Hugo Wolf’s Year

Program 160. obletnica rojstva skladatelja prireditev Huga Wolfa (1860–1903)

Program 160th Anniversary of the Birth of of events Hugo Wolf (1860–1903) 1 Program 160. obletnica rojstva skladatelja prireditev Huga Wolfa (1860–1903)

97, 2 Program 160th Anniversary of the Birth of of events Composer Hugo Wolf (1860–1903) 2 Kazalo Kazalo Contents

30. 1. Predstavitev priložnostne poštne znamke Hugo Wolf Presentation of the Hugo Wolf commemorative postage stamp 14 15. 2. Pevski večer, posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Evening of songs, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf 16 22. 2. Slavnostna akademija ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Festive academy on the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf 18 7. 3. Skrivnostni zvoki godal in klavirja / glasbena delavnica za otroke Mystery sounds of strings and / musical workshop for children 20 13. 3. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Wo find’ ich Trost – Kje bom našel tolažbo« ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Wo find’ ich Trost – Where will I find comfort“ On the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf 22 20. 3. Modra noč z Vito Mavrič Blue night with Vita Mavrič 24 29. 3. Hugo Wolf med zvezdami / glasbeno-scenska uprizoritev Hugo Wolf among the stars / musical performance 26 4. 4. Pojte, pojte drobne ptice / glasbena predstava za otroke Sing, sing you little birds / musical performance for children 28 14. 4. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Na severni in južni strani Alp« WOLF CONNECTS 020 “On the northern and southern side of the Alps“ 30 23. 4. Klasični koncert, posvečen 250. obletnici rojstva Ludwiga van Beethovna in 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Classical concert, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of and the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 32 9. 5. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Heimweh – Domotožje« WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Heimweh – Homesickness“ 34

2 3 13. 5. HUGO WOLF ZA MLADE Salzburški kvartet pozavn Sept. Hugo Wolf: Iz otroštva (Aus der Kinderzeit): 1. Uspavanka HUGO WOLF FOR THE YOUNG Trombone Quartet 36 (Schlummerlied) in 2. Šala in igra (Scherz und Spiel), 1878 30. 5. Osrednja spominska slovesnost ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Notna izdaja klavirskih skladb z zgoščenko Koncert Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija s solistko Nuško Drašček Rojko Hugo Wolf: From childhood (Aus der Kinderzeit): 1. Lullaby Main memorial ceremony on the 160th anniversary of the birth of (Schlummerlied) and 2. Jokes and Games (Scherz und Spiel), 1878 Composer Hugo Wolf Sheet music edition of piano pieces with CD 56 Concert of the Slovenian National Television Symphony Orchestra 1. 10. »Spomini …« Tenorist Diao Ke in pianistka Maja Kastratovik with soloist Nuška Drašček Rojko 38 “Memories…“ Tenor Diao Ke and pianist Maja Kastratovik 58 5. 6. ̵ Hugo Wolf med zvezdami / glasbeno-scenska uprizoritev 3. 10. ̵ Dolga noč muzejev / Lange Nacht der Museen 7. 6. Hugo Wolf among the stars / musical performance 40 4. 10. Dolga noč muzejev / Lange Nacht der Museen 60 18. 6. Zaključni koncert orkestrov Glasbene šole 8. 10. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Zimska uspavanka« ob 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Winter Lullaby“ 62 Final concert of the orchestras of the Slovenj Gradec Musical School 17. 10. Klasični koncert, združeni simfonični orkestri at the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 42 Classical concert, joined forces of symphony orchestras 64 18. 6. WOLFOV POLETNI FESTIVAL Severa in Gal Gjurin 29. 10. HUGO WOLF ZA MLADE Trio Klavis HUGO WOLF’S SUMMER FESTIVAL Severa and Gal Gjurin 44 HUGO WOLF FOR THE YOUNG Trio Klavis 66 19. 6. Klasični koncert, posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa 12. 11. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Chopin & Schumann« Classical concert, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 46 Klavirski recital ob 210. obletnici rojstva 9. 7. WOLFOV POLETNI FESTIVAL Borut Mori in Igmar Jenner WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Chopin & Schumann“ HUGO WOLF’S SUMMER FESTIVAL Borut Mori and Igmar Jenner 48 Piano recital on the 210th anniversary birth 68 20. 8. WOLFOV POLETNI FESTIVAL Ana Bezjak in Marko Zaletelj 20. 11. »Zase volil glasbo sem izbrati!« Mešani komorni zbor Cantat z gosti, HUGO WOLF’S SUMMER FESTIVAL Ana Bezjak and Marko Zaletelj 50 koroškimi glasbeniki in ustvarjalci 5. 9. Jazz café pri Wolfu “For me, the choice was music!“ Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir Jazz café at Wolf’s 52 with guests, Carinthian musicians and artists 70 24. 9. ̵ 24. mednarodna solopevska šola Hugo Wolf pod vodstvom 4. 12. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Hugo Wolf in « 29. 9. prof. Brede Zakotnik in prof. Vladimirja Mlinarića WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Hugo Wolf and Richard Wagner“ 72 24th International Hugo Wolf soloist school led by Prof. Breda Zakotnik 17. 12. Božično-novoletni koncert orkestrov Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec, and Prof. Vladimir Mlinarić 54 posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Christmas concert of the orchestras of the Slovenj Gradec Musical School, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 74

