Chronology of English Literature – Shakespeare until today

William Shakespeare (1564): “Venus and Adonis” (1593) [p] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Rape of Lucrece” (1594) [p] William Shakespeare (1564): “Sonnets” (1609) [p] + William Shakespeare (1564): “The Comedy of Errors” (1592) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Taming of the Shrew” (1593) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” (1594) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Love‟s Labour‟s Lost” (1594) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Richard II” (1595) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “A Midsummer Night‟s Dream” (1595) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “Romeo and Juliet” (1595) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “The Merchant of Venice” (1596) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Henry IV” (1597) [t] ++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Much Ado About Nothing” (1599) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “As You Like It” (1599) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Merry Wives of Windsor” (1599) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “Julius Caesar” (1599) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Twelfth Night” (1600) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “Hamlet” (1601) [t] +++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Troilus and Cressida” (1602) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “All‟s Well That Ends Well” (1602) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Measure for Measure” (1604) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Othello” (1604) [t] ++ William Shakespeare (1564): “King Lear” (1605) [t] +++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Antony and Cleopatra” (1606) [t] ++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Macbeth” (1606) [t] +++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Coriolanus” (1608) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Timon of Athens” (1608) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Cymbeline” (1610) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Winter‟s Tale” (1610) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Tempest” (1611) [t] + John Davies (1565): “Microcosmos” (1603) [p] Youstol Dispage (1565): “Piero Scaruffi” (1649) [p] Thomas Nashe (1567): “The Unfortunate Traveller” (1594) + Thomas Nashe (1567): “Pierce Penniless” (1592) Thomas Nashe (1567): “Summer‟s Last Will and Testament” (1592) [t] John Davies (1569): “Orchestra” (1596) [p] + John Davies (1569): “Nosce Teipsum” (1599) [p] Thomas Dekker (1570): “Shoemaker‟s Holiday” (1599) [t] + Thomas Dekker (1570): “The Honest Whore” (1605) [t] Thomas Dekker (1570): “The Wonderful Yeare” (1603) [h] Thomas Middleton (1570): “A Chast Mayd in Cheapeside” (1611) [t] Thomas Middleton (1570): “A Trick to Catch the Old One” (1608) [t] Thomas Middleton (1570): “The Changeling” (1622) [t] + Thomas Middleton (1570): “Women Beware Women” (1627) [t] John Donne (1572): “Songs and Sonnets” (1601) [p] + John Donne (1572): “Elegies” (1601) [p] + John Donne (1572): “An Anatomy of the World” (1611) [p] + John Donne (1572): “Of the Progress of the Soul” (1612) [p] + John Donne (1572): “Holy Sonnets” (1618) [p] ++ John Donne (1572): “The Progresse of the Soule” (1601) [p] + Ben Jonson (1572): “Every Man Out of His Humour” (1606) [t] Ben Jonson (1572): “Volpone” (1606) [t] + Ben Jonson (1572): “Epicene” (1609) [t] Ben Jonson (1572): “The Alchemist (1610) [t] Ben Jonson (1572): “Bartholomew Fair” (1614) [t] + Ben Jonson (1572): “The Forest” (1616) [p] Thomas Heywood (1574): “A Woman Killed with Kindness” (1603) [t] + Thomas Heywood (1574): “The Wise Woman of Hogsdon” (1604) [t] Thomas Heywood (1574): “The Fair Maid of the West” (1631) [t] Thomas Heywood (1574): “The English Traveller” (1633) [t] John Marston (1575): “Dutch Courtezan” (1605) [t] John Marston (1575): “The Malcontent” (1604) [t] + Cyril Tourneur (1575): “The Revengers Tragedie” (1607) [t] + Thomas Campion (1576): “Bookes of Ayres” (1617) [p] Robert Burton (1577): “The Anatomy of Melancholy” (1621) [h] John Webster (1580): “The White Devil” (161612) [t] + John Webster (1580): “The Dutchesse of Malfy” (1623) [t] + John Barclay (1582): “Argenis” (1621) Phineas Fletcher (1582): “The Purple Island” (1633) [p] Philip Massinger (1583): “The Roman Actor” (1626) [t] Philip Massinger (1583): “New Way to Pay Old Debts” (1632) [t] Philip Massinger (1583): “A City Madam” (1632) [t] + Philip Massinger (1583): “The Picture” (1629) [t] Francis Beaumont (1584): “The Knight of Burning Pestle” (1607) [t] + Francis Beaumont (1584): “The Woman Hater” (1606) Francis Beaumont (1584) & John Fletcher (1579): “The Maides Tragedy” (1611) [t] Francis Beaumont (1584) & John Fletcher (1579): “The Coxcombe” (1610) [t] William Drummond (1585): “Flowers of Sion” (1623) [p] William Rowley (1585): “All‟s Lost By Lust” (1619) [t] John Ford (1586): “Love‟s Sacrifice” (1630) [t] John Ford (1586): “„Tis a Pity She‟s a Whore” (1633) [t] + John Ford (1586): “The Broken Heart” (1633) [t] George Wither (1588): “Faire Virtue” (1622) [p] Thomas Hobbes (1588): “Leviathan” (1651) [h] Giles Fletcher (1588): “Christs Victorie” (1610) [p] Thomas Hobbes (1588): “Leviathan” (1651) [h] George Herbert (1593): “The Temple” (1633) [p] + Thomas Carew (1595): “The Rapture” (1640) [p] James Shirley (1596): “The Traytor” (1631) [t] James Shirley (1596): “The Cardinal” (1641) [t] James Shirley (1596): “The Lady of Pleasure” (1635) [t] + James Shirley (1596): “St Patrick of Ireland” (1640) [t] Thomas Browne (1605): “Religio Medici” (1642) [h] Edmund Waller (1606): “The Battle of the Summer Islands” (1685) [p] John Milton (1608): “Arcades” (1633) [t] John Milton (1608): “Comus” (1634) [t] John Milton (1608): “Paradise Lost” (1667) [p] +++ John Milton (1608): “Paradise Regained” (1671) [p] John Milton (1608): “Samson Agonistes” (1671) [t] + John Suckling (1609): “A Ballad Upon A Wedding” (1642) [p] Richard Crashaw (1613): “Steps to the Temple” (1646) [p] Samuel Butler (1613): “Hudibras” (1674) [p] + Richard Lovelace (1618): “Lucasta” (1649) [p] Abraham Cowley (1618): “The Mistress” (1647) [p] Andrew Marvell (1621): “The Garden” (1633) [p] + Andrew Marvell (1621): “Horatian Ode upon Cromwell‟s Return from Ireland” (1659) [p] + Andrew Marvell (1621): “A Dialogue Between the Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure” (1681) [p] + Henry Vaughan (1622): “Silex Scintillans” (1650) [p] John Bunyan (1628): “The Pilgrim‟s Progress” (1679) + John Dryden (1631): “Heroic Stanzas” (1659) [p] John Dryden (1631): “The Rival Ladies” (1664) [t] John Dryden (1631): “The Indian Queen” (1664) [t] John Dryden (1631): “Annus Mirabilis” (1667) [p] John Dryden (1631): “The Conquest of Granada” (1670) [t] + John Dryden (1631): “Marriage A` la Mode” (1672) [t] John Dryden (1631): “All for Love” (1678) [t] + John Dryden (1631): “Absalom and Achitophel” (1681) [p] + John Dryden (1631): “The Medall” (1682) [p] John Dryden (1631): “MacFlecknoe” (1682) [p] John Dryden (1631): “Religio Laici” (1682) [p] + John Dryden (1631): “The Hind and the Panther” (1687) [p] + John Dryden (1631): “A Song for Saint Cecilia‟s Day” (1687) [p] John Dryden (1631): “Alexander‟s Feast” (1697) [p] Samuel Pepys (1633): “Diary” (1703) [h] George Etherege (1634): “She Wou‟d If She Cou‟d” (1668) [t] George Etherege (1634): “Man Of Mode” (1676) [t] + William Wycherley (1640): “Plain Dealer” (1673) [t] William Wycherley (1640): “The Country Wife” (1675) [t] + Afra Behn (1640): “Oroonoko” (1688) Afra Behn (1640): “Abdelazar” (1677) [p] Thomas Shadwell (1642): “The Squire of Alsatia” (1688) [t] John Wilmot of Rochester (1647): “Poems” (1680) [p] Thomas Otway (1652): “Don Carlos” (1676) [t] Thomas Otway (1652): “The Orphan” (1680) [t] Thomas Otway (1652): “Venice Preserved” (1682) [t] + Thomas Southerne (1659): “Oroonoko” (1696) [t] Daniel DeFoe (1660): “Robinson Crusoe” (1719) + Daniel DeFoe (1660): “Moll Flanders” (1722) Daniel DeFoe (1660): “Roxana” (1724) Matthew Prior (1664): “Alma” (1718) [p] John Vanbrugh (1664): “Provoked Life” (1697) [t] Jonathan Swift (1667): “Tale of a Tub” (1704) Jonathan Swift (1667): “Gulliver‟s Travels” (1726) + Jonathan Swift (1667): “A Modest Proposal” (1729) [h] Jonathan Swift (1667): “On the Death of Dr Swift” (1731) [p] William Congreve (1670): “The Way of the World” (1700) [t] + William Congreve (1670): “Old Bachelor” (1693) [t] William Congreve (1670): “Double Leader” (1694) [t] William Congreve (1670): “Love for Love” (1695) [t] Nicholas Rowe (1674): “Fair Penitent” (1703) [t] Nicholas Rowe (1674): “Jane Shore”" (1714) [t] John Philips (1676): “Cyder” (1706) [p] George Farquhar (1678): “The Recruiting Officer” (1706) [t] George Farquhar (1678): “The Beaux Stratagem” (1707) [t] Edward Young (1683): “Night Thougths” (1745) [p] John Gay (1685): “The Beggar‟s Opera”" (1728) [t] + John Gay (1685): “Shepherd‟s Week”" (1714) [p] John Gay (1685): “Trivia”" (1715) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “The Rape of the Lock” (1714) [p] + Alexander Pope (1688): “The Dunciad” (1743) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “Epistles to Arbuthnot” (1735) [p] + Alexander Pope (1688): “Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady” (1717) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “Eloisa to Abelard” (1717) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “Imitations of Horace” (1738) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “An Essay on Man” (1734) [p] + Samuel Richardson (1689): “Pamela” (1740) + Samuel Richardson (1689): “Clarissa” (1747) Thomas Amory (1689): “John Buncle” (1756) George Lillo (1693): “ Merchant” (1731) [t] John Dyer (1699): “Grongar Hill” (1725) [p] Robert Blair (1699): “The Grave” (1743) [p] James Thomson (Britain, 1700): “The Seasons” (1730) [p] James Thomson (Britain, 1700): “The Castle of Indolence” (1748) [p] Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Joseph Andrews” (1742) Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Jonathan Wild” (1743) Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Tom Jones” (1749) + Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Amelia” (1751) Samuel Johnson (Britain, 1709): “Rasselas” (1759) Samuel Johnson (Britain, 1709): “The Vanity of Human Wishes” (1749) [p] Samuel Johnson (Britain, 1709): “The Lives of the English Poets” (1783) [h] Edward Moore (Britain, 1712): “Gamester” (1753) [t] Laurence Sterne (Britain, 1713): “Tristram Shandy” (1760) + Laurence Sterne (Britain, 1713): “A Sentimental Journey” (1778) William Shenstone (Britain, 1714): “The Schoolmistress” (1742) [p] Thomas Gray (Britain, 1716): “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (1751) [p] + Thomas Gray (Britain, 1716): “The Bard” (1757) [p] Horace Walpole (Britain, 1717): “The Castle of Otranto” (1764) Tobias Smollett (Britain, 1721): “HUmphrey Clinker” (1771) Mark Akenside (Britain, 1721): “The Pleasures of Imagination” (1744) [p] William Collins (Britain, 1721): “Odes” (1759) [p] Christopher Smart (Britain, 1722): “Song to David” (1763) [p] + Christopher Smart (Britain, 1722): “Jubilate Agno” (1771) [p] Clara Reeve (Britain, 1729): “The Old English Baron” (1777) Edmund Burke (Britain, 1729): “The Sublime” (1757) [h] Oliver Goldsmith (Britain, 1730): “The Vicar of ” (1766) Oliver Goldsmith (Britain, 1730): “The Good Natur‟d Man” (1768) [t] Oliver Goldsmith (Britain, 1730): “She Stoops to Conquer” (1773) [t] Oliver Goldsmith (Britain, 1730): “The Deserted Village” (1770) [p] + Oliver Goldsmith (Britain, 1730): “The Traveler” (1776) [p] William Cowper (Britain, 1731): “John Gilpin” (1784) [p] William Cowper (Britain, 1731): “The Task” (1785) [p] + William Cowper (Britain, 1731): “The Castaway” (1800) [p] + John Colman (Britain, 1732): “The Clandestine Marriage” (1706) [t] James Macpherson (Britain, 1736): “Fingal” (1762) [p] Edward Gibbon (Britain, 1737): “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” (1788) [h] James Boswell (Britain, 1740): “The Life of Samuel Johnson” (1791) [h] Henry Mackenzie (Britain, 1745): “The Man of Feeling” (1771) Richard Graves (Britain, 1745): “The Spiritual Quixote” (1773) Richard Sheridan (Britain, 1751): “The School for Scandal” (1777) [t] + Richard Sheridan (Britain, 1751): “The Rivals” (1775) [t] Fanny Burney (Britain, 1752): “Evelina” (1778) Thomas Cahatterton (Britain, 1752): “Christabel” (1777) [p] George Crabbe (Britain, 1754): “The Village” (1783) [p] + George Crabbe (Britain, 1754): “The Parish Register” (1807) [p] George Crabbe (Britain, 1754): “The Borough” (1810) [p] George Crabbe (Britain, 1754): “Tales of the Hall” (1819) [p] William Godwin (Britain, 1756): “Caleb Williams” (1794) William Blake (Britain, 1757): “Songs of Innocence” (1789) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “Songs of Experience” (1794) [p] + William Blake (Britain, 1757): “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” (1793) [h] + William Blake (Britain, 1757): “America” (1793) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “Visions of the Daughters of Albion” (1793) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “Europe” (1794) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “The Book of Urizen” (1794) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “The Book of Ahania” (1795) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “The Book of Los” (1795) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “Vala” (1797) [p] + William Blake (Britain, 1757): “The Mental Traveller” (1803) [p] William Blake (Britain, 1757): “Milton” (1808) [p] + William Blake (Britain, 1757): “Jerusalem” (1820) [p] ++ William Beckford (Britain, 1759): “Vathek” (1786) Robert Burns (Britain, 1759): “Poems” (1786) [p] Ann Radcliffe (Britain, 1764): “Mysteries of Udolpho” (1794) Maria Edgeworth (Britain, 1768): “Castle Rackrent” (1800) William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): “Prelude” (1805) [p] ++ William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): “Tintern Abbey” (1798) [p] William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): “Michael” (1800) [p] + William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): “The Affliction of Margaret” (1804) [p] William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): “Intimations of Immortality” (1807) [p] + William Wordsworth (Britain, 1770): “The Excursion” (1814) [p] Walter Scott (Britain, 1771: “The Lady of the Lake” (1810) [p] Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Waverley” (1814) + Walter Scott (Britain, 1771: “Antiquary” (1816) + Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Guy Mannering” (1815) + Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Old mortality” (1816) + Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Heart of Midlotian” (1818) Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Ivanhoe” (1820) Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Rob Roy” (1818) Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “The Bride of Lammermoor” (1819) Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Kenilworth” (1821) Walter Scott (Britain, 1771): “Quentin Durward” (1823) Charles Brown (USA, 1771): “Wieland” (1798) Samuel-Taylor Coleridge (Britain, 1772): “Dejection” (1798) [p] Samuel-Taylor Coleridge (Britain, 1772): “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (1798) [p] + Samuel-Taylor Coleridge (Britain, 1772): “Kubla Khan” (1816) [p] Samuel-Taylor Coleridge (Britain, 1772): “Christabel” (1816) [p] Robert Southey (Britain, 1774): “Thalaba the Destroyer” (1801) [p] Walter-Savage Landor (Britain, 1775): “Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen” (1853) [h] Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): “Sense and Sensibility” (1811) Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): “Pride and Prejudice” (1813) ++ Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): “Mansfield Park” (1814) + Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): “Emma” (1816) + Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): “Persuasion” (1817) + Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): “Northanger Abbey” (1817) Charles Lamb (Britain, 1775): “Essays of Elia” (1833) [h] Matthew Lewis (Britain, 1775): “The Monk” (1796) William Hazlitt (Britain, 1778): “The Spirit of the Age” (1825) [h] Thomas Moore (Britain, 1779): “Irish Melodies” (1834) [p] Charles Maturin (Ireland, 1782): “Melmoth” (1820) Thomas DeQuincey (Britain, 1785): “Confessions of an English Opium Eater” (1821) [h] Thomas-Love Peacock (Britain, 1785): “Nightmare Abbey” (1818) Thomas-Love Peacock (Britain, 1785): “Melincourt” (1817) Thomas-Love Peacock (Britain, 1785): “Crotchet Castle” (1831) Thomas-Love Peacock (Britain, 1785): “Gryll Grange” (1860) + George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “Childe Harold‟s Pilgrimage” (1818) [p] George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “Manfred” (1817) [t] George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “Don Juan” (1823) [p] + George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “Mazeppa” (1817) [p] George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “Beppo” (1818) [p] George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “Marino Faliero” (1820) [t] George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “The Prophecy of Dante” (1820) [p] George-Gordon Byron (Britain, 1788): “Vision of Judgement” (1822) [p] James-Fenimore Cooper (USA, 1789): “The Pioneers” (1823) + James-Fenimore Cooper (USA, 1789): “The Last of Mohicans” (1826) James-Fenimore Cooper (USA, 1789): “The Prairie” (1827) James-Fenimore Cooper (USA, 1789): “The Pathfinder” (1840) James-Fenimore Cooper (USA, 1789): “The Deerslayer” (1841) Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” (1816) [p] Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “Mont Blanc” (1816) [p] Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “Laon and Cythna” (1817) [p] Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “To a Skylark” (1820) [p] Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “To the West Wind” (1819) [p] Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “The Cloud” (1820) [p] Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “Adonais” (1821) [p] Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “Prometheus Unbound” (1821) [p] + Percy Shelley (Britain, 1792): “The Cenci” (1819) [t] John Clare (Britain, 1793): “Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery” (1820) [p] + John Clare (Britain, 1793): “The Shepherd‟s Calendar” (1827) [p] William-Cullen Bryant (USA, 1794): “Thanatopsis” (1821) [p] John Keats (Britain, 1795): “Endymion” (1818) [p] + John Keats (Britain, 1795): “Lamia” (1820) [p] John Keats (Britain, 1795): “Isabella” (1820) [p] John Keats (Britain, 1795): “The Eve of St Agnes” (1820) [p] + John Keats (Britain, 1795): “The Fall of Hyperion” (1820) [p] John Keats (Britain, 1795): “Ode To Autumn” (1820) [p] ++ John Keats (Britain, 1795): “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (1820) [p] ++ John Keats (Britain, 1795): “Ode on Melancholy” (1820) [p] ++ John Keats (Britain, 1795): “Ode to a Nightingale” (1820) [p] ++ John Keats (Britain, 1795): “The Eve of St Mark” (1821) [p] + John Keats (Britain, 1795): “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” (1821) [p] + Thomas Carlyle (Britain, 1795): “Sartor Resartus” (1833) [h] Thomas Carlyle (Britain, 1795): “Past and Present” (1843) [h] Maria Shelley (Britain, 1797): “Frankenstein” (1818) Thomas-Babington Macaulay (1800): “History of England” (1855) [h] John Newman (Britain, 1801): “Dream of Gerontius” (1867) [p] Nicholas Wiseman (Britain, 1802): “Fabiola” (1854) Ed Bulwer-Lytton: “The Last Days of Pompei” (1835) Ed Bulwer-Lytton: “The Coming Race” (1871) + Thomas Beddoes (Britain, 1803): “Death‟s Jest Book” (1850) [t] Ralph-Waldo Emerson (USA, 1803): “Nature” (1836) [h] Ralph-Waldo Emerson (USA, 1803): “Poems” (1846) [p] Youstol Dispage (1803): “Piero Scaruffi” (1849) [p] Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA, 1804): “The Scarlet Letter” (1850) + Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA, 1804): “The House of the Seven Gables” (1851) + Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA, 1804): “The Blithedale Romance” (1852) Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA, 1804): “The Marble Faun” (1860) Benjamin Disraeli (Britain, 1804): “Coningsby” (1844) Benjamin Disraeli (Britain, 1804): “Sybil” (1845) William Simms (USA, 1806): “Yemassee” (1835) Henry Longfellow (USA, 1807): “The Song of Hiawatha” (1855) [p] John Whittier (USA, 1807): “Snow Bound” (1866) [p] Alfred Tennyson (Britain, 1809): “In Memoriam” (1850) [p] Alfred Tennyson (Britain, 1809): “Maud” (1855) [p] Alfred Tennyson (Britain, 1809): “Idylls of the King” (1885) [p] + Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “Tamerlane” (1827) [p] Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Raven” (1845) [p] Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Bells” (1849) [p] Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Sleeper” (1831) [p] Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “Lenore” (1831) [p] Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “Annabel Lee” (1849) [p] Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym” (1838) Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Fall of the House of Usher” (1839) Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1841) + Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Pit and the Pendulum” (1842) Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Mystery of Marie Roget” (1842) Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Gold Bug” (1843) Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Mystery of Marie Rogˆt” (1843) Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Purloined Letter” (1844) + Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Tell-Tale Heart” (1843) Edgar-Allan Poe (USA, 1809): “The Cask of Amontillado” (1846) Oliver Holmes (USA, 1809): “The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table” (1858) [h] Elizabeth Gaskell (Britain, 1810): “Cranford” (1853) Harriet Stowe (USA, 1811): “Uncle Tom‟s Cabin” (1852) William Thackeray (Britain, 1811): “The Luck of Barry Lyndon” (1844) + William Thackeray (Britain, 1811): “The Vanity Fair” (1848) + William Thackeray (Britain, 1811): “Pendennis” (1850) William Thackeray (Britain, 1811): “The History of Henry Esmond” (1852)

Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Pickwick Club” (1837) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Oliver Twist” (1838) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Nicholas Nickleby” (1839) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “The Old Curiosity Shop” (1840) + Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Barnaby Rudge” (1841) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “A Christmas Carol” (1843) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Martin Chuzzlewit” (1844) + Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Dombey and Son” (1848) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “David Copperfield” (1850) + Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Bleak House” (1853) + Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Hard Times” (1854) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Little Dorritt” (1858) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “A Tale of two Cities” (1859) Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Great Expectations” (1861) + Charles Dickens (Britain, 1812): “Our Mutual Friend” (1865) +

