PAGE FORT? MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 197J lEorntng 1|?raUi Avarag. Dally Nat Prass Run For The Week Ended The Weather November to, 1971 M. Graves of Storrs, marshal; AboutTown Christmas Party Donald E. Murray of Tolland, Clear and colder tesdght; low Uriel Lodge iianrJjpatpr luem nn in 20s. Tomorrow sunny, oddi; Th« nominatlnf committa* ot organist; Fred H. Bechter of MILK South UnlUd MethodUt Church Produces Gifts West WtUtngton, t y l ^ . Braln­ 15,590 high -about 40. Thuroday'e oqt- wlU moot tonight at 7 at the look . , , again sunny and ootd. For Many Needy Seats Slate ard, historian and^ Ubrarian; FOR HOMI DUIVIRY Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm church. Officers for Uriel Lodge of Past Master Robert C. Sim­ 3 TIMRS WIIKLY IN RITURNAMJ Masons for 1972 wars Installed mons of Coventry, custodian of Tte Clvftan Club of Kanchea- Kaiser Hall of Concordia GLASS lo m is VOL. LXXXXI, NO. Lutheran Church on Pitkin Bt. at semi-public installation cere­ the work; Charles B. Transue of (TWENTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 (Olaasiflod Advertlalng on Pegu SB) tar will meat tomorrow at 13:15 monies at the Masonic ’Temple Manchester, In charge of pub­ (We beUeve milk taatee better In gbuw) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS p.m. at WUlla’a Steak Houaa. was the scene of an unusual licity. Christmas party Saturday eve­ in Merrow on Saturday. ning, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Ths cerepionlef were opened After the Installation, there The Klvmnla Club of ^an> with introductory remarks by was an Interval for presentation cheater will meet tomorrow Jay R. Stager of 73 Pitkin Bt. of gifts and Introduction of noon at Manchester Country Past Master Jesse A. Bralnard, DARI-MAID MILK CO. INC. About 180 guests attending master of Uriel Lodge In 1939, friends and relatives. Club. were asked to contribute gifts of num O N I M3-M24 Bhutto Appoints who acted as installing master A social hour with refresh­ The Only Dniry Proeeaelng MUk In Mnnobeeter canned meats, fruit and vege­ ments followed In the banquet Olrl Scout Troop Me will meet for the evening. Past Master Nixoiiy Heath tables for needy Manchester George ’Taft, master ot Uriel hall. tomorrow at 3 p.m. at Waddell families. A substantial amount School. At 6 p.m., the group Ledge In 19M, acted as Install­ was collected, according to ing marshal. ’The past master’s A Vice President will meet at the school parking Stager, and was to be turned let to go caroling at Manches­ jewel was presented to outgoing over today to the town Welfare Master Elbert D. Sheldon by ter convalescent homes. Scouts Department’s distribution center are reminded to bring permis­ Past Master -George W. Mo- End Talk on at 93 Onter St. I / MANCHESTER sion slips and grab bag gifts. berg, who was Master of Uriel During the party, guests saw Lodge In 1963, and Saturday To East Pakistan Scouts not planning to go carol­ a IH-hour multi-media presenta­ ing are reminded to contact i SHOPPING DAYS Court Officer was installed again as master. tion with an ecology theme, en­ Other elective officers Install­ Mrs. Alice Brown, 28 Turnbull ^ TILL CHRISTMAS titled, "Our Privileged Planet," Kenneth Klevman, 33, of Ell­ PARKADE Rd. ed are: Ronald F. Bossle of lm \ by Lester Campbell of Belchei^ ington, a probation officer with Wllllngton, senior warden; Hu­ M E a st territories by nam - A Wary Note town. Mass. The show utilised the State ot Connecticut, has go F. ’Thomas ot North Coven­ The meeting of the Confirma­ joined Paul McGeary and Ste­ 'r^year.old------tion Class ot Second Congrega­ six slide projectors erated try, junior warden; Past Mas­ «um Amin, demonstrated the , , Presses Damaged simultaneously and in sequence, phen Bavier In the Rockville ter C. Lawrence Schiller of Wll- STORES n inaUllty of the government In ‘demanded that ho HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP)—President Nixon and tional Church scheduled for to­ adult probation department. morrow has been postponed un­ plus recorded sound and person­ llmantlc, treasurer; Past Mas­ MANCHESTER West Pakistan to rally stmifl- **® 'o^lng the Prime Minister Edward Heath ended their summit talks til Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at By Flying Glass al commentary by Campbell, a Klevman, a 1970 graduate erf ter Joseph Csiki Sr. of Willing- ' nil I , imn— — cant support among the leaders today with broad agreement to move warily toward ne­ the church. nationally recognised expert in Western New , England College ton, secretary; Past Masters OPEN of the now state of Baiurla Desh “ ® brcadoaat Monday n\/Mir 4ri«>AA three hours «sr44Lswith • con Falls, a graduate of Nauga­ Appointive officers Installed The disagreement on the re­ at 6:30 p.m. In the Robbins q>raylng glau fragments into David Larsson, president of the R«hman, won one of the two ^ ‘®*™® an cxaminaition cf the linked is­ Room of the church. Members two large printing presses. Round Table and the senior tuck Hlg^ School, and 1s mar­ are: Willard P. Bechter of West sues cf an East - West Berlin cent . war stems from dlffoTy' Wllllngton, senior deacon; Her­ Bast Pakistani seats which the Indians are reminded to bring grab bag Alfred Lemlre, plant manag­ class. ried. / p y NITE were not taken by Sheik Mu *^® “ oupled pact, a conference cn European ®"®®“ the approach eM gifts. er, said the presses were taken Stager Is a member ot the Klevman first served as a bert B. Kiel Jr. of Stafford security and a program of dialysis of the causes cf the Springs, junior deacon; Wilfred jib’s Awaml ll^a^^e. T^^Awi conflict. apart and cleaned of the glass, faculty at Manchester Commun­ probation officer in Waterbury \ TILL CHRISTMAS ami* won 167. a majority In the East-West force cuts In the Old The meeting of .Manchester and were back In operation this ity Ocdlege. His wife, Shirley, Superior Court for a year be­ T. Bigl of Tolland, seidor stew­ assembly. ■ Ne also appealed, to Pakistan- World. British officials, for instance, WATE8 scheduled for tomor­ morning. is co-head of a nursery school fore transferring to Rockville. ard; George T. Luurtsema of Mil rARKAOf-S VVcSNDN-'. il Nlxcn has been under some disagree w ith' the American ’Fblland, junior steward; Past "A-iOP Bhelk Mujlb has been a oris- ^®P<»‘ted money row has been canceled. A large glass sign In front of In Talcottville. Klevman has been an active oner In West Pakistan L ko r*>road to bring It back because British pressure to acknowl- *l>atthat India India had the building was also damasked. member of. Connecticut Para­ Master William C. P a i^ is of 0 ( L.X-..I I iNv • '• r ' !iXl A'.' last March, and Bhutto has glv- ®rmed forces need weap- edge that -the 310,000-strong P’«m>®d ^ ‘"vade West PaW- Toser Group of Second Oon- Lemlre said the damage was chutists, Inc. since 1969, and Mansfield, chaplain; Wendell i r U.8. garrison is in Europe as agreed gregjatlonal Church will have a not permanent. Girl Injured, jumpa in Ellington. do no about indlcaucn him what T Hiisewnerq. ’ls ^ X J e ‘“ '“ • much for America’s as for Eu- b^^mlay to work together on Christmas party tomorrow at 8 CHRISTMAS GIFTS \\n i; i o\ih,i II I \Mii N Three days after Ridla In- r No. 2 diplomat In rope’s security. This, according p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ran into Car of 16 Union St. swerved to the THAT ARB DIFFERENT vaded East Pakistan on Dec 4 Pakistani to conference sources, he has Uam Freeman, 125 Avery St' Oo- Claric To Direct right to avoid her, stopped, tmd AND SURE TO PLEASE! >l!omM, (INiMI then-Presldent Agha Mo^ named A. F. M. Ehasanul Ka- been prepared to concede pro­ Moscow hoetesses are Mrs. Frank NBIW YORK (AP) — James A five-year-old girl Is in satis­ the child ran Into the left front '• HANDCSUrnSD OANmjDS hammed Yahya Khan named *1'*^*^ Pakistani High vided It la not taken to mean Dowds and Mrs. Neil Paterson. factory condition today at Man­ of the auto. No arrest was made. • MSTINOnVE RINOB * Amin prime m l n U ^ ^ s t o ^ Commission and offered to that the existing level of Ameri­ Clark will direct the ambitious -oesignote work for the new Bangla Desh Mulled Members are reminded to bring hunfsn Interest drama “Wal­ chester Memorial Hotq>ital, as OANmjB HOLDEBS G PI I N il PRPi r/'PK'lN-. can troops In Europe will be grab beg and secret pal gifts. do," which discloses the a result of Injuries she received Pina a Beleetioa ot Other Gifts MSBMNEHMMHnHaMMS government. He said three oth- President Nixon reviews Bermuda regiment Guard arrival Monday for visit. At far left is Bermuda maintained unchanged. /m strange experiences ot a man when she ran into a car on More Sent from U.S. at Beoaenahle Pileee G so Pirir M:'RP- ! (. ; ^l kVP )'l w j er Blast'Pakistanis had quit the of Honor at the governor’s house in Hamilton after Governor Lord Martonmere. (AP Photo) The President and prime min­ The Grades 7 and 8 Oonfirma- U n e o s y commission, and two others moves to rush aid, preferably who undergoes total bodily Haynes St. yesterday afternoon. BONN—West Germany’s total Mansfkld Tralnias School ister conferred for an hour through the United Nations, to tlrni Class of Center Congrega­ variety in c n planned to do likewise, tnuisformations. Lori Templeton of 46 S. Alton farm Imports In 1070 rose to GIFT SHOF ^ G PRI :E AfiO i ASHKTN longer than scheduled. ease the suffering of the Iten- tional Church will not have Its Shooting will begin in Eng­ St. was running south across $6.4 billion. Farm Imports from on the M amlM d TralidiW Behool a eO L C e A commercial counsellor at After lunciilng separately the ^ u . scheduled meeting tomorrow. Hajmes St., near Memorial St., the rea K II) .i .1 various numbers. Xlmena 'Val- (r<\tardless of what West had 0 10 .i arezo Is an ^FS student from iRlRRARENIBAND DON'T TAKE FINESSE In that suit), declarer would got ♦ 41 Provided By Beuador, and sang "Silent ^ YOUNGPGOPIE : WHEN KINO IS AI.ONE AT The Baby Has a free finesse; If West led K.ST KA.ST Night, Holy Night" In Spanish. :j~ Manama a ssw It By ALFRED SHEINWOLD a club (the only other posslblli- 16 2 ♦ » .1 Cuban Craft — Not for Sale This section ended with two SOMia atoM M* nMOMMy •« You don’t cry your eyes otit MHS Groups ...Owa waOM Or »a» 1 « 7 2 rade, la a deproaalng ox- rule and despite billipna cf dol- cf exchange that’a equivalent to exploiting the roat cf the world. PARKADE turned out for this annual MHS PinMtl GuMaiM ImwmW ' feel that Fate has slipped you a of hearts when that suit was must be given to Martha White 6 P Mickey Finn. Los Angeles ex­ 0 A Q i 'n 4 perionce. lara cf Ccmmunlai'. Blco aid, PI- $8B. bto the black market An antl-U.B, cartcen la dally Luce, Amanda OhiisUne, daughter of Terry and Nona Christmas event. There was a first led. He could then get out who directed the choirs and pert Lew Mathe found a way 4> H Oswald Luce, 23 Sunrise Dr., RookviUe. She was bom Dec. B sense of style and verve that safely with a spade or with an­ WlndcwH cf amoll and lanro '*®' ^** ^ 0 and his prepaganda greatly discounts the peso’s foie In the press. OPEN SUNDAY Maurice Steinberg who led the to duck the Mickey last month Wcil North Eu.l South iniYB hnitA I___ . . . D manhlno aflH VtlnMn ______at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents has been notably lacking on other trump. Declarer could try Ishops . have been |au4iigcupainted rou, M " ' “ chine »_ attll blame Uncle Sam------true worth Yet occasionally, glimpses of band. nuniniB when he won the National Mix­ Double Pass 2 0 lAHi/lna. ,.i_____ rea , ______are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Oswald, RFD 4, Russel Dr., Rockville. occasion, and the whole thing Ok 17 rawilrM icciiNiiiyli running the spades, but East 1 eaving clear a amull, rectangu- majcrlty of reality emerge In the dull, gray In addition to Donald Char- ed Pair Championship (with his Pass I’ass i 0 Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luce, Old went off well. Tmet tr AMI 6ini4Im would ruff and lend a diamond, * 'ar space alt eye level. Peering '"yrlad ilia columns. In one recent Issue lamb, already mentioned, piano Pass Pass 4 <:? GREAT SELECTION OF PERFUMES AND COLOGNES Stafford Rd., Tolland. Things started with a "round" wife as his partner). whereupon South would have to ' ♦ through, one sees a few som- There Is not much one can the manager of Cuba's textile accompaniments wore provided West dealer. All Pass Tobacco for three trumpets played by guess whether or not to try the of what are announced as “ rgue against when Ftdellstas apparel enterprise said; "Our ZlUnskaa, Matthew Richard, son of Richard A. and Jeff Perrott, Tom Smayda and during the ovning by Kathy IM f UNOM 17 ADMinn^ East-West vulnerable. wing Latln-American crafto— hlame the U.S. embargo workers generally display great Donovan, Robin Dougins, (A|| Hall Miy wiy | Opening lead —King of Clubs. finesse. If partner bids three hearts, And Rum Cheryl Starkweather Zlllnskas, Dockerel Rd., Tolland. He was Tom Neuman. It wasn't perfect Dally Question hwdmado bags, bead collars, “ go*"st experts tc Cuba fer the enthusiasm," But she admitted foi fovi Cjmthla Sterling and Nancy Wll- a WtllA iNM) I Pew pairs got to game with you will rqlso to four hearts. bom Dec. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal but it was the best trumpet Partner opens with 1 -NT (16 shoes, pottery. But the goods dcceplt state cf the remaining "organizational and dis- com riNifMCf scn. \ll did well and added the North-South cards and their Otherwise, you plan to bid four Fabergi grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Starkweather 3B Jo­ playing I have heard at MHS to 18 points), and tlie next play­ are there for viewing, not lor "umiber of Dedtolt cars that Tobacco and rum are two ciplino deficiencies In our facto- much to the enjoyablllty of the 20 hlgh-card points, but the diamonds, aiming at game In seph St., Manchester. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and In several years and served to er passes. You hold t Spades, 7* wheeze around Havana. things Cuba cnce produced ries." She also was quoted as evening. Mathes like to bid the spots eff diamonds rather than game In WE GIFT Mrs. Anthony ZUlnskas, 39B Oakland St., Manchester. His ma­ open the festivities with a 4; Hearts, J-8-7-2: Diamonds, A- The doors to the stores re- Or whon^the government is bcuntlfully for domesitlc sale saying that absenteeism last the cards. The hand was play­ ternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald MoKen- bang. Then the full band was q-J-9-7-4; Clubs, 8. notrump. main open. Inside the shelves hard-pressed tc find spare export. Why Is there a year ran to 17.63 per cent SPR AY # sle. Bast Hartfdld. heard In two numbers, during ed by South or North at a Copyright 1971 ore bare, except for an occa- parts for U.S.-made air condl-“hettage new? among 22,960 workers, BATH SET OoiO WRAP hundred-odd ta.bles, and almost .What do you say? ITS OUR *' *. *1 «i *, the last of which (Adeste Leaves Catwalk General Feattires Oorp. alonaj sparse selection of appa- tlonlng; systems that date back “ It's imperialism and Its That Is one of the major : TIGRESS - FLA M BE AU Invariably declarer lost the dla- Answer: Bid three diamonds. Garrison, Lisa Ann, daughter of Jerry and Mary Ayres Fldeles) the Round Table Sing­ THEATER TIME rel. This is available under the ic the late '60s. blockade," comes the roboMike problems plaguing Cuba’s econ- PUASURE TO, mdnd finesse to West’s single- APHRODESIA Garrison, 201 Regan Rd., Apt. 33-B, Vernon. She was bom ers made their entrance from After 10% Hours rationing eyeitem and not for But Uncle Sam also gets It '®Ply- omy and one of the few for WRAP YOURi SCHEDULE ton king. Dec. 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal the rear of the hall. general sale. squarely In the face for the per- Actually Castre Is forced to which the United States does LPURCHASE IN| When Mathe played the hand WOODHUE grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres, Chester, N.J. They took over for a while DANBURY (A P ) —A prison­ A few pedestrians stroll ennlol shortages cf vegetablee, ®’'P®rt most cf the country's not get the blame. I>ocal ob- BCAIITY. Burnside — Theatre will be at four hearts. West led the Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenton K. Gar­ and sounded well. The group er at the Federal Correction­ around and on rare k seems tc realize that this also BATH SET 12.00 the “ Advanced Choir." This, caution. to the client. from 4.00 ther is Kari M. Karlson, Northhamptmi, Mass. Her paternal too, sounded well. Numbers In­ ^ “ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD" Of all of nature’s gifts to great pride in fashioning even demonstrates the inability—cr Uggetts PERFUME 8JS0 grandmother is Mrs. Autis Hobbs, East Longme^dow, Mass. cluded works by Norman Dello- Open man, the one most taken for toe simplest tool. This respect unwillingness—of the Commu- PERFUME SPRAY 0.00 Talcum Powder She hits a sister, Barbara Ann, 4. (TOSjBSSJSStJSJSJWWSSftJBaJBaJBfitS) A t the Parkade |PwfynBi4 and Joio and Gustav Holst which ^ IS PRINCE SPAGHEHI DAY Every imintAH la «ha o.iPf ■Vat “ "<• tove for wo(xl was lost Blcc to satisfy Cuba's 2.50 ,* '* « Ml Ml Almost Perfect gran is toe gift of wood. Yet gomewhere along the way be- needs beyond the bare mln- MANCHESTER A sflM i.S rt BATH POWDER 0.00 were quite sophisticated. This DAILY NOW WEDNESDAY Morning Cello, Peter James, son of Jim and Paula Famell Criio, group concluded with Anderson's VIENNA (A P ) — Estab­ THRU JAN. *1 A A LL YO U from time Immemorial wood t^gen then and now. ‘ mum. Rt. 85, Hebron. He was bom Dec. 10 at Manchester Memorial "Sleigh , Ride,” which together lishment of fathertiood in future C A N EAT (Except Sat.) has been important to man; it is only within toe last 20 Some, especially those who Hosidtal. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David with “ Night Before Christmas" will be even more exact, says and the world’s forests still re- years that world leaders began belonged to the now shriveled Famell, 46 Ardmore Rd., Manchester. IBs paternal grandpar- Of 6 A.M. has seen too much service at Dr. Wolfgrang Mayr. He said his main one-of cxir most import- to re a lly natural resources middle class, don’t hesitate t o ------ente are Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cello, Hebron Center, Hebron. To Serve these concerts and should be re­ Institute of Blood-Group (Sereo- $1JS ant resniirr.flfi. would bfe lost forever. Great ““ y Castro "is leading us to « ______Breakfast tired, at least for a few sea­ logie) investigation was able to The museum was recenUy h“ ve been made In the Others express hoi^ that Longway, Terence Anderson Jr„ son of Terence !Andei> Holloay HapptningS SPAGHErm ft MEATBALLS A BUCKET detect two entirely new genetic son Sr, and Louise Pelletier Longway, 128 Main St., Apt. H, sons. iriwn T S c ^ e e t l^ (rf “ *'®“ conservation and re-for- “ ® f'»>® “ ®"'*y f f t | H U i g A l i g p The band was next heard in characteristics oMch enabled S P e t e r H?» b i t S Manchester. He was bom Dec. 10 at Manchester Memorial ______# SPECIALS ^ _ Sood s a m S from all over the ^ e t o e r tWs w I t e ‘ so OF MATE a potpourri of music from them to rule out fatheriicod by S s cS PL11MB"0UT Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. James Pelletier, world. It was fascinating to P®®®®„" ^<1 CubaTi* cmditom ^ ■ Wagner's "Die Melsterslnger." a 99 per cent certainty. Brunswick, Maine. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and g TALES OF i see the intricate patterns, to procedures in our natioiul determine Somebody named Houseknecht Mrs. Earl Longway, Brunswick, Maine. He has a sister, An- gBETOUX POTTER a THURSDAY - LASAGNE sia STOP made the arrangement which \SSS! TI feel the smoothness, to heft toe ^“ ®®‘f ^rthe'^^'tor^rt^ ’” ‘® barrage' aimed at grilque, 1. weight and to smell the aroma ‘ *’® “ hto the United States is virtually 8.00 wasn't so much an arrangement wlth ToesedI Salad, Home-Made Bread and Rolls I I*. 4i of these woods. Teak from Thai- Incessant. Havana’s two news- THIS as a hash. Nevertheless I was STATE Contains Friction Lo­ Desrulsseaux, Amy Beth, daughter of Harvey and MANCHrSTIft CIMTIR land, mahogany from Honduras, ''*°**d sUll untouched by delight in lashing out at happy to hear the band attempt Diane Lacount Desrulsseaux, 29 Walnut Dr., Hebnxi. She was IRIt PARK RfAR OI THCATRf sandalwood from the Orient, *"“ • the Nixon adminIstraUen and tion, Moisture Mas­ a work of this seriousness and ' bom Dec. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal TDiMvI^mrir M h u i T s a is ' ebony from Africa, lacewood ^® ®‘*®®‘ i.^aiv cf countries friendly to It. sage, Talc, Bath Bub­ LOVE’S FRESH LEMON magnitude. Tt was a little be­ hFRIDAY - FRIED CUMS grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Reginald G. Lacoimt, Welles­ from Australia, maple from our “ “ l'®d to save his papers for re- Ccmmunlat party’s official AFTER BATH BASICS 0J50 ’ ley, Mass. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herve yond their powers but It went I with Cole Slaw, French SYiee, Beverage, Bread and Rolls own Now England — each one cycUnST- He has become aware mouthpiece, Oranma, spells bles and a cake of soap J. Desrulsseaux, East Hartford. She has two sisters, Laura, pretty well cn the whole. They ay DXNczay ey J with Its own personaUty and the need to save trees, not — ' all In a bright re­ Sexy, silky luminescent powder and 5H; and Cheryl, 3. were also heard in a carol ar­ W i Wn.L~EE7n>efr<^iIFMATlvTUNTiLll) fM. pecuUarUes, each one with Its °»dy for the pr^ucts they p ^ ------usable Ice bucket with light yet lasting body mist. Also in j R0y?aLBm:LEr|| Eau de Love. 4k ♦ «1 « ranged by the Modem Jazz Busineumen’s Lunoheon Mon. ■ Frl. — Cafeteria Style Every Day till 2 P.M. special uses. As we went duce but for the very air he cover. Quartet. Newberr^, Brian OlUford, son of Kenneth and Aileen t [G ] Technicolor' mgm through the samples, one by breathes. „ , ^ FUEL 17 Qe Gal. EAU DE LOVE SPRAY As Is customary, the concert Pizzas — Grlndere — Take Out Orders — Call Before Leaving Home — 643.0250 Chapin Newberry 88 Oak St., Manchester. He was bom Dec. I AduMs: Eve., Sun., 9 one, we realized how lltUe we dlsc(>vered featured the combined choirs O IL C.O.D. OONOBNTRATBD LiqiJlD 2.45 oz. 3 .7 5 10 at Manchester Memorial Hoeiptal. His maternal grandpar­ { $2.60 — Matinee $2.00 2 kneV about wood and the stories “ "d a*® • * t o d ^ '^ y ® «®® for a close. Julia Beadle, VISIT OUR CHILDERS RESTAURANT ON HARTFORD ROAD IN MANCHESTER Drain Opener - Cleaner Light enough to spray all over. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Burton Chapin, West Haven. His pater­ it can tell ^® “^called “ waste” wood. Jake nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Newberry, North Ximera Valarezo, David Frith- „ ■ .... Egon Glesirtger, the author of e EATS HAIR Branford. His paternal great-grandmother is Mrs, Sterling P. From whore you sit, h w ^jg thought - provoking book e EATS FAT many t h ^ s can y w w e that ^tomlng Age of Wood,” KEllEY t SOMS MBwberry, Sprhigfleld, Mass. X-TRA SPECIAL STATE are made of wood? Y w will ^aste wood can 24-HR. BURNER SBOBVIOE Famous Perfumes MANCHISTIR CINTE0 probably be amazed at the num- ^g made Into almost any prod- MANCHESTER rtii ’-AHK aiAB or thiatsi Cologne Sale ber and variety of things you man needs. Including a nu- 647-9732 Hardware & Supply IVfelsen Takes Holiday; CELEBRATE THE -PLUS- see. A few y e ^ ago someone hambuiger. and Colognes by with an inquiring mind " " d ^ " Wood Is, indeed, the most ver- Serving Greater Manolieater, 877 Main St„ Monohoiter HOLIDAY BEASON took the task of listing Ml the valuable raw mate- PRINE MATCHABELLI K/IARLO* ALAN Yemen, Coventty, Tolland, Fbono M3442S Special Christmas Price Maja T V Networks iScramble WITH... uses of wood M d its products, world. Lot us use is EUtngton and Smttta Windsor THOMASi0aAi.QA Four thousand five hundred wisely. # Wind Song • Golden e g g e By CYNTHIA LOWRY U.S. involvement In Vietnam aXARSS raOBB|UiB 24 44. specific uses were tallied and Autumn • Beloved ^ Bat-Sheba between 1961 and 1963. At the AT the list even then was consider­ 4 NEW YORK (AP) —Tele­ .7:30 end of the evening it has a half- MUUT ed incomplete. vision viewers find this a crazy, MSMCV $5 value Block Satin 1 from Israel mixed-up week on the net- hour report on the President’s Most of us are familiar with (Bermuda meeting with the works. Many series programs the furniture woods—mahogany, Merry Christmas To All, and Angelique Cologne Spray are repeats, and an extraor­ British Prime Minister Edward PLUS: SHORT SUBJECT birch, maiSe, walnut, etc., but L’AIMANT FLACON MIST « Blue Grass Heath. dinary latmtoeT of special pro­ how many of us know the kinds To All A Good Price! with DUSTING POWDER 1.77 grams and news documentaries CBS has. one special, an early of wixxls used in the many com­ S.SO ^ by Arden evening program on the state monplace articles used every are preempting regular series. LA-Z-BOY, KROEHLER Spray or dust on an ultra-feminine of the U.S. Army today. THEATIER CLOSED TONIGHT — STARTS WED.! day? mist of fragrance. Also available in $4.50 value Foberge !i The reason: The Nielsen re­ losers In this Jam are the RECLINERS search organization, whose re­ The wood in a pencil or a AND EVEREST Emeraude It L'Origan. ^ Je Reviens viewers: One interested In vriiat cigar box, for instance. Is made Cologne Spray ports on audience size and com­ the President’s day is like I»Sean position are the Industry’s most of Spanish cedar Imported from 2 by Worth would probably be ccxicemed Conneiv D a i r i i South America. Sewing thread In Stock For widely used yardsticks, is tak­ about the condition of the sole 2.50 r ing a week ott, as it does four ' ^ ^ la m e y spools, toothpicks, kitchen Army—and there is no way to matches and dowels are all # Woodhue # Flambeau ^ Carven t(r five times a year. watch both. Bond 007 Immedicrio Christmos Wed. Q u e e n made of toe white birch that is A^th Nielsen skipping its au­ Meanwhile, the Nielsen re­ # Tigress # Aphrodesla 'niurs. abundant here In New England. Delivery! I Magriffe dience estimates—and with port for the week ending Dec. 2:80-7:00 Are White maple (sugar maple) is people presumed to be pre­ 12 shows CBS's "A ll In the 9:10 a well-known furniture wood $4 value Lanvin My Sin Crepe De Chine occupied with holiday prepara­ Fam ily" still the nation’s most Fri.-Sat. that has many other uses. It tions—the networks find it con­ popular program, followed by a ntevet Cologne Spray 2:80-6-8-10 may be found In bowling pins, venient to slip in reruns. The Bob Hope variety hour on NBC, TICHNICOLOlie ^ Ondine Sunday shoe trees, dance floors and the three networks scheduled 20 be­ and CBS’s repeat of the cartoon — Holiday Specials 1.8-B.7.9 bocks of violins, to name a sale 3.00 tween Monday night and Christ­ "A Charlie Brown Christmas.” BURNSIDE » 4711 mas Eve. tev/t fPH PAPKirjr- Woods used by toe sportsman -I Documentaries and news de­ ^ Tweed include the osage orange for $3 value Dana # Tabu partment specials frequently Heaven Sent SPR AY MIST attract smaller audiences than Israeli Court MAHNEES DAILY AT 2:80 2 Qh. D.Q. Homepack fine archery bows, black walnut # Ambush Cologne Spray I by Lentheric 8 9 * for gun stocks and white ash ■ do entertainment shows. So in­ and BATH POW DER 4.5© for baseball bats, oars, tennis | clusion of some this week will Recalls Blacks For an angelic wife. 2 oz. spray mist. S Prince Matchabelli rackets, canoe paddles, ete. not hurt a network’s position in 4 oz. powder. ' sale JERUSALEM (AlP) — Is- 12 D.Q. DULY BARS Shipbuilders use woods from ■ the tight three-network ratings •1.15 race currently in progress. rad ’s Supreme Court Issued an all over the world—luau from ■ BOLTON LAKE HOTEL Hawaii; douglos fir from the _ The practice, however, has order today sta}dng the depor­ United States; European larch | resulted in an unfortunate pile All tation of 20 American "Black 12 D.Q. SANDWICHES from the United Kingdom; Electric Shavers up of specials and documen­ Israelites." and RESTAURANT •1.00 C \ N O I Roducod taries tonight. w eein g beech from Europe; ■ ROUTE 44A, BOLTON mahogany from Africa, (Ten- ■ ABC, for Instance, has pre­ The court order called on by Dana Gillette's New Minister of Interior Josef Burg tral America and the Philip- ■ empted its entire schedule for Orbitar 4000® ' the night for flour specials—a to explain within 30 days why pines; lignum vltaq from the || EAU DE COLOGNE cartoon version of "A Christ­ the blacks should not be West Indies and northern South COLOGNE 5.00 ft 8.60 Electric Raior allowed to stay In Israel. They Thursday Night Special America; teak from India, Bur- ■ m as Carol,” a Jacques ^ Canoe Imparts on air of shipshape Battery-powered, rccharg appealed to the high court after ma, Thailand and Java; cedar ■ Cousteau program about the oc­ 6 P.M, to 9 P.M. GIFT CERTIFICATES perfection. Indispensable to the es overnight. Uses Glllett topus, a documentary on the in­ receiving deportation orders from South America and white - Tcchmatlc bands 4 g | Sunday. oak from the eastern United | WIN A r RB I TRIP TO HAWAII weil-grtx>med man. sect world and a Danny Thom­ »:nan xifliiu; idea Val. 27.95 as comedy and music hour. The blacks ai rived in October CHICKEN AND SPAGHETTI AVAILABLE FOR r Status. VIAUNITBDAIR AFTER SHAVE ft COLOGNE 5.00 NIBC opens Its evening with to visit relatives among the 260 There Is an almost endless list ■ LINRS CDLOGNE and DEODORANT on hour-long report of a day In so-called Black Israelites. ■ G ifu * of woods that are used by man. | Compllmentzef the Mein St. OulM STICK 5.00 FRIENDS, TEACHERS, POSTMAN, NEWSlOYS, $ Our Reg. $14.90 which cameras and John Chan­ These black Americans, most DINNER $1.75 Many of them have strange and of them from the Chicago area, Certificate foreign-sounding names that ■ { Remington cellor spent with President Nix­ OR TO ANYONE YOU WOULD SAY nerving connooticut homernnkors since 1009 on, followed by the first of a began arriving In Israel two conjure up pictures of far-off ■ Hot Comb years ago and claim they are places and romantic settings. _ two-part "White Paper" tracing MERRY CHRISTMAS OR THANK YOU TO Dries, straightens and descendants of the original Podouk, rosewood, sebra wood, | styles hair In Hebrew nation. They are not satlnwood, gaboon ebony, 11m- OPEN minutes. Jews and refuse to convert. Friday Night Special ba, bubinga, cocobolo, sandal- ■ 12.99 The Interior Ministry is now wood, and lacewood are a few | FABERGE’S BRUT discouraging such Immigrants WE WILL CLOSE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY of these "word-picture" woods. MON. thru BRUT SPLIT iE n ^ n in i); and said the October arrivals’ TWIN LOBSTER $4^5 The early settlors and old- ■ 3.2 oz. $6 NORELCO 36T blau ELECTRIC SHAVER tourist visas had expired. 22.88 Publlsbad Dally Except Bundayt A Safe A Joyous Holiday Season To AH Our Customers & Friends furniture stores BRUT JK. 8PUT and Holidays at 18 BIwell Street, iy> oz. $3.50 Microgroove 'floating head.;' ■■ lohestr- ^— t h URS. HITES ManohesUr,' Conn. Now taking reservations for New Year’s Eve Party . . . So Thot AH Our Employes Con Enjoy A Merry Christmas of need. Since Iron wae very | Mi-lillf’l«-'v. ■ * ..»y 1M« " 'b M.iru hi*stiM ENGLISH LEATHER pop-up trimmer. U st 29.95 Telephone^ 64837U 10 Pet. of Vapor Falls Including Rib Roast of Beef Dinner, Noisemokers, Music l ALL-PURPOSE LOTION •eopod__ ,,__Oir OlMs Fostose Paid si zcarco and elnce there wae an ■•■■I A I I B O :i*U) U.M b;UH) (j4 :)-4 1 5 9 4 01. $3.00 IMMjMlMMMMWWWWWMfMe and Entertainment from 9 PM. to 8 A.M. UonooMter,fonobMter, Otxui, (MOW) CHICAGO — An estimated 47 abundano® of w ^ s.r In to® S I | till 9 PN. BNOU8H LEATHER BUBaCRIPTION RATES Fred A Fete Annuli AFTER SHAVE K.EM1NGTON LB26 g g AQ nvaU a In Advance billion acre-feet of water vapor $20. PER COUPLE in tbe atmosphere blows across 4 OZ. $2.56 ELECTRIC SHAVER Year ...... tSf.oo ENGLISH LEATHER the United States each year. [Srlort ^o" “lorn*'**"* ** I Christmas Eva till 5:30 Formerly Keiths' of Manchester Call 643>9731 for Reservation* They need wbod to build and AFTER SHAVE and Dlspovable^blade shaving ay., Of this, only about 10 per cent 1116 Main Street tea Mwth ...... 8.36 DEODORANT STICK $3.75 tom, comfort dial. List 20.9B falls In the form of precipitation; heat their houeee. fe n o e ^ th e | ^ wmmm m m m m mmm m m wem m m m m llngla Copy ...... 15c (lelde, make their toole, build 'WMlWMIWWWIWMMRMNllMMMMiWWWWWTyminiMIbMETWrVWiMiMMTIliMRaMiWMMlWMIWiqMmWIMMIMlWMI