4 5 Hugo Wolf and his origin Marko Košan, pa se velja zahvaliti, da smo that the musical genius of Hugo Wolf was Huga Wolfa kot Slovenjgradčana prepoznali, not recognised and more respected in his in Slovenj Gradec čeprav relativno pozno, tudi v domačem birthplace even before. We can be honestly okolju. Morda pa je tako tudi prav, evropska proud that the cradle of the composer was dimenzija sobivanja je namreč končno prepared in our town. Hugo Wolf, a born townsman of Slovenj omehčala predsodke, zaradi katerih smo Gradec, created, in his short career as a spomin nanj zapostavljali skoraj celo I am thankful to my predecessors as they composer, a rich and genius musical opus, stoletje. Zgodovinska distanca nam narekuje have seen the importance of the birthplace which today counts him among the most objektivnost, zato lahko obžalujemo, da of Hugo Wolf which, today, works under renowned of artistic music. Even Wolfova glasbena genialnost v njegovem the auspices of the Carinthian Regional more than in a musical sense, on which I rojstnem mestu ni bila prepoznana in bolj Museum. It is one of the treasures of our leave the opinion to the musicologists and spoštovana že prej. Ponosni smo namreč cultural heritage in Slovenj Gradec and other musical experts, the life and work of lahko, da je skladatelju zibel tekla prav v a sight which attracts many lovers of the Hugo Wolf has left a remarkable imprint on našem mestu. music of Hugo Wolf as well as numerous Hugo Wolf in Slovenj Gradec, due to the entwinement exceptional musicians, who perform Wolf’s of various historical facts. We owe a lot Hvaležen sem svojim predhodnikom, ker so music as both an honour and a challenge. rodni Slovenj Gradec of gratitude to the spirit of research of sprevideli pomen ureditve Wolfove rojstne I am pleased and thankful that we have the the music teacher and former director of hiše, ki je danes pod okriljem Koroškega opportunity, on the 160th anniversary of the Hugo Wolf, rojen Slovenjgradčan, je v svoji the Slovenj Gradec Musical School, Jože pokrajinskega muzeja eden zakladov birth of the composer, to honour him with a kratki skladateljski karieri ustvaril bogat Leskovar, our citizen of honour and the first slovenjgraške kulturne dediščine in atrakcija, Hugo Wolf year and I would like to sincerely in genialen glasbeni opus, ki ga danes president of the Hugo Wolf Society. We also saj v mesto privabi mnoge ljubitelje Wolfove thank the Ministry of Culture of the Republic uvršča med najuglednejše skladatelje resne owe a debt of gratitude to the activities of glasbe ter neštete izjemne glasbenike, ki of as, with this initiative, it is not glasbe. Še bolj kot v glasbenem smislu, this society which, for many years now, has jim je izvajanje Wolfove glasbe v čast in izziv. only paying tribute to this master but also slednje namreč prepuščam muzikologom been chaired by the art historian Marko Vesel in hvaležen sem, da nam je ob 160. recognises the endeavours of Slovenj Gradec in drugim glasbenim strokovnjakom, pa Košan, that we have recognised Hugo Wolf obletnici skladateljevega rojstva ponujena which is giving attention to the composer in sta Wolfovo življenje in delo zaznamovala as a fellow townsman of Slovenj Gradec priložnost, da se mu priklonimo z Wolfovim a Slovenian and international perspective, Slovenj Gradec zaradi prepleta različnih also in his home environment, although this letom, za kar se iskreno zahvaljujem tudi as he should be entitled to. I am especially zgodovinskih dejstev. Raziskovalnemu happened quite late. Maybe it was even for Ministrstvu za kulturo Republike Slovenije, saj delighted that Hugo Wolf’s Year is also being duhu glasbenega pedagoga in nekdanjega the best that it happened in that way, as se s to pobudo ni oddolžilo le glasbenemu recognised by the Slovenian Postal Service ravnatelja Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec the European dimension of coexistence has velikanu, temveč je prepoznalo tudi with their publishing of a philatelic section, Jožeta Leskovarja, našega častnega občana finally softened the prejudices which caused prizadevanja Slovenj Gradca, ki skladatelju, and within this main part the postage stamp in prvega predsednika Društva Hugo Wolf, his memory to be neglected for almost a v slovenskem in mednarodnem merilu, which brings to life and preserves the in aktivnostim tega društva, ki mu sedaj že century. The historical distance dictates posveča pozornost in spoštovanje, kot mu memory of our great composer. vrsto let predseduje umetnostni zgodovinar objectivity to us and therefore we may regret pripadata. Posebno pa sem vesel, da je 6 7 Wolfovo leto prepoznala tudi Pošta Slovenije An exceptional program, which will mark the z izdajo filatelističnega sklopa, katerega jubilee of the birth of the composer, will thrill osrednji del je seveda poštna znamka, s lovers of his music from Slovenia, Europe katero oživljamo in ohranjamo spomin na and the world. As for myself, I am pleased to našega velikega skladatelja. have the opportunity that we can offer this Izjemen program, s katerim bomo letos pleasure here in our - and Wolf’s - town of zaznamovali obletnico skladateljevega Slovenj Gradec. I would like to welcome all of rojstva, bo navdušil in razveselil ljubitelje you and wish you an abundance of musical njegove glasbe iz Slovenije, Evrope in sveta, and cultural delights! sam pa sem vesel priložnosti, da jim to zadovoljstvo ponujamo prav v našem – in Wolfovem – Slovenj Gradcu. Vsem izrekam Tilen Klugler dobrodošlico in želim obilico glasbenih in Mayor of the Municipality of Slovenj Gradec kulturnih užitkov!

Tilen Klugler župan Mestne občine Slovenj Gradec Odkritje spominske plošče na fasadi rojstne hiše v Slovenj Gradcu, september 1903. | Unveiling a memorial plaque on the facade of the birthplace of Slovenj Gradec in September 1903. (v Arhiv KPM)

Portret štiriletnega Huga Wolfa, 1864.| Portret of Hugo Wolf, 1864. 8 9 (v Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor) The festive Year ustvarjati. standing director of the Slovenj Gradec Zaradi nesrečnih zgodovinskih okoliščin Music School, Mr. Jože Leskovar. of Hugo Wolf in političnih razmer je bil veliki skladatelj During the period from 2010 to 2012 the na Slovenskem odrinjen na rob. V zavest project of a complete renovation of the The year 2020 is dedicated to the memory of slovenskega kulturnega prostora je po zaslugi birthplace of Hugo Wolf was completed and our fellow townsman, the genius composer peščice zanesenjakov vstopil šele na začetku today, under the patronage of the Carinthian Hugo Wolf, who was born in Slovenj Gradec devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Njegova Regional Museum, a memory museum and 160 years ago. He spent his childhood in an prepoznavnost je začela rasti leta 1993 z an International Documentation Centre are area where, for many centuries, two nations ustanovitvijo Društva Hugo Wolf Slovenj in operation here. In a short period of time have lived together and the German and Gradec, katerega pobudnik in prvi predsednik the house became one of the most vital je bil dolgoletni ravnatelj slovenjgraške Slovenian cultures have intertwined. musical, cultural and research centres in glasbene šole Jože Leskovar. Already as a boy Hugo Wolf was playing the Slovenia. Med letoma 2010 in 2012 je bil uspešno piano and the and was considered to During Wolf’s Year we wish to foster be a miraculously gifted musical child with uresničen projekt celovite prenove Wolfove rojstne hiše, kjer danes pod awareness of the meaning of our fellow an absolute musical ear, inherited from his townsman and the richness of his musical Praznično Wolfovo leto father Philip. The entire social life in the Wolf okriljem Koroškega pokrajinskega muzeja delujeta spominski muzej in mednarodni heritage with festive concerts and other house was completely devoted to music. dokumentacijski center. Hiša je v kratkem času cultural events. Furthermore, we are aiming Leto 2020 posvečamo spominu na našega Thus, as a child, Hugo played the second postala eden najvitalnejših glasbenih, kulturnih to establish the identity of Slovenj Gradec sorojaka, genialnega skladatelja Huga Wolfa, violin in his father’s house orchestra. The ki se je pred 160. leti rodil v Slovenj Gradcu. in raziskovalnih centrov v Sloveniji. which can present itself with great self- vivacious young man was interested only V Wolfovem letu želimo s slovesnimi koncerti consciousness as the birthplace of the Otroštvo je preživel v okolju, kjer sta več stoletij in music. The worldly city of , where živela dva naroda in sta se prepletali nemška in in drugimi kulturnimi dogodki še bolj biggest master of the lieder-genre of the late he started to create eagerly, made a strong slovenska kultura. okrepiti zavest o pomenu našega rojaka ter Romantic period. impression on his unique personality. Hugo Wolf je že kot deček igral klavir in bogastvu njegove glasbene dediščine. S tem We wish to cordially invite you to our events, Due to some unfortunate historical violino ter veljal za čudežno nadarjenega utrjujemo tudi identiteto Slovenj Gradca, ki where we are making connections and circumstances and political conditions, glasbenega otroka z absolutnim posluhom, se lahko samozavestno predstavlja kot rojstni building bridges among different European ki ga je podedoval po očetu Filipu. Celotno the great composer was marginalised kraj največjega mojstra poznoromantičnih nations through music. družabno življenje v Wolfovi hiši je bilo in Slovenia. By the merit of a handful samospevov. prežeto z glasbo. Tako je Hugo že kot otrok of enthusiasts he entered into the Vljudno vabljeni, da se nam pridružite na Mag. Tadej Pungartnik v očetovem hišnem orkestru igral drugo consciousness of the Slovenian cultural prireditvah, na katerih z glasbo povezujemo Director of the Carinthian Regional Museum violino. Temperamentnega mladeniča je space again in the 1990’s. His recognition in gradimo mostove med različnimi narodi zanimala izključno samo glasba. Njegovo began to grow in 1993 when the Hugo Wolf Evrope. samosvojo osebnost pa je močno zaznamoval Society of Slovenj Gradec was founded; the svetovljanski Dunaj, kjer je začel pospešeno initiator and first president was the long- Mag. Tadej Pungartnik direktor Koroškega pokrajinskega muzeja 10 11 Program prireditev

Program of events 30. 01. 2020 ČET | THU 12.00 30. 01. 1 Predstavitev priložnostne poštne znamke Hugo Wolf Presentation of the Hugo Wolf commemorative postage stamp

