Thursday, the 19th January, 2012. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House, Islamabad, at 6.00 p.m. with Madam Speaker (Dr. Fehmida Mirza) in the Chair. RECITATION FROM THE HOLY QUR`AN

[رتہمج : ا ن ولوگن ےک د ولن ںیم وج ھچک ےہ ا هلل اعت ٰیل ا س وک وخ ب اجاتن ےہ ۔ مت ا ن یک ب ا وتن اک ھچک ایخل ہن رک و او ر

ا ںیہن تحیصن رکو ا و ر ا ن ےس ایسی ب ا ںیت وہک وج ا ن ےک د ولن ںیم ا رث رک اجںیئ او ر مہ ےن وج ربمغیپ اجیھب ےہ ا س ےئل

اجیھب ےہ ہک اهلل اعتیلٰ ےک فر امن ےک اطمقب ا س اک مکح امبا اجےئ ۔ او ر ہی ولگ ج ب ا ےنپ قح ںیم ملظ رک ےھٹیب ےھت ا رگ

اہمتر ے ب ا س ا ےت او ر ا هلل اعت ٰیل ےس ششخب امےتگن او ر ر وسل اهلل یلص ا هلل ہیلع و اہل و ملس یھب ا ن ےک ےئل ششخب

بلط رکےت وت اهلل اعت ٰیل وک اعمف رکےن و ا ال او ر رہمب ا ن ب ا ےت ۔اہمتر ے رپو رد اگ ر یک مسق ہی ولگ ج ب بک اےنپ

انتر اعب ںیم ںیہمت فصنم ہن انبںیئ او ر وج ہلصیف مت رک د و ا س ےس ا ےنپ د ل ںیم گنت ہن وہن ہکلب اس وک وخیش ےس

امن ںیل ت ب بک ومنم ںیہن وہن ےگ ]۔ و ارخد وعبا ا ن ا دمحل هلل ر ب ا اعلنیمل ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: زجا ک ا هلل ۔ .Leave Applications LEAVE OF ABSENCE Madam Speaker: Sahibzada Haji Muhammad Fazal Karim, MNA has requested for the grant of leave for 16th and 17th January 2012 due to personal engagements. Is leave granted? The leave was granted.

Madam Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Ayub Sheikh, MNA has requested for the grant of leave from 16th to 20th January 2012 due to personal engagements. Is leave granted? The leave was granted.


Madam Speaker: Mr. Muhammad Moazzam Ali Khan Jatoi, MNA has requested for the grant of leave for 13th and 19th January, 2012 due to personal engagements. Is leave granted? The leave was granted.

Madam Speaker: Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, MNA has requested for the grant of leave for 19th and 20th January, 2012 due to personal engagements. Is leave granted? The leave was granted.

Madam Speaker: Begum Nuzhat Sadiq, MNA has requested for the grant of leave for 19th and 20th January, 2012 due to personal engagements. Is leave granted? The leave was granted.

Madam Speaker: Rana Mehmood-ul-Hassan, MNA has requested for the grant of leave for 17th and 19th January, 2012. Is leave granted? The leave was granted

Madam Speaker: Item No. 2, there is a Calling Attention, Dr. Azra Fazal, Shamshad Sattar Bachani, Nawab Abdul Ghani Talpur, Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Chaudhary, Ms. Yasmeen Rehman Sahiba. Dr. Azra Fazal to move Item No. 2. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho: Thank you Madam Speaker. I would invite the attention of the Minister…....

می ڈ م رکیپس: شا ہ اصج ب ا س اک وجا ب وکن د ے اگ اکگنل انشنیٹ اک ۔وخا ہج ریش ار اصج ب ےن د انی اھت ۔ 3

وزیر برائے مزہبی امور)دیس وخ ردیش ا دمح شا ہ (: و ہ ت ر ی فیگ ےل ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ و ہ ج ب بک ا ےت ںیہ وت

ت ب بک د و رس ا ت ر سن ےل ےتیل ںیہ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: وت مہ ا س وک time beingےک ےئل deferرک ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah: For time being. Madam Speaker: Because he was here yesterday اورہی لک مہ ےن ایل ںیہن اھت ۔ time being ےک ےئل مہ ا س وک defer رکےت ںیہ ۔ OK, so we will .defer it. Item No. 3 وچہکن اہین ےس request ہی ا ر یہ ےہ ہک وج Last Calling Attentionےہ و ہ ےلہپمہ ےل ںیل ۔ہی Last Calling Attention ےہ in the name of Raja Muhammad Azad Khan, Malik Shakir Bashir Awan, Mr. Abdul Majeed Khan Khanan Khail, Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir, Ms. Nisar Tanveer Sahiba. Who is going to move? Nisar Tanveer Sahiba. CALLING ATTENTION NOTICE RE: INCREASE IN THE PRICE OF PALM OIL BY RS. 7 PER KG

Ms. Nisar Tanveer: Thank you Madam Speaker. We would like to invite attention of the Minister for Industries to a matter of urgent public importance regarding increase in the price of Palm Oil by Rs. 7 per kg;, causing grave concern amongst the public. Thank you. Madam Speaker: Parliamentary Secretary Haider Ali Shah Sahib to make a brief statement.

سید دیحر یلع شا ہ : رکشہی می ڈ م رکیپس۔ ا س رطح ےہ ہک ب ا م ا لئ وچہکن د اھیئ الھک نٹ وپر ب اقمس ہپ ا اکچ ےہ

۔نکیل وج رٹا وپسنر ب و ا ےل ںیہ ا نہو ن ےن ہ ڑ با ل یک وہیئ ےہ ا ھٹ د ن ےس ا و ر ا س ےک ب ا ب ںیم ب ا ب جی ب وہ ر یہ

ےہ ۔ ںیمہ ا دیم ےہ ہک ا ح و ہ ہ ڑ با ل متخ وہ اجےئ یگ ۔ نکیلا س یک وکیئ justification ںیہنیتنب ہک ےلہپ یہ

manufacturers ےک ب ا س اچر الھک ا یس ہ ڑ ا ر نٹ ب ا ل ا لئ ڑپا وہا ےہ ا و ر اکر اخےن یک رطف ےس تمیق وکیئ

ت ر اھیئ ںیہن یئگ ےہ ۔ا س ےئل ہی وت وصب ا یئ حکو وتمن اک اکم ےہ ہک وخا ہ وخما ہ ںیتمیق ت ر اھبا ا رگ یسک یھب وصےب ںیم ےہ

وت ا س ںیم ا بڈ یرٹ اک وکیئ ر و ل ںیہن ےہ ا و ر وک یئ بک یھب ںیہن ب تیا وکہکن اچر الھک ا یس ہ ڑ ا ر نٹ اک ر اخںون ےک ب ا س

ڑپ ےہ ا و ر د اھیئ الھک نٹ نب اقمس رپ ڑپ ےہ ۔و ہ یھب چنہپ اجےئ یگ ۔ وت ا س اک وکیئ یھب وجا ر یہ ںیہن ب تیا ہک ولگ 4

وخا ہ وخما ہ شا ب ر و ےپ یف ولک ےک اسح ب ےس ت ر اھںیئ ۔ا س ےئل ا بڈ یرٹت ر رٹسنم ےن یتخس ےس رکیسرٹ اصج ب وک اہک

ےہ ہک وصب ا یئ حکو وتمن وک ںیھکل ہک ا س اک وکیئ وجا ر ںیہن ب تیا ہک وخا ہ وخما ہ ںیتمیق ت ر اھیئ اجںیئ ۔ ا س ےک حالف

وصوبن ںیم ا نشکی ایل اجبا اچےئہ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: اثنر ونتری اصہبح۔ رتحمہم اثنر ونتری: ںیم وپانھچ اچیتہ وہن ہک ا رگ ا اسی اھت ہک ا رگ ہی وصب ا یئ ہلئسم اھت وت رھپ ا س اکگنل ا نشنیٹ وک ایل یہ ہن

اجبا ۔ ا ب ک ب ا ب ہی ےہ ا و ر د و رس ب ا ب ہی ےہ ہک ںیم ا ن ےس ہی انہک اچیتہ وہن ہک ےلھچپ نیت اچر ےنیہم ب ا م ا لئ یک

ںیتمیقاعیملامرٹیک ںیم مک وہیئ ںیھت ۔ نکیل اہین ہپ increase وہیئ ںیہ ۔ وت ںیم ا ن ےس ہی وپانھچ اچیتہ وہن قی ہک ہی ایک ب ا ب وہیئ ہک ج ب اعیمل امر ٹیک ںیم یسک زیچ یک مت ں مک وہیت ںیہ وت ا ب ک ب ا اتسکن یہ ا اسی کلم ےہ ہک اہجن

وتمیقن ںیم ا اضہف ایک اجبا ےہ ۔ رکشہی

می ڈ م رکیپس: ب ا ررٹنمیل رکیسرٹ دیحر یلع شا ہ اصج ب۔

سید دیحر یلع شا ہ: زعمر ربمم اصہبح ےن وج اہک ےہ ہک اعیمل ام رٹیک ںیم ںیتمیق مک وہیئ ںیہ ۔ احالہکن ا یسی ب ا ب ںیہن

ےہ۔ اعیمل ام رٹیک ںیم وج د س وس ت یتیا سیل دا رلر یف نٹ ےک اسح ب ےس ب ا م ا لئ یک تمیق یھت ۔ ا ب و ہ ب ا چن د ارل

تمیق ت ر یھ ےہ نکیل ا س اک یھب وکیئ وجا ر ںیہن ےہ ۔ ویکن ہک ارگ ب ا چن د ا رل تمیق ت ر یتھ ےہ وت اس ےس رصف

اچپس ےسیپ امہر ے ا ب ک ولک رگا م ںیم ت ر ھ یتکس ےہ ۔ ا س ےئل ںیم ہی و وثق ےس ہہک اتکس وہن ہک ںیتمیق ت ر اھےن اک

وکیئ وجا ر ںیہن ےہ ویکن ہک امہے با س ب ااتسکن ںیم با م ا لئ یک یمک ںیہن ےہ ۔ رقتابیً ھچ الھک نٹ با م ا لئ ڑپا وہ ا

قی مت ےہ وت ا س اک وکیئ ُبک او ر وجا ر یہ ب تیا ہک یت ں ت ر اھیئ اجںیئ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: ںیہن وت ا ب ہہک رےہ ںیہ رصف رٹا وپسنر ب یک strike و ہج ےس ت ر یھ ںیہ ۔

سید دیح ر یلع شا ہ: ںیہن یج ۔ ہی ا ح یہ مہ ےن وپاھچ ےہ وج Pakistan Banaspati Manufacturers صی ح ی Associationاک جیی ڑ نیم ےہ۔ ا س ےن اہک ےہ ہک مہ ولوگن وک ح تمیق ہپ د ے رےہ ںیہ ۔ مہ ےن

وکیئ تمیق ت راھیئ یہ ںیہن ےہ ۔ ارگ مہ ےن وکیئ تمیق ںیہن ت راھیئ وت وج ولگ چیب ر ےہ ںیہ ،وج وصوبن وک اج ر اہ ہے

ب ا ںیہک یھب اج ر اہ ےہ نکیل وکیئ وجا ر یہ ب تیا ہک ا رگ شا ب ر وےپ ت ر اھب ا اجےئ ۔ ا س ےئل رٹسنم اصج ب ےن رکیسرٹ اصج ب وک اہک ےہ

می ڈ م رکیپس: بلطم ہی ےہ ہک ر ب تی لر ر ت ر اھ ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ ا ب اک ہی دصقم ےہ ا و ر ا رگ و ہ ےہ وت ا س ہپ جی ک ویکن ںیہن ےہ ۔ ا ب ےتہک ںیہ ہک وصب ایئ حک وںیتم ا س زیچوک جی ک رکںی ۔ ح سید دیحر یلع شا ہ: یج رٹسنم اصج ب ےن رکیسرٹ اصج ب وک اہک ےہ ہک ا ن وصب ا یئ کموو ن وک ط ںیھکل ہک وخا ہ وخما ہ

ںیتمیق ت ر اھےن اک وکیئ وج ار ںیہن ب تیا ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: بلطم سی الیئ ںیم اانت اٹسک ےہ وج د امیبڈ ےہ ا س اک اانت اٹس ک ےہ ۔ 5

سید دیحر یلع شا ہ: شا رےھ ھچ الھک نٹ امہر ے ب ا س ڑپ وہیئ ےہ او ر ابڈ یرٹ و ا ولن ےن اب ک ہسیپ یھب ںیہن

ت ر اھب ا وت وج اعم اصر نیف ںیہ ا ن وک ویکن شا ب ر وےپ اگنہم لم ر اہ ےہ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: کلم شا رک ریشب ا وع ان اصجب ۔ to ask one question وموجد ںیہن ۔ دبع ادیجمل اخن اخبا ن

جی ج ل ۔ وموجد ںیہن ۔ سم تہگن رپو نی ریم اصہبح ۔ وموجد ںیہن ۔ ر ا ہج دم ا اخن اص ب ۔ وموجد ںیہن ۔

وت ا ب ط ھکل د ےئجی ویکن ہک ہی وت رھپ وصب ا یئ حکو وتمن یک د ہم دا ر ےہ ا ن رپا یسڑ وک ےچین الںیئ او ر ارگ حکو مب ےک

ب ا س اٹسک یھب وموجد ےہ وت رھپ ویکن اعم ا دیم وک اگنہم ےلم ۔یج اہن ۔ ینغ با وپل ر اصج ب ایک ہہک رےہ ںیہ ۔

ںوا ب دبع اینغل با وپل ر: می ڈ م ںیم ہہک ر اہ وہن ہک ریشا ر اصج ب ا ےئگ ںیہ ۔ ا رگ ہی اکگنل انشنیٹ ربمن 2 ےل ںیل ۔ رکشہی ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: یج شا ہ اصج ب ۔ ریشا ر اصج ب ےلہپ ا ب اتب د ےئجی اک اکگنل انشنیٹ اک ایک رکبا ےہ ۔

وخا ہج ریش ار ومحمد : رکیپس اصہبح ریم request ہی ےہ ہک مہ ےن already ہی conveyایک ےہ ا و ر ہی وج

اکگنلانشنیٹ ےہ ، ہی انفسن ےک شا ھت relate ںیہن رکبا ۔ ہی وج warehouses اک chapter ےہ ۔ ہی

اکرمس رٹسنم اک ےہ ا ور اکرمس وا ےل ا س وک رتہب ادنا ر ےس اتب شکیے ںیہ ہک warehouses اکوہایک رک ر ےہ ںیہ

ا و ر ا ن ےک ایک اعممالب لچ ر ےہ ںیہ۔ وت ا س اک انفسن ےک شا ھت وکیئ قلعت ںیہن ب تیا ۔ وےسی ا رگ ےھجم ہی ےلہپ اتب دب ا

اجبا ا و ر مہ ا س وک respond یھب رک د ےتی وت ںیم یھب احرض وہبا نکیل ہی chapter یہ اکرمس رٹسنم اک ےہ ا و ر

اکرمس رٹسنم اہین ہپ ا ےکرتہب ا دن ار ےس ت ر فی رک شکیے ںیہ ہک ہی سک رطح نکمم ےہ ہک و ہ ا س وک لمکم رکا ںیئ ےگ ؟

می ڈ م رکیپس: شا ہ اصج ب ا ب ہی رپا ملب ےہ ہک اکرمس رٹسنم ےس یھب ا نہو ن ےن rejectایک وہ ا ےہ ۔

وہ ےتہک ںیہ ہک امہر ے under ںیہن ا با ۔ وت ہی رھپ ٹنبیک ا ب decide رکںی ہک وکن ےل اگ ۔

دیس وخر دیش ا دمح شا ہ: می ڈ م رکیپس! و ےسی ت ر ے اوسفس یک ب اب ےہ ہک ہی رٹسنموین اک اکم ےہ ہک وخ د

decide رکںیہکہی سک اک اکم ےہ ۔ unfortunately ہی وہبا ےہ ہک اکرمس رٹسنم یتہک ےہ ہک انفسن اک ےہ،انفسن یتہک ےہہک ہی اکرمس اک ےہ ۔ ہی job وخ د رٹسنم اک ےہ ۔ ا ب ریمے ایخلںیما س اک ںوسٹ ےتیل وہےئ

رٹسنم ا ف اکرمس وک ،رٹسنم ا ف انفسن وک ھکل دںی ۔ ا س ےک دعب ںیم یھب ا ن ےس ر اہطب رکبا وہن۔ We can decide.

