『 设在传统的中式客栈,却拥有着现代的气息。乐天集团所推出的 乐天客栈,提供着休闲的环境。

经典中菜和滋补传统炖汤为主食,如果再加上传统甜品和精选 水果冻茶能让您的一餐画上甜蜜的句号。

快登上这经典中式佳肴的旅途吧。 』

『 Set in a traditional Chinese inn infused with modern influences, Paradise Inn provides an ambience of yesteryear for this casual dining concept by Paradise Group.

Offering classic Chinese cuisine and nourishing traditional double-boiled soups as the main stay, a dessert and tea house concept offering traditional desserts and herb/floral/fruit infused-teas is introduced to complement each meal.

Embark on a journey into the heritage of classic Chinese cuisine. 』 『Floral & Herb-infused Hot Tea』 香香 『Floral & Herb-infused Hot Tea』 浓浓 品尝精心调制的香浓花茶,让您不止心旷神怡, 还可调理身体。 Light and refreshing, indulge in our range of floral hot 花花 teas with healing properties to relax your mind and for better health. Choose from lily flower, lavender, rosemary or osmanthus, accompanied with dried 茶茶 longans and chrysanthemum, for a rejuvenating sip.

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. 011 百合花,勿忘我,龙眼,菊花 Lily Flower, Forget Me Not, Dried Longan & Chrysanthemum 功效 : 养颜, 解热, 润肺止咳. Benefits : Nourishes lungs, relieves cough, detoxifies the body and has beauty enhancing properties. RM 7.50 每位 per person

012 熏衣草,迷迭香,龙眼,菊花 Lavender, Rosemary, Dried Longan & Chrysanthemum 功效 : 清热, 补气养血, 清嗓润喉. Benefits : Detoxifies the body, rejuvenates the mind, nourishes blood and moistens throat. RM 7.50 每位 per person

013 勿忘我,玫瑰花,龙眼,菊花 Forget Me Not, Rose, Dried Longan & Chrysanthemum 功效 : 美白排毒, 降血脂, 宁心安神. Benefits : A good detox agent, lowers blood pressure and has calming effects. RM 7.50 每位 per person

014 茉莉花,桂花,龙眼,菊花 Jasmine, Osmanthus, Dried Longan & Chrysanthemum 功效 : 补益心脾, 明目益精. Benefits : Nourishes heart and spleen, strengthens eyesight and improves immune system. RM 7.50 每位 per person

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 水 『Fruit-infused Iced Tea』 果 冻 茶

101 102 玫瑰与香草兰冻茶 荔枝与薄荷冻茶 Rosy Vanilla Lychee Mojito RM 8.90 每杯 per glass RM 8.90 每杯 per glass

103 104 105 草莓与黑莓冻茶 香茅与百香果冻茶 苹果与黄瓜冻茶 Very Berries Lemongrass and Passionfruit Green Apple-Cucumber RM 8.90 每杯 per glass RM 8.90 每杯 per glass RM 8.90 每杯 per glass

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. 106

『Beverages』 中国茶 (普洱/铁观音/香片/菊花) 最少2位起 饮 Chinese Tea (Pu Er/ Tie Guanyin/Jasmine/Chrysanthemum) Minimum 2 pax RM 3.00 每位 per person

品 107 极品冻顶乌龙茶 最少2位起 Premium Oolong Tea Minimum 2 pax RM 4.00 每位 per person

108 114 可乐 自制薏米水 (热/冷) Coke Homemade Barley (Hot/Cold) RM 5.50 每杯 per glass RM 4.50 每杯 per glass

109 115 雪碧 自制消暑凉茶 Sprite Homemade Herbal Tea RM 5.50 每杯 per glass RM 5.00 每杯 per glass

110 116 低糖可乐 西瓜汁 Coke Light Watermelon Juice RM 6.00 每杯 per glass RM 7.90 每杯 per glass

111 117 矿泉水 橙汁 Mineral Water (600ml) Orange Juice RM 3.50 每瓶 per bottle RM 7.90 每杯 per glass

