government and Parliament as a counselor and

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 34 finally, as a Communication coordinator of the Romanian Federation of Journalists MediaSind. When not reporting, voicing or PR managing, I really enjoy climbing the mountains.

SURYA JONCKHEERE Freelance Freelance

I am a young, freelance journalist, recently graduated from the university of Central Lancashire. I have contributed to the local media and the university's students' newspaper during my studies and have worked at the Times of in Delhi and the Times of Israel in Jerusalem. I now do freelance work for different media organisations. In the future I would like to report from war zones and give a voice to people who tend to be forgotten by the media. Je suis une jeune journaliste freelance, diplômée récemment de la University of Central Lancashire. J'ai contribué aux médias locaux et au journal d'étudiants de mon université lors de mes études et j'ai travaillé pour le Times of India à Delhi et le Times of Israel à Jérusalem. Je trav aille maintenant en tant que freelance pour différents médias. Dans le futur j'aimerais faire du reportage à partir de zones de guerre et donner une voix aux personnes qui sont souvent oubliées par les médias.

AGNE KAIRIUNAITE Journalist, editor LRT - Lithuanian National Radio and Television - www.lrt.lt

Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT) is a non-profit public broadcaster that has been providing regular radio services since 1926 and television broadcasts since 1957. It operates two national television and three radio channels. On 2007 LRT has launched international TV channel created with the view of broadcasting via satelite. It also provides live internet broadcasts, radio and television podcasts, internet portal. Lithuanian National Radio and Television employs around 650 people. LRT joined European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 1993.

Agnė Kairiūnaitė has been working for the Lithuanian National Radio and Television since 2005. Agne has an experience as a reporter and editor, also she‘s an author of a weekly radio show. Prior to that she worked as a correspondent in regional television, gained experience in working in public relations sector, worked as an editor at Vytautas Magnus University journal, also she gained an experience in journalism training giving classes and workshops for journalism students.

SIMON KAMM Journalist Freelance euro|topics is produced for the German Federal Agency For Civic Education (bpb). The euro|topics press review appears from Monday to Friday in three languages: German, English and French. The services provided by euro|topics are supported by a network of correspondents that stretches right across Europe. They sift through more than 300 newspapers, magazines and blogs in 30 countries (the EU plus Switzerland and Turkey).

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 35 I am a multilingual Swiss journalist and published author with over eight years experience of working in journalism in Portugal and Germany. I started at the National, Foreign and Africa desk at the Portuguese News Agency LUSA, in Lisbon. I currently work as freelance journalist for several German-language media outlets and as a sole news correspondent for euro|topics.

PROF. DIANE KEMP MEDIANE Consultant on Encounters Senior academic in broadcast journalism Birmingham City University - School of Media - www.bcu.ac.uk

Birmingham City University is a large, multi-cultural university with 23,000 students which offers an innovative and practical approach to teaching. The School of Media’s courses are characterised by a high degree of vocational relevance. It has strong and long-standing contacts with media organisations on a local and national level, a staff with experience from a wide variety of academic and industry backgrounds, and a reputation for providing high quality learning. The School specialises in three subject areas: media production, journalism, and media theory and has an exceptional track record for employability.

Diane Kemp is a Professor of broadcast journalism education and course director of postgraduate BJ programmes. She is also the consultant responsible for overseeing encounters on the MEDIANE project. Recently sh e was appointed the Deputy Chair of the Broadcast Journalism Training Council which sets training standards in the UK. Before moving to academia Diane worked for many years in broadcast news and current affairs. She started as a producer/presenter in local radio stations including; BBC Radio Shropshire, Cardiff Broadcasting, Radio Victory, Mercia Sound. She was a reporter/ presenter in BBC regional and national TV UK; Midlands Today, Midlands Reports, and a freelance reporter for Woman’s Hour, BBC Radio Fou r. She has been an external examiner at various UK Universities including; Goldsmiths', Sheffield, City University, South Wales and Sunderland, and run journalism ethics sessions for the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU and Transparency International.

SAFIA KESSAS Producteur / Journaliste RTBF - www.rtbf.be

RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offre radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 36 Licenciée en Sciences-Politiques à L'ULB en 95 ( Erasmus à Manchester) , j'entame ensuite un Master en politique européenne à l'Institut d'Etudes Européennes de l'ULB. En 1997, je décroche mon premier emploi au Ministère des Affaires étrangères où j'exerce la fonction d'expert en désarmement. Au terme de trois années passées à représenter la Belgique dans des domaines tels que les mines antipersonnel ou les armes biologiques, je décide de postuler et je rentre à la RTBF en 2000 comme journaliste au sein de l'information régionale bruxelloise ; quotidienne bruxelloise en télévision et en radio. Cherchant à m'exprimer dans des formats plus longs, en 2004, je dém arche l'émission "Tout ça ne nous rendra pas le Congo" pour proposer un sujet sur le port du voile. Je suis aujourd'hui productrice de cette émission magazine. Je fais partie d'un groupe de réflexion sur la diversité crée récemment dans mon entreprise par Jean-Paul Philippot, Administrateur général de la RTBF. Le but de ce groupe qui implique des personnes clé de la radio, de la télévision, d'internet et des ressources humaines est d'améliorer la représentativité interne (recrutement) et sur antenne des personnes issues de cette diversité. Il est important à ce stade, de nous inspirer des politiques mises en place dans d'autres pays pour gérer encore mieux cet enjeu.

NORA KHALEEFEH Journalist News and Sport Direction RTBF - www.rtbf.be

RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offre radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

Née en 1979, Nora Khaleefeh suit des études de journalisme à l’ULB. Elle fait ses premiers pas en télé en 2007 comme journaliste pigiste à la rédaction internationale et à la cellule société de la RTBF. Elle est également l’auteur d’un " Questions à la Une " sur le stress au travail en 2010 (réalisé avec Bernard Juncker). Depuis 2008, elle travaille à la rédaction de Liège où elle couvre l ’actualité pour le JT avec une prédilection pour les sujets de société.

NATALIE KONYALIAN Technical Coordinator CCMC - Cyprus Community Media Centre - www.cypruscommunitymedia.org

Established in 2009, the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) works to empower civil society organisations and community groups with the tools to communicate their message to a wider audience. Through training and dedicated production support, equipment loan and access to a state-of-the-art production studio, CCMC promotes the benefits of community-based media by giving people the skills to be in control of their own messages. We believe that through our work we can be an example of best practice, aiding the establishment of a vibrant community media sector in Cyprus. Based in the heart of Nicosia’s Buffer

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 37 Zone, CCMC is accessible to all communities across the whole o f Cyprus. We aim to act as a bridge between the mainstream media and civil society, and to facilitate the development of sustainable relationships between the media across the Cyprus divide.

I have a BA in Communications and Theatre from the University of Indianapolis, and an MA in Film Production and Screen Culture from University College Dublin. I have previously worked in New York for a leading digital media training centre and later worked as a Technical Officer of the Media Department at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus where I also lectured in production courses. Since 2009, I have been working as a Filmmaker and Technical Coordinator at CCMC, and am currently responsible for all technical aspects of MYCYradio - Cyprus's first multilingual community radio.

INA KRAUß Journalist Media trainer Freelance - www.inakrauss.de

The Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting (rbb) is a public broadcasting service built in 2003 by the states of Berlin and Brandenburg with about 1900 employers. The rbb hosts seven radio stations, one TV-station, and an extensive online portal. Together with the WDR the rbb is responsible for the ARD television studio in Berlin. About 5.9 million people in the region can be reached by the programs of rbb.

I graduated from the Academy of Art Berlin-Weißensee in Design and worked as an industrial designer before working in journalism. In 1992, I started working as a freelance newspaper journalist reporting on cultural issues, covering female and educational topics, and ongoing transformation processes focused on the East German Area. Later on I switched to the radio department where my work included reports for the news and other kinds of features as well as researching for TV-documentaries. Currently, I’m a freelance journalist working for the Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting (rbb). Additionally, I’m teaching media training to geography students at the University of Heidelberg since 2011.

ALI KURTOGLU Foreign Relations Secretary Basın-Sen - Union of Journalist - brtk.net

Basın-Sen (Press Workers Union) founded in 1972 is the largest trade union in which press workers are registered in North Cyprus. With over 650 members, Basın -Sen strives to protect the rights and improve the working conditions of workers in the press and media sector in North Cyprus. The only press institution with international recognition and accreditation -IFJ and EFJ, Basın-Sen works closely with civil society and state institutions in North Cyprus, establishing a vital contact between North Cyprus and the rest of the world.

1999- State run-Bayrak Radio Television Corporation (BRTK)-producer for news department. Created first news portal for BRTK. Currently responsible for live coverage at Electronic News G athering Department. 1996-1999: Founding member of first private Turkish Cypriot Radio-FIRST FM and affliate TV Station Genç TV 1990-1993: Worked as a producer for private Turkish TV Channel TGRT 1990-1993: Worked actively in the establishment of the İhlas News Agency-an affliation of TGRT Television Channel.


Le Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles est né en 1975 et avait pour objectif, avec l'outil vidéo naissant, de permettre aux couches populaires de la Région bruxelloise, généralement exclues des canaux de diffusion, de prendre une part active dans le champ de l'expression. Le paysage, les moyens et les techniques ont changé mais l'objectif reste néanmoins toujours, à travers le travail de l'image avec les populations précarisées – chômeurs, personnes issues de l'immigration, jeunes déscolarisés, personnes âgées,... - de construire un monde où chacun a sa place non seulement comme consommateur mais également comme acteur de culture. Cet objectif se réalise notamment dans des partenariats avec des associations actives dans le champ social, culturel et artistique au travers d'ateliers vidéo, de programmes d'éducation à l'image et de production de films documentaires. Le Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles est membre de la Plateforme pour le Service Citoyen et du Conseil Supérieur de l'Éducation permanente.

Journalism, film restauration, publishing company, production company. 36 y.o. Currently producing films with associations and video workshops at the Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles.

