THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1968 PAOB TWENTY-FOUR iianrlfpflfer lEtnfttUij l|fraUi f— .* Stores Open Until 9 0*Clock Tonight for Christmas Shopping ■Membera o( tha Prtmary De- Tha Junior High ToOlh Fal> BaptiWt Service About Town paitmant of TMalty Oovanant low A lp o f OOmmunlty BapUat Ohuroh wlH go caroUng Btiday . N O W OPEN Churoh wUl rdieanM Saturday Avonwo Diiiyr Not Pn m Rt M iova h ’s WKneaaM wUl oaor from 7:M to B:M pm. to Ant* To H aVe Play from U a-m. to 1 p jn .at tha duet a tbeooraitie lululatry ina o f tha p a rlA . Use Weather ■dMol rtM ay at 7:10 p.m. at church for the Chriatmaa pro­ By Gano Group SUDS & SCISSORS POODLE SHOPPE ItaVMibwr r a ISM Kingdom Hall, and a servlea gram. Aftar tha rabeamal, thera Orada 7 and B Madwdlat Moatly cloudy teoiglit with Owned and Operated by VIRGINIA KDtKA maating at S:W. w ill ba a patty. Youth FrikarAtp of South A play, "Chrlstnias in tha iianrlypfijtpr €upttttm llpraUi ohMicfl o f anoar fluirlae. L umt SB Unltad Matbodlat Church w lU Iterketpiaca,” wUl ba praaent- to 2B. TyMnorraw portly elaudy, go oaroMng BMday at p.m. ad by tha Oano Playars Sunday Now Taking Appoinfmants For 15,341 aagaonubly cold, ragh in SSn. Later, they w ill ratom to tha at 4 p.m. at tha Veapar Sarvlea CLIPPING & G R O O M IN G for ail BREEDS Manchetter A City of VtOmge Chmrm church tor a Chriatmaa party. at Community Baptist Church. Tha event la open to tha public. Charter Member of ProfeMiomd Deg Groomer Amt. :VOL. LXXXVm , NO. 69 (THIRTY.TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, OONN„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 « o « r a g * M ) PRICE TEN CENTS Youth Inatniotloii win be glT> "Christmas In the Mhrket- en Saturday ad 1:10 a.m. at lUace'Vby Henry Oheoa Is (he Our POODLE SHOPPE is the most modem POODLE SHOPPE In tha area Zion BvBMellcid liUtharan story of one evening in the Hfe We Invite yon to atop in and look aroand. of a fam ily of gypsies, strolHng Church. Tha youth choir wSl OPEN DAILY 10 AJIL to 0 PAL meet Saturday at 11:10 a.m. actor* by trade. It is Christmas at the church. Eve and all the rooms and haBa O f Former NYC W ater Commissioner are taken, and (here la no place SUDS & SCISSORS POODLE SHOPPE Paat CMafa Club cf the Py­ for them to pertorm except the Poet Road, Plosa, Route 30 & DobMn Road, Vemeu, Conn. thian Siaten, Memorial Temple, marketplace where tor the Named will meet tonlocrow at 1 p.n^ aiiopperi and paasersby they HALE at the home of Jtru. Nonide Improvise the Christmas Story. After the program, young chil­ Carmine De Sapio Hilding. SIS Charter Oak St MSaallt photo Membera are reminded to bring dren w ill ring carols and de­ a grab-bag gift Engaged corate a Christmas tree. Chil­ dren In Oradee 8 through 6 wriU Marine Oorpa League wiU The engagement of Miss Pa­ hang mittens on the tree for the children at Mansfield State have its annual diUdren’e tricia Ann Muldoon to Cory Lee Indicted in Bribe Chriatmaa party Sunday at 2 Training Srixwl. Each family Is N ix o n P o st p.m. at the Martne Hall. Sterilng, both of Manchester, reminded to bring eandwirites. ’ (AP) — trioliy and goe auppUee, to get oa oo-oonaptraton tat today's In­ has been announoed by her par­ Coffee and dessert wlB be serv­ Uennlne G. De Sa|>to, fo r ocntracta from the OeneoHdated dictment, but were not mode de­ Weat Side Recreation Center ed in FeUowsMp Hail. TEMPLE’S Bdiaon Oo. fo r one o f fr ie d ’a fendants in the notion. ents, Ml*, and Mrs. mUiarn Mul- yner loader of Tanunony flim a. junior high dances wUl not be doon o f 150 EMrldge St. The Rev. and Mrs. Norman ^Hofl and one time major Tha indlctinent riiaigea that NEW YORK (A P )—President-elect Nixon todsy held for the next Uuree weeks, Her flanoe is the son of Mr. Oano, who wlH interpret the De Soplo and Oonflo wen to De eapio gave Hkin ahout S8,000 nmined career diplomat Charles W. Yost to become UJ3. CARPET and FLOOR COVERING fxnrer in the Donocratic ahera In the' proflta from the during a meeUng Deo. 4,1987. starting tomorrow. The other and Mrs. CUfford M. Sterling of (day, have been profeaslonais tn ;i)arty in New York State, ambassador to the , and announced that two dates affected arc Dec. 27 16 Oval Lane. the (heater tor many years, controcta, the indtetment al­ It alao deecribaa an ahagad 308 MAIN STREET TEL. 648.6662 ;ynM indicted today with leged. Sargent Shriver, who had been consMerad for the Job, and Jan. S. A regidar schedule Mias MiSdqon la a 1065 grad­ woiklng Broadway, off-Broad- (lee Page Fear) wiH remain ambassador to during the new ad- of game room acUviUea and uate of Mandiester High Bchod. way, touring summer stock, te­ pwo other men on bribisry Fried oleo w m involved tat the levision, and fBms. The Rev. oonimiracy charges. eoriler bribe coae agalnat Mor------ministration. open basketball wUt be main­ She is employed aa a aeoretary Both men ace Democrate. Mr. Oano ia aerving as interim A M a ra i Ennd Jury ohugud cua, in whioh Marcus was oc- tained from 6 to 2 p.m. at tile Nelson Brdtaers Co., Christmas Qifts That Last Nixon said ha cenridarad it e » BUmwood. Mr. Sterling is a 1961 paator cf the First Baptist •Utet Da lo|)lo ocn^tired In tha ouaed o f taking port o f a |40,000 'brthtag o f (be etty*# form er wa- klokback from Fried for an santial to have Mpartteonahtp tn The meeting of the Sunset graduate of the Charles B. Gor­ Church of New Britain. He has II of Freed file top diplomatic councHa cf Club scheduled for tomorrow ton H l^ School, New York also served pastorates in Wash­ -ter commlaalonar, Jomaa L. SBOO.OOO reeervutr-eleaning con­ Enemy Sets tract. hte new govarciiieoL has been canceled. City, and is attending Manches­ ington, Idalto, Pennsylvania, STILL NOT TOO LATE! tMkroue, already tn a ktoUMtok aoaadal that rocked De Bopio, longtime head of, Hte aalecUon of Yost wus a ter Community College. He la and New Yoc^ He is ateo a GIs A rrive surprise, for specidatlaD oboat employed aa aalee manager at director and teacher, and the the admlnlabwtkm c f Mayor Tammany HaU, the Manhattan Saigon Push, CAIl. TEMPLE TODAY Jehn V. Undeay. Democratio otganliattan, was the U.N. Job had fo r days can­ Be*met Awards the Nelaon Brothers Co. Oanoe moved to the Hartford tered cn Shrtvar. A September 1M9 wedding is area in order to be more readi­ Nemed with. De aopto in the deposed tat 1981 efter a kxig In by refmm Democrate and Nixon sold he end hte odvteaia For Yule Decor ptaimed. ly available and to expand their indictment were Antonio "Tony Officers Say loot hie Beat on tbe Democratic BANGROK (AP) — Elaven decided ithet tn thte era the UUt- productions into such areas os Ducke" Oomllo and wealthy A homeroom door doooratlng Notional Oommlttee in 1S64. Amertoan OIs eirivad in Bang­ ed Natkms Job requirad "a contest in the three buUdhg’ summer and winter stnok, work­ KITCHEN CARPET contractor Heniy fried. 8AIGON (A P ) — U A . IntriU- ■ The three ware aecueed of Marcus and Herbert ItUn, on kok today efter five months in skilled pnfeaatenol dtplcmar' Rennet Junior High Sdxxd com­ shops, and perhapa some tele- gence offioera reported today Fhi Takes Aim taribiag Mufcue, wboee depaurt- ottoriiey who says he haa iiftn Oentoodlan captivity. A I2to rather than a poUhool flgun. plex culminated yesterday In vlskm. that the Oommunlat oommonl * Cleans Easily an FBI InfoRner, ware named American ateo aras ialeeee

( 'V- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 PAGE THBCB PAfflE Tiro MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU). MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20. 19«8 Roland Lewis, a field officer a r pakaea: T s a 1 erwlsa yoiir najct bM w fll U.S. Confronted by Dilemma with NATO an route from Ice­ Oria p ro fT u n wtn C d b for namrMS. Sc^edate listed ^uth Windsor Q^S-3: Heaito, * * » 3 ; Dla- two DOtnimpb Another Airliner land to Panama, was sccompa- be: But flMe Oeater. Daae Sheinwold on Bridge K-1-d-t. nlsd by his wUs, Ethel, and T k M of Tho DooBBaa; Waaft M e Oeater. Over Brazil Power Grab their son, Patrick, 14. Lewis de­ At Rec Centers Brank R tia a : mod the Od ib biu - JUMP What da ysa sayT By OEOBOB GEDDA scribed the hijacker as "vary vUtf T , Joe DlaalnieOk 11 Edwards School Pupils O X L T JkB TJkM'AM OAUK 4 K 7 4 Anawar: Bid two chiba, tba TXAmiT FABES m P lX But thess offloials aay that in polite.” ParkhilhJoyce , F o r Chruftmas. Stayaiaa Gbnvaatian. astdag AMoolaied PreM Writer the long run the United States Hijacked to Cuba One to the Cbrfatouu aaea- O Q I 7 • y A L P E B D lOBW TO RK — Ib a asan oe WASHINGTON (AP) — The The plane was loaded wHh *>“ lUereattOB acUrtUea O A J62 partnar to bid a major suit of has lltUe choice but to dlaUq>- kOAMI , FlA (AP) — A hi­ it was a cap pistol,” Mias Risse Moat playets IVaaidsi altar amaatranalt fan. which was 7 aaaumptton of dU^torlal pow­ (amHy groups en routs to Miami Flower Shop The RAcreatkai Da^totewa* ^ ^ ------ngh-SchDoi Regulars on New ETV Series ♦ A Q 5 tour or mote carda If be can. prove of A dictatorial regime jacker who said he had nitro­ said. "I asked him to come to for the holidays. partaas’s nprntog bid of oaa efde Ml itM and U onto to’’ ers by the military-backed re­ Frank Gakalor, P iaprtetor w(B opea the three retBaaboa ae^—tWy jg —it Hooday. U partner Mds two spades, yon whose principles are complstsly glycerin forced an Eastern Air­ the cockpit. He said he wasn’t Most said they were treated A gioup of It aevmth grad­ otraaap. A reipoaae of two of W EST BAST 1X1. loaiaisd X canto in Ut7.« gime of BrasUlan President A r­ Ml MAIN 8T.,------^ BEANCimrmB . ciaadarw tar the Ctariataiaa t * cb> Dec. M « « be faaaaled. In 4 1095 4 QJS3 wtn raise to thfee spades; oth- opposed to those s ^ forth In the lines Jet with 151 persons aboard moving. The note said he had a well In Cuba and many bought ers from Timothy Edsraida a salt la soak, iastliag partnar thur Da Ooeta e fillva baa put (Next ta Kartlsrd NoflnMl ttaa dortap the dajr on the fOt- addtthn. the lUnc Jiaitar Hlcb O 0 O 532 Alliance for Progress charter. to fly him to Cuba late TTiura- bottle of nitroglycerin.” rum and cigars. Customs oRi- School wffi becooae stateeride to pass. A Jamp to threa af a the United States face to face "You can’t expect to exclude harliv Bchedole: Maaday, Dae. School t jm arill be aBmOable crietattlea oa Jan. 0th sthea O 10973 O Q5 day. He apologized as he le ft the Miss Risse said tto hijacker clsls promptly conflscatsd the a YB8->9n?oinJVEB a *** ** *^***‘ *” to*t aawBlIy aUrt the aotrumpar with one of Its touchiest lA tln Brazil from any program for plane. never exposed the gun and die n ; Tneaday. Dec. M; Thnra- tar ooBega atodeaU only tar they appear tar the first Ume to rtfaatdate their to- t—• ta— os—.tn— e o m . «J109S4 ^K762 American problems in rscent goods from the Communist is­ Plwnsai Mt-IW IM* to trot aot the Btorkwood Goa- MANCHESTER FAL. 8AT., SUN— lst RUN Latin America and expect the “ I ’ m sorry, captain,” the tall, ■at with an empty seat between land. day. Dee. X ; Fttday, Dee. ZT; open baaketball durlBg toe aaoie OB Oiaitoel 34. KTV. tcreaft to the aafe^ecta . How thea eaa the're- SOUTH dr I V I - I N years. program to have any universali­ Mdaetay. Dee. ' M; Toeaday, period aa the three Oetdera. The atuderita. from Walter Accerdtog ta Klar. 4 A 6 2 Ph M 2 H of S h O dor ■lender hijacker said on arrival them. Nathan Ctooper o f Philadel­ r force to gaaae srlthoot Although BrasM's govern­ ty,” one American offictal said. In Havana where six soldiers es­ “ He was shaking and once he Dec. 11 froeo 10 a J B . to noon GbOege -tMteio. wtdUi« t o O a r 's ctoaa, w81 appear oa paari la planned to h <7 A K I 1094 phia, accompanied by his wife, too Mgh? ments In recent years have been There are (Our options open to corted .him off the aircraft. “I cried and said to was doing it and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m participate mnit enter the that day to the first of a stz- O KS4 military-oriented, Waddngton was most outspoken over the in­ ^ lead —Jack of cWbs. AMELTINSPOTOFLOSERS! the UR. In its dealing with Bra­ wouldn’t have hurt anybody.” (or his daughter,” the steward­ cident, the fifth in the past five The tmildtaiga wiB be open for acbooi on the aorto a i* of the p a it. X B d n a t e dlB-iiaatba ae- w x tonaae their ♦ 3 feR that they were sufficiently zil aa offlclals here see It; riea entitled "Wortd Uaderataad- srtth the Sooth W i It was the fifth consecutive ess said. "The girl was crying weeks involving U.S. planes. Read Herald AdvertisementB be abet ben only, and thoee parti- buildtng only, get beyond < I the Netfli Bari S e a * W tri progreastve to deserve the near­ —Devise a way to maintain ^ F - X y t h o r R eality.’* pro- demta. 9 weelr that an airliner had been and I cried and she used some ripathig mnat aeor aneaketa The Ume the gym ato be opea I N T Peat 3 O P a s ly fl.4 billion in loans and economic assistance programs - hijacked to Cuba. Six commer­ tissue I'd given her to wipe my doM l ky camnnri X with the The potpuae of t t o P a s aad gym autta Shoaren wtS be w ill be 12:30 to 3 p to .' to war d I. Ia today's hand, 4 (? P a s 4 N T nflXTONS grants provided by the United with Brazil without giving the cial planes have been hijacked tears.” of Dr. Thomas B. said Klar, Is to try ta br Prbb aeaOable. The boya are i«- Earit perBon oiHt mear gyaa tor after Sotdh’a Joaip 5 C P s a 1 N T States since 1961. Impression o f supporting the 1 Dtaai the Departmeal ufe to atadeait ETV. The afl A U P a s Jay phdto to Cuba during that Ume and 20 Miss Risse said there were^ mhided to bring their own clothee and tetog their ema to three hearta. North may not 6 O P a s 6 ^7 But last week’s power grab, government, o f E torattna o f the Unlre ra ity M id K la r. E T V ia Jaat aaoU this year, many teen-agers am- nian. Doama CTaih Pamela ■» 8:45 AeettoB. Maureen Khathig. Mancfaeater Drtse-In — Day- » « Domially and to a iaie Car- tea's DerOs 9:46. Violent Ones on. 10:49. Run Like A Thief 7:06 The stmVada To Your Hom e! I Your GsOery U.A. Theater East—Dr. Doo- ttolr ctoasniMa m ile 4:30-7-40 a ctnaaweottaa o f ahnittoa, ao------^------curding to Klar. OPEN SUNDAY and NOEL SHOP n ig liB iliic Jaa. Olh, th e pro- If Costs So Little To Do So... Two Blasked Men grams will to shown tor d x 935 MAIN STREET - AT WATKINS TlEVOtHOVUtD WNESSAIEDGMyE • HQUINGS JOHNOELGUD ____Rob Hotel Cneste •***“ Am. and 240 pjn. and agaSa ^ TELEPHONE 643-5171 NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP>— on Thradays at 040 a jn . Your Choice o f st^le Two unidentiSed men 1 HaaBed dark clothing and aU maaks^ Peter T. (hnaal Jr., son of A.M. P.M. held iq> three gueato at the Park Mr. and Mia. Pator Groad of Plaza Hotel late Thursday night, Wapptag. was recodly eleetod escaptag wMh at least 0300, ac- to the Trinity Oinptor of PU IMPORTED SalePrIeod! cordtag to one report. Bdta Rkppa. He ia also a mma- to 10 TTie robbers knocked on the ber of Pt Oamma Mu the door of a Ittb-floor sake, po­ National Social Scienee FTar PAHVISIOr COIOR I- 9 MARBLE TOPS lice said, pulled a gim when tem i^. Groaaf is a graduate of SILHOUETTE the door was opened aiM forced South Wtndaor High Stiiool and the three male ooeupaoto to lie to a religion and gwreenment BURNSIDE Superbly styled modern tables face doam on a bad.They then major ia Ida senior year at in a rich, satiny walnut color, reportedly remeared the cadi Trtntty Ooflaga. tNII HT! topped with the tame beautiful from the men’s pockeU. 1 6 imported marble found on The police said MOO was tablee at twice the price 1 stolen. The hotel's ssalstsnl eaRaapanac I Precious Pewter manager piA die figure at d . g lM n o , 31.000. Gifts to chorish The poUee decHned to gire the k identities of the rictlma. SALE 6 8 r The Fewtx* ron cfve tids Cbritbam will laiaMigi PRICED ■ brinf * BMbae of pleMute. Choose from EVERY LITTLE GHtL WANTS a b if coleetiop m ch i^y the haad- 2 Aanrt|p0trr Waleome Hera SQUARE eome eandeetieks pictured, $17. pr,, and 0 ^1/ the P u l Revere B ^ that comes in 6-in. S EunthtQ Ifprald COMMODE TABLE size $10, and 8-in. size $20. 6 oa. Tsnkards petonbed XiallT ttm im t toaiar $7J0, 12 oa. $10. m qt. Water Pitcho- md HsUdar* at LITTLE LOST witt ice lip, $ X M . Tal& modd Cigazette $1 Idfhten $9.75 BABY DOLL Square Commode By Meal 26 X 26 X 20" A large table that serves^ a double purpose: there’e etorage space inside!


9.99 Door CocktoU Table TODAT AT — 443 A 743 66 X 20 X IS" She cries with her sad face, coos and gurgles with her t k a t c 'east Excitingly new to look at—and smiling face and is a quiet angel when she sleeps. super-spacious besides 1 Storage ■ "Charge-It” on Keith's tpaoa behind 2 doort. the game umi Tits v New Revolving KIR K DOUGLAS 'M i Twister Ch’edit Plan! the iMMl loyolu to “ ■ SAVE on STUNNING eiUcrulfiBMiu THE for the BROTHERIKXX) SPANISH ACCENT PIECES whole fanUly! jvor __ SAT. 1 S4 3 . 143, 443, 743 SALE- PRICED 8^ Q 96 This Shew OMy, Ckddren St 4»H fllfll fT MIT TO »4U W m as low as JusI oiu' uf ihi'st* muninificeiU occusionRl pieces will do wonders for u nM»m. For u 'L f g f c t MkoaBnuley's truly sirikinn effeel etNirdinale H'verul! NOW Eaeii is massively styled in solid ouk with T 'C H B fllf Famous Manufacturer, Kenner's Medilerruneun finish and authentic Old •THE BIBLJP* FXmAT 043 k S’43 itVorhl tou< lu‘s lik<* SATinOAT AND SUNDAY 8434143 aad S:U IW ISnRGAM E \. (iuriu Cabinet: 8 1 4 9 9 5 MON. a TUBS MAT. 143— EVESM k Stdi TIP 'n ROCK •i ^la!**-eiielused display * Wsmm Hi • Cv«ey Tlelwl M»lfsf Gif4r>^0ii< A EASY BAKE OVEN This it a ^lieUcj* 72" hipli 4.79 Value By BrndBr, Inc. II. Cunipael ilai : «11995 This it an Riilertain in >ty)e! IMuily of ‘WWWWAIttSTBVKCr ‘‘MMESMBVMSmKnUir 11.88 Value >{nrap' & M i viiip -|iaer. —MredxrwwsTWfeew —t^ Fascinating! Funt The 5.99 2.99 C. (irnleii/.a: lleauliftil addition new action chair for ages The “ ttockin feet” game Hiet Hat you uo 8 1 2 9 9 5 2(kk Cfntmry^Fu Fratnil- In li\inp rnniii nr diniii;: 8.88 one to Sevan. 7.99 Value knelt. THE DINO DE LALRE.VT1IS m D-tjO* THIS SATURDAY! FROM 1 TO 4:00! I The toy oven that baket on 2 ordinary lighibulbt. 11. KeennI (ialiiiiel: S7 995 Stytod like Austrian ski boots, HaH GAeWOrUv K( (’(>rd .'•Iniapr l aii liY- ■oot-’dotos” keep anldaa warm and diy T l£ PULL THE mia ORAWL-ALONQ TABLE SET BUCKET OF FUN lii'.uilifui! Hnld.** 200 ailiuni". to dtWtag rain, snow or icy duah, (It i \ toconspicwouaty under trouser cuffs. ■y Schapor By Romeo By StoT'Rrilo HAVB YOU TRIED KBHTH’S "ONB-STOP 8HOPPINOT” Mods of pim rubber they sHp on over BIBIE By MHton Bradley Im Tit B tfuttf e We’U Ckime To Your Home To e All Purchaeea Inapeotad Before I 2.99 Vahie 1 0 13.99 Value ^ 11.99 Value 5.49 Value Advtee Tout D ellveryl TV Star Ronald McDonald in person. 3.99 e Use Our New Revolving Credit Plan! e We Have Terma To PleeM Bveryonel (THkiu. L (10-11). XL (IIH -IS). TIm magic carpet game will delight She crawls by herself, like a real Made of rugged Brito Ftnish Tubular M arie bucket pope out a shower of live baby. Chromed Btatl. balls—and players scramble to re­ Murphys Steak House kids from six to sixty. trieve thom. (Farmerly the Treat Shappa) McDonakfe is your kind of plac% Rente M, Talcottvflle e i 4h P u r n i i t t r d AnnouBcee a new Cbildrea’s Stean: MANCHESTER OPEN SUNDAY-FRIDAY(CLOSED ON CHOPPED SIBLOIN ...... M SATURDAY) MANCHESTER HAM STEAK ...... CW(0snm-sC«» INI i n f ) M a i n st WESTERN CUBED STEAK ...... All dlnncni from our open beartb laclnde baked or freneb PARKADI SHOPPING CENTER 9 A.M. tO 10 P.M. Opposite the Bennet Junior High School on Lower (SouUi l]ii(l) Itnct fried potatoe*. salad with dreaaiag, roll and todter. Glenney's Men's Shop ROUTE 83 IN VERNON SHOPPING CIRCLE . . . For Friendly Service, Phone 64I-41M . . . Cooie visit our fam ily steak house. CORNER MAIN u d BIRCH STREETS Elegant dining at reasonable prices.

iT ' i A '.i' •TTj'yW'' P A IS FOUR KANCHESIER EVENING HERALD. ICANCHESTEB, OONN^ fEIDAY,' DECEMBER 20. 1968 MANCTESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 the Nativity 8oaN, owned and P A G E 9 1 V S matntakmd by die T al Oedars, Two Businessmen Complain •war ainoa the yanr wo m ads Ugtitfully orsativa projaot. R Carmine De Sapio was in dMrepair. that it deed­ our own. poured them into the molds. The very much againat ateylng in was to have been our speelal de­ assorted scrubbing techniqosa It Himtuig liceiises I Make Mine waa a eraaUvs project, aU right, hot wax tiroka one of my favor­ place and tendtd to CaU down on sign—a candle of mixed colors. ed axtwafvs structural work, Wk had road jta n magaUm a was tmpossMi to gat aX the ratal It oraated waa chaoa. ite glaaa dlabea and flowed over the Job, raUiar than remain up­ We had put our hearte—and our FOR RM T O f h a le ITafer-Setcer B ills and that tha paint had faded b«*My aooount of bow atnjpM it wax out of tha utanaUa naad ter O ff«^ Saturday and patfed. R win be repaired CHRISTMAS TREE SALE Aa par InstracUon, we gath­ the table and aeroas the kitohen right. beat crayons—into Its creation. malting It, so a new sat of pms • m * M |Rea^-made waa to praduoe indhrtdiMf stylsa ered together bars of paraffin, in aU cUrectlona. The floor need­ Bscause Ow hunting and CKh« Ow «fflenitiaa OkcT oa aoBM aide streeU. Oae of the to time tor use neict year. S by SOT sxiLunr The milk cartona, when To prochMe a stunning effect, went on m y C hrletm as Hat. Indicted in Bribe 8PONBOBED BT BOV 8O0UT TROOP ‘‘with matariala raadUy avaU- an of the old itroken erayons ed wtotins. It'a traa.but not that tng Ucenaea for 1000 arrived are experteBchtg is doatig out two ettapMlneats was Qanide. peeled away from their cooled we had swirled into tha paraffin But at laaat nobody could no- 1IWW TKRIK (AP) — At Uila M s" and what aaUaCaetlan It around the house, pieces of rmm Pac» O^) and three days later Haddan la te , th e toem d e tft ertU keep thair books tor Ihs IMO year. who aaM Btat aonm of Iho NO. 47 (Nr BOUm M BIH(»1BT daCRCH way. contents, were auppoeed to re­ red, green and blue addlticna. cuae ua that holiday season of wSboN EiSo^o. ------« 1 togin to look wMfi to- would gtva you. Tha writer can string, milk cartons and aaaott- was at a meetinc in a third res­ Iris office open tomorraw tram atreets M Irie neighborh ood were State W orker Dies After the rest of the molten veal a chunky candle of daaaling Somebody gave It one awlrl too burning our candle at both anda. W7 nito MMm t raon tlM dtaplaye of iisno- have har aaOafaotioD—ru taka ed glmssea and bowls. meeUnr Nor. 10 ttutt year In a taurant with De Sapio and • aJB. to noon tor the purpose the sHB Imprapeity pksred. material had aicfaleved Ms final smoothness. What they did re­ many and the whole thing They wouldn’t horn at all. faitilowahle Eaat Side lestaur- In 191 Ram o Crash OBodloi la tho otonoi 1 tha raadymadt oanAaa. Fried. of Issuing thsas Ueauoas. A fifth complaint Mat night —A Then the fun started. We reetlng place, it waa time to in­ veal waa a flaky tower of un­ ant, during which De Sapio met HARnORD (AP) sta te Cor. of Hartford Rood «Msn poaMDly tha W w 'i turned a pasty gray—Indsed a Cbnvictioo inider the four- Ih e office win be ^opesisd Uw was a repeat of oaa legtatered At' tha thns the Mda wars all nieltecl the paraffin in various sert the strings for wVeka. They evenly colored wax.that atiU had ■tunnirg sffset. with Max Ulrich, a Oon Bdiaon omploya has been kUad and an- too8t onttiuslaMlo purebaoor of bi 1987, Americana paid a to­ count indictment could bring up rsfular hours on Monday fiusa 'Hug were two of aeven per- M NorMBber. R was from a othar Inpaed when their state- for.the Idea and my huaband pots and pans, ccdorlng each one weren’t adverse to going into the bits of carcMxtard clinging to It. Despite the energetic use of vice preaident, and pdbUc iela> miniiieriiiiily moda traiaSes aad I daetdad it would ba a da- tal of $84.2 billion In state and to 20 yean in prisan and $M,000 • a ju . to B p jn . and • to T p js l eono who sppeered at a Board man who had roguested a stop owned eanding truck went out and Main Stroot a different made. Then we meaoy mixture, but they were But tha piece de reaiatance detergent, steel wool and other local taxes. Read Herald Ads tiona man Sydney Baron. in fines for each defendant. of DIrectura* regularly sebed- sign at GMawood raid Bush HU Although Tammany Hall had Due to the hoUdaya, the office of oontrol end crashed cm an OoraHo was sentenced to win dose OB Tuesday at boob. slo d nnmment aeaatOB. maimed Rda Hs called attaatloa to a exit remp from Interstate Route been aynooyinoua with graft and three years in prisan in the pre­ by Direetois Jatm Garaide aad tx eftic hamurd th are to r dril- CANADIAN BALSAM>-SCX)TCH PINE, corruption throughout much of n to the Charter Oak Bridge. vious Marcus came, and Fried David Otegard. dtWL ’Ihe driwer of the track, Ita history, ^ during De Sapio’a O yea have houhle with got two years, phis a $10,000 fine IB prevtoue expisaattOBS. towB And. two peiwans weatod to George F. Bueiere, $4, of Eaat BALSAM WREATHS and BOUGHS reign there were never open te a s COBOiBg off against his firm. ofndale had hiemed the late know why, for the first time in Hartfbrd, was pronounced deed chargea at graft againat him. ganneols touch the center Marcus, son-in-law of fanner httVigi oa data proreealng huga. ycara, the ’Ten Oedars Nativity at the Boene Thursday. Robert In 1907, a cab driver found an each buttOB wM Ometery Baskets—Christnna Gandy Connecticut governor Jerim Dav­ TWO other compUtnte la a t Seeae had not been plaoed to Stebbini, 22, of WetherMleld was envelope containing $11,200 in naO paihriL TMb a is Lodge, got IS months on his iriglit ooBcened ploeriag opeiw- Onter Park. taken to Hartford Hospital with (rid h u ll tucked down in the guilty plea. tioBs Mat weehead. parUculaily It was explained to them that unctotermined injurteo. bade leat of the cab. He laM he had J(Mt dropped De Sapio off at the BiHmore Hotel when he made the discovery. But De Sapio repeatedly de­ nied having anything to do with the money and eventually it rev­ erted to the emb driver. De Sapio was subpoenaed as a witness in the trial last June at which Oorallo. Fried, and bak­ ery union leader Daniel J. Motto were (xmvicted of bribery in die reoervolr contract case. Howev­ er, DeSapio was never called to ¥ . testify. Mannis had pteaded guilty to bribery earlier and now is serv­ ing a pris(» sentence. Oorallo. described by Marcus esigner’s Originals. . . during the trial as a “ie^ guy in the Mafia,’’ was involved in a Senate probe of alleged gang­ tops on her Christinas list ster inftiience in labor uniona in the 1900’s, and in 1902 eras con- vkHed with form er Judge J . Vincent Keogh on a bribery charge involving an attempt to fix a federal case. Basic sweaters, that make the perfect The new indictment describes two meetings involving a Qerald Hadden, not further idenUfled. gift for Christmas. They look just right On Nov. 17, 1907, the Indiet- ment alleges. Fried met Hadden to top off slacks or skirts, or to wear at another Bast Side reaUtnnt under suits. Full fashioned and all ma-. Enemy Sets obedond quilfed china washable. In happy shades of Saigon Push, in luxury... beige, pink, white, blue, maize, choc­ Officers Say (C e) olate, light gray, black, rad, gold and campaign, or about SJlOO Purs luxury robss . . . quiltsd in satin, tricot traaps. navy. Sizes 34-40. Top: Long sleeve Against this, the allies have and jacquard. All baautifully linad with handy about 80,000 troops k> 120 mar pullover 7.00. Left to right: Short neuver uaixaiuns, gu hiddan pockats and albow langth slaavas. Laft: Ameriesn, S4 Soi^ inetamneae a cloud of nylon satin quilt, trimmad in soft aad abc AnstreMan and Thai. sleeve 6.00. Mock turtle % sleeve, "We have no indtraltona Ihe nylon satin, in brown and pink, sizas P, S, M, L enemy has changed Iris plana,’’ the source said. 14.00. Middia: Hong Kong jacquard quilt with zip 7.00. Full turtle long sleeve, 7.00. In the oonUmring Am erican front, frog trim, in graan and gold, S, M, L 19.00. campcUgnnto btamt the expected Sleeveless, 5.00. aoeanlt. 18 Air Eoroo BBSs Right: Diamond quiltad with mandarin collar, cut dumped more than 800 tooe of bomba on the jM gled appeoadh valvat trim down tha front, in gold and blua, S, M. L Sportewear, second floor eorridoTB 3S miles northwest of aaigoo. 14.00. American paratroopers from file 82nd Ataborae Brigade sweeping the enter perimeters " ■ V, . of Saigon seised 200 axmdi of mortar abdM and hssnoks-type j ' ^ v * rockets 11 miles from die capi­ ta l. "We feel the fhst phaae of die winter.spcing campaign againat UB. and shied instslMticms oth­ er than in Soigoo has oom- menced.’’ ooe inteUgenee offi­ cer ssid. "The enemy has not corakieted any major offenatves actually, but he baa increased the brinaiij of the ones be has initiated. In the laat 48 boun, there has been an increase in the intensity at contacts.*’ Most of these have been mor- . tar and rocket attacks on UB. and South Vieirouneae bases in an arc north of Saigon. These appear to be dtversionaiy at­ tempts to pin dosni aMed forces whBe V iet Oaag and North Viet­ namese troops maneuver in from the Cambodian txsrder. Eight allied bases and three provincial cap itals were NieUed during Tlnnsday night, with four Vietaatneoe ctviUane re­ ported IdUed and 2S wounded. Only one Amertean base esme under fire. North tTetnamese tilblg from two -*Jt the demUttartaed acme aMnuned 10 rounds of mortar diells at U .8. M arine poMdems but caused no cwwsilHes or cMmage, U .S. headquarters sslcL TTie Mh- rinea returned the fire. No major ground flghtlqg was reported acrooa the «yriiry The U.S. Oommand an­ nounced that North \^etnamese antiaircraft battery fired Thurs­ day on UJg. F4 PImntom fighter-bombers eacxirtiqg a re- ooBDaiasancie plane over North / Vietnam but none of the planes was hit. The Phantoms bombed the AA battery, which was about 46 miles north of the de­ militarized aone, but heavy / smoke prevented asseaament of damage, a apcriiearaan said. TTie U .S. Command says WARM UP MORt THAN American planes hav» bombed North Vietnam four times and H R HGART POR the noctheni half of the demili­ CHMS1MAS tarised zone another four times atoce (he Nov. i bombing haX. A 12.00 spokesman ' said the attacks were made againat North Vtet- ItBUINDOUS SAU OF ITS IN THff MA^ Shall lora eaddHnf up to a nanseae gunners firing on un­ FOR CHRISIMAS toaity warm buimy sleeper, with armed reconraisBance plaaes or A ORANNY 0O>WHf LAIMES' 100% ¥fOOL matehlng booties. The ooay their armed esoorta. 25.00 BOTH STORES 5.00 TAHOm'^IRTS! • ■leeper in of noft 100% aeiylie Cgt'fish Fanoing A favorite traveler . buffalo and tt^i machine waahaMe and An adorabla flannal granny 4.94 rag. 12.00 hide with the look l i t t l e r o c k , Ai I l ^ In of s u e d e ! diTAble. In noft shadea of y«l- BELLE SHAMMEER HOSIERY SALE OF LAMES’ SUEDE SWOOP THE SLOPES IN A 1988, c a tfU i farm ing was a very I^ketB galore, outaide and in, OPEN EVERY WQHT gown, sprinkled with flowers low, pink and blue. Booties 2.00. HIGH ROOTS! small business, with only a fsw Choosa from a wide aanrtment the letter offering three zimier A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT SKI PARKA, iY RUSS TOGS! thousand pounds being raised . . . smd booties to boot! Dream­ of 100% wool taikired akirta. In SiiesB.M. L. ctmipartments for additional se­ ^ 1 7 .9 4 reg. $24.00 $14.00 annually in the United States, ed up in a aweat rad or Uae aaaorted tweeds in alim line and curity and with doable handles. tm CHRISTMAS t Now it Is one of the newest In ^h er stylai t o ehoosa from, Box of 3 —- $4.45 sheer or mesh Wonderful savings on suede boots, in multitnillion-doUar-a-year in- print Sixea 4-14. tweads ia A-Una. In liaaa 10-20. Town Brown, with ride zipper. Elas­ The dashing new ekl parka that’s re- in b r ^ , camel and gray. Also veraitde . . . A great look that tcqxi duatriss. I^uduotion baa jumped in antique leather. tic gored back, for extra fitting with to millions of pnem/t* per year. mOLUDINO SATUflllAY! Box of 3 — $5.25 agilon or warm pile lining. everjrthing etee and is extremriy Ootfieb faime are operatad in comfortable. 100% nykm with ace­ Arkanaae, Miialialppi, Missouri, tate fiber fill. In brown and navy. IjOUleiana and elsewhere in the cantrece Shoe Salon, (Downtown Only) S, M, L. Central and Southern etatee. BoHi Stores Open Every NigM ffll ChrisliiMi, Includhig Sfriurdoy