Edward Lear (Britain, 1812): “A Book of Nonsense” (1845) [p] Robert Browning (Britain, 1812): “Men and Women” (1855) [p] + Robert Browning (Britain, 1812): “Dramatis Personae” (1864) [p] + Robert Browning (Britain, 1812): “The Ring and the Book” (1869) [p] ++ Charles Reade (Britain, 1814): “The Cloister and the Hearth” (1861) Joseph LeFanu (Ireland, 1814): “Uncle Silas” (1864) Anthony Trollope (Britain, 1815): “Barchester Towers” (1857) + Anthony Trollope (Britain, 1815): “The Last Chronicle of Barset” (1867) Charlotte Bronte (Britain, 1816): “Jane Eyre” (1847) + Charlotte Bronte (Britain, 1816): “Shirley” (1849) Charlotte Bronte (Britain, 1816): “Villette” (1853) Henry-David Thoreau (USA, 1817): “Civil Disobedience” (1849) [h] Henry-David Thoreau (USA, 1817): “Walden” (1854) [h] Emily Bronte (Britain, 1818): “Wuthering Heights” (1847) ++ George Eliot (Britain, 1819): “Adam Bede” (1859) + George Eliot (Britain, 1819): “The Mill on the Floss” (1860) + George Eliot (Britain, 1819): “Silas Marner” (1861) + George Eliot (Britain, 1819): “Middlemarch” (1872) ++ George Eliot (Britain, 1819): “Daniel Deronda” (1876) Charles Kingsley (Britain, 1819): “Westward Ho” (1855) James-Russell Lowell (Britain, 1819): “Biglow Papers” (1867) [h] John Ruskin (Britain, 1819): “Unto This Last” (1860) [h] Arthur-Hugh Clough (Britain, 1819): “The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich” (1848) [p] Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Typee” (1846) Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Omoo” (1847) Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Mardi” (1849) + Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Redburn” (1849) Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “White Jacket” (1850) Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Moby Dick” (1851) ++ Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Pierre” (1852) + Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Bartleby” (1856) + Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Benito Cereno” (1856) Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “The Confindence Man” (1857) + Herman Melville (USA, 1819): “Billy Budd” (1891) + Walt Whitman (USA, 1819): “The Leaves of Grass” (1892) [p] + Matthew Arnold (Britain, 1822): “Culture and Anarchy” (1869) [h] Matthew Arnold (Britain, 1822): “Empedocles on Etna” (1852) [p] Coventry Patmore (Britain, 1823): “The Unknown Eros” (1877) [p] William Collins (Britain, 1824): “The Woman in White” (1860) + William Collins (Britain, 1824): “The Moonstone” (1860) John DeForest (USA, 1826): “Miss Ravenel” (1867) Lew Wallace (USA, 1827): “Ben Hur” (1880) George Meredith (Britain, 1828): “The Ordeal of Richard Feverel” (1859) George Meredith (Britain, 1828): “The Egoist” (1879) + George Meredith (Britain, 1828): “Diana of the Crossaways” (1885) George Meredith (Britain, 1828): “One of Our Conquerors” (1891) George Meredith (Britain, 1828): “Modern Love” (1862) [p] Dante-Gabriel Rossetti (Britain, 1828): “The Blessed Damozel” (1856) [p] Emily Dickinson (USA, 1830): “Poems” (1886) [p] + William-Hale White (USA, 1831): “The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford” (1881) [h] Louisa Alcott (USA, 1832): “Little Women” (1869) + Lewis Carroll (Britain, 1832): “Alice in Wonderland” (1865) + Lewis Carroll (Britain, 1832): “Through the Looking Glass” (1871) Lewis Carroll (Britain, 1832): “The Hunting of the Snark” (1876) Adam Lindsay Gordon (Australia, 1833): “Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes” (1870) [p] George du Maurier (Britain, 1834): “Trilby” (1894) William Morris (Britain, 1834): “Sigurd de Volsung” (1876) [p] William Morris (Britain, 1834): “News from Nowhere” (1891) James Thomson (Britain, 1834): “The City of Dreadful Night” (1880) [p] Samuel Butler (Britain, 1835): “Erewhon” (1872) + Samuel Butler (Britain, 1835): “The Way of all Flesh” (1903) Mark Twain (USA, 1835): “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (1876) Mark Twain (USA, 1835): “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (1884) + Mark Twain (USA, 1835): “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur‟s Court” (1889) Mark Twain (USA, 1835): “The Tragedy of Pudd‟nhead Wilson” (1894) Bret Harte (USA, 1836): “Luck of Roaring Camp” (1870) William Gilbert (Britain, 1836): “Patience” (1881) [t] Algernon Swinburne (Britain, 1837): “Atalanta in Calydon” (1865) [t] Algernon Swinburne (Britain, 1837): “Poems and Ballads” (1866) [p] + Algernon Swinburne (Britain, 1837): “Chastelard” (1865) [t] Algernon Swinburne (Britain, 1837): “Tristram of Lyonesse” (1882) [p] William-Dean Howells (USA, 1837): “The Rise of Silas Lapham” (1885) + William-Dean Howells (USA, 1837): “A Modern Instance” (1882) William-Dean Howells (USA, 1837): “A Hazard of New Fortunes” (1889) Henry Adams (USA, 1838): “Education” (1907) Albion Tourgee (USA, 1838): “Fool‟s errand” (1879) Edwin Abbott (USA, 1838): “Flatland” (1884) Walter Pater (Britain, 1839): “Marius the Epicurean” (1885) [h] William DeMorgan (Britain, 1839): “Joseph Vance” (1906) Henry Kendall (Australia, 1839): “Leaves from the Australian Forests” (1869) [p] Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “Far From the Madding Crowd” (1874) Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “The Return of the Native” (1878) Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “The Mayor of Casterbridge” (1886) + Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “The Woodlanders” (1887) Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “Tess of the D‟Urbervilles” (1891) + Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “Jude the Obscure” (1896) Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “The Dynasts” (1908) [t] + Thomas Hardy (Britain, 1840): “ of Circumstance” (1914) [p] William Hudson (Britain, 1841): “Green Mansions” (1904) Ambrose Bierce (USA, 1842): “Can Such Things Be” (1893) Sidney Lanier (USA, 1842): “Poems” (1877) [p] Henry James (USA, 1843): “Daisy Miller” (1879) Henry James (USA, 1843): “Portait of a Lady” (1879) + Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Bostonians” (1886) + Henry James (USA, 1843): “Princess Casamassima” (1888) Henry James (USA, 1843): “Altar of the Dead” (1895) Henry James (USA, 1843): “What Maisie Knew” (1897) + Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Spoils of Poynton” (1897) + Henry James (USA, 1843): “Turn of the Screw” (1898) + Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Aspern Papers” (1888) Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Awkward Age” (1899) Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Sacred fount” (1901) + Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Wings of the Dove” (1902) ++ Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Ambassadors” (1903) ++ Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Beast in ” (1903) Henry James (USA, 1843): “The Golden Bowl” (1904) +++ Floren Montgomery (Britain, 1843): “Incompreso” (1869) Gerard-Manley Hopkins (Britain, 1844): “The Wreck of the Deutschland” (1875) [p] + Gerard-Manley Hopkins (Britain, 1844): “The Windhovere” (1877) [p] Gerard-Manley Hopkins (Britain, 1844): “Felix Randal” (1880) [p] Gerard-Manley Hopkins (Britain, 1844): “Carrion Comfort” (1885) [p] Robert Bridges (Britain, 1844): “The Testament of Beauty” (1929) [p] George Cable (USA, 1844): “Grandissimes” (1880) Bram Stoker (Ireland, 1847): “Dracula” (1897) Joel Harris (USA, 1848): “Uncle Remus” (1907) Richard Jefferies (Britain, 1848): “After London” (1885) Frances Burnett (Britain, 1849): “The Secret Garden” (1911) Edmund Gosse (Britain, 1849): “Father and Son” (1907) Edward Bellamy (USA, 1850): “Looking Backward” (1888) Robert Stevenson (Britain, 1850): “The Master of Ballantrae” (1889) Robert Stevenson (Britain, 1850): “Treasure Island” (1883) Robert Stevenson (Britain, 1850): “Weir of Hermiston” (1896) Robert Stevenson (Britain, 1850): “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” (1886) + Henry-Arthur Jones (Britain, 1851): “The Silver King” (1882) [t] George Moore (Ireland, 1852): “Esther Waters” (1894) + George Moore (Ireland, 1852): “Heloise and Abelard” (1921) Isabella Gregory (Ireland, 1852): “The Rising of the Moon” (1906) [t] Isabella Gregory (Ireland, 1852): “The Workhouse Ward” (1908) [t] Kate Chopin (USA, 1853): “The Awakening” (1899) Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): “The Picture of Dorian Gray” (1891) + Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): “The Importance of Being Ernest” (1895) [t] ++ Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): “Lady Windermere‟s Fan” (1892) [t]+ Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): “A Woman of no Importance” (1893) [t]+ Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): “The Ideal Husband” (1894) [t]+ Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): “Salome`” (1894) [t] Oscar Wilde (Britain, 1854): “The Ballad of Reading Gaol” (1898) [p] Howard Sturgis (Britain, 1855): “Belchamber” (1904) Olive Schreiner (South Africa, 1855): “Story of an African Farm” (1883) Arthur-Wing Pinero (Britain, 1855): “The Second Mrs Tanqueray” (1893) [t] Harold Frederic (USA, 1856): “The Damnation of Therone ware” (1896) Frank Baum (USA, 1856): “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” (1900) George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Mrs Warren” (1894) [t] George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Candida” (1895) [t] + George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Man and Superman” (1903) [t] George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Major Barbara” (1905) [t] George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “The Doctor‟s Dilemma” (1906)[t] George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Pygmalion” (1914) [t] + George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Androcles” (1913) [t] George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Heartbreak House” (1919) [t] + George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Saint Joan” (1923) [t] George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “The Apple Cart” (1929) [t] George-Bernard Shaw (Ireland, 1856): “Adventures of the Black Girl” (1932) (Poland, 1857): “Almayer‟s Folly” (1895) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “An Outcast of the Islands” (1896) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “The Nigger of Narcissus” (1898) + Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “Lord Jim” (1900) + Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “Heart of Darkness” (1902) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “Youth” (1902) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “Typhoon” (1903) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “Nostromo” (1904) ++ Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “The Secret Agent” (1907) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “Under Western Eyes” (1911) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “The Secret Sharer” (1912) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “Victory” (1915) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): “The Shadow Line” (1917) George Gissing (Britain, 1857): “New Grub Street” (1891) George Gissing (Britain, 1857): “The Odd Women” (1893) Edith-Oenone Somerville (Britain, 1858): “The Real Charlotte” (1894) Edith-Oenone Somerville (Britain, 1858): “Some Experiences” (1899) Edith Nesbit (Britain, 1858): “The Railway Children” (1906) Arthur-Conan Doyle (Britain, 1859): “The Sign of Four” (1890) + Arthur-Conan Doyle (Britain, 1859): “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (1902) Kenneth Grahame (Britain, 1859): “The Wind in the Willows” (1908) Alfred-Edward Housman (Britain, 1859): “A Shropshire Lad” (1896) [p] Francis Thompson (Britain, 1859): “Poems” (1893) [p] Hamlin Garland (USA, 1860): “A Little Norsk” (1892) Charlotte Gilman (USA, 1860): “Hertland” (1915) Frederick Rolfe (Britain, 1860): “Hadrian the Seventh” (1904) James Barrie (Britain, 1860): “Quality Street” (1902) [t] James Barrie (Britain, 1860): “The Admirable Crichton” (1902) [t] James Barrie (Britain, 1860): “What Every Woman Knows” (1908) [t] + James Barrie (Britain, 1860): “Dear Brutus” (1917) [t] James Barrie (Britain, 1860): “Mary Rose” (1920) [t] James Barrie (Britain, 1860): “Peter Pan” (1904) [t] + Abraham Cahan (USA, 1860): “The Rise of David Levinsky” (1917) Henry Harland (USA, 1861): “The Cardinal‟s Snuff Box” (1900) Ada Leverson (Britain, 1862): “Love‟s Shadow” (1908) Oliver Henry (USA, 1862): “The Four Million” (1906) Edith Wharton (USA, 1862): “The House of Mirth” (1905) Edith Wharton (USA, 1862): “Ethan Frome” (1911) Edith Wharton (USA, 1862): “The Custom of the Country” (1913) Edith Wharton (USA, 1862): “The Age of Innocence” (1920) + James Montague (Britain, 1862): “Ghost Stories” (1904) George Santayana (USA, 1863): “The Last Puritan” (1935) [h] May Sinclair (USA, 1863): “Life and Death of Harriett Frean” (1922) Arthur Machen (Britain, 1863): “The Inmost Light” (1894) Arthur Machen (Britain, 1863): “The White Powder” (1896) Andrew-Barton Paterson (Australia, 1864): “The Man from Snowy River” (1895) [p] Stephen Phillips (Britain, 1864): “Paolo and Francesca” (1899) [t] (Britain, 1865): “Kim” (1901) Rudyard Kipling (Britain, 1865): “Barrack Room Ballads” (1892) [p] Alfred Mason (Britain, 1865): “The Four Feathers” (1902) Laurence Housman (Britain, 1865): “Bethlehem” (1902) [t] William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “The Countess Cathleen” (1891) [t] + William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “Cathleen-ni-Houlihan” (1904) [t] William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “A Vision” (1925) [h] William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “In The Seven Woods” (1907) [p] William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “The Green Helmet” (1910) [p] William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “The Wild Swans at Coole” (1917) [p] + William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “Michael Robartes and the Dancer” (1921) [p] + William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “The Tower” (1928) [p] ++ William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “The Winding Stair” (1929) [p] ++ William-Butler Yeats (Ireland, 1865): “A Full Moon in March” (1935) [p] + Alfred Mason (Britain, 1865): “At the Villa Rose” (1910) Alfred Mason (Britain, 1865): “House of Arrow” (1924) Matthew Shiel (Britain, 1865): “Purple Cloud” (1901) Mary Arnim (Australia, 1866): “Elizabeth and Her German Garden” (1898) Mary Arnim (Australia, 1866): “Fraulein Schmidt” (1907) Mary Arnim (Australia, 1866): “Vera” (1921) Beatrix Potter (Britain, 1866): “Tale of Peter Rabbit” (1902) Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “The Time Machine” (1895) + Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “The Invisible Man” (1897) Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “The Island of Dr Moreau” (1896) Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “The War of the Worlds” (1898) + Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “Love and Mr Lewisham” (1900) Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “The First Men in the Moon” (1901) Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “Kipps” (1905) + Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “Ann Veronica” (1909) Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “Tono-Bungay” (1909) Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “The History of Mr Polly” (1910) + Herbert-George Wells (Britain, 1866): “The New Machiavelli” (1911) Youstol Dispage (1866): “Piero Scaruffi” (1909) [p] Arnold Bennett (Britain, 1867): “Anna of the Five Towns” (1902) Arnold Bennett (Britain, 1867): “The Old Wive‟s Tale” (1908) + Arnold Bennett (Britain, 1867): “Clayhanger” (1910) Arnold Bennett (Britain, 1867): “Riceyman Steps” (1923) Edward-Frederic Benson (Britain, 1867): “Dodo” (1893) John Galsworthy (Britain, 1867): “The Man of Property” (1906) + John Galsworthy (Britain, 1867): “The White Monkey” (1924) John Galsworthy (Britain, 1867): “The Silver Box” (1906) [t] John Galsworthy (Britain, 1867): “Old English” (1924) [t] Norman Douglas (Britain, 1868): “South Wind” (1917) William DuBois (USA, 1868): “The Quest of the Silver Fleece” (1921) Robert Herrick (USA, 1868): “The Common Lot” (1904) William-Edward-Burghardt Du Bois (USA, 1868): “The Quest for the Silver Fleece” (1911) George Douglas (Britain, 1869): “The House with the Green Shutters” (1901) Charlotte Mew (Britain, 1869): “The Farmer‟s Bride” (1916) [p] Booth Tarkington (USA, 1869): “The Magnificent Ambersons” (1918) Booth Tarkington (USA, 1869): “Alice Adams” (1921) + Edgar-Lee Masters (USA, 1869): “Spoon River Anthology” (1915) [p] Edwin-Arlington Robinson (USA, 1869): “The Children of the Night” (1897) [p] Edwin-Arlington Robinson (USA, 1869): “Merlin” (1917) [p] Erskine Childers (Britain, 1870): “Riddle of the Sands” (1903) Frank Norris (USA, 1870): “Vandover” (1894) Frank Norris (USA, 1870): “Mc Teague” (1899) + Frank Norris (USA, 1870): “The Octopus” (1901) + Henry Richardson (Australia, 1870): “The Getting of Wisdom” (1910) Henry Richardson (Australia, 1870): “Richard Mahony” (1930) + Robert Tressel (Ireland, 1870): “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist” (1914) Hector-Hugh “Saki” Munro (Britain, 1870): “Reginald” (1904) Hector-Hugh “Saki” Munro (Britain, 1870): “The Unbearable Bassington” (1912) + Christopher Brennan (Australia, 1871): “Poems” (1913) [p] + Theodore Dreiser (USA, 1871): “An American Tragedy” (1915) + Theodore Dreiser (USA, 1871): “Sister Carrie” (1900) James Johnson (USA, 1871): “Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man” (1912) John Synge (Ireland, 1871): “Riders to the Sea” (1904) [t] + John Synge (Ireland, 1871): “The Well of the Saints” (1905) [t] John Synge (Ireland, 1871): “The Playboy of The Western World” (1907) [t] ++ John Synge (Ireland, 1871): “Deirdre of the Sorrows” (1910) [t] Max Beerbohm (Britain, 1872): “Zuleika Dobson” (1911) Flora-Macdonald Mayor (Britain, 1872): “The Third Miss Symons” (1913) Flora-Macdonald Mayor (Britain, 1872): “The Rector‟s Daughter” (1924) + Paul-Laurence Dunbar (USA, 1872): “Lyrics Of A Lowly Life” (1896) [p] John-Cowper Powys (Britain, 1872): “A Glastonbury Romance” (1932) Cicely Hamilton (Britain, 1872): “How the Vote was Won” (1909) [t] Cicely Hamilton (Britain, 1872): “Theodore Savage” (1922) Stephen Crane (USA, 1873): “The Red Badge of Courage” (1894) + Stephen Crane (USA, 1873): “Maggie” (1893) Walter DeLaMare (Britain, 1873): “Memoirs of a Midget” (1921) Walter DeLaMare (Britain, 1873): “The Listeners” (1912) [p] Walter DeLaMare (Britain, 1873): “The Traveller” (1946) [p] + Walter DeLaMare (Britain, 1873): “The Winged Chariot” (1951) [p] Ford-Madox Ford (Britain, 1873): “The Good Soldier” (1915) Ford-Madox Ford (Britain, 1873): “Parade‟s End” (1928) + Dorothy Richardson (Britain, 1873): “Pointed Roofs” (1915) Henry Tomlinson (Britain, 1873): “Gallion‟s Reach” (1927) George-Oliver Onions (Britain, 1873): “Widdershins” (1911) Gilbert Chesterton (Britain, 1874): “The Napoleon of Notting Hill” (1904) Gilbert Chesterton (Britain, 1874): “The Man Who Was Thursday” (1908) + Ellen Glasgow (USA, 1874): “Barren Ground” (1925) Ellen Glasgow (USA, 1874): “Sheltered Life” (1932) Ellen Glasgow (USA, 1874): “Vein of Iron” (1935) William-Somerset Maugham (Britain, 1874): “Of Human Bondage” (1915) William-Somerset Maugham (Britain, 1874): “The Moon and Sixpence” (1919) William-Somerset Maugham (Britain, 1874): “Cakes and Ale” (1930) + William-Somerset Maugham (Britain, 1874): “The Razor‟s Edge” (1944) William-Somerset Maugham (Britain, 1874): “The Circle” (1921) [t] Gertrude Stein (USA, 1874): “The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas” (1933) Gertrude Stein (USA, 1874): “Three lives” (1908) Gertrude Stein (USA, 1874): “The Making of Americans” (1925) + Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “A Boy‟s Will” (1913) [p] Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “North of Boston” (1914) [p] Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “Mountain Interval” (1916) [p] Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “New Hampshire” (1923) [p] Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “West-Running Brook” (1928) [p] Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “A Further Range” (1936) [p] + Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “A Masque of Reason” (1945) [p] Robert-Lee Frost (USA, 1874): “In the Clearing” (1962) [p] Amy Lowell (USA, 1874): “Men Women and Ghosts” (1916) [p] Edmund Bentley (Britain, 1875): “Trent‟s Last Case” (1912) Edgar-Rice Burroughs (USA, 1875): “Tarzan of the Apes” (1914) Theodore-Francis Powys (Britain, 1875): “Mr Weston‟s Good Wine” (1927) + Theodore-Francis Powys (Britain, 1875): “Unclay” (1931) Forrest Reid (Britain, 1875): “Young Tom” (1944) John Buchan (Britain, 1875): “The Thirty-nine Steps” (1915) John Buchan (Britain, 1875): “Greenmantle” (1916) Edgar Wallace (Britain, 1875): “Four Just Men” (1905) Sherwood Anderson (USA, 1876): “Winesburg Ohio” (1919) Willa Cather (USA, 1876): “O Pioneers” (1913) Willa Cather (USA, 1876): “My Antonia” (1918) Willa Cather (USA, 1876): “One of Ours” (1922) Willa Cather (USA, 1876): “The Professor‟S house” (1925) + Willa Cather (USA, 1876): “Death Comes for the Archbishop” (1927) + Willa Cather (USA, 1876): “Song of the Lark” (1909) Jack London (USA, 1876): “The Sea Wolf” (1904) Jack London (USA, 1876): “The Call of the Wild” (1903) Jack London (USA, 1876): “Martin Eden” (1909) John Masefield (Britain, 1878): “The Everlasting Mercy” (1911) [p] John Masefield (Britain, 1878): “Dauber” (1913) [p] John Masefield (Britain, 1878): “Reynard the Fox” (1919) + John Masefield (Britain, 1878): “Box of Delights” (1935) John Masefield (Britain, 1878): “The Tragedy of Nan” (1908) [t] Harley Granville-Barker: (Britain, 1877): “The Voysey Inheritance” (1905) [t] + Harley Granville-Barker: (Britain, 1877): “Waste” (1907) [t] Harley Granville-Barker: (Britain, 1877): “The Madras House” (1910) [t] Caradoc Evans (Britain, 1878): “Nothing to Pay” (1930) Caradoc Evans (Britain, 1878): “Taffy” (1924) [t] Upton Sinclair (USA, 1878): “The Jungle” (1906) Carl Sandburg (USA, 1878): “Chicago Poems” (1916) [p] Carl Sandburg (USA, 1878): “Corn Huskers” (1918) [p] Carl Sandburg (USA, 1878): “Smoke and Steel” (1920) [p] Carl Sandburg (USA, 1878): “The People Yes” (1936) [p] + Edward Thomas (Britain, 1878): “Poems” (1917) [p] + James Cabell (USA, 1879): “Jurgen” (1919) Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): “Where Angels Fear to Tread” (1905) Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): “The Longest Journey” (1907) Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): “A Room with a View” (1908) Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): “Howards End” (1910) ++ Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): “A Passage to India” (1924) + Miles Franklin (Australia, 1879): “My Brilliant Career” (1901) Miles Franklin (Australia, 1879): “My Career Goes Bung” (1946) Vachel Lindsay (USA, 1879): “Rhymes to be Traded for Bread” (1912) [p] Wallace Stevens (USA, 1879): “Harmonium” (1923) [p] Wallace Stevens (USA, 1879): “Ideas of Order” (1935) [p] + Wallace Stevens (USA, 1879): “Notes Towards A Supreme Fiction” (1942) [p] ++ Wallace Stevens (USA, 1879): “The Auroras of Autumn” (1950) [p] (Australia, 1879): “” (1930) Carl VanVechten (USA, 1880): “Nigger Heaven” (1926) Sholem Asch (Britain, 1880): “The God of Vengeance” (1910) [t] Sholem Asch (Britain, 1880): “Kidesh Hashem” (1919) Emily Young (Britain, 1880): “Miss Mole” (1930) Sean O‟Casey (Ireland, 1880): “Juno and the Peacock” (1924) [t] + Sean O‟Casey (Ireland, 1880): “The Plough and The Stars” (1926) [t] + Sean O‟Casey (Ireland, 1880): “The Silver Tassie” (1928) [t] Sean O‟Casey (Ireland, 1880): “Within the Gates” (1933) [t] Sean O‟Casey (Ireland, 1880): “Purple Dust” (1945) [t] Radclyffe Hall (Britain, 1880): “The Well of Loneliness” (1928) Daisy Ashford (Britain, 1881): “Young Visitors” (1919) Rose Macaulay (Britain, 1881): “Non-combatants” (1916) Rose Macaulay (Britain, 1881): “The Towers of Trebizond” (1956) + Leopold-Hamilton Myers (Britain, 1881): “The Near and the Far” (1943) + Elizabeth Roberts (USA, 1881): “The Time of Man” (1926) Thomas Stribling (USA, 1881): “Store” (1931) Mary Webb (Britain, 1881): “Precious Bane” (1924) Pelham-Grenville Wodehouse (Britain, 1881): “Psmith in the City” (1910) Pelham-Grenville Wodehouse (Britain, 1881): “Carry on Jeeves” (1925) + James Stephens (Ireland, 1882): “Insurrections” (1909) [p] James Stephens (Ireland, 1882): “The Charwoman‟s Daughter” (1912) James Stephens (Ireland, 1882): “The Crock of Gold” (1912) + (Ireland, 1882): “The Dead” (1908) James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” (1917) + James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): “Ulysses” (1922) +++ James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): “Finnegan‟s Wake” (1939) ++ Frederick Manning (Australia, 1882): “Middle Parts of Fortune” (1929) Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): “Jacob‟s Room” (1922) Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): “Mrs Dalloway” (1925) + Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): “To the Lighthouse” (1927) ++ Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): “Orlando” (1928) Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): “The Waves” (1931) + Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): “Years” (1937) Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): “Between the Acts” (1941) + Alan-Alexander Milne (Britain, 1882): “Winnie-the-Pooh” (1926) Alan-Alexander Milne (Britain, 1882): “The House at Pooh Corner” (1928) Edwin-John Pratt (Canada, 1882): “Titan” (1926) [p] Edwin-John Pratt (Canada, 1882): “The Titanic” (1935) [p] + Pauline-Janet Smith (South Africa, 1882): “The Beadle” (1926) William-Carlos Williams (USA, 1883): “Spring and All” (1923) [p] + William-Carlos Williams (USA, 1883): “Paterson” (1958) [p] ++ Khalil Gibran (Lebanon, 1883): “The Prophet” (1923) [p] + Compton MacKenzie (Britain, 1883): “Sinister Street” (1914) Compton MacKenzie (Britain, 1883): “Whisky Galore” (1947) Ralph Mottram (Britain, 1883): “The Spanish Farm” (1924) Percy-Wyndham Lewis (Britain, 1884): “Tarr” (1918) Percy-Wyndham Lewis (Britain, 1884): “The Apes of God” (1930) Percy-Wyndham Lewis (Britain, 1884): “The Human Age” (1955) + Damon Runyon (USA, 1884): “The Idyll of Miss Sarah Brown” (1932) Hugh Walpole (New Zealand, 1884): “Mr Perrin and Mr Trail” (1911) James-Elroy Flecker (Britain, 1884): “The King of Alsander” (1914) James-Elroy Flecker (Britain, 1884): “Hassan” (1922) [t] Karen “Isak Dinesen” Blixen (Denmark, 1885): “Seven Gothic Tales” (1934) Karen “Isak Dinesen” Blixen (Denmark, 1885): “Out of Africa” (1937) [h] David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “Sons and Lovers” (1913) + David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “The Rainbow” (1915) + David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “Women in Love” (1920) + David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “Aaron‟s Rod” (1922) David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “St Mawr” (1925) David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “The Plumed Serpent” (1926) David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “Lady Chatterley‟s Lover” (1928) David-Herbert Lawrence (Britain, 1885): “Birds Beasts and Flowers” (1923) [p] Sinclair Lewis (USA, 1885): “Main Street” (1920) Sinclair Lewis (USA, 1885): “Babbitt” (1920) + Sinclair Lewis (USA, 1885): “Elmer Gentry” (1927) Ezra Pound (USA, 1885): “Cantos” (1970) [p] ++ John Willard (USA, 1885): “The Cat and the Canaries” (1922) [t] Andrew Young (Britain, 1885): “Winter Harvest” (1933) [p] Andrew Young (Britain, 1885): “The Green Man” (1947) [p] Andrew Young (Britain, 1885): “Into Hades” (1952) [p] + Andrew Young (Britain, 1885): “A Traveller In Time” (1958) [p] + Hilda Doolittle (USA, 1886): “Bid Me To Live” (1960) Hilda Doolittle (USA, 1886): “Hymen” (1921) [p] Hilda Doolittle (USA, 1886): “Helen in Egypt” (1961) [p] + Frances Cornford (Britain, 1886): “Mountains and Molehills” (1934) Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): “Vainglory” (1915) + Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): “Inclinations” (1916) Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): “Caprice” (1917) Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): “The Flower Beneath the Foot” (1923) Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): “Prancing Nigger” (1924) + Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): “Cardinal Pirelli” (1926) Ronald Firbank (Britain, 1886): “Valmouth” (1919) Sigfried Sassoon (Britain, 1886): “Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man” (1928) Charles Williams (Britain, 1886): “War in Heaven” (1930) Ben Travers (Britain, 1886): “A Cuckoo in the Nest” (1925) [t] Ben Travers (Britain, 1886): “Rookery Nook” (1926) [t] + Ben Travers (Britain, 1886): “Plunder” (1928) [t] Rex Stout (USA, 1886): “Fer de Lance” (1934) Charles Williams (Britain, 1886): “Descent into Hell” (1937) Olaf Stapleton (Britain, 1886): “The Last and First Men” (1930) Edna Ferber (USA, 1887): “Showboat” (1926) Rupert Brooke (Britain, 1887): “The Old Vicarage” (1913) [p] Robinson Jeffers (USA, 1887): “Tamar” (1924) [p] + Robinson Jeffers (USA, 1887): “Roan Stallion” (1925) [p] Robinson Jeffers (USA, 1887): “Cawdor” (1928) [p] Robinson Jeffers (USA, 1887): “Thurso‟s Landing” (1932) [p] Robinson Jeffers (USA, 1887): “Medea” (1947) [t] Marianne Moore (USA, 1887): “Observations” (1924) [p] + Marianne Moore (USA, 1887): “The Pangolin” (1936) [p] Marianne Moore (USA, 1887): “What Are Years” (1941) [p] Marianne Moore (USA, 1887): “Nevertheless” (1944) [p] Edwin Muir (Britain, 1887): “Chorus of the Newly Dead” (1926) [p] Edwin Muir (Britain, 1887): “The Labyrinth” (1949) [p] + Edith Sitwell (Britain, 1887): “Facade” (1923) [p] Edith Sitwell (Britain, 1887): “The Sleeping Beauty” (1924) [p] Edith Sitwell (Britain, 1887): “Gold Coast Customs” (1929) [p] Edith Sitwell (Britain, 1887): “The Canticle of the Sun” (1949) [p] Edith Sitwell (Britain, 1887): “The Outcasts” (1962) [p] + Edith Sitwell (Britain, 1887): “Music and Ceremonies” (1963) [p] Joyce Cary (Britain, 1888): “Herself Surprised” (1941) + Joyce Cary (Britain, 1888): “To Be a Pilgrim” (1942) Joyce Cary (Britain, 