I ’-



shine,’ I’d make eure theee demned building at Westbounie world. Japan ranked 17th In ernment estimated Japan’s TomaS'Frazier Hudsori'Clark men werd given the ign>ro- Rbad demands: "Preserve.our Britons Surprised Income in Japan 1969. population In 1V70 at 108,847,000. HALL ROR Wedding prlate advloe." race." It la elgned by the Na­ The per capita Income In 1970 Um WUJiama holds up a copy of tional Front, a small right-wing Show Big Jump 'totaled 669,703 yen, or 31,683 nt For parttee,sRlAa The marriage ot Linda Jo­ Wendy Celeste Clark of Man­ "Oraaa Roota," a Black Power poUtloal party. Poor Planning anne Frasier ot Manchester to the exchange rate then of 860 ttone, Barnett • Dickerman try High School. Mr. Barnett chester and Carl Reed Hudson By Racial Trouble newspaper ttot* baa oartoafia of Black and white extrsmlsm TOKYO (AP) — The Eco­ yen to the doOlor. kttoben Robert R. Tomas ot Ridgewood, NOTTTNOHAM, England Jr. cf Hopewell, Va. wore united pigs In p<^oe unltorm and seems confined so far to small nomic Planning Agency eold to­ closed porfctag let, N.J., was solemnized Satur­ served with the Connecticut Mis­ By ANTHONY OOLLINOR The currency was revalued (A P ) — A coach trip to the Sandra Lee Dickerman of In marriage Doc. 1 at 11 a.m. m "^ ^ ’Wtss without realising it, Instructions on bomb making. minorities. But a parliamentary day morning at St. Bridget sile Battalion division of the day that the per capital income Saturday, and a dollar now Is seaside for 00 bus drivers and Coventry nmi James Paul Bar­ t h e Center Congregational LONDON (AP) — Gloria Ber- WlUtams odds—"Thty might "Ws have follad with Oils committee now Investtgatlng Church. U.S. Army and is employed at in Japan Increased 17.1 per worth 806 yen. ticket collectors with wives, UHiijaiii— HoR nett of Manchester exchanged Dillion Sales and Service In Church. ' ry trtsi to find Jobe to get block s ^ d on a Sikh’s prayer mat ohoraoter," he eays. "But on police-immigrant relations wss Japan's national income to­ M ofnwAY anoenr The bride Is the daughter of cent in 1970 and piMed Japan children and girlfriends went wedding vows Dec. 3 in a can­ Manchester. TTie bride Is the daughter of without knowing this was an the other elde I’ve got a etmilor warned this month by the Po­ MANOHEATBR Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Frasier youths CM the streets .. . taled $164 bilUon In 1970, an In­ wrong half way there. Tbelr dlelight ceremony at the Sec­ MV. and Mrs. Dexter Clark of extreme Insult, or they might extrema stuff from whites." lloe FedemUen that black mili­ 16th or 16th among the non- crease of 18,4 per cent over PhoMi MMdU er MMIM of 26 Bates Rd. The bridegroom Brother Herman arranges h aii company’s buses ran out of ond Congregational Church In 24 Winter St. The bridegroom Is coll someone ’Boy’ or •gun- A poster put up on a oon- tant movements are growing. Communlat notions of the is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1960, the agency sold. The gov­ gee. Coventry. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl tar them ... * policeman Tomas of Bast Hartford. The bride Is the daughter of Reed Hudson Sr. of Hopewell. cruises through a black slum The Rev. John Pilon of St. Mrs. Barbara J. Dickerman of Va. Bridget Church performed the neighborhood looking for teen­ Bread and Milk St. and Elliot The Rev. Wlnthrop Nelson Jr., nupltat ceremony and was cele­ age cor thieves ... a boy reeds E. Dickerman of Charlestown, pastor of the Center Congrega­ brant at the nuptial Mass. a Black Power arttole on how N.H. The bridegroom Is the tional Church, performed the White polnsettlas were on the to make bombs. son of Mrs. Ruby Todd of Pan­ double-ring ceremony. Walter altar. Mrs. Raymond Murphy of ama City, Fla. and Roy Barnett Orzyb of Manchester was the This mixed picture reflects Manchester was the organist. continuing racial trouble in cne ot Lawrenceburg, Tenn. organist. The bride was given In mar­ The Rev. Robert Beohtold of The bride was given In marri­ port of IsUngtoh, North London, riage by her father. Her empire the Second Congregational age by her father. She wore an where moderates are trying to gown (rf silk peau de sole and Church performed the double­ empire satin gown of Spanish- keep tension from boUlng over English net was designed with ring ceremony. Polnsettlas were style accented with lace and a the way It did last year. That a duchess collar, deep cuffed f'l the altar, Tvan Bechwith of mantilla veil edged with match­ eruption—a street fight between long sleeves, and pearl clusters, Vernon was the organist. ing lace. She carried a colonial edgy police and block youths lace and strands of pearls ac­ bouquet of roses, babies breath, Invading the police station—led cented the skirt. Her floor- The bride was given In mar­ to arrests. carnations, daisies and pink and 11 length veil of silk Illusion was riage by her father. Her cham­ lavender miniature mums. It surprised many Britons, arranged from a pearl embroid­ pagne velvet gown was design­ Miss Wendi Steele of 51 West­ and hardened resentful atti­ ered headpiece and she carried ed with a standup collar and minster Rd. was the maid of tudes ameng some whites and an antique ivory and velvet Juliet sleeves. She wore Illy of honor. Her pink chiffon gown blacks. It spurred new efforts prayer book accented with Eng­ the valley flowers In her hair was trimmed In cranberry vel­ by people like Gloria Beny lish ivy and rose streamers. and carried a colonial bouquet vet and she wore a matching who fe a r a U.S.-type ra c ia l alb- Mrs. Susan M. Cervo of Peter- of camaticms and rosebuds. cranberry headbow trimmed uatlon developing, boro, N.H. was matron of hon­ Miss Virginia L. Dickerman Engaged with seed pearls. She carried a Mrs. Berry runs the Hercules or. Miss Maryann Aronson of of Coventry, sister of the bride, pink mum with a cranberry Club, a meeting place for IBO Glastonbury was the bridesmaid. was maid of honor. Her gown The engagement of M iss of cranberry velvet was design­ velvet ribbon. young nonwhite Immlgnnta, The attendants were dressed Nancy J. Lynch to David O. ed with a Jewel neckline and Bridesmaids w.e r o Miss nu»t cf them Jobless and poor­ alike in empire gowns of for­ Cross, both of Manchester, has est green velvet wlih green short puff sleeves. Her hair was Hilda Byram of Coventry, Miss ly educated. The club's acUvl- chiffon sleeves embroidered with arranged In pipe curls tied with been announced by her par­ Debbie Burt of Manchester and tl®*—from dances to wig-mak­ matching lace. They carried a matching velvet rope and she ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miss Linda Copping of Talcott- ing lessons for glrls-are back­ ed by church charities. white fur muffs trimmed with carried a colonial bouquet of Lynch of 117 Delmont Bt. vllle. holly and wore holly headpieces carnations. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. Kim Clark of 24 Winter St., A stocky, easygoing social with matching velvet stream­ Allan Smith of IBS Main St. and Mrs. Stanley Cross of 418 sister of the bride, was the worker from Nigeria, Mrs. ers. served as best man. Hackmatack St. flower girl. She wore a cran­ Berry was called In by the lo­ Peter Galuska of East Hart­ Mrs. Dlclterman wore an olive Miss Lynch is a 1871 grad­ berry velvet gown with a match­ cal Community Relations Office ford served as best man. Rob­ green dress with brown ac­ uate of the University of Con­ ing headbow and carried a os tension was building up last ert L. Frasier of Manchester, cessories a n d a yellow necticut. bouquet of pink miniature mums Horan photo year. brother the bride was the cymbldium orchid corsage. Mr. Cross Is a graduate of with velvet ribbon. MRS. CARL REED HUDSON JR. "They used to go to Black usher. After a reception at the home the Hartford State Technical Bruce Chader of Manchester Itouse," she said, referring to a BITS. Frazier wore a yellow of the bride’s uncle, Stanley L. College. served as best man. Ushers now-defunct rival club consid­ and white ensemble with match­ Nichols of 324 Burnham Bt., the No date has been set for were Larry Vauclm of Virginia, an orchid corsage. Mrs. Hudson Is a 1970 gradu­ ered dangerously militant by' ing shoes. couple left for a wedding trip to the wedding. brother-in-law of tho bride­ ' After a reception at the Bol­ ate of Manchester High School various moderates. "X Jolited to ’A reception was held at the Virginia. For traveling Mrs. groom; Dennis Clark of Talcott- ton Lake Hotel, the couple left and was employed by the get them away from Block Btctmclh pIMo Corner House Restaurant In Barnett wore a blue wool Jump­ Use a mild household cleans­ vllle, cousin of the bride and for a wedding trip to the Poco- Travelers Insurance Co., Hart­ House. Now they are good kids." MRS. ROBERT R. TOMAS Farmington. The couple will live er and blue ,'vnd vdilte blouse. er to remove starchy film from Richard Beben of Manchester. nos. For traveling Mrs. Hudson ford. Mr. Hudson Is a 1970 grad­ This summer there was no In Ridgewood, N.J. after Jan. 2. Mrs. Barnett attended Coven­ glass cooking trenails. , Mrs. Clark wore a pastel pink wore an empire crepe dress uate cf Hopewell (Va.) High Ug trouble with poUce. A trip lace dress with matching ac­ trimmed with lace and a gold School and is employed as an Mrs. Berry organized may cessories and a gardenia cor­ crushed velvet coat with a green apprentice for the Operating have helped. sage. The bridegrroom’s mother orchid corsage. They will live Engineers Corp. |n Richmond, "I took 18 kids for a two- wore a powder blue dress with In Richmond, Va. V a.' week holiday on tho Continent," she said. "They were very hap­ py- In Ix»d. Rev. Gary Ooi^ell of Indian with a mustache, served Carier Memorial icethodlst eight days for taking part In Church, Needham Heights, last yeaf's clash. Ha pndaes ef­ on this fine MOSS., jM rform ed t)^ double- forts by .pecfde like Mrs. Berry . ring cerfflindhy. He •Vpf'asslsted to raise;, ball and get reduced by the Rev. Joseph Vujs of St. aentences for young blacks. He James Church. Jack Grove of accused the poUce cf harassing 18" COLOR PORTABLE Avon was the organist. Polnset- himself and his friends. diagonal measure tias and Christmas greens were To Improve police-immigrant on the altar. relations Scotland yard In re­ The bride was given In mar­ cent years has appointed 31 riage by her father. She wore community liaison officers an empire gown of peau de sole throughout London and organ-, styled with a hlg^ mandarin ised seminara where black collar, long sleeves and a chap­ leaders and police air their el-length train accented with prohlema It began reorultliig venlse lace. Her elbow-length black policemen and Improved veil of silk illusion was attach­ training to help polloe under- ed to a matching lace camelot stand racial questions. headpieep and she carried a "W e are all aware of the way cascade bouquet of white roses, the situation has gone In Am er­ holly and Christmas greens. ica," soys Daniel Hunt, chief Mrs. Steven Chapin of Coven­ superintendent who is acting try, sister of the bride, was the head of die Yard’s conununlty matron of honor. relations activities. "It is a Bridesmaids were Mrs. Rob­ shining example of how not to ert Loughlin of Tolland, sister do things—the lost thing we can of the bridegroom; Miss Judy afford in this country." Muschko of Manchester, Miss Deborah Porcheron of Bolton Three young blacks were con­ and MUs l^ana O'Neill of Nor­ victed this month of assaulUng wich. The flower girl was Erin police In a nearby district dur­ Loughlln of Tolland, niece of the ing a Block Power protest bridegroom. against alleged harassment. The attendants were dressed >nie trial showed "there is evh alike In empire gowns of nlle denoe cf racial hatred on both Nassllf photo green crepe fashioned with MRS. JOHN PAUL HUSSEY stdes," the Judge said. mandarin collars, long full By estimate one million nen- sleeves, and braided trim. They wlilte Immigrants live In Brit­ wore sprigs of holley In their ain-—about 2 per cent of the to­ hair and carried baskets of tal poopulatlon. Many arrived In Christmas greens and pine the last 16 years. cones. ITS In Islington, where the immi­ John McHugh of New Britain grants represent about 6 per served as best man. Ushers cent of the 360,000 borough resi­ were Robert C. Knight Jr. of dents, the police chief in­ Manchester, brother of the spector, David Williams, says bride; Steven Chapin of Coven­ w OF MANCHESTER Ms frequent contacts with black try, brother-in-law of the bride; leaders help prevent racial Robert Loughlln of Tolland, ‘'The Formal Wear King" brother - in - law of the bride­ "i for tho trouble. groom and John LeRoy cf "If a dangerous sltustlcn Is Barre, Vt. LARGEST arising then we’ll talk about It," he soys os he takes a Mobile cart optional— Mrs. Knight wore a light blue knit dress with matching acces­ SELECTION phone call from "Brother" Her­ at extra cost. sories. The bridegroom's moth­ man Edwards, a former Black er wore an aqua wool dress House official who now runs a with matching accessories. club for block youths. Both mothers wore corsages of "He was phoning to say a lo­ sweetheart roses. cal resident was In n dispute FORMAL with someone from the dub. After a reception In the re­ ception hall of the church the Herman said It could lead to couple left for a motor trip to trouble. I’U go with Herman to Williamsburg. Va. For travel­ WEAR have a chat with the ohap," ing Mrs. Hussey wore a beige Williams said. He reJeoU ohatgea by Orl^Mn NOW ^ 8 knit pantsuit with a purple e W mldl-coat and brown leather ac­ FOR Bt. HUl, tho borough’s W est h v Modestly-priced model 6270 offers superb viewing enjoyment with "big-set" cessories. dlan-bom oommunlty relations performance. Its extra-value features include tone control, easy-to-read channel Mr, and Mrs. Hussey are sen­ officer, t*at polloe hsrsss In­ indicator, plus telescoping dipole antenna and retractable carrying handle for true iors at Lyndon State College RENT nocent black youths end w o r^ rocs rsiatiens. Lyndonvllle, vt, where they EMBT o f t h e mVBR . . . I portability. An ideal second set for any room in your.home. See it now .. .and save I will make their home. WE ALMO AU the iatest stylea and ooloni gome poHosmen might offend STOCK In stock . . .Nothtaf to send RUFFLED ^ J V CHRISTMAS Oim 8HIRT8 IN from Boys’ sIs m 4-20; Man’s t h a t DIFFERENT A LL THE sues 84.fa Reg.. 84^0 LiATBBT FOR SALI AND SURE TO PLEASE! M ®»*ra Long, • ^AKD C B y TEP OANDUM OOLORB 36-42 Extra Short. * gJBAMNUD • MsnNonvB aiNos a Whatever The Ooooslon OANDUB HOUMDM FIREPUCE • M m Mm sf OHmt OIMs RIGAL M BMMMBAblA MIN'S SHOP WOOD CO' MuufkM Tralalng School BOI-907 m a i n s t r e e t Potterton’s A PICK-UP SERVICE f^ACTORY DIRECT MAGNAVOX DEALER PARTS CIRT SHOP m a n i^h e s t b r i 643-2478 _$• LOAD O F M A N C t 130 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER TEL MMS37 OPEN Thursday D«liv«rMl „ till 9 P.M. TIL 22MIM mmm so uari , OPEN MON. TO FRI.-9 A.M.-9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M. •iM p.m. Mon. thru Bat. 0;S0-8!S0 HRSTI


RuHitWHH M irro r the United Stales to eliminate Devalued Dollar Christmas Shopping Over With? inflation from its economy. Vernon Hartford Bank This sounded Icglcal enough, TV Tonight Will Help State, because It would Indeed mean a LowergRate Presents All W rapped? Was Dollar Devalue Defeat ocundor dollar. But It m',''ht Housing Goal Guidelines See Saturday’s TV Week Says Economist also mean recession. Belt-tight­ for Complete listings. HARTFORD (A P ) - ening means less spending The Harttord NaUonol Bank: A STORRS (AP) — Devalua­ OoopsI! which means fewer jobs which Adopted hy Town Council S:M (*) BIf Vsitor (C) 'Trust Co. has dropped its prime tion of the doliar should "help moans domestic discontent. Quldellnos which should influ­ velopment relating to natural (8) I uresin at Jesssle (C) Or Was it Victory for U.S. (M> Tlmmir ssd Lsnlc interest rate from BM to 5)4 per If inflation were the cnly and social resources. Connecticut to a relative ex­ I Forgot B y JO H N o i i n n i f f . u •' ence decisions as far as hous­ (44) I Levs Lser cent, following the lead of the cause, the demands of com­ 5:M (I) Draznet ( 0 ) The council (ilso adopted two New York City beunks, a spokes­ tent more than other states,” ih,.n more The world had hod enough of peting foreign traders might ing goals are concerned were (M) Hoesa’a Haroe* ( 0) Our Best Friend NEW YORK (AP) Wiu. ih.. tMist ^ '■'"•OKed In centuries chaca, and while trading na- rcsriiitlons presented by Mrs. ($4) OlOlzaa’i Istond (C) man for Hartford National said Paul Weiner, a University of •v-ve been mere acceptable. adopted by the Town Council (44) Near* — Wsather aad agreement to daviUuo the ‘ ' , tlons knew the dollar too would Betty Lou Williams, executive today. Coimectlcut economist, said In The House. But the many devaluations and last night. They are the same 8Mrt« American dollar a dofoat for i f ‘" '‘nturn Is a recognition have to change they hoped to director of the Redevelbpment 5;SS (I) Wka4'a Happaaias lg{ The bank dropped its prime Monday. few revaluations--the most Im- as adopted by the Capitol Re­ (1:04 (f-8-n) Newa — W«a4lih«r aad the United States, as Mo k x w Ih Ihal was always wish away the day. Agency. Their adoption will al- rate Monday, the first business He said it may create 20,000 portant by G ermany -were fac- gion Planning Agency. Hports (C> Our D099I® or Maybo chUnu, or was it a victory, a 1 \ "'***‘'^ some nations One nation after another; Irw the agency to receive an ad- p»ar willing to pro- „ hi*'*** „ , u®d since 1944, one result of the atate, in relation to the re­ 4:S4 (t)' News wlih Waller Croa- The prime Interest rate Is Devaluation may help Con­ The UnI'ed States decided to healthy environment for all per­ klle (C) motoT le, Being made up of peopio, this being that the officially un- development project. The ap- (8) New* wllk H.K. Smllk and that which the bank charges Its recognize reality. It pulled the sons.” It was noted that oppor­ necticut more, Weiner said, aiions act like people, changed dcllar was really over- nllcatirn is for $11,942. This is Hany Beaeoaer (0) most credit-worthy customers. The answer lies somewhere peg. It demanded fairer trade (ti-M) NBC New* (C) "because Connecticut has a IP so — TROT RIGHT OVIR TO in 1044 ^ o United BUtos was valued. tunity expresses the key objec­ in addition to $306,351, already in a jungle of fact, dogma and relations. It declined to accept 8;5S (U> New* (C) good history of exporting and It" im"*'***'*' ‘^'mlnant economy, An overvalued currency is at tive that "every household must given the town by the state. The 7:88 (i) Uatamed World (C) assumption that characterizcfi it*" mi’V** ** economy, An overvalued currency is at the rccessicn alternative. It 8> Tratk er Coneequeace* (C) an advantageous export posi­ each position. But If it's ever , * " strongest a ccmpetitlve disadvantage; an be allowed the greatest possible project is nearing completion as SUDS & SCISSORS foresook paternalism. i) Dick Vaa Dyke Public Recordg tion,” choice in selecting its home and far as the agency is concerned, (tt-14) Newi — Wrelkrr and r o n »XTTtA 8 ^ AND found the discoverer will stxm hardly doml- undervalued currency permits Some might say the country The devaluation, in effect, environment.” with some of the buildings al­ Wamuity Deeds realise he has the answer to a ?* i**/" goods to be sold more com- reneged bn its agreement to be ^)**ABC New* (c{ will lower the price of Ameri­ relatively meaningless uuos- ‘^ ' ’many, among others, petltlvely abroad while limiting A decent home was defined ready ccmpleted and ail but 7:84 (t> CBS New* Special (C> Fisher D ry Cleansers Inc. to the peg on which other cur­ (X2-84> PreddenI Nixon (C) can goods sold abroad. Complete With Catnlp-KtWes I^ve tion. * *n certain areas, the competitiveness of foreign as; Enough housing to shelter cne—the housing for thfe elder­ Leonard R. Nelson and Patrick rencies based their values. But (18) Movie Onme (C) "I've felt that one of the chief RjiUiAf »han . ‘” **®*'*' **• expected to become a gccds. all households; an adequate ly— at least started. 8:84 (8-44) Cndereen World of Oyabe, property at 325 Broad reasons for Connecticut’s rela­ that peg took some hefty tugs variety in housing to meet the dneqnee Cenelenn (C) St., conveyance tax $176. photo by Pinto) ther won or Ioai '*^***'..* ' force. And CSiina Adding to the deterioration in The council also approved (18) Movie tively high per capita Income from other countries before it Edward W. and Marie T. About 100 carolers turned out in Bolton recently to sing the joys of the season. Tlie group was led by David Dreselly. must be seen lui non*)!#^**'*^***" '* **** *’*’ omei*ging. exchange rates was the contln- needs and preferences of the some promotions of police of­ 8:84 (8) Hnwell Phre-O (0) has been our high degree of ex­ gave way. (j*-i#) NBC New* Wkiie Maher to James R. and M ary urava "*’*** mituml bock in 1944 uod attitude cf home strong great variety of households; a ficers, as recommended by ner: Vielnom HlnSfllvIii ICl _ _ . porting to other states and oth­ um .. H.No'iStr’S iS ffiS L L V o» Q. Jones, property at 28 Rich­ she said snowmobiUng has fail­ aniMur m h USII* o-h***** ?*Vf'**’ L**”* Other currency ratios ecnom les to retain barriers to quality in all housing to pro­ Chief Edmund Dwyer. Bgt. Her­ »;4e (8-48) Lend of Ike Rmall essities are fulflUed will be Heidi Prince. er countries,” Weiner said. 8:88 (8) Cannon mond Dr., conveyance tax South Windsor A BBAIi STOCKING TUFFEB , ,® '■elation- be tied to the dollar, because U.S. goeds that were erected mote sound physical and mental man Fritz will be promoted to (18) Cnadld Cnmern ed in Wickham Park which snow.” Calvin Hulstein will be nar­ “The Increased exporting 8 Imported Dolls $49.20. ain?v4nir ^ * always the dollar at that time was the when they were down and out health; and a latitude and en­ lieutenant and John Bundy, M ar­ (22-M) Nickel* R New* — Prayer and operators was contrary to the Trail markings are expected wlU sing “O Holy Night” and cause there are many agencies HOLLYWOOD (AP) — "We ter against Paul P. Ftano, go-ahead by the Town Ooimcil SU DS & SC ISSO R S They adhered, that is, to a mainly and rarely through re- That attempt was made. Antique bells from Persia, neighborhoods with a pluralis­ Sixn Off (C) idea of this type of recreation. to begin Immediately in the Rye "I Know My Redeemer I4v- Manchester Evening Herald that will help you get started, Pointed ’Em North," a western (44) Prayer J: Hlyn Off (C) Francis E. Boland against laat night to use the town-owned ROUTE SO POST ROAD PLAZA VERNON ''oluations. Some nations demanded that East India, Manchuria, Syria, tic variety of households; neigh­ Shepard felt guests and friends St. area and all that wUl be eth” . A flute solo, "Qezu Bam­ South Windsor Correspondent including the Small Business drama, has been changed to 1:84 (8) New* — Prayer 4: sixn Off pigher D ry Cleaners Inc. Rye St. area tor their motor- 875-7624 the 197w that was based on a The U.S. dollar was the peg, the United States get its house Africa and Bali and New Eng­ borhoods accommodating a of association members should needed after these basic nec­ bino,” wiU be performed by Barbara Varrick, Tel. 6M-8374. Administration. ’' "The Chilpepper Cattle Co.” Kdncalkinal TV (84) Russell Altczl against Fish emerging however, and there was great in order. The way to restore land slelghbells also are being variety of neighborhoods with­ Tnetdny, Deremfter 81 tied sledding sport, but they be afforded the privilege of us­ The film stars Gary Qimes, Bil­ er Dry Cleansers Inc. fnom World W ar II, The world fear about changing the peg. dollar value, they said, was for displayed. in the region and residential de­ P M wlU be subjected to certain re- ing the trails when they were ly Bush and Geoffrey Lewis. 6:44 Hodsepodze Veigr, (C) Release of Federal Tax Uen 4:84 B o X Beal (C) U.S. Government against Fish­ atrlctlona and guidelines. visiting, in the town. Shepard "Jenny: Life of Lad' Ran- Acting on a request by the also asked that the council con­ dolp>i Oiurchill, Vol If, The___ er Dry Cleansers, $T,866.'48. Dramatic Year*, 1895-1921’’ by Marriage Uoemea chaliman o( the South l ^ d s o r sider opening up other town- Ralph O. Martin. Marlin Association of SnowmobUes, owned land, besides Rye St, as trace* later life of Wlnaton Stephen Scott 'Hoisted of 212 James Throwe, the councU Churchill’* mother. Greenwood Dr. and Marcy Dee trails have already been map­ 7:44 Deaizninz Women (C) asked the Public Health and ped out and are in the process "The Ineide Story, part I " Rlfkln of Waterbury, Jan. 1. 7:84 Ckrielmaa At Bey*’ Tewa B David Lawrence Smith ot An­ Safety Committee to check out of being completed in the mead- V 8:44 Fonrth Eetale The Gunver Mfg. Co., altera­ Mayor Abraham Olassman "A Black Paper on White Rac- The committee recommended tions to a commercial building felt the town should move slow­ 1am, part n that trails be eataUldied on a 14:44 How Do Year Children OrowT at 234 Hartford Rd„ 6876. ly and agreed to opening up "How do you make a con­ one-year trial period basis. The one area at a time, to see if it science ?’’ trails will be designed by mem­ 14:84 Free-For-AU (C) 'To give home made paste woiks out, which was the in­ Among participant*; two bers of the Snowmobile Associa­ more sticking power, add one tention of most members of the member* of American Society tions, the Conservation Commis­ gift is a compliinent! of Travel Agents (ASTA) de­ teaqioon sugar to one pint of Council in agreeing with the sion and director of recreation. scribe proposed legislation on paste. request. licensing of Travel agents. The committee said it felt the j«ai After the meeting, Councilman establUiment of the area would aUevlate, or perhaps reduce, Sandra Bender, chalmvan of the the problem of unauthorixed use Public Health and Safety Com­ of land belonging to both the mittee, noted that Bloomfield has opened Its doors to snow- town and private owners, and SOUTH SIDE will provide an additional rec­ mobilers as well as Hast Hart­ ENTRANCE reational facility tor town resi­ ford with the later not having dents. any mapped out trails. However, The council adopted five ten­ tative basic guidelines govern­ ing snowmoUlers, and agreed Hong Kong Flu to sdecting a committee to pre­ sent cCtlclal guidelines to the Loses to ‘Bug’ council for the Jan. 3 meeting. HARTFORD (AP) —m ile the Basic guidelines recommend­ number of conflnh^ cases of ed were to estaUlah a curfew, A-2 Hong Kong Asian flu is low all vtiilcles inuat be registered, in Connecticut, there is some certtftoates of liability insur- kind of "bug” going around. aiNw' must be provided to the The state Health Department director of recreation at which reports that a respiratory In­ time a decal marking the ve­ fection with fever has infected' hicle wlU be issued, operators up to a quarter of the children Inquiries Welcome should have a motor vehicles U- in some school districts. You have every right to know about ceiue and the trails would be In another health statistic, for the use of town residents. there were 16 new cases of funeral services and prices before bereave­ The latter two suggestions salmoneSoels last week, up ment occurs, and we invite your inquiries met iwlth rebuttal by Throwe from 11 the week before. This at any time, without obligation. and Kip Shepard. Throwe felt digestive disorder Is on the in­ that the sport of snowmoMling crease with 116 cases so far in is a family sport and a restric- 1971, compared to 301 last year.

0.01. or mi ooimh huu


FOR THAT MAN IN YOUR U K A GIFT SUGGESTIONS KO M BLACK and DECKER "The Potver Tool Feoptel" Ohristmao Eve O P EN N r r e s f ill t tm 5tS6

