

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2016 No. 165 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Mr. BOST led the Pledge of Alle- RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF called to order by the Speaker. giance as follows: BARBARA WONG f I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given United States of America, and to the Repub- PRAYER permission to address the House for 1 lic for which it stands, one nation under God, minute.) The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: today to recognize Barbara Wong, an f Merciful God, we give You thanks for incredible advocate for the arts, who giving us another day. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER has been executive director of Provi- We come to the end of a week where dence CityArts for Youth for 16 years. we have given thanks for peaceful elec- The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Throughout her career, Barbara has tions throughout our country, and the tain up to five requests for 1-minute helped thousands of youth realize the welcoming of those newly elected to speeches on each side of the aisle. importance of art in their own lives, as this assembly in anticipation of the well as its extraordinary power to cre- 115th Congress. f ate social change. Thanks to her, the Now we approach a week during arts community in Providence is more HONORING PRIVATE FIRST CLASS which all Americans will gather to re- vibrant, more diverse, and more acces- TYLER IUBELT member who we are: a Nation gener- sible for children from all backgrounds ously blessed, not only by You, our (Mr. BOST asked and was given per- than ever before. God, but by courageous ancestors, mission to address the House for 1 In 2014, her dedication to ensuring faithful allies, and the best good wishes minute.) that all children have the same oppor- of people everywhere who long for free- Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today tunities to learn about and pursue the dom, who would glory in the difficult to honor Private First Class Tyler arts helped Providence CityArts for work of participative government, and Iubelt. Youth earn a trip to the White House who do not enjoy the bounty we are Tyler was a Tamaroa, Illinois native, to receive the prestigious National privileged to possess. a 2015 graduate of Pinckneyville High Arts and Humanities Youth Program Bless the Members of this assembly, School. He enjoyed the outdoors, grill- Award. It is my honor to thank Barbara for and us all, that we would be worthy of ing, playing practical jokes on his her years of service to the children and the call we have been given as Ameri- friends and teachers. He was known as young people of Providence, and I wish cans. Help us all to be truly thankful a smart and good-natured kid, and had her all the best in the coming years. and appropriately generous in our re- a great future. He was a son, a husband sponse. and, just recently, a father. Last Sat- f May all that is done this day be for urday, he died a hero. IN MEMORY OF RALPH J. Your greater honor and glory. Upon graduation, Tyler entered the CICERONE Amen. U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Hood, (Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of California f Texas. He was transferred to Bagram asked and was given permission to ad- Air Force Base in Afghanistan. Accord- THE JOURNAL dress the House for 1 minute.) ing to the Pentagon, a Taliban ter- Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of California. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- rorist managed to ignite an IED at the Mr. Speaker, I rise today in memory of ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- base, killing Tyler, Sergeant John Ralph Cicerone, who passed away on ceedings and announces to the House Perry, and two American contractors. November 5, at the age of 73. his approval thereof. Seventeen more were injured. An inves- Ralph served as the University of Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- tigation is ongoing. California-Irvine’s chancellor from 1998 nal stands approved. But our prayers are needed now for to 2005. During that time, UCI experi- f Tyler’s wife, Shelby, for baby Violet, enced tremendous success under his for his parents, his extended family, leadership, including raising the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and his many friends in southern Illi- school’s national rankings and break- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman nois. ing ground on its teaching hospital. from Illinois (Mr. BOST) come forward Tyler paid the ultimate sacrifice for Beyond his contributions to the and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- this Nation, and, for that, we will al- Irvine community, Ralph was world-re- legiance. ways be grateful. nowned for his innovative, scientific

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.000 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 research that has helped shape environ- THE FINAL 1-MINUTE SPEECH home, Sagamore Hill, I was pleased to mental policy. (Ms. HAHN asked and was given per- hear his vision for the essential role of Our thoughts are with Ralph’s wife, mission to address the House for 1 parks in our national life. Carol, his daughter, Sarah, and his two minute.) At the end of this year, the centen- grandchildren. He will be truly missed Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker, over the nial year of the National Park Service, but will be long remembered for his Director Jarvis will retire after 40 last 51⁄2 years, I have spoken here on contributions to the Orange County the House floor more times than I can years of service. I extend my warmest UCI and science communities. count, but this will be my last. I am re- regards and best wishes to Director f tiring from Congress and joining the Jarvis in this next chapter of his life. DISTRIBUTION OF GREENHOUSE Los Angeles County Board of Super- Happy trails. GASES visors, a position my father held for 40 f (Mr. MCNERNEY asked and was years, where he did so much good for so many people. TOOLS TO PREVENT VIOLENCE IN given permission to address the House THE MIDDLE EAST for 1 minute.) Few people have the privilege to Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, this is serve their community and their coun- (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given another in a series of 1-minutes on cool try in the United States Congress. I am permission to address the House for 1 science endeavors by American sci- honored by the trust my constituents minute and to revise and extend his re- entists. invested in me to represent them. I marks.) Today I discuss a system that pro- have been humbled by the experience Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, this vides data about the distribution of and continue to be in awe of the time week this House passed two important greenhouse gases around the Earth. I have spent as both a witness and par- measures dealing with the problems we The National Science Foundation fund- ticipant to history. have in the Middle East. One measure ed the Airborne Platform for Pole-to- Washington can be a difficult place, on extending the Iran sanctions, the Pole Observations, called HIPPO, that but I have managed to make incredible ability for the President to authorize maps the composition and interactions friends here with my colleagues on those that would have expired at the of greenhouse gases as they move both sides of the aisle, from my good end of this year, was passed by this around the Earth. This information is friend, Congressman TED POE, my co- House in order to give this administra- used to identify the sources and sinks chair on the PORTS Caucus; to DAVID tion and the next one tools needed for of carbon dioxide. CICILLINE, my best friend, my inspira- the bad behavior of Iran that it con- The field efforts were highly success- tion for the issues that he addresses tinues to exhibit. We cannot trust that ful, and these unique experiments are each and every day; and to LOUIE GOH- they will continue to adhere to the bad providing valuable insight into the role MERT, my co-chair for the National agreement that was made. of the global carbon cycle in the cli- Prayer Breakfast. Also an important measure was that mate system. This data has been made I want to thank Leader PELOSI for for Syria to cause sanctions against publicly available and will be a source her example and for the strength she their proclivity to bring violence upon of information for years to come. instills in all of us in the Democratic their citizens. We need both of these The project was a coordinated effort Caucus. measures for this President and this by the NSF and the NOAA to acquire a I am eager to get back to work in Los administration currently and, very im- clearer picture of the impact of carbon Angeles, but I will be sorry to say portantly, going into the next one to dioxide on rainforests and other eco- goodbye to all of you. I have appre- be able to enforce against these bad ac- systems. ciated your support, your friendship, tivities that are happening in the Mid- I urge Congress to continue its sup- your dedication to your constituents, dle East. port for scientific endeavors, such as and to this great country, and I will I urge the Senate to take up these HIPPO, so that we can gain a better forever be grateful to have known you. measures. I urge this President to pass understanding of our Earth’s climate these measures, so we have these im- f system. portant tools to prevent this kind of vi- f RECOGNIZING NATIONAL PARK olence in the Middle East using our LET’S GET THE 21ST CENTURY SERVICE DIRECTOR JONATHAN sanction ability. CURES ACT ACROSS THE FINISH JARVIS f LINE (Mr. HILL asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 MIDNIGHT RULES RELIEF ACT OF (Mr. BILIRAKIS asked and was given 2016 permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) GENERAL LEAVE marks.) Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize Director Jonathan Jarvis unanimous consent that all Members today to shine a light on the millions on his impressive career preserving may have 5 legislative days within of Americans impacted by deadly dis- some of our Nation’s most treasured which to revise and extend their re- eases that currently have no cure. We places as Director of the National Park marks and include extraneous mate- know that better treatments and cures Service. rials on H.R. 5982. for diseases like cancer, ALS, Alz- Director Jarvis serves as the 18th di- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. heimer’s, and the 7,000 rare diseases are rector in the NPS history and devel- HILL). Is there objection to the request within our reach. oped his love for national parks at a of the gentleman from ? We need to break down the govern- young age, with his family’s farm There was no objection. ment barriers to innovation and dis- tucked in Virginia’s Shenandoah Val- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- covery. The 21st Century Cures Act ley backing up to the Washington Na- ant to House Resolution 921 and rule will do just that. I stand with my col- tional Forest. XVIII, the Chair declares the House in leagues on the Energy and Commerce A Virginia native, Director Jarvis the Committee of the Whole House on Committee when I say: let’s get this graduated from the College of William the state of the Union for the consider- done. We have the chance now to help and Mary with a degree in biology and ation of the bill, H.R. 5982. make a profound impact on people’s began his career as a seasonal interpre- The Chair appoints the gentleman lives. tive ranger on the National Mall in from California (Mr. DENHAM) to pre- With Cures, and my provision in the 1976. side over the Committee of the Whole. OPEN Act, we are opening the doors As Director, he oversees an agency for medical breakthroughs to happen. responsible for over 400 national parks, b 0914 For the sake of millions of patients and attracting some 280 million visitors IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE their families, let’s get 21st Century each year. Recently, while on the Accordingly, the House resolved Cures across the finish line. grounds of Teddy Roosevelt’s beloved itself into the Committee of the Whole

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.002 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6275 House on the state of the Union for the multiple billion-dollar rules and more approve these rules through a single consideration of the bill (H.R. 5982) to than 20 major rules imposing $100 mil- joint resolution, thereby depriving amend chapter 8 of title 5, United lion or more in costs per year. It has Members to consider the merits of each States Code, to provide for en bloc con- been estimated that as many as $113 individual regulation. sideration in resolutions of disapproval billion in new regulatory costs can be H.R. 5982 presents numerous con- for ‘‘midnight rules’’, and for other attributed to the final months of the cerns. To begin with, this bill would purposes, with Mr. DENHAM in the Obama administration’s rulemaking provide special interests with yet an- chair. activity. other opportunity to block critical, The Clerk read the title of the bill. But this is not a partisan issue. Ad- lifesaving regulations. ministrations of both parties have The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the Prior to submitting results to Con- issued midnight rules in the past. The bill is considered read the first time. gress, agencies typically take several The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Judiciary Committee has been search- years to ensure that rules are carefully GOODLATTE) and the gentleman from ing for that solution for some time, vetted. As administrative law expert Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) each will con- and I applaud our colleague, Mr. ISSA, Washington University School of Law trol 30 minutes. for introducing the Midnight Rules Re- Professor Ron Levin has previously The Chair recognizes the gentleman lief Act to respond to the need. This testified, much of modern rulemaking from Virginia. bill offers, at last, a simple and power- involves a ‘‘very detailed analysis of ful means to stop the problem of abu- b 0915 legal, factual, and policy issues, many sive midnight rules—allowing Congress of them highly technical. This work is Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I to disapprove of any and all midnight better suited to the subject matter spe- yield myself such time as I may con- regulations in one fell swoop by one en cialists in the respective agencies.’’ sume. bloc disapproval resolution under the As the Obama administration comes Congressional Review Act. Faced with this complexity, H.R. 5982 to a close, Americans’ freedom and Any outgoing administration, under- would result in Congress predictably prosperity is once again threatened by standing that it has this sword of Dam- relying on industry input when pre- one of the most abusive features of ocles hanging over its head for the next sented with an up-or-down vote on a modern bureaucracy: midnight regula- Congress’ use, will surely hesitate long list of complicated and often high- tion. much more before abusing midnight ly technical rules. David Goldston of Midnight regulation is one of the rules. Further, once enabled to dispose the Natural Resources Defense Council most vexing problems in Washington’s of all improper midnight rules with one has previously cautioned that similar overreaching regulatory system. Ad- simple resolution, Congress and suc- measures would result in special inter- ministration after administration, ceeding administrations would be free ests descending on the Congress with there is a spike in rulemaking activity to focus more of their energies on the even greater fervor than is currently during the last year of a President’s voters’ new priorities rather than the the case. term—particularly between election mess left by midnight rules. I am also concerned that H.R. 5982 is day and Inauguration Day, but even in The relief offered by the bill, more- based on the fundamentally flawed the months before then. over, is highly flexible. No set number premise that rules finalized during the These successive waves of midnight of regulations would have to be covered final year of a President’s term are regulation present deeply troubling by a resolution. No categories of regu- somehow rushed or improperly vetted. issues. First and foremost, because out- lation would have to be included in or In fact, the nonpartisan Administra- going administrations are no longer ac- excluded from a resolution. On the con- tive Conference of the United States countable to the voters, they are much trary, any midnight rule disapproval found in 2012 that ‘‘a dispassionate more prone to issue midnight regula- resolution could be sweeping or nar- look at midnight rules issued by past tions that fly in the face of the elec- row, depending on how many rules administrations of both political par- toral mandate the voters just gave the merited inclusion. ties reveals that most were under ac- new, incoming administration. Finally, the Midnight Rules Relief tive consideration long before the No- Waves of midnight rules can also be Act offers a solution that is not intru- vember election.’’ very hard for Congress or a new admin- sive upon legitimate executive branch The conference also reported that istration to check adequately. As a authority. An outgoing administration many of these rules involved purely new Congress and President begin their remains free to conduct necessary rule- routine matters initiated before the terms, both, understandably, must be making activity up to the stroke of Presidential transition period or as the focused on implementing the new pri- midnight on Inauguration Day. It then result of deadlines outside the agency’s orities within the mandates the voters falls to Congress to respond swiftly and control, such as year-end statutory or have given them. That doesn’t always surgically to the results, to accept the court-ordered guidelines. leave time to focus on cleaning up all good and excise the bad. Indeed, the so-called midnight rules of the last acts of the departing admin- This is truly a better way to govern. istration. may actually take longer to adopt than That is why the reform embodied in other rules. For example, Public Cit- In addition, the Congressional Re- YAN’s this bill is featured in Speaker R izen reports that rules adopted during view Act currently allows Congress to Better Way agenda. a Presidential transition period were disapprove of regulations—including I thank Mr. ISSA for his work on this typically proposed 3.6 years prior to midnight regulations—only one at a important legislation, and I urge all their adoption, while other rules adopt- time. A wave of midnight regulations my colleagues to support the bill. ed in non-transition periods took only can easily overwhelm Congress’ ability Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance 2.8 years to complete. to use one-rule-at-a-time resolutions as of my time. an effective check. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chairman, I yield The Center for Progressive Reform Finally, it is well-documented that myself such time as I may consume. has likewise observed that concerns the rush by outgoing administrations Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong opposi- surrounding midnight rulemaking are to impose midnight rules before the tion to H.R. 5982, the Midnight Rules overstated, stating that ‘‘there simply clock strikes 12 leads to more poorly Relief Act. This sweeping measure is no reason to believe that a rule re- analyzed rules with lower quality and would empower Congress to undo vir- leased at the end of an administration lower benefits. tually every regulation submitted to is worse than those that are released at The Obama administration has im- Congress since May through to the end any other point.’’ Perhaps this is be- posed more runaway regulation than of this year. I repeat: this measure cause Congress already has the tools to any other in memory, and its midnight would empower Congress to undo vir- vacate an unreasonable rule under cur- rulemaking period is no exception. tually every regulation submitted to rent law known as the Congressional This administration has issued or plans Congress since May through to the end Review Act. to issue at least 180 midnight rules of this year. The bill accomplishes this Lastly, as with the many other within the scope of this bill, including end by authorizing Congress to dis- antiregulatory bills we have considered

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.003 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 in this Congress, this legislation com- ing practices have come to light. This nesses that, basically, have had these pletely ignores the benefits of regula- sweeping display of corporate decep- regulations that this administration tion and is premised on the unsubstan- tion and hubris smacks of the very cul- has imposed on them. It is like a wet tiated belief that regulations under- ture and lack of internal controls that blanket over them and over this econ- mine employment or economic growth. gave rise to the mortgage crisis, col- omy. So this particular legislation is This is why H.R. 5982 is opposed by a lapsing the economy and employment. absolutely critical. It is critical that broad coalition of organizations, in- Indeed, as U.S. Treasury Secretary we pass it. cluding the AFL–CIO, the Consumer Jack Lew has cautioned, this scandal The last thing that these small busi- Federation of America, Consumers ought to be a moment where people nesses need right now is a flood of new Union, and the Natural Resources De- stop and note, remember how dan- regulations from the President’s army fense Council. gerous the system is when you don’t of bureaucrats as they beat a hasty re- As the administration correctly ob- have the proper protections in place. treat out of Washington. Outgoing serves in connection with its veto While the Consumer Financial Pro- Presidents oftentimes push through threat to this bill—and there is one— tection Bureau has issued its largest new regulations in the final days of H.R. 5982 would create tremendous reg- civil penalty ever—$100 million—in re- their administrations to lock in as ulatory uncertainty, potentially im- sponse to this scandal, this was a drop much of their agenda as possible. pose additional costs on businesses, in the bucket compared to the bank’s Let’s face it, on election day, that and represent a step backwards for ap- $20 billion in profits last year or its agenda was, for the most part, rejected. plying sound regulatory principles to chief executive’s $200 million stock And to allow an administration to im- protect public health, safety, the envi- compensation deal. What is more, not pose even more bureaucracy and more ronment, and other critical aspects of only did the bank deceive its own cus- regulations on the small business com- society. Accordingly, I oppose—and tomers, Wells Fargo buried the scandal munity and on the American people is hope that you will too—this legisla- through forced arbitration clauses that just something that we should not tion. shielded itself from liability and public allow to happen. That is why this legis- Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance accountability. lation has been introduced. of my time. This is simply unacceptable and These so-called midnight rules are Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I drives home the point that there is thrown together hastily with little reserve the balance of my time. still much work to be done to ensure analysis or regard for the costs and Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chairman, I yield fairness and accountability in the fi- burdens that they will impose on 3 minutes to the gentleman from Geor- nancial system, regardless of how America’s entrepreneurs. Sadly, the gia (Mr. JOHNSON), a distinguished many days may be left in the Presi- administration has given every indica- member of the Judiciary Committee. dent’s term. tion that they will be ramping up, not Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Chair- Mr. Chairman, in closing, I urge my slowing down, the red tape dispenser man, the Midnight Rules Relief Act of colleagues to oppose this legislation. over the next 9 weeks. This common- 2016 is yet another unfounded and reck- sense, bipartisan legislation will give b 0930 less attempt to prevent the implemen- Congress, the elected representatives tation of critical laws by the Repub- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I of the American people after all, the lican majority. yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from power to stop all midnight rules with H.R. 5982 would amend the Congres- Ohio (Mr. CHABOT), the chairman of the one vote. sional Review Act to enable Congress Small Business Committee. Next weekend, we will celebrate to bundle numerous rules finalized dur- Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Chairman, I thank Small Business Saturday, an oppor- ing the final year of a President’s term the gentleman for yielding, and I thank tunity to celebrate small businesses, into a single vote on a joint resolution him for his leadership as chairman of and recognize that they are a key to of disapproval. Alarmingly, once these the Judiciary Committee. Mr. GOOD- making our economy succeed. Mid- rules have been invalidated through LATTE has done an excellent job there, night regulations are an imminent this process, the agency may not adopt and we appreciate the work on this bill threat to their success. So let’s not a subsequent similar rule absent ex- and many other things as well. spoil Small Business Saturday by hav- press authorization by Congress. Mr. Chairman, I rise today in strong ing a whole bunch of new regulations, According to my Republican col- support of H.R. 5982, the Midnight new red tape, new things that they leagues, the Obama administration’s Rules Relief Act, introduced by my have to deal with other than actually regulatory agenda has eroded job friend and colleague from California doing things which will make their growth and economic prosperity—far (Mr. ISSA). business successful so that they can ac- from it, however. Under President Over the last 8 years, the Obama ad- tually make a profit and hire more peo- Obama’s leadership, we have seen the ministration has gone, let’s face it, on ple. Let’s not allow the bureaucrats longest consecutive streak of private a regulatory rampage. Each year, the here in Washington to spoil that. job creation, the fastest growth of mid- administration’s major rules have cost I urge my colleagues to pass this bill dle class income ever, and more high- over $100 billion—$100 billion. A dis- and send a clear message to our small quality and affordable health care for proportionate share of those enormous businesses all across America that we working Americans. costs have fallen on America’s 28 mil- have their back and regulatory relief is Recently, the Census Bureau released lion small businesses. on the way. new data indicating that in 2015 the As chairman of the House Small Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chairman, I yield median household income grew at the Business Committee, I have heard first- such time as he may consume to the fastest rate on record, while the pov- hand from the owners and employees of gentleman from Virginia (Mr. SCOTT). erty rate fell at a faster rate than at these small businesses in our hearing Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Chair- any point since 1968. New data from the room, and also back home in my dis- man, I thank the gentleman for yield- American Community Survey indicates trict in Cincinnati, Ohio, how these ing. that the number of uninsured Ameri- new regulations have harmed them per- Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to cans is declining in nearly every State. sonally. And I want to emphasize that H.R. 5982, the so-called Midnight Rules These metrics reflect a strong record of it doesn’t just hurt the owner of the Relief Act, which amends the Congres- progress as Federal agencies imple- small business, but all those folks who sional Review Act. This bill would ment laws like the Dodd-Frank Act work for him. Sometimes that is two allow Congress to consider a joint reso- and the . people, three people, five people, ten lution to simultaneously disapprove If anything, Mr. Chairman, we need people. It affects them and their fami- multiple regulations en bloc, all at new rules and better enforcement of ex- lies, and generally it is very adversely. once, when such rules are issued within isting law to ensure corporate account- I think it is critical we realize that the last 60 legislative days of a session ability. In fact, it has only been about 70 percent of the new jobs cre- of Congress in the final year of a Presi- months since the shocking revelations ated in the American economy now- dent’s term. Now, that is legislative of Wells Fargo’s years of illegal bank- adays are created by these small busi- days. In this case, 60 legislative days

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.005 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6277 would reach back until May of this over 18 years, would protect workers tions, consistent with their statutes, upon a year, almost 8 months before the end of from overexposure of beryllium. That reasoned determination that the benefits the President’s term. To call the rules is a substance that causes incurable justify the costs, to consider regulatory al- issued last spring a midnight rule is a lung disease often resulting in death by ternatives, and to promote regulatory flexi- bility. curious use of the word. suffocation. That rule has been under The Administration continues to be guided This bill puts in place an indiscrimi- consideration for 18 years and we are by the same rigorous practices and principles nate process to eliminate rules, many finally getting to the actual rule. used to develop and review regulations that of which have been under consideration The rule to implement the Fair Pay have been upheld throughout the entirety of for years, even decades, to protect con- and Safe Workplaces Executive Order, this Administration and previous Adminis- sumers, working people, and students. which ensures that taxpayer dollars trations. On December 17, 2015, the Adminis- This bill denies Congress the oppor- support those Federal contractors who trator of the Office of Information and Regu- tunity for a careful case-by-case review comply with labor, civil rights, and latory Affairs reiterated that the Adminis- tration would maintain its normal review that the congressional review process workplace safety laws, not those who standards, and instructed agencies to plan now provides, and that process would routinely and seriously violate such and prioritize its regulations in order to en- be appropriate for reasoned decision- laws. sure an orderly review process during the making by a legislative body. The EEOC’s pay data rule, which final year of the Administration. For these This bill would jettison rules without helps eliminate pay disparities due to reasons, H.R. 5982 is intended to solve a prob- even considering the costs and benefits race, ethnicity, and gender. lem that does not exist. of whether the rule followed the least The Department of Education’s bor- Lastly, the Congressional Review Act burdensome approach to achieve a goal rower’s defense rule, which helps pro- (CRA) already allows for the Congress to dis- tect student borrowers who were de- approve of rules on a case-by-case basis. under the law. Once a rule is rejected, Thus, providing for an arbitrary packaging the rule can never be taken up again in frauded by their universities. of rules for an up-or-down vote, as this bill substantially similar form. So after a The Department of Education’s does, is unnecessary. In addition, the bill thoughtful review, we might decide forthcoming K–12 accountability rule, would expand the scope of rules subject to that the unpleasant regulation was ac- which provides clarity and ensures the CRA such that by the time a vote on a tually the better way to address a faithful implementation of the bipar- resolution occurs, some of the rules may problem than any alternative, but by tisan Every Student Succeeds Act in have been in effect for over a year. By doing then it is too late. order to graduate all students ready for so, H.R. 5982 would create tremendous regu- Mr. Chairman, under the Congres- success in college and career. latory uncertainty, potentially impose addi- The Department of Education’s tional costs on businesses, and represent a sional Review Act, the Senate could step backwards for applying sound regu- pass its en bloc resolution of dis- forthcoming supplement not supplant latory principles to protect public health, approval without even holding a hear- rule, which ensures that Federal dol- safety, the environment, and other critical ing, and send it to the House for a vote lars actually supplement State and aspects of society. on the floor without any form of con- local education funds that target at- If the President were presented with H.R. sideration by the committee of juris- risk youth. 5982 his senior advisors would recommend he diction. So we would end up just voting And, finally, another Health and veto the bill. on a slogan or a sound bite without any Human Services’ Head Start rule, Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I opportunity for deliberative consider- which improves quality and access for yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from ation. That is not a responsible way to our Nation’s most vulnerable early California (Mr. ISSA), a member of the legislate. learners. Judiciary Committee. There has always been criticism of a Each of these rules involves complex Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I thank the tendency of a significant number of issues that cannot be discussed or prop- gentleman for yielding. rules and regulations to be issued fol- erly addressed through the en bloc Presidents from both parties have lowing a Presidential election before process where you have a bunch of reg- made a habit of midnight rules. And al- the President leaves office, regardless ulations all in one bill. Now, if a rule though here today we hear about 18 of the party in control. However, the needs to be challenged, the present law years of a deliberative process on be- nonpartisan congressionally mandated provides for a deliberative process to ryllium, 18 years of consideration and Administrative Conference of the challenge the rule. Regrettably, H.R. it has to be passed in the last few days United States found that ‘‘a dis- 5982 is poised to allow the wholesale of a departing administration? What passionate look at midnight rules undermining of critical protections for was the administration doing for 8 issued by past administrations of both students, workers, taxpayers, and con- years? How deliberative can one be? political parties reveals that most were sumers. The fact is these are not accidents. under active consideration long before I, therefore, urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the Midnight rules are, in fact, delib- the November election.’’ bill. erately held to the end of an adminis- They go on to say that many of the Mr. Chairman, I include in the tration. That is the reason they are rules involved routine matters or were RECORD a Statement of Administration called midnight rules. required by law. For example, a final Policy in opposition to the rule. Now, having said that, the bill today, OSHA rule to prevent injuries caused STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY H.R. 5982, is not, in fact, about mid- by inadequate fall protection has been HR. 5982 MIDNIGHT RULES RELIEF ACT OF 2016— night rules. We already have legisla- under development for over 26 years. REP. ISSA, R–CA, AND EIGHT COSPONSORS tion to take care of that. What we The Administrative Conference The Administration is committed to ensur- don’t have is an effective way to do it called for Congress to put in place a 60- ing that regulations are smart and effective, when we are dealing with, perhaps, 100, day waiting period for rules that are that they are tailored to advance statutory 120, 150, and, if not checked, perhaps issued after a Presidential election so goals in the most cost-effective and efficient more, in times to come, midnight rules that the new incoming administration manner, and that they minimize uncer- from an outgoing administration. tainty. When a Federal agency promulgates We are talking today about the bal- can review the rules. Now, that legisla- a regulation, the agency must adhere to the tion is what we really ought to be con- robust and well-understood procedural re- ance of power, about whether Congress sidering, not the bill before us today. quirements of Federal law, including the Ad- should be efficient and effective in its I think it is important to look at ministrative Procedure Act, the Regulatory ability to consider legislation. In this some of the rules that could be im- Flexibility Act, the Unfunded Mandates Re- case, legislation done by the other pacted under this bill: form Act, the Paperwork Reduction Act, and branch, a branch not constitutionally The Department of Labor issued a the Congressional Review Act, in a manner allowed to do legislation. Let’s remem- rule requiring Federal contractors to that ensures that the rulemaking process is ber, regulations are, in fact, a loan to transparent and considers the input of stake- the executive branch to clarify legisla- provide up to 7 days of paid sick leave holders. In addition, for decades, agency annually for people working on Federal rulemaking has been governed by Executive tion done by this body. contracts. Orders issued and followed by administra- If we believe that they do not fairly A forthcoming OSHA regulation, tions of both political parties. These require and appropriately interpret our legisla- which has been under development for regulatory agencies to promulgate regula- tion in their rulemaking, if we believe

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.006 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 they exceeded the authority or the present at this time, and I yield myself taxpayers, threatening small businesses with meaning of the legislation, whether the balance of my time. new burdens, and frustrating American voters. passed just a few days ago, a few years With just a few weeks remaining in Currently, Congress lacks the ability to check ago, or, in fact, a century ago, we have this Congress, it is a disservice to the this type of regulatory overreach. H.R. 5982 an obligation to bring up, consider, and American people that we are now wast- ensures that rules are not rushed in order to respond. In fact, rulemaking, as we ing our limited time and resources on achieve an outgoing partisan agenda without know it, is, in fact, something that if this legislation. As many of my col- having the people’s representatives carefully the gentleman, my colleague on the leagues will recall, less than 4 months review them. other side of the aisle, wanted to, he ago, the House passed comprehensive The Acting CHAIR (Mr. DOLD). All could bring up the regulation as a law anti-regulatory legislation that im- time for general debate has expired. and consider it in this body at any poses a moratorium on so-called mid- Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be time. night rulemaking. So, clearly, the considered for amendment under the 5- I believe it is pretty clear that the House has already acted to address the minute rule. The bill shall be consid- objection in this case is an anticipated nonexistent problem of midnight rule- ered as read. objection to the efficiency of being able making. The text of the bill is as follows: to deal with one or two regulations at In closing, I urge my colleagues to H.R. 5982 the end of a Presidency. We have an ob- seriously join me in opposing H.R. 5982, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ligation to deal with all of them in a a bill that is utterly unnecessary, resentatives of the United States of America in fair way. anointed, and ill conceived. Congress assembled, Now, one thing that was missed in Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. this is nothing in this legislation re- ance of my time. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Midnight quires that we take them all up at the Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I Rules Relief Act of 2016’’. same time. In the next Congress, it cer- yield myself such time as I may con- SEC. 2. EN BLOC CONSIDERATION OF RESOLU- TIONS OF DISAPPROVAL PER- tainly would be appropriate for Mem- sume. TAINING TO ‘‘MIDNIGHT RULES’’. bers who wanted to have longer debate On election day, the American people (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 801(d) of title 5, to ask for longer debate on the overall delivered a resounding message to United States Code, is amended by adding at vote, or, in fact, to break it into pieces Washington: do not continue the the end the following: and ask for that. That is true in this Obama administration’s policies; stop ‘‘(4) In applying section 802 to rules de- body and it is true in the other body. the regulatory Big Government on- scribed under paragraph (1), a joint resolu- tion of disapproval may contain one or more As a matter of fact, the other body slaught that has been killing our jobs, strangling recovery, and suffocating such rules if the report under subsection hasn’t even created rules yet and cer- (a)(1)(A) for each such rule was submitted tainly could create rules that would de- our futures. during the final year of a President’s term.’’. fine further debate on midnight rules. Passage of this bill is the way to say (b) TEXT OF RESOLVING CLAUSE.—Section So I think today what we are really immediately: We have heard you loud 802(a) of title 5, United States Code, is talking about is: Will Congress live up and clear. The American people have amended— to its responsibility to the American said ‘‘no’’ to the continuance of the (1) by inserting after ‘‘resolving clause of people to, in fact, be the bastion of law Obama administration’s policies. This which is’’ the following: ‘‘(except as other- wise provided in this subsection)’’; and creation, whether laws are created by bill guarantees that Congress can pre- vent any and all last-minute defiance (2) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘In this body directly or in the review of the case of a joint resolution under section regulations created by an administra- of the people’s will by midnight regula- 801(d)(4), the matter after the resolving tion on behalf of this body? Ultimately, tions that stubbornly seek to entrench clause of such resolution shall be as follows: we own responsibility for laws and reg- the last pieces of the administration’s ‘That Congress disapproves the following ulations, whether they work or don’t partisan agenda. rules: the rule submitted by the ll relating work. Those regulations come from a host to ll; and the rule submitted by the ll re- Lastly, this body has not done nearly of agencies. They include everything lating to ll. Such rules shall have no force or effect.’ (The blank spaces being appro- enough to review regulations and their from overtime rules to greenhouse gas emission standards for heavy-duty en- priately filled in and additional clauses de- effect. During my tenure on another scribing additional rules to be included as committee, over and over again I saw gines and vehicles and scores of other necessary)’’. regulations in between, and they regulations by both administrations I The Acting CHAIR. No amendment threaten to impose on our economy have served under to create regulations to the bill shall be in order except over $100 billion in new annual costs. that they said would cost little or those printed in part B of House Report nothing. By the time they come to It is not Obama administration bu- reaucrats who should tell the people 114–818. Each such amendment may be pass, we discover they almost inevi- offered only in the order printed in the tably have a greater impact to our what they must do in these areas, rush- ing costly political preferences out the report, by a Member designated in the economy, adverse impact in many report, shall be considered read, shall cases, than forecasted. That review is door before the stroke of midnight. It is the incoming administration, work- be debatable for the time specified in another area that we should do. the report, equally divided and con- But for today, this simple piece of ing with Congress, that should deter- mine the rules to govern the future and trolled by the proponent and an oppo- legislation is only asking that Con- nent, shall not be subject to amend- gress live up to its responsibility and the regulatory rollbacks that will let freedom ring and Americans prosper. ment, and shall not be subject to a de- do so in a way that would not tie up mand for division of the question. weeks or months of either body simply I urge my colleagues to support the AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. CONYERS to decide that a regulation needs to be bill, and I yield back the balance of my The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order sent back for further review and, per- time. to consider amendment No. 1 printed in haps, reissued in a fashion more con- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to part B of House Report 114–818. sistent with the laws created by this support H.R. 5982, the Midnight Rules Relief Act, which allows Congress to disapprove en Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chairman, I have body and signed by previous Presi- an amendment at the desk. dents. bloc regulations from the Administrations sub- mitted for review within 60 days of the end of The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will b 0945 a presidential term. designate the amendment. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chairman, I have Under current law, Congress can only use The text of the amendment is as fol- no other requests for speakers, and I its authority under the Congressional Review lows: am prepared to close if the gentleman Act to disapprove one regulation at a time. Page 3, line 12, insert ‘‘(A)’’ before ‘‘In ap- is likewise. Presidential Administrations of both parties plying’’. Page 3, line 14, insert after ‘‘one or more Mr. GOODLATTE. Yes, I am prepared have issued bulk regulations as their term such rules’’ the following: ‘‘(other than an to close as well. comes to an end. These midnight regulations excepted rule)’’. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chairman, I have are usually rushed and not properly vetted by Page 3, line 16, insert after ‘‘President’s closing remarks that I would like to federal agencies, often imposing high costs on term.’’ the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.008 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6279 (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the amendment, and I reserve the balance The Chair recognizes the gentleman term ‘‘excepted rule’’ means a rule that is of my time. from Georgia. necessary because of an imminent threat to Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Chair- health or safety or other emergency. rise in opposition to the amendment. man, this amendment is simple. It The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman would exempt rules issued by an agen- House Resolution 921, the gentleman from Virginia is recognized for 5 min- cy more than 3 years prior to their sub- from Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) and a utes. mission to Congress. Member opposed each will control 5 Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chair, the This amendment is designed to con- minutes. Midnight Rules Relief Act leaves to front the fundamentally flawed The Chair recognizes the gentleman each Congress, making use of its max- premise of H.R. 5982, namely, that rules from Michigan. imum flexibility, to fashion a midnight submitted to Congress during the final Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chairman, my rule disapproval resolution. No one cat- 60 legislative days of a session are amendment would exempt from H.R. egory of regulation is in; no one cat- somehow less valid than rules sub- 5982 the rules issued in response to an egory of regulation is out. mitted prior to that period. imminent threat to health, safety, or The question, instead, is: Which are To set the record straight, this bill other emergencies. the midnight rules, from whatever cat- does not apply to rules submitted dur- My amendment addresses one of the egory, that fly in the face of the voters’ ing the lameduck period following an most problematic aspects of H.R. 5982 mandate or are otherwise abusive or election. which would permit Congress to invali- infirm? Notwithstanding the bill’s colorful date rules en bloc without proper con- No carve-outs of any kind are needed, title, H.R. 5982 applies to every rule sideration of any individual rule’s ben- including for health, safety, and other submitted to Congress within the final efits and no matter how important or emergency rules, because nothing is 60 legislative days of a session. time-sensitive such rule may be. categorically carved in. As the nonpartisan Congressional Re- Agencies often promulgate emer- Indeed, by carving out emergency search Service has clarified, this would gency rules in response to immediate rules, the amendment would only im- include rules submitted as early as threats to public health and safety. As pede the ability of Congress to both re- May 2016. Eight months should be ade- the Congressional Review Act itself spond swiftly and efficiently to abusive quate time for Congress to consider the recognizes, such critical rules can go midnight rules and clear the path for merits of economically significant into effect immediately if the Presi- the incoming administration to issue rules, which often take years to final- dent so directs by executive order. appropriate new rules to meet emer- ize. Indeed, according to the nonpartisan, H.R. 5982 would, however, empower a gencies. congressionally established Adminis- subsequent Congress and administra- I urge all of my colleagues to oppose trative Conference of the United tion to override such determination this amendment, and I reserve the bal- States, the ACUS, many of these rules and disapprove these rules. As a result ance of my time. adopted between an election and the of such disapproval, these regulations Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chair, I have no inauguration of a new President in- would be null and void, as if they had other requests, and I yield back the volve ‘‘relatively routine matters not never taken effect. balance of my time. implicating new policy initiatives by It is no secret that industry and spe- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of my time. incumbent administrations.’’ cial interests have strenuously opposed Public Citizen similarly found in a many life-saving requirements that the The Acting CHAIR. The question is on the amendment offered by the gen- report issued earlier this year that Federal Government has imposed over rules adopted during the final months the years, such as air quality stand- tleman from Michigan (Mr. CONYERS). The question was taken; and the Act- of an administration take 3.6 years on ards, the mandatory installation of ing Chair announced that the noes ap- average to finalize. And that is just automobile airbags, and emergency peared to have it. rules that are submitted to Congress exit lighting for passenger airplanes. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Chair, I demand a during the final 3 months of a Presi- Nevertheless, H.R. 5982 provides an recorded vote. dent’s term. open invitation for industry to have The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Again, this bill applies to rules yet another bite of the apple by seek- clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- adopted during much of the final year ing to undo regulations in a new Con- ceedings on the amendment offered by of the President’s term, dramatically gress and administration. the gentleman from Michigan will be undercutting the bill’s stated purpose. For example, let us consider the postponed. So, despite the majority’s claims that Flint water crisis in my State, which AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. JOHNSON OF the bill applies to midnight rules, this was a preventable public health dis- GEORGIA legislation would allow Congress to aster. While much blame for the Flint The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order bundle numerous rules finalized during water crisis lies with unelected offi- to consider amendment No. 2 printed in the final year of a President’s term cials who prioritized saving money part B of House Report 114–818. into a single vote on a joint resolution over saving lives, the presence of lead Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. I have an of disapproval. In other words, Mr. in drinking water is not unique to amendment at the desk. Chairman, this bill is a solution to a Flint. In fact, the drinking water of po- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will nonexistent and undocumented prob- tentially millions of Americans may be designate the amendment. lem. contaminated by lead. It is a con- The text of the amendment is as fol- Alarmingly, once these rules have tinuing problem. lows: been invalidated through this process, Long before this crisis surfaced, the Page 3, line 12, insert ‘‘(A)’’ before ‘‘In ap- the agency may not adopt a subsequent Environmental Protection Agency had plying’’. similar rule absent express authoriza- been in the process of updating its Page 3, line 14, insert after ‘‘one or more tion by Congress. Lead and Copper Rule, which was origi- such rules’’ the following: ‘‘(other than an I am also struck by the irony of the nally promulgated in 1991 after years of excepted rule)’’. majority’s stated concerns with a lack Page 3, line 16, insert after ‘‘President’s analysis. In fact, that agency is still in term.’’ the following: of transparency and public scrutiny in the process of finalizing this regula- (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the the policymaking process. This bill has tion. term ‘‘excepted rule’’ means a rule that was not been subject to a single hearing. In Yet, had this rule been submitted to proposed by a Federal agency more than fact, it was introduced less than a week Congress last month and gone into ef- three years prior to the agency submitting prior to its markup in committee. fect immediately pursuant to executive the rule to Congress. This legislation is symptomatic of a order, H.R. 5982 could be used by the in- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Republican majority more interested coming Congress and administration to House Resolution 921, the gentleman in focusing on coming up with the next invalidate this critical regulation. from Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON) and a great bill title or acronym than actu- So, accordingly, I strongly urge my Member opposed each will control 5 ally solving issues or helping the colleagues to support my commonsense minutes. American people.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.004 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 b 1000 erating this piece of legislation, so it that impacts, I think, personally and Perhaps the majority should follow certainly is not new. directly on the President of the United its own advice and proceed with reg- In much more seriousness, to call States, who happens to be President ular order on new and controversial this not regular order is simply inac- . Because otherwise legislation. curate. This has been discussed in mul- there is no real basis for this legisla- I urge my colleagues to support my tiple hearings, and it went through reg- tion. amendment, which is critical to ensur- ular order with a full committee mark- I have amendment No. 3 that speaks ing that the rules that have already up. So I would hope that the gentleman to it and clearly specifically states why taken years to finalize to improve lives would reevaluate his words and recog- this is a problem. It provides a limited and protect people actually see the nize that half-baked would be inappro- exception from the provisions of H.R. light of day. priate. This was fully vetted, and he 5982 of any administrative regulation I reserve the balance of my time. had time for all the amendments we or rule promulgated to prevent or re- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I are hearing today at the time it was in spond to matters of critical national claim the time in opposition to the committee. security. amendment. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. Chairman, if enacted in its cur- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman yield back the balance of my time. rent form, this bill will severely ham- from Virginia is recognized for 5 min- The Acting CHAIR. The question is per our Nation’s capacity to respond to utes. on the amendment offered by the gen- public health emergencies or to address Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I tleman from Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON). many other critical public policy mat- yield myself such time as I may con- The amendment was rejected. ters related to public safety or national sume. AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON security. This amendment encourages two of LEE The American people should know the worst features of Washington bu- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order this is an en bloc destruction of regula- reaucracy. First, it gives heel-drag- to consider amendment No. 3 printed in tions that may save lives. It is to say: ging, inefficient agencies a powerful in- part B of House Report 114–818. in your eye, Mr. President—and yes, centive to take even longer to finalize Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I have whoever it may be—because it feigns rules proposed long ago to the public. an amendment at the desk. itself to be bipartisan because it says This will only extend the regulatory The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ‘‘a President.’’ Well, obviously we uncertainty that hovers over job cre- designate the amendment. know what President we are talking ators whenever new rules are proposed. The text of the amendment is as fol- about right now. Probably next year, Regulatory uncertainty freezes invest- lows: this will be completely eliminated. ment and job creation, and that is ex- Page 3, line 12, insert ‘‘(A)’’ before ‘‘In ap- First of all, if it goes through now, it actly what we do not need Washington plying’’. should be vetoed; and I am sure any Page 3, line 14, insert after ‘‘one or more to do. other President would veto it. They such rules’’ the following: ‘‘(other than an have to have the opportunity and the Second, the amendment gives agen- excepted rule)’’. cies the incentive to cram even more Page 3, line 16, insert after ‘‘President’s responsibility, as their constitutional rules into the abusive midnight rule term.’’ the following: duties, to stand in the gap for the period. We should be discouraging the (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the American people. This would severely use of midnight rules not encouraging term ‘‘excepted rule’’ means a rule that per- hamper our Nation’s capacity to re- it. tains to critical matters of national secu- spond to public health emergencies or I urge my colleagues to oppose the rity. to address many other critical public amendment. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to policy matters. I reserve the balance of my time. House Resolution 921, the gentlewoman It would amend the congressional re- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Chair, from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) and a view to allow joint resolutions dis- I would submit that we, on this side, Member opposed each will control 5 approving en bloc resolutions sub- are always interested in making the minutes. mitted to Congress for CRA review rulemaking process more efficient, and The Chair recognizes the gentle- within 60 days of the end of the Presi- this is an important bipartisan con- woman from Texas. dential term. I don’t attribute to any cern. The trouble is when you get bills Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, President any malice just because their that are half-baked and they are let me take a moment to acknowledge term is about to end. sprung on the minority and not even my ranking member and my chairman I hold up for you the west Texas fer- subjected to a full committee and the for I believe that this past session has tilizer plant blast that killed 15. The regular order that we would proceed generated an enormous amount of bi- blast was preventable, the safety board through with legislation as important partisanship and cooperation. I thank says. And our President, rightly so, in as this—it is sprung on us, and it ends Chairman GOODLATTE for his leader- mourning the loss of these individ- up on the House floor as half-baked as ship. I also thank Ranking Member uals—the bomb explosion, if you will, it was when it was introduced—this is CONYERS for the important leadership was around schools. Thank God it was no way to go about reform. he has given to issues that we have at night and these children were not I would just ask that this amend- warned about for a long time, and that nearby because the schools were lev- ment be accepted. There is no doubt is criminal justice reform. eled—so the President issued executive that this legislation is not going to go I say that in the backdrop of being orders dealing with this issue. anywhere during this session of Con- enormously concerned about H.R. 5982, I ask my colleagues to vote down this gress, in terms of being signed into which is redundant since we have al- particular underlying bill and support law. ready passed midnight regulation legis- my amendment. My pledge is that we would work to- lation. The House did that earlier this I reserve the balance of my time. gether in the future to draft legislation year to establish a moratorium on mid- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I rise in op- that improves the rulemaking process, night rules, rather than addressing position to the amendment. and not shut it down or gum it up. critical issues, such as creating new op- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman I yield back the balance of my time. portunities for job growth and advance- from California is recognized for 5 min- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Chairman, I ment, or fixing our Nation’s broken im- utes. yield 1 minute to the gentleman from migration system, providing relief Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I rise in op- California (Mr. ISSA). from crushing student loan debt, and, position to the amendment. It carves Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I was rath- yes, moving forward on criminal jus- out rules pertaining to critical matters er surprised at my colleague from tice reform. of national security. As we know, with Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON). We have legislation that now seems President Obama, President-elect Since I am the author of the bill, I directed at President Obama before the Trump, and any other President, they would say that for the 16 years I have election of last week and now, again, have huge powers of executive author- been in Congress, I have been delib- continuing to wish to do something ity when it comes to national security.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.015 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6281 So to exclude something under the This bill is dangerous. It is a sweep- In response to this mass explosion, the guise that it would be national secu- ing measure that would jeopardize the President issued an Executive Order to nec- rity would inherently undermine the ability of the Federal Government to essary to improve the safety and security at intent of the rule. protect our Nation in times of urgent chemical facility in West, Texas and across I always find it interesting that peo- and imminent danger. Post-9/11, in the the nation. ple internalize and personalize some- world we now live in, the role of the Recognizing the importance of responding thing. In this case, there is nothing government in protecting its people to public health and safety emergencies, the better that this President could do for has never been more important. Congressional Review Act specifically permits the American people—and perhaps for Specifically, my amendment ensures agencies to issue rules where the agency has regulations that he would oppose in the that the Federal Government is not good cause, such as responding to an emer- future—than to sign this legislation. further prohibited from responding to gency. The fact is President Obama likely ob- emergencies, such as the 2013 west However, as the Government Accountability jects to many of the regulations that Texas chemical explosion that killed 15 Office (GAO) has clarified, this exception is would come out of the new Trump ad- people and created a fireball that lev- only available where an agency has not al- ministration. eled nearly the entire town. ready undertaken regulatory action. There is no better time than now to This legislation wants to en bloc— An exception substantively similar to the reassert or allow to be reasserted the not separate, analyze, or work with the Jackson Lee Amendment appears in H.R. power of a Congress, a Congress that administration—en bloc. Mr. Chair, 4361, another bill that would establish a mora- might very well reject President-elect what that means is to take the whole torium on ‘‘midnight rules’’ that has already Trump’s legislation or regulations in ball of wax—take the bag and wipe out passed the House this Congress. the future. regulations that may be helping to We should include a similar exemption here So the reality is, although the gen- save lives and protect the American to ensure that agencies retain the ability to ef- tlewoman from Texas would have you people. fectively respond to urgent and pressing na- believe that this was a personal attack I have to disagree with, again, the tional security measures. on our President, it is not an attack on gentleman from California. On Home- Now is not the time to undermine or slow our President. It is not an attack on land Security, we deal with this all the the ability of our regulatory agencies ability to our next President. time. On the Judiciary Committee, we address growing threats and active cases of It is, in fact, a law that would allow deal with this all the time. I have to public health crises. Congress to reassert, in an efficient stand in the gap. We have to stand in The Jackson Lee Amendment would ensure way, the authority which is constitu- the gap for the security of the Amer- that any rule promulgated to prevent or re- tionally, inherently, and always ours. ican people. spond to matters of national security would not For decades, perhaps two centuries Mr. Chairman, I ask my colleagues to be obstructed. plus, we have yielded the power, the support the Jackson Lee amendment to Accordingly, I urge adoption of the Jackson right, and the responsibility of this protect the national security of this Lee Amendment. body in appropriations, in regulations, Nation. [From CNN, Tue., April 22, 2014] and even in spending of a number of Thank you for this opportunity to briefly ex- WEST, TEXAS, FERTILIZER PLANT BLAST THAT areas in taxation to the executive plain the Jackson Lee Amendment. KILLED 15 ‘‘PREVENTABLE,’’ SAFETY BOARD branch. We can yield to the executive Specifically, the Jackson Lee Amendment SAYS branch, but we cannot run away from provides a limited exception from the provi- (By Eliott C. McLaughlin) our responsibility. A regulation—ten sions of H.R. 5982, the ‘‘Midnight Rules Relief The 2013 fertilizer plant blast that killed 15 regulations, a hundred regulations, or Act,’’ of any administrative regulation or rule people and wounded another 226 in West, a thousand regulations that are dis- promulgated to prevent or respond to matters Texas, ‘‘should never have occurred,’’ the approved by the American people and, of critical national security. chairman of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board said Tuesday. from them through us, needs to be Mr. Chairman, if enacted in its current form, Though the board’s report says that at dealt with in an efficient fashion. H.R. 5982, would severely hamper our na- least 14 people were killed, the death toll was So do I disagree with this? Yes. tion’s capacity to respond to public health updated to 15 people in the days after the Sadly, I disagree with the gentlewoman emergencies or to address many other critical blast. The board’s investigation was released from Texas’ characterization of the na- public policy matters relating to public safety a few days after the first anniversary of the ture of this legislation. This legislation or national security. explosion, does not expire a few weeks or months H.R. 5982 would amend the Congressional I yield back the balance of my time. from now, and it is intended to go on. Review Act (CRA) to allow joint resolutions Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, in closing, I Lastly, to say we have already passed disapproving en bloc regulations submitted to have served in this body for almost ex- legislation in this Congress would Congress for CRA review within 60 days of actly 16 years; and I have observed the imply that it was run through the Sen- the end of the presidential term. extremely rare times that a resolution ate and signed by the President and, as In particular, H.R. 5982 purports to address of disapproval comes to this body. So I a result, the reform is in place. No such concerns associated with new regulations and think if we can set a tone for the re- thing is the case. rules that are issued as the clock of an out- mainder of the debate, the tone should I would offer the gentlewoman from going presidential administration runs out— be set in recognition that these resolu- Texas in the next Congress to work otherwise known as ‘‘midnight rules.’’ tions are rare. And they never—I re- with her on such legislation as would This is a sweeping and dangerous measure peat, never in my 16 years—and the be signed by the next President. that would jeopardize the ability of the federal gentlewoman and I have served a simi- I reserve the balance of my time. government to protect our nation in times of lar time—never have I seen one that is Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, urgent and imminent need. as well-founded as dealing with the how much time remains, please. In the post-September 11th world we now safety of potentially explosives. Those The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman live in, the role of the government in protecting kinds of regulations are routinely run from Texas has 1 minute remaining, its people has never been more important.’’ through fairly quickly with congres- and the gentleman from California has It is important that the Administration at all sional oversight and encouragement. 2 minutes remaining. times retains the authority to act in times of So I think we have to set the tone Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, imminent need to protect citizens from national and ask how many times—Ranking let me indicate that the gentleman security emergencies. Member CONYERS has served longer from California is a good friend. We The Jackson Lee Amendment does just than anyone in this room—how many have served on the Judiciary Com- that. times have we brought these up. The mittee for a period of time. I could not Specifically, my amendment ensures that fact is, even under this en bloc, it will disagree with him more. Yes, a very the federal government is not further prohib- be a small portion of those regulations poison pill bill passed out of the House, ited from responding to emergencies, such as created in the last days of an outgoing and it did not go any further, which I the 2013 West, Texas chemical explosion that administration. hope this one will not go any further as killed 15 people and created a fireball that lev- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Will the gen- well. eled nearly the entire town. tleman yield?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.017 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 Mr. ISSA. I yield to the gentlewoman The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman This latest iteration, the seductively from Texas. will state his parliamentary inquiry. titled Midnight Rules Relief Act, is Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, my Mr. CONNOLLY. I have no objection nothing more than a retread, a back- emotion, of course, deals with, as I to the request of the gentleman from door attempt to roll back important think you know, many of the tragedies California. Is it, from a parliamentary steps to protect our constituents and we have faced in the Nation. point of view, a possibility? our communities. My amendment Here is my point: Your interpreta- The Acting CHAIR. The Chair would would, at the very least, ensure we con- tion, I need to analyze all of that, and entertain a unanimous consent request tinue to take steps to mitigate the ef- I have not to date. But I would say to from the proponent. fects of climate change. you, there is always a first time. There PERMISSION TO CONSIDER AMENDMENT NOS. 4 Climate change already poses a real is always the possibility. What we are AND 5 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY OF VIRGINIA and growing threat to our children, our trying to do is to make an exception if EN BLOC families, our national security, and our that happens to occur, and it might Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, I ask economy. Denying it exists doesn’t not. But we give that privilege so that unanimous consent that the two make it so. I can tell you in my native the people can be protected. amendments pending, 4 and 5, be amal- State of Virginia, we are seeing the ef- I thank the gentleman from Cali- gamated into one for the purpose of de- fects of climate change in low-lying fornia for yielding. bate on the floor instead of separate areas, including in and around our all- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I thank the consideration. important naval base in Norfolk. gentlewoman from Texas, and let us The Acting CHAIR. Is there objection I know there are some who believe continue that tone. to the request of the gentleman from that the Clean Power Plan and similar I yield back the balance of my time. Virginia to consider amendment Nos. 4 rules which seek to curb climate The Acting CHAIR. The question is and 5 en bloc? change will crush the economy, but I on the amendment offered by the gen- There was no objection. will point out we have to listen to rhet- tlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON AMENDMENTS EN BLOC OFFERED BY MR. oric all the time about job-killing reg- LEE). CONNOLLY OF VIRGINIA ulations in the environment. The fact The question was taken; and the Act- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chair, I offer of the matter is Clean Air Act amend- ing Chair announced that the noes ap- amendment Nos. 4 and 5 printed in part ments and related amendments to pro- peared to have it. B of House Report 114–818. tect our air and our water have, in fact, Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, I The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will created jobs and, with respect to power demand a recorded vote. designate the amendments. rates, have, in fact, lowered power The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to The text of the amendments is as fol- rates in large parts of the country, in- clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- lows: cluding my own in Virginia. ceedings on the amendment offered by AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY Turning my attention, Mr. Chair- the gentlewoman from Texas will be OF VIRGINIA man, to the second amendment amal- postponed. Page 3, line 12, insert ‘‘(A)’’ before ‘‘In ap- gamated, this bill once again amends b 1015 plying’’. the Congressional Review Act to allow Page 3, line 14, insert after ‘‘one or more a joint resolution disapproving en bloc AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY such rules’’ the following: ‘‘(other than an regulations. The title of the bill leads excepted rule)’’. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order one to believe that the period of cov- to consider amendment No. 4 printed in Page 3, line 16, insert after ‘‘President’s term.’’ the following: erage spans the waning hours of a Pres- part B of House Report 114–818. (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the idency when, in fact, according to the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, I term ‘‘excepted rule’’ means a rule that the nonpartisan CRS, 60 legislative days have an amendment at the desk. Director of the Office of Management and takes us back to May of 2016, before we The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Budget determines would have benefits that even confirmed our final Presidential designate the amendment. exceed its cost. candidates. The text of the amendment is as fol- AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY The Congressional Review Act al- lows: OF VIRGINIA ready permits Congress to disapprove Page 3, line 12, insert ‘‘(A)’’ before ‘‘In ap- Page 3, line 12, insert ‘‘(A)’’ before ‘‘In ap- of regulations. This bill is nothing plying’’. 4 plying’’. more than a partisan attempt to pre- Page 3, line 14, insert after ‘‘one or more Page 3, line 14, insert after ‘‘one or more vent the implementation of critical such rules’’ the following: ‘‘(other than an such rules’’ the following: ‘‘(other than an excepted rule)’’. excepted rule)’’. laws by our Federal Government to Page 3, line 16, insert after ‘‘President’s Page 3, line 16, insert after ‘‘President’s delegitimize President Obama’s final term.’’ the following: term.’’ the following: months in office. I think it is unwise. I (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the think it is imprudent. I think just like term ‘‘excepted rule’’ means a rule that the term ‘‘excepted rule’’ means a rule that ad- leaving a vacancy on the Supreme Director of the Office of Management and dresses the harmful effects of climate Court for an entire year on the dubious Budget determines would have benefits that change. theory that a President in his last year exceed its cost. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to of office ought to be somehow a lame- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to House Resolution 921, the gentleman duck in every respect as if he had not House Resolution 921, the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) and a legitimately been elected by the people from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) and a Member opposed each will control 5 of this country is certainly, I think, Member opposed each will control 5 minutes. false logic, false constitutional logic, minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman and dangerous to the functioning of a The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Virginia. republic. from Virginia. Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, it Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I would ask seems this Congress will close out the of my time. that my colleague consider his two 114th session much the same as it Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I rise in op- amendments en bloc if he would. I opened. Then we considered H.R. 185, a position to the amendment. would be happy to yield to make sure repeat of the anti-public health, anti- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman time is sufficient. environment, anti-public safety legis- from California is recognized for 5 min- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman lation that was defeated in the 112th utes. from Virginia has been recognized for 5 and 113th Congresses and which would Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, on this en minutes. come to characterize, unfortunately, bloc pair of amendments, I have two The gentleman from Virginia is rec- this Congress. So I guess we shouldn’t very different reasons for objecting. In ognized. be surprised that just before we ad- the case of the portion that is the Di- PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY journ, the House majority will offer rector of Office of Management and Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, I one last retread of this social Dar- Budget, the gentleman from Virginia have a parliamentary inquiry. winian philosophy. (Mr. CONNOLLY) and I spent an amazing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:16 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.018 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6283 amount of time over the years looking President Obama’s Presidency, and it, Sam Rayburn who said, as a Demo- at times in which OMB makes an esti- to me, is a shameful episode where cratic Speaker, the Republicans are in mate and then the reality is dramati- some of my friends on the other side of the opposition but the Senate is the cally different. the aisle—not necessarily Mr. ISSA— enemy. So to carve out based on the Office of have attempted to basically nullify his Mr. Chairman, I, of course, meant no Management and Budget, which is a ability to function as President, and disrespect. I was simply quoting a Cabinet-level, partisan appointment of therefore he has had to rely on execu- former Speaker of this body. the President, would have one believe tive powers in the absence of legisla- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chair, I yield back the that it is perfect. The reality is not tive action and thwarting. balance of my time. only is it not perfect, but its track I think the most egregious one be- The Acting CHAIR. The question is record tends to be very self-serving. sides this bill is, of course, leaving a on the amendments en bloc offered by Just the amount of times in which CBO vacancy open on the Supreme Court the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CON- scores very differently would cause all under the very dubious logic that NOLLY). of us to know that this is not a good somehow he is not entitled in the last The question was taken; and the Act- enough reason for a carve-out. year. That logic leads every single ing Chair announced that the noes ap- Having said that, I look forward to Member of Congress basically to not do peared to have it. working with the gentleman from Vir- anything in the second year here in the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, I de- ginia on both CBO and OMB scoring re- House because the same logic would mand a recorded vote. form in the next Congress because I pertain to them. They are lameducks The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to think we have a long way to go to get until they are reelected or until the clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- numbers right. If we get numbers right will of the people is heard in the next ceedings on the amendments en bloc on both regulations and proposed laws, election cycle. That is, to me, foolish offered by the gentleman from Virginia we can all do a better job. logic, dangerous logic, and I think it will be postponed. In the case of the second portion of will put a cloud over the next Presi- Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, I move that these two, I have to say that climate dent’s tenure. the Committee do now rise. change has been unfairly made a polit- Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- The motion was agreed to. ical issue. The world is getting warmer; ance of my time. Accordingly, the Committee rose; we know that. How much of it is caused Mr. ISSA. Mr. Chairman, may I in- and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. by various things, we need to know, quire as to how much time I have re- VALADAO) having assumed the chair, and I would hope that regulations maining. Mr. DOLD, Acting Chair of the Com- would not be a source of that. But this The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman mittee of the Whole House on the state President has, by many of his own from California has 21⁄2 minutes re- of the Union, reported that that Com- statements, taken great credit for his maining. mittee, having had under consideration use of a pen and a phone to make deci- Mr. ISSA. I won’t use it all. I thank the bill (H.R. 5982) to amend chapter 8 sions related to his view of a single the chairman, and I thank my col- of title 5, United States Code, to pro- cause of climate change, that being league from Virginia. Let me take a vide for en bloc consideration in reso- carbon. moment to reflect, perhaps, on some- lutions of disapproval for ‘‘midnight The fact is I look forward to working thing that my colleague and friend rules’’, and for other purposes, had with any President on sensible regula- said. come to no resolution thereon. tions, but those regulations have to be During my tenure with Mr. CON- f consistent with the laws passed and the NOLLY, our committee sent 23 pieces of regulatory options given to the other legislation to the President that he RECESS branch. It is for that reason that we signed; we sent 74 to the other body. So The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- have the ability to disapprove. if there is an enemy, perhaps it is the ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair So again, I would hope we all not great bipartisan legislation that left declares the House in recess until ap- look at specific regulations that may the House and never got to the Presi- proximately 10:50 a.m. today. or may not be contested by the next dent. The President signed all 23 pieces Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 28 Congress and, instead, look more ap- of legislation, though, that got through minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- propriately at should we have the effi- the Senate, including legislation that cess. ciency to consider maybe 20, maybe 10, Mr. CONNOLLY and I worked on to- maybe only 4 en bloc, all as one, or gether. f maybe in two separate. The reality is Since my leaving that committee, b 1050 efficiency of the process of disapproval additional legislation has come AFTER RECESS does not for a moment change the re- through that committee on a bipar- sponsibility and authority of this body. tisan basis, including a huge expansion The recess having expired, the House Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance of the Freedom of Information Act. I was called to order by the Speaker pro of my time. would hope that in these last days, we tempore (Mr. YOUNG of Iowa) at 10 Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, may would reflect on the successes of this o’clock and 50 minutes a.m. I inquire how much time remains on Congress and the successes of our out- f my side. going President because, in fact, for all The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman that we all do in the performance of MIDNIGHT RULES RELIEF ACT OF from Virginia has 2 minutes remaining. our oversight role, we also have had 2016 Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Chairman, I fine and notable successes and good The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- take my friend from California’s point legislation under this President; and I ant to House Resolution 921 and rule about data. Let’s look at OMB’s latest would like to take this moment to take XVIII, the Chair declares the House in report to Congress on Federal regula- note that, in fact, the President has the Committee of the Whole House on tion which found that the monetized signed the vast majority of legislation the state of the Union for the further benefits of Federal regulations over the that left here on a bipartisan basis, in- consideration of the bill, H.R. 5982. past decade are significantly higher, by cluding a piece of legislation that Mr. Will the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. a 10 to 1 margin, than their cost. That CONNOLLY was critical on. DOLD) kindly resume the chair. is their report. It is an inconvenient I yield to the gentleman if he has any b 1050 fact, but there it is. further comment. I will finally end, Mr. Chairman, be- Mr. CONNOLLY. I thank my friend IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE cause I want to be respectful of my for yielding. Accordingly, the House resolved friend’s intent here in trying to amal- I am struck by a humorous observa- itself into the Committee of the Whole gamate these two amendments. tion when he talks about what hap- House on the state of the Union for the I am sorry, this is another bill in the pened in the other body to a lot of leg- further consideration of the bill (H.R. long process of trying to delegitimize islation. I believe it may have been 5982) to amend chapter 8 of title 5,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:16 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.022 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 United States Code, to provide for en Lewis O’Rourke Sherman Stewart Wagner Wilson (SC) bloc consideration in resolutions of dis- Lieu, Ted Pallone Sinema Stivers Walberg Wittman Lipinski Pascrell Sires Stutzman Walden Womack approval for ‘‘midnight rules’’, and for Loebsack Payne Slaughter Thompson (PA) Walker Woodall other purposes, with Mr. DOLD (Acting Lofgren Perlmutter Smith (WA) Thornberry Walorski Yoder Chair) in the chair. Lowenthal Peters Speier Tiberi Walters, Mimi Yoho Lowey Peterson Tipton Weber (TX) Young (AK) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Swalwell (CA) Lujan Grisham Pingree Takano Trott Webster (FL) Young (IA) Turner Wenstrup Young (IN) The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- (NM) Pocan Thompson (CA) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Polis Upton Westerman Zeldin mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, Thompson (MS) (NM) Price (NC) Valadao Williams Zinke Titus a request for a recorded vote on amend- Lynch Quigley ments en bloc printed in part B of Maloney, Rangel Tonko NOT VOTING—21 Torres House Report 114–818 offered by the Carolyn Rice (NY) Blumenauer Forbes Nugent Tsongas gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CON- Maloney, Sean Richmond Brown (FL) Hanna Nunes Matsui Roybal-Allard Van Hollen Costello (PA) Hensarling Pelosi NOLLY) had been postponed. McCollum Ruiz Vargas Deutch Jolly Poe (TX) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR McDermott Ruppersberger Veasey Duckworth Kirkpatrick Ribble McGovern Ryan (OH) Ellison Kline Rush The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to McNerney Sa´ nchez, Linda Vela´ zquez Fitzpatrick Labrador Westmoreland clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will Meeks T. Visclosky now resume on those amendments Meng Sanchez, Loretta Walz b 1113 printed in part B of House Report 114– Moore Sarbanes Wasserman Moulton Schakowsky Schultz Messrs. ZINKE, HARRIS, HURD of 818 on which further proceedings were Murphy (FL) Schiff Waters, Maxine Texas, HARPER, WEBSTER of Florida, postponed, in the following order: Nadler Schrader Watson Coleman Napolitano Scott (VA) Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. WILSON of Amendment No. 1 by Mr. CONYERS of Welch Neal Scott, David Wilson (FL) South Carolina, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Michigan. Nolan Serrano Yarmuth Messrs. BILIRAKIS, KATKO, and Amendment No. 3 by Ms. JACKSON Norcross Sewell (AL) WALKER changed their vote from LEE of Texas. NOES—233 ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Amendments en bloc by Mr. CON- Messrs. SCOTT of Virginia, KEN- NOLLY of Virginia. Abraham Foxx McClintock Aderholt Franks (AZ) McHenry NEDY, EVANS, and CROWLEY The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Allen Frelinghuysen McKinley changed their vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ the minimum time for any electronic Amash Garrett McMorris So the amendment was rejected. vote after the first vote in this series. Amodei Gibbs Rodgers Babin Gibson McSally The result of the vote was announced AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. CONYERS Barletta Gohmert Meadows as above recorded. Barr Goodlatte Meehan The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON business is the demand for a recorded Barton Gosar Messer Benishek Gowdy Mica LEE vote on the amendment offered by the Bilirakis Granger Miller (FL) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished gentleman from Michigan (Mr. CON- Bishop (MI) Graves (GA) Miller (MI) business is the demand for a recorded YERS) on which further proceedings Bishop (UT) Graves (LA) Moolenaar Black Graves (MO) Mooney (WV) vote on the amendment offered by the were postponed and on which the noes Blackburn Griffith Mullin gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON prevailed by voice vote. Blum Grothman Mulvaney LEE) on which further proceedings were The Clerk will redesignate the Bost Guinta Murphy (PA) postponed and on which the noes pre- Boustany Guthrie Neugebauer amendment. Brady (TX) Hardy Newhouse vailed by voice vote. The Clerk redesignated the amend- Brat Harper Noem The Clerk will redesignate the ment. Bridenstine Harris Olson amendment. Brooks (AL) Hartzler Palazzo RECORDED VOTE Brooks (IN) Heck (NV) Palmer The Clerk redesignated the amend- The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Buchanan Herrera Beutler Paulsen ment. has been demanded. Buck Hice, Jody B. Pearce RECORDED VOTE Bucshon Hill Perry A recorded vote was ordered. Burgess Holding Pittenger The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote The vote was taken by electronic de- Byrne Hudson Pitts has been demanded. vice, and there were—ayes 180, noes 233, Calvert Huelskamp Poliquin A recorded vote was ordered. Carter (GA) Huizenga (MI) Pompeo not voting 21, as follows: Carter (TX) Hultgren Posey The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- [Roll No. 581] Chabot Hunter Price, Tom minute vote. Chaffetz Hurd (TX) Ratcliffe AYES—180 The vote was taken by electronic de- Clawson (FL) Hurt (VA) Reed vice, and there were—ayes 179, noes 238, Adams Conyers Green, Al Coffman Issa Reichert Aguilar Cooper Green, Gene Cole Jenkins (KS) Renacci not voting 17, as follows: Ashford Costa Grijalva Collins (GA) Jenkins (WV) Rice (SC) [Roll No. 582] Bass Courtney Gutie´rrez Collins (NY) Johnson (OH) Rigell Beatty Crowley Hahn Comer Johnson, Sam Roby AYES—179 Becerra Cuellar Hanabusa Comstock Jones Roe (TN) Adams Cleaver Evans Bera Cummings Hastings Conaway Jordan Rogers (AL) Aguilar Clyburn Farr Beyer Davis (CA) Heck (WA) Cook Joyce Rogers (KY) Ashford Cohen Foster Bishop (GA) Davis, Danny Higgins Cramer Katko Rohrabacher Bass Connolly Frankel (FL) Bonamici DeFazio Himes Crawford Kelly (MS) Rokita Beatty Conyers Fudge Boyle, Brendan DeGette Hinojosa Crenshaw Kelly (PA) Rooney (FL) Becerra Cooper Gabbard F. Delaney Honda Culberson King (IA) Ros-Lehtinen Bera Costa Gallego Brady (PA) DeLauro Hoyer Curbelo (FL) King (NY) Roskam Beyer Courtney Garamendi Brownley (CA) DelBene Huffman Davidson Kinzinger (IL) Ross Bishop (GA) Crowley Graham Bustos DeSaulnier Israel Davis, Rodney Knight Rothfus Bonamici Cuellar Grayson Butterfield Dingell Jackson Lee Denham LaHood Rouzer Boyle, Brendan Cummings Green, Al Capps Doggett Jeffries Dent LaMalfa Royce F. Davis (CA) Green, Gene Capuano Doyle, Michael Johnson (GA) DeSantis Lamborn Russell Brady (PA) Davis, Danny Grijalva Ca´ rdenas F. Johnson, E. B. DesJarlais Lance Salmon Brownley (CA) DeFazio Gutie´rrez Carney Edwards Kaptur Diaz-Balart Latta Sanford Bustos DeGette Hahn Carson (IN) Engel Keating Dold LoBiondo Scalise Butterfield Delaney Hanabusa Cartwright Eshoo Kelly (IL) Donovan Long Schweikert Capps DeLauro Hastings Castor (FL) Esty Kennedy Duffy Loudermilk Scott, Austin Capuano DelBene Heck (WA) Castro (TX) Evans Kildee Duncan (SC) Love Sensenbrenner Ca´ rdenas DeSaulnier Higgins Chu, Judy Farr Kilmer Duncan (TN) Lucas Sessions Carney Deutch Himes Cicilline Foster Kind Ellmers (NC) Luetkemeyer Shimkus Carson (IN) Dingell Hinojosa Clark (MA) Frankel (FL) Kuster Emmer (MN) Lummis Shuster Cartwright Doggett Honda Clarke (NY) Fudge Langevin Farenthold MacArthur Simpson Castor (FL) Doyle, Michael Hoyer Clay Gabbard Larsen (WA) Fincher Marchant Smith (MO) Castro (TX) F. Huffman Cleaver Gallego Larson (CT) Fleischmann Marino Smith (NE) Chu, Judy Edwards Israel Clyburn Garamendi Lawrence Fleming Massie Smith (NJ) Cicilline Engel Jackson Lee Cohen Graham Lee Flores McCarthy Smith (TX) Clark (MA) Eshoo Jeffries Connolly Grayson Levin Fortenberry McCaul Stefanik Clarke (NY) Esty Johnson (GA)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:16 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.025 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6285 Johnson, E. B. McNerney Schakowsky Russell Stewart Weber (TX) Larsen (WA) Neal Serrano Kaptur Meeks Schiff Salmon Stivers Webster (FL) Larson (CT) Nolan Sewell (AL) Keating Meng Schrader Sanford Stutzman Wenstrup Lawrence Norcross Sherman Kelly (IL) Moore Scott (VA) Scalise Thompson (PA) Westerman Lee O’Rourke Sinema Kennedy Moulton Scott, David Schweikert Thornberry Williams Levin Pallone Sires Kildee Murphy (FL) Serrano Scott, Austin Tiberi Wilson (SC) Lewis Pascrell Slaughter Kilmer Nadler Sewell (AL) Sensenbrenner Tipton Wittman Lieu, Ted Payne Smith (WA) Kind Napolitano Sherman Sessions Trott Womack Lipinski Pelosi Speier Shimkus Turner Kuster Neal Sires Woodall Loebsack Perlmutter Swalwell (CA) Langevin Nolan Slaughter Shuster Upton Lofgren Peters Yoder Takano Larsen (WA) Norcross Smith (WA) Simpson Valadao Lowenthal Pingree Yoho Thompson (CA) Larson (CT) O’Rourke Speier Sinema Wagner Lowey Pocan Lawrence Pallone Swalwell (CA) Smith (MO) Walberg Young (AK) Lujan Grisham Polis Thompson (MS) Lee Pascrell Takano Smith (NE) Walden Young (IA) (NM) Price (NC) Titus Levin Payne Thompson (CA) Smith (NJ) Walker Young (IN) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Quigley Tonko Lewis Perlmutter Thompson (MS) Smith (TX) Walorski Zeldin (NM) Rangel Torres Lieu, Ted Peters Titus Stefanik Walters, Mimi Zinke Lynch Rice (NY) Tsongas Lipinski Pingree Tonko Maloney, Richmond Van Hollen Loebsack Pocan Torres NOT VOTING—17 Carolyn Roybal-Allard Vargas Lofgren Polis Tsongas Blumenauer Fitzpatrick Kline Maloney, Sean Ruiz Veasey Lowenthal Price (NC) Van Hollen Brown (FL) Forbes Nugent Matsui Ruppersberger Vela Lowey Quigley Vargas Clay Hanna Pelosi McCollum Rush Vela´ zquez Lujan Grisham Rangel Veasey Costello (PA) Hensarling Poe (TX) McDermott Ryan (OH) Visclosky (NM) Rice (NY) Vela Duckworth Jolly Westmoreland McGovern Sa´ nchez, Linda Walz Luja´ n, Ben Ray Richmond Vela´ zquez Ellison Kirkpatrick McNerney T. Wasserman (NM) Roybal-Allard Visclosky Meeks Sanchez, Loretta Schultz ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Lynch Ruiz Walz Meng Sarbanes Waters, Maxine Maloney, Ruppersberger Wasserman Moore The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Schakowsky Watson Coleman Carolyn Rush Schultz Moulton Schiff There is 1 minute remaining. Welch Maloney, Sean Ryan (OH) Waters, Maxine Murphy (FL) Schrader Wilson (FL) Matsui Sa´ nchez, Linda Watson Coleman Nadler Scott (VA) Yarmuth McCollum T. Welch b 1120 Napolitano Scott, David McDermott Sanchez, Loretta Wilson (FL) McGovern Sarbanes Yarmuth So the amendment was rejected. NOES—237 The result of the vote was announced NOES—238 Abraham Flores Marchant as above recorded. Aderholt Fortenberry Marino Abraham Fleischmann Lucas Allen Foxx Massie AMENDMENTS EN BLOC OFFERED BY MR. Aderholt Fleming Luetkemeyer Amash Franks (AZ) McCarthy Allen Flores Lummis CONNOLLY OF VIRGINIA Amodei Frelinghuysen McCaul Amash Fortenberry MacArthur The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Babin Garrett McClintock Amodei Foxx Marchant business is the demand for a recorded Barletta Gibbs McHenry Babin Franks (AZ) Marino Barr Gibson McKinley Barletta Frelinghuysen Massie vote on the amendments en bloc of- Barton Gohmert McMorris Barr Garrett McCarthy fered by the gentleman from Virginia Benishek Goodlatte Rodgers Barton Gibbs McCaul (Mr. CONNOLLY) on which further pro- Bilirakis Gosar McSally Benishek Gibson McClintock ceedings were postponed and on which Bishop (MI) Gowdy Meadows Bilirakis Gohmert McHenry Bishop (UT) Granger Meehan Bishop (MI) Goodlatte McKinley the noes prevailed by voice vote. Black Graves (GA) Messer Bishop (UT) Gosar McMorris The Clerk will redesignate the Blackburn Graves (LA) Mica Black Gowdy Rodgers amendments. Blum Graves (MO) Miller (FL) Blackburn Granger McSally Bost Griffith Miller (MI) Blum Graves (GA) Meadows The Clerk redesignated the amend- Boustany Grothman Moolenaar Bost Graves (LA) Meehan ments. Brady (TX) Guinta Mooney (WV) Boustany Graves (MO) Messer RECORDED VOTE Brat Guthrie Mullin Brady (TX) Griffith Mica Bridenstine Hardy Mulvaney Brat Grothman Miller (FL) The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Brooks (AL) Harper Murphy (PA) Bridenstine Guinta Miller (MI) has been demanded. Brooks (IN) Harris Neugebauer Brooks (AL) Guthrie Moolenaar A recorded vote was ordered. Buchanan Hartzler Newhouse Brooks (IN) Hardy Mooney (WV) Buck Heck (NV) Noem Buchanan Harper Mullin The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Bucshon Herrera Beutler Nunes Buck Harris Mulvaney minute vote. Burgess Hice, Jody B. Olson Bucshon Hartzler Murphy (PA) The vote was taken by electronic de- Byrne Hill Palazzo Burgess Heck (NV) Neugebauer vice, and there were—ayes 180, noes 237, Calvert Holding Palmer Byrne Herrera Beutler Newhouse Carter (GA) Hudson Paulsen Calvert Hice, Jody B. Noem not voting 17, as follows: Carter (TX) Huelskamp Pearce Carter (GA) Hill Nunes [Roll No. 583] Chabot Huizenga (MI) Perry Carter (TX) Holding Olson Chaffetz Hultgren Peterson Chabot Hudson Palazzo AYES—180 Clawson (FL) Hunter Pittenger Chaffetz Huelskamp Palmer Adams Conyers Garamendi Coffman Hurd (TX) Pitts Clawson (FL) Huizenga (MI) Paulsen Aguilar Cooper Graham Cole Hurt (VA) Poliquin Coffman Hultgren Pearce Ashford Costa Grayson Collins (GA) Issa Pompeo Cole Hunter Perry Bass Courtney Green, Al Collins (NY) Jenkins (KS) Posey Collins (GA) Hurd (TX) Peterson Beatty Crowley Green, Gene Comer Jenkins (WV) Price, Tom Collins (NY) Hurt (VA) Pittenger Becerra Cuellar Grijalva Comstock Johnson (OH) Ratcliffe Comer Issa Pitts Bera Cummings Gutie´rrez Conaway Johnson, Sam Reed Comstock Jenkins (KS) Poliquin Beyer Davis (CA) Hahn Cook Jones Reichert Conaway Jenkins (WV) Pompeo Bishop (GA) Davis, Danny Hanabusa Cramer Jordan Renacci Cook Johnson (OH) Posey Bonamici DeFazio Hastings Crawford Joyce Ribble Cramer Johnson, Sam Price, Tom Boyle, Brendan DeGette Heck (WA) Crenshaw Katko Rice (SC) Crawford Jones Ratcliffe F. Delaney Higgins Culberson Kelly (MS) Rigell Crenshaw Jordan Reed Brady (PA) DeLauro Himes Curbelo (FL) Kelly (PA) Roby Culberson Joyce Reichert Brownley (CA) DelBene Hinojosa Davidson King (IA) Roe (TN) Curbelo (FL) Katko Renacci Bustos DeSaulnier Honda Davis, Rodney King (NY) Rogers (AL) Davidson Kelly (MS) Ribble Butterfield Deutch Hoyer Denham Kinzinger (IL) Rogers (KY) Davis, Rodney Kelly (PA) Rice (SC) Capuano Dingell Huffman Dent Knight Rohrabacher Denham King (IA) Rigell Ca´ rdenas Doggett Israel DeSantis Labrador Rokita Dent King (NY) Roby Carney Doyle, Michael Jackson Lee DesJarlais LaHood Rooney (FL) DeSantis Kinzinger (IL) Roe (TN) Carson (IN) F. Jeffries Diaz-Balart LaMalfa Ros-Lehtinen DesJarlais Knight Rogers (AL) Cartwright Edwards Johnson (GA) Dold Lamborn Roskam Diaz-Balart Labrador Rogers (KY) Castor (FL) Engel Johnson, E. B. Donovan Lance Ross Dold LaHood Rohrabacher Castro (TX) Eshoo Kaptur Duffy Latta Rothfus Donovan LaMalfa Rokita Chu, Judy Esty Keating Duncan (SC) LoBiondo Rouzer Duffy Lamborn Rooney (FL) Cicilline Evans Kelly (IL) Duncan (TN) Long Royce Duncan (SC) Lance Ros-Lehtinen Clark (MA) Farr Kennedy Ellmers (NC) Loudermilk Russell Duncan (TN) Latta Roskam Clarke (NY) Foster Kildee Emmer (MN) Love Salmon Ellmers (NC) LoBiondo Ross Cleaver Frankel (FL) Kilmer Farenthold Lucas Sanford Emmer (MN) Long Rothfus Clyburn Fudge Kind Fincher Luetkemeyer Scalise Farenthold Loudermilk Rouzer Cohen Gabbard Kuster Fleischmann Lummis Schweikert Fincher Love Royce Connolly Gallego Langevin Fleming MacArthur Scott, Austin

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:16 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.012 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 Sensenbrenner Tiberi Westerman nificant barriers to employment, improving the government a few years back; and Sessions Tipton Williams the quality of the workforce, and enhancing Congress, which can’t even pass a budg- Shimkus Trott Wilson (SC) the productivity and competitiveness of the Shuster Turner et or appropriations bills—the essential Wittman nation.’’. Simpson Upton Womack 101 of government. Smith (MO) Valadao Woodall The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Congress is going to tell the Presi- Smith (NE) Wagner Yoder tleman from Wisconsin is recognized dent what he is doing wrong and what Smith (NJ) Walberg Yoho Smith (TX) Walden for 5 minutes. he should and shouldn’t do while he is Young (AK) Stefanik Walker Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, this is the Young (IA) still President. Really? Stewart Walorski Young (IN) final amendment to the bill, which will Remember, the President’s approval Stivers Walters, Mimi Stutzman Weber (TX) Zeldin not kill the bill or send it back to com- rating is 56 percent, and the majority’s Thompson (PA) Webster (FL) Zinke mittee. If adopted, the bill will imme- rating is about 15 to 20 percent. So Thornberry Wenstrup diately proceed to final passage, as Congress is going to tell the President NOT VOTING—17 amended. what he should do even if it would cost Blumenauer Ellison Kirkpatrick Mr. Speaker, when I was 23, I decided us jobs. That is not the message from Brown (FL) Fitzpatrick Kline to open a small business in my home last week, my colleagues. People want Capps Forbes Nugent State of Wisconsin, a business which I more job growth and bigger paychecks, Clay Hanna Poe (TX) still own today nearly 3 decades later. not less. Costello (PA) Hensarling Westmoreland Duckworth Jolly I know what it takes to create jobs, If you are serious about stopping bad good family supporting union jobs. I regulation, we are with you. If you ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR know what a headache misguided regu- simply want to stop the President from The Acting CHAIR (Mr. HULTGREN) lation can be. continuing to be President for the re- (during the vote). There is 1 minute re- No one supports dumb regulation. mainder of his term and stop us from maining. There is a regulation that says it is a creating jobs by doing that, you didn’t b 1124 crime to sell ‘‘turkey ham’’ as ‘‘ham get the message from last week—but So the en bloc amendments were re- turkey’’ or with the words ‘‘turkey’’ or we did. We are hyper-focused on cre- jected. ‘‘ham’’ in a different font. That is just ating good, family supporting jobs, and The result of the vote was announced dumb. we aren’t going to stop a President who as above recorded. But I also know that rhetoric about is doing that just so Republicans can The Acting CHAIR. There being no regulation can go too far and in the say ‘‘thank you’’ to some corporate further amendments under the rule, wrong direction and sometimes be done special interests. the Committee rises. for the wrong reasons. Last week, we I urge my colleagues to support the Accordingly, the Committee rose; all heard loud and clear that there is Democratic motion to recommit. and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. economic anxiety in this country, more Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance DOLD) having assumed the chair, Mr. than anyone ever imagined. of my time. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise HULTGREN, Acting Chair of the Com- b 1130 mittee of the Whole House on the state in opposition to the motion to recom- While the economy has largely come of the Union, reported that that Com- mit. back from the crash of 2008, too many mittee, having had under consideration The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- are working more hours for less, and the bill (H.R. 5982) to amend chapter 8 tleman from Virginia is recognized for many don’t earn what they used to in of title 5, United States Code, to pro- 5 minutes. jobs that have left us and have gone vide for en bloc consideration in reso- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, ear- overseas. The last thing we should be lutions of disapproval for ‘‘midnight lier this week, the majority leader and doing right now is anything that costs rules’’, and for other purposes, and, the committee chairs sent a letter to us jobs in this country, and that is ex- pursuant to House Resolution 921, he hundreds of government departments actly what this bill before us would do reported the bill back to the House. and agencies, saying stop, stop with today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the overregulation of our economy. It This motion to recommit is simple. the rule, the previous question is or- is time to stop this. We heard the re- We should support any rules and regu- dered. sults of the election loud and clear. The question is on the engrossment lations that help put Americans back This motion to recommit misses the and third reading of the bill. to work. I think that is something ev- forest through the trees, and the ever- The bill was ordered to be engrossed eryone should be able to agree with; increasing avalanche of Washington and read a third time, and was read the but, unfortunately, some in Congress regulation is stifling job creation, suf- third time. want to stop all sorts of regulations, focating recovery, and strangling our even ones that help the American peo- economy. Federal regulation since 1980 MOTION TO RECOMMIT ple get back to work, just because has been estimated to have cost this Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, I have a some powerful special interests don’t country $4 trillion worth of annual motion to recommit at the desk. like them. That means you would GDP—a full 25 percent—by 2012; and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the throw out regulations that have the things have only gotten worse since gentleman opposed to the bill? ability to help increase people’s pay- then as the record-setting Obama ad- Mr. POCAN. I am opposed. checks and create jobs right here in ministration has piled evermore costs The SPEAKER pro tempore. The America. on top. Now here they come again. Clerk will report the motion to recom- Let’s face it. President Obama knows Here is the list in fine print of over 180 mit. a thing or two about creating jobs. new midnight regulations they want to The Clerk read as follows: Under his administration, over 13 mil- jam through before the end of this ad- Mr. Pocan moves to recommit the bill H.R. lion jobs have been created—twice the ministration. 5982 to the Committee on the Judiciary with number that were created under Presi- In administration after administra- instructions to report the same back to the House forthwith with the following amend- dent Bush—and we have added jobs tion, the most abusive period of regula- ment: consistently for the last 73 months. tion has been the midnight rule pe- Add, at the end of the bill, the following: That should be something we are all riod—the last, vanishing months of an (c) EXCEPTION FOR RULES THAT PUT AMERI- glad about and support. It is no wonder outgoing administration as it seeks to CANS BACK TO WORK AND MAKE THE UNITED that President Obama’s approval rat- cement the last pieces of its regulatory STATES MORE COMPETITIVE INTERNATION- ing is at 56 percent today; but now Con- edifice in place. This is the time when ALLY.—Section 801(d) of title 5, United States gress wants to take away the Presi- the pace of executive branch regulation Code, as amended by this Act, is further dent’s ability to continue to help the most easily overwhelms Congress’ in- amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(5) Paragraph (4) shall not apply to any economy—Congress, which, by the way, stitutional capacity to check executive rule that pertains to improving employment, cost 1.6 million jobs through passing overreach. retention, and earnings of workforce partici- sequestration; Congress, which cost the With one simple change to the Con- pants, especially those participants with sig- economy $24 billion when we shut down gressional Review Act—this bill—it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.021 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6287 will free Congress to disapprove any Norcross Ryan (OH) Thompson (MS) Womack Yoho Young (IN) and all midnight regulations in one fell O’Rourke Sa´ nchez, Linda Titus Woodall Young (AK) Zeldin Pallone T. Tonko Yoder Young (IA) Zinke swoop. With one disapproval resolu- Pascrell Sanchez, Loretta Torres NOT VOTING—14 tion, we can boldly restore Congress’ Payne Sarbanes Tsongas Article I authority over lawmaking Pelosi Schakowsky Van Hollen Blumenauer Forbes Kline and check the abuse of midnight regu- Perlmutter Schiff Vargas Brown (FL) Hanna Nugent Peters Schrader Veasey Duckworth Hensarling Poe (TX) lations. The motion carves out some Pingree Scott (VA) Vela Ellison Jolly Westmoreland Pocan Scott, David rules that may be good, but we can al- Vela´ zquez Fitzpatrick Kirkpatrick Polis Serrano ways leave them out in the disapproval Visclosky Price (NC) Sewell (AL) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Walz resolution under the bill, as written. Quigley Sherman The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Vote against this motion. Vote for Rangel Sires Wasserman Schultz the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- this bill. Vote for job creation. Vote for Rice (NY) Slaughter Richmond Smith (WA) Waters, Maxine ing. the new administration. I urge my col- Roybal-Allard Speier Watson Coleman Welch leagues to vote for the underlying bill. Ruiz Swalwell (CA) b 1143 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Ruppersberger Takano Wilson (FL) of my time. Rush Thompson (CA) Yarmuth Ms. SINEMA changed her vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without NOES—239 objection, the previous question is or- Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of Abraham Gowdy Newhouse New Mexico changed her vote from dered on the motion to recommit. Aderholt Granger Noem There was no objection. Allen Graves (GA) Nunes ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Amash Graves (LA) Olson So the motion to recommit was re- Amodei Graves (MO) Palazzo question is on the motion to recommit. jected. Babin Griffith Palmer The result of the vote was announced The question was taken; and the Barletta Grothman Paulsen Speaker pro tempore announced that Barr Guinta Pearce as above recorded. the noes appeared to have it. Barton Guthrie Perry A motion to reconsider was laid on Benishek Hardy Peterson the table. RECORDED VOTE Bilirakis Harper Pittenger Bishop (MI) Harris Pitts The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, I demand a Bishop (UT) Hartzler Poliquin question is on the passage of the bill. recorded vote. Black Heck (NV) Pompeo The question was taken; and the A recorded vote was ordered. Blackburn Herrera Beutler Posey Speaker pro tempore announced that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Blum Hice, Jody B. Price, Tom Bost Hill Ratcliffe the ayes appeared to have it. ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX Boustany Holding Reed RECORDED VOTE and the order of the House of November Brady (TX) Hudson Reichert Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I de- 16, 2016, this 5-minute vote on the mo- Brat Huelskamp Renacci Bridenstine Huizenga (MI) Ribble mand a recorded vote. tion to recommit will be followed by 5- Brooks (AL) Hultgren Rice (SC) A recorded vote was ordered. minute votes on the passage of H.R. Brooks (IN) Hunter Rigell The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a 5982, if ordered; the motion to recom- Buchanan Hurd (TX) Roby 5-minute vote. mit on H.R. 5711; and the passage of Buck Hurt (VA) Roe (TN) Bucshon Issa Rogers (AL) The vote was taken by electronic de- H.R. 5711, if ordered. Burgess Jenkins (KS) Rogers (KY) vice, and there were—ayes 240, noes 179, The vote was taken by electronic de- Byrne Jenkins (WV) Rohrabacher not voting 15, as follows: vice, and there were—ayes 181, noes 239, Calvert Johnson (OH) Rokita Carter (GA) Johnson, Sam Rooney (FL) [Roll No. 585] not voting 14, as follows: Carter (TX) Jones Ros-Lehtinen AYES—240 [Roll No. 584] Chabot Jordan Roskam Chaffetz Joyce Ross Abraham Crenshaw Hartzler AYES—181 Clawson (FL) Katko Rothfus Aderholt Cuellar Heck (NV) Adams DeGette Kaptur Coffman Kelly (MS) Rouzer Allen Culberson Herrera Beutler Aguilar Delaney Keating Cole Kelly (PA) Royce Amash Curbelo (FL) Hice, Jody B. Ashford DeLauro Kelly (IL) Collins (GA) King (IA) Russell Amodei Davidson Hill Bass DelBene Kennedy Collins (NY) King (NY) Salmon Babin Davis, Rodney Holding Beatty DeSaulnier Kildee Comer Kinzinger (IL) Sanford Barletta Denham Hudson Becerra Deutch Kilmer Comstock Knight Scalise Barr Dent Huelskamp Bera Dingell Kind Conaway Labrador Schweikert Barton DeSantis Huizenga (MI) Beyer Doggett Kuster Cook LaHood Scott, Austin Benishek DesJarlais Hultgren Bishop (GA) Doyle, Michael Langevin Costello (PA) LaMalfa Sensenbrenner Bilirakis Diaz-Balart Hunter Bonamici F. Larsen (WA) Cramer Lamborn Sessions Bishop (MI) Dold Hurd (TX) Boyle, Brendan Edwards Larson (CT) Crawford Lance Shimkus Bishop (UT) Donovan Hurt (VA) F. Engel Lawrence Crenshaw Latta Shuster Black Duffy Issa Brady (PA) Eshoo Lee Culberson LoBiondo Simpson Blackburn Duncan (SC) Jenkins (KS) Brownley (CA) Esty Levin Curbelo (FL) Long Sinema Blum Duncan (TN) Jenkins (WV) Bustos Evans Lewis Davidson Loudermilk Smith (MO) Bost Ellmers (NC) Johnson (OH) Butterfield Farr Lieu, Ted Davis, Rodney Love Smith (NE) Boustany Emmer (MN) Johnson, Sam Capps Foster Lipinski Denham Lucas Smith (NJ) Brady (TX) Farenthold Jones Capuano Frankel (FL) Loebsack Dent Luetkemeyer Smith (TX) Brat Fincher Jordan Ca´ rdenas Fudge Lofgren DeSantis Lummis Stefanik Bridenstine Fleischmann Joyce Carney Gabbard Lowenthal DesJarlais MacArthur Stewart Brooks (AL) Fleming Katko Carson (IN) Gallego Lowey Diaz-Balart Marchant Stivers Brooks (IN) Flores Kelly (MS) Cartwright Garamendi Lujan Grisham Dold Marino Stutzman Buchanan Fortenberry Kelly (PA) Castor (FL) Graham (NM) Donovan Massie Thompson (PA) Buck Foxx King (IA) Castro (TX) Grayson Luja´ n, Ben Ray Duffy McCarthy Thornberry Bucshon Franks (AZ) King (NY) Chu, Judy Green, Al (NM) Duncan (SC) McCaul Tiberi Burgess Frelinghuysen Kinzinger (IL) Cicilline Green, Gene Lynch Duncan (TN) McClintock Tipton Byrne Garrett Knight Clark (MA) Grijalva Maloney, Ellmers (NC) McHenry Trott Calvert Gibbs Labrador Clarke (NY) Gutie´rrez Carolyn Emmer (MN) McKinley Turner Carter (GA) Gibson LaHood Clay Hahn Maloney, Sean Farenthold McMorris Upton Carter (TX) Gohmert LaMalfa Cleaver Hanabusa Matsui Fincher Rodgers Valadao Chabot Goodlatte Lamborn Clyburn Hastings McCollum Fleischmann McSally Wagner Chaffetz Gosar Lance Cohen Heck (WA) McDermott Fleming Meadows Walberg Clawson (FL) Gowdy Latta Connolly Higgins McGovern Flores Meehan Walden Coffman Granger LoBiondo Conyers Himes McNerney Fortenberry Messer Walker Cole Graves (GA) Long Cooper Hinojosa Meeks Foxx Mica Walorski Collins (GA) Graves (LA) Loudermilk Costa Honda Meng Franks (AZ) Miller (FL) Walters, Mimi Collins (NY) Graves (MO) Love Courtney Hoyer Moore Frelinghuysen Miller (MI) Weber (TX) Comer Griffith Lucas Crowley Huffman Moulton Garrett Moolenaar Webster (FL) Comstock Grothman Luetkemeyer Cuellar Israel Murphy (FL) Gibbs Mooney (WV) Wenstrup Conaway Guinta Lummis Cummings Jackson Lee Nadler Gibson Mullin Westerman Cook Guthrie MacArthur Davis (CA) Jeffries Napolitano Gohmert Mulvaney Williams Costello (PA) Hardy Marchant Davis, Danny Johnson (GA) Neal Goodlatte Murphy (PA) Wilson (SC) Cramer Harper Marino DeFazio Johnson, E. B. Nolan Gosar Neugebauer Wittman Crawford Harris Massie