می ڈ م رکیپس: یج و ہ وت وہاکچ ۔ and both are refusing, so you have to decide

it at the Cabinet level ہک ایک رکبا ےہ ، ہیسک رٹسنم ےک under اجےئ اگ ۔

دیس وخر دیش ا دمح شا ہ: ہی وت وگ رٹنمن یک د ہم د ا ر ےہ ۔ امہر ے د ہم د ا ر ںیہن ےہ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: ٹنبیک دو رثی ن وک ںیہک ہک و ہ decide رکںی او ر ا س وک وکن respond رکے اگ ۔ 6

دیس وخر دیش ا دمح شا ہ: کیھٹ ےہ ںیم ٹنبیک دو رثی ن ےس را ہطب رکب ا وہن ا ور ب ا ب رک با وہن ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: so مہ ا س وک یھب درفی رکںی ۔ مہ ہی د وب ا ر ہ ےتجیھب ںیہ ہک ا س ہپ ہلصیف رک اںیئ ہک وکن ےل اگ ۔

دیس وخر دیش ا دمح شا ہ: ںیم ا یھب ا ن وک ھکل د اتی وہن ۔ ح می ڈ م رکیپس: یج ب ا نیمس ر و ٰں اصہبح ۔ ح رتحمہم ب ا نیمس ر و ٰں: می ڈ م تہب رکشہی ۔ ویکنہکنی ا لی یس و اہن ہپ اک م رک ر یہ ےہ ۔ ا و ر اکم تہب یہ slowوہ ر اہ ےہ ۔ وت NLC is under Planning and Development ا ب ہی Planning and

Development ا س وک دےھکی ب ا اکرمس دےھکی ۔ ہی و ہ ا سپ ںیم ب ت یھ ےک ا رگ decide رک ںیل ور ہن وت ہی ا ب ک

تہب ت ر ا loss ےہ ا س کلم وک for exports. So we are very concerned about that

ہک ا س اک ہلصیف وہبا اچےیہ اہو س یک رطف ےس وج مہ call attention seek رکےنیک وکشش رک ر ےہ ںیہ

۔ وت ا س وک expediteرکےن ےکےئل امہر request ےہ ۔ ایھب بک یہی decisionںیہن ےہ وت رھپ it

has to be clearہک وکن یس رٹسنم ا س وک دےھکی یگ ۔ .thank you

می ڈ م رکیپس: یج ا اجع ر و رک اصج ب ۔

انج ب دم ااجعر و ر ک : رکشہی می ڈ م رکیپس اصہبح ۔ I want to talk about the matter which was under discussion regarding the substantial increase in

.prices می ڈ م رکیپساصہبح ا ب ک د ن اشالم ا ب ا د ںیم مہ وج ا می انی ا ت ر we are from Punjab ج ب ا د رھ

ا ےت ںیہ وت ا د رھ د یلی ا تیمر یک وجرپا یسڑ ںیہ ، no doubt it is the prices وج ںیہ provincial subject ےہ ۔ but I want to know the situation which is in Islamabad particularly in winter اب ک simple eggرپا سئ وج ےہ in summer it was forty

.Rupees per kg egg prices. But now it has crossed 140 وت I want to

know in winter بلطم ایک ا یسی وکیئ ا تف ا اجیت ےہ ہک ا ن یک وج رپا یسڑ ںیہ و ہ common man

وھچر ےک special man وج ںیہ ا ن یک یھب چنہپ ےس ب ا ہ ڑ اج ر یہ ںیہ ا و ر و ہ ا س وک afford ںیہن رک شکیے۔ ہک

ایک ا یسی وکیئ ا وپسکیر ب ا مٹئ ےہ ب ا winter ںیم رمایغن با با رک اجیت ںیہ what is the main

?reasonوت ا س ےک شا ھت شا ھت ریم دو رس ا ب ک رض و ر زگا ر س ےہ ہک recent reportا یئ ےہ ہک ہی وج مہ ب الکٹس زگیب useرکےتںیہ ہی رقتابیً in a year امہر ا اب ک نیلم وج امہر ے animals and

birds وجںیہ و ہ ا ن یک رظن وہ اجےتںیہ ا ور ا رگ ا ن وک ر نیم ںیم د ب ا د ب ا اجےئ وت one thousand years

بک ہی consume ںیہن وہےت ا و ر ا رگ ا ن وک دنب رکےت ںیہ وت ت ر obnoxious gasses یکو ہج ےس 7

تحص اک ہلئسم ب تیا ےہ۔ so I earnestly requested the concerned authoritiesہک زیلپ ہ ںیمہ baskets ا و ر bagsوج ںیہ made of cloths or paperو ہ اامعتسل رکےن اچ یت ں ۔ ا س ےک

ےئل وج concerned authorities ںیہ ا ن وک directionsد اجںیئ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: تہب رکشہی ۔ د ارٹ رذر ا لض اصہبح ۔

Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho: Thank you Madam Speaker. Referring to the Calling Attention, I think the Ministries should decide who should take it up because this is an urgent matter and we need to discuss it. I wanted to bring the attention of the House also to a matter of very grave urgency in the fact that the pharmaceutical industry which is one of our highest growing sector, is very concerned about the fact that there is no Health Ministry in Islamabad to register their drugs and to bring about regulation in their drugs and to bring about pricing control and things like that. Unless we have the drug control authority at the national level, we will not be able to grow in this industry and I feel very strongly about it. I think either it should be, that there are three provinces who have agreed to have this at the central level and have a national drug regulatory authority. Unfortunately Punjab is dilly-dallying and being wishy- washy about it and trying to blackmail on the Sheikh Zaid Hospital’s ownership. And I think this is very very wrong. Because of this reason, the whole sector of, the pharmaceutical sector is suffering. And I think they should come to, and they should become mature about it and they should seriously think about what they are doing to the economy of this country.

Finally I would like also to bring the attention of the House to the fact that World Bank has given a very positive report on Pakistan and has said that today it has shown a robust growth in this quarter and the article has come in Dawn. And it has also indicated that the current account deficit which was reflected in 2010 as 0.9 percent of the GDP, has now become a surplus, and has changed into a surplus of 0.5 percent of our GDP. We have shown increase in our industrial growth as well as overall tightening fiscal tightening and 8 positive remittance and a huge amount in remittance. So, I think that Pakistan needs to be congratulated on sustaining things in times of crisis where the whole world is in a crisis of economy and recession. We have shown some sustainability during this last quarter. Thank you very much.

می ڈ م رکیپس: او ےک۔یج ہی legislative businessیھبےھجمانیل ےہ نکیل وکیئ consensusوہر یہ یھت I

,don’t know ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب رظن ںیہن ا ر ےہ ےھجم۔ او ہ ، ا وےک ۔ وس کیھٹ کیھٹ یج meanwhile I will ,take few Point of Ordersیجوچدہر ریصن ہٹھب ۔ POINTS OF ORDER Mr. Naseer Bhutta: Thank you very much, Madam Speaker! Actually I was not having any Point of Order but today unfortunately I am constrained to speak on the Point of Order for the reason that today what happened in the Supreme Court and what happened with the people around the area who were supposed to come in the red zone. There was immense and a terrible exercise at the part of the government officials who were deployed over there on various “Nakaz” including “Radio Pakistan Naka”, “NADRA Naka” then “Marriott Hotel Naka”. I was one of the victim the moment I went early in the morning in Aabpara Market what happened that when I came back I was supposed to got stuck up over there before the Marriott Hotel and I had to wait for a period of more than 20 or 30 minutes and then I crossed the “Naka” of Marriott Hotel then I come in front of the PTV what happened that I was only known to come and go to the lodges just for the reason that I was having a name plate of the MNA. This is a terrible exercise at the part of the government. This will happen day and again, the way the government is doing where the government is performing. Supreme Court will call them day and 9 again, day and again but this should not happen. The people should not be the sufferers, people should not become the victim, they should not be victimized. The way things have happened today, I think, the government should take care of the situation. If at all the Supreme Court is calling them, Supreme Court is demanding them. They are under notice, they are under contempt.

می ڈ م رکیپس: کیھٹ ےہ یج۔ Mr. Naseer Bhutta: They are supposed to contempt, says it is contempt. They are contemners, the contemn, the contemnors are not required to have any kind of...

می ڈ م رکیپس: کیھٹ ےہ یج۔ امکیئ لوھےئل۔ا ای ا ب اک وپ اٹن۔ Mr. Naseer Bhutta: In this regard, Madam Speaker, I would like to have a symbolic walk-out in favour of the people of Pakistan. Madam Speaker: I think, probably they were people of Pakistan there but anyway, jee Khawaja Sohail Mansoor Sahib..

)ا س ومعق رپ وچدہ ر ریصن ہٹھب اویا ن ےس و اک ا و ب رک ےئگ (

وخا ہج لیہس وصنم ر: رکشہی می ڈ م رکیپس اصہبح ۔ ا س کلم ےک ادن ر power sectorےن ا س کلم وک

ریامغل انب ایل ےہ ۔ اجنپ ب ےک ادنر ا س و قب ا ب ک وت یلجب یک supply ب ا لکل ںیہن ےہ ۔ ا ور و اہن رپ ا ب ک fuel adjustment charges ےک با م ےس ولبن ےک ا دنر ا ب ک ےئن ےسیپ ےیل اج ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ ا ینت اگنہمیئ ےک د و ر ںیم اہجنولوگناک ٹجب ںیہن لچ کس ر اہ ولگ ہی extra burden اہکن ےس afford رکںی ےگ ا و ر اہکن ےس

دںیےگ۔ولگا ےنپ وچبن وک ںیہن ڑپاھ کس ر ےہ ۔ یلجب ہی دےنی وک ایتر ںیہن ںیہ ۔ اہین رپ ج ب یھب ب ا ب یک اجیت

ےہ رٹسنم و ا رٹ ا ڈنی ب ا ور و ہ لک یھب اہین ےھٹیب وہےئ ےھت ۔ ںیم ےن ج ب وسا ل ا اھٹب ا ا و ر و ہ میہ وم ر رک ےھچیپ ےھٹیب وہےئ

ےھت ۔ ا رگ و ہ serious ا ن زیچ ون وک ںیہن ںیل ےگ وت ولگ اہکن اجںیئ او ر سک ہگج رپ ااجتلء رکںی؟

می ڈ م رکیپس: کیھٹ ےہ ۔ یج رثب ا ارغص اصہبح ۔یج دلج ےس وبںیل ویکہکن I have to take business now. 10

رتحمہم رثب ا ا رغص: تہب رکشہی ا ب ےن ےھجم وبےنل اک ومعق د ب ا ۔ ںیم سج ا وشی رپ ب ا ب رکب ا اچیتہ وہن تہب امہ ےہ ۔وگر ٹنمن federal administration ےکا دنر ا ےن واےل اتپسہولن وک privatizeرک ر یہ ےہ

سج ںیم PIMS ا و ر Polyclinic ےہ ۔ ر ب ا سب اک basicallyاکم ےہ اعم ا د یم وک basicوہسایلب د اجںیئ

۔ حر ب ڈ ا اضہف رکےن یک اجبےئ وج د وہیئ ںیہ ا ن وک یھب وا سپ یل اج ر یہ ںیہ ۔ ریم ا ب یک وتطس ےس ا س اہو س

ےسا لیپ ےہ ہک زیلپ ا س رپ رظن با ین یک اجےئ ۔ ہی ا ب ک اعم ا د یم ےک ےیل تہب ت ر وہسلب ےہ ارگ و ہ یھب و ا سپ

ےل یل اجےئ وت ا ن ےک ےیل انیج دوشا ر وہ اجےئ اگ ۔ تہب رکشہی ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: ںوا ب ویفس با وپلر اصج ب ۔

ںوا ب دم ویفس با وپل ر: تہب رکشہی می ڈ م رکیپس! ا ح وگتفگ رش وع رکےن ےس ےلہپںیم رکشہی ا دا رکو ن اگ

رولیے رٹسنم اک ,who has been very kind ہک ا نہو ن ےن وج رٹنی اب ک دنب وہ یئگ یھت امر و رٹنی in between ریموپ ر اخص ا ڈنی لوھرھک ا ب ا ر ,He has been kind to order thatہکو ہ اچول وہ اجےئ

ا و ر ا یشا ا هلل لک ےس اچول وہ اجےئ یگ ۔ ,Other than that, Madam ںیمرسیت رمہبت ےہ during the present Sessionہک ںیم on the floor of the House ہی وگتفگ رھک ر اہ وہن ہک ا یھب بک

ا د اھ دنسھ وج د وب ا وہا اھت ۔ ا س ںیم ےس اکیف عالےق ا ےسی ںیہ including your district, Madam Speaker, Umerkot, half of the Umerkot district,

Sanghar and some other partsا و ر و ہ زیچںی ااھٹیئ ںیئگ اہین رپ اہو س ںیم repeated assurances د ںیئگ ہک ںیہن وج ب ا ین ےک ا دنر عالےق ںیہ ان وک ر فیلی یھب د ب ا اجےئ اگ ۔ ا ن وک لبمک یھب دےی

اجںیئ ےگ ا ن وک look-after یھبایک اجےئ اگ ۔ وت ہی ریم زگا ر س ےہ ہک اب ک وت و ہ رفیلی ںیہن لم ر اہ on

,top of that رپا مئ رٹسنم اصج ب ےن ا ب ک مکح ایک اھت و اہن رپ ب ا ب یک یھت ا ب ےک دبنی ںیم یھب یک یھت ا ور رمع

وکب ںیم یھب یھت ہک interest free loan ےلم اگ و اہن ےک ولوگن وک ۔ می ڈ م رکیپس! و ہ یھب ںیہن لم ر اہ ۔ وت

ریم زگا ر س وہ یگ ہک وکیئ Assurance Committee ا ب ےک اہن ینب وہیئ وج و ہ Assurance

Committee ا س شا ر ے اعمےلم اک اجتر ہ ےل ہک ج ب assurances ا ب ک اہ وس ںیم دےی ےئگ ںیہ ۔ وت ویکن