HADJA LAHBIB Journalist Anchor RTBF - www.rtbf.be

RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offr e radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %. / Journalist since 1993 working at RTBF since 1997. International and war reporter from 2000 to 2009 Documentary producer News anchor And I'm also presenting two monthly cultural programs

MARINA LALOVIC Journalist/host RAI Radio3 - mondo3.rai.it

RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana is Italy's national public broadcasting company. Radio3 is an Italian radio channel operated by the state-owned public-broadcasting organization RAI, specialized in culture and classical music.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 39 Marina Lalovic is a Serbian journalist from Belgrade. She is currently living in Rome where she graduated from the University "La Sapienza" in Journalism and Publishing. She worked as a journalist for BABEL TV ( channel 141) as well as correspondent from Rome for a Serbian daily "Politika" and also for the radio-television B92 as well for PINK International Company. She is also a Host-Moderator at Rai-Radio3Mondo, a radio show focused on a news from around the world, international press review, stories, int erviews and on- the-spot reporting including highlights. In 2009 she also cooperated with Associated Press Television News bureau in Rome. She has been working also as an advertising producer since 2005: responsible for managing all aspects of major advertising campaigns.

LYDIA LANGE Equal Opportunity Manager RBB - Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg -

Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) is one of 10 german public broadcasting corporations and member of ARD. This cooperative association produces one nationwide television programme and shares a pool of international correspondents. With their mandates defin ed in a state contract, the broadcast corporations' mission is to serve the public as a whole with comprehensive programmes providing information, education and entertainment. RBB produces a regional television programme and six radio programmes. Adhence t o the corporations public programming mandate is monitored by broadcasting councils made up of public advocacy represenatives from organized groups such as trade unions, churches, sports and cultural organiszations, and industry. Their task is to represent the interests of the general viewing and listening public.

Born 1954 in ülich (near Cologne), studied german literature and theatre sience at the Universities of Cologne and Munich. (Degree M.A.) Journalistic training at Sender Freies Berlin (SFB), the radio corporation of West Berlin. Since 1983 working as an author for different radio programmes, since 1995 permanent editor for the daily radio programme "Zeitpunkte", with focus on gender policy. Since 2012 Equal Opportunity Manager for Rundfunk berlin Brandenburg.

JEHAN LAZRAK Journalist Freelance FoulExpress / Courrier de l'Atlas

Jehan Lazrak Toub est journaliste pour plusieurs médias dont : FoulExpress : FoulExpress.com est un site participatif ouvert à tous. On y partage des idées, des histoires, des informations. Notre objectif principal est de proposer aux lecteurs des articles de qualité qui allient, autant que possible, une dose d’humour, un propos bien construit et des formes originales. Courrier de l'Atlas : Le courrier de l'Atlas est un mensuel qui traite de l'actualité du Maghreb en France.

Âgée de 31 ans, Jehan Lazrak Toub est titulaire d'un master en information et communication de l'université Paris 3 Sorbonne nouvelle et a suivi une formation de responsable éditorial web. Elle est journaliste pigiste depuis 10 ans et a fondé son agence de communication Confluences en 2009. Elle a travaillé comme journaliste pour différents médias (radio, presse et télévision) : Opération Télécité de France 3, France culture, Respect magazine, Le Monde Diplomatique, Bondy Blog, Oxygène (journal de la ville d'Aulnay-sous-bois), Micado (journal du conseil des adolescents de Créteil), Saphirnews, Salamnews, FoulExpress. Actuellement, elle écrit plus régulièrement pour le magazine Courrier de l'Atlas sur l'actualité du Maghreb en France.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 40 BERTRAND LEVANT Advisor CSA FWB - Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - www.csa.be

CSA, High Council on Audio-visual, is responsible for the regulation of broadcasters of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (Belgium). Primarily, to monitor compliance with the obligations of publishers, distributors and network of operators (cable, Belgacom, RTBF, etc.). The CSA is built on two colleges: an instance responsible for giving opinions on any matter relating to broadcasting and a decision-making body responsible for awarding broadcasting licenses to private radio and television stations established in Wallonia-Brussels, to monitor compliance with the obligations of publishers, distributors and network of operators and to take relevant decisions in case of violation of these obligations / Le Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) est chargé de la régulation de l'audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique). Ses missions sont principalement de contrôler le respect des obligations des éditeurs, des distributeurs de services et des opérateurs de réseaux (câblodistributeurs, Belgacom, RTBF, …). Le CSA est composé de deux Collèges : une instance d’avis chargée de rendre des avis sur toute question relative à l’audiovisuel et une instance décisionnelle chargée d’attribuer les autorisations d’émettre aux télévisions et radios privées établies en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, de contrôler le respect des obligations des éditeurs, distributeurs de services et opérateurs de réseaux et de sanctionner les infractions à ces obligations.

Licencié en sciences politiques et relations internationales, maître en communication et journalisme ainsi qu'en études européennes, j'ai travaillé comme journaliste freelance avant d'intégrer le CSA, d'abord en tant que chercheur temporaire puis ensuite comme chargé de mission pour la Présidence du REFRAM. Aujourd'hui, je suis conseiller au département études et recherches du CSA ainsi que conseiller en charge du pluralisme et de la transparence.

FRANCESCA LIONETTI Programme Assistant Council of Europe - www.coe.int/mediane

The Council of Europe (CoE), based in Strasbourg (France), covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. The Council of Europe aims at creating a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which are the foundations of a tolera nt and civilised society and indispensable for European stability, economic growth and social cohesion. The main objectives of the CoE are to protect human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law; to promote awareness and encourage the development of Europe's cultural identity and diversity; to find common solutions to the challenges facing European society; to consolidate democratic stability in Europe by backing political, legislative and constitutional reform.

Francesca Lionetti, MEDIANE (Media Exchanges for Diversity Inclusiveness) programme assistant, recently joined the Division Cultural Policy, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue of the Council of Europe aiming at fostering the inclusion of under-represented groups in the media, local policies and economy. Previously she worked at the organization of “Jewish and the City”, the first International Jewish Festival of Milan co-organized by the City and the Jewish Community, aiming at disclosing the Jewish culture to the citizens, showing how this heritage contributed to the civic, social, economical and cultural development of the italian communities. This experience, together with the time spent in Istanbul and in Rabat fostered her belief that only intercultural dialogue and understanding can be at the basis of true development. Francesca studied Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage (Universitá Cattolica

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 41 di Milano) and hold a Master in Economics and International Relations from Bocconi University, where she is cu rrently collaborating with the Research Center on Mediterranean Relations.

PATRICIA LOISON Anchor Grand Soir 3 (National evening news show) France 3

Premier groupe audiovisuel français, France Télévisions se compose de cinq chaînes de télévision nationales – France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5 et France Ô –, auxquelles il faut ajouter les 24 antennes régionales de France 3, ainsi que 9 antennes et autant de radios ultramarines, les 1ères, et une offre complète de services numériques associés.

Patricia Loison, née le 16 février 1971à New Delhi en Inde, est une journali ste et présentatrice de télévision française d'origine indienne, ancienne élève de l'École supérieure de journalisme de Lille. Journaliste spécialisée dans l'actualité internationale, elle présente de 1994 à 2004 Le journal du monde sur LCI. À partir de 20 05, elle travaille pour i>Télé, une autre chaîne d'information en continu, où elle présente Le journal de l'international puis le magazine quotidien Un jour dans le monde. En septembre 2009, elle rejoint France 3 pour succéder à Laurent Bignolas aux commandes de l'émission Faut pas rêver. Fin janvier 2011, elle devient la présentatrice du journal télévisé Soir 3 en semaine sur France 3. En septembre 2011, Patricia Loison succède à Élise Lucet à la présentation du magazine d’investigation Pièces à Conviction . Dès le 25 mars 2013, suite aux aménagements réalisés dans le journal du Soir 3 qui devient dans la même occasion le Grand Soir 3, elle est désormais accompagnée de Louis Laforge.

CLAUDIA LUCIANI Democratic Governance Director Council of Europe - www.coe.int/culture

The Council of Europe (CoE), based in Strasbourg (France), covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. The Council of Europe aims at creating a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which are the fo undations of a tolerant and civilised society and indispensable for European stability, economic growth and social cohesion. The main objectives of the CoE are to protect human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law; to promote awareness and encourage the development of Europe's cultural identity and diversity; to find common solutions to the challenges facing European society; to consolidate democratic stability in Europe by backing political, legislative and constitutional reform.

Claudia Luciani worked in the Directorate General of Political Affairs for a number of years as Director of Political Advice and Co-operation, she was appointed Director of Democratic Governance in September 2012 in the Directorate General of Democracy. This Directorate General was created in 2011 following a major reform of the Organisation in order to address the challenges of democracy on the continent and their impact on European citizens. The work of Claudia Luciani’s Directorate focuses notably on the solidity of democratic institutions by ensuring an equal application of European standards across Council of Europe membership and by looking at the critical interaction between different levels of governance (local, regional, national); the need to “manage” the increasing diversity of our society in an harmonious manner fully respectful of fundamental rights and freedoms; and the wider implications

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 42 of democratic principles and practices in relation to democratic transition processes outside Eur ope through the World Forum for Democracy.

CAOIMHIN MAC RAGHNAIL / KEVIN REYNOLDS Radio Producer RTÉ - Raidio Teilifís Éireann - www.rte.ie

Raidio Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ) is Ireland's national Public Service broadcaster and media provider. It is owned by and answerable to the People of Ireland. RTÉ's Vision is to grow the trust of the people of Ireland as it informs, inspires, reflects and enriches their lives. RTÉ's mission is to nurture and reflect the cultural and regional diversity of all the people of Ireland, to provide distinctive programming and services of the highest quality and ambition, with the emphasis on home production, to inform the Irish public by delivering the best comprehensive news service possible

Kevin REYNOLDS - IRELAND RTÉ [email protected] /www.rte.ie/dramaonone PERSONAL BIOGRAPHY Kevin was born in Tullamore, County Offaly in the midlands of Ireland and was raised in Glasnevin in Dublin. After receiving his primary and secondary education at the local Christian Brothers' School, he attended University College Dublin and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Irish, History and Politics and later a Master Of Arts degree in Film Studies. He trained as a primary school teacher at St. Patrick's College of Education and worked as a teacher for five years. While teaching he trained as an actor and became professional, working in both the Irish and English languages at the Abbey Theatre, RTÉ Radio and TV and extensively in Theatre in Education. He became a Radio Producer in 1996 and has worked across all strands of programming. He is now Series Producer of RTÉ Radio Drama. As a teacher, an actor and a broadcast professional,

MERAJ MAHMOOD Freelance Freelance

I am a freelance journalist from Pakistan settle in Ireland last 10 years.I work on couple of short films and feature film.

