It TBI IVfHlMO WORLD, W1DN XBD AY, JANUARY 19, l'9lt. he saved and the Iota la tlmbtod kt window of tha clty'i Thirty-nint- h atreet FIVE-ALAR- more than taoo.oo. ferry, root of Whitehall street, turned M FIRE 10,000 STRIKERS Whole World Is a Schoolhouse One of the walla fell Into the atreet his head awsy for a moment from the and aaveral firemen had narrow caebpev. night cash he waa counting up ORRINE Hhowera or red hot brleka also fall it When ha began counting again he was frequent Intervals. But tha treat heat dle-tan- tl.S short Patrick Jonra. a young man onmpelled the firemen to work soma re Europe who hod been standing win- CURES DRINK HABIT RETURN TO WORK For Six Children Here From PUTS HUNDREDS IN away from tha building and nono beside the of tbem waa dow for aome time, asked what was dis- hurt turbing him. So iinif'iaaily siircensful has OltRlM"-liee- Novel Tour of Practical "I mlaa II.," answered Kelly. "Do in restoring the victims at the BOMB IS FOUND ON STEPS you know anything aluut It?" "Drink HoImY' into sober and useful Education, Begun at "Nothing, except that 1 stole It," auld iinil strong is our confidence RIOTSHURT MANY OF CHURCH IN BROOKLYN. Jones. Ihowlng money citizens, so the In his hund in curative powers, that we want Valparaiso Year Before PEEJUIEWARK Kelly called a policeman nnd its tJ and emphasize the fn t that OltHINK i The Brooklyn police y took aot-sessl- Jones arreated. The prisoner told Mbk-latrat- e Last, Includes Study at under this positive gunrantcc. If, aftrf of a bomb which waa found Appleton that he had taken the money on steps of money as an easy way to find a home n trial, vim get no benefit, your Close Range of Every yeeterday the fit. Mlchaet'e costs only of Tenements, Proteelant Episcopal Church at No. HIT for the rest of the winter. The Maals-trat- a will be refunded. OltKINK kimono Workers Partly Settle Occupants Hiker-I!- Continent, Its People, High atreet, Brooklyn. Policeman Walth aentenced him to the workhouse 1.00 per box. Sold by i ;emiD Driven From Bed, Spend of the lower Fulton atreet station was until July. drug stores. Auk I hem for Free Hooklri Difficulties and Go Back, Methods and Language. called to the rhuroh y by Atpnonre t'hadwlck, the seiton, who ald he had Refuse. Hours on Street found the suspicious object yeiterdiy but Others mornlng. Mother and Teacher Are t'hadwlck said he had noticed a pack- age atep In Of A firs which threatened for a time to on the top front the front Guides of Come door. It was closely wrppd In news- HURL EGGS AT POLICE. deetroy the heart of the buslnesi sec- paper. He kicked It carelessly and a bit Youngsters, Who Range tion of Newark kspt practically the en- of tin tubing two Inches In diameter tire Firs Department of that city busy and three Incites long rolled out. Roth James McCreery & Co. From Sixteen Years to from I o'clock until daylight ends of the tube, were plugged with sol. Miss La Follette Appears in der and a string like a fui" was fast.-!.-.