Četrtek | Thursday 30. 1. 2020 ob | at 12.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga The Slovenian Postal Service will, on the occasion Wolfa bo Pošta Slovenije v seriji Znamenite of the 160th anniversary of the birth of the osebnosti izdala priložnostno znamko, composer Hugo Wolf, publish a commemorative žig in ovitek prvega dne. Zasnovala jih je post stamp, an official seal and a first day oblikovalka Maja Tomažič. Kot dopolnitev covert. They were designed by Maja Tomažič. In filatelističnega sklopa Pošte Slovenije bosta addition to the philatelic section of the Slovenian Koroško filatelistično društvo in Filatelistično Postal Service, the Carinthian Philatelic Society društvo Slovenj Gradec pripravili priložnostno and the Philatelic Society of Slovenj Gradec are filatelistično razstavo ter izdali maksimum preparing a commemorative philatelic exhibition kartico, posvečeno 160. obletnici rojstva and are publishing a maximum card dedicated th Huga Wolfa, ki jo je oblikoval arhitekt Borut to the 160 anniversary of the birth of Hugo Bončina. Na predstavitvi bosta glasbeni Wolf, designed by the architect Borut Bončina. program izvedli mlada sopranistka Tanja The musical program at the presentation will be Klančnik in vrhunska pianistka Maja performed by the young soprano Tanja Klančnik and the superb pianist Maja Kastratovik. Kastratovik.

Produkcija | Production Pošta Slovenije, Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec, Koroški pokrajinski muzej, Koroško filatelistično društvo, Filatelistično društvo Slovenj Gradec, Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec 14 15 15. 02. 2020 SOB | SAT 19.00 15. 02. 2 Moški vokalni Pevski večer, posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja kvintet Aeternum | Aeternum Male Vocal Huga Wolfa Quintet Evening of songs, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf

Sobota | Saturday 15. 2. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Dvorana Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Cankarjeva ulica 5, Slovenj Gradec

Nastopil bo ženski vokalni kvintet Cantabile The Cantabile Female Vocal Quintet will be on pod vodstvom prof. Vanje Mori, v goste pa stage and with them their guest, Aeternum Male prihaja moški vokalni kvintet Aeternum iz Vocal Quintet from the region Prekmurje. Prekmurja.

Ženski vokalni kvintet Cantabile | Cantabile Female Vocal Quintet

Produkcija | Production Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec, JSKD Območna enota Slovenj Gradec, Kulturno društvo Slovenj Gradec

16 17 22. 02. 2020 SOB | SAT 18.00 22. 02. 3 Komorni zbor Hugo Wolf Maribor Slavnostna akademija je bil ustanovljen leta 2010 ob 150. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Wolfa na pobudo Društva nemško th Festive academy on the 160 anniversary of the birth of govorečih žena Mostovi iz Maribora. Glavni cilj delovanja zbora je skozi Composer Hugo Wolf glasbo povezovati različne kulture, kar je vodilo pri izboru literature Sobota | Saturday in sestavi koncertnih programov. 22. 2. 2020 ob | at 18.00 Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti, Zbor posveča posebno pozornost Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 24, Slovenj Gradec obujanju spomina na pozabljene Slavnostna akademija je uvod v praznovanje The festive academy represents the introduction skladatelje in glasbenike, ki so bili Wolfovega leta, s katerim bomo počastili 160. into the celebrations of the Hugo Wolf Year in kakor koli povezani z Mariborom. obletnico skladateljevega rojstva. Slavnostni honour of the 160th anniversary of the birth of the govornik, prof. dr. Matjaž Barbo, bo opredelil in composer. The keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Matjaž pojasnil pomen ter vlogo skladatelja Huga Wolfa Barbo, will define and explain the meaning and role compositions by the composer Hugo Wolf, and of course Carinthian folk Mešani komorni zbor Carinthia Cantat | Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir v slovenskem in evropskem prostoru. Koncertni of the composer Hugo Wolf on both the Slovenian (v Nace Zavrl) program bosta ob spremljavi odlične pianistke and European levels. The concert program will be songs. Maje Kastratovik izvedla Mešani komorni zbor performed by the Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Carinthia Cantat in Komorni zbor Hugo Wolf Choir and the Hugo Wolf Maribor Chamber Choir, The Hugo Wolf Maribor Chamber Choir was founded in 2010 during the Komorni zbor Hugo Wolf Maribor| Maribor. accompanied by the exceptional pianist Maja v th Hugo Wolf Maribor Chamber Choir ( Robert Malič) Kastratovik. 150 anniversary of the birth of the Glasbeni spored Mešanega komornega zbora composer Hugo Wolf on the initiative Carinthia Cantat sestavljajo skladbe domačih The musical repertoire of the Carinthia Cantat of the Society of German Speaking in tujih avtorjev različnih obdobij in stilov, od Mixed Chamber Choir consists of musical pieces by Women Mostovi – Bridges from renesanse do priredb popularnih uspešnic, svojo Slovenian and foreign authors from various periods Maribor. pevsko podobo pa zbor gradi predvsem na dveh and styles, ranging from the Renaissance to an The main aim of the choir’s activities is posebnostih, ki sta rdeča nit njegovega dela. To so arrangement of pop hits, while the singing image to connect different cultures through skladbe skladatelja Huga Wolfa in koroške ljudske of the choir is based mainly on two specialties, music, which is also the main guiding pesmi. which are the common thread of its work. These are topic when choosing literature and preparing concert programs. The Produkcija | Production choir focuses especially on preserving Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec, Koroški pokrajinski muzej, Mešani komorni zbor Carinthia Cantat, the memory of forgotten composers Komorni zbor Hugo Wolf Maribor, Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti and musicians, who were somehow 18 connected with Maribor. 19 7. 03. 2020 SOB | SAT 10.00 7. 03. 4 Skrivnostni zvoki godal in klavirja / glasbena delavnica za otroke Mystery sounds of strings and piano / musical workshop for children (v Aleksandra Ramšak)

Sobota | Saturday 7. 3. 2020 ob | at 10.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Škrat Notko v okviru cikla Spoznajmo Notko the dwarf invites children, during the glasbo vabi otroke, da se mu pridružijo na cycle Get to know music, to join him at a delavnici, na kateri ne bo manjkalo glasbe, workshop full of music, dance and laughter. plesa in smeha. Tokrat nam bo pripravil This time he will prepare a fun musical zabavno glasbeno druženje, spoznali bomo gathering. We will meet the sounds of string zvoke godal in klavirja in nanje tudi zaigrali. instruments and the piano, and we will also Delavnica je namenjena predšolskim play them. The workshop is aimed at pre- otrokom in otrokom prve triade osnovne school children and children who attend the šole. Potekala bo pod strokovnim vodstvom first three years of primary school. It will be led profesorjev Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec. by expert professors from the Slovenj Gradec Music School.