26* #7516 PIECE H " HAGGAR FULL-FASHIONED BAN-LON* frnmmmimmmm 12-PIECE DRILLKIT JIG SAW KIT sidcks B4D W ' drill, esrry ni csss. 3 drill bits, B6D Jig Saw with tilt­ BROOKSIDE grliidlng wheel, bulf- ing shoe, carrylns Arrow VAN H , Inf wheel, becking cate, rip fence, I Amarke'sfoverHe ienfolaeve ben-len ililrf beceme H fH* b e ll. . . leoln ned, 19 sanding bl*$ct, blade belli Kail le fH - no unJererm bind. Full laihiened collar. Aulemelk pouch, wrench 6 I The "Tomorrow Look" o f th e mm discs, arbor, holder. ' weih end dry. Alweys beeps Hs shape end toHnea. ^ chuck key and holder.I. •M Di PADDOCK X IP ^ T . . . At horn.on FOR THE EASY LIFE I tn iR PIILD ZIP^UT . . . »Wn If •" ""«* _99 tho roiiM or onvwhoro olio. McOi^Oor M O O K S I D I - Lon, sleeve, 1-buHon wllb collar, Chamoh, nevy. 19' I ■Arrows Kem Collection McOrMor .tnm buttory 6^ fklm to o #n i6 19’ ruby, rye, feirwey yreen, merine blue, S-M-L-XL ] ^ 2 I tom oM tollori buttory soft sbotloUio glovo-lflio finish In this Norfolk st^ o |oek- I Designed especially for the man who’s one notural way and nddi o xip-out llnlnn of PRICE #7305 from nt. Tho xlpri>ut lining Is of plush Dacron* a i l sizes M O O K H I U . Leif,sleeve , moc lurlle. WbHe, navy, sun, fern, pine, SOS' KNITS BREAKTHRU pluih DncronPpolyoitor p(lo.^Q ^ I step ahead in the fashion parade. from^ polyostor Pl'P'j^QQ chefneis, rye, Afoen Muo, buHorsceleh, russel. S-M-L-XL 1 9 THE NEW WAY TO DRESS 13. #7301 99 TVs" 19 We" HP lwmiiMiiiu»tfiMinniei^'saiii(*f»i«iwfifsaiiuiPiii!iBRi>^ SAW TVs" NEWI SAW ___ Powerful IVk HP moti ’THMI IS NO SUBSTITUTI' BOB QUALITY' Best value, general purpose sewl handles toughest jobs A A Q X 1 HP motor. Safely approved for with test. Wrtp-around J U * * So Santa Goofs...Well Don’t Worry... TVs’ and evk' bledes. Sawdust kept steel shoe for added away from cutting tine.______support______Open Tonight and Night Until 9 P.M. fpuz3 ^ 7 #7680 ALL-PURPOSE That’s because of our extrMlberal VACUUM NO purchases made here. WITHOUT ^A |M S OR RE^C^ Ultat Jin? Pint d w r CLEANER 5 aellon ^ETORNThlY 1?EM PUR^H^to^ TWO #7910 SALE W B ^ S ^ A ^ E R aHRIS-TMAS. You may return it for any l»(ll M war it? Ows ta i»«| j,j rraion—or no reason at all ■ ^ 29' We can offer tWa unusual courtesy b^cauae of our complete largo 2W * diem IS hose lor man-tvpe BENCH GRINDER confidence In three things’. cleaningning jobs. 6’ wire brush and 8* Ohre Che airt a R g l Use It foor clean­ grinding wheel make 95 (1> The Quality, Value and Authority of the brands we s s n n p ing gtragt, patio, This t verutile shop FINAL accessory. 49 carry. fIrtpTtct. (2) The thorough, akillful aarvice for which we mre famous. AT 'THt COMfltTi'MIN’S StOM' (8) Tha axperienced, pBUant, non-pressure wiling of our MANCHESTER VERNON MANCHESTER HARDWARE sales sUff. REGAL Nl-tOT IMM STREH TRI-CITV PUM IT IT’S HARDWARE, WE HAVE ITI ^ Chrintmnn - scene houre -nd let rilm 877 Main Street In Downtown Mnneheaier Upen Monday thru Safdtday 9:30 am fa 9 pm "M em ber of The Main Street OuUd” PAQ8 B IO B T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. PAGE NIKE told the judge they had reached | A Test Of Character a settlement. Connecticut Non-Nuptial Contract "I can't say what the settle-1 n ie opening of presents will have to ment Is," said Curt Rundell, get off early In the moi^tlhg, and the Wilson's attorney, "That was | Oumlbui Om Broken. Claims Suitor part of the settlement." Post Rd, Plais - Route 80 - Vernon . 8T8-d71S p n ^ S H B D BY THE CSiriatmaa turkey p o p p ^ into the oven Yankee MANCHOSTBR PUBIdSHmO CO. PONTTAC, Mich. (AP) — more than a year to a girl he Henry Baskin, the- attorney I 18 Blssell Street before daybreak becausV'thls la going to representing Wagner, wouldn’t GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Manchester Conn. he the first Oiristmas Day when there By A.HiOt Jack Alan Wilson says that had dated before he mot Miss B im i. LYONS Wagner while attending college say either, but was asked If | CRAFTS SUPPUES FOB _ Publisher la going to be, top notch professional foot­ when he was courting Sylvia Wilson would got half. MAKING GIFTS A DECORATIONS Founded October 1. 1881 This column's tentative refus­ In California, according to his ball to watch all afternoon. Wagner her father gave him a father, "No way it is going to be I Large Assortment of CANDLES A RINGS Byenlns Except Sundays al to release Ueutenont Gover­ half," he said. "The actual a ^ Holidays. ^Entered at The Post Office at contract promising him $10,000 Wilson claims he also kept CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR CARDS ManMester, Conn., as Second Class Mall That paragraph la probably nothing nor T. Clark Hull from what he if he would marry someone quiet. But shortly before he amount hasn’t been decided else. yet, that will take a couple of OPEN DAILY 10 to 8 — THUHS. A FRI. 10 to B mere than a wistful example of the male himself whimsically calls his was due to pick up the money SUBSCRIPTION RATES Wilson claims hs has com­ last month, Wagner went to weeks, but there's no way It Payable In Advance bravado, and probably bears very little "treadmill to oblivion" Is based plied with this and some provi­ will be even half. You heard I on a number of conslderaUons. court, claiming that he was relation to the actusU timetable that will sions, but Joseph Wagner, a "under great mental, .duress” the judge. Three Months ...... 9,75 Wo would hate to deprive the L o s Angeles businessman One Month ...... ( ,... 3,95 be in effect on Christmas Day. The time when he signed the contract. Single Copy , ...... ;. i5o school children of Connecticut whose company makes lingerie, By Carrier ...... weekly 76c for opening presents will be determined says he shouldn’t have to pay Judge William J. Beer of Cir­ MEMBER OF or any occasional visiting stu­ the $10,000. cuit Court said Monday that he THE ASSOCIATED PRESS by the young ones, and the Ume for dents from France of the eluci­ believed a contract not to mar­ The Associated Press Is exclusively en- Wilson, a 28-year-old Royal tlUed to the use of republlcallon of all dinner will be determined, as usual, by datory charms of Mr. Hull s Oak man home on leave from ry probably would bo void, es­ n ^ s dispatches credited to It or not other­ bilingual expositions of the Con­ pecially since one condition was SIGN UP NOW wise credited In this paper and also the the quartermaster out In the kitchen. the Army, went Into Oakland local news published here. necticut traditions and the lun- County d'rcult Court Monday to that Miss Wagner not be told. All rights of republlcatlon of special dis­ Nonetheless, the half pleasurable, half damental principles of Connecti­ He added that no court would FOR BOUND OH. OOMPNNrS patches nereln are also reserved. seek the $10,000. shocking prospect remsdns. cut government. He said that more than a honor any agreement that ei­ The Manchester Publishing Company as­ year ago Wagner promised him ther prohibited or encouraged sumes no financial responsibility for typo- . Professional football is about to com­ But there are other reasons marriage. graphical errors appearing In advertls- the money If he would stop AUTOMATIC ments and other reading matter in The plete Its conquest of the calendar. why, If Connecticut didn’t have seeing his daughter, marry He gave attorneys one hour Manchester Evening Herud. a Clark Hull, we would be try­ Christmas Day was, until last year, the anyone else, within five years, to settle the claim out of court Angeles Tlmes-Washlng- ing hard to invent one. stay married for at least a after saying of Wilson; "Any ton Post News Service. one last sancUty sOll standing before DELIVERY Full service client of N. E. A. Service,,Inc. There is, for instance, the year, and not talk about the man who Is courting a fair lady Publishers Representatives — Mathews. certainly has to do some ex­ Shjnnon and ^ l l e n Inc., Special Agency the onslaught of television football. Last whole matter of the state's re­ deal. —New .York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. year, the tradition was broken, gently, lationship to that education of Attorneys say Wagner, a plaining as to why he would GET 19N STAMPS higher education and culture Jew, didn’t want his daughter cancel his claim to her hand TIONS™®** a u d it b u r e a u 0 F CIRCULA- by the playing and Uie telecast of a for crass money." known as Yale. to marry out of his faith. Wil­ Dtolay advertising closing hours North-South game between collegians, son is a Baptist. Attorneys for Wilson and A WHOLE BOOK FULL — Stomp# Isened alter peyment for first delivery. £ “'■ — I P ">- Friday being played for a worthy benefit. Yale and Connecticut have Wilson has been married Wagner returned to court and For ^esday — 1 p.m. Saturday. If delivery Is paid for in full within 10 daye For Wednesday— 1 p.m. Monday. got along pretty well for nearly DOUBLE STAMPS for amount of bill. S?' P ">- Tuesday. This year, through that quick opening 300 years, but lately there have —For Friday— 1 p.m. Wednesday. Classified deadline 4:30 n.m. day In the old Christmas Day line, profes­ been notes of discord. before publication 4:30 rflday for REGULAR STAMPS If delivery Is paid for by tOth of following Saturday and Monday publication. sional football has stormed through with There was, during the last For NEW! — EXCITINO month. two of Ite big play-off games, for hard state administration, the cele­ ’Tuesday, December 21 brated occasion when the then NATURAL HEALTH SAVE ;> SAVE MONEY! business cash. Lieutenant Governor AtUllo Prescriptions Frasslnelll of Stafford Springs FOOD SHOPPE Bengladesh, Who Needs It? We would have thought It might have decided to avail himself of his CHRISTMAS CALL ANYTIME — 24 HOUR SERVICE been good, even for avid football fans, COSMETICS & GIFTS AT THE To the accompaniment a m?nth cratic tickets. If there had been no par­ A special medal for prisoners payments; a. remov- FALLS WINTER DRESSES 4-Door Sedan (V8). 157.15 GS 11005 ...... 212.15 been actually involved. Of course there ty lever, presumably these voters would of war raises some very 4-Door Sedan (6). . 152.15 Sportvan-6-Cyl 110'— have been many other Instances In have pushed down the pointer over Ver- awkward questions. ‘The sad Convertible (V8). 174.15 GS 11006...... 176.30 which the necessity of operations has riker’s name and then would have turn­ fate of the POW—any POW— Suburban—End-Gate 8-Cyl— those we take and the ones we Ploye’s av.«». •"I- ■% OFF CE 10916...... 186.00 been professionally debatable. ed to the other two parties to continue ' f e : y e ^ "vs selecting candidates to run the city gov­ lose—is to bo pitied and la­ Blazer—4-Wheel Drive 8-Cyl— But it didn’t take you-know-who to dis­ ernment for the next two years. mented. KE 10514...... 176.70 cover this and It Isn’t going to be you- Tho party lever is serving no purpose But it has never been rated a commendable estate. Our know-who who produces the remedy-for ether than depriving some voters of their easy choice. Any voter who feels It propaganda In war Is mainly A Thought for Today It, either. is an unreasonable burden to push down directed toward making the SUEK&UATHERPANT COATS 26 polntera for individual candidates is other fellow quit. His aim Is I All that has happened . is that you- exacUy the same. Here Is one know-who has progressed down the sit­ hardly concerned with the welfare of the .7 ^ Chevrolet state or nation to start with. among many reasons why this 'Vii life A ting duck row of acknowledged imi>er- Voters shotHd have a free choice In the form of soldierly mismortune byTuMf “to 'h OFF has never been honored or re­ ^ toaoh. If ths truth GM feettons In our society, fired off another election. The party lever deprives them warded. cf that. Connecticut Is one cf the few of his motive-pure publicity releases, Not every service man be- ^ tos vain Chevrolet Building a better way to see the USA states In the nation that makes any use words of men." IMBK OF tXCCLLfNCE and knocked himself off another set of whatsoever of the lever, it should have comes capUve against his will Cash—Master Charge —CAP resisting until his weapon Is Thomas A. Ksmpis headlines. been removed years ago. —WA’TBR- ‘1 ^ 7 / BURY RKPUBLIOAN. tom from his grasp. Some de- •ubmlttsd Iw sort the fljdit at the first op. Wlnthrop Nelson Canter C3ongrsgsUonS^a,"S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN PAOBTBN MANGHBS'rER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 tn the basis of the old district with the "Inadvertnnclos," Thc- Mancktmter Area llnes ,ir the new cnos. crgtfciilly, both the Republicans Memorial Service Obituary 'This is just one morn com- and the Democrats could pre- HAVE YOU AN MCC Library Service TA It GAXEK* District Spent $670 plication in an already com- vail in their court actions, For Diana Lynn Superii EVENT SCHEDULED Pinned Inside, plicated series of events on the GOP state (Chairman J. Brian -By eXAY K POLLAN LIBRA Redistricting Now BEVERLY HILLS. Calif. THAT CALLS FOR Mm. Kalhle«n O. McGuire ARin 1971 reapportlonmont record. Gaffney has charged that the Driver Unhurt MAR. 2i M Your Dally AcIMIy Guido ^ (AP) — Two hudnred mourners m ER/m FOOD? Mri, Kathleen Cleary Me- >1 Attordlng to Iho Stan, ’’ First, a bipartisan legislative Democrats arc only out to de­ Extended to Public ‘ ARR. <» To Run Referendum ccmmltteo failed to reach reach 'ay mo the Implementation of reap- rcap- .“iX After Car Flips Outre, 74, o< gp MoOuire Lane, |^l4-16-19-2a To develop meuoge for Wedneidoy, 3-10-12-24/C It m»y be « weddtag, • l*n- read words corresponding to numbers agreement on ii reapportion- portlonment no they can retain QERt//0E widow o t Matthew McOulre, 1>^45.48.M 3130-79 ^ By GLENN OAMBBB qoet «r just an bifomwl get> of your Zodiac birth sign. But Faces Court ment plan by lU deiilllno cf control of the House and the T’ together of • sooletjr, lodge or A car driven by Lawrence Rec died ence" p riv U e g e ^ C o m m m ifty TAURUS SCORPIO (Herald Reporter) 1 Agroomonlt, 31 Work 61 Try By DON MEIKLK hadl„f,.„„,„ , C f April 1 Then a com- Senate, mcrlal service here Monday for some friendly granp. - “ V.™-. _ Collet llbnSy will tadCiS "Snte otSSS: ARR. >0 2 Slorid 32 To 62 Dolor per. 114 MAr.M 43 Anolhor'i The recent referendum proposed conao**"®*'®” . Rcpubllcnn wh,I' eorreJatlng them with mission failed to reach agree- However, while delay could _ flipped over yesterday during McOulre was bom 3 Advoncfm«nt33 At HOY. II* HARTFORD (AP) holdover" of the The actress died Friday at ter and area towns. 6-13-1S 4Do 34 Bo 64 Fight 18-24-34314 Eighth Utilities District sewers with the town cost the «H a l).:mc(:rnt war*'-'"*’"' dlstrlcils and sot- ment by its deadline cf July 1, a ff'e Are Prepared to the loe storm, when the driver ^ ^ a f ’uv^ Holiday Schedule There will be no charge for 5 Pot 35 Boilc 6SHIdo district about ?670. Bills totaling that much were in­ Reappoftlonmont of the ______...... General Assembly or 45, The funeral is scheduled fer , ^ ww aod Uvea in Manchaster 6 Con 34 Top 66 Firm 5735-79371 Con- uu,iy duluylne “’’f »P »>allii;s and polling The panel of Judges which present Serve You to Your: lost control, on Strong Rd. In for a number of years. Before the service. Individuals will be , u. i„ ...... " '’'ibllcatlon. oliices iieenpHin»'i<> then itockItock over thethe* Job lob was able perhap*perhaps another election next Wednesday in New York after The Recreation Department OIMINI 7 Sotmt 37 Diroct 67Tho SAGITTARIUS cluded in bills approved by the district board ^ o*™® necllcut legislature finally be- In addliil.,,. . places accordingly. then itock over the Job was able perhaps another election next *vounosuuy Complete Satisfactiotf, South Windsor. she retired, she was employed required to IdonUfy themselves 8 You'll 38 Hovo 68Flro hoy. It / n ters last night, m is m come a legal reality Monday, lawsuit l,, foden According to state Atty. Gen. to muster a majcrlty In favor year on the old district lines. It has set up a vacation 69 Start .•■a a. . - ' lUIll.llll (!rvilf*l 13. I 1 wm ..A 4W..« 4 ia n 3 tit wwvzaa taaaaa D a a A A I U4N n » « / \r l t 14^41 A M A 9 .lA * a 4 * A JV L IS H L iV ] and will be Issued library cards. y^^JU N l 20 9 A 39 To eludes charges lor renting vot- ‘:ourt, them Hebert. K Killian there Im no cf the pfnn that is now law. But could also produce an at-large Miss Lynn appeared In mov- Police said the South Wind- P ratt and Whitney Division schedule for the week of lOComM 40Soo 70 To Die. II 1 ^ but it Still faces a challenge by Is also a itepubilean ....14 suit' 1^8^." no .... 1 4 1 ...... Our catering eervloe Is set up The Bidwell St. campus li­ Ing machines and paying vari­ r, .. ,. cne net even tviiimii, the legUlaturouieic Itf •• Iholr planr did not translnto the election_____ of all.. Hcnators and. rep- Iau nnH stage niAV/aplays In Ihnthe lOAGaiMOs sor fire department was called United Aircraft Corp., Bast Dec. 37 through Dec. SI at 2- 5-22-aS 1 I ll'i 41 Wlior 7ICpmpolont 42-43-35-99, Democl'ats 'n the federal perlor Court aeeklng to corrolt to be flexible enough to ne- to release the driver, who was Hartford. She was a member brary is open to the public dur­ »d2-46 12 Through 42 FoIm 72Tho 41-7033-90^, Wagie Unit ous election workers. aaetaiMil n«l»l..laa -...... ^ ” '*' 'wiMjci who U leiraMv cbllired cr au- new district linos from census rcsontatives. end 50s. In recent years she ooinmodate any size gathering. both the Bast Side and West I3B* 43 Rumoro 73 Curtain ing regular college hours. Norm­ CANCIR CAPRICORN The district board mot last Why not eoU ns nad taDc over pinned In the car, but he man- of the VFW AuxlUaiy. Side Recreation Centers as g 14 Avoid 44 FIril 74 Mottoro Xcriitary of the Stalo Gloria vertnnclos'^'’7n‘^to'’ 'i""’ translate toe census tract numbers tc mere familiar Since the old district lines fa- h«^ ’!)[t®,l,lL^hrre^to^krt’’*in*’a ally, the hours are 8 a.m. to 10 15 Rtoohod 45 Iddoi 75 Poraltlonco night In the district firehouse, .phnffer accented toe nHn»«H th.. i . " **'*”• tracts Into mere meaningful boundaries-and it crossed so vor the Democrats, they pre- had returned here to art in a the deteUsT aged to get out before the fire- Survivors are two sons. Mat- well as the Community Y. 76 Advico eslSew p.m., Monday through Ihurs- II 14 Scotttring 46 Slopi Ey 32 Main Bt., as It does on the fil from the Bnauldlnv^nl.^ u ‘T"';''" m, hc«»'‘larie8 such ns streets L d '«any town lines than it con- sumably would be delighted to movie when she died. men got there. He did not suf- thew F. McGuire of Storrs and The buildings will be open 17Mor» 47 Don't 77 To fer any Injuries, police said. John P. McGuire of Bast Hart- day, and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fri­ |>il1-27-2W3 1811 48 Submit 78 Flnortclol 7- 83839#' third Monday of every month. ? r of Hartford MondaTaftor- um^unU , ‘’"’“'^''““ al and property lines.s (used local election officials, have another election based o n ------as follows; 19 Forcti 49 Approoch 79 Your 443831341: Harold A. Osgood, district In another storm-related ac- ford; two brothers, Thomas P. day. tluring the holiday period. l>fo-71-74 VAC Pact noon, thus fulfilling hL con- aUemnt b^ h" queaticn raised b y acme of whom predicted great toose dU^^^^^ Monday through niursday; 20 Try so Print Iplos 80 Boll A9UARIUS public works commissioner. In con- attem pt by iho g o p Uarden Grove Caterers, Ine. cldent, Bdward Hale, 44, of 59 Cleary of Middletown and Ml- 10 a.m.-noon; 1-4 p.m. and Doc. 27 to Jan. 31, the hours LIO 21 Imporlont SI Bohind 81 With (Continued from Page One) gtltutlonal obligation to got the The’ tw,". ViJi.^r',;...... '•eapportlcnment plan I's expense and bewilderment on in office for another two years College Students ) JUL'f « 22 On S2Bo 82 Quottloni 7AN. I t his report claimed that the Benediot Dr., South Windsor, chael Cleary of Watorbury; and 6-10 p.m. will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. plan publiriied, the t>l who ekayed whether it will have any effect electlcn day 1972. until o better reapportionment TELEPHONE 649-5313—649-5814 .<1UG.II 23 Toko 53 Got 83 Stop HI. II, calls for a 51-cent Increase In town plugged up Its J ((‘-‘publicans. 'The cn special elections to fill va- Democrats claimed there are plan is worked out, skidded on an Icy patch on Sul- two sisters, Mrs. Helen Gustaf- Friday: 10 a.m.-noon; and The library has over 18,000 24 Hord 54 Lovolf 84 Advlsoblo Mrs. Schaffer Invent Pot Hunt volumes In reference and circu­ g-17-2J-49 25 Aggrooiivo 55 Could- 85 Of 4-2I-3034I the current hourly average of at Homestead St. and W. MlcMe ^rMolvod^ the toted J“‘(f‘'i rJemccrut I.eo Par- canctes In the prewnt General a number of errors inIn the plan, An at-large election, however, Uvan Ave., South Windsor and Ron of Hartford and Mrs. Mary 1-4 p.m. 4732-74 crashed into a pole. The driver Reynolds of Waterbury. lating libraries, 800 current '•73«-84 26 Would S4Thomoo 86Flro 14.32, an 11.8 per cent boost. Tpke. and as a result the dt^ original plan from Supreme «kcy of auperlor Cmirt. refu^ Assembl'" errors which appeared to leave is fraught with difficulties NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — Uni- The three buildings will be 27 Boot S7To 87 Foollngt . PISCIS periodicals, and back issues of VIRGO 88 fevontt. The UAW argues that 81 trict was getting substanUal y Court Justice John R, Ttilm '“^(fn the plan. special elections ore at- blocs of voters In Enfield, Brls- which neither party is likely to verslty of Oklahoma campus did not report any Injuries, po- The funeral will be Thursday closed Friday and Saturday, 28 Dovtiop S8To HI. IP •nd Superior Court lice said. at 9:30 a.m. from the John F. 100 periodicals on microfilm. 29 To S9 Sprood. 89 Rolling cents of the raise is a cost-of- more sewage than it normally n-nro-« Baden last Sent qn '‘““‘(y *" "be wcrks-one tn tol and Fairfield cutslde of any want. , police found .10 small bags con- Dec. 24 and 25, and Friday 60And 90 Thom MAR. 10 ' t^ctor Zokites, 42, of 341 Fos- Tlemey Funeral Home, 219 W. One of its most valuable hold­ iS :" ' 30 Thingt living catch-up called for in did. Ho said he has been in con- Qsorg® Doaen osi Depi.tom tom w. of whitemouho from L7 momberM tf> (»'iri W ^sc/'L^k^toVcrircces"t uH;u“s;‘“dtetelct:"Ti;e"r";-'/micu» Hiatrint ThprA was also -...... — —^— tu.inlng marijuana wrapped to and Saturday, Dec. 81 and >10.37-44-55 12/22 203230-514 ter St., South Windsor, was is- Center St., with a Mass of the ings, according to Mlllmlr .@ Good Neutral thelr 1948 contract, and that the tact with town officials but the ~.hUratl^ and Its c^t n n H of hn « “ '"'unbershlp scr to former Rep. William C. a dlctrlct In Ansonla-and Derby Car D ealers Fewer r®H«mble Christmas gifts scat- Jan. 1 in observance of ^72-8039 47r733538l remainder of the raise falls matter has not been cleared up publication and Its cwt. and of lho .Senate lo ,'l«. „ Democrat who has which was In two pieces. These Uealers Xewer around the campus, most- Mied a written warning for faU- Resurrection at the Church of Christmas and New Year's. Drazlc, director of library ser­ € ure to grant one-half the high- the Assumption at 10. Burial vices', is the Library of Amerl- within guidelines. completely yet. otoor implications—delayed The new dl.strlcts appear to been elected a probate Judge, are toe "Inadvertancles" which WASHINGTON — There were ly near trees and shrubs, ‘ way, last night. will bo in St. James Cemetery. 'ian avlIisaUon. n ils Is a But some hoard insiders fear At Homestead and W. Middle printing rt me m ^s wWch favor the g o p , c.speclally in the and one to fill the legislative the Republicans wont corrected 30,200 franchised new-car deal- "Today's search reminded 'Die Zokites car collided on Friends may call at the fu- microbook collection of about Bolton that failure to cut the raise to 7 Tpke. there to a manhole shared **'^® 1 •‘‘bees cf former Rep. Nicholas through Superior Court actlcn. er.s In the United States in 1970, me of an Easter egg hunt, but Kelly R4I., South Windsor with neral home tomorrow from 2 CAC Seeking 20,{KX) volumes covering America per cent or less would be likely by the district and the town, Ing of Noiw Haven, imd the The House dlslrloLs however Piiunzlo, a Republican who Is The Democrats claim In their down from 30,800 in 1909. Of somehow I fall to see the hu- one driven by Laurie Oefaratti to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. from its beginning to the out­ to shake public confidence. 'Hiere is a weir there which text, which was printed by are the ones that pose the most now the mayor of Bridgeport. law suit that the plan is uncon- these, 20,600 handled U.S.-made mor in toe whole affair," Bill of 87 Kelly Rd. No injuries were _____ break of WWI. - DiFronzo Replaces Groethe In the five weeks since the regulates sewage flow to the Spaulding. problems for local election offi- The question is whether toe stltuUonal for a number of rea- autos, 4,100 handled foreign Jones, university chief of secur- *‘®P“ ^***- Kennetti G. Gibson New Leader "Many of the books in this col­ wage freeze ended the board district and town lines. Town At one point, Mrs. Schaffer dais who have the special elections should be held sons which have nothing to do cars, and 5,600 sold both. Ity said Monday. OOVBNmV BLUNGTON — Kenneth G. A nominating committee of the lection are rare, others are out has ruled on only two other lines accept sewage at all times, John JuUan, 22 of South St., Gibson Sr., 78, of 4 Moser Dr., Citizen’s Advisory Committee of print, and not all are avail- As School Music Director contracts, approving a one-year while district lines are used ^ventry, was charged, early who formerly operated a riding (CAC) was charged last night even in the finest llbrar- Bdward DlFronso of Avon will for the oronosed hish school ad raise of 15 per cent for the only when Uiere 1s a ceraain this morning, with failure to dls- stable for many years at Og- with nominating a now chair- (es,” Dmzlc said, "'mis gives United Mine Workers and flow. play rear red light. He Is sched- den Comers, Vernon, died yes- man for the CAC. Bugene our students, faculty and area Bol^ sch^l deport- f “ .-‘Clearing the first part of a 42- Osgood claimed that there Is uled to ^^>ear in Circuit Court terday at Hartford Hospital. He Montany, the former chairman, residents the resources found ment as music director Jan. 3, ‘ ^ month contract raising pay 47 supposed to be a cap on the 12, Manchester, Jan. 3. - was the husband of-Mrs. Marion was not reappointed to the com- only In select libraries." replacing Keith Groethe, who Ohrtslmss p „ i. per cent for the AFLrCIO district line. TTie district’s coun- V®»NON c. Gibson. mlttee when his term expired Each volume In the microbook *>** moved to Bngland. 'me an- Brotherhood of Railroad Signal- sel, Atty. John LaBelle, to look- Vemcn poHce, today, reported Mr. Gibson was bom July 1, 1" November. library to contained wholly on a nouncement was made by Dr. "“o men. In? into the matter. a rarii of complaints received 189S In Stamford, and Uved In The nominating committee single 3 x .5 ultra-microfiche Joseph Caatagna, superintendent , after school However, both ot those con- Today, Jay Giles, toWn water concerning Urn shooting of BB Barkhamsted before coming to 'vUl censtot of the chairmen of *Um card. As many as 1,000 ®f schools. {®mor^. Glrto ^ ^ tracts were, in some respect, and sewer administrator, said special cases and did not repre- ths town line was clogged there, Special 6ifteTWtlT6Maw/)M Jewel 5 **** Vernon area In 1981. He seven OAC task forces. book pages can be printed on a DlFronso, who holds both a ° grab^^ gift. Uved >ln Tolland for about eight The following new appointees single card, an achievement of bochel^s and master’s degree Janet sent as clear a test (rf the 5.5 l>nt not purposely. He said town rule as will toe aerospace____ , __ crews cleared the line of de- w ‘Avestl- years before moving to BIU^- to the OAC were assigned At a high reduction photography that '*^m Boston Unlver- If' pacts. bris which accumulated In the He ^ meeting last night to task reduces Individual book pages ^ « music dl- “ "“y made candy-fllled party rector in Augusta, Maine; baskets which were donated to TTio coal agreement was h"®- “ “^® >"»*>y y«ars m the forces: James watt (Health and up__to_90 ttmos. signed Just before the end of Patricq Donlon reported 1o Vernon 4-H and was a leader Social Services); Richard Day Each ultra-m'lcroflche card to B^dgewater, Mass.; and most ^® **«««*'^ Home at Ware In wtod^ concerning BB holes (RccreaUon and Culture); Ken- held in Us own envelope, max*- Instnictor In house too wage freeze and thus quail- (h® board toat according to fled as an existing contract. P A. TOO, which took effect July Before he retired 12 years noth Reynolds (General Gov- ^ r iK-on. (^®w Britain. Program Suspended ago, he was employed at Pratt emment); Paul Rosetto (Bduca- catalogue InfonSStlo? ^ Professional pianist, com- I^reatton I»^tor Henry These take effect automatically I> the district is obligated to poser, arranger and orchestra Hyba announced that tomorrow unless the board rules toat they cover unemployment benefits and Whitney Division of United tlon). are urueascnably inccnslstent for its employes. It was agreed Aircraft Corp., Bast Hartford. All of the CAC task forces jtrJke has had hto will be the final day of the town Man Robs Bank, ThA U repres^^ original compostUons performed basketball program untU after with toe 5.5 rule, which the to forward to toe state informa- He was a member cf the Union bave completed formulating ob- Thecanilsreadonadeskor ^ythe Boston Pops Orchestra. the holidays. Games wUl re­ board declined to do by a spilt tlon on toe district’s employes, Escapes on Foot Congregatlonal Church of Rock- JecUves under Manchester’s portable projector, which en­ vlUe. CDAP program, a citizen plan- No PBO Meeting sume Jan. 3. vote—with business and labor and to leave until a later lime larges pages to greater than The PubUc Building Oommto- NBW BRITAIN (AP) — A Survlvors, besides his wife, "1»B program now about 2H thAiA nMffinoi M u ------BuUetIn Board m e m b ers outvoting public too decision on how toe district man cartTing a revolver robbed are a son, Kenneth G. Glbsm years old. conduct any official The Board of Selectmen will members. would participate in toe plan. buslneso at tost nlght’i meeting, meet tonight at 7 in the town The rail pact, approved by a The board directed Joseph a branch of the New Britain____ Na- of TVxHand; 3 daughters,____^ The CDAP agency has been microDooK UDrary incluaee fQp lack of a Quonim Hie com otficos similar q>Ut vote, falls under Volz, district clerk, to send a tlonal Bank today of an S. F l u c l ^ r of Voi> « v te w l^ recom m e^attons_ of book-foum oattOoguee, which mission to w rapplng'up paper" top 5.5 rule because it was letter of commendation to Fred signed after the freeze. But It Sweet uriio recently stepped has a long and tangled history down as assistant chief. Sweet going back almost two years, is a long-time volunteer flre- __ _entered the offloe of William Duridn of Old AtSbt to any of the revisions. cf American Clvlltoatlan under In developments Monday: man. b ia^ Jolm“i^ llsi^ Greenwich: and n grandchU- '?®hn Harkins, assistant town more than 500 topics. Book- President Nixon officially Board members received form catalogues are also a'vaU- who was tolUng to a manager and CDAP coordlna- Pair Purchase lifted toe 10 per cent Import copies of the audit for the 1970- ahle at Mary Cheney Libraiy. NlcbolM Uno ' Funeral servlcea will be outlined the procedure for surch^ge he Imposed Aug. 15 ^ fiscal year from Us account- Further information about P lea Date 7 Hie man pointed toe revolver ^ ” ^ y “ »-m. at the Ladd completing the CDAP process, Dry Cleansers as part of his anU-lnflatton pro- ant, Robert Boucher of Rock- at Gegltonl urso to stav In Home, 18 muingtcn He ^ d the draft rt meeting. proodmaitely |160,000, according flclate. Burial will be In Grove ***e Envlnmment and Man, I !• The board approved an ap- Year ’Roundi _ Hill Cemetery, Rockville (b® consulting firm for CDAP. to tax stamps on a warranty H ijacking to it ®*^®‘* *«>m jS m wmis of M The^gumnan walhed slo ^ ^®"ds may caU at the fu- Informational meetings, open Nixon, Heath deed recorded today at the town ^ ^ 0 4 A^ A as St. to Join toe district Classic Robes ^ .Ih t-**®**.-. “ ^_*I®** home tomorrow from 2 to ^ ®*® P«hUc. -wUl be scheduled clerk’s office. A Bftxiklyn. N.Y. man. In- the “ la?^” 3 l ”oT toe “ ''® Aa h«AVback aaaihac parking lotw be- 4and7to9om------rum z TO January. People will at the Don Willis garage, 18 The business was purchased » '®2®r?i currencies of the Group of Ten „ „ Gingham plaids and w tween two bulUUngs, police * P ” ' be Invited to inspect and ques­ Expecting yenterday by L Raymond Nel- charges of kidnaping, and richest non-Communlst naUwis. jacquards. tion anything about the CDAP 5.99 CSuiriee J. Griswold —Hie Price Commission reaf- District Treasurer Howard Never Iron Poly/Cotton, and Turtle & Collar Golf Shirts & He WM deMrib^ as wearing ctoaries John Griswold 72 of r®conunendatlon8. Of 302 Woodbind St. and Pal- To Disagree rick Ovabe ot Windanp m Man- firmed Its IntenUon to allow lo- ®' Warm cotton flannel ^ a ^ knit 40 Olcott St., formerly of &!iith ‘his. public hear- G e o m H wiiiiaivI cheater Oct. 1, has been given cal rent cmitrol agencies to »T3.194.80 In the district savings Sport Shirts Sport Knits Banlon'^ Crews Ings on the 12 areas of c** continuing to run the ^ „ Wool Lined cmiservation committee of toe morrow at 11 a.m. at the Ben- "La Marche des Rols," and Secretary y^ar ago. Oyabe started toe ^ th® reports, and Capeakiii Sueded New Manchester Junior Women’s Jamln J. Callahan Funeral "Holiday Sleigh Ride." John B. OonnaUy said the proc- C reates School of Halrdreasins *®*^®‘* ^ ® h driver, Robert NIGHT THIS WEEK Racer Gloves 4.99 reg. 958 caub. Home, 1402 Main St., Bast Maurice Steinberg will direct____ lamatlon "for all practical pur- i„ Hartford which he sU H ^^ ^®'^ Jersey, Into Leather, Deerskin, Choose poly /cotton fine count Polyester Ties 43.90 Earle Wilson of toe VMlson Hartford. The Rev. James A. toe ninth grade choir In “God PC*®®” »!*<> wipes out the broad and will continue to ^® ®“" SVnpoint. Wasas was sherpa lined ... X * sherpa lined 5.99 Teen love . . . the zip front bootlegger coat Electric Oo. will coUect trees Blrdsall. rector of St. Peter’s Rest Ye Merry, (Jentlemen,’’ American’’ restrictions on Nelson a real estatohi^A *®*®*’ *'®(®“ ®i* Darien, broadcloth or brushed flannels. in the Forest HUls area on Jan. Episcopal Church, wlU offlolate. Burt Bacharach’s "Do You Icrelgn purchases which Nixon ai^’ (.jntlnue hla ’aae^H*"' Crawford said toe third man Pipe trim, new patterns; coat or N a v s r with monks’ hood, braid trim. Wool blend, 4 9 9 IronI 8 and take them to the landfill Burial will be In Wapplng Know toe Way to Son Jose?” *mpoeed Aug. 16 as part of his tlon with toe H ‘*” ''® ‘•'® wWch 1 1 p.m . middy. A lo 1). lilac or rust. Teen sizes 6 to 14. Vented leallier gloves, warmly 3.99 area. Mrs. Herbert Walker o t Cemetery. and the Ukrainian "Carol of toe "®^ economic pcdlcy. Agency of Manchester contained 38,000 worth of color Ital. Leather, Dee«*8kin, (Dftli, Teem, Manoheater Pwlcade and 309 Kennedy Rd. is chairman of Friends may call at the fu- Bells" by Loontovlch. ______tolevlsloiw, radloe, and stereos. lined with wool knit. One size Cf Q O Fine 2 ply polyesters in a stretch. Great slocking rainbow of solid colors and pat­ Tri-City Plaza, Vernon) the club’s project. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. A woodwind quartette will The truck was unloaded in Suf- wool lined...... % 3 e ^ ^ fur lined.. 6.99 terns. New . . . wide . . . bold! pUy "PeUto Fugue" by Handel fem, N.Y., he said, and was stufferl ^ M i and "Scherzlno.’’ Group mem­ found abandoned later In Kings­ bers are Theresa Maccarone, Communists Retake ton, N.Y. give the gift you know Bolton flute; Cheryl Hyde, oboe; Cyn­ Crawford said another man, TOYS thia Timbrell, clarinet; and Donald Main of New York, was SLEDS — IICYCLES Deborah Robsky, bassocn. also apprehended, and faces TOBOGGANS — SKATES is r ig h t.. . PUC Hikes Rate Schedule A brass quartette will be fea­ The Plain of Jars prosecution In a New York fed­ tured In "Lento” and "Alleluia" eral court. The FBI is still GIFTS FOR BVBRYONEI Men’s from Camille Saint - Saena’ (Continued from Page One) searching for a third man. For Llynwood Water Users "Christmas Oratorio." The In- ed by U.S. air strikes, are con- made a * MAIN BX. Orion® M ^ O H n s n iB Heavyweight . .. o j .. . -t, TjTTir. — are Maureen ducting paraKal ooerailotia •®PP«i' attack on the headquor- FARR’S TmU 8U-71U A rate schedule approved by to bring the system up to PUC Loughrey and Gary Zlto, aimed at keeping the North *®” ***® VietnameseStreets Too Crowded Thermal Underwear Dress & the Public Utilities Commission _ _ ,* a J _ trumpets; “ F Jeffrey ■ Lumpkin,*44 l8tygkA33p ▼ Vietnamese •VUICUlltl away from their Infantry Division at Lai LONDON (AP) — The British increases toe annual charge to * n® ®®*J[*P®^y ^**?J*®? - k-., , horn, and Robert Nlct^, trom- bordera. AA o u AIUIUAI ^ storage tank of about bonebone. 'ri,. s i tSaa ------TCZ.V.gevemment------Is urging—s"** •«««local au- Casual customers of toe Ll}mwood io,(X)(>-g;aUon capacity and to re Th® Saigon command 8«th Vietnamese were thorttles to press ahead with 2.69 Water Co. of Bolton from Famous Morgan winterweighi Hose to $108. .brushed circular knit. Shirts ami In a finding issued today PLAZA DEPT. STORE drawers. the PUC, it was explained toat were one ______(Wa Have A Notion Xo Please) toetoA increase 7 in rates ♦ will k boostI - : 112.700 Ot which $4,000 would The band will conclude the wounded. AW • . 17&T}r08DRL UX6 C06v Ow ul^ SLOP* GORGAPt. uHfh E. MIDDUC XPKB. (Next to Popular Market) the company’sK JO annual cuuAiAi revenues lovoimco - ■ j building. Jones » Carols, cuncen wun ’"Torchlight The U.S. Command an- OPEN WED., IHUBS.. W urttU "Rudolph the Red-Noi- nounced that two American Rib top high bulk knits were shot down Sizes 10 to 13. 79 I a lowtoecompanyanetlncom® P„C recommended ^ Monday and Tuesday whUe o reflection of your ° f®’*® • toot the company pursue this Brian Kilpatrick wUl be piano 8«rtl» Vletnam- Open till 9 tonight True • Support The company supplies water possibUlty al/xig with toe re- accommnlst for toA phnir ** ®*® *** ®a»tem Cambodia, and D&L’s glorious Gift Certificate to 64 residential customers In drijUng h. „„ "• a iss; Open 8 to 8 sole, full 8 Inch with side zipper. ■Sizes 7 to 12.______d ;


