– Hugo Wolf’s Year Program 160. obletnica rojstva skladatelja prireditev Huga Wolfa (1860–1903) Program 160th Anniversary of the Birth of of events Composer Hugo Wolf (1860–1903) 1 Program 160. obletnica rojstva skladatelja prireditev Huga Wolfa (1860–1903) 97, 2 Program 160th Anniversary of the Birth of of events Composer Hugo Wolf (1860–1903) 2 Kazalo Kazalo Contents 30. 1. Predstavitev priložnostne poštne znamke Hugo Wolf Presentation of the Hugo Wolf commemorative postage stamp 14 15. 2. Pevski večer, posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Evening of songs, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf 16 22. 2. Slavnostna akademija ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Festive academy on the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf 18 7. 3. Skrivnostni zvoki godal in klavirja / glasbena delavnica za otroke Mystery sounds of strings and piano / musical workshop for children 20 13. 3. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Wo find’ ich Trost – Kje bom našel tolažbo« ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Wo find’ ich Trost – Where will I find comfort“ On the 160th anniversary of the birth of Composer Hugo Wolf 22 20. 3. Modra noč z Vito Mavrič Blue night with Vita Mavrič 24 29. 3. Hugo Wolf med zvezdami / glasbeno-scenska uprizoritev Hugo Wolf among the stars / musical performance 26 4. 4. Pojte, pojte drobne ptice / glasbena predstava za otroke Sing, sing you little birds / musical performance for children 28 14. 4. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Na severni in južni strani Alp« WOLF CONNECTS 020 “On the northern and southern side of the Alps“ 30 23. 4. Klasični koncert, posvečen 250. obletnici rojstva Ludwiga van Beethovna in 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Classical concert, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven and the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 32 9. 5. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Heimweh – Domotožje« WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Heimweh – Homesickness“ 34 2 3 13. 5. HUGO WOLF ZA MLADE Salzburški kvartet pozavn Sept. Hugo Wolf: Iz otroštva (Aus der Kinderzeit): 1. Uspavanka HUGO WOLF FOR THE YOUNG Salzburg Trombone Quartet 36 (Schlummerlied) in 2. Šala in igra (Scherz und Spiel), 1878 30. 5. Osrednja spominska slovesnost ob 160. obletnici rojstva skladatelja Huga Wolfa Notna izdaja klavirskih skladb z zgoščenko Koncert Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija s solistko Nuško Drašček Rojko Hugo Wolf: From childhood (Aus der Kinderzeit): 1. Lullaby Main memorial ceremony on the 160th anniversary of the birth of (Schlummerlied) and 2. Jokes and Games (Scherz und Spiel), 1878 Composer Hugo Wolf Sheet music edition of piano pieces with CD 56 Concert of the Slovenian National Television Symphony Orchestra 1. 10. »Spomini …« Tenorist Diao Ke in pianistka Maja Kastratovik with soloist Nuška Drašček Rojko 38 “Memories…“ Tenor Diao Ke and pianist Maja Kastratovik 58 5. 6. ̵ Hugo Wolf med zvezdami / glasbeno-scenska uprizoritev 3. 10. ̵ Dolga noč muzejev / Lange Nacht der Museen 7. 6. Hugo Wolf among the stars / musical performance 40 4. 10. Dolga noč muzejev / Lange Nacht der Museen 60 18. 6. Zaključni koncert orkestrov Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec 8. 10. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Zimska uspavanka« ob 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Winter Lullaby“ 62 Final concert of the orchestras of the Slovenj Gradec Musical School 17. 10. Klasični koncert, združeni simfonični orkestri at the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 42 Classical concert, joined forces of symphony orchestras 64 18. 6. WOLFOV POLETNI FESTIVAL Severa in Gal Gjurin 29. 10. HUGO WOLF ZA MLADE Trio Klavis HUGO WOLF’S SUMMER FESTIVAL Severa and Gal Gjurin 44 HUGO WOLF FOR THE YOUNG Trio Klavis 66 19. 6. Klasični koncert, posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa 12. 11. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Chopin & Schumann« Classical concert, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 46 Klavirski recital ob 210. obletnici rojstva 9. 7. WOLFOV POLETNI FESTIVAL Borut Mori in Igmar Jenner WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Chopin & Schumann“ HUGO WOLF’S SUMMER FESTIVAL Borut Mori and Igmar Jenner 48 Piano recital on the 210th anniversary birth 68 20. 8. WOLFOV POLETNI FESTIVAL Ana Bezjak in Marko Zaletelj 20. 11. »Zase volil glasbo sem izbrati!« Mešani komorni zbor Carinthia Cantat z gosti, HUGO WOLF’S SUMMER FESTIVAL Ana Bezjak and Marko Zaletelj 50 koroškimi glasbeniki in ustvarjalci 5. 9. Jazz café pri Wolfu “For me, the choice was music!“ Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir Jazz café at Wolf’s 52 with guests, Carinthian musicians and artists 70 24. 9. ̵ 24. mednarodna solopevska šola Hugo Wolf pod vodstvom 4. 12. WOLF POVEZUJE 020 »Hugo Wolf in Richard Wagner« 29. 9. prof. Brede Zakotnik in prof. Vladimirja Mlinarića WOLF CONNECTS 020 “Hugo Wolf and Richard Wagner“ 72 24th International Hugo Wolf soloist school led by Prof. Breda Zakotnik 17. 