Chronology of English Literature – Shakespeare until today William Shakespeare (1564): “Venus and Adonis” (1593) [p] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Rape of Lucrece” (1594) [p] William Shakespeare (1564): “Sonnets” (1609) [p] + William Shakespeare (1564): “The Comedy of Errors” (1592) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Taming of the Shrew” (1593) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” (1594) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Love‟s Labour‟s Lost” (1594) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Richard II” (1595) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “A Midsummer Night‟s Dream” (1595) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “Romeo and Juliet” (1595) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “The Merchant of Venice” (1596) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Henry IV” (1597) [t] ++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Much Ado About Nothing” (1599) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “As You Like It” (1599) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Merry Wives of Windsor” (1599) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “Julius Caesar” (1599) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Twelfth Night” (1600) [t] + William Shakespeare (1564): “Hamlet” (1601) [t] +++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Troilus and Cressida” (1602) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “All‟s Well That Ends Well” (1602) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Measure for Measure” (1604) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Othello” (1604) [t] ++ William Shakespeare (1564): “King Lear” (1605) [t] +++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Antony and Cleopatra” (1606) [t] ++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Macbeth” (1606) [t] +++ William Shakespeare (1564): “Coriolanus” (1608) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Timon of Athens” (1608) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “Cymbeline” (1610) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Winter‟s Tale” (1610) [t] William Shakespeare (1564): “The Tempest” (1611) [t] + John Davies (1565): “Microcosmos” (1603) [p] Youstol Dispage (1565): “Piero Scaruffi” (1649) [p] Thomas Nashe (1567): “The Unfortunate Traveller” (1594) + Thomas Nashe (1567): “Pierce Penniless” (1592) Thomas Nashe (1567): “Summer‟s Last Will and Testament” (1592) [t] John Davies (1569): “Orchestra” (1596) [p] + John Davies (1569): “Nosce Teipsum” (1599) [p] Thomas Dekker (1570): “Shoemaker‟s Holiday” (1599) [t] + Thomas Dekker (1570): “The Honest Whore” (1605) [t] Thomas Dekker (1570): “The Wonderful Yeare” (1603) [h] Thomas Middleton (1570): “A Chast Mayd in Cheapeside” (1611) [t] Thomas Middleton (1570): “A Trick to Catch the Old One” (1608) [t] Thomas Middleton (1570): “The Changeling” (1622) [t] + Thomas Middleton (1570): “Women Beware Women” (1627) [t] John Donne (1572): “Songs and Sonnets” (1601) [p] + John Donne (1572): “Elegies” (1601) [p] + John Donne (1572): “An Anatomy of the World” (1611) [p] + John Donne (1572): “Of the Progress of the Soul” (1612) [p] + John Donne (1572): “Holy Sonnets” (1618) [p] ++ John Donne (1572): “The Progresse of the Soule” (1601) [p] + Ben Jonson (1572): “Every Man Out of His Humour” (1606) [t] Ben Jonson (1572): “Volpone” (1606) [t] + Ben Jonson (1572): “Epicene” (1609) [t] Ben Jonson (1572): “The Alchemist (1610) [t] Ben Jonson (1572): “Bartholomew Fair” (1614) [t] + Ben Jonson (1572): “The Forest” (1616) [p] Thomas Heywood (1574): “A Woman Killed with Kindness” (1603) [t] + Thomas Heywood (1574): “The Wise Woman of Hogsdon” (1604) [t] Thomas Heywood (1574): “The Fair Maid of the West” (1631) [t] Thomas Heywood (1574): “The English Traveller” (1633) [t] John Marston (1575): “Dutch Courtezan” (1605) [t] John Marston (1575): “The Malcontent” (1604) [t] + Cyril Tourneur (1575): “The Revengers Tragedie” (1607) [t] + Thomas Campion (1576): “Bookes of Ayres” (1617) [p] Robert Burton (1577): “The Anatomy of Melancholy” (1621) [h] John Webster (1580): “The White Devil” (161612) [t] + John Webster (1580): “The Dutchesse of Malfy” (1623) [t] + John Barclay (1582): “Argenis” (1621) Phineas Fletcher (1582): “The Purple Island” (1633) [p] Philip Massinger (1583): “The Roman Actor” (1626) [t] Philip Massinger (1583): “New Way to Pay Old Debts” (1632) [t] Philip Massinger (1583): “A City Madam” (1632) [t] + Philip Massinger (1583): “The Picture” (1629) [t] Francis Beaumont (1584): “The Knight of Burning Pestle” (1607) [t] + Francis Beaumont (1584): “The Woman Hater” (1606) Francis Beaumont (1584) & John Fletcher (1579): “The Maides Tragedy” (1611) [t] Francis Beaumont (1584) & John Fletcher (1579): “The Coxcombe” (1610) [t] William Drummond (1585): “Flowers of Sion” (1623) [p] William Rowley (1585): “All‟s Lost By Lust” (1619) [t] John Ford (1586): “Love‟s Sacrifice” (1630) [t] John Ford (1586): “„Tis a Pity She‟s a Whore” (1633) [t] + John Ford (1586): “The Broken Heart” (1633) [t] George Wither (1588): “Faire