Portland Daily Press: February 19,1884
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 21. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 19, 1884. SHKSittfig&S! PRICE THREE CENTS. SPECIAI, NOTICES. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THE FLOODS. FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. FOREIGN. SOUTHERN OUTRAGES. Mr. Reed in Philadelphia. in Wall street is in the centre o( 2,000.000 ot and that acre in Montana is in the Published every day (Sundays excepted) bv the people, of of Do not see PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, SENATE. Hu Forcible Speech on the Tariff Ques- ceutre nothing, nobody. yon ; The tion. that the more we people this country the At 97 Exchange Portland, Me. Cases of Destitution 18. Latest News from the Seat of Investigating the Mississippi and St., Reported Washington, Feb. more the vast source of our wealth aggregates? In tbe Senate Mr. Wilson Terms: Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- today presented War. Virginia Massacres. last r.ook over the last census and see if what I say Eight Along the Ohio. two sets of credentials of Allison, In Philadelphia Thursday evening there ers, Seven Dollars a if in advance. William B. is not true. Year, paid j ——. of Senator-elect from Iowa. Mr. ex- was a great meeting called by the business Rates of Advertising: One inch space, the Wilspo Now, then, having that to sell, we have length of column, constitutes a “square.” plained that two sets were owing men of the to consider the relations of Aid for the presented A Threatened A Virginian Who Would Not Take An city adopted the system which brings people here. $1.50 per square, daily first week: 76 cent* pei Sufferer* Being Constantly to the fact that two elections had been held. Night Attack Upon Sua- to to the What is the result? A vast of week three insertions or continu- Apology from a Negro—How iTleu Were their municipal election, occur today, empire 55,000,- afte*9 less, $1.00, Forwarded-Tbe Hirer at Two elections had been deemed necessary 000 of other after first 60 cents. Receding kim. in people in it, and with a possibility of ing every day week, owing to a doubt arisiog under the act of 1866 Ruthlessly Butchered in Copiah County, general questions at isuue between parties Half three insertions or less, 76 cents; one Some Point*. 250,000,000, with the gteateet future that any square, for the election of United States Mississippi. this Mr. Randall had visited week, $1.00; $60 cents per week after. providing country. lately n ition ever had in the world. And the system Senators. One election was held on the sec- Special Notices, one-third additional. Report that Rebels Have Philadelphia and made a speech, exhorting on which we have grown from small things, Uuder head of “Amusements” and “Auctios Cincinnati, Feb. 18.—Tbe steamer General ond Tuesday after the temporary organization Captured from to Washington, Feb. 18, -The of Democrats to the Democratic candi- contempt great things, and the respect Gingham Sales,” $2.< *0 per square per week; three insertion! Pike, with government soppliet, went down of the legislature aud the other on the second investigation support Tokar. of mankind, these men purpose to or less, $1.60. tbe river Irom heie and landed at after the the Danville election riots was resumed this dates tor that if the Dem- Slug away yesterday, Tuesday regular organization. city officers, urging like a used orange. Troutmans, Ohio, Anderson’s Ferry, StriDg- Ou motion of Mr. Garland the credentials THE MAINE STATE PRESS. morning. ocrats carried the city election it wonld pat THE PHILADELPHIA ELECTION. town and Tayloraport, Ky. It distributed were referred to the committee on Published privileges Deplorable Condition of House Lawson, the colored man, whose in the list of donbtfnl States in every Thursday Mornlng, at $2.60 a about equally In these four towns 5700 Bhort and elections. Captive Mis- Pennsylvania Bnt perhaps you will say what has this to do If in a with Charles D. year: paid advance, $2.00 year. ratious to 570 persons. From teu to fifteen The chair laid before the Senate tbe pream- quarrel Noel preceded the riot the national campaign. The business men with a Philadelphia election? Why, I am go- Advertisements inserted in the “Mains Stath sionaries. houses were washed in each The ble and of was the first witness. He is a small man to tell This is a world where we can- Press has a away place. joint resolution of the legislature who with the attitude of ing yon. (which large circulation in every part about and distrust, good reason, of the for for destitution is very