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:16 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.033 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 McCarthy Ratcliffe Stefanik Wasserman Watson Coleman Yarmuth Lujan Grisham Perlmutter Sinema McCaul Reed Stewart Schultz Welch (NM) Peters Sires McClintock Reichert Stivers Waters, Maxine Wilson (FL) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Peterson Slaughter McHenry Renacci Stutzman NOT VOTING—15 (NM) Pingree Smith (WA) McKinley Ribble Thompson (PA) Lynch Pocan Speier McMorris Rice (SC) Thornberry Blumenauer Forbes Kline Maloney, Polis Swalwell (CA) Rodgers Rigell Tiberi Brown (FL) Hanna Nugent Carolyn Price (NC) Takano McSally Roby Tipton Duckworth Hensarling Peters Maloney, Sean Quigley Thompson (CA) Meadows Roe (TN) Ellison Jolly Poe (TX) Trott Matsui Rangel Thompson (MS) Meehan Rogers (AL) Fitzpatrick Kirkpatrick Westmoreland Turner McCollum Rice (NY) Titus Messer Rogers (KY) McDermott Tonko Mica Rohrabacher Upton ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Richmond Miller (FL) Rokita Valadao The SPEAKER pro tempore (during McGovern Roybal-Allard Torres Miller (MI) Rooney (FL) Wagner the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- McNerney Ruiz Tsongas Walberg Meeks Ruppersberger Van Hollen Moolenaar Ros-Lehtinen ing. Mooney (WV) Roskam Walden Meng Rush Vargas Moore Mullin Ross Walker b 1149 Ryan (OH) Veasey Mulvaney Rothfus Walorski Moulton Sa´ nchez, Linda Vela Murphy (PA) Rouzer Walters, Mimi So the bill was passed. Murphy (FL) T. Vela´ zquez Neugebauer Royce Weber (TX) The result of the vote was announced Nadler Sanchez, Loretta Visclosky Newhouse Russell Webster (FL) as above recorded. Napolitano Sarbanes Walz Noem Salmon Wenstrup A motion to reconsider was laid on Neal Schakowsky Wasserman Nunes Sanford Westerman Nolan Schiff Schultz Olson Scalise Williams the table. Norcross Schrader Waters, Maxine Palazzo Schweikert Wilson (SC) f O’Rourke Scott (VA) Watson Coleman Palmer Scott, Austin Wittman Pallone Scott, David Welch Paulsen Sensenbrenner Womack Pascrell Serrano Wilson (FL) Pearce Sessions PROHIBITING THE SECRETARY OF Woodall Payne Sewell (AL) Yarmuth Perry Shimkus THE TREASURY FROM AUTHOR- Yoder Pelosi Sherman Peterson Shuster Yoho IZING CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS Pittenger Simpson NAYS—235 Pitts Sinema Young (AK) RELATING TO COMMERCIAL PAS- Poliquin Smith (MO) Young (IA) SENGER AIRCRAFT TO IRAN Abraham Fortenberry McCarthy Pompeo Smith (NE) Young (IN) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Aderholt Foxx McCaul Posey Smith (NJ) Zeldin Allen Franks (AZ) McClintock Price, Tom Smith (TX) Zinke ant to clause 8 of rule XX, and the Amash Frelinghuysen McHenry order of the House of November 16, Amodei Garrett McKinley NOES—179 2016, the unfinished business is the vote Babin Gibbs McMorris on the motion to recommit on the bill Barletta Gibson Rodgers Barr Gohmert McSally Adams Fudge Meng (H.R. 5711) to prohibit the Secretary of Barton Goodlatte Meadows Aguilar Gabbard Moore the Treasury from authorizing certain Benishek Gosar Meehan Ashford Gallego Moulton transactions by a U.S. financial insti- Bilirakis Gowdy Messer Bass Garamendi Murphy (FL) tution in connection with the export or Bishop (MI) Granger Mica Beatty Graham Nadler Bishop (UT) Graves (GA) Miller (FL) Becerra Grayson Napolitano re-export of a commercial passenger Black Graves (LA) Miller (MI) Bera Green, Al Neal aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Blackburn Graves (MO) Moolenaar Beyer Green, Gene Nolan Iran, offered by the gentleman from Blum Griffith Mooney (WV) Bishop (GA) Grijalva Norcross California (Mr. SWALWELL), on which Bost Grothman Mullin Bonamici Gutie´rrez O’Rourke Boustany Guinta Mulvaney Boyle, Brendan Hahn Pallone the yeas and nays were ordered. Brady (TX) Guthrie Murphy (PA) F. Hanabusa Pascrell The Clerk will redesignate the mo- Brat Hardy Neugebauer Brady (PA) Hastings Payne tion. Bridenstine Harper Newhouse Brownley (CA) Heck (WA) Pelosi Brooks (AL) Harris Noem Bustos Higgins The Clerk redesignated the motion. Perlmutter The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Brooks (IN) Hartzler Nunes Butterfield Himes Pingree Buchanan Heck (NV) Olson Capps Hinojosa Pocan question is on the motion to recommit. Buck Herrera Beutler Palazzo Capuano Honda Polis This is a 5-minute vote. Bucshon Hice, Jody B. Palmer Ca´ rdenas Hoyer Price (NC) The vote was taken by electronic de- Burgess Hill Paulsen Carney Huffman Quigley Byrne Holding Pearce Carson (IN) Israel vice, and there were—yeas 181, nays Rangel Calvert Hudson Perry Cartwright Jackson Lee 235, not voting 18, as follows: Rice (NY) Carter (GA) Huelskamp Pittenger Castor (FL) Jeffries Richmond [Roll No. 586] Carter (TX) Huizenga (MI) Pitts Castro (TX) Johnson (GA) Roybal-Allard Chabot Hultgren Poliquin Chu, Judy Johnson, E. B. YEAS—181 Ruiz Chaffetz Hunter Pompeo Cicilline Kaptur Adams Costa Hahn Ruppersberger Clawson (FL) Hurd (TX) Posey Clark (MA) Keating Aguilar Courtney Hanabusa Rush Coffman Hurt (VA) Price, Tom Clarke (NY) Kelly (IL) Ashford Crowley Hastings Cole Issa Ratcliffe Clay Kennedy Ryan (OH) Bass Cuellar Heck (WA) ´ Collins (GA) Jenkins (KS) Reed Cleaver Kildee Sanchez, Linda Beatty Cummings Higgins T. Collins (NY) Jenkins (WV) Reichert Clyburn Kilmer Becerra Davis (CA) Himes Comer Johnson (OH) Renacci Cohen Kind Sanchez, Loretta Bera Davis, Danny Hinojosa Sarbanes Comstock Johnson, Sam Ribble Connolly Kuster Beyer DeFazio Honda Conaway Jones Rice (SC) Conyers Langevin Schakowsky Bishop (GA) DeGette Hoyer Schiff Cook Jordan Rigell Cooper Larsen (WA) Bonamici DeLauro Huffman Costello (PA) Joyce Roby Costa Larson (CT) Schrader Boyle, Brendan DelBene Israel Scott (VA) Cramer Katko Roe (TN) Courtney Lawrence F. DeSaulnier Jackson Lee Crawford Kelly (MS) Rogers (KY) Crowley Lee Scott, David Brady (PA) Deutch Jeffries Serrano Crenshaw Kelly (PA) Rohrabacher Cummings Levin Brownley (CA) Dingell Johnson (GA) Culberson King (IA) Rokita Davis (CA) Lewis Sewell (AL) Bustos Doggett Johnson, E. B. Sherman Curbelo (FL) King (NY) Rooney (FL) Davis, Danny Lieu, Ted Butterfield Doyle, Michael Kaptur Davidson Sires Kinzinger (IL) Ros-Lehtinen DeFazio Lipinski Capps F. Keating Davis, Rodney Knight Roskam Slaughter DeGette Loebsack Capuano Edwards Kelly (IL) Denham Labrador Ross Smith (WA) Delaney Lofgren Ca´ rdenas Engel Kennedy Dent LaHood Rothfus Speier DeLauro Lowenthal Carney Eshoo Kildee DeSantis LaMalfa Rouzer Swalwell (CA) DelBene Lowey Carson (IN) Esty Kilmer DesJarlais Lamborn Royce Takano DeSaulnier Lujan Grisham Cartwright Evans Kind Diaz-Balart Lance Russell Thompson (CA) Deutch (NM) Castor (FL) Farr Kuster Dold Latta Salmon Thompson (MS) Dingell Luja´ n, Ben Ray Castro (TX) Foster Langevin Donovan LoBiondo Sanford Titus Doggett (NM) Chu, Judy Frankel (FL) Larsen (WA) Duffy Long Scalise Tonko Doyle, Michael Lynch Cicilline Fudge Larson (CT) Duncan (SC) Loudermilk Schweikert Torres F. Maloney, Clark (MA) Gabbard Lawrence Duncan (TN) Love Scott, Austin Edwards Carolyn Tsongas Clarke (NY) Gallego Lee Ellmers (NC) Lucas Sensenbrenner Engel Maloney, Sean Van Hollen Clay Garamendi Levin Emmer (MN) Luetkemeyer Sessions Eshoo Matsui Vargas Cleaver Graham Lieu, Ted Farenthold Lummis Shimkus Esty McCollum Veasey Clyburn Grayson Lipinski Fincher MacArthur Shuster Evans McDermott Vela Cohen Green, Al Loebsack Fleischmann Marchant Simpson ´ Farr McGovern Velazquez Connolly Green, Gene Lofgren Fleming Marino Smith (MO) Foster McNerney Visclosky Conyers Grijalva Lowenthal Flores Massie Smith (NE) Frankel (FL) Meeks Walz Cooper Gutie´rrez Lowey

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.013 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6289 Smith (NJ) Valadao Wilson (SC) LoBiondo (NE) Vela´ zquez Wasserman Welch Smith (TX) Wagner Wittman Long Peterson Smith (NJ) Visclosky Schultz Wilson (FL) Stefanik Walberg Womack Loudermilk Pittenger Smith (TX) Walz Waters, Maxine Yarmuth Stewart Walden Woodall Love Pitts Stefanik Watson Coleman Stivers Walker Lucas Poliquin Yoder Stewart NOT VOTING—17 Thompson (PA) Walorski Yoho Luetkemeyer Pompeo Stivers Thornberry Walters, Mimi Young (AK) Lummis Posey Thompson (PA) Blumenauer Hanna Poe (TX) Tiberi Weber (TX) Young (IA) MacArthur Price, Tom Thornberry Brown (FL) Hensarling Rogers (AL) Tipton Webster (FL) Young (IN) Maloney, Sean Ratcliffe Tiberi Duckworth Jolly Sewell (AL) Trott Wenstrup Marchant Reed Zeldin Tipton Ellison Kirkpatrick Stutzman Turner Westerman Marino Reichert Fitzpatrick Kline Zinke Trott Westmoreland Upton Williams Massie Renacci Forbes Nugent McCarthy Ribble Turner NOT VOTING—18 McCaul Rice (SC) Upton ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Blumenauer Forbes Lewis McClintock Rigell Valadao The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Vargas Brown (FL) Hanna Nugent McHenry Roby the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Delaney Hensarling Poe (TX) McKinley Roe (TN) Vela Duckworth Jolly Rogers (AL) McMorris Rogers (KY) Wagner ing. Ellison Kirkpatrick Stutzman Rodgers Rohrabacher Walberg Fitzpatrick Kline Westmoreland McSally Rokita Walden b 1201 Meadows Rooney (FL) Walker So the bill was passed. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Meehan Ros-Lehtinen Walorski The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Messer Roskam Walters, Mimi The result of the vote was announced the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Mica Ross Weber (TX) as above recorded. Miller (FL) Rothfus ing. Webster (FL) A motion to reconsider was laid on Miller (MI) Rouzer Wenstrup the table. Moolenaar Royce Westerman Mooney (WV) b 1155 Russell Williams f Mullin Salmon Wilson (SC) Mr. OLSON changed his vote from Mulvaney Sanford Wittman MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Murphy (PA) Scalise ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Womack So the motion to recommit was re- Neugebauer Schweikert A message from the Senate by Ms. Newhouse Scott, Austin Woodall Curtis, one of its clerks, announced jected. Yoder Noem Sensenbrenner that the Senate has passed without The result of the vote was announced Nunes Sessions Yoho as above recorded. Olson Sherman Young (AK) amendment bills of the House of the Palazzo Shimkus Young (IA) following titles: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Palmer Shuster Young (IN) question is on the passage of the bill. Paulsen Simpson Zeldin H.R. 845. An act to direct the Secretary of The question was taken; and the Pearce Smith (MO) Zinke Agriculture to publish in the Federal Reg- ister a strategy to significantly increase the Speaker pro tempore announced that NAYS—174 role of volunteers and partners in National the ayes appeared to have it. Forest System trail maintenance, and for Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. Adams Foster McGovern Aguilar Frankel (FL) McNerney other purposes. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Bass Fudge Meeks H.R. 5392. An act to direct the Secretary of and nays. Beatty Gabbard Meng Veterans Affairs to improve the Veterans The yeas and nays were ordered. Becerra Gallego Moore Crisis Line. Bera Garamendi Moulton H.R. 6007. An act to amend title 49, United The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Beyer Grayson Murphy (FL) 5-minute vote. States Code, to include consideration of cer- Bishop (GA) Green, Al Nadler tain impacts on commercial space launch Bonamici Green, Gene Napolitano The vote was taken by electronic de- and reentry activities in a navigable air- vice, and there were—yeas 243, nays Boyle, Brendan Grijalva Neal F. Gutie´rrez Nolan space analysis, and for other purposes. 174, not voting 17, as follows: Brady (PA) Hahn Norcross The message also announced that the [Roll No. 587] Brownley (CA) Hanabusa O’Rourke Bustos Hastings Pallone Senate has passed bills of the following YEAS—243 Butterfield Heck (WA) Pascrell titles in which the concurrence of the Abraham Conaway Graves (MO) Capps Higgins Payne House is requested: Aderholt Cook Griffith Capuano Himes Pelosi Allen Costello (PA) Grothman Ca´ rdenas Hinojosa Perlmutter S. 1808. An act to require the Secretary of Amash Cramer Guinta Carney Honda Peters Homeland Security to conduct a Northern Amodei Crawford Guthrie Cartwright Hoyer Pingree Border threat analysis, and for other pur- Ashford Crenshaw Hardy Castor (FL) Huffman Pocan poses. Babin Culberson Harper Castro (TX) Israel Polis S. 1915. An act to direct the Secretary of Barletta Curbelo (FL) Harris Chu, Judy Jackson Lee Price (NC) Homeland Security to make anthrax vac- Barr Davidson Hartzler Cicilline Jeffries Quigley cines available to emergency response pro- Barton Davis, Rodney Heck (NV) Clark (MA) Johnson (GA) Rangel Benishek Denham Herrera Beutler Clarke (NY) Johnson, E. B. Rice (NY) viders, and for other purposes. Bilirakis Dent Hice, Jody B. Clay Kaptur Richmond f Bishop (MI) DeSantis Hill Cleaver Keating Roybal-Allard Bishop (UT) DesJarlais Holding Clyburn Kelly (IL) Ruiz HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW Black Diaz-Balart Hudson Cohen Kennedy Ruppersberger Blackburn Dold Huelskamp Connolly Kildee Rush Mr. JOYCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Blum Donovan Huizenga (MI) Conyers Kilmer Ryan (OH) imous consent that when the House ad- Bost Duffy Hultgren Cooper Kind Sa´ nchez, Linda Boustany Duncan (SC) Hunter Costa Kuster T. journs today, it adjourn to meet at 3 Brady (TX) Duncan (TN) Hurd (TX) Courtney Langevin Sanchez, Loretta p.m. tomorrow. Brat Ellmers (NC) Hurt (VA) Crowley Larsen (WA) Sarbanes The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Bridenstine Emmer (MN) Issa Cuellar Larson (CT) Schakowsky objection to the request of the gen- Brooks (AL) Farenthold Jenkins (KS) Cummings Lawrence Schiff Brooks (IN) Fincher Jenkins (WV) Davis (CA) Lee Schrader tleman from Ohio? Buchanan Fleischmann Johnson (OH) Davis, Danny Levin Scott (VA) There was no objection. Buck Fleming Johnson, Sam DeFazio Lewis Scott, David Bucshon Flores Jones DeGette Lieu, Ted Serrano f Burgess Fortenberry Jordan Delaney Lipinski Sinema Byrne Foxx Joyce DeLauro Loebsack Sires REMEMBERING THE HONORABLE Calvert Franks (AZ) Katko DelBene Lofgren Slaughter MEL LAIRD Carson (IN) Frelinghuysen Kelly (MS) DeSaulnier Lowenthal Smith (WA) Carter (GA) Garrett Kelly (PA) Deutch Lowey Speier (Mr. DUFFY asked and was given Carter (TX) Gibbs King (IA) Dingell Lujan Grisham Swalwell (CA) permission to address the House for 1 Chabot Gibson King (NY) Doggett (NM) Takano minute.) Chaffetz Gohmert Kinzinger (IL) Doyle, Michael Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (CA) Clawson (FL) Goodlatte Knight F. (NM) Thompson (MS) Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, today I Coffman Gosar Labrador Edwards Lynch Titus rise with a heavy heart and offer con- Cole Gowdy LaHood Engel Maloney, Tonko dolences for the passing of former Sec- Collins (GA) Graham LaMalfa Eshoo Carolyn Torres retary of Defense Mel Laird who served Collins (NY) Granger Lamborn Esty Matsui Tsongas Comer Graves (GA) Lance Evans McCollum Van Hollen under Richard Nixon. Secretary Laird Comstock Graves (LA) Latta Farr McDermott Veasey was well known, among many things,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.015 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 for the drawdown of troops in Vietnam CONGRATULATIONS TO NORTH- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- and, to the delight of many, he sus- WEST ADVANCED RENEWABLES vise and extend his remarks.) pended the military draft. ALLIANCE Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. But for us in Wisconsin, Mel Laird (Mr. NEWHOUSE asked and was Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratulate hos- was our Congressman, a young man given permission to address the House pitals in Pennsylvania’s Fifth Congres- who was elected at 30 years old and for 1 minute and to revise and extend sional District for being recognized by served from 1953 to 1969 until he went his remarks.) the National Organization of State Of- to the Secretary of Defense position. Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, today fices of Rural Health. This year, 32 hos- When I was running for Congress in I rise to congratulate the Northwest pitals in Pennsylvania reached top the late spring, my phone rang, and on Advanced Renewables Alliance for quartile performance status in quality, the other end this guy says: Hello, Mel their efforts to use the world’s first re- outcomes, patient satisfaction, and fi- Laird here. Could I speak with SEAN newable jet fuel made from timber har- nancial strength compared to all acute DUFFY? vest residuals on a commercial flight care hospitals in the nation. Well, Mel Laird is larger than life in from Seattle to Washington, D.C., this Now, I am proud to represent seven Wisconsin, a guy from Marshfield. I last Monday, November 14. of these outstanding health facilities, nearly dropped the phone to think that NARA is a diverse coalition con- including Kane Community Hospital, the great Mel Laird would give me a sisting of Washington State Univer- Lock Haven Hospital, Corry Memorial call. He knew everyone and every issue sity, University of Washington, Alaska Hospital, Penn Highlands DuBois, War- in Wisconsin at the ripe old age of 90. Airlines, Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, the ren General Hospital, and UPMC He passed away yesterday. With a U.S. Forest Service, and many other Northwest. heavy heart, we mourn his passing. I partners. Their goal was to create a In light of these and the many other would just like to say, he was a man sustainable aviation biofuel, increase tremendous accomplishments that that President Ford said was the can- bioenergy literacy, and advance rural have been achieved in rural health care do conservative from Wisconsin. He economic development. this year, I am honored to join with was a patriot more than a partisan, so This achievement of fueling a cross- key stakeholders across the United much so that he was the mentor of country flight entirely on wood prod- States to celebrate National Rural Colin Powell. And to the friends he had ucts is a great testament to the co- Health Day. on both sides of the aisle, they would operation, innovation, and hard work It is no secret that healthcare pro- be tickled to know that Hillary Clinton of the NARA members. Moreover, it viders in underserved areas play a vital once interned for him. In true Wis- demonstrates the forward-thinking role in maintaining and safeguarding consin fashion, when I won the seat commitment to an all-of-the-above en- the health of millions of Americans. that he had formerly held, he sent me ergy strategy that the Pacific North- Due to my previous experience as a a Wisconsin block of cheddar cheese. west is renowned for. Again, congratu- healthcare provider, I have nothing but So, today, with a heavy heart, I want lations to NARA and their members on the deepest respect and admiration for to extend my condolences to the family this amazing achievement. those who work to enhance the quality of Mel Laird, thank him and his family f of healthcare services in rural commu- for his service, and may his soul rest in AMERICAN FOOD FOR AMERICAN nities. peace. SCHOOLS Congratulations again to the rural healthcare providers in Pennsylvania (Mr. GARAMENDI asked and was for their tremendous work. Thank you f given permission to address the House for your service. for 1 minute and to revise and extend HONORING THE LEGACY OF TOM his remarks.) f WEISNER Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, is I STAND WITH THE STANDING (Mr. FOSTER asked and was given there anybody among us here who does ROCK SIOUX permission to address the House for 1 not believe our children ought to have (Mr. RUIZ asked and was given per- minute and to revise and extend his re- nutritious, safe food in the schools, in mission to address the House for 1 marks.) the school nutrition program? I think minute.) Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise we all do. However, you may not know Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to today to honor the legacy of Tom that back home in your school districts stand with the Standing Rock Sioux in that your school is using your taxpayer Weisner, the mayor of Aurora, Illinois. peace and prayer to halt the desecra- money to buy food grown in China or He served as the mayor for a decade, tion of their sacred sites and clean someplace else in the world. Is it safe? and for many years before that as a water source. Maybe yes. Maybe no. You don’t know. dedicated public servant and a friend to This month, an independent review We are going to introduce a bill here, our district and our community. and I would seek the support of all the concluded that the U.S. Army Corps of Before he entered public service, Tom Members here. We call it American Engineers’ original assessment of the and his wife, Marilyn, served as Peace Food for American Schools. Why not? pipeline underestimated the risk of a Corps volunteers. Since then, Tom has Why not American food in the school spill exposing tribal lands to grave served the city with passion, commit- nutrition programs, the lunch pro- risk. ment, competence, and dedication. grams? In our own area in Sacramento, Just this week, the Corps announced Public service is more than just a job California, the school district there de- they will delay an easement for con- to him; it is a calling. He cares for oth- cided they ought to buy Chinese peach- struction of the pipeline on Corps land ers in his community like an extended es, yet the biggest peach-growing place under and around Lake Oahe until they family, and Aurora is a better place be- in all the United States is the Sac- conduct further environmental reviews cause of it. ramento region. with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Whether it is the safety of rail cars Let’s do that. Let’s make sure that Further study and a possible reroute of passing through the city or concerns our students have nutritious, safe, the pipeline is a welcomed idea. about gun violence, Tom speaks from American-grown food. So American But construction continues, and the heart about issues that matter to Food for American Schools. Seek your there has been no final decision that our community and to our country. He attention to this; seek your support on could conclusively halt the pipeline does this because, to him, our commu- this. I am quite sure the American pub- and protect tribal sacred sites. This nity is his family. lic and parents and students would say: could be devastating. Unfortunately, in the face of his yeah, right on. The government must take action to longstanding battle with cancer, Mayor uphold our Federal trust responsibility f Tom Weisner stepped down at the end to protect tribal treaties, land, and re- of last month. We will all miss his lead- NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH DAY sources. They must meaningfully con- ership and dedication to our commu- (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania sult with the Standing Rock Sioux and nity and wish him well. asked and was given permission to ad- all tribes before developing on or near

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.043 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6291 tribal land. They must rescind their country voted Republican. It really is administration may have hit 74,000 permit that was issued without full un- amazing to see just how distinctive pages or so one year, but that didn’t derstanding of potential risk and must that has become. create a problem for the Obama admin- stop construction. South Texas is not highly populated, istration. They have blown right past f but is blue. Otherwise, most of the 74,000 pages of regulations. country that voted Democrat is just How is anyone in business in the NATIONAL ADOPTION DAY large cities, many of which are failing, United States supposed to stay in busi- (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given many of which have become sanctuary ness if they have to go through 74,000 permission to address the House for 1 cities, many of which have high crime pages of new regulations in addition to minute and to revise and extend his re- rates. So I was a bit encouraged to con- the old regulations that may still be in marks.) tinue to hear statements made by effect? Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, Satur- President-elect Trump. It is incredible. Like the Heritage day is National Adoption Day. It is an There is an article today—with re- Foundation has pointed out, more per- annual celebration of the thousands of gard to the government, that is—from sons are committing three or four Fed- new adoptions that take place every The Washington Examiner by Paul eral crimes every day because we don’t year. It is also an opportunity to raise Bedard: ‘‘$42 billion in Obama regula- know what all the regulations are. awareness of the thousands of children tions are on Trump’s chopping block. I am very encouraged as we go into who are still in foster care in need of Nearly 50 massive and costly regula- the new year that one of the things we permanent homes. tions that cost Americans and busi- want to accomplish—and Chairman Since National Adoption Day was nesses 53 million more hours filing pa- GOODLATTE in the Judiciary Committee started 16 years ago, several children perwork and that have already put a has it on his list of things to get done— advocacy groups, including the Con- $42 billion hit on the U.S. economy are is really address the overcriminaliza- gressional Coalition on Adoption Insti- being teed up for President-elect tion that has occurred over all these tute, have worked with foster care Trump to cut in his first weeks in of- years. You slap a prison sentence on agencies and courts in all 50 States to fice.’’ some vague crime or on some vague finalize more than 40,000 adoptions to And you go through and you look and statute that says it is a crime if you take place on that day. This is amazing top on the list are Head Start perform- violate any of the laws or regulations, work that helps bring wonderful addi- ance standards. Really, education was and then bureaucrats sit around and tions to selfless, committed families. It doing pretty well in my home State. dream up things that annoy them, and is great to see so many children finding Back before President Carter created all of a sudden somebody can be going new beginnings through adoption, but the Department of Education, between to prison for things none of us knew it is also important to remember those 70 and 75 percent of all employees in were crimes. who are still in need of permanent the education system in Texas were One guy did know that a substance homes. teachers; but when you create this big he was sending through the mail, since There are more than 100,000 children bureaucracy called the Department of he was a scientist, required ground who are waiting for an adoptive family Education, it means for every cubicle only. So he checked the box ‘‘ground in foster care, and, on average, they we put here in Washington, D.C., just only.’’ He didn’t know that some bu- wait nearly 3 years to be adopted. down the street here at the Depart- reaucrat had passed or created a regu- Every child deserves to grow up in a ment of Education, every State has to lation that said not only do you check loving family and a safe and open- hire additional people to work in cubi- the box, you have to put a little ticker hearted home. cles. But some States are more gen- with an airplane with a red line Mr. Speaker, adoption is a joyous oc- erous than others. Some have very nice through it. And if you don’t do that, casion for thousands of children and offices. you get arrested, drug to Alaska, where families, and National Adoption Day is But then, for every bureaucrat you he was sending it—he didn’t even live a reminder of how to create more of put in a State capital office that is there, didn’t have friends—and held up these powerful life-changing experi- going to respond to the bureaucrats in there for 18 months or so, I think. It is ences. the Department of Education here, you incredible. We have got to do right by have to have additional clerical help, the American people. f administrative help in each individual I have been blessed to be able to trav- b 1215 school district. That is people that el all over the country in the past year or so. And everywhere I go, it just TIME TO LOOK AHEAD could be helping our children. That is people that could be making students seems like the economy is ready to The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. brighter than any other students. take off. If we can just get this mas- CURBELO of Florida). Under the Speak- But what are they doing? sive, oppressive bureaucracy in Wash- er’s announced policy of January 6, They are filling out mountains of pa- ington off of the neck of the economy, 2015, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. perwork to send to the State capital so people will start having jobs again. GOHMERT) is recognized for 60 minutes they can fill out mountains of paper- I know some people are worried as the designee of the majority leader. work and send it to the Department of about the wall or fence, but as you see Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, it is an Education. people out of work—some of them honor and a pleasure to be in this To see that just one item within the being paid, apparently, to riot or pick- somewhat hallowed Hall. Department of Education could cut $42 et, the things they do. I remember one The election is behind us. It is time billion in Obama regulations is incred- picketer out here on The Mall back to look ahead. But as everyone who ible. At a time when we have sky- during the shutdown said he was get- studies history knows, those who fail rocketed over the last 7-plus years ting $15 an hour from Democratic to learn from history are destined to from $11 billion in debt to $20 billion in sources to picket out there at the repeat it. And so we go. debt, it is just incredible. Incredible. World War II Monument. Some of them We continue too often to repeat the Yet, there is so much we are costing get paid. Maybe that is all the work mistakes of the past, but it looks like America. they can find. the American people wanted a change— I am excited about the coming year Well, how great would it be to take quite a change—and I know there are because the kind of things that are that picket sign out of their hand and calls that we get rid of the electoral listed here is just government over- say: My friend, we have productive college, but when one looks at the map regulation; government bureaucrats work for you. You can help your coun- of the United States district-by-dis- from here overregulating. I know most try, you can help yourself by cutting trict within the States that voted for people are proud when they set new all- down on potential terrorism coming the different parties, candidates, one time records, which this administra- across other southern border, by cut- sees very clearly that you have the big tion did in new regulations for the ting down on people coming into the cities that were voting Democrat and years with regard to pages of regula- country illegally and getting welfare, the 90 percent or so of the rest of the tions. I think it seems like the Bush food stamps, all these benefits that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.045 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 other Americans will have to pay for I am hearing people across the coun- lican leadership is now saying: You those who are here illegally. You can try that have figured out this massive know what we are going to do is we take this trowel, take this mortar, and welfare state that was created with the need to take care of the military so we go over to that brick pile by our border best of intentions in the mid-sixties don’t suffer there any more than we al- and just start helping us build the wall. has done more to pull people away ready have for 8 years. But maybe get We will pay you to do that. from their God-given potential and put that done for the rest of the year and I don’t know, if they get $15 an hour them into ruts or ditches from which then, basically, have a continuing reso- to come picket in Washington, they they couldn’t get out of. lution that gets us out maybe to March may want $16 or $17 to help build the Yet, that is not supposed to ever be so that we can come in with the Con- wall or the fence down on our border, the role of government, whether you gress the people of the United States but we have certainly got plenty of look to Biblical scripture, like I do. In have said they now want making the people that can work, because you see Romans 13, the government is supposed decisions. That makes sense. They them in the streets all over the coun- to be an encourager of good conduct, have spoken: Let’s let that Congress try. They have come out of their safe help people, encourage them, direct make the big calls then with the new spaces where their feelings were hurt them to reach their potential. Don’t President when he comes in in Janu- because things didn’t go like they lure them away from their potential ary. wanted and nobody has told them, as and make them beholden to this big What is so great about that is some my late mother, brilliant as she was, master government. Encourage them. of us were talking about that back in used to say: Well, nothing is fair, and We need a safety net here and there, September, and then we were told no, the quicker you get used to it, the bet- but encourage them. The sky is the no; we have got to do it for the whole ter off you will be. limit and get out of the way. year, and we are going to have to add I would contend—and she would roll Like Edison said, I didn’t fail how- this and that. We can’t just go to her eyes—yeah, but we can take care of ever many hundreds of thousands of March because that will destroy the our own little part to make it more times. I tried to find the filament that military. We have got to do everything fair. And that is what we are supposed would make a light bulb work. He for the whole year. to do. If things are not fair, then you didn’t fail all those times. He just A new President is elected named get involved in government and you found that many ways that would not Trump, and all of a sudden, hey, let’s try to fix it. work in a light bulb, then he found the just go to March. Sounds great to me. That is why I came to Washington. I one that would. You encourage people That sounds like a good idea. I would saw that things weren’t fair up here, to try. Failure shouldn’t necessarily be have been willing to do that in Sep- that the Federal Government was lur- a trophy, but it ought to get a slap on tember as we were talking about then. ing people away from their God-given the back, Come on, you can keep going. It wasn’t acceptable then. I am glad it is acceptable now for a new Congress. potential. I kept having young women You can do it. come before me as a felony judge in And when we talk about problems in 1230 Texas for welfare fraud. And the cases b the United States, our military has were nearly identical. They pour out The government should not lure peo- been deflated back to a pre-World War their hearts, lay out their situation. ple away from trying. It was never in- II position. We were not a superpower They were bored with high school and tended to be anything but a safety net after World War I. We weren’t the main somebody said: Well, the Federal Gov- so you could rebound and get back on defender of truth, justice, freedom. But as you travel around the world, ernment will send you a check if you your feet. Instead, we take people off like I have mentioned, in Africa, where just drop out and have a baby. Then their feet and lead them away from Africans were saying, you know: We they find out after they have the child: being productive in the country for were so excited when you elected your I can’t really live on this little bit. themselves. I have mentioned this before, but I, first Black President, but since he has This is not enough to live on. So they been in office, we have seen America have another child and another child. as a freshman here in Congress, 12 years ago, went to a conference at Har- get weaker and weaker. And you have These are just the ones that came to got to go back to Washington and tell my court, but I would imagine that vard. One of the speakers, the dean there—I was surprised, dean at Harvard those people there to stop getting there are other situations just like this weaker. Business School—had these charts, and all over the country. This was a group of African Chris- he showed single mothers’ income in When I was teaching a joint soci- tians. They said, you know: We all ology class at a predominantly African the United States, when adjusted for know where we are going when we die, American school back in Tyler, inflation, from the creation of welfare but our only chance for peace in this Texas—a great school that has done so until welfare reform, from the mid-six- life is if America is strong. much good for so many—Texas Col- ties to mid-nineties when Newt Ging- Now, the world, so many countries lege—but there were women there rich and Republicans took the Congress like to deride us and take verbal shots. probably in their late twenties, and in January 1995, did welfare reform. I Some take other kinds of shots. But when we started talking about this, I know President Clinton now takes some like to fly planes closely, mock- was blown away with the intellectual credit for it, but he vetoed it. It wasn’t ing our ships, and I am looking forward level of these women and their com- until they had enough votes, basically, to that happening under President mitment that we have to fix our Fed- to override his veto that they finally Trump. I suspect if it happens, it prob- eral system that is destroying people got him on board, and now he likes to ably won’t happen more than once, and and their potential. take credit for it. It was the Repub- they will learn not to mess with us. One lady in her older twenties, God licans that drove them there. So it will be nice to have a reputa- bless her, she came back. She decided: He likes to take credit for the bal- tion: You are not going to continue to I have had kids. I have been in debt. I anced budget. He vetoed numerous bully the world. While this administra- am going to improve myself. I mean, things that would have made it bal- tion likes to talk about bullies in ele- that is the American Dream. That is ance, and once they had the votes that mentary school and send—they like to what we hope for. She said, You have would override his veto, he would sign see little kids who were bullies in ele- got to put that work requirement in them, and we got to a balanced budget mentary school arrested, threatened. and you have got to make it more back in the late nineties. Well, I was a little bitty kid, and one forceful. But that is what we are going to have of my best friends from elementary Another lady said: You have got to to do come January, and we can’t give school was here yesterday. We were put drug tests on there. Man, I was away the farm when we come back. I talking about old times. He and I were spending my money I was getting from am encouraged today to hear our the same little bitty runt size, so we the government not so much for my Speaker and leader talking about what got picked on a lot. But we didn’t want kid, but for my drugs. You need to we are going to be doing. And wow, anybody to come get arrested, and we have a drug test. Don’t just give people isn’t it wonderful that now that Donald figured out ways that we made sure the money like that. You are ruining them. Trump is the President-elect, Repub- biggest bully never bothered us again.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.046 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6293 But to give an elementary school kid gether as never before, just the way dom—and this was all within this year, an arrest, drag them in for being a Coach Williams brought us together on from March to June of this year, and bully? I mean, kids have to grow up, that football team. that is what we find. A third of Ameri- and that is why we are called adults. I thought it was rather ironic, one of cans, now that we have been under We are supposed to have learned and the liberal press immediately did a ObamaCare for 6 years, have really felt supposed to understand kids will be story on my favorite basketball coach the pinch, and some have felt it to kids. in high school. Apparently, they fig- their demise or detriment. Foolishness can be found in the heart ured, since they are liberal, well, he is Another article from Elizabeth Har- of a child. But some say maybe Prov- Black, so I guess Blacks are only good rington, ObamaCare premiums are to erbs is encouraging a crime when it at basketball, so he must have been his increase 27 percent. It points out that a says: but the rod can drive it far from basketball coach. He was my football new study obtained by the Washington them. Nobody wants a child to be coach, JV football coach before I went Free Beacon shows premium increases abused, but I know most of my friends to varsity the next year. But, ironic, under ObamaCare will actually be in school, we got paddled at one time who is the more bigoted, I wonder. But, higher than the Federal Government’s or another. nonetheless, it wasn’t like our team projections, and it points out they will I had friends I played football with, under Coach Williams. We have become increase by 27 percent, according to the whether it was freshman year, junior a very divided country. American Action Forum. varsity, or varsity, that if they had not In this article from FOX News, Da- b 1245 been paddled, I had no doubt they were kota Wood, just this week, points out headed for prison. But they had coach- our military is no longer large enough, It points out that the Department of es that cared about them. They didn’t strong enough, or modern enough to Health and Human Services announced just want to win as coaches. They keep America safe, and that is why last month that premiums would in- wanted these kids to be good adults, so China is making moves in the South crease an average of 22 percent in 2017. they used discipline. We had some trou- Sea. It is why Russia is rattling sabers But premiums will actually increase as bled folks after high school, but the and looking around them if they should much as 145 percent in some States. coaches saved a lot of kids by caring. possibly move before a more authori- ‘‘The American Action Forum found I mentioned before that I had some tative President, a more decisive Presi- that the average increase is likely to coaches that I loved, and they are more dent like President-elect Trump, comes be higher than predicted because the like friends, even though they were into office. So I think the world is agency did not factor in that nearly adults. My favorite year, my favorite scared for the next couple of months. half of ObamaCare plans no longer coach was Willie Williams. Are these countries like Iran, Russia, exist, forcing enrollees to switch to It was interesting, you know. Con- China, are they going to try to make a costlier plans,’’ if they have them at servatives are called bigots all the move in the next 2 months because all. time. First time I mentioned that here they know this President may send Then we have this from Lana in Washington, that my favorite high some rockets or something, may send a Shadwick: ‘‘DHS Sued for Ignoring En- school coach was—happened to be SEAL team, but they are not going to vironmental Effects of Mass Immigra- Black, and I never noticed any racial really be final-type activities to really tion.’’ There is so much damage that problems on that team because he was send a message. So we will see. Hope- has come from our border not being se- rough on all of us. He was a very smart fully, the threat of President Trump cured. I heard one of my friends across man, too, good coach. coming in January will be sufficient to the aisle say just this week in the press I love Coach Williams, and it was my keep Iran from trying to make a move that our southern border is secure and great honor to be invited back to my on Mecca, Russia from trying to make that Mr. Trump should come down and hometown a couple of weeks ago when a move on Georgia, Ukraine, Crimea— see it. Mr. Trump has come down and Mount Pleasant was playing Green- Crimea being part of Ukraine, of seen it, and I have been down there ville. Greenville is a lot bigger city. course, should be—but remains to be many times. Mount Pleasant had won two games. seen. To be on the border as I was just in Coach Williams is now retired, but I And then after all of the trauma that the last month, recent months, out was told Coach Williams was up in the has been created by—I just can’t call it there on the Rio Grande, it is pretty press box, that he did some of the call- the Affordable Care Act because it is so wide, and yet that is still where so ing color for the games. There were so costly. But the President was proud many thousands and thousands and many thrills there, getting to know the that it was called ObamaCare initially, thousands cross. At 2, 3 in the morning, kids and being with the team on the and so that is a better term. People we were on a Texas Department of Pub- sideline and rejoicing at good plays. know what it means immediately, lic Safety boat because Texas, though But they won. Apparently, it was the know what we are talking about. they are not authorized by the Su- best game they played. Those kids have But this article from the Washington preme Court to defend our borders, a lot of potential they didn’t realize, Free Beacon, Ali Meyer, says one-third they are authorized under the Texas but they gave me the game ball. of adults went without health care due Constitution and required to protect Just so many things that thrilled me to expensive costs. We were doing so our State. They spent millions of dol- there, my hometown where I grew up, much better. Most of the people I hear lars. They have these fantastic boats. Mount Pleasant, but nothing more from in my district, over 700,000 people, We had night vision on the boat. They than when I got to hug Coach Williams were doing a lot better under—before have thermotechnology. They could see up there at the press box. That was spe- ObamaCare kicked in. They are not where people were hiding and what cial. going to be able to afford health care they were hiding behind. They have Although he is substantially older next year. That was one of the reasons other technology. When they would see now and gray—and, fortunately, his that 90 percent of the geographical U.S. people, they would radio it to the Bor- memory has not waned at all—Coach voted to change parties as President der Patrol. There were agents on the Williams remarked: You had a great because they have seen the suffering U.S. side along the riverbank, and we team, but it wasn’t because you had they have had because their health reported some in. We went down, good talent—that’s how I know his care has suffered. turned off the engine and sat there for memory had not failed him—but you This article says one-third of adults an hour or so. guys played so well together. You gave in the U.S. went without recommended Finally, the U.S. Border Patrol asked it everything. You played well to- health care due to expensive costs, ac- if we would go back to the dock be- gether, and that is how you were a win- cording to a Commonwealth Fund sur- cause those people that we had been ning team. vey. The survey actually was con- watching, they were watching with I really had hopes that that is what ducted in 11 countries—the U.S., Aus- their technology, and they weren’t would happen. I didn’t support Barack tralia, Canada, France, Germany, the going to move. They knew our boats Obama for President, but I really had Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, were there somewhere in the area, and hopes that we would be brought to- Sweden, Switzerland, the United King- so our boat went back.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.048 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 I thought that meant they were say- $7,000, but they are going to let me could help cut down on illegal immi- ing they know you are in the area so work it off in the city I am going to. gration. Of course, once he is in office, they are not going to make a move. We How do they work it off in those cit- we hear his surrogate, Janet Napoli- can’t catch them redhanded until you ies for the drug cartels? tano, saying that if you build a 10-foot make a move. I thought that meant They help them spread poison to wall, then they will build a 12-foot lad- they would interdict and protect the American young people. They are der. homeland. No. Homeland security bringing poison into our country. They So what do they do? doesn’t protect the homeland. No. come in with good motivation—want- They build a 10-foot fence around the What they were saying is: We want you ing jobs, wanting a better life. Yet we White House. After she made fun of a to get out of the way because there are have allowed such a massive insur- 10-foot fence, they built a 10-foot fence people—oh, and then there were some gence into this country. We need to to make it higher around the White we could see were clearly carrying stuff take some kind of pause and kind of House. that was probably drugs. There were figure out who in the world is in this I ask: Does that fence work? Because only two or three in those groups of country. We know from FBI Director if it works, then we need to have some- people who were carrying drugs. There Comey—such as his testimony is thing like that down on our border. If were 17 or 18 groups like that would be worth—that there are terrorist cells in it doesn’t work, then let’s remove the wanting to come across, and it didn’t every State, and that they are inves- fence from around the White House. look like they were carrying anything, tigating every State. So we need to fig- But the Obama administration, though maybe they had a raft. ure out who all have we let in here. In they clamored that fences would do no So it turned out we leave, and we get the last 8 years—and, yes, it was going good, made their fence even stronger, radio transmission from Border Patrol: on during the Bush administration, but bigger, taller, and more secure around Okay, all of those folks who you had nothing like it has just amassed in the the White House. So I know they said that fences spotted, they have now all come across last 8 years. We have to figure out who didn’t work, but their actions said when you left the area, and we have is here. Even this administration had pretty clearly: Yes, we know they got all of those in the big groups. But no idea who they have let in. work. That is why we are fixing ours up we didn’t get those who were probably Then when you see the article that around the White House. bringing in drugs, but we put somebody indicates that the number of those In my own home county, November out at an intersection. They are going wrongly given citizenship is much was a very, very sad time. A 10-year- to watch for them. higher than initially reported—and old little girl, Kayla, was finally found These people are not stupid. They this is from Jake Tapper with CNN— as friends around the country were knew the intersection they put them that the number of individuals who texting, emailing, and praying for in. They weren’t going through that were supposed to have been deported Kayla. They finally found 10-year-old intersection. but instead were granted citizenship is Kayla. Our Smith County sheriff, If I had had any idea that our boat far higher than was initially reported Larry Smith, reported that Kayla’s leaving that area of the river, the Rio by the media covering homeland secu- body was found in a well next to a Grande, was going to cause President rity. This is from September: ‘‘On Mon- home rented by her relative 4 days Obama’s Border Patrol to not protect day, the Inspector General reported after her disappearance. The Sheriff our homeland but to keep welcoming that 858 individuals from ‘special inter- said: ‘‘We assure you there will be no drug dealers, massive drugs, and lots of est countries’—meaning countries that stone unturned as we enter the next folks we don’t know what diseases they are considered to be ‘of concern to the phase of this investigation.’’ have—we don’t know if there were any national security of the United That is what they did. They arrested terrorists in there. We don’t really States’—were supposed to have been Gustavo Zavala-Garcia. He was in the know who they are. They don’t carry deported but were instead granted U.S. country illegally. He had been deported proper identification. I have seen that citizenship. for a violent crime in 2014, but because time and time and time again on our ‘‘But the truth is the report is even this Federal Government refused to border in the middle of the night. They worse than reported, with more than protect the United States of America are not carrying. 1,800 individuals naturalized who from all enemies foreign, this guy I watched two guys. They looked at should have been deported from the comes back in and killed Kayla. That their own little xeroxed piece of paper country. is the charge. they use for identification, and if they ‘‘A reason for the underplaying of the We have seen this across the country. didn’t like it, they switched. number may have been the report’s I know President-elect Trump has said What kind of identification is that? focus, which was whether the U.S. Citi- he is going to do something about it, It is a little piece of paper, it had zenship and Immigration Services was and, God help us, he needs to. In gov- some English on it, and they switched. using digital fingerprints effectively.’’ ernment we have a job. As an indi- They didn’t like the identity they were So it goes on to say that there might vidual Christian, I am supposed to turn bringing in. We don’t know who these be 1,000 more—953 more—that they the other cheek; but when I am acting people were. didn’t realize they were supposed to de- in the role of the government, my job So it will be nice come next year to port because they are probably going is to make sure those who have reli- know that our Border Patrol—and they to kill people and create havoc here. gious beliefs can practice and keep are frustrated, I know. Most of them With all the rhetoric we have heard their religious beliefs without worrying really have wanted to do their jobs. I over and over, we don’t need a fence, about some guy who has been deported hear from them. They are so tired of we don’t need a wall, this campaign five times coming in and shooting watching their homeland be assaulted. you don’t need any fence or wall down them. It just goes on and on, a wave every on our border. If we find here in Congress that the night, and we are not protecting our WikiLeaks—and who knows where executive branch is not doing what homeland. this stuff is coming from, but I never they should, then we cut off the We are supposed to protect this place did hear outright denials to: Well, we money. That is what is supposed to against all enemies foreign and domes- are not sure where that is coming happen. Cut off the money to those tic. Some of those folks aren’t enemies. from. who aren’t doing the job and send it They want to come in for jobs. Some Yeah, but they are saying this was over to people that are doing the job. If want to come in for welfare. Some your email. Did you send this email? nobody is doing the job, then create an- want to come in for food stamps. Some I just didn’t hear people denying the other department and eliminate that want to come in, but they have made facts that were in what was released. department, and get somebody until commitments through the drug cartels Anyway, they leaked an internal you do protect the country. that pay the coyotes to bring them memo from Barack Obama’s 2008 cam- There are so many across this coun- across. paign, and it made very clear that try that are suffering and mourning I have been out there at night when then-Senator Obama believed that the loss because the Federal Govern- they have said: Well, no, I didn’t have fencing at the U.S.-Mexico border ment did not protect them from some

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.050 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6295 immigrant who was a criminal who was goes in. I know I saw a headline he terial and tell us what we have to re- deported. We don’t protect our borders. doesn’t think he will do that. I suggest move from our training material so They came back, they killed, raped, he needs to do that. It was a rotten that next time Russia says there is a and pillaged yet again. deal. There will be a lot of people in Tsarnaev brother that has been Then there are those who say: Well, the Middle East and around the world, radicalized and he is going to kill peo- let’s just go ahead and do a complete including America, who will die be- ple, the FBI agents who want to stop amnesty. cause this administration sent billions terrorism will actually recognize it be- This report is from Robert Rector, a of dollars to Iran, a big hunk of it just cause they have been properly trained brilliant guy from the National Acad- pure cash. to do so instead of being treated with emy of Sciences. He says: ‘‘The find- This article says: ‘‘Iran Pressuring some politically correct garbage that ings in the report indicate that if am- Palestinian Jihadists to Resume Ter- keeps them from recognizing what a nesty for illegal immigrants were en- rorism Against Israel.’’ But they didn’t real radical Islamist is. You have got acted, the government would have to just do terrorism against Israel. They to know what they are reading. You raise taxes immediately by $1.29 tril- love to kill and do harm to Americans. have got to know what their beliefs lion and put that sum into a high-yield It is time we stood up to our oath and are. bank account to cover future fiscal protected this place, protected our losses generated by the amnesty recipi- Constitution, our way of life, against When I talked to the FBI agent ents and their children. all enemies, foreign and domestic. That whose material was completely elimi- ‘‘To cover the future cost, each U.S. is basically the oath I took when I nated for a time because, apparently, household currently paying federal in- went on Active Duty in the Army. We CAIR, named as a coconspirator in the come tax would have to pay, on aver- didn’t know if we were going to be Holy Land Foundation terrorism fi- age, an immediate lump sum of over sent. We weren’t sent anywhere. We nancing trial, was bothered by some of $15,000.’’ were put on alert in 1979 when an act of that stuff, when I asked the FBI Direc- Wouldn’t it be better to just enforce war occurred in Iran, but President tor at that time, Mueller, ‘‘You didn’t our borders? Carter wouldn’t defend our people. He even go to the mosques where the Nobody lets in legally as many as we tried way too late and way too weakly Tsarnaevs went and ask questions— do in the United States. I don’t know a to rescue. What are they reading? What are they single person in this Congress that is a But even a successful rescue would learning? What are they saying? How xenophobe, whatever kind of phobe, but have told the world we don’t have a are they acting?—to determine if they we want to do our job. There is an obli- leader in America that will protect the had been radicalized?’’ they didn’t gation to make sure that the over 1 American people because, if you harm know what to look for. Mueller said million visas—more than any country us, then we will come back and get out they did go out there, but it was in in the world—that are handed out by of your country, but we will leave you their outreach program. your United States Government go to alone. I mean, this was President Car- Yeah, go out there and have a meal. people that are not going to be a threat ter that called Ayatollah Khomeini— Let’s get together and be buddies, but but are to be a blessing to this country. the biggest radical Islamist terrorist in not even investigate when the Russians The U.N. General Secretary—the new modern history—a man of peace when tell you this guy is a radical, he is one that just came in—said over a year he was welcoming him to the power of going to kill Americans. ago that the reason there is such a tiny an entire country and its military. fraction of a fraction of Christians who Radical Islamic caliphate had been They sent somebody out. They talked are being brought out of the Middle out of business for many years, and to him and talked to his mom. He said, East as refugees is because they are so Carter opened the box. Once Pandora’s ‘‘No, I am not a terrorist’’; and Mom historically important right where box was open, many thousands and said, ‘‘He is a good boy, not a ter- they are. We have already recognized thousands of our American military rorist.’’ And then he goes and kills peo- there is a genocide of Christians going would die in the days to come because ple in Boston at the marathon because on right now in the Middle East. of it, not just military. But when a they didn’t know what they were look- So what do we do with the Chris- Taliban—radical Islamist terrorists—in ing for. Afghanistan get control of the country, tians? It is time to get back to fulfilling our The government said: Well, we want there is going to be terrorism spread oath to the United States of America to leave most of them there. We like around the world. That is what hap- to protect this country, to get govern- what the U.N. says. Let’s leave them pened. When a radical Islamic terrorist ment out of the way, to create a level over there to be wiped out in a geno- becomes the head of Iran, there is playing field across the country and cide of Christians. going to be terrorism spread around the world, and that happened. then let people compete. Don’t reward b 1300 Now, this: ‘‘Leaked FBI Data Reveal the losers. Encourage them to pick up I am saying, Mr. Speaker, there will 7,700 Terrorist Encounters in USA in and keep going when they fail because, be a price to pay someday by this coun- One Year; Border States Most Tar- like Edison, it is not a failure. You just try for our callousness to Christians geted.’’ found a way not to succeed on that, but and Jews in the Middle East that have But Andrew McCarthy, a dear friend, you will find a way next time. We keep cried out for help. Instead of helping wrote a great article: ‘‘Deadliest Lie: trying. them, we have welcomed those who Without ‘Lone Wolf’ Lie, U.S. Could It is time to wake up, protect the have tortured and created a living hell Have Stopped Nearly Every Attack.’’ people within the United States so that for them. As my friend Patrick Poole has said, we can continue to be the biggest, And one from September 10: ‘‘Suspect there are no lone wolves, there are brightest beacon of light in the world in Brutal Maryland Murder Deported known wolves. where people will want to come instead Twice.’’ Each time we find out these people of a place that was once great, was ‘‘Austin Sex Assault Suspect Pre- were on the radar of the FBI, of law en- once free, was once safe, but now coun- viously Deported Five Times.’’ forcement, and they didn’t know how tries around the world have travel Then this administration has sent to recognize a radical Islamist. So I alerts out on our cities because we are billions of dollars, a lot of it cash—load hope and pray that, as a new adminis- up those pallets, put them on a plane, tration comes in, we will finally put not safe anymore. It is time to protect and send them to our enemy Iran. And the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR and America and put America first, which we find out there was an IAEA report any of the groups with which it works, is our oath and obligation. When we do indicating that Iran had continued to on a terrorist watch list. Stop them that, we can do more good for the violate the Iran executive agreement. from giving advice to the State Depart- world than we have done since World It is really a treaty, but the Senate ment, the White House, the Justice De- War II. never confirmed it, never ratified it, so partment, Homeland Security. Stop al- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance it can be wiped out as soon as Trump lowing them to come in and review ma- of my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.051 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 STATEHOOD FOR THE DISTRICT which was then a territory. In 1795, in Congress and to come to some kind OF COLUMBIA Tennessee drafted a constitution, of, at least, compromise, and I appre- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. COS- passed a referendum, indicated what its ciate that. It is very hard to under- TELLO of Pennsylvania). Under the boundaries would be, and petitioned, stand congressional opposition to au- Speaker’s announced policy of January succeeding in becoming the 16th State tonomy, such as it is, that the District 6, 2015, the gentlewoman from the Dis- of the Union. wishes over its own budget. trict of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) is rec- At the same time that 85 percent of What the District has done in design- ognized for 60 minutes as the designee the residents of the District of Colum- ing its own budget autonomy ref- of the minority leader. bia passed the statehood referendum to erendum is certainly not to give itself Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, first, I do the same thing—I don’t want to be statehood. The referendum is a very want to say that my colleague from misunderstood. Our residents have not moderate notion because the local Texas (Mr. GOHMERT), who spoke just given up on seeking any and all ele- budget would still come to the House of before me, mentioned a divided coun- ments of statehood. Even before state- Representatives and to the Senate for a try and used a metaphor—I hope it will hood is granted, statehood consists of review period, just as all local legisla- become a metaphor—for the coming many different elements. Indeed, al- tion—even though almost none of it is Congress of the African American most simultaneously, indeed, before overturned during this period—has to coach who coached a White team and the statehood referendum, they had come here before it becomes law. Con- seemed to be able to reconcile people. voted for a budget autonomy ref- gress would continue, under the cur- If this Congress doesn’t learn the art of erendum. You can imagine the insult rent budget autonomy referendum, to compromise, even though my Repub- to the residents of the District of Co- have the existing jurisdiction over the lican colleagues have captured the lumbia to raise $7 billion and then have District of Columbia, and it is going to reins of government, they will still to call on somebody else for permission have that jurisdiction until the Dis- have trouble, without thoughtful com- to spend their own money. trict of Columbia becomes the 51st promise, getting matters through the b 1315 State. House and the Senate. So I endorse the Budget autonomy does not interfere, metaphor—that is what Mr. GOHMERT Budget autonomy has long been the as it is mapped out in the budget au- meant—of Coach Williams as the kind priority of the District of Columbia, tonomy referendum, with the powers of of Congress we should be beginning in and every Member of this body knows the Congress. So why not say to the January if we want to override the last that what you prize most is the control District: you can have control over several Congresses which got very lit- that your own jurisdiction has over its your own budget. If we want to inter- tle done. It will take more than bring- own local budget and that, no matter fere, we can still interfere; but you ing all the reins of government under what we do on the Federal budget, they don’t have to bring it up here. We can one party to get that done. can’t touch your budget. Yes, they add interfere without your bringing it up I come to the floor this afternoon to your budget, but your budget is your here. particularly to offer some background budget, and our budget is our budget. Until this Congress, actually, the to new Members of Congress—but, I Members of Congress don’t look at our District had bipartisan support for must say, to current Members of Con- budget. They know they don’t know budget autonomy. The last two Repub- gress as well—because there seems to how to run a big city of, going on, lican chairmen of the committee of ju- me to be great mystery concerning 700,000 people, but the budget becomes risdiction over the District, which is what role Members of Congress should a vehicle for interfering with the busi- the Oversight and Government Reform play when matters affecting a jurisdic- ness of a local jurisdiction—the Dis- Committee, understood—maybe pre- tion, not their own, come before them trict of Columbia. cisely because they were Republicans— in this House. They know for sure that Now, Congress, in the congressional their own constituents didn’t send why budget autonomy was the very resolution that is pending, has appro- first thing a local jurisdiction ought to them here to legislate for somebody priated next year’s budget—that is to else’s district, so how come and what demand. Former Representative Thom- say, the 2017 budget. At the same time, does it mean and how can we get on as Davis and DARRELL ISSA fought for I want to alert Congress that the budg- with the business of the Nation? budget autonomy. Mr. ISSA is still in On November 8, the residents of the et autonomy referendum I just spoke of this body, as I understand it. District of Columbia in an over-the-top is in effect. That has not been over- Representative Davis said recently: 85 percent majority—with support, by turned. It has been tested in court. The ‘‘The benefits of budget autonomy for the way, from our Republican Party in Court of Appeals for the District of Co- the District are numerous, real, and the District—passed a statehood ref- lumbia vacated an opinion of the dis- much needed. There is no drawback.’’ erendum to petition the Congress for trict court that indicated that the Budget autonomy means lower bor- statehood for the District of Columbia. budget autonomy referendum, whereby rowing costs, more accurate financial I don’t think they did so because they the District was giving itself autonomy projections, improved operations, and thought that either a Democratic over its own budget, was unconstitu- the District government will not shut President or a Republican President, a tional. It vacated that, so that does not down during a Federal Government Democratic Congress, would move stand. Instead, it sent it to the Supe- shutdown. Imagine that. That is what quickly on a statehood bill, but it does rior Court of the District of Columbia, has happened several times here be- express frustration that I believe my and the superior court considered it cause this budget has to come here colleagues would identify with at not and upheld the Budget Autonomy Act. even when the District of Columbia, as being treated as the full-fledged Amer- No appeal was filed; so the Budget Au- always, is not implicated in disagree- ican citizens they are. On November 8, tonomy Act is still law. ments with the Federal Government. If not only was I running for Congress It is interesting that the Federal it shuts down then I have to take ac- and many of my colleagues—or most of court sent the matter to the local tion to make sure the District doesn’t my colleagues—the District of Colum- court. I think the Federal court was shut down with it because, in the past, bia was, in effect, running for state- telling us something: that, when it it has, indeed, been shut down for no hood. comes to discerning what are the local reason except the Federal Government, Now, there are three ways to become powers, we ought to look first to the itself, was shut down because it a State: you can amend the Constitu- local courts. No appeal was filed. The couldn’t agree on Federal matters. tion; you can have Congress pass a bill, Federal courts have, in effect, deferred The District has tried all conceivable and we have a bill pending here now; or to the local court; so the budget auton- ways to get some equality with other a State can formally petition the Con- omy referendum stands as law, not- citizens. For example, the House in 2007 gress to become a State, instead of withstanding the fact that the congres- and the Senate in 2009 passed the House waiting for Congress to pass a bill in sional resolution does, in fact, appro- Voting Rights Act. That would have the ordinary course of business. priate D.C.’s budget. given the District a vote in the House The way to petition the Congress was So you can see how there is some at- but not in the Senate. But at least in patterned by the State of Tennessee, tempt to come to grips with this issue the people’s House, you would not have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.053 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6297 the outrage of, for example, this Mem- live in the Nation’s Capital—one of the year. It has already raised the national ber who cannot vote on any matter on highest growth rates in population in profile for statehood for our country. this floor but whose matters do come the United States. In a city that was Now, many, many Americans know before the House of Representatives. It about 600,000, it has increased more that when they see me speak on the had good bipartisan support. Speaker than 50,000 since the last census, giving House floor does not mean I have the RYAN, at the time, supported it. Our the District a larger population than same rights as everyone else. My great- current Vice President, at the time, two of our States that have two Sen- est frustration is that most Americans supported it. Our Vice President-elect ators and one Representative—Wyo- think that the Americans who live in supported it. There was some under- ming and Vermont. the Nation’s Capital have the same standing that, even if you are not Of course, there are many reasons rights they do. ready for statehood, you are not ready statehood is very personal to me. If the The statehood vote and the drive for the status quo for the almost 700,000 bell rings for votes on bills, I cannot leading up to it, the statehood ref- people who live in the District of Co- cast a vote for the more than 650,000 erendum has helped many more Ameri- lumbia. people I represent, though my constitu- cans to understand that is not the case. There are other elements of state- ents pay more taxes per capita than There has never been a poll that hood: legislative autonomy. If the Dis- those who do come to cast that vote. showed anything but the desire of the trict passes a bill, it can’t become law I feel it also very particularly when American people that the people of the until it lies over. That means it just we have votes on any matter affecting District of Columbia be treated equally stops until we see whether somebody war, like ISIL, because I have gone to with themselves. from the House or the Senate wants to the floor to debate matters of war a Mr. Speaker, Congress has two overturn a law. It is almost never used. number of times since coming to Con- choices: It can continue to exercise au- I can’t remember the last time it was gress 25 years ago. I remember, for ex- thority over the American people who used, yet that is an authority that lies ample, District residents who died in reside here in the Nation’s Capital, in this Congress. Why would Congress Iraq and Afghanistan, and I was not treating them—if I may quote the want to keep an authority when it able to vote ‘‘aye’’ or ‘‘no’’ as they words of the great Frederick Doug- never uses it? There are other ways, if went off and got the vote for those in lass—as ‘‘aliens, non-citizens,’’ but sub- it wants to interfere, rather than forc- their jurisdictions. I remember the pur- jects or it can take another course. ing the District through long waits to ple fingers that showed that people had This Congress can live up to the na- have its bills become law. These are voted, while these District of Columbia tional promise, the ideals that we all enigmas of the last century. They have residents, in having gotten the vote for profess, and help the people of the Dis- no place in a modern House and Sen- others, came home and still did not trict of Columbia move toward equal ate. have the vote. citizenship, toward autonomy over I have been able—and I am grateful— Mr. Speaker, this is an embarrassing their own budget, toward legislative that, each year, for the last several anachronism that comes out of the autonomy, and finally toward state- years, I have been able, in advance, to 18th century. When the Framers, who hood as the 51st State of the United get language that has meant that, even were otherwise—I must say in virtually if the House or the Senate had to close States of America. every other way—perfect, couldn’t fig- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance down, the District would not close ure out what to do when the Capital of my time. down. It is not as if there aren’t some was in Philadelphia and the Revolu- in the House who see why I come before tionary War veterans marched on that f you today. We believe that, ultimately, Capital, they thought: well, we want to ENROLLED BILL SIGNED as Congress sees that the components make sure the Capital is not a part of Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, of statehood work—not shutting down a State. What will we do with the Dis- reported and found truly enrolled a bill the government, maybe budget auton- trict of Columbia? of the House of the following title, omy or legislative autonomy—they They were not sure, but they said: we which was thereupon signed by the will see that a new State of American will retain some jurisdiction over the Speaker: citizens should have the same rights in Capital in case we need to. H.R. 4511. An act to amend the Veterans’ every respect as other American citi- You don’t need to—or let us say you Oral History Project Act to allow the collec- zens. do. There are 20 different Federal po- tion of video and audio recordings of bio- In 2014, we were very pleased to get lice forces that help protect the local graphical histories by immediate family the first official hearing ever in the District of Columbia every single day. members of members of the Armed Forces Senate on D.C. statehood. There was a This is a figment of another era if we who died as a result of their service during a huge overflow crowd. They had to open are talking about protecting the Cap- period of war. up other rooms beyond where the hear- ital. In any case, it is impossible to lay f ing was held. The case for statehood to the Framers, who invented the slo- ADJOURNMENT was made by a number of witnesses at gan ‘‘no taxation without representa- that hearing. The District was able to tion,’’ that they meant the people who Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I move show that it has one of the strongest fought in that war, that Revolutionary that the House do now adjourn. economies in the Nation. War, were to come home and have no The motion was agreed to; accord- How many of my colleagues are from representation. ingly (at 1 o’clock and 33 minutes States that have a $12.5 billion budget, p.m.), under its previous order, the much less their districts? Because that b 1330 House adjourned until tomorrow, Fri- is larger than the budget of 12 States. Mr. Speaker, statehood has been very day, November 18, 2016, at 3 p.m. How many of my colleagues can boast difficult for every State to achieve. f The last two States were Alaska and for their States, much less their Dis- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Hawaii, and it took them each more tricts, $2 billion in surplus, which has ETC. become the envy of the States? than 50 years. It would have taken us How many of my colleagues have per much longer. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive capita personal income as high as ours? So what the District did in voting 85 communications were taken from the None, because the per capita income— percent for statehood was to under- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: per person income—in the District of stand it has to fertilize on a continuing 7485. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Columbia is higher than that of any basis our effort to become equal citi- General Counsel for Regulatory Services, Of- State. Our total personal income per zens or it just won’t happen. This is a fice of the General Counsel, Department of capita is higher than that of seven political matter and a moral matter, Education, transmitting the Department’s final regulations — Teacher Preparation States. Our per capita personal con- but the two mix. So we know we have Issues [Docket ID: ED-2014-OPE-0057] (RIN: sumption expenditure is higher than to convince our colleagues, and we 1840-AD07) received November 1, 2016, pursu- that of any State. know everything depends on us. ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Look at the growth in population So that energy that comes out of 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee with people coming in large numbers to that vote you will see manifest all next on Education and the Workforce.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.054 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 7486. A letter from the Assistant General ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- quirements, Cost Principles and Audit Re- Counsel, Division of Regulatory Services, Of- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee quirements for Federal Awards (NASA Case fice of the General Counsel, Department of on Energy and Commerce. 2015-N030) (RIN: 2700-AE29) received Novem- Education, transmitting the Department’s 7494. A letter from the Assistant General ber 2, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Major final regulations — Student Assist- Counsel for Legislation, Office of Energy Ef- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to ance General Provisions, Federal Perkins ficiency and Renewable Energy, Department the Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- Loan Program, Federal Family Education of Energy, transmitting the Department’s nology. Loan Program, William D. Ford Federal Di- final rule — Energy Conservation Program: 7506. A letter from the Deputy General rect Loan Program, and Teacher Education Test Procedure for Commercial Packaged Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Small Assistance for College and Higher Education Boilers [Docket No.: EERE-2014-BT-TP-0006] Business Administration, transmitting the Grant Program [Docket ID: ED-2015-OPE- (RIN: 1904-AD16) received November 10, 2016, Administration’s final rule — Disaster As- 0103] (RIN: 1840-AD19) received November 3, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law sistance Loan Program; Disaster Loan Miti- 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- gation, Contractor Malfeasance and Secured Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the mittee on Energy and Commerce. Threshold (RIN: 3245-AG78) received Novem- Committee on Education and the Workforce. 7495. A letter from the Assistant General ber 7, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); 7487. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Counsel for Legislation, Office of Energy Ef- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to General Counsel, Division of Regulatory ficiency and Renewable Energy, Department the Committee on Small Business. Services, Office of the General Counsel, De- of Energy, transmitting the Department’s 7507. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- partment of Education, transmitting the De- final rule — Energy Conservation Program nator, Centers for and Medicaid partment’s Major final regulations — Ele- for Certain Commercial and Industrial Services, Department of Health and Human mentary and Secondary Education Act of Equipment: Test Procedure for Commercial Services, transmitting the Department’s no- 1965, As Amended By the Every Students Water Heating Equipment [Docket No.: tice — Medicare Program; CY 2017 Part A Succeeds Act —— Accountability and State EERE-2014-BT-TP-0008] (RIN: 1904-AD18) re- Premiums for the Uninsured Aged and for Plans [Docket No.: ED-2016-OESE-0032] (RIN: ceived November 10, 2016, pursuant to 5 Certain Disabled Individuals Who Have Ex- 1810-AB27) received November 7, 2016, pursu- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. hausted Other Entitlement [CMS-8063-N] ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- (RIN: 0938-AS71) received November 14, 2016, 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee ergy and Commerce. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law on Education and the Workforce. 7496. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 7488. A letter from the Director, Regu- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, mittee on Ways and Means. latory Management Division, Environmental transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-092, 7508. A letter from the Chief, Publications Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- pursuant to the reporting requirements of and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue cy’s final rule — Fluxapyroxad; Pesticide Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Service, transmitting the Service’s final reg- Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0380; FRL- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ulations and removal of temporary regula- 9953-87] received November 4, 2016, pursuant 7497. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, tions — United States Property Held by Con- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Legislative Affairs, Department of State, trolled Foreign Corporations in Transactions Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-009, Involving Partnerships; Rents and Royalties Energy and Commerce. pursuant to the reporting requirements of Derived in the Active Conduct of a Trade or 7489. A letter from the Director, Regu- Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Business [TD 9792] (RIN: 1545-BJ48) received latory Management Division, Environmental Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. November 3, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 7498. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 cy’s final rule — Clean Air Act Redesigna- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and tion Substitute for the Dallas-Fort Worth 1- transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-089, Means. hour Ozone and 1997 8-hour Ozone Nonattain- pursuant to the reporting requirements of 7509. A letter from the Director, Office of ment Areas; Texas [EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0721; Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Regulations and Reports Clearance, Social FRL-9953-93-Region 6] received November 4, Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Security Administration, transmitting the 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public 7499. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Administration’s final rule — Extension of Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Legislative Affairs, Department of State, the Expiration Date for State Disability Ex- Committee on Energy and Commerce. transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-068, aminer Authority to Make Fully Favorable 7490. A letter from the Director, Regu- pursuant to the reporting requirements of Quick Disability Determinations and Com- latory Management Division, Environmental Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control passionate Allowance Determinations [Dock- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. et No.: SSA-2016-0014] (RIN: 0960-AH94) re- cy’s final rule — Clean Air Act Redesigna- 7500. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, ceived November 7, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tion Substitute for the Houston-Galveston- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Brazoria 1997 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-051, Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Area; Texas [EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0609; FRL- pursuant to the reporting requirements of Means. 9953-89-Region 6] received November 4, 2016, Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control 7510. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. nator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 7501. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Services, Department of Health and Human mittee on Energy and Commerce. Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Services, transmitting the Department’s in- 7491. A letter from the Director, Regu- transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-038, terim final rule — Medicaid Program; Cov- latory Management Division, Environmental pursuant to the reporting requirements of ered Outpatient Drug; Delay in Change in Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Definitions of States and United States cy’s final rule — Rescission of Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. [CMS-2345-IFC] (RIN: 0938-AT09) received No- Preconstruction Permits Issued Under the 7502. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, vember 14, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Clean Air Act [EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0782; FRL- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 9954-88-OAR] (RIN: 2060-AS56) received No- transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-076, Stat. 868); jointly to the Committees on En- vember 4, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. pursuant to the reporting requirements of ergy and Commerce and Ways and Means. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control 7511. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. nator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Commerce. 7503. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Services, Department of Health and Human 7492. A letter from the Director, Regu- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Services, transmitting the Department’s latory Management Division, Environmental transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 16-062, Major final rule — Medicare Program; Revi- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- pursuant to the reporting requirements of sions to Payment Policies under the Physi- cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; NH; Section 36(d) of the Arms Export Control cian Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Rules for Reducing Particulate Emissions Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Part B for CY 2017; Medicare Advantage Bid [EPA-R01-OAR-2016-0285; FRL-9953-83-Region 7504. A letter from the Chairman, Council Pricing Data Release; Medicare Advantage 1] received November 4, 2016, pursuant to 5 of the District of Columbia, transmitting and Part D Medical Loss Ratio Data Release; U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. D.C. ACT 21-621, ‘‘Constitution and Bound- Medicare Advantage Provider Network Re- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- aries for the State of Washington, D.C. Ap- quirements; Expansion of Medicare Diabetes ergy and Commerce. proval Resolution of 2016’’, pursuant to Pub- Prevention Program Model; Medicare Shared 7493. A letter from the Director, Regu- lic Law 93-198, Sec. 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to Savings Program Requirements [CMS-1654-F] latory Management Division, Environmental the Committee on Oversight and Govern- (RIN: 0938-AS81) received November 3, 2016, Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- ment Reform. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law cy’s direct final rule — Determination of 7505. A letter from the Assistant Adminis- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); jointly to the Full Program Adequacy of Washington’s Mu- trator, Office of Procurement, National Aer- Committees on Energy and Commerce and nicipal Solid Waste Landfill Permitting Pro- onautics and Space Administration, trans- Ways and Means. gram [EPA-R10-RCRA-2016-0629; FRL-9928-27- mitting the Administration’s final rule — 7512. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- Region 10] received November 4, 2016, pursu- Revisions to Uniform Administrative Re- nator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L17NO7.000 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6299 Services, Department of Health and Human By Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts: By Mr. GRAYSON: Services, transmitting the Department’s H.R. 6340. A bill to extend conflict of inter- H.R. 6351. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Major final rule and interim final rule — est provisions to the President and Vice enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the Medicare Program: Prospective Payment President of the United States; to the Com- credit for new qualified fuel cell motor vehi- and Reporting Requirements for Organ Pro- mittee on the Judiciary. cles; to the Committee on Ways and Means. curement; Transplant Outcome Measures; By Mr. POE of Texas (for himself and By Mr. GRAYSON: Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Mr. CONYERS): H.R. 6352. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Programs; Nonexcepted Off-Campus Pro- H.R. 6341. A bill to delay the amendments enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the vider-Based Department of a Hospital; Hos- to rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal above-the-line deduction for qualified tuition pital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Pro- Procedure; to the Committee on the Judici- and related expenses; to the Committee on gram; Nonexcepted Items and Services Fur- ary. Ways and Means. nished by an Off-Campus Provider-Based De- By Mr. GRIJALVA (for himself and Mr. By Mr. GRAYSON: H.R. 6353. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- partment of a Hospital [CMS-1656-FC and COSTELLO of Pennsylvania): enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the IFC] (RIN: 0938-AS82) received November 2, H.R. 6342. A bill to amend the Animal Wel- fare Act to restrict the use of exotic and wild credit for new qualified fuel cell motor vehi- 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public animals in traveling performances; to the cles; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); jointly Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. GRAYSON: to the Committees on Energy and Commerce By Mr. VEASEY (for himself and Ms. H.R. 6354. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and Ways and Means. NORTON): enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the f H.R. 6343. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- above-the-line deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses; to the Committee on REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON enue Code of 1986 to encourage the sale of lo- cally and regionally produced agricultural Ways and Means. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS products in underserved communities; to the By Mr. GRAYSON: Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- H.R. 6355. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- tion to the Committee on Agriculture, for a enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the committees were delivered to the Clerk credit for energy-efficient existing homes; to for printing and reference to the proper period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of the Committee on Ways and Means. calendar, as follows: such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- By Mr. GRAYSON: Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- tion of the committee concerned. H.R. 6356. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- ural Resources. H.R. 564. A bill to amend the By Mr. GOSAR (for himself, Mr. enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to re- AMODEI, Mr. DUNCAN of South Caro- property; to the Committee on Ways and duce predation on endangered Columbia lina, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. Means. River salmon and other nonlisted species, MOONEY of West Virginia, Mr. BROOKS By Mr. GRAYSON: and for other purposes; with an amendment of Alabama, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, (Rept. 114–830). Referred to the Committee of H.R. 6357. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and Mr. SESSIONS): enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the the Whole House on the state of the Union. H.R. 6344. A bill to authorize the Secretary credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling of the Interior to convey certain Federal f property; to the Committee on Ways and land in Mohave County, Arizona, to qualified Means. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS entities and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. GRAYSON: Under clause 2 of rule XII, public mittee on Natural Resources. H.R. 6358. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. BROOKS of Alabama (for him- bills and resolutions of the following enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the self, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. KING of Iowa, credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel used titles were introduced and severally re- Mr. GOSAR, Mr. JONES, Mr. BRAT, and ferred, as follows: as fuel; to the Committee on Ways and Mr. BABIN): Means. By Mr. POCAN (for himself and Ms. H.R. 6345. A bill to amend the Immigration By Mr. GRAYSON: STEFANIK): and Nationality Act to modify the procedure H.R. 6359. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 6336. A bill to amend the Rural Elec- to designate a foreign state, and for other enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the trification Act of 1936 to provide grants for purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel used access to broadband telecommunications ary. as fuel; to the Committee on Ways and services in rural areas, and for other pur- By Mr. BEYER (for himself, Mr. Means. poses; to the Committee on Agriculture, and TAKANO, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. By Mr. GRAYSON: in addition to the Committee on Energy and MCCOLLUM, Ms. NORTON, Mr. POCAN, H.R. 6360. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Commerce, for a period to be subsequently Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. MCDERMOTT, enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the determined by the Speaker, in each case for Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mrs. DINGELL, Ms. credit for energy efficient commercial build- consideration of such provisions as fall with- SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. DELBENE, Mr. ings; to the Committee on Ways and Means. in the jurisdiction of the committee con- CA´ RDENAS, Mr. TONKO, Mr. KEATING, By Mr. GRAYSON: cerned. Mr. KIND, Mr. POLIS, Mr. COHEN, Ms. H.R. 6361. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. WEBER of Texas (for himself, ESHOO, and Mr. KILDEE): enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. GENE GREEN of H.R. 6346. A bill to require that States and credit for energy efficient commercial build- Texas, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. BABIN, and units of local government that receive funds ings; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. SMITH of Texas): under subpart I of part E of title I of the Om- By Mr. GRAYSON: H.R. 6337. A bill to amend title 49, United nibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of H.R. 6362. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- States Code, with respect to the definition of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3750 et seq.) report informa- enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the urbanized area, and for other purposes; to tion pertaining to hate crimes to the Attor- Indian employment credit; to the Committee the Committee on Transportation and Infra- ney General for inclusion in the Uniform on Ways and Means. structure. Crime Reports and National Incident-Based By Mr. GRAYSON: By Mr. CARTWRIGHT (for himself, Mr. Reporting System, and for other purposes; to H.R. 6363. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- the Committee on the Judiciary. enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the DEFAZIO, Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. KAPTUR, By Mr. GRAYSON: Indian employment credit; to the Committee and Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas): H.R. 6347. A bill to extend for one year the on Ways and Means. H.R. 6338. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- program for priority review to encourage By Mr. GRAYSON: tion Campaign Act of 1971 to require corpora- treatments for rare pediatric diseases; to the H.R. 6364. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- tions to disclose to their shareholders the Committee on Energy and Commerce. enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the amounts disbursed for certain political ac- By Mr. GRAYSON: credit for certain qualified film and tele- tivity, and for other purposes; to the Com- H.R. 6348. A bill to extend for two years the vision and live theatrical productions; to the mittee on Ways and Means, and in addition program for priority review to encourage Committee on Ways and Means. to the Committee on House Administration, treatments for rare pediatric diseases; to the By Mr. GRAYSON: for a period to be subsequently determined Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 6365. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- By Mr. GRAYSON: enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- H.R. 6349. A bill to require that ‘‘None of credit for energy efficient new homes; to the risdiction of the committee concerned. the Above’’ be provided as an option in gen- Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. GRIFFITH (for himself, Mr. eral elections for Federal office, and for By Mr. GRAYSON: LANCE, and Mr. PITTS): other purposes; to the Committee on House H.R. 6366. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 6339. A bill to limit the use of the Administration. enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the Judgement Fund to settle any lawsuit aris- By Mr. GRAYSON: credit for energy efficient new homes; to the ing under section 1342 of the Patient Protec- H.R. 6350. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Committee on Ways and Means. tion and Affordable Care Act, and for other enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the By Mr. GRAYSON: purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- credit for energy-efficient existing homes; to H.R. 6367. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- ary. the Committee on Ways and Means. enue Code of 1986 to extend for one year the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L17NO7.000 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016 mine rescue team training credit; to the similar benefits erroneously received by H. Res. 929. A resolution expressing support Committee on Ways and Means. members of the Army National Guard, and for the goals of ‘‘National Adoption Day’’ By Mr. GRAYSON: for other purposes; to the Committee on and ‘‘National Adoption Month’’ by pro- H.R. 6368. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Armed Services. moting national awareness of adoption and enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the By Mr. WELCH (for himself and Mr. the children awaiting families, celebrating mine rescue team training credit; to the CRAMER): children and families involved in adoption, Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 6378. A bill to amend the Public and encouraging the people of the United By Mr. GRAYSON: Health Service Act to revise the amount of States to secure safety, permanency, and H.R. 6369. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- minimum allotments under the Projects for well-being for all children; to the Committee enue Code of 1986 to extend for two years the Assistance in Transition from Homelessness on Education and the Workforce. credit for certain qualified film and tele- Program; to the Committee on Energy and By Mr. PETERS: vision and live theatrical productions; to the Commerce. H. Res. 930. A resolution expressing support Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas (for for designation of the month of June 2016 as By Mr. HOLDING (for himself, Mr. himself, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of ‘‘National Post-Traumatic Stress Injury LEVIN, and Mr. SESSIONS): Pennsylvania, Mr. VELA, Ms. CLARKE Awareness Month’’ and June 27, 2016, as ‘‘Na- H.R. 6370. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- of New York, Mr. ISRAEL, Mr. tional Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Aware- enue Code of 1986 for purposes of the tax on HUFFMAN, Mr. COHEN, Mr. SWALWELL ness Day’’; to the Committee on Armed Serv- private foundation excess business holdings of California, Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. ices, and in addition to the Committee on to treat as outstanding any employee-owned BROWNLEY of California, Mr. Veterans’ Affairs, for a period to be subse- stock purchased by a business enterprise CICILLINE, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. TED LIEU quently determined by the Speaker, in each pursuant to certain employee stock owner- of California, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. ship retirement plans; to the Committee on case for consideration of such provisions as SERRANO, and Mr. ELLISON): fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Ways and Means. H.J. Res. 102. A joint resolution proposing concerned. By Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of an amendment to the Constitution of the By Miss RICE of New York (for herself, Texas: United States to abolish the electoral col- Mr. POCAN, Mr. POLIS, Mr. NORCROSS, H.R. 6371. A bill to authorize the President lege and to provide for the direct popular to award the Medal of Honor posthumously election of the President and Vice President Mr. KILMER, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, to Doris Miller for acts of valor during the of the United States; to the Committee on Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. PAYNE, World War II while a member of the Navy; to the Judiciary. Mr. NOLAN, Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. GRI- the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. RANGEL: JALVA, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. By Mr. LEWIS: H.J. Res. 103. A joint resolution proposing DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, and Mr. H.R. 6372. A bill to amend the National an amendment to the Constitution of the COURTNEY): Highway System Designation Act of 1995 to United States to abolish the electoral col- H. Res. 931. A resolution supporting the permit the construction of certain noise bar- lege and to provide for the direct popular designation of the week beginning November riers with funds from the Highway Trust election of the President and Vice President 14, 2016, as ‘‘National Apprenticeship Week’’; Fund, and for other purposes; to the Com- of the United States; to the Committee on to the Committee on Education and the mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- the Judiciary. Workforce. ture. By Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of f By Mr. LUETKEMEYER (for himself, Texas: Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. GRAVES of Mis- H. Con. Res. 173. Concurrent resolution ex- MEMORIALS souri, Mr. SMITH of Missouri, Mrs. pressing the sense of Congress regarding re- Under clause 3 of rule XII, memorials HARTZLER, Mr. LONG, Mrs. WAGNER, consideration of the merits of awarding the were presented and referred as follows: and Mr. CLAY): Medal of Honor posthumously to Doris Mil- H.R. 6373. A bill to designate the facility of ler for acts of valor during World War II for 306. The SPEAKER presented a memorial the United States Postal Service located at which he was originally awarded the Navy of the House of Representatives of the State 324 West Saint Louis Street in Pacific, Mis- Cross; to the Committee on Armed Services. of Florida, relative to House Memorial 601, souri, as the ‘‘Specialist Jeffrey L. White, Jr. By Mr. CICILLINE (for himself, Ms. urging Congress to enact legislation to pro- Post Office’’; to the Committee on Oversight BONAMICI, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. mote economic recovery in the Common- and Government Reform. CA´ RDENAS, Ms. CLARKE of New York, wealth of Puerto Rico; to the Committee on By Mr. MEADOWS (for himself and Ms. Mr. CLAWSON of Florida, Mr. CON- Natural Resources. 307. Also, a memorial of the House of Rep- GABBARD): NOLLY, Mr. COSTA, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. H.R. 6374. A bill to extend the Vietnam DEUTCH, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. FOSTER, Ms. resentatives of the State of Florida, relative Service Medal to veterans of the Armed GABBARD, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. ISRAEL, to House Memorial 417, requesting the Con- Forces who participated in the S.S. Maya- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Ms. KELLY of Il- gress of the United States call a convention guez rescue operation; to the Committee on linois, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, of the states to propose amendments to the Armed Services. Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mrs. Constitution of the United States; to the By Mr. POMPEO (for himself and Mr. LOWEY, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. MEEKS, Committee on the Judiciary. WELCH): Ms. MENG, Mr. MOULTON, Mr. NAD- f H.R. 6375. A bill to provide for consider- LER, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. PASCRELL, ation of the extension under the Energy Pol- Miss RICE of New York, Mr. ROKITA, PRIVATE BILLS AND icy and Conservation Act of nonapplication Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. SCHA- RESOLUTIONS of No-Load Mode energy efficiency standards KOWSKY, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Under clause 3 of rule XII, to certain security or life safety alarms or Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. SIRES, Mr. SMITH Mr. HULTGREN introduced a bill (H.R. surveillance systems; to the Committee on of Washington, Mr. STUTZMAN, Ms. 6379) for the relief of Lance N. Arm- Energy and Commerce. TSONGAS, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. strong; which was referred to the By Mr. REICHERT (for himself, Mr. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. MAXINE Committee on Transportation and In- BLUMENAUER, Mr. REED, and Mr. VAN WATERS of California, Mrs. WATSON frastructure. HOLLEN): COLEMAN, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Ms. H.R. 6376. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- WILSON of Florida, Mr. ZELDIN, Mr. f enue Code of 1986 to modify the energy effi- CHABOT, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, and Mr. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY cient commercial buildings deduction, and DONOVAN): for other purposes; to the Committee on H. Res. 928. A resolution honoring the life STATEMENT Ways and Means. of Shimon Peres; to the Committee on For- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. SCHIFF (for himself, Mr. BERA, eign Affairs. the Rules of the House of Representa- Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. COSTA, Ms. ESHOO, By Mr. FRANKS of Arizona (for him- tives, the following statements are sub- self, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. MOOLENAAR, Mr. FARR, Mr. HONDA, Mr. HUFFMAN, mitted regarding the specific powers Ms. LEE, Mr. TED LIEU of California, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. PAULSEN, Mr. Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. MATSUI, Mrs. HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. LEVIN, granted to Congress in the Constitu- NAPOLITANO, Mr. PETERS, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. DANNY K. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California, DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. joint resolution. Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- COOPER, Mr. JOYCE, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. By Mr. POCAN: fornia, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. THOMPSON of POMPEO, Mr. FORBES, Mr. H.R. 6336. California, Mrs. TORRES, Mr. VARGAS, HUELSKAMP, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California, MARINO, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. LANGEVIN, lation pursuant to the following: Mr. DELANEY, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Ms. HAHN, Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. GRAHAM, and Mr. Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. CONYERS, Ms. NOR- The Congress shall have Power . . . To reg- JONES): TON, Ms. BASS, Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and H.R. 6377. A bill to waive recoupment by MULLIN, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, and Mrs. among the several States, and with the In- the United States of certain bonuses and HARTZLER): dian Tribes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L17NO7.100 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6301 By Mr. WEBER of Texas: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the US Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6337. Constitution lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6347. Constitution. Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: No Money shall be drawn from the Treas- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6362. ury but in Consequence of Appropriations Article I, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- made by Law; and a regular Statement and Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States all public Money shall be published from H.R. 6348. Constitution. time to time. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: By Mr. CARTWRIGHT: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6363. H.R. 6338. Article I, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States Article I, Section 4: ‘‘The times, places and H.R. 6349. Constitution. manner of holding elections for Senators and Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: Representatives, shall be prescribed in each lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6364. state by the legislature thereof; but the Con- Article I, Section 4, and Article I, Section Congress has the power to enact this legis- gress may at any time by law make or alter 8, of the United States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: such regulations, except as to the places of By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States choosing Senators.’’ H.R. 6350. Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3: gives Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: gress the power ‘‘to regulate commerce with lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6365. foreign nations, and among the several Article I, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- states, and with the Indian tribes.’’ Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: Amendment XVI: The Congress shall have By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, H.R. 6351. Constitution. from whatever source derived, without ap- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: portionment among the several States, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6366. without regard to any census or enumera- Article I, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion. Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. GRIFFITH: By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States H.R. 6339. H.R. 6352. Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6367. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power Article I, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- granted to Congress under Article I, Section Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: 9 of the United States Constitution. By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States By Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts: H.R. 6353. Constitution. H.R. 6340. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6368. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. POE of Texas: By Mr. GRAYSON: Article I, Section 8, of the United States H.R. 6341. H.R. 6354. Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6369. The Fourth Amendment of the United Article I, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. GRIJALVA: Article I, Section 8, of the United States H.R. 6342. By Mr. GRAYSON: Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6355. By Mr. HOLDING: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- U.S. Const. art. I, §§ 1 and 8. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6370. By Mr. VEASEY: Article 1, Section 8, of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6343. Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: Article 1, Section 8 of the United States lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6356. Constitution Article 1, section 8, clause 3 (relating to Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of interstate commerce) lation pursuant to the following: Texas: By Mr. GOSAR: Article I, Section 8, of the United States H.R. 6371. H.R. 6344. Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6357. Article I, section 8 of the Constitution of Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 (the Prop- Congress has the power to enact this legis- the United States. erty Clause). Congress has the power to dis- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. LEWIS: pose of and make all needful rules and regu- Article I, Section 8, of the United States H.R. 6372. lations respecting the territory or other Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- property belonging to the United States. By By Mr. GRAYSON: lation pursuant to the following: virtue of this enumerated power, Congress H.R. 6358. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power has governing authority over the lands, ter- Congress has the power to enact this legis- granted to Congress under Article I of the ritories, or other property of the United lation pursuant to the following: United States Constitution and its subse- States—and with this authority Congress is Article I, Section 8, of the United States quent amendments, and further clarified and vested with the power to all owners in fee, Constitution. interpreted by the Supreme Court of the the ability to sell, lease, dispose, exchange, By Mr. GRAYSON: United States. convey, or simply preserve land. The Su- H.R. 6359. By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: preme Court described this enumerated Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6373. power as one ‘‘without limitation’’ in Kleppe lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- v New Mexico, 426 U.S. 529, 542–543 (1976). Article I, Section 8, of the United States lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. BROOKS of Alabama: Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7, ‘‘The Con- H.R. 6345. By Mr. GRAYSON: gress shall have Power to . . . establish Post Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6360. Offices and Post Roads . . .’’ In the Constitu- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion, the power possessed by Congress em- Article 1, Section 8. lation pursuant to the following: braces the regulation of the Postal System By Mr. BEYER: Article I, Section 8, of the United States in the country. Therefore, the proposed legis- H.R. 6346. Constitution. lation in naming a post office would fall Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRAYSON: under the powers granted to Congress in the lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6361. Constitution.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.024 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H6302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2016

By Mr. MEADOWS: for proposing Amendments, which, in either H.R. 6319: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. DEFAZIO, and H.R. 6374. Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Pur- Mr. MCGOVERN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- poses, as Part of this Constitution, when H. Con. Res. 160: Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. lation pursuant to the following: ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths H. Con. Res. 165: Mr. HILL and Mr. The constitutional authority of Congress of the several States or by Conventions in CA´ RDENAS. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- three fourths thereof, as the one or the other H. Con. Res. 168: Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. cle 1, section 8 of the United States Constitu- Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the BORDALLO, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. WALZ, Ms. tion. Congress; Provided that no Amendment JACKSON LEE, Ms. EDWARDS, Ms. BROWN of By Mr. POMPEO: which may be made prior to the Year One Florida, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. BUCK, Mr. JONES, H.R. 6375. thousand eight hundred and eight shall in Mr. COHEN, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- any Manner affect the first and fourth LEE, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, lation pursuant to the following: Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Ar- Mr. VALADAO, Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 ticle; and that no State, without its Consent, and Mrs. DINGELL. By Mr. REICHERT: shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the H. Con. Res. 171: Mr. LOBIONDO and Ms. H.R. 6376. Senate. CLARKE of New York. Congress has the power to enact this legis- f H. Res. 540: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of lation pursuant to the following: Texas. ‘‘Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Con- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H. Res. 776: Mr. KING of New York, Mr. gress shall have Power to lay and collect ISRAEL, Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors were added to public bills and resolu- vania, Mr. PERRY, Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mr. the Debts and provide for the common AGUILAR, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. JOHNSON of tions, as follows: Defence and general Welfare of the United Georgia, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, and Mr. States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises H.R. 153: Mr. MASSIE. LARSON of Connecticut. shall be uniform throughout the United H.R. 381: Ms. WILSON of Florida. H. Res. 867: Ms. NORTON and Mrs. States.’’ H.R. 1095: Mr. MCNERNEY. HARTZLER. By Mr. SCHIFF: H.R. 1399: Mr. KILMER. H. Res. 886: Mr. BOST, Ms. LEE, Mr. GRAVES H.R. 6377. H.R. 1422: Mr. MOULTON. of Missouri, Ms. NORTON, Mr. SCHRADER, Mrs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1477: Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. KILDEE, BEATTY, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Ms. HERRERA lation pursuant to the following: Mr. JORDAN, Mr. RIBBLE, and Mr. CONYERS. BEUTLER, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. BLUM, National Guard Bonus Repayment and Fi- H.R. 1530: Mrs. BLACKBURN and Mr. AUSTIN Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Mr. REED, Mr. nancial Relief Act is constitutionally au- SCOTT of Georgia. COLLINS of New York, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, thorized under Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1, H.R. 1736: Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania, Mr. VALADAO, 12, 13, 14, and 16, which grants Congress the H.R. 1984: Ms. LEE. Mrs. COMSTOCK, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. power to pay and collect Taxes, Duties, Im- H.R. 2016: Ms. MATSUI. LOUDERMILK, Mr. EMMER of Minnesota, Mr. posts and Excises, to pay the Debts and pro- H.R. 2096: Mr. POLIS. TIPTON, Mr. POCAN, Mr. THOMPSON of Penn- vide for the common Defense and general H.R. 2449: Mr. BEYER. sylvania, Mr. MARINO, Mr. MULVANEY, Ms. Welfare of the United States; raise and sup- H.R. 2737: Mr. LAHOOD and Mr. WITTMAN. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California, Mr. CART- ´ port Armies, to provide and maintain a H.R. 2813: Ms. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of Cali- WRIGHT, Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. AL GREEN of Navy; to make rules for the government and fornia. Texas, Mrs. ELLMERS of North Carolina, Mr. regulation of the land and naval forces; and H.R. 2844: Mr. WALZ. RANGEL, Mr. LOEBSACK, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. OS EHTINEN to provide for organizing, arming, and dis- H.R. 2858: Ms. R -L . EDWARDS, Ms. PLASKETT, Mr. MICHAEL F. H.R. 2889: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. MCGOVERN, ciplining the militia. DOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mrs. LOWEY, Ms. Ms. ADAMS, Mr. COHEN, Ms. GABBARD, Ms. By Mr. WELCH: TITUS, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of BROWN of Florida, Mr. PRICE of North Caro- H.R. 6378. Georgia, Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, Ms. lina, and Ms. JACKSON LEE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- CASTOR of Florida, Mr. POLIS, Mr. PETERSON, H.R. 3166: Mr. KIND and Mrs. DINGELL. lation pursuant to the following: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- H.R. 3385: Ms. MENG. SWALWELL of California, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. gress shall have Power To . . . make all H.R. 3463: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. JEFFRIES, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. SMITH of Wash- Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 4298: Mr. WITTMAN and Mr. LANCE. ington, Mr. TONKO, Ms. PINGREE, Miss RICE carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 4559: Mr. AMODEI. of New York, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. SIRES, Mr. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- H.R. 4880: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. REICHERT, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mrs. stitution in the Government of the United H.R. 5090: Mr. LANCE, Mrs. MILLER of DINGELL, and Mr. PERRY. States, or in any Department or Officer Michigan, and Mr. CONYERS. H. Res. 887: Mr. POLIS, Ms. NORTON, Mr. thereof. H.R. 5240: Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Mr. HONDA, and Mr. GARAMENDI. By Mr. HULTGREN: WALZ, and Mrs. BUSTOS. H. Res. 910: Mr. CICILLINE. H.R. 6379. H.R. 5272: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H. Res. 924: Mrs. DINGELL. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5301: Mr. EMMER of Minnesota, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: WEBER of Texas, and Mr. CULBERSON. f Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United H.R. 5369: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. States Constitution. H.R. 5373: Mr. MEEKS and Ms. MICHELLE By Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas: LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico. PETITIONS, ETC. H.J. Res. 102. H.R. 5474: Mr. LIPINSKI. Under clause 3 of rule XII, petitions Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5586: Mr. SIRES. and papers were laid on the clerk’s lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5738: Ms. DELAURO, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Article V of the United States Constitu- Ms. LEE. desk and referred as follows: tion, which grants Congress the authority, H.R. 5745: Ms. LOFGREN and Mr. BLU- 93. The SPEAKER presented a petition of whenever two-thirds of both chambers deem MENAUER. Eastern Regional Conference, The Council of it necessary, to propose amendments to the H.R. 5886: Mrs. BUSTOS. State Governments, relative to Resolution Constitution. H.R. 5951: Mrs. HARTZLER. No. CA3016-01, urging the U.S. Congress to By Mr. RANGEL: H.R. 6117: Mr. JEFFRIES. expeditiously pass, and the President to sign, H.J. Res. 103. H.R. 6148: Mr. VISCLOSKY. the Promoting Travel, Commerce, and Na- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6174: Mr. HARPER. tional Security Act of 2016; to the Com- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6176: Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. mittee on the Judiciary. Article 5 H.R. 6195: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia and Mr. 94. Also, a petition of Mr. Gregory D. Wat- The Congress, whenever two thirds of both LUETKEMEYER. son, a citizen of Austin, Texas, relative to Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose H.R. 6208: Mr. KING of New York and Ms. urging Congress to enact legislation that Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the NORTON. would allow state governments to refuse to Application of the Legislatures of two thirds H.R. 6241: Mr. MULVANEY. accept refugees from outside of the United of the several States, shall call a Convention H.R. 6316: Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of California. States; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.028 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2016 No. 165 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was 115th Congress, and gotten to work on tion continue to occur all across Amer- called to order by the President pro important issues. ica. tempore (Mr. HATCH). Today we will have an opportunity to On Tuesday, I said that the Southern f take up a bill that is particularly im- Poverty Law Center had reported 315 portant for Gulf Coast States like Lou- hate crimes since the election. As of PRAYER isiana. Senator CASSIDY has been a Wednesday, that number jumped to 437. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- leader on this issue, and I appreciate That is a 40-percent increase in 2 days. fered the following prayer: the work he has done to bring this That is startling. Let us pray. measure up for a vote. Here are just a few examples of the Eternal God, the source of our joy, in Sometime this session we will also instances that have been reported. In this season of gratitude, thank You for take up an extension of the Iran Sanc- Michigan, a Latino family awoke to Your sustaining power and unsurpassed tions Extension Act, which passed the find that someone had used boxes to greatness. House overwhelmingly. This bipartisan form a wall blocking their driveway. Lord, we borrow our heartbeats from bill will provide the basis for any sanc- The perpetrators left behind vulgar You each day. Search the hearts of our tions that may be reimposed on Iran, graffiti that denigrated Mexican Amer- lawmakers, guiding them with Your which is critical, given the belligerent icans and praised Donald Trump for wisdom and empowering them with behavior exhibited by Tehran since the ‘‘taking back America.’’ Your might. In all their labors, may signing of the Joint Comprehensive In Tennessee, two men returned they work for Your glory. Help them to Plan of Action. I expect we will pass it home to find a threatening homophobic stand true to what they believe, main- on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis note. Using gay slurs, the message told taining a clear conscience in all they here as well. the men to go back where they came think, do, and say. May they acknowl- Discussions are also ongoing on how from. A folding knife with a picture of edge You in every area of their lives, to fund the government and for how Donald Trump on the handle was knowing that You will direct their long, as I noted yesterday. I will have stabbed through the paper. path. Supply all their needs from Your more to say on that issue as more de- At a high school in Missouri, a 15- glorious riches. tails are available. year-old African-American student was We pray in Your gracious Name. So we all have some work to do. Let’s burned with a hot glue gun and told he Amen. get together to finish up the business didn’t belong in America. Another Afri- of this Congress as we begin looking f can-American student at the same forward to the next. school was told by a White student: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f ‘‘Are you ready to get back on the boat The President pro tempore led the RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY now that Trump is President?’’ Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: LEADER This morning the Washington Post editorial board related this story of a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The United States of America, and to the Repub- student at Baylor: Democratic leader is recognized. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The morning after Donald Trump’s elec- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. f tion as president, a student at Baylor Uni- f TAKING RESPONSIBILITY TO HEAL versity had a nasty, hate-filled encounter on WOUNDS her way to class. A native of Zambia, she was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY called the n-word by another student, who LEADER Mr. REID. Mr. President, two days shoved her off the sidewalk and said he was ago I came to the Senate floor and ‘‘just trying to make America great again,’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. called upon the President-elect to rise the signature slogan of Mr. Trump’s cam- HELLER). The majority leader is recog- to the dignity of his office. I called paign. What is perhaps most appalling about nized. upon Mr. Trump to take responsibility the incident is that it was not isolated. f for his rhetoric and his actions and to As I said, I picked just a few exam- work to heal the wounds that he cre- ples. There are hundreds of these same WORK BEFORE THE SENATE ated. kinds of things happening, as we speak, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, it I am disappointed to say that our across the country. These are sick- has been a busy and exciting week as President-elect has chosen to do none ening acts of hate, prejudice, and just we have welcomed new Members, as- of those things to this point. Mean- simple meanness, and they need to be sembled our leadership teams for the while, vile acts of hate and intimida- stopped.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.000 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6426 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 The Washington Post editorial board Mr. Trump promised in his victory speech SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER HATE called on Donald Trump to do every- to be a president for all Americans. His wife WATCH—UPDATE: MORE THAN 400 INCIDENTS thing he can to bring these acts to an has said she wants to make fighting hate and OF HATEFUL HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION bullying her main priority as first lady. SINCE THE ELECTION end. They said: They need not wait until Inauguration Day November 15, 2016 to start living up to those promises. Mr. Trump should pay heed. These hateful Between Wednesday, November 9, the day acts are the work of . . . his supporters, but I have several pages of hate-filled, after the presidential election, and the morn- they have been emboldened by the ugly rhet- awful incidents that have been re- ing of Monday, November 14, the Southern oric of his presidential campaign. It is his re- ported. There is only one person that Poverty Law Center collected 437 reports of sponsibility—not, as his campaign manager can bring a stop to this quickly, and hateful intimidation and harassment. has foolishly suggested, President Obama’s The following reports were collected or Hillary Clinton’s—to do as much as he can that is the President-elect. Our Nation through news reports, social media, and di- to discourage such actions. Granted, his ap- is looking at Donald Trump. For the rect submissions via SPLC’s #ReportHate pointment of media mogul Stephen K. sake of the American people, I hope he page. These incidents, aside from news re- Bannon to a top White House job makes that will. ports, are largely anecdotal. The SPLC did all the more difficult. So does his mild re- I ask unanimous consent that these follow up with a majority of user submis- sions in an effort to confirm reports. As we sponse when asked about the threats and pages be printed in the RECORD. slurs on Sunday’s ‘‘60 Minutes’’ interview. reported earlier, many incidents involved di- There being no objection, the mate- rect references to the Trump campaign and He didn’t say much when he was rial was ordered to be printed in the its slogans. pressed to do so. RECORD, as follows: Here’s the overview:

