et al. – 1

1 Transgenerational epigenetics: inheritance of global cytosine methylation and

2 methylation-related epigenetic markers in the shrub Lavandula latifolia 1


4 Carlos M. Herrera2,4, Conchita Alonso2, Mónica Medrano2, Ricardo Pérez3 and Pilar

5 Bazaga2



8 1 Manuscript received ______; revision accepted ______.

9 2 Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

10 (CSIC), Avenida Américo Vespucio 26, 41092 Sevilla, Spain

11 3 Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas, Centro de Investigaciones Científicas Isla de La

12 Cartuja, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)–Universidad de

13 Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain

14 4 Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected])




18 Running head: Transgenerational epigenetics in Lavandula Herrera et al. – 2

19 Abstract

20  PREMISE OF THE STUDY: The ecological and evolutionary significance of natural

21 epigenetic variation (i.e., not based on DNA sequence variants) variation will depend

22 critically on whether epigenetic states are transmitted from parents to offspring, but

23 little is known on epigenetic inheritance in non-model plants.

24  METHODS: We present a quantitative analysis of transgenerational transmission of

25 global DNA cytosine methylation (= proportion of all genomic cytosines that are

26 methylated) and individual epigenetic markers (= methylation status of anonymous

27 MSAP markers) in the shrub Lavandula latifolia. Methods based on parent-offspring

28 correlations and parental variance component estimation were applied to epigenetic

29 features of field-growing plants (‘maternal parents’) and greenhouse-grown progenies.

30 Transmission of genetic markers (AFLP) was also assessed for reference.

31  KEY RESULTS: Maternal parents differed significantly in global DNA cytosine

32 methylation (range = 21.7-36.7%). Greenhouse-grown maternal families differed

33 significantly in global methylation, and their differences were significantly related to

34 maternal origin. MSAP markers exhibited significant transgenerational transmission, as

35 denoted by significant maternal variance component of marker scores in greenhouse

36 families and significant mother-offspring correlations of marker scores.

37  CONCLUSIONS: Although transmission-related measurements for global methylation and

38 MSAP markers were quantitatively lower than those for AFLP markers taken as

39 reference, this study has revealed extensive transgenerational transmission of genome-

40 wide global cytosine methylation and anonymous epigenetic markers in L. latifolia.

41 Similarity of results for global cytosine methylation and epigenetic markers lends

42 robustness to this conclusion, and stresses the value of considering both types of

43 information in epigenetic studies of non-model plants. Herrera et al. – 3

44 KEY WORDS: amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP); epigenetic variation;

45 global cytosine methylation; inheritance; Lamiaceae; methylation-sensitive amplified

46 polymorphism (MSAP).


48 Natural epigenetic variation (i.e., not based on DNA sequence variants) has been

49 recently related to phenotypic and functional diversity in plants (Medrano et al., 2014; Ci

50 et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2015; Kooke et al., 2015; Wilschut et al., 2016). The ecological and

51 evolutionary significance of such epigenetic variation will depend critically on whether

52 epigenetic states that are related to organismal features are transmitted from parents to

53 offspring (i.e., epigenetic states are not completely reset between generations; Jablonka

54 and Raz, 2009; Jablonka and Lamb, 2015; Uller et al., 2015; Kronholm and Collins,

55 2016), a situation that has been reported frequently by recent investigations (Cortijo et al.,

56 2014; Miska and Ferguson-, 2016; Quadrana and Colot, 2016; Zheng et al., 2017).

57 In contrast to developmental epigenetics, transgenerational epigenetics involves heritable

58 changes in DNA methylation (see Quadrana and Colot, 2016, for review). Although it has

59 been sometimes advocated that the concept of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance

60 should be restricted to cases where epigenetic changes remain unaltered for a number of

61 successive generations (e.g., Pecinka and Mittelsten Scheid, 2012), recent usage tends to

62 be less restrictive and the concept can also be applied in situations where epigenetic states

63 are not reset between two consecutive generations (Quadrana and Colot, 2016). We adhere

64 to this more liberal usage in this paper.