ELSA MALAFOSSE Chargée de communication Centre Régional d'Intégration de Charleroi - www.cricharleroi.be

Le Centre Régional d’Intégration (des personnes étrangères et d’origine étrangères) de Charleroi a pour mission (entre autres) de favoriser les échanges interculturels, notamment par le développement de la promotion des actions d’intégration via des supports médiatiques. La représentation des étrangers dans les médias est souvent caricaturale et renforce parfois de manière excessive des préjugés existants. Le CRIC est producteur de contenus qui traitent de l’intégration des personnes étrangères et reste donc attentif à la manière dont les informations sur ces thèmes sont véhiculées. Nos actions visent à lutter contre le racisme en insistant sur les aspects positifs de l’intégration (en effet, on parle plus souvent en termes négatifs des étrangers dans les médias de masse). Notre ambition est de pouvoir partager des pratiques professionnelles avec des médias engagés dans le même secteur pour améliorer la promotion

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 43 des actions d’intégration et ainsi contribuer à la lutte contre les discriminations notamment par la production d’autres représentations médiatiques. As part of its missions, especially those linked to the organization of events contributing to intercultural exchanges and respect of differences, the CRIC Charleroi’s Regional Integration Center (for the foreign person and immigrants) has developed a communication service. Among other missions, this service was created to develop actions that promote integration through media productions. The representation of foreigners in the mass media is often caricatured and reinforces sometimes excessively existing prejudices. The CRIC is a producer of video, articles, web contents, dealing with the integration of foreigners and remains attentive to the way information on these themes are transmitted. Our actions are intended to fight against racism by emphasizing the positive aspects of integration (in fact, mass media use to talk often in negative terms of foreigners). Our ambition is to share professional practices with media engaged in the same sector to improve the promotion of integration actions and to contribute to the fight against discrimination including the production of other media representations.

Auparavant agent de développement et de promotion dans une Commission du Film (réseau Film France, Vaucluse). Actuellement chargée de communication au Centre Régional d’Intégration (des personnes étrangères et d’origine étrangères) de Charleroi - depuis 2009, j’ai participé à l’organisation d’une rencontre thématique sur « la représentation des étrangers dans les médias». J’ai également coordonné la création d’un outil pédagogique qui met en œuvre un atelier d’éducation à l’image sur base d’un documentaire produit par le CRIC. Ma formation en communication interculturelle reste une b ase essentielle dans ma manière de construire des contenus éditoriaux.

DAVID MARTINEZ Team coordinator Radio Alma - radioalma.be

Radio Alma strives to offer an alternative to his audience through programming rich in cultural diversity. It takes into account the specificities of the Brussels communities, especially those from southern Europe and Latin America. By positioning the listener as an essential player in the activities of the resort, our radio is close to listeners, it is palpable and they can identify with his actions. Many organizations rely on the station to echo their activities, radio Alma , by providing these communities a powerful communication tool with wide circulation, helps them to perform their assignments and help them to improve awareness of a common cultural heritage and, therefore, strengthen the spirit of European citizenship.

I work as a team coordinator in radio alma for 1 year. My main tasks are to support the teams in what our joint radio project. I'm in that capacity continuously seeking new projects that could wising the promotion of culture and cultural diversity in our capital.

BARBARA MATEJCIC Freelance journalist, editor and researcher Freelance

I'm a freelance journalist so I'm not part of any particular organisation but as a journalist and researcher I regularly cooperate with many print and online media in Southeast Europe as well as civil or ganisations dealing with human rights such as the Centre for Peace Studies, UNHCR, Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past, LGBT organisations, Roma Education Fund etc.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 44 Based in Zagreb, Croatia, Barbara Matejčić is a freelance journalist, editor and researcher focused on social affairs and human rights. She writes regularly for Croatian and international print and online media. She has been collaborated with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and Danish network for investigative journalism SCOOP. She was a researcher for the think-tank European Stability Initiative, the Roma Education Fund and she collaborates with many other civil organisations dealing with human rights (e.g. Centre for Peace Studies, UNHCR, Do cumenta– Center for Dealing with the Past, LGBT organisations). She was awarded for the best coverage of LGBT issues in the last decade in Croatia (2000-2010), for the best print journalist in Croatia (2013) and she was a winner of a “Krunoslav Sukic” award for promotion of peace, non-violence and human rights in 2013. She is a director of a documentary movie “I am Nobody” about asylum seekers in Croatia (2012). She was selected for several European fellowships (German Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibilit y and Future", German Foundation Heinrich Böll, Austrian ERSTE Foundation, German Robert Bosch Foundation). Currently she works on her first journalistic book.

CAROLIN MAYER TV Programme Editor / Investigative and Political Magazins RBB - Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg -

Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) is one of 10 german public broadcasting corporations and member of ARD. This cooperative association produces one nationwide television programme and shares a pool of international correspondents. With their mandates defin ed in a state contract, the broadcast corporations' mission is to serve the public as a whole with comprehensive programmes providing information, education and entertainment. RBB produces a regional television programme and six radio programmes. Adhence to the corporations public programming mandate is monitored by broadcasting councils made up of public advocacy represenatives from organized groups such as trade unions, churches, sports and cultural organiszations, and industry. Their task is to represent the interests of the general viewing and listening public.

Carolin Mayer is a Berlin based journalist working for RBB - Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg / ARD. She is in charge of RBB political investigative television magazine. Prior to this position she served as Personal Advisor of the networks programme director, focusing on strategic tasks. She started her journalistic career in TV News/Current Affairs. During the preparation of the 4th World Conference on Women she worked with the United Nations Department of Public Information (Human Rights and Development Section) in New York and the UN Information Center in Bonn. Carolin Mayer holds a Master’s degree in Political Science.

THIERRY FRANCIS MBABANE Journalist Turun Lahiradioyhdistys ry - Radio Robin Hood (Turku) -

Turun Lahiradioyhdistys ry is the association that run radio Robin Hood (radiorobinhood.fi) in Turku. Robin Hood is the only community radio in the region reason why it connects easily with the needs of the community. For instance, every Monday the radio broadcasts an international program for the whole day. It includes news, musics, social and economics shows,sports, etc. Presenters, journalists or other volunteers would come from different backgrounds, communities, or countries to organize and produce programs in different languages. The radio is mostly based on volunteer work, through which members of communities will have their voices listened. Topics cover daily life and discuss different questions in the community without any discrimination e.g gender, sex, race, religion, etc.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 45 Je suis journaliste rwandais et aborde souvent les sujets relatifs aux droits de l’homme, sport, minorités (les 3 pour l’Afrique de l’est et centrale) et immigration surtout en Finland. Je parle couramment Francais, Anglais, Kinyarwanda et Swahili. J’apprend le Finnois et je me débrouille bien. Je suis souriant, optimiste et créatif. I am a journalist from Rwanda. I tackle issues regarding human rights, sport, minorities (for this 3, I focus on Est Central Africa ) and immigration mostly in Finland. I speak fluently English, French, Kinyarwanda and Swahili. I am learning Finnish and I can understand it. I am optimistic, creative and happy man.

TOM MCGUIRE Head of RTÉ Radio 1 RTÉ - Raidio Teilifís Éireann -

Tom McGuire is Head of RTÉ Radio 1, Ireland's most listened to radio station. RTÉ Radio 1 offers Ireland’s most comprehensive, trusted quality radio service with award-winning, informative and entertaining home-production across all genres. It offers a mixed –genre schedule, with an in-depth news and current affairs programming and entertainment programming in its peak time schedule across the day. More specialist genres such as drama, documentary, arts and specialist music programming are also well represented in the off peak and weekend schedule. Over 50% of adults listen to RTÉ’s radio services every week. RTÉ Radio 1 is the only radio station in Ireland with over a million listeners. RTÉ Radio 1 is the national flagship radio station - a core service within the wider RTÉ portfolio of services and at the heart of Public Service Broadcasting in Ireland.

ANNA MCKANE Consultant EJTA - European Journalism Training Association www.ejta.eu

The European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) was established in 1990. It groups about 55 Journalism centres, schools and universities from 24 countries across Europe. The Association stimulates European co-operation in journalism education and aims to develop a professional approach towards journalism training. The association organises conferences and seminars, promotes exchanges of students and faculty, and sponsors Europe-wide research on important issues of journalism training. EJTA was jointly responsible for organising the highly successful World Journalism Education Congress in Mechelen in July 2013. EJTA is a partner in the MEDIANE project, and is also a partner in the EU-funded Media Hackers project, which seeks to provide a training opportunity for journalists in new media.

President, European Journalism Training Association May 2009 – July 2013. Organising and chairing conferences, cooperating with other bodies, including the Council of Europe, in applying for project grants. Helped to organise the World Journalism Education Congress 2013. Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Journalism, City University London March 2003 – January 2012: Responsible for three undergraduate courses with nearly 300 students, including about 60 exchangers and study abroad students. January 2011 promoted to Reader, the first such appointment in the journalism department. Consultancies in China, Croatia and Irish Republic. Reporter, British Political Correspondent, and chief sub-editor at Reuters 1974-1989 BA English, Hull University Books Journalism: A Career Handbook, A & C Black, August 2004 Newswriting, Sage November 2006. Second edition 2013

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 46 MARCO MOTTA Editor and Host Freelance journalist Radio3 RAI - radio3scienza.rai.it

RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana is Italy's national public broadcasting company. Radio3 is an Italian radio channel operated by the state-owned public-broadcasting organization RAI, mainly devoted to culture, arts and social issues, with a fine selection of classical music.

I am a freelance journalist based in Rome. I work since 2004 as editor and host for Radio3Scienza, the daily science programme of Radio3 RAI (Italian public radio). I collaborate also with other European radios (Radio Colonia - West Deutscher Rundfunk, RSI - Radio Svizzera Italiana), and italian magazines, covering mainly science and technology issues.


RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). Elle dispose de trois offres : une offr e radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio-télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pictures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société d e numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

Graduated as an anthropologist, I'm working like a documentary film maker for the belgian public service media (rtbf).

