Iván Duque Márquez President of the Republic

Marta Lucía Ramírez Blanco Vice President of the Republic

National Council of the Orange Economy Carmen Inés Vásquez Camacho Minister of Culture Olmos Minister of the Interior Alberto Carrasquilla Barrera Minister of Finance and Public Credit Ángel Custodio Cabrera Báez Minister of Labor José Manuel Restrepo Abondano Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism María Victoria Angulo González Minister of National Education Karen Cecilia Abudinen Abuchaibe Minister of Information and Communication Technologies Luis Alberto Rodríguez Ospino Director of the National Planning Department (DNP) Juan Daniel Oviedo Arango Director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) Carlos Mario Estrada Molina Director of the National Learning Service (SENA) Carolina Romero Romero General Director of the National Directorate of Copyright (DNDA) Sandra Gómez Arias President of the Territorial Development Fund (FINDETER)

Ministry of Culture Carmen Inés Vásquez Camacho Minister of Culture Felipe Buitrago Restrepo Vice Minister of Creativity and the Orange Economy José Ignacio Argote López Vice Minister of Development and Heritage Julián David Sterling Olave POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Secretary General 2 Javier Machicado Villamizar Diana Cifuentes Gómez Document coordination Advisory committee Adriana González Hassig, Carlos Dueñas Montaño, Gabriel Arjona Pachón, Juan Felipe Parra Osorio, María Cristina Díaz Velásquez

Expanded CNEN De Barberi Minister of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Lucena Barrero Minister of Sport Mabel Gisela Torres Torres Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Susana Correa Borrero Director of the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity Federico Eduardo Hoyos Salazar Presidential Advisor for the Regions Hassan Amin Abdul Nassar Pérez Presidential Advisor for Communications Víctor Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez Presidential Advisor for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Clara Elena Parra Beltrán Presidential Advisor for Competitiveness and Public-Private Governance Juan Sebastián Arango Cárdenas Presidential Advisor for Innovation and Youth, Colombia Joven Alejandra Carolina Botero Barco Presidential Advisor for Governance and Execution José Andrés Romero Tarazona Director General of the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN) Juan Pablo Liévano Vegalara Superintendent of Corporations Andrés Barreto González Superintendent of Industry and Trade (SIC) Ignacio Gaitán Villegas President of iNNpulsa Camilo Fernández de Soto Camacho Managing Director of Colombia Productiva José Andrés O’meara Riveira Director of Colombia Compra Eficiente Flavia Santoro Trujillo President of Procolombia Javier Díaz Fajardo President of Bancóldex POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Raquel Garavito Chapaval Managing Director of Fontur 3 Juan Miguel Villa Lora President of Colpensiones Manuel Acevedo Jaramillo President of the Colombian Institute for Student Loans and Technical Studies Abroad (ICETEX) Ángela Mercedes Ospina De Nicholls Director of the Presidential Cooperation Agency (APC) Ana María Fríes Martínez Managing Director of Artesanías de Colombia

Acknowledgements David Melo Torres, César Parra Ortega Andrea Martínez Moreno María Cristina Díaz Editing and editorial production Instituto Caro y Cuervo Copy-editing Directorate of Populations T​ranslation of the part-title pages Álvaro José Moreno English translation Lorena Iglesias English copy-editor Andrés Oviedo Art direction Karen Gordillo | Laura Cifuentes | Andrés Cano Graphic style, layout and table design

Bogotá, D.C. 2020 ISBN 978-958-753-340-8 República de Colombia Ministerio de Cultura Viceministerio de la Creatividad y la Economía Naranja Carrera 8 No 8 – 55 Teléfono (571) 3424100 Bogotá D.C. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY [email protected] www.mincultura.gov.co 4 Copyright Ministerio de Cultura, 2019 Contents



1.1. Strategy A. Broaden the acquisition of knowledge through diverse disciplinary approaches 11 1.2. Strategy B. Deepen the analysis of both the value ecosystem and the territorial level 12 1.3. Strategy C. Organize, systematize and disseminate sectoral information and knowledge 12

LINE 2. INSTITUTIONS Institutional strengthening and coordination, financing and incentives 16

2.1. Strategy A. Design, implement, and promote the tools for the strengthening of the creative sector stipulated in the National Development Plan, the Law for Economic Growth, and other relevant regulations 16 2.2 Strategy B. Consolidate, offer, and manage financing instruments that are relevant to the needs and business models of the creative sector 18

2.3. Strategy C. Prioritize territorial policies 18

LINE 3. INFRASTRUCTURE Sustainable territories and infrastructure for the deployment of creative processes 22

3.1. Strategy A. Provide sustainable public goods and infrastructure consistent with the needs and characteristics of each territory 22 3.2. Strategy B. Incentivize the development of Orange Development Areas (ADNs) throughout the national territory 23 3.3. Strategy C. Strengthen the use of existing financing instruments for the construction or improvement of cultural and creative infrastructure 23 LINE 4. INDUSTRY Sustainable start-ups and companies 27

4.1. Strategy A. Strengthen the sustainable management of community and social small businesses or organizations, and of nonprofits 27 4.2. Strategy B. Encourage companies to use tools that allow them to mitigate the risks associated with the consolidation stage 29 4.3. Strategy C. Support consolidated companies so they can scale up their operations and increase their exports 30 4.4. Strategy D. Publicize and promote access to instruments that benefit the entire cultural and creative sector transversally 30

LINE 5. INTEGRATION Integration, networks, and market development 34

5.1. Strategy A. Strengthen the mediators of the value ecosystem 34 5.2. Strategy B. Strengthen national and international platforms, markets and networks for the circulation of cultural and creative goods and services 35 5.3. Strategy C. Strengthen the synergy between heritage and sustainable tourism 35 5.4. Strategy D. Devise strategies for to access and appropriate their own cultural and creative manifestations 37 5.5. Strategy E. Launch strategic projects of national interest oriented to the orange economy, or Pines Naranja 37

LINE 6. INCLUSION. Development of capacities as an answer to inequality: inclusion and access to opportunities 40

6.1. Strategy A. Closing gaps in human capital and designing qualification standards in the cultural and creative ecosystem 40 6.2. Strategy B. Reinforce the policy for the strengthening of crafts and occupations related to the performing arts and the cultural heritage 41 6.3. Strategy C. Strengthen the comprehensive development of artistic, cultural and technological skills and competencies in primary and secondary education 43 6.4. Strategy D. Implement the National System of Education - Artistic and Cultural Training (SINEFAC) 43 LINE 7. INSPIRATION Creativity and its products 47

7.1. Strategy A. Stimulate the emergence and consolidation of a sustainable, innovative and diverse cultural and creative economic activity with a reaching social impact 47 7.2. Strategy B. Broaden the understanding and use of the tools provided by copyright and related rights to guarantee fair access and increase the economic benefits derived from the products of the creative and cultural sector 48 7.3. Strategy C. Include the sectors of the cultural and creative economy as productive commitments within the framework of the National Productive Development Policy (PDP) 49 7.4. Strategy D. Create and promote spaces for interdisciplinary experimentation, creative laboratories, product prototyping, and research + creation in all artistic fields 49

Annex. Strategies of the Orange Economy – Wind Rose 51 INTRODUCTION

Colombia has built a solid institutional framework in regards to culture, expressed in a dynamic normative corpus and decisive initiatives in the field, which in turn have contributed to the conceptual and methodological groundwork of the Orange Economy. The enactment of Law 397 of 1997 enshrined the institutional character of culture and consolidated the principles derived from the Constitution of 1991 relating to the role of citizens in the safeguard of heritage and the enjoyment of culture and creativity. After this legislative milestone, a series of laws were issued to promote individual sectors, such as publishing (1993), film (2003), performing arts (2011), among others. Finally, in 2013 Colombia became a State party to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. The National Culture Plan for 2001-2010: Towards a Cultural Democratic Citizenship, summoned more than 23,000 Colombians to collectively build a plural and democratic process that allowed cultural associations, individuals, movements and institutions from different fields and expertise to participate in the design of cultural policies. The Compendium of Cultural Policies of the Ministry of Culture, published in 2010, defined the goals and strategies that would reinforce the future mission of the ministry. During this period the groundwork was laid for the launching of a Satellite Account of Culture to include among the national economic accounts, and the Cultural Entrepreneurship Group was created – now under the Vice Ministry of Creativity and the Orange Economy. Likewise, CONPES document 3659 of 2010 established the national policy for the promotion of cultural industries in Colombia. Drawing actively from this past history, Law 1834 of 2017, or Orange Economy Law, set a course of action for the National Government to promote the use and enjoyment of cultural rights and increase the contribution of the cultural and creative sectors in the generation of wealth, employment, economic growth, as well as the improvement of the quality of life of all communities and territories, thus inviting the country as a whole to build upon its talents and diversity. In sum, culture and creativity were placed at the center of the country’s development agenda for the short, medium and long term. In order to achieve these goals, the National Government created the National Council of the Orange Economy (CNEN), a coordinating body made up of seven ministries and five high-level state agencies. It is headed by the Ministry of Culture, which is responsible for defining the work areas, competencies, instruments and scope of the Orange Economy agenda. The mission of the CNEN has recently been strengthened thanks to the involvement of nine additional national entities that also conduct related actions and programs for the creative and cultural sector. The purview of the Council was defined in the National Development Plan for 2018- 2022: A Pact for Colombia, A Pact for Equity, more specifically in Pact X: “A pact for the protection and promotion of our culture and the development of the Orange Economy”.

POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY This chapter comprises specific strategies aimed at the promotion of cultural governance 8 in the regions, the safeguarding of memory and the cultural heritage of the nation, and the strengthening of artistic, creative and technological entrepreneurship. Pact X intends to capitalize on the real and potential contribution of the orange economy through the deployment of seven interrelated sequential strategic lines, whose implementation aims to develop the cultural and creative sector through increased productivity, diversification, innovation, participation, appropriation and consumption. These actions will make the organizations and agents of the sector more sustainable, promote decent work conditions, and move towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The cultural and creative diversity that exists throughout the country, as well as the varied economic conditions and levels of risk, needs and activities of its citizens will be taken into account at each step of the process.1 This document presents the actions that the CNEN has established, stemming from each of the seven strategic lines. They follow a timeline contained in the annexed Infographic (Orange Wind Rose).


1 Through its goals and challenges, Pact X is deeply connected with Pact V, for Science, Technology and Innovation, and Pact VII, for the Digital Transformation of Colombia, also of a transversal character. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Información 10 1.1. LINE 1. INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE FOR BETTER DECISIONS

This strategic line aims at strengthening the research and measurement actions that are necessary to compare the cultural and creative sector with other economic sectors, both in the national and international contexts. Combining both methods reveals, additionally, the structure of supply, demand and consumption habits in the orange sector, while reactivating the dialogue between culture, creativity and sustainable development. This accrued knowledge will address the needs the country has to develop its citizens’ abilities. Culture, then, can become a tool for human development and the orange ecosystem will be stronger. This strategic line takes into account economic, social and cultural phenomena, as well as territorial, population, ethnic and age dimensions in order to contextualize and understand the specific practices and initiatives coming from cities and municipalities all around the country. 1.1. Strategy A. Broaden the acquisition of knowledge through diverse disciplinary approaches 1.1.1. Expand the scope of the Culture Satellite Account to all sectors of the creative and cultural industries, including cultural tourism; the account is now named, accordingly, Orange Economy and Culture Satellite Account. This action will highlight the relevance of intellectual property through periodic analyses of its economic impact, including copyright, related rights, and industrial property in the sectors of the Orange Economy. These studies will be conducted by the National Directorate of Copyright in coordination with the Ministry of Culture, the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, and the Intersectoral Commission of Intellectual Property in matters related to industrial property. 1.1.2. Provide constant and quality statistical information in order to adequately monitor the evolution of the sector, including a more sophisticated analysis of disciplinary approaches to identify the links between culture and human development. In this way, the Orange Economy Information System (SIENA), headed by DANE, will incorporate measurement parameters beyond those related to economic indicators. 1.1.3. Develop research and measurement initiatives that expand the existing knowledge about the cultural and creative sector to incorporate a human development perspective. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Such joint work with existing information systems will evidence the interconnection between culture and other dimensions of human life; cultural observatories already 11 active in the country will play an essential role in this task. The centralizing of information shall be carried out by the Vice Ministry of Creativity and the Orange Economy and by the Observatory of Culture and Economy, in cooperation with higher education institutions. 1.2. Strategy B. Deepen the analysis of both the value ecosystem and the territorial level 1.2.1. Findeter and the Ministry of Culture will carry out a mapping process to identify the organizations, agents, products, activities and networks present in regions and municipalities. This process will point out the creative and productive vocations of each geographical area, its training offer, gaps in human capital and competitiveness, and other barriers that prevent the development of the cultural and creative economy sectors. A further element of this action will assess the possibility of strengthening cultural tourism and social innovation processes through culture, as well as the development of market intelligence through Procolombia, to foster the international placement of Colombian cultural goods and services. 1.2.2. Expand the existing measurement methodologies and tools for the orange economy and give a greater scope to the analysis of distribution, circulation, and consumption processes in order to comprehensively understand the behavior of the creative ecosystem. This analysis will be the responsibility of DANE in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and allied universities or research centers. 1.2.3. Identify the limitations that prevent a greater circulation of cultural and creative manifestations and contribute to the design of engagement strategies based on a greater knowledge of the different kinds of audiences. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out studies on cultural and non-cultural intermediaries who may become strategic allies of the sector. Likewise, organizations and companies shall be provided with research tools to better understand their target audience and design strategies that promote the access to the country’s rich cultural offer. 1.2.4. Strengthen the work of research centers and academic entities that produce information at the local level, as it contributes in turn to the regional knowledge basis on the cultural and creative sector. This action will be conducted through the joint work of business associations and universities. 1.3. Strategy C. Organize, systematize and disseminate

POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY sectoral information and knowledge 12 1.3.1. Strengthen spaces for dissemination, meeting and discussion that allow cultural agents and those responsible for the formulation and execution of public policies to enrich their knowledge of the sector and its connection to the multiple dimensions of human development. Based on timely and reliable information, it will be possible to make strategic decisions that contribute to the construction of a pluralistic knowledge base, while acknowledging cultural diversity and the current state of access to and participation in culture, as well as the evolution in cultural practices and the exercise of cultural rights. 1.3.2. Develop mechanisms for inter-institutional coordinated work with other entities of the sector in order to produce cross-sectional studies on the cultural and creative economy that enrich the Satellite Account of Culture and Orange Economy. Furthermore, the shared database of the research projects conducted each year by public and private organizations will eliminate the need of duplicate efforts and facilitate the inter- institutional analysis and publication of said research. This action will be spearheaded by the Ministry of Culture through the Observatory of Culture and Economy, in cooperation with other regional and local observatories. 1.3.3. Create spaces for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge with the participation of academia, the public sector, businesspeople, and cultural organizations. Research documents, analyses, and other types of publications will be made available on different media, constituting a sectoral information network that will promote virtual dissemination events, workshops and other activities to share this body of knowledge with a large audience. This action will entail a collaborative effort of knowledge- building, followed by a critical analysis of the information produced and the possibility for all participants to offer their feedback. 1.3.4. Consolidate a network of existing cultural observatories, like the Observatory of Culture and Economy, and create new regional research and dissemination spaces with a target according to the needs of the specific cultural and creative ecosystem. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

13 Emprendimiento: Entrepreneurship Trabajo: Work /werk,iimplayment Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: Kolchyoral ekspreshan ahn manifestieshan Equidad: Ivenness Derechos culturales: Kolchyoral raits Cultura: Kolchyor Libertades: Friidoms Derechos: Raits Información: Infarmeishan, manifestieshan Conocimiento: Nalidge, skills ahn kno hau Saberes: Tradishanal nalidge ahn laan-ning Oficios: Trieds Aprendizaje: Laaning Artesanías: Andikraafs Tradición: Educación: Tradishan Creole Edyukieshan Capacidades: Kapacitiis, fakoltiis Economía: Ikonomy Transmisión de conocimiento: Transmishan af naledge Espacios culturales: Kolchyroal spieces Maloca o casa espiritual: Spiritual hause. church Infraestructura: Infrastroktiu ahn triening Lugares de memoria: Desarrollo: Diivelopment Plieces ah memori Colaboración: Kolaboreishan POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

Protección14 y cuidado del medio ambiente: Protekshan ahn kyer o kier ah di iinvironmental manigement Financiación: Fuos pah fainanshal, mekanizam Instituciones OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 1.1. 2.2.15 LINE 2. INSTITUTIONSInstitutional strengthening and coordination, financing and incentives

