CHANGE YOUR WORLD ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT COURSES TERTIARY GUIDE 2019 NOTRE A world of opportunities There’s so much on offer beyond the classroom at The University of Notre Dame

lecturers at Notre Dame,” she says. “This meant that through my practicum I could work with high quality profession- als in the field, have access to a range of wonderful learning materials and use the grant to help with textbooks and edu- cational resources for my own learning.” It’s experiences like Ari- anne’s that reflect some of the reasons why The University Arianne of Notre Dame has achieved five-star ratings inThe Good Universities Guide for 13 years in a row, in three categories: Overall Experience, Teaching Quality and Skills Develop- ment. This year Notre Dame strengthened its position by not only retaining all its five- star ratings from 2019, but also picking up an addition- al five-star rating for Student Retention. Our other five-star ratings are in the categories of: Learner Engagement, Student Support, Teaching Quality, Full-Time Employment and Median Graduate Salary. The Good Universities Guide includes ratings on the performance of Australi- an universities using a broad range of indicators, including the Federal Government’s Quality Indicators for Learn- ing and Teaching (QILT), which measure students’ and OPPORTUNITIES TO travel calaureate (IB) pathway, she is national school in Shanghai, Travelling with her lectur- cils and paper,” she says. graduates’ educational experi- the world and teach in top in- gaining the knowledge, skills China.” ers, education students Arianne was a recipient ences and outcomes. ternational schools are already and hands-on experience to Through her studies, Ari- and some medicine students, of the McElhone MacCal- To achieve a five-star rat- on the horizon for third-year teach in international schools anne has gained experience Arianne taught at several dis- lum Leadership Scholarship, ing in any category results School of Education student, anywhere in the world. in teaching both at home and advantaged schools in the dis- awarded by the early child- must fall in the top 20 per Arianne. “Through Notre Dame I abroad – not only has she com- trict of Babati, in the north of hood service, Sydney Day cent across all Australian Arianne is well into her have experienced a range of pleted an Aboriginal immer- the country. “We fundraised Nursery, during her first pro- universities. Bachelor of Primary Education incredible opportunities,” says sion experience in Broome in and brought over English-lan- fessional experience. “I was program, specialising in Early Arianne. “This year, I’m com- WA’s north-west, she has done guage resources and basic extremely fortunate to succeed Childhood Education. And by pleting my professional ex- volunteering in schools on the educational materials such as in gaining this scholarship and For more information, visit taking the International Bac- perience overseas at an inter- savannahs of Tanzania. books, sports equipment, pen- have the support from the notredame.edu.au/sydney

University Chaplaincies...... p13 CONTENT The University of Notre Dame Australia...... p12,14-15 EDUCATION Australian Catholic University (ACU)...... p16 PROVIDERS Catholic Institute of Sydney...... p17 BBI - The Australian Institute of Theological Education...... p18-19

CHANGE Campion College Australia...... p20-21

YOUR WORLD New College...... p22


THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Uni Chaplaincies: seek deeper things

Mr Tony Mattar - University Chaplaincy Co-ordinator - Archdiocese of Sydney PHOTO: SUPPLIED

IF YOU are looking to get more out of your university experience, make plenty of friends and seek the deep- er things, then University Chaplaincies is the place for tion’. Under the leadership Sydney, and Macquarie Uni- involved with the Chaplain- you. of Anthony versity. We have a large vari- cies have gone on to make University life is one of Fisher, the Chaplaincies are ety of programs that are run contributions to the wider great adventure and dis- a strong presence on the at each campus, and, along community in various posi- covery. Students meet new campuses, fostering a ho- with the student led Catho- tions including politics, law, people, forge new ideas and listic approach in their pro- lic societies, we endeavour medicine and various oth- re-define old ones. It is a gram by providing in depth to facilitate a positive and er fields of note. Similarly, time of excitement and great religious, cultural, human formative experience that there have been many mar- energy and it should lead to and academic formation aims at forming well-ad- riages and vocations to the life-changing paths. It also to students Catholic and justed men and women for priesthood and religious life. has the potential to be a time non-Catholic alike. today’s world. Take a look at our web- where one can grow in faith We co-ordinate the sac- Activities such as char- site which gives a general and virtue. ramental and faith life on itable service, discussion overview of what is happen- University Chaplain- each of the four main sec- groups on ethical matters of ing. Also look at the specific cies are an integral part of ular universities in Sydney concern, study camps and websites for each university the mission of the Catholic i.e. the University of Sydney, retreats help to achieve this which list the excellent day Archdiocese of Sydney and the University of NSW, the end. to day opportunities worth The University Chaplaincies facilitate activities such as study the wider ‘New Evangelisa- University of Technology Alumni who have been getting involved in. camps and retreats. PHOTO: SUPPLIED



THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME AUSTRALIA Meet The University of Notre Dame Australia’s new Vice Professor Francis Campbell is set to join the Notre Dame community from January 2020

“immensely enriching, re- warding and encouraging”. Professor Campbell will be dividing his time next year between Notre Dame’s Sydney, Fremantle and Broome campuses and is excited by the opportunity to further grow and devel- op the University across its three locations. “Universities such as Notre Dame are incredibly successful in balancing their commitment to academ- ic excellence with a strong pastoral care program for students and staff, which I see as essential,” he says. “As Vice Chancellor, I’m as interested in our students’ personal growth as much as their academic develop- ment, because the two are uniquely intertwined.” Notre Dame’s focus is on educating the whole person, and its Core Curriculum of ethics, philosophy and the- ology plays an essential part in this. Professor Campbell believes education should be more than specialising in a discipline. It is about a combination of faith, cul- tural and social dimensions, as well as the intellectual dimension. While studying Notre Dame’s Core Curric- We aim to educate you for life ulum, students develop an understanding of all these beyond Notre Dame through our elements and it is this which Core Curriculum, providing the gives them an edge in the workplace and makes them fundamentals of critical thinking that highly valued by employ- equip you for the challenges of today’s ers. “If you look at the work uncertain future.” that’s coming out of the World Economic Forum, Professor Campbell they’re talking about how the careers of the future are the careers with the human dimension, which no ma- AS THE end of the year ap- internationally is testament chine or robot can replace,” proaches, The University of to the way its Boards and Professor Campbell says. Notre Dame Australia looks previous Vice The University of Notre forward to welcoming a new have been careful custodi- Dame prides itself on equip- leader on campus; former ans of that unique heritage ping students with the criti- UK ambassador to the Holy and role. I aim to protect Newly appointed Vice Chancellor cal thinking skills they will See, Professor Campbell and nurture Notre Dame’s of The University of Notre Dame, need to succeed in life after will make the move from St outstanding achievements.” Professor Campbell university, and has been rat- Mary’s University in Twick- Professor Campbell grew PHOTOS: SUPPLIED ed number one in both Syd- enham, to become Notre up on a farm in Northern ney and Perth for graduate Dame’s fourth Vice Chan- Ireland and credits his vice employability by employers cellor from next year. With principal for the fact that Nations Security Council, since the Reformation and the UK, the preparations for (qilt.edu.au). his background in diploma- he finished high school at the European Union and served until 2011. In an in- which were documented in “I am honoured to take on cy, academia and education, a time when children often the Foreign and Common- terview with a Sydney jour- a BBC series titled Our Man this role at Notre Dame as I Professor Campbell brings a did not. In trying to combat wealth Office in London. He nalist, he said, “The idea had in the Vatican. The docu- will have the opportunity, wealth of wisdom and expe- this, his vice principal would also served on the staff of been that a Catholic could mentary series followed along with a wonderful team rience to the role. visit the rural villages after the then UK Prime Minister, not represent the Queen Professor Campbell’s day- and community of highly “As a University, Notre exams to persuade parents Tony Blair, from 1999 to 2003 to the Pope because they to-day activities in his role as committed people, to con- Dame draws on centuries to send children back to — first as a Policy Adviser couldn’t be impartial, they ambassador to the Vatican. tribute to the future of a vi- of teaching, scholarship school. and later as a Private Sec- couldn’t be independent, It was in 2014, however, brant, modern and growing and research — foundations Of course, not only did retary to the PM — before and they couldn’t represent when Professor Campbell University which draws on which it shares with over he finish school, but Pro- being appointed the British the interests of the United swapped diplomacy for a centuries of tradition. I am two thousand Catholic uni- fessor Campbell also went ambassador to the Holy See Kingdom… And I think I career in higher education, also looking forward to mov- versities and colleges across on to complete university, in 2005. proved that wrong.” In 2010, becoming Vice Chancel- ing to Australia, a country the world,” says Professor beginning his career in di- Professor Campbell was Professor Campbell even lor of St Mary’s University, where my family put down Campbell. “Notre Dame’s plomacy in 1997 and has the first Catholic person to helped organise Pope Ben- Twickenham in London — a roots from Ireland in previ- great name nationally and since worked at the United hold the position in the UK edict XVI’s historic visit to vocation he has described as ous generations.”


