.VOLUME. 27. NUMBER 48 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS Body Of Girl, Missing 77 Days, Found l_n_Drainag-e —The decomposing, body of two-, rabbit hunting. ... MARTIN. Hi EXTOL year-o’d .Margaret Benton, missing The body was. discovered about BUiVC—VZVWUC-g--- 111, -toevo .livwnv —a fourt£i~of~ a mile nn~tiie^rear- of noon, Tuesday, by hcher grandfather of the child’s home, on Ralelgh- / and >tiiree other men while they were LaGrange Rd., near Hall Rd. About .1 8 miles northeast of Germantown, H The chlld’j grandfather, James 1 Flctehcr, 53, said "it was afloat .WouldWould Reslore= face down in about 18 inci)«» ot 1- water in a drainage ditch about mo feat wide." What first, grew attention to the ditch, one of the Certain Provisions hunters fell a rabbit and went large Audience about 15 feet from tlie ditch to 18139662 pick it up. . Fletcher said “at first we thought- Attends Annual it-was a (i'jseqi-ded doll because the WASIUNGTOP^- (INS) — Sen. flesh did not appear like tinman Jacob K. Javits tR). N. Y., said flesh. Afier looking at U inonen- Monday he will press at the. next tarily we decided it was a doll and New Year's Event session of Congress for next civil was about to walk off, whef>. I rights legislation despite . slim A large audience attending decided to take a closer look. ’ I celebration of rite signing of the chances for its approval. discovered it was the body of a Javits said he will seek to -re- Eiiuna>ud|>.it!on Proclamation on child." -u New Year's Day' hqard hvo speak­ ' store certain controversial ■ provi­ The grandfather went- on to ex­ sions eliminated from the civil ers discusK?:! Abraham Lltu-oln. One plain that he returned tn’ his two- discussed, the major events in Lin­ rights bill earlier this year. He con- room share-orc peer’s' home 'And coln’s life leading up to ills elec­ ceded, however, tliat he faces an Jnqulre.. _oi_his_ wife.„ Mrs. Mhdie upliill battle and that, the odds tion to the ■ pncsldeir.’y- Tlie otlier Fletcher, about the clothing Marg­ discussed. what. Llneohi meant to • are against him. aret was wearing whe last seen .lie Negro. PRESENT bill alive. . ’ r . . Attorney Generel. William P. "My wife discribed the red check­ DiCTjsslng Lincoln’s ISfo was Rogers recently told, ft news con­ ed dress, under clothing and tho Herbert Harper a local attorney, ference that he does not plan to brown s\vea)ter she was wearing. ! CASH AWARD — A $40 cash award is presented to Alphons9' and Old Guard Republican leader ask for any new diviI rights legls- said Fletcher. . / • Dandridge, saw operator, at the Memphis General Depot, bv Ll, | who was the guest speaker at a . lation: Rogers said he-, wants to Her under clothing had been- Colonel John P. Horton, Quartermaster Supply Officer. His sug­. I banquet sponsored, by (lie Lincoln torn from her body, tlie dress j see how the present bill works out. gestion to place a measuring tape on length rail on all cut-off '■ League and Ccnvnittee of 100 at SUFFICIENT appeared, to have been ripped from the Elks Rest on Beale St. saws with "C clamps as stops for measuring length of lumber In addition, Congressional lead­ hcr body and tied around it and Discuss’ng Lincoln and wHmt the ers reportedly consider „the mea­ the sweater was found some 100 to be sawed, will save the Army $781 annually. . Emmanleaptlon Proclamation mean;, sure passed at the last session as feet, up the narrow ditch. to the Negro was Dudley Marlin of sufficient. Sheriff deputies theoriring, Tues­ Chicago, a- former Memphian who day, said that Margaret fell- into But Javits said "he '’will'-.try to is a deputy tax collector and can­ th? drainage, ¿sank t.o the. bqttton Elks Launch Scholarship didate far the Illinois state senate, i revive much of the controversial and searchers could not find it. The who was the guest speaker at a section three vvhich was eliminated ditch was filled:, with -underbrush testimonial dlnner also held at tlie from the bill passed by Congress and trees, avith it ..growth of weeds Elks Rest. After a Iong“aiMHXurt0Usi*i£ight.'. .• •on-i-f-s’hanks. And'her. body float’- In Philadelphia Jan. 31 CLARENCE MITCHELL GETS WARM RECEPTION Whi’a. former ^xeeuti/e 'Secretary of ttyr i._ Tlie controversial, parts..;of the FOLLOWING FfIS EMANCIPATION DAY AD- NAXCp: They are; -from left fo right? Mrs. Helen .ed dovyn stream from where tlie • PHILADELPHIA. Pa—The Elks’ the courageous Governor of Mary­ Atty- Happen, in. his \speoeii, section’ would^ iiav^ •' rite'j sweater ivas found. , mnch-talkecl-about . $100,600 . cam­ started with Lincoln's family back­ DRESS—NAACP's Washington, D. C. branch di-: White Martin, Miss Madeline White and Mis» Attorney General with broad pow­ land, , Theodore - Rodseveit McKel- paign to provide scholarships, for din, will be guest speaker at the ground In Kentucky and then moved rector is greeted by relatives of the late Walter Rose Martin —(World's Photo by P6rry) ers to. seek injunctions in any type Deputies J. A. Roshers and J. A. to his life In nitaols’ h's appren­ Crew- qune to tlie seen? Tuesday deserving youngsters will be launch­ banquet. The celebrated Ed Sulli­ of civil rights case with or with­ ed at a National Education fgr van of- TV and newspaper fame ticeship as a lawyer, his election to out, the consent of ap alleged vic­ when Fletcher notified the snrifi’s tlie D. S. congress and concluded office. CittzMislilp Banquet the night of lias been ¿ffhred an invitation to tim. ‘ Jan. .31, here in tine Broadwoocl eimCce tlie affair, ■ ►i • • with hLs cloction as president of Javits said that his proposed’leg­ Lt. J. V.' Jowers- and'Lt. John (Continued On Page Two) Carlisle of the sheriff‘s. Homicide Hotel’s Crystal .Ballroom,. “ANGEL OF LITTLE ROCK” World Interested In America’s: islation was, motivated by two fac­ Both the ■ scholarship campaign, ShaKhig- the speaker’s table with tors. The first, he; said, is. “the fBureau, were Investigating for evid­ ence.. of foul play. None was re­ and banquet are under sponsorship Governor McKeldin will be Mrs. vital importance to our free world of tlie Elks Department of Editea- L. C. (Daisy) Bates, <1 scribed as alliances of the way in which we ported on a routine check: iTthe child’s grandmother, said tion, headed by Grand Cominls- “the angel of Little Hock”, Dr. Child Burns resolve the civil rights struggle at sioner George W. Lee of Memphis. itchell Tuesday, “my granddaughter, 1 Benjamin Fine, educational editor Treatment Of Negro home.” And both projects are being given of the New York times; Alex« Wil believe, xvas dumped into that ditoh By EDDIE WILLIAMS freedom,” he averred. ONE BILLION PEOPLE afler she was dead.. “Heitcher said I all-out support by Grand Exalted son, editor of the Memphis Tri­ j Ruler Robert JI, Johnson and tlie ATLANTA, GEORGIA - Lisiirig trickery and failure of He pointed out that during a re­ he had searched tlie ditch Joj^ St ate Defender; Paul Welch of Life To Death leadership as the two major reasons cent trip to Europe, he realized several weeks alter the disappear­ entire nranbership of the frater­ Magazine and .Grand Daughter- The peoples- of other nations are not as interested In Sput­ nal organization. -' Ruler Nettie Cartej- Jackson. Each Funeral services were being made for tlie lack of Negro voting, Mit­ that "NATO and the Western ance and saw no’ thaces ol’ clothing niks and missiles as they are ,in how the Negro is treated in chell pointed out that the new civil world, and well over one billfdn (Continued, On Page Two) Lieutenant announced tliat- for a 23-month-old child who. was America, a noted NAACP official said summing up his speech - burned t o death in a Cordova home rights law and Negro leaders will people of Negro and Oriental races in Atlanta Wednesday. be looked to more than ever for as. yet uncommitted In the .strug­ after a- five-year-old brother start­ ed tlie ’blaze with ma'tohes. aiding In the restoration of human gle between freedom. and conn Goodwill Homes For Clarence' Mitchell, 46-year-old and present Negro leaders. rights. ’ ’ ■. Dead were Barbara Uoyce Mosely director of the Washington Bureau .He. challenged federal officials to ^r^'iinism, would .be heavily* in­ Philander-Smith College whose body was found In the ruins fluenced in the decision ¡ -for the Children Honors of the NAACP, 'was speaking ‘to a stop about a “cooling oif After stating the significant of by her field-hand father^ Herman period' in the area of civil rights Emancipation Day, the Washington free world by our success in as- Mosely who was working In a near­ capacity audience in Wheat Street spring equality regardless of race.” Baptist Church during the 95th and put the heat on those who are i leader s31d "there can be no mid* Eleven Churches by field. • • i The second reason for his pro­ The Goodwill Hemes for Child- Holds Workshop In Memphis anniversary celebration of the ■ trying to destroy human rights by 1 ale of the road when It corps* to Tlie starter of the fire, Mike, Emancipation Proclaniatlon. “monkeying'’ with the Negro’s rights human rights.” Moderation and posed legislation, Javits said, is ren Inc., presented certificates of LITTLE HOCK, Ark.—Bishop M. that “the experience gained at implement the 'Methodist Church’s climbed up and got the matches to vote. equivocation also. existed tn the merit to 11 churches Monday even­ W. Clair, Jr., resident bishop of the.. Quadrennial Emphasis on Christian from a-kitchen cabinet, according The Proclamation, signed Sept/ Idtitle Rock highlighted the Im­ ing during a rally at Mt. Olive C 22, 1862, and effected Jan. 1, 1863, ‘TANTThOLD..BURNING FIRE” day of the Emancipation Proqli- St. Louis Area, will hold a Work­ Higher Education, will be comprised to the story an older brother, Her­ 1 mation. he added. . portance of Congress. enacting Sec­ M. E. Cathedral. shop on philander Smith College at of district superintendents, pastors, man, 6, told Deputy Shriff Jim put an end to slavery in Ameri­ Those who push for a “cdoling tion in” of the Civil Rights Bill ca. off period” are 'trying to put hu­ 1 Mitchell, whose bureau handles The certificates were awarded to Centenary Methodist Church, 878 ■prominent laymen, graduates and Mills and John Evans. legislative matters and problénü churches which have paid in full Mississippi Blvd, in Memphis, Mon­ ex-students of the College who will He said the marches were struck Mitchell reviewed the past year’s man freedom in an ice box, but their pledges to a fund-raising day, January 6, beginning at, 10 A. no box is big or cold' enough to arising in the Executive Branch of work t-ogether to formulate plans before falling ’ on wallpaper torn struggles for civil rights, outlined government, assured his listeners Capt. Lux Named drive to build, a Negro orphanage M. ' for the Financial Campaign of the from the walls. Herman, Terry 4, some of the 1958 objectives of the hold the burning fires of those of near Geeler school. us determined to achieve human that the NAACP has been “the Head of New Oept. The Memphis Workshop, part of Collegers Expansion Program. and James,' 3; escaped from the association, and paid past backbone of this drive for human The certificate presented . by a series of’.Onerday meetings de­ house: Mayor Edmond Orgill, went to: A special feature of the meeting freedom.” He said “It Is the boob.' signed to make the College more The house collapsed in flames middle and front, and we’re’ always Juvenile Squad St. Stephen's Baptist church, 508 widely known within the bounds of will. be a half-hour color movie on before the’ father could reach going to stay that way. Capt. HenryHenn,’ Lux, who has been N. Third St.; St. Mark’s Pleasant the supporting conferences, and to (Continued On Page Two) scene. with the Memphis Police Force 13 Grove Oak Springs; Mount Sinai,; SEES SOUTHERN OFFICIALS . years, was named this week to head Central Zion Hill; Tabernacle and He said lie did not consider it the city’s first police department’s Gilfield churches of ¡the Baptist “visionary or rtisli” to predial thaP juvenile squad, announced Commis­ faith, Centerary Methodist, Church Drake $750 Monthly Support ■’: ’ by 1960 there will be more-elected sioner elude Armour. and Martin CME Temple, Negro officials in the South. Also named to the new department 'Mayor Orgill, expressing faith hr HomYWOOD (ANP.i —Tsars, he would marry her as soon as his He paid, tribute to the late N. A. were Dek Lts. Er El Harrison and jT^'^ledg'^s^payhig. sH/ld ',lwe Mid- ' which seductively beautiful Carole | divorce from June became Tlnal, A. C P. Executive Secretary Walter J. L. Slaughter, both have had i Ing .tills home on confidence. About BKä t- f Drake may have shed over famous ¡ . .j ugul hr deceived her. . While and to the late William eight years of sendee with the $40,000 is needed to leach the $180, crooner Billy Eckst'me, can now be ; 1 Boyd, president of the Georgia ' force. ’ 000 goal. effectively wiped away with green­ thnee her . debut hj Warner ■ S’flte Conference of the NAACP. Brothers "Baud of Angles.” ¿¿in has Lux for ’tlie last two years has Theo Wade of radio station TO-. backs awamiad her last week by ■ Following his speech, the more than been in charge of the detective IA was master' of ceremonies and superior- court. become nationally famous and is I 2.CC0 ’Emancipation Day. celebrants - division ' of general assignment entertainment was provided by the on? of the most highly rated stats | s.tcod and dedicated a one-minute squad. Southern Male Chorus. Ill a final settlement of a suit in Hollywood. Besides her screen prayer in memory of Mr? White. for $1.500 .monthly support asked work,, sly? aiso takes a willing and I A’tv.. A. T. Walden, chairman of for her .two children-- one 17 active part in civic efforts.. months, the other four years old. (Continued On Page Two) of which'Eekstlne admitted par- entage- she was awarded $750 monthly. The children will also re­ ceive - an allohntnt in •Eeksttae’S will 'equal to that already set for Ills other child, Billy, by Ins first wife, June.- Miss Drake, testifying that, she By HORTENSE MYERS the a Edition of a fifth of the whiles had bean lured' into living common­ To Meet January ^ INDIANAPOLIS— (INS)—An Ar- to astitute a majority public opin- law With Billy on tlie promise that - kinsas- political salentlst asserted WASHINGTON, D. C. — (NNPA) i cancv caused by the resignation, of Monday tliat the U. S. Supreme .. He said that in counting any pub* — The Civil Rights Commission ‘ Justice Reed on the. Court decision on school segrega­ lie opinion figures relating to the New Daisy Theatre will hold its first meeting on Jan. group. ...1, tion actually has the support, ol South, he figures a majority re­ 3 in the Executive Office Building ■ ’ ■ ■. . • • • ■ . • southern public opiiiton “if tlie quires more than a fourth of the across tlie street from the White Dr. Hannah was serving as vice South IS taken at its: largest mean­ Negro population accompanied’ by Manager Entertains House. chairman at the time justice Raed ing geographically." a third of the whites...... The - meeting was called by John decided that it WQUld be InaoHx- But he warned, that another se- . Hamilton said that some defini­ News Carriers A. Hannah, president of Michigan patible w ith his status as a retired ■ cession is not entirely out ; of the tions of the. South include Missou­ cnr- State College, immediately after justice, subject to assignment, ri,. Kentucky,xMatyland, Delaware, The Memphis World news picture in “the deep south.” riers were guests of the manager President Eisenhower designated judicial duties in which > hf^- might Prof. Charles, Hamilton of the West Virginia and Oklahoma in of the New Daisy Theatre oh Beale him as the nea chairman of the conceivably have to pass on'ScaiB ■Political Science .Department. Col­ addition to the other states more St., at a theatre-party during recently'created Commission. of the questions the Conunlsstopi is lege of the Ozarks, explained; often counted as “the Deep South” to study, for him. to serve aa chaiS and that with these states included schoSl holiday vacation, r ■ At the same time that Mj. Eisen­ FIFTH OF WHITES r ~ h CHARMS. ENTERTAIN • The theet-e Paul Ze- hower named Dr. Hannah to- suc­ man of ithe Commission; 7 ■ “If the South Is defined as the “the court is sustained by Southern HOSPITAL PATIENTS - - hospital.- There are left, to right: Miss Pearline public opinion.”-He added: . .. —a extended the Invitation when ceed retired . Justice Stanley F. IKE, UNIT TO CONFER- , cotton states. » majority is defi­ Members of the social club are seen decorating , Wright/ ...... MrsS .....Bernastine_ Simon,...... Mrs...... Hattie Reed as' chairman, the ’President President Eisenhiinhower is expected nitely opposed to integration, al­ . .“‘There are at' least -five. distinct the Memphis World «.ntacced him public opinions in tire South, not a Christmas-tree for patients at Shelby County House, president;,, Mrs, Ruby Chambers, Mrs. to make arrangements for . the appointed fofmer Gov. Doyle E. to meet with theefCÿmnMsston fnhls though a third of this population Carltoil ‘of-Florida to fill the va- (Continued Ì__ |S Negro, and It would take, only (Continued On Page Two) Ossie Carter (Photo by Withers) theatre parity for its mews carriers. ; - • k •" v . 1' I a ♦ MEMPHIS WORLD • Saturday, Jonbary 4, 1958 Charms Entertain 1 600 Patients JU Shelby Hospital ASSIGNMENT Cp ? Christmas Eve night th( I Sherry’ Charms played the role Q' Si;-Nicholas to mare .than 600 pa.-', -lents at’ the'^hCby County-" hosp- j ithl; - I" J ,_-Since.Si. Nicholas never announc- ? .as Ms visits; the patients were- nor i COLLEGE aware that lie had ccme until they I BY MELVIN GREER