J '. . i ■ I PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 Hebron PAGE THIRTEEN tatives Intervlswsd a number of Coventry Can the community expect from stressed by the MPTC. The Cov- ■ ■ persons. Including resldenU of Its law enforcement agency the the home, town ogsnts and of­ entry techniques also do not I P same vigorous action to root out conform to official state poMce Survey To Be Made ficials, and viewed photographs. and prosecute crime by the po­ Including those taken by the procedures in such matters. H CCLU Asks Town Take Steps lice as it has a right to expect "It Is apparent that a pro- BB police department, in an at­ where crime by others is in­ tempt to determine if there was volved?" fossionailzatlon of the Coventry Of Recreation Need any validity to the charges Police Department coupled with H at "The call for law and order sharply improved police-com­ brought by the residenU of the also applied to action by police Oordon MacDonald, new rec­ made in 1849, "the house shall To Improve Police Methods home. munity relations is critically H For Clmstims Musical Values! The CotmocUcut Civil Uber- officers. In addition, the major­ reational and cultural eupervl- be open for the promulgation Polaroid color camera during needed. The problems is of H V i l l d o l tle« Union, haa Hated aeveral I e 11 that no useful purpose "FoHowtng this study, the ity members of the town coun­ ■or hired by the towns of He­ of all the moral enterprises of drug searches, with pictures CCLU concluded that there was cil have also denied proper law significant dimensions and the m the age that have for their ob­ recommendatiomi in'ita ropoH would be served if his clients major Initiative should come H -oowntown taaneMKtc bron, Andover and Marborough, concerning itho Nov. u drug to be taken before and after a filed such complaints or partic­ sufficient evidence to indicate enforcement to the community ject the moral culture of man OPEV UTE EVERY MIE KWll 11 Pk. search, showing proper docu­ that some police officers had by their tacit acquiescence. from the town council and the " met with the Recreation Com­ raid » a Coventry homo, which ipated in an interview by town in the advancements of the mentation. behaved in an unprofessional community. H rawlted in n general reprimand officials. "Search and Destroy?" mission last week and discussed principles of Universal Broth­ Police Chief Robert Kjellqulst manner and had knowingly de­ "The defectiveness of the N i ^rhape the flrat in the state, "In (Moore’s) report the po­ "At least one member of the open tonight till 9! plans for a questionnaire to dis­ erhood." is working on a written policy stroyed private property. The search warrant is also of deep m In 1968, town meeting action b e ^ iMMod to the police do- lice officers denied any wrong­ council has reportedly said he tribute to organizations and concerning methods of search doing and the town manager report Issued by the town man­ absolved the police of all re- concern. The warrant was do- ^B transformed the deed to the Coventry Town and supervisory chocks, which ager describes the interview of fective in more than one area, you still con't find It? clubs to get their ideas about church to the Hope Valley concluded that the men con­ sponiblHty for their actions be­ will probably not bo finalized ducted the oearch In a manner the police officers and states and should not have been sign- various activities of interest iu Church Association for the pur­ Council members wore handed that they stated to a man that cause the officers had been until after the meeting with they thought proper, following ed. A warrant must be specific H look no further, poses of restoration which was c^lea of the report by Bruce no wanton acts of destruction or trained to handle such a search them. Kelly, Moore said. techniques they have been not only as to who or what is B1 completed earlier this. year. Stave of the CXXU at the reg­ other acts of Improper conduct by the police academy. The In addition, MaoDonald men­ The council had already Im­ taught In various police to be searched, but also as lo ■ ■ because foirway hos it! ’There is no electricity in the ular douncll meeting last night were committed by them or town manager’s report states tioned several projects which plemented another CCLU sug­ schools. For this reason Moore the items that arc to be seized. H church which has been restored but the council took no acUoii other officers In their presence. that the men acknowledged that join those who are findings their every need might be of interest to the town. gestion by appointing Council­ did not feel that any formal they did not replace items which The requirement of particularity as closely as possible to the bn Uie three-page document, "It is particularly disturbing These included a snow sculptur­ man Jesse Bralnard as liaison reprimand or disciplinary ac­ they removed. They further only restricts the items of ■ at fairwa.v “ the miracle of main street” origrlnal building, and heat is which contains a summary of that a sharp discrepancy exlste ing contest, square dancing, a with the , public safety depart­ tion was called for." stated that they were instruct­ places susceptible to search. A H furnished by pot belly stove. event* surrounding the Nov. it between the claims of the of­ ★ napkin* wrappings snowmobile club, photography ment of the town. The CCLiXJ report goes on to ed In this particular method of successful search will not legal- a For TTiursday evening’s serv­ incident, os well os the recom­ ficers in the report and the dis­ Izc a defective warrant. contest, and a basketball pro­ The remainder of the OOLU recount that after issuing the search at the schools which they ■ft candles i f ornaments ices, members of the Associa­ mendations and comments. array and lack of good judge­ "Judges should be the first " gram for seventh and eighth tion and residents in the area statement follows: "On Nov. 11, report and meeting with the attended. grade students who are not In the OCLU report, the main ment shown by the police threshold In the search and ★ life sets stocking stufFers will furnish candles for the members of the Coventry Police council, the police photos of the ■"rhe suggestion that the pol­ eligible for the Rham High Atlande Records , concern is with future action raid scene were viewed, having photos. At least some of the of- seizure process to safeguard |H Christmas caroling which will Department led by Chief Kjell- flcere were apparently less than ice acadamy InslruoU policemen ★ g>e bulbs ★ grab bag gifts School teams. of the police, and the recom- been received late, and Moore abuses of the Fourth Amend- ^ be directed by Bob Horton with quist conducted a search for candid In responding to inquir­ to conduct a ‘search and de­ 'Hie commission felt that Mac- mendaUons, eome of which have then recommended a general ment to the U.S. ConstituUon. H toys (under $2.) -ft brain teasers Horace Sellers accompanying o Roberta Flack— **QMkl| narcotics at a private dwelling ies from town officials. stroy’ mission is absurd and may I Donald’s idea for a question­ / already been implemented, are reprimand tc the department, The search warrant in the Cov- ® on the old organ. Fire" which contained several separ­ "When police officers violate bo an attempt to find a scape­ all fairway priced, toe! naire should be followed up im­ designed to Insure future stabil­ since “ the extent of disarray entry raid on Nov. 11 violated H ate apartments. the law and are dishonest with goat cutslde of the town. The mediately. They requested him ity within the department. exceeds what we were led to constitutional guarantees and it R| Manchester Evening Herald • The Best of Sonny and| "Residents of the home. In­ their own officials, the com­ director of the Municipal Police organiMtional discounts, also! ' to draw up a rough draft and Thoee recommendations are believe" and based on the is distressing that a state cir­ Hebron Correspondent, Anne cluding some who were not ar­ munity is threatened and public Training Council in Meriden will hold a special meeting .Tan. Cher as follows: "The Coventry Town “ lack of good judgement in the cuit court judge signed a war- Emt, Telephone 228-3971. rested, have charged that the confidence in the police dimin­ has Informed the CCLU that of­ 6 at 8 p.m. at the Town Office Council should conduct a vigor­ manner in which the search rant that was defective under police maliciously destroyed ishes. The lack of honesty by ficers are trained to replace Building to finalize it. •ted Zeppelin — New ous program to Improve the was carried out." the Fourth Amendment." ____ private property and ransacked some police officers in C3oven- items to their original position. Commission chairman Elrlc Smash Hit quality of police personel. A ’The OCLU report continues, LIV the homo. After widespread try casts doubt that the police The techniques used by the Emt Informed the members Holiday Glitter first step should involve a re­ "To the best cf the CCLU’s Manchester Evening Herald publicity, the Coventry Town department can fairly police it- Coventry Police Department do that the sliding and skating • TVShow — “AUinthe view of the current recruiting knowledge. It is the first time Coventry correspondent. Holly celf in cases of wrong-doing. net conform to these techniques Read Herald Advertisements areas at Elizabeth Heights in Expensive Litter techniques, selection methods, Council ordered its town man­ in Connecticut that an entire Oantner, tel, 742-8795. Family” ager to conduct an investiga­ the Forest Park section of town test, and supervisory activities. police department has received have been cleared and will be NEW YORK (AP) —What is Sound Track — tion. a reprimand from its governing holiday glitter in December too • J. Gilee— Band "The OCLU supports the In- ready for use as soon as the ‘Summer o f’42” Reasonab'e Attempt Made body. However, Moore’s report often becomes everyday litter sorvlco police training seminar weather cooperates. “ It is unfortunate that the and the subsequent council ac­ in January, says the Keep •"ScMme Street” — Vol • ^onatlioB Edwards relating to search and seizure Total cost of the project town manager was unable to in­ tion raise serious questions as America Beautiful Committee. ume Original TV Cart pnseedures which is recom­ amounted to JS72, which in­ • Livingston Taylor terview or obtain written com­ to the future role of the > police Allen H. Seed Jr., executive mended in Town Manager Den­ volves $25 for clearing the slid­ plaints from the residents of department In Coventry. .The &• president of the committee, es­ nis Moore’s investigative report. ing area of brush and $347 for the house in question. However, generality of the reprimand timated Monday that Ameri­ However, a broader program D<^l.u'raj)s removal of stumps from the after speaking with the attor­ does not focus on any Individu­ cans would discard more than Including human relations train­ skating area. Payment was neys who represent the resi­ al or individuals who were re­ you in waniilli a! Climlnins. 400 million pounds of boxes, gift ing should be established. In dents, we are convinced that authorized in this amount. wrap, ribbons, tag^ and other addition, a police-community re­ sponsible for the dlssarray and A nd lo mnk)’ yon As soon as the cold weather town officials made a reason­ for the lack of good Judgment. Yule glitter. lations' unit should be created. able atten>pt to interview them beautiful and wnnniy f'lowini'; for llie sets in. Fire Chief Donald Grif­ Most of it is disposed of prop­ "The appointment of a coun­ Requested Impartial Probe or to obtain official complaints. "Shortly after the raid, the holidays, Di^l. has all the fin Sr. will arrange to have the erly, he said, but the cleanup cilman to serve as a liaison fire department flood the area The residents ’ attorney who OOLU asked the Town Omncll for the remainder will cost tax­ person with the pubUc safety was contaced by the town at- pretty hut practical/ashiotrs for you to/lonnce in. for skating. payers about $9 million. department of the town is com­ to conduct an impartial and ob­ Signs ,made and donated by 'tomey with requests lor formal jective probe into the incident. Or lounge in. Or sleep lifrht in. mendable. However, it is not a commission member Joseph written complaints indicated he "In addition, OCLU represen­ D(^L has all the costume extras la j’lannn ize yon... or strong enough vehicle to serve Kabllk, were posted this week­ Extended Forecast make a more sporty you. end Indicating the recreation the needs of the town in estab­ lishing an adequate poUce de­ A nd it starts with the people who serve you at Di^L. sites. Pair Thursday. Increasing partment. In response to a letter from cloudiness Friday with a So whalex’er festwe "A Citizens’ advisory commit­ Self-Exiled Gen. Thi the Planning and Zoning Com­ chance of snow over interior warmth you’re seeking this Christmas, start at Di^L. mission asking for ideas on sections Friday night. Fair Sat­ tee representative of the entire future recreational needs of the urday. Cold Thursday with community should be organized Plans Return to Saigon We’ll light your fire with fashion. town, the conimlsslon will in­ moderating temperatures Fri­ to meet with the police. / vite a representative from the day and Saturday. Daytime Such a broadly-bqsed com­ By SPENCER DAVIS examination.’’ Planning and Zoning Commis­ highs will average in the upper mittee Is needed to explore WlASHINGTON (AP) — Gen. But Buddhist monks and fol­ sion and the town planner to 30s or low 40s. The overnight other incidents relating to police Nguyen Chanh Thl cf South lowers launched demonstrations attend its January meeting. lows win range from die upper action in the town and to as­ Vleitnam, who has lived here in in Da Nang and Hue and Members also agreed to con­ teens Inland to the upper 20s at sist in professionalizing the po­ virtual exile for more than five gained control of both northern tinue holding their meetings the coast. lice department. The OCLU of­ years, says he plans to return cities. Thi was sent to 'Da Nang on the fourth Thursday of each fers Its resources to a citizen to Saigon during the Tet lunar to restore order and sub­ month with the exception a t No­ advlsoty committee If it is new year holiday In mid-Febru­ sequently was sent out of the vember and December when Elektra Records Ampex Stereo L.P.S established. ary. country in March 1966. the meetings will be held on the enterprise Record* OOLU Would Assist American cfflcials say they Thi now says he has no poUtl- third Thursday. "The Federal Civil Rights hope he does. cal ambitions but would like to GOP Rejects Resignation 6 Judy Golllns — “I4r- • Anita Kerr Singer* — Act of 1869 may serve as an ap­ "I am a military man, and I resume command of troops. TOYS • Present Igasc Haje*' want to serve my counitry,’’ the The Republican Town Com­ ing” ** **A Chriatmas aatory” propriate vehicle for the resi­ U.S. officials say they hope mittee last week voted unani­ 46-year-old former commander Thi dees return to Saigon, w • CiU'Iy Simon— “Antici* •.Anita Kerr Singer* — dents of the raided home to mously to reject the oral reelg- SNO-FUN • New Releaie — secure, monetary and punitive cf government troops in South "It 'would help to Improve the nothm of P. John Perham from ' I ^ o n ” “ Grow to Know Me” Set— ”BUckMMt*7 damages. Since the residents Vietnam’s five ' noriliemmost atmosphere if he did," said one the committee. TJ fr -*e«Door*—iSiDoorf— ^ “ Otherth e r Voice*” ,o Mason & ProfBt — ■ have retained private counsel provinces is telling his friends State Department policymaker. SLEDS and associates here. Perham, who was defeated and apparently intend to file "A little more amnesty would TOBOGGANS / / il^ D C /•Mickey New^rry — “ Had. the Strangest Gen. Thl lost a power show­ this November in the bid for • Movie Soundtrack — 2 such a suit or a similar one, the do no harm.” “ FriMio Mabel Toy” Dream” down wllth former Premier election as first selectman, JR. SKIS L.P, Set— “Shaft” OCLU will make available its But there is doubt here stated that he was leaving "the • Rome Philharmonic — Nguyen Cao Ky in the spring at whether President Nguyen Van HGURE legal and research materials to 1966. Ky was then at the peak Republican Town Committee •New Seeker*— “ I Want Classie Film Themea • “Movement” the council who will be Involved Thleu would give TW another because I feel that my useful­ SKATES of his power and considered 'Ihl command. to Teach the World to • The* Sugar Bear* — in the proposed civil suit against a potential rival. Thl had con­ ness to it has ceased." the town. Thi is feared by some South The committee, in rejecting Sing” “ Rif^t off the Cereal • “ Hot Buttered Sold” siderable support from the na­ “ If further incidents of a Vietnamese and Americans as his resignation, felt that be was GAMES tion’s Buddhist leadership and well who consider him a "boat Box to You” similar nature continue to occur too valuable to the committee • “To Be Continued” in the old imperial capital of rocker” because cf his opposi­ in Coventry and are not effec­ to resign. They will ask him to HOCKEY Hue. tion—along with U.S. Marine tively dealt with, the OCLU will reconsider. FOOTBALL According tc the Pentagon Gen. Lewis Wait—to the attri­ consider stronger measures.” The committee also finalized MONOPOLY papers, Ky resolved to exile tion tactics that the United plans for its Feb. 6 dinner Moore told the council last Thl and persuaded his col­ States was using in South Viet­ dance at the Grand' Lake STATEGO night that a date had been ten­ leagues in the military junta to nam. Lodge, naming Ann Francis, BATTLESHIP tatively set for the In-service go along with the idea. Then- 'Thi opposed search-and-de- Geni Grant, James Derby and OPERATION seminar to be conducted by U.S. ambassador Henry Cabot stroy missions and B82 bomber Aime Emt to the ticket commit­ Eugene Kelly, prosecutor for the Lodge was advised of the plan. raids in populated regions. tee to assist dance committee CANDLE KITS 12th Circuit Court. ’This date is Thl was detained at Saigon’s ■With the withdrawal of Amer­ members Emery Taylor, Pete SKITTLE BOWL Jan. Tan Son Nhut Airport, and Ky ican forces, 1711 says, now, the Dalleire and Marilyn Horton. WOODBURNING Moore also said that arrange­ urgently requested Lodge to in­ Vietnamese people will need all The evening’s entertainment ments have been made for the vite the Buddhist general to the the help they can get from good will include cocktails and hors MEAN MACHINE police department to use a United States for a "physical leadership. d’oeuvre at 6:30, a prime rib CHOPPEROO ditmer at 7:30, a continental breakfast at midnight, and dancing throughout. SPORTS Also, the Lodge’s suana baths and swimming pool will be FOOTBALLS hvallable for those planning to BASKETBALLS attend starting early in the af­ ternoon. GOLF Tickets will be available FISHING TACKLE shortly alter the first of the TENNIS HIS&WC»^SPECIM^ year and may be purchased from any member of the ticket committee. They will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.' RIDE TOYS The committee is also compil­ BICYCLES ing a list of college students who are supporters of the Nix­ TRICYCLES on administration which will be WAGONS FOI HIM - furnished to the National Re­ publican Ckimmittee for use in PEDAL CARS THE VERSATILE the up-coming presidential elec­ SCOOTERS tions. Any resident who might have information concerning these SNO- It's Iht profaitlonil typs students is requested to contact tingit-lint rtfitx eimtri for Anne Emt, Burnt Hill Rd. tvenonal Prtcliion midt with Candlelight Service Planned MOBILE •dvinced fealurtt, Iha FT li The Hope Valley Church As­ daiignad for aaiy and anjoyabla sociation will hold a candlelight BOOTS VT4 )L With M m m 1/ 1.4 lens picture-taking. Coma In today service Thursday evening at HELMETS FT-QL wUii M ram ( / 1.8 lens for a complata damonitratlon. 7:30 in the Hope Valley Church INS. SUITS and all residents are Invited to GOGGLES participate. 1.4 lens IMAM: 7!r/fi.*jrr's(r;»«w Built in 1849 for theWesleyaif * Sad lalalSwar*^"''^*" ^**“ '** Methodist Church, the church l.S lens mm was later used by the Seventh CAMPING Day Adventists for worship. SLEEPING BAGS And according to the indenture -THE COMPACT TENTS FOR HER LANTERNS STOVES MHOHEr QL17 It'i to l u y to uio, day or nighti Automatic Indoor and outdoor jihotofraphy Is now at atiykw tha flick of a twitch. And thli fint compact camera hai to NOTICE OPEN many uniqua fiaturaa you’ll htvt to too It to TO BB 8 0 U> bollivo Itl • tataaiajia CM IlHtrla AT AUCTION fo 11 pm • taltM lit ntat ~ ' 1963 PONTIAC Every Nite till Xm— Rtg. 182.(^0 TEMPEST • IBII Ab^. ( S W Salt Priead Serial No. ie8P161879 AVON Abb lit! THURSDAY |FA R R *S DBOBMBBR 80, 1971 AliMny A»«,, St. 44 etMuol H IT wlUi lota htad, *1W" AT 10 A.M. 2 MAIN STREET atat, aad tlN traala thak MORIARTY BBOS. MANCHESTER WATERKURV TORRINQTON 816 Center 8 t., Manolieeter UkMwod S W«Im H M i. Rit, • S WlRitMi M . ^ Photo Shop • MANCHESTER PARKADB • TRI-CITY PLAZA • CORBINS CORNER • NEW BRITAIN • BRISTOL PLAZA • NEW LONDON • S- M M L , Manehssttr Parkad* and Trl-CIty Plasa, Varnon op«n till 9:30 tonight, Wed. & Thurs. Nights this week . . . dosed Friday evening 4 7 0 ft Sat. (Chriatmaa Day) ' MOB FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EygNING HERALD, ^NCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 Section Two TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 own child la in this group, plus ance Agents, the Connecticut Pages 15 to 28 40 Rescued using drugs and alcohol. Actu­ Many Groups in Gialition Association of Life Under­ ally If you are fair you will ad­ writers, the State Grange, the mit there are amrae things than CCnnecticut State Labor Coun­ From Tanker pornography. Think it over. For Passage of No-Faull cil, the Independent Mutual In­ Manchester Richard E. Jackman surance Agents of Connecticut A MUSICAL GIFT HARTFORD (AP) — Two tion is a Republican, Sen. Law­ and the Insurance Association Hospital Notes Council Names Two Blaze at Sea state senators, backed up "Supporting The Wrong Side" rence J. DeNardla of Hamden. cf Connecticut. VI8ITINO HOURS by instmuice and consumer DeNardls said at a news con­ b 'UKE WOW!" ICUMI, FIb. (AP) — The To the Ekhtor, lnteriiied|||tf« Chfi* Hniiil. groups, Monday established a ference the present system of ITS A FUN THmO FOR ALL AGES I have sent the following private, noun . ^ n,i„„ Unker MV CaUypeo lay burning ccalitlon tc campaign for pas­ pinning the blame on someone and 4 To College Senate o tt the coast of Ckiba early to­ telegram to Senators Rlbicoff sage cf -nc-fault auto insurance Man Suing Snow I’:'" ' • ” P »V! private roiiiiiN, and Weicker; befere compensating anyone 10 . 2 ^ day but Its 40-man crew was legislation by the Oonnectlcut "satisfies virtually no one." OVITARS e DBIMB e MUSIC e OHOMD ORGANS p.m. • H By .lOHN A. JOHNSTON martoNOiMEs .# m u sic etan db « b a n jo s Given the agony and the folly General Assembly next year. "It is unfair, inefficient, too And Christmas (Herald Reporter) repotted safe after an Ameri­ of Vietnam; given the geo­ BAND INSimUMBNTB a AMPUnUBS Pedlatrlcz! PareiilH allowed Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D- costly and too slow," he said. Arthur C. Ensrland Jr. and Mrs. Laura Belfiore last can merchantman' hurried to graphic and political impracti- New Haven, whe unsuccessfully CINCINNATI (AP) — Rich­ e HARMONIOAB •Ay time except noon—$ n.m.s The coalition is behind a plan “‘here. niffht were named by the Manchester Communi^ (3ol- the scene. calitles of West and EMat backed no-fault legislation this ard Christmas and Charles 2 under which every driver would IF ITS MUSICAL. . . . WE HAVE IT! lege Keg:ional Council to represent it on the (Jolleoe The Coast Quard said the 49S- Pakistan; considering the his­ year, predicted it will be "a Snow are defendants in a ' suit Self Hcrvlce; lo u.hi. « p.,„. i toric empathy for freedom-seek­ have to buy insurai^ce and ev­ in Hamilton County Common SEE OUR NEW LINE OF ORGANS > I' in. . 8 p.m. Senate. Miss Catherine Putnam and Arthur C. F o rst Jr. foot MV Oreen Pert rushed to very differmt battle" next eryone who was hurt in an ac­ ing peoples and causes that our year. Please Court. of Coventry were named alternates. the 1x117110; tanker shortly after cident would receive com­ IntoiiNlvn Care u,n| Coronary the Calypso's captain radioed a nation much proclaims; consi­ Thomas Taylor filed the suit LANE MUSIC CENTER I’aro! Immediate family only, At Its Nov, 19 meeting, t h e ------The real fight will no longer pensation, Mrhether or not he Monday, asking that a partner­ council npprovod the Internal diatreae call Monday night. dering the moral realities of be whether the present system Our S4tfa Tear of Selling BaJoyment ticn proposals have been made, was at fault. ship amor,7 him, Christmas and n t e a . * ''''' governance document. The sen­ ton million refugees—of count­ should be changed, but over and there may be 18 more be­ The captain of the molasses­ Petrie would retain the right Snow be dissolved. He said that ate also consists of seven rep­ laden tanker said tire had less atrocities; the logistics of how it should be changed, Lie­ Post Bd. Plasa OPEN EVBNINOS Maternity! Fathera. 11 . fore a vote is taken," to sue for damages (or medical the two have denied him access resentatives from each of the erupted In the vessel's engine well-armed Tn^an forces against berman said. expenses, lost wages and other JUl SiSS '»• « p.m., and e;»0 p.m. • a The other two reorganization an indefensible Pakistani posi­ to books of a service station |Bt. as—VBBNON faculty and student bexly and roam and stern. kOnutes later Lieberman, a lawyer, said he eccnomlc losses over $2,000. MON and SAT. P ni. . p.m.. plans were made by the Gover- tion at the end of a thousand they own. 4 five from the administraUon. he reported "the whole ship is sometimes feels "lonely" They would not be allowed to 8TSAU1 and 6:80 • 8 p.m. ncr’s Commisston on Services aUase,” the Coast Guard said. mile long supply line over among his colleagues in the le­ sue (or “ pain and suffering" A*-e UmltH! 16 III maternity Mrs. Katherine Bourn , was and Expenditures (Ekheringtcn enemy territory. named to replace Mrs. Belfiore Report) and the University of The fire began while the gal profession, many of whom damages, however, unless their 10,000Cars in Bermuda In other arcaa, ni. limit in Cyprus-fla; carrier eras steam- "Put all these facts and con­ have a "bread and butter" in­ medical expenses (not counting EBli*8ei‘Vlc*0, as chairman of the goals com­ Connecticut Faculty Commis­ ditions togehter and please ex­ mittee. sion. In; alon; the shallow Old Ba- terest in retcUnlng the present X-rays) totaled at least $1,000. HAMILTON, Bermuda—Since -'-K r All emergency patienta and plain to me how the Nixon-Kis- The council voted to place on The first would abolish the hamas Channel some 14 miles s y ^ m . However, he said there The giyups in the coalition 1946, when they were flrat per­ outpatlenta arc roqiieated to nac singer government could put us Us February agenda a motion state university,' state collegaa, north of the Cuban isle of Cayo is a growing groundswell cf are the' Automobile chalring the no-fault coali­ ciatlcn of Independent Insur­ narrow roads. Read Herald Advertisements drivewaya. every two months, Instead of tablish a nine-member board cf A coast Guard officer said quarterly. regents^ appointed by the gov­ Dr. Frederick W. Lowe Jr., ernor tar three-year staggered COban authorities were in­ Patienta Today: 265 formed of the distress call and MCX3 president, announced that terms. indicated to the State Depart­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: the State Advisory Council for The second would dlaband the ment that they would launch Wayne A. Blbeault, Pine St., Co- Vocational Education would Ccmmisslon for Higher Educa­ "their onm rescue efforts." lumbla; Mra. Patricia A. Car­ meet on the MCC campus Jan. tion and establish two 'boards— Howevwr, no Cuban rescue ney, WllllmanUc; Burton I. Carl- 19. The group Is responsible for cne for citate ccUleges and the vessels were seen during the •on, 130 Scott Dr., Wapplng; the administration of federal vo­ university, and the second for height of the emergency. Thomoa B, Chisholm, 400 E. cational education grants. technical and community col­ A Coast Guard plane dis­ Center St.; Bruce E. Hence, 61 Dr. Lowe said that the ses­ leges. patched to the scene reported L*nox St.i Thomas I. Hickey, sion will ccmslst of three parts. John F. Sutherland, history several lifeboats floating beside Lebanon. The council’s late afternoon instructor and head of Uie Insti­ the 808-foot Oalypeo and the Also. James E. Hyland, 683A Jaycee Santa Visits Mansfield business meeting will be preced­ tute of Local History, spofte New Orleans-based Green Port Center St.; M argf^t S. Lauder, ed by a meeting f(x;u8lng on briefly on the possibility cf radioed back that it had taken 118 Princeton St.; Mrs. Mary Santa, provided by the Manchester Jaycees, visited the town sch(x>!s offering vcxiation- combining the MIX! tenth anni­ S4 crewmen aboard. C. M(riCinney, 40 Tumbuil Rd.; rant. Santa also visited and brought gifts to 1.5 homes and al education programs. The eve­ versary chservance with the Mansfield Training School and brought with him some some 29 children on behalf of the Manchester Association town's sesiiuicentennial cele- Six otb^ crewmen rnnained Ronald Melnik, 582 Foster St., $600 worth of gifts collected by the Burger King Resteu- ning meeting at 7:80 will be aboard Uie burning tanker but South Windsor; Robert E. Mon- of Retarded Children. (Herald photo by Pinto) public, to provide an opportunity l^ratlcfi In 1973. One of his sug- a coast Guard spokesman said, geU, 70 Brent Rd.; Mrs. Jennie for organization representatives ® series of lec- “ Everybody's aXve. There's no M. Morgan, Storrs. fred P. Calabretta, Wcxxistock. and others to air their views, tores on town history. injuries." Also, Kenneth Nadeau, 90C Also, Mrs. Linda M. Amirault, ECHS Alumni Vemon Dr. Lowe said that the B o a r d ------The coast Guard cutter Dili­ ^ ch e l Rd.; Alan_ E._ Noske, _ 211 Pine Hill Rd., Tolland; Mrs. Plan Reunion G>url Cases of Trustees for Regional Com­ gence was dispatched from Key HlghSt.; C r ie s 'J . 'o’Brien. 189 ^Dorothy Coleman. 29 Clinton munity Colleges yesterday al­ Injured Cyclist West and was expected to ar­ Wetherell St.; Harold E. Osgood Windsor; Mrs. The East Catholic High Schl located an additional $26,000 to rive at the scene this afternoon. Warehouse Point; Gary J Ouel- OeoiF*“ toa Wasilefsky and CIRCUIT COURT 12 Committee To Study MOC, based on an increased Leaves Hospital The cutter carried fire fighting lette, 49G Rachel Rd.; J enthuoUst but feel my In Liquor Case wiU be served. The council to Indicate Myette had been L. Windel, Colchester. fore taking any final action. sewers and had had them for com'bining the technical ond IMt front wdiesi of the rights are invaded. alumni committee was formed speeding. many years. These were pcUd BIRTHS Y'BJSTBJRDAY: A son The State Liquor Control Com­ community colleges,” Matthew truck, according to pcMce. The Cltisens against Pornog­ this year to maintain contact Myette spent one night at The assessments are for sewer for by the city, so It would not to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foley, mission has "indefinitely post­ M. Morlanty said, basing his Kocher will appear In court raphy cannot see the forest for with ECHS graduates and plan Manchester Memorial Hospital, tostolled In the Valley- 'le equitable to have those peo­ Whatare we (k«igab()ut it.? 8 Walnut St.; a daughter to Mr. poned" action against the Elks view Lane-Crestrldgc Dr. area. opinion on fears that programs ^>®c- 37 to face a charee of (all- the trees. events for renewal of high where he was admitted after and Mrs. Gerald Garfleld, 14 Home, 30 BisseU St., for al- ple pay for sewer lines in the would be diluted. He cited the «rant the right of way. While they are concerned school acquaintances. The first the accident with head lacera- Those attending the hearing Lawton Rd.; a daughter to Mr. leged violations of the state’s rural„ Vernon . . area. weakening of the quality of uni- Franco was charged with oper- about the Mafia ccntrtSling get-together was held Thanks- tiens. questioned the method of deter­ and Mrs. Thomas Olbrias, East Liquor Control Act. s iL v veraity e n g in e e lg ^ ^ h ^ s a motor vehicle w h U ^ e smut they haven’t given a giving morning. Judge Joseph A. Adorno dis­ mining the amount of front f(x>t- decision, in effect, means comments made ^ ^ n they "became dominated *<> ttrlve Is under suspen- thought to who controls the dis­ missed charges of shoplifting age involved in their lots and a the hearln- and t^e a look by classical educators." ®“>n. tribution and sale of narcotics ^ T^STERDAY : there will be no penalty. against Gary S. Doyer, 17, of the method by which the Sewer e ^ Don- Mrs. Bourn said that she was ------in .Connecticut. Swamp The Elks Home, which has a East Hartford. Collins said a Authority determined the per Qnrentry; John Gibson, 84 club Uquor permit, was charged George Wallace aid Sadrozlnskl is chairman and under the Impresslrm that the If they have read any arti­ mixup occurred at Treasure foot charge of $23.06 (or each committee members are Frank basic goal of combining trust- More Cars in Germany cles beside Readers Digest they Eldrtdge St.; Mark K. Dubay, with selling oif delivering liquor Is Santa Claus City when the youth attempted abutter. 14 mghland St.; Alciylslus to peraems ot^er than members DeToUa, Peter Humphry, Mil- ees of the two-year Institutions BONN—Mora than 1,2 mlUloB would have read that where Bolak, 971 Green Rd.; Ted M. to pay for a new pair of shoes. Richard Barden, director of ton Tedford and Richard Mac­ was an ec(momic one. to avoid or guests of the club, and falling MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) new passenger cars and ststloi smut was legalized It is nearly Garrity, 24 Tower Rd.; Frank Other cases disposed of in­ administraUon, explained that Donald. Working with the com­ dupUcatl(m of fadUties. She extinct or on the decline. When When you lump all air-pollutant to maintain a proper guest list. — Gov. George C. WaUace cluded ; wagons wore registered In West What Else Are We Doing? VIgnone, 80S Burnham S t; Mrs. Ihe final cost of the project was mittee, as advisors, will be Bor­ recemmended fluidity in the you have seen one smut book What About Coot? At a hearing last week, the denned a Santa Claus outfit and Germany during the flrst half sources together, the generation of Carol B. Llska, OlastonlMiry. Robert P. Adams, 24, of 701 $252,998.04. The project involves den and A. Richard Lombardi, council’s position. you have seen them all. commission accepted the ex- handed out gifts at a party to r Main St., intoxication, fined $20. commenting of 1971—about 8 per cent more electricity accounts for an estimated 15 Also, Mra. Winifred G. Bes­ 10,963 accessible front feet. This consulting engineer. that “ Only three reorganizai- than in the like period of 1970. I presume that a large num­ One new oil-fired generating unit is planation of the club’s permit- the children of Alabama men Michael A. Blskuplak, 25, of The things we have been talking sette, Hebron; Mra. Christine would make the front foot ber of the Cltisens against Por­ percent of the total in this area — far less tee, John H. Carson. The ex- who are prisoners of war in Forestvllle, operating an un- under construction In the Northeast Utilities about obviously cost money - a lot M. Miller, Glastonbury; Mrs. charge, $46.12. Allowing for nography have children between than transportation — but more than refuse planaUon was not disclosed. Vietnam. registered motor vehicle, fined system at this time, and another was Mary G. Tuigeon, 8 Durkin St.; abutters on each side of the the ages of 16 to 20. Do you of money — and there’s no escaping the fact a convlctloo Of t o e of the big gift Items dls- $20. Other charges of Improper strVete^the authority 7 ^ disposal or space heating. But, we don’t Mrs. Mary T. Nyulassy, 47 know what you children are do­ completed last summer. Both these units you are paying more for electricity to a violation could have been tributed during the party Sun- use of registration plates, and the $23.06 figure, take any comfort from the fact that Agnes Dr.; Diane E. KeUsey, ing tonight and aitere they are? incorporate high smokestacks which will revocation or suspension of the day at the governor's mansion failure to grant half the hlgh> our industry is not the area's worst air offset these increased expenses. As an 99 Pond Lone; Everett R. An­ Atty. Robert Kahan, who I doubt it very much. appreciably reduce ground-level liquor permit, at the discretion was a George Wallace wrist way, were nolled. lives In the area, said he has al­ It is not the 10-14 year (rid polluter. In some categories, we contribute example, the more expensive low-sulfur oil thony, East Windsor Hill; Al­ of the commission. watch.. Holiday time is , concentrations of pollutants, and space required to meet new environmental Archie W. Butler, 16, of 22 ready tied into ithe line, but he group in the main who are far too much to the problem. We’re Is provided for the installation of sulfur Locust St., operating a motor questioned why the $33,228 cost smashing windows, vandalizing standards will add $14,000,CXX) to our vehicle without a license, fined responsible for about 15 percent of the dioxide removal devices when research cf repaving the streets after the aura, stealing dec(matlons put particles emitted to the air, approximately customers’ 1972 fuel bill. Cither expenses, $15. lines were laid, was included in Seaxmi Gneto’ time out by people who only wish to makes such equipment available. such as maintaining a professional Arthur Edwards, 19, of 230 the cost to be shared by the beautify this seast PHARMACY Street plant In Springfield was retired What About The Future? ititdlmMief Walnut St., failure to obey state setback was also questioned, candle. Spread a little Christmas For example, there’s a lot less smoke last fall and we plan to retire eight more old traffic commission signs, fined Borden explained that this cheer... send someone you love an JoniM F. D'Amoto units In four Connecticut plante over $20; and operating a motor ve­ method was used to equalize FTD "Season's Greeter." Just call us, beiiig produced at our generating A factor worth considering Is that hicle with a defective tire, fined seme cf the front footage, as the next two years. We’ll all breathe a or slop in and we'll do the rest. As a BS/BJPh. stations now that we’ve nearly completed while electric generation Itself is getting $18. A charge of displaying many cf the lots are curved. (at a cost of over $13,000,000) conversion sigh of relief when these smoky old-timers cleaner, electricity also helps clean Chrisfmas Treats by Shady Glen one dealer’s plate was nolled. Because the project in ques­ Member of FTD, we can send Most widely presitiibed are gone. Walter A, Roman, 28, of Bol­ tion was completed before the your Christmas greetings with our drugs have two names: of all coal-burning boilers in the Northeast up other sources of pollution. For example, ton, operating an unregistered t(»wn charter was revised, the it supplies the power needed for HAVE BEEN A TRADITION IN MANCHESTER AND abutters do not have to tie in "Season's Greeter" almost anywhere the brand names, given Utilities system to burn oil with a sulfur We hope that all future base load units motor vehicle, fined $28. A to it by its padiaaer or content of one percent or less. sewage treatment for recycling solid SURROUNDING TOWNS FOR NEARLY TWENTY-FIVE YEARSI charge of misuse of registra­ to the line unless their septic in Ihe U.S. or Canada. m anufac­ (those operating round-the-clock) can tion plates was noUed. tank system is considered a $12.50 wastes and running air-and water-quality** health hazard. The tte-ln tu rer, and be nuclear. Our companies have led the Nolles were entered in the fol­ This oil also has an ash content of less control equipment. charge is $100. th e so- swing ,to nuclear power to bring our 'THE QUALITY PEOPLE* lowing cases: David Brooks, 20, of CJovbntry, Most cf the proposed assess­ called than one-tenth of one percent. Very few of customers the advantages of economy and reckless driving. ment coeia ran well over the generic our old coal-burning units - even those This is one of a series of subjects equipped with the very latest precipitators - cleaner air. At present, about 30 percent "Chrisfmas Special" Ice Cream Michael Kowalyshyn, 16, cf $2,000 mark with some running name, of all your electricity comes from nuclear Discussions. WiUiamantlc, assault In the over the $4,000 mark. Ihe werk which could have held particulate emissions While a great deal has already been Chock full of maraschino red cherries, mint flavored green cherries, third degree. cn the line was completed last identifies (smoke, if you prefer) to that low level. power, which doesn’t create any sm()ke, accomplished In air-pollution control, dubonnet cherries, almond nuts and almond flavor. A delightful year after .n large percentage — the chem­ or gases like sulfur dioxide or nitrogen many problems are yet to be solved. As Christmas pink ice cream loaded with fruits and nuts. Our annual cf the property owners petition­ ical ctmipound no matter Gases, however, have always been oxides. In contrast, less than two percent Christmas treat for you I Nixonian Meal ed for it. who manufacturers or m knowledge is gained and technology The abutters can pay the cost of electricity in the rest of the nation OSAKA, Japan (AP) — While markets it. . . . In most rnqre difficult to control than the '^proves, our priorities and policies will over a period of 16 years If comes from nuclear sources today. other Japanese assail President they wish, They were told that cases, the generic name visible smoke, but in meeting new For Christmas Try Some of These Fine Santa Says To shift. As is the case with any complex issue, Nixon for his e(x>nomlc poiloies, the______sewer Installation______will___ __ not drug (which must meet government requirements we’re making In addition, the Northeast Utilities there are many points of view. We have FESTIVE QUALITY DESSERTS fa Japanese restaurateur is cap- change the assessment on their Order Early the standards set either progress here, too. Since the oil we are now presented ours. Your comments and Itallzing on It. homes. by the United States using contains roughly half as much sulfur companies are moving in other directions to questions are welcome and would be Cronbtrry Sherbet Egg Nog Holiday Ryclchi Matsuo, 44, la offer- Asked why some of the sewer Phaimacopia or the Nar as our previous fuel, sulfur dioxide emissions protect the environment. A full-time helpful to us in evaluating our program. ing "Nlkuson (Nixon) Lunch- projects are partially funded by tional Formulary sells environmental staff works with engineers Christmasy cranbhrry red. So Ice Cream ' es.” They consist of a small federal money and some are for less than its brand from our oil-fired generating stations are Write to: Public Information Department, Made especially for your holiday steak and rice and costs $1. not, Borden explained that the In planning and constructing new facilities refreshing and so good, tool name equivalent.. . . We being cut in half. We hope that even more P.O. Box 270, Hartford, Conn. 06101. pleasure, with just the right In Japanese, "nlku" means federal government only shares are aware of the fact effective and economical control of to reduce their Impact on the environment. spices blended “tastefully” to­ meat, and "son” means a loss. the cost when a major trunk that if doctors made ev­ Our research budget for new and better g e th e r! Matsuo says his business has line Is Involved. sulfur dioxide will result from our current Mince Ice Cream increased 20 per cent. A new resident to town ques- ery effort to prescribe research program. technolofly - including a substantial gvnerically, p atien ts amount for air-pollution control — is among Traditional at Shady Glen; Shady Glen's Own would realize on overall The control of nitrogen oxides presents the highest of the nation’s electric tastes just like old-fashioned Dairy Fresh Egg Nog Cash and Carry ^ saving of five per cent. a different kind of problem. During the comipanles and has doubled for each of home made pie. Ideal in patty Sold by quarts for your drink­ . . . Many physicians, on a ll combustion of oil, a chemical process takes the past three years. shells, topped with whipped ing pleasure. Ideal mixed with however, do prefer to cream for a different, delicious your favorite liquor; either way CARRIAGE prescribe some drugs by pjace to form nitrogen oxides from the dessert I it's the best ever! brand name because they nitrogen present In the air. But through HOUSE place special confidence improved techniques for controlling ^ Christmas in the products of partic­ distribution of air fed to our boilers, we A NORTHEAST A NORTHEAST SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL FRIENDSI ular manufacturers. . . . BARN are able to lower flame temperature UTILITIES COMPANY UTILITIES COMPANY It is important to seek rNl- and reduce their formation. Here, too, OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE tlU 7 ★ CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS abto pham acouUcal oMiz- taaoe. you wiB find axceUent greater progress in the control of nitrogen DISCOUNT Plants sirvteo awaiting you at oxides can be expected from our UDWCMC PHABOSCT, 2M B. continuing research. l A J O Cbotor TW, M»48M toe THE HAirrrom} il ic t m c lhihtcompany THE CONNECTICUT UOHTANOPOWEHOOMMNV 0 / x v u ^ OWN 10:00 A.M. 1 .9.00 P . M . ' | Ip a iil B u cttn cF jtZoAML RumoU Btovor CSandtoa. Bbop- TWO OONVBNUIMToaNVBNWNT LOOA1XONBLOOAIXONB D * MON.. TUI$., WID., THURS., PRI. ■ fi'*’ tJ.J. pacB' l amcheon Bpoolals Sorv- R$. a * MA.~Opmi DaUy wid Hun, t Parknde Bnnoli _M on. Uini Hat. SATURDAY 10:00 A .M . to 5:30 P.M . INCX>RPORATHlD od Daily at Fountain. (J(*n and Bsrnloa Rleg) 20 Purnell Place in Downtown Manchestor 1122 BURNSIDE AVE. EAST HARTFORD 528-9586 — 528-5001



PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1971 for armed robbery and Hecond. Johnny Cash degree robbery, met Cash at Kolsom Prison, where the cn- Tolland Absent Lawmakers Target Aids Ex-Con tortalner was visiting. An offi­ MUNICIPAL BUILDINQ cial at the prison asked Cash to O f Maine Senator’s Anger NASHVILLE, Tonn. (AP) take a look at songs written by Glen Shorlcy, tho ex-convict Sherley. One song, "Groystono CLOSED High School Staff records. Muskie Is campaigning turned alnger, Ih a married Chapel," gave Sherley his By WAI-TRR R. MEAR8 for'the Doniocratio presldehtlal man again. start, He woe married to Nlckl FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2$, 1SR WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. nomination; Boyh w m . tot Cash sung it at the wedding. Robblna In weekend coremonieB Margaret Cheuie Smith, de­ withdrew last foil after his wife and at tho home o< Johnny Cash, Plans New Courses nouncing Senate "moonlighters, became til. , tho linger who gave Shorley hlH Finish ‘The Other’ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1971 Students at Tolland High course which would present a the junketeers and the cam­ Son. Smith said there also big break. HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Film­ School would have the opportu­ "g rea ter understanding of paigners” for absenteeism , Is are "thoae senators who are Cash also provided a surprise ing has been completed on 20th nity to select several specialta- world problems today, by an proposing a Oonitltutlonal bent upon squeezing out overy CHRISTMAS DAY (or Sherley and his bride'. He Century-Fox’s film adaptation •d and ott-beot courses next examination of the religions In­ amendment to expel any mem­ bit of Senate-paid world Wavol had Shcrloy’s children by a cf Thomas Tryon’s best-selling year If the curriculum changes volved." ber of Oongresa who skips more they con while they are sena­ Emergency Telephone Numbers: prevlouM marriage—Rhonda, 12, novel, "TTio Other.” rsoonunended by six depart­ Harvey, who holds a masters than 40 per cent of a year's roll tors. and Bruce, U -Bocretly down Broadway actress and two- ments at the high school are degree in religion from Yale “ They put this pleastirablo Highway ...... 649-5070 call votes. in from CalKomln. time Tony winner Uta Hagen is eventually agreed to by the University, lived in Pakist€m The Maine Republican, who Refuse ...... 649-1886 world travel ahead of Iho offi­ "I can’t believe it, I’m so making her film debut In thrf Board of Education. for several years, and told holds the record for consecutive cial duty to which they were glad to sec them," Sherley starring role, heading a cast Sanitary Sev/er and W a te r...... 649-9697 One of the most unusual pos- board members that the pres­ roll call votes, said ab­ elected," she sold. Huid. that includes Dlkna Muldaur slbUlUee Is the addition of a ent Pakistan-India conflict can senteeism “ Is the greatest dis­ The proposed amendment speolallxed junior-senior semi­ Sherley, who Hervod 10 years and Ix)u Frizzell. best be understood by an grace of the Senate. would require members of the nar course in a Comparative awareness of the religions In­ "Why then doesn’t the Senate House and Senate to bo present Study of the Great Religions of volved which govern the philo­ do something about ab­ for at least 60 per cent of a ses­ the Worid. sophical thoughts of the coun­ senteeism instead of piously sion’s roll call votes or for 200 James Harvey of the Science tries. wringing hands?” she asked. of them, whichever Is loss. Department has proposed the Religions proposed for Inclu­ "Because the Senate is a club sion in the course would be Members falling to comply of prims donnas intensely self- would be expelled and their Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, oriented—90 kings and one seats would be declared vacant. Buddhism and Judaism. Par­ queen—dedicated to their own M ARCHtSTER ental approval would be requir­ "I am not unaware of the personal accommodation.” probable resistance in the Sen­ HANG YOUR HEART CYCLE SHOP ed for taking the course. She did not name any col­ The Home Economics and In­ ate to this 9oIf-dlaclpllnlng Con­ US West Middle Tpke. league as a habitual absentee, stitutional amendment,” she Staanhester iU SOB dustrial Arts departments have nor did she say who would have proposed courses which would said. ON HER CHRISTMAS TREE., O P E N 9 I0 9 been expelled had such an expose girls to Industrial Arts y 'r - Z f ! ' amendment been In effect In till Chilatmaa for training while boys would par­ the session of Congress that IN DIAMONDS! ticipate In the home economics ended Friday. Partial Return§ t P Our Boatneas Is program. One senator, Republican Karl Bicycles, aad Items to be included in the Mundt of South Dakota, has not Show Small P^se '1t*a Our Only exchange program would In­ returned to the Senate since he As warmly sentimental a gift as Bariiiess!" clude basic repairs and Instruc­ suffered a stroke more than In Tax Income you could give your heart’s- desire, a diamond heart pen­ tion in woods, drafting graidilcs two years ago. dant on a 14K white gold chain. and electronics, while the boya Sen. Smith voted In 2,941 con­ HARTFORD (AP) — We have a large selection from would be Instructed in nutrition secutive Senate roll calls, a Despite the major tax Increases a one-half carat total to three " 5 and consumerism. string broken when she under­ this year, the latest report from caiats, $165 to $1500. ^ In general the home econom­ went surgery In September the state Tax Department V -I ics offerings are updated to take 1968. shows an increase of less than the course out of the "stitching Mrs. Smith was sharply criti­ 7 per cent in coUeettons for the and stirring,” category. past five months. MANOR cal of senators she called EASY PAYMENTS INVITED The Industrial Arts program "moonlighters who regard the The figures are not complete, Is updated, but will require no Senate as strictly secondary to however, since the sales tax APARTMENTS additional staff and less than their money-making activities revenues for October and No­ 1200 for additional texts and in being offered high-paid lec­ vember are not included. Also, HOMSSTEAD T. 8 materials. Included are grtq^riiic ture fees simply because they the boost in the sales tax from OinP W. MBHOtJE TPKB. communications, power tech­ 5 per cent to 6.6 per cent did are senators . . . . ’’ £ MANCHBSTKB nology with special emphasis not go into effect until Sept. 1, Danny and Bobby Lynch of 177 School St. visit Santa at Center Sprineis Lodfiie. (Herald photo by Pinto) (Herald photo by Pinto) Senators are paid $42,600 a on transportation. year. According to reports filed after the fiscal year was two 1. a and S-bedroo(n luxury The Art Department changes Santa entertains youngsters at the Instructor’s of the Handicapped party in the Elk’s Lodge. apaitmuita. Featuiea wall-to- for 1970, Sen. Birch Bayh, D- menths old. are limited to semesterlzatlon wiA carpeting, vanity tile Ind., topped^the speech-making Also, the $4.7 million decline JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 braia, built-in oven, range, of course offerings to agree texts and library resource ma­ ing at the State (^pitol today, School principal Donald Parker board members to study the re­ money list .it $44,331. He was in corporation business tax rev­ dishwasher, refrigerator and with other departments. terials, the proposal notes, add­ attended by first selectman Er­ is for addlUonal science equip­ quests before preparing the followed by Sen. Mark Hatfield, enues is partly due to a differ­ Downtown Manchester at 958 Main Street diqpoaal, electric heat. 2 air- The English Department is ing there are presenUy several win Stoetzner. The meeting is ment for the school for kinder­ school budget for the coming R-Ore., at $41,996, Edmund S. ence in collection dates. oondttloaera, glaaa alidlng requesting English I and n to qualified instructors interested sponsored by the Capitol Region garten, first and second grades. year. Muskie, D-Malne, at $40,823, The total for the July-Novem- doon, all laiga rooma. Full be broken down into four sep­ ber period was $220.1 million, baaament atonge area, am- in teaching the course. Ccuncll of Governments. All proposed curriculum and Abraham Riblcoff, D- arate studies all required. In­ Attends Meeting Meadowbrock’a Request changes for the following year Manchester Evening Herald Conn., at $37,800. compared to $206 million for jde parking, a tu n a g at UTS. cluded would be poetry and Handy to abopping, aehools, The problems of town revenue The only curriculum reguest must be submitted to the school Tolland correspondent, Bette No statistics were available the corresponding five-month BE A boa and leligioua nicUiUea. drama; fiction and non-flcUon; needs was the subject of a meet­ submitted by Meadowbrook board,; by Decem ber to enable . Quatrale, Tel. 875-S84S. on their 1970 attendance peried last year. Modal apaiteent <»en for oral communication; and lan­ WIFE- inspactlon 12-6 Saturday and guage and writing. Sunday, other times by ap- The Science Department is re­ polntment. Carriage House Barn questing the addition cf a non- SAVER Bout by UNCB inathematical physics course to be integrated along with the COME IN AND BROWSE, YOU’LL I I El R Housing C orp. present physics course. ' i As part of the department’s SEE HUNDREDS OF GIFT ITEMS! Rentals by annual attempt to provide a Wonwn’sShoes&Bootsat DISCOUNT PRICES! Robert D. high student interest subject M urdock each year, the department Is We’re not a self service store, we can Realtor 64S-2682 also asking the board to drop 6M-9SB1 marine biology In favor of offer­ explain and discuss the merits of our merchandise! 0«B-«S2e ing psychology. Expenses for CHRIS’TMAS W EEK SALE! the phychology course could be minimized by using paperback ELECTRIC CLOCKS "Come In The Whirlpool I OPEN I Bock Way and Savel" from ’ 4.98 « K g Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. K ELECTRIC POWER TOOLS | FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT BATTERY CLOCKS UNDERCOUNTER DISAWASHER 1 9:30 AJN. to 9 P.M. I from ’ 12.95 only by Only new Whirlpool dishwashers give new conveni­ # * ences like: • New loading ease with 5-positlon upper ^ Fri., December 24fh, C ANDIES Black and Decker rack and fold-down divider on lower rack • New re­ movable in-the-door cutlery basket and Silverware g 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. basket • New rinse-conditioner dispenser that indi­ Fold-down divider % cates when it needs refilling • Two-speed washing 278 HAND SAWS and rinsing • New Sonic Shield for "conversation BRASS including quiet" operation • Slip-in door panels that let you f r o n f froH. ’ 19.99 WOOD decorate dishwasher front to suit your fancy. Come CHMSTMaS PLUS installation BASKETS see for yourself. GIFTS from $18.95 FOR SURFACE SANDERS DREM EL Mote Tools ANDIRONS l r « . * 15,50 Make Ideal Xmas Gifts. *12.99 n r ;EVERY NE SCREENS 2 1,5 0 0 saanxstium ssaiait .,..* from *34.95 FIRE UGHTERS ...... from ^ 6.75 SABRE SAWS t o o l s e t s ...... from «1 4 J S \

from ’ 26.88

e • / / ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ELECTRIC DRILLS FLEXIBLE FLYER SLEDS TOOL CHESTS '-/y . J ■ r x T - . • /' A Always a Christmas favorite . . . creams, nuts, g 37" — $9.99 47" — $15.88 fruits, caramels, nougats, toffeescotch, of every description. from ’ K 41" — $12.49 51" $17.88 Removabie cutiery basket fO m .? /» crunches and chewy centers, dipped in finest 8.88 METAL with Tray dark and milk chocolate. « 44" — $13.99 56" — $18.99 1 Ib. $2.00 2 lb. $3.95 5 lb. $5.90 5 Ib. $9.75 from *4.98 t 8 oz. box $1.00 METAL MACHINIST CHESTS ^mported\ from \ /. IL Regular / 5 Leather $32.95 iJ MODEL swu-90 Romovabio siiverware basket Boots FREE PARKING H A N D TO O LS Potterton’s, Inc. TABLE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Outside Our THE GIFT BOX of every descripHon 2 EiSSiSwlSS 5 ^a »« i^w a r e t o a s t e r s 130 Cenlw St.. Manchester. Conn. . . . an cxqunifc gift package filled Adjustable Wrenches 2 S^N^AWAY C A N ^ O P f MANNINO-BOWMAN TOASTERS Entrance! with a variety o f chocolates and but­ L 2 ter bom , . . dearns, oots, crisp and from $1.89 j 2 SieeA OPENERS # GENERAL ELECTRIC IRONS chewy centers. • MIRRO FRY PANS • MIRRO PERCOLATORS "Famous For Service Since 1931" Pliers .from 59e 20 PURNELL PL„ MANCHESTER It^lKbox^Xn (Rear of CB&T, Main St.) Vise Grips ...... from $2.70 | (150 Yards from the Carriage House A Main Sfreef Boutique and Salon) Screwdrivers ...... from ' 29c ) BUSH HARDWARE CO. FRIDAY TILL 5:30 P.M. yfi O F IN d a il y t o 9 F.M . QUINN PHARMACY 793 M A IN STREET. MANCHESTER Guild Store 878 MAIN STREET PHONE 643-4136 PAGE EIGHTEEN M A^^CHE^R EVENING IJERALD, MANCHfiSl'ER, CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21; 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 PAGE NINETEEN

of "threo large faolllUaa tor the rocaivlng, procaaalng and bal­ Former Beetle Birth Date of Christ Bipartisan Campaign Fund Greenwich Finds ing of jMHfMra" and a way to ossura tha private flrma opor- I n Court Today

Arbitrarily Selected WESTE John Lennon and his wife Yoko Emerges from Dairy Land Dump Rewarding The basic answers. Workman Ono planned to go to court to-1 By DAN L. THRAPP live people, live oxen and live ® e s t h o l i d a X ® said, will have to come from day ae part of a continuing die- { (O) 1071, The Los AnKeles Times donkeys. Franciscan churches BY MARK GHARNBY By RICHARD BEENE filling since It was formed on Its contributors confidential. to oyoUn for tha otata—tha effort other directions also. New pute over vlsltliw Miss Ono’s \ still continue to make of this oI aBBBJr B u N w i c H _ Especially when you -moka- ROYAL ICE CREAMl Christmas, one of the g^rcnt the spring of 1969. Isham said most of its donors -< w Sr'S'S.a'aS.. bean more a preliminary technoiogy for making recycl- an illuminating seasonal cus­ For nearly a year, exoouUvos, daughter by a previous mar- festivals on the Christian cal­ SAN ANTONIO. Tlix. (AP), — give up to $90—but no mom, BEEI BE SURE TO SERVE A EOTAL tom. “It’s not earmarked for any woroM cf IdeaUsUo soh^ peSs'tor movbw **** **** ***** preparing the town to r Ing profitable, a change In attl endar, Is supposed to mark the A ^ r y Industry political fund campaign or any particular ’Thus their names do not have ptla, local __ o^dng^ tourard St. Francis also popularized pUa, local churches, , ------municipal direction. tude about that Lermona arrived Satur- Mrth of Jesus Christ, but like is emerging as a major lobby plaimed disbursement," he said. to be reported, since political IGE DREAM OiMCE the tradition of C3irlstmas carol­ clubs and several Image-ccn has oom. pri- "What we’re doing “ «>ay u> «>. Kyoko, 8, Yoke’s 1 tho birthdays of British mon- cn the eve cf the 1972 cam ­ "Disbuirsements, of course, will funde are requliad to list only ing it is .sold. When villagers ■otous corporaUons h*v7 t «»y »>««• m ^ a i e to Antho* Two To Chooae From archs the date was arbitrarily paigns, with nearly fl million bo m ade." contributors of $100, or more. 13 TOLLAND TUZNPIKI MANCHISTia single layer of delioloua froaen came to see his nativity ar­ voluntarily rooycllng garbage uSah^lJb^^ ***?.” ?* ?>• **•■•"* ny Cox. a documentary film selected. at Its disposal. As for Its contributions to While TAPE ataya In the cake, made with rich creamy van­ rangement, he led them in "Joy­ Open TUM., Wed.. * In affluent Greenwich. P^, *“**^ !**“_!''• "W* ***“ ^ **•* maker who has temporary cua- ’The 111)811 for Agricultural candidates for the same seat, background, AMPI operates We Reaerve The Right To Limit qvanUtfM illa, chocolate or strawberra lee As most people know, since ous caroling.” The recycling center hae be- into a * *rda of Uvlng of all Aslans," he tody of the child. The Lennons the actual birth dates of ruling Political Education—TAPE— Isham has explained: ‘We with a flair, demonstrating Its cream — decorated with heavy Now, of course, such caroling come “a new leisure time ac- driv« coordinated l^tnlng rod for aU sorts of musod. "But we Just don’t have chanredcharged that since their arrival cream . . . Two layers—one of appears to have grown in Just hope to have a friend no matter pr^tlcal and economic clout In members of British royalty may is done by roving groups of tlvlty In a senee," says Brl». ****•’ » volunteer com- enough non-renewable they had been unable to vUit 1 vanilla, one of frocen pudding. three years tc a level approach­ ovhich one la up there in Waah- eheer numbers. SPECIALS come at an inconvenient sea­ .singers from countless churches Bbugh, a OolumWa Baugh says Taiidor asked muter I have very UtUe Ume. A aources." Kyoko. Rum flavored, pink ice cream, ing the financial power cf la­ Ington.” WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY son, a more suitable date i.q and other organizations each AMPI has grown from 23,000 casting System execuUve ^ ^ coordinate tho Isolated town has gei to take some sort — ’The couple said that Cox has | chock-full of fruits and nuts, deco­ bor’s political arm, COPE. TAPE has even contributed celebrated each year, the sec­ Christmas, but the idea Is the members to more than 43,000 ovem^ toe proj^r ‘**‘ environmental overtone." put up roadblocks every Ume rated with heavy creaun. Both ond Saturday of June when hope­ And Ms contributors—mem­ to unoppoaed candidates—such since It was organized In a con­ _ Roto Baugh and Workman, cakes avlll serve sixteen . . . same—to express in song one’s bers of a 22-state milk coopera­ as Rep. W. R. Posge, D-’Tex., "Gotng to the dump used to Baugh points proudly to tha Paris Visit they attempt to see her. fully the air will be lighter, and gratitude at the Joyous occasion solidation of dairy cooperatives JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! ” We Intend to invoKb all the the sun may shii.e. tive—had enough political im­ chairman of the House Agricul­ in late 1969. It operates In 22 bo a social activity.’’-'h r L ” of Christmas. SHOPPING DAYS "Now it’s recycling. People of effort—ono ao- i!Ji*^l?*******’ ***^ their doubts remedies available to us,” Those who selected Dec. 25 pact to draw President Nixon ture Oommlttee, who received states stretching across the oUur communities— By Pope Paul Among the universal Christ­ to their recent convention in $6,000 from the fund in the 1970 know they're solving a prob- prominent garden dub ^ “tner Ralph Balaaco, toe Lennon’s at- j as the official birth date of mas customs is that of the tree 3 TILL CHRISTMAS Midwest from the Gulf Coast to RIB ROAST OF BEEF tomey, said Sunday. Chicago. campaign, according to House the Canadian border. Christ also were aware of —usually an evergreen and gen­ ______"W e g o t to desperate we’re j Por Cako TAPE, which boasts it is records. , -It flexed Its muaolea In Sep- aotivlty. It. everything ^LTSSIlgh £ 2 ***“^^ ^ beginning with o»t newspaper say. Pope Pm.1 physical conditions—as well ns erally in the home, although it ™ "“^”1 »» J” putUng messages on records,” ’ itruly bipartisan,” can be ex­ ’"There are always past cam­ timber, drawing 40,400 dairy­ right going for AvailaUe On Special Order tradition surrounding that date. dees not have to be. Increasing­ stars descended gently and rest­ loaders.” He el*, etrenuous voluntary e«orta. VI wUl go to Paris In April for Lennon. “We’ve got a pected to give handsomely to paign debts,’’ Isham said. men and their families to Chi- Oreenovlch has a tradttton of "thought Only In 27t AD the Emperor ly, people arc planting conifers ed on its boughs as a gift of ^^'^^gghmteers coming to the aid of P®****" bbe presence of oorpo- Workman, foe example, cited "World literacy Day.” record out that’s a Christmas both Demccrats and Republi­ TTie trust has given ait least CP,70 fer its second annual cen- OHBUnMMR fUmHCmM Aurelian chose Dec. 25 because and using them for their out­ light. gwernment. Including a recent ^ operations conoented Oreenwlch’a already-enforced VaUcan offleals, however, song and at toe beginning of It it is Just after the winter St. Boniface is ' reported by cans In the upcoming cam­ $22,306 to 11 other membera cf ventlcn. H ie speakers Included door Christmas trees, until they the Houae or Senate agriculture community council study ttat willing gai^e must bo col- ^ Immediately available wo say, ’Happy Christmas solstice, or the shortest day of one legend, in the 8th Century, paigns. not only Nixon, but 21 senators See tods Ice Cream Cake displayed at your nearest Royal Ice Cream dealer's store. Please grew too big to bo decorated or It was so bipartisan in 1970 committees In 1970 and 1971, the ye&r, and light once more to have defined the evergreen and congressmen. prompted town officials to raise the feaslblUty o f « - 1. the comment on the report Bun- ’ ” place your order by Tuesday, December 21st. A HAPPY HOLIDAY "TO YOU AUL! to use in that way. records In Washington reflect. Avg. Wt. enough federal funds to put up cycling. whatjw raw t^y u too ______starts to strengthen and gradu­ as "the tree of the Christ thait it centributed in some AMPI’s cenvention ovas stag­ A national Christmas tree, of­ cases to candidates from both ^Please Note: Dry Ice la Available At Our Plant) ally flood more of the world for Child,” because its leaves are ’Those dcmltlons Included $6,- gering in terms of both num­ 26-36 U m . S S oin t'^ ^ ’term. d "Z S t T h t nevwpaper H Meraaggero ten measuring more than 100 parties irunning for the' same longer periods each day. always green and hence it is 000 to Rep. John Melcher, D- bers and money. ’The group re­ toe a^ a Green Fin- opc^thw at two of the town's ,, ^ ^ ^ „ reported toot the United Assorted M o i ^ l j feet in height, comes annually pests. * ; Mcnt., $6,000 to Rep. Page Bei- fused to disclose coats, but it Besides, that date already from one of the states and is "the sign of endless life.” ^ m ^e^ raoycllng centen c m ^ ^r three Nattona Educational, Scientific P latton Christ- _ l was a great holiday for tho Records show fonner Texas Cher, R-Okla., and $4,680 to made no secret of the fact that « nw»™*>ig. Baugh ^ week-most munlcl- and Cultural Organisation had m as or Nl Party. ■ ! placed cn the ellpse behind the Martin Luther, whose break Sen. Ralph Yarborough re­ Rep. Graham Purcell, D-Tex., 18,746 persons flew to the two- pagan Romans, and Christian White House. Since the time of with the Roman Catholic Church main street to replace dying a series of figurea can't afford tola tech- Invited the Pope to attend the Ail alsee, IdKmrloea, from ICE CREAM CO. ceived $6,000 from TAPE dur­ aU In 1970, and $600 to Sen. day meeting aboard 117 char- elm s. - 66.66 up. Also U kinds of h I leaders thought it proper to John Adams, the second presi­ signalled the start of the Re­ which hG laid IndicaiG that re- nlque,** he eaid. 26th annivereary celebratlone of ing his unsuccessful renomlna- Jack Moller, R-Icwa, in 1971. t e r e d flights. Spokesmen The I MladS, toot Ij Manufactured In Manchester Since 19241 move in and take over a pre­ dent, this has been the tree for formation, is reported to have has cyollag has been booming in ^ Workman sold, is that agency last November In Uen campaign in the 1970 ’Rie dairy industry won high claimed the convention includ­ grown to ovhere It can accumu- Greenwich oven through late ,„re- That day, he said, four coUec- put Into effect'^ In many o f Con- volvement with the World Sy- _ n U V t BILVEB LANE _ ] neither scripture nor any con­ tree of knowledge The records reveal TAPE lat­ tration last Maieh, although civil aviation and the biggest cyde" day and town officials tlon points were operating—a necticut's towns. But the effort nod of Blshopo prevented Wm the first candles on a little ever­ er gave $3,600 to the Repubdll- neither TAPE luw AMPI oviU banquet ever hrid In the 1 ^ JDMT HARTFORD ^11 27 WARREN ST., MANCHESTER Phone 649-5358 temporary legend .gave any waa an evergreen. green to represent the brilliance have been casting an interested major piqpwr drive center at the will also require development from accepting the Invltatlcn. precise information on it. can candidate, George Bush, take credit for it. world.” eye on the project. high school, "aateUlte conter" of the heavens. and then $4,600 to Bentsen, who TAPE has poured '$125,000 FULLY COOKED At some point before 336 AD ’The use of candles in this way Town officials, led by’ First at a church and another run by the chuKh at Rome accepted The first decorated, giftladen defeated Bush in the general into Republican groups since Selectman John Talntor, ora ae- a troe-nuikery owner and a Christmas tree, is believed to sprekd rapidly through Europe electicn. then, according to a Wall Street Pilot Total a Record Dec. 2S as the day for com­ and America, but began to be rloualy considering having the bottla coUectlon center at a have been that used 130 years TAPE is (tied ito the nation’s Jourrhl report. WASHINOTON—The number HICKORY SMOKED memorating His birth, and so replaced by electric lights in town step In and use the volun- cuiada Dry research plant, it has been ever since, although ago by Prince Albert and Queen largest dairy cooperative. Asso­ ’fAPE also gave $10,000 to of active airplane pU m In the teer efllort aa a q>ringboerd to compleU awlth a Reyndda 1902. Republican committees on because of a difference in cal­ Victoria. It was erected at ciated Milk Producera Inc.— United States reached a record something with more teeto, top aluminum truck to pick up endars, the eastern church cele­ Windsor Castle in 1841. AMPT. March 22, a day before a group 732,728 at the end of 1970, a 2 eluding regulations and otber cons. cf dairy leaders met with Nixon lOST A&P & A-MARTS OPEN UNTIL 9 P.NL bration and that of western Ficm earliest times man Is TAPE and AMPI officials say per cent rlae over a year eai^ enforceable measures. "Iliey As Baugh talked, the local tc press for the higher price churches rarely coincide. known to have used trees for Kitty Litter there Is no legad connection be­ Uer. are thinking of a July target cunoda Dry vice luasldent supports, the Journal reported. / ms. mm. mms.) a m aa ^ ) M$»MC.2$th worship. One ancient legend tween the two groups. ” We date. toouted dlnotlana to a group of ^Mcai NC22 aicaij O r.M . ^aicxfj cnmstimsmt says titot the tree of knowledge ’Two other dahy industry po­ Subs for Salt have no pditical ar-ms,” said a teen-agera, directed lines of in the Garden of Eden was an spokesman at AMPI’s home of­ litical funds also were reported gift giving traced Shank station wagons laden with sub­ evergreen. This legend has it BURLING’rON, Mass. (AP) fice in San Antonio. to have contributed $60,000 eadh to Roman practice. . . some n u m ber o f urbia's floteam and pointed that the tree blossomed and But AMPI’s controller, Rob­ to GOP causes this year. Portion — Voters here last year banned collection rounds proudly to “ 100 per cent recy- bore fruit, but that its foliage ert Isham of San Antonio, is TAPE hasn’t forgotten the the use of salt on roads because cled material'' labela. The practice of gift giving shrank to tiny leaves after the TAPE’S treasurer and trustee. Democrats. About $88,000 in might be traced to a similar it was Jeopardizing the town’s action of Five. And Isham confiraos that mem­ TAPE money can be traced to Some of toe regulations they On that day alone, Baugh Roman practice each New Christmas trees were suppos­ water supply. So Monday, after bers of AMPI can make volun­ Democrats as of this fall, ac- FAIRWAY talk about woidd aim at home- computed, the groups collected Year's day, although most ed by some to have been first g, brief snowfall, the town High­ tary contrlbulUons to TAPE cordlng to Oongrassicnal owners, who would be required 66 tons of material to all from CSiristlan theologians believe it used in medieval German way Department ^read a sub­ through deductions from their records. to aeparato traah Into garbage about 1,200 can which r«i»e- ^rmbollzes the gifts brought to paradise plays, held outdoors stitute—kitty. litter. milk checks. ’The trust keeps the names of and reusable materialii like sented, he said, some 1,600 the infant Jesus by the Wise and portraying the creation of “ It doesn’t melt like salt, but Isham also confirms that glass, paper and metal. families or perhaps 10 per cent PRICES IN THIS AD ARE Men, or Magi. lu n PORTIONS...... a. Me man. The tree of life was a fir, it provides good traction,” said TAPE has about $970,000 wait­ open Other rules would be directed of the town's total population, GOOD AT ALL A&P AMD A-MART According to legfend, they ar­ hung with apples. Later other a town official about the grainy ing to be spent as the 1972 poet­ at toe town's privately owned "It's a dtoaster,” Baugh said FOOD STORES IN THIS COMMUNITY ( 1 rived at Bethlehem on Jan, 0, ornaments were placed on -the substance used to line cats’ ical campaigns heat up. In garbage cdUectlon firms which hai^Uy, aurveytog a pile of bet- & VICINITY the day of Epiphany, and in tonight branches. boxes. comparison, the ^lO y^O ’s po­ would be required to pick iq> ties that would take two hours many latln countries that still im sio iM . One early legend of the origin litical arm, CXll'i^KlJ^lectied. different kinds c f materials to dunqp into baul-away bins, SUB SUB is the time ' for bestowing of "We use it mostly cn inter­ h m ex WHOLE HAMS n O M M U t . 4 3 : of the Christmas tree, accord­ $969,328 in 1970 and^has re­ tilt 9! once a week for ultimate ship- "A good disaster . . . to be It US. MUS. gifts, rather than Christmas sections and sidewalks,” the of- HIADQUARTIRS TOMMI ing to O.A. Battista, a Yardley, ceived $134,031 through mid- ment to ftoma that buy them aa swamped—to get tola kind of TOiNMI day. flci€il said. "And we don’t use 24 US. Pa., collector of Christmas 1071, according to records in scrap. response—la what we need. somriliiiijj for 22US. 1 simioiH. . However, St. Nicholas, the Ci3 much of it as salt because it nylon |l8MM6il4U$. 4 % lb. legends and traditi(»is, alfirms costs 180 a ton and salt costs Wadilngton. When toe system goes into ef- bishop of Lycia, in Asia Minor, L ia a lr T S that three kinds of trees stood cnly 118 a ton.” Mham gives no hint as to who feet, town officials say, gar- is mentioned by tradition as IM t near Christ’s manger: The ovill benefit from TAPE’S cof- iMge ccdlecton would be H id ­ no wt?re building having much to do with the cus­ PARKADE o;live, the date, and the pine or, feie, which the trust has been ing the same number of cdlec- a bridge SWIFTS DiVBASTKD FUUY COOKHI (W ATiR ADOBI) tom of giving presents. He is "ifoiry the Hadc^ more likely, the Lebanon cedar. tlcn rounds aa they do now— supposed particularly to have The olive gave its fruit to three a week. Under one plan «Y ou figure things are going been responsible for starting honor the newborn king, the L ots o f UB are known as, “Harry the Hacker,” the practice of awarding pres­ being centemptated, for ex- to peter out," he said. "But not BUTTERBAU palm gave up its dates, but the emple, one day a month would t„ Oroenwlch." SMOKED HAMS ents to children who have been because of what we do to a Christinas Turkey. pine had nothing to give. Some be set aside for picking up gut to Baugh—as to TelfOrd good. The secret to classic carving is a very sharp, glass containers, another tor Workman, coordtoator of rs- One source traces the first RU n PORTION SHANK PORTION plching up cans with iron to- thin-bladed knife. TURKEYS Christmas "celebration" to the them, another for picktog up Allow bird to sit in roasting pan 15 to 30 minutes. pagan Roman Emperor Diocle­ CHRISTMAS GIFTS MUS 10 us. Mm M M s m n » u $ . i t j u m tian who, it is said, in 180 AD, THAT ARE DIFFERENT papen. It will slice cleaner and the juices will be absorbed, too. T66aWil4U8. 59s The reusable materials would n s M U camoMicn learning that some members AND SURE TO PLEASE! Follow these simple directions: M nSUlH. M U $ . Wo will out aa dealred into Roaata and SUces be taken to a special sectlan of of that suspicious sect called • HANDOKAJFFED OANIMJM open T6 6 N6« UU$. 532 1 . 0 9 a toe town dump or some otber I O a c G iiib G r 49' <3hrlstian were gathered to •'INHBNCtnVi: BINGS B Cut off leg by drawing knife deeply be­ mark the birth of their savior, CANIMi: HOmiBSBS collection point, then sold as I CANNED HAM SALE tonight scrap with toe money aocnitog SPECIALS tween leg and body through hip joint. BONELESS caused them to be surrounded Plus a Selection MI Other Gifts BONELESS Preat leg away from body and remove. and burned in the building they at Beasonabte Piieea to the town. Super>Right Domestic The proposed rules would be ON occupied. Mansfield Training Sdiool till 9! O iV 2. St. Francis of Assisi had much enforced by the town's board of Before slicing breast, make a deep hor­ GIFT SH O P SHOULDER CLOD ROASTS health which already has Juris­ BEEF ROASTS to do with modem Christmas izontal cut to bone In breast, just above on the Manalldd Training Sdiooi Aluminum 8 6” I 3 2®’ styrofoam diction over garb^ collec­ the wing. traditions. groonds on Route 44A, Mansfield For one thing he is said to tions. IMUW Super Right Domestic 5 - 4’* Depot, Conn. — Open 1 days a Ih e plans are stiU to be de­ • DOORS 3. BOnM have assembled, in 1224 AD, week (Mon. thm Sun.) 12:80 to Beginning about halfway up breast, slice the first nativity scene, using 6:80 p.m. veloped, but ‘Talntor soys the Krakiis Imported basic commitment bos been • SIDING downward with straight even strokes un­ TOFSmOM TOFMNIM til slices fall free at cut. MAST |3S KOAST |U 1 “ made. • WINDOWS "We have derided,” be saye, 4. y l— J..J 3 a 3 ” I 5 a 5 ** Cut off wing through shoulder joint. Cut "to makei the move of going • CANOPUS WHOUUiEITNn from toe voluntary efforta. Our off wing tip. When one side is clean, turn ■ALT Judgment la that sufficient edu­ plattar and carve other side. ifOASTlirailCKENS iSSliW m 6 % SAVE cation has taken piece. MMSNOUUEIS, Screen Porch (HNUEN) VEST SioveY, CcMldiEA "People wlU separate,” he One final thing you can do for “Harry” 5-7 US. 4 « i Harvest Hill says. "Many will drive toe ma­ Bnclocurea, Patio m m i i i i s 69im 8m)naHcs ILL terials down to a collecttcn Coven and Oar Poda ... buy your turkey at AaP. Straight Bourbon Bfhiskoy area. Bosy Tomii Our Super-Right Turkeys are all Grade “A” birds. S a u ^ jI ^ m e a t H]»491 JIM BEAM TROPHY BOTTLES 900d health, ^ lb .09 Announcement Harvest H ill lm|N>rted Avg. Wt. «10-88M ID 9* 86° Bourbon $12.49 fifth 100 MO. • 110 MO. or 120 MO. OLD TASTY, NOWAY 6 AVOMTE Blended Scotch Whiskey ! h . good cheer M M U s . BEAM'S CHOICE You Get 10 • 12 PorterlMHiso Steaks with Tenderioina ??h ’ 4 .5 7 qt ’ 5.60 PORTRAIT BOnUES Butternut Squash A 86° $6.32 fifth And Harvest Hill "FIELD BIRDS" by J.W. DANT GROUND GROUND A M P A $S4 A M i Distilled London Dry Gin $10.13 fifth happy days ‘ ^ RK y ONNAISE 149’STUFFD o l iv e s -59> imiWHIP 10 YRS. 86* ^ A r , m m m a iMiiMTfAVinn _____ 80* CHUCK ROUND amn 5TH ♦4.62 J ' l *9 .1 2 GARNIER COLLECTOR throughout Wuill0mw*uuns59> KETCHUP 3.1" StmiK ^4V A&P EGG NOG BOTTLES • OL * C a- 60° Creme de Menthe $16.18 lb lb WhiM0NTIIIIAIDi:»68/i a PrieSan MAMOnBOnDR New iLondon Waterbary M a tol Master Chargo Woleotno on All Froomr Ordort. 7684668 088>idiU (Next to Top-Notch) THESE ITEMS AND MANY MORE THE BRiaHT opt^tjoii »*Ani m uD vr TEL. ea-6660