AUDREY N'GUESSAN N'GUESSAN Coordinatrice Coup2Pouce VIDEP www.cvb-videp.be

Le Videp asbl produit et réalise des outils vidéo pédagogiques ainsi que des ateliers vidéo. Cette association s’adresse principalement aux publics populaires et aux associations qui travaillent avec ces publics, les posant comme acteurs et producteurs d'une culture vidéographique à leurs échelles. Videp assure également la coordination du projet de jeunes, Coup de Pouce, émission de télévision bimensuelle sur TéléBruxelles. La philosophie de Videp asbl est de travailler en relation étroite avec les parten aires, de l’élaboration du projet à la diffusion du film. L’enjeu se situe donc en termes de partage de compétences; notre principale tâche étant de créer une dynamique participative dans le but d’inscrire les publics dans des processus d’autonomie et d’analyse critique de la société. Videp is an organisation that produces and directs educational workshops as well as video tools. This association is primarily intended for popular audiences and associations working with these audiences, putting them as producers of their own videographical culture. Videp also coordinates the youth television

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 47 project, Coup de Pouce, broadcasted biweekly on TéléBruxelles. Videp's philosophy is working closely with partners from the development of the project to the broadcast. The challenge lies in terms of sharing of expertise; our main task is to create a participatory process in order to include the public in the process of autonomy and critical analysis of society.

J'ai étudié les Communications Sociales appliquées à l'IHECS. A la suite de plusieurs projets de sensibilisation à des thèmes ou problématiques sociétales et de nombreuses animations de JAMO (Jeunes Avec Moins d'Opportunités), je me suis spécialisée par un Master en Animation Socioculturelle et Education Permanente dans le même établissement. Mon intérêt pour les personnes issues de milieux défavorisés, ainsi que la question de leur accès à la culture, m'ont amenée à me pencher plus sérieusement sur les possibilités d'émancipation par la culture des personnes précarisées, mais aussi de m'intéresser à leurs représentations et compréhensions du monde qui les entoure. Après avoir travaillé sur différents projets culturels comme des expos et des spectacles, je suis à présent coordinatrice du co llectif Coup2Pouce qui réalise des émission de télévision pour Télébruxelles. / I studied Social applied Communications at IHECS. After several outreach projects over daily themes or societal issues and many animations with young people with fewer opportunities, I specialized by a Masters in sociocultural animation and Long life learning in the same institution. My interest in people from disadvantaged background and their access to culture has led me to consider more seriously the possible ways for cultur al emancipation of vulnerable persons, but also to get interested in their representations and understandings of the world. After working on various cultural projects such as exhibitions and performances, I am now the coordinator of the Coup2Pouce's crew who produces a TV-program for TéléBruxelles.

COLM O'CALLAGHAN Editor, Education and Diversity Programmes Radio Teilifis Eireann [RTE] - www.rte.ie/commissioning

Radio Teilifis Eireann [RTE] is Ireland's national broadcaster. RTE started broadcasting television output in 1961 and currently hosts two primary channels, RTE One and RTE 2, as well as a small handful of bespoke digital channels. RTE is funded by a combination of Licence Fee and by commercial revenue. RTE One is a mixed-genre channel and its schedule typically comprises News And Current Affairs, Drama, Factual, Entertainment and Irish-language output.

I am Education and Diversity Editor at RTE Television, Dublin. I commission an average of twenty hours of prime -time television every year, almost all of which transmits on RTE One, Ireland's most popular t elevision channel. I have won numerous awards for my work ;;- my current projects include documentaries on the Irish Deaf experience, an authored documentary on homosexuality in sport, a feature documentary [with the Irish Film Board] on disability, a seri es on the impact of pornography on Irish children and an observational documentary series on Dublin's Trinity College.

PABLO FRANCISCO OCQUETEAU COHEN Director Producer Documentary Design - www.documentarydesign.com

Documentary Design is an initiative founded by Pablo Ocqueteau and Philine von Düszeln to explore fields of interactive audiovisual production, material and anthropological photography and regional product design.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 48 Pablo Ocqueteau, born in Coyhaique, studied photography, product design and lighting in Spain, and Chile. Since 2008 he has been working as a freelance photographer, filmmaker and designer in Germany and Chile. The recent work of Documentary Design include the participative photography project and exhibition "Selfies from Oranienplatz" together refugees from Berlin, FHXB Museum Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, European Month of Photography 2014, the feature documentary "Punishment Island" (sound / second camera), about the tabu of premarital pregnancy in rural Uganda, the photographic series "Ich bin ein Berliner", the feature documentary "Cairo Jazz Revolution" (second Camera), the political campaign "Haz tu voto volar" (creative director) , and "Aysén Profundo", (director / co-productor) an interactive documentary about traditions and crafts in the Chilean Patagonia. Aysén Profundo has been supported by the UNESCO, financed by Fondart 2010 & 2012, participated in EsoDoc International 2012 and has been short-listed for the One World Media Awards 2013 in London. It can be seen entirely on its homepage: www.aysénprofundo.cl

SEAN O SIOCHRU Director Mediane Evaluator Nexus - [email protected]

Sean O Siochru was appointed as the evaluator of the MEDIANE Programme

Sean O Siochru has over 25 years experience in evaluation and programme support, especially in the area of media, ICTs and communication.

BART OUVRY Human Rights Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bart Ouvry studied history and communication sciences. Is a Belgian Diplomat since 1986. Held successively diplomatic postings in Kuwait, in Brussels at the cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Trade, in Vienna to the IAEA, in Brussels at the Permanent Representation to the European Union and later in the Belgian European Coordination service, at the Belgian Embassy in Paris, as a Consul General and Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva. From September 2008 to April 2011 he was spokesman for Foreign Affairs in Brussels. Specialties: European Affairs, Communication, Human Rights, Disarmament and Nuclear Non-proliferation, United Nations African Affairs, including institution building and development, International Multilateral negotiations, Economic diplomacy.

YOLANDA PEÑA MORUNO Volunteer Radio Enlace

Radio Enlace is a community radio located in Hortaleza, a district in northeast of Madrid. It was founded in 1989 as a tool for young associations to share their activities with the neighbourhood. Today, it has 250 volunteers performing radio every week, more than 80 radio shows and radio training courses for everybody, specially for people with disabilities, mental illness, youth in risk

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 49 of exclusion, etc. Furthermore, in Radio Enlace is very important the communication with a gender perspective, and that's why we've had several projects about feminism and women empowerment in radio.

Degree in journalism from the University Complutense of Madrid. Coordinator of the Women's Area in Radio Enlace since november 2008 until november 2012. In Radio Enlace I've developed projects aimed at promoting citizen participation in community radio and I've been trainer in radio courses. Coordinator of the Women's Area of the ReMC since November 2009 until 2014. Collaboration with Dublin South FM, a community radio of Dublin, for three months in 2013. There I have conducted research on radio courses for adults and its importance in promoting participation of citizenship and community development. I've participated in Grundtvig, Youth in action and Leonardo projects related with community radios in Europe, and also I've assisted to the last two AMARC Europe general assemblies. At the present time I'm starting up an association called Comunicatis about radio training and media literacy courses for education centers.

ANA CRISTINA PEREIRA Journalist Público - www.publico.pt

PÚBLICO – PÚBLICO was founded on March 5, 1990. It is a quality paper and is known as a publication of the French school including a lot of extensive articles. The first editor-in-chief of Público was Vicente Jorge Silva. Nowadays, the editor-in-chief is Bárbara Reis. Público is online since 1995 and it was the second Portuguese mainstream newspaper to have an online edition. Today, Público online is the leading Portuguese news website with more than 12 million visitors, 55 million pages visited with 3 million unique visits per month).

Journalism is my big passion.I work as a journalist since 1999. Reporter at Público, I have a monthly column in Diário de Notícias da Madeira. I have written stories on a wide range of subjects (society, international, culture, travel). I work most of the time for society desk. I have a strong interest in Human Rights and social exclusion issues such as poverty, addictions, prisons, drugs trafficking, sex work, gender equality, violence against women and children, juvenile crime, trafficking in human beings, migrants and minorities. I am based in Oporto, but I've covered stories in various areas of Portugal. I've also covered stories in Spain, , Belgium, Switzerland, England, Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Moldova,, , Argentina, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, Mozambique and South Africa. I have two published books in Portugal and one in Guinea-Bissau.

JEAN-PAUL PHILIPPOT Administrateur Général PDG RTBF UER / EBU - www.rtbf.be

RTBF, Radio and Television of the Belgian French Community, is an autonomous public company in charge of the cultural public service radio and television for the French Community of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). It proposes: Radio, TV, and Internet. RTBF is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and shareholder of Euronews channel at 0.60%, TV5 11.1%, RMB 99%, CasaKafka Pictures 100%, Sonuma (Digitization society of audio-visual archives) in 40% and 49% Dreamwall. / La RTBF (Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 50 française) est une entreprise publique autonome à caractère culturel en charge du service public de la radio et de la télévision pour la Communauté française de Belgique (Wallonie et Bruxelles). E lle dispose de trois offres : une offre radio, une offre TV et une offre Internet. La RTBF est membre de l'Union européenne de radio -télévision et actionnaire de la chaîne d'information Euronews à 0,60 %, de TV5 à 11,1 %. de la RMB à 99 %, de CasaKafka Pic tures à 100 %, de la Sonuma, Société de numérisation des archives audiovisuelles à 40 % et de Dreamwall à 49 %.

Jean-Paul Philippot (54 ans) est Administrateur général de la RTBF (Radio Télévision Belge de la Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles) depuis février 2002. Sous son impulsion, l’entreprise publique s’est profondément réorganisée, transformée et modernisée. Dans un environnement numérique de plus en plus concurrentiel, elle peut ainsi se targuer aujourd’hui d’une production de nombreux contenus originaux à travers trois chaînes de télévision, cinq de radios et plusieurs plateformes numériques. Cette offre complémentaire et diversifiée traduit l’ambition forte d’un média soucieux de rencontrer tous ses publics. Jean-Paul Philippot exerce aussi des fonctions dirigeantes dans des sociétés filiales de la RTBF telles que RMB (Régie Média Belge), CKP (société de tax-shelter), Dreamwall et Keywall (studios d’animation graphique) ainsi que la Sonuma (société de numérisation des archives). Il est enfin président de l’UER (Union Européenne de Radiodiffusion) depuis 2009. Il est diplômé de l’école Solvay de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. Avant de rejoindre la RTBF, il avait rempli de nombreuses missions de consultance dans le secteur des soins de santé et dirigé ensuite le réseau des hôpitaux publics bruxellois (IRIS).

SILJA RAUNIO Journalist News - www.yle.fi/uutiset

Finnish Broadcasting Company is a public, national broadcasting company of Finland. We have four tv- channels and six radio channels. We reach more than 90% of Finnish population each week and operate in five different languages. The company itself is bilingual, Finnish and Swedish programs are broadcasted everyday. We also broadcast news in English, Russian, Sami language and sign language. Right now we're making a lot of effort to engage young audience via internet mobile platforms too.