ا اسی ںیہن وہ ر اہ ۔ ج ب دنسھ ےک شا ھت ا س دح بک ملظ وہ ا می ڈ م رکیپس ! ہک NDMA, National Disaster Management Authority ےنfigures د ےی ہک million people have been 4.2 affected ا ور و ہ ہلسلس اتلچ ا راہ ا ب finally ج ب دو رس donor agencies ےک شا ھت World Bank

ےک شا ھت and different وج او ر agencies ںیہ لم رک انہو ن ےن ب ا ب یک ۔ وج ا نہو ن ےن ج ب ا ن وک figures د ےی وت ا نہو ن ےن اےنپ ا ب وک correct ایک ,from 4.2 million people ا ب ےتہک ںیہ It 11 is 9.2 million ینعی ہک ا س اک بلطم ےہ ہک ا نہو ن ےن رفیلی یھب اانت یہ arrangeایکوہاگ ےنتج ولوگن اک

ا ن ےک ب ا س د اٹی وہ اگ ۔ ا و ر ا س ےک عالو ہ وج dewatering وہ ر یہ یھت امہر ے عالےق ںیم ا و ر عالںون ںیم یھب وہ

ر یہ وہ یگ ۔ ت ر ے اوسفس ےک ش اھت انہک ڑپ ر اہ می ڈ م رکیپس ہک و اہن رپ امہر ے اہن ےس وج ںینیشم ںیہ و ہ ا اھٹیئ یئگ ںیہ ۔وہ ںینیشم وج dragرکیت یھت clean رکیت یھت او ر ب ا ین وک drain رکریہںیھتوہ ںینیشم ا اھٹیئ یئگ ںیہ ہک ںیمہ silt clearance رکبا ےہ ۔ احالہکن ںیم ےن ت ر ے ر ا ےطب ےیک ںیہ ا ن ےس اہک ےہ ہک یئھب ہک ہی ںینیشم وج

ر اھکییٹ رکیت ںیھت و ہ ا اھٹیئ یئگ ںیہ ۔ ےلہپ وت ا ن وک د و وج ا یھب بک ب ا ین ںیم اچبر ے ڑپے وہےئ ںیہ رھگو ن ںیم ںیہن

اج شکیے ۔ ا ےنپ د اہیوتن ںیم ںیہن اج ےکس ۔ اجبےئ ا س ےک ہک ا ب ا ن وک ا اھٹ رک ےل اجو ۔ وت ریم ہی زگا ر س ےہ

می ڈ م رکیپس۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: و ہ د را Provincial ےہ ا و ر ریم رطف یھب ہی اکشت ب ےہ نکیل رہباحل ا س وک ًانیقی وج یھب رٹسنم ن ھی ےن اہین assurance دب ا ۔ ا ب ا س وک Assurance Committee ںیم ح ی ےandو اہن ہپ ۔

ںوا ب دم ویفس با وپلر : و ا رٹ اڈنی ب ا و ر ےن اہین assurance د رپ امئ رٹسنم اصج ب ےک ےنہک رپ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: کیھٹ ےہ ۔ یج وچدہر دبعا وفغل ر اصج ب ۔ خیش ا اتف ب اصج ب ا ب یھب وپا ٹن ا ف ا ر د ر رپ وبانل اچہ ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ ا س ےک دعب ا ب ۔

انج ب دبعا وفغلر وچدہر : ریما ایخل .House is not in order ںیم ا ب ےس در وخ اسب رکو ن

اگ ہک اہ وس وک in Order ایک اجےئ ۔ Madam Speaker: Order in the House please.

انج ب دبعا وفغلر وچدہ ر : رکشہی رتحمہم ۔ ںیم اب ک ت ر ے د ور در ا ر عالےق وج اہبو وپل ر دو ت ر ن اک ا ب ک علض ےہاہبورگنل و اہن اک ںیم امندنئہ وہن ۔

م ی ڈ م رکیپس: شا ہ اصج ب اھٹیب دےیجی ےھچیپ ۔ یج ا ب وبےیل ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس : ا ب وبےیل ۔

انج ب دبعا وفغلر وچدہر : ںیم رعص رک ر اہ اھت ہک ہی حیحص ےہ ہک ب ا و ر شا ر جیٹ ےہ ا و ر ا س ےس اکیف ولد ڈیشبگ وہیت ےہ نکیل امہر ے

عالےق ایتشچن اہر و ن ا ب ا د اہبو رگنل وفر ب ابعس و ہ عالےق ںیہ اہجن وچگ سک ےٹن ایکب سیب سیک ےٹن یلجب ںیہن ا یت شا ر ا رسا د ن یلجب

ںیہن ا یت ا و ر وکیئ وپےنھچ و ا ال ںیہن ےہ۔ مہ ا ےنپ عالںون ںیم اج ںیہن شکیے ا و ر شا ر یلجب وج ےہ اتلمن ےس وج ا یت ےہ ا و ر ر ا ےتس ںیم

و اہر بک وج النئ ا یت ےہ و ںیہ ر و ک یل اجیت ےہ ۔ ںیم رٹسنم و ا رٹ ا ڈنی ب ا و ر ےس ہی د ر وخا سب رکبا اچاتہ وہن ا رگ وکیئ اہین شتیے و ا ال

ےہ رتحمم ںوب ڈ اصج ب ےس زگا ر س رکبا اچاتہ وہن ریمے ایخل ںیم و ہ ت ر ے رصمو ف ںیہ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس : ا ب ب ا ب ےیجیک ۔

انج ب دبعا وفغلر وچدہر : ںیم اتہک وہن ہک ہی تہب ا مہ ب ا ب ےہ مہ وت ا ےنپ وقلحن ںیم اجےن ےس اقرص ںیہ وت ںیم ہی زگا ر س رکبا

اچاتہ وہن ہک ہی وج ولد ڈیشبگ اک وج مٹسس ےہ وت ا س وک س ب ےک ےیل ت ر ا ت ر وہبا اچےیہ نکیل امہر ے عالےق ب ا لکل رحمو م ںیہ ہن و اہن 12

ا رگیرچلکی ےک ےیل ب ا ین اتلم ےہ ہن ںیمہ ںیہک و وض رکےن ےک ےیل ب ا ین اتلم ےہ ا و ر یلجب دنب ر یتہ ےہ ا س ےیل ںیم زگا ر س رکبا اچاتہ وہن

ہک ا س رطف وتہج د اجےئ ا و ر ںیمہ ا س ںیم ےس وھتر ا تہب ہصح رضو ر د ب ا اجےئ ۔ رکشہی۔

می ڈ م رکیپس : خیش ا اتف ب ا دمح اصج ب

خیش ا اتف ب ا دمح : می ڈ م رکیپس! ںیم ا ب یک وتہج د و ا مہ ا وشیر یک رطف د البا اچاتہ وہن ا ب ک ےہ یلجب یک شا ر جیٹ اک نیگنس رحبا ن ا و ر د و رسا

ےہ وسیئ سیگ اک ہلئسم ۔ می ڈ م رکیپس! اہین رپ رٹسنم و ا رٹ ا ڈنی ب ا و ر وموجد ںیہ ہی ںیمہ اتبںیئ ہک امہر ے ا ضالع ںیم امہر ے عالںون ںیم

ہی ینتک ولد ڈیشبگ رکبا اچےتہ ںیہ ؟ ںیم زگا ر س ہی رکبا اچاتہ وہن ہک ہی ںیمہ وکیئ ڈیشو ل وت د ںی ہک 22کےٹنںیم ہی اچر ک ےٹن رکںی

ےگ ا ھٹک ےٹن رکںی ا ب نیقی ےیجیک می ڈ م ہک د و د ن ےس ںیم حبص د ھکی ر اہ وہن ہک ھچ ےجب ےس ا د ہ ڑ امنر ڑھک وہ اجیت ےہ ا و ر ا د ہ ڑ ےس

یلجب یلچ اجیت ےہ۔ ا ب اتبےیئ ہک وج ولگ اسمح ڈ ںیم امنر ا د ا رکےن ےک ےیل اجےت ںیہ و ہ اچیبر ے ا دنھی ڑ ے ںیم رکٹںی ںیہن اھکںیئ

ےگ وت ایک وہ اگ ؟ مک ا ر مک ا ن اک ا ب ک د اپیر ٹنمٹ ےہ ہی امشا ء ا هلل ا ب ک ت ر ے ر ریک مسق ےک و ر ری ںیہ وکیئ اعم و ر ری یھب ںیہن ںیہ ا و ر

تہب رپا ےن ب ا ر رٹنمیلنی ںیہ ہی س ب ھچک ےتھجمس ںیہ مہ ہی ےتہک ںیہ ہک ا ب یک وبجمر ےہ ا ب ےک ب ا س شا ر جیٹ ےہ ا ب ا ینت یلجب ںیمہ

ںیہن د ے شکیے وج یلجب ںیمہ رضو ر ب ےہ ۔ می ڈ م رکیپس! و ر ری ا مظ اصج ب یھب یرشفی ےل ا ےئ ںیہ وت ا ن یک وموجد یگ ےس ئاہدہ ااھٹےت وہےئ ںیم وہکن اگ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس : ا ب شا ر ے ربممر ںیم د ھکی ر یہ وہن ا ن یک وموجد یگ ےس ئاہدہ ہن ا اھٹںیئ۔

خیش ا اتف ب ا دمح : ا انت ںیمہ رک د ںی ہک ہی ںیمہ ا ب ک ڈیشو ل د ے د ںی ہک ہی وچگ سک ےٹن ںیم لالن لالنک ےٹن ںیم ولد ڈیشبگ وہ یگ ہی ریغ

ڈیشو ل ےک ولد ڈیشبگ ےن ولوگن وک ابتیہ ےک انکر ے رپ اچنہپ د ب ا ےہ ا ب د ن ےک و قب احلب ہی وہیت ےہ ہک و ڈلیبگ و ا ےل

اچیبر ے و ڈلیبگ ںیہن رک شکیے نج ولوگن یک د و اکںین ںیہ و ہ د و اکںین ںیہن ح ال شکیے می ڈ م رکیپس! احالب ا س د رگ رپ چنہپ ںیہ ںیہ ہک

د و اکدنا ر ا ےنپ مالر ومن وک وخنتا ںیہ ا د ا ںیہن رک شکیے وت رہمب ا ین رک ےک حکو مب ا س رپ وتہج د ے ںیمہ ا ب ک ڈیشو ل د ے ا و ر د و رسا ا ب ک

تہب نیگنس ہلئسم ہی ےہ ہک ا ب ک ا د یم سج ےک رھگ ںیم رصف ا ب ک بلب اتلج ےہ سج ےک رھگ ںیم رصف ا ب ک اھکنپ اتلچ ےہ می ڈ م

رکیپس! ا س ےک رھگ د س د س دنپر ہ دنپر ہ ہ ڑ ا ر ر و ےپ اک ب ل ح ال اجبا ےہ ا و ر ج ب و ہ اقمیم د ئارت ںیم اجےت ںیہ ہک ہی امہر ا ب ل ا ای ےہ ا س

وک کیھٹ رکںی وت و ہ ےتہک ںیہ ہک ہی امہر ے سب یک ب ا ب ںیہن ےہ ا ب ا شالم ا ب ا د ےلچ اجںیئ ۔ می ڈ م رکیپس! ہی مک ا ر مک رٹسنم اک فر ص

ب تیا ےہ ہک ا ن اعممالب رپ ہی وتہج د ںی ا و ر ںیمہ اتبںیئ ہک ہی وکن شا رطہقی اکر ا ایتخر رکںی ےگ سج ےس ا س رذا ب ےس امہر اجن وھچےٹ یگ ۔

د و رسا ہلئسم می ڈ م رکیپس! وسیئ سیگ اک ےہ ا ب احلب ہی ینب وہیئ ےہ ہک وسیئ سیگ اک رپرشی ا انت مک وہبا ح ال اج ر اہ ےہ ہی ھجمس

ںیہن ا یت ہک یس ا نی یجب نشی یھب وپر ے ب ا اتسکن ںیم دنب ےیک اج ر ےہ ںیہ ا و ر ا س ےک ب ا و وجد یھب رپرشی ا ن ےس ںیہن ب تیا ہی و یہ کلم

ےہ ہی و یہ وسیئ سیگ ےک ےمکحم ںیہ وج زگہتش اچسیل اچپس شا ل ےس اکم رک ر ےہ ےھت وت ںیم ا ب ےس زگا ر س رکو ن اگ ہک ا ن د و ںون

رٹسنموین وکا ب دہا ت ب فر امںیئ ہک ںیمہ وکیئ ا اسی رطہقی اکر اتبںیئ ہک ہی وج رذا ب وپر ے کلم ا و ر وپر ںوم رپ ا ب ا ےہ ا س ےس

امہر اجن وھچب اجےئ ۔ تہب تہب رکشہی ۔ Madam Speaker: Honourable Prime Minister. Please order in the House.

) و ر ری ا مظ ب ا اتسکن (سیّ ڈ ویفس ر اض گی الین : رکشہی م ی ڈ م رکیپس: ا ح وج ا مہ ا وشی اھت سج ےک ےیل ںیم وپر ے اہو س وک اامتعدںیمانیلاچہراہوہنہک مہ ےن وج ٹجب ےک ومعق رپ و دعہ ایک اھتہک رقتابیً ا د ےھ شا ل ےک دعب economyیک وج situation

ےہ ا س رپ مہ ا ویا ن وک ا امتعد ںیم ںیل ےگ ۔ ا و ر ںیم ےن یھب د اھکی ہک زگہتش یئک د ںون ےس ہ ڑ زیچ وپا ٹن ا ف ا ر د ر رپ یہک اج ر یہ ےہ وت 13

رتہب وہ اگ ہک ا رگ وکیئ ںیم ب ا یسیل ٹنمٹیٹس د ے د و ن ا و ر ا س ےک دعب We leave it to the House to take a

.decision, if they want to contribute, they can contribute می ڈ م رکیپس! مہ ےن امیل شا ل یک

د ر ایمین دمب وک ےط رک ایل ےہ ا س ےیل ہی ا ب ک انمس ب ومعق ےہ ہک ںیم تشیعم یک وصر احتل ےک ےلسلس ںیم زعمر ا ویا ن وک ا امتعد ںیم

ولن ۔ تشیعم ےک اعممالب اک ا رث ت ر ا ہ ر ا سب امہر ے وعا م یک لالح و وبہبد رپ وہ با ےہ ا س ےیل اعمیش وصر احتل امہر ہمہ ریگ وتہج یک

احلمریتہ ےہ ا و ر ا مہ رتنی رتحیج یھب ےہ ۔ نکیل تشیعم اکاجتر ہ د این یک اعمیش وصر احتل وک شا ےنم ر ےھک ریغ نکمم ںیہن مہ س ب

اجےتن ںیہ ہک د این وک و عیس امیپےن رپ لکشم رتنی اعمیش احالب اک شا انم ےہ۔ recession ےن د این ےک فلتخم وصحن وک اصقنن

اچنہپب ا ےہ ۔Euro zone ےک ت ر ے حما کل ا س ےس د و اچر وہ ر ےہ ںیہ ۔

وموجد ہ احالب ےک انترظ ںیم اعمیش اکر رکد یگ ےک اعم ایعمر ا ب ےک تحت ب ا اتسکن یک تشیعم ےن stability ا و ر resilience اک اظمہ ڑ ہ ایک ےہ ۔ اعیمل اعمیش وصر احتل یک رخا یب ےس ا ےن و ا ےل ریبو ین د ب ا و ےک عالو ہ ب ا اتسکن ںیم 2202 ےک

