Regmi Research (Priv ate) Ltd; Kathmandu: N ovember l, 1971.

Regmi Resear.-h Series Y0ar·.3, No. 11, Edited By, Jl..ahesb c. Regmi.

Contents l. Aniko: His Family And P lace of Birth - ...... 241 2. King 's Letters To Shriharsha J� charya . • . And Nilakantha Joshi ••• 244 J. Notes On 'I'he History Of Morang District-II ••• 21,8 4. The Malla Kings Of Kat hmandu... ••• 2,1 5. On Wages And Forced Labor ••• 261 6. Royal Ord�r To Fakirs In Morang, 1797 ••• 262 ll 101 M I( 11100(

Regmi Research (Priva,te) Ltd,, 'Lazimpe·c., Kathm�u, .

Compiled by Regmi Researeh (Private) Ltd tor private study and research. Not meant tor public sale or displar•' 241�

l 1 .Aniko�.H is Fami.Y An<:tPlace or B1rth ' .-. .. ' �

Baburam .Acharya

Sy).wiri Levi's Le Nepal published a little over $0 years t;3go, cont:-11 r,r, a very brief introduction to Aniko, the gifted Nepali artist who had demonstrated his artistic skifl at the· court of, Ghinese Emperor· Kublai Khan. It contains a French translation of• refe��nce;:1 to this· arti_st,, contained in a Yuan �ccount. The GorkhaE;tra-of:Magh 12(· 2013_n.(Jinwt:ey \ 2f ,. 1957) had published an article entit1ed�Balbau"(ArnikoJ •Which to<.?'wa� ' , \\ based on the Yuan account. However, if con�ained, t.he trans�tions o:f.a' , greater port-ion of the Chinese accowt than was given by Sylvain Le•i• But an even more detailed and �learer account about this ertist is giver, in L. Petech 1 s Medieval .

1 Sylvain Levi• s translation mentions 1.Arniko", who belonged to the royal family of Pale-Pao, the Chinese equivalent of ''Balbou, the 'N,.bet�n name ·for Nepal. I had wrongly thought 11Pale-Paon11 was Anik:o's personal 11 name. I therefore confused ihis term.with the Sanskrit word· Balabahu" out of ignornnce. A similar error has been committed in the artic� · published in tha _Gorkhapatra. It is also n mistake to nama the artist as Arniko. This mistake is being committed since the 18th. century. A scholar named Ishida tound out ,. the error. Moreover, the old edition of. the Yuan account;, as well a�• th3 ston,, inscription installed at the tomb of' tt:iis artist, gives his· n&ff!e as fniko not Arniko. That is why Dr Petech· has used t� term �Anfko" in , 1 . his book. The tf.:rms 11.A.rn1J.(o 1 , and 11Araniko", are no longer used now. ThE-J bioe;rophy or this famous artist inscribed on the tomb at Shang-sun v1ll.nge in Yu-An-Ping district situated to the west of Peking sheds greater ligqt on him than ths Yuan aocount. Since the, works· of this artist are already fan:ous, nn attl,mpt is made in this art�le to .discuss only the probable' placu of his birth and his family.

l."Aniko, Unkri Pnr:i.var_ Ra Jarimasthal11 ._HimavatS8111Slcr1t1,. Yea�I,-No. J, . Falgun 2016 (February 1960), pp. 3r;_ ., .,

eoritd ••• In their interpretation of the Yuan account, both Sylva in Levi and Dr . Petech have referred to the artist as belonging to a roya l family. But Dr . Petech ha s doubted whether the Chinese word 11 Chou11 ; used in intro­ ducing the artist actually means a roya l family. _The roya l family of NcpGl nt that time be longed to the Ksha triya ca ste, not to any Buddhist se: c.;t. Ksha triya s did not do any work in the fields of fine arts or sculpture'. Only Buddhist Vihara s uood to function as centers of fine arts and sculp ­ ture, in addition to making me dicines and imparting oducation . I am ther,; :�-,r of :the opinfon that this f'c1mous artist wa s a Buddhist who had taken to :"wrdly . life (Upa sc k) • He, Jl1Ust have ·re c.ei ved l'li s education and tra ining ir. fine arts in a Buddbist Vihara during his childhood and been married probably before he attaine d the Eige of 17 yea rs. The practice of chi ld · marriage wa s i'n vogu,:: among Buddhist Upasaka s until about 10 years a.go . Aniko thus probnbly came of a scu lptor ts famil)r which worked for' 1 thE: roya : family of that time . He might ba vc been shown as being conne cted with a . ·royal. family of Nepa 1 for this reason. •· } r Lniko appt:ars to have been the Chinese pronunciation of t'oo· artist· .• name . It is hard to write t,he Nepc:i pronunciat,.on in Chinase \chara cte:,' .�s . Dr. Pete ch hn s surmis ed t,hat /m iko wa s the Chinese pronunciation of 11.f.ni10"', which wa s ·a distort�d form of .Anang, th-a name· of one of the84' . Siddhas · belonging to tha Va jraynna sc;ct. Howevar, i:t seems difficult to believe t I :. l 11f, nigo 11 is a distorted fonn of u1-1nang11 • J, ccording to the Gopa la vamshava li : the name of the grand-father of King Jn�nta Malla of Nupal, a contempor,:•;· of the artist , wa s Ja gad�neka' . The a ctua 1 nama of this pe roon wa s l!neka , however . The word 11Ja gad 11 wa s adde:d to his name simp ly Ds a r.,ark of resp, . ..:t. since he belonged to the I'.Oyal fa1dly. He is also ca'lled J\nekha Nalla cl s_ - where in the same Vamshavali . There is no doubt that 11.ft.nekhc1'� wa s just 1 :mother form of 11:n.skn". I believe tha t 11.r:noka " ·,.a s Also the' nan::,:1 of .our a.rti�t. The Chinese must have pronounced 111\ neka" as 111�niko 11· ·in the same way as they used to ca ll Nepal' ns 11Nipolo". If thls vi.ew i:sco rrect,'. thi2t': it' would ba appropriate to refer to the artist as Anokri' . . \,:\ � The tomb inscription referred to above mentions the s o't inemJxrc of j,h€: artist'1 s family. It givc D the nama of the Hep13 li w1.fe of tha artj n as 11Chai-yal-ta-talani 11 (Chinese pr,?nunciation of Jay�talaxmi)'. 'rho artist had le ft this wife in NepA l and gone· to Tibet, where he bec:.:i me e monk . From Tibet, he went to China , where severa l years later'. -he :revt�rted to worldly life and married a Mongo l girl . Hu hc1 d married seven· other 'womE:n, from whom he had a tota l of 6 sons and 8 daughte rs'. Ji.ltbou.g h he had beC·l"' '�nged from hi s Ne�li wife ., his children could not forge t their Nc;x l. step-motb�r. Hence they hnd her name to9 inscribed on the 'tomb , and so immortalized he r. The tomb eivc s the n�mes of t-he fathar ·a nd gra nd-ft'.l tL' . 11 of the arti st as La--k-on and 11I1i-'I'i-Rha re spective ly., Chinese pronuncirr't of the Sanskrit tenne La:xrnan and Mitra re sp ective ly. The thousands of r·i. .-.;· cripts written on birch bark tMt period in Nepal ar:: still founr: here and tre re'. Since the autt-.ors of these works have all'. .S�nskrit mimt.!. , is ir.conce;i-..,ablG that Aniko and ,:>ther members of his family posse�s,. .

