I the Skiff I (See Page 6) Tmxms Christian University • • • • Fort Worth
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'Dynamite Volume 69, Number 53 Chicken' Friday, Reviewed I The Skiff I (See Page 6) Tmxms Christian University • • • • Fort Worth. Texas 76129 April 30, 1971 House Urges Faculty Raises By CANDY TUTTLE it's just being mismanaged. If you're worried about a tuition Asking guidance lor Mike Us- hike, it's bound to happen any- nick and Charlie Thompson, Er- way; so why not have our money ic Smylie opened the last House do some good?" of Representatives meeting late Tuesday afternoon with the invo- Farewell Bid cation. Amidst the regular end-of-the After routine business was year rush on House approval of finished, House advisor Lee Dou- various bills were those concern- thit thanked the House members nig class attendance, class res- for their cooperation in her two ervations and faculty salary in- and a half years as advisor and crease. All three passed after wished them hick as she left. some discussion Mrs Dou'hit encouraged the House Bill 57 provides that House to "continue being con- professors must inform their cerned with the issues that mat- s'udents of class attendance pol- ter, especally the University icies at the first class meeting committees and relations with The amendment to the bill states the administration You must that the House is "greatly dis- work together t o accomplish pleased with the policy of some anything " professors of penalizing students The House adjourned until the merely for missing class beyond HERE IS jutt a taite of 'Dynamite Chicken' which will be (hewn tonight prescribed limits." fall semester after a standing at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in the Student Center ballroom. ovation for Mrs. Douthit. Ren- vition* BUI 714 asjes the administra- tion for ptrmissicn for students to make class reservations a t Annual Journalism Blast each department for all classes that will be taught the following semester This procedure will merely reserve a place in a spe- Honors Student Scribes cified section for returning stu- dents but will not eliminate reg- Nancy Elaine O'Neall, Fcrt who founded TCU's journalism pite working full time as a Star- is ratit n as TCU does not have Wi .-th, won honors as Sigma department, became the property Telegram photographer while at- 'he necdid equipment for com- Delta Chi outstanding journalism of Carol Belange Nuckols, Fort tending college. puterized class scheduling graduate last night in a Journal- Worth. Alpha Delta Sigma's outstand- With the proposed method of ism Department banquet that Miss Nuckols has been named ing service key to student in ad- class reservation, registration lionized dozens of other s'udi tit editor of The Skiff for the fall vertising went to Deborah Gross, sh-uld only require a half hour stars and heard the comments of semester, and will intern this Cincinnati, Ohio. rather than the two hrurs i' now a distinguished Washington news- summer at the Corpus Christi Best-of-Skiff awards, an annual takes At th" same time it would paperweman Caller-Times. judging by Fort Worth Star-Tele practically abolish the mass con- Joining Miss O'Neall in the Sara Ann Routh Suchowerskj gram and Fort Worth Press ed- fusion in the coliseum. "outstanding graduate" bracket won the Thomas L. Yates Me- itorial executives, went to a round dozen of students whose names Salary Incrtit* was Shirley Ann Farrell, Fort morial Advertising Award. who was cited by Theta Sigma Rosalind Routt and Gary Kim- have become familiar to Skiff The faculty salary increase Phi, women journalis's, in the an brell, both of Fort Worth, were readers. bill was defended by Tom Lowe nual event at Colonial Cafeteria's cited by the Fort Worth Press as First in Two who cited many Texas schools Freedom Room on West Berry. the outstanding reporters on The which rank equally or below Robert Stephen Lefler, also Skiff for the 1970-71 school year. Placing first in both news and TCU in academic s'anding that Fort Worth, clainud the Alpha Both are juniors feature categories was Sue Ann offered their faculty amazingly Delta Sigma (professional adver John VanBeekum, Lubbock, Sandusky, Findlay, Ohio. mo-e compensation than does tising fraternity) "cuts'anding managed to snag an eighth-place Second in news was Miss Liles, TCU SMU's doctors are award- graduate" award. $150 award from the Hearst and third Steve Walters, Fort ed almost $4000 more than those The banquet, presided over by Foundation in that organization's Worth. Jerry MeAdams, Burle- at TCU. Dr. Clifton O. Lawhorne, Journ- photographic sweepstakes, des- (Continued on Pag* 5) Most