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Verzonden: donderdag 21 april 2011 10:33


Onderwerp: 'Guardian': SPDC donates e-learning centre in Niger Delta SPDC donates e-learning centre in Niger Delta THE Shell Petroleum Development Company of Limited (SPDC)-operated Joint Venture has handed over a second E-Learning centre in the Niger Delta as it intensifies efforts to promote science education. According to a statement by the oil company, Bonny National Grammar School in has now taken over a fully-furnished centre with modern equipment consisting of 80 computers and one-year internet subscription provided by the SDPC. A similar centre, the statement added, was handed over to Nembe National Grammar school, Bayelsa State in June last year. In an address at the handover ceremony, the Rivers State Commissioner of Education, Dame Alex Nemi, said: "The government is pleased with the level of facilities provided at the centre as they will go a long way to facilitate the teaching and learning of science subjects." SDPC's General Manager, Sustainable Development and Community Relations, Mr Tony Attah said: "Education is key to the development of any society. This is why we are making every effort to encourage learning and teaching through scholarship awards, sabbaticals and sponsorship of professorial chairs in Nigerian universities." The statement also noted that Bonny National Grammar School and Nembe National Grammar School were pilots for deployment of the Sk000lNigeria project in the Niger Delta, a web-based science programme. "In 2006, SPDC collaborated with the National Education Research and Development Council (NERDC), INTEL Corporation and the Education Trust Fund (ETF) to develop, localize and deploy the interactive educational portal covering the national curricular for teaching and learning of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as well as Integrated Science for both Junior and Senior Secondary schools in Nigeria. Sk000lNigeria was officially launched in in 2008, and available on the website "SPDC hopes to embed the programme in the Niger Delta and bring the benefits to classrooms. Training of teachers and students at Bonny and Nembe has been carried out and solar power has also been installed. Chief Owen Manila Pepple, the traditional prime minister of Bonny kingdom, said 'I am happy to see that the young ones are being given the foundation to equip them for a better tomorrow, because a child that is illiterate lacks the capacity to shun evil.' " SPDC has been supporting education since the 1960s, awarding scholarships to Nigerians to study abroad. At any one time, SPDC scholarships supported more than 17,000 secondary school and university students.


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Verzonden: vrijdag 24 juni 2011 15:58


Onderwerp: kennismakingsgesprek van DGIB met Dhr Benschop, directeur Shell Nederland

Op donderdag 23 juni jl. sprak DGIB met dhr. Benschop, directeur Shell in het kader van een functionele kennismaking.

Aan het gesprek na het volgende worden ontleend:

2. Nigeria

Kort werd stilgestaan bij de politieke situatie in Nigeria en de verbeteringen die Shell in Nigeria introduceert. De veiligheidssituatie in de Niger Delta is in het afgelopen jaar verbeterd, waardoor nu voortgang kon worden gemaakt met het opruimen van olievervuiling en het bestrijden van gasaffakkelen.

deputy director Trade Policy & Globalisation -Directorate-General -for International. Relations Bezuidenhoutseweg 20 P.O.Box 20101 2500 EC The Hague


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Verzonden: woensdag 3 augustus 2011 16:33



Onderwerp: Mogelijke steen in de vijver van NCP melding Shell Shell accepts liability for two oil spills in Nigeria

Oil giant faces a bill of hundreds of millions of dollars following class action suit brought on behalf of communities in Bodo, Ogoniland

• John Vidal in Bodo •, Wednesday 3 August 2011 11.07 BST • Article history

The impact of an oil spill near Ikarama in the Niger delta. Photograph: Amnesty International UK

Shell faces a bill of hundreds of millions of dollars after accepting full liability for two massive oil spills that devastated a Nigerian community of 69,000 people and may take at least 20 years to clean up.

Experts who studied video footage of the spills at Bodo in Ogoniland say they could together be as large as the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska, when 10m gallons of oil destroyed the remote coastline.

Until now, Shell has claimed that less than 40,000 gallons were spilt in Nigeria.

Papers seen by the Guardian show that following a class action suit in London over the past four months, the company has accepted responsibility for the 2008 double rupture of the Bodo-Bonny trans-Niger pipeline that pumps 120,000 barrels of oil a day though the community.

Ogoniland is a small region of the Niger delta which threw out Shell in 1994 for its pollution but then saw eight of its leaders, including the writer Ken Saro-Wiwa, executed by the government.

The crude oil that gushed unchecked from the two Bodo spills, which occurred within months of each other, in 2008 has clearly devastated the 20 sq km network of creeks and inlets on which Bodo and as many as 30 other smaller settlements depend for food, water and fuel.

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No attempt has been made to clean up the oil, which has collected on the creek sides, washes in and out on the tides and has seeped deep into the water table and farmland.

According to the communities in Bodo, in two years the company has only offered £3,500 together with 50 bags of rice, 50 bags of beans and a few cartons of sugar, tomatoes and groundnut oil. The offers were rejected as "insulting, provocative and beggarly" by the chiefs of Bodo, but later accepted on legal advice.

Shell's acceptance of full liability for the spills follows a class action suit bought on behalf of communities by London law firm Leigh Day and Co, which represented the Ivory Coast community that suffered health damage following the dumping of toxic waste by a ship leased to multinational oil company Trafigura in 2006.

Many other impoverished communities in the delta are now expected to seek damages for oil pollution against Shell in the British courts. On average, there are three oil spills a day by Shell and other companies working in the delta. Shell consistently blames the spills on local youths who, they argue, sabotage their network of pipelines.

"The news that Shell has accepted liability in Britain will be greeted with joy in the delta. The British courts may now be inundated with legitimate complaints," said Patrick Naagbartonm, coordinator for the Centre of Environment and Human Rights in Port Harcourt.

Later this week the company will be heavily implicated by the UN for the environmental disaster in the Niger delta which has seen more than 7,000 oil spills in the low lying swamps and farmland since 1989. Shell first discovered oil in the Niger delta in 1956. According to Amnesty International, more than 13m barrels of oil have been spilt in the delta, twice as much as by BP in last year's Gulf of Mexico spill.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report, funded by Shell, will be presented to president Goodluck Jonathan on Thursday and is expected to be released on Friday in London.

UNEP's report, the first peer-reviewed scientific study of more than 60 spills, is expected to say that oil pollution in Ogoniland is much worse than previously believed, having sunk deep into the water table. Many spills have not been cleared up since 1970 and the effects on the local economy, health and development have been severe. The report will not apportion blame for individual spills.

International oil spill assessment experts who have seen the Bodo spill believe that it could cost the company more than $100m to clean up properly and restore the devastated mangrove forests that used to line the creeks and rivers but which have been killed by the oil.

Proceedings against Royal Dutch Shell and Shell petroleum development company (SPDC) Nigeria began in the high court on 6 April 2011. Last week Shell Nigeria said: "SPDC accepts responsibility under the Oil Pipelines Act for the two oil spills both of which were due to equipment failure. SPDC acknowledges that it is liable to pay compensation - to those who are entitled to receive such compensation."

Clusterleider Internationaal MVO -beleid / International CSR Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation Directorate-General for Foreign Economic Relations Trade Policy & Globalisation Directorate Bezuidenhoutseweg 20 P.O. Box 20101 2500 EC The Hague The Netherlands

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Verzonden: maandag 4 juli 2011 15:52


Onderwerp: N. blad Compass: 'Shell, UKTI (United Kingdom Trade & Investment) host Nigerian and British firms in 5th business summit'

Shell, UKTI host Nigerian and British firms in 5th business summit More than 60 Nigerian and British companies explored opportunities for business at a three-day engagement session in Abuja, jointly organised by Shell Nigeria and United Kingdom Trade & Investment (UKTI). The oil and gas industry-targeted session brought together 65 companies, 30 of them British, holding detailed discussions on partnerships in Well Engineering, Drilling, Engineering, Materials and Offshore Logistics Support. The networking and discussions at the summit are expected to result in 10 new partnerships in key oil and gas growth areas including; Drilling and Wells, Engineering, Equipment and Component Manufacture, Fabrication, Logistics, and Capacity Development. Some 17 Nigerian companies also requested assistance to identify suitable British or other foreign partners. "The session takes Nigerian content development a step further," said Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, Ernest Nwapa, in a speech at the opening session. "We commend Shell for the initiative". His remarks were echoed b the President of the Petroleum Engineering Technology Association of Nigeria, Shawley Coker, and Laurie Schmidt, Contracting and Procurement Manager, Shell Sub-Saharan Africa. In a presentation on business opportunities in deepwater operations, Austin Uzoka, Head of Nigerian Content Development in Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo), said: "Shell companies in Nigeria have recorded significant achievements working with Nigerian service providers in land and swamp operations. We are keen to do the same in offshore activities and encourage Nigerian companies to partner with British counterparts to develop skills and source financing". The Abuja business summit is the 5th in the UK/Nigeria Oil & Gas Supply Chain Engagement Programme since 2009. Another session is planned for Aberdeen in September this year, for which 20 Nigerian companies have already registered to attend. Malcolm Brinded, Executive Director Upstream International, of Royal Dutch Shell said: "Shell is committed to continuing to further develop local content in its Nigerian operations. I wish this programme every success". Shell companies in Nigeria encourage Nigerian content development by promoting the use of locally manufactured goods as well as community and Nigerian service companies in production operations, projects and well engineering. Last year, Shell-run companies in the country awarded contracts worth nearly $947 million to Nigerian companies. This represented more than 96% of the overall number of contracts, and amounted to over 94% of the total amount spent on these transactions.

Shell International B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands - Trade Register no. 27155369 Correspondence: PO Box 162, 2501 AN The Hague - NL Office: Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR The Hague - NL



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Verzonden: maandag 4 juli 2011 16:28


Onderwerp: N. Guardian: 'Nigeria loses 300,000 barrels of oil daily'

`Nigeria loses 300,000 barrels of oil daily' Department of Petroleum Resources raises concern over depleting reserves DESPITE efforts of the Federal Government to check some cartels that are involved in oil theft, especially in the Niger Delta, their activities are costing the nation 300,000 barrels per day (bpd). The government is losing this amount of the natural resource at a time that the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) has expressed the need to search for new oil deposits in order to boost depleting reserves. The former Special Adviser to the President on Petroleum Matters, Dr. Emmanuel Egbogah, told The Guardian that government was aware of the situation and would ensure that those who were involved in the theft were brought to book. He stated: "Oil theft in the Niger Delta is a very serious matter. The government has been combating them with military personnel. The amount of oil they steal is about 300,000 bpd. This is not good at all for the economy. These people are supported by big cartels of international agencies. They sell this oil cheaply. The government is doing all it can to put a stop to this huge lose. The government is interested in eliminating them." In 2009, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) Limited disclosed that Nigeria lost about $1.5 billion yearly to crude oil theft. "Criminal gangs continue to steal oil from our pipelines at an estimated rate of 100,000 barrels a day. Theft and illegal refining cause extensive environmental damage. Sabotage and theft together accounted for more than 80 per cent of the spill volume from SPDC facilities in 2010", Chairman/Managing Director of SPDC, Mutiu Sunmonu said. WikiLeaks said recently that a United States diplomatic cable quoting a Nigerian official showed that a member of a government panel on troubles in the nation's Niger Delta implicated some top political leaders as being the biggest forces behind the theft. It claimed that the theft also fueled arms sales to the restive region while causing environmental damage and cutting production in a nation crucial to U.S. oil supplies. DPR Assistant Director, Operations, Emmanuel Bakee, told The Guardian at the weekend in Lagos that the country should take searching for more oil deposit as a priority. According to him, Nigeria's crude oil and condensate reserves would consistently be depleted if no effort was made to discover new opportunities for oil exploration. The DPR had said that Nigeria's crude oil and condensate reserves had dropped by 1.44 billion barrels. The drop from 38.60 billion barrels to 37.16 billion barrels represents about 3.73 per cent. The Director, Department of Petroleum Resources, Mr. Andrew Obaje, told journalists recently in Lagos. Obaje, who was referring to Nigeria's oil reserves as at January 1, 2010, said: "The decrease was due to companies relenting in exploration activities and full field studies but rather concentrating on development drilling. that the depletion in the reserves was caused by the refusal of the oil-producing companies to make fresh investments in exploration "As at June 2010, the oil reserves depletion rate was 2.81 per cent based on estimated annual production volume of 894.79 million barrels and the remaining oil reserves indicate a life index of 35.55 years." According to him, no exploratory well was drilled in the second quarter of the year while only one exploratory well proposal was received from one company. Obaje, however, said 59 development wells were drilled during the quarter as against 40 wells drilled in the first quarter of 2010. He also said that 28 rigs were in operation during the quarter as against 25 during the first quarter of 2010. He added that a total of 804 square kilometres of 3D seismic acquisition was approved for four exploration and production companies within the quarter. He said that a total of 2,291 square kilometres of seismic data was acquired between April and June 2010 as against 382.583 square kilometres acquired in the first quarter. Obaje stated: "There is a serious focus now that straddled fields be unitised rather than being independently developed so as to ensure proper reservoir development and resources management. During the period under review, 28 companies presented their 2010 work programme and budget." He also said that the Nigerian deep water province had five producing fields namely Abo, Bonga, Erha and Agbami with an average daily production of about 780,000 barrels per day while others were at different stages of project development.

shell international B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands - Trade Register no. 27155369 Correspondence: PO Box 162, 2501 AN The Hague - NL Office: Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR The Hague - NL



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"Such progress is welcome. Yet, serious problems remain. Although the number of violent attacks on our employees and contractors fell in 2010, they still occur. Gangs kidnapped 26 SPDC employees and contractors in 2010, and one contractor was killed in a related assault. People remain trapped in poverty in the delta. Criminal gangs continue to steal oil from pipelines at an estimated rate of 100,000 barrels a day. Theft and illegal refining cause extensive environmental damage. Sabotage and theft together accounted for more than 80 percent of the spill volume from SPDC facilities in 2010.

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Verzonden: woensdag 13 april 2011 15:58


Onderwerp: Nigeria - Guardian over local content wetgeving

To accelerate the development of local content in Nigeria, Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC), has urged the Federal Government to release the appropriate guidelines that would guide the full implementation of the requirements of the Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act. The company said that in 2010, it awarded contracts worth nearly $693 million (about N103,950 billion) to Nigerian companies, which represented more than 93 per cent of the overall number of contracts and amounted to over 94 per cent of total amount spent on contracts.

Managing Director of the company, Mutiu Sunmonu, who stated this recently at the commemoration of the first anniversary of the Local Content Act, in Abuja recently, emphasised that there were challenges with high targets set in the industry content development act with regards to the limited in-country capacity and fiscal regime. According to him, Shell companies in Nigeria have actively been supporting local companies and recognised the need for local content development even before the phrase became a concept.

He said that SPDC indeed played a pioneering role in the development of both local businesses and human capital, adding that the drive is not only motivated by the need to support the aspirations of the Federal Government. "The simple fact is that transferring skills and technology to Nigerians is an integral part of what Shell companies in Nigeria do. By developing a skilled Nigerian workforce, we lower costs over the long term while contributing to a more prosperous Nigeria, which is good for the country and good for business, " he said.

The managing director stressed that Bonga-Nigeria's first offshore deep-water project, which is operated by SNEPCo, helped create the country's first generation of engineers with deep-water experience. Sunmonu listed some of the contracts awarded to include a $59 million contract for engineering services and pipeline maintenance to Nigerian company, Baywood Continental Limited. A $28 million contract to B.G Technical Limited for integrated pipeline pigging and corrosion control and a $26.7 million contract awarded to Sonar Limited for ocean bottom node seismic acquisition.

He also listed an operational insurance policy contract worth $7.6 million to Sovereign Trust Insurance for Bonga deep-water production vessel and Dorman Long Engineering contract worth $41 million for brown field maintenance of Bonga and EA FPSOs. He added that SPDC and SNEPCO collaborated with United Kingdom Trade and Investment Group to organise a trade mission in London, during which over 20 Niger Delta vendors met with 150 British companies in an effort to help foster partnerships.


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where a gas line coming from Obigbo to Trans-Amadi is situated. The same situation applies at the Rupkokwu Shell manifold.

The challenges of urbanization, inadequate developments, lack of access roads, refuse dumps and law enforcement all contribute to the problem. "People see the areas as places that they can inhabit. Population pressure makes the availability of such areas a lure. They are also looking for jobs. Fundamentally, it is illegal but the people have no choice", Stark noted.

He added that although it is not everybody that understands the technical business "but it is our business to explain.' The bottom-line is that vandalism is a very dangerous act, which is harmful to the wellbeing of those who engage in it. It also has consequences on others.

Afohron Sekobe of the pipeline division posited that there are several challenges giving rise to pipeline vandalism. He identified them as lack of government presence and severe unemployment, poverty, volatile political environment, organized criminalities, ineffective law enforcement, community involvement and militancy.

As in Kazakhstan and mainland Russia where sabotage also predominates as observed by Stark, in the Niger Delta the activities of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has continued to send ripples through the circles of multinational oil companies. The movement started its sabotage activity in 2006 by attacking and destroying SPDC facilities comprising one flow station and two military houseboats at Benisede in Bayelsa state. That attack led to the shut in of 400,000 barrels per day of oil production leading to the skyrocketing of oil prices globally. Till date it MEND has not relented.

Shell, though the worse hit is not only the company on the fire line. Every single person living on the ROW; or any person involved in pipeline vandalism is in danger of getting harmed. Rivers state government is also worried about this ugly trend. It said it has been sensitizing the people of the state on the dangers of encroachment on pipeline ROW and vandalisation. Chairman of the state Committee on Preservation and Protection of Pipelines, Charles George said the body, which was inaugurated March, 2010 has been holding dialogues with various communities prior to its moving into action very soon to stamp out this problems. It is therefore in the interest of those living or doing business on pipeline ROW to vacate such places. Heeding this call will save many lives and property. A stitch in time they saves line.

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Verzonden: donderdag 31 maart 2011 17:26


Onderwerp: Nigeriaans blad 'Punch': Oil industry to celebrate one year of Nigerian Content Act

Oil industry to celebrate one year of Nigerian Content Act

Key stakeholders in the Nigerian oil and gas industry have concluded plans to mark the first year anniversary of the enactment of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act, 2010.

The Executive Secretary, Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, Mr. Ernest Nwapa, announced this on Saturday, while speaking on a phone-in radio programme monitored in Lagos.

According to him, the commemoration programme, which will be flagged off by the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke on April 4, is being organised in collaboration with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, other government agencies operating in the oil and gas industry, as well as international and indigenous production and servicing companies.

The event is to be attended by the minister, the Group Managing Director of NNPC,Mr. Austen Oniwon, and other top officials of oil producing and servicing companies.

Nwapa explained that the flag-off event would feature presentations of case studies and successes recorded in the implementation of the Act by various stakeholders, especially NNPC and its Joint Venture partners.

Indigenous producers, multinational and local service companies and trainees of NCDMB and the Petroleum Technology Development Fund will also feature.

As part of the three-week programme, major producing and service companies are to declare a specific week within the period as their Nigerian Content Week and create awareness on the NOGICD Act at their major operational locations by putting up banners and notices.

The companies are also expected to organise seminars and discussions to familiarise their staff with the Nigerian Content Act and will be visited by NCDMB staff.

Speaking further, the executive secretary explained that the objective of the one-year commemoration programme was to demonstrate to Nigerians that the implementation of the Act was achieving the goals set by the Federal Government.

Nwapa said, "It is also to show the structures that are in place for achieving the objectives of the Act and demonstrate that the Act is being implemented in collaboration with government agencies, producing and service companies, and to showcase major strides achieved within one year with linkages to other sectors of the economy."