65 Available evidence of transgenerational epigenetic transmission in plants refers nearly

66 exclusively to a handful of crop and model species with detailed genomic information

67 available (see reviews in Hauser et al., 2011; Quadrana and Colot, 2016). Remarkably few

68 attempts have been done so far at quantitatively assessing epigenetic inheritance in non- Herrera et al. – 4

69 model species without a reference genome (but see Herrera et al., 2013; Avramidou et al.,

70 2015). Broadening the phylogenetic scope of studies on transgenerational epigenetics

71 (sensu Quadrana and Colot, 2016) beyond the narrow domain of model plants will help to

72 evaluate the generality of the phenomenon and contribute to a better understanding of the

73 importance of epigenetic mechanisms in plants, as recently emphasized by Rensing (2017)

74 in a related context. DNA cytosine methylation is a key mechanism for epigenetic

75 regulation in plants (Grant-Downton and Dickinson, 2005, 2006; Gehring and Henikoff,

76 2007) whose magnitude, genome-wide patterns and functional aspects have a significant

77 phylogenetic component and vary across plant lineages (Zemach et al., 2010; Alonso et

78 al., 2016; Vidalis et al., 2016). Phylogenetically restricted and/or biased species sampling

79 might therefore lead to distorted or biased views on the prevalence of epigenetic

80 inheritance in plants as a whole.

81 We present in this paper a quantitative analysis of transgenerational transmission of

82 global DNA cytosine methylation (= proportion of all genomic cytosines that are

83 methylated; also sometimes termed “bulk methylation” or “genome-wide methylation”)

84 and individual epigenetic markers (= methylation status of anonymous genomic markers)

85 in the shrub Lavandula latifolia. Although data on global cytosine methylation are not

86 informative on the genomic positions where methylation occurs, its analysis is helpful to

87 evaluate the overall importance of this epigenetic mark in non-model organisms without

88 detailed genomic information (Rozhon et al., 2008; Alonso et al., 2016). Furthermore,

89 variation in global cytosine methylation is correlated with changes in the methylation

90 status of specific genic and intergenic regions, and is consequential for gene expression,

91 genomic instability (Steward et al., 2002; Baubec et al., 2009; Bonchev and Parisod, 2013;

92 Vidalis et al., 2016) and organismal features (Sano et al., 1990; Tatra et al., 2000; Kondo

93 et al., 2006). Anonymous epigenetic markers, on the other hand, provide information on Herrera et al. – 5

94 the genome-wide patterns of cytosine methylation, and their variation across individuals or

95 populations is often related to differences in functional traits (Medrano et al., 2014;

96 Herrera et al., 2017). Taken together, global cytosine methylation and anonymous

97 epigenetic markers thus provide complementary views of genome-wide epigenetic

98 characteristics of individuals, and have been often applied in ecological epigenetics studies

99 of non-model plants (Schulz et al., 2013; Alonso et al., 2014, 2016, 2017; Wilschut et al.,

100 2016).

101 Epigenetic characteristics will be treated here as individual phenotypic traits, and

102 standard methods commonly used in quantitative genetics studies of trait heritability,

103 namely parent-offspring correlations and parental variance component estimation in the

104 progeny (Roff, 1997; Lynch and Walsh, 1998), will be applied. Some peculiarities of

105 epigenetic variation, notably its potential lability in response to the environment, call for

106 extended quantitative genetic models and more complex experimental and analytical

107 designs (Gorelick, 2005; Gorelick and Laubichler, 2008). For this reason, we will not

108 attempt here to relate formally our quantitative results to the notion of ‘heritability’. In

109 addition to documenting extensive inheritance of the epigenetic features considered in

110 Lavandula latifolia, the present study also aims to illustrate a simple analytical approach

111 that can be easily implemented experimentally to test and quantify the transgenerational

112 transmission of anonymous epigenetic markers in non-model plants. In order to obtain a

113 reference level against which to compare the transmission of molecular epigenetic

114 characteristics, we will also concurrently assess transmission of anonymous genetic

115 markers using the same experimental and analytical methods.


