![TEMPLE's Iianrlypfijtpr €Upttttm Llpraui Charles Yost Named Nixon Post](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1968 PAOB TWENTY-FOUR iianrlfpflfer lEtnfttUij l|fraUi f— .* Stores Open Until 9 0*Clock Tonight for Christmas Shopping ■Membera o( tha Prtmary De- Tha Junior High ToOlh Fal> BaptiWt Service About Town paitmant of TMalty Oovanant low A lp o f OOmmunlty BapUat Ohuroh wlH go caroUng Btiday . N O W OPEN Churoh wUl rdieanM Saturday Avonwo Diiiyr Not Pn m Rt M iova h ’s WKneaaM wUl oaor from 7:M to B:M pm. to Ant* To H aVe Play from U a-m. to 1 p jn .at tha duet a tbeooraitie lululatry ina o f tha p a rlA . Use Weather ■dMol rtM ay at 7:10 p.m. at church for the Chriatmaa pro­ By Gano Group SUDS & SCISSORS POODLE SHOPPE ItaVMibwr r a ISM Kingdom Hall, and a servlea gram. Aftar tha rabeamal, thera Orada 7 and B Madwdlat Moatly cloudy teoiglit with Owned and Operated by VIRGINIA KDtKA maating at S:W. w ill ba a patty. Youth FrikarAtp of South A play, "Chrlstnias in tha iianrlypfijtpr €upttttm llpraUi ohMicfl o f anoar fluirlae. L umt SB Unltad Matbodlat Church w lU Iterketpiaca,” wUl ba praaent- to 2B. TyMnorraw portly elaudy, go oaroMng BMday at p.m. ad by tha Oano Playars Sunday Now Taking Appoinfmants For 15,341 aagaonubly cold, ragh in SSn. Later, they w ill ratom to tha at 4 p.m. at tha Veapar Sarvlea CLIPPING & G R O O M IN G for ail BREEDS Manchetter A City of VtOmge Chmrm church tor a Chriatmaa party. at Community Baptist Church. Tha event la open to tha public. Charter Member of ProfeMiomd Deg Groomer Amt. :VOL. LXXXVm , NO. 69 (THIRTY.TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, OONN„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1968 « o « r a g * M ) PRICE TEN CENTS Youth Inatniotloii win be glT> "Christmas In the Mhrket- en Saturday ad 1:10 a.m. at lUace'Vby Henry Oheoa Is (he Our POODLE SHOPPE is the most modem POODLE SHOPPE In tha area Zion BvBMellcid liUtharan story of one evening in the Hfe We Invite yon to atop in and look aroand. of a fam ily of gypsies, strolHng Church. Tha youth choir wSl OPEN DAILY 10 AJIL to 0 PAL meet Saturday at 11:10 a.m. actor* by trade. It is Christmas at the church. Eve and all the rooms and haBa O f Former NYC W ater Commissioner are taken, and (here la no place SUDS & SCISSORS POODLE SHOPPE Paat CMafa Club cf the Py­ for them to pertorm except the Poet Road, Plosa, Route 30 & DobMn Road, Vemeu, Conn. thian Siaten, Memorial Temple, marketplace where tor the Charles Yost Named will meet tonlocrow at 1 p.n^ aiiopperi and paasersby they HALE at the home of Jtru. Nonide Improvise the Christmas Story. After the program, young chil­ Carmine De Sapio Hilding. SIS Charter Oak St MSaallt photo Membera are reminded to bring dren w ill ring carols and de­ a grab-bag gift Engaged corate a Christmas tree. Chil­ dren In Oradee 8 through 6 wriU Marine Oorpa League wiU The engagement of Miss Pa­ hang mittens on the tree for the children at Mansfield State have its annual diUdren’e tricia Ann Muldoon to Cory Lee Indicted in Bribe Chriatmaa party Sunday at 2 Training Srixwl. Each family Is N ix o n P o st p.m. at the Martne Hall. Sterilng, both of Manchester, reminded to bring eandwirites. ’ NEW YORK (AP) — trioliy and goe auppUee, to get oa oo-oonaptraton tat today's In­ has been announoed by her par­ Coffee and dessert wlB be serv­ Uennlne G. De Sa|>to, fo r ocntracta from the OeneoHdated dictment, but were not mode de­ Weat Side Recreation Center ed in FeUowsMp Hail. TEMPLE’S Bdiaon Oo. fo r one o f fr ie d ’a fendants in the notion. ents, Ml*, and Mrs. mUiarn Mul- yner loader of Tanunony flim a. junior high dances wUl not be doon o f 150 EMrldge St. The Rev. and Mrs. Norman ^Hofl and one time major Tha indlctinent riiaigea that NEW YORK (A P )—President-elect Nixon todsy held for the next Uuree weeks, Her flanoe is the son of Mr. Oano, who wlH interpret the De Soplo and Oonflo wen to De eapio gave Hkin ahout S8,000 nmined career diplomat Charles W. Yost to become UJ3. CARPET and FLOOR COVERING fxnrer in the Donocratic ahera In the' proflta from the during a meeUng Deo. 4,1987. starting tomorrow. The other and Mrs. CUfford M. Sterling of (day, have been profeaslonais tn ;i)arty in New York State, ambassador to the United Nations, and announced that two dates affected arc Dec. 27 16 Oval Lane. the (heater tor many years, controcta, the indtetment al­ It alao deecribaa an ahagad 308 MAIN STREET TEL. 648.6662 ;ynM indicted today with leged. Sargent