He reiterated that the implementation of the Act was geared towards establishing facilities in Nigeria and ensuring that they were patronised so as to create employment opportunities that would bring Nigerian jobs back home.

On the linkage with the Gas Revolution inaugurated last week by President Goodluck Jonathan, Nwapa assured that the planned petrochemical and fertiliser plants would be accomplished with very high Nigerian content value and would create over 50,000 direct jobs in the construction and operation of the plants.

He noted that the capacity building initiatives embarked upon by the NCDMB would create a pool of competent Nigerian workforce and service companies that would deliver on the gas projects estimated to cost $30bn.

According to him, the emphasis of the Federal Government with the implementation of the Act is not only to retain the bulk of the annual oil and gas industry spendings in the country, but ultimately to create employment for millions of Nigerians on the back of oil and gas industry operations.

The executive secretary also explained that getting Nigerians to set up key facilities and own strategic assets like marine vessels and rigs would also serve to protect the industry by guaranteeing certainty of supply.

The Nigerian Content Act was signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan on April 22, 2010, thus creating the NCDMB, the focal agency for implementing the Act.


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Verzonden: woensdag 27 april 2011 18:45


Onderwerp: Nigeriaans blad 'Punch': "Politicians, military officers responsible for oil theft -Wikileaks"

Politicians, military officers responsible for oil theft —Wikileaks

Politicians and military leaders - not militants - are responsible for the majority of oil thefts in Nigeria's crude-rich Niger Delta region, according to a United States diplomatic cable quoting a Federal Government official and released by the international whistleblower, Wikileaks.

A member of a government panel on troubles in the region implicated Gen. Shehu Musa Yar'Adua (retd.) whose brother became president as being one of the biggest forces behind the thefts, the cable claimed.

Associated Press reported on Sunday that the thefts were also fuelling arms sales to the restive region, while causing environmental damage and cutting production. "It is in the interests of these people to make it appear that the Niger Delta problem is intractable," the January 2009 cable quoted a panel member, Mr. Tony Uranta, as saying. "As a result, they prop up the militants, including some who have an ideological basis for their actions," he said Yar'Adua, who served as second-in-command of the country's military government in the late 1970s, died in prison in 1997 after being arrested for criticising military dictator, Gen. Sani Abacha. His brother, Umaru Yar'Adua, died in office as Nigerian President in May 2010.

The diplomatic cable quoted Uranta as blaming "no more than 15 per cent" of oil thefts on militants operating in the delta, a tropical maze of creeks and waterways about the size of South Carolina. Instead, politicians, retired admirals and generals and others in the country's elite profit from the thefts. Typically, thieves solder or cut into oil pipelines running through the mangrove swamps of the delta. Some refine the crude into kerosene or diesel in crude refineries, while other oil sails out to foreign ports for sale.

"Uranta claimed that the late Shehu Musa Yar'Adua had been the 'biggest' bunkerer," the cable reads, using the local term for oil thieves. "When he died, his holdings were taken over by his brothers but managed on their behalf by one of his close personal friend," Uranta alleged.

The large-scale theft, compounded by anger over unceasing poverty and pollution in the Niger Delta despite 50 years of oil production, led to an uprising of militants in the region beginning in 2006. Military-grade weapons funnelled into the region, turning gunrunners into militant leaders, who espoused political ideas, but kept their eyes on the profits from stolen oil. While much of the violence calmed after a 2009 government-sponsored amnesty programme, oil thefts have continued unabated in the region.

Wikileaks also quoted Uranta as blaming retired military leaders for taking part in both oil theft and the arms trade. A February 2009 cable quoting Dimieri von Kemedi, a youth leader in the delta, also blamed soldiers on the ground in the region. The cable reads, "The military wants to remain in the Niger Delta because they profit enormously from money charged for escorting illegally bunkered crude and from money extorted in the name of providing security on the roads.

"The ... foot soldiers are not the only ones who profit; the commissioner of police, the director of the State Security Service (and) the military all line up at the governor's door asking for 'favours,' Kemedi said." The cables also suggested that militants received foreign military training and that the Israeli military equipped and trained some government soldiers.


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Verzonden: woensdag 27 april 2011 18:50


Onderwerp: Nigeriaans publicatie 'Champion': Shell spends N5.6trn on Nigerian commitments Shell spends N5.6trn on Nigerian commitments Nigeria's biggest oil and gas producer, Shell, says it has pumped over $36.99 billion or N5.549 trillion into interventions in the Nigerian operating environment. In its briefing notes the company said the payments by its upstream units covered taxes and royalties, contracts to local contractors and interventions in development of education and rural communities. Shell's Nigerian business units include Shell Petroleum Development Company Nigeria Limited (SPDC), Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo) and Shell Nigeria Gas (SNG).

Whereas SPDC operates a joint venture with Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in the conventional offshore, swamp and onshore locations in the Niger Delta, SNEPCo operates production sharing contracts for NNPC in deep and ultra-deep offshore waters, and SNG operates internal downstream gas distribution pipeline concessions for Nigerian Gas Company (NGC).

Shell said it initiated, and was a leading sponsor of, the Nigerian Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (NEITI), which openly publishes payments made to the government by the international oil companies and other players in the energy industry as well as the allocation of money to states by the Federal Government and Shell companies in Nigeria. According to the company, the joint venture operated by SPDC contributed about $31 billion in tax and royalties to the government from 2006 to 2010.

The Federal Government receives about 95% of the revenue after costs from the SPDC operated joint venture, Shell stated in the report. On contribution to host state governments, Shell said that by June 2010, the four main oil-producing states of Bayelsa, Delta, Rivers and Akwa lbom, with around 10% of the country's population, received approximately 33% or about $1 billion of oil revenue that the Federal Government allocates to Nigeria's 36 states.

"Corruption has been one of the barriers to turning oil revenues into benefits for the people of Nigeria." In compliance with government's Nigerian content policy, Shell said its companies in Nigeria awarded contracts worth more than $947 million to Nigerian companies in 2010.

"This represented more than 96% of the overall number of contracts and amounted to over 94% of the total amount we spent on contracts which is slightly higher than the $892 million awarded in 2009. According to the Anglo-Dutch super-major, SNEPCo and SPDC awarded contracts to Nigerian owned Caverton Helicopters Limited to provide helicopters and associated services.

"In total, this five-year contract is worth $694 million, the company said," adding: "We also awarded a $26.7 million contract to Sonar Limited for ocean bottom node seismic acquisition. An operational insurance policy contract worth $7.6 million was awarded to Sovereign Trust Insurance for the Bonga deepwater production vessel, while Dorman Long Engineering, an indigenous Nigerian company, was awarded a contract worth $41 million for brown field maintenance of the Bonga and EA FPSOs'

"SPDC awarded a $59 million contract for brownfield engineering services and integrated pipeline maintenance to another Nigerian company, Baywood Continental Limited and a contract for $28 million to B.G Technical Limited for integrated pipeline pigging and corrosion control." In addition to generating revenue, Shell said its companies in Nigeria actively promote projects in the Niger Delta that support small businesses, agriculture, training, education, health care and capacity building.

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Much of the interventions, the company stated, is done in partnership with the government and the Niger Delta Development Commission. "In 2010, Shell operations contributed $161.13 million (Shell share $59.8 million) to the commission, as required by law. In 2010, SPDC and the joint venture partners contributed directly a further $65.6 million (Shell share $19.7 million) to community development projects, many of which were delivered in partnership with others.

"We work together with government agencies, companies, local and international NGOs, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Shell also pays a share of its profits into an education fund for the rehabilitation, restoration and consolidation of education in Nigeria. "In 2010 the company paid about $18 million into the fund, bringing the total investment in the past nine years to over $250 million." Shell said it also provided direct and indirect employment for significant number of Nigerians in its operations.

As of December 2010, according to the report, SPDC and SNEPCo employed around 6,000 direct employee and contractors, about 90% of them Nigerian. "Our projects help create tens of thousands more jobs for contractors and supporting industries." Shell stated in the report that its operated ventures in Nigeria produced an average of 960,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d), about 21% of Nigeria's estimated total oil and gas production. About 758,000 kboe/d of the volume, it clarified, came from the SPDC operated joint venture, while SNEPCo accounted for the balance.

29-6-2012 Van:

Verzonden: woensdag 6 april 2011 12:19


Shell Inks First Firm Deal in Lengthy Nigerian Sales Process Copyright © 2011 Energy Intelligence Group, Inc. (click for details) Monday, April 4, 2011 Display Printer Friendly Page

UK-based Eland Oil and Gas and local partner Starcrest Nigeria disclosed Friday that their Elcrest Exploration and Production Nigeria joint venture has inked a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) for the 45% operating stake it is acquiring in the OML 40 block onshore Nigeria, one of four blocks in the Niger Delta being sold by Royal Dutch Shell (IOD Mar.24,p5).

Starcrest, a subsidiary of the locally owned Chrome Group, will hold 55% of Elcrest, while privately held Eland will have 45%. No purchase price has been disclosed, but Elcrest won the block -- thought to hold 156 million barrels of oil and 268 billion cubic feet of gas -- for around $150 million. The bid was backed by an equity-type financing structure tapping blue-chip institutional investors, largely from the UK and US, that was put together by London-based financial advisor Matrix Group.

The sale bundles together the 30% interest in the field held by Shell Petroleum Development Co. with the 10% held by Total E&P Nigeria and 5% by Eni subsidiary Nigeria Agip Oil Co. It now requires approval from the federal government. The remaining 55% of the block is owned by Nigerian National Petroleum Corp.

This is understood to be the first firm SPA signed in the long-running sales process for the four fields. But gas-rich OML 34 -- thought to hold 2 trillion cubic feet of gas and 282 million bbl of oil - - is known to have been clinched weeks ago by locally owned Niger Delta Exploration and Production (NDEP), backed by African oil and gas investment group Petrolin. Its bid is reported to be worth around $300 million-$400 million.

Confusion still reigns over the fate of the two biggest blocks -- OML 30, holding 1 billion bbl of oil and 2.6 Tcf of gas, and OML 42, holding 1 billion bbl of oil and 5.6 Tcf of gas. Locally owned Conoil failed to meet a Mar. 25 deadline to present to Shell proof of the financing required to back its combined $1.3 billion bid for the two blocks, despite having been locked in negotiations with Standard Chartered over a $700 million bank debt package.

It is unclear whether Shell is allowing Conoil more time to come up with firm financing -- which would be in line with the indulgent way it has managed the sales process so far -- or if fresh players are now in pole position.

According to some sources, a group referred to as Nekunde that involves former Shell Nigeria head Basil Omiyi is closest to clinching OML 42 if Conoil has messed up irredeemably -- but other groups still chasing the fields include a consortium of Oando, Perenco and Oryx; the Shoreline/Heritage Oil consortium; Pan Ocean Oil; Forte Oil (the renamed African Petroleum); and First Hydrocarbon Nigeria.

India's Essar, which had been bidding jointly with the Nigerian EER group, has now apparently pulled out of the race.


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Verzonden: zaterdag 11 juni 2011 9:39


Onderwerp: PIB

Het House of Repr. heeft bespreking van de P1B gestaakt. Dit betekent dat het volgende parlement het zal behandelen hetgeen mogelijk duidt op serieuze vertraging. De beslissing van het HoR volgde kort na opheffing van het kabinet door de President om de weg vrij to maken voor een nieuwe regering.

Shell International B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands - Trade Register no. 27155369 Correspondence: PO Box 162, 2501 AN The Hague - NL Office: Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR The Hague - NL




Verzonden: donderdag 24 februari 2011 18:38


Onderwerp: PIB - bericht in Nigeriaanse blad Punch (ik ken het niet) PUNCH Non-passage of PIB delaying fresh investments – Shell

The Regional Executive Vice-President, Sub-Saharan Africa, Shell Exploration and Production Africa Limited, Mr. Ian Craig, has said that only little progress can be made as regards fresh investments in the Nigerian oil industry until the Petroleum Industry Bill is passed. Craig, spoke on Tuesday at the Nigeria Oil and Gas 2011 Conference in Abuja said, "At this conference last year, my predecessor spoke about the need for the swift passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill that would enable substantial long-term investment in many of the areas I have just covered. "Today, I believe that we are closer to that moment but little progress can be made until the bill has been passed and the industry has clarity that it needs." Craig said that the Nigerian deepwater province had enormous potential and subject to a favorable investment climate, the international oil companies could play a major role in helping to unlock that value and secure the critical national revenue streams for decades to come. He added that the Nigerian deepwater province had been producing over 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day and had helped to sustain revenues despite the fall in offshore production. Craig said that the role of international oil companies in Nigeria was that of an industry leader or an enabler. He said, "In the future, as in the past, we should have a key role to play in the next phase of the country's development. Nigeria has enjoyed a leading position in sub-Saharan Africa through onshore oil, liquefied natural gas and deepwater development. As time goes on and the industry matures, a number of challenges must be addressed." According to him, more needs to be done to harness the substantial gas resources, which means much more domestic gas for power generation and for industry, more LNG and possible step- outs such as GTL or export via pipeline being pioneered by the West Africa Gas Pipeline. He said, "But large scale gas and power developments are more challenging and much more capital intensive than exploiting onshore oil fields. They also require very close partnership with the government all the way through the value chain. "And so, what is the role of the IOC, in this next phase? The answer is not going to be, primarily, as a bringer of capital—though that will of course be a major consideration, rather, it will be as a bringer of global expertise and leading edge technology and that, I believe, is the differentiator." He said that what set the 10Cs apart from the independents and the technical contractors was the scale of their research and development efforts and the depth of their experience. Craig added, "And of course our global reach that enables, for example, remote real time monitoring of drilling or production operations by experts anywhere in the world – so that a drilling engineer in Houston can support an operation in the Far East--and vice versa. "Similarly, the lessons learned, or new techniques applied to, say, deepwater wells in the Gulf of Mexico can immediately be applied to a deepwater well offshore Malaysia or Nigeria or Brazil."



Verzonden: donderdag 7 april 2011 15:53


Onderwerp: PIB in Guardian (ik neem aan de Nigeriaanse)

Minister raises hope on speedy passage of PIB

THE delay in the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (FIB), which has bred uncertainty and deterred potential investments in the oil and gas sector, has again been allayed following fresh assurances of its quick passage from the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke.

The minister, who stated this at the weekend while fielding questions from journalists at a media parley in Abuja, said that the National Assembly is anxious to see the bill passed into law, adding that there were some areas that need further streamlining, which has been handled quite successfully.

According to her, "we have worked on various sectors of the bill, although the bill has few hiccups, very importantly the fiscal terms as it concerns domestic gas. They were quite strigent in an effort to ensure that the terms will have the support for domestic gas supply in the country."

She emphasised that the bill would be forwarded to the President in the shortest possible time, adding that It was brought before the House of Representatives last week as the Senate has started a second hearing on it.

"We have been in very close touch with them and we understood the reasons why the Senate has aborted it. We are in no doubt that it would be finalise in the shortest possible time, she said.

"We will be favourable enough to engender both indigenous and international investment. We have worked very hard with the National Assembly in terms of the bill. We are very positive that this will be the case to ensure that we are going to supply domestic gas as required to Nigeria over the next few years."

She highlighted that the creation of sustainable gas platform for investment in gas supply growth through revised commercial framework for gas has resulted in gas supply to power generation.

Providing details of the Federal Government's gas-driven industrialisation agenda, which is billed to be launched on Thursday by the President, Mrs. Alison-Madueke said the petrochemical and fertiliser projects, which will attract over $10 billion Foreign Direct Investment between 2012 and 2014, would have a huge impact on the Nigerian economy.

However, following its bid to ensure government's speedy passage of the bill, the Civil Society Coalition on the PIB has commended the House of Representatives for making considerable progress towards the passage of the bill into law.

The group also urged the Senate to follow the footsteps of the House by acting urgently on the bill rather than apportioning blames.

According to the Executive Director of the African Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) and Coordinator of the Civil Society Campaign on the PIB, David Ugolor, "This is an executive bill but while Mr. President has repeatedly reassured Nigerians that the bill will be passed before May this year, the body language of the executive arm of government seems to suggest that there is no strong commitment to seeing the PIB become law. "

Stating that Nigerians want to see more executive commitment to its passage rather than the present preoccupation with politics, he added that Nigerians couldn't afford to sacrifice governance on the altar of politics.

The House of Representatives considered the report of the Joint Committee on the bill but the Senate stood it down on the excuse that they "are being put under unnecessary pressure" by civil society activists who were at the National Assembly to register their support for the FIB.

Reacting to this, he said it would not yield to blackmail because citizens' engagement with legislative

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processes is a fundamental right that cannot be denied.

"In an era where inclusion of civil society voices has become the norm, rather than the exception, it is sad that our legislators would attempt to discountenance the people's yearnings," Ugolor added.

According to Dr. Otive Igbuzor of the African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (Centre LSD), "We commend the House of Representatives for its positive disposition and response to the yearnings of Nigerians on the PIB, which will bring proper regulation, corporate social responsibility, transparency and accountability in the oil and gas sector."

He expressed disappointment with the Senate for refusing to listen to the voice of Nigerians, calling on them to concur with the House of Representatives to ensure that the Bill would be passed before May this year.

The PIB is a comprehensive legislation that seeks to introduce changes that will make Nigeria's oil and gas sector more transparent, efficient and responsive to the needs of the nation's citizens.

The delay has bred uncertainty in the oil and gas sector, which has deterred potential investments into the sector estimated at billions of dollars.

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Verzonden: donderdag 21 april 2011 10:30


Onderwerp: 'Punch': SPDC recorded 144 oil spills in 2010 - Report

SPDC recorded 144 oil spills in 2010 — Report The Shell Petroleum Development of Nigeria said it recorded 144 oil spills, which were over 100 kilogrammes, in 2011. According to the company, in the last five years, since 2006, SPDC has been dealing with an average of 169 oil spills per year, slightly fewer than the 175 average for the 2005 to 2009 period. The company, in its "Shell Nigeria Briefing Notes," posted on its website, said, "One of our key concerns is to make it harder for saboteurs to steal oil and pollute the environment." Shell said that in 2010, it completed a programme to make it more difficult to tamper with more than 100 wells in Ogoniland that had been shut down since 1993. It added, "However, unless effective action is taken against the widespread sabotage, theft of oil and illegal refining activities, SPDC's efforts to reduce operational spills will have limited effect on the overall impact of spills in the Delta. "Sometimes, individuals or community groups or armed gangs deny the company access to spill sites. In some cases, this is because they are angry or worried about the impact on their land and their lives. In other cases it is because some members of the communities want clean-up contracts and/or greater compensation. "Whatever the reason, such delays can increase the impact of the spill significantly."


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Verzonden: woensdag 6 april 2011 12:22


Shell, Total and Agip Divest 45% Stake in OML 40

Oil giants, Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) and its partners, Total E&P Nigeria, and Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited (NAOC) have announced the sale of their 45 percent interest in the onshore block Oil Mining Lease (OML) 40 to Elcrest Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited.

Elcrest, a consortium comprising Starcrest Nigeria Energy Limited and Eland Oil and Gas Limited led by Nigerian business mogul, Emeka Offor, emerged the successful bidder for the OML 40, located at the Western Operating Division in Niger Delta following a competitive and well publicised auction process that was conducted by SPDC, NAOC and Total E&P.

A formal completion of the transaction was conducted by representatives of both parties at Shell's office in Abuja Friday after all relevant documents had been signed by the legal teams involved. The transaction papers, which is subject to the approval of the Federal Government was however handed over to Offor for Elcrest by the Managing Director and Country Chairman of SPDC, Mr. Mutiu Sunmonu on behalf of the Joint Venture partners.