1888): “The Horse‟s Mouth” (1944) Joyce Cary (Britain, 1888): “Prisoner of Grace” (1852) Ronald Knox (Britain, 1888): “Let Dons Delight” (1939) Thomas Lawrence (Britain, 1888): “Revolt in the Desert” (1927) Katherine Mansfield (New Zealand, 1888): “The Garden Party” (1922) + Katherine Mansfield (New Zealand, 1888): “At the Bay” (1922) Katherine Mansfield (New Zealand, 1888): “Prelude” (1924) Katherine Mansfield (New Zealand, 1888): “Little Girl” (1924) Jesse Tennyson (Britain, 1888): “A Pin to See the Peepshow” (1934) Maxwell Anderson (USA, 1888): “Winterset” (1935) [t] + Maxwell Anderson (USA, 1888): “Elizabeth the Queen” (1930) [t] Maxwell Anderson (USA, 1888): “The Bad Seed” (1954) [t] James Bridie (Britain, 1888): “The Anatomist” (1930) [t] + James Bridie (Britain, 1888): “Tobias and the Angel” (1930) [t] James Bridie (Britain, 1888): “Mr Bolfry” (1943) [t] James Bridie (Britain, 1888): “Daphne Laureola” (1949) [t] Anita Loos (USA, 1888): “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1925) Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Emperor Jones” (1920) [t] + Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Anna Christie” (1921) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Hairy Ape” (1922) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “All God‟s Chillun Got Wings” (1924) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Desire Under the Elms” (1924) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Lazarus Laughed” (1926) [t] + Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “The Great God Brown” (1926) [t] + Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Strange Interlude” (1928) [t] + Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Mourning Becomes Elettra” (1931) [t] + Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Ah Wilderness” (1932) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Days Without End” (1934) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Iceman Cometh” (1946) [t] + Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “A Moon for the Misbesgotten” (1952) [t] + Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Long Day‟s Journey” (1953) [t] ++ Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “A Touch of the Poet” (1957) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Moon for the Misbegotten” (1957) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “Hughie” (1959) [t] Eugene O‟Neill (USA, 1888): “More Stately Mansions” (1964) [t] Raymond Chandler (USA, 1888): “The Big Sleep” (1939) + Raymond Chandler (USA, 1888): “Farewell my Love” (1940) Raymond Chandler (USA, 1888): “Lady in the Lake” (1943) Raymond Chandler (USA, 1888): “My Lovely” (1940) Raymond VanDine (USA, 1888): “The Benson Murder Case” (1926) Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “Prufrock” (1917) [p] Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “The Waste Land” (1922) [p] ++ Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “Ash Wednesday” (1930) [p] Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “The Rock” (1934) [p] Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “Four Quartets” (1943) [p] +++ Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “Murder in the Cathedral” (1935) [t] + Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “Family Reunion” (1939) [t] Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “The Cocktail Party” (1949) [t] + Thomas-Stearns Eliot (USA, 1888): “The Confidential Clerk” (1953) [t] John-Crowe Ransom (USA, 1888): “Chills and Fever” (1924) [p] Sutton Vane (Britain, 1888): “Outward Bound” (1923) [t] Clemence Dane/ Winifred Ashton (Britain, 1888): “Bill Of Divorcement” (1921) [t] Enid Bagnold (Britain, 1889): “National velvet” (1935) Enid Bagnold (Britain, 1889): “Chalk Garden” (1956) [t] Helen Waddell (Ireland, 1889): “Peter Abelard” (1933) George Kaufman (USA, 1889): “Dinner at Eight” (1932) [t] + Conrad Aiken (USA, 1889): “Earth Triumphant” (1914) [p] Conrad Aiken (USA, 1889): “Blue Voyage” (1927) + Richmal Crompton (Britain, 1890): “Just William” (1922) Edward Dahlberg (USA, 1890): “Olive of Minerva” (1976) Claude McKay (USA, 1890): “Home to Harlem” (1928) Chris Morley (USA, 1890): “Kitty Foyle” (1929) Katherine Porter (USA, 1890): “Noon Wine” (1934) Katherine Porter (USA, 1890): “Ship of Fools” (1962) Conrad Richter (USA, 1890): “The Town” (1951) Conrad Richter (USA, 1890): “The Waters of Kronos” (1960) + Agatha Christie (Britain, 1890): “Murder of Roger Ackroyd” (1926) Agatha Christie (Britain, 1890): “Murder on the Orient Express” (1934) + Agatha Christie (Britain, 1890): “Death on the Nile” (1938) Agatha Christie (Britain, 1890): “Caribbean mystery” (1964) Agatha Christie (Britain, 1890): “Mousetrap” (1952) [t] Howard-Phillips Lovecraft (USA, 1890): “Call of Chthulha” (1929) + Howard-Phillips Lovecraft (USA, 1890): “At the Mountains of Madness” (1936) Howard-Phillips Lovecraft (USA, 1890): “The Dunwich Horror” (1927) Ivor Gurney (Britain, 1890): “Severn and Somme” (1917) [p] Ivor Gurney (Britain, 1890): “War‟s Embers” (1919)[p] Alan Herbert (Britain, 1890): “Secret battle” (1919) Isaac Rosenberg (Britain, 1890): “Poems” (1918) [p] Edward Smith (USA, 1890): “The Skylark of Space” (1946) Mark Connelly (USA, 1890): “The Green Pastures” (1930) [t] Storm Jameson (Britain, 1891): “Cousin Honore`” (1940) Henry Miller (USA, 1891): “Tropic of Cancer” (1934) + Henry Miller (USA, 1891): “Tropic of Capricorn” (1939) Henry Miller (USA, 1891): “The Air-Conditioned Nightmare (1947) [h] Henry Miller (USA, 1891): “The Rosy Crucifixion” (1960) [h] Sidney Howard (USA, 1891): “They Knew What they Wanted” (1924) [t] Richard Aldington (Britain, 1892): “Death of a Hero” (1929) Djuna Barnes (USA, 1892): “Nightwood” (1936) + Stella Benson (Britain, 1892): “Tobit Transplanted” (1930) Pearl-Sydenstricker Buck (USA, 1892): “The Good Earth” (1931) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “Pastors and Masters” (1925) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “Brothers and Sisters” (1929) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “Men and Wives” (1931) + Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “A House and Its Head” (1935) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “Daughters and Sons” (1937) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “A Family and a Fortune” (1939) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “Parents and Children” (1941) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “Elders and Betters” (1944) Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “Manservants and Maidservants” (1947) + Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “A God and His Gifts” (1963) + Ivy Compton-Burnett (Britain, 1892): “The Last and the First” (1969) David Garnett (Britain, 1892): “Lady Into Fox” (1922) David Garnett (Britain, 1892): “A Man in the Zoo” (1924) David Garnett (Britain, 1892): “Aspects” (1955) Vita Sackville-West (Britain, 1892): “The Edwardians” (1930) Osbert Sitwell (Britain, 1892): “Before the Bombardment” (1926) John Tolkien (Britain, 1892): “The Hobbit” (1937) John Tolkien (Britain, 1892): “The Lord of the Rings” (1955) + John Tolkien (Britain, 1892): “Silmarillion” (1977) Rebecca West (Britain, 1892): “The Return of the Soldier” (1918) Rebecca West (Britain, 1892): “The Fountain Overflows” (1956) + Rebecca West (Britain, 1892): “Birds Fall Down” (1966) Elmer Rice (USA, 1892): “The Adding Machine” (1923) [t] + Elmer Rice (USA, 1892): “On Trial” (1914) [t] James Cain (USA, 1892): “The Postman Always Rings Twice” (1934) + James Cain (USA, 1892): “Double Indemnity” (1944) Hugh McDiamird (Britain, 1892): “A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle” (1926) [p] + George MacBeth (Britain, 1892): “The Broken Places” (1963) [p] Archibald MacLeish (USA, 1892): “Conquistador” (1932) [p] Archibald MacLeish (USA, 1892): “JB” (1958) [t] Edna Millay (USA, 1892): “The Ballad of the Harp Weaver” (1922) [p] John Marquand (USA, 1893): “The Late George Apley” (1937) John Marquand (USA, 1893): “H. M. Pulham Esquire” (1941) Samuel-Nathaniel Behrman (USA, 1893): “The End of Summer” (1936) [t] Sylvia-Townsend Warner (Britain, 1893): “Lolly Willowes” (1926) + Sylvia-Townsend Warner (Britain, 1893): “Mr Fortune‟s Maggot” (1927) Sylvia-Townsend Warner (Britain, 1893): “Summer Will Show” (1936) Sylvia-Townsend Warner (Britain, 1893): “After the Death of Don Juan” (1938) Sylvia-Townsend Warner (Britain, 1893): “The Corner that Held Them” (1948) Sylvia-Townsend Warner (Britain, 1893): “Opus 7″ (1931) [p] Ben Hecht (USA, 1893): “Front Page” (1928) [t] + Dorothy Sayers (Britain, 1893): “Strong Poison” (1930) Dorothy Sayers (Britain, 1893): “Murder Must Advertise” (1933) Dorothy Sayers (Britain, 1893): “Busman‟s Honeymoon” (1938) Wilfred Owen (Britain, 1893): “Poems” (1918) [p] William March (USA, 1893): “The Bad Seed” (1954) Martin Boyd (Australia, 1893): “The Montforts” (1928) Annie Winnifred Ellerman “Bryher” (Britain, 1894): “Visa for Avalon” (1965) Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): “Crome Yellow” (1921) Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): “Antic Hay” (1923) Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): “Pointer Counter Pointer” (1928) + Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): “Brave New World” (1932) + Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): “Eyeless in Gaza” (1936) Aldous Huxley (Britain, 1894): “The Devils of Loudon” (1952) John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “The Good Companions” (1929) + John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “Angel Pavement” (1930) John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “Bright Day” (1946) John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “The Image Men” (1968) John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “Dangerous Corner” (1932) [t] + John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “An Inspector Calls” (1946) [t] John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “I Have Been Here Before” (1937) [t] John-Boynton Priestley (Britain, 1894): “Time and the Conways” (1937) [t] Jean Rhys (Dominica, 1894): “Postures/Quartet” (1928) Jean Rhys (Dominica, 1894): “Wide Sargasso Sea” (1966) + Jean Toomer (USA, 1894): “Cane” (1922) Dashiell Hammett (USA, 1894): “The Maltese Falcon” (1930) + Edward-Estlin Cummings (USA, 1894): “The Enormous Room” (1922) [h] Edward-Estlin Cummings (USA, 1894): “And” (1925) [p] Edward-Estlin Cummings (USA, 1894): “Is Five” (1926) [p] John-Howard Lawson (USA, 1894): “Processional” (1925) [t] Paul Green (USA, 1894): “Abraham‟s Bosom” (1927) [t] William Gerhardie (Britain, 1895): “The Polyglots” (1925) William Gerhardie (Britain, 1895): “Of Mortal Love” (1936) Caroline Gordon (USA, 1895): “None Shall Look Back” (1937) Robert Graves (Britain, 1895): “I Claudius” (1934) Robert Graves (Britain, 1895): “The Pier-Glass” (1921) [p] Leslie-Poles Hartley (Britain, 1895): “The Shrimp and the Anemone” (1944) + Leslie-Poles Hartley (Britain, 1895): “Eustace and Hilda” (1947) Leslie-Poles Hartley (Britain, 1895): “The Go-Between” (1950) Clifford Kitchin (Britain, 1895): “The Book of Life” (1960) Archibald MacDonell (Britain, 1895): “England Their England” (1933) Malachi Whitaker (Britain, 1895): “The Crystal Fountain” (1949) Edmund Wilson (USA, 1895): “I Thought of Daisy” (1929) Michael Arlen (Britain, 1895): “The Green Hat” (1924) Neil Gordon (Britain, 1895): “The Shakespeare murders” (1933) David Jones (Britain, 1895): “In Parenthesis” (1937) [p] + David Jones (Britain, 1895): “The Anathemata” (1952) [p] ++ David Jones (Britain, 1895): “The Sleeping Lord” (1974) [p] Joe Ackerley (Britain, 1896): “We Think the World of You” (1960) Robert-Cedric Sheriff (Britain, 1896): “Journey‟s End” (1928) [t] Louis Bromfield (USA, 1896): “Early Autumn” (1926) Louis Bromfield (USA, 1896): “The Farm” (1933) John DosPassos (USA, 1896): “Three Soldiers” (1921) John DosPassos (USA, 1896): “Manhattan Transfer” (1925) John DosPassos (USA, 1896): “U.S.A.” (1936) + Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): “This Side of Paradise” (1920) + Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): “The Beautiful and The Damned” (1922) + Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): “The Great Gatsby” (1925) ++ Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): “Tender is the Night” (1934) + Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): “The Last Tycoon” (1941) Margaret Kennedy (Britain, 1896): “The Constant Nymph” (1924) Philip Barry (USA, 1896): “The Philadelphia Story” (1939) [t] + Robert Sherriff (Britain, 1896): “Journey‟s End” (1928) [t] Robert Sherwood (USA, 1896): “Waterloo Bridge” (1930) [t] Robert Sherwood (USA, 1896): “The Petrified Forest” (1934) [t] + Dodie Smith (Britain, 1896): “Dear Octopus” (1938) [t] Peter Cheyney (Britain, 1896): “This Man is Dangerous” (1936) Edmund Blunden (Britain, 1896): “The Waggoner” (1920) [p] Austin Clarke (Ireland, 1896): “ to Africa” (1963) [p] Austin Clarke (Ireland, 1896): “Mnemosyne Lay in Dust” (1966) [p] + Austin Clarke (Ireland, 1896): “Tiresias” (1971) [p] Lettice Cooper (Britain, 1897): “National Provincial” (1938) William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “Sartoris” (1929) William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “The Sound and the Fury” (1929) ++ William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “As I Lay Dying” (1930) + William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “Sanctuary” (1931) + William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “Light in August” (1932) ++ William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “Absalom Absalom” (1936) William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “Hamlet” (1940) William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “Intruder in the Dust” (1948) + William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “Requiem for a Nun” (1951) William Faulkner (USA, 1897): “A Fable” (1954) Youstol Dispage (1897): “Piero Scaruffi” (1929) [p] Naomi Mitchison (Britain, 1897): “The Corn King and the Spring Queen” (1931) Kate O‟Brien (Ireland, 1897): “Land of Spices” (1941) Kate O‟Brien (Ireland, 1897): “That Lady” (1946) Liam O‟Flaherty (Ireland, 1897): “The Informer” (1925) Thornton Wilder (USA, 1897): “The Bridge of San Luis Rey” (1927) + Thornton Wilder (USA, 1897): “Heaven‟s My Destination” (1934) Thornton Wilder (USA, 1897): “The Eight Day” (1967) Thornton Wilder (USA, 1897): “Our Town” (1938) [t] + Thornton Wilder (USA, 1897): “The Skin of Our Teeth” (1942) [t] Henry Williamson (Britain, 1897): “Tarka the Otter” (1927) Henry Williamson (Britain, 1897): “Patriot‟s Progress” (1930) Dawn Powell (USA, 1897): “The Golden Spur” (1962) [t] John Carr (USA, 1897): “The Haunted House” (1934) Louise Bogan (USA, 1897): “Body of This Death” (1923) [p] Sacheverell Sitwell (Britain, 1897): “The Cyder Feast” (1927) [p] Sacheverell Sitwell (Britain, 1897): “Agamemnon‟s Tomb” (1933) [p] + Winifred Holtby (Britain, 1898): “South Riding” (1935) Clive-Staples Lewis (Britain, 1898): “Out of the Silent Planet” (1938) + Clive-Staples Lewis (Britain, 1898): “Perelandra” (1943) Clive-Staples Lewis (Britain, 1898): “The Lion The Witch and the Wardbrobe” (1956) Alec Waugh (Britain, 1898): “Loom of Youth” (1917) Pamela Lyndon Travers (Australia, 1899): “Mary Poppins” (1934) Lynn Riggs (1899): “Green Grow the Lilacs” (1931) [t] Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): “Hotel” (1927) Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): “The House in Paris” (1935) + Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): “The Death of the Heart” (1938) + Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): “The Heat of the Day” (1949) Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): “World of Love” (1955) Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): “The Little Girls” (1964) Elizabeth Bowen (Ireland, 1899): “Eva Trout” (1968) Ernest Hemingway (USA, 1899): “The Sun Also Rises” (1926) + Ernest Hemingway (USA, 1899): “A Farewell to Arms” (1929) + Ernest Hemingway (USA, 1899): “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (1939) Ernest Hemingway (USA, 1899): “For Whom The Bell Tolls” (1940) Ernest Hemingway (USA, 1899): “The Old Man and the Sea” (1952) Eric Linklater (Britain, 1899): “Private Angelo” (1946) Janet Lewis (USA, 1899): “The Wife of Martin Guerre” (1941) Janet Lewis (USA, 1899): “The Trial of Soren Qvist” (1947) Janet Lewis (USA, 1899): “The Ghost of Monsieur Scarron” (1959) Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): “Laughter in the Dark” (1932) Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): “Invitation to a Beheading” (1938) Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): “Lolita” (1955) + Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): “Pnin” (1957) + Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): “Pale Fire” (1962) + Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): “Ada” (1969) ++ Antonia White (Britain, 1899): “Frost in May” (1933) Noel Coward (Britain, 1899): “The Vortex” (1924) [t] Noel Coward (Britain, 1899): “Bitter Sweet” (1929) [t] + Noel Coward (Britain, 1899): “Hay Fever” (1925) [t] + Noel Coward (Britain, 1899): “Private Life” (1930) [t] + Noel Coward (Britain, 1899): “Cavalcade” (1931) [t] Noel Coward (Britain, 1899): “Design for Living” (1933) [t] + Noel Coward (Britain, 1899): “Blithe Spirit” (1941) [t] + William-Ripley Burnett (USA, 1899): “Little Caesar” (1929) William-Ripley Burnett (USA, 1899): “High Sierra” (1941) William-Ripley Burnett (USA, 1899): “The Asphalt Jungle” (1949) Ngaio Marsh (New Zealand, 1899): “A Man Lay Dead” (1934) Ngaio Marsh (New Zealand, 1899): “Surfeit of Lampreys” (1941) Hart Crane (USA, 1899): “White Buildings” (1926) [p] + Hart Crane (USA, 1899): “The Bridge” (1930) [p] ++ Allen Tate (USA, 1899): “Ode to the Confederate Dead” (1928) [p] + Allen Tate (USA, 1899): “Mr Pope” (1928) [p] Allen Tate (USA, 1899): “The Mediterranean” (1936) [p] Allen Tate (USA, 1899): “The Swimmers” (1970) [p] Allen Tate (USA, 1899): “The Fathers” (1938) Walter Brierley (Britain, 1900): “Means Test Man” (1935) Basil Bunting (Britain, 1900): “Villon” (1925) [p] Basil Bunting (Britain, 1900): “The Spoils” (1951) [p] + Basil Bunting (Britain, 1900): “Briggflatts” (1966) [p] + James Hilton (Britain, 1900): “Goodbye Mr Chips” (1934) James Hilton (Britain, 1900): “Lost horizon” (1933) James Hilton (Britain, 1900): “Random harvest” (1941) Geoffry Household (Britain, 1900): “Rogue Male” (1939) Richard Hughes (Britain, 1900): “A High Wind in Jamaica” (1929) + Richard Hughes (Britain, 1900): “In Hazard” (1938) Margaret Mitchell (USA, 1900): “Gone With the Wind” (1936) Sean O‟Faolain (Ireland, 1900): “A Nest of Simple Folk” (1933) Victor-Sawdon Pritchett (Britain, 1900): “Dead Man Leading” (1937) Thomas Wolfe (USA, 1900): “Look Homeward Angel” (1929) + Thomas Wolfe (USA, 1900): “Of Time and River” (1935) + Thomas Wolfe (USA, 1900): “You Can‟t Go Home Again” (1938) Thomas Wolfe (USA, 1900): “The and the Rock” (1938) Adrian Bell (Britain, 1901): “Corduroy” (1930) John Van Druten (Britain, 1901): “Old Acquaintance” (1940) [t] John Collier (Britain, 1901): “His Monkey Wife” (1930) Eleanor Dark (Australia, 1901): “Prelude to Christopher” (1934) Eleanor Dark (Australia, 1901): “Return to Coolami” (1936) Eleanor Dark (Australia, 1901): “The Timeless Land” (1941) Xavier Herbert (Australia, 1901): “Capricornia” (1938) Rhys Davies (Britain, 1901): “Jubilee Blues” (1938) Lewis Gibbon (Britain, 1901): “Sunset Song” (1932) John Hampson (Britain, 1901): “Saturday Night at the Greyhound” (1931) James Hanley (Ireland, 1901): “Boy” (1931) + James Hanley (Ireland, 1901): “The Furys” (1935) James Hanley (Ireland, 1901): “Closed Harbour” (1952) + James Hanley (Ireland, 1901): “A Woman in the Sky” (1973) Zora Hurston (USA, 1901): “Their Eyes Were Watching God” (1937) Julia Strachey (Britain, 1901): “Cheerful Weather for the Wedding” (1932) Glenway Wescott (USA, 1901): “Grandmothers” (1927) Glenway Wescott (USA, 1901): “Pilgrim Hawk” (1940) John VanDruten (Britain, 1901): “I am a Camera” (1951) [t] Gladys Mitchell (Britain, 1901): “Speedy Death” (1929) Gladys Mitchell (Britain, 1901): “The Rising of the Moon” (1945) Roy Campbell (South Africa, 1901): “The Flaming Terrapin” (1924) [p] + Roy Campbell (South Africa, 1901): “Adamastor” (1930) [p] Roy Campbell (South Africa, 1901): “Mithraic Emblems” (1936) [p] Laura Riding (USA, 1901): “The Close Chaplet” (1926) [p] Kenneth Slessor (Australia, 1901): “Five Bells” (1939) [p] Anna Kavan (Britain, 1901): “The House of Sleep” (1947) + Anna Kavan (Britain, 1901): “A Scarcity of Love” (1956) Anna Kavan (Britain, 1901): “Ice” (1967) Stella Gibbons (Britain, 1902): “Cold Comfort Farm” (1932) Frederick Green (Britain, 1902): “Odd Man Out” (1945) Christian Stead (New Zealand, 1902): “The Death of the Body” (1986) Christina Stead (Australia, 1902): “The Man Who Loved Chidren” (1940) + Christina Stead (Australia, 1902): “Cotter‟s England” (1966) John Steinbeck (USA, 1902): “Tortilla Flat” (1935) John Steinbeck (USA, 1902): “Of Mice and Men” (1937) John Steinbeck (USA, 1902): “The Grapes of Wrath” (1939) + John Steinbeck (USA, 1902): “East of Eden” (1952) Francis Stuart (Britain, 1902): “Black List” (1971) Joseph Kesselring (USA, 1902): “Arsenic and Old Lace” (1941) [t] + Kenneth Fearing (USA, 1902): “Angel Arms” (1929) [p] Kenneth Fearing (USA, 1902): “The Big Clock” (1946) Langston Hughes (USA, 1902): “The Weary Blues” (1926) [p] Langston Hughes (USA, 1902): “Montage of a Dream Deferred” (1951) [p] Ogden Nash (USA, 1902): “Hard Lines” (1931) [p] Stevie Smith (Britain, 1902): “ on Yellow Paper” (1936) Kay Boyle (USA, 1903): “Plagued by the Nightingale” (1930) Frank Sargeson (New Zealand, 1903): “Memoirs of a Peon” (1965) Countee Cullen (USA, 1903): “Color” (1925) [p] Clare Boothe-Luce (USA, 1903): “Women” (1937) [t] Erskine Caldwell (USA, 1903): “God‟s Little Acre” (1933) Erskine Caldwell (USA, 1903): “Tobacco Road” (1932) + Morley Callaghan (Canada, 1903): “Such is my Beloved” (1934) Morley Callaghan (Canada, 1903): “More Joy in Heaven” (1937) Cyril Connolly (Britain, 1903): “The Rock Pool” (1936) James Cozzens (USA, 1903): “Castaway” (1934) + James Cozzens (USA, 1903): “The Just and The Unjust” (1942) James Cozzens (USA, 1903): “By Love Possessed” (1957) James Cozzens (USA, 1903): “Guard of Honor” (1948) + Dorothy Edwards (Britain, 1903): “Winter sonata” (1928) Walter Greenwood (Britain, 1903): “Love on the Dole” (1933) Rosamund Lehmann (Britain, 1903): “Dusty Answer” (1927) Rosamund Lehmann (Britain, 1903): “Echoing Grave” (1953) Anais Nin (USA, 1903): “Ladders to Fire” (1946) + Anais Nin (USA, 1903): “Children of the Albatross” (1947) Alan Paton (South Africa, 1903): “Cry the Beloved Country” (1948) Alan Paton (South Africa, 1903): “Too Late the Phalarope” (1953) William Plomer (South Africa, 1903): “Turbott Wolfe” (1926) Eileen-Arnot Robertson (Britain, 1903): “Four Frightened People” (1931) Frank Sagerson (New Zealand, 1903): “Memoirs of a Peon” (1965) Edward Upward (Britain, 1903): “The Spiral Ascent” (1977) Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): “Decline and Fall” (1928) Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): “Vile Bodies” (1930) Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): “Black Mischief” (1932) Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): “A Handful of Dust” (1934) + Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): “Scoop” (1938) Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): “Brideshead Revisited” (1945) Evelyn Waugh (Britain, 1903): “The Loved One” (1948) Nathaniel West (USA, 1903): “A Cool Million” (1934) Nathaniel West (USA, 1903): “The Day of the Locust” (1939) + Nathaniel West (USA, 1903): “Miss Lonelyhearts” (1933) + Cornell Woolrich (USA, 1903): “The Bride Wore Black” (1940) George Orwell (Britain, 1903): “1984″ (1949) + George Orwell (Britain, 1903): “Burmese Days” (1934) George Orwell (Britain, 1903): “The Clergyman‟s Daughter” (1935) George Orwell (Britain, 1903): “The Animal Farm” (1945) (Britain, 1903): “The Day of the ” (1951) John Wyndham (Britain, 1903): “Chrysalids” (1955) John Wyndham (Britain, 1903): “Midwich Cuckoo” (1957) John Wyndham (Britain, 1903): “Random Quest” (1961) James Farrell (USA, 1904): “Studs Lonigan” (1935) Arthur-Rex-Dugard Fairburn (New Zealand, 1904): “Three Poems” (1952) [p] Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “England Made Me” (1935) Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “Brighton Rock” (1938) Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “The Confidential Agent” (1939) Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “The Power and the Glory” (1940) + Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “The Heart of the Matter” (1948) Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “The Third Man” (1950) Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “The End of the Affair” (1951) + Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “The Quiet American” (1955) Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “Our Man in Havana” (1958) Graham Greene (Britain, 1904): “Travels with My Aunt” (1969) Patrick Hamilton (Britain, 1904): “Craven House” (1926) Patrick Hamilton (Britain, 1904): “Hangover Square” (1941) Patrick Hamilton (Britain, 1904): “The Slaves of Solitude” (1947) Patrick Hamilton (Britain, 1904): “Rope” (1929) [t] + Patrick Hamilton (Britain, 1904): “Gaslight” (1938) [t] + Patrick Hamilton (Britain, 1904): “The Duke in Darkness” (1942) [t] Chris Isherwood (Britain, 1904): “Memorial” (1932) + Chris Isherwood (Britain, 1904): “Mr Norris Changes Trains” (1935) Chris Isherwood (Britain, 1904): “Goodbye to Berlin” (1939) Chris Isherwood (Britain, 1904): “A Single Man” (1964) Nancy Mitford (Britain, 1904): “Pursuit of Love” (1945) Nancy Mitford (Britain, 1904): “Love in a Cold Climate” (1949) Moss Hart (USA, 1904): “You Can‟t Take it With You” (1936) [t] Margery Allingham (Britain, 1904): “Tiger in the Smoke” (1952) Cecil Day-Lewis (Britain, 1904): “Transitional Poem” (1929) [p] Cecil Day-Lewis (Britain, 1904): “Feathers to Iron” (1931) [p] Cecil Day-Lewis (Britain, 1904): “The Magnetic Mountain” (1933) [p] Cecil Day-Lewis (Britain, 1904): “Overtures to Death” (1938) [p] + Louis Zukofsky (USA, 1904): “A” (1978) [p] + Edmond Hamilton (USA, 1904): “Star Kings” (1949) Clifford Simak (USA, 1904): “Way Station” (1963) Ayn Rand (USA, 1905): “Fountainhead” (1943) Ayn Rand (USA, 1905): “Atlas Shrugged” (1957) Mulk Anand (India, 1905): “Untouchable” (1935) + Mulk Anand (India, 1905): “Coolie” (1936) Mulk Anand (India, 1905): “The Village” (1939) Mulk Anand (India, 1905): “Across the Black Waters” (1940) Mulk Anand (India, 1905): “The Sword and the Sickle” (1942) Mulk Anand (India, 1905): “The Private Life of an Indian Prince” (1953) + Sylvia Ashton-Warner (New Zealand, 1905): “Spinster” (1958) Herbert-Ernest Bates (Britain, 1905): “Fair Stood the Wind of France” (1944) Herman Bosman (South Africa, 1905): “Willemsdorp” (1977) Molly Keane (Ireland, 