- Three By hard work the firemen confined the I and a Half In one end. Cltadwlrk lifted the ' Court for Strikers, Taking blase to the furniture warehouse of K. laid it on the Wsttiotl of h p. a? 34th Street 23rd Street Classes Every Day, A. Kirch A Co.. In Bank street, whers before an ;s tiie actlnt rector, the It orlglnatsd, but the warehouses of Hev. Tr. J. W Kerch, and members ol Rlame for Their Arrest. Whether Afloat or veatry. Cowperthwalte A Van Horna and Ssller the Ashore. The.y had Mm pm the liom" In watet SEMF-ANNUA- Broa. adjoining were badly damaged. None of ihem could think of nny rea- L SALES Acroea the atreet from the front of the son why tho bomb should have been in iwn aerikme of the Man Kirch warehouaa la a row of rooming placed at the churcii door. hattan garment imkiin llslrtct and n Tha paaaaa 1 from ftouthe ..ptoi, to houaee, and In tho rear, facing on Acad Continued on hursdny and Friday. WIHta nabum emphasis" I. STOLE MONEY AND DIDNT RUN Torb of the Kron I'rknsaaaln emy street, la a row or tenementa oc- - iea-- e fact that tentative pmsrenmi.s Oawllia of Uoyd. Oji . - tb North Herman I aggggl BBgaT JbbbbbbSbbbbI BBaartaBakg, JKaaTaTaB v aTJ TaTaTaTaTaTU I ... m ...u. ll.ini,,.-- !. nt orrj- Vetsreen the einplojrare and the I 'nil whlrh V Homeless vlna Wanted to On o BEDROOM FURNITURE. Unr dookod yaaierday, waa i pants of these buildings fled from thatr Oarmetit Workere I'nton. 1ilch eeenirii hy pneann. tha of all Sanum homes and apent the early morning Jail and Out Hla Wlah. eery near ratlA'altun iiy the strikers, n boya and who ara rarwtvtnaT iria thatr hours In the streets James A. Kelly, caihter at the ticket Suites, faw ) s aao, heV" fallen to Uta grmind. White Enamel nchidina Bute :ui. aduoallon ba a novel ami aaoalkwut man- Five alarms were turned In ami nil war n llesause of the union Itastf. ner. The ala broth em and alatera vara the apparatus In the downtown aectltn Chiffonier, Toilet Table and twin sie Beds. international 1'realdent Thomaa acciunpanlad by thalr ruothar nnd a of the city turned out to fight :he b'.aft. regularly 82.50. Rlekert, a ihi fv,.r peace, and the and every day. whothr Fifteen minutes after the first fireman 60.00 committee and nrttanlsara of tha on land or aea, tboaa oblldroa attend a reached the ecene the roof of Kirch's Diabetes Mahogany and m- -. Suites, Bureaus Chiffonier loess union, arrays asalnet ao eplanrr grada or i tool. nuilojng (ell in and tnc aparas set " , etan.1-aUa- ALFRE1D0 oJlghlf ylas.-- of ana terms, nrs.. nations arc ai a Tha boya and rlrte ara tha ohltriran of ANITA, adjoining bulldlnga Quickly Relieves Toilet Tuble; white plate miiTors. 70.00 were In the atabloa. Simple Herb Capt. Laila Uotnaa of th Chilian Navy. CARHLN. JtANNtTTL. FRIT2 Fourteen horaes SO All were raved, but they were got out This Dread Disease regularly 97. In o nouns, at LaaMte Capt. (torn! la at praaent in Naw York ii with great difficulty. rssbetes hu herstufiir been coaitdefwt an.) xmnv SxeMSi and al Tarslfth on (eovaritnmat j etreet bualneoa, and mat hla IN euraUlo, and tit nwly haps held out u the White Enamel Suites in Colonial model; dull en I acrorvt- - to big In Rurope BELIEVED TO HAVE STARTED . ... UKtr bj street .n ) riii avenu. aa wall aa fee family for the flrit i.tne In almoat a far xrudes. The teachex who all the troop centre ted is iiluiuoi :itr strict Pafllos them gives them the same iea-- and Itae been looking fotward to a trip Ut;. finish; Bureau, Table with for a shop un Hope street, yaar. OFFICES. A t.tAut laeenllr r...l MjtrCO, CU'.Wl Chiffonier and Toilet urniNM Tbaaa (eotnci cblldron hava bean aona In to West I'olnt he may aee Amerl- - W IIMamstMjr. seveial persona war thay would rernlve were thoy that The fire la believed to have alar ted iatewi tlx v. Ua toss fvuud ba a aircilli' ia travailing nearly llvaa. ' tu- glass all tbalr Thalr school Hi thalr home rlty. They ara an army ufflrara In the making. And tha ... . A imbues, uu.fJ Wjrtntf Uit plate mirrors; twill Beds with solid panels. In the offices on ths first floor of the ie5 hiart nnd tha pollre had to flht hard praaant trip bagan a year ao It goes for all of and . tvJlurtDg Mvr 4 and a half glvan thalr eiamlnallona when they them. Kirch warehouaa (ttJ regularly 117.00. la quell Uir damonetiatloa af tba ago, whan thay loft homo In In Pksaengere on the Kron Prlniea!:i T'tU barmle TegvUMc rwaMr UI itIIm tha 85.00 thalr hava fanned the work their partic was It had : trakera. mad" drsperate a month's Cecilia attest to wide knowledge of Whan the firs discovered p iwn ut list wotal d (it.i. in tb bio-- ai tr Chill. 10 go Knpiand.- grada, aa raault of plan the smptorment. to Hlnoa ular and a the They over gained so great a hold that the firemen w.tti'n i fk. v to prut i Colonial model; laat of to atep tha children. clambered all fra)a U1 .lie flrvt p mm tm Wtv, Iffta Suites of Solid Mahogany; 11100; oontrneiU of the children are propareil Into doomed. atrong nai tTi To-da- y than hava tuurad tha the ship, saw the building waa A of rsluc la '). a compromise waa raaahad be- horn aa though thay and Mr. Gomes and the ,.' booii'l .s'l. dust-pro- Uuropa Now thatr olaaaroom at govemeas wind fanned the flames, ut.d for a wh'.lo tain trig la'aat dirt liula tod tn'ttw aA of ftH.1 Bureau, Chiffonier, Table; all of tween tha Raat Hide Manufacturing and Uraat Ilrltaan. thay had never been away from school a Were ut their wlta' and at Toilet with aspoot to tour Uia I'nllad atataa. Hex- - iay. times to find them. One day during It was feared the entire block would be tx.iijdmim) in wo d.ntrrnt fnds. uf kimono makers and tha HBwljM Bf i glass Uto (tomes the voyage Alfredo and hla Utile sister destroyed. Tfil 7"Ur fr'urH tblt offr tr trn4 drawer partitions and plate mirrors. tirta or tbr wrapper and kimono ins- too. Canada, and will inter go to tha The teaoher avers that 2V fur ful'it1 pa AMIS' Carmen were report'! mlaalng and 1 The firemen turned their efforts to Bot Whimyw Polot, t union, whereby lo.uuo of tba Orlaat. ahlldran are farther advanced under liv rnrVlCAL OO.. AE. Massive Napoleon Beds in I win double bize. ists about aystem schooling they search of the ahlp began. An hoar's ing adjoining property, but it woe or workers will return to work. thalr of than the atrtklnc PRACTICAL EDUCATION OB- would be Vera tbay In a regular school. aearrh failed to dlarloae the trnanta more than two boura before tbey could size Bod Bkr terma eoraeromtaa, nil wild of having Suite with double tha of tha TAINED BY TRAVEL. Anita haa ahown a apeclal aptitude and minora the children check the spread of the flamea. 150.00 yuan Ion of fallen overboard to grow. Then vt.un.. ailde from the for Iknguagoa and aa a raault ahe haa lan No-.- lug In Kirch a warehouse could regularly 220.00 noura and wnsee will tie loft to tha It la tha theory of Mra Uomaa that apenlaltsad along thla line. She 'penka before the distracted mother on the vats Itureuu uf Mediation and Arbitra-iio- a. tha moan oraotloal way to aduoata n Prancti, rtpinlali, German and Knglleh deefc the twain appeared. But what Suite with twin size Bed la by traml and aha haa boon fluently and haa a smattering of Ital- change In their appearanca. Thetr Oculists' Opticians 190.00 bar Idea. All Bha languages facee were blackened until they were A ROUE MOTION TO daraunatraUtic ian. haa learned the Half Century in Butinmtt. regularly 278.00 ATTOrNYS tha rhlktran ara llngukiu. and