f:ccording to the tomb inscription, Aniko d_ie(l on March 11, 1)06 a·t the age of 62 years • This indica tes thatJ1 e wa e ·born· in·1245 ft.Di Nepal was ruled at that time by King Abhaya Malla (1216 ..,5 P. .n.) �· Aniko was in Nepal during tho reign of Jayadeva Malla ( 1255-58 f..• D� ), /l.bhaya Malla'e successor'. Aniko had migrated to Tibet in the beginning ot.t� rule of King Bhimadeva (1258-62 l .D.), who succeeded Jayadeva M&l.le·• .in Tibet, he built a golcl en pillar (Subarna-Stupa)" s.r.ound 1261-62 ..�. -D/ He probab ly ·, left Tibet for China after compkting this ior�. During the reigns of Sirnha4. ·. m...-, lla (1271-?L) and Anantalll<1lla . (1274-1310),' J. nilco ·:wa .3 gaining fame in . · .. _: Chin:.i .- _He died 12 years after the death 0f Kubla i Khan. : ' .'{

Now lE:t. us discuss the probable birth-place of .Aniko . During his tiroo• ·. L:-. litpur and_ Ka thmandu were the only leading centers of fine arts in Nep,iI.· However, Lalitpur was and remains more renowned· thari Kat hmandu in this fiJV 100 Nepa li artists had been invited from Tibet -to visit that country. But lfopal wa s able to send a team of 80 artists only under too leader�hi\t of . · . .h.niko . La litpur 'had a larger number of artists t;han Kathmandu at' that ,timi- . It is therefore very pr obable that the mejori ty of the· members of the tG."1 f': sent to Tibe t belonged to Lalitpur'. As · such, it is more than likely th':'t Aniko WR S born in Patan. : · · · , 1, : . 244. \ King Pr�thvi NafDlan Shah�s Letters To Shriharsha Achary · · J, nd Nilakantha Jo shix · . · · . · · � · l . Froin King · Prithvi Naranyan Sha h, To Shriharsha A charya•.

Greeting s. All is ·well here and we want the ,same there . We horeby grant you h0re . the sane arei us you had btien actua lly :utilizing theri!�n. Corrie here without an:y appre hension. Wha t more to wise peop� ?

Marga Sudi 5; Thursday, Nuwakotn. Notes

This letter wa s sent by King Prithvi Narayan Shah to Shriharsha .f.ncha'cy.:; from Nuwakot . ·It has not. been possible to identify Shriharsha J'c harya •. It is known, how ever, that Jayanarayan icharya came to the Kingdom·nor Kantipur with his 6 sons. King Jaya Prakash Malla of Kantipur grante d tr:o! lnnds in Mudkhu . Shriharsha Acharya was the eldest son 0f Jayanarayan· Ac.,aryf., • .According to the Acherynvc.1mshava li (pp . 12 and 15n) , he had sta�·�(,(. a school in Mudkhu, which is situated at a little distPn•s fro:m Balaju. In 1842 Vikraman, Shriharsha i\charya copiGd a work called Vajasa n&yci samhitc: ., according to the Itihas Prakash (Vol. l, Bo(..k l, p. 96 ) . It is possible that this Shriharsha Acha:ryn is the person to whom this letter has botin oddreswd. ry j Tt.0 letter indicates that Shri harsha .Acha a -was not a sub ect of ti·· i Kingdom of Gorkha . King Prithvi Narriynn Sh�h had offored similar allur011:;., '1. to other person s also in an attempt to win them over to his side.

Ma rga Sudi 5 occurred on a Thursday in the Vikrama yec, rs 1808, 181.1· ., 1815 . The letter thus could hav� been written in any of these yec1rs.

�ayaraj Pant ( ct. al, ) , Shri 5 Prithvinarayan Shah Ko Upadesh (Teachin�. of King Prithvi Narayan Shah) , Lalitpur: Jagadamba Prakashan, n.d., Par� PP • 941-943 and 947-953 .

Contd •.•• 245.

2. From King Prithvi Narayan Shah, · To · Nilakantha Joshi.

Greetings. All is well here andn.w,e -want tl)e same there.:nThe �ews of happy..• your wel. l-being would make u�.. very The I\8WS here is good' •." We have received your lett6r and noted its contentsn. . J ·. •.

You have written about a trevty.Narayan Pandit has gone to Kaski iL order to bring about n t>plit. He h9 s gone there, but he will not be success­ ful in doing son. Recently, people came to Mahadevpokhari from Ka�ld, he ld , _ delibcratfons and. left on 'Wednesday, the 12th day 9_nf the moon. The Umro ha s misappropri.::ited paddy belon ging to Bha ju .. .But we shall rea lize itfrom Niu.rt, We sha 11 send a roy al ord�r to the Umra of Bhan�rk; i, expressing our di�i.eqrura. We had sent an order to the tenant a few day s for ago also_n. Do not use• force . There is no _need _c oncern."P.ave coU:raf3 • ,. - A royal order wa s sent to the Kashiniri a few days ago also. We sha ll send ·another today . There is no need •for concern that such ordel'.S will riot be s�nt . Arrangements have been finalized witq the authoriti�-s 'of Kuti rilf:-::.·n. We ha d established � or 10 outpe'sts . (ttr:inaf here . On Sunday, we hf!d made arrangement s to establish two mo�e in ordern, crea � obst�ctionE>. In the meantirr.e, fighting started and -we could rl'o't do so. Thereafter , we ,, could not cic:t en auspicious moIOOnt . The fast;!..:va\ has started �nd we. _oould hc1ve obstructed it. But the Mritapaksha has set in,n· as well as the Malamt:is. W0 must wait for 1 month or 6 weeks to see what our r·itual fathe-.r (Mitb:>ba) dot; s . I. cc�·rding, we sha ll ·withdraw our troops tod'3y. What morne. to wfse f)f,opV: I) JG s�ha Badi 12, Wedn�sday, l•�1 h-c,d\:vpokharin. Notes

J. copy of this document wa s obtained through Ganesh Raj Pande ·rrom the orie:in:i l fn the posse.ssion of Mahesh Chandra Regmi , This le.tter was sent by King P.rithvi Narayan Shah to N!lakantha Joshi from Mahadevpokhari• . It does not m�ntion the ye ar, but astronomical oaloulations prove that it w�s writt,m in 1812 Vikra111q •

.C:vur since: the tiioo cf King Pri thvipati SQS h, ''.the Gorkhalis had been trying trJ (;xr,,:md eastwArd . Gradually, they developed �pemselve s into a l'igbtiric: r:.oti0r, . But the Kingdom of Gurkha at that tine was not in a Posi­ tic,n t:i �ct1.:.1.v(.; its objc.ctives s.. !Ply through mi litary strength. It thu!i us.:::d t�; r.,: lp :.nw or qther of the· Jlllerous Kil:lgdoms of Nepal. • . ' :i,i . .,, Colltd•• � 246 .

. ., . . . ;- ...... In 1715 Vikrania�' King Pr ithvipati Sha h' est.abli.shed ritua l brother with King Nripendra ;Malla of Kantipur . Prit�i Narayan Shah established similar r.elations with Biranarsimha; son of ;King :_Ranajit ,Malla of Bhakt •.·· The Vamshavali s· f.requeritly flefer to Ranajit Malla: as ritual· fa ther (Mitbll, of Prithvi Narayan Shah. It is. thus clear that the refe rence in t hi s 1�:, . is to Rana jit Malla . This is the first time that evidence regarding Pri\�'. · Narayan Sha h1 s ritual brotherhood with Birariarsimha hasbeen pr·oved thrOS� evid0nc0 other th.::r! ::i . V;:;mshava li. For some ye ,,.r:� , this relationship was o­ halp to 'Pritnvi Narayrin Shah is creating a split be tween Bh.aktapur · on the one hand and Kantipur and Lalitpur on the otmr, and w"i. nning it ovE­ to Gorkha'1 s side.

