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N HIS observations on current events No Way Out? H. G. Wells, world-famous historian and author, has made some of the most dynamic and arresting state- ments of his brilliant career. As reported in the H. G. WELLS AND THE FUTURE: public press, this seventy-nine-year-old publicist IS HE RIGHT OR WRONG ? asserts that "the end of everything we call life is • * Roy F. Cottrell close at hand, and cannot be evaded," also that "there is no way out, or around, or through." These gloomy forebodings arise from an entirely false concept of life, the world, and the universe. As an evolutionist, Mr. Wells has long denied the divine handiwork of creation and has left God entirely out of his reckoning. When the march of events demonstrates that such philosophy is wholly unsound, he declares that this is the end, "there is no way out." From human appearances this view is correct. But there is a God in heaven who still presides over the destinies of men and nations. We have also His inerrant Word which reveals that this very impasse in world affairs, bringing darkness and des- pair to the scholarly sceptic, is one of the divine tokens indicating the approach of history's crowning event. Christ's second personal visit to this world provides the way out. Scripture prophecy is positive and eloquent concerning our Lord's return, and these predictions are radiant with hope and assurance. Yes, "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation." Heb. 9: 28. It was on the eve of the crucifixion, when the faith. of His disciples was to be so sorely tested, that the Master directed their minds to the delight- ful homegoing in a land safe from all sorrow and trouble, and -His vibrant words constitute the supreme promise of Scripture:— "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14: 1-3. No, this planet is not to freeze up, dry up, or explode by atomic energy. Christian confidence H.M.S. Eagle, first of the greatest aireraft-carriers ever built by Britain, going down the slipway at Belfast. in the Master's return [Please turn to page 12. <> Man's Most Dangerous Myth A BOOK which deserves to be widely read and discussed is "Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The farreatTopitsRwiewer Fallacy of Race," by Dr. Ashley Mon- tagu. A statement on the jacket contains the germ of the whole book: "The show to what lengths of inhumanity and human beings and ourselves form the modern conception of 'race' has no basis to what depths of sadistic cruelty this most important of all the experiences in scientific fact, nor in any other kind myth will lead those who accept it. and situations of our lives. Never- of demonstrable fact. It is a pure myth, We must ask ourselves, Are we in theless, in our society human beings are and it is the tragic myth of our tragic permitted to enter into such relations era." danger of being infected with this same evil doctrine? Children at an early without being equipped with the most Dr. Montagu demonstrates that there elementary understanding of what they is no basis for the popular belief in age become "emotionally conditioned" to the differences in colour and form of mean. No attempt is made to supply "superior" and "inferior" races of man- them with the facts relating to 'race' as kind. The differences that are apparent the various families of mankind. It was the children of Germany, taught demonstrated by science; on the con- between the savage and the man of trary they are supplied with the kind letters are differences of education, en- from childhood the falsehoods of racial superiority, who grew up to be the of information which makes fertile vironment, and opportunity, not of ground for the development of 'race' fundamental powers and possibilities. fanatical apostles and warriors of Naz- ism. prejudices. One of the false beliefs that had a In home and school our children must "Prejudices early acquired are notori- part in bringing about the second World ously difficult to eradicate. What must War was the German belief that they be taught the unity of the human race. The suggestion is made:— be done is to see to it that instead of belonged to a superior race, the "Herren- such prejudices the growing personali- yolk." "Let us teach geography, but instead ties in our schools- are taught the facts "The fact that the Nazi 'race' theories of presenting the subject in the usual which anthropological science has mad represent the most ludicrous and vicious arid manner let us humanize its teaching available. Our children must be taught mythology that has ever been perpe- and furnish its fields with the living that a certain form of nose or a certain trated upon a people does not, as we peoples who inhabit the earth. Let us skin colour is in the physical scale of know, prevent these myths from func- teach our children what we know about values neither better nor worse than tioning as if they were perfectly true. 'If the peoples of the earth and about their any other; that the accents of different one asks,' as Bonger has done 'whether respective values for one another and people, their manners, their facial these partisans are even partially suc- for civilization as a whole. Let us appearance, their expression—like the cessful in proving their thesis, then the emphasize their likenesses and create clothes they wear—are not necessarily answer must be a decided No. It is interest in their differences, differences altogether biologically determined, that really no theory at all but a second- which enrich' the common heritage of they are, indeed, to a much larger extent rate religion. Things are not proved, humanity and make the world the richly than is customarily supposed deter- but only alleged.' variegated experience it can be. Let us mined by cultural factors. teach appreciation of the other person's The persecution of the Jews, the ex- "They must be taught that there is point of view, the more so since if it termination of vast numbers of men nothing in such characters which is iut-- and women who sprang from so-called is unlike our own it will require more "inferior" races, and the multitudes sympathetic appreciation if it is to be herently _objectionable. For it shoug, taken to Germany as slave-labourers understood. Relations between other be obvious that, though some of us may - not be particularly attracted to people who exhibit a certain type of physiog- nomy the cause of our dislike lies, not in their physiognomy, but in the values, the culturally determined ideas, in our own minds which have taught us to react in this way to the perception of such physiognomies. The causes of such dislikes must be looked for in the cultural background of one's intellectual being, not in the shape of the nose or the colour. of the skin of our neighbours. Physical differences are merely the pegs upon which culturally generated hostili- ties are made to hang, ending with the smug and empty conviction that a su- perior 'race' is one that you look like and an inferior 'race' is one that you don't look like." In His great gospel commission Christ set no narrow bounds within which His followers were to work. "Go ye into

• New electric trolley introduced by the Southern • Railway in action at Waterloo Station, London. Quick service and cleanliness are keynotes of this picture.

Page Two June 10, 1946 :: SIGNS OF THE TIMES

all the world, and preach the gospel to whisky, and American beer. It was it is beyond our actual sight, and be- every creature." The gospel is a uni- while under the influence of alcohol that cause the sufferers are not personally fying element. Wherever it is accepted, he murdered the two innocent Japan- known to us. We are bound together pride and prejudice are set aside, and ese." in the web of humanity; we are all of men and women from every race are So it was drink again! Just one more one blood; and in a special sense we de one: "There is neither Jew nor tragedy chargeable to the manufacturers are indeed "our brother's keeper." Our eek, there is neither bond nor free, and distributors of alcohol. newspapers and radio keep us well in- there is neither male nor female: for formed of the plight of those in the ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Gal. Surely if Nathan the prophet were throes of want. If we refuse to help 3. 28. M. M. H. with us today, he would turn the accus- them we shall be without excuse in the ing finger from this poor, foolish, intoxi- sight of heaven. cated youth and point it at these callous, unscrupulous men who profit from the Professing Christians are under obli- ruination of their fellows, and declare gation to do all in their power to allevi- with all the velemence he could muster, ate the sufferings of their brother man. "Thou art the man"! In this way they demonstrate the ex- A. S. M. cellence of their faith. Let us read again the words of James, When Priorities Lift and think of them, and of the need in Europe, as we plan our expenditure. MANY have been impatiently Would it not be well to devote a certain 14 awaiting the time when goods off proportion of our income to the victims the market for years are again available.