1905): “Rising Tide” (1937) Molly Keane (Ireland, 1905): “Good Behavior” (1981) + Henry Green (Britain, 1905): “Living” (1929) + Henry Green (Britain, 1905): “Party Going” (1939) + Henry Green (Britain, 1905): “Caught” (1943) Henry Green (Britain, 1905): “Loving” (1945) Henry Green (Britain, 1905): “Concluding” (1948) + Henry Green (Britain, 1905): “Nothing” (1950) Henry Green (Britain, 1905): “Doting” (1952) Elizabeth Jenkins (Britain, 1905): “The Tortoise and the Hare” (1954) Arthur Koestler (Britain, 1905): “Darkness at Noon” (1940) + Arthur Koestler (Britain, 1905): “Arrival and Departure” (1943) Arthur Koestler (Britain, 1905): “The Age of Longing” (1951) Arthur Koestler (Britain, 1905): “The Call Girls” (1972) Arthur Koestler (Britain, 1905): “The Ghost in the Machine” (1968) [h] Rosamond Lehmann (Britain, 1905): “Dusty Answer” (1927) John O‟Hara (USA, 1905): “Appointment in Samarra” (1934) Anthony Powell (Britain, 1905): “Afternoon Men” (1931) Anthony Powell (Britain, 1905): “A Question of Upbringing” (1951) + Anthony Powell (Britain, 1905): “The Acceptance World” (1955) Mary Renault (Britain, 1905): “The Last of the Wine” (1956) Charles-Percy Snow (Britain, 1905): “Strangers and Brothers” (1940) Charles-Percy Snow (Britain, 1905): “The Light and the Dark” (1947) Charles-Percy Snow (Britain, 1905): “The Masters” (1951) + Charles-Percy Snow (Britain, 1905): “The Affair” (1960) Charles-Percy Snow (Britain, 1905): “The Corridors of Power” (1964) + Dalton Trumbo (USA, 1905): “Johnny Got His Gun” (1939) Rex Warner (Britain, 1905): “The Wild Goose Chase” (1937) Rex Warner (Britain, 1905): “The Aerodrome” (1941) + Robert-Penn Warren (USA, 1905): “Night Rider” (1939) Robert-Penn Warren (USA, 1905): “All the King‟s Men” (1946) + Robert-Penn Warren (USA, 1905): “World Enough And Time” (1950) Robert-Penn Warren (USA, 1905): “Promises” (1957) [p] Robert-Penn Warren (USA, 1905): “Now and Then” (1979) [p] Lilian Hellman (USA, 1905): “The Children‟s Hour” (1934) [t] Lilian Hellman (USA, 1905): “Another Part of the Forest” (1946) [t] Lilian Hellman (USA, 1905): “The Little Foxes” (1939) [t] + Ellery Queen (USA, 1905): “The Roman Hat Mistery” (1929) Norman Cameron (Britain, 1905): “The Winter House” (1935) [p] Patrick Kavanagh (Ireland, 1905): “The Great Hunger” (1942) [p] + Patrick Kavanagh (Ireland, 1905): “A Soul For Sale” (1947) [p] Patrick Kavanagh (Ireland, 1905): “Come Dance with Kitty Stobling” (1960) [p] Kenneth Rexroth (USA, 1905): “The Phoenix and the Tortoise” (1944) [p] Kenneth Rexroth (USA, 1905): “The Signature of All Things” (1950) [p] Eric Russell (Britain, 1905): “Sinister Barrier” (1943) Edward Anderson (USA, 1905): “Thieves Like Us” (1937) Rasipuran-Krishnaswami Narayan (India, 1906): “The English Teacher (1945) Rasipuran-Krishnaswami Narayan (India, 1906): “Mr Sampath” (1947) Rasipuran-Krishnaswami Narayan (India, 1906): “The Guide” (1958) + Rasipuran-Krishnaswami Narayan (India, 1906): “The Vendor of Sweets” (1967) Mollie Panter-Downes (Britain, 1906): “One Fine Day” (1947) Henry Roth (USA, 1906): “Call It Sleep” (1934) + Laurens VanDerPost (South Africa, 1906): “The Face Beside the Fire” (1953) Terence-Hanbury White (Britain, 1906): “The Once And Future King” (1958) + Clifford Odets (USA, 1906): “Awake and Sing” (1935) [t] + Clifford Odets (USA, 1906): “Waiting for Lefty” (1935) [t] Clifford Odets (USA, 1906): “The Golden Boy” (1937) [t] Clifford Odets (USA, 1906): “The Big Knife” (1948) [t] + Clifford Odets (USA, 1906): “Night Music” (1940) [t] William Sloane (USA, 1906): “The Edge of Running Water” (1939) James Chase (Britain, 1906): “No Orchids for Miss Blandish” (1939) Michael Innes (Britain, 1906): “Secret Vanguard” (1940) Jim Thompson (USA, 1906): “Pop 1280″ (1964) + John Betjeman (Britain, 1906): “Mount Zion” (1933) [p] John Betjeman (Britain, 1906): “Summoned By Bells” (1960) [p] Ronald Bottrall (Britain, 1906): “The Loosening” (1931) [p] William Empson (Britain, 1906): “Poems” (1935) [p] William Empson (Britain, 1906): “The Gathering Storm” (1940) [p] Fredric Brown (USA, 1906): “What Mad Universe” (1949) Sidney Kingsley (USA, 1906): “Dead End” (1935) [t] Dorothy Baker (USA, 1907): “Young Man with a Horn” (1938) Dorothy Baker (USA, 1907): “Trio” (1943) Dorothy Baker (USA, 1907): “Cassandra at the Wedding” (1962) + Daphne DuMaurier (Britain, 1907): “Rebecca” (1938) Margaret Rumer-Godden (Britain, 1907): “The Black Narcissus” (1939) Ray Hutchinson (Britain, 1907): “Testament” (1938) Maura Laverty (Ireland, 1907): “Never No More” (1942) Richard Llewellyn (Britain, 1907): “How Green Was My Valley” (1939) James Michener (USA, 1907): “Sayonara” (1954) Christopher Fry (Britain, 1907): “The Lady‟s Not For Burning” (1948) [t] + Christopher Fry (Britain, 1907): “” (1950) [t] Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): “The Ascent of F6″ (1937) [t] Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): “Another Time” (1940) [p] Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): “New Year Letter” (1941) [p] + Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): “For The Time Being” (1945) [p] Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): “The Age of Anxiety” (1947) [p] + Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): “Nones” (1951) [p] Wystan-Hugh Auden (Britain, 1907): “The Shield of Achilles” (1955) [p] Alec-Derwent Hope (Australia, 1907): “The Wandering Islands” (1955) [p] Alec-Derwent Hope (Australia, 1907): “Vivaldi Bird and Angel” (1960) [p] Hugh MacLennan (Canada, 1907): “Each Man‟s Son” (1951) Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): “Autumn Journal” (1939) [p] + Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): “Ten Burnt Offerings” (1952) [p] Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): “Autumn Sequel” (1954) [p] Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): “Visitations” (1957) [p] Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): “Solstices” (1961) [p] + Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): “The Burning Perch” (1963) [p] Louis MacNeice (Britain, 1907): “The Dark Tower” (1946) [t] Robert Heinlein (USA, 1907): “Starship Troopers” (1959) Robert Heinlein (USA, 1907): “Stranger in a Strange Land” (1961) Robert Heinlein (USA, 1907): “All You Zombies” (1959) Camp DeSprague (USA, 1907): “Lest Darkness Fall” (1941) Nigel Balchin (Britain, 1908): “Darkness Falls From The Air” (1942) Nigel Balchin (Britain, 1908): “Small Back Room” (1943) Jocelyn Brooke (Britain, 1908): “Military Orchid” (1948) Jocelyn Brooke (Britain, 1908): “The Image of A Drawn Sword” (1950) Arthur Calder-Marshall: (Britain, 1908): “The Scarlet Boy” (1961) Pamela Frankau (Britain, 1908): “The Willow Cabin” (1949) Martha Gellhorn (USA, 1908): “A Stricken Field” (1940) Olivia Manning (Britain, 1908): “School for Love” (1951) Olivia Manning (Britain, 1908): “The Balkan Trilogy” (1965) + Olivia Manning (Britain, 1908): “The Levant Trilogy” (1980) Frederic Prokosch (USA, 1908): “Asiatics” (1935) Raja Rao (India, 1908): “Kantharupa” (1938) Raja Rao (India, 1908): “The Serpent and the Rope” (1960) + Raja Rao (India, 1908): “The Cat and Shakespeare” (1965) + Luis L‟Amour: (USA, 1908): “Hondo” (1953) William Maxwell (USA, 1908): “Time Will Darken It” (1948) William Saroyan (USA, 1908): “The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze” (1934) William Saroyan (USA, 1908): “My Name Is Aram” (1940) William Saroyan (USA, 1908): “The Time of Your Life” (1936) [t] + William Saroyan (USA, 1908): “My Heart‟s in the Highlands” (1939) [t] William Saroyan (USA, 1908): “Hello Out There” (1942) [t] Richard Wright (USA, 1908): “The Outsider” (1953) Richard Wright (USA, 1908): “The Native Son” (1940) + Rodney Ackland (Britain, 1908): “The Dark River” (1941) [t] Rodney Ackland (Britain, 1908): “The Pink Room” (1951) [t] + Ian Fleming (Britain, 1908): “Casino Royale” (1953) Ian Fleming (Britain, 1908): “From Russia with Love” (1957) Ian Fleming (Britain, 1908): “Dr No” (1958) Kathleen Raine (Britain, 1908): “Stone and Flower” (1943) [p] + Kathleen Raine (Britain, 1908): “Living in Time” (1946) [p] Kathleen Raine (Britain, 1908): “The Pythoness” (1949) [p] Kathleen Raine (Britain, 1908): “The Year One” (1952) [p] Kathleen Raine (Britain, 1908): “The Last Country” (1971) [p] Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): “The Lost Son” (1948) [p] + Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): “The Waking” (1953) [p] Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): “Four for Sir John Davies” (1953) [p] + Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): “Dying Man” (1957) [p] + Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): “Meditations of an Old Woman” (1957) [p] + Theodore Roethke (USA, 1908): “The Far Field” (1963) [p] Jack Williamson (USA, 1908): “Legions of Space” (1947) James Agee (USA, 1909): “A Death in the Family” (1957) Walter-Van-Tilburg Clark (USA, 1909): “The Ox-Bow Incident” (1940) Walter-Van-Tilburg Clark (USA, 1909): “Track of the Cat” (1949) Nelson Algren (USA, 1909): “A Walk On The Wild Side” (1956) Nelson Algren (USA, 1909): “Never Come Morning” (1942) Nelson Algren (USA, 1909): “The Man With The Golden Arm” (1949) + Walter Clark (USA, 1909): “The Ox-bow Incident” (1940) Barbara Comyns (Britain, 1909): “The Vet‟s Daughter” (1959) Daniel Fuchs (USA, 1909): “Summer in Williamsburg” (1934) Chester Himes (USA, 1909): “If He Hollers Let Him Go” (1945) Chester Himes (USA, 1909): “The Primitive” (1955) Chester Himes (USA, 1909): “For Love of Imabelle” (1957) Chester Himes (USA, 1909): “Pinktoes” (1961) Chester Himes (USA, 1909): “Cotton Comes to Harlem” (1963) + Chester Himes (USA, 1909): “Blind Man With A Pistol” (1969) + Malcom Lowry (Britain, 1909): “Ultramarine” (1933) Malcom Lowry (Britain, 1909): “Under the volcano” (1947) ++ (, 1909): “A Morning at the Office” (1950) Edgar Mittelholzer (Guyana, 1909): “Children of Kaywana” (1952) Eudora Welty (USA, 1909): “Robber Bridegroom” (1942) Eudora Welty (USA, 1909): “Delta Wedding” (1945) Eudora Welty (USA, 1909): “The Golden Apples” (1949) + Eudora Welty (USA, 1909): “The Optimist‟s Daughter” (1972) Eudora Welty (USA, 1909): “Losing Battles” (1970) Eric Ambler (Britain, 1909): “Epitaph for a Spy” (1938) Eric Ambler (Britain, 1909): “Uncommon Danger” (1937) Eric Ambler (Britain, 1909): “The Mask of Dimitrios” (1939) James Reeves (Britain, 1909): “The Natural Need” (1936) [p] Stephen Spender (Britain, 1909): “Poems/ Pylons” (1933) [p] + Stephen Spender (Britain, 1909): “Vienna” (1934) [p] Stephen Spender (Britain, 1909): “Poems of Dedication/ Elegy for Margaret” (1947) [p] + Stephen Spender (Britain, 1909): “Trial of a Judge” (1938) [t] Harry Kurnitz (USA, 1909): “Once More With Feeling” (1960) [t] Paul Bowles (USA, 1910): “The Sheltering Sky” (1949) + Paul Bowles (USA, 1910): “Let It Come Down” (1952) Paul Bowles (USA, 1910): “The Spider‟s House” (1955) Paul Bowles (USA, 1910): “Up Above The World” (1967) William Cooper (Britain, 1910): “Scenes from Provincial Life” (1950) Peter DeVries (USA, 1910): “Mackerel Plaza” (1958) Peter DeVries (USA, 1910): “The Blood of the Lamb” (1961) Peter DeVries (USA, 1910): “Slouching Towards Kalamazoo” (1983) + George Green (Britain, 1910): “In the Making” (1952) Wright Morris (USA, 1910): “The Inhabitants” (1946) + Wright Morris (USA, 1910): “Field of Vision” (1956) Wright Morris (USA, 1910): “Love Among the Cannibals” (1957) + Wright Morris (USA, 1910): “Ceremony in Lone Tree” (1960) Wright Morris (USA, 1910): “Plains Song” (1980) Charles Olson (USA, 1910): “In Cold Hell In Thicket” (1953) [p] Charles Olson (USA, 1910): “Maximus” (1975) [p] + Walter Allen (Britain, 1911): “All of a Lifetime” (1959) Sybille Bedford (Britain, 1911): “A Legacy” (1956) + Hortense Calisher (USA, 1911): “Textures of Life” (1963) John Fante (USA, 1911): “Wait Until Spring Bandini” (1938) John Fante (USA, 1911): “Ask the Dust” (1939) + William Golding (Britain, 1911): “Lord of the Flies” (1954) + William Golding (Britain, 1911): “The Inheritors” (1955) + William Golding (Britain, 1911): “Pincher Martin” (1956) William Golding (Britain, 1911): “The Spire” (1965) William Golding (Britain, 1911): “Darkness Visible” (1979) + William Golding (Britain, 1911): “Rites of Passage” (1980) Paul Goodman (USA, 1911): “Empire City” (1959) + Rayner Heppenstall (Britain, 1911): “The Blaze of Noon” (1939) Rayner Heppenstall (Britain, 1911): “The Connecting Door” (1962) Flann O‟Brien (Ireland, 1911): “At Swim-two-birds” (1939) ++ Flann O‟Brien (Ireland, 1911): “The Third Policeman” (1966) + Mervyn Peake (Britain, 1911): “Titus Groan” (1946) + Mervyn Peake (Britain, 1911): “Gormenghast” (1950) Mervyn Peake (Britain, 1911): “Mr Pye” (1953) Mervyn Peake (Britain, 1911): “Titus Alone” (1959) + Terence Rattigan (Britain, 1911): “French Without Tears” (1936) [t] Terence Rattigan (Britain, 1911): “While the Sun Shines” (1943) [t] + Terence Rattigan (Britain, 1911): “The Winslow Boy” (1947) [t] + Terence Rattigan (Britain, 1911): “The Browning Version” (1948) [t] Terence Rattigan (Britain, 1911): “The Deep Blue Sea” (1952) [t] Terence Rattigan (Britain, 1911): “Separate Tables” (1956) [t] Terence Rattigan (Britain, 1911): “Ross” (1961) [t] Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “The Glass Menagerie” (1945) [t] + Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “A Streetcar Named Desire” (1947) [t] ++ Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “The Roman Spring of Mrs Stone” (1950) Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “Rose Tattoo” (1951) [t] Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” (1956) [t] + Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “Suddenly Last Summer” (1958) [t] + Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “The Sweet Bird of Youth” (1959) [t] Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “The Night of the Iguana” (1961) [t] + Tennessee Williams (USA, 1911): “Vieux Carre” (1979) [t] Elizabeth Bishop (USA, 1911): “North and South” (1946) [p] Elizabeth Bishop (USA, 1911): “A Cold Spring” (1955) [p] Elizabeth Bishop (USA, 1911): “Geometry III” (1976) [p] + Allen Curnow (New Zealand, 1911): “Not In Narrow Seas” (1939) [p] Allen Curnow (New Zealand, 1911): “At Dead Low Water” (1949) [p] + Allen Curnow (New Zealand, 1911): “The Axe” (1948) [t] Kenneth Patchen (USA, 1911): “Red Wine and Yellow Hair” (1949) [p] Kenneth Patchen (USA, 1911): “Because It Is” (1960) [p] + Kenneth Patchen (USA, 1911): “Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer” (1945) James-Lloyd Carr (Britain, 1912): “A Month in the Country” (1980) John Cheever (USA, 1912): “The Wapshot Chronicle” (1957) + John Cheever (USA, 1912): “The Wapshot Scandal” (1964) John Cheever (USA, 1912): “Bullet Park” (1969) John Cheever (USA, 1912): “The Falconer” (1977) John Cheever (USA, 1912): “Oh What a Paradise It Seems” (1982) Lawrence Durrell (Britain, 1912): “The Alexandria Quartet” (1960) + Lawrence Durrell (Britain, 1912): “Bitter Lemons” (1957) Lawrence Durrell (Britain, 1912): “Tunc” (1968) Lawrence Durrell (Britain, 1912): “Nunquam” (1970) Pamela Johnson (Britain, 1912): “Error of Judgement” (1962) Pamela Johnson (Britain, 1912): “The Unspeakable Skipton” (1958) Julian MacLaren-Ross: (Britain, 1912): “Of Love and Hunger” (1947) Julian MacLaren-Ross: (Britain, 1912): “Bitten by a Tarantula” (1945) Mary McCarthy (USA, 1912): “The Company She Keeps” (1942) Mary McCarthy (USA, 1912): “The Group” (1963) William Sansom (Britain, 1912): “The Body” (1949) Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): “Palladian” (1946) Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): “A Wreath of Roses” (1949) Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): “A Game of Hide and Seek” (1951) + Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): “Angel” (1957) + Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): “In a Summer Season” (1961) Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): “The Wedding Group” (1968) Elizabeth Taylor (Britain, 1912): “Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont” (1971) + Mary Wesley (Britain, 1912): “Jumping the Queue” (1983) Mary Wesley (Britain, 1912): “Camomile Lawn” (1984) Patrick White (Australia, 1912): “The Aunt‟s Story” (1948) Patrick White (Australia, 1912): “The Tree of Man” (1955) Patrick White (Australia, 1912): “Voss” (1957) ++ Patrick White (Australia, 1912): “Riders in the Chariot” (1961) + Patrick White (Australia, 1912): “The Solid Mandala” (1966) + Patrick White (Australia, 1912): “The Vivisector” (1970) + Patrick White (Australia, 1912): “The Eye of the Storm” (1973) Youstol Dispage (1912): “Piero Scaruffi” (1989) [p] Garson Kanin (USA, 1912): “Born Yesterday” (1946) [t] + Julian Symons (Britain, 1912): “Progress of a Crime” (1960) Roy Fuller (Britain, 1912): “Brutus Orchard” (1957) [p] Roy Fuller (Britain, 1912): “Image of a Society” (1956) Denis Glover (New Zealand, 1912): “Arawata Bill” (1952) [p] Irving Layton (Canada, 1912): “A Red Carpet for the Sun” (1959) [p] Alfred VanVogt (USA, 1912): “Slan” (1946) Robertson Davies (Canada, 1913): “The Salterton Trilogy” (1958) Robertson Davies (Canada, 1913): “The Deptford Trilogy” (1975) + Robertson Davies (Canada, 1913): “The Cornish Trilogy” (1991) Tillie Olsen (USA, 1913): “Yonnondio” (1974) Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): “Some Tame Gazelle” (1950) + Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): “Excellent Women” (1952) + Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): “A Glass of Blessings” (1958) Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): “Quartet in Autumn” (1977) ++ Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): “The Sweet Dove Died” (1978) + Barbara Pym (Britain, 1913): “A Few Green Leaves” (1980) Elizabeth Smart (Canada, 1913): “By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept” (1945) + Elizabeth Smart (Canada, 1913): “The Assumption of Rogues and Rascals” (1978) Jerome Weidman (USA, 1913): “I Can Get It For You Wholesale” (1937) Jerome Weidman (USA, 1913): “Fourth Street East” (1970) Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): “Hemlock and After” (1952) + Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): “Anglosaxon Attitudes” (1956) Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): “The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot” (1958) Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): “Old Men at the Zoo” (1961) Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): “Late Call” (1964) + Angus Wilson (Britain, 1913): “No Laughing Matter” (1967) William Inge (USA, 1913): “Come Back Little sheila” (1950) [t] + William Inge (USA, 1913): “Picnic” (1953) [t] William Inge (USA, 1913): “Bus Stop” (1955) [t] William Inge (USA, 1913): “The Dark At the Top of the Stairs” (1957) [t] Irwin Shaw (USA, 1913): “Bury the Dead” (1936) [t] + Irwin Shaw (USA, 1913): “The Young Lions” (1948) [t] George Barker (Britain, 1913): “Calamiterror” (1937) [p] George Barker (Britain, 1913): “Eros in Dogma” (1944) [p] George Barker (Britain, 1913): “The True Confessions” (1950) [p] + George Barker (Britain, 1913): “Villa Stellar” (1978) [p] Muriel Rukeyser (USA, 1913): “The Book of the Dead” (1938) [p] + Muriel Rukeyser (USA, 1913): “The Outer Banks” (1967) [p] Delmore Schwartz (USA, 1913): “In Dreams Begin Responsibilities” (1938) [p] Karl Shapiro (USA, 1913): “Person Place and Thing” (1942) [p] Karl Shapiro (USA, 1913): “V Letter” (1944) [p] Douglas Stewart (New Zealand, 1913): “The Fire On The Snow” (1944) [t] Douglas Stewart (New Zealand, 1913): “Sun Orchids” (1952) [p] + Ronald-Stuart Thomas (Britain, 1913): “Song at the Year‟s Turning” (1955) [p] Alfred Bester (USA, 1913): “The Demolished Man” (1953) Gavin Maxwell (Britain, 1914): “Ring of Bright Water” (1960) [h] William Gibson (USA, 1914): “Miracle Worker” (1959) [t] + William Gibson (USA, 1914): “Golda” (1977) [t] WilliamV Burroughs (USA, 1914): “The Naked Lunch” (1959) + WilliamV Burroughs (USA, 1914): “Nova Express” (1964) William Burroughs (USA, 1914): “The Soft Machine” (1968) + William Burroughs (USA, 1914): “Junkie” (1953) William Burroughs (USA, 1914): “The Ticket that Exploded” (1962) + William Burroughs (USA, 1914): “The Exterminator” (1974) William Ellison (USA, 1914): “The Invisible man” (1952) + John Hersey (USA, 1914): “A Bell for Adano” (1944) Randall Jarrell (USA, 1914): “Pictures From an Institution” (1954) Randall Jarrell (USA, 1914): “The Woman at the Washington Zoo” (1960) [p] Randall Jarrell (USA, 1914): “The Lost World” (1965) [p] + Laurie Lee (Britain, 1914): “Cider With Rosie” (1959) Ross Lockridge (USA, 1914): “Raintree Country” (1948) Colin MacInnes (Australia, 1914): “City of Spades” (1957) Colin MacInnes (Australia, 1914): “Absolute Beginners” (1959) Bernard Malamud (USA, 1914): “The Natural” (1951) Bernard Malamud (USA, 1914): “The Assistant” (1959) + Bernard Malamud (USA, 1914): “The Tenants” (1971) Bernard Malamud (USA, 1914): “Dubin Lives” (1979) Bernard Malamud (USA, 1914): “God‟s Grace” (1982) Budd Schulberg (USA, 1914): “What Makes Sammy Run” (1941) Ronald Duncan (, 1914): “This Way To The Tomb” (1946) [t] + Ronald Duncan (Zimbabwe, 1914): “St Spiv” (1950) [t] John Berryman (USA, 1914): “Homage to Mistress Bradstreet” (1956) [p] + John Berryman (USA, 1914): “77 Dream Songs” (1964) [p] + John Berryman (USA, 1914): “His Toy, His Dream, His Rest” (1968) [p] Norman Nicholson (Britain, 1914): “Five Rivers” (1944) [p] Norman Nicholson (Britain, 1914): “The Pot Geranium” (1954) [p] Norman Nicholson (Britain, 1914): “The Old Man of the Mountains” (1946) [p] Charles-Hubert Sisson (Britain, 1914): “The London Zoo” (1961) [p] Dylan Thomas (Britain, 1914): “Under the Milk Wood” (1953) [t] + Dylan Thomas (Britain, 1914): “The Map of Love” (1939) [p] Dylan Thomas (Britain, 1914): “Deaths and Entrances” (1946) [p] + Dylan Thomas (Britain, 1914): “In Country Sleep” (1951) [p] + Walter Baxter (Britain, 1915): “Look Down in Mercy” (1951) Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “The Dangling Man” (1944) Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “The Victim” (1947) Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “The Adventures of Augie March” (1953) + Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “Seize the day” (1956) Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “Henderson the Rain King” (1959) + Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “Herzog” (1964) ++ Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “Mr Sammler‟s Planet” (1970) Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “Humboldt‟s Gift” (1975) + Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “The Dean‟s December” (1982) Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): “More Die of Heartbreak” (1987) Richard Condon (USA, 1915): “Prizzi‟s Honour” (1988) Richard Condon (USA, 1915): “The Manchurian Candidate” (1959) William Goyen (USA, 1915): “Arcadio” (1982) William Goyen (USA, 1915): “Come the Restorer” (1974) Jean Stafford (USA, 1915): “Boston Adventure” (1944) + Jean Stafford (USA, 1915): “The Mountain Lion” (1947) Jean Stafford (USA, 1915): “The Catherine Wheel” (1951) Denton Welch (Britain, 1915): “In Youth Is Pleasure” (1945) Arthur Miller (USA, 1915): “All My Sons” (1947) [t] + Arthur Miller (USA, 1915): “Death of a Salesman” (1949) [t] ++ Arthur Miller (USA, 1915): “The Crucible” (1953) [t] Arthur Miller (USA, 1915): “A View From the Bridge” (1955) [t] Ross MacDonald (USA, 1915): “The Moving Target” (1949) Khushwant Singh (India,1915): “Train to Pakistan” (1956) Thomas Merton (USA, 1915): “Figures for an Apocalypse” (1947) [p] Thomas Merton (USA, 1915): “The Tears of the Blind Lions” (1949) [p] Thomas Merton (USA, 1915): “The Strange Islands” (1957) [p] Judith Wright (Australia, 1915): “Woman to Man” (1949) [p] Lester DelRey (USA, 1915): “The Eleventh Commandement” (1962) Henry Kuttner (USA, 1915): “Beyond Earth‟s Gates” (1954) Anthony Burgess (Britain, 1916): “A Clockwork Orange” (1962) + Anthony Burgess (Britain, 1916): “Enderby” (1963) Anthony Burgess (Britain, 1916): “Kingdom of the Wicked” (1985) Anthony Burgess (Britain, 1916): “Earthly Powers” (1980) + John Burns (USA, 1916): “Gallery” (1947) Roald Dahl (Britain, 1916): “Gremlins” (1943) Roald Dahl (Britain, 1916): “James and the Giant Peach” (1961) Roald Dahl (Britain, 1916): “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (1964) Penelope Fitzgerald (Britain, 1916): “Bookshop” (1978) Penelope Fitzgerald (Britain, 1916): “Offshore” (1979) + Penelope Fitzgerald (Britain, 1916): “Beginning of Spring” (1988) Penelope Fitzgerald (Britain, 1916): “Gate of Angels” (1990) Penelope Fitzgerald (Britain, 1916): “The Blue Flower” (1998) + Elizabeth Hardwick (USA, 1916): “Sleepless Nights” (1979) Paule Marshall (USA, 1916): “Brown Girl” (1959) Robin Maugham (Britain, 1916): “Servant” (1948) Walker Percy (USA, 1916): “The Moviegoer” (1961) + Walker Percy (USA, 1916): “The Last Getleman” (1966) Walker Percy (USA, 1916): “Love In the Ruins” (1971) + Walker Percy (USA, 1916): “The Second Coming” (1980) Harold Robbins (USA, 1916): “Dream Merchants” (1949) Edith Templeton (Britain, 1916): “Summer in the Country” (1950) + Edith Templeton (Britain, 1916): “Living on Yesterday” (1951) Edith Templeton (Britain, 1916): “Island of Desire” (1952) Edith Templeton (Britain, 1916): “Gordon” (1966) Edith Templeton (Britain, 1916): “Murder in Estoril” (1992) + Philip Toynbee (Britain, 1916): “Tea with Mrs Goodman” (1947) Philip Toynbee (Britain, 1916): “Pantaloon” (1961) [p] John Ciardi (USA, 1916): “Person to Person” (1964) [p] David Gascoyne (Britain, 1916): “Man‟s Life Is This Meat” (1936) [p] David Gascoyne (Britain, 1916): “Poems 1937-1942″ (1943) [p] + David Gascoyne (Britain, 1916): “A Vagrant” (1950) [p] David Gascoyne (Britain, 1916): “Night Thoughts” (1956) [t] Sidney Sheldon (USA, 1917): “The Other Side of Midnight” (1974) Louis Auchincloss (USA, 1917): “Sybil” (1952) Louis Auchincloss (USA, 1917): “Rectors of Justin” (1964) Jane Bowles (USA, 1917): “Two Serious Ladies” (1943) Suyin Han (China, 1917): “Destination Chungking” (1943) Suyin Han (China, 1917): “Winter Love” (1962) Carson McCullers (USA, 1917): “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter” (1940) + Carson McCullers (USA, 1917): “Reflections in a Golden Eye” (1941) Carson McCullers (USA, 1917): “The Member of the Wedding” (1946) Carson McCullers (USA, 1917): “Ballad of the Sad Cafe” (1951) Jack Story (Britain, 1917): “The Trouble with Harry” (1949) Jack Story (Britain, 1917): “Live Now Pay Later” (1963) Jack Story (Britain, 1917): “Morag‟s Flying Fortress” (1976) Peter Taylor (USA, 1917): “A Summons to Memphis” (1986) Robert Anderson (USA, 1917): “Tea and Sympathy” (1953) [t] John Whiting (Britain, 1917): “Saint‟s Day” (1951) [t] John Whiting (Britain, 1917): “The Devils” (1961) [t] John Whiting (Britain, 1917): “The Devils” (1961) [t] Robert Lowell (USA, 1917): “Benito Cereno” (1964) [t] Robert Lowell (USA, 1917): “Lord Weary‟s Castle” (1946) [p] Robert Lowell (USA, 1917): “Mills of the Kavanaughs” (1951) [p] + Robert Lowell (USA, 1917): “Life