REMOTE SENSING a Bibliography of Cultural Resource Studies

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REMOTE SENSING a Bibliography of Cultural Resource Studies REMOTE SENSING A Bibliography of Cultural Resource Studies Supplement No. 0 REMOTE SENSING Aerial Anthropological Perspectives: A Bibliography of Remote Sensing in Cultural Resource Studies Thomas R. Lyons Robert K. Hitchcock Wirth H. Wills Supplement No. 3 to Remote Sensing: A Handbook for Archeologists and Cultural Resource Managers Series Editor: Thomas R. Lyons Cultural Resources Management National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 1980 Acknowledgments This bibliography on remote sensing in cultural Numerous individuals have aided us. We es­ resource studies has been compiled over a period pecially wish to acknowledge the aid of Rosemary of about five years of research at the Remote Sen­ Ames, Marita Brooks, Galen Brown, Dwight Dra- sing Division, Southwest Cultural Resources Cen­ ger, James Ebert, George Gumerman, James ter, National Park Service. We have been aided Judge, Stephanie Klausner, Robert Lister, Joan by numerous government agencies in the course Mathien, Stanley Morain and Gretchen Obenauf. of this work, including the Department of the In­ Douglas Scovill, Chief Anthropologist of the Na­ terior, National Park Service, the U.S. Geological tional Park Service has also encouraged and sup­ Survey EROS Program, and the National Aero­ ported us in the pursuit of new research directions. nautics and Space Administration (NASA). Fi­ Christina Allen aided immeasurably in the com­ nancial support has been provided by these pilation of this bibliography, not only in procuring agencies as well as by the National Geographic references (especially those dealing with under­ Society (Grant No. 1177). The Department of An­ water remote sensing), but also in proofreading the thropology, University of New Mexico, and the entire manuscript. To all of these people, and many administration of the University of New Mexico others not specifically singled out here, we wish have been very helpful to us in our work. to extend our thanks. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Remote sensing supplement. Supplements to Remote sensing: a handbook for archeologists and cultural resource managers by T.R. Lyons and T.E. Avery. 1. Aerial photography in archeology Collected works. 2. Photography in archeology—Collected works. I. Lyons, Thomas R. Remote sensing. CC76.4.L96 Suppl 3 930.1'028 80-81 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 2 Preface The overall field of Remote Sensing is growing mailing list N-557. rapidly and there is an ever increasing number of This is the fourth volume in the series which applications of remote sensing techniques in the includes: study of cultural resources. More and more books 1. LYONS, THOMAS R. AND THOMAS EUGENE and reports are being published on this topic in AVERY archeology, ethnology and related disciplines. 1 977 Remote Sensing: A Handbook for Ar­ Consequently an updated and extensive—insofar cheologists and Cultural Resource as possible—bibliography of the relevant literature Managers. is needed from time to time to assist investigators. 2. AVERY, THOMAS EUGENE AND THOMAS R. This supplement is the first edition in what is LYONS planned to be a continuing and expanding effort 1978 Practical Exercises on Remote Sen­ to that end. sing in Archeology. This supplement is designed for use with Re­ 3. MORAIN, STANLEY A. AND THOMAS K. BUDGE mote Sensing: A Handbook for Archeologists and 1978 Instrumentation for Remote Sensing in Cultural Resource Managers, by Thomas R. Archeology. Lyons and Thomas Eugene Avery. The handbook may be obtained by writing the Superintendent of 4. LYONS, THOMAS R., ROBERT K. HITCHCOCK, AND Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, WIRT H. WILLS Washington, DC 20402. 1980 Aerial Anthropological Perspectives: Within the next several months, the National A Bibliography of Remote Sensing in Park Service will publish other supplements to the Cultural Resource Studies. handbook dealing with regional applications of re­ mote sensing for archeologists and cultural re­ source managers. The reader may receive notification of these publications as they become DOUGLAS H. SCOVILL available by writing the Superintendent of Docu­ Chief Anthropologist ments (address above) and asking to be placed on National Park Service 3 Bibliography ACKERMAN, J.S., AND R. CARPENTER 1967 Recherche des Moments Favorable a la Mise en Evi­ 1963 Art and Archaeology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- dence des Vestiges Archeologiques Arases par Hall. l'Agriculture dans le Nord de la France. Secretariat ADAMESTEANU, D. de la Commission 14: 9-18. Paris. 1964 Aerial Photography and Archaeological Exploration. 