2013 GENERAL ELECTION Observation and Analysis of PRE-ELECTION PROCESSES June 2014 Free and Fair Election Network www.fafen.org 324.65 FAF Free and Fair Election Network 2013 General Election: Observation and Analysis of Pre-Election Processes Islamabad: FAFEN, 2014 156p. ISBN: 978-969-9657-14-6 1. Election monitoring. (2) Elections - Pakistan-2013. (3) Pakistan - Politics and government- 2013. I. Title. All rights reserved. Any part of this publication may be produced or translated by duly acknowledging the source. 1st Edition: June 2014. Copies 2,000 FAFEN is governed by the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) TDEA-FAFEN Election Observation Secretariat: House 145, Street 37, F-10/1 Islamabad, Pakistan Email:
[email protected] Website: www.fafen.org ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The scope and magnitude of the Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) election observation effort required “all hands on the deck” before, on and beyond Election Day. The network is fortunate and proud to boast a team that collectively rose to the challenge. This report is the culmination of their hard work, perseverance and resourcefulness. In addition to a team of 366 district and constituency based long-term observers, more than 40,000 Election Day male and female observers were mobilized, trained and managed by extremely hardworking and committed staff of FAFEN member organizations. In addition, the entire staff at the TDEA-FAFEN Secretariat worked round the clock to make the election observation effort a success. TDEA-FAFEN Chief Executive Officer Muddassir Rizvi and Director of Programmes Rashid Chaudhry deserve special mention, along with their incredible team, including Fatima Raja, Rashid Abdullah, Raffat Malik, Khan Bahadur, Faisal Khanzada, Taha Ceen, Haseeb Mirza, Zauq Raja, Muhammad Shehzad, Akram Khurram, Nazar Naqvi, Asif Rasool, Israr Ahmad and Ashley Barr.