Although, THISDAY could not ascertain the actual financial terms of the oil block deal as both parties refused to divulge the information on the ground that it is highly commercially sensitive, sources however disclosed that Elcrest earlier made a bid of $147 million for the oil block, but later increased it to $154 million.

Upon approval and final completion, Shell and its JV Partners will effectively cede their 45 percent stake in the OML 40 to Elcrest, an indigenous Nigerian oil company while, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) will retain its 55 percent stake in the oil field.

Sunmonu told reporters at the signing ceremony that Elcrest had met the technical and commercial criteria set by Shell to emerge the preferred bidder; he explained that the sale of OML 40 to Elcrest was based on an existing criterion that an indigenous oil firm must emerge as its preferred bidder.

He dismissed speculations that the company was disposing off its assets in the country as part of an alleged exit strategy. "I want to clearly state here that we are not planning to quit our operations in Nigeria, this is merely part of our strategy to divest and grow indigenous oil companies.

We are strategising for the future, I will urge you to patiently observe us and see where we will be in the very near future," he said.

In his response, the trade leader of Elcrest, Offor, said the acquisition is a cardinal part of the strategic growth plan of Elcrest to champion the local content cause as contained in the Local Content Act.

He stated that Elcrest would in time evolve strategies aimed at becoming a leading indigenous oil and gas company in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to him: "I am a Nigerian and we understand the terrain very well, we have put in place measures to foster healthy community relations with the host community where this oil block is located and of course we have in our management team, seasoned oil and gas professionals with years of successful operation in oil and gas projects in Nigeria, coupled with a broad range of funding from international blue chip institutional investors."

In line with Shell's plan to reduce its onshore operations in the Niger Delta region, where it had faced repeated attacks that drastically reduced its production the company had announced its decision to sell onshore blocks, OML 30, 34, 40 and 42, some of which sources said contain reserves of up to 2 billion

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Eighteen consortia had expressed interests in the oil fields. Top on the list of interested bidders were Mike Adenuga's Consolidated Petroleum; Femi Otedola's African Petroleum (AP) Consortium; and Neconde Energy, of which Nestoil's to Ernest Azudialu, is said to be a member.

Others are Oando Group Plc backed by China's Addax Petroleum and Perenco, an Anglo-French company; United Kingdom-registered Afren; and Niger Delta Petroleum, allegedly belonging to governments of the South-south states.

However, investigation revealed that of the 18 firms that had put in bids for the blocks, several have withdrawn from the transaction or were automatically disqualified, either because their bids were considered too low, or their inability to meet the deadline given by Shell to escrow 10 per cent of their bid price with J.P. Morgan in the UK.

SPDC is the operator of the joint venture in Nigeria between the NNPC (55percent), Shell (30percent), Total E&P Nigeria Limited (10percent) and Nigeria Agip Oil Company (5percent).

29-6-2012 Van:

Verzonden: woensdag 6 april 2011 11:14


Onderwerp: Shell divests 45 per cent stake in onshore oil block (info uit Nigeriaanse publicatie Guardian)

SHELL Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited and its joint venture partners-Total Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited and Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited. have agreed to sell a stake in its Nigerian oil field, Oil Mining Leases (OML 40), located in the Niger Delta region, the first of four potential disposals in the country this year. Elcrest Exploration and Production Limited, a consortium comprising Starcrest Nigeria Limited and Eland Oil and Gas Limited, led by a Nigerian, Emeka Offor, who won the bid, has 45 per cent stake while the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) holds the rest 55 per cent interest. However, Shell's Managing Director, Mutiu Sunmonu during the signing ceremony, in Abuja, said that the assets, which is subject to the approval of the government does not amount to a dramatic exit from the country. According to him, "this is not an exit strategy for Shell. We are consolidating to strengthen our current and future stand in Nigeria as this exercise is growing indigenous capacity in the upstream industry. Although, the actual financial terms of the oil block deal could not be ascertain as both parties refused to divulge the information, sources, however, disclosed that Elcrest earlier made a bid of $147 million for the oil block, but later increased it to $154 million. Sunmonu said: "This is a very important deal. A lot of interests were shown by a lot of companies. The screening process and the due diligence work that we needed to do really led to the length of time it took.

"There are clear criteria set for bidders and for the particular block, they happen to be the best bidders. There are commercial criteria, technical and mainly on the fact that you have to be a Nigerian based company. "We have been here for long and some of these assets have more value to indigenous companies. In the next two years, you will appreciate my statement that this is a consolidation strategy to strengthen our future in this country," he said. He added that the sale of other assets in Nigeria would be concluded in some matter of weeks. Commenting on the acquisition, the Chairman of Starcrest, Emeka Offor said the acquisition is a critical part of the strategic growth plan of Chrome Group as it is a glimpse of the group, marching towards becoming the leading indigenous oil and gas company in sub-Sahara Africa. He stated that as a Nigerian Company with a global perspective, the group is now more than ever before better positioned to champion the local content cause, as time has come for indigenous oil companies and gas companies to take positions in the oil and gas business in Nigeria. He emphasised that the company would ensure that all stakeholders benefit from the successful re- development of the resources. Shell is said to be selling stakes in four fields in Nigeria as part of its plan to divest $5 billion in assets this year. Shell also sold four blocks last year. The sale of the onshore blocks — OML 30, 34, 40 and 42, some of which sources said contain reserves of up to two billion barrels, is in line with the company's plan to reduce its onshore operations in the Niger Delta region, where it had faced repeated attacks that drastically reduced its production between 2007 and 2009.


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Verzonden: maandag 16 april 2012 13:09


Onderwerp: Shell Sustainability Report 2011


Each year, Shell releases a report that describes how sustainable development helps us to deliver energy to meet the world's growing demand in a responsible way. Inside you will learn about our approach to sustainable development, discover examples of our work with communities and partners, and find information on our social and environmental performance.

Read about how we are: ■ running our operations to avoid harm to people and the environment; ■ involving communities to contribute to local development and improve how we operate; ■ continuing to produce more cleaner-burning natural gas; ■ producing low-carbon biofuel through our Raizen joint venture; ■ spending $1.1 billion on research and development in advanced technologies; ■ helping to develop carbon capture and storage technologies; ■ working to make our own operations more energy efficient, and; ■ providing customers with advanced fuels and lubricants.

Find out more in our Sustainability Report.

Now available online.

More content on our environmental and social performance is available at /sustainability

Met vriendelijke groet,

Shell International Den Haag, Handelsregister No. 24098177

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Correspondentieadres: Postbus 444, 2501 CK Den Haag Kantoor: Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR Den Haag


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Verzonden: maandag 14 november 2011 11:31


Onderwerp: tbv AO Shell in Nigeria - Update over het UNEP rapport

Urgentie: Hoog

Gevoeligheid: Persoonlijk

Bijlagen: Nigeria -Shell wil efficientere aanpak olievervuiling NOS Afrika dag 29102011.pdf

Van: Verzonden: maandaq 14 november 2011 11:28 Aan:- Onderwerp: FW: Shell in Nigeria - Update over het UNEP rapport Urgentie: Hoog Gevoeligheid: Persoonlijk

Voor jullie informatie, hieronder vind je ons verhaal richting Tweede Kamer leden.


Aanstaande donderdag wordt tijden het AO MVO het UNEP rapport besproken. Wij willen graag bij deze onze visie op dat rapport en de weg vooruit geven, ook als vervolg op ons eerdere schrijven in Augustus.

Wat doet SPDC reeds nu ?

Zoals u bekend publiceert Shell Petroleum Company of Nigeria Ltd. (SPDC) de actuele situatie over oil-spills op haar website society/respecting the environment/0 met een uitleg, foto en voortgangsrapportage.

Daarnaast hebben sinds 2000, SPDC en de joint-venture partners reeds meer dan $3 mrd besteed aan het bestrijden van flares en hebben zij zich in 2009 gecommitteerd aan een vervolg programma om het flaren nog verder to bestrijden. Bij voltooiing van deze twee programma's zal zo 'n $6 miljard zijn besteed en zo'n 90% van SPDC 's productie voorzien zijn van gas afvang installaties.

Reeds voordat het UNEP rapport uitkwam, waren SPDC en haar joint-venture partners het eens geworden over de noodzaak voor het aanleggen van een vervangende pijpleiding om de olie die zij op het vasteland produceert, naar de zogenaamde Bonny Terminal to transporteren. Deze extra leiding omzeilt Ogoni-land en zou het makkelijker maken om herstelwerkzaamheden uit to voeren aan de bestaande Trans-Niger Pipeline, die door Ogoniland loopt. Deze pijpleiding vormt de laatste jaren een belangrijk doelwit voor oliediefstal en illegale raffinaderijen en is daarmee een bron van vervuiling geworden. Ontwerp en inschrijven voor het werk zijn klaar en hopelijk wordt het project

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in de komende maanden door de joint venture goedgekeurd.

Wat gaat SPDC doen met het UNEP Rapport?.

Op 11 Oktober heeft SPDC een reactie op het UNEP rapport op haar website geplaatst — zie hieronder in detail en ook society/our response/ - en op 29 Oktober heeft Dick Benschop het issue ook aangesneden in zijn publieke debat met Eduard Kazarski, Directeur Amnesty International, tijdens de jaarlijkse Afrika dag van de PvdA (zie bijgevoegde NOS persbericht).


Shell Petroleum Company of Nigeria Ltd. (SPDC) verwelkomt het UNEP rapport en hoopt dat dit rapport een stevige stimulans vormt tot (Internationale) samenwerking om de problemen in Ogoniland en andere delen van de Niger delta aan te pakken. Op 29 Oktober zei Dick Benschop "Het moet een wending ten goede worden, maar wij kunnen dat niet alleen". Er is een coalitie nodig van alle betrokken partijen omdat ook de veiligheid, sabotage en illegaal aftappen moet worden aangepakt. Daarom, zegt Benschop, is de aanpak van de olievervuiling alleen mogelijk in een coalitie van alle betrokken partijen: Shell, de andere oliemaatschappijen, de Nigeriaanse regering, de lokale bestuurders, de NGO 's, de dorpsgemeenschappen. "Daar moet een nieuwe autoriteit voor komen, een fonds en een langjarige onderneming waarbij iedereen is betrokken." Het geld voor het fonds is volgens hem nog het minste probleem. "Als je ziet hoeveel olie er nu verloren gaat, hoeveel productie er verloren gaat. Dat geld is zo terugverdiend. Nee, het grootste probleem is de samenwerking."

SPDC is het eens met de UNEP conclusie dat alle oorzaken van aanhoudende verontreiniging, inclusief diefstal van ruwe olie en illegale raffinage, moeten worden weggenomen voordat met doeltreffende, algehele opruimwerkzaamheden kan worden begonnen. Bij pogingen om blijvende, betekenisvolle verandering teweeg te brengen moet men ook de maatschappelijke en economische problemen in de Delta aanpakken, zodat de cyclus van militant optreden, geweld en sabotage waarvan iedereen in het gebied te lijden heeft, wordt doorbroken. SPDC kan dit niet in haar eentje voor elkaar krijgen. Het vergt een gezamenlijke inspanning van alle betrokken stakeholders, maar SPDC zal haar volledige aandeel leveren.

SPDC is vast van plan om samen met anderen de problemen in Ogoniland te helpen oplossen en daaruit lering te trekken die zij bij haar operaties in dat gebied met zijn unieke problematiek, maar ook elders in de Nigerdelta, kan toepassen.

SPDC werkt mee aan de aanbevelingen van het UNEP rapport en is betrokken in uitgebreid, delicaat overleg tussen SPDC, de andere spelers in de Nigeriaanse olie industrie en de Nigeriaanse overheid hoe te voorzien in het schoonmaakfonds van $ 1 miljard naar aanleiding van UNEP oproep.

SPDC heeft het rapport bestudeerd en de reactie op de drie aanbevelingen aan de olie-industrie is als volgt:

1 Volledige evaluatie en herziening van opruim- en saneringsprocedures voor weggelekte olie, en verbetering van uitbesteding van werkzaamheden en toezicht.

SPDC heeft een voorlopige evaluatie van haar procedures uitgevoerd. De saneringsmethode RENA

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(Remediation by Enhanced Natural A tten uation, een methode om op moeilijke toegan kelijke locaties zoals in Nigeriaanse moerassen, door middel van biologisch e versnelde afbraakprocessen vervuilde grond te reinigen door bijvoorbeeld extra b eluch ting — regelma tig omscheppen —en toevoegen van kunstmest) , blijft een bewezen en internationaal erkende manier om met olie vervuilde grond te reinigen. Het UNEP rapport stelt dat in bepaalde gevallen onze grondmonsters niet diep genoeg waren en dat dit de effectiviteit van de sanering nadelig beInvloedde. Onderzoek door SPDC bevestigt deze constatering voor een paar specifieke locaties, daarom gaat SPDC die locaties opnieuw bezoeken om te bepalen of het opruimen /sanering afdoende zijn en waar nodig maatregelen treffen. Ook zal SPDC steekproefsgewijs andere gesaneerde locaties controleren op adequate sanering.

Daarnaast voert SPDC al enige tijd onderhandelingen met een gerenommeerde internationale organisatie over een nieuw gezamenlijk project om de saneringstechnieken van SPDC in de Delta te evalueren en zo nodig verder te verbeteren. Daarbij zal een beroep worden gedaan op de wetenschappelijke kennis van onafhankelijke deskundigen.

Ook heeft SPDC begin 2011 contracten aanbesteed waarin internationaal in hoog aanzien staande organisaties zoals het British Standards Institute (BSI) en Det Norske Veritas (DNV) worden uitgenodigd om voor een onafhankelijke beoordeling en borging te zorgen van de respons- en beheersmethoden van SPDC bij olielekkages.

2 Uitvoeren van een algemene evaluatie van de installaties van SPDC in Ogoniland en opstellen van een programma voor het uitbedrijf nemen, inclusief een "Integrity Management Plan " voor olie-installaties. SPDC blijft vastbesloten om een integriteitsbeheersplan voor haar installaties in Ogoniland op te stellen, maar gezien de bijzondere toegangsproblemen die zij sinds 1993 ondervindt, is voor een doeltreffende uitvoering daarvan steun vanuit de samenleving en de overheid nodig. Vanwege de beperkte toegang die SPDC in het verleden had, was het uitbedrijf nemen van haar stilliggende installaties in Ogoniland onmogelijk. Om aan te geven wat mogelijk is als SPDC wel haar installaties kan bereiken: tussen 2009 en 2010 heeft zij meer dan 100 niet- producerende putten in het gebied beveiligd om die minder toegankelijk voor onbevoegden te maken. Dit is gerealiseerd met medewerking van de lokale, de staats- en de federale overheid en van de Ogoni - gemeenschappen zeif. Een SPDC team werkt hieraan en wil de plannen graag met de betrokken Ogoni - gemeenschappen bespreken.

3. SPDC dient samen met de Nigeriaanse toezichthouders duidelijkheid te brengen in de wetgeving inzake het niveau van verontreiniging waarop reiniging dient aan te vangen en het niveau van verontreiniging na het opruimen . SPDC zet het overleg over de relevante voorschriften met de betreffende toezichthouders voort. SPDC bevestigt dat zij haar saneringsproces uitvoert op basis van een risicogebaseerde aanpak die strookt met de werkwijze die op internationaal niveau de beste wordt geacht.

Wat doet SPDC verder ?

Verder heeft SPDC direct steun betuigt aan alle aanbevolen UNEP noodmaatregelen en werkt reeds sinds Augustus nauw samen met de regering van Rivers State bij de drinkwatervoorziening aan bepaalde gemeenschappen. Tegelijkertijd werkt zij aan gedetailleerde plannen voor het herstel van bestaande waterinstallaties en de aanleg van nieuwe, meer permanente voorzieningen om alle Ogoni-gemeenschappen van drinkwater te voorzien.

Wij hopen dat bovenstaande voor u van nut is, mocht u vragen hebben dan lichten wij dat gaarne

29-6-2012 t' FW: Shell in Nigeria - Update oVet het UNEP rapport 'Page 4 of 6



Shell in Nigeria

SPDC action on matters addressed in the UNEP report

The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd (SPDC) welcomes the United Nations Environment Programme report Environmental Assessment of Ogoniland'

It is an important milestone in the history of Ogoniland and for the oil industry in Nigeria. The UNEP report highlights the unique challenges and complexities of Ogoniland which is not representative of conditions in the rest of the Niger Delta. SPDC withdrew from the area and halted production in 1993 following several attacks against its staff, and communities have granted the company only limited access since then.

SPDC hopes the UNEP report will be a catalyst for cooperation to address the challenges in Ogoniland and the wider Niger Delta and welcomes President Goodluck Jonathan's initiative to set up a Presidential Committee to coordinate required actions by all parties. SPDC is currently working with the industry committee which will support the Presidential Committee to define the next steps towards implementing the recommendations in the report.

SPDC has reviewed the report, including three recommendations that relate to its operations within Ogoniland and a specific finding on the current approach to in-situ remediation by enhanced natural attenuation (RENA). SPDC's reaction to each of the recommendations is as follows:

1 . To fully re vie w and o verha ul pro cedures for oil spill clean - up an d rem edia tion as well as impro ve on con tracting and supervision .

SPDC has carried out a preliminary review of its procedures. RENA remains a proven and internationally recognised method to remediate spill sites which is widely used in many countries. The report noted that in a few specific cases in Ogoniland we did not go deep enough in our pre-clean up assessments and this may have impacted the overall effectiveness of remediation in those areas. A review by SPDC has confirmed this finding in relation to a few specific sites. Based on this finding, SPDC will revisit the sites in Ogoniland investigated by UNEP to determine whether clean up and remediation have been adequate, and take action as required. SPDC will also review a sample of other remediated sites more widely across the Delta to check that adequate remediation has indeed been carried out.

SPDC will continue its ongoing efforts to ensure effective supervision of contractors and their

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full compliance with regulatory and contractual requirements.

SPDC has been in negotiations with a reputable international organisation for some time, to launch a joint project to review and if necessary, further improve SPDC's remediation techniques in the Delta, drawing upon independent expert scientific knowledge. Also, SPDC issued contract tenders at the beginning of 2011 inviting internationally respected organisations such as the British Standards Institute (BSI) and Det Norske Veritas (DNV) to provide independent review and assurance of SPDC's oil spill response and management practices.

2 . To con duct a compreh ensive re vie w of SPDC asse ts in Ogonilan d and de velop a decommissioning programme an d In tegrity Managem en t Plan for th e asse ts.

SPDC remains committed to developing an asset integrity management plan for Ogoniland but effective implementation will require support from communities and from the government, given the unique challenges regarding access since 1993. Decommissioning of the facilities that are not in service in Ogoniland had not been possible due to the limited access SPDC has had in the past. As an illustration of what can be achieved when access is granted, between 2009 and 2010, SPDC secured more than 100 non-producing wells in the area to make them more difficult to tamper with. This was achieved with the cooperation of both local, state and federal governments and the Ogoni communities. SPDC has set up a team to review and develop a comprehensive decommissioning programme and asset integrity plan and looks forward to discussing these plans with the relevant Ogoni communities.

3. SPDC to work with Nigerian regulators to clarify th e legisla tion go verning rem edial in terven tion a n d target values.

SPDC will continue to engage with the relevant government regulators on the Environmental Guidelines and Standards for Petroleum Industry in Nigeria (EGASPIN). SPDC confirms however that it currently manages its remediation process on a risk based approach consistent with international best practice.