Home fittings and furnishings have .o.....v.....--••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••-0..... waited so long that we feel they cannot w, it a moment longer once what we ADVENT RADIO CHURCH desire is available. Luxuries we have BROADCASTS hankered for will soon be within reach (EVERY SUNDAY) once more. N.S.W. 3MA - 6.30 p.m. There will be a strong temptation to 2HR 6.00 p.m. 3SH - 6.00 p.m. indulge in an orgy of spending upon - 6.00 p.m. 3GL - 6.15 p.m. 2TM - 6.15 p.m. ourselves. But before we do this, let 2AD - 6.30 p.m. 3UL 2GB - 5.30 p.m. 3CV - 5.30 p.m. us listen to the cry of starving humanity 2CA - 5.30 p.m. 3HA - 2.00 p.m. in war-ravaged lands. ' We may save 2GZ - 1.30 p.m. 3TR - 2.00 p.m. some from the agonies of hunger if we 2KA - 1.30 p.m. West Australia deny ourselves a little longer. 2WL - 10.00 am. 2WG - 6.10 p.m. 6AM/PM Someone has crystallized the differ- 2BH - 5.45 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. 2RG - 7.15 p.m. 6KG - 6.30 p.m. Princess Elizabeth in the act of launching H ence between our desire for htxuries 6PR/TZ "Eagle" according to time-honoured custom. 2MW - 10.20 a.m. and the conditions that obtain in many 2HD - 6.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. lands in Europe and Asia in these force- 2LF - 9.00 a.m. Queensland ho Was the Culprit? ful words:- 2BE - 9.30 a.m. 2GF 4MK - 12 noon 4AY - 10.30 a .m. WHEN the news first reached Wal- "Said one, 'I planned an ultra-modern 2GN - 3.330 p.m. 4AY 2AY - 3.30 p.m. 4BH - 9.30 a.m. lington, New Jersey, that one of home when priorities are lifted'• 4GR - 5.15 p.m. its boys had sentenced to death for But a Belgian woman whispered,' 'I South Australia 4SB - 9.00 a.m. the fatal stabbing of two Japanese civil- have no home at all.' 5DN/RN 4BU - 5.30 p.m. ians, everybody was dumbfounded. The 1.00 p.m. 4R0 - 10.00 a.m. Said another, 'I dreamed of a country 4ZR - 6.00 p.m. thing was incomprehensible. Private place for luxurious week-ends'; Victoria Joseph Hicswa was known to be one of But a Jewish lad kept saying, 'I have 3AW - Tasmania the nicest boys in town. Such a likable, no country.' 3CS - 8..1050 pm. 7HT - 5.30 p.m. friendly fellow. He had never been I decided on a new cupboard right 3 B - 2.00 p .m.Y 7EX - 525 p.m. 3B0 .- 3.30 p.m 7AD - 6.30 p.m. known to hurt anybody, and the very now; 3SR - 65.30 p.m. 7DL - 6.30 p.m. thought of his murdering anyone was But a child of China cried, 'I have no utterly unthinkable. Surely there must cup.' have been a mistake. The report must I started to purchase a new kind of be about somebody else. washing machine; of war, and give it regularly? A few But no. It was actually so. The But a Polish woman said softly, 'I have shillings given weekly would mount up evidence was clear. Gentle Joe had nothing to wash.' to a substantial help over a period of murdered two Japanese civilians. I wanted a quick-freezing unit for stor- months; and if a large number gave in this way it would mean life to many But how? Why? ing quantities of food; But across the water came the cry, otherwise doomed. Said James:- According to newspaper reports, it `I have no food.' "If a brother or sister be naked, and seems that he had re-enlisted in the I ordered a new car for the pleasure destitute of daily food, and one of you Army and was being furloughed home, of my loved ones; say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye which is a privilege on re-enlistment. But a war orphan murmured, 'I have warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye Then, after packing his equipment, he no loved ones.' " give them not those things which are d some of his buddies had a little needful to the body; what doth it profit? 41tebration. We cannot regard with unconcern the Even so faith, if it hath not works, is Witnesses testified that Joe and other want and suffering and death that men dead, being alone." James 2 : 15-17. soldiers "began drinking Japanese beer. and women are suffering, just because M. M. H. SIGNS OF THE TIMES :: June 10, 1948 Page Three diluvian world, of the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah. These people, so to Skins of the "[imes speak, took the words out of the mouth of the modern rationalist saying, "Why Editor: Assistant Editors: A. G. STEWART MARIAN M. HAY, R. PAVITT BROWN give any credence to these messengers of coming judgment and destructi. `for since the fathers fell asleep, things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.' " In other eft Slang, a (Itatianat !Minket words, they endeavour to "debunk" the alarm sounded by the servants of God with theories and philosophies similar to the myths of evolution or uniformitari- more one considers the record of human Rom time immemorial there anism. have been those who have prided them- behaviour the more forcibly one is re- selves on their ability to reason their minded of the words of the wise man: Leading writers may with some justi- way to a conclusion independently of "The thing that hath been, it is that fication play down the excessive claims any outside authority or divine revela- which shall be; and that which is done made for the effectiveness of the atomic tion. In view of the myriad evidences is that which shall be done: and there bomb under all circumstances. Along and facts which such a process of think- is no new thing under the sun." Eccl. with many another fabulous current ing discards, one is led to wonder if r: 9. So-called "Rationalist" societies matter of public concern many of the after all it deserves to be considered as have flourished in every age. The old superstitions which clog the brains having any part in the realm of normal- scoffing at faith in the unseen God, and of humanity might profitably be shorn ity or even sanity. the supercilious attitude of the modern away with the keen blades of reason and As we read the Bible story and review to all divine claims upon his life is as intelligence. In all cases that reason the history of the failings and the vic- ancient as sin. must, in order to be reasonable, tak tories of that people who were chosen But our readers will no doubt agree into consideration all the facts of o to be the peculiar ambassadors of the with all this up to a point. It is human jective evidence, plus divine revelation. heavenly kingdom to mankind, we often for us to think: "Well, after all, if I Anything less than this must place a marvel at their spiritual blindness, had lived back in the days of Israel I thinker under the description of the their failure to recognize marvellous should have acted differently. If I wise man again: "Yea also, the heart opportunities and privileges. Time and had witnessed the ministry of Jesus of mind] of the'sons of men is full of evil, again the nation was presented with Nazareth and seen Him heal the sick, and madness is in their heart while they overwhelming evidences, guaranteeing and raise the dead I should have been live, and after that they go to the dead." prosperity and happiness on condition His most faithful and devoted follower. Eccl. 9: 3. that certain provisions should be met. In view of all the evidence of His deity But time and again the importance and my profession of faith would not have How sane is the man who sits on the power of the demonstrated factfulness met shipwreck so easily as did Peter's." roadside selling mud pies to passers-by for worthless pieces of paper while of the guarantee was minimized, played The only way we may judge how we down, and finally rejected. across the field his home, in plain sight, would act if we were suddenly trans- is going up in smoke? In the face of The Psalmist reviewing a section of planted from the present back into the the black record exclaims, "How oft did the accumulated proofs of centuries, 1110 happenings of the first century, is by a we are living on the very verge cif they provoke Him in the wilderness, candid summing up of the way we are and grieve Him in the desert! Yea, they world about to go up in flames at the acting now. The body of facts upon turned back and tempted God, and presence of our returning Lord, how which an active, practical faith must limited the Holy One of Israel." Ps. much more sane is the poor philosopher 78: 40, 41. rind its basis has not lessened. Rather, preoccupied in the business of making the evidences of God's power and Despite the continuing overwhelm- a fortune out of the materials about to interest in the affairs of this planet have ing visitation of unmistakable divine be consumed in the fires of the final multiplied rather than diminished. revelations and interventions in their judgment? favour in times of national crisis the Where sin abounds, grace does much We present in this current issue of general reaction was the same. The sad more abound. With the increase of the SIGNS OF THE TIMES a well- record is continued by a later writer:— evil the overwhelming providence of balanced series of articles for young and "Moreover all the chief of the priests, God constantly meets the flood and lifts old calculated to challenge all to straight and the people, transgressed very much up the standard of truth against the thinking in the midst of "a perverse and after all the abominations of the instigator of man's undoing. We have crooked generation." See Deuteronomy heathen; and polluted the house of the no more excuse for failure to honour 32. Lord which He had hallowed in Jerusa- the claims of heaven upon our lives to- "Give ear, 0 ye heavens, and I will lem. And the Lord God of their fathers day than had Peter. Like Peter, too, speak; and hear, 0 earth, the words sent to 1hem by His messengers, rising it is our privilege to cast aside all narrow of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop up betimes, and sending; because He thinking, and step out boldly into the as the rain, my speech shall distil as the had compassion on His people, and on full, successful life of victory in Christ. dew, as the small rain upon the tender His dwelling place: but they mocked That so many who claim to be herb, and as the showers upon the the messengers of God, and despised His rational thinkers today are so closely grass: because I will publish the name words, and misused His prophets, until following the pattern of their mental of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness unto the wrath of the Lord arose against His forbears—this in itself is another evi- our God. He is the Rock, His wor people, till there was no remedy." 2 dence of the truthfulness of the Word is perfect: for all His ways are jud Chron. 36: r4-16. of God. Speaking of the last days, ment: a God of truth and withou Superior as we may think our intelli- Jesus forecast that the thinking of men iniquity, just and right is He." gence to be in this 20th century, the would follow the thinking of the ante- R. P. B. Page Four June 10, 1946 :: SIGNS OF THE TIMES .The Assurance of Salvation M. G. BARONIAN

