The London Gazette, October 8, 1869
5446 THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 8, 1869. tation, and to order that the same be taken into Joseph Whitworth, of The Firs, in the parish consideration by a Committee of the Lords of Her of Rusholme, in the county palatine of Lan- Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council on the caster, and of Stancliffe, in the parish of twenty-second day of November next: Darley, in the county of Derby, Esq. And Her Majesty is further pleased to direct William Fairbairn, of Ardwick, in the parish that this Order be forthwith published in the of Manchester, in the county palatine of London Gazette; and that copies thereof be Lancaster, Esq. affixed on the doors of the churches or chapels of, Hardmah Earle, of Allerton Tower, Woolton, or on some conspicuous places within, the parishes in the parish of Childwall, near Liverpool, in affected by such representation one month before the county palatine of Lancaster, Esq. the said twenty-second day of November. William Jackson, of Birkenhead, in the county Arthur Helps. palatine of Chester, Esq. T the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 7th Foreign Office, October 5, 1869. day of October, 1869. The Queen has been pleased to ap'prove of Cavaliere Luigi Salvini as Cunsul-General in By the Lords of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Ireland, to reside'at Dublin, for His Majesty the Privy Council. King of Italy. The Queen has also been pleased to approve of TjpHE Lords of Her Majesty's Most Honour- Don Rafael Aquaroni as Vice-Consul for Spain at E able Privy Council, by virtue and in Gibraltar.
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