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PRroAY, JUNK IT, 1960 X i^anrbpatrr lirtiiitt > : -m V I' ATersge Daily,1^et P i^ Run m ' "4y priSfram will be MUm Anna C. French,' head of For the Week Ended \ observed In ^ pariah hall of St. the .Jl^^chestar UbrariCs, will at­ Slop- ahd June 4th, I960 \ . ForseMt ^ U. S. IVaathar John's PollM . National Catholic tend the National Library Confer­ E N R O U N O W ! Church Simday at 8 p.m. The pro­ ence Monday through Saturday Tc^dLbcatc Here 13,125 Fair, a little cooler iEtaM Ch«up of jCtoter Oomrre- gram and a penny social will be next week in Montreal, Canada. 1DMVER EDOGAHON GLi 50-58. Snaday fair, pleaaaat gotionBl Church will havo a pot- sponsored by the Friendship Club Theme of the conference will be Member el the Audit luck picnic at Center Springra Mon­ of the church. ' ., ■ A ' Connecticut aupermarket SO-DAT SUMMER COURSES / i - ’ Bnreaa ot (XronlatioB peratoreo. High In 76s. "Breaking Through Barriers." 80 HOURS CLASS and 6 HOURS DRIVINO ■ v Manche»Ur— A City of Village Charm day at d:80 p.m. Members are to Miss French will attend the ban­ chain, Stop and Shop Inc., of West, 8TARTINO JUNE 28, JULY 28 nad AUG. 28 . ... ■ " meet at the church at 6:15. Mem­ Kenneth C. E. .Hammond Jr., quet at which the Newberry and Hartford, will open a branch'store ------—■' ■ —— —- ' ' I ■ ... . Ill bers should bring: plates, cups and MORNINGS 6 to 11, MONDAY Thra SATURDAY aviation boatswain’s mate third Caldicott Awards are made to the in Manchester at the proposed EVENINGS MON., TUBS., WED,, THUBS., 7 to » T.M. silver. In event of n ^ , the picnic class, USN, son of Mrs. Mgrian H. authors of the outstanding chil­ VOL. LXXIX, NO. 221 ^ELVR PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATORDAY, JUNE 18, 1960 (Claastfled Adverttstug on- Page 9) will be held In the Robbins room of You may start classroom 60 days beforo your 16th birthday and le^ nVE CENTS ■* Hammon, 52 Benton St., is serving dren’s books of the past year. ybpr driving tho day you reaili 16. ______\ the Church. aboard the attack aircraft carrier, 6 Hours Driving $30 (pay as you'go), 80 Hours Classroom $22A0 -fxv Members of Manchester As­ USS Bon Homme Richard, operat­ The Manchester Christian Youth feet of apace ing with the U.S. Seventh Fleet in Council will sponsor a baccalaure­ sembly. Rainbow for Oirls, are the Pacl8C. 'The ship and cfCW The 8hopJ)&)g center, already im- MORTLOOK’S DRIVINfl SCHOOL noUflM that a camping trip this ate service for members Of the der construction is being built by recently visited Singapore and Manchester, High School graduat­ 448 MAIN STREET PHONE MI $-7898 weekmd has been canceled. Bombay: India. Jarvis Construction Co. and wtU ing class Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at have parking room for about 500 .. Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde will be Emanuel Lutheran Church. Sen­ cars, a company spokesman said. host, and hostess at thci Lutz The Rev. C. Henry’Anderson of iors in caps and gowns will as- Currently under construction at Junior Museum, 126 Cedar St., Emanuel Lutheran Churchi will be semble'ln Luther hall of the church the site is a building to i house Sunday from 2 to 5'p.m. in charge of radio broadcasts, spon­ at 7;15 p.m. to form a processional. CAD Cleaners, at present located sored by the Manchester Minis­ west of the propos^ center. terial Assn., over station WINF The annual meeting of Uie Man­ _L Sunday at 6^30 p.m. and daily at chester division of the American 7:15 p.m. next week. Cancer Society will be held Mon­ U of Verm ont Graduates .FOR RENT day at 8 p.m. in the auxiliary room ) 8 and 16 nun. Movie Projectors The Rev. Robert Henderson, at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Stephan M. Cooper, son of Mr. —sound or silent, also 85 ram. pastor of the Third Congregational and Mrs. William Cooper, 75 Green 6h athletic scholarship during his PONT slide projectors. Church in Middletown, and a for­ Manor Rd., and Miss Joan Bosio, Junior ahd senior years. Cboper Still plenty of wear left In Foes of k i^ i Fail To Wreck mer member of Center Congrega­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank also ^rote' a column, "Coop’s shoes when brought here Ibr A llianco WELDON DRUG CO. tional Church here, will be guest DAR Ends Season Boeio, Bolton Center Rd., Bolton, Scoop,” in the university paper. expert repairing. 901 Mara St. TeL Ml 8-5821 preacher at a special Junior High were graduated from the Univer­ Miss Bosio received a. B.S. de­ Open Mondays All Day service at 9:15 Sunday morning at Meeting at Shore sity of 'Vermont, Burlington,' yt., gree in ^ucation. She wps presi­ Closed Wednesday CenteriChurch. Summer conference on June 12. dent and treasurer of Gamma Phi Afternoons out! C b j f t e m p t delegates will be dedicated at this Members of Orford Parish Chap­ Cooper received ‘ a B.A. degree, Beta sorority ahd ’ received the service. ® ter. Daughters of the American majoring in history. He complet­ sorority’s award as "outstanding U.S.Hold^ SAMYULYES We Rent: Floor SandertL Edgers, Hand Sanders, Wallpaper L T. WOOD GO. Revolution, will conclude the sea­ ed his pre-medical course and will senior." She was a member of the "SHOE REPAIBINO , son’s activities with a potluck enter Medical School at the State Newman Club, freshman orienta­ Steamers, WaOpapering ^ulpm ent; Floor Polishers, Wet and C o n m e t i o n IC E PLANT The first district of the American o r THE BETTER KIND” Dry Vacuum Cleaners and pL^ders. Legion Auxiliary will elect officers luncheon next ’Thursday npon at University of New York, an af­ tion committee, amT Women’s Rec­ 28 OAK STREET ** 51 BISSELL ST. at a meeting Sunday at 2:30 p.m. the shore cottage-of Mm. Preston filiate of New York Medic's! Cen^ reation ASsn. Same Side as Watkins Bases for Cubes-Crtuhed-Blocks at St. Adelbert’s hall, Alden Ave., Sage, Attawan Beach, Niantic. ter, in Septeihberv-’ R e v e r s e d Thompsonvllle. Manchester auxili­ Hostesses will be Mrs. Byron G; At Vermont, Oooper was on the ary members will attend. Boyd, Mrs. Raymond Woodbridge, dean's list in hia Junior and senior [ORRISOM and Mrs. Arthur M. Gustafson. years, was a member of Tau Epsi­ M A m Washinffton, Jutie 18 10 Years The ways and means committee lon Phi fratertilty, and served on PAINT STORE asks members to bring articles for V , FAINT AFTER SHQPPI^'O WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS. The U.S. Court of Appeals to­ a silent auction. HUlei activity committees. He W, H. England Lumber Co. day struck ddwn the contempt was varsity pitcher for the Cata­ 540 Middle Turnpike, East RELAX IN A COOL, 885 CENTER STREET—TEL. MI 9 - ^ 8 Tokyo, Sunday, June 19 NOTICE! FROM NOW TILL THE mounts, Vermont’s baseball tbam. of Congi'fess. conviction of Ml 9-5201 COMFORTABLE^OOTH The new U.S.-Japan securi- END OPOF JUNE, ORANGf HALL J and he coached intramural basket­ Open All Day Saturday Mary KnowlesNjibrarian of a ' I ty treaty w eather^ the big- Combined Circles ball for two years. He was offered WITH A COOL Quaker-operated\ library at Plymouth Meeting. Pa. : ge.st of the Leftist demonstra- Pick Mifs. Hbhnes The court .il.co 'set aside the con­ j tions against it and 'won Ja- ORANGE FROST viction of Goldie E. Watson, a ; pan’s ratification today. Tim* Mrs. Howard Holmes, 128 Henry former Philadelphia .school teach­ j had run out for the Commu- St., has been named chairman of GLEN HAVENDAY CAMP er, and upheld the fonviction.s of I ni.sts and their Socialist allies the Combined “ Catholic Mothers Membership Reletions Director six others. I in tlie fight against the pact. Circles ,for the next year. ARTHUR’S FOR BOYS '“All of the case.s involved refus­ BINGO 4' als to answer, in one way or an­ The ratification became effee* Mrs. Holmes is a member of the The Mdnchester Chamber of Commerce is seeking a man LUNCHEONEnt - other. questions involving commu­ five autnmaticrttly an instant after Holy Angels Mothers Circle, spon­ Now Accepting Reservationsif j i nism before the House Commit^' I midnight. soring the group for the year, and near retirement age as Director of Membership Relations Priine .Minister Nobusuke Kishi’a EVERY SATURDAY MGHT AT 7:30 J LIMITED ENROLLMENT tee on un-Americ?.n activities-'or, O R A N G E HALL— 72 EAST CENTER ST, 1 Mrs. Ja^ne Reale of the same cir­ to sign up new members on a commission bams and to the Senate Internal Security sub­ ; Cnn.iervatlve government express- ■ cle will be co'.chairman. ,SWCM>pNO ARTS and CR AFTS committee. ! ed gratification. , A government • 1 SWEEPSTAKl^^ Aaststlng the new leader will he work with the Membership Committee of the Chamber. DIVINO ARCHERY Convictions affirmed Were those j .spgke.sman, chief cabinet secretary Mrs. Jane Jordan as contact chair­ lAFE-SAVmO KICKBAU. of: '■ I EUsusaburo Shiina. said this final , man, and Mrs. Jane Remke, co- Please apply at the Chamber office, 139 East Center St. Need ROWING SOPTWALL Robert Shelton and William A. i j confirmation will bring close U.S.- chairman of contact. Mrs. Janet or caU MI 3-1113. CAMP-OUTS VOLLEYBAI.L Price. New York newspapermen. ; - Japan I'clation.s and contribute to f Grasso U treaaurer, and the Rev. FISHING WOOD GAMES John T. Go.lack, a Meador of the pcai'c and pro.spcnty. DUO RECITAL Francis T. BuUer is chaplain. United Eleclncal,Workers (UE). j I - Shiina .declared - the treaty la •AW Nim iS LIMITED ENROLLMENT Dr. Bernard Doutch. .Springfield, | I “supported by the overwhelming JANEHE L. FRASER — Soprano Pa,, a nuclear phy.sicist. j majority of the Japanese people.” AT NO EXTRA CHARGE- Huge signs in Chinese and English express the'sentiments of the crowd lining the streets of Taipei Norton Anthony Russell, an en­ The widely publicized left wing Pupil of Charlotte R. Gray OrVE FATHER A •CANOPIES today along President Eisenhower’s'route. (AP Photofax via radio from Taipei.) gineer of Yellow Springs, Ohio. demon.strations represented "the JUDITH M. HUTCHINSON — Pianist ★ TRANSPORTATION (Within radius , of S' miles of camp) Herman Liveright, a former New opinion only of the minority,” he Parksr Jotter 1J8 Self PICK-UP ★ MATERIALS FOR ARTS and CRAFTS Orleans television executive. Placard carrying Japanese students link arms during demonstration today outside Parliament in said and Indicated they were Pupil of Dorothy H. Keeney • PATIO COVERS In none of the cases decided to­ Tokyo in last ditch attempt to block their country's new mllllar>' alliance with the United Slates. foniented hy the Communists. SAVE! ★ REMEDIAL READING INSTRUCTlIlNS day did the witness invoke the He called the reidsed treaty an' CASES OF SODA AT (AP Photofax via radio from Tokyo). MONDAY. JUNE 20 — 8:30 P.M. DEWEY-RIGHMAN DISCOUNT PRICES A COMPLETE LINE AND ★ INDIVIDUAL INSURANCE COVERAGE ON EACH CAMPER Ike Denounces Chinese Reds. Fifth Amendment guarantee agreement “in conformity with 767 MAIN ST. 12 Large Bottles AT OUR BOTTLING PLANT AT PRICES YOU WILL LIKE y ^ ^ against self-incrimination. Instead, Japan’s policy of cooperating with SOUTHS METHODIST CHAPEL Prices quoted are for home deliv­ all relied, expressly or by implica­ the free nations." eries only; extra charge for ban­ Address all inquiries to:— tion, on the First Amendment, Foes of Kishi's government, 8(Xi.* $ 1 .5 0 quets, parties, showers, weddings, which guarantees, among other OOO strong, had blocked tramc, I Tax Iticl. etc. GLEN HAVEN BOYS' DAY CAMP Repeats Quemoy Guard Aim things, freedom of speech and as­ Slate iVetus U. S. to Unveil Plot milled and snake-danced through Plus Deposit HOME LOCATED AT SPERRY’S GLEN—ROU'IE 85 ’ sembly. downtown Tokyo last night in a CEMENT SPECIALTIES P. O. BOX 18, MANCHESTER, CONN. Mrs. Knowle.s’ conviction grew vain effort to wreck this nation’s W. H. England Lumber Co. Or Call Camp Secretary at JA 8-0922 By MARVKf ARBOW8M1TH. •Quemoy with a death-dealing rec-t Their acclaim for Eisenhower'a out of her appearance before the military alliance with the United 540 Middle Turnpike, East $ 1 .6 5 Delivered MANCHESTER 89 PURNELL PLACE Taipei, June 18 (jP!—To the thun­ ord-bregklng barrage. But today words, however, seemed genuine. Senate Internal Security- subcom­ R o u n d u p Castro’s Regime 'States, extended now to 1970. BROCHURES MAILED ON REqtTEST derous roar of approtml from a their guns were silent. They fluttered banners such as: mittee in September 1955. She As the deadline passed, thou­ Special! Ml 9-5201 I ' Tax Incl. MI 8-2856 Stamford, June.Innm 1R18 (IPi spots hours before jail sentenep and a $1.000 fine. rail, ripping up a 20-foot stretch Cliristian A. Herter. er was due to speak. Among questions Mrs, Watson of metal fence. moza. He hits been arrested by the perhaps 2.000 troops, was reported GARDEN Cottotts.Prints ...... ^ ...... 82c Yd. this Nationalist China Etsenhow, (Continued on Page Two) Cub^s. Premier Fidel Casiro and Western Union, however, says no SMALL BOnLES.-CASE OF 30 Reg. 99c—89” Drip Dry Cotton Prints 82c Yd. island | refused to answer was whether None of the injured was report-' such telegi-am'was sent or paid for fortress. L*resident O.swaldo Dorticos have (Continued on Page PI've) Reg. $1.39—36” Bates Drip Dry she had ever been a member of ed .seriously hurl. Five of them^ by any Stale Department official. CENTER $ 1 .5 0 Case Of 30 Discipline P rin ts...... '.... 82c Yd. At a state dinner, Eisenhower In the Communist party. were passengers in - the cars. .TTle accused the U.S. government of $ 1 .8 5 Delivered a toaat reaffirmed solidarity with conspiring with Lacayo to mount TTie State Department says Lacayo Tax Incl. Reg. 99c—86” Rtbbonzene Seersucker , In reversing Mrs. Watson's con­ sixth was the drive:’ of the truck. never saw Herter or Ru'bottom. INCORPORATED I I Tax Incl. Prints ...... ' 82c Yd. the Nationalist in defense and other viction. the court said no attempt a move from Cuba to .unseat the VITTNER’S matters, sind told the Nationalist Nicaraguan leader. , The telegram was dated last Jan. Plus Deposit Plus Deposit Reg. 99c—88” Gilbrae Sailcloth M nts 82c Yd. Kennedy Endorsed was made by the committee or Us 9. If U.S. investigators find that Reg. 99CT-S6” Dan BlVer Wrinkle- leader: "My presence here this counsel to explain to Mrs, Watson • .ilcorn Re-elected In making his allegation, Castro evening will be taken, 1 hope, as such a telegram was actually sent Bulletins Shed Plaid Gingham s...... 82c Yd. the basis for the questions, the na­ Hartford, June 18 Meade waved some photographs and a Jan 9. they figure this will show Beg. 99c^—46” Washable Printed another token of that solidarity.’’ ture and scope of the Inquirj', and Alcorn, leader of the Connecticut telegram on a Cuban TV show from the AP Wires Chiang said that with American that Castro agents had been plan­ 'i^ffetas ...... , 82c Yd. By State Democrats the pertinency of the questions. delegation to the 1956 Republican June 10. The semi-official Havana ning the plot for months. They will Beg. 99c—45” Washable Nylon help,'Formosa had been built into The pourt directed that indict­ convention, will have th^t same newspaper Revoluclon reprtiduced also have a case against the tele- WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS ^iffoh Prints ...... 82c rd. "a base for the eventual liberation ments against both Mrs. Knowles duty at this year’s convention next some of the supposed evidence grarr sender for 'misrepresenting NAHA PROTEST SET Of our people in the (Chi(iese) and Mrs. Watson be dismissed. month in Chicago. June 16. himself as a federal official. Naha, Okinawa. June 18 {JPt-- BUY YOUR O’CONNOR mainland." By WILLIAM BENDER A developer has three or more rent­ This means that- they cannot be The former Republican national The (locuments purportedly An Okinawa Leftist leaiter ^t$j.i2yard On the eve of his arrival on Hwtford, June 18 {IP)—^The State al or sale units. The ban now cov­ tried again. chairman from Suffield was elect­ show Lacayo meeting State De- (Continued on Page Five) ; warned todsiy that 25,000 foQow- Formosa, the Chinese Communists Democratic convention today for­ ers units of five or more. ( ed chairman yesterday at a meet­ e n would stage a hostile demoa- GARAGE NOW and SAVE! plastered the offshore Island of mally endorsed Sen. John F. Ken­ Baile.v was slated to be reelect­ (Contlnned on Page Fire) I ing of the 22 delegates and alter­ stratlon tomorrow when Presi­ • X Reg. $1.39—45” Crompton Cotton / nedy for the nomination for presi­ ed by the State Central Commit­ nates who will represent Connecti­ dent Eisenhower lands on tU* d i p Spot ...... $1.12 Yd. . / t dent. tee to his "eighth straight 2-year cut, ■ ' U.S.-governed island. "We will R d t $1.49—46” Valtex Cotton • ' / It. also adopted a platforrh that term as state chairman. Alcorn was nominated by State mobUize 25,000 people not to wel­ Damask .'...... $1.12 I'd. Heroic Airman calls for ' an increase in taxes Baile.v and Gov. ilibicoff, both' Republican Chairman Edwin H. Words-Nen^ War come Ike but to pirt on a peti­ Reg. $1.49—36” Gilbrae Cotton chiefly for school purposes! The fer\'ent st:(>pbrters of Ke'nnedy Ma.Y Jr., who was elected vice tionary demonstration,” said Damask ...... $1.12 Yd. platform was virtually unchanged for the Democratic presidential News Tidbits chairman of the delegation. Kamejiro Senaga. former mayor Reg. $1.69-:-45” Ameritex Arnel and Really Died in from recommendations of the plat­ nomination, had supper last night ...Culled from AP Wires The delegates also reeletced Al­ of Naha and sp^eenmn for Oki­ Cotton Denim...... $1.12 Yd. form research (;pmmittee. with Gov. David L. Lawrence pf corn ,^to his post as national com­ nawa’s Council for Reversloa to The convention instructed its In Aircraft Strike Reg. $1.89—45” Cohama Silk Linen Pennsylvania. mitteeman and eletced Mrs. Ba- Japan. Type Rayon ...... $1.12 Yd. - i Insurance Plot delegates to vote as a unit for the Lawrence, the convention's key­ Massachusetts Senator at the na­ American Red Cross sqj’s con­ bette Ransohoff of Stamford to Reg. $1.29—45” Wesco Rough note speaker, is generally thought tinuing campaign for relief of four years as national committee- T.\X CUTS FACE DEBATE Weave R ayons...... $1.12 Yd. Loa Angeles, June 18 ()F)—Resi- tional convention starting at Los to be partially favorable to Adlal By THE ASSOCI.4XED PRESSK&ises during working hours, and Washington, June 18 (AO—A Angeles July 11. The state has 21 earthquake-tom Chile has brought woman. a Job she took on an in­ Reg. $1.29—IS” -Solld' Golor Ariiel and denta .watched in horror as a twin- Stevenson although he is still pub­ in $1,018,089 In cash and 81,275,192 terim basis six months ago after The United Aircraft Corp. and^n*«n security, bill propoaing repeal of federal Cotton Plain (3 colors only) .... $1.12 Yd. engine plane roared overhead, votes. ■ licly uncommitted. two unions which are striking VThe compajiy said that 10,5'20 taxes on local telephoM epirleet T h e endorsement of Kennedy In supplies. . . , Investigation Is the death of Mrs. Julia A. Keeney trailing flames. ' Did the three men discuss na­ continuing into multiple passport of Somers. against'it, continued their war .of pr^uctlon workers were on their telegrams and trax'el nawe a hot No Money'Down was no surprise. Gov. Abraham A, tional politics? 1^ , words and nerves today over the | Jobs yesterday and that produc REG. 89c—86” CHECKS, REG. 69c—36” FINE QUAUTTY . The pilot, opened his escape Ribicoff, State Chairma.n John M. activities of Francis P. Y-ockey, These other sssignments have debate and a possible filibuster STRIPES, PLAIN COLORS OF hatch, but didn’t Jump. ° "Naturally,” LawTence lora a who killed himself in citv Jail, San been made: effectiveness of the valkout tlon-WR.<( 50 per tent norihal in today In the Senate. A row over Y E A R S PAY bailey, and other party leaders news conference. The company claiined yesterday terms of man hours 'on the job. to DRIP-DRY rtINTS He stayed .with the fiercely were among Kennedy’s ear’S'st Francisco, yesterday . . i Domestic Ml'S. Arline Ryan, Branford.-dele­ the measure erupted last alght. EVERGiAZE CHAMBRAY burning craft until it smashed into ■■ But he shook his head when airline fares will go up 2’ to sell each Irate Brittany growers plan to Mrs, Anna-Mae Switaskl, New adjournment of Congress betove , See Outdopr Display ■1 - Mca yesterday tarnished JameslS»vln" other." he , said. "We're old choke Paris market with artichokes Britain. Edwin F, Blair, Fairfield, diculous" and “preposterous.” The Ohambei-laln disputed the com­ the July It start of the Demo- REG. 69c FINEST QUALITY REGULAR $1.98. 1 jrij union claims- 80 per cent of the pany claim that the strike is lost Gibbs’.claims-to glory: Afterwards ■ - the convention pick­ friends." —about 60 million of them as -and Roebrt Keeney, aomers, con­ cratic National ConvenOon ta Open Sunday 1^6 45” COHAMA REGATTA CHECK. 1 • O / Gibbs, they said, took the plane Lawrence declined to make any matter of fact .. Board of gover­ vention arrangements committee; working force remains absent from with the assertion the morale of Los .Angeles. In Bud and Blooni ~ Plant Pot and All QUADRIGA PRINTS ed delegates to the national con­ the production lines. the union member,ship is excecd- up,,ti) crash it on purpose—for a vention. The 42 delegates will have prediction as to who might win nors of; Taiwan Golf Club, For­ Ambassador John Lodge, honorary (OPEN WEEKDAYS. TOO) Small and large patterns. Share in $50,000 insurance money. the Democratic nomination and^s mosa, designate tomorrow as "Ike vice president of the convention. The company claimed the union ingl>*6high. ANTONY EFFIGY STCHJBN Also bordered prints for skirts, REGULAR $1.98. 45” ABBOT Cu X 7 a half vote each. "We continue to receive appli­ qAYON AND SILK TWEED. And Glbb.s’ boss, they said, de- Ahead lay the renomirtation of to how Pennsylvania's 81-vote Day” at course, which overlooks Sen. Prescott Bush and Mrs'/ had lost the strike by the return of London, June 18 (A*i—Princees REG. aprons and pillow cases...... Yard J X C delegation might go. Formosa Strait . ■ Soviet Union Ran'aohoff, converjtion resolutions the workers. This the union hotly cations for membership, a sub­ Margaret and Antony A m - 145 ENFIELD ST., THOMPSONVILLE liberaLely sabotaged the plane, to Congressman-at-large Frank Ko­ stantial proportion of which Come make sure that it wouldn’t return walski. He had no announced op­ Lawrence’s speech, interrupted claims new air record of 1,.$00 mph committee; Theodore Ryan, Shar­ disputed with the assertion the strong-Jones'' returned to Brit­ $2.50 V4 MILE FROM STATE UNE Attention Home Dressmakers! Let Hale's' in Torbojet aircraft. on, credentials committee; State company’s stand was a “last di^ch from workers who had earlier ONE TABLE OF safely from the flight. position. crossed picket; lines," 'CSiamberlaln ain from their 6-week honngr- make your custom-made BUTTONS, Detectives yesterday booked The platform was approved last, (Continued on Page Three) Pope John XXin receives Presi­ Sen, Wallace Barnes. Bristol, rules attempt to place our position in the moon today-(-Juat as tlie nesra BUCKLES and BELTS from your own. ma­ dent Arturo Frondlzi of Argentina committee; and Mrs. Katherine worst possible light prior to th^ said. or CoH RIvervlew 5-2060^ ^Richard E. Loomis, 45, on sus­ night by the convention’s resolu­ All plants will work full time broke that ttileves had stotaa EACH terials. Large assortment of sizes. R E M N A N T S , picion of murder. Police said he tion committee with what a in 20-mini}te private audience In Brown, Colebrook, committee on meeting scheduled June 20 In yte Tony’s effigy from Madame NOW 3 for ^ 4 Send for Free Genoge Broehiire throne room of Papal palace .... permanent organization. governor’s office. today, the company said., Tussa&d’s waxworks. As toe BUTTONS ...... 1...... 4c to 25c ra. collected $47,000 in insurance af­ spokesman said were only a few Earth shocks continue to rock "If this attempt was made in BUCKLES...... 85c to 60c ea. ter the crash—and refused to clarifying changes from the draft Heal Thyself, honeymoon couple stepped i t o i O F F southern Chile nearly a montltaftef 'order to shatter morale, it must be ashore from the royal ymebt CLIMBERS— RPRIBUNDA — HYBRID TEA— PATENTED ...... $1-M share it with Gibbs’ sunrlvors. recommended by the platform re­ death-dealing quakes devastated raid it has failed utterly and com­ CONTOUR BELTS...... $2.60 ' Fabrics of every kind included. Did Gibbs, 82. know he was go^ search committee. area .. Reports reaching Saigon. Aej« Nonctch Ho$pital pletely," said Warren (Chamber- Strike Holds Britannia at ' Portanioato. m ing to die ? Other high points of the plat­ Doctor^ Told South Viet Nam, say Vlnglong Hartford, June 18 (Ah—A lab­ lain, president of Local 1234, Unit­ spokeetiMui at MadeoM Toe- HALE’S ,FABRiq,DEi»ARTMENT—Main Floor, Rear. , "His certainly didn’t go up there form would be the abolition of province chief Khuu van Ba and' oratory building to cordinate all ed Auto Workers of America, aaud’s said: "Mr. to commit suicide,” said Det. Sgt. the probate courts through inte- ^ Miami Beach, Fit., June 18 ‘ his driver wefe killed by Commu­ State mental health reaearch wiU which represents workers a t . the At Lockheed ■^nes' effigy nws toere kj -V R A h. Pierce Brooks, who worked four gration into a state court system (J’^T-Physlcian, heal thyself. nist rebels Thursday about 82 miles be built at the Norwich State Hos­ North Haven plant of the giant night, but It waa miss Ing tola months on the bizarre case.) "Ap- and re_duction of,the size of the southwest of Saigon while driving pital. morning. IPs worto about 5M 1 S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH CASH SALES state house of representatives to That was the word to num­ corporation. Loa Angeles, June 18 MP)— A pounds .(81,400). w e n tly he Just didn’t get a chance bers of the nation’s doctors af­ back from inspection tour. State Public Works Commis-, Gov. Abraham Ribicoff has in­ to Jump.” assure “fair representation." ter the tra^ltlonaj physical A House-passed' $8,584,500,000 sioner Timothy J. Murphy, who strike of 10,000 missile-making Enfield St., Thbmpsonville R) S-2050 While calling for higher taxes vited top officials from both aides Lockheed workers continued to­ The plane was a DeHaviiland check-ups given at the Ameri­ foreign aid appropriations bill announced jilans for the project ito S' conference in his ^ c e next Please send me without obligation your free illustrated Mosquito bomber, built in Britain to provide new education monies, can Medical Assn., convention which represents partial victory yesterday, said the 4-story build­ day, despite a trend toward labor ARMS TRUCE PU8BXD WE HAVE MItORGANITE of plywood during World War U. the platform also opposed hnposi- tof President Eisenhower is' at Monday in an attempt to find peace in the strike-trouiited atr- ' Washington, June 18 UBn-«UJL catalogue of Garages M-1 FREE whi^ch ended yesterday. ing will cost about $800,000, The some basis for ending the largest They were frequently'called tion of a state-income-tax. Twenty per cent have heart mercy of Senate Appropriations craft-niissilo industry. disarmament strategists today •Flaming Coffins" because the ply­ "We pldge to work for a state project will be let out for bids strike in the state’s histor>-. Two other big firms reached sought a plan for brldgltig p ^ Th« BflB-bqlWnr' fertilizer used h y more golf abnormalities ahd 106 exhibit­ Committee Arrest of two within Ihree weeks. The strike started June 7 at PARKIN8 wood so quick to bum. tax structure which will fairly ed abnormal chest, conditions. niore men charged. . . with complicity agreements with 46,000 other of the wMe gap betofeen A State Mental Health Depart­ JW .HAU CORE When Gibbs took the plane off distribute the obligation of sup­ Oie Sikorsky Divllilon st Strat­ workers last night and yesterday. Weateru and Soviet Thirty-five Were told, to go to in faked holdup of Yonkers. N.Y. ment spokesman tald the building then any otiier fertilizer. Address V , from Lockheed A(r Terminal; Bur­ porting vitally needed programs." ford and Bridg^iort and spread An agreement between Convalr ending ton nnM. n lbs. M a M c h m s t e r C o n h * R«or of DtOMt eye specialists to be treated bank last Monday is aiuiounced by will coordinate all State-supported the next day to six other divisions. bank, July 1, 1657. wltnauea no­ Where the tax increase would for possible glaucoma. H. G. Foster, special agent ' in and the International Association ton’a latsat wai^tO; teeeaeasaasa'sssessts • PllOUG eeseoseetoee CORNffff MAIN end OAK STREETS ticed that the craft’s landing gear be applied was not specified. mental health research now being About 28,000 workers were in­ of Machinists end^ 10 days of of oeonniB tatoranfe' Dr. Charles McArthur, charge of Federal Bureau of In­ conducted on an individual basis. volved. picketing at all missile bases ex­ 9 ■■ 11 .11.1 ■ •. 1^. ■ I a didn’t retrbet properly. The platform, also proposed ex­ phyeiclan who supervised the vestigation here . ; . Gov. Nel- rival pr« e a i^ Inveetlgatora said excessive drag tending the preient on hous­ It will be the first, State-owned The. issues include full srbltra- cept Vandenberg Air Force Base at Geneva examinationa, said lack of ex- aon A. Rockefeller of N.Y. chargee buildjlng for this purpose, he said. tion. Improved seniority, automat­ —the only U.8. base able to fire away fsem toff' ing dlsorimlnatien J o cover any erciu probably eontributa4 that Democratic bickering Is stall- TiviaJi sttuatlon In wtaiehTaii M*Mr or Iic paw raises, tlie right’to tnvasti- fftoraledrtqe" It-i the doctors’ poor ahowiiv. few pngi«M eC eM l Hifhto. « aa Fag* Viv*) •Mta phevaaea^ en eoopany pcam- Mkr PMtal dMk ated 4erated as a private enterprise,' her daughter, Miss Felicia Pte- N^w Group Cites Objections Insurance Plot AT BIGHT TIME Nortk-Semth vnfaMnblo By State Democi'ats the Hartford Chamber of Com­ NORTH George H.-miU twc incrwiie, aa they claim the (OoBttaiMd from P»go Om ) V 8 2 (Oonttnnee fram Pago One) recent recipient of a suggestion or Puerto Rico. ’Ihe"' milk solids ford Kiwanis Club and the Hart­ Monday, were feted at a bon ..voy­ K. WllBon went on record a* being; Conaolidation and Charter Com­ As declarer you cart bften choose ♦ A Q 4 2 awaM certificate from. the Post are bought from the central deal­ ford County Home Builders Assn. age party given by Mn. Lawrance We handle Humidifiers, Dehoanidlfiers, DrinUiig Foua* tfairiit the proposed consolidation mission has said; from the landing gear might have the time to glye'^ip a trlcH,. It « 9 7 4 2 by applauM, was a blast at the Office Department. er, and it takes a payroll of 20,- Bolinaky of 15 Norman St. laet Ihafter l»st night aa a group, ex* 2. The chatter will cause re caused the engine to overheat, set­ poflfible, choose a moment- when WEST EAST publlo relationa techniques ho Raid Cochran was cited for recom­ 000 cows to keep the dealers sup­ Briefs night tains. Water Softeners and Water Heaters. * ^ . greasing: the same feelings, the placement of elected-officials with ting the wooden plane afire. Wheth­ the opponents are powerless -ib at- 4kAKQJ2 4k 10 95 ara used by the Eisenho'wer ad- mending installation of a keyboard plied. Frank Puglisi of Waterbury has Mra: Pietroweki will visit rela- biyaen'^ Charter BlparUsan group appointed officials, thereby elimt tack. r ■ ' WJ764 VS3 mlniatration to make it seem dis­ in the office for the neat retention been appointed msinager of the Uve4 whom ehe hasn’t seen for arai organized. nating what booz, Allen and Ham­ er It waa plotted this way Isn't West opens the king of spades, National Shoe Store at the Park- nearly 60 years, during her so­ 4 10 7 A ♦ 9 8 4 5 loyal to debase forelgpi policy. of duplicate keys, used by em­ Elected President Wila'on, a Pem^^rat. took ,the ilton, the firm that did a survey of known. But polite say they are continues with the jack, and then ployee. FpnrArly, duplicate keys ade. Pugllsi said he is commut­ journ of a few weeks in the coun­ “ It la quite obvloua that the Maynard A. Clough of 25 Shan­ aame atabd taken earlier this week the town's three governments sure ot.thia: leads artqther spade. You natural­ ‘ 'io relationa atrategy—the were kept in drawers and else­ ing now from Wrtterbury, where try. called "The strong point of local ly ruff thK third spade since you 4k 7 4 non Rd.,’ East Hartford, this week he formerly managed a National Following the return home of WILIIAMS OIL SERVICE ^ F ln t Selectman, George Risley, "Loomia sabotaged the plane’s C laon Avenue touch—la to run where. The award certificate was a Republican. government; cannot afford to give up three V A K Q 10 » signed by Postmaster General was elected president of the Hart­ outlet, but may have to move to her mother. Miss Pietrowski Will 341 BROAD ST.— PHONE MI 9-4548 3. It eliminatej('the town meet­ hydraulic system, which controls Richard Kri3(on agalnat NlklU' ford Sales Executives Club. The other menther of the Board spades and a trump trick as welL ♦ K J 3T Khruahehev. Arthur Summerfield and Regional town in the near future. continue her 'travels through Eu­ ing, at which voters' can express the landing ntechanianv-in aiich a 4kA'K3 •f Selectmen. tVilllam R. Hahn, How do you proceed ? " I think it ia time for the en- Director John DeMott. Cochran Clough Is a'"lManchester native Parker Soren, 110 Comstock rope until August their opinions on government; way aa to preclude a safe landing.” The ‘'normal” Way Is to lead SoWK WMt North Em* has been with the loral post office and lived most of his life in this Rd., manager of the Manchester second selettman, agreoa with ' And detectives have' In thetr tlra democratic party—for avery- Roclo'ille^Msiyor la-n BXFlaherty •4. The proposed chartfir will not out the three top ^trURips in the 1 4 t A P«n Pan for eight years. He lives at 837 town. He is a member of the Sal­ office of the Hartford Electric provide the necessary services to possession an agreement 8igne(t*hy Double Pass 2 4 Paas one ot, for every leader and vation Army, plays in the bend, Jr. and yesterday voiced hlaopin- hope of dropping th^ Jack. This apokeaman among ua—to aerve W. Center Bt. Light Co., has been cited by the t^’o group.s wh0.w needs and inter­ Loomis and Gibbs two days before 3 4 Pm» 4 4 All company for "his 35 yeajti of serv­ lon .that' the charter shoulttv be leads to defeat. ' Opening lead-— AK notice on them that they can’t get est,s are as widely separated as are the crash, in which Loomis agreed As it happens, the jack of ice. Another HELCO member 'ridop^ed. to pay. Gibbs 10 per cefit of in­ away with it.” With a Fringe on Top The new, charter oppo.sing group' those of the city and Fire District. trumps does not fall. Your only from Manchester. Bruno Allczi of bout 6."> people attended the surance proceeds If the plane He added: “If our Vice Preai- Ten-year-old Deborah Sedlacek 81 Bissell St., was cited for 10 elected officcr.s last night and, hope now is to play the diamonds dent makea an lll-adviaed tour in of 342 Hillstown Rd. is entertain­ listed a- nusuber of obJecUon.s to meeting and discu.ssed the charter crashed. up to you, holding: Spadea—10 years’ service. Aliczl is In the Four days before the crash in the hope of getting' a club dis­ South America and encountera a ing neighborhood friends these the charter proposal that is sched­ proposal. card. West ruffs the third diamond 9 5; Hearts—5 3; Diamonds 0 8 purchasing', department. WilsmKplaimed the increased ad- Loomis . Insured the plane — pur­ hoatlle recaption, the emphaaia la da.ys with rides in a newly ac­ uled ,for a, referendum .July .*). and leads another spade. 6 5; Clubs—J 10,8 5. 'What do you on hia' personal courage and not on quired, 4-foot surrey, a prize won Frank Cornell was elected presi­ miniatrAtl\^j;osts alone will ex­ chased in England for $8,000 —•' say? Opens at State Tomorrow ~ for $50,000. Lloyds of London paid Now you must eventually lose the obvious failure of the mlaalon in a department store contest dent; Rarney Moses, vice presi­ ceed J60,00ff^^t the start under a club 'tnck. Down one. Answer; Bid two clubs. You are the charter an^this can cause an Steve Reeves rescues Mylene Demongeot from her captor, Ivo him $4T,000 30 dajm after' the "If our President ia lured to Deborah, daughter of Mr. and Couple Will Note dent; TTiomas Johnson, secretary; tempted to make the cheapest bid, Mrs. Frank Sedlacek, named a immediate tax in^ease GarrinI, In the exciting climactic sequence of "The Giant of Mar­ crash. Early Settler Paris for a sununit conference end Morgan Strong, treasurer. one spade, with your worthless clown In a contest sponsored by The group listed these object- Strong objected to^ the charter athon," spectacular Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer release depicting a Police said Loomis had set up a It pays to be an early settler on which, we are,_told, never had any Gets Doctorate ^25tli Anniversarv a hand of this kind. Give the op­ hand, but this is dangerous. Your chancea of success, we are advised U.S. Keds, makers of tennis shoes. fi>J‘ J tions to the charle?^ 1. The new as a "virtual dictatorship In Ver heroic story of ancient Greece and the defense of Athens against firm to do aerial photography for; partner probably haa a good hand, Invading'Persians. The picture was fllrned in Cinemascope ponents the first trump trick. A f­ to praise his dignity aitd^fore- Alexander J. Plante of Bayberry The contest was held in Manches­ * charter will not mean only a 2- non." ■ / ' the government two years before and he may try for game if you Rd.; Bolton, was awarded a degree Mr, and Mrs. Frederick W. Mi­ and color on a vaat scope with a cast of thousands. It will ap­ ter ruffing the thipd spade ■with bearance and never ask the simple ter at C. E. House and Son'Inc. the crash. bid a major stilt. You don’t want of doctor “ of phiioao|fliy 'by the The winning name was , Rudy nor of 54 Arbutus St.. East Hart­ Fre sh pear at the State Theater Sunday through Tuesday. Loomia was sued after the wreck the nine of hearts, lead the ten of queation: "W hy waa he there at Miller, Tliomas Moyinhan, Jamiie hearts from your hand. to hear any more from him. all?” University of Connecticut June 12. Bulbous, an appellation original ford, will celebrate their 25th wed­ Nelson, Holly Hatch, Steven by the dead pilot's father, Kerber, An. associate professor on the staff Coventry If We.st wins 'with the Jack of (Copyright IMO, General Featnras He declared that it is the Dem­ with-'Deborah. It was applied, to ding anniversary on Wednesday. 'Platek, Dgbbie , Liewis, Laura of San Diego, Calif., for $10,000 Corp.) of the School of Education at the clown because of its noticeable as Gibbs' share In the Insurance hearts he cannot continue apades; ocratic party’s duty to debate for They w^ere marrled^une 22, 1935 L a t h r o p, Terry Ober, David elan policy. UConn, Plante la also principal red nose. at the home of Mra. Minor's par^- Blueberry Sundae Gankofskie and Amy Kilpatrick Ike Denounces Chinese Reds^ money. dummy’s eight of trumps is there of the • University’s E. O. Smith Graduate* to stop the spades. And this is, an apparent reference to The prize was-presented to De­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Oliver of 101 — Mrs. . Henry. .Gankofskie served Loomis denied making any In- High School. borah by Carl Reimer, martager of of course,- the reason for giving up apeciil^lon that he might try to Enfield, with the Rev. Daniel Ken­ Luscious, fresh ^’Blue Blooded’’ Berries light refreshments-after the pro: .surance-split agreement with The Bolton resident received House’s, and John P, Wle't, execu­ nedy of Suffleld officiating. Repeats Quemoy Guard Aims Gibbs. He also denied having plot­ the first trump trick rather_^ than block K en ed y’s nomination,' Law­ over fresh Blueberry Ice Cream . . . topped From Grade 8 gram. S I 1 S T U J O O D rence totd the convention': his bachelor of science degree tive vice president of the Chamber The couple have two sons, Ed­ South tlliiirrh Services ted to cause the planC to crash. a later one. You can afford to lose «k.'\iN>\ruitr • kA\T kkik^rfoun with whipped cream and a cherrj’. IT’s A "...Whatever influence I have from American International Col­ of Comiherce. win of South Windsor and Douglas The Rev. James R. MacArthiir (Continued froip-'l^ge One) ^ After the wreck, the Log Angeles a trick while dummy still has a lege in Springfield, Mass., in 1947 of East Hartford. Mrs. Minor is SUNDAE BEST! ‘ - Twenty-three awards were pre- City CoiThcil honored Gibbs , for trump. TWO TOP HITS with the deientes from Pennsyl­ will use "Fathera" as his Fathers Mop Charge vania will noU'be used in a move­ and his master’s from UConn In Named Secretary Maynard A. Clough ^ employed by the F. W. Woolworth •ented at commencement exerci.aes Day sermon topic at 10:45 a.m Several ,wop»^n fainted tn the riding the plane down instead of No matter what West returns, , Aire Goinm l94fl.. He was a consultant with r.d. O-Rrira ment to,‘atop’ rtijy candidate...” John T. Golding, 11 Ardmore Co. in Manchester, and her hus­ at Coventrj’ Grammar School last Sunday at the First Congrega­ crush as vvbife helmeted troops and bailing out and leaving It to crash you can draw the rest of the Rerl Ivrs Jallo Loadoa ^ the State Department of Educa­ and has held some of its offices. band is with Carlyle-Johnson fJo. Boy Scouts, with-staves, sought to Lodged in Crash in the populous San Fernando 'Val­ Nm I Coward la Laralne Ilay la Kowalski’s nomination waa the Rd,, h u been elected secretary of tional Church. trumps and run the diamonds. "O I’ B MAN IN tion at the tlnle o f his appoint­ He is president-treasurer of the A feception for the couple will night prior to awarding diplomas keep the surging, pushing crowd ley. ••THB THIHD ^ only one before the convention. the George E. Dewey Co., Inc. of By vote of the Pa'stor’a Council Strangel.v enough, you may ac­ HAVANA” VOICK” ment to the University staff. He Hartford, long distance movers. Bartlett-Braina’rd Products Co. of be held tomorrow a t the home of to 101 eighth graders. there will be worship services con from'moving too close to the.stand. A 2.3-j[ear.-old Willimantic • mo­ t The Chamber of Commerce In tually make an overtrick If you S:S«-f;;t5-9iM 4:5&A:Z0 'l There are ■ no State offices open began his career as a teacher at' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Minor. 28 and this la an off year tbr the U S. Golding has been employed by West Hartford, a firm for which Among the award winners! ducted at the local church.during The crowd' saved its mightiest torist was charged, with failure to Re.seda — one of the last commu­ play the hand this way. When you Plalrtfleld High School, served as he was employed many years be­ S. Main St., South Windsor, follow­ Comfortably^ cheer for the wimlup. For three Porter St. Walks Senate. ' T^e five other Cqngreaa- Dewey 12 years and has been con­ Stiaanne Cleverdon, daughter of the summer months. Startiijg stop at a stop sign at Bridge St. nities the flaming plane passed be­ lead the ten of hearts. West may Saada)', All Color Show director of guidance services at troller for the past eight. In addi­ fore purchasing the business from ed by open house at 3 p.m. solid minutes It yelled,. screamed fore crashing In the hills b ey on d - men will he nominated at ^ strict Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleverdon. July 3 and continuing through play low on the theory that his Glastonbury High School and was tion to his new duties, Golding will his employer \Vhen he. retired a and applauded after Eisenhower and Hartford -Rd. shortly after conducted a fund-raising campaign On'^Board Agenda Nitrl Patrlrk Joff Chaadlor ■conventions. Air Main St., won four, and Jan Blam- Sept. 4 the serWcee will lj« held partner can win the trick. Some­ Yroaae Mltchrll Jalio Adama principal of 'N^lley Regional High continue as controller. year ago. Frozen-Food Pack Big ended his 15 minute address. ^ midnight, after an accident that fefi- Gibbs’ son, David, then 11. times the best way to save a trick Kowalski's 1958 ■victory gkye “ You Can Tsste The Quality berg, son of Mr. add Mrs. Siegmar at 10 a.m. Immediately after the public “Away All School 'Ih Deep River. Clough’s election came at the slightly injured himself and three The chamber said Loomi.s offer- A public hearing on sidewalk in­ Is to offer it up' on a silver plat­ him his first public office. He ii F. Blamherg. Silver St., won three. The Pilgrim Fellowship of the rally the President was driven “ Sapphire” He and Mrs. Plante moved to Dairy Queen Celebrates^ ^ annual gplf outing of the club New York—More than 5.000,000 church will hold ita annual meet others. fered to contribute $5,000.' But, stallations will be held by the ter. Boats” a West Point graduate and re Bolton In 1951. They have two Conditioned Miss Cleverdon was presented bark tssjjs hotel for a few hours I« Color Celebration sundaes are being Wednesday. He had previously pounds of food were frozen last Routes 6 & 44A ing at 7 p.m. . Sunday at the Policeman John Jfrinjak said said officials of the group, he Board of Directors Tuesday,At 8. Baity Question la Colar tired in 1958 wtih the' rank of sons, Jerry, 18 and Jav, 9 years these awards; American Legion rest before attending a state din­ never gave a cent. 3:U-7:4S sold at a special price today at served on the board of directors of year, nearly equaling the 1956 rec­ Quandt Hall op Mason St. OfUcera Robert Leclair, 23," \vas headed p.m. in the Municipal Building. colonel to run for Confess. old. C fyWW Auxillar.v, for highest achieve­ ner given him by President and Btaler bids one heart and your the Dairy Queen stored on 307 W. the club for four years, and had ord ..of 5,100,000 pounds. In recent ment; Rotary Club, for highest elected then will be Installed dur­ toward Hartford Rd. on Bridge St. Deputy Police Chief Thad Brown The walks, jf approved, would be partner doubles for a takeout. Kowalski, 52, haa served on the been Its ■vice president two years. Madame Chlang. and failed to see the stop sign at said Trans-World Engineering was Middle Tpke. and 500 Hartford years heavy frosts haye cut fruit achievement throughout school ing the njo'rnlng worship services located on the north side of Por­ 'The next player passes, and It is Wrd. ‘PIraio Hoa’i Kal The Datatei’ House Armed Services Committee He will serve as an ex-officio harvests and curtailed frozenafood life; Coventry Grammar School He had ^ been on the go con­ the intersection. His car went formed Jan, 24. 1955 by Anthony ter St. from Willow PI. to Steep and haa been an outspoken critic South Windsor Rd. to mark the 2dth anniversary member of the Board of Directors June 2$.' Doria, a union labor figure, and a production. PTA, for social studies; and the stantly .since his arrival eight through and slammed Into one Hollow Lane, and on the north side of some handling of military af­ since the Dairy Queen idea began. man named Earl Heaton. In Au­ A1 Elkin and A1 Coe, owner-op­ South Coventry Young Mothers Manchester E%'««lng Herald hour's earlier, but appeared only a driven by 'William Roper, 61, 8 N. of E, Middle Tpke. from Summit fairs. Fairfield St. gust, 1957. a month after the erators of the Manchester Dairy Ouh, for music. Clin'entry correapondent, F._ Paul­ trifle tired. At times when his to Parker Sts. The platform’s specific refer­ Wolves to Play Leclair and his passenger, Nancy crash, Doria told a Senate Labor Queens, are celebrating along with T h e Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY Blamberg won these awards; ine Litrie, telephone ragrim 2 speech was being translated into The Porter St. walks are favored ence to higher, taxes for increased Flanders, 23, West HartfoiM, and Rackets Committee' hearing that 3,200 other independent owners. Coventry Grammar School .PTA. 6281. !«■ Chinese he leaned with his arms by area residents to protect chil­ education assistance was this: Wappiug Bears for mathematics; Lions Club, for against the rostrum. Roper and I\is wife. Ellen, a he lent $25,000 to Loomis and Hea­ dren who walk to the Highland SMORGASBORD The Dairy Queen Idea began in M agnavox— truly the finest passenger in her husband's car ton lent Loomis another $5,000. “ We recognize the need for in­ Ehtgllsh Grammar and schopl ac­ "Ypir-may be assured.” he said, Park School. The walks have been EVEKY SUNDAY NOON to 7 P.M. creasing the proportion and The two local Babe Ruth League 1930 with three stores. J. F. Mc­ tivities; and the Rotary Cl^', high­ were all injured sllghtl.v. They Doria was linked in testimony with opposed by several Porter St. prop­ Cullough opened them In Moline, on any basis of comparison "that our' continuing .search for New York labor racketeer Johnny amoimt o f state spending lii the teams will meet in a baseball game est achievement th rou gi^ t school peaceful aoliitlons to outstanding were treated at Manchester Me­ erty owners, notably James ALL YOU 111., after his family and Harry Strike Holds morial Hospital for bniises. Dio. The money was to buy two field of education will require ad­ tomorrow at 4 p.m. follo'wlng the lllfe. , / intemalional problems does not Dougan, 335 Porter St. CANEAT..i...... ONLY ditional money In the next bien­ Oltz of Hammond, Ind., developed Walter Wanagel wgh the Coven­ Leclair is scheduled to appear In planes for photographic operations n .2 5 American Legion team game. the recipe and the freezer. reflect the slightest lessening of Town Court June 25. under a government contract. One 82 v a r i e t i e s o p DELICIOUS FOOD! nium. This cannot be done without try Grammar School PTA award our determination to stand with additional tax revenue. 'Wo await Those Interested in baseball will .The dessert Is made from milk At Lockheed Two cars collided near Center Mosquito was bought in New Zea­ BOTTLE OF BEER 80c; BYE HI-RALL, have an opportunity to^ see the I Thf^ for social studied, and the PTA’s .voii, and ft'iUi all our free neigh­ MANHATTAN or MARTINI, 8.5c the flndinga and recommendations solids and served ht 19 degree Indsutrial arts award: and Thomas and Broad Sts. early yesterday "af­ land but repossessed for lack of South Windsor Wolves, unbeaten farenheit. bors of the Pacific, against ag­ payments. The other—the one that of the economic planning and dC' Pockot Moto Bralnerd won the Rotary Club (Continued from Page One) ternoon. There were no injuries or veiopment committee to . pro In four outside contests. In action Each store is owned and op- Father Knows Best! gression.” award for highest achievement arrests. crashed—-was brought in England M A N S F in O i against the Wapplng Bears. 6 Transistor As he spoke the Chinese Com­ NEW BOULEVARD DINER equitable revenue adjustments .throughout school life, and the ocean-spawning Atla.s'es In the na­ -According to Policeman James and flown here. Police said Doria I jcVV-sjV u im A In Little League action last munist guns that plastered thip Jimm.v SIrwarl I nirk Clark AIR-CONDITIONED essary to meet these increase South Coventry Young Mothers Martin, two cars started abr.east was pressing for return of the needs. light the Dodgers' edged out the tion's defense. Nationalist offshore, 'island of money just before the crash. •'.MOrNTAIN I ''Brcaii.r 473 Connecticnt Boulevard, East Hartford—BU 9-9891 Club award or miisic. from the stop light at that inter­ _____ ROAO'* I Thry'rr Youns” qdians 7-5 at Wapplng School Convalr’s big S.an Diego and Po­ Quemoy yesterday were .silent. "W e will support an equitable section, The car in the outer lane, Saw.. “ nAVin ANn-RF/THB^HEBA” tax program to pay for additional fleW while the Cubs beat the Yanks Other, award winners were mona. Calif., plants were subject­ The r t"he Yanks ■with -Club English Grammar and school '•I-nst night, Douglas and the, eVen-mimbered day and the Reds..... but when he pulled to the left to WATERFORD SOUTH .STREET. COVENTRY— 1 MILE GOP also opposed a state income D. Griswold and^aley catching. activities: James Toomey and lAM reached an agreement for have confined their shilling to odd go around the truck, the other car, The Maple Grove Club on FROM HIST0RIC.;NATHAN HALE HOUSE tax. In the. Wappink game, Bobby driven by Elizabeth I, Bolin of Keefe socked a homer for the In­ Elizabeth Rankin, Coventry Giam- 20,000 workers at the firm's plants j numbered day.s. Franklin St. has been redecorated A Good Graduation Gift Suggestion mar School athletic award; Tyler at nearby Santa Monica and El | tn his speech the President ex- .Southbridge. Mksa., hit the rear of SPEED BOWi FEATURING: dians, witli one on. D/'Cook, Mete- De%'1ne and Kathleen Ravlin, North Segundo. It ended possibility o f . Iii.s determination to press Dotcliln's car. Only minor damage in time for the German choral vier and Goodin p itch ^ for the SOUNDS SO BIG! COSTS SO LITTLE! Route'85, Hartford Rd. or Miss Joan Custer Coventry Women's flnb science; a strike tlireatened hv the lAM'kt on in .searching ' for what he called re.siilted. festival to be held there tonight * BROILED STUFFED JUMBO PANAMA SHRIMP Dodgers with Davis and^^nicola BU Y YO UR ^ r r y it in pocket or purse—brings distant stations with clear Richard, Stetson. Jim's,Supply Co. Santa Moiiica at midnight. an "effective means to outlaw war and tomorrow. Exit 77 off Conneeticiit Tpke. catching. J. Keefe and McAnneny Magnavox superior tone quality. Low cost single battery lasts Industrial arts for a boy continuing and to promote the rule of law - NA\’AL ALlTVfNI To Become Nurse for the Indians with MeCsithy Details of the .settlements weren't Nearly 1,000 singers from chor­ * BAK^ LASAGNE • MOSTACCOLI catching. SUNDAY PAPER for months. Complete with'Teather caso and hearing aid type Vork in one of the State's technical di.sclo.sed pending ratification by among nations." Groton, June 18 (4^Vx^Eugcne J. STOCK CAR RACING private listening speaker too. Silch a noble quest, he said. Is al groups in Connecticut, Massa- At a Wapping Fair Assn, m e^ schools; and Donna Gmild and union membership. But hotli are Monsport, Meridem^^s the 'new chusetU and Rhode Island will Miss Joan E. Custer, daughter Kathleen Brand, Covenlry Gram­ not aided by yielding to tl^reata or LINGUINI WITH CLAM SAUCE ing held at the Wapplng Conu' and BREAKFAST sure to hribg pay raises and fringe president of the^C^necticut Chap­ compete* for a- trophy tomorrow o f Mr. and Mrs. Austin P. Custer mar School PTA home economics. hv weakening defen.ses against po­ EVERY SATi NIGHT munlty House last night with AT benefit improveiijents. « ter of the IL^VNaval Alumni Assn. morning at Rockville High School, 8 R A C E !^ 2 FEATURES of St. Petersburg, Fla., and for­ Graduates l.lsterl tential Rggre.ssors. He added: He wa.s rioted to succeed ,T. R. Z. merly of Manchester, was gradu­ President Robert Burrlll, detail Is>Ckheed-IAM negotiations were "Indeed, .such weakne.ss would starting at 9 o'clock. After the ADULTS fl..50—KIDS 50c work connected with arrangements The list of graduates follows:. recessed last night to'Sgive. com- ReynpMs, Dales Ferry, last night. competition’ an all.-day pitting at ated on June .10 from Boca Ciega Robert D. Abhev. Robert A. Increase the danger of war.” High School, St. Petersburg. She of the annual harvest time event i pan.v negotiators a chance tn stiifty AJsO elected were Richard Neun- the cjub will get underii'ay. continued. Assignment^ will be Elsenhower's denunciation of the lorffer, Stonington, vice presi­ waa a member of the National RTHUR Potterton's Allen, Richard L. Baki'r. Curtis A. a union counterproposal made ,vea- Tonight, many members of the “PRICES AS LOW—SERVICE 'niA'rS BETTER” Peiping regime was his .secon d ^ Honor Society, and In the top 15 announced following u meeting to Bay. Violet A. Belhot, Richard .1. torday. dent: Walter F. Rose, Milford, visiting choral clubs will attend.a be held July 1 at 8 p.m. (it the Belekewicz, Theodore T. Benoit. seven hours after arriving^oh the secretary-treasurer, and Thomas per cent of her class of 407. ISO CENTER ST. COR. OF CHURCH ST. The only violence in the ra.«h of Nationalist Island, Saengerfeat Eve dance in the club ENDS Wapping Community Houae. UG Raymond B. Bernsten.' Susan J. L. Miller, Stonington, trustee. ballroom. TONIGHT Miss Custer has been accepted ^‘^lrlkpa and .strike threats came at 'Two hours after landing, he la­ iiL-fc i j for the September class of the Emphasized at the meeting was Bigelow, Jan E. Blamherg,’.lohn R. the fact that residents do not have Boardman, - Stephen T. Bowen, the .Sunnyvale, ('alif.. headquarters beled the savage Red Chinese hom- RECORD h o p ! “WILD RIVER”—MONTGOMERY CLIFT, LEE REMICK School of Nursing at Johns Hop­ of Iiockhecd's mis .sles and space . ^’**''*’nt of Quemoy. IfM) miles kins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. She to be Grange or previous fair as­ Carol- .S. Bowman. Thomas \V. “SMILEY GETS A GUN”-FEATURE AT 5:45-9:10 sociation members to attend meet­ Brainard. Kathryn Brand, Donna division. Picketing lia.re«ents The « Somers .StMk Theater FLOOR, SHOW 4ipioawA Thursday night from the COUNTRY lOYS Formerly Somers Playhouse ^ WortJi Coventry Cooperative Kin- .Dine and Danre'Every CALL M l 9-8070 FOR RESERVATIONS '(derfartee. THUll,M.. FBI. and SAT. Rente 20, Homers, L'onn. Those reneivtng the awards giv­ A IR -f’ONDITIO.VED For Reservations RI B-4452 en out by Mrs, Albert E. Bray. For Voiir t'omforl! ", P.S. • rOBACt O ROAD ” R4£*1d3^S, Oak Grill. 30 00k St. Ib U ca ^ r d e n , Psm Going. 11 .^ “Y'ok'er e No Minimum ■ ' O tr r na«,^cnlM Poam oy, Joel m m m m m J ' I ‘

's , \ '

FOUft MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ||AN0HESTER. CONN,. SATURDAY, JUNE 18, I960 . . i ' fASM MANCHESTER EVEOTNO HERALD, MANCHESTE®. CONN, SATURDAY, JUNE I t, IMO P A O B fIV B 'SUtarto art thiir'paopto thalr picnia -of the season. C an srill JIUmrlfFEtRr povwty and tntnfap and Is- ISavJ'for Natchaug State Forest •Wonders of the-Universer Connecticut directly following the service of noranea. . . lanese "Wa muattaatabliah a multi-na­ worship. ’ ’'Each individual or ir OOP Nominee family la to bring hla own picnic tion developitaant loan fund.” Yankee Churches lunch and come to the aervl SateUite* Problems II BImmU street In two InitahcM, Sanator Kan- dressed for the picnic. . lIanchMt«rallot at a district nominating tWeekly .. .30 lems, of Berlin. . . . we- must real­ 9:30 a.m., Church School. Class­ analyzing data returned to the m arked under black-trimmed fied her as a member of the Com­ convention In the Howard Johnson . . . .05 ness scheduled, and almost no po-. 6:45 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi meets Rev. Dennis B. Hussey earih, the aolentUt la suddenly saya son of Secretary of (Com­ yiBgle Copy .. es for all agSs. earth. Perhaps this Is feasible and m ousing banners while the mln- munist party. She refused to say Restaurant, Manchester. ize that a solution to the problems litlcal stakes involved. This made at the church with Mr, and Mrs. Aselstnats face to face with a colossal task merce Frederick H. Mueller did whether she had *ieen * Commu­ MEMBER OP 10:45 a.m.. Worship Sarvice. a system will be devised to do.thls. u t^ remaining were ticking away. nothing Improper in selling furni­ The vote was made unanimous , . . THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of that. beleaguered cit.v is only it possible for absenteeism and Stan Matteeon. Message by Alfred Swain, minis­ of Interpreting the data- being sent nist and invoke* the Fifth Amend­ However, if such s system doe's not /^ ’Down with Klshl!" the march- ture to State Department . . . One for Geyer, who is general mana­ The Aaaoclated Preas la exclualvely possiblb in the context of a solU^ philosophy to be mixed. The old­ 7 p.m., The Junior High Pilgrim Sunday Masses at 7, 8, .9, 10, 11; terial student earthward: ment privilege against' self-in­ entitled to the uae of 1-epubllcation of Fellowship meeting at the church In the Chapel at 9 and 10 a.m. A t thla- moment, some 100 icl- become available, Individual ob­ y^»rn roared. "Smash the Treaty!” man Is killed and two are injured ger of the Connecticut Milk Pro­ • all news dlapatchoa credited to it or tioh of the problems of Germany -timers who- weren't there may 10:45 a.m.. Children's Church servers will have to be used. This crimination. nave felt some sentimental pang, with Mr. and.Mrs. Herb Brown. entlats from the National Aero­ Twenty thousand members ’ of in explosion at top secret weapons ducers Assn. There will be no not otherwi-ee credited In Ihla paper and Nursery. the radical student orgatilzatlon This brought her discharge from and alao the local new., piihllahcd here. and. Indeed, the problems of all because It might have been the T p-m., Adult Study Gr6up meet­ Church af'tae AaaumptioB n autic and Space Administration, wlll.be time consuming, expensive,' research plant. Defense ministry primary. All rifflita of republication of apeclal 6 p.m.. Youth Service. and will retard the final results;' Zengakuren—the same group that her position as k librarian in Nor­ Europe. We must look forward to ing,at the church. Adanm St’, u m Thempsoa Rd. spokesman says plant is In no way In his acceptance speech, Geyer dlapatchoa herein are alao reaeryed. first Republican state convention 7 ’ p.m.. Evangelistic Service. the Air Force and the Weather There Is one way out. That Is la wood, Mass'., but she obtained a Rev. Joseph Farrell, Pastor Bureau are mobilized Interpreting . mobbed White House Secretary concerned with nuclear weapons pledged to forward the interests a free Berlin, In a united Germany they had missed since they be- Message by the Rev. Da^l Cart- inaugurate a worldwide lystem in James C. Hagerty June 10 and similar job at the Quaker group's Pull aervlce client of N. E. A. Serv- ^anl'e voters four decades sgo, but T a lo o ^ U e Congregational Church Rev. Francis T. Sutler, Asalstni^ pictures being, taken by Tiros I. Hint that a presidential veto library at Plymouth Meeting, Pa. , of all district town*. Earlier, del­ -lee. Inc. in a Europe where tensions and mcl, a. mlsalqnary at the Hartford which meteorologists from all over/ staged a destructive raid on Par­ they certainly had the consolation Re\'.\^ltobert Shlmoda, Pastor Thla InterpreUtion haa auddisnly be forthcoming fails to pre- The Appellate Court noted that egates favoring Mortensen had ob­ Publlahera Repreaenlatlvea: The armaments have been reduced.” Seminary. the world will be asked to partici­ liament last Wednesday— massed JullU B Mathews Special Apency — New that they couldn't be missing very Sunday Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:15 Wednesday, 7:30 pjn., Prayer becoma a disquieting bottleneck erwhelming {Senate passage the Quaker group lecame subject jected to the faiJt that many party York; Chicago. Detroit ajid JBoMon. And Kennedy had The courage to pate in thla program and under­ again before the front gate of par­ [|| that would authorize future and elective officials ar* from MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF much. If there were ever a par­ 10:45 Vm., Nurierjr opens. and 1-1:80 a.m. and Praise aervloe. and thla la but tha beginning. It take the reduction of data from liament. to considerable community pres­ 'CIRCULATIONS. discuss the politician’s nightmare ty convention one could afford to 11 a.m.X Morning worship. Mr. la BuggMtad that a complex of alx tructlon of 134 water projects sure to fire Mrs, Knowles. The Wethersfield, ...... the Tiroe pictures, (futhls why, the "We will fight to the end,” their costing more than 1 billion dollars. of the issue, of Communist China In miss, this, because of its absence and Mrs.X William Monaghan, Ssusred Heart Omreh Calvary Chapel satalUtea will be neceaaary for burden of these reductions o n ' a leaders vowed. group resisted this pressure; gave Ken E .' Geyer In congratulating Geyer. Moften- . . The. Herald Printing Companv Inc.. Chnroh St., 'VenMW global aurvelllani^ to alert weath­ Mrs. Knowles a pay rkise after her aaSumea no financial reaponalbnlly for term.3 which suggested that we of agenda and business, was cer­ greeters, aiiil Gay Simoncelli, dea­ (Asasmbllee of God) global scale .will not .be the sole re­ , Some demonstrators howsver, sen called for a united effort in' tlfe typographical errdra appearing In ad- tainly It. con of the Hay. Uahera will be Rev. Ralph Kelly, Paster tS ’Vernon St. ermen. to storms If we are to sponsibility of thte government: -• The treaty fs a abort document conviction, and was given a 85,000 campaign, and added he will "see verflaementa and other reading matter should find some way to stop pre­ were ready to quit early. award for its stand by the Fund -iWa can Imagine, In the future, Wallace Philllpa and James Mc­ Masses at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Kenneth L. Gustafson, Pastor achieve the storm warning stage. There are advitatagea to a’ pro­ of 10 articles that replac*|.-a aim-y that 'my town is well represented In The Mancheater Evening Herald. Zengakuren sound truck speak­ for the Republic. tending to-ignore the existence of conventions which even the old- Nally. Flowers wU be'given to all Today, scientists carniot decipher gram of this type. First, we will be ers ridiculed defecting columns, liar 1951 agreement with’ JapanJ and that Ken sees that R Is." * IMapIay advertlaing c.loalng houra; St. Francis ^ Assisi Ohorch the complete information from pic­ When Mrs. Knowles was recall­ State News Geyer also promisjH a fight or Monday—1 p.m. PHday. such a country. timers who have ..voluntarily _(ll- Sunday SjChooI children. 9:45 a.m., Sunday School, Spe­ Inviting aclentlets from all over .asking; "How can you struggle to It was revised to meet eomplaintsj 6 p.m.. Recognition supper for .Sooth Windsor tures of a single satelUte, let alone the world to work with us to help originally initiated by th*_ Japa-. ed by the committee in July 19.55, against Democratic "bossism.” for Tueaday—1 p.m. Monday. A situation In which "we have vesled themselves of their party cial remembrances for all tha dads. "th e end If you leave now? the court said, r.o statement was ■por Wednesday—1 p.m. Tueaday. togas would not be able to resist. high s ihool and college graduates. Rev. James F. Glynn, Pastor from a complex of six. themselves mftd to help us by re­ nese leftists now rioting, that the singling out Democratic State Por Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday no affirmative policies—only an Rev. Raymond B. 'YaaknusKas, 10:45 a,m.. Morning Worship. Noburo Kato, acting chief of the made as to the purpose in calling All of them have a few shreds of 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service. At this moment, there is a great ducing the cost of the analysis. Zengakuren, shouted over a loud­ old treaty was unequal and im­ Chairman .Tohn Bailey aa the man 'Por Priday—1 p.m. Thursday. attitude, of negative reeistance” Assistaat Pastor need to correlate TTros pictures her. or. as to the subject matter Roundup who "pas.sea all the laws” w'hil*' Por Saturday—1 p.m. Friday. Influence left, and Sjuprs of them The Salvation Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Prayer The sec'. hin-chemistry. bacteri- pose in the State election next fall. The Foreign Policy Speech own sectional power again. ages. Rev. Paid G. Prokopy, Paeter results in a shorter time. him "house prisoner.” tion. >■ ative proposals of our ovi’n, al­ Rev. Bernard McGhrk, Pastor The one bright spot la that, with In this fashion. Tiros may truly Shelton, a copyreader on the New olog.v, and general chemiatery, be­ The district is composed of Man­ Senator John Kenned.v'e full dreaa Blit for this convention they 10:45 a.m.. Morning set but a single weather satellite, the Some demonstrators moved on to The United States will defend York Times, was questioned by the chester, South ^Windsor: East ways leaving the Initiative In the were philosophicall.v absent, as 9 a.m., Sunday School. Free bus become an International symbol of KIshi’s residence. Others locked sides doctor.*’ offices, a library,* con­ apaach on foreign policy, delivered Special band and vocal music, Masses at 7, 8:30 and 10 a.m. meteorologists have discovered a* Japan In case of attack. Senate Internal Security Subcom- Hartford, Glastonbury. MarDjor- they have also made themselves mon by Major Lamie, "The transportation. goodwill, and at this time thla Is arms, 8 to ,10 abreast, and trotted ference room.*, and rooms for other hands of the Russians.” He did not unexpectedly large degree of or- desperately needed. The United States will consult mlttee"tn June, 1956. He refused to oiigh. Rocky Hill, Newington and . In the Senate to begin proof to the philosophically absent from tbe 9:30 a.m., Adult Bible Class. In a snake dance around the Par­ answer question* on the subject functions connected with- the re­ have much of a cure for this. in-Heart." St Bartholomew’s Omreh ganizationa In cloud systems. (Copyright 1960, General Features the'Japanese government before search. Wethersfield. • ■ American people that he haa the State Central Committee and all 2 p.m.. Hospital visitation Buckley School Auditorium 10 a.m., Nursery- in the parleh liament grounds, chanting "Down de{)loying forces from Japan or of past membership in the Com­ He said, with' pious nobility, but These scientists Indicate that ra­ Corp.) with Kl*hl.v 'On the first ballot, Geyer culled atature, and not merely a lead in the formal machinery of party Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs Re%'. Philip Hussey, Pastor house during church worship. dar observations of hurricanes bringing in new armament. munist party. He received a sen­ not much sl^ of proof he knew pellcy. 10 a.m., Divine worship. Text; Another speaker cautioned the 21 votes while Mortensen had Democratic delegates, to bo Prea- Thomas McCann. show characteristic bands of clouds 'The new pact removes provisions tence of six montha in jail and a Minister Blamed one more than would have been that this was probably, the truest They have given the "new look” Luke 16: 19-31. 'Themd: “What Je­ demonstrators against: storming in the earlier treaty, for usln^ U.S. 8500 fine. ' Ident of this country, was a mixed 6:30 p;m.. Prayer aervlce. Sunday Masses at 8, 9:15 and which spiral In toward the "eye.” Hartford, June 18 (>Pi — Coroner needed for a primary.,. Two Mor- sentence in his whole speech, 'that the center of the stage. 7 p.m.. Evening service (In­ [kSO ami. sus Hlihself Taught Regarding the Parliament itself. He warmed forces In quelling internal disturb­ Price appeared at the same time performance. We must in charity Tiros has revealed spiral banded that this would mean falling into Louis W, Schaefer h’as blamed the tenaen votes cam* from Manches­ Strangely enough,, this Is not doors i. Special music. Sermon by Heaven and Hell.” cloud structures In well-developed Noiice ances ln:Japan. ___ before the same subcommittee and "we must move toward the even­ 11 a.m., Gotteadienst. ’ a government trap leading to In­ Rev. Warren F. Tatlock'of Terr.y- ter. four from Newington, and on# ^kaep reminding ourselves that the necessarily all healthy. Lt.-Col. Annie Wallace, New York \ South Methodist Church storms outside the tropics. Now The principal. Japanese objec- Herald Photo by Pinto refused to answer questions as to vllle for the May 6 traffic death ‘of tual rule of World law by working 4 p.m., Zion members Invited to vocation of the riot law. whether he was Or had been a from East Hartford. game la politics, and that tha game ■Viewed with cjTilcism, an out­ City. i- Lawrence F. Almond the search la on to discover dif­ WE HAVE DAILY tlons I to the alliance are that It Unhappy Ending to a Day*s Work a Bristol child. TTie Rev. Mr. Tat- The Manchester delegation was • to strengthen the United Nations.” look of which we sometimes force the installation of' the Rev. Louis Under the riot law, tha govern­ antagonizes . Japan’s Communist member of the Communist party. • ta full df temptations no one, but Percy M. Spurrier O. Nuechterleln, o f the Cheshire ferences between storms over the ment has greater power to control lork is paator of the Pentecostal ■split. Delegates John Bowen and Finally, he fell, along with the ourselves to be capable, this could St-M ary’s Epiaeopal Church ^^^Itaisters .sea arid those over land masses, DELIVERY TO THE neighbors; Japar haa no veto pow­ He was fired as a reporter by the House of Prayer in Wolcott. He no one, la likely to prove capable Lutheran Church In (jheahlre. demonstrations and. the courts can A new roofing and gutter job«ifire damage was limited to the roof^ neighbor. Fire Chief Clifford New York Daily News when he re­ Saunda Taylor voted for Morten- cart before the horse economic the­ be the dubious return courtesy to Church and Purk Ste. ' As A reconnaissance medium to er over a movement of U.S. forces wa* the driver of a thick that sen, while Geyer got the support of of resisting as the 1960 campaign 4 p.m.. Redeemer Lutheran impose heavy jail terms. It has and arms into and out of Japan— had just been completed a half and attic, but smoke and- water Mason said the cause of the fire fused to answer the questions. Price ories of Governor Rockefeller, for match the dubious courtesy those The Rev. Alfred L. WllUuma, 9 and U):.45 a.m., Morning wor detect and follow these storms, not yet been put Into effect. fatally injured 4-year-old Peter Mrs. Irma Lawrence and Roger plays Itself out. now engineering the "new look” Church Annual Mission Festi'vkl, only a vague right of “prior con­ hour before fire broke out yester­ damage to the rest of the house had not yet been determined. It received a sentence of three the Idea that “we must work to Rector ship.-Sacrament of Hdly Baptism. Village Hill, Lebanon. Chaplain this satellite becomes a powerful Felice were braced for trouble. day afternoon in the third floor of Kent Barnes. “The evidence,” said Bagley. So Kennedy mixed eome telling tendered one faction of the part.V Bishop Jonh A. Subhan of the tool. , BOLTON sultation.” President HJlsenhbwer was extensive. Five engines from started in an overhanging part of months in jail and a 8500 fine. The Rev. Prescott Beach (Lt. Cmdr.) Alfred R. Saeger.’ Jr., Croups o f demonstrators milled this house at 35 Gardenaer St., owned the Town, Fire Department an­ In, Affirming Shelton’s convic­ the coroner ye.aterday as he made a create an America with an expand­ in and after the 1958 convention. Bombay area' of India will speak Example'Cited haa assured Japan that -Ameirioa the roof where workmen had fin finding of criminal neglect, “ points .erlUdsm with some cheap thruets, Asslstunt station chaplain at the U.S. Navatjc around the fence encircling the by William Stratton.j Most -of the swered the box alarm put in by a ished soldering a metal gutter. tion, the court noted that he made ing Economy.” In 1958,' those who engineered at both aervlMs. would take no action contrary to to a speed in excess of the posted Pilots Push ^rike some touchM of sense and vision Air Station, South Weymouth As an exaniple of the work of parliament grounds, hurling In- Japanese wishes. a statement expressing his concern Our economy will expand the or supported the nomination of 7:30 a.m., Holy Co^hfiunlon. This 9 and I0:45^.m., Church-School Tiros, It spotted a typhoon on Its ■ults at the officers. speed limit.” He found the minis­ wltli a glib acceptance of an occca- Fred Zeller for governor were for Nursfiy through Junior High. Maas. AREA with the dangerous consequences moment anybody has a use for the service Includes a corporate .Com 125th trip* around the earth on Ths angry mobs, whipped up by The objectors also contend U.S. which the committee's investiga­ ter "was not operating his truck sional moronity, and eome hints8 of given the lovely privilege of try­ 7:30 p,’m., New members’ meet­ planes could be used to attack To Pan Am Airline Increased production of which It munion of Episcopalians In the North Methodist C%uvch April 9. I960. It observed a 1,500- funeral services earlier for a Jap­ Girl Injured , Holmes Gets tion could have on the freedom of with due care.” leadership with , demonatrattona of ing to go. out and gtfem whatever high school graduating class with ing, Susannah l\^sley hall. anese coed killedn.uru in lastia». Wednea-vYeanesr ""V nation in the treat^y’i area) is capable, or a definite program annual Bacca­ 800 Parker St. mile diameter storm west of Ire­ the press. New York, June 18-(dV—A num­ ..hla own willingness to follow an Rlbicoff tide might develop on breakfast following. PINE LENOX day’s riot, wanted Klshl to d is a o M ,l« ^ « 'y .f f “ "«<’ “ th* NEW BRIDGE APPROVED laureate for all eeiitara and their Rev. H. OegOod Benll'ett, Minister land on April 2 and 3. And when "There is no difficulty in discern­ ber of sick calls’'fro m jet pilots by which Its expimded capacity election day. If they succeeded, 10 a.m., Morning Prayer (Fam- parliament before midnight 'td thus inviting retaliation. They say ing his belief that a newspaperman empty slogan or some presumed they had ^ n t rol of a new state families will be heldXat the Eman the hurricane season begins for the treaty demands Japan in­ Leaping from Term in Jail Hartford. June 18 (45 — A State hit Pan American World Airways will create either greater de­ il.V Service) with summer senior 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Family Wor­ this country. It may spot these In PHARMACY void the treaty. They wanted the should b* Immune from'questions Highway Department plan for a consensus. administraf^irf and the party or­ uel Lutheran Churclu All seniors premier to resign. He already has crease its armaments and permits of th#„,ld^ hsi.,.re&wert.-te.anjuji^i;j: today In an apparent extension of struction or constructive progress choir. Children’s instruction by the are asked to be at the, church at ship. Sermon: Does God Go "On the mid-Atlantic waters where hur­ New Hla criticism of the summit fail­ ganization,was theirs for the ptomised new' elections after the war-provoking U.S. aerial recon­ Judge warren E. Berger wrote In ■Sr pilots’ work stoppage that dis­ throughout the world. It Is ready rector. Sermon by the assistant. 7:15 in their cap.s and'-gowns to Strike?” ; ricanes are born and what may be 29V E. CENTER ST. Moving Auto Haven Railroad in Groton was rupted Eastern Airlines operation* ure was original and thought-pro­ taking. But those who might Nuijsery in Old Rectory building treaty is fully effective. naissance flights from Japan. the court’s opinion. have fought the Zeller nomination march in the procession^. 9 a.m., Sunday School. Nursery even more significant, It may yield The pact was sigrned by Kishi approved yesterday by the State a week ago. voking when he said that the sum- to go for either-one, whichever pur­ at thi.«i hour. Other children re­ The marchers wore black arm Judge Berger said the subcom­ a little harder than they did' were (Children 3 and under,' including pictures of Incipient storms. T E L M IT ^ S and U.S„..Secretary of State Her- A Hartford girl was released Max H. Holmes Jr., of 15 Main Public Utilities .Commission. The 'The Eastern strike began over « mlt had one bullt-ln formula, for poses national leadership chooses. leased to volunteer leaders after In­ Crib Nursery), Kindergarten (ages band* and bit* of black to mark mittee had a right to know If Shel­ 890,000 structure will tie in with calculating the other alternative. Concordia Ev. Lutheran C^inrch Most of the pictures being re­ the death of Michiko Kamba, 22. ter in Washington Jan. IP. Since from Manchester Memorial Hos­ .St„ wa* sentenced in Hartford ton : was a member of the Com­ the issue of whether federal In­ We Shall have no shortage of can­ struction In the church. 4 and 5), Junior and Youth De­ turned., are taken with the wide- the new locations of Route 215 and ' failure because "we were unp're- If the Zeller group took its turn Winter and Garden Sts. A flower-banked altar was at the then emotions on both sides of pital last night after treatment for County Superior Court yesterday munist party, and added: spector* may sit in jet cockptls. didates who recommend that we and got slaughtered in the elec­ 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer In the Rev. Paul C. Kaiser Faster. partments (grades 4 through angle television camera. Tiros lost Japanese for and against the to a 6-month jail term, suspended road 670 in Groton. The present Pan. American said 31 of its p a r^ with hew policies or new pro­ Memorial CJhapel of the Nativity. parliament gate where she was "An inquiry into a possible con­ Route 21.5 bridge will be demolish­ beef up our economy In order to tion. that would be the end of It. Senior High),. its high resolution camera soon treaty built up rapidly. injuries she received when she after 60 days, on a charge of neg­ spiracy for infiltration or subver­ .pilots reported sick between 4:30 grams for the settlement of out- Daily; 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer in - FOB trampled to death. Smoke from ed becau.se the PUC considers it provide ourselves, with a greater This wa.3 what did come to pass, 8:30 a.m.. Holy Communion\ 10:30 a m., S u n d a y , School. after launch but the successful burning Incense sticks drlfied over, They exploded May 20 when jumped from a moving ear be­ ligent homicide. sion of the press embraces the p.m. yesterday through this morn­ , standing substantive laauea” and and so we have the "new look,” the Nativity Chapel. operation of the other camera la hazardous. . ' ing. destructive power, thus not only 9:30 a.m.. Church School. \ Nursery (Infanta through age 3), the. scene. A huge black-draped Kishl’s Liberal Democrats, after cause the driver had made im­ The-charge, originally gross neg­ right to command the witne.ss to because we were not prepared "to fashioned b.v those who were not Wednead^ys: 10 a.m.. Mid-week Kindergarten (ages 4 and 5). Pri­ paying off in an abundance of. pic­ SCREEN PORCH ligence, resulted from an auto col­ 9:30 a.m.. The Service. \ photograph of the girl was nearby. 105 days of debate, ordered the proper advances to her. say whether he is a member of the A opoikresman ;for Pan Ameri­ say more than what changes In the putting the cart before the horee, altogether reluctant to have Zeller Holy Communion. Service for St. 11 a.m., T^e Service. mary Department (Grades 1, 2, and’ tures. OB treaty onto the' House floor for a lision Feb. 19 which meant death conspiracy, subject, qf course, to EX-LEGISLATOR DIES can, Which operates, worldwide John the Baptist Day this Wednes­ Studets, union members and or­ but before the wrong horse. the one to face Ribicoff In 1958. Nursery during 9:30 and 11 a.m With the wide-angle lens,’ the dinary citizens took part in the vote. Police today were seeking the for 63-year-old Terrence Cun­ the right of the witness to 'take Stafford Springs, June 18-(/P)— routes, said at 9 a.m. that no status quo we would not accept.” day. ?>■ driver of the late model car. In this, to which he gave his The current absence of old-tim­ services in the Parish House. \ 6:80 p.m.. Junior High Touth picture transmitted by Tiros I is JALOUSIE disciplined parading. In other Socialists, certain to be outvoted; ningham of 221 Cedar St. Cunning­ tefuge in the Fifth Amendment.” William J. Deliigan, 80, Stafford flights had been canceled but that His criticism of the summit fail­ Priscilla .Daigle; 18, of 281 Rog­ graatest emphasis, Kennedy Is ers from the Republican picture i.a y^llowship. about 800 mllea on a 'side. As 500 parts of Japan—from Hokkaido In blocked entrances to the House ham died in Mancheater Memorial Price contended the subcommit­ Springs, dled..vesterday in Johnson one was delayed about two hours ure was moronic, In our opinion Emanuel Lutheran Church - ers St., Hartford, received bruises partly the result of some shoving Comirpunlty Baptist Church 6 p.m.. Senior High Youth Fel­ .lines mske up this picture, each the north to Kyushu in the south— chamber and barricaded Speaker Hospital two days after the acci­ tee could not lawfully inquire into Memorial Hospital. He represent­ toda.y’'a t Idlewild while substitute- safely with the crowd. C. Henry Anderson, Pastor ENCLOSURES on the scalp, left arm,,ba:ck and dent. even If It happens to be popular done by the new lookers, partl.v 6A5 E. Center St. at the Green lowship sponsors a program for all one of these lines represents a other demonstrations were rejjort- Ichiro Kiyose In his office. When his political- bellel!*" religious be­ ed the town in two sessions of the crew members were being found. Roger Mackey, Intens- Holmes, in .Superior Court, with Democratic campaigners and the result of philosophical absen­ John R. Neubert, Minister senior high and older yotith on mix­ path on the earth one and a half Your Beat Buy Is •d. The largest' was' In Osaka, the Socialists refused to restore ankle when she jumped from the liefs, or any other personal or pri­ State lyegislature in the early The delayed flight was Number teeism. But we doubt that any ed marriages with a motion pic­ miles lyide. With the high resolu­ Reliability and Experienea where 150,000 gathered. auto on Keeney St. pleaded nole contendere (no con­ vate affairs and any associated ac­ 1940’s and was a rhember of the 251, a jet liner to San Juan, with Governor Rockefeller, when 9 a.m., Divine WorslUp with mu- order, police were summoned, the test) to the charge. Judge .James The Nameleen of the old-timers Is beyond mak­ 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church School ture: "One Love— Conflicting tion camera, each picture is but 80 Almost lost In the outburst* was Socialists cleared away from his Shortly before , 10 o’clock, Man­ Council President tivities. The, court rejected all Stafford Springs Fire Department Puerto Rico, due out at 7 a.m. It he said the summit was doomed ing a mental calculation that the •ic by the Ch&pel Choir; nunery Faiths.’’ miles- on a aide and thus the line Call th* fact that defeat of the new chester Police were alerted by C. Shannon passed. sentence and of his contentions. for 42 years before retiring in took off at 9:12 a.m. lor infanta. Sermon. “ What Do for all ages, cradle roll through office, and a vote taken. The Social­ ‘^because we have failed for the Every year, at this season, a new look boys now have the un­ represents about one-sixth mile In treaty would have left the old ,1951 Glastonbury Police to watch for a •-Wend.v Robinson ’wa.s elected ordered Holmes placed on two , Llvenvright’s conviction .grew 1946, He wa* a plumber. Deliigan Twenty three of the "sick” re­ You Value Most?” by Pastor An­ adult. ists refused to participate. past eight years to build the pqsl spell of dampness sets In progress disturbed and unchallenged oppor­ The ’DnnM Methodist Ohnrch width. This is better resolution R. G. KITTLE treaty, with ■ its provisions more speeding car on Bush Hill Rd. They president of the Barijard Junior years’ probation. 1 out of his appearance, before the leaves one son. Dr. Francis J ports came between 4:30 p.m. and derson. 10:15 a.m.. Church activity pro­ Use of police in parliament High School Student Council yes­ Holmes was bound over to. jhe tlons of long-term strength essenr a vast migration, from the. wet tunity of going Oiit and slaying gram for children, cradle roll \of Bolton than was anticipated when the Ml 9-D468 favorable to the United States, still was violently condemned by the had been informed by a resident’ Senate Internal Security aubcom- Deliigan, West Hartford, a staff 12:30 a.m. whatever.Democratic dragons may 7:30 p.m., Baccalaureate service that a girl in. the car was scream­ terday afternoon. Superior Court from Manchester nrilttee in March 1956.' He re­ tlal to successful negotiation.” places of our domain, the brookbed, through kindergarten. R t 44A and SouGi Rd. program was begun and the po­ Local Agent For in effect. Japanese press. member at Hartford’s St. Francis "They reported, various HI- * be ranging the Connecticut foot­ for High School graduates, their tential of this satellite system ing "Let me out!" She was the first girl to be elect­ May 14. He pleaded innocent and ceived a sentence of three months the swamp, or the manure pile, of 10:.30 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev. CarltoiiNT. Daley, Mtaieter While the millirig masses swept Hospital. Funeral services Wiil be nesses," a spokesman said. Later on, Kennedy also fell for hills this fall, and that this, too, parents and friends, sponsored by thrills the scientist. around the white stone parliament Just after 10 o’clock, a Keeney ed, the first ninth grader to be waived examination on the gross In jail and a 8.500 fine. the Manchester Youth Council. Recognition of high school gradu­ • RUSCO held Monday. T he spokesman added that thus the current Deraocratlc-Rockefel- what would-seem to be millions of could be something abort of the 9:30 an'd 11 arp.. Morning wor­ building, life in other parts of St. resident reported that Miss elected, and the first person to be negligence charge. Other charges At the time, LiVenvrlght was ates. Second session, Sunday Even with this wealth of in­ An■ mediator urged Us striking pilots- hope for praise and -receive crit­ subject of the lesson sermon: : Q — How many children were Republican senatorial nomination to go back to work. ' epeec^, that “ we have as oiir grand year when they begin to appear. area within the next few days, Also continued, until July 8, was icism. We expect an increase In there ip Benjamin Franklin’s at a district convention In Rock­ House Committee on un-American A trickle of pilots returned yes­ . strategy only the arms race and The Golden Text la from Nehe- and to fake apeclal precautions the case of Paul D. Martin, 16, of Activities in April 1954. At the Are these, perhaps, the Jow. or­ sslarj' and are told our sendees miah (9; 6). family? . Mr*. Barrie.v Daley ville. i*' ■ - Pascal Poe III, son of Dr., and terday, enabling two jets to leave .th e coW war.” riot to get Involved with them. 85 E. Middle’ Tpke., charged with time, he was s grartfiate student Mrs: .Pascal Poe, 37 Tanner St., der th|nga whicli may someday in­ sre no longer needed. We come A — Benjamin was the 15th theft of goods' exposed ftfr sale. Former State Rep. Franklin Miami for New Yprk. No jet I-' Seleptlons frqm the Bible In­ Among slogans on banners be­ Mrs. Eva Petraltis Daley (Dal- at the Univer.sltjK^ of Pennsylvania. ha.s won the ’ i960 Armstrong "A a'a substitute for policy,” said herit the earth? Are they the up- home to an expected "peace and clude the following: Psalms 19:1. child in a-Jamlly of 17^ Juvenile Court will - be asked to Welles of Talcottville is again had flown from here since the ing. carried by the demonstrators tuva), 71, of 354 Buckland St., died seeking the nomination. He was The questioning, however, con­ Prize in English at Amherst Col­ Kennedy In one of his cheaper, copln g' tide of something which quiet to find a teenage party in Correlative passages from "Sci­ * * ♦ take the case. strike started June 10 over the FtNAL were: Q—'Hbw Is a climbing perch yesterda^!' at Hartford Hospital. defeated In 1958 when David J. cerned Communist activities at lege.’ The prize, awarded to the issue of where federal Inspectors' more political thrusts, "Mr. Eisen- full progress. We set out for a ence and Health with Key^-to the "This la the voice of a voiceless Judgment was suspended on a hag been given somie new immunity able to travel on land? j She was born In Lithuatila. Dickson of Stafford Springs won Cornell University - where he had freshman who excels in composi­ may sit in jet cockpits. ,hower has tried smiling at the Rus­ pleasure trip and find a flat tire!. Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, people.” charge of allowing a dog to roam and’ breeding and survival power ^ DAY A—Climbing pe'rch, £ renowned after the aejeused, William P. the election, the first time’ a Dem­ been a student—from 1947 to tion. includes a gift of 875 in Eastern pl’edged-ltr will not pen­ sians; bur Stale Department has And so life seems to go. One of include the following (p. 603: 20- "Bury the new ■ security pact." Besides her husband, Barney books. Poe was graduated with by some man or insecticide created the most Important a.spects of 22 28-4). land traVelerj poascasea special Klotzer, 23, oC235 Hackmatack St., Daley', she leaves fo'ur sons, Frank ocrat has done so In many year*. 1953. For refusing to answer ques­ alize strikers who return promptly ’ tried frowning at them; and Mr. "Klshl, go to Hawaii.” honors from Manchester High imbalance in the world of nature? what we expert is the expecta­ ^ O D A Y ! breathing: equipment which per­ told the court he haa built a fence Daley of North Haven, Barney It was expected that another tions, Deutch was convicted and unless they were among the lead­ The last was a reference to to enclose the dog. sentenced to three months in jail School In 1959. ers of the wildcat walkdut. Fed­ 'Nixon has tried both.” This made Do they thrive on radiation? Do tion for our children. Sometimes Helps keep Voifr. mits It to leave the water and Daley Jr. of ^Wapping,' and John former state representative, Otto Center Oeagreffatloaal Church •yngman Rhee of South'Korea, Judge Podrove also suspended Miller of Coventry, will challenge and fined 8100 for refusing to an­ eral Mediator Leverett Edvrords a nice acid touch for the proepec- we expect so much that there ds Rev. Clifford O. Sfanpeon who fled recently to Honolulu Journey overland Im quest of a DSley and .Mthony Daley, both of they, aa they head madly, and burner cleon as it new place to live. To move about, Judgment against Patrick J. Far­ Welles, for the GOP nomination swer questions. ■ Five Manchester men will parti­ warned it “ is a very serious thing ■ tlve Democratic candidate, not feeling of _ frustration as the .Mtalster after student demonstrations in Buckland:,/five daughters. Mrs. blindly tow-ard high ground, juid the fish has unusual gill covers, rell 51,108 Eldridge St. and Edward Charles 'Varriuk, Mrs. Mitchell this morning. The convention was cipate in a summer training pro­ to ignore the orders of a federal' without .lla grim hymor. But it child tries to'fulfill our two high R«\’.«Iauirence J. Vincent boats your homol Korea regime. then toward what seems to”be com­ which it uses much like crutches. Perunko, 38, of 150 Croft St., both Slowlck, and Mrs. Walter Kup- scheduled to start at' 11 a.m. in gram of the 1117th U.S. Army Gar­ court.” happens to be just laughable, hopes. Now there is a very care­ Aseoctate Mhilater Only ratification by the United charged with breach of the peace rison at Ft. Devena. Maas, They Federal Judge Joseph Lieb has plete almlessnees and direction and ful balance needed between ex­ .. RT-98 Is the moat completely States . Senate and air exchange chunos, all of Wapping. - Mrs. the Superior Court room In Rock- Boy Hurls Head and potentially much more tragic effective fuel oil additive in use Q—Do the Alps have extensive In connection with a fight In the George Stbne of South Windsor, ville.. are eiapt. William E. Fitzgerald, ordered the strikers back to work activity, still have some flicker of pecting too little and hoping too 8, ,9:16 and 11 a.m., Church « f ratification documents, perhaps parking lot of a W. Middle Tpke, 1st Lt. William Lodder, M. .Sgt. .lo- but few have obeyed. and grim, to try to threaten the much: but, whatever is our atti­ Services. today. Thip^ helps your oil mineral deposiats? and Mrs. Lawrence McGee of Bar­ 1*he 13 town* in Tolland County intelligence and purpose, and do June 27 or 28 In Tokyo, must be A—No. snack bar, | In Fall Off Bike seph Lombardo, Spectaliat* 4.C. The strikers sa.y the seat must Russians with bigger and better tude, we should maintain toward -8 a.m.. Sermon, 'T FrsH To­ burner delivw more dean, de­ ’accomplished ' before the treaty .Fines were Imposed on Mrs. ry Plains, Mass.-a sister, Mrs. Mar­ make up the district. they have baleful little eyes on the' • * • garet Kasavage of, Buckland;''23 David A. Glazier, and pfc. Lewis be occupied by a pilot if the plan* -missiles. our children an unconditional love ward the Mark,” the Rev. Mr. pendable heat. You get pra- takes effect. Barbara S. McCormick, East Five-year-old Robert Quinn of Segal. The schedule includes an In­ is to be safe. shoes which crunch among them? so that they are certain of It no SlVnpson preaching. mium service, too. All dteigiiad Communist-led mobs demon- Q—What was the source of grandchildren; and 6 great-grand­ In the realm of foreign aid, Sen- man’s first writing paper? Hartford, charged with following South Windsor Is reported "in not tensive program of operating the Eastern said in a statement It Later on. we seem to notice them matter how they do. In that cer­ 9:15 a.m., Junior High Bac­ to make home heating easy. ■trated for more than a month children. U.S. to Unveil Plot A—The papyrus plant of Egypt too close, $6; sind’ James A. Hag­ The funeral will be held Monday too good .condition” at Hartford post and a tactical maneuver In the "has reason to believe that these of tainty, they are no longer the calaureate Sunday, the Rev. Rob­ against the treaty. ^ * • • gerty, 23, of Rockville, charged Hospital where he was admitted field. thoughts, such aa these at 8:15 a.m. at-the Ahern Funeral pilots (the strikers) ore being In­ mind, and only one afterthought prisoners of our expectations. ’ ' ert Henderson, Third Congrega­ But Japffh’a approval became with failure to drive right, 89. By Castro Regime yesterday afternoon with a head fluenced to defy the eourt’s or­ "And we must undertake this ef­ tional Church, Middletown. Caff today for eonclualve under Its conatitutlon Q—Does the United Statee Cap­ Home, 1406 Main St., East Hart­ Injury. keeps tormenting us, out of qur Ivet us pray: O God, our Father, itol face east or west ? Both drivers were Involved in ac­ ford, followed by a solemn' requiem A meeting of Sunset Rebekah der '. . . . because of Intimidating 11 a.m.. Jubilee Service. SO days ifte r the Lower House of He Is the son of Mr, and Mrs. fort In a spirit of generosity motl- failure'to fl:id any identification or we are grateful fo r ’ .Iesus Christ A-^Bast.' cidents. Mass, at Holy Trinity" Church, (Continued from Page One) Lodge No. 38. will be'^eid Monday taptlcs by members of the air line ’ vated by a desire to help our fel­ who so freely accepted all men 12 noon. Reception for Jubilee E^liam ent ratified at a tufiiultu- Three persons charged with in- Joseph Quinn, 105 Pine Tree Lane. at 8 p.m.. At the Odd iFellowi ;Jiall. pilots* union.” elasslficattbn for them. What are Club members land friends in the Mobilhoot IMS oua May 30 scfslon. Capitol Ave., Hartford, at 9:00. unconditionally gave them trust 44k VALUE tqyication .were given suspended U.S. authoriliee believe Castro ■ According to. his mother, the boy A school of instruction will be The association has disavowed low citizens o f the world—not ss they? Suppose they are the future Fellowship room. This means that U.S. military KENNEDY ON RESOUROES Burial will be In St. Mary’s Ceme­ and love, in His holy name. Amen. judgments. They' are William may well come up with further was knocked unconscious about given, and Mrs, Helen McGowan, any connection with the strike and narrow bankers or self-seeking 2:0;0 p.m., All-Church Planning bases will reiriain In Japan at Durango, Oolo., June 18 (/P)— tery, East Hartford. 11:20 yesterday morning when he masters of clvllizatlom Wouldn’t it •Rev. Clifford O. Simpson Sen. John F. Kennedy pledged to Mahoney, 63, of 76 Walnut St: Friends'm’ky call at the funeral phony cases of American "aggres­ new district deputy president, will urged the strikers to return to politicians. V Center Church Conference at Camp Aya-I^’ CHOCOLATE.TOf FED DAIRY QUEEN least another decade, assuming Dale C. Henthorn. 31, of 10 D e ^ t sion" in a drive to deflate the U S. fell off; his bike. She took him Im­ rhake her official visit. Refresh­ be at least some consolation to Somers. WE GIVE the Weet todny n complete new home today from 7 to 10 p.m., and work. ” We must give our supfjort to the government can end the chaos 8q.; and Fred T. Shea, no certain Case by the time It Is taken to the mediately to Manchester Memorial ments w’tll be aen'ed after the have a name for them? Ui* month of rioting has created. concept to reverse whnt he enid tomorrow from^ to 10 p.m. Hospital where he was X-rayed, Meanwhile, the FAA warned it . programs to help people Instead o f STRAWRERRY.TOFPEDJ^AIRY QUEEN GREEN STAMPS address. Inter-American Qommltlee. meeting by Mrs. Ola Thibodeau Or are they really thare ? Mas Doga Top 26 Million St. Jehn’e Episoopal Ohnneh Washington reports say the U.S. la the reckleee dieeipatlon of still unconscious. He wa* transfer­ win suspend any jet pilot whtr re­ Amerion’s natnnd wealth and A 825 bond was forfeited by U.S. officials claim another In­ and her committee, fuses to fly with an Inspocter regimes—to work in terms of thalr anyons elae, please, seen the UtUe RMdnrllfe ONLY Bsnate may .ratify tha treaty Radar Chart$ Winds red to Hartford Hospital early In SFECIAL CUPCAKE and CANDLE resonroee by "BepabUoaa Michael Bilyk o f Bayonne, N.J., stance of anti-U.S. connivance by problems, not ours... New. York — The dog' popula­ H m Rev. James L. Oieuit, Beetor Monday. But |here ara deep rtun- th* afternoon, ujj aboard. . monsters too? when he failed to appear to an­ the Castro regime occurred last Mr. q^d'Mrs, Isaac Cole, 83 Par- tion o f the United BUtea haa blinga o f coriciem in Congraiw overi deepoUraeat, ander-develoiMiMat Waahington — Navy scientUte "Wa cjui no longer afford poli­ MORMRTy nnd neglect.’’ The Maeeachnsetts swer charges of failure to drive in March with the flight of a private’ ,ker St., *a v « returned from a pasaed the 36,000.000 mark for a S s.m., Holy Communion. SERVED IN A PLASne PARTY DISH the Indefinite postponement of are charting winds 100,000 feet up Aforff* So Snudler cies which refuse to accept the in- LONGEST SPAN Democrat, a ten contender for the sstablished lone. He lost con­ plane from Florida that went down Hospital PflUents 2-week, visit - to Virginia where new record, -a 200 per cent gain 9:80 a.m.; Holy Communion, PrealdMit Bisehhower’a trip to Ja- by radar-tracking the drift of bite in Cuba, The Cubans quickly •vttahle triumph of nationeliam In The 5'A-tai|e long bridge across his party's presidential nomtaa- trol of his car on the Wilbur Cross they attended the graduation of since 1930,compared with a 60 per 11 a.m., Y.P.F. Picnic. RROTHERS panan beeauae of th* continued riot- of copper Chaff ejected from blamed the United States: But the A regular, ptayteg ourdl te 8H •^A/ries II the Inevitable end of eo- upper ^San Francisco Bay from cent Increase In tha human popula­ DAIRY QUEEN NO. 1 DAIRY QUEEN NO. 2 lien, talkad ea a popular tople Highway Juns 5 and the auto In 1987, approxtoately 9,350,000 their son Alan from the Ufttversity Wednesday, 10 a.m., Holy Com­ Inff, and tha -Japanase goverrir rockets. The setentiate hope thus pilot, William L. Shergalas, sub. patiante war* admUtad to heapi- of Richmond. They also visited two Inchoa wide, but eoid i in a MMite 1eaiallMa:L.dr. ttao unyteldlhg do- Richmond to San Rafael Is the tion. Purebred dogs are munion. 866 HARTFOBO ROAD S6T MEDDLE TVRNPIXB WERT M ■■ addraee iwepared for tha struck a aeriaa o f guard rail poate. to gain greater accuracy fof mia- mont’a failure to dMl vrith i t TMs Oalerada State DeoMeratle Oea> saquently signed an affidavit say­ talq in th* Unitad Statea; In ’1957, other sens, Ruheell, who Uveg In flook or* l-44iMh BaR«sff«r'’b»- loii||J)|t^aatiBUous ateel spaa in In this eeuntiy, thalr nu Friday, 8 ajB., Holy Oommu- ALLAK^ COE JR., Prop, • AL ZXKIN; Prop. Ml 3-5135 The court continued until June Um UmlBg et b vota. 31 tha 4 •m ^ smoother rbiiteB ing Caatro aldM promoted ttu tMa )iad riaan to a n cord 88 mllUon Norfolk, and Mecvla, who Urea in eouaa 6o iN a F id Omoi p o o l be taff laM— tid •* M tftr effltoUg r. Cterk Jx»ii*idgb^- A :■,■■■•■ ^'A 1 MANCHE8TBR EVENINO HBRAU); 1UKCR18TER. CONN., SATURDAY^ JUNE, 18,1980 .'■i' , MANCHESTER EVENING HE^ALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 18,1960 P a Ob 8SYB N BUG6S ,BUNNY OUR B0ARDI1)IG HOUSB with .91AJOR BOOPJLE • DAILY CROSSWORD PDZZLB v I PONT WANTANV> ^SHE WELL, ' STRANGE ...CYNTHIA SEEMS to Prsylo MAN6V 60AT HASN'T OKAY.^ J O HAVE LOST HER APPETITE' acHAviMaAPiemmm __ . MAN6IN'AR0UNP EATEN *Lond of Enchantmont' ‘ 1 MINPIFIUET , ACnneCVLVESTER! FOR CVNTHIA PARTAKE, PAYS' ACMie BSSaad corariOg »UT,«IRE, a 33 IVult drink ,«HE*5>*3N6Ryj HB'OSRAO&AORiNesRRJR / O S40paraUe ado dPU, BSPfiCI ALLY w h e n M?0 T lunatr if tht •tata fclfd o f . 55 Blood OOMB H O M B FI^'m e OWLS 55 Dram boa 7W 0 o b ac o in S v — NowMorKo , •rrorfaar^t NNUeWLBS OM l ~ — and ' USINESS ERVICES DOWN IRECTOFY THBfWSMSNTA JMitunasu eoBaUtiiU Ito ICordad fabric laifoft 3 Mouthward tnduatry 3 Contlnmt S4Detarsant 8S Many o f Hi • -----la ont of 4I1ml 35 German rivar ----- ara Haprodueta 5 Lubricator 35 Ballot Indian and MANCHESTER ISOatllc e Artificial 37 nowar epaniah c-n is ramlnlno langudio 35 Rivar dude WContalnar MANCHESTER Head FofPrMy ALLEY dOP appallation tWokkara 39 Sea bird dlTardltr BY V. T. HAMLIN lAWingod 8 Unit of SO.Rodanta 43Goby a iim ft SEAFOOD AUTO PARTS Compliments ISCouplo capacity 33----- CaVania 43 Dan Choice Variety 18 Crlckat term 5 Ganui of true- la ita moat 45 lU aarly 270 BROAD ST, OUR SKILLED BESa UTICIANS WILL n i^ h n lU ollvaa awa-biapirlag Indian— > S’TYLE YOUR H A IR IN A MOST IS dbnior prom, lOPUlara natural lalntaraattns Quality Alwnya A t Vour Service For BECOMING FASHION FOR SUMMER for instanco 11 Phyiiciaha -wonder 46 Goddaia a BIAOHINE SHOP SERVICE SO Film laavta (ab.) 35 Wan 47Loltar a EQCIPBIENT V 32 Noun aufllx 16 Century (ab.) 38 Santa Tc ia 46BuaUa Seafood ^ a PARTS (now and robuUt) T A . anywh^ 31 Pravarieated lU----- SlCbniuma o ACCESSORIES aSTha----- m rv , Granda la ita 43 OAK ST. o SUPPLIES ... largaitriver r r i 1 1 r 3 4 f6 r o Du Pont Paint, Snppilea 69 EAST CENTER ST. 1 TEL. Bn B-eesv Opon Satnrdaya Until 5 PAL 34 Numbar TEL. Ml S-5009 _ ATLLHOLO STPanatrata w 13 li tvou.BAyregc anaw SlSmril II li > li Complete X 32 Stout atrlng li li HIGH GRADE 33 A|a I HEATING GLASS 34EagIa (comb, at K n a r t‘s form) J ’ ROTARY OR 4t For Auto Windshield! BY DICK TURNER -35 Raton — la !T W t a 21 PRESSURE BURNERS FOOD MARKET * For Store Fronts and - PRINTING on ita C A LL US FOR FREE all sizes of windows ss 540 E. MIDDLE TPKE. * For Table Tops. JOB AND COMMERCTAL Colorado IT ESTOdATES jPHONE Bn 0-2295 PRISCILLA’S POP border PRINTING BY AL VERMEER 36 Tilt 5T Open Monday Thru Saturday Open 6 Days a Week 37 Maka raadr FOCARTY BROS. 8 AJII. to 5 FiM. Prompt and Effiident Printifig W « 7 AAI. to 9 PAl; Of AU Kinds ..THEY^KNOW 1 *VE BAKED ' 39 Cotton INCORPORATED SUNDAYS, 7 A.Bf. to 8 PJM. UPSIDE-DOWKJ CAKE/. bundlet JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL, WHATS WITH TMJVRE^ATf. SOMtaiura of 4!k J. A. WHITE CONNECTICUT COKE, Specializing in the J^est COMMUNITY PRESS THC K ID eV cloth w 44 u U FUEL OIL, RANGE OIL H lN TIN ia!, 41 Uouth part > , / Parkway Has Two Barbers . ' East Middle Tpke. ft. ■A Sie Broad Ste—ToL 50 9-4530 col4 cuts and nUeats GLASS CO. 9 X 43 Century 5T t r t Cardlnl ia the owner anrii operator of the Parkway Barber 81 Bissell SLr-Tel. M l 9-7828 Telephone Ml 3-5727 planta in town. shop located at 387 Center St. Joe has been barbering for 12 44 Infirm u B3 Bi years and has been at this location for the past five years. 'This C c : 47 Jump clean and friendly barber shop haa two barbers at all times for u U n Cali 8 1 L1111 43BaMball alub It the convenience of the customers. ' Don Barrowa ia the operator Party Items Stocked at Fairway ”One Call Does It All" • 80 Rlppad of the second chair. ' FOB ksPAIBS, Fairway, at 975 M M^m, ^ . St.,i? DRY CLT)ANING , ABC APPLIANCE replacement Dubali prides' itself on h avliu f on* of to your taste very quickly and SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL ON ALLTVPES OF Manchester’s largest/toy, hobby easily. and LAUNDERING REPAIRS MUSIC CEflTER and party supply, departments. Pupils Perform The small fry are not forgotten* ^ Branches At: 19 Maple St^MI 9-8879 186MH)DL1^ OTKE. WEST Population You will simply bA amazed at the by Fairway, ■ as hundreds of pre­ ^ COMMtRCIAl. TE I./lm 9-6208 In Two Riecitals tremendous as^rtment of these school toys are always available. 501 HARTFORD RO. REPAIRS O N - In U.S. Hits items at the^ Fairway, where un­ There are puzzles, books, paint 209 N.-MAIN ST. 4iliat0(k limited choice is yours the year sets, push.and pull toys and loads GRILLS, ELECTRlb IRONS, WiystssaRsSmiia ACCORDIONS The first Of two recitals by piano around. Having a party is no prob­ of coloring and cut-out books. NEW SYSTEM TOASTERS, PERCOLATORS, LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS pupils of Mrs. Dorothy H. Keeney lem at all when you shop at Fair­ 'iTiese make ideal , "rainy day”' VACUUM GLEANERS, JCfNSMAN ORGANS 1791/2 Million way, for they have everything you LAUNDRY ycxneJuerAtT^ WOODCOCK was held Thursday evening in the amusements or to use during a h e a t e r s , f a n s , Private InatructlonB neect to maike any party, large or convalescent period as well as DRY CLEANERS smcMOHDOdnt Washington, June 18 (/P) — A South Methodist church chapel. snlall, a complete success. SEWING MACHINES EVK.utconwpuL- RCntlOBIATION CO. Instruments and Supplies for ordinary use. You will find a Main Plant: 44 Harrison SL record growth of 28 million in the They presented a program of Shopping for a birthday? Try wromiN'WAm- solos, duets, and group songs. good assortment of Fisher Price Phone Ml 9-7768 last decade ha.s rocketed the U.S. the Fairway where birthday AH work guaranteed /W SAD SFYKASir Orchestra for Hirt> Those who performed *re Judy Toys which are one of the nicest 0SK>T'a6.OH,IWWH population to 179’/a million, says presents are easy to find, regard­ group of pre-school toys to be the Census Bureau. Phillips, Martha Phillips, Itobert lKNEWVW»in;AAKM' liiutedReht- Juliano, Judy Paterson, Katrina less of what you wish to spend. Found. Me nm-rms m -r. «ke JMhaB The total is subject to revision. Here you ' will find presents that There Is always a complete as­ so snwtee, ANP The official figure released was B^ker, Janet Knight, Martha Ven- ilard, Kenneth 'Tomzeuk, Sharon will bring joy and delight to tfle sortment of ail sizes of doll clothes CUNLIFFE KMPo'ouivecy For The Graduate based on the actual count of recipient. , to be found at the Fairway. You DON WILLIS N MV HEART - 177,733,190 persons and on esti­ Plante, Sjisan Smith, Karen Minor, 250 T O L U n D ST. Webster Gordon Palmer,. CbfislChristine Joyner, For both boys and girls, all can dress practically any doll .from MOTOR SALES mates of those still to be listed. their assortment in anything from e a s t ia r t f o r d Collegiate Dictionary Census officials credited the big Stephen Joyner, kinds of model kUs are to be EXPERT AUTO BODY and GARAGE T found at Fairway and all are sun glasses to ice skates. Many FENDER REPAIRS ' Cards • Gifts • Books increase during the 1950s to a Also, Gail Brooks, Robert Rost- times a new doll outfit is more fun TWiis: M l ! RU 9.6333 man, Frances Taylor, Thomas Fairway priced. 'There are boats, 18 Main St., Tel. MI 9-4531 climbing birth rate and a contin­ than a new doll. ENAM EL and LACKIUEB ued low death rate. By compari­ Atamian, Susan Watkins, Betsy airplanes, •ubmarlnM, rockets, y l Powor and Hand Tools *‘The Polly B ’* customizing car kits, visible men With vacation tirtie here, Fair­ REFINISHINGS Specialiiing In *•10 PalnUng and Doeorattng Tools son, the increase In the 1940s was Richmond, Gregory Crane, JUdy way is stocked with all kinds of Gift Department and atomic power plant kits and REASONABLE PRICES Gardon and Land Tools — 19 million. In the 1930s it was Juliano, David Bengaton, Kathleen new sand toys. These , are both 8,900,000. McDermott, Barbara Koller, Shar­ what yoDU WERE RI6HT, OL' announced later this year. are now on hand to make swim­ \ i Geiierd Repoir Work Bupor-BOY/best 67 E. Center S t— MI S-1036 The Census Bureau for some Becker, Carol Auer, Richard Auer, and adults as well as youngsters ming and playing in the aand more HAMSUR6ERSIN ^ LITTLE SPORTS p a r k i n g i n r e a r time has been estimating the 1960 "Carla Slcold, Philip Bennett, Can­ enjoy painting this easy way. enjoyable for every/age. The TOWN/AND I BY ROUSON CAMPING dace Farnell, Susan Knight, Dale populktion at about 180 million. Wooden frames to fit these paint- swim goggles, masks and snorkles HATETOCULj TTie 1960 figures were collect­ MacLean, Richard Ansaldi, Jeanne by-number sets are carried right AOJRPEW, EQUIPMENT Binock, Peter H a r r is , Karen are made in white this year, and B u r X ed as of last April l^ Lhe date the in stock. These frames are very these are Fairway priced. MANCHESTER )T) Sibrinsz, and Judith Hutchinson. inex}>ensive and can be finished MASURY HAVE TO 7) Tenta, Cota, Meeting Bags, CUSTOM M A U house-to-house canvass began. A t This is picnic and cookout sea­ SETUP that time the "census clock" In the son. Come to the Fairway and MEMORIAL CO. EARLY 0 ) Air Mattreasea, Stoves, CANVAS AWNIITOS TOMOR­ Commerce Department building see all the new things that can Opposite East Cemetery PAINT ROW.. Lanterns carried a popuiation estimate of make picnics a pleasure. You will u 179,821,434—about 400,000 higher be amazed at the wide selection of . . . it good point MANCHESTER than the figure reported yester­ paper plates, table cloths, both Quality Msmoriols IMS day. hot and cold paper cups,' canned f e . -4" e..i r..i«n.e«, %#6k. SURPLUS SALES CO . Over SO Years Experience Ti4-Woeid 3 qnH Awd. 169 N. MAIN ST. TTie bureau does not claim com' ice, charcoal lighter, plastic at Depot Square plete accuracy for the clock. Its spoons, forks and ontdoor cooking PAUL'S B. C. BY JOHNNY HART Open Dally to 9:00 PJM. changes every minute merely re' ■ r,4. ■ - utensils. There are large pack­ Coll Ml 9.5807 Paint arid Wallpaper Store J. FARR—MI S-7UL fleet the agency’s best gpiess as to ^,,6; ' ages for real economy. Why not BUZZ SAWYER enjoy that picnic when juat a few 645 Main Street BY ROY CRANE^ the average population changes. A. AIMETTI, Prop. pennies will take care of the dish­ jWITHiH AH HOUR, BUZ, CLUTCHlMfi MIS Until the final count is In, . Harrison SL, filanchester there’s still the possibility the es? There are all sizes of picnic c.. Tel. MI 9-0300 E WpicrURES OF HOMER TREE, I5 ON HIS for clock Is more accurate than the refrigerators, tjhermos jugs (even I WAY TO HOMER'S OLD * HOME TOWN * SEE US FOR: preliminary total. in 2-gallon sizes) and insulated I m CALIFORNIA. "T he a Aluminum Roll Up Awnings On the basis of the preliminary picnic baga that are eaay to keep B|& a Venetian Blifids cool with canned Ice, which is only a o u R p !* graduation tabulation, here are 1960’s 10 larg­ WATKINS-WEST LIQUORS' a Storm Doors est states in ord^r: 39c a .can..,,„ Remember, organiza­ • Combination Windows tions fecelve a discount on their card$ ’ New York, California, Pennsyl­ purchases. FUNERAL Manchester Awning Co. vania, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, Michi­ For you who have lawn chairs WINES-BEER f i V JTw. 195 WEST CENTER ST. gan, New Jersey, Massachusetts that need fixing. Fairway haa the I shop the and Florida. SERVICE BEER IN BARRELS Telephone MI 9-SOBl material. There are both Saran Established 1949 Florida jumped from 18th place FOR ALL OCCASIONS! JUL web replacement kits and the Sa- ORMAND J. WEST * DELIVERY SERVICE * in . the 1950 listings to replace ran by the yard to replace canvas. I e-*%,------JUL North Carolina In the No. 10 spot, There are also new chairs and Director M •a.tt.xwKTi- FAIRWAY North Carolina fell to 12th. Flor­ chaises in alurfiinum and aaran- Main Street, Manchester - WEST SIDE If i: ida’s total was listed as 4,893,- webbing. Shop at the Fairway Open A n n . and FM. Till 9 a 142 E. CENTER ST. f PACKAGE STORE o MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLi 098. It recorded a 76.6 per cent and make your summer more en­ 6-lf J gain since 1950 to lead all states In joyable. Manchester’s Oldest Harry Proataaky, Permittee 865/UENTER ST. MICKEY FINN U N LE^ CeRTAIW THE FlRGT THING r V this category. Nevada, with' an In­ BY LANK LEONARD l CALLEDTHIG FUAGBANT VIOLATTONe The New, Beoutifnl T u R n P I K E crease of 75.8 per cent to 281,348, Piano’s Restaurant Remodeled With Finest FacUltito Man^ffieeter—MI 9-0166 GPEOALMeenNS WANTTOTALIoSour J O F COMFWMV RULEG IGABeeNTEeiGM/ was the No. 2 gainer on a percen­ I f yoii are looking for a really^ YOU W/ON'T BE I HAVEAKEV-THE OFEMPtOVEEG W H IC H ! H AVE NOTED - ,y AUTO BODY tage basis. good place in which to dine,- why j ABLE TO GET IN POLICE OFFICER TO GIVE FAIR CEAGE IMMEDIATEtX not drive' out to Flano's Restaur­ ballroom Is given over tp dancing. RaeiJa Today / . ‘ • —I'M SURE _ GAVE IT TO ME WARNING THAT PIANO ’S . * per cent ant in Bolton, just over the Man­ For information and rates for a to 224,383, Arisona gained 71T reunion, reception, party or other n k i Upholstery BE ALL LOCKED -THIS MORNING' HEA05ARE chester 'line? The restaurant is - GOING „ RESTAURANT per cent to 1.282,405. gathering, call MI-3-2342. WDRC—1860 I V I ^IC’S PIZZA SHOP owned and operated by the Fiano r AND Shops TO ROLL ROUTE e-44A— BOLTON »sted at Flano's Restaurant iSi open seven 1:0U N ew i "Over 45 Years Experience” , '' 158 W. Middle Turnpike W R E C K E R family, and they have done a 1:10 Art Johnson AROUND 15,537,413, up 46.8 per cent in 10 days a week from 9 a.iri. to 1 a.m. Phone MI 9-8700 years. marvelous job of completely re­ 4:00 Bishop’s Corner RE-tiPHOLSTERlNG / HERE... OREN SUNDAYS 8:00 News. Spprte. Weather S E R V I C E y i modeling the old restaurant. They weekdays and from 12 to 0 P-m. on, *, Modem Furfilture T^ese population drops were re­ Sundays. 6.85 Sporta, News oLonch and Dinner have torn out, added to, and com­ 7:06 Art Johnson 1 and Antiques PIZZA ported: West Virginia down 7 8 Flano’s has a wide and varied Served Dally pletely renovated the restaursiht, 8:00 World Tonight * Store Stools and Booths SPAGHETTI per cent to 1.847.082,!: Arkansas menu and one that it flexible so 8 :^ Music TUI O n *.. o Lounge Entertainment and completely redecorated the 1J:00 News ^ f * Custom Furniture down 7.2 per cent to '1,772,428, you will be usre to find many items RAVIOLI NlghUy large ballroom which can handle 13:10 Music TUI One Slip Coven and Draperiea Mississippi down 0.8 per cent to that you will enjoy. They feature 1;00 News. Sign Off o Weddings o Banquets 400 people easily. It took over six 'Made to Order 2,162,422 an^ the District of Co­ all around fine cooking, execellent w n c -io s o OPEN DAILY o Parties—Phone MI 8-2842 lumbia down 6.9 per cent to 746.- months to accomplish this work, Uqmplpte Selection of Materials, service, And their prjees are con­ 1:00 News h m 958. r new lighting was put In, new 7 30 A. . to 11:00 P.M. ^■/S sistent with the good food always 1:16 Werner Mueller Orchestra FREE ES’HMATES plumbling- heating and air condi­ L.’IO Saturday Matinee, SUNDAYS still to be listed accurately are seryed here. Children’s jmeals may TO U R Fi^VORlTE BKAND^ tioning, and even a new water sup­ 3:00 Boston at Cleveland 208 N. Main St., Manclieater • CAPTAIN EASY members of ^the-i Armed Forces be obtained at half-pii'cqif you de­ 6:40 Monitor 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. BY LESLIE TURNER ply - was added. ' The cocktail M I 9-6824. CLOSI^ MONDAYS overseas^ persons Who were (count- sire. Luncheon is served from 12 6:.10 Strictly Sports MR. ABJS^RNATHY Five MONTHS! aiMiaai# fed while away froffi homo; those lounge is new as Is the dining room, 7:16 'Vale Howard Boat Haee BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY FLOOD CONTROL PEOPie SURBOOl COLD BEER to 2 p.iin. and dinner is available 8:00 Monitor ITiM»0NMy who were found} too late to be In­ and'kitchen, a>"il we sre sure you 11:16 Sports Final bow ktufthe land- LIQUORS. WINES from 4 p.m. oh. fROPiRTVjTHey POUAR » a P vo o ' - cluded In preliminary state totiils will find this a most enjoyable n:.10 Monitor . BATH HOUSE BUT HE CLAIMS even REROUtBD the m TAKE YOU THERP and crewmen of U.S. military and place to dine. 'The decor of the restaurant Is 13:00 Starlight Serenade ■ FOR EXTRA MONEY M lETMECUriT cM taTAK6U5TO k b i JORFREEl GET INI 13:55 News. SIgn'Oft ME. ABERNATHY HE EXPECT YUUTO I WONT HAVE DOWN FOR DUCO and DUlUX REFINISHING merchant uhlpa in U.S. ports. . For those planning a large j>arty, modem and a moat comfortable , 2 FIND JHEOAKSWW Free Delivery place in which to dine. I f you like WHAT—910 B e ru b e's >>6kED ANYTROUBLE. FKEWOOPS The bureau ia making rechecka the ballroom^ at Flano’s Is an Ideal YTPEWRlTlfiB SEBVICE METO HUGE CROWD? for possible ohiissions in .some com- cocktails that are mixed with a 1:00 Big Show ♦ WE PAY Ml ^5SD7 1M MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST place to meet and it is available 7:80 Polish National Homs 479 Middle tpke. E. mimltles that have protested the every day, 6ven on Saturdays up master touch, try the cocktail 8:00 Big Show MEET r . MANCHESTER Manchester HIM ON eojjnt was too low In their cases. to 5 p.m.' Saturday evenings, the lounge where S'**!* will enjoy the 13 00 Newt. Sign Off HIGHEST PRICES HAiar Muii perfect cocktail of your choice. THE J — ______' ■ WPOP-1410 Typewriten and Office For Rags, Paper, Metals Phone Manchester You will *alao find a nice assort­ 1:00 News. I.0U Terry Machines Repaired, Serviced BEACH. V IC H l'S ment of appetizing "nlbblers" to 3:00 Conn. Ballroom Rentals and Scrap Iron 8:00 News Weather CALL OR DELIVER TO PACKAGE STORE faojgroa MItcheU 3-7043 go with the cocktails. •8:16 Cona Ballroom We Handle Stationery Along 20 BIS8ELL ST. TTiere is also a special luncheon' 7:00 Ray Somers 7:30 Word of Life With,Office Machine Supplies PUT lAD IN OUR HANDS mapu served at Flano’s, and 8:00 Ray Somers Your Mall List Aa Dnired' OSTRINSKY whether you vyish a light lunch or 11:00 News Dealers In Waste Materials FOR TBE BEST IN BARBERING SEE ONE OF THE a hearty one, you will be well suit­ ll:10 Ray Somers , ~ FOLLOWING 5IEMBERS ()ie^lB(E MANOHESIER 1:00 Del Raycee A. J. BERUBE, Prop. 781 PARKER ST. ed here. They serve a feandwlch MI 9-8477— 5H 8-6842 Tel. MI 8-5785 or M l 8-8876 CX>NNEOnCUT MASTER BARBERSL.ASSOClATH)N special Including soup, Juindwlch WINF—U80 I 1:00 Showcase. News A5IEB10AN BARBER SHOP PAGANPS BARBER SHOP and coffee for Uiose whd wish to 4:46 Mr. Fix-it THE STORY OF MARTHA W A T ^ JEFF COBB .'I eat lightly. Here again the menu Is BY W1I.SON SCRUd^S BY PETE H(|FFMAN 467 Main Sfc 58 Yi Cooper Bt. 6:00 SoundrUght-USAF a flexible one and the changes 6:06 Showcase and News 6:60 Sports Special w han N*a e rn e to OHsvn/suiiof; OH,TUiriC, I WISH SOMSOHE HIDULD WE'VE 60T ... BESIDES IT'S DANTE’S BARBER SHOP PARKADE BARBER SHOP mean there will he no boredom 6:66 Showcase and News ,VCAK,t«ltHy?U TW4i ' 5IANCHE8TER BARBER STATE BARBER SHOP will thoroughly anjoy dancing In .Span to Be Longest SgjbMsoBPAINTCO SHOP 10 Bissell St. the beautifully renovated and re­ 723 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER PHONE All 9-4501 1099 8tkln 8L ■vi' decorated ballroom,. New York-^UonstrucUon is un­ WALTER'S BARBER SHOP Do drive out and dine here some der way OR . the ^3820,000,000 Ver- 1 BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK MEBZ’B BARBER SHOP 61B Mala S t ■ day aoon, yvu will be pleased with rusno-Narrows Bridge to link S\ the sincere effort on the part of U l N. M nInSt . WALNUT BARBER SHOP Brooklyn and Staten liland. It la -Wahiat S t the entire Fiano family to ae* that acheduled to be completed In 1965. Nl ) MANCHESTER UREEN every meal ia of axcaUant quality, Ita suapended center apan, 4,260 PAINTS BARBER SHOP PDOC BARBER SHOP that you ara aervad eourteously, (eat. will be the longeat In the S M C M ts r S t and. your iM t to thla roataurant world-AO feet longer than, tha i i 6 I6a6t iplaaMffit szpsiikaes. Ooldao gate Bridga’a. '*< * ' ■•'•A''