Prithvi Narayan Shah conquered Nuwa kot 1801 .Vikramaa. But he was not able to enter into Ka thmandu Valley forthwin ith. In 1803 Vikrama, he OCC'..tpied Sankhu and Changu with the assist.ance of Bhaktapur. ·aut he could not reta in his occupation of 'these territorie s for long . Pri thvi Narayair•�-­ Sha h therefore decided to oc·cupy territorie s all around Kathmandu Va lley''·' gradually. He therefore directed hi s attenticn to the Mahadevpokhari:-Naldu area, which wa s regarded as the 11 ga teway of tha east." Mahadevpokhari is situated at a distance of about 6 Kosh east of Ka thmandu . Na ldum lie s t:.;. the north of Ma hadevpokhari. Theset:e'rritories, ait.hough adjoinin.g Bhakt�:i' · t 1 therefore, na turally coveted them . 1J:t did not pr_ove difficult for Pri h� Narayan Sha h to get Bhaktapur'1 s consent to the of the St:': t�rr1- conquest r tories. Accordingly, � occupied Mahadevpokhaari and Naldum in 1803 Vikre.� with the a ssistance, of Bb;ikta pur . Pl' ithvi Narayan Sha h then stationed some Gorkhali troops there and handed thesp. te,rritorieas over to K�g Ranajit Malla of Bhaktapur.. But he c ould not retian his occupati0n of these terri:, tories for long, for Kantipur recovered them soon. In 1811 Vikrama,'. t�e Gorkhalis again occupied Ma hadevpokha•ri and Naldwn.

i . This letter wa s sent by Prithvi Narayan Sha h from Mahadevpokhar If .,'' is thus clear that in the rn,mth of Jestha, 18 12 Vikrama , he wa s in Ma hadc.1\,l

pokhari, trying to make adequate mili1,a. ry arr. angemants in. these a:reas . • r Ever since·G orkha started·e xpanding ea stward, the Chaubi�i principdi ' t�es, including Ka ski and Lamjung , were feeling jealous .·Th ey� toorefori:i, tried from time to time to hann Gorkba'1 s intere sts in collusii.,n with .th0 ..· Kings of Kathm�mdu Valley.i'rithv i !farayan Sh.a h/ according ly; triecj to , · thwart their designs through diploma cy . In thi s letter, he has Wormed Nilakantha Joshi that Ka ski ru:id joined -GorkhaI s enemies and that Narayan , " Pandit had been sent to Kci�ki to maneuver 'a _split betwoen .t��m • . ,· . No.t much is known abc,ut Nilakantha Joshi . Two other'' letter address•?{ · tc him by King· Frithvi Na rayan Shah are availDble, in whi ch he hasb een · granted exemption from taxation and his Birt.a lands have been confirmed .

Contd•• •. �'247 .

These letters show that Nilakantha Joshi was a prosperous - la��wre r, · Thi s letter shows that he owned land s in Blunwarkot, whic h if' sit�,ted 1� Dhuli­ khe l at a distance of about 8 Kosh from Kathmandu . It is possible that Nilakantha Joshi wa s a resident"'"o'r this area . This view is c anfirmed by · , Ma hesh Chandra Regmi 1 s state men+. that Nilakantha Joshi, his ancestor in th,:; seventh generation, was a irubject of th� Kingdom of Bhaktapur.

Since Bhanwarkot is situated near Mahadevpokhart", it appears that Prithvi Naraycn Sm:i h enli sted Uilakaritha Joa hi 1 s assi�ance in performinG nsc6s:;arywork t!1c.:re . In fa ct, Pri thvi Nara yan Sha h. everwhere enlisted : · � tho help of 10 c:a1 pe, rsons. .After gradua lly occupying areas situa ted on routes leading to_ Tibet, , inc luding Nuwakot, Prithvi Narayan Sha h made an atiempt tp start trade wj.:th that country. He minted his own coins withth e obje otive of introducing them for circulation in the Kuti region. He estsblisood ntc'.> acts with thy Tibe tan authoritie s for importing gold from Tibet� In 1811 Vikrama, the · authorities at Kuti had signed an agreement with P.rithvi Narayan Sha h in t ·. this regard . This is why Prithvi Narayan Shah wasab le to claim i n this ·, letter·that"a rr.!lngements have been finc11ized with the a uthorities of Ku ti'1 :-

A stronomical calculations · show that this letter wa s written on Je stli:• - Badi lls 1612 · Vikrc1ma (Baisakh 28, 1812 Vikrama according to the': �OU!r c�lendar) . M1 la mn s means th� extra lunar month devised to adjust the diff(;rence between the luna r And s:>lar months -p3riod ica lly. Mritapaks hc1 refurc to' n p� rticul.a r conjunction of H.a hu with'. other planets� 248 .

Note·� On The Hi story 0£ Morang District-II . ' ' ·.· ! . Appointment Of Ram Chandra Khowes As Mun sii'tl• 'rrom King Rana Bahadur Sha h,

To Jamadar · Ramachandra· Khawas.

2 We hereby appoint you as Nunsiff wi'tih effect from the year 1837 ·r. Vikrama in the -newly-acquired territory situsted ea st of the Kanaka riv3r up to Bhotgaune. :Meaesure lands according to thf:: Kattha3 prevalent in Mor:in ;· , in the same manner t.isthe Katthn of Kadokedirn4 , ·on the basi s of 20 to 19 .e:l Prepare Jammab,mdi5 records cf' MEI1, 6 Sair, l Waje8 and other revenues acc:':.'.'­ ding to ?a tta s9 is sued under roya l ordere. Transmit the proceeds of callec­ tic n to 'the govermoont, an d accept survey fee�: (Nap-Salami) , fees for caily rations, etc. ·according to practices current in H..:n·ang.

1. Reemi Research Collecti0ns, Vol. 5, ·p_. 587 . 2. In the Tarai districts, the Munsi.ff , as thi's pocument shows, l!a s res 0(,n­ sibla for land mea airement and the prepara t io� of land taxas ·itessment records. In India , acc ording to H.H. Wilson, (H.H. Wilson, Glossary of Jud icial 'Lnd Re venu6 Terms , P•· 3.56). " ••• under the Bri tisti r,overnr.;1:•r,t, 1 ••• a native civil judge of the. first or lowest, rank. 1 1 He adds: "In e..-!ll. place·s the Munsiff was an 'officer on the part of the Z arninda r, employ.:! t<.i .supcrint,,m dent the neasurement of the landse. of· the village in c one: �<; with·. the villagers. 11 • ·

3. A Kattha ise l/20thof a bighae. The expres sion obviously means 11accorcir;;· to th& prevailing unit o f me:asure mente. 11 4. Unclear. 5. i.e. Revenue assessment records. The term is or" A rabic origin .

6. H.H. Wilson (p. 322) writ�s: "In India ., (the te rm Mal) wasused 'tor th( public rcve::-iue from any source whatever, but mor9 especially for thF:t derived from land,to which sense, as a fiscal term, it is now res t ric-t,e· ·· or the revenue clai:med. by the government from the procilce of cultivE- tt;'.i lands.e11 The term means land revenue in Nepal also. . . •·""' 7. i.e. duties en nerkets, and customs on goo,ds. (H.H, Wileen, p.4.54), 8. i.e . re gular and actual revenues. The term is a c orrupt form ..ot the Arabic 11Wa jib 11 • 9. i.e. Land allotment certificates.

Contd . �. · . 2.4 9 •

l.O Regulations For Munsiff In Morang

, Regulations requ� sted by Iqlmachandra Khawas for' hotg :uil,and other , B, , areas . ,':!J" l. I sha ll prepare Jammabandi records in consultation with ·the Subba and the Fc,uzda r; I shall not d� s o Vithout their concurrenoe.

2. I shall no t p�nnit any losses to be cau sed to the government . It the Subba and tho Fouzdar give advice which increase s therev erme of th11 govl;'rnment, this is we ll. If they do . not give such advice, I shall'. prepare Jarnmabandi record s., which may be ·approved.