117 Study species—Lavandula latifolia (Lamiaceae) is a long-lived, low evergreen shrub

118 characteristic of clearings and well-lit undergrowth in open woodlands of the eastern Herrera et al. – 6

119 Iberian Peninsula at 1000–1600 m a.s.l. Flowering takes place during July–October.

120 Flowers are hermaphrodite, self-compatible, and insect pollinated. The species reproduces

121 exclusively by seeds, which are small (1 mg), lack special mechanisms for dispersal, and

122 ripen by the end of summer (see, e.g., Herrera and Bazaga, 2016, for further information

123 on the ecology and natural history of the species).

124 Field and greenhouse—Material for this study was collected from a large population

125 of L. latifolia located in Cuevas Bermejas, Sierra de Cazorla (37.96523ºN, 2.84981ºW,

126 1180 m elevation; Jaén Province, southeastern Spain). Fifteen adult plants of

127 approximately similar size were sampled along a 125-m linear transect (‘maternal parents’

128 hereafter). Samples of first-year leaves and newly ripe seeds were collected from each

129 plant in October 2005. Leaves were placed in paper envelopes and dried immediately at

130 ambient temperature in sealed containers with silica gel. Seeds were kept in paper

131 envelopes at ambient temperature until sown in a greenhouse about one month later. Seeds

132 germinated within 2-3 weeks after sowing, and the resulting plants were grown

133 individually in flowerpots with similar soil mixture (75 % peat moss, 25 % vermiculite),

134 light (natural daylight), temperature (approx. 27 ºC) and air humidity (approx. 45 %), and

135 were watered as needed. Over the course of the experiment plants were transplanted twice

136 to larger flowerpots. When they were 8 months old juveniles, leaf samples were collected

137 from all the plants that remained alive, and were dried immediately at ambient temperature

138 in containers with silica gel.

139 Laboratory—Total genomic DNA was extracted from all field and greenhouse leaf

140 samples using Qiagen DNeasy Plant Mini Kit and the manufacturer protocol. Global DNA Herrera et al. – 7

141 cytosine methylation analyses, and genetic and epigenetic fingerprinting, were conducted

142 on these DNA samples.

143 Global DNA cytosine methylation was determined for each sample using the

144 chromatographic technique described in detail by Alonso et al. (2014, 2016). DNA was

145 digested with DNA Degradase PlusTM (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA), a nuclease mix that

146 degrades DNA to its individual nucleoside components. To allow for testing the statistical

147 significance of individual variation between field-sampled plants in DNA methylation

148 level, 2-4 independent technical replicates of DNA hydrolyzate were prepared for each

149 individual. DNA cytosine methylation was determined on these samples by reversed phase

150 HPLC with spectrofluorimetric detection. Global cytosine methylation was estimated as

151 100 x 5mdC/(5mdC + dC), where 5mdC and dC are the integrated areas under the peaks

152 for 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine and 2'-deoxycytidine, respectively. The position of each

153 nucleoside was determined using commercially available standards (Sigma Aldrich).