I am a 29-year old journalist working for the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle. I am specialized in news reporting for a focus group of young people under 30 years old. I cover many different kinds of stories interesting for young people, varying from e.g. gay rights to student healthcare. I train our new journalists and I also work with teenagers in a media education project called "Yle Uutisluokka" which is a Finnish version o f BBC's popular "School report" -program. By teaching media literacy to pupils we aim to create more diverse and multicultural media spectrum in the future. My academic background is in journalism, social politics and political science. I've always been interested in themes such as equality, democracy and culture. I have traveled in different places and cultures to learn more about my fields in a global perspective. My last studies were on human rights issues at National Law School of India University, Bangalore.


ABS-CBN Corporation is the ’ leading information and entertainment multimedia conglomerate. The Company is primarily involved in television and radio broadcasting, as well as in the production of television and radio programming for domestic and international audiences and other related businesses.ABS-CBN produces a wide variety of engaging, world-class entertainment programs that are aired on free-to-air television. The Company is also one of the leading radio broadcasters, operating eighteen radio stations throughout the key cities of the Philippines.

Born in Asia, living in Europe, educated in both places. Travelled in 30+ countries for work and study. Relevant Education: University of Helsinki, Master's in Social Science, International Politics, 2000 – 2004 Svenska social - och kommunalhögskolan vid Helsingfors universitet Certificate in International Mass Media, Finland, Nordics, , and Baltics, 1997 – 1998 University of the Philippines BA in MassComm, Journalism, Sociology, Research, Advertising, Film & Audio-visual 1989 – 1993.

MARIEKE RODENBURG Director Philming - www.philming.nl

Philming is the company of Marieke Rodenburg . She is a director and cameraperson, producing documentaries, reportages and video productions focussing mainly on social rights issues, migration, human rights and cultural topics.

Marieke Rodenburg is a documentary filmmaker, with a background in history and journalism. She has worked in South Africa and Belgium before she started her freelance company Philming in Amsterdam. Currently she is directing and filming a documentary in collaboration with Oogland Filmproductions on a Dutch composer.

TERESA RUGGI Member Ordine dei Giornalisti della Basilicata -

The profession of journalist in Italy is regulated by a state law: the law of February 3, 1963 Number 69. The law recognizes the social significance of journalism, and impose to those who work as professionals to join the Association of Journalists (Odg). All of this as a guarantee of the public opinion, and the reader who is the recipient of the information. The self-government of the category is entrusted to journalists democratically elected by same category. The Odg is subdivided into a series of associated collective structures, regional councils. Each council has functions of supervision on the journalists work and those of protection. To balance the press freedom and the personal data protection, the legislature and the Odg have codified many rules regarding privacy and journalism. La profession de journaliste en Italie est régie par la loi de l'Etat: la loi du 3 Février, 1963 Nombre 69. La loi reconnaît l'importance sociale du journalisme, et impose à ceux qui travaillent en tant que professionnels à s’inscrire à l'Ordre des journalistes (Odg). Tout cela en vue de garantir l'opinion publique et le lecteur qui est le destinataire de l'information. L'autonomie de la catégorie est confiée à des journalistes élus démocratiquement par la catégorie. L'Odg est subdivisé en une série de structures collégiales périphériques, les conseils régionaux. Chaque conseil a des fonctions de contrôle sur le travail des journalistes et aussi

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 52 une protection. Pour équilibrer la liberté de la presse et la protection des données personnelles, le législateur et le Odg ont codifié des règles concernant la vie privée et le journalisme.

I am a journalist in a city in Southern Italy, I have been a journalist for 14 years. An experience in a newspaper of Basilicata "The New South." helped me become a journalist. Since 2009, I am a freelance, I work with cultural associations and foundations, associations dealing with the problem of deaths from asbestos and with the press office of the Basilicata Region. I am a member of the Council of Journalists of Basilicata, we deal with ethics and professional ethics, compliance with the rules and dignity of people in the media. Je suis journaliste d’une ville en Italie du Sud, Matera. Je suis journaliste depuis 14 ans. Mon expérience au sein du journal « La Nuova del Sud » m’a aidée à devenir journaliste. A partir de 2009, je suis freelance, je travaille avec les associations et fondations culturelles, ainsi qu’avec des associations s’intéressant aux décès dus à l'amiante. Je travaille aussi dans le bureau de presse de la Région Basilicate. Je suis membre du Conseil de l'Ordre des journalistes de la Basilicats, nous nous occupons des normes éthiques et professionnelles dans le Médias mais aussi du respect pour les droits et la dignité des personnes sur les Médias.

FRANÇOIS RYCKMANS President AGJPB – Association générale des journalistes professionnels de Belgique - www.agjpb.be www.ajp.be

AGJPB (General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium) is the representative organization of professional journalists in Belgium. This organization federalizes the AJP (French and German Journalists) and the VVJ (Dutch journalists). Its membership rate is 80%. It is active in all matters concerning journalists’ conditions for exercising freedom of the press, ethics (co - founder of the Council of Journalistic Ethics), media education, collective agreements on working conditions, copyright (creation of a management company rights for journalists), legal service and legal assistance. Both AJP and VVJ (The AGJPB two bodies) have developed activities in the field of equality and diversity in news and staff (GMMP 2010, Survey ON equality and diversity in daily newspapers IN 2011, Diversity experts’ database, etc.) / l’AGJPB (Association Générale des Journalistes Professionnel/les de Belgique) est l’organisation représentative des journalistes en Belgique. Cette organisation regroupe l’AJP (Journalistes des communautés francophones et germanophones en Belgique) et le VVJ (Journalistes de la communauté flamande). Ses adhésions représentent 80% de la profession. Elle est active dans tout ce qui concerne l’exercice de la profession de journaliste et de la liberté de la presse, l’éthique (co-fondatrice du Conseil de l’Ethique Journalistique), l’éducation aux media, les conventions collectives sur les conditions d’exercice de la profession, les droits d’auteur/es (Création d’une structure de gestion des droits d es journalistes) et l’assistance juridique. L’AJP tout comme le VVJ (Les deux entités de l’AGJPB) ont développé des activités en matière d’égalité et de diversité tant au sein des contenus de l’information que des équipes de travail (GMMP 2010, Baromêtre s ur l’égalité et la diversité dans les quotidiens de presse écrite en 2011, Base de données Experts de la Diversité, etc.)

Responsable de formation à la RTBF Academy (campus Médias et pratiques éditoriales), président de l'Association des Journalistes Professionnels (AJP) et Vice-président de l’AGJPB depuis 2011. Journaliste à la RTBF depuis 1984 : RTBF radio, région bruxelloise, service politique belge, présentateur de journaux radio à partir de 1994, couverture de l'Afrique Centrale de 1991 à 2006, rédacteur en chef international europe et reportages à partir de 2003, chef de rédaction à la RTBF radio de 2007 à 2012. Chargé de cours radio à l'Ecole de Journalisme de Louvain (UCL), secrétaire de rédaction à La revue nouvelle (1983-84) et assistant à l'UCL (journalisme) de 1979 à 1982.


The Directorate Equality contributes to the development and consolidation of an area of freedom, justice and equality, ensuring that citizens benefit from progress made at European level. To this end, the Directorate coordinates and promotes policy developments to combat discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, promotes awareness on gender equality and non-discrimination and coordinates policy developments in respect of the Roma. The Directorate is also responsible for the relationship to the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

Salla Saastamoinen is the Director in charge of Equality in the Directorate-General Justice, European Commission since 2014. Salla Saastamoinen headed the Unit Fundamental rights and rights of the child (2013-14) and the Civil Justice Policy Unit (2007-2013) in Directorate General Justice before taking over her current post. Salla Saastamoinen is a lawyer from the University of Helsinki, Finland. She has worked in the Commission for 18 years, in the beginning in the legal unit of the Directorate General Environment and then as legal and policy official in the Directorat e General Justice, Freedom and Security in the unit Fundamental rights and citizenship.

FATMA SANEM SAHIN FRODSHAM Lecturer University of Lincoln - http://staff.lincoln.ac.uk/ssahin

The School of English and Journalism is part of the University of Lincoln in the city of Lincoln in the UK. It was founded in 2004 to develop the study of journalism in all its aspects. It offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in journalism and public relations. The School's BA Journalism programme is accredited by three industry bodies; the National Council for the Training of Journalists, the Broadcast Journalism Training Council and the Periodicals Training Council, all of which ensure high standards of teaching and industry relevance. It is also ‘Recognised for Excellence’ with the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).

Sanem Şahin is a lecturer in the School of Journalism at the University of Lincoln, teaching journalism and ethics, international human rights, war and conflict resolution. She has PhD and Masters from the U.K. and Bachelor’s degree from Turkey. Prior to an academic career, she worked as a print and broadcast journalist in North Cyprus and in the UK. Her research interests include national identity, peace and conflict reporting, international human rights and journalism ethics. She was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in the States and received the Research Fellowship in Peace Studies by the Consortium of Peace Studies in Canada.

TATIANA SCHMITZ Coordinator RTBF - www.rtbf.be

Matière Grise est le magazine de vulgarisation scientifique de la télévision belge RTBF (Radio-Télévision Belge de la communauté Française). Diffusé quatre fois par mois et récompensé régulièrement lors des plus grands festivals internationaux, Matière Grise est un magazine rythmé, multi-séquences et multi-thématique, qui aborde en toute simplicité les multiples facettes des

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 54 sciences et des technologies qui intéressent directement le grand public. L'émission éclaire les grands enjeux de la recherche (la génétique, la pollution, les énergies renouvelables, l'espace,...) et met en valeur en priorité les chercheurs belges, sans oublier les autres pays européens. Le tout en faisant perpétuellement la chasse aux mots compliqués, pour respecter son slogan : le magazine qui fait réfléchir sans même y penser...

Endowed with a strong European background experience, Tatiana Schmitz works since 2005 as a professi onal Journalist and Director. She joined the scientific program Matière Grise in 2008 working as a science Journalist and Director, and has been appointed as the number two of the program since 2012, ensuring the operational coordination. Specialized in scientific vulgarisation she has co-written and directed many scientific subjects for Matière Grise among which the films “Protontherapy” and “Solar kitchen”, nominated several times and rewarded at the Prix Roberval in 2011.