3. The Subba and the Fouzdar may appoint or dismiss Chaudharis , Sa irdars, Mo kaddma s, Me ha tciriya s and Wd'e..iijaradars. But �he ._.....,...i. �� fees paid by them� and tho f�nes collecte d from them, mus t· · be ong to 1r1c) , . . . 4. Revenue s and fines accruing from Singarhat, Danda, Wage , Qunahagari r, nd · Farrowa t m��t belong to me . . , ·' 5. The governme: nt s� 11 .not listen to any complaint which any ·person may make· while I scrutinize all sources o.f revenue in thi� territory.

Wedne sday, Magh Badi JO, 18.37·v ikrama .

Exodus Of Ryots From Mn rang11 l. F'rom Kine Rann Baha dur Sha h,

To the Jimi.dars , Kanugoyas, Mokaddams, Jethraiyats end ryots 1 Qf .Harich;,nd­ gadhi, t� t.t:in.:1ujn , Katahari, Bariyadi, Kuba liya, Gograha, Hanne.tigaun and Dha p� har in Morang district . .. \1-= ha, vc:. h;;;ard t hat,you feel sad and intend to leave the co:untry be- cr..uS(; of tr..;; oppression of the Amil"· Thst is why we are!� you . We huruby ri:c :inf'irm the lands that have been allotted to you ti�er Patu, .

10. Ragmi i:��,arch Col�ections, Vol. 5, pp•' .587-588 .

11. Reg;r.i Rc �..::�rch Co llections , Vol. 25, pp . 484-LBS. (Im order to th6 �·. r:,.; -..11' 1.;ct �n s 1 ::.suud on the sarne da te Blso fo r the Parganna s of Raj1�,,rj:·, , D:-.:-:pa ., Chakuchaki'., Dahuwa-Gadhi., Dhaija,n , Pansall and Hijam- t.JrLJ .)' ;1(,;,i R�.r.t:arch Collections, Vol. 25, p. 586 .

Contd• • � 250.

You will have to pay revenue on t he basis of . too $? allotments'� 'The newly­ appointed Subba , .after,, reaching'. there, will. mak9,.;. inquiries and arrange for paymant of the arrears in installments . Make : pAym::nts acc9r�ingly. Since this 1r3· the agricultural season , we have instruct�d the'' outgoing Su�:;b::: to understand'· yourha rd ships and no t--to collect ·revenue strictly. There will be no -more oppression as before •'. With duo: ;assurance-, perSl.lBde all ryots to cultivate their lands. These ryot's who have fled, local and n� settlers shall.all be brought ba ck· and settled on their. ·respecti vd '· holdings. L I. Thursday, Jestha_ Sudi 5, 1854 Vikrarna •' . . ? • From !\ing Rana Ba hac,tµr Shah, 12 ...... To . the Chaudharis, Kan�goyes; ·'Mokaddams, · Jetnraiya ts. . and ryots cult ive1- ting reclaimed lands on the borders . .. . . We·hav e received reports that you bave left your home steads and fle.:i be cause of the oppression perpetrated by the former Subba . J, ccord:f:ng, we have pla ced that territory under the AmanilJ system. The new Subba will 11ot oppre ss you in such a mcinner. -:/i th due assurance., come back to your lands and cultivslte them well. TL ,1ew SuLba will take all pos sible mea sures for your be nefit. Immediately on thi s roya l order, b ba ck to your lands.

Thur.sday., Je stha Sud i 5 ., 1854 Vikrama .

12 . Regmi Research Collections , Vol. 25 ., p. 485 . 1.3 . Amani or Amana t meant fl. systepi of r.evenue collection through· d;lstri ct­ level oi'1'icials appointed by the government . ·2s1.

Th� Ma lla Kings·o f :Ka:t�ndul ,


�urya ·Bikram Gnyawaali .. It appears that the rule o'f'. Vijayakamadeva came to an end SOiie time durirJP, ···.- th� last two or three years of: the twelvth century , because Benda ll ha s . referred to a manuscript wri t.t·en durµ1g the time of his .·successor, Aridcv:1, ·in J22_Nepa l Era (1201 A.D.)'. It .tias been' .found that the Kings of Nepa l • · had assumed the title of Ma lla after the re ign of Arideva . The Vamshav� li. 5 ·; do not ure the wurd 11H,a lla " to denot'e Arideva . Only his son ha s '.be en calkc' • � Mn lla Kinga. J, ccording to the, Vamshava lis, Abhaya , Arideva r s son, waas bo�n a� a time when he wa s engaged ii) a :vre bout . Hence'. the title: ., · of Malla , which litera lly men ns a .wrestler .inthe Sanskrit language, was ··'. giv.ep to J.. bhaya , who then became famous 'by the name of Abhaya :Mall.a ,2 How,:;vcr,'� '' ·this view ha�bee n disprovod by a manuscript entitled Satwabadbe Prashasr;i:u'•.c "',., · which refers to'. '1 the victorious Kingdom of /: rideva Malla . ·Thi·s' manuscript wa s written in 322 Nepa 1 Er8 (1201 t .D.). Hnmilton4 has given 'a simila r .·, account in re spe ct to the Ma lln Kings of Parbat. There is no doubt that the se stories have been invented mere ly to show that t he se Kings · were wre stlars in .the_ true sense of the t·er1T1. ·· •

A number of Vamsh� vali s mention the name of Arideva without referrin?, to Gun;;k£Jtn;)dtrva II, L-1 XJT1lkamadeva III and. Vijayakamadeva II; ·who had ruli:id aftt:r Kint? Amrita_d eva ,- Moreover, no King who · ruled Nepal before .Arideva •� had .1d:-iptud the title of Malla . One can t.he re f-,r,1 a sstunc ttllt the· title ?f }J;J lln b-::gan tc be adopt ed from the time •-0f Arideva .

1. Sury.:; Bikrnm Gnya�a li� Nepa l tyakako Madhyakalin Itihas.i· (Mediava l . fil: Hi st,, ry c.,f ?Jtpal Valley) . Kat ndu : Iwya l Nepal A cademy, 2019 (1962 ), 1, Chn�t...rL: 11H.:i lla Upa dhidh,:lri Ra jaharu". (Kings Bearing· The· '.t;l.tle Of . 11:! lb )'., 3L-L8 pp . A note ori the Mf!lla Kings. of �e stem·Nepal ·ia contairn:l� ot 't.h,.; ,:;r;d :-;f Chapter , Thi.s wi ll be translated in the next issue r)! tl.c.:_ 1L·.,,·n:i nc.: J,,arch Series'.

2. n::mi ... -1 �-:ric;r.t. _(ad.), H1 story of Nepa l With an, Int'Toductory·'stetch of th,,' . c�,untrv on ..i•th .:. P0opl(;) .-,f Nepa l, p . 162 •.

J. Bir L!Lr�. ry Cbta lo ,·., Pnrt l, p. 83 •. ..

h . F'r:;r.:is E:,r.i lt ·•n, J.n;. ccuunt Of The Kingdom Of Nepal, pp . 266-273 .

Contd , •• . 2.52e.