.■V''v'V77T?.« '■ S- ■ • ■ ^ P A O B S E V E N pAOl a n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 MANCHESTER BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY,.DECEMBER 20, 1968 Before doing so, according to The next step was gioclflea- A Red Guard newspaper re­ It began In BethMhem. But He won 'bar mother In a "rigged" couldn’t stay there. The Roman dimiaing at a holiday party Chines^ Pupils the Peking People's Dally, they tlon of the eayinge of Chairman ports that late in August "black •H M .9 0 Morse Cains Only 61 Votes Mystery, Merchandising jackals” smong stutents mid THMK SMALL vaseal, Herod, sari troopa to OF: People in Wednaaday. examined t)te standard text­ Mao Tse-tung. eliminate him. He was a 'fUgl- FLETOHEfMIUSS 00. Get TextlK>oks books which said: "School re­ teachers in Canton incited eome DeMvetud I n ------. Nhaa Ttreaa Page, M, opened "Each of Chairman Mao'a I with leutlierett* IntoMor, ttve fat Egypt. Later He turaed opens. Taking our satchela, we people to "sabotage traffic, dla- In Oregon BaUot Recount Contrast at Christmastide a rstrigerator-alaed package, words is truth,” the commKtoe ___ _ •*. up In Galilee. i 54 McKEE S i m r Gl'orilying Mao nipt production, commit mur­ eld weubar, 2-epead aleettte i . The News dM found her mother, MTs. go to sdiool. When meeting our said. "Quotations from Chair­ wipen, beater, deftroetor, « -w y PORTTaAND, On . (AP) — tboae were atmg of the reasons By OEOBOE W. OORNEIX. phets," He said, "I come ... to The years are mostly hidden, Emma Mlnett, inside. The two By JOBN BODEBKK teacher, we bow to him. When man Mao mutt be token as tbe der and robbery, attack Peo­ safety (lasbera back-up UEbto, Oounty Clarks disagree with for challsngsa,” WsMkm said. AP BaBgtou Writer fulfill them." misty. But then, quickly. He un- hadn’t saan aadi other for al­ seeing a schoolmate, we say most fvndamental toeching ple's Liberation Army units and front and rear seat belts, leauaw Ban. Whyne Morsa’a charge that HM ministry lasted a year .. . leadhed Ms adtlons and Hia mes­ D. D. EISENHOWER.¥ER,I DECANTER Lrmdm FiaitM Lomdtm TOKTO (AP) —Chinese tod- organs of dlctatorsMp, rob Mrs. Dorothy Rogers, clerk In NEW YORK (AP) — Tha Mg LONDON (AP) B M most a year. hello to Mm.” material.” ette headreoto, ateeiliig wiMal kick ha lost the eleofira to the U.B. KbunaOi Oounty, said of the birthday is coming up, with Its or two ... or three. Again, the sage, a swift drama of initia­ J. F. KENNEDY^ Dlk;ANTER . .. ,J -Iraam. dlen who once began their lea- Other lessons "aim at culti­ (them) of their weapons, kill lUMi, im b«r wmjr bom* trom « Employes of the auto dealer­ sons with "a cat catches fish" Said the peasant committee— and rear window defroster. ■aiiitto to RepubUcan Robert O. chaUangea; mixture of merchandising and ahadewe. The dittering accounts tives, turbulsnce, mobs, amsas- F.D. ROOSEVELT...... | one of thousands now ruiming vating’ the studenU’ loyalty to commanders and Tliit wMh bar Martaw major ship at which Mias Page worked are tn for etemer political stuff. Packwcod baoauae of Ulegal "RldteulouB, to me It was ridi­ mystery. aren’t clear about It. ment and re]»teal that has rev­ M. L. KING...... arranged to have M n. Mintett the mainland's rural achboto: Chairman Mao, Mao Tse-tung’s flghters...and poor and knrw- votos. But He wasn’t much over SO erberated ever ainoe. haabaad lb Ttaalland, is itboffing Now the first textbook lesson mlddle peksants, and plot sub­ TED T R U D O N culous. They ehaUanged eveiy- Outwardly, It’s a dassUng, R. P. KENNEDY...... la Lsaidoa (or several dajna flown here for a three-week 'vs- "Proletarian politlca eras not thought and Chairman Mao'a With all but one of Oregon’s M when he died. ^ Men argue etUl about who he Is entitled “Long live Chairman version of the newborn Red po­ thlng under the sun. R's fine If hulb-btaring affair, but at the NULINE REPRODUCTIONS FROM After bar arrival Tbursday, oaUan. put to tbe fore in any degree. ‘A proletarian revolutianary Une." oountlM raohaokad. Mmtm had center Unger the shadows. Or waa He? "Before Abrafism waa, what he waa Uke. He waa 8 Mao.” litical power." VOLKSWAGEN they could see something wrong tbe UJI. Embassy said Prasi Dissatisfied with the old cat catches fWi, a crow drinks Mao's decree that the rural gainatr only «l votes on Pack- It lu^ipensd at right. What was, I am," be once said. Odd, feet 4, a Vatican librarian Now la ths Ume to bring tai your roreens to be repairsd. The daughter has been in schoolB be taken over by the Allowing for the now accepted with the ballot But I don’t think dsat Jotaaaon's elder dauebter America (or about a year, and sdiool books, peasants in one water. . .’ and other rubbish wood, who won by S.446 votes In rightT Dec. 36? Nobody knows, bow time, the pressure of the claimed recently, and wag. sued Storm window glaao replaoed. were Included In the textbooks.” peasants, and the universities exaggeration of Red Guard they ever saw anything wrong by another scholar 'who main­ taaold atay wftb (rieods. She journeyed back to England laat area of Honan Province have the Nov. 6 general election. with a baUot." year? No oim can be sure. calender, gets obscured in the came here from Istanbul where It was "black goods” peddled and urban schools by workers, claims, the report makes it oM passage. tained Jesue was 6 fast 1. M ardi when her father died. written their own, an example clear that not everyone has ac­ Moraa eald 'niuiaday night ha CfThUniy, K was before Herod AUTO OUSO INSTALLED ^ dte q>ent a day sightseeing'. Mrs. Minett Uvea in Solihull, that is sure to be followed else­ by disgraced President Liu has encountered resistance Read Herald Advertisements the'G reat died In 4 B.C., and Believers didn’t celebrate Hie from intellectuals. cepted Mao's decree. may ask the VM. Senate’s aiB>- "Do not be anxious about to­ Mrs. Robb and her tauri>and Warwickahire. where. Shao-cM. DcBalvo Breaks Jaw from other evidence, it is be­ morrow . . ." He said. "Let the birthday at first, not un'Ol tha Fum im iRE t o p s oommittee on prlvUeges and fourth century, when a pagan ouss Charles had met in Hanghob alactlons to Investigate. In Prison Boxing Bout lieved to have been In 6 B.C. or day’s own trouble be sufficient during bis leave from Vietnam. 7 B.C. for Ute day." Roman featlvai got switched MIRRORS (Fireplaftft and Datr) > "My advlaera point out that I Into the observance. It was olaarly won a majority of the WALPCH.E, Maas. (AP) — A But It marks the beginning of He had lota of tt^ In the human Vneontetted Divorce prison ofOctal .says Albert De- our era, Anno Domini, the start shunned In thla country until the PICTURE FffAMINO (all ty|Ms) votes if these several thousand vein. He questioned, learord, middle of the 19th century, be­ SANTA MONICA. OsUf. (AP) lUegal ballote had not been Salvo, who has been identified Joins iFirm of the current chronology by "advanced In wisdom." He Actress May Britt, taatlQring as the Boston Strangler, by psy­ which thle la the 1,968th "Year cause of Puritan objectiona to WINUOW and PUTE O U SS counted," Mbise eald. Atty. WUUam M. BroneUl of knew temptation, anger and dis­ borrowlnc anything from pagan­ that "I asked Urn to atay home chiatrics, has broken Ms jaw In 18 Ashland St. has joined tbe of our Lord.” "The recount has served to may. He thirsted, hungered, ism. Tab Endosores from $30 to $45 phH installation bat he never did," received aa a boxing match with a fellow in- Manchester law firm of Gar- And who la that, in this world grew weary and wept. He uBoontasted divorce from mdar- astoidiah aarlous charges cf vlo. nvate at state prison. But now, tbe bells and cash lationa of Oregon election lawe rity, Walah and Diana. He waa of many posstMUtleeT cared. "My God, my God. . . registers jingle it, and the kids talner Sanuny Da'vla Jr. n n n - The spokesman said Thursday admitted to the Connecticut Jesus was a Jewish teacher, SiMftials for Collaoton: day. In oonnectlctt with tha care, Although divine, "He waa a go wild. that DeSalvo—who onos aspired Bar in 1966 and Is a member who never grew ok). Not even man like us,” the Rev. Richard ‘Hie Uonde Swedish actress, handling and counting of the to be a boxer—auffered a "line­ baUote, aa well aa preservation of the local, county and state middle-aged. He did his thing as McGrath, a Catholic acholar 1968 Campai^a Bottlas n . and Da'vis, M. a Negro, had al fracture cf the right mandi­ bar aaaoclaitlons. a young man, wUh a band of Given Life Term been married eight years. Their of the records cn the part of writes in St. Anthony's Messen­ Nixon and Agnew on Ambor Ekphont ble" Nov. 36 while boxing in the Atty. BroneUl U a Manches­ young mrp and woment a youth ger. “He came to us In humani­ In Robbery-Slaying interracial marriage, in a Jew­ eome election officials. The re­ prison gym. The other inmate Bottlan ^ m iZm idim count In fact la not over until ter native. He was graduated movement riiallenglng the eo- ty; we go to him the same HARTFORD (AP) —One of ish ceremony after becoming 2 was noi Identified. from Manchester High School tabUahment. two men allegedly involved In HnmiMuwy BBd Mwlrif on Groon Dookoy converts to Judaism, rodoed the challenged baUote are ap­ way." Tbe spokesman said the tnel- In 1966, from the University of Ifis riders, the venerable And He got'wvolved, passion­ the robbery-slaying of a North B ottko...... po rn o tE E J Hollywood. Frank Stawtra was propriately alloted to the proper deiA oome In a sparring session candidate." Connecticut in 196S, and the cMefs of state, had Him Impris­ ately, in ram’s business, in hia End service station operator laat tbe best man, and Petar Isnr- under nipervlalian of the pris­ June has been sentenced to a ford an udiw. But a check of five county U n i v e r elty of OmnscUeut oned and execiltod. beat indusvy, in the goods of on’s sthlettc director, John Flee- School of Law In 1966. He The "Ood of eternal youth," compassion and justice, of re­ life term In state prlaon. "There was no family life to clerks who aupervlaed the elec­ eta. James F. TTtomas Jr., 21, of speak of," Mias Britt told Judge served aa Manchester examiner the Rev. Dr. David H. C. Read, claiming the poor, aick and neg­ tion and recomit showed they DeSsTvo was taken under lected, of making peace. Hartford received the sentence Laurence J. Aittenband in Sanda unanimously believed chal­ of records In 1965 and 1966. He a New York Presbyterian pas­ heavy guard to the nearby Nor­ la a member of the Democratic tor has described ISm. "Christmaa la not the feast of Thureday. He and Clarence Rob­ Monica Superior Omrl. Sha said lenges were- laeued by both folk County House of Correction, erts Jr., 18, of Hartford were Da'vis had made her "tarrBity Town Committee and of the And Uke many youths today, peacekeeping but of peacemak­ Packwood and Morse support­ where his Jaw was equipped Manchester Young Democratic ing," saya the Rev. Dr. Eugene permitted to plead guilty ear­ upset.” ers without cause and, in some adds Dr. Read, He took issue 0 with a plastic brace. Carson Blake, of Geneva, Swlts- lier this month to a charge of They had a daughter, lhaeay, eases, ftivoloudy. dub. with formaUsed, system-bound Since the incident, DeSalvo Atty. BroneUl recently com­ eriand, general secretai^ the second-degree murder after be 7, and two *AapteA sons, Mark, John Weldon, reglatrsr of "packaged rrilglon." Yet He has -been on a Uquld diet, but pleted a two-year tour of over­ netrer abandoned It, or copped Wortd Council of CSiurohes. ing IntUoted for first-degree 8, and Jeff, 4. Under a peeparty elections in populous Multno- murder. your family settlement. Miss Britt receives has performed hia prison duties seas duty with the U.S. Army. out on f t It "aratounces to all men that msh (Portland) oounty,-said be aa an orderly, the gpohesman He waa a ciqitain in tha offloe To accept "the need of reform God became a poor man Him­ Roberts was given a life term ft,000 a month in alimony and M t moat ohallengies were ui)]us-' said. lost week. child'support of the Staff Judge Advocate In and renewal," Dr. Read wrote self to bring peace on earth, be­ tified. Multnomah Oninty uses a DeSaho Is in prison for as­ Okinawa, where he served os In a recent iaaue cf the Christian tween man and Himself, and the lasting teas Britt, a statoeaqoa beau­ oomputer to count ballots after ty, starred in several HoOywood saults not connected with the cMet prosecutor In the U.B. Herald, does not, mean to throw man and his neighbor." But it’s voters indieste their preference deaths of U women attributed dvU Administration Sesstens out the \riwle reUglous struc­ "not cheap. It Includes a judg- mms but virtually gave vp her Assorted with an ink dauber. career after marrying Davis. Your Choice to the Strangler. Court. He now Is a taln In ture, ministry and faith—a her­ 'ment on all apathy, selfishness ) P riri * Bavplr GIFT of beautiful music. The couple reported taunta of T ra in Your "Light dote, dark dote, During Ms trial o n 11m assault the U.S. Army Reserve. itage Jesus upheld, while seek­ and sentlmentaltty; it demon­ ■NHarifstBlU. racial bigotry and hate mail Gam es smudges ... tears on ballots charges, DeSal'vo's attorney and He restdea with hia parents, ing change. strates that authentic peace from the day ftiey announced Sets Choice each caused by physical handling aft­ two psycMatrlate Identified Mm Mr. and Mrs. MUlliam B. Broo- "Think not that I have come comes only through costly love they wotdd marry, imt by IMi 2.99 er tha baUote left the reader— aa the Strangler. elU. to aboUrii the law and the pro­ and srif-eacriflce." IdBB Mky said aha felt “peopla are •W ho You • E lch-A -Sketch • W ind-up HO scale, e Battery Operated. each oTrain Set whistles, smokes. getthM used to us now." Howev­ • Pull Rug Out • Dating Game e Miniville Railroad. er. with Davis back on a rigo- rona work schedule, pcobtans lill't'IJilSW devalopad between them. 7 Davis said once: "Even Deluxe S Fool .\S'1 'R()-S()M(' though May Joins m e on the Kodak Carousels road during longer engage- Qinstmas Trees meida, we are not togeftier SIKRIX) nearly enough." She testified at fS73l Green Scotch Pine Slide the dtvone beariiM: “IFa very 18732 Bine Spruce YOUR CHOICE dMOcidt to have three diOdren #8723 Flock^ Scotch Pine Reg. 19.88 GARDEN and the father never arooad.” P ro je c to r Amazing natural appearance - . . . brings you breathtaking dimensional Homermoan Planned 100% flaiiKproor - easy to CENTQt BEV K O T H U B , Oahf. aoemble - with starul. realism and tonal purity from o ex(uting 75 Per Store - No Rain Checks. each VITTNEirS (AP) —Actress Oarolya Jonas 14.88 Stereo FM o drift-and-noise-free and pnducer-oandoctar Herbert R a g Oreana are a round- 62.99 1 T O LLA N D TURNPIKE, TALCO TTVILLE— P H O N E 649-2623 Monaural FM o powerful AM Radio thawofld howymoon. They 2 5 % OFF Your Choice 52.87 o and from the fabulous Micromatic were married Thursday. C Oar low price on all B waa the second marriagB Show slides at the touch of a button. 500 W. blower cooled. Carousel Tray holds 80 Record Player—that lets your for Mias Jonas, M, who starred Nativity Sets slides. favorite records last a lifetime! as the ghunottma ghoul Moitlcia Favorite Carnes NITES P.M. s a t . in tMavialan’a "Addams Btami- ^ in our stock 2.99 each ly" and won aa Oscar nomina- g #92S — 21 PCS..MM 11.95 now 8.97 #654 Remote Carousel- till a Cean Sweep a Fascination a Monopoly Situation-4 tion in IMT for her role in '# 7 0 1 - 1 3 pci. w u 7.95now 5.97 ^ Projector Rat. 79.99 67,87 till. SUN. "Bactialor Party." E Oreana, 4T, 'oma married twice bafore. He met Mias Jones about five yean ago when she came to him for singing ieaaona Safe-T-Tree Stand Ha prodnead sudi Broadway Holdt 1 ( mL of RffilNA. water -« up to ft hits aa “Guys and BoOm," "Mu- ft. tree - sturdy -V a ll metal Ue Mha" and tbe "Unainkahle I 1330 xm 2-Speed MoDy Broam.” 2.44 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS They plan to leave after New Teara, vrtth Australia aa the Ass^t Sizes of Tripod Stands first atop. # 6 Reg. 3 .4 9 ... 2 .7 8 Electrik- FOR C #3 Reg. 1 .0 9 ... 88e *WiM^ Mother #4 Reg. 1 .4 9 ...1.18 #14 Reg. 3.99... 3.49 Sturdy - all metal - sizes to broom FORT WATNE, Ind. (AP) — #5 Reg. X 4 9 .. .1.98 Aa immigraitt from England hold all size trees. Famous MFR. Does the work of Proctor Deluxe Illuminated Auto many cleaning loolv HOME - APARTMENTS - OFFICE - STORE yet weighs only 6% Electric Christmas lbs. ilamly dirt cup Make-up Mirror Baby Jumper emplKs like an astv 4-Slice Toaster Fireplace tray AND Rag. AffTIFICML Pligsftd SftWftn Ra^2'.88 1 * 6 6 5.99 IlfDOOR - (NITDOOU Full uze assembles easily complete 4 . 4 9 S 7 . 7 9 2 9 .8 8 1 4 . 9 9 HUWmEOS OF AflTIFIGtAL Attaches to visor, plugs into cigarette * ■achiM Olftauftd with U L approved cord set. bulb. fan. Two individual select-runic color con­ SCOTCH n U E timulaled logs and andirons. #9002 lighter, 12 volt, magnifying. 3-position • Chromed plated frame. Use on bare Hoon or rugs gep«c TaMo, Dry Wafia, 100 per store >- No rain checks. stand for tabl^ use. trols . . . light and dark toast at the same MINIATURE INHITS • Attractive plaid or blue pattern. just dial the time. #21601. 6 V2 FT. 6 5 N A N C H e S ■awar Ltaea butaUed-Cel- height! 1 661 WREATHS & (vARLANDS Colonial-m odel 3612 is only 38VI* L. 1816' D, 27X' H lar Watarptaaihig Done. Converter for 110 AC-DC 2.99 • Folds flat swiftly for storage or travel. 25 per store - no rain checks Illuminated AKiaiwti C L O S E O U T Largest Selection on concealed swivel costers. Also evailabie in Contem­ MdUNNEY BROS. U q . 12.95 porary, Mediterranean, and Far Eastern Contemporary. lU Paari SC Christmas Figures AS SEEN In This Area ON T.V. FOR APARTMENTS Oa. Ideal for smaller rooms. Our Rag. N O W •7.95 We Have Replacement Bulbs 2.39 1.47 Your choice of four ISO Dccoratetl, full round IS " illuminated fifures. Glittered poinietla and colored fine furniture styles. ribbon decor. Complete with U.L. approved cord and bulb. BASKETS Advanced Magnavox solid-state sound systam— w e t h e ’^ 25 Outdoor POIIfSETTIAS to * no tDbes, no heat, no trouble I Has 20-W atts undis- Christmas Lights 12.95 torted music power, two High-Efficiency 12' Bass Accutron GIR Beautifnlly Arranged Woofers, two 1,000 cycle Exponential Treble Horns— Our Rftf. ler Records PCTTEU MUMS plus many more extra-value features you must sea and 4.49 Timepieoe 3.49 hear to appreciate. Come in and select your Magnavox Assorted colors, each lamp bums indc* Lady Sunbeam Lady Sunbeam pcr>dently clipHirt'SOckets add-on CHITIFICATES CUT Stereo from today's widest variety of authentic fine for Christmas connector. 100 per No rain checks. Pacemaker Hair Dry er CEMETERY furniture styles: Consoles from only $159.60 . . . fine 7 Light Indoor Tree Light Set 2.49 performing Portables from only $69.90 • All Dionne Wnwich Feature • Golden Hits OREGON HOLLY Assorted color lampv each bums inde­ IN ANY BLANKETS pendently. safety sockets U L approved. 8 9 .5 0 2"ii>1 7 . 8 8 r On Stage in The Movies • Promises Promises #2507 I f Rug. Travel caNC containing 5 al(achmentt w«nlcd \t/e hcrewdrtvcrv N ow STYROFOAM 130 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER BRArS OPEN TONIGHT till 9 SALE: FRIDAY % FrGfthly C u t CanadicNi Berisdm, hidianq Scotch Pino. Individucrily Display»d EXIT ^ AND SATURDAY r Read Herald AdverdftemeiitB P A G E B K » T M ANCHESnS EVENING HERAU). MANCHESTER. GONN^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 P AG E N I N E

E lU n g to n how they could endure a fuU Fem ofi Rockville Hfd Boyle week ot agony before they'd Skatmg • Coasting find out how Eddie Ptdo, Pearl St. Luke Church Hospital Notes White or Ruth Roland would a rc U d » Storehouse at^ Memories manage to escape from peril In Busing Foes Deny Schedules Masses pma. la ml areas except mater- the next chapter. al^ when Aey are S ta 4 and Is Man’s' Best Cothpanion n was tha secret ambition of Preparatian for the Paast of I ta • p.aa. MAY WE SUGGEST:^ most high school pupils to creep the Natlrlty on Christmas, will NBSW YORK (AP) -M tm ory into the library sometime when befta tomorrow at the Church At Christmas, every family Thate ta no skating and no Admitted Wednaaday: James is man's best companion. the librarian wasn't looking and ‘Phony’ Data Charge o f at. Luke with rnnfsaawi had a real live tree wlUi honest coaikinK at Center 8priaca An- Bmha. ThOand; Helen Steeem Lore may Use, frlsndniq>e sneak a look at the naughty Aaaeitim ttat they can ptotrc knoar the salaries of the diiec- scheduled at U to nsoa, 4 to nex and Park, the recreation RodcrlBe NurainE Home; ‘KasiTandlMdcraft green needles-^iot counterfeit *7011 hrrolir falter, mocMy loee its value. But trees of chiU {dasUo. books she was rumored to keep msterial Ibey Jlacustia at a tors of Project Ooncem. the 5:M and T to t I>.m. department reports today. Alex Andenan. Mast Main SL; memory remains, a constant The most popular man In any hidden away on a special shelf. BieetfciK last FtMay is correct, number of teachers and aides ReUlhMB adiool rlsiaes win Joan Sabo. ESBiiEton; John ehser as long as the mtod lasts. neighborhood was the friendly People with inferiority com­ tenders of the "Qmcemed employed and their salaries and be held at the usual hours to- Styna, Bkhmer Rd.; Dakqr Cald­ for Childroi tlonal carol atalEtnE win be held, It ratojy Ists you down. Iceman who let the kids clam­ plexes weren't so unliai^y CItisens of Vemon” are de- also the adminfatratirc costs morrow and Sunday. After that The Masses on Oiristmaa mom- well. Tolland, and Vicki Mal- for Men and Boys The rlehest man is he who has ber In back of his truck or wag­ about them because nobody hiul mend in f that D r. such as secretarial help. they wOl t>e suspended InE will follow the usual Sun­ chow, Tolland. the most and pleasantaat memo- on and pick up cool loe chips bothered to tell them vdiat they Ptnnte | that Jordan said "Since I am help- Jan. 4 and 5. day schedule o f 7, 8, 8:18, 10:80 Bbtha Wednesday: A son to rlss. Your own coUecUon U from the wooden flooring. w ere. the material is "phony." bag to pay the salaries of these Confessions wtU sEsin be and 11:40 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Karpus- ‘ritility’’ or pretty extensive If you can look If one small Md In the block America was stUl the land of Hw Vernon ficmi held a people I would Uke to know bow heard on Monday, T to 8 p.m . ka, Tolland and a aon to Mr. hock and remember when — got lice In his hair, every moth­ wida open spaces, and even in roeetini last Friday to allow Eenerous I am beinE. Just how u d on Tuesday, 4 to 5:40 p.m. MORE VISIT SAN JUAN and Mrs. Joseph FHletier. South iWiss Wondorfil” CNgarettes aold for 10 cents s er knew that sooner or later her big cities there were more park­ the opponents and proponents mudi do I think their services The mltkliEht Mass of Chrlst- SAN JUAN. P.R. — The num­ Windsor. Loafers and Hnlos pack, and for a dirilar you could sen would come lurnie with ing places than there were cars. of the project to bustOE c ity diU- are worth.' mas eve will be a hlEh Mass us e ber of air pasaenEers I- San DischsTEed Wethtesday: buy enough beefsteak to feed t them, too. You could get a btg-slsed can­ Jordan con tinnoed, " I f Dr. sunE b y the parish choir di­ dren into the suburhs to hear Juan Infematlonal Airport has O o tfe Haniro, Fl'inEton; Doro- for the girl in famUy of five. dy bar tor a nickel and a dou- Fill your sleigh^ Santa, with gift sweaterh for him! and discuss opinions on the sob- Plante cannot prove we rected by Ronald MocatBo, or- increased by half a mUlion in thy Father's finest hour of the Favreau. EUirvfon; Lina Boys under 17 rarely paid Ue-dip Ice cream soda for 16 dealiriE with phony material. I E*<>h*- each of the past two yean. Rapoaa, VUlaEe SL; week came after Sunday dinner by Vinorf miKh attenUen to girls and cents. TlU local Eraop was formed <»«nand that he publicly a ^ ^ PrecedinE the Mass at 11:45 Some ih i ndUion vfn'.torw are CSeveiand, Tracy Dr., and Helen year fife when he stretched out and took thought they were all silly and Those were the days! Re- sevenal weeks se» and is bead- 8*“ to »»*. ™y wife, Mr. Wlth- p.m., a ptoEram of coagrtgm - expected in fiscal year 1888. Steveiwon, Somers. a long nap, and woe to anyone fligh ty. ‘ mem ber? ed by Mr. and Mrs. FTanklto erell and the entire proup op- who Interrupted his slumber. Butchsrs wore straw cuffs Jordan. The controweiiy is r«wii«f this project.” UusuaUy be slept. In summer at .and straw hats while on the job. over a proposed leEjilative bill Information on the salaries of least, with a ssetion of the'Sun­ CAB ftlAKER GOT DRY VOTE NAME BRAND SLIPPERS A literal heaven and a literal J to correct racial imbalance in Project Ooncem employes, who day newspaper over his lace to CHICAGO —The Prctalbltion- the srhoola. are employes of the Ctty of heU were tremendous realiUes keep away peetering flies. 1st Party's 1918 conventloei gave The Jordans and William Hartford, is avaHahle from the FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! to the vast majority of peoide Movie houses featured serial auto maker Henry Ford one Witherell, who is a member of personnel department at the 649-5268 and ths unsettled questicn as to thrlllere on Saturday after­ vote for the presldedtlal nom­ the executive committee of the Hartford Municipal BnildinE- which place they would wind up noons, and children wondered ination. The salary of William 'Paradis, E. Center SL, '‘Concerned Cmsena" iawred a in In kept them uneasy tor a life­ the project director, is $15,818 Open EveninEa tin 0 except tim e. joint statement today ta reply- a year. Hosiery By ”Mo]ud‘ If a Uook cat crossed your inE to Dr. Plante, who is with Dr. Plante was unsTailabte to­ path, you’d fret about it for a the State Board of Bdncatlon. day for comment on the state­ Dr. Plante accused the groi^ whole day, wondering just what ments by in e Vem on Etuiq>. ‘ kind of bad luck to expect and this week of "quotinE from a Worm and Dry Boob For The Entire Family! phony bill' 'that implies reverae when It would befoU you. The safest mailbox where lov­ bush^. The local Erovp charE- Dental School Dean AHENTION BsooKfiil Handbags You W ill Bo Proiid To Ghw! ers could exchange their letters ed that Dr. Plante did not at­ Named by UConn tend the Friday meeting and was a bole In a tree. Holiday Giff Shoppers that “We are not mre thst he FARMDiaTON. Conn. (AP) 4 Bucfcltd or Zipper Booh For Mon Old Boys! R xmm’t an uncommon sight is fully Informed reEardbiE ma­ — Dr. Chscles R. JetEe bss WEEK-END SPECIAL at all to see an his shotgun, going out into HOLLY the fields, and knocking over a Jordan said he can prowe teachfaiE capacity, COME SEE THE MANY BEAUTIFUL DECAN­ 'L I that the rouEh draft did come JerEe’a appointment was an- CASH AND CARRY few raU>lts. from this Eivup. "I also have nounced ‘nmrsday by UOomi A girl of yesterday had TERS AND UNUSUAL GIFT BOTTLES ON a capr or nds leEialatlon aa re- president Homer D. BabfaidEc (THRU ERROR WRQNG SPECIAL ADVERTISED THURS., DEC. 18) enough fabric to one petticoat to DISPLAY. SELECT A GIFT THAT WILL BE provide a 10-y«ar siqiply of to­ phrased by the State Board of Jr. ENJOYED AS WELL AS APPRECIATED. Fdueatlan. With the eaoeptlop day’s mlnlskirta. of secOon 3 of the ropEh draft The world ot dogs and small wtiidi was Hhninstfid in d^aa^ boys was to perfect balance— P.S. Pkaity of BLACKBERRY Julep hi Stock! HM A c final copy, the two there seemed to be a dog for ev­ bOlB are 'very madh alike,” Jor­ ery boy In America, and as kmg dan add. as he bod that dog he was never WitbercB aaid ooplea of bblh When It Comes To ValuOy Selection and Service. ..Come To too lonely. Grab Bog and drafts faawe been left at the PjodeviBe FlfbBe Ubtwiy and | any penoa who cares to read ! AUFAA 80US Stocking Gifts them may do ao. "I cant j "Diamond Head" . . . Al­ “D orchester” . . . A lfr e d ’s sw eater “Woodbridge” . . . -the new imsEha why he (Dr. Plante) ; As Low As fred’s superb cardigan i^th shirt with double track accents of solid-link classic cardigan, said the ttOe was Ineuerect,” ; A L W A Y S T t M S n r O F 1GB C V B M A l unique “diamond” motiA contrasting cedor stripes. Propor- by Alfred. The epitcmie of Witberea aaSd. He eniplahied ' ARTHUR DRUa tiiMied t u i^ e neck fo r style A N D restraint in design. Elec­ Electric blue/gold, olive/ that the first draft is entitled oomfort. Orion acrylic knit in elec­ tric blue, gold, olive, brick. "An Act OonceminE the EHm- gold, brick/black. S, M, L, tric blue, gold, olive, brick. S, M, L, S, M, L, XL. $1$ ijiatkn of Racial Indwlanre in the Pu U le Setaooia o f the S tate." X L . $ 2 0 X L . $ 1 $ Dr. Plante's copy ream, “An NORMAN'S “Whitford” . . . the shirt, Act OoncernlnE Racial imbal­ WOODLAND “Alfred Manor” . . . full D&L. Meti’a Department . . . all etorea . . . where It'a ao of solid white with a nar- ance in me Pobac Sdioola.” easy to charge your "mix and match" Alfred of New turtle shirt to be worn with neck to match the body The three gueeticsied. ” H tiw York sweateix end shirts! Alfred cardigan. Diamond State Board does not bdend to row edging on the turtle . G A R D E N S ntotif in gold, olive. S, M, bus students merem d tstiict Our exchisiTe, elegant red and gold Christmas gift box is yours color of the cardigan. S, M, n Hnes, wtay is a isw visicn indud- FROM I ^ X L . $ 1 3 with every holiday purchase at any D&L storel L , X L . $ 1 3 ed for such an evenfnaSty?” E They refer to a aentenre in seetkm 4 srliicfa states. "The GROWER plan may inetude provWion for APPLIANCES! epoperadoD with oilier eetaool districts to aaMat in the corree- tion of racial imhalanoe.” T O Y O U Mrs. Jordan added, ‘T And it This Christmas GiveHiin Ireiand ■ ■■ hard to beUeve that file State of Oofmeefient neither needs nor Tree Low, Low Price O f Only and Engiand desires to have su ffi kPEielatfasi G-£ Top Loading C and is at the same time propoo- t inE to pot into Inw, auefa Headquarters! i PORTABLE and Franca ‘T demand that Dr. Plante ■ Nice and full for the dfacriminBt- ptxrve that th is m aterial in S h «. Fresh cut Balaam and Scotch phony. 8toee-I can prove that it ! and Germany I Pine Live 'Trees. is not I anepect be wfll Itad fids 9 BISHWASHER end up difflcnlt,” Mix . Jordan aMd. | Mrs. Jordan fuiihei' pointed | I and italy oot that the Concerned Ctfiaena | ft GBFT of Vemon have reaeerefaed fids | -■vup would Uhe to 2 I • New Exclusive Mini-Waah ■S ^ s • AeratiH: A d ap ter I • LargreTc^ 6 to 8 Ftowers $4.89 General Electric • No Plumbing: or • G-E Built-in (This Is Your Best Buy!) i Installation Required D ishw ash er Gyr/??ts • G-E Hi-Speed Evergreen Boughet Balaam, Pine, 3(^lncli Deluxe Range • Practical For Any Kitchen HaMinla. lioga to BhMlKta for' Oeine$e(yi K NOV, f Of' values i D isposal Freohly Blade, Colorful Lnurel, L o o g N eedle F in e . ■ ■ -beta. 65o Open T«dto sad Sat. Hite and A rtla tio 98-85 up Berried Jviip er ...... yd. 99c a a ta 8 With Self-Cleaning Oven Oyciamen ...... (ioaige) 98-89 SUPEB SPBClAlJB I GENHtAL ELECTRIC Roping (GarlMid)i Laurel, Pine, Prin- G-E Black & Whitet Muma ...... (h u g e ) 98.89 On Sale Frt. k Sat. Onfty I H as R ot iaacrie and Ptoe, Pine and Iju irel ---- yd. 6Sq Otaota Mate St. Stars Potted Holly Pkuita ...... 98-44 new self-heating Meat Tbwiiasueter PfMTULE TV I Automatic Washer Boxwood (loKwpodlnm) ...... yd. >See XhrowEh Window c m YOUR A B n F K E A L Speed SetUnfo Suggeatona for your Oardeniog: Frienda: shaving foam. It turns • FBOSTE P BOULT iBenM-Teinp Bnmer B e C reative, Vtadt Our Woitaabop . . . a Mini Wash and Bleach , . . SinInleM Steel Trowela from Bkig- Vt Prteo HOLIDAY MEAL ) Aatomntte Clock Dispenser nnd, Pruning Shenra, Ro m Boot Feedera, Floriat SuppUeo, Pbwtlo, Velvet and 150 degree hot right B s f. l i e am t l s r l k Timer A LIFT s Extra Rtose Oontml B ird H ouom and Feedeix and Feed, BurUto Ribbon, wire, franwa, Oaole fUfhtlnOMn Omnite Bird Bathe, Sundlola, Chtoeoe in your hand.'No'hot s Ideal tor Pemw-Presa Praying Itogodoa, Urns. Pluo Gift Oer- Styrafoom, Pldw, Olay, Omamenta. OBOOBAIIVE YYBEATHS fb b ilo i • G-E 40" 2 Oven Range. tiflratea. Akwi Fnoh Out Holly, MisUe- Deluxe Throughout. • 82 Channel T uner toe, OhriatmaB Oaotuo, Partridge Berry water . . . no electricity Oonea Galore, Ploatto Foliage—Much, A Nine Flags Collection is the next HJM ) G-E 80" Dduxe Range. • Built-in Antenna • G-E Two Speed, Auto. Washer. BowM 99.99 and 94-88- See our Axoleoa, Much More. Glad to be of aervloe. Auto, Clock, Storage Drawer. 8 Water Temp., Lint Filter. Adorra Treee, Oardenlaa, large Foliage best thing to giving him the vMorld. Nine ... no nothing! * 1 7 8 * • Front Controls PiMito and Dried Arrongementa. CBILDBBN'S ALUMINUM • G-E Large Capacity dlfferent.shaving colognes from nine f , • F ro n t Sound FOUBMO TABLE AND ^ MuHi-Teinp Dryer______CBAOU BET Buy On Long • 74 Sq. In. Viewable different countries. Now a man can SL.” S U t G-E 15” B & W P ic tu re . . . I' Take As Long As choose his cologne to match his mood. Swoosh some Into your hand and in a few scconde It'll Portable TV *100 12" Diagonal Measurement Give him 9 countries, or 6, or 4, or 3, heat up to a staan^SO*. It turns froth cold to hot In 8 seconds. It aohant a man'a baard and raduoaa raxor Mafia L G-E Mini-Color Deluxe • Unique In Design or 2, or just one. From $5.00 to $15.00. HEAVY mm ’ Easy Terms pull. Nothing's been tparafi to maka ttila lha hofiaat; rlah- B X n m U O K OOBDS Portable TV *224 and Appearance 3 Years To Pay (No man should be without a country.) ett, craamlaat lathar you ean put an your fket. Ivan tha z iiir HJ7 ,r contalnar'a a complata iwiteh front tfia uaual taroaol can. Nin« Flags® Shaving Cologna MINI PLAOa YHIRMAL 8HAVINQ FOAM SEdMIJBS PAHTT BOSE 445 HARTFORD ROAD, MANCHBSTER | Pedle—Averagw-TiB WOODLAND GARDENS D&L, cosmettos . . . all storea a LET JOHN AND LEON ZAPADKA HELP YO t a OPEN DAILY 9 to 9-SATURDAY 9 to & 168 WOODLAND 8T.—OPEN DAILY TBX. » —PHONE 648-8474 Bring fhe children to see the wondrous ANIMATED CHRISTMAS WINDOWS AT DAL w. T. cuuirr oo. thru ChrirtuMNl au Main at...... r '"liygr'Ttoii—