Studies” (1959) [p] + James McAuley (Australia, 1917): “Under Aldebaran” (1946) [p] James McAuley (Australia, 1917): “A Vision of Ceremony” (1956) [p] + James McAuley (Australia, 1917): “Captain Quiros” (1964) [p] + Arthur Clarke (Britain, 1917): “The Deep Range” (1957) Arthur Clarke (Britain, 1917): “2001 A Space Odyssey” (1968) + Arthur Clarke (Britain, 1917): “Rendesvouz With Rama” (1973) Arthur Clarke (Britain, 1917): “Childhood‟s End” (1953) Gwendolyn Brooks (USA, 1917): “Annie Allen” (1949) [p] Penelope Mortimer (Britain, 1918): “The Pumpkin Eater” (1962) Percy-Howard Newby (Britain, 1918): “The Picnic at Sakkara” (1955) Percy-Howard Newby (Britain, 1918): “Something to Answer For” (1969) Isaac Rosenfeld (USA, 1918): “Passage From Home” (1946) Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “Memento Mori” (1959) + Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “Peckam Rye” (1960) Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” (1961) + Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “The Girls of Slender Means” (1963) Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “The Driver‟s Seat” (1970) Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “Loitering With Intent” (1981) Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “A Far Cry from Kensington” (1988) Muriel Spark (Britain, 1918): “Symposium” (1990) Mickey Spillane (USA, 1918): “I the Jury” (1947) Mickey Spillane (USA, 1918): “Kiss Me Deadly” (1952) + Philip Farmer (USA, 1918): “Makers of Universe” (1965) TheodoreV Sturgeon (USA, 1918): “More Than Human” (1953) Peter Abrahams (South Africa, 1919): “This Island Now” (1966) Lawrence Ferlinghetti (USA, 1919): “A Coney Island of the Mind” (1958) [p] Shirley Jackson (USA, 1919): “The Lottery” (1948) + Shirley Jackson (USA, 1919): “Hangsaman” (1951) Shirley Jackson (USA, 1919): “The Sundial” (1958) (Zimbabwe, 1919): “” (1952) + Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “” (1962) + Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “The Four-Gated City” (1969) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “Briefing for a Descent Into Hell” (1971) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “The Summer Before the Dark” (1973) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five” (1980) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “The Good Terrorist” (1985) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “The Fifth Child” (1988) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “The Sirian Experiments” (1981) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): “Love Again” (1996) Stanley Middleton (Britain, 1919): “Holiday” (1974) Stanley Middleton (Britain, 1919): “Distractions” (1975) Stanley Middleton (Britain, 1919): “In a Strange Land” (1979) Eskia Mphahlele (South Africa, 1919): “Down Second Ave” (1959) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “Under the Net” (1954) + Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “Flight from the Enchanter” (1955) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “The Bell” (1958) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “A Severed Head” (1961) + Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “A Fairly Honorable Defeat” (1970) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “An Accidental Man” (1971) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “The Black Prince” (1973) + Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “The Sacred and Profane Love Machine” (1974) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “The Sea The Sea” (1978) + Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “The Good Apprentice” (1985) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “The Green Knight” (1994) Iris Murdoch (Britain, 1919): “Jackson‟s Dilemma” (1996) Jerome Salinger (USA, 1919): “The Catcher in the Rye” (1951) + Jerome Salinger (USA, 1919): “Franny and Zooey” (1951) Norman-Frederick Simpson (Britain, 1919): “One Way Pendulum” (1959) [t] Robert Duncan (USA, 1919): “The Venice Poem” (1948) [p] + Robert Duncan (USA, 1919): “Passages” (1968) [p] Robert Duncan (USA, 1919): “The Structure of Rhyme” (1968) [p] Frederick Pohl (USA, 1919): “Space Merchants” (1953) Frederick Pohl (USA, 1919): “Gateway” (1976) Richard Adams (Britain, 1920): “Shardik” (1974) Keith Douglas (Britain, 1920): “Poems” (1944) [p] Charles Bukowski (USA, 1920): “Post Office” (1971) Charles Bukowski (USA, 1920): “Tales of Ordinary Madness” (1972) Mario Puzo (USA, 1920): “The Fortunate Pilgrim” (1964) Mario Puzo (USA, 1920): “The Godfather” (1969) Paul Scott (Britain, 1920): “The Jewel in the Crown” (1966) + Paul Scott (Britain, 1920): “The Day of the Scorpion” (1968) Paul Scott (Britain, 1920): “Towers of Silence” (1972) Paul Scott (Britain, 1920): “Staying On” (1977) Paul Scott (Britain, 1920): “Division of the Spoils” (1975) Amos Tutuola (Nigeria, 1920): “The Palm-wine Drinkard” (1952) + Amos Tutuola (Nigeria, 1920): “My Life in the Bush of Ghosts” (1954) Donald Windham (USA, 1920): “Two People” (1965) Phyllis-Dorothy James (Britain, 1920): “Cover Her Face” (1962) Amy Clampitt (USA, 1920): “The Kingfisher” (1983) [p] Howard Nemerov (USA, 1920): “The Salt Garden (1955) [p] Isaac Asimov (USA, 1920): “Foundation” (1953) Isaac Asimov (USA, 1920): “Foundation and Empire” (1953) Isaac Asimov (USA, 1920): “Foundation‟s Edge ” (1982) Isaac Asimov (USA, 1920): “Second Foundation ” (1953) Ray Bradbury (USA, 1920): “Fahrenheit 451″ (1953) + Frank Herbert (USA, 1920): “Destination Void” (1966) Elizabet Berridge (Britain, 1921): “The Rose Under Glass” (1961) Elizabet Berridge (Britain, 1921): “Across the Common” (1964) George-Mackay Brown (Britain, 1921): “Greenvoe” (1972) + George-Mackay Brown (Britain, 1921): “Besides the Ocean of Time” (1994) Cyprian Ekwensi (Nigeria, 1921): “When Love Whispers” (1947) Cyprian Ekwensi (Nigeria, 1921): “Jagua Nana” (1961) + Alex Haley (USA, 1921): “Roots” (1976) (Guyana, 1921): “Palace of the Peacock” (1960) ++ Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Far Journey of Oudin” (1961) + Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Whole Armour” (1962) + Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Secret Ladder” (1963) + Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Heartland” (1964) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Eye of the Scarecrow” (1965) + Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Tumatumari” (1968) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Angel at the Gate” (1982) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Black Marsden” (1972) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Companions of the Day and Night” (1975) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Da Silva da Silva‟s Cultivated Wilderness” (1977) + Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Tree of the Sun” (1978) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Genesis of the Clowns” (1977) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Carnival” (1985) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Infinite Rehearsal” (1987) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Four Banks of the River of Space” (1990) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “Resurrection at Sorrow Hill” (1993) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Dark Jester” (2001) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): “The Mask of the Beggar” (2003) James Jones (USA, 1921): “From Here to Eternity” (1951) + James Jones (USA, 1921): “Some Came Running” (1957) Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): “Judith Hearne” (1955) + Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): “The Luck of Ginger Coffey” (1960) Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): “While I Am Mary Dunne” (1968) Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): “The Great victorian Collection” (1975) + Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): “The Doctor‟s Wife” (1976) Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): “Cold Heaven” (1983) Brian Moore (Britain, 1921): “The Statement” (1995) Gabriel Okara (Nigeria, 1921): “The Voice” (1960) + Gabriel Okara (Nigeria, 1921): The Fisherman‟s Invocation” (1978) [p] Patricia Highsmith (USA, 1921): “Strangers on a Train” (1950) Patricia Highsmith (USA, 1921): “The Talented Mr Ripley” (1955) + Patricia Highsmith (USA, 1921): “Deep Water” (1957) Richard Wilbur (USA, 1921): “Things of This World” (1956) [p] James Blish (USA, 1921): “A Case of Conscience” (1958) Mona Van Duyn (USA, 1921): “Near Changes” (1990) [p] Hayden Carruth (USA, 1921): “Scrambled Eggs and Whiskey” (1996) [p] (Britain, 1922): “” (1954) + Kingsley Amis (Britain, 1922): “Ending Up” (1974) Kingsley Amis (Britain, 1922): “Old Devils” (1986) Vance Bourjailj (USA, 1922): “End of My Life” (1947) Vance Bourjailj (USA, 1922): “The Violated” (1958) + (Britain, 1922): “” (1957) Hone Tuwhare (New Zealand, 1922): “Something Nothing” (1974) [p] Kendrick Smithyman (New Zealand, 1922): “Inheritance” (1962) [p] Kendrick Smithyman (New Zealand, 1922): “Reading the Maps” (1977) [p] + Kendrick Smithyman (New Zealand, 1922): “Stories About Wooden Keyboards” (1985) [p] Kendrick Smithyman (New Zealand, 1922): “Atua Wera” (1995) [p] William Demby (USA, 1922): “Beetlecreek” (1950) William Gaddis (USA, 1922): “The Recognitions” (1955) ++ William Gaddis (USA, 1922): “JR” (1976) + William Gaddis (USA, 1922): “Carpenter‟s Gothic” (1985) + William Gaddis (USA, 1922): “A Frolic of His Own” (1994) Mavis Gallant (Canada, 1922): “Green Water Green Sky” (1959) Jack Kerouac (USA, 1922): “On the Road” (1957) Jack Kerouac (USA, 1922): “The Subterraneans” (1958) Jack Kerouac (USA, 1922): “Dharma Bums” (1958) Jack Kerouac (USA, 1922): “Doctor Sax” (1959) Jack Kerouac (USA, 1922): “Big Sur” (1962) Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): “Girl in winter” (1947) Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): “The North Ship” (1945) [p] Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): “The Less Deceived” (1955) [p] + Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): “The Whitsun Weddings” (1964) [p] Philip Larkin (Britain, 1922): “High Windows” (1974) [p] + Grace Paley (USA, 1922): “The Little Disturbances of Man” (1959) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Player Piano” (1952) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “The Sirens of Titan” (1959) + Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Mother Night” (1961) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Cat‟s Cradle” (1963) + Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “God Bless You” (1965) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Slaughterhouse 5″ (1969) + Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Breakfast of Champions” (1973) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Slapstick” (1976) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Jailbird” (1979) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Deadeye Dick” (1982) Kurt Vonnegut (USA, 1922): “Galapagos” (1985) Calder Willingham (USA, 1922): “Natural Child” (1952) Calder Willingham (USA, 1922): “Rambling Rose” (1972) Donald Davie (Britain, 1922): “Brides of Reason” (1955) [p] Donald Davie (Britain, 1922): “Three for Water Music” (1981) [p] Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): “The Late Bourgeois World” (1967) Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): “A Guest of Honor” (1971) Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): “The Conservationist” (1974) + Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): “The Burger‟s Daughter” (1979) ++ Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): “My Son‟s Story” (1990) Joseph Heller (USA, 1923): “Catch 22″ (1961) + Elizabeth Howard (Britain, 1923): “The Beautiful Visit” (1950) Elizabeth Jolley (Britain, 1923): “Miss Peabody‟s Inheritance” (1983) Francis King (Britain, 1923): “Act of Darkness” (1983) Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): “The Naked and The Dead” (1948) + Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): “The Deer Park” (1955) Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): “The American Dream” (1965) Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): “The Executioner‟s Song” (1979) + Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): “Harlot‟s Ghost” (1991) Norman Mailer (USA, 1923): “The Castle in the Forest” (2007) John Mortimer (Britain, 1923): “Paradise Postponed” (1985) John Mortimer (Britain, 1923): “The Judge” (1967) [t] Nicholas Mosley (Britain, 1923): “Meeting Place” (1962) Nicholas Mosley (Britain, 1923): “Accident” (1965) + Nicholas Mosley (Britain, 1923): “Hopeful Monsters” (1990) James Purdy (USA, 1923): “Malcolm” (1959) + James Purdy (USA, 1923): “The Nephew” (1960) James Purdy (USA, 1923): “Eustache Chisolm” (1967) James Purdy (USA, 1923): “Cabot Wright Begins” (1964) James Purdy (USA, 1923): “Jeremy‟s Version” (1970) James Purdy (USA, 1923): “I am Elijah Thrush” (1972) James Purdy (USA, 1923): “In a Shallow Grave” (1975) + James Purdy (USA, 1923): “In the Hollow of His Hand” (1986) James Purdy (USA, 1923): “Garments in the living wear” (1989) Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): “Madame Sousatzka” (1962) + Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): “The Elected Member/ The Chosen People” (1969) + Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): “Spring Sonata” (1979) Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): “A Solitary Grief” (1991) Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): “Mother Russia” (1992) Bernice Rubens (Britain, 1923): “Autobiopsy” (1993) Samuel Selvon (Trinidad, 1923): “A Brighter Sun” (1952) + Samuel Selvon (Trinidad, 1923): “Lonely Londoners” (1956) Brendan Behan (Ireland, 1923): “The Quare Fellow” (1955) [t] + Brendan Behan (Ireland, 1923): “The Hostage” (1958) [t] + Paddy Chayefsky (USA, 1923): “Marty” (1953) [t] + James Dickey (USA, 1923): “Deliverance” (1970) James Dickey (USA, 1923): “Into the Stone” (1960) [p] James Dickey (USA, 1923): “Helmets” (1964) [p] James Dickey (USA, 1923): “Buckdancer‟s Choice” (1965) [p] + James Dickey (USA, 1923): “The Eye-Beaters” (1970) Anthony Hecht (USA, 1923): “A Summoning of Stones” (1954) [p] Anthony Hecht (USA, 1923):”The Hard Hours” (1967) [p] + Anthony Hecht (USA, 1923):”Millions of Strange Shadows” (1977) [p] Anthony Hecht (USA, 1923):”The Venetian Vespers” (1980) [p] Anthony Hecht (USA, 1923):”The Transparent Man” (1990) [p] Denise Levertov (USA, 1923): “Overland to the Islands” (1958) [p] Denise Levertov (USA, 1923): “With Eyes at the Back of Our Heads” (1959) [p] Denise Levertov (USA, 1923): “O Taste and See” (1964) [p] + Denise Levertov (USA, 1923): “The Sorrow Dance” (1967) [p] Louis Simpson (USA, 1923): “At the End of the Open Road” (1963) [p] Philip Whalen (USA, 1923): “Like I Say” (1960) [p] Philip Whalen (USA, 1923): “Memoirs of an Interglacial Age” (1960) [p] Philip Whalen (USA, 1923): “High Grade” (1966) [p] + Gordon Dickson (USA, 1923): “Genetic General” (1960) Jack Vance (USA, 1923): “Dragon Masters” (1963) Paula Fox (USA, 1923): “Desperate Characters” (1970) Paula Fox (USA, 1923): “The Widow‟s Children” (1976) James Kirkup (Britain, 1923): “The Spring Journey” (1954) [p] Louis Johnson (New Zealand, 1924): “Stanza and Scene” (1945) [p] John Haines (USA, 1924): “Letter to Patience” (2006) [p] + James Baldwin (USA, 1924): “Go Tell It On The Mountain” (1953) + James Baldwin (USA, 1924): “Giovanni‟s Room” (1956) James Baldwin (USA, 1924): “Another Country” (1962) James Baldwin (USA, 1924): “Blues for Mr Charlie” (1964) [t] Thomas Berger (USA, 1924): “The Little Big Man” (1964) Thomas Berger (USA, 1924): “Killing Time” (1967) John Bowen (Britain, 1924): “Squeak” (1983) Truman Capote (USA, 1924): “Breakfast at Tiffany‟s” (1958) Truman Capote (USA, 1924): “In Cold Blood” (1966) + Truman Capote (USA, 1924): “Other Voices” (1948) Evan Connell (USA, 1924): “Mrs Bridge” (1969) Thomas Flanagan (Ireland, 1924): “The Year of the French” (1979) + Thomas Flanagan (Ireland, 1924): “Tenants of Time” (1987) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “Owls Do Cry” (1956) + Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “Faces in the Water” (1961) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “The Edge of the Alphabet” (1962) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “Scented Gardens For The Blind” (1963) ++ Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “The Adaptable Man” (1965) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “The Rainbirds” (1968) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “Intensive Care” (1970) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “Daughter Buffalo” (1972) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): “The Carpathians” (1988) + William Gass (USA, 1924): “Omensetter‟s Luck” (1966) + William Gass (USA, 1924): “Willie Master‟s Lonesome Wife” (1970) William Gass (USA, 1924): “Tunnel” (1994) Herbert Gold (USA, 1924): “Salt” (1963) Kamala Markandaya (India, 1924): “Nectar in a Sieve” (1954) Kamala Markandaya (India, 1924): “The Nowhere Man” (1972) + Kamala Markandaya (India, 1924): “Golden Honeycomb” (1977) Terry Southern (USA, 1924): “Flash and Filigree” (1958) + Terry Southern (USA, 1924): “Magic Christian” (1959) Peter George (Britain, 1924): “Two Hours to Doom” (1958) Francis Wyndham (Britain, 1924): “The Other Garden” (1987) (Britain, 1924): “A Man For All Seasons” (1954) [t] Dennis Brutus (South Africa, 1924): “Sirens, Knuckles and Boots” (1962) [p] Dennis Brutus (South Africa, 1924): “Letters to Martha” (1968) [p] + Nissim Ezekiel (India, 1924): “Time To Change” (1952) [p] Ismith Khan (Trinidad, 1925): “The Jumbie Bird” (1961) Edward Gorey (USA, 1925): “The Unstrung Harp” (1953) Nina Bawden (Britain, 1925): “Tortoise by Candlelight” (1963) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “The Cannibal” (1949) + John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Beetle Leg” (1951) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Lime Twig” (1960) + John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Second Skin” (1963) + John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Blood Oranges” (1971) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Death Sleep” (1974) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Travesty” (1976) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Passion Artist” (1979) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Virginie” (1982) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Adventures in the Alaskan Skin Trade” (1985) John Hawkes (USA, 1925): “Whistlejacket” (1988) Alex LaGuma (South Africa, 1925): “A Walk in the Night” (1962) + Alex LaGuma (South Africa, 1925): “The Stone Country” (1967) Flannery O‟Connor (USA, 1925): “Wise Blood” (1952) Flannery O‟Connor (USA, 1925): “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” (1955) Flannery O‟Connor (USA, 1925): “The Violent Bear It Away” (1960) + Flannery O‟Connor (USA, 1925): “Everything That Rises Must Converge” (1964) William Styron (USA, 1925): “Lie Down in Darkness” (1951) William Styron (USA, 1925): “Set This House on Fire” (1960) William Styron (USA, 1925): “The Confessions of Nat Turner” (1967) William Styron (USA, 1925): “Sophie‟s Choice” (1979) + Frank Tuohy (Britain, 1925): “Ice Saints” (1964) Gore Vidal (USA, 1925): “The City and the Pillar” (1948) Gore Vidal (USA, 1925): “Myra Breckinridge” (1968) + Gore Vidal (USA, 1925): “Myron” (1974) Gore Vidal (USA, 1925): “Duluth” (1983) Gore Vidal (USA, 1925): “Lincoln” (1984) (Britain, 1925): “Hurry On Down” (1953) William Wharton (USA, 1925): “Birdy” (1979) Pamela Gems (Britain, 1925): “Dusa Fish Stas and Vi” (1976) [t] Elmore Leonard (USA, 1925): “La Brava” (1983) Elmore Leonard (USA, 1925): “Get Shorty” (1990) Ian-Hamilton Finlay (Britain, 1925): “Rapel” (1963) [p] Kenneth Koch (USA, 1925): “Ko Seasons On Earth” (1959) [p] + Kenneth Koch (USA, 1925): “When The Sun Tries To Go On” (1960) [p] + Kenneth Koch (USA, 1925): “The Art of Love” (1975) Kenneth Koch (USA, 1925): “New Addresses” (2000) Brian Aldiss (Britain, 1925): “Hothouse” (1962) Brian Aldiss (Britain, 1925): “Non-stop” (1958) Harry Harrison (USA, 1925): “Make Room” (1966) Russell Hoban (USA, 1925): “Turtle Diary” (1975) Russell Hoban (USA, 1925): “Riddley Walker” (1980) + James Reaney (Canada, 1926): “The Red Heart” (1949) [p] John Berger (USA, 1926): “G” (1972) + John Berger (USA, 1926): “Pig Earth” (1979) Anthony Shaffer (Britain, 1926): “Sleuth” (1970) [t] + Christopher Middleton (Britain, 1926): “The Lonely Suppers of W.V. Baloon” (1975) [p] Christine Brooke-Rose: (Britain, 1926): “Out” (1964) Christine Brooke-Rose: (Britain, 1926): “Such” (1966) Christine Brooke-Rose: (Britain, 1926): “Xorandor” (1986) James Donleavy (USA, 1926): “The Ginger Man” (1955) John Fowles (Britain, 1926): “The Collector” (1963) John Fowles (Britain, 1926): “The Magus” (1966) John Fowles (Britain, 1926): “The French Lieutenant‟s Woman” (1969) + John Fowles (Britain, 1926): “Daniel Martin” (1976) Roy Heath (Guyana, 1926): “The Murderer” (1978) (Britain, 1926): “Mr Nicholas” (1952) John-Clellon Holmes (USA, 1926): “The Horn” (1958) John Knowles (USA, 1926): “A Separate Peace” (1959) Harper Lee (USA, 1926): “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1960) + Alison Lurie (USA, 1926): “The War Between the Tates” (1974) Alison Lurie (USA, 1926): “Foreign Affairs” (1985) + Edward Wallant (USA, 1926): “The Human Season” (1960) Edward Wallant (USA, 1926): “The Tenants of Moonbloom” (1963) Edward Wallant (USA, 1926): “The Pawnbroker” (1961) + Nicholas Wollaston (Britain, 1926): “Cafe de Paris” (1988) Herman Wouk (USA, 1926): “The Caine Mutiny” (1951) Hugh Leonard (Ireland, 1926): “The Poker Session” (1963) [t] Hugh Leonard (Ireland, 1926): “A Life” (1979) [t] Hugh Leonard (Ireland, 1926): “Da” (1973) [t] + Murray Schisgal (USA, 1926): “Luv” (1963) [t] Peter Shaffer (Britain, 1926): “Five Finger Exercise” (1958) [t] Peter Shaffer (Britain, 1926): “Black Comedy” (1965) [t] Peter Shaffer (Britain, 1926): “Equus” (1973) [t] + Peter Shaffer (Britain, 1926): “Amadeus” (1979) [t] Youstol Dispage (1926): “Piero Scaruffi” (1989) [p] Ed McBain (USA, 1926): “Cop Hater” (1956) James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “Beyond the Palisade” (1944) [p] James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “Traveller‟s Litany” (1955) [p] James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “Howrah Bridge” (1961) [p] + James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “Pig Island Letters” (1966) [p] James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “The Wide Open Cage” (1959) [t] James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “The Band Rotunda” (1967) [t] James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “The Sore-Footed Man” (1967) [t] James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “The Devil and Mr Mulcahy” (1967) [t] James Baxter (New Zealand, 1926): “The Temptations of Oedipus” (1970) [t] Robert Bly (USA, 1926): “Silence in the Snowy Fields” (1962) [p] Robert Creeley (USA, 1926): “For Love” (1962) [p] Robert Creeley (USA, 1926): “Words” (1967) [p] Robert Creeley (USA, 1926): “Pieces” (1969) [p] Allen Ginsberg (USA, 1926): “Howl” (1955) [p] Allen Ginsberg (USA, 1926): “Kaddish” (1961) [p] Elizabeth Jennings (Britain, 1926): “A Way of Looking” (1955) [p] + Elizabeth Jennings (Britain, 1926): “The Mind Has Mountains” (1966) [p] Elizabeth Jennings (Britain, 1926): “Extending The Territory” (1985) [p] James Merrill (USA, 1926): “The Diblos Notebook” (1965) James Merrill (USA, 1926): “Nights and Days” (1966) [p] + James Merrill (USA, 1926): “Braving the Elements” (1972) [p] James Merrill (USA, 1926): “The Changing Light at Sandover (1982) [p] ++ James Merrill (USA, 1926): “The Inner Room (1988) [p] Frank O‟Hara (USA, 1926): “Meditations in an Emergency” (1956) [p] + Frank O‟Hara (USA, 1926): “Second Avenue” (1960) [p] Frank O‟Hara (USA, 1926): “Lunch Poems” (1964) [p] William-DeWitt Snodgrass (USA, 1926): “Heart‟s Needle” (1959) [p] William-DeWitt Snodgrass (USA, 1926): “The Fuehrer Bunker” (1995) [p] + Poul Anderson (USA, 1926): “Tau Zero” (1970) Poul Anderson (USA, 1926): “The Boat of a Million Years” (1989) Edmund Cooper (Britain, 1926): “Five to Twelve” (1968) Burt Blechman (USA, 1927): “How Much” (1962) Aidan Higgins (Britain, 1927): “Langrishe Go Down” (1966) + Aidan Higgins (Britain, 1927): “Balcony of Europe” (1972) Richard Murphy (Ireland, 1927): “Sailing to an Island” (1963) [p] Richard Murphy (Ireland, 1927): “The Battle of Auighrim” (1968) [p] Nayantara Sahgal (India, 1927): “Plans for Departure” (1985) Peter Matthiessen (USA, 1927): “At Play in the Fields of the Lord” (1965) Peter Matthiessen (USA, 1927): “Killing Mr Watson” (1990) John Broderick (Ireland, 1927): “The Waking of Willie Ryan” (1965) James-Leo Herlihy (USA, 1927): “Blue Denim” (1958) [t] James-Leo Herlihy (USA, 1927): “Midnight Cowboy” (1965) Ruth-Prawer Jhabvala (Britain, 1927): “Esmond in India” (1958) Ruth-Prawer Jhabvala (Britain, 1927): “The Householder” (1960) Ruth-Prawer Jhabvala (Britain, 1927): “Heat and Dust” (1975) + Ruth-Prawer Jhabvala (Britain, 1927): “Is Search of Love and Beauty” (1983) George Lamming (Barbados, 1927): “In the Castle of my Skin” (1963) George Lamming (Barbados, 1927): “Natives of My Person” (1972) + Simon Raven (Britain, 1927): “The Rich Pay Late” (1964) Ann Jellicoe (Britain, 1927): “The Knack” (1961) [t] Peter Nichols (Britain, 1927): “A Day in the Death of Joe Egg” (1967) [t] + Peter Nichols (Britain, 1927): “The National Health” (1969) [t] Peter Nichols (Britain, 1927): “Chez Nous” (1974) [t] Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Come Blow Your Home” (1961) [t] + Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Barefoot in the Park” (1961) [t] + Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “The Odd Couple” (1965) [t] + Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Plaza Suite” (1968) [t] + Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “The Out-of-towners” (1970) [t] + Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Gingerbread Lady” (1970) [t] Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Biloxi Blues” (1985) [t] Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Brighton Beach Memoirs” (1983) [t] Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Broadway Bound” (1986) [t] Neil Simon (USA, 1927): “Lost in Yonkers” (1991) [t] Peter Dickinson (Britain, 1927): “Hindsight” (1984) Paul Abelman (Britain, 1927): “I Hear Voices (1958) John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “Some Trees” (1956) [p] John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “Rivers and Mountains” (1966) [p] John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “The Double Dream of Spring” (1970) [p] John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “The System” (1972) [p] + John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror: (1975) [p] ++ John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “Houseboat