Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.21(2) 2006 63 National Asparagus Weeds Management Workshop Proceedings of a workshop convened by the National Asparagus Weeds Management Committee held in Adelaide on 10–11 November 2005. Editors: John G. Virtue and John K. Scott. Introduction John G. VirtueA and John K. ScottB A Department of Water Land and Biodiversity Conservation, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia. E-mail:
[email protected] B CSIRO Entomology, Private Bag 5, PO Wembley, Western Australia 6913, Australia. Welcome to this special issue of Plant Pro- The National Asparagus Weeds Man- authors for the effort they have put into tection Quarterly, which details the current agement Committee (NAWMC) convened their papers and all the workshop par- state of Asparagus weeds management in the National Asparagus Weeds Manage- ticipants for their contribution. A special Australia. Bridal creeper, Asparagus as- ment Workshop in Adelaide, 10–11 No- thanks for workshop organization also paragoides (L.) Druce, is the best known vember 2005. The workshop was attended goes to Dennis Gannaway and Susan Asparagus weed and certainly deserves by 60 people including representation ex- Lawrie. its Weed of National Signifi cance (WoNS) tending from South Africa, through most status in Australia. However, there are regions of continental Australia, to Lord Reference other Asparagus species in Australia that Howe Island in the Pacifi c. The workshop Agriculture & Resource Management have the potential to reach similar levels was made possible with funding assistance Council of Australia & New Zealand, of impact as bridal creeper on biodiversity through the Australian Government’s Nat- Australia & New Zealand Environment (and hence their inclusion in the national ural Heritage Trust.