PAGE FORT? MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 197J lEorntng 1|?raUi Avarag. Dally Nat Prass Run For The Week Ended The Weather November to, 1971 M. Graves of Storrs, marshal; AboutTown Christmas Party Donald E. Murray of Tolland, Clear and colder tesdght; low Uriel Lodge iianrJjpatpr luem nn in 20s. Tomorrow sunny, oddi; Th« nominatlnf committa* ot organist; Fred H. Bechter of MILK South UnlUd MethodUt Church Produces Gifts West WtUtngton, t y l ^ . Braln­ 15,590 high -about 40. Thuroday'e oqt- wlU moot tonight at 7 at the look . , , again sunny and ootd. For Many Needy Seats Slate ard, historian and^ Ubrarian; FOR HOMI DUIVIRY Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm church. Officers for Uriel Lodge of Past Master Robert C. Sim­ 3 TIMRS WIIKLY IN RITURNAMJ Masons for 1972 wars Installed mons of Coventry, custodian of Tte Clvftan Club of Kanchea- Kaiser Hall of Concordia GLASS lo m is VOL. LXXXXI, NO. Lutheran Church on Pitkin Bt. at semi-public installation cere­ the work; Charles B. Transue of (TWENTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1971 (Olaasiflod Advertlalng on Pegu SB) tar will meat tomorrow at 13:15 monies at the Masonic ’Temple Manchester, In charge of pub­ (We beUeve milk taatee better In gbuw) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS p.m. at WUlla’a Steak Houaa. was the scene of an unusual licity. Christmas party Saturday eve­ in Merrow on Saturday. ning, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Ths cerepionlef were opened After the Installation, there The Klvmnla Club of ^an> with introductory remarks by was an Interval for presentation cheater will meet tomorrow Jay R. Stager of 73 Pitkin Bt. of gifts and Introduction of noon at Manchester Country Past Master Jesse A. Bralnard, DARI-MAID MILK CO. INC. About 180 guests attending master of Uriel Lodge In 1939, friends and relatives. Club. were asked to contribute gifts of num O N I M3-M24 Bhutto Appoints who acted as installing master A social hour with refresh­ The Only Dniry Proeeaelng MUk In Mnnobeeter canned meats, fruit and vege­ ments followed In the banquet Olrl Scout Troop Me will meet for the evening. Past Master Nixoiiy Heath tables for needy Manchester George ’Taft, master ot Uriel hall. tomorrow at 3 p.m. at Waddell families. A substantial amount School. At 6 p.m., the group Ledge In 19M, acted as Install­ was collected, according to ing marshal. ’The past master’s A Vice President will meet at the school parking Stager, and was to be turned let to go caroling at Manches­ jewel was presented to outgoing over today to the town Welfare Master Elbert D. Sheldon by ter convalescent homes. Scouts Department’s distribution center are reminded to bring permis­ Past Master -George W. Mo- End Talk on at 93 Onter St. I / MANCHESTER sion slips and grab bag gifts. berg, who was Master of Uriel During the party, guests saw Lodge In 1963, and Saturday To East Pakistan Scouts not planning to go carol­ a IH-hour multi-media presenta­ ing are reminded to contact i SHOPPING DAYS Court Officer was installed again as master. tion with an ecology theme, en­ Other elective officers Install­ Mrs. Alice Brown, 28 Turnbull ^ TILL CHRISTMAS titled, "Our Privileged Planet," Kenneth Klevman, 33, of Ell­ PARKADE Rd. ed are: Ronald F. Bossle of lm \ by Lester Campbell of Belchei^ ington, a probation officer with Wllllngton, senior warden; Hu­ M E a st territories by nam - A Wary Note town. Mass. The show utilised the State ot Connecticut, has go F. ’Thomas ot North Coven­ The meeting of the Confirma­ joined Paul McGeary and Ste­ 'r^year.old----------------------------------------- tion Class ot Second Congrega­ six slide projectors <q;>erated try, junior warden; Past Mas­ «um Amin, demonstrated the , , Presses Damaged simultaneously and in sequence, phen Bavier In the Rockville ter C. Lawrence Schiller of Wll- STORES n inaUllty of the government In ‘demanded that ho HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP)—President Nixon and tional Church scheduled for to­ adult probation department. morrow has been postponed un­ plus recorded sound and person­ llmantlc, treasurer; Past Mas­ MANCHESTER West Pakistan to rally stmifl- **® 'o^lng the Prime Minister Edward Heath ended their summit talks til Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at By Flying Glass al commentary by Campbell, a Klevman, a 1970 graduate erf ter Joseph Csiki Sr. of Willing- ' nil I , imn— — cant support among the leaders today with broad agreement to move warily toward ne­ the church. nationally recognised expert in Western New , England College ton, secretary; Past Masters OPEN of the now state of Baiurla Desh “ ® brcadoaat Monday n<fl;ht, gotiations with Russia on a security system for Europe. About |SOO damage was done the media. In