Most of the reports involved anti-immi- A Muslim woman was riding the Max to My boyfriend and I were walking down the grant incidents (136), followed by anti-black Beaverton in the early afternoon and a group sidewalk in Raleigh, North Carolina. It was (89) and anti-LGBT (43). Some reports (8) in- of teenagers went to the corner of the car 9:30 PM, and we were holding hands and cluded multiple categories like anti-Muslim where she was sitting and got up in her face walking to a restaurant for dinner. A white and anti-immigrant. The ‘‘Trump’’ category yelling at her that she was a terrorist, that car passed us and a white male in the back (41) refers to incidents where there was no our new president was going to deport her, passenger-side seat leaned out the window clear defined target, like the pro-Trump van- that she can’t wear her hijab anymore. They and yelled, ‘‘F* * * f* * *!’’ at us. dalism of a ‘‘unity’’ sign in Connecticut. We got increasingly menacing, and my friend A Latina woman in Texas reported: also collected 20 reports of anti-Trump in- I was walking my baby at my neighbor- went over and made them get off the train. timidation and harassment. hood park and a truck drove by with a male When they were leaving through the door Here are some examples from around the driving and a female passenger. The female country: they tried to spit on her. yelled ‘‘white power’’ at us as they drove by In Oregon: A gay man in North Carolina: and then sped away.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.001 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE Insert offset folio 60/A1 here ES171116.001 November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6427

Venues of harassment included K–12 young man stated ‘‘You’re Asian, right? around your neck & hang yourself with it schools (99), businesses (76), and universities When they see your eyes you are going to be . . .,’’ the note said, signed ‘‘America!’’ (67). Common also was vandalism and deported’’ and he walked away. I reported Vandalism involving swastikas (35) was leafleting on private property (40) and epi- this to my district Superintendent. also frequently reported. In California: thets and slurs hurled from moving vehicles A swastika was spray painted on a bill- From a news report in Georgia: (38). board for the movie ‘‘Almost Christmas,’’ At an elementary school in Texas: A Gwinnett County high school teacher which shows an African American cast. My 13 yo half Filipino daughter was ap- said she was left a note in class Friday tell- It appears that incidents are subsiding, al- proached by a child she didn’t know as she ing her that her Muslim headscarf ‘‘isn’t al- though earlier incidents are still being re- waited to board her bus after school. The lowed anymore.’’ ‘‘Why don’t you tie it ported:

Mr. REID. Mr. President, I see no one sume consideration of the motion to Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I ask on the floor. So I ask the Chair to tell proceed to S. 3110, which the clerk will unanimous consent that the order for us the business of the day. report. the quorum call be rescinded. f The bill clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 543, S. objection, it is so ordered. 3110, a bill to provide for reforms of the ad- The Senator from Arizona. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ministration of the outer Continental Shelf the previous order, the leadership time of the United States, to provide for the de- REMEMBERING SERGEI MAGNITSKY AND BORIS is reserved. velopment of geothermal, solar, and wind en- NEMTSOV ergy on public land, and for other purposes. f Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, 7 years Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a ago, in a squalid cell inside the prison AMERICAN ENERGY AND CON- quorum. that once held the political opponents SERVATION ACT OF 2016—MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of the Czars and the Soviets, Sergei TO PROCEED clerk will call the roll. Magnitsky was murdered for defying The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under The bill clerk proceeded to call the the tyranny of Vladimir Putin’s Rus- the previous order, the Senate will re- roll. sia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.001 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE Insert offset folio 60/A2 here ES171116.002 Insert offset folio 60/A3 here ES171116.003 S6428 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Many Americans are not familiar freeze the American assets of anyone The senior Senator from Florida sug- with the life of this Russian patriot, ‘‘responsible for extrajudicial killings, gested that developing America’s en- but it was one life dedicated to and ul- torture, or other gross violations of ergy resources off our coast is incom- timately sacrificed for principles that internationally recognized human patible or somehow conflicts with De- we all hold dear. rights’’ committed against whistle- partment of Defense activities. Sergei Magnitsky was an unlikely blowers or human rights activists in Let’s be honest. Let’s just be honest. hero in the cause of freedom. He didn’t Russia. There have been oil and gas operations spend his life as a human rights activ- This important piece of legislation is in the Gulf of Mexico for almost 80 ist or as an outspoken critic of the a fitting tribute to Sergei Magnitsky, years. Through all of this activity, in- Russian Government. He was an ordi- and it is a foundation on which we dustry and the United States military nary man, but he became an extraor- must continue to build. We must fully have been able to coexist. As for future dinary champion of justice, fairness, implement the Magnitsky Act by ex- production off the Atlantic, I person- and the rule of law—principles that panding its reach to more individuals ally sat with representatives from the have lost their meaning in Putin’s Rus- who fit the criteria in the law, and we Department of Defense to discuss this sia. must pass the Global Magnitsky issue. Their analysis showed that in Magnitsky was a tax attorney work- Human Rights and Accountability Act, President Obama’s original Atlantic ing for an international company that which will provide new tools to hold Draft Proposed Program, less than 2 had invested in Russia. He blew the perpetrators of corruption and human percent of the acreage was rec- whistle on tax fraud and large-scale rights abuses accountable for their ac- ommended to not have oil and gas de- theft by Russian Government officials tions around the world. velopment because of operation con- The Senate has already passed this who had looted more than $230 million flicts. legislation, and I hope the House and from the Russian state, but the Rus- Now, here sometimes it is ‘‘he said, Senate will soon have an opportunity sian Government blamed the crime on she said’’ or ‘‘she said, he said.’’ This is to send Global Magnitsky to the Presi- Magnitsky and his company. objective. This is the DOD Mission dent’s desk when we consider the con- He was thrown into one of Russia’s Compatibility Planning Assessment re- ference report on the Defense author- harshest prisons without trial. Russian ization bill. garding the Outer Continental Shelf officials pressured Magnitsky to deny Our message must be clear. If you Oil and Gas Leasing Program from Oc- what he had uncovered, to lie and re- violate the human rights and civil lib- tober 30, 2015. That is where that 2 per- cant. He refused. He was sickened by erties of others, the United States will cent number comes from. The Amer- what his government had done, and he hold you accountable. By living up to ican people deserve honesty. We should refused to surrender principle to power. that principle, we honor the life and not mislead them. The senior Senator For his refusal, he was beaten and tor- memory of Sergei Magnitsky. Our Na- from Florida can vote as he wishes, tured. He was denied medical care. tion and free people everywhere must but, again, Department of Defense op- After 358 days in prison, he died in ex- continue to draw strength from his ex- erations are not an excuse. cruciating pain on November 16, 2009. ample and, with that strength, renew Secondly, the senior Senator from He was 37 years old. Even after his our commitment to stand by those who Florida suggested that he is looking death, Russian courts convicted him of carry on the fight for freedom around forward to working with the new ad- tax evasion in a show trial. the world. ministration. Although he did not sup- Sergei Magnitsky’s torture and mur- I yield the floor. port President Trump, he is looking der is an extreme example of a problem Mr. President, I suggest the absence forward to working with the new ad- that is unfortunately all too common of a quorum. ministration on behalf of the American and widespread in Russia today—the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. people. Again, let’s be honest. If there flagrant violations of the rule of law PERDUE). The clerk will call the roll. is one thing that came out of this last and basic human rights committed by The senior assistant legislative clerk election, it is that Americans want bet- the Russian Government and its allies. proceeded to call the roll. ter jobs with better benefits. The last 8 Today I also remember my friend Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask years have been hard on working fami- Boris Nemtsov, a true Russian patriot unanimous consent that the order for lies. That is why they are desperate for who committed his life to fighting the quorum call be rescinded. these better paying jobs. It is fitting in against Putin’s tyranny and corrup- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that regard that we are voting on the tion, and fighting for freedom, human objection, it is so ordered. American Energy and Conservation rights, and the rule of law. Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask Act. This has been studied and is said unanimous consent to address the Sen- In 2015, Boris was murdered on a to incentivize the creation of 280,000 ate as in morning business on a matter bridge in the shadow of the Kremlin in new jobs by 2035. This legislation is ex- related to privacy protection, to be one of the most secure parts of the pected to trigger $194 billion in new succeeded by Senator RON WYDEN and, Russian capital—another victim of the capital investment in our economy, if he arrives during the time of our re- culture of impunity that Vladimir creating $51 billion in cumulative gov- Putin has created in Russia, where in- marks, by Senator DAINES. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ernment revenue for our Federal Gov- dividuals are routinely persecuted and objection? ernment and for States. attacked for their beliefs, including by Without objection, it is so ordered. Now, let’s be honest. If you are going the Russian Government, and no one, (The remarks of Mr. COONS, Mr. to work with the new President, let’s no one, is ever held responsible. WYDEN, and Mr. DAINES pertaining to work on programs that will create hun- It has been said that in a time of uni- the introduction of S. 3475 are printed dreds of thousands of good-paying jobs versal deceit, telling the truth is a rev- in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Statements for Americans who need those jobs, as olutionary act. My friend Boris on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolu- well as revenue to address debt, deficit, Nemtsov was a revolutionary and, tions.’’) and other issues in our State and Fed- without a doubt, Sergei Magnitsky was The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- eral Government. a revolutionary. He told the truth, and ator from Louisiana. Now, let’s also be honest. If America he gave his life for it. Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, I am does not develop our natural resources, That is why, when the circumstances here to speak about the American En- the vacuum will be filled with the likes of Magnitsky’s death became known to ergy and Conservation Act, which we of Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and Cuba— the world, Congress acted to protect will be voting on today. I thank once Cuba, which would like to drill off those still under attack for the crime more my colleagues on both sides of their coastline. Now, the choice is ei- of telling the truth in Putin’s Russia. the aisle for their hard work on this ther to create good-paying jobs in the In December 2012, Congress passed American Energy and Conservation United States—off States like Virginia and the President signed the Sergei Act of 2016. and North Carolina—or to forfeit these Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Yesterday, the senior Senator from jobs abroad. Act, which gives the Federal Govern- Florida made some statements, and I By the way, the senior Senator from ment the ability to ban entry to and would like to address some of those. Florida gave the reason why Senators

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.004 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6429 from mid-Atlantic States should vote There is one more thing. It has been Just to give an example of some re- for this. He spoke specifically about suggested by implication by the senior sponsibility, I had one young man the billions of dollars in revenue that Senator from Florida that we are try- come to me and say: You know, the job would come to States. He complains ing to open up acreage off the coast of that I do in the Federal Government about it. If I were from Virginia and Florida—that we are trying to open up doesn’t make any difference. Nobody North Carolina or a Middle Atlantic acreage in general. We don’t open up ever uses what I produce. He said: I State, I would say: My gosh, I get hun- any acreage at all offshore in this bill. probably shouldn’t tell you this be- dreds of thousands of new high-paying All this does is say that if a new Presi- cause I will lose my job. jobs and billions of dollars to address dent—President Trump—decides to I said: Well, I will do everything I can our States’ needs? I would be all about have Outer Continental Shelf drilling, to see that you get promoted for doing this. there would be a certain model of rev- what you are supposed to be doing. Now, there are different ideas about enue sharing. But we absolutely do not I want to give one small example of the future of energy in the United open up new acreage. Again, that some- what I am talking about on oversight. States, and this legislation does not times seems to be implied. We need to Last October, a little known Federal discriminate. It includes language in- be honest with the American people. agency called the Substance Abuse and troduced by two Democrats and two All energy-producing States deserve Mental Health Services Administration Republicans—Senators HELLER, HEIN- to share the revenue derived from en- hired a big-time public relations agen- RICH, RISCH, and TESTER—that stream- ergy developed both onshore and off- cy to ask reporters for help ‘‘refining lines the process for developing renew- shore. Responsible revenue sharing al- their agency messaging.’’ This PR firm able energy on public lands and estab- lows States hosting energy production asked the reporters to ‘‘keep the con- lishes the first-ever revenue-sharing to mitigate for the historic and pro- versation confidential’’ and not to ‘‘re- paradigm for renewables. spective infrastructure demands of en- port anything discussed in the inter- For those who say we need to do ergy production. It just makes sense. view.’’ Naturally, that caught my at- something for carbon-free energy as They need more roads. It helps those tention. well, this bill does so. The change States build the roads and allows I immediately reached out to the Di- would incentivize the production of States to make the strategic invest- rector of the President’s Office of Man- 27,000 megawatts of carbon-free energy ment needed to ensure for future gen- agement and Budget to get more infor- that the Bureau of Land Management erations the resiliency of the infra- mation on the individual agency’s con- estimates could be provided for these structure and for vital natural re- tract and other such ‘‘messaging’’ ac- projects. sources. tivities conducted by the executive Additionally, we bring offshore wind I urge my colleagues to support pro- branch entities. into the mix, by creating the first-ever ceeding to the legislation so the Sen- Simply put, agency spending on ad- revenue sharing for offshore wind, ate’s voice can be heard on this impor- vertising, public relations, and media incentivizing the development of 4,233 tant topic. relations is largely a black hole, ac- gigawatts of carbon-free generation Let’s be honest with the American cording to the recent Congressional Re- that, again, the Bureau of Land Man- people. This is about creating great search Service report. No one really agement estimates will be available for jobs. It is about sharing revenue with knows how much these agencies spend development off our coast. Now, some States. It is not about opening up new on trying to influence the American say they don’t want to look at develop- acreage. It is thoroughly compatible public about what a great job the gov- ment off their coastline. This would be with the Department of Defense’s mis- ernment is doing. Well, I can tell you 50 miles out—at least in the case of the sion to protect our country. that America is not buying it. It is oil rigs, 50 miles out. Your sight line I yield the floor. hard to tell how much is spent and stops somewhere around 25 miles, at The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- where the money is going, according to most. So this would not be seen by any- ator from Wyoming. the CRS, which reports that agencies one who is otherwise enjoying the GOVERNMENT SPENDING tend to have great discretion over how beach. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, Americans This legislation makes investment are concerned that we are over- such funds are spent. Well, why do they and conservation projects across the spending. We are overspending by more have all that discretion? country. We included another bipar- than half a trillion dollars a year. That To my surprise, President Obama’s tisan provision that provides an esti- is more than $500 billion a year. Now, Director of the Office of Management mated $807 million for projects that in- $500 billion sounds a lot more than half and Budget not only did not know how crease access to public lands for hunt- a trillion. much the government spends on public ing, fishing, and other outdoor rec- As chairman of the Senate Budget relations and advertising activities, reational activities. This provision was Committee, one of the most important but he also didn’t seem to care. That is included in Senator MURKOWSKI’s Bi- things that we focus on is oversight on because they don’t want the oversight partisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015, which what exactly the Federal Government responsibility. Remember that Presi- 24 Senators have cosponsored. The leg- spends its money on. This critical over- dent Obama’s administration was sup- islation makes investments in a vari- sight has been missing. It is critical posed to be the ‘‘most transparent ad- ety of important programs—important that we follow the money because, as ministration’’ in history. As Congress to Western States—including the Pay- we say in the budget world, you can lie and the American people have now ment in Lieu of Taxes Program. about the numbers, but the numbers learned, it has been anything but. The bill also restores the traditional never lie. But the bigger question was now 50-percent onshore oil and gas State Now, Congress evidently doesn’t have raised: How much do Federal agencies and Federal share for production on the time to allocate to see how the spend on public relations and adver- public lands, which the Obama admin- money is spent because it takes us so tising? As Lewis Carroll famously istration had reduced since 2010 to pay much time to allocate the money to be wrote in Alice in Wonderland, ‘‘How far for spending elsewhere. Again, all of spent. In fact, in the last 40 years we down does the rabbit hole go?’’ The this is of particular importance to have only had four times that the reason this is so important is that Fed- Western States. budget process has been finished by Oc- eral law prohibits the use of appro- The American Energy and Conserva- tober 1. The budget process for this priated Federal funds for publicity or tion Act of 2016 is supported by over 50 year, which started October 1, still is propaganda purposes. important stakeholder groups, includ- not finished. We are under a continuing It was this pursuit of fiscal trans- ing the National Association of Manu- resolution for that. So that would parency that resulted in my request to facturers, the U.S. Chamber of Com- leave it up to the administration. Any the Government Accountability Office, merce, the American Chemistry Coun- administration, any business is sup- or GAO, to investigate how much the cil, the American Petroleum Institute, posed to efficiently manage its area of Federal Government actually spends the Western Energy Alliance, and the responsibility. That hasn’t been hap- annually on advertising and public re- Consumer Energy Alliance. pening. lations. What we found is a cautionary

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.005 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6430 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 tale of how little Congress and, pos- hope they are calling my office or legislation to take an additional $5 bil- sibly, the administration actually un- other offices to let them know about it. lion directly from the pockets of the derstand about what the Federal Gov- Evidently, we are going to have to have taxpayers in the other 46 States and ernment spends its money on. it come from the bottom up because it send it to your States, that will be one It turns out this administration is not coming from the top down. of your greatest legislative victories of spends $1.5 billion annually on public It is time for the Federal Govern- your career. relations and advertising. President ment to become more efficient, effec- If you come from the other 46 States, Obama added hundreds of PR staffers tive, and accountable. If government there is no reason in the world that between 2009 and 2011 to the thousands programs are not delivering results, you should support this legislation to who already worked in these agencies, they should be improved, and if they take even more money from your tax- which cost hardworking taxpayers are not needed, they should be elimi- payers and send it to Louisiana, Texas, more than $500 million a year in em- nated. Americans who work every day Alabama, and Mississippi. That is all ployee expense. These employees have to provide for their families and pay we are talking about—a massive an average salary of $90,000. This con- their taxes understand it is time for wealth transfer from 46 States to those trasts with the average household in- the Federal Government to live within 4 States. come in America at almost $54,000. its means, just like they do. At a time when my friends on the This information is crucial for pol- I yield the floor. other side of the aisle are saying we icymakers because America’s over- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- need to cut spending to crucial pro- spending problem has created a mam- ator from Massachusetts. grams that help our seniors, help low- moth national debt of more than $19 Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, we are income Americans, and help students, trillion, on its way to almost $29 tril- going to vote on a very important piece we simply can’t afford to divert $190 lion in a few short years. We hardly of legislation later on this afternoon. billion away from our national prior- have any years where overspending in This is a bill that is going to move rev- ities and to the Gulf States. We cer- that year doesn’t exceed half a trillion enues from 46 States to 4 States. This tainly can’t afford to divert $5 billion dollars—$500 billion. is no small thing. Let me just tell you more as the legislation before us today GAO notes that these salary and ad- a little bit about what this bill will do. would do. vertising figures do not include the $100 The revenue generated from oil and The proponents of this legislation million spent on private PR consult- gas drilling on Federal lands offshore is argue this revenue is needed to pay for ants to bolster the government’s PR ef- one of the largest nontax revenue past and future infrastructure demands forts. The government also spends streams for the Federal Government. and to ensure the resiliency of natural more than $800 million on contracts These oil and gas resources on public resources. The Gulf States have al- with outside advertising firms in 2015 lands offshore belong to all of the ready been getting revenue from off- alone to promote the administration’s American people. They are public re- shore drilling in waters near their policies, which when you total these sources that belong as much to some- States for decades, and now most of the numbers equals almost $1.5 billion. one living in Massachusetts, Kansas, or fines—$20 billion from the BP oilspill— That is with a ‘‘b.’’ This is real money California as they do to someone in are, rightly, going to the Gulf States we are talking about. The question is, Louisiana or in Texas. These are re- that were affected by this catastrophe. What do hardworking taxpayers get for sources that should help every Amer- We should fund coastal restoration this money? Some of it probably is es- ican, not just a select few. and climate resiliency as a big issue for sential advertising signs, military re- The revenue generated from these all States, but this legislation is not cruitment, et cetera, but is all of it es- public resources goes to the Federal about our eroding beaches and wet- sential and really needed? If they are Treasury to help pay for Medicare, lands; it is about eroding our ability to doing a good job, will people not know? Medicaid, education, our Defense De- pay for our national priorities. Certain agencies spend much more of partment. It helps to pay for every- This legislation would go even fur- their budgets on public relations and thing, including reducing our Federal ther by trying to bribe other cash- advertising than others. In fact, the deficit. However, in 2006, the four Gulf strapped States into allowing expanded Consumer Financial Protection Bureau States—Louisiana, Alabama, Mis- drilling off the east coast and in other spent a higher percentage of its total sissippi, and Texas—succeeded in pass- areas offshore. We haven’t passed a sin- budget on public relations and adver- ing a law that is going to direct an gle law to improve the safety of off- tising than any other agency. I called ever-increasing share of these offshore shore drilling following the BP oilspill, it an agency. It is really not an agency drilling revenues away from the Fed- but this legislation would try to of the Federal Government. We don’t eral Treasury to just those four States. incentivize new areas to drill in and to have any oversight. We don’t have any By redirecting this revenue, that 2006 risk ultimately a spill off one of those review of the agency’s budget or Direc- law is going to take money that should States’ coasts. tor. That money comes from the Fed- benefit taxpayers in all 50 States and Fishing off the east coast produces eral Reserve before their money goes to send it instead to just 4 States. roughly $1.75 billion in direct value for the Federal Government so it truly How much money are we talking our States and more than $4 billion in comes out of the money that can be about? In that 2006 law, over the next total economic activity each year. spent on projects, but it is taken out so 60 years, it is projected to send $190 bil- Tourism on the east coast generates there can be no oversight over that lion away from the Treasury, away hundreds of billions of dollars in addi- agency. from the 46 other States, other than tional economic activity and supports We got an inspector general ap- the 4 that are Texas, Louisiana, Mis- an estimated 800,000. That is what we pointed to that agency, and he came sissippi, and Alabama. That is the would be putting at risk on the east back to say that we don’t have the problem. Those are the numbers from coast, as this bill would do. As we right to take a look at anything there. the Department of the Interior—$190 learned from the BP oilspill, offshore How can that be a government agency? billion. Now the Gulf States are com- spills don’t respect State boundaries. Recently, the Court said it is not. ing back for more. The legislation we We would have no protections whatso- Why am I concentrating on $1.5 bil- will vote on today would divert an ad- ever. lion? Remember the old saying: A bil- ditional $5.4 billion over the next 40 OPIOD CRISIS lion here, a billion there, and pretty years away from 46 States and to the 4 Mr. President, I would like to take quickly it runs into real money? Gulf States. That is on top of the $190 the remainder of my time and talk Next year I look forward to holding billion, which they are already going to about what I believe is the most impor- additional hearings on this oversight get. tant task facing this Congress in the issue and others in order to help Amer- If you come from one of these four lameduck session—providing funding ican families understand where their States, you should absolutely vote for to combat the opioid crisis that has taxes are being spent and what they this bill today. You should put out a spread all across our country. are getting for their money. If Amer- press release today touting your sup- Last year, Senator MCCONNELL of ican taxpayers see waste out there, I port for this legislation. If you can pass Kentucky and I called on the Surgeon

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.006 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6431 General of the United States to issue a go up to 2,000 people who will die this We have a moral responsibility here Surgeon General’s report and a call to year from opioid overdoses, heroin, on the floor to provide massive new action on prescription opioid and her- fentanyl, carfentanil. Here is the inter- funding in any legislation we pass over oin abuse. We both believed the Fed- esting number. Just from last year to the next 3 weeks that leaves this eral Government needed to document this year, the number of deaths that Chamber. We cannot, on a bipartisan and outline a national effort to address are estimated to be related to fentanyl basis, ignore the magnitude of this this opioid crisis. has risen to 1,500. Out of those 2,000 challenge. Otherwise, we are going to Today, Surgeon General Vivek people, it is estimated that 1,500 people come back here next year and the year Murthy released a new report, ‘‘Facing in Massachusetts alone will die from after and the year after, and we are ul- Addiction in America,’’ and I thank opioid overdoses. That is a dramatic timately going to see millions of peo- him and his staff for their efforts. This rise to 75 percent of all opioid deaths in ple die from this epidemic, and history report should serve as a call to all our State in 1 year. That is up from 57 will wonder why we did not do enough Americans to change the way we ad- percent of the deaths last year that to deal with it. It is the job of this Con- dress substance misuse and substance would be related to fentanyl in the gress to begin to provide the massive use disorders in America. blood system of those who had toxi- funding that the States, cities, towns, As a nation, we must approach and cology exams after they died from an and families need to deal with this treat addiction like the disease it is. opioid overdose. issue. The physical toll addiction takes on Let’s take those numbers and project I thank the Presiding Officer for my Americans makes this a health impera- them. If 2,000 people die in Massachu- time on the floor, and I yield the floor. tive. The costs of addiction to society setts this year—and Massachusetts is 2 I suggest the absence of a quorum. make this an economic imperative, and percent of the population of the United The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the human duty to provide care and States of America—and all you did was RUBIO). The clerk will call the roll. hope for those suffering from addiction multiply that number by 50 to get the The bill clerk proceeded to call the makes this a moral imperative punctu- entire country, that would mean that roll. ation. In order to get help for all of the 100,000 people will die this year from an Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I ask families who are suffering from opioid opioid overdose in America—100,000. unanimous consent that the order for addiction, the Federal Government This problem is not as huge in the the quorum call be rescinded. needs to invest in funding treatment rest of the country as it is in Massa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and recovery programs now. So far, I chusetts and several other States, but objection, it is so ordered. am sad to report that Congress has we are a preview of coming attractions. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I failed in this task. We have to make sure we put in place rise in strong opposition to the bill When I am home in Massachusetts, I the programs that are going to help that is before us today. We hear a lot of hear enormous frustration from people these families deal with this issue. nice rhetoric coming from the pro- who don’t feel adequate resources are Let’s put that number in context for ponents of this legislation. We hear being brought to bear on this epidemic the entire country. We have 41,000 that the bill is about revenue sharing. of prescription drug, heroin, and women who die each year from breast We hear that the funds will be used for fentanyl addiction. Countless individ- cancer. If we don’t stop this, we are on conservation and coastal restoration. uals and families suffering with addic- pace to having as many as 100,000 peo- We hear that the bill is about providing tion cannot find a bed for detox. Then, ple die from opioid overdoses every sin- parity, and at the same time, there is when they are at their most vulner- gle year, which is the same as having a lot of rhetoric, but underneath the able, they cannot find a place, a pro- two Vietnam wars worth of people rhetoric and the rosy picture being vider, or a behavioral support team for dying in our country every single year. painted, one thing is clear: This bill long-term treatment and recovery. We need to declare war on this epi- isn’t about conservation or infrastruc- To our everlasting credit, this past demic. We need to put the treatment ture or environmental restoration. May, my colleague Senator JEANNE and prevention programs in place. Thus This bill is about one thing and one SHAHEEN introduced legislation to in- far we have not provided the resources thing only: another giveaway to Big fuse a one-time payment of $600 million to the States, cities, towns, families, Oil. It is about paving the way for oil in emergency funding to combat this and community health care centers to drilling up and down the Atlantic crisis. We were denied. Then, again in be able to deal with this issue. coast. It is about expanding drilling in July, I and others argued on the Senate Right now in America there are more the gulf, even as those communities floor for the need to invest $1.1 billion than 2.5 million people who are depend- work to recover from the BP disaster. into opioid treatment and recovery ent upon opioids, but only a very small It is about turning the Arctic wilder- programs over 2 years. Again, we were percentage of them will get the treat- ness from a wildlife haven into an oil denied. We passed the Comprehensive ment they need and deserve. Our coun- field. Addiction and Recovery Act, or CARA, try should be providing for those fami- We have seen this from the majority but a vision without funding is just a lies. before—a legislative agenda focused on hallucination. We will not save lives I believe history is going to judge giving handout after handout to Big and stop this scourge of addiction with this Congress on the question of how Oil no matter what the cost to our con- just words and promises. well we responded to this epidemic, on stituents. The majority party, the I stand here again today to call on whether or not we heard the cries of party of so-called fiscal conservatism, my colleagues and both parties to come these families across the country to has no problem breaking out the together and pass legislation that in- provide them with the treatment they checkbook when it is time to give bil- cludes immediate, massive funding to need. This is an epidemic that began lions of dollars of tax subsidies to oil combat this ever-worsening opioid cri- because the pharmaceutical industry companies. They see no issue with cap- sis. Nearly 30,000 people in the United sold a bill of goods to the Food and ping the oil industry’s liability for the States died from an opioid overdose in Drug Administration and the American economic costs of offshore oil spills at 2014. Over the last few years Massachu- people that these prescription drugs $134 million—for spills that we know setts, which is mirrored in numbers were not, in fact, addictive. can cost tens of billions of dollars, but across the rest of the country, has seen Physicians across our country turned their liability is limited at $134 mil- a dramatic increase in the number of a blind eye, and, in fact, rejected man- lion. They are all too eager to lift the deaths related to opioids. datory training so they could correctly crude oil export ban, shipping U.S. re- In 2014, 1,400 people were estimated to prescribe opioids. Now it is 20 years sources and refining jobs overseas, and have died in the State of Massachu- later, and this prescription drug epi- now we have a bill before us that is de- setts from an opioid addiction. Last demic that morphed into a heroin epi- signed to make it easier to drill in the year the number went up to 1,700 peo- demic has now morphed into a fentanyl Arctic, gulf, and Atlantic. This bill ple who were estimated to have died epidemic, and fentanyl is infinitely doesn’t just line the pockets of oil ex- from an opioid addiction. In 2016, it is more dangerous than heroin and pre- ecutives; it takes away revenues from estimated that that number is going to scription drugs. the U.S. Treasury and increases the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.008 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 deficit by $7 billion in the long term— my bill to permanently ban drilling in administration’s commitment to pre- a $7 billion debt that we are signing the Atlantic, but I am even more proud serving our environment, to protecting over to our children and grandchildren, that thousands of my constituents public health, and to strengthening along with a shoreline full of oil rigs. have taken the time to email, call my global economies. We have a responsibility in Congress to office, or become citizen cosponsors of It is not just the Atlantic that de- make better for future generations and the bill. Many of them shared their serves this protection; I also hope that not to leave them with a dirty, costly thoughts on why we should ban Atlan- President Obama gives the same con- legacy based on the fuels of the past, tic drilling. sideration to the Arctic Ocean. The but serving future generations doesn’t Charles from Toms River wrote: ‘‘We Arctic is a fragile ecosystem depended help oil companies in the short term, already have shoreline concerns thanks on by subsistence hunters and diverse and the majority party has made their to Superstorm Sandy. We definitely wildlife. Extreme cold and harsh choice clear. We have seen this before. don’t need another threat to our econ- weather conditions make an Arctic oil- Yet it is hard not to be surprised by the omy.’’ spill both more likely and harder to timing. We are one week past an elec- Jeanne from New Brunswick wrote: clean up. tion where my colleagues on the other ‘‘Tourism is a major New Jersey busi- Declaring the Atlantic and the Arctic side of the aisle campaigned on prom- ness. Our beaches are pristine and must off limits to Big Oil is a step the Presi- ises to ‘‘drain the swamp’’ and break be protected.’’ dent can take immediately to show the mold in Washington and free gov- Leopoldine from Highland Park that we as a nation are committed to ernment from the powerful special in- wrote: ‘‘I would rather give up my car the future of our shore towns, our terests. What is the first bill we debate to save on oil consumption than give beaches, and our environment, and to on the Senate floor after that election? up the Jersey Shore.’’ being good stewards of the land for fu- Another giveaway to Big Oil, one of the My constituents are not alone. There ture generations of Americans. most powerful special interests in are 120 municipalities up and down the Our public lands should be just that— Washington. Atlantic coast that have opposed off- public assets that are part of our na- Unfortunately for voters who bought shore drilling and the seismic blasting tional heritage. This Presidential ac- into the campaign rhetoric, it is very used to locate oil deposits. Over 1,200 tion will ensure that we treat them clear who the majority party is here to elected officials have done the same. that way instead of monetizing them serve in Washington. It is not the peo- They have been joined by an alliance of to build profits for the oil industry. ple who elected them; it is the same over 12,000 businesses and 500,000 fish- To me, the decision on offshore drill- corporations and special interests that ing families. Their opposition to off- ing is a simple question of values. I have set the public agenda for years, shore drilling transcends political value the generations of families who and that agenda doesn’t come without boundaries and geographic boundaries spend their vacations on the Jersey costs. alike. It unites local chambers of com- Shore. It is a birthright. I value the Drilling for oil is a risk-reward prop- merce with environmental advocates. small businesses and fishermen who osition. All of the risk is on the backs We are hearing the same message, have built and sustained a thriving of our shore communities, and all of whether it is from a beach town in shore economy against all odds in the the reward goes to Big Oil. For New Georgia, a homeowners association in wake of Superstorm Sandy. I value Jersey, those risks are substantial. An Delaware, or the North Carolina Coun- having clean coastal waters, which are oil spill in the Atlantic would dev- cil of Churches: Not on our shores. The astate our tourism industry, which home to diverse and rich ecosystems. I people who elected us have spoken generates $38 billion a year and sup- value the commitment New Jerseyans clearly, and we in this Chamber should ports nearly half a million jobs—nearly have for a clean energy future. Drilling be listening. 10 percent of the State’s entire work- in the Atlantic is antithetical to any of This past March, President Obama force. An oil spill in the Atlantic would these values. And it is because of those made it clear that he was listening destroy one of the largest saltwater values that I intend to stand with the when he fully removed the Atlantic recreational fishing industries in the millions of Americans who have raised Ocean from the 5-year oil and gas leas- Nation. Just in our State, it would their voices and delivered the message ing plan. This was an important vic- jeopardize over 50,000 jobs in the sea- to big oil: Stay off our shores. tory, but it was only a temporary vic- food industry. An oil spill would sink I look forward to working with my the value of $700 billion worth of coast- tory. colleagues and my constituents in the It is clear by the Senate’s consider- al properties, family homes, and small coming weeks to secure a permanent ation of the legislation before us today businesses. drilling ban for the Atlantic and Arctic The people I have met on the Jersey that lining the pockets of big oil execu- Oceans. It will be a lasting message for Shore are some of the most hard-work- tives is going to remain a top priority future generations that we are not ing, resilient people I have ever known. for the majority party. We must do ev- willing to sell the future of their econ- These are people who, even today, are erything in our power to stand up to omy or the future of their environment rebuilding their lives and livelihoods in the oil industry, protect our coastal for short-term profits. It is a fight the wake of Hurricane Sandy. These communities, and fight for the people worth having, and it is one I believe we are the fishermen who wake up at 5 in whose lives depend on a vibrant shore can win. the morning and spend the day work- economy. With that, I yield the floor. ing their fingers to the bone to provide That is why today I am calling on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- for their families. These are the shore President Obama to use his authority jority whip. businesses that depend on a summer under the Outer Continental Shelf Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, soon we tourism season to meet their expenses Lands Act to permanently ban drilling will have a chance to vote on the throughout the year. The last thing in the Atlantic Ocean. The authority American Energy and Conservation they need is the threat of an oilspill was given to the President by Congress Act, a bill that has been championed wiping out their businesses, hard work, to permanently protect coastal waters by our colleague from Louisiana—actu- and ability to provide for their fami- from oil and gas drilling, while still al- ally, both of them, Senators CASSIDY lies. lowing for important economic activi- and VITTER—and they have done a ter- The oil companies that would benefit ties such as fishing, shipping, and de- rific job of getting us to this point from this bill don’t need our help. veloping offshore wind energy. Unlike a where we are voting on this important Large oil companies—even with gas traditional Executive order, this des- piece of legislation. prices as low as they are—are making ignation cannot be undone by a future This bill is about as straightforward annual profits the likes of which the administration. It would ensure that as it can get. It incentivizes American people on the Jersey Shore will not see the rights of our shore communities— energy production through revenue in a lifetime. Those people have been to run their businesses, to vacation sharing agreements with the Federal working to make their voices heard. with their families, to fish in clean Government. This is important because I am proud there are currently 11 coastal waters—are protected for gen- States like mine—especially along the other Senators who have cosponsored erations to come. It would continue the gulf coast—spend an awful lot of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.010 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6433 money investing in infrastructure to gas production, and this fact was un- abundance of, cheap, liquefied natural support an industry that benefits not derlined and emphasized just this last gas—we can provide an alternative en- just our States, not just the region, but week when the U.S. Geological Survey ergy supply to countries in Europe and the entire country. It is time to bal- announced that one shale formation in around the world. ance these costs with reasonable rev- the Permian Basin near Midland-Odes- So we need to seize this opportunity enue sharing agreements such as we sa contained the largest estimate of to reform the regulatory process. We have struck in the past. Given that continuous oil that they have ever sur- need to address the renewable fuel these States produce a big portion of veyed in our country. This should give standard, which is not working for any- the oil and gas our entire Nation needs us a little bit of humility when it body, and we need to build on the en- to keep the lights on, it is only right comes to making long-term pre- ergy renaissance occurring in States that these States should benefit from dictions. I don’t know whether it was such as North Dakota and Texas and some modest revenue sharing. This leg- 10, maybe 15 years ago, there was some States that take a pro-growth, pro-en- islation would make sure that is pos- discussion about something called peak ergy outlook. sible. So I hope our colleagues will sup- oil. In other words, the argument was I am proud of the energy-friendly en- port it when we vote on it shortly. that we had basically discovered all of vironment in my State. The Texas ex- ENERGY POLICY the oil and gas there was to discover ample proves that we can take advan- This legislation is a good example of and there wasn’t any more out there. tage of the natural resources that God the kind of energy policy that a new This just shows how time and time blessed us with to help consumers, to Congress can put forward next year and again people underestimate the initia- help seniors, to help people on fixed in- actually have the prospect of being tive and the ingenuity of our entre- comes, and we can do this without signed into law under a new adminis- preneurs and the people who work damaging the environment. We can ac- tration, under a new President. hard, including our scientists, to create tually do it and improve the environ- One of the things I think I have ob- new technologies to help us move for- ment, as we have seen in the case of served about the Obama administra- ward. That is why I am optimistic natural gas production and use taking tion is that while the President claims about our country as long as we don’t the place of other forms of energy pro- to be ‘‘all of the above’’ in terms of his stand in the way of those innovators duction, and a reduction in emissions outlook on energy, he really isn’t. He and those entrepreneurs. occurring consistently as well. is into picking winners and losers. One In Texas we have learned that the So it is time we take this know-how of the reasons many people in coal-pro- best policies sometimes are just to get to the rest of the country. ducing regions in our country felt be- the government out of the way, off our I want to make it clear that making trayed by his policies and by the Presi- back, out of our way, with its hand out our energy sector stronger is so essen- dent was reflected in the outcome of of our pocket, and frankly, let the ex- tial because it benefits everyone. No. 1, the vote. In West Virginia, for example, perts do their jobs with limited bureau- it creates jobs. It creates benefits for I think Mrs. Clinton got 27 percent of cratic influence. That is something the families who are provided for by those the vote in a State that previously had whole country can benefit from, and I jobs. It helps daily commuters out on been predominantly a Democratic am hopeful that during this new ad- the road with affordable energy. It also State. That is because many people felt ministration under President-Elect helps small businesses do what they as though their very livelihood had Trump, working with Republican ma- can do to keep the lights on, not to been taken from them as a result of the jorities in both Houses, we can begin to mention the jobs, as I said a moment regulatory overreach and, frankly, untangle the stranglehold the regu- ago, created by a healthy energy indus- what they call—and I think appro- latory state has imposed on so much of try. priately so—the War on Coal. our economy, whether it is in the With the election that occurred on But, as I said, ‘‘all of the above’’ is November 8, with the Republicans in actually the right policy; it is just that banking industry—I see the chairman the majority in both Houses and now I don’t think President Obama ever of the Banking Committee here, and he with President-Elect Trump coming really meant it. knows this hot topic well. The regula- A lot of folks try to paint with broad tions put on our small businesses, on into the White House, we can make strokes about energy: Either you are our energy producers—all of this has real strides in energy innovation and on the side of the environment, climate stunted the sort of normal economic production. It is really a historic op- change, or you are on the side of inno- rebound we would see following a reces- portunity, if we think about it. I look vation and new technologies, or you sion like we had in 2008. forward in the future to discussing are on the side of traditional oil and I am looking forward to getting a lot even more ideas about how we can cap- gas development. done to help free up our Nation’s econ- italize on our Nation’s energy re- I would dare say—and this may come omy and in particular by promoting sources for everyone’s benefit. as a surprise to some of my col- our Nation’s energy resources. We used Mr. President, I yield the floor. leagues—that Texas actually produces to think of natural resources as a tre- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- more clean energy from wind than any mendous benefit and a comparative ad- ator from Alabama. other State in the Nation. I know we vantage one nation has over another, HONORING JOHNNY MICHAEL SPANN are known as an oil and gas State, and but I have to tell my colleagues that Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise that is true, but we really do embrace we have squandered those natural ad- today to honor the life and the legacy an ‘‘all of the above’’ strategy. As a re- vantages we have had in this country of an Alabama patriot and American sult, I think it has really helped our by not unleashing this sleeping giant of hero, Johnny Michael Spann. economy stay ahead of the national American energy. Nearly 15 years ago, on November 25, economy, even during tough economic It is not just important to our econ- 2001, while fighting on behalf of our times for the country. So we can have omy, it is important to our national se- grateful Nation, Mike made the ulti- literally an ‘‘all of the above’’ policy, curity and the world order. As we all mate sacrifice to our country in north- including one that works well for the know, in Europe and elsewhere, people ern Afghanistan. Mike Spann served as environment. As a matter of fact, be- like Vladimir Putin use energy as a a U.S. Marine officer and then later cause of fracking and horizontal drill- weapon. When people have a sole with the CIA, when he became the first ing and the ability to produce more source of energy and it is from Russia U.S. combat casualty in the War on natural gas in the United States, we and he can turn it off and on at his Terror in Afghanistan. have actually seen emissions into the whim, that creates a lot of problems As Americans we honored the sac- environment come down dramatically for them and, frankly, keeps them from rifices made by those who have served because more people are opting for nat- asserting themselves in the world and defended our Nation on Veterans ural gas rather than other fuel sources. order. But by providing export capacity Day last week. Mike Spann is one of So this is, frankly, a win/win propo- like we did with lifting the export ban the heroic Americans who ran towards sition. on oil in December and, hopefully, danger, putting his life on the line to We know that, as I said, Texas is doing the same thing with liquefied fight for our freedom. Mike Spann was known as leading the way in oil and natural gas—something we have an dedicated to combating the tyranny,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.012 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 oppression, and terror that would be providing oil resources, mineral re- What we are considering today with inflicted on the world by the Taliban sources—and still have this amazing the legislation that we will vote on and others who share their goals. He place that people from around the shortly is an effort to expand Federal gave his life to a noble undertaking, world want to see. Our State has truly revenue sharing to offshore areas. It is and our Nation will be forever indebted managed to balance accessing our re- time to do just that. This is a matter to him and his family for his service. sources while still maintaining the en- of simple fairness. At its core, it is a It is my honor to offer my deep ap- vironment and the natural beauty that matter of simple fairness. Offshore pro- preciation and gratitude to Mike makes us who we are. duction should be no different than on- Spann for his willingness to put him- I think many here are aware that shore production. No other State will self in harm’s way to protect the val- Alaska is this amazing place, but what bear the burden of development like we ues and freedoms that we hold dear. I am about to say should not surprise will. Most will only see the end result His life exemplified honor and courage, or amaze people. A majority of the of it. They will see the benefits that and he will always be remembered for residents living in Alaska’s Arctic, a come from it—the benefits that come his great sacrifice. majority of the tribal governments, a with affordable fuel coming out of the As the Director of Central Intel- majority of Alaska’s Native corpora- pump at their local gas station, for in- ligence said at Mike’s funeral, ‘‘May tions representing Alaska’s Natives stance. But those who host the devel- God bless Mike Spann, an American of who live in the Arctic, a majority of opment will bear the burden of devel- courage, and may God bless those who residents statewide, a supermajority of opment, and in Alaska we are willing love and miss him, and all who carry our State legislature, our Governor, to bear that burden. on the noble work that he began.’’ and every Member of the Alaska con- This legislation has been carefully We should not forget Mike Spann and gressional delegation whole-heartedly crafted to apply only to States where others like him. support oil and gas development in the responsible OCS development is sup- I yield the floor. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. ported. That is important to reinforce. I suggest the absence of a quorum. I know that the President, the Sec- We are not pushing this on those who The PRESIDING OFFICER. The retary of the Interior, and the team do not want development. The legisla- clerk will call the roll. that is responsible for developing a tion applies only to States where re- The bill clerk proceeded to call the leasing program for Alaska’s Outer sponsible OCS development will sup- roll. Continental Shelf have all heard this port it. So if a Senator is not inter- Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I support because, believe me, we have ested in this development, we have re- ask unanimous consent that the order made sure that they have. So I am hop- spected their views and left their State for the quorum call be rescinded. ing that the news reports I have just out of this legislation. This is only The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without heard—as I walked onto the Senate about revenue sharing. Our bill will not objection, it is so ordered. floor—from a reporter about rumors open any new offshore areas to energy Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I that the administration intends to put development. So those that would sug- come to the floor to speak in strong off-limits the Beaufort and Chukchi in gest that this is a Pandora’s box, well support of S. 3110, the American En- this upcoming 5-year OCS lease plan. I that is clearly not the case. We are ergy and Conservation Act. I would hope the news reports are wrong. I talking about the revenue sharing that like to thank my colleague from Lou- hope they are nothing more than a will come to those who support the de- isiana for introducing it, and I would rumor. I hope the administration will velopment offshore. It will not force also like to thank all of the Members see reason and that it will allow new any State to develop its resources if who are cosponsoring it with us. I cer- lease sales to proceed in the Arctic as that State does not want to do it. Flor- tainly thank Leader MCCONNELL for is clearly the desire of the vast major- ida is a good example. Florida would scheduling a vote on it this morning. ity of Alaskans. see no different treatment after the I would like to begin by providing a This is not the only step that this ad- passage of this bill. little bit of context for why this legis- ministration should take. When re- What the American Energy and Con- lation is necessary before I move into sponsible resource production does servation Act will do is to make our specifics of what it contains. begin in the Alaska OCS, the 96-year- policies equitable so that the States For literally centuries in Alaska, we old Federal policy of sharing resource that bear the burden of development have relied upon balanced and environ- revenues with the States hosting this are finally allowed to share in the gov- mentally responsible resource develop- development must also apply. ernment’s rewards. This is true for ment. Whether it is fish, game, our The Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 es- both conventional energy such as oil mineral resources such as copper or tablished this policy for Federal on- and gas as well as the renewables that gold, timber, our marine mammals, or shore revenue sharing at a time when many Members of this Chamber claim oil that was used to waterproof ocean- there was very little offshore produc- to support. going vessels, resources have been ex- tion occurring in our country. That In addition to allowing offshore rev- tracted or harvested relatively lightly policy has not forced resource develop- enue sharing for Alaska and the Middle for thousands of years but more inten- ment on States that are not interested, Atlantic States, we have also incor- sively harvested and extracted over the but instead it recognizes that the de- porated a number of priorities that this last 100 years. This resource extraction velopment requires infrastructure that Senator believes the Senate would do has fed us, it has housed Alaskans, and counties and State governments pay well to approve. it has allowed us to sustain a life in of- for. Some of these priorities are pretty tentimes a very harsh but, without Congress realized in 1920 that we need important to us. We have a small fund- question, an extraordinarily beautiful to share the revenues from resource de- ing stream to increase sportsmen’s ac- environment. velopment to help local and State gov- cess to Federal areas for hunting, fish- In the last few years, resource ex- ernments with the impacts of these ac- ing, and similar activities. We have in- traction has become strategically and tivities. This policy has nationwide cluded additional funding streams for economically important to the liveli- benefits from the east to the west, energy research and to reduce the de- hoods of all Americans. We have care- from the north to the south. Just in ferred maintenance backlog at the Na- fully regulated our resource extraction the past 10 years, residents of Michigan tional Park Service. This is something and protected our environment, and have received $5.7 million of shared so many of us have talked about—how today millions of tourists from all over Federal revenues. Missouri residents to achieve the funding necessary to re- the world come to Alaska to view na- have received $30.6 million. Residents duce the backlog at the National Park ture and look at the amazing land- of Nevada have received $108.6 million. Service. This will help them. It also scapes that are hard to find anywhere I have full confidence that these States provides a funding stream for TIGER else in the world. and counties put those dollars to tre- grants at the Department of Transpor- Some might say that it is a con- mendous productive use and certainly tation. tradiction to have resource extraction do not have any interest in parting We fund a tribal resilience program. on the level that we have in Alaska— with them. This is very important to us in my

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.014 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6435 State of Alaska, to ensure that our Na- communities that bear some of the im- atively impacted by these policies. De- tive communities have the ability to pact of development in the States that veloping energy in America is a win- adapt to a changing climate and to in- do want it, like my State. That is what win-win for everybody, including the vest in critical infrastructure. If coast- this is about. environment. al erosion is impacting this, whether it I am hoping all of my colleagues will I certainly hope my colleagues will is the water infrastructure in a place vote favorably for this very important vote in favor of this bill that we are like Barrow, whether it is the need for bill. Senator MURKOWSKI also talked going to vote on in a few minutes. I an emergency evacuation route for a about how this bill does not open new certainly would urge the Obama ad- community such as Shismaref or areas. At the same time we certainly ministration not to make the short- Kivalina or relocation, this can help to should not be shutting down areas that sighted decision to kill more jobs and facilitate this with our Tribal Climate exist right now for responsible resource energy production in my State by lock- Resilience Program. development in this country. ing up the Arctic OCS before they We have also dedicated revenues to In addition to focusing on this bill, leave. the PILT program, which has become a which I certainly hope we pass soon, we I yield the floor. chronic funding challenge. If you vote also—I just want to mention we are The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- for this bill, what you are voting for is hearing indications that despite the ator from Florida. a more rational energy policy for our fact that our country needs more en- Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, this Senator, who has a great stake in this country. You are also voting for sports- ergy and more jobs to grow the econ- legislation, is certainly not opposed to men’s rights, for renewable energy, for omy, the President might move to drilling off the shore, unless it happens the health of our national parks, for close the OCS development off the to threaten the interests of the United better infrastructure, and for our na- coast of my State to further oil and gas States. In many places on the Atlantic tive communities and their ability to exploration and production before he coast and certainly the gulf coast, such be more resilient and adaptable leaves office. This would not only uni- as the Gulf of Mexico off of Florida, it On the other hand, if you vote laterally harm Alaska’s economy and is the largest testing and training area against this bill, you are not voting to kill thousands of good jobs, but it also for the U.S. military in the world. Two halt or even limit offshore develop- fundamentally misunderstands what is Republican Secretaries of Defense have ment. What you are doing is voting to going on in the country right now. It said: You cannot have drilling activity continue an unfair practice toward the fundamentally misunderstands the off the coast where this restricted mili- coastal producing States, and you are enormous opportunity of energy for tary area is. America. also voting against the priorities of You looked at a map of what the For 8 years we watched the Obama thousands of your constituents. Those military has suggested off of Virginia. administration delay, disrupt, and of us who have assembled this bill have It is the same thing. It is no oil and gas block energy development for America, respected those who do not want devel- activity at all, and then no permanent certainly for Alaska but also for the opment off their shores. Now we would oil and gas activity in a remaining por- whole country. It shows an incredible ask those Members to respect those of tion off the State of Virginia. us who do support development for our lack of understanding of what a great In the State of Florida, of course, we States. We ask you to support this leg- opportunity this is. Let me give some have all the other considerations, the islation. examples: making sure that we have economic ones, a $50-billion-a-year I see my colleague from Alaska. I our own energy, that we produce our tourism industry that depends on our think it is fair to say that not only is energy, that we can be energy inde- beaches being clean. our Congressional delegation very uni- pendent, that we can create jobs. These This Senator certainly does not have fied on this, but the support from our are great jobs, by the way, for our an objection to oil drilling off of the State and an understanding as to why country. coast of Louisiana. The last time I revenue sharing for Alaska and other Also, something that is never really checked, they did not have a lot of coastal States that seek this develop- acknowledged is that in Alaska and beaches. But that is what this bill does. ment is critically important. I appre- other places in the United States we It gives the incentives for States be- ciate all of the good work he has done have the highest standards on the envi- cause they get additional Federal rev- on this issue to help it advance. ronment, the highest standards of de- enue. By the way, CBO says that is $7 I yield the floor. veloping our natural resources offered billion over a 10-year period that would The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- anyplace in the world. So when the otherwise go to the Federal Treasury ator from Alaska. Obama administration has been delay- that would go to the States. It gives Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ing projects year after year—tiny them that incentive to have drilling off commend my colleague Senator MUR- cuts—Shell had to spend 7 years and $7 their coasts. KOWSKI, who occupies certainly one of billion to get permission from the For those reasons alone, I would sug- the most important positions in the Obama administration to drill one ex- gest that the right vote is to vote no on country with regard to energy as the ploration well in 100 feet of water. this legislation. chairman of the Energy and Natural Eventually they just said: We give up. I yield the floor. Resources Committee, for her leader- We are leaving. What does that do to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ship on this bill and so many other the country? It harms our energy inde- ator from New York. bills. I am proud to be a cosponsor, pendence. It kills jobs. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, the with a number of other Senators, of the But here is something else it does. It bill before us would incentivize off- American Energy and Conservation doesn’t help the environment as some shore drilling for vast swaths of the At- Act, which will be taken up here in a claim, as the Obama administration lantic coast, in Virginia, North Caro- few minutes. claims. What it does is take capital to lina, South Carolina, and Georgia, put- I echo what Senator MURKOWSKI said develop energy resources from Amer- ting one of our most precious natural about this bill. It is a commonsense ica, from Alaska, the places that have resources and drivers of economic bill. We already have revenue sharing the highest standards on earth, and it growth at risk in order to enrich a few for onshore oil and gas production, so shifts that capital to places like Russia big oil companies. The two Democratic it only makes sense—really it is only or Azerbaijan or Kazakhstan or Brazil. leads on the relevant committees—we fair, as she noted very articulately— Remember when the President said: have just heard from one, Senator NEL- that the States closest to the impacts Yeah, we should drill off the coast of SON, and we will hear from another, of OCS drilling also receive their fair Brazil in thousands of feet of water. He Senator CANTWELL—are very knowl- share of revenues from resource extrac- was supportive of that, but he is not edgeable about the risks to coastline tion off their coast. supportive of drilling off the coast of communities posed by offshore drilling. Again, as Senator MURKOWSKI men- his own country. It moves the capital They are opposed to this legislation. I tioned, this is not going to open up de- to these places that do not have high agree with them. velopment where States don’t want it. standards on the environment. So, It should be readily apparent to ev- It is just providing a fair share to the overall, the global environment is neg- eryone in this Chamber why this bill is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.015 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 a bad idea. Fishing and tourism on the In spite of the Supreme Court’s deci- them, but it is a terrible deal for the Atlantic coasts accounts for tens of bil- sion, Congress voted to give away the Nation as a whole and the other 41 lions of dollars in annual revenue. In submerged lands beneath our terri- States that will not have the revenue. my home State of New York, commer- tories and seas to the adjacent States What will they do about the raid to the cial fishing accounts for tens of mil- in 1953. That Submerged Lands Act was Federal budget of over $7 billion that lions of dollars of revenue. dubbed the ‘‘Oil Give-Away Law’’ by its will be absent from the Federal Treas- From the pristine beaches of Florida, opponents. The law gave the coastal ury? Are my colleagues going to raise from Daytona to the Outer Banks, to States the submerged lands to a dis- taxes on the other side to supplant that Virginia Beach, the Atlantic Seaboard tance of 3 nautical miles from the revenue, that $7 billion loss? Again, is home to some of our most visited coast land. those revenues belong to the Nation as and beloved vacation spots. A drastic For these historical reasons, Florida, a whole, to our citizens, not just the increase in offshore drilling, as this bill Texas, and others were included. But in nine coastal States. intends, comes with drastic risks, risks the ‘‘Oil Give-Away Law,’’ they also President Truman said when he voted that are not imagined or even hypo- gave coastal States the right to de- on an earlier version of the oil give- thetical any longer. We know that velop oil and natural gas resources be- away bill: after Deepwater Horizon and other dis- neath the submerged lands and retain The vast quantities of oil and gas in the asters. all of the royalties for themselves; submerged ocean lands belong to the people When it comes to protecting our thus, this big discussion about whether of all States. They represent a priceless na- unique and nearby Atlantic Ocean tional heritage. This national wealth, like we are going to give Federal resources other lands owned by the United States, is habitats, we must guard against poli- away to these States and put a hole in cies that can best be summed as ‘‘spill held in trust for every citizen of the United our Federal deficit to the tune of $7 bil- States. It should be used for the welfare and baby, spill.’’ It is a risk we don’t need lion. In giving away to the coastal security of the Nation as a whole. to take. Domestic energy production States the first 3 nautical miles of the I ask my colleagues, please do not has grown significantly over the past 8 Continental Shelf, Congress made it blow a $7 billion hole in the Federal years. Our dependence on foreign oil is clear at that time that it was retaining Treasury and give it to a few States, at a 40-year low. I would also call into for the Nation as a whole the Outer when these lands and resources belong question the revenue sharing proposals Continental Shelf, the rest of the Con- to all of us. If we want to help our of the bill. Over the long term, it would tinental Shelf. So the Outer Conti- coastal States in some other economic direct $7 billion—billion, that is, not nental Shelf Lands Act, enacted just 3 way or some way, let’s discuss that, million—away from the Federal Treas- months after the lease giveaway, gave but blowing a hole of $7 billion in the ury. States would see some of that the Federal Government exclusive Federal budget and then trying to money, but the real winners would be ownership and control over the min- make it up later on the backs of the the big oil companies for which the erals and wealth of the Outer Conti- rest of our constituents is an unfair market would be tilted even more in nental Shelf. deal for the American taxpayer. their favor. We are here because States not satis- I urge my colleagues to vote no on I think it is telling that one of the fied with the generous gifts—Alabama, this proposition. first bills the Republican majority puts Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas—per- I yield the floor. on the floor is a boon to special inter- suaded Congress to give them even CLOTURE MOTION ests. I urge my colleagues to vote no on more revenue in 2006—37.5 percent of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. the bill. FISCHER). Pursuant to rule XXII, the I ask unanimous consent that our the Federal Government royalties. Chair lays before the Senate the pend- leader on our Energy Committee, the Again, some of my colleagues may ing cloture motion, which the clerk Senator from Washington, be given the have supported this—but also added to will state. time she needs, even if it delays the our Federal deficit and blew a big hole The senior assistant legislative clerk vote for a couple of minutes. into what were Federal revenues at read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that time. objection, it is so ordered. Senator CASSIDY’s bill would com- CLOTURE MOTION Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I yield pound this huge loss to the Federal We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- the floor. Treasury. It begins by raising the $500 ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- million annual cap on the payment of Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Federal royalties to the Gulf States move to bring to a close debate on the mo- ator from Washington. tion to proceed to Calendar No. 543, S. 3110, Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I from $500 million to $835 million from a bill to provide for reforms of the adminis- come to the floor to join my colleagues 2027 through 2036 and then, in addition, tration of the outer Continental Shelf of the who have already spoken on this issue, $705 million from 2037 to 2055. United States, to provide for the develop- but maybe to give a little bit more of But this bill doesn’t stop just there, ment of geothermal, solar, and wind energy a historical context. it extends the payment of royalties to on public land, and for other purposes. I know my colleagues from a variety five more coastal States—Alaska, Bill Cassidy, John Cornyn, , of States throughout the United States Georgia, North Carolina, South Caro- Mike Crapo, Lamar Alexander, Shelley have presented a different viewpoint lina, and Virginia—and gives 37.5 per- Moore Capito, Daniel Coats, Mike Rounds, Richard Burr, John Barrasso, and have a viewpoint because of their cent of the Federal revenues from oil John McCain, Orrin G. Hatch, Thom own economic interests in their State, and gas leases on the Outer Conti- Tillis, Johnny Isakson, , but the larger question here is what is nental Shelf to the coast of Alaska, David Vitter, Mitch McConnell. in the economic interests of the United and it gives 37.5 percent of Federal rev- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- States? All of the land submerged be- enue from the Outer Continental Shelf imous consent, the mandatory quorum tween the territory and seas beyond to the Atlantic coast: Virginia, North call has been waived. our shores and the oil and gas re- Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The question is, Is it the sense of the sources they contain belong to the Na- I get that my colleagues would like Senate that debate on the motion to tion as a whole and to the people of the this money grab out of the Federal proceed to S. 3110, a bill to provide for United States. More than 60 years ago, Treasury. I am sure many of our col- reforms of the administration of the a few of these coastal States tried to leagues would write Federal legislation outer Continental Shelf of the United claim the submerged lands and their that would also give their States rev- States, to provide for the development resources, but the Supreme Court re- enue. But all of these amounts, in addi- of geothermal, solar, and wind energy jected that, rejected the coastal States’ tion to the State royalties by the on public land, and for other purposes, claims, and held that submerged lands coastal States for oil and gas leases on shall be brought to a close? and their resources did belong to the the Outer Continental Shelf, are in The yeas and nays are mandatory Nation—the whole Nation. Their re- contrast, I believe, to our national in- under the rule. sponse was: ‘‘National interests, na- terest. The clerk will call the roll. tional responsibilities, national con- This may be a great deal for the nine The senior assistant legislative clerk cerns are involved.’’ States and the Senators who represent called the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.017 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6437 Mr. CORNYN. The following Senator who we are. The American experiment election, I accept it, and so do Presi- is necessarily absent: the Senator from began with the casting off of the Brit- dent Obama and Secretary Clinton. Alabama (Mr. SESSIONS.) ish monarchy as American patriots I hope Americans of all political Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the spilled blood for the right to control stripes can acknowledge President Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) their own destiny. Obama’s commitment to put President- is necessarily absent, I am proud to be standing here today Elect Trump in a position where he can The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there as a member of the Sons of the Amer- begin working for the good of the coun- any other Senators in the Chamber de- ican Revolution, and one of my ances- try. I also hope that all Americans are siring to vote? tors served with General George Wash- able to appreciate Secretary Clinton’s The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 51, ington at Valley Forge. strength and resolve since the election nays 47, as follows: Our ancestors learned firsthand that and her acceptance of the electoral col- [Rollcall Vote No. 153 Leg.] freedom is not free, and it is not easy. lege result, once again showing that a YEAS—51 If you survey the systems of govern- person who receives the most votes Alexander Flake Moran ment in place across the planet since does not necessarily win, even though Barrasso Gardner Murkowski the advent of democracy in Greece over she received well over 1 million more Blunt Graham Perdue 2,500 years ago, it is clear that democ- votes than President-Elect Trump na- Boozman Grassley Portman racy is the exception and not the rule. tionally. Capito Hatch Risch Cassidy Heitkamp Roberts We live in a world that in 2016 has The weeks after elections generally Coats Heller Rounds theocracies, monarchies, and autoc- are a time for healing. While President Cochran Hoeven Rubio racies. The creation of a democracy Obama and Secretary Clinton have Corker Inhofe Sasse can require revolution, but its preser- Cornyn Isakson Scott done their part, we remain a very po- Cotton Johnson Shelby vation requires constant commitment larized country. This has been a par- Crapo Kirk Sullivan and sacrifice. We must hold onto this ticularly contentious, abnormal elec- Cruz Lankford Thune commitment if we want to keep our de- tion. I have never seen anything like it Daines Lee Tillis Enzi Manchin Toomey mocracy healthy. We have worked to- in my life. Ernst McCain Vitter ward the more perfect union envisioned During a campaign season, we need Fischer McConnell Wicker by the Framers of the Constitution. We to engage in vigorous debates about NAYS—47 have abolished slavery and expanded the future of our country and vigor- Ayotte Franken Paul the franchise to make sure that Ameri- ously advocate for our preferred can- Baldwin Gillibrand Peters cans can vote and have an equal say in didates. But when it is all said and Bennet Heinrich Reed our future. done, and the election is over, we must Blumenthal Hirono Reid We have also welcomed new genera- come together as a country and do Booker Kaine Sanders tions of Americans from every corner what is right for America. We must Brown King Schatz Burr Klobuchar Schumer of the globe. Just as I am proud to be seek a common good, especially at a Cantwell Leahy Shaheen a member of the Sons of the American time when the country is nearly equal- Cardin Markey Stabenow Carper McCaskill Revolution, I am also proud to be the ly divided. We need to think about the Tester Casey Menendez son of an immigrant. My father served dreams that unite us and not the night- Udall Collins Merkley Warner in World War II and met my mother in mares that could tear us apart. Coons Mikulski France. She immigrated to the United Michiganders from across the ideo- Donnelly Murphy Warren Durbin Murray Whitehouse States, started a family with my fa- logical spectrum want the same things: Feinstein Nelson Wyden ther, and found opportunity working as a job that pays a fair wage, the chance NOT VOTING—2 a nurse’s aide and an SEIU union stew- to send their children to good schools ard. and live in safe neighborhoods, afford- Boxer Sessions My parents are part of the greatest able, quality health care, and, after The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this generation—a generation of Americans they have worked their whole life, the vote, the yeas are 51, the nays are 47. who defeated Nazism in Europe, strug- ability to retire with dignity. While Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- gled to advance equality here at home our economy continues to grow and sen and sworn not having voted in the during the Civil Rights Movement, and create jobs, too many families find affirmative, the motion is rejected. saw women move from home to the fac- themselves unable to get ahead. We The Senator from Indiana. tory floor, to the company board room. need to take a step back and ask some Mr. COATS. I suggest the absence of Our memories can be short as we can serious questions about whether our a quorum. become consumed in recent turmoil, policies are helping everyone. Are The PRESIDING OFFICER. The but we cannot forget the challenges American trade deals working? Are we clerk will call the roll. and successes of the past. We are fortu- doing enough to support American The senior assistant legislative clerk nate to still have living veterans who manufacturing? proceeded to call the roll. liberated German concentration While he tapped into some of these Mr. PETERS. Madam President, I camps. Millions of Americans still re- legitimate concerns over the past 2 ask unanimous consent that the order member the horrors of Jim Crow laws. years, it is no secret that President- for the quorum call be rescinded. As Martin Luther King, Jr., famously Elect Trump, unfortunately, ran a divi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without said, ‘‘The arc of the moral universe is sive campaign that stoked deep-seated objection, it is so ordered. long, but it bends toward justice.’’ We fears and anxieties in many Americans. BRINGING AMERICA TOGETHER have made progress in fits and starts, Much of the rhetoric of the Trump Mr. PETERS. Madam President, the and we have done so, in significant campaign far exceeded the acceptable United States of America has a number part, due to our constitutional democ- norms of political discourse. of defining characteristics: our diver- racy. Every democracy is different, and We cannot have a mainstream polit- sity, our commitment to free enter- our country continues to evolve, but ical dialogue that demeans women and prise, our ingenuity, and our cre- successful democracies share two com- disabled Americans or that advocates ativity. American ingenuity has given mon traits: One, they have fair, vig- for conversion therapy for LGBT Amer- us phones, automobiles, airplanes, and orous, and participatory elections icans. It is dangerous, it is unaccept- the Internet. Our creativity has made where citizens passionately support able, and it is not normal. It must us the world’s biggest exporter of cul- candidates of their choosing, and, two, never, ever be normal. We can never ac- ture, movies, television, and music when the election is over, all parties cept or normalize hatred. Trafficking ranging from Motown to Nashville and accept the outcome and facilitate a in racism, misogyny, xenophobia, beyond. peaceful, orderly transition of power. Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism is While these characteristics are cen- As long as these traits persist, we dangerous, it is unacceptable, and it is tral to who we are as a nation, I believe will remain a successful democracy. not normal. It must never be normal. it is our democratic system of repub- While I am deeply disappointed by the What is now happening with the ap- lican government that truly defines outcome of last week’s Presidential pointment of a White House Chief

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.002 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Strategist with ties to the White na- together on and show Americans we was hit very hard. Over the course of tionalist movement is dangerous, it is are ready to do the people’s work. the last 3 weeks, I have literally seen unacceptable, it is certainly not nor- Democracy is a wonderful thing, but long stretches of interstate highways mal, and it must never be normal. I am history shows us that it can also be under water. I have seen major roads deeply alarmed that President-Elect fragile. We must preserve our demo- completely washed out. I have seen en- Trump has appointed Mr. Bannon to cratic institutions and show the people tire communities under water and a such an important position, and I urge of America that these institutions and couple of towns that have been washed him to reconsider this decision. their elected officials are working for away. Some of them were washed away I am proud that Michigan is a diverse all Americans. I intend to spend the just 20 years ago. State. I have heard from over 1,000 next 4 years working for what is right I have seen farms that were under Michiganders about Mr. Bannon’s ap- for our country and what is right for water for a period of time, and now pointment. Yes, some are angry, but Michigan, and I hope our President- their crops are rotting in the field. In more are scared—scared that the elect joins me. other cases, farmers who had harvested America that had welcomed them and I yield the floor. their crops and prepared their land for welcomed my mother is at risk of dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the next planting season now have sand appearing. I have heard from mothers ator from North Carolina. and debris on their fields. and fathers, sons and daughters, Mus- f I have heard heartbreaking stories lim Americans, Jewish Americans, Af- from victims, rescue workers, and vol- MORNING BUSINESS rican Americans, and Latino Ameri- unteers. I will share some of those sto- cans. They are asking what their place Mr. TILLIS. Madam President, I ask ries. I also heard heartwarming stories will be in President Trump’s America unanimous consent that the Senate be about the responsiveness of our local, as our American experiment enters in a period of morning business, with State, and Federal agencies and the into an unprecedented new era. Senators permitted to speak therein kindness of neighbors and volunteers. As our Nation continues to move for- for up to 10 minutes each. I wish to thank the State and local ward, I would urge President-Elect The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without officials, FEMA, and the first respond- Trump to look back and consult the objection, it is so ordered. ers, who are doing an excellent job namesake of the city in which he will f under some of the most difficult cir- soon be living—President George Wash- cumstances. DEVASTATION FROM HURRICAN The death and destruction caused by ington. In a letter written in 1790 to MATTHEW the Newport Hebrew congregation, at Hurricane Matthew is really impossible the time the largest community of Mr. TILLIS. Madam President, I to comprehend. The 28 lives we lost are Jewish families in America, President come to the Chamber to talk about a a cross section of the State. They are Washington succinctly addressed their devastating event we have experienced parents and grandparents, sons and fears of religious oppression, and he in North Carolina. Last month, Hurri- daughters, leaders of our community wrote: ‘‘The government of the United cane Matthew skirted along the Atlan- and young people who had their entire States, which gives to bigotry no sanc- tic coast, and then it plowed right lives ahead of them. One of the victims tion, to persecution no assistance, re- through North Carolina with dev- was Charles Ivey. He was a resident of quires only that they who live under astating results. Matthew is the worst Lumberton, one of the areas that was its protection should demean them- storm we have experienced in almost 20 hardest hit. He was a pillar of his com- selves as good citizens.’’ years, and it is already responsible for munity. Charles served as a deacon and He added that ‘‘every one shall sit in taking some 28 lives. Sunday school director at West Lum- safety under his own vine and fig tree Millions of people in North Carolina berton Baptist Church. He was an ac- and there shall be none to make him and across the country watched as the tive member of the Lumberton Lions afraid.’’ storm made landfall, but after a few Club, Jaycees, Robeson County Fair President-Elect Trump won, and the days, many of them turned their atten- Board, and West Lumberton Commu- people are afraid. It is now his job to tion back to their daily lives. I don’t nity Watch. He was the loving father of bring our Nation together. It is his job fault them for doing this because un- two daughters, had four grandchildren, to give bigotry no sanction and perse- less you are there and see it firsthand, and leaves behind his wife Wanda. cution no assistance. The appointment it is easy to think it was just a lot of Another victim who perished as a re- of Mr. Bannon is clearly a large step in rain and a storm that came and went, sult of the storms was Isabelle Ralls of the wrong direction. If this is indic- but it is far worse than that. Thou- Godwin. She was a resilient woman ative of how the President-elect is sands of adults and children will take who survived cancer, triple-bypass sur- going to run his administration, he can years to recover from the devastation gery, and kidney failure. She devoted expect me and my fellow Democratic that they have experienced over the her life to others, spending years as a colleagues to fight him every step of last month. caregiver for the Peace Corps. She was the way. On the other hand, if the The first opportunity I had to survey a Sunday school teacher and the President-elect is prepared to be a the damage was just 2 days after the church historian at Spring Hills Bap- ‘‘President for all Americans’’ and to hurricane made landfall. I traveled tist Church. Her family and friends will ‘‘bind the wounds of division,’’ as he across the State in a helicopter with always remember her as a phenomenal pledged in his victory speech just last the commissioner of agriculture, and woman and role model who had an in- week, I certainly hope that we can find what I saw was remarkable. In fact, it spiring faith in God. common ground. was after the rain had occurred but be- These are just a couple of stories Whether it is making trade policy fore the floods began almost a week about the victims of Hurricane Mat- work for American manufacturers, sup- later. thew. They were all people I could porting small businesses, bolstering The next week I spent time with probably tell stories about. They were cyber security, establishing meaning- many of my staff working as volun- mothers and fathers, brothers and sis- ful paid and parental leave policies, or teers down in one of the areas that was ters, and loving friends—28 precious investing in infrastructure, if the hit hard by the flood. We worked with lives lost in total. I hope the family President-elect is ready to roll up his the American Red Cross, the Baptist and friends of the victims know that sleeves and do what is right by Amer- Men, and the Salvation Army, which millions of North Carolinians and peo- ican workers and American families, I were trying to prepare food and provide ple across the Nation are praying for will work with him. shelter for so many people who were them and their recovery. We don’t have Democratic bridges or displaced. Although the loss of life alone was Republicans roads; we don’t have I was back in the area last weekend, devastating, it is really not the total Democratic ports and Republican rail- and I had an opportunity to witness story. In fact, it will take years to re- road tracks. They are truly non- firsthand the farm damage and the cover. Hurricane Matthew was a mas- partisan. Improving our country’s in- damage to one of our major areas out- sive storm. To give you an idea, it is frastructure is something we can come side of Fort Bragg, an urban area that what is referred to as a 1,000-year flood

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.029 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6439 event. In other words, for this area, I share these stories because North payer money; that is right, $23 billion statistically speaking, it will be an- Carolina will need help, just like West of stolen taxpayer money. other 1,000 years before they see the Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina, How does this happen? Well, the theft amount of water dumped in the same Georgia, and Florida. Those States occurs when criminals gain access to period of time. It was a 500-year flood have also has been damaged in this someone else’s personal information, event for a massive part of Eastern storm season or in the flood season. like their name and Social Security North Carolina. Thousands of people Many people lost their lives, and those number, in order to essentially steal were forced out of their homes and re- States need help. North Carolina needs the tax refund that might be owed to located to shelters. Many are still in help. them for the tax returns that have temporary housing and thousands of My team is working with Senator been interrupted and sent before the the homes are not habitable. The storm BURR and my House colleagues to real- victim’s tax return has actually been flooded areas that were well outside of ly try and quantify the damage. Over filed. Often criminals file someone the 100-year floodplain. So many of the next couple of weeks, we will be else’s tax return before the victim does them didn’t have flood insurance. working to make sure we work with so the IRS ends up sending tax refund Last week I visited one of those com- our colleagues in other States to make money to criminals instead of the munities. It was a Habitat for Human- sure they get the assistance they des- workers who earned the money. When ity community that had some 90 homes perately need before we leave at the such abuses happen, not only is the IRS built over the last 15 to 16 years. Sixty end of the year. unknowingly paying criminals, but the of those homes are under water. Those More than anything else, I want to real tax refunds are denied or seriously 60 homes are not habitable, and as a re- make sure the victims of this storm delayed to the millions of hard-work- sult, 60 families are displaced. know they have people working for ing Americans who are counting on The pain is, as I said before, hard to them, and we are going to make sure those refunds. imagine. It is immeasurable. To give this great body and this Nation comes So for families who struggle to make you an idea, we have reports of several to their aid in their time of crisis. ends meet, annual tax refunds are often victims, and I have summarized a few I thank the Presiding Officer. seen as a lifeline, but when those fami- of them. Another victim is Ann John- I suggest the absence of a quorum. lies have their tax returns stolen, it son from Lenoir County, another coun- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The can take up to a year or more to rec- ty that was hard hit. She was one of clerk will call the roll. tify this mess. the many people who were displaced The senior assistant legislative clerk Sadly, many of these criminals prey and had to live in a shelter. As she was proceeded to call the roll. on senior citizens and low-income indi- waiting in the shelter, she told a re- Mr. COATS. Mr. President, I ask viduals because they know they are porter: unanimous consent that the order for more likely to receive a tax refund and I just feel kind of lost right now, loss for the quorum call be rescinded. less likely to pursue the lengthy and words. You kind of feel like you don’t have The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. often complicated process of getting anything and you’re just starting all over TILLIS). Without objection, it is so or- the tax return that is due them. again. dered. Some hacks have even targeted chil- Another victim, Perry Harris of WASTEFUL SPENDING dren under the age of 14, often because Johnston County, south of Raleigh, Mr. COATS. Mr. President, after a parents don’t think it is necessary to sustained more than $1 million in dam- long district work period and a na- monitor their children’s credit. Unfor- age to a small business that four of his tional election, I am returning to the tunately, this makes children easy tar- children worked at and had for some 15 Senate floor to resume my weekly gets. years. He said: ‘‘Waste of the Week’’ speeches. Within the past decade, identity It is very emotional. I’ve been trying to do The Presiding Officer and my col- theft-related tax fraud has exploded. In the best I can. I have four kids that work for leagues have watched me come to the fact, from 2011 to 2014, the Government me. It has been very hard on my family. We floor 53 times in the 114th Congress to Accountability Office and the Treasury just don’t know what tomorrow brings. talk about documented waste, fraud, Inspector General for Tax Administra- Another victim, Charlie Mitchell, and abuse, and the expenditure of tion, TIGTA, estimates that the IRS who is a farmer in Wayne County, lost funds—of taxpayer dollars—on things paid out $23 billion in tax refunds to the home he lived in for 49 years. He that produce no positive effect. identity thieves instead of the tax- has a 2,000-acre farm that was sub- Regardless of which party is control- payer who was due the money. Let that merged under water. He said: ‘‘I’ve ling any branch of government—and we sink in—$23 billion paid out by the been in floods or around floods all my have had a significant change here in Federal Government to criminals in life, but I’ve never seen anything like just the last couple of weeks—it is im- just a 4-year period of time, and that is this.’’ perative that our focus remains on gov- just the fraud the IRS has discovered. Hurricane Matthew has been espe- erning for the benefit of the American We don’t know the number of returns cially difficult for children as well. In people, and this includes, from my per- that have not been identified or discov- fact, the teachers and school coun- spective, rooting out any kind of ered over that period of time. This is selors in Cumberland County asked the waste, fraud, and abuse found within the year 2016, and this is an ever-in- students to write down their experi- the Federal Government. creasing amount of money in fraud ence to kind of help them begin to cope Taxpayers should demand an effec- that is occurring. and recover from the traumatic experi- tive and efficient government that The continued success of those who ence. There was one sixth grade stu- spends their money on the behalf and are able to hack in and get Social Se- dent who wrote: the future of this country and on be- curity numbers of individuals and use I heard a loud crack followed by three loud half of the future of our constituents. that to steal their tax returns is draw- thuds. When my family got out of bed, I saw When they read about waste, fraud, and ing ever more criminal activity. These three big trees, and one destroyed the kitch- abuse, it is perfectly natural that they criminals are getting more sophisti- en. Not even five minutes after we left, the would call on us to address the prob- cated, making it much harder for the ceiling collapsed in all rooms except for the lem, which has been paying a dime IRS to track down and next to impos- bathroom and my mom’s room. more than is necessary to run the Fed- sible for the government to recover Matthew has been a life-changing eral Government, and to pull us out of those funds. event for many North Carolinians. Rel- this ever-spiraling deficit spending and There is no silver bullet for address- atives and friends who lost a loved one, deep entrance into debt which may not ing identity tax fraud. The IRS has de- families who lost their homes, small be able to be repaid. tected and prevented numerous at- businesses and owners who can no That is why I am taking a look at yet tempts of ID theft-related tax fraud. longer find a place to work and employ another waste of the week, and this However, there is more that can and others, farmers who have watched their one is called identity theft tax refund should be done. once-fertile land become unproductive fraud which, over the past 2 years, has First, the IRS data security system due to the flooding. accounted for $23 billion in stolen tax- needs to be updated to comply with the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.030 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Federal Government’s own security able to reach $100 billion—we weren’t Now, fresh off an election where the standards. According to TIGTA, three sure—but it just keeps coming in. It American people were clear that they different Federal agencies have data just keeps pouring in, record after are fed up with business as usual, that security requirements for the Federal record, examination after examination, is exactly what we are about to get if Government, and the IRS data system by certified nonpartisan government Congress adopts another continuing doesn’t fully comply with any of them. organizations. We added $23 billion resolution that would cut resources to This could be fixed. It should be fixed more to the waste of the week ther- our troops, hamper the war against immediately. mometer, reaching now well over $350 ISIL, and delay the cutting-edge equip- Coordinating between agencies is billion of waste, fraud, and abuse. ment and reforms they need. something I have been talking about To those who say there are no more A continuing resolution would also over and over again. The left hand cuts we can make in spending to reduce make the job of managing the govern- doesn’t know what the right hand is the deficit and the ever-increasing Fed- ment’s largest agency even more dif- doing. Social Security disability eral debt or to those who say we need ficult—and at the worst possible time. doesn’t know about Social Security re- to find ways to address critical needs The Presidential transition process tirement payments and the unemploy- such as funds to address the spread of currently underway is difficult enough ment insurance disability being paid. the Zika virus or money for cancer re- on its own, but no incoming President There is a lack of communication be- search or money to help strengthen our has ever had to inherit a Department tween agencies within the Federal Gov- military during this time of conflict of Defense operating under a con- ernment. and threat to our homeland, I say to tinuing resolution—no incoming Presi- The Government Accountability Of- them: Let’s at least start with what we dent—but this is not the time for us to fice, GAO, testified at the Senate Fi- know are tax dollars that are lost to break that streak. nance Committee in April that there waste, fraud, and abuse. We owe that to As the name suggests, a continuing are nearly 100 recommendations that the taxpayers and to future genera- resolution is supposed to continue the GAO has made to the IRS to im- tions. We owe that to our children and funding the government in situations prove their data security. So the gov- grandchildren who will be saddled with where the Congress fails to pass a reg- ernment agency charged with looking this debt. We owe that to our Nation to ular appropriations bill. So what is the at how efficient or inefficient an agen- run an effective, efficient government big deal about continuing last year’s cy is has the opportunity to make rec- to retain the trust of the American funding levels? ommendations to that agency, and people that the tax dollars they sent to Our Nation asks a lot of the men and hopefully they will be complied with, Washington are wisely spent for nec- women serving in uniform. We are ask- but because of our lack of oversight in essary purposes that only the Federal ing them to defend our Nation and our the U.S. Congress, we are not following Government can accomplish. interests in real time against rapidly up with enough pressure on those agen- We have a duty. We have a duty that changing threats and adaptive adver- cies to actually employ those rec- rises above politics. We have a duty to saries, but a continuing resolution ommendations. As a consequence, we make every effort we can to make gov- would lock our military into last are standing down here on the floor ernment efficient and effective on be- year’s budgets and last year’s prior- talking about this waste that goes on half of the taxpayer. ities. Does anybody believe this year So I am calling on my colleagues to and on. Yet we don’t go after the agen- isn’t greatly dissimilar from last year say, yes, we need to look at the long- cies to get those recommendations in on the battlefield? term impact in our midst. It is critical. place. A continuing resolution would place We learned that GAO’s 100 rec- It can have negative implications for our troops at greater risk by forcing ommendations have not been fully im- the future of America. Until we get to them to operate under an outdated plemented, and worse, more than half that point—and we have made several budget that does not recognize the full of these recommendations are over 1 attempts to do that under this admin- extent of the threats they face. Worse year old. istration, and each one was shut down still, a continuing resolution doesn’t Imagine how the American people before it hit the White House or was re- quite live up to its name. A continuing would react if a private company had jected by the White House—can’t we at resolution would actually cut funds for so many persistent holes in its data least look at the $350 billion of waste, our troops. The continuing resolution system that it wrongfully paid crimi- fraud, and abuse that is documented? passed by Congress in September to nals $23 billion of their money. Can’t we at least start there? That is keep funding through the end of this Another way to prevent fraud sug- what I am calling on my colleagues to year cut the military’s budget by $9 gested by the IRS watchdogs is to first do. We don’t have many weeks left in billion at annualized levels. Under a receive the W–2 forms before issuing re- this session, but you can count on me potential yearlong continuing resolu- funds. Here is what happens: employers being here each week that we have left, tion, our military would be short $12 issue the W–2s showing how much you talking yet again about yet another in- billion. earn and we attach those to our tax re- stance of waste, fraud, and abuse. The incoming and elected President turns. The problem is, the tax returns With that, Mr. President, I yield the of the United States stated time after that go to the government and the re- floor. time that we needed to spend more I suggest the absence of a quorum. turns that come in from the taxpayer money on defense; we are not taking The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. are not coordinated, and so there is a care of the defense needs of this Na- SASSE). The clerk will call the roll. gap that potentially exists. The 2017 The legislative clerk proceeded to tion; we are not taking care of the tax-filing season will be the first year call the roll. equipment, training, and benefits of this accelerated system is implemented Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I ask men and women who are serving in the to address this particular issue because unanimous consent that the order for military; that we have the smallest the legislation that was passed in 2015, the quorum call be rescinded. Army that we have had since World which I supported, has accelerated the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). War II; that we have the smallest Air issuance of W–2s from the IRS so the Without objection, it is so ordered. Force that we have had since the end of IRS can verify the validity of the re- The Senator from Arizona. the Korean war; that we have the turn. f smallest Navy since the end of World In the meantime, I will continue to War I. work with my colleagues in the Senate CONTINUING RESOLUTION So what are we going to do? What are as long as I am here to keep the pres- Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, here we we going to do in response to all that? sure on the IRS to ensure it meets Fed- go again. For the eighth consecutive As the conditions around the world be- eral data security requirements and year, Congress has failed to pass an ap- come more chaotic, we are going to cut fulfills the other unimplemented secu- propriations bill for the Department of defense spending by $12 billion. Not rity recommendations. Defense on time, leaving our troops op- only would a continuing resolution cut So adding to our chart, which we erating on a so-called ‘‘continuing res- resources, it would leave them with the thought when we started we might be olution.’’ wrong mix of funding among accounts.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.032 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6441 That means the wrong kinds of money the Nation, and they are putting the payer dollars. Under a continuing reso- is being spent on the wrong programs men and women who are serving in the lution, the Navy would be forced to because we are continuing what we did military at greater risk. break up its contract actions into last year. Why? Why? Because we refuse to act. small pieces. Admiral Richardson Under a continuing resolution, our We who represent them, we who are warned that as a result, the Navy military would experience shortfalls in supposed to be standing for them. We would not be able to ‘‘take advantage some very important areas. Training are not going to pass a new appropria- of savings from contractors who could for our National Guard and Reserve tions bill. We are just going to kick the better manage their workload and pass troops would be at risk of falling off- can down the road for another 3 on lower costs to the Navy. These re- track. As Vladimir Putin’s Russia con- months or more. In other words, some dundant efforts drive additional time tinues to menace our NATO allies, our may ask: If this continuing resolution and cost into the system, for exactly military would not be able to carry out delays some programs, can’t we just the same output.’’ the expansion of the European Reassur- make it up later? For some programs, Army Chief of Staff General Milley ance Initiative, which is essential to perhaps, but there is one area where we made a similar warning about waste deterring Russian aggression in East- cannot make up the losses of a con- and inefficiency resulting from budg- ern Europe. tinuing resolution, and that is readi- etary uncertainty. Have no doubt, what Might I add an aside, it didn’t seem ness. We are asking our troops to be a continuing resolution does is causes to get much notice that a Russian air- ready to defend this Nation at a mo- budgetary uncertainty. It is just a fact. craft carrier, launching aircraft with ment’s notice. We are asking our He said: airstrikes into Aleppo—my friends, troops to be ready to take the fight to Things like multiyear contracts, devel- that is the first time in history that ISIL. We are asking our troops to be oping long-term relationships with industry Russia, generally regarded as a land ready to deter and, if necessary, defeat where they can count on us and so on—that power, now has sufficient ships and air- aggression in Europe, the Middle East, becomes very difficult. And what ends up craft capability to launch attacks into and the Asia-Pacific. We are asking happening is the price per unit goes up. So it Aleppo, Homs, and other parts of Syria. them to be ready today. has built in inefficiency. It has built in cost Guess what they are doing. They are But a continuing resolution would overruns. It is an un-good situation. It is not good and it needs to end. slaughtering innocent men, women, force tradeoffs that undermine readi- and children. They are killing the very ness. In other words, they will not be General Milley is right. This madness people whom we have armed, trained, able to conduct the training oper- needs to end. equipped, and sent into battle. It is ations, the replacement of parts, the It is time for Congress to do its job. atrocious. maintenance, all the things that go When it comes to doing our constitu- A continuing resolution would put into making a ready military that is tional duty to provide for the common our groups at greater risk in Afghani- ready to fight. We are impacting them. defense, there is no call for lazy short- stan and in the fight against ISIL. The With a continuing resolution, we are cuts and shortchanging of our troops. President has requested a $5.8 billion harming their ability to do that. Add- Let’s pass a Defense authorization emergency supplemental to cover the ing additional readiness funds later in bill as soon as we get back. Let’s pass costs of additional troops deployed to the year would be too little, too late, a Defense appropriations bill that gives Afghanistan and expanded operations just papering over our failure to give our troops the resources, predict- against ISIL in Iraq and Syria, but a our troops the resources they need ability, and flexibility they need and continuing resolution would not in- when they need it. deserve. clude any of these necessary funds Readiness tomorrow does not replace Next year, with a new President and which would fill a shortfall that is readiness today. Every senior leader— a new Congress, let’s go to work imme- looming in January. uniform and nonuniform at the Depart- diately on ending sequestration once Put simply, this cockamamie idea, ment of Defense—has warned Congress and for all and returning to a strategy- this abrogation of our responsibilities about the negative impact of a con- driven defense budget. Let’s work to- called a continuing resolution would tinuing resolution on our men and gether on a Defense supplement that shortchange American troops who are women who are serving us in the mili- will serve as a downpayment on re- putting their lives on the line in Af- tary. building military capacity, capability, ghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has and readiness that have suffered under Meanwhile, the Department of De- stated that ‘‘a continuing resolution is years of budget cuts and uncertainty. fense could have an excess of as much a straitjacket’’ that ‘‘prevents us from This year, this Congress, let’s do our as $6 billion in money under a yearlong fielding a modern, ready force in a bal- jobs and pass Defense authorization continuing resolution. However, those anced way.’’ Secretary Carter said a and appropriations bills. This is what funds would be unusable because of re- continuing resolution ‘‘undercuts sta- the American people expect of us, and strictions on new procurement, on buy- ble planning and efficient use of tax- it is what the men and women who ing new weapons systems, and other re- payer dollars.’’ serve and sacrifice on our behalf de- quirements. There are restrictions on Commandant of the Marine Corps serve from us. that and there is not authorization for General Neller warned that a long-term Almost everybody I know—except increases in production rates. continuing resolution ‘‘dramatically those who don’t tell the truth—did not For example, we are firing off a lot of increases risk to an already strained predict the result of this Presidential missiles. We need to replace those mis- fiscal environment and disrupts pre- election. What we are finding out— siles. We need to replace the aircraft dictability and our ability to properly much to the dismay of some and to the that are wearing out. We need new plan and execute a budget and a 5-year surprise of almost all—is that the parts for them. None of that is possible program.’’ American people, particularly in some under what is now being contemplated. Suppose you had a company or a cor- parts of the country, are very unhappy. Under a continuing resolution of any poration and that company—like most One of the reasons of their unhappiness duration, our military would have to companies and corporations small and is that they believe they have a Con- delay 78 new starts, 89 production in- large—operate on a year-to-year basis. gress that doesn’t work for them. They creases which would affect critical pro- So you tell that company: Wait a believe their elected representatives no grams. That includes the Ohio-class minute. For the first 3 months of next longer have their interests uppermost. submarine replacement program, the year, you are not going to get any ad- When they see continued gridlock in KC–46 tanker, the Apache, the heli- ditional funds. You are not going to be Congress, of course the frustration copters—the Black Hawk helicopters. able to plan. You are not going to be level goes up and the approval rating A continuing resolution would also able to do what is necessary. goes down. I haven’t met anyone who delay major research and development They wouldn’t stay in business. approves of Congress recently who initiatives. In short, what we are con- Chief of Naval Operations Admiral wasn’t paid staff or blood relatives. templating—cutting funds for our Richardson warned that a continuing So the fact is that when we kick the troops—inhibits their ability to serve resolution would lead to wasted tax- can down the road and do not provide

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.033 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 the fundamental necessities for the is amazing that the President-elect, We get what Trump is trying to do by ap- most important obligation we have—to having said that he wants to bring the pointing Bannon. The president-elect made defend this Nation and provide the men country together, that he wants to be a two major picks early this week: He also and women with the training, equip- President for all of us, would then ap- chose Reince Priebus to be chief of staff, the Oval Office gatekeeper. Priebus, head of the ment, readiness, and capabilities they point to his inner circle, someone with Republican Party, was a shrewd selection. need—then it is no wonder the Amer- the ear of the President, Stephen Someone in the White House needs political ican people hold us in such low regard. Bannon. experience to guide Trump’s agenda through So I urge my colleagues and I urge Let me just read part of an editorial Washington’s thicket. Priebus is perfectly our leaders on both sides to take up the in the Chicago Tribune. positioned to be the hour-by-hour liaison to Defense authorization bill when we get ‘‘The problem is that Bannon, who his friend and fellow Wisconsinite, House back, and I think we can do that. Then will sit at the right hand of a presi- Speaker Paul Ryan. let’s take up the Defense appropria- dent, also works as a conduit to hate Priebus is nobody’s bomb thrower. He’s a tions bill. I have confidence in our ap- and intolerance. Bannon has said member of the Normal Club. But that also propriators. I don’t agree with some of Breitbart is ‘the platform for the alt- pegs him as an establishment guy, making Trump vulnerable to accusations of being a the things they have done, but they right.’ Yet the ‘alt-right’ is a repellent, sell-out. So to assuage the anti-establish- have carried out their duties. Why nationalist political movement that ment crowd, here comes Bannon, whose don’t we move forward? Instead, for 3 breeds racism, anti-Semitism and mi- website was one of Trump’s most vocal months or more, we are going to put sogyny. The alt-right miasma ‘opposes cheerleaders. the military in a state of uncertainty— feminism, diversity, gay rights, glob- The problem is that Bannon, who will sit in limbo—and we will harm their abil- alism, gun control and civil rights,’ ac- at the right hand of a president, also works ity to defend this Nation. That is not cording to Baruch College professor as a conduit to hate and intolerance. Bannon has said Breitbart is ‘‘the platform for the JOHN MCCAIN’s view. It is the view of Thomas Main, who is writing a book on the movement. At the fringes of alt- alt-right.’’ Yet the ‘‘alt-right’’ is a repellent, the leaders of the military to whom we nationalist political movement that breeds entrust our men and women. right is where you will find American racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny. The So I urge my colleagues to get going. neo-Nazis and the Klan, two groups evi- alt-right miasma ‘‘opposes feminism, diver- Let’s get the Defense authorization bill dently thrilled by Trump’s victory.’’ sity, gay rights, globalism, gun control and done. We could get the Defense appro- Those aren’t my words. Those are the civil rights,’’ according to Baruch College priations bill done in a matter of words from the Chicago Tribune. professor Thomas Main, who is writing a hours. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- book on the movement. At the fringes of the Let’s get those other appropriations sent to have printed at this point in alt-right is where you find American neo- bills done as well—those for the FBI, the RECORD the full editorial. Nazis and the Klan, two groups evidently for the CIA, for our other intelligence There being no objection, the mate- thrilled by Trump’s victory. rial was ordered to be printed in the On the issue of Trump’s presidency, we agencies, and for those agencies of gov- want to remain patient as well as vigilant. RECORD, as follows: ernment that also are entrusted with We’ve said in prior editorials that presidents the security of this Nation. Let’s get [From the Chicago Tribune, Nov. 17, 2016] get fresh starts and wide latitude to set their something for them too. Let’s not kick EDITORIAL: STEPHEN BANNON: THE NEXT agendas. Bannon helped Trump get elected, the can down the road. Let’s do the PRESIDENT’S WHISPERER which makes him more clever than the people’s work. With just a week or so under his belt as Democratic operatives who backed Hillary I yield the floor. president-elect, Donald Trump has spoken in Clinton, the losing presidential candidate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- public briefly, given a few interviews and Maybe his primary White House role is to be ator from Vermont. bashed out some colorful tweets. Americans a sop to supporters and that’s all. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, as a long- still processing his stunning victory will But Trump voters aren’t the only Ameri- time member of the Appropriations have to wait a bit longer to get a full sense cans anxiously waiting for positive signals of the next president’s priorities. from the new administration. While Trump Committee, I strongly believe that we But already there’s this: Trump has named will never placate Democrats, there’s an- should have regular, yearlong appro- Stephen Bannon, 62, his White House chief other crucial group we’ll call America’s mid- priations, not continuing resolutions. I strategist. dle third who need to be assuaged. Many of would like to remind my friend from Bannon, the political equivalent of a shock them didn’t vote for Trump but they may Arizona that, by tradition, appropria- jock, was little known until he became make the biggest difference in the success of tions bills begin in the other body, in Trump’s campaign chief executive in August. his presidency: They’ll either be won over or He is a conservative media impresario whose will bolt to the opposition. Like every presi- the House of Representatives. They resume includes Georgetown, Harvard, the have not yet sent over regular appro- dent, Trump will calibrate many of his ac- Pentagon and Goldman Sachs. He’s now the tions according to how far he can go without priations bills. executive chairman of Breitbart News, whose losing them. It was just reported in the last few popular website dabbles in the swamplands That’s always a tough balance. In today’s hours that Donald Trump has told of the far right. A lot of bigoted ugliness America it’s especially tough. By adding them not to have regular appropria- swims out there in the so-called alt-right, someone as notorious as Bannon to his team, tions bills, but to have a continuing and Bannon has let it fester on the new president has more than sent the Breitbart.com. wrong signal. He also has risked alienating resolution until the end of March. Trump won as a populist insurgent who the vast swath of Americans who will deter- Frankly, the Senator from Arizona is used bullying and intemperate language to mine whether his presidency succeeds or right. I agree with him. We should have fan his message. The strategy worked but fails. And he’s done it well before even tak- appropriations bills on all subjects. I also helped divide the country. Appointing ing the oath of office. am sorry the President-elect has de- Bannon as consigliere is not a good step to- cided that in his spare time he will also ward unity. It agitates the not-my-president Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, every- run Congress and will not allow full ap- slice of the American populace. And it con- body, whether we supported Donald propriations bills to be passed. fuses Americans who are trying to give the Trump or not—and, obviously, I did president-elect a fresh start—but who also not—wants to give any President a f need to see evidence that Trump will abide chance to bring this country together. BANNON APPOINTMENT his promise to be ‘‘president for all Ameri- Throughout the country, during this cans.’’ Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, while we When Trump takes office, Bannon—if he’s campaign, we have become terribly di- are on the subject of the President- still around—won’t be the Treasury sec- vided. Even in my own State of elect, he has indicated some of the ap- retary or the attorney general or the sec- Vermont, we heard of some of these di- pointments he will make. Some, of retary of state: leaders working largely in visions. course, will require advice and consent public. Bannon instead will play the role I feel fortunate that Vermonters re- by this body, and I hope we will do David Axelrod played for the nation’s last elected me. I have never run negative that, even though this body has refused novice president. His will be the whisper in campaign ads, and did not this time. I President Trump’s ear. His work product was opposed by somebody who ran a to advise and consent on the Supreme won’t be what the White House proposes or Court nomination now pending before what Congress passes. His work product will completely negative campaign. I think it. be what the president does. What the presi- people reject negativity. There are so There are others he can appoint with- dent says. What message the president many positive aspects to America. We out being confirmed by the Senate. It projects to the country and the world. talk about making America great

