Halophytic Vegetation and Adjoining Plant Communities in Middle Asia (Pamir-Alai and Western Tian Shan)
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Tuexenia 41: xx–xx. Göttingen 2021. doi: 10.14471/2021.41.003, available online at www.tuexenia.de Halophytic vegetation and adjoining plant communities in Middle Asia (Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan) Halophytenvegetation und angrenzende Pflanzengesellschaften in Mittelasien (Pamir-Alai und westlicher Tian Shan) Sebastian Świerszcz1* , Marcin Nobis2, 3 , Anna Wróbel2 , Ewelina Klichowska2 , Sylwia Nowak4 & Arkadiusz Nowak1, 4 1Botanical Garden, Center for Biological Diversity Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Prawdziwka 2, 02-976 Warszawa, Poland; 2Department of Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Palaeobotany, Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 3, 30-387 Kraków, Poland; 3Research laboratory ‘Herbarium’, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk 634050, Russia; 4Institute of Biology, University of Opole, Oleska 22, 45-052 Opole, Poland *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract In this paper, we complete the syntaxonomical scheme for halophytic vegetation and adjoining plant communities of the lowland, montane and alpine zones in the Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan with some remarks on its environmental predictors. A total of 217 relevés were sampled in 2014–2019 using the seven-degree cover-abundance scale of the Braun-Blanquet approach. Modified TWlNSPAN was used to classify plant communities based on species composition. The cover-abundance scale was transformed using the four-step interval scale with cut-off levels at 0%, 5% and 25%. Diagnostic species were identified using the phi coefficient as a fidelity measure. Non- metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) was used to explore the relationships between the distin- guished groups. A total of five halophytic or subhalophytic grasslands, five halophytic thermophilous scrub communities, three hypersaline alluvial temporary flooded swards, and one riparian scrub com- munity were distinguished in the study area, grouped in four orders. Four plant communities have been established as new associations: Knorringietum sibiricae, Puccinellietum pamiricae, Carici physodis- Zygophylletum gontscharovii and Zygophylletum ferganensis. The Taraxacion murgabici is described as new alliance of high-altitude halophytic vegetation in arid environments. The hypersaline alluvial temporary flooded swards were included in a new order – the Psylliostachyetalia spicato-leptostachyae. The main factors differentiating the species composition of the researched vegetation seem to be: the share and number of annual vs. perennial species, coverage of shrub layer, number and share of Irano- Turanian plants, mean annual temperature, and altitudinal position. This is the first time we have initi- ated research on halophytic vegetation in Middle Asia. However, further geobotanical studies in this part of the world are needed, because the syntaxonomical position of some of the distinguished com- munities still remains vague. Keywords: halophytes, Middle Asia, saline habitats, salt-marshes, solonchak, solonetz, syntaxonomy Erweiterte deutsche Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels Manuscript received 08 March 2020, accepted 03 February 2021 Available online 02.08.2021 1 Co-ordinating Editor: Erwin Bergmeier 1. Introduction Halophytic vegetation extends across the globe and is distributed from equatorial man- groves to polar shorelines (KAPLER 2019). Though not particularly rich in species, the saline habitats harbour approx. 1% of unique, specialised terrestrial plant species that can flourish in unique and conservationally important biotopes (ROZEMA & FLOWERS 2008). Halophyte habitats have always been regarded as model ecosystems for displaying clear and compre- hensible patterns reflecting the varying affinities of species and plant communities to domi- nant environmental factors, in this case soil salinity. Despite the taxonomic problems related to a number of hardly identifiable cryptic taxa occurring in halophytic communities, chiefly from the cosmopolitan family of the Chenopodiaceae (HERNÁNDEZ-LEDESMA et al. 2015), an increasing number of synthetic phytosociological works has emerged in recent years in continental Asia (e.g. GOLUB et al. 2001, RUKHLENKO 2011, LYSENKO 2014, MĘTRAK et al. 2017). Several factors may be responsible for the formation of saline habitats. Soil salinisation may be an effect of natural processes (primary soil salinisation) or a consequence of human activity (secondary salinisation; VENGOSH 2014). The former occurs when evaporation exceeds precipitation, which leads to the salt being deposited in upper soil layers rather than leached. Hence, primary soil salinisation by the occurrence of salt and gypsum containing