112 118 啤酒 清水(温/冷) Tiger Filtered Water (Warm/Cold) RM 13.00 每瓶 per bottle RM 1.00 每位 per person

113 啤酒 Heineken RM 18.00 每瓶 per bottle

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 传传 每盅炖汤都对身体有着不同的益处,供您选择。使用正宗的食材与 适当的火候,让食材的精华渗入汤中,在您喝汤的同时强身健体。 Double-boiled Soup』 『Traditional Double-boiled Soup』 『Traditional With different health enhancing benefits, take your pick from our selection of double-boiled soups. Each pot contains authentic 统统 ingredients and is double-boiled for long hours to retain the goodness of ingredients in the soup. It is recommended to drink 炖炖 soup daily for better health. 汤汤

201 个人每日炖汤 Traditional Double-Boiled Soup of the day RM 12.90 每人 per person

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. 一盅供2至4人享用 Serves 2-4 persons per pot 十全大补汤 202 Double-boiled Paradise Herbal Soup 食材 :党参、当归、熟地、白术、茯苓、川芎、甘草、北芪、黑枣、桂皮 、 排骨、赤肉、老鸡 、鸡脚 Ingredients : Codonopsis Root, Chinese Angelica, Rehmannia, Atractylodes macrocephaia, Hoelen, Ligusticum, Licorice, Astragalus, black dates, Chinese cinnamon, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet 功效 :活血强身, 提神补气 Functions : Improves blood circulation, strengthens immune system and refreshes the mind RM 45.90 每盅 per pot

203 鲜人参炖乌鸡汤 Double-boiled Black Chicken with Ginseng Soup 食材 :黑鸡、人参、泡参、排骨、赤肉、老鸡、鸡脚 Ingredients : Black chicken, ginseng, American ginseng, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet 功效 :清燥, 润肺, 益气生津 Functions : Nourishes lungs, improves blood circulation and rejuvenates the body RM 43.90 每盅 per pot

海底椰炖鹌鹑汤 204 Double-boiled Quail with Sea Coconut Soup 食材 :海底椰、鹌鹑、川贝、排骨、赤肉、老鸡、鸡脚 Ingredients : Sea coconut, quail, fritillaries, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet 功效 :安神益血, 滋阴补肾 Functions : Calms the mind, improves blood circulation and improves kidney functions RM 39.90 每盅 per pot

苹果炖生鱼汤 205 Double-boiled Water Goby with Fresh Apple Soup 食材 :红苹果、生鱼、排骨、赤肉、老鸡、鸡脚、南北杏 Ingredients : Red apple, water goby, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet, sweet and bitter apricot kernels 功效 : 益气生精, 清燥润肺 Functions : Re-energises the mind, improves breathing and nourishes lungs RM 42.90 每盅 per pot

206 干贝菜胆炖竹笙汤 Double-boiled Bamboo Fungus with Dried Conpoy Soup 食材 :干贝、竹笙、菜胆、排骨、赤肉、老鸡、鸡脚 Ingredients : Dried conpoy, bamboo fungus, baby cabbage, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet 功效 : 降压强心,排毒养颜 Functions : Lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart and detoxifies the body RM 43.90 每盅 per pot

207 金瓜蚝士炖排骨汤 Double-boiled Spare Ribs with Pumpkin and Dried Oysters Soup 食材 :蚝士、金瓜、排骨、赤肉、老鸡、鸡脚 Ingredients : Dried oysters, pumpkin, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet 功效 : 清热化痰, 凉血解毒 Functions : Clears phlegm and detoxifies the body RM 39.90 每盅 per pot

田七泡参炖排骨汤 208 Double-boiled Spare Ribs with Notoginseng and American Ginseng Soup 食材 :田七、泡参、牛蒡、排骨、赤肉、老鸡、鸡脚 Ingredients : notoginseng, American ginseng, burdock fruit, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet 功效 :滋阴补气、降低胆固醇、强身健体 Functions : Improves breathing, lowers cholesterol and improves immune system RM 39.90 每盅 per pot

