Improving the Efficiency of Heavily Used Railway Networks Through Integrated Real-Time Rescheduling

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Improving the Efficiency of Heavily Used Railway Networks Through Integrated Real-Time Rescheduling Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Improving the efficiency of heavily used railway networks through integrated real-time rescheduling Author(s): Lüthi, Marco Publication Date: 2009 Permanent Link: Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information please consult the Terms of use. ETH Library Diss. ETH No. 18615 Improving the Efficiency of Heavily Used Railway Networks through Integrated Real-Time Rescheduling A dissertation submitted to ETH ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences presented by MARCO LUTHI¨ Master of Science ETH in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology born 20th September 1977 citizen of Lauperswil (BE) accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann, examiner Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo A. Hansen, co-examiner 2009 ISBN: 978-3-905826-11-1 Acknowledgements Thanks to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann, I had the opportunity to work in the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems and participated in motivating and challenging projects in the transporta- tion sector. I am very thankful for his supervision and helpful support during my work. I am enormously thankful for the expertise and constructive reviews provided by Prof. Dr.- Ing. Ingo Hansen and his willingness to referee my thesis. I wish to thank Oskar Stalder and Dr. Felix Laube, who worked both for the Swiss Federal Railways, offering me the possibility to collaborate on this specific topic and to get a deep insight into the world of railway operations. Together with Dr. Raimond Wust,¨ Thomas Graffagnino, Samuel Roos, Heinz Egli, Ash Smith, Muriel Perron and many more peoples at SBB, I had the possibility for many fruitful discussions. Many thanks also to Prof. Dr. Hans-Jakob Luthi,¨ Gabrio Caimi, Martin Fuchsberger, Dr. Dan Burkolter, Dr. Thomas Herrmann and Dr. Marco Laumanns from the Institute for Operations Research for numerous, insightful and constructive discussions. The effort made by Martin and Gabrio to extend the algorithms used to calculate timetable rescheduling scenarios for the area of Bern has to be pointed out especially. Special thanks go to Dr. Daniel Hurlimann¨ for the collaboration during his time at IVT and af- terwards with his spin-off company OpenTrack Railway Technology. His invaluable inputs and discussions undoubtedly improved this thesis. I also want to thank all my colleagues at the IVT, in particular Dr. Sonja-Lara Bepperling, Stefan Bollinger, Bernd Bopp, Stefan Buchmuller,¨ Niklaus Fries, Markus Rieder, Hannes Schneebeli, Jost Wichser and Rene´ Zeller. They made the time at IVT so enjoyable and unforgettable for me. I would also like to thank Adrian Johner, Giorgio Medeossi, and other students who have contributed through their work on this research. During my work at IVT, I had the pleasure to get in touch with Dr. Thomas Albrecht, Dr. An- drea D’Ariano, Dr. Markus Montigel, Andrew Nash, Prof. Dr. Arnd Stephan, Werner Stohler, Dr. Markus Ullius and many more railway experts with whom I had valuable discussions on this work and to whom I want to express my gratefulness. I would further like to thank Martin Slater for having poof-read my thesis and for having given me valuable advice on linguistic matters. Thanks go as well to all my good friends with whom I have enjoyed some valuable discussions on this work, apart from many other great moments. Schlussendlich mochte¨ ich mich bei meiner Familie fur¨ die Unterstutzung¨ und Liebe in all den Jahren bedanken. Abstract Demand for rail travel has grown strongly within the last few years and growth is projected to continue in coming years. While central parts of the European rail network are operated punctually at its capacity limits, building new tracks is very cost intensive and thus only possible in exceptional cases. Adding new services to satisfy increasing demand is often achieved by reducing buffer times between consecutive trains. Buffer times are used to reduce the impact of train delays on overall reliability. While reducing buffer times increases capacity, it also means that small delays to a single train may propagate quickly through the network causing knock- on delays to trains impacted by the delayed train. To handle these challenges, new railway operation principles are required. The thesis introduces new railway operation principles implying a new framework that combines rail traffic management by rescheduling in real-time with advice tools supporting drivers and guards in order to provide information allowing them to follow precisely the dynamically change- able schedules. Designed as a superimposition