ت ر ے ابتہ نک سی الوبن، 2200ںیم دنسھ ںیم وہےن و ا یل ر راکر د وتر ب ا ر وشن ا و ر کلم ںیم لسلس ا نم اعہم یک ودخو س وصر احتل

ےک، نیت د رگی ا دنر و ین زجنلیچ اک شا انم ایک ۔ ا ںیئ د ںیھکی ہک مہ ےن ا ےنپ اعمیش رفس اک ا اغر اہکن ےس ایک؟ ۔ ا ب یک وہمجر حکو مب

وکہتسکشابتہدشہتشیعمور ےث ںیم یلم یھت ہی ںیم ںیہن ہہک ر اہ ریمے former Finance Minister وج ا وپر نشی ےس قلعت

ر ےتھک ںیہ ،ج ب و ر ا ر ب زخا ہن اک دملقا ن ا ن وک مال وت ا ن اک point of viewیہیاھت۔ امیل اسخر ے اک ہنیمخت 4.2دصیف اھت وج مہ ےن

وفر وطر رپ 6.7 دصیف بک مک ایک ا فر ا ط ر ر 22 دصیف یچنہپ وہیئ یھت ا و ر ر ر ابمد ہل ےک د اختر ںیمزیتےس یمک وہ ر یہ یھت مہ ا یھب

بک ا س لکشم د ہم د ا ر ےس اقتیلب اہمر ب ا و ر رجا ب ےک شا ھت ٹمن ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ امہر اعمیش ب ا یسیل ےک رمثا ب اک ا اہظر

تشیعم ےن رکبا رشو ع رک د ب ا ےہ۔ د ربمس 2200 ںیم ا فر ا ط ر ر یک رشح single digit ینعی 4.6دصیفر ہ یئگ ےہ ۔ ن د ربمس 2224 ےک دعب لی د ہع ا س اک وصحل وہا ےہ ۔ ہی حکو مب یک رطف ےس اکراکتر و ن وک وہسایلب یک فر ا یم سج

ںیم ر وک رتہب ایک ، مک امیل اسخر ے ا و ر ٹیٹس کنب ا ف ب ا اتسکن ےس مک رتنی قر ص ےل رک نکمم وہا ۔ امہر borrowings رپ

رٹنکو ل یک دبو لب ا فر ا ط ر ر single digit ںیم ا ای ےہ ۔ اعمانجسوردرگیا ایشےئ رضو ر ہی یک ںیتمیق امر ٹیک ںیم ےچین ا یئگ

ںیہ۔ ٰیتح ہک food inflation وج ہک زگہتش شا لگ س دصیف ےس ر ب ا د ہ وہ ر یہ یھت مک وہ رک single digit وہ یئگ ےہ

۔یتعنص ےبعش ںیم زنتیل اک ر احجن ا ب ر ک اکچ ےہ۔ امہر تعنص رتیق رک ر یہ ےہ ۔ GDP growthاچر دصیف ر ےہیگ سج یک

اینبد و ہج ر ر یع ا انجس یک دیپا و ا ر ںیم ا اضہف ےہ ۔ وصخاصً اپکس یک لصف یک دیپا و ا ر 02 نیلم زلیب بک وہےن یک وتعق ےہ ۔ ت ر ںیتعنصاسیجہک اٹسکیٹلئ ، ٹنمیس ، automobile یتعنصاحبیلںیم دیلک رکد ا ر ا د ا رک ر یہ ںیہ ۔ مہےنسکیٹ اظنم وک و تعس د ےنی رپ وصخ ی اکو ںی یک ںیہ ا و ر مامم ا ٰینثت متخ رک د ےی ںیہ ۔ ا س ےیل ہ ڑ فر د وک سکیٹ

اظنم ںیم شا لم وہبا اچےیہ ۔ مہ ےن وج ا دقا امب ےیک ںیہ و ہ ا ب رمثب ا ر وہ ر ےہ ںیہ سکیٹ و وصایلب وجالیئ با د ربمس 2202 ےک

اقمےلب ںیم ا س شا ل وجالیئ با د ربمس ںیم 120 ا ر ب ر و ےپ بک چنہپیئگںیہ ۔ ینعی ا س ںیم 26دصیفااضہف وہا ےہ۔ سج یک یکلم

با ر خی ںیم وکیئ میا ل ںیہن یتلم ۔ ا س اکر رکد یگ یک انب رپ مہ رپا امتعد ںیہ ہک مہ 0422 ا ر ب ر و ےپ اک دہف وج امہر ا ا س شا ل با ر گب

اھت احلص رک ںیل ےگ ۔ ا س رطح ا ب سکیٹ و وصایلب وک ا ینپ اچر شا ہل حکو یتم د و ر ا تی ے ںیم د گیا رک ںیل ےگ۔ مہ ا رخا اجب ںیم ا اہتنیئ

اتحمط ںیہ ا و ر نت د یہ ےس افکت ب اعشر یک ب ا یسیل وک ا انپےئ وہےئ ںیہ ۔ ا س شا ل امہر ے ا رخا اجب رٹنکو ل ںیم ںیہ اسیج ہک مہ ےن

وجالیئ با د ربمس 2200 ےک د و ر ا تی ے ںیم ا ےنپ ا رخا اجب اک رصف 22 دصیف رخ ح ایک ےہ وج ہک 22 دصیف بک وہ اتکس اھت۔ افکت ب اعشرےکشاھت مہ ےن نیت وبعشن رپ وصخ ی وتہج د ےہ ۔ Public Sector Development 14

Programme سجےکتحت رساکر ےبعش یک رتیق ےک ےیل 002 ا ر ب ر و ےپ اک ا رجا ء ایک ای ےہ ۔ احہیل شا ل Public Sector Development Programmeےک ےیل 022 ا ر ب ر و ےپ صتخم ےیکےئگ ںیہ ۔ Mangla Upraising

Project ، وگلم ر ا م د می ، ہمشچ وٹ ا و ر N-55 لمکموہ ںیہ ںیہ ۔ poverty reduction لیت ا و ر یلجب ےک ےیل شت شڈ

ا و ر socio safety net اھکد و ن ، ویتی لی وٹسر اکر وپر نشی و ریغہ یک targeted subsidies ےک د ر ےعی اعمو تب اک

لسلست سج ےک تحت 02 الھک می یڑ ک نٹ اھکد export یک یئگ ےہ۔ ا و ر 0 ہ ڑ ا ر ر و ےپ یک وبر اعم اکراکتر وک 02وسر و ےپ ںیم

فر ا مہ یک اج ر یہ ےہ۔ امنب ا ن وطر رپ ےب ریظن ا مکن وپسر ب رپو رگا م ےک ےیل صتخم ےیک ےئگ 22 ا ر ب ر و ےپ ںیم ےس 22 ا ر ب

ر و ےپ رخ ح ےیک ےئگ ںیہ ۔ سج ےس اللوھن با د ا ر ا و ر قحتسم اخدناںون اک ئاہدہ وہ ر اہ ےہ۔ شا وتںی NFC Award ےک تحت وصوبنوکا اضیف و شا لئ ایہم ےیک اج ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ ا س Award ےسےلہپ وصوبن وک رصف 762 نیلب ر و ےپ فر ا مہ ےیک اجےت

ےھت۔ ہکبج ا س شا ل 2200-2202 ںیم ا ب ک ہ ڑ ا ر نیلب ر و ےپ د ےی ےئگ ۔ ا و ر احہیل شا ل ںیم ب ا ر ہ وس ںیلب ر و ےپ یک فر ا یم اک

ہنیمخت ےہ۔ ا س رطح ا ن د و شا ولن ںیم رقتابیً ںو وس نیلب ر و ےپ ےک ا اضیف و شا لئ ایہم ےیک ےئگ ںیہ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس ! ا ب یک حکو مب ےن ا اھٹر و ںی رتمیم اک با ر خی شا ر اکر با ہم رسا اجنم د ب ا ےہ ا و ر رتسہ و ر ا ر ںیت وصوبن وک لقتنم

یک یئگ ںیہ ۔ ا س ےک ب ا و وجد رمکر حکو مب رقتابیً 22 نیلب ر و ےپ ےک ا اضیف رتایقیت ا رخا اجب وصوبن وک فر ا مہ رک ر یہ ےہ This .is over and above۔سج ںیم تحص ےک ےیل Lady Health Workers, TB control, Polio ا و ر وبہبد

کت ا ب ا د ےک رپو رگا ومن ےک عالو ہ اہریئ ا وجی شں ےک رپو رگا م اقب ل د رک ںیہ ۔ وصوبن وک ا اضیف و شا لئ ایہم رکےن ےک عالو ہ رمکر

حکو مب ا ر ا د ریمشک ، تگلگ اتستلبن ا و ر ئابا ےک ےیل رقتابیً رتس نیلب ےک و شا لئ یھب ایہم رک ر یہ ےہ ۔ ا ب یک حکو مب ےن ولباتسچن یک رتیقاور وخاحشیل ےک ےیل دعتمد رپو رگا م ا و ر packages ایہمےیک ںیہ ۔ وصخاصً وموجد ہ NFC Award ےک تحت وصہب

ولباتسچن وک 40 نیلب ر و ےپ یک revenue transfer یک امضتب فر ا مہ یک یئگ ےہ ۔ ےلہپ ھچ امہ ںیم و 12.0 exportsنیلب د ا رل بک چنہپ یئگ ںیہ ۔ ہی 2202ےکےلہپھچ امہ ےک اقمےلب ںیم 4.0 دصیف ر ب ا د ہ ےہ ۔ ہی اکر رکد یگ امہر

exports یک diversification ا و ر new markets یک بالس یک و ہج ےس وہیئ ےہ ۔ زگہتش شا ل export یک دم

ںیم 22 نیلب د ا رل اک با ر یخی ا اضہف وہا ےہ۔ وج ہک ا س ےس ےلھچپ شا ل ےک اقمےلب ںیم 21 دصیف ر ب ا د ہ ےہ۔ imports ںیم یھب

1122-1121 ےلہپھچامہےک اقمےلب ںیم احہیل شا ل ےک ےلہپ ھچ امہ ںیم 06 دصیف ا اضہف وہا ےہ۔ ا س اک ب ا عب نیب ا الںوا یم

امرٹیکںیملیتیک ںیتمیق ںیہ وج ہک ا و اطسً 12 د ا رل یف ریبل ےس ت ر ھ رک 002د ا رل یف ریبل ےک گل گھب وہ یئگ ںیہ ۔ ا و ر ا یھب بک

لیت یک وتمیقن ںیم ا اضےف ےک لمکم ا رثا ب مہ ےن اصر نیف رپ ںیہن د ا ےل۔ با مہ imports ںیمااضہف کلم ںیم اعمیش

رسرگویمن ںیم ا اضےف اک ا ب ک ا مہ signal ےہ ا و ر ا س شا ل ےک د و ر ا ن امہر GDP growth رپ تبثم ا رث د ا ےل اگ ۔ ریبو ن

حما کل ب ا اتسکوینن یک رطف ےس remittances وجالیئ 2200 ےس ا ب ک ا ر ب د ا رل اماہہن یک ا و طس رپ ںیہ ۔ سج یک وکیئ میا ل

ںیہن یتلم ےہ۔رتسی الب ںیم وج وجالیئ با د ربمس 2202ےک اقمےلب ںیم وجالیئ با د ربمس 2200 ںیم 19.5دصیفا اضہف وہا ےہ ۔ زگہتش نیت شا ولن ںیم ب ا اتسکین ر و ےپ یک دقر مکحتسم ر یہ ۔ exchange rates اکہی ا اکحتسم 12ر و ےپ ےس 40ر و ےپ یک دح ںیم ر اہ ۔ دو رس رطف امہر ے competitors ےناینپرکیسنںیم دقر ے زیت ےس یمک یک ےہ ۔ ہی ررکدیگ اکمہ ےن ا ادتا یئ وطر رپ ک ا ینپ د ا یت اکو وشن ےس احلص یک ےہ ۔ ا و ر ریبو ین ھالر وین رپ ا اصحنر ںیہن ایک۔ ا س و قب وکیئ IMF programme ںیہن ےہ ۔ ا و ر مہ ےن 2202 ےس IMF ےس یسک مسق اک وکیئ قر ہض ںیہن ایل ےہ۔ 2200 ںیم Coalition Support Fund ےک 15

تحت ا رخا اجب یک ا د ا یگیئ ںیہن وہیئ ۔ ADB او ر و ر ڈل کنب یک دمد normal ر یہ ےہ ا س ےک ب ا و وجد امہر ا balance of paymentsمکحتسم ےہ ۔ ج ب ہک مہ رقتابیً 0.2 نیلب د ا رل IMF اک قر ص شا ل ےک د و ر ا ن ا د ا رکںی ےگ ۔ ہی ر ںوم ےلہپ ےس ٹجب

ںیم وموجد ںیہ ا و ر امہر تشیعم یک وبضمیط وک ظا ہ ڑ رکیت ںیہ۔وتا با یئ امہر ا دیلک ہبعش ےہ ۔ سج رپ س ب ےس ر ب اد ہ ثحب

ا س اہو س ںیم وہر یہ ےہ او ر ںیم ا ب وک ہی یھب اتببا اچہ ر اہ وہن ہک ج ب ا ب یک دٹیبی رش وع وہیگ او ر وج ہقلعتم

و ر ر اء ںیہ ،انفسن رٹسنم ، رٹسنم وا رٹ ا ڈنی ب ا و ر ، ت ییڑ و میل رٹسنم ا س رپ و ہ ا ب ےس ب ا ب رکںی ےگ او ر ا یش ءا هلل ےھجم ںو

نیقی ےہ ہک ا ن ھچ امہ ںیم مہ ا س رپ رٹنک ول رکےن یک وکشش رکںی ےگ ۔ حکو مب یلجب ےک ےبعش ںیم structural reforms رپلسلست ےس لمع ریپا ےہ ۔ tariff differential subsidy یک ت ر وقب اد ایگیئ وک ینیقی انبب ا

اجر اہ ےہ ۔ حکو مب circular debt وج س ب ےس ت ر ا ا وشی ےہ ۔ ا و ر اس ےک ےئل ا ب ےن د اھکی وہاگ ہک ج ب ےس

مہ ا ےئ ںیہ ، و ہ وج ا ب ک circular debt اھت ا س رپ اقوب ںیہن ب اےکس ےھت۔ حکو مب circular debt اکاعمملہ

یھب تہب دلج لح رکر یہ ےہ ۔ او ر ا ےلگ دنچ د ںون ںیم حکو مب رقتابیً ا ب ک وس رتھٹس نیلب رو ےپیک settlement رکر یہ ےہ ۔ اعمیش رسرگویمن ںیم ا اضہف وت ابا یئ ےک حر ب ڈ وصحل اک ضاقاض رکبا ےہ ۔ ںیم ےن

لنشین رگ د ںیم دو ہ ڑا ر اگیمو ا ب یلجب ےک ااضےف اک و دعہ ایک اھت ۔ ہکبج 2008ءےس ومجمیع وطر رپ ا س اظنم ںیم