Council toectihn began. - — DEAN'S LIST'* . tei-esling to wander back into Hie STUDENTS, making dean’s ¡¡st major events at- LeMoyne and see were stars at Honors Convocation ■ . .. exactly what went on. Have been' Charm clinic was sponsored Mud- • ■ . told to “acoidentiy eMmiriate” the slinging Willie James Jarmerspn basketball team, lest it wreck pleas- humbled Janies J. Bishop itX) . take - pn- nd y.,Q- bur, alter Ffiidfet-'' Council' presidentialil . - all, the Magicians did win TWO j was drafted into Army in Jun?. . j games. ' ■. Cali ' Johnson. ' Laurie Sugirarin3.11,' • before JANUARY featured in*.ernational-; jean ,c.. H.'.ydel and Reginaldd Mor- __ . ... Cherry- i/f- - ~ L ■ ■ly reecgnire’d coloratura soprano - '-‘¡V n- y-k l-ii-j Jilt, oil TV show,ali • Charms "Pearline ' Wright to-little . Mattiwilda Dobbs, who later, ap- m May. T ' aT Jackie Hamptmr "" 7 -- GRAND^PArvw.w.w^^. ------—- - -, __ p.eareA on Ed Sullivan’s CBS-TV SEPTEMBER saw .Frank Cole,’ —Tiie gifts were“given out, by the James Fletcher, .sat in the kitchen of their home. gnevea~a ter , 1 show' Augustus Johnson hit 301 Ester Hurt and" Janke Day emerge sweethearts 'and.-husbands of the 'Fletcher discoyered~~the missirrgMspdy of their grOnddaùghter^r-è- . points as ’Magicians whipped Ark-! as top of new frosh class Cherry Charms -wearing' .Santa x «nun Baptist: of .Little Rock, Ark, Lillian Harden, yag'.. elected.-..xs : Claus cap. Because'some of ’ the 'Y'ar9°'y-______------;---- tn ‘bring recorfi to 1-12 Magldahs I sophs’ proxy, while the juniors gave j pliants ...were unable, to“come. to! ., stretched winning streak to two i The iiod .to Square- artee. .Pres. Hol - i -¿he' auditorium , gilts and fruits games in .a row as c’-eophus “Buek-; lir Price took off for Africa Stu-j MEMBERS OF-THE "YOUNGER SET" SEEN IN Wendell Whalum, Miss - Erma LaWs, Mr Wha- were taken to tile wards'. ■wheat”; Hudson racked 34 tallies dent Council sponsored roiising pic- ______To the delight ' to the Cherry nie at Fuller Park George Wrigh-J UPSTAIRS LIVING ROOM are seated left‘ ' to ri^Ight lum, 'Miss and Mr. Utillus Phillips, Jr. Standing Charmes, they were able to share for thriUlnc 63-62 victory over help- ore Mr.7 Smith Fleming who recently-came to Jess Morehouse College 'ligers br yterr-Alleii^Weasle^IaiiMnond-aDdjj^Fiplrlc-, Ir -Mr^Wayne ReeV£s, in- not only Christmas,with one of the -Marion Barry resigned, from baskel--;' -i-t—— . .. Memphis World from the Atlanta Daily patients but.his birthday as well, Atlanta, Ga; .(Wontie:—what-Mari^ ball jeam ' Kenneth-Cole’s Yul slrpctor at Tennessee . . ..on. E Jackson, had to say about „ the Fields' house .quest; Mrs. World and Mrs. UtillusJjhiUips^Jr-^ - -He,—Raymond Newton;' « that?) . .Drama Department pfe- ' Bryiiher haircut was top discus- Wayne Reaves, happy recipient of two gifts. . sented “Jinx froth 'Alabama." -j sion. f A'pha Phi Alpha remained ;No., —FEBRUARY-saw- the organization -/ l-by-getting four more pledgees in ■ei all-new, unprecedented FIG- OCTOBER. Student Council LOAC - (Freshman. Investigation of Rights Commission BY SAM BROWN /mapped plans Chas.-. Adair joined-| . (Continued from Page One) "Greek ’Let,ier- Organi23tions.7A7tivi-_^Ronald —Andersan—tn—Omega-^Psi4- ties Coirmitter; which iriwertteaSi office either prior to or after the __ j Pn:'s pledge’ club.. Marion Barry | Commission holds its meeting. The ''IEMPHIS IIALL OF FAME ——~, lie or &5c feels 'has madV/u-me war- , ted all of LeMoyne- Greet-aetfvi--^he-ided-NAAGP — —Bu-ckwhea t—Hud-! . Mrs. Myrtle.Brbdie Crawford, Louis- Civil Rights Act of 1957,-creating j ------;------. ; lhwh£-3~contribution’ provided the- ■¡ son named^captain of Magicians, i the Commission reqtnres_the Presi- 7 The idea of■ a Mcmplfis-Hall cf ‘ s aid~lndi vfdu aT~S '*nowTci- in favor of a new secession” but to Adlai Stevenson. . Ky.. where they were beaten in the quarter-finals. its ten-ycar monopoly on the. bas­ ■snarled at its ro.le os. a 19-point underdog battled with Ohio ' man. secretary; Mrs. Rosa Tally, he warned: ketball ch.ç’-** after whlp- M.-.-Callie Thomas, Mrs.-Susie Mc- Les.ter High made its appearance ! P-hg Lester 72-58.' Melrose 47-39, State for three quarters Wednesday, but then succumbed; 1^. a. “It, the majority sentiment, may in the basketball segment of the nose dowi uame . i A. P: Martiri"estoL"fehH. Mies .Mildred Douglass, Mrs. Elks Launch I and Hamilton 44-41 to. walk off 10-7 defeat in the 44th annual be as ineffective as majority to se- (Continued from Page One) loop, and won a game from the Fr. I A ■' startled near-capaqlty crowd tance.out and missed state in the i Barber CcU-eTorJN;: •' Mem-J McCann, j cession in 1860. ^very ’ new study Bertrand Thunderbolts; La to in the . Htoürart Sê third quarter, and Oregon' had to ¡phis--and;gave,htmdl'ec.. c. .5°-^'^ Airs.‘Priel^a ? Willet. - , • J of. these personalities swill receive ’ Of 98,202. in the. celebrated sta­ 'i Sunday js-ohsr’ will; be -.Jield. at’!j of;‘ 1860 has shown ' that-probably sptfajal'- ciit'atiin f frosn^ liieuterianb. year Jack Peacock's hoys, knocked, other teams, however were tooiS- dium-watched the. vaunted Buck- surrender the ball on ■ the. Buck- i men. the -opportunity .to-’learn ¡ne ; not\. a single state; had■ a : majority? Cfptorese arid'Manassas m exhi- dent” that they wh’ftoa’lv kn^ck ' ej'e 20-vard line. - . barber .trade, for tne be-toms-n.i of 9:1$' with /¿rational- sing- 'ii who * really wanted secession and Lee* in rcccgiytion of; their .contri­ bition games Manassas started with I of ib. hP, T?, ’ . I eyes -fight: babk from .the verge of B.j T?.iLl3srts\will. be . in (¿large..! butions -\to file, civil irights < cause'; defeat .repeatedly as the Ducks ’ . -J the trade,.'teaching them the;im-. ¡•«’ar. Those who wanted to “be pub­ ■j a new coach; William Roach of Ok-‘ rio-s in 1953 ‘ nnPc‘b'e War" This was . the'11th Big 10. victory , portante cf tSe, necessity of , sani- Morning services will.start nt 11. a i lic opion succeeded , in havihg-their during 1957,' ■ : ■ ¡1 . staged, offensive; after offensive.- m. At 6:30 p,m\, Th? Baptist Train- ■.uavaraoruncaveiara. Governor -'McKeldin wmwill beoe pre-.;pre-' «??,®arr^ aanti?!l Ij . , J The .underdog Oregonians' had over Pacific Coast Conference foee tary-and up-to-date-barber shops; way.” . ■ . . . ! ' ... y MELVIN GREER ‘ in the Róse-Bowl in the'18 games | , , ' . / ... ,,! ’in?j Union *w£l present; a musical ______, ______Exited„n, ,d , Ruierth ’arrtWepj0&. h>kv “Grsnri “tle<1 Melrose ™ f°r second place m the ' . !-,tiie'huge throng on its feet almost played since' the .two’ .leagues |. It w-as h.s mreresl in baseball, przgram,’'which' will be’ under the h • ’ ■ league Old powerhouse Hamilton . j»'the final-gun; with a rally that agreed to pit' - their, champions prtt organized toe A. P. Mart.n ;supervision of Rev. Joseph Wilson. ■ national: Elks, explained that-the Elk lodges; ah fempies throiigh- ubariy collapsed, but came out ®™.ton °-f Binghampton. address. - .Jell short .on the Buckeye 49-yard i Strong; near the season's end. up-i . The other' hunters who witnessed “gainst one another-in the annual Barber shop team. tne. forerunner Rev. . O. C. Criveins - is ,past or - of ' testimonial 'dinner was a “kick-off ' cu tfhe ciuulry ’are sending: re pre- < ? line- largely‘ because of a- clipping' New Year's Dav game. ' . ; of the ¡present Memphis S-x, the ,-churph. And Mrs. Lula Alex- ;fcr the distribution'cf 10,000 »5^ bariqu^ probably set Manarias and Melrose to re- ' ths discovery cf the body were Id- ' ; penalty. ' b - - ; His generosity ,m helping the un-, ■ ancter 'is the church’reporter. - . - . -, I.the most-colorful; event ever plarrn- ■ gain some cf its'lost prestige. I rallied as: Huley Moor, 47, “Son- ilor a musical program, i-j„.■—j,— : Buddy" Cunningham, and perry .Thel galrie. opened in , expected Ohio State lias scored .three of ■ fortunate ¿nd .lending a -helping bd-ty Commissioner Lee. .. MAGICIANS UP TO OLD TRICKS ! Price. 47. . ■ ■ -fashion, following, colorful ’ pre- those Big 1.0 .victories; arid;in ilSsO-. har.djto,all. w-to .were,!ln heed, en- —-——----—_____ — ____ ' termed "Nigro' Saints From-. Auc- ■ Famour bandleader Ltojel'Hamp- The LeMoyne.'College'Mad Magi-I sgame ¡ceremonies,- during which the. made it° by. the. sanie. margin—u deared him;'to thousands who came AfgA rAufllfillfiP .tiori Block to-Gia-’y ’ • wrixh has ■,cn,..... recently.'named chairman of cians; continued :their dismal show-. .-.'combined! bands of Ohio State dna tieldigoai w-hich gave-, the Bucks a U,-. himiiim for ■ hi-p-andhelp' and ItI: O ® been scheduled- for.Eebkl2 at-Ma-brjie Fff' , $10ii,GSO;' Stoplarehipi. tags, winning only two games'all - Oregon sent the National. Anthem H7-14 win over daiil'orma.' -I was ''.said said .of.< .run...... jhat he never (Continued from Page One). son’s Tempie on Masoh-Js'.. 2 iO.’.rcpaign, . will copduct ' benefit , ye ar. The Magicians have- a new. Philander-Smifh ! pfringitig into a clear, sunny sky. ■turned a deaf ear ¡to anyone w(ho „:e; and Dr. E. R. Ar- aijd',tjie g>tesjbgibf iQuarterback back, t<5ok the individual honors of ! many ccntirbuticns to give Mem- ica." i and Rev. Henry Q? Bunton, pastor n..d. coordinator of educational pro- In contrast he pointed cut “the ton, Tenn., last school year. Board of Control ruled the Doug­ Frank-!KFtinblas? - ? v’ the day when he was declared the ? phis baseball. Hundreds of barbers . _ cf the ML QUve CME CathedraL Llsutenant Lee already has pro­ lass and Manassas triumphs "no eramr. wJl participate in the work-. . Buti’’the'Ducks,-fighting, against game's outstanding player by the | owe a debt of gratitude to ùim for DEznratitn- of Independence ceie- “More than $5.000 is expected to • the service he rendered,'them. bfateu. July 4, means nothing to mised college scholarships to the contest” after an investigation re­ iwhat^seemSl eto be overwhelming Helms athletic - foundation.' be realized frem the musical.’’’ said, nine colored students now attend- 1 vealed that both- rchoo’s had used . . “ed 'Central High ineligible players. The Board also •quartarlo-seoreamatchinglbuch- '• • Never one to seek pubik..xy’ ‘Pete^groes remained 89 years after the ’¿tart a wide voter’s registrar was-pulled off according to the ; Martin was ârv asset to tn.? ~dm- : signing." Schoo’ in Little Roek. hurt Bertrand’s chances of repeat­ dbwn?and;tie the;tiHy,:!7g7,; at half book, and there was no hint then j tion campaign.” More than LOOT schetorships ing as champions when it declared tdmf. ’ ‘“l-.. of the trouble Oregon was due to munity and served his rornmun-lty | /‘Tor come unknown reason Ne- I------— ...... :■■■ ■ ------—- ar.d those with whom hr- in groes put behind him ths facts of have been provided since the de-, on the eve cf the game w."h BTW | It wasn’tluntll-the;fourth;quart• give them latter. . partmerit. Was created.—— — - -that the Thunderbolts’ bread-and- -gr. that the Big ..10 champion Buck.- |co:X'a-:h- Jsithout ester?.atiôn or ‘ life-and g-n-n after the shadows,’2 ¡publicity. Perhaps, time will add :.continued Martin. b'.'tier man, HB Wilke Denton; was' ■eyes-«ere-aable'.lo.'exohect their ineligible to play. three-point yictqDr margin on a 24" WorldInterested : his name to the Memphis Hall cf j He eritrea Negroes for “joining Bcdv cf . . yard fieM,.goSl Tiy hXIbeck -Der. ; Fame. I the romsp.racy w-mch m armed a Melrose took thE city title in No-¡ ‘ ■ (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) vember, edging comsbaok-team-ot- ' .^Sutheijn. ;4 .. .. - — -1 . ■ I ------perpetuating slavery- the Demo- ! -ON- crate paj^witich"is the father of- the-ycar Booker Washin-. m 12-8. | ■ “! Oregon’s; Jack ..Morris had tried (! the . Advance Gifts Committee for ! for funds ¿and. the-Rev. H. I. Bear- 2 When asked- a.bout any' suspects,: t-“, .Garidtm Wrdoa: the local branch, made an appeal bondage, fetters arid chain’. AutcmohH&s - : also trounced Read how a mother , " a field goai from the same dis-t 1 dèn, pastor oi Big Bethel AME :^«fWS£re3'=^’I ~dont know any B ,e High Dyi ■U"g 27-19 for. Church and branch campaign direc­ Martin said no one can think- Ec-jiD-'i+CTst •■— She was ¿a’so asked if she knew ‘ ‘ o' anv reason anyone would have —------, and her two crazy tor for 1953, issued a summons for of Democrats' without bringing to Ycu v'lii 1‘kc' our prompi j a motive for taking the life of the Naval Air Statiin helicopters, B:y ! mind "Ssnatsr Eastland of Missis- ' ■ NAACP supporters. fr'.griaiy . set vice, courteous y chl'd. She said “no”, | oaov.cs rend nts cf tije area,. bo,ii i srppi, . Gcv. Fatbits of Arkansas, tregSmotii ai-.d desire ip help, ! Ironically, the child disappear- 'white end Negro and sailors *from— 1 daughters sliced ■ Make delicious Others appearing oh the program binator Talmidge of Georgia and the Millington Naval base. were Elder Norman G. Simons, -of a hikt cf / ether E-tmaeratic dem- Opgn thursckw And T r>n a Tu-.7day. and her body was 1 the Souih Atlantic Conference of tr~u! 2 a. M. I discovered cn a 'ltiesdrty, 'i‘l days' Funeral arrangrrnents were await- their ole man to parti/ dips —------’ later, she h3d been brought to the xg the arrive of the chads’ separat- the Seventh D>ay-Adyeniht Church-r r Hi' said tirai the most serious , OPEN SATURDAYS the Rev. A. S. Dickerson, stfperin- farm house bv her father, Howard .t.d parent=, Mrs E ’e'jyn Ruth Fiet- bits with... prrblsm ra:.ing_the. v.-trtff-foday Is UNTIL CHRISTMAS . B<.nton ;Of—Det’0;t7 -Mh_37—daj’Sr: ’ny B -ntk^JJmd H- wa.d Benton, tendon t of the Atlanta South Dis- SeTrlatSkat cf the darker race, prior to iirr. dlstoppearojice. I r FOREST BILL trict of the Melhodist Church; being questioned by the other Tha body was taken to John v .h_ r ". *¿0,’ ; in cl; de four bt--: Cultured Mrs. Victoria Smith,______vocalist; particularly America “which is DIXIE G.i'Tton hospital for examiriaticn j ¡he-s- ■••W:M:e J.'mc-s Ecrt.n^ i£ ! ~ Raphael McIver and Graham W. , cf NATO”; -, 1 It,-was ta have been turned over I Mi.’ ard K., 11, Howard E.uvene, 9 : SOUR CREAM Jackson, dramatic . presentation; ’ E. He csnrluded by urging the au- to the Shelby funeral heme inr; j -hn Lea, 8,“ and. a_ sister ___Ruby„ y DRESSING M; Martin,. National vice president, -snoe to "ze-dedicate yourselves to ' FONCÉ CO. Cc!liervllle which, .picked up the | T^kn, 6. who lives with her mother /J of theNAACP; Henry Ruffin, vo- >e Ideals and caaccBts of liberty. 152 MADlSOf-t —Jftr 5.7A1- -body later . " . l^lu Dt'.iuil. Hili Uitiuir 'ciilldi'iin live ■ calls:; the fiqv. C. S. „Jackson. _pa.<- -freedom, ^justice-as - emmancipa ted ■ - When the'child first disappeared i with 5112 Fletchers, thvk nuternal l tor of Israel and Salem Baptist ~hy Lili rain-and is'bemg. carried'tor^f — HOm£-O'V¥Níí0 - . a wide spread manhunt Was made I parents. . ---- ;------—■ ! f-JANUARY HEP j Churches: and Branch’ President Lt,_ . George___ .... ______W. Lee, _ ____a Republican ______I HOME OPERATED by about 500, including police offi­ I Also surving are. the paternal i Calhoun. . ■ leadre and a high official in the cers, Tennessee -Highway- Patrol, | grandpa; ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob WEMRriiS WORL3 d SulJ.-L;, Jcnurry 4, ‘ J958 Ô Ä


J verycne, Äntliropslagist Säys Bv TOM UYEMURA ... . • '.‘arid it is important lor his men- CHICAGO—(IN3) .— /Just _be- tai health that he have this experi- usp you hear voices from space ence." ______. see strange things' doesn’t -According to Wallace, reporta, ot iccessarily mean you're crackiilg voices from space, .visitors from, .p. ■— mars and venus, and flying sau- These words of enconragement. to Pers have picked up since the Rus- BY JEWEL GENTRY '.iose of you who may be wonder- ^ns launched.sputnik.. 1 j PARTIES FOR YOUNG AND but gave the. cute youngsters a Guests of the evening were Miss ' «MK «te i ar absut-you,. latest hallucination,. Wallace believes this indicates’. OLD BRIGHTEN cltance to invite in members of their Maydella Reeves, the Thornton’s ■ :r.:- from Dr. Anthony -1 h? •_ pcep'.e definitely are more, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS young set. The c}ub Was decorated cousin who, was escorted by Mr. if i’. C, Wallace, 'an ’Anthropologist ’at: space consc-ious and that some,ap- , “ —'AT;TY. AND-MRS. A. A.-LATTING throughout with greenery and Santa Frazier Johnson, Insurance Broker ita-Eastern—PennsySÿiüiia—Psyclrta—.“pirently have a “growing—anxiety -— HONOR YOUNG THIRTEEN Claus.. •from Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor '9‘iS.»Bi t-..? .X. ^¿i KJ. ric Institute. ¿¿•■’irs- . that the world is not quite -as pre-;. YEAR-OLD WITH “During—intermission—the young C. D. Hay^T’Wsr^Victoria Han­ ». • t; J Walkfce, Jid hallucinations' have. « T » rig of the American Antliropoligi- "played a big role- In history and '■ ' 9n.c highlights (of ^social five” frocks presented .their new escorted by Mr. Walter Lowe of St. Louis; Mrs. Claudio Monroe, Mr. al. ASspeta-tion ,in_Cih taigo. said.:------p^tj.bly, will continue to do so.;, ' activites) for members of the i early member, Pat Jones, made a pre­ ,'T'jn - nOt being, .critical ol the Ho explained: that a person. )vha. ■ _------teens.-seL-was-a-beautiful--birt.hrlay sentation to Family’ Service Bureau and Mrs. Fleming Polk- r^vith them were their . brothed-in-law j * isyamafrisUi-lnterpretatloii nf.'hal-.-Tùxüs-or see.s unnatural, tilings,of; _____party—giyen__by-Atty,-and—Mrs. A^ for needy families and presented to mrnattans"(vlr!rlr~rs appropi-iitte in t;n interpretaltjis a.mesage.to_rer—m _____A. Latting complimenting ‘their their advisor, Miss Eitna’ Laws, a and sister, Mr .and Mrs. Joe Smith Vr^ishingtonf—D.—C^Mr,H.—M. ertain cases of mental illness. .. fo.Hn-the -ivorid-and^soon be^Shies'' young daughter, Jean who was 13. lounging c-uiiit . tor Christmas . . “B.ut, people many of them nor- the leader of a cult. ..." ■ yeai.£.old on Christmas'I day .—,. Members attending were,Carol Lat­ Adams... with him was liis daughter, Mrs. Katie, -Milner who liai—do hal;ucWat^’n"rafioils..TOysi__ LThe Taping rebellion tn-Chlna.".. But because of the round' of so­ ting, president of the group: Bar­ all over“the worldrln_otlier*sob:e- n the ’middle cf the 19th century ’; . cial activikes the pretty party giv- bara Donohue, Joan Mayo, Danese recently moved ito Memphis from Detroit , ,Miss Gertrude XValk- a-s, much more respect is given to was led by a ppphet who had hair . en for Jean ■a-ng-nn Friday. after ’Haucoclc- Myra Smith, Evelyn Va- im 1 h'ijtlüiis'allot." di.UduiL,,” Waltacc,:—- vasser, Joyce'." Rayijsr-v—~ Crystal er, Mr. Mrs.. Haywood Thorn­ Christmas at’ the Latting’s ultra ton. Mr. Andrew Dancey, Mr. and na’ly help in” said, "and tide recent Mau Maq up-. • modem, nbw. Quinn Street heme. Strong, Claire Smith. Betty Holmes W-allnce—explained thaif... in—eee— ¡’¡__“tags ______in, Africa als ______o hav<. ______evidence' _ ' The beautiful and colorful home and Miss Jones. Mi-s. Chas. Johnson,, Mrs. .Nellie ;ain Indian cuitures. a youth wilt;, of . a haliuchiaiion-prOne prophet.i, ■ Humes and her niece, Mrs. Cecelia ATTY. AND MRS. A. A. LATTING COMPLIMENT Johnson and Charles Hooks. Third Row: Lillian was festive with Christmas flowers. , Guests of the evening were Wal- YOUNG DAUGHTER AT BIRTHDAY PARTY FRI- Abron, William Hampton, Yvonne Jordan, Al­ ¿° off to ¿onieremote spot and re- Wallace also said bhat “Just ber In the dining room, which is don? Bowles -of Washington. D. C.; Mr. rene Bell; Donald Letcher, Lee AJ-. ^T;: J. Johnson,v.who came in late; mam there for several days until cause a person does have a.hailUr." - ___jn white-andWilliamsburgblueTÜie-. kir.s. Robert. Atkins. __nhn- Pi'v-Y ls AY EVENING: . Kids attending, seen watch- fred Ray Brown, Cassandra White, Myrtle ~Mi^and Mrs. ‘ Bcb'* Roberts and ing little Miss . Jean-Lotting; honoree,' as she Adams Bernard Johnson and Lynn Howell. . . long table was an eye-catcher with Willie J. Alexander, Robert Hooks, their house guests, Mr. “Bill” Fos­ "guardian±—------—i-ideas-e^^sed—The-nature of the. its sheer exquisite cloth.. Tire young Martin Suggs, Albert Yates’, FYedel lights candles on her cake, are (front left to Standing onlthe_ back row are James Spencer >*‘llhe_..yjulh— this spirit revelation may contain great wis- ter, a cousin and Mrs. Louise Rit­ will protest him.” Wallace said, dom.” ' ' ’’ (mostly 12 .and’ 13 year olds) made Greene. James Greene, Dous Tun­ ter, both instructors at Tennessee right) Carol Jones, Phoebe Weaver, the little ' Byas, Jr., Beverly Hooks, Dan Brownlee, Jana pictures in the “lazy-U’’ shaped liv- stall, Clifford Banks. Billy Turner, State University; Mrs. Omega Shel- honoree; Eleanor Williams, Yvonne Owens and Davis, ‘ Marye Alice Bland, "Antonia' Maceo ing room with its wide roomy iire- Ann Fuche, Crystal Tarpely, home tb and her'|niece, Mrs. Esther Wash- Robert Williams. . , ". Second Row: Robert David- . Walker, Ann Burford, Ann Burford, Sylvia Wil------place^cun-ing-sofay-and—the—note from Montclair, N.. J_where she Is ington Willianis-Of St. Albans, N. son, Jr., Joan Hargraves,—Robert Bolton, Pollc~ It °f tomorrow in a house made just -in-school; Marrin Tarpley, Jr., home Y. Long Island and “Your Colum­ ______lob^comfort 'But rushed al from Fisk University; Jesse Camp­ Puryear, Paulette Brinkley, Amy McNairy, Linda I once to down stairs rumntis rcom I bell, home from college (Florida A. nist.” - =B¥=GEA1) YS P. GlttWAA _ (a complete setup for entertaing) and M.) Willie Lomax, Thomas For Associated Negro Press I uieeLJn_Cii:cago-Jl!.,^Eeh—a-9.sf where they danced, played the or­ I Lomas, Walter Williams and Joan MIPS GER AL,DINE BURKE, GOOD- ÀRCIIITEBTÌ’RE— | its Minual ntc.ung at Hotel Shsra- ' gan, the piaiio and games. It seems Jingram. . ’ '—— former -music and dancing teacher GOOD GOVERNMENT jinn, President Leona J. Williams : and others of the UNCF. are sad- that all rooms lead to this central I. Ann Hines, Thomas . Kilpatrick, at St. Augustine .High, was 'home “Architecture of Diplomacy is spot Lighting , up the warin Fat Lynn Walker, Walter Grody, with ■ her parents for, the holidays. t he subjccit of an exh ibit of Archi - ■ di-ned by the resignation of'Ran- walls are the white covers on tlie; Janice, Smith, the Turbans, Leon ..from California where she has tectural-League of New York in Zdull Tyus, is gifted field director sofas and hassocks . . Highlight Alston, Janet Lewis, Charles Howell, been since last summer. . their second floor gallery. The., (Fisk grad I who is returning to in the color arrangement is tur­ Richard Grady, Hugh Strong, overseas, face is presented by the school for advanced study. quoise which offers, an interesting Robert Wilson, Judy Allen, Ann ATTY. VEVA YOUNG, prominent embassy and consular, buildings. NEGRO GIRL SETS contrast. Thompson, Hosie Clemons, Leroy Chicagd lawyer and her sister Miss Good architecture can be done by PRECEDENT AT UPSALA Dora '-Young dropped in on me for ' Mrs. Lotting received in a love­ Holmes, Eastaire McKissock, Frank Ms- Jubwkfl ’wl ’ ’.J U. S. architects Buiklmgs design­ Phllildc- Ragland is the -first Ne- ly hostess' outfit' and she was Savage, King Fields, Da.vid Wil- a short visit Tuesday evening just ed for Ghana (in Accra) Rabat, before tak'ng the train back to the ero girl to wear the crown of Ga- assisted by Jean's aunt (for whom Lams, Joseph Woods, RuJi Boone. Dakar French West Africa . (Con­ itta Girl at Upsala College since she is named) Mrs. Jean Lotting Erneti Taylor, Lorraine Berkley, “Windy City.