. . None can doubt that the Mallas belonged to an ancient comnunity inha­ biting Indiae. Before 600 B.C.,· they hadtiny. prip_cipalities of their own in or near the Tarsi ·of Nepal . T� se principa lities wexe located at Kushi- · nagar and Paws . The. Ma lla s were said· to be _pa-rt of the Vriji Federation , which also included Lichchhavi and· Shakya prµicipa lities . Following the Nirvana of the Buddha, ..King Ajatashatru. of Maga dh conq-.iered the Vriji Federation and annexed · it into h:i.s King dom. With the destruction of the Vriji F�deration, the Lichchhavis, the �llas·and the Shakyas probably . migrated to tha Hima layan region. It is well-kno� that the Lichchhavis had moved to the Nepal (Kathmandu) Valley and,. in the course of tiJle set up an independent Kingdom there. They ruled over thi s Kingdom for a long · · time . There is some evidence that the Mallas too ·had settled in 'different areas o� Nee_epa l•. It is :po1;1siole 'that theMa ll.a s als:>en tered into the we·stern hill region .•Ar ound the. 13th century, they. hada va st and pr-osperous Kingdom in the w,2:stern Dullu area . Whi le it is not ·1cnow when: the Malla s establish,; d this Kingdom, it is possible that it might have been ext sting there sine,::: ancient ti�s. It would not be surprising if :the Malla :r.ule had started in the Karnali region exactly at the time· when the Lichchhavi Kingdom was established in Nepal.

It appears thatduring the eleventh or twelvth century, Indian Kings adoptad the title of Hallae. In his comfaentary of Bharatts Natyasha shtra , Hanyadeva hos coined several titles for himself, one of which is '1Nripam.:ill, 11

During tha a&Jre period, the Chalukya Kings of the south too used th.::: title of several other King s of rJo rthern· and a:>uttern. India too did do. .. : ·: If we regard ttl:l term Malla added to name of Ari

. � : Contd••e • . . ' 253 •

1 11Fine Arts· snd Literature 1 ;S: proves that /lbhaya· .Malla · had become King in or before )49 �ep? l Era (1221 A .D.)'.

--Kirkpa trick write s tpa t: '1. famine ang an·earthqu�ke ha d �c�rred: also .during· the ru le of Abhaya Malla'. According-to him, Kj_ng _ Abhaya M� l�a �s rule wa s very im�u spic ious . . ., : . . 6 . •. . . .Abhr-:ya Ma lla was su cceeded by Jayadeya . Bendall ha s. referred .to t�;o manus cripts written- during his reign, from ;375 Nepa l Era (12.5? ihD.) to $ . , . \· 377 Nepa1 Era ( 1257 A .D.) • . . . . , . ; . According to -the vapishavali s� his brother, Ananda Malla found�d a nt";w ,. tow:p ca lled,Bb.akta pur (rr�dern Bhadg�un) and �s;taplished a new· and ipdepen­ dent Kingdom there . In addition to Bhaktapur , fnanda �� lta ·founded 7 towns in thc: . vicinity of wel l-known, temple s . These we re Banepur (Banepa ) near the Charaµdeshwar. temple, fanmm ti . (Panauti) near Prayaga Ti:rth2,, Nala near the temple of Nala Bhaga�ti, Dhaukhe l near. the temple of Narayan, Khadpu near the Db.a ne shwar_i temple, Ch?ukot . near, yh�kor Ri�hi • s .hermita i;::!., and'. sanga near Na� i�a Pitha . �t the .beginning ·or the 15th century, tJepal Valley. !la� split· up into 3 independent Kin�doms . The est�blishment of th,:, indepi;;ndent Kingdom of Bha ktapur by Ananda Ma lla -during the reign of Jaya ­ deva wa s � forerunm r of this developrrent . l', cco1·Jing to the Vamshavalis , it, wa s. during the time of Jayadev a and J.nanda Ma lla that the. Nepal .Era · \la s started l;>y Sakm·m l, a nd Nanyadev ' • • . a invadedI Ne. pal.,

1_iowevl,'}r, tht:J Vam::.:havalis describe N<;1nyadeva and hi s descendants �s having ru lt2:d'. after .Ananda Mallo and .Jayadeva •.. AV;)i1sble evidence shows that Bhirr:3 - . • deva had �ccoech:,d'- Jayadeva . t. .written durif€ . the rule of Bhim,1 •­ r:kvo. ii:i 38 1 N(.;pnl Erc1 , (1261 P.• D. ),''. entitled Arthakand.?.m has bE,en �is90ver('d . 7 ,./,�cording to .t he Gop:il Vamshavali as obtayiedby Benda ll, Bhima�eva was succeedad by Simha . But no r1,anus 9ript wr.ittcm durµig ,his'. reigt) has come to .light .

5. Lalit Ka la Ra Sa hi tya, p. 65.

6. A manuscri pt written ·in 342 Napa LEra :(1221 ft.D.)· tke'- pei.-io d of n c·ertain Kµig'· named Ra��::ra , v!lo was _a .cci,ntemporl(l r,y of Abhaya �lla,'' has been discovered. It doea not mention '1Ma,l:La" 1_.Eif�er .R�nasura, bU:t describes, him as ''Pa rarna Bhattaraka Ma har�ja',! in additiQq to other " title s. ·Bez:ida ll thinks tha t ae ·wa s King in a qertain are� :.of Nepal . This •vi�w-,? . PI?ears to be corr,ect.. . .'.., , .'. ,: · · .• 7. Bi.r Lib rary Catalog , AstronQiey' Section, p. 19 . · .-

Contd . ... 254 .

Ananta M��la'. had be1'3me King of Nepa l by �he end of the fourth oent''/ of the Nepal ltra � . Bendall h3s. ott e(l manuscripts .written during his. reigr: from 399 Nepal Era ( 1279 A.D.) to 427 Nepal Era (1307 A-.D.). Kirkpatrick writes that Khasa.s had, s�rted �se ttling down in·NG,pa l in 408 N8pal Era (1288 A.D.) ·dur irig: the rt:i§.."It ..,,.f .An.anta· Mnlla , 13n� also·th at several Ma itri 1_-1_ familias of Mithi la ha'd 1.mmigrate d into. Nepal in 411 Nepal Era (1291 /, ·.L.). � Benda ll hasshod further light on this account of Kirkpatrick on the basL:-:: of the Gopal· Va mshava 'l 4.'. In Paush h08 Nepal Era (1288 A.D.h Jitari M3lls". , a Kha sa King, 8 invadecf"Nepal. B1.1:t he lost 800 of his men in this atta ck ,> ;1,4 ultimately floo from Nepa l. But he returned t<,· .Nepal after only 2 months 1 )r the pre text of seeking friendship. However, he set many villages and oH,,,�· pla ia') s on fire . He vis_ited Swayambhu,· Loke shwar at the Bungmati and Par,hu­ patinath. In 409 Nepal Era (1289 A.D. ), he l'\'nurned to his country·. In 411 Nepa l Era (1291 A�D.)., the people of Tirhut ,en;tered into ijepal.

It is diff icult to determine the period of Anantn Ma lla I s rule . A manu·script written in 438 NE:pa l Era. ('1318 A-.D. f indicates that Anandadev 0 was· King in that year·. This 1\ nandadeva has·be en named as Nandadeva in th� Vamshava li •ited by -Kirkpatrick-. He has been described a s a son of .Anant,·::; M.s.113.• _According to the Gopc:l V�mshavali, Ripu Mllla , a King from the we stern are,;j s, inva ded Nepa l in 1', a lgrm 433 Nepa l Era {1331 A.D.) and stayed for some time in Bungma ti .. '

According to Kirkpatri ck, Anantadeva was succeedod by bis brotoor, Simha Malla, pos sib ly �cause he wa s chi ldless-. No manuscript written during his ruign or. mentioning t,is name has be.en discovered-. His reign 1 appears '\o hav� been bri(:;l;f be ca��, . according to Bondall .s vamshava li, Rudra Malla and Ari Malla. were ruling jointly in 4L0 Nepal Era (1320 A-.",.;.) • . Kirkpatrick hasda scril>ed Rudra Ma l].q_ as Ananta :.Malla r s son, but Bendall, on the basis �f the evidence contained in the Gopa 1 Vamshava li, co�sic ,,,l, him to be 'I'urtga Ha lla·• s son. The same source describe ::i .Ari Ma lla. as b0l·.-, .i1 • ing to the same fa mily as Rudra Ma ll�.. ·

8. In the Gop� l VAmshavali, the term Khasa has·been used to denote t't)e inhabitants of the western are as . Thi s has natura lly created the faln:: impre�s1on· that tM anqient Kha�as .as referred to in the Puran as were inhal:>i tants of the .w� stem Nepa1. Bu•, in my .·opinion, the mythologi c:: 1 K_tia sa s have no connection with this story. Somo persons i�ntify thE, Sbakas with the Kha�s. Even· if the Shakes were Khasss, it· would not be logical to regard them as distin•t from the Aryans, since the an•it:n: , Shaka s had fully embrac0d the Aryan re li gion and culture.. '£he peop}.o ca lled Kha sas of the we ste:rn area were also Indion Aryans, and their religion and culture were also Aryan.