IF IN the course of a train forth there is laid up for me a crown of token, the possession of which is evi- journey we were to become acquainted righteousness, which the Lord, the dence that the passenger has complied with a traveller who did not know the righteous judge, shall give me at that with all the conditions of the authorities state of his health, his name, whether day." 2 Tim. 4: 8. Peter is no less and may fairly claim the right to travel he had a father or not, or whether he certain in his expectations. "Neverthe- and arrive at his destination. And was in touch with him; to which country less we, according to His promise, look Christians, pilgrims and travellers he belonged, whither he was bound, if for new heavens and a new earth, where- through this world bound for the next, he had his ticket, or even whether he in dwelleth righteousness." 2 Peter 3: 13. can no less be possessed of that token was dead or alive, we should be disposed And the Apostle John with the simple which entitles them to travel hopefully to vote him a queer enough fellow; in- certainty of a child writes: "I John, who and arrive safely. deed we might quite justifiably question also am your brother . . . in the kingdom Paul knew it as "that Holy Spirit of his soundness of mind. Yet today there and patience of Jesus Christ." Rev. I: 9. promise, which is the earnest of our are countless professed Christians who About all these statements there is an inheritance until the redemption of the from a spiritual standpoint are in no undeniable ring of conviction as though purchased possession." Eph. I: 13, 14. better case than this traveller; who, their authors had already tasted of the Jesus said, "Except a man be born of ked how the health of their soul is, pleasures of the world to come. water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter e they have a heavenly Father, and are What . is this kingdom to which the into the kingdom of God" (John 3: 5) in touch with Him, whether they are in revelator-refers, and about which in Col. —the kingdom of God on earth, the Christ's kingdom or not, where they are 1: 13 Paul writes, "Who hath delivered kingdom of grace. Born of the Spirit, going, and if in their Creator's eyes they us from the power of darkness, and quickened by His power, our hearts possess life or not—would in all honesty bath translated us into the kingdom of filled with the love of Christ for God be compelled to confess a sorry ignor- His dear Son"? The one speaks in and man; trusting, obeying, serving ance. the present tense, the other in the per- faithfully the light we have—if such And yet all who take Christ's name fect; evidently then this is a realm that be our condition, what reason have we should know beyond a doubt whether was existent and still is; hence the king- to doubt our eventual salvation? To or not the kingdom of heaven is theirs. dom of glory which is to be established question our future destiny is to ques- "Seek ye first the kingdom of God," at the second advent of Christ cannot tion our present Christianity; it shakes said the Master; it is the prime purpose be intended. In Heb. 4: 16 we are the very foundations of our faith. It for which we have been given existence. bidden to "come boldly unto the throne makes suspect the crowning fact and To be in doubt about so crucial and of grace"; this argues a kingdom of factor of our lives—Christ in us the raonal a question is to cast reflection grace. And it is to this kingdom, the hope of glory. o'r the efficacy of the redeeming kingdom of heaven on earth, invisible In the light of these essential truths er of our Saviour. He died ex- yet real, whose limits are the limits of it is very necessary for us to ask our- pressly that we might live—eternally in our Lord's love, whose government. is selves whether we manifest the fruit the next world and with the knowledge by grace, whose atmosphere righteous. of the Spirit—joy joined with gentle- of that glorious fact to sustain us here. ness, over which Christ is king and ness, patience with peace, meekness Jesus knew exactly what awaited Him His lightest word law—to which refer- with faith, goodness with temperance, beyond the grave. He had no mis- ence is made. courage with kindliness—in a word, the givings over the matter; no more must A blind Christian was once condoled character of love, the essence of godli- we if we are to have the mind of Christ. with in these words: "What a happy day ness, the great I AM THAT I AM Salvation is not a gamble, but a gift; it will be for you when you enter dwelling in us. For this is the Son, and not a chance, but a choice, offered heaven!" "Why," exclaimed the man, "he that hath the Son hath life; and freely to all who will accept His grace. "I've been happy in heaven the last he that hath not the Son of God bath John 3: 16. God has chosen us to seven years." He meant, since his con- not life." i John 5 : 12. salvation (2 Thess. 2: 13); "He is not version. In our parable of the two train What could be more plain, pointed, willing that any should perish, but that travellers there came a point when they and precise than this? Beyond all all should come to repentance" (2 Peter were required to produce their tickets. shadow of doubt we can know if we 3: 9), for He has "predestinated us to Now a ticket is nothing more than a wish,' whether we shall be subjects of the adoption of children by Jesus Christ Christ's kingdom come, by becoming to Himself." Eph. 1: 5. citiiens of Christ's kingdom now. Be- Such positive statements leave no yond all shadow of doubt we can know room for doubt whether Christ wants if we wish if we are to enter into pros- us in His kingdom or not. Our Lord pective glory by entering into present of glory has given us golden guarantees, grace. "For so an entrance shall be precious promises, and plenteous assur- ministered unto you abundantly into the kceri that if in our choice we are wise everlasting kingdom of our Lord and . in our lives and loyalties willing, Saviour Jesus Christ." Therefore, dear e shall live and reign with Him for reader, "give diligence to make your ever. calling and election sure." 2 Peter By God's grace, Paul had assured his I: I I, io. And whilst 'life, and breath, salvation. He was confident where his and all things" are granted let us secure future lay. He roundly asserts, "Hence- our passports to Paradise.

SIGNS OF THE TIMES :: June 10, 1946 Page Five aliew EVOLUTION.


Professor numerous characteristic sea snails, and H. W. CLARK a few mammals. No ammonites or ich- thyosaurs have ever been discovered in it. The gault clay, on the other hand, from below the chalk, has no plant fruits, but does contain ammonites, often coiled in a peculiar way inste of regularly spiral; while the Oxfo clay, a third layer above the 'polite lime- stone, has huge numbers of ammonites, almost all built as regular spirals."— H. G. Wells, Julian Huxley, and G. P. Wells, "The Science of Life," page 320. These observations of Smith's were called to the attention of the British geologists, and as a result of investiga- tion of the phenomenon there was soon developed a method of identifying rock strata and determining their supposed age by the contained fossils. On this point the same authors remark:— "Such facts as these obviously mean that we ought to be able to arrange 110 the sedimentary rocks of the world' series, according to their age; and, this once accomplished, all the fossils in the earth's crust will fall into their time sequence, too. The task has been ac- complished for the great majority of layers. As a result, we can say that one kind of fossil belonged to an animal TO William Smith, a canal as his work took him from one part of which lived and died before another engineer, land agent, and surveyor, the country to another, noted that a kind of animal found fossilized in an- modern geological theory owes one of its number of characteristic rocks, such as other layer; and the bewildering variety basic principles, that of stratigraphy. chalk, °elite limestone, red sandstone, of life becomes more orderly through During his busy professional life Smith or gault clay, occurred as layers which receiving an arrangement in time. . . . observed that certain layers of rock covered large areas of country. More- "This fundamental principle, that always occurred in certain relationships, over, whenever these layers occurred, different layers of the earth's crust can and always contained certain types of they were always in the same order. The be arranged in a time sequence, is the fossils. In 1815 he constructed a geo- gault clay, for instance, was always basis of that department of science logical map of England. This map, close below the chalk, the green sand known as palaeontology."—Ibid. which now hangs in the Royal Museum always immediately below the gault, the It is important, in a study of this of Geology in Toronto, Canada, shows ()Mite limestone many layers below the problem, to keep clearly in mind the the different • geological formations in chalk, the red sandstone several layers objectives that Smith and his- contem- colour, with cross sections of the country below the °ante, and so forth. And, a poraries had in developing the strati- to show their relative positions. Many third point, each layer of rock was graphic geology of England. They were of the names assigned by Smith are characteriied rot merely by the material not, as has been sometimes erroneous) still used. Because of the influence of of which it was made, but also by the supposed, trying to prove evolution his ideas he has been called The Fathei: fossils which it contains. . . . For in- long ages of geological time. From th, of British Geology. stance, the London clay, over which dawn of scientific inquiry it seems to A prominent British writer has force- London is built, lies above the chalk have been a common belief that the fully described Smith's observ6.tions: layer. It contains fossil fruits of palms earth has been in existence for almost "William Smith, an English surveyor. and conifers, some nautilus shells, incomprehensibly long periods of time.

Pr, no Ki•r .... • A• wo .v ....+r. e-s r, m rr.. yr. 1r 1.. Even the most devout believers in the it has been closely investigated by my Eventually a compromise was suggested, Bible interpreted the days of as scientific acquaintances in the vicinity to the effect that the upper part of the long, indefinite periods; and if this was of Bath; some of whom search the series be called Silurian, the lower be Ahnot done, it was at least supposed that quarries of different strata in that dis- called Cambrian, and another group, the lip`the beginning" of Genesis was some- trict with as much certainty of finding Ordovician (from the Welsh tribe the where in the dim past. Whatever mode the characteristic fossils of the respect- Ordovid) be erected to cover the inter- of creation was employed in populating ive rocks, as if they were on, the mediate rocks most in dispute. Thus the earth, it was supposed to have been shelves of their cabinets. . . . there came to be recognized in Britain a process involving long time periods. "The organized fossils which may the Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian The idea of a literal six-day creation— be found will enable him to identify below the Old Red Sandstone, to which days of twenty-four hours each—seemed the strata of his own estate with those the name Devonian was eventually ap- to have had little if any place in the of others; thus his lands may be drained plied, since it outcropped so noticeably thinking of either scientists or religion- with more certainty of success, his in Devonshire. ists a century ago. buildings substantially improved, and Soon after the British Paleozoic sys- What then, was the object that the his private and public rbads better tems were developed, studies were car- founders of modern geology hoped to made, and repaired at less expense."— ried out on a group of rocks of similar achieve by their geological studies? W. Smith, "Stratigraphical Systems of position in America. The New York Simply this: Assuming the "fact" of Organized Fossils," London, 1817. State Natural History Surveys were long geological ages, they thought by a The of the "principle" of begun in 1836, and ran for five years. study of the fossil sequences to estab- stratigraphical geology gave immediate The New York System, which was - lish the relative order of deposition of stimulus to geological investigation. developed by these surveys, included the strata, and thus to correlate scat- Previous to the time of Smith, interest rocks with identical or similar fossils, tered rocks in • different parts of the in the rocks of Britain had been centred and lying in the same positions as those country. In other words, since it is around the Coal Measures, or Carboni- of the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, obviously impossible to follow the strata ferous rocks, inasmuch as they were of and Devonian of England. continuously from one outcrop to an- most practical importance. Above them "The Transition rocks of New York other, and since in many localities the lay a series of red sandstones, inter- constitute, as a whole, the most perfect rocks are displaced from their original stratified with clays and slates. These system which has hitherto been des- positions by folding, faulting, and other were called the New Red Sandstone cribed. To be satisfied of the truth of modes of displacement, so that -it is series. Later these were subdivided into this assertion, we have only to trace almost impossible to follow the original the Permian, Jurassic, and Triassic out the rocks which successively appear order of deposition, it was thought that systems, with the Cretaceous, or chalk on the southern slope of the Adirondack by this system of classification the still above them. Below the Carboni- range. Proceeding from the base of this rocks could be reduced to a system, and ferous lay another series of rocks, the range, at the most northern outcrop of that practical use could be made of this Old Red Sandstone. These were des- the lowest of the sedimentary rocks, in systematization in mining and other cribed by Hugh Miller, the Scottish a southwesterly direction towards Penn- industries that depend on the knowledge geologist and stonemason. And still sylvania line, we pass over an unbroken of geological conditions. deeper, beneath the Old Red, lay a mass series, which fills up the space geologi- That the foregoing is a true picture of unclassified rocks, the apparently cally between the primary and the Old elf the situation is clearly portrayed by "oldest" stratified rocks. of Britain, as Red Sandstone."—./. Hall, "Geology of a study of Smith's own words. Speak- they rested, wherever outcrops could be New York," 1843. ' ing of the value of soil chemistry to observed, upon the schists and other As geological studies have been ex- agriculture, he remarked:— crystalline rocks which contained no tended over other parts of America, the "The method of knowing the sub- fossils. strata of the Appalachian region, the strata from each other by their various In 1822 Adam Sedgwick, professor of Midwest, the Rocky Mountain region, substances imbedded, will consequently geology at Cambridge University, begin-- and others have been classified accord- show the difference in their soils—all studies in these lower rocks, commonly ing to the New York system. this is attainable by rules the most cor- known as the Paleozoic, or "older life" The data which has just been con- rect, and easily learnt, and also the rocks. In 1831 he extended his studies sidered would make it appear that there simplest and most extensive that can to Wales. About the same time Sir was a universal sequence of the fossils well be devised; for by the help of Roderick Murchison of the Geological and of lithologic characteristics which organized fossils alone, a science is Survey carried on extensive work on the would make it 'possible to correlate the established with characters on which all same series of rocks. Sedgwick started rocks of any part of the earth with those must agree, as to the extent of the strata with the rocks immediately below the in England and America. In fact, such in which they are embedded. . . . They Old Red Sandstone, and worked down- a universal correlation has sometimes furnish the best of all clues to a know- ward; however, running into insur- been claimed by the advocates of uni- ledge of the soil and substrata."—W. mountable difficulties, he began again, formitarianism; it is denied with equal Smith, "Strata Identified by Organized this time at the bottom. He developed ardour by the opponents of evolutionary Fossils," London, 1816. a scheme of classification by which all geology. What is the truth? Smith sold his collection of fossils to the strata between the "primitive," or Repeatedly, in his "Science of Life," the British Museum, and in 1817 he nonfossiliferous rocks, and the Old Red H. G. Wells points to some supposed prepared a descriptive booklet, giving Sandstone were grouped into a system evidence of evolution with the words: the characteristics and distribution of known as the Cambrian, named from "Now if this does not mean evolution, the different types. This was illustrated one of the ancient tribes of Wales. what does it mean?" In the realm of by hand-coloured pen drawings accu- Murchison, working downward in an- stratigraphic geology the evolutionists rately made. In his discussion of the other area, developed a system which he think that they have one of their strong- prirlciple of stratigraphic distribution called the Silurian, from another Welsh est proofs of long ages of evolutionary he said tribe. Naturally a controversy arose as progress. They quite confidently point since the first written account to the relative value of the two systems, to the rock sequences that have been of this discovery was circulated in 1799 and the proper application of the names. (Concluded an page 13)

