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Kisela Voda -Monografija.Qxd 50 GODINI OP[TINA KISELA VODA (MONOGRAFIJA) 50 YEARS MUNICIPALITY KISELA VODA (MONOGRAPHY) SKOPJE • 2005 • SKOPJE Izdava~: Publisher: Op{tina Kisela Voda - Skopje Municipality Kisela Voda – Skopje Za izdava~ot: For the publisher: Xorxe Arsov - gradona~alnik Dzordze Arsov – mayor of the municipality Kisela na Op{tina Kisela Voda - Skopje Voda – Skopje Organizacionen odbor: Organization board: Xorxe Arsov - pretsedatel Dzordze Arsov – president Miroslav Tasevski Miroslav Tasevski Elizabeta Kan~eska-Milevska Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska D-r. Tome Nenovski Ph.d Tome Nenovski Beti Stankovska Beti Stankovska Dejan Gajdovski Dejan Gajdovski Toni ^uposki - sekretar Toni Cuposki – secretary Avtori na tekstot: Authors of the text: prof. d-r \or|i Malkovski Prof. D-r. Gjorgji Malkovski prof. d-r Lazar Lazarov Prof. D-r. Lazar Lazarov Dragi Argirovski Dragi Argirovski Igor Manasievski Igor Manasievski Milivoj Kosteski Milivoj Kosteski Glaven i odgovoren urednik: General and responsible editor: prof. d-r \or|i Malkovski Prof. D-r. Gjorgji Malkovski Recenzenti: Reviewers: D-r Rasislav Terzioski Ph.d. Rasislav Terzioski D-r Katica Josifovska Ph.d Katica Josifovska Lektor na makedonski: Macedonian lecturer: Kiro Kostov Kiro Kostov Lektor na angliski: English lecturer: Nadica Biondi} Nadica Biondic Fotografii: Photographs: Foto dokumentacijata Photo documentation na Op{tina Kisela Voda of the municipality Kisela Veda i foto studio ”Bokles” Photo studio “Bokles” Prevod na angliski: Translation: Aleksandra Stojkova Aleksandra Stojkova Katerina Panova Katerina Panova Svetlana Stojkova Svetlana Stojkova Kompjutersko i Computer grafi~ko oblikuvawe: and graphic design “MAKFORM” - Skopje “MAKFORM” -Skopje Pe~ati: Printing: Pe~atnica “Evropa 92” - Ko~ani Printing house “Evropa 92” - Kocani Tira`: 1.000 primeroci Edition: 1000 copies 50 GODINI OO PP [[ TT II NN AA KK II SS EE LL AA VV OO DD AA (MONOGRAFIJA) 50 YEARS MM UU NN II CC II PP AA LL II TT YY KK II SS EE LL AA VV OO DD AA (MONOGRAPHY) SKOPJE • 2005 • SKOPJE Gradona~alnikot na Op{tina Kisela Voda Xorxe Arsov. The Mayor of the Municipality of Kisela Voda Dzordze Arsov PREDGOVOR P R E F A C E Vo arenata me|u vremeto i zborot, edin- In the arena between the time and the stvenata vrednost {to apostolski }e ostane word, the solely value that would apostolical- zasekoga{ vtkaena vo makedonskiot yvezdo- ly remain forever imprinted in the Macedonian pis za Op{tina Kisela Voda, e pi{aniot zbor star chronology for Municipality Kisela Voda vo koj se vklopuva i ovaa monografija. Iako would be the written word and this monograph. ovaa godina slavime pedeset godini od pos- Although this year we celebrate 50 years of the toeweto na op{tinata, sepak, toa ne zna~i existence of the municipality, still that does deka tolku postoel i `ivotot na ovaa terito- not mean years of duration of life on this ter- rija i s# drugo na nea povrzano so ovozem- ritory and all other connected with the earth- skiot `ivot kako trajna vrednost. Naprotiv, ly life as permanent value. On the contrary, istoriskite, politi~kite, demografskite i historic, politic, demographic and cultural kulturnite nastani vo nea pove}e mileniu- events had their occurrence through many mi i vekovi nanazad go `iveele svojot `ivot millenniums and centuries in different king- vo razli~ni epohi, carstva, imperii itn. Za doms, empires, epochs and others. In order da se vkameni vremeto vo beskone~nosta i za for the time to be engraved in the eternity and da se za~uva minatoto za sega{nosta i idni- to preserve the past for the present and the nata, vo ovaa kniga se pravi edna elabora- future this book constitutes an elaboration and cija i neposredna povrzanost so se ona {to indirect connection to everything that has bilo nekoga{ i sega. Zatoa, pedeset godi{- been than and now. Therefore, 50 years of ninata od postanokot na Op{tinata Kisela growth of the Municipality Kisela Voda is a Voda e dostoen jubilej koj zaslu`uva trajno worthy anniversary that deserves to be per- da go odbele`ime i so edno vakvo izdanie. manently emphasized with this kind of publi- Iako Op{tinata do`iveala nekolku trans- cation. Even though the Municipality experi- formacii, sekoga{ bila me|u najgolemite i enced several transformations, it has always najrazvienite vo Republikata. I ne samo toa. been among the largest and most developed Op{tinata kako rasadnik na kadri dala naj- municipalities in Republic of Macedonia. And mnogu vrvni priznati nau~nici, stopanstve- not only that. The municipality is the among nici, dr`avnici, kulturno-umetni~ki tvor- the first, to be exact the origination of many ci, sportisti i drugi kadri vo site oblasti. supreme scientists, entrepreneurs, statesmen, Niz burnata istorija na ovie prostori cultural and art creators, sportsmen and other opstojuvale razni civilizacii koi ostavale recognized distinguished people. svoi belezi od materijalnata i duhovnata Trough the turbulent history on these ter- kultura. Makedonskiot narod, iako do`iveal ritory different civilizations existed leaving their mnogu ropstva, voeni pohodi, grabe`i, pale- markings of material and spiritual culture. `i i crkovnoprosvetni propagandi za nego- Macedonian people even though experienced vo prekrstuvawe, duhovno i nacionalno ni- much slavery, wars, robberies, fires, religious koga{ ne bil skr{en. Za `al, so negovata and educational propaganda for its rebaptize- sudbina se poigrala i prirodata preku ne- ment, it was never spiritually and nationally kolkute zemjotresi, poplavi i epidemii koi broken. Unfortunately, the nature has raffled 50 GODINI ! 