Days” (1977) [p] + John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “As We Know” (1979) [p] John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “A Wave” (1984) [p] + John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “April Galleons” (1987) [p] John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “Flow Chart” (1991) [p] John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “Wakefulness” (1998) [p] John Ashbery (USA, 1927): “Chinese Whispers” (2002) [p] Galway Kinnell (USA, 1927): “What A Kingdom It Was” (1960) [p] William-Stanley Merwin (USA, 1927): “A Mask for Janus” (1952) [p] William-Stanley Merwin (USA, 1927): “The Carrier of Ladders” (1970) [p] + May Swenson (USA, 1927): “Another Animal” (1954) [p] Charles Tomlinson (Britain, 1927): “The Necklace” (1955) [p] Charles Tomlinson (Britain, 1927): “Skywriting” (2003) [p] Daniel Keyes (USA, 1927): “Flowers for Algernon” (1966) Thomas Rogers (USA, 1927): “Confessions of a Child of the Century” (1972) Thomas Rogers (USA, 1927): “At The Shores” (1980) Alfred Chester (USA, 1928): “The Exquisite Corpse” (1967) Charles Dyer (Britain, 1928): “Staircase” (1966) [t] Frank Marcus (Britain, 1928): “The Killing of Sister George” (1965) [t] Andrew Salkey (Jamaica, 1928): “A Quality of Violence” (1959) Andrew Salkey (Jamaica, 1928): “An Escape to an Autumn Pavement” (1960) Mike Doyle (New Zealand, 1928): “Stonedancer” (1976) [p] Stan Barstow (Britain, 1928): “” (1960) Iain-Crichton Smith (Britain, 1928): “Deer on the High Hills” (1962) [p] Iain-Crichton Smith (Britain, 1928): “Notebooks of Robinson Crusoe” (1974) [p] Anita Brookner (Britain, 1928): “Providence” (1982) + Anita Brookner (Britain, 1928): “Hotel du Lac” (1984) + Anita Brookner (Britain, 1928): “Family and Friends” (1985) Anita Brookner (Britain, 1928): “Incidents in the Rue Laugier” (1995) Jane Gardam (Britain, 1928): “God on the Rocks” (1978) Jane Gardam (Britain, 1928): “Crusoe‟s Daughter” (1985) Jane Gardam (Britain, 1928): “Queen of the Tambourine” (1991) + James Kennaway (Britain, 1928): “Tunes of Glory” (1956) William Kennedy (USA, 1928): “Legs” (1975) William Kennedy (USA, 1928): “Billy Phelan‟s Greatest Game” (1978) William Kennedy (USA, 1928): “Ironweed” (1983) + William Kennedy (USA, 1928): “Flaming Corsage” (1996) Cynthia Ozick (USA, 1928): “Trust” (1966) + Cynthia Ozick (USA, 1928): “The Cannibal Galaxy” (1983) Cynthia Ozick (USA, 1928): “The Messiah of Stockholm” (1987) + Cynthia Ozick (USA, 1928): “The Puttermesser Papers” (1997) Hubert Selby (USA, 1928): “Last Exit to Brooklyn” (1964) + Hubert Selby (USA, 1928): “The Room” (1971) Hubert Selby (USA, 1928): “Demon” (1976) (Britain, 1928): “Saturday Night and Sunday Morning” (1958) + Alan Sillitoe (Britain, 1928): “The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner” (1959) William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “Old Boys” (1964) William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “The Boarding House” (1965) William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “The Love Department” (1967) William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “Mrs Eckdorf in O‟Neill‟s Hotel” (1970) William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “The Children of Dynmouth” (1976) + William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “Fools of Fortune” (1983) + William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “Felicia‟s Journey” (1994) + William Trevor (Ireland, 1928): “The Hill Bachelors” (2001) Edward Albee (USA, 1928): “Delicate Balance” (1965) [t] Edward Albee (USA, 1928): “Seascape” (1975) [t] Edward Albee (USA, 1928): “Three Tall Women” (1992) [t] Edward Albee (USA, 1928): “Who‟s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” (1962) [t] + David Mercer (Britain, 1928): “Flint” (1970) [t] + David Mercer (Britain, 1928): “A Suitable Case for Treatment” (1962) [t] + David Mercer (Britain, 1928): “In Two Minds” (1967) [t] + Thomas Kinsella (Ireland, 1928): “Another September” (1958) [p] Thomas Kinsella (Ireland, 1928): “Notes from the Land of the Dead” (1972) [p] Anne Sexton (USA, 1928): “Live or Die” (1966) [p] + Anne Sexton (USA, 1928):”The Death Notebooks” (1974) [p] Anne Sexton (USA, 1928):”The Awful Rowing Toward God” (1974) [p] Philip Dick (USA, 1928): “Do Androids Dream” (1968) + Philip Dick (USA, 1928): “The Simulacra” (1964) Philip Dick (USA, 1928): “A Maze of Death” (1970) Philip Dick (USA, 1928): “Flow My Tears” (1974) Philip Dick (USA, 1928): “A Scanner Darkly” (1977) Philip Dick (USA, 1928): “Valis” (1981) + James White (Britain, 1928): “Dream Millenium” (1974) Maya Angelou (USA, 1928): “Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water „fore I Diiie” (1971) [p] Jane Gardam (Britain, 1928): “God on the Rocks” (1978) Jane Gardam (Britain, 1928): “The Queen of the Tambourine” (1991) Richard Howard (USA, 1929): “Untitled Subjects” (1969) [p] Attipat-Krishnaswami Ramanujan (India, 1929): “The Striders” (1966) [p] + Attipat-Krishnaswami Ramanujan (India, 1929): “Second Sight” (1986) [p] Lynne Banks (Britain, 1929): “The L-shaped Room” (1960) Ursula-Askham Fanthorpe (Britain, 1929): “Side Effects” (1978) [p] Peter Porter (Australia, 1929): “Words Without Music” (1968) [p] Peter Porter (Australia, 1929): “Preaching to the Converted” (1972) [p] Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): “Hackenfeller‟s Ape” (1953) Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): “Flesh” (1962) Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): “The Finishing Touch” (1963) Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): “The Snow Ball” (1964) + Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): “In Transit” (1969) Brigid Brophy (Britain, 1929): “Palace Without Chairs” (1978) + Frederick Exley (USA, 1929): “A Fan‟s Notes” (1968) Dan Jacobson (South Africa, 1929): “The Beginners” (1966) Dan Jacobson (South Africa, 1929): “The Rape of Tamar” (1970) + Dan Jacobson (South Africa, 1929): “The Confessions of Josef Baisz” (1977) Chaim Potok (USA, 1929): “The Promise” (1970) Chaim Potok (USA, 1929): “The Name is Asher Lev” (1972) Tom Sharpe (Britain, 1929): “Riotous Assembly” (1971) Gilbert Sorrentino (USA, 1929): “Mulligan‟s Stew” (1979) George Steiner (USA, 1929): “The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H.” (1981) (Britain, 1929): “” (1959) Brian Friel (Ireland, 1929): “Philadelphia Here I Come” (1964) [t] + Brian Friel (Ireland, 1929): “Freedom fo the city” (1973) [t] Brian Friel (Britain, 1929): “Translations” (1980) [t] Brian Friel (Ireland, 1929): “Dancing at Lughnasa” (1990) [t] + Brian Friel (Britain, 1929): “Molly Sweeney” (1994) [t] + (Britain, 1929): “” (1956) [t] + John Osborne (Britain, 1929): “” (1957) [t] + John Osborne (Britain, 1929): “Inadmissible Evidence” (1964) [t] Ira Levin (USA, 1929): “A Kiss Before Dying” (1953) Ira Levin (USA, 1929): “Rosemary‟s Baby” (1967) + Ira Levin (USA, 1929): “The Stepford Wives” (1972) + Ira Levin (USA, 1929): “The Boys From Brazil” (1976) Ira Levin (USA, 1929): “Sliver” (1991) Ira Levin (USA, 1929): “Death Trap” (1978) [t] + Ed Dorn (USA, 1929): “Gunslinger” (1975) [p] + Thom Gunn (Britain, 1929): “The Sense of Movement” (1957) [p] + Thom Gunn (Britain, 1929): “My Sad Captains” (1961) [p] Thom Gunn (Britain, 1929): “The Man With Night Sweats” (1992) [p] John Hollander (USA, 1929): “A Crackling of Thorns” (1958) [p] John Hollander (USA, 1929): “Spectral Emanations” (1978) [p] John Hollander (USA, 1929): “Tesserae” (1988) [p] Adrienne Rich (USA, 1929): “Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law” (1963) [p] + Adrienne Rich (USA, 1929): “Diving into the Wreck” (1973) [p] Adrienne Rich (USA, 1929): “An Atlas of the Difficult world” (1991) [p] Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): “A Smuggler‟s Bible” (1966) + Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): “Hind‟s Kidnap” (1969) Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): “Ancient History” (1971) Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): “Lookout Cartridge” (1974) + Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): “Plus” (1977) Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): “Women and Men” (1987) ++ Chinua Achebe (Nigeria, 1930): “Things Fall Apart” (1958) + Chinua Achebe (Nigeria, 1930): “The Arrow of God” (1964) + Chinua Achebe (Nigeria, 1930): “Anthills of the Savannah” (1987) John Barth (USA, 1930): “The Floating Opera” (1956) + John Barth (USA, 1930): “The Sotweed Factory” (1960) + John Barth (USA, 1930): “The End of the Road” (1961) John Barth (USA, 1930): “Giles Goat Boy” (1966) ++ John Barth (USA, 1930): “Letters” (1979) Harold Brodkey (USA, 1930): “The Runaway Soul” (1991) Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “Boswell” (1964) Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “A Bad Man” (1967) Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “The Dick Gibson Show” (1971) + Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “The Franchiser” (1976) Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “The Living End” (1980) Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “George Mills” (1982) + Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “The Magic Kingdom” (1985) Stanley Elkin (USA, 1930): “Mrs Ted Bliss” (1995) Elaine Feinstein (Britain, 1930): “Mother‟s Daughter” (1988) Jon Silkin (Britain, 1930): “Nature with Man” (1965) [p] Timothy Findley (Canada, 1930): “Famous Last Words” (1981) Bruce Dawe (Australia, 1930): “Beyond the Subdivisions” (1969) [p] Bruce Friedman (USA, 1930): “Stern” (1962) Maureen Howard (USA, 1930): “Expensive Habits” (1986) David Hughes (Britain, 1930): “The Major” (1964) David Hughes (Britain, 1930): “The Pork Butcher” (1984) Jennifer Johnston (Ireland, 1930): “How Many Miles to Babylon” (1974) + Jennifer Johnston (Ireland, 1930): “Shadows on Our Skin” (1977) Jennifer Johnston (Ireland, 1930): “Old Jest” (1979) Harry Mathews (USA, 1930): “The Conversations” (1962) + Harry Mathews (USA, 1930): “The Sinking of the Odradek Stadium” (1972) Harry Mathews (USA, 1930): “Cigarettes” (1987) Norman Podhoretz (USA, 1930): “Making It” (1968) Wilfred Sheed (Britain, 1930): “Office Politics” (1966) Barry Unsworth (Britain, 1930): “Mooncracker‟s Gift” (1973) Barry Unsworth (Britain, 1930): “Pascali‟s Island” (1980) + Barry Unsworth (Britain, 1930): “Stone Virgin” (1985) + Barry Unsworth (Britain, 1930): “Sugar and Rum” (1988) Barry Unsworth (Britain, 1930): “Sacred Hunger” (1992) Douglas Woolf (USA, 1930): “Hypocritic Days” (1955) (Britain, 1930): “The Waters of Babylon” (1957) [t] + John Arden (Britain, 1930): “Live Like Pigs” (1958) [t] + John Arden (Britain, 1930): “Armstrong‟s Last Goodnight” (1964) [t] John Arden (Britain, 1930): “Serjeant Musgrave‟s Dance” (1959) [t] ++ (Britain, 1930): “The Room” (1957) [t] Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “The Birthday Party” (1958) [t] + Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “The Caretaker” (1959) [t] + Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “The Dumb Waiter” (1960) [t] Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “Homecoming” (1964) [t] + Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “Tea Party” (1965) [t] Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “Old Times” (1971) [t] Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “No Man‟s Land” (1975) [t] Harold Pinter (Britain, 1930): “Betrayal” (1978) [t] Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “In A Green Night” (1962) [p] Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “The Castaway” (1965) [p] Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “The Gulf” (1969) [p] Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “Another Life”" (1973) [p] ++ Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “Sea Grapes” (1976) [p] Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “The Schooner Flight” (1979) [p] + Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “The Star-Apple Kingdom” (1979) [p] + Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “The Fortunate Traveller” (1981) [p] + Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “The Spoiler‟s Return” (1981) [p] Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “Midsummer” (1984) [p] Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “Omeros” (1990) [p] + Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “Dream on Monkey Mountain” (1967) [t] + Derek Walcott (Trinidad, 1930): “O Babylon” (1976) [t] Ruth Rendell (Britain, 1930): “The Face of Trespass” (1974) + Ruth Rendell (Britain, 1930): “Judgement in Stone” (1977) Ruth Rendell (Britain, 1930): “The Lake of Darkness” (1980) Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): “The Arrivants” (1973) [p] ++ Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): “Mother Poem” (1977) [p] + Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): “Sun Poems” (1982) [p] Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): “X/Self” (1987) [p] Edward-Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados, 1930): “Middle Passages” (1992) [p] Gregory Corso (USA, 1930): “The Happy Birthday of Death” (1960) [p] Roy Fisher (Britain, 1930): “The City” (1961) [p] Roy Fisher (Britain, 1930): “The Furnace” (1986) [p] + Ted Hughes (Britain, 1930): “The Hawk In The Rain” (1957) [p] Ted Hughes (Britain, 1930): “Lupercal” (1960) [p] + Ted Hughes (Britain, 1930): “Crow” (1970) [p] + Ted Hughes (Britain, 1930): “Prometheus on His Crag” (1973) [p] Ted Hughes (Britain, 1930): “Orghast” (1968) [t] Gary Snyder (USA, 1930): “Riprap” (1959) [p] Gary Snyder (USA, 1930): “Cold Mountain Poems” (1965) [p] Gary Snyder (USA, 1930): “Songs for Gaia” (1979) [p] Anthony Thwaite (Britain, 1930): “The Owl in the Tree” (1963) [p] + Anthony Thwaite (Britain, 1930): “The Stones of Emptiness” (1967) [p] Anthony Thwaite (Britain, 1930): “Inscriptions” (1973) [p] + Anthony Thwaite (Britain, 1930): “New Confessions” (1974) [p] Anthony Thwaite (Britain, 1930): “Victorian Voices” (1980) [p] James-Graham Ballard (Britain, 1930): “The Crystal World” (1966) James-Graham Ballard (Britain, 1930): “Crash” (1973) + James-Graham Ballard (Britain, 1930): “Empire of the Sun” (1984) Lorraine Hansberry (USA, 1930): “A Raisin in the Sun” (1959) [t] + Walter Abish (USA, 1931): “How German Is It” (1980) Peter Mathers (Australia, 1931): “Trap” (1966) Peter Mathers (Australia, 1931): “Wort Papers” (1972) Gary StOmer (St Lucia, 1931): “The Lights on the Hill” (1986) Carolin Blackwood (Britain, 1931): “Stepdaughter” (1976) Carolin Blackwood (Britain, 1931): “The Fate Of Mary Rose” (1981) Ruth Fainlight (USA, 1931): “Cages” (1967) [p] Isabel Colegate (Britain, 1931): “The Shooting Party” (1980) Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): “The Book of Daniel” (1971) + Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): “Ragtime” (1975) + Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): “Loon Lake” (1980) Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): “The World‟s Fair” (1985) Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): “Billy Bathgate” (1989) Edgar-Lawrence Doctorow (USA, 1931): “Waterworks” (1994) Janice Elliott (Britain, 1931): “Secret Places” (1981) Maurice Gee (New Zealand, 1931): “Plumb” (1978) Shirley Hazzard (Australia, 1931): “The Transit of Venus” (1980) + Shirley Hazzard (Australia, 1931): “The Great Fire” (2003) Alice Munro (Canada, 1931): “Lives of Girls and Women” (1971) + Alice Munro (Canada, 1931): “The Beggar Maid/ Who Do You Think You Are” (1978) (USA, 1931): “The Glittering Prizes” (1976) Mordecai Richler (Canada, 1931): “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” (1959) Mordecai Richler (Canada, 1931): “St Urbain‟s Horseman” (1971) + Mordecai Richler (Canada, 1931): “Solomon Gursky Was Here” (1990) Jane Rule (USA, 1931): “Desert of the Heart” (1964) (Britain, 1931): “Ritual in the Dark” (1960) Tom Wolfe (USA, 1931): “The Bonfire of Vanities” (1987) + Peter Barnes (Britain, 1931): “The Ruling Class” (1968) [t] Peter Barnes (Britain, 1931): “Leonardo‟s Last Supper” (1969) [t] Peter Barnes (Britain, 1931): “Noonday Demons” (1970) [t] Peter Barnes (Britain, 1931): “The Bewitched” (1974) [t] + Peter Barnes (Britain, 1931): “Laughter” (1978) [t] John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): “Call For The Dead” (1960) John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): “The Spy Who Came In From the Cold” (1965) John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): “The Honorable Schoolboy” (1977) John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): “The Little Drummer Girl” (1983) John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): “The Perfect Spy” (1986) + John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): “The Russia House” (1989) John LeCarre (Britain, 1931): “The Night Manager” (1993) Derek Raymond (Britain, 1931): “He Died With His Eyes Open” (1983) Derek Raymond (Britain, 1931): “I Was Dora Suarez” (1990) PBitek Okot (Uganda, 1931): “Song of Lawino” (1966) [p] + PBitek Okot (Uganda, 1931): “Song of Ocal” (1970) [p] Adrian Henri (Britain, 1932): “Autobiography” (1971) [p] Sara Banerji (Britain, 1932): “Cobwebwalking” (1986) Sara Banerji (Britain, 1932): “Absolute Hush” (1991) Ronald Ribman (USA, 1932): “Harry Noon and Night” (1965) [t] John Corrington (Britain, 1932): “The Actes and Monuments” (1979) Malcom Bradbury (Britain, 1932): “Eating People is Wrong” (1959) + Malcom Bradbury (Britain, 1932): “History Man” (1975) Malcom Bradbury (Britain, 1932): “Rates of Exchange” (1983) Robert Coover (USA, 1932): “The Universal Baseball Association” (1968) Robert Coover (USA, 1932): “The Origin of the Brunists” (1966) + Robert Coover (USA, 1932): “The Public Burning” (1977) Robert Coover (USA, 1932): “Gerald‟s Party” (1986) Robert Coover (USA, 1932): “Pinocchio in Venice” (1991) Robert Coover (USA, 1932): “John‟s Wife” (1996) Alice-Thomas Ellis (Britain, 1932): “27th Kingdom” (1982) Eva Figes (Britain, 1932): “Winter Journey” (1967) Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (India, 1932): “The Mystic Masseur” (1957) Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (India, 1932): “The Suffrage of Elvira” (1958) Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (India, 1932): “A House For Mr Biswas” (1961) + Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (India, 1932): “In a Free State” (1971) Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (India, 1932): “Guerrillas” (1975) Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (India, 1932): “A Bend in the River” (1979) + Vidiadha-Surajprasad Naipaul (India, 1932): “The Enigma of Arrival” (1987) Arun-Balkrishna Kolatkar (India, 1932): “Jejuri” (1976) [p] + Arun-Balkrishna Kolatkar (India, 1932): “Kala Ghoda Poems” (2004) [p] Edna O‟Brien (Ireland, 1932): “The Country Girls Trilogy” (1964) + Edna O‟Brien (Ireland, 1932): “August is a Wicked Mouth” (1965) Julia O‟Faolain (Britain, 1932): “No Country for Young Men” (1980) Sylvia Plath (USA, 1932): “The Bell Jar” (1966) + Sylvia Plath (USA, 1932): “The Colossus” (1960) [p] Sylvia Plath (USA, 1932): “Ariel” (1965) [p] + Peter Redgrove (Britain, 1932): “In the Country of the Skin” (1973) Ronald Sukenick (USA, 1932): “98.5″ (1975) Ronald Sukenick (USA, 1932): “Out” (1973) Ronald Sukenick (USA, 1932): “Up” (1968) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Poorhouse Fair” (1958) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Rabbitt Run” (1960) + John Updike (USA, 1932): “The Centaur” (1963) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Of the Farm” (1965) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Couples” (1968) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Bech” (1970) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Rabbitt Redux” (1971) John Updike (USA, 1932): “The Coup” (1978) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Rabbitt is Rich” (1981) John Updike (USA, 1932): “The Witches of Eastwick” (1984) + John Updike (USA, 1932): “Roger‟s Version” (1986) + John Updike (USA, 1932): “Rabbit at Rest” (1990) John Updike (USA, 1932): “In the Beauty of the Lilies” (1995) John Updike (USA, 1932): “Toward the End of Time” (1997) Athol Fugard (South Africa, 1932): “The Blood Knot” (1961) [t] + Athol Fugard (South Africa, 1932): “Boesman and Lena” (1969) [t] + Athol Fugard (South Africa, 1932): “Sizwe Bansi Is Dead” (1972) [t] Athol Fugard (South Africa, 1932): “Master Harold and the Boys” (1982) [t] Athol Fugard (South Africa, 1932): “Tsotsi” (1960) Jack Gelber (USA, 1932): “Connection” (1959) [t] + (Britain, 1932): “Chicken Soup with Barley” (1958) [t] + Arnold Wesker (Britain, 1932): “The Kitchen” (1959) [t] Arnold Wesker (Britain, 1932): “Roots” (1959) [t] Arnold Wesker (Britain, 1932): “Chips with Everything” (1962) [t] Arnold Wesker (Britain, 1932): “Their Very Own” (1965) [t] Arnold Wesker (Britain, 1932): “The Friends” (1970) [t] Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): “For The Unfallen” (1959) [p] + Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): “King Log” (1968) [p] Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): “Mercian Hymns” (1971) [p] + Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): “Tenebrae” (1978) [p] Geoffrey Hill (Britain, 1932): “The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Peguy” (1983) [p] + Christopher Okigbo (Nigeria, 1932): “Heavensgate” (1962) [p] + Christopher Okigbo (Nigeria, 1932): “Limits” (1964) [p] Peter Redgrove (Britain, 1932): “The Collector” (1959) [p] Punyakante Wijenaike (Sri Lanka, 1932): “The Waiting Earth” (1966) Punyakante Wijenaike (Sri Lanka, 1932): “Giraya” (1971) Stephen Vizinczey (Hungary, 1933): “In Praise of Older Women” (1965) Edward Lucie-Smith (Jamaica, 1933): “Towards Silence” (1968) [p] Edward Lucie-Smith (Jamaica, 1933): “The Well Wishers” (1974) [p] Anne Stevenson (USA, 1933): “Correspondences” (1974) [p] Anne Stevenson (USA, 1933): “The Fiction Makers” (1985) [p] Donald Barthelme (USA, 1933): “Paradise” (1986) Donald Barthelme (USA, 1933): “Snow White” (1967) Donald Barthelme (USA, 1933): “The Dead Father” (1975) + Maureen Duffy (Britain, 1933): “The Microcosm” (1966) Maureen Duffy (Britain, 1933): “Love Child” (1971) + Maureen Duffy (Britain, 1933): “Gor Saga” (1981) Ernest Gaines (USA, 1933): “Te Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman” (1971) John Gardner (USA, 1933): “Grendel” (1971) + John Gardner (USA, 1933): “The Wreckage of Agathon” (1970) John Gardner (USA, 1933): “The Sunlight Dialogues” (1972) John Gardner (USA, 1933): “October Light” (1976) John Gardner (USA, 1933): “Freddy‟s Book” (1980) Bryan Johnson (Britain, 1933): “Travelling People” (1963) Bryan Johnson (Britain, 1933): “Albert Angelo” (1964) Bryan Johnson (Britain, 1933): “The Unfortunates” (1969) Bryan Johnson (Britain, 1933): “Christy Malry‟s Own Double Entry” (1973) + Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): “The Painted Bird” (1965) + Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): “Steps” (1968) Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): “Being There” (1971) + Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): “The Devil Tree” (1973) Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): “Cockpit” (1975) Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): “Blind Date” (1977) Jerzy Kosinski (Poland, 1933): “Passion Play” (1979) Penelope Lively (Britain, 1933): “The Road to Lichfield” (1977) Penelope Lively (Britain, 1933): “Treasures of Time” (1979) Penelope Lively (Britain, 1933): “According to Mark” (1984) Penelope Lively (Britain, 1933): “Moon Tiger” (1987) + Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): “Child of God” (1973) Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): “Suttree” (1979) + Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): “Blood Meridian” (1985) Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): “All the Pretty Horses” (1992) + Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): “The Border Trilogy” (1998) + Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): “The Road” (2006) Reynolds Price (USA, 1933): “Clockers” (1992) Reynolds Price (USA, 1933): “The Surface of the Earth” (1975) + Reynolds Price (USA, 1933): “Kate Vaiden” (1986) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Goodbye Columbus” (1959) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Letting Go” (1962) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Portnoy‟s Complaint” (1969) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “The Great American Novel” (1973) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “My Life as a Man” (1974) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Professor of Desire” (1977) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “The Ghost Writer” (1979) + Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Zuckerman Unbound” (1981) + Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “The Anatomy Lesson” (1983) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “The Prague Orgy” (1985) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Counterlife” (1987) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Deception” (1990) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Operation Shylock” (1993) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “Sabbath Theatre” (1995) Philip Roth (USA, 1933): “American Pastoral” (1997) Susan Sontag (USA, 1933): “Benefactor” (1963) Susan Sontag (USA, 1933): “Death kit” (1967) (Britain, 1933): “The Sporting Life” (1960) + David Storey (Britain, 1933): “Flight into Camden” (1960) David Storey (Britain, 1933): “Radcliffe” (1963) David Storey (Britain, 1933): “Saville” (1976) David Storey (Britain, 1933): “Arnold Middleton” (1967) [t] David Storey (Britain, 1933): “The Restoration of Arnold Middleton” (1967) [t] + David Storey (Britain, 1933): “Celebration” (1969) [t] David Storey (Britain, 1933): “Changing Room” (1971) [t] + Michael Frayn (Britain, 1933): “Noises Off” (1982) [t] Michael Frayn (Britain, 1933): “Spies” (2002) Joe Orton (Britain, 1933): “Entertaining Mr Sloane” (1964) [t] + Joe Orton (Britain, 1933): “Loot” (1966) [t] + Joe Orton (Britain, 1933): “What the Butler Saw” (1969) [t] + Elechi Amadi (Nigeria, 1934): “The Concubine” (1966) Chris Wallace-Crabbe (Australia, 1934): “The Music Of Division” (1959) [p] Beryl Bainbridge (Britain, 1934): “The Dressmaker” (1973) Beryl Bainbridge (Britain, 1934): “The Bottle Factory Outing” (1974) + Beryl Bainbridge (Britain, 1934): “Injury Time” (1977) Beryl Bainbridge (Britain, 1934): “An Awfully Big Adventure” (1989) Beryl Bainbridge (Britain, 1934): “Every Man For Himself” (1996) Kamala Das (India, 1924): “Summer in Calcutta” (1965) [p] Wendell Berry (USA, 1934): “The Memory of Old Jack” (1974) Leonard Cohen (Canada, 1934): “Beautiful Losers” (1966) Joan Didion (USA, 1934): “Run River” (1963) Joan Didion (USA, 1934): “Play It As It Lays” (1970) + Joan Didion (USA, 1934): “A Book of Common Prayers” (1977) Joan Didion (USA, 1934): “Democracy” (1984) Alan Garner (Britain, 1934): “The Owl Service” (1967) Alasdair Gray (Britain, 1934): “Lanark” (1981) + Alasdair Gray (Britain, 1934): “Janine” (1982) Alasdair