■ • ^


BonntH SdrricM Offtrad IS Pftintiiia:--PR|Mgiiig 21 TYPEWRITERa and office ran- E3RERIOR AND intai1 ^ trucking.. PI 2-8378. z"" Willianta' 500th home run. Chicago . .1 ...3 0 26 .536 taoieaea. Ib e adverttaer abould read hia ad tke flR S T DAY IT decorating, ceilings, floors, paper- wltlr' home run has Ott (MlV was 36 wh'en he made Detroit . .( ...2 8 25 .528 APPEARS and RBPURT EKRURS In time for the next inser­ hanging. Clean. ' wArkmtujshJp. Ther shot through le mist at made up his mi^Kf to se' out it, in 194,6. Washington ...... 23 30 .434 tion. The Herald la reaponaible for only ONE Incorrect or omitted Household Services Free, estimates. No job too small, his lonpr, bri (yeveland'a Munlclpa: tadium put None of those three waa play- Kansas C ity ...... 23 33 .411 Inaortlon for ahy idvertlsement nnd then only to the extent of n John Verfaille, MI 3-2521. and tu^bu- the Big Guy, already ini a class by / Offered 13-A lent career j t i the end of the I960 ing at 41. Boston ...... 19 34 .358 'make good” Inaertloa. Errors which do not.,leeBen the value of • - --- season. himself among today’s .jstars, with That first home run back in the adverOeemeat wUl not be corrected by "make good” insertion. the elite of baseball's all-time slug­ 1939 7 It, too, was- a two-nin Today’s cfame|t DRESSMAKING and alteratlon.'i, Courses and Clasees 27 also ironing done in my home. 29 ThU.-^ no suddcTf!,'’decl8ion on gers — Babe Ruth, Jimmy Foxx blast, off Bud Thomas of ths eld New York (Turley 4-1) at Chl- \ eago (Wynn 2-5) 2:'30 p.m. Falrvlew St. MI 3-7320 Tc5ica part. The tall, handsome and Mel Ott, the only others to Philadelphia A's. YOUR CXNIPBRATION WILL ___ • E^(7TRONI(;:S offers well-paying is.on Red Sox slugger, who on hit 500. ^ » « • Washington (Woodeshlck 2-lj at BE APPRECIATED piositions to tech'hlcians and serv­ "Aug. 30 will reach his 42nd birth­ Kansas City (Johnson 2-4), 10 p.m. Dial Ml 3-2711 TV SERVICE — Potterton’s all icemen. "Learn-by-doing” —train it was Williams' eighth of the OR10LE8 3, TIGERS 1 — Qene day, began this season -with the '.W Baltimore (Estrada 6-2) at De­ makes. Highest quality guaranteed now at Connecticut’s Oldest |i3ec- • season and cracked a third-inning Stephens broke up a four-hit ahut- work and parts, over-47 years ex­ idea that this would be his last troit (Bunning 4-3), 2:30 p.m. Ironies School, Day and evening tie for a 3-1 Boftop victory that out by loser Frank Lary (6-6) with Lost and Found Automobiles for Sale 4 perience, F an""'- for sendee since classes. Summer term starts June on'e. a two-run pinch homer as Balti­ Boston (Delock 0-1) at Cleve­ 1931. Phone Ml 9-4537 for best slipped Cleveland to third place land (Stlgman 2-4) 2 p.m. 27. Free catalog. New England I/ast night, after hitting bis in the American League race. more came from behind with three NOTICE IS HEREBY given that 1950 CHEVROLET pick-up truck., service. eighth home run of the season and '■I Sunday’s' Games Technical Institute. 56 Union P1-, y - Baltimore retained a IH game runs in the seventh. Jerry Walk- ' IN THE GATE— The horses are' lined up for the start of the racO at Belmont ParJCj., Optional Share Book No. 8433, clean. Two western saddles, both Hartford, Conn. Phone JA S-3406. 500th of his career, -he w^s asked y er (2-0) was the winner, giying New York at Chicago (2^, 2^30 Identifiable jockeys from the front hre Manual Ycaza aboard Off Broadwav. Bob Us- Issued by the Manchester Savings black. MI 9-9471. HAROLD & SONS. Rubbish remov­ lead by beating Detroit, 3-1. The p.m. al, cellars and attics cleauaed. whether he had changed his think- New York Yankees, now all alone up oV^^y four' hits before giving and Loan Association, Incorpo- ing: way for Stephens. Gordon Jones Washington at Kansas City, 3:30 sery on C.vclades, Larry Adams riding Miss Maude S.'-and Hedley Woodhouse astride irated, has been lost and applica­ :,1956 BUICK RIVIERA, V hardtop, Ashes, papers all rubbish. Harold Private Instructions 28 in second, defeated the Chicago p.m. Crafty Princess. p two-tone, two-door, radio and heat­ Hoar. M 9-4034. "My mind is made up in regards White Sox, 4-2. Washington beat saved it with a perfect three-ln- tion has been made to said Asso­ to next year," he said. "And you nlng mop up. Baltimore at Detroit (2), 2:30 ciation for payment of the amount er, new, automatic transmission, LATIN ’’ANE) English, pri'vats h . Kansas City, 3-1. • « • DKJK’S WEATHERS-TRIP Com­ tutoring by ybuqg teacher. MI e ^ , - 4- know what it is. The only reason p.m. of deposit. power e.xtras. Clean interior. Pri­ pany doors and windows, custom Boston at Cleveland, (2), 1:80 vate. *700. MI 9-5407 after 6:30. 3-0234 after 6. ’ ••ci I'm playing thl.s yearrls because YANKS 4. WHITE SOX work guaranteed. Cali collect WU- RED SOX 8, INDIANS 1—Wil­ Cletis Boyer hit a two-run homer p.m. Ex-Eoothaller Has Three Stroke Edge NO-nc® IS HEREBY given that I wanted to vindicate m.vself and NO PAYMENTS till September — limantlc HA 3-1198. FRENCH, Russian. jPrlyate tutor- iams’ milestone’ home run follow- in the second inning, then doubled Monday’s Games Pasa' Book No. S 8221, issued by I .also wanted those 500 horrie, The Sa-vings Bank of Manchester 1957 Pontiac Station Wagon,- hy- ing by qualified tea'cher. CaU eve- vU7- rurr.s(C’ a single by Willie Tasby off and scored the clincher on winning • Boston at Kansas CTlty, 10 p.m. FLAT FINISH Holland window ning.4, MI 3-0424. kins (4-4) and gave the last Only Game Scheduled has been lost' and application has . dramatic driv'e, radio, heater, very shades made to measure. All The conversation took place pitcher. Art Ditmar’s single in the clean. Ready to go to California, ave Miisro place Red Sox their ft .st ’declsioh seventh for the Yankei;)^ who have been made to. said bank for pay­ metal Venetian bliifds at a new over the telephone. Ted waa speak­ ment; of the amount of deposit. Mexico or anywhere. Drive It to­ ing from the Red Sox. clubhouse over Cleveland' ln seven tries this won eight of 10. 'This was their NATIONAL LEAGUE Souchak Sets Two Recorjdi^ low price. Keys made while you Bonds— Storks Mortgaxes 81 sea.son. Frank Sullivan (3-6), day. Bank terms. Good trades. wait. Msriow’s. in the. Cleveland Stadium. H'la fourth in a row ‘fi^fer the White Friday’s Results FOUND—Beagle, white, black and Bnwner’s. your Lark dealer, In winning two in a row for the first Sox, who managed seven hits but Milwaiikee 3, St. Louis 2 (12) MORTGAGES—If you need money. t^am was still at bat in the sev­ SOU\ ENIRS— Ted Williams, Red Sox slugger, displays baseball he hit Denver, June 18 {IP)— Cher-a Rain or shine and)the forecast Is brown, male. Call Lee Fracchla, Trtlcottvllle. Open evenings. Tel. WEAVING of Bums, moth holes We are In a position to flnanc* Elusiv^ First Victory ti ne sent the Indiana to their third only one earned run off Ditmar Chicago 6. Cincinnati 4 Dpg Warden, MI 3-8594. MI 3-,5191. /' enth inning. He had walked and. for 500th home run of his major league career. The homer Jieat Cleveland 3-1 An straight loss with a four-hitter.. ry Hjlls,...... the'eourse they said for more of the broiling sun that and torn clothing, hosiery runs, second mortgages in any amounts. given way to a pinch runner. In (5-:3)'r Billy Pierce (5-3) Waa tha —■Pittsburgh 2, Los Angeles 1 shot the thermometer to the mid- Nirif/Atole Play hr dbags repaired, zipper ' re­ usher retrieve^ the ball and gave it to Williams for a souvenir. Taped on the dressing . The big righthander walked t\Vo loser. Mickey Mantle also hom­ San Franeisco-7, Philadelphia 8 would play as easy as picking FOUND—Black and brown male 1953 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 hard­ Terms to suit your needs. J. D.” the third Inning, Ted got his .600th and struck out a dozen, blanking 90s yesterday, the folks hereabouts placement, umbrellas repaired, Realty. 470 Main St.. Ml S-5129. homer oflf,_ righthander Wayne room wa^i^,^»% list of the only major leagueTrlayer^ver to reach the 500 home run ered for the Yankees—who whoop­ W. L. Pot. G.B. a 'plum, already has yielded mongrel, white spot on cheat. Call top, $400. Call MI 9-1879 after 8:30 men’s shirt illars reversed and Moriarty .Goal Sunday the Injups, who have lost six of are cornin’. There’s talk of little Bartn^d at Club Lee Fracchia, Dog Warden, MI p.m. Hawkins with a man on base^Bos­ figure— BaheTRuth, Jimmy Foxx. Mel Ott and Williams. (AP Photofax) ed It up with sparklers after both Pittsburgh .36 20 .643 — two rec()rds to hungry Mike else, except from the rose growers replaced. Marlow’* Little Mend-; their last seven, over the last eight home runs in answer to that pin­ San Francisco 33 25 3-8594, ton won, 3-1. X .569 4 who moved in for their annual con- 1952 OLDSMOBILE 88, almost new Ing Shop. Business Opportunities S2 inhings ball a'coreboard at Comiskey Park. Milwaukee .. .23 22 .560 Souchak and the ravenoufi ■ ^ Knew He Could Hit 5 •eiave-overnight and act a bit Nine hole play at the tiros, hew heavy duty battery, Winless in five starts this season including two games in Williams, who at 41 has had to * • • St. Louis . . . .28 28 .500 8 field chasing him in the National ALL MAKES of TV, • radio and A HIGH gallonage modem service ‘1 hit under .300, for the first Open (Jplf 'Tournament. they aren’t quite sure of Manchester ^Country Club Annonneements new muffler and tail pipe, good the Connecticut State Baseball t,eague, Moriarty Bros, hope battle illness and injury to rea'ch SENATORS S, A’s 1 — Rookja Los Angeles . .26 30 .464 10 pie who march around in./T'-shirts home electronic equipment ex- station soon available for lease on time in my career last year and his final goa\ after fi'ghting two Dan Dobbeck drove In two of the By tonight when the last two has '"been banned' for^ the motor and body, tiansmisslon pertly.* repaired with a 90-dfty Route 15,, Manchester Exit 94, 'to snap out of its slump when it hosts the strong Meriden Cincinnati .26 '31 ,456 104 and funny hats and digMlp perfect­ PHILOO-BENDK 16 lb. wash. 25c; gone. Coventry PI 2-7584. people thought I was washed up,” wars, made it against the same Senators’ three, runs. His single Chicago ...... 23 26 .451 104 rounds in this 60th edition of golf’s season by action of the guarantee. Call Mr. Britney at the ' Southbound lane with established Merchants Sunday. Game time-will be 2:30 p.m. at Mt. Nebo. Williams said. ”I knew I could ly wonderful turf prdth club-like dry. 10c. Lucky Lady Launder- Manchester TV. MI 9-1048. lub Ruth tagged for his 500th. capped a two-run fourth' against Philadelphia . .20 36 .357 16 prestige tournament are over, the contraptions. Chib’s Board of Directors, and growing community nearby. The Sliver City ' nine comes to"* still hit and I felt If I could get pretty little Rocky Mountain mea­ center:! 9 Maple Bt., across from Call J. F. Sullivan. ORchard 7-1651 'he Baba finished with 714, and loser ./.Ray Herbert, and he then ' Today’s Hamea 1953 FORD 2-door, radio, heater, town with an undefeated record in Twilight League game in his only myself In shape during spring dow acreage that’s' been whimper­ Course Professional ^lex Hackney First' National Store. Open 24 after 8 p.m. got No. 50O at the age of 34 off homered in'the ninth off reliever Chicago (Morehead , 0-4) or hours. standard shift. MI 9-5009. my three lejigue‘Otttings. Listed on its mound appearance for the locals. training and avoid injuries' and Cleveland's Ace Hudlln in 1929. Don Larsen. Bill Fischer (2-2) ing under two daya of solid as­ Whethep/’Souchak, sort of em- reported. (Cardwell 3-5) at CinctnnaU barrasjetl wi.on he says “This Pick-up and delivery lift 9-6582 roster is Wally Windholm, former ' Although he still hasn't official­ illness—something I didn't^ do last Foxx (534) was a m onth'thy of was the winner with 5 2-3 innings saults may have. given up two or Anyone wishing to play 1957 FAIRLANE .500, two-door STAFFORD—Drive-in luncheonette University'of Connecticut star who ly graduated from high school yet, year—I could still help the club. As Bucs Lead (Hook 5-6) 2:30 p.m. oourse dqes play awfully short on R'outo 19, near lakes and sever­ 34.wben he hit his 500th, in i950. of four-hit, shutout relief. three more — including the big­ — whether it be nine or ,18 I^raonals 3 hardtop, power steering, radio and aliO- plays with Moriarty’s in the Dick Sylvester is the leading hit­ "Frankly, I think I'm awfully St. Louis (Jackson 9-5) at Mil- gest, of them all. dpfesn’t it” can be overhauled is heater, privately owned Ml al small villages. Large ice cream hard to tell. Buildlnfi:-ContractinK 14 Hsirtford Twilight L ea^e. Fred ter on Moriatty's roster. The slick lucky. I had juat about given up sraukee (Burdette 6-2) 2:.30 p.m. Souchak, a husky, genial holes— must pay the full 3-4483 volume. All stainless steel equip­ Vogel, ex-Trinlty College ace and (Philadelphia (Dwen.'i 3-7) at VACUUM CLEANERS repaired in ment. Building four years old. ofitfleld^ tytio batted a none too after coming up with that bad leg New York, June 18 {IP)— PIRATES X, DODGERS 1—f particular impor attractive match d o w n ^ e throata Philadelphia at San Frapeisco, YMREE y e a r old 42 foot alumi­ collarbone) and various minor ail­ away exactly half of the Bucs’ 36 tripled and scored on Felix Mantil­ Souchak fired a four-under-par 67 'Would be even closer except for the during the busy daily pe­ Manchester to vicinity of State rages. Roofing an'’ siding experts. to 11 p.m., 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Ver­ to Valeo Machine in a Hartford also knocked across three runs. Law gave up Juat one walk and la's single as the Braves ended the tance in this era of widespread dis­ of the public. 4:80 p.m, - ■' num house trailer with aluminum Aluminum clapboards A specialty. ments. He has played only 10 com victories (while losing only five), and hit the halfway point In the sl.x' he took on the 18th Thursday (^Sipitol, 8-4 summer hours, MI non Haven Convalescent Home, and they’ve accounted for two in struck out five while ending the Cardinals’ streak at four. The interest in boxing, will be decided The answer to all three ques­ Monday’s Games when a trout jumpcdJn the lake in riod, around 5 o’clock. awnings, set up on .shady lot, Unexcelled workmanship. Easy plete seasons in 22 with the Red Dodgers’ home run streak at IT championship with a 36-hole total 9-4084. Vernon Center. Conn. TR 6-2077. Sox. a four-game streak that has pro­ cards, who had won six of seven. when Floyd Patterson attempts to tions—from this comer—la an em­ Los Angeles at Milwaukee, 9 front of the tee and he topped his Transient players were $2,500. Phone MI 4-8067, budget terms. MI 9-6496 or TR games. ^ phatic no. - of 135. and a three-stroke lead /-1 '\ Even at that only Babe Ruth duced a four-game leAd. manag«^d only two hits, one Bill regain the heavyweight cljampion- p.m. drive into the water. coming in at 5 and playing 6-9409. TEACHER FOR Manchester nurs­ ship from Ingemar Johansson in a over runner-up Doug Sanders of Radio, TV Sports with 714' Jlmmi*. Foxx with 534 Law, backed by Bill 'Vij-don’s Stan Williams waa a . loser for White's fourth^inning bonier, off Patterson, aside from hilt explic­ Only Game Scheduled He started the double round at nine holes, hie reported. Automobiles for Sale 4 ery school, three . mornli^s a the first time in seven declsion.a, southpaw George Brunet before scheduled 15-round bout at the able knockout of Ancient Archie Miami Beach. The general scoring Auto Driving; School 7-A W. F. DION Construction Company. week, (woi hours each day. For In­ and Mel Ott with 511 hit more first home lain of the season, be­ was so good that' It took a 36-hole 138 with Dow Finsterwald, former It was lejarned that a Alterations, additions, garages, Tolley— lifetime home nins. Ted refused to six this seaso.n. He g. ve up Vir- t.vlng it 2-all with an unearned run Polo Grounds on June 20.'~") Moore to gain the title, fought OLDER CARS mechanics sp«- formation please call MI 8-1895. ALUMNI LF^GUE came the first to win 10 In the total of 147 or better to qualify for champion Jack Fleck, and 44-year- clala, flxlt y ,rieU cars, always LARSON’S, Connecticut’s first 11 foEmlca counters, roofing, siding, 2 p.m.— Red Sov vs. Cleve'i speculate whether he could over­ don’s clinching home run in the in the ninth. Bob Buhl (6-3) won , It will be determined wjiethec nothing but hand-picked PercivaJ old Jerry Barber at 140, and de­ petition among., members Staging a late comeback with majors last night, cooling off Los sixth, after the Pirates h'.d collect­ the last'38. “■ a ffood selection. Look tehind our censed drilling school trained — painting. Plans drawn. MI 3-0895. COJTPTOMETER land, Channel 3; WTIC 1080. take Ott. , Angeles' home run bats for a 2-1 it in its first relief appearance. Joe Patterson can prevent the Swat­ Pushovers—and had trouble with fending champion Bill.v Casper and prompted directors to make eight runs in the last two innings - ed half of their six hits—singles hy Adcock homered for the Braves off ting Swede from again, ramming most of them—until he collided"' The best previous 36-hole start office. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. Certified and approved is now of­ 2 p.m.—(Inside .Sports, Chan­ Needs Warm Weather victory over the Dodgers. 'o Cm/u U still-tryin’ Sam Snead among five the change, effective at fering classroom and behind ANY KIND of carpentry and cabi­ OPERATOR six in the, sixth, Green Manor Dick'Groat, Bob Skinn.;r and Rob­ St. Louis starter Ronnie Kline. his mighty right fist down the with Johansson. TTi# challenger is was 138 set first by Sam Snead at nel 30. "I feel good," he said, "I felt Second place San Francisco, at 141. NEED A CAR and had your credit wheel- instruction for teenagers. net work done. Honest and relia­ topped Fire * Police last night at erto (Tlemente—for a first-inning Bob Duliba (4-3) was the loser. chaHenger’s throat to repeat his a few pounds heavier. Otherwise Riviera in 1948 and liter matched once eliminating nine hole Opening for a comtometer opera­ Keeney St., 12-18. It was loosely 2:I.V-^On Deck CIrrIe, Chan­ good all Spring. That's why I was with Manager Bill RIgney ru­ nin. GOLF Australian Bruce Cramplon, turned down? Short on down pay­ An 9-6076. ble workmanship. Call Roscoe * * • he hasn’t changed...... by Hogan ' at^ Dallas’ Northwood play. However, the course tor to do Interesting and varied nel 22>’ SO. so mad when I came up with I mored on the way ' out, ended third-round knockout of a year crooning amateur Don Cherry and ment? Had a repoaaeaalon? Don’t Thompson. MI 8-1895 for esti­ played with 11 errors being record­ Peekaboo Style Club In 1952, And by Dick Mayer is still open to both mem­ work. Must be xexperienced. Mod­ 2:^0^—Pre-Game Show, Chan­ bad leg and than the colckj-^ust their losing string st"four with a CUBS 6, REDS 4—Bob Will’s ago. No. 21— Identical V’a veteran Ted Kroll are the others in give up! See Honest Douglas, get PREPARE FOR driver’s test: mates. ed. five by the winners. nel 8. ^ GIANTS 7, PHILS 8—Willie horne run and a two-out, two-run It will be decided whether Pat- Patterson still employs the ri­ and Billy Joe Patton at Inverness that bracket. Hogan, after hia fifth Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class ern, air-conditioned office. EJxcel- Leading the 13-hit Manor at­ hope the weather gels warm. An 7-3 victory over last place Phila­ bers and non-members. the lowdown on the lowest down 2:2.'i— Yanks ' vs. Chicago, Mays and Orlando Cepeda clubbed single by Jim Hegan gave it to the tersoru the 'youngest man ever to diculous peekaboo style, concocted By JIMMY DEMARET In Toledo in 1957. title, .trailed a 142—seven strokes room. Three Instrurtors. No wait­ lent benefit program. Apply Em­ tack was Jack Felner with three old man like me needs warm weath­ delphia. Mil)yaukee, five games The local club has an ac­ and amalleat payments anywhere. CSinnnel 22. 80. 8; WKNR 840. homers for the Giants and drove in win tlie title, can become the first in the little head of hla defrocked Never before had it taken less back—afer a second round ,67 Not a small loan or finance com­ ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ Roofing— Siding 16 ployment office. hits and as many RBIs. Chip Rohr- er.” back in thlrd, "You know somethiog, I saw Legion ihx Bristol 377 set at Winged Foot, Mamoro- 1969 LARKS by Studebaker, 2-door Channel 8. , i ‘ Patterson will have a tremen- ward the centeivofi the body. This champion Ed Furgol, and Canada’s title at Garden State Park for sedans, 2-door wagons. All solid WILCOX DRIVER education—age and additions. Ceilings', Workman­ need is two hours a day, and the Fire A Police ,.010 420 1 8- fl-6 Foxx hit his 500lh. It was in 1941, neck, N. Y. last year should fall. Stann Leonard. ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. I :S0— Red Sox vs. Cleveland, my third yesr with the club; I can Base Running Proves Costly douse psychological handicap in pictures the beginning o f the tliree atralght years, 1968-60. ■witliya new car warranty. Prices 15-17, classroom and driving. will to work for those extras, you- Wogman and I.aidge, McCoy (6); For SundayxGame baclcswing showing a view of the Certified High School instructor. MI 3-4880. Marsh and Higgins. Channel 8; WTIC 1080. still see the ball. It waa a the haunting memory, whleh start at $1398. No payments till want so. much. No experience 2:1.6—On Deek CIrele, Chan­ line drive in the upper deck in left- seems still strong, of the fearful entire full-fingered grip. September. Bmnner’s, your Lark ADams 3-0588, ADams 3-6327, needed: Call today for ilfitervlew In ~ GArfield 9-9914. COUGHIJN ROOFING Company, nel 80. field. I never thought that some Edged 5-4 by Wetblersfield in its ^s Moriarty’s and Saints Tie beating Johansson gave him last The lines formed by the thumb dealer, in Talcottville. Inc. Almnlnum siding, asphalt, your home. (Tall CH 7-4137. Trailing 8-4 after six innings, and forefinger of tee hands ap A * I •came up with flve runs in the 2/2,6— > anks vs. Chicago, day I would be getting my 600th.'.’ opening game of the season Thurs­ time. asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, Channel 8. 22, 80; WK.VB 840. day night; Manchester Junior international LEAGUE pear to lie pointing ..jnore to the w a n t e d — dean used cars. We GIRLS FOR car-hop service. Must aeyanth inning to defeat Nassiff Patterson is in good condition, BasehalVs Big Mistake , Concerns Youth buy, trade down or trade any­ Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 galvanized or copper gutters nnd be 18 or over. Apply In person. 4:15— Week In .Sports, Chan- American Legion baseball team Fifth place Paganl’s Caterers Still winless, Moriarty’s came<«>Tom Molumphy and White along as always, but Johansson seems •right than they would if the leaders. Ml 8-7707. Arms last ..night at Charter Oak, nel .3. . ■> ' (5-6) upended Ansaldi’s Con­ withinif»,)„ a. whisker------of/ — posting their ^ Moriarty ei^or. thing. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. 'Bar-8.3'Food Ranch, Windsor Ave., will journey to Bristol Sunday. in even finer fettle. The Non- swing had not just begun. Notice 1959 MOTORCYCT/E, 2,000 miles, B-8. ■6 p.m.—(Championship Golf, tractors (5-4) last night at 'Ver- first win of the season last night "Baseball,” says Jerry Coleman, RAY’S ROOFINa CO., shingle and Rockville. Big Jeff Tybtir’s three run hom- The contest will be' played at Page The Oilmen had two on and none challant Norseman, who looked that both of these lines or V’s $395. Bourne Bulck, Inc., Main MlddlecolT vs. Soiichalv, Chan­ Park, riot Muzzy Field as announc­ planck, thanks to a three-run in the Hartford Dusty League bift out in the fourth, but Cyr was out are -identickl in their direction. "is making a big m lst^ e without built-in roofs, muter and conduc- ar sparked the last inning uprising faulty base running resulted in an like a bum in, training for hig first 1961 CHEVROLET -ninepassenger and Middle Turnpike. WOMAN TO SEW slip covers nel. 22,. SO. ed yesterday, starting at 2 o’clock. rally in the fifth inning. trying to steal third, and Renn This .IndicateS’ tJ^t everything poa realizing it. station wagon, $j25. -Ml 3-1290. torVw'ork; roof,3f. chimney'chimney'repairs. rei and/or draperies. Must be ex- with Jack Simmons’ double driving eight inning 3-3 tie instead with set-to with Patterson, has worked Ray Hagenow, Ml 9-2214; Ray '5:1.6— Inside. .Sports, (flannel Sunday, June 19 TTie pitching assignment for the Trailing 2-1, Pagarri'a', dented 'was picked off first which left no hard this time, after his own fash­ sible is being tfohe to be sure the "Youngsters are coming into the THE BIKE SHOP, 257 Spruce SU peripTiced and produce-outstanding In, the final a n t deciding run, 18. Silk City nine rests among one the platter three^^mes in the the Hartford St. Cyril’s. The game G.M.C. WALK IN, 6 cylinder, 9 foot' Jackson MI 3-8825. Danny Sullivan (3 for 4 i starred Meriden vs. Moriarty’s, 2:30, Mt. one on an^ two out. - Moriarty’s ion. He has trained for every hands are working as one. major leagues without having the between School and Eldridge. New’ quality work. Top wages for top o f three probable starters. They was called due to darkness. body, excellent condition good and rebuilt bicycles. All sizes and at the plate for the A&Is while Nebo. fifth and then ^jfrithstpod an An- also blew a chance to win in the contingency and appears ready to When the thumb and forefinger slightest idea of the impact they work. Box H. Herald. are Mike Reardon, Fred McCur-ry saldl rally in.^lhe sixth which net­ •Moriarty’s jumped on starter last of the eighth When they had tires. Make an Offer. MI 9-0980. prices. Repairs on all makes. George Bycholskl's homer sparkM Yonkers, N. Y.-(A’) Yonkers Legion at Bristol, 2, Page Park. Bill Risley for two runs In the first go 15 rounds, and win, if he can­ of the right hand are closed over make on millions of kids, and the Roofing and Chimneys '6-A ____ and Tom Kelley. Reardon and ted one run^for a 4-3 triumph, men on first and third and none the club, the .palm “pocket” formed MOTHERLY WOMAN, five days the Arms’ attack. • Raceway kpent many months pre­ Nassiff vs. Intermediates, • 1, McCurry are southpaws while Kel- when Leo Cyr walked and ■ waa not find a parking place for his public in general 1954 CHEVROLET, standard shift, wceklY. starting September, light West .Side. w Pagani-’s" Were led by Cartier out. but failed to score. Avery by the gripping technique will Youngsters put big league ball ROOFING — Specializing repairing A ftI ...... 040 OOO paring for tlje opening of the 1960 ley ls a righthander. • sacrificed to second by Dan Rcnn. was' out trying to score on a right hand on a Patterson vital 2-tone color, 4-door, Very clean. Business Services Offered 18 lioiisekecping. References. MI Ponticelli vs. Bolton, 2, Bolton. withwitll ^ sin g le- and double and neatly close over the thumb of MI 9-9468. roofs of all kinds. New roofs, gut­ K assifT s...... 070 001 0—8-6-1 harness season. However, rain and Mound choice for Bristol, which Chick Gagnon, singled scoring Cyr passed ball and Cyr was thrown spot. Indeed, when he took his pia.yera on a pedestal,” 3-7084. Wright, Barerra (4) and Sullf- A & I, vs. Fire A Police, 3, West Dlmlnio)'nioo and Cobb with a pair of the left. ’The entire situation, in the mind ter work, chimneys cleaned re­ a balky track syUpper delayed was rained put of Its opener last alhgles. and an infield hit by Jim Moriarty out on a beautiful play by third customary pre-fight, layoff, there COSMA APPUANCB SERVICE. paired. Aluminum siding. $0 ean, Dalton (3), Bycholskl, Janeck Side. Kusmickas and Ron .Ry- was Some danger of his being of ex-Marine dive bomber pilot FOR SALE—1930 Ford Model A. BAKe RF s a LES girl full-or part- the start of the first race 42 niln- Wednesday With Southington, win -dander I and Dlck'^.^Sylvester’s infield out baseman Jack Gilbert to end the Repairs all make refrigerators, years’ experience. Free esti­ (S), Brannick (7) and Pasternack. utes. Fire A Police vs. Elks, 1, Char­ led Ansaldi’s, each with a plated Gagnon. , * overtrained. Coleman, is a delicate subject. excellent condition. Call MI 9-4266 freezers, washing machines, ry- llmo. flood wages. Apply In peN go to either Dave Cometskl double. game. after 6. mates. Call Howley, MI 3-6381. Ml ter Oak, The Oilmen added another run May Draw 25,000 Now 35 and out of baseball af­ ers, ranges, oil. and gas burners. .son. Parkade .pakery Shopping Pete White. Both are lefUiahd ■ ( No first names were giveri;) Jackie Hedlund gavp up 10 hits, 3-0763. Nassiff vs. National, 3, Charter in the third when Jim Moriarty The fight everybody wanted to ter nine years as a New York Yan­ MI 9-0883. All work guaranteed. Center. ers, Cometskl twirled fo r Bris Pagani's ...... obo 13x 4-7-2 five of which "were of the infield 1959 LARK by Studebaker. 2-door Oak. .. walked and scored on Dick Avery’s promote, but apparently few wish , kee infielder and tw'o as their farm tol Eastern High this past Spring An-saldi’s ...... 002 ,001 3-6-3 variety, and struck out four and sedan, ,4-door sedan with over­ CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. Ponticelli vs. Trust, 1, Keeney double. However, the Oilmen fell to see, may be held In compara/ system personnel . director, Cole­ drive. ;2-d0or station wagon. All HefltinK and Plumbing 17 Help wanted— Male 36 St. while White pitched/for Bristol Anderson and Fitzgerald; Kuz- walked the same number while Reasonable rates, .Call PI 2-7658 Central. apart in the field later and the giving up three runs In going the live privacy, for, a heavyweight ti­ man believes the best public rela­ sold with new car .warranty. Bantly vs. Green Manor, 3, Kee­ rnlchas and Yakaitis. Saints managed to catch them. between 1 ;30-4:30 or any time PLUMBING AND heating - re­ AMBITIOUS married man with Torribrrow’s gfrfie will be the distance. Risley was knocked tle contest. Experienced observers tions job c?n be done by the play Prices start at $1,398. No pay­ Saturday or Sunday. ney St. AMERIC.AN LEAGUE , St. Cyril’s got one run in the modeling Installations, repairs. car for Fuller Brush sales work, first of three for Manchester which out In the third and A) Sikorsky believe that, barring; a last' min­ ers ' themselvesi ments till September. Brunner’s, All work guarantMd 25 years ex­ To All Boat Lovers: I ' Moh'day, June 20 Sears Roebuck .(2-7) tried in fourth when George White' singled finished up. your Lark dealer in Talcottville. full or part-yme. Manchester-East has a busy w4ek ahead. Wednes ute stampede to the ticket win­ 'Thfre are 400'' big leagiiers TAMKIR TREE removal, " ' land, vain last night to slop front run­ perience. 24-hour ‘ service. Call Hnitford area. MI 9-0090. I A * I vs, Ponticelli, 6:1,6, West day nlgH-^the locals journey to and later scored on Jack Mill- Molumphy, Millstein and White dows, a crowd of about 25,000 and right now,” say* Coleman, "plus cleared, firewood cut, insured. ning Police & Fire (8,2) alst night 1960 s t u d e b a k e r ; Hawk. All Earl VanCamp, Ml 9-4749. I Side. South Windsor and Friday enter' steln’s singlp to right. They got each collected three hits for St. net gate receipts of 3550,000 are about, 500 jllayers ' In the High Call Paul A. Ellison, Ml |B-8742 PART-TIME Service ptatlon man, at Waddell Field b)it a four run' white with automatic drive, heat­ fh« bp«nm q Nike vs. Methodists, 6:16, Char­ tain p()werful West Hartford. The two mofe in the seventh on a walk Cyril's while Moriarty and Avery the best that can lie hoped for. . minors—Pacific Coast League, (cw evenings and weekends. Ex­ ter Oak, ,■ rally in the ninth Jell short and to Bin Kammerer and singles by er, defroster, whltd tirca, V-8 GONDER’S TV Service—illotorola o f our Marino Division. ^ la ^ r tearn will li^ve several vet each had two jiita Moriarty’s. The way the payoff Is rigged it Ameripan Assn., and International Millinery Dressmaking 19 perienced preferred,MI 9-8198, be­ the pace setters wou)id 'up with motor. Also V-8 Lark rpnvertlble and Phtlco tactcry ■ service. HI-FI, Mai vs. Police, 6:15, Nebo. ^pfans back'from last year’s team will take a . million dollar ■ gross League. Many of these players fore 5. •Optical vs. Army A Navy, 6> a 6-4 win. Sears were blanked FROM DIAMONDS TO SHIR-re: Jerry Coleman, former with ail equipment. Priced for a phOnos and'auto radios. 214 Spruce which not only won both State and gate to get the promoters off ths have!’ ho idea what they mean to quick sale.'No payment's till Sep- St. Ml 9-1488. , W o would like to invito you to soe a dom- Waddell. ‘ R,egional honors but also garnered over the first five innings by Carl Yankee secend baseman, now is in the sports wear and ir-j ALTERATIONS made quickly snd TAILOR Vet of 92 Fights Runs Out of Gas hook. , On a 3350,000 net return • youngsters in the sand lots and in tehfiber. Brunner’s, your Lark efficiently, MI 9-5855. Onttrotion of rite "Secrionder Runobout." This . Man. Auto vs. Nassiff, 6, Biick- third place honers in the National Hohenthal. s . ■ shirt business. He has some ideas on the impact big RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make— ley. they will lose att- Mtlmated 3150.- high schools. ' dealer. Manufacturer has 1 opening for Junior American Legion playoffs The big righthander allowed but They should have a keener Re­ leaguers have on youngsters. cars, amplifiers, phonographs and EXPERT TAILORING—On ladles’ 16 ft. runabout is the most fabulous idoo in Norman vs. Aceto, 6, Wrplanck. four hits and atruck out eight. 444, which is practically ah; eagle man with knowIedg(i, of ladles’ at Wichita last summer. on the Patterson course, •'j^ gard for what they are. They have NO PAYMENTS till September. changers. Over 47 years total ex­ and gentlemen's clothing. 139 Hohenthal also starred at bat with Lausse Plans to End Career perience. 90 days guarantee "xn all booNnq. It mokos boot trailers obsolote, since The boiit will not be seen on a basic obligation _to the public. Between 35 and 50 Is a long tim.e Jet black 1959 Ford V-8 4-door Woodland St. Call any time. MI coats and suits. Excellent oppor­ three hits, o)ie a two-run homer. months, enlisted in the Marines sedan withFordomatic drive, work. Potterton’s, Ml 9-4887, 3-2264. tunity for advancement. Apply. Sookinder hos its own retroctobie iondinq home television, but will be on Incidentally, my ideas apply to to wait for the pension. So the as an air cadet at 18 after hlitlng Kent Routheiromer contributed athletes in all professional sports. radio, heater, safety belts. A- real W e like to coil It "Instant Bootinq." pair of singles. After Loss to Marcel Pigou closed circuits in 230 locations in SAME DIRECTION player must think of the future, .304 as a rookie with Wellsville, solid car priced at *1,995. Good (CONNIE’S TV' and Radio Secvlco, Winning Clubs Get Fan Mail 125 cities throughout the Uhited Many times, athletes take the and he must think about it as soon N. y. He saw service three years available &ti hours Satisfaction Mortng->Tnicktng— • Just cnM woter." Reaching. Hohenthal for hits kids, who seek their autographs, trades. Bank terms. Drive It to­ MANC^HRSTER MODES, were Hal Plecity, Mike Orlowski, States except an area within a This causes the feeling that the as he’ niiskes it to the big leagues, and became a World War II lieu­ night at Bminner’s In Talcottville. guaranteed. Call Mi 9-1815 New York. June 18 (/P) — “I,.^and for granted. Storage 20 Lloyd Bouthler and Ttm Gallagh­ Lausse went down for an radius of 75 miles of New York bands are 'working as one with- or the high minors. tenant. He flew dive bombers on Open evenings. IN C . . This fantastic boot is now on display and Losing Managers Free Advice er. (Jon t know if I’ll ever fight again,” eight-count. When he got up, which, is bla9ked out. •ut robbing you of a finger. In Public Eye "What he does In his first years 57 miasiona over the Solomons and MANCHESTER Moving nnd Truck- said 32-year-old Eduardo Lausse Which is probably the way Pat­ 'Most clubs want players to I960 STUDEBAKER I/ark ronverti- MORTBNSEN'TK, Specialized RCA tfig (Company., Local and tong dis­ we would oppreciote the opportunity to dom- ...... 032' 010 6-8-1 Pigou resumed the barrage and, in the big leagues often leaves a Philippines. •' televlsipn, Servrae. Mi 0-4641. Piru* Street o f Argentina, today. "i will go although he didn’t go down again. terson will be along about ths NEXT: The right hand is placed wear ties in hotels and other pub lasting impression on the public. He later mi.oraltjr o f le a rraaelaco for ala heater, good* condition but needs cleaned. Also yard cleaned. Rea- chsatar. Raymond Fiska. Ml Ih M Im O m . tlroi. Bast offer/ U l 8-6861, sonabto. M l 8-8606. b#J87. _ J* \ - . -'“c