This line intends to establish favorable institutional conditions for the development of the orange economy through the coordination between the public and private sectors, as well as the ordering and streamlining of the sector’s procedures; finally, through the provision of financial resources and the creation of tax and other types of incentives. In this way, the hope is to create a favorable environment that strengthens cultural and creative activities, projects and agents, and that helps to mitigate the inherent risk of doing business in this field. One of the first targets will be cultural organizations that have a positive impact on the social and economic well-being of their own communities. As mentioned at the beginning of this document and in accordance with the need of a favorable platform for the execution of the policy, the National Government created and put into operation the National Council of the Orange Economy, which places culture and creativity at the center of the strategic development objectives of the nation. Likewise, technical round tables were created for each of the policy lines, so that all the institutions that participate in their execution can act jointly. The institutional reform of the Ministry of Culture was achieved through Decree 2120 of 2018, which created the Vice Ministry of Creativity and the Orange Economy, and Decree 692 of 2020, which opened the Directorate of Audiovisual Production, Cinema and Interactive Media and the Directorate of Strategy, Development and Entrepreneurship. 2.1. Strategy A. Design, implement, and promote the tools for the strengthening of the creative sector stipulated in the National Development Plan, the Law for Economic Growth, and other relevant regulations 2.1.1. To strengthen the Orange economy, this strategy proposes the implementation of 25 articles that have either a direct or indirect impact (general norms that favor, among other sectors, the orange economy) or produce a related desired effect (general norms that foster a propitious institutional environment for the development of creative and cultural activities). These articles are found in the National Development Plan (PND) for 2018-2022, as detailed in the following table: POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

16 Articles related to the Orange Economy in PND 2018-2022

10 articles 8 Articles 7 Articles 25 Direct Indirect Related Articles Impact Impact

Information 148

Institutions 147 168, 182,177 168, 182 y 166 Industry y 178 311 115, 179 y Infrastructure 209 264 309 Integration 114 110 y 310

Inclusion 154 193 y 95 205

Inspiration 180 181 169

Source: Prepared by the authors, based on the PND.

Among these articles, the following four stand out: (i) 177, which extends the benefits granted by the Colombian Film Law of 2012 to other audiovisual genres until 2032; (ii) 178, which creates the Certificate of Audiovisual Investment in Colombia, deductible from the income tax up to a value equivalent to 35%; (iii) 179, which defines the Orange Development Areas (ADNs); and (iv) 180, which establishes an income tax deduction of 165% for investments in or donations to projects of the orange economy. This last article contains the farthest-reaching financing tools via tax incentives ever implemented in the history of Colombia for the creative and cultural sector. 2.1.2. In addition to the above, the Law for Economic Growth of 2019 includes several instruments that allow entrepreneurs, organizations and companies in the cultural and creative sector to gain access to financial resources and investment for either the start-up stage or the daily management of their productive activity. Creative companies will benefit from a seven-year income tax exemption after their qualification by the Orange Economy Committee of the Ministry of Culture. For this exemption, they must be domiciled and incorporated in Colombian territory and begin operations before

December 31, 2021. These companies must guarantee a minimum investment quota OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY and the creation of new jobs that are directly related with creative industries or those that add value through technology. 17 2.1.3. Furthermore, given that the lack of access to financing goes hand in hand with stunted financial management in companies, limited understanding of the different financing tools, a pronounced aversion to debt and a lack of understanding of the requirements for the operation and growth of a company, work should be done to strengthen a capital-intensive private industry and to develop financial management skills. 2.1.4. Centralize online information about the orange economy in one portal (www. economianaranja.gov.co), to offer a single channel so that everyone can easily access to information about the scope and details of the policy.

2.2 Strategy B. Consolidate, offer, and manage financing instruments that are relevant to the needs and business models of the creative sector 2.2.1. The National Government has made available since 2019 several financial instruments designed for the consolidation of the orange economy, grouped into two types: financing and investment support. There are currently 31 financing instruments that facilitate access to monetary resources through mechanisms such as loans under preferential conditions or compensated rates, dischargeable amounts, co-financing and indirect financing through tax benefits (income exemption, discounts, deductions), and financial guarantees to support loan obligations. For its part, the investment support strategy includes three fund-type instruments (private capital, collective investment, and fund of funds), which seek to finance orange economy projects through private investment. 2.2.2. Creation of the Colombia Crea Corporation, a mixed entity that will centralize and channel financing instruments, calls and incentives for the development of projects and the growth of organizations in the orange economy. 2.3. Strategy C. Prioritize territorial policies 2.3.1. Strengthen the Orange Economy Nodes program of the Ministry of Culture as a way to expand the scope of institutional impact at the regional level, through the consolidation of orange economy ecosystems that coordinate the efforts of institutions in matters of POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY public policy with the programs and activities of the business sector. The nodes seek 18 to contribute effectively to the promotion, strengthening and development of skills in the management of infrastructure and human capital, as well as offering the tools to access financing instruments and build on the existing business fabric. This strategy is implemented through the National System of Competitiveness, Science, Technology and Innovation - SNCCTeI, and the National System of Culture - SNCu. The nodes will continue to foster planning exercises with the participation of sector agents and local institutions to identify needs and design the work routes for future creative circuits. 2.3.2. Favor actions of regional impact that recognize the necessary conditions for local development. To this end, Creative Agendas will be developed to promote the co- responsibility of local governments in the expansion of the orange economy. Local institutions will establish alliances with private sector agents and with regional entrepreneurship networks to prioritize actions that boost the development of the cultural and creative subsectors with the greatest potential in each territory. This will entail a joint effort with business associations, chambers of commerce, compensation funds, regional SENA branches, universities, and collective management societies. The Creative Agendas will be designed after reviewing the entrepreneurial capacities already installed in each region, its cultural and heritage-related productive vocations, the available human resources and infrastructure, among other factors. For their execution, this policy identifies and targets the early, intermediate and consolidated potential of each territory. Additionally, some areas may be classified as emerging development areas: these group several municipalities with similar features and networking possibilities, or designate locations that have a specific potential for the development of cultural tourism. 2.3.3. Work hand in hand with regional competitiveness commissions to incorporate orange economy initiatives into the “integrated competitiveness agendas”, which involve governments, mayors, secretariats of culture, regional SENA branches, unions, universities, chambers of commerce, family compensation funds, and mixed funds of culture. 2.3.4. Join efforts with the institutions of Education for Work and Human Development (ETDH) to further this type of education and the design of the Training System for Work. For their part, the education secretariats, as makers of public policy in that field, will train their personnel on the dynamics of the cultural and creative sector at the local level, on the instruments available for sectoral strengthening and the online sources where they can access to this information. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

19 Financiación: Edakarebaya Emprendimiento: Wanekawaita Colaboración: Kareba Lugares de memoria: Makenanapeada drua (de) Infraestructura: Uraojirupanu Desarrollo: Biabeaita Conocimiento: Kauachubuta Oficios: Obe Derechos culturales: Dayarebedeachubu dayiraseburikiraka Información: Jarauribigaya Libertades: Nekaibeaita Derechos: Dayarebedeachubu Tradición: Dayirabude Equidad: Cultura: Abarika Embera Dayirayo Trabajo: Oibara Saberes:Kauabuuru Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: Jaradaita kawabuta dayiseburukiraka Artesanías: Neka Educación: Jaradiaya Transmisión de conocimiento: Kauwachubuta jaradiaita Capacidades: Osiabua Economía: Dayaerbu Espacios culturales: Dayiraseburukiraka de (Drua) POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Maloca20 o casa espiritual: Jaidobada de Protección y cuidado del medio ambiente: Kareba akudaya eujauru Financiación: Edakarebaya Emprendimiento: Wanekawaita Colaboración: Kareba Lugares de memoria: Makenanapeada drua (de) Infraestructura: Uraojirupanu Desarrollo: Biabeaita Conocimiento: Kauachubuta Oficios: Obe Derechos culturales: Dayarebedeachubu dayiraseburikiraka Información: Jarauribigaya Libertades: Nekaibeaita Derechos: Dayarebedeachubu Tradición: Dayirabude Equidad: Cultura: Abarika Embera Dayirayo Trabajo: Oibara Saberes:Kauabuuru Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: Jaradaita kawabuta dayiseburukiraka Artesanías: Neka Educación: Jaradiaya Transmisión de conocimiento: Kauwachubuta jaradiaita Capacidades: Osiabua Economía: Dayaerbu Espacios culturales: Dayiraseburukiraka de (Drua) Infraestructura OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 3.21 Maloca o casa espiritual: Jaidobada de 3. Protección y cuidado del medio ambiente: Kareba akudaya eujauru LINE 3. INFRASTRUCTURE Sustainable territories and infrastructure for the deployment of creative processes