HOUSJ members agreed alism chairman, heard Margaret that in order to uphold TCU's Mayer, chief of the Dallas Times- good academic standing it is es- Herald's Washington bureau, re- sential to have an outstanding late some rollicking tales of the The On-Again, Off-Again faculty. "Paying second-rate sa- national capital beat. laries means second-rate teach The Fort Worth Press Club ers " Lowe explained. "And I $500 scholarship in memory of don't think any of us are paying Steve Pieringer, TV newsman Folk Opera Is On-Again a second-rate tuition fee." who lost his life in a disastrous Despite the controversy earli- er. The rest of the story involves Kennedale fire, went to Charles 'Pay Him • Living' . er this semester, the folk opera Dolcimer's downfall at the hands M. Hawkins. Crowley; and an- Dr John L Wor'ham, chair- "Legend of Serpany Doyle" will of a Swedish couple who give other memorial to young Pierin- man of the Economics Depart- him a life based on materialism ger, a $100 tuiticn credi' con- be presented May 9. ment and Vice Chairman of the The opera was wri'ten by Kirk The TCU ballet department is tributed by individuals and or- Faculty Senate, told House providing the cast with Jack ganizations, fell to Louise M. Ray and Jim Unfried of TCJC members, "If you want 'o keep It is, in their words, an "expres- Ward as choreographer. The Ferric, San Antonio. a good man around, you have to cast will perform in comtempo- Still another Pieringer memor- sion of eternal brotherhood, free- pay him a living . ." dom and love in the form of a rary ballet. ial, this one by ♦he Fcrt Worth Ray and Unfried will play oth- Lowe, using another angle of Fire Fighters Association, was modem-folk opera." It is the story of a troll who er numbers to fill the evening defense, explained that TCU awarded Janie Liles, Florissant, must raise i's median as foun- eats part of an enchanted forest The "Legend of Serpany Mo. Doyle" is being sponsored by dations often consider faculty and regrets what he has done. Ridings Award Canterbury and the TCU pro- compensation when giving He goes to find the god, Serpany grants. When asked where the The Ridings journalism award, graming board. It will be seen in Doyle, to apologize. On his way proposed money might come presented by Paul O Ridings in Ed Landreth Auditorium at 7:30 from, Lowe answered, "It's here. memory of his father Wtllard he finds a child named Doleim- p.m. Admission is $1.00 THE SKIFF Friday, April 30, JW1 Class Slots Open for Fall Students who are enrolled at class reservation plan is the TCU this Spring and who plan to most feasible," commented Keith attend the University during the Class reservations made during Fall '71 semester will have the the prescribed period will be held opportunity to reserve places in only through the three days of classes offered in the Fall registration and unclaimed plac- To make class reservations, es will be released for the four students should report to the day period allowed for late regis- various department offices dur- tration aud changes in schedules ing the week of May 3—May 7. Students wanting to change their These will be on a first come, class reservation must make the first served basis. changes during the three days of Marvin Keith, associate regis- registration. trar, said that the plan was dis- cussed at the Dean's Council meeting with Dr James New TUXEDO^^ comer, vice chancellor for aca RENTALS 1 demic affairs. He added the plaD had never been tried at TCU, but i Tuxwlo Junction J was being tried all over the' na Hk By TCU TKNter I tion. "At the present time the HffwJScfai _-*■ Work hat begun on tht $3.1 million Cyrut K. and Building The new facility will occupy a 140,000 Ann C. Rickol Health and Physical Education square foot space behind Milton Daniel Dorm Rickel Building Advances Plans for Fall '72 Target By the fall semester 1972, TCU The building is designed for a will have a new physical educa- ment of Home Economics, the student population of up to 8,000; Rickel Building will bring TCU tion building. Construction was current enrollment is about to begin this week on the $3.3 close to meeting the goal for 6,250. Dr. Herbert F. LaGrone, construction purposed in the first million Cyrus K. and Ann C. Dean of the School of Education Rickel Health and Physical Ed phase of the New Century cam- says he expects health and phy- paign, according to C. C. Nolen. ucation Building. sical fitness activity to at least The 140,000 square foot build- vice chancellor for development. double in the first year of the The first phase of the New ing will be located near t h e new building due to current un- northeast corner of Stadium Dr.