Protests Spread Over Women Vote
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E I D S Women bishops: IN what is the way forward? E1 THE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2012 No: 6155 PRICE £1.35 1,70j US$2.20 CHURCH OF ENGLAND THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHED IN 1828 NEWSPAPER Protests spread over women vote PROTESTS AGAINST the failure of General Synod to pass they said: “If agreement can be reached at round-table Under Synod rules, a meeting of the House has to be the women bishops legislation are spreading around the talks on fresh legislation which provides clearly and fairly for convened if more than 10 per cent of its 210 members Church of England as the Archbishops’ Council has urged all members of the Church of England there is no reason why demand it and it is believed that more than this number the House of Bishops to start a process of consultation that fresh legislation should not be fast-tracked through Synod have done so. The Chair is meant to give 21 days’ notice of will enable a new measure to be proposed to General before the next elections due in 2015. a special meeting and it is thought that a meeting is likely Synod in July. “It has never been our intention to prevent the consecra- to take place in January. Bristol Diocesan Synod has passed a motion of no confi- tion of women as bishops; our concern has always been for Critics are angry that Dr Giddings spoke in the debate dence in the General Synod and women in the Diocese of legislation which also made clear and fair provision for the instead of staying neutral. One said: “Chairmen should be Hereford are being asked to wear aprons to church next substantial minority.” unifying rather than polarising figures, especially when Sunday in protest at the failure of General Synod to pass Writing in the Mail on Sunday Jonathan Petre has there is overwhelming support for legislation.” the legislation for women bishops. reported that there is an attempt by some lay members of Some supporters of women bishops called the attempt to In proposing the motion at Bristol Synod, the Rev Mat General Synod to call for an emergency meeting so they oust Dr Giddings ‘vindictive’. Supporters pointed out that Ineson stressed that the motion was not stating a lack of can hold a vote of no confidence in the Chair of the House other leading figures in Synod, including the two archbish- confidence in the individual members of General Synod of Laity, Dr Philip Giddings. ops, made their views on women bishops quite clear. but rather in the ability of its systems and processes to reflect the will of the wider Church on the issue of women bishops. “There have been no 10 days in my ministry quite like the last ten days,” Ineson said. “To make a masterful Picture that speaks a thousand words about faith understatement, the present situation does not feel good.” The motion was passed by 51 votes to three. A powerful scene of former drug The apron protest in Hereford will take place on Sunday. addicts reading the New It is the idea of Christine Walters, a lay person from Stoke Testament scooped the winner’s Lacey, and seems likely to attract a good deal of support in award at a national amateur a diocese where all General Synod members voted in photography competition. Faith favour of women bishops and there are no parishes with Through a Lens, created by alternative episcopal oversight. national church insurer The Archbishops’ Council met last week and spent most Congregational & General, of its time discussing the issue of women bishops. In a hosted a prestigious awards statement after the meeting it said that “as part of their event with internationally reflections, many members commented on the deep renowned photojournalist Don degree of sadness and shock they felt as a result of the vote McCullin and Minister for Faith and also of the need to affirm all women serving in the and Communities, Baroness Church – both lay and ordained – in their ministries.” Warsi. ‘Brothers in Arms’ by The Council decided that the process to readmit women Paul Triller was praised by the to the episcopate needed to be restarted at the next meet- judging panel for its immediate ing of General Synod in July and recommended that ‘the impact, fantastic use of light and House of Bishops put in place a clear process for discus- real intensity. Paul, who took the sions in the New Year with a view to bringing legislative photo whilst in Romania, proposals before the July session of Synod.’ received a camera-shaped Canon Simon Killwick (Catholic Group) and Prebendary trophy sculpted by emerging Rod Thomas (Reform) have pledged themselves to do artist Craig Dyson and a prize everything they can to ensure the speedy and safe passage pack valued at £1,400. of legislation through the General Synod. In a statement ANDREW CAREY 7 • LETTERS 8, 13 • JAMES CATFORD 9 • CLERGY MOVES 14 • SUNDAY 15 • PAUL RICHARDSON 16 2 Sunday December 9, 2012 News Bishop reflects on his speeding ticket lesson Inside... By Robyn Sanders and self-pity that he had been victimized by “And a crucial part of the preparation, Britain’ s leading evangelical newspaper the cameras. urged on us by the prayers, readings hymns NOT EVEN Bishops are exempt from the The season of Advent, he says, is the per- and carols of the season, is to make our- eyes of traffic cameras. fect chance to hold up personal transgres- selves accountable to God, with fresh trans- In his Pastoral Letter for December, the sions to the light of the teaching and parency, for who and what we are. Our lives Bishop of Wolverhampton, the Rt Rev Clive example of Jesus Christ, that we might are all disfigured by what the Bible calls Gregory, described his great chagrin at receive forgiveness and a clean slate before ‘works of darkness’. Most of them, most of receiving a speeding fine. Christmas. the time, like motoring offences, we get He said that he tried to pass off his guilt “Thank God, literally, for the season of away with, so it takes honesty and courage through a myriad of feelings: anger that Advent. A time when Christians are encour- to bring them into the light, the place of petty traffic violations were being pursued aged, as we look forward to celebrating the painful scrutiny.” instead of dangerous drivers, denial that the coming of Christ at Christmas, to prepare The Bishop talk about this at the Christ- speed limit was even posted correctly, as ourselves, as if to meet him for the first mas Eve Communion service at Holy Trini- well as overarching feelings of resentment time,” the Bishop said. ty Church, Short Heath, Willenhall. News . 1-7 Your Church . 2 Lament and hope in Coventry UK News . 1-4 World News . 5-6 IN RESPONSE to the General Synod Comment vote about women bishops, a service Andrew Carey . .7 of ‘Lament and Hope’ was held at Whispering Gallery . .7 Coventry Cathedral on Advent Sun- Letters . .8, 13 day. Bishops Christopher and John Leader . .9 invited clergy and laity from across James Catford . 9 the Diocese to join them for this spe- cial service. The service was attend- England on Sunday ed both by those who are in favour of Maurice Sinclair . .E1 the ordination of women bishops, and Nigel Nelson . .E2 those who are against. The Rev Jeremy Moodey . .E2 Canon Kit Dunkley (who did not sup- Films . .E3 port the legislation for women bish- Books . .E3 ops) told the story of how he had Janey Lee Grace . .E4 spent the morning after the vote. Crossword . .E4 Male and female clergy had gathered to pray for the mission of the Church The Record in their local community. Claret for Christmas . .10 He said: “It seemed to me that this Anglican Life . 11 was a sign that God is still calling us David Atkinson . .12 to work together. I sincerely hope and Classifieds . .13 pray, especially in this Diocese of Clergy Moves . .14 Coventry with its history of reconcili- Spiritual Director . .15 ation, that we can learn to live, work Sunday Service . .15 and pray together, and to move for- Alan Edwards . .15 ward together.” Paul Richardson . .16 The Rev Kate Massey (Curate at St People . .16 Nicholas Church, Kenilworth) lit a Milestones . .16 large candle as a symbol of hope. News from Your Church your diocese Derby: Derby Cathedral’s December and January exhibi- listed former parish church that has undergone a £7.3 mil- ent ways to worship throughout Advent. The films will be tion is “Hills and Harbours” by Belper-based artist Andrew lion conversion. available on Bird, which opened on Saturday. Derby Cathedral Exhibi- tions Officer, Geoff Robson, said: “Since first exhibiting his Ripon and Leeds: The homeless charity St George’s Worcester: Over 100 clergy and lay people from parishes work at the 2011 Wirksworth Festival, Andrew has Crypt’s Christmas Appeal has received the backing of two across Worcestershire and Dudley gathered at the Dioce- changed his style and lightened his palate considerably. Leeds Rhinos rugby players, Ben Jones-Bishop and Stevie san Office last week to affirm the ministry of women The ‘Hills and Harbours’ of the title are now less obvious to Ward, who believe that “people need more educating priests following the recent decision of General Synod not the eye as his style moves away from clear depiction towards homelessness and their situation”. In a video to accept women as bishops.