■\ ■

PAOB TEN MANCHESTER EVENiNa HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JUNE 18, I960 MANCHESTER IVENINO HERALfei MANCHESTER, 00NN« SA’TURDAY, JUNE 18. 1980 GardeiH—Farm— D i ^ W R E OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FA6ALY and SHORTEN Hooms for Salt 7 HoniMfi for 8fikL 72 ■Prodacte 50 Hoimm for Shlo 72 Hoobm for Sate 78 Houfififi for Sale 72 Houbcb for Sale 72 _/Wanted-i-Real Eatato 77 $10,800 8 ROOM Mneh'; aluminum BOLTON, a « e r Kill Road — A STRAWBERRIES-^Pick 3rou'r own, real horns 1« the . couatzv. COUNT THESE OFF!!— , MUST BE'BOLD—8 room eolonlsl, LOADED AND prlMd tor * quick MANCHESTER—Union St. New nti,uoiJlnu. NOltoUTIlt. storms, ameslte drive, 200' trent ^LLlN G—BUYTNQ^’rrsding? We CLASSIFIED 28c quart. Bring baaketa. Sidney S o lETEUS IT- OR AT LEAST HE TRIES TO > sge, view. Carlton H. Hutchins, This Is the place you are lo w ­ 4 bedrooms, living room with fire­ sale. Over 160(1 sq. feet in this two-family duplex 5-5, ^ offer you free eonfldentisl In­ H e’s Mr, Lost and 'EM THAT d M f IT,c m : sou Maneheeter, 90 Hawthorne fit. place, 2 full baths, wiJkout baaa- Cushman, SSI Pairker St., MI t o 9-8182. ing for. B room ranch, beautifully .jTew 8 bedroom Cape, ceramic tile ranch, mahogany paneled living rooms, bath, living room, kltlch spections and arrailge all financ­ 8-7804. ABOUT 1HI KNOW! CANT wea.THiSMMElS , , ^<0^ SM«IA6NT •nriHO landsci^ied lot, 100x264, wlm ment, garage, ameslte drive, rOoitt with fireplace, 1% baths, ga­ dining room. Open tor ’ ing from start to finish. Mitten rn m u v m i! SiTTIN'INABUSSiE ST JAMES PARISH—Beautiful bath, 1st floor lavatory and laun­ 80x176 lot. Paul J. Oorrentl, MI m iA aoM f SNEWAfiormNOlNfANO trees, ahruba, ameslte drive and dry," birch cabinets, full formica rage, 90x180 well landscaped lot. Sunday 2-5, Archambault, wUi work hand and glove with B.v BUD SPRUNGCR ASPARAGUS and Strawberries *or mBACoaKstv r u ^ M IATH.Stt7ANO-niE room Garrison Colonial, brand 3-6883. . era, MI 8-1440 and MU ADVERTISING IT HER HUSBAND «M0) garage. “Large picture book counters and back splash, select Value at a low, low price of. only you. Member M'ultlpie Lilting Los Gatos, C^lf. iA>)—The next canning. Also small amounts. A ROOiMIU.RMC« ANtHEREOlT-TOUlfPT new. 1% ceramic tile baths, all kitchen.” Large living room, fire­ $17,900. Truly magnificent. Call Service, Call the EUsworth Mitten time you get lost in the mountains, Michaud, PI 2-8090. ANP^MA-SME^ oak floors, vinyl kitchen and bath­ VALUES! VALUES! OUT THE rtlRT ABOUT TME^ plastered wallc, fireplace. Easily place, m ai^ extras, racellent fi­ room floors, all cqpper plumbing, now. Paul J. Ck>rrt!ntl, M l 8-5868. Lots tor Side Agency. Realtors W 3-6930. be a help ftPRusk Cone and stay CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS BOCS10 lOOORSBlNOLSPT financed. J. D. Realty, 470 Main nancing. Charles W. Lathrop,. VALUES! put. STRAWBERRIES-^Pick your own, St. MI 8-8129. Crsno fixtures, oil fired Delco burn- THREE B ZOHt 8:15 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. ANSWER ^OW-NOTMATB Agent, M l 9-0384. er, baseboard radiation, weather- BOLTON With dty ARE YOU CONSIDERING 26c a quart. Pasqualini farm, rr«M0M Owner’s loss—your\ gain. Hare Is water. Union/ Manchester, Cone'; 39, is a professional pur­ Avery St., Wa|>ping, NOT ^ IT stnppod doors, finished white ce­ SELLING YOUR suer of people—.with bloodhounds. o o e sr:. MANCHESTER — Special (Buy) MANCHESTER— Three bedroom a magnificent ciiatom designed and Neat ranch with fopr rooms plus $2,600 each, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Mitten. This month only. Nice 2 Cape,- two full bathe, living room, ment cellar Walls, 100 ampere elec­ built split level. Owners have been a large overalzed garage. Real big ^ PROPERTY? About 25 times a year he Is called MOXDAY Thro WtlDAY lOsSO SATUBPAY « AAl. NOW TAKING orders ■ for native family duplex, centrsd, 8-car ga trical service, plug wired for lot. Terrific value for only $Il,200. TWO CHOICE lota In AA zon^ one in to hunt for people lost in the strawberries for freezing or Jam. dining room, kitchen, nine cloaeta, transferred and desire ’ immediate We will estimate value of your rage. Just reduced to $18,300. many bullt-ins, paneled reclreation electric stove, colonial brick fire­ sale. Over 1400 sq. ft. two baths, hea'vUy/wooded. Also one in Rock- wilds. 10% off our retail prices. Far­ Beautiful 7 room Dutch Colonial place slate hearth, Bedroom On Route 6,. five room ranch with Terms avaiabe. T. J. property without obligation. We In his epare time, he leclureaon TOUR COOPERATION WILL |>» I O O T l l mer's Market, '819 E. Middle room, laundry room, 14x14 open eight walk-ln closets, two-car ga­ also buy pixmerty for cash. 8-car garage, good location, porch, storms and screens, hot hullt-ins, ameslte drive, concrete rage, and a nicely landscaped lot. full basement. The lot abuts an ex­ ;ett. Realtor. MI 8-1877. how to get found. His No. 1 role Is BE AFFRECIATEO l^lUl IVll I I Turnpike. Tel. MI 9-0474. wi^B, d ty water and aewer. cellent fishing brook. Can’t ^ Member Multiple Llstinl;. settle estate, Just reduced water oil heat, two blocks to grads The finest construction possible "ata,y where you are.” TotF^an.v- beat for only $15,750. )X MOtntTAIN Drive, Vernon— tlnies a lost person wanders back STRAWBERRIES—Pick your own, $18,800. Nice home plus income school. Junior High and Ssnlor CAN YOU BEAT THIS FOR has gone Into this home. Evenings live rent free, full price, $10,500 call Dick- Hayes, MI 3-0527. Beautiful lot, 150x209, $1;800. J. D. STANLEY BRAY, Realtor into an area previoushr searched. 25c a quart. Bring your own con­ High. Convenient to churches, $14,990?. Bayberry Road—Top value/ln Realty MI 3-6129, 470 Main St. ContinuMl From Preceding Page tainers. Michael Kurys, French 7 room cape, 2-car garage, 114 . shopping. Well landscape^ BRAE-BURN feEALTY Cone doesn’t export you to 'sit acres land, can’t be beat for $17,800. Owner transferred. MI Manchester — Recently redeco­ this home. Six large comfortable still on a log for too long, but he Rd., Bolton, off Route 85. IRVING BAYER, MI 3-6396 rated aix room ranch on well rooms plus a neat barn in the rear. Ml 3-6273 $18,60(1 S-bedroom split a steal 9-2537. LAKE LOT tor sale In Coventry. /Iocs want you to/slay in the area Help Wanted— Articles For Sale 45 STRAWBERRIES — Pick your at $18,200. Mapy more at all pi BRICK, 8DC room, 1% baths, cus­ landscaped lot. Seconds to Wood- Big corner lot plenty of w *^ s, etc. the size of a c^y back yard. After Asking $16,000. MI 8-7878. Male or Female 37 own, 26c a basket. Joseph Glode ranges. Call the Ellsworth Mitten n o r t h e n d —Only $13,900! Tear tom built oversized Cape. Plaster bridge St.—one block to bus. Ask­ that, he adytaes that you make WE DON’T MEET PRICES— ^49 Glode Lane, Manchester! Agency, Realtors, MI 8-6980, MI old ranch, 5 rooms, bullt-ln rango- walls, ameslte drlve;,^ garage, well ing Just $16,700. Evenings call Bill ASHFORD LAKE Legal Notice some k in ^ o f' a shelter, hang a ' STRAWBERRY PICKERS, no ex 8-B824.. and oven, baseboard heat, fire­ Boles, MI 9-9858, 5DC, yes SIX e e r f i plus a seven white gerinent where is can he landscaiMd lot, fireplace and Offers Choice Building perience required. Transportation WE BEAT THEM! PICK YOUR OWN ■ strawberries, place, walk-out basement. Small closed in porch, $20,500. No rea- room ranch wlth/a two-car base L iq r n R p k b Mit seen, n>kke a noise-by pounding on Manchester — Better than new Lota For Sale NOTICE OF APPUCATIO.V furnished. Age 14 and up. Apply 25c a quart. Bring your own MANCHESTER vicinity—Six room cash assumes mortgwe, Robert . sonable offer turned down. Owner ment Barege ^ o n Notch Road. something with a stick and eat baskets. 490 Keeney St. Manches­ oversized cape, full shed dormer, B. Anderson Agency, JA 8-0139, modern, smalt ranch, close to bus, Ideal setting^^lSlenty of privacy snd 26 miles east of Mancliester ...I t ';’’ •" F ''’’ notice H'»l I. MA.V- aijylhing that, does not taste bad immediately Qjnn. State Employ^ 750x14 Whitewalls $14.95 ■ mustiitunv ccU imtnedlately. Jack Lap- built In 1953, two bedrooms, dining W E U , I., M ir.I.E n r of 2S MllforO Rrt„ -ment Sendee,' 808 Main Street. ter. - laige kitchen with adjoining utility pon Agency, Mi M) 9-4606 evenings a real nici/nom e. Sensibly priced Pay Us a visit Manrhegtor, Conn., have filed an ap­ yf- have a milky sap, room, kitchen, large living room at only $^000. plication dal-d .luno ,4. IDBri, with the/ All sizes at lowest prices. ^ h a n J u U r room. Reduced for quick sale. S MANCjHESTER—Large ^o-fam lly t o 4-1894, t o 4-14-0149, Potmd on a Tree A. Beechler, Realtor, MI 3-6969. 8-5. Needs some repair. Ten acres with fireplace. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Liquor Control Commlaatoii for .6 COUNTER HELP full-time or part Exchange and tax dlCHAItPNlMU Druegiat Peer permit for the aalo/of If you try to yell tor help, you STRAWBERRIES, pick your own, of land, large frontage. P\iture MI 3-5440 MI 9-5938 time, evenings. Experience pre USED —Ansaldi built home, like A rare opportunity. Moderately alcoholic liquor on the premiiea. ^ I l e r will probabl,y...ju8t wear yourself ferred. Apply Home Maid Bakery ' 26c quart. 520 Keeney St. WOODLAND STREET—Six room possibilities. Tongren, Broker, 111 new. 8 room ranch, full basement, J. CROCKE'TT, Realtor Pharmacy. Inc., 299 Green Road/ Man­ Russ Cone with two bloodhounds he uses in hunting down persona in priced. Evenings call Ray Hoi. ROCI^LEDGE section, Manchester chester, Conn. ' / / out. Pounding on a' tree, with a lost in California's wilds. 809 Main St. ’ COLE’S DISCOUNT mrnmmmJmir' single, hot w^ter heat, oversized Main St.; MI 3-6321. 2 fireplaces, ceramic tile bath, hot STRAWBERRIES, excellent pick­ one-car garage, nice lot. Only combe, MI 4-1139. —Beautiful lot in AA 'location, city The hualneea la owned bv XAX W K I.I. heavy stick will get much better STATION water oil heat, full lnsulation^t;lty MI 3-1577 T.. MILLKR of 28 Mllford/Rd., Man- ing, Saturday and Sunday. Novel- $12,300. S. A. Beechler, ~ -- Realtor,- MANC7HESTER— Bowers section, water and aewer. Owner tra«s- results. water and sewerage, Xmeslte Manchester—Six room Colonki!, cheater. Conti,,'and will/pe 'conducted how far the tot wil go, and learns weather or. extreme heat lessen the 436 CENTER ST. li’p Farm, Mountain Road, Glas­ MI 3-6969. six room Ohpe, excellent condition, MANCHESTER—Let us show you ferred. m 3-2563. hy MAXWELL T„ MTi AER. of 28 Mil­ !VIost hikers k ear dark clothing, Situations Wanted— drive, combination windows and houae and grounds spoUeasly^plc whether he is left handed. time a scent will last. tonbury. Apartments—Plata— Business Locations Houses for Sale price reduced for quick sale. 0«ro. Mhe Inside of this charming ‘ 5% ford Rd.. MhnCheatcr; Conn,, aa per­ so Cone suggests hanging up an Female 38 72 doors. Ton days occupancy. Priced and span, brass plumblnff; 1% NORTH COVENTRY — Several mittee. ■ ■/ Loet persons usually wander in Most of the sheriffs Cone hal|Mi TOOL AND Equipment rentals. Tienementa 6!; for Rent 64 NORTH COVENTRY-Overslzed er MI 9-2785. room ranch, 2% years old. Full MAXWELL L. MR.LER. undershirt because it Is usually Sales and servlce.'.AP Equipment, MANCHESTER — Custom built, room ranch, large lot. Assumable at only $18,400. Charles Lesper- baths, enclosed porch sc>6lol close large half acre homesites, -high Paled .Tune 1 1 ^ i960 ______a circle, right handed ones to the write glowing letters to his era- COLLEGE STUDENT desires sum ance, MI 9-7820. by. Very reasonable. ‘ basement, aluminum combination white. ' " 945 Center Street, t o 9-2052. Open Hotuehold Goods 51 FOR RENT—Why look further? HALL FOR RENT, 40x60. Oak St. oversize 6 room Cape, on bus line, 4%% mortgage. Asking $12,500, MANCHESTER—Six room single windows and doors, large lot, con­ dry location, natural shade on the right and vice versa. plo,ver and so, of course, do the mer Job. Experienced in office Tongren. Broker, 118 Main St.; MI black hard road. Reasonable The ahelter gives you .^ some­ Youngsters and old persons who parents of rescued ktds. work, typing. JU 9-0846. evenings. We have new 8% room, heated Present dance studio. Call after shrubbed lot, with shade trees. with large frame building one OLASTONB'URY—Hope Lane off venient location, mortgage may thing to .do and makes you, feel ELECTRIC STOVE, gas refrigera­ 8-6321. , block from Main St. Business 'II WARREN E. HOWLAND terms. Owner. PI 2-6658. have trouble with their legs often "We wish Vo thank you for our apartments in residenttal area of B p.m. JA 7-1372. s One-car garage, ameslte drive, Manchester Rd. New custom built be aasumed to approved buyer better at night, especially if you PLANTERS JR, TRACTOR wlUi, tor, Ice box, two-burner gas coffee Rockville. Just 16 minutes'from city water, sewer and sidewalks. zone. Price reduced. S, A. Beech­ ^ Realtor.^to 3-1108 ■ with $3,500 cash. Full price- Shj0s to Parade g o up hfil. Cone .thinks that is little Randv’s life.” wrote Mr. and attachments, $50. One Detedto- maker. MI 3-6389 after 8 p.m ANCIENT HOME by a burbling 6-room ranch, large lot, attractive 575 \ ^ n Street hear wild animals. However, Hartford by WUbur Cross High MAIN STREET—Building,, for com­ Priced for quick sale. Phllbrlck ler, Realtor, MI 3-6969. surroundings, $24,500. Builder. MI $17,900. Alice Clampet. Realtor) because their hands are nearer the Mrs. Harold E. Llbb,v of PYseno i Sltnations Ranted— Male 39 matic hanging fruit and vegetable brook, $9,900. New heating, new Manpneater, Conn. ONE LOT on l/ove Lane 90 foot Cohe says on none of his 150 a t,vpical. letter after Ckm# way. Kitchen appliances furnished mercial business or office use, Agency, Ml 9-8464. 9-0870. MI 9-4543 or MI 3-7357. front. MI 3-5056. For Dead Prince ground that way—in case of falls. scale,-$25. MI-3-0391. SEVEN CUBIC foot refrigerator, MI 9-4824, TR 6-1166. Will subdivide. MI 9-5229, 9-5. plumbing, n e w l y decorated, DjeMEDIAlr: OOCTJPANCY—Four / searches has he hikld of an .ani­ find their 3%-yeaf-61d son EXPERIENCED gardener desires good running condition, clean. ,Mt new lawns. Five rooms down plus $15,900—/TTIREE bedroom ranch Having figured all that out, part-time work for the summer. $17,326. 29 AUBURN ROAD —Uv- bedroom ranch, surrounded by 81X ROOM RANCH, full basement, mal harming a live person.. They Cone usually helps the sheriff di­ Sierra Ne ada. USED AS display—40% off. For­ 4-0643. READY FOR oo LARGE STORE at 26 BlRh 8t 8 partly finished up. Call Frank trees. Lots of extras. MI 4-1779 with heated aunporch. One block Extra Special Offerinjf Suburban Tor Sale /7 5 Lisbon — Ships of ms'ny na­ W 8-0078 after 6 p.m ccupancy—New . ing room, fireplace formal din­ twin-size bedrooms, dining room, smell hUnians from a distance and rect-search parties In a likely di­ In 19.59, the California adsembly mica tops and birch base cabinets t with cer Apply Marlow'S, 687 Main Bt Burke, CH 8-8897, to arrange in­ after 8 p.m. fronrXJreen School. Belfiore Aren- room apartment with Cframio tile ing room, large cabinet kitchen, natural woodwork. Close to schools MI 3-5121. For Man With A Fapiil.'if tions will rendezvous off Sagres, just clear out, he adds. rection anT then uses his dogs to adopted a resolution commendlnif TUTORING—Collegre instructions, all sizes. MI 3-0391. Three Rooms of Furniture bath, built-in oven and stove, Near Main St. Parking. three bedroomg, two-car garage. spection. NORTH COVENTRY—7 rooiti older Cone's sponsor, a dog food com­ Cone's efforts. / and shopping. Belfiore Agency, home, neat, sturdy popflition. - 2 Portugal, Aug. 7 to salute the narrow the search area.. English composition. Gangwere, quiet neighborhood, $128. MI Marion E. Robertson, broker 1 SOUTH WINDSOR—Off KeUy Rd., pany, made a study of 85 of his Cone Is proud of qte latter from STORM Windows -and screens, one $500 DOWN G.I., split level three 6 year S-bedroom rsiich, half acre MI 8-5121. 'lO. WINDSOR, West R oad-, Five Bolton, Route 85, about eight fireplaces, hot watev''oii heat. Cone says blood houndsjTcan Dept of English, University of FROM MODEL HOME 3-2573. 3-5953. memory of Prince Henry the Nav­ hunts and found that 64 per cent the Libby parents.hiit he also re­ 30x55, two 24x39. Screens . same Rouses for Rent 65 bedrooms, built-lna, 26 foot wooded corner lot, dMible carport, room ranch, attached garage. Just minutes from downtown Manches­ About 3 acres, aopni woods, ex­ smell about 400 times better than Cora., Storrs. GA 9-4930, collect. $12,600—CENTRALLY located /six like new. A. J. Buckley, Coventry. ter. Seven" room bungalow, plus igator, t|ie "father of navigation," of those lost were children, which members another mother and her size as above. $1 each, Combina Cost Over $700 IMMACULATE five room duplex MANCHESTER — 4-room ranch room, 125 fool-Xrontage, $15,Vl drive, fenced cement-patlo, 9x12 cellent garden i^ c e partly plaht- a human. - Humans exude more tion door one 36x81, $5. Please call FOUR ROOM single dwelling, heat room Cape, nicely shaded /ya rd PI 2-7932 year ’round encloaed porch, three w ho died just 600 years ago. He doesn't make the hunting any lo.st child. Cone was flown more with two enclosed porches and tjrpe home, central heat, city util­ Carlton W. Hutchins, t o 9-5182, playhouse, 21x12 kitchen, planter Belfiore Agency, MI 3-51 ed. 7 miles fpim Manchester off than 6 0 -waste materials through after 6. MI 9-3022. and hot water, 3 blocks from State bedrooms, one very large, oil heat, 44A. Owner/transferred. $17,500. established a navigation school at easier.. A 9-year-old ho.v, for than 100 miles to take part "to g Dogs—Blrda?r-Pets 41 NEVER BEEN USED ' spacious yard. Garage, oil hfat, ities, excellent lot, on bus line. divider, sliding glass doors to Sagres. their skins and these fall in a sort hunt, arriving with his dpga late i electric hot water. No children no Theater. Adults only. $90 monthly. 65 JEAN ROAD—Large chatom screened porch, living room red­ VERNON completely modern, excellent .con­ Whlton W./Grant Agency, Realtor. example can travel 10 miles or Sale Price $388 $9,900. Other listings. .Phllbrlck BEVEN ROOM apllt Ifri^el, built-in dition, A very large two-car ga­ of cloud behind them. Tliat's what at night. ONE-HALF h.p. motor,*like new pets. Rental $80. Inquire 842 Call MI 8-5879, between 8-8. Agency, t o 9-8484. built ranch, center hall, siiacious wood paneled fire^ace wall. Six room executive type ranch, MI 3 -i p i . ’The shi'ps will parade to Lisbon, more,the first day he is lost and THREE FRISKY well-marked kit­ $16. 17%“ portable Silvertone TV, living room, exceptionally large stove, dishwasher,/M room, ga­ 1700 feet, living area, wonderful lo­ rage, 2% acres (more land avail­ the-dog .smells and follows. Hundreds of men were out beat­ tens seven weeks old, to go to Adams St. American Standard heating and rage, assume 4 ^ % mortgage, arriving Aug. 9 for the unveiling four or five the next. That UH and VH, cost $250, used three Pay Only $4 Week SEVEN r o o m s , 8-car jgarage, kitchen, laundry room, three bed­ cation, beautiful grounds, excep­ able), bdsiitifui grounds, 200 feet VE^No N- 5% room attractive 1956 ('an Tell Direction ing the bush all that night, the families who will enjoy them. MI SOUTH WINDSOR —Custom buUt plumbing. Basement game room, $101 monthlv, jm.900. Carlton W. of a Monument to the Discoveries makes for a huge search area. ■ Given some garment from a lost montljs, sacrifice $100. Call MI ROCKVILLE—8% room apartment, East Center St., $125 a month. execuUvo 74 foot ranch wlUi 10 rooms, 1% baths, screened porch, tional view. frontage, many beautiful trees, Mfhch, 22x44, aluminum storms, on the shore of the Taifus River . As soon as Cone arrives, . he dogs tried vatni.v time and again 9-7^4. 9-0173. Sacrificing complete bedroom, Phone MI 9-0218. bar. shuffle board. Many extras. Hutchins, to^-8132. person, they can tell pretty well to pick up the scent. modern residential location, shop- '^acres of land, 2-car garage, 1% closets galore, carpeting, over­ $17,900. Owner. MI 4-8159. Eight room Cape Colonial, two- shrubs and'flowers, 200 foot double* •-screens. Trfee shaded lot (average at the point where the Portugue.se questions parents about the lost complete U ^ g room and kitchen sized garage, professionally land­ car garage, extra barn, beautiful stone wail across frontage. /if 108x100). Stone wall, split rail the direction the person went and Came the dawn 'and a maid tele­ decorator furniture from model dis­ ping, churches at walking dis­ NINE ROOMS, two baths, swim­ baths, enclosed shower. High ele- VERNO?^3% minutes, from turn­ explorers set forth on their voy­ •child, gets a description for hunt­ 30 GALLON WATER boiler with scaped 100x200’ lot. Offered for SEVEN ROOM Cape Cod, two grounds. showplace. Price $16,800. Easy fi- fence. Beach privileges near. follow the trail, even one that is phoned. asking when the lady c t TWO AND one-half year old male play home. We will give you free tance. All utilities furnished, in­ ming pool, two-car garage spa- vacation with beautiful view. The pike, sjlotless 5 room ranch, as- ages of discovery. ers, guesses from the description gas side arm heater, copper fix­ cluding heat and hot water. BYei Immediate sale — under $30,000. ceramic baths, screened porch, These two houses side by aide. nancing, Priced under $11,500 to allow in­ from three trt five days old. Wet the house wanted junior returned. English Setter free. MI 9-8421. tures; also bath tub suitable for delivery and free storage up to one oloua lawn. Write Box M, Herald. best of everything has gone into suni«r"'4%% G.I, or FHA. 10% — 2 ------,— year, parking. $90 a month. Call Rock- . this house can. be bought with or Elv* Tyler, Realtor, MI 9-4469, MI garage, large lot, near schools and d p ^ . Reduced to $13,800. Call E. MANCHESTER stallation of your preferred heat­ lake cottage. MI 3-5682. .9-5051. vUle TR 5-S748 or TR 8-2600. without acreage. X t). Realty, 470 church. Owner MI 9-4816. 5. Bush^, Real Estate, MI 9-2083. Six room Colonial, attached ga- JERRY FAY AGENCY ing system, (gas space heater now Live Stpck-^VehicIes 42 A.B.C. AUTOMATIC washer. Good NORMAN'S. / Suburban for R^nt 66 Main St. MI 3-5129. rage, beautiful grounds. No nicer used). Selling because of illness. LARGE ONE and two room apart­ BOLTON—Custom 6 room ranch, $18,500 SANTINA DRIVE — Six f r o m o w S e r T 3 bedroom ranch, home on Porter Street. ■ — 6 miles from Manchester off 44A. GUINEA PIGS, some breeders, and running condition. $30. 97 Hollister 443 Hartford Road artistic aton^ork, huge porch y ^ U 3-7029 St. ments, 10 Depot Square. Bedroom RIX3CVILLE—24 Grove Street — $12,600—SIX room cape, full base­ rooms, shed dormer, 1% baths, radiant heat, fireplace, tile bath, Two six room Capes. Come with Walton W. Grant Agency, Realtor, Report Of Th young ones, all colors with cages, Before you buy furniture any­ set, kitchen set, gas range, re­ Weil furnished two room apart­ ment, combinatl windows and breezeway, two-car garage land­ large lot, fireplace. Owner trans­ aluminum storms, enclosed knotty rec rooms plus garages. Fine lo­ MI 3-1153. e Officers Of The Eighth, School and m 9-0178. FOUR WHEEL boat trailer. 1949 where—shop at Norman’s. frigerator. $12 weekly. Apply ment. Inquire Apt, 9, first floor. doors, ameslte drive, shade trees, scaped, reasonably priced. Carlton ferred. Jack Lappen Agency, Mt pine porch, outside terrace, den, cations. Ressonahle. /AKE SPECIAL Apartment 4. 30 days ocmoancy. Marlon B. W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. 9-4508, evenings MI 4-1894, -MI^ WILLINGTON—Eight room house, Utilities Bulck, one Doodlebug, cAetrac HOTPOINT stainless steel built- shnih enclosed yard, stove, ga­ Four family, excellent condition. District of Manchester, Conn, tractor,, $350. PI 2-7211. RCX3KVILLE—The Mklvlna House Robertson. Broker. Ml 3-5053 4-0149. rage, aidewaiks, curbs and sewers. Best location on bus line. Many, tre is-a nice home located be­ oil burner hot air heat, large Articles For Sale 45 in range. 30x21” stainless steel GE97ERAL RENTAL Agency— We —Beautifully decorated two-room FIRST TIME (JN MARKET tween the first and second lakes porch, excellent condition, artesian sink with faucets, 30” stainless Excellent condition throughout. 32 many more, plus numerous fine specialize in rentals of all kinds. fumlshed apartment Adults only. CUSTOM BUILT Gambolati ranch, THREE UP, three down in /fills Conway Road. MI 9-3364. lots. , dn Bolton. Ideal set-up for those well, beautiful shade drees, barn PRESIDENT’S REPORT TREASURER’S REPORT HOME MADE ravioli, fresh or steel range hood and fam All J. D. Realty, MI 8-5129, evenings, sparkling clean, in one of Man­ $14,200 Vernon Street home. OH /h ot sir Disbursements from June 1, 1959Jhrough froedn, 80c dos. 246 Avery Street, References. Inquire 12 Ellington ‘■who want privacy, plus an'oppor­ with two-car garage, chicken Msv I, 1969 Fo| Fiscal Year Ending June 1, I960 >ats and Accessories 46 slightly used. MI 3-7379. MI a-1637. 470 Main St. chester’s finest neighborhoods. heat. Reduced to IlS^W. Jack BIX ROOM cape, combination win- JERRY FAY AGENCY /^ coop, 3% acres level land,, frull Wapplng. MI 4-0604. Ave., rear,#Mrs. Todd TR 5-5689 Five room Cape Cod plus one un­ tunity for swimming and fishing.- ’Ace Electric Motor Repair ...... Receipts I960 WEST BEND outboard motors Consists of six rooms, 16x24 foot Lappen Agency, ML/9-45b6, eve- ■'""'dows and screen.s, blinds, - and MI 3-7029 / The house is teal nice and there trees, beautiful location, near $ 121 rm FOUR ROOMS completely fur­ Hying room garage, 100x300 finished, M l shed dormer, plus 2 nlngs MI 4-0149, yp. 4-1894. wall to wall carpeting. Near achools, in a small village, '4% Adkins Printing Co...... Balance on hand June 1, 1959 ...... $ 22.508.4B LOAM—SAND—Stone —; Gravel — See our display. One full year CHAMBER’S FURNITURE are two extra lots with the proper­ 28 nn Cash receipts during year: nished, all uUlitles paid, $22 week- Summer Homes for Rent 67 wooded lot. R. F. Dimock Co., MI front dormers, plastered walls, full schools and bus. 14 Hawthorne St. MANCHESTER ROAD, /dlaston- ty. Owners have purchased another miles to UConn, $15,800. Trim Alexander, H, N...... Fill and Ameslte. For prompt de^ guarantee. C\ J. Morrison Paint ly. one block from Main St. Tel. BUCjKLEY ARRX — Unusual Cape 27.1 nn Administration livery call MI 8-8603. Walter P Co., 385 Center St. X SALES 9-5245 or Barbara Woods MI Insulation, tile bath, hot water oil Owner. hury. facing the g o lf/ course. 6 home .. anxious .. let Us-hear your Minor, broker, Rockville, TR MI 9-9428. LAKE CHAFFEE—Lakefront cot­ 9-7702. of five rooms, first flopr, two nice, r«^m Cape, hreezeway garage, Aliezi. Rus.sell ...... i.Bnn nn Taxes including interest ...... $73,408.27 Miller, Trucking. heat, garage, ameslte drive, com offer. Have been asking $13*$00. 5-5042, FULLY e q u i p p e d .18 foot lap 503 E^ Middle Turnpike tage, sleeps six, fireplace, boat, ly finished rooms second floor. ROLLING PARK—Splc ’n span 6 nice lot. Priced foiyquick ssle. J. American Electric Siippl,v...... 5.88 Civilian defense matching funds 308.75 BASEMENT APARTMENT— Two shower, $65 weekly. MI 9-0710. MANC3IESTER—N. Elm St.—New blnatlon windows and doors. Ex­ Hot water oil heat. Full basement, room cane, 2 urifini.shed, rear shed D. Really, 470 M ^ St., MI 3-5129. Miscellaneous ...... 189.40 TOP SOIL—possibly the cleanest -strake cruiser, 35 h.p.^ Johnson FATHER’S DAY SPECIALS rooms, kitchen and sun porch, Wanted—Real Estate 77 American LaFrance Corp...... 128.4.3 73,001.42 and most fertile available any^ electric. Gator trailer. MI 9-4770 modern two-family duplex, nice cellent condition. City water and 1%% mortgage may be essumed. plus 2 front dormers, oil hot lavatory. 82 North Street. MI CAPE COD—Chatham—Two bed lot, shade trees, city utilities; bus Asking $15.5bO: Madeline Smith, water, combinations, amesite, VERNON—Qistdm deaighed aix T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor Bahr, Raymond F...... i ...... 23(1.63 Sewer Department where. Prompt delivery. Call Smokers from $4.95 up; radios 9-3166. 1 sewerage. Quiet neighborhood. IF YOU WISH personal service, EIGHT FOOT hydroplane fiberglas room cottage, hot water, fireplace, line. For information call builder, Realtor, MI 9-1642. nicely landscaped 75x125 lot. Price i-oom ranch/I5x24 paneled living Bailey. A. -E., Postmaster . . i . . . . 147.nn Sewer conneetions and repairs .. Leonard L. GigUo, fiolton. Ml from $14.98 up; platform rockers near several beaches. Call MI Well landscaped lot. call Joseph A. Barth, Broker. MI 1,718.19 3-7083. paint, wheel and accessories. MI $55; reclining chairs from $56 up Leon Cieszynskl, Ml 9-4291. fourtisen and a half. M. Kenneth i-oom with/fireplace. 3 tw'in size ‘ MI 3-1577 9-0320. Barlow's Television ...... Sewer aaeessments...... THREE AND FOUR room apart­ 8-6777. 116 CONSTANCE DRIVE—Charm- bedrooms, formal dining room 8.12 2,156.42 8,872.61 3-7542 or 37 Edmund St. • cook-out charcoal broilers, $12.80 Ostrinsky, Realtor, MI 3-51.59, Bell & G rossett...... POWER LAWN MOWERS—Jacob­ ments, furnished or unfurnished, MANC!!HESTER—TSvo-famiW house CHARLES LESPERANCE 4ng ranch close to school. Land­ r e r a n ^ bath, partially, finished 140,35 . with electric rotlSserle, $23.95. parking, garage, adults. Pleasant GIANTS NECK HEIGHTS next to Sewer Disposal Charges; sen, Bolens, Toro and Ariens. Self- in excellent' condition. Separate m 9-7620 scaping professionally planned. $14,600--; SIX room Colonial in recreeftion r o ^ with fireplace, Bentz, Nonnoii ...... t...... 525-nn Building Materials locaUon. MI 8-6389. Rocky Neck, four room modem heating units, oil fired, three-car Newly installed pass-through cabi­ m ^ y fine features. Must be seen Board of Education (Schools) .. 137.85 propelled, push or riding. 18 to 30 Bowers Schooi section. Deeply Bonlno, John ...... 139.no Middle Turnpike W e s t...... DRAPES, BEDSPREADS, food cottage, knotty pine all electric garage, good location. Phllbrick nets, two separate 220 . outlets. shkded vard. Belfiore Agency, MI Brice $20,900. Paul J. Correnti, 369.24 inches. Ask for demonstration and USED BUILDING material for THREE ROOM apartment, heat, MANCHESTER — Three bedroom Brach Manufacturing Co...... ■13 IS Town of Manchester...... 2,053.19 be satisfied. Trade in your old ma. chopper smd miscellaneous items kitchen, patio, and hot water, Agency, MI 9-8464. Cape, 1 down, 2 up, dining room, Plastered wails, disappearing at­ 8-6121. ■ ‘ - / t o . 3-5363. 2.560.28 sale, 2x3s and up, sheathing, stor­ stove and washing machine, near sleeps seven, $65 per week. Cali Capitol Equipment Co...... /■ chine. Parts and service. We MI 9-9810. full basement, fireplace, oil hot tic ladder. Has disposal. Early 46.40 age bins, shelving, work benches Paifkade, $90 a month. Call MI Mrs. Cai'ter, PI 2-8142. MANCHESTER — Salt Box—large "7 SIN ROOM colonial on Vernon St., Cervini, Paul ...... •Total Balance and Receipts .... $102,902.fe sharpen and repair most all hand two complete^bai firoom sets, two 3-6802. water heat, aluminum storms and occupancy. Belfiore Agency, to ALPINE STREET .68.60 ■ A: FOR SALE —■ Beds, bedsprings, living room with fireplace, dining 8-5121. nice yard, 1% baths, one block to ' Choman’s .-...... 40.20 DiabUrsemente and power lawn mowers MI kitchen1 sinks^-(cabinet), wooden LAKE POCOTOPAUG, East Hamp- room, modern kitchen, two spa­ screens, nicely landscaped, ex­ 3-7958. Capitol Equipment CJoT, 38 mattresses, chairs, garden chairs, •Just listed-6 room cape/fbd, 4 school and shopping. Belfiore Clemson, Andrew ...... 140.00 Administrative ' / kitchen cabinets, two libt water CHEERFUL — SUNNY — Three ton. Three bedroom furnished cot­ cious bedrooms with bath on sec­ cellent location, $14,900. t o 9-2250. NORTH MANCHESTER — Seven Main St; miscellaneous items. MI 8-0424. laige rooms, heat snd hot water, bedrooms, combination stqrlfns and Agency. .\n"3-5121. Coleman, Ra.vntond ...... nnn.nn General Expense ...... ; . . . $ 7,810.47 furnaces, modern radiators, com tage, lakefront, includes boat, re­ ond floor. Forced hot water heat, room single, ail conveniences, screens, full rellar.-walkyut door to Colla, Thoma.s ...... Rebate on Taxes ...... , 35.58 plete windows. Including fram centrally located. MI 9-1683. Eve­ HARLAN . STREET— Elxpandable IT’S 717.92 7,346.08 DUNCAN PHYFE mahogany table, stricted area, complete references breezeway and garage. $15,900. room for expansion. Call Mt 3-0018 PICNIC TABLES, attached seats, and aluminum storm windows nings AD 3-479S. cape, fireplace, large attractive patio, oil best', well landscaped lot MANCHESTER Commiinity Prc.s.s ...... 367.17 full size 30” wide top, 6 foot, fumed oak- buffet, Florence gas required. Only seasonal or monthly Other listings. Phllbrlck Agency, kitchen, aluminum storms, en­ after 6 p.m. with treeii. The owner will leave Conn. Bank A Tfu.")! ('n. (Bond Payment and Intere.ati 8,.5-in.nn Fire Department ... . doors, and piumblng supplies. range miscellaneous items. Rea­ reptal considered. Write P.O. Box MI 9-8484. Prire dropped "to $12,900 on this $19.96; 8 foot $22.95; 10' foot C!!homan House Wrecking, ». open closed yard, nice condition,' onlv stove, refrigerator, automatic | Conn. State Kiupmeii's Association . 30, nn General Expanse*...... 2 ^ 2 8 95 $25.95; sturdy braced construction sonable. MI 9-7115. FOUR ROOMS and bath in good 28$, East Hartford, Conn. MANCHESTER HEIGHTS— Two- washer and dryeb. A real buy at i big four room ranch on School St. Damalo & Sons, Frank . . . . . / ...... 