Produkcija | Production Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec v sodelovanju s Koroškim pokrajinskim muzejem

20 21 13. 03. 2020 PET | FRI 19.00 13. 03. 5 Wolf povezuje 020 | Wolf connects 020 Mörike the musical approach »Wo find’ ich Trost – Kje bom našel tolažbo« of the agnostic Hugo Wolf “Wo find’ ich Trost – Where will I find comfort“ and the lyrical depth of the profane mystic Eduard Mörike blend into a unique harmony, Petek | Friday where both expressed a 13. 3. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Cerkev sv. Elizabete, transcendence of emotions Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Trg svobode 5, Slovenj Gradec surpassing the boundaries of Ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa | all religious beliefs.“ th On the 160 anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf Andreas Lebeda Bernarda Fink Inzko, mezzosopran | mezzo-soprano Marcos Fink, basbariton | bass-baritone Breda Zakotnik, klavir | piano Bojan Maroševič, recitacija | recital »Duhovna mističnost poznosrednjeveških pesmi je Huga “The spiritual mysticism of Wolfa v letih 1889/1890 navdihnila za ciklus Španske songs from the late Middle Ages pesmarice, ki s strastjo izraza spominja na pasijonsko glasbo had inspired Hugo Wolf in the Bacha in Händla. V ciklu Mörikejevih duhovnih pesmih sta se years 1889/1890 for his cycle glasbena miselnost agnostika Huga Wofa in lirična globina of Spanish songbooks, which, posvetnega mistika Eduarda Mörikeja zlili v edinstveno with its passionate expression, sozvočje, s katerim sta izrazila transcendenco čustev, ki resembles the passion music presega meje vseh veroizpovedi.« of Bach and Händel. Within Andreas Lebeda the cycle of spiritual songs of

Bernarda Fink Inzko (v Klemen Breitfuss) Produkcija | Production Marcos Fink (v Miha Cerar) Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Kulturni dom Slovenj Gradec Breda Zakotnik Bojan Maroševič (v Igor Napast) 22 23 20. 03. 2020 PET | FRI 19.00 20. 03. 6 Modra noč z Vito Mavrič Blue night with Vita Mavrič

Petek | Friday 20. 3. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Vstopnice | Tickets: 8 € Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Vita Mavrič, vokal | vocals Jaka Pucihar, klavir | piano Ilj Pušnik, kontrabas | contrabass Marko Juvan, bobni | drums Dejan Vidovič, harmonika | accordion

Vita Mavrič je s Café teatrom, festivalom With Café Teater, the Festival La vie en Rose, La vie en Rose, avtorskimi glasbenimi music shows written by her and chansons, predstavami in šansonom močno Vita Mavrič has had a strong influence on our zaznamovala naše kulturno okolje. Lani je cultural space. Last year she celebrated a round zaokrožila trideset let umetniškega delovanja anniversary of thirty years of artistic work and in izdala album brezčasnih šansonov she published an album with timeless chansons Sprehod. Vitin koncertni sprehod skozi entitled “Sprehod“. Vita’s concert stroll through brezčasne šansone je izvrstna priložnost, da timeless chansons is an exceptional opportunity spoznamo ali obudimo spomin na vrhunce to get acquainted or to refresh our memories of ustvarjanja v njenem 30-letnem umetniškem the highlights of her creative work of 30 years. snovanju.

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej Vita Mavrič (v Maja Nightingale)

24 25 29. 03. 2020 NED | SUN 20.00 29. 03. PREMIERA 7 Glasba | Music: Hugo Wolf med zvezdami / glasbeno-scenska uprizoritev H u g o W o l f (po literarnih motivih Hermanna Bahra) Režija in dramaturška priredba| Director and dramatic Hugo Wolf among the stars / musical performance arrangement: (after literary motifs of Hermann Bahr) A l e k s a n d a r Č a m i n s k i Koreografija | Choreography: M a t e j a R o ž i č i n L u c i j a B o r u t a Nedelja | Sunday Scenografija |Stage design: 29. 3. 2020 ob | at 20.00 Kulturni dom Stari trg, P e t e r H e r g o l d Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Stari trg 32, Slovenj Gradec Kostumi | Costumes: Lira Grabulovska in Katarina Furlan »Jaz sem del svetlobe in ona je glasba. Sferice “I am part of the light and she is music. Light svetlobe so izpisane note. Ena strela je lahko spheres are written notes. One lightning strike Glasbeniki | Musicians: celotna sonata. Tisoče strel je koncert. Števila can be a whole sonata. A thousand lightning Maja Kastratovik – klavir | piano in enačbe so znaki, s katerimi se obeleži strikes are a concert. Numbers and equations Tanja Klančnik – sopran | soprano glasba sfer. Ti zvoki so sporočilo umu, da ima are signs to mark the music of spheres. These Tone Gašper in Mešani komorni življenje smisel, da v vesolju obstaja popolna sounds bear a message for the mind, that zbor Carinthia Cantat | Carinthia skladba in da je lepota vzrok in posledica life is meaningful, that there is a perfect song Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir ustvarjanja. Ta glasba je večno kroženje in the universe and that beauty is the reason Igralci | Actors: zvezdnih nebes. Vedno jo slišim. Moje and consequence of creation. This music is the L u c i j a n C o k a n – H u g o W o l f duhovno uho je veliko kot nebo, ki ga vidimo eternal circulation of celestial bodies. I can hear Patricija Pogorelčnik / Kaja Ramšak iznad nas. Enkrat ustvarjen, zvok traja večno. it constantly. My spiritual eye is as big as the sky – P i e r r o t Za človeka lahko izgine, toda on traja v tišini, we see above us. Once created, the sound lasts T i m e t j a n L e s j a k – V i n z e n z kjer je njegova največja moč.« forever. It can diminish for men, yet it lasts in Enja Al Hiasat – Sophie silence where his greatest power lies.“ Hugo Wolf med zvezdami |Hugo Wolf among the stars (v Aleksandar Čaminski) Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla Plesalska skupina | Dance group: K a j a R a m š a k Mentor tehnike | Technical mentor: T i m e t j a n L e s j a k Peter Rubin Z a r j a K r e n k e r Tehniki | Technicians: Produkcija | Production U r š k a B a r l K o l m a n Jon Cesar, Luka Lesjak, Luka Hudopisk Studio A, GKD Spunk E n j a A l H i a s a t Organizacija | Organisation: Aleša Založnik Janko Uršnik, Vojko Šuštaršič, Natalija Fužir 26 Neža Ferlinc 27 4. 04. 2020 SOB | SAT 10.00 4. 04. 8 Pojte, pojte drobne ptice / glasbena predstava za otroke izštevanke, v katerih oživijo Anzej Sing, sing you little birds / musical performance for children Panzej, Tinčica Minčica in drugi junaki, ki mu pomagajo pri iskanju ključa. Čeprav gre za prikaz drugega časa in vsebin, ki jih danes otroci ne poznajo več, od žetve na polju, Sobota | Saturday do semenjskih norčij, pa zgodba o 4. 4. 2020 ob | at 10.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, zaprtih pticah in trudu za njihovo Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec izpustitev otroke skuša učiti o nečem, kar do pravega ključka Igralca | Actors: Iona Ornik - Luna in Andrej Fon privede še danes: o vztrajnosti. Besedilo, dramaturgija, režija | Texts, dramaturgy, director: Nena Močnik Glasba | Music: Andrej Fon Čas trajanja | Duration: 40 minut / minutes songs and nursery rhymes where Ciljna publika: vrtec, 1. triada osnovne šole Anzej Panzej, Tinčica Minčica and Target audience: pre-school children, first 3 years of elementary school other heroes come to life and help him to find the key. Although different times and topics are depicted, Mrakovček Premrakovček se v tej zgodbi Mrakovček Premrakovček is, in this story, faced which today’s children do not know, znajde v veliki zagati, saj je ukradel pero with a double bind, as he stole the feather of starting with a harvest in a field, to najlepše in najošabnejše ptice daleč naokoli the most beautiful and vainest bird in the whole shenanigans at fairs, and a story – Šaraptice. Ta se mu maščuje tako, da area - the Šaraptica. The bird gets revenge by about locked up birds and a quest njegove ptice pevke zaklene v kletko, ključ locking his singing birds into a cage and she for their release, the performance pa odvrže v široka ajdova polja. Godec se then throws the key into wide buckwheat fields. tries to teach them about how, even s pomočjo čarobnega kolesa odpravi na The musician sets out, with the help of a magic today, one can get the real key: with potovanje skozi otroške ljudske pesmice in wheel, on a journey through children’s folk persistence.