what In the mother rountrlea and conse- hardly recognisable and thalr clothes a STRIKE INJUNCTION. thoy do geography quently speaks them Ilka a native. were In a similar condition. The two not know about tha to go price fori 100 White Enamel Chiffoniers and Bureaus, Supreme Court JueUss Msa-lrla-k ta- ELDEST BOY MAKES A STUDY OF had been ambitious down Into the The small af tha world and tha hlatoriaa of tha hold and see the stokers at work. They to and reserved ' finely large lis- llatennd irutnant ounbrloa they hava viaitad la not much 10 GUNS. had come across a stoker above decks glasses should not stand finished; plat glass mirrors. decision on the application of tba Naw worth knowing. Tha all ohlidran ara Luis, tba eldest boy. haa ahown a for sn string and pereuaded him :o hi- - per-- regularly 12.00 13.50. and York Clothing Trade AseuflUtlon and Anna, atataan: Lula, tMrtaaa. AWrado. liking for oiachanlci and mother like tbem doa-r-i Into the blaok depths. between you and ! and 9.00 10.00 tS individual rlirthlin laanufaoturara tan: Oarmaa, all aad a half; Jaannette, has seen to It that hla paaalon la glv-M- i Do i temporary Injunutssns raktrata-ni-f. ftva and UttVi rrtta. three a half. full vent. Whan In Europe he waa feet vision. youj moke and manufacturing HM members of tbo Usltea Okr-ne-ll Whan tha Uomaa family loft thalr taksn to all tha large Q0LF BALL ACID BLINDS HIM. He to something realize your eye- AraorkM Crass Rlafal auth Araorioaii heme a yar and a half centres wanted know what Dining Room Suites. Workers of are about tha manufacture of big I ago i ghjroua Robert V. Armstrong, a Blair Acad l.ife.tlni an. rlolenoa to vial thay want around una, and, preato, he waa whtaked to sight means to you? A yraa, emy Blalretown, N. J., may Never baked before? Oaorte W. Olaaa, counsel tor the Cape Horn to Buoaoa and avary tha Krupp gun works In Oermany snd student at Eyes Essmlned Without Charge ahJrte, lose alght of both hla eyas as re- ! Craftsman Suites, Sideboard. China Closet, Manufacturers' Assoctattoa, aaearud day. rain or ualm or atorm, tha saw at first hand how tha monxter the a Dorit worry by Registered Eye Physicians. I uhlbdren wora aaaamblad In a stateroom ld sult of dissecting a golf ball. in bad In uia pasaasakm aCfMavrlki uf barkers ara manufactured. Perfect Fitting QltsaSs, Si.SO to i. Extension Table, 4 Dining Chairs, I Diuing Arm- far thatr olaaa aa. Bemuse of tha Alfredo Inherits hla father's mili- The acid which forma ths core of cer si baiween Ian and ilftaan aiamkaTa of You can't fail with 217 Broadway, House to thatr asysa thay ara all in dif- - tary ambitions and he haa bean taken tain golf balls squirted In both his Aster chairs, all of finely flgurvd Oak. i union, Mating that at mootlaga aes 350 22d Fumed Chairs ho whan the ball was opened. The eyes 22) Sixth Ave.. ISth St. Sixth Ave.. St. coBaUotad by tbo union officiate thoy 17 West 42d-N- ew ware shut fast yesterday, and special Ml Nassau. Ann St. York with leather seats. regularly 155.00, 125.00 are told to go out aad '"boat up" a 498 St.. Cor. Bond Brooklyn. ist said there Is dander that the lids Fulton St.. tho'acoba Mo wantad to Hat will ettck to the eyeballs when healed. Sheraton Suites in Cuban Mahogany, richly Maa D. Fteuer. oounaat far the In that ease there Is a chance of an auawar to tba arsru-ma- MO OBASQB IX IB, uulon. declared.. In operation restoring the alght provided EXTSa ornamented with satin inlay; Sideboard, China