Britain Bids UN
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> ■ SATURDAY, FEBRUAfeY 12, 1966 AYCntfe Daily N«t PrcM Ron rAGE TWELVE Ysr the Week Eanded Tha Weather jEdncIf^Bttr -lEoi^nhts E^rald Feb, It, IM5 Ferecaat of b. a Weather Buna* ed In ths noble sport of Ice fish Groups Sponsors 11,588 Fair, aot so eoM tonight. Leer ing. Member ef the Audit 18 *0 M. Tuesday, partly eAondy About Town In' fact, one of the anglers had Rivers-Minicucci Wedding QUINN’S :*■ Bureau af OIrealatttm and o' little wanner. nailed a lovely 38-inch pickerel. Fashion Show Manchester~^A City of Village Charm Hartley M. Burnham, IS'^EIsie Heard Along Main Street The photographer, ever on th^ ( t)r., ta Hated amtmK candidates for alert for what might ba consid the dejcee of, maatei^ of science In And on Some of MtmcheMtei^B Side Streets', Too "Parts Comes to Manchester," Is PHARMACY ered a newsworthy photo, hustled VOU LXXIV, NO. 114 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1955 (Classified Advertlalng on Page l8) mechanical .engineering at the over and prepared to take advan the title of the townWomen’s first PRICE FiyE CENTS University of Pennsylvania's mid \ Burned Up f'ConnectIcut. Florida ta now grow tage of the picture possibility. A Fashion Show of 1966. To-W speci OPEN SUNDAYS year convocation this morning in One woman In Manchester may ing faster than her old rival state llanchester boy who was stand fic, the date la W edneaday^arch Philadelphia. Burnham has taken of California, but ift JO years Cali never again aak her husband to ing nearby axpresaed a certain 9. at-the South Methodist O t ^ h . advanced studies In the Graduate empty’ the wastebaskets into the fornia promises fb be bigger than amount of curiosity, and was half- »A JI.ts1PJI. St. Valentine Gyuld Ask No M ore Division of Pennsylvania's School Incinerator, New York Stat8. willingly drafted by the photo- The sponsoring conwnittee ls\the / 29 Aboard of Mechanical Engineering. For i(^ e time ahe has tised a As . for adtooXa. enrollment is grazier to pose with the fish. Wesley Group of the Women's “ system to keep the soiled clothing now almost/28 million in the ele However, before he c6naented to clety of Christian Service. SPJI.te»PJI. All Interested pemons are Invited separated which saves her the mentary gfades. In five years it allow hla picture to be taken, he Mnr.< Paul Wlllhide and Mrs^ Plane Down to a meeUng of the Young Adults chore of sorting it when th« time will be 38U million. Enrollment made a few wiee preliminary in- R^'saell Ro^rta. co-chairmen, have K K ; Britain Bids U.N. / gfoup of Emanuel Lutheran for laundering rolls aroimd. in highXctuMla is about seven mil .quiries. arranged with “Ooret Casuals", .Church. Tuesday, Feh. 1'5.: at 8 The lady habitually put her lion. / 'Will this pictura be in the pa distinctive wtjtnen's apparel shop p.m. tn the reception room, at own clothes into a green waste- re are about one million at 887 Main Street., to present per.? Which paper? The -Man Near Rome Of Vaccine / which Ume a special Valentine bssket which closely resembles 1 teachers now; 50,000 were chester paper? Which" one- of their line of garments and acces- program will be presented. others in the home. This kept her ded the past year but they the Manchester papers? The soriet. Practically all of the models Rome, Feb. 14 (JP)—Search Pittsburgh, Feb. 14 (JP)— delicate clothes away from more unavailable. ^ Thirty-eight Herald? wilt be maids and matrons from the Members of the Cornerstone sturdy articles and saved time on million, 1 In 4, attend schools and church membership, soms of them for a missing Belgian Sabena Dr. Jonas E. Salk, developer CM are reminded of the monthly At this point in the cross-ex "blue'Monday." colleges now. More physical amination the lad's fact noticeably ^ u al to-proferaional models, with airlin^ with 29 persons of a polio vaccine now under meeUng In St. Bridget's Church Recently the green basket vu facilities and more teachers ara years of cxperiencs in similar af aboard ^ u n g from the snow- going national testing, today hall tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. A brief set near the washing machineyxhe urgently needed. dropped and he murmured a rath fairs at the church. business meetltw and shcsving of night before the day she Intended er’ disparaging, "Ohhh.” 