154 Maternal parents and greenhouse plants were genetically fingerprinted using

155 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. The AFLP analysis was

156 performed using standard protocols involving the use of fluorescent dye-labeled selective

157 primers. Each plant was fingerprinted using three different EcoRI + 3 / MseI + 3 primer

158 pair combinations. Fragment separation and detection was made using an ABI PRISM

159 3130xl DNA sequencer, and the presence or absence of each AFLP fragment in each

160 individual plant was scored manually by visualizing electropherograms with GeneMapper

161 3.7 software. Only fragments ≥ 150 base pairs in size were considered to reduce possible

162 biases arising from size homoplasy (Vekemans et al., 2002). A total of 132 AFLP markers

163 were obtained for the combined sample of offspring and maternal parents, 89 of which

164 were polymorphic (≥ 2% of samples with variant scores). Only these polymorphic markers

165 will be considered in all analyses. Herrera et al. – 8

166 Plants were characterized epigenetically using the methylation-sensitive amplified

167 polymorphism technique (MSAP; Schulz et al., 2013; Guevara et al., 2017). Despite some

168 acknowledged limitations (Schrey et al., 2013; Fulneček and Kovařik, 2014; Alonso et al.,

169 2016), anonymous MSAP markers are useful to investigate variation in genome-wide

170 patterns of cytosine methylation in non-model plants lacking detailed genomic

171 information (Medrano et al., 2014; Foust et al., 2016; Herrera et al., 2016; Wilschut et al.,

172 2016). MSAP is a modification of the standard AFLP technique that uses the methylation-

173 sensitive restriction enzymes HpaII and MspI in parallel runs in combination with another

174 restriction enzyme. HpaII and MspI are isoschizomers that recognize the same

175 tetranucleotide 5’-CCGG but have differential sensitivity to methylation at the inner or

176 outer cytosine. Differences in the products obtained with HpaII and MspI thus reflect

177 different methylation states at the cytosines of the CCGG sites recognized by HpaII or

178 MspI cleavage sites (Schulz et al., 2013; Fulneček and Kovařic, 2014). MSAP assays for

179 this study were conducted using four HpaII-MspI + 2 / MseI + 3 primer combinations.

180 Fragment separation and detection was made using an ABI PRISM 3130xl DNA

181 sequencer, and the presence or absence of HpaII/MseI and MspI/MseI fragments in each

182 sample was scored manually by visualizing electropherograms with GeneMapper 3.7

183 software.

184 Data analysis—The ‘Mixed Scoring 2’ transformation scheme recommended by

185 Schulz et al., (2013) was used to obtain MSAP markers from the two presence-absence

186 matrices for MSAP fragments obtained with the four HpaII-MseI and MspI-MseI primer

187 combination pairs. MSAP fragments were transformed into three distinct sets of markers,

188 corresponding to the h, m and u (= unmethylated) types in Schulz et al.,’s (2013)

189 terminology. These three marker types corresponded to 1/0, 0/1 and 1/1 HpaII/MspI

190 banding patterns, respectively (Conditions III, II and I of Schulz et al. 2013, respectively, Herrera et al. – 9

191 where further details and rationale are presented). The h and m types reflected HMeCCG

192 methylation (external hemimethylation) and HMeCG + MeCG methylation (internal

193 methylation plus hemimethylation), respectively (see Schulz et al., 2013, for full details;

194 but see Fulneček and Kovařik, 2014). The function Extract_MSAP_epigenotypes from

195 Schulz et al., (2013) was used to fingerprint all field-sampled and greenhouse plants with

196 these three MSAP marker types. A total of 306 MSAP markers were obtained in the

197 combined sample of offspring and maternal parents, 197 of which were polymorphic and

198 will be considered in the analyses.

199 Transmission from maternal parents to progeny of global cytosine methylation and

200 genetic (AFLP) and epigenetic (MSAP) markers was assessed by testing the statistical

201 significance of (i) maternal variance components in the greenhouse-grown progeny and

202 (ii) mother-offspring correlations. For global cytosine methylation, the variance

203 component accounted for by maternal parents was obtained by fitting a linear mixed

204 model to the progeny data with maternal family as the single random effect. Statistical

205 significance of the maternal variance component was obtained by random permutations of

206 individuals among families. For presence-absence, binary AFLP and MSAP markers, the

207 maternal variance component in the progeny was obtained by fitting a generalized linear

208 mixed model for each marker using the binomial error distribution and logit link function,

209 and then computing the Bayesian R2 for the fitted model using the formula proposed by

210 Davies et al., (2015; see also Vazquez et al., 2009). Values obtained for all markers of

211 each type were then averaged, and statistical significance of the departure of these means

212 from zero was assessed by comparing observed values with distributions obtained by

213 random permutations of individuals among families.