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej v sodelovanju s Siti teatrom Pojte, pojte drobne ptice | Sing, sing little birds (vSiti teater)

28 14. 04. 2020 TOR | TUE 19.30 14. 04. 9 Wolf povezuje 020 | Wolf connects 020 »Na severni in južni strani Alp« “On the northern and southern side of the Alps“ Linnea Hurttia, Davorin Dolinšek, Ivan Podyachev (v Wolf trio)

Torek | Tuesday 14. 4. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Vstopnice | Tickets: 10 € Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

WOLF TRIO Linnea Hurttia, violina | violin Ivan Podyachev, viola | viola Davorin Dolinšek, klavir | piano

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johannes Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, , Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Davorin Dolinšek – trije Hugo Wolf, Davorin Dolinšek – three performers poustvarjalci in štirje skladatelji, razpeti and four composers, divided between the med severno in južno stranjo Alp. Bogati northern and southern parts of the Alps. v svoji različnosti, enotni v svoji ljubezni in Rich in their diversity, united in their love and predanosti glasbi. dedication towards music.

Produkcija | Production Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Kulturni dom Slovenj Gradec

30 31 23. 04. 2020 ČET | THU 19.00 23. 04. 10 Klasični koncert, posvečen 250. obletnici rojstva Ludwiga van Beethovna in 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Classical concert, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven and the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf

Četrtek | Thursday 23. 4. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Dvorana Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Cankarjeva ulica 5, Slovenj Gradec

LJUBLJANSKI KLAVIRSKI TRIO| LJUBLJANA PIANO TRIO Sijavuš Gadjiev, klavir | piano Igor Mitrović, violončelo | violoncello Vasilij Meljnikov, violina | violin Katja Konvalinka, sopran | sopran

Produkcija | Production Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec (v Mitja Repnik)

32 33 9. 05. 2020 SOB | SAT 19.30 9. 05. 11 Wolf povezuje 020 | Wolf connects 020 »Heimweh – Domotožje« “Heimweh – Homesickness“

Sobota | Saturday 9. 5. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Vstopnice | Tickets: 10 € Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec Georg Klimbacher (v Theresa Pewal) Breda Zakotnik

Georg Klimbacher, bariton | baritone Breda Zakotnik, klavir | piano

… Domotožje, ki terja občutje povezanosti s ... Homesickness which calls for an emotional sozvočjem včerajšnjega in jutrišnjega sveta … connection with the harmony of the worlds of yesterday and tomorrow ...

Produkcija | Production Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Kulturni dom Slovenj Gradec

34 35 13. 05. 2020 SRE | WED 19.00 13. 05. 12 Hugo Wolf za mlade | Hugo Wolf for the Young Christoph Astner Dušan Kranjc Salzburški kvartet pozavn | Salzburg Trombone Quartet

Sreda | Wednesday 13. 5. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

SALZBURŠKI KVARTET POZAVN | SALZBURG TROMBONE QUARTET Stefan Konzett, pozavna | trombone Simon Seidl, pozavna | trombone Dušan Kranjc, pozavna | trombone

Christoph Astner, pozavna |trombone Simon Seidl Stefan Konzett The Salzburg Trombone Quartet is made Salzburški kvartet pozavn sestavljajo up of musicians from different professional glasbeniki različnih poklicnih orkestrov iz orchestras from Salzburg and Germany. They Salzburga in Nemčije. V želji po intenziviranju have established a chamber ensemble in order pozavnistične glasbe so ustanovili komorni to intensify trombone music, which now consists ansambel v sestavi: Stefan Konzett, Simon of Stefan Konzett, Simon Seidl, Dušan Kranjc Seidl, Dušan Kranjc in Christoph Astner. and Christoph Astner. The music connects and Glasba jih povezuje in inspirira, zato so se inspires them, and, therefore, they have decided tudi odločili opravljati to plemenito delo to conduct the noble work of an “old-fashioned »muzikusa«. musician“.

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej

36 37 30. 05. 2020 SOB | SAT 19.00 30. 05. 13 Osrednja spominska slovesnost ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Main memorial ceremony on the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf

Sobota | Saturday Trg svobode, Slovenj Gradec 30. 5. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Ob slabem vremenu | In case of bad weather: Športna dvorana Slovenj Gradec, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Kopališka ulica 27, Slovenj Gradec Koncert Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija s solistko Nuško Drašček Rojko Concert of the Slovenian National Television Symphony Orchestra with soloist Nuška Drašček Rojko The RTV Slovenia Symphony orchestra v Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija | ( Janez Kotar) Nuška Drašček Rojko, mezzosopran | Mezzo-soprano Nuška Drašček Rojko Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija je zagotovo The RTV Slovenia Symphony orchestra is surely eden od stebrov slovenske kulture, in prav one of the pillars of Slovenian culture and it je, da se v tem jubilejnem letu in tudi v is only right that, within this jubilee year and prihodnje poklonimo skladatelju, ki smo se also later in the future, we pay tribute to the ga v preteklosti morda vsi skupaj spomnili composer, who in the past we have all, together, premalokrat. Kot solistka bo nastopila remembered far too little. izvrstna mezzosopranistka Nuška Drašček, As a soloist, the superb mezzosoprano Nuška simfonični del sporeda pa bomo odprli z Drašček will be on stage, and the symphonic delom še enega slavljenca, tudi povezanega s part of the program will be opened with a work Slovenijo, Ludwiga van Beethovna. by another jubilarian, who is also connected with Slovenia, namely Ludwig van Beethoven.

Produkcija | Production Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, RTV Slovenija, Koroški pokrajinski muzej, Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Spotur Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija | The RTV Slovenia Symphony orchestra (v Hugo Škoranja) 38 39 5.06./7. 06. 2020 PET-NED | FRI-SUN 20.00 5./6./7. 06. 14 Hugo Wolf med zvezdami / glasbeno-scenska uprizoritev (po literarnih motivih Hermanna Bahra) Hugo Wolf among the stars / musical performance (after literary motifs of Hermann Bahr)

Med | Between Petek-Nedelja | Friday-Sunday Med | Between 5. 6. 2020 in 7. 6. 2020 Mladinski kulturni center Slovenj Gradec, ob | at 20.00 Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Ozare 18, Slovenj Gradec Plesalska skupina | Gledališki dnevi malega odra (Wolfovo ustvarjanje – kreativno raziskovanje mladih) Dance group: Theatre days of the small stage (Wolf’s creations - exploring creativity among young people) K a j a R a m š a k T i m e t j a n L e s j a k Glasba | Music: Glasbeniki | Musicians: Z a r j a K r e n k e r Hugo Wolf Maja Kastratovik – klavir | piano U r š k a B a r l K o l m a n Tanja Klančnik – sopran | soprano E n j a A l H i a s a t Režija in dramaturška priredba | Director and Tone Gašper in Mešani komorni zbor Carinthia Aleša Založnik dramatic arrangement: Cantat | Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir Neža Ferlinc Aleksandar Čaminski Igralci | Actors: Mentor tehnike | Koreografija | Choreography: L u c i j a n C o k a n – H u g o W o l f Technical mentor: Mateja Rožič in Lucija Boruta P a t r i c i j a P o g o r e l č n i k / K a j a R a m š a k – P i e r r o t Peter Rubin T i m e t j a n L e s j a k – V i n z e n z Scenografija |Stage design: Enja Al Hiasat – Sophie Tehniki | Technicians: Peter Hergold Jon Cesar, Luka Lesjak, Luka Hudopisk Kostumi | Costumes: Lira Grabulovska in Katarina Furlan Organizacija | Organisation: Janko Uršnik, Vojko Šuštaršič, Produkcija | Production Natalija Fužir Studio A, GKD Spunk, MKC Slovenj Gradec Hugo Wolf med zvezdami | Hugo Wolf among the stars (v Aleksandar Čaminski)

40 41 18. 06. 2020 ČET | THU 18.00 18. 06. 15 Zaključni koncert orkestrov Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec ob 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Final concert of the orchestras of the Slovenj Gradec Musical School at the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf (v Primafoto)

Četrtek | Thursday Graščina Rothenturn 18. 6. 2020 ob | at 18.00 Šolska ulica 5, Slovenj Gradec Ob slabem vremenu | In case of bad weather: Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Kulturni dom Stari trg, Stari trg 32, Slovenj Gradec