75.3.. 50 Installation Fire Alann dally 3:30 p.m.-8, Saturday 8-4, or 56 ELWOOD ROAD — Colonial — $13,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, t o family, 5-5, Ideal for Inlaws, city of 2x10 Western Fir. Zinc plated condition. Box J, Herald. 9-6132. $13,500. Only $j-,^00 down. Hurry on | Deep lot. Real clean. Thl« is an Dent. Waller ...... // ...... 31.5.5 Circuit and B o x e s...... call MI 9-2392. Ga s STOVE and gas refrigerator, Large living room, fireplace, water and sewer, oil hot air. barn, excellent buy In today’s market...... 8,994.85 31,018.80 bolts. Delivered and assembled. this one. / VACATION TIME! Dewey-Richman Co...... ^58— $25 each. Also, new oak flooring, FIVE ROOMS- near stores. Reason­ business Property for Sale 70 formal dining room, cabinet kitch­ two extras 60x150 lots In Zone B. W. Zinker. M l 9-5444. COVENTRY luAKE — Enough $25, MI 9-9654 VERNON—Deluxe six room ranch . Verplanck School.— six room Diamond Police Equipment Co...... , 9.20 ' Sewer Department able. Improvementa. Middle-aged en with dishwasher, three bed­ on, 200’x400’ lot. Large fireplaced Priced mid-twenties. M. Kenneth boards, studding, siding and floor BUSINESS BUILDING in a busl- rooms,. 1% baths, landscaped lot Ostrinsky, Realtor. MI 3-5159. cape. Florida owner says sell—sub­ Di.strict Director of Internal Revenue 638 46 General Expense . .. .$22,689 48 CLOTHESLINE poles Installed and ing, doors and windowa for small couple only. Write Box L, Herald. living room, spacious dining MANC^HESTER REALTY Dzen ConstiMiclion Co. A ...... ; 8.494 nn reset. Used chain saw. Good farm FRIGIDAIRB electric stove 86’ ness section. Owner leaving town. 80x200. 'Marion E. Robertson, mit the best offer. This is vacant Grove and Summit St. New aewer line 976.00 cottage. Will' sell lor best offer, excellentVsworklng condition. $2o! Phone MI 9-9728 for details. room, family sized' kitchen plus 9 NORMAN ST.—Here is an, ideal Electronic' Shop '...... ,8 85 ■ Hartland St. New sewer line ...... 6,074.00 loam. MI 9-1353. L CENTER STREET—Three rooms Broker, MI 3-5953. three large bedrooms. Recreation . ' CO. and we w-ill open It for you at your MI 9-0117. Call PI 2-8444. home for the retired couple. 6 convenience. They hav* been firm 56:’..64 Grant Road. New aewer line ...... 1,404.08 furnished. All utilities on bus line. 618-620 CENTER STREET property room with fireplace.' Breezeway, CLOSE-OUT new picnic tables, at­ Call Newington MOhawk 6-9868. MANCHESTER— FOUR bedroom room bungalow with excellent M I 3-nonn at $15,000. Fisher.Dry Cf^anarrs ...... 11.. 55 Purchase and Installation new with excellent income. Priced for Colonial, In good condition, steam patio,, double garage. Under garden space but little lawn to Gamewcll Fire Alaini ...... 769,85 healing .a.vatem ...... 1.293.35 tached seats, 30” wide top, 6 foot, Diamonds— Watcties— $26,400. Catherine V. O’Leary, $13,50, 8 foot. $16.60; 2” lumber. J e w e lry 48 Musical Instruments 53 ROCKVILLE—New 8% room apart­ quick sale. J. D. Realty, 470 Main heat, attractively landscaped lot, maintain. Property is now vacant O'akland Street—two-family 4AS; Genovesi, 'Vinccnl ...... ,,nn* .Sealing off old-laterals at'Vet Haven 5.50,00 Street, MI 8-5129. Real Estate, MI 3-6530. 'MANCHESTER Both vacant „ and the owners want Delivered assembled. W. Zinker, ments now available. Stove, re­ one-car garage. See this excep­ and priced for quick sale at $9,800. $ $ 850 Down $ $ — — buys Giola. Angelo ' ...... 46.32 New roof Filter Plaht ...... 40 00 MI 9-5444. "LEONARD W. YOST, Jewelelwre- frigerator and other modem con­ tional value before you buy. Robert J. Smith, Inc., MI 9-5241. this sold. $11,000 mortgage can be Gienne.v. W, G...... 264.71 Bond Payment and In terest...... 8,540.00 SET OF W.F.L.drumS> $185. Call MANCHESTER— Six room cape attractive six room home close to 41.566.91 palrs, adjusts watches expertly. veniences. Heat and hot water $15,900. Phllbrlck Agency, to with one-car garage. Full base­ taken over. Look at it—make your Griswold. Hayden ...... ^ . 55. nn Ml 3-8052. Farm and Land for Sale 71 9-84|4, center of town. All rooms are offer. Reasonable prices. Open Tuesday furnished. Ideal location, super ment, otl heat, combinatio'n storm lanfe. abundance of closet space, Hale F’ire Pump Co...... 126.16 Total Disburaenienta $ 79,931.76 thru Saturday, Thursday eve markets and other shopping at NOR!n|HERN Connecticut—110 acre windows and screens, all city utili­ two baths, full basement, garage, Hartford County Fire Emergene.y Plan ,.. 5 nn Total Receipts .. $102,902.76 Tailored Charm walking distance. Fifteen minutes 5-5 FLAT, exceptionally fine condi­ Here Is a good buy.^large ranch Hartford Electric Light ...... nlngs. 129 Spruce St. Ml 9-4887. Wearing Apparel— Pliirs 57 farm■ml high elevation. Beautiful ties. conveniently located to bus, Invitation to Bid amesite drive, private terrace, adjacent to Salters swimming 1.781.77 Total Expense . 70.931.T6 to Hartford on Parkway. $90 per tion, near school, bus, shopping, Hartford Gaa Co...... ^ ...... 125,9(1 view.lbrrokw.L brook, pond, orchard, large churches. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI schools and stores. Full price FHA approved. Evenings call Bill pool. Three bedrooms, plus ' “ in­ DRESS AND sport maternity month. Furnished, slightly higher. barn with Sealed bids will he received at Hatry of Hartford . . i ...... in,52 sHo, two-car . garage 9-8132. $13,200. Alice Clampet, Realtor, the Office of the G en ial Manager, ■ Boles, MI 9-9858. law” quarters in the basement. Lot Balance a.s of June 1, I960 . , $ 22,971.00 Chic Halter! clothes, practically new sizes IS­ Can Rockville TR 5-3748 or TR with worksho'..ihop, sheds, seven room MI 9-4543 or MI 3-7357 is 10()x200. Price is less than the Hhney Wagon Septic Tanjs Servich...... 2n'n.nn Comparison of Department Expenses With Previous Year IS. Reasonable. Ml 9-3665. 5-2600. house, oil burner steam heat, all 41 Center St., Manchester, Conn, Huntress Electronics ...... 81.4n MANCHESTER—8 room ranch, 4 until June 24; 1960 at 10:45 A.M. WARREN E. HOWLAND market. Previous Current in excellent condition. Excellent SECLUDED among trep8', six room Industrial Safety Si'ippl.v Co...... ; ...... 109,2.7, Department SIX ROOM tenement for rent. All years old, can he used as a 4 or 5 for One Truck Chassis and ci»h. . Realtor. . , MI 3-1108 Year Year for beef cattle ranch Tom Minor, bedroom homp, 2 full baths, one ranch, built-in stove, garage, huge Want privacy, seclusion, .and a Jennev. John L...... •;...... 2.784.47 A dmlnlstratlon ...... MATERNITY CLOTHES, size 9-12, mhdem conveniences. Call MI lot, ■ ' excellent condition, only Bid forms and specifications a;e 575 Main Street .1 7,443,33 $ 7,310.47 Broker, Rockville TR 6-5042. car garage, forced hot water heat. 1 Manchester, Conn. . real fine home777Up on Gardner Johnson Bros...... '...... 1 n„5n Fire General Expense . . 26.886.80 excellent condition. Ml 9-6248. 9-1738. $15,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI available at the Controller’s Office, Johnson Paint Co...... 27.023.95 Shown by appointment only. Street we have a beauty. It is a 13.. 56 Sewer Genersl Expense . 23,805:37 9;5132. ■ 66 Center -Street, Manchester, Keeney, Howard ...... 375.00 22.689.48 1% ANb 8 rooms available July I? $19,900. Phllbrick Agency, MI Conn. 'BEAU'nFUL ROCK^EDGE five room cape with a lot that goes Honses tor Sale 72 9-8464. back about 400 feet. Has a big Kohls, Walter B...... '...... 827.41 Wanted—To Buy 58 Heat, hot water, stove and re Towti of Manchester, Oonn. $58,135.50 $ 57,023.90 frigerator,' tile bath and shower, Custom built 55 fopt rambling porch, garage, 1% baths—has to be LaBelle, .tolm ...... 740.60 ‘ \ i MANCHESTER — DeUghtfui Colo- BOLTON-^Thls Cape Cod Is a Richard Martin, General seen. 57,023.90 WE BUY, SELL or trade anUque parking. ■ $55 and $90 per month .nlal, built by Rossetto, 6 rooms, 1% ranch now nearing completion. Op- Larkin. Bernard ...... 34 treasure you will, always .cherish. Invitation to Bid Manager Larsen’s Hardware ...... 278 16 •if" and used furniture, china, - elass, MI 3-6398. baths, formal dining room, extra Advt. No. 189 • portunlty’to choojte your own decor. Decrease this year ...... $ 1,111,60 stiver, picture frames and old , Six rooms, 1% baths, 3 or four Sealed bids will be received at 3-ear garage. All aluminum siding. CARMEN ROAD Leclerc, Walter ...... 50.28 large living room, nice yard with bedrooms, one acre of land, brand Bonds Outstanding as of .lime 1. I960 .... $32,noo.jon___ coins, old dolls and guns, popby TO RENT—A three and four room fireplace. Selling for $17,200. R. the Office of the General Manager, Equipped with aluminum storm Large seven room , Capr with Limerick, Frftncis ...... 500.00 collections, attic contents or whole heated apartment. Apply Edward new, priced at only $16,800. R. F. 41 Center St., Manchester, Conn, wlndows/rhd doors. Built-in “ Fabu­ five rooms snd bath down, two Lingard Cabinet Co...... 1.025.00 HOWARD b'.' KEENEY. Treasurer F. Dimock Co., Ml 9-6245 or Dimock Co., Ml 9-5245 or Barbara estates. Furniture Repair Service, J. Holl. Tel, t o 3-5H7. Johanna Evans, MI 9-6653. until June 24, I960 at 10:30 A.M. lous •00'’ oven and range. 2 fire- rooms and bath' up. Attached ga­ -Lingard, Granville ...... 243.75 Talcottvllle. Conn., Tel. Ml S-7449. Woods, Ml 9-7702. for Two Automatic Hydraulic Tail­ BARTLEY and CORONER p li^ s . 7 closets. bath off master rage, beautiful' yard, nlc# •view. Lisk; Harold •...... 14.57 REPORT OF THE TAX CO ECTOR itedroom, additional full bath and Owners are transferred. JUNE 18. I960 NICE 6 ROOM Colonial with fire­ ElIGHT ROOMS—Can be used as gate Sand Spreaders. Luka.s, Raymond ...... 300.00 Business LocatloiM place, East Middle' Turnpike. one or two-fam}ly. New gas heat­ Bid forms and specifications, are "shfjwer. No sense in tsiking any No matter where you .plan to spend your vacation, you'll Lyman Co.. John R...... 94.54 Grand List Oct. 1, 1958 ...... Jl30,851,P83 Rooms Without Board 59 $14,900. J. D. Realty, 470 Main St.. more about this house. This'Is It! Four bednoom colonial on a cor­ Lyons, Bernard (Treasurer Hose Co. No. 1) 400.(10 Rate ...... *...... for Rent 64 er, storm windows, large lot. Call available at the Controller’s Office, TREE REMOVAL ner i lot. .beautifully landscaped. enjoy reading about what’s going on in your old home-, .0028 MI 8-5129. MI 3-6304. . ------66' Center Street, Manchester, PLANTING Exclusive. town. • Manchester Evening Herald ...... 328.46 CCIMFOR’TABLE room for a gen­ This home is on Gerard Street. Has Manchester Wallpaper and Paint Co...... 177.89 tleman, separate entrance, park­ Conn. BUILDING LOTS and garage, tool shed, 1% baths, fine $75,879.'8825 FOR GFFTCE or business use. 60-82 PORTER ST. Exceptionally J. D. REALTY ^ Manchester Water Co. . . . . ' ...... *...... 6.873,18 Odd Mills .. . ing. MI 3-16*8 or MI 9-2961. MANCHESTER—Four room single Town of Manchester, Conn. neighborhood and-the price is real­ 8.7225 ' Main St. near Center, 8 rooms, large two-famlly, now vacant,' ex- with garage. Owner transferred Richard Martin, General LAND CLEARED istic. r B . Marks, David ...... *. 600.00 I ground floor, plenlty of parking. • pellent condition. Priced right for to' Florida. Must sell. Only $11,000. Manager " MI 3-5129 Marlow’s -----...... ?...... '...... 36.00 ATTRACTTIVELY furnished rooms, MI 9-5229, 9-5. qi^ick sale. MI..9-5229. 9-5. $75,888.6060 complete light housekeeping, fa* S, A. Beechler, Realtor. Ml 3-6969. Advt. No. 189 RndsenoM* Pricfii Maxwell, O. B...... 374.60 Sewer Pmlleges $ 1,720.4350 WOODEN SHOES or barefoot — T. J. CROCKE'TT, Realtor HAVE “THE HERALD” McKeever. J. E...... 343.7.5 cllitfes. Prices as low as’$10 week­ DUPU5X 6-8, 94-96 School St., mod- COMPLETELY . redecorated and Either way you will enjoy this McKinney Bros. Sewage D isposal...... 75.00, I ly. Central. Childrcn„Accepted — .modernized building with air con­ ern bathrooms, two-car ' garage, Mi 9-5023 spacious well kept 6 room Dutch MI 3-1577 $74,168.17 Mlmited. 14 Arch St., Mrs. Dorsey Mclbert, Llewellyn" ...... 250 on Additions to RAte Book .v .l. 98 98 ditioning and private parking tor excellent location. Reduced. J. D. 126 ELDllIDOE ST. 'Colonial, 3 bedrooms, large 1.400.00 Realty, 470 Main St.^MI 8-5129. 366 WOODBRIDGE St.—Fivd room Merz, .lohn ...... lease. Building contains IBOO sq. A LOVELY HOME! closets, cabinet kitchen, combina­ LARGE ROOM, completely furn­ SEPTIC TANKS tions and wait till you wiggle Cape,* fine condition inside, new SENT TO YOU BY MAIL Mitchell Electric Corp...... '...... $74,267.1ir ft. of office space and 1500 sq. ft. For a large family—aturdy and 150.00 ished, with complete light house 4 CAROL DRWE - Rockville; $18.- AND your toes in the thick 84x140 paint outside, rear porch, 12x22 Modem Floor Polishing Co...... *...... Less authorised corrections, deductions, suspense keeping prlvHeges. MI 9-4778, tor basement storage. 86 Oak St., 660. 6 room ranch, large living soundly constructed. Has large oi>-Oall garage. Owner MI 9-7824. Mordavsky. 'Fi-ank ...... 3 43.75 items ...... or 'call MI 8-8271 for appointment. country club lawn. High privet all Clip and IIU out this coupon. Mall to Circulation Department 164 7B room, cabinet kitchen. 8 bed­ living room with fireplace. Din­ JOHNNY'S ESSO around for privacy. If the shoe National Fire Protection Associati'on ...... 19.09 ROOMS AND cabins, all conven^ rooms, 1%% mortgage can be PLUeCED SEWERS DUPLEX RANCH, 4-4, in nice lo­ along with your check or money order. Noble Westbmok Mfg. Co...... 37.27 lences, free parking. Scranton’s HOUSE FOR rent sa office tor ing room with open ' stairway, . fits. It’s fairly priced at Sixteen. cation. nice lot. Priced for quick $74,102.89 EMBROIDERY assumed. Marion E. Robertson, Ml 9-8242 M. Kenneth Ostrlnskv, Realtor, MI Nussdorf Sand A Stone Co...... 13.25 Coltectetl to June 15. I960 ...... $73,312.68 Motel, 180 Tolland Tpke. MI 9-0828 professional or business use. Plen­ heated sunporch, kitchen with sale. Excellent financing. J. D. O’Brien, William ...... 153.. 50 between 6-7. ty of parking. On bus line. Near Broker, Ml s-6953. Machine Cleaned 8-5169. I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD 1 Unpaid June 15 ...... 789.76 breakfast nook, '4 large bed­ Realty, 470 Main St., MI 3-5129. Pagani, Aldo ...... ' 510.28 ONE SIZE shopping center on Hartford Rd. Sepfio Tanks, Dry Wetlf, Sewer I 13 Bissell St., Manchester, Conn. ' "Tax lien.a and warrants are being processed to cover the above A NICE LARGE room, private rooms, 1% baths, ameslte drive Uaea InstalIed-~Cellar Water­ 810 PORTER ST,—Unusually nice DELMONT STREET—6 room two- Payroll (Fire Department) ...... 2.995.30 amount. 8104 MI 8-7798. , I Please send "The Herald’’ to me at the following vaca- I 12.725(19 (12-14-16) home, semi-private bath, excel­ proofing Done. 6% room Colonial, center hall, atory house. Excellent condition. Pa.vroll (Sewer Department) ...... Also remitted to the treasurer intereat in the amount of $63.88. 34-48 Wo will build for yon a Nich­ and garage, patio, aluminum I tion address; . Peck: Lumber Co‘...... 4.45 lent location. Garage available. MI olson quality home to your taatqtolly decorated throughout, Priced for quick sale, J. D. Real­ • Total tax b ills ...... 6.282 storm windows and screens. COLUMBIA LAKE Park. Gilbert ...... 3 43,75 WITH THt NEW \ 9-4966 own plans, or you may select 1% baths, Jalousied porch, paneled ty, 470 Main Street, MI 3-5129. Name VICTOR E SWANSON. Can't be beat, at under $20,000 MsKINNEY BROS. 4 bedroom Cape Cod wltli right Pioneer Communications ...... 37. ^ Tax Collect^ one of Mr. Nicholson’s. of way to lake. recreation room, wall to wall car- PAH-O-RAMA PIjEASANT large, clean room for NOTICE 'peting, ■ attached garage, lovely 415 GARDNER ST.—6% room cus­ I Potter. Doroth.v and Harold ...... 20.67 2769 nieae homes will be built to and close to '' high schooL— Sewerog* DIspesd Co. room all year realdence sit­ gentleman, $7 weekly Central lo­ A public hearing will be held by yard 95x150. Shown only by ap­ tom built colonial ranch, complete Street Preston, William (Treasurer Hose Co.l No. 2) 4o"n.on June IS, 1960i. Just right for your busy day-to- your wishes and specIfleationB MI 9-7556. ISO-182 S t —Ml S-5S08 uated on a 100 foot water- 21.65 day living. Nicely tailored shirt- You’ll catch second glances cation. Private entrance. Free the Board of Directors o f the Town pointment. Elva 'Tyler, Realtor, built-in kitchen, tile bath. Owner, Price A Lee ...... To the President and Directors of the i parking, MI 3-8914. In one of the most desirable lo- front lot. Ra.ys Roofing Co. . ; ...... 40.00 Eighth School and Utilities District: walster with tucked bosom, sleeve when' wearing this pretty sun- of Manchester at 8:00 P.M., June cations east of the river. t o 9-4469, MI 9-5081. MI 9-6941. bedroom summer cottage eu and State Reeds. Inc...... 327.09-*. I respectfully submit the report of the. Fire Department fop choice. topper that la both, easy to sSw 21,1960, In' the hearing room of the Located on Long Hill Road, I CU£. and quick to trim with croqs- FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping Municipal Building, Mandhester, 100 foot waterfroqt lot. Shimanski, Justin ...... tOl.75 the period Juno 1, 1959 to June 1, 1960. No. 8104 with Patt-O-Rama is in room for middle-aged lady only. East Hartford, or Graham room authentie Colonial, I- 871.00 sizes 34, 38, 38, 40, 42, 44. <6, 48. stltch rose embroidery. Connecticut, for the purpose of aS' Southern New England Telephone C o...... Bulldtiigs involved by Are in district 17 Tel. 3-6388. - Road, South Windsor, within • SEPTIC TANKS , built In 1780, 4 My home address Is Stani>k Electronic Laboratory...... i9.92 Motor Vehicles ...... 1...... -12 Bust 36 to 50. Size 36, 38 bust, Pattern No. 2760 has tissue seasing one-half of the cost of the easy obinmuting' distance to installation o f sidewalks, and to de­ CLEANED and INSTALLED acrek"of beautlfnl grounds, State Treasurer for Social Security...... 903.21 Brush and Grass •.. • 24 sleeve, 5 yards of 39-inch. sizes 12, 14 and 16 Inclusive; hot- work and shopping. An 18 hole right of waj^to lake, iron transfer; color chart; full di­ termine whether or not the public F r o m ...... ; ...... T o ...... Steele A Son. William F ...... 25.'00 Defective Oil Burners ...... t Iw, send 35c in coins to Apartments—Flats— U course is nearby In East b^room Cape^^CofUnear lake .50.00 Sue BunieH)-,^i%e Manchester Eve­ rections. interest and convenience require • SEWERS LOAM Swanson, 'Vjethr ( Petty Cash) ...... Electrical Appliances ...... 11 Tenements 63 £irtford. with water privife;^ dtp [ Swanson, Victor (Tax Collector) ,...... 2.400.00 the construcl.lon of sidewalks upon MACHmB CLEANED IriuPSr l I W K # w □ 1 week 30c—□ 2 we>eks 80c—n 5 weeks 90c False Alarms . * . fi ning Herald,^MM AVE. OF To order, send 25c in coins to:— At present you can select bedroom waterfront cot niiivi □ 1 month $1.30— (Check length of time wanted) Sweet, Frederick . . . t ...... , .500.00 Mutual Aid . : ...... ; ...... 8 AAOEIUOAS, N| 86, N . Anne Cabot, The Idanchester THREE OR BX)UR room ^apart­ the following highways In the your own site, but do not delay 180 foot lot, rooms for Town of Manchester: • INSTALLATION For Sale CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MUST Tisdale A Co...... 220.00 First Aid ...... J...... a Evening Herald, 1150 AVE, OF ments including heat, hot water, as the choicest sites will be sold meotlc help In rear of garage. ■ Y Tovvn of Manchester ...... 975.68 - F or Ist-olass mailing add 10c fol gas tor cooking, electric refz^ra- MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST— ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER Miscellaneous IB lOAS, NEW YORK 86, N.Y. first. SPECIAUST Several of proporttos Travelers Insurance Co...... » 457.80 Calls outside district ...... 8fi each pattern- Print Name, A d - ist-class mailing add 10c tor and gaa stove. Call MI 9-7787 north side—from Summit to Park­ The price range these 4-S-6-7 Yd. LOADS from 5-7 p.i.*. er Streets “ being offered tor the first Volz. J.’ A, 754.08 d n m with Zone, Style No. and for eaclr-pattern., Print Name, homes will be In the |19,000 ttnio. Bite. PORTER STREET—north side WUlls, Don ...... ______..... 200.00 Total Calls ...... ; ’. m Address witlT-Zoni^and Pattern class or better. ’<- Towr and GmiRtry CoH ItlSC 1 Willis Garage. Don ...... 2.080.49 FOUR ROOM garden apartment, Thft Approximate lvalue o f property involved by fire in the Dietrtet —from Willow Place to Steep Hol­ iianriirBtrr lEiiTning Send 35c today for your copy o f Number. Have JOSEPH BARTH per­ H. s; COLLINS, Agent CO. Withholding Taxes ...... 1,510.70 $200,000. Loss approximate $iS,0()0.00. the Spring A Summer issue of our clean, well maintained building, low Lane Nomioii LotuHpp* Ofilce at Collins Oarage, inumab \UUIIa Have you the 'Od A lbu^ sonally call oh you for atMlUon- Drainaga Co. Worgan, Arthur ...... ; ...... 459.&0.' Inspections'made ...... '. .. .f ...... i...... 71 pattern magazine Basic, heat, hot water, stove, refrigera- .Richard Martin ' I Columbia Center taigfng many lovely, designs and^ twt-indparkta^ $118. M^g-iaop, al iofonnatlon. H I 3-7172 i n 9 - 1 2 2 4 Wynrtan Oil Co...... 832.71 I* Extinguishers recharged ...... '...... ifi General Manager TEL. Ml 9-08M Phone AO 8-8210 • J A M 7 M freo'patterns? Only aOo a oopyl AD 6v^“ A A ft Mo. 184 ' JOHNJ.) ••seeett* ..|7B,»S1.7e |i^ caiief, nre! T Totol BxpiBdlturM PAGE TWELVE iffiattrlri^st^r lEn^nlttg ^^ralli SATUEDAY, JXJNE 18, 1980 i. Rose Oiraid, 8 Angel >t^ Mrs. A b o u fT o w n Soloist, P ia ii^ ARoq Lee, Hebron Rd.,, Bolton; Heard [Along Main Street R«4>ert ’Wilbanks, <68 Hackmatadc RADIO BATTERIED^ St.; Frank Denette, 420 - Lake Mra. Mary B. Seutrand and And on Some of Manehe$ter^» .Side Streeti^ Too In Duo Recital FRESH — ALL TYPES daufhtar, Inea, of Aldington, Viu, .SL; Mrs. Dorothy Rau, 6 Middle Miss Janette Ln Fraaer, ioprano, Butcheir Rd., Rockville; Mrs. and .formerly of Manchester,' are On Mental Health Aunder the piotures In ‘iwur high and- Misa Judith M. Hutchlneon, Clara Primus and son, 56 Harlan Pottertoh's houlM guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Mark “Psychiatry in Uterature" was school yearbook* as it has been Leddbetter, S4 Hackmatack S t S t ; Mrs. Janice O’Sullivan and 180 Center SL—Con Church the topic of a talk given recently since we did. pianist, will perform in 'a. duo re­ daughter, 444 W. Middle Tpke. by Dr. Francis J . Bracelsuid, head But just in case you think the cital iSlonday at 8:30 p.m.,in South Manchester Radio Club will hold of the Institute of Uving in Hart­ times have changed, glance over Methodist Church chapel. Its last meeting imtll September ford, these mottoes from ; the 19fl0 Mra. Oiarlotte R. J3ray will pre­ Ladies Unit Sets a t the Municipal Building June 28 ^ The theme of the talk was that Somanhis: sent Miss, Fraser, daughter of Mr. at 7:80 pjn. ^freshmenta will be men of letters knew long before “A man’s greatest virtue Is po and Mrs. Harry Fraser, 192 Hart­ Strawberry FesI served. psychiatrists that physical ills llteness.” ^ ford Rd., in a’ program of soprano could be caused by mental His. "Happy and carefree will solos including German lieder, se­ WESIOWN 'ever be.” lections from opera, oratorio and The Ladles of St. James will The' Polish National Alliance ' Dr., JBraceland injected many sponsor a fourth aimual straw­ ■■ PHARMACY Group 1888 will meet tonight a t 7 quotes from Pliny, Bacon, - Shake­ “He it a good compimibn, but the works of modern composers. a better friend.” / She sang for the Center Congrega­ berry festival at St. James’ School 469 Hartford Rd.—MI 9-9946 o'clow at 77 North St. for the speare and Celtic poets to illus­ Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. Coffee final meeting until September. "Pew doors are/ locked for tional Church in Hartford the past trate bis 'point.' (One of his most or soda wiU be served with each interesting observations was that pleasant men.” year, and has studied musldansUp To maintain oar eontinaity at the Hartford Conservatory^ order, the diseases of mind and- body "U ttle deeds p ( kindness, little ' Mrs. Hooks K. Johnston of Man* Miss Roberta Johns, daughter of Mrs. John Conner is chairman, of medical aeryiee wo are vpbjMter will be hostess for the tele- which bothered these people have words of lo v e.^ lp to make earth happy, like We heaven above.” Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johns, 250 and Mrs. (Carles Pontlcelll, co- •irlslon series, “We Believe,” Sun­ been replaced - by new troubles, Greenwood Dr., will play a flute chairman of the committee. day at 12:30 pm. over WTIC-TV. such as fallout, vltaminosis and "Hers was a smile that never Open All Day w o r e .o ^ ’ obligato for one of Miss Eraser’s Tickets are now on sale and Speakers will be Mrs. Howard G. hypertension. He predicted the Penn Craduates selections and Will also play a flute may be obtained by calling the Hymer, director of Christian World great illness of the future would "Eveiy man is the architect of solo. his own future.” Mark I. Solomon, son of Mr. and^ chairmen or any member. Tickets SUNDAY Relationa for the United Church be "malignant boredom.” ) Mrs, Dorothy H. Keeney, will will also be available the night of ‘Gm Women of the National Council of In his closing remarks. Dr. ‘T^o one knows what he can do Mrs. Sanoi Jay Solomon, 19 Rob­ uated f r o m Manchester High ’til he tries.” , present Misa Hutchinson, daughter the festival. Churches; and Mrs. Adrian Ellfson Braoeland said he was trying to ert Rd., and Miss Karolyn H. Kaye, School in 1956 of Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson, Miss Keye received her B.A. de­ 1 of Deep River, president of the apply what he knew to his owm daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Rt. 8, Andover, in her first solo Middlesex Council of United Church fa m i^ I To the Point gree, majoring in English. She piano recital. Her program will in­ Women. He was walking one d.ay on a A Manchester college boy re­ Kaye, 109 W. O n ter St.^ were plans to join the editorial staff of clude favorites by Mozart, Chopin, beach with His daughter, who is turned home .last Saturday night. graduated from the University of Scribner's Publishing Co. in New Godowsky, Debussy and Lecuona. '■■■I His parents had stayed up to wel­ York City June 29. Miss Kaye a t­ A . B. C . Manchester WATES will mbet in elementary school. The„time Pennsylvania on June 15. A junior a t , RHAM high school, seemed right, so he began telling come him. " tended Miami University, Oxford, she has studied piano since the age Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Italian “Well, Davy! What do you Solomon received a B.S. degree (Jhio, for two years before trans­ American Club on EJIdridge St. his daughter some of the ways he in econornics econonpics from the Wharton of nine. She'has accompanied the HoUyw< had found to maintain a healthy kpow,” asked his mother with a ferring to Penn. She was a dean’s high school choir and rhorus for SCHOOL OF DRIVING t u b m Members of the Hartford WAXES hug. School of Finance of the Univer­ list student, dormitory manager, ir> will be guests. A film, "Tons of mental attitude. sity of Pennsylvania. He plans the past three years, arid is a stu­ 165 WELLS ST., MANCHESTER—MI 3-2555 terjr is ' She listened W'hile he mentioned Davy replied. “Judging^ by my member of the English honorary dent in a special mti'stc literature FVn,” will be shown. finals, rtof much.” graduate study in the field of taxa­ society, the staff of the university Beglimer and refresher courses for all ages. Dennis the*, necessity of having a purpose tion. He was president of Pi Lamb­ class. '' what ha] to life, of believing in your own humor magazine and the Tran­ Complete State required course for teenagers. Mary Bushnell Cheney Auxiliary. Code da Phi fraternity, a member of the sylvanians, She\ was graduated about coi value and wobking- constantly inter-fraternity council,and a COMPLETE COURSE $50—6 hours behind whMl 126. his earoei United Spanish W ar Veterans, will General Manager Richard Mar­ from Manchester High School in “ Ounsmo with the idea you can make your­ tin showed up at the Building member of the crew. He was grad- 1956. meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the self more valuable. Hospital Notes 250 'jperfo: home of Mrs. Florence Nichols, Committee meeting Monday night p a t ie n t , c o l l e g e -t r a in e d instructors After a few minutes of this he in a 1949 black Pontiac with the That ti 65 N. Elm S t stopped and waited. Visiting * hours; Adults 2 to 8 Pick-up at home service. Lesson doe* not license plates “EPHW .” • that if I didn’t have" the plates, Became ( "Daddy,” she said, "you can p.m. M aternity't to/4 and «:S0 to begin until VOU get behind the wheel. Dennis n Members o ' the committee be­ I’d get them.” 8 p.m. Children's Ward '* to 7. carry this stuff too far. If you gan asking him what the letters Police Arrests 1952 in s don't watch it, j-ou'll go ape and Anon ■ “ HOrisom stood for. ’ . ’ V ADMITTED YESTERDAY,; Rob- L T. WOOD CO. flip your wig.” '< The Courant reporter whispeyed Dennis d) James W. Knox. 48, Hartford, etr/Quinn Wapping; Joseph An- that the letters were the code to drailouis, Keeney Dr., Bolton; Misa ICE PLANT Down Memory Lane Martin’s private filing system. 6 Boys Raise $1\ was arrested by. Patrolman James It’s probably, been just as long I Martin late yesterday afternoon on Joan Laksoi SnipsiC'View Heights, 61 BISSEUL ST. Harry Howroyd, chairman of the Rockville: Miss Eleanor Blozte, since you looked at the mottoes Building Committee, suggested the For Chile Relief ‘ New Bolton Rd. and charged with Cubea-Criuhed-Blocka driving ,a motor vehicle while un­ Wapping: -Mrs. Mary Bagley, 78 letters stood for “Every Proposal Lockwow S t.; Rqbert Worden, Cov­ Has Won,” but added this wasn't der the infliieifce of intoxicating The collection for Chile relief liquor. Knox posted a $200 bond entry;, Mrs Marianne Pogllo. 131 tI We want to shout so. c 800 FEARS was one dollar richer yesterday •ahd is scheduled to appear in court M.aple St.: Everett Reaviel. 55 Con­ Martin just smiled and said that way Rd.: Ray Farris, 9 Durkin St.; this! A.I.D. service if anyone should ever figure out from the proceeds of a magic show July 2. PRESCRIPTION Katjiy Graff. 42 Pioneer an cle; — quality workman­ n Be d what the letters mean he'll get a put on by six boys in the Cornell A Worcester. Mass., driver who Mrs. Gwen Sleeves: 31 Bunce Dr.: \ EXPERIENClE new set. St. area. had stopped his car alongside Rt. Stephanie Ryan, 'Willimantic; Wal­ ship on auto glass SCREENS . At which HoWroyd came up with 15. was charged early yesterday ter Kominski Jr.. Thompsonville; another translation: The Manchester Chapter of the morning with -driving a motor ve­ OR ARTHUR DRUG American Red Crofa received the Andrew Search. 10 Washington' St.. installation—see us “Every Person Has Worries.” hicle without a license. - . ' ^ Vernon: Mrs. Shirley Knowlton, 22’ Martin said, “I like that so well. dollar from Robert Rlngrose, 10, of 14 Cornell St.; Steven Carney, 8, State Trooper Herbert Norman Scarborough Rd.: Eric Reichie; for flat safety glass. COMBINATION Wapping; Leslie Aceto, East Hart­ of 42 Cornell St.; Mark Chmie- of the Hartford Troop said he stop­ We have mirrors SCREEN DOORS? leckl, 10, of 239 McKee St:: Hank ped to make a routine investiga- ford Klein, 8, of 140 CampTield Rd., ,Up,n when be saw the parked, car BIRTHS YElSTEmiAY: A and tub enclosures Jerry Gagnop, 7. of 303 Cooper Hill and a.sked Robert Bristol, 29, for daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard CAU. St., and Kevin Robinson, 8, of 100 his driving license. Bristol told the Whalen, Wapping; a son to Mr. - in stock. Your guar­ Campfleld Rd. trooper he had been driving for and Mrs. Rosco Francoline, 16 more than three years without one, Duval St. antee is our 10 years ^USCO The show had two parts; The Norman said. 'magic enlarging machine and the BIRTH TODAY: A daughter to in business! Four l^odela to Choose From.; wild west part. Bristol is scheduled to appear In Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan, 52 »VJV Be Siira — Buy Reliability. ' Town Court June 25. Wetherell St. The enlarging machine would Lyndall A, Provest, 26, Nor­ DISOHARGEID ’YESTERDAY,: R. G. KITTLE produce a larger size of anything wich. was arrested by Policeman Robert Quinn, Wapping: Mrs. Dor­ that was inserted into it, like a Clarence Heritage on Center St. is Potter, 119 Mather St.: Albert Ml 9-0468 nibber ball. It was noted by a few late last night and was charged Catalano. 136 Campfleld Rd.; Al­ I observers that the machine was flefcher jIassCo. Representing with intoxication. No court date bert -Michaud, South Windsor; large enough to fit a boy inside. 1 was listed for Provest. Miss Sharon Vibberts, 45 Delmont IdSW IST MIOOLK TUIMPIKI Bartlett-Bralnard Products Co. The show lt#slf was free. The St.; Colleen Sullivan. Thompson­ 689 New Park Ave., profits were made on the refresh­ Th«r cham«leon has an insect- ville; Mrs. Celia Gwara, 107 Tal- 4 T E L . M I . 9 -7S 79 4^ West Hartfordi-AD 8^476 ments which were sold to some 25 catching tongue t-wice as long as cott Ave., Rockville; Mrs. Marlon youngsters who attended. its body. Chafipell, -FT8 N. Main! S t; Mrs. JARVI BEAT W. HALE AND C. E. HOUSE