214 For global cytosine methylation, the mother-offspring linear correlation was

215 computed between maternal values (= mean of 2–4 replicates per plant) and the Herrera et al. – 10

216 corresponding offspring means for the 13 plants with paired mother-offspring data

217 available. This small number of data points and the presence of one putative influential

218 point (assessed by considering Studentized residuals and Cook’s distances) could bias

219 tests of statistical significance based on asymptotically-derived P-values. To account for

220 this possibility, statistical significance of the mother-offspring correlation for global

221 cytosine methylation was tested by random permutations. Furthermore, the mother-

222 offspring regression was fitted using robust regression, which minimizes the impact of

223 outliers and leverage points on regression parameter estimates (Rousseeuw and Leroy,

224 1987). For binary AFLP and MSAP marker data, mother-offspring correlations were

225 obtained separately for each marker as the phi coefficient (= mean square contingency

226 coefficient) of the two-way contingency table of marker scores (present-absent) x

227 generation (mother-offspring). The phi coefficient is a special case of the Pearson product-

228 moment correlation coefficient for two dichotomous variables (Everitt, 2006). Values

229 obtained for individual markers were then averaged for each marker class. The statistical

230 significance of the means thus obtained was assessed by comparisons with distributions

231 obtained by random permutations of progenies among maternal parents.

232 All statistical analyses were carried out using the R environment (R Development

233 Core Team, 2014). The lmer and glmer functions from the lme4 package were used to fit

234 linear mixed and generalized linear mixed models, respectively (Bates et al., 2015). Phi

235 coefficients were computed with the phi function from the psych package (Revelle 2017).


237 Global cytosine methylation—Global DNA cytosine methylation of adult L. latifolia

238 shrubs sampled in the field ranged between 21.7–36.7% of total cytosines (Fig. 1). These

239 individual differences were statistically significant (F14,33 = 4.23, P = 0.0003). Between-

240 plant variation in global methylation was related to spatial location, as denoted by the Herrera et al. – 11

241 statistically significant rank correlation between global methylation and position along the

242 sampling transect (rw = 0.534, P = 0.021; Spearman rank correlation coefficient weighted

243 by number of replicates per estimate).

244 Greenhouse-grown maternal families from field-collected seeds differed significantly

245 in global methylation (F12,90 = 2.34, P = 0.012), and these differences were related to their

246 maternal origin. The proportion of total sample variance of global methylation in the

247 progeny accounted for by maternal origin was 0.152, which was significantly greater than

248 zero (P = 0.011, randomization test with 104 permutations). The range of family means

249 (23.7–29.9% of total cytosines) was substantially narrower than the range exhibited by

250 maternal parents (Fig. 2), but there was relatively little disparity in overall means for the

251 two generations (28.7% and 26.0%, for parents and progenies, respectively). There was a

252 positive, statistically significant linear relationship between global methylation of maternal

253 parents and the mean global methylation of their respective progeny (Fig. 3) (r = 0.540,

254 P = 0.030, randomization test with 104 permutations).

255 Genetic and epigenetic markers—Both genetic (AFLP) and epigenetic (MSAP)

256 markers exhibited transgenerational transmission, as denoted by the combination of

257 significant maternal variance component of marker scores in the greenhouse families and

258 significant mother-offspring correlations of marker scores (Table 1). These two

259 magnitudes were larger for AFLP than for MSAP markers (variance components 0.31 vs.

