Deutsche Windtechnik Achieves a New Milestone: Maintenance for Siemens SWT-3.6 at the Riffgat Offshore Wind Farm Press Release
Press Release Contact Karola Kletzsch Corporate Communications Telephone +49 421 69 105 330 Mobile +49 172 263 77 89 E-Mail k.kletzsch@ Bremen 25.04.2019 Page 1/3 Deutsche Windtechnik achieves a new milestone: Maintenance for Siemens SWT-3.6 at the Riffgat offshore wind farm Deutsche Windtechnik has been awarded the contract to provide maintenance for 30 Siemens SWT-3.6-120 wind turbines at the Riffgat offshore wind farm as part of an EU tender procedure that was initiated by EWE Offshore Service und Solutions GmbH (EWE OSS). The contract begins in June 2019. The two companies have been working together closely for more than two years at the offshore wind farm alpha ventus, and their cooperation will now continue at the Riffgat offshore wind farm as a result of the EU tender. The contract includes basic maintenance, troubleshooting, remote fault elimination, spare parts management, maintenance of safety equipment and testing of electrical equipment in accordance with DGUV V3. This makes Deutsche Windtechnik, which operates independently from manufacturers, the first ISP (Independent Service Provider) in the world to provide maintenance for Siemens SWT-3.6 turbines. "We are very pleased to be able to provide the service for this great system technology. Utilising synergies and planning for the long-term enable operators to save significant costs with us. This also applies to the Borkum Cluster that EWE OSS is planning. Deutsche Windtechnik is an optimal service partner that delivers customised added value from Borkum/Emden to customers who are active in the Borkum Cluster," said Jens Landwehr, Managing Director of Deutsche Windtechnik Offshore und Consulting GmbH.
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