CATHERINE MARY SHANAHAN Head of Journalism and Communications Dublin Institute of Technology - www.dit.ie

Dublin Institute of Technology is largest Institute of Technology with over 25,000 students based across a large number of city centre campuses. The School of Media at DIT has 500 plus students who study journalism, languages, public relations and political communications, film and broadcasting as well as creative media technologies. L'Institut de Technologie a Dublin est le plus grand en Irlande avec 25,000 etudiants basés sur un grand nombre de campus du centre-ville. L'École des médias au DIT compte 500 élèves qui étudient le journalisme, les langues, les relations publiques et des communications politiques, le cinéma et la radiodiffusion ainsi que des Techologies de médias créatifs

Kate Shanahan is an award winning journalist and radio and television producer. At Dublin Institute of Technology she is Head of Journalism and Communications. She lectures on both the taught post-graduate M.A programmes and the undergraduate journalism degree programmes. In the un dergraduate programme she specialises in journalism practise and on-line journalism. Her research interests include media, politics and society, as well as the impact of on -line news and citizen journalism. In 2011/2012 she was awarded a DIT Teaching fellowship She has set up Ireland’s first children’s news website with content supplied by DIT journalism students. The site has been shortlisted for four different National Awards. Kate Shanahan est une journaliste primée à la radio et producteur de télévision . A Dublin Institute of Technology, elle est Directeur du Journalisme et de la Communication. Elle donne des cours sur les deux programmes de maîtrise enseignés et les programmes d'études de premier cycle en journalisme. Dans le programme de premier cycle, elle se spécialise dans la pratique du journalisme et le journalisme en ligne. Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur les médias, la politique et la société, ainsi que l'impact des nouvelles en ligne et le journalisme citoyen. En 2011/2012, elle a reçu une bourse d'enseignement DIT Elle a mis en place le premier site de nouvelles pour enfants de l'Irlande avec le contenu fourni par des étudiants en journalisme DIT. Le site a été nominé pour quatre prix nationaux différents

CHRISTINA SIGANIDOU Presenter Editor in Chief Freelance ERT3 - www.ertopen.com

ERT3, and Television 3, has been broadcasting as a regional channel, with panhellenic range, since 26 years. It has always been praised by the public, for its high quality standards and for its institutional goal, to be of the regions, besides the main cities. The closure of ERT, in 13.6.2013, and the sudden dismissal of 2.656 employees, all over Greece (417, in ) signalled a new era. The employees took the control of the buildings and and never stopped broadcasting. Sin ce

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 55 7.11.2013, when police forces emptied violently the building of ERT, in Athens, all the televisual work from ERT is passing by ERT3. ERT3, Radio et Television Hellenique 3, a du emettre comme chaine regionale, a la Grece entiere, depuis 1988. Elle a toujours aquis la confiance du public, a cause de la haute qualite de ses standards et son role institutionnel: etre la voix des regions, a cote de celle de grandes villes. La fermeture de ERT, le 13.6.2013 et le lincenciement immediat de 2.656 employes a signalle une nouvelle époque. Les employes ont gagne le control des batiments et depuis se sont jamais arrêtes de emettre de programmes radio et tele. Depuis 7.1.2013, quand les forces de police ont violemment vide le batiment d’ Athenes, tout le travail t elevisuel de ERT passe par ERT3.

I have graduated Law School in Thessaloniki and got a masters degree (DEA) in Paris VII in Sociology of Information and Communication. I have been working the last 20 years for ERT, covering international news. Since 2005, I got specialised in european affairs, having for most of the time, my own show. J'ai fini la faculte du Droit a Thessalonique et en suite j'ai pris un DEA, en Sociologie de l'Information et Communication, a Paris VII, Jussieu. J'ai travaille les 20 dernieres annees a ERT, en couvrant le bulletin intenational. Depuis 2005, je me suis specialisee aux affaires europeennes, et je garde ma propre emission.

MARTINE SIMONIS National Secretary AGJPB – Association générale des journalistes professionnels de Belgique - www.ajp.be www.ajp.be/diversite www.quelgenredinfos.be

AGJPB (General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium) is the representative organization of professional journalists in Belgium. This organization federalizes the AJP (French and German Journalists) and the VVJ (Dutch journalists). Its membership rate is 80%. It is active in all matters concerning journalists’ conditions for exercising freedom of the press, ethics (co-founder of the Council of Journalistic Ethics), media education, collective agreements on working conditions, copyright (creation of a management company rights for journalists), legal service and legal assistance. Both AJP and VVJ (The AGJPB two bodies) have developed activities in the field of equality and diversity in news and staff (GMMP 2010, Survey ON equality and diversity in daily newspapers IN 2011, Diversity experts’ database, etc.) / l’AGJPB (Association Générale des Journalistes Professionnel/les de Belgique) est l’organisation représentative des journalistes en Belgique. Cette organisation regroupe l’AJP (Journalistes des communautés francophones et germanophones en Belgique) et le VVJ (Journalistes de la communauté flamande). Ses adhésions représentent 80% de la profession. Elle est active dans tout ce qui concerne l’exercice de la profession de journaliste et de la lib erté de la presse, l’éthique (co- fondatrice du Conseil de l’Ethique Journalistique), l’éducation aux media, les conventions collectives sur les conditions d’exercice de la profession, les droits d’auteur/es (Création d’une structure de gestion des droits d es journalistes) et l’assistance juridique. L’AJP tout comme le VVJ (Les deux entités de l’AGJPB) ont développé des activités en matière d’égalité et de diversité tant au sein des contenus de l’information que des équipes de travail (GMMP 2010, Baromêtre sur l’égalité et la diversité dans les quotidiens de presse écrite en 2011, Base de données Experts de la Diversité, etc.)

Martine Simonis est secrétaire nationale de l’AGJPB depuis 1992 et secrétaire générale de l’AJP depuis sa cr éation, en 1998. Juriste spécialisée en droit social, elle pratique couramment le droit des médias et le droit d’auteur. Elle est responsable du service juridique, de la gestion quotidienne de l’association, de l’équipe et des projets de l’AJP. Soucieuse d’améliorer les services de l’AJP aux journalistes, elle est à l’origine de nombreuses actions et projets, dont le Fonds pour le journalisme en 2009, et en 2013, la création d’AJPro (formation permanente). Depuis 2010, elle a porté au sein de l'AJP un projet de sensibilisation des rédactions aux questions de genre et de diversité dans l'information et dans les effectifs journalistiques. Au plan international, elle a mené de nombreuses missions d’expertises et de

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 56 formation, notamment pour la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), l’Organisation intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (OIF) ou le Conseil de l’Europe.

MICHAEL SMITH National Executive and Equality Council NUJ - National Union of Journalists - nuj.org.uk

The National Union of Journalists represents media workers in print, broadcast and online in UK and Ireland and also has members in Continental Europe. The NUJ is a democratic, member-led organisation, which is affiliated to the UK and Irish TUC but is not affiliated to any political party. Equality is a core industrial activity and at the heart of everything the union does. The NUJ creates materials for its members on reporting equality issues. The union also campaigns on equality issues and works through its parliamentary team of Westminster MPs and lobbies at other UK and Ireland parliaments and assemblies.

I am a member of the NUJ National executive, vice chair of the Union’s Equality Council and a member of the Ethics Council. I am a freelance journalist, marketing consultant and trainer. I represent NUJ members across UK, Ireland and Continental Europe. I sit of the union’s professional training advisory committee as I work as a trainer in the private sector with freelance workers in creative industries. I am a freelance journalist, marketing consultant and trainer. I am based in Wales but work extensively in London. I hold MA, PGCE and BA Joint Honours. I am currently a PhD student.

MARTA SOKOL Communications & EU affairs ACT - Association of Commercial TV in Europe - www.acte.be

The Association of Commercial Television in Europe represents the interests of leading commercial broadcasters in 37 European countries. The ACT member companies finance, produce, promote and distribute content and services benefiting millions of Europeans across all platforms. At ACT we believe that the healthy and sustainable commercial broadcasting sector has an important role to play in the European economy, society and culture.

Responsible for executing communications strategy in line with public policy objectives of the ACT.

ROSSITSA STOYKOVA Editor-in-chief www.disabledsportsbg.com - www.disabledsportsbg.com

Disabledsportsbg.com was launched in November 2013. The web site is a product of my experience as journalist and the wish to make the problems of the disabled people in Bulgaria visible. The main goal of disabledsportsbg.com is to establish a standard of good practices concerning writing about people with disabilities and to combat the stereotypes toward this minority group. We do collaborate with a lot of sport clubs, NGO’s, journalists and institutions in Bulgaria. At the moment for the site are working only two journalists but I hope we will grow bigger and will have much grater impact.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 57 At the moment I am working as editor-in-chief of the web site disabledsportsbg.com and for four years I have been working as editor of the biggest sports daily in Bulgaria 7 Days Sport. I have graduated as master in journalism from the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications of the Sofia University, later as master of Media and Intercultural Relations from the University of Viadrina, Frankfurt -on-Oder, Germany. In 2007 I became a doctor of philosophy in political science. My interest in t he issues in discrimination and diversity dates back in the nineties, when I was working as researcher and editor for the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee – the biggest human rights organization in Bulgaria.

SZILVIA SURI President Roma Press Center - romasajtokozpont.hu

The Roma Press Center (RPC) is an independent news agency founded in 1995. The RPC is the first and the only news agency in Hungary, which producing news and events of the Roma, Europe’s and Hungary’s biggest minority group. RPC considers both Roma and non-Roma people as a potential target group. We have been publishing our news an d reports in the mainstream media since the establishment of RPC, to reach as many people as possible. RPC‘s main activities are: journalism & news service, sometimes radio broadcastings and recently production of short films, book publishing (‘Hungarian for three days’, ‘Roma Holocaust’, ‘Forced bathings’, ‘To live somewhere’, etc.), During their existence the Roma Press Center have published over 4,000 Roma-related news 80% of which were printed in national daily papers, and 100% published on the Internet.

Szilvia Suri is the main editor of Roma Press Center. She worked as a reporter for Magyar Rádió - Hungarian State Radio till 2010. In the period of 2007- 2008, she was a member of Educational Ministry’s integration department. She attended to the Madách Grammar School in Budapest and then she continued her education at School of Marketing and Advertising Management. She is a graduate of University of Szeged, Faculty of Masscommunication, Major Public Relations, Electronic Journal ism with final year project: Romas in the Hungarian state televisio n. She studied at University of Eötvös Loránt and Communication Highschool, Vallekilde in Denmark. In 2010 she was awarded the Szegő Díj, Award for young journalists in social field. In 2012 she was awarded Hégető Honorka Díj, Award for journalists in social field.