« ■ '■ ■■■ ^ ’■.tsi

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 PAGE EUBVyi^ MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 expected? Do we pick only the to be klHed a cou^e of days • rOK ^QP» ^QiPI I easy fights? later by a "friendly” shell. notakla tor wet «iid mlaamble wesIlMr, FareweD to Vietnam, One wonders whether some of Hla platoon aergeant, J .J . Me- Itotrl^eHtrr Mjra the Bnviiw nentat Sdenee Serr- the most strident opponents of Glnty, survived to have a medal tCM AdmlniatiRtltifi. (In imet, one preg- the war —on moral grounds — placed around,his neck at the Ettntitt0 Ifrralli tdent, WUHaun Henry Hnrrtnn W R « What Does It Mean? would have been quite so paa- White House. thoroutMy chilled durinr Me Inatigunt- aionate had President Johnson Fatherly, concerned Melvin (OottUn e d from Page 18) Hanoi MrtU not llghUy let ua Uon In 1841 o n i died o t paeumooBa a managed to wrap it up aucoeat- Oarteiv of Brooklyn, lieutenant' uujD'iFtuM^m oS fm c or Saigon off the . hook, once fully in 1668 or 1968. It took a colonrt of paratroopara, winner ------I l l ------manth lader.) oarriera ofM iore and from basee sensing that American opinion considerable time, after all, for of the combat infantryman's But only two o< the eisht inangura- in Guam and Australia U non­ T H o iu a y . ' ------sense. K anything has demon­ and leaderriilp, like the Franch such senators az Fulbright and bodge in Worid War n, Korea WAT/TKR R. F D tO lw M tkma held on Jan. 80 have been meteo- FubtW ian strated the limitations of U.S. before, are eager to get out a t, McCarthy to decide the war was and Vietnam, badly mangled HBuna»d O ctobf 1, IMl______rotogically maned. air power in Hmlted wars, sura- any coat. morally wrong. when hla Jeep hit a mine going PMHUb«l Brenr Krcnlnc The lint waa the 1M7 Inauguration ot ly it is our experienca in Viet­ There are some ixigent rea­ In the end, one sympathiaes after wounded Ner Tuy Hoa. and BoHOan. BMarcd at the Poet OtHM at Franklin D. Rooeevelt, the very flret to nam. sons for getting out of Vietnam with the dilemma of U.S. policy­ Brainy, thoughtful B o b Kaaobeatar, Ooaii.. aa aeoand aaaa Man Schweitaer, major of infantry, be held on the new date. It was almoet The brilliant premier of Singa­ immediately, but if there were makers. They can’t prove the STEREO Mattar.______one impereuive for hanging in, who believed in pacification and gOBSCRlPnON HATKS~ required heroic eftorta to daw the pore, Lee Kuan Yee, who is iv»t huge U.S. efforts in Vietnam P ayihla in Adrance one o f our "oHents" and knows it is the fate of the 2 million will aave South Vietnam or will the Vietnamese people, riddled weahed out by one ot the worat rain Ona T ea r ...... W0.00 at least as much about Asia as or so South Vietnamese who be­ have poetponed or prevented a by grenade fragments while Stx Mootha ...... U-W in the hiatory of the event. The aecond leading a Joint U.S.-Vletnamesa TTirae Mootha ...... 2 J9 Lippmann, said th# other day lieved in our committment and wider war, a world conflict, or Ona Month ...... IM was in 1961, when a heavy anowfaH the that America must play a neoes- chose to fight. It is almost un­ nuclear devastation. Policy is a patrol near Bien Hoa. Handsome, buoyant Jerry MEMBER o r ___ night before John F. Kennedy’s ' inaugu­ eory role in Vietnam to etabUlae thinkable and surely unforgiv­ Judgment, and a future abstrac­ THE ABSOCIATED PREBB the reel of Southeast Asia. able that a great nation should Howell, lieutenant of marines, The Aaaoclated Prcaa la azclualTaljr aatitled ration crippled traffic in the capital and tion. But the nightly sights on How are we doing in Vietnam? a former San Francisco school POST ROAD PLAZA VERNON to the uaa ot rapuhllcatkm ot all news dla- leave these .helpleas allies to SO million television sets of U.S. streets in time for the pauade. teacher who landed tn the Del­ oatchaa craditad to It or not otharwtaa cradlt- Not badly, but not well enough the tender mercies of t h e aoldiers killed and maimed la adJn thta paper and alao the local nawa puh- Aoomding to BS8A, almost 100 years ta and fought South of Da Nang, for the American people, who North Vietnamese — if they real and immediate. llahed hara ^ . . . . , ot ret^nk reveal tlaat average otmdi- kllletl by an enemy artillery AH rtifaU of repuMleatlon ot apaclal die- appear to be sick of the conflict were to take over the South patehaa herein are alao raaerred,______We have made so many mis­ shell at Con Thien. tiona for the noon hour on Jan. 90 are and want to end it soon. Some with their "blood debt” lists in ROUTE 30 875-8456 takes in Vietnam, we keep mak­ The Hamid Prlntlnc Company Inc., aa- a temperature of about 87 degrees, of the most hardheaded veterans hand. Fearless, commanding Hank amnaa no financial reaponalbillty for typo- ing so many mistakes. We have Emerson, colonel of airborne, a wind of 10 milea an hour or leas and in Vietnam now believe that the naphical errora appaartnc In adverllaamenta America today, it is said, is not yet developed effective tech­ the soldier’s siHdier, riiot down ■/zMILE FROM THE CIRCLE PLENTY OF FREE PARKHN aiMother readlnc mauer In The Manchaatar war is ehifting tn favor of the Erenlng Herald.______partly cloudy aides. This la, repeat, an inward-turning, beset with enor­ niques to counter totalitarian in his helicopter near Long An. allies — at the very time that average and not a forecast. mous domestic problems —^the takeovers —disguised as "wars but smehow survived the crash Bnbacrlbar to Loa Ang^aa Tbn6a-Waa(itnc- American public opinion is turn­ Ion Poet Nawa Berrlce. _ _ _ . . The records also show that the chances cities, the ghettos, race, pover­ of national liberation.” And tt and his wounds. ing ritarply against a long-term Fall aerrloe dlant of N. E. A. Sarvica, Inc. ty, and all the rest. It may may be that we simply do not Easy-going likeable Bob "Your Eastern Conn* Headquarters For The Pnbllahem Repraaentattvea — The Jultua against precipitation! of any kind dur­ effort. Everyone, of course, Mathewa Bpeclal A f e ^ — New Yorh. Chi­ be that these problems need all have the national temperament Hamblin, former submariner ing the «wearing-tn ceremony are at wants to end the war, but the cago. Detroit and Boeton our national energies and thrust. and techniquea to do so. turned civilian adviser in quiet least six to one, and about 20 to one real question remains—aa in the Finest In Hi-Fidelity and Stereo Components" MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA- If so. It is worthwhile consid­ Quang Doc province, dead in a against snow. There oould, however, be poet — on whose terms? It may be that we as a na­ TTONR______ering the eventual effects of our tion are really incapable of helicopter crash with his prov­ some accumulation on the ground from Americana ore an impatient Dinlay adrartlalng ctoalng houm: Inward turning aa we concern waging what President Kennedy ince chief. Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. peoiHe end It ia not in our tradi­ Earnest, eager Bob Stackpole, For Tuaoday — 1 p.m. Batorday. previous snowfalls. ourselves exclusively with bat­ In his inaugural address nearly tion to fight protracted wars. captain of Marines, a highly For Wadnaaday — 1 p.m. Monday It there is, it will only be some linger­ Let’4 get T t over with, we eay, tered Fortreae America. It will eight years ago called "the long Ihr Ihuraday — 1 p.m. Tnaoday. capalrie information officer who For Friday — 1 p.m . Wedneadaty. ing Democratic snow, fated to melt ti and bring the boya back home. be more difficult for us to ex­ twilight struggle" on behalf of wanted accompany, and got one, For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thuriday. Republican sunsMne —unieas Mother ert any pressure and Influence human freedom around t h e aaaatflad deadline — B p.m. day oafore At first we 'tau ght we could but lost a leg leading It Into ac­ pabllcatlon, 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday Nature has other Ideas and upsets the win file war in Vietnam on the on behalf of maintaining world world. and Monday jrabllcaUoa. order, such as it is. And then, History will Judge, and history tion nesu* Da Nang. statistical applecart. choiq;). Another of the maiw les­ More them 80,0(X) Americana will we be able to keep the sec­ is a harsh Judge. sons Vietnam has taught ua Is s h ii^ d home in riiiny, alumi­ FiMay, December 20 ond-level and even third-level Vietnam, like other wars, has that you can't expect to get in­ num coffins, many more Vlot- power from obtaining nuclear taken its heaviest toll of t h e volved In a war against such namese lying in fiielr native arms, and using them against best. KENWOOD Art Treads New Paths an enemy and win It quickly, earth.« There is nothing quite their enemies, with all that that On my first trip to the Me­ Promise Bri^tmwa easily or cheaply. so fuUIe • looking as a newly Art pioneers continue to strike out tn forebodes? kong Delta, I met Navy Lt. Can the South Vietnamese ar­ filled, light-green body bag. The facade of unMy between WaMiing- new directions. A current exMbH at the Bill Barriiow, boyish, modest, my pttU Its weight agaliyrt the If we pull out in disarray Have fiiey all suffered an d ton and Balgtai over the non-progreas of ' Whitney Museum of Modem Art In New a Navy riveiTmat sailor udiose enemy if American troops from Southeast Asia, what im­ died so that In the end their spirit and dedication —like so peace tsBu in ta rapidly being York examines the state of contem­ leave? Against the indigenous peratives are there, resiUy, to families, their country, their al­ many other young American eroded. The dtversity of objectives waa porary sculpture through the works of Viet Cong, probably. But not defend West Berlin, or Israel? lies —their w(>rld —can live In servicemen I was to meet — apparent from the start, but until re­ 1ST artists. (Photo by WHlIain Obo) against the North Vietnamese Why should those young men in greater safety? regulora, particularly when deeiriy impressed me. A few cently dipkimacy kept It from oomlng Many of the pteoes move, light up or TENDING THE STORE coUege, prone to burn draft I don’t know. I think so. I they are able to refit and re- weeks later he was dead, killed to the toregrotaid. make sounds. One gigantic structure, cards, consider Berliners or Is­ hope ao. aupply at will from sanctuaries raelis any more worth fighting in a fierce rivpr battle. The underlying United States purpose which would seem to qualify as architec­ in Looa and (Jombodia. for than Vietnamese? The next trip north, I was tes been, from the heglimtng of the ture as much aa scuh>ture, is 34 feet If South Vietnam is to remain escorted south, of Da Nang by If wo break our promises to School Superintendent KENW OOD Solid Stata, press for negotlatlaca toward the cesaa- long and 18 feet high with a number ot Herald free from Hanoi’s grip, U.S. Maj. John Hamilton, an sMlvlaor the South Vietnamese, t h e 10-foot beams cantilevered 12 feet.over­ Farewell to Vietnam , troops end airpower will have to the Vietnamese army —strap- In New Haven Resigns High Fidality Starao Ra- Uen of open military operationa by cut- Inside Report question la not only vdiether our NEW HAVEN (AP)—The su­ head. Yesterdays to stay As long os North Vlet- iHng, ebullient, highly motivat­ aUe troops, American and North Viet- aUies oould continue to depend ed. A few months later, he was perintendent of the New Haven Another work involved removing four nojnoM forces ore poised to caivars anrich music listan- nameee. The underlying Saigon purpoae by on us but whether our domestic shot through the stomach ac­ pifblic schools since 1666, John stone paving blocks frexn the museum 2 5 Year$ Ago What Does It Mean? strlkd into South Vietnam. has been to hold the United States firm­ Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert U. Novak How can the war be sat- climate would have reached the companying his unit into action, A. SantW, has announce his floor and lining the empty spaces with Saul SUverstetn, first and on­ point where we would any long­ resignation effective July 81. ing plaasura with color and ly to the commitment — into which it (William Tuohy, former head been said, so much writtani isfaetdrily ended? This wiH he but fortunately survived. Mieet metal for an "earth sculpture" en­ ly president of Temi^e Beth er owe other nations any e t^ The 42-year-old superintendent stumUed —to protect the nattonat gov­ WASHINGTON — When Presi­ a courtesy call to Milla in Little of the Times’ Doea anyotw care anymoraT very difficult at best. Most All the others: Sholom, is honored at dinner port. said In his letter of resignation depth— you actually hear ernment from political enemies who are titled “ City Depreaeton.” dent-elect Nixon conferred with Rock. bureau in Saigon, has been re­ ' AH the important quesUom Americans—even many charged Seemingly indestructible John meeting ot Temple for his con­ And finally, would we be pull­ Arnn, major of special forces, Thursday he h«ul accepted a For sheer reahsm and consummate Rep. Wilbur Mills of Arkansas None of this Insures Mills's assigned to Beirut. Thiz Is his are tough, and the aiMwen elu­ with deeisian-making—have not more sound. sided from the North. tributions as lender of the Man­ ing out of Vietnam because it killed by a mine near Chau Doc. post as professor of education devotion to detail, however, nothing com­ in New York on Dec. 4, his first support for Nixon schemes, farewell to Vietnam.) sive and debatable. Nobody really faced up to the fact that Now Defense Secretary C3atk M. C9if- chester Jewish community, and waa the morally correct thing Gallant J.J. Carroll, captain and chairman of the Department pares with an exhibit held In Europe a comments stunned the proud quite apart from tax credits. By WnUAM TUOHY seems to have coma up with North Vietnam ia an hnplaoaUe ford Obviously spesldng with the tacH for spearheading building ot to do —or simply because the of Marines, conqueror of hill of Education at Connecticut Col­ year or so ago. ‘Diere, human models and powerful Chairman

