Compartment-Specific Phosphorylation of Phosducin In
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Faculty Scholarship 2007 Compartment-specific hoP sphorylation of Phosducin in Rods Underlies Adaptation to Various Levels of Illumination Hongman Song Marycharmain Belcastro E. J. Young Maxim Sokolov Follow this and additional works at: Digital Commons Citation Song, Hongman; Belcastro, Marycharmain; Young, E. J.; and Sokolov, Maxim, "Compartment-specific hospP horylation of Phosducin in Rods Underlies Adaptation to Various Levels of Illumination" (2007). Faculty Scholarship. 92. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Research Repository @ WVU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Scholarship by an authorized administrator of The Research Repository @ WVU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 282, NO. 32, pp. 23613–23621, August 10, 2007 © 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. Compartment-specific Phosphorylation of Phosducin in Rods Underlies Adaptation to Various Levels of Illumination* Received for publication, March 7, 2007, and in revised form, June 11, 2007 Published, JBC Papers in Press, June 14, 2007, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M701974200 Hongman Song, Marycharmain Belcastro, E. J. Young, and Maxim Sokolov1 From the Departments of Ophthalmology and Biochemistry, West Virginia University School of Medicine and West Virginia University Eye Institute, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 Phosducin is a major phosphoprotein of rod photoreceptors specific complex with the ␥ subunits of visual heterotrimeric that interacts with the G␥ subunits of heterotrimeric G pro- G protein, transducin (4, 5), and other heterotrimeric G pro- teins in its dephosphorylated state. Light promotes dephospho- teins (6–8). Affinity of Pdc toward G␥ is down-regulated by rylation of phosducin; thus, it was proposed that phosducin multiple phosphorylation and probably consequent binding of plays a role in the light adaptation of G protein-mediated visual 14-3-3 protein (9–10). Although the identity of Pdc kinase and signaling. Different functions, such as regulation of protein lev- phosphatase in photoreceptors remains unknown, the analysis els and subcellular localization of heterotrimeric G proteins, of Pdc phosphorylation in vitro and ex vivo revealed that Pdc transcriptional regulation, and modulation of synaptic trans- possesses multiple cAMP-dependent protein kinase and Ca2ϩ/ mission have also been proposed. Although the molecular basis calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II phosphorylation sites of phosducin interaction with G proteins is well understood, the (10–12) and identified protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) as the physiological significance of light-dependent phosphorylation putative Pdc phosphatase (13). of phosducin remains largely hypothetical. In this study we Despite the obvious progress in understanding the molecular quantitatively analyzed light dependence, time course, and basis of Pdc/G␥ interactions, the role of Pdc and its light-de- subcellular localization of two principal light-regulated phos- pendent phosphorylation in photoreceptors is poorly under- phorylation sites of phosducin, serine 54 and 71. To obtain phys- stood. Originally it was proposed that, upon activation by light, iologically relevant data, our experimental model exploited Pdc scavenges transducin ␥ subunits from phototransduction free-running mice and rats subjected to controlled illumination. and by doing so reduces photoreceptor light sensitivity (14– We found that in the dark-adapted rods, phosducin phosphory- 16). This hypothesis, however, is yet to be substantiated by lated at serine 54 is compartmentalized predominantly in the physiological data. The first clues into in vivo Pdc functions ellipsoid and outer segment compartments. In contrast, phos- were obtained from the analysis of Pdc-null mice (17). The ducin phosphorylated at serine 71 is present in all cellular com- analysis of long term light adaptation in this mutant revealed partments. The degree of phosducin phosphorylation in the that Pdc significantly increases light-driven transducin translo- dark appeared to be less than 40%. Dim light within rod opera- cation, another adaptive mechanism regulating the amount of tional range triggers massive reversible dephosphorylation of transducin engaged in phototransduction (for a recent review, both sites, whereas saturating light dramatically increases phos- see Ref. 18). It was also noticed that the deletion of Pdc gene phorylation of serine 71 in rod outer segment. These results reduced the level of transducin  subunit by 30%. support the role of phosducin in regulating signaling in the