5 ! KISELA VODA bezmilosno uni{tuvale s# pred sebe i go with people’s destiny through the many earth- doveduvale narodot na rabot na biolo{kata quakes, floods and epidemics that have brutal- egzistencija od ovie krai{ta, no koj sepak ly destroyed everything, thus bringing it to the nao|al sili da gi zale~i ranite i kako fe- very edge of biological existence, the people niks odnovo da zapo~ne nov `ivot prkosej}i from these parts have always found strength mu na vremeto. to heal the wounds and as phoenix started new Niz bogat tekst so brojni podatoci i life defying the time. ilustriran i so mnogu fotografii, celta ni Trough the rich text with numerous infor- e da Vi dademe realna slika za dosega{nite mation and illustrated with many photographs, dostignuvawa na Op{tinata od nejzinoto our goal is to present You the real picture of all formirawe do denes. Za `al op{tinata achievements of the municipality Kisela Voda Kisela Voda od koren go izmeni svojot lik from its formation till today. Unfortunately the po poplavata vo 1962 godina i po katastro- Municipality Kisela Voda has totally changed its falniot zemjotres {to go pogodi na{iot grad appearance after the flood in 1962 and the cata- vo 1963 godina. No, blagodarenie na soli- strophic earthquake that stroke our city in 1963. darnata pomo{ od zemjata i od stranstvo, vo Thanks to the solidarity assistance from the op{tinata niknaa pove}e monta`ni naselbi, country and abroad, throughout the Municipal- a stanbenite kompleksi se gradea urbanisti~ki ity numerous assembling settlements were con- i aseizmi~ki. Vo novite naselbi, paralelno structed as well as urban and seismic housing so izgradbata na stanbeniot i delovniot pro- complexes. In the new settlements parallel to stor, se izgradija i site infrastrukturni i the housing and business construction building, drugi potrebni objekti koi ovozmo`uvaat za- other infrastructure objects were built, that pro- dovoluvawe na site neophodni potrebi na vide fulfillment of all essential needs of the `itelite i sozdavawe na preduslovi za ram- inhabitants and it created preconditions for nopraven razvoj na stopanskite i op{testve- equal development of the economic and socie- nite dejnosti. Kadrovskiot i materijalniot tal activities. The personal and material poten- potencijal so koj raspolaga op{tinata se ga- tial on municipality disposal are guarantee for rancija za ponatamo{en razvoj i prosperitet further development and prosperity in all areas vo site oblasti i dejnosti. So sekojdnevnoto and activities. The undertaking of every day’s prevzemawe na merki i edukacijata na nase- measures and education of the population, for lenieto za za{tita na `ivotnata sredina, protecting the environment, beautifying of eve- oblagoroduvaweto na sekoj sloboden prostor ry free space between the concrete and asphalt me|u betonot i asfaltot so izgradba i odr`u- with construction and maintenance of parks and vawe na parkovi i skverovi, sportski objek- squares, sport objects, children’s playgrounds ti, detski igrali{ta i drugi objekti za zbo- and other objects in order to enrich the sport gatuvawe na sportskata rekreacija i duhov- recreation and spiritual improvement with the nata nagradba pravime s# utre{ninata da ni purpose to create more wonderful, humane and bide poubava, pohumana i poblagoprijatna. decent future. Za ovaa kniga koristeni se mnogu isto- Many sources have been used and selec- riski izvori, napraven e izbor na s# ona {to tion has been made of what is more important e pova`no i pozna~ajno za na{ata Op{tina i and significant for our Municipality and what {to treba trajno da ostane zabele`ano vo has to remain permanently recorded in this edi- ova izdanie. Svesni sme za nekompletnosta tion. We are all well aware for the incomplete- i za mo`nite propusti, za {to odnapred gi ness and for the possible omissions for which prifa}ame dobronamernite kritiki i vetu- we in advance accept every well-directed crit- vame deka istite }e se otstranat vo naredni- icism and we promise that those would be te izdanija. removed in the following editions. 50 GODINI ! 6 ! KISELA VODA Za podgotvuvaweto na Monografijava go- In the preparation of the Monograph we lema blagodarnost im upatuvame na pove}e in- owe great gratitude to many institutions and stitucii i poedinci koi gi napravija dostapni individuals that made available their archives svoite arhivi i biblioteki na na{ite sostavu- and libraries to the authors of this Monograph.
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