In addition to addressing the three SPDC specific recommendations contained in the UNEP report, SPDC has been taking the following actions on matters related to Ogoniland:

• SPDC supports all the recommended emergency measures and is working closely with the Rivers State Government regarding supplying potable water to some communities while developing detailed plans to rehabilitate existing water facilities and build new, more permanent ones to provide fresh water to all the Ogoni communities.

• Prior to the report, SPDC had agreed with its joint venture partners on the need to construct an alternate pipeline that will evacuate production from its land fields to Bonny Terminal. Design and tendering for the work has already taken place and it is hoped that the project will be sanctioned by the joint venture in the coming months. This additional line would facilitate repair work on the existing Trans Niger Pipeline (TNP) running through Ogoniland - which in recent years, has become a major target for oil theft and illegal refineries and as a result, has become a source of pollution.

SPDC agrees with the UNEP finding that all sources of ongoing contamination, including activities such as crude theft and illegal refining, must be brought to an end before an effective widespread clean-up can begin. Efforts to bring lasting and meaningful change must also address the social and economic challenges in the Delta to break the cycle of militancy, violence and sabotage which affects everybody in the area. This is not something that SPDC can bring about on its own; it will require a joint effort by all relevant stakeholders, but SPDC will play its full part.

SPDC remains committed to work with others to help resolve issues in Ogoniland and learn

29-6-2012 FW: Shell Nigeria - Update ovd het UNEP rapport Page 6 of 6'

lessons that can be applied to our operations in this uniquely challenging area and elsewhere in the Niger Delta.

Read more about oil spills in Nigeria

SPDC and Ogoniland

The UNEP report - Opens in new window covers oil spills in Ogoniland, an area covering about 1% of the Niger Delta. in 1993 SPDC shut down all production in Ogoniland due to threats and violence against our staff and facilities.

Read more about SPDC and spills in Ogoniland

UNEP press release about theft and illegal refining in Ogoniland

In June 2010, UNEP issued a press release highlighting the ongoing environmental damage caused by criminal activity including illegal refineries in the Gokhana area of Ogoniland.

See the press release - Opens in new window

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Shell International B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands - Trade Register no. 27155369 Correspondence: PO Box 162, 2501 AN The Hague - NL Office: Carel van Bylandtlaan 30, 2596 HR The Hague - NL


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29-6-2012 NOS Nieuws - Shell wil efficientere aanpak olievervuiling Page 1 of 2 NOS Shell wil efficientere aanpak olievervuiling

Toegevoegd: zaterdag 29 okt 2011, 21:33

Update: zaterdag 29 okt 2011, 21:35

Door redacteur Esther Bootsma

Shell hoopt dat een recent kritisch VN-rapport over de olievervuiling in Nigeria de katalysator wordt voor een betere aanpak van die vervuiling. "Het moet een wending ten goede worden, maar wij kunnen dat niet alleen", zegt Shell-directeur Dick Benschop.

Een schildpad zwemt door de olie Benschop wil een coalitie oprichten van alle AFP betrokken partijen, omdat ook de vervuiling door sabotage en oliediefstal moet worden aangepakt. Maar tot nu toe heeft de Nigeriaanse regering nog niet gereageerd.

Benschop kreeg complimenten, zaterdag op de jaarlijkse Afrikadag van de PvdA. De bezoekers vonden het moedig dat de Shell-directeur voor een kritisch publiek van veelal Afrikaminnend publiek in discussie ging met de directeur van Amnesty International, Eduard Nazarski. Na afloop hadden verschillende aanwezigen hun negatieve mening over Shell bijgesteld.


Centraal stond een alarmerend rapport dat het milieu-agentschap van de Verenigde Naties begin augustus uitbracht. Volgens dit rapport is de olievervuiling in een deel van de Nigerdelta, Ogoniland, veel omvangrijker dan werd gedacht. De bevolking loopt er gevaar en het duurt zeker 30 jaar voor alle olie er is opgeruimd. Shell krijgt in het rapport zware kritiek, omdat het medeverantwoordelijk is voor de olielekkages en omdat het de vervuilde gebieden niet goed genoeg schoonmaakt.

Shell brengt er altijd tegen in dat ruim 90 procent van de vervuiling in Nigeria wordt veroorzaakt door sabotage van pijpleidingen en oliediefstal. Maar Amnesty denkt dat Shell dit aandeel door sabotage overdrijft. "De percentages die Shell noemt, komen verder alleen voor in Noord-Koreaanse verkiezingen", zei directeur Nazarski.

Toch moest hij bekennen dat Amnesty International ook niet weet wat de werkelijke verhoudingen zijn tussen sabotage en kapot Shell-materiaal. 80-20 procent, 50-50? "Wij weten het niet", gaf hij toe.

Volgens Shell-directeur Benschop is zijn bedrijf de laatste tijd veranderd, onder meer door kritiek van mensenrechten- en milieuorganisaties. "Ik denk dat de druk van Amnesty ertoe heeft geleid dat we veel transparanter zijn geworden." Op de Shellwebsite worden sinds begin dit jaar alle inspecties van olielekkages tot in detail beschreven, met videobeelden en al, zei hij.

Voorkomen van Iekkages

Shell is wettelijk verplicht alle olie op te ruimen, ongeacht de oorzaak. Toch is het van groot belang exact te weten of de oorzaak sabotage is of achterstallig onderhoud, zegt Benschop. "Want als het lek door ons komt, betalen we het dorp compensatie. Het gebeurt daardoor zelfs weleens dat we worden tegengehouden als we olie willen komen opruimen, omdat de mensen liever de compensatie willen."

Kortom, als lekkage beloond wordt, krijg je meer lekkage, zegt Benschop. "We moeten dus iets bedenken dat juist het voorkomen van lekkages wordt beloond."

Daarnaast wordt ook de georganiseerde diefstal van olie in de Nigerdelta volgens de Shell-directeur steeds professioneler. "Het is echt georganiseerde criminaliteit." Vooral de illegale raffinaderijen zorgen voor een

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gigantische vervuiling, zag hij toen hij in augustus over het gebied vloog. En daarnaast is er de illegale export van ruwe olie, die door de kreken heen naar de kust wordt gevaren en in gekaapte olietankers wordt gepompt.

Daarom, zegt Benschop, is de aanpak van de olievervuiling alleen mogelijk in een coalitie van alle betrokken partijen: Shell, de andere oliemaatschappijen, de Nigeriaanse regering, de lokale bestuurders, de ngo's, de dorpsgemeenschappen. "Daar moet een nieuwe autoriteit voor komen, een fonds en een langjarige onderneming waarbij iedereen is betrokken."

Minste probleem

Het geld voor het fonds is volgens hem nog het minste probleem. "Als je ziet hoeveel olie er nu verloren gaat, hoeveel productie er verloren gaat. Dat geld is zo terugverdiend. Nee, het grootste probleem is de samenwerking."

Maar volgens Amnesty International moet Shell daar niet op gaan zitten wachten. "Er is grote haast. Shell moet nu eens beginnen met opruimen, duidelijke stappen zetten. Die zien we niet", zei directeur Nazarski.

De Nigeriaanse regering, die in het VN-rapport ook als schuldige wordt aangewezen voor de olievervuiling, zou voor 31 augustus reageren op het VN-rapport, maar heeft dat nog niet gedaan.

Voorwaarden en reglement I © NOS 2011

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Verzonden: dinsdag 14 juni 2011 14:01


Onderwerp: ter info - Nigeria - bladen Next, Punch, Leadership, Guardian, ThisDay en National Mirror: Shell invokes force majeure over multiple pipeline incidents

Shell invokes force majeure over multiple pipeline incidents The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) has fallen back on the force majeure clause in its contract on Bonny Light loadings for June and July 2011. The force majeure regime came into effect at noon yesterday.

The declaration, according to the firm, is as a result of the production cutbacks caused by leaks and fires which occurred last week on the Trans Niger Pipeline (TNP). Force majeure, a French legal term which means 'superior force', is a common clause in contracts that basically frees one or both parties from liability or obligation in the event of extraordinary circumstances which are usually beyond the control of both parties such as war, strike, riots, or natural disasters such as flooding, earthquake and so on.

"Joint Investigation Visits comprising government agencies, communities and SPDC found that the incidents were caused by hacksaw cuts which indicate third party interference and activities of unknown persons," Shell said in a statement issued yesterday.

"The leaks have been repaired leading to resumption of production on June 12. The TNP which transports production from SPDC and third parties in its Eastern operations to Bonny Terminal, was affected by leaks and five separate fire incidents on both the 24" and 28" lines in Bodo, Bera, Biera and Mogho all in Ogoniland, on June 9. SPDC immediately shut the lines, mobilised its pipelines response and fire fighting teams and extinguished the fires by June 11".

According to Shell, the production deferment over the period has affected the loading programme at the Bonny Terminal; it would now have to advise customers of a revised schedule. Babs Omotowa, Vice President HSE, Infrastructure & Logistics, Shell Sub-Saharan Africa, said the leaks and fires show a worrying trend not only on the TNP but also on the firm's facilities elsewhere. "Sadly, the trend is continuing unabated. At the end of April, we recorded more than 35 sabotage spills," Mr Omotowa said. "SPDC is continuing to upgrade facilities, replace pipelines and improve oil spill response systems. But no matter how much we improve our performance, until the activities of oil thieves and illegal refiners are brought to an end, the vast majority of oil spills in the Niger Delta will continue."

Nigeria has suffered much crude oil theft, also known as bunkering, which remains widespread and out of control in the Niger Delta region of the nation. Efforts to destroy illegal oil refineries spotted among the creeks of the Niger Delta has proven to be almost as dangerous for the soldiers working there as for the oil thieves, who sometimes turn the stolen crude oil into homemade petrol. About two years ago, the federal government introduced an amnesty programme for gunmen in the region, a move which industry watchers thought would bring the nation respite. It is feared that bunkering, an activity which has been a part of life for years in Nigeria and has cost the nation fortunes, may still be around for years to come.

Sabotage: Shell declares force majeure on Bonny Light oil loadings The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited, on Monday, declared force majeure on the Bonny Light crude oil loadings for June and July 2011. Force majeure is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, or an event described by the legal term, "act of God" (such as flooding, earthquake, or volcanic eruption), prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. A statement by the company said that the declaration was as a result of production cutbacks caused by leaks and fires, which occurred last week on the Trans Niger Pipeline.

Shell said that joint investigation visits by government agencies, host communities and SPDC found out that the incidents leading to the declaration were caused by hacksaw cuts, which indicated third party interference and activities of unknown persons.

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"The leaks have been repaired, leading to resumption of production on June 12. The TNP, which transports production from SPDC and third parties in its Eastern operations to Bonny Terminal, was affected by leaks and five separate fire incidents on both the 24-inch and 28-inch lines in Bodo, Bera, Biera and Mogho, all in Ogoni land, on June 9.

"The SPDC immediately shut the lines, mobilised its pipelines response and fire fighting teams and extinguished the fires by June 11," the company said. It added that production deferment over the period had affected the loading programme at Bonny Terminal and that the SPDC would now have to advise customers of a revised schedule. She!! said that the force majeure came into effect at noon on Monday.

Shell declares force majeure over pipeline fires THE Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) has declared force majeure on Bonny Light loadings for June and July 2011. The force majeure came into effect at noon yesterday.

The declaration was sequel to production cutbacks caused by leaks and fires, which occurred last week on the Trans Niger Pipeline (TNP). Joint investigation visits conducted by government agencies, communities and SPDC, found that the incidents were caused by hacksaw cuts, which indicate third party interference and activities of unknown persons.

The leaks have been repaired leading to resumption of production on Sunday. The TNP, which transports production from SPDC and third parties in its Eastern operations to Bonny Terminal, was affected by leaks and five separate fire incidents on both the 24" and 28" lines in Bodo, Bera, Biera and Mogho all in Ogoni land, on June 9.

SPDC immediately shut the lines, mobilised its pipelines response and fire fighting teams and extinguished the fires by June 11. Production deferment over the period has affected the loading programme at Bonny Terminal, and SPDC will now have to advise customers of a revised schedule.

Vice President HSE, Infrastructure and Logistics, Shell Sub Saharan Africa, Babs Omotowa said: "The leaks and fires show a worrying trend not only on the TNP but also on our facilities elsewhere. Sadly, the trend is continuing unabated. At end April, we recorded more than 35 sabotage spills. According to him, "SPDC is continuing to upgrade facilities, replace pipelines and improve oil spill response systems. But no matter how much we improve our performance, until the activities of oil thieves and illegal refiners are brought to an end, the vast majority of oil spills in the Niger Delta will continue."

Shell Halts Production In Niger Delta Royal Dutch Shell Plc has issued production warning that it can't meet forecast production in Nigeria after sabotage on a main pipeline in the country's southern delta. A Shell spokesman said in a statement yesterday that the company's Nigerian subsidiary has declared "force majeure" on its Bonny Light crude shipment for June and July, a term used when it is impossible for an oil company to cover the promised supply from the field.

An investigation found that the damage to the Trans Niger pipeline was caused by hacksaw cuts, suggesting black-market thieves tapped into the lines. The pipeline is a major conduit through Nigeria's oil-rich region of swamps, mangroves and creeks almost the size of South Carolina. Nigeria is a top supplier of crude to the U.S. Meanwhile, two oil workers, Tom Akhidame and Solomon Enamejewa have been kidnapped in Ward, Delta State, by gun-wielding youths in two separate incidents.

Police sources disclosed that Akhidame, an official of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), and Enamejewan, an official of Southern Gas Company (SGC), were abducted at different locations in Ward. LEADERSHIP gathered that Akhidame was abducted at about 5:30pm on Sunday along Edjeba—Complex road, near NNPC Housing Estate, by yet to be identified gunmen.

In the case of Enamejewan, it was learnt he was kidnapped at about 3pm while on his way to Aladja in Udu local government area to visit a relation. His abductors had established contact with his wife, Philo, demanding for a N15 million ransom.

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The Warri area commander of police, Abutu Yaro, who confirmed the development, added that security operatives were closing in on the kidnappers. He said: "It's true that two men were kidnapped but I can assure you that we are closing in on the kidnappers; they should know that there is no hiding place for criminals in this command."

Suspected Sabotage Cuts OH Export by 300,000bpd Nigeria's crude oil export has suffered a major setback as Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) has declared force majeure on about 300,000 barrels per day Bonny Light loadings for June and July 2011. Before the latest incident, Nigeria's crude oil export was 2.4 million barrels daily, while she was also exporting 200,000 barrels of condensate per day.

The declaration of force majeure, which frees the oil giant from all contractual obligations to its customers due to unforeseen circumstances, followed what it called "production cutbacks" caused by leaks and fires on the company's Trans Niger Pipeline (TNP). The company did not disclose the volume of crude oil affected by the force majeure, but according to the earlier loading schedules, 10 cargoes of Bonny Light of about 950,000 barrels each were shipped in May 2011, totalling over 300,000 barrels of crude per day.

However, following the operational problems Shell was said to have experienced at the 400,000 barrels per day capacity Bonny Export Terminal, the company had planned to revise exports of Bonny Light for June and July to eight and nine cargoes respectively, translating to over 250,000 barrels per day.

THISDAY, however, could not confirm if the loadings were eventually revised as scheduled. But confirming the latest development in a statement yesterday, Corporate Media Relations Manager of Shell, Mr Tony Okonedo, attributed the force majeure, which came into effect on "June 13, 2011", to last week's fire on the company's TNP.

According to him, joint investigation visits comprising government agencies, communities and SPDC found that the incidents were caused by hacksaw cuts which indicate third party interference and activities of unknown persons.

"The leaks have been repaired leading to resumption of production on June 12. The TNP which transports production from SPDC and third parties in its Eastern operations to Bonny Terminal, was affected by leaks and five separate fire incidents on both the 24' and 28' lines in Bodo, Bera, Biera and Mogho all in Ogoni land, on June 9. SPDC immediately shut the lines, mobilised its pipelines response and fire fighting teams and extinguished the fires by June 11," Okonedo said.

He also confirmed that the production deferment over the period had affected the loading programme at Bonny Export Terminal, adding that the company would advise customers of a revised schedule. Reacting to the incident, the Vice-President HSE, Infrastructure & Logistics, Shell Sub Saharan Africa, Babs Omotowa, said the leaks and fires were indication of a worrying trend not only on the TNP but also on the company's facilities in other places.

"Sadly, the trend is continuing unabated. At end April, we recorded more than 35 sabotage spills. SPDC is continuing to upgrade facilities, replace pipelines and improve oil spill response systems. But no matter how much we improve our performance, until the activities of oil thieves and illegal refiners are brought to an end, the vast majority of oil spills in the Niger Delta will continue," Omotowa said.

Oil exports drops by 200,000bpd as Shell shuts pipeline The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) has declared Force Majeure on Bonny Light loadings for June and July 2011. The declaration is as a result of production cutbacks caused by leaks and fires which occurred last week on the Trans Niger Pipeline (TNP). Joint Investigation Visits comprising government agencies, communities and SPDC found that the incidents were caused by hacksaw cuts which indicate third party interference and activities of unknown persons.

The leaks have been repaired leading to resumption of production on June 12. The TNP which transports production from SPDC and third parties in its Eastern operations to Bonny Terminal, was affected by leaks and five separate fire incidents on both the 24" and 28" lines in Bodo, Bera, Biera and Mogho all in Ogoni land, on June 9. SPDC immediately shut the lines, mobilized its pipelines response and fire fighting teams and extinguished the fires by June 11.

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Production deferment over the period has affected the loading programme at Bonny Terminal, and SPDC will now have to advise customers of a revised schedule. The Force Majeure came into effect at noon today (June 13).

Vice President HSE, Infrastructure & Logistics, Shell Sub Saharan Africa, Babs Omotowa said: "The leaks and fires show a worrying trend not only on the TNP but also on our facilities elsewhere. Sadly, the trend is continuing unabated. At end April, we recorded more than 35 sabotage spills. SPDC is continuing to upgrade facilities, replace pipelines and improve oil spill response systems. But no matter how much we improve our performance, until the activities of oil thieves and illegal refiners are brought to an end, the vast majority of oil spills in the Niger Delta will continue."

