Chiara Margarita Cozzolani So Riccardo Rognoni
Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita Chiara Margarita Cozzolani so Riccardo Rognoni. He apparently lived near the Cozzo- lani family (ibid., p. 85, footnote 87). As a novice in the * 27 November 1602 in Mailand, Italien St. Radegonda convent, which was famous far beyond Mi- † um 1677 in Mailand, Italien lan for the quality of its music, she received a thorough singing education in any case, as prescribed by the music- Chiara Maria Cozzolani died in the St. Radegonda Con- loving cardinal and Archbishop of Milan, Federico Borro- vent in Milan between 1676 and 1678. meo (period of office 1595-1631). Composer, singer, choir conductor She went on to play a decisive role in the convent’s exten- sive musical life, which was pervaded by internal compe- “Among these religious people Donna Chiara Margarita tition. Several public disputes regarding convent music Cozzolani deserves the highest praise – ‘Illustrious’ [Chia- arose under Archbishop Alfonso Litta (period of office ra] by name, but more by merit, and Margarita [Pearl] 1652-79), who did his utmost to push his archconservati- for the nobility of her spirit, of exquisite rarity and excel- ve church policy through in opposition to the Milan sena- lence. In 1620 she took the veil there and acquired a cer- te, targeting the convents in particular (ibid., p.96-107). tain fame in performing music, so much so that between The abbess of the convent had to speak on behalf of Chia- 1640 and 1650 she published four music collections.” (Fi- ra Margarita Cozzolani’s musical activity in her convent lippo Picinelli, Ateneo dei letterati milanesi, Milan in several lawsuits.
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