1 A 4 2 6 E . WILL CLOSE MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY \ Obmroh C 10. ^ 2Ho JDNE 20-21-22 TO PREPARE FOR A SPECTACULAR 'M p $ l All Woi *500,000.00 A co< BCANC M 3 4

\ • 1 BAR MCI House and Hale Sold - Ih u flia l MMfiiMlyo f ' to4ipirtti June m. Sharp; ■mtmctBi To McCann Brothers ’■ S .• ^ w a io i - ____ _ m t iA Hulch- ’•MDwHei viTiU retain ®J^d*nipUon cen-l ina trading $500,000 Worth Of Nationally Known Quality Merchandise; For Men, Women, Children, c . E. Hou»e and ter which indecent y««A - Hale larcest department baaement „ president of The Home; Must Be Sold Jo Complete The Big Reorganization Plans For House and Hale. Mancbeate^ ^ on Tlwmaa McCann, p gj,„_.on e the McCann f (tore enU^rtw^ by two of the la te s t ^ P pre*t- Monday w lU ^ clerk*, This Merchandise Will Be Offered At DRASTICALLY Reduced Prices In A 9-Day History men who •Dippiaa J. ^^^Ster* will own! dent jvank McCann will. o^ration of the Tor-| Making Sale Starting Thursday, 9 A.M.

The 50-year-old buliu e ^ l The two brotbem ^ boml which a*.,. the 6«arA Mjfl family. Charle*.! will remain wip House,I and raised In M* „,jai years) portion ofl now dsad. wm asctlon oft who m«u«ieO^®SMoY 933 and j manager of the Listen To Station WINF See Wednesda/s Manchester Herald the business f rom . name— ; the store. ^ . jv *] The ch»T“ For The Big Sale News was o p e ^ 1 ‘^ b T ^ — For The Big Sale Ads M- 'enlzny-:' RF HERE THURSDAY, SURE, FOR YOUR FULL SHARE OF THE SUPERB BARGAINS rER IESl TTPES >h's >n Chorcb

CY ‘ ’iMj 4F-' ^ ...... - u. fc. -MI »-tM « eontiniiity TV Week JUNE 19 Thru JUNE 24 ce w« are OHANNiBLB 8-0-I8-88-0MBSS V m «A KVIMVW IBPMtBP .. RE". — .x *__—

. "So we made a {(act. Every time "I don’t really know wiiat T l ^Gimsmoke’s’ Chester Itches '^ I tried to be overly funny, Stope do. X have personal appearances would call me. on it. And I ^[Ued in Aitlantlc City and AustraUs; him on his overacting." 'I, , after we finish the movie." he To Quit, Wants Other Rol^ "Now his performances are says. T ’ll stay in show business, beautiful to watch-’’ though...it’s what 1 know best As are those of Dennis ax Ches­ and I like ft.” B y EaWKOrB JOHNSO ^shooting a knife out of die heavy’s ter. 'hand, Military servloe? "My brother; Hollyw^ Comivendeat Dave, is in the National GuanL Vemipaper BntetprM Aaan. F^lm aet procedure ia Ibr the director to can "Roll ’em” to the I’ve thought about joining- tbs| Hollywood (NBA)—Choster? The sound man and then, after a Guard because it doesn’t disru^ fwtMt Kun b the West? Well, jit­ pause, to start the scene by cry Ricky Grow$ our careers." tery Ui a better word for it, I gueaa. mg: "Actiwi.” No Steady Girl Deimia Weaver laughed over "W ell,” DeiuUa laughed, GlrtaT " ! don’ t have a steady. I what happened -while telling me was nervous and jittery. It was ^ 8 Showm an dated one girl here and some peo-: about coining to the croearoada of my first day on a set with a pie tired to make something M g' $25. his career and maybe bowing out of orMd neW contract. ’ In my desire By OlAtJOB mnMMBTT out of it." “ Otinsmoke” after alx years and to please 1 was about as relaxed Honolulu (/P)—^Ricky Nelson has SOO performances. - Hobbies T T play guitar - amt TORS as a race horse in the starting pnsled his teen yeank^th a great have been studying the scucophanb That fast draw, long before he chute,, big plus marie, but those close to .. .1 play the sax in one of my al- beesme Oiester, was on the day "*^e director said ‘roli ’em’ »but him feel he's only getting started, .burns. I try to mix my hOMiies Deimia made hia film debut in before he could say ‘action’ I in show business. with my work. It’s more fiA that 1M2 in a Western movie titled, went for the ^ n s and fired, s ] ^ - "I would say he has m good fu­ "HOriaone: West.'* JThe ectlpt had “ die scene before it even way. Dave and I have a/trapesS| Dennis drawing a pair of and ture in films," says JUchard Mur­ act. He -catches and I fly.” (This phy, director of "The Wackiest hobby almost gave director Mur­ whine company laughed Ship in the Army,” In which Ricky phy a heart attack. $tck invited and I felt like a fool.” plays a young Navy ensign. * Today Dennis is Jittery only Dennis Weaver "He reminds me very much of (Onattnued on Foiw) about his future. ' Gary Cooper. When he reads Unes; "I’m itching,” he sayc After six years in one role, you they sound terrible. When jrou w e He's itching to leave “Gun- find yourself; taking less and less the film, however, you’re coni^r smoke,” wUllng the limp and the time to prepare your script aiid vinced ,he means every word-. , . coffee brewing to someone else. you let little things go by. An He explains: an ea^gbing:. naturalness.” ^ m n e k actor needs something fresh, Rlcky^ wito passed his 20th I r'is/r\ ill I Inn I v.s "An actor plays the same char­ othervfise he become# mentally acter for six years and he gets a birthday on location here, has ac- ELECTRONICS mental block. compliriied what most entertain-' /^Dennis’ movie role with Jimmy ers never do: He has been suc­ FLOWER LABORATORIES "My contract comes up for re-» 'Cagney in "The Gallant Hours”— cessful in radio, television and nswal in December. • I suppcwb^ he plays a young navy lieutenant movies as a musician, singer and I it’s par for the course for a -TV FASHIONS 277 BROAD who has a way with the dolls — actor. I . r: ■. series actor to. make noisM^like had nothing to do with his "itch­ He was introduced to the public | he wants out to get more^oney in g /’ he explains. , lO' years ag» on his parents’ radio for a contract renewal. / "It’s been going on for some program. ’ i AMLIKOWSKI "I’hi not doing thht- ^’m se­ time." . His popularity among teenagers >' M \ rious about leaving xthe show be­ The nervous, eager-to-please was timely and explosive. Two' .M M cause I feel that/tf I don’t, I’ll Dennis Weaver of 1952 has grown years ago he was Just the young-1 rMUy be pigeonholed as the Ches­ into the most relaxed actor In est- Nels6n in the television te-J ter type for thereat of my life.” Hollywood and he is grateful to ties "The Adventures of Ossie ai^ I *Tm not Unhappy about the "Gunsmoke” for that. He says: Harriet.” show or tlje money I've been get- "A TV series Is wonderful for an He did an impersonation of tlng. ^ just worried about my actor. The tension leavM you be­ Elvis Presley one night and R o y a l ,career,. cause there is no threat ^hoiit be­ flashed a smile at the camera. ir six years I feel like ing fired or not being hired for Mail poured in.. When Presley was ICE CREAM CO. stre :hing my creative muscles.” something else next week. . * drafted Into the Army, Rick Was sre is, of course, a big "If.” "You can play around and try ready to take over. technical things which help Im­ Rrien^y, imt an IMrsvert. MABnTFAOnmBS .ys Dennis: >>' prove your acting." "If CBS offers me some fantas­ W hayias success made o f Riidty tic contract—which I don’t anhd- "In this series Milbum Stone Nelsop'? (Doc) and I both worked out'traps 'Hiose who know him wail say OrfHelli's JARVIS REALTTj pate, incidentally-^I suppose rti in our acting. I always tried, at the have to accept it in fairness to’ Js,friendly, but an introvert. He BBADTOBS— 1NS1 beginning, to make a funpy scene X a good haniMhake. He can what it will mean to my family’s funnier. Now I’ve learned to uny BANQUET increased security. look a stranger in the bye. Mb’s Reeidenttal—L derplay it.” , quick to smile, but not oVerly Oonwnerc "But as an actor who wants to "Stone’s trap was overacting, mature, I hope it doesn’t happen. friendly. Onstecn : which he knew was wrong.” - What about Ms firture? SPUMON1 O ver! ttt B. Oeffiw S t-M t S-4I 1S S A T U R D A Y T e le v is io n P R O G R A M JOHN L JENNEY C. LEROY NORRIS U : M i Hollywood >rcyl«w two aging sod busters come to- ASSOCIATE Dodige City. for a "Last PUag, ONE HOVR t:t8 debo Oaatber'i n ib Babd ;8 81 one la altot and KlUy la Mysteri­ "The ClyiUMSloa" The dia- ously wounded, a search la-oa far the motive. ‘WARTmiZINr a n d _____le key, „to __ t’lw raiturS' Divorce Oeart g' Insurance of All Kinds ___ MS»V „ U. « these people through a. a stud, stiidy. of— Faar daet Mrt 4d- ' 1 Hotw 1 ^ C lfl—lBg I Smrah Wvt ASveataiv | the last of their Iteicr--lendanti, - the SS Mea gg Bonds Havikm i Lacandon IndlMS. lt;M Tombetaae Terrlleiw g At^M B. Oenfasr S t, Maachester NavalBMenr* Hmw tl •:M Wanted—Dead Or SHra g Maa From Interpel M 5 » - WkmrS m SUtrring Steven McQueen. Bounty V.S. Marshal tt S44 NO. M AIN 8 TBEBT amroh Comers, «BastHartf«id Sky Bias S Jpeh Randall demoa- MArhham 4# PHONE MI S-eSAO 1;W OsitoMi ^ralital ' 1 hla compassion for tlm dabilee. D.S.A. U WMton Manhal i W ? * ." £?£.«■ the vangeful .ChaiUe Ohaa . . n father of a child near death. srVuA Wateja".Watars" M W.m4« Oborou ** So, Boone is trying, to- set for Mm Wnm l»terp#| . |ewH,g<“ — — ttan himself s deal with Ooca-Cola for M a t i M adi% • V/eSeU six hour’-lonip programs next sea­ Now Bariaeaa son . . Burner is that Bd Sul­ 691 BlaJii S t-^ m 9-1289 Tin Md John Henry are commenta- BARRE GUILD ______livan is trying to get Ken Murray ’etulant P »ta e r.’ ’ An M:N OaasMike g to emeee the"-’ ’SuUlvan Show” on vohirae of elrettns- Burring JaniM Amass. When alternate weeks next season. MONUMENTS aUmtlal - ______guilt of Masoa's PRTS! aertaed of alart._ n e t b s I m ONM Mommmt IM rife. of- bis lifetime • PUPPIES [oeM pdrtaer. T 'TSI Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED : iffifuWyosr BNi(clitriiMtt9#l> pmrtMU W. •• • BIBIMi In PpirM Imd WML OosnR IN,. • • TBOPiCAD P is a Pernall ^ b e rts. Dan Blocker and ATLANTIC HEATING OILS 'flWWilebBnllAR. JlkhMl Land^, "Vendetta.’’ The notorious Morgan jpuig Meka re- SAPORITI renge whm B«i (^twrlglit kHta UTTiE A McKinney :,JWn

