CV Jamal Mahajna Date: December 2020 A. Personal Details Full name: Jamal Mahajna Date of birth (month/year): June 1957 Country of birth: Israel Date of immigration to Israel. N/A Citizenship: Israeli ID (or passport) number: 054799531 Family status; M+2 Full home address: Street, house number, town, postal code: 9/4 Dalia street, Nof HaGalil 1709118. Home: phone, fax, cell phone numbers: Home phone: 04-6012277; Mobile: 050- 4242634 E-mail address:
[email protected];
[email protected] B. Higher Education: 1977-1980 Hebrew University in Jerusalem: B.Sc. Biology. 1980-1982 Hebrew University in Jerusalem: M. Sc. Dept. Molecular Genetics, Amos Oppenheim's Laboratory. Regulation of Lambda Gene Expression 1982-1986 Hebrew University in Jerusalem: Ph.D. Dept. Molecular Genetics, Amos Oppenheim's Laboratory. Regulation of Lambda Gene Expression Additional Education, Training and Professional Certificates 1986-1987 Postdoc 1: Biolume Ltd., Haifa, Israel. Genetic analysis of the bioluminescence system of Vibrio fischeri. 1987-1991 PostDoc 2: Oncogene Science Inc. Uniondale, New York, USA: Development of cell-based transcription screens 1997- 1998 Sabbatical leave at the Biology Department, Technion- Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Hosted by Prof. Gera Nufeild, Technion, Haifa , Israel. 1 C. Academic Appointments and Academic Administrative Positions in Institutions of Higher Education: Appointments at academic institutions 1998-2000 Research Investigator at the Regional R&D Center-The Galilee Society, Shefa-Amr, Israel. 2001-2002 Scientific Director of the R&D Regional Center-The Galilee Society, Shefa-Amr, Israel. 2002-present Research Investigator and Department Head of Cancer Drug Discovery program, MIGAL, Kiryat Shmona, Israel.