This line puts forth mechanisms to guarantee the provision of public goods2 and support the design, construction, adaptation, maintenance, and endowment of the cultural and creative infrastructure, both public and private, that will foster the sustainable development of the sector throughout the national territory. As a priority, it seeks to secure the availability of public goods necessary for the development of the cultural and creative economy, encouraging the building or strengthening of sustainable physical and digital infrastructure that nurtures creativity and innovation. Secondly, it will aide in the identification and consolidation of Orange Development Areas (ADNs) that promote the sense of identity and the cultural and creative vocation of communities, from municipalities to entire regions. The line will also seek to promote soft infrastructure, understood as the sustainability models for creative equipment and ADNs, the associated communications and management strategies, as well as related research and innovation initiatives. 3.1. Strategy A. Provide sustainable public goods and infrastructure consistent with the needs and characteristics of each territory 3.1.1. Promote a more frequent enjoyment of existing cultural infrastructure by audiences and creators, and refit spaces for creation, production and distribution needs, as required by the different cultural subsectors. To guarantee the benefit of this action, it is necessary to adapt and establish cultural spaces that are connected to the activities of each sector and the traditions and particularities of the regions. Public spaces such as parks and plazas can be redefined as venues for artistic manifestations, for the development of creativity and for the enjoyment of cultural rights from an early age. 3.1.2. Promote the co-responsibility of local governments in the development of the orange economy and establish alliances with private agents in each region to strengthen the POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 2 In the context of this policy, public goods are understood as those that are available to anyone and whose use 22 by a person does not prevent others from enjoying them as well. Typically, many public goods, such as roads or lighting infrastructure, are provided by the government, because the private sector would be unable to properly cover demand. sector and generate incentives for the creation of cultural infrastructure and sustainable enterprises that in turn produce cultural, social, and economic value. 3.1.3. The provision of public goods and cultural and creative infrastructure will be in compliance with the characteristics and particularities of the targeted municipalities, cities and regions of the country, particularly their specific cultural and creative needs, in order to promote sustainable sectoral development. Characterization studies of the cultural and creative ecosystems each territory will be carried out to identify challenges and needs, as well as each region’s potential for development. Such potential is defined by their ability to expand markets, generate income and employment, develop socially and environmentally responsible products, and provide well-being to the community. 3.1.4. Work jointly with SENA in the construction and operation of training facilities in technical and technological programs and the complementary skills of the orange economy. 3.2. Strategy B. Incentivize the development of Orange Development Areas (ADNs) throughout the national territory 3.2.1. Promote, jointly with the territorial entities, the creation of incentive programs to attract investment in these areas. Currently, article 179 of the PND proposes exemptions to the property tax for a set period of time, to the real estate tax, and to the urban delineation tax; furthermore, it stipulates that both the residents of the area and those who carry out their cultural and creative activities there will from the advantages provided by the ADNs. 3.2.2. In order to develop orange economy ecosystems in municipalities, cities, and regions that properly reflect their cultural and creative vocations, ADNs should be acknowledged – via land use instruments or administrative decisions – as geographical areas that foster the cultural and creative activities covered by article 2 of Law 1834 of 2017. 3.3. Strategy C. Strengthen the use of existing financing instruments for the construction or improvement of cultural and creative infrastructure


Through the tourism infrastructure line, support projects in the cultural and creative 23 sector that draw from national policies for the tourism sector and comply with the current manual for the allocation of resources and submission of projects, including the restoration of properties of historical cultural interest, all of which will benefit from the Fontur tourism promotion and marketing line. 3.3.2. Promote instruments aimed at strengthening cultural and creative infrastructure and its sustainability through different lines of funding, such as Findeter’s line Colombia Reactiva (regulated for this sector through Resolution 1933 of 2019 of the Ministry of Culture), the national Concerted Venues and Stimulus programs of the Ministry of Culture, the resources from the General System of Royalties and from the Law of Public Spectacles of the Performing Arts (Law 1493 of 2011), among others. 3.3.3. Strengthen other instruments that cover related infrastructure needs in the value ecosystem of the cultural and creative economy. For example, C-Emprende, an initiative of iNNpulsa Colombia, seeks the coordinated work of physical spaces, talents and agents around entrepreneurship; SENA has made available 117 business development centers to entrepreneurs. They receive advise on their business plans and can participate in the calls of the Emprender Fund. SENA has also built specialized headquarters for the creative industries and IT – including two located in the Atlántico region and another in the high-risk neighborhood Voto Nacional, in Bogotá. These headquarters offer training programs in graphic design, publishing, software, fashion, music, audiovisual production and performing arts. 3.3.4. Along with Fontur, support the improvement of competitiveness and planning skills in the tourism sector, the design of cultural tourism products that capitalize on the history and heritage of a region, and studies that aid in the development and higher dynamism of tourism subsectors. 3.3.5. Use the financial resources coming from the General Royalties System for the development of cultural and creative infrastructure. As part of the Creative Agendas of the territories, both the public and private sectors will work together to access these resources and make their case before the collegiate administrative and decision-making bodies, OCAD, thus prioritizing the construction of cultural infrastructure. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

24 Protección y cuidado del medio ambiente: Prottesió ku kuirao ri merioambiente Desarrollo: Icha pa lande Financiación: Reponde ku burú Lugares de memoria: Ma pate ri seso Infraestructura: Infraetrutura Emprendimiento: Empledimieto Maloca o casa espiritual: Posá epirituá Transmisión de conocimiento: Pasaera ri konosimieto Conocimiento: Konosimieto Saberes: Ma sabé Derechos: Ma rerecho Equidad: Lomemo pa tó Cultura: Kuttura Economía: Ekonomia Tradición: Trabajo: Trarisió Palenquero Makaneo Derechos culturales: Ma rerecho kutturá Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales Ma epresió ku manifetasió kutturá Información: Infonmasió Libertades: Suéto Artesanías: Ma áttesania Educación: Erukasió

Aprendizaje: Plendisaje Capacidades: Ma kapasirá OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Espacios culturales: Ma epasio kutturá25 Colaboración: Kolaborasió o nyulá POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Industria 3.3. 26 4.4. LINE 4. INDUSTRY Sustainable start-ups and companies

This policy line aims at achieving greater sustainability and joint work of community and social enterprises and organizations, nonprofit organizations, start-ups and consolidated organizations of various sizes that make up the creative ecosystem. To this end, a strategy has been developed with four axes of intervention: i) provide resources through instruments and mechanisms focused on facilitating access to either working or investment capital; ii) establish a favorable regulatory and competitive environment for the emergence and consolidation of new businesses and the growth of companies in the sector; iii) provide business assistance through instruments and mechanisms that strengthen the business models of entrepreneurs; and iv) formulate and implement programs that promote entrepreneurial mentality and culture in all the agents that make up the cultural and creative ecosystem. The intervention axes contain differentiated programs for each management or entrepreneurship model to meet the specific needs of companies. Likewise, there are programs that serve various types of organization transversally to cover needs that are common to the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem. To sum up, this action seeks to foster a sustainable creative ecosystem where artists, stakeholders, cultural intermediaries, and other agents of the sector can carry out their work in decent and rewarding working conditions, making the most of their creative potential, and bringing well-being for themselves and their communities. 4.1. Strategy A. Strengthen the sustainable management of community and social small businesses or organizations, and of nonprofits Organizations formally registered as nonprofits (ESAL) and informal community small businesses face challenges to achieve a sustainable income that will allow them to carry out their activities over time. One and the other are usually self- or community- managed initiatives linked to heritage, arts and crafts. They might as well carry out projects with a localized impact and need to strengthen their capacities and networks to guarantee the sustainability of their management model. 4.1.1. Promote the access to technological resources and infrastructure through the laboratories of innovation and design of Artesanías de Colombia; energize the

