BINDING: Hardback NUMBER OF PAGES: 32 ISBN: 978-84-236-9619-2 SIXE: 21 x 20

SUMMARY: Mum’s going to have a baby; she touches her belly and calls me to do the same. Something’s moving in there. And it feels to me like the flapping of a butterfly wing… But mum’s convinced it’s a baby and I don’t want her to become disillusioned.

AUTHOR: Margarita Mainé was born in 1960 in Ingeniero Maschwitz, a town in the province of . She qualified as a pre-school teacher at the "Sara C. de Eccleston" National Institute of Teacher Training. In this way she began her teaching career as a teacher of gardening and discovered an endless source of tales, stories and anecdotes arising from working day-to-day with children. Initially, she worked with children with hearing difficulties and later became a pre-school and primary school teacher, which she did for 15 years. For her, writing tales is a way of keeping in contact with her childhood and with the children who still today mean that she enjoys her day-to-day work.

ILLUSTRATOR: Mabel Piérola was born in (1953). She studied Fine Arts at the San Fernando school in Madrid and the Sant Jordi in Barcelona. She has participated in several competitions and individual exhibitions. She currently combines the work she is commissioned to do with the writing of her own stories using a variety of techniques and styles.



BINDING: Hardback NUMBER OF PAGES: 32 ISBN: 978-84-236-9586-7 SIZE: 21 x 20

SUMMARY: There was once a little elephant called Pancho. He lived in the jungle with giraffes and hippopotamuses. But he used to get really bored. Would you like to hear his story?

AUTHOR: Margarita Mainé was born in 1960 in Ingeniero Maschwitz, a town in the province of Buenos Aires. She qualified as a pre-school teacher at the "Sara C. de Eccleston" National Institute of Teacher Training. In this way she began her teaching career as a teacher of kindergarden and discovered an endless source of tales, stories and anecdotes arising from working day-to-day with children. Initially, she worked with children with hearing difficulties and later became a pre-school and primary school teacher, which she did for 15 years. For her, writing tales is a way of keeping in contact with her childhood and with the children.

ILLUSTRATOR: Nora Inés Hilb was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 10 September, 1953. She has illustrated over 60 children’s books for important publishers: Sudamericana, Alfaguara, Planeta, Atlántida, Aique and A-Z, in Argentina; Nord-Sud Verlag / North-South books of Switzerland; Annick Press, Chirp Magazine (Bayard Press) in Canada; Edebé in Spain España; Moon Mountain and Sandvik Innovations in the United States and Il Punto d´Incontro in Italy. She is a member of ALIJA (Association of Children’s and Young Adult Literature of Argentina), the Illustrators Forum’ (Argentina) and of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators).



BINDING: Hardback NUMBER FO PAGES: 32 ISBN: 978-84-96352-69-8 SIZE: 21 x 20

SUMMARY: Andrés explains how he revolutionized his home with his learning skills. He tried to become a hairdresser doing his grandpa’s hair on a ponytail, cutting his sister’s plaits or dying his father’s hair on green. Until his mother discovered it. Then he decided to become a fireman but he fired the barbecue. Then he wanted to become a waiter, serving the breakfast to his parents but… everything is a mess! His father was angry but then he embraced him and his mother kissed him because he is still too young to know what it feels like being adult.

AUTHOR: Fina Casalderrey was born in Xeve, Pontevedra on 11 August 1951. She studied to be an infant teacher and worked as a teacher as of the age of nineteen. From then on, she started to dip into literary creation as an author and director of several theatre plays. She has been awarded several prizes including the Merlín Prize, 1991, and in 1994 she received the “El Barco de Vapor” which was later to become the National Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature.

ILLUSTRATOR: Born in Portonovo in June 1944, he is one of the most sought after Galician illustrators and has collaborated with most publishing companies. Trained in painting (he has presented paintings at numerous individual and collective exhibitions), his work as a poster designer and graphic designer in advertising agencies has given him an undeniable ability to adapt to different publics and themes as well as security and efficiency in his strokes and great control of space.



BINDING: Hardback NUMBER OF PAGES: 32 ISBN: 978-84-236-9281-1 SIZE: 21 x 20

SUMMARY: A little boy is terrified of the monsters who live across the road. One day he overcomes his fear and his sisters' jibes, and sneaks into the house... where he makes friends with the monsters Aagh, Eeegh, Iiigh, Ooogh and Uuugh, themselves scared of another monster who lives across the road... the boy himself!

The Dangerous Horrible House is a story told in first person by the main character, it is about childhood fears and problems between siblings.

AUTHOR: Pablo Albo (Pablo Pérez). I was born in in 1971. I am a story-teller (a person who writes and tells stories). I tell stories for children, youngsters and adults. I also teach oral story-telling. I talk about books for children on the radio.

ILLUSTRATOR: Claudia Ranucci was born in Rome although she has lived in Madrid for several years now. She studied Design and Illustration at the Urbino Institute for Artistic Industries in Italy. In 1998 she founded, along with Marello Conta, the Sparafucile design studio which in 2004 also became a publishng house known as SPR MSH.



BINDING: hardback NUMBER OF PAGES: 32 ISBN: 978-84-236-9585-0 SIZE: 21 x 20

SUMMARY: A small wolf finds itself in the middle of the wood, crying. It has lost its mummy and its three brothers. It saw the moon reflected in the river and wanted to catch it. That’s why it strayed from its mother and brothers’ footsteps.

AUTHOR: Ignacio Sanz. Writer and oral narrator. Lastras de Cuéllar (Segovia) 1953. Holding a degree in Sociology by the Complutense University of Madrid, he has written a wide range of literary works totalling over fifty titles including novels, tales, children’s and young adult literature, travels and ethnography. Winner of several prizes for tales, he was a runner-up in the Torrente Ballester prize for narrative with his novel entitled “La música del bosque” and he won the 2010 “Ala Delta” prize for Children’s literature and “The inquisitive prince” 2010 for children’s poetry. Over 25 years, he has combined his work as a ceramicist with writing. Since 2005, he has been dedicated to writing and the tasks of socio-cultural animation. He lives in Segovia where, since 1983 he has coordinated the literary forum “The Tuesday Tertulia (social gathering)” which, with the sponsorship of Caja Segovia, has invited the most distinguished writers in the Spanish language. He directs the Segovia and El Espinar Festival of Oral Narrative. He has directed several reading and writing workshops.