Shriver, who had been consMerad for the Job, and Jan. S. A regidar schedule Mias MiSdqon la a 1065 grad­ woiklng Broadway, off-Broad- (lee Page Fear) wiH remain ambassador to France during the new ad- of game room acUviUea and uate of Mandiester High Bchod. way, touring summer stock, te­ pwo other men on bribisry Fried oleo w m involved tat the levision, and fBms. The Rev. oonimiracy charges. eoriler bribe coae agalnat Mor- ------------------------------- ministration. open basketball wUt be main­ She is employed aa a aeoretary Both men ace Democrate. Mr. Oano ia aerving as interim A M a ra i Ennd Jury ohugud cua, in whioh Marcus was oc- tained from 6 to 2 p.m. at tile Nelson Brdtaers Co., Christmas Qifts That Last Nixon said ha cenridarad it e » BUmwood. Mr. Sterling is a 1961 paator cf the First Baptist •Utet Da lo|)lo ocn^tired In tha ouaed o f taking port o f a |40,000 'brthtag o f (be etty*# form er wa- klokback from Fried for an santial to have Mpartteonahtp tn The meeting of the Sunset graduate of the Charles B. Gor­ Church of New Britain. He has II of Freed file top diplomatic councHa cf Club scheduled for tomorrow ton H l^ School, New York also served pastorates in Wash­ -ter commlaalonar, Jomaa L. SBOO.OOO reeervutr-eleaning con­ Enemy Sets tract. hte new govarciiieoL has been canceled. City, and is attending Manches­ ington, Idalto, Pennsylvania, STILL NOT TOO LATE! tMkroue, already tn a ktoUMtok aoaadal that rocked De Bopio, longtime head of, Hte aalecUon of Yost wus a ter Community College. He la and New Yoc^ He is ateo a GIs A rrive surprise, for specidatlaD oboat employed aa aalee manager at director and teacher, and the the admlnlabwtkm c f Mayor Tammany HaU, the Manhattan Saigon Push, CAIl. TEMPLE TODAY Jehn V. Undeay. Democratio otganliattan, was the U.N. Job had fo r days can­ Be*met Awards the Nelaon Brothers Co. Oanoe moved to the Hartford tered cn Shrtvar. A September 1M9 wedding is area in order to be more readi­ Nemed with. De aopto in the deposed tat 1981 efter a kxig In Bangkok by refmm Democrate and Nixon sold he end hte odvteaia For Yule Decor ptaimed. ly available and to expand their indictment were Antonio "Tony Officers Say loot hie Beat on tbe Democratic BANGROK (AP) — Elaven decided ithet tn thte era the UUt- productions into such areas os Ducke" Oomllo and wealthy A homeroom door doooratlng Notional Oommlttee in 1S64. Amertoan OIs eirivad in Bang­ ed Natkms Job requirad "a contest in the three buUdhg’ summer and winter stnok, work­ KITCHEN CARPET contractor Heniy fried. 8AIGON (A P ) — U A . IntriU- ■ The three ware aecueed of Marcus and Herbert ItUn, on kok today efter five months in skilled pnfeaatenol dtplcmar' Rennet Junior High Sdxxd com­ shops, and perhapa some tele- gence offioera reported today Fhi Takes Aim taribiag Mufcue, wboee depaurt- ottoriiey who says he haa iiftn Oentoodlan captivity. A I2to rather than a poUhool flgun. plex culminated yesterday In vlskm. that the Oommunlat oommonl * Cleans Easily an FBI InfoRner, ware named American ateo aras ialeeee<L' Yost holdi tha rank cf eoroar the announcement c f t h e tamA oleo bad oontzol of eleo haa launched the first phase o f a At Area Mayors bat camatned in Phnom Penh amuaMna».or, but had bean ra- A Both cold Body awards. The project was inatl- wlnteivspring oampeign aad is tlrad Blnoa 1888, whan he le ft the * Cushions Yaur Every moving troopo and war mote- toaoause he was not w ell enough tutod by the Studemt Oounell It appears that no one Is Im­ MINBt STAMPS ^ to intval. U.N. oa deputy emhaamdor (ai­ and Judgad by meoobers. Stop , rtola Into poritton for on oanault mune to the Hong Kong fhi — The 11 soldien , wbo had been der Arthur J. Oddberg. Perfume The fMlowlng an the names on Saigon. They expect the at­ not even the mayors and first RNepriBt aiM Scvfly.Aw. * Brings Kitchen Noise Down tNVturcd last Jiily when their Nixon dtechMMd tlmt be hod of the tead^era wboee rooms selectmen of the 26-town Girl S m MUnng tack after New Year'o. dtecuaaed tbe U.N. appointment received awuxda, the fir s t fBOJBtertfcra RA ‘ " To A Whisper The intelligence rep orts river boat strayed Into Cambo­ To Spray On CROEIO (Capitol Region Coun­ dian waten, leava BoaglnA late not only with Shriver, but with named being the prise winner cil of Elected Officials). Practical Glamour prompted the United States to Sen. Eugene J. MoChothiy, D- and the second receiving honor­ Rockville B xdn age Rnt.
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