processes of training and development of human talent through the Workshop Schools OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY of Colombia and strengthen the mission of school workshops. 27 4.1.2. Both the Emprendetón and Héroes Fest programs of iNNpulsa Colombia will identify and empower new entrepreneurs, closing gaps in knowledge and promoting values and​​ behaviors associated with dynamic entrepreneurial mentality and culture. 4.1.3. Through specific lines of the National Stimulus Program of the Ministry of Culture, these community and social small businesses and organizations can obtain financial resources for specific projects, capacity development or improving the commercial reach of their products and services. 4.1.4. Create financial support lines for entrepreneurship aimed at the graduates of Colombia’s Workshop Schools, teachers of crafts who own a personal business, and community organizations whose work relates to the activities partially included in the orange economy, which include transformation and elaboration of handmade products and traditional gastronomy, among others. 4.1.5. These small business and social organizations, that are not necessarily formally constituted but have initiatives that carry a high social impact, will receive, through coordinated work with the Sacúdete Crea centers (aimed mainly at entrepreneurs between 14 and 35 years of age), tools for innovation, discovery of talents and development of transversal skills for their inclusion in the social and productive dynamics of the country. This action intends to inspire them to discover their true calling and actively participate in their communities; to connect them with the existing job and training offer so they have access to employment, entrepreneurship and education opportunities; and to shape an ecosystem that allows young people from any region to positively impact the whole nation. The Sacúdete centers will offer focused and continued support in regions where the cultural and creative sector has a strategic value for local development, with the aim of encouraging and fostering the conditions for sustainable and law-abiding life projects. 4.1.6. Offer guidance so that cultural and creative entrepreneurs can participate in the programs of the Department of Social Prosperity (DPS), like Mi negocio, which offers training and allocates seed capital to future entrepreneurs, and IRACA, aimed at promoting the development of vulnerable ethnic communities. 4.1.7. Similarly, they will be able to access financial resources from SENA’s Emprende Rural program, aimed at promoting income generation among the rural population. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 4.1.8. 28 Regarding the nonprofits, these organizations will also be able to access several of the programs mentioned above and will benefit from special lines for the strengthening of competitiveness, promotion and marketing from Fontur, through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism. Additionally, they will have at their disposal funds from the National Concerted Venue Program and access to SENA’s 117 training centers and 33 regional branches, and to the recently launched technoparks. 4.2. Strategy B. Encourage companies to use tools that allow them to mitigate the risks associated with the consolidation stage If they are committed to innovation, formally constituted companies in process of consolidation are liable to take risks in the content they create, produce and bring to the market. Other companies are startups where self-management, work on a project by project basis and intermittent income are the norm, which is why these organizations must strengthen their capacities and network of intermediaries, as well as gain access to seed capital for the growth of their market share and the consolidation of their business model. Other companies that are in the process of consolidation, have functional and diversified business lines, and have achieved income stability for long periods of time, require new funding to expand circulation routes and scale up their business model, while facing the challenge of continuing to innovate, increase productivity, and placing their goods and services in more competitive markets. 4.2.1. Accelerate the growth of early-stage small business that show dynamism, giving them access to the specialized services and seed capital offered by Aldea Naranja and Capital Naranja, two programs by iNNpulsa Colombia. 4.2.2. Promote specific lines for the funding of individual projects from companies and enterprises in process of consolidation through the Stimulus Portfolio of the Ministry of Culture. Promote and use resources from the Emprender Fund for seed capital and the structuring of business plans for the production of cultural and creative goods and services. 4.2.3. Strengthen access to the Exprimiendo la Naranja financing lines, Bancoldex’s Fund of Funds, and INNpulsa Colombia’s Orange Vouchers. 4.2.4. Expand access to the consultancy services in business plan development offered by Colombia Productiva, to the virtual courses of iNNpulsa, and to Crea Digital and Apps.co – of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies. Also, to simplify the process to apply for the support of Procolombia and the Colombia Productiva program POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY for the marketing of products and services. 29 4.3. Strategy C. Support consolidated companies so they can scale up their operations and increase their exports Companies with a track record in the market, endowed with financial muscle, demand talent, products, and services from entrepreneurs in culture and creativity. They have the potential to become focal points for investment and market expansion, nationally and internationally. They need a stable regulatory framework, improvement of infrastructure, and investment incentives. 4.3.1. Increase the supply of technical training within these organizations through SENA. Such training should always be of sufficient quality, quantity and relevance to fulfill the needs of the companies’ personnel. 4.3.2. Negotiate with Bancoldex the availability of financial resources through credit lines and access to risk capital through the National Guarantee Fund. Enhance, with the aid of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT), the participation of orange companies in the Mega i program of iNNpulsa Colombia and in Colombia Productiva, through the Factories of Productivity. All these alliances will strengthen the productive chains of the creative and cultural sector. 4.3.3. Promote a closer collaboration with MinCIT, through its Vice Ministry of Tourism, for the development of projects related to cultural tourism to be executed through Fontur, prior agreement with the current guidelines issued by that ministry and the steering committee of Fontur for the submission of projects. 4.3.4. Work to expand access to consultancy services for the design of export strategies, and to training activities associated with reaching new markets at all levels of entrepreneurship. The exportable offer of orange service companies will be optimized through the calls of Colombia Productiva for the adoption of standards. 4.4. Strategy D. Publicize and promote access to instruments that benefit the entire cultural and creative sector transversally This transversal strategy seeks that all types of community organizations, nonprofits, and emerging and consolidated for-profit companies take advantage of the offer of financial resources made available through the calls of the ministries of Information Technologies and Communications, Culture, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, SENA, Bancoldex, POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Colombia Productiva, Procolombia, and other public sector institutions. 30 4.4.1. Strengthen the use of the instruments available in laws 814 of 2003 (Film Law), 1556 of 2012 (Law for the Promotion of the National Territory as a Stage for Filming Cinematographic Works), 1493 of 2011 (Law of Public Spectacles), and 98 of 1993 (Book Law), that were designed to attract greater investment to the sector; correct the failures that have prevented an efficient allocation of resources for the scaling up of companies, and generate investment in hard and soft infrastructure in order to achieve sustained sector growth. 4.4.2. Create spaces for sharing information and advice that allow orange organizations and companies to take advantage of the financing instruments available to all social and productive sectors, such as discounts for donations to nonprofits under a special tax regime, for investment in science, technology and innovation, or the financing mechanisms channeled through Bancoldex. For large companies, emphasis will be placed on taking advantage of the benefits of the “public works for taxes” mechanism in the zones most impacted by the armed conflict (ZOMAC), gearing them to cultural infrastructure and investment in ICT. 4.4.3. This strategy also highlights the National Directorate of Copyright’s offer of virtual courses and other tools aimed at strengthening the familiarity of the sector around issues related to the protection and economic profitability of activities subject to copyright. This will help to create an environment that enables companies to be compensated for their creations, and consumers to access and enjoy them without violating authors’ rights. In Colombia, public policy has traditionally focused on promoting the creation of cultural products, while leaving unattended other points of the ecosystem, namely cultural intermediation, which should fulfill the role of connecting ideas and cultural expressions with creative goods and services, and these, in turn, with communities and end consumers. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

31 Financiación: Akalinjia sukuwaipa wanee a´yatawaa Colaboración: A´yanaajirawa sünain wanee kasa Lugares de memoria: Eere tü achikimaajatükat Protección y cuidado del medio ambiente: A´inmajaa oummain Información: Ayaawatia sukuwaipa wanee kasa Oficio: A´yataanakat so´ukaiwai Artesanía: Akumajünakat süka´ ajapü Saberes: Ayaawata sa´u sukuwaipa tü kama´itkat Equidad: Wamawa sünain kojutaji´irawaa Derechos culturales: Oulaana sünain nakuwaipa Cultura: Trabajo: Akuwaipaa Wayúu Naiki A´yatawaa Derechos: Olotole´eria Economía: Washirüü Libertades: Oulaanaa sünain laülain nakuwaipa Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: Shi´iyatia sukuwaipa jee müsüja´a tü shi´inanajia akuwaipaakat Conocimiento: Ayaawata sa´u sukuwaipa wanee kasa Tradición: Tü a´innakat weinshi sulu´u akuwaipa Aprendizaje: Atüjaa sünainje ekirajünaa Espacios culturales: Eere a´innüin akuwaipa Capacidades: Ayaawata sa´u tü atüjaakalü a´u wanee kasa Transmisión de conocimiento: Alatiraa tü atüjalaa sa´u wanee kasa Espacios OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY culturales: Eere a´innüin akuwaipa Educación: Atüjaa süpüle akuwaipa 32 Maloca / casa espiritual: Shipiapala aseyuu Infraestructura: Süpülajatü wanee kasa a´innajatü Integración OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 4.4. 5.5.33 LINE 5. INTEGRATION Integration, networks, and market development

The following strategies intend to strengthen the instances of mediation in order to eliminate barriers in the chains of cultural and commercial exchange; foster a greater balance in the cultural and creative ecosystem; qualify the demand for cultural goods and services; ensure that the public sector and companies of the orange economy jointly produce informed strategies to create new audiences and reach national and international markets; guarantee the access to and enjoyment of our own cultural manifestations and the adoption of consumption habits that strengthen the cultural economic cycle. 5.1. Strategy A. Strengthen the mediators of the value ecosystem 5.1.1. The Ministry of Culture will put forth a set of new incentives to co-fund the distribution of catalogs of content that show high quality and creativity in their proposal. The beneficiaries will be organizations from the creative and cultural sector that operate as market developers for creative content (labels, publishers, distributors, talent agents, representatives, salespeople, among others). 5.1.2. Create further incentives for the strengthening of curators and audience developers with the aim of co-funding quality content programming initiatives and strategies to achieve audience loyalty and diversification. The target are organizations from the creative and cultural sector that operate as spaces and curators of creative content (exhibition halls, hybrid spaces, bookstores, festivals, among others). 5.1.3. Additionally, the incentives will support the activity of general, specialized, and digital communication and dissemination media. 5.1.4. In a complementary way, the Ministry of Culture will develop specific strategies for the strengthening of networks of bookstores, alternative movie theaters and spaces for the performing arts. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