ILLUSTRATOR: Carlos Velázquez was born in , in 1958. Dominating realism with his colours, he defined himself as an all roader capable of approaching any style. Holder of a degree in the Fine Arts, in the Design and Image speciality by the University of Salamanca, he worked for years in advertising, a sector which he decided to abandon in order to concentrate all of his creativity on illustration. Selected from the 1996 Círculos de Lectores caricatures section, he has participated in several exhibitions and has earned first prize in several billboard designing competitions. For EDEBÉ, he has also illustrated the tale Hambre de lobo (Hungry as a wolf) and young adult novel La piedra de la culebra.


BINDING: Hardback PAGES: 40· SIZE: 21 x 20

SUMMARY: Simon the Dragon is a little flying dragon who spits fire from his mouth, but he doesn’t scare at all. He has a big heart and is always ready to help his friends. If you want to know more about him, you must read his fun adventures!!



Includes some great games at the end of the book. To enjoy and learn.

AUTHOR: Mercè Arànega paints and exhibits paintings. She has directed a modelling workshop, she has taught illustration at the la Lonja School of Applied Arts and Artistic Trades in Barcelona, she given classes to school teachers and post-graduates on reading encouragement, and she has also given numerous conferences. She loves visiting schools and libraries to tell boys and girls how to invent a story, and entrust them with the will to read. But what she devotes most of her time to is illustrating and writing, to such an extent that she has made it her profession.

Children will easily learn a value such as environmental education and solidarity with games and activities. Educating in values is easy with Simon the Dragon!


BINDING: Hardcover PAGES: 32 ·SIZE: 26 X 21,5 BINDING: Paperback PAGES: ·SIZE: 23 X 28,5

SUMMARY: Tupi the rabbit lives in a world surrounded by things that he is unable to name. He learns through these images to give a name to each object portrayed in the pictures of this amusing books with which preschool children are offered a different learning tools.

STORY TALES TITLES: An approach to the habit of reading through pictograms. All the titles available in BLOCK CAPITALS or handwriting. At the back of each book there is a small recall of each pictogram.

Tupi on the Farm Tupi in the Bath Tupi’s a musician Tupi and the snowman Tupi and the Witch Tupi and the Tortoise Tupi goes to the Market

ACTIVITY BOOKS TITLES: Three activity books to develop hand motor skills.

Thought by children from 3 to 5 years old. Area of interest: HOLIDAYS, TRIPS AND ADVENTURES

Include stickers, cutouts, removable sheets, short story and posters.



BINDING: Hardcover PAGES: 64 ·SIZE: 25 X 20,5


SUMMARY: This time, TUPI lets you into the secrets of the most perfect machine on earth: your body. Learn how it works and how it reacts by means of spectacular illustration and straightforward explanations. Let’s begin our journey by showing you the body from the outside. Then we’ll head inside to the parts like the heart, the brain... a fascinating, fun journey.

Free measuring tape so you can see how much you’re growing!

OTHER BIG FORMAT “REFERENCE” TITLES: My first dictionary (Spanish and English editions) By Thematic areas of interest. Over 400 words with their corresponding pictogram.

My first cooking book Easy and funny recipes while doing craft and learning the name of ingredients

My first Atlas Travel around the world with Tupi and learn customs, food, animals and plants of each continent.

AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: Mercè Arànega paints and exhibits paintings. She has also directed a modelling workshop, she has taught at the la Lonja School of Applied Arts and Artistic Trades in Barcelona, she given classes to school teachers and post-graduates on reading encouragement, and she has also given conferences. She loves visiting schools and libraries to tell boys and girls how to invent a story, and entrust them with the will to read. But what she devotes most of her time to is illustrating and writing, to such an extent that she has made it her profession.


BINDING: Hardcover with extra jacket & paperback · SIZE: 24 X 19.5 & 20 x 15, 5

SUMMARY: The classic works closer to younger readers. Their wonderful and fun adventures, their romances, their dreams, their magic, their teachings have fascinated readers the world over for centuries. Thanks to the text by Rosa Navarro Durán and the water colors by illustrator Francesc Rovira, early readers also have the chance to get to know these amazing stories.

Sales figures up to date: El Quijote contado a los niños (more than 120.000 copies sold); Tirante el Blanco contado a los niños (55.000 copies sold); Platero y yo de Juan Ramón Jiménez contado a los niños (63.000 copies sold) , El lazarillo de tormes contado a los niños (57.000 copies sold), El Cid contado a los niños (32.000 copies sold), La odisea contada a los niños (40.000 copies sold).

Rights sold to: Italy, Lithuania, México, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Canada-Quebec, Chile, Venezuela, Korea and Netherlands.




BINDING: Hardback NUMBER OF PAGES: 208 ISBN: 978-84-236-9632-1 SIZE: 24 x 19,5

SUMMARY: These fables are short stories about animals and people which can be useful to us all. In them, we hear the cunning fox speak and the vain crow sing, and we see who makes off with the cheese and how he manages it. This book tells us what a deer thought upon seeing himself in the watery mirror of a fountain, and what happened to the frogs who croaked and croaked asking for a king, and a silly tortoise who wanted to fly like an eagle. But it also tells us how a little mouse could save the life of the powerful lion, and how a stork took revenge on the cunning fox, and how… These short stories amuse and teach us. You will see how intelligence and ingenuity are more important than strength, and you’ll learn that we must be more prudent and, above all, very generous. But the story of the grasshopper that sang and sang all summer while the ant worked and worked is going to start now… These wonderful fables were written in verse by Félix María Samaniego, the great 18th century writer who was born in Laguardia (Álava) in 1745 and died in 1801. He had read other authors of fables thoroughly, such as Latin writer Fedro, France’s La Fontaine and Englishman John Gay, and adapted some of their stories. He did it so well that, since the two volumes of his Fábulas en verso castellano (Fables in Castillian verse) were published (1781, 1784), many people know them by heart and tell them, just as you are going to do.

AUTHOR: Rosa Navarro Durán, professor of Spanish Golden Age Literature at the University of Barcelona. Among her most notable text editions are those of the anonymous writer’s Libro de suertes, the dialogues of Alfonso Valdés, Miguel de Cervantes’ Novelas Ejemplares, etc.. She has written La mirada al texto, ¿Por qué hay que leer los clásicos? Cómo leer un poema and numerous articles on textual problems, topics and text commentaries on the Golden Age and contemporary literature.