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THE AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY It’s never too late to realise your dream

The desire to return to study, body else.” “I’ve been able to use make a career change, or Sarah is a competitive money from the scholarship realise a dream to obtain a body builder – a hobby that to pay for things like babysit- Every time I university degree can strike requires discipline and time. ters and childcare if I have a walk through at any age. She’s also a mother, employ- class outside school hours. the gates of But for many who are re- ee, and the first to admit she It’s made such a difference to turning to education after a can’t juggle her commit- my family.” Australian few years, undertaking ter- ments without help. When Sarah isn’t busy Catholic tiary education can feel over- When it came to her de- with her studies and her whelming, particularly when gree, she made a point of family, she’s hitting the gym University there is family, children or a getting all the on-campus as- – hard. (ACU) I know I job to consider. sistance she could find. ACU “I’ve always loved exercise. made the right As a competitive body staff gave her the necessary When my personal trainer builder, Sarah Foyster is no support to ensure she could did a body building compe- choice” stranger to hard work. But successfully manage her tition I thought, ‘If they’ve that didn’t stop the 30-some- study load. done one, why can’t I?’ I was thing mum of three from feel- “When I first started, I 35 when I entered my first ing nervous at the thought of didn’t realise the Academic competition. Training to returning to study. Skills Unit was even a thing. compete is so hard; you have “Every time I walk through I’ve since had one-on-one to be 100 per cent committed. the gates of Australian Catho- sessions with them and got Though I look back now and lic University (ACU) I know some really helpful feedback wonder how I managed to fit I made the right choice,” as I had to learn all new skills, it in,” she said. “You have to said Sarah, who is studying a like essay writing and refer- be really mentally focused.” Bachelor of Education (Early encing – both a whole new Sarah isn’t sure when her Childhood and Primary). world for me.” next body building compe- “Before I came to ACU, I Sarah also receives ongo- tition will be as for now her was employed as a workplace ing financial support from studies are her priority. “I’m trainer and assessor, but I’d the scholarship she success- just a normal mum who likes always dreamt about work- fully applied for when she the gym and dreams of being ing with kids. I knew when enrolled at ACU. a teacher one day. That’s all I I began my studies that I’d “I was so emotional when want.” be almost double the age of I found out I’d won. I was Think you’re ready to most of the other students dancing around the kitchen take the next step towards and I didn’t know if every- and crying at the same time. realising your dreams? Find one would accept me. But my My daughter kept asking out what courses and sup- fears were unfounded – I was me what was wrong. I just port ACU has to offer at Sarah Foyster is studying a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) PHOTO: SUPPLIED treated the same as every- thought, ‘Yes! I’ve got it!’ acu.edu.au


CATHOLIC INSTITUTE OF SYDNEY Specialist faculty offering accredited degrees

dent body. There is a rich and Bachelor of Ministry (3 diversity of religious experi- years). There are also grad- ence and expression. While uate for those who the majority of students have already completed an are from the Latin Catholic undergraduate degree in Church, there are also sig- any field: the Graduate Cer- nificant numbers of Eastern tificate, Graduate Diploma, Catholics and from other and Master’s qualifications Christian churches. Among in either Arts or Theologi- the students are men and cal Studies. For those who women of all ages. already hold a Bachelor of Classes at CIS are small Theology there is the Mas- allowing for dedicated and ter of Theology. Research personalised attention to degrees, such as the Master student learning and the or Doctor of Philosophy, historic campus is beautiful and the Doctor of Theology, and creates an atmosphere are available. There is also a that is conducive to study. professional doctorate in the There are spaces for relax- Doctor of Ministry . ing and socialising. There is CIS is the only faculty of also a chapel and other quiet theology in Australia offer- spaces to refresh mind and ing awards in the name of spirit. the Holy See. There are three The Veech Library is one levels of qualification: the of the best theological li- basic ecclesiastical award is braries in Australia. It has an the five-year Baccalaureate extensive collection of the- in Sacred Theology. The two- ological resources and staff year Licentiate of Sacred place a priority on ensuring Theology constitutes the that all users of the library second cycle of theological On 11th February, 1954, the logica Sydneyensis, for Aus- in Catholic schools, and of the education they re- can identify and locate the education. And the research Sacred Congregation for tralia, New Zealand, and all pastoral workers in parish- ceive. It is both a rigorous very best resources for their Doctor of Sacred Theology Seminaries and Universi- Oceania. Now known as the es, hospitals and other care academic formation leading needs. completes the cycle. ties canonically established Catholic Institute of Sydney centres. to a recognised and respect- A founding member of Across the range of de- within the Major Seminary (CIS), it is a specialist faculty The faculty and staff at ed degree, and also a lively the Sydney College of Di- grees, students can choose of the Archdiocese of Sydney offering accredited degrees CIS place a high value on encounter with Catholic tra- vinity, CIS offers a variety from units in Theology, Phi- -- that is, in St Patrick’s Col- in theology and related dis- the quality of the student dition. of theological awards. There losophy, Biblical Studies, lege, Manly and St Colum- ciplines. educational experience. Students also comment is the Diploma of Christian Pastoral Theology, Church ba’s College, Springwood CIS graduates are priests Feedback from students and on the positive experience Studies (1 year) or the ba- History, Liturgy, Spiritual- -- an Ecclesiastical Faculty and working in recent graduates shows an of studying within a diverse, sic undergraduate awards: ity, Canon Law, Counselling of Theology, Facultas Theo- parishes, teachers working appreciation for the quality local and international, stu- the Bachelor of Theology and Moral Theology.