34 5.2. Strategy B. Strengthen national and international platforms, markets and networks for the circulation of cultural and creative goods and services 5.2.1. Strive to develop the offer of creative goods and services based on local and external markets, in such a way that the potentialities and needs of sector agents are recognized in a differentiated way. To achieve this, the appropriate matches between suppliers and demanders will be sought, as well as capacity building processes in product development and positioning, market development, and placing products in foreign markets. A joint effort with business associations will help to strengthen spaces for doing business and promote the articulation of circulation circuits both locally and regionally, with the final aim of expanding the national commercial offer in international markets. 5.2.2. As part of the Colombia Crea label, promote participation in widely recognized international platforms or those with a development perspective. 5.2.3. Connected to the aforementioned integration with foreign markets, we propose a strategy for the internationalization of the country’s creative and cultural economy along three axes: exports, attracting investment, and cultural tourism. Some of the initiatives that will fall under these axes include conducting market intelligence studies (analysis of demand and consumption patterns in potential markets); design and implementation of mechanisms to promote and increase exports from the orange economy; fostering an export culture among national entrepreneurs and businesspeople; participation of national ventures in international distribution and marketing networks; skill-building to facilitate the influx of direct foreign investment, and boosting the international reach of cultural tourism products. 5.3. Strategy C. Strengthen the synergy between heritage and sustainable tourism 5.3.1. Strengthen the initiatives related to traditional gastronomy of the Colombia a la Mesa program of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, with the advice of the Ministry of Culture. Colombia a la Mesa seeks to position gastronomy as a touristic product that aids in the safeguarding of traditional Colombian cuisines. This will entail the following actions: media campaigns inviting Colombians to acknowledge and appropriate Colombian gastronomic offer; linking this offer with other touristic products, attractions, itineraries and packages; business strengthening; the joint work of public and private OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY agents; support and incentives for research projects on the issue; promotion, locally and 35 abroad, of gastronomic destinations throughout the country, and creation of a Network of Gastronomic Events of Colombia. 5.3.2. A fundamental part of enhancing the international reach of this sector will be to strengthen sustainable cultural tourism in targeted regions of the country. The Cultural Tourism Policy will promote initiatives to generate greater wealth for the local community through the exchange of knowledge between visitors and hosts. In turn, Colombia will be positioned as a destination for national and international cultural tourism by taking advantage of its diversity and cultural wealth, and building on installed capacities for sustainable local development that promote the viability of goods and services based on the manifestations of the intangible heritage, regional identities and the connection between cultural industries and the tourism market. 5.3.3. In the framework of the Tourism Sector Plan 2018-2022, MinCIT will financially and technically support programs like the Tourist Network of Heritage Villages to generate more opportunities for development and sustainability in communities carrying intangible heritage, strengthen participatory business endeavors that contribute to the generation of employment and income, and seek the consolidation of touristic destinations through differentiated, competitive and sustainable tourism products in vulnerable communities. This initiative will be implemented by the Vice Ministry of Tourism in conjunction with the Ministry of Culture using resources coming from Fontur. 5.3.4. Strengthen community-based tourism initiatives by expanding the pool of resources that benefit local communities, linking those initiatives to the existing offer of tourism services; provide technical advice for the development of business plans and support these endeavors with access to seed capital. 5.3.5. Additionally, tourism infrastructure projects must respond to the vocation of each of the targeted territories and be primarily linked to a specific activity, with the aim of improving the tourist experience overall. 5.3.6. The Ministry of Culture, for its part, will continue to advise on the design and development of touristic routes and promote research activities aimed at identifying areas with tourism potential and developing sustainable models of cultural tourism. 5.3.7. Encourage the construction of tourism infrastructure related with cultural activities through the allocation of resources, as long as said infrastructure integrates organically with the locations, is economically sustainable and environmentally friendly over time, POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY and meets the needs of different kinds of tourists. 36 5.4. Strategy D. Devise strategies for Colombians to access and appropriate their own cultural and creative manifestations 5.4.1. Jointly with the entities that make up the CNEN, strengthen communication strategies that raise awareness of and create a sense of connection to Colombia’s cultural and creative offer. One of the main actions to highlight this offer is the use of the Colombia Crea label. The main objective is to give visibility to cultural and creative manifestations and foster their appropriation both in broad sectors of the Colombian population and globally. 5.4.2. Annually hold an event showcasing the work of the creative sectors in Colombia, aimed at disseminating the most outstanding cultural and creative production among the widest audience possible. The importance of making the diverse cultural offer of all regions widely known among Colombians, giving visibility to lesser known heritage and local cultural projects, cannot be overstated. 5.4.3. As an offshoot of the Colombia Crea label, develop activities for the appropriation of cultural and creative content that foster a greater recognition, access, consumption, and enjoyment of cultural and creative manifestations in large sectors of the Colombian population, for all ages. 5.5. Strategy E. Launch strategic projects of national interest oriented to the orange economy, or Pines Naranja 5.5.1. The strategic projects of national interest with an orange vocation – Pines Naranja – will be promoted jointly by the Office of Economic and Strategic Affairs and the Office for the Private Sector and Competitiveness of the Presidency of the Republic. The Pines boost the development of ADNs in the country and their objective is to significantly increase the productivity and competitiveness of the creative sectors and the targeted regions in general, having a positive impact on the creation of formal employment, productive chains and investment growth. Regarding the audiovisual sector, the necessary cross- institutional coordination for the establishment and standardization of procedures, permits and authorizations for filming in public spaces throughout the country is already in progress. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

37 Desarrollo: Ita’kumey diwʉn zanisi zoya Protección y cuidado del medio ambiente: Niwi ókʉna kwʉya chów a’chwamʉ Emprendimiento: Nikamʉ iɉuna ʉmpesammʉ Oficios: Nikamʉ, inʉ awamʉ Educación: Riwiamʉ Información: Ga’kʉnamʉ ɉwa’sʉkweyka Equidad: Díkin riwanamʉ Conocimiento: Ɉwa’samʉ Derechos: Enarizay nʉneyka Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: Kunsamʉsin achwinhási ʉndʉmanamʉ Cultura: Libertades: Kunsamʉ Tanʉzanamʉ Conocimiento: Ikun Saberes: Ɉwa’samʉ Migʉnkwamʉ Derechos culturales: Kunsamʉse’ enarizay nʉneyka

Artesanías: Inʉ isamʉ awiri gawamʉ Capacidades: Me’zanakwamʉ

Maloca o casa espiritual: Kʉnkurwa Trabajo: Nikamʉ Transmisión de conocimiento: Migʉnkwʉya ʉnkʉbasamʉ Espacios culturales: Kunsámʉzey nari agachwanin

Infraestructura: Agachwi du zakukumanin (urakʉ bunnin) POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Aprendizaje: Ʉnkʉriwiamʉ Colaboración: Zagunamʉsamʉ Inclusión 5.38 6. Lugares5. de memoria: Kʉzagichi zoya rigʉnchunhákumʉyʉn 6.

Financiación: Ɉwisin twiré yamʉ Economía: Tanʉ zamʉ, inʉ mikʉnanamʉ Inclusión OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 5.5. 6.6. 39 LINE 6. INCLUSION. Development of capacities as an answer to inequality: inclusion and access to opportunities

This line seeks to strengthen human capital, targeting the expertise, skills and competencies of the people who make up the cultural and creative sector in order to encourage their qualification and entry into the labor market. This entails closing the gaps in quality, quantity and relevance between the offer in training courses and the demands of the labor market. Furthermore, it seeks to reinforce artistic, creative and cultural education from preschool, primary and secondary education levels, setting new curricular guidelines that focus on the development of the necessary capacities for the use of innovation in local contexts. The line is implemented following the guidelines of the Policy for the Strengthening of the Human Capital System (CONPES 3674), and in coordination with the National System of Artistic and Cultural Education (SNEAC). By improving these factors, there will be a positive impact in the productivity of the sector, the viability of dignified employment and sustainable business initiatives, and the well-being of the population. 6.1. Strategy A. Closing gaps in human capital and designing qualification standards in the cultural and creative ecosystem 6.1.1. In cooperation with SENA, design and strengthen the offer of continuous training programs according to the needs of companies, entities, agents and business associations whose activities are aligned with the orange economy in order to update the expertise and skills of all agents of the sector. 6.1.2. Similarly, include in the research, innovation and technological development lines an emphasis on the orange economy for those research groups registered with the Ministry of Sciences, so their projects have an impact on the levels of productivity and competitiveness of the culture sector. 6.1.3.

POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Promote the development of labor and entrepreneurial practices that foster the inclusion and classification of new economic activities and occupations in the cultural and creative 40 sector, enhancing worker mobility and their opportunities for capacity development, further contributing to the productivity of the various regions in the country. 6.1.4. Based on the methodology of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Culture will include in its actions the analysis of gaps in quantity, quality and relevance in the sectors and subsectors of culture and creativity, taking into account forecasting trends. This process will associate each identified gap with a sector qualification and establish a permanent dialogue with productive, educational and training institutions. 6.1.5. Taking as a reference the National Qualifications Framework, the Ministry of Culture will design the catalogs of qualifications for the culture sector and the competency assessment and certification subsystem. For this purpose, it will lead actions that focus on the strengthening of human capital considering the dynamics of each subsector, and will seek strategies that link up all the agents, trades and occupations of the sector. 6.1.6. Strengthen education/training processes at different levels and with different modalities, including primary, secondary and higher education, and ETDH, based on the definitions provided by the qualifications’ catalogs. 6.1.7. The ministries of Labor, Culture and National Education will define the mechanisms for the recognition and certification of courses and competencies in the crafts and occupations related to the arts and culture, through the National Qualifications System (SNC), a component of the National Qualifications Framework (MNC). 6.2. Strategy B. Reinforce the policy for the strengthening of crafts and occupations related to the performing arts and the cultural heritage 6.2.1. Promote the transmission and sustainability of crafts and occupations related to the arts and heritage through learning-by-doing, in accordance with the guidelines established in that policy. The policy has a legal, conceptual and strategic framework aimed at the sector, and it complies with the SNC, so as to promote training curricula in crafts and occupations that integrate into Education for Work and Human Development (ETDH), and formal and informal education processes, offering another pathway for social development in the regions. 6.2.2. Promote, in association with the Ministry of National Education, Artesanías de Colombia, and the Ministry of Culture, the teaching of local artisanal trades in the POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY curricula of formal educational institutions at preschool, primary and secondary levels. 41 6.2.3. Link the different ways of qualifying crafts and occupations, particularly artisanal ones and those associated with the production of the performing arts, in order to promote strategies, programs and actions aimed at rescuing, preserving, protecting and encouraging knowledge and activities related to them, fostering generational renewal, the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage and the arts, and the survival of the culture and identity of the communities and agents linked to each type of activity. 6.2.4. This task will be carried out initially through the strengthening of the Arts Schools and the evaluation and implementation of the necessary changes in the institutional and curricular management of the Workshop Schools of Colombia. This will allow the development of local capacities and the expansion of qualified human capital to initiate differential training processes that favor the safeguarding of the cultural heritage of our country. To further this objective, operating resolutions will be granted to training centers in arts and crafts, dance, and music, among others, and the registry of educational programs associated with these subsectors will be fast-tracked. 6.2.5. The School Workshops program is launched, which turns the workshops of master craftsmen into production centers where training processes in a trade are carried out after receiving guidance and certification by the workshop schools. 6.2.6. Encourage the creation and strengthening of ETDH programs aimed at teaching artisanal trades and those associated with the production of the performing arts in the educational offer provided by SENA, the Arts Schools, the Workshop Schools, the Training Unit of Artesanías de Colombia and the Santo Domingo School of Arts and Crafts, among others. 6.2.7. Regarding informal education, strengthen knowledge transmission processes aimed at rescuing, preserving, protecting and promoting knowledge and activities related to the production techniques of handicrafts and performing arts that either belong originally to the communities and agents or are supported through public policies and programs. In the case of the processes themselves, empirical learning, the transmission of knowledge from generation to generation and the concept of lifelong learning developed by UNESCO and collected in the SNC must be recognized and reclaimed: it’s the natural and original way of transmitting knowledge among artisans, especially indigenous people and peasants. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

42 6.3. Strategy C. Strengthen the comprehensive development of artistic, cultural and technological skills and competencies in primary and secondary education 6.3.1. In coordination with the ministries of National Education and Culture, update the pedagogical guidelines for artistic education in the primary and secondary levels, and establish a guiding document to strengthen the common school day and promote the development of artistic, cultural, and socio-emotional skills such as critical thinking, openness to change and self-awareness, among others, to potentiate artistic and creative talent from an early age. 6.3.2. As for children and youth, promote both in their families and in the educational community the creation and use of pedagogical environments for the development of creativity, fantasy, experimentation, exploration, artistic expression, games, and literacy from early childhood. 6.3.3. Update curricular guidelines in the areas of science, technology and arts education, and promote teachers’ training and professional development to improve and enhance student learning in these fields, supporting the development of specific talents in primary and secondary education. 6.3.4. Strengthen the curricula of teacher training colleges and update the technical and technological offer geared to the orange economy with the implementation of the culture sector catalogs derived from the National Framework of Qualifications. 6.3.5. Regarding the promotion of entrepreneurial culture, creativity and innovation in secondary education, and in accordance with the provisions of the National Development Plan (PND), the life projects and vocations of young people that relate to the cultural and creative sector will be prioritized. Secondary education curricula will be linked to the technical and technological training offer, and double diplomas and certifications shall be issued in conjunction with SENA and other higher education institutions. 6.4. Strategy D. Implement the National System of Education - Artistic and Cultural Training (SINEFAC) POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 6.4.1. 43 Put into operation the SINEFAC in accordance with the provisions of laws 115 of 1994 and 397 of 1997, and the PND for 2018-2022. The ministries of Culture and Education will Protección y cuidados del medio ambiente:

work on guidelines based on the respect for diversity and high standards of quality for the different educational modalities and levels, with the following inputs: the dynamics Kiwe çeya's phuphna and coordinated work of educators and teachers in artistic and cultural matters; the configuration of local systems; and the norms that govern them and allow to educate critical, creative, ethical and sensitive citizens. The aim is to strengthen a sense of identity Maloca o casa espiritual: Êkthê wa' meeçxa' yat and belonging through the comprehensive development of skills and competencies in arts and cultural education imparted in varied learning environments, while promoting teacher qualification and the recognition of that profession. Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: 6.4.2. Peetx fxi'zenxi's we'wna txhîiçx kajiyu'n Articulate the current policies of the Ministry of Culture with educational policies that promote the strengthening of artistic and cultural education at preschool level, focusing on strengthening ETDH, informal education and alliances between higher education Derechos: Ew fxi'zewa knaynxi Aprendizaje: Piyanxi institutions to reinforce arts and culture curricula. 6.4.3. Cultura: Peetx fxi'zenxi Trabajo: mjinxi The National System of Qualifications and the SINEFAC will work in coordination, promoting in this way a comprehensive educational and formative development based on art and culture. Educación: Libertades: Kapiyanxji Nasa Peetx u'junxi Equidad: Oficios: Puyja'da Yuwe Vxitnxii Derechos culturales: Peetx fxi'zenxi's knaynxi Información: Jxukatx kajiyu'nxji Economía: Vxu vitnxi Conocimiento: Jiyunxi Saberes: Yaçujx jiyunxi Tradición: Maantey yunxi Artesanías: Kuseju umnxi Transmición de conocimientos: Jiyunxitxis kapiya'n

POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Infraestructura: Kukwe çxida 44 Colaboración: Pu'çxnxi Financiación: Puypu'çxnx Desarrollo: Vxitnxi Capacidades: Kih vitya' evunxi Protección y cuidados del medio ambiente: Kiwe çeya's phuphna Maloca o casa espiritual: Êkthê wa' meeçxa' yat Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: Peetx fxi'zenxi's we'wna txhîiçx kajiyu'n Derechos: Ew fxi'zewa knaynxi Aprendizaje: Piyanxi Cultura: Peetx fxi'zenxi Trabajo: mjinxi Educación: Libertades: Kapiyanxji Nasa Peetx u'junxi Equidad: Oficios: Puyja'da Yuwe Vxitnxii Derechos culturales: Peetx fxi'zenxi's knaynxi Información: Jxukatx kajiyu'nxji Economía: Vxu vitnxi Conocimiento: Jiyunxi Saberes: Yaçujx jiyunxi Tradición: Maantey yunxi Artesanías: Kuseju umnxi Transmición de conocimientos: Jiyunxitxis kapiya'n

