Slovenia – Alpine of Lake and the

Naturetrek Tour Report 19 - 26 June 2014

Epipactis atrorubens Rhodothamnus chamaecistus

Scopolia carniolica The 2014 Naturetrek Group

Report and images by Paul Harmes

Naturetrek Mingledown Barn Wolf's Lane Chawton Alton Hampshire GU34 3HJ England T: +44 (0)1962 733051 F: +44 (0)1962 736426 E: [email protected] W:

Tour Report – Alpine flowers of and the Julian Alps

Tour Leader: Paul Harmes Naturetrek Naturalist

Local Guide: Milan Vogrin Local Naturalist Driver: Dusan

Participants: Gillian Allsop Margot Birkbeck Rosemary Chapman John Clarkson Ros George David George Susan Jenkins Peter Jenkins Elspeth Kennedy Bob Billington Vyv Leonard Susan Sutton Giles Reed Norman Still Mary Taylor

Day 1 Thursday 19th June

Weather: Stansted – Cloudy. Slovenia – Fine, warm and sunny with some cloud. Thirteen tour participants met with Paul at the departures gate at Stansted Airport for the Easyjet EZY3245 flight to Ljubljana. Upon our arrival, we completed immigration formalities and collected our luggage, before making our way to the arrivals hall, where we met up with Milan, our local guide, and our driver for the week, Dusan. With luggage loaded, we set off travelling towards Kranj, before joining the motorway northwest to the exit for . Passing through the town we soon had spectacular views of Lake Bled and the imposing Castle Bled, perched some 130m above the lake on the north shore. As we continued on, the road ran beside the Bohinjka River. Before long, we passed through the small town of and the villages of Savica and Polje, before arriving in Ribcev Laz, situated at the eastern end of the beautiful Lake Bohinj, and the Alpinum Hotel Jezero, our base for the duration of the tour. Having settled into our rooms, we gathered in reception, where Paul and Milan outlined some of the programme for the week, and also met up with Susan and Peter, the final two members of our party, before going to dinner.

Day 2 Friday 20th June

Weather: Fine, warm and sunny; rain later. After breakfast at 07.30, we met with Milan at 08.30, before embarking on our first full day. As we were preparing to leave, a Spotted Flycatcher was seen hunting food from its vantage point in a tree just outside the hotel.

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Our objective today was to walk the path along the north side of Lake Bohinj. This route would take us through natural woodland, pastures and planted woodland of (Beech) and Picea abies (Norway Spruce). We began making our way through natural forest, comprised of Fagus sylvatica (Beech), Ostrya carpinifolia (Hop Hornbeam), Corylus avellana (Hazel), Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) and Juniperus communis subsp. communis (Common Juniper). Early finds included Petrorhagia saxifraga (Tunic ), Cephalanthera rubra (Red Helleborine), Salvia pratensis (Meadow Clary), Genista tinctoria (Dyer’s Greenweed), Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. alpestris (Kidney Vetch), Clematis recta (Erect Clematis) and Epipactis atrorubens (Dark Red Helleborine). had also started to appear. These included Cetonia aurata (Rose Chafer), the caterpillars of Swallowtail and Water Betony , and Small White, Small Heath and Large Skipper .

The birds were generally quiet, although European Greenfinch, Common Chaffinch and Coal Tit were all heard. Moving on, Scabiosa dipsacifolia (Wood Scabious), Cornus sanguineum (Dog Wood), Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Common Spotted Orchid) and Rhamnus saxatilis (Rock Buckthorn) were added, as well as Pearly Heath and Large White butterflies, and Lacerta viridis (Eastern Green Lizard) and Bombina variegata (Yellow-bellied Toad).

We took lunch where a stream emptied into the lake. By now the sun was rather warm and more butterfly were active. These included Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Silver-washed Fritillary, Marbled Fritillary, Comma Butterfly, Blue-spot Hairstreak, Wood White and Woodland Brown. In addition, Chequered Skipper, Wood White, Holly Blue, and Large Skipper butterflies were also added. Moving on, we found Cephalanthera damasonium (White Helleborine), Hacquetia epipactis (Hacquetia), Gymnocarpium robertianum (Limestone Fern), Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens (Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium viride (Green Spleenwort) and Dryopteris filix-mas (Male Fern). After crossing a boulder-filled dry river bed, we added bavarica (Bavarian Masterwort), Dianthus sternbergii (Sternberg’s Pink), erisithales (Yellow Melancholy Thistle), Silene alpestris (Alpine Catchfly) and the of Maianthemum bifolia (May Lily).

We were now nearing the village of , our destination, and the point where we planned to catch the boat back to Ribcev Laz. We ended the day with more exciting finds. Heath Fritillary and Clouded Yellow butterflies were added, together with Campanula glomerata (Clustered Bellflower), Lunaria redivida (Perennial Honesty), Thalictrum aquilegifolium (Great Meadow-rue), Telekia speciosa (Large Yellow Ox-eye), dioicus (Goat’s-beard ) and Orobanche gracilis (Slender Broomrape).

From Ukanc, we caught the boat back to the jetty at Ribcev Laz, near our hotel, just as the rain began to fall.

Day 3 Saturday 21st June

Weather: Fine, warm and sunny, with some cloud Today, we boarded the bus at the hotel after breakfast, for the journey to , on the plateau, situated northeast of Ribcev Laz. We made our way up through Bohinjska Bistrica, before turning left and beginning to climb. We drove up through and Gorjuse, before stopping at the Barje Sijec Reserve. We began by exploring the verges and some coniferous woodland on the north side of the road. Early finds included Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid), Gymnocarpium dryopteris ( Fern), Phegopteris connectilis (Beech Fern), Equisetum sylvaticum (Wood Horsetail), Ranunculus aconitifolius (Aconite-leaved Buttercup) and Luzula luzuloides (White Woodrush).

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

At this point we moved to the other side of the road, and an extensive area of peat bog, the southern-most in Europe. Here we found Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. pulchella (an Early Marsh Orchid), Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. densiflora (Marsh Fragrant Orchid), Andromeda polifolia (Bog Rosemary), Drosera rotundifolia (Round-leaved Sundew), Vaccinium oxycoccus (Cranberry) and Eriophorum vaginatum (Hare’s-tail Cotton-grass), among many more. We also recorded Heath Fritillary and Woodland Ringlet butterflies.

We now moved on to visit the Sotno Barje peat bog, passing summer cottages and meadows. Here we found Veratrum lobelianum (Green False Helleborine), Melampyrum sylvaticum (Wood Cow-wheat), Homogyne discolor (a purple Colt’s-foot), Pinus mugo (Dwarf Mountain Pine) and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Bearberry). Searching a small meadow adjacent to the bog, we found Campanula barbata (Bearded Bellflower), Gymnadenia albida (Small White Orchid), Pedicularis verticillata (Whorled Lousewort) and Arnica montana (Arnica). We also recorded Common Firecrest and European Crested Tit. It was now time to return to the bus, where we took our picnic in an adjacent meadow. During lunch, several Red Crossbills were seen feed in nearby Picea abies (Norway Spruce).

After out meal, we set off the short distance to explore another area of conifer woodland. Along the way, we found a good specimen of Saxifraga rotundifolia (Round-leaved Saxifrage). The wood produced Moneses uniflora (One-flowered Wintergreen), Maianthemum bifolia (May Lily), Neottia cordata (Lesser Twayblade), two small clumps of Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid) and Coeloglossum viridis (Frog Orchid).

We now moved on towards the village of Koprivnik, making a stop to photograph a splendid stand of Vicia sylvatica (Wood vetch) on a verge. Whilst we were there, we also added Phyteuma ovatum (Dark Rampion), Phyteuma orbiculare (Round-headed Rampion), Veronica urticifolia (Nettle-leaved Speedwell) and Impatiens parviflora (Small- flowered Balsam). An adjacent meadow produced Aquilegia vulgaris (Wild Columbine), Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea (Fragrant Orchid), Neottia nidus-avis (Bird’s-nest Orchid) and Tofieldia calyculata (Tofield’s Asphodel). Woodland Brown, Small White and Chequered Skipper butterflies, and Shaded Broad-bar and Burnet Companion were also added.

The return journey, to Ribcev Laz, took us through Jereka, Cesnjica, Studor, where we stopped to photograph the typical hay drying racks, and Stara Fuzina, arriving back at the hotel in good time for dinner.

Day 4 Sunday 22nd June

Weather: Fine, warm and sunny. Today, we planned to explore a new area for the tour, the Mangart Saddle. After an early breakfast at 06.30, we joined the bus and were on the road by 07.30. Leaving Ribcev, we made our way via Bohinjska Bistrica to Bled, and north to the motorway, which we joined westwards to Jesenice and Kranjska Gora, before crossing the border into Italy. Along the way a Common Buzzard and Barn Swallows were seen. Continuing on, we passed through Tarvisio before turning east at Cave del Predil, and making a stop at the Passo di Predil. Here, butterflies were quite active in the morning sun, with Black-veined White, Meadow Brown and Duke of Burgundy added to the list. However, the main reason for this stop was to search for Iberolacerta horvathi (Horvath’s Rock Lizard), and we were not disappointed, with two specimens being found by Milan. We also saw Valeriana montana (Mountain Valerian), Genista radiata (Southern Greenweed) and Gentiana clusii (Clusius’ Gentian).

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

We now moved on upwards, above the tree-line, to the Mangart Saddle (c.2000m), a pass set below the imposing Mangart peak (2679m). Parking the bus we set off to explore an area of rocky limestone outcrops and grassland, below the Saddle. Here we found Rhodothamnus chamaecistus (Dwarf Alpenrose), Saxifraga burseriana (One-flowered Cushion Saxifrage), Veronica alpina (Alpine Speedwell), Ranunculus alpestris subsp. traunfellneri (an Alpine Buttercup), Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens), Pulsatilla alba (White Pulsatilla), Salix reticulata (Net-leaved Willow), Rhodiola rosea (Roseroot) and many more. There was some activity on the front with Mountain Green-veined White quite abundant and also Small Tortoiseshell. Water Pipit, Northern Wheatear, and Alpine Chough were all present as well.

After enjoying our picnic in the warm sunshine, we took the bus up to the top of the saddle, where we began a fairly leisurely walk down to where the bus had returned to wait for us. There was still quite a lot of snow remaining, but we still found new . Petrocallis pyrenaica (Pyrenean Whitlow-grass) carpeted the ground at one point, and Soldanella alpina (Alpine Snowbell) was scatted in the grass around the melting snow patches. There was also Pritzelago alpina (Chamois-cress), Bartsia alpina (Alpine Bartsia) and Pinguicula alpina (Alpine Butterwort). Rejoining the bus, we enjoyed a cup of coffee or tea before starting on the homeward journey.

We made one final stop at Zelenci, just west of Kransjka Gora, where we explored an area of woodland and a natural spring. Lamium orvala (Balm-leaved Archangel), Myrrhis odorata (Sweet Cicely), Paris quadrifolia (Herb-paris) and Anemone trifoliata (Three-leaved Anemone) were all found, before we returned to the car park to enjoy late afternoon ice creams.

It was now time to complete our return journey back to the hotel in time for dinner.

Day 5 Monday 23rd June

Weather: Fine, warm and sunny with a breeze; heavy rain later. After breakfast, we boarded the bus for the short journey to the car park above Stara Fuzina. Here we took the track up the beautiful Korita Mostnice Gorge, passing through forest, past wet rocks and also open areas of scrub. Before leaving the car park, we found Marbled White, Large Skipper and Pearly Heath butterflies, the web of Agelena labyrinthica (Labyrinth Spider), and a good stand of Betonica officinalis (Betony). As we began to ascend the path, European Crested Tit, European Greenfinch and Eurasian Jay were seen and European Robin and Common Chaffinch were heard. Vinca minor (Lesser Periwinkle), Viburnum lantana (Wayfaring Tree), Genista germanica (Prickly Greenweed) and Cephalanthera rubra (Red Helleborine) were all recorded. Crossing the river gorge at the Devil’s Bridge, we made our way on up the east side of the gorge, through the forest. Woodland Brown, Speckled Wood and Wood White butterflies were seen, as well as Actaea spicata (Baneberry), Turrita glabra (Tower-cress) and Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia (Wolf’s-bane).

Crossing back over the river, we emerged from the gorge at Pl. Koca na Vojah, a refugio, where we had lunch of goulash or mushroom soup. After our meal we continued up the gently ascending path, passing Euonymus verrucosus (a Spindle Tree), Phyteuma nigra (Black Rampion) and Stachys alpina (Alpine Woundwort). Hay meadows now opened up before us and in the margins we found Hypericum richeri (Alpine St. John’s-wort), Campanula glomerata (Clustered Bellflower), Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea (Fragrant Orchid) and Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Common Spotted Orchid) together with scattered spikes of Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William) and Geranium

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

phaeum (Dusky Crane’s-bill). In the pasture and along the trackside we also saw Purple-edged Copper, Woodland Ringlet, and Large Skipper, Heath Fritillary, Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary, Poplar Admiral, Southern White Admiral and Lesser Marbled Fritillary butterflies.

From the pastures, we re-entered the woodland, where the path took us up to the Slape Mostnice (Mostnice Waterfall). After admiring the falls, which were quite substantial due to overnight rain, we made the descent back to where we had lunch, where we took refreshments, and the minibus was waiting to return us to the hotel in time for dinner.

Day 6 Tuesday 24th June

Weather: Mostly cloudy with some light rain and occasional sunny periods; heavy rain later. Once again, today our bus took us up to the mountain meadows at Vogar (1054m), high above the Bohinj Lake, on the north side. Two thirds of the way to the top, we stopped to explore some cliffs beside the quiet mountain road. Here we saw Primula auricula (Bear’s-ear), although it was well past its best, Saxifraga cuneifolia (Spoon-leaved Saxifrage), Rhamnus alpinus subsp. fallax (an Alpine Buckthorn), Laburnum alpinum (Alpine Laburnum), Campanula scheuchzeri and a good show of Saxifraga crustata (Encrusted Saxifrage). We now moved up to a rough car park in the forest, from where we began to explore. In the first meadow we examined, we found Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea (Fragrant Orchid), Eriophorum angustifolium (Common Cotton-grass), Parnassia palustris (Grass-of- Parnassus), Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Common Spotted Orchid) and our first, solitary Lilium carniolicum (Carnic Lily). Spotted Flycatcher, Barn Swallow and Great Tit were all seen, and Common Chiffchaff, Eurasian Blackcap and European Robin were heard. However, the highlight of the meadow was a large, female Salamandra salamandra (Fire Salamander). As we progressed, moths began to become active, with Lead Belle, Silver Y, Speckled Yellow, Mottled Beauty, Silver-ground Carpet and Beautiful Carpet all recorded.

Moving on through more meadows, we found more Lilium carniolicum (Carnic Lily) and Lilium martagon (Martagon Lily). A few butterflies now started to appear, with Black-veined White, Heath Fritillary, Wood White, Woodland Brown and Small White all seen. We now moved on, through more forest, to a splendid view-point overlooking the lake and across the valley to Vogel. Trifolium rubens (Red Trefoil), Vicia sylvatica (Wood vetch) and Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia (Wolf’s-bane), and a Nine-spotted moth were also added. We now made our way back to the bus for lunch. During the meal a Common Cuckoo flew across the valley, and we also added Hoplia caerulea (a Chafer) and Leptura rubra (a Longhorn Beetle).

For the afternoon, we now moved back down to Stara Fuzina, and on up to Ukanc and the Slap Savica Waterfall. Along the way we stopped to watch a Red-backed Shrike and a pair of Common Buzzards. At the waterfall car park, we left the bus and made the short wall up to the waterfall, which, due to the torrential overnight rain, was as spectacular as Milan had ever seen it. As we progressed, White-throated Dipper was seen on the river. In the forest, on the way down, we found Scopolia carniolica (Scopolia) and Phyteuma scheuchzeri (Horned Rampion), before taking some refreshments at the refuge.

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Day 7 Wednesday 25th June

Weather: Rain to mid-morning, then cloudy. Rain in the afternoon, becoming heavy later. Owing to the amount of rain we had experienced over the preceding evenings, Paul decided that the steep path at the start of the route to Crna Prst would be too treacherous, so he and Milan elected to visit the instead. Joining our bus, we drove eastwards to Bohinjska Bistrica, and then we took the road to Bled, before turning left towards the villages of Podhom and Vintgar, to the north of the town.

Leaving the vehicle in the car park, we set off along the paths and walkways alongside the Radovna River. Initially, the route took us mainly through forest, but it was not long before imposing limestone cliffs were rising above us. Once again, due to the recent rain, the river was quiet high, and the white water, spectacular. As we went, we recorded Stellaria nemorum (Wood Stitchwort), Polystichum setiferum (Soft Shield Fern), Aruncus dioicus (Goat’s-beard Spiraea) and Asplenium scolopendrium (Hart’s-tongue Fern). Eurasian Wren, Common Chaffinch and Eurasian Blackcap were all heard calling. Further into the gorge, White-throated Dipper and Grey Wagtail were both very active. After about an hour, the rain began to ease off. At the bottom of the walk, there was a Waterfall, and we took well-earned refreshments at the small refuge. On the return leg of the walk, we added Campanula trachelium (Nettle-leaved Bellflower), Cardamine pentaphyllos (Five-leaflet Bitter-cress), Valeriana saxatilis (Rock valerian), Actaea spicata (Baneberry) and Impatiens noli-tangere (Touch-me-not Balsam). Excellent views were had also of the Dippers and Grey Wagtails, both at nests and feeding. Back at the car park, we took our picnic lunch, during which several Nine-spotted moths flew past, and Song Thrush was heard.

The afternoon was spent in the town of Bled. Here, tour group members explored the famous castle, walked the lake shore or looked around the small town, before rejoining the bus for the return journey to Ribcev Laz. Along the way we saw Grey Heron and Red-backed Shrike.

Day 8 Thursday 26th June

Weather: Cloudy with sunny periods. Our final day in Slovenia began with a leisurely breakfast, and time for packing. Some of the group chose to spend time around the hotel, whilst the rest of the group took the bus up to Stara Fuzina, where we spent a leisurely couple of hours exploring the village, the river bank and the adjacent meadows. Common House Martins, Spotted Flycatchers and Barn Swallow were feeding young, and a distant European Wryneck was heard. Butterflies included Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary, Wood White and Blue-spot Hairstreak. The walls of the village had a good show of Sedum sexangulare (Tasteless Stonecrop) and elsewhere, Echium vulgare (Viper’s-bugloss) was growing in a lane.

We now returned to the hotel to meet up with the rest of the group, before returning to Stara Fuzina and the ‘Domaca Gostilna Mihovc’, a traditional Slovenian guesthouse/restaurant, where we had our lunch. It was now time to re-join the vehicle for the journey back to Ljubijana Airport. Here, we bid farewell to Milan and Dusan, before catching our Easyjet flight EZY 3246 to Stansted.

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

Species Lists

Plants (* = Very localised distribution or endemic) Scientific name Common name Location


Lycophytes Clubmosses & Quillworts

Lycopodiaceae Clubmoss Family Huperzia selago Fir Clubmoss Barje Sijec

Eusporangiate Ferns Adder's-tongues & Moonworts

Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Sotno Barje

Calamophytes Horsetails

Equisetaceae Horsetail Family Equisetum palustre Marsh Horsetail Margin of Lake Bohinj Equisetum sylvaticum Wood Horsetail Barje Sijec Equisetum telmateia Great Horsetail Vintgar Gorge Equisetum variegatum Variegated Horsetail Barje Sijec

Leptosporangiate Ferns True Ferns

Aspleniaceae Spleenwort Family Asplenium ruta–muraria Wall Rue Margin of Lake Bohinj Asplenium scolopendrium Hart’s-tongue Vintgar Gorge Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens Maidenhair Spleenwort Margin of Lake Bohinj Asplenium trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis Maidenhair Spleenwort Motnice Gorge Asplenium viride Green Spleenwort Margin of Lake Bohinj

Athyriaceae Lady-fern Family Athyrium filix-femina Lady-fern Sotno Barje Goreljek

Blechnaceae Hard-fern Family Blechnum spicant Hard-fern Barje Sijec

Cystopteridaceae Bladder-fern Family Cystopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder-fern Mostnice Gorge Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak Fern Barje Sijec Gymnocarpium robertianum Limestone Fern Margin of Lake Bohinj

Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Family Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Margin of Lake Bohinj

Dryopteridaceae Buckler-fern Family Dryopteris dilitata Broad Buckler-fern Barje Sijec Dryopteris filix-mas Male-fern Margin of Lake Bohinj Dryopteris submontana Rigid Buckler-fern Mangart Saddle Polystichum aculeatum Hard Shield-fern Vogar

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Polystichum lonchitis Holly Fern Mangart Saddle Polystichum setiferum Soft Shield-fern Vogar

Polypodiaceae Polypody Family Polypodium vulgare Common Polypody Vintgar Gorge

Thelypteridaceae Marsh Fern Family Phegopteris connectilis Beech Fern Barje Sijec


Cupressaceae Juniper Family Juniperus communis subsp. communis Common Juniper Margin of Lake Bohinj Juniperus communis var. saxatilis Alpine Juniper Mangart Saddle Juniperus oxycedrus Prickly Juniper Margin of Lake Bohinj

Pinaceae Pine Family Abies alba European Silver Fir Margin of Lake Bohinj Larix decidua European Larch Margin of Lake Bohinj Picea abies subsp. abies Spruce Margin of Lake Bohinj Pinus mugo Dwarf Mountain Pine Sotno Barje Goreljek

Taxaceae Yew Family Taxus baccata Yew Vogar


Pre-Dicots Primitive Angiosperms

Aristolochiaceae Birthwort Family Asarum europaeum (leaves) Asarabacca Vintgar Gorge

Eu-dicots True Dicotyledons

Adoxaceae Moschatel Family Sambucus ebulus Dwarf Elder Margin of Lake Bohinj Sambucus nigra Elder Sotno Barje Goreljek Sambucus racemosus Red-berried Elder Vogar Viburnum lantana Wayfaring Tree Margin of Lake Bohinj Viburnum opulus Guelder Rose Margin of Lake Bohinj

Amaranthaceae Pigweed Family Chenopodium album Fat Hen Margin of Lake Bohinj Chenopodium bonus-henricus Good King Henry Vogar

Apiaceae Carrot Family Aegopodium podagraria Ground Elder Margin of Lake Bohinj Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica Barje Sijec Bavarian Masterwort Margin of Lake Bohinj * Carnic Masterwort Vintgar Gorge Great Masterwort Margin of Lake Bohinj

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Chaerophyllum temulum Chervil Margin of Lake Bohinj Daucus carota Wild Carrot Stara Fuzina Hacquetia epipactis Hacquetia Margin of Lake Bohinj Heracleum austriacum subsp. siifolium Pink Hogweed Sotno Barje Goreljek Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed Margin of Lake Bohinj Laserpitium latifolium Broad-leaved Sermountain Margin of Lake Bohinj Laserpitium siler a Sermountain Margin of Lake Bohinj Myrrhis odorata Sweet Cicely Zelenci Pastinaca sativa Wild Parsnip Stara Fuzina Peucedanum carvifolia - Vintgar Gorge Pimpinella major Greater Burnet Saxifrage Sotno Barje Goreljek Pimpinella saxifraga Burnet Saxifrage Sotno Barje Goreljek Sanicula europaea Sanicle Sotno Barje Goreljek

Apocynaceae Periwinkle Family Vinca minor Lesser Periwinkle Margin of Lake Bohinj Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Swallow-wort Margin of Lake Bohinj

Araliaceae Ivy Family Hedera helix agg Ivy Vintgar Gorge

Asteraceae Daisy Family Achillea clavennae Silvery Millfoil Mangart Saddle Achillea millefolium Yarrow Margin of Lake Bohinj Adenostyles alpina Adenostyles Vintgar Gorge Antennaria carpatica Carpathian Cat's-foot Mangart Saddle Antennaria dioica Cat's-foot Sotno Barje Goreljek Aposeris foetida Aposeris Margin of Lake Bohinj Arnica montana Arnica Sotno Barje Goreljek Bellidiastrum michelii (Aster bellidiastrum) False Aster Mangart Saddle Bellis perennis Daisy Margin of Lake Bohinj Buphthalmum salicifolium Yellow Ox-eye Margin of Lake Bohinj Carduus alpinus Alpine Thistle Margin of Lake Bohinj Centaurea carniolica* Carnic Knapweed Mostnice Gorge Centaurea scabiosa subsp. alpestris a Greater Knapweed Mangart Saddle Cicerbita alpina Alpine Sowthistle Vogar Cichorium intybus Chicory Margin of Lake Bohinj Cirsium eriophorum Woolly Thistle Sotno Barje Cirsium erisithales Yellow Melancholy Thistle Margin of Lake Bohinj Cirsium oleraceum Cabbage Thistle Zelenci Crepis aurea Golden Hawksbeard Sotno Barje Goreljek Erigeron annuus Annual Fleabane Margin of Lake Bohinj Eupatorium cannabinum Hemp Agrimony Mostnice Gorge Galinsoga quadriradiata Gallant Soldier Stara Fuzina Homogyne alpina Alpine Colts-foot Mangart Saddle Homogyne discolor a Colt's-foot Margin of Lake Bohinj Lapsana communis Nipplewort Mostnice Gorge Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy Margin of Lake Bohinj Matricaria discoidea Pineapple Weed Margin of Lake Bohinj Mycelis muralis Wall Lettuce Margin of Lake Bohinj Petasites albus White Butterbur Zelenci Pilosella officinarum Mouse-eared Hawkweed Margin of Lake Bohinj

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Senecio doronicum Chamois Ragwort Vogar Telekia speciosa - Ukanc Tolpis staticifolia - Sotno Barje Tragopogon pratensis subsp. orientalis Goat's-beard Margin of Lake Bohinj

Balsaminaceae Balsam Family Impatiens noli-tangere Touch-me-not Balsam Vintgar Gorge

Berberidaceae Barberry Family Berberis vulgaris Barberry Margin of Lake Bohinj

Betulaceae Family Corylus avellana Hazel Margin of Lake Bohinj Ostrya carpinifolia Hop Hornbeam Margin of Lake Bohinj

Boraginaceae Forget-me-not Family Echium vulgare Viper’s-bugloss Margin of Lake Bohinj Lythospermum officinale Common Gromwell Margin of Lake Bohinj Myosotis alpestris Alpine Wood Forget-me-not Mangart Saddle Myosotis arvensis Field Forget-me-not Barje Sijec Myosotis scorpoides Water Forget-me-not Zelenci Myosotis sylvatica Wood Forget-me-not Sotno Barje Goreljek Pulmonaria officinalis Lungwort Sotno Barje Goreljek Symphytum bulbosum Bulbous Comfrey Sotno Barje Goreljek Symphytum x uplandicum Russian Comfrey Margin of Lake Bohinj

Brassicaceae Cabbage Family Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica Alpine Rock-cress Mangart Saddle Armoracia rusticana Horse-radish Margin of Lake Bohinj Biscutella laevigata a Buckler Mustard Margin of Lake Bohinj Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s-purse Stara Fuzina Cardamine bulbifera Bulbous Bitter-cress Vogar Cardamine enneaphyllos Drooping Bitter-cress Vogar Cardamine impatiens Narrow-leaved Bitter-cress Margin of Lake Bohinj Cardamine pentaphyllos Five-leaflet Bittercress Vintgar Gorge Cardamine pratense Lady’s Smock or Cuckoo Flower Margin of Lake Bohinj Cardamine trifolia Trefoil Cress Margin of Lake Bohinj Kernera saxatilis Kernera Mangart Saddle Lunaria redivida Perennial Honesty Margin of Lake Bohinj Petrocallis pyrenaica Pyrenean Whitlow-grass Mangart Saddle Pritzelago alpina Chamois Cress Mangart Saddle Rorippa sylvestris Creeping Yellow-cress Sotno Barje Turritis glabra Tower-cress Vogar

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family Campanula barbata Bearded Bellflower Sotno Barje Goreljek Campanula glomerata Clustered Bellflower Ukanc Campanula patula Spreading Bellflower Mostnice Gorge Campanula persicifolia Peach-leaved Bellflower Vintgar Gorge Campanula rapunculoides Creeping Bellflower Margin of Lake Bohinj Campanula rapunculus Rampion Bellflower Margin of Lake Bohinj Campanula scheuchzeri Scheuchz's Bellflower Vogar

10 © Naturetrek June 13

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Scientific name Common name Location

Campanula thyrsoides subsp. carniolica* Carnic Bellflower Mostnice Gorge Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved Bellflower Margin of Lake Bohinj Phyteuma nigra Black Rampion Mostnice Gorge Phyteuma orbiculare Round-headed Rampion N of Koprivnik Phyteuma ovatum Dark Rampion N of Koprivnik Phyteuma scheuchzeri Horned Rampion Vogar Phyteuma spicatum Spiked Rampion Zelenci Phyteuma zahlbruckneri a Rampion N of Koprivnik

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family Knautia arvensis Field Scabious Margin of Lake Bohinj Knautia dipsacifolia Wood Scabious Margin of Lake Bohinj Lonicera alpigena Alpine Honeysuckle Vogar Lonicera periclymenum Honeysuckle N of Koprivnik Lonicera xylosteum Fly Honeysuckle Margin of Lake Bohinj Valeriana dioica Marsh Valerian Barje Sijec Valeriana montana Mountain Valerian Passo di Predil Valeriana officinalis Common Valerian Margin of Lake Bohinj Valeriana saxatilis Rock Valerian Vintgar Gorge Valeriana tripteris Three-leaved Valerian Mangart Saddle

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Sandwort Margin of Lake Bohinj Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse-ear Margin of Lake Bohinj Dianthus barbatus Sweet William Mostnice Goprge Dianthus sternbergii a Fringed Pink Margin of Lake Bohinj Dianthus sylvestris Wood Pink Mangart Saddle Minuartia verna Spring Sandwort Mangart Saddle Moehringia muscosa - Margin of Lake Bohinj Petrorhagia saxifraga Tunic Flower Margin of Lake Bohinj Silene acaulis Moss Campion Mangart Saddle Silene alpestris Alpine Catchfly Margin of Lake Bohinj Silene dioica Red Campion Margin of Lake Bohinj Silene (Lychnis) flos-cuculi Ragged Robin Sotno Barje Silene latifolia White Campion Margin of Lake Bohinj Silene nutans Nottingham Catchfly Vogar Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion Margin of Lake Bohinj Stellaria graminifolia Lesser Stitchwort Sotno Barje Stellaria media Common Chickweed Stara Fuzina Stellaria nemorum Wood Stitchwort Vintgar Gorge

Celastraceae Spindle Family Euonymus europaeus Spindle Mostnice Gorge Euonymus verrucosus Eastern Spindle Mostnice Gorge Parnassia palustris Grass-of-Parnassus Vogar

Cistaceae Rock-rose Family Helianthemum nummularium Common Rock-rose Margin of Lake Bohinj H.oelandicum subsp. alpestre Alpine Rock-rose Mangart Saddle

Cornaceae Dogwood Family Cornus sanguinea Dogwood Margin of Lake Bohinj

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family Rhodiola rosea Roseroot Mangart Saddle Sedum album White Stonecrop Margin of Lake Bohinj Sedum sexangulare Tasteless Stonecrop Margin of Lake Bohinj Sedum telephium Orpine Vintnar Gorge

Ericaceae Heath family Andromeda polifolia Bog Rosemary Sotno Barje Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry Sotno Barje Goreljek Erica carnea Spring Heath Mangart Saddle Moneses uniflora One-flowered Wintergreen Sotno Barje Rhodothamnus chamaecistus Dwarf Alpenrose Mangart Saddle Vaccinium myrtillus Bilberry Sotno Barje Goreljek Vaccinium oxycoccus Cranberry Sotno Barje Vaccinium uliginosum Bog Whortleberry Sotno Barje

Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood Spurge Sotno Barje Goreljek Euphorbia cyparissias Cypress Spurge Margin of Lake Bohinj Mercurialis perennis Dog’s Mercury Margin of Lake Bohinj

Fabaceae Pea Family Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. alpestris Kidney-vetch Margin of Lake Bohinj Astragalus glycyphyllos Wild Liquorice Margin of Lake Bohinj Cytisus (Chamaecytisus) hirsutus Hairy Broom Margin of Lake Bohinj Coronilla scorpioides Annual Scorpion-vetch Vogar Dorycnium pentaphyllum - Margin of Lake Bohinj Genista germanica Prickly Greenweed Mostnice Gorge Genista radiata Southern Greenweed Passo di Predil Genista tinctoria Dyers Greenweed Margin of Lake Bohinj Hippocrepis comosa Horseshoe Vetch Margin of Lake Bohinj Laburnum alpinum Alpine Laburnum Vogar Lathyrus occidentalis - Mostnice Gorge Lathyrus pratensis Yellow Vetchling Sotno Barje Goreljek Lathyrus vernus Spring Vetchling Margin of Lake Bohinj Lotus alpinus Alpine Bird’s-foot Trefoil Margin of Lake Bohinj Lotus pedunculatus Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil Vogar Medicago lupulina Black Medick Margin of Lake Bohinj Ononis repens Restharrow Margin of Lake Bohinj Securigera varia Crown Vetch Vintnar Gorge Trifolium dubium Lesser Yellow Trefoil Stara Fuzina Trifolium medium Zigzag Clover Sotno Barje Goreljek Trifolium montanum Mountain Clover Margin of Lake Bohinj Trifolium pratense Red Clover Margin of Lake Bohinj Trifolium repens White Clover Margin of Lake Bohinj Trifolium rubens Red Trefoil Vogar Vicia cracca Tufted vetch Margin of Lake Bohinj Vicia sylvatica Wood Vetch N of Koprivnik

Fagaceae Oak & Beech Family Fagus sylvatica Beech Margin of Lake Bohinj

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Gentianaceae Gentian Family Gentiana asclepiadea Willow-leaved Gentian Sotno Barje Goreljek Gentiana clusii Clusius’ Gentian Passo di Predil Gentiana verna Spring Gentian Mangart Saddle Gentianella germanica Chiltern Gentian Mostnice Gorge

Geraniaceae Geranium Family Geranium phaeum Dusky Crane's-bill Sotno Barje Goreljek Geranium pyrenaicum Hedgerow Crane’s-bill Stara Fuzina Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Margin of Lake Bohinj Geranium sylvaticum Wood Crane’s-bill Sotno Barje Goreljek

Hypericaceae St. John’s-wort Family Hypericum maculatum Imperforate St. John's-wort Margin of Lake Bohinj Hypericum montanum Pale St.John's-wort Vintnar Gorge Hypericum richeri Alpine St. John’s-wort Mostnice Gorge

Juglandaceae Walnut Family Juglans regia Walnut Margin of Lake Bohinj

Lamiaceae Dead-nettle Family Ajuga genevensis Blue Bugle Margin of Lake Bohinj Ajuga pyramidalis Pyramidal Bugle Sotno Barje Goreljek Ajuga reptans Bugle Margin of Lake Bohinj Betonica officinalis Betony Margin of Lake Bohinj Clinopodium alpinum Alpine Basil Thyme Margin of Lake Bohinj Glechoma hederacea Ground-ivy Sotno Barje Goreljek Lamiastrum galeobdolon agg. Yellow Archangel Margin of Lake Bohinj Lamium garganicum Large Red Dead-nettle Stara Fuzina Lamium orvala Balm-leaved Archangel Zelenci Melittis melissophyllum Bastard Balm Margin of Lake Bohinj Mentha aquatica Water Mint Margin of Lake Bohinj Mentha longifolia Horse Mint Mostnice Gorge Mentha spicata Spearmint Stara Fuzina Origanum vulgare Wild Marjoram Margin of Lake Bohinj Prunella grandiflora Large-flowered Selfheal Vogar Prunella vulgaris Selfheal Margin of Lake Bohinj Salvia glutinosa Jupiter's Distaff Margin of Lake Bohinj Salvia pratensis Meadow Clary Margin of Lake Bohinj Scutellaria galericulata Skullcap Margin of Lake Bohinj Stachys alopecuros Yellow Betony Margin of Lake Bohinj Stachys recta Yellow Woundwort Margin of Lake Bohinj Teucrium chamaedrys Wall Germander Margin of Lake Bohinj Teucrium montanum Mountain Germander Margin of Lake Bohinj Thymus polytrichus Wild Thyme Margin of Lake Bohinj

Lentibulariaceae Bladderwort Family Pinguicula alpina Alpine Butterwort Mangart Saddle Pinguicula vulgaris Common Butterwort Barje Sijec

Linaceae Flax Family Linum catharticum Purging or Fairy Flax Margin of Lake Bohinj

© Naturetrek January 15 13

Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Lythraceae Purple-loosestrife Family Lythrum salicaria Purple-loosestrife Margin of Lake Bohinj

Malvaceae Mallow Family Tilia cordata Small-leaved Lime Vintnar Gorge

Oleaceae Olive Family Fraxinus excelsior Ash Margin of Lake Bohinj Ligustrum vulgare Wild Privet Margin of Lake Bohinj

Onagraceae Willowherb Family Epilobium montanum Broad-leaved Willowherb Vogar

Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family Bartsia alpina Alpine Bartsia Mangart Saddle Melampyrum pratense Common Cow-wheat Margin of Lake Bohinj Melampyrum sylvaticum Wood Cow-wheat Sotno Barje Goreljek Orobanche gracilis Slender Broomrape Margin of Lake Bohinj Pedicularis verticillata Verticillate Lousewort Sotno Barje Goreljek Rhinanthus aristatus Aristate Yellow Rattle Margin of Lake Bohinj

Oxalidaceae Wood-sorrel Family Oxalis acetosella (leaves) Wood-sorrel Sotno Barje Goreljek

Papaveraceae Poppy Family Chelidonium majus Greater Celandine Vogar

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family Cymbalaria muralis Ivy-leaved Toadflax Stara Fuzina Digitalis grandiflora (D. ambigua) Large Yellow Foxglove N of Koprivnik Globularia cordifolia Matted Globularia Mangart Saddle Globularia punctata Common Globularia Margin of Lake Bohinj Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain Margin of Lake Bohinj Plantago major Greater Plantain Margin of Lake Bohinj Plantago media Hoary or Lamb’s-tail Plantain Margin of Lake Bohinj Veronica alpina Alpine Speedwell Mangart Saddle Veronica arvense Wall Speedwell Vintnar Gorge Veronica austriaca subsp. teucrium Large Speedwell Margin of Lake Bohinj Veronica beccabunga Brooklime Barje Sijec Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell Margin of Lake Bohinj Veronica lutea Yellow Paederota Mangart Saddle Veronica officinalis Heath Speedwell Margin of Lake Bohinj Veronica urticifolia Nettle-leaved Speedwell Margin of Lake Bohinj

Polygalaceae Milkwort Family Polygala alpestris Mountain Milkwort Mangart Saddle Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort Margin of Lake Bohinj Polygala serpyllifolia Heath Milkwort Sotno Barje

Polygonaceae Knotweed Family Persicaria vivipara Alpine Bistort Sotno Barje Goreljek Rumex alpinus Monk's Rhubarb N of Koprivnik

14 © Naturetrek June 13

Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Rumex conglomeratus Clustered Dock Stara Fuzina Rumex obtusifolius Broad-leaved Dock Margin of Lake Bohinj Rumex scutatus French Sorrel Margin of Lake Bohinj

Primulaceae Primrose Family Cyclamen purpurescens a Cyclamen Margin of Lake Bohinj Lysimachia nummularia Creeping-jenny Margin of Lake Bohinj Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow Loosestrife Margin of Lake Bohinj Primula auricula Bear’s-ear Primrose Mangart Saddle Primula halleri Long-flowered Primrose Mangart Saddle Primula veris Cowslip Mangart Saddle Soldanella alpina Alpine Snowbell Mangart Saddle

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia Wolf's-bane Margin of Lake Bohinj Actaea spicata Baneberry Mostnice Gorge Anemone trifolia Three-leaved Anemone Mangart Saddle Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone Margin of Lake Bohinj Aquilegia atrata Dark Columbine Mangart Saddle Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine N of Koprivnik Caltha palustris Kingcups Sotno Barje Clematis alpina Alpine Clematis Mangart Saddle Clematis recta Upright Clematis Margin of Lake Bohinj Clematis vitalba Old-man's-Beard Margin of Lake Bohinj Heleborus niger Christmas Rose Margin of Lake Bohinj Heleborus odorus a Green Hellebore Vintnar Gorge Hepatica nobilis Hepatica Margin of Lake Bohinj Pulsatilla alba White Pasqueflower Mangart Saddle Ranunculus aconitifolius Aconite-leaved Buttercup Sotno Barje Goreljek Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup Margin of Lake Bohinj Ranunculus alpestris subsp. traunfellneri a Buttercup Mangart Saddle Ranunculus auricomus Wood Goldilocks Margin of Lake Bohinj Ranunculus bulbosus Bulbous Buttercup Stara Fuzina Ranunculus montanus Mountain Buttercup Sotno Barje Thalictrum aquilegifolium Great Meadow-rue Margin of Lake Bohinj Trollius europaeus Globeflower Sotno Barje Goreljek

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family Frangula alnus Alder Buckthorn Mostnice Gorge Rhamnus alpinus subsp. fallax an Alpine Buckthorn Vogar Rhamnus catharticus Buckthorn Margin of Lake Bohinj Rhamnus saxatilis Rock Buckthorn Margin of Lake Bohinj

Rosaceae Rose Family Alchemilla alpina Alpine Lady’s-mantle Mangart Saddle Alchemilla glaucescens Silky Lady's-mantle Margin of Lake Bohinj Alchemilla glabra Smooth Lady’s-mantle Sotno Barje Goreljek Amelanchier ovalis Juneberry Margin of Lake Bohinj Aruncus dioicus Goat’s-beard Spiraea Margin of Lake Bohinj Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn Sotno Barje Goreljek Dryas octopetala Mountain Avens Mangart Saddle Meadowsweet Margin of Lake Bohinj

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Filipendula vulgaris Dropwort Mangart Saddle Fragaria moschata Hautbois Strawberry Vogar Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry Margin of Lake Bohinj Geum montanum Alpine Avens Mangart Saddle Geum rivale Water Avens Sotno Barje Goreljek Geum urbanum Wood Avens or Herb Bennet Margin of Lake Bohinj Potentilla aurea Golden Cinquefoil Mangart Saddle Potentilla caulescens Lax Potentilla Mostnice Gorge Potentilla crantzii Alpine Cinquefoil Mangart Saddle Potentilla erecta Tormentil Barje Sijec Potentilla palustris Marsh Cinquefoil Barje Sijec Potentilla reptans Creeping Cinquefoil Margin of Lake Bohinj Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Margin of Lake Bohinj Rosa canina agg Dog Rose Margin of Lake Bohinj Rosa glauca Blue-leaved Rose Margin of Lake Bohinj Rosa pendulina Alpine Rose Barje Sijec Rubus fruticosus agg Bramble Margin of Lake Bohinj Raspberry Margin of Lake Bohinj Stone Bramble Margin of Lake Bohinj agg Salad Burnet Margin of Lake Bohinj Sanguisorba officinalis Great Burnet Zelenci Sorbus aria agg Whitebeam Margin of Lake Bohinj Sorbus aucuparia Rowan Margin of Lake Bohinj

Rubiaceae Bedstraw Family Cruciata glabra a Crosswort Sotno Barje Goreljek Galium aparine Cleavers Stara Fuzina Galium album Hedge Bedstraw Margin of Lake Bohinj Galium palustre agg. Marsh Bedstraw Zelenci Galium verum Lady's Bedstraw Margin of Lake Bohinj

Salicaceae Willow & Poplar Family Populus tremula Aspen Sotno Barje Goreljek Salix caesia Blue-leaved Willow Mangart Saddle Salix caprea Goat Willow Vogar Salix cinerea Grey Willow Sotno Barje Goreljek Salix eleagnos Rosemary Willow Margin of Lake Bohinj Salix herbacea Least Willow Mangart Saddle Salix reticulata Net-leaved Willow Mangart Saddle Salix waldsteiniana a Mountain Willow Mangart Saddle

Santalaceae Sandalwood Family Thesium alpinum Alpine Bastard Toadflax Margin of Lake Bohinj Thesium linophyllon Flax-leaved Bastard Toadflax Margin of Lake Bohinj

Sapindaceae Maple Family Acer campestre Field Maple Margin of Lake Bohinj Acer platanoides Norway Maple Margin of Lake Bohinj Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Margin of Lake Bohinj

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family Chrysosplenium alternifolium Alternate-leaved Golden Saxifrage Zelenci

16 © Naturetrek June 13

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Scientific name Common name Location

Saxifraga burseriana One-flowered Cushion Saxifrage Mangart Saddle Saxifraga crustata Encrusted Saxifrage Vogar Saxifraga cuneifolia Spoon-leaved Saxifrage Vogar Saxifraga oppositifolia Purple Saxifrage Mangart Saddle Saxifraga paniculata (leaves) Live-long Saxifrage Mangart Saddle Saxifraga rotundifolia Round-leaved saxifrage Sotno Barje Goreljek Saxifraga stellatum Starry Saxifrage Mangart Saddle

Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family Scrophularia nodosa Common Figwort Margin of Lake Bohinj Scrophularia scopoli Scopoli's Figwort Vogar Verbascum nigrum Dark Mullein Sotno Barje

Solanaceae Nightshade Family Scopolia carniolica* Scopolia Slape Savica Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet Margin of Lake Bohinj

Thymelaeaceae Mezereon Family Daphne luteola Spurge Laurel Barje Sijec Daphne mezereum Mezereon Mangart Saddle

Urticacae Nettle Family Parietaria officinalis Large Pellitory-of-the-wall Vintnar Gorge Urtica dioica Common Nettle Sotno Barje

Verbenaceae Verbena Family Verbena officinalis Vervain Margin of Lake Bohinj

Violaceae Violet Family Viola biflora Yellow Violet Sotno Barje

Monocots Monocotyledons

Amaryllidaceae Daffodil Family Allium sauveolens Fragrant Onion Margin of Lake Bohinj

Asparagaceae Asparagus Family Anthericum ramosum Branched St. Bernard’s Lily Margin of Lake Bohinj Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the -Valley Margin of Lake Bohinj Maianthemum bifolium May Lily Margin of Lake Bohinj Polygonatum multiflorum Solomon’s Seal Margin of Lake Bohinj Polygonatum odoratum Angular Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum verticillatum Whorled Solomon’s Seal Barje Sijec Ruscus aculeatus Butcher’s-broom

Colchicaceae Meadow Saffron Family Colchicum autumnale Autumn Crocus (leaves) Margin of Lake Bohinj

Cyperaceae Sedge Family Carex demissa Common Yellow Sedge Barje Sijec Carex digitata Fingered Sedge Margin of Lake Bohinj Carex dioica Dioecious Sedge Barje Sijec

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Carex flacca Glaucous Sedge Margin of Lake Bohinj Carex flava Greater Yellow Sedge Margin of Lake Bohinj Carex lepidocarpa Long-bracted Yellow Sedge Margin of Lake Bohinj Carex leporina (C. ovalis) Oval Sedge Sotno Barje Carex nigra Common Sedge Barje Sijec Carex ornithopoda Bird's-foot Sedge Mostnice Gorge Carex pallescens Pale Sedge Sotno Barje Carex paniculata Great Tussock Sedge Zelenci Carex pilulifera Pill Sedge Sotno Barje Carex rostrata Bottle Sedge Zelenci Carex sylvatica Wood Sedge Mostnice Gorge Carex vesicaria Bladder-sedge Barje Sijec Eriophorum angustifolium Common Cotton-grass Barje Sijec Eriophorum vaginatum Hare's-tail Cotton-grass Barje Sijec

Iridaceae Iris Family Iris pseudacorus Yellow Flag Zelenci

Juncaceae Rush Family Juncus acutiflorus Sharp-flowered Rush Mostnice Gorge Juncus tenuis Slender Rush Margin of Lake Bohinj Luzula luzuloides White Woodrush Sotno Barje Luzula multiflorum agg. Heath Woodrush Sotno Barje Luzula nivea Snowy Woodrush Margin of Lake Bohinj Luzula pilosa Hairy Woodrush Sotno Barje

Liliaceae Lily Family Gagea (Lloydia) serotina Snowdon Lily Mangart Saddle Lilium bulbiferum Orange Lily Motnice Gorge Lilium carniolicum* Carnic Lily Motnice Gorge Lilium martagon Martagon Lily Vogar

Melanthiaceae Herb-paris Family Paris quadrifolia Herb-paris Sotno Barje Veratrum lobeliana Green False Helleborine Sotno Barje

Orchidaceae Orchid Family Cephalanthera damasonium White Helleborine Margin of Lake Bohinj Cephalanthera rubra Red Helleborine Margin of Lake Bohinj Coeloglossum viride Frog Orchid Sotno Barje Corallorhiza trifida Coralroot Orchid Barje Sijec Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted Orchid Margin of Lake Bohinj Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. pulchella an Early Marsh Orchid Barje Sijec Epipactis atrorubens Dark Red Helleborine Margin of Lake Bohinj Gymnadenia albida Small White Orchid Sotno Barje Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea Fragrant Orchid Koprivnik Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. densiflora Marsh Fragrant Orchid Barje Sijec Neottia cordata Lesser Twayblade Sotno Barje Neottia nidus-avis Bird's-nest Orchid Barje Sijec Neottia ovata Twayblade Margin of Lake Bohinj Platanthera bifolia Lesser Butterfly Orchid Margin of Lake Bohinj

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Scientific name Common name Location

Poaceae Grass Family Anisantha sterilis Barren Brome Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass Margin of Lake Bohinj Arrhenatherum elatius False Oat-grass Margin of Lake Bohinj Brachypodium pinnatum Tor-grass Margin of Lake Bohinj Brachypodium sylvaticum False Brome Margin of Lake Bohinj Briza media Quaking Grass Margin of Lake Bohinj Bromus hordeaceus Soft Brome Mostnice Gorge Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog’s-tail Margin of Lake Bohinj Dactylis glomerata Cock’s-foot Margin of Lake Bohinj cespitosa Tufted Hair-grass Vogar Elymus caninus Bearded Couch Zelenci Festuca arundinacea Tall Fescue Zelenci Festuca rubra agg Red Fescue Margin of Lake Bohinj Helictotrichon pratense Meadow Oat-grass Margin of Lake Bohinj Lolium perenne Perennial Rye-grass Margin of Lake Bohinj Melica uniflora Wood Melick Margin of Lake Bohinj Millium effusum Wood Millet Vintgar Gorge Nardus stricta Mat Grass Barje Sijec Phalaris arundinacea Reed Canary Grass Zelenci Poa alpina Alpine Meadow-grass Mangart Saddle Poa alpina var. vivipara Viviperous Alpine Meadow-grass Barje Sijec Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass Margin of Lake Bohinj Poa nemoralis Wood Meadow-grass Mostnice Gorge Poa trivialis Rough Meadow-grass Koprivnik Sesleria caerulea Blue Moor-grass Zelenci

Tofieldiaceae Scottish Asphodel Family Tofieldia calyculata Tofield's Asphodel Koprivnik

Birds (= recorded but not counted; H = heard only; LO = leader only) June Common name Scientific name 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 Mute Swan Cygnus olor  2 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos        3 Common Merganser Mergus merganser  4 Grey Heron Ardea cinerea    5 Common Buzzard Buteo buteo     6 Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus    7 Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis   8 Common Pigeon Columba livia (feral)   9 Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto  10 Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus H  11 Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba  12 Common Swift Apus apus   13 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio     14 Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius    15 Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus  16 Hooded Crow Corvus cornix         17 Northern Raven Corvus corax H  18 Coal Tit Periparus ater      

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Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

June Common name Scientific name 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 19 European Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus H    20 Great Tit Parus major  H H     21 Eurasian Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus  H H H H 22 Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica         23 Common House Martin Delichon urbicum         24 Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita H H H H H H 25 Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla H H H H H  H 26 Common Firecrest Regulus ignicapilla  27 Goldcrest Regulus regulus H 28 Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes H H H H 29 Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris     30 Common Blackbird Turdus merula         31 Song Thrush Turdus philomelos  H H  H  32 Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus  33 European Robin Erithacus rubecula H H H   34 Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros     35 Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata        36 Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe   37 White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus LO    38 House Sparrow Passer domesticus       39 Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris  40 Black-headed Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava feldegg  41 Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea        42 White Wagtail Motacilla alba       43 Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta  44 Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs       45 European Serin Serinus serinus H 46 European Greenfinch Chloris chloris H H  47 European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis   H  H 48 Red Crossbill Loxia curvirosta 

Mammals (B = burrow; T = tunnel) 1 Alpine Marmot Marmota marmota B 2 Snow Vole Microtis nivalis T

Amphibians & Reptiles (Ta = tadpole, * = endemic) 1 Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra   2 Alpine Newt Ichthyosaura alpestris  3 Yellow-bellied Toad Bombina variegata  4 Common Toad Bufo bufo   5 Common Frog Rana temporaria Ta   6 Eastern Green Lizard Lacerta viridis  7 Horvarth's Rock Lizard Iberolacerta horvathi*  8 Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara carniolica  9 Slow Worm Anguis fragilis   10 Grass Snake Natrix natrix 

Butterflies 1 Swallowtail Papilio machaon C

20 © Naturetrek June 13

Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

June Common name Scientific name 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnemosyne  3 Black-veined White Aporia crataegi    4 Large White Pieris brassicae    5 Small White Artogeia rapae         6 Green-veined White Artogeia napi  7 Mountain Green-veined White Artogeia bryoniae   8 Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines  9 Clouded Yellow Colias crocea   10 Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni  11 Wood White Leptidea sinapis     12 Blue-spot Hairstreak Satyrium spini   13 Purple-edged Copper Lycaena hippothoe  14 Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus  15 Silver-studded Blue Plebejus argus  16 Mountain Argus Aricia artaxerxes   17 Mazarine Blue Cyaniris semiargus   18 Duke of Burgundy Fritillary Hamearis lucina     19 Poplar Admiral Limenitis populi  20 Southern White Admiral Limenitis reducta   21 Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta     22 Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae  23 Comma Butterfly Polygonum c-album  24 Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia   25 Dark Geen Fritillary Argynnis aglaja   26 Marbled Fritillary daphne   27 Lesser Marbled Fritillary Brenthis ino  28 Pearl-bordered Fritillary Clossiana euphrosyne  29 Spotted Fritillary Melitaea didyma  30 Heath Fritillary Mellicta athalia     31 Marsh Fritillary Eurodryas aurinia  32 Marbled White Melanargia galathea  33 Woodland Ringlet Erebia medusa     34 Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina   35 Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus     36 Pearly Heath Coenonympha arcania    37 Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria  38 Woodland Brown Lopinga achine     39 Chequered Skipper Carterocephalus palaemon  40 Large Skipper Ochlodes venatus     

Moths (C = caterpillar) Micros: 1 Plume Moth Pterophoridae sp.  2 Crambid pratella  3 The Pygmy Thyris fenestrella  Macros: 1 Forester Adscita statices  2 Six-spot Burnet Zygaena filipendulae   3 Five-spot Burnet Zygaena trifolii    4 Transparent Burnet Zygaena purpuralis  

© Naturetrek January 15 21

Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps. Tour Report

June Common name Scientific name 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 Lackey Malacosoma neustria C 6 Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanata montanata  7 Shaded Broad-bar   8 Beautiful Carpet Mesoleuca albicillata  9 Lead Belle Scotopteryx mucronata  10 Argent & Sable Rheumaptera hastata  11 Brimstone Moth Opisthogaptis luteolata  12 Speckled Yellow Pseudopanthera macularia     13 Mottled Beauty Alcis repandata  14 Common Heath Ematurga atomaria    15 Black Mountain Moth Glacies coracina  16 Hummingbird Hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum    17 Nine-spotted Amata phegea     18 Mullein Shargacucullia verbasci C 19 Water Betony Shargacucullia scrophulariae C 20 Scarce Merveille du Jour alpium  21 Silver Y Autographa gamma   22 Burnet Companion Euclidia glyphica  23 Snout Hypena proboscidals 

Other Invertebrates 1 Blue Emperor Anax imperata   2 Sombre Goldring Cordlegaster bidentata   3 Roesel's Bush-cricket Metrioptera roeselii  4 Dark Bush-cricket Pholidoptera griseopaptera  5 Field Cricket Gryllus campestris H H 6 Shield Bug Graphosoma lineatum  7 Lacewing Osmylus fulvicephalus  8 Scorpion Fly Panorpa meridionalis  9 Hoverfly Leucozona lucorum  10 Wood Ant Formica rufa      11 European Paper Wasp Polistes gallicus  12 White-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lucorum      13 Buff-tailed Bumblebee Bombus terestris     14 Red-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lapidarius      15 Common Carder Bee Bombus pascuorum     16 Honey Bee Apis mellifera       17 Dor Beetle Geotrupes stercorarius  18 Cockchafer Melolontha melolontha  19 Chafer Hoplia caerulea   20 Bee Beetle Trichius fasciatus  21 Chafer Oxythyea funesta  22 Rose Chafer Cetonia aurata    23 Soldier Beetle Cantharis rustica  24 Soldier Beetle Trichodes alvearus  25 Seven-spot Ladybird Coccinella 7-punctata  26 Harlequin Ladybird Harmandia axyridis  27 Longhorn Beetle Morimus funereus  28 Longhorn Beetle Pachyta quadrimaculata  29 Longhorn Beetle Strangalia sp. 

22 © Naturetrek June 13

Slovenia – Alpine flowers of Lake Bohinj and the Julian Alps Tour Report

June Common name Scientific name 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 Longhorn Beetle Leptura rubra  31 Lily Beetle Lilioceris lilii     32 Beetle Gastrophysa viridula 

Spiders 1 Great Raft Spider Dolomedes plantarius  2 Labyrinth Spider Agelena labyrinthica  3 Nursery-web Spider Pisaura mirabilis 

Gastropods & Molluscs 1 Roman Snail Helix pomatia     2 Garden Snail Cornu aspersum  3 Brown-lipped Banded Snail Cepaea nemoralis   

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Stachys alpina

© Naturetrek January 15 23