* Veviuusually spends sulate General Residence), Lagos, the contest -b^nn some seven Bailey of Chicago and Mrs. Rob­ Kay Baker, Robert Marshall, Yural holidays wiih her mother and sis­ Nigeria, Leopoldville, Belgian Con­ ert Lewis. Jr. ’ ter, Mrs. W. Young and Mrs. Ber- years ago. One' of four tiimlis's Moore and Herbert Fields. ' go, - _Tangier ■; and Raba,——■ taiorrocco...... ’r— the Inn .freshman (who_lsLa_mem-_ ------Little Mks“ Jeon Latting was pret­ nice-Richardson on Iieath Street. and the “U. S. Embassy Office bol. of the Colle,-e Choir) is plan- - ty in. an exquisite blue taffeta par­ I MISS BEJITHA MORRIS IS Building'RlsilrtiMir in Port-au-Prince,Dnv!-nil-Dvillon HaitiUnit, . ... , ... . ; ■ Mr. and Mrs. "Bcb" Roberts have ning to major in psychology. ty frcck COMPLIMENTED AT ROUND are shown in die first public ex­ BIAS FLEES AS OLD YEAR The pretty and tasty food, was ' OF PARTIES THAT' LEAD UP as their guests a cousin Mr. Bill hibit of projects which have re­ FADES ; (of course) a highlight for this age TO BRILLIANT WEDDING Foster, in charge of Housing- at sulted from the efforts of the De­ ■ group. ■ • ..REHEARSAL DINNER PARTY Tennessee State and Mrs. Louise partment of State. . Student asp’rants are happy, to Among the ' guests,.. who helped Attractive Miss Bertha Morris, Ritter. instructor of Home Econo­ learn that a Negro stewardess, ' Jean celebrate, were: James S. bride-elect of the Reverend Hous­ mics at. Tennessee State Univer­ The U, S.. State Depurtin?nf.b Ruth Taylor, ha.-« been hired to Bvas, Beverly Hooks. Dan Brownlee. ton Stephens, was comphmenied by sity. Foreign Building Operation, .stall work on Mohawk Airlines, - Inc. Jana Davis, Marye Alice Bland, An­ a round-of parties. Climaxing, them l are currently engaged in the most She will ,b’ the first one in the tonio Maceo Walker, Ann Burford, : was.a rehearsal dinner party given - ambitious foreign office program U. S. A. Gov. Harriman has • per­ Sylvia Williams, Thomas Elrod, by her uncles and aunts, Mrs. Louise in diplomatic annua’s. This Dc- sonally congratulated the Negro John' Gammon, Jr., Carol Jones, Joynor, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sandrige The Commonwealth Association -piirtment is placing weight behind n’urse who is a native of Boston honored Mrs. Bessie White, recent­ archlecture worthy of our coun­ ip in New York. Phoebe Weavei- Eleanor Williams, j and Mrs.“ Ct.ha Lee Smith at the try and from this writers vantaw Yvonne Owens arid Robert Wil­ j brautiful. Chelesea Street- home of ly during an “appreciation program" at Mj.sadon.ta Baptta; Church on point among others covering liams. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sandridge .. .. impressive event. Robert Davidson, Jr., Joan Har­ i Guests and members, of the bridal Michigan St. Sire received a purse', MR. AND MRS. THOMAS H. HAYES, JR., AND AArs. Hoyas, Mrs. A. W. Willis, Jr., Atty. Willis, graves, Robert Bolton, Polk Pur­ party enjoyed the Informal ail- and or S20. MORAN WESTON LECTURER THE WILLING WORKERS MR. AND MRS. C. C. SAWYER WELCOMED al- Miss Jerry Anderson—Miss Jewel Gentry, and 1OR INTERNATIONAL year, PaUletic Brinkley, Amy M<> the chance the party gave them to most 200 gyests fo their brilliqgt annual Christ­ !'Mrs. "Buddy" Tarpley. Standing are Atty. Rus- • Hairy. Linda Johnson, Charles chat with friends »many home CLUB receiD’y held a program nt SUMMER COURSES ABROAD Return For Visit Hooks, Lillian Ahron, William from college) and several spots Mas^donta Baptist Church. Mrs. mas Party last Wednesday evening at the ’ sell Sugarmon, Jr., Mr. Bennie Tate, Mr. Thad- , Former residents of Memphis re- . Bessie White . is president .of the 1 Dr. Moran Weston is. the lone Hampton, Yvonne Jordan. Alfred of comfort. ' to sit.k .. Many sat in Hayes7’ South Parkway- home. Guests seen, in deus T. Stokes, Mr. L. O. Swingler, Mr. Al ledtiirer front New York (repre- tn ned to visit during the' holiday.. A Ray Brown, Cassandra White Mytl? the Iiv.hg-dining arsa, while others club and Rev. E- H .IJo’-ton is gene­ the first group with the two hO5tesses and Mr. Hasting a student at Fisk University who h ails They were. Oscar Knight. Sr. ral manager.- f------seating U. 8- A.) who along with Adams, Bernard Johnson and Lynn perferrecl an upstairs living area ' Sawyer (seating left to right) Mrs. Sawyer, her j from New York and house guest of Mr. Winaell other professionals 'will conduct and his wife,.Mrs. Ruth J. Knight,,... j|n cvar”?e’iit in“ the Methodist Howell .. .. Also around assisting, So did the bride-elect parents,- MID SOCIAL CLUB members re­ mother, Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mr. Sawyer; Miss Sawyer; Mrsk R. Q. Vcnson, Mr. Charles Tar-f. the International Summer Courses in receiving was Jean’s father, Atty. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris assisted Church, cf Brookhaven, Miss., her ceived Christmas bonuses during a Martha Anderson, Mrs. Peter Jones, Mrs. Ed­ pley Mrs. Melvin ConJey of Memphis and Cin- ,Augustine’s, Central College daughter, Mrs. Gloria Knight Lattlng who came in late; an uncle, in receiving along with a very close , recent meeting at the heme of Mrs. ci rinati, Mr?Mr ‘ Çonfëy,Cnnlfiv Mr. TaylorTavlor Hayes,Haves. Mrs. E. °f the Anglican Communion dur- Mr. M. Latting ill town forther family friend, Mis. Dice Eric who Callie Green on Hunter Ave. The win Prater, Mrs. Taylor Hayes, Miss Dorothy . ing July and August in England.. S ir.prcn, who has been residing In birthday along with her aunt; and flew in last week from'her home members' also gave donations to less j Racks of Cleveland; Mrs. Caffrey Bartholomew, Frank White and Miss Ruby Gadison. Full details on these courses are Chim®q4he last eight .years., y ,. ; and her two sisters, Miss Carol in Detroit for the event. .. fortunate persons for the holiday. | obtainable from Rev. Gordon Tr 'The Knights and? Mrs. Simpson Latting and Judith ... and her Attending .the rehearsal dinner Mrs. Gren. played Santa Claus. j Morning Star Baptist Charlton, Jr., 2S1 Fourth Avenue, were the house guests of a daugh­ grandfather, Mi-. Jeff Isli of Chica- were Miss Ann Carnes Bartholomew «sjlie club is planning a Secret- ; Church's New Location New York. Rev. Weston heads St. ter and lister,' respeqtlve'y. Mirs. ' ■ go. Grown-ups.- who capie with home from Howard University; Mr. Tffl revealing and banquet, for Each Japanese Citizen Has Phillips said to be. the largest- Ctillc Williams cf 1399 Oaklawn.- ; X Wednesday. January 9 aL the home The Mornirig Star Baptist Church tcen.-age kids, sat in an up-stalrs George Harris:.-Miss Monice Wll- will move from 1236 East McLe-, Episcopal church of its kind in den where, they got the,.benef-its oi'liome.from Fiski'-Mr. Janies of Mr. .and Mrs. Henry Day, 1484 more A.e., to 1650 Michigiah \St., the country. He replaced the noted Aaoompanying Mrs- Simpson from v the lil-fi- piped throughout. McDaniel,. Mr. and. Mis. Albert). May St. All members are-.urgeil to Birthday On New Year s Day Father Bishop who resigned for Chicago were: Mrs. Melba Cain, be -présent. * armoime^d ths pastor, Rev. S'. Glo­ Mbs June C. Lewis, a niece who is Sweets, Mr. and Mrs.-' James B. ver. Services will be conducted Missionary fields in Hawaii. CLARA BARTON HEALTH CLUB '■Hampton, Mr. and... Mrs. Çharlcs TOKYO, — (INS). — Ninety mil-, temples and shrines. every second and -foitrth Sunday. SALVATION .ARMY EXTENDS ‘■.tud’ntia.t FI it university; George . GIVES ANNUAL CHRISTMAS , Holloway. Mr .and Mrs. Walter u’td to be held at the home of Mrs. lion years thump down on the On New .Year’s Eve, the -treasure C?iu -h win it was established in SEASON GREETINGS TU AiX i M s'.c.rrr and Ir.-.D?.venport. DINNER PARTY Stephens, Mr. Jimmie Jones, Rev. Cornelias Patrick, 2091 Hunter Ave., shoulder’s of Japan’s citizens New- ship of the seven gods of luck I,ether revives of the Knights; Mrs. arino'-’.'-sd Mrs.: Willie B. White, 1947, said Rev. J. McDaniel, who is • Through the Salvation Army M irion 1' -wets cf 277 W. Essex, i The lovely Boston .Street home and Mrs. W. M. Fields. Jr., Rev.. Year’s day. ’ ’ '* soi-Is into port. It will bear, among tile pastor. of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Briscoe was Herbert Lust, Miss Peggie Ann club r< :orter. Each Japanese, regardless of size other- things, the sacred keys td' Christinas Appeal, thousands of -daut'-’ier who ls-a local schoolAea- a costly spot for the Christmas din­ White home from Bennett College; or sex, has a birthday on that day the treasure sheds of .the gods. New Yorkers shared their bright ebrr: M s. Granville Donoho, 1404 ner party given by members of die Miss Geraldine Stephens, Miss Ada- and adds one year to his age. Christmas holidays with under­ Wcct’ward. a principal in the lo­ The legendary ship has cruised cal school system, who Is a sister Clara Barton Health Club’on Fri­ line Pipes, home from American Personals Thus a. child born New Year’s the. Milky. Way during the past Today's Home privileged children, oldsters and day evening of last week ...«, Tile Ùniversitÿ in Washington, D. C. Robert Simpson, stationed at Ft. Eve is two years old on New. Year's year and is the dréamboat of every families who needed help. Nearly to Mrs. Knight. Bragg, N. C., were#here on- leave to 2,000 homeless persons were guests affair, an annual one, Was of pure­ Mrs. Alice Mayo Wliiams, Mrs. A. Day. Japanese who fervently prays that Mrs. Knl-ht is'acuustant pastor ol ly a social nature. Games were play­ Turner, Mr. Phil Booth, Jr., home visit his wife, Mrs. Maggie, WHgiit GENERAL MERRIMENNT next year his ship will come in. at holiday feasts in Salvatipn of 1195 .Texas St., jind liis mother, Army Centers throughout th? city Beth:’ AMB'Church in Brookhaven, ed by members and guests before, from Philadelphia where he is tea­ and (rave's in the ln.terec.) of evan-:: Mrs. Justin3_gimpsoiL This is just another of many uni- I 'For days and weeks now, the and some .33,400 wrapped gifts dinner was. saved in trio living-. ching.; Mrs.- Irish Harris and - Your Tme' New Year- customs in Japan. people have paid off their old obli­ ■ ___NEW YORK _____ — ‘ (INS'). ' — -Wall­ gcJlsit'.c week. .. .:■ “ 'dining area. Columnist”. ■ ci ccKs—ih-f ?e days are busting _-out. were presented to' patients in wards Special food, Splendid dress and gations ^nd debts, - cleaned -and or city " and veteran hospHals. r Bbore moving from - Memphis -Mrs. Zana Ward, president of the Other events that complimented General Merriment mark the day aa swept the house and covered the in sunbursts.______• 1 the and her family were members ■ club, and Mrs. Briscoe who was as­ the bride were shower: The first The sunburst theme, popular in UNCF ON UPSURGE— the gayest holiday time in the year gardens with pine. needles — pre­ TYUS RESIGNS I ol Bethel Presbyterian Church on sisted by Reverend Brls'-oe, greeted | given by ' Miss Peggie Ann White —- and it lasts seven days. paring for the dawn of a new day: • everything from rugs to wall, has I Mis isstrp! Blvd. guests as they entered .... Other and Miss Adaline Pipes at the love­ For the womenfolk, it’s a time And thé pipe, plum and bamboo made its strongest showing in tli.c Untied Negro College Fund mem- M s. Knight was one of the first members, assisting in greeting and ly home of ' _Mr. and Mrs. Henry’ to shed the modern dress and don. —symbols of good -fortune and pro­ clock field. ¡:crs and alumni rejoice over pro- ccnlrlbutorx to Bethel Presbyterian entertaining guests, were Ml-s. Ber­ White, parents of Miss White . v gorgèous kimonos and elaborate sperity —decorate the doorways There are sunbursts with coltny tha Becton, Mrs. Alberta Sample, Ai.tendlng the first showers were old-fashioned wigs of the tradition­ and . the streets. - od centeres and wool spokes, or Mrs. Juanita Turner, Mrs. Johnnie Miss Elene Ward, Carolyn al Japanese beauty’. .. ’ \ Hope is high. Temples and shrines with white centers and colored Murray, Mrs. Etta Page, Mrs, Eliza-- Rhodes, Miss Lula McEwen, Miss E. German Trap For the men, its a time of good are packed with those whô ray for spokes beth Sloan. Mrs. Beulah Wllliems, Monies Williams, Mrs. Merle Pat­ fellowship, of sake (wine drinking better things to come. I There’s a Jem-like faceted sun­ Mrs. Sadie Mayes Malone, Mrs. terson, Mrs. Maria Pinkston, Miss BY KENNETH F. WEISS and plenty of good food. I The people will eat their last 105*ï burst with bryxs l’jcet scgniEnts and Eleanor Sain and Mrs. Leona Joint- Marie Britton, Miss Ann Carnes WASHINGTON—(INNS)— U, S. CANINE POPULATION meal — a simple affair with noodle.1 black spokes and hands on the dial. son .. Members unable to attend Bantholome-w and Mrs. Fannie Mor­ British and French diplomatic of­ For the children, it’s days of fun as the main course — take the 11 A mor«? delicate model has were Miss Frances Tharpe Mias ris, mother of the bride-elect. ficials sought Tuesday to avoid a — games of battle-dore and shut­ last bath and wait for the giant threads ol white card stretched Camelia Sanders; Mrs. Delores MLSS ELENE WARD and her along catih black spoke irap set by the East German Gov­ tlecock, kafuta (cards) and fami- ! night-watch bells to begin t h el I unburst don’t, suit.'you, you Thompson, Mrs. Eldora Amos, Mrs. charming mother. Mrs. Taylqr Ward ernment to obtain Western recog­ ly entertainment. ; tolling. Pearliria Sanders, Mrs. .Sammie were hostesses at a pretty shower ■con ¡mt tuli- w. Il ckicks foi nition of the. Communist state. And the thé nation’s canine pop­ The noodles su that they will ali: su pupillur willi James, Miss Hairy Mae Simon,- Mrs.; on Wednesday, honoring the cute . .Tire State Department conceded ulation, affection and loving ca­ live long and straight, the bath to tench drr.oraUi ■ day:; Ellen Callian,' Mrs. Rebecca Tate, little-bride-to-be who was married that a new East German demand resses — 1958 is the year. of. the wash the dust of the past year and "Kirs. Edith Scott and Mrs. G. T. cn Sunday .. .. Going to the On- ( al style commi ih that travelers have visas from the dog. the bells -to cleanse them of shacks < ni. iHth bltwk McPherson. Ward's pretty Neptune Street home sins. Communist' German regime “may” Ypt in another aspect, it is a mdit a:w lE'irtd.-’-antl :■ ìtolitsll- Guests of the evening .were Mrs. for the party were Miss Marie Brlt- affect diplomatic travel to em­ time for solemn prayers. But lor the first meal of tin -Eddie O. Rodgers, Mrs. -Annette tmon. Mrs. Jarr...s o. Patterson, Jr., rd bra-si simili*' clock ls bassies at Warsaw and Moscow. Glittering ginzas (silver ways) year, the table will be loaded ■i’ablr .'.filiali' stupì wirl.1 i. Grisby, Mrs. Lula Heard, Rev. and Mrs. Lily Pni Walker. Mrs. David However, the State Department throughout the nation will be de- delicacies -- baked whole f:a|T Mrs. O. T. Hooks, Mrs. Gertrude Etta Phillips. Mrs. Rose Fields, Miss ■Said It- “presumed” that ¿travel. sorted as millions, flock to nearby soup with rice cuke; Armstrong. Mrs. Elias Wal’d, Mrs. Adaline. Mrs. Reggie Ann White between West Germany and Ber­ Georgia Quinn and Jewel Genti-y. arid Mrs. Morris, th? bride-elec.t’s lin through East. Germany , would mother. . not be affected by the visa order. Starts Sunday! VAN DETTS GIVE CHARITY Official U. S. sources' said that January 5 BALL THURSDAY MR. AND MRS. TOWERS "under no circumstances would we. AFTER CHRISTMAS THORNTCtN ASK IN GUESTS..«- J accept visas from the German-'Dc- DAISY 4-Big Days—4 Members of the Van Dettes So­ SUNNDAY EVENING . ! mocratic Republic.” Acceptance ol cial Club gave a brilliant Christ­ At. their beautiful Stephens Street .visas would be tantamount to re- mas party at the Top Hat and home Mr. and Mrs. Powers Thorn­ j cognizing, the Soviet Satellite, they THUNDERING OUT OF Tails Club House on Thursday after ton were grac'nus as host and hos­ I said. Christmas that served double-duty UNKNOWN SKIES- tess to a few fri'-nds asked'in Sun- East Germany, announced the new I . .The event was a charity ball,“ *day evening for cocktails .... Both regulations Saturday and said it The Super-Sonic Hell-Creature ca led Mr. and Mrs. Thornton. were, at­ would take effect Jan. 1. Later, tractively aittired in colorful host I Soviet officials, who had been is­ No Weapon Could Destroy! and’hostess outfits (Mrs. Thorn­ suing the travel pei'inlt-s, explained ton wearing a flowing long stripped ' that the regulation would not af- . pure silk). Many guests sat in the feet members of the Allied mili­ huge living room, while others took tary missions in Berlin. seats In the pretty back bar room The official State Départaient Another group seem fastened comment was: THE FLYING MONSTER to the)dining room where the at­ "A communication purporting -to I MAKES YOU LOOK tractively arranged hors d oeuvres come from the foreign office of print b, TECHNICOLOR MEMORIfiLSTUOiO .table was centered with a beautiful- the sn-callert—German—Democratic- arrangsment of Christmas flowers 889 UNION AVENUE Republic regarding the. matter ' of ... .Every minute. ■ was a real visas for travel by allied officials Designers, Builders & Erectors oi pleasure and the . Christmas-New was, left by. an unidentified mes­ Get" Monuments. Outstanding; many COMING Frank Sinatra ■years for courteous service and Years spirit .was high Many senger at the. office of. our -Berlin of the guests left’around 10'for msstan on Saturday afternoon at THURS ” Jean Crain reasoaable prices. . ) - I file Hotel Men's swanky . annual SLICKBLACK PHONE JA. 6-5466 _a time when those offices were j AT YOUOB.UGGIST . Dinner-Dace nt Club Flaming. closed. ' .. r I ‘ ' 1 MEMPHIS WORLD > Saturday, January 4,