STEFAN TENNER CMFE MEDIANE Coordinator CMFE - Community Media Forum Europe - www.cmfe.eu

Founded in 2004, CMFE links various members of the Third Media Sector at the European level. The “Third Media Sector” is made up of non profit-making media serving a local community and has as such a clearly distinct identity alongside the national public service sector and private commercial media. The CMFE is a common platform for networks, national federations and projects active within this sector. It has an observer status with the Steering Committee on the Media and Information Society (CDMSI) of the Council of Europe and is part of the CoE International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) Conference. Currently, CMFE has 107 members (of which 26 are National Federations) from 25 Eu ropean countries. Among its affiliate members it counts also individuals and organisations from Africa, Asia and North America. Community media, taking the form of broadcasting and/or other electronic media projects, as well as print format, may share to a greater or lesser extent some of the following characteristics: independence from government, commercial and religious institutions and political parties; a not-for-profit nature; voluntary participation of members of civil society in the devising

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 58 and management of programmes; activities aiming at social gain and community benefit; ownership by and accountability to the communities of place and/or of interest which they serve; commitment to inclusive and intercultural practices.

STEFAN TENNER is a journalist, worked as a correspondent in South Eastern Europe or research associate at the Berlin University of the Arts, coordinator for several European radio projects and media trainer. He is engaged in community station Radio CORAX and the Association of Free Radios in Germany (BFR).

VITOR TOME Researcher / Journalist CIAC - Research Centre for the Arts and Communication / Reconquista newspaper - www.romeandmedia.com

The CIAC – Research Centre for the Arts and Communication, results from the merging of different activities at the UAlg – University of Algarve, Portugal, concerning its Departments for Communication, Arts and Media Studies. This merging expresses a clear will to share critical mass and praxis from different but complementary areas in order to enhance research and its applications to different training and post-graduation programmes. It also aims to develop international and cross -cultural research networks in arts, media and communication literacies, as well as to implement laboratorial work of cultural and artistic character within the fields of Multimedia Journalism, Film Documentary and other Visual Arts, focusing mainly in the development of a Media Literacy awareness in the Mediterranean region. Reconquista (1945) is a local weekly newspaper based in Castelo Branco region that is well-Known for its narrow relation with schools and students from all ages. Focused on general information it belongs to the local community. In 2010 it was distinguished with the World Young Readers Prize, from the World Association of Newspapers.

Vitor Tomé is a Portuguese professional journalist who is currently concluding his Post -doctorate studies in partnership with the Communication Sciences at Algarve University, Clemi-Paris, France, and the Catholic University of Milan, Italy. He received his Doctorate in Educational Sciences from the University of Lisbon 2008. Tomé has been a researcher at CIAC-Algarve University and IE-University of Lisbon. Tomé is the author of five articles in scientific journals, 27 conference-papers, seven book-chapters, three books and three software applications, and has tutored eight master dissertations. In 2010, he received the World Young Readers - World Association of Newspapers and News Editors award.

AUBRY TOURIEL Vice-president in charge of the editorial agenda Cafébabel Brussels - www.cafebabel.fr/bruxelles/

Cafébabel est un média participatif en ligne disponible en six langues donnant la possibilité à l’euro génération de contribuer à l’émergence d’une opinion publique européenne. Sa philosophie est d’encourager le débat paneuropéen en offrant un espace et une plateforme d’expression à cette génération notamment à travers ses activités. Fondé en 2002, Cafébabel Bruxelles offre une variété d’articles sur des sujets européens et bruxellois et des débats européens de qualité. Cafébabel is the first multilingual European current affairs magazine to be translated into 6 languages. through participatory journalism, providing a unique platform of expression where everyone can use his or her mother tongue. Founded in 2002 Cafébabel Brussels supplies a wide variety of articles about European and Belgian news and organises high quality European debates.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 59 Traducteur de formation, je me suis orienté vers les médias européens dès le début de ma carrière. J'étais traducteur/journaliste pendant deux ans au sein d'EurActiv, un média en ligne sur l'actualité européenne. Je suis actuellement vice-président en charge de l'éditorial pour Cafébabel Bruxelles, un média participatif également consacré à l'actualité européenne. Graduated in translation I've worked for European media since the beginning of my career. I was translator/journalist for 2 years at EurActiv, an online media about EU affairs. I am currently vice-president in charge of the editorial agenda at Cafébabel Brussels, a crowdsourced media also dedicated to the European news.

EFFY TSELIKAS Freelance Freelance

Effy Tselikas : her entire life is dedicated to deal with others cultures She has been travelling around the world all her life. First with her parents, Greek political refugees in North Africa and Latin America where she received a French education; then, all over Europe and Asia through her jobs, her loves, her children and friends. Constantly searching similarities behind differences. She has a History and Economics degree and has acquired several languages in order to communicate with every one. After various posts in France and abroad, she is actually a journalist for the Greek and French media (TV, radio, press magazine), and film maker for documentaries, specialised in subjects such as double culture, historical heritage and migration. She also teaches “Intercultural communication” in universities in France and North-Africa. She contributes as an expert to projects of the Council of Europe, for instance “Cultural values for Europe” and “Learning history; the image of other”. Her life is divided between a small island in Greece, Paris and travels. She is involved in Greek-Turkish co- produced media programs and is prepare a new book about multiple identity. She is also in the process of completing a PhD in Communication Studies at the University of Sorbonne, intituled ”Television and geopolitics”.

MARINA TUNEVA Board Member Lecturer EJTA - European Journalism Traning Association / School of Journalism and Public Relations www.ejta.eu

The School of Journalism and Public Relations is a non-profit institution of higher professional education in Macedonia, which offers the following academic programs: First cycle of studies: 1. Journalism 2. Corporate Communications and Public Relations Second Cycle of Studies: 1. Media Management and Multimedia 2. Management in Strategic Communications The School of Journalism and Public Relations originated from the need for a different approach to the academic study of journalism and the media, as well as corporate communications and public relations, while respecting the specifics of the different professions. The philosophy of the School is not driven by profit, but is constantly striving to offer cutting -edge knowledge, applying the world trends for quality higher education and monitoring the requirements of the private and public media sectors.

Marina Tuneva is a Lecturer at the School of Journalism and Public Relations in Skopje, Macedonia. She holds an MA in Diplomacy from the University of and is currently working on her PhD thesis on the role of the communication strategies in multicultural societies. She has been actively teaching and training in the area of public relations, diversity reporting, intercultural communications and peace journalism, both in the country and abroad. Her daily activities also involve implementation of programs, trainings and projects in these areas. She is author of the books “Media, Citizens and

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 60 Intercultural Communication” and “Introduction to Public Relations”, as well as of the Diversity Reporting Handbook and the booklet “How to contact the media”. Marina Tuneva has been actively involved in the activities of the Council of Europe aimed at development of training practices for journalists in the area of diversity reporting. Prior to the current position, Marina Tuneva worked as a Communications and a PR specialist for several international projects and organizations and as a journalist.

ANNELIES MARJAN VAN SANTEN Management/director/producer OOG - Omroep Organisatie Groningen - www.oogtv.nl

OOG TV and Radio is the local Television- and Radiostation in Groningen, The Netherlands. We are een multi-media organisation and we bring news and a variety of programs about the city of Groningen and the region around it. We want to be of interest for all the citzizens of Groni ngen. Our broadcasts are in Dutch, but we also provide (radio) programs for citizens with a different cultural background, like Somalia and Iran.

My name is Annelies van Santen, I live in Groningen and work for OOG TV. I have a gr eat interest in television, movies and travel to other country's and cultures. I'm a member of the LGBT Foundation in Groningen, and a firm believer in more equality and visibility for women and people with a different cultural background.

ELODIE VIALLE Teacher IPJ-Paris Dauphine - www.ipj.eu

IPJ Paris-Dauphine is one of the 14 schools of journalism recognized in France. It was the first school of journalism to open in 2004 a work/studies program in order to promote more diversity in student integration. The school has also developed modules for diversity awareness in the media and the integration of a greater diversity in the content of the information. IPJ Paris- Dauphine is the only French school of journalism to obtain Diversity Label. IPJ signed also the Diversity Charter and the Charter of parenthood.

Elodie Vialle is a journalist and a commentator with experience across various media sectors (web, tv, radio, print) focused on the theme of social innovation. She also teaches web journalism at leading French journalism graduate school IPJ -Paris Dauphine and advises media on their digital strategies in France and in other countries, such as Haiti. She is frequently solicited for her expertise in the field of sustainable development for top French institutions (Commission Attali, Fondation de France, Fonds de dotation du Barr eau de Paris, etc.).


The St. Charles Institute is a primary school in northwest Brussels and hosts more than 400 children from 6 to 12 years, mainly from cultural and ethnic minorities in Brussels. For 4 years, the school has a project for media education to familiarize children with the functioning of the media and give them the opportunity to express themselves through original media production. L'Institut Saint- Charles est une école primaire du Nord-Ouest de Bruxelles qui accueille plus de 400 enfants de 6 à 12 ans, majoritairement issus des minorités culturelles et ethniques de Bruxelles. Depuis 4 ans, l'école mène un projet d'éducation aux médias pour familiariser les enfants avec le fonctionnement des médias et leur donner l'opportunité de s'exprimer au travers de production médiatiques originales.

Jean-Paul Vitry is a media educator and teacher in a primary school in Brussels. For four years, he built media education projects to empower children from cultural and ethnic minorities. These children are facing a double discrimination in the media : by their age but also by their origins. Creating media education projects with children gives them the opportunity to be aware of functioning of the media, to become media producers and to take their rightful place in the media. Jean-Paul Vitry est éducateur aux médias et instituteur primaire dans une école de Bruxelles. Depuis 4 ans, il construit des projets visant à outiller des enfants issus de minorités culturelles et ethniques face aux médias. Ces enfants subissent une double discrimination médiatique : de par leur âge mais également de par leurs origines. Mener avec eux des projets d'éducation aux médias leur donne la possibilité de comprendre le fonctionnement des médias, de devenir, à leur tour, producteurs de supports médiatiques et de prendre une place médiatique qui leur revient.

PHILINE VON DÛSZELN Director / Producer Freelance/ Documentary Design - www.documentarydesign.com // www.aysenprofundo.cl

Question doesn't correspond. See above. Documentary Design is an initiative founded by Pablo Ocqueteau and Philine von Düszeln to explore fields of interactive audiovisual production, material and anthropological photography and regional product design.