Contd.�� 255 .

According to the Oopa l Vamshavali, Jayarudra Mallad�va , son or Jayat�gt1 ·e. Malladeva , only granted an allowance toe. Jayar1 Malladeva, a member · or hi s family, and rule d over the three tows of. Nepal up to Nuwakot. This show � that power wa s in the hands of·Rud ra Malla, and that l�ri Malla wa s King only in namee. ·• During the joint rule of Rudra Malla and Ari Malla, King Harisimhad E:v:: of Mithila invaded Nepal in 1324 A.D. ··

Thd Gopa l Vamshavali also mentions that Rudra deva sold many paddy'• fields in Bhadgaun . This shows ttat anarchypre va iled at that time in t3nadgaun . We hr::ve already mentioned tha} .Annndadeva too sold 't h� lands of · · · 1 Shardars in Bhadgaun . ' · · �· Soon after Ha risimhadeva I s inva�ion, Rudrae. Malla died in 446 Nepale. (1326 JI .D • .). Four of his queen bec;ime Satis on his funeral pyri , according toe· the Vamshavali discovered by Bendall.e· The same source states t hat hif' infant son too died soon afterwards� Satinayakadevi; daughter ot Rudra · Ma lla, thus re m.,ined his sole he ir. The joint rule came to an end a s a result of the ·daci th of .Ru(ira 'l•.iallae. Thereafter, .Ari Mail.a occupied the throne a lone •

In 448 Nepal Era (1328 A.D.), King Aditya Malla of the we stern ree;for. visited Nepa l, nccording to the Gopa l V�mstk1vali.

Nepa i had bet1r the burnt of foreign. invaesi�ns twica during thi� period . It wasthe refore natural c.hat a struggle for the thrqne s oould r.::, v�­ occurred . It is pos sible thate. this struggl& was launched agt1inst Ari Mal'.i.(1 in favor -o.f SatinayakadE:vi, daughter .of Roora Malla •.Wo do not lmow what steps Ari Malla took to suppre ss this internal conflict •..However, .there is evi dence that he ultimately came out victori�us, for he has; be e:n descrihlJl as tha sole King of Nepa l in 457 Nepa l Era (1337 A.D.)� There is evidence that Ari 1-'� lla ruled also ovar Bhaktapur.

# � • ,,. • 9. The Darbaz: Library .in Nepal o�nWn.s a l'llclnus.ript en�it.led Mahi Raghcvr.• (Bir Library Catalog, Part II, p. 25) •.Ne ither Bendall nor other sct't>lP.rf' have rci'orred is manuscript,e. which prov�_c)es conclusiw evidencp to prove that Jayari Malla ruled over "Nepa l,a Mande la 11 in · Shravan, h5'i' Uupal Era . The term Nepola .Mandala pbv.l;ously refers to the woole of Nepal Va�le y.

Co11td •• • 256 .

We have mantioned above that in 1257 A.D., Ananda Malla,bro ther Qf Jayadeva , establi shed an independent Kingdom in Bhaktapur. According to the vamshavalis,: Uanyadeva, after conquering Nepal, made Bhadgaun hi s <'. e p:'..tal and trot. hi s successors ruled omfr thdre.10 We have already offer.:,;d t::vid\;nc.e that �anya deva navt:r visi tad Nepa 1, but only ruled 9ver Mithi la ·from Simraunga·dh, We dci. no t know what happened ,in J3hac.igaun after .lmanda ha lln estab lished an independent Kingdom there'. But since ·Ari Ma°lla has b9en describe d as King of 11Nepa l-� Mnnda la ", it appears th1:1t he ruled all over Nepal Va lley .

Benda ll has given some parti cul ::irs rego rding the struggle for success·L,-.r,

between J1 1•i �lla and. Sa tinayakadevi . Lfter· the . dE.ath of her f-"l\ tber, Rudrn E.111.a: �tinayakt!devi ba d been br:.ught up by ha.r grnnd-mother, Padu Mti llar.lev'�. 1 1 ,.:,hb wa s ma rried to Ha ri shchandradeva, a member of th e roya l fqmi·ly of Ka dd. • It hasno t been possible to identify this Harishctic1nd:cadeva'. H.ari.shchanc::rc:­ dei;a lived in Nepal for some time , but was poisone d aft1=:r some yc:a rs . Sub-­ nequer.tly, his brother, Gopaladeva, and Jagat Simha , a Prince of Nithi la : . k;;pt MayakadeYi in dete·ntion. '!' hey thus appenr to have occupied Bhadgaun . �rhe fo llowe rs of Jagat Simha then killed Gopa l::ideva . Je.gat ·simha reigned for soma days, but ha too wa s impri ooned eventua lly � It is not known wh0 �.:rrp::-i SJned him . Raja lladevi wa s the daughter of Ja gat Simha . Nayakadevi c!iod 10 days after the birth c;,f her ·daughter. Ra jalla devi wa s therefore broght up by her grand-mother, D..:wa ladevi'.

Benda ll ha s written this account on the basis of the v.�mshava li usec by him. Kirkpatr::ck tr,o hasr� ferred to those developments . i\ ccording to the se: accounts , Rud ra :Halla, one o/ the s:m s of .lmanta Ma lla , had a daught er ca '!.led Satinayalcadevi . Soon aftlir she becama qU:)en , she wa s marrie;id to Kinf .ij;l:i... is hchaudra of Benaras. They twd a daughter named Raja laxmi•. S atinayakM:,;vi 12 . late r assumed the titlt, of Dewa ladt;vira'j_. .Af�r soma time, ·s he wa s dethrn�i-. -� · ·.7 .a rela tive, Jay.a deva' . A few months-af ter th\s incident, Ha:risimhadeva inva �d Nepal.: · · ··

10 . Danie l Wrignt; p. 167.

� l. There is evidence tret King Jaya chandra Ga hadwal of K2 shi had a son named Harishchandra'. But he liv0d in 1197 I:.D., wherea s thema rriage took pla ce after .1326 J: .D. It .i s thus clear that Satinaya ka devi had not been msrriGd · � Ha rishchandl"a j · son of Jayachandra� -

•.2 . Thase naui0 s :ire inter,:: sting from the lingui stic viewp<;int . In Sanskrit,. 11J\lla'11 means· mother. The na mes of both Padu �ialln and Rajalladevi and with ''Alla •: . The It.A lla " contaiood in the name bf De1;aladeyi is a conupt form of ''A lla11 • Th& name of the Queen of Rana Malla,a son of Yaksha Mll ll2. , who establis hed an independent Kingdan in Banepa, wa s Natha llc1- d(.;vi. Tha namo of SatinayakadeviI s mot her was Rudramad0vi. The la st 1 part. of this name is a corrupt form of the Sanskrit word " 1 •

Contd ••'• 257.