ILLUSTRATOR: Francesc Rovira was born in Barcelona on 20 September 1958. As a boy, he spent hours and hours drawing and looping at cartoons, comic strips and the illustrations of books and magazines. He looked at the picture; then he read the text and realised where the illustrator had got his/her idea from. And he decided that he also wanted to interpret and explain ideas through drawing. Now he provides illustrations for magazines, games and children’s books. He always works at his desk with a large sheet of white paper, Chinese ink, a selection of nibs, water colours and...sweets. 11 CLASSICS TOLD TO CHILDREN


FFoouurr eeddiittiioonnss:: 2222..000000 ccooppiieess Four editions: 22.000 copies

BINDING: Hardback NUMBER OFPAGES: 48 ISBN: 978-84-236-9613-0 SIZE: 27 x 22.5

SUMMARY: Miguel Hernández, people’s poet, “only he who loves, flies”, as you used to say. You flew high indeed, and you left us with unique verses which we shall read for ever. In this way, your soul shall continue to fly like a bird in the high trellises of flowers:

Querer, querer, querer: ésa fue mi corona, ésa es.

To love, to love, to love: that was my crown, that it is.

AUTHOR: Rosa Navarro Durán: Professor of Spanish Golden Age Literature at the University of Barcelona. Among her text editing, the most notable are of the anonymous writer’s Libro de suertes, the dialogues of Alfonso Valdés, Miguel de Cervantes’ Novelas Ejemplares, etc.. She has written La mirada al texto, ¿Por qué hay que leer los clásicos? Cómo leer un poema and numerous articles on textual problems, topics and commentaries on Golden Age and contemporary texts.

ILLUSTRATOR: Jordi Vila Delclós, was born in Barcelona in 1966. He studied first grade of music and percussion, and has played the vibraphone in several jazz bands. He has also studied illustration at the Llotja School (Higher School of Art and Design). And He has worked as an illustrator since1988. He has illustrated tales, novels, albums and text books for several publishers. And he also collaborates with graphic designers and architects as well as with production companies and advertising agencies. He does confess, however, that what he likes most is listening to jazz and drawing pirates.



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 144 ISBN: 978-84-236-9592-8 SIZE: 19.5 x 13

VALUES: - Family, respect for the elderly. - Friendship, love. - Tolerance, solidarity

SUMMARY: Santi couldn’t imagine the adventures that were to happen to him the night on which he left the tooth he’d lost beneath the his pillow. That day, he found it hard to sleep thinking whether or not Pérez the tooth-collecting mouse would come to take his tooth, and so, when he heard a noise in his room, instead of being afraid, he hurried to find out what had caused it. And what a surprise he had upon seeing a small mouse dressed in black wearing a hood trying to climb up to his bed...

AUTHOR: Dámaris Navarro Torregrosa was born in Bigastro, a village in the south of Alicante, in 1985. She studied Translation and Interpretation at the University of Granada and Comparative Literature at the University of . She was 20 when she started to write her first children’s book, Rútindel, which you are looking at now. But before, she had written cinema scripts, a task to which she is still devoted. She has also written lyrics for songs. Now she works as a translator and a teacher as well as writing books for children, which is what she most enjoys, of course!

ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Montero Galán was born in Madrid in 1981 at the young age of nought. As he had trouble expressing himself in words, he began to do so by drawing and since then, he says that he communicates better by drawing than speaking. He was never academically minded and so the only thing he liked about text books were the illustrations and filling in the blank spaces with his doodling, which doesn’t exactly enthuse teachers. At the age of 17, he began to study at the Higher School of Professional Drawing, but after the first year, he decided to teach himself. After a few years locked up in his room, he received his first commissions which he began doing on the computer, although today he has taken up his brushes again and prefers to draw by hand.



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 144 ISBN: 978-84-236-9591-1 INTERNAL CODE: 9591 SIZE: 19.5 x 13 PRICE (EXCL. VAT): 7.45 € PRICE (NCL. VAT): 7.75 €

VALUES: - Friendship, love - Tolerance, solidarity - Education towards equal opportunities

SUMMARY: Once upon a time there was a hippocerous that lived apart from the animals of the savannah. His mother had run away when he was born, scared at having engendered such a monstrosity. As all the other animals mocked him, he decided to go far away, and he only stopped on the banks of the halfempty pool. There he made his new home and had many, many adventures.

AUTHOR: Miguel Matesanz was born in the Lucero district of Madrid. He was a most precocious creator and at the age of seven, wrote his first theatre play. Since that day, he has not ceased to write, not for a single day and it was in 2005 that he saw his first book published. Some time later, he spent two weeks submerged in his bath tub writing The Hippocerous, the first he has published with EDEBÉ, but by no means the last…

ILLUSTRATOR: Ferni is the nickname of Óscar M. Fernández Collado, an Argentine illustrator born in the province of Salta. He has worked for many different media. Hence his range is broad and varied, from comics to illustrations, cartoons, advertising, multimedia, models and didactic games aimed at all ages. This is his first tale with EDEBÉ (but not his last). His website:


BINDING: Hardcover · PAGES: 40 · SIZE: 19, 5 x 15, 5

SUMMARY: Inspector Cito, the detective who is famous throughout the world for his ingenuity and his love of Spanish omelette, works for the Department of Strange, Mysterious and Super Difficult Cases with the help of Chinese sergeant Chin Mi Edo.

“An excellent humorous approach. Iturbe plays with all the topics of the genre, avoiding violence and unnecessary gruesomeness and focusing on wit, deduction talents and shrewdness of detectives. Babelia, El País, 15/03/2010


AUTHOR: Antonio G. Iturbe, Zaragoza, 1967, has a degree in Information Sciences by the UAB, and has been a book commentator on several radio stations as well as a member of the Editorial Board of magazine Qué Leer (What to read), of which he is now assistant manager since 1996. In 1995 he published his first novel entitled Rectos torcidos.

ILLUSTRATOR: Alex Omist, born in Barcelona in 1974, has studied at the Elisava Higher School of Design. He works as a freelance illustrator for a variety of magazines and advertising agencies. He has also illustrated the story Orson y el bosque de las sombras.