lawyar for aba naerohanta, at the the surface of the eyeballs Is not ao ats tar Th.Wj.ld aar be tall at naotn-i-ar- a News Oddities Service Table-- . i of Use nineteen H--O eases Closet, and Extension hat tba conduct badly Injured aa to affect ths tranapar-enc- y I The Company. BurTalp.N.Y. s Si ths 200.00 of tha aseuctailvn waa tbo eauaa of the Iris. 1 AfstAev of H-- Force.K Preito. regularly 281.00 of tba etrllse. He aaM Uhey bad re- Mra Mary Otopaa af Bar barton. Ohio, arrastod for eloping with George fused to taat with tha union on tba Durak to rittatmrgh, pleaded: "I lived with tha homeliest man In the country vital polnta of tiva situation, namoly. twelve years, then ran away with aha hand aomeat man In Ohio." she promlted tha question of living wagaa an I've to tvrft the handaomeat man. and tbo homeliest one paid her fine of Ki an J DOMESTIC RUGS & CARPETS. lie, .. t ika .nK.aonl ranlnf at W St dim ' took bar hack hums. af tha laat aw of suav tiBiiuria of Poiloaman Urn eat Carpenter, a Newport Nawa hotlarmakar, "near death with appet daugb-ta- 11 All discontinued of the Famous WUUam L Nau; tha progressive r dteltls," fled' from a hospital at sight of tha preparatloua for an operation. THE SWEEPER-VA- C patterns of Wlaoooalna prugrassivs "right-uk- j took a night's sleep, ate a hearty breakfast and went back to hla job. French Hardwick and Buudhar Wilton Rugs, at Boh'' La rogetto, a Saa rraAoiaoe I silt) gal who haa ooaaa to Maw Varit Tou may turn up your noae at Chautauqua Oounty skunks, but mustn't k.l greatly reduced prices. . to ge In for aoalal upUfl aad aevau them, If Aeaemhlyman Sullivan's bill Is passed. Hs soya they destroy farm THE ORIGINAL VACUUM 6ARPET SWEEPER aratty atrlkan of tha aortar aea these peala. and while not recommended aa household pets are good things to bav French Wilton in rich colors; sizes range from war boom at tbo skhlblto, animate and around. so thoroughly removes every particle of dust and dirt that we a, before Magistrate Harlow la ars willing to ship the Sweeper-Va- c on our FREE TRIAL S.2x3b in. to 11.3x15 ft. 3.00 to 80.00 Night Court last , JaBsrsou Msrkat Tom MaLain'a balloon hit tba topmoat pinnacle of Mount Wllaon. Cat i.Ov OFFER, ANYWHERE, EXPRESS PREPAID, to be tested as formerly 103.00 feat higtl, spilled him out and sailed away. Its was unhurt. 4.25 to follows: . aa for Miss Fola La Kollette. actress st I in by profession but by instinct bearer of Hheiiff Rt4ert Conkiln of Jlarkeiiaack Is aome "Joiner," belonging to lorty- - lave s.mie rug your house cleaned thoroughly bv beating or 9x18 ft. French Wilton formerly 60.00. 37.50 tba burdens of tha downtrodden, eba was three organ Is Hons by the carpet sweeper or by any other vacuum to tsll the Magistral It 0x12 ft. Hardwick Wilton. . 50.00. to Night Court cleaner. Then over tliat same rug run the Sweeper-Va- c for not 36.50 was all au Injustice, lbs should have Twelve hundred pupils liava quit acyiool in Berkeley. Cat because of com- - more than two minutes. Next, empty out the dirt. If there is 0x12 ft. Bundhar Wilton ... " 44.00, beam arretted. If any one, becauao aha puisory vacolnatiun order. 32.50 had) at thirty or forty girl not fom a cupful to a quart removed ship the machine back at lad tha parade 86x03 in. Wilton " 7.50. strikers to TwtBty-tuIr- d street aad dUvn A hill In the lows legislature provldea that a man can't be held responalblo OUR EXPENSE. 