Government Relations Adviser Shell International B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands - Trade Register no. 27155369 Correspondence: PO Box 162, 2501 AN The Hague - NL Office: Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR The Hague - NL

Internet: htto://

29-6-2012 Van:

Verzonden: maandag 11 juli 2011 16:02


Onderwerp: ter info: Duitse pers nay bezoek Bondskanselier Merkel aan Nigeria

Bijiagen: Document.ZIP; Document.pdf


Mehr Me awa fur kutschl

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_.. .. ____.. .. 7.e,ss oN 1.).'“,1,1,1it_...... _ OPIINIFft, ABUJA •. , der Stromwirtschaft in Nigeria. Da- Olt es Bute Criinde, dem-) nach Regie- --, in kur?es Hocken). dan n Jim haft, runm-einsthiltzung rind. 80 Prozent der Abuja im Du nkel n. Seku mien sparer Ptivatisierungsprozesse hither geschCi- , beginnt das Mohnen der Generato- tett. Dennoch erwartet Jeremy Gains, Ko ren. und die Hauptstadt Nigeria:: beginnt ordinarbr der seit rend drei jahren beste- wieder zu leuchten. Die Stronwerso%ung hendeialdetuseb-nigc-rianischen Energie- gebt nicht our in Abuja Liglich mein-filth partnersehaft., days diese. .Pri vat isieru rig in die K.II ie. Von den mad 6000 Megawatt gut gehein.k8nrite, Schlicalich sei die Pri- iastallierter 1A.istung im hevolkerungs- vatisiertinOluirnmission • *Strafft wor- .re ichs ten Land Afrikassiud oath Einschiit den,- und bei den Rafrinerien.sei. das Et- zung des Energieexpert en EA, Onyekpere geb.rtis nicht -schlecht. gerade mat 3200 Megawatt verftigbar. 40 Otis Anyaeji berHt die P.egierung b•i th- Prozent der produzierte n Strounengen rew ehigeizigeo Plan; his 2020 die Erzeu- g,eht beirn Tr ansortp verloren. Nigeria gUnrkapazitat Nigerias aiir40000 Mega- giht nachliCrechnungen der Wel(hankie- watt 7..0 erbahert. Ruud 6000 Megawatt seien derzeit im Ban, herichtet cr. Dar-tin- ter die linveiterung eines Gaskraftwerks im Zentnim des Landes, mit der Siemens bea.uftragt worden ist. Zumindest fiir Sie- mens hat sick sornit, die :yor drei Jahren von. Bundeskanzierin 'Angela Merkel und dem claroalig,en Priisidentep -Liman! Vat Adua unterzcichnete Energiepartuer- schaft gclob.nt. lien Siemens war nach einem Korruptionssicandai - der Konzern natte nigerianisehe Politiker mit runes zehnigiAidneri ges44.ert - in lin- giVide Walter), Poch *ittherweitert Sie- mens sein GeschAft in Nigeria wieder. Wean Angela Merkel (C1)C1) in der tiO)f korn menden 'I.Voche zum Kurzbesuch itt %.,. Nigeria eintrifft, will sic eM deutsch-nie- Vinca rianischesWirtschaftszentrurn eroffnert, joiVhfoksViT•• urn auch Eon und EnTiW, die am Gasge- des I ah t 10,5 NI illia rden Dollar fiir Diesel- sch5.11 interessiert sired, einpaar Tilren gencratoren und deren Betrieb aus. Und offnen. Es ist der erste Kanzlerbesuch in mehr als die Mine der nod 150 Millio- dem Land seit rnehr als 30 jahren. Merkel nen Nigerianer 1st his heute nicht an das wird. allerdings our einen Tiel. der Ni- Stromnetz angeschlossen. geria nicht geraderepeisentativen Haupt- Eze Onyekpere vom ,Centre for Social stadt. Abuja zo when t,(4.cornmen. Der Be, Justice beobachtet Auftrag der den such dau et t our eine Narht and Gruner) nahestehenden Hein.- ben Tag. Abuja wurde in den 60er Jahren richitoil-Stiftung mit dem Projekt geplant, und fragt, was aus dem Energy-Watch den Privatisier tingspro- •v iclen Olgeld geworden 1st, das Nigeria in den verpagenen $0 jabren izt Niger- g*.ngenen.drei jabre nun*.b.nell delta verdrent zu firgeb- hat, bekonunt tiler seine Mssen 11lhr knuti Jpiuthommt Antwort-. Auf. den sechssptirigerrlioule.. .fear dder ?..51forderregion Stir] en , yards fahren die teuersten Autos berurn, abet N..%‘rsteht die erneuerbaren'Ener- end en tlang der Praelust ralkn _reiht side gin", sae,ter. A bgese)te n von dem A usbau Pal ast an Palast. einiger Wasserkraftwerke soil es im .Nord- Mit der Privatisietung der Stroinwirr- ostesi Nigeri2s in abs.ebbarer Zeit seliall sollen neben auch ei- der epileptisaen idge grolk SrAarkraft-werke geben. 1)er- Stromx ersorrimp :u Ii a dere Pt (Allemc 14'4 1.,.•••t 01; ,1• I r.

kunderi, deneit Rechnungen geschiclzt die fiir eine gTofue "111otovoltaik-Anlageer- werden , babel' keine Stromylihler. und na qelli , did eide Kat)a7iGit von rend türiich werden die Strontleitungen 30 Me- zu gawatt haben kiinntc. Otis dem massenhaft A nyacji kalktt- illegal angezapft. [Cairn liert das Potetriial kleiner Laufwasser- ein Niger' aner zahlt seine St romrech- k raft werke an frund 14000 ming. t t . Da Dureli die Privai isieru rig i.7ollen die mit -.kannte:n G-erneinciert Mit Preise um Strom ver- 100 oder sugar 200 Prffient sorst Werden:dle. \Af.'itab von nationaleil steigen dOrfen. „Aber die. Leine milsSen Netz liep,ren, sagt er. Anyieji spricht zu- erst einrnal eine Leistung sehen, hevor dem von rteuen Kohlekraftwerken, sic die bereit sein werden, das auch u zah- cheat-ails auf dem len", sagt Ize Onyekpete. „Nigeria ist das Wunr117;ettel t'inzige Land der Re- der Welt. in dem man eine Die gierialig, sleben. Stromrechnung bekomnit, den Strom Doehprivateinvesto- aber selbst erzeugt", sagt de r Generalse... Kanzlerin ren,Urnsiezu banen, kretdr der Jon rna us engewerkschaft deTzeit Shuidu t fsman will in Abuja sit/d 110Cii Leman, sarkaViSt'll. -Eye Onyckperc Sicht. ph: noch ewers Schritt Tareffner ter. „In .DaSS die deutieh- Nigeria ist jeder seine cigene painr nigtrianische .Ener- gicrung." Deno auch Mr die Wasserver- Eon gigliartntirschaft sorgungsei leder selbst zustlindig undd a- Und EnBW seThst Enetgicexper- ffir, Polizisten mit geeigneten finanziel- ten ion vor Oct bisber Anreizen dazu2LIbringen, irn eigenen v011ig S tad tviert unbekannt ist, el zu pa trou illie ren. Doch abge: fuhit"-bilins nu( die I.Virren, der vergange- schen von all diesen Unzulanglichkeiten neniiwei Jahre zuriick. De.r muss Prisident Var es die ricue Regierung auch mit den erkrankte schwer, monatelang „mali6sen Strukturen- der Gent.,ratoren- wurdc Nigeria üherhaupt wirtschaft nicht regiert, aufneh men, die gut von der im - 14 SeTin. Siellvertreter Goodluck Jona- Inerwallrenden Energickrise lebt. tlian die AmtSgesehafte ilbermalun Die Stromyersorgung wan- deshalb ttiid drum \var schon in jedern wieder Wahl- Wahlkampfseit dein Pnde ckr Mi- kampf,j)erzeit wird die neuc. liCirdiktatur Regiecurig 1999 ein Dauerbrenner. Die .kon.stauka i. p'.rtt d gad). Regierung 1A,sst sick ab- des lien Prhsid e n ten Goodiuck Jonathan misst dem Tbenia urn I wird; Denn in Nigerla,,kreist eine hope Priori UR zit, Jeremy G a ins ist op- das gAnzt.L.4I}cl urn die Regierunr. sagt timistisch, class die Vomrbeiten der ver- Gewerkse-haftet

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Anders, ja. Aber besser?

Der male Mann an der Spitze von Shell Nigeria

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In -ibrer Sunmonu fiihrt Shell Nigeria Analyse, was der Olreichtutrt in seit Ja- nuar Nigeria angerichtet 2010. Er ist der erste hat, sind sich der Nigcrianer an alternative der Spit 7.c und arbeitet seit 32 fahre.n Nobelpreist r:iger and bei Shell-Kritiker Shell. Und er niacin tatsiichlich Nnimmo Bassey Lind der e.iniges Ilene antlers. Sunmonu isi rlaaa Chef von Shell Nigeria, Mutiu Sun- abereetigt, -die 01- nicinu, und Gasforderung erst datin-wieder nalier als sie denken Nnimmo liassey nngestOrt Iti iglich sein -wenn sich. leitet die Schwesterorg-anisation the des 11UN1) Sicherbeitslage im •Nigerdelta (Friends of the earth) in dent- Nigeria. bessert. ,Das geht nur durch Er beschreibt eine akologische Entwick- lung'', mist c un saw es. Die Aiinestic des Nigerdelta. Olschlamm Jahres schwappt 2009, tits der damalige PrAsident (lurch okoiogisch sensible Umaru Var Adua den bewaffbeteri.Milizen Surnplphicte. r:Iundertc Leeks in. Olpi- ange- pelines boten hat, ihnen einen Einstieg eroeuern diese Katastrophe ste- in ern zivi tig. les Leber( zu ertnoglichen,.wenti the Lull ist vergiftei von den Lromer- sic .ihre Waffen Akalirenden abgeben, babe eine Feuern. seit 50 Jahren wird deudi- che Verbesserung gebraclit.' Und das mitgeforderte class. in- zwischen 31 Gas an den Forder- Prozertt.det OleinnaltmCn in den Delta-Staaten ankomtnen, stellen abgefackelt. finder er ebenfulls richtig. Aber das Unt! Nlli::nschen niche nicht taus. ,,Das ist in erster Linie die sind Verantwor- twig der J3undesregierung kind 140,:erti , arm. der: Gou-

r Nnimpao

Basey n verneuren. stellt er Mar. Dennoch hat secitieit idar.. ",.,Das Shell angefangen, nach neuen Welch. zu 61 muss irrt Poden suchcn. wie der •Konzernseiner sozialen hlcihen. mid die Veraniwortung in der Forderregion ge- We I tge meins.chaft „Me firnien re_.cht wercien kann. Sunmonu berichtct solite tins ftir die- von SchulWissern, die Shell gebaut hat, schieben sen Dienst am doch vom Buncleslapd. I.;_arnen -keine Mit- Klinta ent schUi- dT Verant- tel. urn Lehrer zu bezahlen. war. :gen." besonders .sinraNial;'" -Stattde's'sen ), urtunt€;. auf Mutiu Stith-norm legs. Shell nun Fonds =far Qemeinden sieht das .naturge- the Opfer ab" auf, die ihnen.gerneinSam.,zur Ntrftigiing m5g anders. • Aber stehen. Dann milssen sieh 46:-.Ktuzimu-. Nn irruno seine Einschatzung nen our auf ein Projekt, verrAndigeri der CS) Urmveitsc Ergebni!.-se von niic Gemeinden, berichtet'Sunmani.Vha- 50 Jahren Olforde- ben ihr Geld aunt F3eispiel in Boole inves- rung in Nigeria ist ovp. TA( H'.61: tiert, um den Olorbeitern Wassertaxis auf 27 nicht weniger, ^ vernich tend. Sein Land • Wegen durch das erreicht den Delta anbieten zu in dem Eatwicklungsindex der konnt-,n, Vereinten Nationen gerade mat Platz Augerdern versucht Suntormit, mit [42 von ei- 169, 64 Prozent der rund 150 ner 'Thinsparenzollensive wieder Vcr- I Millionentgetianr leben von weniger trauen win Ijnternehmen als in zu schaf- 1,25 Millar i'ro Tag Wad damit unter Fen. Seit einigen Wochen veraffentlicht der. LIrkd das bei einer Shell selbst s5mtliche gemeldetcn :42 ; 5 leeks irn Nigerdelta and berichtet nen iihet 7(159 .fLiter') Tro Tag nod Sanierung und Freigabe einem die durch die leis, der" jahren nahe it rl Behorden. 100 Shell behauptet seit Jahren, Dollar pro Barrel 'hem. 1)as Wirt- dass etwa drei Viertel der Leeks schaftswachsturn 'auf licg-t. konstant he Sabotage oder Oldiebstahl zurtielczufah- rnebr als Cunf Prozent. Die StaatseMnah- ren seien. Diese These weist NI-Limn-Jo men beruhen zu Prozem nut` den Ole BLISS ey zuruck. sind Manche iniiahin -5t0-eta- YAM r- It Nigeria fast Pipelines m.ehr als 40 Jahn: alt. Aus niemand. Lind dank Wikileaks weig AC., Id_ it.IJ Zell seit. seiner Sicht ilbertvachen die OLkon- E.nde des verganwnen Jahres ;web acme ihre 'Pipelines nicht ausreichend noch leder. dass-S1414 d.rfA62..te inter_ verantwortungslos ionale and seien ,,so wine .h Olkonzern::inaljuad, jahrzehn - telzag nod je- Und wean er hart, die (.51- his in die ...Regierttog hinein sclalannulticher Spione warden sa.niert, lacht eingeschleust Mutiu Bassey our. Die Sanierung bestehe Warn- Snort:lora! Ifedetrtet das: Er muss einen. 116 einfaCh darin, dass Einheirnisehe iii Netianfangftir Shell sehaffen. Gunarnistiefeln und mit Eimern losge- schiekt werden. Oft 'nw 4;1.)1

melt vergebco, ”die niclus libcr 61-Le- ck.agen wissen". Die Olfirinen würdeu die verantwortung schlicht auf die Op- fer abschiebeti, whimpft E3assey. Dasselbe „Zuerst • las Abfackeln von Stinrnoritt muss die 01. Mutiu • rgumentiert, dais Regierung Shell nor so schnell Gassarnuielaniagen ihren MOH ballet; konne, wie aufbringeu” die Regierung ihren Investitionsanteil da- Nfutiti Surtnionu, tbr au fb tinge. Shell CM Shell Nigeria hat zWar die Be- triebs fiThrung 1iIr die Olforderu_ng irn Niger-Delta nod Off- shore voider Kiiste des Golfs von Gui- nea, die Oiforderge.sellschaft ist jedoch ein Cetneinschaftsunternehruen von Slaen and dein nigerianischen Staat. Nut hat dieser Staat das Abfackeln schon 1928 verboten. Die Strafzahlun- gen fur die Beibehaltung der Praxis tellen sicb Shell und der Stan seit Jahrzehnten. Nnintrno Bassey hat daftir Itch; VerAand- nis. Zurnal Shell das Gas ja auch vermark- ten korinte. Augesichts der Energi<.,krise irn Land wird das Gas dringend zur gebrancht. Ilitsi.icldieh Strainproduktion be- treibt Shell here.iti ein grofks Gaskraft- werk. Doch die Gasfbrdening irn grogen Stil hat in Nigeria noch gar nicht began- ne:n, obwohl das Land Ober die siebt grog ten Gasreserven der Welt verftigt. DAG ari vit PR

N. 21030 SONNTAG Id itni 1 20.1i Page 1 of 1


Verzonden: dinsdag 8 maart 2011 19:33


Onderwerp: Ter informatie: persbericht over arrestatie van Sunny 0. ivm verdenking van mensensmokkel


Dit nieuwsoverzicht is samengesteld op basis van nieuws dat in de afgelopen 24 uur is geselecteerd voor de radio-uitzendingen en de WereldKrant van Radio Nederland Wereldomroep in Hilversum.

Deze editie is gepubliceerd op: maandag 07 maart 2011 21:20 UTC

** Marechaussee pakt Nigeriaanse activist op


* Nigeriaanse activist aangehouden wegens mensensmokkel

De Koninklijke Marechaussee heeft twee weken geleden de in Nederland wonende Nigeriaanse activist Sunny O. aangehouden. Hij wordt verdacht van betrokkenheid bij mensensmokkel en valsheid in geschrifte. Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft dat tegenover de Wereldomroep bevestigd na berichten hierover in de Nigeriaanse media. Volgens het Openbaar Ministerie ontstond de verdenking tegen O. al in 2009, toen hij op Schiphol een man en een vrouw uit Nigeria opwachtte. Deze man werd bij de paspoortcontrole aangehouden, omdat de vrouw op een paspoort reisde dat niet op haar naam stond. De vrouw deed later aangifte van mensenhandel. De mensenhandelaren zouden haar onder bedreiging van voodoopraktijken in de prostitutie in Italie willen dwingen. 0. is de oprichter en voorzitter van de Hope for Niger-Delta Campaign, HNDC. Die organisatie komt op voor de belangen van bewoners van de Niger-delta in Nigeria, waar onder meer Shell olie wint. O. woont zestien jaar in Nederland en heeft ook de Nederlandse nationaliteit, nadat hij als asielzoeker het land was binnengekomen. Eind januari trad O. nog als getuige op in een hoorzitting van een Kamercommissie over de rol van Shell in de Niger-delta. In december begeleidde hij SP-Kamerlid Sharon Gesthuizen op een onderzoeksmissie in de regio. O's advocaat Valerie Vallenduuk-Bobeck kan inhoudelijk niets zeggen over de zaak, omdat O. in beperking' zit. Ze heeft gevraagd om opheffing van deze maatregel.


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Verzonden: maandag 18 april 2011 12:57


Onderwerp: Nigeria's Daily Independent van 18/4 over de PIB

PIB still awaiting NASS passage The outgoing National Assembly (NASS), third session of the Fourth Republic, may have failed to pass the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) into law despite intensive lobbying by the Executive. Senior Correspondent, Adeola Yusuf, reports that the country loses over $120 billion investment in one year to the non-passage. On Monday, February 21, President Good luck Jonathan repeated his usual announcement that the all- important Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) would be passed into law before the end of his administration. Before this day, the President, who was willing to make the passage a part of his election campaign points, had for the umpteenth time declared through the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke, that the bill would become a law before December, 2010. "I have directed continuous collaboration between government and the legislature to drive the passage of the PIB before the end of this administration," Jonathan, who spoke through the Presidential Adviser on Petroleum, Emmanuel Egbogah, said. But the Senate dashed the hope of the Executive on the passage when it shelved the passage of the Bill to Tuesday, March 15, after failing to form a quorum. Deputy Senate President, Senator , who presided over the debate in the absence of Senate President, , said the Senate would not be blackmailed into passing the bill by protesting charlatans. Senator Ekweremadu, remarking after the submission of the report of the Senate Joint Committee on PIB by Senator , however, gave the assurance that the bill would be passed before the end of the sixth Senate.

He said: "We are responding to our sense of responsibility and not to any text messages. I hear that some charlatans were here yesterday to protest the delay in passage of the bill. I know the amount of work we have put in the PIB in the life of this Senate. We are determined to pass it." The non-passage of the PIB appears to have stalled investments totalling $120 billion, according to the international oil companies (I0Cs). Speaking at the 9th Nigeria Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in Abuja, the erstwhile Regional Executive Vice President of Shell Exploration and Production, Africa, Ann Pickard, disclosed that passage of the PIB with provisions contained therein would make further investments in Nigeria 's deepwater uneconomic and result in loss of $50 billion in investment. Meanwhile, investigation by Sunday Independent revealed that the totality of potential investments in the country's oil and gas sub-sector that have been put on hold may be in excess of $120 billion. Some outstanding oil and gas projects have since been either deferred till 2014 or indefinitely owing to uncertainty over the prevailing fiscal terms as contained in the bill. Some of the projects affected by the non-passage of the PIB include Shell's Bonga SNV, which has been cancelled. Another is Total's Egina, which its Invitation to Tender (ITT) was scheduled for 2010. Others include Chevron's Nsiko, where there is still no information on what is going on and Mobil's Bosi, the ITT of which was also scheduled for 2010. Moreover, it was gathered that due to the seeming impasse over the PIB, discussions to expand the production capacity of the NLNG through construction of trains seven and eight may have also been put on hold by the 10Cs pending determination of issues surrounding the fiscal regime. If collectively executed, the expectation is that these projects have the capacity to ramp up Nigeria 's crude oil production capacity to over four million barrels per day and Liquefied Natural Gas to about 70 million metric standard cubic feet (mmscf) per annum.

Two years ago, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations (NNPC) alluded to mounting loss of revenue to the country in a statement. It noted that the country was losing additional revenue of $287 million in accruals to government from the three Production-Sharing Contracts (PSCs) monthly that goes by without the non- passage of PIB. Production Sharing Contract (PSC) is a policy designed to transfer exploration risks and funding of exploration and development efforts on new acreage to the interested oil companies. The essence of PSC is that NNPC engages a competent contractor to carry out petroleum operations on NNPC's wholly held acreage. The contractor undertakes the initial exploration risks and recovers his costs if and when oil is discovered and extracted. Under the PSC, the contractor has a right to only that fraction of the crude oil allocated to him under the cost oil (oil to recoup production cost) and equity oil (oil to guarantee return on investment). Even though the Senate was able to pass three other bills without forming quorum, the senators refused to consider the PIB on the excuse of poor attendance and lack of time to consider the report.