Springfield, Mass., will serve George J. Mathews of North PARKADE, which the Indian army freed In vowed to retake the loot The two leaders—attended by ------------------------------------------ The Elmma Nettleton Group Saturday night when rock­ Several Christmas selections as probation officer In both Tol­ Coventry, Gilbert W. Wlttman the' two-week war. eastern territory and warned advlsere Henry A Kissinger Pakistani crisis and on ways to / throwing vandals broke seven were presented by the Manches­ land Superior Court and Circuit of Manchester and Jesse A. of Center Congregational In the NaUoiial Amemblv *'®’' P r e ­ if^n***! ^y®"f ®°"’ reshape International monetary Church will have a Christmas windows at the Allied Printing ter High School Round Table Court 13. Bralnard of South Coventry, election a year ago Amin a ®^® ^ fall." Later eluded thrir final private see- relaUonsWps. EVERY f 'T meeting and poUuck tomorrow Go. at 679 W. Middle Tpke., Singers. The group was led by Klevman Is a native cf Bea­ trustees. PoIlUcaJ foe of aholk Muw'hur *’® * news conference he sion■ if\v 7 cf abouta>\/Mir three4ri«>AA hours «sr44Lswith • con Falls, a graduate of Nauga­ Appointive officers Installed The disagreement on the re­ at 6:30 p.m. In the Robbins q>raylng glau fragments into David Larsson, president of the R«hman, won one of the two ^ ‘®*™® an cxaminaition cf the linked is­ Room of the church. Members two large printing presses. Round Table and the senior tuck Hlg^ School, and 1s mar­ are: Willard P. Bechter of West sues cf an East - West Berlin cent . war stems from dlffoTy' Wllllngton, senior deacon; Her­ Bast Pakistani seats which the Indians are reminded to bring grab bag Alfred Lemlre, plant manag­ class. ried. / p y NITE were not taken by Sheik Mu *^® “ oupled pact, a conference cn European ®"®®“ the approach eM gifts. er, said the presses were taken Stager Is a member ot the Klevman first served as a bert B. Kiel Jr. of Stafford security and a program of dialysis of the causes cf the Springs, junior deacon; Wilfred jib’s Awaml ll^a^^e. T^^Awi conflict. apart and cleaned of the glass, faculty at Manchester Commun­ probation officer in Waterbury \ TILL CHRISTMAS ami* won 167. a majority In the East-West force cuts In the Old The meeting of .Manchester and were back In operation this ity Ocdlege. His wife, Shirley, Superior Court for a year be­ T. Bigl of Tolland, seidor stew­ assembly. ■ Ne also appealed, to Pakistan- World. British officials, for instance, WATE8 scheduled for tomor­ morning. is co-head of a nursery school fore transferring to Rockville. ard; George T. Luurtsema of Mil rARKAOf-S VVcSNDN-'. il Nlxcn has been under some disagree w ith' the American ’Fblland, junior steward; Past "A-iOP Bhelk Mujlb has been a oris- ^®P<»‘ted money row has been canceled. A large glass sign In front of In Talcottville. Klevman has been an active oner In West Pakistan L ko r*>road to bring It back because British pressure to acknowl- *l>atthat IndiaIndia had the building was also damasked. member of. Connecticut Para­ Master William C. P a i^ is of 0 ( L.X-..I I iNv • '• r ' !iXl A'.' last March, and Bhutto has glv- ®rmed forces need weap- edge that -the 310,000-strong P’«m>®d ^ ‘"vade West PaW- Toser Group of Second Oon- Lemlre said the damage was chutists, Inc. since 1969, and Mansfield, chaplain; Wendell i r U.8. garrison is in Europe as agreed gregjatlonal Church will have a not permanent. Girl Injured, jumpa in Ellington. do noabout indlcaucn him what THiisewnerq. ’ls ^ X J e ‘“ '“ • much for America’s as for Eu- b^^mlay to work together on Christmas party tomorrow at 8 CHRISTMAS GIFTS \\n i; i o\ih,i II I \Mii N Three days after Ridla In- r No. 2 diplomat In rope’s security. This, according p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ran into Car of 16 Union St. swerved to the THAT ARB DIFFERENT vaded East Pakistan on Dec 4 Pakistani to conference sources, he has Uam Freeman, 125 Avery St' Oo- Claric To Direct right to avoid her, stopped, tmd AND SURE TO PLEASE! >l!omM, (INiMI then-Presldent Agha Mo^ named A. F. M. Ehasanul Ka- been prepared to concede pro­ Moscow hoetesses are Mrs. Frank NBIW YORK (AP) — James A five-year-old girl Is in satis­ the child ran Into the left front '• HANDCSUrnSD OANmjDS hammed Yahya Khan named *1'*^*^ Pakistani High vided It la not taken to mean Dowds and Mrs. Neil Paterson. factory condition today at Man­ of the auto. No arrest was made. • MSTINOnVE RINOB * Amin prime m l n U ^ ^ s t o ^ Commission and offered to that the existing level of Ameri­ Clark will direct the ambitious -oesignote work for the new Bangla Desh Mulled Members are reminded to bring hunfsn Interest drama “Wal­ chester Memorial Hotq>ital, as OANmjB HOLDEBS G PI I N il PRPi r/'PK'lN-.
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