Association Intelligence, 58
JUNE 25, 18981 _ASEOCI4TIO. ISTELlI(GE"CE. r43>ny'. "| 1677 system of mains, wlhich are carried into the various labora- METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH.-The annual general meeting will tories to to which be held at the Hote. Cecil on Tuesday, June 28th, I898, at 6 P.M Thle terminals, temporary connection can be members will dine together at 7 P.M.. Robel t Farqubarson, M.D. M.P., readily made. This main is fed by a motor transformer, President-elect, in the chair.-IsAMBARD OWEN, Ht. B. ROBiNsoN, Hon. taking current from the supply at a pressure of 200 volts, and Secretaries. it at from allowing of being supplied any pressure 5 to 50 LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIBB BRANCu.-The sixty-second annual meeting- volts. This arrangement, suggested by Mr. Middletou, of tisblanuh wvihI be held In Powell's Bo)s' headiDg Room, Wigan, OD avoids the necessity of the cambrous and wasteful resistances Tuesday, June 28th, 1898, at 2 P M. Agenda: Inaueural AddresR Dy thel usually employed. President, Mr. W. berry, FRU 1. Iepoit of Council and Financial Statement. Election of Ulhce Beaiers. Representatives in the Council of the Association, RtepreseDtatives in the l-arliamentary Bills Committee, GBNERAL WORK OF THE INSTITUTE. and Ordinary Members of the Council for xI898 99. Choice of Place for- The director and staff are to be most heartily congratulated holding next Annual Meetiug. (& cordial invitation, which has beem on coming into possession of this well-equipped laboratory. provisionally accepted by the Council, has been received from the mem- a of bers resident in Boltonj, to hold the next aninual meeting in that town.).
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