By A. E. WHITE ..NEW YORK — (ANP)o.— Saturday night at the /Aetropolitan School Plainliff Opera, Mattiw.ilda Dobbs. scored the most memorable triumph- NEW YORK — An 18-year-old 1 ; “of hc-r musicci career. boy held incommunicado in a Lake The brilliantly endowed colora­ County. Fla., jail for alleged rape tura from Atlanta, entrusted with since Dec.'19 was released on Dec. 1 the taxing role of “Lucia” in the 24“according to information re- ; State Department florid Italian opc^a^Lucia-di Lam- -.' -ceived “ bv/GI oster 2BTCOrr entTTNA'iXZ mamour rnttr n—packed—house -ACP director of-—branches:—The f cheering wildly and applauding youth’s release followed a confer- thunderously as the diva climaxed!.-nnHsij?.i' night with a and Sheriff Wiilis J. McCall on thrilling. “Mad _Scene” since the' Dec. 23. • • ’. - .. halcyon ftays of Galli-Curci- and -The vouih-is-MelvinriHawitfns.-uTTT For Long Service .. Lily_Ponds, 9 curtain calls were de­ a relative of Virgil Hawkins, who manded by the-. seat holders, all WASIHNCTON.ZD. C— /NNPA) solo, after Dobbs final notes had University of Florida law school. —Secretary’ of Stare John ».Foster subsided. .» __ •___ _ According tn a m^nh^r of voi’p'» Du’ 1rs Friday praised. “Willkm* J. To present this old standby — Hawkins’ family, the boy did not —Kol’.y fcr-his 39 years of serric? to ’ which u: the same time, is a real leave -his-house the nighc-the al­ the State Department. j show piece — the Met gave Miss leged rape took place, in addition • Mr.. Kelly ,..a. clerk-messenger, was Dobbs the brilliant. tonor Richard the woman who stated she had ...... •. y ■ -~; ' ' retiri-rg Dec. 31. He became zan-en> Tucker in the title role of Eduar­ been attacked saf-d she had never , - - '~r ~ st a ~ , ployct thé-State Department do. madly in love with Lucia. before seen the youth when asked •' Is® - W^r¡aU .¿LDcc. 1913. while- Robert: Lan­ I Their duet in the first act was to iden ify him as her assailant. - ' - - ■ -- - B- -Sfíí-í orablb -as- Miss Dobbs- ARRESTED BY in a brief ceremony in the di-, spectacular “Mad Scene” and SHERIFF MCCMX------~ ■yiyyft,—;, -7-':—.. plomat’c receptrn room. Mr. Dull-' the fabulous'sextet. Dobbs’- thrill- Yopng Hawkins was arrested by es hanftëg BteFy a .lfter »‘r-n ing soprano soared above the com­ Sheriff McCall, who became no­ quickly took it back and read it to bined efforts of her fellow singers. torious during the Groveland, F’a. the retiring employée* an/dvïK^sniall However, speaking of the-young case in which four youths were group attending_ the ceremony. Atlantan's triumph, one writer accused of raping a young house­ “On the occasion of your retire­ said it is understandable that Miss wife. Driving two of the accused ment from‘ the “Department of Dobbs will improve.)1 with each youths to their second trial, State, I commend you for your « singin^' “off “Lucia.” Her coloratura Sheriff McCall shot one prisoner many , years of loyal;... and faithful ■'has warmth and power — placing ANOTHER ‘FIRST— Miss Carol Taylor of New York City fata'ly and severely wounded an­ .-sendee.” Nif. Dulles wrote, in• thd her at-the very apex of the new became tho nation's first Negro airiino stewardess last weelo other on a deserte4, rood at night, • .letter, add:ng: -——) voices that have arisen in the past •when she was hired by the Mohawk Airlines. Employment oi j The sheriff claimed that the two “In Vour job as. messenger for few years. . _. the attractive Registered Nurse is the culmination of negotiations handcuffed youths had attacked j * i*-' ■ s .. the Secretary of State .you have which have been underway between the State Commission V .- him. / made a valuable contribution to the- SENSATIONAL Against Discrimination end the major airline« operating in New Melvin Havykins parents got in functioning of this office. I know i goring- heavily at every appear- York. (Newspress Photo). Five-year-olds Clifford and Dons, of the St Barnabas Temporary Shel­ .thst 'tliii has often- required long ance ln York. Miss Dobbs was : touch with- Roebrt Baunders, NA- ter in New York, were among the "Littlest Angels" singéis in this year's Chirstmas pageant. The Hours cf overtime which you have a sensation three years ago with ACP field secretary, who called shelter is maintained by the New York Protestant Episcopal City Mission. (Newspress Photo). given .cheerfully, . -the Little Orchestra Society when Gov. Collins cn Dec. 21 and urged that the State-protect t-he-boy-from- SOURCE. OF PRIDE ’ she sang the role oFZerbinattaTm“ “fi — city-.-He lives-in-your city, pas- . —-T- “I am Fare that it must be- a Ariandne auf Naxos — a piece sei- j • harm Gov, Collins assured Mr. tors ’i-Dgxter Avenue Baptist source of price and satisfaction dom .done until the Little Orehes- Saunders that an investigation j Church. I believe that he can tra. director’ saw the possibilities. I would be made and that no harm i help you to look up and live! that you have served under eJieleven would befall the boy. He said that . ELEANOR . • Secretaries of State •since you first That night, Miss. Dobbs, practical- ¡ t « ■* i • : ly unknown to the major musical j the state’s attorney would- report j Write y^ur problem to ELEANOR, 210 Auburn Avenue,, N.t Dear. Eleanor, ‘ • reported for duty c-n December 23, io the parents. I audience of New. York, walked off WASHINGTON. D. C. — (NNP.A) equally incredible . political .chin- Atlanta, Gai I am 25. and live alone in my 1918. It is especially noteworthy iI Francisco. Rodríguez, legal re­ .that -your service began during with accolades from even her as- —Americans for Democratic Ac­ ; cary on the par; of the Eisenhower own home. the period when my uncle. Robert-, tion Tuesday called, the appoint­ ; Administration,” Edward D. Hol­ dress chairman of the Florida I want to marry so that I can lander. ADA national director, said, State NAACP, was the Association TRUE LOVE this."There have been’’ —Landinz, was Seereiary.' ’ Next week.- she sines tlie same ment of funner Gov. Doyle E. settle down and have a family. Carl «on of Florida as a member of adding-: attorney who conferred with Sheriff 1 think True Love is never blind. : times .-that- I thought of taking my. , For the past year. I have dated “T know 'that* I speak - for your group—however, the 'demands for McCall. . But rather brings an added light, many friends in the Departft^nt of • the Civil Rights Commission “po- i . “The appointment of Gov. Carl- 1 own. life. I don't really want to do 1 women my own age and younger. trkels for the performance has \ | ton brings to three the number of An inner vision quick to find • that but I see- nothing to live for. ' State when I sav that we, shall been so great, the Little OrchestraJ. litical.y suspect. The beauties hid from common So far. I haven’t found a girl, miss you. You and Mrs. .Kel’v have ■'The appointment of former Gov. Southern Democrats on this six- !, Ie thank-you in advance for ad- who I would Aike to be the mother .concert has been booked into cav- sight. j vising me. oar -best wishes for happiness m 'era.ous■ Carnegie . Hall'. Carlton to the Civil Rights Com- ; man commission. As now consti­ of any children of mine.. the years to come.” . Saturday night was not Miss ncssion is an evidence either of in­ i tuted it is tailor-made for con­ John Merwin Gets L. L. of Montgomery How can I overcome such mis- credible political timidity, or of firmation by Senator James O. No soul can ever clearly see Mr. Kelly recalled, with Dobbs' debut, with the Metropoli­ I Another’s highest noblest part Answer: Regardless to what trustful feelings?’ " " that he had’taken the Japanese tan—she was presented last sea­ East land, but ;t is incapable of — George performing the function for which Save through the sweet philoso- ■ has happened to you—you are Furreiidpr papers. aftVr they had son.. but not in “Lucia.” However. ing the fall and winter months for I Islands Post P.hv . -I . young and sifl have good phy­ Answer:. You are either too ——been^lsried—¿y SecjTtary ^oT-Staxe -th— e -young-v__ „ woman__ wjt h Eu rape an testing, ¿using the USES general it. was creatod...... : ...... , “If the intent ~or the Adminis­ And loving wisdom of-the-heart, i sical. health. But you are per- • snspiciuus or have b^en choos-. James F. Bwnes. io the White. triiimphs-4e>;4ier_____...... r cerdlt/ bids fair aptitude test battery, specific ap­ | "AVASHTNGTON, D. C. — u-re:tu. Labor x/L-putDepartment/ iintrxxt. has jand.-Hq -jiethe - oiiiceOffice oiof r-uuixiiiuu,Education, urtohas ¡! tisistance in finding a job. ÀI Cairo Meeting pr’eme Court Justice? poinetd out that .the Employment ene-bled schools and employment v*,. * ,, Even before the student be- | This June I expect to finisl) col­ Make an appointment with ad ACCRA. Ghana —, (NNPA) — 5. Who discovered the X-ray? lege. .'I believe I would prefer do­ Dr. M. L. King, Jr„ of your I All Things Are Possible! Sendee to meet the need of young office? in many communities teJ comes avaiiabl'e for .employment, r 6. What is a mandatnbs. in legal peoni*?. f-'r e^vd°n''p.- ¿.work more closely Whether in ,ef-’ job opportunities are developed; Ghana was represented in Cairo ing religious work: of course. I by a delegation of five,, headed by I terminology? would prefer workihg . with the Are you facing difficult problems? Pbor ** has been, developing-, a year-round fecting - a more orderly transition through individual solicitation as ; 7 What is the most highly pbpu- !- I Health? Money or Job Troubles? Unhap- from school to work for high-school well as general, publicity urging Bediako Poku. secretary-general of Methodist Church. I cannot’’be­ i pines»? Drink? Lore or Family Troub’e»? _ GTWLS—WOMEN IS Tear* to S3 years. the ruling Convention Peoples la ted ’ county in the* United come . a Nun because, of my mar- AMERICA'S I Would you like more Happlnets, Success- For ■ th» p?'t 10 r*sr«. at-our Lent -Is­ graduates-and -dropouts. ‘ ’’ employees to- place their orders for ' . States? | mother-and-chilj ; and “Good Fortune” in Life? If y.ou have land New York, addret*. We hare plarr’d ' graduates with the Employment ; party. Thé delegation included a riagei I am now divorced. , r?h('•anyF °iof thesethese. Problems, or othirs like hou«e-workerB In and around tlie New The s’.atement. reads as follows: : woman. 8. Was Arlington-County. across FAVORITE them, dear friend, then here is wonder­ ------Yor*-?r« i»rw~it‘<>ns_witb cood_ABiary. “4- school and employment ser*\ Service, J lhe river_from- Washington, j. I”need help for I cannot go oh ful NEWS of a remarkable NEW WAY of rood food and room«. Transportation ad­ Commenting on the Govern­ PRAYER that Is hrlplnr thousands to vanced th««f w-*th •sthfartorr refer­ , vice officials confer early in the ment’s decision to send delegates formerly a part of the District glorious new happiness anJ Joy! Just dip - ”8. The Employment Sendee con- this Message and mall with your name, ence«;. TRY US NOW. New a^dr»«»: ! n*”X school year to arrange a sche- ing his second term in the Virgin • Doctor Approved ASPIRIN Boulevard Einolorment Service ! ducts follow-up ' studies to deter- ] a Cabinet Minister said: "We think of Columbia? and address -and 3c Stamp to LIFE­ ’ dule of joint activities for the year. 1 9. What is the estimated populo- Islands Senate. He lives on the Is­ • Pire Orange Flavor STUDY FELLOWSHIP. Box 2101, Noroton, J5 Crmnbe’l BuPdlnr mine the employment outcomes. it is a gathering of responsible I ■ 112.,-Ftrhth Street •' ’ Early in the fall the Ernploy- land of St Croix, where he was worn U86EST SUING ASPIRIN FOR OilUREH I Conn. We will rush this wonderful NEW ; Atijfyi*, Os. for those students Who have been 1 states to consider a common ap­ tion of China? i Message of PRAYER and FAITH to you ' nient Service releases a "list of the •¡counseled, and placed and fur- • proach to important matters of 10., Have the heads of go verb- born in 1921. I by RETURN MAIL absolutely FREE! : most common entry job opportuni- .’ nishes information, to the schools .common interest.” He added that bents ever attended a NATO meet­ | ties for .young workers *300 ar- |: which, they can use in e^-aluaflng 'it was not an attempt to set up ing before this month9 1 ranges for the. use of this material i' curriculum and training programs.”; forces against the West. (ANSWERS ON PAGE 5) _ ' in group meetings with high-school 1 I seniors who are planning to en- ( ter the labor market. Got Relief from Burning, Zemo, a doctor's formula, liquid j. “3. Arrangement^ are made for or - ointment, soothes, helps heal ■ careful screening of those gradu­ Things" You Should Know Itching Sting-of minor bums, cuts, bruises. Family ates who will be seeking work after « antiseptic, eases' itch of surface high school in order to determine 9 “ rashes, eczema, teen-age pimples, j-ajhlcte's’foot’Stops scratching, so • who should be tested and counseled [ ‘aids faster healing. For- stubborn by ;he Employment Service per- . ACNE PIMPLES cases, get Extra Strength Zemo. ! sonnel prior to placement.^;, , j i “4. A schedule is established dùr- ; "Tho stinging, itching misery of acne pimples and blackheads .made me ter­ !*•*«

______> -i ...... DRUNKEN REMORSE/ T T çv't B LAC K áñp WH ITE Û! NTM E NT :3 U 6 ■ -• -—A. i irfoiMffgfr- ..'I.'iii '(

>*>l...... A . IlUuaUUUSJJiAUUuUUlViUllUUuLuUauUUlLUUUUUttaUUULUUUUUULUUUHlUMLtULLUÁUUL MEMPHIS WORLD • Saturday, January 4, 1938 • 5 Laborer, Wife Held In St. Louis

ST. LOUIS — (ANP) — Harry Cox Council, 22-year-old la­ borer, and his 18-year-old wife were held for kidnaping a fill­ ing station attendant they robbed in St. Louis early Thursday, and then driving to Lebanon, III., where the victim was locked in-the-truck of his automobile after it became stuck in a ditch. I Council and his wife, Charlene were arrested at their home here on Information furnished by Chief Legislator Hits cf Police Glen Lauer of Lebanon vho questioned the pair on tho street before Henry Pierce, the Liberia Lethargy filling station' attendant, freed ; himself from the trunk: Council;----- showed Lauer his driver's llconse. winch bore his name and a form­ In Business Field er St. Louis address. MOXROVT.A - (ANP) - Amem- , , Tracfd to-his ...present home her of the NaN:tonal Legislature “,rou'’!> .the Previous address >n an address to that body last Council and h s vvl e . admitted r week, declared that L bcrlans. were ' "“.mg PietcO( at a flllmg stat.on ANOTHER MILESTONE —It was just 10 years ago that former Duko Ellington sidoman. Tyro« being "swept away or excluded ; ™t,h5ac^p0rtln8 hlm Leban0" Glonn, started-tho Now Year with an interim engagement with tho CBS studio orchestra, and from trade and commerce In our he's still around. Tho talonted vibraphonist and trombonist is ono of tho most popular musicians ouw-eoun-‘ ry- bv foreigners.— îouncil- told police, that he de- on the network's staff. Ho is shown hero (loil) with the Elliot quintette on tho “Jack . GIFT. OF. DEMOCRACY—A highlight of the self- while the house is sitting. Charles T. Railev of Slnoe Coun- ‘■'ld‘'d t0 c0,nnlit ,the robbery after Sterling Show’." (Nevireprosa Photo). “ ” t------—------.— government celebrations of the Western Region PICTURE SHOWS: Major Tufton Beamish [ saic...| ¡n hiSytalk that in years remarkingvnmnvlrlnrr ♦to rv his «-ifnwife» ‘•.•TVn‘We’,,»ave hadnod of Nieria, Africa, ¿was the presentation of a (left), of the British Parliarrtentdry Relegation, ¡past Liborian-merchants prospered j: no money at all, and It’s Christ­ mace from the British Parliament on which the presents the mace to Mr. R. A. Doherty, the in every county Tn the country but"; mas.” ' tha.t'-today all, of the wholesale j Council and his wife, who/told African ______legislature is .patterned.______The marp^t sym-t Speaker—H-4he—Western-bHqeria—House—of—As^- business______and~~most ______of the smallQf'.i,. P Q^eei~ she agreed topaniclpate: FUNERAL RITES_HEL_D FOR bol of parliamentary authority, is carried be- ‘semBly? Ibadan.TdmmediatelyLzbehind Major_ _ businessCs-outside-the-pctty-tradersJT116-holdup,_,were_bookedonsus- | — fore the Speaker, the arbiter of parliamentary Beamish stands Mr. Hector Hughes, the other. -were-in-the-haiids—of foreigners.^ Picion first-degree robbery, kid-i procedure, and rests on the table bofere him j member of the British delegation. Wholesalers are American, English, ; naplng and , driving a. stoleji,., car French and Syrian. Lebanese and ’across state lines. Syrians he said have not only PROMINENT CLUB LEADER- crowded Liberians out of much of the -retail business but have gotten KANSAS CITY, MO; — Funeral Mrs, Perry, a native of Chester, war. The widow of the Rev.. Wil­ hold of the transport and trucking ÂCHR Presses For services wore held here Monday for Va.. served for 20 years .«s proba­ liam H. Stokes since 1936, Mrs. Per­ compaints which in. the - absence Mrs. Ora Stokes Perry, nationally tion; officer for the juvenile court ry met Dr. Perry who was; superin- . of railroads do most of the hauling known for her assistance to the late of Itlciiir.ond, Vn. In 1936 site org­ triident of the Houston Negro Hos- . of- -product and passengers. . ■ ■ Mrs. Mary' Mckjod Bethune and anized a Social Center In Richmond pltal in Houston, Texas. They were . LEBANESE ACTION her participation in various nation­ for tii0 Mrhodlst Episcopal Clntrph, married in 1948. :. Railey’s condemnation seemed to al activities. Sbiith. The place is now called Bethlehem House. In addition to. tùie WCTU, Mrs. stem also from the fact. that.the Mrs. Perry, wll-? of^Dr; j. Ed- Perry had nat.ónai offices in the" I ward Perry, physician lin'd surgeon, JACKS.CN. Mss. — Following Lebanese had entered the liquor I During 1937-49 she operated a Nati .nal Council of Negro Women ', cancellation of -the charter of an business through buying or leasing died Thursday. December 1.9, at the and the. National Association ol. WASHINGTON — The Ameri­ Wheatley Provident^ hospital u^here state rec,-iving home for Negro boys all-Negro American Legion post sugar cane farms, distilling cane can Council. on Human Rights in ior .the Virginia State Department Colored Women. here last week because of "radical juice and running it- through Li-, she had been a patient lor 10 days, j ; letters to members of the Joint Her health began to tail last spring .of Welfare. I; was from this work When she came to Kansas City,: agltators’!