260 0.20; mother-offspring correlations, 0.29 vs. 0.15; for AFLP and MSAP, respectively,

261 Table 1), the differences being statistically significant (chi-squared = 15.87 and 17.70, df

262 = 1, P < 0.0001, Kruskal-Wallis rank sum tests for maternal variance component and

263 mother-offspring correlations, respectively).

264 There were differences between the three MSAP marker types recognized here in

265 transmission-related parameters. Maternal variance component in the progeny and mother- Herrera et al. – 12

266 offspring correlations were significantly greater than zero for h- and u-type markers, but

267 not for m-type markers (Table 1).


269 Cytosine methylation is a major mechanism for epigenetic modification of DNA in

270 plants that is involved in regulation of gene expression, control of genomic integrity, and

271 plant growth and development (Richards, 1997; Grant-Downton and Dickinson 2005,

272 2006). Methylated cytosines occur throughout genic and intergenic spaces of nuclear plant

273 genomes (Cokus et al., 2008; Lister et al., 2008), hence intraspecific variation in global

274 cytosine methylation reflects changes in the methylation status of specific genic and

275 intergenic regions, and has functional consequences in terms of altered gene expression

276 and genomic instability (Messeguer et al., 1991; Steward et al., 2002; Baubec et al., 2009;

277 Vidalis et al., 2016). Therefore, as noted in the Introduction, although global cytosine

278 methylation measurements do not provide information on the genomic locations at which

279 methylation occurs, they provide a technically feasible avenue to explore genome-wide

280 epigenetic variation in non-model species without a reference genome (Alonso et al.,

281 2016). Little is known so far, however, on natural levels of variation in global cytosine

282 methylation in wild plant populations. In a previous study, Alonso et al. (2014) found that

283 global cytosine methylation differed significantly among individuals of the perennial herb

284 Helleborus foetidus, ranging between 26–36%. This variability level is comparable to the

285 22-37% range found here for adult plants of L. latifolia sampled in the field, whose

286 individual differences were also statistically significant. Our results thus corroborate that

287 intraspecific variation in global cytosine methylation can sometimes be as broad or

288 broader than differences between species (Alonso et al., 2014, 2015).

289 Considerable experimental evidence indicates that alterations in genomic methylation

290 levels follow plant exposure to biotic or abiotic agents (e.g., pathogens, herbivores, low Herrera et al. – 13

291 temperatures, water stress; Steward et al., 2002; Lukens and Zhang, 2007; Verhoeven et

292 al., 2010; Grativol et al., 2012). Differential exposure of adult L. latifolia shrubs in the

293 field during their lifetimes to stressing agents could thus have contributed to generate the

294 broad individual heterogeneity observed in cytosine methylation levels, as proposed by

295 Alonso et al. (2014) for H. foetidus. This view is consistent with (i) the narrower range of

296 methylation levels exhibited by the progeny grown under homogeneous greenhouse

297 conditions relative to maternal parents; and (ii) the significant relationship found between

298 cytosine methylation level and plant position along the sampling gradient, since it seems

299 reasonable to expect that spatially closer plants should experience more similar

300 environments than plants farther apart. It cannot be ruled out, however, that spatial

301 distance and genetic relatedness were correlated across sampled plants (Herrera and

302 Bazaga, 2016), and that observed individual differences in methylation level were in part

303 the consequence of different genotypes reacting to the same environmental variables in

304 different epigenetic ways. In any case, significant mother-offspring correlation and

305 significant maternal variance component in the progeny clearly show that global cytosine

306 methylation levels were only incompletely reset across generations, thus revealing the

307 transgenerationally heritable nature of the trait in this species.

