THE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Sewtpaper in Union County O
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THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Sewtpaper In Union County o USPS6H2O Published NINETY c.AR, NO. 31 Second Clasi Pouajc Paid 20 Pages—30 Cents (o, 1 Every Thursday Cl '•iber to Honor Two Businessmen Planning Board Reviews At Annual Awards Dinner William J. Moore and Warren C. Rorden will be honored for Proposed Library Site Plans their achievements during the Westfield Area Chamber of Com- An informal hearing to review dent of the library, gave a short service areas will be located on merce's Annual Awards Dinner plans for the proposed municipal history of the library expansion the second floor, accessible by Wednesday evening, March 19. library was presented by the program, which, to date, has stairs or elevator. "In'presenting awards to these Town of Westfield at Monday spanned 19 years. Thiele also stated that a com- two outstanding businessmen," night's public session of the Plan- Following the passing of a non- puterized catalog would replace says Mitchell Evans, Chamber ning Board. binding library referendum put the present card catalog. president, "we formally Following the regularly before the public in 1984, the firm According to Thiele, one to two recognize their long-term com- scheduled hearings, Town At- of Faridy Thome Maddish was additional staff members would mitment of time and effort to torney Charles Brandt presented retained for the $3.5 million pro- be added to the present staff, as many worthwhile projects, both site plans of the new library, pro- ject. well as one maintenance person. in the Chamber and in the com- posed for the old Grant School Head librarian Barbara Thiele Architects from the firm of munity." site. According to Brandt, the explained the "internals" of the Faridy Thorne Maddish were on William J. Moore, proprietor of town does not have to attain for- proposed L-shaped library. hand to answer the board's Classic Studio at 27 East Broad mal site plan approval from the Plans include a large queries concerning parking, traf- St., has been a professional Planning Board. Nevertheless, children's wing, adult fiction, a fic flow, and screening surroun- photographer in Westfield for 30 Brandt said, the town felt it was community meeting room and ding residential area. years. Born and raised in in the best interest of the circulation desk on the ground According to Faridy, library Newark, Bill Moore started in municipality to ask the board for floor. A large reference room, patrons will enter from East industrial/commercial photo- Photo by Classic Studio Photo by Classic Studio its approval. periodicals, adult non-fiction, Broad St. and exit on Stanley graphy and brings a lifetime of William J. Moore Warren C. Rorden Harrison T. Watson, vicepresi- local history room and technical (Continued last page, this section| photographic experience to his the Holiday Lights Fund budget. current work for weddings, pro- As another donation to the West- fessional portraits, and com- field community, Bill volunteers Gail W. Trimble, Toriello Expresses Views mercial assignments. his photographic expertise and Since Classic Studio's beginn- services to the publicity for the Leader Editor Retires On School Policies ings in Westfield, Moore has been annual Spring Parties which Gail W. Trimble, editor of The following article was sub- a member and enthusiastic sup- benefit Children's Specialized the Leader for approximately mitted to the Leader by the Com- porter of the Westfield Area Hospital. 25 years, retired from the posi- mittee to Elect John M. Toriello, Chamber of Commerce. He has Throughout his career, Bill's tion March 1. who is a candidate for the elec- served on the Chamber Ex- wife, Ruth, has been a constant A graduate of Douglass Col- tion to the Westfield Board of ecutive Board in many different supporter. Now that their two lege where she earned a Education. In the article, Mr. capacities and is now Vice- sons are grown and married, degree from the Rutgers Toriello generally sets forth his President, Administration. "Al- Ruth has become helpful partner School of Journalism, Mrs. views concerning the policies though the press of business has at Classic Studio. The Chamber Trimble joined the Leader which should guide the Westfield made holding a Chamber office will honor Bill Moore as "Mer- staff in 1946 for several years, School Board. difficult," says Moore, "I'm al- chant of the Year." took a leave, and rejoined the President Reagan has said, ways soliciting new members for Warren C. Rorden, president of Leader in 1967. the Chamber and keeping "Certainly, there are few areas Rorden Realty, Inc., which he Mrs. Trimble has been ac- of American life as important to abreast of current issues in founded with his wife, Virginia, is tive in local organizations and town." our society, to our people and to a native son and enthusiastic as a member of the board of our families as our schools and For many years, Moore has booster of the town of Westfiekjj, directors and secretary of the colleges." Each child in West- been chairman of the Chamber After serving two years in tffjf:' Westfield Area Chamber of field should, to the extent possi- Holiday Lights Project. He ar- U.S. Navy, Rorden started his Commerce. ble, be inspired to develop him- ranges for the purchase, career in real estate in Union. Walter J. Lee, publisher, self to his greatest individual maintenance, storage, and in- Since opening his own firm in commented: "Gail has cer- potential. As the National Com- L stallation of lighted holiday Westfield 15 years ago, he has in- tainly earned retirement after mission on Excellence in Educa- decorations throughout the West- itiated, joined, and contributed to so many years as editor. I Gail W. Trimble tion has observed, "education is JohnM. Toriello field business district. Through many community projects. know she leaves with the best, important not only because of d. So too, pro- his efforts, the project is well- Rorden has .been a leading wishes of all the community1', tified and addresse , njent, Mrs. Trimble said: "My what it contributes to one s ms provjding enriched cur- organized, and he strives to meet member of the Westfield Board especially Town Council and career goals but also because of f gifted students annual demands for expansion of Realtors. He has held all ma- Board of Education members, long association with the riculurn or Leader has been challenging the value it adds to the general ^eserve the support of the corn- within the financial limitations of (Continued last p:tqe, this section who, throughout the years, quality of one's life." munity. The true challenge in have trusted her to report and rewarding, but I am look- ing forward to activities for Excellence in education maintaining a curriculum for the municipal affairs accurately. school system is permitting suf- We at the Leader will miss which I had no time during my depends, in large measure, upon career." a school system that responds to ficient flexibility to provide for her. We wish her all the the teaching of new skills, such as pleasure that retirement may Kathleen L. Gardner has the needs of the spectrum of assumed the responsibilities students, from disabled to gifted. computer programming, while bring." continuing a strong emphasis on Commenting on her retire- as editor of the Leader. Such a system strives to challenge the students so that the basic language, scientific and they will perform at and perhaps mathematical courses necessary beyond the limit of their abilities. to a complete education. March 1 7 Deadline for Such a system applies the Excellence in education does resources available from the not begin in the schools. It begins Voter Registration community wisely to assist in the home and the community. March 17 is the deadline for dress in Westtield must tiouiy the students in fully using their in- The school system cannot be ex- Westfield residents to register to Municipal Clerk of the County dividual abilities. pected to supply services that vote in the annual school election Board of Elections by March 17. more appropriately belong in the scheduled for April 15. This can be done by mail if the In Westfield, the single most home. The school system can, notification is signed by the important element contributing and is expected, to provide those Interested residents who have registered voter so that signature to an excellent education is the opportunities that will enable the lived in Westfield for at least 29 can be checked against the per- faculty and principals. These in- students to learn and live to the days and who are aged 18 years manent signature register dividuals bear the responsibility fullest of their abilities. or older may register to vote in located in the County Board of of translating the curriculum into the annual school election. Board Candidate for Reelection, Carolyn Moran, left, chats with cam- Elections Office. understandable and interesting paign leaders, Mary Baiita, treasurer, Jan Elby and Frank Westfield residents can "If you wish to vote, you must lessons. Accordingly, they are Greene Gives McTelgue, co-campaign managers. register to vote in the Municipal be registered," said Williams J. entitled to both the respect of the Clerk's Office in the Municipal Foley, assistant superintendent community and fair com- Teachers Building, anytime between 8:30 of schools and secretary to the pensation. By the same token, Carolyn Moran Announces a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday Westfield Board of Education. however, when these respon- through Friday. Also, residents Citizens with questions about sibilities are not performed well, Gold Stars Campaign Leaders can register to vote in the County registration and voting for the appropriate steps should be Board of Elections Office at 271 April 15 Annual School Election taken.