Produkcija | Production Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec

42 43 18. 06. 2020 ČET | THU 19.30 18. 06. 16 Wolfov poletni festival | Hugo Wolf’s Summer Festival Severa, Gal Gjurin (v Yeremie Pierre Noir)

Severa in | and Gal Gjurin

Četrtek | Thursday 18. 6. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Severa Gjurin, vokal |vocals Gal Gjurin, vokal, kitara | vocals, guitar

»Gospoda moja! Imejte usmiljenje z nami, “Milady! Have pity on us, poor composers. ubogimi skladatelji. Nikoli ne rjovite v en Never should you hoot in one voice, when you glas, kadar obsojate kako delo, razdelite se are judging a certain work, divide yourself into na atome, če to zmorete, vendar si nikar ne atoms if you can, yet never take the liberty to drznite sporočati nadebudnim avtorjem tako pass a message to enthusiastic authors about bogokletnih, abotno marnjastih enoglasnih such blasphemous, deliberate falsehood and sodb zoper to ali ono njihovo delo.« one-sided judgements against this or that of their works.“ (Hugo Wolf, Wiener Salonblatt, 23. 10. 1885) (Hugo Wolf, Wiener Salonblatt, 23. 10. 1885)

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej

44 45 19. 06. 2020 PET | FRI 19.00 19. 06. 17 Klasični koncert, posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Classical concert, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf

Ruben Dalibaltayan, Julija Gaubaidullina

Petek | Friday 19. 6. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Dvorana Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Cankarjeva ulica 5, Slovenj Gradec

Julija Gubaidullina, klavir | piano Ruben Dalibaltayan, klavir | piano

Produkcija | Production Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec

46 47 9. 07. 2020 ČET | THU 19.30 9. 07. 18 Wolfov poletni festival | Hugo Wolf’s Summer Festival

Borut Mori in | and Igmar Jenner

Igmar Jenner, Borut Mori (v Miha Kolar)

Četrtek | Thursday 9. 7. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Borut Mori, harmonika |accordion Igmar Jenner, violina | violin

»V sebi čutim nadčloveške moči … Mislim, da “Inside I am feeling superhuman powers ... I do bi se lahko spopadel z vsem svetom, tako think I could take up the whole world, my soul zmagoslavno mi je pri duši. Življenje ima is feeling that victorious. Life again has a value zame spet vrednost, in vse, kar se je v meni for me and all the explosive matter that has nabralo netiva, bo v moji naslednji stvaritvi piled up in me will lead, in my next creation, to pripeljalo do strahotne eksplozije. Ha, kako a tremendous explosion. Ha, I am so looking se veselim tega.« forward to this.“ (Hugo Wolf, pismo Melaniji Kochert, 1888) (Hugo Wolf, letter to Melanija Kochert, 1888)

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej

48 49 20. 08. 2020 ČET | THU 19.30 20. 08. 19 Wolfov poletni festival | Hugo Wolf’s Summer Festival

Ana Bezjak in | and Marko Zaletelj

Četrtek | Thursday 20. 8. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec Ana Bezjak in Marko Zaletelj (v Dejan Bulut)

Ana Bezjak, vokal |vocal Marko Zaletelj, kitara | guitar

»Jaz sem človek, ki ravna v vsem zgolj po “I am a man, who acts merely on impulse in impulzih, in kadar se v meni nabere potrebna everything I do, and when in me the necessary množina elektrike, se nekaj zgodi.« sum of electricity piles up, then something happens.“ (Hugo Wolf, pismo Franzu Schalku, 8. 2. 1889) (Hugo Wolf, letter to Franz Schalk, 8. 2. 1889)

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej

50 51 5. 09. 2020 SOB | SAT 10.00 5. 09. 20 Jazz café pri Wolfu Jazz café at Wolf’s

Sobota | Saturday 5. 9. 2020 ob | at 10.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Anja Hrastovšek, vokal |vocal Urška Supej, kitara | guitar

Sobotno dopoldne je pravi čas za druženje Saturday morning is the perfect time for Wolfova kava in skodelica Hugo Wolf | Wolf’s coffee and Hugo Wolf s prijatelji ob dobri kavi in glasbi, zato vas hanging out with friends, sipping good coffee cup (v Janko Gačnik) vabimo na degustacijo Wolfove kave. Za and listening to music, thus we are inviting you glasbeno vzdušje bosta poskrbeli vokalistka to a tasting of Wolf’s coffee. The vocalist Anja Anja Hrastovšek in kitaristka Urška Supej. Hrastovšek and guitar player Urška Supej will be in charge of the musical atmosphere.

»Hugo je zelo rad pil dobro kavo. Doma si jo “Hugo was very fond of good coffee. At home he je lahko privoščil po mili volji, ker je oče, ki je could have as much as he wanted; father hated sovražil nakupe po malem, iz Trsta naročil shopping for small lots, therefore he ordered kave in riža po celo balo.« coffee and rice from Trieste to last for the whole year.“ (Modesta Wolf-Strahser, Spomini na dom) (Modesta Wolf-Strahser, Memories of Home)

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej, Escobar, pražarnica vrhunskih kav Anja Hrastovšek (v Benjamin Kovač)

52 53 24. 09. 2020 - 29. 09. 2020 29. 09. 21 udeleženec/-ka, kar najmlajšim in nadarjenim talented musicians, and not only singers, to 24. mednarodna solopevska šola Hugo Wolf glasbenikom, ne le pevcem, omogoča, da familiarise themselves with working methods at 24th International Hugo Wolf Seminar spoznajo metodologijo dela na seminarjih. seminars. pod vodstvom prof. Brede Zakotnik in prof. Vladimirja Mlinarića led by Prof. Breda Zakotnik and Prof. Vladimir Mlinarić

24. 9. 2020 – 29. 9. 2020 Zaključni koncert 29. 9. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Seminar mednarodne solopevske šole Hugo Wolf International Lied Seminar is aimed Hugo Wolf je namenjen mladim interpretom at young artists of vocal musical literature of vokalne glasbene literature samospeva the lied genre with special emphasis on the opus s poudarkom na opusu Huga Wolfa. of Hugo Wolf. Participants are senior students Udeležujejo se ga študenti zaključnih letnikov of music academies and conservatoires from glasbenih akademij in konservatorijev iz Slovenia and abroad. Numerous talented Slovenije in tujine. V tradicionalni vsakoletni international artists have participated at the šoli se je v preteklosti zvrstilo veliko število traditional annual school in the past, among nadarjenih mednarodnih umetnikov, med them some stars of international stages of katerimi so tudi nekatere današnje zvezde today. They like to return to the stage of the svetovnih odrov. S koncertnimi programi se concert hall in Wolf’s house, which means an nato radi vračajo na oder koncertne dvorane importation contribution to the promotion of v Wolfovi hiši, kar pomeni pomembno Slovenj Gradec and Slovenia abroad. It is also promocijo Slovenj Gradca in Slovenije v tujini. possible to follow the seminar as a passive Seminar je mogoče spremljati tudi kot pasivni participant, which offers the youngest and most

Produkcija | Production Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec Mednarodna solopevska šola Hugo Wolf | International Hugo Wolf Lied Seminar (v Primafoto)

54 55 09. 2020 September 22 je pripravila pobudnica projekta, pianistka project, the pianist Maja Kastratovik. During the Hugo Wolf: Iz otroštva (Aus der Kinderzeit): Maja Kastratovik. V Wolfovem jubilejnem anniversary year of Hugo Wolf this publication 1. Uspavanka (Schlummerlied) in 2. Šala in igra (Scherz und Spiel), 1878 letu bomo publikacijo brezplačno razdelili will be distributed free of charge to all Slovenian Notna izdaja klavirskih skladb z zgoščenko slovenskim glasbenim šolam, s ciljem music schools, the aim being to inspire the Hugo Wolf: From childhood (Aus der Kinderzeit): navdušiti najmlajše za glasbo največjega youngest to explore the music of the greatest skladateljskega genija, rojenega na slovenskih composer genius born on Slovenian soil. 1. Lullaby (Schlummerlied) and 2. Jokes and Games (Scherz und Spiel), 1878 tleh. Sheet music edition of piano pieces with CD