SUNDAY Television PROGRAM w..BpiN»i:ai(jpKs. HtteMl fi-1879 h s a •• V ^ Cbassel TUESDAY Television PROGRAM t:M Vcriiral FrMttar $ Hewa Mavta At 3 ^ 18 FLETCHER COMPBHY 1:85 BasabaR "60 Glorious Years" Anna xfeAgla , Story of Aero Space Xedicine ■- „ CWcago M Cincinnati nUENTV OF P. :i8 n ia Oar FaHh fBaimS' a.oo and fiwahby Shew 48 3:88 Bed Bkelten Show 8. 48 . „ gsirorelly •( Me Air ' • 1:55 N*wa You Ashed Per It ■ \ 48 BMiy Show. t:25 New* - m Brakea______Arhaw ':-88 J;8t A g ^ K a r e On Parade 1:88 88 "Appleby the Witness." Skelton ^tanek Ob Orala Cb-stara John Luptoii. Michael. 1188 Today "Accuu-id a t Murder". Dm , has Audrey Totter as bis guest ■:W Tke Ohrictophcre a *=*• gr4 ^ 0 Bba# ^ - Mi5»E"M illllM a Brian .when he portrays George Appleby Thie le The Ufa 8 1:15 Baaaball Ansara In "Blood Brothers" (R). _ UalveXritr a( * e filr ELECTRONICS 8:58 Prayer In violation -of a treaty with TUB BNOLOSintBS — GI.ASS FDItNITITRB TOPS Prayer Oar^n t^ybenoe 18 and finds that, aa the sole witness 8 :N The Weitera Way Y»n|ye« T8 Chleapo White -Cochise, an Arim general moves 1:88 TeFa Drier to a gangland slaying, he has The Ohrietephere to occupy the Chlrlcahua reser­ Reara come a. walking target. LABORATORIES YankeeWa Chicago vation. 7 :t*-ReatUag Oto Lead TV Daaoe Par& 38. 88 ELECTRONICS ledsfiry Oa Parade #:88 M^^al^XeOraw 8:15 OhriiHaa Scteaoe a 'S WiwWaglwi 1:88 Dennis The Maaace _ Breakfast Ttate 8 (Color) Six dancers from struck JiJJ 2 ^ , fiaberta ^ 8:4* Blekorda . o M s Plctore 88 Broadway musical shows will toln 8:88 Pereeptloa 4:Dt 1 i « yIe Starring Jay North. Herbert An- LABORATORIES Chrlettaa Selesee IS derson. Gloria Hennr and Joseph ■ il* Oaplaia Koagaree 8:88 Weather. Rewt nod .fiperlu 8 Kathryn and Arthur Hurray. The 277 BROAD ^ Thie I f The Ute Stallloo Ri The Rookies' Kearns. Mr. Wilson's prise dahlia 8:88 Featare FRai a ■ M Hungarian Wassan acrobatic . .. Arthur Frans MANCHESTER 8:M Ahoatwe troupe will join, hoetesa Kathryn M:8t Ijuap Pate Ky Peel bulbs sprout Into a crop of sweet •’^ e Flrut Hundr^Yearu". Jee' PaliMha Rell|Houa eeiiee. with Dr. Oeorre potatoes as a nault of bis at­ In a comedy sketch. 277 BROAD Cfabhoeae 45 8 58 Crolner*. The proBram will t1«U tempts to keep Dennis out of bis Dtag“ Ki!S'’K K ;i^ '**”* Ladaairy ea Parade . the Mormon Toutfa Conference in garden. (R). Romper IUm . Donald May atara In "The Tire#- ^ — ----* — — 5 8.g^'•^hl•I^^S..*-^ ] Maveriek 8, 88 MOtPR SALES JJanhey .Theater _ poseer", Colt J r„ la sum m on^ Salt L ^ e City (on Upe and film) Mjul A :i5sscs:“^ “ io,.Ft. Braxo In aa attempt to lo- Id (how what one sroup is do- Deaalsr O'Keefe 48 •TO^B OUMNOBUJE DEAUnt” ^ w o f the-Goldea Went." Monto - Hewn aad Weather S8 to anewer e rttle i^ of the WMld Olm^aBhlp daH 33, 38 • :M Ed Balllvaa Skew 8. 48 erte a sqyawmM and an Indian EASY TO -5;jBeef Buy Y«t Bob Croeby la eommeotator. Hw Masie Oa lea ^ St, 88 Ahaaaae 8:18 Bperte Camera . t who are ambushing all persons ypuny reneratloa. Guest r Elder first of two gam e* to determinO 512 WEST CENTER STRjKT " Bperts venturing outside the fort. Marion Ranks, of the Latter Day (Color) Singer Johnny Desmond Is M I s - i R i i PARK HERE nere’s Aoobt abont It.^ Saints. . between Cary hbst. Skaters Shirley Linde, Ha>^ 8:18 Dainela Raagaiee ia 1:88 Death Tolley Daga The Pendalam 18 Thin Is The Answer M id d l^ t f M d Mike Bomhak. rison and■ Kossl. the S k li^ a d i s ,^ - ■ >88 I Married Jowl 8 n i l BUvera Shew \ M:48 Garry Moore Show 8 W h M y o n bay TV or Ra­ Svd JaROe Skew f :4f Marjerie MIBa 4 Marie At Berea . ' u Guests; Betsy Palmer and-Johnny There’s never a pgrlri.at dio -yoa wm t dependable Ohdiee Of dalTallea Buddy La Londe and Manuel del The Obrlstophers K IS Puunlea Toro, s l i ^ r Lynn Roberta, M:88 Red Rowe flh>w "Face of MarMe". John Carradine Carson. > problem at STANEK’S. •errl^e to baek It np— 5:15 Inside Snarts 18 peteers Itaul and Mary Rttta and Weother--EMal Rewa _ 88 X-Bqaod 83. 88 „ Ibis Is The Life M 5:38 Gallega Bawl 8 MetYrTested Deagb Be.ML 88. St the kind ynv get here. 18:88 T^ak Dp And U re 8. 48 humoriL.humorist Clare___ _Barnes _Jr, head Hewn and Weather ,■ Sl. Id Starring I,ee Marvin ‘VBadge for Na meters eitiier. Open Infqrmatloi^ gam e; Alien Ludden, of the cast of "In The Park. _ Cempaws - 88 a Coward.". A policeman la ac­ Retlploue series. A drama de- ____ Cary Grant, 1:18 ^ p g la t Bdwaada, Heart Thursday evenIn|R oatll plctfta the rrow th of Satnt PhlHp moderator, and eight collegian 8:38 Istwman 8. 88 cused of murder vrhen he allows a rontestanls. Team from itoston t:M YT.Thealer t M:88 ita'ne'''^' Film 88 killer to escape. '"•ril»try. The propram Is College, Massachusetts. ‘ Used Cors" "Jet Bombers Go To Boa" TV Presents 8, 58 \ I. \ I M I > \ I 1 , A I I. \ 1 ( I the third In a sertea called "The TV Mystery^Shew 33, 88 Otar PeTfonnaaee winning team from ' . Live mystwv drama. Walter George Montgomery News - 88 . Rebecca Welles and Leq^ Bergere NAttow W ar: Poor studies of versi]^. New Brum 1:88 F a ir Jait l t e 8 In "The Storm". The gnawing ChrlsHan^ Rerolsm. Past ■ and. Slesak la host A young Widow re­ «.oo Tmw ttaeh « :# • iL e v e Laey lAnuale persistence of a young woman to I \ I. \ I Ml I. s \ 1 1 1 I. V l< ceives a series of mysterious let-. s to rin g John Smith. "M an ' of uncover the secret of the miracu- The U t'Ibb Word "lbe^^imsio£*B«tS>dlt’' (R). the ters accusing her of murdering „ — Price le Bight StJN U F B Lone Rimger unusual ring her husband In "Dark Posses- 18:88 Deoembin Bride G od." A crusading prient (James toda completion of a half-nhlshed _ Odessey and a bullwhtir to bring Juan Gregonr) stiires to end Sitting canvas, which brings posthumous OF t}:t* Threarh The Perthele glon . Stars Diana Lvnii. Anne Oeaeentratlea 11:88 Readliw Out. Lend Branco a n d ^ a gang (jT outlaws Sejmour and William Bassett are VgSay't Eemaa BulPa liidlan attackU through lore fAtoe to a young Mexican art to justice. l^ton MooTe stars, - featured. . . . Flhn rather than fored. student. CANADA Faith Par Taday Eve F ^ l l y IS THE NEW Cltlsea Soldier ]g ^ e ilra B B At Wark The Rebel • tS ^ RESTAURAIfr tt:8k Lere. Of LMe AIR MATTRfSS Bir Picture ------1 Digest Movie ‘At 8 . ' M Tfntk er Oeaeeeaeaeee f S r U S U i n . riara h. ’’ ke^aS „ *'*• «>b®»»e The. Alaskans t. W. 83 Leva Thai Beh fighter in his efforts to whip the Daffy’s'Tavern ig Winiam Ten 18:88 The Loretta Toang fihow S3. 88 18:48 The Oaldiag LtoM world's hearywelght champion. 'T V Show With-Jane Allysoil Thli Oar Faltii Phil Snven Finest In Food " TV Mall Order ' 88 Markham > O O N SfJI/r The Mad iRaUae Jack Benny Piagram 8 I t o X y LiHle d a i f f ” 58 FTI Mary Llvlnght(>he attenda a re­ Abont Face* 8. 48. 8:88 Eye Wltnees Te Hlatery 8 11:88 News, Weather A Bperts „ „ S'KbwAy HaHdayt PYI. public affairs series spot­ ** " • « £ KNtr President Blaenhower ki the' 11:55 News union of Mav Comoany employes Luncheon and Dinner Minus Big News 33 other Models tat Btoek 11:88 Amerlean Ley^ad lighting a wide range of topical and In a aeries of flashbacks with Movio Kktiaee Orient with Reportera Walter ORAlItJES 1. VAN DEVSKN Jemes and recurring problems. CKKKTAn. EOCNOB—NTORTLT ENTERTAINMENT "The Lest Command". Oronktto. Harry Reaitonor. Peter .. .. 5*”® * Weather ft. 48 News Roaadap Jack, answers their questions on 11:15 Featare Film - 3 News Review Interpreting their significance for why she and Jack never got Boimlne. Part H Kallacher and Guy Fearles. DIstriet Sapendaw the average viewer. Douglas Ed- married. \ . ’ \ 8:88 Aa The World Taiao 8:88 The Many Levee of DeMe Olllla 8 "Return To Paradise” . Gary Coo­ Rdjav Tour Garden wards.v; host. General Alfred f r f e Pa r k i n g — a i r - oonditioned per. Roberta Havnes 11:18 Washiarton Repart Opea End 18 WEDDINOS, BANQUETS. PARTIES Jfho Do Tea Trarif Starripfellwayne Hickman. 'Hred 144 Center 8t., Manchepter 11:15 Capitnl Reparts Gruenlher._ President of the 18:38 IVhat’s Mv M ae? 8 s Rewa of being dippped by girls, Doble Jack Paar Show M McBRIDE'S Amwican Red Cross, will analyse Special :^e-Ptght Program 8. 53 Oi>EN SUNDAYS stuns unbotnifar Zelda Gilroy by World’s Rest Movies ” \ 8 Americans At Wai the dramatic change In courses of­ m s - t M t .J^Hell Raiders From The Deep’\ Td. MI »-4M4 or PI t-«M l "Ceramic Tile W^kers' On tt^ Heavi-welght Champion- 8:85 At^^mo WNh KMy unexpected proposing ' marriage fered at the U.S. Military Acdde- and is amaxed when tbeir par­ - Kleanora Rossi Drago, Pierre SPORT SPOT 11:15 Tear Renatar Repaita shin Rematch between Tngemar 8:88 For Better er Weree ■ Cressoy. 11:18 We Relieve ^ my. and Bruce Hopper, will com­ Johansson and Ployd Patterson, Oneea For A 8ley ent# e « h thinking the other will 10* CENTER ST.— MI 9-8747 ment. l^e-flght Interviews; with the block the wedd|ng plans, grants 11:28 Featare 48 4a Rotlywond^ TT Reader’s Digest __ Day la Caort 11:38 Jaek Paar Show ‘ 33 "Buses Rohr". June Bishop. Rich­ fighters and outstanding Imking 8:88 OMe Morm Shew permtsslon. Twentieth Centurv #*« authorities, and film clip high­ Loretta Voaag Theater ;.'ewsNows Speetal « . 38 I2;M News , and Weather 3 ard T r ^ ls in Bast Berlin." The pro- 1:88 Newe g, s« TOUPAINE PAINTS Command Perfermaace 11 lights of the first meeting be­ _ " Henae Party- Covering President Elsenhower's ihows how the people of a tween these two ijoxers. James ^ W. P. QUISH 8:88 The People^ Oholee vl«if to_Formosa and Okinawa. Mo^rn Srleaee Theater, M g rian state jlve their dally Joltas Hnphlas File T ' . 48- ftagney. host, anl former cham­ Yeangpr Malone Wyatt Karp 8 FOR EXPERT • B R U S H E S nd how the Communists pions Jack Dempsey and Gene Beat The Clock Hugh O'Brian In "Almost Dead Q: Would you )>lea»e tell me . nal of Socrates”. (R). drama­ e and run a satellite coun- tic recreationin orof tnethe trial ocof tnethe ^inney Will analyse the styles of _ „ A* Star Playhoaee Cowhand." A quick-tempered something: about Gardner McKay, dr Front Eitd AMgmw itt' ancient Greel alter Cronkite narrates. Johansson and Patterson. James FUNERAL HOMiE 8l88 The Vm^let la Taorn cowhand, mistreated • W ATJ.PAPERS ek philosopher who {R). and b llk ^ by Dodge City sharp­ artar of "Adventures In Paradise?” chose to die by d;;inktng hemlock Edwin Neinnaa Reporting 8tS M AIN S^TREET Fran Tbeue Reeta rather than 88 Mike Wallace Toterview 83 TEL. MI 8-0*44 ^aaectleal Baadataad ers decides to take Justice Into —Sally D. dr Wlwttl Rokmeinq' I bo banished from Sea Rant \ 8 Guest; Earlha Kltt his own hands. • SANDERS. POLISHERS Athens for hid teachings. Lynn / £blrtavblrds\ js , »» !'*■ Traatf'- A : McKay was bom In Manhat­ Poole, host, ' Ten-4- 33 8;88 Ranger Andy U.8 . Marshal 13 tan, the son of an advertising: ex­ 'k Compirt* s t e a m f w s f o r r e n t 1:88 Home RpU Derby 3 T:88 n*.5i:r-“ \ ‘ i „ „ Hllchcock Presaails 48 Comedy Playhaaee 12. High Road 48 Oardeahr’s Ahaaaae If 11:88 Snnday News Special 8 Amerieaa Baadataad 8. 88. Ma Martin’s Bonndnp 58 ecutive. He attended domell Uni­ Sturrlnf: Jon Prov)>9t. June Lock- News 88 M Mevie „ Service - Air Forre StalW 38 hnrt and Huxrh RellljL “ Man Prom 3:88 Tightrope 3. 48 versity, and was busy with an art .. Conere News Canlerenee ' 48 M ars." Lassie and Htnmv find, a News and Weather 8’.' 33 ROBERT J. Staiytng Mike Coimors. "Thei career biefore being: alined to film PANrs Paint and ' Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, guest. In­ ,, Washlagtoa Report 88 mOORPORATED 8:88 '™‘“"8 Casino. An undercover agent crater sUrrounded by s^alt foot­ 11:18 Morle- 33 contract with 20th Century-Fox. — SEE — terviewed on domestic . politics prints. and when food mysterious- and foreign affairs. Ruth Hagy, IV dlsapoears from the house. Robert REAE 8:to^J:svr?ii5?~ “ I In tn« bfr caaino In an att^^mpt to WApiiRiiAr StnQnlv moderator. Tinimy belleyes he has dijvcov- "E y ra .l" the Nlgbr*. Bdward Ar­ noiYe th€ murder to aeTeral mem- Q ; Will Milton Berle have his 1:38 Red So* vs flevelaad 3 11:15 F«atare Film -- % nold. Ann Harding , CLARKE MOTOR SALES 645 Main St— MI 9-0300- visitors from outer space. £tra of a rival. syndicate. Fmntleni Of Faith 38 (R). • " \ "Dark' Delusion". Lionel Barry­ IfiSTATB • "INSUBANSilqTHS' SINGE IM 4" INSURANCE Popeye Theater 8 Tne Itlfleman ^ g ig own TV show next season?—Jess SOI BROAH ST. "H ave-the Churches a Duly to more. James Craig FI rat flhew 88 P. M I 9-:201Z Saa Fraarlseo Beat R • a s M a i n s t r e e t , g r o u n d p l o o r — m i "Run For The Sun". Richard Wld- Connors. When Censor?" Lisa Sergio is modera­ Overland, Trail 33 ggi World’s Best Movlet - 8 L u ^ K c ^ l n gives Some of his tor. Guests; The ReV. Dr. George "They Gave Him A Gun", Spen­ mark. Jane Greer A ; Berle has been riifned as host MANCHESTER Starring William Bendix. "The Adveatare Serial St oS!** ®*V0 'A dying man. Htarkins. assistant to the nresl- P,Mara's Ladles." An Irish gam- cer Tracy. ! Hartal Torrance reacts in of NBC-TV’s "Jackpot Bowling:," ^ h t of the; United Lutheran Late Show 33 "Canadian MounUoa lo . Atomic mjrprialng manner. 0«r SPEEDY SpMiolty Wer 8 parent-Itke protection of Invaders,” Chap. 3. * s A fo r yonday nigdtti 10:30 to 11, Church In America, and Robert his four female' card dealers "Forev^ Amber". Linda Darnell, Mystery Theater ig18 beginning: Sept 19. ' Lei^s Shayon. critic of the mass brings the wrath of monev-hun- . . Copnol Wilde. TIHILY DELICIOUS media for the Saturday Review. gry gunmen dawn on Kelly 'and J i'5?,"."^.Neatker 8 T a lk b a ck n YOUR YARK s h o p Flip. (Repeat). lri5 N ew s 8 Make A ikfferenee Where Ten Savel —— ------1 « IT DOES lOne Block Boot of Main CHICKEN Between Oak and Btrch) O -ft __ W EDNESD^Y^fem ion PROGRAM Hie world’s "finest eatin’ chldc- 8:88 This Onr Faith Amerieaa Bandstand 8. 88. 53 »*•««■ FamUy 8 MONDAY Television PROGRAM 5’55 AgHesItar* on Parade .Movie IS •The Trophy". The Nelson's en­ Art Needlework gnppBen en". w ith Ineomparable taste. 1. . "Down Missouri Way" Ohaanel SAVINGS 3 i % 1:88 Today 4:88 Edge nr Night | ter the family decathalon at the 8:38 n il Oar.Faltk « . . Adnjlral Swabby Shew er when his wife Is summoned for _ Uaiverslty of lha filr' •huual Men's Club Picnic and, to .8:88 Early Show Juiy duty. 1:88 Prayer g oa * 4 " » * * r e Time tt. 38 get the coveted trophy. Ossie TAKE R<»IE SERVICE 6 -J6 Momlag Prajrei "The O u lt^ t". John. Derek. 8:8# Featare Film 3 8:58 Agricalture Oa Parade n t e r Ouna 33 33 LOAN 1(25 Town Crier / TQiMt win th6 cro80-<2ounirY Free lasferaotleae . T:M Today Cartoon Playhouse — Craig Stevens stars in "!rhe ,\ s f ) < 1 V I I o Nj O R m a t Newa "D r., Kildare Goes Home” . Lew Stacie race. ft. i8 - „ Caplala Gallant Ayres, I.lonel Barrymore Talc _ Uaiverslty of the Air 5:85 CInteb Oarge - ^ nightclub comedian ARaosI 1:38 n e Western Way - — .I®**® ®f *h® VlUage 18 T:38 Prayer (Shelley Berman) Ures Gunn to Popeye Theater 8 8:88 The MilUoBalre Free PorkiaY £hugle 8lm fJv3fV Jnr»^A vtJvmM DiiM caid 3:88 First Show, '23 With Marvin Miller. DECI’S DRIVE^m 1:25 Tawa Orler 8:88 Woody Weedpecker protect him from wife who. husband, News he lielleves, is trying to murder ■ AMCWKBT«E»B > k > 8 8 T riaaaeiah lasViTWTiair "lU ito 8:15 ^ptaln Kaagaroa ; ^ e v Won't Forgot” . Ctande who prea9SM Iaet Ttme Callforalans "Canadian Mounties Vs. Atomic 8:88 Hap RIehardt 8:88 Almanac 8:38 Ann Sothera Shew 8 drews Virginta GUmore copUng back to haunt him when 8:15 mptata Rhagaiee Katy run* through a aeries of Dlag D oM Beheol Invaders she demands a maid's salary and i Snpermaa Romper Ream The Admiral aad Bwahby IBmw 48 the day off. 8:88 Feature Film Clabhoase ‘ riximmates each with worse faults FOR ECONOMICAL, "The Immportancrtance of Being Ear- man the last, after she and Olive Cowboy Theater 5:18 Early Shew I t nest." kflchael Redgrave, Edith o . . *>•««»» have a .falling out attd decide to "Leadville GunsHager’ ’. "Somrihing Eqr The Boys". Phil Yvoime PROMPT, EXPERT Evans. S;Sf live separately. Lane ., Silvers star "Charlie's First Love", Dlag Deng SehealB< 8. 88. TV Theater 33. 33 Don WILLIS Garage jUmsBse - Cartoon Playhouse 18 Uncle Charlie () Hamper Reel BliXhrlght" starring EH Wallach. 3:18 Leeaey Taaee ^ 7J7lvea a romance with an old 28 8:85 S^^TrJs*"^ 3:18 ______*1 .0 0 O F T Cewboy Theater St Sports Camera •An Americcui (Wallach), who was SPEOIAIJ8TS IN i Oaptau Kaagsroo girl friend. "‘ ■The Last Musketeer" Rex Allen. 7: raised In Csechoelovakia. la given 3:88 I Married Joaa 8:88 CInleh Cargo Hawailaa Eye 8. 48 88 Service T----- h is is ' Alice ■ WHEEL AUGNBOnra BfRI 18:88 Bed Rewe Show Alnaaaae ^stary Is My Bnstaess 90 davs to prove his liientl& to BRAKE 8ERVIGB . „ “ W NIckok Starring Bob Conrad. Tom 'Lo- On AN M o lw s^ 8:85 Leeaey Taaee Moyle At 1 y.S. Immigration offlctals or be Deagb Be Ml 88. 88 8:88 Coaat Of Mosle Crist# paka locates aa elderly man for 8:15 OaotalB Kangarea •Gallant Journey". Glenn Ford deported. __ g e n e r a l a u t o r e p a i r HoBywoed’a Beet » 8 TV Mall Order ■ two young men vtsltlng from 8:38 I Married Jeaa ’ Adventares In ParatHee 8. 88 U * ^ e WWte A n g ^ . Kay FTaneis, 8:16 Weather. Newt A Boor .•’S."' ®!V*’ discover that Cne Weather. Leeal News _ 88 : MltaheP fi-4fiSt—IR MAIN ST,. MANOHE8TER Donald Wood C' TV, RcnNo and Phonos I8188 Red Bawe Shew News of the Hear and Weather 88 The Pendqlara n Sea Rant of the Clients seeks revenge, $HRE0 LP.’t Doagh Be 8ft and Weallier 48 18:88 Hennessey . 3 M :88 Ths Go 88 8:88 Ahnanac . lFye**7y Theater 18 Hollyweed’a Beet _ .. People’s Choice 53 The Emmy Awards S3. 38 Btsr Ferformaaea 8 Captals OtM Pye Got A Beerel 8 Phone h i 9US37 "Tutlles of TahlU". (Color) 12th annual awarda pres­ Charles Boyer Olahhense With Garry Moore, hoet and em­ 7:15 Douglas Edwards aad The News ay Tear HoAUi cee; paneflata. Bill Cullen, Henry entation. Fred Astaire, host la 31:88 I LevsLe Laev 8:85 Baerteeepe 18:38 Back Stage 33 „■ Hollywood and Arthur Godfrey, r 8:45 Newa 8. 8. Morgan. Betsy Palmer. Besa . Star. Perforinaaee Storrowton Music Fair , host In New York. Elaine May and SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Tha' Price Is Bight 38, 88 8:85 Snorts Camera Myerson and guest, Van Johnsbn. David Niven Newt 88 23:88 December Bride 8 „ S p ^ s 48 ?ate a Taa Pofrterton's Mike Nichols, comedian Bob New- Ceneenirntien 88. 88 David McLeAn stars "The Bounty Ififi Center St.—Cor. Chnrch St. . . „ Flay Sear Haaeh 1:8# Kate SmUh'fihew • . 3 hard 4 nd Louis Nye. Don Knotis, Ajurilemy Flaybeoa# , 48 1:88 After .Dlaaer Movie 8 11:88 I Lave Laey Musical-variety ’ show. Starring Allen INTEiypeye Theater - A T T H E e n a r Biduala was paid to S8 muolciaiM, First Show 23 LITTLE JOE'S TEXACO Advenlare Serial copyiste and sideUna men on the § 8 Wdlfi St— Ml 3-7254 88 W. MIDDUB TPKK A t BROAD m fi-7tl* ' aECHiie SALES 8b4 SERVICE, lat. ‘ ^ p a d la a Mountlea ra Atomie pewt eeooon "Gene Kelly Show" NANGHESTER T i hvadera Open All Day Saturday , •MUAIKST. mi-Mie renm, whicli was o r M B C -T V , •18 OBNYRR B T .-e a »-M 8 B M E y ) 0 . PAGE FOUR ^ MANCHESTER EVENINS HERALD, IfANdaBSTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, JUKE 1$, IMS PROGRAM • tM This Oar rattfe Pinrshew eg JIhe Beal MeOay’a • :W Asricaltara Oa Parada Tbo Perfect Swine.” Orandpa'a 7iW Teaar p iM . iMUDkflra whan he tries ,Art Mar*hall. bringing la * 'rlngar* to wUi a b v 8M k . M A i a 8t r - M l l . » •* Sia Air s Adreatate Serial m Til* Prajrar , * "Canadian MounUea r# Atomic contest and a M w ith MsmatiA. ill* Tawa Orfar ^ ■ -Inrader* Stars Walter Brennan. New*' _s The Mlcluu^ la Atriea U — SPECIAL! — ELECTRONICS TiM Amcrieaa LeceM S - M 4 * 2 * '^ “ * Swahhy Shdtr *:•• Baohelsr_ Father______M. •• ii** Barly Shaw , ■ John For BreaUatt l£S* * "Artalr in Reno," John Lund Forsythe stars "Peter Meets Bar BIcIMM* S His Match." The Gragg househeM Knetty rBw PwiellBg LABORATORIES Cartoon Plarhenae i s ' thrown Into a chaotic slate I f K e B«w « F m « ’'“ SsK5:sg:*~* { iid5& ;«iiv*^“^ when Peter f i ^ In loea with * "Caeiar and Cleopatra^. Part I— White Hnnter young lady who'works at the local 277 BROAD Vlrien Leigh- Claude Ralna • i** llnchieherrj Baaad supermarket. ' Oettege OmflA ■***« M Dlag Do m Sehael ' ■ dace KM Dick Powell’s lane Orer Thaatar Benper Beeat II Klla Driefl W tom Flai fill.Weather. New* B Bpeit* "This Man Must Dia". Stan^ Oawhar Theator M Manhnat •"gfl" WIdl ‘‘Harsnal of Cedar Rock” . Rocky • 8:M Almanac Dm Duryea. A man escapes from Lane DMger 1* My Baaiaeaa a frontier prison on the eye of his •u yifi^lV ? RcMito? Alauaac ;M Clabnenie huging, in order to seek the one $:N Iwaegr *eees 4t rum. who framed------Jimhli on a murder |:U CaptM Kaagaraa M charge. isM I Married daaa S «:JJ • Weather Pat Boeas Show I, _ M p»ys to buy « ^ r e ape- Peca* 1* Pat'a wife, SMrley, and bis four flUUate

Sm t Ioo and KREBS FRIDAY Television PROGRAM Ml 3-1A42 fONffcnu I BNAR L LOREMIZEN A KM95 til* ,I^ly Shew Affoor ThI* Oar Faith •I recreating the capture aad fatal AAtMAF Phone Ml R-7412 Island Trail.’* Forrest shooting of- the infamous law­ v a m w ir ‘ Agriraltnre On Parade Tucker breaker by the FBI. Balph Meek­ wm Carteut Playhease Ualvertity at tha Air er sUrs in the role of Dlllinger, Prayer •idSCta^fhm and ttere Hill portrays . Mririn ^ w a Crier I £jrrte. who was in charge of the A guaranteed 6-year ratodtial Iftows diee^gigar* S H 5lf.9 yriien they caught up income, which may reach a groaa BFD Me. 5 with Dillfnger. total o f $9,900,000, will com e to F m d e ll Breakfaal R n u . „ Mystery Theater • :M Hap Bfeharda K bS ” ’ iumI Bm Hv • ;l* Mosqaerade Part.y the producers, actors, fUractorR FOR i:U Captain Kaagarao ColOT) Bert Parks la emcee. i:N Whit* HaatGr is i'anellsts are Faye Bmersoa, writers, ate., who have been par­ *iM Peatare SBai AIimuum) ' t ticipants. in the "Father Kaows "Caaaar and Cteopalra” . Part n ts Audrey Meadows, Sam Leyeoson Vivien Lalcb, C la i^ Raina Se»pe ft and Lee Boarmaa. Best" ■ariea...An . action-adrm- VENCTIAN Dlag D a u Sehael . I Tke Pendolam It mper Be— S f*!** The Twilight IMaa 1. 4* ture aertoa, “Silent Inveatigaterm’* Swbey Thealar B e.-H Sperts CaoMta ’ Cavalead* Of Sporte n , i* to be made in cooperation with BLINDS ’’ The Missourians"., Monte Hale Dpug Jones vs Bobo Oiaon. 10 the Poet Office DapartmenL to Almaaae 0 rounds Rghtheavywelghta. ___ Leeaey Hebert Taylar la Tha Deteettee* planned by 20th-FoK TV...Rich­ and SUPPLIES •:15,Oantah* ______Mewl* At Savaa 1 u a. *4 ard Long, recently of the now da- • ilM Married dean Ad^esa Unknoam". Paul Idikas funct “Bourbon Street Beat” pro­ 1*:** Bed Benre Shew Waslher. Leeal News n Dough Be W • •Mm oicu, rrooe UlO Mayipi gram, has been added to the star­ 485 Middle Tpke, East n . a* M ^a and Weather M. 4* prominent businessman ahw Hollywood’* Ba*l „ TV nayhoase 81 in the library of hlg home, ring lineup of "77 Sunset Rtrlp." M I 3 -4 8 6 5 "Vlfll In Th* Night". Carol* Lom­ ^:14 Doaglas Edwards, Newa 4* bard Brian Ahrme Filin j« 14:1*la.ea moeh 9a U In which Dave Netoon was fee-' Owaenf Aaeodattoa, toe. flhib Trorfc. <' 4:1* The BBdg* dga CM_____ lOght . „ FatiBoaks SI tuied^as th«'catcher in Gie trap*BS AdrentareAdr* — Tim* _____ act, Murphy looked up to eee •:•* Peatare Fttaa * w i'tl.**-^ Q: E Ijenr that- Henry Fonda to "Four OIrla in Wbite". Alan.Mar­ Byrnes, ,Sherry Jackaon, Blh-em Ricky in tights and flylngr through qultU^ *Th* Deputy?" I* thto shal. Florence Rice Zunbadlat Jr, When-' carhop the air.) Fepeye neater J K o t o 's friend ia N r yOlfflONESTOP true? pint.Skew M ductod by a burly chai^ Probably, Rick’s teenage Haas A : No. Kowevw, Fonda will con­ .Guns'’, Rnme Beaaett . acter, Roolde terka h«Ip from in- will think no lea* 'of him for being Rlchiard Aden 1 " ▼Mlggiors Btu BiUey and Jttf 30 yean old. SERVICENTER tinue, to appear only briefly "in 'lyeatere Serial 1* flpencer. “The Deputy," in accordance 'with ladlan Hountlea ,-tb Atomic VoillfaiffM: A Taar IW KIU^’u • Til** studios and recording com-' e OonmleOB B rahe Sarvlda Sera" ▲ .gpeoial dramaUo prograiir>|«nle* hope n o t hi* contract. 1 a N Swhhfcr Shew -«• e Starter aad Generatw O Teilw al a Ofllclai Stott* laapecken THE COLONIAL OAK Burton D. PEARL Stattan M'l'l.l \N» I .\M> I I KM n K1 ( 1 rui PACKAGE STORE i;i'‘ M\l\ vI'KI I I I'llO'^I ^ll '< MORIARrY'S' DONALO A. KN OFLA.'F^ttM 888 TOIXAND TPKE., BfANOHBCmBR FRIGIDAIRE HEADQUARTERS f i m t o A SEkVICE OIXJCnDRV SERVICE—set 8-S5TI » SALES and SERVICE SINCE 1926 MANCHESTER. JOONN,, SATURDAY. JXJNE 1$, Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d ,

p r o g r a m [ i p i n m The Beisl MoCw'a ,, - M TkeatM “The—■ Perfect Perfect Swine. Swine." I S S F«lUl $snJ nlsns backfire rrhsn he ■ tn^ m *f. M b Ib Oa rw a 4 * •The Lelter". Bette baTle. Herb­ lim in g tn a ert MerehiJl. „ contMt and a bet with Ms frtend. „ .fc, AI, ». n C an ad ian Mountlee re Atomic ki'-ssa^snsa „ a SPECIAL! I aad Bwabby IWtr « Kmttjr PiM P mmUBC TiM yMericftt:: sas'K-wr-H-HTWalch^'TO^ O^s^toM •’**?% ?JlrW euo. 'JohnUmd S ! ^ a M T te a " {■la thrown inioInto ».A cW U c sUlo jj^ .je Board P'eet Carleea FUjIieae* . M Shen Peter fMls In sapijs: j Bednr uhI Hlf Friba^a M young lady who srorks at the locpi ItM Clatcli tern ^ Oottaca Ora4a, B««a« W «« V iil**" and Cl«n*tr*’\ PMl I—, WhlU Haoter " KS'^PewetPs Baaa Orey Theater Kitai Dried Waatem Plaa Latgti- aau d e Rain# ■ Meekteberry H eu d ■ S ” « Oaaj'&sbMl P **Thla Man Must IMs**. 6”gT’ Wldtha—BBBdoBif • ;W ^M hN !^M ow c' * Bf r t e • iSl'Duryes. A man Maalraat ^ a frontier prison on the era m ni« lAWgllW h ^ n g . In order to seek the m e I * 5 J ^ b»i ot Ce m Maws M. td S iM eil. hl*MStrThe unfrien SsiSsisi:"nrN SSth’ -S u W ???. .mc_ee: .paas Shew M.J5J Waat Boad-^tol^te 88 p ^ iN iu * Ma''Poiir Berjei; Wtty CartWe (Color) Ernie fTnds out flrst^im i Tom Poston. 1)ob Ameche and a ^ the teenage™ of todW Tel T« 5-8*18 Kueata. frort Dwhyno ■ afn is^ EawMW Ov Jt The FUtasmaa •• •Tb^ Many l-ov^» of Xk>bi« G*nw. £F*» •* OaaaMiaaMM Michael Ansara ,at»a . Gaa tloa oC Coura«e."^A ^ T l«

FRIDAY Television p r o g r a m t n c K , O t P o r M U M n e e u e t k l l T Z W recreaUng tbs cap^s and fatal Momw/mtitr tv •tW Early B M ^ shooting of thsm fam of“ ^ law- "Rock Island Meek- 17412 S-u P ’* ®a' Faith . breaker b y the F B I. RMph . s'.JS Sgrlesltare Oa Parade Tucker ^ er sta™ tn... _ the______role of— Dill- lUnger. Fsday .....Carleea Flay se mm Stere Hill portrays Mrijda A fuarBnteed 8-y,«»T 1-m Serenity ef the Air Purrts. who was In chsrge M the m men when they caught up income, which may reach a YF®** t Iu *• Ss?» O '* with Dlllhirer total of 88,600.000, wiU come to J b w Mysisry 'rte^r g the produeerg, aetpra, dlrectara, 1-.H RF d Me. S • ;W Masaaerade Party R. 9* kll <:MKfrwslhsr. Mews aad BpsHs (Color) Bert Porks Is emcee. writera, ate., wMO^ have been pat- &MaktaM / Deoay _ t - i i • ;W Wkite Baalar Panelists are Fky* ticipante In the “Father Knows s‘.H&»Mata ^ Audrey Meadows. Bom Leyenson Beat" aeriea...An acUon-a^w^ • iM .FesUtre Almaaae and liOe Bosnpan. ^Caesar Cleopatra” Oabbeasa The Peadolam g ture aeriaa, “Silent InveatlEato^- 9 s le n 1/clgh.» Claude ieep a. 14:W Tke TwIUgM Jess 1. g to be made in cooperation intH Slag D ew ■eheelSeh • :W Bpwteeepa Casalesde Of Swita »•. g • :U M aw s _ •. n . Doug Jones vs Bobo Olson,, 10 the Poet Offloa DepartmenL *• aapeiMl Bssm • :H Sports Caasera IS;—whey The M rounds llghthesvywelghto. planned by 20th-Fnx T V ...R i^ .The MIsi Moete Hale I Bebert Tsylsr la Tbs DetoeBvm ard Lonf, recently of the now do- flm aaae VM _ * !:M Ltoae; •The•Tlie Streger,Streger Affslr".Affair". . Jean fiinct "Bourbon Street Beat” pro- Hagen, guest. Cent Holbrook and rted deaa Address fridproini". Paal Idikw hla staff probe the , alart W of * .gram, haa been added to the gta*- U;( ' Mews g IMS aad Weather **• g Rromln^nt bualn^pemmn »hot down rlngr lineup of “77 Sunaet Strip.” TV Ptoyhease g I thi library*“ of his home,. T :U '^ a g lB s Edwards, Mews v-g Farta Prectart . . U M iht". carols Lom- I4:M Btafii Saddle _ ^ Brian Ahemd „ Starring Peler Breck and Rumell U;n I “Ancient Art. Modem Msgle” Johnson. "The Apprentice.'' ChU- 9 a ihis Oa ■ Mssrs ' , . , “ hsne tanirtes with the gunftgMer Perfsnaaaea 1:Mt ammvwmsmvRawhide _ . ^ > ^ Yr Djck Powell Starring Richard who la u ^ t him to i«e the sl*- 11 .to B ay year Haaoh 'jWemlngJFTrniinB InHi “Incident A»tA-swmssa waof »s»^the_Ro- dun[un when ,11.-the .W11.7.latler_ »arrives .... In ".?he Is BtgM man Candles". Favor and Tntea town(own anda ■ refuses to leave. II-IS {.Lera Lacy finds a young boy tmvellng »l0“? Peresn To Person I. 4g " Coscentratlsn . In the desert c a r r i ^ a supMy su Star Spolliihl ^M raiiisiiMsu December Bride of Roman______candles._____ s^ e_ n____ theyey ala- g i m s u i Amdeny - Flaykease cover that the lad Is Irtng ahwt "The Night Visitor". .Arthur Ken­ 11.■* ^uni having been orphaned by an In­ nedy . ^ *• 0» Idle dianMSM.. massacre,JimBOtttii c. ag* scout Isam _ai: w«w 14:46 Sporttlghjs — HARTFORD ROAD wsth #r Coasequeaces Signed to take him home and It ... Sports Camerp - _ . * 1 . .j. Fhe BesUess Oaa Is then that he learns that the 11:4# News. Weather B 5p»t**| j' ^ •" Seatrh For Tomerrew iad”is"rei5i,v trying "to save his ENTERPRISES, IMS. >1 Could Bh Tea father from threeree slayers,— , ----- !*•»« SS’ e Fhat Bob .. Cimarron City— **. >• News’ aiid Weathef to Autborlud International :;** W oaM lag WgM George Montgomery sUrs. I. the Truck Dealer ‘ ■a* M* Little MArgle • “ ''‘ ^neria' .^Tther Williams. Akim People" with guest Fred Ma^ Tamlroff „ Salea, Service and Parta Ahokt Faces Murar. A friendly stranger fools Jack ra a r Show to At Heme With KHty the community long enough to World's Best Movies - 4 *70 Hartford ■dad ^ sls MaUaes seiese power and Initiate a reign "Command D^lslon'. Mancheater, pbaal 1 .M -Winner 'Take All . -■ of terror. .‘ •*0 ^ Tke Wsrtd Tarns WaltV Disney PrtKieaUw .wwiv^aaw 8.we « Gable. Van Johnson. "The Penal­ Phone: M ltch^ 8-2488 '* 'flfntHn*i" fPi ty ". Edward Arnold. Lionel Barry­ „l)k.D4 Voo Trasit 'Rdbber Statlhm" (Pkrt I) sham­ more ^ Q i n V I ^ ■ftews inKing .Tom. lUlll Tri^qn. Aiywii. ^qn ^ssvss Jq^ 1 ... Faith For Today daughter is In New Mexico b w - 11:1# Feature 44 •• At Home With Kitty ing cattle, he meete a young vlm- 11:44 Jack P»?» EXPERT F«r Better er Worse tor from Kentucky who succeeds 11:64 News B Wealfcor » 9keea For A Day In Joining John on a rnustimg 1:44 News •• IW'S *.to 5 * r la Cearf roundup. 6:44 Mows , ■ MECHANICS Rouse Party IN TV Theater 8,:to Helel■••dW De 8fO Pares »-»rww __ •w T P K E . ^eretta Yaaw Tl Starring Earl Holliman. *=•• W»e* Who Believed In Law The citl- •ter m sens of Oeorfetown hire a law- COMPim TRUCK | 8 « > W man \o put an end to i . crime Ole wave. ^ Rickey 8 WfiatMf^ ISo aM CAR REPAIRS *'**' Dsaaeetlcat y.osocHoui BaadalaadI The Man From Blacktewk „4,-> Ike Veidict I Starring Robert Rockwell. "0 , Advsalar# Tima Ricky to tighta and flyinj through W iry PondB ta • ■^iFolrtSTn White' the air.) YOUR ONE STOP ^ty?” !• thte M»al. Florence Rico gSSSu.”^KooUe'a' friend, ta iHjjF Probably, Rick’s aga taiiB Fspeye Theater .first Shew — _ ducted by a will think no lew of for being IpondBwUleoa- B ew ett, acter, Kookleroeja help_^m to- SERVICEHrER l y Ridden Guns , Bruce roitlgatora Btu BaUey and Jeff 30 yeiuB old. brtofly to Rb£ard Arleh _ ■nw Btudioa and recording com- a Oomplato Braka ftorvida with . M Mountles va Atomic »^!tager:“!g^\*d^^T£"pk.graA^PAnl« A Yeito Ta Kill hope hot a Starter and CtonM«tor overhaul 'apd iwhbby Ibew a OOleUa B tata iBapeettan Statten THE c o l o n ia l OAK Button Do PEARL 1 rl'l I \N ( 1 .V M> 11 l; ' I 1 ' •>' I 1 ..N 1 U1 MORI ARTY'S S^CjUGE^Tf^E (,i'i M \IN >ri:' ' ' - I'l'O''' ''ll ■' FRlGrlDAlRE HEADQUARTERS AYm e A SERVICE 88* SALES and SERVICE SINCE 1926 ^KKncK‘->a‘t-w n - •