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.035 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6443 again, and there is no other country we Democratic Members of Congress—of building is well over $1 million, but the would trade it for. What country would the House of Representatives—received tax rate they paid was actually in the we trade our country for? None. We are more votes than Republican Members low teens in terms of a percentage tax a great nation. But what makes us of Congress. The shift and the reason rate. And if you look at what the De- great is our diversity and our ability to for Republican control of the House of partment of Labor says about security come together. That is what we should Representatives has been the gerry- workers and janitorial workers, we see be doing. mandering effort that has packed that they pay more like a 20- to 30-per- I hope the President-elect will recon- Democrats into very heavily saturated cent tax rate in New York City. So sider naming Stephen Bannon as his Democratic districts so that Repub- what that leaves us with is a cir- chief White House strategist and un- licans can create strong—but not mas- cumstance in which the hedge fund derstand what kind of signal this sends sive—majority districts for themselves. mogul coming back to his luxury to the country. We do not need more I believe in the last Presidential elec- apartment building in his limousine, as division. We certainly do not need peo- tion, States such as Pennsylvania and he steps out into the rain, is paying a ple who might attack someone because Ohio reelected Democratic Senators lower tax rate than the doorman or the of their religion. We need people who statewide, elected a Democratic Presi- security official or the janitor working will realize the United States is an in- dent statewide, but then sent heavily in that building. The doorman holding clusive country, not an exclusive coun- Republican delegations to the House of the umbrella over the head of the bil- try. This is not the message we should Representatives because of that gerry- lionaire is probably paying a higher tax send within our own country or mandering. rate than the billionaire. I can see why Donald Trump raised throughout the world. It may be a fluke of the way the Cali- that issue on the campaign, and I can Mr. Bannon wants to continue mak- fornia vote would have shaken out, but see why crowds responded to that. It is ing these horrible and offensive com- it would not surprise me if it turned a disgrace in the Tax Code. We would ments, as he has a First Amendment out in this election that Democratic love to work with him, but then we right to do at Breitbart News, but let Senators and candidates for the Senate look at who his transition team is. The us not have that be the example set received a bigger popular vote than Re- chiefs of his transition team are a from the White House, by the President publican Senators and candidates for whole slew of hedge fund and Wall of the greatest nation on Earth. the Senate. Those numbers are not in Street billionaires—the people getting I yield the floor. yet. out of the limo paying the low tax I suggest the absence of a quorum. My point is that I hope President- rates. When it comes time for Donald The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Elect Trump will recognize that in a Trump to keep his promise on carried clerk will call the roll. divided Nation, it makes more sense interest, it will be interesting to see if The senior assistant legislative clerk and it will bind us together better if we he can hold his own against the insid- proceeded to call the roll. try to work together across party lines ers around him who want to preserve Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I rather than try to ramrod a hard-right this disgraceful tax loophole. ask unanimous consent that the order partisan agenda through. There is no We want to work with him on infra- for the quorum call be rescinded. place I can think of—perhaps infra- structure. We think there should be a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without structure, but few places where we are big infrastructure bill. The civil engi- objection, it is so ordered. more willing to hear his ideas and work neers of this country give our infra- Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I with him than on draining the swamp. structure a D. Everybody who drives on The environment here in Washington believe Senator WARREN of Massachu- our roads or crosses our bridges knows is obviously one that lends itself to setts will be joining me on the floor, we need to invest in infrastructure, but very substantial political manipula- and I ask unanimous consent that if the Koch brothers have already thrown she is here on the floor at the conclu- tion. In all of that political manipula- down a gauntlet saying they will chal- sion of my remarks that she be recog- tion, most of the cards are with the big lenge the President-elect on that infra- nized next so that our remarks can be special interests. Indeed, corporate lob- structure plan. Will he have the conjoined with one another. bying of Congress has been reviewed strength to proceed, or will the insider The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and measured as being more than all lobbying political operation of the objection, it is so ordered. other lobbying of Congress combined Koch brothers block him? It is another Mr. WHITEHOUSE. I thank the by a ratio of 30 to 1. So if we are won- contest that remains to be seen be- Chair. dering where the power structure tween insider politics and the Presi- f comes down here in this building, dent-elect. think about a 30-to-1 advantage for cor- WORKING ACROSS PARTY LINES Finally, the biggest swamp thing of porate lobbying over all other lobbying them all is the fossil fuel industry. The Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, combined. fossil fuel industry has more or less one of the hallmarks of President-Elect There are issues where I think we can taken over the Republican Party in Trump’s campaign was his desire, often work together if, in fact, President- Congress. What remains of the Repub- stated, to clean up Washington, to lift Elect Trump wishes to drain the lican Party in Congress is a little bit the dark hand of special interests off of swamp. There are substantive issues. like what remains of that unfortunate the levers of government and, as he One of the things I have been con- farmer in ‘‘Men in Black’’ whose body said it in his speeches, to drain the cerned about has been the carried in- was occupied by the alien, who then swamp here. I would like to assure the terest loophole, which is a quirk of the walked around in the skin and the President-elect that on this side of the Tax Code that allows people who are overalls of the unfortunate farmer. The aisle we are very keen to work with hedge fund billionaires to pay a lower fossil fuel industry is a special interest. him on a whole variety of reforms to tax rate than a brick mason or a truck- It is the biggest swamp thing in the control the role of big special interests, driver does. That, to me, is not fair. swamp. Will the President-elect be their lobbying apparatus, and their po- We have seen some reflections of this willing to take it on in any respect? litical machinery here in Washington. in studies that looked at, for instance, That, too, remains to be seen. I very much hope that President- an enormous building in Manhattan in There are a lot of very powerful crea- Elect Trump will indeed choose to New York City. The building is so big tures in the swamp. It is one thing to work with us. I hope he will bear in that it has its own ZIP Code, and be- say you are going to drain it; it is an- mind that although he won the elec- cause the Internal Revenue Service other thing to actually take them on. toral college, it appears now clear that calculates tax payments and income by I am here to assure the President- Secretary Clinton actually won the ZIP Code, we can get a general sense of elect that not just I but many Demo- popular vote and that she may have how much money the individuals in crats would like to work with him to- won the popular vote by as many as a that building make and how much they ward responsible climate policies, not- million votes. pay in taxes. What we see when we withstanding the nefarious presence of It is also worth noting that if 2012 is look at that study is that the average the fossil fuel industry; toward an in- any prologue to 2016, it is likely that income of the inhabitants of that frastructure bill, notwithstanding the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.036 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6444 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 ideological position of the Koch broth- firm has raked in millions representing needs lobbyists on his team because ers; and on carried interest, notwith- the food industry. ‘‘they know the system.’’ He said, standing the infiltration already of his The guy leading the transition for ‘‘Everybody’s a lobbyist’’ in DC. That transition team by Wall Street special the Environmental Protection Agency is literally the opposite of what he said interests. has been paid by the oil industry and during the campaign, and it is also not With that, I yield the floor to my denies that climate change is real. true. Many Americans, both inside and outstanding colleague from Massachu- The guy heading up the transition outside Washington, have plenty of ex- setts. team for the Social Security Adminis- pertise to serve the American public The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tration is—you guessed it—a former without being bought and paid for by ator from Massachusetts. lobbyist who spent much of his career special interests. f working to cut and privatize the Social Americans are angry about a Federal Security system. Government that works for the rich PRESIDENT-ELECT TRUMP The guy—and, by the way, we may and powerful and that leaves everyone Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, last have noticed a pattern here: almost all else in the dirt. Donald Trump knows week Hillary Clinton got about 1 mil- guys—working on transportation and that. He talked a good game during the lion more votes than Donald Trump; infrastructure is a founding partner at campaign, and he promised to end cor- yet here we are—Donald Trump won a law firm that lobbies for the National ruption. He promised to drain the the Presidency. Across the Nation, ev- Asphalt Paving Association. swamp. And after 1 week, we have seen eryone is wondering what happens The guy in charge of economic issues what Donald Trump’s promise means— next. for the Trump transition team served nothing. His word, his promise to the It has been barely a week, but we for 6 years as chief economist at Bear American people, is worth nothing. have already seen disgusting ideas Stearns—the Wall Street firm that Well, Mr. President-Elect, let me be emerging from Trump Tower: Put a helped crash our economy in 2008, and clear: I am ready to fight on behalf of White supremacist in the White House; he now runs a consulting firm for Wall the millions of Americans you have float a plan to register all Muslim Street clients. lied to. That includes the millions who Americans; draw up plans to round up Trump’s very first decision is to hand voted for you and the millions who millions of human beings and rip fami- over the keys of government to the didn’t. lies apart across this Nation. It is sick- worst kind of DC insiders and special Mr. President, I suggest the absence ening, and we will fight back. But, hey, interests. It seems like all those prom- of a quorum. at least he promised to shake up our ises to stand up for working people The PRESIDING OFFICER. The corrupt political system, right? I mean, were just a giant con. clerk will call the roll. after all, when President-Elect Trump As the outrage has now spread, we The senior assistant legislative clerk announced his campaign, he called out have heard reports that Vice President- proceeded to call the roll. the politicians who were ‘‘controlled Elect Mike Pence has decided to re- Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, I ask fully by the lobbyists, by the donors, move all lobbyists from the transition unanimous consent that the order for and by the special interests.’’ When he team. Yeah, I will believe it when I see the quorum call be rescinded. accepted his party’s nomination at the it. If we learned anything from this The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CAS- Republican National Convention, he campaign, it is that Team Trump will SIDY). Without objection, it is so or- said, ‘‘When innocent people suffer, be- make up things if it seems convenient. dered. cause our political system [ . . . ] has Last night we already heard another f sold out to some corporate lobbyist for version of his story. It seems that lob- cash—I am not able to look the other byists can come on board, but only if TRIBUTE TO STEPHANIE SCHISLER way.’’ He promised that he would ‘‘not they drop their formal lobby registra- Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, I rise be controlled by the donors, special in- tion when they join the team. Swamp today to pay tribute to my Deputy terests, and lobbyists who have cor- monsters today, swamp monsters wear- Chief of Staff Stephanie Schisler, who rupted our politics and politicians for ing clean shirts and ties for the transi- is retiring this week after 41 years of far too long’’ and that he would ‘‘drain tion team tomorrow, and swamp mon- service in the Senate. She has been the swamp’’ in Washington, DC. Those sters once the transition is over. Put- working here longer than 99 of the cur- are his words, repeated loud and re- ting a clean shirt on a swamp monster rent Members of the Senate, which you peated long during the campaign. doesn’t change anything. They have al- would never know by looking at her be- President-Elect Trump has now ready had ample opportunity to stuff cause she still looks amazingly youth- named most of his transition team. So transition plans with ideas that will be ful, but she and Senator LEAHY, our how is he doing on his rock-solid, dou- good for their well-connected clients, longest serving Senator today, both ble-down promise to get rid of the spe- and they will be disastrous for every- began their careers in the Senate in cial interests and the lobbyists? Big one else. 1975. Her dedication to this institution surprise. Trump is not ‘‘draining the Besides, even if the lobbyists finish and to serving our country is abso- swamp.’’ Nope. He is inviting the big- up early and leave, the Trump transi- lutely remarkable. gest, ugliest swamp monsters in the tion team is still full of industry insid- Stephanie is a well-known member of front door, and he is turning them ers seeking special deals for themselves the Senate community, having worked loose on our government and on our and for their companies. This isn’t sub- for me as well as four other Senators— economy. In just 1 week, the President- tle, and you don’t have to take my Richard Stone, a Democrat from Flor- elect has elevated a slew of Wall Street word for it. Here is how put it ida; Bob Kasten, a Republican from bankers, industry insiders, and special this morning: ‘‘A populist candidate Wisconsin; a good friend of mine, Dirk interest lobbyists to run the show on who railed against shady financial in- Kempthorne, a Republican from Idaho; his transition team. Let’s run through terests on the campaign trail is now and Blanche Lincoln, a Democrat from just a few examples. putting together an administration , before joining our office. She The guy in charge of staffing the that looks like an investment banker’s has a remarkable record. Federal Communications Commission dream.’’ In the same article, one histo- Stephanie’s bipartisan resume is a was on Verizon’s payroll and has pro- rian said, ‘‘You would have to go back testament to her expertise and her duced studies aimed at knee-capping to the 1920s to see so much Wall Street skill, but also to her integrity. Steph- the net neutrality rules. influence coming to Washington.’’ anie is beloved by the entire Senate The guy in charge of picking the So what happened? How come the community, from fellow staffers to team that will decide energy policy in guy who spent the election tweeting Capitol police officers, to folks who a Trump administration is a lobbyist ‘‘I’m not controlled by lobbyists or spe- maintain the building. It seems as for the oil and gas industry. cial interests’’ is stuffing his transition though she knows all of them, if you The guy picked to staff up the De- team full of lobbyists and special inter- can believe that. She has built wonder- partment of Agriculture is a ‘‘veteran ests? Well, when you ask the President- ful relationships on the Hill, which is food and agriculture lobbyist’’ whose elect about his flip-flop, he says he one of the reasons she is so effective.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.037 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6445 No matter what you ask of her, Steph cially won the race for the White from more mainstream conservative knows who to call and how to get the House, President-Elect Trump ap- opinion to instead traffic in an ide- job done and done well. That includes peared before his supporters to deliver ology of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, everything from hanging animal a victory speech. He said, ‘‘Now it’s homophobia, and anti-Semitism. Even mounts in my front office, such as a time for America to bind the wounds of a former Breitbart editor, who has la- huge buffalo or bison head, which division. . . . To all Republicans and mented the site’s hard shift to the ex- couldn’t have been an easy proposition, Democrats and independents across treme right, described its comment but she figured out how to get it done. this Nation, I say it is time for us to section as ‘‘turning into a cesspool for Now there is even a drone suspended come together as one united people.’’ white supremacist mememakers.’’ from the ceiling in our conference After a long and contentious cam- This Senator thinks it is important room. paign, it seemed to me that the Presi- for the public to understand exactly While Stephanie has always excelled dent-elect implicitly acknowledged how Mr. Bannon’s Breitbart describes at her job, she has also helped those that some of the rhetoric he had used its fellow citizens. Here are just a few around her succeed. She has an eye for during the race had alienated and of- articles that Breitbart published under recognizing talent. For example, when fended many of our communities. He Mr. Bannon’s direction. she worked for Senator Kasten of Wis- said, ‘‘I pledge to every citizen of our ‘‘Gabby Giffords: The Gun Control consin, she hired a young man by the land that I will be the President for all Movement’s Human Shield.’’ Included name of PAUL RYAN as an intern. Of Americans.’’ in this article is the line, ‘‘Giffords is course, today he is Speaker of the It is no secret that I did not support their human shield—the gun control House. Stephanie has always been able President-Elect Trump during the cam- representative who could do and say to see the potential in people, and that paign, but despite the fact that I dis- what she wanted without facing any is a great example. She has always agreed passionately with our Presi- real pressure to prove her claims were worked very hard to help them to suc- dent-elect about the best way to ap- true.’’ Two weeks to the day after nine peo- ceed. She has been a mentor and a sur- proach many if not most of the chal- ple were murdered at the Emanuel rogate mother to many staffers, not lenges facing our Nation, I truly be- AME Church in Charleston, SC, only in my office but in other offices lieve that there are places where we Breitbart published, ‘‘Hoist it High and and throughout her tenure working at can find some common ground. We both understand the need to rebuild Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims the Senate. a Glorious Heritage.’’ In the article, I want to thank her husband Gordon our Nation’s crumbling infrastructure and to send Americans back to work the writer asks: ‘‘Barack, you might and her children Nick and Leigh for just want to remind us again which repairing our roads, bridges, and supporting Stephanie during all those state of the Union, north or south, schools. Both President-Elect Trump late nights and long weeks throughout your ancestors resided in during the and I support closing the carried inter- her career. traumatic years 1861–1865? Or did est loophole, which allows private eq- Stephanie is truly a unique indi- Kenya not have a dog in that fight?’’ vidual and an irreplaceable member of uity and hedge fund managers to avoid In ‘‘Political Correctness Protects my team. I keep pleading for her not to paying their fair share of taxes. These Muslim Rape Culture,’’ the author de- retire, but so far it hasn’t worked. I am are issues on which I look forward to scribes cases of sexual assault in Eu- not giving up, though. She is truly working with the next administration, rope, but warns that ‘‘you won’t hear somebody who cannot be replaced. so one can understand why I was en- much about it in U.S. mainstream While we will miss Steph, we are couraged by President-Elect Trump’s media because the epidemic is a by- grateful for the positive impact she has call for unity. Once an election is over product of the influx into Europe of a had on so many lives with her amazing and the heat of the campaign has sub- million, mostly Muslim, migrants.’’ influence for good in the Senate. We sided, the American people expect our ‘‘Mexico is Sending us Colonists, Not thank her for her service to our coun- leaders to come together to find com- Immigrants’’ is a story in which read- try, and we wish her the best as she be- mon cause and get to work solving our ers are warned that ‘‘Mexico sees Mexi- gins this new chapter in her life. We Nation’s problems. cans in the United States as strategic are so appreciative to have had Steph I was disappointed when, just a few assets in every sense of that word. as part of our team, and we will truly days later, I learned that the Presi- They are seen as extensions of the miss her. dent-elect had selected former Trump Mexican state and partners in Mexico’s With that, Mr. President, I yield the campaign CEO Stephen Bannon to plan.’’ floor. serve as his Chief Strategist and Senior This is nasty stuff. This is vile. It I suggest the absence of a quorum. Counsel, a position the President-elect comes all the way from the top, from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The described as an ‘‘equal partner’’ to his Mr. Bannon himself. In July, Mr. clerk will call the roll. incoming White House Chief of Staff. Bannon wrote a piece for Breitbart, in The bill clerk proceeded to call the The selection of Mr. Bannon to serve which he accused his political oppo- roll. at the very highest level of our govern- nents of a ‘‘plot to take down Amer- Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, I ask ment does not signal a willingness to ica’’ by focusing on the need to im- unanimous consent that the order for set aside our differences and embrace prove the relationship between law en- the quorum call be rescinded. unity—far from it. Before Mr. Bannon forcement and communities of color. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without joined the Trump campaign, where he That was the plot to take down Amer- objection, it is so ordered. was widely credited as the chief archi- ica. Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, I ask tect of its most corrosive tactics, Mr. The article opened with Mr. Bannon unanimous consent to speak for up to Bannon was the executive chairman of explicitly and baselessly linking the 20 minutes. Breitbart News. man responsible for shooting police of- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Breitbart News, for those who are not ficers in Dallas, TX, to the Black Lives objection, it is so ordered. familiar with it, is a conservative Web Matter movement. Mr. Bannon wrote: f site founded by the late Andrew ‘‘Five police officers are murdered in Breitbart. Even from its inception, Dallas by a [hashtag] Black Lives Mat- BANNON APPOINTMENT Breitbart was a bastion of far-right ide- ter-type activist-turned-sniper.’’ There Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, I rise ology whose writers and editorial edi- is no question that the Dallas shooter today to address the President-elect’s tors unapologetically courted con- was a troubled man who harbored hate selection of Stephen Bannon, a divisive troversy. But the site took a darker in his heart, a man whom investigators figure and former head of the alt-right turn shortly after Mr. Bannon took it determined was himself motivated by Web site Breitbart to serve as Chief over in 2012. racist ideologies, but there is no evi- Strategist and Senior Counsel to the ‘‘I think anger is a good thing,’’ Mr. dence suggesting that the shooter was President. Bannon is quoted as telling a gathering a member of Black Lives Matter, a In the early hours of November 9, of conservative activists, and it shows. movement born in opposition to vio- after it became clear that he had offi- Mr. Bannon guided Breitbart away lence and hate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.039 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 He was not an ‘‘activist-turned-snip- who control the levers of power in PRESIDENT-ELECT TRUMP er,’’ a turn of phrase Mr. Bannon craft- Washington’’ and ‘‘global special inter- Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, our ed to suggest that two roles exist along ests’’ don’t have America’s best inter- Nation has gone through a difficult, a continuum, to suggest that it is only ests at heart. bruising Presidential election. Nor- At the same time, images of George a matter of time before the peaceful mally, we would be making the pivot Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet protesters take up arms. to healing those wounds, but this elec- It is bad enough that Mr. Bannon Yellen, and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein—all prominent Jews—flash tion has been particularly rough, and sought to fan the flames of fear, anx- the wounds sustained during the cam- iety, and turn our communities against on the screen. To those who may not know better, such an ad could seem in- paign continue to haunt our Nation. Americans peacefully exercising their Many groups of Americans across our first amendment rights. Mr. Bannon’s nocuous, but, to me, its message is ob- vious. The ad’s anti-Semitic overtones, country are frightened for the future, article did not stop at impugning activ- of being deported, of being targeted as ists who protest officer-involved shoot- which draw on an old and hateful con- spiracy theory about Jews controlling Muslims, of resurgent racism toward ings. No. Mr. Bannon proceeded to cast African Americans, of anti-Semitism, suspicion upon an entire race. He banks and financial markets, were ob- vious to me. I called it a German shep- of losing their right to marry the per- wrote: son they love. Here’s a thought: What if the people get- herd whistle designed to be heard in some of the darkest remaining corners Unfortunately, they have good rea- ting shot by the cops did things to deserve son to be afraid. We have seen a surge, it? There are, after all, in this world, some of our country and our world. Politics people who are naturally aggressive and vio- that rely on this type of innuendo— a wave of hateful bigoted, racist, sexist lent. Stephen Bannon’s brand of politics— attacks happening in communities Wild conspiracy theories aside, there has no place in a modern Presidential across our country since the election. is a name for that kind of tactic. It is campaign, and it certainly has no place The divisive rhetoric and conduct of called a dog whistle. To some, such in the White House. President-Elect Donald Trump’s cam- rhetoric may not appear overtly racist, Let’s be clear. The use of racially paign over the past year and a half is and make no mistake, that is by de- charged rhetoric and innuendo is repul- responsible for unleashing this blight sign. Not every person who hears that sive. The very purpose of deploying on our country. He has the responsi- kind of language understands that by dog-whistle politics in the context of a bility to turn things around, to put an saying that ‘‘some people are naturally campaign is to attract the support of end to this division, and to start the aggressive and violent,’’ Mr. Bannon is people who harbor hateful ideologies healing. suggesting that Black people—after all without offending the sensibilities of That is why, earlier today, 10 of my the ones who were shot by the police— more mainstream voters. colleagues in the Senate joined me to are naturally aggressive and violent. Every Member of this body should send a letter to President-Elect Trump, But to the alt-right, to those who condemn rhetoric that sows the seeds demanding that he stand up and con- read his Web site, Mr. Bannon’s mean- of discourse. It is our obligation, not demn these verbal and physical attacks ing is all too clear. Now, Mr. Bannon just as Senators but as Americans, to occurring around this country, that he does not always attempt to cloak his stand up to Mr. Bannon’s hateful, deci- denounce his own past campaign rhet- sive brand of politics and reject it. We views. At times, connecting lines he oric that gave life to so many of these cannot change the fact that such strat- draws are much clearer. In the very acts of hate and violence, and that he egy has played a role in this campaign, same article, Mr. Bannon suggested exclude proponents of hatred and dis- but moving forward, it is imperative that efforts by the Obama administra- crimination from the ranks of his ad- that we not allow these corrosive tac- tion to pursue gun safety measures in ministration, including immediately tics to become normalized. We cannot the wake of the Orlando shooting are firing white supremacist Steve Bannon allow them to become a regular part of nothing more than an effort to divert as his Chief Strategist. our politics. attention away from refugees. Never Here is what the text of the letter If President-Elect Trump truly says: mind that refugees were not involved meant what he said during his victory in the incident. Let’s all remember Mr. President-Elect: speech, if he truly hopes to be Presi- Your campaign conduct and Electoral Col- that the tragedy at the Pulse Night- dent for all Americans, he will recog- club in Orlando, a shooting in which 49 lege victory have unleashed a wave of verbal nize that such tactics stand in the way and physical assaults against our fellow people were murdered, and 53 others of that goal and he will renounce them. Americans. In just the last six days, the were wounded, was carried out by an The women and men the leader chooses Southern Poverty Law Center has docu- American-born U.S. citizen. to surround himself with show the pub- mented hundreds of acts of discrimination Nonetheless, Mr. Bannon wrote: ‘‘In lic what kind of leader he will be. and violence toward many of the ethnic and the wake of Orlando, the Obama ad- President-Elect Trump has a choice: social groups you attacked in your cam- ministration, with Hillary Clinton paign. These attacks are absolutely unac- Will he truly attempt to ‘‘bind the ceptable. We condemn them. We stand united cheering it on, intoned against guns wounds of division’’ or will our next and ‘hate,’ and is now back to import- with our fellow citizens. President seek counsel from a man who Unfortunately, these acts of hate have ing more hating Muslims.’’ proudly traffics in hatred, half-truths, been enabled by your campaign strategy of To suggest that members of a peace- and pernicious innuendo? Will Presi- promoting bigotry, racism, and sexism. It is ful protest movement like Black Lives dent-Elect Trump’s administration the logical consequence of your campaign at- Matter were in league with a cold- open its doors to all people or will it tacks on and discrimination aimed at His- blooded killer, that the sympathies of seek to govern from exploiting old panics, African Americans, veterans, immi- the President of the United States lie prejudices and pitting us against one grants, women, Muslims, Jews, and individ- uals with disabilities. Millions of Americans not with the victims of gun violence another? The campaign is over, but the but instead with those who would seek see a President-elect who has chosen to wounds inflicted during a long battle knock them down rather than to lift them to do us harm, to pit members of vul- remain raw. It is time to set about the up. Your conduct has empowered too many nerable communities against one an- work of healing them. Americans to act on their darkest impulses. other—LGBT people against refugees, I urge President-Elect Trump to This is the wrong vision for America and peaceful protesters against the cops begin that work by surrounding him- the wrong path for your coming Administra- who rushed to shield them from gun- self with people equal to the task. Mr. tion. We call on you to change course. We fire—is abhorrent. Bannon is not one of them. He should urge you, as our future President, to join us Regrettably, we have no reason to be- not serve in the next administration. I in rejecting hate and embracing respect for lieve Mr. Bannon would not seek to de- call on President-Elect Trump to ap- every ethnicity, race and gender. We urge ploy such tactics from the White you to join us in fighting for a nation free of peal to America’s better angels and to discrimination, where every child has the op- House. After all, they featured promi- reject the dark politics represented by portunity to thrive and contribute according nently in the Trump campaign’s final Stephen Bannon. to his or her ability. We urge you to join us television ad. In the spot, the Presi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- in fighting for our Constitutional vision of dent-elect’s voice warns that ‘‘those ator from Oregon. equality and opportunity and the vision in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.040 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6447 our Pledge of Allegiance of liberty and jus- Later in the campaign he promised to young Hispanic woman and screamed: tice for all. build a wall—‘‘a great, great wall on ‘‘Time to go back to your country’’— As you assume the mantle of leadership in our southern border, and I will make insert expletive—‘‘my man Trump is on office, it is your responsibility to put an end Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my to the crimes of hate and prejudice sweeping top now and we don’t want you here!’’ our nation. These wounds to our national words.’’ In Southern California, a college stu- citizenry are of your making. It is your re- When discussing Judge Gonzalo dent was accosted by a man who said: sponsibility to rectify the damage. You have Curiel, a U.S. district judge presiding I can’t wait until Trump asks us to rape the power as President to move beyond the over a lawsuit against Trump Univer- your people and send you back over the big- hate-filled rhetoric of your campaign. sity—by the way, an American-born gest damn wall we’re going to build. Go back We call on you to repudiate your campaign citizen—the President-elect said the to hell. attacks against diverse communities of judge couldn’t be impartial and should Then he inserted a racist slur for a Americans. be removed from the case because ‘‘this We call on you to address the American Mexican and then threw water in the people and demand that all Americans end judge is of Mexican heritage.’’ young woman’s face. these verbal and physical attacks and re- Judge Curiel was born and raised in Walls all across the Nation are being place acts of hatred with acts of kindness. Indiana. spray painted with phrases such as: We call on you to exclude the proponents Mr. Trump’s right-hand man, his des- ‘‘Build the Wall Higher.’’ of discrimination and hatred from the ranks ignated Chief Strategist, Steve In the face of attacks such as these, of your Administration, and that includes Bannon, used his position at Breitbart it is hard to remember that we are, in- immediately firing Steve Bannon as your News to continue attacks against deed, a nation of immigrants. Unless Chief Strategist. Latinos. Under his leadership, you are 100-percent Native American, The letter concludes: Breitbart frequently used anti-immi- you are the child, grandchild, great It is time for you to act boldly and power- grant slurs and published ‘‘war on grandchild, or the descendent of immi- fully to put the nation on a path of healing. Spanish’’ and nativist-appealing con- grants. Your forefathers and For the sake of all Americans, we call on you tent in his quest to make his platform foremothers came to our country and to rise to the challenge. a platform for White nationalism. felt they had come to a place where In addition to myself, it is signed by It is important to note that even they could thrive. We have those beau- Senator MAZIE HIRONO, Senator ELIZA- many Republicans and conservative tiful words carved into the base of the BETH WARREN, Senator SHERROD commentators believe that Mr. Bannon Statue of Liberty: ‘‘Give me your tired, BROWN, Senator ED MARKEY, Senator is a man with unconscionable views your poor, your huddled masses yearn- BERNARD SANDERS, Senator AL and frightening ties to white suprema- ing to breathe free.’’ FRANKEN, who spoke so eloquently a cist movements. It inspires all of us. Each one of us— John Weaver, a former top adviser to few moments ago, Senator RON WYDEN, again, unless we are 100-percent Native Governor John Kasich tweeted of Mr. Senator , Senator- American—have an ancestor who came Bannon’s selection as Chief Strategist: Elect CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, and Senator to the country and felt that moment of ‘‘The racist, fascist extreme is rep- TOM CARPER. freedom and opportunity no matter I thank my colleagues who have ap- resented footsteps from the Oval Of- where they had come from. fice.’’ propriately said that at this moment— Latinos are not the only group of at this unusual moment in our history, Ana Navarro, a Republican strate- gist, called Bannon: ‘‘White suprema- Americans suffering because of the in our time here in the 21st century— rhetoric of the Trump campaign. Afri- that we have a President-elect playing cist, anti gay, anti Semite, vindictive.’’ Ana then said: ‘‘Be afraid, America.’’ can Americans have become a signifi- on hate and prejudice and bringing a cant target in post-Trump America, as white supremacist in as Chief Adviser Glenn Beck, known to all of us as a rightwing radio commentator—a very too many take their cues from our next is unacceptable. President’s words and actions towards Some will say that President-Elect conservative commentator, a person that community—words like the ones Trump cannot himself be accountable who has attacked virtually every idea President-Elect Trump used to talk for what is happening across our coun- to help working America that comes about African Americans who work for try, but they are wrong. His words and from the blue side of the aisle—said him. He said: his conduct are directly connected to Bannon is ‘‘terrifying’’ and said that he the harassment and the physical and has helped to give voice to White na- I’ve got black accountants at Trump Cas- tle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting verbal assaults that we are seeing. tionalists. Former KKK leader David Duke and my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I am going to share with you all the I want counting my money are short guys comments of the campaign and the the American Nazi Party have praised that wear yarmulkes every day. Bannon’s elevation to the White House. acts of citizens in category after cat- He then went on to say: egory to show how these are tied to- So there should be no mistaking or I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably gether—how, indeed, these verbal as- sugar coating what precisely this indi- vidual, Steve Bannon, stands for. not his fault because laziness is a trait in saults and these physical assaults are blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not motivated by and justified by the cam- Under his leadership, Breitbart be- anything they can control. came a leader in anti-Latino, nativist paign of our President-elect—just to Those are the words of our President- emphasize that it is time for our Presi- material—one headline after another attacking Hispanics here in America. elect. dent-elect to take responsibility, to When he talked about the Black change course, to embrace the connect- So when we look at what is hap- pening right at this moment to Latinos Lives Matter movement on FOX News, edness of our American communities, he said: the vision of equality and opportunity today, what do we see? We see students in our schools taunting and bullying I think they are trouble. I think they’re in our Constitution, the vision of a na- looking for trouble. tion with justice for all, and the fact their classmates. At DeWitt Junior High School in Lansing, MI, White stu- He often shows a startling disconnect that our President should be working with the African-American commu- to raise up all families—not raising up dents formed a human wall and refused to let their Latino classmates into the nity, generalizing that they all live in a few by tearing down the rest. inner cities that he regularly describes Let’s start by looking at what Mr. school. as poverty-stricken war zones. Trump said about our Nation’s Latino In Ventura, CA, a Latino mother re- ported seeing fifth graders at her This disconnect started very early on citizens. At the start of his campaign, in his real estate career when Presi- Mr. Trump said: child’s school chanting: ‘‘Build a wall.’’ Latinos all across our Nation are dent-Elect Trump was publicly sued When Mexico sends its people, they’re not being harassed and told they are going twice for discriminating against Afri- sending the best . . . they’re sending people can Americans who were trying to rent with lots of problems and they’re bringing to be deported, they don’t belong here those problems with them. They’re bringing in America, even if they were born here apartments in his buildings. drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rap- in America. Of course, we can’t talk about Mr. ists. . . . And some, I assume, are good peo- In Andover, MA, a group of white Trump’s—President-Elect Trump’s—re- ple. men in a car threw a water bottle at a lations with the African-American

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.041 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6448 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 community without bringing up his Americans were treated as second-class looks, saying, ‘‘look at that face! longstanding promotion and advocacy citizens—and a ‘‘Whites Only’’ sign was Would anybody vote for that? Can you of the birther movement, which tried found on the door of a bathroom stall imagine that, the next face of our to delegitimize our country’s first Afri- at a high school in Duluth, MN. President?’’ can-American President. These are just a few of the incidents. During the campaign, our President- Those efforts go back to 2011, when There are the assaults as well, one inci- elect called a female lawyer disgusting Mr. Trump was considering a run for dent after another of African Ameri- or at some point in passing he called a the White House and said on one talk cans being assaulted. There is the soft- female lawyer disgusting because she show: ‘‘If he wasn’t born in this coun- ball field dugout in Wellsville, NY, asked to take a medical break to pump try, which is a real possibility . . . where the phrase ‘‘Make America breast milk for her 3-month-old daugh- then he has pulled off one of the great White Again’’ was spray-painted and ter. cons in the history of politics.’’ the defacement of a wall in Durham, I think we are all aware of the com- He went on and on and on—month NC, where someone decided to write ments he made towards FOX News de- after month—questioning the legit- ‘‘Black lives don’t matter and neither bate moderator Megyn Kelly—words I imacy of our President in office. does your vote.’’ There was a horrific choose not to repeat at this moment. To his credit, on that particular incident in my State of Oregon in And then he said pregnant women are point Mr. Trump has recanted himself, which an African-American woman was an inconvenience for his business. And but he used it as a race card time after attacked in the parking lot of a gro- of course our President-elect was time after time to delegitimize our cery store in Hillsboro, OR. A group of caught on tape bragging about sexually President—President Obama—because three men threw a brick at her, broke assaulting women, saying: he is African American. her ribs, called her the ‘‘N’’ word, I’m just automatically attracted to beau- The views of President-Elect Trump’s threatened to rape her, and they said: tiful—I just start kissing them. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. right-hand man, his Chief Strategist, Now we finally have a President who Steve Bannon, aren’t any better. Under feels how we feel. Then he went on to talk about grop- Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart created It is hard to imagine how our Presi- ing the women and being able to get a news section titled ‘‘Black Crime.’’ dent-elect, with his own racist com- away with it because he is a star. He has brought into the White House Just 2 weeks after the Charleston mentary, his own past acts of discrimi- his Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, massacre in which nine African-Amer- nation, his own racist campaign, his who shares these views about women, ican churchgoers were slaughtered, own racist Chief Strategist, isn’t at all putting up a headline: ‘‘There’s No Hir- Breitbart ran this headline. By the connected to these events sweeping the ing Bias Against Women. . . . They way, in that attack, the attacker used country. They are directly connected. the Confederate flag as a symbol—a Just Suck At Interviews.’’ And that is why we are calling on the Another one said: ‘‘The Solution to racist symbol—to justify attacking President-elect to change course. The Online ‘Harassment’ is simple: Women these nine individuals. election is behind us. Before the Presi- Should Log Off.’’ What did Steve Bannon do? He ran dent-elect is 4 years of opportunities to Here is another: ‘‘Would You Rather this headline: ‘‘Hoist It High And improve the lives of Americans. Take Your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?’’ Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims the assaults of the past and make them as if women’s rights are a disease. A Glorious Heritage.’’ In a lengthy the assaults of the past. Look to the vi- We see that these comments and the July post on Breitbart, Bannon accused sion of partnership to build a better conduct of the President-elect and the the left of a ‘‘plot to take down Amer- America in the years ahead. Leave that comments of his Chief Strategist have ica’’ by fixating on police shootings of past behind. had an impact. Two men at a concert Black citizens. Well, the list goes on Martin Luther King, Jr., once said: in Ohio threatened to ‘‘Donald Trump’’ and on, but he proceeded to say: Human progress is neither automatic nor a female security guard because she ‘‘There are, after all, in this world, inevitable. . . . Every step toward the goal of wouldn’t let them into a restricted sec- some people who are naturally aggres- justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and tion of the venue. According to one sive and violent.’’ That is certainly a struggle; the tireless exertions and the pas- teacher, a 10-year-old girl was taken direct racist statement. sionate concern of dedicated individuals. home from school after a male class- And what is the result we see today Let’s make that the spirit of the next mate grabbed her private parts, and of all of this racism from our Presi- 4 years, where together we are dedi- when asked why he did it, the boy said dent-elect and from his Chief Strate- cated to progress for all Americans to- that if a President can do it, he can do gist? Well, we have seen a startling rise ward reaching that goal of opportunity it too. In Oklahoma City, a woman was in people’s willingness to use the ‘‘N’’ and equality and justice. chased on the highway because of her word in public. Another target has been our women Hillary bumper sticker, while men in At a school in Maple Grove, MN, the across the country. Our President-elect another car hurled sexual insults at boys bathroom was defaced by graffiti repeatedly treated women as sexual ob- her. that included racial slurs such as the jects. Women have worked so hard to These are just a small number of the ‘‘N’’ word and porch monkeys, along- be seen as equals in our society. hundreds and hundreds of events hap- side pro-Trump messages such as Women have flown as astronauts. They pening across this country. Every ‘‘Trump Train’’ and ‘‘Make America have reached the heights in science. Member of this body, every Member of Great Again.’’ They have reached peak after peak in the Senate can relate stories from peo- Students from the University of Wis- leadership across our country. They ple who have shared with them over consin-La Crosse who were living off bring their insight and wisdom to this the past few weeks, stories from their campus found the quote ‘‘Go Home’’ Chamber here in the U.S. Senate and in constituents who have written to them and the ‘‘N’’ word written on their the House of Representatives 100 yards to share the harassment they have suf- front door. across Capitol Hill. fered. A man in Knoxville, TN, woke up one But our President-elect has seen it We have just seen a historic mile- morning to find his car vandalized with differently. Referring to the media, he stone. We have had, for the first time, the phrase—and I am paraphrasing—ex- said: ‘‘It doesn’t really matter what a woman as the nominee of a major po- pletive deleted ‘‘U’’, insert ‘‘N’’ word, they write as long as you’ve got a litical party—and not only that, she and then the word ‘‘Trump’’ spray- young and beautiful piece of’’—insert a got a lot more votes than did Donald painted on his car. demeaning term for women. He de- Trump. The women’s suffrage move- We have seen incidents harkening clared that ‘‘You don’t give a’’—insert ment has come so far since the days back to a time in history of discrimina- expletive—‘‘if a girl can play a violin when Elizabeth Cady Stanton said: tion and segregation. like the greatest violinist in the world. ‘‘We hold these truths to be self-evi- At a high school in Jacksonville, FL, You want to know what does she look dent; that all men and women are cre- an individual put up these signs: ‘‘Col- like.’’ ated equal’’ and that ‘‘the history of ored’’ and ‘‘Whites Only’’—the time of Our President-elect derided a polit- the past is but one long struggle to- Jim Crow in America, where African ical opponent by commenting on her ward equality.’’ We have come a long

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.042 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6449 ways in the few decades since Martin Nation from war zones. He told a crowd said: ‘‘Headscarf isn’t allowed any- Luther King said that the moral arc of in Minneapolis that allowing refugees more’’ and telling her to ‘‘hang your- the universe is long but it bends to- into our country ‘‘will import genera- self with it.’’ That is the level of wards justice. Across our country, citi- tions of terrorism, extremism and radi- Islamophobia sweeping our Nation at zens have worked to bend that arc in calism into your schools and through- this very moment, inspired by the rhet- this vision of a nation that embraces out your communities.’’ This state- oric of our President-elect and his opportunity for all—not opportunity ment is so far diverged from the truth Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, and it only for the rich and powerful to have as to make it impossible to recognize is unacceptable. It needs to stop. more opportunity, but opportunity for where he got this notion. Every expert As Robert Kennedy once said, all, for every child to have the ability will tell you that if a terrorist wants to ‘‘America’s answer to the intolerant to contribute to this country. come into our Nation, the hardest path man is diversity—the very diversity My father, now deceased, was a me- is to come as a refugee: You have to go which our heritage of religious freedom chanic. He never went to college. But to refugee camp, you have to be reg- has inspired.’’ We need to embrace that he told me when I was in grade school: istered, you have to be vetted for heritage, we need to cherish that herit- Son, if you go through the doors of years, and if you are male, you are age, and we need to strive to live up to that schoolhouse and you work hard, probably not going to make it, but be- the best instincts of our Nation, not you can do just about anything here in cause the goal was to foment the darkest impulses. America. That is the vision we want to Islamophobia, this lie was repeated Yet another group that is feeling strive toward, where the son of a me- again and again. It is much easier to threatened is our LGBTQ community. I chanic, the daughter of a janitor, the come into our country on a tourist will note that Donald Trump in his child of a Hispanic couple or an Afri- visa, a business visa, a student visa, campaign did not attack our LGBTQ can-American couple or a gay couple or not a refugee settlement visa. community overtly, and he said on ‘‘60 a lesbian couple—where every child has Our President-elect told the same Minutes’’ the other night, as the ques- the opportunity to thrive. To do that, crowd that refugees settling in Min- tion of same-sex marriage came up, the we have to set aside these racist at- nesota were ‘‘joining ISIS and spread- question of same-sex marriage is ‘‘set- tacks, these sexist attacks. ing their extremist views all over our tled.’’ Another target has been our Muslim- Actions speak as well as words, and American community. For the last country. . . . ‘’ Now there are reports from some con- of all the possible men and women he year and a half, they, like other groups nected with the transition team that could choose as a running mate, he of Americans, have been denigrated the incoming administration is consid- chose now-Vice President-Elect Mike and insulted by President-Elect Trump ering implementing a system for reg- Pence, the most anti-LGBTQ Governor and his campaign. His campaign has istering Muslim Americans, just as in America. This individual is someone worked to fan the flames of who has signed a draconian religious Islamophobia. Take Mr. Trump’s views President-Elect Trump talked about, ‘‘liberty law’’ in Indiana that allows in- on registering Muslim-Americans. and using our country’s shameful in- dividuals and businesses to discrimi- When asked whether the United States ternment of Japanese Americans to nate against the LGBTQ community. should have a registry of Muslims, he justify this idea because it is a prece- Our Vice President-elect supported said, ‘‘I would certainly implement dent. Let me be clear: Imprisoning fel- conversion therapy to change people’s that. Absolutely. . . . There should be low Americans as we did during World sexual behavior. As a radio host, he a lot of systems, beyond databases. We War II was a shameful and dark chap- gave a speech and declared marital should have a lot of systems.’’ When ter and a mistake. We need to make the reporter followed by asking ‘‘Would sure we remember that it was a mis- equality would lead to ‘‘societal col- Muslims be required to register?’’ he take and never use it as a precedent for lapse.’’ Mr. Trump’s Chief Strategist echoes answered, ‘‘They have to be. They have action in the future. much of this. One headline on to be.’’ Then, again, here we have our Presi- Well, let me share with the Presi- dent-elect’s Chief Strategist, Steve Breitbart News said: ‘‘Dear Straight dent-elect that we are not a nation Bannon, who has run headlines like, People: I’m Officially Giving You Per- that discriminates because of one’s re- ‘‘Political Correctness Protects the mission to Say’’—and then it goes on ligion. It is called freedom of religion. Muslim Rape Culture’’ or ‘‘Imme- to list anti-LGBTQ slurs. Another Our vision is opportunity for all. There diately After Muslim Mayor Elected, headline that he put up on his Web site were nations that discriminated based London’s Iconic Buses Proclaim, ‘Glory said: ‘‘Gay Rights Have Made Us on religion. Those were European na- to Allah.’’’ Mr. Bannon has personally Dumber, It’s Time to Get Back in The tions. That is why a lot of our fore- suggested that we are in a global war Closet.’’ Yet another headline said: fathers came here—to escape that op- against Islam. ‘‘Kids Raised By Same-Sex Couples pression and to have the freedom to So it is no wonder the rhetoric of our Twice As Likely To Be Depressed, Fat thrive and to maintain the religious President-elect and the leader of the Adults.’’ views they wanted to have, not what White supremacist Web site is causing How has this kind of rhetoric im- somebody else told them they had to discrimination and confrontation with pacted our Nation since the election? A have, or to be imprisoned, or register Muslim Americans around our country. gay couple in Ogden, UT, woke up to them for discrimination because of Some are being physically assaulted, find their car vandalized with anti-gay their religious background. like the woman at San Jose University slurs painted on the side. Rainbow So when any American attacks our who lost her balance and choked when flags, the symbol of the LGBTQ move- Muslim-American brothers and sisters, a man attempted to rip off her ment around the world, were burned in we need to stand with them shoulder to headscarf or the Muslim student at the Rochester, NY. An individual in North shoulder. And if any other religious University of Illinois Urbana-Cham- Carolina found a note on their car that group is attacked, we need to stand paign campus who reported having a said: with them shoulder to shoulder and knife pulled on her. Can’t wait until your ‘‘marriage’’ is over- stand for the vision of opportunity and Then there are those who are being turned by a real president. Gay families = equality for all. That is what every verbally abused and otherwise intimi- burn in hell #Trump 2016. Member of this Chamber should be dated, including a woman riding the Like so many of the other groups of coming down here to say—that when BART train in San Francisco who was Americans I have talked about, the those groups are attacked, we will accosted when another passenger called LGBTQ community has struggled for a stand with them because that is not her a terrorist who should be deported, long time to be accepted, to be recog- the vision of America. That is not the and a pickup truck that has been driv- nized as full members of our society, to spirit of America. That certainly is 100 ing around Brooksville, FL, with writ- not be discriminated against when they percent contrary to the vision of Amer- ing on it that says: ‘‘All Muslims are seek employment in our country, to ica. Terrorists,’’ ‘‘Deport them all,’’ and ‘‘I have the same rights against discrimi- Our President-elect tried to foment hate Muslims.’’ In Georgia, a Muslim nation that we adopted for race and fear of Muslims seeking refuge in our teacher found a note left for her that gender and ethnicity in 1964. We have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.043 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 come a ways, but we haven’t yet made of emails sent to Capitol Hill to ask us Stanislaus County, CA, to Canonsburg, it to the point that we have provided to help convey this message. PA; from New York City to Des the same foundation against discrimi- From every direction, Americans are Moines, IA; from Peach County, GA, to nation that we provided in 1964 to other reaching out and saying: End the hate Palm Springs, CA, it seems no corner groups. speech. End the hate commentary. of the country is immune from this So while Donald Trump himself did Bring people into your administration tragic trend. Unfortunately, Alaska is not attack the LGBTQ community, the who believe in opportunity and justice not immune from it either. person he chose as Vice President and for all. Change directions. Just this last Saturday, on November the person he elevated to Chief Strate- It is a time for leadership. It is time 12, Anchorage police officer Arn Salao gist for the White House very much for our President-Elect Donald Trump was dispatched on a call involving an have, and that is a powerful, powerful to rise to the occasion and to help individual who failed to pay a taxi fair, message that has unleashed attacks build a nation that provides the foun- and as he pulled up to the scene, an in- across this country. dation for every American to thrive. dividual opened fire on his patrol car. As our next President, Donald Trump Mr. President, I suggest the absence Officer Salao exited his car and began has the responsibility to put an end to of a quorum. to return fire, but he was struck four the prejudice and to put an end to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The times before the assailant was brought hate crimes sweeping our Nation and clerk will call the roll. down by Officer Salao and his backup. to calm the fears and anxieties of mil- The senior assistant legislative clerk It turns out—we have just learned this lions of Americans who are frightened proceeded to call the roll. within the past day—that the perpetra- about their future in this country— Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I tor’s gun was linked through ballistics about whether they will have an oppor- ask unanimous consent that the order to five homicides in Anchorage during tunity to contribute to this country, for the quorum call be rescinded. this year of 2016. whether they will be fired from their The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Officer Salao has undergone two sur- job, whether their car will be vandal- objection, it is so ordered. geries and he is expected to survive. On ized, whether their children will be f behalf of a grateful Senate, I will take this opportunity to recognize Anchor- taunted and bullied, whether they will HONORING ALASKA’S LAW age Police Officer Arn Salao for his be attacked in a parking lot. ENFORCEMENT Across the Nation, thousands of peo- bravery and his heroism, and wish him ple have been turning out to walk the Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, as Godspeed in his recovery. streets and to protest. They are trying many of my colleagues know, I have I would also like to extend my appre- to send a message. Sometimes that been proud to associate myself with ciation to the men and women of the message has gone off-track. the work of the National Law Enforce- Anchorage Police Department under In Portland, OR, thousands turned ment Officers Memorial Fund. I have the able leadership of Chief Chris out to send this message to our Presi- been doing this for the many years I Tolley. Chief Tolley is very proud of dent elect: Put the hate speech and have been here in the Senate, and I his team—and justifiably so—from the hate acts behind you. Don’t bring have been privileged over the years to officers on the scene to the dispatchers White supremacists or deeply preju- read the names of Alaska’s fallen law who calmly managed the situation, to diced individuals into your administra- enforcement officers. They have a can- the investigators who pieced together tion. Let’s have a next 4 years that em- dlelight vigil that occurs at that me- the story. braces all Americans and their oppor- morial every May. It is an extraor- Up in Fairbanks, to the north of An- tunity to succeed. They are trying to dinarily powerful and moving vigil. chorage, we had a different outcome send a message by walking with their From my seat, I am able to look out with a different ambush shooting. Ser- feet from park to park, across bridges, and see thousands of individuals, and geant Allen Brandt of the Fairbanks through the streets. directly in front of the stage they have Police Department was not so fortu- Unfortunately, some anarchists de- the wives, husbands, parents, and chil- nate. On the evening of Saturday, Oc- cided to destroy the effectiveness of dren of those officers who paid the ulti- tober 15, Sergeant Brandt gathered his this protest by breaking windows and mate sacrifice. As I think of the fami- four children, brought them together setting some fires. The organizers of lies, individuals, and those who have on his bed before he was going out to these protests condemn the anarchists served and paid the ultimate sacrifice, report for duty. That was ordinary for and try to keep them out, and most of it is very difficult to find words that this sergeant—four young kids under the protests have succeeded. express the depth of my gratitude for the age of—I believe it is 8—all snug- I ask for our President-elect, if you their service or the depth of my sor- gling with their dad as he prepared to won’t listen to those of us who are pub- row. read a story, as he did each and every licly asking you to change course, and It is a great honor to be asked and a day. Unfortunately, nothing beyond if you won’t listen to my colleagues duty to demonstrate my solidarity that was ordinary about that par- who are privately calling you and say- with the thin blue line. I go each year ticular evening. Sergeant Brandt had a ing to you and your team to change hoping that I will not be invited back premonition that he would get shot course, then listen to the people in the the next year because that would mean that evening, and he actually shared streets across America who are trying Alaska did not lose a law enforcement that with his family. to peacefully convey the message that officer in the previous year. Unfortu- Sergeant Brandt was dispatched to a we are a diverse nation, with a fabu- nately, I will be invited back to the call of shots fired in downtown Fair- lous vision of embracing people of 2017 ceremony because the year 2016, banks later that evening. He pulled up every religion and every ethnicity and this year, I am sad to say has been a on the scene. He was shot six times by every race. Let’s continue that tradi- most difficult one for the law enforce- an assailant who took his gun and his tion. Let’s strengthen that tradition. ment community in Alaska. This past patrol car, leaving Sergeant Brandt on Let’s build on that tradition. That is autumn has been particularly difficult. the street to die. Hearing the gunfire, the message all of us are trying to Since this body recessed at the end of Brenda Riley rushed out of her home. send. September, 25 law enforcement officers It was late. It was cold. She was wear- I join my colleagues to repeat the re- have lost their lives in the line of ing a robe and slippers, and she lit- quests we have made on the floor in duty—15 to gunfire. Firearms-related erally held Sergeant Brandt in her Senate, the letter we sent to you, the law enforcement fatalities are up 70 arms while help arrived. message sent privately by many of my percent according to the Officer Down The sergeant was first taken to Fair- colleagues sitting across the aisle, the Memorial Page. This year we have to banks Memorial Hospital, and then he message sent by many of our leaders contend with a particular type of fire- was air-lifted to Alaska Regional Hos- from civil rights groups and other or- arms-related fatality, the ambush pital in Anchorage. I had an oppor- ganizations who have contacted the shooting. This year, 2016, will go down tunity to visit with him just hours transition team, the message that has in the annals of law enforcement as the after the shooting there at the hospital echoed with thousands and thousands year of the ambush shooting. From in Anchorage and had an opportunity

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.045 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6451 to not only hear directly from Ser- him out to work each and every day be- He came to Congress to testify before geant Brandt about the circumstances cause the community needs people our committees. He was viewed as the behind the shooting but to share his with Sergeant Brandt’s selflessness, his Arctic expert, if you will, one who cer- thoughts with his wife present as well courage, and his integrity. tainly had a Ph.D. in Arctic living. He as his best friend. So my thoughts today remain with spoke at just about every Arctic con- Sergeant Brandt was supposed to sur- Natasha Brandt and her four kids, who ference that I have participated in, as vive. His most serious injury was I hope will grow up to appreciate just one, again, who could speak to his life shrapnel to the eye. He had been shot how much of a hero and a role model as a whaling captain, as an Inupiaq, as multiple times in the legs, took a shot their father was. a leader, as a father and husband but directly to his chest, and, fortunately, My thoughts also remain with Bren- also a very strong businessman who the bulletproof vest saved him, but da Riley, who ran out of the house in was committed to leading his people shrapnel came up into his eye. At the her robe and slippers to come to the aid into a modern-day world, while at the time I saw him, he had a patch. He was of an officer in distress, and with Phil same time retaining ties to the land, to quite concerned that he would lose his McBroom of the North Pole Police De- the waters that feed and sustain them. eyesight and, if he lost his eyesight, he partment, who is Allen’s best friend, Our former colleague Ken Salazar, was concerned that he wouldn’t be able who stood watch with him there at the who went on to serve as Secretary of to continue to serve in the Fairbanks hospital and who maintained vigil and the Interior, referred to Edward Itta as Police Department—a concern he said then cared for Allen’s children, along a giant of Alaska who opened his eyes was very troubling. with his own four kids, as well as with to the wonders of the Arctic and its The sergeant was released from the all of the men and women in law en- people. hospital. He returned home to Fair- forcement. There is a great book that is au- banks to thank Mrs. Riley and to Once again, I join with my Senate thored by Bob Reiss, entitled ‘‘The Es- thank the Fairbanks community for colleagues in wishing Officer Salao a kimo and the Oil Man.’’ It tells the their support. Eight days after he was speedy recovery. story of how, as Shell was first seeking released from the hospital, Sergeant f to explore opportunities in the Beau- Brandt went to the Fairbanks City REMEMBERING EDWARD ITTA fort and the Chukchi Seas—some of the resistance that this oil company met Council. He went to speak before the Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, it as it dealt with the Native people in council. It was actually the same day is following these sad and difficult that the new mayor was being sworn comments that I continue my remarks trying to gain consent and support for in, new council members were being this afternoon to pay tribute to a truly their activities in the Arctic and how sworn in. great Alaskan leader who lived a full this Eskimo, this Inupiaq visionary, Sergeant Brandt wanted to thank the and strong life. helped to bring together the world of community of Fairbanks. A devout and Today I rise to honor the life of Ed- the traditional subsistence lifestyle humble man, Sergeant Brandt told the ward Itta of Utqiagvik, AK, formerly and how it could be compatible with oil council that he has seen the hand of known as Barrow. Mr. Itta passed away exploration and development in the the Lord. Yet, he noted, we have many on November 6 after a very courageous Arctic. It is a book that once I had fine officers who have done greater and battle with cancer. completed, I didn’t put away on a better things than I have. He said: Our It is hard for me to even share com- bookshelf to not read again. I keep it officers do a very hard job and they ments about Mr. Itta’s life—Edward’s out because I continue to refer to it. need your support. Working weekends life—because he lived a life that was so Edward was appointed in 2012 to the when their friends are working nights, remarkably full. As I look to the com- U.S. Arctic Research Commission by sleeping during the day, the time that ments that I have prepared, it just President Obama and did wonderful you miss with your family. doesn’t seem appropriate to recognize work within the Commission. In the In Sergeant Brandt’s words, officers Edward, using the formality we have business world, Mr. Itta was active in do a hard job and most of the time here in the Senate, with just words. his regional corporation—the Arctic thankless. He said: We need your sup- Edward Itta was a visionary leader in Slope Regional Corporation. He served port and not just when bad things hap- our State. In many ways, like many on numerous subsidiary boards as well pen. Alaska Natives, he lived in two as his village corporation, UIC. Also, He asked the council: worlds—the traditional world of an before taking on the role of mayor, Mr. Can you imagine telling your kids before Inupiaq whaling captain, as well as the Itta served in numerous management you go to work that you think you are going past president of the association and roles on the North Slope Bureau, in- to be shot? That’s what our police officers vice chairman of the Alaska Eskimo cluding chief administrative officer deal with every day. I just want you to know Whaling Commission. I came to know and public works director. Locally he what life is like for a police officer. Edward through his life as a whaling will be remembered for his leadership Those were the words that Sergeant captain and how he helped to translate in building and maintaining commu- Brandt shared with the Fairbanks City that into this modern world because he nity infrastructure, gravel sources, Council. was very much a part of the modern sewers, roads, airports and the like Later that week, Sergeant Brandt re- world of business, government, and pol- which were so essential to the survival turned to Anchorage for scheduled eye itics. in the far north. surgery. He was fighting to save his Edward Itta is probably best known Edward Itta played in so many eyes, again, in hopes of returning to for the two terms he served as mayor worlds and in all of them successfully. duty. Unfortunately, Sergeant Brandt of the North Slope Borough, which is Yet he never forgot where he came died from complications of that sur- where many of us in Washington, DC, from or who he was. His family, his gery. His assailant has been charged our Nation’s Capital, came to know of friends—so many of us who call him with murder in the first degree. and learn about Edward Itta and his friend—recognize what he provided for Sergeant Brandt’s final public utter- leadership. He, as mayor, created the so many. We will remember his great ance—that the law enforcement family Healthy Communities Initiative to pro- sense of humor, his infectious laugh. needs the support of the community mote community-based activities. He He loved to tell stories. He would walk and not just when an officer has been also created the mayor’s Youth Advi- around the community gathering—a shot—these words must resonate sory Council, recognizing the need to gathering they call Nalukataq, and Ed- throughout this Nation. As we reflect encourage student leadership for our ward would walk me around to every on a tragic year about to close, it is my Next Generations, always focused on, little family in this semicircle on the sincere hope this will be our national again, a forward vision. He was deeply beach, introducing me to everyone resolve in the year to come. involved in policy discussions over how from the elder down to the youngest Like every other law enforcement of- to balance oil and gas development in grandchild and telling stories about all ficer, Sergeant Brandt knew the risks the Arctic with traditional values and in between. and his family knew the risks. In spite the impact of climate change on his He was an amazing man. He had a of those risks, his wife Natasha sent communities. passionate commitment to the values

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.047 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6452 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 and traditions of the Inupiaq people. TRIBUTE TO FEDERAL Service did this while continuing to We will miss Edward Itta. EMPLOYEES perform other special protection du- I had an opportunity to be there at OFFICER CODIE HUGHES AND SPECIAL AGENT ties, such as the massive task of secur- the hospital in Barrow during the last TATE JARROW ing the United Nations General Assem- few days Edward was on this Earth and Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I come bly. had a chance to give a hug to his wife to the floor maybe once a month when In September, converging on New and to share my love and my support we are in session to talk about folks York City at the United Nations, we for a truly great Alaskan. who are a part of the team at the De- had leaders of over 100 different nations With that, Mr. President, I yield the partment of Homeland Security. There around the world, and the job of pro- floor. are about 225,000 of them. What I do tecting them and keeping them safe The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- every month is pick on a couple of fell largely—not entirely, but largely ator from Delaware. them. We pick on a part of the Depart- on the Secret Service. For many Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I under- ment of Homeland Security that agents, this required significantly long stand that the majority leader is going maybe doesn’t get a lot of attention. hours and weeks at a time on the road to be coming on the floor, and I will be Before the Presiding Officer leaves, I and away from their homes, all while most happy to yield to him. just want to say ‘‘Happy Thanks- standing ready at a moment’s notice to giving’’ to him. thrust themselves into harm’s way Tonight, if I can, in the time that I should their duty require it. f have, I will start off by—I have been I am enormously proud of the Secret doing this now for 2 years, coming to Service in this election season. Their CONGRATULATING THE SENATOR the floor and talking about people in work to ensure our candidates’ per- FROM ALASKA the Department of Homeland Security sonal safety and protect them from Mr. CARPER. While she is still here, who have done amazing things for all harm also helps protect our democracy, I want to congratulate the Senator of us. ensuring that the American people from Alaska and the chair of the En- If you will recall, the Department of have the final say on who will be our ergy Committee on being named one of Homeland Security didn’t even exist next President and next Vice Presi- the recipients of the Jefferson-Lincoln when I first came here in 2001. It was dent. The Secret Service agency is a Award this year in California and just created on the heels of 9/11. We took critical part of ensuring the peaceful say how proud I was to sit there in the about 22 disparate agencies and transition of power from one duly audience and say that I know her and glommed them together. They all had elected leader to the next. have the opportunity to work with her. something to do with Homeland Secu- For all these reasons it is urgent that So congratulations. rity. The Department has struggled at the Congress do what it needs to do to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- times to try to be a coherent, collegial, ensure that the Secret Service agents ator from Alaska. productive organization. I think they who have worked so hard in recent months receive the pay that they have Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, if I are hitting their stride, and I am proud earned and deserve. The pay limit in can just say right back to my friend of the work they do. There are more than 230,000 employ- current law prevents that from hap- that it was indeed a privilege and an ees in the Department of Homeland Se- pening at the moment for those agents honor to be recognized with the Jeffer- curity around the country and around who are owed overtime compensation. I son-Lincoln Award, along with my col- the world. They do some of the most support efforts in this year’s House and league from Delaware. difficult and some of the most diverse Senate appropriations bills to address Particularly at times when political work that is done in the Federal Gov- that issue and to make our Secret heat and rhetoric can be amplified a ernment, anything from protecting Service agents whole. I’m hopeful that little bit, I think it is important to rec- against cyber attacks—we have plenty a fix to this problem can be included in ognize and know that colleagues from of that going on—to helping commu- any final spending bill that we take up very different parts of the country, nities recover from natural disasters. during the final week of this year. with different constituencies, and dif- Unfortunately, we have a lot of that The demanding work done by the ferent political perspectives can come going on as well with FEMA helping men and women of the Secret Service together, whether working on legisla- out—to securing our borders, our ports exemplifies the term ‘‘public servant,’’ tive agendas or just showing respect of entry. The Department of Homeland as they put their lives on the line every and appreciation for the good work Security faces great challenges as it day to protect our President, Vice they do. I have such respect and appre- carries out its mission of protecting all President, and the candidates for those ciation for my friend from Delaware. It of us as we go about our daily lives. offices, regardless of party or politics. was indeed a privilege to be recognized As most people know, the U.S. Secret Even during the busy Presidential cam- with him, and I thank him. Service is charged primarily with pro- paign like the one we have just gone Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, most tecting the President and the Vice through, every division of the Secret people are not familiar with the Jeffer- President and their families 24 hours a Service, despite the added strains, con- son-Lincoln Awards, but they are given day, 7 days a week. When I was a kid tinues to exceed expectations through out every year to different people, growing up, I thought that was all they their ongoing work. Democrats and Republicans, usually to did. As it turns out, there is a whole lot While many of us know of the Secret people who are in public life. One of the more that they do. It is a huge chal- Service’s duty to protect the President, recipients was Bob Mueller, a former lenge, especially in a Presidential year relatively few of us know of the impor- FBI Director—and SAM FARR, who is like this when you have all these peo- tant work done behind the scenes by stepping down from Congress after ple running for President—mostly in countless others across the Secret about 28 years there and a life of serv- the Republican Party, but some in our Service, two of whom I am proud to ice. He succeeded Leon Panetta in party too. As all the candidates are highlight tonight. Leon’s House seat all those years ago. traveling around this Nation and going One is called the Secret Service Uni- They present these awards to people hither and yon, the Secret Service is formed Division, and they protect the who want to get things done. That is trying to keep them and their families White House and its grounds 24/7. They pretty much it—people who use com- safe and doing it on a regular basis. ensure that the people’s house is secure mon sense, are collegial, work across This part of their job becomes a lot for the President and their families, for the aisle, and just get things done. It harder during a Presidential election. their guests, staff, and visitors. was an honor to be there with my col- The men and women of the Secret I have no idea how many people visit league and the Panettas as well. It was Service worked this year thousands of the White House every year, but I a great evening. hours of overtime in this campaign know it is in the hundreds of thou- Mr. President, I am happy to yield cycle in order to provide protection for sands, maybe more, maybe even in the the floor as soon as the majority leader every candidate who needed it, whether millions—but a lot of people go there comes. Republican or Democrat. The Secret from all over the world and visit. One

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.049 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6453 of the things that the Secret Service For 10 years she has worked on her own ged in his pursuit of the bad guys. Un- Uniformed Division does is help to time to make a difference in her com- fortunately, there are plenty of them make sure that when visitors go there, munity and protect her neighbors dur- out there. they are safe. ing fires and other emergencies. The American people, their informa- One uniformed division officer who So to Codie, we say thank you for the tion, and their hard-earned savings are has lived her entire life in the service example you have set for so many oth- all safer thanks to Tate’s efforts to go of others is Codie Hughes. Officer ers at the Department of Homeland Se- after the bad guys who prey on hard- Hughes joined the Secret Service 12 curity, in your community in Lees- working Americans online. years ago. burg, and across our country. Thank This October, about a month ago, Here is a photo of her with the Sec- you, Codie. Special Agent Jarrow was honored by retary and Deputy Secretary Another true public servant within Secretary Jeh Johnson, the Secretary Mayorkas. As a uniformed officer with the Secret Service is a fellow named of the Department of Homeland Secu- the White House branch, Officer Tate Jarrow, a special agent. Tate is rity, with the Secretary’s Silver Medal Hughes is charged with securing one of pictured here to my left. He looks like Award for his work with the New York the most iconic public buildings in the a young fellow, but after graduating Electronic Crimes Task Force. Shortly world, the White House. from the U.S. Military Academy at after that, the Partnership for Public In the past 3 years alone, she made West Point, Special Agent Jarrow Service awarded Special Agent Jarrow more than 45 arrests while patrolling served 5 years as an Army infantry of- with the Call to Service Award, one of the area around the White House, in- ficer, achieving the rank of captain be- its prestigious ‘‘Sammy’’ awards that cluding one person who was wanted by fore joining the Secret Service. go to talented Federal servants for out- the FBI for previously making threats Mr. President, as an old Navy guy, a standing service to us, the American against law enforcement officers. Since retired Navy captain—he is an Army people. 2013, Officer Hughes has helped save the captain—I feel I should say ‘‘Navy sa- The Secret Service is full of women lives of not one but three people who lutes Army,’’ and the Navy does salute and men like Codie Hughes and Tate needed her help. the Army. I like to say to people—I Jarrow, who have dedicated their lives When a man collapsed in the White like to kid folks in the different serv- to serving others on the job and off the House before a meeting with the Presi- ices, and we take shots at one another job. The work done by them and others dent, Officer Hughes administered CPR in a fun-loving way, but I would say to like them, especially over these past 18 before the man was revived with a my friends in the Army kidding me months, and by thousands of men and defibrillator. about the Navy, ‘‘different uniforms, women in the U.S. States Secret Serv- Similarly, earlier this year, when Of- same team.’’ So we are lucky that we ice is a shining example of public serv- ficer Hughes found a man collapsed on are on the same team with this fellow. ice at its best. While many of us can the street outside the White House Tate is a special agent in the New get swept away in the politics of the without a pulse, she administered CPR York Electronic Crimes Task Force. He day or the latest headlines and the last until medics arrived. has worked to protect millions of tweets, there are countless public serv- And last year, most remarkably, Americans from large-scale financial ants across the Department of Home- when Officer Hughes happened upon fraud. While fraud and counterfeit in- land Security who wake up every two detectives in her hometown of vestigations are one of the Secret Serv- morning, and they go to work on behalf Leesburg, VA, administering CPR to an ice’s lesser known tasks, the growth, of us, the American people. unconscious man, she quickly identi- scope, and scale of cyber crimes makes Their dedication, their service, and fied herself as a Secret Service agent Agent Jarrow’s work more important their sacrifice continue to move our and offered to help. Along with the de- than ever. country forward. So, to Officer Hughes, tectives, Officer Hughes administered After one of the largest data breaches to Special Agent Jarrow, and to all CPR until the medics could respond. in history compromised the informa- their colleagues at the U.S. States Se- This is her picture. As I said earlier, tion of nearly 100 million people, Spe- cret Service, we thank you for your un- she is shown here with the Secretary of cial Agent Jarrow worked with forensic wavering dedication, your long hours, the Department, Jeh Johnson, who has investigators and the FBI to track tireless service to our President, to our done a great job, and the Assistant down the hackers and stop them from Vice President, to their families, and Secretary, Ali Mayorkas, who has also using the information to perpetrate a really to the American people. All of us done a terrific job, and the fellow who large-scale stock manipulation scheme. here in this Chamber and countless has been the Director of the Secret Special Agent Jarrow’s work brought others around the country are better Service for several years now, Joe to justice three men who not only stole servants thanks to your hard work and Clancy, who by everybody’s acknowl- this information but were stealing shining example. edgment has done a very good job pro- more than $100 million using various il- In closing, I should acknowledge the viding wonderful leadership. This pho- legal enterprises that preyed on inno- fact that, despite the excellent work I tograph represents a time not long ago cent people around the world. have detailed in these remarks, the Se- when she received the Secretary’s In another case, Special Agent cret Service has faced its share of chal- award from the Secretary of the De- Jarrow shut down a criminal enterprise lenges in recent years. But this week partment of Homeland Security. It is, I that used investment fraud, credit card the inspector general of the Depart- think, the highest honor that can be fraud, identity theft, and computer ment of Homeland Security issued a presented by the Secretary of the De- hacking to steal more than $250 mil- new report praising a number of steps partment. It is the Exceptional Service lion—$250 million—from some 600,000 that the agency—the Secret Service— Gold Medal for her ‘‘extraordinary Americans and thousands of other peo- has been taking to make needed im- bravery saving numerous lives both on ple around the world. His work helped provements. These improvements are and off duty.’’ It is a well-deserved put away the culprits, sending the ring thanks, in part, to the exceptional award for an exemplary public official. leader to jail for 20 years or more. work of rank-and-file personnel like Codie, congratulations. Special Agent Jarrow has been de- Officer Hughes and Agent Jarrow, and Officer Hughes currently serves as an scribed by his colleagues as ‘‘one of the also to the strong leadership of Direc- instructor at the Secret Service train- most preeminent cyber investigators in tor Clancy, Secretary Johnson, Deputy ing academy, teaching new agents how the Federal Government.’’ That is real- Secretary Mayorkas, and others who to respond to stressful situations while ly saying something, because we have have been committed to ensuring that maintaining their composure at all some terrific ones in the NSA, or the the Secret Service remains the finest times. I can think of few people better National Security Agency, and in the protection agency in the world. prepared to serve in this position than Department of Homeland Security and As I prepare to yield the floor and Codie Hughes. elsewhere. So that is high praise. leave the building, I just want to take When Officer Hughes is off duty, she While they say that Special Agent a moment to say, when a lot of Amer- continues her service as a volunteer Jarrow is quiet, they say he is humble ican families gather on Thanksgiving with the Leesburg, VA, fire company. in person, and he is dogged. He is dog- Day across our country and enjoy a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.050 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6454 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 meal together—hopefully, a wonderful tions that aim to close coal mines and TRIBUTE TO LINDA YU meal together with their parents and shut down coal-fired power plants that Mr. DURBIN. Earlier this year, Linda their moms and dads, their brothers exist in Kentucky and prevent new Yu, one of Chicago’s most respected and sisters, their children, aunts and ones from being built. and well-liked broadcasters, announced uncles, nieces and nephews—my hope is Even in the face of this hostile envi- that she will anchor her final newscast that when we give thanks, we will also ronment, in 2010, Bill Bissett took on a next Wednesday, November 23, 2016. remember to be thankful for the folks difficult job that many would have For more than 37 years, Linda Yu has I talked about here today and the hun- shrank from and became the president reported the news in Chicago and set a dreds of thousands of people like them of the KCA. Since then, he has been on high bar for those who follow. Linda is who are a part of the team at the De- the front lines fighting against govern- one of the special ones. She has an out- partment of Homeland Security. ment overregulation and overreach. standing ability to connect with her One of the reasons we have the free- And I have been proud to stand along- viewers, which has ingratiated her to dom we do as a nation is because of side Bill to defend Kentucky’s coal Chicagoans. A viewer once told her their vigilance and commitment to workers and their families against an that ‘‘when things go wrong, you make duty. So I extend that on behalf of all administration dead set on waging a me feel safe.’’ That’s what Linda Yu of the Members of the Senate to the war on coal, a war which has contrib- means to Chicago. She is a comfort to folks who serve us in the Department uted to the closure of mines and an in- a city during difficult times and a of Homeland Security and throughout crease in unemployment. trusted voice. Linda is the consummate Bill and I worked together in taking this government and to the folks who professional, class act, and trailblazer. Kentucky’s case for coal and for coal work in this building and who enable As the first Asian American to anchor jobs to the EPA. When the EPA first us by providing for Members and staff a news broadcast in Chicago, Linda has held hearings on the set of regulations here in the Capitol and to the pages become a role model for children aspir- that would become the so-called Clean who are going to go home for a week or ing to the newsroom, regardless of race Power Plan—regulations that threaten or gender. That is quite a legacy. so and come back for maybe a week or to close down power plants in Ken- so. We wish all of them a happy Linda’s story is a uniquely American tucky and reduce jobs—Bill and I story. Born in Xian, China, Linda Thanksgiving, and we look forward to worked together in calling for them to seeing all of you, including my friend moved to Hong Kong with her family hold listening sessions in Kentucky so when she was only 2 years old. Three the Presiding Officer in about 10 days. EPA could hear from the people who With that, the majority leader is years later, they immigrated to the would be most affected by its new United States, living in Pennsylvania here. I am happy to yield the floor to rules. him and wish him a happy Thanks- and Indiana, before settling in Cali- When the EPA refused to come to fornia. In 1968, Linda Yu graduated giving a few days in advance. Kentucky and only held hearings in I yield the floor. from the University of Southern Cali- States with little reliance on coal like fornia with a bachelor of arts in jour- f California and Massachusetts, Bill and nalism. Shortly after, she began her ca- TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM ‘‘BILL’’ the KCA joined me in making sure our reer at the ABC-owned affiliates BISSETT voices were heard. We convened our KTLA-TV and KABC-TV in Los Ange- own hearings in Pikeville, where coal Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I les, before moving to what became her miners and Kentuckians with jobs reli- wish to pay tribute to a man who has home away from home, Chicago, IL. In ant on the coal industry spoke about 1979, Linda joined Chicago’s WMAQ-TV. been a great advocate for the people of how EPA’s proposed regulations would Kentucky and a man I am proud to call Five years later, she joined ABC 7’s 4 impact them. We also took our case di- p.m. newscast. And for the next 32 a friend. Mr. William ‘‘Bill’’ Bissett, rectly to the EPA in Washington, DC, years, it was the No. 1 newscast. How is who served for more than 6 years as the when it conducted one of its listening that for a winning streak? president of the Kentucky Coal Asso- sessions on the so-called Clean Power Among her accolades, Linda Yu ciation, KCA, helped lead the effort in Plan, which threatens to cut more coal earned five Chicago Emmy Awards. Her Kentucky to spread awareness regard- jobs in Kentucky and increase elec- first came in 1981, for a special news- ing the devastation the coal industry tricity prices in the State by double cast on the assassination attempt on has seen over the past several years— digits. President Reagan. One year later, devastation wrought in many cases by These are just a few highlights of Linda received her second Emmy for wrongheaded government regulations Bill’s tenure with KCA. Before coming her report and coverage of a construc- and daunting challenges within the en- to KCA, Bill worked as chief of staff/ tion accident in Chicago’s downtown ergy market. senior vice president for communica- loop. In 2005, Linda was honored by the Unfortunately for Kentucky, Bill re- tions at Marshall University, his alma Chicago chapter of the National Acad- cently left his position with the KCA, mater. Prior to that he served as vice emy of Television Arts and Sciences and starting November 1, he moved on president of public relations for with the prestigious Silver Circle, hon- to take his talents to the Huntington Charles Ryan Associate, CRA, an inte- oring her for 25 years of outstanding Regional Chamber of Commerce as its grated marketing firm. During his time contributions to Chicago broadcasting. new president and CEO. Bill’s depar- at CRA, he was instrumental in the es- Linda also received the National Gold ture is a great loss for the Common- tablishment of the Friends of Coal Medal from the National Conference of wealth, and although he will certainly campaign. Bill and his wife, Lara, are Community and Justice for her docu- be missed, I wish him all the best in his devoted parents to two daughters, mentary ‘‘The Scars of Belfast.’’ new position. Molly and Maggie. Linda Yu has had an amazing career As the people of Kentucky well know, From the beginning of his tenure at and is an extraordinarily accomplished the coal industry has not only sup- KCA to the very end, Bill Bissett professional. In her spare time, she vol- ported and sustained life in the Blue- worked with great energy and enthu- unteers at the Chinese American Serv- grass State for generations, it has also siasm on behalf of Kentuckians who ice League, the March of Dimes, Asian powered this Nation’s rise through the work in the coal industry. He was a Human Services and Juvenile Protec- industrial revolution and through great advocate for coal miners. Ken- tive Association. She also cofounded times of war to become the greatest tucky’s loss is truly Huntington’s gain, the Chicago Chapter of the Asian country in the world. and I wish Bill well in his future en- American Journalists Association. But Coal is forever intertwined with the deavors with the regional chamber of her proudest accomplishment is her history of Kentucky and the Nation, commerce and beyond. On behalf of the family. The mother of a daughter, but recently, coal has been under at- thousands of Kentuckians touched by Francesca, and a son, Bryan, Linda tack. For the last 8 years, the current Bill’s work, I want to thank him for his now plans on spending more time with administration has waged a war on service to the Bluegrass State and his them and writing her next book. Her coal and a war on coal jobs. They advocacy to preserve our history and first book, a memoir, ‘‘Living and would have us believe it is immoral to heritage. He is always welcome back in Working in America, 15 lessons,’’ pub- use coal, and they have pursued regula- Kentucky, where he has many friends. lished in Chinese, is a guide to help

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.052 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6455 young Chinese woman in the global (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained workplace. Her next book will focus on tities of Articles or Services under Consider- in the Defense Article or Defense Services stories of prominent Asian woman en- ation for Purchase: Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. trepreneurs and political and cultural Major Defense Equipment (MDE): (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: Seventy-two (72) F–15QA Aircraft. Nov 17, 2016. leaders in America. One hundred and forty-four (144) F–110–GE– * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms When Linda broke the news to her 129 Aircraft Engines. Export Control Act. colleagues that she was ‘‘moving on’’ Eighty (80)Advanced Display Core Proc- POLICY JUSTIFICATION essor II (ADCP II). from ABC 7, she made sure not to use Government of Qatar—F–150A Aircraft with Eighty (80) Digital Electronic Warfare the word ‘‘retire’’ because she couldn’t Weapons and Related Support imagine retirement. So let me be clear, Suites (DEWS). Eighty (80) M61A ‘‘Vulcan’’ Gun Systems. The Government of Qatar requested to pur- this is not the final chapter for Linda Eighty (80) Link–16 Systems. chase seventy-two (72) F–15QA multi-role Yu. She will continue to write and be a One hundred and sixty (160) Joint Helmet fighter aircraft and associated weapons role model for her community and Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS). package; the provision for continental countless young women around the Three hundred and twelve (312) LAU–128 United States based Lead-in-Fighter-Train- world. Missile Launchers. ing for the F–15QA; associated ground sup- I want to congratulate Linda Yu on Eighty (80) AN/APG–82(V)1 Active Elec- port;, training materials; mission critical re- her distinguished career and thank her tronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars. sources and maintenance support equipment; the procurement for various weapon support for giving so much to the people of Chi- One hundred and sixty (160) Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) and test equipment spares; technical publi- cago. She will truly be missed. I wish (EGI). cations; personnel training; simulators and Linda and her family all the best. Eighty (80) AN/AAQ–13 LANTIRN Naviga- other training equipment; U.S. Government f tion Pods w/Containers. and contractor engineering; technical and lo- Eighty (80) AN/AAQ–33 SNIPER Advanced gistics support services; and other related ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION Targeting Pods w/containers (MDE Deter- elements of logistical and program support. mination Pending). The estimated total program value is $21.1 Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, section Eighty (80) AN/AAS–42 Infrared Search and billion. 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act Track Systems (IRST) (MDE Determination This proposed sale enhances the foreign requires that Congress receive prior no- Pending). policy and national security of the United tification of certain proposed arms Two hundred (200) AIM–9X Sidewinder Mis- State by helping to improve the security of sales as defined by that statute. Upon siles. a friendly country and strengthening our such notification, the Congress has 30 Seventy (70) AIM–9X Captive Air Training strategically important relationship. Qatar calendar days during which the sale Missiles (CATM). is an important force for political stability Eight (8) AIM–9X Special Training Mis- may be reviewed. The provision stipu- and economic progress in the Persian Gulf siles. region. Our mutual defense interests anchor lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- Twenty (20) CATM AIM–9X Missile Guid- our relationship and the Qatar Emiri Air tion of proposed sales shall be sent to ance Units. Force (QEAF) plays a predominant role in the chairman of the Senate Foreign Twenty (20) AIM–9X Tactical Guidance Qatar’s defense. Relations Committee. Kits. The proposed sale improves Qatar’s capa- In keeping with the committee’s in- Two hundred and fifty (250) AIM–120C7 Ad- bility to meet current and future enemy air- tention to see that relevant informa- vanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles to-air and air-to-ground threats. Qatar will tion is available to the full Senate, I (AMRAAM). use the capability as a deterrent to regional Five (5) AIM–120C7 Spare Guidance Kits. threats and to strengthen its homeland de- ask unanimous consent to have printed One hundred (100) AGM–88 High Speed fense. Qatar will have no difficulty absorbing in the RECORD the notifications which Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM). these aircraft into its armed forces. have been received. If the cover letter Forty (40) AGM–88 HARM CATMs. The proposed sale of this aircraft, equip- references a classified annex, then such Two hundred (200) AGM–154 Joint Standoff ment, training, and support services will not annex is available to all Senators in Weapons (JSOW). alter the basic military balance in the re- the office of the Foreign Relations Eighty (80) AGM–84L–1 Standoff Strike gion. Committee, room SD–423. Anti-Ship Missiles (Harpoon). The prime contractor will be Boeing Cor- Ten (10) Harpoon Exercise Missiles. There being no objection, the mate- poration of Chicago, IL. The Purchaser typi- Two hundred (200) AGM–65H/K (Maverick) cally requests offsets. Any offset agreement rial was ordered to be printed in the Missiles. will be defined in negotiations between the RECORD, as follows: Five hundred (500) GBU–38 Joint Direct At- purchaser and the contractor. Additional DEFENSE SECURITY tack Munitions (JDAM) Guidance Kits. contractors include: COOPERATION AGENCY, Five hundred (500) GBU–31 (VI) JDAM Astronautics Corporation of America, Ar- Arlington, VA. Guidance Kits. lington VA. Hon. BOB CORKER, Two hundred and fifty (250) GBU–54 Laser BAE Systems, Arlington, VA. Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, JDAM Guidance Kits. Elbit Systems of America, Fort Worth, TX. U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. Two hundred and fifty (250) GBU–56 Laser General Electric Aviation of Cincinnati, DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- JDAM Guidance Kits. OH. porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of Five hundred (500) BLU–111B Bombs. Honeywell Aerospace, Phoenix, AZ. the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, Five hundred (500) BLU–117B Bombs. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Six (6) MK–82 Inert Bombs. Fort Worth, TX. 16–58, concerning the Department of the Air One thousand (1,000) FMU–152 Joint Pro- L3 Communications, Arlington, TX. Force’s and Navy’s proposed Letter(s) of grammable Fuses. NA VCOM, Torrance, CA Raytheon, Wal- Offer and Acceptance to the Government of Non-MDE include: tham, MA. Qatar for defense articles and services esti- ACMI (P5) Training Pods, Reece Pods (DB– Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, IA. mated to cost $21.1 billion. After this letter 110), Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFTs), Identi- Teledyne Electronic Safety Products, is delivered to your office, we plan to issue a fication Friend/Foe (1FF) system, AN/AVS–9 Thousand Oaks, CA. news release to notify the public of this pro- Night Vision Goggles (NVG), ARC–210 UHF/ UTC Aerospace Systems, Charlotte, NC. posed sale. UVF radios, LAU–118(v)1/A, LAU–117–AV2A, Implementation of this sale requires the Sincerely, associated ground support, training mate- assignment of approximately 24 additional J.W. RIXEY, rials, mission critical resources and mainte- U.S. Government and approximately 150 con- Vice Admiral, USN, Director. nance support equipment, the procurement tractor representatives to Qatar. Enclosures. for various weapon support and test equip- There is no adverse impact on U.S. defense ment spares, technical publications, per- readiness as a result of this proposed sale. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–58 sonnel training, simulators, and other train- TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–58 Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of ing equipment, U.S. Government and con- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the tractor engineering, technical and logistics Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended support services; and other related elements Arms Export Control Act (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of of logistical and program support. Qatar. (iv) Military Department: Air Force (X7–D– Annex Item No. vii (ii) Total Estimated Value: SAC and X7–D–YAB) and Navy (QA–P–AAB). (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: Major Defense Equipment* $11.5 billion. (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. 1. This sale involves the release of sen- Other $ 9.6 billion. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee. etc.. Paid, Of- sitive technology to Qatar. The F–15QA Total $21.1 billion. fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. weapons system is classified up to SECRET.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.056 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 The F–15QA aircraft uses the F–15E airframe 9. The AN/AAS–42 1RST system is a long- frared target acquisition system that fea- and features advanced avionics and other wave, high resolution, passive, infrared sen- tures digital technology and micro-minia- technologically sensitive systems. The F– sor system that searches and detects heat ture solid-state electronics. The AIM–9X tac- 15QA contains the General Electric F–110– sources within its field of regard. The AN/ tical and captive air training missile (CATM) GE–129; an AN/APG–82(V)l Active Electroni- AAS–42 is classified CONFIDENTIAL, com- guidance units are subsets of the overall mis- cally Scanned Array (AESA) radar; internal ponents and subsystems range from UN- sile. The AIM–9X is overall classified CON- and external electronic warfare and self-pro- CLASSIFIED to CONFIDENTIAL, and tech- FIDENTIAL; major components and sub- tection equipment; identification, friend or nical data and other documentation are clas- systems range from UNCLASSIFIED to CON- foe (IFF) system; operational flight program; sified up to SECRET. FIDENTIAL. However, technical data and and software computer programs. 10. A combined transponder interrogator other documentation are classified up to SE- 2. Sensitive and classified (up to SECRET) system is UNCLASSIFIED unless Mode IV or CRET. elements of the proposed F–15QA include V operational evaluator parameters, which 20. The AIM–9X is launched from the air- hardware, accessories, components, and asso- are SECRET, are loaded into the equipment. craft using a LAU–128 guided missile launch- ciated software: AESA radar, Digital Elec- 11. An advanced Link-I6 command, control, er. The LAU–128 provides mechanical and tronic Warfare Suite (DEWS), Missile Warn- communications, and intelligence (C3I) sys- electrical interface between missile and air- ing System (MWS), Non-Cooperative Threat tem incorporating high-capacity, jam-resist- craft. The LAU–128 system is UNCLASSI- Recognition (NCTR), Advanced Display Core ant, digital communication links is used for FIED. Processor (ADCP) II, the AN/AAQ–33 SNIPER exchange of near real-time tactical informa- 21. AIM–120C7 Advanced Medium Range targeting system, Joint Helmet Mounted tion, including both data and voice, among Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) is a guided Cueing System (JHMCS), Infrared Search air, ground, and sea elements. The terminal missile featuring digital technology and and Track system (IRST), APX–114/119 1FF, hardware, publications, performance speci- micro-miniature solid-state electronics. Link–16 Datalink Terminals, ARC–210 UHF/ fications, operational capability, param- AMRAAM capabilities include look-down/ VHF, DB–110, EGI, AN/AVS–9 Night Vision eters, vulnerabilities to countermeasures, shoot-down, multiple launches against mul- Goggles (NVG), and associated air-to-air and and software documentation are classified tiple targets, resistance to electronic coun- air-to-ground weapons. Additional sensitive CONFIDENTIAL. The classified information termeasures, and interception of high- and areas include operating manuals and mainte- to be provided consists of that which is nec- low-flying and maneuvering targets. The nance technical orders containing perform- essary for the operation, maintenance, and AMRAAM is classified CONFIDENTIAL; ance information, operating and test proce- repair (through intermediate level) of the major components and subsystems range dures, and other information related to sup- data link terminal, installed systems, and from UNCLASSIFIED to CONFIDENTIAL. port operations and repair. The hardware, related software. However, technical data and other docu- 12. JHMCS is a modified HGU–55/P helmet software, and data identified are classified to mentation are classified up to SECRET. that incorporates a visor-projected Heads- protect vulnerabilities, design and perform- 22. The AIM–120C7 is launched from the air- Up Display to cue weapons and aircraft sen- ance parameters and other similar critical craft using a LAU–128 guided missile launch- sors to air and ground targets. This system information. er. The LAU–128 provides the mechanical and 3. The AN/APG–82(V) 1 is an AESA radar projects visual targeting and aircraft per- electrical interface between missile and air- formance information on the back of the hel- upgrade for the F–15. It includes higher proc- craft. The LAU–128 system is UNCLASSI- met’s visor, enabling the pilot to monitor essor power, higher transmission power, FIED. this information without interrupting his more sensitive receiver electronics, and syn- 23. Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) field of view through the cockpit canopy. thetic aperture radar, which creates higher- is an air-to-ground weapon with a guidance This provides improvement for close combat resolution ground maps from a greater dis- tail kit that converts unguided free-fall targeting and engagement. Hardware is UN- tance than existing mechanically scanned bombs into accurate, adverse weather CLASSIFIED. ‘‘smart’’ munitions. With the addition of a array radars. The upgrade features an in- 13. The AN/AVS–9 NVG is a 3rd generation laser guidance nose kit, the JDAM provides crease in detection range of air targets, in- aviation NVG offering higher resolution, a capability to engage moving targets. The creases in processing speed and memory, as high gain, and photo response to near infra- well as significant improvements in all red. Hardware is UNCLASSIFIED, and tech- GPS-only guided JDAMs are GBU–38/31 (500 modes. The highest classification of the nical data and documentation to be provided and 2000lbs respectively) and the Laser/OPS radar is SECRET. are UNCLASSIFIED. guided JDAMs are GBU-54/56 for the 500 and 4. DEWS provides passive radar warning, 14. The ARC–210 UHF/VHF secure radios 2000lbs variants. The JDAM in UNCLASSI- wide spectrum radio frequency jamming, and with HAVE QUICK II is a voice communica- FIED; technical data for JDAM is classified control and management of the entire elec- tions radio system that can operate in either up to SECRET. Overall system classification tronic warfare (EW) system. It is an inter- normal, secure, or jam-resistant modes. It is SECRET. nally mounted suite. The commercially de- can employ cryptographic technology that is 24. JDAMs use the Global Positioning Sys- veloped system software and hardware is UN- classified SECRET. Classified elements in- tem (GPS) Precise Positioning System CLASSIFIED. The system is classified SE- clude operating characteristics, parameters, (PPS), which provides for a more accurate CRET when loaded with a U.S. derived EW technical data, and keying material. capability than the commercial version of database. 15. The DB–110 is a tactical airborne recon- GPS. Countries approved for GPS PPS will 5. The AAR–57(v)2 uses electro-optical sen- naissance system. This capability permits be provided Group Unique Variable (GUV) sors to warn the aircrew of threatening mis- reconnaissance missions to be conducted keys or unique country keys. sile launch and approach which is integrated from very short range to long range by day 25. The AGM–154 is a family of low-cost within DEWS. This system detects and per- or night. It is an under-the-weather, podded standoff weapons that are modular in design forms data hand-off so countermeasures can system that produces high resolution, dual- and incorporate either a sub-munition or a be automatically dispensed. The system, band electro-optical and infrared imagery. unitary warhead. Potential targets for Joint hardware components and software, are clas- The DB–110 system is UNCLASSIFIED. Standoff Weapon (JSOW) range from soft sified up to SECRET. 16. Embedded GPS INS (EGI) is a naviga- targets, such as troop concentration, to 6. The ADCP II is the F–15 aircraft central tion platform that combines an inertial sen- hardened point targets like bunkers. AGM– computer. It serves as the hub for all aircraft sor assembly with a fixed reception pattern 154C is used by the US Navy, Marine Corps, subsystems and avionics data transfer. The antenna (FRPA) GPS receiver and a common and Air Force, and allows aircraft to attack hardware and software are classified SE- Kalman filter. The EGI system is the pri- well-defended targets in day, night, and ad- CRET. mary source for position information. The verse weather conditions. AGM–154C is a pen- 7. The SNIPER (AN/AAQ–33) targeting sys- EGI is UNCLASSIFIED. The GPS crypto etrator weapon that carries a BROACH war- tem is UNCLASSIFIED and contains tech- variable keys needed for highest GPS accu- head and pay load. nology representing the latest state-of-the- racy are classified up to SECRET. 26. AGM–154 uses the Global Positioning art in electro-optical clarity and haze and 17. Software, hardware, and other data and System (GPS) Precise Positioning System low light targeting capability. Information information, which is classified or sensitive, (PPS), which provides for a more accurate on performance and inherent vulnerabilities is reviewed prior to release to protect system capability than the commercial version of is classified SECRET. Software (object code) vulnerabilities, design data, and performance CPS. is classified CONFIDENTIAL. Overall system parameters. Some end-item hardware, soft- 27. The AGM–84L–1 Harpoon is a non-nu- classification is SECRET. ware, and other data identified above are clear tactical currently in 8. The LANTIRN (AN/AAQ–13) is a naviga- classified at the CONFIDENTIAL and SE- service in the U.S. Navy and in 28 other for- tion pod and provides high-speed penetration CRET level. Potential compromise of these eign nations. It provides a day, night, and and precision attack assistance in all flying systems is controlled through management adverse weather, standoff air-to-surface ca- conditions. The pod uses a terrain-following of the basic software programs of highly sen- pability. Harpoon Block II is an effective radar and a fixed infrared sensor to display sitive systems and software-controlled weap- Anti-Surface Warfare missile. an image of the terrain in front of the air- on systems on a case-by-case basis. 28. AGM–84L–1 uses the Global Positioning craft on a heads-up display. System compo- 18. The following munitions are part of the System (GPS) Precise Positioning System nents, countermeasures and vulnerabilities F–15QA configuration: (PPS), which provides for a more accurate are classified up to SECRET. Overall system 19. AIM–9X Sidewinder missile is an air-to- capability than the commercial version of classification is SECRET. air guided missile that employs a passive in- GPS. The following Harpoon components