_in the.mbmbership and berian ’agents. • • -• ¿Senate-House _ _ District__ , ttia t site journeyed to Washing ton, _i2ie^rganizcd_a_li)cnl._WCTU_which__ because of alleged connections be­ -when-sh e ^vas- eng a getf-in-a-specia 1- I D. C\. The Liberian Age, prominent mittee studying the problems of project fur the National Afisocia-I to assist Dr. Bethune, direc- was named Ora Stokes Perry unit, tween NAAOP directors and "com­ newspaper declares. that the U. S. the metropolitan area of the Na- Ì tor' of racial relations fox- the Na- in her: nonor. Also, under iier lead­ lion of-Colored Women. She was a'i Yotith Adjxunlslriitioir during munist front groups,’’ the NAACP’s Intémational Cooperation Adminis- tion’s Capital pressed for- a study patient at Freedman's Hpspiial for i ershp was esiabliibed a local‘chap­ field sr-cre'ary for Mississippi Is­ tration sent small business -expert “whether tlv? Negro citizen, both .several weeks. II World War II. ter vf the NaUcnal Council.of Ne­ sued a pub' e statement -in Jack- here to .survey Liberian business home-owner and -renter, interested gro Women. . She will be renu^ibered in Allan- I She was. appointed field d son to "set the records straight in an effort to see how it could be­ in public or private• housing. is la,t-a, . Ga., ior her oubstaoutstanding’nding ’work ' through one method or aribUier., for the Women’s Christian Mrs, Perry was ode of lour; about the NAACP,' come a major factor in the country s “^in temperance activities. ’ | • pittance . ar Lie end The field- secretary, Medgar Wi economy. The paper, deciares the barred from housing “bordering daughters or the Rev. and Mrs. J. Evc-rs. specified that his statement ! report has never been made pub- the Nation’s Capital in Maryland E*. Brown. She-was educated at. Vir­ | ljo and asserts it ought to-be plac- and Virgin!?; Counties.” ginia Slate College at. Petersburg, was not "a defense" for the oust­ Va., and Virginia Union in-'Rich­ ed Legion but. simply an effort to t ed before the people for -study. The 1 Tlie new committee, approved at Age also urges the establishment mond.. She received the Baolielor get the facts straight about the the end. of the first session of the ( Sunday School Lesson of Law-«degree from the fatter in­ NAACP; of a Department of Commerce to 85th U. S..Congress, is established promote business. The Department stitution. Mrs. Perry also did gradu- • Frank Chambers, adjutant of the to study all . kinds of problems ate work at the University of Qhica- Mississippi department of the of Commerce is now a part of. the caused by the Several legal juris- THE CHURCH’S ONE prevail against it.” •go Schcol; of Civics and Social Ad- American .Legibn. was quoted in at i Deportment of Agriculture. i dictions controlling the metropol-', FOUNDATION niinulration. iitan Washington area. r Rather, Jesus was founding the least one Mississippi newspaper as I International Sunday School I She . was married to. lhe Rev. accusing NAACP directors of INVESTIGATION ASKED Lesson for January 5. 1958. rhurch among the sina.l group Stakes, then pastor of Ebenezer “Communist front" connections..; Tlie ACHR position, according to . MEMORY SELECTION: “He Is of twelve dcciples whom ho 'had Bap-kst Church at Richmond, short­ Mr. Chambers also was quoted as j Dr. Paul. Cooke, ACHR consultant, I the head of the body, 4Jie called together. He was founding a ly alter ^,ie.r graduation. savinx that two all-white Legion is that the Committee*should thor- [ church; ■ he- is the beginning,, .spiritual fellowship , among them ! posts had filed protests because Al­ , oughly investigate present means | the first-born from the dead, that was Die basis ol th? church'! bert Powell, oemniander of the all- I |cf barring tlie Negro as well as to j that in everything he might and the foundation of the church Negro post, was “very much ac- ! determine future plans. The be preeminent.” as wc know it today. ! Council, whose’ president is .Dr.. The Answers tive in the NAACP.” — (Colbssians 1:18..) Tjs true spiritual fellowship was IIOOATER QUOTED ■Nancy Bullock McGhee of Hamp­ LESSON TEXT: Matthew I 1 Sixty-seven. TOO MUCH FOR HER—Excitement of meeting her football Rating Association ton, Virginia, asked the Commit­ not to be of one church but ol 2. Three times. Tne first, time In his statement, Mr- Evers IK: 13-19 Ephesians 2: 19-22 one faith and fellowship, the fai.h hero# Jim Pace, brings tears to the eyes of Sharon, at the quoted J. Edgar Hoover, director tee to “investigate whether the Colossions I: 15-20. - thè source was a heart attack GRABBLING, La. — (ANP) —. proposed Levittown Will ■ be an­ of the Christian Church. Peter was then iieits, and recently a Shrinex’s Hospital for Crippled Children in San Francisco. The of the Federal Bureau of Investi­ Professor L. D. Land, associate other large racially exclusive hous-^ ’ to be. the agent of thé faith, much University- of Michigan halfback was voted the Big 10s Most gation, who said of the NAACP: stroke. professor in the Education De­ ing project.” The mesage In this concerns*the ; as .an insurance agent is the usent 3. Uruguay, . ■ Valuable Player this season, and sparked the East squad in the “Equality, freedom and Tolerance partment, Gtambling College, was ; of the company or companies he are essential in a democratic gov­ Tlie Committee’s honest investi- | foundingi of. the church byr Jesus ! 4. John Jay. annual East-West game at Kezar Stadium. (Newspress -Photo). elected to another three-year term gation of this particular metro- j and( the very nature of the church I: represents,, in this case, though, 5 Wilhelm Konard Roentgen^ ernment. The NAACP has done as a member of the Commission j it was Peter, named by Jesus, who- much to- preserve these principles politan problem, which to great . itself.; Perhaps the most debated I 6/A Writ issued to .enforce per- on Higher Education, Southern As­ extent has limited the Negro -to/ question( of all. is whether Jesus was to‘be tbe agent who wur to iorm a neo of a public duty. and to perpetuate the desirtes Qf sociation of Colleges and Second­ the large cities and excluded him , lea.d the first fellowship and faith SHADES OF MARCUS GARVEY! our founding fathers.” established the church or a sped- , 7 Cook County Illinois, with over ary Schools, it was announced by from suburbia, is a “pilot study for movement which has come to be 1J2 million inhabitants.^ Mr. Chambers “misrepresented the Bureau of Publication here the entire country,” according to lie church. It is claimed by the the church of today? « the facts" about the NAACP, Mr. ■ 8. Yes. but it was ceded back to •Thursday. the Council. 1Rohian Church, of course, that . Virginia. ' . ■Evers’ charged. " * Land, a native of the Grambling Jesus was founding his church on Christ is th er el ore the foundation Announcement of the cancella­ 9. Appioximate’y 630.000,000. community, wras- elected during the FAI.LOUT MONITORS PLANNED I Peter, the man. and this is taught of the church Christ and his rela­ 10. No. X tion of the Legion post, charter recent meeting of the association ! Taipei, Formosa — Two labord- • .today. tion to God; it is for those who follow at Union Theological Seminary, to monitor radioactive fall-j him to call upon the life of Jesus, I many. But Jesus. we should bear Minister of .Ghana, inspected the Richmond, Va. The Association out over Formosa will be set up in, But Jesus was founding a church and‘to some extent also the lives 1 in mind, founuec a fellowship and handles the . academic ratings of. two weeks, the National Chinese. on his revelation that he was the ol Peter and others among the de- a faith among his dcciples, not a guard of honor formed by .the son of lhe • living God. Matthew Naval ¿Volunteer Force When the the various Negro secondary and M-omic Energy commission has an-j ciples, for ■ inspiration, for guidance specific church. ThUd ail can look nounced. ' • . i makes this clear in verses 13-19. --rand not to compete for the con­ ,Ld- him — all who believe in the ’ Bocks M Ghana Port Premier boarded the gaily decorat­ collegiate’ institutions. . < He asked: “But who do you say cept of the narrow meaning, of fellowship and faith that ts the ed ship, followed by high ranking I am?” Peter replied.: “You are BY GEORGE F. McCRAY born African Negro . nation ui cabinet officers, the packed throng Jesus’ words in replying to peter. Christian conviction — as the Ghana, was given a tumultuous the Christ the Son of the living founder of ,their church. ACCRA, Ghana — (ANP> ~ The erupted Into wild cheering and Gud.” Jesus spent his last hours oh "Volta RiVer, ’. flagship of the Black ; welcome when the _8,590 toil mer­ spirited cries, of ‘'Freedom." earth’ with these dcciples,. revçal- Men *have .sometimes differed from Star line, ■ created by the newly chant vessel arrived at Takoradi,- -iln an'impresslve ceremony aboard Jesus was not founding his church ipg to them’that¿ftéi would come jthis^conccpt.. Some have expressed a' ~ h**r home- port rm Tuesday. sliii), Nkrumah’ welcomed the 11 ion Peter the man on thi. occasion to them ugain in the fellowship of. ; conviction in their faith of Jesus The ship arrived . on scheduled offierrs and 50 crewmen who had ! when he replied- “Blessed arc you, tile church and said: . where • but a lack of faith in a specific carrying a full cargo uf • cemene, Tornadoes | church, or churches. Henry'. James , First Aid Jelly For brought 'the ship safely to port. | Simon Bar-Jona! For ilesh and two. or three are gathered, in my M)Hot Grease automobiles ’.arid general merchan- Bedlam broke loose when the Bri­ WASHINGTON, D. C. — (ANP) estimated 500 families have been blood has not revealed th s to you, name, there am f . . . .. Io, I am . is said to have said to his brother: | .Thus some 35 years ¡after Mar- tish flag was lowered and the The American Red Cross, said re­ affected by the disaster. . I but my Father who is in Heaven. with you always, to the close of ! "I am willing to confess to the ’-cus Gravey made the first effort Ghanaian flag of red, gold and cently that preliminary reports National headquarters here said • And T tell you, you are Teter, and tin’ age." (Matthew 18: 29: 28: 20 » I reality of God. but asjfor. the in the United States, a ship flying. green wais raised-'to thv casthcad- from the tornado-stricken areas of on this rock.1 will build my church, I and I have, no respect for it.” ■ the flag of tlie Black Star Lne ar- a preliminary survey from its dis­ It, is as wc remember Jesus and At the quayside, Nkrumah said Illinois and Missouri show that/an aster staff in the affected commu­ and the powers, of death shall .not | To which his brother replied: , .rived’ n an Aircan port. the Black Satr Line, capitalized for think of the church today, to Jesus "Whoever confesses to the reality nities ’ lists approximately BIT as the’ Leader of a small group f / Though Garvey was’Sot there in over a million dollars, would char­ homes destroyed and 410 damaged persons. But in the other cities and of God thereby confesses to the and Mr. Evers’ statement both I minding the fellowship and failli ,. | person' to hail the achievement,, one ter five' additional ships ip order to in. the storms which killed at least towns afectcd. families moved in reality of the cliurchjcuuultimate-. were made on Dec.a 18. with friends and neighbors. ol lhe church that we Jook. We also' Quick, apply Moroiine! It soothes, ’ -of his ^greatest • and most ’fruitful give Ghana . regular ' service to 11 persons and injured over 100. ly God is the church.’"'This is the 1 disciples, who had provided the Europe, America and the principal The following day, Dec. 19, the remember the dcciples and Peter simple way of saying, and^believ- 7 • relieves, eases pain fast, protects American Veterans Committee off­ Additional Red Cross disaster The Red Cross said 25 pints of br.l wc think of Jesus and the small ing, ’ Chat Jesus is the foundation skin as it speeds healing. Always leadership for the creation of ¡the West. African ports. The Premier also indicated in subsequent state­ ered a charter to the ¿Il-Negro staff is being moved into the blood were rushed .from the St. group as the beginning of the' .and. the moving spirit of the church, • keep a jar of Moroiine handy in shipping line, was there to lead Louis, Mo., Blood Center to Mt. the cheering. : ments that a maritime school Jackson, post with the restriction towns to bolster the relief work of church, the Christian church. We and -for all. the kitchen and bathroom. would be created to train Negro that the post make membership local chapters and Red Cross dis- Vernon, Ill. A Red Cross Blood- do not look back and think of NKRUMAH INSPECTS GUARD available to white veterans. The aster workers that arrived during mobile was visiting the city when Regular.Jar 154 ; As thousands watched and cheer­ personnel, so that. Ghanaian.ships Peter as the rounder, of a church (These comments are based in the future can be fully ’manned offer was extended by William R. the -nighty - •' . Hie tornado struck and the nurses to be Jesus s church, and the one. on outlines of the Internationa! Get 2>h times (A*PEJROl£OM JEULr*^ ed, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Prime One Red. Cross shelter operated I stayed on during the night to help as much in by Ghanaians, from mess boy to Minz, Jr., AVC national chairman,. C— — -1 ------find only version that .Christians Sunday School Lessons, coppy- in Washington. ~ inirl ’Murphysboro, Ill,, cared for 85 i care for tlie injured, 7 • LARGE captain. uro to have. righted by the International ; JAR254 One of the great issues of'the Council of Religious Education, ages has been the question oi al­ anil used by permission.) legiance to Jesus and allegiance to the church, if one can become RINGWORM-DANDRUFF convinced that he must give al­ legiance to the church in the form SUFFERERS of allegiance to one specific church, IF YOU HAVE DRY BRITTLE HAIR; DANDRUFF I RÊ5OLVE NUT TO ATEPT j yvüNT as related to. Peter, or to someone TESTER. ECZEMA. RINGWORM,OR OTHER 5KD< ANY PñDfWLí*- YEAR’7 AURRY else, then it can readily be DR SCALP IFJUTATIONS. PERS ULAN WILL AfIV-.,/« FORD TRANSITORY RELIEF OF THE SCALING ■ that -he will conclude he must AND ITCHING, ASK YOUR DOCTOR; DRUGGIST, allegiance to Jest’s Mirnugl) »£A UTI CLAN OR BARBER ABOUT PERS ULAN. .. specific chutch, as Jesus' auent. We can either- believe I nut specific church is actually Jésus' one and only or that it is one > of

Bef» fer,— Fasfer Relief For Misery o> WON'T FLY TO CHINA TH!4? MUSCLE PAIN, SORENESS Amazing Ingredient Now In New Modern-Formula MUSTEROLE Remarkable GM-7 (gly­ col monosalicylate) plus stimulating oil of mus­ Strengths tard speeds quicker, Regular, deeper “baked heat” Extra Strong, MUSTerolE comfort. For the best in pain relief, rub -oh Chüdren’s rt a . Musterolel Save , .V'WSIC Rjb 2M r Mter-urot on large tubes. h. • ¿Saturday/^ January 4« . 19581

By PAT ROBINSON NEW YORK,. — (INS) — You and Jack.Hurley. ’ undoubtedly think of weight-lifters These" four had.Lfar more traits CHICAGO (ANP)—Orestes r- as muscle-bound fellows with bul­ in common than any one of them would be willing ;to admit. They . £';) . Miñosa r"-:' ging biceps. jhririmas gift last .week. - These are the fellows who some were fast men with a-buck, they times are pictured posing with the were a never ending source of good Frank Lan?, new general.manag- right hand grasping the left wrist, copv;. they were a’ lot of fun at. muscles tensed and swollen chest all. times and they all had brains- thrust out and. stomach Llrawn In and more angles than a bony spin- .with ridges looking like an old-fash­ ister. ■ • Americcms__throughout the length and breadth of the land ioned washboard. , Dan wound up in the chips, aS began the New. Year on a hopeful note. Oui bowl gqmes, a You probably would never think the boys in the ra.cket Have-it, but phenomena. to -the rest of the world/ were played in the usuc? of them , as having any speed and even when, broke, and he often ^Igh; .sportsmanship, excitement and finesse that made them you would be right. But would you was, he always rode in Iris, own classics'of high repute. While millions were bowed in reverence. Imagine .that leading track-and-field limousine with chauffeur and al­ coaclies-are now using weightHfters and reflection prayerfully requesting peace, freedom and securi­ ways carried a gold-headed cane. as part of thelr training to develop Once when urged to give same ty ’during the next year and throughout the many years to speed? slicker a break, Dan .remarked. come, others were studying tools that may imperil our standing It is one of the reasons why “Why? Tlie chump wouldn’t know before The Free World? ~; • George Eastment turns out such what to do with it.”.- . _Fatterns of Yrteehidf and hater that», was Fisk in 1930 and Tiiske- powerhouse track and field teams at Manhattan College, which is to are'not easy to explain. Georgia sj-* gee Institute in 1931 and 1935; And it ’ was Jimmy who . once Ions who hayp made a mockery out Prairie View’s last defeat was in the short pAntc. brigade what Notre Dime is to football. told us- that “a successlul fight nof~freedcm and. tolerance are drag——1953 when Texas Southern. .edged manager must have a little lar­ girig out a new controversial, bill the Pahthers 13-12. Wilberforce U- “The chief benefit of weightlift-; fanning all interracial sports and was the last Midwestern Athletic- —Sparks iiig, "says George, “ is that it de­ ceny in his. soul.” . . velops strength where a runner And Kearns, who cheerfully -social contacts for consideration. Association team“to""ief eattyhe-Tanr ______i Brown (left) and Balon wh-?n-the -legislators convene Jan­ thers winning' 6-0 in 19'49; needs it most~.:;-_in the chest.and: went through more than $3.030.000—----- uary. 13/ "r ' . ,----- —--- ' •—o— Wood on their arrival in Burbank. Calif. quadriceps, which is the great ex-; he earned with Jack Dempsey, has Repr,W. Colbert Hawkins of Scre­ Prairie View and .Texas . South­ With Progon State at the tensor muscle of the front of the-!■■ often said "What’s money for ex- ven ' Coun ty, administrate on floor ern have’ altefhat.ely dueled each thigh.”' ' ■ . I cept to spend?” leader-in the House of Represen­ other since 1948. W. J. Nicks, Sr.,' George warns against overdoing ;' And it was Hurley who once tatitativesves has vowed fóto biipg the bill of the Panthers "arid. Alex1 Duriey-pl ^tita_weighbUfting^^that^ouid said "You don’t need, a champ to tothe“floor. ■ oT.TSU have given fans some thrill­ result only in over-'d&Velopment and make money, just a guy who can L—Hawkins . views that the legis- ing moments. ’ > By FRED DE LUCA — . •mnsales binding._ Heu_has_ hfe .as- Tight!—and . proved _it_vdth__BUly, :=—elation-will.