3334 اگیم و ا ب اک حر ب ڈ ا اضہف ایک اجاکچ ےہ ۔ حر ب ڈ ہی ہک حکو مب یلجب یک ر ںیمااضہف رکےنےک ےئل اکم رکر یہ

ےہ ۔ ا ےلگ نیت ےس اچ ر شا ل ےک ا دنر ا س اظنم ںیم ا واطسً ب ا چن ہ ڑ ا ر اگیمو ا ب اہڈیئل یلجب اک حر ب ڈ ااضہف ایک اجےئ اگ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس اس ےس ہ ب رک وج witness parliamentarians ںیہ ا ب رصف ا رگ ا ن

یہےس وپھچ ںیل ہک ےنتک ےئن اگ ون وک ااضیف یلجب ف را مہ یک یئگ ےہ؟ ینتک new villages electrification

وہیئ ےہ ؟ ےنتک ےئن رگ دب نشی ےنب ںیہ ۔ او ر یلجب ےکتی ب و رک وک انتک expand ایک ای ےہ It is

?unprecedented in the history of Pakistan وج ا ن د و اچ ر شا ل ںیم وہ ا ےہ ۔ او ر ا ب وت ںیم

رجم یہ ا س وک وہکن اگ ہک و ہ وسیئ سیگ ںیم یھب وہیئ ےہ ۔ ویکہکن امہر ے ب ا س وسیئ سیگ یک وپ رنشی ںیہن یھت رگ

اس ےک ےئل یھب strategy رٹسنم ا ف انفسن او ر رٹسنم ا ف ت ی ی ڑو میل ا ڈنی رچینل ر وسی رزس ج ب دںی ےگ وت و ہ ت یم یھب ا ب وک وپ را ح د ںی ےگ ہک مہ ا لی انی یج او ر د و رسے ےس ےسیک لح رکںی ےگ؟ ںیم ا ب ا ور ا س زعمر ا ویا ن

یک وشا تط ےس ںوم وک نیقی د الب ا اچاتہ وہن ہک ہی با رث ب الکل طلغ ےہ ہک حکو مب وکشکل ےیل د این رھب ںیم کیھب امیتگن رھپیت ےہ ۔ مہ ہہت دل ےس اینپ اعمیش ب ا یسیل اخ ًاتصل ب ا اتسکین تشیعم ےک اطمقب انبےن ںیم ےگل وہےئ ںیہ او ر ا ب

اجیتن ںیہ ہک امہر تشیعم یک میا ل د این ںیم ںیہن یتلم ۔ نیقی ےئجیک ہک تشیعم وفحمط اہوھتن ںیم ےہ ۔ مہ ےن وج

ا ضالاحیت اڈنجیا وجتت ر ایک ےہ ۔ اےس اع ریض اینبد و ن رپ ںیہن ، ہکلب total institution framework اک

ا احظہ رکبا ےہ ۔ یکلم اعمیش ب اویسیلن یک وہج ےس رتہب ےک ا شا ر ا ب ںیہ ، کلم ےک اعمیش ا اکمبا ب مکحتسم ںیہ ۔ مہ

تشیعم وک و ا سپ حیحص را ےتس رپ اگحر ن رکر ےہ ںیہ ۔ ا س ےئل امہر ا لبقتسم رو نش او ر وخاحشل ےہ ۔ مہ د این وک د اھک

ر ےہ ںیہ ہک ا ضالاحب ا و ر اعمیش مظن و طبض امہ ر ا ینپ رض ور ب ےہ ا ور دو رسو ن یک dictationیکو ہج ےس ںیہن 16

ےہ ۔ مہ ا ےنپ ا ب وکک مظ رکےن ےک ہا ںیہ او ر ا ینپ ںوم ےک احل ا و ر لبقتسم وک وفحمط رکےن ےکےئل در سب

تمس ںیم اگحر ن ںیہ ۔ ںیم ا ب یک و شا تط ےس ا ویا ن ےس یھب انہک اچاتہ وہن ہک وکیئ یھب situationوہ وکیئ

یھب احالب وہن ج ب بک political stabilityکلمںیم ںیہن وہیگ economic stabilityںیہن ا یتکس

۔ ہی indicators ںیہ او ر ا رگ ا ب ک د ن یھب political stability ںیم فر ق ا با ےہ وت اٹسک ا جنیچسکی رگ اجیت

ےہ،وت ا س ےئل ںیم ا ےنپ responsible media ےس یھب یہی زگا ر س رکو ن اگ ہک ا رگ ا ب practical economic stability اچںیہ ےگ وت .Give hope to the people of this country

ا و ر ا رگ ا ب hope ںیہن د ںی ےگ او ر رصف ا یقال ب ےتہک رںیہ ےگ وت ا یقال ب ا ےسی ںیہن ا ےئ اگ ۔ رصف ا س ےس

ںیہن وہاگ ہک ا ب ہی ہہک دںی ہک ایقال ب ا ےئ اگ ا ور ا یقال ب ا اجےئ اگ ہی ا اسی ںیہن وہاتکس ۔ اس ےس ےھجم ا ب ک joke

ب ا د ا ر اہ ےہ ہک اب ک ہچب اھت سج اک با م اشالم اھت ۔ و ہ ا ینپ یلمیف ےک شا ھت رمعہ رکےن اجر اہ اھت ۔ و ہ اب ک ب نشی ےس

زگر ے وت وج ا شالم با یم ہچب اھت اس وک ایپس گل یئگ ،ا س وک ہتپ ںیہن اھت ہک ا سب نشی رپ رٹنی ےنتک ٹنم ر ےک یگ و ہ

اھبگ رک ب ا ین ےنیپ ح ال ای ۔ ےسیج یہ و ہ ب ا ین ےنیپ ای رٹنی لچ ڑپ ۔ وت ا س ےک ب ا ب ےن ا س وک ا وا ر د ہک ا شالم ، وت

ب نشی رپ وموجد ولگ ےنہک ےگل ردنہ ب ا د ، و ہ رھپ ےہک ا شالم ، ولگ ںیہک ر دنہ ب ا د ، وت و ہ ےھچیپ ر ہ ای او ر اگر یلچ یئگ ، وت ہی ہنوہہکرصف رعنے یہ ےتگل ر ےہ ا و ر ہی زیچ ر ہ اجےئ ۔ There is one other addition from the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources. If you allow I want to give the policy statement. OGDCL would add around 526 mmcft gas within next two or two and a half years out to which 100 mmcft has already been injected in to the system. The other private companies would add around 340 mm cft gas from their different fields. The Government plans to inject 200 mmcft gas in to the system. In addition to this, we have plans that are at the advanced stage of import 1000 mmcft gas from Iran by the year 2013 and around 500 mmcft through energy products. Total volume of over 2.5 bcft would be added within the next 2 to 3 years which will enable the country to meet its constraint demand. The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources has mandated OGDCL to expeditiously complete its on-going projects in a phased manner ensuring early injection of energy molecules. We have successfully 17 completed KPT Project very recently and injected 100 mmcft gas. The project was inaugurated by myself. Besides the OGDCL would buy its own rigs of exploration of Oil and Gas in the country with the objective of reducing dependence on foreign service companies who remain reluctant to go in difficult areas especially having law and order problems. A team of project monitoring has been set up in the OGDCL and the OGDCL is being encouraged to create its own team of experts to put up processing plants through its own team instead of getting the projects developed from outside through contacting companies because of bad experience of litigation initiated by the competitors, contractors. The OGDCL would also acquire data processing facility which would help to expedite exploration work within the OGDCL. I want to inform this House that I met dozens of businessmen and I got them even talked to the Minister Finance and the Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources. They are coming up with some proposals for LNG Gas within six months. They have to give the plan to the Ministers and then they would ultimately brief the Cabinet as well and they also want to invest themselves. I think the Minister would immediately meet those businessmen who have some brilliant ideas and we would fully support them and I assure the House that this is our own country and whatever is possible we should jointly work for this country because it is in the interest of the whole nation. It does not mean that you will go for the polls and we will not go for elections. This is we all have to go for the elections and nobody would like that we should be criticized unnecessarily. We will try our best to improve the situation and we will do that and you will see that. Thank you very much. 18

) اد ا ن اشعء( ک ت ی می ڈ م رکیپس: ا ر در ا ن د اہ وس ۔ یرشفی ر ھیے ہی وج ار اکن شا ےنم ڑھکے ںیہ ۔ ےھچیپ ح ر رپ اجےیئ۔ در ا ین اصج ب ا و ر ظیفح خیش اصج ب ، ںوب ڈ رمق اصج ب زیلپ ا ب اینپ وٹیسن رپ یرشفی ر ںیھک ۔ ےھجم Legislative ک Business انیل ےہ ا ب شا ڈیئ رپ ب ت یھ اجےیئ ۔ر او اصج ب یرشفی ر ھیے ۔ہی Legislative Business ک ک ںیل ےگ مہ ۔ یرشفی ر ھیے ر حم ان کلم اصج ب ، دبعا وفغلر وچدہر اصج ب۔ ر حما ن کلم اصج ب یرشفی ر ھیے

۔ ا ب ےھچیپ block رک ر ےہ ںیہ ۔یج یفطصمٰ ںوا ر لوھرھک اصج ب Advisor to the Prime Minister on Human Rights to move item No. 3 [THE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN B ILL, 2011] Advisor to the Prime Minister on Human Rights ( Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar): I beg to move that the Bill to provide for the setting up of National Commission for Women [The National Commission for Women Bill, 2011], as reported by the Standing Committee, be taken into consideration at once. Madam Speaker: It is not opposed. So, I put the motion to the House. It has been moved that the Bill to provide for the setting up of National Commission for Women [The National Commission for Women Bill, 2011], as reported by the Standing Committee, be taken into consideration at once. ( The motion is adopted. ) Madam Speaker: Clause by clause reading. The Bill is now taken up clause by clause. Clause 2. There are two amendments in Clause 2 first standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah, Ms. Bushra Gohar, Begum Ishrat Ashraf, Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Dr. Attiya Inayatullah, Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho, Ms. Khush Bakht Shujaat, Ms. Nuzhat Sadiq and others standing in the names of: 19

Mr. , Mr. , Ms. Shahnaz Saleem, Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi, Dr. Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, Dr. Darshan, Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti, Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb and Engineer Khuram Dastgir Khan Sahib.

یج کالر 2 ہپ بات ہسیفن شا ہ اصہبح رکںی یگ ا و ر ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب رکںی ےگ ۔ یج ہسیفن شا ہ اصہبح Dr. Nafisa Shah: Thank you Madam Speaker! First of all, I would like to congratulate the Government for brining in this very very important legislation, which is extremely important for women of Pakistan. Madam Speaker! Yesterday, when this Bill was tabled, there were several…… Madam Speaker: Nafisa Shah Sahiba first you have to move رھپ ا س ہپ ا ب اتبےیئ۔ Dr. Nafisa Shah: We have come up with a number of amendments and we principally agree with all of them. Clause one ںیم ریم ا ب ک اڈنمٹنم ےہ ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: ےلہپ کال ر2 ےہ ۔ Dr. Nafisa Shah: OK. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 2.- (a) In paragraph (a), the words and figure “and includes the Acting Chairperson appointed under section 7” shall be added at the end.

می ڈ م رکیپس: وپ را ڑپھ ےئجیل ۔ کالر 2 وک وپر ا ا ے ، یب ، یس ، د ، وپر ا ا ب ہی ڑپھ د ےئجی ۔ Dr. Nafisa Shah: You want me to read the Bill or just the amendment. Madam Speaker: Amendment. Dr. Nafisa Shah: I have just read the entire amendment, Madam Speaker, Clause (a) I have just read the amendment and the rest of it will be read by Mr. Zahid Hamid. 20

می ڈ م رکیپس: یج را دہ احدم اصج ب ا ب ےن یھب ڑپینھ وہ یگ ۔نکیل ےلہپ ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب ڑپھ ںیل ۔ Mr. Zahid Hamid: Madam Speaker! Only that part of that amendment is being moved. I am reading the rest of the amendments in Clause 2. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 2.- (a) in paragraph (b) for the word “for” the words “on the status of” shall be substituted; (b) for paragraph (c), the following shall be substituted, namely- “(c) “Member” means a member of the Commission.” (c) in paragraph (e), for the words and figures “as provided for under sub-section (3) of section 9”, the words and figure “appointed under section 9” shall be substituted; (d) in paragraph (f), for the words “of any age” the words “age 18 years or above; and” shall be substituted. (e) after paragraph (f), a new paragraph (g) shall be added, namely,- “(g) “girl” means a female human being under the age of 18 years.” Thank you Madam. Madam Speaker: Advisor Sahib do you oppose it? Advisor to the Prime Minister on Human Rights (Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar): I do not oppose it. Madam Speaker: As it is not opposed. So, I will put the Amendments in Clause 2 to the House. 21

Now, I put the amendment, as moved by Dr. Nafisa Shah and others, to the House. The question is that the amendment, as moved, be adopted. (The amendment was adopted.) Now, I put the amendments, as moved by Mr. Zahid Hamid and others, to the House. The question is that the amendments, as moved, be adopted. (The amendment were adopted.) Now, I put Clause 2, as amended, to the House. The question is that Clause 2, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. (Clause 2, as amended, stand part of the Bill.)

Madam Speaker: Clause 3. There are two amendments in Clause 3. First standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah, Ms. Bushra Gohar, Begum Ishrat Ashraf, Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Dr. Attiya Inayatullah, Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho, Ms. Khush Bakht Shujaat, Ms. Nuzhat Sadiq and others standing in the names of: Mr. Zahid Hamid, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Ms. Shahnaz Saleem, Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi, Dr. Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, Dr. Darshan, Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti, Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb and Engineer Khuram Dastgir Khan Sahib. Now I call upon …..

Clause 3 وک اہین ےس ہسیفن شا ہ اصہبح ومو رکںی یگ ۔ یج د ارٹ ہسیفن شا ہ اصہبح ۔ Dr. Nafisa Shah: We would like to withdraw our amendments in favour of the ones proposed by Zahid Hamid Sahib. Madam Speaker: OK. کیھٹ ےہ ۔ so ہی وج amendments moved by Dr. Nafisa Shah and others

.stand withdrawn۔ یج ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب ۔ 22

Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam. I hereby move that in clause 3, in sub-clause (2 ), (a) in sub-clause (2); for paragraph (a), the following shall be substituted, namely;- a Chairperson, who shall be a woman with experience of “(a) working on issues related to women’s rights for more than fifteen years, and is committed to the cause of women’s empowerment.” (ii) for paragraph (c), the following shall be substituted namely;- five ex-officio members who shall be representatives of “(c) the Ministries of Law, Finance, Foreign Affairs and Interior and the Ministry concerned with the subject of women’s rights, not below BPS- 20 and who shall not have the right to vote.” (iii) for paragraph (e) the following shall be substituted namely;- Secretary of the Commission who shall not have the right “(e) to vote.” (b). For sub-clause (3), the following shall be substituted namely;- A member appointed under paragraph (b) of sub-section “(3) (2), shall not be less than thirty years of age with experience of working on issues related to women’s rights and is committed to the cause of women’s empowerment.” Thank you Madam. I may just point out that I think the first part has to be moved by the other, Ms. Nafisa Shah. That is the Establishment of the Commission, that particular portion of the amendment. I have moved the amendment to 2, I think you need to move the amendment to 1.