/T •• ■' >

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY,.DECEMBER 20, 1968 PAOft TWELVE It comes from commissions MBMC distribiitas k M s to o o l- Hehron his brother each get 180,000 lege kids whtah oonUhi a ranga The Young Man ■hares valued at $8 each in on msgastnes, record and book Girl Scout Notes oil* sales, from the company's of manufantwrawa •products. H » NSMC. manufaetuMTs ars hagify to Today the rtiares stand at own products (a mimmer em­ Carol Sing' Makes a Million pay to get tree aamgles kito the Oadal Traap MB James Roche Nominated Snto and the $60 and have put Fergusaon In ployment gdde, foreign travel and a boy-meete-gix< computer hands o f Om students, and ikr- Oadat Olri BoOUt Troop 6M, B y Pm UP CLiABltB the big money league. And there vMer the IwulenMp at lbs. The London Sundny Time* is the pro^yect of much more selection ssrvtca) and from com­ guaaon is happy to tslw Oielr Set Mcmday MBCKKBUU Vernon Green, gave p Christ- Far Haulers Board Term VANC»UVBR, B.C. — The to come. N8MC alma to sell to mercial samplkig. money. meis party Wednesday bight at The Democratic Tbwn Oom- youny man who makes a million 7 million otdiege campus cen- At Church Bunoe Oerter. U still very much part of Ca­ sumers throughout North Amer­ Katherine Hhdmck eras gensr- mlttee last night endorsed Sutofsii Putt con­ With only one import^ nwM- tacreaalng tourism from the Or- Continental Airlines. Public Utilities Commlsslon- taminate water supplies or trig­ flcatlon, the President Tbunday 3. From New York and from (I^UC) the money spent on ad­ ger large earthquakes. i^iproved avU Aescneutlcs *» »»»»*•• Seattle and Portland, two new to 6 .4 7 Littto happened that had not vertising was about one-half of Board recommendatlone on ex- —Oause a reduction in Pa- routes by way of Fbiibaidcs, 5 ^’ been expected. one per cent of SNET’s operat­ pandii^ commercial air service dflc fares through increased Alaska, to the Orient; Pan lotMt hit rscordingt on ttsrso taps cortrldgMl Fsoturlng Tall buildings rocked In Las to Haarail, Japan, the Fkr East, competition among - the American World Airways. ing revenue. all yaur favarits artiito, including Diana R au and tha Vegaa, 100 miles south. Chandc- New Zealand and Auatralia. airlines. —More production oC 4. From Hawaii to the Orient, The company has requested Suprsmei, C a n s Pitney, O .C . Smith, The 5th Dimeniien, ken swayed gently in Reno, Under the plan. Trans World American-made Jet aircraft a route extension for Northwest an average 60 to 98 cents per Glen Campbell, Johnny River* and many mors. more than 200 miles north. Airlines Joins Pan American —Produce $S0 miltion a year Orient Airlines. Northwest Or­ Newsmen at the control point C month rate Increase. Thursday World Airways as the oidy In revenue for the major trans- ient also receives an expansion 13 miles from ground zero had U.S.-based carriers wlth Pacific airlines. of its current route to the Orient was the fourth day of the PUCs trouble keeping their footiiq; oa around-the-world fUghts. TYans In turning down American by way of Anchorage, Alaska, to public hearing on the request. ground swells raced outward World’s was approved to fly Airlines for service to Japeui provide direct service from a Cross examination sessions were from toe explooion In ocean Hke from Los Angeles td Hawaii, and other Pactflc nations, John- number of additional U.S. cities. scheduled for Jan. 28. ttk Stereo Topes waves. The floor rocked for five Guam, Okinawa aixl the Far gon said his deoialon was 5. Between six U.S. mainland In testimony before the PUC Top quality tterso cartridgs tape* to six seconds. East where it will connect with “based primarily on fweign pol­ cities In the Southeast and Ha­ Monday, Milford Mayor Alan H. Auto Vac Cleoner But no sifl2dflcant damage fsoturlng such well known iabsls Atlantic flights. icy oonsideratkms.” waii by way of Mexico City and Jepeon said SNET advertising was reported anywhere. a* MGM. Pop hits, cauntry and Other airlines getting new Tbls was an apparent refer- Acapulco; Braniff Airways. should be suspended to save A 15-tan boulder. Jarred from routea or extensiofts were Pan ence to pressure from Tokyo to 6. A five-year certificate for money. wMtern, movia sound tracks, many a stony ridge, bounced toward Americarv Continental Airlines, keep new flights to a mlitmum all cargo service to Japan and Answering the criticism Thurs­ Q»» famous artist*. the Instrumented trailers at the Northwest Orient AirUnes, and keep competition down the major Orient cities; by day, Van Sinderen said that control point 1^ stopped short Braniff Airways and Flying Tt: against the government-owned Flying Tiger line. although the compemy cannot ger Lines, an all-cargo carrier. Japan, Air Ltnea, which baa m a of a fence. rnaasuTe tbe exact revenues pro­ An AEC spokesman who ob­ Tbe only major part of the jor revenue producing routes Road faUlltles in the United duced by advertising, "we do served the detonation of the fay- CAB'S recommendatlanB over- serving the trans-Pacific. States from 1907 through 1967 to­ Ka« w that auvertislng pays for drogen-type device over closed- ruled by President Johnson was Johnson did express hope the taled 1,470,992. Itself many times over.” Treasure Chest outshines all other qual­ A magnificent Treasure Chest diamond Megnificent engagement ring because Fleiy brilliarice tells you this diamond Is ctrcult televlston said, "Now ity of diamonds. For example, this an- In an elegant white or yellow gold free­ It’s a Treasure Chest oval-cut. In white Treasure Chest quality. White or yellow you know what It’s Hke. That garment diamond with side stones. form setting. $495 or yellow gold. $1600 gold, side baguettes. $900 i fr . •V wasn’t so/bad was ItT’’ It was the first time newsmen hod been allowed on toe test site ffw M Into Your Cara Doluxa M odal w ith _ to observe a detonation since CJgaralta Ughtar Han'dio, A ltachm ant* • • O " 1968. TMrty minutes after the shot Super-suction cleaning power picks up dirt, dust, on official said Instruments crumbs, cigarette butt*. Topsred attachmsnt for near ground Mro showed np re­ NO CHRISTMAS SHOP THE crevices, hard-to-get-ot places. For 12 volt system*. lease of radiation. Towering doUds rising from the ground apparently were Just surface PRESENT New Super-Powered dust Jarred loose as the earth bulged /upward 20 to 80 feet. MANCHESTER There have been several testa SAYS IT AS WELL Auto Polisher In the megaton or near megaton range In Nevada. The AEC has decUned to say which was 'big­ gest.. AS A MICHAELSa Seismographs recorded toe PARKADE 9»» explosion as a moderately For a Brilliant Shin* In strong earthquake with a mag­ TREASURE CHEST DIAMOND Los* Tims, with Loss World nitude o f 6.8, a/bout the same as a almilar blast last April. "Connecficuf's Largest Shopping Center” So easy to usel Plug* directly into your car's ciga­ Thursday's ftevloe, presuma­ rette lighter. Extra long 20 ft cord reaches com­ bly a prototype of a warhead tor The elegant little Treasure Chest proclaims to all that the pletely around car. For 12 volt systems. antl-baUisUc mlsaUea, was set diamond within is one of the finest quality diamonds SHOP THESE FINE STORES FOR QUICK. EFFICIENT SERVICE IN AN up 4,600 feet deep In the votean- lo M il o f 6,200-foot hl(||i Pohute availible anywhere. A lesser quality diamond never is put ATMOSPHERE OF FRIENDLY CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Mesa. in a Michaels Treasure Chest. We have ordinary ring If It'a Treasure Chest quality, K’t tha Beautifully cut marquise style diamond boxes,forordinarydiamonds. Be sure YOU present YOUR most beautiful diamond jyou can buy. In with baguettes, set In platinum. Especial­ ANDERSON-LITTLE SEARS, ROEBUCK diamond gift In that symbol of beauty ani^ worth, the white or yellow gold. $328 I ly beautiful because It’s Treasure Chest KOFSKY’S SHOES Hike Bank Rates quality. $1500 BURTON’S LIGGETT DRUG »TORE AND CO. NEW HAVEN (AP) -Two Treasure ChestI CARD GALLERY MILES SHOES SIMMONS SHOES ‘ New Haven banks have In­ CONNECTICUT BANK NORMAN MILLER STANLEY GREEN creased their ratM on commer­ and TRUST NUGENT’S THE SWISS COLONY cial loans to 6K per cent, a6 DAVIDSON and PARKADE BAKERY THOM McAN SHOES tar a raise in the Federal Re­ OUR SELECTION IS IMPRESSIVE LEVENTHAL serve dieoount rate. PARKADE CLEANERS TREASURE CITY RINGS FROM $150 GRAND UNION PEGGY ANN SHOP 'TREASURE SHOP 8 Track The Union and New Haven GRANTS Tnut Co. and toe Second Na­ TQ MANY THOUSANDS RADIO SHACK UA THEATER EAST tional Bonk announced toe rate KING’S REED’S YOUTH CENTRE Stereo Tope Deck inoreaeee Thuieday. The old SHADY GLEN rate was 8H per cent ____ Commercial banks In Hartford SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS For Car 4 0 9 7 made toe same rate inpreaae EASY PAYMENTS INVITED or Boat WSdnesdoy. MOST STORES OPEN EVERY NIGHT till CHRISTMAS JEW ELERS—eiLVeRBMITHB BINGE 1800 Ploys all 8 track stereo cartridge*. Dual push- RICH IN BAUXITE y •• k pull amplifiers, 2 inslant-mount 4 Inch speakers. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER AT 958 MAIN STREET Volume, tone and balance controls. For 12 volt MELBOURNE — AuetreHa system*. has about 86 per cent of th a FREE PARKING FOR OVER 7100 CARS! woriira known reeervea of b a r­ Oalux* Compatibl* Tap* D««kf w Aav ite ore —emugh to ^ for 4 A 8 Track Storoo Cartridgos • tf Mtwdwf't tree w nM ’B estonateil needs for more than 100 yeara. PAOB roinm BBiii IfANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 MANCHBSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 p a g e FIFTBBN CDimecUcut welfare salaries are other state unions ehaUengsd Special Heariiig relatively low.” PhlUips’a figurss and presented Hinkel should not be confirmed Last month. State Persom ri addlUonsl figissa oomparing the purttuwes,” he said. "Oeoas- as seerstary,” Alksn said. O n R a ises fo r Oommiasianar O. Perris Fhllllpi stonmHy we invest only $800,000, cost of living among the states. Business Mirror Sen. Aiken Aiken said be would confer said raises requested for 1,118 By JOHN oumrarF but the trend Istely Is to the big­ nedy press seerstary and one of with other members o f the Sen­ Welfare Group welfare worfeen ware not Justl- ” lh vtsw of the challenges as AP BtMMae Analyst ger deal.” the origlnsl Investors in Oie op- ate conoemlng Hlokel's oonflr- 4k ^ tled. Average proposed tecrsaaes to ooouracy of the personnel m m YORK (AP) — Rapidly .The investment concept is to Raps Hinkel HARTFORD, Conn. (A P )—The erstlans, has severed some oOi- matkm. ranged from $1,0M to |S,080. commissioner's report,” Person­ becoming one of the larger reia er buelneas tlee to open new ter­ deal only with prime Inooto* State Peiaoonel Policy Board nel Board Chairman Oeorge J. estate ownen In America Is , a P«xluclng properties. Underde­ A foreign trade aone is a por- HOUSE HALE fTilUips said be reviewed sal­ ritories from an office In Paris, plaM a apedal hearlnr on ralaea veloped land and new buUdOiga On Subzone Uon of U.8. territory into which aries paid in *8 states and found Oonkling told the group, “the two-year-old mutual fund whose where He will Hve for at least s DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER—643-4128 for welfare workere, It an­ foreign goods may be brought "in almost every welfare cate­ board has determined that it sharea are sold only to foreign­ year. are avoided. “ Only buildings nounced to a ''silent sentinel” wUh a port history ars consid­ MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — If without oustoois limitations. IFrbctor "CItoflon" gory, OtsmecUcut ranks near wlU ,be necessary to designate ers. The fund, wtiltti has 7,000 T l« • of case workers at the State ered,” lays Barish. Walter J. Hinkel baa puttioly After the goods are processed, the top.” He raoommanded a hearing panel to review the Money from the enterprise, shareholders, attributes much oppoeeA a proposed free trade Capitol. Reflecting the income from they may be shipped tbroad or raises for wrifare workers ba matter in detail.” called the United States Invest­ of Its appeal to what it considers sub sons In Machlasport, Molnd, ■pray - stGom - dry Iron Some am welfare employes properUss already purchased, into the U.B., and only then are considered only with comparable The date for the hearing was ment Fluid, already has been an almost foolproof hedge then he has ‘ ‘declared his. unfit­ were demonstrattos Thursday used to buy well over $100 mil­ the par share value o f the fund they Bubjeot to duties and tar^ adjustments within the whole not aimounoed, but Its oonolu- against inflation. American real ness” to be secretary of the Di- because, a spokesman said, lion of income properties, in­ has grown more than 20 per Itfs. state salary structure. slons are to be presented at estate, Barish says, offers a terlor, Ssn. George D. Aiken, New TempOGulde'* Mdiet guettwerk — ttieir "review of welfare work­ cluding buildings bere and in cent sDice its IncspUcn. Occidental Petroleum Oorp. the board's next soheduled mast­ higher return than bonks and R-Vt., said today. e«t of Ironing ell new and cenvenHon- ers' salaries in this sUte and The Ooimectlcut State Em­ Atlanta, Boeton, OUcago, Qal- wants to build a 800,000 barrsl- V-K ployes Association (OBBA) and ing Jan. 18. leas risk than stocks. Aiken said, however, that hs a-day refinery at Machiaapori, al fabrics. Frovidei full atonilssd spray throushout the country indicates las, Detroit, Los Angeles and St. al any tsmparalura sotting. | ^ p | | Louis. Although the fund U the only Two Men Sentenced doubted EOnkel bad publicly op­ but the appUoaUon for oil Im­ Week after week the real es­ foreign mutual fund investing posed estabUshment o f the sons ports cannot bs considered by solely In real estate, tte eariy In Conspiracy Case because such stotemsnte would the Interior Department until tate pages of newspapers list NEW HAVim (AP) — After G Spray otooni dry bam .12.95 eucoeis is believed partly re- disregard Presldent-ttect Nix­ the trade sons U granted. additional purchases. Among pleading guilty to charges of sponslUe for the growth of what on's request to refrain from Other oil oompanles nie buUdbigs wiU be fRtod in- studio apartments are visions for a well o ff the prop- sweriU form er members of the TEL6444I6M OPEN BAT. TO 9 PJl. architect William McHtigh, the within the block. to the natural contours of the ®t“etered at the front entrance erty which will be protected by i Occasions TREES *1.50 up Kennedy administration. (M D O n ilL L buildings are o f a rusttc design The proposed complex, to be wooded land, wMh a ll living ar- ^ ^ about 800 feet off a 200-foot covenant “ We knew the concept would R t. 8 and 44A-848-8888 to be built of redwood and oth- built by J. Undy Cihlldress of eas and terraces fa-i-.g towards **** ^ mixture o f etudio Poxzato quesUoned the FZC be successful,” said Barish re­ er natural materials. They are Tolland, w ill include 40 studio the woods rather than the park- one-bedroom untts serves regidatlons regarding the 100 CUT FLOWERS cently, “but not to this extent” to be located off R t IM near apartments, 88 one-bedroom ing areas “ » bridge to the rear portion per cent addlUonal septic Held Barish now is president of the ------— ...... ______of the site whidi includes a mht- area required, stating It Is dlf- McCONVILLE management company, called ture of the one and two-bed- flcult to provide. The proposed BOUQUETS GRiAAIDO for short, and Rafael T o tta iid adults, beglmifng at 8. room units. apartments are being construct- Horiff and Gmnnhotutt Navarro, a pre-Oastro Oiban DIAMONDS The Board of Recreation-span- The studio apartments will ed on a former gravel area with 2 CORSAGES ambesaador to the United Na­ WILL YOU BE GETnNGA sored boy's Basketball League oontaln 584 square feet of space; excellent drainage, according to 802 WOODBRIDGE STREET— 64&4S947 tions, presides over the sales DIAMOND FOR CHRISTMAS? wHlh^ a practice session to- the one bedroom units, 720 observation [Sts taken by the CENTER PIECES S an ta’s ------OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS oomfiany now spreading If oo, be pure you toow your Jeweler—If you tJontt know Visits Carol Sing morrow from 2 to 4 p.m. at the square feet, and the two bed- engineer and town sanitary In- dtamonde. Our knowledge of dteroonds ia imourpaaaed ^ hlgh school gym. The session room unite, 1098 square feet. spector Leon Dwire. All requlre- tUa eoeperienoe Is jm ir abottute guavanten of 100% Offer Weekend Yule Relief vdU give boys their final op- jfo One A t Hearing ments of the regulthms are ssteif aotloi i l portunlty to sign up for the Although the hearing was the being provided. , FU EL O IL Townqwt^e will have the op- partner in the law firm of Oar- first foe any apartments Ai the The PZC reserved decision on portuntty to take time out from rity, Walsh and Diana in ICan- The 9:80 aiM 11 a.m. worship town, no one attended it but the ihe hearing presentation, pend- the round o f dulatanas shop- cheater. United Oongre- principals involved. ing a report from town consult- 14.8e ptoig this weekend to enjoy some i( „ . Qay of Now Hd. has Uv- gational. . Church Sunday, w ill McHugh described the apart- Ing engineers Buck and Buck OaL Min. O.OJD. of, the varied______Christmas. . . .___ of- in town far - 18 — ,years.----- — She la I®*rJ*^.^^*^®*** Christmas music ments as being designed for of Haulfotd and actual percula- One Day Nottoo lor MSCOWT DH>ARTMBIT STOWS rertngs beiiig preaeoted to town * registered luirse and a mem- “T Junior and Senior choirs, multt-family living, rath^ H»an tlon tests to be taken on the DsUvesy ,Mthis . weekend. --fci--- 1 her.. of ... the Democratic_ .. Town_ Church Schott wUl not be held, as apartmmts. He voiced the site. Sunday's activttles w ill lllgb- ctommtttee on whltti she The Pilgrim FeUoavhlp w ill impe the apartments would be- The develtt>ers still have to meet at AroiBid The d ock light the season with SanU preaenUy serves as Seerttary. the church to go come a standard to be foHowed meet with State Highway De- Bonsjr Servloe Claus' arrival on a A re truck a t Rnwu,.. of RusseU Dr., Is a Christmas carollng. py other complexes. partment offlclais to obtain 1 p.m. foDowed by the Ifiatorical 14-year resident o f the town. „ . _ . «...*** designed the South- their approval of the entrance A fter Hours Bmergesunr Socle^s CSirtttmas Osrtt Sing formar Selectmen and present Bunenester Evenly Herald gate Apartments in Vernon as drive off state Rt. 188. Oil Deliveriess Made a$ GIFT on the Oreen at 4 p.m. secretary of the Board of Fl- Tolland ooireapoDdent Bette t^e town's f l « t apartmenlts, al------18.4c per OaL WE HAVE DIAMOND WATCHES! Saitta wlH bold court in the nance. He is one of the town's Qnatrale, tel. 878-8848. though his example was not ftt- Manchester Evening He^ Prompt, Expert Watch and Jewelry Bepalringt Town HaH from 1 to 4 p.m. representatives to the Capitol Automatic or Call lowed there. aid Tolland oonespoiideat, Delivery HEH'S SLIPPERS where *>aeet with the Region Ptomdiig Agency and is Although according to the Bette Quatrale, tel. 878-8848. Open-loo scuff with complotaly cushlonod lin­ children and posa out the tna- a former chairman of the Plah- Johnston Calls jR w e lr y Ask About Our 8-Day ing, insola and outer soloJS.74 ditlonal candy canea. nbig and Zoning Oommlsaion. For (>penDance DIsoount Payment Floa SLIPPERS Dies Carter, solottt with the oonald Wheeler is a nowcom- Store B.-Foom and knit fit lining and Innor sola. M an- E . ^ ^ ______Mandiestor Square Dance Harttord Symphony Orchestra, „ to town, having previously MANGBBBnCB B R A r S mado uppers, alias 7-12.2.74 E wUl lead th e 'ea rtt sing to be in Vernon Tor flw y M rs ' Club wUI ^xmeor an open dance (ML HEAT, DfO. 787 MAIN STREET, BIANOTEBIEB—848-8817 VALUES TO 4.29 PAIR! ^ held outdoors by the oommun- He is a sales representaUve fo r square dance club c Ity Christmas tree. She wlU be a«.verita Products Die. members tomorrow at 8 p.m. f accompanied by ICrs. Atlyne Ttefault wiU serve as on ex- ■* Waddeil Sttiool. Eart Jttm- t Oarrity on an organ, loaned by meihber of the advisory **®!* ^ ^ YOUR CHOICE! " the Robert Veiardl music studio in his capacity as **” ■ White will cue WiHiien's ^ town chairman. E Otenmittees for the dance are The high achool band and Rttli~tln Board Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Russttl, SKARUIIG-LOOK SUPPER ^ The ecumwilcal Project Chal- door duty; Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ C ro and the aoouta win ^ Ooffedioose wiH bs held I M I M . MM MIM MM 3 Shearling with a complote floeco ond pile lining ward Soott, Mr. and Mrs. Philip tldp^ in the program. The ^ Matthew's Pariah provides luxurious warmth for a Winter evening. Sixes Sherman, and Mr. and Mrs. c ^ Oenter, tor local teen-agers and 4-10. 2.74 Pair. printed on opecial programs by ______Robert Simmers, refreshments. the GhapUc Arte doss a t the The club conducts square high sdwoL Christmas The Voluntoer Fire Depart­ Totttaid County the school. Johnston is instruc­ ment w ill hold Hs annual Christ­ JUST SAYi mas Party tor member'a chil­ tor. Last Tuesday the club had 1 A ' MBI'S SUPPBS a Christmas party at the school. "CHARGE dren Sunday at 4 in the Leon­ St. Onge Flowers and ____ Hng with a complota fleece end pHo lining. ard's Corner Ore bouse. ITl" Forfoct for thoeo cold Winter nighte n h o ^ . Sitae 4- Presents will be given the Lauds Rt. 6 1 0 .2 .7 4 ohUdren through age 10. Those 2 11 or older may attend but will Table Arrangements not receive gifts. Decision CATHRINEHOLM The Fire Department Auxil­ f l iary wtU hold a holiday bake The federal Department of LOTUS” ENAMELWARE sale today at 8 p.m. at the Lon- Transportation's decision to a>- Are A Specialty Of The nrd’s Corner firehouse. t*"® 6B-mlle stretch of a White as poredain— ^Harder than steel! Lotus enamelware wtm’t crack or The fttemen wlU hold their ® Hartford to own Christmas party tomorrow Providence, was described yes- flake under great extremes of temperature. You can take it from the night at 8 in the Leonard's Cor­ terday as a "declaiott of land­ freezer and put it straight in the hot oven I Then straight from the oven Park Hill Joyce Flower Shop! ner firel mark proportions to Eastern to the table. The handles stay cool even when the food is boiling. Odors: High School Program Connecticut" by 2nd District Butterscotch, Teal,,.Aveeado. The ToUand High Schott Mu­ Congressman William St. Onge. The priority rating of the pro­ sic Deportment presented Its Fiownrt and this fastiva holiday taaton just naturally go annual Christmas program for posed highway received a large ninth and tenth gn d e students shot in the arm with the federal togatha.r! For gifti, for dacorafiont, tha colorful baauty of yesterday. dectskxi. Many towns in t h e The heiid, under the direetton to ® ***^ Bolttm, Ooven- fraih blooms radiafat chaar throughout tha homa. of Henry Kreske performed Le- “ T Andover have beenbold- roy Anderaon's ''Slelghride,” nieetinge to determine their •The Children's Prayer" from recommendations for the hlgh- Blisses' Fun & Fashion • Hansel and Oretel, and ‘The ;?^***^ Choose From A Choice Selection Of: Chorale” by w-ch ''Eastern Connecticut has The High School Olri's ^ inulergotag tremendous IAMB* HOODS Chorus, under the dlrecUon of < = *»**y •*» •»>* Mrs. Mabel Malsbary, sang two fTowtti of population, develop- ______the ^14.50 roNNi c ricui PoUtti carols and "Winds u i^ ls a tlo n and M Air'I I . .Mrl. AZALEAS NOW Through the Olive Trees.' estabUshmeilt of many new in­ dustrial and commercial enter­ Boys' Choir oombinsd to Walcome Hare ONLY, "Dona Nobis Pacem” prises,” St. Onge stated. POINSETTIAS "W u t ChUd Is TUs.” "Oompletloo of this highway,” The girl's Oles Chib sang he , . continued, “ w ill most euro- 3.99 For fun and fashion, you're tmaflly ahead in Eariy One H om ing", "1 Heard economic im­ m iL i pact on this entire area and CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES our versatile hood. Warm duroblo, and amai- the Brila of Christmas,” “Bell OMMEIMVini Ihese Slippers ore a 3.49 Yoliie! Carol” and “ Ding Dong Mer­ should prove beneficial to all •11 50 ingly low-priced. •Im itation rily.” segments of our population and 4 9 J 0 CHRISTMAS CYCLAMEN The combined bond a n d to many of our oommunltles.” chorus were Joined by tbs St. Onge pointed to the Im­ > 4 W The Fashion Rage! GIRLS' FURRY SLIPPERS audience In a carol sing includ­ proved service to all parte of ORIGINAL CENTER PIECES ing traditional Christmas Car­ Eastern Oonneetlcut with t h e ols. oanstructlan of the highway. " It On Advisory Board will be of particular value to MANCHESTER, CONN. MISSES' HIGH FASMOH WiiG FAU Fhur local residents have the growth and develoimient of NOW been appointed to the ToUanl “ >*«n- PARK fflLL-JOYCE County Advisory Cbmmlttee be- WUUmantlc and Daniel- Now is the time to buy that i|uality lag formed by 85lh District Stats ***. ** *'*!L ** **** *<1000110001 FLOWER SHOP Wig Foil you've alw ays wanted. Ail 99 ONLY Senator-elect Robert Houley. *1 Stoirs." pro-styled, ready to wear. Hurry! A 19.99 Appointed to the committee ^ ,,? f*“*,.*** *"*' ***■ 601 lilAiN STREET White quantities lost. .VALUE by local town chairman PO«tK« of the 1.94 Welcome Hare 12 Charles Thlfautt were. Ally. ’»** pteced at 8129 mll- Nbxt e balance UNTIL 9:00 F.M. FOR YOUR SHOPFINO CONVENIENCE years, aenrts on the Board of paid by the state. FlnanM and is a post member "The area known os R t 8 is PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FRONT AND REAR MANCHESTER OPEN SUNDAY-FRIBAY and chairman of tbs Ifanchee- badly in need of expansion and ter Bodrd o f Education. He U modernisation to make it a first 977 MAIN STREET ' MANCHESTER, CONN. msmlMr of the Democratic class, high speed, controlled ac- 400 MIDDLE TURNPIKE 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. TVwn OMunitteo and a eanlor <*"•■ W «hway", st, Onge stated. P A C T R O T A n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHifiSTEK, GUNN., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1968 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 Section Two ^an rl^yatE r S t»n ittg IfF raU i FRIDAY, DECEMBEH 20, 1968 Pages 17 to 32 wma the huabaad o f Mra. Aifine P'Abato Baker. Promise of the Prophets Obituary Mr. BMter was bom Mhy 29, 1919 in Boston, and had llvad in Hartford before coming to Local Faniilies Play Ho$t Vernon a few yeaia ago, Ha ama Amid Harsh Life, Death Qaims a member o f EOingtan Ridge Country Club and a communi­ To Foreign MHS Students cant of St Luke's ChuToh, BI- Sam Prentice lington. Dream of Messiah X M chtotor fpuniito* are boste mour Neteher and tbato doiMh* > taro AMsttoan Ftold Ssawtoe Survtvora, besidas his wife. tw Robin, 29 Adelald* Bd. S&muel J. Prentlee 8r., It , Include two daughters, Misa (OialhiaH Flaw Fags Om ) Parsian domination oollapaod xobanf* ariudento Uito *ohool MaqgaiSta h a* one brother ot 109 Rich St, tormer maiMgW MichMe Bakw and Mias Bar­ vines and laft oil jars unfiUsd. In m B.C. hstors the worldmai- Mr. n a y . are Mtoa Bem s- tee* yean older. Her father of the Manchester Oreen Bate bara Baker, both of Vernon; a A pragmaUo propbat, HaggiU guerlng armlee of A le a n d e r the WA* Ftawat fkom FranzM, and to a pUbiie relattoiM men. Sh* boH Team Mod one o t Maadwa- brothar, Rcibert Baker o f Dm- rouasd tha peopis to srork to Orest, sprsadiag HsIloiiMte in- Marpolta SeoMante* ahidtod EngHah for oavenl ter'a most enthuataatlG aporta ver, Gofik; and two siatera, build the Lord's Tempi# as a fiusnoaa into the Holy CMy^ N n Benador, yean hefon oomingito Ih* fans, died earty this mnrnlnc Mra. Eileen Keane of Weatfleld, preluda to divine Ungshlp and V M ic baths, gytnnaaluiiw, Om s- Mtos Ito v e t to staying srtth UJI., 'and to now i^iplying that at Manchester Memorial Hos­ Maas., and Mra. Dolores LeMay plenUtude. te n and r. and Mka. Edmund Zagllo, haokground In her studies at pital. o f West Oovtaia, CUU. Zechariah alao urgad tham on, gods. S Lakasraod O rel*, and K thair Mamfoestar High School. Mr. Prentice was bom Dec. 6, The funmal will be held to­ and once again, eadar loga wars A t Alaxamler’a sotly daath, wxxid AFB student In 1963 Sometlmea, M aigarita says, 1892 in Ireland and had Ured In morrow at 8:1B a.m. from the floated from Lebanon to Joppa, tha Orsek empire wae divided hay war* bosia to Stephan sh* feato overwhetaned by th* Moncheater since 1919. He was Burke Funeral Home, 76 Pros­ brought overiand by camals to between hi* gsneimla, leleMsa* knchek from Austrta. alsa end busU* o f her new employed for IS years at Ham­ pect St., RodcvUle, with a Ms m Jorusalem, and carpantry and in Syria and Ptotomy I over Bernadette, the eldest of ftve achool and legrete thsre a n ilton Standard Division of Unit­ of requleni at St Luke'a maaonry hummad. Zacharlah, E gypt Judea, like a lamb bfo hfldrwt, has two teoUMra and very few moment* of leisure tween two Uons, woe brought ed Aircraft Ooip., Windsor Church, HUltngton at 9. Burial in a burst o f exultation, wroto: M e n . Her fattiar to a doo- to talk with oUMr student*, hut under Egypt’s oontiol ttom S12 Liocks, before he r e tir ^ In 1I6S. w ill be in S t Bernard’s Ceme­ "Rejoice greaUy, O daughter In iheir home tosm of ahe ia enthualartic atxxit th* to 198 B.C. Than tha S ym a 8e- He and hU wUe, the late Ida tery, Rockville. of Zion! ... Lo, your king ialha. Sh* to enthualaatto about other aspects of her Amerioan FMcnda may call at the fu­ leuoid erapira eaioad it After do- Roberta Prentice, operated the comes to you; triumphant and Amerioan friends Mid oottv- life and fomSy. West SMe Cbnvalescent Home neral home tonight from 7 to 9. feeting the BgypOam- victorious is He, humble and Ues, and bopaa to psrfaot her She will also be aveUaUe to for many years. He also rais­ In 188 B.O., the hated Syitaa riding on an ass, on a oolt the u M g Ihto Adnter wMh Laura qieek to groups after t6e firat ed Boston terriers for oixiiw Joaeph Kleeak overiord Antiodius, who oollod foal of an asa . . . and He shall EHHio and b w tamUy. of January, Reiiueste for peak­ throuchout the country. He was command peace to the nations; himself Epiphonee—the. "Ood ing engagement* for either WAPPINO — Joseph Kleeak. manlfeet”—acted'to atemp out ! Atthongh Bemadstte’s tacHlty a former member of Klnc David 93, of West WUlington, father of His dominion shall be from sea young lady rixxild be mod* di­ Ijodge of Odd Fellows. to sea, and from the river to the Judaism’s conseoration to one liMh 41m EngUsh language was rectly to Arthur Glaeeer of the Mrs. LiUlan Kocarnik of Wap- Survivors include a daughter, ends of the earth." univsrsal God, outlawing tts bmMed when she arrived late ping, died Wednesday at Wind­ high Bohocri fooidty. Mrs. Eleanor P. Prentice, at It waa on such a colt that Je- worship and commanding devo­ |n A u gM , ahe oaa now (xm- Any family Interested in parti­ ham Memorial Hospital, Wllll- home; two sons, Samud J. aua made hia entry into Jerusa­ tions to ths Greek gode o f Zeua, F e n * easily and naturally ao cipating as a host family to an Prentice Jr. of Pittsburgh, Pa. manUc. Impounded Car and Boat in Ransom Try lem five centuries latsr. Ares and AphrodMe. nat by the mlddto of January AFB student next year siXMSd and Blair A. Prentice of Ma- Survivors include two sons, Judea, as the province came In ths innsr Temple court, m wfil he avaSaUe for qieok- contact Glaaaer in the next taw hiipoc, N .T.; two brothers, two other daughters, eight The Federal Bureau of Investigation has impound­ 8600,000. The F B I said the money was ransom for to be called, now waa controlled Antiochue eet up the figure o f |ng to tosm onganiaattans.. weeke. The baste requireihent Joseph A. Prentice and John grand ehildren, thirteen great­ ed blue Volvo station wagon and small boat after Batimra Jane Mackle who was kidnaped in Atlanta, by the Persian Eknpire under Zeus, end ordered oil Judeen J Mtos SetnUoataa to from Qui­ to that a family have a don or A. Prentice, both of Mandies- grandchildren and two great- a police chase of two men early Thursday in Miami, Ga., last Tuesday. (A P Fhotofax) Darius I. It held sway until 882 vUloges to do likewise. to , Bonador’s (Mpitel, and to daughter in the high school jun­ ter; three Meters, Mts. Isabel great-grandchUdran. Fla., turned up a suitcase filled with an estimated B.C.—for 200 years. Bhwiy in RevoiuUon flared m 199 B.C. }M n* wttb 'Dr. and Mrs. Sey­ ior or senior olaas. Jewell. Mr# Winifred Riven- Funeral aervlcea will be to­ ------— — ------y>- ' " -'that period, lU marauding ar^ kUccaboaua, "tha Ham- burg assl Mrs. Samuel RanUn, morrow at 1 ;90 p.m. at the WU- ^ _ __ , _ mlea crossed the area, looting, merer,” gathered a guoirUls ■ r Uam H. Yoot B^meral Home, W. covering abuses ooncecnlng nar- all of Mandwater; three grand­ Girl SHU Missinff j Youth Arrested ooUcs. sons. and several nisoas and Main St, Stafford Springs. The Gmtammated Fuel Problem 0 nephews. Rev. Howard May Jr. of WU- str^U n g Jewish state in Ma re- gradually wore down and in two Dtetrlhutfon of drugs doea not SOn Drug Charge mean the sale of a drug hut Fimeral services win be held Ungton Federated Church wlU Worries Space Launchers habUitatlon efforta, somstimsa yeart ovareame the mighty le- » Monday at a time to be annaunc. ofOdato. Burial wUl be in Wll- Escaped Con, Woman forclng labMers to keep a sword ffoos of fyrU. j* Another in a aeries of drug refer*' to ”aqy person who dto- The cleansing of ths dafUsd tribute* or give* wsay... any ed at Hohnes Funeral Home, 400 lington mUa Cemetery. Continued from Page One) Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr. i rrM a took; plaoe yeaterday Friends may call at the funer­ try wltti cults to lahtar, Tam- Tsmirie, and its rededioattoa to drug or pofeon.” Conviction FVedertek R. HerriU, 22, has a strap around his waist whfch is attached to Main St. Burial wlH be in and Air Fbrce Maj. Winiam A. irtiea a 17-years>ld South Wind­ East Cemetery. al home ton l^ from 7 to 9. instead of every seven hours as muz, the atm and moon. God in 164 B.C., is oalsbratad mean* a fine o f not more than his handcuffs as Trooper George R, HamUs of Bethany Troop I and Det Anders—were com and confi­ annually by Judaism onund Friends may can at the funer­ Named in Kidnaping planned.” The Temple finally waa re- sor youth waa charged with dls- $Bd, a year in jail, or both, ac­ Thomas Woodward of Hartford Troop H escort him on his way back to the dent. Christmas time in Hanwkksh, cording to the statute. al home Sunday from 2 to 4 ABen T. Pn it The Uquld oxygen, at 297 de­ . .1 .... stored in U6 B.C. The ensuing hhotton of dniga, on a warrant State Prieem in EhifteM, (Herald iriioto by Pinto) (Oontiniied from Pago Ooe) kidnapers, " I regret you didn't We re ready aa can be, one proph^, Malaehl, of 4S0 B.C., the “FeaUvoI of Lighte,” com­ and 7 to 9 p.m. RO CKVILLI! — AUen T. grees below zero, w d liquid hy- iMued by the 12th CSreult Court. get the money. .V drogen, at 423 diigrae.-bdow, ^ memorating how Temple lonq^ Pratt, 92, of East Hartfocd, for- eral warrant waa iaaued at " I pray that you have not burned for eight days on only S Tbs youth, Larry Powell, will Mias D. arisw eU were pumped into th* Giree fuel o-turn B the worid^s reinforce religious dlaeiplinM meriy o f RockvUle, husband of Stockton, Calif, charging him harmed my daughtrir,” Mack- celU ^urSay. They combine » e Sahm 8. the world a might- ^ atandarda. But in enough oil for cos. Ippaar in Circuit Court on Jon. JoMefts Claims Miss BMber D. Orissrcld. 87, BCra. IsabeUe PuOar Oowen J " 1.7 * rocket, moved at 8:51 p.m. ,h« «... hant.hin. with interstate flight after es­ le'a statement said. "I did ev­ during the flight to produce , . „ ’ “ hardships came For a century, indtpsndsnoq I Mother Faces Two Counts of Woodbine, form erly o f Man­ Pratt, died yeaterday at Man­ erything you told me to.” into the final countdoww, an ex- thy. disillusionment and skepU- Increase to 544 chester Memorial Hospital. caping from, the Deuel Vocation­ eleotiiclty to run the spacecraft was malntalnsd, but only jj Police gave no details. A de­ chester, died auddenly o f nat­ The wealthy land devrioper’s aming process that cotisumst ci,m. along with infiltration* of against censUnt strif* and har- ural cauaea aa she was about Hs was bom in RoekviUe in al InsUtutlon at Tracy. systems and a byproduct of wa- lve in the Manchester De- A 6Ji per cant rise in unem- message to the kidnapers con­ ter for astronaut (kinking. the last 28 hours before launch, healthen religtons, pagan lAter- aosment by Syria, which galnad to get into a walthtg car on Itoy 1879 and Uved in East re Bureau said only that The FBI said that in Decem- cluded: "Please contact me While the launch team investi­ Small problems cropped up niarriage, adultery, periury, control for a 10-ysar Interlude ploymeat compensation claims In Fred MerrilVs Escape W. Main St.. New Britain, which Hartford for the past 20 yean. her 1996 Krist obtained emitoy- through any channel. I gated the problem, the astro­ and were overcome. A valve victimising of the poor, bored and lost it, leaving tha country arrest was one o f a oontlnu- w a* reported for last week In was beinc driven by her broth­ He had bean associated with hla regulating the flow o f Uquld hy- oarlas and that it was the mem under ttie name of George “ yU**"* y«> so nauts relaxed in their quarters. priests. in turmoil. the Manchester office of the the two to five year sentence er, Dr. Matthew H. Qrlswdid. father, the late Thomas S. mom mwor mo namo « uoarge daughter wUl be freed.” itlon o f an InvestlgaUan. Blrs. Gladys E. Merrill of Ing the Ucense number on tira . Nothin* was on the day’s sched- v^th IK)- But MaUchi saw revitalising Prophecy had Uqtasd for four he received Sept. 28 for the MerriU’s car. Trooper George Misa Oilswold w m horn in Pratt, in the typesetting bosi- Deacon at the Massachusetts In­ MeanwhUe, FB I agents sealed uid oxygen to produce electrici­ "The charge "dlatributkm of State Labor Department. The Merrow Rd., T^land, ap­ ule but a review of the flight hope ahead centorias, but tha dream of a escape itself. He met briefly in R. HamUa of Bethany Troop Moncheater in Ibqr USl, the nasB In Hartford. It w m Um first stitute of Technology. He Deacon’s house trailer and ty and drinking water for the o u g a ” to covered under the sta­ totals were 611 for the week peared in Circuit Court 12 daughter of the late Rocer M. company in the area to offer Irian. I "Behoid, I send my messen- measiah a»vwgrew nstronger. n w a r . mIn w81 (x>urt with hto mother. spotted the car aa 1-91 in M er­ worked there until Jtme 1988 marked it with a sign that said, spaceship, malfunctioned and ger to prepare the way before b .C. Rom e^ conquering legiosw tute* govertUng the Pure Foods ending Dec. 7, compared to 644 in East Hartford this and Rebecca Biddy Norton Oris- a monrtype operation. He re­ They planned to go to bed ear­ MerrlU was then put back in iden. vnth help from Trooper when he moved to Florida and "Evidence. FBI." had to be replaced, ohm* with a me, and the Lord whom you Pompeysitoad Jm S iT and Drnga aectlan and ao (xm- morning on charges of aid­ wold. She swa a form er atate tired in 1948 at the age of 89 ly. rising riiortly after 2:30 a.m. for the week ending Dec. 14. handcuffs which were *dta(died Michael Savlno, they st(q;>ped accepted a job with the Marine Police said a boat used in the leaky Une. seek will suddenly come to His Rom* tbs nsw gtltutoa ei misdemeanor, not a historian o f the Daugfatera of after 40 yeans In the business. for the trip to the humch pad. Statewide (dalms increased by ing an escapee and conspir­ to a belt and put in a state car the Merrill car on an exit ramp Science Institute. He has a wife attempt to claim the ranaenn felony, os would be the caao tor the AmericaB Revoiotion. She He eras a member o f t h e In additton to the ite-h*«> stolen from the Uni- arjother of one hour's du- *>*** Russlssi cos- convenant in whom you delight, otroyad in 70 AJ> all viototlons under the statutes 1,683 or 6.9 per cent to a 24,684 was a graduate of Pembroke Oentral Baptist Church o f Hart­ «______■ .a _ w ___ (a s . a_<. m MM ormwifo* Ifism tl TsaaHfisdA r t S ...... ------m ------.n---- U.a I.. s.s w ___ sea * * escape of her son, Fred­ the Enfield Prison. They start­ gave no resistance, police said. resided with him in Mi- v«r*lty of Miami Institute ^ of Sclentiflc Affairs of **'*” ® <®»T) Iriiem, sent troops to wtp* out Wanted: Nesmboya o r news- streets and then manacled two ben(di warrant on (harges stem­ commander. the Pan American UWon in M ^ e h u - Satunlay Christ was oonsldared a ratum gM i In the RockvIBe Vernon It was followed by Bridgeport the escape. ming from the escape. .1 member of Bmma Hart Wil­ aetta InstUufe of Technology ^ oil children thara undar 2. of the guards to a tree, police Survtvora include « nephew, WashlngUm, D.C. She enrolled - ^ ^ vw WM MM aaMil llsswav ^wnlSMa of EUjah. area. Partleutariy Bast St, adth 3,601, New Haven with 2,- The bond o f $25,000 set yes­ MerrlU was bom Nov. 4, 1946 lard Chapter, DAR, and was where he had worked some 18 face winds wUI be light. Balmy **rth ortriU to "Propars tka way of tha Lord, sal(L former regwrt of tte chapter. Ckwdon D. Ootmeil of Hartford. in the Marine Science Institute temperature* and moderate check out the spacecraft syi- But no quick, prefabricated E M Main St., Orove St, High 888, Waterbury with 2,786, Meri­ terday wa* maiatoined hy the in Madison, Maine as the first months as an elea of the Uke a forest fire, and the very at a ford on tha JocdoaRlver. said. He left the state oar there necticut Chapter, Daughters and ShotsreU, pastor o f Oentral Hour by hour, from about 9;1S vUIe. MerrtU’s father took hto family E deacribed as a naUve Alaskan. m oc^ an oM t^ earth seemed to shudder. Ite Whan he bopilsed Jssus, ini- Her *on was returned to Eki- and sat in his mother’s ca r Founders and Patriots o f Amer­ Baptist Church of Hartford. wUl p.m. Thursday, the F B I said a the astronauts would ca n y out on Christmas Elve and Christ- 1 parited near Uie Connecticut to Merrow Rd. in ToUand In He wore a bushy beard which ica. oMeiate. Burial will be in Orove ststemsnt was imminent. saw it as a sign at God’s manl- ttottng his ministry, a voice fleld State Prison yoeterday. 1961. He died in 1966 at age 68. waa shaved off this week after their missfon to orbit the moon mas Day, a blast of the space- fertatlon, to call men to stark rang over the water. "Thou are The whole episode began Mbtor L o(^ next to the res- SALE Survivors besides her brother Hill Cemetery. Then, according to an ex­ Marlow's Christmas Gift Frederick -MerriU was a Boy he began Chrtotmas vacatfon and get back safely to earth. craft engine* hooefolly will tAiirnTi), poHoe aald. She was include a nephew. There ore no colling hours. tremely w ril qualified source, account tor their oppression, M y beloved Bon; with Thee, I when he wo* taken from th e S(x>ut and r^ x»te(U y received from the institute, neigfalfors "The mlaalou to juatlflable atari them on the return trip to iriunder, slavery and war in the am well pleased.” State Prtoon to Tolland Coun­ a maid in the motel. She then Funeral aervtoea wiH he to­ the Udnapers made a new con­ and it is right, from a techniixU a splashdown in the Pacrific left the motel and drove away, good grades at Windham Re­ Lighibsdy said. valley of judgment—Jehooha- The killed th* propbst, S-P-E-C-l-A-L-l ty Superior Court yeaterday morrow stt 1 p.m. a t the Ber­ tact with the girl’s mHUonslre point of view,” said Dr. Kurt Oc«an Friday morning. police said. gional Technical School. But he AH "H e worked at sea and he’s phat John the Biqrilst, but it wasn’t morning to face the cheuge con­ was found guUty S ^ . 14, 1966 lin CangregaUonal Church. Bur­ VERNON — Ronald Ugbt- parents. Debus, director of the Kennedy The first moment of peril worked in the laboratory,” "A las for the day!” he aald. the first time such a thing had nected with hi* escape from an Vernon P oU(m found the two of charges of breaking and en­ ial will be in Center Cemetery, body, 47, of CMcago, HI., The same source said the ran- Space Center. "The moon is on comes when the engtnes o f the guards after a woman heard Rocky MM. Smith said. "A s fo r as I know "fo r the day of the Lord is near happensd on the human seen*. Enfield Prison farm last Chrtot­ tering and other charges and nephew o f Tbomas W. Dunbar s(xn was paid in the eariy hours tils work was quite competent old target of man’s dreams. Saturn B rocket, wtrich has nev- them yeU, and tiiey alerted There are no callhig hours. The sun and the moon ore nor the last. "O Janisolem, Jo- mas Day —theft of a motor ve- given a suspended two- to nine- Weather of 21 Phoenix St., died Wednes- today, this time without a hitch. but I ’ve never met him so I Now it is a tangitrie target. er before carried riders into (tarkened . . . and the heavens niMlam,” Jeaua later aorrowed W d x q n u A , atate police. Man(diester PoUce C hiole. He wae found cuBty and year sentence and placed on pro- The Porter Funeral Homd 19 dey in Chicago. A ll morning, the source here know nothing personal, "There is a very, very good space, are ignited. At this time, were oaUed to the re(rtaurant Court St., New Britain, has and earth shake.” over a- city that symboUsqa given a two to five-year *en- b ali»«i Pfobfcfian \r*s (*vo’<"’ 't Survivors also include his said, the 20-year-old Emory Col- NeigjiboK at Deacon’s traUer (riiance of a successful mission. locked to its pad, the ixxricet is a where they released 2tolek. Us- (Jurge of arrangements. Such piienomena were report­ mankind’s hlghost aspirations, tence to run concurrently with June 27, 1966 after he was found wife, his mother, and six chil­ lege coed’a parents and the FB I park said the man’s wife and Going to the moon means open- potential time bomb, with the The famSy suggests that those ed on the day of Christ’s cnicl- "killing the pnpbats and ston­ guilty of charges of breach of Coats! dren. waited for the expected release, two children left the park about Ing a vast new frontier. It 1s an extrioslve power of more than a flxlon. ing thost who ar* sent to you.” CHORD ORGAN wishing to do so make memorial uie peace, remsting arrest, and But the FB I said in Washing- two weeks ago. miUion pounds o f TNT. sumed the Oomollo car wa* go­ contributions to the Bpuna Hart Funeral services wfU be held exciting and rewarding thing to wilful damcige to private prop­ tcaKXTow at 10 a.m. at the ton this afternoon Baihara was Barbara Jane, 20-year-oId Saturn has flown only twice. 'Tor Kids and Aduhs' ing to turn left. Both cars were Willard Chapter, DAR, in Ber­ contemplate.” . hope there oomM forth an- erty. PRiOPOItTIONeD RAINCOAT atlU miralng. The suspeiris who Emory University junior, was Vibraticn troubles developed on lin. Davis Memorial Chapel, New As their date with destiny gutob.” driven away find no police ac- Last Christinas night he es­ RocheUe, N.Y. Burial wUl be in arere idiarged also were missing kidnaped from an Atlanta motel the sectxid trip but have been THAT HAS 6VERY1HING drew near, the astronauts—Air Deploring a soeiety dominated tfon was taken. caped from the Enfield Prisixi Beechwood Cemetery, New and wanted fliera'w ere put rd S t pulled into Main St. (Oosttmied from Page Onei later, and again In 1M9, their Mver being taught abso­ obliged to stop yeaterday, after in the side by KeUy* . . . ZIP-4N OMjON* era, two other sons, a sister, The funeral of Miss Rose N. meetings. The U. S. attorney ble. (OonOnned from Page One) from a parked position to head MerrlU’s brother^ and sis­ servedservea a«as ponucaipolitical aoviaeradviser lo Th* Bswvmfi tim* lute principle*, by the eyatemat- he stopped oh Ferguson Rd. n iE LINING fourteen grandchildren, and Balkner of 9 Eldrldge St. waa must autboriae any prosecution ” I have asked him to assume south, and struck the right front ters are now S(».ttei:^ in Maine .'Several nieces and nephews. held this morning from the and the (ximmiasloner issues ar­ the post for the duration,” Nix­ the U.8. delegation in the U.N. tension wilt come w h e n ^ as- especiaUy fu- Sam ” tLid*“ *** • ! » « • « - heading south and made a right fender of a car traveling south and (3cme(tfcut except for lE^eral services will be to­ J(rim F. Tierney Funeral Home, rest and search warrants. But on said. "H e has agreed to re­ General Assembly. tronauts-flying behind the dark Seneratlon* from the conse- ®"®’. “ “ *• turn into Porter St hitting a driven by Vincent Ash, 67, ot Charles ' MeMlU. 16, stiH at ASTOUNDING AT ONLY He U ter was director o f the (ace of the moon and out of ra- utoles# and ruinous certain {xrint then, morrow at 11 a.m. at WUlington 219 West Center St., with a so­ the PB I said np arrest warranta main for as long as the current contestation became the faihltm oar traveling west tmd driven 468 W. Middle Tpke., causing home. Federated Church. The Rev. were out. State Department Office of Eu- dlo contact with earth—fire the ®'“ * ntiorai destine lemn high mass o f requiem at administration is in office.’ tfon." with the temptation of deganer- by Betty R. Jensen of RFDl, only minor damage. Oorvo re­ Howard E. May Jr., pastor of St. James' Church. „ A spokesman for the Federal------Nixon said he not only wanted •pocecroft engine that wUl haul ceived the backing warning and ating into rabelllon, vlblance Bolton. Both cars were erable * 1 9 . 9 9 Wllltngton Federated Church, The Rev. Thomas Barry was Bu w m of Investigation here » Democrat at the UiUted Na- ^ In an obvious allusion to poUt- and ananriiy . . Ash the one for drinking. No In­ About Town u-ill officiate. Burial arill be In celebrant, assisted by the Rev. saw late T h u ^ y night a state- but a man who had ac- i* * l!* * ' • " loal repreuion under dictator­ and no injuries were reported. juries were rep(M:ted. comporabia vakw 29.95 Willington mils Cemetery. Vujs, deacon, and the Rev.Bcr- ^ ‘ upported Vice President at the United Nations _ __ ®_ corridor „ toward _ a ships in various parts of the Court date is Dec. SO. A jazz concert featuring the Friends may call at the Pot­ from 1961 to 1986. In June 1966, tiny, 8«-mile whiiiw they nuitt Pontiff added: "With a 1 - np Paul Brown (Quintet and spon­ nard Scbolsky, sub-deacoa. Mra. A ooUtolon at ToUand Tpke. A rtmllar accident occurred Blvery woman In the worid would kwe ter Funeral Home, 4H Jackson Ralph Maccarone was organist SlJr'ntiTunTSra.m"!: he Joined the OouncU of Foreign enter into the earth’s atmos- *l*o do w* see that often A D O Ilt 1 O W ll on Center St. when James P. sored by Mamdiester Communi­ another spokesman sold It relations as a senior fellow. phere. the presumed remedy for these and Buckland Rd, Involved oars ty College and Greater Hartford to own itMs rakaaotm An outatondhig .St., Willimantic tonight from 7 and soloist. Buaial was in St. would come today advUer on peace-keeping Smith, 26, of 27 Madison St. value youH be excMed about. to 9. He w ill succeed Jam u Rus- Feiiu-e of ihi. disorder*, real or anUcipated, U operated by Rooco Roeano, 28, was traveling west and w as Community Odlege will be giv­ James' Cemetery. Fathor Vujs It was learned that the Thi«- , Members of the Junior High The fam ily suggests that sell Wiggins. ® ra ^ »ra a to o f 68 Benton St. and Ctarence struck in the right fender by en tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Bailey read the committal service. day iright Statement was de- of Trinity Covenant Church vrlU friends arishlng to do so make Shriver, brother-in-law of the atam ifS S r ’o f'"# :^ heavy-h*nd«l repr««lon of iaw- Anderaon, 73, o f 26 Durkin St., a car wh4oh puUed into his Auditorium, Manchester High e'WMer rqpeBent 6595. dacron pdy- Bearers were John McDduff. layed beoauae of the new con- *" ®“ *>*"*t and National Se- late President John F. Kennedy, go caioUng tomorrow at 8 p.m. ester and 86% ontten. WoehaMe by memorial oontributlona to the supply left to them ful freedoms, or general depri- afxxmllng to poUce. The Ander­ path from the curb on the north School. Mark Sullivan, WUllam Tierney, tect with the persons believed to Council meetings on all served as director of the Alli­ hand cr macMne. No re-proaOng re­ Mansfield Public Health Nurs­ son car had to be towed, but no side of tho road, near Cooper and James Reynold*. be bolding the 20-year-old Emo- “ " 1 2 Chord Button* • 37 Treble Key* • E. H. Engman, 44, of dtoer .that prevents epots from staining. The Pope made no apeclflo ****■ ___ ^ action were reported. to 11 at the church. The event VERNON—Michael B. Baker.'^ 11 of Freed th# flight ^ a bearded man and ®IS» policy. Nixon said the U.N. Nixon had M id before he turn to earth along a narrow Mahogany Polystyrene Cabinet • Gold Silk Screening • Matching Providence, R.I., and Alberta Watery, greoey spOto, blot or wipe right mention of a i^ of the p(rilUcal | A written warning for improp­ ia open to students in grades 52, of 72 Skinner Rd., general a young woman ThunMIay monv- particularly effective in trail never before biased by Music Rack • Knee Volume Control • Electric Magna-Llte • Five Porter of 70 Westminster Rd. cff. named his all-Republlcan cabl- or military orlsM raging in the ***•■ Deborah Farkkxw of er left turn was iss\ied to Carol 7, 8 and 9. manager and vice pr^ent of ing to the Bahama# aboard a dealing with sltuaUons which do net that he would choose a Dem- world. Ii^ e a d he tortTa broad Hunttagton Beach, CaUf., form- Magnus Music Books • One Year Warranty • Weight; 28 lbs. • were involved in a minor (X>1- Nownian Lincoln and Mereury GIs Arrive the corridor, and mid(x>urse cor- Hassock Bench • Textured Vinyl Covering • Deep Cushion A. Cunningham, of 188 Haw­ (3i*ptered air taxi aervlce. The not directly involve the vital in- ocrat for the U.N. port vriTirti gsnsral view of"•«»«* man’s tailings. »roaa *Hy . of Montdisster, is vUltlng Itoion yesterday when they both * Wear the oont year round, eii— iw to C-orp. of'Hartford, died yester­ • Hardwood Tapered Legs • 18" H. x 17" L. x 13W" W. • Weight; thorne St. when she attempted The Rev. Felix M. Davis, pas­ couirie, giving Tennessee ad- terert# of the United States and was described as a “ Cabinet rections did not get them back, In offset he accused the world Miss Marsha Vennart, daughter started up on B. Center S t at the ooft warm orion amyhe p k a Mp-oril day at Hartford Hospital. He they could rlchochet o ff the 10 lbs. • Total Weight, one carton: 38 lbs. to turn le ft o ff Hawthorne SL tor of Se(xxid Congregational In Bangkok dressM, arrived at tjie plane in the Soviet Union. status” position by Nixon’s df. falling to recUlse that all its of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Von- the light on Main St. 1he,a(X!i- Hnkig, earth’s atmoaphare and book into StricMand St. and w a s Chuioh, wUl conduct a service ^ l u e UuUang wnh'M*ssa(riiu- in matters of vital national se- P*‘*“ aide, Ronald L. Ziegler. matecUl . and scientific ad­ nart, at 87 OomeU St. unUl Jan. VALUE: >71^® dent occurred aa one of the can Sunday at 8:16 a.m. on radio Ossttnued from Page Ooe) setts Ucense ptates and one ear- curlty the great powers wlU ------out into apace to remain. attempted to change lanes, ac­ struck on the left side by a oar vances war* ratobM dan­ B. station WINF. The program to OPEN EVERY NiniT * CloaBto bolmacoan model with Ngtaa ^ a duffle bag, according to a make their own deeWons, s^d NASA offlolala were confidant SALE $49l9S cording to polioe, Damaae was attempting to pcuis her driven rteeveok fly front Personal Notices for the oountry* annual nation­ Goldberg Hails gers, that menaced Ms very ax- by Jackstm E. Oolee, 60, of sponsored jointly by the Man­ this would not happen. They not­ istenoe and therefor* caused negUgUiIe and no polioe action nil OHRISnMS! al celebration. The (xurespixid- ^ . Nixon- But in the so-called Storrs. No Injuries were report­ chester Clergy Association and A duffel ixv was recove^ -third world” of. smaller, let. Yo9t Appointment ed that two unmanned Apollo more anguish than joy. was taken. * Handsoene ptoid kaing in nyon and enta reported that the GIs were thips successfully executed the Intelsat Shifted ed and no poUce action was tak­ the Manchester OouncH of inchidliie S(Nwdayl In Memoriam ^ a few houra before the developea nation., where con- Thar* was hope, said Pope Wn Hava ThMn! $19.95 la $199.95 Churches. acetate. in good shape and were being flight from one of the men in a fiict i. . i m i /. .7 (Continued from Page One) re-entry maneuver, using oiriy PoUoe say Stanley M. Dick­ en. treated w«U. Paul, but not In what human In lovtag mamory of our Aaar boat Who picked up the rmwom UiSted automatic contrtris. If tha auto­ From Loop Orbit, inson, 64, of 681 LydaU St. round­ ■inter a d sWar4n-law, Soohle Th« soldiers admitted at a most Important assignment. balngs can do on their own with (Umilod to Stock on Hand) Kramer, wtao isbibB mtray I>ec. 20, from the shore of BIscayne Bay w___ P* X ® de matic device* should fall, t)w ed a curve on Lyduil St. yester­ Cub 8(X>ut Pack 47 wlU have H I . ^ «>le. he “ Id. "It will be acclaimed by out the help o f God. Hand thorn lotis, news cixiferenoe that "aevaral and later escaped, after a shoot- astronauU could taka over. Near Stationary day and saw a car approartiing a Chrtotmaa party for the cubs the U.N. community, which He said it was the message of ^ Mogmis Musk Books In Stock Masonic Lodge Cum but not bfWOUaa. week* ago" they had written a out wHh poHce. ” * ^*ld such s U.N, nrie could The attitude of th* moonport and fiielr families tonight -at 7 WhM In Doubt hold# Ambassador Yost in Christmas that still rsprssentsd him begin to slide. Dickinson letter to Prlnoe Sihanouk con­ In fleeing during the gunflght, *’*^*.. *^* sltuaUons that might was, a* always, cocky and CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) at South United Methodist Bertha, CSsutes and Mae deserved l>lgh regard. Am­ mankind’s hope for earthly hsp- pulled to the right off the rood, T o Have Party a GIFT demning U.S.-Cambodtan bor­ the men dropped the suitcase ***“ “ ** eupar-power* In a gung-ho. — The world’s most powerful FME rauvavY • "ctkivGc irr (9 Church. GNo A bassador Yost served as my .. . pines# and ultimate solvation. but the other oar, driven by la HemoriaiB der incidents. Each of the 11 full of money and abandoned a Pe*l^lon of confrontation, whi(rii oommunloatlons eatelUte, lutel- France* M. Blaney of 46 Friemtahlp Lodge of Mas(Mis signed the letter but their com­ car. police said. neither seeks. deputy as U.S. ambassador ^ Speaking of the< perils of nu- sat 3, wa* kicked into a near- O pm UN 9:001 Cub Scout Pack 2 o f Second lo the United Notlona, and Berkeley Dr„ Vernon, slid wUl have its annual New Year’s GVT c® sA*’ Corfificafo In lovtog mnnory of our moUier. mander, McCullough, sold: "We Tile auto was traced by its Nixon also said that he hopes Irionecrlng, venture, Bonnui, dgm. power and other sclenUfio stationary orbit high above the Congregational Church wUl Hufihla Kismer, who pa—ed away then in a high-ranking post the spacecraft commanfier, dlicoverlea, the Pope said: Atlantic Ocean hxtay. aoraes the curve and struck hto Party this year at the Btolner’s l>»«m bor 29, 1299. ' did not even think o f it helping Massachusetts registration to to see as many world leaders a* A car on the left side. The Blaney Oaais CUub on Riverside Dr. in have a CSuistmas party tonight w w n i K o i v i imraelye*.’’ under Gov. Adlol Stevenson "H ell, this U a risky bus!- "Th* peace of peoples, or in The firing of a aaltellite motor And while ahe Uw ia paacaful meto. George G. Deacon, 28, Univecsl- ifosslble early in his admlnlstra- nezs.” ' car had to be towed but no in­ Bkwt Hartford. Senior Warden at 7 at the church. Cube are ..T H IY IL at the U.S. Mioslon. clsarer words, the extoUnoe o f shifted Intelsat 3 out of a loop- Iter memory we tooiT atwayi kiao. One newsman pressed the ooi- ty of Miami submarine geolo- tkfn, possibly including French juries were reported. MarahaU Hodge to general reminded to bring a grab bag Wo Howo IbOM dtors for more (totalis of the tot­ ^ st, and police later said D«a- President Charles ds OauUs. "There Is no diplomat toh But he added: "n M over-ail man upon the face of the earth, in* orUt into Um gift, and their mothers are re- mltslon is a vary conservaUve, Ao(X)rtUng to poUoe, Diane O. chairman. Mery awd Dtaay Sad yqmiHe». ter, but they answered "No con was being sought. "Our schedule wUl bd very whom I "have a higher re­ is put in perU. stlU poaUlon 2%a00 mUss above m''>ded to bring ciqxiakea or In A l DO TH I comment.’’ gard. He Is among our moot ■ well thought-out flight.” "The deatructlve power o f the equator in mld-AUanUc. Oomolo of 181 Bdgerton St. , at­ Reaervatlona are Umited to 66 The woman and tiia other heavy dlpiomaUcally in the first tempted to turn right into Eld- oouplea, and Hodge says there ootAie*. CsH or ThaiAs A Red Chou representative man were not idenUfled.i six months," hs said. experienced career ambaa- Cfonfidenc* In th* aucoees o f' modarn man is inoalculabla, The motor waa triggered' bv a sotors. He will rsprosent '11 gerton St. from Center St. yes- are some reaervatlona avail­ haiutod out Christmas packages As police pressed the search Yost, a native of Watertown, the mission to demonstrated hy and th* fatal, probable use of radio signal sent from a ground RmNITURE DEPT. AdVerttoement— our country at the United te rla y and was struck on the able. One (if the features of which the soldiers’ families had and attempted to plug ail sxlste N.Y., was appointed to the tor- plans for three partis* tonight in such power to devastate th* city station at Andover, Maine. i MAIN 8T„ BCANOIIESTBR e 949-6121 sent to them. Nations with dedication and th* O tp* Kennedy area; with a of man depends upon oauzez lay,"and prises are awarded jradltloii. Tfcrwaglaiei ara noted trenohar- cards printed in Japrtnse, with play fights. At Lswtaburg, Jacob 3 . Paifc- der appeal. K o^. And while American chU- Taamstars Praaldant JAaas R. future o( Okinawa etir the Japa- equip poUcemen with masks at selves into phalanxes and physi­ Aasodatod Press Writer to the best. It’s an annual cu s- ______men and tha outcome o ' th-^ stu- oomioal ralhar than raliflouB has officially dlaoour- bad bderseOtions—but have got Ofin rsoaiva flashy mmmt Hoffa. now In prison, •• head of neac theae dajra, along with cally separated the warring stu­ BOSTON (AP) —New Eng­ tom. derita’ campaign ia doubtful. thamaa. aged salaa of toy weapons, but aosshere In cutting down the F**^^^**^ *. boya in file OocMP the union’s home kwal. thlnga like air poOution. dent factions. Employers, in an­ land vignettes. Whila France celebrates an In Latin Amerloa, Chriatmaa daalars aren’t complaining. choking bianfeet wM di h o m e Hoffa, aareinc aa aight-year An intereecUon In the Oinaa other move to end the violence U wasn't Just a had day fo r Judge CbarleA D. Soan says j***^^'^ wUl maka their own toya Angio-Saxotdaed Cfatistmea, bringa music, axotlo food and ’Risy aay there ia virtually no over Tokyo. Osaka. Tohnhama ★ CANVAS and ALUMINUM H U H N IO IS ★ (ram wtra. ' fadaral prison sontenca at Law- RANGE dlatrlct o f Tolqro ahowa the at nearly 60 universities, trapper Erich ninltcb—It was parking in such a problem OathoHo Belgium contents ttaalf dancing to Vaneanala; nine demand in Austria or Wart Ger­ and other eentpra. a ir t rtmaa kaowa no BSManal isburg. Pa., for jury tampering, country in mlcroeoam. Stay sramcd they will hire no one downright woeful. around Springfield, Mass,, Dla­ > CembliieHe* Whidaws and Doan ' wMh the tradHtonal midnight many. One of the reasons Is the re­ nlgtta of drinking paittaa to has oontinuad to hold both looal there long enough and you see srbo, because of strike action, lUnltdi, 17, slipped into a pud­ trlct Gkxirt, that people com ing r?****H*88» •» gweramsnt doc- Itaas. In rural anas the eele- A new fad among adult gift: luctance of Mg industries to Dsav T‘ ~ . BeD-op AwBlagB, Oaavaa Awahwa ■ ■paiwl, Mexioo, iQagal flraoraokara to and International poalUons. Ha FUEL OIL nearly there all there Is to see fails to get his diploma. dle in a remote, sandy hollow in to court to pay fines tor parking" Wmo. It will ba oeMnsttad M a brattng stops there^ except for givers in Norway ia giving aach convert to more expensive fuels Ba aeveaed, Taksdapa Sarvlee aa^ltoraga. gaw O a «y Ea- naffonal and religious hoHday In PiMtto Rico; dancing and drink­ bacomaa aligiMa for parole in about these contradictory is­ The student demonstrations Royalston, Mass, His Mg mrubber l violatimw aoraetlmea have to com e onVm soup and Mood aau- ing in Oolombia, and a potent other soccer pool coupons or lot- containing leas stdphur; ctvtc paboi as MaSe New TO Teur PattMia C M | » hwda aa a oommarteal 1970. lands. are not all directed at the ad­ waders leaked and hisds Toga OioouM ta - Eyaleto - FaatHMM sage after dsvotionB. But plastic drink eallad Monkey’s Tail- tary tiefcata. Thaaa can bring tha GASOLINE At the northwest comer of So- ctence keen* few Industri- SHOPPING DAYS soaked, hoUfcy in othera, and «t prtvalte Christmas trees and heavy Oer- recipient a jaokpM worth thou- Hoffa was alactad to a three- ministration. Many are against Jiliw B i OMts. Waletpw aT family gatherlim In-the SovM brandy and a cotfae-flavored tobori and Haruml Avenues, a ailat* awake nights, the Vietnam war, for the return TIL CH RISTM AS Hla matches dipped through a A IS-foot, 700-pound adult alli­ eevon and Oaavaa. We DoJ manatyla maaM have Invaded liquid-to Chile. sands of doUars, or nodiing. yaar term by a vote of 6A>9 to As a sign ot the times. Dr. Union where atiMsm la low. 1,407. F r e e r than 6,000 o f tha to- curious metal box studded with of Okinawa, against the 1870 ______hole In his pocket and hla hand gator begina life eight Inches Ewnry Duty O n en . Vaaad Belgian cities. Santa Gtoua ia the victim o f In South Africa antf Rhodesia, BANTLY OIL ailiro Nakagawa, director of Obaarvanca of Ghtlahnaa in eal’a 19,000 mem bers voted. electric bulbs measures the in­ continuation r the year end were fully ««*. but the car got stuck la says. Alligator eggs are about BST. 1M6 — IM W. COBMIEB BTBEBT — d tM tn dss» ouMghL Ruaaiana who do Italy to aaa the Pops, to riutnea ceive a "Cliriatinaa box" fi^ atno. rats theae days. The reaso^ ^.8. nu- obaarve it wUl oetebraibe on Jan. padded red ault and pillow pn A man's riiout will send the clear ships, against the tid in g booked. The usually hard-heart- \ the sise of chicken eggs. and religious aymhob around tha tumm y in 80-dsgree wsath- their employera, usually a gm Frank FHaslmmona, acting ir«pnify They have become fat, slow. rood. 7, tha RuaUan Orthodooc data, meter up a decible. sort «ln»rt for Tokyo ed tax people had smiled and **e had some sand in the the world. ar. And while the Santaa per­ o f money. praaldant o f tha intaraational in back of the car, but he couldn’t rafiw r 4han Dec. 28. this with loudspeakers, throw in Israel does not cetebrata spire, mapy Brasilians head for Their oountarparts in HoMa’a abaanca, and Vice prasi- the roar of passing automobiles, get to it because the tnadt waa Although tisMlitlasi M atffl Christmas, but the government gat similar gifU, oaUad "bak- dsnt of Looal 300, dafsatad Rich­ betes or high blood pressure. Orasig in many countriea, osKse- beach raaorta. the screeching of brakes and the Okinawa’s return is perhaps sunarl Kawaiiata’s Nobel Pr'se froaen ahut. | has decreed that all hojy jriaces sheerti." ard Bowan, 0,909 to 90. whir of an occasional helicopter Dog lovers had their day re­ lUnltch hiked more than a ml6sn Oulstman cusfmns have —Bethlehem, NaaareUi, JeruM- In Korea, the government of Public Records cently when they staged a dem- the only student Issue which has for literature, $70,000 would be J^^^ieOtad araund the worid. austerity-minded President and you will begin to under­ majority backing among the tax-free; 20 pert women taxi mUe to a pay telephone to call lem—win be open to Christian ROADS LACE THE BOOT stand why the Japanese seem so onstration with 1,800 o f their tor help. Tlien the aervloe truck Ranfa COaua, whDe atfll oosiald- Araba and torelito pilgthns. Chung Hee Park has urged citl- pets on leashes to {xotest re­ people. All pcUUcal parties, in- drivers had been added to the •rad a "gtlBgo" in Mexioo, la MHs to curtail alabw ato cele- ROME — By 1978, •uperidg’- Impervious to noiae. It is some­ eluding Prime Minister Bisaku Tokyo streeU. couldn’t find hit car. Pope Paul VI will the ways will clrole the COcUia.' thing they live with. strictions on Imported dog food. Finally a man drove by in a «WF tough oompetitioa for the Vatican to preside at midnight hrationa and limit the Yule fea- The proliferation of expensive. Sato's Liberal-Democrats, see Olnsa, "West Sido Sto- Hirae Klnga, the dominant tival to rellgiouB affairs, ft la ‘‘soccer ban" end lace the Ite’ Just below the noise meter jeep and pulled the car to Mass in the steel mills of Taran­ ton "boot" w9tfa 9,780 mllea oC Qehbnaa aymbol aouth of the to, southern Italy. f the third successive year of a slts a police box, its green cop- ***" “ ** “ ^y ^ ^eOrw^it'should Sirl cast; "The King ami I" was Cold, wet and boftlsr* government slogan; “Christmas "Autoatrada." per roof shaped somewhat Uke turned with or without nuclear drawing capacity crowds, also srt out for his A fter spending Christmas Eive ANCIENT BBIDGE SWUNG HOUSE St. Niek, tha Chriatmaa tree with and for families." the ^perial chrywmthemum l*se», or with any base, at aU. in J^ese, The em^ror ^ with ttielr famillea, many SwI m NEW YORK — GWmwe er- emblem. becoming accustomed to luxu- Two miles from home the car ■nfi ruaat dtuffed turkey are Nigeria, torn by civil war and The national sentiment was Ws bright new palace to replace take to the ski alopet on Christ- nears built 400-toot auapeaslor ran out of gaa. rtieadUy rafriaelng the tnuUttosv- suffering Import restrictions, a rt's mouth looks out onto the summed up by TuMo Inafukt, a the one burned out in the war. ipaa Day. In tha suimler oHmaa ui.kge n .00 u,. g al Precipios—manger scenes— lUso will have a subdued Christ­ traffic; britind It a shifting, ear- *any Japaneae are In the Sukiyaki and Fugu—Wow flah— of the Southern Hemisphere, chain, accordiag to the Amnri 18-year-old Okinaiwan student in Itsdy. Other oountilea which mas. Popular all-night drum­ now in Tokyo, who noted argu­ were in season. where CSuistmas means mid­ can Zinc Irtatltato. — ■" ■»>“ » « ” - * B « a .» » „ . r « o , « . . . . once had annual gift-giving ritea summer vacations, athletic Aus­ ming sesoiona and exeeaslve ments that Okinawa’s economy The best sight of all, in the osi New Tear's Day, like Japan tralians and South Afrlcana merry-making have been -A' and the Congo, are adopting form long caravans to their banned, but tradltionsLl parades store. Zengakuren studenU. ■«» year-end bo- ‘‘ “P" .. ... the project: D ea 20. idylUo beachML of sUltwalkers and masked HALE months hitchhiking around the dancers will bs allowsd. some stUl ^thed In bandage. ««»rta. «> Potatoes and wMk b ^ world, was the golden susuki— "The British are coming . . . In the cold northern lands, The South African Broadcast­ Oiriatnias Special from their most recent encoun- the haUowed ays- foot m a Japanese rather again! We’re toesing up another dnisCmas is uauaUy a family Christinas la a o>ecial time pampeu grass—^bending to the CHRISTMAS ing Oorp., fed tq>-wlth Chrlst- Hammond, Parflsa, ter with the law bawl Umxarh ‘*® Installment buying. leU «»t beefsteak under U.8. rule,” wind. skyscrapM*. Last one was the affair. In Austria and Germany maa carala about snow, sleigh for children and the worid'a toy- MUwm. f^ ^ tS em ^ theae extra, he «Ud. For him It evoked memories State Street Bank Building. families glatber on Chriatmaa bells and reindeer, ran a contest makera. The fads of 1868 are other group tries to trap paa- through one-thlrd down pay- « is often said that the Japa- Lovely This one lovely too. JoUy Eve IU>. stng carols, feast on thla yeiu’ to select a carol more being bought and wrapped. of the thatched cottetges, green K Prioe Range IVom OPEN sersby into signing petitions; *"enU and IZ-M comparatively nese are industrious, patient, In- mountains and Isuy fielda of hla good f<^ Boston taxes. Jolly roart goose imd home-bedoed suitable for beroperatures of 80- Ih the Far East, Latin Ameri­ stUl another seroea In on pretty easy monthly paymenU at an telHgent. But above aU they are native Gifu prefecture. Such good for you! Hope to make a SPECIAL drticacles and wait for the 100. ca, and some African countries, ^ S4M.OO to $1600.00 girts suscepUble to a dubious Interest rate of about 12.6 per senattive to what others think of ahilUng or two ourselves.’’ Chrtstklnd—Chriet ChUd—to de- toys Imported from Japan are corners of Japan are often in In Australia and New Zea­ B These used organa are SATURDAY scheme for installment buying. e*nt. them, their neighbors as weU as the thoughts of the frenetic If the Britldi had shown that poett presents In a locked room. land, thousands will ImMbe the Mg sellers. These Include A stone’s throw away, a htai- ®"e of the hottest items on the foreigners, thousands who mill through sense of honor in 1776, we might The tinkle of a little ibrtl signals enormous frosty drinks and battery-powered cars, space F* in excellent oonarently despondent Friday the 13th, and it was an Uea. Sweden’s celebration does clally by Hindus. Popular leg­ bear. unlucky day for 12 of them. prewar right-wingers, a daily around the inadquacy of the ed- they were back into the society about his wile’s plan for dl- WEYERHAUSER riot end uritU ttw day after end aaaoclatea Christ with l 4x d Although Italy makea some of ^ Circle On 83 Judge OvUa Gregoire fined fixture on Sotobori Avenue. iiMitbiMi system of nations. So it was a shock vorce, shot and killed sfac of Twelftti Night, wril into Janu- KiWuia, a favorite Hindu g<^, the world’s finest dMls, Its sales them a total of $180 on a variety At the southwest corner more The UB. occupatian after when the newiqpaper Tomiuri their seven children as they ary, and confusion surrounding the counters are piled with more of relatively minor charges. One crowds cluster around the Worid War n turned Japanese published a Gallup Poll survey slept, set fire to the house, then A new wrinkle in Norway Ihla two religious personalities re­ modern toys. In Franoe, sM- man pleaded Innocent to m clean, functloaal lines of the edaeatlon, Immerly aimed at of what Americana thought of put a fatal bullet through his sults in a natkmwlde Christmas training an elite corps, to one in Japan and its policies. brain, police said. charge of reckless driving anti ■fiirtt. Sony building to rtare at an aki- was released in ball pending mtiMitn fountain dreamed up for '***lelt the m asses could take The sanrpUiq; showed, as CSiarles Bray, 40, shot eadi of In Hong Kong, CtaiBitmaa for Give Him— his children through the back of trial Pre-Finished acharity.PasserrttywholLa University enrollment Yomhiri put it, that “the cur- W ANTED i moat ia just another jMibHc holi­ ORANGE HALL fountain are re^ jumped frmn the 260,000 in 1866 rent attitudes of the U.S. public the head, then sloshed gasoline day. But even department coin into the One of the guests at the Cen­ CloBB, Late Model Swank’s ararded with the turniiv of ^ * niUUnn In 1966-wlth toward Japan seem to be domi­ through the five-room wood stores operated there by Com­ nated by a feeling of distrurt." frame house and ignited It be­ tral Vermont Humane Society munist China ara filled with wheels, an eg liarion of steam administration and facul Shelter in WrightsviUe speaks USED C A R S ty unprepared to cope with the Of the Americans questioned fore staggering onto the front gift-wrapped packagsa. Chtoeae and a pinging artalch sounds soft nothing but French. JADE flood. 48 per cent associated Japan lawn to kill himself Thursday, PLYWOOD Top PrteOB Fold buainesKnen tiUce advantage o f and reassuring against the caoo- La belle pooch was picked up'^ pbooy. The result has been Inadequ with “war, Worid War n. Pearl they said. For AUBidual the day off to throw gambling ate teadiing, overcrowded Harbor, Hiroahlma, etc,”; 76 Just 20 days earlier, Bray had in Barre. She is not a French partlaa. This is said to the busleat cor­ poodle. CARTER CHEVROUn EAST W ner in the worid. classrooms, and rising bcurlers per cent wanted U.S. bases re- entered Napa State Hospital for Chrirtmas in Japan ooineSdea BINGO between CacuHy and undergrad- talned in Japan; 62 per cent 72 hours, committed after police Sheets CO., INC. The Interaectian reflects Ja­ Larry Jakmouth hopes it with the tiadltlanal ourtom of EVERY SATURDAY NMIfr uate. As in Frsmee, the students Japan should not have dip- found him waiting for his wife 1229 Main St. i IFSeibo, the giving of presenta pan’s wide-eyed Interest In the wasn’t type casting that won After Shave outstde world. One oorner is have rebriled violently against lomattc relsttions with Oommu- with a rifle, him the rMe in the S ^ h I|vd- Phono 649*5288 at the end of the year to paraona ORANDE HML at 7:M these conditions. "ist Ch!na. When her children were 4'x8'jfV4' dominated by an enormous ani­ wTi-a . **y' Meae-. children’s theater to wtxnn one ia indebtsd. Oiii 2.50 fo 3.50 mated electric sign whose fig- "Parent power" has been one Tbey placed Japan 17th in a Sylvia Bray, 36, was at production. of the unusual aspects o f the list of 30 countriro they 'found of a woman friend, dance and leap to the Jakmouth, a student at the Gift Sets greater gloiiea of an American Japanese experience; 'Emu- moot trustworthy. "U** surviving chUd, University of Maasachusetts, I * t I I r i I « I I < < t < I : < < < < < I L < I < < < ( i I i I I I I ( soft drink company. Below it sands of fathers and mothers 'Diousands of letters and hun- George, li, had been summemed waa the beast in "Beauty and 4.25 to 7.25 shops sell doughnuts and hot have descended on campuses in dreds of phone calls poured in ^ that home about an hour be- the B e a st" E dogs. Maxim de Paria is In the efforts to bring opposing parties expressing dismay and" disbelief PRACTICAL basement of Sony's, an Italian together. At one meetl^ the at the findings. children were The biggest, brightest duist- Holiday restaurant on the sixth floor; parents warned that they But life InJapan could be CSiarles Jr., 16, Debbie, 16, SWr- mas lights In Newport, R .I., across the street, on the top wouldn’t pay tuition feee If the pleasant. Autumn broke all re- Heyibond, 12, Stanley, 7, aren’t on buildings but on riitps. floor of the Hankyu department and Charlene, 6. store one restaurant la divided into French, Chinese and Japa­ DRESSES nese sections. An accepted institution in a Buddhist land, CSuistmas trees C Illuminate the sidewalks and *15. to »25. buildings. MONTICELLO $0.00 The big issues srtilch agitate the Ginza—and the country— tlMse daysare 'lilWiia)il>lH>iiiUi|iHiiiHiin)inj '.ni'jiUUiijimjWilJI Though they are better off FREE f than most of their fellow Aslans, the national wealth hasn't Fdr Your Shopping Convenience With each $100.00 Purchase of Paneling HAMILTON BEACH CORDLESS G-E DELUXE rubbed off in any lavish eou de amount* onto the working class. CLOCK RADIO Japan’s per capita income is ELECTRIC KNIFE Lanvin 21st in the worid. Married sa­ Arpege In o light lary earners have about 5,000 3.50 vein, . but ever so yen or $14 a month for drinking, * House and Hole * Fairway Portable Radio losling. smoking and recreation after the bills have been paid. ^ * Solid State 12 Transistor Radi(> Reg.22.68 09.86 -« SNOOZE ALARM This la the only Asian nation *14.87 which approves of alcoiioiic con­ While They Lost RONSON sumption on a heroic scale, pos­ WESTINGHOUSE toilat water sibly because the mythMogical ^ Jemet's Millinery * Wilton's Gift Shop founding gods and goddesses all * CASH and CARRY MEN'S SHAVER Steam and Dry IRON sp ra y m ist were sturdy devotees of fer­ mented juices. MAMCHUnm OMNTgM~ 7 T Z Drinking Is perhaps a safety------M N N fM f . ^ ^ *6 valve of a race corseted by tra- * W. T. Grant * Burton's Tha beautiful way to spray dltfon, an exacting hierarchy, 8.87 JEWELRY BOXES tha wonders of Arpaga. and elaborate politeness; drink » *5.77 permits the Japanese to let off n n steam, hence is accepted. 'Maiiche6te;i LUMBEEp |0iiia*»*a*ii0t**BH*0**»a*«»8»H*0ii«*wnwi*«90*8*«i8)**090***iiiiii**9ii99i6ia*Ri$6aaw*g*g*gi, By Mele Drunkenness is a mitlgiifiiig "Dov/ntown Has More O f Everything!” mertthing parfuma— factor in acta of viMence. Tastes m ave a truly exciting collection |W|n pursar in on alagani run a gamut from sake—rice i9se from. Prices start at dfaeOU wine—to Scotch. , ‘ ■ • WEN corfywverywhara fiMan The national penchant for sta­ fu|n 9to9 $ 6 tistics shows that one out of ev­ ' I Ip IaiI Also Musical Jewel Coses • ery three Japanese men drinks 1C. SAT. aloohol every night and that FREE MAIN STREET and PURNELL PARKING 1 seven out of 10 are sntokers. The smoke adds a little to the smog in the Mg oftles. Always g 445 HARTFORD ROAD— MANCHESTER ‘ Inquisitive, the Japanese put up r HOUSE and HALE Mnog Indlcatoiw around town. MAIN STREET

