ELÇİN HƏSƏNOV Address: Baku, Nasimi District, Suleyman Rustam Street, House 2, Apartment 7

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ELÇİN HƏSƏNOV Address: Baku, Nasimi District, Suleyman Rustam Street, House 2, Apartment 7 ELÇİN HƏSƏNOV Address: Baku, Nasimi district, Suleyman Rustam street, house 2, apartment 7. AZE 101 E-mail: [email protected] WORK EXPERIENCE Khazar University, School of Engineering and Applied Science. Assoc.Prof . in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijan Assoc.Prof . in the Department of Information Technologies in Public Administration 2013- up today Institute of Education Problems under the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan, deputy director of the Institute, department head – 2009- 2014 Foreign company “Stone-pay” (Canada), vice coordinator 2007-2009 State Information Agency "Azertaj" (Head of Technology Department 2002-2007 Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, senior referent, 1994-2002 State Oil Academy, postgraduate , associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, 1989-1994 EDUCATION 1. Diploma in Physics, Physics Teacher, Azerbaijan State University, 1989. 2. Postgraduate, Azerbaijan Industrial University, Department of Thermophysics, Baku Azerbaijan 1989-1991 3. Ph.D., Azerbaijan Oil Academy, Department of Thermophysics, Baku Azerbaijan 1991 PUBLICATIONS 2020 1. «Basic physical properties of liquids» Report for the conference materials, Moscow, «Advances in Science and Technology» XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference , http://актуальность.рф/AST-26_originalmaket_N-1.pdf 2020 2. « The relationship between the heat transfer coefficient of a liquid and its other physical properties». EurasiaScience XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference February 15, 2020 Scientific Publishing Center, Moscow http://актуальность.рф/ES- 27_originalmaket_N.pdf 2020 3. "The sun and its energy" Collection of articles on the basis of the International Scientific and Practical Conference January 18, Innovation research: gaps in the implementation of results and development directions, Part - 2. Ufa, Russian Federation, https://ami.im/sbornik/MNPK-267-2.pdf 2020 4. «Diagnostics of thermophysical properties of a liquid», "EurasiaScience" XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference February 15, Scientific and Publishing Center "Actuality.RF" http://актуальность.рф/ES-27_originalmaket_N.pdf, 2020 2019. 1. "Course of General Physics", Textbook, Publishing House "Europe", 208 pages.2019 2. "Conceptual Foundations of e-Government", Textbook, Publishing House "Europe", 248 pages. 2019 3. "Absorption coefficient of acoustic waves in a conductive fluid," Journal "Science, Technology and Education" Moscow. Conference proceedings, 2019 4. "The influence of quanta on the stability of our being, its development, state and future prospects," Proceedings of the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference on “Modern trends in the management of regional development in Azerbaijan”, Academy of Public Administration of the AR, Baku, 2019 5. «Thermodynamic study of the influence of electric and magnetic fields on the absorption coefficient», AzTU, Scientific Works Magazine. Baku, №2, 2019. 2018 1. «Diagnostics and management of the electrical properties of liquids», AzTU, Scientific Works Magazine. Baku, №4, 2018; 2. "On the formation of the particle - wave theory of light." AzTU, Scientific Works Magazine. Baku, №2, 2018; 3. “About artificial intelligence. Problems, forecasts, general layout. ”, International scientific-theoretical journal. Baku. BSU, №2, 2018. 4. “International standart of the teacher” , International scientific- theoretical journal. Baku. BSU, №1, 2018. 2017 1. “Human, Economics and Institutions, Academy of Management of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Directions for Sustainable Development in Modern Times", Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference Baku, 2017.; 2016 “An approximate view of the economy from the perspective of metalogy” ", Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference Baku, 2016.; 2015 1. “Economics and metalogy”, https://cont.ws/@elchin/99551, Moscow, 2015 2. “Time and the fourth dimension” https://shkolazhizni.ru/@uid108706/posts/70788/, Moscow 2015. 2014 “People are the complex imagination of higher systems,”, https://shkolazhizni.ru/@uid108706/posts/70787, Moscow 2014. 2012 “Knowledge of English is Above All”, https://www.proza.ru/2012/10/08/1429 , Moscow 2012. 2011 “In Search of the Lost School” , https://www.chitalnya.ru/work/436631/, Moscow 2011 2010 “Creativity is within a person,” Educational Problems Newspaper, №5- 6, Baku. 2010; 2009 1. "From the experience of foreign countries" - about the implementation of IT in Estonia, ” Educational Problems Newspaper, №47-48, Baku. 2009; 2. “Development of various industries using satellite technology. Distant education. ”, Educational Problems Newspaper, №3, Baku. 2009; 3. "On Reforms in Education or the Application of Physical Science in Technical Vocational Education", Educational Problems Newspaper, №51-52, Baku. 2009; LANGUAGES • Azerbaijan (native) • Russian (excellent) • English (excellent) • Turkish (good) TEACHER TRAINING • Job placement in the labor market, conference, 2010, Turin (Italy). • Scientific and Technical Conference on Physics, Izmir, (Turkey), 2010 • Training for bachelors of higher schools, Ufa, (Russia), 2011 • Exchange of scientists, Singapore, 2012 QUALIFICATIONS • Office Programs, Windows 10, 8.1, Microsoft Office 2016, Internet Browsers, Scope. Power point, Excel • Matlab, Origin 6.1, Origin 7.1, Origin 8.1 RESEARCH INTEREST • Heat engineering, thermophysics, oil physics, semiconductor physics, quantum mechanics, economic physics, Nanotechnology and Nanostructure; . .
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