SIGNS OF THE TIMES :: June 10. 1946 Page Seven ecten TERRI BLE•

. Soon

They are even planning now to change that came to them have lessons for us the calendar and make a new Sunday today. Before they left Egypt, ten which will. wander through the week plagues fell—the first three on all as the years go by, abolishing the true Egypt, but the last seven, on the Sabbath. God has warned us against Egyptians alone. Now all these things IJ EEK ye the Lord while He receiving the "mark of the beast," for happened to those people for an example may be found, call ye upon Him while those who will receive it "shall drink of to us and are written as Paul tells us He is near! Let the wicked forsake the wine of the wrath of God, which is for our admonition. See I Cor. 1o: I-II. his way, and the unrighteous man his poured out without mixture." In other There were ten plagues, and after thoughts: and let him return unto the words, there is no mercy in it, for when three had fallen (three out of ten leaves Lord, and He will have mercy upon this shall become a legal enactment pro- seven to fall) at the beginning of the him; and to our God, for He will bation will be ended. Until it ends, fourth plague, or when the first of the. abundantly pardon." Isa. 55: 6, 7. Oh, God's judgment is mixed with mercy. last seven plagues began to fall, God said: my friends, this is a wonderful text In Isa. 28: 21 we read: "For the Lord will put a division between My and a wonderful promise, but in this shall rise up as in mount Perazim, He people and thy people." The word promise we also see a "warning." "Seek shall be wroth as in the valley of "division" means "redemption" (see Him while He may be found: call upon Gibeon, that He may do His work, His margin) Ex. 8: 23. My friends, who Him while He is near." strange work; and bring to pass His knows? Who can prove that the first If it is possible that this call comes act, His strange act." God will per- of the ten plagues has not already fal- to us from God, to seek Him "while form an act, a strange act. HE WILL len? Who can say that the great influ- He may be found," and "to call upon POUR OUT JUDGMENT WITHOUT enza epidemic that carried off twelve Him while He is near," it is also possible MERCY. million people, possibly as many as the that a time will come when God will be Black Plague of Death in the Middle sought and cannot be found; a day Turn with me now to the i 5th Ages, was not the first of these plagues? when we will call and He will not be chapter of Revelation, and you will If so, some of these days the seven near. It shows us that a time will come see that when the seven last plagues last plagues will commence, and when when there will be no more probation are poured out, the day of probation they commence, God will put a division for the sinner, and this was brought is closed, the day of mercy is past. between the followers of the beast and to view in the 22nd chapter of Reve- "And I saw another sign in heaven, the saints; a division between modern lation, verse 1o: "And he saith unto me, great and marvellous, seven angels hav- Egypt and Israel, and His people will be Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of ing the seven last plagues: for in them labelled and marked to the New Jerusa- this book: for the time is at hand. He is filled up the wrath of God." (God lem. His people will be sealed for that is unjust, let him be unjust still: said, "Let it fall on the beast and on eternal life, and then a lot of people and he which is filthy, let him be filthy those who worship his image and have will run around to find the truth. They still: and he that is righteous, let him his mark.") Now read the 8th verse: will take out those books they have be righteous still: and he that is holy, "And the temple was filled with smoke bought and begin to look into the books let him be holy still. And, behold, I from the glory of God, and from His to see if they can find what to do, but come quickly; and My reward is with power: and no man was able to enter Amos, the 8th chapter, says: "I will Me, to give every man according as his into the temple, till the seven plagues of send a famine in the land, not a famine work shall be." the seven angels were fulfilled." No one of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of So you see, there is a time when Jesus will be allowed in the temple while the hearing the words of the Lord; and Christ our Lord will announce that plagues are being poured out, and at the they shall wander from sea to sea, and charge to humanity that the probation end Jesus Christ will come. The work from the north even to the east; they period of their lives is over. of Jesus Christ as our representative shall run to and fro to seek the Word has been drawn over which none can who pleads before the Father for man, of the Lord, and shall not find it." pass. There will be a great abyss over will be ended., So you see His ministry Now friends, let us turn to the which none can pass from one side to in the heavenly sanctuary is closed when 16th chapter of Revelation and read the other, and the great message God these plagues are being poured out. You of the first plague sent on the human gives the people to prepare them for will also see men are repenting no more, race: "And I heard a great voice out that time is the message given by the for they have committed the unpardon- of the temple saying to the seven angels, three angels of Revelation 14. able sin. Go your ways and pour out the vials of This message is sweeping around the The time of probation for man will the wrath of God upon the earth. And 0 world today, warning all against the soon close, and fire will come on this the first went, and poured out his vial mark of the beast, which is the false earth after the plagues are over. In upon the earth." (I want you to notice Sabbath which the Papacy has foisted the 8th chapter of Exodus we read the that "poured" out his vial.) The first upon the world. The Protestant world Israelites were told to go into the land was "poured on the earth, and there fell is pushing the same thing to the front. of Palestine. Many of the experiences a noisome and grievous sore upon the Page Eight June 10, 1946 :: SIGNS OF THE TIMES hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments." This shows that the lost 1LAGU ES will already have been singled out when the plagues fall. "And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And o Smite the Earth men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they Verbatim Report (condensed) of a Hollywood wide and three hundred miles long repented not to give Him the glory." Tabernacle address by H. M. S. RICHARDS turned red like blood, and when fish The sun bas power to scorch men, swimming in the open sea came to this friends. In the last few years many 0* band of water they all died. They tried places were scorched by the sun. It to explain it by saying it was due to is just giving people a little taste of chemicals or micro-organisms in the what will come when the fourth plague water. When the fishing vessels towed is poured out, and those who have the their catches through this water all mark of the beast, and who have sores their fish died. What will it be when on their bodies, and have blood to all the open waters become like that and drink will be smitten by the sun. All putrefaction results? What will happen men who are not sealed by God will at the great seaports of the world suffer the plagues, but God will protect • when this occurs? His children. He will be the help of "And the third angel poured out his His people at this time. men which had the mark of the beast vial upon the rivers and fountains of "And the fifth angel poured out his and upon them which worshipped his waters; and they became blood." We vial upon the seat of the beast; and his image." don't know how these things happen, kingdom was full of darkness; and they Now, what is that "sore" someone friends. Many things have occurred in gnawed their tongues for pain, and blas- asked me? In the original Greek it the last few years, and the signs are phemed the God of heaven because of means a cancerous sore. (A certain running around the world in a circle. their pains and their sores, and repented newspaper came out and made fun of In Alabama they had a rain of "eels" not of their deeds." The beast received me and spoke of my sores, et cetera, but the other day, and the farmers had to the plague of darkness. You will see in it is there in that Book. Let him read haul them away for fertilizer. Nobody the Bible when those plagues were in for himself.) That is what it says. knows how this occurred; maybe sucked Egypt there was darkness. You often God said it and He said what He meant. up by water-spouts. And a few years say: "It is so dark I can cut it with a But the big thing is: Am I going to ago it rained great red worms in Fin- knife." You can feel the oppressing 410 receive the mark of the beast? It is land. [Aged man in audience spoke darkness, and the beast's kingdom will thfe people who have the mark of the out and said: "I have seen it rain frogs bt filled with darkness. This shows also beast upon whom the first plague will in my day."[ A good common rain that men will be suffering from the fall, those cancerous sores. is money in this country, and God is sores of the first plague when the fifth The mark is not a literal mark—it going to do something. He says these plague falls. is a way of worship—the attitude man rivers and water supplies will be like "And the sixth angel poured out his holds toward God. Nobody could blood. Why, friends, you will hold vial upon the great river Euphrates; and resist the mark if it were something your glass under the water tap and get the water thereof was dried up, that the branded on the outside, but it is some- something that looks like blood! way of the kings of the east might be thing you can resist. God sends people In Egypt, this happened once. It was prepared." Under the sixth plague, to perdition for accepting the mark and real and before King Pharaoh got friends, Turkish power will be com- He has warned us against it. It is a through he was sick of the whole thing, pletely consumed to make way for spiritual thing and you can refuse to but he wouldn't repent, and Babel won't China, Japan, India, and Russia. "That accept it. When the seven plagues be- repent now. I don't knoW why. They the way of the kings of the east might gin to fall, and those terrible - sores have seen the love and mercy and plead- be prepared." We read on: "And I appear, then the person who has the ing of God, but still they do not repent. saw three unclean spirits like frogs come mark of the beast will have an out- They will not accept Christ. Some out of the mouth of the dragon, and out ward mark, and the people will know people say: "If God would use the stick, of the mouth of the beast, and out of he has the mark of the beast when this maybe the world would come back into the mouth of the false prophet." "Three plague falls. The beast will be ruling line." God is showing and will show unclean spirits"—the whole world is over all the world, and he will be sub- the universe that they have gone beyond divided between these great powers. ject to him, willingly. the pale, of everything. They "will not "For they are the spirits of devils, work- "And the second angel poured out have this Man to rule over them." ing miracles, which go forth unto the his vial upon the sea; and it became as God will end the day of probation, kings of the earth and of the whole the blood of a dead man: and every and water, the symbol of purity, will be- world, to gather them to the battle of living soul died in the sea." Why, think come a horror to the people. "And I that great day, of God Almighty." These •how it was on the coast of Florida a few heard the angel of the waters say, Thou unclean spirits stir the world up to the years ago according to . a government art righteous, 0 Lord, which art, and "battle of that great day of God Al- report, which can be obtained at Wash- wast, and shalt be, because Thou hast mighty." I tell you, friends, that these ington, D.C. You will find there that judged thus. For they have shed the spirits of devils are doing all they can a strip of water in the ocean fo,rty miles blood of saints and prophets, and Thou to bring people into a maelstrom of the SIGNS OF THE TIMES :: June 10, 1946 Page Nine