'9 •9 .

V I PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1968 MANCmSTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-ONE "T Hospital Notes crowned by crosses studded Piieatly Scpiabbles Abpiind with colored Hght buHw, stands againrt a street of souvenir ■jr « k » an ■hops selling Bethlehem mother Modem Bethlehem Lacking of peart and carved wood. TlMre ate 21 souvenir stores ■r «• watt la tke lakkjr wMIe Spirit o f Christian Unity In town. Fourteen more wUI paw ta rlatt. com e arlth the new m unldpellty Patteala Tadayt IW By KODNirr purraat been allowed to take part at all buUdlng planned for one aide W AOMITTBU TK8TE R D A T: ^aaociated Press Writer , •Ince the Britlrii mandate. the Manger Square. MM. AUca AUen, 6» Pukar mfJMLKHBM (AP) — Tin They are in a oourtyard ad- The square will have a new St.; Mra. Veronica Beaadat, 8 of ChrMmases part Jolidng the baaUica, singing oar- toudi this (3uirtmas. A giant tree, which graced the Wellwood Circle, Veraon; M m . •rtixA «hs faMq>)aoe at Jasus. ola and praying under the frosty liOte BerBanon ST H aiUn R d.; btrt Ihs spirit of CSuta&an unity sklas. town oiqwslte the police rtatjon, !■ ’ SartHy dUosraiUs. Hare, died two years ago. Last year OeM se OandaU, 218 Center "If it rains heavily," aaid the St.; mien Ountlier, 80 Hyde wtasrs the first cries o i a baby its dead branches were hung hotn la a atabls gave Wrth to an deputy mayor, “they are al­ with lights and tinsel. Ave., RockTiUe; Alton Hopkina, lowed inside the Orthodox diap- r^y.w. ora, the oelebrations of that "This year we rtiall have a 28 Linwood Dr.; John Keeney, el. But it is small and only a few EIHaBton; Mrs. Beverly Knit, mgfat dmphsslae CfarlaUan dto- new one," the deputy mayor senidoo, can crowd in." diselosed with pride. ' 170 Taylor St., TaloottvtUe; Bd- (Xher Protestants, peihnps arard LuBlnbuhi. ESUncton; Hel­ • ^ort, (hers ate (hree “The Israelia are growing one main Ohrlrtmases: bee. 25 for (Uatrustlng the gobd will o f the tor us at Tkl Aviv." en Matkof, Broad Braok; Jean weather at this time, pray in­ Murray Somen; Catherine Rhtnan fltihollcs and Piotea- tants. Jaa. 7 for On GrMk Or side the TMBA building a few RUey, S42B Charter Oak St.; blocks away. * Mrs. Joaephlne Salvatore, 80 (tedoac, and Jon. 19 ter ths G fVEH ER ARneolaas. Bethlehem baaha in Services are also held in the Walnut St.; Mn. Nancy San- segregated Field of the Shep­ O m Off Tlw WmW's gloM nni, Eteat H aitford; Panl- a vaaet b at teoUvs cheer four weehi of booming souvenir herds. As each denomination Fiim t FtrffimiM ette Wallen, M Oerald Dr., claims it owns the only true spot Rockville; Bonnie Weir, 170 ■•Its, gamtahtagB of holy and, at tlme^ die prickly squabbles where the angel appeared, the ARTH im im ua Wells St.; Raymond Toung, 17 field is divided among them. TTiomas St., Wapptng. at prtasts. A rigid status quo—"Badi to The m ayor’s oCflee greets BIRTHS TEJSTESIDAT: A Christmas with open arms. It is daughter to Mr. and M n. Rob­ We own," eiqdaioed Deputy Mayor Geotge 8. Dlek—goveire Ug business. ert Topllff 91 lOgh BL; a The Church of the Nativity, daughter to Mr. and Mn. Rob- orteWstlceis from Chrlrt’s Urih- Read Herald Ads bert Livingetem, W ethenflrtd; plaee down the fertUe valley to a daughter to Mr. and Mn. the fleM where the angrt ap- Walter Britten, Ekuat HaitCord. pemrad to teU the rtwpherds the DISCHARGEID TEIBTBRDAT; The L ^ y ea iM rid CSuireh o f Academic Keith Tetro, Broad Brook; Jo- I wrapped up for (Christmas Ann Zesut, 41 Dougherty St.; the N ttlvtty, a masatvav squat READING MFROVEMGNT CENTER. INC. basUlea of stone, lead and gold, Janice Vandervest, Bast Hart­ FRBD L KAPROVB, Director Ever-welcome Gift! ford; James Bellinghiri, 108 ■lbs over the grotto, the tiadl- Classee tor Elementory and Seooaidauy Students and Adults ttonal manger. w OrganislM tor Next Session Grand AVe., Rockville; Carl Great favorites with American hostesses H iirirord \iilio n n l Htnik ami fnist t nmfMitiif The q r aska own m ost o f It. W Phonlos w VooebuUry Dsvriopment * Oomprshaiisian Bellchamber, 348 Summit St; The OstboSca won a share (n * Speed W Study SkUls W OoUege Board Tart Pnepamtian James Manning, 28 Carroll Rd.; 1602, end a soutfaem kUce want it Certilled Reading: Coaisultsnts w Small Groups Only OUR ENGLISH PEWTER GIFTS M n. Hulda Keeney, 612 Keeney OOMFUiTB DIAGNOfnC TBSTTNO PROGRAMIM AVAILABLB Famous B p ^ j Charge Card to the Armenians. AU sects can "Boy Friend" St; Joseidi Scata, 72 Weils St.; W Aftenioon w Bvenlng Clsssas * Summer Programs ■ay High Mass somewhere im- SS BAST CENTER ST. TBL. 64S-6947 Mn. Linda Simmons, 85 Oak dCT (he sprawling roof. HANOHBBTKl, CONN. tor FuN hriormaUan $5.95 Dr., Hebron; Mark Barry, 478 The Uggest cetobraUceM are Free Paridngln Rear B. Center St.; Charlie Todd, 14 Deo. 20 when BelhMiem’a popu­ Laurel St, Rockville; Mn. Christmcis Cards from 1800’s on Display in Rockville SICNATUSt lation o f 20,000 is usually dou­ ,v Rich Florentine Beryle DeWoUe, Bast Hartford; ,3 sfylt Christmas cards dating back ville, these advertising cards buying, trading and always valentines first and later was 98 76 5432 10 HNB bled by idlgilms. The festtvtties Nancy Beltrandi, 47 Old Town story to children, ’’between the follow an inflexible script were collected by children much looking. He says the value of adapted to Christmas cards. dark and the daylight” The $6.95 Rd., Rockville; Mn. Phyllla 100 yean are on dlsfday in the The OSdhoUc Ohurrii o f S t as children collect baseball the card depends on the artist The name of,.Kate Greenaway, Children’s Hour, dated 1883. Paquette, 118 Florence S t; Mn. RockvlHe Public Library, The S. CLAUS Oatherlnei, built cherit by Jowl cards today. whose work is duplicated and the artist, is stiU-synonomous Verses on these old cards Margie MacDonald, 09 Deep- custom of sending such greet­ with the Church of the Nativity, In those days, lacking much the firm which made the card. with pretty dressed-up girls. carried a flavor of another era. sterling silver SIFT wood Dr., Wapping; Mn. Bm- has a High Mass led by the pa­ plaque, sttinless ings is a new one as customs else to do, they pasted them in One company, DeLaRue, num­ Other kxdced-for artists in­ “As fragrant roses, thy Christ­ BOXED I ma Smith, West Hartford; Mn. triarch, Magr. Alberto Oort of steel chain. go aivl may have had its be- scrapbooks along with the per­ bered its cards, making these in clude Walter Walnwrlght, Henry So get your last minute shopping done the fast, con­ His sst- mas memories be,” one reads. Jerusalem. Lorayne Margiotta, Bllington; sonal Christmas cards. It is be­ particular a collector’s delight. Ryland, B. Barnard and Wal­ Christmas wishes have re­ venient way . . . with your Hartford National Charge $12.95 $8.50 Mn. Joaime Waterman and gbinii^ with seasonal advertis­ ■ - A proceoston winds Itz way to cause of these scrapbooks, says Louis Prang Vas another early ter Crane. mained the same however. ing cards which carried a pic­ Card. Just say, ’’Charge it, please,” wherever you see (hs grotto below the baalUca. pta-$5.00 daughter, 179% Center St; Mn. Lyon, that so many cards were cardmaker and is referred to as Only the well off could afford Health, happiness and love are the CAP sign. Then, you’ll receive only one bill in The Cheeks have gtven permie- psncll-$4.S0 Carol Johndrow and son, 650 B. ture, a “Merrie Christmas” and kept and preserved in excellent the Father of the Christmas to buy these cards of the 1800’s. still at a premium. Only the January for all the Christmas shopping you do now. rten—but the CsthoMca must m t Oval sterling Middle Tpke.; Mn. Carolyn the name of a firm. “ EVeeman’s condition. Card. They were priced at from 50 fringe is different. Now it’s glit­ plaque, stainless Bridgman and daughter. Ware­ One-Prlcb Clothing Basar” for Lyon has collected over 1,- Lyon pointed out that Christ­ cents to three dollars each, and ter. That'll mean just one monthly payment 'with one rtray from their presertbed steel chain. Llfstims gift sf house Point instance. 000 Christmas cards and many mas cards are new compared without the benefit of a hun­ Only a part of the Lyon’s col­ check. O f course, if your Christmas list was larger writing pisstart Duriqg Turkish nde, ex- $12.95 According to coUector of an­ more valentines and postcards. to valentines which date back dred years’ inflation. lection is currently on display at than you expected, you can stretch out payments for fir family, fritnSs tique cards of fdl Uitds, Arthur He acquires them in much the hundreds of years. The wqrk of A famous Prang card shows pialhsd the deputy mayor-^wbo the library. (Herald photo by a small service fee. Enjoy the speed and convenience 14.95 9.95 in d busintss one famous artist appeared on cnoe was a tourist guide— 7^8 Budget Includes G. Lyon Jr. of Hale St., Rock­ same way as any antique by Longfellow reading or telling a Pinto). lU IC iS tS I. of your Hartford National Charge Card now. psOasts laid u roundi bard See our Beautifully designed Our famous pewter Psj Hike Contingency peas on thsir preobirta so that Wit^BEBURT (AP) -■*» student Council and its relation complete English Pewter pitcher. tankard with glass bot­ V e r n o n hoopital unless absohitHy nec­ any trispaassr would eooounbsr selection. toms. Made with English Board oC Aldermen has adopted Bolton to thi. ’’Student Body,” and the essary. With the famous high- a nasty tall on the orid stone polish finish which doesn't craftsmanship. High polish the etty budget which includes dress code, with an account of Mirabito said there are no floors. HARTFORD NATIONAL tarnish and looks like sil­ sheen that doesn’t tarnish. a $1.8 million contingency fund the liberalization of the code at Hospital Curbs flu cases at the hoEpital at TTwas days squads o f polloe ver. A joy to look at and to A pleasure to drink fromi to cover possible raises for dty Junior Women^s Club Plans Manchester High School, an edi­ the present time although employes. i$OtS TO iVO#. f 0 » r t o ^ i t Hew tbs route between the giant handle. 7Vi" high. 2 quart 1 pint capacity. Buy sev­ FOR THAT torial from a Los Angeles high Visits Because there have been cases of piStus of (be baslUca—below capacity. 14-95 eral I •-•6 Included In the fund adopted school, and a somewhat con­ pneum onia. SPECIAL MANI Thursday is $810,000 set aside Community Sing on Monday Of Flu Epidemic whkluwa wliiofa cid y (h s OMboI- troversial account of an appear­ Ics are permitted to clea»-to tor the $900 raises offered local ance before the student court by teachen. Memben oi the Wa- The Junior W- I Out in the cold, literally, are day. ayers ithe Protestants—who have only Ma or Pa? 649-1658 649-8762 A Christmas eve candlelight PANTS MAKER Modern service will begin at 11:80. The EVAN nCONE Give them some too. SIRCTCH SLACKS It's only fair. DIAMOND GIFTS WOOL SLACKS wiili Dotoehoblo FOR MEN from $10 HOUSE OF Our reg. $7.99 S H m ip Nationally sdv. at 814.9$ GIVE Onr reg. $6.1$ N O W $ ^ 4 0 Nationally sdv, at $14.$$ a famous lightweiglit SILVER PLATED TELEPHONE COVER EVERY MAN has se-| SiMS 8-18 ' " ’ " • 5 . 6 0 HOMELITFXL-i: su e s 8-U cretly admired masculine! PLYWOOD For any woman with pride in her home. Beau­ CHAIN SAW SPECIAL rings—on oth%r men. He may 1 tifully embossed, heavily silver plated cover \ VALUE say "you shouldn't have"—! fits any phone receiver, adds elegant touch but he'll wear his ring proud-1 to any room. Charmingly packaged in tele- T A M l Bddio Dimin 4.95 ly from this Christmas on. PREFINISHED phone-like gift box. Only 4.95 gift boxed tie tack W OOL SKIRTS W OOL SWEATER 11.50 You'll be surprised at our i CHRISTMAS Our reg. $6.9$ DREISSGS great choice of styles and { LAUAN Nationally sdv. nt $12.M Our reg. $1$.$$ prices. Come, find the ring ' Nationally odv. at $17.$$ to be his finest Christmas 3 piece set N O W 9 0 Q Q gift. Va " X 4 ’ X T ' " ’ " • 5 . 6 0 37.50 SPECIAL Slses $-lS CASH 4 CARRY 1 These are the times I tie tack ■ ' ' o n l y 10.00 Pre~Hnished V4 " X 4' X 8' W r o n g k r Irwios Stroteh , stick pin ' Vinyl Panels 12.50 Corduroy Skirts D o n Im S !o e l is ^ / " $ that try tie tack ' Paneling (Completely Washable) ENGRAVEABLE AUTUMN Our reg. $5.9B Our reg. $IM men’s souls . . . 10.00 H ARVEST DESK SET PLANKED $4.79 n o w $ 2 J 8 8 4 Completely Assembled f lifeilm e ROSEWOOD $6.81 ' " ’ " • 4 . 8 0 guaranteed WALNUT Sloes S-18 \ with 14" Hard Track ^ c. Fine diamonds beautifully prong-set against small, $5.88 Bar end Chain I aT WALNUT Some think it's getting tougher every Christmas. But it's sharply defined black shapes—create a highly modern, never been easy to find the right gift for any woman. It elegant appearance. See our complete “Diamonds on SIENNA TEAK $6.81 Black" collection by Anson. From $10. TONE ^ . 7 9 might even be easier this year. For this is the year of rings! Fashion Sweatefs Cutt12'lQ|sin10t6Condt PECAN $ ^ .8 8 4. Holiday Bartonettes. Continental riiocolate rntnlafurea In far-out places like New .York ladies Wiar a ring on every HEY MISSION • Falls trial over 2 fiit in diifflater B A inO N ’S famous centers of nuts, oorrUals, frutts and finger. And here, at home, every lady would love at least Oar Reg. $8.99. NOW 2 Q enemas. 1 )b. CtM — 8 Dm. |0.U JADE ELM $5.88 CHERRY $4.79 Htrs’t thi proved ptrlormer that h it all one more rirm , .. decorative, precious, playful, dressy . . . PECAN $6.81 of Homellte'i outitandini proloiilonil B. Christmas Tree Miniatures. B ri,^ foil-wrapped miniature a gift from the man who loves her. SANTA IS COMING leaturii at a price asyoas can efford. chocolates form a Christmas tree. Lueolous nut, nheury Ifatlonally adv. at $18.$e and up If that man is you, come on in, preferably some morning, Let ue engrave h li name or Initlale on I UMBER BLONDE Quick-itirtini, povrerful, dependable.. and soft oenteni. $1.75 soon. We have the newest rings in all colors, sizes, prices. CHRISTMAS HOURS: tha emartly eatln-flnlehed baee — and TO TO WN the handy XL-12 mehei all Ihoie wood It's a personal llfetlma gift for him. WALNUT $5.88 LAUAN $4.79 OAK $6.81 cutting lobi eeeler and fasterl - Cut And the sincere wish to help you. ^ ting firewood • repilrlni itorm dem- w OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 aie • cleirini for lindscepini, (arm- O. Ohristmae Tkee Orna­ YES! SANTA W lU BE AT MEN'S NIGHT land, campillai • pruning and trimming ments. Tour choice of colorful globse, bells or SATURDAY to 5:30 301 ADAMS ST. • prolaulonal pulp and log cutting 301 ADAMS ST. . COME IN TODAY. Christmas etookings, MANCHESTER MANCHESTER SATURDAY, DEC. 21-6 to 9 P.M. raady to hang on the Sea why Homellla XL'a are the (aJlait trse. 4$o eneh. oontinwntnl o h o co in f n •ailing chain tawi In tha world. BURGER CHEF Open: Mon.-Sat. 9 A.M. to'9 P.M. Open; Mon.-Sat. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Refreehmenta—Hoatees To Help Select tvtw VOSK . LUOAMO. SWITZSnLANO 235 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER Trim s tree box $l.U Be Sure Cayers Door Prizes— 1 oz. Bottle of FImich Perfume THIS SAT. end SUN. 646-2855 HOUSE of 646-285S L 4 W ith 12 NOON fo 6 P.M. OPBN MOM. - SAT. 16 A M . to M P M . SUOOR f i f WEST o w n 643-5133 MANCHESTER Shoot PLYWOOD SUNDAY II NOON to ■ PM . PHARM ACY f 917 MAIN STREET* 455 HARTFORD ROAD—649-9946