. ' . . '. .,, . Both these accounts are agreed tl:ia t Satinayakadevi. was a_ daugh�r of Rudra Malla, a�d· �hat she .wa s married to one Harishchandra ,'· a ·. mernl;>er of/' · thC":: roya l fami ly of Benara s. Both ·of t.hem �.ta_te that Satinayakadevi had a daughter . However, they give different �ames :for this· daughter. " ; f'ccording to Benda ll" s Vamsha va li, the nam-3 of this daughter wa s Ra jalla.:. devi . On the other· hand, Kirkpatrick• s V;:i mshavali describes her as Raja- lexmi . We may ignore the discrepancy in names ,·b,ut even then we are fti()e(1 with another problem·•. J, ccording to Kirkpatrick, Rajalaxmi wa s the daught,"' r (,; f H::irishchandra dova , whereas Benda ll• s Vamshava li · says that after Harish­ cMndra was killeJ, Ja ga t Simha t::.ved with Sa:tinayakadevi and md a daughtl ;_-­ r:amed Ra ja lladevi by ht:r . The question is,_ who wasthe father of Rsja lla dev7 '?

This account of Satinayakad'evi is contained only in Bendall' s Va.msh,w:::i 1J'. '· Rajalladli3vi subseq\:i.ently married a very famous King of Nepal, Sthiti .Malla'. Tn fa ct, Sthiti i'1n lla fe lt vory proud of rriage and in many of hi .s �nscriptions h0· described himse lf as the husbanQ of Rajalladevi . Accordim l,)·., iie cannot be Uave that S::itinc)ya kadevi had been abducted by Jagat · Simha . Lcco:::-ding to Benda 11, H3 rishc haridra , hu sba m o:t' Satinayakad':lvi , waskil li:>•:� in 455 ·Napal Era (l.?J6 L .D. ). After sotne time, Gopa ladeva , his brother., wru:� killed by· .i.'cllo wers of Jag at Simha , who th�n became King for some days, but wa s soon imprisoned. :All the se events took place during. a i:;eriod of li;,; :::s· than two years . According to Bendall, Raja lladevi was born in 46 7 Nepal Era (1347 A.D .). She wa s thus born 10 years after· the imp�ioonment of Ja ret Simha'. ls such, it is ,Vf-;ry dut,b ti'ul tha t she was Ja gat Simha'1 s daughter , I therefore fee_l that Kirkpatrick's a ccount is more reliable .

We hava aJ:ro:1dy seen tha t in 457 Nepa l Era (1337 .LD . )� Ari Malla wr-is tho. sole King of. t{<::pa l. He ruled for 10 more year s. In Shravan 46 7 Nepal Era (1347 1,,.D.), Rcj,9deva be cam� King of Nepal• .According to Benda lHia Vamsha ve l:t, Ha jadeva wa s a!l illegitimate son of Anand adeva � This Va mshavali also ; stat.:..s tha t both loya 1 familie·s agreed to his accession to ·t he throne . This:app•; - ' · · rant�y re.fe rs· tr) �l'w g:r:oup s of Jlri Ma 11.a ana·· Rudra Ma ilEi'. . �. ·. Soon after Ra .i adeva became King , there was anoth3r invas ion '-c>f Nepal, which is an extraordinary event in the history -of Nepal. This inva sion wt=1 s launched by Shamsnuddin Iliya s Shah.

In other re spects , howE:ver, Ra jadevars rul e was a happy · one . Tue coL:•­ phone of a rr� nuscript entitle d Varnakeshwarirna ta tipanam, wri0 tten in 1-Tepa l Era (135L A.D.), which'·Benda ll'· ha s cited, descrlbe d Rajadeva 474as Kinr: of 11Nepa la Bhu.m�mdaln 11 • This apparently shows that Ra jadeva was able to plaaso his subjects and supµeess his opponents'. Accordin g to Benda ll, Raj::,­ deva ruled unti l 476 Nep�l Era (l3).5-S6 A.D.)'. But �viden ce is - available to provo tha t Raja deva was King unti l much later, •A manuscript'· ent,itlE;J. ',!· '• ,, Contd ••• . . 2.58 .

Rudra a'male sha·stivi a'· r�shansa'13 whtch. wa s -�_itt en ·in479 Nepal Era (1359' P. .D. , escr1. es _Arj\lna ,· son and. suc_c essor of Ra'jadeva , as Yuvaraja . A 1nenuscript· entitle4 Ra tnakarakernika 14 shows- t_tic!t Rajadeva was King in Lf- 1 · Nepal Era (1361 1).D�)�· J.',maqu�cript entitled·'chan'akyaphloka s, written in ·484 Nepal Era (1364 LD.)15 describes Arj:i:ma Matla, son of Rajadeva , as 11R jadhirajaparameshwar. 11 Thi s shows'· trat Rajadeva died some ti� befor e a . . . 136h P•• D. · · Soon after Arjim,l'Halla be,c�me King, j,n J: shwin L92 Nepa'! Era (1372 LP.), Sthiti Malla wasMaha sananta'.. in Ka thmandu, a ccording to an inscript ion . installed in that year at Swayambhunath. This show.s that in that year Arjum: .t-!a lla wa s King of Nepa l, while Sthiti Malltl was feudal chief of Kathmandu . 16 Possibly, Sthi ti Mella had .beer4 appointed Mn ha samanta of Katl'lnandu some time before 'this yesr. The above-mentioned in scription shows thDt he wa s respected by the nobility. The ins cript:i.on describe s Sthiti Malla as Ksh:1 trn- · · r2tanakarendu (a moon over the ocean of the Kshatriyas). · ·

f. ccording to a m2nuscript entitled Naradassmahita, written in 500 Nepal El· a (1380 A.D.), Sthiti Malla wa s V� hasa��nta in Bhadgaun . 17 ·manuscript describe s Sthiti Mo lla , hu sband of Ra jalladavi, as Mahasamant"! of Bhadgaun . It is possibl� that Sthiti Malla, because of hi s popularity omong the nobility, wasap pointed as Ma hasamanta in Bhadg· aun by I, rjuna M� lla , thus putting him out of tfo.1 way'.

There is f;lvidence that sub{3Cquent ly the nobles revolted under the l.s:1<::('•�··· ship of stliiti l-1a ll.a against /! rjuna Ma lla . It is po s sib le that the revolt. started in Bhadgc;1un, where Sthi ti Mall.a wa s Maha samanta'. Sub sequently, tb€-. revolf' spread'to Pa tan Cind Kathmandu . Arjuna Malla was \lllabla to suppro ss it.. In 502 or 503 Nepa l Er a (1382 or 1383 .!\ .D.}, Sthiti l•l'3lla ousted l\.r,jum:: . Malla and established hi s rule in Nspal. /l contempora ry ;rnanusc�ipt'. sta t,; t thd r.:.tna ArJuna lost his throne be caus•3 of t he vagarie.s of fate . The same manu .s­ oript, ·or possib ly another., states that the King of, th� threo .towns was chasing Arjuna ·Malla . It is possible tha t Sthiti Mall.a did not face much diffit"ulty in ou sting .Arjuna Malla b0�fluse he wa s popula r among the nobili+,:,- from the very beginning .

13 . Bir Library Catal�, (Part II, pp. 23-24)'.

14 . Bir Library Catalog, (P� rf II, p ._ 68) .

15 . Bir Library Cata log, (Part II, p. 'i05) •· .

16 � · Sr, nskri t Sandesh, (Nos. · 10-:12, p. 1.L).

17. Bir Library Catalog, (Part I , p. 43) . Contd••• 259 .

This revolt onab lcd the fnmily of Jnya simhararna Vardhann to occupy

,.mi important pb co in the hi story of Nepal fo r somo years' . Jayasimharama iardhana wasa Ma harnahattaka of Arjuna Ma lla,'· to the Chana a­ � shloka cited nbov� . The ma nuscript gives hi s name as Jaya shivarama , ut · I fo0 l thnt tbt; correct name is ,J::iya simharama. It is possib le that Jaya -· simhu'rama Vard hana wa s Hahamahattaka also during the time of Ra ja Malla, J, rJune Ma lln 1 s pr0 tleces-sor. The t.erm Mahamahattaka has been defined a s Prim..: Mi11i::;ter, but not cvGcybody sub sc1·ifu s to th is view. In any ca se, there is w,; d0ubt that this was 8 top-ranking position'.