X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. "MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-ONE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 PAOB! TWENTY Student Nurses three additional teaching sta­ can be undertaken, the matter South Windsor tions, and the expansion of the vrtll have to bo approved by the fi Drug Center FOR M l YOUR 8KIIH0 HKORI Linked to Surge present gymnasium to sent 3,- voters In a referendum. U S 0 A fiRADT A ' H m D n if Advlaory Center, A plastic Santa Claus and 000 persona. Plan B called for The council sot Jan. 3 at 7;30 OPEN EVERY DAY Of Pot Smoking n Pnrk S t , if open Monday reindeer were taken from a the building of a new gymnasi­ p.m. as a public hearing date, Shop for Lons through Saturday from noon home at 136 S. Main St. at about School Plan Referred um and the conversion cf the for creating a Mass Transit 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. STANFORb, Oailf. (AP) - a to 10 p.m. 10:45 last night. present gymnasium to a library commission Stanfoid University research and classroom area. The re­ SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Holiday Wookond A teleidtone backup service hear all persons regarding team says marijuana smoking SHOP-RITE quest shewed an estimated cest amendments to the town’s pen­ la available when the center At about 3 :30 this morning, T H E — U gaining popularity with stu­ la oloaed. police recovered a car at the To Building Group of $1,668,0C0 fer Plan A but no sion plan to ctxiform with the A ll Shop-RHo Storoo cc9t estimate was Included for Internal Revenue Service reg­ dent nurses In the United For drug advisory Informa­ Parkade reported stolen from procedures, which cculd Include tion, call 040-201S. Hartford yesterday. The next step to be taken tc- Plan B. However, both plans ulations. Btatee. ______ward reaching a solution to stu­ the hiring of an architect, to the Included converting the present <3tLPIN E W ill RIoio 6 PM. Also, the Council appointed TURKEYS dent overcrowding In the high PBC after It received a request library Intc a brown bag eating "If medical authorities can-, I Claire Nlzlanklewlcz of 3 Alpine not convince nunring students TOMS ? 1 ?4 I ns CHICK school has been placed In the from Board cf Education Chair­ area. Friday, Doe. 2«Hi U.S. Silb iCroton Dr. as clerk of the toWn coun­ to refrain from using mari­ GROTON (AP) _ City hands of the South Windsor man, Jam es Arnold, for actlcn Before any further action can cil term beginning Feb. 1. CHAUS juana, persuading the popu­ f Q M S 1 H ? () It ,s ) Police Log officials are asking Navy Secre- Public Building Commission, on two proposed building plans. be taken by the council, the t e l . VERNON lation at large seems unlikely,” tary John H. Chafee to name (PBC) Presented to the board were PBC will have to present coat Manchester Evening Herald r o u t e 30 POST the resiMtrohers said In a report an attack submarine "Groton” Last night, the Town Council Plan A which called for a twc- findings to them before the Jan. ARRESTS South Windsor Correspondent pubUahed In the December Is­ for the tcwn that calls itself the unanimously agreed to adopt a L'cty addition to the high 11 meeting. John J . Sokolis, 23, of 61% gyj, capital of the world. resolution to leave planning schcpl, to Include’ a library. Before any building program Barbara Varrlck Tel. 644-8J74. sue of the American Journal of VUIege St„ Rockville, charged Nursing. with harassment and breach of They said analysis of question­ Hf NS 10 10 10s peace; arrested yesterday on naires filled out by 1,171 stu­ ? . lb a warrant when he came to the dent nurses and 662 graduate police station; released on a nurses from across the nation AVG written promise to appear. showed that IS per cent of the Court date Jan. 3. student nurse# had used pot compared with 8 per cent of the Thomas J . Agnew, 53, of practloing nurses. SWEET OR HOT HOMEPRIDE Bast Hartford, charged with The researchers called the non-support; arrested yester­ findings remarkable, because U. S. D. A. CHOICE day on a warrant when he came proepectlve doctors and nurses ITALIAN to the police station; releeused "jeopardise not only gradu­ on 1500 non-surety bond. Court ation, but also state licensure date Jan. 3. and employment." The survey was done by Drs. CMIJCK POT KOAS r tioulselle M. Boudreau, 21, of Martin Upp and Samuel G. CHUCK Hartford, charged with operat- Benson of Stanford School of Ing a motor vehicle without a Medicine and Patricia 8. Allen, license; arrested early this a graduate of Stanford’s School CALIF. morning on W. Middle Tpke. of Nursing. after a routine police check. They said pot-smoking was 7 9 * = Court date Jan. 3. more popular on the East and STEAKS ROAST West (XMsts. Some states had OOHELEfS A M A. roaovENoaroT Oolllns R. Judd, 21, of 164 no marijuana users, they re­ Chuck Roast .95^ Cross Rib Roast Park St., charged with driving ported, but in states on the FRESH & CUT FOR LONDON OftOIL 9Q roUOTEW the wrong way on a ‘ one-way coasts up to St per cent had LEAN Shoulder Steak Boneiess Chuck street; arrested last night after smoked pot. MET. fOn POTTING OK iOAISINO A A .a N f ATV - ^ . driving south on Turkington Dr. Upp, Benson and four other Short Ribs b 85^ Beef Neck Bones a 19^ Court date Jan. 3. colleagues conducted a similar CHUCK survey in the spring of 1970 at •M on Groeoriot for tootl • John H. Durrenberger, 36, of four medical schools and re­ ■Mral IHtnhandtM. P rtah F n ilt$ A V*Mtt 3 Packard St., charged with at­ ported that half of the medloal . 11 n o t ] (r F RFSH SACRAMLNTO tempted larceny in the fourth students surveyed had used degree; arrested yesterday on a marijuana and so per cent Circuit Court 12 warrant In con­ called themselves current GLASSWARE F>.J nr t> 3 9 ^ I TOM ATO JU ICE nection with attempted shoplift­ users, BROCCOLI ing at Caldor on Tolland Tpke. •U N . 1ST NAVIL OIIANQU (111 M U ) WAMOFOTATOUUJ.«l Court date Jan. 3. 55* i'i)( M ■ #* Apple Juice Oranges 1 0 fee 59^ Potatoes a 5 9 * 2-Year Colleges FLOatOAUtOlTu 3 ® 1 Brian D. Rogers, 20, of 56 PILLSBURY Birch St., charged with failure - 2 9 ' Not to Become M«P4nTi(itiquauTV)a«n.0N M’Ow LABii Grapefruit 6 lee 59^ Limes 5 to obey traffic control signal Pie Crust M ix ...... 4..*1 MClNTOMtlXTaA FANCY LAIiOE M U ^ CANADIAN (red light); arrested early this A 5 5 ' 4-Year Colleges Panty Hose -^49* aNOPeiTs morning at Broad and Center VICTORY ^ Apples ^ 19^ Yellow Turnips - 8 ' MltCV Sts. Court date Jan. 10. WATERBURY (AP) — HANOtHPi Cranberry Sauce '<^ emv PAY MOOD CM Marasdiino Cherries .3 °-I Oonnectlcut’8 Regional CbUege Panty Hose - 7 9 * - 2 3 ' | mvPAVMMDCHAeialA^^ 2db $ *149J 4 9 Michael C. Shemanskis, 10, cf Tomatoes 29^ Anjou Pears ROYAL ANNE STUFFED qratem oaye It la not planning 8HOP-SCTE IIOMAINI ' A A A ■OUThA n Coffee 701 Main St., charged with to turn Its twD-year schools Into WHY PAT MO etr SH0F4IVT1 loitering on school ground; ar­ D-Silo RaittortoB pkg. of 2,29 o -IS*! Manx. Olives...... V’ 39^ four-year colleges. Lettuce -w 29* Yams Mayonnaise 's r 4 9 ' rested yesterday on a Circuit At a meeting at iMattatuck chuistmasran sto iiu th at Court 12 warrant in connection saw SMALL Community College in Water- e . 9 9 ^ r MlllsCeCARaU NoiwALLVOAaavrijowma -*2'* with alleged loitering at Man­ bury Mhnday, the State Board iWAVANAOLIAT Mn Our Dairy Caooi chester Hig^ School. Court date Whole Yam s...... 39* of Tnufees of Regional Com- I If, 1 t V ’*' i Jan. 8. mu^ty CoSeges unanimously GtNGERALE saw PILLSBURY pained a resolution saying the Michael A. Smith, 16, of 185 KOOACOIORFIIM I I gHOP-RITE Cream Com 4.?1 trustees and the schools "are Main St., charged with fourth- Bread Mixes comtnitted to the concept of degree larceny; arrested yester­ PLANTERS comprehensive two-year com­ 6 n day on a Circuit'Court 12 war­ munity colleges and would op­ rant and released on a written 3 Sieve Peas taeaaae****** 4,,»| Mixed Nuts... pose ttte conversion of any of ^ ■■b u t t e r promise to appear. Oxirt date 75^ Sh^p-RiteSoda 3 '4 r* l them Into four-yie«r colleges.’’ saw PITTED ______PLANTERS JSSrorFllm Jan. 8. "There Is some apprehension CrMcentRolit, 4 S s 9 9 ' Migg|zarella -sr7 7 ' I Giant Ripe Olives ..v,.. 49* Codklail Peanuts In the state and' 4lto ;idioUld la y ' Shop-Rite Corn 8 * 1 ACCIDENTS that fear to rest,’’ Boaid Chair­ RaSinjttbes S»79' x 2 9 * man Henry E. Fagan said. m B o a tth A B e o iity A W >«"™ ne» '■■■■■ i^ le Cider 'iJ?39' Cr^am Cheese Michael A. Lazarek of Ehi- D«nN.aMUUM. HAAOTONOIO, a UNSCINTIO fleld, driving a car last night Giant Ripe Olives .. 39* Dry Roasted Peanuts . ..69*1: -.- The . construction of per­ "j !?59* on Woodland St., failed to nego­ FRESH manent campuses has been 'Schepps Rlcotta iS»r* O rang^ ice I ' f seen by some as evidence that tiate a curve in the road, run­ GEISHA _ PRINCELLA W.VA. BRAND GROUND CHUCK...... 7 9 ' . the community schools are ning over a lawn and bushes at Setni-Boiwless # SHhepps Rieotta IA*V* Herring Fully Cooked . changing their nature, he said. 39 614 Hilliard St. Sliced 4 tot Y a m s...... 3 HEMS ARMDUR Dr. Searle Otarles, the exec­ OEISHAGEISHA J EHLERS Tastee Bites ’* -7 9 ' w Mv f a v m o m t Cars driven by Ann S. Dell SLICED BACON Mir. cure...... 7 9 ' - utive officer of the system, TopntPAaTi says “The great oppentunity DoUeatouon Dopt. | of Ellington and Thomas J. CHILD MILD Pepsodent ‘^isr49' Del Monte Peas 5 ;i* l Mandarin Oranges ....4.. ..I Ground Cinnamnn. > .. 39* GREENTREE CANNED » and the great need is for com­ pepi tSHVPAVMOMT Corrigan of Oakwood Dr., Cov- m i o v Vm i ( ANM D M im EHLERS i l A < ...... munity colleges to concentrate ventzy, were in collision at noon SMOKED HAMS-.r.-... GEM FRANKFURTS...... m iftab, 4 9 ' Shop-Rite Catsup ’t r 2 5 ' yeeterday In the Burr Comers 4".n* Ground Nutmeg....v... 4 V their efforts in providing voca­ Alkailka Seltzer MIOP-Stra jm DSCAR MAYER tional and occupational pro­ perking lot. BARTENDERS EHLERS grams at the two-year associ­ SWIFT 5 s 4 3 9 SMOKED HAM SLICES. /|LL MEAT BOLOGNA...... « " 4 9 ' l a 9 9 ' Fruit Cocktail 4 * 9 9 * Vid^ NNyqi yquil aHOP-mrtKwioaHALvnviuawcuNe jm At 7:66 a.m. yesterday, a Coxhlail Mixes...:.... »75* Poultry Seasoning ... 3 r SLICED ate degree level or less." n e i • anuLAM a wmritA. collision In the Burr Comers Lost month, the board voted SMOKED HAMS - — .. COOKED HAM ...... to limit the number of commu­ Shave Oreream *”T 79* Peaches 4 lot Involved cars driven by Fred AppotUor-Dopt^ HAM J . Brundll of 26 Ckjleman Rd. nity colleges to 12 through 1975. WHY i^AV More? farm flav6r and Peter H. Hanaen of 206 LOaOACRfSlICIO . ■a. iHor-RtTiiuett .. Vernon St. "Doi/uj "Dept .SowngA fleflftlt i&"Beakty Aid Chicken X 79* Pork Roll a k t e . 0 9 Real Wife Trips MACHINE A PM A ,M.LVARKmfSlH0r-mTI A car operated by Barbara K. REGULAR RtOULAR OR THICK MMa-RITI Scott of 6 Tyler Circle stmek a Effort at Forgery SLICED )&-lb. Sliced Meats 3 s s * l parked car owned by Janet S. HKAD t SHOULDERS SHAMPOO Bacon ALL MIAT OR ALL B lir CHILD MUD CHOrriD HAMORMOa-aiTt m Howitt of 58 Garden St. last BLUE WfTPAVIIOIW PHILA 4.S 01. lotion RIVERSIDE, Rl. (AP) — Po­ MACHINI tucto DANISH IMFORTIO k 69* night on Tyler Circle. or lice say Raymond Snyder’s Franks iS:69' Ham Roll Shop-Rite Flour * 3 9 ' 4.3 01. tube t scheme to cosh a stolen check Boiled Ham 8 5 ' anULAR OR THICK COLOMAI M a w ■XTRAMILDORALLtlir PMCIS AND ITIMS tNOPSITI CREAM NNAFTCASMODOMISTIC COMPLAINTS BONNET backfired when the bank teller Bacon ^ 75^ Nepco Franks a 7 9 ' n r ta n s JL t turned out to be the wife .of the Mushrooms A car owned by William K. Swiss Cheese 5 9 ' WHO CHEESE MAHGAHINE man Snyder was impersonat- CONANDO AATinCIl^ ASINO 20 i 1 2 9 Conway of 34 Wllshlre Rd., Ver­ I JFVoxen Food Savingoi -H.$ ing. Bird Seed non, was sUSen last night while Genoa Salami 89* aHoa«iHTt CHEST TOOTHPASTE ’The payroll check, stolon ( OCONU I rilSI At(l). .'in 1 ()/ I'Ki. . ow It was parked at the Parkade, c from an auto agency, was pay­ CO.ANOO’g Fruit Cocktail ■'139' and later recovered. Police ap­ able to anyone, police sold. Pepperoni prehended a 16-year-old boy 31® I 3 “’’^ 1 Reg. or Mint 4 0 « Snyder 86, of Chicago, appar­ driving the car on Adams ^St., 4.7S 01. tube MRS. SMITHS ently picked the name Miles F. KITCHEN FRESH CHICKEN OR HEARTS DELIGHT look him at gunpoint, and: he WHIPPED Huml from the telephone book, was taken to the Hartford Ju­ CN ASB A SANBOIXN filled In Huml's name and venile Detention Center. REDDI WIP TDPPIHG...... 5 5 * PET TOPPINC. headed for Riverside NaUonal APPLE PIE APRICOT CeuoontiptfotBrtMov. 0«< }4, im Bank In Riverside, a western A saxophone was stolen from SCOPi MOUTHWASH...... AW BIRD SEYE . Ont coupon otc cuiFemor. Beller’s music shop at 1013 VITA TASTEE DITS...... 7 9 ' Chicago suburb. As Snyder sal In his car at SALAD l!.¥raa.»role.s99‘ i7f«r(!iIc(.n S'l** Main St. at about 11:30 a.m. MITCHUM i i 0 i 0 RAHTSf..%';r„.... $2.57 'WW'ffWBSBTWWff nUHCHO.CUT”OaADIA"««OP-WTi ^ - S I 3 the drlve-ln window, tho teller, yesterday. VEGETABLES . Stafood Savingoi SEALTEST HEAVY CREAM... 29' kronen Btoni 4 AlmoMh Artnch •osni 4 Muihroomt Mrs. Miles F. Huml, looked at Green Beans L^mon^e 9*99' BiH-GAY OlHTMEHT-s - ...... Mtsotf Vtf Post 4 Omens 5w«t( eotofo Ci«i» the name on the check, looked About $40 was taken from a locker at Manchester High KRAFT SHARP STICKS^:.. . 7 7 ' SUCUT THROAT LOZiHOES...... » at Snyder, and then pushed a lASTY.SilRIIIIP rdl»ak Pizza *K^79' FounTCake '*59' MtO L 4RAN0 silent a la m button. She told School yesterday morning. . Aiit Whirit on I 01. |e ALLVAaMTHtSHOP-aiTI aLOP-miaHffPn HORS D’OEUVRES , • FuH 4 Puppy p ^ o e she "know ho wasn’t my Three earthenware jugs and KRAFT GODH STICKS %?.... , 8 3 ' RATER ASPIRIH...... ZlH husband." ...... Bagels 4 v c 9 9 * Topping T A S T A R 'A c m o i c a ITu-ee squad oars arrived iu\u TATIRTATUMTItOMH MTitI t OR MOP-RITIWOUTRINOM0P-RI1 CHUtiMinroM a wicker mail box were taken ■"m a x a d r i b o I?___ from a home at 65 Holl St. over IRI RAHi-AIR PLASTIC STRIPS^j^iAJi BREAD DOUGH ...... Snyder was arrested. Ravioli 'tt59* PILISDRRY DIRRER ROLLS. He was hold at the RlvereUle Potatoes the weekend. STANDARD jail and oharged wllh at­ •Ico C n a m Dept./* — BoAery Dopt. — FRIED CLAMS..... tempted deoopUve iwaoUoea, WHY PAY MORE? A tool box and mechai&cs COOPERS SHARP CHEESE... ’ . 9 9 ' SHOP-RITE PREMIUM toola valued at about $100 were O VSTfR S ELIZABETH YORK QERI-ANN Popular Stuffing Bread...... 2 taken from a pickup truck own­ SARA LEE COFFEE VALUABLE COUPON ed by Richard Wilcox of 208 i 4 1 ' Doctor Robbed, Main St. sometime recently. TRI-RUT MARGARIRE...... WHITE BREAD Towards the purchase of 2AU Popular Soda A L L F L A V D R S ...... AI^PiNlOOl a U-ox. Jar of P4NMS Suspect Cmigl't Two stt.iigs 01, Christmas LAYER CAKES n e w HAVEN UghU at 107 Russell St. were We RcMrve The Right To Lim it Quantities Kjifr Maxwell taken last night. Brown ’n’ Serve Rolls TIP TOP . 3 ” * * M A iB-year^di Watortoury yonUi w B s s d t i was oliarged Miuulay wIWi IwiTH THIS Instant Coffee ^ ____ BLUB RIBBON Ing a dwtoi’ U» drtve a»,wml A woman’s pocketlxx>k was IARBI OAIAMARI COUPON llm H i Otw eeuwm rw lemH*. QIL ,Hfrt of New Haven «*«» /»*;'' stolen from a storage locker at CluptntallittefiOl.Dic 14. 1«M ranTw Tcfies i»(99* P"** ***'** ** Squid 9 9 ' Ce«iwn gee. et etir Miepane leeefmertiet, raw. Middle '^ k e . last night, COR’TLAND OR vmvAvMORif ISAVI23 aalil 6 9 ' A car owned by Robert Crosse ^iyi)i)))})i)i}i))])U)i7iii)i)))))i)i)t)i)})i)i ^ .ton, 51). Id New VALUABLE COUPON of East Hartford was stolen yes­ MclNTOSH APPLES turning to Ida POPULAR BATTY CROCKBII |- Avwim when a ,Vi«i«« am* Towardi tho purohaio of terday afternoon while it was CELLO a S-lb. 4-01. paokas# of an U-oi. Jar of parked at the Parkade. POPULOft V; man, one id them l****''**'^ TOMATOES 4 pao 29o '“’’ '''.rxiucrit* 93-caltber ididid at the ika'Un » OAfmOTS pkge. M W ^EREAA^SMTER CHI4II WiMilltrt 0 7 iQw Maxim Freeze A 14-year-old girl was ap­ NEW 2 iieok, fowiHl him U» iINve away HOURS Gaines prehended by a security officer YELLOW TURNIPS OR Cr'*|.t»Hri at Treasure City department n Redeem Your hdON. - SAT. WITH THIS Burgers wiTHTHisDriRcl epffee ONIONS S i b . 89e BUTTERNUT SQUASH Chipoi "Z,“ W * » ' « E. MIDDLE TPKE store at the Parkade last night, Onywinh told him lo itet i'«* *d Km rai, Federal COUPON limit. O M e e ^ r « I . COUPON ™ CuuponuipiruKPriMuv Otc 9 A.M.^9 P.M. Cesme .».•».« OeeemNf IS, IW l after she aUegedly took mer­ Onocowponpffriiftitmtr Food Stamps MANCHESTER ' I OenH" gee* etW I.e . Rite Itteeneertet, UOa chandise valued at about tii SWEET POTATOES AND Yi^S *"2 . SAVI without paying for It. i- ..To, «,.»: •t Shop-Rite N..' ISAV115< short lime laler, »h' wj* iraphloal arrorg. YYo rotarvo Mo right to limit euantHloe. A radio was stolen .from a ______charged with hi’** ileaivi* ''**» cor owned by Ja ck Ostrom of first ilegren Mdna»dn|i 64 Scott Dr., while it was MANCHESTER 725 MIDDLE TPKE.. E — 1135 tOLUND TPKE. • ROCKVILLE f SOUTH WINDSOR SULLIVAN AVa T h o PPINc^ ^ ‘4* and seoiHiil ite iii'i' Uond was eel at Itiitkii' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-THREE PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESbAY, D U M B E R 21, 1971 JhsL d(suvaJliL (hnqisL Touchdown Run Biggest of Career Eagles Win Third Sportt Editor Jets R eh ire By Watson Hero Tribe Host to Hall EARL YOST Vet Ewbank 17 Points In Liberty In TonighCs Feature Notes fnMn the Black Book split of the gate. The Magicians put cn a Another Year Baaketball Schedule Oddities; Oieney better show than the Harlem Olobetrot- ters although not as talented. . .New Bowl Game By Gorra By DEAN YOST Tech’s flrst four basketball games this NEW YORK (AP) — W«sb Three srames dot the schoolboy basketball schedule season — all defeats — were played on York Yankee baseball winter caravan, featuring Manager Ralph Houk, a half MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) Ewbank, still smiling after two tonight and all three are important in loop play. In the enemy courts. On the other hand, Bast straight Injury-plagued seasons, Catholic High’s first five starts this win­ dozen players and a like number of front —Tennessee fullback Curt; CCIL at the Clarke Arena at 8:15 Hall High of West cfflce executives, will host the Connect­ Watson says his 17-yard will be back as coach and gen­ Hartford will battle the Indians (1-1). In (JVC play, ter will be at home. . .’The Eagles will eral manager of the New York Sets Pace play four games on college caimpuses, icut news media on ’Thursday, Jan. 27 touchdown run against Ar­ ------Plainville High (8-0) will Invade at the Waverly Inn. . .’Ihe New York Jets neiot year. the Hugh Greer Gym against two at Central Connecticut In New Brit­ kansas Monday night in Ewbank and Jets preslaeni By DEAN YOST ain and two at the University of Hart­ Mets, anxious to cut into the Yankee undefeated South Windsor Highr, the Liberty Bowl was the Phil Iselln made It official Mon­ Led by the fine defensive Lakers Game ford. Opposition at each site will be pro­ dpllar m Connecticut, will bring its Hot also sporting a 8-0 record. Fi­ biggest of his career. day after the JeU had finished work of Tim Quish and vided by arch-rival schools, South Cath­ Stove League personnel to the state for nally In the COC, two pre-sea­ The run, wlh only 1:55 left, with a 6-8 mark—two gomes Bill Gorra, East Catholic olic and Northwest Catholic .. . Ernie the first time ever to help promote tick­ son favorites to take all the gave the 9th-ranked Vols a 14- better than tho 4-10 record they blew open a close game AwayFrom ’Tapper, former Manchester High grld- et sales. The Met visit with members of marbles, Coventry High (8-0) 13 victory ever ISth-ranked Ar­ logged Iasi year. They played der, arrived home last week after 14 the fourth estate Is also scheduled next with 8:88 in the third po­ and Portland High (2-0), will kansas in the 13th annual post­ without quarterback Joe Nam- months In l^etnam where he won the month. . . Could Fran Tarkenton’s days rted last night to defeat Nefw Record lock horns on the latter’s court. season classic before a national ath for meat of both seasons, Waterford High in a rout, 74-47, bronse star. ’Tupper, winner of the covet- be numbei-ed as a member of the New television audience. BUFFALO (AP) — Having Hall, a pre-season pick to be because of Injuries. before a near capacity crowd . ed ’Thom McAn football lineman award York Giants? ’The guess here is that he Watson, who entered the surpassed virtually every pro- among toe contenders in toe ” As long as Weeb wants to at the Eaglea’ Neat. The victory while at Manchester High in 1968, serv­ played his final game as a Giant a week game in the second quarter, fesslonal record for consecutive rugged CCIL, has eight return- coach, he has a Job,” said Ise- upped Baat’a mark to 8-0. Biah- ed as a radio operator with the army. ago ^against Dallas. . .New York Giants, took a pltchout from quarter­ vlotories, toe Los Angeles La- veterans from last season s lln. ’’Any man that can pull a op Hendricken of Rhode laland ’Tupper has received his discharge. . . New York Jets and Boston Patriots will back Jim Maxwell and then kers move Into Buffalo tonight team. The Warriors pre­ team itogether that’s been as will Invade the neat Thuraday Jim Dyer, former UOonn soccer player all be represented by active players at rambled across the right side fer a game with toe Braves, able starting lineup finds Wgh- crippled as this one, knows and a teacher in the ’Tolland Junior high the annual Gold Key Dinner of the Con­ of the field, oiitmaneuvering a night at 8:16. hunting for their 26to straight scoring Rick Portal, Ted Behan, what he's doing. He’s been re­ school system, guided East Catholic necticut Sports 'Writers’ Alliance on Jan’ Razorback defender at the 5 for "Quloh and Gorra really gave triumph. Chuck Stone, Dean Rosow and High’s Informal soccer team to a S-l-l 31 in Norwich. the touchdown. markable.” ua a lot of muacle off the back­ Should they win—and they Woish available, Ewbank, who said none of his won, lost, tied record this fall. ’The last George Hunt kicked his 62nd boards,” noted Eagle Coach rate heavy favorites against a Last Friday night Hail squeak players had Indicated any re­ fcur starts were against varsity foes. consecutive extra point after Stan Ogrodnik. Quish ended the team which Is eight games be­ ed past Maloney, 82-78. Dots and Dadies tirement plans. Is 64 and hod The Tribe is coming off a Cliff Demers, East director of athletics, Dave Wlggm, successful Manchester Watson’s touchdown to provide SCORE ONE FOR ARKANSAS — Jim Hodge of Arkansas holds ball in air af­ contest grabbing 10 rebounds, low .600—the Lakers would tie reported SO boys were out for the first ■the victory margin. been rumcred to be considering the same number as Gorra. In toe all-time pro record for con- hard-fought victory over Platt High varsity football coach, stays in ter he caught touchdown pass in second quarter to tie score. Tennessee came High in which several players ' team ever at the school and the ^>ort shai>e during the off-season by officia­ Tennessee, which finished the retirement. foul trouble much of the second zecutlve wins. back in final minute to score and gain 14-13 Liberty Bowl win. (AP Photofax) "In spite of all our diffi­ minor bumps and will be Included on the regular schedule ting basketball games. . .Dave’s son, season 10-2, was trailing 7-13 half, center Kevin Tierney man­ That mark was set back in received culties,” Ewbank said, "with ‘If we’re healthy,” next year. The Eagle hooters’ bigg^est John, who quarterbacked Manchester when It received the ball with aged to haul in a game high 1916 by toe New York Giants’ bruises, any luck I think we might still commented Coach Jim Mor­ lack is a practice and playing field. High’s squad the past three years, is re­ 2:49 left when reserve tackle of 14 looee balls. baseball team. And utoat then? Louisville Holds Slight Edge be playing (In the playoffs) as Well, toe Lakers might next *arty." and play a good game, Demers hopes that before next fall a ported mterested m ’Trinity Ooilege. If Carl Witherspoon recovered a Waterford came bock time a wild card team. But there’s shoot for toe Los Angeles etty we sJ^ld be able to overcome regular field can be secured. Dyer help­ he is accepted at ’Trin, it could mean in fumble by Arkansas tailback and time again to put a scare an old saying that if you have ed the l^Wimantic Soccer Club win the due time he’ll be reunited with his for­ Jon Richardson on the Razor- Into the Eagle camp. The hosts record of victories in a row, two bad years, you can expect Connecticut finals of the National Ama­ mer school boy running mate, Jim Bale- back 37. would open up a alight margin that being 47 by toe UCLA But Arkansas (rffensive guard No Favorite in Hoop Fest five good ones.” but the stubborn Lancers would squad of a couple of years ago. teur Cup. ’The Eagle coach handled the sano, who starred with the ’Trinity froeh And of course, University of ^ South Windsor Bo^ goaUe pcsiUon. . .Maloney High In Meri­ this fall. Balesano is destined to become ’Tom Reed said after the game soon close the gap. he definitely recovered the The Closest Waterford came to San Francisco once won 60 in a 'P*^**^ a g a i ^ -fllght small college back. Balesano NEW YORK (AP)—The Those six teams, matched in four thus far, a road game at J CVC’B top contenders, Plainville. fumble. tieing the score was with 6:49 coach to replace John Skubel who re­ Is not playing basketball with the ’Trin absence of a clear-cut favo­ next Monday's opening round Florida. Bellard Sets Goal signed last week.. .’Twice at the start of "I couldn’t have had it any at Madison Square Garden, are Providence, shooting for an remaining in the third cantov Los Angeles is 81-8 and hasn’t yearlings this season, hitting the books lest a game since a four-point cutlve time toe Bobcats have the first two home games of East Cath­ tighter,” Reed said. rite in the Holiday Festi­ the clubs with better than .500 unprecedented third title after In New Position when the score card read, 87-85, instead. . .Brian’s Song, the moving tele­ defeat by toe Gi^den State Played home this season. The olic High’s basketball games this season Rlchardscn said afterwards: records this year. Duke and St. ccnsecutive victories in 1965-66, and again at 8:88 when it was vision production patterned around the val basketball tournament Warriors on Oct. 31. visitors have <^y one vetonm the National Anthem record went hay­ ” I know Reed had the ball. I’d Peter’s, the other pairing, have la another of the pre-toumey COLLEGE STATION, Tex. 42-40. life and death of Brian Piccolo of the turned a drum-beating The Lakers became the first P^y®f. center Jay BuclUer wire. ’The students and fans took over Chicago Bears and Gale Sayers, ranked sitetke my mother’s life on it.” a combined mark of 3-6. "favorites.” Also given a little (AP) — Emory Bellard may Bast sank a foul shot and National Basketball Aseoclation who is ^ ^ club s l e ^ and completed the song, which added fourth m audience ratings among all- Witherspoon, though, said he luncheon into a meeting of Although the over-all record edge are Syracuse and Penn have Just been named head sophomore guard Joe Whelton that little personal touch and made fol- definitely recovered the fumble. of the teams In this 20th annual State. ceax^ and athletic director cf hit on three consecutive Jump team to complete an entire tlnne movies on the video tube. . .Wrest­ the Mutual Admiration So­ month without a lotss when they potent point-producer for Plain- . lowers of both teams feel that much ing has caught the fancy of the stu­ Arkansas had broken a 7-7 tie classic is .667 so far, with Syr­ Fordham is playing another Texas A&M University but he shots and the Eagles were off ciety Monday. won all 11 in November. Now ville...... closer to one another. Personally, I dents at Manchesrer High with a report­ earlier in the fourth quarter on acuse the top deg at 6-0, there accustomed ’’Cinderella” role, wants Texas schoolboy coach­ and. running. field goals of 19 and 40 yards Providence liked Penn State’s they’re shooting for two months South Windsor be |^y* would rather Join the crowd singing the ed crowd of 500 out for the season’s sec­ appears to be no dominating according to Ckiex:h Hal Wissel. ing ranks to know he’s one of In the lost half. East poured ' ^ ing without the services of Greg by Bill McClard. chances, Syracuse was Im­ in a row. National Anthem than hear it on a ond match—and triumph—last week at "super” club In the scheme of The Rams, who werra’t sup­ them. in 87 points while Waterford Burger, a veteran forward. The The three-pointers were seit pressed with LculsviUe and scratchy cr broken record. the Clarke Arena. Bob Allbrio, former past years. posed to do much of anything One of Beltord’s firat acts os stumbled and only managed 16 Bobcats will be hurting with­ w' « • up by a fumble recovery by Utah admired Fordham. MHS gridder, handles the grapplers. . . South CaroUna won last last year, surprised everyone Aggie head football coach was points. Quarter scores were 23- out IBurger. Razorback linebacker Scott Citizens m Sarasota, Fla., have collect­ Duke and St. Peter's, N.J., year’s title over Western Ken­ by. gaining the NCAA playoffs. to set a goal for himself. 12, 87-81 and 40-40, all In East’s Elbie Fletcher Patriot Coach Ron iBodstueb- Short Stuff Binnion and by the second of however, were almost as non­ Just Wcndering: Did the Baltimore ed M0,000 toward a $150,000 football sta­ tucky when both were ranked But they’ve lost three stait- "I hope to prove that when favor. neris club meets Portland In three interceptions by comer- committal as their records. Colts go all out against New England’s dium in that community. ’The Scuasota In the country’s Top Ten. UCLA ers off that team. people start looking for a coach Whistle tooters, Bob Ford and To Be Honored what could possibly be the btg- back Louis Campbell. "W e’ve seen Penn State and Patriots in their 21-lT loss? And, what townspeople recently raised $25,000 for won in 1988 and later won the ”I like this team for Its in the future, they don’t have to Chris McHale called a total of BOSTON (AP) —Elble Flet- gest game to date for both McClard also booted a 48- we’re really Impressed,” said was Detroit Uon Coach Joe Schmidt a new wrrestllng facility for high school NCAA championship. Provi­ heart,” Wissel told a rcomful of go outside the boundaries of 48 personal fouls, 18 on East cher, former star first baseman schools. Badstuebner mentioned yarder after Campbell’s third BUI O’Connor, an assistant sub­ thinking about when he had his team go use. ’The fund organizers hope to donate dence won the HoUday Festival sports writers, coaches and Texas to get cne,” said the Lul- FREE BALL—^Three East Catholic players, Joe Martens, Marty Kearns and Bob and 80 on Waterford. East had with the old Boston Braves and in a pre-season talk that Port- interception but it was nullified bing for Providence Coach for short yardage against San Francisco 10,000 steel bleacher stadium seats to In 1935 and wound up fourth In public relations men. ” If they ing, Tex. native who spent 15 two players in foul trouble, Ken the Pirates, will be land will be the darkhorse In by a penalty for offensive hold­ Dave Gavltt. Gorman battle St. Bernard player for free ball that sails skyward as John Go— with the ball on the Uon 40-yard line and the city for use of high school football the polls. wanted to win badly last year, years as a high school coach. Temezuk and Tierney. ' Four honored by the Boston Baseball the conferraice. ing arid he then was forced to ’’LouisviUe looks like trouble lino (12) and Steve Hyatt (43) watch flight. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) a 27-24 lead and over U minutes left to teams. 'Who said the South Is far behmd The only club of the eight well, they want to win even )3ellard’s affinity with school­ Lancer players, Bill Robinson, Writers at their 33rd annual ------punt instead. for us,” said Roy Danforth, play?,. .’The Colts, in bowing, now face the North?. . .Have you noticed, via tee- ranked this week is Louisville, more badly this season. boy coaches will be taken into Guy Tennyson. Steve Hyatt and dinner Jan. 27 at toe Stotler- TONIGHT'S PlOKfi-J^anches- Arkansas quarterback Joe coach cf Syracuse. the Clevtiand Browns in the cbmi>li- vee, the number of times professional No. 17, and because of It, per­ ‘"This is a gutsy team—and consideiration when he selects Bob Avena were all tagged with Hllton Hotel. ter in a cloee


BUGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE wUh MAJOR HOOPLB — F * q THAT'LL n B S ALU CNBAK A LOOK AT N 'T H E ^ FDR NOW, MV CHART, article rang JUSTTRYIN'TO Amwar fo Pra»l»ul MB. FUPP! THE » E L L WITMTHE GAVE POSTAGE OltVFASHIONEP CHRISTMAS ^ D E L I V E R in: H odgepodge FlTUNPATliJN. MAJOR.' H\5 OWN THEY YPTEP YOU CARPA7 JINGLE BELL OF ACROSS 4 Shoshonean ■WE YEAR'THAT Indian 1 Korean city 5 Slow (music) e Rumlnant'i 6 Raises upright 1 flnt itomach 7 Swiss canton 11 Fluihea with 8 Dissolve succeu 9 Enough (disl.) 13 Unruflled 10 Roman Houtehold Services 13-A Help Wonted-Pemole 35 14 BoRctter ' emperor CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEI*T. HOURS 15 Clothes maker 12 Condescend LIGHT trucking, cellar and CLERICAL — Dependable JJC leTona (ab.) 8 A.M. to 4:.10 P.M. 13 Spirited horse 28 Hen products 42 Small islands attlcH cleaned, odd Joba, woman for complete process­ Order Your 17 Drunkard 18 Golf teacher 19 A pair 29 Helper (ab.) 43 Stuffs lawna, trees cut and removed. ing of mall, experience prefer­ MICKEY FINN 20 Analyzed a 44 Woody plant COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLAHHIFIEI) ADV’T. red, busy Manchester office. BY HANK LEONARD 20 Neediest sentence 31 Exist Call 643.6000. 22 Heroic talc 32 Symbol for 45 Identical Call 649-6361. “Happy you HAVE SUCH A KIND FACE. 21 Special 47 Chest rattle 4180 P.M. DAY BRPOKK PIlHMGA'nON CHOPPY... I'D LIKE TO 25 School of seals aptitude columbium LIGHT trucking, cellara and at- I CAN CERTAINLY UNDERSTAND TALK TO PHIL FOR A 26 Athena 36 Improve 48 Employed Deadline for Haturday and Monday Is 4 :»o p.Tn. Friday PHIL IS A DSAR FRIEND, HOW Y I'M SO WHY you AND CHOPPY ARE 22 Glut 49 Couches tins cleaned, odd Jobs. Rubbish COOK FEW MINUTES, PRIVATELY 30 Harsh to 23 Maple genus 37 Males Thought” LINDA—AND HE'S IN Ml/ 0 VDU) HAPPV I WONDER IF you the taste 38 Eagerness 51 Breach removed, domestic and com- SHORT ORDER FOR A LITTLE VISIT/ DO] JtOMEET WOULD INDULGE ME/ 24 People 53 lAmprey morclal, 644-8962. 32 Chokes up 27 Learning 41 Short jackets PLEASE READ YOUR AI> EXPERIENCED. NEEDED % - r 33 High-strung 1“ IT IMMEDIATELY 6 A.M. Today! w F 1GL1RE5 -- 34 Great masses r r ” r r " 1“ r r *^*^^^*^ iTk Ada” arn taken over the phono as a START TIME. GOOD SAL­ of ice oonvontonoCe The AdvoptiMr nhould ritBd hlH ad thM i^ rmt Building Contracting 14 ARY.' MUST BE NEAT IN 35 Gaelic IT 1$ S’" ««««»««n tit* "^VVVfA'wA^ 36 Candlenut next Ineerlton. The Herald la reaponalble for only ONE In. MASONRY work all types stone APPEARANCE. APPLY IN I1TI if MIA, tet tree II PEhSON ONLY TO OF­ CALL 643-2711 Y», If ‘ "y “dvertlaement and then and concrete, no job too small, 39 Bird’s home II over 20 years experience. Free FICE, ASK FOR WAYNE. 40 Fault II I ‘‘make good” Inaertlon. Errora which 0 do not lOMon the value of the advertisement will nnt h« estimates. Call after 6, 648-1870 KNUDSEN DAIRY 43PinU (ab.) eorreoted by -make *ood» InserUom Manchester OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN 46 Conduces or 644-2976. lllX) Burnside Ave. ^ ^ 1 47 Chafe with !T East Hartford friction a ST iNEWTON H. SMITH A SONS— Evening COME WITH ME--IWMJT ALL RIOHT-BUT LET/ME TAKE V 50 Medieval u 643-2711 Remodeling, repairing, addi­ PART-TIME bookkeeper, hours TO SHOW VOU TH'PUTTER TH B9E THIKKSa UPSTAIRS FIBST-- kindom. tions, rec rooms, porches and flexible, top wages paid. Top Herald I1 BOUOHT aiDiMP TOR 'AMP WHILE I'M UP THERE,WOULD . u roofing. No Job too small. Csdl Hat Restaurant, 267 Broad St., PRISCILLA’S POP cHRisTMAe/ I've o a r it you OIVEMB A 646-3144. Manchester, 643-9666. BY AL VERMEER HIPPEtJ IM TH' CLOSery L IF T W ITH s r aOMBTHlMlsr S4*r||ima8 due Trucks - Tractors SOMEONE SHOULD 55 SUggered LEON CIESZYNSKI builder — /LUTOMOnVE general office 1971 CHEVY half-ton Fleetsldc new homes custom built, re­ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADE MADE REMIND SANTA OF OUR 56 Oozes t r IT IT m a r ff fi 41 HERALD clerk. Progressive young deal­ IKI W EST IN BALANCB-OF-TRADE 57 Winter pick-up, excellent condition, modeling, additions, rec ership needs ambitions female to .SERMANY MOMS PROBLCM,'__ vehicles HP u one owner, 10,000 miles. Must rooms, garages, kitchens re­ to take over varied and inter­ KON& DOWN BOX LEH ERS sell, lAiying another truck. 644- II * \1 If u modeled, bath tile, cement esting duties. Call Mr. Bayless 1 Irish tribal 2611 anytime. work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ 648-1712. Mrs. Jacqueline Kelsey division 5T F o r Your . dential or commercial. (Tall 2 Dash JU 1966 FORD pick-up, 300 cubic from 3 Boat paddles Information 646-4291. NEWSPASK ENTISPglSI ASSOCIATION inch, 6 cylinder engine. Many Help Wonled-Mole 36 THE HERALD will not other extras. 643-7712. DORMERS, garages, porches, diaclose tho identity of rec rooms, room additions, CARPENTER, experienced Lisa, Donna, John, Bruce any advertlaer using box kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, only to work in Manchester letters. Readers answer­ Aufo Accessories-Tires 6 siding, general repairs. ()ualr Wllllmcuitic area. Both Inside ing blind box ads who and outside work. Call 742-6062 and Troy desire to protect their SEVEN 13” wheels, 4-Iug, will Ity workmanship. Financing available. Economy Builders, after 6 p.m. identity can follow this fit Falcon or Maverick. $3.60 c, 1971.b» NEA, Inc I Inc., 643-6159, 872-0647, eve­ BY DICK TURNER procedure; each. Excellent condition, 646- TWO seml-retlred men Help Wanted-Male 36 Help Wanted-A^ale 36 CARNIVAL 6227. nings. Enclose your reply to "Snap out of it, Charlie—the Christmas card season is for Janitorial services, part' ELECTRICIAN —Journeyman, COOK time mornings. CsUl 643-8919. the box in an envelope — TWO STUDDED snow tires on MASONRY work, all types. No almost over!" all beneftts. Call 644-1429 after SHORT ORDER GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN address to the Classified wheeU F78-14 replaces 775-14 Job too small. Excellent work­ 6 p.m. EXPERIENCED. NEEDED Manager, Manchester for Plymouth car. 649-7186. manship, many years experi­ FRANKLIN COMPANIES IMMBDLVTBLY. 6 A.M. Evening Herald, together CONSTRUCTION Laborers. Ap­ GRAM PAW ence. Free estimates. Call af­ ------a n n o u n c e _ START TIM E. GOOD SAL­ 9 N a C < , W M / ^ with a memo listing the ter 6 p.m., 742-6486. ply Alco Development Corp., ARY. MUST BE NEAT IN n-a/' — REPRIEVE — V companies you do NOT r n WAUCS, TAUC6, A L ^ O Trailers - Painting - Papering 21 Help Wanted-Female 35 1 Court St., Rockville. APPEARANCE. APPLY IN B t70W'T < 5 5 T o h wdnt to see your letter. N.J. LAFLAMME Carpenter ______// 8 \ X 8 < 5 ! PE3RSON ONLY TO OF­ T H ie Y&Uf2 ppiNKS, 5H e w e r€ , Your letter Will be de­ Mobile Homes 6-A contractor. Additions, remod- GEORGE N. CONVERSE — In- WOMAN wanted to babysit In OPPORTUNITIES PHARMACIST, full-time per­ stroyed U the advertiser my home lor handicapped manent position, pleasant and FICE. ASK FOR WAYNE. c e x e e ! * ALL OF US at Rectown, U.S.A. ellng and repEilra. Call Etny- terlor, exterior, painting, pa- Is one you've mentioned. tlme for free estimate. 875- per hanging. Free estimates. child, hours 1-4:46. Call after ^ “ e s^es and sales busy store In Rockville. Con­ KNUDSEN DAIRY SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL If not It will be handled would like to wish you the ment. Above average eEimlngs 1100 Burnside Ave. 1642. Call after 8 p.m. 643-2804. 6, 649-6390. tact J . Mastrlnl, mornings, in the usual manner. merriest of Christmases and potential. Complete training in East Hartford A -THE'/ po VfJlAEMlMEV HEAR 527-1164. the happdest of New Years. REMODELING done, rec J . p. LEWIS & SON, custom all aspects of life and health ME'/,K'tll6lVT?0DU’'TCR^f 0RA6OHS ARE ElfTlifCT/ insurance. Call Mrs. Bousfield rooms, breezeways, garages, decorating, Interior and ex­ NURSES AIDES kitchens. Call anjrtlme. 648- terlor, peperhanglng, fully In- to arrange for Interview, 646- PLUMBER Journeyman. Salesmen Wanted 36>A Lest and Found Call 7-3 SHIFT 1 ^ Business Services 13 7996 or 228-9267. sured. For free estimates, call 4696 between 8:30-4 p.m. An after 6 p.m., 644-1317. 649-9668. If no Einswer 643-6362. We Eire looking for mature equEil opportunity employer ------ARE YOU worth $18,000 In a FOUiro — Orange and white t IMBERLAND Tree Service— CARPENTRY — Repairs, re- PART-TIME Janltoriql work, ^year?______Most of our______men_____ earn Persian angora cat, vicinity permEuient personnel for days or nights. Must' be over ^re pleasently surprls- Tree removal, pruning, lots modeling, Eiddltlons, roofing. INSIDE —outside painting. Spe- full-time work. TrEilnlng SET-UP man, first shift, second Lydall a n d Woodbridge St. 21. Call 649-5334. ed with splendid income they \ cleared. No Job too big or Call David Patrla, South Wind- clal rates for people over 66. available for those who shift, third shift. Experienced 648-0102. do enjoy. Need man over 40 to smsdl. Fifteen years expert- sor, 844-1796. Call my competitors, then call qualify. We offer psiid holi­ set-up man for various types take short auto tripe In Man­ LOST — black smd white cat. ence. Bonded, Insured. 742- — _____ ^ me. Estimates given. 649-7868. days, 2 weeks paid vaca­ of armature and field coll PLAIN JA N E WES ROBBINS CEirpentry re­ LEGAL NOTICE chester area. Air Mail A. K. BY FRANK BAGINSKl Mancheeter Green area. 9605. tion, sick days, pEild Insur- winding equipment. Should ^ — x s ------modeling specialist. Additions, RICHARD E . MARTIN. Full TOWN OF ANDOVER Dlckerscn, Pree., SouthweM- Please call 649-6809. TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — rec rooms, dormers, porches, professional palntliig service, Eince Euid overtime. have strong electrical and me­ A mi ^V-V 3ANE KNITTINeE I7UM8 ______Be It known that, in accord- em Petroleum Corp., Ft. Trees cut, building lots clear­ cabinets, formica, built-ins, interior -exterior. Free esti- chanical experience on this SWCATERE .FOR EVERXBoDy FOUND — IMtede gray, tiger an­ MEADOWS type of equipment. Call Iona ance with the General Statutes, Worth, TeTcas. ed, trees topped. Got a tree bathrooms, kitchens, 649-8446. mates, fully Insured. 649-4411. \/y THIS CHRiSTNtAS gora kitten, vicinity Ashworth CONVALESCENT Co., Manchester, Conn., 643- the appUcaUon by Anthony In- ______problem! Well worth phone St. Call after 6, 643-4624. JACQUES of all trades, carpen------2111, ask for R.D. Alexander, vestments, Inc. for a subdivision call, 742-8252. CENTER 646-2321 ______— ------called "Colonial Estates” locat- H elp Wanted ~ 1 WDFlT FOUND — December 18th, try, addiUons, paneling, re- F|OOr Finishing 24 WAVJE -TlAE modeling, general repairs. No An equal opportunity employer. ed on Hendee Road, ^ d over, |^q|g Pemale 37 Pearl ear ring on Silver Lane Job too big or small. Reason­ FLOOR SANDING, and refln- Connecticut, has been denied. ______HEART'ft? 0 6 bus. Please call 646-6839 mom- MR. ED Snow plowing, Hebron- ACT Quickly! TEU . MlM Amston EUea. Call 228-9967. able, free osUmaites, 742-6012. Ishing (specializing In older Signed: PART-TIME bookkeeper — ac- THAt-TMEV infe- floors). Inside painting, paper l e g AL secretary, full time, Raymond P. Houle, countant to assist busy ac- /a-a/ SNOW plowing, commercial hanging. No Job too small. Designer — InJecUon molds. HAvJE NEMER FOUND — BlEick male dog, Special Services 15 new Manchester law office. _____ . Chairman coimtant. Familiarity with in­ and residential. R eason able______John VerfalUe, 646-8760. 872- dividual income tax returns REAl-UV ‘I thought you said he was ‘with it.’ Every time white spot on chest. CeUI Dog Experience desired but not Strong grou ^ otlng Planning and rates. Also available as k back p ia NO Tuning by graduate of 2222. Zoning Commission would be helpful. Reply to Box he comet here he seems to bo without it!” Warden, 046-4060. necessary. Send resume to designing. East o i river. Bring _illl up rig. Call 646-3467 or 647-9304. Hartt College of Music. Instru­ Box C, Manchester Herald. resume. Dated at Andover, Connecti­ B E , Manchester Herald, stat­ FOUND Kerry Blue female ments sold and repaired. % eet cut, December 20, 1971. ing qualifications. )0 - DICK’S Snow Plowing —■ Spe­ Bonds - c n : > /j'MEAL a-H dog. Call Dog Warden, 646- music and accessories. Ward East Hartford cializing In servicing Rock- Stocks - Mortgages 27 Employment Agency 4000. Krause, 643-6336. * RN’S ledge and surrounding area. 96 Connecticut Blvd., MR. ABERNATHY Lots, driveways, sidewalks, "TZ MOR'TGAGES, loans, first, sec- FULL-TIME, 8-11 SHIFT r i i BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY FOUND — Beagle male dog. Roofing - Siding East Hartford H i Black, brown and white. Call sanding. Call 643-0002. _ ond, third. AU kinds. Realty p------We want permanent, profes­ GAL FRIDAY' AU I SAID WAS H/S Dog Warden,------646-4060. qivnw PLOWING DlssaUsfl^ BIDWEIA/ Home Improvement statewide. (>edit ra tln g t^ e c - 289-1884 J ■ k ^ /PSRfVRASUS WAS UNPBRCOOKED. BY DICK CAVALLI sionals who can offer good PIERRE IS AN EXCEU-aHT WINTHROP ------~~A «rith intp Rirtnnv work’ Don't EIxpert Installation of alu- essary. Reasonable. Confiden- CHEF, BUT HE'S VBay WHOOSHi FOUND — Setter type, tan and wlUi late, sloppy work. :^ n t ai/Ung Eutters and Ual, quick arrangements. Al- patient care to our guests. DIVERSIHED OFFICE WORK s = r v Fully paid Insurance pro­ TEMPERAMENTAL! ((((((((( IV whlte male pup. Coll Dog wait, call now for trims. Roofln^lnstellatlon and vin Lundy Agency. 627-7971. FOREMAN — Third shift. Ex­ WHO\MDULD I-IAVE B E U E V E D ^ V r HAVENY EVEN GIVEN ANVBOCV IF I CAN KEEP rrUFJ I'M gram, sick pay, 2-weeks Warden, 646-4686. response, clean, 100 Construction Plaza, Hart­ perienced motor winding fore­ EXPERIENCED ONLY — Must have typing, fil­ THAT I COULD KEEP SO MUCH A S A DIRT/LOOK A O N C H TO G Er THE NEXT repairs. 649-6495, 875-0109. paid vacation, 8 paid holi­ SEE, THERE 60 ES ) / work. 646-4643. ford. Evenings, 238-6879. man with broad knowledge of ing, answering phone and good figure aptitude. HIS TEMPER MV NONVIOLEN(3 PLEC3SE FOE MONTHS. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, FOUND — Black male dog, days and overtime. FOR SO LONG? various types of winding equlp- Apply in person only: ASAIN/ white spot on chest. C^l Dog ®job storm windows, awntags, Qual- MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd, n^ent. Required to fabricate Warden, 64A-466S. ____=.r,oii coii ity workmanship, free estl- mortgages—Interim financing MEADOWS raw materials to a finished ar­ r D^n Martirr*at*"M^7m^ matea Fully Insured. 649-3417, - expedient and confidential CONVALESCENT mature and field. Iona Co., Re­ BANTLY OIL CO., INC. FOUNID —^Black and tan male phen Martin, at 646-7296 after ^ ' service. J.D. real Estate As- gent St., Manchester, Conn., 881 Main St., Manchester, Conn. shepherd. Call Dog Warden, p.m. CENTER li-Zl soc.. 643*5120. 643-2111, ask for R.D. Alexan­ 646-4866. 646-2821 OONESd- LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also . der. 8 0 Ri(«aMy moving large appliances. An equal opportunity employer. Ui: Burning barrels delivered. $4. C h iin n C y S 16-A Business Opportunity 28 BUZZ SAWYER Pertenak 644-1775. BY ROY CRANE ROOFING — Specializing re- MANCHESTER — Thirty years AVON Products is the world’s LET'S SO ISN'T IT TIME, DICki BAND avollabae New Years SNOW pairing roofs of all kinds, new aame locaUon, estab- largest and most respected IT'S A SOUNDS GRUBBY, e* Off. ii- a i Eve, 4-plece dance band. Rea­ PLOWING roofs, gutter work, chimneys, llshed eating ”*X/ cosmeticcompany. AVON MARCEL, STOPPED CALLING GOOD LIKE A PIGPEN. sonable rates. Call Dana, 649- cleaned and repaired. 80 refurnished and air - condi­ HONEST Representatives can take ad­ d a r lin g .' ■ MARCEL? IMAGINE M E 8666. 643-0851 years experience. Free esti­ tioned. Doing very well — rea­ vantage of this fine reputation I WANT TD NAME. b ein g CALLED BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE son for selling, retirement. CAPTAIN EASY o r mates. Call Howley, 643-6361. in successful, profitable busi­ BUY A WIG. MBS. CRUHTLY/ Call Acme Realty, 649-2860. We 643-4569 nesses of their own. Call now: y - Aufomobiles For Sale 4 buy and sell all businesses. 280-4922. Mancheater-Bolton-RockvlUe Heating and Plumbing 17 SECRETARY — Permanent. NEED CAR? Credit very bad? GRANTS Plumbing Service —■ Start after Christmas. Full or Bankrupt, repossession? Hon- ..... j Free estimates, plus quality eat Douglas accepts lowest SNOW Plowing, residential and part-time position. Shorthand, work. 643-6341. SUNOCO down, smallest payment, any- eoinmcrelal. 643-1834. dictating equipment and typ­ where. Not Small loan finance iktlLLAR TREE Service—prun­ SAM WATSON Plumbing and Modern 3-bay Colonial build­ ing ability a must. Able to run cfflce and meet customers. company plan., Douglas Motors ing. cabling, topping removal Heating. Bathroom remodel- ing In Vernon area, avail­ 846 Main. fmUng‘.“ FreVcstVmatesV F^ Ing and repairs. Free estl- able now. Salary commensurate with SMILE! 633-8348 or 868-4718. mates. Call 649-3808. ability. CaU 289-9641 after 10 1969 TOYOTA Crown, 4-door au- Insured. SUN offers: a.m. tomatlo, 18,000 miles, $1,600. SllAHPENING Service -Saws, M & M Plumbing and Heating, PART-TIME COOK, in ju re, It's Catching , . . Send A LLEY OOP Call 646-8046. knives, axes, shears, //kates, no Job too small. Free esti­ • Financing BY V. T. HAMLIN mates gladly given. Bathroom no experience necessary. 9:30- rotary blades. Quick serv-lce. • Paid Training 1969 O PEL Codetto L3, low remodeling, heating systems 1:30. CaU after 6:30, 649-2186. I...I'M AFRAID t HAVE Capitol Equipment Co., 88 WHACrpOTOU INTERCOM RCairri mileage, radio, enow tires, worked on, water pump work, Happy Thoughts SAID IT ' eUMPIN SOME BAD NEWS, MY Main St., Manchester. Hours • Professional Counseling WOMEN, housewives, full or SUPPOaeTHAT FASTEST WA. WRONa FRIENDS... Asking $1,000 firm. Phono 043- faucet packings. 849-2871. le, OSCAR? THE ZAN/ ELTAR? dally 7:J0-8, Thursday, 7:30-9 part-time. This Is a Job that BY MILTON CANIFF 6870. For details call days, Mr. STEVE CANYON Saturday, 7:30-1. 643-7968. Cox, 568-3400, evenings and will help with expenses. This to someone you love. A?(/ 1966 CHEVROLET Impala, au­ Millinery, weekends, Mr. Hague, 413- Is the Job you hove experience ,\/‘ fANP BACH 60N ^ VOU OlVE CHASE WE DRCLE HOUSE/ ' PUSHIN0 HEROIN IS ▼ tD SHERWOOD FOREST BOLpN tomatic transmission. Excel­ TWO YOUNG married men will for. This is the Job with flexi­ i NOTHINe COMPARED OUTUWS/THE SH ERIFF OF 19 834-1366 collect. , IN A DIFFERENT THAT WAV-I,THE 1 HOOAN- W0HAHA Off JAIL lent condition. Call 649-2909. do small repair Jobs and palnt- Drettmaking ble ccndltlcns. This Job Is OTHER STEALIN0 OFFICIAL NOTTINeHAM WILL SOON BE ^ DIRECTION' /1 Ingo also cellar cleaning and domestic work, which Is a Merry Christmas 1968 RAMBLER station wagon, light tnieklng. Call 646-2692, LADIES’ dresses, suits, wed­ INVENTIONS wanted — call or ding gowns and veils, all cus­ skill few people recognize. good running condition, riiono m«-.'1726. write. New Products Develop­ tom made. Some alterations. Take pride In what you can ment Services of Hartford, 61 649-7088. Reasonable prices. 649-1133. do, and earn extra cash. Call Happy Birthday Cook Hill Rd., Windsor, Conn. 013-7910. 1966 BUICK La Sabre, new J^INK cara removed, any con 06006. 688-6320. Urea, muffler, good condition. $io, 872-9433. Moving - Happy New Year Moving. Must sell. Asking ^ ------T I T I I Z I I l - , , - o n FREE $860, 1-429-6666, 649-0003. Houftliold ServIcM 13-A Trucking - Storage 20 MOBIL 106A FORD station wagon, one — ------;— MANCHESTER — Delivery- BERMUDA Happy Anniversary LANCELOT owner excellent condlllon. WASHING machine repairs, j, trucking and package de- BY COKER and PENN owner, exceiionv ...... Whirlpool, Kenmore, Has an excellent business Best offer over $1,700. CaU 047- livery. Refrigerators, washers opportunity available now In WEEKEND THIG IS THE TI/ME OF YEAR \ m TURN NOW Maytag- . .. Reasonable rates. stove moving, specialty. 9664. Vernon, Conn, Three-bay Congratuiations WHEN I'M SLAP I HAVE 'i Owner of Pike Coin Wash and Folding chairs for rent. 849- simply register with us. If m iO k tR than LORI' J high gallonnge service sta­ you qualify as one of our tpm- 19«l ' LINCOLN convertible, Pry Cleaning, 278 West Middle 0^62. poraHes needed to fill Great­ Tvirnplke, next to Stop and ------______------tion at Vomon Circle, across good running condition. Host from Trl-Clty Shopping Cen­ er Hartford’s better tempo­ What coiJild make a person happier • ,AV, Shop. 04S-4918, 647-1710, “ 4 offer. Call 876-2601. ter. Mobil offers; rary assignments, you will bo Painting - Paparing 21 eligible for a fun packed frep HEWEAVING of bums, moth than to make another person smile? • Paid Training Bermuda weekend — register LITTLBJPORTS BY ROUSON 1960 MOA — good condlllon. holes, zippers repaired. Win T. J . FLANAGAN & SONS — • Financial Assistance now at either office. >a-CT W ■e« U I, OR, best offer. Cull 876-2601. ilow shades made to measure Painting and papering. Fully ' TW all size Venetian blinds. Keys Insured, workmen's compensa- • Exceptional Income Po­ Order Yours Today! W i Tm i i ? 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, sedan, ex­ made while you wait. Tape tlon, liability, property dam- tential RITA cellent oondWon. |l,t96. Phone recorders for rent, Marlow’s, age. Call 648-1949. If you'd like to be your own 749-0187 after 0 p.m. 867 Main Bt., 649-6221. Cal! 643-2711 __ _ CEILING specialist —• expert boss and desire to increase TEMPORARIES t ) ■ ^ 'O handymen will prepare workmanship. One colling or your earnings call H. A L. VllsRck at 622-8231 days, 822-7227 60 Washington St. Trucks - Iracton * walls, "U " can do your own all your ceilings repaired and. Hartford y .3 i evenings and weekends 649- • ft« ) f.l ON wallpaper. Wo also do wall- painted. Also Interior painting 646-4043 63 East Center St. 1064 HOUOH pay loader. low 9728. Jfianrlirstrr Ewmug i^rralJi 1 2 imimring, painting and celling and wallpapering. Call 289- Manchester 2tii£l£L boy trailer, back hoe, tnicK work. Ilcasonablo. 043-6306. 0773. mounted. Phone 649-6090,