Visit Cito’s minisite:




BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 128 ISBN: 978-84-236-7839-6 SIZE: 19.5 x 13

VALUES: - Friendship, love - Education towards equal opportunities of the sexes

SUMMARY: Rapunzel, a young lady locked up at the top of a tower by a wicked sorceress, decides to escape, disobeying the rules of the classic tales to go in search of her prince charming, all on her own! But no matter how she tries, she doesn’t manage to find him, and what’s more, the wicked sorceress is in pursuit of her all the time. In her desperate and crazy pursuit she will find Little Red Ridding Hood, Snow White, Cinderella and other popular characters under the most hilarious situations. Will Rapunzel succeed in escaping from the sorceress and find her prince charming?

AUTHOR: Amèlia Mora was born in Barcelona in 1980. A few years later, she got her degree in Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). Later, she specialised in writing scripts for films and television and in Audiovisual Development. Having collaborated as an external analyst of scripts and writers with audiovisual production company Filmax, she joined the company’s Contents Department as development manager where she assesses scriptwriting for films and television series. In parallel, she writes scripts for cinema. And Rapunzel cut off her locks is her first children’s book.

ILLUSTRATOR: Sara Ruano was born in Valencia, where she has lived for most of her life and where her family continues to live. There she studied Fine Arts. Now she lives in Edinburg, a beautiful city in Scotland. Normally, it rains quite a bit and it’s often cold, but for Sara it’s perfect because she spends most of her time indoors drawing and painting, which is what she most enjoys doing, for as long as she can recall…, and always with a nice, hot cup of tea by her side.


BINDING: Hardback · SIZE: 20,5 x 13

SUMMARY: You like being scared, don’t you?

You’re not afraid of investigating legends of castles, abandoned convents, non-existent houses or cursed cemeteries...?

The gang comprising Álvaro, Cris, Belén and David, The Fearless, awaits you with its terrifying adventures.

THE COLLECTION TITLES: The House of the End of the World 3rd edition nd The Castle of the Headless Soldiers 2 ed. The Camp of the Avenging Fox 2nd ed. The Cemetery of Bleeding Spectres 2nd ed. The Damn school basement New Caught in the amusement park New

Two new titles coming soon!!

AUTHOR: José María Plaza was born in Burgos. He studied Journalism, a profession he has pursued in several of its fields. He worked in the Culture and Education sections of Diario 16 until he left the daily press to devote himself full time to literary creation, although he continues to collaborate with newspapers in background articles, etc. Currently, his works can be read both in El Mundo and in several literary journals. As regards his career in literature, he has published several novels for young people, children’s tales, poetry compilations and novels for adults.

Visit the author’s Web about these books:




BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 168 ISBN: 978-84-236-9593-5 SIZE: 19.5 x 13

VALUES: - Health education. - Family, respect for elders. - Traditions and cultures. - Friendship, love.

SUMMARY: My name’s Miguel, I’m nine years old and I’m learning Japanese. My father is a very well-known doctor. He says he’s the best in the world. But when they ask me what his speciality is at school, I just say he’s a doctor and that’s that. Because how can I tell them that he treats people who don’t stop having, you know, flatulence or wind, as he calls it…

AUTHOR: Pedro Martínez Canut was born in Valencia, in 1958. He is a stomatologist and has been a full lecturer at the University of Dentistry. He currently combines his work as a dentist with his passion for children’s literature. In addition to Tremendos tortazos he has written the book entitled Neleb y la ramita del olivo. He is fortunate enough to have many children with whom he has enjoyed living the everyday adventures of life. That’s why many of his tales’ characters and anecdotes have something to do with them.

ILLUSTRATOR: Álvaro Núñez was born in Madrid in 1972. After studying architecture and getting his degree in business sciences, he decided to give a chance to the boy who, from the back row in class, would have fun doodling in his books. And that’s what he is still doing. He now doodles for books published by Spanish and foreign publishing houses. He has collaborated in a variety of magazines and has participated in more than one comic. He doesn’t mind being at the back, provided he is allowed to enjoy drawing. He has also illustrated for EDEBÉ: Only when I’m afraid.



“It conveys authenticity and, only when necessary, emotions. Composition and game characters are excellent.”

Diario de Mallorca Bellver (08/07/2010)

“Muñoz Avia tackles, with humor and refined psychology the issue of self-esteem and attacks the terrible pressure that families Often exert on child prodigies, in this entertaining novel, beautifully resolved.”

Babelia, 29/05/2010

BINDING: PAPERBACK NUMBER OF PAGES: 186 ISBN: 978-84-236-7826-6 SIZE: 19,5 x 13

SUMMARY: Lola is ten years old and she loves playing football, but her parents have enrolled her for violin classes to inculcate her love for music. She has a brother, Gracián, who is a genius, a virtuoso on the piano admired by all. She adores him but pays the consequences of her brother’s excessive protagonism. Because if Lola sees anything clearly, and tries to make the others understand, it’s that she is not her brother. She’s someone else, with other likes and interests. With a musician for a father and a mother teaching at the music conservatory, it’s clear that the atmosphere at home greatly favours her brother’s interests. Far from feeling crushed, Lola fights determinedly to get what she wants, to get away from what the grown ups impose on her and just be herself.

EXCERPT FROM THE WORK “Perhaps the world is divided into Mozart and the rest. But it could also be divided up in many other ways. For example: Leo Messi and the rest. No other member of humanity can score a goal like the one Messi put past Getafe. Nobody, even if they try, is capable of swerving past two players in the middle of the field, then get round two more, run towards the goal controlling the ball, dodge the keeper and score before an empty goal. Leo Messi can. Not Mozart.”

AUTHOR: Rodrigo Muñoz Avia was born in Madrid in 1967. He has a degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He writes for children and for adults. He had won the EDEBE Children’s Literature Award in 2007 with Los perfectos (The Perfects). He is also a scriptwriter and has written several essays about his parents, the painters Lucio Muñoz and Amalia Avia.




BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 136 ISBN: 978-84-236-9594-2 SIZE: 19.5 x 13

VALUES: - Friendship, love - Family, respect for elders - Traditions and cultures

SUMMARY: My name is Sara and I’m ten years old. I’ve got auburn hair and green eyes and I live in a chalet in the outskirts of Madrid. Until recently, my life was quite normal but one day, my parents decided to adopt a child from India and, since then, the boy has done nothing other than ruin my life. That’s why I’m trying to get him to go back to his country…

Same author than It is no easy to be a kid! 2009 edebe award winner

AUTHOR: Pilar Lozano Carbayo, lives in Madrid, although she spent her childhood and youth in the town of Sabadell. She has a degree in Information Sciences. Though she has worked as a teacher, she has steered her career towards journalism. She has worked in this field since she was twenty in a variety of media. She was a founder of the UDAZKEN news agency, promoter and director of several journals specialising in transport,... She currently publishes literary critiques in the newspaper La Opinión de Zamora.

ILLUSTRATOR: Mabel Piérola was born in Madrid (1953). She studied Fine Arts at the San Fernando school in Madrid and the Sant Jordi in Barcelona. She has participated in several competitions and individual exhibitions. She currently combines the work she is commissioned to do with the writing of her own stories using a variety of techniques and styles.


BINDING: Paperback · PAGES: 192 · SIZE: 19.x14

SUMMARY: Amadeo bola (Amadeus Cheeseball) is a detective at a big insurance company. Unfortunately he’s a bit clumsy and his investigations usually turn out to be quite costly… Nine titles of this successful series, each one with five different ends depending, following the author words, on “how lazy or curios” the reader is! A diagram at the beginning of the book will show you the different routes.

For +9 easy readers (wide letter, larger space).

Titles in the collection: The Mystery Of The Million Dollar Stamp The Mystery Of The Stolen Goya The Mystery Of The Rapping Parrot The Mystery Of The Galactic Diamond The Mystery Of The Missing Elephant The Mystery Of The Arrested Footballer The Mystery Of The Rare Record The Mystery Of The Crazy Robot NEW The Mystery Of The Killer Videogame NEW

AUTHOR: Jordi Sierra i Fabra was born in Barcelona in 1947. He began to write when he was eight, and when he was twelve, he decided that his vocation was to become a novelist. However, seduced by rock music he initiated his professional career as the director of some of the most influential music magazines in Spain (Disco Express, Popular I, etc.). His works have not just obtained the most prestigious prizes, but they have also been made into films. He is a tireless traveller and works without rest.



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 250 ISBN: 978-84-236-9596-6 SIZE: 19.5 x 13

VALUES: - Friendship, love. - Tolerance, solidarity

SUMMARY: Alex is thirteen years old and is spending a few days on a summer camp. His three Imagos, a kind of Guardian Angels Alex doesn’t exactly like, have gone there too. Thanks to them, he’s a bit of a strange lad who is often mocked, especially by Carlos Madero, who makes his life impossible. Fortunately, Alex also has some friends such as Cleo, Sara and Pirri. One day, the whole camp goes on a trip to a science centre not far from where they’re staying. It’s run by Bruno Sousa, a man with cold, dark eyes who seems to be obsessed by scientific progress…

AUTHOR: Victoria Rodríguez was born one 27th September in Madrid. She discovered her passion for writing when she was eleven when she went in for a story telling competition and won. She studied technical architecture and currently works in an insurance company as a household appraiser. Although it is sometimes a bit tricky, she tries to combine her work with her two passions: the family and writing. She loves reading all sorts of literature, but her favourites have always been young adult and fantasy. She likes listening to music, going to the cinema and the theatre, especially to see musicals. She now lives in Parla (Madrid), together with her husband and two children.

ILLUSTRATOR: Carlos Velázquez was born in Salamanca, in 1958. Dominating realism with his colours, he defines himself as an all roader capable of approaching any style. Holder of a degree in the Fine Arts, in the Design and Image speciality by the University of Salamanca, he worked for years in advertising, a sector which he decided to abandon in order to concentrate all of his creativity on illustration. Selected from the 1996 Círculos de Lectores’ Salón del Humor caricatures section, he has participated in several exhibitions and has earned first prize in several billboard designing competitions. For EDEBÉ, he has also illustrated the tale Hambre de lobo and young adult novel La piedra de la culebra.



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 176 ISBN: 978-84-236-9597-3 SIZE: 19,5 x 13

VALUES: - Education for peace. - Family, respect for elders. -Traditions and cultures. - Friendship, love. - Tolerance, solidarity.

SUMMARY: When Mboyarú was born, no Guaraní could imagine all that would happen to them after, with the arrival of the white man to the New World. The quiet life of the Guaraní people changes completely when they are captured by some Portuguese who want to make them slaves. Fortunately, shortly afterwards, they are freed by some Spanish missionaries who try to teach them to live like civilised people; but Mboyarú will not resign herself to such an imposed fate and will follow the advice given to her by her mother: always be yourself and only change when you believe the new to be better.

AUTHOR: Beatriz Fernández Herrero was born in Vigo, and she lived there wanting to be a good witch until she began her university studies in Santiago de Compostela, where she obtained a PhD in Philosophy and a bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy. She still wants to be a witch, but in addition, she is a lecturer at the same University. She lives, depending on the season, in Lugo and in a nearby village called O Corgo, where she has a farm full of animals and trees. In her doctoral thesis, she researched into the ethical and political bases of the conquest of and settlement in America, her main attention lying with the Guaraní indians. Her grandmother, Blanca, used to tell her lots of tales when she was a girl; she invented one for each thing she wanted to teach her, and perhaps that’s why she too has always thought she’d like to do the same. The first time she did so was in memory of her grandmother, with an adult novel: Outra vez, sempre, although she also likes to write for boys and girls; that’s why she has written this lovely story of A white lily in the woods about the Guaraní indians.

ILLUSTRATOR: Francisco Ruizgé was born in Callosa de Segura (Valencia) and studied Fine Arts in Valencia and Paris. Later, he taught at university and in different art schools. As an illustrator, he has worked mainly for the French market and his work has been published in Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany and Spain.



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 198 ISBN: 978-84-236-9595-9 SIZE: 19.5 x 13

VALUES: - Friendship, love - Family, respect for elders - Tolerance, solidarity

SUMMARY: Whoever could have imagined that in the deserted village of Secarrazos hidden away was a secret missile base built years before? For sure the cover was perfect, because to Raúl it seemed a godforsaken little village to which his parents had condemned him to spend the holidays looking after his grandfather. And that was the icing on the cake: was he just a crackpot grandfather or was he a secret agent? A hilarious book of adventures filled with surprises starring Raúl and Matilde.