308 Dominant genetic markers do not allow unequivocal inference of individual

309 genotypes, hence presence-absence scores for AFLP and its methylation-sensitive variant

310 MSAP markers are best treated as phenotypic traits as done here (Bonin et al., 2007).

311 Obtaining quantitative estimates of the extent of transgenerational transmission for binary

312 phenotypic traits, however, is not exempt from conceptual and analytical difficulties

313 (Villemereuil et al., 2013). The approach adopted here included extensions of variance

314 partitioning methods to generalized linear mixed models (Vazquez et al., 2009; Davies et

315 al., 2015) and the application of phi coefficients as a statistical equivalent to the Pearson Herrera et al. – 14

316 correlation coefficient suitable for binary data. Used in combination with permutation

317 tests, these methods have proven useful to demonstrate significant parent-offspring

318 correlations, significant maternal variance components and, consequently, significant

319 inheritance of both genetic (AFLP) and epigenetic (MSAP) dominant markers in L.

320 latifolia. Significant inheritance of MSAP markers was previously inferred by Herrera et

321 al., (2013, 2014) for the perennial herb Helleborus foetidus on the basis of high

322 sporophyte-to-gametophyte transmissibility (see also Avramidou et al., 2015). Significant

323 inheritance of AFLP markers corroborated a priori expectations based on the long-known

324 fact that many of them segregate as stable Mendelian loci (Maughan et al., 1996;

325 Castiglioni et al., 1999; Lerceteau and Szmidt, 1999). Transmission-related parameters for

326 AFLP markers (parent-offspring correlation and maternal variance component) thus

327 provided a useful reference level for comparison with those obtained for MSAP markers.

328 Although statistically significant, the magnitudes of transmission-related parameters

329 for MSAP markers considered collectively were only about 63% (maternal variance

330 component) and 50% (mother-offspring correlation) of corresponding figures for AFLP

331 markers, which denotes a lower average transmission rate of epigenetic markers relative to

332 genetic ones (see also Avramidou et al., 2015). This transgenerational epigenetic

333 instability most likely reflects a combination of partial resetting of epigenomes at the

334 sporophyte-to-gametophyte transition, and spontaneous forward-backward epimutations at

335 CG sites, as reported for some model plants ( et al., 2011; Kawashima and Berger,

336 2014; van der Graaf et al., 2015; Quadrana and Colot, 2016). When considered separately,

337 the three MSAP marker classes recognized here under Schulz et al.,’s (2013) ‘Mixed

338 Scoring 2’ scheme differed in their transmission parameters, which were statistically

339 significant for h- and u-type markers, but not for m-type ones. These differences could be

340 related to heterogeneity among marker types in resetting frequency and/or epimutation Herrera et al. – 15

341 rate due to differences in prevailing methylation status (u-type vs. the rest) or maintenance

342 mechanisms of cytosine methylation in the CHG and CG contexts (Cokus et al., 2008;

343 Lister et al., 2008; Osabe et al., 2014) with which h- and m-type markers are presumably

344 associated, respectively (Schulz et al., 2013; but see Fulneček and Kovařik 2014).

345 Regardless of the actual mechanism underlying these differences, however, heterogeneity

346 between marker types in transmission parameters found here provide additional

347 justification for treating them separately in ecological epigenetics studies of non-model

348 plants (Schulz et al., 2013). In particular, differences between marker types in extent of

349 transgenerational transmission can help to interpret their differences in spatial structure,

350 phenotypic correlates and relationships to habitat features in wild plant populations

351 (Schulz et al., 2014; Medrano et al., 2014; Herrera and Bazaga, 2016; Herrera et al., 2016,

352 2017).

353 Conclusions—Theoretical arguments on the ecological and evolutionary significance

354 of natural epigenetic variation have consistently highlighted the crucial importance of

355 transgenerational stability of epigenetic variants (Shea et al., 2011; Geoghegan and

356 Spencer, 2013; Furrow, 2014; Uller et al., 2015; Kronholm and Collins, 2016). Studies on

357 a few crop and model species have revealed that the transmission rate of epigenetic states,

358 albeit distinctly lower than that of genetic variants based on DNA sequences, can still be

359 sufficiently high in some cases to sustain long-term selection responses (Cortijo et al.,