nJi t*AGE TWENTY-Srtt MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 Houses For Sale W PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Household Goods 51 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Out of Town H o w w fo r U t, n H oi«, F., vs. 66 (XEAN, used refrigerators, For Rent MANOHHWTBR - 7-room (^lol T2 Houses Per Sale 72 Lett Por Sale 73 -EYE-CTLASSES liy- ranges, automatic washers Offered by the nlal, l$i baths, first-floor fam­ House Speaker Analyzes CLASSIFIED u t o n anta s knee ROCKVILLE — Small Mur- MANCHESTER — AA zoned with guarantees. See them at B nwALL'V S ' ily room, oversized garugu room apartment, on second *Uvta2 r " '“ ®'’ ^'®">®. MANCHESTER — 0 - room building lot, 86x200. Priced to DeBella and Reale Opticians B.D, Pearl’s Appliances, 649 YOU'D NEED A HEARING AID f large yard, aluminum siding’ slov« / .T yrnnklln Cape, rec room, garage, price zell at $7,600. Frechette Real­ . Main St. Call 643-3171. floor, near center. No children. PHILBRICK $27|600, Hayes Agency, 646- Impact of 1971 G>ngress Tmm J ' ? ^ ‘•""'n. lot 100X120. reduced to $28,600. Frechette tors, 647-9998. $116 plus deposit. Immediate 0181. ADVERTISING GAS stove, 30” , good condition, occupancy. Call 1-684-4331. E ®®®‘*P®®<’y' Marion Realtors, 647-9998. WABHINO’TON (AP) control wages and prices, — Complete $36; OE apartment stie refrig­ a g e n c y MANCHBBTER — Colonial 6963 W8- enactment of emergency em­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ROCKVILLE — 3-room apart­ MAINTENANCE free, alumi­ erator; aluminum storm doors, four bedrooms, dining room' righta°“‘iXiM,‘‘*$r^; “p*®'*®*' ®®“' ployment leglslatlcn and accel­ Eye Gloat ■ num sided 6-room Cape, Rec Tolland, wooded acre, $4,000. teday the 1971 ccngresslcnal 8 AJ». to 4:30 PJM. 32x80, 36x80. Call 643-2466, 643- ment, heat, hot water, stove, - ^ i ^ m i a l Cape with 8 over- fireplace, recreation room’ MANOHESTBU 14,400 down. erated public works authcr- room, private treed yard. $24,- Coventry, half acre, $3,600. session concentrated on widen­ Service 1442. refiigerator, $128, Adults only, rooms, central alr-oondl- izaticn to attack joblessness. two-zone heating. Large lot’ Sox" l u T *»® ‘>«-oom Du- 900. Barbara Rutherford, 668- Hayee Agency, 646-0181. no pete, security deposit re- ,, , j^rge living room, hugs Prestige area. Off Keeney 8t P'01‘ , 1% baths, aluminum sld- ing democracy and halting the COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. SEWING Machine Sale — 1972 7339, Pasek Realtore, MLS, Remaining 'to be dealt with in quired. Call 643-9678. contained fam- deterioration of the economy. 4:S0 P.M. DAY BBFORIO PDBUOATION push button zig sag. Makes $84,900. Jezdor Realty, Real- «y*‘ ®mB. 289-7476. the scssicn starling Jan. 18, Al­ Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:S0 p.m. Friday tors, MLS, 688-1411. Contact button holes, hems, mono­ ROCKVILLE — n.oi;mmiuRockland T^;^- »«■.- lly. . j room,------2 u.,iu 1« 647-9„gr' R M O r t ProM rty But Its true Impact, the Okla­ bert said, are measures dealing Lenses grams, sews buttons, etc. Only race Apartments —- Large and dining room throuBh MUST SELL For S a l«; 74 homa Democrat said In a pre- with water pollutlcn, rural de- beautiful 3 and 4-room apart- wall-to-wall carpetl^ EIGHT-ROOM quality Raised pared statement, “ has not been velopment, aid to education and $49.60. Save up to 60 per cent MANCHESTER Bowers Owners transferred, must move RVDnm YOUR COOPERATION WILL mentsr includes heat, hot wa- out. roc Ranch, wall-wall carpet, 2 fire­ fully felt, nor have Its implica­ ethers "o f Importance to the on all famous bran^ . City School, 6-room Bungalow, fire­ and ■•IIsell thi.this custom h..iubuilt .raised . 1. ^ zummer cottages, $17,- BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 ter, all appliances, with dish- room, many o places, huge family room, gu- 900 completely furnished, one tions fer the nation been ade- nation." Sewing Center, 286 Main St., rage, wooded lot, $86,600 place, two additional rooms ranch In Forest Hills area. washer, disposal, carpeting, duced. wtaterized and rented year quatety understood.” Hartford. 622-0476. Hutchins Agency, 649-6824. lower level. Garage. Carport, 'Three bedrooms, IVi baths, "I feel that we can and will ’round. Phllbrick Agency Real- Although the accent of the pool and your own private ter- MOUNTAIN — Oontem- porch. Only $23,600. Hayes kitchen with bullt-lns. Fire­ build proudly cn the solid Conrinued From Preceding Page tors. 646-4200. first session of the 92nd Con- 18 Asylum St. race In a country setting, Ranch. 8 rooms, 2M NEW a-bedroom Split I,evol Agency, 646-0131. places, plenty of room In record of accomplishment of Room 104 Musical Instruments 53 ■ ' " ------gress “ has been first on widen­ From $160. Sorry, no pots. 872- ^oj 162x216’, wooded. Largo rooms, 1V4 baths, fire­ lower level that con be fin­ the 92nd Cengress to date,” he Ruse Do Bella ing democracy,” Albert said, Tel. 622-0767 Situations W anted - 4046, 629-6686. Twenty mile view. place. High treed lot. Garage. $26,000 LARGE 3 - bedroom ished as you please. Asking ccncluded. Ekirioo F. Reele Arrielet For Sale 45 PIANOS, Spinets, consoles, by Out of Town the American people consider Hartford Only $29,900. Hayes Agency Ranch, fireplace, aluminum $89,900 . . . this Is an excel­ Female 38 Winter, H. Miller, others by ANDOVER — Sub let, one-bed- ^jolONIAL—Choice residential the economic problem “ the SKIS — 6’, Aspen Nordic like 646-0181. Hiding, garage, large wooded lent buy. T. J. Crockett, Por Solo 75 Winter Co. at low, low prices. room garden apartment. completely redecorated. most important now con HEART patient’s wife desper­ new, complete package, cable lot. Hutchins Agency Realtors, Realtor, 643-1677. Terms. Colonial, 382 Main St., stove, refrigerator and park- appllanced kitchen, 649-6324, COVENTRY — New 6V4-room fronting the nation.” ately needs work between 1 bindings, tie boots. Best offer. "rear” , Manchester. Phone MANCHESTER —• 7-cur ga­ Ranch, all aluminum exterior, 643-8666. Ing included. $130 monthly. djning room, living room rage. $20,600. Large 7-room Co­ Albert claimed repreeentatlve p.m. a n d midnight, except 647-1858. $16,600. Attractive five - room walk-out basement, many ex­ Call between 4-8, 649-3696. fireplace, 12x21 m aster lonial, nice treed lot, centrally CONVENIENT government has been made Tuesday and Friday. 742-9097. FLAT BED trailer, heavy duty Cape. Fireplace, paneling, tras. Only $26,900. Call Stark­ mere meaningful because; LOW REY 2-manual spinet or­ ROCKVILLE — Large-newly tadroom, located. Hutchins Agency, Re­ LOCATION ______axle and hitch. Holds four baseboard heat. Garage. 160 weather Realtors, 646-6863. gan with built-in Leslie, wal­ redecorated, 6-room, 2-bed- Immaculate ^ _ ‘ j altors, 649-6324. Enhances this 4-bedroom, —’There is less secrecy In vct»' snowmobiles or small equip­ foot wooded lot. Hutchins Dogs - Birds - Pets 41 nut, excellent condition, $800. room duplex including heat, tlfully landscaped grounds. 2% baths. Split Level. Alu­ COVENTRY — For rent-sale. Ing, and mere members are ment. $150. 742-8163. Agency, 649-6324. minum siding, huge double participating in voting on ma­ 643-4642. hot water and stove. Refriger- gjLWOOD RD.—Gracious 8-room Seven roome, fireplace, pri­ PEKINOESE, AKC champion JUST LISTED!! garage, gorgeous patio with jor prcpcsals because cf the BASEMENT SALE — 4 Green ator If needed. Large yard M d quality construction, MANCHESTER ~ vate beach privileges, large blood line, ready for diiist- ACE-TONE rhythm unit with In-ground pool. Asking very Act which be- Rd., Monday, Tuesday and basement, 2 children accept- airy and bright, Large 6-room Colonial with backyard, new hot water heat- Reorganization maa. 647-1137. 16 different rhythms for use Apartments - Flats - WHY PAY MORE? low 40s. came effective last January. Wednesday, 10 a.m. Glass­ Apartments - Flats - Apartments - Flats - ed, one year lease with ee- neighborhood, 2-car garage. Ideal loca­ Here’s what $24,900 will er, extra large kitchen, panel­ with any musical Instrument. —A study of the seniority sys­ ADORABLE AKC poodle pups, ware, Oiiistmas Items, etc. Tenements 63 Tenements 63 Tenements 63 curity deposit, $180 per month. tion and zoned for conver­ buy. 6-room, aluminum sid­ ed living room, master bed­ One year old. $160. 643-4642. HERITAGE HOUSE tem has resulted In dis­ 10 week old, one male, one 876-2719. C APE —12x24’ living room, full sion to offices. Offered at ed Cape on a large corner 646-2482 Realtors room, children welcome. Own­ Gerich’s MANCHES’TER — Deluxe two- LOOKING for anything In real SDC-ROOM duplex, centrally lo- only $26,900. bursement of responsibility female, excellent pets. Mother SNOWMOBILES REBUILT, reflnished upright shed dormer, eat-ln kitchen. lot for privacy. Oarage, fire- For the finer homes er, Mr. Hudon, 669-1784. Service Station, 1082 ’Tolland estate rental — apartments, cated. Call after 3 p.m., 649- HEBRON — Wall St., 4-room . . . ^om , ga- among more members, “ mak­ very affectionate. Low priced. piano. Elxcellent condition. bedroom Townhouse including placed living room, over­ Tpke., Buckland. Evinrude heat, appliances, 1>4 baths, car­ homes, multiple dwellings, no 7230. HERITAGE HOUSE VERNON ing the House Itself a more Call 647-1976. New keys. Call between 6-10 heated apartment Including ,j^ths, private yard, sized master bedroom with MANCHESTER — West Vernon and Alouette Snow MoMlea, fees. Call J.D. Real Estate As­ 646-2482 Realtors LARGE AND ELEGANT demccratic body.” p.m., 643-0433. pets, full basement. $236 per hot water, carpeting, appH- « ^ 9oo_ dormer and a good residen­ St., 8-room Executive Raised ob cK E R puppies, beautiful sales and service, clothing and sociates, Inn. 643-6129. THREE- ROOM apartment Center foyer Ranch, 2600 —By lowering the voting age month. Paul W. Dougan, Real- ances, storage, laundry, park­ For the finer homes tial area. Call Mr. Gordon Ranch, acre treed lot, owner buff males, 10 weeks, cham­ available January 1st. Stove, sq. ft. of charm, 7 beautiful accessories, Mastercraft and CONN clarinet and Bundy flute to*". 049-4638. ing. $180 monthly. 649-2871, 646- b -ZONE large Colonial In ex- 649-5306. transferred. Offers considered. to 18, the voting right has been pion sired, AKC registered. A’TTRACnVE, heated 4-room refrigerator, and hot water In- rooms, 8 baths, 2 fireplaces, Holsdaw traUers. 643-2363. Very good condlUon, $76. each.' MAMowTcq-rirw _ 0682. cellent condlUon, first floor Low 40s, Frechette Realtors, extended to 25 million young One - bed- apartment, second floor, appli- eluded, parking. $160. 649-6644. .MANCHESTER, 4-bedroom old­ 643-5427. 643-4389. family room, 2-car garage, 3 647-9063. dream kitchen with separate people. ances, $160. plus security. Hel- 2- er Otlonial in desirable east ------room apartment.------. Ranch type ANDOVER — Furnished bedrooms, extra building lot. ••B&W** breakfast area, 2-car ga­ -^The first major election re- FREE — Lovable 6 weeks old .side location. Good condition. Florists - Nurseries 4 9 TWO months old. Fender tele- building. Private entrance. en Palmer, 643-6321, Gertrude Furnished room apartment ^ in country, BARROWS AND WALLACE (X). GARRISON Colonial with 6 rage, over 3 acres of ferm since 1626 Is nearing puppies, to good homes. Mix­ Call now, only $23,9(K), Hayes CHRTWTMAS ----- c ^ te r guitarcaster with guitar case. with Origl- case. Heat Origl- and appliances Included. Hagedom, 649-0638.______Apurtmenfs 63-A $120. monthly, utilities Includ- Manchester Parkade large rooms, 1% baths, lovely land, outstanding panorama. enactment in "response to le­ ed breed. 643-9906. naHy $400. Must sell, $200. Call ed. Call 742-8161. CAPE—7 rooms, first floor fam ­ Agency, 646-0131. Manchester 649-6306 Dream house $68,000. Mr. gitimate public concern over HEATED 3-bedroom apart- . r o OM treed lot, convenient to shop­ T i ,T ' furnished ily room, modem kitchen with Lewis, 640-6306. POODLE PUPS, one male, m office. ($4 and up). Plantation Is lo- No children or pets. Available terior, 2-car garage. $46,600. $26,9(» — OFF EAST CENTER barn, 1V4 acres. Near Route 6. trolled by Democrats convened Articles For Sale 45 cated cm South River Rd., off OAK CURVED front china clos- December 16th. Call between House & Hale Bldg., 963 Main WANTED to rent—Three-bed- St., 6 spacious rooms and Must be seen. Offered at $24,- 'ast January. et, mint condlUon. 644-8962. 6-7 p.m., 647-1037. MANCHESTER Newer one- 3t. Phone 643-4846. room executive type home In ROOMING HOUSE!—Beautifully HOT WA’TER furnace, 77,000 Rt. 31, North Coventry. Rob­ bath on first floor, aluminum 9(». BYechette Realtors, 647- "The legacy cf full employ- Btu, complete, $60. convec­ ert Vlsny, 742-8364. —:------bedroom duplex Includes heat, ^ i msair------8 «x l condlUon. Must accept decorated and fully furnished. gggg, ment bequeathed President FOUR-ROOM apartment, sec- appliances, carpeU, alr-condl- “ two chUdren and pets. Per- good Income. We Invite your siding, basement garage plus tors. iBailt-ln bath tubs, lava- ______Nixon by the cutgoing Demo- W anted - To Buy 58 ond floor, adultsIts only, no pets, tlonlng. _^11_ basement. $195 manent resl.deht. Would con- inspecUon. 3 additional rooms and bath tories, cabinet sinks, aluml- . Tviri ^ fessional offices, combination SOU’IH WINDSOR — 5-room crats In January 1989 had been 649-6987. per month. Paul W. Dougan, aider signing a six-months second floor, 270’ lot. Hutchins num comWnaUon doom. 643- m ‘ HOUSEIHOLD lots — AnUques, office and warehouse space, Ranch, 1$^ baths, finished rec dissipated and replaced In twe Realtor, 649-4836. lease. Write Box P, Manches­ COMMERCXAL BUILDINO ap­ Agency, 646-6824. 2466 evenings. 643-1442. 464 Woodland St. ______bric-a-brac, locks, frames, HILLIARD ST. New four- etc., general business zone, room with bar, half acre lot, years by an additional two mil­ ter Elvenlng Herald. proximately 6,000 sq. ft. of floor glassware. We buy estates, room flat, $180. Security re- 636 CENTER ST., 4%-room DU' room for expansion, ample MANCHESTER — 8-room over­ $27,000. Call Starkweather Re­ lion jobless Americans,” Albert OFFIOE COPIERS, roll fed, e.—. i ____i e ___ i. area, zoned industrial. E\>r sale altors, 646-6863 or Connie Village Peddler, Auctioneer. quired. Heat and appliances plex, 1% baths, all appliances, parking, located In Bolton be­ sized expanded Cape. Two said. automaUc, were $660 now m c P 49-A or lease, $70,000. extra. 643-6268, 9-6 p.m. fully carpeted, 2 air-condition­ tween Route 44-A and new baths, four bedrooms, family Brown, 644-J221. He described the situation at $199.60. Dealers’ Marlows, 867 420 Lake St., Bolton, 649 3247. ers, heat and hot water, sound­ Route 6. Amedy Realty, Real­ Business Property CONTEMPORARY L Shiqied room, lovely suburban lot. Oa­ that time as a "deliberate slow- VERNON dewn” and recited actions tak­ Main St. 649-5221. Legal Photo D R Y OAK fireplace wood, $10 WANTED — anUque furniture, DELUXE 2-bedroom apart- proofing, storage and parking, tors, 875-6283. Ranch. Redwood and brick ex­ rage. $29,600. Hayes Agency, Service, 643-1442. For Sale 70 PLA N AHEAD— ?89,900 orders delivered. Call 742-7886. glass, pewter, oil paintings or ment, wall-to-wall carpeting, on bus line, near shopping. terior, on wooded lot, acres 646-0131. en by Congress to cope with it. other anUque items. Any quan­ complete appliances, 2 air Delayed closing available. “ While the economic prog- SCOIRY SAL is now a merry SEASONEX) hardwood, sawed $200 per month. Available Feb- APPROXIMATELY — 16,000 12.000 SQUARE FOOT Industri- with a view. Five bedrooms, 2 tity. ’The Harrisons, 643-8709, conditioners full WARANOKB RD. — one of Less than 1 year old, 7-room ncsis is still mixed,” he said, gal. She used Blue Lustre m g and delivered. C. Hutchinson, basement, ruary 1st. Call Charles Pontl- square feet for lease In new al building, two floors, central, fireplaces, family room. den. 2- 166 Oakland Street. washer-dryer hook-up, vanity Manchester’s finer residential Raised Ranch In top flight "w e stand ready to take further and upholstery cleaner. Rent 643-6373. celU, 649-9644. Standard Education building easy access. For sale or lease, car garage. $69,(KX>. type bath, glass sliding ddors, areas. Seven-room Cape In ex­ nel^borhood, family room initiaiUves as required to bring electric shampooer $1. Olcott ------under conatmctlon, comer Warren E. Howland, Realtor, n - onto patio. $220 per month. ENJOY the privacy of your own Main, and No. Main, Manches- 643-1108. GRACIOUS antique ctdonlal in cellent condition. Priced in the with fireplace, all built-in our economy back to full pros­ I Variety Store. E'lHEWOOD for sale, seaa^ed. W A N IE D Robert D. Murdock, Realtor, house and the convenience of ter. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, ------L______mid forties .. .truly this house kitchen, 2-car garage, 2 full perity and' full employment.” ------DeUvered. $16 a pick-up load, i ^ e t Phone ^ ^ 7 exceUent condition, 8 fireplaces, BE GENTLE, be kind, to that 872-9433. jacxet. i-none 649-0837.______643-2692. apartment living at the same 643-1677. — ------13 beautifully decorated rooms, must be seen to be appreciat­ baths. Exceptional home. To Steps taken by Congress to inspect call Mr. Lewis, 649- expensive carpet, clean it with time. Our 2-bedroom Town modem eat-ln kitchen, formal ed. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, combat the economic decline, 6306. Blue Lustre.'B^nt electric FIREa>LACE wood for sale. Rooms W ilflO U t Boaid 5 9 ^ b e d w m House has 1230 sq. ftTof living CXJMMERCIAL place for lease InveStmeill’ Property Uvlng apd dining room, break­ 648-1677. Albert said. Included extension shampooer $1..1 Ttw.The sh.ruHn-Sherwln- Regular white birch and mix-mlX' w i n i o u r P O a fO OY duplex apartment. Fireplace. space In addition to your own Sale 70-A fast room,' 3 sitting rooms, 4 cf the President’s authority to carpeting, porch, finished rec post office. Excellent business WiUUms Co. ed. PIck-up or dump tmek GENTLEMAN oidy, over 21, laundry room, storage base­ bedrooms, plus studio, study EXECUTIVE ..B(SlW • • I loads. 649-6020. centrel location, free parking, ment, carport, balcony and locaUon with building. CaU ROCKVILLE — Well kept four- T C t h r COLONIAL 646-2426, 9-6. ^ family house. Good Income. S e l a S ^ i ^ S ^ d ^ U d BARROWS AND WALLACE OO. 6’ SKIS, steel edge, step-in blnd- kitchen privileges. References Pl>“ se- terrace. We pay for gas cook­ Spacious newer home with Ings with buckle boote, lady’s SEASONED firewood, cut and ^nd deposit required 643-2693 He*6n Palmer, 643-6321 ing, gas heat and gas air-con- Central location. $44,000. For ^ ‘ ‘ Manchester Parkade LARGE, new office space avail­ 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, 2 Manchester 649-6806 I size 6V4. 2 poles. exceUent con- length, dump-tmek appointment only.’ ’ Gertmde Hagedom 64WW88. diUonlng. No extra charges. able, carpeting, heated, air- C I , S wST fireplaces, beautiful paneled dlUon. $80. Call 646-3336 af- *^8, half a load, $16. Call Northwood Town Houses at In­ SIZES first-floor family room. Ex­ 4fter 6, 643-9504. THE THOMPSON House— Cot- THREE-ROOM heated apart conditioned, parking. 182 West ELU NG TO N — Spacious 6- ter 4. tersection of Woodland and BDl- Middle ’Tpke., 649-2098. EAST HARTi?Y*T?ri A ^*DNIT apartment — good In- 10-20 ceptional at $46,900. room Cape situated im beau­ tage St., centrally located, ment available, $150. per EAST HAR’TFORD - Young 4- cQ^e. Call for details. llard Sts., Mauichester. Office family, brick, 4-4-4-4, ranges, tifully landscaped lot, Ure- YAMAHA Snowmobile, 1971, 20 large, pleasantly furnished month, references required. HERITAGE HOUSE Household Goods 51 Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, on premises or caU 649-6736. FIVE-ROOM Apartment offices refrigerators, air - condition- BAST CENTER ST. Large 10- pIOMte, 2-zone , heat, full base­ h.p., 292 cc’s, used five times. rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 combination, heat, hot water, 646-2482 Realtors Quality has 646-4200. ment, nice area for rec room, $700. Phone 649-2048. for overnight and permanent FIVE-ROOM, 2 bedroom apart­ era, disposals, excellent condl- room (Jolonlal may be used for 8158 5411 JOHN buys and sells used fur­ private bath, air-conditioning, 8-18 I For the finer homes guest rates. ment, second floor, 2-famlly Uon. Evelyn Carlson, 649-8764. home or offices, large lot with quiet friendly neighborhood. SKI BOOTS, worn once, excel- niture, appliances. 479 Middle ______MANCHESTER — Deluxe du­ carpeUng, ground floor loca­ Northeast Realty, 668-7907. possibility of acquiring more Louis Dimock Realty, 649-0828. plex, two bedrooms, full pri­ house, garage, washer-dryer tion, parking. Apply Marlow’s, Add this set of blouses Fabulous knits are the CARTER ST. — Custom nuich, ______lent condlUon. Lange man’s ®“ *‘ LARGE room, television avail- hook-ups, Brookfield St. area, ------—^------land. mainstays of the ward­ size 9 wide. New cost $130. 872- Wednesday, ’Thursday, Friday, ^ ,, vate basement, heat, carpets, 867 Main St., 649-6221. to your wardrobe for 2 fireplaces, plaster walls, 2 ------^----- parking. adults only, $166. CaU 6-8 p.m. that change-of-pacc look robe today . . . so why 0281. untu 9 p.m., 646-6823, 646-7679. phoAe M9-W1. appliances included. $220 per Houses For Sole 72 ROCKLEDQB—Dynamic S^room not add these two hand­ car garage, au appliances. W anted - Real Estate 77 month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ weekdays. 649-7067. to top your skirts or large treed lot, p r ic M l^ sell Raised Ranch, 6 bedrooms, 2 ^ pants. No. 8158 with some skirts to yours! No. SEWING MACHINE tor, 649-4636. MANCHESTER — Large hAthn latwA at $83,600. Frachett/^altors, SELLING your property? We a taste . . . . . l o v e l y rooms for rent, cen- 5411 has knit directions zag, unclaimed layaway, bal­ MANCHES’TER — Newer two- Houses For Rent 65 PHOTO-cuiDB is in Sizes need Ustlngs, call John H. L a ^ TEN EXXJT aluminum brake, trally located, ample parking, Dutch Colonial with fo u r ^ d - S ^ l S t a g S j .S S ^din S 8 to 18 (bust 31‘A-40). for straight skirt . . . 647-9998. ance $41.86. Singer zig-zag, WE HAVE customers waiting bedroom first-floor apartment. rooms. llvlM room w ith f l r o . ____ „--a® pen Inc., Realtors, 649-6261. $200. 646-2883. gertUemen only, kitchen privi­ Size 10, 32 bust . . . Sizes 10-20; A-Line style Delicious Knudsens' originally over $300, now only for the rental of your apart­ Includes heat, appliances, car- SINGLE house, three bed- pj^ce form ^ diMng r o ^ * * i ^ kitchen. A ver- . . . Sizes 10-18 inclusive. MAiNCSlESTER 7 - room leges. 289-7476, 668-7339. Long Sleeves, 1% yards Double BP YOU are thinking of selling EQG NOG ALUMINUM sheets used as $46.86. Slnger_Touch and Sew, ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ peu. $190 per mVnth. Paul W. bS family ^Td'^lta’hem sized kitchen, cation. 2-car garage"' SEND sot In colni for iK h pitttni Ranch, 2 full Dougan, Realtor, 649-4635. room, kitchen. Full basement...... of 45-inch plus 2*A yards -Ineludni pntasn and bandllns. Here’s to holiday cheer! The printing plates. .009 thick, 23x $48.60. AU guaranteed, easy EXCELLENT large furnished tate Associates, Inc. 643-5129. a fanrt- ® braid; short sleeves, 1% garage. Alumtaui siding, your home, why not give us a 38” , 26 cents each or 5 for $1. Anne Cabot, Jlanohenter call? We offer a complete real unique taste of Knudsens' old- terms. 522-0931, dealer. room, very near center, pri- THREE - ROOM apartment, yards. Evening Herald, 1160 AVE. Pasek Realtors, 28SI-' $76, 643-2711. OF iUlEBICAS, NEW YOBK. 1887. estate service tacludtag par­ fashion Egg Nog has made it a vate entrance, parking 647- partially furnished. Heated. Keith Real Within walking distance of Ranch with 3-rooni studio apart- Patterns available only to it! WHIRLPOOL washer, 2 months ONE MONTH RENTAL Estate, 646-4126, N .Y. 10086. ticipation In the Multiple List­ 1146, 649-6896. Garage. Available immediate­ school, shopping and public ment or in-law suite, over lU in sizes shown. Mnt Naan, Addraii witb ZIP seasonal favorite for decades. PIN CUSHIONS — hand made, old, excellent condition; Ken- 649-1922. MANCHESTER .^^~tSholce area, transportation. A real buy for acres of land wrlth a view red- SEND 784 In coint fw iMh CODE and Stria Nambtr. ing Services of Manchester and Not too rich . . . not too light. all colors. Make lovely Christ­ more dryer 2 years old; 6,000 LARGE comfortable room for BONUS ______ly. 649-4092. 7-room Ansaldl- built custmn SIX-ROOM Cape, new bath, the one-car family. Price In wood construcUon. L a ig e ’ ther- -iRolitat DMt*i* Mi hindllni. The Fall and Winter '71 Vernon. Jarvis Realty Co., Th« Famous KnudMnt’ mas gifts. 643-1730. Sue BUTaett,^ It's got unmatched enjoyment! condlUoner, exceUent gentleman, next to bath and One and two-bedroom______apart- - ______ROYAL______ARMS lovely new completely redecorated, 3 chil­ low 30’s. CJall Doris Smith, or mopane windows. 40-page ALBUM is 65^. Colonial, 1066, brick front, 23’ Realtors, 648-1121. ICE CREAM NUT ROLL condition. 643-6480. ------A—w,- f B^OTlMTHenUl, U60 A ^ . shower, dwble closet. Refer- „ienU, convenlenUy located to townhouse, 2 bedrooms, heai- dren accepted, $210. monthly. Bea Millette, Jarvis Realty O^AH^^CAB, NEW YOBK. 12 Spiolal Oulit Ooobi-SSt tM b. living room with fireplace, city A coating of crunchy, chopped nuts and SELU NO your home or acre­ ences required. 649-0719. ' • ------— •• Lease, security deposit and Co., Realtors, MLS, 643-1121. C A P E -^ rooms and enclosed 0101 Flowtr-0102 orandiatUitr't utilities. Transfer makes sac- macaroons covering pure, creamy ali nat- GAS space heater, never used, shopping and bus line. Elevator ed, fuUy c a rp e te d ,^ ! appll ______Milt NMM, SddriM ■l» 0103 Ml rtar-0104 Crib Cavan riflce necessary. High . 20’a. age? For prompt friendly ser­ porch, 2 baths, 2-cor garage, CODE. StEls NdsUltr Md lln . OIOS Covtnd W ifon-0101 Dibit HOO; gas stove, $36. Call 646- for service. Free parking. Laundry ^ C H E S T E R 4-bedroom $23,900. vice, call Louis Dimock Real­ urai Knudsens' Vaniiia Ice Cream and a PRESIDENTIAL 0131. 0107 HOC Oiilltar-OIOS Caatinnlal Meyer, Realtors, 643-0609. Colonial, 1V4 baths, fireplace, Send $1.00 for the NEW BIOS Early bmtrlcan-0110 Star ty, 649-9823. core of true-fruit, smooth Knudsens' VILLAGE APTS. ly.iToou Call 646-0223 alter 5 p.m. ®“** “P- Pat‘o^uo o Oil tt diningQuunf room, on busoua - ■ ■ — ...... ■;------,__^ a ^ , ; " . ----- * \ tt^ iat •n •¥-! ______'71 Fall and Winter Ba­ B----- ill RauiidtbaWorld-ai121-PlKa ndtr------Strawberry Ice Cream Call Superintendent, 649-2652. Une, near schools, shopping, SIX-ROOM house, conveniently *1®^*’^®'’® *’'®®^„ ^*^®® *'®’ LISTINGS sic FASHION filled w ith Alt0-B114 Favarlta Affbani-BSe, ALL CASH for your property lovely designs and a SIFTS TO MAKE-44 pafai-SI.OO. MANCHESTER thurches (closest thing to a located to stores, bus,- and ^“ ®®^ $26,9(». FYechette NOW! T h in k ln jf of 1^11- within 24 hours. Avoid red private home) $215. Call 644- park. North Manchester area, Realtors, 647-9993. FREE Pattern Coupon. Read Herald Ads Legal Notices Apartments - Flats - FGUR large rooms, heat, hot your property?” Call tape, instant service. Hayes One and two bedrooms. 1511. can 643-2791. TODAY! Immediate occupancy. Tenements 63 water, electricity, carpeting, $24,900 — DOCTOR’S Agency, 646-0131. Near schools, churches DECBEE ON UlfITATION full basement. Washer-dryer ’TOWN OF MANCHESTER, OONNEOTIClUT large 6-room Cape Cod, fire­ OF CIA1H8 GROVE STREET Apartments, and shopping center, on AT A OOiniT OF PROBATE hookup. Garage. Nice yard. place, garage, sewers, beauti­ bus line. CaU anytime holden at Coventry, within and for one-bedroom luxury apart­ Security, references. Call 646- N O T IC E O F fully landscaped lot. Hutchins Miniskirt Ti«gedy the District of Coventry, on the 14th ment. Available immediately. PHILBRICK 0496. Agency Realtors, 649-6324. COLOMBO, Ceylon (A P ) — A d ^ of December, A.D. 1971. $160. J. D. Real Estate Asso­ 646-2623 Present, Hon. David------C. Rappe, ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE figure-hugging mtaleklrt was Judge. ciates, 643-6129. MANCHESTER New three- $27,900 — COZY 7-room home. On motion of Olive O. France, ad- In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 8, Sections 1 and AGENCY blamed In coroner’s court tor bedroom duplex, close to g of the Town Charter, notice Is hereby given of the adoption by Baseboard heat, two-car ga­ Mail In Your the death of a 19-year-old girl. ^ t^ jto n n e c tlc u t on the estate of MANCHESTER - Modem 3 - rage. Nice bam, horse stalls, everything. Carpeting, Appli- the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, Connecticut, llie girl was getting on a 5RT A. FRANCE late of Cov­ room apartment, carpeting, ances, 1V4 baths, washer-hook- December 14, 1971, of Ordinance as follows: one acre. Hutchins Agency, entry within said district, deceased. REALJORS train when her tight skirt inter­ This Court doth decree that three appliances, parking. Ail up. Separate walk-out base- PURCiHABE OF REAL ESTATE — CORNER SOUTH MAIN Realtors, 649-6324. fered with the freedom of her months be allowed and. limited for electric. Spacious yard. Hil­ ment. (juiet area. C!7iildren ac- AND CHARTER OAK STREETS WOODLAND the creditors of said estate to exhibit leg movements. She suffered a their claims against (he same to the liard St., 649-7289, 868-3860. cepted. $240. monthly. Janu- . . ***® Directors of Uve Town of MANCHESTER^ Combination administratrix herein named. Classified Ads! heavy fall and died from her KnudMitg' Ev«r-Popular arv 1st occuoanev Frpphpttp Manchester that the Town of Manchester purchase for the total residential and'-buslness block, Certified from Record LARGE attractive 3 - room Reaitnra R47.fl«B2 ^ ®^ ° ” ® Thousand Seven Hundred ($1,700.00) Dollars from 6-room single family home, 6464200 Injuries. ALL-NATURAL MANOR DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge apartment. Stove, refrigerator, ______------;______;______------the State of ------Connecticut- that— ...... certain. piece or parcel of I t ^ ».situ-au- store andmiu apartment Excel- — ICE CREAMS DECREE ON LIMITATION heat, hot water, electricity. MANCHESTER — Januorv 1st ®* Manchester, County of Hartford and State of lent Investment boo HnvoB ‘V^'’ ^JHESTBR Oomfortably Fill in the Ad Form and Mail with only $1.89, cash or check, to: There are no better tasting, a p a r t m e n t s OF CLAIMS Adults. References. No pets, Connecticut as shown on a certain Map or Plan entitled "Town Agenev 64?M3i * ' “targe ‘ *’^® three-bedroom Oolonlol. NOTICE AT A COURT OF PROBATE pure flavor ice creams for holden at Coventry, within and for 8126 649-6.324. IT ‘^'®® ' 7 " ' Of Manchester Map Showing Land Relewed to Town of Manches. New vinyl siding. lovely big PLANNING AND ZONING HOMESTEAD ST. the District of Coventry, on the 14th apartment. Refrigerator, ter by ’THE STATE OF CONNECmCUT Relocation of Route U.S, PITKEN - Porter St area s treed lot. Immediate oooupan- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD COMMISSION our family to enjoy than day of December, A.D. 1971. FIVE-ROOMS, first floor, re­ stove heat, parking. $120. 6 Scale 1” - 40’ (Limited Access Highway) Ralph L. Hager, Dep- « a r ^ d alumtaum .. OFIP W. MIDDLE TPKE. Present, Hon. David C. Rappe, year old aluminum sided cus­ HEBRON, CONNECrnCUT nudaens' . .. at anytime. decorated, garage. Adults, no Freshette Realtors, 647-9993. uty Transportation Ciommlssloner — Bureau of Highways July aluminum sMnH mi.. ®®* Alt’ Real Estate, 648- 13 Bissell St., Manchester, Conn. 06040 MANCHESTER Judge. tom built, 8-room Garrison. Following a Public Hearing on This holiday serve the spe­ On motion of Jeannette M. Orace, pets. 643-8610. 1970” , said land b*elng more particularly bounded and describe^ FOUR-ROOM apartment, Oak as follows: Family room with beamed December 14, 1971 the Planning cial flavors of Knudsens' 1, 2 and 8-bedroom luxury executrix; Bunker Hill Road, Andov- ______er, Connecticut on the estate of on /-wMr-oirQQ otnnnt u-n..-. St., close to Main. Stove, re­ and Zoning Commission voted apartments. Features wall-to- Alonso O. Grace late of Coventry C O N G R E SS Street — Four Beginning at a point which marks that southeasterly celling and built-in bar, dream all-natural Orange-Pine- citin g, vanity tUe *iit*.'* district, deceased. room apartm ent. Gas heat, frigerator Included. $136. comer of the premises described herein, thence running kitchen with .barbecue, etc. 'Type or print Ad on following lines — to; applej PeppermJnt Stick, This Court doth decree that three -nnvino. AH.,ito n n i„ eioit westerly Two Hundred Eighty-Four (284) Feet more .or COMMERCIAL PLOT baths, buUt-ta oven, range, months be allowed and limited for parking. Adults only, $126 monthly. Keith Real Estate, etc. Call Now. Hayes Agency. 1. Approve the resubdlvlaton of Spumoni and Rum Raisin ^hwasher, refrigerator and the c r^ to rs of said estate to exhibit m onthly. Security required, 649-1922, 646-4126. less to a point In Uvs non-access highway line, said point 646-0131. C-Zone lot, comer B. Center Parcel A In the Campanellt Ice Creams. olaposal, electric heat. 2 air- tncir cl^m s ftf&lnst the s&nic to th© mifl r>v* aiq oqob being Forty-Five (46) Feet from the hose line as shown on Subdivision on East Street. executrix hei^n named. 868-6396 o r 633-2898. said Map; thence turning and running northerly One Hun­ ?™*a 9®®**'*'*** approved conditioners, glass sUdtag MANC7HE8TER — Deluxe one- DESIRABLE neighborhood, 2. Approve an application from Certified from Record dred Ninety-nine (199) Feet morS or less and parallel to for building. Plane avalUUe, all laige rooms. Ftal DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge MANCHESTER — 6 - room bedroom apartment. Large liv­ five rooms, fireplace, porch. e v e ry th ^ ret^y to go. Robert J. Tupper for subdi­ ing room, heat, appliances, said base lino to a point; thence turning and running In Oftsement storage area, am* apartment, 2-3 bedrooms, ap­ Two-car garage. Convenient to ic e d to Bell, vision of property on Niles carpets, included. $176 per northeastarly direction One Hundred Thlrty-Nlne (189) pliances, $166. per month. 876- Feet more or less to a point Thirty-Seven (87) Feet south­ bus, schools, churches. Only Road Into four lota, with the month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ 6283. erly of the base line shown In Charter Oak Street In said $22,900, Evelyn Carlson, 649- T. J. C R O C K in stipulation that no building be tor, 649-4636. VILLAGER Map, said point also being located In a non-access high­ 8764, Northeast Realty, 868- BKALTOR MI-1B17 permitted unUl the Planning open for 7907. Inspection 12-6 Saturday and APARTMENTS ^ way line; thence turning and nmnig easterly in said non- and Zoning Commission re­ It has a nam e toc^ FOUR-ROOM apartment, large access highway line One Hundred Five (106) Feet more or Simday, other times by ap­ ( ceives approval from State rooms, very ample closets and pointment. Immediate Occupancy IMS to a point; thence turning and running southerly Nome ...... cabinets, full - size kitchen, and local Health officials. by ( 6-Room Townhouaes, 1%- THURSTON ’Two Hundred Seventeen (217) Feet more or loss to the Bout completely tiled bathroom, point or place of beginning. 8. Approve the application from Uled baths, c o m p} Ii e t e ' X Apartments Address ...... kitchen, heat, alr-c'-condl- J heat, hot water,------, ------„ self-cleaning . .^®*®^®*',yR** rights of access for pedestrians and vehicles as Chester and Emily Rochette U It R Housing Corp. 140 lO LLU R D BT. 2 - door refrigerator, ■"own on said Map and designated sidewalk and earth rd. trains for an addlUonal three lota in ( tloning, wall-to-wall11 ew e^y ..... * ' Main nat^ai in nnniain na jsam /e mm v ____ peting, private basement, laundry facilities, $176 Includ- iess°^ ** parcel to contain One and 26/100 (1.26) acriss, more or New and Used — All Gauges C ity ...... Phone ...... the Country View Manor Sub­ During the holidays, enjoy all the fresh, Rentals by washer-dryer hookup. ’Three rooms, fully carpet­ division on Route 66 and an Ing ______This Ordnance shall take effect ten (10) days after this pub- nutritious, flavorful Knudsen Dairy R obert D . ) ed, complete appliances, ■UY - SELL - TRADE increase In the area of the ( shades, generous closets, M urdock ^ Charles Lesperance PR AC nC ALLY new 2-bedroom a?ttrThli"n.,M ^«"»rn Day to S ta rt...... Producte. At your favorite store or from- heat, hot water, parking, II ®f this Ordinance a petlUon signed by not previously approved Lot No. luxury apartment wall-i 14. nmuhett R ealtor 648-2682 ) basement storage, near tijan nve (6) per cent of the electore of the Town a i THE TRAIN EXCHANGE your Knudeene’ Routeman... you can’t 648-8661 649-7620 Shopping a n d churches, carpeting, vanity bath, color- mlrled from the latest official lists of the Reglstrara of Voters has 4. Table action on an applica­ ti R o s 0664826 $176. per month. Call ed appliances, including dUh- not been ffied wltFthc' T w ii cierkVequeltfig'lta'refeM ^ 880 MANOHESTBB tion tor subdivision of the buy betterl washer, disposal, sliding glass ■P«olal Town election. ^ * reierence to a 15 WORDS FORII CONSECUTIVE DAYS — ONLY $1.89 Kltaben Robinson property on . Mill- ) Peterman Bealtor, M9-9404 doors to sunporch, next to Anthony F, Pletrantonlo Sfind this form in together with your check — your claasified ad stream and Wellawood Roads. swimming pool, |190 per Secretary, Board of Director! Saturday and Sunday 1 . • p.M. will be placed the very next day. Datad at Hebron, Connecticut, month. Call C4C-OS47 naiasi * Mwicheiter, Connecticut this 18th day of December 1971. ^^ted at Manchester, Connecticut this 16th day of December 1971 FAST — ACTION PACKED — ADS! Roy Wlrth, North Haven 288-1666 Waterbury 755-0177 imBniMiUBi? (Chairman East Hartford 289-1501 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 4971 r i iManrIjfBtjfr En^ttittg Igpralii

■ The Senior High Drama Grade 0 Confirmation Class of The Senior High Youth Fo­ The Emma Nettleton Group About Town Workshop cf Scuth United Center Congregational Church rum of North United Methodist of . Center Congregational llie Adult Forum of North Methcdlst Church will meet to- will meet tcnlj^t at 6 ;45 In Church will meet tonight at 7 at Church will have a potluok to­ CORRECTIONI United Methodist Church will n'.tht at 7 at the Jesse Lee Memorial Hall of the church, the church. Grade 7 will also night at 6:80 the RobMns THE meet tonight at 8 at the Hcuse of the church, and Grades 7 tind 8 will meet at meft at 7 at the church parson­ Room of the church, church. 6:48 In the lower Junior Hall. age, and Grades 8 and 0 at the Jehovah's Witnesses will have church. The pre-nursery class of FREE DRAWING Temple Chapter, OES, will group discussions of a Bible aid The Manchester Square Scuth United Methodist Church ENTRY BLANKS FOB M have a business meeting tomor­ tonight at 7:'30 at 726- N. Dance Club lessons will be held The Cherub Choir of Emanuel will meet tomorrow at 0:80 SHAG CARPETING CAN BE PILVBD OUT ^ row at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Main SI.. 18 Chambers St,, 167 tonight at 8 at Verplanck School Lutheran Church will rehearse a.m. at Susannah Wesley Temple, OfTtcers will wear Boulder Rd., 144 Oriffln Rd. In Instead of Waddell School. Next tomorrow at 3 ;S0 p.m. In Luther House, 20 Hartford Rd. OF DEC. 20th THRU JAN. 8th, 1972 AND NOT street dresses. South Windsor, and French Rd., week, the classes will return to Hall of the church, and the Jun­ AS OF DEC. 26th AS ADVERTISED IN MON­ Bolton. Waddell School. ior Choir will rehearse at 4:80 DAY'S HERALD. The Feast of St. Thomas will In Luther Hall. IDlNTinCATION be cbserved tonight at 7 with a The Round Table Singers of Eta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi PASSPORT PHOTOS service of Holy Communion at Manchester High School will sorority, will have a gift ex­ The Pilgrim Choir of Center St. Mary's Elplsoopal Church. SALIM NASSIPP U&H Floor Covering present a program of Christ­ change at Its meeting tonight at Congregational Church will re­ OASOBRA SHOP A aTVUIO Holy Communion will also be mas music tonight at the Ro­ 8 at the home of Mrs. Walter hearse tomorrow at 3:18 p.m. 37 OAK ST., MANCHESTER - 649-7970 served tomorrow at 10 a.m. at MO Main St„ Manohealer tary Club meeting at 6:80 p.m. Wilson, 200 Regan Rd., Rock­ in Memorial Hall of the •tt-TSW the church. at Manchester Country Club, ville. church.

Engaged engagement of Miss Laura'Louise Wallace of Enfield, formerlV of Manchester, to MlchaeA Wayne Sweeney of Agawam,\ Mass, has been an­ nounced iW her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William John Wallace; Sr., 3 Misslh^pr., Enfield. . Her fiance iKjthe son of Mr. and Mrs. John S ^ ^ e y of Riv­ erside, R.I, n T Miss Wallace attend^ Man­ chester schools and Is a 'Itenlor at Enfield High School. S h ^ is employed with the ColumbUs ervlces mtemational at BraoV. lex Bitematlonal Airport. Sweeney Is a 1066 gradu­ ate M East Providence (R.I.) High ^hool and served two and a half Vears In Vietnam. He is Stay Sharp SS7 employra as a customer service Geite^l Electric Remington Clairol Kindim^s Lady Schick Schick Stay Sharp agent fonAlleghcny Airlines at Bradley I^ m atlon al Airport. Manic'tire Set Hot Comb*^“* for Men Mist Haii^seuer Crown Jewel” Shaver Cord/Cordless Schick The wedduig^ is planned for Jan. 15, 1972. Rag. Rag. Reg Reg 14.97 20.97 29.97 21.97 16.97 24.97 Self17.97 sharpening chrome stainless 11.97 T .99 rp Long lasting rechargeable power. Precision gold-plated head, never Police Patrol Self-sharpening blades. Travel nicks, scratches. Luxury medal­ blades. 4 posilion111 control side- lion style, #110 burn trimmer AddedFor Town Center An additional police patrol district In the center of Man­ chester, to deal with rising In­ cidences of crime wUl became effective Jan. 2, and will bring the total crulser-patrcded dis­ tricts to six. The new district, which wUl encompass the center area of Afonchester, will be manned 34- Tiny 3 Great houi»a-day by one cruiser. Two Tonka Jeepster Mighty Tonka walking beats wlU be main­ 37”x 3 r Canvas Translucent China 54 Piece Stainless Tonka Trucks Tonka Trucks tained in the center, according or Dump Truck Car Carrier Many wanted a A to Police Oiief James Reardon. Reproductions Dinnerware Sets Flatware Sets models to X / 1 ^ choose from! U T C The ptdice budget contains Rag Reg, Reg. funds for the additional cruiser, 29.95 59.95 24.95 Tonka Totes and for the four patrolmen who 5.96 Many styles/ were hired six months ago to 55 39.70 piece service for 8, plus Fire pumper car, car car­ 19.71 .17.406 piece setting for 8, plus extra 2.77 Favorite Tonka models! 11.99 and super e Hurry for super savings provide extra manpower for Choice/>f several subjects - bold, serving pieces. Several beautiful rier or bottom dump colorful; All in modern frames. spoons and serving pieces. Sever­ Good stocking stuffers. on popular toys! savings! truck. the district. The district will re­ patterns. al patterns. lieve strains on lour districts surrounding the center, especial­ ly the Parkade District which has seen the largest increase In activity. Roughly, then, the six dis­ tricts consist of four large ones at each comer cf Manchester, one in the Parkade Area, and ’m . the new one in the area of the Center.

Pollution Tops Steele Poll Skinny Dip Yardley urtis McCall’s Cookbook Trouble Great all 'round rec- ^ ^ Ccntrols on pollution, crime Gift Set Gift Soap lee Crystals Cologne ipes! Better Homes & Gardens Manual of Hom.e Repairs and drugs received the highest Pub. Litl 6.95 trG • R-F Fondue and .Remodeling, ^ fm jm priority by residents cf Con­ Table Top Cooking Maintenance necticut’s Second CTongressional Pub. Lilt 1.95 Pub. Lilt 7.95 vF o C F District, according to Repub­ The Joy of Cooking 1.68 2.69 2.29 1.77 Better Homes & Gardenshardens The Random House lican Congressman Robert H. 2.19 Good cooks are m l m f m l Box of 3 bars. Spring Decanter bath beads; Trouble he'll love! 4 oz. Blender College Steele, who recently conducted 2 oz. Spray Cologne and 4 Flowers or Carnation. citrus, lime or floral. made, not born! oz. Dusting Powder $3.50 size. Cookbook Dictionary a public opinion poll. $2.75 size. $2.75 size. Pub. Ust 6.95 '4 Pub. Lilt 7.95 The political pulse-taking Pub. Lilt 1.95 1.68 questionnaire was sent out to more than 180,000 constituents and the widest margin of ap­ proval was for legisIaUon to outlaw disposable beverage bot­ tles and cans. The stash-the-can measure now before Congress was supported by a 76 per cent General to 23 per cent spread, with only one per cent undecided. Electric The closest tally, 51-47-2 per Box of 50 - Panatela. Inviiv- cent gave slim supp^ for estab­ cibles. Ranger. Tips lishment of a govemment-nm Corona. Perfeclo .Special. Vacuum national health insurance pro­ ^ gram. Dutchmaster Cigars^ „ Blunts. Panatela. Perfecto y x S k In listing five areas that ...boxofSO. Sweeper should receive the highest prior­ ity in funding and federal ac­ Antonio & Cleopatra Rag. 28.97 tion, Steele's cemsituents rated the Issues this way: Pollution, Grenadiers crime, jobs, drugs, and welfare Box of 50, light or dark reform. Garcia Vega Cigars > Also printed In French and Elegante or Gallante. box R l R l 25.87 Spanish, the questionnaires were of SO quality cigars. V r * Use as carpet sweeper, dust mop, ' counted by 40 volunteers. broom, light duly vacuum cleaner. Agitator brush. #SV1A

Bus to P&WA Takes the Work Using New Road Maxi Power.. . Red Out of Cleaning! Barstow Traiuportation of MiniSixd DayvUle, Conn., which operates Watch m commuter buses from the Put­ General nam area to Prntt & Whitney Plaid General Division of United Aircraft Corp. In East Hartford, has applied Zippered Electric to the state Public UUllUes Com­ Electric mission for authority to use the Luggage recenUy opened segment of In­ Cannister terstate 84 In Manchester. Portable The PUC has scheduled a public hearing for Jan. 7 on the Vacuum uppllcatlon which, If granted, Cleaner would- take the Barstow buses Our Rag, 32.97 off Manchester streets and route Our Rag. 26.97 them on the new expressway from Bolton Notch to Silver 24’ , Keg. 11..H9...... 8.88 4 0 " Meii’u Suit Bug, Keg, 16.99..13.88 (joes anywhere for quick clean-ups' Lane. 2 6 ", Keg. 13.99...... 10.88 .rt" Urew Hag, Keg. 1 7 .W ...... 14.88 Swivel lop for (•usier cleaning: easy Handy attachments for hard-to- 29”, Keg. 16.99...... 13.88 lock-in alluchments. Rolls smoothly Barstow already has tempor­ on 3 tracking casters. #C14 ary authority to use 1-84, and Wood veneer frame, trouble free po) yesler zipper.s'. Strung bundle . . . a 29.97 the company Is now seeking lusting gift! 22.97 permanent approval. Barstow ta only permitted to 2 Oruat Woyi Tu Chgrgu run the buses for aircraft com­ MANCHESTERr~l I4S TOLLAND TPKE. muters from eastern ConneoU- SALE TUISDAY thru FRIDAY out—the buaee do not stop In Exit 93, W ilbur Cross Parkway jU in the Maaohaater area, which la aetvtd by the OoonaoUcut Co.

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