12. Božično-novoletni koncert orkestrov Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec, and Prof. Vladimir Mlinarić 54 posvečen 160. obletnici rojstva Huga Wolfa Christmas concert of the orchestras of the Slovenj Gradec Musical School, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf 74 4 5 Hugo Wolf and his origin Marko Košan, pa se velja zahvaliti, da smo that the musical genius of Hugo Wolf was Huga Wolfa kot Slovenjgradčana prepoznali, not recognised and more respected in his in Slovenj Gradec čeprav relativno pozno, tudi v domačem birthplace even before. We can be honestly okolju. Morda pa je tako tudi prav, evropska proud that the cradle of the composer was dimenzija sobivanja je namreč končno prepared in our town. Hugo Wolf, a born townsman of Slovenj omehčala predsodke, zaradi katerih smo Gradec, created, in his short career as a spomin nanj zapostavljali skoraj celo I am thankful to my predecessors as they composer, a rich and genius musical opus, stoletje. Zgodovinska distanca nam narekuje have seen the importance of the birthplace which today counts him among the most objektivnost, zato lahko obžalujemo, da of Hugo Wolf which, today, works under renowned composers of artistic music. Even Wolfova glasbena genialnost v njegovem the auspices of the Carinthian Regional more than in a musical sense, on which I rojstnem mestu ni bila prepoznana in bolj Museum. It is one of the treasures of our leave the opinion to the musicologists and spoštovana že prej. Ponosni smo namreč cultural heritage in Slovenj Gradec and other musical experts, the life and work of lahko, da je skladatelju zibel tekla prav v a sight which attracts many lovers of the Hugo Wolf has left a remarkable imprint on našem mestu. music of Hugo Wolf as well as numerous Hugo Wolf in Slovenj Gradec, due to the entwinement exceptional musicians, who perform Wolf’s of various historical facts. We owe a lot Hvaležen sem svojim predhodnikom, ker so music as both an honour and a challenge. rodni Slovenj Gradec of gratitude to the spirit of research of sprevideli pomen ureditve Wolfove rojstne I am pleased and thankful that we have the the music teacher and former director of hiše, ki je danes pod okriljem Koroškega opportunity, on the 160th anniversary of the Hugo Wolf, rojen Slovenjgradčan, je v svoji the Slovenj Gradec Musical School, Jože pokrajinskega muzeja eden zakladov birth of the composer, to honour him with a kratki skladateljski karieri ustvaril bogat Leskovar, our citizen of honour and the first slovenjgraške kulturne dediščine in atrakcija, Hugo Wolf year and I would like to sincerely in genialen glasbeni opus, ki ga danes president of the Hugo Wolf Society. We also saj v mesto privabi mnoge ljubitelje Wolfove thank the Ministry of Culture of the Republic uvršča med najuglednejše skladatelje resne owe a debt of gratitude to the activities of glasbe ter neštete izjemne glasbenike, ki of Slovenia as, with this initiative, it is not glasbe. Še bolj kot v glasbenem smislu, this society which, for many years now, has jim je izvajanje Wolfove glasbe v čast in izziv. only paying tribute to this master but also slednje namreč prepuščam muzikologom been chaired by the art historian Marko Vesel in hvaležen sem, da nam je ob 160. recognises the endeavours of Slovenj Gradec in drugim glasbenim strokovnjakom, pa Košan, that we have recognised Hugo Wolf obletnici skladateljevega rojstva ponujena which is giving attention to the composer in sta Wolfovo življenje in delo zaznamovala as a fellow townsman of Slovenj Gradec priložnost, da se mu priklonimo z Wolfovim a Slovenian and international perspective, Slovenj Gradec zaradi prepleta različnih also in his home environment, although this letom, za kar se iskreno zahvaljujem tudi as he should be entitled to. I am especially zgodovinskih dejstev. Raziskovalnemu happened quite late. Maybe it was even for Ministrstvu za kulturo Republike Slovenije, saj delighted that Hugo Wolf’s Year is also being duhu glasbenega pedagoga in nekdanjega the best that it happened in that way, as se s to pobudo ni oddolžilo le glasbenemu recognised by the Slovenian Postal Service ravnatelja Glasbene šole Slovenj Gradec the European dimension of coexistence has velikanu, temveč je prepoznalo tudi with their publishing of a philatelic section, Jožeta Leskovarja, našega častnega občana finally softened the prejudices which caused prizadevanja Slovenj Gradca, ki skladatelju, and within this main part the postage stamp in prvega predsednika Društva Hugo Wolf, his memory to be neglected for almost a v slovenskem in mednarodnem merilu, which brings to life and preserves the in aktivnostim tega društva, ki mu sedaj že century. The historical distance dictates posveča pozornost in spoštovanje, kot mu memory of our great composer. vrsto let predseduje umetnostni zgodovinar objectivity to us and therefore we may regret pripadata. Posebno pa sem vesel, da je 6 7 Wolfovo leto prepoznala tudi Pošta Slovenije An exceptional program, which will mark the z izdajo filatelističnega sklopa, katerega jubilee of the birth of the composer, will thrill osrednji del je seveda poštna znamka, s lovers of his music from Slovenia, Europe katero oživljamo in ohranjamo spomin na and the world.
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