می ڈ م رکیپس: د ارٹ ہسیفن شا ہ اصہبح (a) ا ب ڑپھ د ےئجی ۔ 23

Dr. Nafisa Ahah: That in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee in clause 3, for the heading the following shall be substituted namely;- (a) “Establishment of the Commission.” in sub-clause (1), for the words, brackets and (b) abbreviation “for women (NCW)” the words, brackets and abbreviation “on the status of women (NCSW)” shall be substituted; and for sub-clauses (2) and (3), I think the rest you have done? Madam Speaker: Yes. Advisor Nawaz Khokhar Sahib, do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokar: I don’t oppose Madam. Madam Speaker: As it is not opposed, so I will just put it to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved by Dr. Nafisa Shah and others to the House, be adopted. (The Amendment was adopted)

Madam Speaker: Now I put the amendment as moved by Mr. Zahid Hamid and others to the House. The question is that the Amendment as moved be adopted. (The Amendment was adopted) Madam Speaker: Now I put Clause 3 as amended to the House. The question is that Clause 3, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. Clause 3, as amended, start part of the bill. Madam Speaker: Clause 4. There are two amendments in Clause 4, first standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and the same members. And other amendment is standing in the name of Mr. Zahid 24

Hamid and the same members. Now I call upon Ms. Nafisa Shah Sahiba to move her amendment. Dr. Nafisa Shah: It is regarding the appointment of Chairperson and members and we withdraw in favour of Mr. Zahid Hamid. Madam Speaker: Then amendment moved by Dr. Nafisa Shah has been withdrawn. Zahid Hamid Sahib. Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam. I hereby move that in the Bill as reported by the Standing Committee, for clause 4, the following shall be substituted, namely;- Appointment of Chairperson.- (1) The Federal Government shall, “4. through public notice, invite suggestions for suitable persons for appointment as Chairperson and after proper scrutiny, shall submit a list of these persons to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly. (2) The Prime Minister shall in consultation with the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly forward three names for Chairperson to a Parliamentary Committee for hearing and confirmation of any one person.

Provided that in case there is no consensus between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, each shall forward separate lists to the Parliamentary Committee.

The Parliamentary Committee shall be constituted by the (3) Speaker of the National Assembly and shall comprise fifty percent members from the Treasury Benches and fifty percent from the Opposition Parties, based on their strength in Majlis-e-Shoora 25

(Parliament), to be nominated by the respective parliamentary Leaders:

Provided that the total strength of the Parliamentary Committee shall not exceed twelve members out of which one-third shall be from the Senate.

The Parliamentary Committee shall regulate its own procedure. (4)

The Parliamentary Committee shall forward the names of the (5) nominees confirmed by it to the Prime Minister, who shall appoint the Chairperson accordingly.” Thank you Madam. Madam Speaker: Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar Sahib. Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose. Madam Speaker: You don’t oppose it. As it is not opposed, so I will put the amendments to the House. Now, I put the amendment as moved by Mr. Zahid Hamid and others. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted). Madam Speaker: Now I put Clause 4, as amended, to the House. The question is that Clause 4, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause 4, as amended, stand part of the Bill). Madam Speaker: Insertion of a new clause 4A. There is an amendment in the Bill as reported by the Standing Committee with regard to the insertion of new Clause 4A standing in the names of Mr. Zahid Hamid, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Ms. Shahnaz Saleem, Mr. 26

Murtaza Javed Abbasi, Dr. Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, Dr. Darshan, Ms. Parveen Masood Bhati, Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb, Engr. MNA. Now I call upon Mr. Zahid Hamid to move. Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, after clause 4, as amended, the following new clause 4A shall be inserted, namely;-

Appointment of members.- (1). The members, “(4A) including ex-officio members, shall be appointed by the Prime Minister from amongst the names recommended under sub-section (2). (2) The Federal Government shall, after consultation with relevant stake-holders, recommend to the Prime Minister three names for each member who fulfill the qualifications laid down in section 3. (3) A vacancy of a member shall be filled as provided in sub-sections (1) and (2) within thirty days of the occurrence of the vacancy.” Thank you Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker: Advisor, do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. Madam Speaker: So, I will put it to the House. Now, I put the amendment as moved to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved by adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Clause 5, amendments. There are two amendments in Clause 5, first in the name of Dr. Nafisa Shah and 27 others. And other in the name of Mr. Zahid Hamid and others. Dr. Nafisa Shah will move. Dr. Nafisa Shah: Madam Speaker, that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 5.- For sub-clause (1), the following shall be substituted, namely:- A person appointed as chairperson and members shall hold “(1) office for a term of 3 years from the date on which he or she enters upon his or her office. The term of office may be extended only once”. Madam Speaker: Zahid Hamid Sahib. Mr. Zahid Hamid: Madam if I may just correct the language here. A person appointed as the Chairperson or a member shall hold office for a term of three years. I think it needs to be corrected.

می ڈ م رکیپس:ا ب move رکںی ےگ ب ا ۔ ںیہن I think ا ب یھب ا یس amendment وک support رک ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ Mr. Zahid Hamid: Yes I only corrected the language that can be done. My own amendment is in Clause 5. It is another amendment in Clause 5 Madam.

می ڈ م رکیپس: ا ب ڑپھ ںیل ویکہکن و ہ vettingاک رپا ملب ےہ ۔ Mr. Zahid Hamid: There is another amendment Madam apart from that.

می ڈ م رکیپس: یج ۔ Mr. Zahid Hamid: I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 5, in sub-clause 2, for the figure “60” the word “thirty” shall be substituted. Madam Speaker: Advisor, do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. 28

Madam Speaker: As it is not opposed, so we will put it to the House. Now, I put the amendment as moved by Nafisa Shah and others to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved may be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now I put the amendment as moved by Mr. Zahid Hamid and others to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted). Madam Speaker: Now I put Clause 5, as amended, to the House. The question is that Clause 5, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clasue 5, as amended, stand part of the Bill). Madam Speaker: There are two amendments in clause 6, first standing in the name of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. And Mr. Zahid Hamid and others. Now I call upon Nafisa Shah Sahiba to move her amendment. Dr. Nafisa Shah: Madam Speaker, we are withdrawing our amendment, again we think the one proposed by Mr. Zahid Hamid. Madam Speaker: You are withdrawing total? Dr. Nafisa Shah: Just clause 6, whole we are withdrawing. Madam Speaker: So it stands withdrawn. Zahid Hamid Sahib. Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, for clause 6, the following shall be substituted, namely:-


“6. Removal of Chairperson and members.- The chairperson and members may be removed from office by the Prime Minister if he or she, as the case may be,-

(a) is, after proper inquiry, found guilty of misconduct: provided that in the case of the Chairperson, such finding shall be submitted to the Parliamentary Committee for confirmation;

(b) is adjudged an insolvent;

(c) is unfit to continue in office by reason of being mentally or physically challenged and stands so declared by a competent medical authority; and (d) has been, on connection of any offence involving moral turpitude been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than two years, unless a period of five years has elapsed since his or her release.’ Thank you Madam.

Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. Madam Speaker: So I will put it to the House. Now I put the amendment as moved by Zahid Hamid Sahib and others. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted). 30

Madam Speaker: Now I put clause 6, as amended, to the House. The question is that Clause 6, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause 6, as amended, stand part of the Bill). Madam Speaker: Clause 7 amendment. There is an amendment in Clause 7 standing in the names of Nafisa Shah and others. Dr. Nafisa Shah: that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, for clause 7, the following shall be substituted namely:- By reason of any vacancy in the office Acting Chairperson.- “7. of Chairperson due to death, illness, resignation or otherwise, the Prime Minister shall appoint a woman from amongst the members of the Commission to act as Chairperson for a period of not exceeding thirty days or until the appointment of a new Chairperson, whichever is earlier”. Thank you. Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. Madam Speaker: So I will put it to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted). Madam Speaker: Now I put clause 7, as amended, to the House. The question is that Clause 7, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause 6, as amended, stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 8 amendment. There is an amendment in Clause 8 standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Dr. Nafisa Shah. Bushra Gohar to move. 31

Ms. Bushra Gohar: Thank you Speaker Sahiba. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 8 in sub-clause (1), the words “in the rules of the Commission” shall be omitted. Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. Madam Speaker: As it is not opposed, so I will put it to the House. Now I put the amendment as moved to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted). (Madam Speaker: Now I put clause 8, as amended, to the House. The question is that Clause 8, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause 8, as amended, stand part of the Bill). Madam Speaker: Clause 9 amendment. There is an amendment in Clause 9 standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Bushra Gohar to move the amendment. Ms. Bushra Gohar: Thank you Speaker Sahiba. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, for clause 9, the following shall be substituted, namely:- (1) There shall be a Secretariat of the Commission.- “9. Secretariat of the Commission headed by the Secretary with complement of Officers and support staff as may be prescribed. The Secretary on the instructions of the Commission will (2) prepare a draft 3 year strategic plan, the Annual Work Plan and Budget.


The Secretary shall be appointed in the manner as may be (3) prescribed.

The appointment and terms and conditions of the employees of (4) the Commission shall be such as may be prescribed.”

Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. Madam Speaker: So now I put the amendment as moved to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now I put clause 9, as amended, to the House. The question is that Clause 9, as amended, do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause 9, as amended, stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 10. There are two amendments in Clause 10 first standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and Bushra Gohar, Begum Ishrat Ashraf, Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Dr. Attiya Inayatullah, Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho, Ms. Khush Bakht Shujaat, Ms.Nuzhat Sadiq. And other standing in the names of Mr. Zahid Hamid, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Ms. Shahnaz Saleem, Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi, Dr. Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, Dr. Darshan, Ms. Parveeen Masood Bhatti, Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb and Engr. Khurram Dastgri. Now I call upon Bushra Gohar to move the amendment.


Ms. Bushra Gohar: Thank you Speaker Sahiba. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 10.-

(a) in sub-clause (1).- (i) in paragraph (a), between the words “the” and “Government”, the word “Federal”, shall be inserted; and the word “development” shall be omitted; (ii) in paragraph (b), the words “as admissible under the Constitution” shall be omitted; (iii) in paragraph (c), for the word “development” the word “employment” shall be substituted; (iv) in paragraph (d), the words “and development” shall be omitted; (v) in paragraph (f), for the words “adult and minor females” the words “women and girls” shall be substituted; (vi) in paragraph (g), for the words “adult or minor” the words “and girls” shall be substituted; (vii) and for paragraph (j), the following shall be substituted, namely:- “(j) may in accordance with relevant laws and rules and prior permission of the provincial government concerned inspect any jail, sub-jail or other places of custody where women are kept and to make appropriate recommendations to the authorities concerned”; (viii) for paragraph (l), the following shall be substituted namely:- “(l) liaise with the Provincial Commissions set up under provincial laws and other concerned provincial organizations”; 34

(ix) and for paragraph (m), the following shall be substituted, namely:- “(m) shall monitor the mechanism and institutional procedure for redressal of violation of women’s rights.”

Madam Speaker! The rest of the amendment we are going to withdraw and let Zahid Hamid Sahib to present his the rest of the amendment stands withdrawn. Jee, Zahid Hamid Sahib. Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam! I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 10, in sub- clause (1):- Madam, “(a)” I am omitting because it has already been moved by Ms. Bushra Gohar. (b) In paragraph (b), (i) between the words “all” and “laws” the word “Federal” shall be inserted. (ii) between the words “with” and “Constitution” the word “the” shall be inserted. (c) in paragraph (h) between the words “any” and “source” the word “Federal” shall be inserted. (d) in paragraph (i) after the word “bodies” at the end, the following shall be added, namely:- “and in this regard the commission shall have the powers vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908) for enforcing the attendance of any person and compelling the production of documents.” (e) Sub-clauses (2) and (3) shall be omitted. Thank you, Madam.

Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. 35

Madam Speaker: As it is not opposed. I will put it to the House. Now, I put the amendment as moved by Bushra Gohar and others. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted). Now, I put the Amendment, as moved by Mr. Zahid Hamid and others to the House. The question is that the Amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker:Now, I put clause 10 as amended to the House. The question is that clause 10 as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently clause 10 as amended stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 11. The question is that clause 11 do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently clause 11 stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: There is an Amendment in clause 12 standing in the name of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Jee, who is going to move it? Dr. Azra Fazal to move. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho: I beg to move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 12,- (a) in sub-clause (2), between the words “such” and “Committees”, the word “other” shall be inserted; and (b) in sub-clause (3), between the words “Committees” and “will” the words “except the executive committees” shall be inserted.

Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it, Madam Speaker. 36

Madam Speaker: As it is not opposed, so I will put it to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the Amendment as moved was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now, I put clause 12 as amended to the House. The question is that clause 12 as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently clause 12 as amended stand part of the Bill). Madam Speaker: Clause 13. There is an amendment in clause 13 standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Who is going to move it? Dr. Azra Fazal to move. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho: I beg to move that in the Bill as reported in the Standing Committee, in clause 13,- (a) in sub-clause (1), for the word “for” the words “on the Status of” shall be substituted. (b) in sub-clause (2), in paragraph (c), the words “as may be prescribed” shall be added at the end; (c) in sub-clause (3), for the word “while” the word “whilst” shall be substituted; and (d) in sub-clause (4), paragraph (c), shall be omitted and paragraph (d), shall be renumbered as paragraph (c);

Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it. Madam Speaker: No, as it is not opposed. So, I will put the amendment to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted).


Madam Speaker: Now, I put clause 13 as amended to the House. The question is that clause 13 as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently clause 13 as amended stands part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 14 amendment. There is an amendment in Clause 14 standing in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Who is going to move it? Dr. Azra Fazal to move. Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho: I beg to move that in the Bill as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 14, in sub-clause (3),- (i) between the words “him” and “in” the “/” and word “her” shall be inserted; and (ii) between the words “of” and “Government”, the word “Federal” shall be inserted.

Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker: Not opposed. So, I will put it to the House. Now, the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now, I put clause 14 as amended to the House. The question is that clause 14 as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently clause 14 as amended stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 15, there is an amendment in clause 15 in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Who is going to move it? Shahnaz Wazir Ali Sahiba to move. 38

Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali: Thank you Speaker Sahiba! I beg to move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 15, in sub-clause (1), between the word “Ministry” and “Annual”, the full stop and the word “The” shall be inserted and the word “its” occurring for the third time, shall be omitted. Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it, Madam. Madam Speaker: As it is not opposed. I will put it to the House. Now, I put the amendment as moved to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted(Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now, I put clause 15 as amended to the House. The question is that clause 15 as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently clause 15 as amended stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 16 amendment. There is an amendment in clause 16 in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Jee, Shahnaz Wazir Ali Sahiba to move. Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali: Thank you Speaker Sahiba! I beg to move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause 16,- (i) between the words “All” and “executive” the word “Federal” shall be inserted; and (ii) the words “in Pakistan”, shall be omitted.

Madam Speaker: Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it, Madam. 39

Madam Speaker: Not oppose. So, I will put it to the House. Now, I put the amendment as moved. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted.(Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now, I put clause 16 as amended to the House. The question is that clause 16 as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently clause 16 as amended do stand part of the Bill). Madam Speaker: Clause 17. The question is that Clause-17 do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause-17 stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker:Clause 18. The question is that Clause- 18 do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause-18 stands part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: There is an Amendment in Clause-19 in the names of Dr. Nafisa Shah and other who is going to move. Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali Sahiba.

Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali: Thank you Speaker Sahiba. I beg to move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing committee, in Clause-19, in (a) sub-clause (1),- (i) for the word “Commission”, the words “Federal Government” shall be substituted; (ii) for the words “Federal Government”, the word “Commission” shall be substituted; and (iii) the words “first set of” shall be omitted. 40

(b) in sub clause (2), the word “first” shall be omitted. Madam Speaker: Adviser do you oppose it. Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: Not opposed. Madam Speaker: Not opposed. Madam Speaker: Now I put the amendment as moved to the House. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the Amendment was adopted). Madam Speaker: Now I put Clause-19 as amended to the House. The question is that Clause-19 as amended do standpart of the Bill. I can’t hear you. It is such an important Bill and can’t hear your voice. (Consequently Clause-19 as amended stands part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 20. The question is that Clause- 20 do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause-20 stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Clause 21. The question is that Clause- 21 do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause-21 stand part of the Bill). Madam Speaker: There is an amendment in Clause-22 in the names of Mr. Zahid Hamid and others. Mr. Zahid Hamid Sahib to move.

Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam Speaker. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing committee, in Clause-22, 41 for the full stop at the end a colon shall be substituted and thereafter the following proviso added, namely,- “Provided that this power shall be available for a period of one year from the date of commencement of this Act.” That two put this. Madam there is another amendment which should have been moved in Clause-3 which by mistake was given up by Dr. Nafisa Shah Sahiba so if you could kindly permit under rule 274.

می ڈ م رکیپس : ریم اایخل ےہ ہک ہی وپر ا completeوہاگ وت ا س ےک دعب Mr. Zahid Hamid: I just said that before you put it to the whole Bill to the House. Madam Speaker: Adviser do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar. I don’t oppose it Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker: Not opposed. Madam Speaker: Now I put the Amendment as moved to be adopted. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted). Madam Speaker: Now I put Clause-22 to the House. The question is that Clause-22 as amended do stands part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause-22 as amended stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: First there will be Clause-1 and then. Preamble and Short-title amendment. There are two amendments in Clause-1 Preamble and Short title first standing in the name of Dr. 42

Nafisa Shah and others and Mr. Zahid Hamid and others. Who is going to move? Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah Sahiba to move. Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah: Mr. Zahid Hamid just raised that there was ….

می ڈ م رکیپس : و ہ ا س ےک دعب ا ےئ اگ ۔ Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah: That in the Bill as reported by the Standing Committee, in the long title, for the word “for” occurring for the second time, the words “on the Status of” shall be substituted. I so moved.

می ڈ م رکیپس : یجPreambleںیم یھب ےہ ۔ Preambleوا ال ڑپںیھ ۔ Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah: That in the Bill as reported by the Standing Committee, for the preamble, the following shall be substituted, namely:- “whereas it is expedient to set up a National Commission on the Status of Women for promotion of social, economic, political and legal rights of women as provided in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and in accordance with International declarations, Conventions, Treaties, Covenants and Agreements relating to women, including the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto;” I so moved.

می ڈ م رکیپس : یج (clause (1 اکیھب ڑپھ ںیل ۔ Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah: That in the Bill as reported by the Standing Committee, in Clause-1, in sub-clause (1), for the word “for” the words “on the Status of” shall be substituted. 43

می ڈ م رکیپس : یج ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب۔ Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam. I hereby move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in Clause-1, in sub- clause (1), for the figure “2011” the figure “2012” shall be substituted. Thank you Madam.

می ڈ م رکیپس : ہی ا ب کformality ےہ او ر ا س وک مہ وخد یھب رک شکیے یہ ۔ وت اس یک رضو ر ب ںیہن ےہ۔ Madam Speaker: Adviser do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: I don’t oppose it Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker: Not opposed. Madam Speaker: Now I put the amendment as moved by Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah and others. The question is that the amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the amendment was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now I put Clause-1, Preamble and Short- title as amended to the House. The question is that Clause-1, Preamble and Short-title as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause-1, Preamble and Short-title as amended stands part of the Bill).

می ڈ م رکیپس : یج ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب۔ Mr. Zahid Hamid: Madam the problem is that in Clause (3) as approved by this honourable House. There has been an omission in moving amendments relating to two paragraphs which were to be moved by Dr. Nafisa Shah were inadvertently given up by her. So if you would be so kind to allow under 274 a formal motion reopening the decision of this honourable House on clause (3) and the 44 incorporation of the amendments which she may kindly be asked to move. Madam Speaker: You can move the Motion. Mr. Zahid Hamid: I hereby move that under the provisions of rule 274 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007. The decision of this honourable House on clause (3) of the present Bill under discussion may kindly be withdrawn and reopen to enable the moving of amendments by Dr. Nafisa Shah. Thank you Madam. Madam Speaker: Now I put the motion as moved to the House. (Consequently the motion was adopted).

Madam Speaker: Now Clause (3) is reopened. Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah you will move. Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah: Thank you Madam Speaker. I beg to move that in the Bill, as reported by the Standing Committee, in clause (3).- in sub-clauses (2) and (3), the following shall be substituted, namely;- The Commission shall consist of:- “(2) two members from each Province of whom at least (b) one member shall be a woman, one woman member each from Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, the Islamabad Capital Territory and from minorities; Chairperson or a designated member of each (d) Provincial Commission on women’s rights shall set up under provincial laws. 45

Dr. Attiya Inayuatullah: I so moved Madam. Madam Speaker: Mr. Zahid Hamid. Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam. This is just to clarify that the remaining Amendments already moved in Clause (3) still stand. Madam Speaker: Now I put the Amendment as moved. Advisor do you oppose it? Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar): I don’t oppose it, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker: You don’t oppose it. Madam Speaker: Now I put the Amendment as moved to the House. The question is that the Amendment as moved be adopted. (Consequently the motion is adopted). Madam Speaker: The question is that clause (3) as amended do stand part of the Bill. (Consequently Clause (3) as Amended stand part of the Bill).

Madam Speaker: Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar Adviser to the Prime Minister to move item No. 4. Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar): I beg to move that the Bill to provide for the setting up of National Commission for Women [The National Commission for Women Bill, 2011], be passed. Madam Speaker: Mr. Zahid Hamid. Mr. Zahid Hamid. I just want to clarify Madam. This Bill now stands renamed. So we have already passed an Amendment renaming this Bill. Now whether you would like to still call it the National Commission of Women Bill, 2011 or you would now like to call it by the new name which is the National Commission on the Status of Women Bill. 46

Madam Speaker: Yes. Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar: National Commission on the Status of Women it has been renamed but as it appeared in Orders of the Day I read it as it was taking in the Orders of the Day.

می ڈ م رکیپس: ہی وکیئ ب ا ب ںیہن ےہ۔ ا یسی mistake ںیہن ےہ۔ Madam Speaker: So now I put the Motion to the House. It has been moved that the Bill to provide for the setting up of National Commission for Women [The National Commission for Women Bill, 2011], be passed. (Consequently the Bill was passed unanimously).

Madam Speaker: I congratulate the House for that Yes Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali. COMPLIMENTARY SPEECHES ON PASSAGE OF THE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN BILL, 2011 Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali: Thank you very much Madam Speaker. I think this is a very important legislation that the House is unanimously undertaken today and I want to take this opportunity to recall that it was one of the firm commitments and promises of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed to ensure that Pakistan would have an autonomous and independent commission of which the members would be the eminent women of Pakistan who have struggled long for the democratic rights of the women of Pakistan. It is today a fulfillment of that promise. The promise of our leaders, the promise of President Asif Ali Zardari Sahib, the promise of our Prime Minster Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Sahib and I would also say the promise of all the parties sitting in this House that have spoken for and stood for the rights of the women as enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan. 47

I would also like to take this occasion Madam Speaker to recall that this journey started many years ago. The journey for the rights of the women of Pakistan, the social, political, economic and legal rights. The battle for the rights of the women of Pakistan was fought in the streets of the cities, in the villages and across the country during the eleven long years of the tyrannical rule of dictatorship. Subsequently, it continued to be fought through movements, through actions, initiatives with the combine strength of the civil society organization that work for human rights and the rights of women. The combined strength of all those individuals, the legal community, the women individually and collectively and most important of all the elected Parliamentarians those,who sit not only in this House but also in the upper Chamber as well as in the Provincial Assemblies.

رتحمہم رکیپس اصہبح ا ح اک وج د ن ےہ ہی ا س ےئل ا اکت اک د ن ےہ ویکہکن ا ح مہ ےن و ہاق نش اقمئ یک ےہ

سج یک میا ل ریمے ایخل ںیم ش اب ڈ دنچ یہ وکلمن ںیم ب ا یئ اجیت ےہ ۔ ا س ےئل ہک اساق نش وک لمکم وطر رپ ا ب ک وخ د اتخمر تیثیح د یئگ ےہ ۔ ا س ب ل یک وصختیص ہی ےہ ہک رئیچرپنس ا س اق نش یک وج وہیگن و ہ ا ب ک Joint consultation between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the

.Opposition ےک د ر ےعی ا ور ا ب ک Parliamentary Committee یک recommendations

یک basis رپ رقتر وہیگ ۔ وت ہی تہب امہ دقم ےہ ا س ےئل ہک مہ داھکبا اچےتہ ںیہ ہک امہر حکو مب ، ب ا اتسکن

زلپیپ ب ا ر یٹ ا ور شا ر ولخمط امجںیتع وج ا س و قب حکو مب ںیم وموج د ںیہ ، و ہ ًانیقی good Governance رپ

نیقی ریتھک ںیہ او ر ا دا رو ن ںیم نیقی ریتھک ںیہ ۔ ا ور اد ار و ن یک وخد اتخم ر ، وبضمیط او ر ا ن وک ا ےگ ح الےن ےس ،

ب ا اتسکن اک لبقتسم وبضمط اد ا رو ن ےک د ر ےعی ا نيئ ےک دا تر ہ اکر ےک ا دنر ر ےتہ وہےئ یہ وہاتکس ےہ ۔

وت اق نش یئک احلط ےس تہب ا اکت ر یتھک ےہ ، ںیم ا ب اک تہب رب ا دہ و قب ںیہن ولن یگ ۔ نکیل ا س وقب ینتج ا یھب Sitting members on National Commission on the Status of تیظی Women یک و ہ ، ےنتج و کالء ںیہ ، ینتج مت ں ںیہ او را ب اک وصخ ی رکشہی ا دا رکب ا اچیتہ وہن ویکہکن ا ب ےن

لی ہشیمہ وخا نیت ےک وقحق یک جیگ ڑل یھب ےہ تیثیحب ا ب ک ب ا ر متیی ڑنی او رتیثیحب ربمم ب ااتسکن زلپیپ ب ا ر یٹ ےلہپ ا و ر

ا ب تیثیحب رکیپس ا ب ےن ہشیمہ وخا نیت ےک ا وشیر وک ا اکت د ےہ ۔ ںیم اخص وطر رپ ا وپر نشی اک یھب رکشہی ا دا رکبا 48

اچیتہ وہن ، ا ور انہک اچیتہ وہن ہک ےنتج ا رنت ی ل ربممر ا وپر نشی وچنیبن رپ ےھٹیب وہےئ ںیہ ا و ر وصخاصً وخا نیت ا رنت ی ل

ربممر او ر دا رٹ ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب وہنجن ےن اخص وطر رپ امہر ے شا ھت ا س ب ل وک الےن ںیم ا ینپ contribution

شا لم یک ےہ ۔ وت ہی اامتجیع وطر رپ اب ک ایسی effort یھت سج یک وہج ےس ا ح مہ ہی ب ل اکایمیب ےس وظنمر رکےکس

ںیہ ا ور ایسی اقںون شا ر یک ےہ سج ےک در ےعی حکو مب ا ینپ commitment یھبوپر رکےک د اھکر یہ ےہ

ا و ر ا یشا ء اهلل اعت ٰیل وخا نیت ےک وقحق اک حیحص رطےقی ےس حیحص ونعمن ںیم ظفحت وہاگ ۔ رکشہی ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس : رکشہی یج ، ر ا دہ احدم اصج ب ۔ Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam. On behalf of the Pakistan Muslim League-N, I may state that we are very pleased that this very important Bill has been passed and not just with consensus but unanimously. Yesterday Madam Speaker, I was somewhat disappointed that various allegations made against us when I requested for sometime to study this Bill and to propose some Amendments disappointed and as much as various honourable members they even perhaps without asking the nature of the Amendments that were they proposed to be moved by us had alleged that we would willfully and deliberately delaying passage of this Bill and as you are aware Madam Speaker you are gracious enough to chair the meeting last night. Over a three hours long meeting, you saw that the nature of the Amendments that were being discussed and thanks to your advice and guidance and I may add the accommodating attitude of the very formidable negotiating team of the Women Parliamentary Caucus. They were able to arrive at the consensus on these Amendments. But, to those Members who said yesterday that we were simply going to change some commas and full stop. You saw today we have twelve pages of Amendments moved by Dr. Nafisa Shah and others. Six pages of Amendments moved by us and this is the result of the 49 consensus that was achieved yesterday. So, I would also like to congratulate, in fact, the women of Pakistan for the passing of this Bill unanimously by this August House. I would like to congratulate and again thanks the Members and the Movers specially Dr. Nafisa Shah Sahiba, Shahnaz Wazir Ali Sahiba, Bushra Gohar Sahiba, Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho Sahiba and others who were a part of the team and also Members of my own team that is Nuzhat Sadiq Sahiba, Tahira Aurangzeb Sahiba and Begum Ishrat Ashraf Sahiba who also gave us valuable support. I would also like to take this opportunity, Madam Speaker, of thanking you for presiding over the meeting for such a long time and forgiving an outsider like me an opportunity to visit the very impressive room of the Women Parliamentary Caucus. It is extremely impressive and awesome room. Thank you Madam Speaker.

می ڈ م رکیپس: رکشہی ۔ رپ وت ر کٹخ اصج ب ا ب یھب ا یس ہپ ب ا ب رکبا اچےتہ ںیہ ب ا یسک ا و ر رپ ۔یج ا ب ڈو ٹیک

رپو ت ر کٹخ اصج ب ۔ Mr. Pervaiz Khan Advocate: Thank you Madam Speaker! Taking the opportunity on this unique moment, which relates to the passing of the present Bill, in fact on behalf of Awami National Party, I congratulate the present Parliament in general and the women parliamentarian in particular because this is a step towards the strengthening of the rights of the women from any type of discrimination. And, Madam Speaker, I appreciate the role of all those parliamentarians who have played their role and at the same time, I shall be failing in my duty if I do not mention the role of your honour that has been played in the present scenario. 50

Madam Speaker! Tomorrow is the 24th Death Anniversary of Bacha Khan, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, which adds to the importance of the present moment because Bacha Khan always stood for the human rights and specifically he always regarded women to be at par with men. I, lastly again, endorse the part and role which all the participants have played in the present scenario. Thanks a lot Madam Speaker.

