CIT190 [1993 1401]: Course syllabus - teaching/learning contract for CIT 190 CIT 190 JavaScript Programming Syllabus: Fall 2013 Instructor contact information Name: Jeff Straw Phone: (231) 995-1908 Office: JB121 email:
[email protected] Blog: Fall 2013 office hours are in my office (JB121) except where noted: Mon and Wed 9:00 - 9:30 am Mon and Wed 11:15 - 11:45 am Mon and Wed 2:30 - 3:00 pm in JB202 Tue 2:30 - 3:10 pm in JB217 Tue 4:10 - 5:00 pm in JB217 Thu 2:30 - 3:00 pm Other times are available by arrangement. Appointments are not necessary but are always welcome - I often help another student in my office, in a classroom, or in the JB204 lab during office and lab hours. Please email or leave a voice message if you have trouble reaching me. Learning outcomes Successful students will: Recognize and understand JavaScript syntax and semantics (foundational knowledge) Design, develop, test, and document c ustom JavaScript scripts (application) Integrate JavaScript automation scripts into a variety of predefined and new business and personal web sites (integration) Discover personal interest in becoming a web site developer (human dimension: self) Discover power of JavaScript to communicate passion and to add appeal to web sites (caring) Learn to trust oneself to discover web programming techniques and solutions (learning how to learn) Prerequisites CIT 190 is a web programming course. You are expected to have successfully completed two NMC programming-related courses: 1.