massacre of war, and they want war to continue. After the Spirit of God leaves men, then the spirits of devils lead on to this terrible battle. the Rock E. G. Whittaker The sixth plague is the only "sign'', plague you can see. The sixth plague is the drying up of the River Euphrates. °RUSHED TO DEATH BY A FALL OF ROCK—A Quarry Tragedy It has been cut down for one hundred The report says that a man was crushed to death by a piece of blue- and fifty years more and more, and stone rock, many tons in weight, falling upon him. He was working on runs over Asia Minor, but some day the the face of the quarry, with the explosive packed in a hole near by. There Turks will make their last stand at the was a premature explosion. Hundreds of tons of falling rock came hurtling down, and the unfortunate man received fatal injuries. He was head waters. When that occurs, you 'rushed to death by the falling of the rock. will see the river receding and know it As I read the above report, my mind went to the record of the experi- is near the end. Friends, if the sixth ence of falling on the Rock or the Rock falling upon us, found in St. plague is so near to being fulfilled, how Matthew's Gospel, chapter 21, verse 44. "And whosoever shall fall on much nearer must the first plague be? this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall,. it will grind They will probably take a year to fall, him to powder ["will scatter him as dust," R.V.]." but if the sixth is near, the beginning THE ROCK OR STONE IS CHRIST of the seven last plagues is very near. "A ROCK of AGES." Isa. 26: 4, margin. "And the seventh angel poured out "A great ROCK in a weary land." Isa. 32: 2. his vial into the air [notice this plague "The ROCK that is higher than I." Ps. 61: 2. is universal] and there came a great "The ROCK of my SALVATION." 2 Sam. 22 47. voice out of the temple of heaven, from "The ROCK of my REFUGE." Ps. 94: 22. the throne, saying It is done. And there "The ROCK of my STRENGTH." Ps. 62: 7. were voices, and thunders, and light "The ROCK of my heart." Ps. 73: 26. nings; and there was a great earth- The ROCK of ETERNAL TRUTH. Isa. 28: 16. quake, such as was not since men were CHRIST "that SPIRITUAL ROCK." 1 Cor. 10: 4. upon the earth, so mighty an earth- "Upon this ROCK I will build MY CHURCH." Matt. 16: 18. quake, and so great." This earthquake will be the mightiest "The Lord's our ROCK, in HIM we hide, ever known. The whole world will A shelter in the time of storm; tremble and shake. "And the great Secure whatever may betide, city was divided into three parts, and A shelter in the time of storm." the cities of the nations fell: and great THE TWO BREAKINGS: Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine 1. The individual falls upon the ROCK, CHRIST JESUS. of the fierceness of His wrath." Great 2. The ROCK, CHRIST JESUS, falls upon the individual. cities will come down; great towers In the FIRST BREAKING the opportunity is afforded us today of will come down when this earthquake realizing our sinful, rebellious state, and in humility, penitence, contri- occurs. You will be a lot safer out ;61 AK tion, repentance, and confession we may fall upon the ROCK, broken in the cities in those days than in them. iqf heart and contrite in spirit, and claim pardon, peace, and forgiveness for you have to be in the city and are God's sins in and through the blood of the Crucified One; surrendering and child, He will take' care of you, or if yielding our wills, temperaments, and dispositions, with all selfish ambi- tions and desires. you are in prison and can't get out, He 1. Isaiah says: "For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth will protect you there. eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with The crust of the earth will be con- him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the torted. "And there fell upon men a humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." Isa. 57: 15. great hail out of heaven, every stone "But to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite about the weight of a talent [57 lbs.] ; spirit, and trembleth at My word." Isa. 66: 2. and men blasphemed God because of 2. David says: "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Ps. 34: 18. the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great." Now "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, 0 God, Thou wilt not despise." Ps. 51: 17. when a hailstone fifty pounds in weight 3. Ezekiel says: "And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new comes down, I want to be some place spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and else for refuge. will give them an heart of flesh." Eze. 11: 19. I want to be among those who are "In the change that takes place when the soul surrenders to Christ ready to meet Him, just as a child and there is the highest sense of freedom. The expulsion of sin is the act of say: "Cover my defenceless head with the soul itself. True, we have no power to free ourselves from Satan's control; but when we desire to be set free from sin, and in our great need the shadow of Thy wings!" Let me cry out for a power out of and above ourselves, the powers of the soul read Isa. 28: 17, 18. "And the hail are imbued with the divine energy of the Holy Spirit, and they obey the shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and dictates of the will in fulfilling the will of God." the waters shall overflow the hiding- We thus fall on the ROCK. place. And your covenant with death The SECOND BREAKING brings the thought home to each heart shall be disannulled, and your agree- that one day we must, in the judgment, meet the ROCK, CHRIST JESUS, ment with hell shall not stand; when • for the deeds done in the flesh, or unforgiven sin, and pay the full the overflowing scourge shall pass penalty for disobedience. The ROCK falls upon man and crushes him through, then ye shall be trodden down to dust. by it." These plagues and earthquakes are coming, and in the midst of the great