می ڈ م رکیپس: رکشہی یج ۔ ہتفگش اصد ق اصہبح ۔

رتحمہم ہتفگش اصد ق : تہب رکشہی می ڈ م رکیپس ! ںیم س ب ےس ےلہپ وت ابم رک ب اد دو ن یگ ا س وپر میٹ وک ہک سج

ےن ا س ب ل ےک ےئل اکم ایک ۔ویکہکن ا س ب ل یک تہب رضو ر ب یھت او ر ا یسی اقںون شا ر یک اےسی وقب ںیم تہب

ر ب ا د ہ رضو رب یھت ہک ج ب مہ دےتھکی ںیہ ہک اعمرشے ںیم وخ انیت رپ ملظ ر ب ا د ہ ت ر ےتھ ےلچ اج رےہ ںیہ او ر وتا رت ےک

شا ھت ا ےسی و ا اعقب شا ےنم ا ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ ب ا اتسکن اب ک اشالیم کلم ےہ ا و ر اشالم یھب وخا نیت وک تہب زعب او ر اب ک

ا مہ اقمم د اتی ےہ ۔وت ا ےسی و قب ںیم ا س ب ل اک ب ا س وہبا ںیم یتھجمس وہن ہک س ب ےک ےئل ا ب ک تہب وخس ا دنئ

ب ا ب ےہ ۔ ن می ڈ م رکیپس ! اس ےلسلس ںیم ںیم ا ب وک یھب ابم رک ب اد د و ن یگ ہک وچہکن ا ب ب ا اتسکن یک با ر خی ںیم لی

اخوتن رکیپس ںینب ا ور ا ب یک رگن این ںیم تہب ت ر ا اکم وہا ا و ر ا س ںیم ا ب اک تہب contribution ر اہ ۔ وت ا سںیم ا ب یھب تہب ابمر ک ب اد یک قحتسم ںیہ ۔ دحتمہ ںویم وم وٹنم یک رطف ےس اقہد رحتب ک انج ب ا اطلف نیسح اھبیئ

یک رطف ےس یھب ہشیمہ وخا نیت وک تہب ا اکت ا و ر زعب د اجیت ےہ ا و ر ہشیمہ ا ن یک وخ اشہ او ر وکششر یتہ ےہ

ہک وخ انیت وک ا ےگ ت ر ھ رک اکم رکےن ےک وم اعق ںیلم ا و ر و ہ یھب اعمرشے اک ا ب ک رتہبنی فر د با ت ب وہن ۔ وت ا س ےلسلس ںیم مہ اینپ ب ا ر یٹ یک رطف ےس یھب ا ب وک ابمر ک ب اد دےتی ںیہ ا ور ا س ب ل ےس مہ وخ انیت وکوج ہن رصف

ا یلبمس ںیم وموج د ںیہ ہکلب ا س ےس ا ن وخ انیت وک تہب ئاہدہ وہ اگ ہک وج دو ر در ا ر عالںون ںیم وموجد ںیہ او ر نج وک

ا یھب بک ا ن اک قح ںیہن لم کس ر اہ ےہ او ر و ہ تہب ر ب اد ہ ملظ و متس اک اکشر ںیہ ۔وت ا ےسی و قب ںیمہن یھب وہن ا س

اقںون شا ر یک ںیم یتھجمس وہن ہک تہب ر ب ا د ہ تخس رضو ر ب یھت ا و ر ا س ب ل وک ب ا س رک ےک ا ویا نےس ہقفتم وطر

رپ ںیم ا ےنپ مامم شا ویھتن اک یھب اہین رکشہی ا دا رکو ن یگ وہنجن ےن ا س وک وپسر ب ایک ۔تہب رکشہی ۔

می ڈ م رکیپس: تہب رکشہی ۔ د ارٹ ہیطع انعت ب اهلل۔

د ارٹ ہیطع انعت ب ا هلل : رکشہی رتحمہم رکیپس اصہبح ۔ ںیم یتھجمس وہن ہک اب ک ا ح تہب وطلی رفس وخ انیت

لی ےن اکبا ےہ ۔ ہی وجاق نش انبب ا ای ےہ ہی مہ ےن انبب ا ےہ ، ب ا ر متیی ڑزنی ےن انبب ا ےہ ۔نکیل ہی رہسا امہر ا ن وخ انیت 51

وک مہ ےن د انی ےہ وج ہک ب ا ہ ڑ لبقتسم ح را یج ےس ےلھچپ اچسیل اچپس شا ل ےس ا ب ک یہ وس ال وپھچ ر یہ ںیہ ہک وعر ب

وت ا یشا ن ےہ ، وت رھپ ویکن ا س اک انیج اعمرشے ےن اانت اھب ر ایک وہا ےہ ۔ لقتسم ہی ںیمہ ا و ار ا یت ر یہ ےہ ا و ر ادمحل هلل ا ح مہ ےن ا ب ک permanent commission وج ہک administratively and financially independentوہ اگ ا س ےن ا س وسا ل اک وجا ب د انی ےہ او ر نیقی د الب ا ےہ ہک وعر ب یک میظع وہ ا و ر وعر ب اک قح میلست وہ ۔ںیم اہین رپ رصف ہی انہک اچیتہ وہن ہک ہی اچ ر شا ل ےس ا ب ےسیج وخد اجیتن ںیہ ہی process

Bill ا ور ب ل وک اٹکی انبب ا تہب ریبمھگ ےہ ۔ او ر ںیم اہین رپ رکشہی ا دا رکبا اچیتہ وہن وج امہ ر وسل وسشا یٹئ ےس

وہنجن ےناعتو ن ایک ےہ ۔ Women Parliamentary Caucus او ر ب ا وصخلص وج امہ ر وخا نیت وج ہک

caucus ےک ا دنر اخص وطر رپ ا س ںیم د یپسچل یتیل ںیہ ۔ نکیل ںیم اہین انہک اچیتہ وہن می ڈ م رکیپس اصہبح ! ہی

اکم ہن وہبا ا رگ ا ب یک تقفش ا ور ا ب یک ایقد ب ںیمہ احلص ہن وہیت ۔ ا ب اک تہب تہب رکشہی۔او ر ںیم ہی انہک

اچیتہ وہن ہک ًانیقی را دہ احدم اصج ب ےس ج ب ںیم لک رصم یھت ہک اس ب ل وک مہ ےن ب ا س رکو ابا ےہ ایس نشیس ںیم ،

و ہ ا یس ےئل اھت ہک شا ر ےھ اچر شا ل ےس مہ وکشا ن ںیہ ہک ہی ب ل شا ےنم ا ےئ ا و ر مہ ےن ہی د اھکی ےہ ہک ج ب وعر ب

اک اعمملہ ا با ےہ ۔ را دہ احدم اصج ب ےک دنہ ںیم ہی ب ا لکل ںیہن ےہ ، و ہ اقہد ا مظ یک ملسم گیل ےس قلعت رےتھک ںیہ

ےسیج ںیم یھب ر یتھک وہن ۔نکیل اہین ہپ ہی وہبا ےہ ہک ج ب وکیئ وعر ب یک ب ا ب وہیت ےہ وت و اہن ہپ ںیہک ہن ںیہک

ےس رہنخ ا اجبا ےہ ا ور ہی ریما وصقر ےہ ہک ںیم ےن ا ن ہپ دض یک ہک ا ح یہ ا ور ا یس نشیسںیمہی متخ وہ اگ ۔ ںیم اعمیف

اچیتہ وہن ر ا دہ اصج ب نکیل ا ب یھب ںیہک ےگ ہک ہی تہب ااھچ وہا ےہ ا ور وج unanimous وہا ےہ ۔

Madam Speaker: I think there was consensus Dr. Attiya Inayatullah: Not consensus, it was unanimous شت اور وعر وتن ےک وقحق ا ور وعر وتن ےک یت ےک او رپ اب ک unanimous ب ل اک ا با ںیم یتھجمس

وہن ہک ہی ا س اہو س ےک ےئل ا ور س ب ےس ت ر ھ ےک ا ب ےک ےئل اب ک ااسی رہسا ےہ ۔ Madam Speaker: Thank you so much. There is a long list of Members who want to speak and

یج ر ا دہ احدم ا نہو ن ےن وج ا ب اک با م ایل ا س ہپ ھچک انہک اچےتہ ںیہ ۔ ریما ایخل ےہ اجےن دںی اینت ایھچ ب ا ب وہ ر یہ

ےہ ۔ یج را دہ احدم اصج ب

Mr. Zahid Hamid: Thank you Madam Speaker! As you are aware I am from the Pakistan Muslim League (N) No. 1. No. 2, Madam 52

Speaker, during the course of my speech, I had inadvertently omitted to mention the name of Dr. Attiya Inayatullah Sahiba who was, in fact, the prime mover behind this Bill and the driving force. And is, I think, to be credited for the fact that the Bill has been passed during this Session of this honourable House.

می ڈ م رکیپس: یج ہسیفن شا ہ اصہبح۔

د ارٹ ہسیفن شا ہ: اہو س وک ب ا ررٹنمیلنی وک وخ انیت ب ا ر رٹنمیلنی وک ا و ر وپر ے کلم ںیم وخا نیت وک ابمر ابک د

شیپ رکو ن یگ ۔ا ح ًانیقی ا ب ک تہب امہ د ن ےہ ۔ ںیم وہکن یگ ہک ا ب ک با ر یخی د ن ےہ ہک مہ ےن ہی ب ل ب ا س ایک ۔

س ب ےس ا مہ ب ا ب ےسیج ہک ہی ب اب یک یئگ ہک ا س ںیم وپلتی کل ب ا ر زیٹ ، ا وپر نشی ، treasury benches س ب لمرک ےھٹیب ا و ر ہی collective effort اھت ۔ and I think that is the strength of this

.Bill می ڈم رکیپس! ا ب وک ب اد وہاگ ہک مہ ےن ج ب Women Parliamentary Caucus set up ایک

ا و ر اس ےک ا اتتفح ےک ےئل و ر ری امظ وک ب الب ا ا و ر ا ب یھب ا یس گنٹیم ںیم ںیھت ۔ وت all of us made one single demand and that is that we want an independent women’s commission and on that day the Prime Minister promised. So this is the promise of the Government fulfilled but this is also the promise of

.the Women Parliamentary Caucus to the women of Pakistan می ڈ م رکیپس!

ا ب ک رتشمہک ب ا ب وج Women Parliamentary Caucus and the moving spirit behind that, I just want to say ہک our commitment in the Women Parliamentary Caucus is that when it comes to women, we will not be مت س ن ھ .divisum ا ح وج مہ ےن وپر ے کلم یک وخ انیت وک ح ح یک ا ےہ that when it comes to women, even this Parliament is not divisum ا ب ےن د اھکی ہک لک وج issues raise وہےئ within twenty four hours and I do want to recognize your effort because you actually said that we have to do this in this Session. So all of us sat together and with this collective will and the wisdom of the House, we showed that when it comes to women, this House is united. I just want to make this comment. And the other comment that I want to make is that this Parliament is historical and I don’t 53 think that anybody would dispute this that the right spaced agenda that we have set for ourselves is unprecedented. Madam Speaker. There have been so many right spaced bills, there has been a Humad Rights Commission Bill, there has been a plenty of legislation on women, a child rights bill is coming, we have a women rights ا ح اک وجاق نش ب ا س وہ ا and this is what we want to again tell the whole world and the people of Pakistan that when it comes to fundamental rights, when it comes to Constitution, when it comes to constitutionalism, the Parliamentarians each one of us are aware to the need of the times and that it is our commitment to the people of Pakistan that we will continue to pursue the right spaced agenda of the people. Thank you Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker: Thank you so much. There is a long list, I will just take the names ح وج اہین ہپ ب ا ب رکبا اچےتہ ںیہ ا ور ا س ہپ ابمر ابک د د انی اچےتہ ںیہ ۔ وفر ہی و اہ ب اصہبح، ب ا نیمس ر و ٰں اصہبح ، ظا ہ ڑ ہ

ا و ر زگنبی ،وفر ہی ااجعر ،اخدلہ وصنمر ، ر و ہنیب اعسد ب اقمئ اخین،د ارٹ لظِ امہ، سم ہنیمث اتشمق اگپںوا ال،ہتفگش

امجین،اکرما ن اخن، ظا ر ق ریبش اب ڈ و وٹیک ا ڈنی وبحم ب اهلل اجن۔

ںیم وپر ے اہو س وک ابمر ابکد د انی اچیتہ وہن ہک ا ور ًانیقی ینتج وپلتی کل ب ا ر زیٹ یھٹیب ںیہ وج ا ےنپ

manifestoesںیموتیتھکل ںیھت نکیل یھبک practically ا س رطےقی ےس اکم ںیہن وہبا اھت نکیل ا ح ںیم

تہب وخس یھب وہن ا ور ںیم ا ب س ب وک ابم رابک د دانی اچیتہ وہن ہک this is across the party line ًانیقی Women Parliamentary Caucus ےن ا ب ک ا انپ رکد ار ا دا ایک ا و رب ا لکل و اہن وج consensus ن لی د ہع ےہ ہک وعوتن ےن وج اینت ت ر دعت اد ںیم ا ح ب ا رٹنمیل ںیم یھٹیب ںیہ ہک وج promises یک ب ا ا ح امہر ے

ب ا اتسکن یک وعر وتن یک ا دیمںی ںیہ ۔ سج رطح ا نہو ن ےن caucusںیم اکم ایک ۔

ںیم ا ن س ب وک ابمر ابکد دانی اچیتہ وہن اہک او ر ا ن س ب رمد ربممر وک یھب ، ویکن ہک ریغ ا ن یک وپس رب ےک ًانیقی اہین ےس ب ل ب ا س ںیہن وہ اتکس اھت they were all very supportive of this Bill

and I want to thank all of them ا ور یہی اکایمیب اک را ر وہبا ےہ ہک ا س وک open mind ےک شاھتداھکی اجےئ ا و ر ا س وک ڑپاھ اجےئ ،ےلہپ understandایک اجےئ ہک what is it all aboutا و ر وج 54

ےلہپ ا ب ک رو ہی وہبا اھت ہک ریغ وسےچ ےھجمس ڑپےھ او ر مہ oppose رکےنگلاجےت ےھت ۔ ا رگ د اھکی اجےئ وت ا س

ںیم وکیئ ایسی زیچ ںیہن وہیت ا و ر اب ک وج consensus وہیت ےہ ،ا ےس ڑپاھ اجب ا ےہ وت ںیم یتھجمس وہن ہک ا ب ک

وخس ا بت یڈ او ر ا ب ک ااھچ ب ل ےہ وج مہ ا س ںوم وک د ے شکیے ںیہ سج ںوم یک مہ ےس ا دیمںی ںیہ او ر ا یش اء اهلل مہ ا ن

ا دیمو ن ہپ وپ ر ا ا رت ر ےہ ںیہ ۔ ا ب س ب ےک اعتو ن اک یھب رکشہی ۔ ا یش اء اهلل مہ ا یس رطح لم رک اس کلم یک وعا م ےکےئل ،وعر وتن ےک ےئل و ہ .marginalized section of the society ےہ،ا س ےک ےئل رتہب الںیئ ےگ ۔ Madam Speaker: Order. In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (1) of Article 54 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, I hereby prorogue the National Assembly Session summoned on Thursday, the 12th January, 2012, on the conclusion of its business.

Sd/- Mr. Asif Ali Zardari. President Islamic Republic of Pakistan