5.75 besiege Id If any hat charged for costs M0 or more. Also man avenue, there to tba entrants for a milliner's hill If a There is only white gooes arm af WUbsr M. Uysr buys a diamond ling on credit his wife cant ba compelled to pay for It. ONE GENUINE iba SWEEPER-VA- All other sizes at proportionate prices. . Ce. If it is not STRIVED ONLV TO LIFT UP, WAS A Massechusetta legislative committee recommends a law making It a mis manufactured by Pneuvac Com- demeanor for a woman to wear a bst ptn with uncover, d point protruding mure pany, Boston, Mass., it is not Wilton Carpet formerly 2.25. 1 yd. LIFTED INTO BLACK MARIA. than a halt Inch. .65 Is ba sura Miss Maud lounger, the a Sweeper-Va- c. Sao) Francisoo society gu', ko n Note-Child- Velvet Carpet, discontinued " Weather ren are picking wild violets on the alts of There are 125,000 users of the Wilton patterns. tha uplift busliKS. urutad along alter Port Kloeh t Johnivtlle, N. T.. where usually at this sssaon snow is ten feat deep. c trouble had been etartau by the puJce. st Sweeper-Va- who would not formerly 1.60, 1.00 yd. but she had aoauiuie.y uaibiug to do part with their machines at any Thla la the 'JUSth "ay of continuous open water In tha Hudson, breaking with ths affair, tlb waa jusl'aii sll Velvet Carpet .. I . formerly 1.25, yd. byatanuar. records. price if they could not buy an- 85c Tben whan tba crowd began to col- other, BECAUSE the Sweeper-Va- c Linoleum Tile patterns 1 lect, aa crowda will in New York, aouie "Mlaa .. X. lladcllfle of Elgin. III.," wrote to the Mayor or flan Kronclseo runs like an ordinary car- Inlaid .00 yd. imeguldod Mlsn I .a r'olletie help In getting a husband who would "appreciate a good wife $30,000." oatacrtanl for and pet sweeper BUT thoroughly formerly 1.35' was just poaltiye it wt nous of the The letter saa publlahed and the Elgin postmsater has lent 1,176 letters, un- girls under bar cars hurled that an- - j claimed by "Mies KadcltfTe," to the dead latter office. cleans by the refreshing air pro- threpologlcaJ egg- - if anything can oo cess, raising no dust. No elec- .aid to bave "hurtled," that gg did 11. It hurtled uaiiiil tha abouider uf Po- tricity required. Guaranteed not Household & Decorative Linens liceman Nau'e uniform and that's what to harm the most delicate rugs. made 1'ollcemaii Nau peevlah. HEADACHY, CONSTIPATED. BILIOUS, The Sweeper-Va- c But a minute after the fatal Impact has been of that egg Policeman Nau and other "Tasted and Approved" by At Greatly Reduced Prices. brctnera of tha blue bagan gathering the Good Housekeeping Insti- In Mi-- - Younger and all the girls they JAKE DELICIOUS "SYRUP OF could lay hands on. Eight of them FIGS." tute. Satin Damask Tablecloths ; trsides Miss Younger had the ride in value 2.00. 2.75 to 8.50, 1 to thd Ulack Maria But not Mlaa La K Removes the scum from the tongue, sweetens OUR FREE TRIAL OFFER .45. 2.00 6.00 lette, who use Juat yearning fur aucb a sour, .'i outing gassy, bilious stomach; cleanses your liver and Until February 7th we will ac Napkins 1.85, 2.75 to 5.50 do. Barlow heard all this ps--I MiiKlatrate cept orders for the Sweeper-Va- c, iauUy, then m, the prlaouers It 30 feet of bowels without gripe or nausea. delivery charges prepaid, at only 9.