Gray (Britain, 1934): “Poor Things” (1992) Ronald Harwood (South Africa, 1934): “Articles of Faith” (1973) David Malouf (Australia, 1934): “Bicycle” (1970) [p] David Malouf (Australia, 1934): “First Things Last” (1980) [p] David Malouf (Australia, 1934): “An Imaginary Life” (1978) + David Malouf (Australia, 1934): “Remembering Babylon” (1993) John McGahern (Ireland, 1934): “The Dark” (1965) John McGahern (Ireland, 1934): “The Pornographer” (1979) John McGahern (Ireland, 1934): “Amongst Women” (1990) + Scott Momaday (USA, 1934): “House Made of Dawn” (1969) John Rechy (USA, 1934): “City of Night” (1963) + John Rechy (USA, 1934): “Vampires” (1971) John Rechy (USA, 1934): “Marylin‟s Daughter” (1988) Ann Schlee (Britain, 1934): “Rhine Journey” (1980) Rudy Wiebe (Canada, 1934): “Temptations of Big Bear” (1973) Amiri Baraka (USA, 1934): “Dutchman” (1964) [t] Alan Bennett (Britain, 1934): “An Englishman Abroad” (1983) [t] Alan Bennett (Britain, 1934): “The Madness of George III” (1991) [t] + (Britain, 1934): “The Pope‟s Wedding” (1962) [t] Edward Bond (Britain, 1934): “Saved” (1965) [t] + Margaretta D‟Arcy (Ireland, 1934): “whose is the Kingdom” (1988) [t] Ronald Harwood (South Africa, 1934): “The Dresser” (1983) [t] LeRoi Jones (USA, 1934): “Dutchman” (1964) [t] + Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “The Interpreters” (1965) Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “Season of Anomy” (1973) + Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “The Swamp Dwellers” (1959) [t] Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “A Dance of the Forests” (1960) [t] + Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “The Road” (1965) [t] Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “Madmen and Specialists” (1971) [t] + Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “Idanre” (1968) [p] Wole Soyinka (Nigeria, 1934): “A Shuttle In The Crypt” (1968) [p] + John Brunner (Britain, 1934): “Stand on Zanzibar” (1968) Harlan Ellison (USA, 1934): “Man With Nine Lives” (1959) Gardner Herb (USA, 1934): “I‟m Not Rappaport” (1986) [t] Alan Bennett (Britain, 1934): “Card” (1911) Ruskin Bond (India, 1934): “Our Trees Still Grow In Dehra” (1992) Kofi Awoonor (Ghana, 1935): “Rediscovery” (1964) [p] Michael Horovitz (Britain, 1935): “The Wolverhampton Wanderer” (1971) [p] Glyn Hughes (Britain, 1935): “Where I Used to Play On The Green” (1982) Ed Bullins (USA, 1935): “Duplex” (1970) [t] Ed Bullins (USA, 1935): “The Taking of Miss Janie” (1975) [t] Richard Brautigan (USA, 1935): “A Confederate General” (1964) Richard Brautigan (USA, 1935): “Trout Fishing in America” (1967) Richard Brautigan (USA, 1935): “In Watermelon Sugar” (1968) + Richard Brautigan (USA, 1935): “Sombrero Fallout” (1976) Andre Brink (South Africa, 1935): “Looking on Darkness” (1974) + Andre Brink (South Africa, 1935): “A Dry White Season” (1979) Andre Brink (South Africa, 1935): “The Other Side of Silence” (2002) James-Gordon Farrell (Britain, 1935): “The Siege of Krishnapur” (1973) Zulfikar Ghose (India, 1935): “Hulme‟s Investigations into the Bogart Script” (1981) Zulfikar Ghose (India, 1935): “The Triple Mirror of the Self” (1992) + Diane Johnson (USA, 1935): “The Shadow Knows” (1974) Diane Johnson (USA, 1935): “Le Divorce” (1997) Thomas Keneally (Australia, 1935): “The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith” (1972) + Thomas Keneally (Australia, 1935): “Schindler‟s Ark” (1982) Ken Kesey (USA, 1935): “Sometimes a Great Notion” (1964) Ken Kesey (USA, 1935): “One Flew Over The Cuckoo‟s Nest” (1962) + David Lodge (Britain, 1935): “Out of the Shelter” (1970) David Lodge (Britain, 1935): “Changing Places” (1975) + David Lodge (Britain, 1935): “How Far Can We Go” (1980) David Lodge (Britain, 1935): “Nice Work” (1988) David Lodge (Britain, 1935): “Small World” (1984) Edna-Annie Proulx (USA, 1935): “Postcards” (1992) + Edna-Annie Proulx (USA, 1935): “Shipping News” (1993) + Carol Shields (USA, 1935): “Small Ceremonies” (1976) Carol Shields (USA, 1935): “Swann” (1987) + Carol Shields (USA, 1935): “Stone Diaries” (1993) + Andrew Sinclair (Britain, 1935): “Breaking of Bumbo” (1959) Andrew Sinclair (Britain, 1935): “My Friend Judas” (1959) Andrew Sinclair (Britain, 1935): “Gog” (1967) + Andrew Sinclair (Britain, 1935): “Magog” (1972) Andrew Sinclair (Britain, 1935): “King Ludd” (1988) Randolph Stow (Australia, 1935): “To the Islands” (1958) Randolph Stow (Australia, 1935): “Tourmaline” (1963) Randolph Stow (Australia, 1935): “The Merry-go-round in the Sea” (1965) + Randolph Stow (Australia, 1935): “Visitants” (1979) + Randolph Stow (Australia, 1935): “A Counterfeit Silence” (1969) [p] Donald-Michael Thomas (Britain, 1935): “The Flute Player” (1979) Donald-Michael Thomas (Britain, 1935): “White Hotel” (1981) + Donald-Michael Thomas (Britain, 1935): “Sphinx” (1986) Jeff Torrington (Britain, 1935): “Swing Hammer Swing” (1992) Tom Wakefield (Britain, 1935): “Lot‟s Wife” (1989) Tom Wakefield (Britain, 1935): “War Paint” (1993) Youstol Dispage (1935): “Piero Scaruffi” (1989) [p] Fay Weldon (Britain, 1935): “Praxis” (1978) + Fay Weldon (Britain, 1935): “The Life and Loves of a She-devil” (1983) Fay Weldon (Britain, 1935): “The Cloning of Joanna May” (1990) Dennis Potter (Britain, 1935): “Blue Remembered Hills” (1979) [t] Dennis Potter (Britain, 1935): “The Singing Detective” (1989) [t] Trevor Griffiths (Britain, 1935): “The Occupation” (1970) [t] Trevor Griffiths (Britain, 1935): “Oi for England” (1982) [t] Larry Kramer (USA, 1935): “Normal Heart” (1985) [t] Larry Kramer (USA, 1935): “The Destiny of Me” (1991) [t] John McGrath (Britain, 1935): “The Cheviot” (1973) [t] Julian Mitchell (Britain, 1935): “Another Country” (1981) [t] Thomas Murphy (Britain, 1935): “the Famine” (1966) [t] Thomas Murphy (Britain, 1935): “the Gigli Concert” (1983) [t] Jack Richardson (USA, 1935): “Xmas in Las Vegas” (1965) [t] Ellen Gilchrist (USA, 1935): “In The Land of Dreamy Dreams” (1981) Robert Silverberg (USA, 1935): “Nightwings” (1969) Jon Stallworthy (Britain, 1935): “A Familiar Tree” (1978) [p] Ward Just (USA, 1935): “An Unfinished Season” (2005) Ward Just (USA, 1935): “Echo House” (1997) Lewis Nkosi (South Africa, 1936): “Mating Birds” (1986) Brendan Kennelly (Ireland, 1936): “Good Souls to Survive” (1967) [p] Daryl Hine (Canada, 1936): “The Devil‟s Picture Book” (1960) [p] Daryl Hine (Canada, 1936): “The Wooden Horse” (1965) [p] Clarence Major (USA, 1936): “All-Night Visitors” (1969) Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): “The Virgin in the Garden” (1978) + Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): “Still-Life (1985) + Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): “Possession” (1990) ++ Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): “The Babel Tower (1996) Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): “The Biographer‟s Tale (2001) Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): “A Whistling woman (2002) Andrew Davies (Britain, 1936): “Getting Hurt” (1989) Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): “Running Dogs” (1978) Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): “Names” (1982) Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): “White Noise” (1985) + Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): “Libra” (1988) Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): “Underworld” (1997) Stephen Dixon (USA, 1936): “Interstate” (1985) Stephen Dixon (USA, 1936): “Garbage” (1988) Nell Dunn (Britain, 1936): “Poor Cow” (1967) William McIlvanney (Britain, 1936): “Docherty” (1975) Larry McMurtry (USA, 1936): “Horseman Pass By” (1961) Larry McMurtry (USA, 1936): “The Last Picture Show” (1966) Larry McMurtry (USA, 1936): “Terms of Endearment” (1977) Larry McMurtry (USA, 1936): “Lonesome Dove” (1985) + Tom Robbins (USA, 1936): “Another Roadside Attraction” (1971) Tom Robbins (USA, 1936): “Still Life With Woodpecker” (1980) Tom Robbins (USA, 1936): “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” (1975) + John-Pepper Clark (Nigeria, 1936): “Song Of A Goat” (1961) [t] + John-Pepper Clark (Nigeria, 1936): “The Masquerade” (1964) [t] John-Pepper Clark (Nigeria, 1936): “Ozidi” (1966) [t] Simon Gray (Britain, 1936): “Rear Column” (1978) [t] Simon Gray (Britain, 1936): “Quartermaine‟s Terms” (1981) [t] David Rudkin (Britain, 1936): “Afore Night Comes” (1960) [t] David Rudkin (Britain, 1936): “The Sons of Light” (1976) [t] + JeanClaude VanItallie (USA, 1936): “The Serpent” (1969) [t] Jeremy Prynne (Britain, 1936): “Kitchen Poems” (1968) [p] Jeremy Prynne (Britain, 1936): “The Oval Window” (1983) [p] + Hunter Thompson (USA, 1937): “Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas” (1973) Peter Pouncey (Britain, 1937): “Rules for Old Men Waiting” (2005) Paul Bailey (Britain, 1937): “At the Jerusalem” (1967) Paul Bailey (Britain, 1937): “Gabriel‟s Lament” (1986) + Jerome Charyn (USA, 1937): “Blue Eyes” (1975) Jerome Charyn (USA, 1937): “Tar Baby” (1973) Anita Desai (India, 1937): “Fire on the Mountain” (1977) + Anita Desai (India, 1937): “Clear Light of Day” (1980) Anita Desai (India, 1937): “In Custody” (1984) Roger McGough (Britain, 1937): “Summer with Monika” (1967) [p] John Fuller (Britain, 1937): “Flying to Nowhere” (1983) + John Fuller (Britain, 1937): “The Burning Boys” (1989) John Fuller (Britain, 1937): “The Illusionists” (1980) [p] + John Fuller (Britain, 1937): “The Beautiful Inventions” (1983) [p] Bessie Head (South Africa, 1937): “Maru” (1971) Bessie Head (South Africa, 1937): “A Question of Power” (1974) + William Kelley (USA, 1937): “A Different Drummer” (1962) William Kelley (USA, 1937): “Dem” (1967) William Kelley (USA, 1937): “Dunford Travels Everywhere” (1970) Toby Olson (USA, 1937): “Dorit in Lesbos” (1989) Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): “The Crying of Lot 49″ (1966) Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): “Gravity‟s Rainbow” (1973) ++ Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): “V” (1963) + Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): “Against the Day” (2006) Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): “Vineland” (1990) Erich Segal (USA, 1937): “Love Story” (1970) Emma Tennant (Britain, 1937): “The Time of the Crack” (1973) Emma Tennant (Britain, 1937): “Hotel de Dream” (1976) John Toole (USA, 1937): “A Confederacy of Dunces” (1969) Steven Berkoff (Britain, 1937): “East” (1975) [t] Steven Berkoff (Britain, 1937): “Greek” (1979) [t] + Steven Berkoff (Britain, 1937): “Decadence” (1981) [t] Arthur Kopit (USA, 1937): “Oh Dad Poor Dad” (1960) [t] Arthur Kopit (USA, 1937): “Chamber Music” (1963) [t] Arthur Kopit (USA, 1937): “Indians” (1968) [t] + Arthur Kopit (USA, 1937): “Wings” (1978) [t] Tom Stoppard (Britain, 1937): “Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead” (1967) [t] + Tom Stoppard (Britain, 1937): “Jumpers” (1972) [t] + Tom Stoppard (Britain, 1937): “Travesties” (1972) [t] Tom Stoppard (Britain, 1937): “The Real Thing” (1984) [t] + Tom Stoppard (Britain, 1937): “Hapgood” (1988) [t] Tom Stoppard (Britain, 1937): “Arcadia” (1993) [t] + John Fuller (Britain, 1937: “Epistles to Several Persons” (1973) [p] John Fuller (Britain, 1937: “The Illusionists” (1980) [p] + John Fuller (Britain, 1937: “Stones and Fires” (1996) [p] John Fuller (Britain, 1937: “Flying to Nowhere” (1983) Tony Harrison (Britain, 1937): “The Loiners” (1970) [p] Tony Harrison (Britain, 1937): “The School of Eloquence” (1978) [p] + Tony Harrison (Britain, 1937): “The Gaze of the Gorgon” (1992) [p] Tony Harrison (Britain, 1937): “”The Trackers of Oxyrynchus” (1988) [t] + Roger Zelazny (USA, 1937): “Dream Masters” (1966) Roger Zelazny (USA, 1937): “This Immortal/ And Call Me Conrad” (1966) Roger Zelazny (USA, 1937): “Lord of Light” (1968) Roger Zelazny (USA, 1937): “Nine Princes in Amber” (1970) + Roger Zelazny (USA, 1937): “Rose for Ecclesiastes) Renata Adler (USA, 1938): “Speedboat” (1976) Shashi Deshpande (India, 1938): “A Matter of Time” (1996) Frances Horovitz (Britain, 1938): “Snow Light Water Light” (1983) [p] Raymond Carver (USA, 1938): “Will You Please Be Quiet Please (1976) + Raymond Carver (USA, 1938): “What We Talk about When We Talk about Love (1981) Margaret Forster (Britain, 1938): “Georgy Girl” (1965) Allan Massie (Britain, 1938): “The Sins of the Fathers” (1991) Frank Moorhouse (Australia, 1938): “The Electrical Experience” (1974) + Frank Moorhouse (Australia, 1938): “The Everlasting Secret Family” (1980) Frank Moorhouse (Australia, 1938): “Dark Palace” (2001) James Ngugi (Kenya, 1938): “Weep Not Child” (1954) James Ngugi (Kenya, 1938): “A Grain of Wheat” (1967) James Ngugi (Kenya, 1938): “Petals of Blood” (1977) + Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): “A Garden of Earthly Delights” (1967) + Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): “Expensive People” (1968) Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): “Them” (1969) + Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): “Bellefleur” (1980) + Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): “You Must Remember This” (1988) Joyce-Carol Oates (USA, 1938): “Black Water” (1992) Ishmael Reed (USA, 1938): “Mumbo Jumbo” (1972) Ishmael Reed (USA, 1938): “The Yellow Black Radio Broke Down” (1969) Ishmael Reed (USA, 1938): “Freelance Pallbearers” (1967) Ishmael Reed (USA, 1938): “The Last Days of Louisiana Red” (1974) + Robert Stone (USA, 1938): “Children of Light” (1986) Robert Stone (USA, 1938): “Dog Soldiers” (1974) Robert Stone (USA, 1938): “A Hall of Mirrors” (1966) + Robert Stone (USA, 1938): “A Flag for Sunrise” (1981) Rudolph Wurlitzer (USA, 1938): “Flats” (1970) RudolphV Wurlitzer (USA, 1938): “Nog” (1969) Rudolph Wurlitzer (USA, 1938): “Quake” (1972) Caryl Churchill (Britain, 1938): “Light Shining in Buckinghamshire” (1976) [t] + Caryl Churchill (Britain, 1938): “Cloud Nine” (1979) [t] Caryl Churchill (Britain, 1938): “Top Girls” (1982) [t] Caryl Churchill (Britain, 1938): “Mad Forest” (1990) [t] Martin Sherman (USA, 1938): “Passing By” (1974) [t] Martin Sherman (USA, 1938): “Bent” (1978) [t] Les Murray (Australia, 1938): “Poems Against Economics” (1972) [p] Les Murray (Australia, 1938): “The Boys Who Stole the Funeral” (1980) [p] Les Murray (Australia, 1938): “Subhuman Redneck Poems” (1996) [p] + Les Murray (Australia, 1938): “Fredy Neptune” (1999) [p] + Les Murray (Australia, 1938): “Poems the Size of Photographs” (2002) [p] Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “What the Grass Says” (1967) [p] Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “Charon‟s Cosmology” (1977) [p] + Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “Classic Ballroom Dances” (1980) [p] Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “Unending Blues” (1986) [p] Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “The World Doesn‟t End” (1990) [p] + Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “Hotel Insomnia” (1992) [p] Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “A Wedding in Hell” (1994) [p] Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “Walking the Black Cat” (1996) [p] + Charles Simic (USA, 1938): “Jackstraws” (1999) [p] Frederick Forsyth (Britain, 1938): “The Odessa File” (1973) Frederick Forsyth (Britain, 1938): “The Day of the Jackal” (1972) + Albert Wendt (Western Samoa, 1939): “Inside Us the Dead” (1976) [p] Nikos Gatzoyiannis “Nicholas Gage” (Greece, 1939): “Eleni” (1983) Stephen Dunn (USA, 1939): “Loosestrife” (1996) [p] Stephen Dunn (USA, 1939): “Different Hours” (2000) [p] Ayi-Kwei Armah (Ghana, 1939): “The Beautyful Ones Are not Yet Born” (1968) Ayi-Kwei Armah (Ghana, 1939): “Fragments” (1971) Ayi-Kwei Armah (Ghana, 1939): “Why Are We So Blest” (1972) Ayi-Kwei Armah (Ghana, 1939): “Two Thousand Seasons” (1973) + Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “The Edible Woman” (1969) Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “Surfacing” (1972) + Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “Life Before Man” (1979) Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “The Handmaid‟s Tale” (1986) + Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “Cat‟s Eye” (1989) Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “Alias Grace” (1996) + Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “The Blind Assassin” (2000) + Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “Oryx and Crake” (2003) Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “The Circle Game” (1964) [p] Margaret Atwood (Canada, 1939): “You Are Happy” (1974) [p] Joan Brady (USA, 1939): “Theory of War” (1993) Georgina Hammick (Britain, 1939): “People for Lunch” (1987) Melvyn Bragg (Britain, 1939): “For Want of a Nail” (1965) + Melvyn Bragg (Britain, 1939): “The Second Inheritance” (1966) Melvyn Bragg (Britain, 1939): “The Hired Man” (1969) Melvyn Bragg (Britain, 1939): “A Time to Dance” (1990) James Crumley (USA, 1939): “Last kiss” (1978) Margaret Drabble (Britain, 1939): “A Summer-bird Cage” (1963) Margaret Drabble (Britain, 1939): “The Millstone” (1965) Margaret Drabble (Britain, 1939): “Jerusalm the Golden” (1967) + Margaret Drabble (Britain, 1939): “The Waterfall” (1969) Margaret Drabble (Britain, 1939): “The Needle‟s Eye” (1972) Barbara Hanrahan (Australia, 1939): “The Scent of Eucalyptus” (1973) Barry Hines (Britain, 1939): “A Kestrel For a Knave” (1968) Barry Hines (Britain, 1939): “The Gamekeeper” (1975) Lindsay Clarke (Britain, 1939): “The Chymical Wedding” (1989) Michael Moorcock (Britain, 1939): “The Dancers at the End of Time” (1976) Michael Moorcock (Britain, 1939): “The Condition of Muzak” (1977) Michael Moorcock (Britain, 1939): “Gloriana” (1978) + Michael Moorcock (Britain, 1939): “Mother London” (1988) Robert Nye (Britain, 1939): “Falstaff” (1976) Robert Nye (Britain, 1939): “Memoirs of Lord Byron” (1989) Alexander Theroux (USA, 1939): “Darconville‟s Cat” (1981) Colin Thubron (Britain, 1939): “A Cruel Madness” (1984) Alan Ayckbourn (Britain, 1939): “Relatively Speaking” (1967) [t] Alan Ayckbourn (Britain, 1939): “How The Other Half Loves” (1969) [t] Alan Ayckbourn (Britain, 1939): “The Norman Conquest” (1974) [t] + Alan Ayckbourn (Britain, 1939): “Just Between Ourselves” (1976) [t] Alan Ayckbourn (Britain, 1939): “Taking Steps” (1980) [t] Alan Ayckbourn (Britain, 1939): “Woman in Mind” (1985) [t] Alan Ayckbourn (Britain, 1939): “A Small Family Business” (1987) [t] (Britain, 1939): “A Taste of Honey” (1956) [t] Mustapha Matura (Britain, 1939): “As Time Goes By” (1971) [t] Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): “Death of a Naturalist” (1966) [p] + Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): “Station Island” (1984) [p] + Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): “The Haw Lantern” (1987) [p] Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): “Seeing Things” (1991) [p] Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): “The Spirit Level” (1996) [p] Seamus Heaney (Ireland, 1939): “Opened Ground” (1999) [p] Michael Longley (Ireland, 1939): “Gorse Fires” (1991) [p] + Michael Longley (Ireland, 1939): “The Weather in Japan” (2000) [p] Michael Moorcock (Britain, 1939): “Alien Heat” (1976) Michael Moorcock (Britain, 1939): “Cornelius Chronicles” (1977) Bobbie-Ann Mason (USA, 1940): “In Country” (1985) Russell Banks (USA, 1940): “Affliction” (1990) Russell Banks (USA, 1940): “The Sweet Hereafter” (1992) Angela Carter (Britain, 1940): “The Magic Toyshop” (1967) Angela Carter (Britain, 1940): “Nights at the Circus” (1984) + Angela Carter (Britain, 1940): “Wise Children” (1991) Bruce Chatwin (Britain, 1940): “The Viceroy of Ouidah” (1980) Bruce Chatwin (Britain, 1940): “On the Black Hill” (1982) + Bruce Chatwin (Britain, 1940): “Utz” (1988) + John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): “In the Heart of the Country” (1977) + John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): “Waiting for the Barbarians” (1980) + John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): “Life and Times of Michele K” (1983) + John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): “The Age of Iron” (1990) John Coetzee (South Africa, 1940): “Disgrace” (1999) David Cook (Britain, 1940): “Albert‟s Memorial” (1972) + David Cook (Britain, 1940): “Happy Endings” (1974) David Cook (Britain, 1940): “Walter” (1978) Rachel Ingalls (USA, 1940): “Mrs Caliban” (1982) Rich Kostelanetz (USA, 1940): “Imaged Words and Worded Images” (1970) [p] Thomas McGuane (USA, 1940): “Keep the Change” (1989) Thomas McGuane (USA, 1940): “Ninety-two in the Shade” (1973) Thomas McGuane (USA, 1940): “Something to be Desired” (1984) Thomas McGuane (USA, 1940): “Sporting Club” (1969) Thomas McGuane (USA, 1940): “Bushwhacked Piano” (1971) Bharati Mukherjee (India, 1940): “Jasmine” (1989) Bharati Mukherjee (India, 1940): “The Holder of the World” (1993) + David Plante (USA, 1940): “The Francoeur Trilogy” (1982) + Edmund White (USA, 1940): “Forgetting Elena” (1973) + Edmund White (USA, 1940): “A Boy‟s Own Story” (1982) Edmund White (USA, 1940): “Caracole” (1985) Jack Hibberd (Australia, 1940): “A Stretch of the Imagination” (1973) [t] + Jack Hibberd (Australia, 1940): “Dimboola” (1974) [t] Oswald Mtshali (South Africa, 1940): “Sounds of a Cowhide Drum” (1971) [p] Stephen Dobyns (USA, 1941): “Concurring Beasts” (1972) [p] Gregory Benford (USA, 1941): “Timescape” (1980) Piers-Paul Read (Britain, 1941): “A Married Man” (1979) Piers-Paul Read (Britain, 1941): “Season in the West” (1988) Paul Theroux (USA, 1941): “Picture Palace” (1979) + Paul Theroux (USA, 1941): “Mosquito Coast” (1982) Barbara Trapido (South Africa, 1941): “Brother of the More Famous Jack” (1982) Barbara Trapido (South Africa, 1941): “The Travelling Hornplayer” (1998) Anne Tyler (USA, 1941): “Earthly Possessions” (1977) Anne Tyler (USA, 1941): “Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant” (1982) + Anne Tyler (USA, 1941): “The Accidental Tourist” (1985) Anne Tyler (USA, 1941): “The Breathing Lessons” (1988) + Heathcote Williams (Britain, 1941): “AC/DC” (1970) [t] Anne Rice (USA, 1941): “Interview With the Vampire” (1976) Robert Hass (USA, 1941): “Field Guide” (1973) [p] Robert Hass (USA, 1941): “Praise” (1979) [p] Ama-Ata Aidoo (Ghana, 1942): “The Dilemma of a Ghost” (1965) [t] Hugo Williams (Britain, 1942): “Symptoms of Love” (1965) [p] Susan Hill (Britain, 1942): “I‟m the King of the Castle” (1970) Susan Hill (Britain, 1942): “Strange Meeting” (1971) Susan Hill (Britain, 1942): “The Bird of Night” (1972) + Susan Hill (Britain, 1942): “Woman in Black” (1983) Janette-Turner Hospital (Australia, 1942): “Charades” (1989) Janette-Turner Hospital (Australia, 1942): “The Last Magician” (1992) + John Irving (USA, 1942): “The Water-method Man” (1972) John Irving (USA, 1942): “The World According to Garp” (1978) + John Irving (USA, 1942): “Hotel New Hampshire” (1981) John Irving (USA, 1942): “Cider House Rules” (1985) John Irving (USA, 1942): “Prayer for Owen Meany” (1989) Howard Jacobson (Britain, 1942): “Coming From Behind” (1983) Howard Jacobson (Britain, 1942): “Peeping Tom” (1984) + Howard Jacobson (Britain, 1942): “Redback” (1986) Erica Jong (USA, 1942): “Fear of Flying” (1974) Garrison Keillor (USA, 1942): “Lake Wobegon Days” (1985) Bernar MacLaverty (Britain, 1942): “Lamb” (1980) Bernar MacLaverty (Britain, 1942): “Cal” (1983) Anita Mason (Britain, 1942): “The Illusionist” (1983) Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): “The Bluest Eyes” (1970) + Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): “Sula” (1973) + Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): “Song of Solomon” (1977) + Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): “Tar Baby” (1981) + Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): “Beloved” (1987) + Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): “Jazz” (1992) Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): “Paradise” (1997) David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “The Coming of Stork” (1970) [t] David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “Don‟s Party” (1971) [t] David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “The Removalists” (1972) [t] + David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “The Club” (1977) [t] David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “Travelling North” (1979) [t] David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “Emerald City” (1987) [t] David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “Brilliant Lies” (1993) [t] David Williamson (Australia, 1942): “Sanctuary” (1994) [t] Douglas Dunn (Britain, 1942): “St Kilda‟s Parliament” (1981) [p] Douglas Dunn (Britain, 1942): “Elegies” (1985) [p] + Douglas Dunn (Britain, 1942): “Dante‟s Drum Kit” (1993) [p] Michael Crichton (USA, 1942): “The Andromeda Strain” (1969) Samuel Delany (USA, 1942): “Stars in My Pocket” (1984) Samuel Delany (USA, 1942): “Dhalgren” (1975) Sena Jeter Naslund (USA, 1942): “Ahab‟s Wife” (1999) Mike Leigh (Britain, 1943): “Abigail‟s Party” (1977) [t] (Britain, 1943): “Union Street” (1982) Pat Barker (Britain, 1943): “The Century‟s Daughter” (1986) + Pat Barker (Britain, 1943): “Regeneration” (1991) Pat Barker (Britain, 1943): “The Eye In The Door” (1993) Pat Barker (Britain, 1943): “The Ghost Road” (1995) Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): “Bliss” (1981) Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): “Illywhacker” (1986) + Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): “Oscar and Lucinda” (1988) + Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): “The Tax Inspector” (1992) Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): “The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith” (1994) Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): “True History Of The Kelly Gang” (2001) Justin Cartwright (South Africa, 1943): “Interior” (1988) Justin Cartwright (South Africa, 1943): “Look at it This Way” (1990) Justin Cartwright (South Africa, 1943): “Masai Dreaming” (1993) + Fredrick Barthelme (USA, 1943): “Two Against One” (1988) Fredrick Barthelme (USA, 1943): “Second Marriage” (1984) Pete Dexter (USA, 1943): “God‟s Pocket” (1984) Pete Dexter (USA, 1943): “Paris Trout” (1988) + Mary Flanagan (USA, 1943): “Rose Reason” (1991) Steven Millhauser (USA, 1943): “Edwin Mullhouse” (1972) Steven Millhauser (USA, 1943): “Martin Dressler” (1996) Michael Ondaatje (Canada, 1943): “The Dainty Monster” (1967) [p] Michael Ondaatje (Canada, 1943): “The Left Handed Poems” (1970) [p] Michael Ondaatje (Canada, 1943): “There‟s a Trick With A Knife” (1979) [p] Michael Ondaatje (Canada, 1943): “In the Skin of a Lion” (1987) Michael Ondaatje (Canada, 1943): “The English Patient” (1992) + Michael Ondaatje (Canada, 1943): Ondaatje: “Anil‟s Ghost” (2000) Iain Sinclair (Britain, 1943): “White Chappell Scarlet Tracings” (1987) + Iain Sinclair (Britain, 1943): “Downriver” (1991) Rose Tremain (Britain, 1943): “Restoration” (1989) Rose Tremain (Britain, 1943): “Music and Silence” (1999) Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “La Turista” (1967) [t] Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “Operation