Philine von Düszeln born in Bremen, Germany studied Audiovisual Communication, Scenery, Lighting and Anthropology in Spain, Switzerland, Argentina and Germany. Since 2008 she has been working in various documentary production companies, tv stations and most recently as a freelance documentary filmmaker, photographer, video journalist and editor in Germany and Chile. Her recent works include the feature documentary "Punishment Island" (DoP/ co-production), about the tabu of premarital pregnancy in rural U ganda, the participative photography exhibition "Selfies from Oranienplatz" together with FHXB Museum Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg for the European Month of Photography 2014, and "Aysén Profundo", an interactive documentary about traditions and crafts in the Chilean Patagonia. Aysén Profundo has been supported by the UNESCO, financed by Fondart 2010 & 2012, participated in EsoDoc International 2012 and has been short-listed for the One World Media Awards 2013 in London. It can be seen entirely on its homepage: www.aysenprofundo.cl


Alter Echos is a bi-monthly publication of Agence Alter. Our media analyse social issues in Belgium. Our regular readers are policy makers, professionals working on the social area, and all engaged and curious citizens. Alter Echos regularly opens its publications and web pages to non-professional writers, students and citizens interested in social issues. In May 2014, we published a special edition of our magazine about inclusion of people with disabilities, by giving the pen, microphone and camera to people with disabilities. The objective for the Agency Alter is developing solid citizen journalism approach called "Alter Media LAb" and to provide access to public media voices to people that are not often heared in the media. http://www.alterechos.be/media-lab

Avant de devenir rédactrice en chef d'alter échos en aout 2013, j'ai travaillé à l'agence alter pendant 3 ans comme journaliste spécialisée sur les questions d'action sociale. J'ai aussi couvert les thématiques environnementales en tant que freelance pour plusiers medias belges (metro, victoire, imagine...)

MARIE WENNERSTEN Producer/Director SR - Swedish Radio

Swedish Radio is the nationwide public service radio station, with 3 800 000 of the Swedish population (9 500 000) listening sometime during the course of a day. Radio Drama is one of the arts and cultural departments with an audience of about 250 000-400 000 listeners per radio play, producing 2-7 new plays weekly.

Marie Wennersten - Born in Stockholm 1968. Works as program maker, director and producer at the Radio Drama Department at Swedish Radio, currently holds the Chair of EBU Radio Drama Group. Educated at the Dramatic Institute, Stockholm University (Film history) and the Royal Academy of Art.

THEMBI WOLFRAM Journalist Freelance

macht:worte:werkstatt is an ongoing series of events and workshops focusing on media diversity inclusiveness. We invite a selected group of 25 young media professionals for a 4-day intensive training emphasizing on f.E. foreign reporting, diversity in german media. To reach into the society we collaborate w/ various actors for public movie screenings (f.E. on "Minorities in Documentaries") theatrical interventions ("Bavarian Taliban - Narratives of Civilisation and Barbary") or panel discussions ("The white eyed journalist - Do we need new narratives for the global south?"). Freelance print journalist based in Berlin, Germany. Mainly writing on (and from) Southern Africa, workers' issues as well as Berlin subculture for daily newspapers and online magazines. Project Manager of macht:worte:werkstatt program. Student of Political Science.


Swedish Radio is the nationwide public service radio station, with 3 800 000 of the Swedish population (9 500 000) listening sometime during the course of a day. Radio Drama is one of the arts and cultural departments with an audience of about 250 000-400 000 listeners per radio play, producing 2-7 new plays weekly.

Mr Klas Wolf-Watz is Head of the Swedish Radio’s daily news and current affairs show “P1 -morgon” (P1 Morning). Mr Wolf-Watz joined the Swedish Radio in 1998. He has served as, among other things, reporter, editor and host and has been Head of the morning show since 2011. P1 -morgon is the news show with the highest ratings in and is broadcasted weekdays in the Swedish Radio’s leading talk channel P1.

YUKLAN WONG Campaigns and project officer EFJ / IFJ - European / International Federation of Journalists - www.europeanjournalists.org

EFJ (European Federation of Journalists) is the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, representing 320 000 journalists in 60 journalists' organisations across 39 countries. The EFJ fights for social and professional rights of journalists through strong trade unions and associations. The EFJ promotes the rights to freedom of expression and supports its affiliates to foster trade union development and to maintain or create environments in which quality, journalistic independence, pluralism, public service values, and decent work exist. The EFJ is recognised by the EU and the Council of Europe as the representative voice of journalists in Europe. La Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) est la plus importante organisation de journalistes en Europe, fédérant 320.000 journalistes dans 60 organisations implantées dans 39 pays. La FEJ lutte pour les droits sociaux et professionnels des journalistes par l’intermédiaire des syndicats et associations membres. La FEJ défend la liberté d’expression et aide ses affiliés à renforcer leur action et à préserver ou créer un environnement favorable à la qualité des contenus, à l’indépendance, au pluralisme, aux valeurs du service public et aux conditions de travail décentes. La FEJ est reconnue par l’UE et le Conseil de l’Europe en tant qu’organisation représentative des journalistes en Europe.

Yuk Lan WONG - Campaigns and project officer – Belgium. Yuk Lan Wong is the campaigns and projects officer of the International/European Federation of Journalists. She joined the Federation since August 2009 after she obtained her Joint Honours’ degree in Social Policy and Journalism, Films and Media Studies at Cardiff University in the UK. During her studies, she also obtained work experience at the United Nations Association in Wales, where she was the coordinator of the Young Professional Network. She has been involved in various European projects in promoting ethical journalism, media diversity and trade union rights.

PETYA YANKOVA Journalist Europe&Me - europeandme.eu

Europe&Me is an award-winning youth magazine covering a wide range of topics relevant to young Europeans aged 18-35.

EUROPEAN MEDIA ENCOUNTER - THE MEDIANE ROADSHOW – PARTICIPANTS’ BIOGRAPHIES - p. 64 The magazine comes out 4 times a year and has a monthly updated blog. Europe&Me has successful partnerships with other publications such as New Eastern Europe and with journalism organisations such as the European Youth Press.

I hold a bachelor degree in English Literature from Durham University and a master's degree in Linguistics from the University of York. As a journalist, I am writing primarily for the onl ine youth magazine Europe&Me, but also contributing to other youth media such as GRASP and Pandeia. I have been covering youth conferences and simulations in Zagreb, Krusevo, and Budapest in the last two years. I have recently spoken about youth activism and its relation to the media world at academic conferences in Lisbon, Portugal and Cluj-Napoca, Romania. My research interests include youth activism, democracy, human rights, gender equality, online communication and social media, education.

LAURA ZANACCHI Producer RAI-RADIO3 - www.radio3.rai.it

RAI — Radiotelevisione italiana is Italy's national public broadcasting company. Radio3 is an Italian radio channel operated by the state-owned public-broadcasting organization RAI specialized in culture and classical music.

I've been graduated in Political Science in the Rome University la Sapienza. I've been working for Radio3 since 1999 and before in Rai Educational (TV). For Radio3 I realized a radio documentary about the first multi -ethnic chorus of popular music for children in Rome. I'm going to realize a radio documentary about UndeRadio, the radio of Save the Children Italy against discrimination in Rome, Naples and Turin. In the multi -ethnic school of my son that I adopted in Togo, I belong to the parents school association that realizes initiatives and projects fo r social and racial integration. The school is very active in the neighborhood and represents a successful job of cooperation among school, parents, city hall. Good practice of active citizenship have come from this experience of “open school” for other schools in Italy. I'm going to follow a project for primary schools about the consequences of colonialism in Italy during the fascism period and in the present.


Today, in Europe, too many people are not very visible; in Some key figures about the problem! fact some remain invisible, on screen! In Europe, only a quarter of news items feature Even worse, when these same groups appear in the media, women, even though they account for over half of they are confined to very specific roles and consigned to the European population (GMMP, 2010) limited topics. Thus, as different groups are barely visible, they are being denied their voice in the democratic debate! Immigrants represent around 10% of the EU population (Eurostat, 2011); they appear for less than 5% of the main actors in the news (Ter Wal, This is why the joint European Union (EU)/Council of Europe 2004) (CoE) MEDIANE – Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness - programme has chosen to focus on the media’s abilities Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) and capacities to include diversities of today’s European people account for roughly 6% of the population of societies in the production process as well as in the design the United Kingdom but are represented as less than of media content, in particular of news that contributes to 1% on screen inform the public opinion. Still in the UK, 20% of the population is disabled, but they are less than 1% to be represented on British Building upon various recommendations of the CoE bodies TV (CDN 2009-10 Progress Report) on media pluralism and diversity expression, the achievements of the 2008-2010 antidiscrimination campaign In Belgium (CSA, 2012), persons with disabilities still and its joint EU/CoE programme MARS – Media Against appear in secondary roles and only as subjects in Racism in Sport, MEDIANE aims at considering diversity and relation to disability non-discrimination as on-going angles of media coverage. Through this approach, MEDIANE wants to encourage truly Still in Belgium, women and ethnic minorities appear inclusive modes of media content design and production. mostly in secondary roles or as extras in the information (CSA 2012, AJPB 2011), rarely as an expert or a spokesperson To do so, MEDIANE offers the media and their professionals (journalism students and trainers, journalists, media In France (CSA, 2008), while ethnic minorities managers, etc.) the opportunity of committing themselves to account for 19% of actors in all TV news, they are sharing professional practices, either during European or represented more heavily in sports and music thematic encounters or on one-to-one basis, through stories, than in political, social and economic news: European Exchanges MEDIANE activity. Beyond this sharing more than a third, compared with less than 10%. of experiences, these professionals will be invited to build a

Monitoring and Action Box on Media Diversity Inclusiveness. In Europe generally (Ter Wal, 2004), these This index shall be a tool, for the media and media minorities appear less than 5% in political coverage, professionals, to monitor their capacities to include diversity in the design and production of media content. It is also with women (GMMP 2010) account for less than 5% intended to serve as a decision making tool in favour of truly of actors in the economic or scientific news inclusive and intercultural modes of media content design and production. … Something to add?

Through the sources they use, the subjects they select and the treatment they choose, the media influence the agenda (what to think about) and public perception (how to think) of contemporary debates. This is why the Council of Europe considers truly inclusive information - where people can participate as witnesses, players, producers etc. – as crucial for democratic participation and social cohesion.