- be. restricted "mainly to­ NEW YORK—(INS)—Guy Rod/ sistant’’.coach, Irvin. Kin.tisch,- care- Peh-otle. i wards outlawing, “jnterfacialnteriacial ath-. AROUND SPORTS: Willie Mays, gers. Temple 's all-american candi- [ —These fbuF"nevqr worried -about---- - jgtics/ arid ,(m3xeci social”- ^dancing, the Fairfield. Ala.,, star centerfiel.dr dite, bêdaæled Oaliitbíniá ______’s-' Golden i __ “Weightlifting, _ . . being-broke because they always,.= Readers should be reminded that er now/ living on the West Coa'stf^BE-ars--withi Irish coin^wizai'dry-Moi has been gradually creeping- into were able to. come up "with fresh. - . Séiú LeOn Butlerr~Jr^~of~Luinpkin^wyi^oiisoitíbfrith^zmeas-: i£ranctsco -Chronicle^—-Sindé—tlle^ ' L.Lwns-to~'.in-eiisy-69-KF69-v'ictory ib es in tlie last W years. i.' ever they needed same. . ■ — — ufe last year advocated an even Giants shifted their ..operations to -the final, of the .holiday-festival. | ; “^ev don’t try to''set-any records -Dan always denleci that I).“ ever- stiffer anij more punitive-measure.—the-Bay City, sports_edl£órs_ithere_ amount lifted, and we find —Barking offensive signals like a | By JOEL W. SMITH 1 Booker'T. WashingtomHigh-ScHool •i sold "the Brooklyn Bridge although He will broaden it to apply to all aren’t missing a bet. They’re going „football quartarbaok; Rodgers setj : it 'faF^niore-''beneficial to , lifb^a he did’admit'selling; a^maU piece a forms of interracial social mixing— in for grass roots copy with an eye Rival Quints Eager . Gymnasium and in visitation play Í light-- .weightmany times than a up. plays arid frequently cashed' With the Christmas and New have triumphed over Morris Brown of the"S:aten’ Island' ■‘ferry one and also aimed specifically at mak- to boosting circulation. Mays is ex? :!hcm in a$ Temp?? surged to a 20- Year's Day holidays over, the ‘ heavy wiegbt a few times.” night in a bistro. - Lig an interracial farm near Ameri- peetdj_’ many livewire an- Alabama A and M and Lane. I The program must be beneficial i pointvhalftime lead. The OWls. then- Morehouse Collège- and Fisk To Maintain Perfect Dr. Frank L. Forbes, thé More­ All four of them were, mtister cus- Illegal. .. l.’gies in his chitchat piece , „ coasted' to take the sixth annual , or George, who teaches business i salesmen and all four could tall: ..AR of this lies ahead of us in _ University hoopsters are busy house mentor, .is expected to . go law as. well as coaching track, ECAD College Basketball .Tourna­ Conference Récords with Ozie Bynum, of Brooklyn, N. the shirt right off your back. Con- ■. ’58..I wonder if these people real-, A. 9. Gaither, Florida A & M ment at".Madison. Square Garden. sharpening their scoring weap- : wouldn’t follow it, and, looking back; sider how often Kearns foisted ly want a happier world...... ; mid Howard c. Gentry’, Tennessee Y.; William “Bill”. Penman, Buffa­ over the .’lozen years George has; Th« slick senior's performance re­ ons for the big "Christening lo, N. Y.; Marvin Thomas, St- Joey Maxim on an Unsuspecting Z‘; —o— ~ estate, were sepia coaches to re­ ceived, ample recognition when he Game" set for Friday night, at to the - Arkansas State Lions, 81- been at Manhattan, it occurs to us public and made them like it. And Quick- name the first visiting ccive votes in the “Coach of the Louis,/Mo.; Leonard Johnson, St. *, that wo never saw one of his ath- was named the tournament's most the new Morehouse Health and 71 in the second annual: Tennessee’ -.Petersburg, . ; F’.a.; and Samuel ' who but Hurley would dream of team to appear in the Prairie View Year” balloting conducted by New valuable player by a unanimous State Holiday Tournament..’ letcjj collapes at the finish of a matching, an amateur like Pete Bowl. Answer, Atlanta University. York World-Tel egram & Sun. Tlie Physical Éducation Building. Phfrtps, 'of Elberton, Ga. race. . • , 1. vote. -FISK COMES TO TOWN_ _ 1 Also slaied_for action ip . the Rademacher with -the world's Since the Prairie View Bowl was accolade was awarded Wayrie Wood- Hostilities commence at 8 p. m. Like many other coaches, Georgd.; heavyweight "champion, Floyd Pat­ launched,in the depression year of ro\v Hayes, outspoken ringmaster Rodgers, showing why he .is A, sellout crowd is expected to WITH 7-AN'Dl- -RECORD I Morehouse.Hnoup are: Elmer Wil- sees no end to the orgy of record —-—I929, the host Pr-Vr-Panthers-have—of -thg—Ohio—State—chcus,jRalph. called the second Bob Cousy, stole The. Fisk .basketbailers come-to ’ son, of Houston, Texas; ’George i breaking we. have had for several terson? passes, dribcled ana passed behind jain^the new Westsxle spoils arena i, Now we hear that Hurley is go­ ion__ 18, lost 9 .and tied. 2. J (ShuS) Jordan of Auburn was the! to see ithe Maroon Tigers and the i town■i ton-ght or early tomorrow i Boökhard, Hempstead, N. Y.; Clar­ years. Other' bowis have come and gone runnerup in the poll . -I nls' back and was just too much Í wi.h a.sparkling 7-and-l. wonkiest ence Baker, Indianapolis Ind.; “The boys” he says,.“are growing ing to match Ronald . La Starza to handle as he scored 16 of his Gold and’-Blue Bulldogs, who ha-1 who was. all washed up years ago, hut Prairie View's spectacle has' -—o— i on the hardwood fior J; record. In visitation piay, the Go.d John Lowe, Chattanooga, Tenn.; bigger and stronger and faster these managed to stay in business._____ , Prai-!Florida A & M’s scoring during I 21 points in tlie first half. 1 and Blue Bulldogs have defeated Willie Gary, Atlanta; and Ike days.; Ssven-ioot high jumps and with his own Pat McMurtry of Ta­ r'i'e View has invited SIAC teams the ’57 campaign- was fairly.».bai? I. California trimmej Temple, 43- . ears, Alabama A and M„ LeMoyne, Tus­ Parker, ol’ Montevallo, Ala. • 16—foot pole .vaults and the four- coma. to appear in the New Year’s Day anced. The top ■'scorer was David to-23 halftime leais-to^a 50-to-41 •vhat. prom; ses to kegee, Prairie. View. Alabama. State The unofficial pre-holiday re- minute mile once were considered McMurtry has an impressive game with regularity.______! Latimer ---- who’ tallied 9 tottehd.Qwns— ' margin after eight'lBlnutes of the be a real shoot- and Morris Brown. ‘ cords of the rival quints are as fol-1 ahnpst impossible of attainment only string of fast knockouts against and .one extra polity for a total of ¡ second , half. But Rodgers took ng war./ Both Tomorrow night Coach Herbert lews; “k a few years ago, but not now. nonentities,.in his record and, if Tuskegee Institute first appeared 55 points. Other - scorers total* charge again and ran the lead^up ■/uints ale un- “Bus” Thompson will be counting MOREHOUSE “For my part, I’m not going to he beats La Starza, you may be in the game in 1931, but had re­ points were Will Johnson (4 Tds, ' to 19 points in the next six minutes. jeaten in confér­ on Cape. Samuel-. Clement, of New TOURNAMENT PLAY say how fast, how high or how sure Brother Hurley will have Mc­ turn bids in 1933, 1935, 1937, 1939, 14 extra points and 1 field goal for ¡ In the first half of the twin b'il! ence play and York City; Leroy Wright. Bobby 69 . . . Florida A and M ’..,. 66 far an athlete may go in future; I Murtry in with Patterson in a tit-12 and 1946. I 41 total points), Alvjn Chavis (6 Tds, viewed by a crowd of 11,000, Day­ ”2 eager to main Gilliam, bo one-minute between quarters piers, will take on‘ ---Ray ------Gunke! and- • they are because of the minors.” .l.tling to it. It is a completely er- JOE LOUIS — who will never be md two minutes at halftime. newcomer Jackie Nichols from CBS already is planning to’trump Í meous report," IBC matchmakei able to settle his income lax, and Midget games will start rt 10 Maine. " / NBC’s Saturday major league tele- ! en told this reporter. It each time he awakens in the ■ A. M„ Saturday morning. r Games A special added feature -will see cast’ with, its own Sunday Game- ' G-est At Cathol ; purely speculation, and I would- niSmlng. knows that he owes thous­ -vlll consist of five minutes quarters Marco Polo battling The Sheik ol of-the-weék, a development which, ! .’t worry about It. a Mt.’’ ands mid tiinisands more. vith one minute between quarters Araby. This will be. a one fall, Dizzie said, will prove highly pro- ’ However, Bentley promised co ln- ALTHEA GIBSON — who won • nd two minutes at halftime. twenty minute time limit event. ’ filable to.the big league - - but ; hiterracia. Farum .o.m the Associated Negro Press all the r.ia or .wor :n's tennis titles, Each leader U responsible for the another solar plexus punch to the i •:vn.p£ly of any such deve-opments , of the wt id. a ' at never, accom­ .cam’s arrival and return. Each - v minors. ’ ' . NEW YORK — (ANP) — "Al- Ho ’ reiterated, though, that he ' plished liy a- Ni- .0 woman athlete sader Ls also responsible for team Unbeaten K. U. Leads feT He rputs“the, blame 'not on the jI though thefe have been some re- doubted any such move is in the i before conduct. No game will last longer television 'V-nettfork,but on the ;■ cent, setbacks, the overall interra- making. Bn; C'USF.J'-'L— ' is th -iar. a half hour unless the score Basketball Quints ' cial situation is improving and op-. ' n profes iO’ ii! baske - j ■_ t -d At'the end of playing time. ; ’major ’eájHíetehib owners, however, ¡ .iE. ExtiFxt.- y -Point.Point’ sponsor,snnrfRnr‘1 nfol'' ’ NEW YORK—(INS) — Here are for failing to .grasp the fact that;! porcuniues for Neg*ues ai-e Cvii- i-ASE DISCUSSION DENIED elaiv'-fna ..n.up of r’- .rJ “lanuy. increas-rig,' worid heavy- i and tlie greatest Tin -ever ,.s- • / Gj.0“{ a Invitational Basketballcountry's top 20 college;,basket­ if they wreck the minor leagues“ Ku-.a Lumpur, Malaya. 'Gen. .urnanpnt, approved the plan for 'ball teams,“with won-lpst records, tthey will be putting the torch to ;: weigh»; boxing cliampion Fioyd Pat­ . w.enee S. Kuter, United. State# ■. scmbled, the Bo ">■ Celtic- as compiled in a nationwide sur­ terson told the Cathoric Interra­ WTLT ITHE f T> CH ’ MBET .le Lit."' Lee jc basketball Cop­ the breeding ground of ballplayers. ...r Fsrce P-asitic chief, had de- er ..c- it- itr"^Fe uber meeting. vey by International News Servlce, “Now you know yourself”, Dizzy cial .Forum here lask week. ,i?d reports he/had cams to dis- LAIN— who used Ills head and 1. Kansas;...... ,., Patterson, who teusuc cess lull“ cided tn comple-tc his college eJu , .an—s soh-uliled for the .opening ... 9-0 went on. “that. most people would uss military bases with the Mal- 'arid J’.auary 1' .ire as follows: 2. Kansas State ...... w. . 9-0 rather sit in the living room and defendedjris title in several cham- jjiia Government. He said his one- cation before stepping into, the pro- ■ 3. West Virginia...... -pionship—fights, said—he—believeo- feasiona! ranks. 9:00 i. M. Ca.cer Cubs vs. Hope ... 8-0 watch a bal!“ajne than go to one l.’a.r .is. ______~ ■ .4. ^Cincinnati; ... 7-0 I would myself,_____ wyou______start puttin___ ’ j■ also that prominent athletes anc. j makes calls. - nib BkUUKLYN DODOJ-IS i ' 0 io A. IT Hope Lions vs. Forest s: North. Carolina. who floundered miserably withof ..... 8-L a- lot qf major league games on TV ! other popular figures could help .. 5. Maryland ...... • 6-0 and nn\ one mil go to sec the local iinterracial------*■------harmony byu" giving it“ the man who., made them tick ii .. 7. Michigan 'State . 7-0 .»»Hv" i their public support. The example , .vho is Catholic and the Rev. Ar- ' previous vears—Jackie Robinson. j ROY . CAMP '.NEL' ’-. - - who's San Francisco t.l'ib':'. McLees, his parish jètu. days ar »orig .,. t, .who o. 9-L "The trouble is that the inalors ; of Jackie Robinson—he-said,—has- _h-bald_V¿ PRENTICE GAUTT— the first Mississippi State .... 9-Ô don't care what happen to their I helped to break down barriers in jriest and chaplain of the Brook- Negro to play on the proud Okla­ iad.n: /. v m- , 1trit, and . : w,.Bradley yn Catholic Interracial Council. .V ...... ’.. 4-1 farm chibs. What do the yanks care ' many fields. homa Snoners’ football team, and • ,lory in j . gón jy. ’ , j 1 SecondSeeoud ten: n-wregon11-Oregon- Statestate. 8-1-8-r if Birmingham or Denver loses I At...... the well attended—...... forum which-— He explained that he has always did it. well. '.'. ! LARRY L.C3Y- ,ho,1 ‘ _,.okcd i j be IS-Wichita, 7-1; 13- Kentucky, 6-3: money? They ll just send 'cm-somc -iiicluded . Lawrence Pierce, presl- j.en ‘ somewhat familiar with the WILLIE MAYS — . who is un­ j.-tter as a p.iz. Hrfh .tar^r V'ti ri11 14-Temple,I4-Temple, ’ 6-2; ’ 15-Utah,15-U^,"81716-'ilN 81; 16-11- niore 'and ntt their taxes ; dent' of the Brooklyn Catholic In- rhui'ch since his brothers and sis- doubtedly the greatest baseball . baseball player wh-.b he tiugge:. Unois, 6-1; 17 -..St. John’s, N. Ÿ. "But where does ..that leave tli- i tcrracial Council and Lloyd Davis ers attended Our Lady of Victory ".'»yer tn the came today; but can’t tankee Pitcher Ai\ rJ’tn ur. 6-0; 18-Oklahoma State, G-l- 19-’ iiidepondeirtly-bwiied club tliat play executive secretary of the Catho­ larochial school In Brooklyn. win many awards because of the. ’ AND TO THÈ ENT.. ‘ . 5WO.'.—...... North Carolina State 8-2- 2Q-Tex- hi the saute leagues with the farm lic ‘Interracial Council of Chicago In answer to a question; Patter- 'nusy team with which he has tc -tF ■ SPORTS—A heart-ieil;, ¿1ÍU&-, as Christian, 91. teams? They haven’t got a chance! the "champ” answered,. questioni /in commented that he had nevei ’FiGHT FOR plav. ■ ■ luring the Holiday season ~ 'll. ’ and if thar'-fold up; the minor about himself and. his conversion felt.the effects of bias in the box- whose hit DON NEWCOMBE —' who had vòndérful presents of thrills, tx- SKY OBJECT REPORTED Leagues fold up." ■ to thè. Catholic faith. ng profession. He hopes that even- history, always tn take a price cut in his ■ 195P., iitenient, valor, courage and glory Le .Havre, France. About 100 • * • Discussing his conversion, Pàt- .ually all professions Will be . at. salary Only a year . after ', being t lias put in tlie’ stockings'for all shipyards • workers reported sight­ with composer Oscar • lie world to enjoy. , Ol’ Diz/ whose discomfort in big I telson disclosed that he was in- willingvllling to judge a man on -Aiis- jii? . Sight" bonefit at Madison named the league’s most Valuable ing a sky-flying object that gave titles is so Ki'eai that tie beads Hrpdocen to the cluireli by nlj oife (talents rather than l*is color | Player wlUi 27 victories; ■ Cube. "~i ••. • • •>ff a roi and green glow, recently • ’ -i ":i ’ ■i ■ 4# k">- Dandridge Sighed For MEMPHIS WORLD O Satur Jcy, January yi, 1958 * 7 //IPorgy And Bess" Fashion Hint HOLLYWOOD — (ANP)—Sam­ Skirts 'have gone up one Inch— < ‘ uel Goldwyn has Just signed Dor­ or so the Paris designers say. He Hit! 6*' ethy Dandridge for the role 'of Thej-alSo add tliaf. tills depends on ÈT Bess in "Porgy and Bess," it was the" height and ihc figure. Could it announced here this week, A pre­ be that Paris has at last caught on { 1B /■ vlously undisclosed factor in the to the fact that. American «timen negotiations is that the signing (and. these are admittedly their was delayed pending decision of best customers) will not go along DU. BfiPIHA BRUNSON OYSTER BISQUE . . Roll the crackers into crumbs. 2Cth Century-Fox. to whom Miss tay. with a fashion idea unless it does 1 pint of oysters and liquor ' 1 Add to the hoi milk, when well Dandridge was committed for a Sk" I something for them? There is much scientific ovl- liage. A similar condition is' ctiar-t-ib' 1 quart milk " ri" - .. ' " j blended stir in the egg, well beat­ picture at the time "Porgy and This Is such a change of tone dence—yiat. vitnmin C is Involved nctcristic of Vitamin O deficient' 2 tablespoons butter or mafgfu-ine 1 en. Remove ail shells -from oysters’ Bess” is to- be filmed, and nn'y from the usjial French fashion re­ in heart eilses. A disturbance in cy. ' 2 tablespoons flour i and cut into small pieces. Stir light­ how completed following 20th’s lease' that we felt compelled to the substance of . the artery wall I It was reported in the ‘Can- - 1-2 teaspoon salt. ly into. crumb mixture. Season to decision to postpone its commit­ I comment on it. is. common In one type of heart all- ...... adlan Medical Journal ” that, ...... 4.81:-4^- , Pepper- to taste .taste: Place the. mixture in-a well ment because of the importance of The way American women took merit. The wall becomes weak-and per cent of coronary patients' in' a', 1-2 cup cream ] greased casserole and bake about tile role in the Goidwyn produc­ to the decrees handed down ■ by­ mny—rupture, remiting In-hcmrarr’---> stud- —’.ed<------had a subnormal’- -;-jf ’ 1 egg yolk 3-4 hour in an oven 40 degrees. tion. Paris designers after. World War level-of Vltem'.n C. ..’.'hte Chopped paisley Serve garnished with parsley and Miss Dandridge thus becomes (¿A II certainly led them to believe, Noted Stars In ¡ Another interesting thing that 'Drain oysters, reserve liquor, slices of stuffed olives. the choice to team with Sidney •S' and with good reason, that we were //|z- z- r *1 | leads doctors to believe that Vita­ onely chop oysters. Combine milk Potler in the title roles of th« in­ a bunch of 'sheep. However, the "Kings Go Forth" min C is Important in the treat- aid oyster liquor, beat in double 1 CRAB TIMBALES ternationally celebrated George time has changed...... o.„. ■ HOLLYWOOD —- (ANP) ■ The ment of the heart Is the fact that i:“,\ miler. Melt butter in .saucepan, i WITH OYSTER- SAUCE - Gershwin-DuBose Heyward class­ It' has been a slow process blit r’ovie "Kb’RS Go Forth," starring -“stress depletes .the body of vita- . .-Jri ilend ■ in - flour and seasonings.' 1 cup flaked crab meat ic ' which will be brought to the perhaps the "straw' was the little F!ank -Sinatra. Nutiilie Wood niid mill C., Exposure to the .. stress 3’radually add milk ..and oyster 1 tablespoon butter or margar­ screen by Goldwyn for the first success the Iatest--French -_rie«ieiv-'T0H-v Ciirt,Ls,j2rgnilses one of of su.gerv could', be resppnsible for iquor,. cook 3. minutes. Add cliop- I ine time. has met- wiilr in this country. The the mojl-talked-abinri pictures or.. blood clots in some cnses. ■ the year. ' . . ■ . vt led. oysters and cook 2 minutes, I- 1 tablespoon flour The role of Be«s marks a maior one in question is. cured-the "sack jdmblne' egg yolk and cream; dress". and with good reason. j In the film, a wartime story set. ■ Anything poisonous to the hu- < -ix> j 1-2 teaspoon salt step upward. in the career of the hl France, two wlilt.e soldiers iSit. ic-at well. Pour bisque over egg t i teaspoon grated onion Cleveland born beauty who beean I A'mcricrinAmanean buyers’ _ .bought very man body Increases the produc- ,■ 1— few-“of—these naira and Curtis) fell in love with lion of 11 substance manufactured md cream mixture. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon finely hiinced parsley her career in films as a child e~“sl£k"r um.iibers> Tilt’ the daughter of an interracial cou- hopped„ parsley. Serve immedi-.. 2 eggs___ :___ . star.. After appearing In numerous ^“"“^^bou^t-w^iiore-Tor uvxulv u Ulnv b.v tile adrenal glands which uses '. ,. pie before they discover .that her tip vltiunln C. Certain . 'chemicaJs’l. ¿J itely;' .' , ' < j’1 1-3 cup mlk ■■—' . 