209 虫草淮山炖瘦肉汤 Double-boiled Lean Meat with Cordyceps Flower and Chinese Yam Soup 食材 :虫草花、枸杞、淮山、排骨、赤肉、老鸡、鸡脚 Ingredients : Cordyceps flower, wolfberries, Chinese yam, spare ribs, lean meat, chicken, chicken feet 功效 :调补肝肾, 益精养血壮阳 Functions : Nourishes liver and kidney, improves immune system and improves blood circulation RM 39.90 每盅 per pot 上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 招牌扣肉包 Stewed Pork Belly served with Lotus Bun

经过长时间的烹煮,乐天客栈的招牌扣肉不止柔软 爽口,更富有我们自制酱的味道。我们强力推荐将 美味可口的扣肉夹在包中,让您吃了赞不绝口。 Simmered for hours, the pork belly is tender with the right amount of fats, and bursting with flavours of our homemade sauce. Each slice of pork belly is served with lotus bun as the recommended eating style.

RM 4.90 每片 per piece | RM 14.70 三片 3 piece

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. 冷 『Appetiser』 盘 小 吃

302 303 蒜香日本青瓜 凉拌云耳 Chilled Japanese Cucumber Chilled Black Fungus with Garlic Vinaigrette with Peppercorn Vinaigrette RM 12.90 每份 per portion RM 13.90 每份 per portion

304 葱油爽脆海蜇 Marinated Jellyfish with Scallion Vinaigrette RM 13.90 每份 per portion

305 306 酸姜皮蛋 泰式脆皮豆腐 Chilled Century Egg with Pickled Ginger Thai Style Crisp-fried Tofu RM 13.90 每份 per portion RM 11.90 每份 per portion

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 307 自制酱脆炸鱼皮 Crisp-fried Fish Skin with Homemade Sauce 炸得酥脆的鱼皮,肯定是您聊天聚会的最佳良伴。这道开胃小菜, 保证让您一吃便停不下来。更奉上自制酱供您点沾着调味。 Thinly-sliced and fried to extreme crisp, this is the ideal snack to munch on during get-together. Light and appetising, you might not be able to stop once you start on your first piece. Served with homemade chilli sauce for those who like it mildly spicy.

RM 12.90 每份 per portion

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 冷 『Appetiser』 盘 小 吃 308 茶叶熏鸭片 Sliced Tea-smoked Duck RM 13.90 每份 per portion

309 310 椒盐香酥鲜淮山 肉松脆茄子 Crisp-fried Chinese Yam with Salt and Pepper Crisp-fried Eggplant tossed with Pork Floss RM 13.90 每份 per portion RM 13.90 每份 per portion

311 312 脆香虾枣 (6粒) 沙律香脆鸡软骨 Crisp-fried Teochew Prawn Roll (6pcs) Crisp-fried Chicken Cartilage with Salad Sauce RM 13.90 每份 per portion RM 13.90 每份 per portion 上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 401 菜香铁板豆腐 Hot Plate Tofu with Preserved ‘Cai Xin’and Minced Pork 外脆内软的铁板豆腐鸡蛋,淋上香喷喷的菜心肉 碎特制酱,配上白饭最可口,让您吃得开胃。 For tofu lovers, this dish features tofu that is crispy on the outside, but soft and hot on the inside. Served on a hot plate with a layer of egg at the bottom and generously topped with our homemade‘cai xin’ and minced pork sauce, this is a dish that goes perfectly well with fragrant white rice.

RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 豆 『Tofu & Egg』 腐 蛋

402 403 回锅肉豆腐 聚宝红烧豆腐 Sauteed Pork Belly Braised Tofu with Seafood and with Tofu in Claypot Pork Floss in Mini Wok RM 25.90(S) RM 37.90(M) RM 49.90(L) RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L)

404 405 麻婆豆腐 阿婆番茄炒蛋 Ma Po Tofu Grandma’s Scrambled Egg with Tomato RM 16.90(S) RM 24.90(M) RM 32.90(L) RM 14.90 每份 per portion