Page Ten June 10, 1946 :: SIGNS OF THE TIMES_ judgments of God we read a little white cloud will appear and the angels of God will come to receive His elect, and the cities of the nations and the nations themselves will be swept into nothingness by the Lord, and Jesus LINK XXII Christ will take charge of the whole situation. We ask: "Oh, what will happen to Etetnat Rife us?" The Lord will take care of His children. Read the gist Psalm. You Walter 0. Edwards ought to know it by heart: "He that dwelieth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, WHEN our gracious Master He is my refuge, and my fortress: my mentions service, or the life work of the These three things man lost through God; in Him will I trust." Friends, the Christian, He usually links with it the sin:- devil is secretly going out to catch with reward which is said to be eternal life: 1. He lost the "way." traps the children of God, but "He shall "And, behold, I come quickly; and My 2. He cannot discern "truth." deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, reward is with Me, to give every man 3. He forfeited "life." and from the noisome pestilence." according as his work shall be." Rev. All three of these great things are "Noisome pestilence" is the first of those 22: 12. "Be thou faithful unto death, found again in Jesus, who is "the way, plagues. It is noisome and offensive. and I will give thee a crown of life." the truth, and the life." ' Accept Jesus But God will deliver you from those Rev. 2: i o. "Blessed are they that do as your friend today, and as you walk things. How tender it is to see an old His commandments, that they may have by His side in "the way" He will lead hen protecting her chickens! "He shall right to the tree of life." Rev. 22: 14. you in "the paths of righteousness for cover thee with His feathers, and under A casual reading of these scriptures His name's sake." Ps. 23: 3. There can His wings shalt thou trust." might suggest that God's children ,earn be no question about losing the way, be- "Thou shalt not be afraid for the this great reward of eternal life. But cause "the Lord ,knoweth the way of terror by night; nor for the arrow that after all, eternal life is a gift of God the righteous." Ps. 1: 6. With regard flieth by day" (that terrible darkness through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. to "truth," Jesus, who is the truth, has that shall be under the fifth plague) 6: 23. promised to give "the Spirit of truth" "nor for the pestilence that walketh We can "do" nothing of ourselves, to guide "into all truth." John 13. in darkness; nor for the destruction that and so are utterly unable to do the Finally, the life which man lost in the wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall works of God, or to "do His command- beginning is returned to him fourfold fall at thy side, and ten thousand at ments." But we "can do all things when he receives unto his heart the thy right hand; but it shall not come through Christ, which strengtheneth" priceless gift of God's dear Son, which nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt us. Phil. 4: 13. That which we cannot includes in it "the gift of eternal life." thou behold and see the reward of the do of ourselves, God through Jesus God, in the riches of His grace, restores wicked. Because thou hast made the Christ gives us the strength to do; the lost life in abundant measure: "I am come that they might have life, and that Lord, which is my refuge, even the or perhaps more correctly: God worketh they might have it more abundantly." Most High, thy habitation," listen! in us "to will and to do of His good John io: 1o. "there shall no evil befall thee, neither pleasure." Phil. 2: 13. shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. Apart from Christ and His gospel, For He shall give His angels charge over And when we avail ourselves of this there can be no life for the children of divine help, God counts the work that thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." men. The appearing of Jesus as our is done as our work and rewards us Saviour upon earth "brought life and I believe that just as the Egyptian accordingly. Rev. 22: I2. The great immortality to light through the gospel." plagues were real, so will the seven last prize of eternal life is so closely linked 2 Tim. I: 1o. Only those who accept plagues be real, and as we are literal to Jesus the eternal Son of God, that Jesus and His gospel can expect to have here now, so these will be literal. The unless a man possesses Jesus, he cannot life and immortality. In the day of religion of Jesus Christ is real, and men possess eternal life. "And this is the judgment there can be only two classes: try to put it away on the mystical plane record, that God hath given to us eternal those who have accepted Christ and somewhere. Friends, I want you to life, and this life is in His Son." 1 John His indwelling life, and those who have escape the seven last plagues. To do 5: II. When God loved the world so for ever rejected Christ, the source of all this, you must keep all the command- dearly that He gave His only Son, with life. The ones who have accepted ments of God. God's message is not a the giving of His Son He also gave Christ will live eternally, because JesuF. message to dally with; it is either "everlasting life." John 3: 16. and eternal life dwell in them. The salvation or eternal destruction, when When Jesus enters the heart, eternal ones who have rejected Christ will gc you see the truth and refuse to stand life enters at the same time: "He .that down in eternal death never to rim in it. hath the Son hath life; and he that again, because "the wages of sin is hath not the Son of God hath not life." Christ is coming soon. Some people death." Rom. 6:23. John 5: 12. Surely then the entrance do not believe it. They are building of the Son of God into the heart and Live out Thy life within me, houses that will last for a long time. If 0 Jesus, King of kings! life is an event of surpassing magni- Be thou Thyself the answer you are a child of God and sealed by tude! Jesus said of Himself: "I am To all my questionings; God you won't stay here long. But if the way, the truth, and the life." John Live out Thy life within me, you are lost you will stay here for a In all things have Thy way ! 14: 6. Here are three things of the I, the transparent medium thousand years till you wake up in the greatest importance to fallen man, and Thy glory to display. second resurrection. the third is the climax of them all. —F. R. Havergal. SIGNS •P THE TIMES :: June 10, 1946 Page Mee is There No Way Out? man be. . . . And they shall see the Bobby's Hero Son of man coming in the clouds of (Concluded from page 14) (Concluded from page 1) heaven with power and great glory." Verses 27-3o. a millstone around his neck, being drawn is not a vain expectation, for there is down, down into the depth of the sea. the assured promise of God's own Son, A. the amazed disciples stood upon the crest of Olivet looking intently up- He awakened trembling. Again he dozed "I will come again"; while in the last off; this time he was disturbed by his chapter of Scripture, the covenant is ward for the last glimpse of their de- parting Lord, two shining angels stood own scream as he saw Bobby being twice given, "Behold, I come quickly," tossed on the angry waves. closing with the even stronger assurance, at their side to convey the comforting, "Surely I come quickly." cheering promise: "This same Jesus, Again he lay awake for hours, listen- Enoch, Job, and Isaiah prophesied of which is taken up from you into heaven, ing to the restless waves beating on the that glorious event when they would shall so come in like manner as ye have shore. He felt he would go mad. At last meet their Redeemer. Likewise the seen Him go into heaven." Acts I: II. he heard the clock in the dining-room hopes of Abraham were centred in that He ascended bodily and will return strike twelve and father creep quietly "better country" and in the "city which "in like manner"; He was borne up- out of bed. Billy dared not be left hath foundations, whose builder and ward in a cloud; while of His second alone with his agonizing thoughts, and in maker is God." Jude 14, r5; Job 19: coming it is written: "Behold, He corn- a moment he was by his father's side. 25-27; Isa. 2s: 9; Heb. II: 16, ro. eth with clouds;. and every eye shall Silently they stood by the little bed gazing at the chubby face, once so pink The disciple whom Jesus loved wrote see Him." Rev. I: 7. Angels formed with confidence of the time when "we His cloudy escort to heaven, and when and dimpled, now still and white. All shall be like Him; for we shall see Him He returns in glory, "all the holy mother said as they entered the room as He is." James, the brother of Jesus, angels" are with Him. Matt. 25: 31. was, "No change yet," and in spite of urged the church to be patient "unto Nineteen centuries ago He came as a father's pleadings and reminders of the coming of the Lord." With ardent babe in Bethlehem's manger; He will her promise to go and rest when he came delight Peter declared: "When the Chief come again in sovereign majesty. to take over, she refused to leave the Shepherd.shall appear, ye shall receive Christ's second coming is not at room. a crown of glory that fadeth not away." death, as some affirm, for He returns Hour after hour the three silently watched. The clock chimes reached John 3: 2: James 5: 7; I Peter 5: 4. as the Life-giver to abolish death and In his inspired messages to churches destroy him who has "the power of them. One. Two. Three. And still and individuals, Paul frequently men- death." That event is not a mere no change. They continued to pray and tioned "that blessed hope, and the secret rapture nor an outpouring of the wait. Just as the clock struck four glorious appearing of the great God and Holy Spirit; for "this same Jesus" re- Bobby's lips moved. They had to lean our Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2: 13. turns personally to lead that majestic close to catch the words that at first Again he wrote: "The Lord Himself pageant of the skies. were so faint but ended in a hysterical Keena Mawy gone . . . shall descend from heaven with a shout, His coming is not in the darkened scream. "My gone China. . . . Quick, billy, get my with the voice of the Archangel, and rooms of the spiritist medium; for "if with the trump of God: and the dead in they shall say unto you, Behold, . . . He Keena Mawy, get me . . ." but with Christ shall rise first: then we which is in the secret chambers; believe it that he sank back on the pillow ex- are alive and remain shall be caught not." Matt. 24: 26. Neither will it hausted. up together with them in the clouds, to occur in the desert; for His appearing He remained in a state of semi- meet the Lord in the air: and so shall is a world-wide spectacle, marking the consciousness for another hour, then we ever be with the Lord." r Thess. termination of the gospel age and the without warning, as if God had only just heard their prayers, his blue eyes opened 4: 16, 17. dawning of the eternal years. Christ appears the second time to In this confidence we are not follow- wide in full consciousness. Bobby looked resurrect the righteous dead, to translate ing cunningly devised fables. Christ's from father to mother, then to Billy, the righteous living, to unite the family coming is no longer to be considered as his eyes rested on the face of his hero, of earth with the family of heaven, ancj remote or a ridiculous impossibility. In and he said with a tremble of his little to destroy the finally impenitent. Nine- this day when man has discovered some lips, "I tan't get her, but you tan get teen hundred years ago He ascended to of the secrets of radio and radar, or cos- my Keena Mawy, Billy." heaven to prepare a place for His mic and atomic energy, why should it Billy quickly left the room and re- people; soon He will return to consum- be thought incredible that God can raise turned with the Sydney, which he laid mate the purpose of the ages. "He the dead, or transcend the ordinary laws beside Bobby. "Your Queen Mary shall send His angels with a great sound of nature to visit this planet and trans- has gone to China' with food for the of a trumpet, and they shall gather to- port its virtuous citizens to some other hungry little boys. You can have the gether His elect from the four winds, part of His universe? Sydney, Bobby; it is yours for keeps. from one end of heaven to the other." Yet such is the divine plan. This Oh, Bobby, Bobby," and Billy fell on Matt. 24: 31. bruised and troubled world needs Jesus, his knees beside the bed and wept as The Bible teaches that Christ's second and His return will not long be delayed. though his heart would break. appearing will be personal, visible, In striving for a peaceful, happy world, It was some days before the doctor glorious, and premillennial. False man has dismally failed. It is time for would give his consent for Bobby to christs may arise, do arise; but no child God to intervene in human affairs. From leave his room, but when at last Bobby of God need be deceived, for even Satan the chaos and gloom He now points the was free he and Billy became insepar- himself will be unable to counterfeit way out, and this "blessed hope" brings able companions. Jimmy often joined or camouflage the glorious majesty of to the Christian fullness of joy and them on their happy excursions, but that event. When our Lord appears, no genuine optimism. never again did he hear Billy say that newspaper or radio broadcast will an- "Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye "Kid brothers are a bother." I think nounce His arrival:— look for these things, give diligence that he also learned a lesson from Billy's sad "As the lightning cometh out of the ye may be found in peace, without spot experience, for both boys devoted their east, and shineth even unto the west; and blameless in His sight." 2 Peter time to the little boy who had so nearly to shall also the coming of the Son of 3: 14, R.V. met his death through their selfishness.