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.060 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6457 being conveyed by the proposed sale that are the U.S. foreign policy and national security systems and associated logistics, training considered sensitive and are classified CON- objectives, as outlined in the Policy Jus- aides and devices, spares, technical data En- FIDENTIAL include: IIR seeker, INS, OPP tification, outweigh the potential damage gineering Change Proposals, avionics soft- software and, missile operational character- that could result if the sensitive technology ware support, software, technical publica- istics and performance data. The overall sys- were revealed to unauthorized persons. tions, engineering and program support, U.S. tem classification is SECRET. 36. All defense articles and services listed Government and contractor engineering, 29. The AGM–65H/K Maverick is an air-to- in this transmittal are authorized for release technical and logistic support services. ground close air support missile with a lock and export to the Government of Qatar. (iv) Military Department: Navy (KU–P– on before launch day or night capability. The SBG). H model uses an optical device guidance sys- DEFENSE SECURITY (v) Prior Related Cases. if any: None. tem that has the capability to penetrate COOPERATION AGENCY, (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc. Paid, Of- haze and provides high contrast and longer Arlington, VA. fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. range target identification. The K model Hon. BOB CORKER, (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained uses the same guidance with a heavyweight Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, in the Defense Article or Defense Services penetrator warhead. Maverick hardware is U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. Proposed to be Sold: See Annex Attached. UNCLASSIFIED. The SECRET aspects of the DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: Maverick system are tactics, information re- porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of November 17, 2016. vealing its vulnerability to counter- the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms measures, and counter-countermeasures. we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Export Control Act. Manuals and technical documents that are 16–21, concerning the Department of the POLICY JUSTIFICATION necessary for operational use and organiza- Navy’s proposed Letter(s) of Offer and Ac- The Government of Kuwait—F/A–18E/F tional maintenance are classified CON- ceptance to the Government of Kuwait for Super Hornet Aircraft with Support FIDENTIAL. Performance and counter- defense articles and services estimated to The Government of Kuwait has requested measure design are SECRET. Overall system cost $10.1 billion. After this letter is deliv- to purchase thirty-two (32) F/A–18E aircraft, classification is SECRET. ered to your office, we plan to issue a news 30. The AGM–65 is launched from the air- with F414–GE–400 engines; eight (8) F/A–18F release to notify the public of this proposed aircraft, with F414–GE–400 engines; eight (8) craft using a LAU–117 guided missile launch- sale. er. The LAU–117 provides the mechanical and spare F414–GE–400 engines and twenty-four Sincerely, (24) engine modules; forty-one (41) AN/APG– electrical interface between missile and air- J.W. RIXEY, craft. The LAU–117 system is UNCLASSI- 79 Active Electronically Scanned Array Vice Admiral, USN, Director. (AESA) Radars; forty-four (44) M61 A2 20mm FIED. Enclosures. 31. The AGM–88 High Speed Anti-Radiation Gun Systems; forty-five (45) AN/ALR–67(V)3 TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–21 Missiles (HARM) weapon system is an air-to- Radar Warning Receivers; two hundred and ground missile intended to suppress or de- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of forty (240) LAU–127E/A Guided Missile stroy land or sea-based radar emitters asso- Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Launchers; forty-five (45) AN/ALE–47 Air- ciated with enemy air defenses and provides Arms Export Control Act, as amended borne Countermeasures Dispenser Systems; tactical air forces with a kinetic counter- (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of twelve (12) AN/AAQ–33 SNIPER Advanced measure to enemy radar-directed, surface-to- Kuwait Targeting Pods; forty-eight (48) Joint Hel- air missiles, and air defense artillery weap- (ii) Total Estimated Value: met Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS); ons systems. Destruction or suppression of Major Defense Equipment* $ 6.3 billion. forty-five (45) AN/ALQ–214 Radio Frequency enemy radars denies the enemy the use of air Other $ 3.8 billion. Counter-Measures Systems; forty-five (45) defense systems and therefore improving the TOTAL $10.1 billion. AN/ALE–55 Towed Decoys; forty-eight (48) survivability of our tactical aircraft. Gen- (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- Link–16 Systems; eight (8) Conformal Fuel eral capabilities, performance characteris- tities of Articles or Services under Consider- Tanks; and fourteen (14) AN/ASQ–228 All-LIR tics and support requirements are classified ation for Purchase: Systems. Also included in the sale are ARC– up to CONFIDENTIAL. The overall system Major Defense Equipment (MDE): 210 radio (aircraft); Identification Friend or classification is SECRET. Thirty-two (32) F/A–18E aircraft, with Foe (1FF) systems; AN/AVS–9 Night Vision 32. The AGM–88 is launched from the air- F414–GE–400 engines. Goggles (NVG); Launchers (LAU–115D/A, craft using a LAU–118 guided missile launch- Eight (8) F/A–18F aircraft, with F414–GE– LAU–116B/A, LAU–1 18A); Command Launch er. The LAU–118v I/A provides the mechan- 400 engines. Computer (CLC) for Air to Ground Missile 88 ical and electrical interface between missile Eight (8) spare F414–GE–400 engines and (AGM–88); ANAV/MAGR GPS Navigation; and aircraft. The LAU–118 system is UN- Twenty-four (24) engine modules. Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS); air- CLASSIFIED. Forty-one (41) AN/APG–79 Active Elec- craft spares; Aircraft Armament Equipment 33. M61A1 20mm Vulcan Cannon: The 20mm tronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars. (AAE); support equipment; aircrew/mainte- Vulcan cannon is a six barreled automatic Forty-four (44) M61A2 20mm Gun Systems. nance training; contractor engineering tech- cannon chambered with 20x120mm ammuni- Forty-five (45) AN/ALR–67(V)3 Radar Warn- nical service; logistics technical services; en- tion with a cyclic rate of fire from 2,500–6,000 ing Receivers. gineering technical services; other technical shots per minute. This weapon is a hydrau- Two hundred and forty (240) LAU–127E/A assistance; contractor logistics support; lically powered air-cooled gatlin gun used to Guided Missile Launchers. flight test services; storage and preservation; damage/destroy aerial targets, suppress/inca- Forty-five (45) AN/ALE–47 Airborne Coun- aircraft ferry; Repair of Repairable (RoR); pacitate personnel targets and damage or de- termeasures Dispenser Systems. support systems and associated logistics; stroy moving and stationary light materiel Twelve (12) AN/AAQ–33 SNIPER Advanced training aides and devices; spares; technical targets. The M61A1 and its components are Targeting Pods. data Engineering Change Proposals; avionics UNCLASSIFIED. Forty-eight (48) Joint Helmet Mounted software support; software; technical publi- 34. Qatar is both willing and able to pro- Cueing Systems (JHMCS). cations; engineering and program support; tect United States classified military infor- Forty-five (45) AN/ALQ–214 Radio Fre- U.S. Government and contractor engineer- mation. Qatari physical and document secu- quency Counter-Measures Systems. ing; technical and logistic support services. rity standards are equivalent to U.S. stand- Forty-five (45) AN/ALE–55 Towed Decoys. The estimated total program cost is $10.1 bil- ards. Qatar demonstrated its willingness and Forty-eight (48) Link-16 Systems. lion. capability to protect sensitive military tech- Eight (8) Conformal Fuel Tanks. This proposed sale will contribute to the nology and information released to its mili- Fourteen (14) AN/ASQ–228 AT/FLIR Sys- foreign policy and national security of the tary in the past. Qatar is firmly committed tems. United States by helping to improve the se- to its relationship with the United States Non-MDE includes: ARC–210 radio (air- curity of a Major Non-NATO Ally that has and to its promise to protect classified infor- craft), Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) been, and continues to be, an important mation and prevent its transfer to a third systems, AN/AVS–9 Night Vision Goggles force for political and economic progress in party. This sale is needed in furtherance of (NVG), Launchers (LAU–115D/A, LAU–116B/A, the Middle East. Kuwait is a strategic part- USG foreign policy and national security in- LAU–1/18A), Command Launch Computer ner in maintaining stability in the region. terests by helping to improve the security of (CLC) for Air to Ground Missile 88 (AGM–88), The acquisition of the F/A–18E/F Super Hor- a vital partner in the CENTCOM AOR. ANAV/MAGR GPS Navigation, Joint Mission net aircraft will allow for greater interoper- 35. If a technologically advanced adversary Planning System (JMPS), aircraft spares, ability with U.S. forces, providing benefits were to obtain knowledge of the specific Aircraft Armament Equipment (AAE), sup- for training and possible future coalition op- hardware or software source code in this pro- port equipment, aircrew/maintenance train- erations in support of shared regional secu- posed sale, the information could be used to ing, contractor engineering technical serv- rity objectives. develop countermeasures which might re- ice, logistics technical services, engineering The proposed sale of the F/A- 18E/F Super duce weapon system effectiveness or be used technical services, other technical assist- Hornet aircraft will improve Kuwait’s capa- in the development of systems with similar ance, contractor logistics support, flight test bility to meet current and future warfare or advance capabilities. The benefits to be services, storage and preservation, aircraft threats. Kuwait will use the enhanced capa- derived from this sale in the furtherance of ferry, Repair of Repairable (RoR), support bility to strengthen its homeland defense.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.061 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 The F/A–18E/F Super Hornet aircraft will system that dispenses chaff, flares, and ex- support preflight orientation and control cir- supplement and eventually replace the Ku- pendable jammers for self-protection against cuits to prepare and launch the missile. The wait Air Force’s aging fighter aircraft. Ku- airborne and ground-based Radio Frequency LAU–127E/A is UNCLASSIFIED. wait will have no difficulty absorbing this and Infrared threats. The AN/ALE–47 Pro- 14. ANAV Global Positioning System aircraft into its armed forces. grammer is classified CONFIDENTIAL. The (GPS) is a 24–channel Selective Availability The proposed sale of this equipment and OPP and Mission Data Files used in the AN/ Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) based pulse- support will not alter the basic military bal- ALE–47 are classified SECRET. Those soft- per-second GPS receiver built for next gen- ance in the region. ware programs contain algorithms used to eration GPS technology. The prime contractors will be The Boeing calculate the best defense against specific 15. Command Launch Computer (CLC) is an Company, St. Louis, Missouri; Northrop threats. electronics subsystem installed on the air- Grumman in Los Angeles, California; 5. The AN/ALQ–214 is an advanced air- frame to interface with the AGM–88 NBIC Raytheon Company in El Segundo, Cali- borne Integrated Defensive Electronic Coun- HARM Missile. The CLC and associated soft- fornia; and General Electric in Lynn, Massa- termeasures (IDECM) programmable mod- ware package are compatible with all AGM– chusetts. Offsets agreements associated with ular automated system capable of inter- 88 A/B/C missiles. The CLC receives target this proposed sale are expected; however, cepting, identifying, processing received data from the missile and onboard avionics, specific agreements are undetermined and radar signals (pulsed and continuous) and ap- processes the data for display to the Screw will be defined during negotiations between plying an optimum countermeasures tech- to the appropriate display, determines target the purchaser and contractor. Kuwait re- nique in the direction of the radar signal, priority, and collects aircraft data for pre- quires contractors to satisfy an offset obliga- thereby improving individual aircraft prob- launch hand- off to the AGM–88 HARM mis- tion equal to 35 percent of the main contract ability of survival from a variety of surface- sile. purchase price for any sale of defense arti- to-air and air-to-air RF threats. The ALQ–214 16. The AN/ASQ–228 Advanced Targeting cles in excess of three million Kuwait Dinar, was designed to operate in a high-density Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) is a (approximately $10 million USD). Electromagnetic Hostile Environment with multi-sensor, electro-optical targeting pod Implementation of this proposed sale will the ability to identify and counter a wide va- incorporating thermographic camera, low- require the assignment of contractor rep- riety of multiple threats, including those light television camera, target laser range- resentatives to Kuwait on an intermittent with Doppler characteristics. Hardware with- finder/laser designator, and laser spot track- basis over the life of the case to support de- in the AN/ALQ–214 is classified CONFIDEN- er developed and manufactured by Raytheon. livery of the F/A–18E/F Super Hornet aircraft TIAL. It is used to provide navigation and tar- and provide support and equipment famil- 6. The Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) geting for military aircraft in adverse weath- iarization. Combined Interrogator/Transponder (CIT) er and using precision-guided munitions such There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- with the Conformal Antenna System (CAS) as laser-guided bombs. fense readiness as a result of this proposed is classified SECRET. The CDT is a complete 17. A determination has been made that sale. MARK–XIIA identification system compat- the Government of Kuwait, can provide sub- TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–21 ible with (IFF) Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C4 and 5 (se- stantially the same degree of protection for Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of cure). the classified and sensitive technology being Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the 7. The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Sys- released as the U.S. Government. Arms Export Control Act tem (JHMCS) is a modified HGU–55/P helmet 18. This sale is necessary in furtherance of that incorporates a visor-projected Heads-Up Annex Item No. vii the U.S. foreign policy and national security Display (HUD) to cue weapons and aircraft objectives outlined in the Policy Justifica- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: sensors to air and ground targets. In close tion. 1. The F/A–18E/F Super Hornet is a single combat, a pilot must currently align the air- and two-seat, twin-engine, multi-mission 19. All defense articles and services listed craft to shoot at a target. JHMCS allows the in this transmittal have been authorized for fighter/attack aircraft that can operate from pilot to simply look at a target to shoot either aircraft carriers or land bases. The F/ release and export to the Government of Ku- Hardware is UNCLASSIFIED; technical data wait. A–18 fills a variety of roles: air superiority, and documents are classified up to SECRET. fighter escort, suppression of enemy air de- 8. The AN/AAQ–33 SNIPER Pod is a multi- f fenses, reconnaissance, forward air control, sensor, electro-optical targeting pod incor- close and deep air support, and day and night porating infrared, low-light television cam- NOMINATION OBJECTION strike missions. The F/A–18E/F Weapons Sys- era, laser range-finder/target designator, and tem is classified SECRET. Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today I laser spot tracker. It is used to provide navi- wish to express my frustration with the 2. The AN/APO–79 Active Electronically gation and targeting for military aircraft in Scanned Array (AESA) Radar System is clas- adverse weather and using precision-guided inaction of the Federal Communication sified SECRET. The radar provides the F/A– weapons such as laser-guided bombs. It offers Commission due to political reasons. 18 aircraft with all-weather, multi-mission much greater target resolution and imagery The FCC’s Chairman, Tom Wheeler, capability for performing air-to-air and air- accuracy than previous systems. The AN/ was forced to cancel a vote during their to-ground targeting and attack. Air-to-air AAQ–33 is UNCLASSIFIED. open meeting due to the inaction of modes provide the capability for all-aspect 9. The Joint Mission Planning System one acting commissioner. That vote target detection, long-range search and (IMPS) is SECRET. JMPS will provide mis- would have implemented a program to track, automatic target acquisition, and sion planning capability for support of mili- tracking of multiple targets. Air-to-surface tary aviation operations. The JMPS will be help rural Americans receive wireless attack modes provide high-resolution ground tailored to the specific releasable configura- broadband internet. I see no reason for mapping navigation, weapon delivery, and tion for the F/A–18 Super Hornet. the Commission to delay a vote, on a sensor cueing. The system component hard- 10. The AN/AVS–9 NVG is a 3rd generation noncontroversial policy that would in- ware (Antenna, Transmitter, Radar Data aviation NVG offering higher resolution, fuse universal service funding to the Processor, and Power Supply) is UNCLASSI- high gain, and photo response to near infra- most high-cost rural communities FIED. The Receiver-Exciter hardware is red. Hardware is UNCLASSIFIED, and tech- across the country. CONFIDENTIAL. The radar Operational nical data and documentation to be provided I regularly hear from Oregonians in Flight Program (OFP) is classified SECRET. are UNCLASSIFIED. Documentation provided with the AN/APO– 11. The AN/ALE–55 towed decoy improves rural counties that it is clear high 79 radar set is classified SECRET. aircraft survivability by providing an en- costs are preventing private sector 3. The AN/ALR–67(V)3 Electric Warfare hanced, coordinated onboard/off-board coun- broadband investment in parts of rural Countermeasures Receiving Set is classified termeasure response to enemy threats. When Oregon. The FCC must fulfill its re- CONFIDENTIAL. The AN/ALR–67(V)3 pro- threat libraries are installed, the AN/ALE–55 sponsibility to provide a lifeline to vides the F/A–18F aircrew with radar threat is classified SECRET. rural communities and a connection to warnings by detecting and evaluating friend- 12. Link–16 is a secure data and voice com- ly and hostile radar frequency threat munication network. The system provides the global economy. Wireless cell serv- emitters and providing identification and enhanced situational communication aware- ice and broadband internet spur eco- status information about the emitters to on- ness, positive identification of participants nomic opportunity, improve public board Electronic Warfare (EW) equipment within the network, secure fighter-to-fighter safety, and increase educational out- and the aircrew. The OFP and User Data connectivity, and secure voice capability. It comes for rural Americans. Any delay Files (UDF) used in the AN/ALR–67(V)3 are can be classified up to CONFIDENTIAL. causes these rural communities to wait classified SECRET. Those software programs 13. The LAU–127E/A Guided Missile even longer for help. contain threat parametric data used to iden- Launchers is designed to enable F/A–18 air- For these reasons, I am putting a tify and establish priority of detected radar craft to carry and launch missiles. It pro- emitters. vides the electrical and mechanical interface hold on any confirmation vote for Jes- 4. The AN/ALE–47 Countermeasures Dis- between the missile and launch aircraft as sica Rosenworcel to be a commissioner pensing System is classified SECRET. The well as the two-way data transfer between at the Federal Communications Com- AN/ALE–47 is a threat-adaptive dispensing missile and cockpit controls and displays to mission.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.063 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6459 TRANSGENDER AWARENESS WEEK Sauro who died 1 day after his 40th TRIBUTE TO CHRIS AHMUTY AND TRANSGENDER DAY OF RE- birthday on October 19, 2016, of wounds Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, today MEMBRANCE received from encountering hostile I wish to honor Chris Ahmuty as he re- Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I am enemy fire near Kabul, Afghanistan. tires from the American Civil Liberties proud to be a steadfast ally of the The son of Michael and Christine Union of Wisconsin after 24 years of ad- LGBT community. This week is Sauro, Mike was born on October 18, vocacy and leadership. Since 1992, Chris Transgender Awareness Week, during 1976 in Chambersburg, PA. He grad- has dedicated his professional and per- which we seek to raise the visibility of uated from Savanna High School in Sa- sonal life to creating a stronger and transgender and gender nonconforming vanna, IL, and went on to graduate more equal Wisconsin. people and to bring awareness to the with his bachelor’s degree from Illinois Chris was born in New York City and issues this community faces, from prej- State University in Normal, IL. spent his childhood and adolescent udice and discrimination to acts of vio- years in Derby, NY. Growing up, ‘‘Whether it be sports, or his friends, lence that have claimed too many Chris’s grandfather, Frederic P. Lee, or his family, he always went at it 100 lives. played a significant role in shaping his percent,’’ recalled a fellow Savanna Eighteen years ago, Rita Hester, an future. Based in Washington, Frederic High School graduate, ‘‘He was very African-American transgender woman was an active contributor to the polit- committed to the U.S. and service was murdered in Boston, MA. Rita’s ical reform movement in Montgomery members, making sure they had what death ignited fear in the transgender County, MD, throughout the 1940s and they needed to do their job.’’ He was community. Her murder also sparked 1950s. Frederic’s commitment to public passionate about life and was always the founding of the Transgender Day of service and family values had a tre- willing to step in and help. His infec- Remembrance. On November 20, we re- mendous impact on Chris, eventually tious smile will be remembered by ev- member Rita and the all too many leading him into a career in advocacy. eryone that knew and loved Mike. Chris’s career with the ACLU did not transgender individuals who have lost begin with a full time job, but rather a their lives to hate-based violence. Mike began his Federal civilian serv- volunteer position. After moving to Sadly, the fear that the transgender ice in December of 1999 and spent his Milwaukee to attend graduate school, community feels has not subsided in career working for the Defense Ammu- Chris held a variety of jobs, including a the last 18 years. For the transgender nition Center, McAlester Army Ammu- position at the Milwaukee County His- community, and even more so for nition Plant in McAlester, OK, and at torical Society. However, following in transgender women of color, the fear of its locations at Fort Riley, his grandfather’s political footsteps, he violence is still all too real. In 2015, at KS, and Schofield Barracks, HI. began to spend his free time volun- least 21 transgender individuals in the While at McAlester Army Ammuni- teering for the ACLU. Soon after, in United States were victims of fatal vio- tion Plant, he led the effort and was in- 1982, he became the executive assistant lence. This year, we have already strumental in revisions of the haz- to the ACLU Wisconsin executive di- reached that same number of ardous materials course. He worked to rector, Eunice Edgar. transgender deaths attributable to vio- deliver the most robust training course Founded in 1920, the American Civil lence, reflecting more such deaths than available at over 50 locations in and Liberties Union continues its mission in any other year in which advocates outside the continental United States. to preserve individual rights and lib- have kept records. This is both sad- Mike was the liaison between erties. Since becoming executive direc- dening and maddening. McAlester Army Ammunition Plant tor of the Wisconsin chapter in 1992, Too many of these victims’ stories go and the satellite training locations Chris has personally embodied this untold, but through the Transgender helping to ensure that the mission was mission both in his work and in the Day of Remembrance, many of these accomplished. McAlester Army Ammu- community. individuals silenced by violence get a nition Plant coworkers fondly remem- Over the course of his tenure, the small voice. This day is a reminder ber him for his ‘‘sunny disposition as Wisconsin chapter has grown from 4 that no person’s life is worth less than well as his genuine kindness.’’ full-time employees to 12, including 2 another’s because of who they are or Mission always came first for Mike. full-time staff attorneys. According to whom they love. We must continue to Regardless of the complexity of the those who work most closely with him, do all we can to stop the task, he quickly comprehended re- Chris’s leadership style is rooted in his marginalization of the transgender quirements of the task and aggres- familial values and strong belief in the community, to stop the discrimination, sively accomplished them in a profes- importance of civil liberties. He recog- and to stop the violence. sional, timely manner. He deployed nizes that change will not occur over a In 2009, President Obama signed the three times—the first time in support single day or week, but over a long pe- Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the second riod of time with the help of persever- Hate Crimes Prevention Act. It was the in support of Operation Enduring Free- ance, patience, and a strong will. Chris first Federal law to provide civil rights dom, and the third to support the mis- is a staunch advocate who has fought protections for transgender people, and sion to train, advise and assist Afghan to end racial segregation in schools, it was a step in the right direction. But forces. Mike’s dedicated service and ex- uphold a woman’s right to choose, and it has not been enough to stop the on- pertise made a difference around the preserve every individual’s First going discrimination and violence world and saved lives. He is a testa- Amendment rights. Under his leader- against the transgender community. ment to the values of the Defense Am- ship, ACLU Wisconsin also fought hard We still have work to do and need as munition Center, the U.S. Army Com- to challenge the State’s voter ID laws, many voices as possible convey that bined Services Command, the U.S. which threaten to disenfranchise or message. This week in particular, but Army Training and Doctrine Com- discourage Wisconsin voters. Chris has every week as well, we must remember mand, and the U.S. Army. spent his career giving a voice to those all the transgender individuals who who might otherwise not be heard. have lost their lives to violence at Mike is survived by his parents Mi- Chris’s commitment to the people of home and abroad and continue to work chael and Christine Sauro, his brother Wisconsin goes beyond the impact he towards a more inclusive society, free and sister-in-law Ben and Sarah Sauro, has had at the ACLU. He has served on of violence and discrimination. his sister and his brother-in-law advisory committees for the Wisconsin Brienne and Lance Matthews, and their f Office of Justice Assistance and on the children, Dakota and William. Legal and Policy Committee of the HONORING MICHAEL G. SAURO Today we remember Michael G. Wisconsin Relay of Electronic Data, Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, on be- Sauro, an American hero who gave his helping develop privacy standards for half of Senator JAMES LANKFORD and all for his country. Our Nation lost a Wisconsin healthcare. Lastly, Chris has myself, it is my honor to pay tribute to great American, son, grandson, broth- served on the board of the Milwaukee the life and sacrifice of Department of er, uncle, and friend. Mike’s service Turners for over 10 years as a way of Army civilian employee Michael G. and sacrifice will never be forgotten. honoring his German heritage and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.078 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 helping mold the next generation of being named a 2016 National Blue Rib- gain recognition for educational ac- leaders. bon School by the U.S. Department of complishments in closing the achieve- For the many years I have known Education. ment gaps among students. Chris, he has been a respected leader, a Established in 1982, the National Blue Founded in 1918, Cathedral High passionate advocate, and a cherished Ribbon Schools Program has recog- School is a Holy Cross School and one friend. His patience, character, and nized schools that have demonstrated a of the oldest and largest Catholic high drive make him a wonderful ally and a vision of educational excellence for all schools in Indiana. It is one of the top- fearless protector of the rights of all students, regardless of their social or performing schools in the State. Wisconsin residents. Although he is re- economic background. Since its incep- Among the school’s strengths is its di- tiring from the ACLU, I know he will tion, this program has offered the op- versity, with students enrolled from continue to spend his days fighting for portunity for schools in every State to more than 160 grade schools, who live equality. gain recognition for educational ac- in nine central Indiana counties, and I am so pleased to join with others in complishments in closing the achieve- come from neighborhoods across Indi- expressing gratitude for his leadership ment gaps among students. anapolis. and recognizing his accomplishments. I Opened in 1997, Brown Elementary Cathedral High School provides a wish him and his partner, Bob, all the School currently serves 680 students. faith-based holistic education centered best in the next chapter of their lives Brown Elementary School prides itself on its mission to ‘‘transform a diverse together. on having a welcoming environment student body to have the competence f for students and various programs like to see and courage to act.’’ This is evi- Learning Lab, which provides students dent through the school’s rigorous aca- TRIBUTE TO STEPHEN R. struggling academically with extra demic program to ensure all students HEIMANN support in reading and math in a small are challenged to their highest ability, Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, group setting. and staff, students, and families work today I wish to recognize and honor the Brown Elementary School’s effec- together to teach and foster values extraordinary service of the Honorable tiveness can be found, in part, in its that develop strong character. Stephen R. Heimann, as he retires from willingness to meet the educational Indicators of Cathedral’s academic the Bartholomew County Circuit Court needs of each individual student. The success are illustrated through the suc- after 25 years of distinguished service. school began implementing the profes- cess of its students on Indiana’s grad- Born in Monroeville, in Allen Coun- sional learning communities model uation qualifying exams for math and ty, IN, he graduated from Wabash Col- during the 2011–2012 school year, which English. The school saw a 98.3 percent lege and the Indiana University School allows teachers to work on target areas passage rate on Indiana’s graduation of Law and ran a successful private law to improve students’ performance, con- qualifying exam for math and English. practice for 10 years. tributing to their academic success. Additionally, 100 percent of Cathedral Since his appointment to the bench This interactive model allows teachers graduates were accepted to institutions in 1991, Judge Heimann has embodied to share resources and ask questions to of higher learning. the most dignified ideals of our judici- ensure the curriculum is being met I am proud to recognize Cathedral ary, dutifully demanding of himself the across grade levels. High School principal David L. same high standards of conduct that he Brown Elementary School also bene- Worland, the entire staff, the student enforces and maintains for the commu- fits from the parent support group, body, and their families. The effort, nity. The legacy he leaves goes beyond which takes an active part in enhanc- dedication, and value you put into edu- the thousands of orders and decisions ing student learning and achievement. cation has led not only to this pres- he has rendered and extends to the way Through the group, approximately 15 tigious recognition, but will benefit he treats others. to 40 parent volunteers come to school you and the Indianapolis community Judge Heimann’s contributions have daily to help support the efforts by well into the future. made a difference in the local commu- teachers and assist with student learn- On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I nity and in legal circles. His involve- ing. congratulate Cathedral High School, ment has included performing in the I am proud to recognize Brown Ele- and I wish the students and staff con- local ‘‘Dancing with the Stars’’ com- mentary School principal Dr. Casey tinued success in the future. petition to raise money for charity, fa- Smitherman, the entire staff, the stu- f cilitating interfaith Christian and Mus- dent body, and their families. The ef- RECOGNIZING GEIST ELEMENTARY lim dialogue, delivering a keynote fort, dedication, and value you put into SCHOOL OF FISHERS, INDIANA speech before the NAACP, providing education has led not only to this pres- marriage preparation counsel to young tigious recognition, but will benefit Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, couples, and numerous other leadership you and the Brownsburg community today, I wish to recognize Geist Ele- roles on the boards of nonprofit organi- well into the future. mentary School of Fishers, IN, for zations. He has also served the State’s On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I being named a 2016 National Blue Rib- judiciary by chairing its board of law congratulate Brown Elementary bon School by the U.S. Department of examiners, judicial ethics and profes- School, and I wish the students and Education. sionalism, judicial education, and staff continued success in the future. Established in 1982, the National Blue judges and lawyers assistance program f Ribbon Schools Program has recog- boards. nized schools that have demonstrated a The Honorable Stephen R. Heimann RECOGNIZING CATHEDRAL HIGH vision of educational excellence for all has served the people of Bartholomew SCHOOL OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDI- students, regardless of their social or County and State of Indiana with great ANA economic background. Since its incep- integrity, honesty, and profes- Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, tion, this program has offered the op- sionalism. We are incredibly grateful today I wish to recognize Cathedral portunity for schools in every State to for his leadership and service, and we High School of Indianapolis, IN, for gain recognition for educational ac- wish him well in retirement with his being named as a 2016 National Blue complishments in closing the achieve- wife, Ann, children Andrew and Emily, Ribbon School by the U.S. Department ment gaps among students. and granddaughter Nora. of Education. Geist Elementary School, GES, f Established in 1982, the National Blue which was built in 2004, serves approxi- Ribbon Schools Program has recog- mately 780 students from kindergarten RECOGNIZING BROWN ELEMEN- nized schools that have demonstrated a through fourth grade. GES is part of TARY SCHOOL OF BROWNSBURG, vision of educational excellence for all Hamilton Southeastern School Dis- INDIANA students, regardless of their social or trict, which now has five National Blue Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, economic background. Since its incep- Ribbon schools. GES was recognized, in today I wish to recognize Brown Ele- tion, this program has offered the op- part, for its exceptional academic pro- mentary School of Brownsburg, IN, for portunity for schools in every State to gram, and it prides itself on providing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.062 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6461 students with an education that meets has specific programs designed to tai- various strategies and assessments. the interests, abilities, and needs of all lor that grade’s needs. In the primary Northpoint demonstrates an inter- students, while also empowering them grades, Lexington uses the Burst read- active method to learning and em- to reach their full potential. ing program to provide students with bodies a triangle of success approach GES has received an A grade by the foundational skills they need to read that develops a strong connection be- State of Indiana since 2004. GES has independently. tween the school, parents, and teach- distinguished itself through inquiry Lexington Elementary School’s posi- ers. and project-based learning, in which tive and nurturing atmosphere ensures Northpoint Elementary School’s lessons are built around key questions, all students are treated with respect. staff, students, and families work to- and students take ownership of their Students help lead the way through gether to teach and foster values that learning. For example, students par- initiatives like Lexington’s Project develop strong character including aca- ticipate in a schoolwide inquiry Words of Wisdom, where, every morn- demic excellence and service to others. project, Geist Marketplace, where stu- ing, students share motivational Teachers and support staff not only dents from different grade levels part- ideals, such as being kind to others, mentor students academically but also ner together to create a business. The during the schoolwide morning an- focus on nurturing students’ social and project promotes collaboration and en- nouncements. emotional needs. Programs to help stu- trepreneurship, allowing students to Lexington Elementary School’s ap- dents are provided before, during, and create, market, and sell their products. proach and dedication to student after school, including an antibullying In addition, they learn to pay their achievement has been key to its suc- program that is taught to students and debts and hold an event that is open to cess. The school’s staff and families reinforced regularly. the local community, where residents work together to teach and foster val- Northpoint Elementary School is an can purchase the products made by the ues that develop strong character and example of how dedication, motivation, students. Ultimately, students can pro- better the community. Students also collaboration, and strong family en- vide proceeds to local charities. benefit from programs in the local gagement in education benefits both GES parents, faculty, and staff work community. The Scott County Family students and the local community. together to provide a positive learning YMCA offers a before and afterschool Students participate in various pro- environment to ensure students de- program with nearly 50 percent of the grams, including giving back to fami- velop strong character, while achieving Lexington student population. This lies in need by donating gifts during academic excellence and getting in- partnership offers homework assist- the holidays and supporting local volved in the community. ance, enrichment activities, and exer- homeless shelters. I would like to recognize Geist Ele- cise opportunities. Northpoint students come from var- mentary School principal Christi Lexington Elementary School is a ious backgrounds. With a diverse stu- Thomas, the entire staff, the student stellar example of the benefits that re- dent body, Northpoint has created an body, and their families. The effort, sult from dedication, motivation, col- inclusive atmosphere to ensure every dedication, and value you put into edu- laboration, and strong community student is treated with respect. cation has led not only to this pres- partnerships in education. I am proud to recognize Northpoint tigious recognition, but will benefit I am proud to recognize Lexington Elementary School principal Diane L. you and the Fishers community well Elementary School principal Charles Wirth, the entire staff, the student into the future. Rose, who was leading the school at body, and their families. The effort, On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I the time of the nomination, current dedication, and value you put into edu- congratulate Geist Elementary School, principal Nick South, as well as the en- cation has led not only to this pres- and I wish the students and staff con- tire staff, the student body, and their tigious recognition, but will benefit tinued success in the future. families. The effort, dedication, and you and the Granger community well f value you put into education has led into the future. not only to this prestigious recogni- On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I RECOGNIZING LEXINGTON ELE- tion, but will benefit you and the Lex- congratulate Northpoint Elementary MENTARY SCHOOL OF LEX- ington community well into the future. School, and I wish the students and INGTON, INDIANA On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I staff continued success in the future. Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, congratulate Lexington Elementary f today, I wish to recognize Lexington School, and I wish the students and RECOGNIZING SOUTH RIPLEY JUN- Elementary School of Lexington, IN, staff continued success in the future. IOR HIGH SCHOOL OF for being named a 2016 National Blue f Ribbon School by the U.S. Department VERSAILLES, INDIANA of Education. RECOGNIZING NORTHPOINT ELE- Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, Established in 1982, the National Blue MENTARY SCHOOL OF GRANGER, today I wish to recognize South Ripley Ribbon Schools Program has recog- INDIANA Junior High School of Versailles, IN, nized schools that have demonstrated a Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, for being named a 2016 National Blue vision of educational excellence for all today, I wish to recognize Northpoint Ribbon School by the U.S. Department students, regardless of their social or Elementary School of Granger, IN, for of Education. economic background. Since its incep- being named a 2016 National Blue Rib- Established in 1982, the National Blue tion, this program has offered the op- bon School by the U.S. Department of Ribbon Schools Program has recog- portunity for schools in every State to Education. nized schools that have demonstrated a gain recognition for educational ac- Established in 1982, the National Blue vision of educational excellence for all complishments in closing the achieve- Ribbon Schools Program has recog- students, regardless of their social or ment gaps among students. nized schools that have demonstrated a economic background. Since its incep- Lexington continuously aims to vision of educational excellence for all tion, this program has offered the op- bridge the gap between students from students, regardless of their social or portunity for schools in every State to diverse economic backgrounds. In 2008, economic background. Since its incep- gain recognition for educational ac- Lexington implemented a schoolwide tion, this program has offered the op- complishments in closing the achieve- support and service model, which al- portunity for schools in every State to ment gaps among students. lowed extra funding for tutors and a gain recognition for educational ac- South Ripley Junior High School has more personalized approach to ensure complishments in closing the achieve- distinguished itself as a top-performing individual student success. ment gaps among students. school in Indiana. For the last 4 years, Lexington Elementary prides itself Recognized as a Blue Ribbon School South Ripley Junior High School has on a rigorous curriculum designed to in 2010, Northpoint Elementary School been named a Four Star School and an maximize student exposure to core con- continues to demonstrate academic ex- A rated school. In 2016, South Ripley cepts that are essential for academic cellence and works to meet the indi- was named a national School to Watch growth and success. Each grade level vidual needs of its students through for its high performance on State

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.066 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 standardized tests and overall aca- Union Elementary maintains a high tion, the American Diabetes Associa- demic excellence. standard for academic excellence, tion, the Humane Society, and Glean- The school’s philosophy of education which can be attributed to the success er’s Food Bank. Over the last decade, is built upon the expectation of success of a rigorous curriculum, innovative the students and staff of West Clay in all students. South Ripley Junior instructional practices, and a highly have helped raise over $60,000 which re- High School focuses on helping each qualified and dedicated staff. Faculty sulted in the donation of countless sup- student develop individual success aca- works closely with parents to ensure plies to local organizations. demically and personally. To that end, their children are receiving a quality West Clay works to provide students the core curriculum supports college education. Parents are encouraged to with a positive learning environment and career readiness to develop the be an active part in their child’s learn- to support their social, emotional, and skills students need in everyday life, ing from serving as field trip chap- academic needs. For example, West such as problem-solving, as well as erones to volunteering in the class- Clay has many student support serv- reading and writing effectively. In ad- room. Union Elementary School’s dedi- ices, including an instructional coach, dition, South Ripley’s faculty and staff cation to student achievement and who partners with staff to develop ap- continuously work with students to positive atmosphere have been key to propriate programs that will enhance meet their social, emotional, and aca- its success. The school’s staff and fami- student learning and will ensure that demic needs and help students develop lies work together to teach and foster students are challenged, while at the strong character. values that develop strong character same time supported in an effort to en- I am proud to recognize South Ripley and better the community. able students to reach their potential. Junior High School principal Destiny I am proud to recognize Union Ele- These staff members play an integral Rutzel, the entire staff, the student mentary School principal Jennifer part in determining student learning body, and their families. The effort, Raycroft, the entire staff, the student needs through analyzing data and dedication, and value you put into edu- body, and their families. The effort, gauging students’ interests. cation has led not only to this pres- dedication, and value you put into edu- I am proud to recognize West Clay tigious recognition, but will benefit cation has led not only to this pres- Elementary School principal Jennifer you and the Versailles community well tigious recognition, but will benefit Szuhaj, the entire staff, the student into the future. you and the Zionsville communities body, and their families. The effort, On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I well into the future. dedication, and value you put into edu- congratulate South Ripley Junior On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I cation has led not only to this pres- High, and I wish the students and staff congratulate Union Elementary tigious recognition, but will benefit continued success in the future. School, and I wish the students and you and the Carmel community well f staff continued success in the future. into the future. On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I RECOGNIZING UNION ELEMEN- f congratulate West Clay Elementary TARY SCHOOL OF ZIONSVILLE, RECOGNIZING WEST CLAY ELE- School, and I wish the students and INDIANA MENTARY SCHOOL OF CARMEL, staff continued success in the future. Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, INDIANA f today, I wish to recognize Union Ele- Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, mentary School of Zionsville, IN, for RECOGNIZING WESTON ELEMEN- being named a 2016 National Blue Rib- today, I wish to recognize West Clay TARY SCHOOL OF GREENFIELD, bon School by the U.S. Department of Elementary School of Carmel, IN, for INDIANA Education. being named a 2016 National Blue Rib- Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, Established in 1982, the National Blue bon School by the U.S. Department of today I wish to recognize Weston Ele- Ribbon Schools Program has recog- Education. mentary School of Greenfield, IN, for nized schools that have demonstrated a Established in 1982, the National Blue being named a 2016 National Blue Rib- vision of educational excellence for all Ribbon Schools Program has recog- bon School by the U.S. Department of students, regardless of their social or nized schools that have demonstrated a Education. economic background. Since its incep- vision of educational excellence for all Established in 1982, the National Blue tion, this program has offered the op- students, regardless of their social or Ribbon Schools Program has recog- portunity for schools in every State to economic background. Since its incep- nized schools that have demonstrated a gain recognition for educational ac- tion, this program has offered the op- vision of educational excellence for all complishments in closing the achieve- portunity for schools in every State to students, regardless of their social or ment gaps among students. gain recognition for educational ac- economic background. Since its incep- Union Elementary School opened at complishments in closing the achieve- tion, this program has offered the op- its current location in 2007 and cur- ment gaps among students. portunity for schools in every State to rently serves over 600 students. Union West Clay Elementary opened in Au- gain recognition for educational ac- Elementary prides itself on creating a gust 2006, with a mission to provide op- complishments in closing the achieve- nurturing and collaborative learning portunities for all students to realize ment gaps among students. environment, where teachers, students, their potential. Every year since its in- Weston Elementary consistently has and teachers work together so that all ception, West Clay has been named an distinguished itself as a top-performing students can reach their potential. Indiana Four-Star School based upon school, was named an Indiana Four Teachers utilize a wide variety of as- high achievement results on standard- Star School in 2013 and 2016, and has sessment practices to measure student ized tests. been named an A school by the State progress, make instructional decisions, West Clay strives to provide a qual- each of the past 5 years. and to evaluate the effectiveness of ity education to students through the Weston’s success can be attributed to academic programs. tireless work of its dedicated staff, who the school’s goal of continuously look- Union Elementary School seeks to serve in various leadership roles, such ing for ways to provide a well-rounded ensure students are enriched both dur- as school committee chairs. West education to students. The school em- ing and after school. The school has an Clay’s mindset is on constantly striv- phasizes problem-solving and assign- outdoor classroom, which includes na- ing to improve through reflection and ments that allow students to dem- tive Indiana wildflowers, a butterfly staff development. onstrate their work and thought proc- garden, and vegetable gardening space, West Clay students, parents, and ess. In addition to core subjects, stu- allowing creativity to go beyond the staff work closely together to give dents are exposed to physical edu- traditional classroom. Students are of- back to the community through phil- cation, art and music, and several fered various extracurricular activi- anthropic initiatives led by the parent classes participate in daily exercise led ties, including foreign language clubs, teacher organization, PTO, and student by prerecorded video segments from art enrichment, engineering club, a government. Their efforts support or- the Indianapolis Colts. Weston also of- kids fitness program—Fit Kidz—and a ganizations such as Riley Children’s fers students Weston Fit, an after- drama club. Hospital, the American Heart Associa- school fitness club that promotes

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.051 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6463 healthy eating and staying physically Iraqi, and Enduring Freedom, as well O’Malley who has served Lewis and active. as Resolute Support and now Free- Clark County sheriff’s office proudly Weston also prides itself not only on dom’s Sentinel. He has served on the for 18 years. In his work as patrolman, its academics but fostering a sup- Air Education and Training Command a narcotics officer with the Missouri portive environment that offers pro- Security Forces staff as an executive River drug task force, and detective grams to promote emotional, social, officer and chief of force protection with the criminal investigation bureau, and cultural wellness. Weston utilizes a programs and technology. he has made our communities a safer fulltime social worker, who provides Ryan’s humble character rarely does place to live. class lessons on topics of bullying and justice to his accomplishments and ac- Currently, he is assigned to the do- character education, with an expecta- colades. However, he does speak very mestic violence multidisciplinary tion that students will treat their proudly of his wife, Tiffany, from Val- team, where he works tirelessly to pro- classmates with respect and develop dosta, GA, and their son, Garrett. Mili- tect women and children from violent strong social skills. tary families are true testaments of crimes and domestic violence. Weston’s students, facility, and staff both strength and pride. They are con- In addition to his duties with the work together to ensure every child stantly challenged by deployments, sheriff’s office, Detective O’Malley succeeds, and faculty partners with changes in duty stations, and uncer- serves as a liaison for the Lewis and parents to encourage family engage- tainties. These hurdles create resil- Clark County drug treatment court. ment and parent involvement in iency which the Bodge family patrioti- Dan dedicates countless hours assisting school-sponsored activities. cally embodies. Ryan’s family are his those struggling with substance abuse I am proud to recognize Weston Ele- pride and joy and will equally be issues and increasing their likelihood mentary School principal Shane Bry- missed by our office team. of successful rehabilitation. He contin- ant, the entire staff, the student body, While we will miss having Ryan in ually goes above and beyond to provide and their families. The effort, dedica- our Capitol Hill office, I know that he the guidance and leadership people des- tion, and value you put into education will be moving on to greater things. I perately need to overcome life’s chal- has led not only to this prestigious rec- want to again thank Ryan and his fam- lenges and he does it with great com- ognition, but will benefit you and the ily for their service to our great Nation passion and empathy. His efforts have saved lives, families and have pro- Greenfield community well into the fu- and congratulate him on his pro- tected our communities. ture. motion. His commitment and dedication to On behalf of the citizens of Indiana, I f congratulate Weston Elementary protecting and serving our community School, and I wish the students and ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS and his compassion to help others in staff continued success in the future. need is second to none. This past July, Detective O’Malley was named Mon- f TRIBUTE TO JEREMIAH KENNEDY tana’s ‘‘Law Enforcement Officer of the TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I wish to Year’’ by the Sheriffs and Peace Offi- COLONEL RYAN BODGE recognize veteran Jeremiah Kennedy cers Association for his exemplary Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, today I for his years in service in the U.S. service. We are blessed to have officers wish to thank and congratulate my de- Navy. Mr. Kennedy was inspired by his like Dan O’Malley serving the people of fense fellow, Air Force Lt. Col. Ryan grandfather, the late Jerry Kennedy, Montana. Each day, he looks forward Bodge, on a successful year serving in who was also in the Navy during Viet- to taking on new challenges, making my office. The expertise and experience nam and played a role in his decision of our community a safer and better place that Ryan brought to my team was in- which branch to join. for us all. As a proud father of four, I valuable, and he will certainly be Mr. Kennedy joined the Navy and left know he understands the importance of ∑ missed after he leaves. for boot camp in June of 2007. He then integrity, honor, and commitment. Prior to his assignment as a defense went on to an advanced training course f fellow, Ryan served as the commander to become an aviation ordnanceman, TRIBUTE TO ALBERT WADE of the 455th Expeditionary Security responsible for loading and building ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I wish to Forces Squadron at Bagram Air Field, fighter jets with bombs and missiles, as recognize Albert Wade of Yellowstone BAF, in Afghanistan. He led a blend of well as maintaining all of the equip- County. Albert, a Pearl Harbor sur- more than 500 coalition and contract ment that is used to transport those vivor and a pilot of the B–17 Fortress, personnel responsible for the defense of bombs and missiles from the magazines who is celebrating his 98th birthday 36,000 personnel, a 27-kilometer perim- to the flight deck. this month. We celebrate our independ- eter, and the Air Force Central Com- As an aviation ordnanceman, Mr. ence and freedom, because of people mand’s busiest airfield with more than Kennedy was stationed aboard the nu- like Albert, who selflessly put himself $3.5 billion in combat assets to include clear aircraft carrier, the USS George in harm’s way for his country. two specialized teams: Fly Away Secu- Washington, which was sent out to re- In 1939, Albert was one of the first six rity and Tactical Security Element place the USS Kitty Hawk, an aircraft men appointed to form the original personnel. His squadron was Tactical carrier located in Yokosuka, Japan. Army Air Corps, and was at Pearl Har- Control to Task Force Solid, respon- There, he remained in a forward de- bor when the Japanese bombers at- sible for the Bagram Ground Defense ployed status, subject to being de- tacked. During the attack, his entire Area. ployed anywhere in the world within 72 fleet of the B–17 Flying Fortress was Ryan was born and raised in Cold hours upon the President’s request. Mr. shot down, and unknown to anyone at Spring, NY, and he enlisted in the Air Kennedy was stationed overseas in the time, Albert was the only survivor. Force in 1992. He served as an F–16 and Japan, as well as nine other different It wasn’t until 4 and a half weeks later, A–10 aircraft weapons load crew team countries, and he considers the chance Albert says, that the American Red chief and then in a special duty as a to experience different ways of life and Cross found his then paralyzed body at professional military education in- traditions a truly incredible oppor- the Russian Aid Station and brought structor. In 2003, Ryan commissioned tunity. After 5 years of service, Mr. him home. to become an officer after successfully Kennedy was honorably discharged Albert has been offered the Purple completing officer training school. He from the Navy in June of 2012. Heart many times; however, he con- has served as a flight commander, con- I want to express my deep gratitude tinues to turn it down, saying that he voy commander, officer in charge of to Mr. Kennedy for his dedication and is just a regular person. Albert went on training and resources, operations offi- service to our country.∑ to marry the love of his life, Louise, cer, high-risk response leader, major f and has two children, Maggie and Del. command, USAF, staff officer and two- Albert has dedicated his life to his fam- time squadron commander. Ryan has TRIBUTE TO DAN O’MALLEY ily and has started several businesses, deployed in support of the following ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, today I written several books, and became a missions: Southwest Asia, Operation want to recognize Detective Dan pastor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.071 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 On September 23, 2012, Albert, along to our Nation, his contributions to the sevelt in 1942. Joan was 19, and the with nearly 100 veterans of the Second legal community, and his dedication to United States was fully engaged in World War, were honored in Wash- both kindness and fairness in the World War II. In one of her earliest at- ington, DC, through the Honor Flight courtroom. tempts to serve her country, Joan des- Program. Judge Guin was born in Russellville perately wanted to join the war effort. Albert embodies the kind of selfless- and graduated from Russellville High Unfortunately, she still had a year re- ness at the core of Montana’s strong School in 1940. He went on to earn his maining to complete her college de- legacy of service. I am proud to honor B.A. and J.D. from the University of gree. Joan found herself in a bit of a this brave man for his service to his Alabama. Judge Guin took time off of bind and sought the advice of the First community and to our country.∑ school to serve as an infantry first Lady. She wrote, ‘‘. . . I would like f lieutenant in World War II. During his very much to leave college at the mid service, he was sent to Camp Swift years to volunteer for some sort of RECOGNIZING GEOTEMPS, near Austin, TX, where he met and service that will take up all my time INCORPORATED married his wife. After the war, he re- and preferably take me away from ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today I turned to the University of Alabama to home. I do not care about uniforms and wish to recognize the 30th anniversary complete his law degree and subse- really would like to drive an ambu- of an important business to Nevada, quently joined his father’s private law lance on foreign duty so that I could Geotemps, Inc. I am proud to honor practice from 1948 to 1973. feel I was actually in contact with the Geotemps’ significant contributions to As an attorney, Judge Guin served on people who need help.’’ Mrs. Roosevelt the mining industry in the State of Ne- the Alabama State Bar Commission, responded a few weeks later and vada, throughout our Nation, and the Board of the Alabama Law Insti- stressed the need for Joan to stay in across the globe. I am extremely proud tute, and the Alabama Supreme school and finish her degree. of Geotemps’ years of success and am Court’s advisory commission. He was Undiscouraged and always resolute, grateful for how it has benefitted the also the first chairman of the judicial Joan still managed to contribute to the Silver State. commission, which is now the judicial war effort. She may not have driven In 1986, Lyle Taylor of Reno, NV, cre- inquiry commission. ambulances abroad like she wanted, Judge Guin began his career in public ated Geotemps to help increase Ne- but she found a different way to serve service when he was nominated by vada’s growing economic force. Recog- by helping track German submarines President Richard Nixon to serve on nizing that one of Nevada’s greatest as- as she concluded her studies. sets is its hard-working citizens, the the U.S. District Court for the North- ern District of Alabama. He was con- It is clear that Joan possessed an ex- Taylor family worked tirelessly to cre- traordinary penchant for service at an ate an enterprise that would provide firmed by the Senate on April 10, 1973, and assumed senior status on February early age and a drive to go beyond con- hard-working Nevadans with opportu- temporary norms to fight for her be- nities for success in critical industries. 3, 1989. In addition to his professional liefs, her country, and her friends and For 30 years, Geotemps has fulfilled achievements, Judge Guin was named neighbors. Fortunately for Montana, these aspirations and produced positive Citizen of the Year for Russellville in Joan moved to our great State in 1949. results for Nevada. 1973. He served as an elder and chair- Joan would go on to spend the major- Geotemps has provided the Nevada man of the foreign missions committee ity of the next 75 years living in Mon- mining industry with reliable individ- of the North Highlands Church of tana. She raised a family and fought to uals across the State, while keeping Christ in Russellville, as well as the make Montana a better place as a po- the business within the Taylor family. West End Church of Christ and Pali- litical activist. She championed the Lyle Taylor’s son, Lance, has led the sades Church of Christ in Birmingham. causes that still to this day make Mon- company into a new generation of Judge Guin also enjoyed playing golf, tana the best State to live in and raise labor services. With offices in four Ne- valued music and traveling the world, a family. She cared deeply about all vada counties, four States, and two and always loved cheering on the Crim- Montanans’ right to a clean and countries, Geotemps remains a small son Tide. healthy environment and to a quality business that produces big results. I offer my deepest condolences to public education. Perhaps, most nota- Much of Nevada’s success lies in small Judge Guin’s wife, Dorace, and his chil- bly, she cared deeply about the impor- businesses like Geotemps, and our dren Jan, Judy, Jay, and David, as well tance of expanding the role of women State has truly benefited from the hard as his many grandchildren and great- in politics in Montana and beyond. work and dedication of Geotemps’ em- grandchildren. I join all of their loved ployees. In 1954, along with friends Laura ones as they celebrate his many life ac- Nicholson and Harriett Meloy, Joan Over the course of three decades, complishments and mourn his loss.∑ Geotemps has demonstrated strong founded the Montana League of Women f dedication to the great State of Ne- Voters, a group that proved to be in- vada’s mining industry. Without the REMEMBERING JOAN TRIMBLE strumental in the formation of Mon- determination and persistence of its TOOLE tana’s 1972 Constitutional Convention founders and entire staff, Nevada would ∑ Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, today I and to the passage of a new State con- not have experienced the excellent wish to honor the life of an exceptional stitution in June of 1972. The 1972 Mon- growth we see today. Montanan and member of the Greatest tana Constitution includes a provision I ask my colleagues and all Nevadans Generation, Joan Trimble Toole. Joan that states, ‘‘All persons are born free to join me in congratulating Geotemps passed away peacefully 1 year ago and have certain inalienable rights. on its 30th anniversary. This institu- today at the age of 92 in Helena, MT. They include the right to a clean and tion has advanced Nevada’s mining in- Her tireless dedication to public serv- healthful environment.’’ Joan was so dustry, and I am honored to recognize ice set a tremendous example that we incredibly proud that Montana’s Con- this important milestone. I wish should all strive to achieve. Joan’s stitution guaranteed citizens the right Geotemps well in all of its future en- footprint on policy and progress in to a clean and healthful environment. deavors and in creating greater oppor- Montana is remarkable; however, if she She brought it up all the time although tunities in Nevada.∑ were here today, I suspect she would she typically failed to mention the part where her activism played a critical f tell you that nothing made her prouder than being a grandma to 25 grand- role in securing the language. REMEMBERING JUNIUS FOY GUIN, children and 17 great-grandchildren. For the rest of her life, nothing could JR. Joan always put her family first, but deter Joan’s dedication to protecting ∑ Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, today I her commitment to improving Mon- Montana’s landscape and education wish to honor the life of Judge Junius tana communities didn’t lag far be- system. She served on the Board of Foy Guin, Jr., of Russellville, AL, who hind. Natural Resources and Conservation, passed away on November 8, 2016. He I recently had an opportunity to read lobbied for the Office of Public Instruc- will be long remembered for his service a letter that Joan sent to Eleanor Roo- tion during legislative sessions, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.074 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6465 shared her expertise with numerous po- training, Holly would marry unique has enjoyed such success that it out- litical campaigns and ballot initia- Louisiana cuisine to the benefits of grew the original small kitchen and tives. Joan volunteered for nonprofit healthy eating in order to help people single dining room. Today Genusa’s environmental organizations, libraries, dealing with prevalent diseases and Italian Restaurant has grown to em- schools, the Democratic Party and the also launched and self-published a line ploy several Monroe locals who serve a League of Women Voters. For decades, of cookbooks. In 1993, after a local re- dedicated clientele and also host Joan was a fixture in Montana politics, tail shop decided to stop selling cook- celebratory occasions in their fighting for progressive causes across books, Holly trailblazed her own road multiroom establishment. And Rachel, the State. If there was an opportunity to success by promoting her first cook- Ann, and Francis, who now run the res- to advocate for change or improve her book of the ‘‘trim&TERRIFIC’’ book taurant continue with their family’s community, Joan always showed up. series. Shortly after, she partnered tradition of growing their own herbs Throughout my 8 years in Montana with various organizations to develop and tomatoes for their signature red Senate, it was not unusual to glance up cookbooks for heart patients, cancer sauce. to the senate gallery and see Joan sit- patients, and arthritis patients. Having Congratulations to the Genusa fam- ting in the front row. She usually had sold over 1 million cookbooks, her suc- ily for nearly 50 years of small business a grandchild or two in tow, as she al- cess has helped her gain notoriety, and success, and with that, I would like to ways went to great lengths to teach she has appeared on various national formally recognize Genusa’s Italian her grandchildren the importance of media outlets to share her message of Restaurant as Small Business of the public service and significance of al- healthy eating. Week.∑ ways showing up. She would beam as During the month of October, in f her grandchildren took in the scene which we recognize and celebrate RECOGNIZING HEALTHY IMAGE and processed the importance of being women-owned small businesses, I find involved. She knew that her last call- it fitting to honor a female entre- ∑ Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, the path ing in life was to pass her experiences, preneur like Holly Clegg for capturing to small business success is different stories, and wisdom onto the next gen- her God-given talent and building a for each person, and every so often, one eration. business that has benefited so many. will stumble across an idea that fulfills Even in her last few years, as it grew Her entrepreneurial spirit and a com- a niche, which then benefits both the increasingly difficult for her to get mitment to her passion has helped entrepreneur and the surrounding com- around, I saw Joan at most of the Holly share tasty recipes all across the munity. As we continue to celebrate events I held in Helena. She would give country and help everyday Americans National Women’s Small Business me a hug and thank me for my work struggling with crippling diseases to Month, I would like to recognize before venturing off to find who she eat better while still enjoying the Healthy Image of Lake Charles, LA, as really came to see: my wife, Sharla. many flavors of Louisiana cuisine. Small Business of the Week for its im- A year later, we still miss Joan every Congratulations, Holly, and thank pressive work in helping neighboring time we pass through Helena. Montana you for harnessing your talent and businesses grow and succeed. lost an incredible leader and an irre- being a role model for all women entre- As a marketing director for a placeable voice. As we move forward preneurs. Holly is just one of the many healthcare organization in the Lake and aim to tackle the challenges facing examples of female entrepreneurs tak- Charles area, Kristy Armand recog- our Nation, we must remember the les- ing their interests and talents and cul- nized the demand for a local marketing sons we learned from Joan. We must tivating them into successful business agency that catered to medical groups. ask ourselves how we can step up and opportunities, and for this, we honor An entrepreneur at heart, Kristy serve our country, like Joan did in her her as Small Business of the Week.∑ jumped at the opportunity to utilize letter to Eleanor Roosevelt. We must f her experience in health care and mar- take action to advocate for our beliefs, keting to develop her own small busi- like Joan did when she founded the RECOGNIZING GENUSA’S ITALIAN ness. Kristy enlisted the help of Chris- Montana chapter of the League of RESTAURANT tine Fisher, an intern with whom she Women Voters. Finally, we must al- ∑ Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, one of had worked nearly a decade before, and ways show up, like Joan did until the Louisiana’s best kept secrets is that together the women behind Healthy last days of her life.∑ our cuisine encompasses far more than Image landed their first client in 2002. f oysters, gumbo, and boudin balls. In Five years later, Barbara VanGossen fact, Louisiana is home to a wide vari- joined the growing business as a part- RECOGNIZING HOLLY CLEGG ety of culinary perspectives, often ner and the creative director, and with- ∑ Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, small passed down from generation to gen- in 1 year, Healthy Image outgrew its businesses come in many different eration, including this Small Business original location, moved to a new of- shapes and sizes. No matter their shape of the Week, the family-owned and op- fice, and hired several more employees. or size, one thing remains the same: erated Genusa’s Italian Restaurant in During this period, the Healthy small businesses are the brainchild of Monroe, LA. Image team worked closely with the passionate individuals who seek to After spending years dreaming of Louisiana Small Business Development make their life and the lives of those in sharing their Italian family recipes Center, SBDC, at McNeese State Uni- their community a better place. In this with friends and neighbors, Cherry and versity to provide marketing tips, fi- spirit, I would like to recognize Holly Francis Genusa took the entrepre- nancial consulting, and business advice Clegg of Baton Rouge, LA, who took neurial leap and opened their name- with local entrepreneurs. Today, her passion for cooking and healthy sake restaurant in 1967. Using the Healthy Image is made up of a team of eating and turned it into a business original recipes passed down from specialists who provide an array of that has grown over the past 20-plus Francis’s mother and aunt, the couple business services, including adver- years. offered up authentic Italian dishes to tising, event planning, graphic design, From an early age, Holly had a keen the Monroe community. For several social media, and branding to over 100 interest in cooking. Her passion and years, Genusa’s Italian Restaurant re- clients. entrepreneurial spirit drove her to mained a hidden gem as Cherry and The success of Healthy Image has start her own catering company while Francis did all the cooking, cleaning, earned Kristy, Christine, and Barbara she was still in high school. As a stu- table-waiting, and general manage- recognition on the national level. In dent at Tulane University in New Orle- ment. This was in addition to raising 2013, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce se- ans, Holly continued to perfect her pas- their three children—Rachel, Ann, and lected Healthy Image as one of its dis- sion through various cooking classes at Francis—who initially helped by roll- tinguished Blue Ribbon Award winners the university. Upon graduation, she ing out meatballs and eventually were with the title of being one of the ‘‘Top attended the Cordon Bleu Cooking entrusted with more responsibilities. 100 Small Businesses in the Country.’’ School in London and then Cordon Over the years, Genusa’s Italian Res- I would like to congratulate the in- Bleu in Paris. Following this formal taurant became a Monroe favorite and spiring team at Healthy Image and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.079 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 wish them the best in their continued business sense, the Lafayette natives Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- growth and success.∑ launched Sophi P Cupcakes in 2010. Al- nounced that the Speaker has signed f most immediately, Sophi P Cupcakes the following enrolled bills: became a community favorite and later RECOGNIZING THE PAPER H.R. 845. An act to direct the Secretary of that year was recognized as the 2010 Agriculture to publish in the Federal Reg- MARKET ‘‘Best New Business’’ by the Better ister a strategy to significantly increase the ∑ Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, Lou- Business Bureau of Acadiana. One year role of volunteers and partners in National isianians have a long history of em- later, Jennifer and Dustin were award- Forest System trail maintenance, and for bracing life and celebrating when the ed the 2011 ‘‘Rising Young Business other purposes. occasion calls for it. In particular, the H.R. 5392. An act to direct the Secretary of Leader’’ by the Junior Achievement of Veterans Affairs to improve the Veterans city of Monroe is home to a paper and Acadiana. Over the next few years, Crisis Line. party supply store that provides all Sophi P Cupcakes continued to grow H.R. 6007. An act to amend title 49, United celebratory essentials. As the holiday and succeed and in 2015 expanded their States Code, to include consideration of cer- season quickly approaches, I would like operation to launch multiple Sophi P tain impacts on commercial space launch to recognize The Paper Market of Mon- Express coolers across the campus of and reentry activities in a navigable air- roe, LA, as this week’s Small Business the couple’s alma mater, the Univer- space analysis, and for other purposes. of the Week. sity of Louisiana at Lafayette. Jen- The enrolled bills were subsequently Amy Robinson has always been a nifer and Dustin are now focused on signed by the President pro tempore celebration enthusiast, and from Mardi the future of Sophi P’s and have their (Mr. HATCH). Gras to Christmas to crawfish season, eyes set on expanding their business f she has found several reasons to cele- across Louisiana and the Nation. brate every season in Louisiana. In EXECUTIVE AND OTHER While hard work and thoughtful COMMUNICATIONS 2010, Amy had an off-the-wall idea to planning have played a major role in track down the owner of her favorite their success, there is no doubt that The following communications were local paper product shop to see if they Jennifer’s leadership as the head pas- laid before the Senate, together with would be interested in selling their try chef and owner has helped cement accompanying papers, reports, and doc- profitable small business. After months Sophi P’s as a local favorite in uments, and were referred as indicated: of negotiating, Amy and her husband, Acadiana. Catchy cupcake names such EC–7530. A communication from the Sec- Brian, became the proud owners of the as ‘‘the Dude’’ and ‘‘Chocolate Thun- retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant popular local stationery store and set der’’ match the ‘‘sophisticated to to law, a report relative to the export to the People’s Republic of China of items not det- out with a new vision to create within punk’’ theme that is the inspiration be- the space a place in which members of rimental to the U.S. space launch industry; hind the cupcakery. With treats made to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and the Monroe and West Monroe commu- daily with fresh ingredients and a mis- Urban Affairs. nities could come to plan their celebra- sion revolving around customer service EC–7531. A communication from the Chief, tions. and appreciation, it is no wonder that International Bureau, Federal Communica- Today, The Paper Market embodies Sophi P’s is a great success as part of tions Commission, transmitting, pursuant to Amy’s personal motto to ‘‘celebrate ev- the cupcake craze sweeping the Nation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘In the erything’’ and is regionally renowned During the month of October, when Matter of Review of Foreign Ownership Poli- cies for Broadcast, Common Carrier and for providing specialized party supplies we celebrate women-owned small busi- for all occasions, in addition to car- Aeronautical Radio Licensees under Section nesses, I want to especially congratu- 310(b) (4) of the Communication Act of 1934, rying a wide variety of home decor and late Jennifer for her role in making as Amended’’ ((FCC 16–128) (GN Docket No. gift lines with a Louisiana flair. Amy Sophi P Cupcakes the resounding suc- 15–236)) received during adjournment of the has also employed an in-house graphic cess that it is today. Her exceptional Senate in the Office of the President of the designer to provide a one-stop-shop for culinary skill and artistic mind has Senate on October 14, 2016; to the Committee her customers’ celebration-planning helped Sophi P Cupcakes become one of on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. needs. Acadiana’s favorite places for sweet EC–7532. A communication from the Sec- retary of the Commission, Bureau of Con- As we continue to celebrate National treats. Her passion is an example to all Women’s Small Business Month, it is sumer Protection, Federal Trade Commis- aspiring female entrepreneurs, and I sion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- my honor to recognize Amy Robinson, applaud her for tapping into her talent port of a rule entitled ‘‘Telemarketing Sales her entrepreneurial efforts, and The and embarking on the endeavor of own- Rule Fees’’ (RIN3084–AA98) received during Paper Market of Monroe for being se- ing a small business with her husband. adjournment of the Senate in the Office of lected as Small Business of the Week. Congratulations to Jennifer, Dustin, the President of the Senate on October 6, Congratulations, Amy, Brian, and the and the entire team at Sophi P Cup- 2016; to the Committee on Commerce, entire Paper Market team. Thank you cakes on being named Small Business Science, and Transportation. EC–7533. A communication from the Chief for your commitment to serving your of the Week. I look forward to your community, and I look forward to see- Counsel, National Telecommunications and continued confectionary success.∑ Information Administration, Department of ing your continued growth and suc- f Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, cess.∑ the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revision to the f MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management’’ RECOGNIZING SOPHI P CUPCAKES ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED At 10:34 a.m., a message from the (RIN0660–AA32) received during adjournment ∑ Mr. VITTER. Mr. President, Lou- of the Senate in the Office of the President House of Representatives, delivered by isiana is known for many great things, of the Senate on October 13, 2016; to the Com- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- not least of which is our unique and de- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- nounced that the Speaker has signed licious cuisine. Whether it is a crawfish tation. the following enrolled bill: boil in the spring or the first fall EC–7534. A communication from the Chair- man of the Office of Proceedings, Surface gumbo pot, our family traditions often H.R. 4511. An act to amend the Veterans’ Oral History Project Act to allow the collec- Transportation Board, Department of Trans- center around food. In that spirit, I tion of video and audio recordings of bio- portation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the would like to recognize Sophi P Cup- graphical histories by immediate family report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to Arbi- cakes LLC in Lafayette, LA, for shar- members of members of the Armed Forces tration Procedures’’ (RIN2140–AB24) received ing a unique take on a traditional des- who died as a result of their service during a during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- sert in the Acadiana region. period of war. fice of the President of the Senate on Octo- ber 21, 2016; to the Committee on Commerce, Jennifer Melancon studied the art of The enrolled bill was subsequently pastry for several years before she and Science, and Transportation. signed by the President pro tempore EC–7535. A communication from the Assist- her husband, Dustin, decided to open (Mr. HATCH). ant Chief Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Lafayette’s first cupcake-centered bak- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad- ery, otherwise known as a cupcakery. At 2:56 p.m., a message from the ministration, Department of Transportation, Combining Jennifer’s skill and Dustin’s House of Representatives, delivered by transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.083 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6467 a rule entitled ‘‘Pipeline Safety: Enhanced the Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. received during adjournment of the Senate Emergency Order Procedures’’ (RIN2137– 9953–21) received during adjournment of the in the Office of the President of the Senate AF26) received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the on November 8, 2016; to the Committee on Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on November 9, 2016; to the Com- Armed Services. Senate on October 21, 2016; to the Committee mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- EC–7552. A communication from the Presi- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. estry. dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- EC–7536. A communication from the Assist- EC–7544. A communication from the Direc- suant to law, a report on the continuation of ant Chief Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the national emergency that was originally Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- declared in Executive Order 13712 of Novem- ministration, Department of Transportation, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ber 22, 2015, with respect to Burundi, received transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of titled ‘‘Di-n-butyl Adipate; Exemption from during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- a rule entitled ‘‘Pipeline Safety: Expanding the Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. fice of the President of the Senate on No- the Use of Excess Flow Valves in Gas Dis- 9954–58) received during adjournment of the vember 9, 2016; to the Committee on Bank- tribution Systems to Applications Other Senate in the Office of the President of the ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Than Single-Family Residences’’ (RIN2137– Senate on November 9, 2016; to the Com- EC–7553. A communication from the Presi- AE71) received during adjournment of the mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- Senate in the Office of the President of the estry. suant to law, a report on the continuation of Senate on October 21, 2016; to the Committee EC–7545. A communication from the Direc- the national emergency declared in Execu- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tive Order 12938 with respect to the prolifera- EC–7537. A communication from the Sec- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tion of weapons of mass destruction, received retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- suant to law, a report entitled ‘‘National titled ‘‘Clomazone; Pesticide Tolerances’’ fice of the President of the Senate on No- Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) (FRL No. 9953–88) received during adjourn- vember 8, 2016; to the Committee on Bank- 2017–2021’’; to the Committee on Commerce, ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Science, and Transportation. dent of the Senate on November 9, 2016; to EC–7554. A communication from the Senior EC–7538. A communication from the Regu- the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Depart- latory Ombudsman, Federal Motor Carrier and Forestry. mental Offices, Department of the Treasury, Safety Administration, Department of EC–7546. A communication from the Direc- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to tor of the Regulatory Management Division, a rule entitled ‘‘Qualified Financial Con- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Commer- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tracts Recordkeeping Related to Orderly cial Driver’s License Requirements of the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Liquidation Authority’’ (RIN1505–AC46) re- Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Cen- titled ‘‘2-Pyrrolidinone, 1-butyl-; Exemption ceived during adjournment of the Senate in tury Act (MAP–21) and the Military Com- from the Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL the Office of the President of the Senate on mercial Driver’s License Act of 2012’’ No. 9953–82) received during adjournment of November 8, 2016; to the Committee on Bank- (RIN2126–AB68) received during adjournment the Senate in the Office of the President of ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. EC–7555. A communication from the Assist- of the Senate in the Office of the President the Senate on November 9, 2016; to the Com- ant Secretary for Export Administration, of the Senate on October 31, 2016; to the Com- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- estry. ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant tation. EC–7547. A communication from the Direc- EC–7539. A communication from the Regu- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- ments to the Export Administration Regula- latory Ombudsman, Federal Motor Carrier Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tions: Update of Arms Embargoes on Cote Safety Administration, Department of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to titled ‘‘Fluxapyroxad; Pesticide Tolerances’’ and Recognition of India as Member of the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- (FRL No. 9953–87) received during adjourn- Missile Technology Control Regime’’ ments to Implement Grants Provisions of ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- (RIN0694–AH07) received during adjournment the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation dent of the Senate on November 4, 2016; to of the Senate in the Office of the President Act’’ (RIN2126–AB91) received during ad- the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, of the Senate on November 9, 2016; to the journment of the Senate in the Office of the and Forestry. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban President of the Senate on October 31, 2016; EC–7548. A communication from the Ad- Affairs. to the Committee on Commerce, Science, ministrator of the Specialty Crops Program, EC–7556. A communication from the Assist- and Transportation. Agricultural Marketing Service, Department ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- EC–7540. A communication from the Assist- of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of ant Administrator for Procurement, Na- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Apricots Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- Grown in Designated Counties in Wash- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- ington; Increased Assessment Rate’’ (Docket tion Program: Test Procedure for Commer- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to Uniform No. AMS–SC–16–0050) received during ad- cial Packaged Boilers’’ (RIN1904–AD16) re- Administrative Requirements, Cost Prin- journment of the Senate in the Office of the ceived during adjournment of the Senate in ciples and Audit Requirements for Federal President of the Senate on November 4, 2016; the Office of the President of Senate on No- Awards’’ (RIN2700–AE29) received during ad- to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, vember 10, 2016; to the Committee on Energy journment of the Senate in the Office of the and Forestry. and Natural Resources. President of the Senate on November 2, 2016; EC–7549. A communication from the Acting EC–7557. A communication from the Assist- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, Director of Program Development and Regu- ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- and Transportation. latory Analysis, Rural Utilities Service, De- tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of EC–7541. A communication from the Direc- partment of Agriculture, transmitting, pur- Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, suant to law, the report of a rule entitled report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ‘‘New Equipment Contract, RUS Contract tion Program for Certain Commercial and ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Form 395 for Telecommunications and Industrial Equipment: Test Procedure for titled ‘‘Trifloxystrobin; Pesticide Toler- Broadband Borrowers’’ (RIN0572–AC29) re- Commercial Water Heating Equipment’’ ances’’ (FRL No. 9954–04) received during ad- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in (RIN1904–AD18) received during adjournment journment of the Senate in the Office of the the Office of the President of the Senate on of the Senate in the Office of the President President of the Senate on November 9, 2016; November 4, 2016; to the Committee on Agri- of Senate on November 10, 2016; to the Com- to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. and Forestry. EC–7550. A communication from the Under EC–7558. A communication from the Con- EC–7542. A communication from the Direc- Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Tech- servation Policy Specialist, Fish and Wild- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, nology, and Logistics), transmitting, pursu- life Service, Department of the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ant to law, a report relative to the Presi- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- dential Aircraft Recapitalization (PAR) pro- a rule entitled ‘‘Management of Non-Federal titled ‘‘Prothioconazole; Pesticide Toler- gram; to the Committee on Armed Services. Oil and Gas Rights’’ (RIN1018–AX36) received ances’’ (FRL No. 9953–71) received during ad- EC–7551. A communication from the Alter- in the Office of the President of the Senate journment of the Senate in the Office of the nate Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office on November 15, 2016; to the Committee on President of the Senate on November 9, 2016; of the Secretary, Department of Defense, Energy and Natural Resources. to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–7559. A communication from the Direc- and Forestry. a rule entitled ‘‘Civilian Health and Medical tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–7543. A communication from the Direc- Program of the Uniformed Services Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, (CHAMPUS)/TRICARE: Refills of Mainte- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- nance Medications Through Military Treat- titled ‘‘State of Nebraska; Authorization of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ment Facility Pharmacies or National Mail State Hazardous Waste Management Pro- titled ‘‘Iron oxide yellow; Exemption from Order Pharmacy Program’’ (RIN0720–AB64) gram’’ (FRL No. 9955–25–Region 7) received in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.003 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 the Office of the President of the Senate on EC–7568. A communication from the Direc- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of November 15, 2016; to the Committee on En- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the President of the Senate on November 9, vironment and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- 2016; to the Committee on Environment and EC–7560. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Public Works. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Determination of Full Program Ade- EC–7576. A communication from the Assist- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- quacy of Washington’s Municipal Solid ant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Waste Landfill Permitting Program’’ (FRL transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- titled ‘‘Revisions to the California State Im- No. 9928–27–Region 10) received during ad- ative to the Houston-Galveston Navigation plementation Plan; South Coast Air Quality journment of the Senate in the Office of the Channels, Texas, project; to the Committee Management District; Control of Oxides of President of the Senate on November 4, 2016; on Environment and Public Works. Nitrogen Emissions from Off-Road Diesel Ve- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- EC–7577. A communication from the Acting hicles’’ (FRL No. 9954–78–Region 9) received lic Works. Chief of the Unified Listing Team, Fish and in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–7569. A communication from the Direc- Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, on November 15, 2016; to the Committee on tor of the Regulatory Management Division, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Environment and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened EC–7561. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Wildlife and Plants; Adding Ten Species and tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; NH; Rules for Re- Updating Five Species on the List of Endan- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ducing Particulate Emissions’’ (FRL No. gered and Threatened Wildlife’’ (RIN1018– ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- 9953–83–Region 1) received during adjourn- BB82) received in the Office of the President titled ‘‘Revisions to Procedure 2 - Quality ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- of the Senate on November 15, 2016; to the Assurance Requirements for Particulate dent of the Senate on November 4, 2016; to Committee on Environment and Public Matter Continuous Emission Monitoring the Committee on Environment and Public Works. Systems at Stationary Sources’’ ((RIN2060– Works. EC–7578. A communication from the Chief AT15) (FRL No. 9955–20–OAR)) received in the EC–7570. A communication from the Direc- of the Branch of Recovery and State Grants, Office of the President of the Senate on No- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the vember 15, 2016; to the Committee on Envi- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ronment and Public Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and EC–7562. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Clean Air Act Redesignation Sub- Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of tor of the Regulatory Management Division, stitute for the Dallas-Fort Worth 1-hour Solidago albopilosa (White-haired Gold- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Ozone and 1997 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment enrod) From the Federal List of Endangered ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Areas; Texas’’ (FRL No. 9953–93–Region 6) re- and Threatened Plants’’ (RIN1018–BA46) re- titled ‘‘Ocean Disposal; Designation of a ceived during adjournment of the Senate in ceived in the Office of the President of the Dredged Material Disposal Site in Eastern the Office of the President of the Senate on Senate on November 15, 2016; to the Com- Region of Long Island Sound; Connecticut’’ November 4, 2016; to the Committee on Envi- mittee on Environment and Public Works. (FRL No. 9955–13–Region 1) received in the ronment and Public Works. EC–7579. A communication from the Chief Office of the President of the Senate on No- EC–7571. A communication from the Direc- of the Branch of Recovery and State Grants, vember 15, 2016; to the Committee on Envi- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the ronment and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–7563. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Clean Air Act Redesignation Sub- Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassi- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- stitute for the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria fying the Columbia River Distinct Popu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- 1997 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area; lation Segment of the Columbian White- titled ‘‘Hazardous Waste Generator Improve- Texas’’ (FRL No. 9953–89–Region 6) received Tailed Deer as Threatened With a Rule ments Rule’’ ((RIN2050–AG70) (FRL No. 9947– during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Under Section 4(d) of the Act’’ (RIN1018– 26–OLEM)) received in the Office of the BA30) received in the Office of the President President of the Senate on November 15, fice of the President of the Senate on No- of the Senate on November 15, 2016; to the 2016; to the Committee on Environment and vember 4, 2016; to the Committee on Environ- Committee on Environment and Public Public Works. ment and Public Works. EC–7564. A communication from the Direc- EC–7572. A communication from the Direc- Works. EC–7580. A communication from the Chief tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the titled ‘‘Hazardous Waste Export-Import Re- titled ‘‘Rescission of Preconstruction Per- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Removal of the 36- visions’’ ((RIN2050–AG77) (FRL No. 9947–74– mits Issued Under the Clean Air Act’’ OLEM)) received in the Office of the Presi- ((RIN2060–AS56) (FRL No. 9954–88–OAR)) re- month Non-payment Testing Period Rule’’ dent of the Senate on November 15, 2016; to ceived during adjournment of the Senate in ((RIN1545–BM01) (TD 9793)) received during the Committee on Environment and Public the Office of the President of the Senate on adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Works. November 4, 2016; to the Committee on Envi- the President of the Senate on November 10, EC–7565. A communication from the Direc- ronment and Public Works. 2016; to the Committee on Finance . tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–7573. A communication from the Direc- EC–7581. A communication from the Regu- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, lations Coordinator, Centers for Medicare ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- and Medicaid Services, Department of titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Health and Human Services, transmitting, mentation Plans; State of Arizona; Revised titled ‘‘Significant New Use Rules on Certain pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Format for Materials Incorporated By Ref- Chemical Substances’’ ((RIN2070–AB27) (FRL ‘‘Medicare Programs: Revisions to Payment erence’’ (FRL No. 9948–55–Region 9) received No. 9953–41)) received during adjournment of Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule in the Office of the President of the Senate the Senate in the Office of the President of and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2017; on November 15, 2016; to the Committee on the Senate on November 9, 2016; to the Com- Medicare Advantage Bid Pricing Data Re- Environment and Public Works. mittee on Environment and Public Works. lease; Medicare Advantage and Part D Med- EC–7566. A communication from the Direc- EC–7574. A communication from the Direc- ical Loss Ratio Data Release; Medicare Ad- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, vantage Provider Network Requirements; Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Expansion of Medicare Diabetes Prevention ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Program Model; Medicare Shared Savings titled ‘‘Air Quality Plan; Georgia; Infra- titled ‘‘Promulgation of Air Quality Imple- Program Requirements’’ (RIN0938–AS82) re- structure Requirements for the 2012 PM2.5 mentation Plans; Arizona; Regional Haze ceived during adjournment of the Senate in NAAQS’’ (FRL No. 9955–32–Region 4) received Federal Implementation Plan; Reconsider- the Office of the President of the Senate on in the Office of the President of the Senate ation’’ (FRL No. 9955–17–Region 9) received November 10, 2016; to the Committee on Fi- on November 15, 2016; to the Committee on during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- nance. Environment and Public Works. fice of the President of the Senate on No- EC–7582. A communication from the Chief EC–7567. A communication from the Direc- vember 9, 2016; to the Committee on Environ- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment and Public Works. Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–7575. A communication from the Direc- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Applicability of titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; KY Infrastructure Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Section 411(b)(5)(B)(i) to Implicit Interest Requirements for the 2010 1-hour NO2 ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Pensions Equity Plans’’ (Notice 2016–67) re- NAAQS’’ (FRL No. 9955–19–Region 4) received titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in in the Office of the President of the Senate mentation Plans: Texas; Approval of Substi- the Office of the President of the Senate on on November 15, 2016; to the Committee on tution for Transportation Control Measures’’ November 8, 2016; to the Committee on Fi- Environment and Public Works. (FRL No. 9954–36–Region 6) received during nance.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.005 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6469 EC–7583. A communication from the Regu- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report vember 9, 2016; to the Committee on Home- lations Coordinator, Centers for Medicare on D.C. Act 21–519, ‘‘Extension of Time to land Security and Governmental Affairs. and Medicaid Services, Department of Dispose of 1300 H Street, N.E., and Approval EC–7602. A communication from the Execu- Health and Human Services, transmitting, of Amended Term Sheet Temporary Amend- tive Director of the Federal Labor Relations pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on Authority, transmitting, pursuant to law, ‘‘Medicare Program; CY 2017 Inpatient Hos- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the Office of Inspector General Semiannual pital Deductible and Hospital and Extended fairs. Report for the period of April 1, 2016 through Care Services Coinsurance Amounts’’ EC–7592. A communication from the Chair- September 30, 2016; to the Committee on ((RIN0938–AS70) (CMS–8062-N)) received dur- man of the Council of the District of Colum- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report fairs. of the President of the Senate on November on D.C. Act 21–520, ‘‘Fort Dupont Ice Arena EC–7603. A communication from the Dep- 14, 2016; to the Committee on Finance. Programming Temporary Amendment Act of uty Director of Regulations and Policy Man- EC–7584. A communication from the Regu- 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- agement Staff, Food and Drug Administra- lations Coordinator, Centers for Medicare rity and Governmental Affairs. tion, Department of Health and Human Serv- and Medicaid Services, Department of EC–7593. A communication from the Chair- ices, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Health and Human Services, transmitting, man of the Council of the District of Colum- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Listing of Color Ad- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ditives Exempt From Certification; Tita- ‘‘Medicare Program: CY 2017 Part A Pre- on D.C. Act 21–521, ‘‘Child and Youth, Safety nium Dioxide and Listing of Color Additives miums for the Uninsured Aged and for Cer- and Health Omnibus Temporary Amendment Subject to Certification; [Phthalocyaninato tain Disabled Individuals Who Have Ex- Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland (2-)] Copper’’ (Docket No. FDA–2016–F–0821) hausted Other Entitlement’’ ((RIN0938–AS71) Security and Governmental Affairs. received during adjournment of the Senate (CMS–8063-N)) received during adjournment EC–7594. A communication from the Execu- in the Office of the President of the Senate of the Senate in the Office of the President tive Director of the Federal Labor Relations on November 7, 2016; to the Committee on of the Senate on November 14, 2016; to the Authority, transmitting, pursuant to law, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Committee on Finance. the Office of Inspector General Semiannual EC–7604. A communication from the Assist- EC–7585. A communication from the Regu- Report for the period of April 1, 2016 through ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of lations Coordinator, Centers for Medicare September 30, 2016; to the Committee on Health and Human Services, transmitting, and Medicaid Services, Department of Homeland Security and Governmental Af- pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Evalua- Health and Human Services, transmitting, fairs. tion Findings—Performance Improvement pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–7595. A communication from the Ad- 2014–2015 Report’’; to the Committee on ‘‘Medicare Program: Medicare Part B Month- ministrator, Federal Emergency Manage- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. ly Actuarial Rates, Premium Rate, and An- ment Agency, Department of Homeland Se- EC–7605. A communication from the Assist- nual Deductible Beginning January 1, 2017’’ curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of ((RIN0938–AS72) (CMS–8064-N)) received dur- port relative to the cost of response and re- Health and Human Services, transmitting, ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office covery efforts for FEMA–3376-EM in the pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘2016 Re- of the President of the Senate on November State of Louisiana having exceeded the port to Congress on Health IT Progress: Ex- 14, 2016; to the Committee on Finance. $5,000,000 limit for a single emergency dec- amining the HITECH Era and the Future of EC–7586. A communication from the Regu- laration; to the Committee on Homeland Se- Health IT’’; to the Committee on Health, lations Coordinator, Centers for Medicare curity and Governmental Affairs. Education, Labor, and Pensions. and Medicaid Services, Department of EC–7596. A communication from the Archi- EC–7606. A communication from the Dep- Health and Human Services, transmitting, vist of the United States, National Archives uty Assistant General Counsel for the Divi- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled and Records Administration, transmitting, sion of Regulatory Services, Office of Ele- ‘‘Medicaid Program: Covered Outpatient pursuant to law, a report relative to the Ad- mentary and Secondary Education, Depart- Drug; Delay in Change in Definitions of ministration’s fiscal year 2016 Financial Re- ment of Education, transmitting, pursuant States and the United States’’ ((RIN0938– port; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Elemen- AT09) (CMS–2345-IFC)) received during ad- rity and Governmental Affairs. tary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, As journment of the Senate in the Office of the EC–7597. A communication from the Board Amended By the Every Student Succeeds President of the Senate on November 14, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Farm Act—Accountability and State Plans’’ 2016; to the Committee on Finance. Credit Administration, transmitting, pursu- (RIN1810–AB27) received in the Office of the EC–7587. A communication from the Chief ant to law, the Administration’s Semiannual President pro tempore of the Senate; to the of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Report of the Inspector General and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Semiannual Management Report on the Sta- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Pensions. EC–7607. A communication from the Fed- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Sections 4375 and tus of Audits for the period from April 1, 2016 eral Liaison Officer, Patent and Trademark 4376—Insured and Self-Insured Health Plans through September 30, 2016; to the Com- Office, Department of Commerce, transmit- Adjusted Applicable Dollar Amount for Fee mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Imposed by sections 4375 and 4376’’ (Notice mental Affairs. EC–7598. A communication from the Chair titled ‘‘International Trademark Classifica- 2016–64) received during adjournment of the of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve tion Changes’’ (RIN0651–AD12) received dur- Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on November 9, 2016; to the Com- System, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office mittee on Finance. Inspector General’s Semiannual Report for of the President of the Senate on November EC–7588. A communication from the Assist- the six-month period from April 1, 2016 4, 2016; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- through September 30, 2016; to the Com- EC–7608. A communication from the Policy ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Officer, Department of the Army, Depart- law, a report relative to the amendment of a mental Affairs. ment of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to designation of a group as a Foreign Terrorist EC–7599. A communication from the Chair- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Army Na- Organization by the Secretary of State man of the Council of the District of Colum- tional Military Cemeteries’’ (RIN0702–AA60) (OSS–2016–1355); to the Committee on For- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report received during adjournment of the Senate eign Relations. on D.C. Act 21–522, ‘‘Closing of Public Streets in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–7589. A communication from the Assist- and Dedication of Land for Street and Alley on November 10, 2016; to the Committee on ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Purposes in and abutting Squares 3953, 3954, Veterans’ Affairs. ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to 4024, 4025, and Parcel 143/45, S.O. 14–20357, Act EC–7609. A communication from the Dep- law, a report prepared by the Department of of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- uty Bureau Chief, Public Safety and Home- State on progress toward a negotiated solu- curity and Governmental Affairs. land Security Bureau, Federal Communica- tion of the Cyprus question covering the pe- EC–7600. A communication from the Execu- tions Commission, transmitting, pursuant to riod June 1, 2016 through July 31, 2016; to the tive Director, Federal Trade Commission, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Wireless Committee on Foreign Relations. transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- Emergency Alerts; Amendments to Part 11 of EC–7590. A communication from the Assist- ative to the restating of the Commission’s the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emer- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- fiscal year 2015 balance sheet; to the Com- gency Alert System’’ ((FCC 16–127) (PS Dock- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- et No. 15–91 and PS Docket No. 15–94)) re- law, a report consistent with the Authoriza- mental Affairs. ceived during adjournment of the Senate in tion for Use of Military Force Against Iraq EC–7601. A communication from the Asso- the Office of the President of the Senate on Resolution of 2002 (P.L. 107–243) and the Au- ciate General Counsel for General Law, De- November 14, 2016; to the Committee on thorization for the Use of Force Against Iraq partment of Homeland Security, transmit- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Resolution (P.L. 102–1) for the June 10, 2016– ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a EC–7610. A communication from the Attor- August 9, 2016 reporting period; to the Com- vacancy in the position of Deputy Secretary, ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department mittee on Foreign Relations. Department of Homeland Security, received of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- EC–7591. A communication from the Chair- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Spe- man of the Council of the District of Colum- fice of the President of the Senate on No- cial Local Regulation; Suncoast Super Boat

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.007 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Grand Prix; Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL’’ were referred or ordered to lie on the cultural sector one of the most important ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2016– table as indicated: sectors to examine when considering water 0418)) received during adjournment of the POM–216. A concurrent memorial adopted conservation; and Senate in the Office of the President of the Whereas, Even modest improvements in by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Senate on July 20, 2016; to the Committee on agricultural water use can result in signifi- urging the United States Congress to enact Commerce, Science, and Transportation. cant amounts of water not being depleted re- the Resilient Federal Forests Act; to the EC–7611. A communication from the Attor- gionwide, which can then be utilized else- Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department where; and Forestry. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Whereas, Precision agricultural manage- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Spe- SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1011 ment studies have shown than farmers can cial Local Regulation; Black Warrior River, Whereas, national forest lands are the larg- reduce the amount of water, fertilizer, and Mile 338.8 to 341.9; Tuscaloosa, AL’’ est single source of water in the United pesticide needed by their fields by utilizing ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2016– States and, in some regions of the west, con- high-resolution, high-quality remotely 0576)) received during adjournment of the tribute nearly 50% of the overall water sup- sensed imagery to guide their application ef- Senate in the Office of the President of the ply; and forts of water, fertilizer, and pesticide; and Senate on July 20, 2016; to the Committee on Whereas, the unhealthy state of these for- Whereas, Small unmanned aircraft systems Commerce, Science, and Transportation. ests has resulted in catastrophic wildfires (sUAS) have the capability to quickly pro- EC–7612. A communication from the Attor- that are threatening the reliability, volume vide expansive, high-resolution, and high- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department and quality of water for tens of millions of quality remotely sensed imagery that can of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Americans; and measure specific bands in the solar spec- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Whereas, severe drought and record-break- trum, such as the thermal infrared band, ‘‘Safety Zone; Houma Navigation Canal ing wildfire seasons have highlighted the which allows farmers to better understand miles 23 to 23.5, Dulac, LA’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) need for the implementation of a process and manage their water use; and (Docket No. USCG–2016–0650)) received dur- that would require and provide for the Whereas, The Federal Aviation Adminis- ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office United States Forest Service to accelerate tration (FAA) is currently in the process of the President of the Senate on July 20, restoration work in our national forests, adopting rules for the usage of sUAS in agri- 2016; to the Committee on Commerce, which would protect critical headwaters and Science, and Transportation. cultural management; and make forest lands more resilient against pro- EC–7613. A communication from the Attor- Whereas, Flights of sUAS, for the purposes ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department longed dry conditions, insect infestation and of precision agricultural management, could of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- fire; and occur safely at low altitudes, in rural areas Whereas, failure to take quick action will ant to law, the report of a rule entitled removed from other air traffic and human ‘‘Safety Zone; Hudson River, Edgewater, NJ’’ result in a continued increase in the fre- populations, and in accordance with the ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2016– quency and intensity of destructive FAA’s proposed guidelines; and 0648)) received during adjournment of the wildfires, impacting the nation’s water re- Whereas, Small unmanned aircraft systems Senate in the Office of the President of the sources for decades at considerable cost to have been used in precision agricultural Senate on July 20, 2016; to the Committee on stakeholders and United States taxpayers; management in Japan for a decade, success- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. and fully optimizing and monitoring the manage- EC–7614. A communication from the Attor- Whereas, the customs, cultures and eco- ment of 2.5 million acres of farmland, 40 per- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department nomic well-being of our local communities, cent of which are rice fields, without any sig- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- as well as important historic and cultural as- nificant reported incidents; and ant to law, the report of a rule entitled pects of our local heritage, are being ignored, Whereas, Several University of California ‘‘Safety Zone; Navy UNDET, Apra Outer which adversely affects the lives and jobs of campuses and the California State Univer- Harbor, GU’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. the people of the United States and dev- sity system are developing precision agri- USCG–2016–0555)) received during adjourn- astates local and state economies; and culture applications with sUAS to help save ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- Whereas, on June 4, 2015, Representative water and improve crop and environmental dent of the Senate on July 20, 2016; to the introduced H.R. 2647, the monitoring. For example, the Mechatronics Committee on Commerce, Science, and Resilient Federal Forests Act. The bill Embedded Systems and Automation Lab at Transportation. passed in the House on July 9, 2015 and was the University of California, Merced, has de- EC–7615. A communication from the Attor- transmitted to the Senate, where it died in veloped numerous innovations for precision ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department committee; and agricultural management with sUAS; and of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Whereas, the Resilient Federal Forests Act Whereas, Flights of sUAS also have the ca- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled expedites and improves forest management pacity for detecting invasive plant species ‘‘Safety Zone; Tennessee River 385.0–387.0; activities through a collaborative process, that deplete high amounts of water such as Scottsboro, AL’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket resulting in the protection of water re- yellow star thistle, arundo, tamarisk, and No. USCG–2016–0467)) received during ad- sources. cheatgrass, which serve no agricultural pur- journment of the Senate in the Office of the Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of pose and removal of which would help in President of the Senate on July 20, 2016; to the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- water conservation efforts; and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and resentative concurring, prays: Whereas, The use of sUAS is an emerging Transportation. 1. That the United States Congress enact technology and has great promise for the de- EC–7616. A communication from the Dep- the Resilient Federal Forests Act. velopment of models that forecast and pre- uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory 2. That the Secretary of State of the State dict economic impacts of droughts and mete- Programs, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial orological phenomena: Now, therefore, be it Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- to the President of the , Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of suant to law, the report of a rule entitled the Speaker of the United States House of the State of California, jointly, That, due to ‘‘Designating the Sakhalin Bay-Nikolaya Representatives and each Member of Con- the severity of the drought gripping the Bay-Amur River Stock of Beluga Whales as a gress from the State of Arizona. western United States, the California Legis- Depleted Stock Under the Marine Mammal lature respectfully requests the President of Protection Act (MMPA)’’ (RIN0648–BF55) re- POM–217. A joint resolution adopted by the the United States and the United States Sec- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Legislature of the State of California rel- retary of Transportation, more specifically the Office of the President of the Senate on ative to small unmanned aircraft systems; to the FAA, to allow for the operation of sUAS November 9, 2016; to the Committee on Com- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and by farmers and rangeland managers pursuant merce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation. to emergency rules adopted by the adminis- EC–7617. A communication from the Fed- SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 18 tration before the FAA rules for sUAS are fi- eral Register Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Whereas, In the western United States, nalized. The emergency rules should be based Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department water is a vital and scarce resource, the on the proposed FAA rules for sUAS that of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to availability of which has and continues to were released in February 2015 and that in- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Establish- circumscribe growth, development, economic corporate all of the following: ment of the Appalachian High Country well-being, and environmental quality of (a) That the emergency FAA rules for Viticultural Area’’ (RIN1513–AC25) received life; and sUAS operation be applicable to counties lo- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Whereas, The wise use, conservation, de- cated in the western portion of the United fice of the President of the Senate on No- velopment, and management of our water re- States that are projected to be in drought vember 9, 2016; to the Committee on Com- sources is critical to maintaining human during the current growing season, as de- merce, Science, and Transportation. life, health, safety, and property; and fined by the National Oceanic and Atmos- f Whereas, The western United States is cur- pheric Association’s Seasonal Drought Out- PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS rently experiencing serious drought condi- look. tions that are predicted to worsen; and (b) That the emergency FAA rules for The following petitions and memo- Whereas, Agricultural irrigation uses a sig- sUAS operation allow Farmers to contract rials were laid before the Senate and nificant amount of water, making the agri- with sUAS flight service providers to execute

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.009 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6471 missions on their behalf in the airspace over- which represents the first long-term federal responsibility extends to all lands within Ar- lying lands that they own or control under transportation bill in more than a decade; izona to ensure abundant wildlife resources the proposed FAA rules for sUAS. and for current and future generations; and (c) That the emergency FAA rules for Whereas, The FAST Act provides Cali- Whereas, the designation of Arizona’s pub- sUAS operations that allow universities and fornia and other states with long-term cer- lic lands as wilderness areas has resulted in government agencies seeking to operate or tainty and stability in financing transpor- the erosion of the Arizona Game and Fish procure providers for sUAS missions for tation projects by providing marginal in- Department’s ability to comply with its fed- drought-related research or precision man- creases in most existing highway and transit eral mandate to proactively recover threat- agement applications be given expedited ap- programs, as well as $2.1 billion annually in ened and endangered species; and proval. new freight investment; and Whereas, according to federal land man- (d) That the emergency FAA rules for Whereas, The FAST Act still falls short of agement agency guidelines, an administra- sUAS operation also allow farmers and the level of investment needed to rebuild tively recommended wilderness area must be rangeland managers to use sUAS imagery to California’s and the nation’s infrastructure managed to ‘‘protect and maintain the social detect highly water-depletive invasive spe- because the United States congress has not and ecological characteristics that provide cies on their land or public lands that they raised the federal fuel excise tax that tradi- the basis for wilderness recommendation’’ in manage; and be it further tionally has funded transportation since perpetuity or until Congress takes action to Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate 1993, and meanwhile, the tax has lost more formally designate the area as a wilderness transmit copies of this resolution to the than 55 percent of its purchasing power and area; and Whereas, allowable activities within ad- President and Vice President of the United Congress has been unable to agree on an al- ministratively recommended wilderness States, the Speaker of the House of Rep- ternative to restore that funding gap: Now, areas will be left to the discretion of federal resentatives, the Majority Leader of the Sen- therefore, be it staff and deciding officers, resulting in even ate, each Senator and Representative from Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of greater restrictions and limitations than California in the Congress of, the United the State of California, jointly, That the Legis- those formally vetted and designated by Con- States, and the Federal Aviation Adminis- lature commends. Congress and the Presi- gress; and tration. dent of the United States for enacting the Whereas, congressionally designated wil- FAST Act to provide stability and reliability derness provides clearer guidance for man- POM–218. A joint resolution adopted by the in federal transportation funding over the agement and coordination with this state, Legislature of the State of California rel- next five years; and be it further, specific processes for wildlife management ative to federal transportation funding; to Resolved, That the Legislature urges Con- exemptions and direction for collaboration the Committee on Commerce, Science and gress and the President to fully fund the via existing state agreements and guidelines; Transportation. Transportation Investment Generating Eco- and SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 24 nomic Recovery (TIGER) program at a level Whereas, administratively recommended of $525 million in the 2017 fiscal year to pro- Whereas, California’s transportation infra- wilderness areas circumvent the spirit of vide additional critical transportation in- structure is aging and in serious need of re- NEPA and congressional intent and lack vestment in California and elsewhere; and be pair with the state facing a $59 billion short- transparency; and it further fall to bring the existing state highway sys- Whereas, with the implementation of fed- Resolved, That the Legislature urges Con- tem to a state of good repair over the next eral land management plans, recommended gress and the President to work together to decade and with California cities and coun- wilderness areas constitute a significant and finally find a long-term, sustainable funding ties facing a $78 billion shortfall in restoring immediate change in management without a solution to restore the lost purchasing power their own systems over the same period; and fully disclosed impact analysis required by of the federal fuel excise tax, and provide Whereas, California motorists spend $17 NEPA; and California and the rest of the country with Whereas, the federal land management billion annually in extra maintenance and the resources needed to rebuild its infra- plans lack full NEPA disclosure of potential car repair bills, more than $700 per driver, structure, invest in its people through good, impacts to this state and the public, assur- due to the state’s poorly maintained roads; well-paying jobs, and restore our economy; ances protecting this state’s ability to and and be it further proactively manage wildlife and fulfill its Whereas, Freight, transportation is crit- Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate public trust responsibility, including specific ical to the economic vitality of the United transmit copies of this resolution to the management activities, and analyses of the States and robust investment in safe and ef- President and Vice President of the United cumulative impacts of further loss of public ficient transportation facilities and infra- States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- lands that provide for multiple-use and wild- structure is essential to promoting strong resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the life-related recreational and economic oppor- economic growth in California and through- Senate, to each Senator and Representative tunities; and out the nation; and from California in the Congress of the United Whereas, the areas being recommended as Whereas, California has the most exten- States, and to the author for appropriate dis- wilderness were not included within the sive, complex, and interconnected freight tribution. original wilderness designations with pur- system in the country, including a system of poseful intent by Congress; and seaports stretching from the City of Hum- POM–219. A concurrent memorial adopted Whereas, the subsequent expansion of pre- boldt to the City of San Diego, six inter- by the Legislature of the State of Arizona viously designated wilderness is an over- national land ports of entry along the United urging the-United States Congress to act to reach of the federal agencies and disingen- States-Mexico border, and a vast network of prohibit federal agencies from recom- uous to the public, subverting original col- freight rail lines and truck routes which en- mending and identifying Arizona’s public laboration, coordination, negotiation and able the state to serve as the nation’s gate- lands as wilderness areas without express agreements; and way to international trade; and congressional consent; to the Committee on Whereas, the federal agency planning docu- Whereas, California’s freight network Energy and Natural Resources. ments suggest that no significant manage- moves 1.8 billion tons of goods, valued at ment action or recommendation to Congress more than $2 trillion, throughout the state; SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1014 will take place before further NEPA analyses the vast majority of which travels to des- Whereas, through federal land manage- are completed. Within the recently released tinations beyond the state’s borders; and ment planning and associated guidelines, Prescott and Apache-Sitgreaves National Whereas, Freight shipments into, out of, federal agencies are recommending and iden- Forest recommended wildernesses, the and within California, are projected to grow tifying Arizona’s public lands as wilderness United States Forest Service indicates that approximately 180 percent by the year 2040; areas; and these areas are simply preliminary adminis- and Whereas, these administratively rec- trative recommendations and that further Whereas, California’s freight system. is re- ommended wilderness areas circumvent con- NEPA analyses are necessary, However, in sponsible for the creation of 800,000 freight gressional intent and lack full and appro- transmittal letters, the United States Forest jobs and stimulates the creation of millions priate National Environmental. Policy Act Service states that ‘‘the Final Environ- of other jobs throughout the economy; and (NEPA) analyses; and mental Impact Statement for the . . . For- Whereas, Expansion of public transpor- Whereas, the identification of these de est’s Revised Resource Management Plan tation is a key element of California’s strat- facto wilderness areas has resulted in signifi- contains the NEPA analysis necessary to egy to improve mobility while meeting crit- cant restrictions on public access and recre- support a legislative proposal.’’ This is an ical greenhouse gas reduction targets; yet ation, paralyzing restrictions on the Arizona egregious lack of transparency. the California Transit Association reports Game and Fish Department’s ability to man- Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of that the state’s public transit agencies face age wildlife and potentially catastrophic re- the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- a 10-year $72 bi11ion capital and operating strictions on vegetation and habitat im- resentatives concurring, prays: shortfall; and provement projects, including fire manage- 1. That the Congress of the United States Whereas, In December 2015, the United ment activities; and act to prohibit federal agencies from recom- States Congress passed, and President Whereas, the conservation of wildlife re- mending and identifying Arizona’s public Barack Obama signed, the Fixing. America’s sources is the trust responsibility of the Ari- lands as wilderness areas without express Surface Transportation Act (FASTAct), zona Game and Fish Commission, and this congressional consent.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.014 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 2. That the Secretary of State of the State EPA and the DOD to use all their resources President of the United States and the of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial to discover the extent of the contamination, United States Congress to take all necessary to the President of the United States Senate, provide complete remediation, fully evaluate action to restore honor to, and rectify the the Speaker of the United States House of the health consequences and provide assist- mistreatment by the United States Military Representatives and each Member of Con- ance to residents and military personnel who of, any sailors who were unjustly blamed for gress from the State of Arizona. have been impacted by the water contamina- and convicted of mutiny after the Port Chi- tion from these former military installa- cago disaster; to the Committee on Environ- POM–220. A resolution adopted by the Sen- tions; and be it further ment and Public Works. ate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Resolved, That the Senate of Pennsylvania SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 69 relative to establishing drinking water urge the Congress of the United States to Whereas, On the night of July 17, 1944, two standards for certain chemicals; to the Com- consider the appropriation of additional transport vessels loading ammunition at the mittee on Environment and Public Works. funds to the EPA and DOD to address this Port Chicago naval base on the Sacramento SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 384 issue; and be it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be River in California were suddenly engulfed in Whereas, Decades after the United States transmitted to the President of the United a gigantic explosion, the incredible blast of Navy used an unregulated contaminant in States, to the presiding officers of each which wrecked the naval base and heavily firefighting training on two former Bases, house of Congress, to each member of Con- damaged the town of Port Chicago, located Willow Grove Naval Air Station Joint Re- gress from Pennsylvania, to the United 1.5 miles away; and serve Base in Horsham and Naval Air War- States Environmental Protection Agency Whereas, Everyone on the pier and aboard fare Center Warminster, in Montgomery and and to the United States Department of De- the two ships was killed instantly—some 320 Bucks Counties, chemicals are appearing in fense. American naval personnel, 200 of whom were elevated levels in public and private water African American enlisted men; and another wells; and POM–221. A resolution adopted by the Sen- 390 military and civilian personnel were in- Whereas, The chemicals, perfluorooctane ate of the State of Iowa supporting the fed- jured, including 226 African American en- sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctansic acid eral renewable fuel standard; to the Com- listed men; and (PFOA), are used in a variety of products mittee on Environment and Public Works. Whereas, The two ships and the large load- such as fabric, carpets, nonstick cookware ing pier were totally annihilated and an esti- SENATE RESOLUTION 118 and firefighting foam; and mated $12,000,000 in property damage was Whereas, PFOS and PFOA are ‘‘extremely Whereas, in accordance with the federal caused by the huge blast; and persistent in the environment and resistant Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109–58, Whereas, This single, stunning disaster ac- to typical environmental degradation proc- as amended by the federal Energy Independ- counted for nearly one-fifth of all African esses,’’ according the United States Environ- ence and Security Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. American naval casualties during the whole mental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA 110–140, the United States has demonstrated of World War II and was the worst home- also states, ‘‘The toxicity, mobility and bio- its commitment to the long-term policy of front disaster of the war; and accumulation potential of PFOS and FOA increasing the domestic production of clean Whereas, The specific cause of the explo- pose potential adverse effects for the envi- renewable fuels according to a renewable sion was never officially established by a ronment and human health’; and fuel standard, referred to as the ‘‘RFS’’; and Court of Inquiry, in effect clearing the offi- Whereas, A growing body of science has es- Whereas, the RFS is the one of the single cers-in-charge of any responsibility for the tablished associations between PFOS and most successful energy policies in our na- disaster and, insofar as any human cause was PFOA and a range of health effects including tion’s history; and invoked, laying the burden of blame on the a variety of cancers; and Whereas, the RFS is a federal policy that shoulders of the African American enlisted Whereas, The chemicals were first requires a minimum percentage of motor men who died in the explosion; and disconered in local public water supplies fuel sold in our nation to contain renewable Whereas, Following the incident, many of near the former military bases by an EPA fuels; and the surviving African American sailors were Whereas, under the RFS, renewable fuels testing program in 2013 and 2014, resulting in transferred to nearby Camp Shoemaker have access to a retail market in the face of a health advisory that took several public where they remained until July 31, 1944, a vertically integrated petroleum market; water wells offline; and when two of the divisions were transferred to and Whereas, On Thursday,May 19, 2016, the naval barracks in Vallejo near Mare Island Whereas, the RFS represents a congres- EPA issued an update to its health advisory and another division returned to Port Chi- sional promise to American biofuels pro- for PFOS and PFOA that significantly re- cago to help with cleaning up and rebuilding ducers, farmers, communities, and investors duced the amount considered safe in drink- the base; and that the blend levels of the RFS will increase ing water. In the worst possible case, water Whereas, Many of these men were in a each year; and containing the chemicals at an amount pre- Whereas, this congressional policy sup- state of shock, troubled by the vivid memory viously deemed safe would now be more than porting the RFS will continue to build the of the horrible explosion; however, they were eight times over the recommended limits; long-term capacity of the renewable fuels in- provided no psychiatric counseling or med- and dustry and will encourage the development ical screening, except for those who were ob- Whereas, The new recommended levels of new types of clean fuels; and viously physically injured; none of the men, have resulted in officials from the Horsham Whereas, the RFS helps support over 73,000 even those who had been hospitalized with Water and Sewer Authority, Warminster Mu- jobs in agriculture, biofuels production, and injuries, were granted survivor leaves to nicipal Authority and Warrington Township associated businesses in Iowa; and visit their families before being reassigned Water and Sewer Department shutting down Whereas, the renewable fuels industry in to regular duties; and none of these survivors contaminated public drinking water wells, Iowa helps pay $5 billion in wages annually were called to testify at the Court of In- including 16 municipal wells in Horsham, to this state’s employment force; and quiry; and Warrington and Warminster Thownships and Whereas, renewable fuels create additional Whereas, Captain Merrill T. Kinne, Officer- an estimated 80 private wells; and markets for Iowa farmers with more than 47 in-Charge of Port Chicago, issued a state- Whereas, While the Senate of Pennsylvania percent of Iowa’s corn supply supporting eth- ment praising the African American enlisted acknowledges the current efforts of the EPA anol production: Now therefore, be it men and stating that ‘‘the men displayed and the Department of Defense (DOD) as well Resolved by the Senate, That the Iowa creditable coolness and bravery under those as the Department of Environmental Protec- Senate calls upon the Congress of the United emergency conditions’’; and tion to provide bottled water to local resi- States, the United States Environmental Whereas, After the disaster, white sailors dents, more needs to be done to fully address Protection Agency, the President of the were given 30 days’ leave to visit their fami- this situation: Therefore be it United States, and this country’s future lies—according to survivors, this was the Resolved, That the Senate of the Common- President of the United States and adminis- standard for sailors involved in a disaster— wealth of Pennsylvania wage the President, tration, to continue to support the RFS in while only African American sailors were or- the Congress of the United States and the order to encourage American energy produc- dered back to work the next day to clean and EPA to expeditiously determine if a Federal tion and to strengthen rural communities; remove human remains; and drinking water standard should be issued for and be it further Whereas, After the disaster, the prepara- PFOSs and PFOAs that can be enforced in Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be tion of Mare Island for the arrival of African the same manner as lead and arsenic; and be sent to the President of the United States, American sailors included moving the bar- it further the Administrator of the United States Envi- racks of white sailors away from the loading Resolved, That the Senate of Pennsylvania ronmental Protection Agency, the President area in order to be clear of the ships being urge the President and the Congress of the and Secretary of the United States Senate, loaded in case of another explosion; and United States to work with the Common- the Speaker and Clerk of the United States Whereas, The survivors and new personnel wealth of Pennsylvania to take all necessary House of Representatives, and to the mem- who later were ordered to return to loading action to ensure that the communities of bers of Iowa’s congressional delegation. ammunition expressed their opposition, cit- Horsham, Warminster and Warrington Town- ing the possibility of another explosion; the ships in Montgomery and Bucks Counties POM–222. A resolution adopted by the Leg- first confrontation occurred on August 9, have safe drinking water and to direct the islature of the State of California urging the 1944, when 328 men from three divisions were

