Appendix a List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols

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Appendix a List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols APPENDIX A LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYMBOLS Degree(s) BMLD Below mud-line depth % Percent BOD Biochemical oxygen ‰ Parts per thousand demand C Degree(s) Celsius BOEM Bureau of Ocean Energy F Degree(s) Fahrenheit Management mg/g Microgram(s) per gram BOEMRE Bureau of Ocean Energy mg/L Microgram(s) per liter Management, mm Micrometer(s) Regulation, and mmol Micromole(s) Enforcement 2D Two-dimensional BP BP Exploration & 3D Three-dimensional Production Inc. AAM American Academy BRD Bycatch reduction device of Microbiology BSR Bottom simulating ac Acre reflector(s) AL Alabama BTEC Barataria-Terrebonne APG Angiosperm Phylogeny Estuarine Complex Group BTNEP Barataria-Terrebonne APHA American Public Health National Estuary Program Association BW Body weight atm Atmosphere cal yr BP Calibration year Before AUV Autonomous underwater Present vehicle CBBE Coastal Bend Bays and bbl Barrel(s) Estuaries BEACH Beaches Environmental CBBEP Coastal Bend Bays Assessment, Closure, and and Estuaries Program Health Program CCA Chromated copper BEG Bureau of Economic arsenate Geology CEC Commission for BIMS Baseline Information Environmental Management System Cooperation BL Body length CENR Committee on the BLM Bureau of Land Environment and Natural Management Resources # The Author(s) 2017 841 C.H. Ward (ed.), Habitats and Biota of the Gulf of Mexico: Before the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3447-8 842 List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols CFH Critical fisheries habitat DSC Deep sea coral CFMC Caribbean Fishery DW/dw Dry weight Management Council EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone cm Centimeter(s) EFH Essential fish habitat cm3 Cubic centimeters ELI Environmental Law CMDA Centro Mexicano de Institute Derecho Ambiental EMAP Environmental CNCYT Consejo Nacional de Monitoring and Ciencia y Technologı´a Assessment Program (National Council of EMAP-E Environmental Monitoring Science and Technology) and Assessment Program CONAPESCA Comision Nacional Estuaries de Acuacultura y Pesca ERL Effects range low (National Commission ERM Effects range median of Aquaculture and ESA Ecological Society of Fisheries) America CPUE catch per unit effort ESR Echo-sounder recorder CSA Coastal Study Area FAQ Frequently asked CSA Continental Shelf questions Associates FAO Food and Agriculture CU Cuba Organization cy Cubic yards FB Florida Bay DAPI 40,6-Diamidino-2- FDEP Florida Department of phenylindole (fluorescent Environmental Protection stain for DNA) FFWCC- Florida Fish and Wildlife DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichlo- FWRI Conservation roethane Commission—Fish and DGoMB Deep Gulf of Mexico Wildlife Research Benthos Institute and Research DHS U.S. Department of Planning Homeland Security FGBNMS Flower Gardens Banks DIN Dissolved inorganic National Marine nitrogen Sanctuary DIP Dissolved inorganic FL Florida phosphorus FMG Florida Middle Grounds DO Dissolved oxygen FMP Fishery Management Plan DOC Dissolved organic carbon FNAI Florida Natural Areas DoD U.S. Department of Inventory Defense ft Foot/feet DOE U.S. Department of ft3 Cubic feet Energy g Gram(s) DOI U.S. Department of the gal Gallon(s) Interior GBEP Galveston Bay Estuary DOM Dissolved organic matter Program dpm Disintegrations per GCRL Gulf Coast Research minute Laboratory List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols 843 GERG Geochemical and LME Large Marine Ecosystem Environmental Research LSU Louisiana State University Group LTA Long-term average GMFMC Gulf of Mexico Fishery m Meter(s) Management Council m2 Square meter(s) GMSAFMC Gulf of Mexico and m3 Cubic meter(s) South Atlantic Fishery m3/s Cubic meter(s) per second Management Councils MAFAC Marine Fisheries GoM/GOMEX Gulf of Mexico Advisory Committee GoMRI Gulf of Mexico Research MAFLA Mississippi-Alabama- Initiative Florida GOOMEX Gulf of Mexico Offshore MAMES Mississippi Alabama Operations Monitoring Marine Ecosystem Study Experiment MDM Mid-depth maximum GSMFC Gulf States Marine MDS Multidimensional scaling Fisheries Commission mg Milligram(s) GT Gigatonne(s) mg/L Milligram(s) per liter h Hour(s) mi Mile(s) ha Hectare(s) mi2 Square mile(s) HAB Harmful algal bloom mi3 Cubic mile(s) HRI Harte Research Institute min Minute(s) for Gulf of Mexico MIP Ministerio de la Industria Studies Pesquera (Ministry of ICES International Fishing Industries) Commission for the mL/ml Milliliter(s) Exploration of the Seas mm Millimeter(s) IMaRS/USF Institute for Marine mM millimolar Remote Sensing, MMS Minerals Management University of South Service Florida MPA Marine protected area in. Inch(es) MRFSS Marine Recreational IPN Instituto Nacional de Fisheries Statistics Survey Pesca (National Fishery MRIP Marine Recreational