'ncketa. already available at the covered mountains north of requested 10,000 new grade the film, “The Rehearsal." will be to wash- clothes. NearbyVother church office, from group mem Rome today to the storm- school volunteers to “help Eariy Arrival Cenventoat Meeting followed by a social time with re- full, ordinary wastebaskMS con There were two red-faced mem- bers, or at Ooret Casuals store, tossed siea off^ivitavecchia, with new investigations" of ft-eshmcnta. taining ordinary Junk ha|ipened' to A young woman who workafor a should be purchaaed at an early bera of a local buiilness establish living -S’oke up one morning re further West.” \ the vaccine. Big Coat for Little Evacuee be standing. / ment' who reported for work last date aa- the space la ’necessarily Almost 24 hours had paaaed with Dr. Salk said the experiments In^a Wants TIm Salvation Army Band, un Enter, the husband after a hard cently with aymptoma indicating limited in.' Cooper Hall. Cites Action der the dlrecUoQ of Bwdmarter Thursday morning. she Would coine down with a cold out a clue to the fate of the D(X will be carried on in 2k elemen day's work at the office, A abort Both men, it seems are sports Inchtded in-tha program la enter that vanished Sunday into a fog. C. Peter Carlson and Deputy Band- pause - wilt now eU'siie while we before the day waa out. tainment by the popular Round tary schools in Allegheny (Pitts msMter Robert Lyons, will partici fans. They travel all over the state Reluctant to mlsa a day’s wOric, The ship then waa only 14 minutes burgh) Ckiunty. imagine how he wks told that the to watch baseball, basketball and .ill- Table Singers and a aocial period flying time north of Rome while Nationalists For Truce pate in the concert at 8 tonight at wastebaskets needed emptying, she telephoned her' doctor, hoping with refrertimenta. 'i'he University of Pittsburgh the Citadel and at the services to football games. he could prescribe eontething that en route from Bruaaele to the Bel scientist said he wants to test anh hurry up. The pair purchased tickets for gian Congo, Hope. waa yirtuSlly morrow. Veteran bandsmen" and About now we might explain would stave off the sniffles and "more precisely the question ’ of soldlera will also be honored this the exhibition basketball game'be eneezes. — abandoned-for the 21 paaaengeca— optimal dose and number of Inocu At Parleys that the couple haa a 15 month old tween the Milwaukee Hawks and 14 Belgians, four Americane, two By London evening-' daughter >rao. is interested in However, he -wSa out, and ehe lations and their spacing to pro Naasiff Arms of Manchester. decided to take her chances on go French, and 19-yea'r-old Marcella duce the best, effect at best can be wastebaskets, papers, and, well, The men, in their work, talked MarianI, unlucky Mi** Italy Ry SEYMOUR TOPPING By M.\.\ HARREL80N almost everything. ing to her Job. She hopped her IMESTOWM measured by the antibody testa." about watching Prank Selvy and bus at the usual time and, eoinci- ^ o h n i c o A . 1953—and the crew of seven London, Feb. 14 (/P)—In United Nations. N. Y., Feb. With probably all the best inten Bob Pettit, the one-two punch of gian* and a Briton. Over Million Tested dian Prime Minister Nehru PastorR Exc^nge tions, she had transferred some of dencea being witjat they are, lo and I"* PHARMACY Salk's much pubdeized polio 14 {IP)—Britain proposed to the Hawks in action. behold there 'was her doettw, riding 459 Hartford Bd., Cor. McKee "Falling In Flames” / , came out today for Na- the, paper from an ordinary waste' Wednesday night they lefi. their That Interpret The ^ vaccine was given to over a mil day that the U.N. suspend Pulpits Sunday basket into the green one in which the same bus. - \ Through most of a day ^ stead y tionaliat China’s participa work and arrangements were She sat do'.'n next to him and aa f ishes Of The FamUy X onoM-fall, hundred* of ^rabinleri lion children in a nationwide test its efforts for a ceasefire in We are especially. Interested. Bo made for one to pick up the other. last spring to determine the medi tion in any international con far, no one haa been able to fathom the hta rolled along, recited her and more than 1,000 p a g e r s and the Strait of Foi'mosa to al The Rev, D f. Philip Marshman The men met as scheduled and symptoms. There followed a brief lOPEN: JOHN B. BURKE farmers scoured the Wooded moun cine's effectiveness against polio. ference on the Formosf! her motives. went to the Armory. The Nstionsl Foundation for In low interested govemments Rose-of the Buckingham Congre Anyway, you can'probably guess conversation, after which the doc tain* 37 mile* nort^of Rome after is.sue. Britain, holding a simi time for consultations. gational Church and the Rev.