rod To assess the individual contributions of two known light- outer segment compartment and suggest distinct functions for regulated phosphorylation sites of Pdc, serine 54 and serine 71 phosphorylation sites 54 and 71. (11, 19), to the regulation of transducin translocation, we quan- titatively analyzed their status and subcellular localization in free-running mice under physiologically relevant levels of illu- Phosducin (Pdc)2 was originally identified in the retina as an mination. We found that Pdc phosphorylated at serine 54 is abundant 33-kDa cytosolic phosphoprotein phosphorylated in present predominantly in the ellipsoid and rod outer segment, the dark and dephosphorylated in the light (1). Within the ret- whereas phosphorylation of serine 71 occurs throughout the ina Pdc is expressed in both rod and cone photoreceptors (2, 3). entire rod. We also found that rapid and reversible dephosphor- The most distinguished feature of Pdc is its ability to form a ylation of both sites was triggered by a very dim light below the threshold of transducin translocation. Prolong exposure to moderate ambient light initiated light-driven transducin trans- * This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant NCRR 2P20 location and also caused massive phosphorylation of serine 71 RR15574-06 COBRE in Sensory Neuroscience, Subproject 5 (to M. S.). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of in the rod outer segments. Our results provide evidence for Pdc page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertise- playing potential roles in both light adaptation and light pro- ment” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. tection of rod photoreceptors and point to the distinct func- 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: WV University Eye Institute, 1 Stadium Dr., Morgantown, WV 26506. Tel.: 304-598-6958; Fax: 304-598- tions of phosphorylation sites serine 54 and 71. 6928; E-mail: [email protected]. 2 The abbreviations used are: Pdc, phosducin; G␥, the ␥ subunits complex EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES of heterotrimeric G protein; Pdc54p and Pdc71p, phospho-specific anti- bodies recognizing phosducin phosphorylated at residue 54 and 71, Antibodies—The phospho-specific antibodies against Pdc respectively; PP2A, protein phosphatase 2A. were generated by 21st Century Biochemicals (Marlboro, MA) AUGUST 10, 2007•VOLUME 282•NUMBER 32 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 23613 Phosphorylation of Phosducin in Dark and Light Adapted Rods as follows. Peptides corresponding to amino acids 50–59 and dopsin rodϪ1 sϪ1. The rates of rhodopsin activation under all 67–77 of mouse Pdc containing phosphoserine at positions 54 other levels of illumination were calculated from this value. and 71 (peptide sequences LRQMpSSPQSR (pS, Ser(P)-54) and Determination of the Levels of Rhodopsin—A protocol mod- SRKMpSIQEYEL (Ser(P)-71)) were synthesized and used to ified from Sokolov et al. (22) was used as follows. All procedures immunize rabbits according to the standard procedure. Phos- were carried out under dim red light. Two retinas were har- pho-specific antibodies against Pdc, designated as Pdc54p and vested from a dark-adapted mouse and homogenized in 0.6 ml Pdc71p, were affinity-purified from the immune serum using of water containing 2.5% n-octyl -D-glucopyranoside (O3757, immobilized specific peptides. To eliminate binding to de- Sigma) and 1.25% cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (292737, phosphorylated Pdc, each antibody was depleted against Sigma) by short ultrasonic pulses delivered from a Microson LRQMSSPQSR and SRKMSIQEYEL peptides. Antibody ultrasonic cell disruptor equipped with a 3-mm probe (Miso- against full-length Pdc was described previously (17). Antibody nix, Farmingdale, NY). When required, 5 M microcystine LR against rod transducin ␣ subunit was sc-389 from Santa Cruz (Sigma) and 50 mM sodium EDTA were added to inhibit protein Biotechnology. Antibody against subunit I of cytochrome c oxi- phosphatase and kinase activities in the extracts. The extract dase, was MS404 from MitoSciences. Monoclonal 4D2 anti- was cleared by centrifugation on a Centrifuge 5415 D (Eppen- body against rhodopsin was a gift from Dr. Robert S. Molday dorf) at 16,000 rpm for 3 min. The supernatant was divided into (University of British Columbia). two equal aliquots; one was kept in the dark, and the second one Light Conditioning of Animals—All experiments involving was exposed to bright light for 1 min to bleach all rhodopsin. animals were performed according to the procedures approved The absorption 400–700 nm spectrum of the dark aliquot was by the West Virginia University Animal Care and Use Commit- then obtained in a UV-Mini 1240 spectrophotometer