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For more information contact us on: T: 02 9752 9500 e: [email protected] or visit our website: www.cis.catholic.edu.au CIS is a member institution of the Sydney College of Divinity (CRICOS 02948J) 99 Albert Road, Strathfield, NSW 2135


THE AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION A Joint Venture - St Paul’s University, Ottawa and BBI - The Australian Institute of Theological Education

A partnership between honoured and presented dition to their online study Students pursuing the Bishops Conference, SPU, ers all the canons of the BBI-TAITE and St Paul’s with the SPU Scarf and BBI- in a manner whereby they ecclesiastical JCL will be through its partnership Latin Code, together with University, Ottawa, begun TAITE’s Plaque by the Dean could not only study but concurrently enrolled in with BBI, will be able to of- appropriate study of the three years ago to provide a of Studies from St Paul’s, also remain at home en- and complete the civil Mas- fer for the first time, online Eastern Code. Licentiate Degree in Canon Monsignor John Renken, gaged in their respective ter of Canon Law (MCL) and intensive on-campus St Paul’s University is Law recognised by the Holy lecturer Chad Glendenning areas of ministry. during their course of stud- courses for the JCL/MCL in delighted with the part- See, culminated on 27th and BBI-TAITE’s Princi- Students studying with ies. The JCL is conferred by Australia. nership arrangement es- August 2019 with the first pal/CEO, Professor Gerard BBI-TAITE/SPU come from SPU. Canon Law is considered tablished with BBI-TAITE three Graduates. Moore. across Australia, New Zea- The MCL is granted joint- a key ecclesiastical frame- It was a day of rejoicing The Licentiate pro- land and Hong Kong Our ly by SPU and the Univer- work for the Church’s pas- and, while conducting the and celebration when, in gramme of study has ena- overseas students speak sity of Ottawa, which is toral practice, governance teaching/learning sessions the Graduation Mass, Sr bled students from many highly of the availability of federated with Saint Paul and for understanding the each year take the opportu- Patricia Bolster rsm, Fr parts of the world to gather the programme being of- University. rights and responsibilities nity to offer specialist short George Anthicad and Sr for a two-week intensive fered in Australia through After consultation with of Church membership. courses which are available Sheila McCreanor rsj were course at BBI-TAITE in ad- BBI-TAITE. the Australian Catholic The JCL curriculum cov- to all interested parties.

18 THE TERTIARY GUIDE 2019 Embrace Theology BBI-TAITE o erings for Trimester 3 2019

Connect with Life Theological Leadership & Religious Governance & Studies Theology Education Canon Law Graduate Certi‘cate Graduate Certi‘cate Graduate Certi‘cate Graduate Certi‘cate Graduate Diploma Graduate Diploma Graduate Diploma Graduate Diploma Master Master Master

THEO800 Foundations for Theological Studies

THEO911 Story and Theology in the Gospels

THEO920 Christology

THEO982 The Spirituality of Mary McKillop

LEAD800 Leadership: Scriptural and Theological Foundations

LEAD900 Advanced Studies in Leadership for the 21st Century

REDU800 Foundations for Religious Education Theory and Practice

REDU801 Religious Education in the Contemporary Classroom

REDU915 Godly Play, Religious Education and the Future

REDU916 Theology of Religious Education T: 02 9847 0030 www.bbi.edu.au/apply GOVC803 Stewardship of Resources in Church Organisations BBI-TAITE is a leading Catholic provider of online postgraduate theological education and oŒers a Start: 25 November 2019 unique set of awards and courses tailored to Concludes: 2 Februrary 2020

Company Directors Course

Date: 11 - 15 November 2019 Location: Polding Centre, Sydney Times: 8:30am - 4:30pm Duration: 5 Days

The AICD Company Directors Course™ in partnership with BBI-TAITE is tailored to members of Church ministry and agency boards, trustees and senior organisational leaders, through customised case studies in decision making, ethics and law. Begin your journey along the Furthur Enquiries, Contact: pathway to good church gov- Belinda Srour ernance by enrolling in [email protected] church governance courses.


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History Literature Philosophy Theology Ancient Greece to Ancient Literature Introduction to Sacred Scripture, the Roman of the Western Philosophy and Christology and Republic World Metaphysics Revelation


History Literature Philosophy Theology Early Church to Medieval to Medieval and Sacramental and Medieval World Modern Moral Philosophy Moral Theology


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