“The plot is full of mystery and adventure where nothing is what it looks like and where the hilarity is guaranteed” El Heraldo, 22/04/2010

AUTHOR: Fernando Lalana was born in Zaragoza over half a century ago and is a Piscean. As a boy, he thought he’d be an architect. When he was older, he wanted to become an actor in the theatre. But, as he studied law between the two, in the end he chose writing. He decided to do so on 20 February 1985, at a quarter past nine at night, when he received a call telling him that his first novel, El Zulo, had won the Gran Angular award. Since then, he has been devoted exclusively to writing. He has published over a hundred books, he has a readership of two-and-a-half million and has won quite a few prizes including the National Prize for Children’s and Young Adult Literature.

José Antonio Videgaín inherits from his father his eagerness to do something in life, but a teacher one day said to his mother: “Madam, you have an artist at home”. Years later, this premonition was to take him to study at the School of Arts and Trades of Zaragoza, but, as it turned out, it is precisely by going down the not so artistic path that earns him a living as a television script writer. Some years ago, he was given a wicked contraption to draw on the computer and he has taken advantage of it to design, among many other things, loads of t-shirts. Until one fine day he recalled the words of his old teacher and put his great loves together: writing to make his girl laugh and drawing to make his daughter smile.

ILLUSTRATOR: Horacio Elena was born in La Plata, Argentina. He studied Architecture and Cinema Studies. He now lives in Sitges, where he is intensely devoted to illustrations for children and young adults and cover designs. He has worked for more than 30 Spanish and foreign publishers.


BINDING: Hardback SIZE: 20,5 x 13


SUMMARY: Every night, a series of disturbing dreams plague Jaime, one of the five members of the Pentasonics. Nevertheless, everyday school life continues as usual: classes, exams, scraps with his enemies of the Noise Squadron… Until Jaime ends up relating his night time dreams and nightmares with other surprising events taking place at school: a map that someone has slipped him, making a switch, a precious bird’s feather, a mysterious character that protects him… Soon, the Pentasonics end up tying up loose ends and deduce that… what they have in their hands is the map of the Indians’ treasure!!!

AUTHOR: Inés and Javier Gregori This journalist and her daughter has built up a good writing team. The father has given his writing professionalism her daughter the proximity of the characters and both their huge imagination: the result is a fresh, explosive, dynamic and comic story of a very realistic group of friends that ended together playing instruments


- Mozart’s ghost - The madman of Paris



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 256 ISBN: 978-84-236-9601-7 SIZE: 20.5 x 13

VALUES: - Education for equality of the sexes. - Tolerance, solidarity. - Moral and civic education

SUMMARY: Miguel Valbuena, better known by his nickname Manorroja (Redhand), is one of the great pirates of the Caribbean. Noble-hearted, he abides by the strict codes of piracy and dreams of founding a territory called TIERRA LIBERTAD, land of freedom, where both men and women live freely and in equal conditions. However, he has some enemies such as Guante Azul (Blue Glove), a corsair at the service of the Queen of England, a cruel, envious man; then there’s Violeta Gonçalves, a lady pirate whose crew consists only of women, and was once the love of Manorroja. Guante Azul and Violeta, moreover, have decided to join forces with the aim of stealing the treasure that is said to be hidden by Manorroja somewhere, but… does it really exist? Will they manage to find it?

AUTHOR: A journalist by profession, Mar Guerra Cid (Madrid, 1963) has lived in A Coruña since 1987. She has a degree in Journalism by the Complutense University, and has worked for a variety of media, including newspapers, press agencies and radio stations, although she is currently pursuing her profession in Masstres, an office set up together with two partners over a decade ago. Manorroja, a runner-up at the XVII Edebé Award for Young Adult Literature, is her first novel in Spanish, although in 2008, her book Xenaro e o misterio da mochila verde won the XXIII Merlín Award for Children’s Literature, the most prestigious recognition for works written in Galician.



“A shocking story without concessions, avoiding, lurid scenes.” La Vanguardia, 28/01/2010

“A book written with rage heart but keeping cool head. An open condemnation of the power exerted by the strong over the weak, by men over women.” El Mundo, 15/04/2010

“This is a novel that clearly breaks the age borders, grapping also the adult reader, asking for his attention.” El Periodico, 03/04/2010

BINDING: PaperbacK NUMBER OF PAGES: 288 ISBN: 978-84-236-9650-5 SIZE: 20,5 X 13

SUMMARY : What happened to Bárbara Molina? Her body was never found. No evidence was ever found to put the culprit behind bars.A call on the mobile can drastically change the fate of many people: that of a policeman on the point of retirement, that of a mother who has lost all hope of finding her missing daughter, that of a girl who has betrayed her best friend. Poisoned words is the story of an action-packed day, against the clock, whose three main characters are close to Bárbara Molina, who mysteriously goes missing at the age of fifteen after a violent incident. An enigma that neither inspector Lozano or the family have managed to solve in four years and which, however, now, coincidentally, offers new keys for interpretation. Sometimes, the truth is hidden in the darkness and is only lit up when a window is suddenly opened. A story of lies, secrets, deceit and false appearances that adds salt to the wound of unquestionable myths. A spine chilling tale that analyses the hypocrisy of modern society. A brave condemnation of child sex abuse, its devastating consequences and its invisibility in this traditional, conservative world of ours.

EXCERPT FROM THE WORK: “Why did she keep quiet? Out of fear. Because Pepe would have cut himself off from the family definitively. Nuria chose to swallow her disgust alone and look the other way. And that was always her trick. To cushion the blows she kept quiet and fell into the trap of sentimentality. She softened up upon seeing Bárbara’s salty, round tears running down her cheeks, scared by the strict discipline her father attempted to impose on her. Please don’t tell dad, please. He’ll go mad. Deceitful complicities that started by hiding notes from the teachers, outings with friends and gaudy clothes. Things that don’t really take on any importance, to begin with, little lies that got bigger with the years. Just like Bárbara.”

AUTHOR: Maite Carranza is a writer, scriptwriter and teacher. Born in Barcelona in 1958, she has a degree in Anthropology and worked for some time as a teacher of language and literature while becoming initiated in the field of children’s and young adult literature.





BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 224 ISBN: 978-84-236-9602-4 SIZE: 20.5 x 13

VALUES: - Traditions and cultures. - Tolerance, solidarity. - Friendship, love

SUMMARY: It’s the year 1553. Max, a young man who is as attractive as he is a trickster, falls in love with one of the ladies in waiting to lady Jane Grey, cousin of Edward VI. Margaret, the young lady, appears to reciprocate. Dressed up as a noble, Max attends lady Jane’s wedding in order to see Margaret again. But something unexpected upsets the ceremony. An enigmatic woman suddenly appears and casts a spell on the bride: “The king will die and… Three women shall rule: the first, her head she shall lose, the second shall bring about barren land and the third a husband she shall not have. Destiny is written in the stars, but perhaps it can be changed…” What is the meaning of this prophecy? Revenge? A curse? A political plot? For the love of Margaret, Max is to become involved in a series of compromising situations in which a coin minted by king Henry VIII which is split in two will be of special importance.

AUTHOR: M. Carme Roca i Costa was born in Barcelona on 21 November 1955. She is restless and inquisitive. She earned a degree in History, and later, her passion for literature, which she has had since she was a girl, led her to study Catalan Philology. She has published over forty books, the first of which came out in 1997. Her most recent prizes include the Bancaixa Award for Young Adult Narrative (2009), the Néstor Luján for historical novels (2006) and the Barcanova Award for children’s and young adult literature (2005).



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 184 ISBN: 978-84-236-9604-8 SIZE: 20.5 x 13

VALUES: - Education for peace. - Traditions and cultures. - Friendship, love. - Tolerance, solidarity.

SUMMARY: Abril is at an airport waiting for the one who was her young love. Though seven years have passed without a word from him and she has continued her life and is about to end her degree in Medicine, she has never managed to forget the sad, young man with the enormous blue eyes who she fell in love with at the age of sixteen. It was in Sarajevo, when the wake of the war of Bosnia could still be felt in the ruined buildings and the bullet holes in the walls, but above all in its inhabitants’ souls. And during that time of waiting, between the taking off and landing of aeroplanes, Abril recalls that experience, marked by three kisses…

AUTHOR: BLANCA ÁLVAREZ was born in Cartavio, Coaña (Asturias), although she lived for several years in Madrid. She is a journalist and a writer, two activities she has always combined in their many aspects. You can easily find her signature in articles of opinion and sports columns, and she equally writes detective novels as poetry. In addition, she often gives literary courses and workshops



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 304 ISBN: 978-84-236-9606-2 SIZE: 20.5 x 13

VALUES: - Environmental education. - Education towards equal opportunities of the sexes -Traditions and cultures -Tolerance, solidarity

SUMMARY: There have been several suspicious deaths and disappearances at the Montañas Doradas nature reserve, an almost unknown territory of the small Republic of Gorno Altai which used to belong to the old Soviet Union. There are several legends that go around concerning it and in the taverns there are whispers of the terrifying Alma, the mountain men. In order to deny the rumours and look into the causes of the events that have taken place, a peculiar expedition is organised bringing together a veteran Irish mountain climber, his cook and a supposed Italian tourist, with the director and chief of the reserve wardens. None of them can imagine what they are to discover…

AUTHOR: Miquel Rayó (Palma de Mallorca, 1952) has a degree in Pedagogy and works on an orientation programme for future students of the University of the Balearic Islands. He has been writing for almost thirty years and has always been a passionate reader of comics, poetry and novels. His hobbies include bird watching, mountain walking, playing harmonica and the preservation of natural areas, the dissemination of culture, ecology… He has written novels, tourist guides and above all tales and novels for young people such as El camino del faro (Edebé Children’s Literature Award and Serra d’Or Critics’ Award), El cementerio del capitán Nemo and El rayo del sol y de la luna, works awarded in important literary competitions. Acknowledged for his reflexive, poetic style, containing subtle emotions and demanding reading, he now offers a radically different novel, a classic adventure novel, a product of the evocation of much of his reading in his youth (and when not so young), written with the aim of recovering a genre of pure entertainment, sometimes undervalued by the critics.



BINDING: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES: 186 ISBN: 978-84-236-9605-5 SIZE: 20.5 x 13

VALUES: - Consumer education. - Friendship, love.

SUMMARY: Lennon awoke that Sunday to some news that he wished he had never heard: his friend Hardy had died in a motorcycling accident. Knowing him, it seemed unbelievable, but never did anyone imagine it had been murder. And yet, the police began to investigate… On the other hand, the conviction shown by Laura, sister of the deceased kid and Lennon’s ex-girlfriend, that there is definitely something fishy going on is to take the two on a wild and dangerous investigation related with the world of videogames, a business in which money and power are hidden behind an apparently trivial form of entertainment.

AUTHOR: Jordi Sierra i Fabra was born in Barcelona in 1947. He began to write when he was eight, and when he was twelve, he decided that his vocation was to become a novelist. However, seduced by rock music he initiated his professional career as the director of some of the most influential music magazines in Spain (Disco Express, Popular 1, etc.). He has published over sixty books dealing with the history and biographies of rock artists, and simultaneously, he has cultivated all literary genres: children’s novels, science fiction, humour, poetry, film scripts… His works have not just obtained the most prestigious prizes, including the National Award. He is considered one of our country’s most emblematic representatives of children’s and young adult literature and he enjoys even more success in Latin America. He is a tireless traveller and works ceaselessly. He currently directs the Jordi Sierra i Fabra Foundation (in Barcelona) and the Arts Workshop (in Medellín), to promote the literary vocation among young writers.




BINDING: Hardback NUMBER OF PAGES: 312 ISBN: 978-84-236-8697-1 SIZE: 21 x 14

SUMMARY: In Scotland, ghosts abound, and many Scots believe in their existence. For Lia, a young girl from Barcelona studying at the Royal Dunedin school in Edinburg, such traditions are just one of the city’s urban legends, but one day she meets Alastair, who she falls in love with, and together she is to discover the other side of the city full of death and of life, of light and darkness. Because not everyone is as alive as they might look.

Taibhse , Gaelic for “apparition”, is an enthralling novel in which you will feel fear and curiosity, both for the living… and for that which is not.

AUTHOR: Carolina Lozano Ruiz was born in Barcelona, where she continues to live. She has a degree in Anthropological Biology and works in the field of medical training. She has also devoted her time to Marine Biology and still studies in her free time. She has been involved in writing for the last half a decade and has published several novels. Taibhse is the result of two long trips to Scotland and many nights researching ghosts.



