PER COPY .VOLUME. 27. NUMBER 48 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS Body Of Girl, Missing 77 Days, Found l_n_Drainag-e —The decomposing, body of two-, rabbit hunting. ... MARTIN. Hi EXTOL year-o’d .Margaret Benton, missing The body was. discovered about BUiVC—VZVWUC-g--- 111, -toevo .livwnv —a fourt£i~of~ a mile nn~tiie^rear- of noon, Tuesday, by hcher grandfather of the child’s home, on Ralelgh- / and >tiiree other men while they were LaGrange Rd., near Hall Rd. About .1 8 miles northeast of Germantown, H The chlld’j grandfather, James 1 Flctehcr, 53, said "it was afloat .WouldWould Reslore= face down in about 18 inci)«» ot 1- water in a drainage ditch about mo feat wide." What first, grew attention to the ditch, one of the Certain Provisions hunters fell a rabbit and went large Audience about 15 feet from tlie ditch to 18139662 pick it up. Fletcher said “at first we thought- Attends Annual it-was a (i'jseqi-ded doll because the WASIUNGTOP^- (INS) — Sen. flesh did not appear like tinman Jacob K. Javits tR). N. Y., said flesh. Afier looking at U inonen- Monday he will press at the. next tarily we decided it was a doll and New Year's Event session of Congress for next civil was about to walk off, whef>. I rights legislation despite . slim A large audience attending decided to take a closer look. ’ I celebration of rite signing of the chances for its approval. discovered it was the body of a Javits said he will seek to -re- Eiiuna>ud|>.it!on Proclamation on child." -u New Year's Day' hqard hvo speak­ ' store certain controversial ■ provi­ The grandfather went- on to ex­ sions eliminated from the civil ers discusK?:! Abraham Lltu-oln. One plain that he returned tn’ his two- discussed, the major events in Lin­ rights bill earlier this year. He con- room share-orc peer’s' home 'And coln’s life leading up to ills elec­ ceded, however, tliat he faces an Jnqulre.. _oi_his_ wife.„ Mrs. Mhdie upliill battle and that, the odds tion to the ■ pncsldeir.’y- Tlie otlier Fletcher, about the clothing Marg­ discussed. what. Llneohi meant to • are against him. aret was wearing whe last seen .lie Negro. PRESENT bill alive. ’ r . Attorney Generel. William P. "My wife discribed the red check­ DiCTjsslng Lincoln’s ISfo was Rogers recently told, ft news con­ ed dress, under clothing and tho Herbert Harper a local attorney, ference that he does not plan to brown s\vea)ter she was wearing. ! CASH AWARD — A $40 cash award is presented to Alphons9' and Old Guard Republican leader ask for any new diviI rights legls- said Fletcher. / • Dandridge, saw operator, at the Memphis General Depot, bv Ll, | who was the guest speaker at a . lation: Rogers said he-, wants to Her under clothing had been- Colonel John P. Horton, Quartermaster Supply Officer. His sug­. I banquet sponsored, by (lie Lincoln torn from her body, tlie dress j see how the present bill works out. gestion to place a measuring tape on length rail on all cut-off '■ League and Ccnvnittee of 100 at SUFFICIENT appeared, to have been ripped from the Elks Rest on Beale St. saws with "C clamps as stops for measuring length of lumber In addition, Congressional lead­ hcr body and tied around it and Discuss’ng Lincoln and wHmt the ers reportedly consider „the mea­ the sweater was found some 100 to be sawed, will save the Army $781 annually. Emmanleaptlon Proclamation mean;, sure passed at the last session as feet, up the narrow ditch. to the Negro was Dudley Marlin of sufficient. Sheriff deputies theoriring, Tues­ Chicago, a- former Memphian who day, said that Margaret fell- into But Javits said "he '’will'-.try to is a deputy tax collector and can­ th? drainage, ¿sank t.o the. bqttton Elks Launch Scholarship didate far the Illinois state senate, i revive much of the controversial and searchers could not find it. The who was the guest speaker at a section three vvhich was eliminated ditch was filled:, with -underbrush testimonial dlnner also held at tlie from the bill passed by Congress and trees, avith it ..growth of weeds Elks Rest. After a Iong“aiMHXurt0Usi*i£ight.'. .