great. Many of the suf- Ohio relating to tbe exclusion of American weighing probably fifty pouods less, not have oar own way. There have been State) $1.00 per square first insertion the Democratic on ferers are barefooted and otherwise from reso- standing about six inchts shorter than bis as- party questions affecting rimes when I have not been able to have mine. and 60 oents per square for eaoh subsequent inser- scantily pork Germany and France. (The An to Attempt Assassinate King Humbert. sailant Noel, He said be met tion. clad. Instances are numerous of,five families lution recommends Congress to establish gov- Noel for tbe national prosperity,thereupon called a meeting (Laughter.) Therefore, » good many men that Address all first time on the third of November. The wit- communications to being housed in one small but on tbe hillside. ernment inspection of all exported meats, and and invited Congressman Reed to be among 1 would have liked to puniBh, are still flourish- This is the first assistance of these if when such been se- ness was getting out of the way of some ladies on the and I to PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. any people inspection shall have the His a more ing earth, expect go down to Suakim, Feb. 18.—A leader of tribes and ran Noel. speakers. remarks have than have received since the flood began. cured these American products shall still be friendly against my grave leaving them here. A good many reports that when Osman receives the The witness local and we his More than half of Amsterdam is under wa- excluded from foreigu countries then that Digma said, “Excase me, Sir.” interest, reprodace Interesting times when I wanted to punish them there New in MAINE. ter. Leavenworth ia gnns recently captnred from Baker Pasha he Noel “You damned what do and Stripes Westbrook Ging- completely submerged Congress shall piss such legislation retaliatory will attack replied, nigger, cogent speech in foil from the report in the was some obstacle in the way; I was going to and honseB Suakim. A frieadly Arab warns mean me?” many have floated away; 900 per- or otherwise as tn^y seem best adapted to the you by running against Press. hurt something that I cared more for than I The Italian of garrison here to prepare for a Davis one of Philadelphia hams 9 1-2 murderers—Opening the sons are in distress. One hundred destitute to American meat the relief night attack. Lewellyn, the witnesses’ com- did to do that Life is a source cents. bring producers have a A thing. perpetual Spies brought letter from the com in an- “Go came series of ringing cheers, Trial in Bangor. people were found at Derby and supplied which they ueed. panions, said, on, Noel,” and they long-continned, of disappointments. You never can do what der at Tokar, saying that the rebel blows and knocked and Bangor, Feb. 18.—The trial of Carmen San- with rations. Found cne-hundred families in The Senate at. 2 o’clook resumed considera- gnns kill to Lewellyn Noel into the mingled with hand-clappiDg, greeted the vou would like to do. You have always to do New Plaids in Westbrook some of the garrison He asks tbat twice. The Ging- nerd of aid at them. tion of the bill aud Mr. Pugb ad- daily. two gutter witness met Noel in a bag- rotund face and tall of the best can do. this the Italian indicted Stephensport,and supplied currency men of war figure Congressman thing you Now, year tore, for complicity in the be sent to Trinkitat to make a de- the same Noel back. Tohiasportis a complete wreck; three fourths dressed tbe Senate in favor of the Plumb gy day. kept looking Reed of your municipal election—about the local char- 8 1-2 and murder of Pascal monstration in his support until The witness said to Maine, as he rose to define the rela- hams 9 1-2 cents. Cosie, otherwise called of Hawesvi lie is under water aud 500 persons amendment. troops arrive. Lewellyn, “Better look acter of which I know absolutely nothing—is The rebels have snmmoDed the Tokar out for he attack tions of this to the CharleB at Brewer, on the 7th of last are in distress and need supplies. Maxville Mr. Pugb said that if Mr. Plumb’s amend- garrison him, may you.” municipal fight presidential complicated by the fact that this is a presiden- Pasquin. to surrender, that if do 6 cases New and has been and most of tbe ment failed he would vets for tne bill of the promising they so their A few minutes later Noel having left his b tttle. Mr. Reed was tial and this is the last time can talk Stripes Plaids in September, opened in the Supreme Judicial entirely swept away lives will be constantly interrupted year, you are now at Tell committee as a The spared.