1970 Detection Aerienne de Vestiges Proto-Historiques Course on the Methods of Archaeological Prospect­ Gallo-Romains et Medievaux dans le Bassin de la ing. Rome: Lerici Foundation. Somme et Ses Abords. Numero Special du Bulletin 1967 Viabilita Antica: Ancient Road Systems in the Plain de la Societe de Prehistoire du Nord 1. Amiens: Musde of the Crati: A Contribution of Air Photography. In d'Amiens. The Search for Sybaris, 1960-1965, F. Rainey, CM. 1972 New Aerial Research in Picardy and Artois. Antiquity Lerici, et al., pp. 265-269. Rome: Lerici Editori. 46:117-123. ADAMS, R. MCC. 1973 Carte de l'Habitat Antique de la Somme d'apres les 1968 Archaeological Research Strategies: Past and Present. Inspections Adriennes. Revue de Nord 55:15-16. Science 160: 1187-1192. 1975 Aerial Reconnaissance in Northern France. In Aerial Reconnaissance for Archaeology, D.R. Wilson, ed., ADRIANOV, B.V. Council for British Archaeology Research Report No. 1956 Archeologotopograficheskie Issledovania na Zemliakh 12:70-80. Drevnego Oroshenia Trutkul'skogo i Biruniiskogo Rainonov v 1955-1956 gg. Materialy Khorezmskoi AGUILAR, A.M. Ekspeditsii, Vol. 1. Moscow: Akademia Nauk SSSR. 1967 Cost Analysis for Aerial Surveying. Photogrammetric 1965 Deshifrirovanie Aerofotosnimkov pri Izuchenii Drev- Engineering 33:81-91. nikh Orositel'nykh Sistem. In Estestvennye Nauki v 1969 Estimating Costs of Aerial Surveys. Civil Engineering Arkheologii, p. 261. Moscow: Akademia Nauk SSSR. 39:70-73. 1969 Drevnie Orositel'nye Sistemy PriaraTia. Akademia AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY AND STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE Nauk SSSR, Institut Etnografii im. N. N. Miklukho- 1975 Electromagnetic Sounder Experiments at the Pyra­ Maklaia. Moscow: Izhatel'stvo "Nauka". mids ofGiza. Report Prepared for the Office of In­ AGACHE, R. ternational Programs, National Science Foundation, 1962 Vues Aeriennes de la Somme et Recherche du Passe. Grant No. GF-38767. On file at National Science Bulletin Special de la Societe de Prehistoire du Nord. Foundation, Washington, D.C. Amiens: Musde d'Amiens. AITKEN, M.J. 1963 Detection des Fosses Combles sur Terrains sans Veg­ 1958 Magnetic Prospecting I. Archaeometry 1:24-29. etation Grace a l'Humidite Remanente des Remblais. 1959 Magnetic Prospecting II. Archaeometry 2:32-36. La Procede des Zingueurs. Societe de Prehistoire 1959 Magnetic Prospecting III: An Archaeological Note Francaise 60(9-10): 642-647. About Madmarston. Archaeometry 2:37-39. 1964 Aerial Reconnaissance in Picardy. Antiquity 38: 1959 Magnetic Prospecting IV: The Proton Magnetometer. 113-119. Archaeometry 2:40-42. 1964 Archeologie Aerienne de la Somme. Bulletin Special 1959 Magnetic Prospecting—An Interim Assessment. An­ de la Societe de Prehistoire du Nord. Amiens: Musee tiquity 33:205-207. d'Amiens. 1960 Magnetic Prospecting: The Proton Gradiometer. Ar­ 1965 Decouverte Aerienne de la Picardie Antique. Archeo- chaeometry 3:38-40. logia 6: 44-49. 1960 The Magnetic Survey. In Excavations at Verulamium 1966 Etudes d'archeologie aerienne. Paris: Service d'Edi­ 1959, 5th Interim Report, S.S. Frere. Antiquary Jour­ tion et de Vente des Publications de I'Education nal 40:21-24. Nationale. 1961 The Magnetic Survey. In Excavations at Verulamium 1960, 6th Interim Report, S.S. Frere. Antiquary Jour­ nal 41:83-85. 4 1961 Physics and Archaeology. New York: Interscience 1956 Stonehenge. London: H. Hamilton. Publishers. 1963 Resistivity Surveying in Archaeology. In The Scientist 1964 The Proton Magnetometer and Its Relationship to and Archaeology, E. Pyddoke, ed., pp. 1-30. London: Aerial Photography. Colloque International Phoenix House. d'Archiologie Aerienne: 255-258. AVERY, T.E. 1969 Magnetic Location. In Science in Archaeology, D. 1974 Techniques of Aerial Archeology. International So­ Brothwell and E. Higgs, eds., pp. 681-694. London: ciety of Photogrammetry, Comm. VII, Proceedings. Thames and Hudson. Banff, Alberta, Canada. 1970 Magnetic Prospecting. In Scientific Methods in Me­ 1977 Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology. In Interpreta­ dieval Archaeology, R. Berger, ed., pp. 423-434. tion of Aerial Photographs, 3rd. ed., T.E. Avery, ed., Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 179-204. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Co. 1974 Physics and Archaeology, 2nd ed. London: Oxford AVERY, T.E., AND T.R. LYONS University Press. 1978 Remote Sensing: Practical Exercises on Remote Sen­ AlTKF.N, M.J., AND J.C. AlXDRED sing in Archeology. Supplement No. I. Washington, 1964 A Simulator-Trainer for Magnetic Prospection. Ar­ D.C.: Superintendent of Documents, Government chaeometry 7:28-35. Printing Office. AlTKEN, M.J., AND M.S. TlTE AVIAS, J. 1962 Proton Magnetometer Surveying on Some British Hill 1967 Apport de la Photo-Interpretation a la Reconstitution Forts. Archaeometry 5:126-134. des Peuples Disparus ou Indigenes Anciens en Nou- AITKEN, M.J., G. WEBSTER, AND A. REES velle-Caledonie.
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