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Senator Anyim Ude, PDP, Ebonyi, urged the Senate to expedite action on the PIB before the expiration of the sixth Senate in order to ward off harassment from Nigerians. He said: "I agree that the bill should be passed before the end of live of the Senate because of the sheer blackmail we are receiving. We should fix a day to pass it, I feel some people are doing something funny with the bill." Senator , PDP, Nasarawa, argued that a full day be devoted to the bill to get all the senators to participate in passing the bill. While Senator Satty Gogwim, PDP, Plateau, in his contribution, argued that the bill was shelved due to the absence of the signature of the chairman of Senate Committee on Gas on the report. He said: "In the signature column, the signature of that of gas is not here. As far as this bill is concerned, the committee is not complete." Following the deferment of the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) by senators in Nigeria's upper legislative chamber, a civil society group operating under the aegis of African Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) has called for early passage of the bill.

Their concern and subsequent clarion call for its early passage is not unconnected with the decision of the Senate which ordered that the bill be re-presented for consideration on Tuesday, March 15 on the ground that the bill does not have the signature of the chairman, Senate Committee on Gas, Senator Osita lzunnaso. The Executive Director of the African Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) and Coordinator of the Civil Society Campaign on the PIB, Rev. David Ugolor, said the passage of the bill is critical to the development of the sector. In a statement he signed made available to newsmen he lamented that, "by deferring the consideration of the PIB for the umpteenth time, the Senate has again delayed the process of breathing fresh air into Nigeria's oil and gas sector. Meanwhile, prior to the ongoing elections, major stakeholders have called on the NASS to harmonise various versions of the PIB before it and perhaps pass the bill before election primaries. The reason for this was not far-fetched as Nigerian politics was so primitive and time-consuming that there was no way the top actors in government could concentrate on governance at the heat of the pre-primary elections. It is interesting to state that some very senior members of the Senate Committee on Petroleum (Upstream), including its chairman, Senator Lee Maeba, among others, have lost at their party primaries and may not return to the Senate. As it stands, if not passed before May, it is evident that the new legislative session will be characterised by lobby and intrigues which may kill the bill eventually unless the President trades its adoption for other juicy packages. The Chief Executive Officer of Tilone Subsea Limited, Stanford Tassie, believed that the legislative time remaining was too short. He, however, noted that if the present administration could use the limited time to pass the PIB and also put structures in place to implement the Nigerian Content Law, then it would have made a remarkable achievement in the oil sector. Delays have put billions of dollars of potential investment on hold, and while many stakeholders are concerned that it could increase the cost of operating in the oil industry, there is growing appetite for closure on the reform process.

The Head of London-based PM Consulting, Anthony Goldman, said, "there is no certainty as to how a new system might improve transparency." "But more and more people seem to be saying that any law would be better than no law at all. The many stakeholders may not like all elements of new legislation in whatever final form it emerges, but they like the current uncertainty even less," he said. Another stakeholder who preferred not to be mentioned said only PIB could activate Nigeria 's oil and gas industry. "I don't know why they are delaying the bill. It can be passed within two months because it had gone far before the Christmas. So, what they need is the political will to pass it and damn the International Oil Companies (I0Cs)," he said. He pointed out that the NASS members who have lost out may not attend future legislative sessions. He said this development may affect the formation of quorum and also hinder the passage of the bill during the life of this present administration. He noted that survival of the power sector would greatly depend on oil and gas sector. "The power sector depends on gas. So, once the oil and gas sector is activated and gas becomes available, the power sector will be stimulated," he said. The confusion surrounding the signing of the PIB into law and the pervasive pessimistic outlook on the April general elections have triggered the latest crisis of confidence among suppliers and investors in the $12 billion gas supply contract for the Brass Liquefied Natural Gas project. The promoters of the project, which was conceived more than five years ago, will not seal the deal because they are not certain if the fiscal terms that the PIB will eventually recommend will favour an investment of such magnitude. The importance of PIB to the Nigeria 's multi-billion dollars oil and gas industry makes it imperative for the NASS to pass it. All stakeholders, however, have the responsibility to make easy, the efforts of lawmakers on the smooth passage of the bill.

29-6-2012 yam

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Verzonden: maandag 4 juli 2011 15:56


Onderwerp: Thisday: National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas workers demands Federal Govt. intervention in oil blocks sale

NUPENG Demands FG Intervention in Oil Blocks Sale National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas workers (NUPENG) has handed down a 14-day ultimatum to government to halt the sales and transfer of oil blocks by Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC); failing which it threatened to shut down the entire oil and gas industry. The union alleged that the sale and transfer of oil blocks by Shell to Nest Oil, Conoil etc was done without following due process, noting that the union was not carried along in the transaction. General Secretary of the union, Comrade Elijah Okougbo, who made the union's position known in a petition to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Engr. Anthony Ozodinobi, alleged that the union was deliberately sidetracked and kept in the dark in order to prevent members of the public from knowing anything about the deals and transactions, which lack transparency. Consequently, the union is demanding among others that President Goodluck Jonathan compel the new Minister of Petroleum Resources to look deep into the transactions for the transfer and sale of oil blocks by SPDC and other companies. The union also want government to set up a stakeholders committee involving NUPENG and its senior staff counterpart - the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) - to review the transfers and sales of oil blocks as a drive towards ensuring transparency in the extractive industry. The letter reads in part: "Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) arising from the conflict in the Niger Delta which culminated in the attack of its personnel and the vandalisation of its facilities onshore and the general upbraid of its activities by Niger Delta oil producing communities, has sold its oil blocs, flowstations, well head locations, and other assets onshore in the Niger Delta to the highest bidders viz, Nest Oil, Conoil, etc without following the due process. "At the moment controversy is trailing SPDC's oil bloc's sales, as the NNPC is claiming that as a joint venture partner it would take over as the new operator. Nigerians were told that four oil blocks earmarked for sale by SPDC attract over one billion dollars each. "The problem now is that any transaction for such oil blocks needs the intervention of our Union and the consequent negotiation and approval of the majority shareholder — the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation. "If our prayers are not considered in line with the seriousness of the issues raised within fourteen (14) days the oil and gas industry will be visited with a nation-wide industrial action to drive home our demands," the union declared.

-Shell International B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands - Trade Register no. 27155369 Correspondence: PO Box 162, 2501 AN The Hague - NL Office: Carel van Bvlandtlaan 16, 2596 HR The Hague - NL

Internet: htto://


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Verzonden: woensdag 27 april 2011 18:42


Onderwerp: 'Thisday': NPDC Moves to Acquire More Oil Blocks

NPDC Moves to Acquire More Oil Blocks The Nigerian Petroleum Development Company Limited (NPDC), an upstream subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) may acquire two additional oil blocks relinquished by International Oil Companies (I0Cs).

Oil giants, Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), Total E&P Nigeria, and Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited (NAOC) had recently announced the sale of their 45 percent interest in the onshore block Oil Mining Lease (OML) 40 to an indigenous Nigerian oil firm, Elcrest Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited.

Group Executive Director, Exploration and Production, NNPC, Mr. Andy Yakubu confirmed the development last week at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NPDC in Abuja, but did not give details. He said: "We have been working on acquisition and it is public knowledge that some of our IOCs have been relinquishing their oil mills which we are interested in to develop their capacities and boost operations of NPDC but we cannot do that without the approval of the Federal Government."

Yakubu stated that arrangements to that effect were in progress, even as he said the deal was subject to the approval of the Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke. "We will review details of the acquisition including the number of oil blocks to consolidate our portfolio, of course, NPDC participates in international oil trade just like any other oil company and we have to continue to evolve measures to sustain our self financing stance," Yakubu added.

Meanwhile, NPDC has reported a pre-tax profit of N15.5 billion for the 2009 financial year. The profit was part of the company's increased total revenue of N200.38bn in 2009 against N118.4bn that was garnered in 2008, representing a 69 per cent rise in revenue from previous financial year.

Yakubu who disclosed that NPDC's current crude production stood at about 2.5 billion barrel as a result of the relative peace in the oil rich Niger Delta region, said its crude oil lifting from the Okono Terminal during the period under review was 21,051,604 barrels, while lifting from the Forcados Terminal was 938,934 barrels, putting total lifting at 21,990,538 barrels or 86 per cent increase over the total oil lifting of 11,812,625 barrels in 2008.

"Total revenue increased by 65 per cent from N118.4bn in 2008 to N200.38bn in 2009. Also, profit after tax increased by 89 per cent from N8.2bn in 2008 to N15.58bn in 2009. These results clearly showed a marked improvement on the performance of 2008," he said.

According to him, NPDC recorded increase in crude oil production in the 2009 financial year despite the security situation in the Niger Delta. "Notwithstanding the security situation in the Niger Delta region, NPDC produced an average of 60,855bpd, representing 54 per cent increase compared to an average of 39,639 bpd in 2008. Total equity production was 22,212,062 barrels, an increase of 70 per cent when compared to13, 080,092 barrels produced in 2008," Yakubu added.

While explaining the content of NPDC's financial records for 2009, Yakubu said: "In the NNPC/Shell Joint Venture fields, an average of 5,732 bpd was produced compared to 5,788bpd in 2008. Similarly, gas production in 2009 was 26,989 million standard cubic feet per day (scfd) compared to 16,396 million scfd in 2008, of which 24,758 million scfd was flared mostly in Oil Mining License (OML) 119 offshore. However, the project to commercialise OML 119 gas is ongoing and concept selection concluded."


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Verzonden: dinsdag 19 april 2011 15:48


Onderwerp: 'Vanguard': Shell restates commitment to Nigerian Content development

Shell restates commitment to Nigerian Content development

Multinational oil and gas company, Shell Petroleum Development Company, SPDC, Nigeria Limited, has stated that it is committed to the full realization of the Nigerian Content Act, adding that the company and its subsidiaries had invested over $693 million over the past year alone to drive the process. The Country Chair, Shell Companies in Nigeria and Managing Director of SPDC, Mr. Mutiu Sunmonu, who disclosed this in an address at the commemoration of the first anniversary of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Content Development Act, in Abuja, however, noted that the company was facing a challenge with the high targets set by the Nigerian Oil and Gas Content Development Act due to limited in-country capacity and fiscal regimes.

Sunmonu noted that Shell companies in Nigeria have actively been supporting local companies and recognized the need for local content development "even before the phrase became a concept." According to him, "SPDC indeed played a pioneering role in the development of both local businesses and human capital. Our drive is not only motivated by the need to support the aspirations of the Federal government.

"The simple fact is that transferring skills and technology to Nigerians is an integral part of what Shell companies in Nigeria do. Why? Because it makes good business sense for us. By developing a skilled Nigerian workforce, we lower costs over the long term while contributing to a more prosperous Nigeria, which is good for the country and good for business." He noted that Bonga, Nigeria's first offshore deep-water operated by one of Shell's subsidiaries, SNEPCo, was an example, adding that the operation helped create the country's first generation of engineers with deep-water experience.

"It is important to note that there are only a handful of locations around the world with expertise in this technically challenging environment," Sunmonu observed. He added that, "In 2010 alone, we awarded contracts worth nearly $693 million dollars to Nigerian companies. This represented more than 93 percent of the overall number of contracts and amounted to over 94 percent of the total amount we spent on contracts." He noted that even more important than awarding contracts, Shell companies believe that wholeheartedly that training is fundamental to sustaining Nigerian content development, adding that by December, 2010, the companies had trained about 1900 service providers in general contracting processes as well as developing eight local dredging companies.

The group, he stressed, has awarded ten post-graduate scholarships to three top universities in the United Kingdom and has sponsored research programmes in five Nigerian universities for core technical skills in geosciences including offering sabbaticals and students internships at their offices in Port Harcourt to introduce new concepts in underground evaluation techniques and in use of latest technologies. Sunmonu pointed out that SPDC and SNEPCo also collaborated with the United Kingdom Trade and Investment group to organize a trade mission in London during which over 20 Niger Delta vendors met with 150 British companies in an effort to help foster partnerships, adding that to date, ten partnerships have emerged from the effort.

He said the group was willing to do more, but noted that there were challenges with high targets set in the Nigerian Content Development Act with regards to the limited in-country capacity and fiscal regimes."It is our hope that the Federal government will release the appropriate regulations that would guide the full implementation of the requirements of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Content Development Act," he said.


Van: Verzonden: donderdag 19 mei 2011 13:23 Aan: CC:

Onderwerp: Nigeria/versiag Shell/SHY.; oil spill management stakeholders workshop dd 12 mei 2011 ; evt afspraken voor lunchlezing Shell/SPDC over CSR in Nigerdelta.

Gevoeligheid: Vertrouwelijk

Bijlagen: Speech MD Shell, 12 mei 20110001.pdf; Shell in Nigeria briefing note oil spills, mei 20110001.pdf; Verslag oil spill management stakeholders workshop, 12 mei 2011, Port Harcourt.doc

Speech MD Shell, Shell in Nigeria Verslag oil spill 12 mei 201100... briefing note... management s... Collega's,

1) Bijlagen ter vertrouwelijke informatie. Daaronder goed verslag van die amens ambassade aan hogergenoemde workshop deelnam. I.v.m. installatie pygmalion volgt wellicht later nog een samenvatting en aanvullend commentaar per blaw. Als het verslag en/of overige documentatie van deze zeer nuttige bijeenkomst jullie aanleiding geeft tot behoefte aan nadere info of analyse, laat dat dan even weten. Deelnemerslijst is beschikbaar. VK en VS-amb waren eveneens uitgenodigd, maar lieten dit (helaas)aan hun voorbijgaan.

Wij zullen bij voorbereiding van onze ronde tafels dankbaar van verkregen inzichten en opgebouwde contacten gebruik maken.

2) Geef jullie in overweging om van Shell/SPDC uit te nodigen voor een gesprek en zo mogelijk ook een iunchiezing op BZ over milieuproblematiek in de Nigerdelta en het door . geleide Shell/SPDC's Corporate Social Responsibility beleid in Nigeria. is in de dagen na Pinksteren in Nederland, hil neemt o.a. op woensdag 15 juni van 12.00 tot 14.00 uur deel aan de door DDE georganiseerde lunchlezing over het Cassave+ PPP-programma van DADTCO/IFDC, waar Shell/SPDC inmiddels fors aan bijdraagt in Rivers State. Shell/SPDC werkt bij die participatie nauw samen met de Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency o.l.v. -(daartoe door Shell/SPDC voor een paar jaar uitgeleeend aan Gouverneur Amaechi van Rivers) en -zal ook van de partij zijn. is ook als milieueconoom van Shell/SPDC interessante gesprekspartner voor jullie; hij was hiervoor als rechterhand van MD Shell/SPDC bijv nauw betrokken bij milieu- en PR-kwesties in o.a. Ogoniland en aanloop naar UNEP-onderzoek,

Mede in verband met andere nog te maken afspraken in week 24 voor, en mezelf hoor ik graag uiterlijk volgende week jullie reactie.


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2 Welcome Remarks by_the Managing Director of SPDC/Countr/Chair Mr. Mutiu Sunmonu at the Oil Spill Management Stakeholders' Workshop_ Held in Port Harcourt on May 12, 2010


Let me begin by thanking you for finding time to attend this workshop on oil spill management, I'd like to begin by sharing a little bit about our footprint. SPDC's operations take place in the Niger Delta. We hove a network of over 6,000 kilometres of {towlines and pipelines, 90 oil fields, 73 flowstations and two major oil export terminals at Bonny and Forcados, \Ailhile the scale of these operations is extensive, they only actuolly utilise about 30,000 square kilometers of the total area of the Niger Delta , The demand for energy is going to continue to increase. According to the International Energy Agency, global demand for energy could double in the first half of the century. This will be driven by a rising global population 9 billion compared to today's 6.5 billion or so - and especially by economic growth in the developing economies. Meeting the world's growing demand for energy will require investment in all energy sources, from oil and natural gas, to biofuels, nuclear power, solar and wind. At the some 'time, we must urgently tackle environmental issues, which are growing as the world's need for energy increases. Today's workshop will focus on addressing oils spills, a challenge that is of great concern to our operations in the Niger Delta.

The tragic events in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 are a reminder of the huge exposure oil companies face in their daily operations and why we invest so much time and effort in planning and executing our activities responsibly. This includes preventing incidents that harm people and the environment, and preparing to deal effectively with any that may occur. Unfortunately, following the Gulf of Mexico incident, the international media put SPDC in the spotlight by comparing spills in the Niger Delta to the Gulf of Mexico disaster. There is absolutely no basis for such comparison.

The truth is that the great majority of spills in the Niger Delta are the result of third party interference, mainly theft of equipment, deliberate sabotage or leaks caused when thieves drill into pipelines or open up wellheads to steal oil. On average, such third party interference has accounted for more than 70% of all oil spilled from SPDC facilities in the delta over the last five years. When you combine this with the effects of illegal refining, the results are significant.

Regrettably, the rest of the volume has been caused by operational failures such as equipment failure and human error. This figure is heavily skewed by one major spill in 2008 at Inarna -which had its root cause in sabotage. I am sure you will have a chance to discuss that further later. No operational spill is acceptable. SPDC recognises that we must improve our performance in this area and we are working very hard to do so. We will be sharing some of our efforts with you during this workshop. We also recognise the importance of restoring the environment, no matter who or what caused a spill. In the course of today's sessions and discussions, we will share our oil spill statistics, our response processes, our clean up and remediation efforts and the compensation process. All efforts not withstanding, prevention of oi.,:.trational spills is key to our operations. I would like to first share some of our endeavours.

„ iin,;>tre Nernbe Creek Trunkline, We made more than 100 temporarily abandoned wells in Ocioniland more tamper-proof and replaced 132 kilometres of pipelines and flowlines in addition to the 318 kilomeiies we replaced in 2009.

We have also firmed up projects to clear the backlog of preventive and corrective maintenance octi,..ities that had built up during the period of militancy along our entire pipeline neiwoil,, The programme is scheao.Hri for completion by December 2011. We am committed to being more transparent in our reporting of oil spills, In January 2011„ we launched a public'. website which tracks our response to, and investigation and ck..ah-up of every spill from SPDC '.vhetner caused by operational failure cr sabotaac find the URI. for the site in the There are also photographs and icyht reports, including a summary of each spill and the actions we are taking. 1 cm sure you will visit the website after this workshop..

I will leave my colle.jues to talk in more detail about the various areas I have just mentioned, But 1 before I conclude I'd like to leave you with one important rriesdar.., No matter how much we improve our performance, until the activities of the oil thieve,, and the illegal refiners are brought to an end, the vast majority of oil spills will continue. We will continue to do our best to mitigcrte the impact of these spills from our facilities and sometimes from those of third parties but there has to be a rea change in the efforts to stop thes.i (R.tri,}ties once and for all

I sincerely hope that by the end of this workshop, we will be able to generate ideas that will promote partnership and enhance our overall environmental performance. I strongly believe that successful cooperation between SPDC and all its stakeholders is vital to fulfilling Nigeria's energy potential responsibly and we look forward to listening to your ideas and comments on how we can improve this situation together.