Sidewinder” (1970) [t] Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “The Tooth of Crime” (1972) [t] Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “Curse of the Starving Class” (1978) [t] Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “Buried Child” (1979) [t] + Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “Fool for Love” (1983) [t] + Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “A Life of the Mind” (1985) [t] Sam Shepard (USA, 1943): “Simpatico” (1993) [t] Michael Wilcox (Britain, 1943): “Lent” (1983) [t] Nikki Giovanni (USA, 1943): “Black Feeling Black Talk Black Judgement” (1970) [p] David Sweetman (Britain, 1943): “Looking into the Deep End” (1981) [p] Timoshenko Aslanides (Australia, 1943): “Passacaglia and Fugue” (1979) [p] Gilbert Adair (Britain, 1944): “Love and Death on Long Island” (1990) Carol Rumens (Britain, 1944): “From Berlin to Heaven” (1990) [p] Witi Ihimaera (New Zealand, 1944): “Tangi” (1973) David Constantine (Britain, 1944): “Madder” (1987) [p] Kit Wright (Britain, 1944): “The Bear Looked Over the Mountain” (1977) [p] Lisa Alther (USA, 1944): “Kinflicks” (1976) Buchi Emecheta (Nigeria, 1944): “The Slave Girl” (1977) Buchi Emecheta (Nigeria, 1944): “Gwendolen” (1989) Richard Ford (USA, 1944): “Sportswriter” (1986) Richard Ford (USA, 1944): “Independence Day” (1996) + Christopher Hope (South Africa, 1944): “Kruger‟s Alp” (1984) + Christopher Hope (South Africa, 1944): “My Chocolate Redeemer” (1989) Christopher Hope (South Africa, 1944): “Serenity House” (1992) Shena MacKay (Britain, 1944): “Redhill Rococo” (1987) Armistead Maupin (USA, 1944): “Tales of the City” (1978) Sue Miller (USA, 1944): “Good Mother” (1986) Sue Miller (USA, 1944): “Family Pictures” (1990) Alice Walker (USA, 1944): “Third Life of George Copeland” (1970) Alice Walker (USA, 1944): “Meridian” (1976) Alice Walker (USA, 1944): “The Color Purple” (1981) Alice Walker (USA, 1944): “Temple of My Familiar” (1989) Alice Walker (USA, 1944): “Possessing the Secret of Joy” (1992) Alexander Buzo (Australia, 1944): “Norm and Ahmed” (1967) [t] Paul Durcan (Ireland, 1944): “The Berlin Wall Cafe‟” (1985) [p] Craig Raine (Britain, 1944): “The Onion, Memory” (1978) [p] Craig Raine (Britain, 1944): “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home” (1979) [p] + Craig Raine (Britain, 1944): “History” (1994) [p] Mongane-Wally Serote (South Africa, 1944): “Yakhal‟Inkomo” (1972) [p] + Mongane-Wally Serote (South Africa, 1944): “No Baby Must Weep” (1975) [p] Mongane-Wally Serote (South Africa, 1944): “”History is the Home Address” (2004) [p] Vernor Vinge (USA, 1944): “A Fire Upon the Deep” (1993) Nuruddin Farah (Somalia, 1945): “From a Crooked Rib (1970) Nuruddin Farah (Somalia, 1945): “Sweet and Sour Milk” (1979) Nuruddin Farah (Somalia, 1945): “Maps” (1986) (Ireland, 1945): “Doctor Copernicus” (1976) John Banville (Ireland, 1945): “Kepler” (1981) + John Banville (Ireland, 1945): “The Newton Letter” (1981) John Banville (Ireland, 1945): “MEfisto” (1986) John Banville (Ireland, 1945): “The Invention of Solitude” (1982) John Banville (Ireland, 1945): “The Book of Evidence” (1989) + John Banville (Ireland, 1945): “The Sea” (2005) Annie Dillard (USA, 1945): “Living By Fiction” (1982) Annie Dillard (USA, 1945): “Tinker Creek” (1974) Jenny Diski (Britain, 1945): “Nothing Natural” (1986) Andrew Harvey (Britain, 1945): “Burning Houses” (1985) Shiva Naipaul (India, 1945): “Fireflies” (1970) Shiva Naipaul (India, 1945): “The Chip-Chip Gatherers” (1973) Charles Palliser (USA, 1947): “Quincunx” (1989) Shobha De (India, 1947): “Sultry Days” (1994) Tobias Wolff (USA, 1945): “Barracks Thief” (1984) Wendy Cope (Britain, 1945): “Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis” (1986) [p] Robert Olen Butler (USA, 1945): “A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain” (1992) August Wilson (USA, 1945): “Ma Rainey‟s Black Bottom” (1982) [t] August Wilson (USA, 1945): “Fences” (1985) [t] + August Wilson (USA, 1945): “Joe Turner‟s Come and Gone” (1988) [t] August Wilson (USA, 1945): “The Piano Lesson” (1990) [t] + August Wilson (USA, 1945): “Radio Golf” (2005) [t] Julian Barnes (Britain, 1946): “Metroland” (1980) Julian Barnes (Britain, 1946): “Flaubert‟s Parrot” (1985) + Julian Barnes (Britain, 1946): “A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters” (1989) + Julian Barnes (Britain, 1946): “Talking It Over” (1991) (Britain, 1946): “Continent” (1986) + Jim Crace (Britain, 1946): “The Gift of Stones” (1988) Jim Crace (Britain, 1946): “Being Dead” (1997) Alan Judd (Britain, 1946): “A Breed of Heroes” (1981) Alan Judd (Britain, 1946): “Short of Glory” (1984) + Alan Judd (Britain, 1946): “Tango” (1989) James Kelman (Britain, 1946): “A Disaffection” (1989) James Kelman (Britain, 1946): “How Late It Was How Late” (1994) Tim O‟Brien Tim (USA, 1946): “Northern Lights” (1974) Marina Warner (Britain, 1946): “The Lost Father” (1988) Howard Barker (Britain, 1946): “Scenes From An Execution” (1984) [t] Alan Bleasdale (Britain, 1946): “Having A Ball” (1981) [t] Alan Bleasdale (Britain, 1946): “Are You Lonesome Tonight” (1985) [t] Christopher Hampton (Britain, 1946): “When Did You Last See My Mother” (1966) [t] Christopher Hampton (Britain, 1946): “The Philanthropist” (1970) [t] + Christopher Hampton (Britain, 1946): “Savages” (1973) [t] Stephen King (USA, 1946): “Salem‟s Lot” (1975) Stephen King (USA, 1946): “The Shining” (1977) + Stephen King (USA, 1946): “It” (1986) Brian Patten (Britain, 1946): “Armada” (1996) [p] Peter Reading (Britain, 1946): “Diplopic” (1983) [p] + Peter Reading (Britain, 1946): “Stet” (1986) [p] + Peter Reading (Britain, 1946): “Ukulele Music” (1985) Peter Reading (Britain, 1946): “Final Demands” (1988) Rudy Rucker (USA, 1946): “Hollow Earth” (1990) Patrick Neate (Britain, 1946): “Twelve Bar Blues” (2001) Marina Lewycka (Britain, 1946): “A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian” (2005) Patricia Anthony (USA, 1947): “Cold Allies” (1993) Marilynne Robinson (USA, 1947): “Housekeeping” (1981) + Marilynne Robinson (USA, 1947): “Gilead” (2005) + Pritish Nandy (India, 1947): “From the Outer Bank of the Brahmaputra” (1969) [p] Michael Ignatieff (Canada, 1947): “Scar Tissue” (1993) Stephen Donaldson (USA, 1947): “Chronicles of Thomas Convenant” (1977) Ann Beattie (USA, 1947): “Chilly Scenes” (1976) Ann Beattie (USA, 1947): “Love Always” (1985) Kathy Acker (USA, 1947): “Blood and Guts in High School” (1984) Kathy Acker (USA, 1947): “My Death My Life by PierPaolo Pasolini” (1984) Paul Auster (USA, 1947): “In the Country Of Last Things” (1988) Paul Auster (USA, 1947): “New York Trilogy” (1986) + Paul Auster (USA, 1947): “Moon Palace” (1989) Paul Auster (USA, 1947): “Music of Chance” (1991) Paul Auster (USA, 1947): “Leviathan” (1992) Paul Auster (USA, 1947): “Mr Vertigo” (1994) + Keri Hulme (New Zealand, 1947): “Bone People” (1985) + (India, 1947): “Grimus” (1975) + Salman Rushdie (India, 1947): “Midnight‟s Children” (1980) ++ Salman Rushdie (India, 1947): “The Satanic Verses” (1988) + Salman Rushdie (India, 1947): “The Moor‟s Last Sigh” (1995) David Hare (Britain, 1947): “Slag” (1970) [t] + David Hare (Britain, 1947): “Knuckle” (1974) [t] David Hare (Britain, 1947): “Plenty” (1978) [t] Liz Lochhead (Britain, 1947): “Perfect Days” (1997) [t] David Mamet (USA, 1947): “Duck Variations” (1972) [t] David Mamet (USA, 1947): “American Buffalo” (1975) [t] + David Mamet (USA, 1947): “Glengarry Glen Ross” (1983) [t] + David Mamet (USA, 1947): “Oleanna” (1993) [t] Willy Russell (Britain, 1947): “Educating Rita” (1980) [t] + Willy Russell (Britain, 1947): “Blood Brothers” (1981) [t] Willy Russell (Britain, 1947): “Shirley Valentine” (1986) [t] Michael Dibdin (Britain, 1947): “Ratking” (1988) Sara Paretsky (USA, 1947): “Indemnity Only” (1982) Sara Paretsky (USA, 1947): “Toxic Shock” (1988) Florence Anthony/ Ai (USA, 1947): “Cruelty” (1973) [p] Florence Anthony/ Ai (USA, 1947): “Killing Floor” (1979) [p] Florence Anthony/ Ai (USA, 1947): “Sin” (1986) [p] Florence Anthony/ Ai (USA, 1947): “Fate” (1991) [p] Florence Anthony/ Ai (USA, 1947): “Vice” (1999) [p] + Derek Mahon (Britain, 1947): “Courtyards in Delft” (1981) [p] Derek Mahon (Britain, 1947): “The Hunt by Night” (1982) [p] + Derek Mahon (Britain, 1947): “The Hudson Letter” (1996) [p] Arvind Mehrotra (India, 1947): “Nine Enclosures” (1976) [p] Arvind Mehrotra (India, 1947): “The Transfiguring Places” (1998) [p] Stephen Donaldson (USA, 1947): “Chronicles of Thomas Convenant” (1977) Stephen Donaldson (USA, 1947): “The Real Story” (1990) Clare Boylan (Ireland, 1948): “Holy Pictures” (1983) Mda Zakes (South Africa, 1948): “We Shall Sing for the Fatherland” (1973) [t] Mda Zakes (South Africa, 1948): “Ways of Dying” (1991) Mda Zakes (South Africa, 1948): “She Plays with the Darkness” (1995) Mda Zakes (South Africa, 1948): “The Heart Of Redness” (2000) + Thomas-Coraghessan Boyle (USA, 1948): “Water Music” (1982) Thomas-Coraghessan Boyle (USA, 1948): “World‟s End ” (1987) + Thomas-Coraghessan Boyle (USA, 1948): “The Tortilla Curtain” (1995) Thomas-Coraghessan Boyle (USA, 1948): “Drop City” (2003) Maggie Gee (Britain, 1948): “Light Years” (1985) Janet Hobhouse (USA, 1948): “Dancing in the Dark” (1983) Janet Hobhouse (USA, 1948): “November” (1987) Janet Hobhouse (USA, 1948): “The Furies” (1991) + Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): “Cement Garden” (1978) Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): “The Comfort of Strangers” (1981) Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): “The Child in Time” (1987) + Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): “Enduring Love” (1997) Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): “Amsterdam” (1998) + Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): “Atonement (2001) Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): “Saturday (2005) Deborah Moggach (Britain, 1948): “Porky” (1983) Clive Sinclair (Britain, 1948): “Bibliosexuality” (1973) Robert Steiner (USA, 1948): “Quill” (1978) Nigel Williams (Britain, 1948): “Class Enemy” (1978) [t] Nigel Williams (Britain, 1948): “My Life Closed Twice” (1977) Nigel Williams (Britain, 1948): “Wimbledon Poisoner” (1994) Howard Brenton (Britain, 1948): “Revenge” (1969) [t] David Edgar (Britain, 1948): “Two Kinds of Angel” (1970) [t] David Edgar (Britain, 1948): “Mary Barnes” (1978) [t] Michael Dransfield (Australia, 1948): “Streets of the Long Voyage” (1970) [p] Michael Dransfield (Australia, 1948): “The Second Month of Spring” (1980) [p] Timothy Steele (USA, 1948): “The Color Wheel” (1994) [p] James Ellroy (USA, 1948): “American Tabloid” (1995) James Ellroy (USA, 1948): “Black Dahlia” (1987) William Gibson (USA, 1948): “Neuromancer” (1984) + William Gibson (USA, 1948): “Monalisa Overdrive” (1988) (Britain, 1949): “Hawksmoor” (1985) Olga Broumas (USA, 1949): “Beginning With O” (1976) [p] Christopher Reid (Britain, 1949): “Arcadia” (1979) [p] + Christopher Reid (Britain, 1949): “Katerina Brac” (1985) [p] Scott Turow (USA, 1949): “Presumed Innocent” (1987) Gayl Jones (USA, 1949): “Corregidora” (1975) + Gayl Jones (USA, 1949): “Eva‟s Man” (1976) Gayl Jones (USA, 1949): “The Healing” (1998) Kathryn Kramer (USA, 1949): “A Handbook for Visitors from Outer Space” (1984) Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): “The Rachel Papers” (1974) Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): “Dead Babies” (1975) Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): “Money” (1984) + Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): “London Fields” (1989) + Martin Amis (Britain, 1949): “Time‟s Arrow” (1991) Denis Johnson (USA, 1949): “Angels” (1983) Denis Johnson (USA, 1949): “Stars at Noon” (1986) Denis Johnson (USA, 1949): “Fiskadoro” (1985) Michele Roberts (Britain, 1949): “Daughters of the House” (1992) (Britain, 1949): “The Sweet-shop Owner” (1980) Graham Swift (Britain, 1949): “Shuttlecock” (1981) Graham Swift (Britain, 1949): “Waterland” (1984) + Graham Swift (Britain, 1949): “Last Orders” (1996) James Wilcox (USA, 1949): “Miss Undine‟s Living Room” (1987) James Wilcox (USA, 1949): “Modern Baptists” (1983) James Fenton (Britain, 1949): “Children in Exile” (1984) [p] Tom Paulin (Britain, 1949): “Fivemiletown” (1987) [p] Ken Follett (Britain, 1949): “Eye of the Needle” (1979) Richard Russo (USA, 1949): “Empire Falls” (2002) Lois McMaster-Bujold (USA, 1949): “The Mountains of Mourning” (1989) Charles Frazier (USA, 1950): “Cold Mountain” (1997) Edward Jones (USA, 1950): “The Known World” (2004) + Jorie Graham (USA, 1950): “Materialism” (1993) [p] Jorie Graham (USA, 1950): “Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts” (1980) [p] Gary Indiana (USA, 1950): “Horse Crazy” (1988) Gary Indiana (USA, 1950): “Rent Boy” (1994) + Sara Maitland (Britain, 1950): “Daughter of Jerusalem” (1978) Sara Maitland (Britain, 1950): “Virgin Territory” (1984) Timothy Mo (China, 1950): “The Monkey King” (1978) + Timothy Mo (China, 1950): “Sour Street” (1982) Timothy Mo (China, 1950): “An Insular Possession” (1986) Timothy Mo (China, 1950): “Redundancy of Courage” (1991) Timothy Mo (China, 1950): “Brownout on Breadfruit Boulevard” (1995) Timothy Mo (China, 1950): “Renegade or Halo2″ (1999) David Bradley (USA, 1950): “The Chaneysville Incident” (1981) Jane Smiley (USA, 1950): “Barn Blind” (1980) Jane Smiley (USA, 1950): “Greenlanders” (1988) Jane Smiley (USA, 1950): “A Thousand Acres” (1991) + Jane Smiley (USA, 1950): “Moo” (1995) Andrew-Norman Wilson (Britain, 1950): “The Sweets of Pimlico” (1977) Andrew-Norman Wilson (Britain, 1950): “The Healing Art” (1980) Andrew-Norman Wilson (Britain, 1950): “Who Was Oswald Fish” (1981) Edward Hirsch (USA, 1950): “Wild Gratitude” (1986) [p] Blake Morrison (Britain, 1950): “Dark Glasses” (1984) [p] Blake Morrison (Britain, 1950): “The Ballad of the Yorkshire Ripper” (1987) [p] Ahdaf Soueif (Egypt, 1950): “The Map Of Love” (1999) Grace Nichols (Guyana, 1950): “I Is a Long-Memoried Woman” (1983) [p] + David Brin (USA, 1950): “Earth” (1990) Karen-Joy Fowler (USA, 1950): “The Jane Austen Book Club” (2004) James Redfield (USA, 1950): “Celestine Prophecy” (1993) Allan Sealy (India, 1951): “The Trotter-Nama” (1988) + Allan Sealy (India, 1951): “The Everest Hotel” (1998) Paul Muldoon (Britain, 1951): “Immram” (1980) [p] + Paul Muldoon (Britain, 1951): “Madoc A Mystery” (1990) [p] Paul Muldoon (Britain, 1951): “The Annals of Chile” (1994) [p] Paul Muldoon (Britain, 1951): “Moy Sand and Gravel” (2002) [p] + Greg Bear (USA, 1951): “Eon” (1985) Orson Scott-Card (USA, 1951): “Hart‟s Hope” (1983) Orson Scott-Card (USA, 1951): “Ender‟s Game” (1985) + Orson Scott-Card (USA, 1951): “Speaker for the Dead” (1986) Oscar Hijuelos (USA, 1951): “Our House in the Last World” (1983) + Oscar Hijuelos (USA, 1951): “The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love” (1989) Walter Mosley (USA, 1952): “The Man in My Basement” (2003) Beth Henley (USA, 1952): “Crimes of the Heart” (1979) [t] + Beth Henley (USA, 1952): “The Miss Firecracker Contest” (1984) [t] + William Boyd (Britain, 1952): “A Good Man in Africa” (1981) William Boyd (Britain, 1952): “An Ice-cream War” (1982) William Boyd (Britain, 1952): “The New Confessions” (1987) + William Boyd (Britain, 1952): “Blue Afternoon” (1993) Helen Flint (USA, 1952): “Return Journey” (1987) + Helen Flint (USA, 1952): “In Full Possession” (1989) Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): “Every Day is Mother‟s Day” (1985) + Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): “Vacant Possession” (1986) Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): “Eight Months on Ghazzah St” (1988) Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): “Fludd” (1989) + Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): “A Place Of Greater Safety” (1992) Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): “An Experiment in Love” (1995) Jayne-Anne Phillips (USA, 1952): “Machine Dreams” (1984) Padgett Powell (USA, 1952): “Edisto” (1984) Stephen Poliakoff (Britain, 1952): “Hitting Town” (1975) [t] Stephen Poliakoff (Britain, 1952): “Strawberry Fields” (1977) [t] Stephen Poliakoff (Britain, 1952): “Caught on a Train” (1980) [t] + Philip Gross (Britain, 1952): “The Ice Factory” (1984) [p] Philip Gross (Britain, 1952): “The Wasting Game” (1998) [p] Andrew Motion (Britain, 1952): “Natural Causes” (1987) [p] Vikram Seth (India, 1952): “The Golden Gate” (1986) Vikram Seth (India, 1952): “A Suitable Boy” (1993) + Vikram Seth (India, 1952): “An Equal Music” (1999) Vikram Seth (India, 1952): “Mappings” (1980) [p] Vikram Seth (India, 1952): “The Humble Administrator‟s Garden” (1985) [p] Michael Cunningham (USA, 1952): “A Home at the End of the World” (1990) Michael Cunningham (USA, 1952): “The Hours” (1999) Richard Vetere (USA, 1952): “The Third Miracle” (1997) + Richard Vetere (USA, 1952): “Hale the Hero” (1990) [t] Richard Vetere (USA, 1952): “Gangster Apparel” (1993) [t] Richard Vetere (USA, 1952): “The Engagement” (1998) [t] Rohinton Mistry (India, 1952): “A Fine Balance” (1996) Jennifer Egan (USA, 1952): “Invisible Circus” (1995) Franz Wright (USA, 1953): “Walking to Martha‟s Vineyard” (2004) [p] Ronald Frame (Britain, 1953): “A Woman of Judah” (1988) Alice McDermott (USA, 1953): “Charming Billy” (1998) + Alice McDermott (USA, 1953): “A Bigamists‟ Daughter” (1982) + Alice McDermott (USA, 1953): “That Night” (1987) Alice McDermott (USA, 1953): “At Weddings and Wakes” (1992) Lisa StAubin (Britain, 1953): “Keepers of the House” (1982) Walter Williams (USA, 1953): “Hardwired” (1986) John Shirley (USA, 1953): “Eclipse Corona” (1990) Neil Astley (Britain, 1953): “The End of My Tether” (2002) Adam Zameenzad (Kenya, 1954): “Thirteenth House” (1987) Adam Zameenzad (Kenya, 1954): “Cyrus Cyrus” (1990) Alan Holinghurst (Britain, 1954): “The Line of Beauty” (2004) Iain Banks (Britain, 1954): “The Wasp Factory” (1984) James Buchan (Britain, 1954): “Heart‟s Journey in Winter” (1995) Fiona Pitt-Kethley (USA, 1954): “Sky Ray Lolly” (1986) [p] Louise Erdrich (USA, 1954): “Love Medicine” (1985) Louise Erdrich (USA, 1954): “The Beet Queen” (1986) Mary Gaitskill (USA, 1954): “Two Girls Fat and Thin” (1991) Mary Gaitskill (USA, 1954): “Veronica” (2005) Carlo Gebler (Ireland, 1954): “The Eleventh Summer” (1985) Alan Hollinghurst (Britain, 1954): “The Swimming-pool Party” (1988) + Alan Hollinghurst (Britain, 1954): “The Folding Star” (1994) Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): “A Pale View of Hills” (1982) Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): “An Artist of the Floating World” (1986) + Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): “The Remains of the Day” (1989) + Kazuo Ishiguro (Britain, 1954): “The Unconsoled” (1995) + Hanif Kureishi (Britain, 1954): “The Buddha of Suburbia” (1990) + Hanif Kureishi (Britain, 1954): “The Black Album” (1995) Adam Mars-Jones (Britain, 1954): “The Waters of Thirst” (1993) Tim Parks (Britain, 1954): “Tongues of Flame” (1985) Jeremy Reed (Britain, 1954): “By The Fisheries” (1985) + Jeremy Reed (Britain, 1954): “Inhabiting Shadows” (1990) Jeremy Reed (Britain, 1954): “Diamond Nebula” (1994) Anthony Minghella (Britain, 1954): “Made in Bangkok” (1986) [t] Iain Banks (Britain, 1954): “Consider Phlebas” (1987) Bruce Sterling (USA, 1954): “Schismatrix” (1985) Francisco Goldman (USA, 1954): “The Long Night of White Chickens” (1998) Francisco Goldman (USA, 1954): “The Divine Husband” (2005) Jones Adam Mars: (Britain, 1955): “Waters of Thirst” (1993) Neil Bissoondath (Trinidad, 1955): “Casual Brutality” (1988) John Grisham (USA, 1955): “The Firm” (1991) Jay McInerney (USA, 1955): “Bright Lights Big City” (1984) + Jay McInerney (USA, 1955): “Ransom” (1985) Jay McInerney (USA, 1955): “Story of my Life” (1988) Candia McWilliam (Britain, 1955): “A Case of Knives” (1988) + Candia McWilliam (Britain, 1955): “A Little Stranger” (1989) Candia McWilliam (Britain, 1955): “Debatable Land” (1994) Alexander Stuart (Britain, 1955): “War Zone” (1989) Louise Page (Britain, 1955): “Salonika” (1982) [t] Carol-Ann Duffy (Britain, 1955): “Standing Female Nude” (1985) [p] + Carol-Ann Duffy (Britain, 1955):”Selling Manhattan” (1987) [p] Carol-Ann Duffy (Britain, 1955):”Mean Time” (1993) [p] + Carol-Ann Duffy (Britain, 1955):”Feminine Gospels” (2002) [p] Alan Jenkins (Britain, 1955): “Harm” (1994) [p] Alan Jenkins (Britain, 1955): “The Drift” (2000) [p] Terry Johnson (Britain, 1955): “Insignificance” (1982) [t] + Terry Johnson (Britain, 1955): “Hysteria” (1993) [t] Terry Johnson (Britain, 1955): “Hitchcock Blonde” (2003) [t] Brian Morton (USA, 1955): “Starting Out in the Evening” (1998) Geraldine Brooks (Australia, 1955): “March” (2005) Jack Womack (USA, 1956): “Random Acts Of Senseless Violence” (1993) Jin Xuefei/ Ha Jin (China, 1956): “Waiting” (1999) + Jin Xuefei/ Ha Jin (China, 1956): “War Trash” (2005) Alexander Jablokov (USA, 1956): “Nimbus” (1993) Sashi Tharoor (India, 1956): “The Great Indian Novel” (1989) Upamanyu Chatterjee (India, 1956): “English August” (1988) Gish Jen (USA, 1956): “Typical American” (1991) Andrea Levy (Britain, 1956): “Small Island” (2003) Shashi Tharoor (India, 1956): “Great Indian Novel” (1989) John Stephen Fry (Britain, 1957): “The Hippopotamus” (1994) Richard Powers (USA, 1957): “The Echo Maker” (2006) Nicholson Baker (USA, 1957): “Mezzanine” (1988) Nicholson Baker (USA, 1957): “The Fermata” (1994) Amitav Ghosh (India, 1957): “Circle of Reason” (1986) Amitav Ghosh (India, 1957): “The Shadow Lines” (1988) + Susan Minot (USA, 1957): “Monkeys” (1986) Lorrie Moore (USA, 1957): “Who Will Run The Frog Hospital” (1994) Tony Kushner (USA, 1957): “Angels in America” (1991) [t] + Tony Kushner (USA, 1957): “Slavs” (1994) [t] Michael Hofmann (Britain, 1957): “Acrimony” (1986) [p] Kyoko Mori (Japan, 1957): “Stone Field True Arrow” (2000) Claudia Emerson (Australia, 1957): “Pinion” (2002) [p] Anne Michaels (Canada, 1958): “Fugitive Pieces” (1997) Michelle de Kretser (Sri Lanka, 1958): “The Hamilton Case” (2003) Roddy Doyle (Ireland, 1958): “Commitments” (1987) Roddy Doyle (Ireland, 1958): “Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha” (1993) + Caryl Phillips (St Kitts, 1958): “The Final Passage” (1985) + Caryl Phillips (St Kitts, 1958): “Higher Ground” (1989) Caryl Phillips (St Kitts, 1958): “Crossing the River” (1993) Benjamin Zephaniah (Britain, 1958): “Pen Rhythm” (1980) [p] Rabih Alameddine (Lebanon, 1959): “Koolaids” (1998) Jeanette Winterson (Britain, 1959): “Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit” (1985) Jeanette Winterson (Britain, 1959): “The Passion” (1987) Jim Cartwright (Britain, 1959): “Road” (1986) [t] + Jim Cartwright (Britain, 1959): “Two” (1989) [t] + Jim Cartwright (Britain, 1959): “The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice” (1992) [t] Pat Cadigan (USA, 1959): “Mindplayers” (1987) Jonathan Franzen (USA, 1959): “Strong Motion” (1992) Jonathan Franzen (USA, 1959): “The Corrections” (2001) Ben Okri (Nigeria, 1959): “The Landscapes Within” (1981) Ben Okri (Nigeria, 1959): “The Famished Road” (1991) + Ben Okri (Nigeria, 1959): “Astonishing the Gods” (1995) Neal Stephenson (USA, 1959): “Diamond age” (1994) Neal Stephenson (USA, 1959): “Snow Crash” (1991) Neal Stephenson (USA, 1959): “Cryptonomicon” (1999) Ian McDonald (Britain, 1960): “Terminal Cafe” (1994) David Leavitt (USA, 1960): “The Lost Language of Cranes” (1986) Jeffrey Eugenides (USA, 1960): “The Virgin Suicides” (1993) Jeffrey Eugenides (USA, 1960): “Middlesex” (2003) Douglas Coupland (Canad , 1961): “Generacion X” (1991) Douglas Coupland (Canad , 1961): “Girlfriend in a Coma” (1998) + Arundhati Roy (India, 1961): “The God of Small Things” (1997) + Vikram Chandra (India, 1961): “Red Earth and Pouring Rain” (1995) Andrea Dunbar (Britain, 1961): ” Rita, Sue and Bob too” (1982) [t] Will Self (Britain, 1961): “The Quantity Theory of Insanity” (1991) + Will Self (Britain, 1961): “My Ideas of Fun” (1993) Richard Flanagan (Australia, 1961): “Death of a River Guide” (1996) Richard Flanagan (Australia, 1961): “The Sound of One Hand Clapping” (1997) Richard Flanagan (Australia, 1961): “Gould‟s Book of Fish” (2002) Lan Cao (Vietnam, 1961): “Monkey Bridge” (1997) David Foster Wallace (USA, 1962): “Infinite Jest” (1996) Walter Kirn (USA, 1962): “Thumbsucker” (1999) Mark Haddon (Britain, 1962): “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” (2003) Ali Smith (Britain, 1962): “The Accidental” (2004) Andrew Bovell (Australia, 1962): “Speaking in Tongues” (2000) [t] Anne Enright (Ireland, 1962): “The Gathering” (2007) Simon Armitage (Britain, 1963): “The Dead Sea Poems” (1995) [p] Simon Armitage (Britain, 1963): “Cloudcuckooland” (1997) [p] Simon Armitage (Britain, 1963): “Killing Time” (1999) [p] Yann Martel (Canada, 1963): “Life of Pi” (2002) Michael Chabon (USA, 1963): “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay” (2000) Michael-Symmons Roberts (Britain, 1963): “Corpus” (2004) [p] Graeme Aitken (New Zealand, 1963): “50 Ways of Saying Fabulous” (1995) Bret-Ellis Easton (USA, 1964): “Less Than Zero” (1985) Jonathan Lethem (USA, 1964): Motherless Brooklyn (1999) Jonathan Lethem (USA, 1964): “Fortress of Solitude” (2003) Dan Brown (USA, 1964): “Angels & Demons” (2000) Dan Brown (USA, 1964): “The Da Vinci Code” (2003) Donna Tartt (USA, 1964): “The Secret History” (1992) Patrick Marber (Britain, 1964): “Dealer‟s Choice” (1995) [t] Patrick Marber (Britain, 1964): “Closer” (1997) [t] + Chang-rae Lee (South Korea, 1965): “Native Speaker” (1995) Chang-rae Lee (South Korea, 1965): “Aloft” (2004) Sunetra Gupta (Britain, 1965): “Memories of Rain” (1992) Sunetra Gupta (Britain, 1965): “The Glassblower‟s Breath” (1993) Joanne Rowling (Britain, 1965): “Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s Stone” (1997) Nadeem Aslam (Pakistan, 1966): “Season of the Rainbirds” (1993) Nadeem Aslam (Pakistan, 1966): “Maps for Lost Lovers” (2004) Nilanjana “Jhumpa Lahiri” Sudeshna (USA, 1967): “Interpreter Of Maladies” (2000) Nilanjana “Jhumpa Lahiri” Sudeshna (USA, 1967): “The Namesake” (2003) Monica Ali (Bangladesh, 1967): “Brick Lane” (2003) Junot D¡az (Dominican Republic, 1968): “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” (2007) David Mitchell (Britain, 1969): “Number9dream” (2001) David Mitchell (Britain, 1969): “Ghostwritten” (2001) David Mitchell (Britain, 1969): “Cloud Atlas” (2004) David Auburn (USA, 1969): “Proof” (2000) [t] Edwidge Danticat (Haiti, 1969): “Breath Eyes Memory” (1994) Edwidge Danticat (Haiti, 1969): “The Farming of the Bones” (1999) + Edwidge Danticat (Haiti, 1969): “The Dew Breaker” (2004) Dave Eggers (Britain, 1970): “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” (2000) Kiran Desai (India, 1971): “The Inheritance of Loss” (2006) Kiran Desai (India, 1971): “Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard” (1998) Yiyun Li (China, 1972): “A Thousand Years of Good Prayers” (2006) Nicole Krauss (USA, 1974): “Man Walks Into a Room” (2002) Leontia Flynn (1974): “These Days” (2004) [p] Zadie Smith (Britain, 1975): “White Teeth” (2000) Zadie Smith (Britain, 1975): “On Beauty” (2005) Jonathan Safran Foer (USA, 1977): “Everything Is Illuminated” (2002)