September 2020 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec Rokopis notnega zapisa Schlummerlied | Autograph, Schlummerlied (v Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor)

Kratki klavirski skladbi Uspavanka ter Šala The short piano songs Lullaby and Jokes and in igra s skupnim naslovom Iz otroštva Games with their common title From Childhood sta med sabo povezani mladostni deli are interlinked pieces of the young Hugo Huga Wolfa, ki ju je komponiral 20. maja Wolf, composed on the 20th of May 1878 in 1878 v Slovenj Gradcu. Sta tenkočuten Slovenj Gradec. They are a subtle portrait of portret dveh nasprotujočih si dejavnikov two opposing factors of childhood: the ability otroštva: zmožnosti brezskrbne pozabe to enjoy carefree oblivion and the ability to in sposobnosti izkusiti nebrzdano veselje. experience uncontrolled joy. The sheet music Notni album dopolnjujeta kratek uvod z edition is accompanied by a short introduction opisom skladateljeve življenjske zgodbe, of the life story of the composer, his birth town njegovega rojstnega mesta Slovenj Slovenj Gradec and of the memorial museum Gradca in spominskega muzeja v rojstni in his birthplace on the Main Square in Slovenj hiši na slovenjgraškem Glavnem trgu ter Gradec, as well as with a CD of recordings of zgoščenka s posnetkom obeh skladb, ki ga both pieces, prepared by the initiator of the

Produkcija | Production Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec

56 57 1. 10. 2020 ČET | THU 19.00 1. 10. 23 »Spomini …« “Memories…“ Tenorist Diao Ke in pianistka Maja Kastratovik Tenor Diao Ke and pianist Maja Kastratovik

Četrtek | Thursday 1. 10. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Diao Ke, tenor |tenor Maja Kastratovik, klavir | piano Diao Ke je tenorist in izredni profesor Diao Ke is a tenor and associate professor at the na Konservatoriju za glasbo v Wuhanu Conservatoire of Music in Wuhan, China. As a na Kitajskem. Kot tenorist se posveča tenor, lately he has put special emphasis within raziskovanju del Huga Wolfa in si prizadeva his research on the work of Hugo Wolf and is za njegovo glasbeno popularizacijo v Aziji. striving for greater popularity of Hugo Wolf in Maja Kastratovik je eminentna pianistka in the Asian music world. pedagoginja, ki je svoj navdih našla tudi v Maja Kastratovik is an eminent pianist and a čarobnih notah Huga Wolfa. Zanjo je vedno teacher, who has also found her inspiration in znova poseben privilegij in užitek, kadar lahko the magical notes of Hugo Wolf. For her it is interpretira ta dela v njegovi rojstni hiši. always a special privilege and delight to perform Na koncertnem večeru bomo prisluhnili these works in his birthplace. izbranim samospevom iz Wolfove glasbene At the concert evening we will hear a selection of zakladnice. lieders from the rich musical heritage of Hugo Wolf.

Produkcija | Production Maja Kastratovik (v Nika Hölcl Praper) Diao Ke Koroški pokrajinski muzej

58 59 3.-4. 10. 2020 SOB, NED | SAT, SUN 18.00-1.00 3.-4. 10. 24 Dolga noč muzejev / Lange Nacht der Museen Long night of Museums / Lange Nacht der Museen

Sobota, nedelja | Saturday, Sunday 3. 10. 2020 – 4. 10. 2020 ob | at 18.00–1.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Vstopnice | Tickets: 6 €* Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

*Cena enotne REGIONALNE vstopnice je *The price for the unified REGIONAL ticket is € 6.00; for 6,00 €, za otroke do dopolnjenega 12. leta starosti pa je children up to the age of 12, attendance is free. obisk brezplačen. The Long Night of Museums (Lange Nacht der Dolga noč muzejev (Lange Nacht der Museen) is a traditional event in Austria, which Museen) je v Avstriji tradicionalna prireditev, is held every first Saturday in October. This year ki poteka vsako prvo soboto v oktobru. Letos will be its 21st consecutive edition. Museums and bo že 21. leto zapored. Muzeji in galerije galleries are open for all culturally interested odpro vrata za vse kulturno zainteresirane night owls from 6 p.m. until 1 o’clock in the ponočnjake od 18.00 do 1.00 zjutraj. Z morning. With the unified tickets you can visit enotno vstopnico boste lahko obiskali both Austrian museums and galleries, as well avstrijske muzeje in galerije ter nekatere as some collections and exhibitions of the zbirke in razstave Koroškega pokrajinskega Carinthian Regional Museum. muzeja.

v Produkcija | Production Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa Slovenj Gradec ( Nika Hölcl Praper) Koroški pokrajinski muzej, ORF-Lange Nacht der Museen

60 61 8. 10. 2020 ČET | THU 19.30 8. 10. 25 Wolf povezuje 020 | Wolf connects 020 »Zimska uspavanka« “Winter Lullaby“

Četrtek | Thursday 8. 10. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Vstopnice | Tickets: 10 € Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec

Nika Gorič, sopran |soprano Godalni kvartet Dissonance | The string quartet Dissonance

Godalni kvartet Dissonance | String quartet Dissonance (v Klemen Razinger) Godalni kvartet Dissonance in izjemna The string quartet Dissonance and the sopranistka Nika Gorič se bosta s koncertom exceptional soprano Nina Gorič will pay tribute poklonila skladatelju Hugu Wolfu ob 160. to Hugo Wolf on the 160th anniversary of his obletnici njegovega rojstva. birth with a concert.

Produkcija | Production Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Kulturni dom Slovenj Gradec

v 62 Nika Gorič ( Pierre Lidal) 63 17. 10. 2020 SOB | SAT 19.00 17. 10. 26 Klasični koncert, združeni simfonični orkestri Classical concert, joined forces of symphony orchestras

Sobota | Saturday 17. 10. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Športna dvorana Gimnazije Slovenj Gradec, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Gosposvetska 2, Slovenj Gradec Simfonični orkester Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec | Slovenj Gradec Musical School Symphony orchestra (v Matic Borković)

ZDRUŽENI SIMFONIČNI ORKESTRI Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec Glasbena šola Fran Korun Koželjski Velenje Glasbena šola Česky Krumlov Akademski pevski zbor Maribor pod vodstvom dirigentke in skladateljice Tadeje Vulc

JOINED FORCES OF SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS Slovenj Gradec Musical School Fran Korun Koželjski Velenje Musical School Česky Krumlov Musical School Maribor Academics Choir, led by conductor and composer Tadeja Vulc

Produkcija | Production Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec

64 65 29. 10. 2020 SRE | WED 19.00 29. 10. 27 Hugo Wolf za mlade | Hugo Wolf for the Young

Trio Klavis Trio Klavis (v Julia Wesely)

Sreda | Wednesday 29. 10. 2020 ob | at 19.00 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec TRIO KLAVIS Sabina Hasanova, klavir | piano Jenny Lippl, violina | violin Miha Ferk, saksofon | saxophone Trio Klavis je glasbeno umetniško pot začel A quick glance at the lineup of Trio Klavis might na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo lead to the conclu- sion that the sound of this umetnost na Dunaju. Trije glasbeniki, Sabina ensemble is not necessarily related to classical Hasanova (klavir), Jenny Lippl (violina) in Miha music. Formed at the University of Music and Ferk (saksofon), sestavljajo prijetno komorno Performing Arts Vienna, the three musicians glasbeno skupino, ki sledi lastni glasbeni poti. Sabina Hasanova (piano), Jenny Lippl (violin) Člani Tria Klavis izvajajo izjemne interpretacije and Miha Ferk (saxophone) present themselves splošno znanih del, od dunajskega klasicizma, as an experimental friendly romantike, modernizma in dodekafonije do ensemble that follows its own musical path. popolnoma novih interpretacij. The trio‘s outstanding renditions of well-known works from Viennese Classicism, , Modernism and Dodecaphony experience a completely new interpretation.