'age Twelve June 10. 1948 C 1(1 V n F rpra TITLIFO "I'm filled up and cannot take you on," the man told him shortly. "Well," said Archie, "in that case I had better start for home, as I have gays of out eight miles to walk before dark." Then thanking the man, he turned and vaulted over the fence. • "Come back, young man! I believe that after all I can give you a job," Whatever Happens --Work called the prospective employer. LORA E. CLEMENT So Archie turned back and again leaped over the fence. The two quickly WANTED—Young man wants "Don't be afraid of killing yourself came to terms; the young man was to easy job with good pay. Not am- by overworking on the sunny side of receive six shillings a day and board! bitious, but has fair education. thirty. Men die sometimes, but it is Some months later a friend told Write Box 28, care of DAILY because they stop at .6 p.m. and don't Archie how it happened that he was employed. The German told this mutual ITEM. go home until 2 a.m. It's the intervals that kill, my son. The work gives you friend, "I didn't need another man, but Well, it is said that "anyone looking appetite for your meals; it lends sweet- when I saw that young fellow leap over for a soft spot can find one under his ness to yout slumber; it gives you a per- the fence and not crawl under it or over hat!" fect appreciation of a holiday. it, I knew that he was a man I must It would be interesting to meet this "There are young men who do not have." youth who has no ambition, but who work, but the country is not proud of Oh, friend o' mine, if you are poor— evidently is face to face with the stern them. It does not even know their work; if you are rich—continue to fact that he must eat; and who, pressed names; it only speaks of them as 'Old work; if you are burdened with seem- by necessity, inserts an advertisement in ingly unfair responsibilities—work; if . his home-town newspaper, blandly ask- you are sad or disappointed—work; if 0 ing for an "easy job with good pay." your health is threatened—work; if What colossal nerve! your faith falters—work; if your Do you suppose he is one of the army dreams are shattered and hopes seem to of youthful ex-war-workers wh6 was so have fled—work; whatever happens— misguided as to leave school and take work! Work faithfully and with faith, a job at an emergency-inflated wage, for work is one of the most effective and who, now that his war job has van- remedies known for all sorts of ills. ished, refuses to consider ordinary pay Of course you would not advertise for an ordinary work such as he is that you had no ambition, or frankly capable of doing? state that you are looking for the high- Or could he be an ex-serviceman who est possible returns for the least possible had such an easy time in the Army that work. But have a care lest you fall he wants to keep right on having it—at So-and-So's boys.' Nobody likes them; into this dangerous thought-pit from the expense of private industry instead the great, busy world doesn't know they which only your own heroic efforts can 'of benevolent Granny Government? are here. rescue you. Or again, maybe he is just plain lazy! "So find out what you want to be and There are people like that who maintain do. Take off your coat and make dust that the world owes them a living with in the world. The busier you are, the How Evolution Evolved minimum or no effort on their part. less harm you are apt to get into, the (Concluded front page 7) At any rate he is honest—or is he? sweeter will be your sleep, the brighter so carefully worked out and correlated Is it ever honest to expect, or take, more your holidays, the better satisfied the one with another, and challenge the than you give for value received? whole world will be with you." diluvialists with the same expression, We may safely conclude, however, Archie MacLean was a typical Scotch- "Now if this does not mean evolution, that this young man needs a good, stiff man, and stood erect and tall, wearing what does it mean?" shot of ambition, and that his viewpoint his eighty ygars gracefully. He loved It is quite obvious that if evolution needs complete overhauling. to tell how he got the job that enabled were true, the current methods of "A man's best friend is his work," him to marry and get a real start in stratigraphy would make it possible declared Winston-Churchill many years life. to arrange the rocks in order according ago at a trade union congress in En- As a young man he made something to the sequence of life throughout the gland. There were many critics of his of a name for himself as a good work- ages. But, suppose evolution were not statement, but he held his ground and er, but there were not many openings true, then what? Is it possible that the amplified it by adding, "Work is a that offered an opportunity for advance- rocks can be arranged in order without benediction, and all over England there ment. Finally he heard of a German invoking the evolutionary interpreta- are people who go to their knees night who operated a timber mill eight miles tion? And what is to be the approach after night thanking God for the chance away, who was a good employer, who of the diluvialist to the question? of toil, or praying that the opportunity paid good wages, who took good care It is impossible in one article to dis- of work may come to them." of his men, who was known to be fair cuss all the data, but at this point let "My son," advises Bob Burdett, "re- and honest, but who was also notori- us remember that the supposed evidence member, you have to work. Whether ously hard to please. for long geological ages rests largely you handle pick or wheelbarrow or a set So Archie walked the eight miles from upon assumption, and that it may be • of books,. dig ditches or edit a news- his home to apply for work. Arrived perfectly possible to find an interpre- paper, ring an auction bell or write there, he made himself known and tation for those facts in terms of Flood funny things, you must work. introduced his errand. geology.