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.013 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6473 ordered out to the loading pier; the great seeing spent nuclear fuel each year and mil- electric utility generating units in the State majority of the men balked, and eventually lions of dollars more are programmed to be of Arizona if the State of Arizona does not 258 were arrested and confined for three days spent on settlement payments related to nu- adopt its own plan implementing the Clean on a large barge tethered to the pier; and clear waste disposition; and Power Plan regulating greenhouse gas emis- Whereas, Fifty of these men were selected Whereas, Much of the spent nuclear fuel sions; and as the ringleaders and charged with mutiny, and high-level radioactive waste currently Whereas, the EPA’s Clean Power Plan ex- and on October 24, 1944, after only 80 minutes stored is at sites that are vulnerable to nat- ceeds the agency’s legal authority to require of a military court, all 50 men were found ural disasters and located near large metro- reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from guilty of mutiny—10 were sentenced to 15 politan centers; and existing fossil fuel-fired electric generating years in prison, 24 sentenced to 12 years, 11 Whereas, The United States Department of units under Section 111(d) of the CAA and sentenced to 10 years, and 5 sentenced to 8 Energy concluded in 2013 that a geologic re- interferes with the electric system of Ari- years; and all were to be dishonorably dis- pository for the permanent disposal of spent zona; and charged from the Navy; this was the largest nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste Whereas, addressing greenhouse gas emis- mass mutiny trial in the United States to will not be available until 2048, at the ear- sions under Section 111(d) is a discretionary this day; and liest; and duty of the EPA as outlined in the CAA; and Whereas, After a massive outcry the next Whereas, The President’s Blue Ribbon Whereas, devoting resources to discre- year, in January 1946, 47 of the Port Chicago Commission on America’s Nuclear Future tionary duties like regulating greenhouse men were released from prison and ‘‘exiled’’ recommended that efforts he made to de- gas emissions takes resources away from for one year overseas before returning to velop a permanent disposal site for spent nu- nondiscretionary duties that are better suit- their families; and clear fuel and high-level radioactive waste; ed to protect the public health and safety in Whereas, In a 1994 investigation, the and the near term; and United States Navy stated that ‘‘there is no Whereas, The spent nuclear fuel at the San Whereas, it is important to Arizona’s econ- doubt that racial prejudice was responsible Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, a decom- omy to have a diverse energy portfolio that for the posting of only African American en- missioning site, should be promptly and safe- provides reliable and affordable electric serv- listed personnel to loading divisions at Port ly moved to a consolidated storage site, as ice to Arizona residents and businesses while Chicago’’; and recommended by the President’s Blue Ribbon also protecting the public health and safety; Whereas, In the 1994 investigation, the Commission on America’s Nuclear Future, and United States Navy, prompted by Members and as would be advanced by H.R. 4745, the Whereas, fossil fuels, including coal and of Congress, admitted that the routine as- Interim Consolidated Storage Act of 2016, natural gas, provide an abundant and afford- signment of only African American enlisted which would give priority for storage to able domestic energy source that is impor- personnel to manual labor was clearly moti- high-level nuclear waste and spent nuclear tant to Arizona’s economy and enhance the vated by race; and fuel located on a site without an operating availability and reliability of electric serv- Whereas, The United States Congress re- nuclear reactor: Now, therefore, be it ice; and duced the death benefit to those killed in Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of Whereas, the EPA’s final Clean Power Plan Port Chicago from $5,000, the normal amount the State of California, jointly, That the Legis- impedes the ability of this state to oversee given, to $3,000, simply because the sailors lature of the State of California respectfully its own electricity supply and transmission were African American; and urges the passage of H.R. 4745 and supports system; and Whereas, in many eases, families of sailors the development and passage of complemen- Whereas, the EPA’s Clean Power Plan will killed in the disaster were never told they tary legislation; and be it further have adverse impacts on the customs, cul- were entitled to consideration for the death Resolved, That the Legislature of the State ture, history, heritage and economies of this of their relative; and of California respectfully urges the United state and local communities. Whereas, In 2009, the Port Chicago Naval States Department of Energy to implement Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of Magazine Memorial site was designated as the prompt and safe relocation of spent nu- the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- part of the National Park Service; and clear fuel from the San Onofre Nuclear Gen- resentatives concurring, prays: Whereas, Despite the gross injustice faced erating Station to a licensed and regulated 1. That the United States Congress oppose by these sailors, only one of the men charged interim consolidated storage facility; and be the implementation of rules for existing with mutiny was given a pardon by Presi- it further electric utility generating units that exceed dent Clinton in 1998: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate the EPA’s legal authority under Section Resolved by the Senate of the State of Cali- transmit copies of this resolution to the 111(d) of the CAA and interfere with the pre- fornia, That the Senate urges the President President of the United States, to the Speak- rogative of Arizona to regulate electricity and the Congress of the United States to er of the House of Representatives, to the and ensure an affordable and reliable supply take all necessary action to restore honor to, Majority Leader of the Senate, to each Sen- of electricity for its citizens. and rectify the mistreatment by the United ator and Representative from California in 2. That the United States Congress oppose States Military of, any sailors who were un- the Congress of the United States, and to the the implementation of rules for existing justly blamed for and convicted of mutiny Secretary of Energy. electric utility generating units that do not after the Port Chicago disaster, which oc- recognize the primary role of states in estab- curred in the town of Port Chicago, Cali- POM–224. A concurrent memorial adopted lishing and implementing plans to achieve fornia, in 1944; and be it further by the Legislature of the State of Arizona emissions reductions for existing units under Resolved, That the Senate further urges the urging the United States Congress to oppose Section 111(d) of the CAA. President and the Congress of the United the implementation of certain rules for ex- 3. That the United States Congress exer- States to take action to ensure that the isting electric utility generating units; to cise oversight over the EPA to ensure that treatment of sailors by the United States the Committee on Environment and Public the primary role of states in establishing and Military after the Port Chicago disaster is Works. implementing plans to achieve emissions re- ductions from existing electric utility gener- rectified by providing for the full exonera- SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 2016 tion of all those who were wrongfully court- ating units under Section 111(d) of the CAA Whereas, the Clean Air Act (CAA) is a fed- martialed and having the military records of is respected. eral law designed to protect air quality na- those involved cleared of any wrongdoing or 4. That the Governor and the Attorney tionwide; and discharge references that were other than General of the State of Arizona take appro- Whereas, jurisdiction to implement the honorable, regardless of whether those sail- priate actions to uphold this state’s respon- CAA lies primarily with the states; and ors are alive or deceased; and be it further sibilities with respect to the CAA and defend Whereas, in 1970, Congress enacted the Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate this state against overreaching regulations. CAA, mandating comprehensive state and 5. That the Secretary of State of the State transmit copies of this resolution to the federal regulations for both stationary and of Arizona transmit a copy of this Memorial President and Vice President of the United nonstationary sources of pollution; and to the President of the United States, the States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- Whereas, while Americans support efforts President of the United States Senate, the resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the to improve air quality, such efforts should be Speaker of the United States House of Rep- Senate, and to each Senator and Representa- carefully balanced to ensure that the cost of resentatives, each Member of Congress from tive from California in the Congress of the new regulations on the economy do not ex- the State of Arizona, the Administrator of United States. ceed potential benefits; and the United States Environmental Protection Whereas, on October 23, 2015, the United Agency, the Governor of the State of Arizona POM–223. A joint resolution adopted by the States Environmental Protection Agency and the Attorney General of the State of Ar- Senate of the State of California urging the (EPA) published final rules in the Federal izona. passage of H.R. 4745, the Interim Consoli- Register regulating greenhouse gas emis- dated Storage Act of 2016; to the Committee sions from existing electric utility gener- POM–225. A concurrent memorial adopted on Environment and Public Works. ating units, also known as the Clean Power by the Legislature of the State of Arizona SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 23 Plan; and urging the United States Environmental Whereas, Millions of ratepayer and tax- Whereas, the EPA has issued a proposed Protection Agency to reinstate the previous payer dollars are spent monitoring and over- federal plan that will be imposed on existing ozone concentration standard of 75 parts per

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.018 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6474 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 billion; to the Committee on Environment (1) The EPA has exceeded its statutory au- after adjusting for economic growth, implies and Public Works. thority by promulgating regulations that a 90% reduction in emission rates from the SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1007 were not contemplated by Congress in the relatively uncontrolled 1990 rates for nitro- Whereas, on October 1, 2015, the United authorizing language of the statutes enacted gen oxide-emitting sources; and Whereas, average ozone concentrations States Environmental Protection Agency by Congress; have decreased significantly in both urban (EPA) reduced the national ambient air qual- (2) The EPA was correct not to classify and rural areas over the past two decades in ity standards for ground-level ozone from 75 greenhouse gases as pollutants prior to 2009; (3) No federal agency has the authority to response to state and federal emission con- parts per billion (ppb) to 70 ppb; and trol programs; and Whereas, the State of Arizona will have regulate greenhouse gases under current law; and Whereas, instead of giving states enough great difficulty in implementing this new time to meet the previous ozone concentra- ozone concentration standard due to factors (4) No attempt to regulate greenhouse gases should be undertaken without further tion standard of 75 ppb through ongoing that are outside of this state’s control, in- emission reduction programs, the EPA cluding its proximity to California, extreme congressional action; and Whereas, the Stopping EPA Overreach Act moved the goalpost by imposing a lower heat and intense summer sunshine; and should clarify that federal agencies do not standard; and Whereas, before the implementation of the Whereas, reinstating the previous ozone new ozone concentration standard, the EPA have the authority to regulate climate change or global warming, thereby voiding concentration standard of 75 ppb would pro- reported that 358 counties in the nation vide for continued air quality improvement would violate a standard of 70 ppb based on certain EPA rules, and requires the Adminis- trator of the EPA to provide an analysis of throughout the nation as emission reduction monitoring data from 2011 through 2013; and programs under EPA regulations are imple- Whereas, nonattainment area designations any regulation, rule or policy that describes its impacts on employment, and jobs in the mented. will limit economic and job growth by re- Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of United States before proposing or finalizing stricting new and expanded industrial and the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- that regulation, rule or policy; and manufacturing facilities, imposing emission resentatives concurring, prays: ‘‘offset’’ requirements on new and modified Whereas, any federal agency seeking to 1. That the United States Environmental major sources of nitrogen oxides and volatile promulgate a regulation, rule or policy Protection Agency reinstate the previous organic compounds emissions, constraining should be required to provide the cost-ben- ozone concentration standard of 75 ppb. oil and gas extraction and raising electricity efit analysis and peer-reviewed science that 2. That the Secretary of State of the State prices for industries and consumers; and were used in proposing the regulation, rule of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial Whereas, low-income and fixed-income or policy; and to the Administrator of the United States citizens will bear the brunt of higher energy Whereas, penalties should be imposed for Environmental Protection Agency, the costs and utility bills; and knowingly providing false information as President of the United States, the President Whereas, air quality continues to improve, support for a proposed regulation, rule or of the United States Senate, the Speaker of and nitrogen oxide emissions are already policy; and the United States House of Representatives down to 60% nationwide since 1980, which, Whereas, the people of Arizona fully sup- and each Member of Congress from the State after adjusting for economic growth, implies port the Stopping EPA Overreach Act, of Arizona. a 90% reduction in emission rates from the Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of relatively uncontrolled 1990 rates for nitro- the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- POM–228. A concurrent memorial adopted gen oxide-emitting sources; and resentatives concurring, prays: by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Whereas, average ozone concentrations 1. That the United States Congress enact urging the United States Congress to oppose have decreased significantly in both urban the Stopping EPA Overreach Act, the implementation of certain rules for ex- and rural areas over the past two decades in 2. That the Secretary of State of the State isting electric utility generating units; to response to state and federal emission con- of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial the Committee on Environment and Public trol programs; and to the President of the United States, the Works. Whereas, instead of giving states enough Speaker of the United States House of Rep- SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1016 time to meet the previous ozone concentra- resentatives, the President of the United Whereas, the Clean Air Act (CAA) is a fed- tion standard of 75 ppb through ongoing States Senate and each Member of Congress eral law designed to protect air quality na- emission reduction programs, the EPA from the State of Arizona. tionwide; and moved the goalpost by imposing a lower Whereas, jurisdiction to implement the standard; and POM–227. A concurrent memorial adopted CAA lies primarily with the states; and Whereas, reinstating the previous ozone by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Whereas, in 1970, Congress enacted the concentration standard of 75 ppb would pro- urging the United States Environmental CAA, mandating comprehensive state and- vide for continued air quality improvement Protection Agency to reinstate the previous federal regulations for both stationary and throughout the nation as emission reduction ozone concentration standard of 75 parts per nonstationary sources of pollution; and programs under EPA regulations are imple- billion; to the Committee on Environment Whereas, while Americans support efforts mented. and Public Works. to improve air quality, such efforts should be Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1007 carefully balanced to ensure that the cost of new regulations on the economy do not ex- the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- Whereas, on October 1, 2015, the United resentatives concurring, prays: ceed potential benefits; and States Environmental Protection Agency Whereas, on October 23, 2015, the United 1. That the United States Environmental (EPA) reduced the national ambient air qual- Protection Agency reinstate the previous States Environmental Protection Agency ity standards for ground-level ozone from 75 (EPA) published final rules in the Federal ozone concentration standard of 75 ppb. parts per billion (ppb) to 70 ppb; and 2. That the Secretary of State of the State Register regulating greenhouse gas emis- Whereas, the State of Arizona will have sions from existing electric utility gener- of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial great difficulty in implementing this new to the Administrator of the United States ating units, also known as the Clean Power ozone concentration standard due to factors Plan; and Environmental Protection Agency, the that are outside of this state’s control, in- President of the United States, the President Whereas, the EPA has issued a proposed cluding its proximity to California, extreme federal plan that will be imposed on existing of the United States Senate, the Speaker of heat and intense summer sunshine; and the United States House of Representatives electric utility generating units in the State Whereas, before the implementation of the of Arizona if the State of Arizona does not and each Member of Congress from the State new ozone concentration standard, the EPA of Arizona. adopt its own plan implementing the Clean reported that 358 counties in the nation Power Plan regulating greenhouse gas emis- would violate a standard of 70 ppb based on sions; and POM–226. A concurrent memorial adopted monitoring data from 2011 through 2013; and by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Whereas, the EPA’s Clean Power Plan ex- Whereas, nonattainment area designations ceeds the agency’s legal authority to require urging the United States Congress to enact will limit economic and job growth by re- the Stopping EPA Overreach Act; to the reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from stricting new and expanded industrial and existing fossil fuel-fired electric generating Committee on Environment and Public manufacturing facilities, imposing emission Works. units under Section 111(d) of the CAA and ‘‘offset’’ requirements on new and modified interferes with the electric system of Ari- SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1015 major sources of nitrogen oxides and volatile zona; and Whereas, the Stopping EPA Overreach Act organic compounds emissions, constraining Whereas, addressing greenhouse gas emis- seeks to prevent the United States Environ- oil and gas extraction and raising electricity sions under Section 111(d) is a discretionary mental Protection Agency (EPA) from ex- prices for industries and consumers; and duty of the EPA as outlined in the CAA; and ceeding its statutory authority in ways that Whereas, low-income and fixed-income Whereas, devoting resources to discre- were not contemplated by the United States citizens will bear the brunt of higher energy tionary duties like regulating greenhouse Congress; and costs and utility bills; and gas emissions takes resources away from Whereas, in the Stopping EPA Overreach Whereas, air quality continues to improve, nondiscretionary duties that are better suit- Act, the State of Arizona urges Congress to and nitrogen oxide emissions are already ed to protect the public health and safety in find that; down to 60% nationwide since 1980, which, the near term; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.021 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6475 Whereas, it is important to Arizona’s econ- everything from puddles of rainwater to ag- duce Social Security benefits for affected omy to have a diverse energy portfolio that ricultural irrigation systems; and Whereas, persons by as much as one-half of the retire- provides reliable and affordable electric serv- the final rule allows waters that have tradi- ment benefit earned as a public servant in ice to Arizona residents and businesses while tionally been off limits to federal regulation employment not covered under Social Secu- also protecting the public health and safety; to be subject to the rulemaking process of rity; and and the EPA and the Clean Water Act; and Whereas, the WEP causes hardworking in- Whereas, fossil fuels, including coal and Whereas, the customs, cultures and eco- dividuals to lose a significant portion of the natural gas, provide an abundant and afford- nomic well-being of our local communities, Social Security benefits that they earn able domestic energy source that is impor- as well as important historic and cultural as- themselves; and tant to Arizona’s economy and enhance the pects of our local heritage, are being ignored, Whereas, according to recent Social Secu- availability and reliability of electric serv- which adversely affects the lives and jobs of rity Administration figures, more than one ice; and the people of the United States and dev- and a half million individuals nationally are Whereas, the EPA’s final Clean Power Plan astates local and state economies; and affected by the WEP; and impedes the ability of this state to oversee Whereas, the State of Arizona is one of 27 Whereas, in certain circumstances both the its own electricity supply and transmission states that have brought legal challenges WEP and GPO can be applied to a qualifying system; and against the Clean Water Rule and success- survivor’s benefit, each independently reduc- Whereas, the EPA’s Clean Power Plan will fully obtained a nationwide stay barring the ing the available benefit and in combination have adverse impacts on the customs, cul- rule’s enforcement; and eliminating a large portion of the total So- ture, history, heritage and economies of this Whereas, if passed by Congress, the Regu- cial Security benefit available to the sur- state and local communities. latory Integrity Protection Act would re- vivor; and Whereas, because of the calculation char- Wherefore, your memorialist, the Senate quire the EPA and the United States Army acteristics of the GPO and the WEP, they of the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- Corps of Engineers to develop a new rule have a disproportionately negative effect on resentatives concurring, prays: that takes into consideration all public com- 1. That the United States Congress oppose employees working in lower-wage govern- ments received on the matter as well as ment jobs, like policemen, firefighters, the implementation of rules for existing input received from state and local govern- electric utility generating units that exceed teachers, and state employees; and ments. Wherefore your memorialist, the Sen- Whereas, Louisiana is making every effort the EPA’s legal authority under Section ate of the State of Arizona, the House of 111(d) of the CAA and interfere with the pre- to improve the quality of life of its citizens Representatives concurring, prays: and to encourage them to live here lifelong, rogative of Arizona to regulate electricity 1. That the Congress of the United States and ensure an affordable and reliable supply yet the current GPO and WEP provisions enact the Regulatory Integrity Protection compromise their quality of life; and of electricity for its citizens, Act. 2. That the United States Congress oppose Whereas, the number of people affected by 2. That the Secretary of State of the State GPO and WEP is growing every day as more the implementation of rules for existing of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial and more people reach retirement age; and electric utility generating units that do not to the President of the United States Senate, Whereas, individuals drastically affected recognize the primary role of states in estab- the Speaker of the United States House of by the GPO or WEP may have no choice but lishing and implementing plans to achieve Representatives and each Member of Con- to return to work after retirement in order emissions reductions for existing units under gress from the State of Arizona. to make ends meet, but the earnings accu- Section 111(d) of the CAA. mulated during this return to work can fur- 3. That the United States Congress exer- POM–230. A concurrent resolution adopted ther reduce the Social Security benefits the cise oversight over the EPA to ensure that by the Legislature of the State of Louisiana individual is entitled to; and the primary role of states in establishing and memorializing the United States Congress to Whereas, the GPO and WEP are established implementing plans to achieve emissions re- take such actions as are necessary to review in federal law, and repeal of the GPO and the ductions from existing electric utility gener- the Government Pension Offset and the WEP can only be enacted by congress. There- ating units under Section 111(d) of the CAA Windfall Elimination Provision Social Secu- fore be it is respected. rity benefit reductions and to consider elimi- Resolved that the Legislature of Louisiana 4. That the Governor and the Attorney nating or reducing them; to the Committee does hereby memorialize the United States General of the State of Arizona take appro- on Finance. Congress to take such actions as are nec- priate actions to uphold this state’s respon- essary to review the Government Pension HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 12 sibilities with respect to the CAA and defend Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provi- this state against overreaching regulations. Whereas, the Congress of the United States sion Social Security benefit reductions and 5. That the Secretary of State of the State of America has enacted both the Government to consider eliminating or reducing them. Be of Arizona transmit a copy of this Memorial Pension Offset (GPO), reducing the spousal it further to the President of the United States, the and survivor Social Security benefit, and the Resolved that a copy of this Resolution be President of the United States Senate, the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), re- transmitted to the presiding officers of the Speaker of the United States House of Rep- ducing the earned Social Security benefits Senate and the House of Representatives of resentatives, each Member of Congress from payable to any person who also receives a the Congress of the United States of America the State of Arizona, the Administrator of public pension benefit; and and to each member of the Louisiana con- the United States Environmental Protection Whereas, the GPO negatively affects a gressional delegation. Agency, the Governor of the State of Arizona spouse or survivor receiving a federal, state, and the attorney General of the State of Ari- or local government retirement or pension POM–231. A resolution adopted by the zona, benefit who would also be entitled to a So- House of Representatives of the State of Ha- cial Security benefit earned by a spouse; and waii requesting the Hawaii sister-state com- POM–229. A concurrent memorial adopted Whereas, the GPO formula reduces the mittee to review and consider the establish- by the Legislature of the State of Arizona spousal or survivor Social Security benefit ment of a state/province relationship be- urging the United States Congress to enact by two-thirds of the amount of the federal, tween the State of Hawaii of the United the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act; to state, or local government retirement or States of America and the Province of Aklan the Committee on Environment and Public pension benefit received by the spouse or of the Republic of the Philippines; to the Works. survivor, in many cases completely elimi- Committee on Foreign Relations. SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1008 nating the Social Security benefit even HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 77 Whereas, on April 13, 2015, Representative though their spouses paid Social Security Whereas, the State of Hawaii is actively Bill Shuster introduced H.R. 1732, the Regu- taxes for many years; and seeking to expand its international ties and latory Integrity Protection Act; and Whereas, the GPO has a harsh effect on has an abiding interest in the developing Whereas, the Regulatory Integrity Protec- hundreds of thousands of citizens and under- goodwill, friendship, and economic relations tion Act protects landowners from intrusive mines the original purpose of the Social Se- between the people of Hawaii and the people government regulation and ensures the pro- curity dependent/survivor benefit; and of Asian and Pacific countries; and tection of personal property; and Whereas, according to recent Social Secu- Whereas, as part of its effort to achieve Whereas, the Regulatory. Integrity Protec- rity Administration figures, more than half this goal, Hawaii has established a number of tion Act came in response to efforts by the a million individuals nationally are affected sister-state relationships with provinces in Obama Administration, the United States by the GPO; and the Pacific region; and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Whereas, the WEP applies to those persons Whereas, because of the historical rela- the United States Army Corps of Engineers who have earned federal, state, or local gov- tionship between the United States of Amer- to implement the Clean Water Rule, which ernment retirement or pension benefits, in ica and the Republic of the Philippines, there vastly expands the federal government’s addition to working in employment covered continue to exist valid reasons to promote ability to regulate waterways; and under Social Security and paying into the international friendship and understanding Whereas, the final rule became effective on Social Security system; and for the mutual benefit of both countries to August 28, 2015; and Whereas, the WEP reduces the earned So- achieve lasting peace and prosperity as it Whereas, the final rule is far too broad, al- cial Security benefit using an averaged in- serves the common interests of both coun- lowing the federal government to regulate dexed monthly earnings formula and may re- tries; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 Feb 07, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD16\NOV2016\S17NO6.REC S17NO6 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Whereas, there are historical precedents tinue to take action to prevent the United Religious Freedom, the International Asso- exemplifying the common desire to maintain States from entering into the United Nations ciation of Genocide Scholars, Pope Francis, a close cultural, commercial, educational, Arms Trade Treaty or other similar treaties; Hillary Clinton and many other organiza- and financial bridge between ethnic Filipinos to the Committee on Foreign Relations. tions and religious and political leaders have living in Hawaii with their relatives, friends, SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1013 called on the United States to recognize the and business counterparts in the Philippines, Whereas, United Nations (UN) Security persecution of Christians and other religious such as the previously established sister-city Council Resolution 2117, which was adopted minorities in the Middle East as genocide; relationship between the City and County of on September 26, 2013, ‘‘[c]alls for Member and Whereas, the United States Congress has Honolulu and the City of Cebu in the Prov- States to support weapons collection, disar- introduced House Concurrent Resolution 75, ince of Cebu; and mament, demobilization and reintegration of Senate Resolution 340 and at least five other Whereas, similar state-province relation- ex-combatants, as well as physical security bills designed to recognize the genocide and ships exist between the State of Hawaii and and stockpile management programmes by the Provinces of Cebu, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos facilitate expedited support and aid for United Nations peacekeeping operations Christians and other religious minorities in Sur, Pangasinan, and Isabela, where coopera- where so mandated’’; and tion and communication have served to es- the Middle East; and Whereas, the UN Arms Trade Treaty Whereas, the designation of the persecu- tablish exchanges in the areas of business, strives to place a global ban on the import tion of Christians and other religious minori- trade, education, agriculture and industry, and export of small firearms, affecting all ties in the Middle East as genocide has real, tourism, disaster preparedness, beach res- private gun owners in the United States, and practical policy implications and can help toration, sports, health care, social welfare, to implement an international gun registry expedite various solutions to the crisis; and and other fields of human endeavor; and on all private guns and ammunition; and Whereas, the Members of the Senate of the Whereas, a similar state-province relation- Whereas, Senator James Inhofe introduced State of Arizona officially recognize the per- ship would reinforce and cement this com- an amendment to the budget in 2013 that secution of Christians and other religious mon bridge for understanding and mutual as- would prevent the United States from enter- minorities in the Middle East as genocide. sistance/between ethnic Filipinos of both the ing into the United Nations Arms Trade Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of State of Hawaii and the Province of Aklan, Treaty ‘‘[t]o uphold Second Amendment the State of Arizona, prays: Republic of the Philippines; and rights and prevent the United States from 1. That each Member of Congress from the Whereas, the Province of Aklan has vast entering into the United Nations Arms Trade State of Arizona cosponsor legislation simi- fertile land resources, fishery and fabric in- Treaty,’’ which passed on a 53–46 vote. lar to House Concurrent Resolution 75, sup- dustries, the world renowned Boracay Island, Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of port other congressional efforts to aid vic- and Aklan State University; and the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- tims of the persecution of Christians and Whereas, the major industries of the Prov- resentatives concurring, prays: other religious minorities in the Middle East ince of Aklan are agriculture, including sug- 1. That the United States Congress con- and encourage the United States government arcane, corn, coconut, and rice; tourism; tinue to take action to prevent the United to take greater concrete action to end the pina fabric; and materials for mats, pots, States from entering into the UN Arms genocide. bags, fans, and de´cor; and Trade Treaty or other similar treaties that 2. That the Secretary of State of the State Whereas, the Province of Aklan is emerg- would interfere with the Second Amendment of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial ing as a technological center in the Central rights of United States citizens. to the President of the United States, the Philippines with its growing business process 2. That the Secretary of State of the State Speaker of the United States House of Rep- outsourcing and other technology-related in- of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial resentatives, the Majority Leader of the dustries; and to the President of the United States, the United States Senate and each Member of Whereas, the Province of Aklan is a top Speaker of the United States House of Rep- Congress from the State of Arizona. international tourist destination in the Re- resentatives, the President of the United public of the Philippines, making the prov- States Senate and each Member of Congress POM–234. A concurrent memorial adopted ince much like Hawaii: Now, therefore, be it from the State of Arizona. by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Resolved by the House of Representatives of urging the President of the United States, the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of POM–233. A memorial adopted by the Sen- the Secretary of State, and the United Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, That there is ate of the State of Arizona urging the mem- States Congress to secure the safe release of authorized and established a sister-state/ bers of the United States Congress from the Robert Levinson from Iran; to the Com- province relationship, as advised by the Ha- State of Arizona to officially recognize the mittee on Foreign Relations. waii Sister-State Committee, between the persecution of Christians and other religious HOUSE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 2010 State of Hawaii and the Province of Aklan, minorities in the Middle East as genocide; to Whereas, it is a time-honored tradition Republic of the Philippines; and be it Fur- the Committee on Foreign Relations. that the United States of America strives to ther SENATE MEMORIAL 1001 ensure that all United States citizens held Resolved, That the Governor or the Gov- Whereas, Christians, Yazidis and other re- captive overseas are returned safely to their ernor’s designee is requested to keep the ligious minorities in the Middle East are families and loved ones; and Legislature fully informed of the process in being subjected to systematic and violent Whereas, Robert Levinson honorably establishing the sister-state/province rela- persecution at the hands of the Islamic State served the United States as a law enforce- tionship and involved in its formalization to of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other terrorist ment officer in both the United States Drug the extent practicable; and be it further groups; and Enforcement Agency and the Federal Bureau Resolved, That the Province of Aklan be af- Whereas, these people are being murdered, of Investigation; and forded the privileges and honors that Hawaii kidnapped, sexually abused, tortured and Whereas, Robert Levinson was taken cap- tive on the Kish Island in Iran on March 9, extends to its sister-states and provinces; victimized in other ways that violate the 2007; and and be it further laws of their own nations, the international Resolved, That if by June 30, 2020, the sis- Whereas, several Americans who have been community and the United Nations Conven- held captive in Iran were recently released, ter-state/province relationship with the tion on the Prevention and Punishment of Province of Aklan has not reached a sustain- but Robert Levinson was not among them; the Crime of Genocide (Convention); and and able basis by providing mutual economic Whereas, the victims of this brutal perse- benefits through local community support, Whereas, it is a duty and obligation of the cution are being specifically targeted based United States to Robert Levinson and his the sister- state/province relationship shall on their religious or ethnic affiliation with family to ascertain his whereabouts and se- be withdrawn; and be it further the intent to facilitate the annihilation or Resolved, That certified copies of this Reso- cure his safe release. forced migration of communities with long- Wherefore your memorialist, the House of lution be transmitted to the President of the standing ties to their region; and Representatives of the State of Arizona, the United States, President of the United Whereas, the Convention defines ‘‘geno- Senate concurring, prays: States Senate, Speaker of the United States cide’’ as killing members of a national, eth- 1. That the President of the United States, House of Representatives, Hawaii’s Congres- nic, racial or religious group, causing them the United States Congress, the United sional Delegation, President of the Republic serious bodily or mental harm, intentionally States Secretary of State and all public offi- of the Philippines through its Honolulu Con- enforcing living conditions designed to cause cials under their charge follow the policy of sulate General, Governor and Provincial the partial or total physical destruction of the United States as stated in United States Board of the Province of Aklan, Republic of the group, preventing births within the Senate Concurrent Resolution 16: the Philippines, Governor of the State of Ha- group or transferring the children of the It is the policy of the United States that— waii, the Director of the State Department group to another group with the intent to de- (1) [T]he Government of the Islamic Repub- of Business, Economic Development and stroy the group in total or in part; and lic of Iran should immediately . . . cooperate Tourism, and the Chairperson of the Hawaii Whereas, the Convention holds that geno- with the United States Government to locate Sister-State Committee. cide is a crime that governments are obli- and return Robert Levinson: and gated to prevent and for which perpetrators (2) [T]he United States Government should POM–232. A concurrent memorial adopted are to be held responsible; and undertake every effort using every diplo- by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Whereas, the United States Commission on matic tool at its disposal to secure [his] im- urging the United States Congress to con- Religious Freedom, the Hudson Institute for mediate release,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.025 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6477

2. That the Secretary of State of the State Whereas, Reports have found that threats SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 29 of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial of harassment, intimidation, and violence Whereas, Millions benefit from lifesaving to the President of the United States, the against women’s health clinics have doubled drugs and devices, including Americans with Secretary of State of the United States, the since 2010, and as recently as November 27, allergies that can be treated by epinephrine; Speaker of the United States House of Rep- 2015, a Planned Parenthood clinic was the and resentatives, the President of the United target of a heinous act of domestic terrorism Whereas, Last year, doctors wrote 3.6 mil- States Senate and each Member of Congress which resulted in the deaths of three people lion prescriptions for EpiPen, which stops al- from the State of Arizona. and nonfatal injuries to nine others; and lergic reactions by quickly and safely inject- Whereas, The State of California stands in ing epinephrine; and POM–235. A joint resolution adopted by the strong support of Roe v. Wade and the work Whereas, In 2007 Mylan NV purchased the Legislature of the State of California rel- of Planned Parenthood, and of women’s re- rights to EpiPen and immediately began ative to women’s reproductive health; to the productive health, and respects the principle raising its price. In 2008 and 2009, Mylan Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and that each woman has a fundamental right to raised the price by 5 percent, and at the end Pensions. make decisions regarding her pregnancy; of 2009 it raised the price by another 19 per- SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 19 Now, therefore, be it cent. From 2010 to 2013, Mylan imposed a se- Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of ries of 10-percent price hikes. And from the Whereas, January 22, 2016, marks the anni- the State of California, jointly, That the Legis- fourth quarter of 2013 to the second quarter versary of the United States Supreme lature urges the President of the United of 2016, Mylan raised EpiPen prices 15 per- Court’s landmark decision in Roe v. Wade, States and Congress to express their support cent every other quarter; and which acknowledged that every woman has a for access to comprehensive reproductive Whereas, A pack of two EpiPen devices fundamental right to control her own repro- health care, including the services provided now has a list price of over $600, an increase ductive decisions and decide whether to end by Planned Parenthood and a woman’s fun- of 548 percent since Mylan began selling the or continue a pregnancy, and is an occasion damental right to control her own reproduc- drug, according to Truven Health Analytics; that deserves recognition; and tive decisions, and to strongly oppose efforts and Whereas, The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, to eliminate federal funding for Planned Par- Whereas, The formula of EpiPen did not making access to abortion safe and legal, has enthood; and be it further change, and it is no more effective in pro- greatly improved the health of women and Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate tecting against allergic reactions in 2016 families; and transmit copies of this resolution to the than it was in 2007; and Whereas, Roe v. Wade has been the corner- President and Vice President of the United Whereas, During the same time, Mylan stone of women’s remarkable strides toward States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- began an aggressive marketing and lobbying equality in the past four decades, and repro- resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the effort to increase demand for EpiPen, which ductive freedom is critical to a woman’s Senate, and to each Senator and Representa- included the passage of federal and state leg- ability to participate fully in the social, po- tive from California in the Congress of the islation. The United States Congress passed litical, and economic life of the community; United States. and the School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Whereas, California is committed to pro- POM–236. A resolution adopted by the Sen- Act in 2013 to provide an incentive to states tecting the public health and welfare of all ate of the State of California requesting the to boost the stockpile of epinephrine at its residents, and recognizes that access to United States Congress to pass the Helping schools. A number of states, including Cali- reproductive health services, including fam- Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016 fornia, passed laws requiring public schools ily planning and prenatal care, supports indi- and that the President of the United States to have epinephrine. In 2010, the United viduals and their families by ensuring that sign the legislation; to the Committee on States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) babies are planned, wanted, and healthy; and Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. changed its recommendations so that two Whereas, California recognizes the impor- EpiPen devices be sold in a package instead SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 86 tance of Planned Parenthood as one of Cali- of one and that they be prescribed for at-risk Whereas, The Helping Families in Mental fornia’s largest providers of women’s preven- patients, not just those with confirmed aller- Health Crisis Act of 2016 (the act) would tive and reproductive health care services, gies; and make available needed psychiatric, psycho- operating 115 community-based health cen- Whereas, The rising cost of EpiPen has im- logical, and supportive services for individ- ters across the state, which provide more plications for taxpayers. Over half of Califor- uals with mental illness and families in men- than 1.6 million patient visits a year; and nia’s children are insured through Medi-Cal, Whereas, Planned Parenthood provides tal health crisis; and therefore the taxpayers are paying a large Whereas, The act would enhance crisis re- comprehensive health care services to share of the cost of this medication; and sponse services, increase mental health women and men, which may include well- Whereas, Mylan has an effective monopoly workforce, promote early intervention for woman examinations, birth control, testing that it is using to maximize profit because mental illness, and support integration of and treatment of sexually transmitted infec- there is no equivalent generic competitor; mental health, substance use, and primary tions and HIV, pregnancy tests, life-saving and care; and Whereas, Patients who have to pay retail cancer screenings, sex education, prenatal Whereas, Mental illness affects all seg- prices are being forced to buy EpiPen abroad, care, primary care services, and abortion ments of society, and can have a devastating where it is cheaper, and are resorting to services; and effect on the lives and families it touches, other devices that deliver epinephrine, in- Whereas, Nationwide, during 4.6 million especially if left untreated; and health center visits in 2013, Planned Parent- Whereas, Nearly 10 million Americans have cluding do-it-yourself syringes; and hood provided services, including nearly serious mental illness, but millions are going Whereas, Even some ambulance providers 400,000 Pap smear tests, 500,000 breast exami- without treatment as families struggle to in California have stopped the use of EpiPen nations, 1.1 million pregnancy tests, 3.6 mil- find care for their loved ones; and to treat allergic shock and instead are draw- lion provisions of birth control information Whereas, The act has wide bipartisan sup- ing from a vial and injecting epinephrine by and services, and 4.5 million tests and treat- port and recently passed out of the House syringe. First responders in Seattle have de- ments for sexually transmitted illnesses (in- Committee on Energy and Commerce by a veloped such a kit and have sold them to cluding HIV), to approximately 2.7 million vote of 53–0: Now, therefore, be it public health agencies in five other states. patients, almost 80 percent of whom were liv- Resolved by the Senate of the State of Cali- There is a demonstration project in New ing with incomes at or below 150 percent of fornia, That the Senate of the State of Cali- York called ‘‘Check and Inject New York’’ the federal poverty level; and fornia requests the Congress of the United that trains first responders to use syringe Whereas, By providing millions of women States to pass the Helping Families in Men- epinephrine kits in place of EpiPen to save with access to contraceptive services, public tal Health Crisis Act of 2016 (H.R. 2646), and money; and funding of Planned Parenthood helps women further requests President Barack Obama to Whereas, After recent widespread criti- to avoid an estimated 516,000 unplanned preg- sign that legislation; and be it further cism, Mylan said it would expand access and nancies each year nationwide; and Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate increase benefits to programs that it uses to Whereas, A sudden defunding of Planned transmit copies of this resolution to the help consumers pay less, but those changes Parenthood’s health centers by federal or President and Vice President of the United do not alter the prices that insurers and em- state governments would put patients across States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- ployers pay. Those institutions will still face California, particularly members of under- resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the the brunt of the impact from the price hikes; served communities, at a significant dis- Senate, to each Senator and Representative and advantage relating to their general health from California in the Congress of the United Whereas, Offering copayment assistance care because Planned Parenthood is often States, and to the author for appropriate dis- and free product to consumers is part of the the only source of health care services for so tribution. standard playbook for manufacturers of ex- many Californians; and pensive drugs. Efforts by drug makers to Whereas, Violence against abortion pro- POM–237. A joint resolution adopted by the shield consumers from the out-of-pocket viders and laws that create barriers to abor- Legislature of the State of California rel- costs associated with the rapidly increasing tion endanger the lives of both men and ative to EpiPen; to the Committee on cost of their medications ignores the fact women; and Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. that insurance companies bear the brunt of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.016 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 these unreasonable price increases, which re- cluding the feasibility of moving from the urging the United States Congress to protest sults in higher premiums for all consumers; existing time-based deferrals related to risk and take action to fully restore the Tucson Now, therefore, be it behaviors to alternate deferral options, such Postal Processing and Distribution Center; Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of as the use of individual risk assessments; to the Committee on Homeland Security and the State of California, jointly, That the Leg- and Governmental Affairs. islature declares unnecessary and unex- Whereas, A 12-month deferral policy for SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1009 plained increases in pharmaceutical pricing gay and bisexual men to donate blood is Whereas, the Tucson Postal Processing and is a harm to our health care system that will overly stringent given the scientific evi- Distribution Center (Cherrybell) serves the no longer be tolerated because the system dence, advanced testing methods, and the entire southern portion of Arizona covering cannot sustain it; and be it further safety and quality control measures in place the counties of Pima, Santa Cruz and Resolved, That the Legislature urges the within the different FDA-qualified blood do- Cochise. Currently, Southern Arizona is fac- United States Food and Drug Administration nating centers; and ing a potential economic downfall due to the to reconsider its denial of approval for ge- Whereas, The American Public Health As- initial decision made by the United States neric alternatives to EpiPen; and be it fur- sociation has stated that no specific sci- Postal Service (USPS) Board of Governors to ther entific rationale is provided to justify the 12- close Cherrybell; and Resolved, That the Legislature urges the month deferral policy. The technology can Whereas, more than 1.8 million people and Congress of the United States to investigate identify within 7 to 10 days with 99.9 percent 23,197 businesses use the Cherrybell postal the impact that Mylan’s monopoly has had accuracy whether or not a blood sample is services. According to USPS officials, over 3 on the price hikes for EpiPen; and be it fur- HIV-positive, and the chance of the blood million pieces of mail go through Cherrybell ther test being inaccurate within the 10-day win- each day as it is the 15th largest facility Resolved, That the Legislature urges the dow is about 1 in 2,000,000; and serving the 33rd largest population area in Congress and President of the United States Whereas, The General Social Survey con- our nation. The processing and sorting oper- to take action to limit the unrestrained abil- ducted by NORC at the University of Chicago ations at Cherrybell that are proposed to be ity of drug manufacturers to increase prices estimates that 8.5 percent of men in the moved to Phoenix affect approximately 280 based only on what the market can bear United States have had at least one male sex jobs in Southern Arizona; and rather than on providing a fair return on in- partner since 18 years of age, 4.1 percent of Whereas, Southern Arizona, which includes vestment; and be it further men report at least one male sex partner in both the Tohono O’odham nation and Pasqua Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate the last 5 years, and 3.8 percent report a Yaqui tribal lands, encompasses the Cali- transmit copies of this resolution to the male sex partner in the last 12 months; and fornia and Arizona border at Yuma south to President and Vice President of the United Whereas, An estimated 45.4 percent of men Nogales, across to Douglas and Bisbee in States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- (54 million) in the United States are eligible Cochise County and the military installa- resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the to donate blood, but only 8.7 percent of eligi- tions located at Fort Huachuca and Davis Senate, to each Senator and Representative ble men actually do. There are 15.7 million Monthan, depends on the Cherrybell Post of- from California in the Congress of the United donations of blood per year made by 9.2 mil- fice; and States, to the Secretary of the United States lion donors, yielding approximately 1.7 dona- Whereas, Southern Arizona is home to Department of Health and Human Services, tions per donor; and many military veterans who depend on the and to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Whereas, The Williams Institute of the USPS both for timely delivery of medical and to the author for appropriate distribu- University of California at Los Angeles prescriptions and for employment, as the tion. School of Law estimates that, based on the population of eligible and likely donors USPS employs more veterans than any enti- ty other than the United States Department POM–238. A joint resolution adopted by the among the MSM community, lifting the fed- of Defense; and Legislature of the State of California rel- eral lifetime deferral policy on blood dona- Whereas, in an extensive community sur- ative to blood donations; to the Committee tion by an MSM would result in 4.2 million vey conducted in 2015, 84% of individuals and on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. newly eligible male donors, of which 360,600 would likely donate, generating 615,300 addi- 86% of businesses reported a noticeable delay SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 26 tional pints of blood. Applying national esti- in mail delivery due to the partial closure of Whereas, Since 1983, the United States mates to the California population, the Insti- Cherrybell; and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an tute further estimates that lifting the ban Whereas, Tucson City Council Member agency under the United States Department on MSM blood donations would add an addi- Richard Fimbres went on record opposing of Health and Human Services (HHS), had tional 510,000 eligible men to the current the closure of Cherrybell and requested that prohibited the donation of blood by any man blood donor pool, of which 43,917 would likely the Council work directly with Tucson’s con- who has had sex with another man (MSM) at donate, resulting in an additional 74,945 do- gressional delegation and community mem- any time since 1977; and nated pints in California; and bers to frame a campaign to protect the vital Whereas, In December 2015, based on rec- Whereas, One hundred fifteen members of jobs at Cherrybell; and ommendations from the NHS Advisory Com- the Congress of the United States sent a let- Whereas, Pima County Recorder F. Ann mittee on Blood and Tissue Safety and ter to the FDA Commissioner, Dr. Robert M. Rodriguez objects to the closure of Availability, the FDA promulgated revised Califf, M.D., urging him to finally put an end Cherrybell and firmly believes that, due to regulations to allow an MSM to donate blood to this outdated blood donation policy and the higher number of voters each year on the only if he has not been sexually active for update it to reflect science, not fear; Now, permanent early voting list, this change will the past 12 months. Despite these recent therefore, be it clearly impact the activities of the state and steps toward a policy change, a double stand- Resolved by the Senate and the Assrmbly of county elections officials in Arizona and will ard still exists under the policy as revised the State of California, jointly, That the Cali- cause a detrimental impact to voters. The because it still treats gay and bisexual men fornia State Legislature calls upon the information provided to the public by the differently from heterosexual men; and President of the United States to encourage USPS is based entirely on economic consid- Whereas, California law prohibits discrimi- the Secretary of the United States Depart- erations with no apparent regard for the im- nation against individuals on the basis of ac- ment of Health and Human Services to adopt pact of the change on the fundamental right tual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, policies to repeal the current discriminatory of all citizens to vote and, in particular, the gender identity, and gender-related appear- donor suitability policies of the United significant additional detrimental impact to ance and behavior; and States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Native American voters in the region; and Whereas, Argentina, Italy, Mexico, Poland, regarding blood donations by men who have Whereas, the people of Arizona applaud the Portugal, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, had sex with another man and, instead, di- efforts of United States Representative Mar- and Spain have adopted blood donor policies rect the FDA to develop science-based poli- tha McSally and the other members of the that measure risk against a set of behaviors, cies such as criteria based on risky behavior Arizona Congressional Delegation, including sexual and otherwise, rather than the sex of in lieu of sexual orientation; and be it fur- Representatives Trent Franks, Ann Kirk- a person’s sexual partner or partners; and ther patrick, Matt Salmon, Paul Gosar, Ruben Whereas, The FDA currently does not Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate Gallego, Kyrsten Sinema and Raul Grijalva, allow gay and bisexual men in committed re- transmit copies of this resolution to the who have asked for more detailed and com- lationships to donate blood because, while President and Vice President of the United plete information regarding the proposal one partner may be monogamous, that indi- States, to the Secretary of the United States Cherrybell closure; and vidual cannot guarantee that the other part- Department of Health and Human Services, Whereas, thousands of people have written ner is monogamous. The FDA does not apply to the Speaker of the House of Representa- letters and signed online petitions urging the this same logic to heterosexual relation- tives, to the Majority Leader of the Senate, USPS Board of Governors not to close ships, which in effect discriminates against and to each Senator and Representative from Cherrybell. gay and bisexual men; and California in the Congress of the United Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of Whereas, The FDA is in the process of States. the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- again reevaluating and considering updating resentatives concurring, prays: its blood donor deferral policies as new sci- POM–239. A concurrent memorial adopted 1. That the Congress of the United States entific information becomes available, in- by the Legislature of the State of Arizona protest the proposed closing of the Tucson

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.031 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6479 Postal Processing and Distribution Center the United States Congress to appropriate funding to complete Phase 2 of the Calexico and take any action necessary to fully re- $248 million in funding to complete Phase 2 West Land Port of Entry reconfiguration and store operations of this vital postal facility. of the Calexico West Land Port of Entry re- expansion project in order to realize the ben- 2. That the Secretary of State of the State configuration and expansion project in order efits the improvements of this project will of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial to realize the benefits the improvements of have on the nation’s economy; and be it fur- to the President of the United States Senate, this project will have on the nation’s econ- ther the Speaker of the United States House of omy; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate Representatives and each Member of Con- rity and Governmental Affairs. transmit copies of this resolution to the gress from the State of Arizona. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 22 President and Vice President of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- Whereas, The inclusion of $248 million in POM–240. A concurrent memorial adopted resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the funding for Phase 2 of the Calexico West by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Senate, and to each Senator and Representa- Land Port of Entry reconfiguration and ex- urging the United States Congress to act to tive from California in the Congress of the pansion project in the Financial Services increase the number of United States Cus- United States. toms and Border Protection personnel at the and General Government Appropriations bill is proposed by the President’s Fiscal Year ports of entry in Arizona; to the Committee POM–242. A concurrent memorial adopted 2017 Budget; and on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- by the Legislature of the State of Arizona Whereas, This funding will ensure comple- fairs. urging the United States Congress to enact tion of the project, which will improve do- SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1006 the Dine´ College Act of 2015; to the Com- mestic supply chains, strengthen our na- Whereas, the United States Customs and mittee on Indian Affairs. tional security, reduce the port’s carbon Border Protection (CBP) is one of the world’s SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1017 largest law enforcement organizations and is footprint, and facilitate economic growth, charged with keeping terrorists and their not only for the County of Imperial and for Whereas, this state and the Navajo Nation weapons out of the United States while fa- California, but for the entire nation; and maintain a government-to-government rela- cilitating lawful international travel and Whereas, The Obama Administration’s 2015 tionship, and the Navajo people residing in trade; and budget included a $98,062,000 investment in this state are citizens of both Arizona and Whereas, as the world’s first full-service Calexico West Land Port of Entry Phase 1. the Navajo Nation; and border entity, CBP takes a comprehensive This first phase of the expansion project is Whereas, in 1968, the Navajo Nation estab- approach to border management and control, currently underway and is expected to be lished Navajo Community College, which combining customs, immigration, border se- completed in 2018. Phase 2 will consist of the later became Dine´ College, to provide access curity and agricultural protection into one balance of the project, including additional to higher education to the Navajo people; coordinated and supportive activity; and sitework, an expanded pedestrian processing and Whereas, the need to increase the number facility, administrative offices, and six addi- Whereas, Dine´ College’s flagship campus is of CBP personnel in the Tucson sector along tional northbound privately owned vehicle located in Tsaile, Arizona, and there are the border between the United States and inspection lanes; and community campuses in Tuba City, Chinle Mexico is critical to increasing border safety Whereas, The completion of this project and Window Rock; and and security as well as to ensuring economic guarantees the economic activity of the bor- Whereas, Dine´ College has dual credit stability in our border communities; and der will not be lost. On an average day, more agreements with school districts and schools Whereas, increasing the number of CBP than 15,000 to 20,000 privately operated vehi- throughout Arizona, including Red Mesa personnel who work at the ports of entry in cles and nearly 20,000 pedestrians enter the Unified School District #27, Chinle Unified Arizona will enhance the economic stability United States through the Calexico Land School District #24, Ganado Unified School in our border communities and will increase Port of Entry; and District, St. Michaels High School, Window border security between the United States Whereas, The United States’ goods and pri- Rock Unified School District #8, Many and Mexico; and vate services trade with Mexico totaled an Farms High School, Kayenta Unified School Whereas, an integrated approach to secur- estimated $583.6 billion in 2015, with exports District, Pin˜ on Unified School District #4, ing the border and increasing economic sta- totaling $267.2 billion and imports totaling Greyhills Academy High School, Tuba City bility along the border and in our border $316.4 billion; and High School, Leupp Schools, Inc. and Phoe- communities is important to residents living Whereas, Mexico is currently our second nix Union High School District; and along the border and in our border commu- largest goods trading partner with almost Whereas, this state provides support to nities; and $72 billion in two-way trade of goods during Dine´ College through its Navajo Nation, Whereas, increasing the number of CBP 2015, with goods exports that totaled $26.8 Dine´ College-State of Arizona funding com- personnel at the ports of entry in Arizona billion and goods imports that totaled $45 pact, the tribal college dual credit funding will allow increased commercial traffic and billion; and program and Proposition 301 monies; and will result in increased economic growth and Whereas, Ninety-nine percent of trade be- Whereas, the United States Congress stability for Arizona; and tween California and Mexico is carried by passed the Navajo Community College Act, Whereas, all of the benefits of increased trucks, and the Calexico East Port of Entry the Navajo Community College Assistance economic stability in Arizona can be realized serves nearly all of the international truck Act of 1978 and the Navajo Nation Higher if the workload capacity at each port of traffic crossings in the County of Imperial, Education Act of 2008, which collectively entry is increased, which would result in less with a total trade value of over $12 billion in provide for maintenance, operation and con- congestion and delay; and 2012; and struction funding for Dine´ College; and Whereas, increasing the number of CBP Whereas, The San Diego Association of Whereas, Representative Ann Kirkpatrick personnel at the ports of entry in Arizona Governments 2050 Comprehensive Freight introduced the Dine´ College Act of 2015 ‘‘to should be part of the infrastructure improve- Gateway Study projects that the nearly two fulfill the United States Government’s trust ments that are occurring at the ports of million trucks that crossed the California- responsibility to serve the higher education entry; and Whereas, the establishment of a safe and Mexico border in 2007 will increase to nearly needs of the Navajo people and to clarify, ´ secure border is a crucial component of na- five million trucks in 2050; and unify, and modernize prior Dine College leg- ´ tional security. Whereas, Traffic congestion and delays at islation,’’ and Dine College has requested Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of the borders of the Counties of San Diego and that Senator Jeff Flake introduce a United the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- Imperial cost the economies of the United States Senate companion bill; and resentatives concurring, prays: States and Mexico an estimated $8.63 billion Whereas, this state stands in support of the 1. That, in order to secure the border be- in gross output and more than 73,900 jobs in passage of the Dine´ College Act of 2015. tween the United States and Mexico, to en- 2007; and Wherefore your memorialist, the Senate of hance the safety and security of people and Whereas, The collaboration between fed- the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- their property in the currently unsecure re- eral, state, and local agencies is essential for resentatives concurring, prays: gions of the border and to increase economic the development of border infrastructure 1. That the Congress of the United States growth and stability for the residents of Ari- projects and security; and enact the Dine´ College Act of 2015. zona, the United States Congress act to in- Whereas, The United States General Ac- 2. That the Secretary of State of the State crease the number of CBP personnel at the countability Office and the United States of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial ports of entry in Arizona. Department of Homeland Security estimate to the Governor of the State of Arizona, the 2. That the Secretary of State of the State that $6 billion in border infrastructure is President of the United States Senate, the of Arizona transmit a copy of this Memorial needed to fulfill their mission of preventing Speaker of the United States House of Rep- to the President of the United States Senate, unlawful entry and smuggling while facili- resentatives and each Member of Congress the Speaker of the United States House of tating legitimate trade and tourism: Now, from the State of Arizona. Representatives and each Member of Con- therefore, be it gress from the State of Arizona. Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of POM–243. A joint resolution adopted by the the State of California, jointly, That the legis- Legislature of the State of California urging POM–241. A joint resolution adopted by the lature of the State of California respectfully the federal government to ensure that immi- Legislature of the State of California urging urges Congress to appropriate $248 million in grant children are afforded due process under

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.028 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 the law in removal proceedings by providing fornia their rights to a fair trial under the lature of the State of California urges the government-funded attorneys, trained in im- Fifth Amendment to the United States Con- federal government to take action to remedy migration law, to all indigent children seek- stitution because the federal government this injury to the State of California, ing an immigration remedy and urging the does not provide these children with legal through appropriate measures within the federal government to first hear cases in- representation in immigration court. These United States Department of Justice, the volving children that have legal counsel and children therefore face the threat of deporta- United States Department of Homeland Se- to immediately halt cases brought against tion to violent and dangerous conditions curity, and the Office of Refugee Resettle- unrepresented immigrant children until law- where they may face persecution, violence, ment, and ensure that immigrant children yers are made available to represent them; or even death; and are afforded due process under the law when to the Committee on the Judiciary. Whereas, Human Rights Watch filed an they are fighting to remain in the United SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 28 amicus brief in the case of J.E.F.M. v Lynch, States of America, by providing government- a nationwide lawsuit on behalf of thousands Whereas, The Fifth Amendment to the funded attorneys, trained in immigration of children who are challenging the federal United States Constitution provides that a law, to all indigent children fighting depor- government’s failure to provide the children person shall not be deprived of life, liberty, tation and seeking an immigration remedy; with legal representation in deportation or property without due process of law, and be it further hearings, arguing that the failure of the thereby ensuring that he or she will receive Resolved, That the Legislature of the State United States government to appoint law- a fundamentally fair, orderly, and just judi- of California urges the federal government to yers to represent immigrant children facing cial proceeding before being deprived of his rearrange its dockets to first hear the cases deportation violates their basic rights under or her freedom; and of children who have legal representation international law; and and to immediately halt cases it is pursuing Whereas, Former Assistant Chief Immigra- Whereas, The California Attorney General tion Judge Jack H. Weil, a senior official in against unrepresented immigrant children has engaged in efforts to close the legal serv- until lawyers are made available to rep- the United States Department of Justice; as- ices gap for unaccompanied immigrant chil- serted in a deposition that he has trained resent them; and be it further dren across California and joined an amicus Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate toddlers in immigration law and can afford brief in J.E.F.M. v. Lynch. them a fair hearing without the toddler transmit copies of this resolution to the Whereas, Since January 2014, at least 83 de- President and Vice President of the United being represented by legal counsel; and portees, including children, from the United Whereas, The assertion made by Judge States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- States, were reported murdered upon their resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the Weil is contemptible and offensive to our return to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Sal- country’s Fifth Amendment constitutional Senate, to each Senator and Representative vador, which remain three of the most vio- from California in the Congress of the United mandate to provide all with due process lent countries in the world; and States, and to the author for appropriate dis- under the law; and Whereas, There are currently over 13,800 tribution. Whereas, Due process cannot be guaran- children in California that are not rep- teed in an adversarial immigration removal resented by legal counsel in immigration proceeding without legal representation; and POM–244. A resolution adopted by the court; and House of Representatives of the State of Whereas, Article 14 of the Universal Dec- Whereas, California has a duty to protect Louisiana memorializing the United States laration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, the welfare of children within our state, in- Congress to take such actions as are nec- states that ‘‘Everyone has the right to seek cluding immigrant children; and and to enjoy in other countries asylum from Whereas, California values immigrant chil- essary to reimburse the state of Louisiana persecution.’’ Accordingly, children escaping dren and has made this clear through legisla- for state-expended dollars used to comply from violence in other countries, whether tive enactments, including Assembly Bill 540 with federal mandates related to illegal im- unaccompanied or accompanied by a parent, (2001), Assembly Bills 130 and 131 (2011); com- migration including but not limited to edu- are not ‘‘illegal’’ when they come to the monly referred to as the California Dream cation, medical care, welfare, and law en- United States in search of asylum; and Act, Senate Bill 1064 (2012), Senate Bill 873 forcement services; to the Committee on the Whereas, The protections of Article 14 have (2014); commonly referred to as the Unac- Judiciary. been incorporated by the United States Con- companied Minors Program, Senate Bill 1210 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 219 gress into domestic law, which now protects (2014), commonly referred to as the Cali- Whereas, pursuant to Article I, Section 8, all asylum seekers, including children, by fornia DREAM Loan Program, and Senate Clause 4 of the Constitution of the United prohibiting the federal government from re- Bills 4 and 75 (2015), commonly referred to as States, the federal government has the au- turning to their home countries persons who the Health4All Kids Act; and thority to regulate immigration; and have fled persecution due to race, religion, Whereas, Special Immigrant Juvenile Sta- Whereas, the federal government has nationality, political opinion, or member- tus under Section 1101(a)(27)(J) of Title 8 of forced states to comply with federal man- ship in a particular social group; and the United States Code is immigration relief dates that require states to provide various Whereas, It is our nation’s legal and moral that relies on a state’s interest in the wel- essential services to illegal immigrants in- obligation to open our arms to children who fare of children and provides for Special Im- cluding but not limited to education, med- fear harm in their country of origin and to migrant Juvenile Status where a state court ical care, welfare, and law enforcement, with foreign-born children in the United States determines that reunification with one or little to no reimbursement of state-expended who cannot be reunified with one or both both of the immigrant’s parents is not viable costs; and parents due to abuse, neglect, or abandon- due to abuse, neglect, abandonment, or simi- Whereas, the federal government histori- ment and who are therefore eligible for Spe- lar basis found under state law and that it cally has failed to adequately control the in- cial Immigrant Juvenile Status or any other would not be in the child’s best interest to flux of undocumented immigrants into this immigration remedy; and return to his or her home country; and country; and Whereas, Respect for due process requires Whereas, California makes an annual $3 Whereas, the failure of the federal govern- that all indigent children seeking asylum, million investment to ensure that unaccom- ment to adequately control the borders, in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, or other panied minors receive the legal representa- addition to the imposition of huge mandated immigration remedies in defense of deporta- tion that they need to pursue Special Immi- but unreimbursed costs to the state of Lou- tion be afforded government-funded com- grant Juvenile Status and other immigra- isiana, has led to blatant inequities in terms petent immigrant counsel; and tion relief; and of exploitation of undocumented laborers Whereas, According to a study by the Whereas, California passed Senate Bill 873 and abuse of wage, safety, and child labor Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, (2014) and Assembly Bill 900 (2015) to ensure laws, as well as lowering wage levels for Lou- the foremost authority on federal immigra- that California courts issue the predicate or- isiana’s working poor; and tion enforcement data, unrepresented chil- ders necessary for children to apply for Spe- Whereas, the state of Louisiana has been dren were ordered to leave the United States cial Immigrant Juvenile Status; and severely affected by the impact of state in 86 percent of cases, whereas represented Whereas, California is disadvantaged when budgetary cutbacks; and children were ordered to leave the United California’s children are denied their rights Whereas, the costs incurred by the state of States in only 16 percent of cases; and under the United States Constitution, in- Louisiana in addressing illegal immigration Whereas, As demonstrated by the same cluding their right to due process; and are increasing and continuing to burden the study, the provision of legal representation Whereas, California has a strong interest limited resources of the state; and would improve the integrity of the immigra- in ensuring that the children living in this Whereas, the Louisiana Legislature cre- tion court system, because children without state are not unfairly deported. Schools are ated the Task Force on Illegal Immigration legal representation fail to appear in court disrupted when children are pulled from (task force) by House Resolution No. 175 of and therefore are ordered removed in classes, communities are thrown into dis- the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature absentia in 75 percent of cases. By compari- order when families are torn apart, the to study and report the fiscal, medical, nu- son, children with legal representation do health and welfare of these children are put tritional, educational, judicial, criminal, consistently appear in court and are there- at risk; and the state is denied the potential penal, and economic impact of federal man- fore ordered removed in absentia in only 3 societal and economic contributions of these dates on the state of Louisiana relative to il- percent of cases; and children: Now, therefore, be it legal immigration; and Whereas, The federal government is deny- Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of Whereas, the purpose of the task force was ing indigent immigrant children in Cali- the State of California, jointly, That the Legis- to provide useful and critical information

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.034 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6481 and statistical data to guide the efforts of Resolved That the House of Representatives resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the Louisiana’s private and public sectors in ad- of the Legislature of Louisiana does hereby Senate, and to each Senator and Representa- dressing the concerns of Louisiana residents memorialize the United States Congress to tive from California in the Congress of the regarding illegal immigration; and take such actions as are necessary to reim- United States. Whereas, during the task force meeting burse the state of Louisiana for the state POM–246. A joint resolution adopted by the held on October 22, 2015, task force members dollars expended annually to provide essen- Legislature of the State of California urging were presented with statistical data and in- tial services including but not limited to the the United States Congress to lift an exist- formation on the fiscal impact on the state education, welfare, medical care, law en- ing prohibition against publicly funded sci- of Louisiana associated with providing essen- forcement, and incarceration of illegal immi- entific research on the causes of gun violence tial services to undocumented immigrants. grants; and be it further and its effects on public health, and to ap- Estimated dollar amounts were provided by Resolved That the house of representatives propriate funds for the purpose of conducting the following state agencies: of the legislature of Louisiana does hereby that research; to the Committee on the Judi- (1) The Department of Public Safety and memorialize the United States Congress to ciary. Corrections presented information on the remove any impediments with respect to dis- SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 20 impact of incarcerating illegal immigrants closure of immigration status of public Whereas, Every day, gun violence destroys in Louisiana state correctional institutions school children such that the financial im- lives, families, and communities; and including incarceration and probation and pact of illegal immigration on the public Whereas, From 2002 to 2013, inclusive, Cali- parole costs. The estimated cost to the state school system in this state can be accurately fornia lost 38,576 individuals to gun violence, of Louisiana is approximately three million determined; and be it further of which 2,258 were children; and two hundred ninety thousand dollars Resolved That a copy of this Resolution be Whereas, In 2013 alone, guns were used to ($3,290,000) annually out of the state general transmitted to the presiding officers of the kill 2,900 Californians, including 251 children fund. Senate and the House of Representatives of and teenagers, and hospitalized another 6,035 (2) The Department of Education presented the Congress of the United States of America Californians for nonfatal gunshot wounds, information on the impact on the Louisiana and to each member o tie Louisiana congres- including 1,275 children and teenagers; and school system relative to the enrollment of sional delegation. Whereas, There were over 350 recorded non-United States citizens and data on the mass shootings in the United States in 2015; number of English Language Learners (ELL) POM–245. A joint resolution adopted by the and for Louisiana public and charter schools for Legislature of the State of California urging Whereas, Since 1996, Congress has adopted K–12. The estimated cost to the state of Lou- the United States Congress and the Presi- annual policy riders, known as the ‘‘Dickey isiana for one public school district is ap- dent of the United States to rename any fed- Amendment’’ and ‘‘Rehberg Amendment’’ proximately three million dollars ($3,000,000) eral buildings, parks, roadways, or other fed- that effectively prohibit the federal Centers annually. erally owned property that bear the names of for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (3) The Department of Health and Hos- elected or military leaders of the Confed- and other agencies under the federal Depart- pitals presented information regarding feder- erate States of America; to the Committee ment of Health and Human Services from ally mandated Medicaid services for undocu- on the Judiciary. conducting publicly funded scientific re- mented workers including Medicaid eligi- SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 15 search on the causes of gun violence or its ef- bility requirements for unborn children and fects on public health; and Whereas, The Confederate States of Amer- the costs attributed to illegal immigration Whereas, The author of the original Dickey ica and its secessionist movement were root- on Louisiana’s medical systems as a whole. Amendment, former Representative Jay ed in the defense of slavery; and The estimated cost to the state of Louisiana Dickey (R–AR), has stated repeatedly that Whereas, Using the names of elected or is approximately sixteen million one hun- he regrets offering the amendment and military leaders of the Confederate States of dred thousand dollars ($16,100,000) annually, thinks it should be repealed; and assisting nearly five thousand (5,000) individ- America for federal buildings, parks, road- Whereas, Despite Representative Dickey’s uals with unverified immigration status. ways, or other federally owned property only comments and President Obama’s executive (4) The Department of Children and Family deepens the pain of those living under the action in 2013 directing the CDC to resume Services presented information on the eligi- legacy of slavery; and gun violence research, Congress has provided bility of non-United States citizens for the Whereas, The United States of America no funding, and the restrictive language re- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program continues to struggle with racial equality mains in place; and (SNAP) and the Temporary Assistance for and tolerance; and Whereas, Since 1996, the federal govern- Needy Families (TANF). Based on testimony, Whereas, The continued use of names of ment has spent $240 million per year on traf- public assistance was provided to a popu- elected or military leaders of the Confed- fic safety research, which has saved 360,000 lation of five thousand three hundred ninety- eracy in public places is offensive to Ameri- lives since 1970; and nine (5,399) non-United States citizens cans who treasure the United States as one Whereas, During the same period there has through Louisiana’s SNAP program with a nation under God, indivisible, with liberty been almost no publicly funded research on total cost to 1 the state of Louisiana of fifty- and justice for all; and gun violence, which kills the same number of five million dollars ($55,000,000) in adminis- Whereas, The horrific shooting deaths of people every year; and trative costs, with an undetermined amount nine African Americans attending church in Whereas, Recently, 110 Members of the attributed to illegal immigrants. South Carolina have once again raised the Congress of the United States signed a letter Whereas, the state of Louisiana in conjunc- searing issue of racial violence and intoler- urging the leadership of the House of Rep- tion with local governments expends ap- ance; and resentatives to end the longstanding ban on proximately nine thousand dollars ($9,000) to Whereas, The ensuing images of the killer federal funding for gun violence research, educate each student in Louisiana every wrapping himself in the Confederate flag and over 2,000 doctors in all 50 states plus the year; and points to the continued use of that emblem District of Columbia did the same; and Whereas, federal limitations on the disclo- of cruel oppression as a way to further de- Whereas, Although Members of Congress sure of immigration status of public school mean, offend, and wound whole segments of may disagree about how best to respond to children hinders the determination of the fi- our society; and the problem of gun violence, we should be nancial impact of illegal immigration on the Whereas, The use of Confederate leaders’ able to agree that a response should be in- Louisiana public school system as a whole; names in public schools, buildings, parks, formed by sound scientific evidence; and and roadways, or other federally owned property Whereas, Whether it is horrific headline- Whereas, the annual costs associated with in California only serves to further the dis- generating massacres or unseen violence illegal immigration have burdened the state criminatory agenda of current sympathizers that occurs every day—the innocent child of Louisiana and its residents with expenses of the ideology of the Confederate States of gunned down in crossfire, the mother mur- for law enforcement, healthcare, education, America, and is antithetical to California’s dered during a domestic dispute, or the incarceration, and other essential services, mission of racial equality and tolerance; young life cut tragically short during the and such costs have gone uncompensated by Now, therefore, be it heat of a petty argument—the call to action the federal government; and Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of is now clear; Now, therefore, be it Whereas, the costs associated with pro- the State of California, jointly, That the Legis- Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of viding services to illegal immigrants should lature respectfully urges the Congress and the State of California, jointly, That a com- never be borne by the state of Louisiana be- the President of the United States to rename prehensive evidence-based federal approach cause federal law controls the enforcement any federal buildings, parks, roadways, or to reducing and preventing gun violence is of illegal immigration; and other federally owned property that bear the needed to ensure that our communities are Whereas, the United States government names of elected or military leaders of the safe from gun violence; and be it further should take immediate action to reimburse Confederate States of America; and be it fur- Resolved, That federal research is crucial to the state of Louisiana for estimated expenses ther saving lives, having driven policy to save that the state incurs annually as a result of Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate lives from motor vehicle accidents, sudden the federal government’s policies and man- transmit copies of this resolution to the infant death syndrome, lead poisoning, and dates related to illegal immigration. There- President and Vice President of the United countless other public health crises; and be fore, be it States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- it further

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.036 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Resolved That the Legislature urges the being jeopardized by an unsecure border, 1991’’ to address the plight of veterans ex- Congress of the United States to promptly which enables transnational criminals and posed to herbicides while serving in the Re- lift the prohibition against publicly funded their accomplices to prey on the citizens of public of Vietnam, which amended Title 38 of scientific research on the causes of gun vio- the United States; and the United States Code to presumptively rec- lence and its effects on public health, and to Whereas, border security must be a stand- ognize as service-connected certain diseases appropriate funds to the federal Centers for alone priority for the federal government; among military personnel who served in Disease Control and Prevention and other and Vietnam between 1962 and 1975; and relevant agencies under the federal Depart- Whereas, violence against public officials, Whereas, Presumptive status provides ex- ment of Health and Human Services to con- law enforcement and rival drug and human pedited claims processing for access to ap- duct that research; and be it further trafficking groups in Mexico continues to es- propriate disability compensation and med- Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate calate and cross international boundaries; ical care for Vietnam veterans diagnosed transmit copies of this resolution to the and with such illnesses as Type II diabetes, Hodg- President and Vice President of the United Whereas, the reduction of the federal gov- kin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, States, to the Speaker of the House of Rep- ernment’s prosecution of the criminal ele- prostate cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, mul- resentatives, to the Majority Leader of the ment places the citizens of the United States tiple myeloma, peripheral neuropathy, AL Senate, to each Senator and Representative in harm’s way, leaving the burden on local amyloidosis, respiratory cancers, soft tissue from California in the Congress of the United governments to bear the costs associated carcinomas, and other diseases yet to be States, and to the author for appropriate dis- with the apprehension, prosecution and in- identified; and tribution. carceration of this criminal element; and Whereas, The United States Department of Whereas, elected sheriffs have a statutory Veterans Affairs Claims Adjudication Man- POM–247. A concurrent memorial adopted duty to protect and secure the freedoms and ual, more commonly known as the M21–1 by the Legislature of the State of Arizona liberties of United States citizens and must Manual, originally allowed the presumption urging the United States Congress to direct do so with or without the help of their fed- to be extended to all veterans who had re- the American Legion to expand its member- eral law enforcement partners and policy- ceived the Vietnam Service Medal; and ship eligibility; to the Committee on the Ju- makers; and Whereas, In a February 2002 revision to the diciary. Whereas, working with limited budgets and M21–1 Manual, the United States Depart- HOUSE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 2009 staffing, sheriffs along the southwestern bor- ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) added a re- Whereas, according to the American Le- der of the United States and sheriffs across quirement that the veteran prove that he or gion, the organization was chartered and in- the nation struggle to find ways to enhance she had set foot on the land or entered an in- corporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic the quality of life and safety of those they ternal river or stream, which means that veterans organization devoted to mutual serve and to deter those who cross our bor- since 2002 the VA has denied the presumption helpfulness. As the nation’s largest wartime ders to promote their criminal activities; of a service connection for herbicide-related veterans service organization, the American and illnesses to Vietnam veterans who served in Whereas, local governments are cognizant Legion is committed to mentoring youth and the waters off of the Vietnamese coast or in of the need to bring relief to United States sponsoring wholesome programs in our com- bays and harbors and who cannot furnish citizens who are impacted by the lack of bor- munities, advocating patriotism and honor, documentation that they had ‘‘boots on the der security; and promoting strong national security and pro- ground’’ in-country, making it virtually im- Whereas, without aggressive prosecution of viding support to fellow servicemembers and possible for countless United States Navy all of those who breach the border and com- veterans; and and Marine veterans to acquire VA benefits; Whereas, the American Legion limits mit criminal acts, the border will continue and membership eligibility to those who have to serve as an open opportunity for the Whereas, Personnel who served on ships in served federal active duty in the United criminal element to exploit by entering the the ‘‘Blue Water Navy’’ in. Vietnamese terri- States Armed Forces during the World War I United States to prey on this country and its torial waters were, in fact, exposed to dan- era, World War II era, Korean War era, Viet- citizens. gerous airborne and waterborne toxins that Wherefore, Your memorialist, the Senate nam War era, Lebanon/Grenada era, Panama did not merely drift offshore in the air, but of the State of Arizona, the House of Rep- era or Persian Gulf War era and who have also washed into streams and rivers draining resentatives concurring, prays: been honorably discharged or are still serv- into the South China Sea; and 1. That the United States Congress direct Whereas, Warships positioned off the Viet- ing; and the appropriate federal agencies to do the Whereas, all honorably discharged military namese shore routinely distilled seawater to following: veterans deserve the opportunity to partici- obtain potable water, and a 2002 Australian (a) Fully secure all of the borders of the pate in the American Legion. study found that the distillation process, Wherefore your memorialist, the House of United States, rather than removing toxins, concentrated (b) Fully reimburse sheriffs for the costs Representatives of the State of Arizona, the and enhanced dioxin in water used for drink- associated with the housing of illegal aliens Senate concurring, prays: ing, cooking, and washing; and 1. That the United States Congress direct who are being charged with state crimes. Whereas, This study was conducted by the (c) Return to the original guidelines as set the American Legion to expand its member- Australian Department of Veterans’ Affairs forth in Operation Streamline for the pros- ship eligibility to include all honorably dis- after it found Vietnam veterans of the Royal ecution of persons crossing the United States charged military veterans. Australian Navy had a higher rate of mor- 2. That the Secretary of State of the State border illegally. tality from Agent Orange-associated diseases 2. That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial than did Vietnam veterans from other of Arizona transmit copies of this Memorial to the President of the United States, the branches of the military, and when the to the President of the United States, the Speaker of the United States House of Rep- United States Centers for Disease Control Speaker of the United States House of Rep- resentatives, the President of the United and Prevention studied specific cancers resentatives, the President of the United States Senate and each Member of Congress among Vietnam veterans, it, too, found a States Senate and each Member of Congress from the State of Arizona. higher incidence of certain cancers among from the State of Arizona. United States Navy veterans; and POM–248. A concurrent memorial adopted Whereas, Additional studies, including POM–249. A resolution adopted by the Sen- by the Legislature of the State of Arizona those conducted by the Institute of Medi- ate of the State of concerning re- urging the United States Congress to direct cine, show plausible pathways for Agent Or- storing the presumption of service connec- the appropriate federal agencies to secure ange to have entered the South China Sea tion for Agent Orange exposure for United the borders of the United States; to the Com- via contaminated dirt and debris from rivers States Vietnam veterans through the ‘‘Blue mittee on the Judiciary. and streams; and Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2015’’; SENATE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 1012 Whereas, The 2009 ‘‘Institute of Medicine to the Committee on Veterans’’ Affairs. Whereas, the United States is in the midst (US) Committee to Review the Health Ef- SENATE RESOLUTION 16–002 of a border crisis; and fects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Whereas, the sheriffs serving along the bor- Whereas, During the Vietnam War, the Herbicides (Seventh Biennial Update)’’ rec- ders of the United States are in the epicenter United States military sprayed approxi- ommended that veterans who served on ships of this crisis; and mately 22 million gallons of Agent Orange off the coast of the Republic of Vietnam not Whereas, the porous borders of the United and other herbicides over the Republic of be excluded from the presumption of expo- States have resulted in the smuggling of con- Vietnam to reduce forest cover and crops sure; and traband and illegal drugs, the exploitation of used by the enemy; and Whereas, Herbicides containing TCDD/ human beings and the infiltration of subver- Whereas, These herbicides contained dioxin did not discriminate between soldiers sives bent on doing harm to this country; dioxin, which has since been identified as on the ground and sailors on ships offshore; and carcinogenic and has been linked to a num- and Whereas, federal law mandates border se- ber of serious and disabling illnesses affect- Whereas, House Resolution 969 and iden- curity; and ing thousands of veterans; and tical companion bill Senate 681, the ‘‘Blue Whereas, the quality of life normally en- Whereas, The United States Congress Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2015’’, joyed by the citizens of the United States is passed the federal ‘‘Agent Orange Act of were introduced, respectively, in the U.S.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.037 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6483 House of Representatives on March 6, 2015, Armed Forces and for their oath of alle- Whereas, the Toxic Exposure Research Act by Representative Christopher Gibson, and giance to the Constitution of the United of 2015 is a critical step in protecting the vet- on March 19, 2015, by Senator Kirsten Gilli- States; however, soon after the war ended, erans of the United States. brand in the U.S. Senate; and legislation was passed that wrongfully took Wherefore your memorialist, the House of Whereas, More than 30 national veterans away the benefits and recognition they had Representatives of the State of Arizona, the service organizations support the Congres- earned; and Senate concurring, prays: sional House and Senate legislation entitled Whereas, because these World War II vet- 1. That the United States Congress adopt ‘‘Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of erans had suffered a great wrong, and recog- legislation similar to H.R. 1769 and S. 901, 2015’’; and nizing that for those with family in the Phil- the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015, Whereas, Various agencies of the federal ippines the return of their remains to the that would establish in the United States government have recently demonstrated Philippines is a profound and fervent wish, Department of Veterans Affairs a national awareness of the hazards of Agent Orange ex- the Legislature in 2003 enacted Act 101, Ses- center for research on the diagnosis and posure through participation and funding of sion Laws of Hawaii 2003, requiring the Office treatment of health conditions of the de- the identification, containment, and mitiga- of Veterans’ Services to pay up to $2,500 for scendants of veterans exposed to toxic sub- tion of dioxin ‘‘hot spots’’ in Vietnam; and the transport of their remains to the Phil- stances during service in the armed forces of Whereas, The United States Congress ippines and funeral and burial services in the the United States that are related to that should reaffirm the nation’s commitment to Philippines; and exposure. the well-being of all of its veterans by direct- Whereas, funding, however, has not been 2. That the Secretary of State of the State ing the United States Department of Vet- provided to fulfill this statutory require- of Arizona transmit a copy of this Memorial erans Affairs to properly administer the fed- ment; and to the President of the United States Senate, eral ‘‘Agent Orange Act of 1991’’ and by pass- Whereas, in the early 2000s, the United the Speaker of the United States House of ing House Resolution 969 and identical com- States also enacted legislation requiring the Representatives and each Member of Con- panion bill Senate 681, the ‘‘Blue Water Navy Veterans Administration to pay the full cost gress from the State of Arizona. Vietnam Veterans Act of 2015’’, under the of burials at national and state veterans presumption that herbicide exposure in the cemeteries to the survivors of these World Republic of Vietnam includes service on the War II veterans; however, this legislation POM–252. A petition from a citizen of the offshore waters; now, therefore, failed to address coverage of the costs of State of Texas relative to immigration; to Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Seventieth transport to and services in the Philippines the Committee on the Judiciary. General Assembly of the State of Colorado: to be with their loved ones; and POM–253. A petition from a citizen of the That we, the members of the Senate of the Whereas, though many years have tran- State of Texas relative to refugees; to the Colorado General Assembly, hereby respect- spired since World War II, the words of Committee on the Judiciary. fully encourage the United States Congress United States President Harry S. Truman in POM–254. A resolution adopted by the Leg- to restore the presumption of service connec- 1946 remain the honest truth: ‘‘I consider it islature of Guam expressing unequivocal sup- tion for Agent Orange exposure to United a moral obligation of the United States to port for the United Nations World Health Or- States veterans who served on the waters off look after the welfare of Philippine Army ganization Framework Convention on To- the coast of the Republic of Vietnam; and veterans.’’; and bacco Control (WHO–FCTC) in its efforts to Be It Further Resolved, That copies of this Whereas, for the small number of World address the global tobacco epidemic; request- resolution be sent to President Barack War II Filipino-American veterans who are ing that the President of the United States Obama; Vice President and President of the still living, this moral obligation of the support the WHO–FCTC, and submit it to the Senate Joe Biden; Speaker of the House of United States should extend to fulfilling United States Senate for ratification; and re- Representatives Paul Ryan; Chairman of the their wish for a resting place in the Phil- questing that the United States Senate rat- Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and ippines among their loved ones, for this is an ify the WHO–FCTC; to the Committee on Memorial Affairs in the House of Representa- entitlement that they have clearly sacrificed Foreign Relations. tives; Chairman of the House Committee on for and earned; Now, therefore, be it Veterans Affairs; Chairman of the Senate Resolved, By the House of Representatives f Committee on Veterans Affairs; and to each of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the member of the Colorado Congressional dele- State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES gation. Senate concurring, that Congress is urged to amend federal law to allow funds for the bur- The following reports of committees POM–250. A concurrent resolution adopted ial of qualified Filipino-American veterans were submitted: by the Legislature of the State of Hawaii in national and state cemeteries to cover the By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on urging the United States Congress to amend costs of transporting the remains of eligible Homeland Security and Governmental Af- federal law to allow funds for the burial of Filipino-American veterans of World War II fairs, with amendments: qualified Filipino-American veterans in na- to the Philippines and for funeral and burial S. 1869. A bill to improve Federal network tional and state veterans cemeteries to cover services in the Philippines; and be it further the costs of transporting the remains of Fili- Resolved, That certified copies of this Con- security and authorize and enhance an exist- pino-American veterans of World War II to current Resolution be transmitted to the ing intrusion detection and prevention sys- the Philippines and for funeral and burial President of the United States, Speaker of tem for civilian Federal networks (Rept. No. services in the Philippines; to the Com- the United States House of Representatives, 114–378). mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. President of the United States Senate, Ha- By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 23 waii’s Congressional delegation, and the Di- rector of the Office of Veterans’ Services. with an amendment in the nature of a sub- Whereas, during World War II, the Phil- stitute: ippines was a Commonwealth of the United POM–251. A concurrent memorial adopted S. 3087. A bill to establish the American States, and, for four years, nearly 100,000 sol- Fisheries Advisory Committee to assist in diers of the Philippine Commonwealth Army by the Legislature of the State of Arizona urging the United States Congress to adopt the awarding of fisheries research and devel- fought alongside the United States and Al- opment grants and for other purposes (Rept. lied forces to defend and reclaim the Phil- legislation similar to the Toxic Exposure Re- search Act of 2015; to the Committee on Vet- No. 114–379). ippine Islands from foreign aggression; and By Mr. BARRASSO, from the Committee Whereas, these valiant Filipino soldiers erans’ Affairs. on Indian Affairs, with an amendment in the fought, suffered, and died in some of the HOUSE CONCURRENT MEMORIAL 2006 nature of a substitute: bloodiest battles of World War II, defending Whereas, thousands of veterans have been beleaguered Bataan and Corregidor, and exposed to Agent Orange and other chemical S. 2580. A bill to establish the Indian Edu- thousands of them became prisoners of war, agents during the course of their service to cation Agency to streamline the administra- enduring the infamous Bataan Death March the United States; and tion of Indian education, and for other pur- and years of captivity; and Whereas, today, many of the children and poses (Rept. No. 114–380). Whereas, the sacrifices of these Filipino grandchildren of veterans are suffering seri- By Mr. BARRASSO, from the Committee soldiers played a vital role in the Allied vic- ous health issues that are related to the vet- on Indian Affairs, with an amendment: tory in the Pacific as their numerous guer- erans’ exposure to chemical agents; and S. 2643. A bill to improve the implementa- rilla actions provided United States forces Whereas, the people of the United States tion of the settlement agreement reached be- with time to build and prepare for the Allied owe it to their veterans to better understand tween the Pueblo de Cochiti of New Mexico counterattack; and the impacts of these exposures in order to and the Corps of Engineers, and for other Whereas, these Filipino soldiers fought guarantee that the children and grand- purposes (Rept. No. 114–381). side-by-side with United States forces to se- children of veterans receive appropriate By Mr. BARRASSO, from the Committee cure their island nation as the strategic base treatment; and on Indian Affairs, with an amendment in the from which the final effort by Allied forces Whereas, the full effects of exposure to nature of a substitute: to bring an end to World War II was dangerous chemicals such as Agent Orange is S. 2717. A bill to improve the safety and ad- launched; and still unknown, and a national research cen- dress the deferred maintenance needs of In- Whereas, the United States promised these ter is needed to further study the impact dian dams to prevent flooding on Indian res- Filipino soldiers pay and benefits for their these exposures have on veterans, their chil- ervations, and for other purposes (Rept. No. military service under the United States dren and their grandchildren; and 114–382).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:53 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.049 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6484 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on By Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself, Mr. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND Homeland Security and Governmental Af- CARDIN, and Mr. WARNER): SENATE RESOLUTIONS fairs, without amendment: S. 3473. A bill to increase outdated death H.R. 3218. Designate the facility of the gratuities and funeral allowances for Federal The following concurrent resolutions United States Postal Service located at 1221 civilian employees killed in the line of duty, and Senate resolutions were read, and State Street, Suite 12, Santa Barbara, Cali- to expand the scope of eligible beneficiaries, referred (or acted upon), as indicated: fornia, as the ‘‘Special Warfare Operator to codify tax treatment, to change offset re- By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Ms. Master Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Louis quirements, to harmonize death gratuities COLLINS): ‘Lou’ J. Langlais Post Office Building’’. across Federal agencies, and for other pur- S. Res. 616. A resolution supporting the H.R. 4887. A bill to designate the facility of poses; to the Committee on Finance. goals and ideals of American Diabetes the United States Postal Service located at By Mr. CORNYN: Month; to the Committee on Health, Edu- 23323 Shelby Road in Shelby, Indiana, as the S. 3474. A bill to amend the Omnibus Crime cation, Labor, and Pensions. ‘‘Richard Allen Cable Post Office’’. Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to au- By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. thorize COPS grantees to use grant funds to H.R. 5150. A bill to designate the facility of COONS, and Mr. PERDUE): the United States Postal Service located at hire veterans as career law enforcement offi- S. Res. 617. A resolution designating No- 3031 Veterans Road West in Staten Island, cers, and for other purposes; to the Com- vember 27, 2016, as ‘‘Drive Safer Sunday’’; New York, as the ‘‘Leonard Montalto Post mittee on the Judiciary. considered and agreed to. By Mr. COONS (for himself, Mr. Office Building’’. By Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mr. DURBIN, DAINES, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. LEE, Mr. H.R. 5309. A bill to designate the facility of Mr. COATS, and Mr. DONNELLY): the United States Postal Service located at FRANKEN, Ms. BALDWIN, and Mr. S. Res. 618. A resolution commending and 401 McElroy Drive in Oxford, Mississippi, as PAUL): congratulating the Chicago Cubs on their S. 3475. A bill to delay the amendments to the ‘‘Army First Lieutenant Donald C. 2016 World Series victory; considered and rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Pro- Carwile Post Office Building’’. agreed to. cedure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 5356. A bill to designate the facility of By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Ms. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mrs. the United States Postal Service located at BALDWIN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CRAPO, BOXER, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. 14231 TX–150 in Coldspring, Texas, as the ‘‘E. Mr. DAINES, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. TESTER, Mr. COONS, Mr. Marie Youngblood Post Office’’. HATCH, Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. HEITKAMP, MENENDEZ, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. H.R. 5591. A bill to designate the facility of Mr. HELLER, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. HOEVEN, BLUMENTHAL, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. UDALL, the United States Postal Service located at Mr. INHOFE, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. KAINE, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. MURPHY, Ms. KLO- 810 N US Highway 83 in Zapata, Texas, as the Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. BUCHAR, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. WARNER, ‘‘Zapata Veterans Post Office’’. MORAN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mrs. MUR- Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. SANDERS): H.R. 5676. A bill to designate the facility of RAY, Mr. REID, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. S. 3476. A bill to waive recoupment by the the United States Postal Service located at SCHATZ, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. SUL- United States of certain bonuses and similar 6300 N. Northwest Highway in Chicago, Illi- LIVAN, Mr. TESTER, Mr. THUNE, Mr. benefits erroneously received by members of nois, as the ‘‘Officer Joseph P. Cali Post Of- UDALL, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. ENZI, Mr. the Army National Guard, and for other pur- fice Building’’. GARDNER, Mr. LANKFORD, and Mr. poses; to the Committee on Armed Services. H.R. 5798. A bill to designate the facility of KING): By Ms. HIRONO (for herself and Mrs. the United States Postal Service located at S. Res. 619. A resolution recognizing Na- CAPITO): 1101 Davis Street in Evanston, Illinois, as the tional Native American Heritage Month and ‘‘Abner J. Mikva Post Office Building’’. S. 3477. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide information celebrating the heritages and cultures of Na- H.R. 5889. A bill to designate the facility of tive Americans and the contributions of Na- the United States Postal Service located at 1 regarding vaccines for seniors as part of the Medicare & You handbook and to ensure that tive Americans to the United States; consid- Chalan Kanoa VLG in Saipan, Northern Mar- ered and agreed to. iana Islands, as the ‘‘Segundo T. Sablan and the treatment of cost sharing for vaccines CNMI Fallen Military Heroes Post Office under Medicare part D is consistent with the f Building’’. treatment of vaccines under Medicare part B, and for other purposes; to the Committee ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS f on Finance. S. 689 EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. KAINE, and Mr. MENENDEZ): At the request of Mr. THUNE, the COMMITTEE S. 3478. A bill to require continued and en- name of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. The following executive reports of hanced annual reporting to Congress in the ERNST) was added as a cosponsor of S. nominations were submitted: Annual Report on International Religious 689, a bill to provide protections for Freedom on anti-Semitic incidents in Eu- By Mr. JOHNSON for the Committee on certain sports medicine professionals rope, the safety and security of European Homeland Security and Governmental Af- who provide certain medical services in Jewish communities, and the efforts of the fairs. United States to partner with European gov- a secondary State. *Mark D. Acton, of Kentucky, to be a Com- ernments, the European Union, and civil so- S. 1042 missioner of the Postal Regulatory Commis- ciety groups, to combat anti-Semitism, and sion for a term expiring October 14, 2022. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the for other purposes; to the Committee on For- *Robert G. Taub, of New York, to be a name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. eign Relations. Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory SCHATZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. By Mr. MENENDEZ: Commission for a term expiring October 14, 1042, a bill to amend the Outer Conti- S. 3479. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- 2022. enue Code of 1986 to allow unpopulated cen- nental Shelf Lands Act to permanently *Nomination was reported with rec- sus tracts that are contiguous to low-income prohibit the conduct of offshore drill- ommendation that it be confirmed sub- communities to be treated as low-income ing on the outer Continental Shelf in ject to the nominee’s commitment to communities under the new markets tax the Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, and respond to requests to appear and tes- credit; to the Committee on Finance. North Atlantic planning areas. By Mr. SASSE: tify before any duly constituted com- S. 1559 S. 3480. A bill to make an alien who applies mittee of the Senate. for naturalization using a false identity in- At the request of Ms. AYOTTE, the f eligible for citizenship and to require the names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. completion of the Historical Fingerprint En- BROWN) and the Senator from Mis- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND rollment Program and for other purposes; to sissippi (Mr. WICKER) were added as co- JOINT RESOLUTIONS the Committee on the Judiciary. sponsors of S. 1559, a bill to protect vic- The following bills and joint resolu- By Mr. SASSE (for himself, Mr. RUBIO, tims of domestic violence, sexual as- tions were introduced, read the first Mr. BARRASSO, and Mr. LEE): S. 3481. A bill to address payment for sault, stalking, and dating violence and second times by unanimous con- claims relating to certain provisions of the from emotional and psychological sent, and referred as indicated: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; trauma caused by acts of violence or By Mr. LEE: to the Committee on the Judiciary. threats of violence against their pets. S. 3472. A bill to require the Bureau of the By Mr. HATCH: S. 1567 Census to conduct a survey to determine in- S. 3482. A bill to approve the settlement of At the request of Mr. PETERS, the come and poverty levels in the United States the water rights claims of the Navajo Nation in a manner that accounts for the receipt of in Utah, to authorize construction of name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Federal means-tested benefits, and for other projects in connection therewith, and for BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Se- other purposes; to the Committee on Indian 1567, a bill to amend title 10, United curity and Governmental Affairs. Affairs. States Code, to provide for a review of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.026 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6485 the characterization or terms of dis- S. 2957 3281, a bill to extend the Iran Sanctions charge from the Armed Forces of indi- At the request of Mr. NELSON, the Act of 1996. viduals with mental health disorders name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. S. 3391 alleged to affect terms of discharge. SCHATZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. REED, the name S. 1714 2957, a bill to require the Secretary of of the Senator from Maine (Mr. KING) At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the the Treasury to mint commemorative was added as a cosponsor of S. 3391, a name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. coins in recognition of the 50th anni- bill to reauthorize the Museum and Li- DONNELLY) was added as a cosponsor of versary of the first manned landing on brary Services Act. the . S. 1714, a bill to amend the Surface S. 3405 Mining Control and Reclamation Act of S. 2977 At the request of Mr. DAINES, the At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the 1977 to transfer certain funds to the names of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. Multiemployer Health Benefit Plan name of the Senator from Connecticut ERNST), the Senator from Oklahoma and the 1974 United Mine Workers of (Mr. MURPHY) was added as a cosponsor (Mr. INHOFE) and the Senator from Ar- America Pension Plan, and for other of S. 2977, a bill to amend the Internal kansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) were added as Revenue Code of 1986 to establish an purposes. cosponsors of S. 3405, a bill to transfer excise tax on the production and im- S. 1831 certain items from the United States portation of opioid pain relievers, and At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the Munitions List to the Commerce Con- for other purposes. name of the Senator from Mississippi trol List. (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor S. 3111 S. 3414 of S. 1831, a bill to revise section 48 of At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the title 18, United States Code, and for name of the Senator from West Vir- At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the name of the Senator from North Caro- other purposes. ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 3111, a bill to amend the lina (Mr. BURR) was added as a cospon- S. 2196 sor of S. 3414, a bill to condition assist- At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the 7.5 percent threshold for the med- ance to the West Bank and Gaza on name of the Senator from Colorado steps by the Palestinian Authority to (Mr. GARDNER) was added as a cospon- ical expense deduction for individuals age 65 or older. end violence and terrorism against sor of S. 2196, a bill to amend title Israeli citizens. XVIII of the Social Security Act to S. 3115 S. 3438 provide for the non-application of At the request of Mr. WICKER, the Medicare competitive acquisition rates names of the Senator from Rhode Is- At the request of Mr. HELLER, the to complex rehabilitative wheelchairs land (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) and the Senator name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. and accessories. from Pennsylvania (Mr. CASEY) were REID) was added as a cosponsor of S. 3438, a bill to authorize the Secretary S. 2216 added as cosponsors of S. 3115, a bill to of Veterans Affairs to carry out a At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to a national pediatric re- major medical facility project in Reno, name of the Senator from Mississippi Nevada. (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor search network. of S. 2216, a bill to provide immunity S. 3147 S. 3447 from suit for certain individuals who At the request of Ms. HIRONO, the At the request of Mr. SULLIVAN, the disclose potential examples of financial name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. names of the Senator from Alabama exploitation of senior citizens, and for SCHATZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. (Mr. SESSIONS), the Senator from North other purposes. 3147, a bill to support educational enti- Carolina (Mr. TILLIS), the Senator from Montana (Mr. TESTER) and the Senator S. 2373 ties in fully implementing title IX and from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) were At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the reducing and preventing sex discrimi- added as cosponsors of S. 3447, a bill to name of the Senator from Missouri nation in all areas of education. direct the Secretary of the Army to (Mr. BLUNT) was added as a cosponsor S. 3188 place in Arlington National Cemetery a of S. 2373, a bill to amend title XVIII of At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the memorial honoring the helicopter pi- the Social Security Act to provide for name of the Senator from New Hamp- lots and crew members of the Vietnam Medicare coverage of certain shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- era, and for other purposes. lymphedema compression treatment sponsor of S. 3188, a bill to amend the items as items of durable medical Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to mod- S. 3464 equipment. ify the incentives for biodiesel. At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, the S. 2748 S. 3241 names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS), the Senator from Louisiana At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the name of the Senator from West Vir- name of the Senator from Massachu- (Mr. CASSIDY), the Senator from Okla- homa (Mr. INHOFE) and the Senator ginia (Mr. MANCHIN) was added as a co- setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 2748, a bill to amend the sponsor of S. 3241, a bill to amend the from North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS) were Public Health Service Act to increase Immigration and Nationality Act to re- added as cosponsors of S. 3464, a bill to the number of permanent faculty in affirm the United States historic com- provide incremental increases to the palliative care at accredited allopathic mitment to protecting refugees who salary threshold for exemptions for ex- and osteopathic medical schools, nurs- are fleeing persecution or torture. ecutive, administrative, professional, outside sales, and computer employees ing schools, social work schools, and S. 3244 under the Fair Labor Standards Act of other programs, including physician At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the assistant education programs, to pro- name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. 1938, and for other purposes. mote education and research in pallia- GRASSLEY) was added as a cosponsor of S.J. RES. 40 tive care and hospice, and to support S. 3244, a bill to amend title XXVII of At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the the development of faculty careers in the Public Health Service Act to clar- name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. academic palliative medicine. ify the treatment of pediatric dental NELSON) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2823 coverage in the individual and group S.J. Res. 40, a joint resolution approv- At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the markets outside of Exchanges estab- ing the location of a memorial to com- name of the Senator from Pennsyl- lished under the Patient Protection memorate and honor the members of vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- and Affordable Care Act, and for other the Armed Forces that served on active sponsor of S. 2823, a bill to amend the purposes. duty in support of Operation Desert Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend S. 3281 Storm or Operation Desert Shield. and modify the section 45 credit for re- At the request of Mr. REID, the name S. RES. 615 fined coal from steel industry fuel, and of the Senator from Montana (Mr. At the request of Mr. CASEY, the for other purposes. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Colorado