BINDING: Hardback NUMBER OF PAGES: 240 ISBN: 978-84-236-9628-4 SIZE: 21 x 14

SUMMARY: Andrea had gone to meet her father, a train driver, after one of his journeys, but had left him in the good company of his friends and she returned home. Suddenly, she thought she saw a shadow of someone who, it would seem, was wearing a cloak and hat. At that time, few trains passed by, and activity in the area was just about nil, and Andrea’s curiosity was aroused. In addition, she didn’t need light for guidance. She had grown up there. A few moments later, Andrea smelt an unpleasant, sweet smell. Her hairs stood on end and felt how something was squeezing her stomach. She tried to get up in order to follow it, but her legs would not respond. For a moment, she didn’t even know where she was and she lost conscience… This is the start of an exciting adventure in which, the young Andrea will involve the friends of her gang and will lead them to discover the mystery of some strange kidnappings and some no less strange creatures, the chewers.

AUTHOR: He was born in the twentieth century just after Sputnik, in Cádiz which he left at the age of four with a thick accent. In Bilbao, he lost it and picked up a little of another, new one. By the law of averages, he turned up in Madrid upon starting his university days. He got a place at the Polytechnic to discover (somewhat late) that he was no engineer. He also discovered the Theatre and that changed the direction in which he was heading. He participated in stagings of the School of Agronomic Engineers with the group Ishtar in several children’s and adult theatre plays put on by the company. Finally, he decided to write his own texts counting on the good will of the boys and girls of Ishtar who have always supported him and taken part in the works. This is how, among others, “La caracola mágica”, “Duérmete y verás” and “Perdida en mi jardín” came to be. For many years, he tried to understand what the Stage meant. He dabbled in set design, wardrobe, acting and direction ending up (with not a great knowledge but great enthusiasm for the different parts involved) teaching acting at the schools of Industrial Engineers, Agronomists and at the Instituto Gran Capitán. Together with some friends from the Polytechnic, he formed the company Tela-Katola which for some years performed on all sorts of stages. The company tried the world of café-theatre, monologues, song… always enjoying themselves and almost always entertaining the public. They wrote their own scripts and took songs from here and there. And finally he took the leap and decided to write something not to be acted out but for the imagination. And so his first novel came to being.


BINDING: Hardcover with extra jacket · SIZE: 23 x 15

SUMMARY: “Porta Coeli” is a journey through the discovery and building of a new world through ten centuries. The tetralogy develops a unique opportunity for a new society and the extraordinary rebirth of the humankind. A hidden world threatened to be uncovered. What would it happen if we discover the existence of real wizards among us?

You will find love, hate, adventures, fights, intrigues, passion. You will discover epic characters, figures of historic milestones, although humans, made up of evil and goodness; characters with a common trait: they are self- made people who fight for their own destiny with the only help of their own talent, intelligence and courage.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if this book became a best-seller. Although it’s addressed at young readers, it catches everyone from the very beginning. It fascinates the reader because deals with those indestructible aspects of the human being, no matter how cruel and methodical can be the powers that try to destroy them. It is written with a perfect rhythm, and makes the reader turn the pages avidly to find out the destiny of the characters”. EL PERIÓDICO DIGITAL, MARCH 2009


AUTHOR: Suana Vallejo Chavarino was born in Madrid in the revolutionary May of 1968. At the age of 26 she moved to Barcelona, where she has been living since then.She studied Advertising & Public Relations and began her professional career in the areas of Marketing and Sales. She has always combined her family and professional life with her other passion: “writing and telling stories”. From the very beginning of her writing career, Susana has been involved in the Science-fiction & Fantasy literary world. She has contributed to several magazines and with associations of Science-fiction & Fantasy authors. She has been finalist of the Alfaguara Jaen Award, the Edebé Award, and the Minotauro International Award of Science-Fiction and Fantasy in 2008.


Edebé Awards List of the prize winners of previous editions

Children’s category Young-Adult category

1993 - El príncipe de la niebla 1993 - Acuérdate de los dinosaurios, Ana María Carlos Ruiz Zafón Ccei List Of Honour Gabriel Janer Manila 1994 - Trece años de Blanca 1994 - Aydin Agustín Fernández Paz Jordi Sierra I Fabra 1995 - La voz de madrugada 1995 - Doctor Rus Joan Manuel Gisbert Gloria Sánchez 1996 - El diccionario de Carola 1996 - El Estanque de los patos pobres Carmen Gómez Ojea Fina Casalderrey CCEI Honour List 1997 - El último trabajo del señor Luna 1997 - Gata García César Mallorquí Pilar Mateos Honor List White Ravens Award 1998 - Un caracol para Emma Protagonista Jove Award Albert Roca 1998 - El caso del artista cruel 1999 - Jon y la máquina del miedo Elia Barceló Roberto Santiago 1999 - La cruz de El Dorado 2000 - El camino del faro César Mallorquí Miquel Rayó 2000 - Mimí al volante Finalist Of National Awards Milio Rodríguez Cueto Esp. Ed. 40.000 Copies Mexican Libraries 2001 - La oveja negra 2001 - Declared not awarded Pasqual Alapont 2002 - ¿Quieres ser el novio de mi hermana? Maite Carranza Honour List White Ravens Award 1ª in the readers contest Qué llegeixes? 2005 Serra D’or Award 2003 - Korazón de pararrayos 2002 - Las lágrimas de Shiva Andreu Sotorra César Mallorquí 2004 -Mi abuelo el presunto Liburu Gatzea Award Paloma Bordons 2003 - 2005 - La escuela de los piratas Care Santos Agustín Fernández Paz 2004 - La tripulación del pánico 2006 - Rosanda y el arte de birli birloque Pau Joan Hernández Ángeles González-Sinde 2005 - Los dueños del paraíso 2007 - Los perfectos Andreu Martín Rodrigo Muñoz Avia 2006 - Llamando a las puertas del cielo 2008 - ¡No es tan fácil ser niño! Jordi Sierra i Fabra Pilar Lozano 2007 - Cordeluna 2009 - Sopa de cola de lagartija Elia Barceló Marta Gené Camps 2008 – Huida al sur 2010 - Mi hermano es un genio Juan Madrid Rodrigo Muñoz Avia 2009 – Muerte a seis veinticinco Jordi Cervera 2010 – Palabras envenenadas Maite Carranza