So1110 evidoncu is 3Vailabl0 nbou t th� origin of Jaya simharama Va rdha,Y,' . ilt'Cording to 2n inscription dBted 5C2 Nepn l Era (1383 .A.D.), whic h has been discov�rcd nt Itamr1ba ha l in Ka t hreandu,'18 R�l11rl Va rdhana \Jas Ma hamantri , wbil-:: hi s wifti wa s ca lled Godhanalaxmi . Jnyasimharama Va rdhana and M-:ldaw'rt-imr-- , their sons , were both i1a hamantris. Hadcinarama 1 s wife wa's named Jaitra laxrii. '!'he inscription ti-wt Jlad:J1-:�Mme h� d a son ca lle9 Shakti,simharama ! '' I .An u.--i dated inscription ha s b0en discovered at the Pa shupntuwth templ<.: 1 ,.: which too refors to J.:iy.:isimhl,r.tJwi . 19 'i'his in� cription wa� ·'obviou sly insfr l.' ., soIT.e time after 138 3 11.D., bE ,·au St it refers to Dharma l"ia lla as King . It described Jaya simhar� nia Va rdhaua as Ma haM) ntra dhira ja and hisbro ther, Ma dm1<:rr.1trw Vardtwna , ns Mahamat a. Both theso inscriptions highly pra is� t these two brothor s. It seems tha Sthiti Ma lla wa s able to ou st Arjuna Halk because he hnd beon able to enlis t tho :upport of such re liab le rrin.i sters.

Contd� ••

�8' . (S:i nskrit Sl)nde sh, Yoar 10, Nos. 10.-12 ).

19. Ib id'. 260 .


NepRl Era I .n: l20i.-l216 1, rideva · : 322,.;326 ,,· libhciya Malla 344-373 1223-1252 : ·. Jayadeva 375-377 1255-1257 · Bhimadeva 380 1260 Shahadeva X X'

Ananta Malla 399-427 I 1279-1307 .Anandadeva . 438 1318 Rudra Ma lla a4o 1320 Lri Ma lla 457-467 1338-134l Ra jadeva 467-48 l 1347-1.362 t. r juna ¥.a l la 484-(circa) 503 ' 1363-(circa ) 1383 . 261.

1 On Wa ges J�nd Forced Labor

2 L In ca se tenants and occupiers of' Khet or Pakho lands under Birta , SuncJ , Guthi, Chhap or Ra ikar tenure have been providing porters and laborers on the basis of a written agreement, (the owners of su ch land s) sha il ·riot be deemed to have committed any offense , If (such owners ) have forced (tenants end occupiers) to supply porte rs and laborers in the absen_ce of ' an agreerr.ent, and if :m y person submits El complaint, (the la ndowne r) sbu ll be orderGd to ra:1- wag(;:s at the· rate of 10 pice per day, and a firie of en equiva lent amount sha ll be impo sed on him . If the tenant doe s not suppl;, _ (port.srs and lab '.)rers) as agroed upon, he sha ll be evicted.

? Arr.alis cmd Ra kamis3 shn ll not impress the (forced and unpa id) labor of the ryots. f, malis, Ja girda rs 1=nd Rakami s, while visit ing village s, towns or the ir Khm-rnli lan9s; sha:::.. not collect ,provisions forcibly (from th� ryots) ; no r sh-3 11 the people give them any. In ca se any. ryot submits a compla int to the effect thc\t ths stipu lated amount of wages wasno t p9id� Bnd that labor was exacted without payment through the use of force, and in ca su this ccmolain"i:, is prov9d to be true, tbe pe rson who ·h:i'd agreed to Doy W<1frC:J shn 11 IJ.::.; eq:. .. uircd to de so n s r.greed upon, and the person who h:id impressE:d labor ,-1itb0ut paYJnc nt t hrough the use of force shc'l ll be ro­ quired to'· me ke p3ym3 nt at t,he rate'· of four anna s p�r day, and n fine of an cquivt

3. Jagirdc:1r s, Lmnnat officil:! ls, Ijaradars, Thekdars (contractors), Fouzdars, ChaudF.i?. ris , Ka nugoyes , Nukhiya s, P:.--'} kamis nnd 0thur functionaries shall not impre ss forced and unpa id labor (Begari, Jhara , Bethi ) for their own rc'­ or r . qui roment, or for those gcner;ils, colonels, cfu:iutariya s, �l'!�is, Sa d "'· rs, i3hnrd,•r�: ; royo l pri,.;; sts find pr'3ceptors, and other persons , hlg or low , .rTLo +.r�:i-✓Gl t,) the ea�t. or tht:;; Wi;;St . However, forced and unpa id labor (Jhara ) m'-'l y be i1npr.::ssod for gove.rnmen r equirem.:mts on a custc,m3 ry basis. In r.a f;. , .forcc.d and unpFJ'.! d labor (Beg,:,�i, Jha1..a, Bethi) is impre ssed in an impro·.;.·ir· manner f::-om tho ryots andsub jects, end in case Dny person submits a com­ pla ;.n t, (the person who utiii.zes such labor ➔ E:tw ll _be 'ordered to pay w:;i g-::s

l. 11 Jhara Khata la Ko11 (On Forced L:Jbor Lnd Laborers). In� Shri 5 Surtndrn Bikram Slm h Devka Sha sank3 lmn Baneko Euluki A in. (Lega l Code Enacted­ D.:. rin$ The RB ign Of King .Sur1:mdra ). Kathzrr!ndu :- :Minis try of Law and · Ju stice, 1965, p. 83,

2. 'l' he terms us�d in the text nro Mohi and Kurip .

3. Lo'. go vernmE:nt oontract0rs or revenue cc,lle ction agents.

4. i.e. villa ge s �ssigned as Ja gir.

Contd••• at the rate of four anna s per laborer da ily, and a fine of an equivalent - . amount sha 11 be imP

. �·:·"':" '•'. . ' . 4. In case (any Jagirdar) ha s ·to ut�lize the'. portera ge'· service·s _ of the inha­ bitants of his Khuwa lands· t� . trav:e l anywhere, he . shall give them f9od every morning and evening,'. in addition to wages at __the rate of- 10 pica p:Jr day, _for the ·period -during whic h theirse rvices are thus utilized. In case, (any person) submits a complaint to the effect that no we ges were paid to him,.'. (the person who u_tilizes such services) sha ll be ordered to pay WP ?,l'l ::: a� the rat� mqntioned above; and � f;ine of a n equ ivalent amount .shall be imposed on him.

.. - .· X· Royal Orde·r To Fi"1kirs In Morang,· 1797.. . :

•. From King Rana Ba hadur Sha h}

To Fakirs throughout thcJ territories of Vijatapur . ·

We have received raports that you intr11de into" the territo. rie ::; of. the Firangis 0- ;e . into Briti Eh India } in g.,ings in order to commit d�coity, cla iming that'·you have be en aut horized to do so by the outgo in ;:. chief administrator of that �gion .

You arc not pe rmitted to _stay .in our territories and �ommit da coit�, in tne territorie s of the Firan�is .. In case a dispute arises with the F'irangis_ as a resu lt,'. you wi ll .be held guilty. Do not indulge in .such activities�·

Shravan, Badi 5_, · 18-54_ V:ikTama'. ·

�egmi Re search Collections , ·vol. 25, p. 5L8 .

( S.B.M. )