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.039 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 (Mr. GARDNER) was added as a cospon- This bill does five things. First, it S. 3475. A bill to delay the amend- sor of S. Res. 615, a resolution express- creates a standard minimum payment ments to rule 41 of the Federal Rules of ing support for the designation of No- of $100,000 across all departments for Criminal Procedure; to the Committee vember 16, 2016, as ‘‘American Special any federal civilian employee killed in on the Judiciary. Hockey Day’’. the line of duty. Second, it gives up to Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I rise to f $8,800 for funeral expenses, and those address a pending change to privacy expenses are in addition to the death protection contained in the Federal STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED Rules of Civil Procedure. But before I BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS gratuity, not taken away from it. Third, it makes it the law that these proceed to the details, the sometimes By Ms. MIKULSKI (for herself, death and funeral gratuities cannot be wonky details of what we actually do Mr. CARDIN, and Mr. WARNER): taxed. Fourth, it ties these amounts to here legislatively, let me just start by S. 3473. A bill to increase outdated an automatic cost-of-living adjust- speaking to concerns I have heard. As death gratuities and funeral allowances ment, so that we don’t have to do this early as this morning, on my train ride for Federal civilian employees killed in again in the future. And fifth, it now down from Wilmington, DE, in the the line of duty, to expand the scope of covers all federal employees, not just halls here in Congress, by email, text, eligible beneficiaries, to codify tax those killed abroad. and by phone from friends from my treatment, to change offset require- This bill also now covers more kinds State of Delaware and all over the ments, to harmonize death gratuities of Federal service employees who are country, folks are concerned about across Federal agencies, and for other eligible for death gratuities and fu- what this election means and about purposes; to the Committee on Fi- neral expenses. Brave people like fire- whether we can work together in ways nance. fighters, dedicated post office employ- that defend the fundamental liberties Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise ees, diligent census workers, and bright on which this country rests. today to introduce the Death Gratu- young stars like interns, Job Corps stu- I wish to start by remarking that ities Equity Act of 2016. I am joined by dents, and Peace Corps volunteers. Senator WYDEN and I are on the floor Senators CARDIN and WARNER in sup- These people and their families would today talking about a bill that we have port of this bill. all be covered and protected under this crafted and we are introducing in part- Congress required the Office of Per- nership with other Senators—with Sen- sonnel Management to study and re- bill. ators MIKE LEE, STEVE DAINES, and AL port back on death gratuities and fu- I am very pleased with this plan to FRANKEN who represent, literally, the neral expenses given to families of Fed- standardize civilian death gratuities. There’s been too much disparity across farthest edges of this Chamber in terms eral employees killed in the line of of ideology. If you look at the top five duty. OPM provided its report in 2012, departments for too long. Federal em- ployees who are killed in the line of issues on which we agree, we agree on and what it found deeply disturbed me. relatively little. But as a group of Re- Across the board the numbers were duty deserve to be recognized by their publicans and Democrats, we have wildly different. Some families would government for their sacrifice. Their agreed to work together to restrain an get a $10,000 death gratuity with $800 families deserve certainty and a uni- attempt—frankly, initiated by the cur- for funeral expenses. Those funeral ex- form policy they can rely on if the rent Department of Justice—to modify penses were then deducted from the worst should happen to their loved the Federal Rules of Criminal Proce- lump sum death gratuity. The $800 al- ones. These hardworking employees are dure in a way that we are concerned lotment for funeral expenses had not wearing the USA team jersey every implicates or invades our Fourth been updated in 50 years, and the day. This bill lets them know the gov- Amendment constitutional protec- $10,000 amount has not been updated in ernment is on their side, that their tions. I hope those who watch what 20 years. service is valued, and that everyone is This report really struck a nerve equal under the law. happens on this floor find encourage- with me. If you are working hard every ment in the fact that Republicans and day for your country and you are killed By Mr. CORNYN: Democrats before this election’s out- in doing that duty, your country S. 3474. A bill to amend the Omnibus come had come together to craft this should do all it can to thank you. I Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of bill, this approach, and to move for- think that’s a pretty reasonable re- 1968 to authorize COPS grantees to use ward in a way that shows the bipar- quest. So I worked with OPM and the grant funds to hire veterans as career tisan commitment to protecting our administration to create this legisla- law enforcement officers, and for other constitutional liberties remains alive tion here today. purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- and well in this Chamber. My home State of Maryland has one diciary. Let me briefly address what it is I am of the highest numbers of Federal em- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask talking about because I think it has se- ployees. Marylanders are called to unanimous consent that the text of the rious and far-reaching implications for service, and we proudly represent team bill be printed in the RECORD. the privacy of ordinary Americans. USA at home and around the world. In There being no objection, the text of These rules, the Federal Rules of 1998, when Al Qaeda bombed the U.S. the bill was ordered to be printed in Criminal Procedure, govern the proce- Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, killing the RECORD, as follows: dures for investigation and prosecution twelve Americans. Maryland lost two S. 3474 of individuals within our American of its own that day, Julian Bartley Sr. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- criminal justice system, and it is es- and his son, Jay. Since then, I have resentatives of the United States of America in sential that these rules strike a careful fought tooth and nail for his family Congress assembled, balance, giving law enforcement the and all the families who lose loved ones SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tools they need to investigate crimes while serving America. We were able to This Act may be cited as the ‘‘American and keep us safe while also protecting finally get them the compensation Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2016’’. Americans’ constitutional rights to they deserved in the Consolidated Ap- SEC. 2. PRIORITIZING HIRING AND TRAINING OF freedom from unreasonable searches propriations Act of 2014. VETERANS. and seizures, our rights to privacy. But families shouldn’t have to worry Section 1701(b)(2) of title I of the Omnibus Earlier this year on April 30, the Su- about whether or not Congress will Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 preme Court approved changes to the take action, and they shouldn’t have to (42 U.S.C. 3796dd(b)(2)) is amended by insert- Federal rules that would shift this bal- ing ‘‘, including by prioritizing the hiring fight for years on end to recognize the and training of veterans (as defined in sec- ance, potentially greatly expanding the sacrifice made by their loved ones. We tion 101 of title 38, United States Code)’’ scope of search warrants. Neither the need to recognize that sacrifice now after ‘‘Nation’’. Senate nor the House held a hearing or and secure it for the future. The fami- a markup in the relevant committees lies of all Federal employees across the By Mr. COONS (for himself, Mr. to make these changes. The body of country need to know that we have DAINES, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. LEE, government closest to the people has their backs should the worst come to Mr. FRANKEN, Ms. BALDWIN, and failed to weigh in at all on an issue pass. Mr. PAUL): that immediately and directly impacts

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.039 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6487 our constituents’ rights. If we in the who has been such a tireless, effective, gested, is allowing the Congress and Congress do nothing, the proposed rule and engaged advocate on exactly these the American people to have a chance changes will go into effect December 1 issues. to weigh in on the very substantial of this year. Mr. President, I yield the floor. constitutional questions surrounding While the proposed changes are not The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- government hacking. necessarily good or bad, they are seri- ator from Oregon. I sit on the Senate Select Committee ous, and they present significant policy Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I thank on Intelligence. I think having joined concerns that I think warrant careful Senator COONS for his work, his very before 9/11, I am now, I believe, the consideration and debate. I wish to thoughtful statement, and I particu- longest serving member in history, quickly outline two of them today. larly appreciate his emphasizing the along with Senator FEINSTEIN, and we One change would allow any mag- fact that this effort began long before can tell you there is no question it is a istrate judge in any district in America November 8. This has been a bipartisan dangerous world. Go into the Select to issue a warrant for information out- effort for some time, with Democrats Committee on Intelligence, and it be- side that magistrate’s district if the lo- and Republicans across the political comes pretty clear there are a lot of cation of the information that law en- spectrum saying: Look, the country people out there who do not wish the forcement is seeking has been con- wants policies that make us safer and people of our great country well. It is cealed. This change ensures investiga- protect our liberties, and if we are not obvious, as my colleague from Dela- tors have a jurisdiction to go to where careful, we are going to get policies ware has noted, that law enforcement they can seek a warrant, particularly that don’t do much of either and in faces very substantial challenges be- for cyber information that is concealed fact set us back. cause technology is constantly evolv- and where it is impossible to know the I very much appreciate what my col- ing. So we want to make it clear, those district in which the attack originated. league is doing. It is a simple propo- of us who are supporting the Coons bill, Another change would allow a judge sition that Senator COONS advances that we don’t take a backseat to any- to issue a warrant for information on today; that is, when you are talking one in giving our agents the tools they devices located in five or more judicial about a monumental change—one need to demonstrate that security and districts. While the Department of Jus- judge with one warrant making it pos- liberty are not mutually exclusive. We tice argues this change will improve sible to hack thousands of computers— can have both. the efficiency of investigations by this is not just a modest alteration in That is why I wrote section 102 of the eliminating the need to seek multiple the way business is done in Wash- Freedom Act, which actually expanded warrants to reach all the devices that ington, DC, this is an enormous public the government’s ability to move when are suspected of being the same cyber policy shift. The idea the Congress— there was an emergency. We have had a criminal network, this represents a without even one hearing, without lot of discussions about our ability to sweeping change to how search war- even one debate, without even one op- protect our country in the event of an rants are traditionally reviewed, portunity for Members to weigh in for- emergency situation. That was a provi- issued, and executed. mally, in my view just defies common sion that I added and I felt particularly I think all Americans should want sense and our responsibilities. I very strongly about because I wanted to am- criminal investigations to proceed much appreciate what my colleague is plify on what my colleague has said; quickly and thoroughly, but I am con- doing. that we are interested in both liberty cerned these changes could remove im- Suffice it to say, this was important and security and in coming up with portant judicial safeguards by allowing before the election, but right now, policies that are compatible. one judge—one judge—to decide on a when we have scores of Americans won- What we have seen, and why the search that would give the government dering about the very future of the Coons review is so important, is that the ability to search and possibly alter core constitutional protections they too often government agencies have hundreds or even thousands of com- rely on, the bill Senator COONS is offer- cast too wide a net and swept up infor- puters owned by innocent Americans ing makes it clear those basic values mation from millions of Americans in- across the country. and the sanctity of the courts and due stead of focusing on the real threats— These changes would also incentivize process and the rule of law are not the criminals, the terrorists, the hack- investigators to forum shop—to seek a going to be values that are going to be ers. Our point with respect to this re- multijurisdictional warrant from the set aside because of what happened on view bill is that our job consists of official most likely to approve a sweep- November 8, and there are going to be more than just having a ‘‘trust us’’ pol- ing search. So, in October, a bipartisan Democrats and Republicans working icy from the Justice Department. Our group of 23 Members of Congress wrote together in the Senate. job is to ask the tough questions. Attorney General Lynch to request I remember when Senator PAUL, who My late father was a journalist. That more information about these changes has made very valuable contributions is what he said. Nobody wants to ask to Rule XLI, and we are still waiting on this and other issues, began to dis- the tough questions. It takes more for a response. With so many complex cuss some of these matters with me on time and it makes people uncomfort- questions unanswered, it is important the Select Committee on Intelligence. able, but that is what we are supposed the Department of Justice and this We, in effect, said: It is almost like we to do, and particularly right now, when body have time to carefully answer have a Ben Franklin caucus around so many Americans are concerned these questions. So today we are intro- here. Ben Franklin famously said: Any- about the threats to their liberty and ducing legislation that gives Congress one who gives up their liberty to have the security of our personal informa- that time, and Senators DAINES, LEE, security doesn’t deserve either. It tion. What Senator COONS is talking and FRANKEN have joined Senators seems to me my colleague is picking up about this morning is a more impor- WYDEN and me to delay these changes on those principles. tant check on the executive branch until July 1 of next year. Mr. President and colleagues, I will than we have had to debate in the past. We all want to ensure the American be brief. The Coons bill addresses the That is why my colleague’s work is so people are kept safe from cyber hack- cold fact that without urgent action timely this morning. ers and online criminal activity. We all this month, the government is going to This change would also effectively— want law enforcement to have the tools have unprecedented authority to hack if it were to go through in its current they need to keep us safe, but our de- into the personal phones, computers, form, Rule 41—turn innocent victims of sire for safety and our desire for an ef- tablets, or whatever devices Americans computer attacks into the victims of ficient criminal justice system should use. This would be a massive expansion additional government hacking. Again, not require us to forfeit our funda- of government hacking and surveil- this was alarming before November 8, mental constitutional rights to privacy lance powers, a vast expansion of Exec- but now we need to consider the pros- and protection from searches and sei- utive power. To do it without even a pect of an administration led by some- zures. congressional debate would be just a one who openly said he wants the Let me now yield the floor to my monumental mistake. What ought to power to hack his political opponents friend and colleague Senator WYDEN, be done, as Senator COONS has sug- exhibited by the Russians.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.024 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6488 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 It is troubling how little the Con- there are problems, and they are going SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS gress knows about how the government to say to each of us: What were you currently uses its hacking authority thinking? Why did you vote to allow and what it plans to do with expanded policies that would permit hacking in SENATE RESOLUTION 616—SUP- powers under Rule 41. Is it going to this fashion? PORTING THE GOALS AND IDEALS OF AMERICAN DIABETES clean all the botnets in the world, like Colleagues are going to say: Gee, we MONTH the one that recently attacked the didn’t vote at all. Internet backbone company? If that is Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Ms. They are going to say: You didn’t the case, what is the software going to COLLINS) submitted the following reso- vote at all? You must have had some look like? This kind of good-guy hack- lution; which was referred to the Com- meetings. ing is risky, incredibly risky, even mittee on Health, Education, Labor, when you have individuals with the Well, we didn’t have any meetings. and Pensions: best of motivations in your corner. We didn’t have any debates. We didn’t S. RES. 616 As Senator COONS indicated, we put have any discussion. together a letter late in October, before Whereas according to the Centers for Dis- Then they are going to say: You al- ease Control and Prevention (referred to in the election. This is a theme Members lowed mass hacking by just kind of this preamble as the ‘‘CDC’’), in the United are going to hear. Before the election, dropping the ball and saying you have States— many of these concerns were raised, other stuff to do? (1) nearly 30,000,000 individuals have diabe- and we said to Attorney General Lynch tes; and that we have some basic questions, I think the American people are (2) an estimated 86,000,000 individuals aged such as: How does the government in- going to react very badly if that is, in 20 years and older have prediabetes; tend to prevent forum shopping by fact, what happens. Whereas diabetes is a serious chronic con- prosecutors seeking court approval to dition that affects individuals of every age, So I commend Senator COONS. He race, ethnicity, and income level; hack into Americans’ devices? How is consistently comes to the floor and ap- Whereas the CDC reports that Hispanics, the government going to prevent col- peals across the aisle. I so appreciate African Americans, Asian Americans, and lateral damage to innocent Americans’ it. I hope we will see action on the Sen- Native American adults are disproportion- devices of electronic data when it re- ator’s very thoughtful bill. I am proud ately affected by diabetes and suffer from motely searches devices such as to be a cosponsor. the disease at rates that are much higher smartphones or medical devices? than the general population of the United What the latest numbers indicate is I yield the floor. States; that a major source of cyber attacks The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Whereas an individual aged 20 years or older is diagnosed with diabetes every 19 sec- are our wonderful medical facilities. ator from Montana. onds; The questions we asked in that October Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, as some- Whereas approximately 4,660 individuals in 27 letter speak to that. We want to one who spent over a decade in the pri- the United States aged 20 years or older are know whether the government intends vate tech sector, I know firsthand the diagnosed with diabetes each day; to use its new authority to search and challenges our country faces when it Whereas the CDC estimates that approxi- ‘‘clean’’ American computers? How is mately 1,700,000 individuals in the United comes to cyber criminals. Technology States aged 20 years and older were newly di- the government going to maintain a has made it easier than ever for bad ac- chain of custody when searching or re- agnosed with diabetes in 2012; tors to steal identities, distribute Whereas a joint study carried out by the moving evidence from a device? How is malware, and commit a whole host of National Institutes of Health and the CDC the government going to notify Ameri- other crimes, all from behind the com- found that in the United States during 2008 cans who are the subject of remote gov- puter screen. Law enforcement is fac- and 2009, an estimated 18,436 youth were ernment searches? ing tremendous challenges in tracking newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and I am very troubled by the language and stopping these criminals. 5,089 youth were newly diagnosed with type 2 in the current proposal, which suggests diabetes; the notice process will be very dif- The fact is, our law enforcement poli- Whereas according to the CDC, the preva- ferent than what Americans have tra- cies need to be updated to reflect the lence of diabetes in the United States in- ditionally thought about in kind of the reality of the 21st century, but these creased by more than 400 percent between 1980 and 2014; physical world with respect to notice. policy changes need to be made through a process that is transparent, Whereas the CDC reports that 27.8 percent The Coons bill is important business of individuals with diabetes in the United because we have not yet, our bipartisan effective, and one that protects our States have not been diagnosed with the dis- group of 23, gotten answers to these civil liberties. ease; questions. We are going to keep trying The changes to rule XLI of the Fed- Whereas in the United States, more than 12 to learn more about why it might or eral Rules of Criminal Procedure would percent of adults aged 20 years and older and might not be necessary for the govern- allow the government to hack an un- 25.9 percent of individuals aged 65 years and older have diabetes; ment to have the authority. limited number of Americans’ com- I will wrap up this discussion with Whereas as many as 1 in 3 adults in the puters—including innocent victims’ United States will have diabetes in 2050 if Senator COONS—which I thank him for computers—with a single warrant. This the present trend continues; leading—by way of saying that I have rule change was approved behind closed Whereas after accounting for the difference issued warnings before on the floor and doors at the Department of Justice. of the average age of each population, data have seen what happens when those Fundamental changes to the way we surveying individuals aged 20 years or older warnings aren’t heeded. I just want to allow law enforcement to execute in the United States between 2010 and 2012 say this morning that I believe if the searches need to be made through a indicates that 7.6 percent of non-Hispanic whites, 13.2 percent of non-Hispanic blacks, Senate fails to stand up for our con- process that is fully transparent to the stituents now and do what Senator 12.8 percent of Hispanics, and 9.0 percent of American people. We cannot give the Asian Americans suffered from diagnosed di- COONS is talking about, which is our Federal Government a blank check to abetes; job—vigorous oversight, asking the infringe upon our civil liberties. Whereas after accounting for the difference hard questions, getting the facts about If Congress does not act, this rule of the average age of each population, data new technological questions that are surveying Hispanic individuals aged 20 years evolving—I believe there are going to change will automatically go into ef- or older in the United States between 2010 be problems with Rule 41. fect December 1. This bill simply and 2012 indicates that 8.5 percent of individ- I believe there are going to be prob- delays the rule change. It is a delay uals of Central and South American descent, lems at hospitals, at power grids, at which will allow Congress to consider 9.3 percent of individuals of Cuban descent, major American institutions and that new law enforcement tools through a 13.9 percent of individuals of Mexican de- process they deserve. I urge my col- scent, and 14.8 percent of individuals of Puer- if we do nothing, except what Congress to Rican descent suffered from diagnosed di- does best—which is nothing—and let leagues to join my colleagues in delay- ing this rule. abetes; this go through, I think our constitu- Whereas according to the American Diabe- ents are going to come back when Mr. President, I yield the floor. tes Association, in 2012, the United States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.025 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6489 spent an estimated $245,000,000,000 on cases of (B) national trucking firms to alert their Whereas the Chicago Cubs infield of An- diagnosed diabetes; drivers to be especially focused on driving thony Rizzo, Ben Zobrist, Kris Bryant, and Whereas the American Diabetes Associa- safely on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Addison Russell were the first foursome to tion reports that 20 percent of the funds that and to publicize the importance of the day start an All-Star Game since 1963 and the the United States spent on health care in through use of the Citizens Band Radio Serv- second one ever; 2012 went towards caring for individuals with ice and at truck stops across the United Whereas the Chicago Cubs bounced back diabetes; States; from a disappointing loss in the 2015 playoffs Whereas a study carried out by (C) clergies to remind their congregations to win the National League Championship Mathematica Policy Research found that to travel safely when attending services and pennant for the first time since 1945; total expenditures for individuals with dia- gatherings; Whereas Chicago Cubs outfielder Dexter betes receiving benefits under the Medicare (D) law enforcement personnel to remind Fowler became the first African-American program under title XVIII of the Social Se- drivers and passengers to drive safely, par- Chicago Cubs player to play in a World Se- curity Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.) in fiscal ticularly on the Sunday after Thanksgiving; ries and went on to hit a lead-off home run year 2005 comprised 32.7 percent of the budg- (E) motorists to drive safely, not just dur- in Game 7 of the World Series; et for the Medicare program in that fiscal ing the holiday season, but every time they Whereas Chicago Cubs catcher Miguel year; get behind the wheel; and Montero hit a grand slam in Game 1 of the Whereas according to the CDC, in the (F) all people of the United States to un- National League Championship Series and United States in 2010, diabetes was the sev- derstand the life-saving importance of wear- drove in the final, winning Chicago Cubs run enth leading cause of death and contributed ing a seat belt and to use the Sunday after in the 10th inning of Game 7 of the World Se- to the death of more than 234,051 individuals; Thanksgiving as an opportunity to educate ries; Whereas as of November 2016, a cure for di- themselves about highway safety; and Whereas Chicago Cubs shortstop Addison abetes does not exist; (2) designates November 27, 2016, as ‘‘Drive Russell tied the single-game record for runs Whereas there are successful means to re- Safer Sunday’’. batted in (referred to in this preamble as duce the incidence or delay the onset of type f ‘‘RBI’’) for a World Series game after he bat- 2 diabetes; ted in 6 runs in Game 6 of the World Series, Whereas with proper management and SENATE RESOLUTION 618—COM- including a grand slam in the third inning; treatment, individuals with diabetes live MENDING AND CONGRATU- Whereas Chicago Cubs catcher David Ross, healthy, productive lives; and LATING THE CHICAGO CUBS ON in the final game of his 15-year Major League Whereas individuals in the United States THEIR 2016 WORLD SERIES VIC- Baseball career, hit a home run in Game 7 of celebrate American Diabetes Month in No- TORY the World Series; vember: Now, therefore, be it Whereas Kyle Schwarber, after severely in- Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mr. DURBIN, juring his knee during the third game of the (1) supports the goals and ideals of Amer- Mr. COATS, and Mr. DONNELLY) sub- regular season, recovered through persever- ican Diabetes Month, including— mitted the following resolution; which ance and determination and was added to the (A) encouraging individuals in the United was considered and agreed to: World Series roster, where, in one of the States to fight diabetes through public S. RES. 618 greatest sports comeback stories of all time, awareness of prevention and treatment op- Whereas, on November 2, 2016, the Chicago he— tions; and Cubs won the 2016 World Series with an 8-7 (1) hit .412 and had a .500 on-base-percent- (B) enhancing diabetes education; victory over the Cleveland Indians; age in the World Series; and (2) recognizes the importance of early de- Whereas the Chicago Cubs won the World (2) following a 17-minute rain delay, ig- tection, awareness of the symptoms, and un- Series in Game 7 at Progressive Field in nited the 10th inning rally in Game 7 of the derstanding the risk factors of diabetes, in- Cleveland, Ohio; World Series with a lead-off single; cluding— Whereas the Chicago Cubs came back from Whereas Chicago Cubs second baseman (A) being over the age of 45 years; a 3-1 World Series deficit to win 3 thrilling Javier Baez and pitcher Jon Lester were co- (B) having a specific racial and ethnic games in a row and became World Series recipients of the National League Champion- background; Champions for the first time in 108 years; ship Series Most Valuable Player Award, (C) being overweight; Whereas all 25 players on the World Series after— (D) having a low level of physical activity; roster of the Chicago Cubs should be con- (1) Javier Baez hit .318 in the 6-game Na- (E) having high blood pressure; and gratulated, including Albert Almora Jr., tional League Championship Series, stole 2 (F) having a family history of diabetes or Jake Arrieta, Javier Baez, Kris Bryant, bases, including home plate, and made a a history of diabetes during pregnancy; and Aroldis Chapman, Chris Coghlan, Willson number of incredible defensive plays; and (3) supports decreasing the prevalence of Contreras, Carl Edwards Jr., Dexter Fowler, (2) Jon Lester had a 1.38 earned run aver- type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in Justin Grimm, Kyle Hendricks, Jason Hey- age in 2 starts against the Los Angeles Dodg- the United States through increased re- ward, John Lackey, Jon Lester, Miguel ers during the National League Champion- search, treatment, and prevention. Montero, Mike Montgomery, Anthony Rizzo, ship Series, allowing just 2 runs over 13 in- f Hector Rondon, David Ross, Addison Russell, nings and striking out 9 batters; Whereas Chicago Cubs utility man and Eu- SENATE RESOLUTION 617—DESIG- Kyle Schwarber, Jorge Soler, Pedro Strop, Travis Wood, and Ben Zobrist; reka, Illinois, native Ben Zobrist received NATING NOVEMBER 27, 2016, AS Whereas, in addition to the World Series unanimous support for and won the World ‘‘DRIVE SAFER SUNDAY’’ roster, all Chicago Cubs players who contrib- Series Most Valuable Player Award, the first Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. uted to the 2016 regular season should be Chicago Cub ever to win the award, after— (1) hitting .357 in the World Series; COONS, and Mr. PERDUE) submitted the congratulated, including Jake Buchanan, following resolution; which was consid- Trevor Cahill, Jeimer Candelario, Gerardo (2) driving in the go-ahead run in the 10th Concepcion, Tim Federowicz, Jason Hammel, inning of Game 7 with an RBI double; and ered and agreed to: Ryan Kalish, Munenori Kawasaki, Tommy (3) leading the Chicago Cubs to an eventual S. RES. 617 La Stella, Brian Matusz, Joe Nathan, Spen- World Series win; Whereas motor vehicle travel is the pri- cer Patton, Felix Pen˜ a, Joel Peralta, Neil Whereas Chicago Cubs first baseman An- mary means of transportation in the United Ramirez, Clayton Richard, Joe Smith, Matt thony Rizzo and outfielder Jason Heyward States; Szczur, Adam Warren, and Rob Zastryzny; received Gold Glove Awards for their 2016 de- Whereas every individual traveling on the Whereas the front office, the clubhouse, fensive accomplishments; roads and highways needs to drive in a safer and all supporting staff and team members Whereas Chicago Cubs first baseman An- manner to reduce deaths and injuries that of the Chicago Cubs should be congratulated; thony Rizzo and pitcher Jake Arrieta re- result from motor vehicle accidents; Whereas the Chicago Cubs won an incred- ceived Silver Slugger Awards for their 2016 Whereas according to the National High- ible 103 games during the regular season, offensive accomplishments; way Traffic Safety Administration, wearing which earned the team the best record in Whereas Chicago Cubs third baseman Kris a seat belt saves as many as 15,000 lives each Major League Baseball; Bryant received the 2016 National League year; and Whereas the Chicago Cubs overcame the Hank Aaron Award for his offensive accom- Whereas the Sunday after Thanksgiving is American League winning the Major League plishments and is a candidate for the 2016 the busiest highway traffic day of the year: Baseball All-Star Game, which gave the Indi- National League Most Valuable Player Now, therefore, be it ans home field advantage for the World Se- Award after having been unanimously named Resolved, That the Senate— ries; the 2015 National League Rookie of the Year; (1) encourages— Whereas the Chicago Cubs had 7 players se- Whereas Chicago Cubs pitchers Kyle Hen- (A) high schools, colleges, universities, ad- lected to the 2016 Major League Baseball All- dricks and Jon Lester were candidates for ministrators, teachers, primary schools, and Star Game, who should be congratulated, in- the 2016 National League Cy Young Award, secondary schools to launch campus-wide cluding Anthony Rizzo, Ben Zobrist, Kris following pitcher Jake Arrieta having re- educational campaigns to urge students to Bryant, Addison Russell, Dexter Fowler, ceived the 2015 National League Cy Young focus on safety when driving; Jake Arrieta, and Jon Lester; Award;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.043 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Whereas Chicago Cubs manager Joe SENATE RESOLUTION 619—RECOG- Whereas Native Americans have made dis- Maddon was a candidate for the 2016 Na- NIZING NATIONAL NATIVE tinct and important contributions to the tional League Manager of the Year Award, AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH United States and the rest of the world in after having received the 2015 National AND CELEBRATING THE HERIT- many fields, including the fields of agri- League Manager of the Year Award; culture, medicine, music, language, and art; Whereas Chicago Cubs President of Base- AGES AND CULTURES OF NA- Whereas Native Americans have distin- ball Operations Theo Epstein joined the Chi- TIVE AMERICANS AND THE CON- guished themselves as inventors, entre- cago Cubs front office in 2011 and succeeded TRIBUTIONS OF NATIVE AMERI- preneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars; in building a World Series Champion team; CANS TO THE UNITED STATES Whereas Native Americans have served Whereas the Chicago Cubs fell short in the Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Ms. with honor and distinction in the Armed 2015 National League Championship Series, Forces and continue to serve in the Armed BALDWIN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CRAPO, fueling a determination— Forces in greater numbers per capita than Mr. DAINES, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. HATCH, (1) to return to the playoffs; and any other group in the United States; Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. HEITKAMP, Mr. HELL- Whereas the United States has recognized (2) to win a World Series in 2016; ER, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. the contribution of the Native American Whereas Chicago Cubs fans followed the INHOFE, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. KAINE, Ms. code talkers in World War I and World War triumphs of the 2016 season by tuning into KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. MORAN, II, who used indigenous languages as an un- games called by Chicago Cubs television Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. breakable military code, saving countless broadcasters Len Kasper and Jim Deshaies REID, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. lives in the United States; and and Chicago Cubs radio broadcasters Pat STABENOW, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. TESTER, Whereas the people of the United States Hughes and Ron Coomer; Mr. THUNE, Mr. UDALL, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. have reason to honor the great achievements Whereas the Chicago Cubs played 3 excel- and contributions of Native Americans and ENZI, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. LANKFORD, and lent teams in the 2016 postseason that de- their ancestors: Now, therefore, be it serve congratulations for their achieve- Mr. KING) submitted the following res- Resolved, That the Senate— ments, including— olution; which was considered and (1) recognizes the month of November 2016 (1) the San Francisco Giants in the Na- agreed to: as ‘‘National Native American Heritage tional League Division Series; S. RES. 619 Month’’; Whereas, from November 1, 2016, through (2) recognizes the Friday after Thanks- (2) the Los Angeles Dodgers in the Na- giving as ‘‘Native American Heritage Day’’ tional League Championship Series; and November 30, 2016, the United States cele- brates National Native American Heritage in accordance with section 2(10) of the Native (3) the Cleveland Indians in the World Se- Month; American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public ries; Whereas National Native American Herit- Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1923); and Whereas the Chicago Cubs won their first age Month is an opportunity to consider and (3) urges the people of the United States to World Series since 1908, filling people in Chi- recognize the contributions of Native Ameri- observe National Native American Heritage cago and Chicago Cubs fans everywhere with cans to the history of the United States; Month and Native American Heritage Day pride; Whereas Native Americans are descendants with appropriate programs and activities. Whereas the Chicago Cubs showed extraor- of the original, indigenous inhabitants of f dinary steadiness, teamwork, focus, and love what is now the United States; of the game in proving again to be an organi- Whereas the Bureau of the Census esti- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND zation of great character, determination, and mated that, in 2010, there were more than PROPOSED heart, a reflection of the city of Chicago and 5,000,000 individuals of Native American de- SA 5110. Mr. ALEXANDER submitted an the State of Illinois; scent in the United States; amendment intended to be proposed by him Whereas on November 4, 2016, an estimated Whereas Native Americans maintain vi- to the bill S. 2873, to require studies and re- 5,000,000 fans gathered in Chicago to fly the brant cultures and traditions and hold a ports examining the use of, and opportuni- W flag and celebrate the Chicago Cubs vic- deeply rooted sense of community; ties to use, technology-enabled collaborative tory in the largest parade and rally in Whereas Native Americans have moving learning and capacity building models to im- United States history; and stories of tragedy, triumph, and persever- prove programs of the Department of Health Whereas the Chicago Cubs are the 2016 ance that need to be shared with future gen- and Human Services, and for other purposes; World Series champions: Now, therefore, be erations; which was ordered to lie on the table. it Whereas Native Americans speak and pre- SA 5111. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. MORAN Resolved, That the Senate— serve indigenous languages, which have con- (for himself and Mr. TESTER)) proposed an (1) commends the Chicago Cubs on their— tributed to the English language by being amendment to the bill H.R. 3471, to amend (A) 2016 World Series championship title; used as names of individuals and locations title 38, United States Code, to make certain and throughout the United States; improvements in the provision of auto- (B) outstanding performance during the Whereas Congress has consistently re- mobiles and adaptive equipment by the De- 2016 Major League Baseball season; affirmed the support of the United States of partment of Veterans Affairs. tribal self-governance and self-determination (2) recognizes the achievements of the f players, coaches, management, and support and the commitment of the United States to staff of the Chicago Cubs and the operations improving the lives of all Native Americans TEXT OF AMENDMENTS staff of Wrigley Field, the dedication and by— Mr. ALEXANDER submitted (1) enhancing health care and law enforce- SA 5110. persistence of whom made victory possible; an amendment intended to be proposed (3) congratulates— ment resources; and (A) the city of Chicago; (2) improving the housing and socio- by him to the bill S. 2873, to require (B) the entire Chicagoland area; economic status of Native Americans; studies and reports examining the use (C) Chicago Cubs fans everywhere; Whereas the United States is committed to of, and opportunities to use, tech- (D) the mayor of the City of Chicago, the strengthening the government-to-govern- nology-enabled collaborative learning Honorable Rahm Emanuel; ment relationship that the United States has and capacity building models to im- (E) Chicago Cubs Chairman, Mr. Tom maintained with the various Indian tribes; prove programs of the Department of Ricketts, and the Ricketts family; Whereas Congress has recognized the con- tributions of the Iroquois Confederacy and Health and Human Services, and for (F) Chicago Cubs President of Baseball Op- other purposes; which was ordered to erations, Mr. Theo Epstein; the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on (G) Chicago Cubs Executive Vice President the Founding Fathers in the drafting of the lie on the table; as follows: and General Manager, Mr. Jed Hoyer; Constitution of the United States with the Strike all after the enacting clause and in- (H) Chicago Cubs President of Business Op- concepts of— sert the following: (1) freedom of speech; erations, Mr. Crane Kenney; and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (2) the separation of governmental powers; This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Expanding (I) Executive Vice President of Community and Capacity for Health Outcomes Act’’ or the and Government Affairs and Chief Legal Of- (3) the system of checks and balances be- ficer, Mr. Michael Lufrano; and tween the branches of government; ‘‘ECHO Act’’. (4) respectfully requests that the Secretary Whereas, with the enactment of the Native SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public In this Act: this resolution to— Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1922), Congress— (1) HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SHORTAGE AREA.— (A) Chicago Cubs Chairman, Mr. Tom (1) reaffirmed the government-to-govern- The term ‘‘health professional shortage Ricketts; ment relationship between the United States area’’ means a health professional shortage (B) Chicago Cubs President of Baseball Op- and Native American governments; and area designated under section 332 of the Pub- erations, Mr. Theo Epstein; and (2) recognized the important contributions lic Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254e). (C) Chicago Cubs Manager, Mr. Joe of Native Americans to the culture of the (2) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘‘Indian tribe’’ Maddon. United States; has the meaning given the term in section 4

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.050 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6491 of the Indian Self-Determination and Edu- (i) the use and integration of technology- (2) The development of standards for safety cation Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304). enabled collaborative learning and capacity and quality of equipment and installation of (3) MEDICALLY UNDERSERVED AREA.—The building models by health care providers; equipment through the automobile adaptive term ‘‘medically underserved area’’ has the (ii) the impact of such models on health equipment program, including with respect meaning given the term ‘‘medically under- care provider retention, including in health to the defined differentiations in levels of served community’’ in section 799B of the professional shortage areas in the States and modification complexity. Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 295p). communities in which such models have (3) The consistent application of standards (4) MEDICALLY UNDERSERVED POPULATION.— been adopted; for safety and quality of both equipment and The term ‘‘medically underserved popu- (iii) the impact of such models on the qual- installation throughout the Department. lation’’ has the meaning given the term in ity of, and access to, care for patients in the (4) In accordance with subsection (c)(1), the section 330(b) of the Public Health Service States and communities in which such mod- certification of a provider by a manufacturer Act (42 U.S.C. 254b(b)). els have been adopted; if the Secretary designates the quality (5) NATIVE AMERICANS.—The term ‘‘Native (iv) the barriers faced by health care pro- standards of such manufacturer as meeting Americans’’ has the meaning given the term viders, States, and communities in adopting or exceeding the standards developed under in section 736 of the Public Health Service such models; this section. Act (42 U.S.C. 293) and includes Indian tribes (v) the impact of such models on the abil- (5) In accordance with subsection (c)(2), the and tribal organizations. ity of local health care providers and special- certification of a provider by a third party, ists to practice to the full extent of their (6) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ nonprofit organization if the Secretary des- means the Secretary of Health and Human education, training, and licensure, including ignates the quality standards of such organi- Services. the effects on patient wait times for spe- zation as meeting or exceeding the standards cialty care; and (7) TECHNOLOGY-ENABLED COLLABORATIVE developed under this section. (vi) efficient and effective practices used LEARNING AND CAPACITY BUILDING MODEL.— (6) The education and training of personnel by States and communities that have adopt- The term ‘‘technology-enabled collaborative of the Department who administer the auto- ed such models, including potential cost-ef- learning and capacity building model’’ mobile adaptive equipment program. fectiveness of such models. means a distance health education model (7) The compliance of the provider with the (B) A list of such models that have been that connects specialists with multiple other Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 funded by the Secretary in the 5 years imme- health care professionals through simulta- U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) when furnishing auto- diately preceding such report, including the neous interactive videoconferencing for the mobile adaptive equipment at the facility of Federal programs that have provided funding purpose of facilitating case-based learning, the provider. for such models. disseminating best practices, and evaluating (8) The allowance, where technically ap- (C) Recommendations to reduce barriers outcomes. propriate, for veterans to receive modifica- for using and integrating such models, and (8) TRIBAL ORGANIZATION.—The term ‘‘trib- tions at their residence or location of choice, opportunities to improve adoption of, and including standards that ensure such receipt al organization’’ has the meaning given the support for, such models as appropriate. term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Deter- and notification to veterans of the avail- (D) Opportunities for increased adoption of ability of such receipt. mination and Education Assistance Act (25 such models into programs of the Depart- (c) CERTIFICATION OF MANUFACTURERS AND U.S.C. 5304). ment of Health and Human Services that are THIRD PARTY, NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS.— in existence as of the report. SEC. 3. EXAMINATION AND REPORT ON TECH- (1) CERTIFICATION OF MANUFACTURERS.—The (E) Recommendations regarding the role of NOLOGY-ENABLED COLLABORATIVE Secretary shall approve a manufacturer as a LEARNING AND CAPACITY BUILDING such models in continuing medical education certifying manufacturer for purposes of sub- MODELS. and lifelong learning, including the role of section (b)(4), if the manufacturer dem- (a) EXAMINATION.— academic medical centers, provider organiza- tions, and community providers in such edu- onstrates that its certification standards (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall exam- cation and lifelong learning. meet or exceed the quality standards devel- ine technology-enabled collaborative learn- oped under this section. ing and capacity building models and their SA 5111. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. (2) CERTIFICATION OF THIRD PARTY, NON- impact on— PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS.— (A) addressing mental and substance use MORAN (for himself and Mr. TESTER)) proposed an amendment to the bill (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may ap- disorders, chronic diseases and conditions, prove two or more private, nonprofit organi- prenatal and maternal health, pediatric care, H.R. 3471, to amend title 38, United zations as third party, nonprofit certifying pain management, and palliative care; States Code, to make certain improve- organizations for purposes of subsection (B) addressing health care workforce ments in the provision of automobiles (b)(5). issues, such as specialty care shortages and and adaptive equipment by the Depart- (B) LIMITATION.—If at any time there is primary care workforce recruitment, reten- ment of Veterans Affairs; as follows: only one third party, nonprofit certifying or- tion, and support for lifelong learning; Strike all after the enacting clause and in- ganization approved by the Secretary for (C) the implementation of public health sert the following: purposes of subsection (b)(5), such organiza- programs, including those related to disease SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tion shall not be permitted to provide cer- prevention, infectious disease outbreaks, and This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Veterans tifications under such subsection until such public health surveillance; Mobility Safety Act of 2016’’. time as the Secretary approves a second (D) the delivery of health care services in SEC. 2. PERSONAL SELECTIONS OF AUTO- third party, nonprofit certifying organiza- rural areas, frontier areas, health profes- MOBILES AND ADAPTIVE EQUIP- tion for purposes of such subsection. sional shortage areas, and medically under- MENT. (d) UPDATES.— served areas, and to medically underserved Section 3903(b) of title 38, United States (1) INITIAL UPDATES.—Not later than 1 year populations and Native Americans; and Code, is amended— after the date of the enactment of this Act, (E) addressing other issues the Secretary (1) by striking ‘‘Except’’ and inserting ‘‘(1) the Secretary shall update Veterans Health determines appropriate. Except’’; and Administration Handbook 1173.4, or any suc- (2) CONSULTATION.—In the examination re- (2) by adding at the end the following new cessor handbook or directive, in accordance quired under paragraph (1), the Secretary paragraph: with the policy developed under subsection shall consult public and private stakeholders ‘‘(2) The Secretary shall ensure that to the (a). with expertise in using technology-enabled extent practicable an eligible person who is (2) SUBSEQUENT UPDATES.—Not less fre- collaborative learning and capacity building provided an automobile or other conveyance quently than once every 6 years thereafter, models in health care settings. under this chapter is given the opportunity the Secretary shall update such handbook, to make personal selections relating to such (b) REPORT.— or any successor handbook or directive. automobile or other conveyance.’’. (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years (e) CONSULTATION.—The Secretary shall de- after the date of enactment of this Act, the SEC. 3. COMPREHENSIVE POLICY FOR THE AUTO- velop the policy under subsection (a), and re- MOBILES ADAPTIVE EQUIPMENT Secretary shall submit to the Committee on PROGRAM. vise such policy under subsection (d), in con- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of (a) COMPREHENSIVE POLICY.—The Secretary sultation with veterans service organiza- the Senate and the Committee on Energy of Veterans Affairs shall develop a com- tions, the National Highway Transportation and Commerce of the House of Representa- prehensive policy regarding quality stand- Administration, industry representatives, tives, and post on the appropriate website of ards for providers who provide modification manufacturers of automobile adaptive equip- the Department of Health and Human Serv- services to veterans under the automobile ment, and other entities with expertise in in- ices, a report based on the examination adaptive equipment program. stalling, repairing, replacing, or manufac- under subsection (a). (b) SCOPE.—The policy developed under turing mobility equipment or developing mo- (2) CONTENTS.—The report required under subsection (a) shall cover each of the fol- bility accreditation standards for auto- paragraph (1) shall include findings from the lowing: mobile adaptive equipment. examination under subsection (a) and each of (1) The Department of Veterans Affairs- (f) CONFLICTS.—In developing and imple- the following: wide management of the automobile adapt- menting the policy under subsection (a), the (A) An analysis of— ive equipment program. Secretary shall—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.052 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016

(1) minimize the possibility of conflicts of the non-medical treatment plan developed SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE interest, to the extent practicable; and by an audiologist; and Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask (2) establish procedures that ensure (3) the medical facilities of the Department unanimous consent that the Select against the use of a certifying organization of Veterans Affairs provide to veterans ac- Committee On Intelligence be author- referred to in subsection (b)(5) that has a fi- cess to the full range of professional services nancial conflict of interest regarding the provided by an audiologist. ized to meet during the session of the certification of an eligible provider. (c) CONSULTATION.—In determining the Senate on November 17, 2016, at 2 p.m., (g) BIENNIAL REPORT.— qualifications required for hearing aid spe- in room SH–219 of the Hart Senate Of- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after cialists and in carrying out subsection (b), fice Building. the date on which the Secretary updates the Secretary shall consult with veterans The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Veterans Health Administration Handbook service organizations, audiologists, objection, it is so ordered. 1173.4, or any successor handbook or direc- otolaryngologists, hearing aid specialists, tive, under subsection (d), and not less fre- and other stakeholder and industry groups f quently than once every other year there- as the Secretary determines appropriate. PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR after through 2022, the Secretary shall sub- (d) ANNUAL REPORT.— mit to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I ask the Senate and the Committee on Veterans’ the date of the enactment of this Act, and unanimous consent that Sophia Vogt Affairs of the House of Representatives a re- annually thereafter during the 5-year period and Emily Douglas, legislative fellow port on the implementation and facility beginning on the date of the enactment of in my office, be granted the privilege of compliance with the policy developed under this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs the floor for the remainder of this Con- subsection (a). shall submit to Congress a report on the fol- gress. (2) CONTENTS.—The report required by lowing: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (A) Timely access of veterans to hearing paragraph (1) shall include the following: objection, it is so ordered. (A) A description of the implementation health services through the Department of plan for the policy developed under sub- Veterans Affairs. Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I ask section (a) and any revisions to such policy (B) Contracting policies of the Department unanimous consent that Major—Lieu- under subsection (d). with respect to providing hearing health tenant Colonel-select—Chivis, our de- (B) A description of the performance meas- services to veterans in facilities that are not fense fellow, be granted the privileges ures used to determine the effectiveness of facilities of the Department. of the floor for the rest of this session. such policy in ensuring the safety of vet- (2) TIMELY ACCESS TO SERVICES.—Each re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without erans enrolled in the automobile adaptive port shall, with respect to the matter speci- objection, it is so ordered. fied in paragraph (1)(A) for the 1-year period equipment program. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- (C) An assessment of safety issues due to preceding the submittal of such report, in- improper installations based on a survey of clude the following: jority leader. recipients of adaptive equipment from the (A) The staffing levels of audiologists, f Department. hearing aid specialists, and health techni- (D) An assessment of the adequacy of the cians in audiology in the Veterans Health UNANIMOUS CONSENT adaptive equipment services of the Depart- Administration. AGREEMENT—S. 2873 ment based on a survey of recipients of (B) A description of the metrics used by Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I adaptive equipment from the Department. the Secretary in measuring performance ask unanimous consent that at 11 a.m. (E) An assessment of the training provided with respect to appointments and care relat- on Tuesday, November 29, the Com- to the personnel of the Department with re- ing to hearing health. spect to administering the program. (C) The average time that a veteran waits mittee on Health, Education, Labor, (F) An assessment of the certified pro- to receive an appointment, beginning on the and Pensions be discharged from fur- viders of the Department of adaptive equip- date on which the veteran makes the re- ther consideration of S. 2873 and the ment with respect to meeting the minimum quest, for the following: Senate proceed to its immediate con- standards developed under subsection (b)(2). (i) A disability rating evaluation for a sideration. I further ask consent that (h) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: hearing-related disability. the Alexander substitute amendment (1) AUTOMOBILE ADAPTIVE EQUIPMENT PRO- (ii) A hearing aid evaluation. No. 5110 be agreed to, that there be up GRAM.—The term ‘‘automobile adaptive (iii) Dispensing of hearing aids. to 30 minutes of debate, equally divided equipment program’’ means the program ad- (iv) Any follow-up hearing health appoint- ministered by the Secretary of Veterans Af- ment. in the usual form, and following the fairs pursuant to chapter 39 of title 38, (D) The percentage of veterans whose total use or yielding back of that time, the United States Code. wait time for appointments described in sub- bill, as amended, be read a third time, (2) VETERANS SERVICE ORGANIZATION.—The paragraph (C), including an initial and fol- and the Senate vote on the bill, as term ‘‘veterans service organization’’ means low-up appointment, if applicable, is more amended, with no intervening action or any organization recognized by the Sec- than 30 days. debate. retary for the representation of veterans (3) CONTRACTING POLICIES.—Each report The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without under section 5902 of title 38, United States shall, with respect to the matter specified in objection, it is so ordered. Code. paragraph (1)(B) for the 1-year period pre- f SEC. 4. APPOINTMENT OF LICENSED HEARING ceding the submittal of such report, include AID SPECIALISTS IN VETERANS the following: TOM STAGG FEDERAL BUILDING (A) The number of veterans that the Sec- HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. AND UNITED STATES COURT- (a) LICENSED HEARING AID SPECIALISTS.— retary refers to non-Department audiologists HOUSE (1) APPOINTMENT.—Section 7401(3) of title for hearing health care appointments. 38, United States Code, is amended by insert- (B) The number of veterans that the Sec- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ing ‘‘licensed hearing aid specialists,’’ after retary refers to non-Department hearing aid ask the Chair to lay before the Senate ‘‘Audiologists,’’. specialists for follow-up appointments for a the message to accompany S. 2754. hearing aid evaluation, the dispensing of (2) QUALIFICATIONS.—Section 7402(b)(14) of The Presiding Officer laid before the such title is amended by inserting ‘‘, hearing hearing aids, or any other purpose relating aid specialist’’ after ‘‘dental technologist’’. to hearing health. Senate the following message from the House of Representatives: (b) REQUIREMENTS.—With respect to ap- f pointing hearing aid specialists under sec- Resolved, That the bill from the Senate (S. tions 7401 and 7402 of title 38, United States AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO 2754) entitled ‘‘An Act to designate the Fed- Code, as amended by subsection (a), and pro- MEET eral building and United States courthouse viding services furnished by such specialists, located at 300 Fannin Street in Shreveport, the Secretary shall ensure that— COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND Louisiana, as the ‘Tom Stagg Federal Build- (1) a hearing aid specialist may only per- GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS ing and United States Courthouse’.’’, do pass form hearing services consistent with the Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask with amendments. hearing aid specialist’s State license related unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I to the practice of fitting and dispensing mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- move to concur in the House amend- hearing aids without excluding other quali- ernmental Affairs be authorized to ment and the House title amendment. I fied professionals, including audiologists, from rendering services in overlapping prac- meet during the session of the Senate further ask unanimous consent that tice areas; on November 17, 2016, at 11:55 a.m. the motions be agreed to and the mo- (2) services provided to veterans by hearing The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tions to reconsider be considered made aid specialists shall be provided as part of objection, it is so ordered. and laid upon the table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.052 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6493 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without provide a measure of fire danger according to mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- objection, it is so ordered. a range of low to moderate to high to very ernmental Affairs be discharged from high to extreme. f further consideration of H.R. 4902 and (2) PRESCRIBED BURN.—The term ‘‘pre- the Senate proceed to its immediate R.E. THOMASON FEDERAL BUILD- scribed burn’’ means a planned fire inten- tionally ignited. consideration. ING AND UNITED STATES The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without COURTHOUSE (3) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of Agriculture, acting objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I through the Chief of the Forest Service. The clerk will report the bill by title. ask unanimous consent that the Com- SEC. 3. LIMITATIONS ON PRESCRIBED BURNS. The senior assistant legislative clerk mittee on the Environment and Public (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in read as follows: Works be discharged from further con- subsection (b), the Secretary shall not au- A bill (H.R. 4902) to amend title 5, United sideration of H.R. 5873 and the Senate thorize a prescribed burn on Forest Service States Code, to expand law enforcement proceed to its immediate consider- land if, for the county or contiguous county availability pay to employees of U.S. Cus- in which the land is located, the national fire ation. toms and Border Protection’s Air and Marine danger rating system indicates an extreme Operations. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without fire danger level. objection, it is so ordered. (b) EXCEPTION.—The Secretary may au- There being no objection, the Senate The clerk will report the bill by title. thorize a prescribed burn under a condition proceeded to consider the bill. The senior assistant legislative clerk described in subsection (a) if the Secretary Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I read as follows: coordinates with the applicable State gov- ask unanimous consent that the bill be ernment and local fire officials. A bill (H.R. 5873) to designate the Federal read a third time and passed and the (c) REPORT.—At the end of each fiscal year, building and United States courthouse lo- motion to reconsider be considered the Secretary shall submit to Congress a re- cated at 511 East San Antonio Avenue in El made and laid upon the table. port describing— Paso, Texas, as the ‘‘R.E. Thomason Federal (1) the number and locations of prescribed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Building and United States Courthouse.’’ burns during that fiscal year; and objection, it is so ordered. There being no objection, the Senate (2) each prescribed burn during that fiscal The bill (H.R. 4902) was ordered to a proceeded to consider the bill. year that was authorized by the Secretary third reading, was read the third time, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I pursuant to subsection (b). and passed. ask unanimous consent that the bill be f f read a third time and passed and the VETERANS MOBILITY SAFETY ACT SECURITY CLEARANCE ACCOUNT- motion to reconsider be considered OF 2016 ABILITY, REFORM, AND EN- made and laid upon the table. HANCEMENT ACT OF 2015 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. ask unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The bill (H.R. 5873) was ordered to a mittee on Veterans’ Affairs be dis- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- third reading, was read the third time, charged from further consideration of ate proceed to the immediate consider- and passed. H.R. 3471 and the Senate proceed to its ation of Calendar No. 453, S. 434. immediate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without clerk will report the bill by title. PRESCRIBED BURN APPROVAL objection, it is so ordered. The senior assistant legislative clerk ACT OF 2016 The clerk will report the bill by title. read as follows: The senior assistant legislative clerk Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I A bill (S. 434) to strengthen the account- read as follows: ask unanimous consent that the Com- ability of individuals involved in misconduct mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and A bill (H.R. 3471) to amend title 38, United affecting the integrity of background inves- States Code, to make certain improvements Forestry be discharged from further tigations, to update guidelines for security in the provision of automobiles and adaptive clearances, to prevent conflicts of interest consideration of S. 3395 and the Senate equipment by the Department of Veterans relating to contractors providing back- proceed to its immediate consider- Affairs. ground investigation fieldwork services and ation. There being no objection, the Senate investigative support services, and for other The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceeded to consider the bill. purposes. objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I There being no objection, the Senate The clerk will report the bill by title. ask unanimous consent that the Moran proceeded to consider the bill. The senior assistant legislative clerk amendment be agreed to; the bill, as Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I read as follows: amended, be read a third time and further ask unanimous consent that A bill (S. 3395) to require limitations on passed; and the motion to reconsider be the bill be read a third time and passed prescribed burns. considered made and laid upon the and the motion to reconsider be consid- There being no objection, the Senate table. ered made and laid upon the table with proceeded to consider the bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without no intervening action or debate. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ask unanimous consent that the bill be The amendment (No. 5111) in the na- objection, it is so ordered. read a third time and passed and the ture of a substitute was agreed to. The bill (S. 434) was ordered to be en- motion to reconsider be considered (The amendment is printed in today’s grossed for a third reading, was read made and laid upon the table. RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) the third time, and passed, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The amendment was ordered to be S. 434 objection, it is so ordered. engrossed, and the bill to be read a Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The bill (S. 3395) was ordered to be third time. resentatives of the United States of America in engrossed for a third reading, was read The bill was read the third time. Congress assembled, the third time, and passed, as follows: The bill (H.R. 3471), as amended, was SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. S. 3395 passed. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Security Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- f Clearance Accountability, Reform, and En- hancement Act of 2015’’. resentatives of the United States of America in AMENDING TITLE 5, UNITED Congress assembled, STATES CODE, TO EXPAND LAW SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. The table of contents for this Act is as fol- ENFORCEMENT AVAILABILITY lows: This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Prescribed PAY TO EMPLOYEES OF U.S. Burn Approval Act of 2016’’. Sec. 1. Short title. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTEC- Sec. 2. Table of contents. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. TION’S AIR AND MARINE OPER- TITLE I—SECURITY CLEARANCE AC- In this Act: ATIONS (1) NATIONAL FIRE DANGER RATING SYS- COUNTABILITY, REFORM, AND EN- TEM.—The term ‘‘national fire danger rating Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I HANCEMENT system’’ means the national system used to ask unanimous consent that the Com- Sec. 101. Definitions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.054 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Sec. 102. Accountability of individuals in- contractor or with another subcontractor to (B) ineligible to perform work under a cov- volved in misconduct affecting perform a contract on behalf of an agency. ered contract under subsection (b); and the integrity of agency back- SEC. 102. ACCOUNTABILITY OF INDIVIDUALS IN- (2) details of the covered misconduct that ground investigations. VOLVED IN MISCONDUCT AFFECT- resulted in each determination described in Sec. 103. Review and update of position des- ING THE INTEGRITY OF AGENCY paragraph (1). ignation guidance. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS. SEC. 103. REVIEW AND UPDATE OF POSITION TITLE II—PREVENTING CONFLICTS OF (a) MISCONDUCT BY FEDERAL EMPLOYEES.— DESIGNATION GUIDANCE. INTEREST WITH CONTRACTORS (1) UNFIT FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT.—If an (a) GUIDELINES.— Sec. 201. Definitions. agency determines that an employee of the (1) INITIAL REVIEW AND UPDATE OF GUID- Sec. 202. Limitation on contracting to pre- agency has engaged in covered misconduct, ANCE.—Not later than 180 days after the date vent organizational conflicts of the employee shall be found unfit for Federal of enactment of this Act, the President shall interest. employment. review and, if appropriate, update the guid- TITLE I—SECURITY CLEARANCE AC- (2) FITNESS DETERMINATIONS.—An agency ance the President issues to assist agencies COUNTABILITY, REFORM, AND EN- shall make a determination under paragraph in determining— HANCEMENT (1) in accordance with any statutory, regu- (A) position sensitivity designation; and (B) the appropriate background investiga- SEC. 101. DEFINITIONS. latory, or internal agency procedures appli- In this title— cable to investigating alleged misconduct by tion to initiate for each position designation. (1) the term ‘‘agency’’ has the meaning employees of the agency. (2) REVIEWS AND REVISIONS OF POSITION DES- given the term in Executive Order 13467 (73 (3) PROHIBITION ON REEMPLOYMENT TO CON- IGNATIONS.—Not less frequently than every 5 Fed. Reg. 38103), or any successor thereto; DUCT BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS.—If an years, the President, acting through relevant (2) the term ‘‘appropriate agency’’ means— agency determines under paragraph (1) that agencies (as determined by the President) (A) in the case of a prime contractor for a an individual is unfit for Federal employ- and in accordance with the guidance de- covered contract, the agency with which the ment, the individual shall not be appointed scribed in paragraph (1), shall review and, if prime contractor entered the covered con- to or continue to occupy a position, as an necessary, revise the position designation of tract; or employee of any agency, that requires its oc- positions within agencies. (B) in the case of a subcontractor for a cov- cupant to perform background investiga- (b) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—Not later than ered contract, any agency on whose behalf tions. 30 days after completing a review under sub- the subcontractor is performing work under (b) MISCONDUCT BY EMPLOYEES UNDER CON- section (a)(2), the President shall submit to the covered contract; TRACT.— the appropriate congressional committees a (3) the term ‘‘appropriate congressional (1) INELIGIBILITY FOR PERFORMANCE OF report on— committees’’ means— WORK UNDER A COVERED CONTRACT.—If an ap- (1) any issues identified in the review; and (A) the Committee on Homeland Security propriate agency, prime contractor, or sub- (2) the number of position designations re- and Governmental Affairs and the Select contractor determines that an individual vised as a result of the review. Committee on Intelligence of the Senate; performing work under a covered contract (c) NO CHANGE IN AUTHORITY.—Nothing in and has engaged in covered misconduct, the indi- this section limits or expands the authority (B) the Committee on Oversight and Gov- vidual shall be ineligible to perform back- of any agency to designate a position as sen- ernment Reform and the Permanent Select ground investigations under a covered con- sitive or as requiring its occupant to have Committee on Intelligence of the House of tract. access to classified information. Representatives; (2) MANDATORY DISCLOSURE.—A covered TITLE II—PREVENTING CONFLICTS OF (4) the term ‘‘background investigation’’ contract shall include a provision requiring a INTEREST WITH CONTRACTORS means any investigation required for the prime contractor or subcontractor to dis- SEC. 201. DEFINITIONS. purpose of determining the— close to each appropriate agency any allega- In this title— (A) eligibility of a covered individual for tion of covered misconduct by an employee (1) the term ‘‘agency’’ means— logical and physical access to federally con- of the prime contractor or subcontractor not (A) an Executive agency (as defined in sec- trolled facilities or information systems; later than 24 hours after the prime con- tion 105 of title 5, United States Code); (B) suitability or fitness of a covered indi- tractor or subcontractor discovers the al- (B) a military department (as defined in vidual for Federal employment; leged covered misconduct. section 102 of title 5, United States Code); (C) eligibility of a covered individual for (3) INVESTIGATION OF COVERED MIS- (C) an element of the intelligence commu- access to classified information or to hold a CONDUCT.— nity (as that term is defined in section 3 of national security sensitive position; or (A) CONTRACTOR INVESTIGATION.—A covered the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. (D) fitness of a covered individual to per- contract shall include a provision requiring 3003)); form work for or on behalf of the United that, not later than 5 business days after the (D) the United States Postal Service; and States Government as a contractor em- date on which a prime contractor or subcon- (E) the Postal Regulatory Commission; ployee; tractor discloses an allegation under para- (2) the term ‘‘background investigation (5) the term ‘‘covered contract’’ means a graph (2), the prime contractor or subcon- fieldwork services’’ means the investigatory contract to conduct background investiga- tractor shall refer the allegation of covered fieldwork conducted to determine the eligi- tions— misconduct to the agency for investigation. bility of an individual for logical and phys- (A) between an agency and a prime con- (B) AGENCY INVESTIGATION.—Nothing in ical access to federally controlled facilities tractor; subparagraph (A) shall be construed to pro- or information systems, suitability or fitness (B) between a prime contractor and a sub- hibit an appropriate agency from conducting for Federal employment, eligibility for ac- contractor, if the prime contractor has a its own investigation into an allegation of cess to classified information or to hold a na- contract with an agency; or covered misconduct. tional security sensitive position, or fitness (C) between subcontractors, if one of the (4) PROHIBITION ON REEMPLOYMENT TO CON- to perform work for or on behalf of the Fed- subcontractors has a contract with a prime DUCT BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS.—If an ap- eral Government as a contractor or em- contractor that has a contract with an agen- propriate agency determines, based on an in- ployee, including— cy; vestigation conducted under paragraph (3), (A) interviews of the individual, the em- (6) the term ‘‘covered individual’’ means an that an individual is ineligible to perform ployer of the individual, former employers of individual who— work under a covered contract under para- the individual, and friends, family, and other (A) performs work for or on behalf of an graph (1), the individual shall be prohibited sources who might have relevant knowledge agency; or from performing background investigations of the individual; and (B) seeks to perform work for or on behalf under any covered contract. (B) reviews of— of an agency; (5) MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONTRACTS.— (i) educational and employment records; (7) the term ‘‘covered misconduct’’ means Not later than 30 days after the date of en- (ii) criminal and other legal records; and misconduct affecting the integrity of a back- actment of this Act, any covered contract (iii) credit history; ground investigation conducted by or for an that is in effect and was entered into before (3) the term ‘‘background investigation agency with investigative authority to con- the date of enactment of this Act shall be support services’’ means the clerical, admin- duct background investigations, including— modified to include the provisions required istrative, and technical support services pro- (A) falsification of any information relat- under paragraphs (2) and (3). vided to various functions critical to the ing to a background investigation; or (c) REPORTING.—Not later than 1 year after background investigation process, includ- (B) other serious misconduct that com- the date of enactment of this Act, and annu- ing— promises the integrity of a background in- ally thereafter, the President shall submit to (A) initial processing and scheduling of in- vestigation; the appropriate congressional committees a vestigative requests; (8) the term ‘‘prime contractor’’ means an report providing— (B) information technology and informa- individual who enters into a contract with (1) the number of individuals determined tion technology support; an agency; and to be— (C) file maintenance; (9) the term ‘‘subcontractor’’ means an in- (A) unfit for Federal employment under (D) imaging or copying of investigation dividual who has contracted with a prime subsection (a); or documents; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.066 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6495 (E) mail processing; and the table with no intervening action or ber 25, at 11 a.m. I further ask that (4) the term ‘‘quality review process’’ debate. when the Senate adjourns on Friday, means performing the final quality review of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without November 25, it next convene at 3 p.m., a background investigation to ensure inves- objection, it is so ordered. Monday, November 28; that following tigative, administrative, and other required standards have been met before the com- The resolution (S. Res. 617) was the prayer and pledge, the morning pleted background investigation is delivered agreed to. hour be deemed expired, the Journal of to the adjudicating agency. The preamble was agreed to. Proceedings be approved to date, and SEC. 202. LIMITATION ON CONTRACTING TO PRE- (The resolution, with its preamble, is the time for the two leaders be re- VENT ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- served for their use later in the day; fi- OF INTEREST. mitted Resolutions.’’) nally, that following leader remarks, Notwithstanding any other provision of f the Senate be in a period of morning law, after the date of enactment of this Act, business, with Senators permitted to a contract may not be entered into, and an COMMENDING AND CONGRATU- extension of or option on a contract may not speak therein for up to 10 minutes be exercised, with a contractor to conduct a LATING THE CHICAGO CUBS ON each. quality review process relating to back- THEIR 2016 WORLD SERIES VIC- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ground investigation fieldwork services or TORY objection, it is so ordered. background investigation support services if Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I f the contractor is performing the services to ask unanimous consent that the Sen- be reviewed. ate proceed to the consideration of S. PROGRAM f Res. 618, submitted earlier today. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, for EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the information of all Senators, the DESIGNATION OF NOVEMBER 2016 clerk will report the resolution by first rollcall vote following the AS ‘‘NATIONAL BLADDER title. Thanksgiving recess will occur at 11:30 HEALTH MONTH’’ The senior assistant legislative clerk a.m., Tuesday, November 29, on passage Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I read as follows: of S. 2873, the ECHO Act. ask unanimous consent that the A resolution (S. Res. 618) commending and f Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- congratulating the Chicago Cubs on their 2016 World Series victory. ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT sions Committee be discharged from further consideration of and the Senate There being no objection, the Senate Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if now proceed to the consideration of S. proceeded to consider the resolution. there is no further business to come be- Res. 604. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without consent that the resolution be agreed sent that it stand adjourned under the objection, it is so ordered. to, the preamble be agreed to, and the previous order, following the remarks The clerk will report the resolution motions to reconsider be considered of Senator PORTMAN. by title. made and laid upon the table with no The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. The senior assistant legislative clerk intervening action or debate. SASSE). Without objection, it is so or- read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dered. A resolution (S. Res. 604) expressing sup- objection, it is so ordered. The Senator from Ohio. The resolution (S. Res. 618) was port for the designation of November 2016 as f ‘‘National Bladder Health Month.’’ agreed to. There being no objection, the Senate The preamble was agreed to. HEROIN AND PRESCRIPTION DRUG proceeded to consider the resolution. (The resolution, with its preamble, is EPIDEMIC Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reso- mitted Resolutions.’’) thank the majority leader for allowing lution be agreed to, the preamble be f me to speak briefly. I rise to talk about agreed to, and the motions to recon- an issue that is affecting every State APPOINTMENTS AUTHORITY sider be considered made and laid upon represented in this body; that is, this the table. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I heroin and prescription drug epidemic. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ask unanimous consent that notwith- Unfortunately, opioids is an issue objection, it is so ordered. standing the upcoming adjournment of that is very much present in my home The resolution (S. Res. 604) was the Senate, the President of the Sen- State of Ohio right now. We have seen agreed to. ate, the President Pro Tempore, and over the last 48 hours, 10 overdoses in The preamble was agreed to. the majority and minority leaders be one rural county in North Central (The resolution, with its preamble, is authorized to make appointments to Ohio, Seneca County. We are told that printed in the RECORD of September 29, commissions, committees, boards, con- already in Lucas County in the Toledo 2016, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) ferences, or interparliamentary con- area there have been 150 overdoses in f ferences authorized by law, by concur- the last few weeks of this month, head- rent action of the two Houses, or by ing toward, unfortunately, what will be DRIVE SAFER SUNDAY order of the Senate. a record. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This issue is affecting families, it is ask unanimous consent that the Sen- objection, it is so ordered. tearing apart families, it is affecting ate proceed to the consideration of S. f communities, it is causing crime. Pret- Res. 617, submitted earlier today. ty much every county in Ohio tells me The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER that the No. 1 cause of crime now is the clerk will report the resolution by 18, 2016, THROUGH MONDAY, NO- heroin, prescription drug, opioid issue. title. VEMBER 28, 2016 A lot of thefts are being reported be- The senior assistant legislative clerk Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I cause of it but also other crimes which read as follows: ask unanimous consent that when the result from people being torn apart A resolution (S. Res. 617) designating No- Senate completes its business today, it from their families, from their commu- vember 27, 2016, as ‘‘Drive Safer Sunday.’’ adjourn, to then convene for pro forma nity, from their jobs based on this ad- There being no objection, the Senate sessions only, with no business being diction. proceeded to consider the resolution. conducted, on the following dates and I come to the floor to talk about a re- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I times and that following each pro port that was issued today by the U.S. ask unanimous consent that the reso- forma session, the Senate adjourn until Surgeon General. This report is about lution be agreed to, the preamble be the next pro forma session: Friday, No- addiction in America. I applaud the agreed to, and the motions to recon- vember 18, at 9:30 a.m.; Tuesday, No- Surgeon General for putting it out sider be considered made and laid upon vember 22, at 11 a.m.; Friday, Novem- there. It is an 11-page report. If you

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.066 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE S6496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 haven’t had a chance to look at it yet, who are addicted to heroin—started State and local government and with I hope you will. I hope it will raise with prescription drugs. Sometimes it our communities and with our families awareness around our country of this was because of an accident or an injury to be able to reverse the tide on this issue. where someone was prescribed a pain- issue that has, unfortunately, gripped It talks about something incredibly killer that was addictive that then led my State and so many other States important as to how we approach it, to the addiction and then led to the use around the country. which is that addiction is a disease and of heroin as a less-expensive and some- I look forward to continuing to work should be treated as such. As the Sur- times more accessible alternative to it. with the Surgeon General on this issue. geon General says, this is not a moral I think that issue of prevention and Again, I commend this report today to failing but rather it is like other dis- education is incredibly important. The your attention. I hope we will be able eases—something that actually take-back programs on pharma- as a Congress to continue to provide changes your brain and creates a prob- ceuticals is also important. The anti- the funding, as we have in the short- lem that must be dealt with through drug coalitions supported in our legis- term spending that is in effect right treatment and longer term recovery lation are also important. This is all now. We provided funding to ensure just as would be the case of other dis- part of how to get people from falling this legislation can be set up so we can eases. I think that alone is a signifi- into this funnel of addiction, which is stand up these programs and get this cant finding by the Surgeon General, to do a much better job of explaining started. We need to continue that ef- to help us come up with the right poli- the problem and understanding the fort and, I think, redouble our efforts, cies to address it but also raise aware- link particularly between prescription including passing additional legislation ness in communities around the coun- drugs and these other opioids. as it becomes apparent it is needed. try. The next chapter talks about how we One piece of legislation I hope we The first chapter of this report talks treat addiction. This talks about the move on, in addition to the Com- about something this Chamber has need for us to get people out of the prehensive Addiction and Recovery spent a lot of time on, which is the im- criminal justice system and into treat- Act, is legislation to try to stop some portance of prevention and education. ment. Our legislation helps in that as of these synthetic drugs from coming It talks about the need to look at this well by providing funds for diversion into our communities. Carfentanil, from a science perspective. It talks programs to ensure that people who are fentanyl, and U–4 and other synthetic about the need to look at it in terms of addicted are not simply locked up but heroins are coming in increasingly longer term recovery. That summary are also given the opportunity to be from overseas—China, India, and other in the first chapter is again something able to get into a treatment program places. They come by mail. There is a I would commend everybody to read and into a longer term recovery pro- way for us to be able to reduce that just to sort of bring you up to speed, if gram. simply by requiring that those who you haven’t been, on the importance of The next chapter of this report also send products by mail have the same this issue and importance of addressing talks about recovery. CARA is the first requirements you would have if you it. legislation to actually fund recovery. I were FedEx or UPS or a private car- The next chapter focuses on the think we need to do even more in this rier—to know where it is coming from science behind addiction. This is con- area, but we certainly learned again and what is in it and where it is going sistent with a conference we had in from conferences in Washington, DC, and have that information being pro- Washington, DC, almost a year ago over the last few years, that the suc- vided in advance electronically. Based now—Senator WHITEHOUSE and my- cess rate is increased dramatically on law enforcement officials, that will self—in anticipation of proposing legis- where you have not just a short-term help us to be able to stem the tide of lation in this area. We brought in ex- treatment program but a longer term these poisons coming into our commu- perts from all over the country to talk program of recovery, where people are nities and infecting our families, our about the science behind addiction, surrounded by those who support them, children. why it happens, how it happens. As was and specifically sober housing arrange- These are all issues this Congress has indicated earlier, that was something ments and other ways to support peo- taken up over the last 6 months with that led us to focus on the fact that ad- ple with a supportive environment legislation, with specific programs, and diction is a disease. It is something rather than going back to the old gang I hope we can continue to fund that that impacts the brain. The brain re- or the old family or the old environ- now, to get the administration to set sponds to chemical substances in cer- ment. Again, the report today does a up these programs, and to ensure that tain ways for certain people, and that good job of talking about that and the we are in a position to respond as new addiction is something that has to be importance of it. dangers arise, as we have seen with addressed through, again, treatment The Surgeon General has a fashion synthetic heroin coming from overseas. and longer term recovery. for this, a commitment to it, and I ap- I thank the Presiding Officer for giv- The legislation we came up with plaud him for that. I do hope again ing me time today to talk about this. after this, by the way, is called the that he focuses on this legislation. We Again, I commend this report today by Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- have now passed it with the support of the Surgeon General to be able to in- ery Act. That legislation was passed the administration. The President has crease awareness and to ensure that late in the summer. It is now in the signed it. The report does not mention every community in America is armed process of being implemented by the the legislation, but it is consistent with the facts and the information to administration. I encourage the Sur- with every aspect of this report today. be able to push back and to help save geon General, with his great 11-page re- This report, I hope, will raise aware- lives and restore lives of those ad- port, to also focus on implementing ness nationally, as I said, but I hope it dicted. also raises awareness of the need to this legislation as soon as possible, in- f cluding in this area of treating it as a move very quickly to put in place the disease. grant programs that need to be there RECOGNIZING NATIONAL NATIVE The next chapter talks about a key to help on prevention, education, treat- AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH component, which is prevention and ment, and recovery, help our law en- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask education. It talks about the need for forcement community and other first unanimous consent that the Senate us to use evidence-based techniques responders to be able to get access to proceed to the consideration of S. Res. around the country. Again, this legisla- Narcan—this miracle drug that re- 619, submitted earlier today. tion—the Comprehensive Addiction and verses the effects of an overdose—help The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Recovery Act, also known as CARA— to provide the training, help to ensure clerk will report the resolution by focuses on this and starts a national we do have more drug take-back pro- title. awareness campaign to make this link grams around the country. These Fed- The senior assistant legislative clerk between prescription drugs and heroin. eral programs need to be put in place read as follows: Sadly, many people who are on her- right away to allow the Federal Gov- A resolution (S. Res. 619) recognizing Na- oin—probably four out of five people ernment to be a better partner with tional Native American Heritage Month and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.060 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6497 celebrating the heritages and cultures of Na- made and laid upon the table with no ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. tive Americans and the contributions of Na- intervening action or debate. TOMORROW tive Americans to the United States. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under There being no objection, the Senate objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 619) was the previous order, the Senate stands proceeded to consider the resolution. agreed to. adjourned until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. Mr. PORTMAN. I ask unanimous The preamble was agreed to. Thereupon, the Senate, at 6:07 p.m., consent that the resolution be agreed (The resolution, with its preamble, is adjourned until Friday, November 18, to, the preamble be agreed to, and the printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- motions to reconsider be considered mitted Resolutions.’’) 2016, at 9:30 a.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.061 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1503 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

PROHIBITING THE SECRETARY OF ministration at the California State University family works together to stuff the newspaper THE TREASURY FROM AUTHOR- San Marcos. with advertising inserts. Ralph and Jerry’s IZING CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS Mrs. Hayes has spent the last eleven years grandchildren help with the delivery of papers RELATING TO COMMERCIAL PAS- with SDG&E, focusing on critical infrastructure to the local businesses. SENGER AIRCRAFT TO IRAN and energy programs to maintain reliability for As a successful small business and a staple the thousands of customers it supplies. Now of the Osage County community I ask you to SPEECH OF retiring as Public Affairs Manager, I commend join me in recognizing the Unterrified Demo- HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK Mrs. Juanita C. Hayes for her decades of crat as they celebrate their 150th year of cir- service to the community, and send best wish- culation. OF PENNSYLVANIA es to her and her husband, Dr. Ash Hayes, as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f they enjoy her new retirement in San Marcos, Wednesday, November 16, 2016 California. TRIBUTE TO BEV AND REV. DEAN BAER Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise in f strong support of H.R. 5711, which would pro- RECOGNIZING THE UNTERRIFIED hibit the Secretary of the Treasury from au- HON. DAVID YOUNG DEMOCRAT ON ITS 150TH YEAR thorizing the U.S. financing of commercial air- OF IOWA OF CIRCULATION craft exports to the Islamic Republic of Iran. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It would be unacceptable to export U.S. Thursday, November 17, 2016 planes to Iran Air, a state-owned carrier, which HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER faced sanctions by the Treasury in 2011 for OF MISSOURI Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise transporting fighters and weapons for the Ira- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to recognize and congratulate Bev and Rev. Dean Baer on their 50th wedding anni- nian Revolutionary Guard Corps. By author- Thursday, November 17, 2016 izing the sales of U.S. planes to the Iranian re- versary. gime, the Obama Administration would be pro- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Their lifelong commitment to each other viding material support to the world’s foremost today to honor a small-town newspaper in my truly embodies Iowa values. As they reflect on state sponsor of terrorism. The United States district, the Unterrified Democrat, on their their 50th anniversary, may their commitment should not allow the sale of aircraft to Iran, 150th Anniversary. The Unterrified Democrat grow even stronger, as they continue to love, when it is known they will eventually be used began publication in Osage County, Missouri cherish, and honor one another for many for illicit purposes. on July 3, 1866. years to come. f The Unterrified Democrat was founded by Mr. Speaker, I commend Bev and Rev. southern Democrat Colonel Lebbeus Zevely. Dean Baer on their 50th wedding anniversary. MRS. JUANITA C. HAYES His inspiration to publish the newspaper was I ask that my colleagues in the United States to showcase his opposition of the political ide- House of Representatives join me in congratu- HON. DARRELL E. ISSA ology of his day. While Colonel Zevely may lating Bev and Rev. Dean Baer on this mo- OF CALIFORNIA have been a southern Democrat that did not mentous occasion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mean that he was a Confederate supporter. f Colonel Zevely firmly believed in preserving Thursday, November 17, 2016 the Union. The Colonel was known to be a HONORING LIEUTENANT GENERAL Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize stubborn man and therefore was given the PETE TAYLOR, U.S. ARMY, RE- Mrs. Juanita C. Hayes for her years of service nickname, Unterrified Democrat. From this TIRED to the communities of the greater San Diego nickname, came the name of the newspaper. area. The Unterrified Democrat was passed down HON. JOHN R. CARTER Mrs. Hayes is a vital member of our local through multiple generations of the Zevely OF TEXAS societies and is well-known in the public rela- family. In 1969, the Zevely family sold the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions sector of San Diego. Prior to working at newspaper to Norman and Jane Troesser. the San Diego Gas & Electric Company Then in 1979, the Unterrified Democrat was Thursday, November 17, 2016 (SDG&E), she owned a consulting business purchased by Bradley H. Lockenvitz. In 1980, Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise for eighteen years. With her own company, Ralph and Jerry Voss purchased the today to honor Lieutenant General Pete Tay- she helped to coordinate successful, high pro- Unterrified Democrat. Ralph and Jerry Voss lor, U.S. Army, Retired, of Belton, Texas, for file events such as the 1985 Presidential/Vice had bought the Osage County Observer in his dedication to our country while serving Presidential Inaugural Gala, the 1996 Atlanta 1969 and with the purchase of the Unterrified over 33 years in the Army. LTG Taylor exem- Olympics, San Diego’s Super Bowl XXXII Democrat merged the two newspapers to- plifies what it means to commit his life to his Radio City Productions, and the National Re- gether. country and has more than earned our admi- publican Conventions of 1988, 1992, and When the Voss family purchased the ration and respect. He is a deserving recipient 1996. Mrs. Hayes additionally dedicated time Unterrified Democrat there was some consid- of a Congressional Veterans Commendation. in public service as the Chief of Staff to former eration to changing the name as there were LTG Taylor has more than 33 years of Sen- California State Assemblywoman Tricia Hun- occasional discussions about if the newspaper ior Executive experience as a commissioned ter. had political leanings. Ultimately, the decision officer in the U.S. Army. He has led organiza- In addition to her success in private enter- was made to continue on with the Unterrified tions at every level, culminating with his ap- prises, Mrs. Hayes has provided decades of Democrat name as the Osage County resi- pointment as Commanding General of III mentorship to nonprofit organizations, civic dents were familiar with that name. According corps at Fort Hood, Texas. For his service and groups, and other small business owners in to Jerry Voss, the name Unterrified Democrat actions in combat, LTG Taylor has been the San Diego region. She has held crucial has pizazz that creates interest and recogni- awarded two Distinguished Service Medals, community leadership positions, such as the tion. the Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Chief Executive Officer of the San Marcos In 1978, Ralph Voss decided to become a Cross, two Bronze Stars and two Army Com- Chamber of Commerce, where membership public servant and run for the local judge. For mendation Medals for valor. LTG Taylor has grew by over one hundred businesses during twenty-three years, he served on the bench. In focused his career on leading, training, plan- her tenure. As she joined SDG&E in 2005, 2003, Ralph returned to working at the news- ning, operations, and crisis management. she also became the Director of Outreach and paper. During his time as judge, Jerry ran the After retiring from the U.S. Army in 1993, Development for the College of Business Ad- Unterrified Democrat. To this day, the Voss LTG Taylor continued to dedicate his time to

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.001 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 worthy causes. His leadership skills have been state of Missouri for six years. In 1969, Vivian IRAN SANCTIONS EXTENSION ACT invaluable throughout his post-military career. started her career as secretary for Lincoln Uni- LTG Taylor served as one of five congres- versity’s president, Dr. Walter Daniel. Vivian SPEECH OF sionally appointed members on the Overseas went on to work for three more presidents, two HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Basing Commission, is founder and the cur- interim presidents, a chief executive officer, OF TEXAS rent chairman of The Heart of Texas Defense and an acting president. After 20 years of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Alliance, and founded and served as chairman committed work, Vivian retired in 1989. of the Military Child Education Coalition. From Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Vivian has also been committed to her com- 2006 to 2010, LTG Taylor assisted the Cen- munity by serving on the local and state chap- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in ters for Disease Control and Prevention in the ters of the Parent Teacher Association, has support of extending the option of sanctions development and implementation of their influ- held office on the Missouri Parent Teacher against Iran by passage of H.R. 6297, the Iran enza pandemic response plan as well as the Sanctions Extension Act, which reauthorizes Board of Managers, and mentored students at ongoing testing and refinement of that plan the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 for 10 years. Jefferson City High School. Vivian has en- through training drills and exercises, which As a Senior Member of the Homeland Secu- joyed her membership at Second Baptist paid great dividends in the successful re- rity Committee, and Ranking Member of the Church and served as the church clerk for 25 sponse to H1N1 in 2009. Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on years. I commend LTG Taylor’s selfless service to Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and In- his community and nation. His dedication to During Vivian’s years of service with the vestigations, I am very much aware of what is our country and community reflects the best Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, she has inspired at stake in the work done by President Obama values of central Texas. I join his family and countless young ladies to become more effec- to ensure that Iran does not have the breakout friends in saluting his great work and dedica- tive members of the sorority. Her legacy will capacity to build a nuclear weapon. tion to our country. continue to live on through the lives she has Events over this Congress make it clear that f impacted through mentoring and teaching. Congress should be even more vigilant in pro- I ask you to join me in recognizing Mrs. Viv- viding for the protection of the United States. HONORING MRS. VIVIAN DOTSON Congress should be mindful of the: JONES ON HER ATTAINMENT OF ian Dotson Jones on this momentous occasion of attaining ‘‘Diamond Soror’’ status for 75 United States’ leadership in the effort to ‘‘DIAMOND SOROR’’ STATUS FOR forge an enforceable and verifiable nuclear 75 YEARS OF SERVICE TO ALPHA years of service to the Alpha Kappa Alpha So- rority, Incorporated. agreement with Iran; and KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY INCOR- Deadliness of chemical weapons when they PORATED were used during the Syrian conflict against f unarmed men, women, and children. HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER JEFFERSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE H.R. 6297, allows Congress the option to OF MISSOURI 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF PRO- impose sanctions, but does renew the imposi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VIDING THE MILITARY COMMU- tion of sanctions. As Congress continues to review the Joint Thursday, November 17, 2016 NITY AT FORT DRUM WITH COL- LEGE PROGRAMMING Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise which resulted in the significant reduction in today to honor Mrs. Vivian Dotson Jones on Iran’s capabilities to develop a nuclear weap- her attainment of ‘‘Diamond Soror’’ status for on, we must continue the peaceful and 75 years of service to Alpha Kappa Alpha So- HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK verifiable efforts to cut off Iran’s pathways to rority, Incorporated. She has dedicated years OF NEW YORK a nuclear weapon. of service to the Alpha Iota chapter at Lincoln President Obama and current and former IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University and the entire Jefferson City com- Secretary of State John Kerry and Hillary Clin- munity. Thursday, November 17, 2016 ton were successful in the pursuit of global In 1941, Vivian was initiated into Alpha sanctions and gained the cooperation of the Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, Alpha Zeta Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to world, including Russia and China, which was Chapter at Langston University in Langston, honor and to recognize Jefferson Community critical in bringing the Iranians to the negotia- Oklahoma. Vivian has been an active member College as it celebrates a 30 year partnership tion table on their nuclear arms program. of the Alpha Zeta Chapter and throughout the with Fort Drum, during which, it has provided We should retain in our arsenal the option years has held the office of Sergeant at Arms, the Fort Drum community with access to im- to impose sanctions so that if necessary the Corresponding Secretary, Hospitality Chair, portant college programing. Located in Water- United States can act quickly to coordinate a Meditation Chair, and chapter representative town, New York, the college first began offer- global response to any threat posed by Iran’s to local organizations. Numerous young ladies ing courses to members of the Fort Drum verified breach of the JCPOA. have been positively impacted by Vivian’s out- community and their families in 1986, devel- Declaring sanctions for the sake of declaring standing service to the undergraduate chapter, oping a strong partnership that has continued sanctions against Iran should never be the ob- Alpha Iota at Lincoln University. Vivian has to grow over the years. jective, nor should we forget that the effective- served as undergraduate advisor to the Alpha It is imperative that we not only support our ness of sanctions are their global nature. Iota Chapter for more than 20 years. military members, but that we support their Under President Obama’s brilliant leader- On June 30, 1921, Vivian was born in families as well, and one way we can do this ship the United States had the stature around Cleveland, Ohio. During her childhood, her fa- is by providing the resources and community the globe to impose sanctions, and the diplo- ther was a Baptist preacher and with that backing they need and rightly deserve. This matic ties to gain global cooperation to expand moved his family to different places including partnership between Jefferson Community participation in Iranian sanctions because we Indiana, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Vivian College and Fort Drum shows the dedication could make the case that Iran’s nuclear pro- graduated from Langston University with a gram posed an international threat to peace our region has to the Fort Drum community, Bachelor of Science degree in English. While and stability. as well as our commitment to growth through attending college in Oklahoma, Vivian met and The United States is the world’s foremost educational opportunities. This partnership has married her husband, Lucius. They had two authority on radiological weapons grade mate- a proven record of success in enabling our children, Vivian E. and Lucius D. Vivian, rial detection and source identification. Lucius, and their children enjoyed going to the military personnel and their families to achieve The Department of Homeland Security is movies, taking family vacations, and spending their long and short term goals, and serves as leading the effort through its Domestic Nuclear time together as a family. an important example for similar communities Detection Office (DNDO) to create a Global In 1948, Vivian and Lucius moved to Jeffer- across the country. Nuclear Detection Architecture, which should son City and Lucius started his career at Lin- Congratulations to Jefferson Community be aggressively supported with sufficient fund- coln University. Eventually, Lucius became the College for continuing your commitment to ing by Congress. print shop director and in 2010 the print shop education and to our military members and Recognizing the threat posed by nuclear was named the Lucius Jones Print Shop. Viv- their families. I want to wish the staff, faculty, and other radioactive materials, DNDO was ian worked for DeVerne L. Calloway, who was and students of Jefferson Community College created by National Security Presidential Di- the first black female state legislator in the continued success in the future. rective (NSPD)–43 and Homeland Security

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.003 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1505 Presidential Directive (HSPD)–3.4 and subse- support for one of the most successful embar- TRIBUTE TO JULIA AND DARWIN quently codified by Title V of the Security and goes in human history. WILLIAMS Accountability For Every (SAFE) Port Act For these reasons, I will join my colleagues (Pub. L. No. 109–347), which amended the in supporting passage of this bipartisan effort HON. DAVID YOUNG Homeland Security Act of 2002. to extend by 10 years the period that sanc- OF IOWA A key area that the United States has fo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions may be applied to Iran. cused its capabilities and resources is block- Thursday, November 17, 2016 ing the enrichment of radioactive materials for I urge you to join me in support of this bill weapons use; and the detection of radioactive and the excellent work of the Obama Adminis- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise materials that would pose a threat to public tration in making the world much safer from today to recognize and congratulate Julia and safety and health. nuclear threats. Darwin Williams on the very special occasion There are several material facts that must of their 50th wedding anniversary. Julia and Darwin were married on Sep- be understood about weapons grade radio- f tember 4, 1966, and now reside in Villisca, active material—each nation’s process for re- Iowa. Their lifelong commitment to each other fining nuclear material for use in a weapon is HONORING MR. LARRY and their family truly embodies Iowa’s values. unique. HORSTDANIEL, A KOREAN WAR As they reflect on their 50th anniversary, may Radioactive material has a unique spectrum VETERAN CELEBRATING THE their commitment grow even stronger, as they range and composition that is akin to signa- 63RD ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BAR- continue to love, cherish, and honor one an- tures that cannot be confused with other BERSHOP other for years to come. sources of radioactive material both natural Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple and manmade. on their 50 years together and I wish them The first essential fact is that having sam- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER many more. I ask that my colleagues in the ples and data from Iranian facilities where ma- OF MISSOURI United States House of Representatives join terials in Iran were produced established the me in congratulating them on this momentous radiological signatures for materials that could IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES occasion. have only come from those facilities or from f processes that follow the methods used by the Thursday, November 17, 2016 Iranian nuclear physicists who developed their ON THE PASSING OF GEORGE H. Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise WEDGWORTH program. today to honor a veteran and small business- The United States has those samples and man in my district, Mr. Larry Horstdaniel as he the data needed to identify material from Ira- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS celebrates his 63rd Anniversary as a barber nian efforts to purify radiological materials. OF FLORIDA The second essential fact is that radiological and serving the Jefferson City community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Along with his entrepreneurial spirit, Mr. material leaves evidence of its presence long Thursday, November 17, 2016 after it may have been removed from an area. Horstdaniel served valiantly in the Korean The physical evidence of centrifuges; stor- War. Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to age facilities or weapons themselves are not mourn the loss of my good friend, George H. After growing up in Westphalia, Missouri, Wedgworth. A leader and icon of the Florida the only evidence that may convict Iran of vio- Mr. Horstdaniel attended Moler Barber School agricultural industry, George’s contribution to lation of the agreement; it can also be the in St. Louis, MO. In the 1950’s he moved to the Glades community cannot be overstated unique Iranian radiation trail left behind during Jefferson City, Missouri and began working as and will be felt for generations to come. any attempt to refine or purify radiological ma- a barber. In 1971, Mr. Horstdaniel opened his In 1960, George founded the Sugar Cane terial for use in a weapon or the transfer of own barber shop at 224 Madison Street, Jef- Growers Cooperative of Florida. During his even small quantities of material that is gen- ferson City, Missouri. He has been located in more than 50 years as the organization’s lead- erated or sourced by the Iranians. the same location since 1971 and has become er, George grew the Cooperative into the sin- The third essential fact is that if the Iranians a staple of the local community. Mr. gle largest employer in Belle Glade, Florida. need special centrifuges to refine radiological Today, as a result of George’s leadership and material to a point that it may be used for a Horstdaniel says that he only does two things, ‘‘cut hair and grass.’’ At the age of 88 years vision, the Cooperative, along with its partner, weapon. Florida Crystals Corporation, own the largest H.R. 6297 assures that any attempt by the old, he continues to work most of the week, but does take Wednesdays off, to mow his sugar refining company in the world, account- Iranians to cheat by refining more radiological ing for 6 million tons of refined sugar capacity lawn, and also Sundays. material than is allowed will be detected and and net sales of $4 billion annually. Congress would be prepared to impose a In 2014, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon vis- George’s professional success led him to be sanctions regime. ited Mr. Horstdaniel for a haircut and to honor named Sugar Man of the Year in 2005. But Another significant signal of Iranian violation him for his service in the Korean War. Mr. his success and impact in our community was would be the unique signature of the sound Horstdaniel was awarded a Korean War Serv- not limited to the sugar industry. Throughout made by centrifuges that are used to purify ra- ice Medal from Governor Nixon for his sac- his long career, George was president and di- diological material. rifice to our nation. rector of numerous organizations, including The sound of these massive centrifuges will the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association, and be detectable many miles away from where Mr. Horstdaniel says that his favorite aspect the Florida and Belle Glade Chambers of they are operated—and the United States has of his job is that he gets to meet a variety of Commerce. In the 1950s he also founded the the resources in place in cooperation with al- people with great stories and backgrounds. He Florida Celery Exchange. His contributions to lies around the world to detect if enrichment says that, ‘‘Each day is different. It’s what the agricultural industry led to his introduction activity is occurring. keeps me here. The politicians in town are into The Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame in Operating more centrifuges than is allowed what have kept me in business over the 1994 and to being named one of Florida’s by the agreement would be a actionable sign years.’’ When asked what Mr. Horstdaniel’s ‘‘Most Influential Men’’ by Florida Trend maga- that Iran is seeking to purify more radioactive secret to life is, he said, ‘‘Drink two scotches zine. material than is allowed by the agreement. every evening before your meal, and you’ll live For those that had the pleasure of knowing This is important to the timeline in calcu- to be 100!’’ He also stated that he has just a George, they know all about the impact he lating the time to breakout—having enough few years left working in the barbering indus- had in his community. George grew up in the enriched material to use in a weapon. try, as he plans to retire when he is 90 years Glades and is as much a part of its history as The final essential fact is that the United old. the sugar cane that is grown there. Moving States has satellite surveillance and ground from Mississippi to Belle Glade, Florida with surveillance capability to detect in great detail As an honorable veteran of our armed his family when he was 2, George went on to activity on the ground. forces, a successful businessman and a cor- graduate from Belle Glade High School. Leav- The United States used these resources to nerstone of our community, I ask you to join ing the area for only a short time to attend identify nuclear arms activity that informed the me in recognizing Mr. Larry Horstdaniel as he Michigan State College, now Michigan State administration of the severity of the issue and celebrates this 63rd Anniversary of his busi- University, where he earned a degree in agri- used that evidence to galvanize international ness. cultural engineering, he returned to the Glades