RBLIOIONI FBEE IN JAPAN Coventry HI KoMiy — Hop* Voh'io Com j^ser Taps Junkyards ’TOROYO — Japan’s old cemet- HoUdur Orchard Varictjr at Pera’vi Maea, tutlon, adopted hr 1889, granted land, ^ O OcMen DeUdoua, •— - * “ -Br CLAY K POLLAN High School Adds Spanish; Older. AAltt U8RA religious freedom with oortoln To Create Musical Sounds Yovr Daily AdWfy Ouid^ TV-Radio Tonight F m ltt Plneapolc, Spanlah Melooa, »ad-W hlta B h a OrdhM, MAR 21 2J oondlUona, but the new constitu- Atcording tp thp Sfan, ” Bo m * IVABjM Peart, Oallf. Navel OaaaMa, lha|BiSZ **^ . ^ y * ^ * ? ’ “ HANSON Brb received hie undergradu- APR It 22 4>lw tion of IMT guarantees abaointe Policy on Married Eased Taagete^ Pertlminoiia, limea. White B Ptaut Orapelndt, nAiTi *>****wr In muBle from Itont To devtiop m t»a g t for Soturdoyf 1- 5. 7.100 freedom-of rtflglon. flaffH jPItR. IfirtBe Ualverelty in Ohio, then ^V527%% rtod words corrtiperaing to numbers IM W .9QVg Television r BpanUh will be added to the Board member Richard Met* of your Zodioc birth sign. VegetoM es-Presh Spinach, Oreen * Yellow Bonas, Onen ^ to M W We moetor’e to • TAUtUS •SCORPtO ( S-U) Truth or Oaasequeaoes Coventry High School currlcu- irter, who could not attend latt * Yellow Sqnaah, Aaloe, Pena, Belgtiim Bndlvo, Boston noMe poeMbaitiee m a musical 1968 from the Cleveland Ineti- APR 20 1 idtot 31 ThWigt 61 A oa 22 OrlOIn 32 Sorrwoot 62 Hormony (id) AUrad HKohoock lum for the achool year iseo- Proposed Lettiioe, tagg Plant, Crsaberrleo, Shalots, Tnml|i, Bm m o IL Dr. tuts and hie doctorate from to AAAV20 2 Att«nd NOV 21 Artfehokas, Sproots, Bottermit B Aeora 8« n ^ White >9M4-74 3Fm* 33Nkt. 63 PRftoft pSuTtor Todi (10) RunUey-BrlnUer (C) „ ,_____. a policy on the subject of mar- 4 Stiow 34Tok* 64 Could 41-49-51-55J 7:18 ((40) Sports Cut or Dig Your Own 70, as wlU four other new elec. ^ which deals more Sweet Potetoee, Watercress, Vtaw JUpe Yewntsss, OMa- >5.76«3« SCon 35 Good 65 Com* 6)-70-72 NekBiMr- 7:10 ( a O ) T aoN u toiw oktr benles, aw ny Yotnatoeo, White Onleos. 11? He ..Id he fljto beoame Inter- OfMINI ’ 6 Mort 36 Bod 66 Motttr (M ) -Mors Than Keeptag Tim e Oves, foUowlngr approval by the restrlcUvely with the matter. .a * * * ^ *" through fate aunt. 7S* 37 Too 67 Out u trrT A iiu s HoktoO) «U k Clapparal Board o f BMucatlon IcMt night. Hie proposal w ill presumably be W EadND SPECiALS O may 21 8 To 38N*wt 68Lik«ly NOV.M ^ m a ts rr O n ^ (XirWUnaa ****^1^ *’**’*• • •“‘wolteacher who taughthlm 69 Appikotiom The currlcidum addltlone had defeated when It next appears o fm e ^ p la a U c a and gtaoa pro- ho w to jday the trumpet. Erb y V w 9Chi$Rl*r« 39 PromtMft OK Jl Ex. Laxse Oattf. NAVEL ORANGES • for 9.2^39-42 lOTumtd 40 With 70Sui>doy tiS 0) OperatioB toXartalnmanJ been requested by Prlndpel on the agenda. MAC& HI GRADE ...... pMk b w E ] « "took to It,’’ utor started M FliM 41 Buy 71 For 32-3J47-WO Aflenwon Ksport D '44-78-64^ 12Ar« 42 Too 72 Occotion S6«62.8-8rsV « P > OUrr OrUtta (O Christmas MUton Wilde last month. The The subject of married otu- cMnlced and Idaylng the piano and arranging TroUi or CoBstquaocss ( I) lOna lam ay OhrMmas CHIQUITA BANANAS ...... 9 A a : CANCIR 13 Good 43 Hor>*v 73 Viilt iM) sniat'a NswT other four courses w ill be dents had been brought to the nibbed togetiier In Just the right pop tunes during high school 14 Rtftroint 44 Good 74 Endcovon CAVRKORN D’ANJOU P E A R S ...... dog. JUNI21 75 Such S:00 I 8:00 (M ) Weshliigtoa: speech, drama and Journalism, board’s attention by members - • - ■” **" to IWe he otarted oom- 15 To 45 SoR* If Week In Re- o WK SB U , KB) OtJBBS o > JULY 22 l6N*w« 46ftRtlgnolion ?6^ JAN m KeHalo’e New view as weU u a h^emaklng oj, senior class, and was yto* « « ftrte* PoWBg music serioudy and he’s 17Conc*ming 47 Diiploys . (R ) 0:10 8-U) Oom sr P yle course f11-12-30^ . (C ) *)) Nemo of the Ooms OCR» BMCYSifKNLABOBD WW JgfP STtmi) awwNOW w HAS *BYBBYIHINOI W * * « « « ^71-73.77 19Up 39-43B)gP In the kitchen without a board menvbers who felt mar- kiMrumeat, Erb aaid. Imxirpo- ttiumplitg and oooaaionally for­ to the Bottom at Tree OOMPIJrai) UNB OF SUNDAY PAPDBSi 20CougHt AQUARIUS I TV Mgylo Spoolal b a d into several o f his chom aging around In Junkyards. LIO 21 BubifWftt Book Beat Scotch Pine, n v lr t - i., rled students should not be ITS OAKLAND ST., MANOHESTBE e bar muMo pteoas arc the JULY 21 22 AAok* JAN 30 AUG 22 23A H* IS (C) 0 :00 I Ions Bhis •ouiida o f Juut such everyday ob- 24 On 401 PoBHleiklse (C) Ish' Bering. Board member jeeto: a poUceman’s wMoUe, a \34>36>96^ 2SFof 4-14-25-301 White S|M*eei " T H I K I N « / 46^-30 56 Urwxp*Ct*d 86 Undort* <5-S7-«2 TV Joung was In opposition pleoe o f ateel pipe and varkma Town Bleoeiveg 26 OboIi s, o r-t .ji|,e board accepted the resig­ VIROO 27 Prlvot# 57 Of 87 Account m cls Ouns of to this ]^sMx>sal, one reason be or atoes o f pop bottles. 28 For 58 AHtetion 68 Dtcorotion *«;8 Wortd of 4 to 8 F ss t ALX3. 23 H I. 19 I JliM Par IMsiiae big that the sdiools serve col­ nation o f Hattie Seletaky, effec­ Erb ew^n a eymphany In a Several Biidb 29 With 59 Importont 89 True ptoDucir SCpf 22 30 Th* 60lt’b 90FinoncioMy MJki.30 lege-bound students adequately, tive Immediately, from her posi­ Junkyard w U take plaee “ at a e:io tion as Sbigllsh teacher at the PERO , 2- 8-21.261 )Good ^Adverse ^^Neutnl 13-14-17-' ... ( i-l|) w ^ s r Oonklte (C) (i U):46 < and there ahoiSd be more em- 5^53^7-69 27-4448^^ < i ) n a iw Bejrnolda 1C) U:00 I phaaia on the nol^c<41ege botmd high achool. Mies Sele^iky said (1 O4M 0) BimUoy-BrlnUsv youngster. WUde did not agree she felt her profeeelcnal growth |S)J ) News 10:48 i »«4O-l«aMIM0) News. with this, and otherNmembera would be better served else-1 7: ,; „8) Death____ VeHer AHsjr Days (C) Sports, Woarfher ■P7‘ !r r ‘ I— lie. SS, te»«M 0) News. Sports, :M ( 8) W iday Bpeotocular F or A a y T8«e Oa The Let seemed to feel that addition of where. )Die began teaching here Columbia WMbthWT :80 (lo d o ia -s n Tonight (C ) another foreign language Nrould in September. (18) What's Hjr Lins (C> (U ) Lato IfOTla A detightfUl treat tor the tomlly, brisk wato la the woatoy 2 ISTIZ (M) Ihosa of Business—USA ( MO) Soar Bishop (C) fresh air, with ereryotie oattefled with the selaetteBi broaden the currlcidum gen­ 3HB SATUBDAk-a TV WEEK POM OOMFLHTE UBTINaS erally. French and Latin si’s JioB'S.Jr’toS.'tSiMl;. Selectmen Get Court Notice Open Dally a ta 8 thru Oeoembar 94th currently offered for four Onassisies in Greece "faY Hill wlH crato Into piles of rubble, arsji years’ each. Skorpios HoRday pipes wlH clank and bathtuba Radio DZENTS XMAS TREE FARM (Ifc iS S d ptHtSOS w y Tousa.) XVU] The suggestion was also made that are thumped wHl give off Plym o^ of Tol- On Beckish Zoning Appeal (Thto Oettog toctades eafy thoea aaWB bmadeaato of M I f Utilwsted hi NaOcnal B c w r Society chapter at Bolton Junior- Warfel, Kathy Smith, Jean Peace, Paula Roeo Varoa, Pamela that perhaps these two lan­ A TK E3NS f (A P ) —Jacqueline FAIRWAY. can’t awrtUMkr .^nsiiil COCtVUlG W&8 uW der, at bid openings this mom- mtoato Icagte. Some •tmUtms narry ) BARBER HILL ROAD, S. WINDS(Mt-644-0444 Senior lOgh SShool were, from left, RM iard Bciinnann, John Geer, Anne OautMer and Alan Coooaal. guages could be offered for two Onassie s^ved hv »«l«ne erpt*i Srtectmen this week were giv- Dr. R. O. MaoDoiudd, William FIR''T 11:80 Barry Faitw r or three, rather than four, New YowwlHi her two children From Wapptag take Boote 74 to flreboaoe, left on Footer find it! "®‘ lS<>i^ia700,^!!SJ^: '•« PMxr. pertaining to a court Bender w j’e ^ 4:00 Hertfoid HlfliUchts U ;14 Sign Off years. The five members pres­ to spend Christmas with her 7 :0 0 N e w s ft. extrookm, right on Miner rood., left on Barber HUl R4. Bolton OrS»et^ to *" Plymouto rarys -PatroUiw appeal by Peter and Frances OaueVW 8:00 flaeUsht WnO—1999 ent finally voted on Inclusion of husband, ArlaM le, on their O u b U;0 0 QuM^oui> 8:00 Attsrooon Edition the Spani^ course, with Young G re ^ hideawajKlsland o f Skor- hto oite year of'^SSLe^^ K i ‘ 62 thU~ W V O B ^ 1 4 1 9 8 :0 0 N e w s ploe. ^ 6:00 Dsnnr CUurtoa 8:18 Market Report and Suxanne Brainard oppos­ b6tb fairways have 16 oompoaliig muiOc, some of It to trade for tto elx ^ cratoere Appeals declsioo to deny the ^ brought candy In hia 4:00 Dick HeaUieitoo :io Weather ing- Donald Averlil end Paul Their departure ilhd that o,* 9:00 Stave Morgan :98 Strictly Sports , 8 Named to Honor Society bepnmtered by the Dalloe or morning, Becklahea a variance to ex- pack tor everyone to the pack. 1:00 Oaiy Qlrard S 160 other poaeangeramom New t:B Afterooon^idttlof^ Boonlman were In favor. Chair­ bids were received for eurmly- P<«d 'The Landmark. Ha dt-trlbuted badges to Webe- man Ruth Benoit broke the York’s Kennedy airport teas de­ 4 : g Neiwa 9:18 Bkl Jtaport eertoro asst five Jun- an by Gretal Oote, prestdeut of “Too many times the geneca- P oiiae eymphony-goera have ^J^g the town’s tire and tube The Becktehee have hod a loa WUUam O’Brien, aquanaut; 7:00 Aooant 'S8 END OF THE YEAR tie, voting In favor. ’The other layed four hours and 16 minxes o|Mi fxmlfjid aad Saturday S Up Io n "w ave Induetad fato the NHS. tton gap becomes a chaem and L . T J 'v ! ! ! . ****“ " ««> • for the next 12 months, long etondlng feud with the John MAthieu and Greg Lora- S :00 7 :1 8 N o w four suggested offerings v-re Thursday night by a boiqb 1 :1 8 5P Hartford 7:90 David Brlnklw FUl^ a Liguorl Chapter of the **^ *»«* taWng post In the on abyss,” ebe sold, and asked g ft>« ^ r cueekw Oon- _ Nlchole-Mancheeter Tire Oo. Planning and 2kmlng OommU- mle, sportaman aad aquanaut, 7:90 News of the World voted on in a separate motion scare. PoUoe seardted the jda^. 6:15 Lowell raoinas —------.» - ceremony were Gary Mbiten- today's young people to "Join till 9:001 o«rto^ to promute^ an event set Wholesale Tire Oo., both of slon regarding the eiipanaion o f and James Janwn, W olf badge. 4:» Phil Rlssutn 7:60 Joe OaragloU and accepted unanimously. - ^ from tfUl to cockpit and each 7:00 The World TOelght 8:06 Pop Oonosrt ^ •««. Karen HUla, Mark Wlnther. wMh us in the completion of the M ia ^ v e ly for Jam 4-6. Hla Manchester, each offered (Es- the drug store, with the com- Santa also remembered Cub- 9:08 Nlghtboat mcBles In the Ugh school gym Carol Oark, Kathy Geer end BUrrIed Student PoUcy place cf luggage, but notiiing 7:90 Frank Olfford task” of the work of the wortd. e e w oolis for woodwkid must- ootmte of 10 plus S per cent be- mlaelon claiming that the store moeter Roland Laramie ■with a 7:80 Speak Up Sports 9f):00 Votcaa of Chrtstmas unusual was found. T N s w s Wedtaaeday aftamoaDL M is. BUa WBUam SUchesdcs. A new policy on married stu­ (d m to abandon theh- Instru- (arw state code prices -N ichols- owners do not want to conform gift and a Cubby award warn 8:00 ) 11:00 Nem , Weather She noted that young people ore dents was also on last night’s On arrival In , the wid­ ^IKasals '^eandlei 3:10 Speak Up Sports 11:90 l^ rls Final T. Giaaso, aecretaiy of state, Joeeph P. Caidagna, su- becoming involved politically, ******* *™ Ptoy only <« their Manchester Tire **5?l»»ced the '^leaker. to lealMy.” ... Pundiasing Agent Richard aK>eal board denied the The den is now ta the bird new pokey, married students in which Onassis was waiting. piano and pluck the wirea with nyl roof and seats, auto, vinyl roof and seats, auto, Rose Varoa. Vsroa. Gkasso spidw o f the eig- Oorr said that award of a con­ couple the variance on t h e seed buatoeas and ariyone irtw lb s . OrasBo quoted horn the "must declare their status to They to<* off for an airrort c;. ^ toys, ploaty for uador SUW his hondi or h9t tiwm with a trans, power stsering and traru, power stoaring and Jnnkm were Pamela Geer, mOcanoe of candles — at— the— oruu, tract wlH follow a review of _grounds that there was no evl- would Uke to fend tlw btrde in brakes, radio, factory olr, late Senator Robert Kennedy, the principal of the school they the Ionian sea near Skorpios, mallet. braltaa, radio, Kathy SmBh. RSchard Befar- 2 ? ^ * ’*? **°** observances at who said that wtifain e v e iy o ^ brand prices and Ure-mountIi« dence that would Justify th e the yard for the prVse of H for extra low sosa a m factory air. attend. A married student may where Onassis keeps his 826-foot A lio to be presented thte oeo- -h-_—_ massi, Alan OocoonI and John ~ T * " - candlea i , » talent, and ebe added that yacht Christina moore-t granting o f a variance. lo pounds may contact a n y mUaage. participate In school activities 'k 1969 ealaadar pads and reflllf son is a ptoee called “Cbilat $31W Warfel. of hope made by ihwirfwaii “what we are is God’s gift to Restdents of Scorptos were In a thlid bld-cperting this 'Hie appeal, presented by the niemtier or leader of the pack. with the knowledge and consent ’66 DODGE The iiivooaltlan was glvesi by Kate Training School leoldento. preparing for a New Year’s Uvi momtag, AUled P ita tii 8^ ~ BeckW i'attorney, Jerome Rds- ’68 DODGE ue; what we become is our gift of the school’s principal.’’ iificv oc lory# mxitsm full oftSDGti- —*** *-* ------— s ax..- Moimco 4-Door Hardtcgi. Use Rev. J. Stanton Oorover of the eymboMsm of the to God.’ ’ Secretaiy of State Ella party said to have been tdanied "^OH aama It—wa have K!’’ icea ot Manebester was theo n- en, w ill be presented In the Bfanclieetor Evening Her- Dart 270 4-Dr. Sedan. Big The past policy allowed for no tral oompooltion. six, auto, trans., power Vinyl roof, auto, trans., the benediction, by the Rev. NBB candles of adxdeaslilp, She mentioned the work done Graaso was the speaker. by Mrs. Onassis for 40 parsmw. ly. . Udder fo r rprinting — w —18,000 Court____ o f O>mmon Pleas In —* Columbia oorreapondent, participation In any activities ■nia AjptU immiNre wiU prob- ooUes of Manchester’s 1007-68 RockvUle In January. Virginia Oorlsoii, teL 298-92M. stoaring, radio. power stoering and brakes, OIBle. leadership, dtaraoter and serv- by the Revitalisation Corps, and The guest list was kept secret ID the absence, due to tihieas, wa of the aiswaoavfuture Is ^xz’aaaQgUng tow be , _ reo^a^ewa X a. ^ty. W ^ gig In a a wWMVatetter •«*to aaaqithe " selectmen, from we Manchester’s■ I ^91 19th Aasem- New Yorker 2-lhr. Hardtop: ’64 DART , as versed in ateotronica aa he is ^ recommended a town charter he bly District. SUDS & SCISSORS POODLE SHOPPE nounced In the critical fuel oU Vinyl roof, factory air, ra­ 2-D(x>r Sedan. J In music aa we know ft. established to “ assure the town Mahoney will be succeeded on dio, heater, V-8, automatic Auto, trans. “ The yexmg artist o f the fu­ deUveters’ strike but drivers of home rule.” The charter ure board by Mrs. Mary LeDuc', OwaqB olid Operated by VIRGINIA KIRKA and mechanics will not return to luD ture Is goiag to feel at home wDidd, among other things, give who has been endorsed for the normal shifts until a ratlflcmtkxi with electronics,’ ’ IsaJd E)rb, selectmen some guidelines to post bj- the Democratic Town Now Taking Appoinfmants For vote Is held Sunday. whose face crinkled in pleasure follow in the event of excessive CXnnmittee. Her election Jan. 7 CLIPPING A GROOMING for all BREEDS Sparkling and enchanting State Mediation Board Chair­ OS he thought of it. His sandy man Vincent D. McDonnell ahsenteetsm on town boards, a is ejqpccted to be automatic. Chartar Member af Profeaileiial Dag Graamer A— a gift of fine jewelry hair snuggled up to the ooHar of . a_,K>uncment at CStv problem plaguing two boards Mrs. LeDuc was defeated Nov. Wa sportcoat, patched at the evenlnc Earlier currently. Selectmen added that 8 by Republican Donald Genove- Our POODLE SHOPPE is the moct modem POODLE SHOPPE in the area brings the joy ^ CANDIES msleevesIm v m amri and, lUre IBie M.hietmiMw trouaen, ^ Board residents and property of the Board of Directors for SUDS ft SCISKNIS POODLE SHOPPE stretxdi all the way to hfa side- 1,766_ buildings__ housing____ owners early In January, oc- six consecutive terms and 12 Paat Baad. Bairte M * Head. Veman, Cann. Tai. 87S-7iE4 burns as he offered m <»« pre- ^ ooflT’peraoM were” out of (jU cording to board secretary Mrs. consecutive years. He was Man- dtotlons about the future o f mu- 9 ^.m. Thursday and said Adella Uihan. cheater's mayor In 1062-64 and '*'*'*' LA * ' * » » 1 1 1 » * * » 1 > 1 > > > 1 > > 1 > Thursday sic. that unless deliveries were re- Candy Bale 1064-66. CHORCHESOF BIANOHESTER “The ordiea^ playor of ^ g ggo birUdlngs The (xmdy sole to benefit the In his letter of rasignatton, future may w ell bo Mtttng at a 599 ggo persims would be kx»d hockey team was very sue- sent to Bixird Secretary J < ^ 80 Oakland Street, Mancheat er 6 M »7W control panel, or rather than ^______Mtmday.cessful, according to chairman Garstde, he wrote, “ It has been Open Evenlnga Except Tiinrsday ^ y h ig a vioUn, he’s going to be Teamsters Union spokes- Paul Pepin, who added that the a privilege. In my 12 years serv- ;riaying an Inrtrument that ^jjyj yj^ ratlflca- choeWate bare which sell for 80 tee to the town, to have served Itassr’t been Invented yet.” y^j^ yj^ drivers would be cents each would make excellent and worked with so many fine w% “ Music as we know it today Is round-the-ckKk to sup- stocking stuffers. There is still snd dedicated people. I only Diam ends lo liigto oease toescirt,” hesdd pjy emergencydeliveries to hos- .a generous supply and may be h c ^ that the contributions that ed. “ I think the functions of r«ital«pltals and ntherother institutions InstMutlons cer- cer- bought bousht from from Richard Richard Jensen, Jensen, were were made bvby me were a helohelp \ from $76.00 hinga are going to change. tlfied by the Health Depart- Arthur Austin, Audrey Miner, to all of the cltlxens of Manches- Symphonies are still going to be ment. Jerry Dumacki, EmU Sadlon, ter. performing orchestral reper- CHRISTMAS tofre^’ ’ but the way music will be performed will take on new IfllTOBIIALDI forms. FORD INC. Besides three major orebae- tral compoeitlons, Erb has writ­ at ten several pieces of chamber miutc. Including some protest LET’S FACE F.' music. “ I call them my hate CBSISMS cantatas,” he said, his eyebrows ASSORTED CHOCOLATES a K iw y “ Mates’ working again. He referred to This is the kind of VALUE it dates PENTLAND’S 1 lb. S1.85 2 lbs. S3.60 them as pieces about ideas be coiuideie ‘‘socially rrtevanl(.” to EARN your good wiU. It includes Engagement diamonds, peace of mind too. See these values sell-ebration wedding rings. LEGAL . You II Find Lovely— NOTICE NOW! Get ready to ring in a new year with TOWN OP ANDOVER hoiiday savings on o new ^ used ear. 1 V ZONING BOARD 1967 FORD LTD OP APPEALS 19(i4 FORD XL A t on executive aesslon c f the 4-Door Hardtc^. 890 cubic V-8, 67 MUSTANG $2345 65 TEMPEST $1695 67 CHEVR!OLr. V-8, auto., pow­ Impala Super Snort (Tonne. V-8, auto., power stoering, radio, haatar, for both him and her! Choose from our handsome ,Bok 1967 variance for the 10’ aide- er steering and brakes radio, heater, auto., power ateering and brakes, ra­ whltewidla. whitewalls. dio, heater, bucket seats whitewalls. Our Store It So Beautiful This Tima 'All attractively priced! array of ringe! yard clearance. A survey of Fri., Dec. 20th Closed at 6 :80 P.M. TRUCKS the k>t by a professional land Tues., Dec. 24th, Cloeed at 1 PJd. 66 CKGVROLCT $1795 65 RAMBLER $1325 of Tho Yoar, Do' Pay Ut A Visit .... survfyor Is recommended to Impala 4-D(X)r Hardtop. V-8, auto., Classic ‘660’ Station Wagon. 6-oyl., 67 CHEVROLET $1895 estabUoh the existing sldeyard Re-open 7:46 A 3f., Dec. 26,1968 power steering and brakea, radio, auto., ixywer' steering and brakes, ra­ %-ton Pickup. 6-oyl., otaadanl haoL clearances. Tuee., Dec. Slet, Cloeed at 6:00 PJd. heater, whitewalls. dio, heater, whitewalls. er, rear bumper. H is m dacteions of the Zoning Be-open Thurs., Jan. 2,1960 68 CHGVY II $2145 64 FORD $1250 66 CHEVROLET $1498 24'BIRCH STREET. MANCHESTER Board of Appeals to become ef­ Nova 4-Door. 6-c^., auto., Poattrac- Falrlane ’BOO’ Sport Coupe. V-8 %-ton Pickup. 6-oyL, atandaid, hooib- WOPEN EVERY NIGHT tHl 9:00 ★ fective as at Dec. 21st, 1986. tlon, radio heater, whitewalls. auto., radio, heater, whitewalla. er, rear bumper. Phonos: 643-4444 ★ 643-6247 THE GIFT BOX -V Dated In Andover, (toonecU- . Use Yoar C.B.T. or C.A.P. ClwiiKa Card chocolatei out, tills 17th day of December FITZGERALD FORD, (Ample Parking Front and Raar of l¥i lbs. $2.75 2V* lbs. $4.00 and butter boni 1968. 9 CHEVROLET Zoning ijBoard of Appeals ’Tbllend Goonty’e Okkat Fwd Dealer” Store) Andover, Conn. WlndBor Avenue, RockviUe-Gpen EventegB ADAMS JEWELERS Tlwodore Moberg, CO .1 Inc. QUINN’S PHARMACY Trt. 648-2486 876-3369 786 M AIN STREET. MANCHBSTER>-PHdNE 643-4720 Chaifinsn CARTER 873 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER Erteb SUamets, 1229 MAIN S T ^P E N EVENINGS TILL ^THURS. TILL 6—MANCHBSTDil sewici THAT S A i m Sacratary


'r f-


Jaalea Obuebowald Dnrld Okrant Sanlor Bdltar Bdltor Robert Blallar H arcy Juran Bporta Bdltor VWura'Bdltor 0 T he H igh S chool W orld VOL. X X X I, No. 18 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 Hoopsters Tackle C.A. Members See Maloney, Central / t t , Wall Street, U.N. grown and prospered Into an In­ -M New York la a big buatllng, door ooIHseum nearly the else TCTSnAT MIGHT aome real huatle and team I f ^ I complex, unique city. And when of a footbaU field stoers mlUions the added iwop of a 44 Mancheater High atudenU with work they had the edge at the of stocks and doUais change Briatol playar who tempotarUy burner, 17-88, The third period vlatt the "big city," It can be hands each day. loot hla amaa of dlracUon, the aaw both teama turning In aaeumed that at leaat aome of From m oboervatlon plat­ im s hidlaiia defeated Oantral atrong efforta .which kept the them will be found craning up­ form the group waa a b le to •meaday night, a-49. aoore tied at 00-50. Whltey ward for a view .of the topa of view the entire floor of the Ex­ iQgh aoorer tor the niglit waa Jenklna came off the bench In bulldinga whlla native New change which sras filled with a Dave "Bagle” Ware, with 38 the fourth period and, with Torkera huatle around them. thousand or mors peopl* half-^ pohita. John Quaglla, Bob Kler- aome fine ahootlng, aparkedthe The day waa Friday, the thir­ running and half-sralUng in a* naiv Charlie May, ah 'W, and team on to victory. teenth of December, and the kind of orderly eonfuslon. The BrlalR Maher, 70, alao exhibit' Charlie May played an excel­ occaalon for the vlalt to the city group then viewed a demonstra­ ed conatant ball control. Quag- lent game and displayed tre- waa the amnual Current Affalra tion table and listened to a guide Ua ca m e iq> w ith ov er U re- mendoua ball control. Bob Club trip to the American Slock explain exactly how stocks are bounda while Klentan and Doug Kleman and Ken Tedford Exchange and to the United Na- bought and sold, aided by vari­ Hanaen oontroUed moat of the played a great all around gome. tlona. ous kinds of electronic equip­ othera. Dave Ware waa the high man Shortly after 7 a.m., a bua- ment. After kxAlnf at the other The Red and White et^ed with 18 pointa. • load of half-aaleep atudenta, ac­ gaUery displays, the group de­ a comfortable lead throughout Although the Red and White companied by club advlaor Mr. parted by bus for the United the whole game ae they atlfled won thla game, It’a going to be Elgin Zaturaky, and Mra. Paula N ations. Oentral’a oCfenae. Thla allowed a long aeaaon. They attll have MUler, toft the High School hop­ Before the meeting of the Ooadi Jim Mbrlarty an oppor­ to play the Ukea of Hall, Oonard ing to arrive at the Exchange tunity to . play hla auba. Stave at about 10:80. After a brief General Assembly, the club and Windham. But you can al­ was glvsn three hours of free Raacher and VIn Pavelaek, both ways count on the Mancheater atop and an unachedulad tour time which was enthusiastical­ ’60. of the olty, the group found teama to come up with the up- ly welcomed by everyone. First Ooacli Appitn’a J.V. aquad loat Gumaelvea at the door of the aeta. The Indiana will be hoping on everyone’s llrt sms a long- a tough on e ea rllei^ 01-50. Amex, only an hour later than to topple PlaU tonight at 8 In awaited visit to some restau­ antlstpated. nUDAT NIGHT M eriden. rant, cafeteria, automat, or Oky and Burly '60 Inalde the vlaltore gallery Team work and conatant ef­ sandsdeh shoppe for food I The they viewed a abort movie on remaining time waa spent shop­ fort paid off for the MH8 Baa- Uw hiatory of the Exdiange. ketball team aa they beat Ma­ When lUneaa cauaee. abaenoe ping, sightseeing, or Just plain From ite beginning aa an out­ walking around. loney In their opening game, from acbool, file atudent oanix* door cwbaide market, the e0.tt2. The Indiana' lack of alxe participate In any achool apon. Returning to the United Na­ American Stock Bxriiange haa tions, the students observed the and e:q>er^ence waa quite ap- aored acttvttlea on that date. The Aquaettes show their skill at swimming in formation in the number entitled "Shark.” beautiful arrtiltectural monu­ peircnt aa Maloney Jumped to It la expected that when riu- ment dedicated to Internatlmi- a flrat quarter lead, 18-13. Ma- denta are lU enough to war- al peace and understanding. loney’a control of the ball and ranlt their abaenoe from achool, They alao visited a faw of Its they will remain In their heinea Aquaettes Capture the boarda and aome cool ahoot- dMps where knick-knacks of rectqwraiting throughout th e ing by the looala were aome de­ the many countries irer* dis­ entire day in order to haaten termining faetora. played and sold. At 8:00 th e their ttoovory and return to ha the aeoend canto, the In- Spirit of the Sea club sat In on a session of the dime came on atnog. mto with Aa you might gather from Laura Zaglio, '69, viotf-presi- General AssemWy. They were the title, thla yearia Aquaette dent. The advisor la Mrs. Subeth very Impressed by the extreme­ ahow featured aspecta of th e Ig er. ly orderly proceedings and by the instantaneous translation of aea. AU.glrla did excepUonal All akKa dmie were choreo­ any language Into six others. Joba aa [they combined many graphed by the members them­ (Most agreed that, although hla movea, nc^ almple and com­ selves. Exceptionally well done speakliv techniques srere very plex, wittt^uslc. were "30,000 Leagues", Senior polished, the "distinguished del­ Thla'ynnr’a Aquaattea Include Routine, which combined me­ egate from the Soviet Union" Joanne Bartone, '80, J oy ce chanical music and robot-11 k e sras more repetitious and there­ Cole, 'M, Lynne Derrick, '83, movements and the Officer Rou­ fore more boring than the four secretary^reasurer, Nancy De- tine, "Strangers erience. Looking for FBL provides prepeu^on for Paul Roger '69 Charm Class Formed Much maieilal is availaUe to entrance into the business world Students of MHS may be sur The classes are aimed at self- students in the Guidance Office . and offers experiences valuable prised to see a change for toe improvement, with attention be­ to help them in choosing careers Members to a student Members wUl better In ghrla’ fashions, due to ing given to clothing selection, and colleges. learn how to work In Individual Legion oi Honor to e fa c t that MHS Itself la personality development, heir The Occuscan provides a FBL means business! and group businees projects, wUl means of matching occupatkxMi about to become a temporary styling and make-up applica­ The Future Business Leader gain vocsdional preparation, Boys. That's a universal sub­ The season Is fsU. Out on the tion. In coordination with the with Interests, such as Social and wtU be part of a nation­ footbaU Arid In hls safety posi­ charm school. Burton's of Man- C3ub, being orgajndzed by Miss ject among girls. But maacullne Distributive Education class, Service, Science, Oomputatlon- wide group of high sdKxU and tion, a red and white Manches­ cdiester Is sponsoring a Seven­ Janice Kochockl, is lot^ g for ears may tune In to the conver­ the charm course will deal with al, Caerical, Outdoor, Me­ college students. ter defender watches the action teen Magazine Charm School anyone who takes at least one sation when the subjei^ la thla merchandising and fashion, and chanical, Persuasive, Literary, In an organizational meeting cloeely. The quarterback fades for Teens, for 43 girls at MHS. business course. w eek's fem a le legionnaire, Music, and Artistic. held Tuesday X-pertod, Miss Burton’s Is paying toe 815 fee It will prepare girls for the The new club’s main purposes back. It's a long pass. Suddenly For students investigatliig col­ IGxdiockl, wdio teaches typing, Bandy Boys. for each girl as part of Ms pub­ working world’s social life. are outlined In the constitution the safety leaps up: "Intercep- leges, various aids are provided. discussed what function the club You know Sandy. She a that lic service program. The class, The students will be instruct­ of the National Future Business Uon, Manchester.” The View-Deck allows a student will have at MHS. The FBL wlU perky, friendly brunette with which starts on Jan. 9, will be ed with audio-visual aids, lec­ Leaders of America, of which The season Is winter. The to locate colleges by matching hold social funcUona, beike sales, the long hair . . . well, I think held on Tuesdays for five weeks tures and demonstrations. At the club will be a chapter. They basketbaU stadium Is filled with hls preferences to terms


[ • ' \ • THE Sports Viewing Ski Not68 S A T im D A T Rugged Test for Indians^ 1:0S (tS) B«dler Derby Cowboys and Colts Picked Herald Angle 1 :M ( S) D allas v s. d e v e - lend (SS) BowUng tiSS (SS) AFL Htghllglila EARL YOST 5!M ( S) Wide World of East Plays at Bulkeley Sports To Tangle for NFL Crown S:M ( S) TUa Week In NFL By BOX SACHEBEK Both were dtdl last week, the ings big phie. Notes from the little Block Book By DEAN YOST 8 :W ( I) Basketball: Holy NEW YORK (AP) — If every­ ri^t to {day the Jets ta New C ow boys ta a 28-10 w in ov er This can be a real war, per­ Croaa vs. DCoim W e w ere a t the P ow d er HiU thing goes according to form the York the following Sunday, Ai>proxiinately 170 youncaten are sprinkled

