Syllabus Courses Chile – A r g e n t i n a – P e r u C o m p l e t e C o u r s e C a t a l o g U p d a t e d June 2014 For more information, please, contact your ECELA Spanish program advisor directly or email us at
[email protected] . 1 Syllabus Courses Explanation of Courses Standard Spanish language courses are taken as group classes and elective courses, such as Medical Spanish or Latin American Cultures I, may be taken as private classes or group classes if pre-arranged with ECELA’s Academic Coordinator. Classes are intensive, consisting of 20 contact hours per week in the Standard Program with a maximum of eight students per class. Language Courses: Levels A1 – C2 These courses are designed with the primary focus of giving students a thorough understanding of reading, writing and speaking Spanish. All key grammatical components are covered in a sequence, from beginner through advanced. Applied conversation is a key focus, and cultural discussion topics will be used to expand upon students’ vocabulary and conversational skills. All courses have duration of four weeks, for a total of 80 contact hours (Standard Program) or four academic credits. Note: Students may take just three weeks of a course to receive three credits if this is what their university credit requirements and/or travel plans require. In this case students should try to begin their program during the second week of the course; their ECELA adviser can confirm this date for them.