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:40 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.005 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 and lived much of his life in the same one- I ask you to join me in recognizing Visitation after moving to the Bay Area in 1955 Mr. story concrete block house his mother, Ruth, of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish and Visita- Mozell started his legend of service by serving built in 1941. tion Inter-Parish School on this momentous in the United States Military. During his time of Mr. Speaker, in an interview speaking about occasion of their 150th and 125th Anniver- service in the Navy, he also took it upon him- the Glades, George once remarked, ‘‘I’ve saries. The historic past and promising future self to enroll at Laney College in Oakland and never had the desire to go anywhere else.’’ of support, love, and encouragement that the grew to love and appreciate his community. That was the kind of man George was; a man church and school have provided to the com- After completing his studies at Laney Col- who grew up in the Glades and through hard munity will not be forgotten. lege, Mr. Mozell decided to study Urban Stud- work and dedication went on to positively f ies at the University of California. transform the fabric of our community. George It was known that the time he spent at the H. Wedgworth will be remembered as a HONORING PRIVATE FIRST CLASS University of California had a profound influ- of Florida agriculture, but more importantly he SHIRLEY STEPHENSON ence on his dedication to giving to commu- will be remembered as a pillar of the commu- nities in need. nity that he loved. His legacy will live on for HON. JOHN R. CARTER f generations to come, and he will be dearly OF TEXAS missed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRATULATING KAMERON GOETZ f Thursday, November 17, 2016 HONORING VISITATION OF THE Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. DAN NEWHOUSE today to honor Private First Class Shirley Ste- BLESSED VIRGIN MARY PARISH OF WASHINGTON phenson, of Salado, Texas, for her selfless ON ITS 150TH ANNIVERSARY AND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VISITATION INTER–PARISH dedication and service to our nation while SCHOOL ON ITS 125TH ANNIVER- serving under the Women’s Army Corps and Thursday, November 17, 2016 SARY her continued, unparalleled contributions to Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today her community. I’m honored to award her a to congratulate Kameron Goetz—a distin- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER Congressional Veterans Commendation. guished high school student from Coulee City, PFC Stephenson entered the service in Washington, and a committed advocate for OF MISSOURI Houston, Texas in June 1959 where she IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our nation’s veterans. Kameron was named a would begin serving her country. Since her Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Thursday, November 17, 2016 honorable discharge, PFC Stephenson has finalist for his speech during the 2016 ‘‘Na- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise become a pillar in her community and has tional Public Speaking II’’ competition. Earlier today to honor Visitation of the Blessed Virgin served and contributed in ways that exemplify this year, Kameron contacted my congres- Mary Parish and Visitation Inter-Parish School the highest standards of service. sional office and shared a copy of the speech in Vienna, Missouri. The parish will be cele- Throughout PFC Stephenson’s life, she has he had delivered to the FBLA. I encourage all brating its 150th Anniversary on June 17, served on multiple boards and community or- of my colleagues to read this speech, which 2017 and the school will be celebrating its ganizations, such as the Harker Heights Parks details the life and service of Kameron’s 125th Anniversary in 2018. and Recreation Board, the KPLE Christian grandfather, David Wayne Long, who volun- Reverend John Goeldlin, a Catholic mis- Broadcasting Corporation Board and the Hope teered for the U.S. Army following his high sionary priest, became the first priest to pro- Pregnancy Centers Board. While dedicating school graduation and served honorably in the vide Catholic services to the community during her time to these institutions, she also served Vietnam War. For his service, Mr. Long was the mid-1850’s. In the year 1859, the commu- as the President of the Fort Hood Retired Offi- awarded numerous military awards and med- nity of Vienna came together for its first cers’ Wives Club, a Goodwill Ambassador to als, including the Parachutist Badge, Combat Catholic worship service. Then in 1867, the the Killeen Chamber of Commerce and served Infantryman’s badge, Bronze Star, and the Vi- first official Catholic church was built for the as the President of the Chisholm Trail Amer- etnamese Cross of Gallantry, as well as three parishioners of Vienna. Vienna, Missouri is a ican Business Women Association. Purple Hearts for wounds received in combat. small town with around 614 residents and they PFC Stephenson is both soldier and com- Following his discharge from the U.S. Army, were thankful for a parish in their community. mitted activist. She has worked on numerous Mr. Long settled down in Washington, started As the congregation began growing, a new political, organized county conventions, and a family, and became a successful business- church was built in 1885 to accommodate the served as President of the Central Texas Re- man. However, as is far too common, Mr. additional parishioners. Reverend John Fugel publican Women from 2008 through 2010. Long returned from the war with wounds that was assigned in 1896 to lead the church and PFC Stephenson’s hard work and service cannot be seen by the naked eye and suffered would remain the priest at Blessed Virgin Mary has not gone unnoticed. Along with her being from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Parish for the next 40 years. In 1903 the first honored by Governor Perry as a Yellow Rose for much of his civilian life. Tragically, on Feb- county Catholic newspaper, called the Home of Texas, she’s received the Chisholm Trail ruary 3, 2014, David Wayne Long took his Adviser, was founded by Reverend Fugel. ABWA, Salado, Woman of the Year and Hall own life after a decades-long battle with Starting in 1904 and finishing in 1909, Rev- of Fame award, as well as the Vietnam Serv- PTSD. erend Fugel led the parishioners in building a ice Award in May 2016. Mr. Long’s story is one that we hear far too I commend Private First Class Shirley new Catholic church. This structure is still often, as too many of our brave men and Stephenson’s selfless service to her commu- being used today. On September 8, 1909, Vis- women serving in the Armed Forces return nity and nation. Her commitment to excellence itation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish was home from the battlefield and are faced with and citizenship reflect the best values we hold dedicated by the parishioners and Reverend the mental wounds and memories from their as Americans. I join her family, friends and Fugel. Currently, Reverend Matthew Flatley is time at war. Our veterans have made great colleagues in saluting her great work and the parish priest. sacrifices to ensure the rights and freedoms of For the children in the surrounding commu- dedication to our country. all Americans are protected and we owe them nity, education was important so the first Visi- f a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. tation Inter-Parish School was established in HONORING MR. HENRY F. MOZELL However, we must ensure that our nation’s 1893. The parishioners of Visitation of the service-members receive the best care and Blessed Virgin Mary Parish celebrated the HON. BARBARA LEE treatment available, and we must also dedi- opening of their new Catholic school building cate ourselves to supporting causes and orga- OF CALIFORNIA in 1926. To ensure its students would have a nizations that are working tirelessly to assist IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES solid Catholic education, in 1953, the parish our country’s heroes as their own personal decided to build a convent for the Sisters Thursday, November 17, 2016 health battles continue. Kameron’s speech, as Adorers of the Most Precious Blood who Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor well as his dedication to helping our nation’s would teach the children. Throughout the the extraordinary life outstanding service of troops and veterans, has inspired me and years, Visitation Inter-Parish School has Mr. Henry F. Mozell who passed away on many people around the country to give back helped shape the lives of more than 1,000 stu- Monday August 8, 2016. and volunteer for efforts that help the brave dents. The Visitation Inter-Parish School will Mr. Mozell was born in Dover, North Caro- men and women of our Armed Forces, past be celebrating their 125th Anniversary in 2018. lina on Christmas Day, 1936. Immediately and present, who have sacrificed so much in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.007 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1507 service to our country. The speech Kameron rating your very will to live. It cannot be With this retirement, Sheriff Abbott will be gave to FBLA is truly moving and his ongoing cured, it cannot be stopped. But it can be able to enjoy more time with his wife, Linda, commitment to support our veterans should treated. Foundations such as the Wounded and their children, Gayle, Gwen, Chad, and Warrior Project are dedicated to helping serve as an example for all Americans. I men and women of the United States Armed Courtney. He will also undoubtedly treasure would like to thank Kameron and his family for Forces, past and present, recover from the the extra moments he can spend with his fif- their dedicated service and patriotism. I am physical and mental wounds of war. Specifi- teen grandchildren. I know Sheriff Abbott is honored to be able to include his remarks in cally for those suffering with mental afflic- also looking forward to working more with the the RECORD. tions, the people at WWP take them in and cattle that he and his son own. SPEECH DELIVERED BY KAMERON GOETZ—FU- simply love on them. They make them feel I ask you to join me in recognizing Sheriff TURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA—NA- appreciated. Now this is key, because one of Bill Abbott for his more than sixteen years of the worst fears for every soldier is not the TIONAL PUBLIC SPEAKING II COMPETITION, 2016 service to the Miller County Sheriff’s Depart- A little over two centuries ago a nation of fear of death. It is the fear that they will come home and the people, who they would ment, the residents of the county, and the en- men rose up, and threw off the yoke of op- tire state of Missouri. pression that had been thrust upon them by have died for on a daily basis, do not care. The Wounded Warrior Project can’t help a far away monarch. In acquiring their free- veterans alone. They need support, and they dom and breaking their bonds, many men f need partners. We need to be that support, laid down their lives. Today, it is because of and we need to be those partners, because it their sacrifice that we are free. But this free- TRIBUTE TO JANICE AND RICK is the men and women who have served our dom must be continually fought for in order STONE country for generations that have upheld our to keep it. As members of FBLA, we strive to freedom. I am ready to stand up and give develop character, prepare for useful citizen- back. Rise up with me. Let’s all give back. ship, and foster patriotism. At a minimum, Let’s give back to those who gave. HON. DAVID YOUNG every citizen of the United States should OF IOWA have similar goals. However, some have set f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and achieved much higher goals, while con- HONORING MILLER COUNTY SHER- sequently paying a higher price. Today, I am going to tell you of one such person, and of IFF BILL ABBOTT ON HIS RE- Thursday, November 17, 2016 TIREMENT the price he paid. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise There was a small town farm boy who grew up right here in Washington State. You today to recognize and congratulate Janice HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER and Rick Stone of Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the could call him the ‘‘All-American Kid.’’ He OF MISSOURI was a hard worker, a good student, and an very special occasion of their 50th wedding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES exceptional athlete. Once this All-American anniversary. They celebrated their anniversary Kid graduated from high school, he was faced Thursday, November 17, 2016 on August 6, 2016. with an All-American decision. Join the Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Janice and Rick’s lifelong commitment to Army or follow his mother’s advice to settle down and get married to his high school today to honor a constituent of mine, Miller each other, their daughter and their grand- sweetheart. As much as he wanted to please County Sheriff Bill Abbott on his upcoming re- children, truly embodies Iowa values. As they his mother, he chose the Army. He quickly tirement. As a native and resident of Miller reflect on their 50th anniversary, may their adapted to his new life, becoming an excel- County, I also happen to be one of Sheriff Ab- commitment grow even stronger, as they con- lent soldier—1st in his class at Basic Train- bott’s constituents. Sheriff Abbott is retiring tinue to love, cherish, and honor one another ing. Once his training was complete, the All- from his position in December 2016. Sheriff for years to come. American Kid was shipped off to a far away Abbott has dedicated more than sixteen years Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple war, in a far away land, called Vietnam. of service to Miller County residents since his In the sweltering jungles of Southeast on their 50th year together and I wish them Asia, he came face to face with the monsters appointment to office on April 6, 1999. The en- many more. I ask that my colleagues in the of war. He saw things that no man, let alone thusiasm Sheriff Abbott has for his job hasn’t United States House of Representatives join any boy, should ever see. Then he came been lost over the years he has served. Even me in congratulating them on this momentous home. The All-American Kid had a Bronze with that enthusiasm, Sheriff Abbott realizes occasion. Star on his chest for valor, the physical that it is time for a change. scars of three separate combat wounds, and As a Miller County resident, Sheriff Abbott f the demons that accompanied the atrocities has remained committed to his county, the he had witnessed. He was a hero, but was not people who reside in the county, and the state IRAN SANCTIONS EXTENSION ACT treated as such. As he stepped back onto U.S. of Missouri. He comes from a family of public soil for the first time in months, the All- American kid was spit on and berated. He servants, some of whom served in law en- SPEECH OF was called a ‘‘butcher,’’ a ‘‘rapist,’’ and a forcement and his mother, Kathryn, who ‘‘baby killer.’’ worked in the dispatch office. He credits his HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK The All-American rushed past the names success as Miller County Sheriff to the support OF PENNSYLVANIA and moved on. The demons he brought back he has received from his family and commu- with him were pushed deep down, far away. nity members. Sheriff Abbott’s goal when he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He settled down, got married, started a fam- attained the position was to restore the public ily, and became a successful businessman. Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Life was great on the outside. But on the in- trust in the sheriff’s office. Around 640 square miles are encompassed Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today side, everything was much worse. His de- to voice my support for H.R. 6297, the Iran mons had never left him. For years they within the Miller County Sheriff’s Department clawed, and ripped, and tore away at his very jurisdiction. Sheriff Abbott currently has eight Sanctions Extension Act. soul. And he fought, and he fought, and he road officers covering that area day and night Despite continued pressure and condemna- fought back with everything he had. Finally, and, additionally, has two detectives that also tion from the international community, the Ira- after years of fighting, he lost the fight. On contribute their time to road work. There have nian regime defiantly continues its ballistic February 3, 2014, my grandfather, David been some difficult cases during his time as missile testing, human rights abuses, and Wayne Long, the All-American Kid, suc- sheriff, including seven infant deaths in just a sowing discord throughout the world as the cumbed to his demons. He committed sui- cide. year and a half time span. While there have leading state sponsor of terrorism. These 58,000 men and women lost their lives been some tough cases, there were also threatening acts, coupled with continued viola- under a Vietnam sky. An additional 100,000 many good moments as well. Under Sheriff tions of the nuclear agreement, should not be came home, only to take their lives under Abbott’s leadership, several positive changes tolerated without check. That’s why I am voic- their own roofs. Every day, twenty-two vet- in the jail and courthouse have occurred. ing my strong support for H.R. 6297, the Iran erans kill themselves. With that number, we Throughout the updates at the jail and court- Sanctions Extension Act. This act is one of the are losing 8,000 veterans a year. They are all house, Sheriff Abbott was committed to using most important pillars to the statutory sanc- suffering from the same common disease. This disease is Post Traumatic Stress Dis- vendors from the Miller County area. It was tions against Iran to address its illicit activities. order, or more commonly known as PTSD. important to him to keep everything local. I applaud the House for coming together in a PTSD won’t let you move on from what you Sheriff Abbott attributes the successes of the near unanimous fashion to pass this bipartisan have seen, heard, or done in traumatic cir- sheriff’s office to the good staff and continuing legislation and hope the President agrees to cumstances. It eats at you, slowly deterio- support from the community. sign it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.010 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Working alongside Governor Abbott and the high schools honored in 2016, the culmination Texas Farm Bureau, their hard work and vi- of a long process of nomination and applica- HON. SUZANNE BONAMICI sion culminated in the creation of the Texas tion focused on its record of sustained student OF OREGON Agriculture Memorial Day. achievement. Sea Road School is an Exemplary High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Performing School. The commitment that re- Thursday, November 17, 2016 REVEREND DOCTOR JULES SMITH quires from the entire community cannot be Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I was unable AND REVEREND IDA SMITH overstated. But we also know that the true to be in Washington, D.C. on November 14, measure of a school is not based on test 2016, because my flight from Oregon was de- HON. ED PERLMUTTER scores alone. It’s in the devotion of educators, layed because of maintenance issues. If I had OF COLORADO who endeavor to understand how each child been present I would have voted in favor of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES learns best. It’s in the willingness of students H.R. 985, the Concrete Masonry Products Re- to discover their strengths and follow their Thursday, November 17, 2016 search, Education, and Promotion Act, and passions. It’s in the support and engagement H.R. 2669, the Anti-Spoofing Act of 2016. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise of parents and community members who know H.R. 985 allows producers of concrete ma- today to recognize and honor Reverend Doc- the incalculable value of a strong start for our sonry to collaborate on a coordinated research tor Jules Smith and his wife Reverend Ida kids. and education program to develop and im- Smith for their service and dedication to their Mr. Speaker, Sea Road School is a commu- prove markets for concrete masonry products. community and the Rising Star Missionary nity dedicated to fostering scholarship and The bill authorizes the Department of Com- Baptist Church. compassion in each child who walks through merce to oversee the board administering the As devoted servants of the Lord, Reverend its doors, and I’m proud to see it so deserv- program. If I had been present I would have Doctor Smith has served the Rising Star Mis- edly recognized on a national level. I com- voted for the bill. sionary Baptist Church with faith, devotion, mend Principal Stephen Marquis, Super- H.R. 2669 expands current consumer pro- and integrity since 1986. Under his leadership intendent Kathryn Hawes, and all the edu- tections to prohibit the transmission of inac- and Ida by his side, the church has grown cators, staff, parents, and students who have curate caller-ID information over text mes- from 33 members to over 1500 and serves 42 worked to build this success. Keep it up. sages or Voice-over-Internet (ViOP) calls. multi-faceted ministries to meet the needs of f every age group. Prior to joining Rising Star Under current law, only voice calls are pro- COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNI- Church, Reverend Doctor Smith served as As- tected from inaccurate caller-ID information. VERSARY OF THE IBEW LOCAL sistant Pastor at Unity Baptist Church in the Additionally, the bill requires the Federal Com- 129 munications Commission (FCC) and Federal Bronx, New York and as Sunday School Trade Commission (FTC) to provide con- Radio Commentator and Associate Pastor at sumers with information to help identify scams Union Baptist Church in . HON. MARCY KAPTUR that are perpetrated using inaccurate caller-ID Reverend Ida Smith serves as First Lady OF OHIO information. If I had been present I would have and Associate Minister at Rising Star Mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES voted for the bill. sionary Baptist Church. Reverend Ida has in- Thursday, November 17, 2016 f spired many throughout her work, serving on Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to several missionary tours to Canada; Carib- recognize the 100th anniversary of the Inter- TEXAS AGRICULTURE MEMORIAL bean Islands; Burkina Faso, West Africa; Nas- national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers DAY sau, Bahamas; Lagos, Nigeria; and China. (IBEW) Local 129 of Lorain, Ohio. This is an Together, they also serve in various leader- incredibly significant centennial milestone of HON. JOE BARTON ship capacities across a variety of local and labor history in northern Ohio. OF TEXAS national organizations including the General Since 1916, IBEW Local 129 has served IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Missionary Baptist Convention of Colorado, northern Ohio with distinction, providing the Salem Baptist District Association, Baptist Min- Thursday, November 17, 2016 highest quality of electrical work and providing isters Conference of Metro Denver, Inter- power to the residents of the Lorain-Elyria Mr. BARTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in national Association of Ministers’ Wives and area. Its members continue to dedicate their honor of the first annual Texas Agricultural Widows, RSMBC Spiritual Stars Women’s careers to the advancement of wages, bene- Memorial Day, a day we remember the lives Ministry, and the American Baptist Churches fits and working conditions for all electrical lost and the sacrifices made by our state’s of the Rocky Mountains. In addition, they have workers. farmers and ranchers as they provide food both received numerous awards, citations and The history of this organization dates back and clothing for Texas families. Texas Gov- commendations in both the secular and Chris- to March 1, 1916 when the International Broth- ernor Greg Abbott designated November 21st tian communities. erhood of Electrical Workers Local 129 was as Texas Agriculture Memorial Day, which will I extend my deepest appreciation to Rev- chartered in Elyria, Ohio. The founding eleven be observed annually. The inaugural cere- erend Doctor Jules Smith and Reverend Ida brothers were: Henry Therman, H.R. Ward, mony will be held on November 21, 2016 in Smith for their service and dedication to the Gus Pallas, A.J. Miller, I.W. Horton, Ray the Auditorium of the Texas State Capitol in Rising Star Church congregants and our com- Ward, J.W. Bareholmen, John Keishair, F.A. Austin, Texas. munity. Lawrence, A.E. Gramholz and C. Pallas. Every year, there will be a nomination and f Beginning wages were roughly $0.12/hour— application process to add names of honorees which was far greater than an unorganized la- to the memorial for three categories—memo- RECOGNIZING SEA ROAD SCHOOL borer in those days. rial, honor and memorial service. The memo- AS A 2016 NATIONAL BLUE RIB- In 1917, IBEW Local 627 Lorain was formed rial list is for those who have lost their life BON SCHOOL under the leadership of Organizer Boyle from while engaged in agricultural-related pursuits. Local 129. By the time 1930 rolled around, the The honor list is for those who have had a se- HON. CHELLIE PINGREE membership numbers and work available to verely debilitating accident while engaged in OF MAINE the two locals was not what either had antici- agricultural-related pursuits. The memorial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pated. After much deliberation and negotiation, service list is for those who lost their life in a Local 129 of Elyria absorbed Local 627 of Lo- Thursday, November 17, 2016 non-agricultural accident and had an active rain and, under one banner became the Inter- role in an agricultural operation. Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers John Paul and Heather Dineen from recognize Sea Road School in Kennebunk, Local 129 of Lorain, Ohio. Waxahachie, Texas envisioned the annual Maine for its selection as a 2016 National Blue The skilled men and women of IBEW Local Texas Agricultural Memorial Day and orga- Ribbon School. 129 have contributed their time and talents to nized the inaugural ceremony. Ten years ago, Every year, the Department of Education many notable projects including: The National the Dineen family lost their five-year-old son, selects Blue Ribbon Schools from across the Tube Company, Fruehauf Trailer Plant at Johnny, in an agriculture accident. They are country to celebrate excellence in teaching Avon Lake, United States Steel, The Ford committed to sharing their story and advo- and learning. Sea Road School is one of 329 Manufacturing Plant, local commercial devel- cating for safety awareness and education. public and private elementary, middle, and opments like O’Neil’s Shopping Center, Lorain

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17NO8.007 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1509 County Schools, Lorain and the surrounding National Football League Players Association from Southside High School at the top of her area hospitals, American Shipbuilding, Cleve- (NFLPA). class. land Electric Illuminating, and B.F. Goodrich, Since 1956, the NFLPA has served as a After her high school graduation, Patricia to name a few. strong advocate and defender of the players moved back to the Bay Area and enrolled at IBEW founder Henry Miller envisioned a that make the National Football League (NFL) Vallejo Junior college. Patricia earned her As- union of electrical workers banded together to- a world class product. As professional ath- sociates Degree. Understanding the power of ward the goal of improved safety, wages and letes, the players train and compete at the education, Patricia transferred to San Fran- working conditions for the brotherhood. A cen- highest level. cisco State University where she would earn tury later, his legacy stands tall through the The service you provide to your members is her Bachelor’s Degree two years later in Jour- brothers and sisters of Local 129. We offer our incredibly important. In fact, the NFLPA helps nalism. She then enrolled into University of heartiest congratulations to IBEW Local 129 in ensure the best interests of its players by ne- California, Berkeley and in 1973 earned her celebration of its rich history and thank you for gotiating a strong Collective Bargaining Agree- Master’s Degree in City Planning. working to illuminate our world over the last ment (CBA), ensuring the terms of the CBA Patricia had a distinguished career in public 100 years. are met, negotiating strong retirement and in- service that included local, state and federal f surance benefits, and enhancing the image of service. She served in the city of Richmond as players and their profession on and off the the city planner, the assistant to the City Man- CELEBRATING THE SERVICE OF field. ager for External Affairs and Assistant Director SPECIALIST DONALD SCHLIESSER As an avid Denver Broncos fan, the players of Housing Development. She also served as are valuable and important to our city, the a Board member of the East Bay Community HON. JOHN R. CARTER Broncos organization and the sport of football. Foundation. Most recently Patricia served as OF TEXAS Our committed Broncos players have brought Assistant Executive Director of the Association IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES three Super Bowl Championships home to the of Bay Area Governments, a regional planning Thursday, November 17, 2016 city of Denver. The players have always been agency representing nine counties in the Bay active in our community and continue to make Area. Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Patricia was committed to excellence known today to celebrate the service and achieve- our city proud. I want to take this opportunity to extend my for her work ethic, integrity, creativity and ments of an esteemed and valued citizen of fierce determination. She excelled at every- Cedar Park, Texas. Specialist Donald appreciation and commend the players union for the representation it provides to the tal- thing she did. Schliesser has dedicated himself to serving Patricia was also a world traveler and over his community and is an embodiment of the ented and hardworking football players of the NFL. the years had visited Africa, Asia, Europe, Army values of honor, loyalty, and selfless South America and Cuba. She lived a full life f service. He is deserving recipient of a Con- and inspired all those around her to do the gressional Veteran Commendation. WELCOME MEERA ANUSHA same. SPC Schliesser enlisted in the Army in June SARASWATI TEPPARA But no matter her accomplishments, Patricia 1957. After nine years of combined Active and always put family first; she always made time Reserve service as a military radio operator, HON. JOE WILSON for them no matter the time of day or size of he left the Army and worked in the civilian the problem. She leaves to honor her memory, OF SOUTH CAROLINA sector as a financial planner. He concluded brothers Terry and Kenneth Jones, along with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his successful career after 42 years, and en- her many nieces and nephews. joyed the next few years in retirement trav- Thursday, November 17, 2016 Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- eling our great nation with his wife. Choosing Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- trict remembers the extraordinary life of Ms. to be closer to their son, SPC Schliesser and er, I am grateful to congratulate my former Patricia Jones. Her contributions have truly im- his wife moved to Cedar Park, Texas. Chief of Staff Dino Teppara and his wife, pacted countless lives throughout the Bay Throughout SPC Schliesser’s life, he has Vatsala, on the birth of their daughter. Meera Area. I join her loved ones in celebrating her demonstrated his deep commitment to selfless Anusha Saraswati Teppara was born at 11:10 incredible life and offer my most sincere con- service time and time again. In 2007, and p.m. on Sunday, October 9, 2016, in South dolences. again in 2015, SPC Schliesser decided to Carolina. Meera weighed six pounds and four- f come out of retirement to serve on the Bond teen ounces and measured 19 inches long. Advisory Task Force to review and rec- LAURA TOBEY, NATURAL GRO- She is the second child for the happy couple ommend potential bond projects to the City CERS BY VITAMIN COTTAGE, and I look forward to watching her grow as Council. His efforts helped establish Cedar PREMIUM PANELS INC., WANCO she is raised by talented parents who will be Park’s infrastructure to accommodate its mas- INC., COMMUNITY FIRST FOUN- dedicated to her wellbeing and bright future. sive growth. Being an avid pilot, he served in DATION AND GENE AND DEE I would also like to congratulate Meera’s the Contra County Sherriff’s Air Posse. Apply- MILSTEIN grandparents, Vijay and Vasanti Alsi of Vi- ing his skills learned from the Army, he assists enna, Virginia, and Dilip and Gita Teppara of in emergency communications as an amateur HON. ED PERLMUTTER Columbia, South Carolina. Congratulations to radio operator. In 2011, he led the effort to OF COLORADO the entire Alsi and Teppara families as they raise $225,000 in community donations for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES welcome their newest addition of pure pride Cedar Park Veterans Memorial. Citizens like and joy. Thursday, November 17, 2016 SPC Schliesser are essential to making cities Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to like Cedar Park, TX great places to live. f Though humble about his military service, recognize Laura Tobey with Natural Grocers HONORING MS. PATRICIA MARIE by Vitamin Cottage, Premium Panels Inc., Specialist Schliesser has remained dedicated JONES to serving his community and honoring the Wanco Inc., Community First Foundation, and military. I commend him for his work and am Gene and Dee Milstein for being honored by honored to award him a Congressional Vet- HON. BARBARA LEE the Arvada Economic Development Associa- eran Commendation. OF CALIFORNIA tion for their outstanding contributions to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arvada community. f Laura Tobey is posthumously recognized Thursday, November 17, 2016 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE with the ‘‘Community Champion Award’’. PLAYERS ASSOCIATION Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Through her vision, enthusiasm and leader- the extraordinary life and invaluable service of ship, Laura was instrumental in the redevelop- HON. ED PERLMUTTER Ms. Patricia Jones, who passed away August ment of the blighted buildings in Olde Town 5, 2016. OF COLORADO Arvada. Today this area of Arvada is a thriving Patricia Marie Jones was born on Sep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retail and commercial district. Her significant tember 3, 1944 in Vallejo, California to Booker impact on the community will be felt for years Thursday, November 17, 2016 T. and Mildred Jones. At a young age the to come. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise family relocated back to its homeland of Hei- Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage is rec- today to recognize the 60th Anniversary of the delberg, Mississippi where Patricia graduated ognized as ‘‘Retailer of the Year’’. Their capital

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.014 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 investment of $750,000 to the property at 77th placement program. Today, SER Metro-Detroit diers and colleagues have for him, along with and Wadsworth Boulevard created improve- offers targeted programs for adults and youth lasting effect on the community he loves, CSM ments to the fac¸ade and interiors including to train program participants and place them Elijah King stands true to his word and will opening an interior walkway to all tenants. I into private sector employment. The programs never fade away. I’m grateful that heroes like commend Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage include apprenticeship placements for qualified him call central Texas home. on their mission is to provide shoppers with an individuals, as well as financial and employ- affordable, healthy lifestyle as well as em- ment coaching that better prepares trainees f power them to take control of their own for entry into the workforce. wellbeing. SER has provided southeast Michigan resi- UNITED IN BLUE Premium Panels Inc. is recognized as the dents with the skills and training they need to ‘‘Outstanding Small Business’’ for their $3.1 succeed in the global workforce. Additionally, million capital investment in a building in the it has created a pool of skilled workers that HON. STEVEN M. PALAZZO Arvada Tech Center allowing the company to possess the training expertise that is in de- OF MISSISSIPPI remain in Arvada and double their workforce. mand in the workplace. As a result, well-pay- Premium Panels provides high quality metal ing skilled manufacturing and skilled trade jobs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES roofing panels for commercial and residential are returning to Michigan, and the region has Thursday, November 17, 2016 roofing. benefited from this economic revitalization. Wanco Inc. is recognized with the ‘‘Out- SER Metro-Detroit’s comprehensive offering of Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to standing Large Business Award’’ for their $8.6 education, training and employment opportuni- acknowledge the incredible sacrifices that our million expansion of a 95,000 square foot ties has proven successful in helping to allevi- law enforcement officers have made in order building which resulted in the retention of the ate the economic difficulties that many families to protect us and keep our communities safe. existing facility and 200 new jobs. Wanco was in southeast Michigan faced. Although acts of heroism are displayed every established in 1984 and is the leading manu- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me day by the proud men and women in blue facturer of highway safety and traffic control today in recognizing SER Metro-Detroit for its across the Mississippi Gulf Coast, it is the ex- products. workforce development initiatives. It has had a traordinary sacrifices of officers in our sister Community First Foundation is recognized positive impact on the lives of thousands of state of Louisiana that I am compelled to high- with the ‘‘Community Partnership Award’’ for Metro Detroit residents and been a catalyst for light today. their $1 million grant to Red Rocks Community the economic rejuvenation of the region. On July 17th, 2016, Corporal Montrell Jack- College (RRCC) Health Sciences building in f son and Officer Matthew Gerald with the Arvada. This investment in the RRCC will im- Baton Rouge Police Department and Deputy prove the quality of education for students and CELEBRATING THE ACCOMPLISH- MENTS OF COMMAND SERGEANT Brad Garafola with the East Baton Rouge create positive change within the community. Sheriff’s Parish Office were shot and killed in Community First Foundation is a grant making MAJOR ELIJAH KING, JR., U.S. ARMY, RETIRED Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Sergeant Bruce Sim- public charity dedicated to identifying and solv- mons and Corporals Chad Montgomery and ing broad community problems.Gene and Dee Nicholas Tullier were also injured in the same Milstein are recognized with the ‘‘Lloyd J King HON. JOHN R. CARTER shooting. These men were not just protectors; Entrepreneurial Spirit Award’’. OF TEXAS they were fathers, husbands, brothers, and Gene and Dee are the founders and owners IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sons. We are in awe of their courage, and we of Applewood Seed Company which has been Thursday, November 17, 2016 are indebted to them for their service and sac- in business for more than 50 years. rifice. Applewood Seed Company is a premier com- Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise mercial and wholesale supplier of wildflower, today to celebrate the accomplishments of Mr. Speaker, I have noticed a frightening garden flower, native grass and herb seed. I Command Sergeant Major Elijah King, Jr., trend in this country. I have never seen this commend them on their commitment to inno- U.S. Army, Retired, who served his country in level of disrespect and injustice towards our vation, their community and the environment. the Army for 30 years and continues to serve law enforcement on such a large scale. Even Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege and honor to his fellow soldiers and his community following though these anti-police sentiments are only recognize each of the Arvada Economic De- his retirement. He is a fitting recipient of a harbored by a small, unappreciative, and velopment Association award recipients for Congressional Veteran Commendation. sometimes hateful minority, we must speak their professionalism, investment in the com- A native son of Tuskegee, Alabama, CSM louder in defense of those who protect us. munity, and their dedication to making Arvada King enlisted in the U.S. Army in August of Ultimately, if we do not unite as a nation by a thriving world class city. 1977. Along with serving in Korea and Ger- showing unwavering and unequivocal respect f many, he is a veteran of Operation Desert for proud institutions like our police, then we Shield/Storm and served two tours in support are inviting further unconscionable acts. We IN RECOGNITION OF SER METRO- of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He retired from must work harder than ever, in the memory of DETROIT FOR THEIR WORK- the U.S. Army in 2007 as Command Sergeant these officers, to assure that we make Amer- FORCE DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS Major of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th In- ica safe again. Despite this tragedy, there is fantry Division at Fort Hood, Texas. During his still ample reason for hope. In this time of HON. DEBBIE DINGELL service in the U.S. Army, CSM King was a re- grief, in the wake of these heinous acts, law OF MICHIGAN cipient of numerous awards and recognitions, enforcement agencies across the country have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES including the prestigious Legion of Merit and banded together with the Baton Rouge com- three Bronze Star Medals for his service in Thursday, November 17, 2016 munity in order to show their support for the combat. families and friends of these officers. Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to This brave soldier is also a committed cit- recognize SER Metro-Detroit, a nonprofit orga- izen. Following his military career, he contin- Later this week, Mississippi Gulf Coast law nization that offers workforce training and ued to support the military and community enforcement agencies are partnering with the skills development to the greater Detroit com- through positions in various services such as Mississippi Gulf Coast Blue Team to host a munity. SER promotes self-sufficiency and up- the Co-Chairman of the Fort Hood Retired special charity event titled ‘‘United in Blue’’ for ward mobility through its literacy, education Council and the Chairman of the Central the fallen and wounded officers from Baton and employment initiatives, and has played a Texas Area Veterans Advisory Committee. He Rouge. All proceeds will rightfully go to sup- key role in creating the vibrant metropolitan was a member of the Killeen Branch NAACP, port the families and wounded officers. Detroit workforce that exists today. Board of Directors KISD Communities in Above all else, on behalf of your brothers SER Metro-Detroit was founded in 1971 as Schools, and Military Child Education Coali- and sisters in South Mississippi, I would like to a non-profit organization to provide skills train- tion. CSM King’s work has improved the qual- thank every man and woman in law enforce- ing and placement services for employers in ity of life in central Texas in immeasurable ment in South Louisiana. And I would like to the private sector. Since its establishment, the ways. thank all law enforcement officers, firefighters, organization has expanded its offerings to in- CSM King’s motto is ‘‘Old Soldiers never die and first responders for their service to our clude youth outreach and education programs, and I refuse to fade away.’’ As evidenced from country. Our nation stands proudly behind as well as further developing its workforce the respect and admiration that his fellow sol- you.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17NO8.011 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1511 JESSE AND JESSICA SWIFT IN RECOGNITION OF TUSKEGEE and honor one another for many years to AIRMEN, INC., ON ITS OUT- come. HON. ED PERLMUTTER STANDING WORK AND 75TH AN- Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple OF COLORADO NIVERSARY DINNER on their 50th year together and I wish them IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many more. I ask that my colleagues in the United States House of Representatives join Thursday, November 17, 2016 HON. DEBBIE DINGELL OF MICHIGAN me in congratulating them on this momentous Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES occasion. today to recognize and applaud Jesse and f Jessica Swift for receiving the Golden Mayor’s Thursday, November 17, 2016 Award for Excellence. Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to GOLDEN HIGH SCHOOL INTERACT Jesse and Jessica Swift serve the commu- recognize Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. on its out- CLUB nity as educators at Bell Middle School, are standing work and its exceptional service on avid cyclists, and are active in many commu- the date of its 75th Anniversary Dinner. The HON. ED PERLMUTTER nity events including the Golden Bike Cruise, Tuskegee Airmen were courageous individuals OF COLORADO Golden Gallup, Golden Giddyup, and the who served the United States with dignity dur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing World War II while pioneering efforts to im- Back2Basics Cyclocross races. Jessica coach- Thursday, November 17, 2016 es a girls’ ICE soccer team, and Jesse coach- prove racial equality. es the Bell Mountain Bike Club. The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise In addition to being active community mem- young men and women who volunteered to today to recognize and applaud the Golden bers, the Swifts exemplify courage and grace, become America’s first African-American mili- High School Interact Club for receiving the and are an inspiration to the community. In tary airmen during World War II. These indi- Golden Mayor’s Award for Excellence. May of 2015, they were attacked in a home in- viduals distinguished themselves through an The Golden High School Interact Club is a vasion. Jesse and Jessica fought back against exemplary combat record, as well as their Rotary-sponsored service organization serving the intruders and later worked with the Golden bravery and sacrifice. Approximately 1,000 pi- the greater Golden community. The 72 high- Police Department to bring the criminals to lots and 15,000 ground personnel served in school members tackle important community justice. As highly admired teachers, the Swifts thousands of combat sorties during the war, issues through hands-on service projects. Lo- have inspired thousands of students and their earning a record of distinction that persists to cally, they participated in the Neighborhood families by their personal story and their pas- this day. The Tuskegee Airmen’s record of Rehab Project Day of Service, helped raise sion for knowledge. service also broke down barriers and was in- money for schools by volunteering at fun-runs, I congratulate Jesse and Jessica Swift for strumental in President Harry S. Truman’s de- assisted Golden Rotary to provide lunch and being the recipient of this well-deserved honor cision to desegregate the United States Armed fellowship to senior residents, raked leaves for by Mayor Marjorie Sloan, and I thank them for Forces in 1948. Golden residents, championed a food drive, their continued commitment to the people and The Tuskegee Airmen were instrumental in and participated in a chili cook-off. students they serve. helping the United States win the Second For an international effort, they held a car- f World War while furthering racial equality and wash that generated $2,000 to purchase two equal opportunity. These brave men and ShelterBoxes, which provide safe housing to RECOGNIZING MARION HALEY women stand as a testament to the enduring families in disaster situations around the spirit of the American ideals of bravery. The world. Out of 36 other clubs, the Rotary Dis- HON. DOUG COLLINS work of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. is critical to trict identified the Golden group as the most OF GEORGIA preserving the historic legacy of these individ- outstanding Interact Club. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES uals, and I congratulate them on the organiza- I congratulate the Golden High School Inter- act Club for being the recipient of this well- Thursday, November 17, 2016 tion’s success in raising awareness of the im- portance of their contribution to American deserved honor by Mayor Marjorie Sloan, and Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I progress. Events like the Tuskegee Airmen, I thank all the members for their continued rise today to recognize the 100th birthday of Inc.,’s 75th Anniversary dinner are critical to commitment to the people and families they an extraordinary man and fellow Northeast keeping their legacy alive, and it is my hope serve. Georgian, First Lieutenant Marion Holman that the group continues to build on its record f Haley. of success to preserve the memory of these CELEBRATING MAJOR GENERAL First Lieutenant Haley grew up on a farm in men and women and their historic accomplish- ROBERT HALVERSON, U.S. ARMY, Elberton, Georgia and graduated from Rabun ments. RETIRED Gap Junior College. He shares his birthday Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me with his beloved wife, Sara Vincent Haley. today in recognizing the achievements of In 1942, First Lieutenant Haley entered Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. The organization has HON. JOHN R. CARTER World War II as a bombardier and flew 50 worked tirelessly to preserve the legacy of the OF TEXAS combat missions over Italy, Northern Africa, Tuskegee Airmen for future generations and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and France in a B–17 bomber using one of raise awareness about their role in American Thursday, November 17, 2016 the first Norden bombsights. history. Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise As a member of the Army Air Corps, First f Lieutenant Haley was recognized for his ex- today to celebrate the achievements of Major ceptional ability as a bombardier by receiving TRIBUTE TO SUE AND DENNIS General Robert Halverson, retired, who served 10 Air Medals for his combat missions in NANCE in the United States Army for 39 years and World War II. continues to work for his country and commu- Our nation owes a tremendous amount of HON. DAVID YOUNG nity following his retirement. He is a fitting re- gratitude to First Lieutenant Haley for his serv- OF IOWA cipient of a Congressional Veteran Com- ice and courage. He is a true American hero. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mendation. I am proud to represent First Lieutenant MG Halverson, of Georgetown, Texas, Haley in Congress, and I am grateful for his Thursday, November 17, 2016 began his active duty career upon graduation bravery in protecting our freedom. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise from Colorado State University. After 15 years As a member of the Air Force Reserves, the today to recognize and congratulate Sue and he left active duty service and entered the lives of our service members and veterans is Dennis Nance of Shenandoah, Iowa, on the U.S. Army Reserves and transferred to the very near to my heart. We have Mr. Marion very special occasion of their 50th wedding Texas National Guard in October of 1985. In Holman Haley to thank for his service to the anniversary. 1998, he was promoted to Major General and greatest nation in the world. Sue and Dennis’ lifelong commitment to took command of the 49th Armored Division. First Lieutenant Haley represents a legacy each other and their family truly embodies During his time in service, MG Halverson that deserves our gratitude and respect, and I Iowa values. As they reflect on their 50th anni- acquired a long list of accomplishments and honor him on his 100th birthday. Happy Birth- versary, may their commitment grow even awards, including the Distinguished Service day Lieutenant Haley. stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17NO8.012 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 and more. He also successfully commanded Pam and Charlie’s lifelong commitment to for receiving the Golden Mayor’s Award for the first Active and Reserve Component inte- each other, their children, and their grandchild, Excellence. grated headquarters to serve in Bosnia. truly embodies Iowa values. As they reflect on For decades, Gene has dedicated his time, Along with his Army National Guard service, their 50th anniversary, may their commitment resources, and abilities to preserving our com- MG Halverson continued his life of service in grow even stronger, as they continue to love, munity’s history. He co-founded the Golden the State of Texas, where he served in the cherish, and honor one another for years to Landmarks Association to save the Astor Governor’s Division of Emergency Manage- come. House from demolition, assisted in converting ment and as a Deputy Insurance Commis- Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple the old Presbyterian Church into the Foothills on their 50th year together and I wish them sioner for Safety. Following his retirement from Art Center, and helped move the Guy Hill many more. I ask that my colleagues in the military service in March 2002, MG Halverson School from the former Mitchell Elementary United States House of Representatives join continued to serve as a mentor for other Na- site to the Clear Creek History Park, then me in congratulating them on this momentous tional Guard Division and Brigade Com- helped restore it. Even now he cares for the occasion. manders and Staff. chickens that live in History Park. Gene and MG Halverson’s skills as a strategic leader f his beloved Arlone were part of the effort to have improved every organization he’s associ- HONORING THE AIR FORCES create the 12th Street Historic District in 1984. ated with. His commitment to community and ESCAPE AND EVASION SOCIETY I congratulate Gene for being the recipient his role as a mentor and friend to his col- of this well-deserved honor by Mayor Marjorie leagues make him a valuable asset to improv- Sloan, and I thank him for his continued com- ing the quality of life in the Lone Star State. HON. NIKI TSONGAS mitment to the people and families he serves. I commend Major General Robert OF MASSACHUSETTS Halverson’s selfless service to both the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f States Army and his nation. His patriotism, Thursday, November 17, 2016 citizenship, and commitment to excellence re- Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, every Novem- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 75TH AN- flect the very best values of Central Texas. I ber 11th, we stop to recognize the brave men NIVERSARY OF THE MESSIAS join MG Halverson’s friends, family, and col- and women who have served our country in TEMPLE CHURCH leagues in celebrating his outstanding our armed forces. Having just marked Vet- achievements. erans Day, I would like to recognize one group f of extraordinary servicemembers in particular, HON. DEBBIE DINGELL the United States Air Forces Escape and Eva- SHIVAM ALBEE SHINES WITH OF MICHIGAN sion Society, or AFEES. SCHOOL PROJECT Since the United States military first began IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES using airplanes in foreign wars, members of Thursday, November 17, 2016 HON. PETE OLSON the United States Air Forces have been forced OF TEXAS to eject, crash land, or abandon their aircraft Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in an occupied country or territory. Once recognize the 75th anniversary of the Messias downed, these airmen had to evade capture Temple Church. It is my honor and privilege to Thursday, November 17, 2016 by enemy forces, oftentimes while suffering recognize the contributions Messias Temple Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to from critical injuries. Church has made to our community. recognize Shivam Albee of Sugar Land, TX for Of the downed aircrew members that were Established in 1941 by John T. Elder and his enthusiasm about government and in par- captured, many escaped from the enemy who Sister Laura Elder, the Ypsilanti Messias Tem- ticular Congress. were holding them in captivity. Many times, ple Church is dedicated to building a perma- Shivam has expressed a keen interest in downed servicemembers were aided in their nent sanctuary for people of the community to how our government works. He and his par- escape and evasion by resistance organiza- have a place to connect with each other, and ents recently visited Washington, DC with tions in those occupied countries. Thousands strengthen their faith. Messias was built on a stops in their congressional office and our na- of brave, ordinary people took extraordinary principle that welcomed people of all walks of tion’s Capitol building. As a result of his trip, risks at huge costs to both them and their life, giving positions of leadership not common he completed a school report on how Con- families to help these brave Americans and within the Church for its time. In 1949 after the gress operates. His eagerness to learn and help them return home. passing of Elder John T. Elder, his widowed contribute to our representative democracy is In 1964, the United States Air Forces Es- wife, Sister Laura Elder, was elected as heartwarming and gives us hope for our future cape and Evasion Society was created by the Church Pastor and remained until her retire- leaders. America is at its best with an en- downed aircrew members who evaded cap- ment in 1974, demonstrating that this Church gaged and active citizenry. We hope more stu- ture. Today, AFEES includes downed aircrew would celebrate the diversity of Ypsilanti, and dents and young leaders emerge as they be- members and people who directly aided them lead by progressive example. Jesse Ross was come adults. in escape and evasion and has more than 600 then chosen to serve as pastor, and person- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- members, including members from World War ally led the congregation to its new permanent sional District of Texas, thank you Shivam II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. home on Harriet Street in 1984. Pastor Ross I am proud to represent one brave AFEES Albee for reminding us of the importance of continued to serve until his death in 1991, member, the group’s President, John Katsaros youthful enthusiasm. We are proud of his hard when Harry Grayson was selected to continue of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Today, I would work and look forward to his future success. the proud tradition of service and leadership. like to recognize the United States Air Forces Today we celebrate the 75th anniversary of f Escape and Evasion Society and the achieve- Messias Temple Church, as well as the 25th ments made by its members: to never accept TRIBUTE TO PAM AND CHARLIE anniversary of Suffragan Bishop Grayson’s ap- captivity and to constantly strive for their free- MANNING pointment. Providing strong leadership within dom. Thank you for your service and for the the community has long been the cornerstone inspiration you are to all of us. HON. DAVID YOUNG of Messias Temple Church, and the tradition f OF IOWA continues as the church looks forward to the next 75 years of serving the community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GENE CHILD Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Thursday, November 17, 2016 HON. ED PERLMUTTER today in gratitude to honor the 75th anniver- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF COLORADO sary of Messias Temple Church. For seventy- today to recognize and congratulate Pam and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES five years now, Messias Temple has displayed Charlie Manning of Glenwood, Iowa, on the an immense passion and deep devotion for very special occasion of their 50th wedding Thursday, November 17, 2016 improving the lives of its members, and also anniversary. They were married on August 20, Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise the people of Ypsilanti, and we wish them 1966 in Gary, Indiana. today to recognize and applaud Gene Child many more years of success.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.024 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1513 COMMEMORATING THE 125TH ANNI- Education, the Ethics Bowl team, and Lead to fight the good fight. I respected Admiral VERSARY OF THE IBEW LOCAL 8 Peer Mentor. Toney’s wise counsel and was proud to call I congratulate Dana for being the recipient him my friend. HON. MARCY KAPTUR of this well-deserved honor by Mayor Marjorie Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- OF OHIO Sloan, and I thank her for her contributions to trict salutes the legacy of Rear Admiral Robert IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the community. L. Toney, USN, (Retired). His contributions f have truly impacted countless lives throughout Thursday, November 17, 2016 the Bay Area and our Country. I join all of Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HONORING REAR ADMIRAL Rear Admiral Robert L. Toney’s loved ones in recognize the 125th Anniversary of the Inter- ROBERT L. TONEY celebrating his incredible life and offer them national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers my most sincere condolences. (IBEW) Local 8 of Toledo, Ohio. This is an in- HON. BARBARA LEE f credibly significant milestone of labor history in OF CALIFORNIA IRON COUNTY’S NEW AMTRAK Northwest Ohio. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATION Since 1891, IBEW Local 8 has served Thursday, November 17, 2016 northwest Ohio with distinction, providing the highest quality of electrical work and providing Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor HON. JASON SMITH power to the residents of Northwest Ohio. Its the extraordinary life of Rear Admiral Robert OF MISSOURI L. Toney, USN, (Retired). With his passing on members continue to dedicate their careers to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the advancement of wages, benefits and work- November 4, 2016, we honor his faithful serv- Thursday, November 17, 2016 ing conditions for all electrical workers. ice to our nation. IBEW Local 8’s skilled technicians are com- Rear Admiral Robert L. Toney had a distin- Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise mitted to building our communities forward. guished naval career that spanned 34 years. today to mark a historic day in the Arcadia The deep history of IBEW Local 8 shows that He was commissioned as an ensign in the Valley. Today, Iron County opens its new Am- the Toledo Chapter was one of the first-ever United States Navy in 1957. Over the course trak Station and welcomes the Texas Eagle to locals chartered in the United States, estab- of his career he has held several commands begin regular service from Arcadia to the USA. lished at the founding of the International including Naval Base San Francisco, Logistics Led by the group ‘‘Our Town Tomorrow,’’ Brotherhood of Electrical Workers nationally. Group One, Maritime Defense Command and the communities of Arcadia, Ironton and Pilot The skilled men and women of IBEW Local Director of Logistics and Security Assistance Knob have worked since 2011 to revive the 8 have contributed their time and talents to of U.S. Pacific Command. old train stop and resurrect rail service. many notable projects in Northwest Ohio. He received numerous honors and decora- They’ve navigated a complicated process. Committed to quality workmanship, their skills tions including the Defense Meritorious Medal, The members of ‘‘Our Town Tomorrow’’— have been critical to the development of in- the Navy Meritorious Service Medal with September Bennett, Joan Duncan, Carol dustry throughout our region. Oakleaf Cluster, and the Vietnam Service Kelsheimer, Pam Sherrill, and Judy Schaaf- IBEW founder Henry Miller envisioned a Medal. Wheeler—have worked with other community union of electrical workers banded together to- His commitment to education and self-im- leaders to establish a vision for the Arcadia ward the goal of improved safety, wages and provement was showcased through his com- Valley and to bring the train to town. I applaud working conditions for the brotherhood. A cen- mitment to personal study. Early in his life he them for their community spirit and determina- tury later, his legacy stands tall through the earned a B.A. in Social Sciences from Chico tion to improve the quality of life in the place brothers and sisters of Local 8. We offer our State University. He was also a Graduate of they call home. heartiest congratulations to IBEW Local 8 in the National and International Security Course Starting today, Arcadia joins St. Louis and celebration of its rich history and thank you for from Harvard University and received Hon- Poplar Bluff as the only three stops the Texas working to illuminate our world over the last orary Doctorate Degrees in Humane Letters Eagle makes in Missouri. 125 years. from Golden Gate University, and National It is my hope the Amtrak Station will signal f University. a new era of prosperity for Iron County. It is Admiral Toney retired from the Navy in 1994 my great honor to represent the good folks of DANA STEINER after 34 years of distinguished service. In his the Arcadia Valley and join them in celebration retirement he continued to show his commit- as I recognize their accomplishment today be- HON. ED PERLMUTTER ment to this country by devoting the remainder fore the United States House of Representa- OF COLORADO of his life to community service. tives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES From 1991 to 1996, he served as President f and Chief Executive Officer of the Oakland Thursday, November 17, 2016 Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Admiral. TRIBUTE TO PAT AND RAY LAW Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Toney also served as the Executive Vice today to recognize and applaud Dana Steiner President of Business Development of F.E. HON. DAVID YOUNG for receiving the Golden Mayor’s first-ever Jordan and Associates, Interim President of OF IOWA Goldmine Award, an honor recognizing the The Bay Area Urban League, Chairman of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES achievement and contributions of the students Board of Alternative, Inc., Director of Bank of or faculty of the Colorado School of Mines. the West, Director of Levine-Fricke-Recon Ad- Thursday, November 17, 2016 Dana Steiner, a senior at the School of visory Board, Director of Junior Achievement Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mines designed and implemented a commu- of the San Francisco Bay Area, and as a today to recognize and congratulate Pat and nity service project for the Mines Class of member of Chico State University’s President Ray Law of Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the very 2020, encouraging further collaboration be- Advisory Board. special occasion of their 50th wedding anni- tween the university and city of Golden. Throughout his military and civilian business versary. They were married on August 19, Throughout the spring and summer, she iden- careers, Admiral Toney was one of those rare 1966 at the Church of God of Prophecy in tified projects benefiting city government de- individuals whose ethic of hard work and de- Council Bluffs. partments, schools, civic organizations, the votion to duty made a difference. He was a Pat and Ray’s lifelong commitment to each faith community, and individual residents. On role model to all who served with him. other and their three daughters, 22 adopted August 20th, she successfully organized ap- Rear Admiral Robert L. Toney, USN, (Re- children, 40 grandchildren, and 18 great- proximately 900 incoming students at more tired) will be remembered as one of our finest grandchildren, truly embodies Iowa values. As than 25 Golden locations in and around Gold- naval officers, a role model, devoted husband Pat and Ray reflect on their 50th anniversary, en, for more than 1,000 hours of community to his wife, Flore, who predeceased him, and may their commitment grow even stronger, as service. Dana is a senior majoring in Bio- to his family. they continue to love, cherish, and honor one chemical and Chemical Engineering who is On a personal note, Admiral Toney and I another for years to come. also involved in the Society of Women Engi- had a chance to get to know each other when Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple neers; an ally of Out in Science, Technology, I was in the California legislature in the on their 50th year together and I wish them Engineering; a member of Kappa Alpha Theta 1990’s. He became a consistent supporter of many more. I ask that my colleagues in the Sorority, Advocates Against Violence and for my political efforts and always encouraged me United States House of Representatives join

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.029 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 me in congratulating them on this momentous Betty and Harold Payte are role models and HONORING COLONEL OTIS EVANS, occasion. community activists for healthy living. Both in U.S. ARMY, RETIRED f their mid-eighties, they are thoughtful, caring, and inclusive leaders who have attracted a IN RECOGNITION OF MICHIGAN HON. JOHN R. CARTER large and loyal following to their weekly com- OF TEXAS TECH RESEARCH INSTITUTE’S munity ‘‘walk and talks’’ through Golden. In all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GROUNDBREAKING ADVANCE- weather and all seasons, for people of all Thursday, November 17, 2016 MENTS IN TECHNOLOGY ages and abilities, with residents from all over the metropolitan area, the Paytes share their Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. DEBBIE DINGELL joy in moving through Golden’s beautiful out- today to honor Colonel Otis Evans, U.S. Army, OF MICHIGAN door environment. Betty roams up and down retired. COL Evans answered the call to de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the line of walkers to make sure everyone has fend our great nation for 27 years and con- tinues to dutifully serve his community of Thursday, November 17, 2016 a walking partner and to see if anyone needs Killeen, Texas in civilian life. An exemplary Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to extra encouragement. Harold, a humorous sto- ryteller, usually serves as ‘‘sweep’’ at the back serviceman and citizen, it is my honor to recognize the work of the Michigan Tech Re- award COL Evans with the Congressional Vet- search Institute on the date of its 10th anniver- of the group with slower-paced walkers; the Paytes encourage all of us to live full, joyful, erans Commendation. sary celebration. Located in Ann Arbor as a di- A distinguished military graduate from Prai- healthy lives. vision of Michigan Technological University, rie View A&M University, COL Evans commis- MTRI has driven advancements in sensor and I congratulate Betty & Harold Payte for sioned as a Second Lieutenant and began his information technology to help solve critical being the recipient of this well-deserved honor military career flying aero-medical evacuation problems in a variety of fields. by Mayor Marjorie Sloan, and I thank them for aircraft in Vietnam. In high-risk situations rang- Michigan Tech Research Institute was their continued commitment to the people and ing from enemy fire to extreme weather, COL founded in October 2006 with the goal of uti- families they serve. Evans remained steadfastly loyal to his fellow lizing Michigan Tech’s resources and expertise soldiers, refusing to abort a mission without to transform research findings into commercial f the wounded aboard his aircraft. Relying on products with real-world applications. The in- the Good Lord for strength, COL Evans’ lead- stitute has focused on using technology to bet- RECOGNIZING THE MAINE MARINE ership, dedication, and bravery saved the lives ter understand natural and manmade environ- TRADES ASSOCIATION’S 50 of many. For his service and bravery in com- ments. Today, MTRI supports 64 researchers YEARS OF SERVICE bat, COL Evans was awarded the Silver Star, in over 17,000 square feet of space and has two Distinguish Flying Crosses, Bronze Star, drawn support from federal, industry and uni- the Combat Medical Badge, and the Master versities across North America. HON. CHELLIE PINGREE Aviator Badge. After twelve years of flying, MTRI has leveraged cutting-edge academic OF MAINE COL Evans transitioned to Heath Care Oper- research to create solutions to real-world prob- ations, and later to Health Care Administra- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lems. Its work on mapping coastal wetlands in tion, concluding his career at Walter Reed the Great Lakes region has been used by fed- Thursday, November 17, 2016 Medical Center. eral, state and local agencies to better man- COL Evans’ service and sense of duty did age and conserve the environment in these Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Speaker, it gives me not culminate with his military service. Upon areas. Additionally, MTRI has been able to great pleasure to acknowledge and honor the returning to the great state of Texas, COL map the spread of algal blooms in Lake Erie, important work of the Maine Marine Trades Evans dedicated his civilian life to the uplifting which has allowed researchers and environ- Association. For five decades, this organiza- and betterment of his community, serving on mental groups to better understand and com- tion has educated boat builders and marine the Killeen City Council, the Central Texas bat the spread of this environmental phe- businesses in best practices, with particular Council of Governments, and as President of nomenon. It has also collaborated with federal focus on worker safety and the preservation of the Killeen, Texas Branch, NAACP. Alongside government agencies like DARPA on defense the natural resources upon which the industry his involvement in these and numerous other applications of its research. and the people of Maine depend. organizations, COL Evans has remained com- MTRI has served as a model of collabora- Under Executive Director Susan Swanton’s mitted to honoring his fallen brothers in arms, tion between the public, private and non-profit able leadership, the Maine Marine Trades As- assisting in the planning of the 2009 Fort sectors. By bringing key stakeholders and ex- sociation has promoted growth and coopera- Hood shooting memorial. perts together to tackle environmental, infra- tion, influencing many aspects of the marine COL Evans’ patriotism and commitment to structure and national security challenges, the industry through job development and suc- service reflect the very best values of Central institute has created breakthroughs in a vari- cessful partnerships with the Maine Depart- Texas. He is a hero who has devoted his life ety of fields while supporting basic and applied ments of Labor, Environmental Protection, and to defending our freedoms abroad and serving research initiatives. This multidisciplinary ap- Marine Resources, as well as the National his community at home. I join his wife, Rosa- proach will continue to be useful for address- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and lind, his children, and grandchildren in wishing ing problems at the cross-section of different many other state and national organizations. him the best in the years ahead. fields and disciplines, and MTRI’s consistent f revenue and sponsorship growth is a testa- Originally run completely by volunteers, the ment to the success of its organizational Maine Marine Trades Association maintains a IN RECOGNITION OF THE AMER- model. strong tradition of volunteer participation. Such ICAN ARAB CHAMBER OF COM- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me is the norm in my state. People pull together MERCE FOR ITS PROMOTION OF today in recognizing the success of the Michi- to get things done, and Maine’s long and rich ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT gan Tech Research Institute. It is my hope tradition of boating, fishing, and boat building that the organization will continue to build on is part of our rich heritage. HON. DEBBIE DINGELL its track record of success and innovation. Living on an island 12 miles off the coast of OF MICHIGAN f Maine, every ferry trip to or from the mainland IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES takes me past pleasure craft, fishermen, boat- BETTY AND HAROLD PAYTE Thursday, November 17, 2016 yards, and marinas. And, with my District Con- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- HON. ED PERLMUTTER gressional Office located on Portland Harbor’s leagues to join me today in recognizing the working waterfront, reminders of the economic Arab American Chamber of Commerce for its OF COLORADO and cultural impact of this industry surround IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES economic and trade development efforts. The me. Chamber has served the Michigan community Thursday, November 17, 2016 I am proud of and grateful for the Maine well, and we wish them continued success in Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Marine Trades Association’s commitment not helping to build a vibrant and diverse economy today to recognize and applaud Betty & Har- only to protecting and enhancing a way of life for our region and state. old Payte for receiving the Golden Mayor’s in Maine, but to promoting an important, time- Founded in 1992, the American Arab Cham- Award for Excellence. honored means of making a living. ber of Commerce has worked to support the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.032 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1515 Arab American business community through TRIBUTE TO LINDA AND NEIL Michigan. The organization has contributed to its networking and development efforts. The GOOS a more sustainable and livable southeast Chamber facilitates delegations between Michigan that benefits both residents and visi- Michigan and U.S.-based companies and HON. DAVID YOUNG tors. The Taylor Conservatory Foundation was in- those in the Middle East. It also provides infor- OF IOWA corporated in 2005 to protect and preserve the mation and resources regarding opportunities IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the Middle Eastern market. As the largest natural environment and promote the arts and Arab American business organization in the Thursday, November 17, 2016 sciences while creating more sustainable pub- United States, the Arab American Chamber of Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise lic spaces. Since its inception, the organization Commerce has attracted numerous corporate today to recognize and congratulate Linda and has maintained the Taylor Conservatory and sponsors in its effort to build economic bridges Neil Goos of Glenwood, Iowa, on the very Botanical Gardens, a park containing a garden between different cultures. special occasion of their 50th wedding anni- that is open to the public. The Taylor Conser- vancy Foundation also promotes community The Commerce’s activities have not only led versary. They were married on August 7, 1966 garden development and sponsors educational to increased business opportunities among at First Christian Church in Glenwood. Linda and Neil’s lifelong commitment to programs to raise awareness about the effects companies in the Arab American community, and importance of conservation on the envi- but its efforts to promote greater economic ties each other, their children, and their grand- children truly embodies our Iowa values. As ronment. In addition, the foundation hosts a have also improved intercultural dialogue be- variety of community events, including a sum- they reflect on their 50th anniversary, may tween the Arab American community and its mertime Music & Arts in the Gardens series to their commitment grow even stronger, as they partners. It is great to see the positive impact promote community development while fur- continue to love, cherish, and honor one an- the Chamber has had in building bridges and thering the organization’s sustainability goals. promoting greater cultural understanding be- other for years to come. Michigan’s environmental heritage is funda- tween Arab American businesses and the Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple mental to its identity and economic health, and community at large. It is my hope that the or- on their 50th year together and I wish them it is critical that we continue to safeguard it for ganization continues to play a leadership role many more. I ask that my colleagues in the future generations. The Taylor Conservancy in creating lasting bonds between different cul- United States House of Representatives join Foundation, through its conservation work and tures and communities. me in congratulating them on this momentous efforts to raise public awareness of environ- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me occasion. mental issues, has played an important role in today in recognizing the Arab American f protecting the environment and public spaces Chamber of Commerce for its economic and DR. CONNIE ALMEIDA WINS MEN- in the State of Michigan. Its efforts have been critical to providing education about environ- trade development efforts. The Chamber has TAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL OF mental issues and ensuring that southeast served the Michigan community well and is THE YEAR AWARD committed to work toward success moving Michigan residents remain well-informed about forward. the social, educational and environmental HON. PETE OLSON needs of our country. The growth and devel- f OF TEXAS opment of the Taylor Conservancy Foundation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is a testament to the positive impact the group CONGRATULATING EL COMERCIO Thursday, November 17, 2016 has had on the wider Michigan community, DE COLORADO and it is my hope that it continues to further Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to its mission of upholding conservation and sus- congratulate Dr. Connie Almeida of Fort Bend tainability of the environment in Michigan. HON. MIKE COFFMAN County, TX for being awarded the Mental Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me OF COLORADO Health Professional of the Year Award by the today in recognizing the growth and success IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Texas Crisis Intervention Team. of the Taylor Conservancy Foundation. The As Fort Bend County’s Behavioral Health organization continues to play a leading role in Thursday, November 17, 2016 Director, Dr. Almeida received this award addressing environmental conservation Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to thanks to her significant strides in working with through its initiatives. congratulate El Comercio de Colorado on their local law enforcement to improve responses to f award-winning editorial excellence. the mental health community. She’s been con- sistently working to improve the way Fort HONORING SERGEANT FRANK El Comercio de Colorado is a bilingual Bend County responds to mental health crises THOMPSON newspaper which has served Colorado and and issues by speaking with the government, the Denver area since 1999 with articles about community groups, mental health providers, HON. JOHN R. CARTER international, national and local news topics of law enforcement and the courts. Her goal is to OF TEXAS importance to our community. El Comercio de improve the conditions for those with mental IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colorado has embodied leadership in the His- illness and addictions that come into contact Thursday, November 17, 2016 panic printed media industry. In recognition of with Fort Bend County courts. their quality publications, the National Associa- Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- tion of Hispanic Publications (NAHP) has pre- today to honor Sergeant Frank Thompson, for sional District of Texas, congratulations again sented El Comercio de Colorado with four his dedication and service to our country. SGT to Dr. Connie Almeida for receiving the Mental Gold Jose´ Martı´ Publishing Awards. Thompson’s extraordinary commitment to Health Professional of the Year Award. We community and service reflects the best val- El Comercio de Colorado was noted as hav- are very thankful for all her hard work to ues of Central Texas. He is a fitting recipient ing the number one Classified Ads section in progress the services and systems for those of a Congressional Veterans Commendation. ´ the nation during the 34th edition of the Jose with mental illnesses. SGT Thompson was born in the small town Martı´ Publishing Awards. For industry leading f of Troy, Texas, where he later attended A&M distinction, the sports section was awarded University. At the start of World War II, SGT two gold awards for content and design, as IN RECOGNITION OF THE TAYLOR Thompson left college to serve his country in well as cartoonist Angonoa, whom received CONSERVATORY FOUNDATION the U.S. Army. In July 1943, SGT Thompson gold for outstanding work. El Comercio de AND THE SUCCESS OF ITS 10TH served in the South Pacific with H. Co, 172nd Colorado’s also received honorable mentions ANNUAL SWEET HARVEST GALA Infantry 43rd Division. His unit received five for editorial content, photography, illustrations Distinguished Unit Citations, and for his serv- and design. HON. DEBBIE DINGELL ice, SGT Thompson received the Asiatic-Pa- I would like to congratulate President OF MICHIGAN cific Medal with 3 Bronze stars, the Philippine Manuel Tejada and Editor Eva Tejada, as well IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Liberation Medal with 1 Bronze star, the Com- as the entire staff at El Comercio de Colorado bat Infantry badge, and the Good Conduct Thursday, November 17, 2016 on a job well done. These awards show El Medal. Comercio de Colorado’s unwavering commit- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to SGT Thompson is a highly respected citizen ment to quality publications and the Hispanic recognize the Taylor Conservatory Foundation involved in a number of different organiza- printed media community. for its conservation initiatives in Southeast tions, which exemplifies his commitment to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.036 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 community and nation. After returning from the in 1990 after suffering his first stroke. Mr. Atta John Clark of Clarinda, Iowa, on the very spe- war, SGT Thompson followed in the footsteps had been in declining health in recent years cial occasion of their 50th wedding anniver- of his grandfather, J.Q. Thompson, who was and suffered a stroke while he and his wife sary. They were married on August 19, 1966. instrumental in the founding of the town and spent several months in the Palestinian areas. Judy and John’s lifelong commitment to school system in Troy. SGT Thompson joined He returned to the Palestinian territories every each other, their children, grandchildren, and the Troy Masonic Lodge where he served as year or two, where his large family is well- great-grandchildren, truly embodies Iowa val- the secretary for 38 years, and was recog- known. About 1,000 people there have at- ues. As they reflect on their 50th anniversary, nized for being a Mason for 60 years in 2007. tended visitations spread over three days, may their commitment grow even stronger, as SGT Thompson also served on the first Troy after his death. they continue to love, cherish, and honor one City Council, the Bank of Troy Board of Direc- Mahmoud Othman Atta is survived by his another for years to come. tors, and was a Charter Member of the Troy wife Intisar; 2 sons Othman and Ihsan; 2 Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple Volunteer Fire Department. daughters, Janan and Bayan; and 12 grand- on their 50th year together and I wish them With admiration and deep respect, we pay children Mr. Speaker, Milwaukee has experi- many more. I ask that my colleagues in the tribute to SGT Thompson for his sacrifices for enced a profound loss with the passing of United States House of Representatives join our country and the lasting impact he has had Mahmoud Othman Atta. He had an attach- me in congratulating them on this momentous on his community and beyond. Dedicated pub- ment to Milwaukee, and he loved the Mid- occasion. western lifestyle. Today, I thank him and his lic servants like him make Central Texas a f great place to live. family for their immeasurable achievements, I mourn his loss and I salute his legacy. IN RECOGNITION OF AMY AND f f DAN LOEPP FOR BEING NAMED IN TRIBUTE TO MAHMOUD EDWARD H. MCNAMARA GOOD- PERSONAL EXPLANATION OTHMAN ATTA FELLOW OF THE YEAR HON. RUBE´N HINOJOSA HON. GWEN MOORE OF TEXAS HON. DEBBIE DINGELL OF MICHIGAN OF WISCONSIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 17, 2016 Thursday, November 17, 2016 Thursday, November 17, 2016 Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I was unable Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- to be present in the House chamber for cer- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ute to the life and work of Mahmoud Othman tain roll call votes on Monday, November 14th recognize the community service and steward- Atta a highly-respected leader in the Muslim through Wednesday, November 16th. Had I ship of Amy and Dan Loepp, the recipients of and interfaith community, veteran, husband, been present on these days, I would have the 2016 Edward H. McNamara Goodfellow of father and grandfather. Mr. Mahmoud Othman voted ‘aye’ on roll calls 575, 576, 577, 578 the Year award. Amy and Dan have been Atta died on November 9, 2016 at the age of and ‘nay’ on roll calls 579 and 580. dedicated in the efforts to improve the greater 80. f Detroit area through their involvement in non- Mr. Atta was born in the Palestinian terri- ´ ˜ profit groups and local charities. tories and moved to Milwaukee at age 16 with DR. KELLY J. ZUNIGA NAMED CEO Since 1914, the Old Newsboys’ Goodfellow his dual-citizen father. He graduated from OF HOLOCAUST MUSEUM HOUSTON Fund of Detroit has provided aid to children in West Division High School in Milwaukee, Wis- the greater Detroit metropolitan area. Detroit consin, attended two years of technical college HON. PETE OLSON Goodfellows donates and distributes holiday and was drafted into the U.S. Army, serving OF TEXAS gift boxes to needy children that includes toys, as a medic. After his military service Mr. Atta IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES books and warm clothing. Additionally, the returned to the Palestinian territories, where Thursday, November 17, 2016 group donates shoes for children who cannot he married his wife, Intisar and had two chil- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to afford proper footwear and provides dental dren. He later returned to Milwaukee with his congratulate Dr. Kelly J. Zu´n˜iga of Sugar care to those individuals who do not have ac- family in the mid-1960s. Land, TX for being named the chief executive cess to it. Detroit Goodfellows also gives He is regarded as the Milwaukee area’s first officer of the Holocaust Museum Houston. grants to children to attend summer camps, in- de-facto imam, leading prayers and religious Dr. Zu´n˜iga was brought to the Holocaust cluding the Detroit Fire Department Camp and services in homes, though he never held the Museum Houston as executive director to ex- the Detroit Police Department’s ‘‘Explorers’’ title full time. Local Muslims hailed from var- pand outreach and enhance programming to program. ious homelands, speaking different languages expand the museum’s reach throughout the Detroit Goodfellows honors individuals who and Mr. Atta bridged those divides through community. Her experience and success have have demonstrated commitment to the Detroit communal worship. He organized classes to brought the museum forward, making her the community through its Edward H. McNamara teach Arabic, the language of the Qur’an so obvious choice for the CEO position. Dr. Goodfellow of the Year award. This year, Amy that everyone would be able to pray and read Zu´n˜iga has more than 25 years’ experience in and Dan Loepp were named recipients of this the Holy Book together. building, managing and leading fundraising award for their service to the community. Dan Mahmoud Othman Atta was one of the Is- teams that focus on the successful completion Loepp is the current president and CEO of lamic Society of Milwaukee’s seven founding of capital and endowment campaigns. In 2012, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and members. Mr. Atta guided Milwaukee’s Muslim she was also named as one of ‘‘Houston’s oversaw the relocation of 3,000 Blue Cross community and the Islamic Society of Mil- Most Influential Women of 2012’’ by Houston employees into downtown Detroit, providing an waukee in the 1970s, when an estimated 200 Woman magazine. She is a true leader. economic boost to the surrounding region. His Muslims lived in the city. He helped lead fund- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- wife, Amy, cofounded Impact100 Oakland raising for the purchase of its main center on sional District of Texas, congratulations again County, an organization that awards grants to the city’s south side and served on the soci- to Dr. Kelly J. Zu´n˜iga for being named CEO of nonprofit organizations in Oakland County. ety’s first board of trustees, a position he held the Holocaust Museum Houston. We are con- Both Amy and Dan have also been strong for about a decade. fident she will expand her success as the new supporters of various philanthropic organiza- Mahmoud Othman Atta was a natural lead- CEO. tions in the greater Detroit area. er. He saw the value in reaching across racial f Amy and Dan embody the values of charity and religious lines, joining interfaith organiza- TRIBUTE TO JUDY AND JOHN and community that Detroit Goodfellows rep- tions and Muslim-Christian dialogue groups. CLARK resent. Their selfless actions and innovative He was respected for his character and his initiatives on behalf of the Detroit community knowledge. Mr. Atta would open his home to have contributed to the well-being of the city a stranger; realizing how it felt like to be alone HON. DAVID YOUNG while creating a more decent life for countless OF IOWA without family, so he always had a soft spot in children in need. They have been tireless ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his heart for students or individuals who were vocates on behalf of the region, and it is my coming from overseas. Thursday, November 17, 2016 hope that they continue to be involved in initia- Mr. Atta worked as an engine technician at Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise tives to improve the southeastern Michigan re- Briggs & Stratton for about 25 years, retiring today to recognize and congratulate Judy and gion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.041 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1517 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me BROOKE BOTKIN FINISHES AN IN- by the Cedar Park community for his leader- today in recognizing the Old Newsboys’ Good- CREDIBLE HIGH SCHOOL ship and passion. fellow Fund of Detroit, as well as Amy and VOLLEYBALL CAREER EAC Cole serves his fellow men with the Dan Loepp. They have provided services crit- same dedication, honor, and humility with ical to the well-being of countless Michigan HON. PETE OLSON which he defended his country. He exemplifies children and their families. OF TEXAS what it means to be an American, consistently f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES placing his country and fellow men before him- self. May we all follow the example of great CELEBRATING THE SERVICE OF Thursday, November 17, 2016 men such as EAC Cole, and live a life of pas- CORPORAL ROBERTO VASQUEZ Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sion, loyalty, and selflessness. recognize Pearland’s Brooke Botkin for her f HON. JOHN R. CARTER outstanding volleyball career at Pearland High RECOGNIZING KENN TUCKEY AS OF TEXAS School. 1 THE CENTRAL PENN BUSINESS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The 6-foot, 3 ⁄2 inch senior is preparing to complete her fourth year starting for the Lady JOURNAL’S 2016 HALL OF FAME Thursday, November 17, 2016 Oilers. Brooke’s impressive career has in- INDUCTEE Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise cluded being named as a Wendy’s 2016 High today to celebrate the service of Corporal Ro- School Heisman candidate, a three-time all- HON. LOU BARLETTA berto Vasquez. The embodiment of the U.S. state selection and two-time Greater Houston OF PENNSYLVANIA Marine Corps’ values of honor, courage, and Volleyball Preseason Player of the Year, not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commitment, Cpl. Vasquez is a fitting recipient to mention numerous national honors. Her Thursday, November 17, 2016 of a Congressional Veteran Commendation. coach, John Turner, said she was the best Cpl. Vasquez’s seven years of honorable six-rotation player the school has ever had, Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it’s my honor service in the Marines from 1983–89 rein- surpassing everyone with her blocking ability, to recognize Kenn Tuckey as the Central forced his innate drive to not quit until the job digging, aces, setting and ‘‘of course, the Penn Business Journal’s 2016 Hall of Fame is done and done right. He leaves every situa- kills.’’ On top of her near perfect grade point Inductee. Each year, the Central Penn Busi- tion better then he found it and has made per- average, Brooke spends her spare time help- ness Journal honors top companies and indi- manent and positive impacts on his beloved ing with clothing drives, food drives, beach vidual leaders for their outstanding contribu- Hutto, TX. cleanup in Galveston and working youth tions to Central Pennsylvania’s business com- Whether it’s teaching, working with at-risk volleyball clinics. She will attend and play munity. Kenn’s businesses have been in my kids, or coaching football, Cpl. Vasquez com- volleyball for the University of Southern Cali- district for almost five decades, and his com- municates the importance of self-respect to fornia in early 2017. mitment to customer service and community young people. His honors as an educator and On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- engagement have been essential to his contin- his achievements as a school administrator sional District of Texas, congratulations again ued success. are testimonies to his skill and devotion to en- on her exceptional volleyball career at The Tuckey Companies include Tuckey suring students receive the education and Pearland High School. We know she will rep- Metal Fabricators, Tuckey Mechanical Serv- guidance they deserve. resent Pearland well in California. ices, and Tuckey Restoration. Established in 1968 as Frank Black Mechanical Services and Yet Cpl. Vasquez’s commitment to commu- f nity doesn’t stop at the schoolhouse gate. with a focus on residential services, Kenn’s fa- He’s active in Cub Scouts, feeding the hungry, HONORING ENGINEERING AIDE ther, Denver, purchased the company in 1981 and is a devout member of St. Patrick’s CHIEF TROY R. COLE, SR., U.S. and renamed it Tuckey Mechanical Services. Catholic Church. As Commander of American NAVY, RETIRED Kenn founded Tuckey Metal Fabricators in Legion Post 302 in Hutto, TX, Cpl. Vasquez 1978, and after purchasing the mechanical has seen the membership of this proud orga- HON. JOHN R. CARTER services business from his father in 1984, he nization devoted to the family of veterans grow OF TEXAS was approached by local community leaders under his leadership. Most important, he’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who identified a need for an emergency repair never forgotten those who served but did not company that would specialize in fire and Thursday, November 17, 2016 return. water damaged property. With the creation of Corporal Roberto Vasquez’s motto is ‘‘other Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Tuckey Restoration in 1992, Kenn used his first.’’ These stirring words aren’t a meaning- today to honor Engineering Aide Chief Troy R. years of experience to meet this need, and less expression but a deep and lasting creed Cole Sr., U.S. Navy, Retired, of Cedar Park, eventually brought all three companies under that is the guiding force of his life. It’s the work Texas. A World War II, Korean War, and Viet- one umbrella. He has grown the companies of selfless citizens like Cpl. Vasquez that keep nam War veteran, EAC Cole served as a into leaders in the industrial and commercial our country safe and make cities like Hutto, guardian of our great nation against countless sectors, and has been recognized with the TX wonderful places to live. I commend his enemies. A true patriot and exceptional cit- prestigious Chrysalis Award for Remodeling commitment to his Corps, his nation, and his izen, EAC Cole is a deserving recipient of a Excellence and an ‘‘Impeccable Workman- community and am honored to award him a Congressional Veteran Commendation. ship’’ citation from the Pennsylvania General Congressional Veteran Commendation. An intrinsic sense of adventure inspired Assembly. f EAC Cole to begin his naval career at age 17, Although three generations of Tuckeys still shortly after World War II began. With a ca- work within the organization, Kenn has always OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL reer spanning over three decades, EAC Cole understood the value in engaging the commu- DEBT saw much combat, and received numerous nity at large. Giving back to the community commendations, medals, and awards as testa- has always been a top priority for Kenn. He HON. MIKE COFFMAN ment to his exemplary service. Yet even upon and his employees have volunteered for orga- OF COLORADO retirement, the call to serve his beloved coun- nizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES try continued to burn inside. EAC Cole re- Carlisle YMCA, Habitat for Humanity, and turned to the Navy he loves, spending the Hospice of Central PA. Kenn’s reputation in Thursday, November 17, 2016 next decade teaching, training, and mentoring Carlisle is nothing short of exceptional, and Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January the next generation of service men and this has allowed him to engage in various 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- women. other ventures that benefit the region. The fice, the national debt was EAC Cole’s love of country is matched only Tuckeys have made a commitment to spurring $10,626,877,048,913.08. by his commitment to his fellow service mem- growth in Central Pennsylvania by purchasing Today, it is $19,871,327,867,180.13. We’ve bers. Today, EAC Cole remains devoted to old, rundown buildings, such as St. Paul Lu- added $9,244,450,818,267.05 to our debt in 7 celebrating the life, and honoring the memory, theran Church in Newville, and renovating years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- of his brothers and sisters in arms. Each year, them into state of the art housing commu- tion, our economy, and our children could EAC Cole invests countless hours in orches- nities. Hard work and quality service do not go have avoided with a balanced budget amend- trating many of Cedar Park’s veteran memo- unnoticed, and Kenn’s impact on the region ment. rials, parades, and ceremonies. He is beloved has afforded him a reputation that will inspire

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.046 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2016 business leaders across the Commonwealth six other teams. He was honored that Novem- guished citizen of Round Rock, TX. In all as- for generations. ber by the Mayor, The Police Commission, the pects of life, CPT White goes above and be- Mr. Speaker, with decades of success in my Los Angeles City Council and the Los Angeles yond the call of duty. It is my honor to award district and a commitment to giving back to the Board of Supervisors for his participation. him the Congressional Veteran Commenda- broader community, it’s my honor to recognize Throughout his career Albert has been con- tion. Kenn Tuckey as the Central Penn Business sistently recognized for his commitment to ex- Upon his enlistment in the Army in 1968, Journal’s 2016 Hall of Fame Inductee. Kenn’s cellence and outstanding support of the offi- CPT White volunteered for a tour of duty in work, through the Tuckey Companies, has cers in the field especially during emergencies Vietnam, eager to serve his beloved country. created countless jobs for my constituents and and tactical situations. His stellar performance As testament to the quality of his service, CPT spurred economic growth in the region. On be- made him a pleasure to work with. Albert’s White received numerous medals including the half of my constituents, I congratulate Kenn for professionalism, expertise and friendship were Bronze Star, the Army Commendation Medal, this induction and wish him and his family all and are appreciated by his peers and co-work- and the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry. the best in their future endeavors. ers, who describe him as a quiet professional. A true patriot, CPT White continued to honor- f For his many contributions to our community ably answer the call to serve even following and for his dedication and commitment to the his discharge from active duty. For seven TRIBUTE TO JOANN AND TOM Division, the Department and the citizens of more years, CPT White volunteered in an TEWS Los Angeles, I would like to recognize Albert Army Reserve battalion, where he com- Campos here on the House floor today. manded every firing battery in the battalion. HON. DAVID YOUNG f Under his leadership, his unit was named Best OF IOWA Firing Battery in the battalion each year. DONNA COLE RECEIVES 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In civilian life, CPT White has served those WOMEN IN ENERGY LEADER- around him with boundless altruism and exem- Thursday, November 17, 2016 SHIPS’ LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT plary leadership. A profound and respected Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise AWARD pillar in the Round Rock community, CPT today to recognize and congratulate JoAnn White has served on numerous committees and Tom Tews of Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the HON. PETE OLSON and boards, volunteered countless hours in very special occasion of their 50th wedding OF TEXAS community service, and has consistently anniversary. They celebrated their anniversary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES placed his neighbors’ needs before his own. on August 28, 2016. He served on the city council for eight years, Thursday, November 17, 2016 JoAnn and Tom’s lifelong commitment to the last two as Mayor Pro Tem. For these rea- each other and their family truly embodies Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sons and many more, his community came to- Iowa values. As they reflect on their 50th anni- congratulate Houston’s Donna Cole for receiv- gether in 2005 to honor CPT White as Round versary, may their commitment grow even ing the Lifetime Achievement Award, part of Rock Citizen of the Year. stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, the Houston Business Journal’s 2016 Women A reflection of the very best values of Cen- and honor one another for years to come. in Energy Leadership awards. tral Texas and America, CPT White’s service Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple Donna was selected for her successful lead- to his community and country has made a re- on their 50th year together and I wish them ership and the significant strides she has sounding impact on those around him. I thank many more. I ask that my colleagues in the made in the energy industry. As a 27-year-old and commend CPT White, a passionate lead- United States House of Representatives join single mother, she founded Cole Chemical er with a servant’s heart, for his dedication me in congratulating them on this momentous Distributing Inc. with only $5,000. Since then, and service. occasion. her company has grown and expanded, pro- f viding a range of products and services, from f fuel and chemicals to supply chain manage- HONORING ALBERT CAMPOS ON ment for the aerospace, automotive, refineries, TRIBUTE TO JANICE AND LARRY HIS RETIREMENT FROM LAPD petrochemical, specialty chemical plants, per- BROWN sonal care, and electricity utility industries. In HON. NORMA J. TORRES 2010, Donna was recognized at a Breakfast of HON. DAVID YOUNG OF CALIFORNIA Champions by the Harris County Education OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Department and was named one of Houston’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 50 Most Influential Woman of the Year by Thursday, November 17, 2016 Thursday, November 17, 2016 Houston Woman Magazine. Mrs. TORRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise honor Police Service Representative Albert sional District of Texas, congratulations again today to recognize and congratulate Janice Campos for his 34 years of dedicated service to Donna Cole for receiving the Lifetime and Larry Brown of Atlantic, Iowa, on the very to the Los Angeles Police Department. Achievement Award. We are proud of her and special occasion of their 50th wedding anni- Albert Campos began his career at Commu- thank her for all she has done for the energy versary. They were married on August 6, 1966 nications Division on May 24, 1982, as a Po- industry. at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, lice Service Representative and is the last re- f Oklahoma. maining member of his class. Janice and Larry’s lifelong commitment to Immediately after joining Communications, HONORING CAPTAIN GEORGE each other and their children truly embodies Albert began receiving commendations for his WHITE, U.S. ARMY, RETIRED Iowa values. As they reflect on their 50th anni- professionalism and excellent work ethic. He versary, may their commitment grow even was commended by Captain Harrison, Newton HON. JOHN R. CARTER stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, FSD for an outstanding job on a Newton Task OF TEXAS and honor one another for years to come. Force on March 7, 1983. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple On October 31, 1988, Albert was com- on their 50th year together and I wish them mended for ‘‘Bringing Home the Gold’’ as a Thursday, November 17, 2016 many more. I ask that my colleagues in the member of the United States Para-Olympics Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise United States House of Representatives join Wheelchair Basketball team in Seoul, Korea. today to honor Captain George White, U.S. me in congratulating them on this momentous The team was victorious as they had defeated Army, Retired, a decorated soldier and distin- occasion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.051 E17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Thursday, November 17, 2016 Daily Digest Senate H.R. 5356, to designate the facility of the United Chamber Action States Postal Service located at 14231 TX–150 in Routine Proceedings, pages S6425–S6497 Coldspring, Texas, as the ‘‘E. Marie Youngblood Measures Introduced: Eleven bills and four resolu- Post Office’’. tions were introduced, as follows: S. 3472–3482, and H.R. 5591, to designate the facility of the United S. Res. 616–619. Page S6484 States Postal Service located at 810 N US Highway Measures Reported: 83 in Zapata, Texas, as the ‘‘Zapata Veterans Post S. 1869, to improve Federal network security and Office’’. authorize and enhance an existing intrusion detection H.R. 5676, to designate the facility of the United and prevention system for civilian Federal networks, States Postal Service located at 6300 N. Northwest with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 114–378) Highway in Chicago, Illinois, as the ‘‘Officer Joseph S. 3087, to establish the American Fisheries Advi- P. Cali Post Office Building’’. sory Committee to assist in the awarding of fisheries H.R. 5798, to designate the facility of the United research and development grants and for other pur- States Postal Service located at 1101 Davis Street in poses, with an amendment in the nature of a sub- Evanston, Illinois, as the ‘‘Abner J. Mikva Post Of- stitute. (S. Rept. No. 114–379) fice Building’’. S. 2580, to establish the Indian Education Agency H.R. 5889, to designate the facility of the United to streamline the administration of Indian education, States Postal Service located at 1 Chalan Kanoa VLG with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, as the Rept. No. 114–380) ‘‘Segundo T. Sablan and CNMI Fallen Military He- S. 2643, to improve the implementation of the roes Post Office Building’’. Pages S6483–84 settlement agreement reached between the Pueblo de Measures Passed: Cochiti of New Mexico and the Corps of Engineers, R.E. Thomason Federal Building and United with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 114–381) States Courthouse: Committee on Environment and S. 2717, to improve the safety and address the de- Public Works was discharged from further consider- ferred maintenance needs of Indian dams to prevent ation of H.R. 5873, to designate the Federal build- flooding on Indian reservations, with an amendment ing and United States courthouse located at 511 East in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 114–382) San Antonio Avenue in El Paso, Texas, as the ‘‘R.E. H.R. 3218, Designate the facility of the United Thomason Federal Building and United States States Postal Service located at 1221 State Street, Courthouse’’, and the bill was then passed. Suite 12, Santa Barbara, California, as the ‘‘Special Page S6493 Warfare Operator Master Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Louis ‘Lou’ J. Langlais Post Office Building’’. Prescribed Burn Approval Act: Committee on H.R. 4887, to designate the facility of the United Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry was discharged States Postal Service located at 23323 Shelby Road from further consideration of S. 3395, to require in Shelby, Indiana, as the ‘‘Richard Allen Cable Post limitations on prescribed burns, and the bill was Office’’. then passed. Page S6493 H.R. 5150, to designate the facility of the United Veterans Mobility Safety Act: Committee on States Postal Service located at 3031 Veterans Road Veterans’ Affairs was discharged from further consid- West in Staten Island, New York, as the ‘‘Leonard eration of H.R. 3471, to amend title 38, United Montalto Post Office Building’’. States Code, to make certain improvements in the H.R. 5309, to designate the facility of the United provision of automobiles and adaptive equipment by States Postal Service located at 401 McElroy Drive the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the bill was in Oxford, Mississippi, as the ‘‘Army First Lieuten- then passed, after agreeing to the following amend- ant Donald C. Carwile Post Office Building’’. ment proposed thereto: Page S6493 D1052

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:18 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D17NO6.REC D17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1053 McConnell (for Moran/Tester) Amendment No. House Messages: 5111, in the nature of a substitute. Page S6493 Tom Stagg United States Court House: Senate Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Ma- concurred in the amendments of the House of Rep- rine Operations: Committee on Homeland Security resentatives to S. 2754, to designate the Federal and Governmental Affairs was discharged from fur- building and United States courthouse located at ther consideration of H.R. 4902, to amend title 5, 300 Fannin Street in Shreveport, Louisiana, as the United States Code, to expand law enforcement ‘‘Tom Stagg United States Court House’’. availability pay to employees of U.S. Customs and Pages S6492–93 Border Protection’s Air and Marine Operations, and Authorizing Leadership To Make Appoint- the bill was then passed. Page S6493 ments—Agreement: A unanimous-consent agree- Security Clearance Accountability, Reform, and ment was reached providing that notwithstanding Enhancement Act: Senate passed S. 434, to the upcoming adjournment of the Senate, the Presi- strengthen the accountability of individuals involved dent of the Senate, the President pro tempore, and in misconduct affecting the integrity of background the Majority and Minority Leaders be authorized to investigations, to update guidelines for security make appointments to commissions, committees, clearances, to prevent conflicts of interest relating to boards, conferences, or interparliamentary conferences contractors providing background investigation authorized by law, by concurrent action of the two fieldwork services and investigative support services. Houses, or by order of the Senate. Page S6495 Pages S6493–95 Expanding Capacity for Health Outcomes Act— National Bladder Health Month: Committee on Agreement: A unanimous-consent-time agreement Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions was dis- was reached providing that at 11:00 a.m., on Tues- charged from further consideration of S. Res. 604, day November 29, 2016, Committee on Health, expressing support for the designation of November Education, Labor, and Pensions be discharged from 2016 as ‘‘National Bladder Health Month’’, and the further consideration of S. 2873, to require studies resolution was then agreed to. Page S6495 and reports examining the use of, and opportunities Drive Safer Sunday: Senate agreed to S. Res. to use, technology-enabled collaborative learning and 617, designating November 27, 2016, as ‘‘Drive capacity building models to improve programs of the Safer Sunday’’. Page S6495 Department of Health and Human Services, and Sen- Congratulating the Chicago Cubs: Senate agreed ate begin consideration of the bill; that Alexander to S. Res. 618, commending and congratulating the Amendment No. 5110 be agreed to, that there be Chicago Cubs on their 2016 World Series victory. up to 30 minutes of debate equally divided in the Page S6495 usual form, and that following the use or yielding back of that time, Senate vote on passage of the bill, National Native American Heritage Month: Senate agreed to S. Res. 619, recognizing National as amended, with no intervening action or debate. Native American Heritage Month and celebrating Page S6492 the heritages and cultures of Native Americans and Pro Forma Sessions—Agreement: A unanimous- the contributions of Native Americans to the United consent agreement was reached providing that the States. Pages S6490, S6496–97 Senate adjourn, to then convene for pro forma ses- Measures Considered: sions only, with no business being conducted on the following dates and times, and that following each American Energy and Conservation Act: Senate pro forma session, the Senate adjourn until the next continued consideration of the motion to proceed to pro forma session: Friday, November 18, 2016 at consideration of S. 3110, to provide for reforms of 9:30 a.m.; Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 11 a.m.; the administration of the outer Continental Shelf of and Friday, November 25, 2016 at 11 a.m.; and that the United States, to provide for the development of when the Senate adjourns on Friday, November 25, geothermal, solar, and wind energy on public land. 2016, it next convene at 3 p.m., on Monday, No- Pages S6427–38 vember 28, 2016. Page S6495 During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action: Messages from the House: Page S6466 By 51 yeas to 47 nays (Vote No. 153), three-fifths Executive Communications: Pages S6466–70 of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, not having Petitions and Memorials: Pages S6470–83 voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to Executive Reports of Committees: Page S6484 consideration of the bill. Page S6436 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6484–86

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Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: H.R. 5309, to designate the facility of the United Pages S6486–90 States Postal Service located at 401 McElroy Drive Additional Statements: Pages S6463–66 in Oxford, Mississippi, as the ‘‘Army First Lieuten- ant Donald C. Carwile Post Office Building’’; Amendments Submitted: Pages S6490–92 H.R. 5356, to designate the facility of the United Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S6492 States Postal Service located at 14231 TX–150 in Privileges of the Floor: Page S6492 Coldspring, Texas, as the ‘‘E. Marie Youngblood Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. Post Office’’; (Total—153) Page S6437 H.R. 5591, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 810 N US Highway Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and 83 in Zapata, Texas, as the ‘‘Zapata Veterans Post adjourned at 6:07 p.m., until 9:30 a.m. on Friday, November 18, 2016. (For Senate’s program, see the Office’’; remarks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on H.R. 5676, to designate the facility of the United page S6495.) States Postal Service located at 6300 N. Northwest Highway in Chicago, Illinois, as the ‘‘Officer Joseph P. Cali Post Office Building’’; Committee Meetings H.R. 5798, to designate the facility of the United (Committees not listed did not meet) States Postal Service located at 1101 Davis Street in Evanston, Illinois, as the ‘‘Abner J. Mikva Post Of- BUSINESS MEETING fice Building’’; Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- H.R. 5889, to designate the facility of the United fairs: Committee ordered favorably reported the fol- States Postal Service located at 1 Chalan Kanoa VLG lowing business items: in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, as the H.R. 3218, designate the facility of the United ‘‘Segundo T. Sablan and CNMI Fallen Military He- States Postal Service located at 1221 State Street, roes Post Office Building’’; and Suite 12, Santa Barbara, California, as the ‘‘Special The nominations of Robert G. Taub, of New Warfare Operator Master Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) York, and Mark D. Acton, of Kentucky, both to be Louis ‘Lou’ J. Langlais Post Office Building’’; a Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commis- H.R. 4887, to designate the facility of the United sion. States Postal Service located at 23323 Shelby Road in Shelby, Indiana, as the ‘‘Richard Allen Cable Post INTELLIGENCE Office’’; H.R. 5150, to designate the facility of the United Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed States Postal Service located at 3031 Veterans Road hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony West in Staten Island, New York, as the ‘‘Leonard from officials of the intelligence community. Montalto Post Office Building’’; Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. Chamber Action Rept. 114–830). Page H6299 Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 43 pub- Recess: The House recessed at 10:28 a.m. and re- lic bills, H.R. 6336–6378; 1 private bill, H.R. convened at 10:50 a.m. Page H6283 6379; and 7 resolutions, H.J. Res. 102–103; H. Con. Res. 173; and H.Res. 928–931 were intro- Midnight Rules Relief Act of 2016: The House duced. Pages H6299–H6300 passed H.R. 5982, to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide for en bloc consider- Additional Cosponsors: Page H6302 ation in resolutions of disapproval for ‘‘midnight Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: rules’’, by a recorded vote of 240 ayes to 179 noes, H.R. 564, to amend the Marine Mammal Protec- Roll No. 585. Pages H6274–83, H6283–88 tion Act of 1972 to reduce predation on endangered Rejected the Pocan motion to recommit the bill Columbia River salmon and other nonlisted species, to the Committee on the Judiciary with instructions

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:18 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D17NO6.REC D17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1055 to report the same back to the House forthwith with H. Res. 921, the rule providing for consideration an amendment, by a recorded vote of 181 ayes to of the bills (H.R. 5711) and (H.R. 5982) was agreed 239 noes, Roll No. 584. Pages H6286–87 to yesterday, November 16th. Rejected: Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that Johnson (GA) amendment (No. 2 printed in part when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet B of H. Rept. 114–818) that sought to exempt from at 3 p.m. tomorrow, November 18. Page H6289 the bill rules that are proposed more than three years prior to submission to Congress; Pages H6279–80 Senate Message: Message received from the Senate Conyers amendment (No. 1 printed in part B of today appears on page H6289. H. Rept. 114–818) that sought to exempt from the Senate Referrals: S. 1808 was held at the desk. S. bill rules that are necessary to prevent an imminent 1915 was held at the desk. threat to health or safety or other emergency (by a Quorum Calls—Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes and recorded vote of 180 ayes to 233 noes, Roll No. five recorded votes developed during the proceedings 581); Pages H6278–79, H6284 of today and appear on pages H6284, H6284–85, Jackson Lee amendment (No. 3 printed in part B H6285–86, H6287, H6287–88, H6288–89, and of H. Rept. 114–818) that sought to exempt any H6289. There were no quorum calls. rule promulgated to prevent, respond to, or mitigate matters of national security (by a recorded vote of Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- 179 ayes to 238 noes, Roll No. 582); and journed at 1:33 p.m. Pages H6280–82, H6284–85 Connolly en bloc amendment consisting of the following amendments printed in part B of H. Rept. Committee Meetings 114–818: Connolly (No. 4) that sought to exempt from the bill rules that the Director of the Office of INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY SUPPORT TO Management and Budget determines would have THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE benefits that exceed their costs; and Connolly (No. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Full Com- 5) that sought to exempt from the bill rules that are mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Intelligence Commu- necessary to address the harmful effects of climate nity Support to the U.S. Department of Defense’’. change (by a recorded vote of 180 ayes to 237 noes, Testimony was heard from James Clapper, Director Roll No. 583). Pages H6282–83, H6285–86 of National Intelligence; Robert Work, Deputy Sec- H. Res. 921, the rule providing for consideration retary of Defense; and Marcel Lettre, Under Secretary of the bills (H.R. 5711) and (H.R. 5982) was agreed of Defense for Intelligence. to yesterday, November 16th. Prohibiting the Secretary of the Treasury from authorizing certain transactions by a U.S. finan- Joint Meetings cial institution in connection with the export or re-export of a commercial passenger aircraft to ECONOMIC OUTLOOK the Islamic Republic of Iran: The House passed Joint Economic Committee: Committee concluded a H.R. 5711, to prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury hearing to examine the economic outlook, after re- from authorizing certain transactions by a U.S. fi- ceiving testimony from Janet L. Yellen, Chair, Board nancial institution in connection with the export or of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. re-export of a commercial passenger aircraft to the f Islamic Republic of Iran, by a yea-and-nay vote of 243 yeas to 174 nays, Roll No. 587. Consideration COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, began yesterday, November 16th. Pages H6288–89 NOVEMBER 18, 2016 Rejected the Swalwell (CA) motion to recommit (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) the bill to the Committee on Financial Services with instructions to report the same back to the House Senate forthwith with an amendment, by a yea-and-nay vote No meetings/hearings scheduled. of 181 yeas to 235 nays, Roll No. 586. Consider- ation began yesterday, November 16th. House Pages H6288–89 No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9:30 a.m., Friday, November 18 3 p.m., Friday, November 18

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Friday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Friday: House will meet in Pro Forma ses- session. sion at 3 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E1505 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E1508, E1509, E1509, E1511, Hinojosa, Rube´n, Tex., E1516 E1511, E1512, E1513, E1514 Barletta, Lou, Pa., E1517 Issa, Darrell E., Calif., E1503 Pingree, Chellie, Me., E1508, E1514 Barton, Joe, Tex., E1508 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1504 Smith, Jason, Mo., E1513 Bonamici, Suzanne, Ore., E1508 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E1508, E1513 Stefanik, Elise M., N.Y., E1504 Carter, John R., Tex., E1503, E1506, E1509, E1510, Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1506, E1509, E1513 Torres, Norma J., Calif., E1518 E1511, E1514, E1515, E1517, E1517, E1518 Luetkemeyer, Blaine, Mo., E1503, E1504, E1505, E1506, Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1515, E1517 E1507 Tsongas, Niki, Mass., E1512 Collins, Doug, Ga., E1511 Moore, Gwen, Wisc., E1516 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1509 Dingell, Debbie, Mich., E1510, E1511, E1512, E1514, Newhouse, Dan, Wash., E1506 Young, David, Iowa, E1503, E1505, E1507, E1511, E1512, E1514, E1515, E1516 Olson, Pete, Tex., E1512, E1515, E1516, E1517, E1518 E1513, E1515, E1516, E1518, E1518 Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E1503, E1507 Palazzo, Steven M., Miss., E1510

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:18 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D17NO6.REC D17NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST