



G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise a large su- fundamental principles that control the number and func- perfamily of heptahelical integral membrane proteins that tional activity of GPCRs in individual cells. mediate transmembrane in response to The present chapter discusses some of this progress, with a wide variety of hormones, neurotransmitters, and neuro- an emphasis on developing a unified view of GPCR regula- modulators. GPCRs are extremely important targets for tion. We have restricted our scope to a limited number of neuropsychopharmacology. Indeed, the vast majority of regulatory mechanisms that have been elucidated by de- clinically relevant neuropsychiatric drugs either bind di- tailed study of the some of the most extensively character- rectly to specific GPCRs (e.g., many antipsychotic drugs) ized GPCRs. First, we survey classic studies describing the or function indirectly via GPCRs by influencing the amount general properties of the physiologic and pharmacologic reg- of available native agonist (e.g., many antidepressant drugs). ulation of receptor-mediated signaling; these have estab- A general feature of GPCRs is that they are extensively lished a terminology and conceptual framework for our later regulated in cells (1–4). Regulation of GPCRs is thought focus on specific mechanisms of receptor regulation. Sec- to play a fundamental role in maintaining physiologic ho- ond, we discuss pioneering studies of ‘‘prototypic’’ GPCRs meostasis in the face of fluctuating internal and external that have established paradigms for understanding the role stimuli. A number of pathologic states are associated with of receptor phosphorylation in mediating rapid desensitiza- disturbances in the number or functional activity of certain tion of GPCRs. Third, we focus on a specific mechanism GPCRs (5). In addition, many clinically important drugs mediating regulated endocytosis of certain GPCRs, and dis- influence the physiologic regulation of GPCRs (6). To- cuss how this endocytic mechanism can promote rapid de- gether, these observations suggest that mechanisms of sensitization and resensitization of receptor-mediated signal GPCR regulation may be of fundamental importance to transduction. In this section, we also highlight the close neuropsychiatric disorders and to the actions of clinically interdependence between mechanisms of GPCR phosphor- relevant drugs. ylation and membrane trafficking in mediating rapid regula- The physiologic and biomedical importance of GPCR tion of receptor function. Finally, we discuss the functions regulation has motivated an enormous amount of study into of both phosphorylation and endocytic membrane traffick- underlying molecular mechanisms of regulation. Progress ing in mediating longer-term regulation of the number of in this area has been facilitated enormously by molecular GPCRs present in cells, focusing on recent studies into and cell biological approaches applied to a variety of experi- mechanisms that control down-regulation of receptors via mental model systems. Our understanding remains at an proteolytic degradation in lysosomes. early stage and is limited, in most cases, to studies of a small number of GPCRs. Nevertheless, great progress has been made in elucidating certain mechanisms of GPCR regula- GENERAL PROCESSES OF GPCR tion, to the extent that it is possible to begin to discern REGULATION Rapid Desensitization and Resensitization Mark von Zastrow: Department of Psychiatry, Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, and Program in Cell Biology, University of It has been known for many years that multiple mechanisms California, San Francisco, California. can contribute to GPCR regulation (1,7). Early studies, 60 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress which preceded the elucidation of any of the biochemical tization and is mediated, at least in part, by regulation of machinery involved, distinguished general processes of re- the receptor itself. A process of rapid desensitization was so ceptor regulation according to differences in kinetics and named because it occurs within seconds to minutes after reversibility. This is well illustrated by classic studies of the agonist-induced activation. Rapid desensitization of the ␤ 2-adrenergic receptor (B2AR), reviewed in detail elsewhere B2AR can be reversed within several minutes after removal (2–4). Agonist-induced activation of the B2AR stimulates of agonist in a process called resensitization. Rapid desensiti- via coupling to the Gs heterotrimeric G zation of the B2AR is not associated with a decrease in the protein (Fig. 1A). Receptor-mediated signaling via this total number of receptors present in cells or tissues, and pathway occurs within seconds after agonist binding. How- resensitization does not require biosynthesis of new receptor ever, after more prolonged activation, the ability of receptors protein. Therefore, rapid desensitization is thought to reflect to activate adenylyl cyclase via Gs diminishes greatly. This a change in the functional activity, rather than absolute num- diminution of signal transduction is generally called desensi- ber, of receptors (Fig. 5.1B).

Down-regulation and Up-regulation of A: Acute signaling Receptors The kinetics of rapid desensitization and resensitization may be relevant to the physiologic action of catecholamines (en- dogenous agonist ligands for the B2AR), as these molecules can be released intermittently by vesicular exocytosis and are rapidly removed from the extracellular milieu by membrane transport, enzymatic degradation, or both. However, many clinically important drugs that activate GPCRs have a more B: Rapid desensitization prolonged duration of action. Studies of these drugs estab- lished the existence of a distinct process of receptor regula- tion that occurs much more slowly, typically within several hours to days after prolonged or repeated exposure of tissues to ligand. This process is called down-regulation because (in contrast to rapid desensitization) it is associated with a pronounced decrease in the total number of receptors pres- ent in cells or tissues, as typically detected by means of radioligand binding techniques. Further distinguishing the C: Down-regulation process of down-regulation from rapid desensitization, re- covery of signaling activity after down-regulation is gener- ally a slow process that requires biosynthesis of new receptor protein (8). Therefore, down-regulation is thought to reflect primarily a change in the number, rather than functional activity, of receptors present in cells or tissues (Fig. 5.1C). In most cases, down-regulation of GPCRs (like rapid desen- sitization) is induced by agonists, but not by antagonists. Moreover, certain antagonists can induce an opposite pro- FIGURE 5.1. Desensitization and down-regulation of G protein- cess of increased receptor number called up-regulation (9, coupled receptors. Panel A: Within milliseconds to seconds after 10). These observations are consistent with a fundamental agonist binding, receptors present in the plasma membrane me- role of down-regulation and up-regulation as a negative diate signal transduction to effectors byfunctionallycoupling (promoting guanine nucleotide exchange on) a heterotrimeric G feedback mechanism that seeks to maintain physiologic ho- protein. Panel B: Within several minutes after agonist binding, meostasis of receptor signaling. However, in some cases, rapid desensitization occurs byfunctional uncoupling of the re- ceptor from G protein. This represents a change in the functional processes associated with GPCR down-regulation may be activityof receptors, which inhibits signal transduction to the ef- induced by antagonists (11,12). In other cases, up-regula- fector without changing the number of receptors in the cell. Panel tion of receptors can be induced by drugs with partial ago- C: After more prolonged agonist-induced activation of receptors (typically several hours to days), the number of receptors present nist activity (10). These observations suggest that certain in cells is greatlyreduced, so signal transduction via G proteins clinically relevant drugs may not simply mimic or block the to effectors is stronglyattenuated. This process is called receptor effects of endogenous agonists. Indeed, it is proposed that down-regulation because it is thought to represent primarilya reduction in the number, rather than functional activity, of recep- such ‘‘paradoxical’’ regulatory effects may contribute to the tors. pathologic or therapeutic actions of certain clinically rele- Chapter 5: Regulation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors 61 vant neuropsychiatric drugs, including opiate analgesics and attenuates signaling not only by that receptor but also by atypical antipsychotic agents (10,13–16). other type(s) of GPCR present in the same cell. Regulation of this kind is said to be heterologous (Fig. 5.2C). Heterolo- Distinguishable Processes of gous regulation of receptor signaling is consistent with Homologous and Heterologous modification of a ‘‘downstream’’ component in the signal Desensitization transduction pathway that is involved in signaling by more than one type of GPCR. However, as discussed below, im- Another important observation leading to our present view portant examples of heterologous regulation mediated by of GPCR regulatory mechanisms has come from studies modification of the receptor protein itself also exist. Homol- investigating the pharmacologic specificity of receptor regu- ogous processes of receptor regulation are capable of modu- lation (1,17). Many cell types express multiple types of lating signal transduction in a highly specific manner, GPCR (Fig. 5.2A). It has been observed that in some cases, whereas heterologous processes of regulation may play an prolonged activation of one type of GPCR causes attenuated important role in facilitating functional ‘‘cross-talk’’ be- signal transduction only by that receptor, without any de- tween pharmacologically distinct signaling pathways (18). tectable effect on signaling by other types of GPCR present in the same cell. In this case, the regulation of receptors is said to be homologous (Fig. 5.2B). The existence of homolo- SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF GPCR gous processes of regulation provided early evidence, before REGULATION specific regulatory mechanisms were elucidated, that signal transduction can be modulated by modification of the re- Rapid Desensitization Mediated by ceptor itself. In other cases, activation of one type of GPCR Phosphorylation-Dependent Uncoupling of Receptor from

A: Acute signaling It is well established that many GPCRs are regulated by A: Acute signaling phosphorylation. Classic studies of rhodopsin (a light-acti- agonist 2 agonist 1 vated GPCR) and the B2AR (a ligand-activated GPCR) provide examples of illustrating distinct molecular mecha- plasma nisms that mediate homologous and heterologous desensiti- membrane receptor 2 zation of receptors. Because the principles behind these receptor 1 G protein GTP mechanisms have proven to be widely applicable to other GDP GPCRs, rhodopsin, and the B2AR are often considered effectors ‘‘prototypic’’ GPCRs that have established general para- digms for understanding phosphorylation-dependent regu- B: Homologous desensitization lation of GPCRs (19).

Phosphorylation of Rhodopsin: a Model for Functional Inactivation of GPCRs Elegant studies of the vertebrate visual system identified a critical role of phosphorylation in inactivating rhodopsin following light-induced activation (20). Light-activated rhodopsin is a good for phosphorylation by a cyto- C: Heterologous desensitization plasmic called rhodopsin , whereas rhodopsin that has not been activated by light is a poor substrate (20). Phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic do- main of rhodopsin is sufficient to attenuate the ability of light-activated rhodopsin to couple functionally to its cog- nate heterotrimeric G protein (). Studies of rho- dopsin function in isolated membrane fractions indicated that rhodopsin kinase-mediated phosphorylation can FIGURE 5.2. Homologous and heterologous desensitization. strongly attenuate rhodopsin signaling, but it does so to a Panel A: Receptors 1 and 2 can signal via the same G protein- mediated pathway. Panel B: Agonist 1 causes uncoupling onlyof lesser extent than observed in the intact rod cell. A second receptor 1; signaling induced byagonist 2 binding to receptor 2 cytoplasmic protein was identified that, when added to is not affected. This is homologous desensitization of receptor 1. membrane preparations in combination with rhodopsin ki- Panel C: Agonist 1 causes functional uncoupling of both receptor 1 and receptor 2, so that signaling induced byboth agonists is nase, greatly accelerates the attenuation of rhodopsin signal- blocked. This is heterologous desensitization. ing (21). This protein was proposed to act as a protein 62 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress

tein are numbered sequentially thereafter. Six mem- bers of the GRK family of receptor kinases have been identi- fied to date. Biochemical reconstitution studies indicated that in- creasingly purified fractions of BARK exhibit a reduced abil- ity to attenuate B2AR-mediated signal transduction. Fur- ther analysis of this effect led to the identification of a A distinct protein component that copurifies with BARK in initial stages of purification but is resolved from BARK in more highly purified fractions. This protein component re- constitutes strong attenuation of B2AR-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase when added back to highly purified frac- tions of BARK (25,26). The protein involved in desensitization of the B2AR turned out to be a protein simi- lar to visual arrestin and was therefore named ␤-arrestin or barrestin. cDNA cloning has identified additional proteins B with similar structure, thus defining a family of protein cofactors for phosphorylation-dependent regulation of GPCR function (4). Two nomenclatures are currently in common use for these molecules. In one, the originally iden- tified ␤-arrestin is denoted barrestin 1, and additional hom- ologues are named sequentially barrestin 2, and so on. In another nomenclature, all members of this are referred to as arrestins, with visual arrestin denoted ar- C restin 1, ␤-arrestin as arrestin 2, and subsequently identified FIGURE 5.3. Paradigms for phosphorylation-dependent desensi- family members numbered sequentially thereafter. Four tization. A: GRK1-mediated inactivation of rhodopsin. B: GRK2- members of the arrestin family of protein cofactors have mediated desensitization of the B2AR. C: PKA-mediated desensiti- zation of the B2AR. been identified to date. As noted above, an important feature of many GRKs is that their kinase activity is highly sensitive to the conforma- tion of the receptor that they phosphorylate. This property cofactor that ‘‘arrests’’ signal transduction by phosphory- of GRKs facilitates specific phosphorylation of only those lated rhodopsin and was therefore called arrestin (Fig. 5.3A). receptors that are activated by ligand, whereas other recep- tors present in the same cells (but not activated by agonist) GRK-Mediated Phosphorylation of the B2AR: a are not phosphorylated. Thus, GRK-mediated phosphory- lation is generally considered to be a paradigm for homolo- Model for Homologous Desensitization gous desensitization (Fig. 5.3B). Studies of functional reconstitution of B2AR-mediated acti- vation of adenylyl cyclase provided compelling evidence for A-Mediated Phosphorylation of a role of phosphorylation in mediating rapid desensitization the B2AR: a Model of Heterologous of a ligand-activated GPCR (22). Biochemical purification Desensitization of the cytoplasmic activity responsible for this phosphoryla- tion identified a kinase called ␤-adrenergic receptor kinase Other kinases, such as the so-called second messenger-regu- (BARK), and it was noted that this kinase preferentially lated kinases, are also implicated in mediating desensitiza- phosphorylates agonist-occupied receptors (23). Protein se- tion of GPCRs. For example, the B2AR can be phosphory- quencing and cyclic DNA (cDNA) cloning later indicated lated by cyclic (cAMP)- that this kinase is closely similar in structure to rhodopsin dependent protein kinase (PKA). PKA-mediated phosphor- kinase (24). Furthermore, cDNA-cloning experiments in ylation of a single residue located in the third intracellular which reduced stringency hybridization was used identified loop of the B2AR impairs the ability of the receptor to additional kinases homologous to rhodopsin kinase and couple to Gs and subsequently activate adenylyl cyclase BARK (19). Collectively, these observations led to the dis- (27–29). Phosphorylation of this residue is thought to im- covery of the family of G protein-coupled receptor kinases pair receptor–G protein coupling directly, without a re- (GRKs). According to this nomenclature, rhodopsin is de- quirement for any known protein cofactor such as an ar- noted GRK-1, the originally identified BARK enzyme is restin. An important feature of PKA is that this kinase can denoted GRK-2, and other members of this family of pro- phosphorylate B2ARs whether or not they have been acti- Chapter 5: Regulation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors 63 vated by ligand, in contrast to the preferential phosphoryla- This dynamic cycling of the B2AR was also suggested by tion of agonist-activated receptors by GRK-2. Because PKA elegant studies in which subcellular fractionation and ra- is activated by cAMP, a signaling intermediate produced as dioligand binding techniques were used (33). a result of B2AR activation, PKA-mediated phosphorylation Regulation of B2AR endocytosis was shown to be me- of the B2AR can be viewed as an example of feedback inhibi- diated by a ligand-dependent lateral redistribution of recep- tion by a second messenger. In addition, because activation tors in the plasma membrane, from a relatively diffuse distri- of any other receptor that stimulates adenylyl cyclase can bution throughout the plasma membrane to a pronounced also activate PKA, phosphorylation of the B2AR by PKA concentration of agonist-activated receptors in structures is generally considered to be a paradigm for heterologous resembling clathrin-coated pits when examined by immu- desensitization (Fig. 5.3C). noelectron microscopy. Furthermore, this process of ligand- regulated concentration of B2ARs in coated pits of the plasma membrane was shown to be mechanistically distinct Rapid Desensitization and from the subsequent endocytosis of receptors by membrane Resensitization Mediated by Regulated fission, which can occur even in the absence of continued Endocytosis of Receptors ligand-induced activation of receptors (34). A protein that Endocytosis of GPCRs by Clathrin-Coated Pits is required for this latter step of endocytic membrane fission is the cytoplasmic guanosine triphosphatase (35, Studies conducted in cultured cells indicate that many 36). Consistent with this, agonist-induced endocytosis of GPCRs can be regulated by ligand-induced endocytosis. the B2AR is inhibited by overexpression of certain ‘‘domi- The B2AR is perhaps the most extensively studied GPCR nant-negative’’ mutant forms of dynamin (37,38). Subse- with respect to endocytic membrane trafficking. Early evi- quent studies have demonstrated that regulated endocytosis dence for agonist-induced endocytosis of the B2AR was sug- of several other GPCRs is also mediated by a dynamin- gested by observations from subcellular fractionation and dependent mechanism, which suggests a conserved role of radioligand binding assays conducted with membrane-im- clathrin-coated pits in the endocytosis of many GPCRs (Fig. permeant antagonists (30,31). These studies indicated that 5.4). the number of B2AR binding sites detected in the plasma membrane can be reduced within several minutes after ago- Role of GPCR Phosphorylation in Promoting nist-induced activation, a process called sequestration. Endocytosis by Clathrin-Coated Pits The development of receptor-specific antibodies allowed the application of immunocytochemical methods to visual- Studies elucidating the mechanism mediating the key step ize the subcellular localization of the B2AR and directly of regulated concentration of GPCRs in clathrin-coated pits demonstrate agonist-induced internalization of the receptor were initiated by the observation that GRK-mediated phos- protein. Internalization of the B2AR was observed to repre- phorylation of the M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor sent a steady state of a highly dynamic process involving can promote agonist-induced endocytosis of the receptor, continuous endocytosis and recycling of receptors through whereas a kinase-defective mutant form of GRK inhibits an endocytic pathway similar to that mediating constitutive this process (39). Similar observations were made for other (ligand-independent) endocytosis of nutrient receptors (32). GPCRs, including the B2AR (37,40). In an elegant series of

FIGURE 5.4. Regulated endocytosis of the ␤2-adrenergic receptor (B2AR) by clathrin-coated pits. G protein-coupled re- ceptor kinase-mediated phosphorylation of the B2AR promotes receptor interaction with nonvisual arrestins, which cause un- coupling of heterotrimeric G proteins and also promote interaction of arrestin–re- ceptor complexes with clathrin coats. Once concentrated in clathrin-coated pits bythis mechanism, receptors undergo endocyto- sis rapidly(even if agonist is removed from the receptor in the coated pit) via a consti- tutive (ligand-independent) mechanism of endocytic membrane fission that requires the cytoplasmic guanosine triphosphatase dynamin. 64 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress experiments, it was shown that certain arrestins can directly Indeed, in some cases, endocytosis may be a principal mech- promote B2AR concentration in clathrin-coated pits by anism of rapid desensitization (46). However, as discussed physically linking phosphorylated receptors with clathrin above, rapid desensitization by phosphorylation-dependent (40). This endocytic ‘‘adapter’’ function of arrestins can be uncoupling of receptor from G protein does not require distinguished from the function of arrestins as cofactors for endocytosis of the receptor. This is consistent with the abil- ␣ functional uncoupling of receptor from G protein because ity of certain GPCRs, such as the 2A-adrenergic receptor, the latter process can occur in the absence of endocytosis. to desensitize in the absence of detectable endocytosis (47, Further distinguishing these functions, visual arrestin (ar- 48). Studies of ␮-opioid receptors expressed in transfected restin 1) was shown to be unable to serve as an adapter for cells suggest that the effectiveness of endocytosis as a means B2AR endocytosis even though it can serve as a cofactor of attenuating signal transduction is inversely proportional for desensitization mediated by functional uncoupling of G to the number of ‘‘spare receptors’’ present in cells (46). protein (41). This distinction between visual and nonvisual Thus, the precise role of endocytosis in contributing to de- arrestins led to the identification of a carboxyl-terminal sensitization of GPCR-mediated signal transduction proba- clathrin-binding domain, present specifically in nonvisual bly varies among systems and may be particularly important arrestins, that is necessary for endocytosis of GPCRs but in cells expressing relatively low numbers of receptors. not for phosphorylation-dependent uncoupling of receptors Strong evidence is available to indicate that endocytosis from heterotrimeric G proteins (42,43). of certain GPCRs serves a distinct function in promoting resensitization, rather than desensitization, of signal trans- duction. The most thoroughly studied example of this Functional Role of Endocytosis in the Processes mechanism derives from elegant studies of the B2AR (2, of Rapid Desensitization and Resensitization of 49,50). As discussed above, agonist-induced phosphoryla- GPCRs tion of the B2AR by GRKs causes rapid desensitization by Physiologic ligands are generally thought to bind to GPCRs promoting receptor interaction with arrestins and func- in the plasma membrane. Biochemical and immunocyto- tional uncoupling from heterotrimeric G proteins (Fig. 5.5, chemical studies suggest that certain GPCRs, such as the step 1). This initial desensitization of receptors occurs in B2AR, interact with heterotrimeric G proteins primarily in the plasma membrane and does not require endocytosis of the plasma membrane but not in intracellular membranes the receptor protein. Within several minutes after this initial after endocytosis (44,45). Together, these observations sug- uncoupling of receptor from heterotrimeric G protein, ar- gest that endocytosis may, by itself, mediate desensitization restins promote the concentration of receptors in clathrin- of GPCR-mediated signal transduction by directly reducing coated pits and subsequent endocytosis (Fig. 5.5, steps 2 the number of receptors present in the plasma membrane. and 3). Endocytic membranes containing internalized

FIGURE 5.5. Linked cycles of G protein-cou- pled receptor phosphorylation and endocyto- sis mediating rapid desensitization and resen- sitization of the ␤2-adrenergic receptor (B2AR). Agonist-induced activation of the B2AR causes G protein-coupled receptor ki- nase-mediated phosphorylation, which pro- motes receptor interaction with nonvisual ar- restins and uncoupling of heterotrimeric G protein (step 1). Arrestin binding to the phos- phorylated receptor also promotes receptor concentration in clathrin-coated pits (step 2), promoting rapid endocytosis of receptors by dynamin-dependent fission of coated pits from the plasma membrane and subsequent formation of endocytic vesicles (step 3). To- gether, these steps cause profound functional desenstization of signal transduction. Endo- cytic membranes containing internalized B2ARs are associated with a protein phospha- tase (PP2A) that can catalyze dephosphoryla- tion of receptors (step 4). of receptors followed byrecyclingto the plasma membrane (step 5) mediates the return of receptors to the plasma membrane in a fully functional state, promoting functional resensi- tization of the signal transduction system. Chapter 5: Regulation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors 65

B2ARs are associated with activity of a protein nonlysosomal mechanism mediated by proteasomes (58). (PP2A) that can catalyze dephosphorylation of receptors Emerging evidence also suggests a role of ubiquitination (51). Based on these observations, it is proposed that endo- in promoting endocytosis and proteolytic degradation of cytosis of receptors promotes dephosphorylation of recep- certain membrane proteins, including GPCRs in yeast (59, tors, after which receptors can be recycled back to the 60). The role of such a mechanism in mediating down- plasma membrane in a dephosphorylated, fully active state regulation of mammalian signaling receptors comes from (Fig. 5.5, steps 4 and 5). Supporting this hypothesis, inhibi- studies of receptor kinases (61). Alternate mecha- tors of B2AR endocytosis do not block agonist-induced de- nisms of GPCR proteolysis in mammalian cells have been sensitization but strongly inhibit resensitization of receptor- reported to be mediated by a distinct, nonproteasomal mediated signal transduction following removal of agonist mechanism (56) or have been shown to be insensitive to from the culture medium (52). Thus, agonist-induced regu- inhibitors of proteasome-mediated proteolysis (57). Thus, lation of the B2AR appears to involve two linked regulatory to our knowledge, it is not yet clear to what extent ubiquiti- cycles: a biochemical cycle mediating phosphorylation and nation or proteasomes may contribute to down-regulation dephosphorylation of receptors, and a membrane trafficking of GPCRs in mammalian cells. cycle mediating endocytosis and recycling of receptors.

Down-regulation of GPCRs by Regulated Membrane Pathway Mediating Receptor Proteolysis Delivery to Lysosomes Evidence for Regulated Proteolysis of GPCRs The delivery of membrane proteins from the plasma mem- brane to lysosomes is a multiple-step process that is me- Down-regulation of GPCRs is defined from saturation diated by endocytosis of receptors from the plasma mem- binding analysis by a decrease in total specific binding sites brane followed by shuttling to lysosomes via a specific series (Bmax) without a change in apparent affinity (Kd), which of membrane transport reactions (62,63). It is well-known suggests that down-regulation reflects a decreased number that many GPCRs undergo ligand-induced endocytosis. of total receptors present cells or tissues (1,53). In principle, However, specific mechanisms and pathways mediating this process could be mediated by modulation of receptor subsequent stages of receptor trafficking to lysosomes are biosynthesis or degradation. In practice, evidence suggests poorly understood. that both classes of mechanism contribute to the GPCR down-regulation observed physiologically. The role of tran- Early studies demonstrated that ligand-induced seques- scriptional regulatory mechanisms in controlling biosyn- tration and down-regulation of the B2AR can be differen- thesis have been characterized in some detail (see Chapter tially affected by pharmacologic manipulations and receptor 17). As discussed in greater detail below, there is also consid- mutation, which suggests that these processes may be me- erable evidence supporting the importance of proteolysis of diated by distinct mechanisms (64–67). Furthermore, natu- ␣ the receptor itself in mediating down regulation of a number rally occurring subtypes of 2-adrenergic receptor down- of GPCRs (8). regulate with similar rates (68) despite significant differences in their ability to undergo rapid endocytosis (47,48). Analo- gous processes of rapid sequestration and more gradual Mechanisms of GPCR Proteolysis down-regulation have also been observed in studies of opi- Multiple mechanisms can mediate GPCR proteolysis. Pro- oid receptors, where pharmacologic differences between the teolysis of endocytosed receptors in lysosomes is perhaps the effects of individual agonists are very pronounced (69–71) best-established mechanism contributing to GPCR down- and appear to be relevant to the physiologic effects of opiate regulation in mammalian cells, including certain neurally drugs in native neurons (14,72). Compelling evidence for derived cell types (54,55). However, it is apparent that other the existence of distinguishable membrane trafficking mech- mechanisms of GPCR proteolysis also exist, some of which anisms comes from recent studies of mutant thrombin and may not involve membrane trafficking of receptors at all. substance P receptors, in which divergent residues in the For example, the V2 vasopressin receptor can undergo li- carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain specify differences in gand-induced proteolysis at the cell surface by a nonendo- receptor trafficking between lysosomal and recycling path- cytic mechanism mediated by a plasma membrane-associ- ways (73). Analyses based on kinetic modeling techniques ated metalloprotease (56). Recent studies of B2AR down- are consistent either with completely separate pathways me- regulation support the idea that regulated proteolysis of diating rapid endocytosis and proteolytic degradation of GPCRs can occur without endocytosis in some cell types GPCRs or with the operation of partially overlapping path- (57). ways that differ in their rate-limiting step (53). These In mammalian cells, ubiquitination is well established to models differ in whether sorting of GPCRs is proposed to promote degradation of various cytoplasmic proteins by a occur before or after endocytosis (Fig. 5.6). 66 Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress

FIGURE 5.6. Models for sorting of G protein- coupled receptors (GPCRs) between pathways mediating reversible internalization (‘‘seques- tration’’) and proteolytic down-regulation of GPCRs. Panel A: This model proposes that dis- tinct GPCRs are segregated in the plasma mem- brane and are subsequentlyendocytosedby different membrane vesicles that either me- diate reversible internalization or deliver recep- tors to lysosomes. Panel B: This model proposes that receptors can be endocytosed by the same membrane mechanism and delivered to the same earlyendocyticvesicles. Receptors are sorted after endocytosis between distinct path- ways that mediate either recycling or lysosomal deliveryof receptors.

Molecular Sorting of GPCRs after Endocytosis very rapidly (within several minutes) after the initial endocy- tosis of receptors (77). Extensive previous studies of receptor-mediated uptake of extracellular ligands indicate that sorting of receptors be- tween recycling and lysosomal pathways can occur after en- Insight into a Mechanism Controlling Endocytic docytosis (74). Recent studies of adrenergic and opioid re- Sorting of the B2AR ceptors suggest that this is also true for certain GPCRs. For example, it has been shown recently that both agonist- The membrane machinery controlling postendocytic sort- induced sequestration and down-regulation of the B2AR ing of internalized GPCRs to lysosomes remains poorly are specifically inhibited by a dominant-negative mutant understood. A recent study of B2AR trafficking has pro- form of dynamin, which suggests that endocytosis of recep- vided initial insight into a specialized mechanism that con- tors by clathrin-coated pits is an obligate first step common trols sorting of a specific GPCR between recycling and lyso- to membrane pathways leading to recycling of endosomes somal pathways. As noted above, the B2AR is capable of and lysosomes (75). Recent studies of membrane trafficking recycling rapidly to the plasma membrane following endo- of opioid receptors, which are also endocytosed by a dy- cytosis in cultured cells. It was observed that a series of namin-dependent mechanism involving clathrin-coated pits mutations in the distal part of the carboxyl-terminal cyto- (76), support this conclusion. These studies demonstrate plasmic tail strongly inhibit recycling of receptors and cause that distinct GPCRs can be sorted in a type-specific manner receptors to be ‘‘mistargeted’’ to lysosomes (78). All the between recycling and degradative pathways after endocyto- receptor mutations that cause this phenotype disrupt a spe- sis by the same mechanism (Fig. 5.6B). These studies also cific interaction of the B2AR with NHERF/EBP50/ suggest that the machinery that sorts GPCRs can function E3KARP-family proteins (78–80), a previously described

FIGURE 5.7. Model for endocytic sorting of the ␤2-adrenergic receptor (B2AR) byphos- phorylation-regulated association of recep- tors with the cortical actin cytoskeleton. B2ARs undergo rapid desensitization and en- docytosis (step 1). If receptors are dephos- phorylated (step 2), they are able to interact with a cytoskeleton-associated protein com- plex via a PDZ domain-mediated protein in- teraction with the carboxyl-terminal cyto- plasmic domain of the receptor, which promotes rapid recycling of receptors to the plasma membrane (step 3a). If 411 in the receptor tail remains phosphorylated, this protein interaction does not occur, and recy- cling of receptors is inhibited. Receptors that fail to recycle can later be delivered to lyso- somes, with down-regulation of receptors ac- complished byproteolysis(step 3b). Chapter 5: Regulation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors 67 family of proteins that interact with the B2AR via PDZ drugs (14,72). Thus, it is reasonable to propose that mecha- (PSD95/Discs large/ZO-1-homologous) domains and also nisms elucidated with model cell systems may indeed be associate with the cortical actin cytoskeleton (81). Overex- relevant to receptor regulation in vivo. However, it is not pression of a mutant form of EBP50/NHERF that cannot yet possible to predict precisely how specific mechanism(s) interact with the cortical actin cytoskeleton, or chemical of regulation modulate the central nervous system under disruption of the actin cytoskeleton itself, also inhibits recy- physiologic or pathophysiologic conditions, or how specific cling of internalized B2ARs. These observations suggest that mechanisms of regulation may contribute to the in vivo sorting of internalized B2ARs between a distinct recycling effects of clinically important drugs. Thus, an important and degradative pathway can be mediated by a protein com- future goal is to examine the regulation of GPCRs in native plex associated with the cortical actin cytoskeleton. More- cell types and tissues, and to determine how specific mecha- over, these studies suggest that phosphorylation of a specific nisms of regulation contribute to physiologic and patho- serine residue (Ser411), a potential substrate for a subset of physiologic states. GRKs (82), can modulate the sorting of receptors by this Finally, it is important to note that by restricting our mechanism (78). Thus, sorting of receptors after endocyto- scope to a limited subset of GPCR regulatory mechanisms, sis, like the initial endocytosis of receptors from the plasma we have underrepresented the diversity of GPCR regulation membrane, may be closely linked to the cycle of receptor and the high degree of specificity with which individual phosphorylation and dephosphorylation involved in me- receptors are regulated in various cell types. For example, diating desensitization and resensitization of signal trans- although we have discussed only endocytosis of GPCRs by duction. A proposed model summarizing our current under- clathrin-coated pits, substantial evidence indicates that standing of distinct stages of B2AR endocytosis and sorting other mechanism(s) also can mediate regulated endocytosis is summarized in Fig. 5.7. of receptors (37,87–89). Moreover, it is increasingly appar- ent that mechanisms of GPCR phosphorylation and endo- cytosis discussed in this chapter serve additional important CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES functions in signal transduction, such as controlling the in- teraction of ‘‘classic’’ GPCR signaling pathways with mito- In this chapter, we have surveyed general processes of GPCR genic kinase cascades (see also Chapters 16 and 22) (90–92). regulation and focused on selected mechanisms that are Indeed, we anticipate that our present understanding of the understood in molecular detail. A general principle emerg- array of GPCR signaling and regulatory mechanisms is at a ing from this approach is that phosphorylation and mem- relatively early stage of rapid development, a view consistent brane trafficking mechanisms are of fundamental impor- with the results of recent studies identifying an unexpected tance to multiple processes of GPCR regulation. 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Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress. Edited by Kenneth L. Davis, Dennis Charney, Joseph T. Coyle, and Charles Nemeroff. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology ᭧ 2002.