Produkcija | Production Koroški pokrajinski muzej v sodelovanju z Avstrijskim kulturnim forumom 66 67 12. 11. 2020 ČET | THU 19.30 12. 11. 28 Wolf povezuje 020 | Wolf connects 020

»Chopin & Schumann« / klavirski recital ob 210. obletnici rojstva “Chopin & Schumann“ / Piano recital on the 210th anniversary birth

Četrtek | Thursday 12. 11. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Vstopnice | Tickets: 10 € Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec Nejc Lavrenčič (v Urška Lukovnjak)

Nejc Lavrenčič, klavir | piano

V letu 2020 poleg Wolfovega in In the year 2020, besides the anniversaries of Beethovnovega jubileja obeležujemo 210. Wolf and Beethoven, we are also celebrating the obletnico rojstva dveh slavnih pianistov 210th birth anniversaries of two famous pianists in romantičnih skladateljskih mojstrov: and romantic composer-masters, namely: Frederica Chopina (1810–1849) in Roberta Frederic Chopin (1810–1849) and Robert Schumanna (1810–1856). Schumann (1810–1856).

Produkcija | Production Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Kulturni dom Slovenj Gradec

68 69 20. 11. 2020 PET | FRI 19.30 20. 11. 29 »Zase volil glasbo sem izbrati!« Mešani komorni zbor Carinthia Cantat z gosti, koroškimi glasbeniki in ustvarjalci “For me, the choice was music!“ Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir with guests, Carinthian musicians and artists

Petek | Friday 20. 11. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Kulturni dom Slovenj Gradec, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Francetova 5, Slovenj Gradec

Koncert v poklon Wolfu in njegovi A tribute concert to Hugo Wolf and his creativity ustvarjalnosti s krstno izvedbo avtorskega with a world premiere of original work. After the dela. Besedila je po motivih iz Wolfovih pisem motif of Wolf’s correspondence, Marko Košan pripravil Marko Košan, za zbor in manjši prepared the texts and they were set to music Mešani komorni zbor Carinthia Cantat | Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir (v Nace Zavrl) orkester pa uglasbil Benjamin Pirnat. for a choir and small orchestra by Benjamin Pirnat.

Produkcija | Production Mešani komorni zbor Carinthia Cantat, koroški glasbeniki

70 71 4. 12. 2020 PET | FRI 19.30 4. 12. 30 Wolf povezuje 020 | Wolf connects 020 »Hugo Wolf in Richard Wagner« “Hugo Wolf and Richard Wagner“

Petek | Friday 4. 12. 2020 ob | at 19.30 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa, Vstopnice | Tickets: 10 € Glavni trg 40, Slovenj Gradec Breda Zakotnik, Thorsten Büttner (v Foto Anka)

Thorsten Büttner, tenor | tenor Breda Zakotnik, klavir | piano

Na stojišču v Dunajski operi je mladi Wolf In the standing areas of Vienna house navdušeno prisluhnil operam Richarda young Wolf listened with delight to the of Wagnerja … Richard Wagner...

Produkcija | Production Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Gradec, Kulturni dom Slovenj Gradec

72 73 17. 12. 2020 ČET | THU 18.00 17. 12. 31 Božično-novoletni koncert orkestrov Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec, posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Christmas concert of the orchestras of the Slovenj Gradec Musical School, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the Godalni orkester Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec | Slovenj Gradec Musical School String Orchestra (v Nace Zavrl) birth of Hugo Wolf

Četrtek | Thursday 17. 12. 2020 ob | at 18.00 Kulturni dom Stari trg, Brez vstopnine | Entrance free Stari trg 32, Slovenj Gradec

Produkcija | Production Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec

74 75 Rojstna hiša Huga Wolfa Slovenj Gradec The birthplace of Hugo Wolf, Slovenj Gradec

(v Tomo Jeseničnik) V Wolfovi rojstni hiši danes delujeta Today, the birthplace of Hugo Wolf hosts spominski muzej ter mednarodni a memorial museum and an international informacijski in dokumentacijski center. information and documentation centre. The Skladateljeva rojstna hiša je središče composer’s birthplace is the centre of musical glasbene kulture v Slovenj Gradcu, hkrati pa v culture in Slovenj Gradec and, at the same time, Mestni občini Slovenj Gradec izjemen kulturni it represents an exceptional cultural monument spomenik lokalnega pomena. V hiši ima of local importance for the municipality of svoj sedež tudi Društvo Hugo Wolf Slovenj Slovenj Gradec. Furthermore, the Hugo Wolf Gradec. Society of Slovenj Gradec has its seat here. Minule obletnice skladateljevega rojstva The past anniversaries of the composer’s so zaznamovali s prireditvami, razstavami, birth were celebrated with events, exhibitions, koncerti in publikacijami. Ob 100. obletnici concerts and publications. On the 100th skladateljevega rojstva so na pročelju anniversary of the birth of the composer, a hiše odkrili spominsko ploščo, akademski memorial plaque was set up on the front of slikar Karel Pečko pa je izdelal velik portret the house. The academic painter Karel Pečko painted a big portrait of Hugo Wolf, which today decorates the acoustic concert hall in his birthplace. On the 130th anniversary, a bronze bust of the composer was unveiled at the front of the house; it is the work of academic sculptor Mirsad Begić. On the 150th anniversary, the memorial museum and the Hugo Wolf International Documentation Centre were renovated and set up within the project Mirroring images - sounds of the past. 76 77 Huga Wolfa, ki danes krasi akustično koncertno dvorano v njegovi rojstni hiši. Ob 130. obletnici so na pročelju hiše odkrili bronasti doprsni kip skladatelja, delo akademskega kiparja Mirsada Begića. Ob 150. obletnici pa so s projektom Zrcaljenje podob – oživljeni zven preteklosti obnovili in vzpostavili spominski muzej in mednarodni dokumentacijski center Huga Wolfa. Skladatelj Hugo Wolf se je rodil pred 160 leti. Njegovemu delu se bomo poklonili s pestrim programom prireditev, s katerimi bomo skozi vse leto 2020 proslavili to pomembno obletnico. The composer Hugo Wolf was born 160 years ago. We will pay tribute to his work with a diverse program of events to celebrate this important anniversary throughout 2020.

(v Tomo Jeseničnik) 78 79 Izdajatelja | Publisher Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec, Koroški pokrajinski muzej Zbrala in uredila | Edited by Aleksandra Ramšak Uredniški odbor | Editing board mag. Tadej Pungartnik, Marko Košan, Aleksandra Ramšak Logotip Hugo Wolf 160 | Logo Hugo Wolf 160

Maja Repotočnik DRUŠTVO-HW-ZNAK-KONČNI.indd 1 27/01/2020 11:18 Jezikovni pregled | Proof-reading (Slovenian version) mag. Andreja Čibron Kodrin Prevod | Translation Tomaž Dietinger Oblikovanje | Graphic design Edi Koraca, ARH DEKO Fotografije | Photo Arhiv organizatorjev | Archives of the organisers Tisk | Print Nonparel d. o. o. Naklada | Edition Javni zavod za turizem in šport Spotur Slovenj Gradec 1200 izvodov

GKD Spunk Slovenj Gradec, 2020

Za točnost informacij odgovarja producent dogodka. Pridržujemo si pravico do sprememb programa oziroma objavljenih datumov in ur prireditev. The producer is liable for the accuracy of the provided information. We reserve the right to change the programs, published dates and times of events.