SIGNS OF THE TIMES : : June 10, 1946 Page Thirteen ouring to recover his treasured boat he rushed forward into the deep water. The angry waves dashed him over again and Storkswittitildren again, his baby strength could not stand against the power of the sea, and he was fast being carried away from the shore. It all happened so quickly that the two boys busily sailing the Sydney ",Bofiffila, Mew" had scarcely noticed his absence, until a woman's wild scream for help caused MRS. VIOLET SCARR them to look toward the surf, just as a strong man came out of the water ILLY was twelve years old, just an "Ess I is, Billy, I'm going to take carrying a limp form in a little red B ordinary, happy youngster, but to food to the little hungry boys in China swim suit. little brother Bobby, who was only in my Keena Mawy." With an agonized cry Billy ran to- three, Billy was a hero. Everything "No, you're not, Bobby." ward him, only to be pushed aside by that Billy did, Bobby did; everything But just then Father spoke up, "Yes, the life-savers as they began to work that Billy said, Bobby said; and every- Billy, you must take Bobby with you over the apparently lifeless form. where that Billy went, Bobby went-- today. This is Christmas day, a day Eventually breathing was restored, but until last summer: of peace and love and goodwill." And Bobby was still unconscious when car- Father and mother, Billy and little he told the children the story of the ried to his home. The doctor was sum- Bobby went to the beach for a holiday. waiting shepherds, the star in the east, moned and gave his verdict gravely, The first two days were spent quite and the holy child Jesus, who came to "Severe shock, we cannot tell for twenty- happily, until Billy found a new friend, bring peace to all men. four hours how it will go with the little Jimmy, who was also spending a holiday Soon the two boys, carrying the chap. He will require careful watch- at the beach, and living with his parents Sydney turn about, were hastening to ing." in the little cottage next door. Billy the pond, whilst little Bobby, in his red Never for an instant during the long became so engrossed in this new friend- swim suit, trotted by their side and hours of that day did Billy leave the ship that little Bobby became a burden chattered constantly, "Me send food bedside of his little brother. At nine to him. At every opportunity he would to little hungry boys in China in my o'clock that night, when the doctor slip away without him, to go fishing, Keena Mawy." The two big boys called on his last round for the day, he swimming, or hiking with Jimmy. He walked so fast in their haste to sail the found the sad boy with swollen eyes would send Bobby to find pussy whilst Sydney that Bobby's chubby legs had still staring at the motionless form on he quickly ran out the front door, or he to keep at a run. He was quite out of the bed. "Billy," he said kindly, put- would pretend he was going to the breath, but not for one moment did he ting his hand on the boy's shoulder, "go bathroom to wash his hands, and when cease to talk about—"Hungry little to bed, or we will have two sick boys on Bobby looked for him he was gone. This boys . . . China . . . me send food . . . our hands." always meant weeping on Bobby's part, Keena Mawy . . . hungry little boys." He ran so fast and talked so fast, and Billy silently shook his head and and mother would have to take the little scalding tears ran down his cheeks. It fellow on her lap and tell him stories puffed so much, that his prattle became just a jumble of words. was not until father put his arm around until he forgot the neglect and slight him and begged him to "come to bed of his hero brother. Although father Soon they reached the pond and set with me," did he move. "Mother will and mother were grieved by Billy's the Sydney a-sailing, but not unin- watch until midnight, and then we will treatment of Bobby, they did not re- terruptedly, for Bobby kept so close take over, laddie," he said gently. prove him until Christmas morning. to his hero, Billy, and insisted that the Not a word of reproach had either There was great excitement in the Keena Mawy sail side by side with the Sydney father or mother spoken to Billy during little seaside cottage as the two children that Billy became angry and told him to take his silly boat away the entire day, which made his burden opened their parcels. Billy's joy was and to get out of the way himself. harder to bear than if he had been unbounded when he found himself the severely reprimanded. proud possessor of a beautiful sailing "You're a lucky chap, Jimmy, that you haven't got a kid brother to cart It was always Billy's custom to read boat, complete with model captain, a passage from the Bible before going and bearing the name, The Sydney in around everywhere you go: Get away, Bobby." to bed. Was it just coincidence, or was bright red letters. Bobby received many it the voice of Jesus speaking to him? Bobby's lip dropped. "Me wanta little gifts, but the thing he prized most Strange as it may seem, these are the take food to little hungry boys in China. was a little wooden boat, because he words upon which his eyes lighted this Me wanta sail Keena Mawy." said, "It is a bootiful ship like Billy's." night as he opened the sacred pages. Father told him it was the Queen -Well," Billy snarled, "China's over Matt. 18: 6. "But whoso shall offend Mary and from that moment his little the ocean there [pointing to the one of these little ones which believe boat was the Keena Mawy and the breakers], go and sail your Queen Mary in Me, it were better for him that a mill- joy of his baby heart. and don't be in our way.- stone were hanged about his neck, and Bobby stood for a moment looking Billy talked much at breakfast of how that he were drowned in the depth of over the blue waters, in imagination he he and Jimmy were going to sail The the sea." He read the words over and _ saw the Queen Mary sailing to China, Sydney on the pond near the surf; and over again, they burned themselves in- and in less time than it takes to tell, Bobby joined in, "We take food to delibly into his brain. For hours he lay he was in the breakers. The strong the little hungry boys in China in my awake, sleep refused to come. Eventu- waves lifted him off his feet and tumbled Keena Mawy." ally he fell into a troubled slumber; him in the water; in his scramble to occasionally he would jump and cry "Oh, you're not coming, youtie too regain his footing he lost his grip on out as he dreamed he saw himself with small, Bobby," said Billy. his precious Keena Mawy, and endeav- (Concluded on page 12) l'age Fourteen June 10, 1946 :: SIGNS OF THE TIMES P. THE cost of armies and navies in the year ahead, according to The United States News, / fit "is to break peacetime records at a minimum Signs of the Times ertr of i7,5oo,00op0o. At least 8,000,000 men, and ° ana maybe more, will be under arms. . . Actually, PRICE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE I preparations for war in time of peace probably 12 months, 5 6 months, 2/6: post free in the Com- monwealth and N.Z. All other countries, 10 '6 ONE the finest disinfectants is ordinary never have been pressed by the United States, Single copies postage extra), Id. Russia, and Great Britain so actively as at oiling water. Water boils at 212 degrees All orders sent direct to the Publishers or sFahrenheit, and even the T.B. germ is des- present. Besides continuing to pay the costs their agents, either for single subscriptions troyed at 142 degrees Fahrenheit. of the last war, it is probable that these big or for clubs, must be accompanied by cask. powers, in normal peacetime years will be SIGNS PUBLISHING COMPANY spending the equivalent of 15,000,000,000 a (A.C.A. Ltd. Props.) I" EXPERIMENTS have proved that when you year on preparation for another possible con- Warburton :: Victoria :: Australia arise you are weakest. After breakfast your flict in the future." • When forwarding Money Orders or Postal Notes. strength steadily increases so that by 2 p.m. please make same payable to SIGNS PUBLISH- you are at your peak. Waning then sets in ING COMPANY, WARBURTON, and not to Jous Foster Dulles, member of the United individuals. All New Zealand remittances should and continues until after breakfast next day. ► be in the form of Money Orders. as Postal Notes States delegation to the United Nations Or- or Stamps are not negotiable in the Commonwealth. ganization, in a recent speech at Princeton Po THOUSANDS of persons have used saccharin University, declared that the nations "do not *OUR GENERAL AGENTS: Write the Book and during the war days and consequent ration- feel it very' important to settle their differences. Bible House in your own State:— ing of sugar. Many have believed it to be Victoria: 8 Yarra Street, Hawthorn, El. . . It seemed that members were using the Tasmania: 361 Argyle Street. North Hobart. harmful. It is, in fact, harmless. It was council as a forum where through propa- South N.S.W.: 84 The Boulevarde, Strathfield. discovered in 1879 by two Baltimore chemists. ganda and clever manoeuvres they could North N.S.W.: 21 Gordon Avenue, Hamilton. The compound is chemically known as benzoyl Old.: 37 O'Connell Ter.. Bowen Hills, Brisbane. score national gain at the_ expense of others." Nth. Old.: 106 Sturt Street, Townsville (W.). sulphoniciraide, and is 300, 45o, and sso times The situation is disturbing. We have no time South Australia: 82 Angas Street, Adelaide. sweeter than cane sugar. During the 1914- to waste. The pattern of the future is already West Australia: 62 Clotilde Street. Mt. Lawley. 1918 war, saccharin came into general use as a North N.Z.: 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt. Eden, Auck- taking form, and the form is not a pleasing land, C.3. sugar substitute. This last war has been re- one. It resembles much the pattern of the South N.Z.: 40 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch. sponsible for the sale of millions of saccharin past. tablets. Its compounds are a product of coal- tar. ga' TUE formation of Unitas (Latin for "unity"), a Catholic-sponsored inter-faith or- ► A PHONOGRAPH recording and reproducing ODD ways of earning a living are often ganization, is described by Christian Herald. apparatus has been designed which will handle handed down from father to son; but rarely The movement has been founded specifically telephone calls when you are away from home. does one hear of such a strange method as that to "unite Christians of all denominations When the telephone rinp, the vibrations of the of the well-jumpers of Mehrauli, a village near throughout the world with Catholics in pro- bell start the phonograph going and thus trans- Delhi. There, fathers teach their sons how moting goodwill and combating anti-Christian mit a recorded message to the caller. Then to jump down a well, a hundred feet deep, influences." There are to date eight hundred a gong sounds, telling the caller that he can for the benefit of tourists. They've had a members; but Unitas is controlled by a central begin talking and recording the message he pretty thin time of it during the war; but they international committee, all of whom are wishes to leave. keep practising, hoping that better days will Catholics. Their work is to be world wide, come—for unless you keep at a game like but at present is concentrated in the Balkans. theirs, your first exhibition leap in the new season may be your last. If the "SIGNS" It. "Trig rise of our divorce rate is frighten- Should ing," declares Dr. C. R. Adams, social scientist Come to Yon " HAVING accomplished the task of putting * We never send out papers of Pennsylvania State College. "One marriage Unexpectedly— that have not been ordered. millions of New Testaments in the hands of in five or six landed on the rocks in 144o. Should you therefore be re- American servicemen, the Gideons, that or- In 1046 it is expected to be one in four. And ceiving the "SIGNS OF THE ganization of Christian business men bent on TIMES" without ordering it if long-range trends continue, the rate will yourself. it is being sent by a friend with the hope "Bibling the nation," have now set out to give be one in two in fifty years." that you will enjoy it. en for any reason you w Testaments to 46,000,000 children and should prefer not to accept, would you kindly ad- Dung people in the schools. They are be- vise the Publishers by letter. The wishes of all SO. are respected. nning the gigantic task by serving the fifth- graders first. At the same time the Gideons WANTED TO LET for six months or longer are checking up on the Bibles which they to approved tenant, large furnished house, War- burton. Nice locality, high, opposite side Yarra Printed and published by Signs Publishing Com- placed in hotel rooms years ago, and plan from Hydro. 11., miles from railway station. pany (A.C.A. Ltd., Props.). Warburton. Victoria. to replace half a million that are worn out. Apply B. T. Y., care Signs, Warburton. Aust., and registered as a newspaper in Victoria.


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SIGNS OF THE TIMES :: June 10. 1936 Page Fifteen 7 4e e


Punic: Since Jesus bless those who constrain Him with His pres- ence, and denies it to those who are indifferent to Him, therefore let us constrain Him to be our Guest.

N THE Gospel according to Luke we have recorded two very interesting events in the life of the Master. The first to be noted is in the 24th chapter, verses 28, 29. This event takes us back to the late afternoon of the day of the resurrection. The two disciples were on their way to Emmaus, a little town eight miles from Jerusalem. They were greatly per- plexed by the events that had recently taken place They had heard the news of the morning in regard to the removal of Christ's body from the tomb, and also through that village, and they would show Him no hospi the report of the women who had seen the angels and tality. Little did they realize that they were turning from• had met Jesus. "And they talked together of all these their door the best gift of heaven—the heavenly Guest. things which had happened. And it came to pass that As we journey along life's pathway we too may contact while they communed together and reasoned. Jesus Himself Jesus. Do you feel drawn to Him? Does your soul hunger drew near, and went with them." Luke 24: 14, 15. It was to hear more of Him? If so why not constrain the heavenly not. long before Jesus was unfolding to them the Scriptures, Guest to abide with you? He may come very : and -with Him leading the conversation the miles slipped but unless you open the door of your heart to Him, He may by unnoticed. The village was at last reached.. The. sun had pass you by. Can you call to mind the famous painting set, but as we are told in our Scripture, Jesus "made as portraying the heavenly Guest standing at the door knocking though He would go further." But the disciples felt drawn gently? If you examine that painting closely you Will find to Him. Their souls hungered to hear more from Him. that there is no latch on the outside of the door. Jesus "Abide with us" they said. Jesus not appearing to heed. cannot open the door Himself. The door can only be their invitation they urged Him saying, "The day is far opened from the inside. He says today: "Behold, I stand spent.- And He went in to tarry with them. at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open The other event is recorded in Luke 9: 51-5'3, It tells the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and how our Lord on His way to Jerusalem sends messengers to he with Me." Rev. 3:.20. "Christ never forces His company .a certain village that they might prepare for His corning. upon anyone. Gladly will He enter the humblest home, and The messengers, we are told, obeyed His command. He cheer the loneliest heart. But if men are too indifferent to. came to the village and set His face as though He would think of the heavenly Guest or ask Him to abide with them, go to Jerusalem. Tris time there was no one to say -Abide He passes on." Won't -you constrain Him to abide with with us,- no one to constrain Him to stay. He passed you? "Abide with me, fast falls the eventide." • • vat Vs, 41004,4 1 lei YPtc volpteok st,Vtp;'," tpvv*r) 444= 4441V

yr Slater), June I!), 1946 SIGNS OF ruE TIMES