Thank you

Mutiu Sunmonu Managing Director, Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd and Chairman, Shell Companies in Nigeria SHELL IN NIGERIA ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE - OIL SPILLS

The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria limited A further estimated 18„500 barrels was spilled in the se,:„-and (SPDC) is committed to cleaning up all spills when they occur major incident on the Trans Escravos Pipeline which was as fast as possible, no matter what their cause. The great attacked by saboteurs who set off five explosive devices along majority of spills in the Niger Delta are the result of sabotage the line or due to leaks caused when thieves drill into pipelines or open up wellheads to steal oil and natural gas liquids. On Elsewhere, the Saku gas plant in Rivers State remained closed overage these two causes accounted for more than 70% of for most of the year following repeated damage to all oil spilled from Shell facilities in the delta over the last five a pipeline carrying condensate a natural gas liquid. years (2005.20091 We regret that the rest of the volume The plant was shut in November 2008 to repair the line, comes from operational failures, sometimes when repairs in and reroute the condensate to reduce opportunities for theft. sabotaged lines fail. SPDC found more than 300 illegal taps in the pipeline, some right up to the perimeter fence where thieves can take Sometimes individuals or groups in communities or armed advantage of higher pipeline pressure to steal more The gangs deny us access to spill sites. For some, this is because environmental damage has been extensive and the affected they are angry or worried about the impact on their land areas are being restored. and lives, Others want clean-up contracts and greater compensation. Whatever the reason, such delays increase During the year about 2,300 barrels pi incidents) were the impact of the spill significantly, SPDC is working in these spilled due to operational failures such as corroded pipelines, very difficult circumstances to improve its performance, equipment failure and human error More than 72,000 reduce the number of spills under its control and to maintain barrels of spilled oil was recovered in clean up operations. the oil production on which the Nigerian economy depends. Community activities delayed SPDC access to more than a quarter of the spills holding up work for over 300 days Spill performance in 2009 The total number of spills in 2009 was 132„ against the Revised 2008 data average between 2005 and 2009 of 175 per year Thieves We update our published spill data each year to take into or saboteurs spilled about 103,000 barrels from SPDC account incidents for which spill volumes cannot be certified facilities in 95 incidents an average of one spill every four by the independent joint inspection team in time for the onnua.! days. This accounted for almost 98% of the voilurne of oil reporting exercise. We have revised the 2008 oil spill data to spilled during the year.. include the results of investigations concluded in.2009 ills

lei:lodes only one significant incident in November 2008 at

Most of the oil was spilled in two incidents. At the (Midi field Iriama in Delta State in which (about 44 000 barrel-, were in Delta State, thieves trying to steal the oil from a wellhead spilled. This has its origins in 2006 when SPDC carried out caused a blowout that spilled an estimated 78,000 barrels repairs on a pipeline at lriomo that hod been damaged by before a specialist well control company was able to briny it thieves attaching taps and valves. in November 2008. those under control aher 98 days The thieves had vandalised safety repairs failed and triggered a small leak of 30 barrels valves that would normally allow the emergency response team to shut off the flow of oil very quickly.-The specialist The team returned to repair the line again but, during th5-, contraur)rs hod to creole and maintain a safe zone to work work, a mistake was made causing on expbsic):1 Tragically white contending with changing conditions such as wind seven workers died in the resulting fire and more oil was direction, tidal movements and security concerns from spilled. This single incident almost doubled the amount omf militants. Initial quick action by SPDC limited the spill to the spilled during the year These updated figures are imsluded immediate surroundings of time well and almost all of the oil in the graphs in this publication was recovered

ENV1RONMiNTAi PERFORMAtiCt Investigating spills and sabotage. We have created a new integrated fulitirne When an oil spill occurs, a joint investigation team KO - oil spill response team bringing together staff working in including representatives from Impacted communities. the environment, !eclat engineering proctor-tr.:n community cause. and volume of the spill as fast cis possible. Where a new approach and more people assigned to the task investigations show that spills were within SPDC's control will help us to respond more quickly and help deal with to prevent; SPDC then negotiates compensation with the the backlog. affected landowners. In 2009, SPDC pad more than $4 million in compensation, as well as providing dean water To prevent operational spills we operate a programme and food to affected communities where needed. Nigerian designed to ensure that equipment and infrastructure are low does not require payment of compensation in cases kept in good condition. In 2009 we replaced 318 kilometres of sabotage of pipelines and flowlines the pipes that curry oil from the wells to processing facilities. All of SPDC's major facilities Cleaning up spills have been independently certified to international (ISO Whatever the cause, SPDC i5 committed to stopping and 14001) standards, and are verified through regular containing all spills, recovering and cleaning up as much oil independent assessments and audits as it can and restoring sites in compliance with regulations We have researched and adopted a technique for restoring We also have pipeline and asset surveillance contiocis land sites impacted by oil spills that we believe to be effective with communities to ensure we discover and react to spills for the soil and climate conditions in the equatorial heat of the as quickly as possible More than 9,080 people ore Niger Delta. For heavy spills, we add nutrients that stimulate employed at this, the natural microbes in the sail. These feed on the remaining oil and break it down. Once clean-up is complete, the work is Reporting inspected, approved and certified jointly by the government, SPDC publicly reports its environmental performance and communities and SPDC inspectors spills that have taken place in publications and on the web However, the security dangers in the delta mean we can't Since 2005 SPDC has been dealing with an average of 175 always access spill sites safely and this sometimes delays spills a year, stretching its remediation teams. In 2009; we investigations remediated and certified 143 spill site A further 439 sites remain in various stages of completion. We could not complete the remerhation of six remaining pre.2005 spills More information on the operations of Shell companies in sites because of access difficulties and community issues. Nigeria can be found at

We are constantly looking at ways of improving our ability to cope with this rising incidence of spills, driven by theft

Number of ail spills/year Volume of oil spills lbarrels)/year Van:

Verzonden: vrijdag 11 februari 2011 15:42


Onderwerp: Zembla tv uitzending over Shell Nigeria op 12 febr., aangevuld met het laatste nieuws

Bijlagen: 12-02-2011 Vuile Olie van Shell.pdf



Hoorzitting De Tweede Kamer,hield kort geleden een hoorzitting over de activiteiten van Shell in Nigeria, mede naar aapleiding van de ZEMBLA ultzending write Olio van. Snell Uit funl 2010. ZEMBLA-verslaggever Thomas Blom werd door KamerLeder' .gevraagd paar zip ervaringen in Nigeria. Ram vijftig jaar haalt Shell daar olie uit de grond . Door olielekkages zijn akkergronden en Viswateren erpstig-VerViiitd. De hevolking is het zat. Shell schept volgens de .beWOners van de Nigerdelta geed njkdoni, maar arrneede en draagt bij in de regio. ZEMBLA filrnde de praktijken van Shell en sprak rriet de lokale beOlking.

po. z.EMi3tA-aftevering 'De vuile olie van 'Shell', a.anttaande zaterdag 12 febniar1 orn 22.•35 uur bij de VARA op Nederland 7: over Olie, geld en onm.acht.,

De oge.n.yan de Weteld.Waren wekentang gerkht op de Golf van Mexico, waar BP een oUetek prObeerdete stoppen, :•diep cinder het zeeoppenitak. Ondertussen voltrekt zich • in de Niger Delta, het zoidelijke deel van Nigeria, at Vijftig •jaar een -olieramp.Sinds de olierriaatschappijen- daar hun jatht op olie.begonnenOs er naar Scliatting 1,5 miljoen on obe over de landbouvigronden en in de moerassen gestrOpind. Die VerVidling geat'onverminoped deor, De bevolking wit dat het eindelijk stopt en richt zijn woede op Shell De Leiden& Nederlands/Britte 011egigant maakt miljardep whist, maar Wordt ervan beschuldigd milieu en mensenrechten op te.offeteri..2EMBLA trok naar de Niger Delta en zag de praktijken van Shell.

Twintig Iekkages in een jaar Kingtleythinda, commissaris milieuraken van de Nigeriaanse provincie Rivers State, is dpidelijk: 'De WOO van de bevotking komt voort uit de manier waarop de olieinaatschappljen te werk voorbeelden hiervan treffen we in de 'bele 'Niger Petta.aan ip het dorpje Jk4 toont dorpshoofd B. Mole de tWiritigste lekkage in een pat tljd, veroorzaakt door oude en gebrekkige pijpleidingen van Shell. In poi, .een dorpje midden in•het kwetsbare beitagebled, ligt de 'tqWe olie nog op de oevers van de kreken, terwijl Shell het volgens inWener Eric B.arizaa. als opgerdimd beschouvit, De Iris is verdwerien, samen met bet mingrOvebos. Het drinkWater is aangetast, de kinderen van het dorp tpelen in hetipet olle bedekte Water.

GemeentCtiap VerSCbieurd Nqnderd kilometer verderop stuiten we op een verlateri dOrp. De 15.000 inwoners zijn weggetrokken, op een handvol na. 7ij,vertellen hoe Corifticten uitbraken doordat Shell haar betalingen Wok over de Verartride gerneerisChap:i.terdeelde, maar aan enkete individuen gaf. Een gevaarlijke handelswijzei oirtdat het daarmee de gemeensChap..intoex) .%;foltCh.ei.irt; Dat weet oak Shell zelf, Yager* oud-Shell adviseur S. Braide:..'le zijn er bij VersChillende btjeeniointteri op gerVezen. 'Oak een intern rapport uit .20p3 bevestigt het. De ttrild escaleerde met tientallen doden tot geVolg. Het plaatsje ligt. er ultgestorven blj, terwijl Shell pal naast het dorp6rwerrninderd doorgaat rriet bet OPPOMPen van de kostbare olie. Kingsleythinda: 'Last ze op een humane manier Whist tnaken. Levens 'zijn.belangrijker dariWinits

Het geweten van de.pelisicierifonciteri Ondertussen presenteert Shell prachtige winstcijfers in Den Haag en Wept bet bestuur de aandeelbOyders, waaronder grote pensioenfondsen, ervap te oVerttrigen dat e Op. een nette, duurzame manier werken in Nigeria. Rick van der Ploeg, hoogleraar econornie can de oxford University, vraagt zich af of de penSioenfondSen de ellende die de otiewinning met zich nieehreitt, Wet np.htingeweten witten.hehben: 'ids de aandeelhouderS echt eens door de Niger Delta gaan topen, cons. zien water met de lokate bevciiking gebeurt, dan vraag ik me af of je je nog zo comfortabel voett met het hebbep van die aandeettles StielW •

Research: Sanne Baer. S•amenttelling en regle: Thomas Blom. Eindreciactie: Kees Driehuis.

op Nederland 2 (deze ZEMBLA: 'De voile olie van Shell', a.s. zaterdag 12 februarl om 22.35 our 14 de VARA met de laatste ontWlickelingen). aftevering was eerder te zien op 13 juni 2010, maar is aangevuld


31 december:2011.RUwe olle uit de Atlantlsche Oceaan vlakbij het dorp Oroblrl, afkomgig van een Shell:platform Nigeria in .Warn in nauwe verbinding staat met hogere officieren van de Joint Task Force (het leger - mm) als het gaat om oliezaken en de inzet van militairen Het hogere Shell-management in Nigeria is vast en zeker niet blij geweest met Obuaya's los- lippigheid. Het concern ziet het beveiligen van zijn installaties officieel als teak van de natio- Vertrouwelijke Arnerikaarise arnbtsberichten nale en regionale autoriteiten. Shell-personeel mag geett wapens dragen, ingehuurde veilig- verhelderen veel over loyal Dutch Shell. Uit ' heidsclienstentnogen in geval van nood hooguit dui zenden cables blijkt, dat de olie-.en gaswinning zich een beperkte aanval van rebellen afslaan. In de vaak afspeelt in een context vol corruptie en sores geweld. praktijk is dit niet houdbaar; blijkt uit systema- tisch onderzoek van de diploma- DOOR MARCELNIETZE tieke ambtsberichten die via WiltiLealts sinds november integraal op bet internet zijn in te

10 OKTOBER 2003, Abuja, hooffistacl van Nige- gevallen oliepmductie weer op gang te krijgen. zien. Als Shell wil dat het Nigeriaanse leger ria. Rick Roberts, tweede man van de Ameri- Veel re-sultaat hebben die acties nog niet opge- zijn beveiligingstaak waarmaakt, moet het geld katuise ambassade, schrijft een ambtsbericht leverd, aldus Obuaya en andere informanten. op tafel leggen. Niet een keer, meat- volgens de over de mu-ust rond de oliestad Want aan de Het leger heefLhonclerden soldaten gestatio- diplomatieke cables regelmatig. westrand van de Niger. Delta. Hij kwalificeert neerd-bij vier of vijf pompinstallaties van Shell, In 2006, na een reeks ontvoeringen en snel- het als fvertrouwelijk' en deels als `geheirn'. Zijn dat is alles. 'Dew noteert Roberts, Is bootaanvallen op olie-installaties in de. Niger rapporteurs zijn near Warri gereisd en hebben grotendeels door Shell betaald: En hij voegt Delta en in de Golf van Guinee nemen de frus- dear onder weer gesproken met Tony Obuaya, als eigen commentaar toe: 'We weten met of tratie.s van 4 plaatselijke Shell-managers toe. het regionale hoofd beveiliging van Royal Shellt hoofdkantoor zou instemmen met Obua- Het leger doet veel te weinig, vinden ze. Met Dutch Shell. Deze heeft hue uitgebreid verteld -ya's Openhartigheid maar diens voortdurende name de Bonga en de Sea Eagle, die tachtig zee- over de rnilitaire acties die sinds aupistus 2003 gbbria van het woord "wij", de details the hij mijlen uit de kust, ten zuidwesten van Wart, in de streek gaande zijn, met bet doel.militante gaf over de nulitaire planning, en a.ndeie obser;- olie uit het diepzeeveld Bonga pompen, zijn groepen (die hier heer en meester zijn) terug te vetie.§iran'onze ripporteurs laten overtifigeti-el uiterst kwetsbaar. Deze Floating Production, dringen, orde en rust te herstellen en de stil- zien da:t'deze beveiligingsmanager :van 'Shell/ Storage & Offioading-schepen - tankers met

14 DE GROENE AMSTERDAMMER 19.01.12 installaties-ybor het scheiden van olie, water en doen, informatie en desinformatie, constructie Shell doet de bedrijfsvoming van SPDC maar gas - Zijn bij een eventuele aanval van rebellen en destructie, pblitiek en geweld. houdt slechts dertig procent (de overige vijf- zo goad als onhoudbaar.2 In juni 2000 schrijft Dat ging met schade en schande, Shell heeft tien zijn van Total en het Italiaanse Em). Het de .Amerikaanse consul-gerieraal • in Lagos: smetten op zijn reputatie niet altijd weten ts diepzeeveld Bonga, sinds eind 2005 in produc- 'Shell-contacten laten ons weten dat bet bedrijf vermijden. Het gaat nog altijd met schade en tie, wordt geexploiteerd door een consortium van plan is om voor enkele miljoenen dollars schande. Het aantal landen met een redelijke waarin Shell wel een meerderheid heeft. De aan bitten en uitrusting aan -het regeringsleger rechtsstaat is in de afgelopen eeuw toegetio staat profiteert via' een production sharing con- te verschaffen om de' beveiliging van de instal- men, maar er blijven er oak aardig War vv* tract mee. Daamaast produceert Shell in Nige- laties te versterken:Viermaanden later spreekt zakkenvullerij, onrecht en onderdraiddng ria vloeibaar gas (ism). Shell Nigeria komt voor de ambassade in Abuja een adviseur van con- boventoon voeren. Shell presenteert zichzelf in een vijfde van de hick onderzoclite cables (zie current Chevron: -.Shell-mensen- hebben deze tegenover zijn westerse klanten en aandeellicr- leader). Deze bestrijken de periode van 2001 tot man toevertrouwd dot hun concern het Nigeri- ders graag als een verlicht bedrijf met Meat- 2010 en zijn won] gebaseerd op gesprekken aanse leger ook direct geld geeft.3. schappelijk verantwoorde standpunten. Deie met managers van Shell en andere oliemaat-

Een twee- jaar, - later, in juni 2008, fraaie bovenwereld rust op een keiharde ender- schappijen, politici en vertegenwoordigers van krijgt de 'bernaiming van de Ppso Bonga een grand, laten ook deze cables weer zien. In som- MOSOP (Movement for the Smvival of the Ogo-

waarschuwing: er zijn zes snelboten met rebel- mige landen kan het concern alleen opereren ni People) en MIND (Movement for the Eman- len onderweg: De stalenveiligheidsdeuren gaan onder bescherming van geweren en door bet cipation ofthe Niger Delta), regionale bewegin- dicht. De aanval Mishkt,:- de rebellen weten de begrip 'steekpenningen' .op te rekken naar de gen waarvan vooral de tweede ontvoeringen en

laatste deur niet -open te, branders. Een week plaatselijke maat. En altijd en overal blijft olie geweldcladige acties Met scluiwt. { later (lost yice4piesident Shells. voor Afrika, big business, waarin men onderhandelingen op Wat blijkt eruit? Om te beginnen dat er wel Ann -Pickard,' verslag aan de Amerikaanse het scherp van de snede [met voeren, en gepokt wat reden is voor nuancering. Toen de cables

ambassadeur;RobinRenee Sanders (een zwar- en.gemazekl moet zijn in het bespelen van emb, eind 2010 bij de mainstream media beland-

te vrouw). De Nigeriaanse marine had maar een teciaren en politici. • den (in Nederland bij het NOS Journal, IITL boot gestuurd, vertelt ze. Die was riazeventieh kdit sttikkozneil rond de dertig Shell-Cables Nieuws en NRC Handelsblad) maiden die nog-

uur gearriveerd, lang na afloop van de aanval; in detail aan de orde. In totaal zijn er in het al opgewonden van een uitspraak van Shells

en moest door het personeel van de Bonga van Afrika-coordinator Ann Pickard. Deze had in brandstof en voedsel worden voorzien om terug Shell is machtiger dan oktober 2009 tegen VS-ambassadeur Renee te kunnen varen. Kart daarop ontrnoet Pickard de NigeriaanseTegerin.g, Sanders gezegd dat Shell bij alle relevante Nige- een paar Nigeriaanse 'parlementariers. Shell riaanse ministeries eigen mensen had gedeta- moet zelf maar zorgen voor 'de beyeiliging van suggereerden. enk.ele cheerd een term die de media gretig opbliezen zijn installaties, vinden zij.' • krantenkoppen. tot `geinfiltreerd' - en dus prima wist wat daar Andere oliemaatschappijen betalen het leger speelde. Shell is machtiger dan de Nigeriaanse

om militaken op hun platforms te stationeren. regering, suggereerden enkele krantenkoppen'.6

Shell heeft dit tot nu toe geweigerd, uit angst Dat ligt toch lets complexer. De decennia

om geassocieerd te worden met eventuele men-: WikiLeaks-bestand rand de tweeduizend. Ze oude contacten hebben ongetwijfeld tot uit-

senrechtenschendingen door die militairen (die laten zien dat de Amerikaanse ambassades en wisseling geleid van Shell-medewerkers die bij

inderdaad nog wel eens slordig willen -zijn); consulaten voor Shell en andere olieconcerns de overheid zijn pan werken en omgekeerd.