5— films in her teens, she was fea­ showing than, lor sellmg.. And, as father wjls a NcRro. I Melt butter in a sauce pah and tured—in : "Meet the People" ■ 011 it worked out. even lower of these i Their reactions to the^-dlseovwy and. narcotic have tills action. OLD STYLE •i cook the crabmeat in it for 5 min­ Broadway aridriias ■ starred-in=such dresses were sold to American worn- constitute-«" signuiniiii revelation ■ ..;If ydir are Jnt.efcsted. in . getting SCALLOPED OYSTERS utes. Add flour, salt, grated onion notable films as “Carmen Jones” of how race prejudice can affect en.pugh vitamin : C in your diet.. and “Island In the Sun,” in addi­ 1 cup milk j. and parsley. Add the well bent- white people. cut down on the. umoiuit of ‘pies. " ,'- 1-2 cup butter I c.n egg yolkes and milk. Fold in tion, to • her numerous night club We notice n very definite pastry, fried foods, desserts, and . 10 soda crackers well beaten egg whites. Place ths and TV appearances. Ase a top I trend in ofl'-th'e -face hats. All the other tilings rich in the wrong kind 1-egg “ ' . '■mixture, in -weh greased molds, strata entertainer slie has appear­ | spring collections of note contain Roach Wins Poll Note ed in major European capitals as new YOi-tK— iANP-1-— Further bl' fats. These foods contain very’ 1 pint oysters in a pan of hot water and bake 1 niore of tills type lint Ilian—an.v- -little mid most often, no .vita- Mel! as the most select showcases ot her. — ; rrceognit-ibn- -wafr—given-¿n—' fn-iiwck Salt and pepper ——i—i—- -about—20-mfnutes-in-an oven 350 ‘ OPERATION HELPING HAND—Lt. Cloves Easter presents clothing ______min C. Increase the fresh" fruits,. ',‘-1 Scald the'milk,.remove from heat degrees. Uiunold and serve on a in New York, Los. Angeles and key I drunYiricr Max Roach when’ it was entertainment centers throughout and househoH goods to members of lhe Willie Brown family, kj ji I d’ salads .and raw vegetables in your’ .nd add the butter. platter with ■oyster sauce.. learned . he was chosen by IIW -■ ------4 ’ the U. S. A. : 4 I." The clothing was gathered by personnel of the 20th TRS at Shaw ■'’eealework riece Playboy- • in their„juinuii 1- inuslc(ans poll as the, winner of --The—Goldwyn version of “Porgy______AFB after the _ Brown home was destroyed by fire. — (Official Rates To Go Up St<_iop drinking coffee and drink nnri Hess1' is scheduled to co into USAF Photo') the drummer’s division. , \ . h cup of hot rose-1..,.,__ ...... production about mld-May, with ".. ;- ""...... i In. Puerto Rico Currently. rated by his associ-. lemon and honey. Rose Hips are It Happened In New York Reuben . Mamoulion directing. 7~N77 ” ;----- ! WASHINGTON. - D. C^ïiglïër= ,. highuisn in Vitaminvi ainin c.C. ; - ■ -ri Richard Nashas-wriUng-the-screem______piece rales—un'der~-i.i'ie -Faht-faftber-"-Bsl n~nd creiiLoiL_aLJi¿w_ri-",- rhythms, j it ir hard—tarife sure Ii0.g_.much —¿»Standards.Act for homeworkers In Roach during the last•I- - tikr«».live- yearsI*« I yvitajnin 's.. ,— . —L-.. . aidttlriiti. i . vr so .T.ita. toCù ngÿbe.'1 ■—I various . - needlework-rindustrfes—in—lias^'eoppsri- TU such awards? 1T.S AiíTIñrsnfe/side,- take, a natural vi- ' BY GLADYS Pr GRAHAM FOR ’ In Chicago, Ill., Feb. .8-9, for . its. I Plierto Rica were' announced by . Jatëti 'Einarey record- album is a m.iniii Ç,supplement:.“ ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS anr.ual meeting at Hotel Sheraton, Rabbit Supreme _ Clarence T. Lundquist, Acting Ad- , hot Item in the jazz lleld 5OOD- ARCHITECTURE President Leona J. Williams and mhiistrator of the U. S, Labor De- I 1 For The New Year The percentage of women in ails' Administration. - -- -- • 100D GOVERNMENT others of the UNCF' are saddened professional. Jobs'll! the,. Govern- For. the rinost part, foreign af- partinent's'riWage and Hour and Harden Sleeted As “Architecture of iilpicmacy”, is by the resignation of Randall Tyus, j With the start: of a new year, Public Contracts Divisions. i Mrs.. Homemaker is anxious to dls- ment has Increased slightly in the Mirs analysts are found in the De­ 1958 Ball Chairman he subject of an exhibit of . Arehr- its gifted field director (Fisk grad) past 20. years.. partments of State and the Army. The act authorizes the Adminis- | cover new and different - taste- trator . to - establish ' minimum i NEW YORK CITY — (ANP)^- ectural League of New York In .who is returning to school for ad-' In 1938, women comprised 3 per Physicists are 'found in Defense Apaln. tills year, Helen Harden heir second floor gallery. The over- vanced study. tempting recipes that will nlease piecework rates for Puerto Rican J her family. Accordingly, H. F. cent of the doctors and 5 cent and Commerce,, geologists in In­ will , serve as Pageant Chairman aas face is presented by the eni- NEGRO GIRL SETS "' of the lawyers in Federal service. terior. iuid economists, in Com­ homeworkers which may be pa'd I Pelnliroy & Son. world's- largest ii- lirai of the . minimum hourly - for the 18lh annual Beaux Arts isssy and. consular buildings. Good PRECEDENT AT UPSALA Tliedr representation now is: 4 per merce and Labor. Hall- given by the National Urban..,.-. irchltecture can be done' by U. S. Bhllilda Ragland is the first Ne­ packer of domestic f resii-f ror.en rabbit meat, suggests a delicious .cent among ductors, and. 7 per But. ’.'.'omen doing professional.'•rate:- NEW. YORK ■— Atlanta - born League Guild on Friday, February . rchftects. Buildings designed for gro girt to wear the crown of Ga- .cent among lawyers, primarily be­ Mr. Lundquist said his action in Metropplitan Opera singer Matliwll- , 8, at Hie Savoy Ballroom...... , Iliana (in Accra) Rabat, Dakar taste treat, “Rabbit Supreme:” work as accountants, statiscians, ¡‘Z'etta Girl at Upsala College since Perfect for family dinners o'r par­ cause adjudicators achieved pro­ and information and .editorial raising price- ratés inflects ' vari- da Dobbs was nmh’lM -h&F* Monday q-enoh West Africa (Consulate ■ tire contest began some seven years fessional status; ' work wêUëmpÎôÿed increases in the hourly minP to Bengt Jandon, a Swedish journ­ For many years Mrs.' Harden ty buffets, “Rabbit Supreme., Is as , ■ mtiin wfio-p roTjas whinn lvnnnmi» of- Sen-era! Resldan-te), Lagos, Nigeria, I ago. One of four finalists the tan easy to prepare as it is delightful No women engineers were em­ agencies. mum waee 'rates which became ef- alist. ’ . ' . has. master-minded the midnlgiit 4J4 _.eopoldville,r______Belgian _ Congo,. Tan- 'Freshman (who is a member cf the ployed by the Government, in 4 fectlve- In late August anti early Vows were said In the Grace Pageant parade, a tradition at ev- to taste. ::er and Rabat Morrccco and the. ‘ College C-hoir) is planning to ma- RABBIT SUPREME ', 1938. The 161 ijow employed were squarescarf,' and art. linen lndus- Congregational Church before the 1 cry Guild Ball. She also makes the J, S.' Embassy Office Building in , jor in psychology. I (4 to G servings) less than 1 per cent 6f* all Govern­ HOMEMAKER HINTS I square scraf, and art linen indus- Rev. Herbert King and the Rev. J. .final decision about each Guild ’ort-au-Prince, Haiti are shown ill. BIAS FLEES AS OLD ' 1 box cut-up Pel-freeze frozen ment engineers. OUTDOOR FLOORS: ■Itry.--■■■. the------children's ------dress and ro­ T. Lundquist, pf Gustavus Adolphus t¡member ’s costume. he first public exhibit cf, projects A dropped bottle of barbecue la ted . products industry, and the Church. . Miss Efobbs, daughter of i ~ ~~~ JT < • YEARS FADES rabbit meat Ft is noteworthy that fiumerous thtch have resulted from’ the ef- I Students aspirants are happy to 2 ,tbs. butter sauce or a misplaced glob of mus- women’s and children’s underwear Pr’ncc Hall Grandmaster John i SUCCG^S SiOFV < • c-rts of the Department of State, I women with the appropriate abili­ tard won’t stain your -owtddor--and women’s bloutas and neckwear Wesley and Mrs. Dobbs, of Atlanta, ; ... ; learn that a Negro stnwairdes, Ruth •2 tbs. brands’ ties land_ necessary training have rhe U.. S. State Department's For- Taylor, has been hired to work on 1’ tsp.'l'flour ’‘floors" if they are surfaced with, industry in Puerto Rico. The new -ign Buildings Operation staff are outstanding records of achievement ruch stainproof materials as quar- piecework schedules, which go into Ga-iss^jansonAu. j Thousands Aided By Mohawk Airlines, Inc. She will be 1 cim white wine in these professions. -yrrently engaged in the most am- the first one in the U. S, A. Gov. 1 cup stewed tomatoes rv tile. While the patio chef may. effect January 24. will remain in Janson is a roving columnist for , _g n;_ litlous foreign office program in Their job experience indicates be creative, he is often constdera- 'force until such time as the hour-. a Stockholm newspaper. He met\ IHarCIl 0T UllTieS . Harriman has personally congra- 4 sprigs parsley that,that_ women with thet proper edu- bly less nent tl?an Ws kitchen llplomatic annuals. This Dspart- 10 pepper corns ly rates are revised. Miss Dobbs last February when he j £,it t lc Wanda Bradlev. now go- i tulated thu Negro nurse who is a cational qualifications will find counterpart. A quarrv tile surface nent is placing weight behind ar- native of Boston but grew up in 2 cloves of garlic ! ------many interesting and r„ivi^fairly htrfh.high- makes it. e?sler fQ1. th0 T^ok-ont arranged to interview her^dur.ln^,illig on flx. has a wonderiul Stic­ tiitecture - wortihy of our country New JYork. “ ' 20 chopped scallions Room Arranged her tour of Sweden. He is the sec- , cesa story to toll her playmates ” md from this writer's vantage point 1 1 level jobs open, to them in the clean-up. ' ■ I Gov. Hari'iman continues to be 2 stalks celery (with leaves) I Federal service. ond husband for Miss Dobbs. The i these days in her home town of imong others covering the impres- [ the spearhead, in eradicating bias 2 bay leaves ¡INSIDE PLANNING For Efficiency late Don Lidz Roderiquez de la ' Alexandria, "Lg. It’s- the kind of Ive event. '. I in all forms in this Empire State. Pinch of thyme I In several other professions, the WheM’.planning your landscape, Aids In Beauty Piedra, a Spanish journalist, was4 success story American every- HORAN WEBTON LECTURER ; He has issued a special order to all status of women has changed con­ give as much consideration to how married to her. in Genoa. Italy, on ; where can be proud of, for it .was t J , . ... ! Sear rabbit meat in butter. Pour it will look from the house or pa­ The most painstaking grooming April 4, 1953. ' 1____ OR INTERNATIONAL SUMMER s.ate departments and agenicles to uiandy over It. Light and burn, siderably between 1938 and 1958 — is only halfway effective when mi­ Anrii 4 insa i made possible by their donations to OURSES ABROAD wee^out any discriminatory prac- Add ..whlte wine and stew. both in terms of the number of tio. as to Ils appearance from the Miss Dabbs.- a coloratura soprano; '■ March,March of Dimes.Dimes, : 4" street. After all. you'll look atrit ladv’s.. facilities are only halfway Dr. Moran Weston is the Ioni; . ticas in the-state government or‘in ed tomatoes. Mi?c wi-ell; Add pars- women and their proportion of to­ | convenient-.' ‘ ‘ .’ received favorable review after """ ecturer from New Yorker (repre- tal employees in these groups. more often from that side than the I i ¡sang Saturday at the' Met in the ' 0,1 81 lfl56' wIlen Wanda .piivab? firms and organizations it jey pepper corns, garlic, scallions, other.____ If__ ___you ___plan - a colorful. ter- | Today’s homes abound In fami- . " ] was only four,.she was struck down entlng U. .S. A.) who along with1 deals. wfth. New' york . State, has ceiej7> bay leaves and thyme. Let' All are growing professions in ; role of Lucia di Lammcrmoor ■ 'by splnobulbar polio. ParAlysfc-af- '. 'ther professionals will conduct the which there has been a long-term race or riatlo of quarry tile, it can ly, recreation, and utility room’s, i the first time. ' -‘85.000 bn its pay roll. Meanwhile simmer, covered,. for. 1. .hour. ■_3 easily screened for privacy but apparently few builders i-e- fccted her limb muscles. Worse, liternational Summer Courses at;. Councilman Earl D. Brown of Har- : ! demand for more employees. At be she couldn’t, breathe. Her .survival " ‘ V Àusustiine’s Central College of Jem has spori'soed the housing anti- the same time that new Job op­ througli. the effective use of tliick metnber the ladies when it comes shrubbery. Don't over-plant at‘ to a reasonably exact facsimile of eye creiun. .iround the eyes arid a ■ depended on iron lung, which he Anglican Communion during , bias. bill wiiicli- is coming up be-, Ambassador's portunities have become available, fine lubricating ,skin cream ovtr many more women have been pre­ first; you may want to change the > a beauty salon In the home. Mas rushed In her aid'by the focal uly .and August in England.- Full I, fore the Board of Estimate-...... to beat | tile entire face and threat before ,chapter__ of the’ March of- Dimes etails on these courses ateH obtain- \ Wife Leaves j paring for professional employ­ arrangement in the, 1’utui-c. I Until this gap is filled, the batli- ' ttoa legislative deadline^ Realty i I room wails, floor and counters al­ applying the masque. Now leave it , organization, ble from 'Rev. Gordon T. Chari- Boards are said to be against the ment in these fields olid thus have A M ODE11N TOUCH on for fiiteelu io thirty minutes i ...... -a ,4» . X on, Jr., 281 Fourth Avenue, New , For Monrovia . qualified for many of tile new The ancibnl and honorable art of most alwavs are surfaced with Later, as her luirg muscles gained , s» I bill and strong opposition has been Mrs. George A. Padmore, wife of. eerenialc- tile, a material that de­ as you lie back', relax and* let the , , , s * s' * ’ brk. Rev. weston heads St. Phil­ indicated. . , jobs. | just sitting on the porch is an old gentle, cooling masque slowly ease s£r®>«">• Equated to a the Liberia»- Ambassador to the American tradition. ■ Many home fies damage from 'mascara, nail away the tired look, the taut ten-,J™.111f^’ P ps Said to be the largest Episcopal j: MAILBAG HEAVY ^=-^pl^ to- - , Al« their — are not lacouer and the many other items hurch of its kind in the country. particularly high, women have sig­ owners are finding they can give s:on lines, and whole day’s worries Uci bi entile; Still this kind of sur-'- .t„r.j • • The mail pouch is heavy with morrow for Monrovia, Liberia on a their existing- porches a-modern that help the busiest homemaker vival wasn't enough — riot In'tills Ie replaced the noted Father Bis- !| items from far and near: ■ -Singer ilificant representation in many of in just a few precious moments. , vival wasnt enough - not in this three or four-week business trip. expanding . touch by resurfacing floors with attractive. _ day. when medicine and research op who resigned for Missionary || Camilla. Williams is in Ahstria. She While in Monrovia Mrs. Padmore these professions with Points to consider in transform­ elds in Hawaii. opportunities. colorful ceramic or quarry tile. FINNISH ANNIVERSARY j have devised new advanced tech- I expects to return hpme soon. From Will stay with her father, Richard Real tile Is weatherproof, stain­ ing the bathroom into a beauty ALVATION ARMY EXTENDS - Most of the woman — like all Helsinki. Finland — The f ¡nlques to help the pollo-dlsabled i sunny Hawaii comes greetings from S.- Wiles, former speaker of Li­ proof, and needs virtually no up­ center include: ' stage n comeback -to near-normal, EASON GREETINGS TO ALL beria’s of Representatives. the employees in these professions 1. Lighting. Good- lighting is in­ military parade since the end Robert Nau-ajp’s, The Arthur Hokes, by a few agen- keep or remodeling. i. happier lives. ‘ ' Through the Salvation. Army.] Petite Mama Paca and Emily Wong — were employed dispensable. It not only will en­ World' War I-I was held here cies. f mark rile fortieth anniversary I Through .physical'therapy In the hristmas Appeal, -thousands of ’ of -the Friendly Tour's of Hawaii SHOPLIFTERS HAD NERVE hance the effectiveness of makeup ew Yorkers' aré sharing their] For example. mathematicians but will speed application- i— an Finland’s independence. ' luwpil il and ¿.I home, Wanda’s leg ., all with whom this writer spent de- in the Defense Tulsa, Ok’a. — Officials of a inn* i?s wen? r,’-educated to fUhcr right Christmas holidays- witlir'"" ;Bgiitful. holidays last year in. -fes- _ _ Colorful Program are concentrated important matter when, you've-got Department and the National Ad­ Tulsa department rtsre have seen .1:011 again. a: . first she needed nderprimlleged -children oldsters;^ HonblrifA Mele .-Kilikimaka a lot of audacious shoplifters but to dress, brief the babysitter and ’ GIRLS KILIsEll nd families -A'ho néed' -help. Near- Merrv Christmas and Hauoli Maka- visory Committee. for Aeronau­ entertain cocktail guests in a lim­ Hamburg, Ark, — A jili’di school braces. Noir she has tossed them.. >t tics. nothing like two young women re­ aside. She walks and runs,, again ' - .2,009 homeless persons 'were '¿1 Htiu (Happy New Year)’ are tile cently arrested. ited time. w football queen and three other To Launch George Most chemists, bacteriologists, toon-age girls were killed when an For Wanda and her family the-:, uests at holiday feasts in Salvatiqn ; ^-ords of the niomimt. Editors C. C. phychologisls, and biologists are in They .took a briefcase from one I rihy Cen-ttas throughout..thè .city tennis, Idsterner Dally and E'di- 2. Preparation.- Arrange your automobile crashed into a trailer future now holds great promise. . the Departments of Defense. floor and tried to get a $4 refund beauty products in an orderly •Wanda js only one thousands of td .some :33,400 wTapped gifts have tary- Henry B. Cole. Lcbefian Age, truck on ,a_rain -¿soaked highway Health, Education and Welfare, on it from a clerk on another floor. lineup. At one end of the .counter, - Dead were Ka.v Carver, 17-year- patients, children and adults, who ... fen presented to patients in wards are busy winding up a heavy year They were charged with deceit. i_01ty and veterans hospitals. C. Carver Week and Agriculture, and the Veter. spot the cleaning cream. At the o'd football queen, of Hamburg ! arc making partial or complete • cf activity. Donald MoKayle, oho:u- other side, place mascara and eye | -comebacks from crippling ppiid. «¡CF ON UPSURGE grapher dancer lias extended an PITTSBURGH, Pa. — (ANP) — JTjh School. Myrtle Bunn and he: A colorful program spotlghting the shadow. This is another time sav­ co'„rin Jimmie Nell Ruff, both 11 1 .loin tile 1353 March of Dimes 'and •,•» invitation to his presentation at er, because fumbling with misplac­ Yeung Men’s and Young Women’s works of the late, eminent scientist and Fay Henderson, 13. help these victims of paralytic polio... :■ ed items is avoided. All were seniors at the high I live more useful an" Hebrew’ Association Dane; Center will be held at Gateway Plaza here 3. Selection. Cosmetics and other 'be art me-na of Manhattan. Jan. 3 to mark the beginning of beauty preparations should be cho­ fUS RESIGNS "Dr. George Washington Carver sen carefully. Use only tried and United Negro College Fund mem- Week" observance throughout the true materials.. buy ' wisely and rs and alumni rejoice over pro- nation. avoid an elaborate clutter of ess made•1 during 1957. Sei to meet The Pittsburgh observance is un­ creams and lotions that you don’1 der tile ausp.ces of the National really need. Replacements are slm pier, too. when your array of aid" *riZ0N LUNGS' w ß^F Pound of plastic Achieves Clubs which annually is held to essentials. Just order the ARE 30 YEARS OLD I sponsors and spearheads the na­ MARCH of PIME.S HAS same Item when it’s depleted ra­ ' led in developing tional drive to honor Dr. Carver. ther than haggle with the druggist Led by Dr. Almo Illery, founder eREATWNG DEVICES IV and -president, the Archleves Clubs FOR POLIO VICTIMS. v _ _ _ annual conducts campaign to en­ A Fresh New •APC« FIRST LUNG INVENTED... list support of governors of the 48 ly*«’ WEIGHED HALF TON- states in supporting "Dr. Washing­ Face Adawning ton Caiwer Week." Some 20 gov­ Janus, the two-headed ancient ernors 'have so far agreed to issua Roman deity, has nothing on the . proclamation for the 1358 obser­ two faces you wear constantly: th- official face you. wear out in pub­ vance, including controversial Gov. lic and the unofficial one you wea Orval Faubus of Arkansas. Rply- at home. It’s the "at home" fac ing to a request by Dr. Iliery, Fau­ we're talking about -today, tha' bus. storm center of the school in­ will Improve the one you wear.