$0 each, cash with order, or 5 value 2.50, 3.50 to 8.00 Hptocy. with no option of taking tha cash with order, and $ a week for five weeks, with the distinct understanding that we hold your iisrtyr'e . luwn In lull Odd Damask Tablecloths money on deposit, and if the machine is not in every wav satisfactory you may return it at OUR ex Mr Iottle Lsviaa, who hag been the If headachy, bilious, diisy. tongue have s bowel wash day. That i all principal of tm- women In pense, ana we will cheerfully refund your money. value 6.00, 10.00 to 73.00. to oia'a:lzri the toitrd, stomach sour and full of gai, wr mg. If you will take a traipoonful Our references are Old Colony Trust Company, 3.75. 6.50 37.50 strike of ttte t'nlted Gsiuient Workers' you belch undigested food and feci of delirious Syrup uf Kigi Boston, Mass., Worcester Trust Company, Worcester, Mass., Dun and t'nlon. and Mlse Yetta Hullnsk!. another you Bradstreet's Commercial Huckaback Towels. . 1 tick end miserable, it meant that your will never realise you lave liken any- Agencies, New York City. .75. 2.75 to 6.75 doz. captain of tin- strike, Vara urrrstod dur- ' t jk-- liver is choked with sour bile and your thing until morning, when e to-da- ing a riot early la day outside uf the ill ti poison- Complete coupon and bring or send it y. The risk, if any, is Ours. value 2.25, 3.50 to 9.50 thirty feet of bowel, clogged with bile rlogged-u- p manufactory of Alfred livnjanitii .'om-uan- ire ous matter, tour snd York effete waste matter nut properly car- will be moved of From New district send your orders to the Sweeper-Va-MW.c Company, 1431 Broadway, Naw at Iafayette atrvet and AaUtr wsite on snd out your Hemmed Muslin Sheets. 45c, 55c to each place. I'",- polio-tur- had a illffloult ried oft. Cnnatipstion it worse than system, thoroughly but gently no grip- York City. Orders outside New York district send direct to Pneuvac Company. Temple Place, 85c time yettln ttie tax) womi-- to a ialrul luost folk believe. It means that this ing -- no nausea no weakness. Taking Boston, Mass. value 60c, 70c to 1.05 wognn anil William Caartuoaii, whu watte matter in the thirty fret of howrli Syrup of Figs is real pleasure. Don't to snatch Policeman Vard'i decays into poisons, gases and acids ind think you drugging is Pillow Cases 1 1 are yourelf; it -- to be 6c to 9c each Jun from hlin, recelvad the oluih on uh tint these poieuns are then sucked into composed entirely of luscious figs, senna GENTLEMEN Find enclosed $9.50 or $5 (money order or check) held by vou on deposit first and then was Sweeptr-ya- c, TEN-DA- baad arrested. the blood through the very ducts which and aroinatica. and constant use cannot infraynientjorone according lo the terms of your FREE TRIAL Y value 20c to 24c At Twelfth street and Fifth avenue should suck only nourishment to sustain cause injury. a crowd of MM strikers started trouble OFFER. the body. your druggist of by severely beatlial a strike-breake- r, Ask for "Syrup Pigs Name .". Moat people j who scaped Into building and whoee dread physic. They and Klisir of henna, and look for the I I name the police did not get. Ressrvss think of castor oil, salts and cathartic name, California Fig Syrup Company, Address j ffoai th Mercer street station arras ted pills. They shrink from ths after ef- on ths label. This n the genuine old I VAs)AstMaSsMMaay4eBBSasasMa E Lessor, Abe Aatalberg, Oold-stoH- h fects so thay the Baa Lewis postpone dose until reliable Any ether Fig Syrup offered as Sweeper-Va- c Company's Telephone No. 443 Bryant and Mas SUvsratala, who nartl- - they get sick . than they do this liver snd good should be refused with coateopt. SBhl to bows! gfifggtj la h tvwvic way they Dea't be imposed vpea. I Sunday World Wants WotW Monday Morning Wonder,