406 407 408 阿婆苦瓜炒蛋 阿婆菜圃煎蛋 阿婆长豆煎蛋 Grandma’s Scrambled Egg Grandma’s Pan-fried Egg Grandma’s Pan-fried Egg with Bitter Gourd with Preserved Turnip with Long Beans RM 14.90 每份 per portion RM 10.90 每份 per portion RM 11.90 每份 per portion

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 501 冬菇云耳蒸滑鸡 Steamed Chicken with Dried Mushrooms and Black Fungus 美味多汁的滑鸡块搭配有嚼劲的冬菇云耳, 加上特制调味料,绝对是色香味具全的佳肴。 Tender cuts of chicken that are steamed with mushrooms and black fungus in a special sauce, savour this dish of heavenly smell and satisfy your tastebuds. RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 肉 『Meat & Poultry』 类

502 503 盐酥棒棒鸡 姜芽棒棒鸡 Crispy‘Bang Bang‘ Chicken Crispy‘Bang Bang‘ Chicken with Special Marination with Honey and Young Ginger RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L) RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L)

504 505 生沙姜蒸走地鸡 盐 手撕鸡 Steamed Chicken with Sand Ginger Salt-baked Hand-shredded Chicken RM 20.90(S) RM 30.50(M) RM 40.90(L) RM 18.90 每份 per portion

506 507 砂煲金香鸡 脆皮虾酱鸡 Chicken with Fragrant Spices in Claypot Crisp-fried Shrimp Paste Chicken RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L) RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L) 上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 508 泰式炭烧猪颈肉 Thai Style Charbroiled Pork Collar 猪颈肉富有极佳的口感与味道。炭烧方式强调了肥美 多汁的猪颈肉既可直接享用,亦可配上泰式酱调味。 Well-muscled with a good mix of fats and lean meat, pork collar is a flavourful cut of meat that doesn’t dry out after cooking. Juicy and charbroiled with Thai sauce to perfection, this succulent dish is heavenly on its own. For a more flavourful experience, try it with our Thai chilli sauce. RM 23.90 每份 per portion

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 肉 『Meat & Poultry』 类

509 特制菠萝咕噜肉 Sweet and Sour Pork with Pineapple RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L)

510 511 咖啡排骨王 京都排骨王 Coffee Pork Ribs Imperial Pork Ribs RM 20.90(S) RM 30.50(M) RM 40.90(L) RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L)

512 513 手剁咸鱼马蹄蒸肉饼 手剁马蹄咸蛋蒸肉饼 Steamed Minced Pork with Salted Fish Steamed Minced Pork with Water Chestnut and Water Chestnut and Salted Egg Yolk RM 18.90 每份 per portion RM 18.90 每份 per portion 上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 514 甜豆格格肥牛 Stir-fried Marbled Beef with Sweet Peas in Pepper Sauce 肥牛肉的口感与多汁的特点让它成为中式餐馆不可缺少的 美味主角,加上甜豆一起翻炒,您绝对不可错过。 Marbled beef contains thin threads of fat running through the meat, hence the name. Juicy, tender and flavourful, perfectly-sliced marbled beef are stir-fried with sweet peas for a tantalising experience for your taste buds. RM 32.90(S) RM 49.90(M) RM 65.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 肉 『Meat & Poultry』 类

515 烧汁松菇炒肥牛 Stir-fried Marbled Beef with Pine Mushrooms in Teriyaki Sauce RM 32.90(S) RM 49.90(M) RM 65.90(L)

516 香煎排骨炒芥兰 Pan-fried Pork Ribs with Kai Lan RM 25.00(S) RM 37.50(M) RM 50.00(L)

517 518 蒜香蒸排骨 蒜茸脆瓜炒猪颈肉 Steamed Pork Ribs with Garlic Stir-fried Pork Collar with Cucumber RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L) RM 25.90(S) RM 38.90(M) RM 50.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 师父蒸松鱼头 Steamed‘Song’ Fish Head with Homemade Garlic Chilli 师傅用乐天独特的酱料,配上蒜茸与姜粒,使您可以从这道菜中 品尝到不一样的口感与味道。 Loads of garlic and ginger are used in this dish, accompanied with a unique Paradise Inn sauce. Relish the delicate texture and exceptional taste of the fish head.

