Group B 09-10
Supervisor Supervisor Address Supervisor Email Project Title Room S1642, RIE, 51 A systematic review of Little France Crescent, cognitive impairment in Dr Gillian Mead Edinburgh patients with atrial Cardiology, RIE, 51 The Role of Endothelial Little France Cres, Progenitor Cells in Prof David Newby Edinburgh Abdominal Aortic Dept of Cardiology, Diagnosis and Dr Muhammad Royal Hospital for Sick Management of Walayat Children, Edinburgh, Cardiomyopathy Endocrinology Unit, Centre for Cardiovascular Science, Queen's Effects of obesity in Dr Mandy Drake Medical Research pregnancy Room S1642, RIE, 51 Post-stroke fatigue: the Dr Gillian Mead Little France Cres, patient's prespective Dept of Urology, Optimisation of novel Western General markers of hypoxia in Mr Grant Stewart Hospital, Crewe Road, prostate cancer Cardiology, RIE, 51 Pulse wave velocity Dr Nick Boon Little France Cres, analysis Room E2.46, Centre for Changes in Inflammation Research, microvasculature Queen's Medical associated with chronic Research Institute, 47 graft injury following renal Ms Lorna Marson Little France Crescent, transplantation Public Health Sciences, International child health Prof Harry Campbell Teviot Place, Edinburgh development Division of Clinical A Systematic Review of Neurosciences, the effects of genetic Western General polymorphisms on the Dr Cathie Sudlow Hospital, Crewe Road, outcome of stroke Community Child An audit of health services Dr Patricia D.
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