of two feedback control loops, the framework aims to increase capacity and stability in heavily used mixed rail traffic networks. The rescheduling part thereby assures that deviations or events causing conflicts are detected and solved automatically within real-time based on predefined optimisation criterions. These up- dated schedules are transmitted and visualised to drivers and guards who adjust their behaviour accordingly. Recommendations ensure that specified trajectories are followed accurately. The components to improve or develop as part of the new integrated real-time rescheduling frame- work are presented in this thesis. Possible designs and their consequences are pointed out. Specifications and requirements for components of sub-processes are also described in or- der to achieve an efficient and effective framework. With this new framework, rail traffic flow is improved and thus unnecessary time and energy consuming signal stops can be avoided. Consequently, delays and their network-wide propagation are significantly reduced. The thesis points out that enhancements of conventional railway operations must be done in three areas. Firstly, an uplink transmitting the train’s state, position, delay and event information regularly and more frequently than today must be set up. This is used to identify a deviation or event quickly as well as to predict the future behaviour accurately and is the basis for reschedul- ing. Secondly, generating feasible schedules within real-time for larger networks and high traffic density is another challenge. Although promising results have already been obtained, develop- ing algorithms to generate new schedules in real-time will still need research. Thirdly, advice tools visualising the new schedules and the connection from the traffic management system to the train providing this information in real-time is required in order to operate trains accurately accordingly to new recommendations by drivers. A new network decomposition strategy where buffer times are minimised in capacity bottleneck areas and running time supplements are used in compensation areas in-between is proposed. The combination of an integrated real-time rescheduling framework with a new network decom- position strategy allows scheduled buffer times to be reduced in capacity bottleneck areas. As a result, infrastructure utilisation can be improved without having more delays than with conven- tional railway operation principles. A new tolerance band principle is also described. Using this, rescheduling as well as planning are more formalised. A train exceeding the given tolerance directly initiates new reschedul- ing, resulting in fast identification and a clear process for all actors. For scheduling, tolerance bands are added to minimal headways instead of allocating general, imprecisely planned buffer times. Also, open questions regarding inherent conflicts between rescheduling performance, nervousness, duration, and feasibility are exemplified. Finally, the additional benefits and limits of the new framework are derived and illustrated by simulations and case scenarios in the areas of Lucerne, Bern and Winterthur. It is shown that the knock-on delay of a single train applying the new framework may be reduced by up to several minutes if an unnecessary signal stop is avoided. For bottleneck areas where recorded delay patterns were applied, the thesis also shows that the overall delay may be significantly reduced with the integrated real-time rescheduling framework. However, precise operations following the reference trajectory is required. Test runs have shown that the robustness and reliability of the driver’s display tool are necessary prerequisites but difficult to achieve. Test trials with the new display tool proved that following a reference trajectory is possible. Nevertheless, the aspired level of accuracy only seems achievable when the reference speed is displayed. In particular, references with abrupt speed changes, which may occur to avoid conflicts as part of the rescheduling, will not be manageable without speed information. To summarise, the thesis demonstrates that with the combination of real-time rescheduling and precise train operations, the benefits of new traffic management systems are utilised and also significantly improved. Altogether, the integrated real-time rescheduling framework developed is a promising approach to improve the performance of the railway system both efficiently as well as effectively. vi Zusammenfassung Die Nachfrage im Eisenbahnverkehr hat uber¨ die letzten Jahre stark zugenommen und Pro- gnosen deuten auf einen weiteren Anstieg hin. An einigen Stellen wird die Infrastruktur von europaischen¨ Eisenbahnnetzwerken jedoch schon heute an der Kapazitatsgrenze¨ betrieben. Anpassungen oder Erweiterungen der Infrastruktur sind uberaus¨ kostenintensiv und werden
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