Virtue” (1622) [p] Thomas Hobbes (1588): “Leviathan” (1651) [h] Giles Fletcher (1588): “Christs Victorie” (1610) [p] Thomas Hobbes (1588): “Leviathan” (1651) [h] George Herbert (1593): “The Temple” (1633) [p] + Thomas Carew (1595): “The Rapture” (1640) [p] James Shirley (1596): “The Traytor” (1631) [t] James Shirley (1596): “The Cardinal” (1641) [t] James Shirley (1596): “The Lady of Pleasure” (1635) [t] + James Shirley (1596): “St Patrick of Ireland” (1640) [t] Thomas Browne (1605): “Religio Medici” (1642) [h] Edmund Waller (1606): “The Battle of the Summer Islands” (1685) [p] John Milton (1608): “Arcades” (1633) [t] John Milton (1608): “Comus” (1634) [t] John Milton (1608): “Paradise Lost” (1667) [p] +++ John Milton (1608): “Paradise Regained” (1671) [p] John Milton (1608): “Samson Agonistes” (1671) [t] + John Suckling (1609): “A Ballad Upon A Wedding” (1642) [p] Richard Crashaw (1613): “Steps to the Temple” (1646) [p] Samuel Butler (1613): “Hudibras” (1674) [p] + Richard Lovelace (1618): “Lucasta” (1649) [p] Abraham Cowley (1618): “The Mistress” (1647) [p] Andrew Marvell (1621): “The Garden” (1633) [p] + Andrew Marvell (1621): “Horatian Ode upon Cromwell‟s Return from Ireland” (1659) [p] + Andrew Marvell (1621): “A Dialogue Between the Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure” (1681) [p] + Henry Vaughan (1622): “Silex Scintillans” (1650) [p] John Bunyan (1628): “The Pilgrim‟s Progress” (1679) + John Dryden (1631): “Heroic Stanzas” (1659) [p] John Dryden (1631): “The Rival Ladies” (1664) [t] John Dryden (1631): “The Indian Queen” (1664) [t] John Dryden (1631): “Annus Mirabilis” (1667) [p] John Dryden (1631): “The Conquest of Granada” (1670) [t] + John Dryden (1631): “Marriage A` la Mode” (1672) [t] John Dryden (1631): “All for Love” (1678) [t] + John Dryden (1631): “Absalom and Achitophel” (1681) [p] + John Dryden (1631): “The Medall” (1682) [p] John Dryden (1631): “MacFlecknoe” (1682) [p] John Dryden (1631): “Religio Laici” (1682) [p] + John Dryden (1631): “The Hind and the Panther” (1687) [p] + John Dryden (1631): “A Song for Saint Cecilia‟s Day” (1687) [p] John Dryden (1631): “Alexander‟s Feast” (1697) [p] Samuel Pepys (1633): “Diary” (1703) [h] George Etherege (1634): “She Wou‟d If She Cou‟d” (1668) [t] George Etherege (1634): “Man Of Mode” (1676) [t] + William Wycherley (1640): “Plain Dealer” (1673) [t] William Wycherley (1640): “The Country Wife” (1675) [t] + Afra Behn (1640): “Oroonoko” (1688) Afra Behn (1640): “Abdelazar” (1677) [p] Thomas Shadwell (1642): “The Squire of Alsatia” (1688) [t] John Wilmot of Rochester (1647): “Poems” (1680) [p] Thomas Otway (1652): “Don Carlos” (1676) [t] Thomas Otway (1652): “The Orphan” (1680) [t] Thomas Otway (1652): “Venice Preserved” (1682) [t] + Thomas Southerne (1659): “Oroonoko” (1696) [t] Daniel DeFoe (1660): “Robinson Crusoe” (1719) + Daniel DeFoe (1660): “Moll Flanders” (1722) Daniel DeFoe (1660): “Roxana” (1724) Matthew Prior (1664): “Alma” (1718) [p] John Vanbrugh (1664): “Provoked Life” (1697) [t] Jonathan Swift (1667): “Tale of a Tub” (1704) Jonathan Swift (1667): “Gulliver‟s Travels” (1726) + Jonathan Swift (1667): “A Modest Proposal” (1729) [h] Jonathan Swift (1667): “On the Death of Dr Swift” (1731) [p] William Congreve (1670): “The Way of the World” (1700) [t] + William Congreve (1670): “Old Bachelor” (1693) [t] William Congreve (1670): “Double Leader” (1694) [t] William Congreve (1670): “Love for Love” (1695) [t] Nicholas Rowe (1674): “Fair Penitent” (1703) [t] Nicholas Rowe (1674): “Jane Shore”" (1714) [t] John Philips (1676): “Cyder” (1706) [p] George Farquhar (1678): “The Recruiting Officer” (1706) [t] George Farquhar (1678): “The Beaux Stratagem” (1707) [t] Edward Young (1683): “Night Thougths” (1745) [p] John Gay (1685): “The Beggar‟s Opera”" (1728) [t] + John Gay (1685): “Shepherd‟s Week”" (1714) [p] John Gay (1685): “Trivia”" (1715) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “The Rape of the Lock” (1714) [p] + Alexander Pope (1688): “The Dunciad” (1743) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “Epistles to Arbuthnot” (1735) [p] + Alexander Pope (1688): “Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady” (1717) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “Eloisa to Abelard” (1717) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “Imitations of Horace” (1738) [p] Alexander Pope (1688): “An Essay on Man” (1734) [p] + Samuel Richardson (1689): “Pamela” (1740) + Samuel Richardson (1689): “Clarissa” (1747) Thomas Amory (1689): “John Buncle” (1756) George Lillo (1693): “London Merchant” (1731) [t] John Dyer (1699): “Grongar Hill” (1725) [p] Robert Blair (1699): “The Grave” (1743) [p] James Thomson (Britain, 1700): “The Seasons” (1730) [p] James Thomson (Britain, 1700): “The Castle of Indolence” (1748) [p] Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Joseph Andrews” (1742) Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Jonathan Wild” (1743) Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Tom Jones” (1749) + Henry Fielding (Britain, 1707): “Amelia” (1751)
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