• •on-i-f-s’hanks. And'her. body float’- In Philadelphia Jan. 31 CLARENCE MITCHELL GETS WARM RECEPTION Whi’a. former ^xeeuti/e 'Secretary of ttyr i._ Tlie controversial, parts..;of the .ed dovyn stream from where tlie • PHILADELPHIA. Pa—The Elks’ Atty- Happen, in. his \speoeii, FOLLOWING FfIS EMANCIPATION DAY AD- NAXCp: They are; -from left fo right? Mrs. Helen section’ would^ iiav^ •' rite' the courageous Governor of Mary­ j sweater ivas found. , mnch-talkecl-about . $100,600 . cam­ started with Lincoln's family back­ DRESS—NAACP's Washington, D. C. branch di-: White Martin, Miss Madeline White and Mis» Attorney General with broad pow­ land, , Theodore - Rodseveit McKel- paign to provide scholarships, for din, will be guest speaker at the ground In Kentucky and then moved rector is greeted by relatives of the late Walter Rose Martin —(World's Photo by P6rry) ers to. seek injunctions in any type Deputies J. A. Roshers and J. A. to his life In nitaols’ h's appren­ Crew- qune to tlie seen? Tuesday deserving youngsters will be launch­ banquet. The celebrated Ed Sulli­ of civil rights case with or with­ ed at a National Education fgr van of- TV and newspaper fame ticeship as a lawyer, his election to out, the consent of ap alleged vic­ when Fletcher notified the snrifi’s tlie D. S. congress and concluded office. CittzMislilp Banquet the night of lias been ¿ffhred an invitation to tim. ‘ Jan. .31, here in tine Broadwoocl eimCce tlie affair, ■ ►i • • with hLs cloction as president of Javits said that his proposed’leg­ Lt. J. V.' Jowers- and'Lt. John (Continued On Page Two) Carlisle of the sheriff‘s. Homicide Hotel’s Crystal .Ballroom,. “ANGEL OF LITTLE ROCK” World Interested In America’s: islation was, motivated by two fac­ Both the ■ scholarship campaign, ShaKhig- the speaker’s table with tors. The first, he; said, is. “the fBureau, were Investigating for evid­ ence.. of foul play. None was re­ and banquet are under sponsorship Governor McKeldin will be Mrs. vital importance to our free world of tlie Elks Department of Editea- L. C. (Daisy) Bates, <1 scribed as alliances of the way in which we ported on a routine check: iTthe child’s grandmother, said tion, headed by Grand Cominls- “the angel of Little Hock”, Dr. Child Burns resolve the civil rights struggle at sioner George W. Lee of Memphis. Benjamin Fine, educational editor Treatment Of Negro itchell home.” Tuesday, “my granddaughter, 1 believe, xvas dumped into that ditoh And both projects are being given of the New York times; Alex« Wil I all-out support by Grand Exalted By EDDIE WILLIAMS freedom,” he averred. ONE BILLION PEOPLE afler she was dead.. “Heitcher said son, editor of the Memphis Tri­ Lisiirig trickery and failure of j Ruler Robert JI, Johnson and tlie St ate Defender; Paul Welch of Life ATLANTA, GEORGIA - He pointed out that during a re­ he had searched tlie ditch Joj^ To Death leadership as the two major reasons cent trip to Europe, he realized several weeks alter the disappear­ entire nranbership of the frater­ Magazine and .Grand Daughter- The peoples- of other nations are not as interested In Sput­ nal organization. -' Ruler Nettie Cartej- Jackson. Each Funeral services were being made for tlie lack of Negro voting, Mit­ that "NATO and the Western ance and saw no’ thaces ol’ clothing niks and missiles as they are ,in how the Negro is treated in chell pointed out that the new civil world, and well over one billfdn (Continued, On Page Two) Lieutenant I.ee announced tliat- for a 23-month-old child who. was America, a noted NAACP official said summing up his speech - burned t o death in a Cordova home rights law and Negro leaders will people of Negro and Oriental races in Atlanta Wednesday. be looked to more than ever for as. yet uncommitted In the .strug­ after a- five-year-old brother start­ ed tlie ’blaze with ma'tohes. aiding In the restoration of human gle between freedom. and conn Goodwill Homes For Clarence' Mitchell, 46-year-old and present Negro leaders. rights. ’ ’ ■. Dead were Barbara Uoyce Mosely director of the Washington Bureau .He. challenged federal officials to ^r^'iinism, would .be heavily* in­ Philander-Smith College whose body was found In the ruins fluenced in the decision ¡ -for the Children Honors of the NAACP, 'was speaking ‘to a stop talk.ng about a “cooling oif After stating the significant of by her field-hand father^ Herman period' in the area of civil rights Emancipation Day, the Washington free world by our success in as- Mosely who was working In a near­ capacity audience in Wheat Street spring equality regardless of race.” Baptist Church during the 95th and put the heat on those who are i leader s31d "there can be no mid* Eleven Churches by field. • • i The second reason for his pro­ The Goodwill Hemes for Child- Holds Workshop In Memphis anniversary celebration of the ■ trying to destroy human rights by 1 ale of the road when It corps* to Tlie starter of the fire, Mike, Emancipation Proclaniatlon. “monkeying'’ with the Negro’s rights human rights.” Moderation and posed legislation, Javits said, is ren Inc., presented certificates of LITTLE HOCK, Ark.—Bishop M. that “the experience gained at implement the 'Methodist Church’s climbed up and got the matches to vote.
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