Jr ^ % in t, •- > •jf'i ■ I ^ « r • p»r

PAGE TWENTY-NINE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 Apcntmut* rioti A rtklM For Solo 45 6S BiisiiMM S«nrlcM THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW E H O R IE N WHIPPLE Hdp H d p ToiwmonH 63 Tonomonts 63 BY siid WonfMl— Mal* 36 Waii»« d Mato 34 SPECIAL Offtivd 13 MANCHESTEUl — New Garden LOOKINa for anything hk n a l MANCHESTER — Near contsr. HOUSE father — to auperrise CLASSIFIED SpfAKlMGOf t\/, MR i . t4liS.ti STMeHS OF CHRISTMAS OFFER type two bedroom deluxe apart­ estate rentals •— apartments, Six room aiMutment with sn- B u r TME ONE NIGHT TMEV FINALLV GET ■mall group of adolescent boye JOB OF THE WEEK CLASSIFIED BERRY'S WORLD ment. <)uiet location, heat and homes, multiple dweUlngs, no closed porch, refrigerator, heat SNOW PLOWING — m u t S & A H . u WAMT O A 5k: W t N t Z Z i T f TO PARR AT HOME during non-achool hours. Pre­ 24 hour Free coUege dlcUonary with appliances furnished. $175 per fees. CaU J. D. Real Elstate and porfciiig. Rsfbreness and aervlce. Call 742-7649. WMEM THEV'Rt GOlMG CX)T — fer to live-in, private reel- STOCK ROOM purchase of an OllvetU Un­ month. Cali Paul W. Dougan, AawMdatos, Inc., 648-5129. security deporit required. $100 TANE VOUR CHOtCEf WE CAN dentUl school In Hartford. ADVERTISING derwood portable typewrit­ TtO BAD WE HAVE THE RT.A. ^ SUPERVISOR Realtor, 649-4535. per month. OaU 64S-967S. ADVERTISING w atch a h ITALIAN W ESTERN, Write Box “C”, Mancheeter er. NEWER one bedroom Garden TOMIGUT • LOT'S OP GOOD STUFF OW A l e c t u r e o n t h e NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS HousRhold S«rvic«s Herald. NO EXPERIENCE LUXURY 4% room duplex. type apartment. Available Im­ FOUR room duplex, centraUjr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS TV! TWO SPECTACULARS ANP^ MATH OR A CONCERT OF 8 AJf. to 4:80 PJM. YALE TYPEWRITER Private entrances, 1% baths, mediately. Heat, appliances in­ located. Prefer newly married 14!? CENTURV MUSIC PART-tinto truck driven, mom- 8 AAL to 4:30 PJM. Offw»d 13-A REQUIRED SERVICE refrigerator, range, hood, dis­ cluded. $188 monthly. Paul W. couple.. No children, no pets. en o lU f rtRDP t ln$(a and afternoons. Apply Dougan Realtors, 649-4535. CaU 64S-1852. REWEAVINO of bums, moth- at Alcsu- Auto Parts, 226 COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. posal. Venetian blinds, carpri- ______649-4986. ed staircase, heat, hot water, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. tirtea, sippers repaired. Win­ Spruce St., Manchester. MANCHESTER MEMORIAL 4:96 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUOA’nON NEWBUt two bedroom duplex, THREE rooms with heat end parking and storage, bue line. 1:M P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBUCATION dow shades made to measure, HOSPITAL HAS AN UNUSUAL SORRY Sal h now a merry gal. residential neighbortiood, heat, stove, $100. per month, no psU. DesdUne for Saturday and Monday la 4:86 p.ia. Friday. Rent $160. No pets. 649-4342, I>nu1llnp for Saturday and Monday la 4:M p.m. Friday. aU sUe Venetian bUnds. Keys PART-TIME clerk, knowledge of POSITION OPEN FOR AN IN- She used Blue Lustre rug and all appliances, private b a s e- Can be seen Saturday between 872-6569. made while you wait. Tape re­ typing, start 4:80 p.m., steady TELLJOENT ALERT MAN upholstery daaner; Rent elec­ ment Included. Two family 4-6 p.m. Inquire 52 Church 0t. corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 work. Contact Maehkln Freight YOirn COOPERATION WIIX. AS STOCK ROOM SUPER­ tric Bhampooer $1. Oloott Varie­ DELUXE two bedroom apart­ house. $145 per month. Call PLEASE READ YOUR AD Main St. 649-6221. Lines, 115 Park Ave., East BE APPRECIATED VISOR. WE WILL TRAIN. D IA L 643-2711 ty Store. ment in new building on Center Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- Clanalflrd or “ Want Ada” are taken over the phone aa a Hartford. HIGH 8CWOOL GRADUATION Furnishod UOHT TRUCraNQ.’ bulk deliv­ Street, Manchester. Completely 4635. [HMi\rnlmre. The advertiaer ahonld read hia ad the FIRST OR EQUIVALENT REQUIRED. COAL Hbd, tin wash boiler, oval ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ PART-TIME fuel oil driver, equipped kitchen. Loads of liv­ Apentmontf 53-A DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time tor the MUST BE BONDABLE. RE­ Contimwd From Frocoding Fogt trays, milk pans, measurers, LOVELY 8 room apartment next Inaertlon. The Herald la reaponaible for only ONE Incor­ ed and removed. Also odd'Jobs. nights. See Scottie at Moriaity eruli boards, dippers, lanitorne, ing space. Security deposit and with refrigerator, range, dis­ LATED EXPERIENCE HELP­ lease required. For Intormatlwi TWO-ROOM furnished aport- rect or omitted inaertlon for any advertiaement and then only 644-8962. 1 Brothers, 801 Center Street. bread mixer pell, etc. Call 649- posal and parking. $140. month­ to the extent of a “ make Itood" Inaertlon. Errora which do FUL BUT NOT NECESSARY. call JarvU Realty Co., Real- ment. Private bathroom, stove, H e lp Wontod— M crio 3 6 Holpn«p Wontod 7875. ly, handy to Main St. Call 644- refrigerator, heat, hot water. not leaaen the value of the iidvertiaement will not be correted TWO HANDYMEN want's va­ ICXPANDED Corporation has GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION ton . 648-1121. 2427. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main hy “ make Kood” inaertlon. riety of Jobs by the hour or openings for cabinet makers or A MUST. EXCJELLENT START­ Mow 37 BLUE Lustre not only rids car­ NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ Street. (Rockville, Ton Free) day. Reasonable rates. Call for architectural woodworkers. An ING SALARY AND POTBN- pets of soU but leaves pUe soft THREE ROOM Ranch type TTAL. APPLY PERSONNEL PARACHUTE RIGGERS B(X>KKBBPBR — experienced luxe garden type apartments information, 643-6306, 643-8292. apprentice program ie also end lofty. Rent electric eham- apartment, stove, refrigerator, STUDIO apartment tor gentle­ DEPARTMENT, MANCJHBS- tor part-time work for three avaUable now. Call Paul available. Union ihop with year OR MEN WILUNG TO pooer, $1. Plnewood Furniture hot water, parking In yard, VENETIAN blinds — repaired, TER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. months. (Jail 649-2206. W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. men. Private entrance, ffke 643-2711 875-3136 ’round work. Equal opportunity Shop. $100. 646-2878. parking. 14% Hackontatack retaped and recorded. 646-0273, PHONE 648-1141, EXT. 248. 649-2971. employer. Allied Building Sye- LEARN MANCHESTER — Park Chest- Street, from 4-9 p.m. tems, 260 Tolland Tpke., Man­ PILE ic soft and lofty.. colors FOUR ROOMS and bath, In res- First shift, 7 a.m.—8:80 p.m. Dogs— Blrd»--Fon 41 nut Garden Apartments, im­ chester, 646-0124. retain brilliance In carpets tdentlal area. Heat, air-condi­ COLLEGE student —- part-time, GROOMINO all breeds. « - > - cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent mediate occupancy, 4% rooms coin-laundry attendant. Oall at $160.-Heat, hot watei; oven tioning, garage for one car, Business Locatfom Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? B u n d in g — PIONEER PARACHUTE mony HUl. H.C. Cihaso, Hebron electric shampooer $1. W.H. combination washer and dry­ 646-0383. Rd., Bolton, 648-6427. England Hardware, Bdtoiv range, refrigerator, parking For Rent 64 2 Contracting 14 MACHINISTS CO. INC and dtarage. No pete. CaU 527- er furnished. $155 per month. 24-Hour Answering Service CUSTODIAN — Small private Hale Rd., Memchester, Conn. LEMON and Lime Dog Groom­ ONE of the finer things of IFe 9238 between 9-6 p.m. after 6 Call Warren Howland Realtor, 474 MAIN ST. office tor rent. CARPENTRY — concrete steps, Hoor Finishing 24 Help Wanted— Mole 36 Help Wanted— Mole 36 BRIDGETORT school in Hartford. Write Box 843-U06. Center of town, plenty of peek­ floors, hatchways, remodeling, 644-1581 ing Studio, 216 Spruce Street. — Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. p.m., 647-1871. Free to Herald Readers FLOOR SANDING and refinIsh- JOURNEYMAN electrician and FIRST (JLASS hell-arc welders, and "DD” , Manchester Herald. Poodles. (jaU Karen, 649-4286, Rent eledtric shampooer $1. ing, 646-2426. 9-6. porches, garages, closets, ceil­ An equal opportunity employer. MANCHESTER —Large fl^ SIX ROOM duplex, garage, no ings, aittics finished, rec Ing (speciaUzlng In older helper, paid vacation and bene- aircraft experience required. LATHE Eileen, 649-9641. Manpy> tor, 649-4686. Enclose your reiriy to the skilled in all phases of PART-TIME full oi' part-time, top wages ACCOUNTANT Some ex- Spruce, S^ch Pine, cones, Storage 10 50 HARRISON STREET perience on digital equipment. female, 5 months old, house- Ke n n e d y "" machinist’s tool box in an envelope — comptometer work. Excel­ and fringe benefits.. Oall 643- perience, college degree, fringe boughs, fireplace wood. 742- Your Favorite Serviceman address to the C3assi- REC ROOMS a specialty, pan­ Training will be provided. broken, AIOJ, 646-1048. box, magnetic base indicator, COMMERCIAL space available. lent benefits, free perking, 2455. benefits, good working condi­ 6488. (eid Manager, Manchester eling, kitchens and all interior MANCHESTER Retired men, mornings, set of 1’’ mikes. 649-0628. Central. Two areas, 1,000 subsidized cafeteria, con- tions, salary commensurate Long range positions, excellent INVITATION Evening Herald, together remodeling. Free eetlmates. hours flexible. PART-TIME — evenings, 6 to AKC German Shepherd puppies, CHRISTMAS TREES, (Jome to square feet each. One with genlEtl co-workers and ex­ with ability. Mr. KeHlen, 649- salaries,^ full company bene­ with a memo listing the Financing arranged. Call Apply In person. 10 p.m., married men only. bred for temperament, excep- Hickory Ridge Tree Farm for 10x10 overiiead door. (3all 64.7- cellent working conditions. 5361. fits. Send resume to Dept. 867 TO BID SUBSCRtPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE companies you do NOT Ralph Starkweather, 643-0345. Uonally beautiful, wormed, your freshly cut or dug tree. want to see your letter. 8753. Apply ATTENTION men — Part-time Car necessary. $3.60 per hour WDT, PWlco-Ford Corporation. Musical instruments 53 Se^ed bids wlU be received to start, periodic increases. alert, from Kne of Champions. Blue Spruce, BYaser Fir, Doug- Your letter win be de­ HOMES, OARAGES, porches, four evenings, $60 per week. McDOIjIALD’S DRIVE IN PART-TIME driver wanted for Bducatkxi and Technical Serv­ $30.00 per year — $ 15.50 for 6 months — $7.80 for 3 months Call 646-4880 from 2 to 7 p.m. $28. Call Coventry 742-8970. stroyed If the advertiser rec rooms, room additions, Call 528-2214. automotive warehouse, 12 to 5 ices Division, P. O. Box No. Motorcyclos— FIRST NATIONAL 46 W. Center St., Manchester only. Spruce. South River Rd., Cov­ Seeburg Spinet Org;an with per­ Is one you've mentioned. kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ p.m. daUy. CaU 289-7906. 209, Fort Washington, Pa. 19034 PEKlNOBaE, AKC, 7 weeks old street, Mancheoter, (Jonn., un- We Will Sen(f A Gift Card If not it wUl be handled Bicyclos 11 STORES, Inc. entry, 742-8364. cussion. Regularly $720, now eral repedr work. Financing An Equal Opportunity Em­ champion blood line. Call 049- in the usual manner. $475. Come and see It at the til January 6, 1969 at 11:00 a.m. available. No down payment. HARK ft OAKLAND AVES. ployer. 4624. MALE Production Workers LIVE Christmas trees. 1,000 to Duboldo Music Ceivter, 186 for Tree Removal. OIRL’s 20" bicycle in very good Economy Builders, Inc., 643- OIL TRUCK DRIVERS EAST HARTFORD, CONN. Openings on aU three shifts. choose from, tag your own. West Middle Tpke. Open 8 to Bid forme, plans and spedfl- condition. $15. 649-3486. 6159. Rates: $2.56 per hour and up. CLERK-TYPIST WANTED HoipHolp Wonfwi— Why go out of town? 11 Lewis catlone are , available at the Needed for part-time Articlos For Sola 45 9 p.m., Saturday, 9 to 6 p.m. l| 2 ra U i Lost and Feond 1 work. Applications accepted dally. For general office woiii fai oar Mow or Fomola 37 Street. Jerry and Marty will General Servtees Office, 41 (Jen- maurlfwtpr fEutniug LARGE selection used bicycles ACCOUNTS payable cleric, high Apply in person only. for Xmas. The Bike Shop. 257 CaU Mrs. Marge Hampsmi, 643- Scheduling Deparhnent a l u m in u m s h e e t s — Used be there after school, 8 p.m. 120 BASS Ouerrinl accordion, ter Street, Manchester, (Jon- E school graduate, gcx>d with PHONE 643-2711 6163. Apply to Rogers Corp., as printing plates, .009 thick, until dark and all weekend. adult size, with case, music necUcut. 13 BISSELL STREET ’ LOST — Man’s Mido wrtstwatch Spruce St. Special Services 15 figures, 37% hours, fringe bene­ Hours: 8 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Mill and OaUand St., Manches­ 28x86’’, 28 cents each or 6 for CaU 648-0391. stand and instruction books. Town of Manchester, ■ with leather strap. Reward. fits. Mr. Keitlen, 649-5361. Attractive starting rate and excellent YAMAHA — 1966 twin-jet 100 AAMCO Transmissions of Man­ COOPERATIVE ter, Conn. An equal opportunity : COMMUNITY PLANNING $1. (Jail 643-2711. Less than two years old. $800. (Connecticut ( 649-7834. chester, nationwide, guaran­ fringe benefits. C ALL O R STOP IN: MON. - FRI. 8:30 - 5:00— SAT. till N O O N motorcycle. Excellent cee towing. Cali NIGHT cook, fuU-time, chance wariied sand; stone, flU, TRUMPET with case. ExceUent keys on It and initial “K .” CaU 3960. enced preferred. Excellent 315 BROAD STREET » SEASONED Hardwood — cut 643-2467, Manchester - Vernon for advancement for right per­ gravel, manure and sand for condition. Asking $85. Call 649-2U7. salary and benefits. Write P.O. CHENEY BROTHERS, he I Perform research and an- and epllt to customers desire. town line, Rt. 83, Talcottvllle. son. Apply In person only. ice. CaU 648-9604. 872-3960. Box 415, RocScville, Conn. MANCHESTER SI COOPER HnX. STREET ‘ alyslii functions, work ex- Free delivery. Call Leonard POUND — Friendly gray and Business Services Howard Jolaison Restaurant, MANCHESTER, OONNEOTICUT 06040 I perlence and/or college THE PROVEN carpet cleaner GIgllo, Bolton, 649-8818. white double pawed cat. Vicini­ 394 Tolland Tpke., Manchester. Offered 13 STENOGRAPHER wanted for ' training In community plan­ Blue Lustre Is easy on the C ty Durkin Street. Oall *643- manufacturing office. Knowl­ ning, pubUc administration, Wooring Apparol— YOU ARE A-1, truck is A-1. Roofing— Siding 16 m a s o n s — Apply on Job ready budget. Restores forgotten edge of shorthand and typing social services or related colors. Rent electric Bhampoo­ Housahold Goods 51 Furs 57 Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ ROOFING, aluminum siding, to work, see superintendent at FOUND — Long haired male essential. Good working condi­ THE PHONE STORE field preferred. $8,000. All er, $1. Paul’s Paint ft Wallpa­ ways sealed and small truck­ gutters, carpenter work, 30 trailer on Brooklyn Street, (JLEIAN, USEUJ refrigteratore, mongrel. Call Boltoo Dog tions and many benefits. Write applications will be consid­ THREE cocktail dresses, one ing done A-1 right. Oall Tre- years’ experience. Connecticut Rockville, Conn. NEEDS A GARAGE per Supply. ranges, automatic washers Warden. 649-7601. Box R, Manchester Herald. ered crepe pants outfit, white stole mano Trucking* Service toll- VaUey Construction Co., 543- STENOGRAPHER IDEAL Christmas gifts. Fifty with guarantees. See them at with fringe, floor length pink free, 742-9487. 7180. Free estimate. HAIRDRESSER manager want­ MECHANIC used student desks, good con­ B.D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 peignoir set (all size 7-8). Boy’s ed for small shop. Call 249-0217 FULL-TIME POSITION We have a position open for someone with knowledge of TOWN OF VERNON Main St. CaU 643-2171. STEPS, SIDEWALK^ stone shorthand and typing. Excellant opportunity In sales depart­ dition, wood with metal ski Jacket, size 86. Hair dryer. Personals after 5, anytime Saturday and Experienced mechanic to walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ Must be over 18 ' ment. Many benefits and attractive startinR salary. Hmirs: frame, Uft-top, chair and desk, SINGER automatic zig-zag sew­ Headboard. (Joffee table. Best Sunday. service and repair company (Jontact Town Planner, Box 265, races, railings. All concrete re­ Roofing and 8 A.M.-4:80 P.M. ' $6. Twenty-five student wood ing machine, with cabinet, ex­ offer for each. Call 644-2897, Potential to manage your own vehicles in our Manchester RIDE WANTED from Charter pairs. Reasonably priced. 648- RESPONSIBLE babysitter to Rockville, (Jonn. or call 875-0748. tablet arm chairs, $4 each. after 6. Chimnoys 16-A store. garage. Hours 4:30 p.m.- — APPLY — cellent condition, hems, button­ Oak St. and Philip Rd. to 0851. care for two small girls in my 648-0700. Gremmo & Sons, 819 East Mid­ 12:30 a.m. holes, sews on buttons, em­ vicinity of State Office build­ lUXlFlNG — Specializing re­ home evenings. For appoint­ dle Tpke., 649-9958. broiders, Monograms. etc. pairing roofs of all kinds, new ing. Working hours, 8:30 to TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — ment call 643-6219, If no PEPE TACO CARLYLE-JOHNSON OriglnaUy over $800., now only Wanted— ^To Buy 5B roofs, gutter work, chimneys Good salary, regular raises, 4:30. 649-9420 after 6:30. Trees cut, building lots clear­ answer, 646-0350. 246 Broad St., Manchester valuable b^efits. Sunbonnet Sue $65. or $10. monthly. (Jlty Sew­ ed. trees topped. Got a tree cleaned and repaired. 30 years’ MACHINC CO. WANTED TO BUT — anUquee, 646-1978 ing C ei^ r, 522-0476. steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ RIDE WANTED from lower problem? Well worth phone experience. Free estimates. PART-TIME secretarial help Visit our Employment Of­ Classic Shirtwaister 52 MAIN ST.—MANCHESTER TEL. 648-1681 ed lamps, art glass, primitives Porter St. area to. vicinity of call, 742-8252. CaU Howley 643-5361. 644- wanted in doctor’s office. Write fice at 52 E. Center St., SEWING MA(JHINES — ’ singer any quantity. Furniture re-*^ Hartford Hospital or Institute 8333. Box ‘lijl,’ ’ Manchester Herald. Manchester. Open Monday, automatic zig-zag, excellent PLUMBERS and plumbers’ paired. 644-8962. of Living;, working hours 9-5. ANY'THING taken to the dump, helpers wanted, top wages and Tuesday, Thursday and Fri­ condition. Makes buttonholes, CI.ERK—TYPIST —Small pri- Coll 643-6685. appliances, bulky furniture, at­ day from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. or heme, embroiders, etc. Orig­ Millinory, vate school In Hartford. Write overtime. Call after 6, 646-4523. HOUSEHOLD lota — .Cliques, tics cleaned. Light trucking. call 643-4101, Ext. 368. lnaUy over $800., 6 monthly bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, Cheap. 289-5860. box ’’A " Manchester Herald. Dressmoking 19 MACHINISTS — All around Job payments of $8.50 each or pay- glassware. We buy estates. VU- shop ability. Apply Gunver Automobilos For Sole 4 REPAIRS — Leiwnmowera, DRESSMAKING and altera­ SECRETARY receptionist SOUTHERN Experienced... $51 cash. 622-0931 dealer. lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 wanted for doctor’s office in Mfg., 234 Hartford Rd. Lake St., Bolton, 649-8247. snow blowers and garden trac­ tions, zippers replaced etc. NEW ENGLAND BRAND NEW automatic zig­ Rockville, hours are 8 until 4, NEED CAR? Credit very beul? tors. Free pick up and delivery Call 649-4811. zag sewing machines, un­ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, TELEPHONE CO. WANTED — Antique furniture, Bankrupt, repoaseselon? Hon­ in Manchester and South Wind­ claimed lay-aways. Reduced to glass, pewter, oil palnllngs or DRESSMAKING and altera­ Friday, half day Thursday. Ex­ est Douglas accepts lowest sor area. Call 644-0421. Read Herald Ads An equal opportunity employer $44.50. Easy terms. Dealer 247- other antique Items. Any quan­ tions, evening wear, suits cellent salary. Experience in LINOTYPE down, si^ lest payments, any­ 1065. tity. 64i3-8709, 165 Oakland St. where. Not small loan finance SNOW PLOWING, iotT", drived madf to order, 16 years experi­ the medical field not necessary company plan. Douglas Mo­ ways, apartments, stores, etc. ence. Cali 643-7042. but good business background WANTED — Restaurant equip­ also sidewalks. Reasonable ALBERrS PROVES tors, 545 Main. essential. Applicant must be an OPERATOR THERE IS A ment, store, tavern and bank­ rates. Oall 643-4536. Moving— rucking— excellent typist and accurate SANTA CLAUS ruptcy equipment. (Jail Fon­ 1964 FORD Fairlane, 2-door se­ with figures. Please reply Box taine Restaurant Equipment, dan, standard transmission, TREE removal-Trimming. Rea­ 8 Complete Ro(»ns sonable rates, (fovered for Storogo 20 "H.” Manchester Herald. For^ Sale or Lease Immediate Opening . PLUS 478 Windsor Street, (Jomer good tires. Call 643-1826. (Janton Street, Hartford, 527- property damage. Got a tree MANCHESTER Delivery-light ASSEMBLER needed on second APPLIANCES 0771. 1963 FORD Galaxie, 2-door prcAlem? Call Dana’s Tree trucking and package delivery. shift in our brazing depart­ S.H.V.C., Inc. has available buildings or space | APPLY IN PERSON AT THE $898 standard, 289 engine, radio, Service, 522-8429. Refrigerators, washers and ment. Many excellent benefits • Walnut Bedroom heater. Very clean. Good con­ stove moving, specialty. Fold­ suitable for manufacturing, storage, distributors • Living Rpom Suibe QUALITY carpentry, all Interlor ))lua shift premium. Apply in Rooms Without Board 59 dition. Must sell. $4G0. Call ing chairs for rent.' 649-0752. person, Klock Co., 1366 Tolland i^anrl^FBtFr iEttPitlns IfFrold • S Pc. Dinette Set remodeling and exterior work and retailing. Fully sprinklered, with railroad *id- Plus! We make more sales because 647-9652. done reasonably. Specialty, Tpke., Manchester. I IS BISSELL STREET— MANCHESTER, CONN. THE THOMPSON House — Oot- • Refrigerator tage St. centrally located, large FORD 1966 — Galaxle 500, vinyl cabinets, finishing basements, ing. For further infoiination call Stuart Carlson, • Televlaton Set Fainting— Poporing 21 pleasantly furnished rooms, hardtop, V-8, automatic, pow­ garages, porches, dormers. e R uige WOMAN for weekly cleaning, telephone 649-4565. parking. Call 649-2358 for over­ er steering. Original owner. Free estimates. 742-9442. NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ Brand New! one day a week. Call 648-4856. night and permanent guest Excellent condition. Must be ing. paperhanging, paper re­ Ignithly Terms we make more house calls! SHARPEmNG S en ^ e — Saws! seen. Best offer. 649-4172. moval. ^ e e eetlmates and dec­ GENERAL office work, book­ r r NOW! _ rates. knives, aces, shears, skates, orating service. Quality work­ Phone: ’’John’’ Ouida keeping and typing, automobile LARGE comfortable heated 1961 FALCON wagon In good rotary blades. Quick service. manship, neat, competent serv­ ToU Free 1-800-992-8647 agency, full-time position. Call (Jourteey Oara room, also efficiencies, on e running condition, snow tires. Capitol Equipment Co., 38 ice. Call 647-9664. 648-2791. NOW RENTING and two rooms with heat and $150. or best offer. 649-0053. MsUn St., Manchester. Hours 21 INCHES A-L-B-E-R-T-'-S daily 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:30-9, INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ BABYSITTER wanted to sit in Immediate Opening 260-86 S. Main S t, Wtby. hot water, private Jaaths. Let's face it — selling a home takes effort. We welcome it! The moment you 1966 BUICK LaSabre, 4-door Saturday 7:30-4. 543-79(18. cial rates for people over 65. my home, hours 2:30-8 p.m. Open Mon.-Frl. 9-9 • Bat. 9-6 Scranton Motel and Cabins, 160 Tollemd Tpke. list with us, our eager*beaver sales staff springs into action. W e dig daap hardtop. Power steering, pow­ Call my competitors, then call References. Prefer older wo­ S u n r u ^ S j io o J u l 2098 SINGER zig-zag sewing ma­ er brakes. Car in A-1 con- LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also me. Estimates given. 649-7868, man. 643-7268. For A Young Man or Girl chine, elightly used, does ROOM with kitchen privileges. (Utlon. One car owner. $1,360. moving large appliances. Burn­ 875-8401. EASY 10 SEW and so nice to use, this into our files — make dozens of everything wltoout attach- Central locaUon. Apply Mrs. Call 649-0124 after 5 p.m. ing barrels delivered. $4. 544- WANTED — Lady to care for cute little Sunbonnet Sue Is a uajania 1776 or 289-8824. JOSEPH P. LEWIS, custom sick person 5 hours a day, 4% b a g - t h e ideal hiding place for the 8358 menta. OomiHeto price $68.60 Dorsey, 14 A rdi Street. calls. You see, we're not satisfied*^ ^IOm ’ o t EVROLET, in excellent painting and paperhanging. In­ room Ranch house on bus line. young lady's sleep-outfit! 10Vi-24Vi cash, terms available. Dial 246- THE ELECTRICAL work —Imperial MONITORING OiUnuasL 2140. ROOM for rent, genUeman only, condition 4-door hardtop, V-8. terior and exterior. Dry wall Call after 4 p.m., 628-8093. Pattern No. 2098 has pattern places; first floor. Free washer, dry­ merely to find a buyer for you, but power steering. Call 649-3436. Electric, Inc. ResIdenUal, work. Fully insured. Free esti­ full directions. FOB A U casual occasions is the shirt­ commercial, industrial, 24 SECRETARY — Stenographer, BRAND NEW automatic zig-zag er. Kitchen privileges. Free mates. 649-9658. In tk> answer UNO 3S( In colni plui 184 for flri^ lM i waister with a feminine collar. This sewing machines, makes button the right buyer who'll pay your full 1968 PONTIAC, 'new brakes hours day service. Free esti­ 643-6362. Small pri.vate school in Hart­ mill and ipicldl hiPdllu fdr tu h pittirn. Ideal fashion can be made with three- parking. 649-7068. LINOTYPE MACHINES Byftoymofld Looff C. Jkoiata holes, hems, monograms, etc. new muffler and in good run­ mates. 646-1112. 649-2579. 649- ford. Call 242-2274, 8 a.m. to 4 Ann* Cabot, M e n ^ t e r quarter length sleeves. Deluxe Apartnwnto from |145 per month ti!venlii|t Herald, lu e AYR. w Regular price $79.60, on side LARGE NEWLY decorated asking price. Yes, we try harder — ning condition. $10D. Oall 649- 7125. EDWARD R. PRICE- Painting, p.m. ^ ■) No. 8358 with Pholo-Gulde Is In ' AMIBIOAI, NkW YOU, M.T. for only $44.60. City Sewing furnished room, jirivate en­ 4141. . f exterior and interior. Paper­ An excellent opportunity tor the right per$on to 1 ifiii sizes 10 % to 2 4 % , bust 33 to 4 7. Size CARPENTER experienced, hanging. Ceilings, etc. Insured, administrative " bCcTetaiy ' Prlit Nimi, Addriii with IIP COM ind 12%, 35 bust, 3% yards of 45-inch. Center, 206 Main St., Hartford. trance, parking. (JaU 649-7702. that's why our results are better! RonfolB By , ttrlt NumPir. HAYES 1965 RAMBLER hardtop Ameri­ all types of work. Reasonable. business and management ex- 622-0476. 649-1003. learn the printing trade. Excellent benefits. SEND S04 l« «•!"• a'“* 6r*l-cltl» FCOOM to rent, lady or gentie- can, standard ahift, radio, heat­ Call anytime, 646-1787. .perlence desirel. Mature inde­ PAUL W. DOUGAN. Roolror * Just 50C for the new '68 Fall k Winter AGENCY, INC. ; ALBUM I Many lovely designs 1 Directions DINING SET, pine, beautiful men, private home, private en­ er. CaU after 4 p.m., 649-1428. PAINTING Interior and ex­ pendent worker, good on tele­ ■us Bumstl, Xanebeater Come in soon. 649-4535 I for knitted stole and patterned vest In trance. 649-0696, 119 (Jooper HUl SNOW PLOWING — Res- terior, very reasonable, free phone, 3 girl dental office. HOTPOINT condiUon, u i ^ less than a ;$lies 36-48; crocheted Pompon hat! It Pays To do// HayesI 1969 FORD —New brakes, new idenUal, commercial, 24-hour estimates. Oall Richard Complete resume, Box "W " year. Call 646-4016. Street. , 55 BAST CENTER ST. 546^131 shocks, very good condition. service, new equipment. 643- • THE ABC OUILTER. For the beglnner- Print Mann, Addrnin with IIP COM, Itilt Marlin, 649-9285. 649-4^11. Manchester Herald. ZIG-ZAG sewing machine, new .ROOM for genUeman, reUred $200. CaU 742-9706. 9142. ! a teacher; the e x fle r t-a reference Nnmair and llid. 1968’s reduced for close out at L. PEU.KTIKR — Painting-' GIRL or woman to help mother i^rralb Cornor of Now Stoto Rood & HRilcod Sfroot i source! Irish Chain, Nine-Patch and Star THE HEW Fall & Winter '68 Issue o man or night worker preferred. •are three of the twelve designs. Pat- Basic FASHION Is here with many bright $89, Call Capitol Sewing, 246- Meals for errands. Call 649- SNOW PLOWING done reason- interior and exterior, papering care for one child, three days , tern places; directions. Send 50( today wardrobe ideas. Send 50« for your copy. 1964 GTO Convertible, excellent aUe. 24 hour service. Call 646- and paper removal, fully inV 13 BISSELL STTIEET—MANCHESTER, CONN, Modols Opon from 2:00 p.m. iM dork 2140. ^ 5459. a week and an occassional eve­ ■lor your copy of 0107. condiUon. 649-9065 after 8. 1850. sured. 643-9043, and 649-6826. ning. Call 643-1913.

