Iyttiisih Wj*Teica1 Q4wutaal
CV +- T +EY Iyttiisih Wj*teica1YX Q4WutaaL. THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. I F,DITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. VOLUME II, 1931 ' JULY TO DECEMBER PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. JIM-Y-DF'o., 119311 INJOX I JOVwNAL KEY TO DATES AND PAGES. THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1931, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement kro. Issue. Pages. Pages. 3678 July 4th 1- 42 1 20 3679 il, h 43- 86 21- 36 3680 18th 87- 130 37- 48 3681 ,, 25th 131- 174 49- 88 3682 Aug. 1st 175- 230 89- 120 3683 8th 231- 282 121- 128 3684 ,, 15th 283- 330 129- 136 3685 ,, 22nid 331 368 137- 148 3686 29th 369- 408 149- 172 3687 Sept. 5th 409- 480 3688 ,, 12th 481- 518 173- 180 3689 19th 519- 554 181 -184 3690 26th 555- 592 185- 192 3691 Oct. 3rd 593- 638 193 -200 3692 ,, 10th 639- 686 201- 216 3693 , 17th 687- 732 217 -232 3694 ,, 24th 733- 786 233- 240 3695 ,, 31st 787- 832 241- 260 3696 Nov. 7tl 833- 878 261- 268 3697 14th 879- 928 269- 276 3698 21st 929- 972 277- 288 3699 28th 973 1018 289- 300 3700 Dec. 5th 1019 - 1072 301- 312 3701 12th 1073 - 1120 313- 320 3702 19th 1121 1164 321- 332 3703 ,, 26th 1165 - 1204 333- 340 INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1931 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but
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