360 2014; Lauria et al., 2014; van der Graaf et al., 2015; Quadrana and Colot, 2016). Although

361 transmission of epigenetic markers was less faithful than that of genetic markers used as

362 reference, the present study has revealed considerable transgenerational transmission of

363 genome-wide global cytosine methylation and anonymous epigenetic markers in the non-

364 model species L. latifolia. Similarity of results obtained for global cytosine methylation

365 and epigenetic markers lends robustness to the conclusions of our study, and also stresses Herrera et al. – 16

366 the value of considering both types of epigenetic information in studies of non-model

367 plants without a reference genome (Alonso et al., 2016).


369 We are grateful to L. Cabral, M. García and E. López for assistance in greenhouse and

370 laboratory; Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, for permission to work in

371 Sierra de Cazorla, granting access to greenhouse facilities at the San Jerónimo nursery,

372 and assistance in maintaining plants; two anonymous reviewers for constructive

373 criticisms; and Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC for contributing to greenhouse

374 expenses. Partial financial support for this work was provided by grants CGL2013-43352-

375 P and CGL2016-76605-P from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.


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585 The data sets used for this study including global cytosine methylation estimates, and

586 genetic and epigenetic fingerprints of maternal parents and their progenies, have been

587 deposited at the public institutional repository of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones

588 Científicas (Digital.CSIC), doi:10.20350/digitalCSIC/8526. Herrera et al. – 26

589 Table 1. Proportion of total variance explained by differences between maternal families, and mother-offspring correlations (phi coefficient),

590 for genetic (AFLP) and epigenetic (MSAP) marker scores in plants of Lavandula latifolia grown in the greenhouse from field-collected seeds.


AFLP All h-type m-type u-type

Number of polymorphic markers 89 197 105 49 43

Proportion of variance between maternal families: Mean ± SE 0.312 ± 0.034 0.198 ± 0.022 0.198 ± 0.031 0.150 ± 0.039 0.255 ± 0.050 P-value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.079 0.017

Mother-offspring correlation: Mean ± SE 0.289 ± 0.017 0.145 ± 0.008 0.132 ± 0.011 0.158 ± 0.017 0.161 ± 0.019 P-value <0.001 0.0039 0.013 0.29 0.032 591 592 Notes: A marker was considered polymorphic if ≥ 2% of samples showed a variant score. Herrera et al. – 27

593 Legends to figures

594 FIGURE 1. Variation in global DNA cytosine methylation among the N = 15 wild-growing,

595 adult Lavandula latifolia plants sampled. These plants were the maternal parents of half-sib

596 families grown in the greenhouse. Dots represent the mean value for the set of technical

597 replicates analyzed for each plant, and vertical segments extend over ± 1 SE around the

598 mean. The sequence of plant names reflect their position along the sampling transect.

599 FIGURE 2. Mean values of global cytosine methylation of wild maternal parents and their

600 respective progenies grown in the greenhouse from field-collected seeds (N = 13, as there

601 were two maternal parents without seedlings).

602 FIGURE 3. Relationship between mean global DNA cytosine methylation of half-sib maternal

603 families grown in the greenhouse and the corresponding value for their respective maternal

604 parents growing in the wild. Dots represent mean values for technical replicates (maternal

605 plants) or individuals (families), and segments extend over ± 1 SE around the mean. The

606 robust regression fitted to the means is shown (y = 19.962 + 0.212 x; R2 = 0.275). 40

● 35 ●

● ● 30 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 25 ●

Cytosine methylation (% of total) Cytosine methylation 20

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Maternal parent ●


● ● 30 ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 25 ● ● Cytosine methylation (%) Cytosine methylation

Maternal Offspring parent Generation 30.0 ●

27.5 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● 25.0 ● ● ●

22.5 Offspring cytosine methylation (%) Offspring cytosine methylation

20 25 30 35 40 Maternal cytosine methylation (%)