-in •TbPAY: A1ANY STILL NEED' ., tegration fight in Little Rock public, tomorrow. One way to Mcv wrote: . " your public more- attractively is MISPLACED RECENTLY with a masque treatment given a' . "Your letter of some months ago Zl’i the height of thoughlfulttett to prorldo healed limp and melted butler or home in the privacy of your room margarine when you reroe waffler. Not only that, It meant good eating, too. .' Alexandra de Markoff has a rest only recently came to my attention colored facial mosque that . you'!’ ADVANCE TO.- Apparently it was misplaced dur­ baiter just before baking. This enjoy using once a weak, all win HALF-ROUND ing our recent <.>chool) contrevers’' Waffles always make break-, C -PEACE PIPE fast an "occasion”. May! t it’s will give you waffles that are ter long. Now that the cold wcath when we were rever ing ton.- of mail IT BLOWS AIR because they look so special. light and crisply tender. Use . er Tfeeps ■ you indoors, your com- tNTO.LUNBS. every day. The little pockets in. waffles are self-rising flour because it con­ i p'.exion doesn’t have the same i ’(ill be happy to proclaim Jar. such wonderful wells for hold­ tains salt and baking powder in . , fresh sparkle ahd healthy glow 1' fjtli is Geor-.t- Washington Carver ing the melted butter or mar­ the right amounts and will save ' h.’d during the spring and slim­ Day. ,! you will send me a sample garine and the. sirup. timé for you when you’re.getting mer months and should be re !' Pronamation. ’ "Here are a few tips to help breskfHst» - rived with the help of a gentl- 4 G» WHO P.AVE HAD you when you make waffles. Serve Favorite Waffles with . stimulating masque treatmen' j V PARALYTIC KUO... Participating :n the Pittsburgh ■ Separate the eggs, and add the pork sausages, ham or bacon. program, in addition Jo Dr. Iliery. during the long cold month i yolks to the batter with the Sometimes, serve fruit sauce I ahead. ------—L_ FROM MODERN HELP :«nf the lion. David T. Lawrence milk. Beat the egg whites sepa- over the waffles, instead of sirup.- I DEVEtOPED^BY inayoi of PitVsbimu win. will ex­ rately, and fold them into the YoulLJike it...... With . the festive. holiday season ri . j ReSEARCHEES tend lih' city’s ai-mtlnv.-: . Mrs you’ll find many occasions-tmisr-‘ Robert~L. Vtam. publisher -of the Zl FAVORITE WAFFLES the rose tinted'facial masque. But DANCE SENSATION—-Four fanner members,-°f Katherine Pittsburgh Go-urns',. wiio will read 2 egg«, ««paroled lyi cap» milk „TS’WJ you needn’t wait for a “big event" Dunham's famous dance'troupe grouped together in Paris in the proclamation oi'ii'eially opening 1/3 cap melted buUcr . „ . ■$' 2 cups «¡fled enriched like a party to try it. After .1 h)53 to“farm iheir own company. Today, the group, which spe­ the -Carver observance, in Pennsyl- or margarine eeli-riainc flour - r weary day of work, or whenever your , skin looks dull and pallid" cializes in dances on Negro folklore, is one of the most popular in i vania ; . Mrs, Arnett a. G Wallace, Beat egg yolks. Add butter or in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake j national .president of Alpha Kappa. .margarine and milk. Stir into on hot . waffle baker. . give yourself quick, refreshing ’-The original members’ (above) are Marie DeSilva. pick-up and sparkle with a ; Alpha sorority, the principal ad- - ¿our and mix until smooth. Fold ■ SawVa¿. ....-Join.... THE MARCH...... OF DIMES Eugenia. Anderson, Bemey, Byers and Eugene Bobinson. (News­ ; dress, and Mrs. W. C. Eichenlnnir masque. First, tie back your hair Makes 4 sérying y I arid don a delicately lubricating press Photo). ;. ___ _— I of the National Arcllieves Clubs, j < 5>' A

B • MEMPHIS WORLD • Saturday, January 4,. 1958

MYSON-l'MA t/redold man, U AND NAPPY THAT MY TIME 'S l UP— YOU'LL FIND THINGS,IN The_ South’s Oldest and Leading Colored Semi-Weekly Newspaper AN AWFUL STATE OF AFFAIRS­ l*ubllshed by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. PACE -RELIGIOUS -AND COLOR VEDNESDAY and SATURDAY- at 54fi BEALE — Ph. JA. 6-403C HATRED ON THE RAMPAGE !! 2^Member-of-SGGTT-^rF^VSPAPER-S¥-NDIGATE--- - W. A. /Scott; 11, Founder; C. ATScott,-General Manager Entered In the Post Office at Memphis, Tenn., as second-class mail under the Act of Congress, March 1. 1878

TH AD DLLS. T. STOKES ...... S. _ —-i.-. Managing Editor MRS. ROSA BROWN BRACY . Publie .Relations and Advertising ’ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3 — Year $5.00 — G Months $3.00 — 3 Months $1.50 (In Advance) The MEMPHIS WORLD Is an independent newspaper i— non-seclarian and non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly and supporting those things I. It believes to be oL interest to its reader* and opposing those things •gainst-the-interest-of - itsnreadenj A Glad In truo old springy balm the year 1958 makes her-«debut. In this region, the strong pines and fir. trees_.kept: the vigil all dur- ing the winter days, when the oak, the cypress and" the maple A GROUP CHAT TOGETHER AT SAWYER HAYES right are Mrs. Stanley Ish, Dr ,Ish, a niece and gave away-to-the-k+sses-oFgold—upon—the+r—brows. ------PARTY—Seven in the family are members oFthe nep hew; Mrs.; *J ohn~WhHtakér/ a friend and We come into the blisses of a new era and new year; Ish family and the conversation centers around Mrs. Maceo Walker. Standing are Chaplain L. the old year was truly one of eventualities to never to be for- | Mr. "Jeff" Ish, prominent Chicago insurance A. Thigpin, Atty. Lotting, Mrs. Thigpin, Mr. gotten, but it has been many a decade since the advent of a executive, seated third from the left. On Mr. Jesse Springer, Miss Montez Bacon thé Thigpin's year promised so many important events. Because of the turn-^ Ish's left ar£ his daughter, Mrs. A. A. Lotting house guest, from Tuskegee and^MryWhittaker; - of an age, fraught with new inventions and new ideas and a and a nephew Mr. Maceo Walker; On his renewed approach in both warfare and peace, one can en- Vision that in the soIution of much that will naturally come be- fore the nation and the world, there will be interesting history made-during. the year, ------It-i + 1 if—bo +E our economy is looking up. Reported sales and the industrial ex­ Cabcage will evoke appreciative CREAMY CABRAG Mississippi Legion- pansion noted on every hand would-rnditorte that-there- will be There.Will Be No Time To Relax InThe Fight For Civil Rights Mimr.mmms" from family and cup milk dumped into the lap of the new year many excellent signs that I even appeared lhat Powell had •friends' if you serve it in a variety tab’.v‘:poon- ir :tant minced onion bid for the expectation of a year of progress. or. 1-4 cup finely-chopped raw ' any oliieial connection with any of ways. Of course, raw cabbage While our farming interests are on the lag, those dwellers ! activities at the celebration, he onion served in coin- i 2 -‘tabibspoons JACKSON. Misi.--(ANP) — AU who once inhabited the farms have- had a successful year where Ii (Rayburn) would play hell.with the butter CAPITAL SPOTLIGHT leg islntivcr-^.pro- bination wit'hi 4 erps tAinly sliced cabbage Mississippi American Legion posU they removed themselves to the industrial sections of the state Ad mi nst rat ion’s otlier raw vege­ have been warned they may be ex­ By LOUIS LAUTIER - NNPA and Atlanta World Reporter • uram. 1-2 left‘soon salt and country. • ■I tables and a 1-8 teaspoon pc per pelled if they dabble officially in ra­ Incidentially. newspaper articles- good sour cream! cial matters, it was disclosed here Convulsions on the farm front, muchly—involving'the- di- ' published lately, implying that pro- Ccmbine Ingredients dn a sauce­ vision of assets from the soil . banks- where the tenant fared dressing is tas- ( pan. Heat to boiling and cook, slir- last week secution of Powell for alleged in­ ly and .nutritious 1 to department adju- worse than the owner of the land retired, and race friction due ( i.n,' occasionally. 3 u> 5 minutes Ai.•carding Ring Out The Old-Ring In The New come tax violations had been stopp­ : But there comes! tarn F mk Chambers, the "all' to intolerance and misunderstanding, all had a part in cutting ed because of. Powell's support of •a- unLl t abbas?-is bear.y lender. AT THE BEGINNING of 1957 this column predicted a bit­ a time when you' M.tkc.s 4 servings. means both those for And thosi down rural population. ■ ; President Elsenhower, are old stuff want the cabba-zc again. r.V'lnl integiation or segre- ter" fight’over the presidency of the National Baptist Canven-, The Internal Revenue Service and On the shift of population the old year has seen a disturb- ‘ cooked. Wlien; COOL CAR AND HOT ENGINE gait?»:in, Chambers said that ihe re- tian, U. S. A.. Inc. the Justice Department tiled as that Mine comes.! i itrh-tion apples to formal affilia­ ing rate of population loss among our people. Since 1940 we ! The fight reached fever heat al the annual meeting in Louis­ hard ns l.hev <Utrtbaled by Kia* reatana sentatlve Augustine B. Kelley. Penn- S campaign io' President Eisenhower ■ seniority rights, he (Ha.vsi said • will enjoy the rich fruitage» of a happy x:nd prosperous New srivania Democrat. Rowell is 'Llu •: 'I'o get back al. 1\jwell, Rayburn | Tf T have anything Io do with il SYNOPMM coming an utter jungle. It'« far his studio. The paint still would not assign him vacant offices i ;iil. in ui trvsa uiu’inagcil ! Year. i . '. second ranking' Democratic niem- ' ; he- will not. retain them." nt w .. driving from Lon- [ too much garden for Ewan to wet. Doesn't that mean he loved ber of that committee. Under the in ihe Mew Hpuse Office Building, , The Rev.. Mr Hannon also -satd bM.k. Scollami, to visit fatal day. she was sent away Deborah- looked thoughtful. and glad to be home. He was de­ Southerner: Howard, Republican National Com­ "Joyce," she said suddenly. “Sup- standing among peoples, races and nationalities. We salute whib* M rv Garvin ent retained a. male manding to be told what was „tor "Be sure to look up Dr. George Mitchell when you get mitteeman for Mississippi, Us the ality. - With this great institution "You wouldn’t put anything covering the mouthpiece with her members of tre White Citizens I chramiunj of a sports car by the past a • man like that,” Deborah hand. “—She ’• s a man short (Or 1 which observes its fourteenth amniversary at the end of the year, » Council. _ ... r far wall. _ • pressed'. “I have’ a hunch he’s dinner tomorrow, evening. She is* a kind of inherent friendliness, the kind which has not only In fact. Federal patronage in The man -on the ladder turned involved in some way. Perhaps wants tö invite inspector David attracted thousands of Americans, but educators, journalists, THE YEAR'S RECESSIONAL , Mississippi has been handled .by his head to inspect her .inquisi­ he found the weapon and hid it Gray." leaders of government and'tap people from all the continents.; i E. O. Spencer, a Jackson (Miss.) ■ tively as she walked back down again?.' • bet that was (lector’s the drive. He was unwashed, un- The worJT^of thè Southern Regional Council is best explained The old scarred ships are ready hotel owner, wro says he doesn’t Joyce snorted. “Forfeiting the idea," said fSwan, frowning. "He a ! . belong to the White Citizens- Coun- i rombed, unshaven, and the seat reward he'd have got from the has a perverted sense of mimor." H by its young director, Harvard: trained Mr. Fleming. From the ports of everywhere,- "We feel it significant," he says "for Americans, North and ! cil, all he does .is- xe-pt .Uiem^spa^-. ;.. , -pJ , .h.’A. -4 U opned out be • . ppi icq ?;;...... ’AVhat-do you mean?" asked B And the bands are playing steady Ln his hotel for; them to -/. hind as it they hail been riiacie for' “Perhaps he tkougfit he'd get'a Deborah. ’ S South to recognize, that there are Southerners working quietly • The airs on vyhich you'll fare: ^meetings. ; a much larger He. had an bigger reAvajd< from the murder­ “The Sinclairs will be at the a against great odds for progress that Will prove to ourselves | unhealtliily- yellow §fcin,; a mouth­ er." - ‘' ’party,” said. Ewan, “and Rnid S ! Spencer quit as Mississippi patro- i ful of decayed teeth, a shock of “There must be something else and to the world the vitality’ of the American creed." ' .1 Now '57 fare-the-well,t=_ Sinclair is Andrew Garvin’s sis- •Ol' year of jubilee; nage referee when he got sore b- ; iron-gray hair. He might have to talk about." Joyce said fret­ ter. It’s a bit thick, asking her y Since its, inception the Couricil has moved quietly, and wisely j ‘ cause President Eisenhower sent I hedii of ariv age between fifty and fully. • \ . to dine with The .policeman who’s p The twilight sunest tolls the bell Federal, troops into Little Rock to J sixty ’ . r ; j “By* the way, 1 saw a snappy doing his best to convict her D Across the rolling sea; enforce a Federal court order for i Pile 3ighl ol his slack lips, prd- sports* car in the coachhouse. I brother. . Not that Enid rias a h .And as you set sail for nowhere I desegregation of Central High tubcraht eyes and porcine nostrils didn’t know, you owned one.” good word to' say for Andrew." fi This be thy bungling load,— School there. sent a shiver down Deborah’s "We don’t ;TIiat> David Gray’S •“They fell out long ago.” said The bloody thorns your scattered there I At about tlie same time, it spmfi/Her pace faltered, it was M.G.A?’ Joyce. “If you ask me. it was ® ! came known that Leonard Hall, ex.- a moment" of shock. She was "A bit dashing for a police in­ because Bill Sinclair was too much p Upon this rutted road. sure that his .was the brutish, face Registered U. 4». Patent Ofact. ! chairman of tlie Republican Nation- • spector.” ’ . ■ attracted to. Erica. Still, you'd B i al Committee, who wants' to be i that peered in at her through the “He tikes to get out in the. think a sister would stand by herti O - 6 5 8 2 7 4 6 ’ 5 Now '57 fore-thee-well,-— Governor of New York, had signed j window ol. Andrew Garvin’s kit­ country when lie’s off duty. David brother, not disown him in trouble® 7 6 F S 1 b A ' E A - f T I G X L D May love kiss thy hand .an agreement with Mississippi lily- j chen on the previous night of lets Ewan use it any other time." as Enid has done." . . 2 6 5 8 4 blustering wind^ahd rain. Deborah stretchcd-ftod -yawned • 8: ..5. 6 4 7 3 -8 È And may fond peace come home to dwell whites to oust Howard in I960 as Going to the foot of the staf JL O A A U .When she returned to the com­ in luxuriant drowsiness. “I, ought T F. E R V E R L Around this troubled land iI the National Committeeman tor she called: “David!” Inspector 6 r’ 5 3 « 2 7 b 4 forting normality of the living to be writing letters but I'm too A 2 7 8 4 ô • Mississippi. Gray answered by running _down I L A N Carry with thee all our hates. room, Joyce noticed at once tha’- F Y R K E. H B N comfortable to go upstairs/for my to the first floor landing and 4. 6 5 Deborah was shaken. 7 • 4 .6 2 8. . 5 7 Give us heaven's plan: The. strange thing about this is writing paper." putting his head oyer the banister; 5 3 D É , p U N T, N W ' P O Smash forever those iron gates that thé Democrats have made "Darling, what is it? Seen a "No need tor that,’’ said. Joyce. Wlien—he—heard Joyce's message ■ 7. 4 5 ghost?" • ■'You’ll find note paper and pens 6 5 2 7 ■S . 4 5 6 That divide man from man. Dawson a vice chairman pf the he- gave a low whistle anti came S • .N ; U R r» in the top drawer... of the desk Y U E I- D T S M Democratic National . Committee. "There's a dreadful old man out down into the living room. -■ y.! 5 G 4 7 6 5 7 2 ? 4 3 8 1 ‘ seeks and takas his advice on all '^there, on a ladder!” * oyer there.” • I . “PrettyPrettj’ coo!,-;coo!,' he. commented! r S L S Now '57 fare-thee-well, F. ' G U 'F G I A . S 'A matters relating to colored, voters "That’s only Scobie," said The drawer operied an inch or “You’d _bett(jt loll Mrs.’ Mac,Inch! ...... 4 5' ' 4 o •ti 5^8 4 6 * 2 • Thy sunest throws a kiss. while* the Republicans are snubbing Joyce, jadghing at her. "He's a so and then stuck. .faking nujL that Mr. Gray admires her nerve* Across this blighted wintry, cffell Howard on, patronage matters and ..filthy old creature and he drinks the photograph that had. been the j but declines hoy invitation. No] like a fish:—but he’s the only odd- obstruction. Deborah straightened rwait a minute " His nppraifim^ And here's a ray of bliss: making deals to get. him-offc-lhe f ERE is a pleasant little gam6 that will give ycu a message every That we. may begin a new ~ "Rc-publican - National Committee. : —: job man in the neighborhood." the crumpled corners ~ ‘ I glance had fallen on Dc-horah\ who H day. It is a numerical puzzk- designed to spell out your .ortune. Republican women,ih the District “Tie doesn’t look human?’ . “1 know this, face,” she: said. . was-.“2 regarding Tiim with faint. • Count the letters in your first nalta Ji lh$ number of te«®« IS ° The journey set before us, "Tie isn't . . quite. But we’re "It's Ericg," said Joyce, coming hostility,... .. “On. second. _____. . thought; Blessing of the sod and dew of Columbia also are divided along more, subtract 4. H the number 5a less than 6. rod 3. The result u color lines^ jolly glad, to have him. He comes to look. “Wasn't?she lovely ?” tcH her ;Mr.,_Gray will bi delight/ your koy number. Start at the u^ncr left-hand corner of ‘he rec- And the breath that bare us. and goes as he. pleases but at -Andrew is painting a portrait cd to •ponie to her party.” . ' Prediction: The Republican Na­ of her from memory. .L-saw it in j ■ •- ~ ■• tangle and check every one of yoi^'Jcey numbers, left to ngnt. Then tional/ Committee will either least he keeps title place from be- . . . 4...... To Be Continued; fi. Hf(l the metsage the Lette. s vndc^ii cocked figures jive ybjh., ' ,__ ' .. ' . © 1957. by James Ronald« Distributed; by King Features Syndicate, -Thomas Jefferson Flanagan, à^ai^hten out its policies on racial