Institute) Information Program kg Kilogram(s) MS Mississippi km Kilometer(s) MsCIP Mississippi Coastal km2 Square kilometer(s) Improvements Program km3 Cubic kilometer(s) mV Millivolt(s) L/l Liter(s) MX Mexico LA Louisiana NASA National Aeronautics Lb/lb Pound(s) and Space Administration LC Loop current NCA National Coastal LCS/lcs Loop current system Assessment LDWF Louisiana Department NCCR National Coastal of Wildlife and Fisheries Condition Report 844 List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols NDBC National Data Buoy Center PBS Public Broadcasting NEGOM-CME Northeastern Gulf of System Mexico-Coastal and PCB Polychlorinated Marine Ecosystem biphenyl Program PDB Pee Dee Belemnite NEP National Estuary PEMEX Petroleos Mexicanos Program (Mexican Petroleums) NEP CCR National Estuary PFA Provisional Fishing Program Coastal Associations Condition Report POC Particulate organic ng Nanogram(s) carbon NGoMCS Northern Gulf of Mexico POTW Publicly owned treatment Continental Slope work NHC National Hurricane PP Primary production Center ppb Part(s) per billion NJ New Jersey ppm Part(s) per million NLFWA National Listing of Fish ppt Part(s) per thousand and Wildlife Advisories PRAWN Program Tracking, NMFS National Marine Fisheries Advisories, Water Service Quality Standards, and NOAA National Oceanic and Nutrients Atmospheric PSMSL Permanent Service for Administration Mean Sea Level NOAA/OER NOAA Office of psu Practical salinity unit Ocean Exploration REMAP Regional Environmental and Research Monitoring and NOAA/CCMA NOAA Center for Assessment Program Coastal Monitoring and RPD Redox potential Assessment discontinuity NOS National Ocean Service ROV Remotely operated NPDES National Pollutant (underwater) vehicle Discharge Elimination s/sec Second(s) System SAGARPA Secretaria de Agricultura, NRC National Research Ganaderia, Desarrollo Council Rural, Pesca, y NS&T National Status and Alimentacion (Ministry Trends of Agriculture, Livestock, NWCM National Water Rural Development, Commission of Mexico Fisheries, and Foods) NWI National Wetlands SAP Sigsbee Abyssal Plain Inventory SAV Submerged aquatic OCS Outer continental shelf vegetation ONR Office of Naval SBNEP Sarasota Bay National Research Estuary Program PAH Polycyclic aromatic SCAR Scientific Committee on hydrocarbon Antarctic Research PAR Photosynthetically active SCOC Sediment community radiation oxygen consumption List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols 845 SCOPE Scientific Committee on TCEQ Texas Commission for Problems of the Environmental Quality Environment TCM Trillion cubic meters SCUBA Self-contained TDS Total dissolved solids underwater breathing TED Turtle excluder device apparatus TOC Total organic carbon SEAMAP Southeast Area TSS Total suspended solids Monitoring and TX Texas Assessment Program UCM Unresolved complex SeaWiFS Sea-viewing wide field- mixture of-view sensor UNEP United Nations SEDAR Southeast Data, Environment Program Assessment, and Review UNEP/GPA United Nations SEMARNAT Secretary of Environment Environment Program/ and Natural Resources, Global Programme of Mexico (Ministry of the Action Environment and Natural U.S. United States Resources) USA United States of America SEPM Society for Sedimentology USACE U.S. Army Corps of SERDP Strategic Environmental Engineers Research and USDA U.S. Department of Development Program Agriculture SIMB Society of Industrial USEPA U.S. Environmental Microbiology and Protection Agency Biotechnology USF University of South Florida SIMPROF Similarity profile USFWS U.S. Fisheries and analysis Wildlife Service SJRWMD St. Johns River Water USGS U.S. Geological Survey Management District USM The University of SLM Southern Laguna Madre Southern Mississippi SOFLA Southwest Florida Shelf VME Vulnerable Marine STOCS South Texas Outer Ecosystem Continental Shelf VOC Volatile organic STP Standard temperature compound and pressure VPDB Vienna PDB SVOC Semivolatile organic WAVCIS Wave-Current-Surge compound Information System for SWFSC Southwest Fisheries Coastal Louisiana Science Center WCI Water clarity indicator TAMU Texas A&M University WHO World Health TAMU-CC Texas A&M University at Organization Corpus Christi WHOI Woods Hole TAMUG Texas A&M University at Oceanographic Galveston Institution TB Tampa Bay ww Wet weight TBEP Tampa Bay Estuary WWF World Wildlife Fund Program yr Year . APPENDIX B UNIT CONVERSION TABLE Multiply By To Obtain Acres 0.405 Hectares Acres 1.56 E–3 Square miles (statute) Centimeters 0.394 Inches Cubic feet 0.028 Cubic meters Cubic feet 7.48 Gallons (U.S. liquid) Cubic feet 28.3 Liters Cubic meter 35.3 Cubic feet Cubic yard 0.76 Cubic meter Feet 0.305 Meters Gallons (U.S. liquid) 3.79 Liters Hectares 2.47 Acres Inches 2.54 Centimeters Kilograms 2.20 Pounds (avoir) Kilometers 0.62 Miles (statue) Liters 0.035 Cubic feet Liters 0.26 Gallons (U.S. liquid) Meters 3.28 Feet Metric ton(ne)s 1.102 U.S.
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