SALE on the General Rule Is That New Shipboard State Dinner, "Will Surcharge and the Decision to Level Briefly in Tokyo
PAGE FORT? MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 197J lEorntng 1|?raUi Avarag. Dally Nat Prass Run For The Week Ended The Weather November to, 1971 M. Graves of Storrs, marshal; AboutTown Christmas Party Donald E. Murray of Tolland, Clear and colder tesdght; low Uriel Lodge iianrJjpatpr luem nn in 20s. Tomorrow sunny, oddi; Th« nominatlnf committa* ot organist; Fred H. Bechter of MILK South UnlUd MethodUt Church Produces Gifts West WtUtngton, t y l ^ . Braln 15,590 high -about 40. Thuroday'e oqt- wlU moot tonight at 7 at the look . , , again sunny and ootd. For Many Needy Seats Slate ard, historian and^ Ubrarian; FOR HOMI DUIVIRY Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm church. Officers for Uriel Lodge of Past Master Robert C. Sim 3 TIMRS WIIKLY IN RITURNAMJ Masons for 1972 wars Installed mons of Coventry, custodian of Tte Clvftan Club of Kanchea- Kaiser Hall of Concordia GLASS lo m is VOL. LXXXXI, NO. Lutheran Church on Pitkin Bt. at semi-public installation cere the work; Charles B. Transue of (TWENTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 (Olaasiflod Advertlalng on Pegu SB) tar will meat tomorrow at 13:15 monies at the Masonic ’Temple Manchester, In charge of pub (We beUeve milk taatee better In gbuw) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS p.m. at WUlla’a Steak Houaa. was the scene of an unusual licity. Christmas party Saturday eve in Merrow on Saturday. ning, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Ths cerepionlef were opened After the Installation, there The Klvmnla Club of ^an> with introductory remarks by was an Interval for presentation cheater will meet tomorrow Jay R.
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