REMOTE SENSING a Bibliography of Cultural Resource Studies
REMOTE SENSING A Bibliography of Cultural Resource Studies Supplement No. 0 REMOTE SENSING Aerial Anthropological Perspectives: A Bibliography of Remote Sensing in Cultural Resource Studies Thomas R. Lyons Robert K. Hitchcock Wirth H. Wills Supplement No. 3 to Remote Sensing: A Handbook for Archeologists and Cultural Resource Managers Series Editor: Thomas R. Lyons Cultural Resources Management National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 1980 Acknowledgments This bibliography on remote sensing in cultural Numerous individuals have aided us. We es resource studies has been compiled over a period pecially wish to acknowledge the aid of Rosemary of about five years of research at the Remote Sen Ames, Marita Brooks, Galen Brown, Dwight Dra- sing Division, Southwest Cultural Resources Cen ger, James Ebert, George Gumerman, James ter, National Park Service. We have been aided Judge, Stephanie Klausner, Robert Lister, Joan by numerous government agencies in the course Mathien, Stanley Morain and Gretchen Obenauf. of this work, including the Department of the In Douglas Scovill, Chief Anthropologist of the Na terior, National Park Service, the U.S. Geological tional Park Service has also encouraged and sup Survey EROS Program, and the National Aero ported us in the pursuit of new research directions. nautics and Space Administration (NASA). Fi Christina Allen aided immeasurably in the com nancial support has been provided by these pilation of this bibliography, not only in procuring agencies as well as by the National Geographic references (especially those dealing with under Society (Grant No. 1177). The Department of An water remote sensing), but also in proofreading the thropology, University of New Mexico, and the entire manuscript.
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