gine out of commission. Fortin,., inch guns thundered out at the sleep- AN ANCIENT CUSTOM. CUSTER CHRONICLE WILMINGTON'S it was the aft boilers and engine wheih SAMPSON HITS THE ing hills, and for fourteen minutes SPANISH FLEET SHELLS From Ht^publica -i City, were being used. of starboard broadsides on Traveler, Ark-aneas The uecurucy the she poured ha k in this is ac- coast. the Indinim, the Spanish gunners case the Meanwhile Pilgrimage* to some shrine of St. Vitus, for the fact i BURN CARDENAS counted by that buoys i PUERTO RICO FORTS New York and other ships repented WERE AT CURACOA to cure the as St. Vitua’ 'rcles bad in from the The lowa disease known JOSEPH KUBLEIi PUBLISHER concentric been located the dose rear. dance are no longer made. The modern the upper bay to give them an exact turned and came back to the Wampa- way of treating column, this affliction is within In a certain town in MassachuseU* range. When the guns were trained tuck's bout and again led the reach of every household, as is shown by not far from flic Rhode Island line re- rhe Fate of the Winslow Is Quick- on tlie Wilmington they either ou r- Works at San Juan Are Destroyed the forts replying fiercely, concentrat- Taking on Coal and Provisions the experience of Karl A. Wagner, the sides a woman of Portuguese birth, shot or their shells fell short. ing on the Detroit, which wr as about 11-year-old son of George Wagner, of 515 9th Arkansas whose husband is a Slie ly Avenged by Her Fight- Fragments of bursting shells, how- by the Guns of 700 yards away, all the batteries on the Preparatory to Starting street, City, Kao. The Spaniard. father the story as follows: flung a flag- the breeze to ever, were time and again showered eastern arm of the harbor. Thrice the tells national to ing Mate. Fleet, North. “Over a year ago, he says, “Karl was show' her loyalty and patriotism, and upon the decks of the Hudson und Wil- column passed from the entrance of mington, a man was the to the extreme taken with St. Vitus’ dance and continued incidentally an with but not touched harbor eastward grow daring to be on equality aboard either .ship nor a rig- to worse: five months he wan her deor neighliors. The dear neigh- piece of battery. under a physician’s care. Ilia tongue be- ging carried away. Two dents were was shown for the recognize the Hag, an a SOON SILENCED THE BATTERIES THE RESPONSE IS VERY FEEBLE Utter iudifference ADMIRAL SAMPSON IS NEAR HAYTI came paralyzed and we could not under- bor* did not found the Wilmington nc r the port wounded previous rain caused i iu enemy’s fire. The were stand a word he said, lie became very storm or two had bow after the action, but Captain Todd quickly attended, the blood wushed thin, lost the use of his right leg sud the colors to run a little. Several war thinks they were made by shells burst- away and everything proceeded liko seemed doomed to become a hopeless in- meeting* were held in neighboring Burning Town Lighted the Heavens ing in shore, lie says he fired 100 nhabitants and Consuls Take Re- target practice. American Squadon Cruising in the valid. We had about given up hope when ulbuius, over kitchens; old cigarette, picture shots before the guns were silenced. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were reeom- showing the Hags of all nations, were For Hours Demonstrating fuge in the In- Ordered to Retire. Vicinity of the Windward meuded to ray wife by a lady whose 'I he shore guns used smokeless jmiw- Admiral Sampson sig- consulted, but with littleor no success. could At 7:4ft a. ai. daughter laid been cured of a similar af- Work Well Done, dcr and their location only be terior, “Cease firing.” Passage. fliction by the pills. Then the gossips got in their fine work. flashes. As the Are naled judged by the of was sounded on the lowa “I bought a box of thwn at once and Tho woman was Portuguese; her hus- the at “Retire” Wilmington was directed them soon no- <¦¦¦ band wns a Spaniard; ergo, the Hag and she headed from the shore. The and at the Tying in the shel- the last ship in the SCOUTS COVER THE OCEAN tic e d a i e Spanish—it must come down. DISPATCH BOAT WITH PARTICULARS moles, THE WORKS CRUMBLED EASILY Terror was liue change for ter of the many of her shells and to see the admiral's LJi Tho constable was appealed to, and thiH their way through lower failing signal, the better I—— 1 plowed the banged for about half an functionary, goiug to see pare of the which was alt tibluze away alone without city, hour, concert of shore roar- guns _ ilk whether it was a Spanish flag or not, Winslow (Va* Alone Damaged--- when the action ceased und the Hud- Spain’s llano of Supply Is Undoubt- the Yale Sights Two Hpauish Warships condition. 1/ \ ing at her and tlie wnter flying high was so wol ( ' railed upon tho woman at jicr place of Smokeless Powder Used by son towed (»ut the crippled edly t»y Tills Time a Part of Which Were Evidently Look- 1. CK Ji\ her, around her from the exploding shells. p 1 eased business and commanded “in the the Spaniards in the boat. Controlled by Hut she possessed a charmed and ing for the Muiit* name and lire the nnd Terr!tur> life of tho peyplo of the town The spread through city reluctantly retired at 8:1ft. gomery. bought f (be Massachusetts, light. for half glare Uncle Sain, rV commonwealth of the night the lurid of As at Mutanzas the unsatisfactory more of A\ to haul down that Spanish rag forth- burning buildings dyed the heavens a them, a n d conditions, f * the Rmoke and the distance, when he /T .f\ with.” Regarding tho constable with a blood red. Considering the fuel that and Curucoa, Dutch Indies, May 17. -—Tf /As Jf Key West, May a London, 14.—Evening prevented important conclusions West had taken (—W |\ // look that would have withered n book 10.—The Associated perfect storm of shot and shell was .May News 1 ' • i being drawn. The town of Kan Juan —The Spanish Marin Teresa, fi v e boxes sir, an J’ress dispute]! boat Kate Spencer fur being poured in the Winslow, the Si. 'Minina* agent, sh« said: ‘‘That flag, is upon Special: Han Juan, Porto must, have suffered, although protected the disease A Itopeleea Invalid. best, nislies the following in rclutiou to the officers of the Wilmington consider Vizcaya, Almirante Oquendo and Cris- old colonial Hag, and tho thing Itioo, nt O hills, os high lisappeared. which her from surrendered o’clock yes- by the the shots must you and tin* people of this small town engagement at Cardenas In the escape complete destruction of the tobal Colon and the de- “That was six months ngo and there boat was so badly lit*tle of miraculous, li.-ul of terday evening. have reached it. No traces bom- can do is become acquainted with the torpedo Winslow short any were on the forts stroyers Pluto and Terror, which ar- baa been no return of the disease. The used: her torpedoes exhaled or the Washington, May bardment discernible American national emblem.” Those had shot 14.—At 7:30 this small fires which were appar- rived off the harbor Saturday morning, 7ure was effectual and permanent, and I Cardenas bay, in which the encoun- which her forward boiler exeept feel satisfied that no other medicine could who did not meddle in the matter are penetrated morning the navy department received ently extinguished before the fleet re- are atlll here. Only the first two named harbor, passed through »ave produced so marvelous a result. We having a laugh at the expense of (Lux ter took place, is a picturesque the one iu use she the following from Sampson, dated St. tired. were admitted to the port. have seventy miles west of Havana, ft i-> j would have been blown to atoms. They feel rejoiced over the restoration of our constable and the gossips.” Thomas, The t’nsnnlOes. bought coal, provisions and mealcineft ion, cannot broad and shallow, with two jutting May 12: and help hut fed thdt Dr. Killing ol* Ensign II igley. and will remain In port. The other Pink the re- fangs of land close at the and “A portiornof, the squadron under my New York, 13.—St. Thomas spe- William*' Pills are most Napoleon sundry efforts to mouth It was the May outside waiting. markable medicine on the made a outside, practically last shot that morn- cial: The casualties to the Americans warahips are market.” learn the English language while at picket line of coral keys mid command reached San Juan tills Puerto Plata, Dominican No discovery of modem times has its is studded other green killed Ensign Kagley. The firing from In the iKmibnrdment of San Juan were Republic, *Sf. The result was quaint. In surface with ing nt day-break. No armed vessels May 17.—A1l tJie of the Unib- proved such a blessiug to mankind as Dr. Helena. crowned keys through which the tor- shore had almo-(. eea ed. He had gone aa follows: wounded Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. a'collection of autograph letters in up were found in port. A* soon as suffi- ed States fleet are doing well. There tuous channel scarcely two fathoms to the forward conning tower, Killed: Acting directly on the blood and nerves, Paris is the following, di- ciently light I an has been no firing by our warships preserved deep winds and twists its way to where where his wounded commander lay commenced attack Frank Widemark, seaman. invigorating thel>ody, regulating the func- rected to Las Casas, in the fa- since the bombardment forts Count the of Cardciuis lies nestled in the still gallantly directing the action of upon the batteries defending the city’. Wounded: of the tions, they restore strength and health handwriting. “Learn city San Juan de Puerto Rico. cn- n the exhausted patient when mous Corsican's sloping hills, fully seven miles from his torn and riddled vessel and bad This attack lasted about three hours Samuel Feltman, leg broken, and pt The every ef- the English and I do not any progress. eongratMated him. four other seamen, of tlie* New York. ole connecting San Juan de Puerto fort of the physician proves unavailing. the entrance. Thu Spaniards, since the and resulted in much damage to the ’Rico with the world hns been Six week do fourty and two day, I blockade was inaugurated, have grad ‘I am glad we an well out.” said In*, Marine M. (1. Merkle, elbow broken. outside batteries and incidentally to tlint por- cut at St.. might have learned SO word for day, I ually withdrawn, abandoning “hut I am awfully sorry you were bit.” Seamen 11. O. Hill and Juhn Mitch- Louis. Tlie Spanish torpedo Vegetable Mslgre Soup. It their tion of the city to Terror is being docked at know it 2 thousand and 2 hundred. at the entrance to llu* lie then moved aft to the ]-pounder, adjacent the batter- ell, slightly. Cut Into dice one medium sized po- lighthouse bay France, Island of Martinique. is in the dictionary mure of forty thou- the and other where a group of oilers, seamen and ies. The batteries replied to our fleet One American wns shot in the back. I?unboutde one small turnip and parsnip; fry uud destroying nil buoys New York. May 17.—A tato, sand, even if lie could, must 20 bout aids to navigation as they went. the negro tie s attendant stood, and without material effect. One man It. is believed the Spanish loss wns copyrighted them brown in a frying pan In one week, heavy. pnecial to the Evening Work! from St. much often for know it. ov 120 Two sloops whose naked spars was killed. was killed on board the New York, and tablespoonful of hot butter. Turn into this says that two Spanish cruis- whit'll do more 2 years. After you emerge from the water were sunk in The engagement seems to have dem- Confirmation I'rom lamilon. Thomas a soup kettle with two quarts of cold several slightly wounded in the squad- t*rs, probably the Yondito and Isabel, shall agree that to study one tongue the main channel in prevent the en- onstrated the advantage of (.he Use of London, May News water, two tablespoonfuls of rice, a ron. No serious damage to any of the 13. —The Evening Were sighted by the It is sup- is a great labor, who it- must-do in the trance of invading ships, but the Span- sniokeles powder in shore battcii, s in Yale. parsley, a of celery (chop- ships resulted. Sampson.” of this city yesterday published a dis- posed, the dispatch adds, that the sprig of root young aged. Longwood this morning ish left enough space between the ob- the present slate of naval warfare, patch from New York saying a cable ped). a half saltspoonful of pepper, two March, one at- Spaniards were looking for tin* Mont- the seven Thursday, thou- structions to allow tin- passage of a widen involves engagement at long Sampson's statement that lie message received there from Port nu level teaspoonfuls of salt. Let boil un- sand eight hundred and sixteen after could gel range, gomery, which coaled at St. Thomas with friendly vessel If such and the further fact that, the tacked with only n portion of the fleet Prince, Hnyti, announces that nine Saturday. til the rice Is done and serve hot nat'i\ it v Jesus ('lirist through the blockade, provided it was Spaniards, unless their harbors are not warships are bombarding is taken to indicate that he did American Sampson's toasted crackers. guided from the signal sratiou in opor mined or the range actually deter- San Rico, adds Squadron. The things that April i lind it expedient to take tho entire Juan de Puerto and Hnytien, of Hnyti, been conspicuous ution on Diana Imy. Until Wednesday mined in advance, as was the ease ill that the fortifications of that place Cape Republic Officialdom in Germany has was notable for have now given way squadron into tlu> harbor, though it is .May 17. —The United States torpedo by to give it was supposed also that mini's had ! the firing at Santa Clara on the Vicks- are crumbling under the fire of compelled a bicyclist deep to dates in May. On May not believed imd the fleet. rapidly boat and the storeship Supply, thought to the two memorable been planted. burg, seem absolutely incapable of ac- he separated the American fleet. Porter question: “When 1,180 s, Charles IV. of Spain abdicated Todd, Wilmiug The navy department were nt u loss which have been here waiting orders, streets intersect, in which street is tho When Captain of the curate gunnery. At pot. booting' they W*)' of London. at. Napoleon’s request. On May i, on, and Commander Merry, of the to know In w his dispatch reached St- H> have sailed to join Admiral Sampson's point of intersection?” At Hreslau bi- have thus far done as well as a hoy London, May 13. —(Special to Even- 18(50, Admiral Mctlcnz began his attack Mach las, decided to run into the har- would with a gun al rest on a rail Thomas until reading the Associated ¦squadron. cycles are forbidden on certain streets. and Press pres- ing News.) —All the American ships Haytien a where on Callao with the Spanish fleet- bor on Wednesday it was with the in- fence. To hit a moving target, like dispute'll announcing the The squadron passed Cape A rider, going along street of the at St. Thomas. except the Montgomery steamed in an it is uncertain whether it they allowed, followed it across a met with an overwhelming "but hon- tention of destroying' the signal Na- wing shouting for a small boy, it is ence Yale yesterday, are May Story (lie elliptical formation before the forts, meet, the orable defeat.” 1, 1898, was “a tion and rounding up the tin little quilc a dilV( of Hitllle. will turn southward to Span- prohibited street and was arrested in rent matter. which fired twenty to guns, sad but glorious day” for Spain at Ma- gunboats which had chased the Wins The ruins’, laliooon Di- On Hoard the Flagship lowa, May 10. thirty ish fleet or go first to Key West. the middle of the road. He asserted of the signal seven of which were good. The fleet low to the mouth of the harbor on The engagement begun at T: 15 a. in. St. Thomos, Danish West Indies, May that he wns in one street, the police- anaeay, which was dest roved by a force fired foo low, but at the shot in low- Sunday. The. American ships went in and ended at 8:15 a. in. The enemy’s second 17. —The United States auxiliary cruis- man that he wns the other, the of marines from lie- Maehias after an soon |-r A wife beater in a Pbiladedpliia with the Winslow in the van, the Ilml- batteries were not silenced. The town got the elevation and silenced Yale, formerly the American line er court that he was in neither and engagement. Wednesday afternoon castle, fire to the driv- fined, court last week received a sentence of son next, followed the Wilmington in rear of the fortifications Morro sot town, steamer Paris, on receipt of orders should not be and the upper by vvere visible from the Kate Spencer ye* the prob- (lie w \ ing the Spaniards from guns re- the department and information court that he was In both, therefore one year’s imprisonment for ife beat- and the Maehias bringing up the rear. terday morning. uhl sull'ered. from ing. He. the poor woman be- Tin* Maehias, however, which dravvs peatedly. The shore guns fired 100 poncerning Spanish vessels being at r>n the forbidden street, mid must pay whip|K‘d ( a p tain Todd expeeled to destroy (he The *hi|* taking part iu the action cause she to him iu thirteen feet, soon found Die water to shots. The New York was hit once. Martinique cleared from St. Thomas at 2.** cents. refused support ¦ signal on Key I’.lanco were the lowa, Indiana, New York, of six- gave up. The W ilmiug elation yestvi- One seaman was killed and four 1 o’clock yesterday and sailed west. idleness any longer. A sentence shallow ami it day. The channel in the of Terror, Ainphitrite, Detroit, Montgom- on liis bare which but a over vicinity wounded. The lowa was hit once, twr The captain general of Puerto Rico Wur with Hpaiti. ty blows with a cut back ton, draws fraction flu- sunken sloops was examined for ery, Wnmpntuck and Porter: The en- have done t.he more nine feet, to within 1.800 fire was but wild and the being slightly wounded. telegraphed to the Spanish consul here As war with Spain lias broken out would scoundrel steamed evidences of mine . and a mass of tan- emy's heavy, in is tin* water front of the city, New wore the Hpnnisli Report. Saturday, saying: the officials seem to think that all good. A year’s idleness jail prob- yards of gled running oil' in both direc- lowa and York probably when her keel scraped and she could rope They went right up May (Via Kingston).— “Eleven American warships have that will be needed is warships, tor- ably just what he wn ted. tions was found, evidently laid to look only ships hit. Havana, 13 go no further. The Winslow, followed under the guns in column, delivering The Spanish official report of the bombarded the forts of the town. A lK.*do boats and other instruments of < like mine wire. When brought to tile (lout’s milk is the milk f Spain, closely by the Hudson, was then MW) and then of Sun says: heroic defense was made. The soldiers destruction. really what will be surface it, proved to be a mere bluff. broadsides returned. The bombardment Juan Hut what, little pasturage there is being yards abend of the Wilmington. The twice in front of the forts, “Eleven of the enemy's ap- were prepared to fight to the death. needed more than anything else is u During the firing on Wednesday two line passed ships devoted to bulls instead of cows. This three Spanish gunboats which had tons of on shore. is peared the early hours (yester- The Americans retreated. Several of good supply of “o (manufac- trains probably loaded with refugees pouring steel It during DROPS” milk is so unwholesome in warm been sighted sneaking about among impossible to judge amount of day) San Juan opened fire their ships were damaged and one was tured by the Swanson Rheumatic Cure left Cardenas. the before und it gave to this prov- keys when the ships entered the done to Hie and The port towed away. It was n Spanish vic- Co., street, Chicago 111.), weather that birth the Todd (lie gams and damage buildings without warning. battery 107 Dearborn erb: ‘‘March milk is good for your- harbor, considering 1 discretion the bet- Captain thinks fort'. They appeared to be riddled replied and a severe cannonade wan tory.” to knock out the Rheumatism which Is war brought, from Spain York, self; April milk Is g« >A fov yowv broth- ter \mrt (if valor, hud slunk away, and munitions of shot; Imt tin- Kpaulurd* were continued until 9 o’clock. The damage Now May 17.—An Evening sure to grip our soldiers and sailors iu the Mont serial, which managed to with extra contained u er, and May milk is good for your when the Wilmington grounded, were by plucky. after turret of the Am- done was inconsiderable and the losf World yesterduy the miusmatjc climate of Cuba ami get through the blockade into Cien- I'lie Curucou, mother-in-law.” huddled, like storm driven sheep, to trite got mt of order temporarily insignificant.” ropyrigbted special from off the surrounding Islands. The truth Is phi Venezuela, yesterday, shelter of the wharves and mode fnegos, have been distributed between ei ment.but banged dnted 10:30 a. m. that something heal and pre- the .Matan/.,as tlur ig the gagt she Excitement at Washington. to cure Is The revolutionary war cost $135,103,- which line the water front. Cardenas, and Havana, and guns. After saying that the Spanish warships lu- right the away with her forward Washington, May 13. —The navy (le* and Vizcaya cisely what Is needed now in 703 and 30,000 lives; tin* war of I*l2, l*ro(ceil he lias also reason t.» believe that- tin* before the the fauta Maria Teresa are Ordered tlie Winslow l<» the lirst passage forts was all this desolated “Queen of the Antilles." $107,159,000 nnd 2,000 lives; the Mexi- Alfonzo XIII.has been stripped of her retired, partinent excitement •till at Curacoa cooling. The torpedo Captain Todd signaled the Winslow Detroit and the Montgomery Those 200,000 reconcentrados reported can war, $71,000,000 2,000 live--,; guns. The guns of her main battery, morning’ upon the receipt, of the news boat Cristobal Colon uud and ilia to proceed and she moved forward mi tlu-ir guns being too small to do much dying by hundreds need provisions, but and other minor wars, In* thinks, have been mounted in old that Sampson's squadron hod begun Almirante Oquendo are outside wait- Indian wars til less than 1,000 yards of the damage. Tim Porter and Wumpatuck Fuel, they need good medicines fully as lives, and tin* within on flic blnIV back of the bombard me lit. of San Juan de ing the two cruisers. $1,000,000,000 and 49,000 gunboats and of the Wilming- (Queen’s battery also stayed out of range. The smoke for much. IfMiss Harton, of the Red Cross the states, $8,500,000,000 some Morro castle, and t.he guns of her sec- f t Kico, and fuel was added to the war lx'lwcen ton’s oflieers say that the distance was hung over everything, spoiling the aim relief work, was supplied with "5 544,000 have been be- flames when the news came later that and lives. SOU It was then that ondary batteries divided of (he guns and making it impossible THEY HAVE LEFT CURACOA, DROPS” she save many a sick less than yards. Cardenas. Tho the Spanish flying squadron had been could shot was tired, whether from tween Mnlan/as and to tell where our shots struck. The of- Cuban. These miraculous “5 DROPS” A few weeks ago a hair dresser in the first Wilmington the sighted otT Martinique, giving promise one of the gunboats or a gun oflieers of the think ficers and men of all tlie ship* bc- Hailed Last Night— conquer many of the worst diseases, received an offer of eighty mounted of heavy fighting to come. The faetthat Spanish Vessels Paris on the shore, loss of life and the destruction of prop- with coolness and bravery. The Rheumatism, Neuralgia, the of hair from a convent in one of the warehouses havod gave of inten- Destination Is Again such ns pounds’ weight It may have been the erty in Cardenas must have been heavy. shots flew thick over all our ship*. the admiral notice his excruciating and the other dis- Tours. This represented flux reports conflict. tion to bombard San Juan, as report- Unknown. Sciatica near first shot it certainly was among tin* Thev venture no opinion as to w liethor The men of the lowa who were hurt which It Is recommended. The novices who had entered Thomas, is an New York, May 17.—Herald’s Wll- eases for tresses of 300 three that away the steam any of the Spanish gunboats were de- during the action were injured by ed from St. indication War Department should see that there eo..vent, taking tin* vei. they first carried fell thick that the movement upon San jiamstod, Curacon, special, Muv 15, the for on steering gear of the Winslow, and a stroyed, although the shells splinters caused by an K-inch shell, Juan was Is an abundant supply of “5 DROPS” of course, obliged to have a auddeuly project, but says: The Spanish cruisers Vizcaya were, their minute later, while the quartermaster about them. Some of the men claim to which came through a boat into the not conceived in the medicine chests. a mate and Maria Teresa left this port at 0 locks shorn. was engaged in hooking up the hand have seen a shell explode aboard the superstructure and scattered frag- part of well tired plan. Whether three. or not the orders to in- o’clock this evening. Their destina- gear, it too was shot away, tlie explo- largest of the They ments in all directions. The shot’s the admiral Cherry Tapioca ruddlng. A mechanic gave his seat in the street a is not tion is unknown. Four other Spanish sion of the shell severely wounding 1 the say that, when it struck the smoke- course was finally ended on on Iron cluded bombardment disclosed One and a half pounds of cherries, ear to a woman who was going homo the air and the by the navy department. there warships which were off the harbor quartermaster in the breast. The slack it went up in plate an inch thi.'k. Indeed one cup of tapioca, one cup of sugar. from her club, lb? explained by say- seemed to Is nothing in Sampson’s report to Indi- disappeared about noon, but this even- Winslow at the very outset of the en- whole vessel was lifted and (Murlob wag struck tn the arm Cover the tapioca with cold water and ing that, while he bad been working hey Merklc cate that, he did bombard the ing the torpedo boat destroyers were gagement. which lasted over an hour, have been completely shattered. I may lose it. All were hurt by splinters really soak over night. In the morning put bard all day she had been listening to have sunk at her ami place. He attacked the forts sighted again. While here the two was therefore almost helpless, at the believe she must ami a lire was started In the boat, but was merely It on the fire with one pint of boiling a lot. of other women talk, and must at, the entrance of the harbor, and if warships took on a sniull quantity of mercy of the gunboats and shore bat- moorings. quickly cxttnqutslied. coal and Their departure water. Simmer slowly until the tapj- be the tlredcr of the two. tiring searching any shells struck within the town it- provisions. teries, whose was her Morrow battery on the eastward arm °f to our government requesting oca Is perfectly clear. Stone the cher- intrepid commander, point of at- self they were stray shots. was due A well know n detective organization vitals. Hut the VESSELS AT tlie harbor was the prtnetpnl them to leave as provided in the de- ries, stir them Into the boiling tapioca, severely wounded in the leg though he SPANISH MARTINIQUE Sampson nnd Cap- It is surmised that. Sampson's object a motto in its advertisements that tack. Rear Admiral neutrality. There were no col- add the sugar. Take from the fire, lias was, from a that exploded in the tlie bridge of the of making the attack in this fashion, cree of might, well lie adopted by many so shell tain Evans were on lower liers with the fleet. Nothing is known turn into a serving dish and Bet away conning tower, gamely stop- Right Spanish Warships and Seven bad a narrow escape from flying without landing a force of troops in called respectable Kansas City lawyers forward Juwu and as to their boilers. Humor says there to cool. Serve very cold with sugar the flow of blood by means of a Torpedo Vessels Were splinters which injured three men. The reserve to occupy the town if captured, - “No divorce cases undertaken, nor ped ure some commercial ships in this vi- And cream. tourniquet tightened with a loaded 1- There. lowa was hit eight times, but the shells was to destroy the fortifications and any work that will interfere with the harbor useless to the cinity. pound shell and remained pluckily nt New York, May Id.—Herald's St. made no impression on her armor. The make the Spanish marriage relations.” firing line, the heavy swells flying as a place of refuge. Driven to It. his post, directing the of the There is weather was but squadron I'ierre, Martinique special: aim far that he A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, Chicago Record: ‘‘Did the prisoner Hurke once gave a iloflni- Winslow’s 1-pounders and maneuver- made accurate difficult. Ite|K>rts so received show Edmund his little craft as best he could b\ a flotilla of eight Spanish warships The broadsides from the lews and Indi- did not, complete the undertaking yes- offer any excuse for his bigamy?” of justifiable war which remains ing tlon of screw propellers. torpedo vessels iu the vieiu In the hills ashore for live terday, and the question is Spanish Fleet First Touched Coast ‘‘Yes; he said he was tempted to nnimpeaelied. It. was: ‘‘The Mood of means her With and seven ana rumbled now wheth- the fire from the gunboats, the guns ity of this island. It is supposed that minutes after they were delivered. Clouds er he willresume work today or be di- of New Foumllaml and Then keep on marrying until he got a wife men is well shed when it is shed to re- mounted in warehouses and the fusil- part of this flotilla is heading north- of dust showed where tin* shells struck, it, by the report, of the ('banged Its Plans. that could make a good cup of coffee." deem the blood of men. The rest, is verted from lade of lnauser rifles the air was as full west. It is positively known that part hut shells sereei king overhead and drop- the Spanish flying squad- London, May 17.—Star’s Madrid spe- vanity; Hie rest is crime.” presence of r»f lead as a shot tower. The Wilming- of the Spanish flotilla is cruising about ping around showed that the Spaniards ron in the neighborhood of Marti- cial: It is learned from official steaming Martinique keeping on still stuck guns. A newspaper man down in Maine, in ton back and fourth across near watch the to their nique. sources that. Admiral Cerveru’s fleet line of fire, over a radius of 1,090 l idled Stales auxiliary Har- At 3 o’clock in the morning all hands Pierre, telling of the death of a man through the (Dinners Were Si 111 There. sailed from Cape Verdes to St. yards, was smashing 4-pound shells The vessels were called the lowa, a being struck by a railroad train, adds vard. Spanish toipedo on few final Rout, Miquelon, off the coast of Newfound- 1 the warehouses and dropping have been running in and out of Fort in clearing the Uii Hoard Associated Press sealed that. "it. will be remembered that, he Into touches ship were Dauntless, St.. Thomas, West Indies, land. where instructions await- them over the moles behind which de France all day . made, and at 5 "general quarters” ed colliers from Sydney met, with a similar accident a year May 13. —(Copyrighted by tin* Associ- him. There Were the gunboats. As her broadsides The commander of the Harvard, were sounded. The men were eager were met and the fleet coaled. Cer- ago.” let go starboard and in the of St. Pierre, light. ated Press.)—The forts at San Juan de swung she then which is harbor for the by vera’s instructions then received were Her machine guns useless to remain there tug went ahead and Puerto Kico have been bombarded Portland, A person in the east who had th port. were has asked permission Tiu* Wnmpntuck The said to menace Boston and lit the distance. days to make repairs to some anchored, her small boat to the west- a portion of Sampson’s fleet. re- wisdom to help a school in the west seven Newport, nnd if Sampson bombarded Hudson, fi-pomul- ten markable feature of the bombardment ( The little with her disabled machinery. The time asked ward showing fathoms, but there Havana to draw was I)r. Elizabeth Hates of Port. hes- was the of the him off. rrs. stood loyally by tin* Winslow* for by the Harvard lias been granted was not a sign of life from the forts bad marksmanship from Manila tv* have (er, N. Y., w ho bequeathed $135,000 to a shot from News seems throughout the action, but the Spanish by flu* French authorities here, buti which stood boldly against the sky on Spanish gunners. Hardly changed his next proposed the university of Michigan. struck the ships, while the plans. The lire was almost entirely concentrated her commander has been uotilied that the eastern hills of the town. the forts move was to decoy Sampson to Puerto gunners struck the forts repeatedly. London's erudite Saturday Review* an the Winslow. when the repairs have been completed The Detroit steamed far to tlie east- Jlieo and then suil rapidly for Ha- Pierced by Projectiles. In* must give twenty-four hours' no- ward opposite Vflltern. The lowa Most, of the Spanish projectiles fell vana and destroy the few ships left (pro-Spanish) pictures the United at the close of the en- death hail her. tice before leaving. Many flashes of headed straight for the shore. Sud- very wide and there. Veneras, ou States as a “huge and boastful bully at- A perfect fell upon a very Finally, should rim tin* Spanish guns light, presumably signals between the denly her helm flew over, bringing the gagement. the fortifications had reaching Santiago Cuba, learn that tacking* an effete but gentlemanly old projectiles from appearance, but the guns de ivent through times, put- warships, were seen off St. Pierre starboard battery to bear on the forts. dilapidated two squadrons are coming roue.” her several as American ting both her forward boilers ami en- Thursday night. At 5:1(5 a. in. the lowa’s forward 12- were ns active ever. to meet, him, thus leaving the seu free, m EXCELLENCE OF SYfiUP OF FIGS An Ohio woman has notified nil )ic i$ to avoid them and sail straight is due not only to the originality and me- TOPEKA MAN KILLED IN BED, SPANIARO KILLS A MATE, for Charleston nnd bombard that elty. simplicity of the combination, but whom it may concern, through the A COMMON NEW YORK EVENT, WINSLOW AT KEY WEST, also dium of an advertisement in a country to the care and skill with which it is hei to Have Keen Done by weekly, that she has renounced Thought lie Attempted to I*uhn Through the ‘‘ERROR AND HARVARD THERE manufactured by scientific processes husband, One of the Crew S.n s That the l» in marriage with her present lluildiiig Collapses Killing Three Hinghira— It Now Troclia and Was Hacked known to the California Fig Syrup not her Doubt. and henceforth will consider and Injuring Several WMillington Will lioiubnrt! to Pieces. eipuuifth Fleet lias Left Without Co. only, and we wish to impress upon self married. i >t hers. Today. Topeka, Uas., May 13.—J. S. Collins, Saying importance Cardenas Boston, May 13. —The schooner Jen- Where It Wan all the of purchasing the New York, May 13.—A building in West, < lie of the most prominent citizens of Going. true and original remedy. As the to tin* Alps a Key May 13. —The Winslow nr* nie Butler, Cienfuegos, reports attempt crons in from — An street, of Topeka, was killed early this morning St. Pierre, Martinique, 17. genuine Syrup of Figs is balloon, starting from the Italian side, past 110th in course construc- rived last night in charge of lOnslgn, of May manufactured as he lay in bed. The murderer fired her mate, John Purchase Portland, (Copyrighted by the Associated Press.) by the California Fig Syrup Co. will be made next summer. The inten- tion, collapsed and a number of w ork- Hailey of the Wilmington. One of tho the two shots from Collins’ shotgun, stand- Me., was killed by Spaniards before torpedo gunboat Terror a will tion is to keep at a height of la,ooo Kamiuiski, from •—The Spanish only, knowledge of that fact feet men were buried. Albert crew who came in on the Winslow said ing at the foot of the bed. One dis- the vessel sailed Cienfuegos. It Cape Verde fleet is still at Fort long as and to take photo- of the assist one in avoiding the worthless as possible, {'red Tielher and a man named Salva- when he was under- charge slightly wounded Mrs. Collins. is thought Purchase ntteinpted to pass France, views and make ob left. Cardenas it ile but the fleet is not visible. imitations manufactured by other par- graphic scientific known to be dead. Six are first it was to Ik- the work through the trocha and was hacked to during the passage. lori are in- stood the Wilmington would go in and At supposed The United States auxiliary cruiser ties. The high standing of the Cali- nervations two burglars, is now in doubt. pieces. here. jured, one or badly. bombard the town today. of but it Harvard is still fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi- cal profession, and the satisfaction There were but twenty delegates in CHANGED THE AGAIN, 31 ke- i lie Spaniards Hanpv. SA6ASTA HAVING TROUBLE, PLANS Support (In* Government. Indianapolis Journal: First Deaf which the genuine Syrup of Figs has 1 lie state convention of the prohibition- Madrid. May 13, noon.—An official —“He wasn’t so very angry, was of but a Cabinet-- Mute given to millions of families, makes ists Mississippi, they nominated l'roops to Invade Culm Will Await Milwaukee, Wls., May 13.—The Na- dispatch front* San Juan de Puerto Ri- Trying to Form New he?” almost a full state ticket, and promised Action ''f the of Chiefs of co says: The American squadron Bread Supply In Madrid the name of the Company a guaranty tional Association Police Is Second Deaf Mute—‘‘He was so mad to carry on a vigorous cnn>,paign. I I ct. passing resolutions was repulsed off Puerto Rico. Al- Short. of the excellence of its remedy. It is adjourned after de- Mndrid, 13.—Sagasta is having that the words he used almost blistered Washington, May id. —The war de- claring govern- though eleven warships bombarded the May far in advance of all other laxatives, their support of the difficulty in forming a his fingers.” A novel sort of glass ha* partment plans for an immediate in- ment the war with Spain. plate the attackers were gloriously unexpected as it acts on the kidneys, liver and window in new cabinet. There is much uneasi- been invented. Persons on the inside fusion of Cuba are materially changed beaten back. The Spanish batteries The total length of the world’s telegraph bowels without irritating or weaken- tm of of the with guns ness on account of a rumor that by to- i f the house eon see through it, but the news the presence armed six-inch Krupp vrere system 1» not much under 5,000,000 miles. ing them, and it does not gripe nor if The Fatalities Are in the 3lol>. night bread supply in all the baker- of 1,814,000 is opaque to those on t lie o it vide. Spanish fleet, in West Indian waters. especially effective.” the This Is exclusive miles of sub- nauseate. In order to get its beneficial delay movement time. Home, May 13. having of the Spaniards ies will be exhausted. marine cables. This mileage Is appor- It will the for a —Humors This alleged victory follows: Europe, effects, please remember the name been circulated in different of tioned as 1,765.000; Asia, of The oldest newspaper in lipiiinis tin parts has aroused great enthusiasm here. 311,000; Africa, 100,000; Australia, 21.8,000, the Company Spain l)m»*t Want to See. the continent today to the effect flint Many Spaniards Killed. America, 2,600,000. (Juzeta de Madrid, founded in 17U2. I; Malaga, Spain, May 13.—The coast king and queen of Italy been s mu s II (iocs to 31 eel Them. London, May 13.—Havana special: a of 20,000, the ha<7. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. has circulation and is the and harbor lights in this vicinity have assassinated Hie announcement iymnde New York, May 13. —A St. Thomas Nine hundred Spaniards were killed In The talk is that Dry Spanish Tortugas is •AN FUAN CISCO, CtL’ only large paper that appears been ordered extinguished uufii fur- that their majesties ore per- •special: Sampson has left San Juan to a fight with the Insurgents. The loca- suitable only for a summer day. enjoying temper- LOCUVILLX,Kjr. NKW YORK. N twice u ther notice. fect health. meet the Spanish fleet tion of the battle is not given ance Chautauuuu. r.