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 海 『Seafood』 鲜

601.1 601.2 601.3 601.4 601.5 松鱼头 鳕鱼 鲳鱼 八丁鱼 石斑鱼 ‘Song’ Fish Head Cod Fish Pomfret Fish Patin Fish Grouper Fish RM 36.90 RM 49.90 RM 139.90 RM 89.90 RM 89.90 每份 per portion 每份 per portion 每份 per portion 每份 per portion 每份 per portion (approx 1kg) (approx 250gm) (approx 800gm) (approx 1kg) (approx 1kg)

烹调方式 Cooking Style A B C D E 师父蒸 (乐天独特酱料) 清蒸辣豆酱 清蒸豉油豆腐 潮州蒸 油浸/糖醋五柳 Steamed with Steamed with Steamed with Teochew Style Deep Fried with Homemade Garlic Chilli Spicy Bean Sauce Supreme Soya Sauce Supreme Soya Sauce/ Sauce Sweet & Sour Sauce

602 603 砂煲京葱爆海参 砂煲冬菇扣海参 Sauteed Sea Cucumber Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion in Claypot with Dried Mushrooms in Claypot RM 52.90 每份 per portion RM 52.90 每份 per portion

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 海 『Seafood』 鲜

604 605 金针云耳蒸班球 豆豉炒班球 Steamed Fillet of Grouper Sauteed Fillet of Grouper with Orange Day-lily and Black Fungus in Black Bean Sauce RM 32.90(S) RM 49.90(M) RM 65.90(L) RM 32.90(S) RM 49.90(M) RM 65.90(L)

606 607 南乳炸鱼柳 酥脆鲮鱼肉松豆卜 Crisp-fried Fish Fillet Crispy Stuffed Dace Paste Dried Tofu with Preserved Bean Paste with Pork Floss RM 13.90(S) RM 20.90(M) RM 27.90(L) RM 26.90(S) RM 39.90(M) RM 53.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 海 『Seafood』 鲜

608 609 黄金咸蛋虾球 西兰花油泡虾球 Crisp-fried Crystal Prawns Sauteed Crystal Prawns with Salted Egg Yolk with Broccoli RM 29.90(S) RM 44.90(M) RM 59.90(L) RM 32.90(S) RM 49.90(M) RM 65.90(L)

610 611 肉松虾球 青芥末虾球 Crisp-fried Crystal Prawns tossed Crisp-fried Crystal Prawns with Pork Floss in Wasabi Mayo Sauce RM 29.90(S) RM 44.90(M) RM 59.90(L) RM 29.90(S) RM 44.90(M) RM 59.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 701 金银蛋浸苋菜 Poached Chinese Spinach with Egg Trio and Minced Pork in Superior Stock 既爽口又柔软的苋菜,绝对是不分老少的最爱。加上 咸蛋、皮蛋、鸡蛋,再用肉碎与高汤烹煮,成为您不 可抗拒的一道菜。 A dish of Chinese spinach cooked to perfection with 3 types of egg - salted egg, century egg and egg. Accompanied by minced pork and simmered in superior stock, this is an all-time favourite amongst young and old. RM 18.00(S) RM 27.00(M) RM 36.00(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 菜 『Vegetables』 类

702 703 渔香茄子煲 砂煲虾酱油麦菜炒猪颈肉 Stewed Eggplant with Minced and Salted Fish Sauteed Australian Lettuce and Pork Collar in Claypot with Shrimp Paste in Claypot RM 18.00(S) RM 27.00(M) RM 36.00(L) RM 23.00(S) RM 34.50(M) RM 46.00(L)

704 705 菜圃虾米炒四季豆 乡下佬炒银芽 Sauteed French Beans Sauteed Bean Sprouts with Dried Shrimps and Preserved Turnip with Vermicelli and Salted Fish RM 18.00(S) RM 27.00(M) RM 36.00(L) RM 16.90(S) RM 24.90(M) RM 32.90(L) 上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 706 蒜茸鸡腿菇炒甜豆 Sauteed Drumstick Mushrooms with Sweet Peas 爽脆而滑香的甜豆,配上富有嚼劲的鸡腿菇,用蒜粒翻炒。 这完美的组合保证让您咬得爽口、吃得满意。 Stir-fried with garlic, this dish is a good mix of crunch and flavours. Specially designed, savour the light sweetness of sweet peas and springy mushrooms with chicken-like texture with every bite. RM 23.90(S) RM 35.90(M) RM 47.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 菜 『Vegetables』 类