Maar na deze aanval, laat Pickard de Ame- (en vermoedelijk ook voor andere multinatio- Maar Shell, valt uit de cables op te maken, heeft rikaanse ambassadeur weten, zal -Shell deze nals) fungeren als draaischijwn in de uitwis- die lijnen jarenlang onderbenut en zich sterk

terughoudendheid magelijk laten varen.4 • • seling van allerlei vertrouwelijke, soms zeer gericht op oud-generaal Olegosun Obasanjo,

gevoelige en persoonlijke informatie. Door de een gematigde democraat die in mei 1999 na

DE AMERIKAANSE diplomatieke berichten aard van de contacten heeft die informatie veel- een lange periode van dietatuur tot president

waarin Shell figureert, komen van ambassades al betrekking op wet- en regelgeving, concessie- werd gekozen. Shell is bij uitstek een gouverne-

en consulaten in Irak, Iran, Nederland, Nigeria, verlening, politieke verhoudingen, velligheid, mentele lobbyist (zo weet ik uit de geschiedenis

Rusland, Syria, Turkije, Venezuela en vele ande- samenwerking met overheden, enzovoort. Shell van het concern, die ik thans onderzoek). Het

re landen. Ze vormen een actualisering van het ziet zichzelf als een apolitiek bedrijf, maar uit concern had een directe lijn naar de president

historische beeld van de olie-industrie, zoals dat de cables blijkt dat de omgang met en beinvloe- en kon via hem de olieambtenaren en de mana-

eerder is beschreven door de Britse historicus ding van politici en bestuurders tot het dage- gers van staatsoliemaatschappij NNPC gemak-

Anthony Sampson (1975) en de Amerikaanse lijkse werkbehoort. Olie is politiek. kelijk passeren - wat trouwens een prijs had: de

auteur Daniel Yergin (1991). De winning van Zeker ook in Nigeria. Dit land werd in 1960 president wierp wel eens oliebrokken toe ann

aardolie en -gas speelt zich nogal eens of in een onafhankelijk en in 1963 een federate republiek. zijn getrouwen, ten koste van Shell.

conflictueuze context, vol maditsstrijd, machi- Meteen kwamen onderliggende regionale span- Toen Obasanjo in mei 2007 plaatsmaakte

naties, corruptie en soms ook wapengeweld. ningen tot uitbarsting. In ruim de helft van de voor de islamiet Umaru Yar'Adua, was Shell zijn

Royal Dutch Shell, de meest muhinationale van daaropvolgende halve eeuw heerste een militair shortcut naar de top kwijt. Begin 2008 bezocht

de oliegiganten, heeft alle 122 van zijn levens- regime. Sinds mei 1999 kent het democratisch Afrika-coordinator Pickard de (toen kersverse) jaren in dit soort contexten geopereerd. Het gekozen presidenten, maar het blijft em van Amerikaanse ambassadeur Sanders. Ze klaagde

concern heeft de wereldoorlogen meegemaakt, de meest conflictueuze en corrupte landen ter dat Shell nu moest 'worstelen om invloed op de

de Koude Oorlog, tal van regionale conflicten, wereld. Shell exporteerde zijn eerste olie van- nieuwe regering te houden' en zijn wag moest

revoluties, opstanden, militaire coups, burger- uit Nigeria in 1958. Zijn belangrijkste dochter zien te vinden in deondoorzichtige Nigeriaanse

oorlogen, oliecrises, noem maar op. Het heeft Shell Petroleum Development Company (sane) bureaucratie. Dus hoezo infiltratie? Tussen

geleerd hoe het deze uiterst turbulente omstan- draagt een misleidende naam, want 55 procent deze klacht van Pickard en hair stoere bewe-

digheden kan overleven en er (soms veel) geld is in bezit van NNPC, de Nigeriaanse staatsolie- ring 'onze mensen zitten overal' liggen ander- verdienen. Het heeft veel in kan ervaring opge- maatschappij, die door KPMG in een rapport half jaar. Moeten we geloven dat Shell in die dun met manoeuvreren in het het vage grens- van 2010 wordt geschetst als uiterst inefficient, korte tijd tot diep in de Nigeriaanse bureau- beschaafd en onbeschaafd gebied tussen zaken- ondoorzichtig en frauduleus.5 cratie heeft weten door te dringen? Natuurlijk

19.01.12 DE GROENE AMSTERDAMMER 15 niet. Waarschijnlijk is het concern zijn slapende Burns, 'is dit een onmiskenbaar teken van ande- Buitenlandse Zaken later aan de Amerikaanse contacten in de ambtenarij na het vertrek van re, dieper liggende problemen. (...) Mogelijk is zaalcgelaStigde te Tokio. Toen Rusland de ver- Obasanjo gewoon wat actiever gaan benaderen. het management van Sachalin II vanwege de gunning introk, liet de Japanse regering Mos- In hoeverre dat is gelukt, valt niet te beoorde- tijdsdruk en de schaalgrootte van het project kou weten dat het stilleggen van Sachalin II een len. Het contrast tussen Pickards beide uit- (er waren op dat moment zo'n zeventienduizend diplomatiek probleem zou geven. latingen doet in ieder geval vermoeden dat zij waiters bezig - mm) niet goed in staat she Maar de Japanners wilden geen al te hoog de positie van Shell tegenover de VS-diploma- onderaannemers in de gaten te houden: spel spelen. Op 15 december 2006 kwamen de ten soms wat zwakker schilderde, dan weer wat En er speelde nog een management- CEO'S van Shell, Mitsui en Mitsubishi, topman sterker, al naar gelang haar doelstellingen. De probleem. Shell moest de kostenstijging Alexei Miller van Gazprom en energieminister Amerikanen hadden dat wel door. In een corn- zomer 2005 openbaar maken op grond van Viktor Khristenko in Moskou bijeen voor de mentaar omschreef hun consul in Lagos haar de publicatieplicht jegens de aandeelhouders. slotonderhandelingen. Shell accepteerde intus- eens els 'an experienced political operator in oil Maar een paar dagen eerder had het staatsbe- sen dat Gazprom een belang van vijftig procent and gas,' een ervaren politieke speler.7 drijf. Gazprom een belang van 25 procent in plus een in Sachalin II zou krijgen. Twee dagen Sachalin II genomen. Door de kostenverho- voor de topconferentie zette Gazprom ineens

ER ZIJN MEER redenen om het beeld van de ging werd dat belang ineens een stuk minder extra druk,cip de ketel door haar bod te verlagen oppermachtige manipulator te nuanceren. waard. Deze knullige timing blijkt een gevolg naar 2,6 miljard dollar, een voor Shell onaccep- Shell probeert politici te b_ einvloeden, is uiterst van slechte interne conununicatie. De groep tabel niveau. De Japanners avildeia dit accepte- opportunistisch, aarzelt niet om boven- en die de onderhandelingen voerde met Gazprom ren, uit yrees de toegang tot toekomstige olie- ondergronds inlichtingen te verzamelen (in de. en de groep die verantwoordelijk was voor de en gasprojecten op SaChalin te verspelen. Ook Nigeriaanse cables spreekt Ann Pickard over publicatie van de kostenoverschrijding hadden Shell zou dus overstag -rnoeten. Toch had het een transcript van een door de Russen afgeluis- elkaar met tijdig geinformeerd, zo gaf een hoge concern nog een kaart in de moues Topman terd gesprek en contacten met Israelische veir Shell-ftmctionaris later tegenover Amerikaanse Chris Finlayson van Shell Rusland vertelde ligheidsagenten)s. Maar het is zelf ook onder- diplomaten toe'° VS-ambassadecir Burns dat men interventie hevig aan politiek spel. Het gevolg was een e.norrne, wijd gepubli- door derden op hoog niveau' had gezocht. Wie Neem de kwestie-Sachalin II. Medio 2005 ceerde rel. De Russen waxen woedend en al dit was/waren, bleef ook voor de Amerikanen meldde het concern dat dit grote olie- en gas- snel bemoeiden president Vladimir Poetin en oiabekend, mogelijk de, Japanse premier Abe, winningproject, op het gelijknamige eiland aan vice-premier Aleksander Medyedev, die tevens die een direct telefoongesprek met president de oostkust van Siberie, Met tien maar twintig Poetin voerde. Het geVolg was in ieder geval miljard dollar aan initiele investeringen zou Shells soms wat al te grote een forse verhoging van het bod naar 7,5 mil- sharing agree- jard dollar, zodat Shell tegenover zijn aandeel- vergen. Volgens het production zakelijke egoceritrisme ment zou Shell die kosten eerst mogen terug- houders geen gezichtsverlies leed.12 verdienen, dan pas zou Rusland mee gaan delen duke ook op in de cables in de opbrengsten. Indertijd verldaarden Shell- over Irak SHELL SPEELT snel in op veranderende politieke managers de kostenverdubbeling pit over- oinstandigheden, zo blijkt uit de cables rond optimistische planningen en het g-ebruik van Sachalin II. Toen Vladimir Poetin na zijn her- verouderde geologische gegevens (op zich een verkiezing in 2004 de greep van de staat op de rare fout voor een concern dat zich juist in geo- vice-voorzitter van Gazprom was, zich met de geprivitiSeerde energiesector wilde heroveren, logie specialiseert)9. In een cable van septem- zaak. Toen Poetin op 1 en 2 november 2005 op nam het concern zelf het initiatief om Gazprom ber 2006 uitte de Amerikaanse ambassadeur staatsbezoek in Nederland was, opperde Shell- bij het project te halen en rich zo te voorzien William J. Burns het vermoeden dat er meer cEo Jeroen van der Veer een herziening van het van politieke delcidng. Maar achter deze stap aan de hand was. Zijn medewerkers hadden production sharing agreement. Maar de Russen lijkt **al opportunisme schuil te zijn gegaan. tijdens een bezoek aan Sachalin gehoord van waren nooit enthousiast geweest over dit type Op Neel inzicht in de Russische gevoeligheden veiligheidsproblemen (een achttiental dodelijke contracten, dat dateerde uit de jaren negentig, Ran men Shell niet betrappen. Zo noteerde de ongevallen). Volgens een insider, schreef toen Rusland nog armlastig was en buiten- Amerikaanse ambassadeur tijdens het conflict landse investeerders nodig had. Poetin vond ze dat het concern de steun van de regionale over- Het onderzoek `koloniaar en ging niet op het herzieningsvoor- heid op Sachalin, aan het verliezen was, maar stel in. De onderhandelingen met Gazprom dat niet in de gOten had. Eind 2010 citeerden enkele kranten en sleepten nog altijd voort toen Medvedev in de Welbeschouwd was de oorspronkelijke media in Europa en de Verenigde Staten uit zomer van 2006 een bezoek aan Sachalin II fmancide constructie rond Sachalin II al niet vertrouwelijke Amerikaanse diplomatieke bracht en zag dat de start van de ra•ro-productie bijster ,',handig, Concurrent Exxon had een ambtsberichten, waar de organisatieWilti- naderde. Kort daarop greep de Russische rege- soortgelijk production sharing agreement met Leaks de hand op had gelegd. Ze visten ring een negatieve milieu-inspectie over een de Russet': voor het project Sachalin I. Dit con- enkele trenten' uit de meer dan 250.000 deel van het project, aan om de algemene pro- cern hield zijn it-Adele kosten in de hand en liet cables. Daarna ebde hunbelangstelling ductievergunning in te trekken en legde een eis de. Russen bij de start van de productie meteen weg. In september 2011 belandde het hele van tien miljard dollar wegens milieusthade op een stukjeaneeproflteren. Shell deed het tegen- bestand op Internet. Onderzoeksjournalist tafel niet toevallig het bedrag van de kosten- Overgestelde: nadat het Gazprom binnenboord Marcel Metze, die werkt aan een boek over overschrijcling.n had gehaald, moesten de Russen meebetalen Royal Dutch Shell, haalde hier met hulp Vermoedelijk heeft Japan - als toekornstige voor kostenstitingen die deels door het zwakke van researchers alle tweeduizend cables grootafnemer van het gas uit. Sachalin - de projecticianageMent van Shell waren veroor- uit die naar deze multinational verwijzen. doorslaggevende rol bij de afwikkeling van het zaakt. Zoiets moet wel kwaad bloed zetten.19 In ruim vierhonderd daarvan speelt Shell conflict gespeeld. De Japanse minderheids- een hoofdrol. Dit artikel vormt de weerslag partners van Shell in het project (Mitsui en SHELLS SOMS WAT al te grote zakelijke egocen- van het onderzoek naar de inhoud. Mitsubishi, sarnen 45 procent) waren compleet iris me duild ook op in de cables over Irak. Na de De noten verwijzen naar de betrefende verrast door de publicatie van de enorme kos- Amerikaans-Britse bezetting in 2003 stortte de cables, en zijn te vinden op www.groene.n1 tenstijging, zo vertelde een topambtenaar van olieproductie daar in. Pas tegen 2009 was het

16 DE GROENE AMSTERDAMMER 19.01.12 . ... _ . . . op 18 febinari .2006 en het in brand •schieten, diezelfde dag, van het belangrijke Forcados laadstation aan de }rust van de Niger Delta, dat gesloten bled. veivolgeti , .,. vele ... rilaariden .„.... „. ..- De ArrierikainSe --diPlarnatieke cables over Shells optreden in de Niger Delta in de jaren 20032009 - torten ';1374t het concern het spoor volledig bijster .Wai.'_,tiet wilde zijn verstand- hOuding met de leefgenieensClaappen van Ijaw en Ogoni verbeteren door allerlei maatschap- pelijke irryesteringen; dQotbegdddeling f 'en door directe.- gesprekken.,1gaar intussen. weir geide het een dOOk het parlernent opgelegde en door het federaje heoggerechishof'beVestigde vergoeding wegens milieuschade aan de Ijaw- gemeenschap te betalen, en handhaafde het zijn nauwe verbinding met het leger en met de. .nationale staat. Door deie tWeeslatlitighei bleef de regioitale beti011cing Shell viantrouwen. Dirt bleekbijVOOrbeeld toen president ObasanjO in het voorjaar van 2006 met veel fanfare een plan voor • inaistsehappelijke • investeringen en. nieuwe barren • in &Niger Delta • aankotidigde. De presentatie weal bijgeWoond door talrijke Port Hoipoiirt Nigeria regeringsfunctionarinsen en ook door Shell; dat land stabiel genoegAroor het nitgeven van nieu- het plan- fmancieel Steunde.• Maar .devertegenr we coneessies (veelal voor bekende, stilgevallen Shell in Iran en Irak zich verhonden als com- woordigers van de lokale gerrieenschappen; van velden). Shell zat op het vinkentouw, net als veel municerende viten. In mei 2008 zag het conr hulpverleningsorganiSaties en ook van andere andere oliebedrijven trouwens.14 In 2008 sloot cern of van een (nog te ontwaltkelen) gasproject oliemaatschappijen -bleven goeddeels weg. De het bedrijf met de Iraakse regering een voor- in Iran.' Kart &lamp sloot het de al genoemde meeste-wegbliiVers vonden het, plan ongeloof- lopige overeenkomst voor een project bij Basra. gasdeal in Iralt.• Pas nadat het eind 2009, begin waardig, aldus een Arnerikaanse cable met een Een joint venture van de staat en Shell zou fak- 2010 toegang had gekregeii tot twee Iraakse uitgebieid verslag van deze gebeurtenis.18 kelgas bij een olieveld aldaar gaan opvangen, de olieyelden maakte het eind september 2010 Shells verbinding met de NigeriaanSe staat helft in Irak zelf verkopen en de helft in vloei- bekend zich helemaal uit Iran terug to trek- is met name in de jaren 2007,2009 alleen maar bare vorm naar Europa transporteren. Via deze ken. Het is vast geen toeval dat Nederland iijn nauwer geworden; De- cables' inelden dat het deal zou Shell zich een (tijdelijk) monopolie militaire missie in Afghanis:tin kort tevoren concern toen onderhandelde over een lening op gasgebied verwerven en hij leidde dan ook had beeincligd (augustua 2010) en daardoor als van liefst twee kikiljani dollar aan zijn partner, tot scherpe kritiek van andere olieniaatschap- 014i-eke steunpilaar wegviel.'6 staatolietheatsakippij NNPC; die door-de comr • pijen kritiek die binnenskamers ongetwijfeld binatie van-. region-eel geweld,- productie-uitval vergezeld is gegaan van bet verhaal dat ook in TERUO NAA11.410ERIA,waar de nationale rege- en wanbeleid:jn. financiele problemen was een cable van de Amerikaanse ambassade in ring -ondanks vela miljaiden aan. olie- en gas gekomertlyeigeren:was in de ogen van ShelcE Damascus, Syria, belandde, namelijk dat twee inkoinsten almaar niet in staat blijkt bet land geen optie, Want de .Chinezen zouden . dire ' zonen van de Iraakse olieminister Hussein al- tot eVenwichtigewelvaart te brengen. De cables bereid zijn de2elkrink'Overte nemen, iritereard Shahristani een bean bij Shell hadden (niet latenZien dat Shell door zijn verwevenheid met in ruff voor oliedonCeSties.19. : • door trtij nader geverifeerd - wren).'' clit'abOMinabele regithe in.het afgelopen decen- -Eind 2006. cireuleerden — zoals wel yak& .. Bij de (r)entree in Irak kon Shell overigens Muni steeds dichter naar de grensgebieden van gernchten dat Shell Nigeria zou *Men verlaten. leunen op Nederlandse politieke ruggensteun, geweld en corruptiewerd getrokken. Waar slant De omstandigheden Warenzo knoeilijk dat er die in dit geval ook wat voorstelde. Die' steun fmaricile steun voor de eigen militaire bevei- maar weinig ,te verdienen vial. In 'e'en- gesPrek bleek vooral uit het fait dat het concern - terwijl liging om in steun aan onderdrukking van de te Lagos, medio . december, wees een topniana.- het wachtte op toegang tot Irak - zijn activi- Oevolking? Shell lijkt dit vraagstuk vooral to ger van een ander oliebedrijf de Amerlaanse teiten in Iran kon voortzetten, ondanks toene- .zien als een reputatierisico, niet als een Raider consul-generaal erop • dat zo'n vertrek zeer mende Amerikaanse druk om zich uit dat land menteel (bedrijfs)ethisch-themes Starker, toen onwaarsehijnlijk was. • Staatsoliemaatschappij terug te trekken. De VS boycotten Iran zoals Shell-medewerkers in 2008 in Irak werden urrc was niet in staat de Shell-activiteiten over bekend wegens het nucleaire programme, maar gewaarschuwd voor de enorme corruptie in dat te nemen. En Welke buitenlandse olieniaat- de Nederlandse regering sprak zich nadruk- land antwoordden ze dat ze `de rijke ervaring schappij wilde nu in de gevaarlijke Niger Delta kelijk uit tegen sancties die de activiteiten van van het bedtijf in andere cOrrtipte cultureir, werken? In oktober 2009 ging Shell-czo Peter Shell zouden beperken. Aangezien de VS belting zoals Nigeria als een voordeel beaehouwden.'7 Vo-ser op bezoekbij presidentYar'Adua, die hem hechtten aan de Nederlandse deelname aan de Na bestudering van de cables is niet in to veriekerde dat hij niet nit was op nationalisatie oorlogen in Irak (tot 2005) en Afghanistan wil- zien waar dit zelfvertrouwen op rust, want Shell van de olierindustrieof het binnenhalen van de den ze kennelijk de druk op Shell niet alto hoog heeft in Nigeria enorme problemen. De boven Chinezen. Of het van deze ontmoeting aihing, is opvoeren. beschreven ontvoeririgen en andbobtaanvallen that bekend, maar Shell bleef inderdaad. Ken- Daartegenover stond natuurlijk dat ze van begin 2006 richt-ten riCh direettegen deze nelijk zijn de bates voor het concern in Nigeria invloed hadden op Shells kansen in Irak. Hoe- oliemaatschappij en niet tegen andere. Hoogte- nog altijd groter dan de lasten.a0 • wel ik die invloed niet concreet in de cables heb punt was een Ontvoering van negen medewer- aangetroffen, yak op dat de activiteiten van kers (een van Shell iel4 de rest van contractors) Research: Reiner Bijnzan en Martyn Deibel