v-1 7 ' PAGB THIBTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTTER. CONN., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1968 PAGE iu n m r^owE o o m s Out of Town Ont of Tow* H For Sal* 72 For Seri* 72 H o w ii For S a l* 72 H For Sol* 72 O M o ffT « For Sal* TO-A For S ol* 7B For Sed* 7B 177 May Miss Wedding MANCHESTER — Five MANCHESTER TEN ROOM (rider home In the 75 Mnleahy ^Wanted*; ®AI6(S i — lour or five raoms STORK or oOlces for rent ^ MATfCHKSTKR — Rooming PORTER STREET AREA Capa, 3 car garage. Immacu­ A CONVENIENT heart of Mancheater, S bed­ TOLLAND VERNON -Tranafar makaa /acAr Printpr Arrested . BAFT HARTFORD —«pUt Lsv- wgbBUy aoadad to Mancherter. Palance Fidel in Movie Main S t. Ac to m from fttandiy good looaUon between late throughout. $21,S00. Can ADDRESS! rooms, or 8 romn apartment thla nearly new 4 bedrooni Oo- OaU Paul J. Oorreutl Agency. By BOB THOMAS POMFRET, Oonn. (AP>— tea Cnam. StSJtM. M . redereloiMneat and propoaed J.D. R eal Bataite A ssociatei One block from shopping and 3 bedrooma, 3-ew garage, CONTEMPORARY HOME lonUl available. All the wotfc , el faaafly room, thna-bed- Ten txK>m brick executive < rocinp, garage, good aiaad lot Poaters depicting State Po­ Mamie Eisenhower Inc.. ea-«13». and busline on dty aewer plua carport, additional 3 rooms of a new home has been done Stopping oantar. Ample park­ home with one acre of Split-foyer entrance; lots of HOLLYWOOD (A P ) — ’ T m MANCHESTER —TlirM and water, site this well over gange. Philbrick Agency lawn, carpet, atorm wlndowi , Han4y locatton. $2$A00. F o r lice Omutt^sekmer Loo J. ing, reflniaiiad taiaide and manicured lawn. Centrally SPLIT LEVEL, all brick con­ glaaa, cathedral celling. •toroi for laaac. rOQiclOO aqnare oonatructed 7 room home in R ealtors, 440-4847. etc. U won’t last loio so call I appototmant call PhUbrick ptoytog tl^ rale benaass say Mulcahy ae a wonted man out. Excallent toivaatmant prop­ located, walking dlatance to struction, 4 b^rooms, formal Here is a brand new home have been attributed to Lin­ foot. Busy loeation. Raaaonable. erty. Call The R.F. Dimock one o t Manchester’s finest for early inspection. Norman i A gM cy Ito a lto n . 4464947. SELLING YOUR HOMEY ehUdren era huagt7>" Jack Bedridden with Flu achoola, churchea and Hart­ dining room, 3% baths, ma­ in Junior executive area sur­ coln CUik, a M-yeor-oM Hayea Agency, •M-OUl. Oo. M M M 5. areas. Here la a home to S. Hohenthal R M itor, 444- Patanee of hto tospareofiaMon o ( WASHIMOTON (AP) — Ma­ sratrii David marry tha daugh­ ford bus. This home haa four hogany family room, flre- rounded by a large treed ANDOVER, 6 room yoar ’round printer. please you. Please call 440- U44. . onr local renraam- Fidal Oeotro to the film btagsa* mie Etoenhowar has Jotped the ter of I»reeldmt eleet IfiuRU. NEED OFFICE epace and or bedrooms, SH baths, plus plaoas, 3-oar garage, -'many Lon For Sol* 73 lot. ta?.B0O wlU buy it. homo, $ badnoms, icrienad to U y^ M ra *«»— jgiarta. PAC K AG E atore doing bualneaa 4806. phy “Che." Clark was arrested Thurs­ hundrods of thonsemls of Ameri­ Mrs. Fleenhowei has etayed abundant Inaide and outaide a 16x3T living room, for­ more featurei. Must be seen. Please caU 0464808, 87S-44U. BOLTON — 8% room Raised > porch ovortooklng lake, pine 444-g2S2. piua over two acrea of prime WE HAVE ehdice one sort When doubt sraa axprosMd day and bcoked on a charge cans bedridden sdth the flu and in the sam e suMe w ith bar hus­ ■torage apace? Suitable for ve- mal dining room, large Philbrick Ageiusy Realtora, 64S- Ranch, rec room, sun deck, pondad rooma, $1^000. Phfl- real eatata. Contact Mr. Lom­ wooded loU near Bolton Cen­ that fate chUdran ware (aetog of criminal hbal. may be forced to mtos the wed­ band sines be eBtarsd the toMp6 Mclea and atock. Main highway kitchen with built-lns, and 5MT. B & W m baths, fireplaoe, 2 acrs’lot. brlek Agency, Realtora 6464147. bardo, BeMore Agency, i n - ter and other locations. For J. WATSON BEACH A OO. mahnitrltian, he admitted that The poaters accuee Mnl- ding Sunday of her grandson tal, and doctors aOawed bor to acroei large new ahopping cen­ private den. Two-car at- BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. B & W Only $38,800. Hayes Agency, 14U. M ANCHESTER—4 room Oolon- further Information, call R.F. BOL’TON —Fbur room Randi, Realtors ha had no paivaalve rsaooa lor cohy of a number of crlmoa David to Julie Nixon. remato after riw came down ter, outaUrta of Mancheater. tached garage. This is an Manchester Patkade BARROWS and WALLACE Co. 844-0181. ial central location, fireplace, D:mock O o„ 446-S34S. garage, oU fact air heat, alum­ Z1 Oentrel Row, Hertfort portraying the Cubmr leader— and offers a $M0O rawsrd. A Walter Reed Army Hospital with the flu. They did toO bar to Call Mt-Sm. exceptional home for a large Mancheater 846-0808 Mancheater Parkade 40 T e e n o f spokeaman said Thuroday the keep out of dlivct contact with garage. Owner transferred, Im­ SOUTH WINDSOR, large cus­ inum storm ertodoera and "At this stage to my earoar, I They also bear toe sratd Land For Sol* 71 family. Call. COVENTRY — Lot on South M anchester 8464806 former first tody suffered from the gerteral. POR R E N T aale-Ml Main mediate bcoupancy. Call now. MANCHESTER — 3-famUy, 04 tom, L Ranch, 3 baths, fire­ soreona. Good riaad wooded lot don't tormutoto raaaooa srhy X “ Mtouteman.’’ Street, 388’ frontage, 100’ depth a "moderately severe upper Tile former president, doctore street. Building and lot naxt BOLTON —38 acres of beauti- Low 30’ a. Hayea Agency, 444- In a residential area, good place, barbecue, first floor I Oocupanoy per agreement, taha roiea; the price was ilgNL" dark was ralaasod on $600 with artesian water rights and SOUTH WINDSOR, Birch Hill, KLUNO YOUR BOMB? FVn- resptratsry tofection with some aald Thursday, 'eras in ssssntial- u> Post Office Excellent loca- ful high wooded rolling land W ARREN E. HOWLAND 0181. floor plan, with 2 bedmma, Large, Jumbo slse 4-bedroom family room, formal din­ SISJWO. FJf. Goal Agen- He is that ktod of faOow: bond after appearing to Cir­ commercial septic system in­ prompt eomteoae eervlee that compUcattone of asthma *’ ]y the same condition as indtoat- Uon for any uae. 444-2434 from near new highway, long road living ro ^ , dining room, aiul ing room, modem kUcheiK $* . ey, JanSoe Hodge, or broker, trank, toiatly ccwihailsa east, cuit Court in Danielson. REALTORS COLONIAL —central entrance, stalled. $4,000. CaU F.M. Goal Colonial, family room, formal gets remits. Call LonU DImock If Mrs. Ejeenhowar were ed in a Thankagtvtag report a to S p.m frontage. Priced to aell. Call large kitchen, oU hot water car garage, I%Ubrick Agency, . 443-3882. of a Jack Xtotonoa type. He woa modem kitchen, dining room, Agency, Janice Hodge, or brok­ dining room, large living room. R ealty, 616 6621. forced to mtos altandtog the which listed him aa making early. lUyes Agency, 4444n3i. 643-1108. heat, aluminum atorma and Realtors 6464847. also irritohia bseauaa of a p66 TWO ROOM office, 100 percent er, 64$-3463. On a high wooded lot. PhUbrick VERNON — Seven room Gar- weddtog to New York, she rtow but steady progreaa large living room, mud room. Bcraana, axtra B7 x 148* traed W ANTED—W e buy taomea, lota aon-lvy type of akin rash he had Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ Agenoy, Realtors, 446-8847. rlaon Ookmlal. attoriied ga­ would Join her husbaisl, former The general (hdiexcnaa htm- SOUTH WINDSOR. 18 acres 2 4 bedrooma, eantral air-condi­ building lot, A-soned. Wolver­ COVENTRY — 4% room Ranch, VERN O N — 6% room Ranch, and acreage. Tiatiiiga of homee, picked up cn the Puerto Rtoo to- LBJ Shows low's, fW7 Main 8t rage, IH hatha, waU to wall President Dwight D. Btosnbow- ■elf from a prevtouriy ecbedMed famUy and 2 tobacco bama, MANCHESTER — 5% room tioning, garage. Phllbrlok ton Agency, Realtora, 646-2818. laige kitchen, dining area, ELLDfOTON — For sale, build­ carport, half acre lot, fuU baae- commerciel and toduatriel caUon or at the 20th Century- carpeting, rac room, exoepUen- er. In watdiing the ceremony on participation in lighting tha ) m s- beautiful view. Keith Agency, starter home includes two bed­ Agency Realtors, 6464847. ovOcataed garage, wooded lot, ing lots, prestige area. Call ment, buUt-ina, near sohotd. property appreetotod. Cham­ Fox ranch and tha Caatro make­ 444-4128. 446-1022. rooma up, aluminum siding, $li;600. Char-Bon Agency, 048- P riced to seU, $30,000. Hayes aUy good riaed oomar lot Oc­ Improvement closed dreult televtolon at the pital's Christmas tree be canoe He«s*s For Root 65 GARRISON Coionial in one of for detoUs, Rowe I t Rowe Real­ bers Realty, AuoUn Chambers, up didn’t help, etUier. new furnace, good condition. 0688, 646-2436. Y Agency, 644-01$l. cupancy par agreement $24,- hospital. of the recent death of hto young­ Mancheeter'a most desirahia ty, 8784167. Realtor, ML8, 646-aM. The Palance noae to buUt « * BOLTON-Vemon line, four room. MANCHESTER 14 acrea high Only $16,BOO. Wolverton JACQUELINE- $00. OaU F.M. Oeal Agency, Gen. Etoenhowar has been er brother Earle. moetJy open, prime kocatlon, neighbothooda. Modem Kitch­ BOLTON LAKE, bargain year COVENTRY line, Ideal family BOLTON — Coe turn built 4% Janice Bodge, or broker, 64S- with piaeUc, and a beard t o t o p In Flu Bout confined to the hospital atoce be R had been planned for FI sen Ranch, treed lot and lake Agency, Realtora, 640-2818. ROBERTS AGENCY borioualy ginad pear at a wtodow of oouMn’t grow my own, beeaum WAgHINCrrON (AP) — Preel- $160 monthly, 742-4786. Agency 444-4124. 446-1022. MANCHESTER is minutes away room, large living room with room Ranch summer home place, 2 baths, 3-car garage, out basement, out buUding. On- able. Oourteoua and efllciant tacks ateittog last qxrtag and to hto suite and prom a button 157 EAST CENTER (X IV E N T R Y — Rent with op- part of the pteture reqntree me dant Johnson oontlmma to tttow from the following properties. fireplace, three large bed­ near water. Hayes Agency 844- l% acres. Louis Dimock Real- ly $30,800. Hayea Agenoy, 444- service. Tour aaUafactlen is our Improvement to hto boot with unaUe to go to New York to turning on the Ugfata o f the troe. SMALL FOUR room Ranch on rooms, two car garage. Phil- Uon to buy. Eight room Cape, to ha've a three'day grosrth,’’ ha Nice five room Ranch, Carport, (STREET 0181. ty, 646-0828. 0181. concern. Call ua now. Morriaon the flu, but there is no todiea- three acrea of land in Mans­ Hoosos For Sol* 72 brick Agency, Realtors, 646- large firidatone fireplace, eaid. “Beoldea, my board kmT $18,600 Six room expandable MANCHESTER Agency, 64$-UHS, 6464644. don when he will leave Bethee- field. Immediate occupancy. 8847. ' overatoed garage. Only $18,400. the mine pattern aa Chatro’a ’’ COLONIAL, eight rooms, large Callfonile Ranch acre lot, $14,- Naval HeupttaL Vernon Call 1-684-4831. 646-8889 646-8688 Pasek R e e lto n , 388-7478, 743- ALIMONY la like paying InstaU- R to a ratnaifeahle HkiHiiaa, kitchen with built-in range, Johnaon entered the hoapttol <»UNrRT_Cap._ with five big 834$. menta on your car — after the torming an eerie complement to dishwasher, disposal, etc. large large lot $18,800—Four- bed­ Wednesday morning on the ad­ MANCHESTER —First floor of bedrooms in addition to a pic­ Open seven days. wreck! Bettor to pay toatall- Omar SbartTs bearded, berstod paneled family room svith fire­ room Dutch Colonial, breere- m o u n t SUMNER —Scenic Bol­ 2-famlly, 2 bedrooms, adults. nic table alsed kitchen. Sunny Che. Itolanoe waa aaked If hto to vice of iito doctor. Vice Adm. M a n , 26 , Arguing the Crime place, formal dining room, four way and garage, 1<4 acres, DaUy to 6 p.m. O PEN H O U SE ments on a hooae — and there’s No pets. Pasek, Realtors, 380- living room with open stair­ ton area. Anaaldi huUt seven no danger of wrecking your In­ a sympathetic portrayal. George G. Barkley, who prae bedrooms, 3H hatha, one off $23,900. Plus’ over 80 more list­ Weekends to 7 p.m. 7478, 742-8248. way, tw o full bathixxMna, oU, SUNDAYS — 2:30 ?JM. TO 5:00 P.M. room Ratoed Ranch, three vestment Keith Real Estate, “Oerttooly, it’s bound to bs eribed sevacal days of rest master bedroom. 3-car garage. ings. Call Mitten Realty, Real­ hot water heat, walk-out base­ bedrooma, 114 baths, large eat- George Chitoltoat, White Was Inevitable J Sentenced 6461922, 646-4126. aympathetle," be repltod. SIX ROOM Cape, bus line, with Philbrick Agency Realtors, tors, 648-6930. ment, with a one car garage. in kitchen, formal dining room, House preae eeeretary, reported Treat yourself to an Investment ‘Theee men did a rdmaiimhla The argument that a crime would nmke him a good sub­ or without lease. Wolverton 647-5847. 1700 square feet of living area two fireplaoee, pony abed, $2$,- Thursday that Jotanson ahowad SIX Room Colonial, bath aind a- property or a new home for the MRCH MOUNTAIN thing, gciiig halo Cuba with IT srould have taken place sdiether ject for probation. Burks said. Agency, Realtors, 646-2818. for $31,800. Wolverton Agency holidays. 800. Six room ovenrized Oolon- Improvement oKboagh he still TWO-FAMILT, 84, 2 years old, half, 2-car garage, large lot, naen and iqm tting the srhole le - or not a defendant got himself Prosecutor Robert J. X'tgean Realtora, 446-2813. DOLTON. MANCHESTER LINE iel Ranch, attached 2-car ga­ suffered from a s o n throat and FTVB rooms, $180. per month, modem Uteben, lar^ rooms, convenient to everything, $16,- ghne of Batteta, sdio was firmly Actor Jack Palance reports on the set fo r hia role tavolved to it didn’t in the least however referred to testimony rage, three bedrooma, 114 Tigers Pull some dghtnaee and acbeo. no pets. Can be seen Saturday good neighborhood. By appoint­ 900. Excellent value, Keith TWO-FAMILY. B A B Duplex, New custom quality built 8 -4 bedroom Ooloulals, Ranches A Raised Raacbes. High eotreDcbed. That to undotibtodly as Fidel Castro in the fOm “ Che.” It is Falanee’e deter Superior (3oart Judge L«o which did implicate Hitt and EXCLUSIVELY YOURS baths, formal dining room, "I don’t know srhen be srlll between 44 p.m. Inquire $2 ment PhUbrick Agency, 046- Agency, 646-4124, 846-1622. handy location, $22,600. PhU- $16,600—TVemendous potential oM-acre wooded lota. Desirable new area, low OFs. one at the groat aefaievematito V. Gaffney from eendlng Carl the Judge aenteneed Urn to one (bowed windows), Unplaced firs t HoUywood flfan in three years and u y I>ae. peU. $100. monthly. 446-4824, slae kitchen. Hayes Agency, MAJESTIC Colonial in prestige ahopping. warher, 3 fireplaces, 8 full ta in a yellow robe with a black Osuna to one of five pereona country? It aeeaiu to me we’ve In conver sation be to Incdlnfid to Moody bad.” two days to bed sras atmpiy 8 to Stgierior Oourt. 878-1144. 4444111. area on beautifully wooded lot, SEVEN ROOM older home, ex­ baths, garage, finiahed rec and gold shirt and be caUs him­ plenty of reoL aa ptescribed 'lff ritoiged in oonneetlon with heat- tried to do too nuicfa of tliad.’’ bs overpowering, taking hold of n waa point ad out to court 4 bedrooms, aU rooms large cellent condition, on bus line. $27,900—Three fam ily, 6-6-4, lo­ room, many extras. OaU to see self Baba Santa. Be admitted be would prefer Dr. Biukley. and week only tog. robbing and bindtog Bd- FOUR ROOM apartment, Bab­ SIX ROOM Cape, good house in A thanugh prnfeeelnnil, Pa- the otiier pereoo, starttog at the that be will be praaantorl to Var- with natural woodwork, birch Property includes 2 extra buUd- cated on exceUent section of today. Rowe I t Rowe ReaKy, There's even some fanciful to wmk here ao he could be rmar whcD eaasnltoL ward Rsynolda of Main SL, cock HIU Road, Ooveatry. Heat, good location. Asking $16,600. Sargent Street. Return on in­ tonoe otudied everylhtog be knee and 'woefctog upward to the hto ddldren—the onea be soya mont as a parole vtolator and kitchen cabinets, huUt-lns, 2- ing lots. Marlon E. Robertson. 8784167. talk of moving the North Pole to Because of the flu epldende, ToloottriUe. and taavtag him hot water, electric stove and Owner says be won’t refuse car garage, 2% baths. Belflore R ealtor, 4434968 vestment capital, 41%. Owner could find about Fidel Oeotro shoulder. are hungry. Divorced toot June, may have to serve ttma lor a N igeria. faowiltal •wwMaia etw iMii mitrttiw oovsTsd With Isavcs to ToUaud. ocfnml degree murder convic- refrigerator. $180 per month. any reasonable oHer. Wolver­ Agency, 647-1418. wiU hoM mortgage. SCANDINAVIAN SHOP EAST HARTFORD — Immacu­ and the Cuban ravaatOUen. “I bad to tone some of these ton Agency, Realtors, 446-2818. MANCHEFTEK — Neat 6-room Ellington Centre Shopping Plaza Baba Santa, otherwise kuoam I»««*S to have only their Umi >«-Hi.g back to 1644. Good- Available January 1st CaU 646- late 6room Ranch. Perfect as Henri Umbaji lOng of De­ " I read evenrthtog I omdd got gearinvi down tor the picturo. ranch near Tehachapl. Osllf., lUUVE by this nicely kicated Cape, convenient, west side, $23,900—Four bedroom home g71-027g a r u u n os vtotton. Rmn a Rockville restaurant by speed spent 32 years to Varmont 2846, weekdays before 8 p.m. Ellington, Connecticut condition, reduced to $19,900. my hands on about Caatro,’’ be Alter aU, if you keep grabbing but prefen livin g to hto old MANCHESTER—New six room located near new R t. 6. Fast (possible 8), altiiatod on Tre- troit, rtiares ownership with his Jofaneon has not been an excep­ one of the defendanto. kOm State aa a defaettve Cape at 24 Hartland Rd., then J.G. Possum Jt Aaaoc. 6460889. aald. “and I saw aH the film at the other peraon in a aeene, coal-mining country of ABen- VERNON — Mourit Vernon Raiaeid Ranch, three bedrooms, sole imminent at $18,600. Hur­ mont Street off of Farmington brother of an Afro cloUilng whop tion to the nde. M a ry Donctiunk, 17, a t Ludw ig aeltoquent before be was do- caU the Belflore Agency, 447- nobody to gotog to Uaten tosrtaat town, Ito. Apartments. Now available l ^ bwtfas, fireplace, form al din­ ry. CaU Paul W. Dougan, Real­ Avenue. Large rooms and clean CRYSTAL UNKNS In downtown DetrotL that w as available. Tim moot re­ BBS only vtaltars. aeeordtog to Rd., BDtogton, Who poaad as a dared sane and paroled. 14U. ELEVEN wooded acres go with be to saying. Attd the name of "I like to go back there and new 3% rooms a t $148. a n d ing room, alumlmim siding, 2- tor, 446-4836. as a whistle. this Immacutote 6 room Ranch King has been greeting ritU- vealing woa the interview he Cfartotton. have been hto wife. prootitnte. Vorirnr of 20 Davis car garage, and more. Low dren on his throne, set up in the had with Jack I*aar oo telsvl- tiito picture to ’Cbe,’ not tooot my mouth off about poli­ $180. H i rooms at $164 and DRIVE by the 2-famlly at 48-80 ANNOUNCING w ith 2 fuU baths and 2-oar ga­ Lady Bbd. and bto yotager Special Public Defendar Btalo Ava.. Roekvine. pleaded a a ^ 80’s. CaU Paid W. Dougan, TWO-FAMILY, conveniently lo­ Mid 20’s—Brand new seven aian. R was the only time I ‘ FldeL’ ’ ’ ties and thlnga," he remarked. $170. Available Jon. 1st, studio Wadsworth St., then call the rage. C irca 1666, condition front of the gUire. But if his line daughter. Loci Nugent Onuttl argued that Oema Joined to braoktog and auUrtog R ealtor, 446-4634. cated close to riiopplng, trans­ room Raised Ranch being bulH is classical Santa Claus—“ What aportmeiR at $1S0. Heat, hot B elflore Agency, 647-1418. ' t A t T U m ’ ' 1646. WaU to waU carpeting. Jotanson entered toe hospital toe otoera after “toe wheels with criminal intent, xeriritog portation, etc., third apart­ In Tolland (Vernon line). (3aU water, refrigerator, oven- Raised hearth firqdace, mod­ is your name?’’ “What do you Fotot. Flu Shota lim ited srito a 101.6 degree temperature were well to motion." airast and arson and will be ao- ment poealbilities. PhUbrick now and do your own decorat­ South Windeor em kltcben. Belflore Agency, want for Chriatmaa?'’—his lan­ Mra. Christine lUdtetts U but It dropped to normal—66.6 AH fiv e pereona to-volwed in al^Md a for trial lator. reduce. Odonlal at 10. Henrv Agency Realtora, 646-6847. ing. For State Employee 647-1418. guage and Christmas objects Miairman. aaatotod by Mrs. rVgrnie wtoii be woke Thnra- the incident, which took plaoe A 16 js a r nH man. Vanon X>- St, then caU the Belflore Agen­ are vasUy dtfferenL BoshUi, dltloaing, swimming pool Ind assumable mortgage, to- $18,900 Immaculate six room ????—Thinking of building your GEORG JENSEN ROOM Couples Club Pamela Gibbooa, Mra. James HARTFORD, (AP) — day, toeu rone slightly, aa ex- Sept 7. were to have been sen- of Wtodermcre Ava., El- tenniB courts, parking and cy, 647-1418. NEW L IS T IN G — BeauUful Yoruba and oocaaianal EngUrii maculate. Meyer Agency, 643- dream house? We have lots McGuire. Mrs. Murid Farring­ The State Health Department pected. to 66 degrees by mid- teaoed to Superior Oourt yester­ Itf^too. waa aantanrad to one home. Moat convenient loca- ftU the air. King tells children stocage aU included. No pete. 0006. . DRIVE by 4 Deepwood Dr. then Uon. Aluminum siding, w all to g^Uore in M anchester! WHMn tfiii fooni Id ih> FIr m i CoNfsliDii o f CiyUilf D lM H iW if Ranch on 67 Laura Dr. In Lon­ Planuing Carol ton, Mrs. Helen Bancroft, Mrs. has curtaOed dtotribatian of day. day. But oeiy one other received poor to the OotTeebanal O nter 827-0238, 878-8721. call the Belflore Agency on this Oalnim md Art Hm w ts bs iMn In Ow VMsy. Ws bwMs yqii don (Park. Brand new wall to that they wiU get Uons and ti­ Iva Burnham and Mra. Gaylord Hong Kong flu vacctoe to state From Ilia bo^dtal suite. John- a sentenee wMh three of toe after batag foimd gnOty en e CENTRALLY located 8 bed­ v^l. recent heati^ our salesmen do not forget wall carpeting, fireplace, new­ gers for Christmas, and tost SinfiT Tonight ROCKVnXE —Four room immaculate Cape, 647-1418. full basement, detached ga- v?,. —8JBStiUBl-SSShL— — — — — —— — Paine. employes because of “ aa abso­ diarge of tortarant a moult The room Colonial. New paint out rage, enclosed porch. D ii’t ^^custom er. over the holl- ly painted exterior, kitchen presents will be delivered by Chriatmaa Sunday will be lute stampede” for abate, says fumlabed apartment. Refer­ F irs t OongrtgaQ oosl that the anticipated $3 hfitton Thomas Mayo, 21. of Rt 20. to to be siwpfaiiri after Bide, nioely decorated imide. PREOTIGE Forest HUls loca­ buUt-lns. Quick occupancy. giraffes. The Dr. Anthony Permetti a t the ences and security deposit re­ delay. Cali Wolverton Agency ^ celebrated tfato Sunday a t 10 deActt in the federal budget wiU Vernon, waa aenteneed to ope to wttk probattoa for Fainily priced at only $19,200. tion tor only $33,800! Seven Truly a,^E^ Buy to the low, JUUu gvy who ween a red Ctanrcli to pisTTning a series o f Health Servlees for State Em­ quired. $120 per month. Call ReaMors, (MO-2818. Our business Is to sell homes! a.m. with fam ily worship- There be. inatead, a miaR aurplne that three yeaia to otate prison for yean. w* has already Norm an S. Hohenthal R ealtor, room Raised Rwch with 2-car low 20i'a. BelHore Agency, 447- suit, Baba Santa takes the ctall' 648-9678. pre-Oulatmas events beglnntog win be no church school, and ployes. may bp followed by a further robbery with violenee and one amved five to JeO. 444-1166. garage, 2Vt hatha. Automatic MANCHESTER — Immaculate 1418. dren on hto knee and tonight with a Ooiqdes Club the eSntotmas Verier Service. He aald Ttamday that signs surplus in fleoal yeer 1670. to three yeara tor htnding wMh that BOL’TON ij- Three room apart­ kitchen, natural woodwork, Cape, kitchen built-ins, en- ___ __ communktotes. .. but dillerent- “Christmas Eve Through the were originally poetod to state The r w ldent abo anttotiaed NEW TWO famUy duplex, five NEW l i s t i n g — Immaculate Carol Sing at 7:U. The group intent to commit a crime, mak­ thla was awothar Iwi i l is llne to- ment, heat, hot water, appU- Secondary financing avaUaUe closed breeseway, famUy ------ly : Centuries,” wUl be hdd at 7:30 buildings snnwatcing Su shots a major exponalan of U.8. com­ rooms each side. Separate 6room Cape on Carolyn Dr. wlU meet at the church and Uur ing a total ettecitve amtoeinp of telUginec ease and that al- ancaa, and lots of closets. $130. If necessary. Belflore Agmcy, room, garage. Convenient lo­ “Would you like a tiger to pan. The Juniar and Senior for state workers. mercial air serrloe in toe Pacif­ fumacaa, quiet locaUoi), live in London Park. Wall to wall Mmt-toB in the neighborhood. On one to tour years. thoi«h toe dalemtoaf probably Call 646-7347. 647-1418. cation. aU city utUiUea. Bel A ir bring the doll to your bouse?” Choirs wfll sing at both aer- ic. economically, caH now. Wol­ carpeting. Extra insulation in­ returning to the church, mem­ The plan, he said, was to pro­ Speciai PUbUc Detamler Ber^ deeon’ t ruoUae tha harm that R eal Eatote, 448-9382. Read Herald Ads. be asked. vioes. He also pvpremed ddight that ELLINGTON — Fbr rent, apart­ verton Agency, Realtors, 640- MANCHESTER -Bight room stalled by original owners for bers will exchange g l^ and vide coverage for anrii essential bert Hannehuty termed Mayo be caused to the chddren She noddod yes. The Pilgrim Fellowship wiU 12 Americans m 'giit be retoaaed ment available now, 3H large 2818. Ookriial with 4 bedroome, first A va ila b le N o w ... extremely low heating bill. sing carols. workers as poUoe and higtsway toe leeat culpeUe. noting that iBvotved. tt was toe teriinatian “Well, if you hear scratching hold a ha rride and carol sing employea and tboae working in from Cambodia and — on rooms, stove, refrigerator, car­ floor famUy room, 2Vi baths, Wishing well and tool shed, The Church School Christmas 3 be apparently went back after of the court to make the aess- MANCHESTER, vacant 4 room S! IMPORTED WRAPPINQ PAPERS on the door, that’ll be my ti­ on Sunday batoning at 6 p.m. state Institutions where an out- the death of Norman tniomaa, peting and heat included, 2-car g a n g e , auknnaUc kitch­ aluminum storms, screens, Party will be held this Saturday toe crime to attempt to find toe tenoe aeverq. cope full basement, comer lot, C aoparl* ger,’’ Baba Santa Stated. “ You tareok o f flu -would be dtonq>- Sorlailet political adults only, $140. Rowe A Rowe en, natural woodwork. PresUge hoI id a V c a n d le s ' doon, Belflore Agency, 447- let him in and be good to him. from 8 to 4:80 p.m. in the JudEe Gaftoey waa sitting in low down payment, Curran GsorgJoniin Uve. Beeides Mias Dandiunk. the Realty, 878-3167. area. Only $34,900. Builder wlU 1418. And then let him go to aleep un­ Church Lower Hall for children for Judge Paul J. DtoooO who R ealty, 828-2730. ^raaon’e ^rM in^a: Wheat Wields Higher Ordinarily, few other emptoyes others whose serttencing will help with financing if necea- CHRISTM AS C ARDS der your bed.’’ in nursery through eighth la m . ' WOULD YOU buy a neat, com­ OSafEVA —In Itoktotan. Tur­ ask for vaeelne, be said, bat Tliis Christmas take place at a later date are MANCHESTER — AttracUve aary. Belflore Agency, 647-1413. King says, it’s “telling it like grade. The program wiU fea­ A T O A S T pact Ranch, Just over the Mfso- key and India, some wheat this time they stampeded for Terrance Smith, 2$. of 8 Becker Wont*lonlal Board Omtpony, relaaMefi wltti other crewm en o f heard ft and Hked ft. Die UHS Pueblo, M UnwDOd Dr., Jan. 11, Pres­ The iUant Night Chapel In Ob- D«c. 24, ta 1-.30PJI. Erect addition to building doa- byterian Church. er to street line than permitted. ll) Washln(pon, an unidentified erndorf holds only a oouple at ooveronMni source indloatod Robert Anthony Foefai, South 616 Parker Straot doaan vmnhlpera. R was built Nortl) Korea was preparing to Glastonbury, and Joy Rooemary M ichael It Rose C a m , E rect oftor toe demotltton of toe SL Heel and Toe Slacks ralease the 8J_»urvlvliig crew­ Joubert, GtostonDwy, Dec. 28, three-family dwelling, which is Nikolaus Church, whore the man of the Pueblo, which wae Church of the Assumption. not perm itted, North aide Sun­ eoiE wae flrtt peeformed. captured last Jan, 2$ off the Thomas Robert Alexander. 87 AUTD GUSS MSTMlEi set Street, east of 21 Sunest Adolf Muckseh, curator of the Blouses • Sweaters coast of Korea. Thomas Dr., and Mary Eliza­ pel, aaya: “Evoi to years Street. "They are Just rumors as far beth Minney, 280 W. Center St., ft iS S FlffiNITUflE TOPS Marlon P. 'Taggart It Robert without special celahrations Ideal for gifts or yourself; aa I am oonosmed,” said the Jan. 4, Church o f the Aaeump- hundreds throng around the W. Pearl, Divide parcel of land tion. mother of the 2S.jtear-oId salJor, diapel at Christmas time." MRROIIS (FiraplaM a il S m into two buUding lots, both with You'll want several of each! BUY NOW ON OUR ihilldtsg Pesmita Both Mrs. Dodd and Vincent Mahr was burlad to a pau­ Isos area and frontage. North Richard W. Hyde for Marc Strano, Angelo’s father, said per’s gravis at Wagrakw leaving PISnmE FRAIHNS (all tfpa^ side Woodland Street, west of EASY PAY PUNI they have not received any news Levine, alternations to dwelltog “ fire guldtn and 44 krsuner’’ of 116 Woodland Street. from the State Department or at 184 Green Manor Rd., $1,480. nepeui deWs. GriibeT had a tot- mmm rndfummiA Variance Denied Stfrtr Srilu HMKmutan— IWu Y««r O n Baa b the Navy In regard to the re­ Elsted Otzistnictian (fo. Inc. far Hte. Ha was a teachar and to Winston A M siga ret (Bborp, for Boulevard Improvement Only turn o f th eir son. la ter Sid* yard depth so that build­ Mrs. Dodd, however, arid Oorp., alterations to atore at etairrii choir and playad tha or­ ing can be oonatructed within sr Washington officials told J$4C Broad at $4,000. gan to tot town of HoUsin. ana foot of side line, $14 Sum- her there were no niew develop- mh Street. Weleome Here A T iA im e raents In negotUtlons conw m - Dies of lojaries The above wtu be effeethrs os (ng rsisase of the men from Five Dbqr Foreroat ------y CHAPUN (AP)—Itta. kfaigo Temperatures to Oonnectleia o f D ecem ber 2$, IMS. the Pueblo, The talks ora under Benum, 82, of North Windham during toe five-day psriod ha- way in Panmunjom, site of the Filed in office of Town derk hoz died a t iqjuries received Saturday are evperied OPEN THDR8DAT, FRIDAT ONTa a PJI when she was struck by a oar Coimeciicut Priest Leads Ceremor^ in Japan -D eoem ber 17, l$48. Korean armistice telks. to avenge near normal to be­ Zoning Board of Appeals What A Buy Mrs. Dodd showed the stress while croesing Rotge 4 here. Father Edmund Shambaris, a MaiyknoU missionary priest from Waterbury. low normal. Daytime highs will most mothers would feel under The car waa driven by Mrs. Charles O. PIrls, Conn., leads adv«at wreath ceremony a t nurser>’ school in Nsgahsma, Japan, be m ostly ta toe 26s and night­ Jiut In Time For Chriatmaal NICHOLS - MANCHESTBl TIRE, Inc. I the uncertainty of the sltuaU^ Plroeka Graf, iS, also of North CtwUniisn time lows to the teens. 295 Brood S t—0pp. The Peat Offle»naPbooa l4 S *lltl Windham, police aald. State Po­ tills month. Oremony is hdd weekly fo r four weeks before Christmas in prep­ John A. O6gtana*o, “ I walk to believe,” she aald, Preclpltaticn may total more lice at Dan lei son 'srere livreatl- aration and eiQiectatioB o f the coming o f the C!brist (ThihL FoUowing the cere­ t e eratar y "but I don’t want to be dleap- tiMw Ksif aa inrii occurring as potofed . . . I Jump each tim e gaUng toe aocidwit, which oe- mony each Monday morning, the 120 pre-school age children enrolled take part rain on Sunday or Monday. I haar aometfaing.” curred Thuroday afternoon. in a half-hour of outdoor calisthenics. (AP Phottrfax) Avgnige Dally Ndt Prega Run FKIDAT, DBCBMBEB 10, IMS For Tho^Week Boded iHaturtrralrf Evening If^rttUi Novambor 18, itw iia iirte t^ r lEom itg UrraUi that next yaar'a laaf-plekup wCil 15.341 Tall Cedars Collected Leaves tat It oomplataly. Mmchetter-—A City of ViUage Charm Spread'53 Miles Pick Ferry to find a near ptt," VOL. LXXXVm , NO. 70 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1968 are that If aB of D r, Iha laaraa ptdcad op In llha- VUnoa, «oi b* chaatar thta tan ware oompaot- M i l l s ad tnto a pOa, ona taot hV> 1U1 OMw «t 1 and one taot irtda, tiny noidd TbO Oidan at I a t« M g| mllee Manchaoter RIgInray D^MUt- Old Spice Mtell Pill night mant eraam ptohed up lOJgr I T te euble yards of diraddad a n d G ^ for win te at • o^olodt. tUkmt^ paokod taaraa thta tan, oom- " : « f Om Vhnat pared with 8,900 ouWo yaida hi Spruce IMT, acourMug tp a report hjr Christinas Apollo 8 Soars Off to Moon at I ’M. Tim a wffl b« «ad rift'MliiiiMgi altar lha ta- HocinaB Paoooaaten, highway wtaBatte, In tha banpiat halt combine OChar Jaetaa oOeara aia PaaBoantaH aaM ha ooold not I f a * Soartett at H Aaharacth aoqdala tha dlfterenoa, tanoa aB QfuAiiy and n t, am or dapoly: Roy Raad toam atraata ware swaload In CHRISTMAS TREES at Baat Baittord, JiBiar dapB both yaara. On Release of Prisoners ty; w niam J. Mortloan at MT Tha 10,887 oubte yards piobad Variety! free Summit a t , ra alactad aatOm; up tbla tan aotuany aqualad with «nek T R E E tNuchsMd, you win reeolTc ^ IN G I Destination Is WnUam J. Btmamon at S about 81,000 euble yartta as they 9 AM, fw 9 f M Thomas D r , paat Orand T bH Atait Reginald O. Oaitwrlght Whon n ^ tm dliucted by the manufueturer hdlpo n- lay in the otroiita and betora Star. oiM SOT. » - BUM U, S, to Parley Oedar, trsaaarsr. and J. Ataart aantlnd; Bbank J. Kalaa, band ilMwddtag and packing, bo aald. gun troui woa’t dry out, iwedlefi won’t dropl Kcltaiiay at Baat Baittord, manager; ICax Kabrldt, band board at tn»taaa. director; Jodaph F . Loarseh, Paaoeantan aald Oiat ttn town was b i ^ that aU atraata ware 66-Hour Trip The imtaniTif ofQoar will be Junior p u t Oltand Tall, aide to Kemielh C Harper at Baat tha Orand TaH; Anwit T. Baael- SBtahad by Dao. 18, "a r a n HI • POmSETTW With Viet Cong Hartford, and the tnatallhig ndoa, muatetan; and WIlbaK tbough many taeaea wq;ra froaan hi tba gutter." The m w which By HOWARD BENEDICT raaitaial win SUfwnooa. Hadden, paat Orand Tan, dialr- u m m m SAIGON (AP)—^The United States today agreed to AP Aereepoee Writer Othar atBean appototad tar men of lluacutar Dystrophy fan last waakand would have MMr tliawa lallen 4h aa, ea- 1909 are: ended tfw program, swan tt It Mona 4ta e i. Super Smooch an unprecedent^ Christmas Day meeting with the CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (A P )— ^Reaching into unex­ had not bean completed, ha aald. Shave 6H ez, Antiperipirant JOHN B. Viet Cong to negotiate the release of three Amrican Samoa H. Wright chaplain; Deodorant 4ta oz. i ...... 5.25 plored frontiers, America’s Apollo 8 astronauts today CTiorlaa H. ROrris, gnlda; Ar­ AOTO DEATHS DBCURE Tha ooSected leaaaa w a r s prisoners of war. soared higher and faster than man has ever fk > ^ and thur L. Bald iait praeaptar ; CHICAOO—The fbat decrease dumped In a targe pit at Iha HOUSE Mid HALE ITie meeting at Thanh Dien, there anyway,” said one source. set sail across the uncharted ocean of space, aiming for entranea to tha Oloott S t Die- John Li. Wmoaghhy, dilal rang­ In 10 yaara in U.8. automobile tain St. WHITHAM BO miles northwest of Saigon --we want our boys released a Christmas Eve orbit of the m* broadcast of ness. cut Turnpike. ing spacecraft engines about six near Atlanta. (AP Photofax) hours later. Crew removes “ You’re on your way —you’re reconditioned Gerad Crete. 18, a resident at really on your way now!" flight SOLID STAINLESS Canada who speaks only Ooitimand assumes that the op- space suite for comfort, and Lovell sees how well men can director Chris Kraft radioed the French, was abducted In a 1967 P®f*"K ' “ '•®®» will have present astronauts after the miccessful by Chevrolet driven by two men. more than five unarmed natfigate In deep apace ustog eaith and stars as reference bum. $500fl00 Ransom Paid One of the men was armed repreaentaUves. There will be ‘Roger, we look good hm ,” with a pistol as he took 1188 U S. or government points. SUNDAY Borman replied. Metropolitan from Conrad Crete, 28, of 180 military forces within one kilo- For nearly three hours, Bor­ Sherwood Avenue, Bridgeport, meter—(six-tenths of a mUe)— More navigatton studies by Lovell and additional course man, LoveU and Abders had 'The bandits also took the keys *bat point at that time, and circled the globe checking end IVY WAU Mackle Girl Freed, to Crete’s panel truck In Uie expect there will be no other corrections, If needed. Anders photographs earth and mooiv recheeWng their systems, mak- 2 a.m. Incident, state police enemy forces within one kllome- gaid. at that point either.” Flrst Uve t^ v ta lon broadcast hig certain all were functlon- •et m pretty, pretty U M el f r r H I e about 8 p.m. ing before they were committ­ Crete was eastbound between Kerwln’s broadcast added ed to a potentially haiardoua 50-pioca tarvica Bxit 18 o f the Turnpike and-the U»at the announcement waa MONDAY CHOICE OF 3 PATTERNS Second TV transmission atxnit quarter mllUon-mUe Journey v a lu m i Returned to Parents Norwalk Toll Station when he madfc with the approval of South E for eight 8 p.m. more natfigation experl* acroes the trackless vold-where By FRANK MURRAY the box she worried most that with no word of her safety, FBI saw what appeared to be a die- Vietnam’s 3rd CJorps area com- 45-PIECE MELMAC ments, general lunar landmark man has never ventured. Assoclated Pre4s Writer her famUy waa worrying about Director . Edgar Hoover an- abled car, he told state police, mander, observaiUon and ]4iotography. They reported Apollo 8 waa MIAMI (AP) __ Kidnap her. nounced that kidnap warrants After he stopped, one of two "Pbe announcement came sev- TUESDAY perfect and the ICIsslon Control B a r b a r a Jane escaped convict and his had been Issued for Gary Steve men inside the, car pulled out *■'81 hoims after ^South Viet- victim namese President Nguyen Van M ain 21,600-pound-thniat Center gave them the go-ahead ^ h e r "'°m an companion charged with Krist, 23, an escaped . convict a .pistol. spacecraft engine is triggered to take the historic step that Mackle------returned to kidnaping remained at from CaHfomia, and Ruth Else- State police issued a descrip- Thleu warned he might back out five seconds at 6 a.m. to slow jMopelled them toward t h e parents today aliw sne mann Schler, 26, a green-eyed tion of the bandits as 6-foot-8 at the Paris peace talks if the tat Apollo 8*s speed. Moon’s gravity moon, the alluring first frontier was freed from a box in Barbara’s ordeal ended about bleached blonde. Both were re- IM lbs and 6-foot-4 and 200 enemy launches an offensive at captives craft for two egg- in man’s exploration of space, which she was buried for g Friday. The gin stlll searchers at the University of pounds, both dark skinned. Saigon, and predicted It would shaped orbits ranging from 69 to The third stage had provld- more than three nights in ^ed and vriUte check- Miami institute of Marine Scl- State police said they did not try such an attack again, 196 miles above moon’s surface, ed the final push to drill Apol- C t the red clay of freezing ered nightgown she had on when ence. have a home address for Asked at a news conference If Bnglne triggered again for 10 k> 8 into earth orbit, and the North Georgia woodlands, kidnaped A sweater was added Hoover said the box in which ‘ be brother who was kidnaped, he would walk out of the talks In seconds about 4H hours later to ss-foot-long section remained at- 90-piaca sat contointi rff, 12,9$ H er parents paid a $500,- from seme unknown source. the debutante was Imprisoned but said he was believed to be the wake of an attack, Thleu re- change orbk to 69-mlle-hlgh clr tached for the nearly two or~ Id taospoons, 8 knives, .8 forks, g nnn ransom The kidnapers gave the word near AUanta was equipped with a resident of Quebec. piled: “ If tjie Cbmmunista force Fiery Flight cular path. During the next y-at astronauts flecked Uaai for yeuraalf or for gifting, thaoa fovaly "Malmaa* sals In 4 distinctiva salad forks, 8 soup spoons, 2 table '^ - m ftae I’m fine. Uncle where Barbara could be found an air pump, food, water, a fan, A 13-state alarm has been is- me to, I will do it.” eight orbits, each lasting two 0,^ system. poflams. Chooos from "Ivy W a ll", "Ookfon W h o«r, "Coppartono" or "Shar- spoons. Frank ’’ Barbara told Frank about 8 p.m.. some 16 hours af- and a battery-powered battery-powered lamp lamp '’ “ ed for the two kidnapers, state hours, Anders photographs lu- At 10:41 a.m. EST the third police said. I (See Page Sixteen) On Target w ood." Sots aonslat of I dacerartad dinnar pfotaa, t aoch brsod and butters, Ifackle by telephone after the ter retrieving the suitcase full of that failed hours before she was nar surface extensively, LavsII stage was restarted a second cups, saucers and toup/caraals in tontrosting solid colors. Also 1 plotter, 'Rosoanna* and $20 blllt from a shopping center located. nairigates by sighting on moun­ time and during a flve-mniute •ugor with cover, craamar and 2 vagotaUa dishot. Plantation* Patterns And the 20-year-oId coed told on Miami’s Tamlaml Trail. The lid of the box was tains and craters and attempts burst it increeused A p o 11 o' s her mother that during the When the .noon deadline for screwed down and flexible vent to locate site-selected aa landing speed from about 17,400 to 24,- more than 80 hours she was tn the girl’s release had passed p l^ s protruded through Uie area for future Apollo missions 200 miles per hour, the velocity WITH ATTACHMENTS soil. Two live TV transmisstons, needed to escape the influence Barbara told her brother the about 7:26 a.m. and 9:R) p.m. of earth’s gravity. kidnapers “ were very consider­ CHRISTMAS DSY If Apollo 8 had not been aim- FOR ANY CLEANING JOB ate” and she told her mother Vital spacecraft engine him gj toward the moon, It would she was “ very well taken care lasting nearly 3Vi minutes be­ have headed for an orbit around It works liko now and looks Ilka nawl It's guorontaad for ona year. of by p. woman,“ .Frank Mackle gins shortly after 1 a.m. to be­ the sun because it had broken John Steinbeck said. gin trip back to earth. Photogra­ Ra-conditionad by AAatropolitan with Metropolitan ports. away from earth's bold. How­ Once rescued, Barbara was phy of earth and moon, lurviga- ever, in the vicinity of the moon. nim aitsLirT bundled into a suit and warm Uon experimento and course hmar gravity will grasp the blue coat and rushed aboard her VANCT Dead at Age 66 father’s private plane in Atlan­ (See Page Sixteen) (See Page Sixteen) ta. The father, Robert F. Mack­ **W aH n g** NEW YORK (AP) — John le. a multimillionaire land de­ Steinbeck, winner of the 1962 veloper who Is a friend of Presl- Oips A StMort Nobel Prize for literature, la dewt-elect Nixon, looked worn Friends, Religion b l e n d e r FAMOUS COPPER BOHOM dead at age 66. “The Grapes of but managed a thin smile. ByShillayWalHr STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE BY Wrath," his compassionate por­ His daughter’s long brown I M y a baanUfoi aatae- trayal of migrant workers dur­ hair was brushed out and she B ag. S J 8 tton at eotacfid Bngltah ing the Depression won the 1940 wore a pair of glasses Jauntily Provide Comfort Bona fhina eupa and aau- Pulitzer Prize. j , across her head aa a hairband. oaiu. A wide variety at Steinbeck died In his sleep ot Her face was serene. 21.99 daoorator patterzw. REVERE WARE his Manhattan home Friday The plane flew to Miami but evening of heart and respiratory when it landed at Opa-Locka Copper on Iha betteni makes Itia dittaranca— For Apollo Wives Plngeivtip puMt-buttons givu n failure. He had been In failing Airport only the pllot^ waa tprecMls heat quickly and evenly for fosi, avan health for some time and had ab c^ d . Several members of the 8p« 4a1 wpeeA tar every blending cooking. Won't moll or burn through. Ilolnloss SPACE CENTER, Houston day flight that ranks as the moved into the city from his Mackle family live on islands i m . Chopu and gratda In fMConda. itoai iMkhf stays bright ond cloon. Inug-Httlna (AP) — As their husbands set longest one to date. But you cevort. C^tortablo hgndlot ond covor knobs of country home in Sag H ar^ r on cut off from the press and It out on man’s most venturesome Hdut naiatant 5-cup dovcrlaaf cool, block bofcolita. was obvious the family was tak­ never become accustomed to a Long Island. ' space Journey today, Mrs. launch. During the countdown glaai oootainer. Rlrnda* in avo­ His literary output included 24 ing the girl tnto seclusion. Frank Borman and Mrs. Wil­ she sat with hands tightly cado, idiitta gold. RIVIRI WARS . The background of the pair works of fiction but It was the liam A. Anders clung to their clasped. nno novel, “The Grapes of charged with the kidnaping waa friends and to their religion for Anders, however, was going Freach (•vorod Millfota Wrath,” that secured his repu­ almost as bizarre as the wooden comfort. into space for the first time and • S-tadi...... •• List Plica fit tation In the pantheon of Ameri­ prison that held Barbara. At the home of Air Force MaJ. Hoover said Krist escaped the group at his home waa more can letters. Anders, a Roman Catholic somber. It included the wife ot • U M ndi ____ 1 0.4 0 Urt Price fiJ The Nobel Prize for literature, from a California reformatory priest said a low Mass in the astronaut Dave Scott and two which has been awarded to only through a hall of gunfire that • 12-IimIi ...... UAO Lift Price 817 family room for Valerie Anders friends whose husbands work six Americans, called attention John Steinbeck killed his cellmate, then set and her five children. A few for the space agency. with tall year worraafy to his “ sympathetic humor and about building another Identity blocks away, at the home of Air No one spoke as the group Worfog coefcboefc social perception.” The book was made into a as George D. Deacon. memorable movie starring Hen Force Ool. Borman, an Episco­ huddled around a television set "The^••1, Grapes— - r - " of-• Wroth” ------K-nnrtn nnrt Tm« Darwoll and December 1966, one month pal minister came to be with Su­ chronicled the forced migration ry Fonda and Jane uarweii ana until after the litUrff and there AM 4$oM the book’* realistic and power- about personal publicity," he Technology that he had an edu- COOKER tronaut wives arrived at the Eric Anders came to tha back WITH IXCLUtIVt ful narrative and was de- said. "I Just 'think it’s toolish. nation in electrical engineering. In Borman home to take up the door and announced: “ I saw ray CORDLESS nounced for his apparent attack The fact that I hqve house- worked 18 months at MIT aa Bhetronk Tlm§r vigil. The visitors included the dad going around the moon." DBUXE on the system that could pro- maid’s knees or fear of yellow electronics technician, PRESTO AVOCADO ELECTRIC Maal for maali, anacks, Suited Up and Ready widows of astronauts Ed White From Inside the house jam e a duoe the poverty and distress. gloves has little to do with the Lggj j „ „ g Krist—under the and C. C. Wllllama SPRAY-STfi^ CARVINO KNIFE partloa, baby foodi, voice colling him In. “They’re JUMSO FRY PAN ______“ No novel of our day has been books I write.’ name Deacon—came to the Unl- Five of the visiting wives had - handle ond thumb-rosis. 48 Attractive porcelain finish in fashionable diets. 8 pushbuttons for Apollo 8 asti’onauts, suited up and ready to go, enter van at Cape Kennedy, taking my {dcluro,” he yelled 225T|Wrts plus Frosta'c osclwstvo Big aneugh for a eompteta meal. So suto- Avocado. Fastar, aasitr full-flavor cooking. Cordlet., ao.y ta use onywhara. Ra- a u to m a tic to aster written out of tt more genuine jje appeared most at ease versity ot Miami Institute of gone through similar exi>eri- chorgai outamolicolly in staroga rock 8ll blending. Electronic back. Brio's older ’brother, tWibuttans ony mstic it minds ilsalf. Wsshti complstsly Attains vitamins, mlnarals; turns inexptn- humanity, and none, I think, is j,,g gori_of people that ho Marine Science as a technician ences—^watching their husbands Boning, for oil with •olf-.toring cord, Ootochoblo Portoci too.t in leconds-outomotlcal- Timer bllnki'at it Fla., this murninKi heading for their' huge Saturn 5 rocket which is scheduled Alan, had served os on eltar under water. New hsrd-surfsc* DuPont TEF- tiva meat into a feast. Handtoma enough stainlati tloal bwda. with thbrponod lyl Color Miocter, hinged crumb troy. blends. Hsndy “Quick- better calculated 'to arouse the ^^Qtg nest about—the Oakles, In submarine geology, rocket off into space. (,brt-r Atiroctivo ko-tlus. LONd for no-stick cooking, n«-scour clatn- boy. to aerve from. In 4-gt. and 6-qt. tin s . cutting .tip. OhomiAQ chrom# with wood9roln ana bland" actidn. 6-cup humanity of bthers," was the pgiaanos, ranch hands and oth- A 13%-foot speedboat stolen For Susan Borman It was the up. High Dem« cover. Control Msitor. to blast them into a moon orbit. I.«ading the way is Commander Frank Bor­ The Rev. Rene VcrmlUtan eel- P9h«li. Compocf for oosy storogo. cohtainar. Fraa Blonder evaluation of Louis Kronenber- second time. Frank was com­ Racipa Book. ger in The Nation. (8«« l^age Nine) ^ (Bee Page BUteen) man, followed by James A. Lovell and William A. Anders. (AP Photofax) mand pilot on Gemini 7—the 14- (lee Itage List tf.98 19s88 U at IM S a s 8 4 at. aba Cordteaa 15.88 Rcfutar g.dlca 12.88 4-aUea iS i^ 9) S t 14.M S t l i r M 10.88 M at 48.N


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