sedimentary strata applies particularly to arid and semi-arid climatic zones (VENGOSH 2014). Secondary salinisation is a result of agricultural land use, such as heavy irrigation, insuf- ficient drainage, or road de-icing by salting (HAMIDOV et al. 2016). Halophytes thrive in Central Asia thanks to the combination of both primary and secondary soil salinisation, and occur here in a number of different ecosystems, ranging from lowlands to the high plateaus of the Pamir. In Tajikistan, saline habitats stretch from the lower reaches of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya Rivers (350–500 m a.s.l.) to the colline and foothill belts of the Mogoltau, Aktau, Babatag and Zeravshan ranges (600–1800 m a.s.l.) and further up to the Pamir high- lands (3700–4400 m a.s.l.). The most important habitats for this vegetation are subsaline and saline semi-deserts, semi-natural meadows and pastures bordering creeks, springs and freshwater lakes, and temporarily inundated salt marshes. Typical halomorphic soils of these lands are solonchaks and solonetz, and in seasonally flooded flatlands, the takir (takyr). Halophytic vegetation invades anthropogenic habitats only locally in badly managed irrigat- ed fields or the sediment ponds of the mining industry (see KAPLER 2019). A striking exam- ple of salt-bearing geological strata is the ‘salt mountain’, Hodzha-Mumin Mt., where soil formation is virtually absent due to strong soil erosion. Such areas also offer diverse habitats, and endemic halophytes, such as Olgaea chodshamuminensis and Echinops chodzha- mumini, might have evolved there (RAHIMOV & MAMADJONOV 2015). In the Pamir-Alai (Tajikistan) and western Tian Shan (Kyrgyzstan) regions – regarded as global biodiversity hotspots (MITTERMEIER et al. 2006) – halophytic vegetation remains poorly investigated. It was almost completely neglected in recent studies on vegetation clas- sification in the former Soviet Union (e.g. STANYUKOVICH 1982, MIRKIN & NAUMOVA 2012). In Tajikistan, some types of halophytic phytocenoses, such as the community of Haloxylon aphyllum, were mentioned but included in desert vegetation (STANYUKOVICH 1982). In recent years, the research of MĘTRAK et al. (2017) conducted on the halophytic vegetation of eastern Pamir was based on the collection of several dozens of relevés; how- ever, only partially in typical saline habitats. Within the flora of Tajikistan (RASULOVA 1991), ca. 120 species (2.8%) are salt-bushes and about 260 (ca. 6.1%) have been reported as herbaceous species from salt-marshes (NOWAK et al. 2020). Some of them probably occur in 2 semi-deserts or patchy steppes, but there is no detailed data on the share of salt-adapted species in these habitats. Within the flora of saline habitats, 36 species endemic to Tajikistan were reported – among others, Asparagus ferganensis, Calligonum santoanum, Halotham- nus seravschanicus, Salsola vvedenskyi and Taraxacum schugnanicum. Several of them, such as Anabasis pelliotii, Limonium ovczinnikovii and Sophiopsis micrantha, are critically endangered at the global scale (NOWAK et al. 2020). Despite being crucial for communication and application in conservation, the establish- ment of a hierarchical system of all halophytic vegetation for Central Asia remains a chal- lenge (DE CÁCERES et al. 2018). Hence, this paper presents the authors’ attempt to classify the halophytic vegetation in the Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan and to relate it to mire, meadow and semi-desert communities. We have aimed at addressing the following questions during our study: (1) Which halophytic plant communities can be distinguished in the Pamir- Alai and western Tian Shan? (2) Which species have important diagnostic value for the described syntaxa? (3) What is the species composition and vegetation structure of the saline habitats of the Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan regions? Furthermore, we outlined the basic habitat conditions of the described plant communities. 2. Study area The vegetation survey was conducted in an area of ca. 200,000 km2 located in the Pamir- Alai (Tajikistan) and western Tian Shan (southern and eastern Kyrgyzstan) in the central part of Middle Asia (Fig. 1a). Due to considerable phytogeographical differences between these two main mountain ranges in Middle Asia, the research includes halophytic vegetation and adjoining plant communities of both regions. Saline habitats of eastern Middle Asia, extend across a long elevational gradient. The studied sites were located between 300 and 4200 m a.s.l. (mean 1500). In the lowlands, saline habitats occur mainly within the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River floodplains, and are mostly associated with heavy irrigation or insufficient drainage which led to the secondary salinization. On the other hand, harsh climatic conditions and prevailing groundwater supply of the wetlands create saline habitats in the Pamir.