Infraestructura: Kukwe çxida OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 45 Colaboración: Pu'çxnxi Financiación: Puypu'çxnx Desarrollo: Vxitnxi Capacidades: Kih vitya' evunxi POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Inspiración 6.6. 46 7.7. LINE 7. INSPIRATION Creativity and its products

This line intends to stimulate the production of innovative and quality cultural and creative goods and services endowed with a high aesthetic, social or symbolic value, that promote diversity while having the capacity to reach both society and the market. It seeks to guarantee an adequate balance between the right of access to culture, creativity, and their products, and the respect for intellectual property, strengthening the mechanisms for authors to receive remuneration for the use of their creations. Likewise, there is a permanently updated regulatory framework that establishes clear rules on copyright and facilitates the creation, circulation, and trade of cultural content through physical and digital media. 7.1. Strategy A. Stimulate the emergence and consolidation of a sustainable, innovative and diverse cultural and creative economic activity with a reaching social impact 7.1.1. The most important commitment to develop this strategy is made by the Ministry of Culture through its National Stimulus Program (PNE), a portfolio of monetary incentives that highlights the social value of culture and creativity as pillars of the country’s development. Furthermore, it promotes the economic conditions to build, hand in hand with stakeholders, sustainable processes that allow diversification, innovation, and consolidation of the sector. The orange chapter of the PNE is made up of categories aimed at cultural and creative organizations, as well as agents, entrepreneurs and businesspeople who perform activities in the orange economy. It considers their various structures, needs, and models of organization and operation. In this chapter, citizens find lines of promotion for research in the sector, training in cultural and creative entrepreneurship, creation and production of goods and services, association and sustainability initiatives around cultural and creative infrastructures, as well as co- funding strategies for the circulation, marketing, promotion and appropriation of the goods and services of the orange economy. 7.1.2. Strengthen the Crea Digital call that supports the production of digital content with three requirements: it must have a high technical and narrative quality; a cultural and educational emphasis; and commercial potential in the CCI market. Crea Digital focuses on projects with a likelihood to reach international markets, which are currently demanding content that reflects the cultural diversity and originality of the country. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY 7.1.3. 47 For its part, the Film Development Fund (FDC) will continue to support the production of diverse and quality national cinematographic works and will reinforce the actions aimed at strengthening the entire value chain of audiovisual production. 7.1.4. The Ministry of Science shall strengthen the calls to support research and creation projects around the development, circulation, consumption and enjoyment of goods and services derived from the creative and cultural industries. 7.2. Strategy B. Broaden the understanding and use of the tools provided by copyright and related rights to guarantee fair access and increase the economic benefits derived from the products of the creative and cultural sector 7.2.1. The DNDA, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, SENA and Artesanías de Colombia have launched diverse promotion and training initiatives regarding the use of intellectual property tools for the different stakeholders of the orange economy, and they design and execute jointly the Orange Culture program aimed at creators, producers, distributors, marketers, suppliers and consumers. This program aims to raise awareness about the fair economic recognition of authors and creators for the sale, use and enjoyment of their creations about the benefits and added value derived from the intellectual property registry of goods and services of the orange economy; and finally, about business mechanisms for the use of intellectual property instruments and the respect and protection of intellectual property. 7.2.2. Regulate and implement the category of intellectual property for Traditional Specialties Guaranteed (TSG) in association with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism and the Ministry of Culture, together with the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC) and Artesanías de Colombia. This action will take place within the framework of the Intersectoral Commission of Intellectual Property (CIPI) and will abide by WIPO guidelines. 7.2.3. The National Directorate of Copyright will carry out the following actions under this strategy: updating and enhancing virtual courses and seminars on copyright; strengthening its jurisdictional and legal advisory functions, and the inspection, surveillance and control of collective management companies; launching programs for the valuation of intangible assets; and strengthening of the business portal Red

POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY Naranja, whose purpose is to bridge creators and cultural industries and allow authors to publish, market and monetize the works they have registered with the DNDA. 48 7.2.4. With the aid of Icontec, ICA, Invima and other organizations that handle quality standards and health registrations, develop a regulatory body that allows the expansion of traditional production methods under standards recognized by the government. 7.2.5. Finally, it is essential to instill understanding of and respect for intellectual property rights in order to guarantee the fair remuneration for creators and other agents who intervene in the chain of creation and dissemination of cultural and creative works, as well as inform about the rights regarding use and appropriation by others. This will be a joint task of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Artesanías de Colombia, SIC and DNDA, through information campaigns, publications, conferences and other types of events. 7.3. Strategy C. Include the sectors of the cultural and creative economy as productive commitments within the framework of the National Productive Development Policy (PDP) 7.3.1. A selection has been made of the sectors and subsectors of the cultural and creative economy that can be included as productive commitments within the framework of the PDP. This list has been compiled in accordance with the development of the territorial agendas and the creation of ADNs (under the line of sustainable public goods and infrastructure). The Colombia Productiva program promotes the consolidation of sectors of the orange economy that fall under the initiative, such as software and information technologies (IT), tourism related to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and cultural landscapes, and the fashion world; other subsectors with development potential will be added as they are identified. 7.4. Strategy D. Create and promote spaces for interdisciplinary experimentation, creative laboratories, product prototyping, and research + creation in all artistic fields 7.4.1. Strengthen the work that Artesanías de Colombia is already conducting through its innovation and artisanal design laboratories, in charge of implementing preservation and innovation strategies for the production of handicrafts. The strategy of expanded

demographic coverage will continue to enhance local and regional capacities and OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY optimize resources for the strengthening of handicrafts throughout the country. Comprehensive technical assistance will be provided to artisans so that they can 49 (1) diagnose their own needs; (2) access training in human development and entrepreneurship; (3) enter participatory design processes; (4) train in production and quality management; and (5) develop promotion and marketing strategies. The Handmade Quality Seal program will also be reinforced to further the productivity and competitiveness of the sector, improving its position in the market and allowing its products to stand out from industrially manufactured ones. 7.4.2. Along with the Ministry of Sciences, develop work lines that promote the creation of art works and research-creation projects, in order to strengthen research groups in artistic areas, intending to reduce the gap in the acquisition of knowledge in the arts and cultural heritage sector. The development of new kinds of products from research- creation initiatives in arts, architecture and design is contemplated here, as well as the launching of creative and cultural companies and related events and workshops. These actions are key for unleashing new technological developments, while enhancing the general public’s expertise and appropriation of science, technology, and innovation. 7.4.3. Coordinate and integrate the efforts and agendas of the ministries of Commerce, Culture, Information Technologies and Communications, and Science to strengthen the orange economy through the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. These coordinated efforts should focus on putting into operation the Centers for Research and Technology Development and Transfer, that will join the centers of Excellence in Big Data and existing spaces for the development of prototypes and staging creative laboratories. 7.4.4. Join efforts for the design and implementation of programs for the dissemination of information about 4.0 technologies, online apps, skills and competencies in programming and digital entrepreneurship and their effective implementation in business models, marketing strategies and the circulation of orange economy goods and services. POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

50 Annex. Strategies of the Orange Economy – Wind Rose POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

51 Emprendimiento: Entrepreneurship Trabajo: Work /werk,iimplayment Expresiones y manifestaciones culturales: Kolchyoral ekspreshan ahn manifestieshan Equidad: Ivenness Derechos culturales: Kolchyoral raits Cultura: Kolchyor Libertades: Friidoms Derechos: Raits Información: Infarmeishan, manifestieshan Conocimiento: Nalidge, skills ahn kno hau Saberes: Tradishanal nalidge ahn laan-ning Oficios: Trieds Aprendizaje: Laaning Artesanías: Andikraafs Tradición: Educación: Tradishan Creole Edyukieshan Capacidades: Kapacitiis, fakoltiis Economía: Ikonomy Transmisión de conocimiento: Transmishan af naledge Espacios culturales: Kolchyroal spieces Maloca o casa espiritual: Spiritual hause. church Infraestructura: Infrastroktiu ahn triening Lugares de memoria: Desarrollo: Diivelopment Plieces ah memori Colaboración: Kolaboreishan POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY

Protección52 y cuidado del medio ambiente: Protekshan ahn kyer o kier ah di iinvironmental manigement Financiación: Fuos pah fainanshal, mekanizam POLICY OF THE ORANGE ECONOMY POLICY