707 马来风光 Sambal Kang Kong RM 15.00(S) RM 22.00(M) RM 30.00(L)

708 生炒油麦菜 Sauteed Australian Lettuce RM 18.00(S) RM 27.00(M) RM 36.00(L)

709 710 蒜茸炒菠菜 姜汁当归炒芥兰 Stir-fried Spinach with Garlic Sauteed Kai Lan and Angelica Sinensis in Ginger Sauce RM 18.00(S) RM 27.00(M) RM 36.00(L) RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 801 香脆海鲜皇鸳鸯炒饭 Crispy Supreme Seafood Fried Rice 乐天客栈的皇牌鸳鸯炒饭结合了海鲜炒饭及炸得脆脆 的饭粒,自然是与众不同、别有一番风味。 It’s our signature supreme fried rice and more. Rice fried with prawns and scallop bits at the bottom, and topped with crisp-fried rice, this dish offers 2 different experience in a single plate. Enjoy the aroma of fried rice and texture of crisp-fried rice, all in a single mouthful. RM 19.90(S) RM 30.90(M) RM 40.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 饭 『Rice & Noodles』 粉 面

802 猪手焖米粉 Braised Vermicelli with Pork Trotters RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L)

803 804 干炒牛肉河粉 家乡炒面线 Stir-fried Hor Fun with Beef Homemade Style Fried Vermicelli RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L) RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L)

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 饭 『Rice & Noodles』 粉 面

805 806 海鲜什锦福建面/米粉 滑蛋海鲜河粉 Stewed ‘Hokkien’ Noodle/Mee Hoon Braised Hor Fun with Seafood and Scrambled Egg RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L) RM 19.90(S) RM 29.90(M) RM 39.90(L)

807 808 腊味炒饭 粒粒香白米饭 Fried Rice with Chinese Sausages and Mushroom Fragrant White Rice RM 18.90(S) RM 27.90(M) RM 36.90(L) RM 2.00 每碗 per bowl

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. 甜

品 『Dessert』

901 杨枝甘露 (冷) Mango Sago (Chilled) RM 8.50 每碗 per bowl

902 903 冰花炖雪蛤 (温/冷) 酸甘香茅冻 (冷) Double-boiled Hashima Chilled Lemongrass with Red Dates and Jelly with Lemonade Dried Longan (Warm/Chilled) (Chilled) RM 12.50 每碗 per bowl RM 6.90 每碗 per bowl

904 905 906 芒果布丁 (冷) 番薯芋泥 (温) 红豆沙汤圆 (温) Mango Pudding Sweet Taro Paste Rice Dumplings (2pcs) (Chilled) with Sweet Potato (Warm) in Red Bean Paste (Warm) RM 8.50 每碗 per bowl RM 6.90 每碗 per bowl RM 6.90 每碗 per bowl

上述图片只供参考用途。所有价格另加10%服务费及现有消费税. Pictures used are for illustration purposes only. Prices stated are subject to 10% service charge and prevailing government taxes. Creating New Dimensions of Dining Pleasure

Poised as a diners’paradise for Oriental cuisine, the Paradise Group offers gourmet menus of exceptional value in a wide variety of restaurant concepts together with a catering arm.

Promising a sensorial experience with service from the heart, every concept immerses the diner in an atmosphere that captures the finer points of Chinese culture, particularly the finest from its rich array of culinary delights.

True to our mission to improve, enhance and create for our customers’ultimate experiential enjoyment, the Paradise Group marries tradition with innovation - a match that, as they say, is made in heaven.

Our Culinary Concepts

www.paradisefnb.com.my (A subsidiary of Paradise Group Holdings, ) Singapore

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